#''A better love story than Twilight''? Bitch THEY ARE the better love story in Twilight! 😭
lexyscross · 9 months
No one in Twilight ever loved anyone more than Tia & Benjamin love each other or Kate & Garrett love each other.
And I FIRMLY believe that.
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dapper-lil-arts · 3 months
So, what are your favorite MLP ships? I don't know if you've already been asked this before, but meh
less about being asked, more about me posting them nonstop lmao;
#1 Sunlight - (Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle) Number one and two are interchangable due to my mood, because theyre both incredible, and easily fit on a "favorite ships of all time" list i could make for myself. Sunset and Twilight shipping is to me in general all about potential. And if im talking endgame, the show would have ended so, so much better, if there were two lesbians inheriting the night and day. These two are it, with flying colors. Going from rivals to friends to close friends to lovers that would do anything for eachother, to ruling the world in a golden age together, my goodness, this ship is like the chef's choice at a menu. I also may have written a large fanfic of how i would write an entire season of the show with Sunset on it, heheheheheh. Also worth stating, i concider Sunset x Scitwi To be on the same level, if not being the same ship, even if Scitwi is a diffrent character, if someone loves Twilight Sparkle, they would love her in all her versions. #2 Rarijack - (Rarity and Applejack) Did i say sunlight is the chef's choice at a menu? Rarijack is the whole fucking menu. What more can be said about the legend of how the most beautiful Unicorn and the strongest Earth Pony fell in love? The City girl x Country girl vibes are incredibly strong, the opposites attract is at it's PEAK, and both of these girls can easily concider themselves the luckiest women in the world for having the other. It was the first couple i shipped on the show when i watched passively, 'cause i instantly noticed their potential, and c'mon how couldn't anybody. They're the hydrogen bomb of mlp ships, and they could easily sustain an entire season on their back if it was about their love story, which is, painfully, not canon, like any of these ships. Also i'm literaly writing a fic that takes Shrek 1 and makes it about Rarijack and it's as dumbly amazing as it sounds #3 Startrix - (Starlight Glimmer and Trixie Lulamoon) Honestly this one is easy to ship because it's just endlessly funny. The biggest fail girl that almost destroyed the world falls for the only girl thats a bigger loser than her, and that is endlessly entertaining; specialy because compared to trixie, Starlight is the baddest bitch lmao, and they would hype eachother so much. (insert that post of loser ass gf being hyped up by other cool gf) And there's just an appeal to two unhinged women finding eachother and making eachother... better? worse? I think theyre both at their best when traveling together. #4 Flutterdash - (Fluttershy and Rainbow dash) Fun fact, i didn't ship this until i wrote "the return of midnight sparkle" i just had to write scenes with certain themes, and i realised it would be helpful to further the themes and plot and character development of the protagonist if Rainbow and Fluttershy were macking on eachother. And it grew on me! Daredevil girl and shy girl lift eachother up and improve eachother. Honorable mention: That one ship with with Cadance, Shining armor, and Chrysalis; because it is honestly funny as fuck; no matter how you spin it, be it cadance and chrysalis mack on eachother and shining tolerates it, or the Princess and the Queen have a silent rivalry as they try to be with their himbo, or even if the three of them gross together. it's always funny. (queue chrysalis with the "im not the stepdad im the dad that stepped up" shirt while playing with flurryheart)
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nightofnyx8 · 8 months
Does spy x family/ twiyor give you fma/ royai vibes? I don't know if my brain is just addled by royai fic love, but they feel similar somehow.
Maybe it's the tragedy of war in both stories, the forbidden love (that's bound to happen between twiyor and if it doesnt I'll be mad) between two people with blood on their hands.
I've seen hilarious (sad) comparisons between Nina and Anya of cute girl and big white dog, but that's not really what gives me the vibes.
I'm now diving into the manga but I saw some spoilers for Twilight's rough past that made me go 'oh shit... things can get dark'.
I just want someone who's better at analyzing things and studying characters (love ALL your fics btw) to tell me if I'm out of my mind or point out what I'm missing.
*takes a huge breath*
OKAY SO LIKE I was totally against watching Spy x Family at first because it was "mainstream" (it was a very stressful semester of college in my defense) until I saw this fanart by @mochidoodle, twiyor paralleling that royai moment in fma. From that point on, I was a goner. So while I do mostly write twiyor fics at the moment, my love for them is largely colored by my love for royai.
First up, Loid and Roy. On the surface, very different people. One overthinks everything and plans to the tiniest detail, while the other lives off of 99% pure impulse. Loid is a very serious and private person by nature, and while Roy definitely has his solemn moments, it's kind of his whole game to act like the immature colonel playboy of the military before he brings down the entire government with his real motive ("surprise, bitches!"). The main difference I'd say is that Roy knows what he wants, and has a very clear goal how to get there. Loid doesn't. He's still torn between his mission and his family, and doesn't even know who he really is. Like we don't even know his real name lol.
Yor and Riza are also very different. Riza is the voice of reason with Roy (and he definitely needs it). Her personality is actually more aligned with Loid's in that way--quiet, serious, and reserved. Both are them are very good shots. However, she and Yor both don't very highly of themselves at all. Both of them are very compassionate and kind in their own way, and both of them have a soft spot for children. However, Riza's overwhelming guilt comes from her choices in the Ishvalan War, whereas I think Yor almost...intentionally blocks out the brutality of what she has to do to keep her brother alive.
Which brings me to the topic of war in both series (spoiler alert).
Both FMA and Spy x Family are very antiwar. Neither of them glorifies warfare. Casualties and consequences are not treated lightly. Progranda plays a huge role. Both series are trying to prevent another war from happening. For the sake of the argument, I'm going to refer to Yor as a soldier as well as Loid because she is still putting her life on the line for her country (she even says her job is comparable to that of a soldier in the manga). The biggest difference is that Roy and Riza chose to do the things they did in Ishval. Loid and Yor did as well, however it was more their circumstances that pushed them into that decision. Loid lost his mother as a child and crawled around in the streets for years before finally joining the military, only to lose everyone he ever cared about. Yor did it because it was only way to save her brother from literally starving to death. The war between Ostania and Westalis forced literal children to become soldiers (and that's kind of Endo's shtick--what war does to children). Roy and Riza...I mean, there's a reason why their fate is so tragic. They literally committed genocide. Yes, their reasonings are far more complex than this little lecture has room for, but it sufficeth to say that their burden is immensely heavy (I'm not even going to get into how Riza's burnt tattoo fits into the tragedy of their relationship and their choices because it's going to make me cry). But that is FMA's whole thing: Choice. What makes us root for Roy and Riza despite everything? Because despite impossible odds, they are working for a future where something like the Ishvalan War will never happen again, even if they end up being sentenced to death along the way.
