#((you can see die hiding all of his pictures in the background
sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
hello ! i loved ur hcs for ghost x innocent reader sm, what do you think of könig x innocent reader? love ur writing ♡
König w/ an Innocent S/O
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Warnings: Implications of Smut, Overprotective König, Rizzed-Out König, No Pronouns used for Reader except ‘You’.
There is nothing König won’t do for you.
Your overall calm, kind demeanour brings him peace he’s never known before.
And because of that – because he adores you beyond measure – he can get very…protective.
He often treats you as more fragile than you actually are.
Horror film playing in the background while you’re talking ? It’s getting switched off.
A picture of someone exposing a shoulder in a swimsuit catalogue? It’s getting thrown into a fire.
A pair of your own underwear left unattended next to the wash bin? König’s stuffing it into the bottom of the basket.
There comes a point where you have to tell him that, yes, while you may be a little naïve, even a bit oblivious, you’re not stupid.
And, as best he can, König treats you as you want to be treated, which is to say not as if you are a nigh-extinct species of flower.
And, given this new ‘power’ as such – this permission to show you the less rounded edges of life – König begins to have some rather self-serving ideas.
Regardless of if you like horror films or not, König will use it against you.
He’ll test your stomach for terror, putting something frightening on whenever you’re having date night to see if you’ll cling to him.
And if you do, irrespective of whether you fear what’s happening on-screen or not, his soul will ascend.
He can die happy when you hold on to him, nuzzling into his side while quietly asking him to “Hold me, Köni. Please.”
Makes him feel all big and important.
Wear his clothes around him, my God–
First time he saw you in his hoodie – after an impromptu visit from the Rain God made your original outfit unusable – he literally did a double-take.
He dropped the plate he was washing, grasped at it as it slipped between his soap-frothed fingers.
He just punched it into the sink, heard something crack, and turned his attention to you. And only you.
“I– You–” König couldn’t even form a full sentence as you stared at him, half-peeking from behind the door.
“You look…” He racked every file, folder and confine of his mind for anything to describe how he felt right now, how you made him feel.
It just came out as a strangled noise. And, smiling, you hurried into his arms.
You didn’t mind that they were soapy and wet. And neither did König.
Though, the only reason he didn’t was because his brain was so positively fried that he quite literally could think of nothing else except you.
The longer you’ve been dating, the more comfortable König becomes with being rougher with you, shall we say.
It all starts when you start doing things you never did before.
Like letting your hands slip lower beneath his waist, resting on his hips; Sitting on his lap when there are no other spaces available – and then eventually when there are seats available; saying his name like that – “Köni,” when you need help.
“I just can’t do it all by myself. I need someone big and strong to do it for me.”
And, regardless of how sincere you sound when you say it, regardless of how you bat your eyelashes and plump your lips when you look up at him, König is far too whipped to say no.
At first, König genuinely doesn’t think you’re doing it intentionally.
And neither do you, until you see the effect it has on him.
Making his cheeks flush and a pillow find its way to his lap when he sits on the sofa, your head placed precariously close to the growing issue between his legs.
Now, König isn’t the type to go throwing accusations around.
But when he catches you wearing his favourite hoodie, balancing on the edge of the kitchen counter to reach something placed on top of the cabinets (and I don’t mean the top shelf; I mean on TOP of the cabinets – like when you’re hiding a Christmas gift), your underwear peeking just below the hem, he can’t take it.
He knows what you’re doing.
And now that you’ve let onto him, with your doe eyes and your exasperated “Köni, I need you–” he’s gone. Snapped.
Just because you’re “innocent” doesn’t mean you’re exempt from König’s wrath.
To put it plainly, König didn’t seem so shy or frightful of damaging that night as he pinned you to the wall and took you for the first time <3
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
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fantasy-mixtapes · 3 months
Riz Gukgak Season 1 Playlist Breakdown
Yeah so I really quickly posted my Character playlists to get them out there asap but god I put sooooo much thought into them and I love them so much so I want to talk about each song so you can take a peek into my brain and see what the worms have been cooking. I'll make like a masterlist with links and stuff once I get more out but yeah this one's going first because I decided to go table order right to left.