Now going back to Spy x Family, the plot doesn't center around a global scale like FMA does. Yes, the tension between the East and West is a huge part of it, but most of the story is centered around one little family. It's important to remember that FMA isn't royai's story--it's Ed and Al's. Roy and Riza's character arcs are mostly complete even by the beginning of the manga. Loid and Yor's and Anya's are not.
But you really did hit the mark when you said royai colors our love for twiyor because both couples are two people who care very deeply for one another but can never be together. Roy and Riza can never get married due to military regulations. And the fake marriage between Loid and Yor will end once Operation Strix is finished (or so Loid thinks). But it's not really the mission or the military that's keeping them apart. One of my favorite royai authors @lantur wrote such an amazing royai fic outlining the fact that Riza being Roy's subordinate isn't actually the thing keeping them apart. Those two have such a painful, shared history. (I mean, he literally burnt the tattoo off her back after using the knowledge of it to commit genocide, for which Riza feels partly responsible). And yet they are fiercely loyal to each other. They don't need to kiss or fuck to know how much these two love each other. (On screen I mean...you cannot tell me they didn't at least have one night together).
With Loid and Yor, it's not nearly as heavy. But Loid (or rather, Twilight) does carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. He feels it's his sole responsibility to bring about a world full of peace, and he will not deviate from that mission. But of course he's getting more attached (who wouldn't) and he's eventually going to have to choose between his forged little family and the rest of the world. To most, maybe that's a simple decision. But you have to remember that Twilight is one who is going to have to change the most out of the Forgers. His decision to love them changes everything. It actually brings up an interesting point if royai did have a child. Would they still choose to put themselves on trial if it meant the possibility of leaving their child an orphan?
Spy x Family is about, well, families. The strength that comes from when broken people decide to heal each other and create a future for their child that's bright and safe and warm. And that directly parallels with FMA because it doesn't always have to be blood-related families, but the bonds you choose to forge (pun intended). And though I hope for royai to have a nice, quiet life in the country somewhere, laughing and growing old together, it's left ambiguous for a reason. Twiyor on the other hand, well let's just say that my heart keeps telling me that their happy ending is coming, but they're going to have to go through a lot of pain and angst and denial of feelings to get there. It's a comedy, so I expect Endo will get them together eventually, it's the when that's the mystery.
So I guess to wrap up this very lengthy answer, while royai and twiyor are different on the surface, they are similar at their core. Fighting for a better world, creating their own families along the way, and sharing little moments of devotion through their daily lives. Because though the series is nowhere near being done, you know Loid would look at Yor like she's the moon and the stars once he finally realizes he loves her.
Thanks for letting me rant about something I feel very passionate about, and I'll probably add to it if I think of more reasons lol. I'm glad you enjoy my fics, that's very sweet of you to say! Have a wonderful weekend! <3
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docholligay · 2 months
Did you ever get to watch Late Night with the Devil? I saw it last night and have Thoughts. Talk to me about it.
I want to preface this by saying I've only seen it once, and the first time you watch anything is always the shallowest time you watch anything. I would love to watch it again, and see what I could drag out of it.
It was everything I wanted from it. It was essentially a very good Twilight Zone episode, and I loved it for that. It was actually better than i thought it was going to be, when I went into to the theater.
I think the things they did with the 70s style, up to and including how the thing is shot, were so good. Especially when you think about how this is the time when paranormal things were really entering the mainstream in a way they hadn't previously, and people are curious about this idea of otherworldy powers, and they desperately want it to be real. This spectre of Satanism and demonology hangs over it, because, in this time period America is in such a strange place where religion has not out and out fallen out of favor in many circles, the way it is now, but people are searching for something that proves other worlds, and these tug of war or horror and fascination leads to all this scientific study of paranormal activity--I talked about this a bunch when I did the exorcist book club so I won't bore everyone here with more of it--which is how we find ourselves here, on late night. And I love that! I think putting it in this time period makes so much sense and has so much to give as a setting.
I don't think, at least to people named Doc who are me who read and watch A Fucking Lot of horror/paranormal drama/etc, the 'lesson' in the ending, or the idea that he sacrificed her to the devil to get where he was, was very shocking. It's a really old story beat, but I don't think it HAS to be shocking. I don't think that's what makes it good. I think, and remember I've only seen it once so I would have to actually watch it while following this line of thought, there is something in this movie about the way men's careers and success are made on the backs of women, but, like I said I would have to watch it with that idea in mind and see if that bears out or if I'm drawing it out of vague notions. (This is always the trouble with doing movie reviews is I basically have to watch the movie like 3 or 4 times)
What DOES work, in the most masterful way, is the slow burn pull into the station of the reveal.
Actually, one criticism I'll give it--I fucking HATE the way the Grove is overexplained in the beginning. I knew immediately that whatever was going to happen was going to involve the Grove (Psst, it's a not very well hidden (intentionally) invoking of The Bohemian Club) because they have no reason to tell me that the Grove is a super secret club who is accused of occult ritual and wealthy inner circles and all that. It's too much. We could have said "Jack was even a member of exclusive club The Grove" *shot of the grove group picture thing in the forest* and then have that guy say again, which WAS great, 'Hey can you talk to your buddies at the Grove about me getting a promotion" or whatever it is exactly, and THEN when Lily is like "We've met before, haven't we Jack? In the tall trees" Then, yes, only SOME of your audience is going to follow, and put the pieces together, but everyone else is going to catch up in the end, or, you know what? They won't! Not to be lectured about being an elitist on Tumblr Dot Com, but it's actually okay if some of your audience can't catch up. Not everything is for everyone, not everyone can follow the beats. I watched Monkey Man and got like half the references and that's fucking fine. I lived, bitch!
Anyway, the slow burn up to Lily's possession and everything after is what is so good about this, and I think it's a lot of what MISSES from mainstream horror for me, is being allowed to simply sit with very little explanation, in discomfort. We know what's happening, we know everything goes wrong, we are just waiting for Jack to know. It's being the fucking Greek audience! It's so fun!
And I love that in killing Madeline, he kills Lily, he ruins his whole life, and this was always the bargain, is he wanted to be be big, he wanted to be remembered, and he absolutely always will be. It's so fucking "And the monkey's paw curls" and I love that shit to death.
Anyhow, if you had any specific questions let me know but long story short I enjoyed it immensely.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
i saw "senanigans/feuds that have arisen since mario kart" and for some reason i read that as marie kondo
Shenanigans and feuds that have arisen because of Marie Kondo:
Damian threw out everyone's wardrobes because they did not spark joy
Kate tried to ban straight people from Wayne Manor because they also did not spark joy
Alfred folds everyone's socks into micro-balls so sorting the laundry is like trying to separate different colored Orbeez
Harper hid her and Cullen's stuff in a storage locker
And Bruce found out only because he rented the one next to her for his collection of vintage Superman lamps
Duke threw out Barbara's headphones on accident because he thought they were his broken ones
Dick put four security cameras and booby traps so no one can get to the Discowing suit
Cass got to it anyway and almost (almost) sold it to a Ripley's Believe It or Not! museum
Steph has a heartfelt goodbye that's a better love story than Twilight with a decades-old non-functional blender
Carrie gave away all the vegetables and raisin bran
Selina fought Bruce on a rooftop to keep her backup cat claws
Tim installed a bunch of locks to prevent people from cleaning his room
Every time Bruce tries to clean out Jason's safehouse Jason fires an AK-47 out the window shouting "SPARK JOY, BITCHES!"
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mygeekcorner · 10 months
Fine I'll give you some more book asks since you acted all pathetic and reblogged it again and begged for more: 18, 25, 30, 42, 43, 50, 51, 55, 61, 67, 68, 80, 86, 99, 100, 102 (lol), 104, 117, 118, 124. Also you must answer them all in one sitting (no drafting) otherwise the curse of the procrastinating tumblrina will fall upon you
Hahahaha omg yes, brilliant, love it, love you
18 your least favorite book ever
I mean there have been a fair few bad choices I've picked up along the way. But that I actually finished?
I really do think it might have been Twilight. Granted I did go in expecting to hate it, but it still managed to be blander and worse than I thought it had any right to be for a series with such devoted following.
25 a book by your favourite author
I said this in another answer but I don't really have favourite authors like that anymore. There are many good authours out there and I will read a series or two but I don't go looking for their names like I used to. But so far I guess Erin Morgenstern is a 2 for 2 author with very beautiful prose in both The Night Circus and The Starless Sea
30 your favourite middle grade book
So I've already talked about Narnia, HP, and my love for Eva Ibbotson but that was pretty much what I read back then. So I'll just mention Which Witch? by Eva Ibbotson as well. I don't remember many details from it, but I do remember that I laughed my way through it, which is never a bad thing.
42 a book that made you want to scream by the time you got to the end
I remember A Storm of Swords by George RR Martin made me call you and scream at your answering machine lol
It was bad enough that the Red Wedding happened, but then right after we've seen the massacre the next chapter is from Aryas point of view again and it's her and Sandor reaching Riverrun and she is So Close to being with her family again, to being safe. But he is mean and harsh and won't let her run off and if I remember correctly he takes out his fucking axe and hits her in the head with it. And that's how the chapter ends???
I mean obviosuly he hit her with the blunt side and only enough to knock her out, but we have Just Seen how you can't trust anyone, and then she's with this big mean killing machine who she doesn't get along with, and he hits her with an axe??? Fuck man! Rude-ass bitch is what Martin is. But what else is new, you know?
43 a book that you have read more than three times
Harry Potter. And yes, I am well aware about how much we're all hating on Rowling now, please don't misunderstand me. But I had read the first 3 books over 30 times before the series finished. I used to re-read them about once a year. There is not a single book that even comes close to the amount of times I've read them. No, not even Narnia.
50 a book that made you cry a LOT
The Glass Lake by Maeve Binchy fucking wrecked me when I read it in high school. Like it is off to a pretty grim start with a mother leaving her family and them thinking she killed herself as is, but then it gets even More emotional. I remember this one chapter that just left me sitting there shellshocked for the better part of an hour, those of you who have read it will know when.
51 a book that you found underwhelming
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I know! I'm sorry! I love the movie and bbc miniseries as much as the next hopeless romantic but the book just kind of... didn't live up to it? Reading it you can kind of tell that it is her first novel and certain things are a bit rushed and clumsy. I still enjoyed it, but I was expecting to love it, you know?
55 a book with a satisfying ending
Chronicles of Narnia: The Last Battle. Them dying just felt right to me. Not that I wanted them to die-die of course, but the way that it happens? Yes. It all came full circle and I always found a certain comfort in the way he let them die and stay dead (to our world).
None of this rising from the dead bullshit. Just tell a good story and wrap it up like a neat little bodybag. Only cowards let protagonists rise from the dead. Looking at you JK, yes even when I first read the book.
61 your favourite horror novel
Ok so reminiscing on books I read as a kid has me thinking, one of the books that really had me Scared for real when reading was probably The Witches by Roald Dahl. And like yes, I know, it's a childrens book. But it's a Scary childrens book. And I was a Child. I just remember the horror as he found out he was stuck in a hotel infested with child-eating witches *shudder*
67 your favourite historical fiction novel
Rhett Butler's People by Donald McCaig, I really enjoyed Gone With The Wind, but this published fanfic/spinoff/prequel to that is just so good. It made me care for the characters in a whole new light all over again. And he always was my favourite out of all the original cast so it was nice to have some more ideas about what he had done before Scarlet threw that first vase at him.
68 your favourite piece of classic literature
Can I say Shakespeare here or did it have to be written as books-books? I'm deciding books-books is the premise so I guess I'm putting down Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. I don't like the ending, but after the book mentioned in #86 a bit further down it is better now. And I think it's the classic I've come back to the most so...
80 a book that reminds you of a loved one
The Demon's Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan that @hobbitsus lent me in high school was just a blast to read and I remember it fondly. And the whole story is just so very Her from when we were growing up which adds to the love.
86 a book with an insane plot twist
The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde. Yes again with me bringing in published fanfic of classic works but the whole premise is so good! There are people who can jump into books? There is someone who manages to jump into an original manuscript, thus changing all the copies of the book? There are detectives working on putting the original Jeyen Eyre back into order when this happens to her? And that is the reason the book ends the way it does??? Amazing.