For all my playlists I choose songs based on a bunch of criteria which is but is not limited to :
whether I think the character would like the song/artist
whether I can picture the song playing in the background
If the lyrics match up to a specific scene or feeling
if, when put together the general character arc can be reflected in the playlist
if the songs cohesively go together (i.e. similar vibes, genres, themes)
For Riz, the playlist consists of a mix of Alt Rock, 80s/90s, Math Rock, and Punk/Grunge. Here's the playlist if you haven't listened to it
Without further ado... Lets get into it
1. Happy to Hide, Pile of Love
Smiling between my teeth Acting up accordingly Why do I waste my time performing? I don't see the comedy you see In all the scenes involving me As if I wasn't dull and boring I'm happy to hide I'm happy to leave with no goodbye Would you believe me if I said I couldn't cry?
I wanted to start with the classic early 2000s "I'm a nerd in high school" movie song. I can picture this at the start of a movie starring Riz, where he gets to school and gives out his business cards, and it's Not Working, and he doesn't understand why. I also love the way that being "happy to hide" works with his rogue class :)
2. We Are Detectives, Thompson Twins
Someone is on our tail We think they're openin' up our mornin' mail (Whoa) And now each time the telephone rings We think of frightening things We are detective We are selective We are detective Come to collect
This song is so fun and so camp, very 80s alt, I think Riz would love it. I also think it kind of shows how while Riz is definitely extremely serious about the Missing Maiden Case, he is also playing out one of his biggest fantasies and is a high schooler snooping around corners.
3. Daysleeper, R.E.M.
I see today with a newsprint fray My night is colored headache gray Don't wake me with so much The ocean machine is set to nine I'll squeeze into heaven and Valentine My bed is pulling me, gravity Daysleeper
We love our insomniac little guy
4. Cops and Robbers, The Hoosiers
Got your revolution, now you're waging war again Marching on the spot when you should have made amends You say you fight for us, cross your heart and hope to die You're a bully in the playground and we'll hang you out to dry Blame Simon 'cause he said You've got two lives down and one life left Blame Simon 'cause he said You could think better with a hole in your head
Listening to The Hoosiers brings me back to my high school days. This song for me really gets at the change in tone that the "mystery" goes through, specifically with Riz and his relationship with Biz Glitterdew. The way the song kind of starts out as a fun kitchy romp and then devolves into a screeching violent swirl really shows how out of everyone, even though Riz was probably the closest with Biz at the start, he was definitly the one ready and willing to hold him violently accountable for his actions. Riz shows you how to deal with violent incels.
5. Big Sea, Crash Of Rhinos
We'll stand trial, our will won't be broken Your mistake is not that you care, it's that you don't notice Our favorite part is not how this ends It's just how its starts And just that it starts I'll paint you from my memory
I do think that Riz would absolutely love math rock and I do not mind going to jail for that opinion (because every guy that I've met that likes math rock has been proven to be not great - but I'm holding out). Either way, do you guys remember how they literally were in jail for months. Like Riz "son of a cop (at the time)" "The Ball" Gukgak spent several months in jail not being able to do anything but ruminate on the case, what he could have done differently, and what could be happening without them present. Yikes.
6. Black Dragon Fighting Society, My Chemical Romance
Yeah, I drink juice when I'm killing 'cause it's fucking delicious ... Switing out my style bring a friend out with Better grab your soul from the fingers of death I got a medical emergency A medical emergency We got a medical emergency A medical emergency (Mayday, they call the shots, yeah)
This is the type of song that you play during a full throttle drag out feral goblin fight, and its' the song that Riz deserves to end the season with, since he and his mom ate the fucking dragon that killed his dad. Hell yeah.