I never quite liked the ending in Jane Eyre, there is this bit that just seems to come out of nowhere to me. In this book? It's because Detective Thursday was there doing whatever she wanted. This fanfic makes the original work better. But the way it twists to do so? 11/10
99 a book with a strong female protagonist
The Deed of Paksenarrion by Elizabeth Moon gives us all that Girl power Asexuality Forge your own path representation and I am here for it. Does the last book feel like the same series as the first book? Not even slightly. But the books are still a fun ride and I recommend anyone wanting to read about a farmer's daughter running away to join the army and then being actually good at her job give it a try.
100 your favourite gothic novel
ok so in like my mind Gothic should be Old. Old as balls. But I will also admit to Wanting to read books that old more than I Actually read them. So I will be cringe enough to just go with Interview With The Vampire by Anne Rice cause that's the book I loved in high school and the internet lets me classify it as goth even if it doesn't feel right
102 your favourite dark academia read
What even counts as Dark Academia though??? I feel like it should be an ancient and heavy-ass tome but most things I read are quite modern? Can I say The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley? Like the book took up a good part of my backpack when I read it in school, that should count for something right?
I liked the way it spanned three generations' worth of stories and all the mysticism going on. It was my first Arthurian fiction as well which felt very Big and Impressive at the time.
104 a fluffy, sweet read
A Hundred Pieces Of Me by Lucy Dillon was a really comforting and nice read that I liked way more than I thought I would when it comes to chick lit. I think of that book whenever I try to pick out a vase now lol
117 your favourite anthology
So do we count fairy tales here or no? Cause I kind of want to say Bland Tomtar Och Troll which is that swedish collection of childrens stories that had the most exquisite art in it and I was especially obsessed with the story about the mermaid Akmea who saved the beautiful sailor, or the one with the kindly white lion who showed up in someones yard.
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Sidenote: I went through these old books to find the pictures since google was no help and one has an inscription wishing me a happy 4th birthday, and one has me trying to write my name and it is the most stiltedly awkward penmanship ever and my gosh that's the cutest thing 🥺
118 your favourite short story collection
Hoo.. I don't read a lot of those but when I was in high school they would give out little paperbacks called "Färdlektyr" with assorted short stories and poems and I always looked forward to that semester's edition, does that count?
124 the book you’re currently reading
I started on The Forest Of Stars by Heather Kassner a while back, and realised that the first 5 chapters do not live up to my hopes and so have not read anything since I had to put it down at the end of a lunch break OTL
These were a lot to do in one sitting! I did take a short break for dinner, but otherwise I did do it all in one go, please be happy? :*
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hopecountyisforlovers · 9 months
my biggest problem w the season 5 finale is that guillermo deciding he doesn't want to be a vampire because he somehow didnt realize that being a vampire meant killing people - something he certainly already knew having fed nandor and the others for 13 years, and absolutely had no problem with before this episode unless he personally knew the victim + being a well established vampire slayer regardless is just about the stupidest plot thread ive ever seen in anything ever. it completely assasinates the character theyve shown him to be since season ONE !! like did none of the many many vampires you killed use fucking shampoo?? give me a break. seriously. give me a fucking break. its nonsense. "oohhhh i cant eat him i thought of him as a person i'm not ready" it's bullshit. this was your dream for most of your life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what makes it worse is that would have BEEN an interesting plotline going forward. guillermo being stuck with the choice he made and finding ways to cope with it. he could try and drink from animals or just a little from willing victims or he could use vampire hypnosis to steal from hospitals (two of these ideas are from fucking twilight btw. a movie that exists in this universe that guillermo enjoys and has certainly seen more than once.) or god. nandor could drain people for him and feed him from a plastic fucking dixie cup. they had OPTIONS this was an interesting story direction that i would be looking FORWARD to they could BOND over this they could bond in ways that its IMPOSSIBLE for them to now and i don't even particularly LIKE nand/ermo but giving guillermo a get out of jail free card for vampirism to send shit back to the status quo six seasons in is NOT it girlies and no amount of Nandor Spoke Farsi makes that last episode salvageable. i have read FANFICTION that wrote these characters and this plotline BETTER than this. the fakeout of they cant undo this followed immediately by OH JUST KIDDING WE CAN ACTUALLY BITCH YOU THOUGHT was insulting . beyond insulting. i havent felt this bad about a season finale of wwdits since season 3. but while the latter half of season three was unpleasant it at least seemed like it would be interesting going forward. this? this was just disappointing. its the first time ive ever felt this show was Badly Written and it hurts because i LOVE this show and i looked forward to this season and now that its over its like. this whole season might as well be moot. they could start season 6 saying this was all a crazy dream guillermo had and it would be BETTER for the narrative
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latesummerfrost · 2 years
If any of you seriously went into an adaptation of an Anne Rice property on goddamn AMC expecting a trigger warning you're sipping some Olympic-grade delusion juice. Settle back down with a nice soothing episode of The Owl House on Disney and stop pussy-aching about media with blatant adult themes if you can't handle it. This is the network that ran The Walking Dead adapting a book about a wildly abusive relationship between preternatural creatures who literally kill people for sustenance and amusement. Seriously, disconnect from your idiot-box of collected trigger words and go kick open a DVD out of the Twilight collection for that wholesome, family-friendly, Mormon-skewed vampire experience you so dubiously crave. Lestat unrepentantly ate a whole damn baby in the books, sweets, you think this is the worst it's gonna get? 😂😂😂
Sidebar; as someone who grew up in an extremely violent household, I can safely attest that THAT scene was exquisitely done. Putting Louis and Lestat's relationship through the lens of Claudia's POV the last two episodes was nothing short of inspired. And sorry to say it, but every queer story isn't going to be sunshine and daisies (especially not one that is, again, about preternatural creatures who kill people for sustenance and amusement). I can binge Heartstopper on Netflix anytime I want, but I've been waiting for THIS particular show my entire life.
Horror isn't just about beings with special powers peacocking and monologuing between luscious set pieces. The real horror of this story has always been underneath all of that simmering in the protagonists' extremely flawed humanity. Did you seriously walk into a horror show and balk at people experiencing and perpetrating horror?
And as a lifelong reader, let me close with this; this IS our Lestat. This is Lestat in as many forms and personalities as he's ever held (countless, btw), fused into one being who is going to fit the trappings of this story as its NEW custodians lead us down dark new paths.
Jesus god between this all and the assertion that Rice hated women because - let me check my notes - bad things happen to women in The Lives Of The Mayfair Witches (because it would have been a much better series if Lasher was a friendly pet ghost who tied the neighbors' shoelaces together when they were mean to Deirdre, and Rowan just spent the entire saga cruising on her boat and patching peoples' brains together between calls home to her loving and unproblematic Aunt Carlotta), I don't know how to engage with fandom anymore. I don't know how to politely tell people to shove their weird puritanical ramblings into the orifice of their choice, so I'm just gonna word it like that. Get real; get a grip. Bad things happen to women and all you're doing when you bitch and moan about women writing about these things is passing the narrative torch on to men who can't fucking relate enough to themes like rape and forced childbirth to touch on them well. And YES, a lot of Rice's women are super horny. LET WOMEN BE HORNY. Are you people on crack? Ya'll smokin' that shit the conservatives be slingin' on corners about women needing to think more with their brains than their privates? Women have sexual agency. I didn't phrase that as a goddamn question, women can suck dick and eat pussy till their incisors fall out. Women being sexual has LESS THAN NOTHING to do with rape when it happens to them. Seriously, Mom's Got A Date With A Vampire is fully streamable on Disney, ya'll. God knows I love Caroline Rhea and Charles Shaughnessy enough to give it another watch myself in between maimings and tragedies on Interview.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Ah, my dear @cilil has tagged me, and I'll try to do at least one Tumblr thing today. I had hoped that I'd have more time this weekend!!! This week was madness...I swear!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
391 (and yes, I am one of those who put between 7 and 133 different ficlets into one work to keep the number of individual works down).
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,800,713 (this does not include 2 longfics I've orphaned and several fics I've posted anonymously)
(but I've been writing since July 2021)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Tolkien, roles played by Richard Armitage, roles played by Adam Brown, the odd Dean O'Gorman fic for @laurfilijames, 1 Lucifer fic...)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Tumblr Imagines (it's a collection of ficlets from when I started and has over 200k)
October 2022 Ficlet run (Yeah, as I said, I don't post all my fics separately)
Black (Local folkore meets The Hobbit retelling
Silm imagines and ficlets (Again, a 50k+ collection)
"The only way is up" or "thrice stuck" (Smutty dream sequence with Thorin)
These are mostly my first writings which had had time to amass some few kudos :D
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
It takes me a while sometimes, but I need people to know how much I love and appreciate their support! I love every comment, and I truly wish I was a little better at expressing myself when it comes to these things <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I honestly do not remember...Probably, Love letter to the man you've never got to be.
I usually don't do much angst 😇
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Very hard to say because I don't finish too many of my long fics lol. I'd want to say Sticks and stones (Christmas Hallmark story)...it's just that kind of story.
My TRSBs are usually "Happy End given the circumstances" rather than all-out Happy End...lol
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thus far, no.
I am not relevant or known enough to attract that kind of attention!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Me? No...(There have been spicy scenes in long fics, spicy fics, outrageous ficlets, Kinktober, Dead Dove December, MSV...Ok yeah, I do...and I do all of it. M/F, F/F, M/M, M/F/M...from vanilla to whips. You choose, I write)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I am an AU bitch. I've done a HP drabble once...Les Mis/LOTR for last year's Christmas event...it happens...
Right now? Twilight Crack parody for a good friend :D
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so? Who would steal trash?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nobody has ever approached me...
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes...Once for last year's S&D, I am doing it now for the Calendar fic...I love collaboration, what can I say?
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Ship-ship? Russingon.
OC ship? Ori x OC
Rarepair? Nerdanel x Anairë
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Black - It's one of my first fics...and I've never written that last chapter.
I am also known for having written chapters and chapters of other longfics but just...never posting them lol
16. What are your writing strengths?
I am fast, I am versatile, and I am willing to write almost any character, dynamic, ship, and genre. From tooth-rotting fluff to noncon. From very vanilla M/F meet-cute to kinky sex.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I am bad at punctuation. I rarely have an outline, I just write. I do not plan, I do not come up with complicated worldbuilding, I have exactly 0 HC documents.
I just write whatever comes to mind.
Moreover, I have a real problem with posting. I write A LOT more than I post...because I just can't motivate myself to reread LOL
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I avoid even Tolkien's languages for fear of getting something wrong. I am fluent in at least 3 other languages, but I am not entirely sure whether there would ever be a place for them.
If I did that, I am afraid that it would become incomprehensible as the only one I wouldn't use is my mother tongue. It would sound a bit...magniloquent...
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Tolkien. Only fandom thus far...
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I don't know. Every so often, I write something I don't hate, but I can't remember right now loool
Open tag for everyone who hasn't done this yet :D
Tell me something about yourselves!
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beevean · 10 months
top 5 fav NFCV moments and top 5 most hated NFCV moments and top 5 fav NFCV characters and top 5 most hated NFCV characters (I WARNED YOU.)
Isaac forcing Hector to watch Rosaly die was less evil.
Okay. I'll try :)
Top 5 NFCV moments:
5) Carmilla and Hector avoiding the blessed waters moved around by Dracula's castle. Not only it was a dynamic sequence, I admit that Carmilla saying "what the fuck was that" was the only time I legit laughed out loud. The timing was just perfect lmao.
4) Lenore's death. Not only because FUCK YEAH THE BITCH DIED LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOO, but it's beautiful, with a gorgeous track, and I like to imagine Lenore killed herself out of fear of becoming like Carmilla, she who wanted to be as human as possible, and not because "wah i don't wanna live like hector". Lenore could have been a good character too if she wasn't used for fetish fuel and rape apologism :)
3) Blue Fangs. By far the rawest, most interesting "CHURCH BAD" scene in the series.
2) Trevor vs. Death. A visual spectacle, and finally, finally the protagonist of the story does something cool and plot-relevant! I also agree that Trevor saying "I love you" to Sypha was just adorable <3
"I'm killing my boy". Lore breaking? Yes. Made Dracula into too much of a woobie? Maybe. Heartwrenching in the context of the show? Absolutely. I am a sucker for McTavish's voice acting, and it is the culmination of Dracula's biggest inner conflict: his virulent hatred for the mankind who took his love from her against the love for his son, and indirectly for Lisa. If only this scene took place in the proper SoTN adaptation...
Top 5 worst moments (how do I choose):
5) The explanation as to why vampires fear crosses. It's Twilight pseudo-science and I can't believe people can take it seriously. It's also emblematic, for me, of how much the series disrespects the religious symbols of the game (that, and ofc the infamous water blessing zombie lol)
4) Everytime Isaac is a dick to Hector. I just hate that guy. He's unpleasantly mean and condescending and we're meant to agree with him when he calls Hector "a simple creature". Go fuck yourself, you Walmart Hector.