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mlsofh · 4 months
Theory Nine - Alastor and Lilith Pt.2
Hello Wayward Sinners!
Can I just say, wow about these past two episodes we got. I see why the fast pacing of the show can make others a bit peeved but for these last two episodes the fast pacing is so good. This theory is connected to Alastor and Lilith Theory and Alastor Will Die Theory on my page so please if you want to know what I'm backing my theory up on! This is less of a theory and just more of me talking about things. Alastor is almost definitely working for Lilith but their dynamic is really interesting I think. What I'm unsure of is how Alastor started working for Lilith but apparently it's longer than just seven years as referenced by Husker (how else would Husker even know about that if it wasn't for it being before the seven year mark) so there is that to be said. He has been silently working for Lilith, and I will say I noticed something interesting that could just be a design choice on Viv's part, but it's that he has a very similar hair cut to the Exterminators. A little more unkempt but it's the same style generally.
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It could absolutely be a design choice just for fun but I notice other demons who dress similarly to Alastor who present masculine have typical hair to their generation they died. Maybe Heaven will try to get the most ruthless souls for their army. Alastor could've been close to catching Lilith but instead saw the unruly power Hell has and made a deal with her. I don't think this theory is as likely honestly but it's interesting to think about. I think Alastor's immediate dislike of Lucifer is because maybe Alastor and Lilith are close. This could be why he reacts so strongly towards Husker saying he's on a leash. It could be more like Alastor and Lilith have a strong bond. She may have talked to him about her ex husband, and how he over worked himself/wasn't completely a dad to Charlie during her formative years. Maybe Alastor has always cared about Charlie because of how Lilith talked about her daughter. Alastor may be on Lilith's leash but he is willing to be on her leash. Alastor does care about the hotel also, we saw because he is trying to protect it from outsiders like Mimzy. Mimzy, who was a long time friend to Alastor and ran in the same social circles in life. He was also immediately disliking of Lucifer, even from scene one with them. I think Alastor does see himself as a guardian to Charlie. At the end of the episode Alastor seems to give a more genuine smile seeing Charlie and Lucifer start to bond. He is quiet now, no snark or petty behavior. Also further more, Lilith is all about music. Technology like Vox is able to play music, but Alastor is known to be from Orleans, A place where music is so embedded into the culture. He also died in the 1930's i.e. the rise of big band jazz. Alastor likely made a deal with Lillith after his sudden rise in hell to be able to utilize her voice to take in souls. Maybe souls who are under Alastor's deals are protected due to Lilith and his deal. Lilith made the deal, but this bound the two together. Meaning, Alastor works for Lilith in exchange for his power. The first big deal in hell may have been Alastor and Lilith. I don't think Alastor's power is at full capacity without Lilith because of this. This could imply that the reason Alastor went into hiding was because Lilith went into hiding and he knew. He, and other overlords who could've been working for Lilith stayed in hiding. Also, with this new development in Alastor's demeanor, I am really starting to think he will die. Seriously, he starts caring for the hotel in this episode. The next, we do not see a glimpse of him as Charlie and Vaggie go to heaven. He isn't with the group. I think he does report Charlies work to Lilith. He tells Lilith what is going on, which furthers onto my theory now that Rosie is almost definitely Lilith.
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In a background picture in one of the more recent episodes we see this picture of supposedly Lilith and Charlie. Those two's designs, down to the neck patterns are very telling. The dress is a bit different but there's so many similarities it's hard not to see. Like- You guys. You guys, that is baby Charlie and Lilith. Rosie was however described to have a lower power level to other demons but if Lilith went fucking missing seven years ago, Rosie/Lilith wouldn't want to show that power. Why did Rosie even kill Franklin? Did Franklin find out who Rosie was? Seriously people the gears in my fucking BRAIn. That's all! What do you all think? Comment and reblog! Stay Tuned!