3) Dracula and Lisa being brought back and deciding to travel together without telling Alucard anything. bruh. why are we rewarding the dude who slaughtered humans way before lisa even entered the scene. why is lisa okay with what her husband did. why are you breaking the lore like this. why.
2) The Alucard threesome + him pissing on the Japanese not-twins' corpses, for the reasons you said. Pointless, out of nowhere trauma whose resolution was a cheating joke from Greta. bruh
... can I cheat and mention every Lenector scene? Lenore beating Hector up was again torture porn, gratuituously humiliating (dat dick), and only serves to show how cool and stronk Lenore is. Her leashing him up is simply uncomfortable, because it's portrayed as horny and hot instead of being yet another form of torture - Hector seems visibly aroused at points. The sex scene is of course the sex scene. Her humiliating him in front of her sisters is simply gross. The dick jokes are immature and fail at being funny banter. "Oh shush you were having fun" makes me want to stab someone with a plastic spoon, ditto the "parallel" between Hector being lied to by Dracula and Lenore being lied to by Carmilla because oh gosh look how kyoot they are together 🥺 Him protecting her from Isaac is just the last slap in the face towards this character who really deserved better than being torture fetish fuel.
(honorable mention to the "Is this the definition of insanity?" scene, because people keep praising N!Isaac as the character of all time but I only see a brat throwing a tantrum)
Top 5 NFCV characters:
5) Godbrand. The closest thing to a canon Isaac we got, and the only one with a braincell in the joint.
4) Striga. Buff woman who references Berserk <3
3) Trevor. A far cry from his game self, and yes the cliché of the drunkard cynical anti-hero is old, but he never once irritated me. He had a nice arc in S1, a believable tragic backstory, and overall I just felt bad for him when Alucard was a jerk to him.
2) Hector. I love the idea of the character, and he isn't rude or annoying. I was genuinely fascinated by his alien view of the world, and he had potential as an anti-villain without empathy for his fellow humans but still principled, mellow but ruthless when necessary (he did kill his parents after all). The narrative just pisses on him for no good reason.
Sypha. I have nearly nothing bad to say about her lmao. I'm annoyed by her "peeing in a bucket" quote, her moving the Castle on top of the hold was stupid, and she's too OP for my tastes, but she's a genuinely nice girl and her design is so cute and her relationship with Trevor is so adorable <3 best girl. Unironically.
Top 5 most hated NFCV characters:
5) Alucard. ughhhhhhh he's such an arrogant crass jerk! Why does he even have fans! He's ugly to boot!
4) The Japanese not-twins. A complete waste of time, their only narrative purpose was a random threesome, and in their haste to not make the scene incestuous now they're accidentally racist because they look identical despite not being related lol.
3) Isaac. He's flat, rude, contemptuous, full of himself, with a rushed character "arc", never actually regrets his crimes, hypocritical, Islamophobic, with a shoehorned cliché "past slave" backstory, and the narrative won't stop sucking his dick. Hyped to high heavens at the expense of the real Isaac for reasons I do not and never will understand.
2) Carmilla. She's the most shallow, cliché #girlboss you could have written, nothing more than a cartoon villain who wants to conquer the world, and also a stereotypical radfem for no reason. She was irritating in S2, then she peaced out of the story until her death, but not before humiliating canon villain Dracula because I love when OCs get to shittalk about canon characters. I can't believe she unironically said "I'm a queen", fuck off.
Lenore. Do I even need to explain why I despise this manipulative, slimy, smug rapist who gives BDSM a bad name and is shipped with his victim in what is meant to be seen as a cute yet tragic enemies-to-lovers, kindred souls relationship? No words in the English language can convey the sheer resentment I feel for her.
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tophsazulas · 2 months
When Twilight comes on
(Based on my earlier post)
Leia: She would be watching it eagerly, paying attention to all the details. Girlie is a Bella Swan lover but sadly also a Bedward lover and thinks her love story with Jay is just like their “love story”
Ozzie: Would be bitching about it for half the time and the other half would be him passionately ranting about how Bella can do better than Edward and Jacob.
Jay: You just said that you hated Twilight.
Ozzie: I can hate it and be invested.
Nate: He’d be pretending it’s too “girly” but also cry whenever the couples on the show break up and make up and all that.
Jay: He wouldn’t be paying attention in the slightest and would be either writing scripts or doing homework.
Gwen: Would be too busy making out with Nikki to be paying attention nor care.
Nikki: ^^^
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vampirefilmreview · 11 months
What We Do in the Shadows (2014)
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Date Rewatched: 6/5/2023
Gay: 10/10. Gay is in. Gay is hot. I want some gay. Gay it's gonna be.
Twilight Influences: some #werewolvesnotswearwolves
Enjoyment: 10/10. It is not better than the show but this is not about that. This movie is just delightful to watch I had to own it so I could watch it more. I love the central characters and the plot that bounces around. It's a great introduction to this world. The music is everything to me especially the horns like this is an indie movie that blew up for sure. I really love Nick and Stu. Nick does not gaf about the rules if only Memo could've met him he could've been a vampire in 2014. And Stu is just so sweet. The comedy of just an average guy... It's just so good and so funny and so iconic.
Vampires: Every single trope including proper shapeshifting is in this lore. These bitches play by dracula rules and they live in our universe with all of the movies. They can be seen on film tho otherwise there is no story. The designs are pretty cool clothing wise but basic otherwise. Still they deserve 7/10 for Vladislav Cat
No sire rule but keep an eye on this one
Representative of 2010s? yeah
Relative Popularity? Cult classic
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tilbageidanmark · 10 months
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Movies I watched and books I read this Week #127 (Year 3/Week 33):
The Fury of a Patient Man, a tense Spanish thriller about a man who waits 8 years to take revenge on the killers of his fiancé.
2 tender Japanese dramas by female director Naomi Kawase plus another by Yasujirō Ozu:
🍿 Tokyo Twilight, my 6th Ozu drama. A story about an older, single father, two grown up sisters, a mother who left and then came back, an unplanned pregnancy and a death of a daughter. Tragic, subtle and patient family soap opera, his last film that was beautifully shot in black and white.
🍿 I used to enjoy eating Dorayaki, the cookie-snack made of two small bean-filled pancakes, which we often bought at ‘Ranch 99’ stores. Kawase’s Sweet bean is a slow, emotional food porn story, about a solitary owner of such a small Dorayaki store. He hires a 76-year-old woman with a recipe for a better red bean filling, as well as a dark personal secret. Gentle and poetic.
🍿 I was curious about her earlier (1992) art film Embracing because of (personal) reasons. It’s a cinema-verite exploration of her own search for her father, who had left her and family when she was a small girl. Meditative poem about abandonment, loss and identity.
Eveready Harton in Buried Treasure is the first-ever hard-core, triple-X pornographic cartoon from 1928. It was made clandestinely by certain unknown illustrators from three studios, Disney, Max Fleischer and the Mutt and Jeff studio. It's as explicit as you can get, and involves masturbation, intercourse, bestiality, anal penetration, dildos, ejaculation, and so much more. It was made for a private stag party at the studio, and obviously was never exhibited publicly. Available in full on Wikipedia, and highly recommended. (Photo Above).
2 directed by Pixar’s Peter Sohn:
🍿 Partly Cloudy, his earlier short about a stork that is delegated to delivering the “less desirable” babies, these of porcupines, and crocodiles and electric fish. Really, Storks?…
🍿 The disappointing new computer-animated Elemental was the first Pixar product I couldn’t finish. A shallow 100% Disneyfied world building that started at a Disney cruise, and moved into a mythical Disneyland, without a heart or a soul. 1/10.
Because I'm a political masochist, I watched the 4-hour 2020 documentary The Reagans. I always held that this despicable puppet-master, was the most destructive modern American president, even more than Nixon. A good looking elitist, affable reactionary, a nicely-smelling, racist piece of shit, who changed America for the worst, and laid the foundations for all the horrors that were later Donild Trump. As Higgins told Condor: "You poor dumb son of a bitch. You've done more damage than you know."
I have to stop watching movies about monsters.
Paco León Spanish sex comedy 'Kiki, Love to love' that I saw last week, was kinky, delightful and original. So I was surprised to read that it was a remake of an Australian film. However, The little death had no juice at all, it was forced, prurient, unfunny and worst of all - unsexy. 2/10.
On the flight from Denmark to Israel I read the “erotic” thriller Skinny Dip. I used to like Carl Hiaasen years ago, but this story of a wife who survives being thrown from the deck of cruise ship, was mediocre pulp. The worst part was the Hebrew translation, which made it unreadable. 1/10.
(My complete movie list is here)
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mikavlcs · 1 year
Hello darling!
Let me tell you, there's nothing better to do during your work break than reading your stories.
Bitch me too, the fuck. I also don't like sharing. I don't have any explosives or torture devices but if I did, they'd be mine and mine alone.
Okay, one. I also decapitated my dolls. And I tore off their limbs... fun times. And two: Pugsley tasted weak. This had me howling, this is SUCH a Wednesday thing to say. I can't, it's hilarious 😂 Poor Pugsley though.
When Pugsley gets bitten I don't care but as soon as Thing gets hurt I will throw hands!
Lol, of course Morticia and Gomez are encouraging Wednesdays torture. They really love her psychotic and maniac dwarf 😁
Well, I agree with Wednesday. Her behavior is reasonable...why would anyone be allowed to taker her things. Let Wednesday express herself and protect her stuff!
Oh no, poor Wednesday. She grew attached and has to deal with it now. How unbearable and painful.
Aww, Wednesday is considering Enid hers. Only she can insult her, that's adorable.
Let's all take a minute of silence for Wednesday cause she is, unfortunately, in love. Poor girl is suffering so much.
Honestly if I saw Wednesday threatening me with a knife I would run TOWARDS her not away from her...
Oh Wednesday. Obviously she doesn't know what Twilight is but that dusk line was too cute 😍 who knew that a homicidal psycho could be so endearing
Lol, if Wednesday would kill for me then I'd let her. You can't stop a psycho from her true nature 😉
Ha, I love the Xavier slander here. Keep it coming!
Oh girl, Tyler is dead. He's not giving up. Wednesday, let's go kill him! Get rid of that bland and boring boy.
Aww, Wednesday enjoys Rs company more than being alone in jail. Who would have guessed that.
"He either got the message or the sheriff would be burying his only son" Omg savage let's gooooo
Lol, Wednesday is competing with Thing for Rs attention. Honestly Thing would win. Every single time...
Clearly Wednesday is only agreeing with R cause her sanity is at risk. Totally not because she is whipped as fuck. Nope.
Thing and Wednesday hurting/pranking people together. I wanna see that!
A sassy and insulting Wednesday really is my favorite. I can't get enough of her. She's just so incredibly sexy and hot when she is threatening someone. Tyler obviously deserves it though. Wednesday is so proud of herself, I love that. She really is the most lovable and endearing killer there is.
And obviously big no, that story didn't suck at all! Don't put yourself down, your writing really is incredible! 😁
hi! skdhd i’m glad i can entertain you at work
same same, i don’t like sharing. idk if i would horde torture devices, but explosives??? absolutely. and you tore your dolls limb from limb? they didn’t deserve that 😭
the pugsley joke is one my favorites i’ve written…i always make myself laugh in the stupidest ways 💀. as a wenclair fan, i will shove enid into every story possible! it’s a full time job, just like slandering xavier and tyler<3 i’ve honestly never seen twilight either so-
thing would definitely steal all of my attention too, he’s best friend material! and him and wednesday pranking students would be funny…might have to incorporate that in a future story.
as always thank youuuu for reading and taking the time to type all this out!! reading these is always so much fun, your thoughts are so funny 😭💞
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Dunno why I’m back so soon, guess my anxiety has been acting up or something. I’m surprised to see I didn’t get as much harassment posts thank god. Saw one person say bullshit that seems aimed towards me but aside from that one psycho all is good I guess.
I had a panic attack last week and ending up confessing to my older sister about everything that happened. I even told her about my fetish, which had me so scared to do I almost vomited. I was scared she was going to think I’m a freak and disown me as a sister as some people in my past did. She took it better than I thought and said it was a normal and a healthy thing. It is a part of being human. I was so grateful to learn my sister still loves me for being born this way. I am still too scared to tell my parents though as they are old fashioned and would definitely not get it. To help make me feel better she invited me over to her place to try and help me recover as my anxiety has been worse as of late. I had lots of fun! Sadly my parents fucking car got fucked up because some girl at McDonald’s messed up the hot chocolate cup and it spilled all over the controls so I had to take some meds after that scary almost car crash experience. The car seems to have somehow fixed itself the next day though? Still kinda nervous about it though.
I got quests of yore the board game! We found a game shop and she decided to play a game with me, I sort of went in blind as I know nothing about DND. We got it and played and it was fun, I got a companion which was a bear. I was struggling to come up with a name and she said Gary. We proceed to laugh a long time. We are on a quest to make lots of money to pay rent that will allow us to keep a bear. LOL
I’ve been up and down lately really, my social anxiety is way worse and I’m currently questing my sexuality and identity. I am thinking I may be agender and only into boys I’m not sure. I get bullied by lots of girls so even though I am attracted to all kinds of body types and I’m not fused by gender and have crushes on fictional girls I’m absolutely terrified of real life girls now. I was thinking I may be pansexual as well but yeah...women are SCARY dude. It’s very confusing... I wish girls like Abigail from Stardew valley were real...*sigh* in my country we get lots of what we call sheep. So if you’re not into make up and Twilight the girls in my country are immediately like “fuck you!”. Guys and non binaries aren’t like that tho. Not sure why.
And yeah, Barley and Abigail, I have a type LOL
We are trying to look for a new therapist but they’re all booked out. I have been getting lots of trauma related panic attacks but my family is helping me through it. I came here again because of anxiety of course like I said but uh....thanks to everyone who supports me. And please don’t listen to any bullshit rumours you might hear about me. People just don’t know how to fucking chill. You guys have anything better to do than to bitch and moan? Just write and draw things you love, don’t complain about people or make up nasty stories to try and gain more haters to join you. I know you’re watching me. You say I should grow up but who really is the immature one? Yes I had a bad panic attack that time. Yes I should have kept it anonymous. But I’m not evil. I just wish to be myself without seeing nasty posts. I said sorry but did you guys say sorry to me? No you didn’t. You kept going and did a lot of damage. So who is really the immature one? The one who felt bad and tried to explain why I was hurt and how we can make things better or the one who wanted to keep assuming the worst in me? Just enjoy the things you love instead of thriving in things you hate and trying to guilt trip others who like the things you hate. Stop making rumours and harassing others. Just stop. And not just me, anyone in general, I know there’s others who suffered from your wrath. Much like a dear friend of mine in December 2021 who practically saved me life. You know who I’m talking about, you hated on him for being like me. So just calm down, do you and I will do me. If you choose to hate someone over ONE mistake or one tiny trait like personal preferences than that’s just sad. Do what makes you happy, don’t go out of your way to make yourself angry by LOOKING UP the things you dislike. You do you, I will do me. Just learn to chill.
Again thanks to the people here who didn’t harass me. I really do appreciate it. I will just post and disappear again as tumblr does tend to be a DANGEROUS website. Place is practically crawling with cyber bullies. You guys should be careful too, please stay safe and if people try to attack you block them and maybe get off of tumblr. I hear shit about Twitter but I will not lie, there’s actually less cyber bullies there apparently. Deviantart is a totally safe place too. I did have some BS happen there before but the people behind the website don’t allow bullying and band people. So yeah. Thanks and stay safe everyone.
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bellasbookclub · 2 years
How it all started: G and M's original "better books for Bella" DM conversation
[July 26th, 2022]
G: you know how Bella lists all her favorite books and authors in Midnight Sun? what books would you recommend Bella base her personality off of instead?
Like, what favorite books would you give Bella to make her more interesting or fit into the story better?
M: G my dear! Bella's booklist is very very classic lit you read in high school or universal children’s books. BUT in her defense she mentions a couple sci-fi authors.
full (700-word) conversation continues under the cut
I think she was sleeping on the pillars of YA lit. I have an affinity for Isobelle Carmody as an Aussie, I think Alyzon Whitestarr would be a VERY Bella book
I think her uninspired takes on Austen and Brontë are pretty on point for Bella. But frankly the ONLY Brontë I personally like is The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and that is NOT a Bella book at all. I think Wuthering and Eyre are on point for Bells, it's the red flags she loves
Honestly I think she would be way more into fantasy, I don't understand why she would embrace immortality and be so excited for it otherwise.
Like, maybe a little bit of my mans JRRT at least as a child. The Hobbit is GREAT for silly immortals. I could see her and Renee reading it. But like L J Covey in To All The Boys I think she should also be hugely into the Romance Genre.
I think P&P checks out as a Classique, and Jane Eyre and Wuthering, kind of set her up to be taken in by Edward's brand of Romance. But some funner ones like Alyzon (I wish) The Hobbit, hell, I'd love for some non-fiction too! Simone de Beauvoir has a truly moving recounting of watching her mother die
I think that would set up Bella's fear of growing old and dying (can't believe they never touched on the fact that Bella's paternal grandparents were so old and Charlie had to take care of them like???)
Also maybe SUPER controversial but I like to think she's a VC Andrews fan. Like Heaven definitely, maybe she wouldn't like what Neiderman has done since
G: M you psychic how did you know
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this list is from yesterday
M: Shut uuuup this wavelength is strong and loud!!
G: I was mostly going through thinking of how I would de-genericize Bella’s list, because a big part of it truly reads like Stephenie Meyer just googled "classic books for girls" and ctrl+ved that
M: yeah but classic is classic for a reason. Also I thought Steph did an english course in college and was prolly using that
[Here they go on a tangent about Christian themes and racism in the Chronicles of Narnia and how as kids they both enjoyed the books despite rather than because of said stuff]
G: anyway you just know if Bella had based her entire identity on the du Maurier gothic instead of the Brontë gothic she would be so much sexier and more confident
M: She might have even had an iota of self-esteem!! du Maurier is for bad bitches
G: I think I'm gonna end up having to research Stephenie Meyer's Austen opinions…“Emma Woodhouse is so full of herself" is the biggest red flag like ok Bella we get it, you're ugly
M: Her opinion on Emma is so basic, like tell me you’re not like other girls without telling me you’re not like other girls. Her distaste of Emma reeks of jealousy. Maybe someone wanted to have confidence in herself. Too foreign for her to comprehend
I'm gonna have to research whether that's just an in-universe Bella opinion or if Stephenie Meyer truly believes basic self-esteem is that much of a Sin, because Yikes. also, way to miss the entire very simple point of Emma
[August 1st, 2022]
sorry for the all caps I'm just mad. she says it's—get this—"too sad"
ma'am you wrote New Moon
"Persuasion is just so sad" .... haha ...
[Book-related conversation ends here]
Fun fact: let the record show that G and M also discussed their above defenses of Emma and Persuasion “live” on the podcast, but unfortunately the conversation had to be cut for time.
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