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final-girl96 · 9 months
My Boyfriend's Back Chapter Forty-Two
The Next Day
Sidney and I decided we would go to the L.A.P.D. Just as we walked into the precinct we saw Dewey, who was in the middle of trying to get a hold of one of us. We did our greetings and then went back to meet Detective Mark Kincaid. He was definitely Sidney's type; dark hair, tall, very handsome, nothing like Billy. He asked us questions and we talked. We also found out that our mother was once an actress that went under a different name. The killer has been leaving her pictures at the crime scenes.
"Can we go where this picture was taken?" I asked. Detective Kincaid nodded his head. "Yeah, sure. It was taken at the studio." We then left with another detective and a few police officers in tow and went to Sunrise Studios. When we got there, we saw the metal stairs that were in the background behind our mom. "Why didn't she ever say anything? I mean, she went by a whole different name back then. Do you think dad knows about this?" I asked, Sid. "I don't know. He did say she had a lot of secrets," she said.
We were walking past one of the trailers when the door opened. I jumped back with a small yelp before looking up to see who it was. "Jesus, Randy! What the hell are you doing here?" I asked. "Who else is going to tell you the rules of a trilogy?" He shrugged. I rolled my eyes and pushed past him into the trailer. Sidney, Gale, and Dewey were close behind. We all sat down and listened to Randy go on about the rules of a trilogy.
"Okay, so here's the critical thing. If we find ourselves to be dealing with an unexpected backstory and a preponderance of exposition, then the sequel rules do not apply. Because we are not dealing with a sequel, you are dealing with the concluding chapter of a trilogy," he explained. "A trilogy?" Dewey asked, and Randy nodded.
"That's right. It's a rarity in the horror field, but it does exist, and it's a force to be reckoned with, because true trilogies are all about going back to the beginning and discovering something that wasn't true from the get go. 'Godfather', 'Jedi', all revealed something that we thought was true, that wasn't true. So if it is a trilogy we are dealing with, here are some super trilogy rules." Great more rules to try and remember while fight yet another fucking killer.
"One, we got a killer who's gonna be superhuman. Stabbing him won't work. Shooting him won't work. Basically, in the third one, we gotta cryogenically freeze his head, decapitate him, or blow him up." I raised my eyebrow at that, "really? Can't we just shoot him in the head and be done with it?" He shushed me and continued on.
"Number two; anyone, including the main character, can die. This means you, Sid, and you," he said, looking at me. "I'm sorry, it's the final chapter. It can be fuckin 'Reservoir Dogs' by the time this thing is through. Number three; the past will come back to bite you in the ass!" He gave me another look and I cleared my throat. "Whatever you think you know about the past, forget it. The past is not at rest, any sins you think were committed in the past are about to break out and destroy you."
He never took his eyes off me while saying that. I knew he was talking about Stu. This time around all that I've been hiding would come out into the public and then I'm fucking six ways to Sunday. "I'm just glad I got to be here and tell you all this. I made a tape back at Windsor as a just in case. Honestly, I'm surprised I survived since I lost my virginity to Karen Kolchak in the back of the video store in the porno section," Randy said.
"Creepy Karen?" Dewey asked, and I snorted, trying to keep from laughing. "Shut up! She's a nice girl!" Randy argued. "He went on a date not too long ago with her," I blurted out. Everyone looked at him, and he huffed out a heavy sigh. "She's a nice person!" After Randy was done with all his rule telling, and we calmed down from teasing him about Karen, we left the trailer. Sidney had to go to the bathroom, so I went with her while Gale went off to do her own detective work, and Dewey and Randy waited outside the sound stage for me and Sideny.
I stood at the sink, looking at myself in the mirror. Randy's words about the past coming back rang in my mind. I was so caught up in my own head that I didn't notice Sidney coming up beside me. "You okay?" I shook my head and looked at her. "Mmhm. Yeah, I'm fine." She turned the faucet on and washed her hands. We were getting ready to leave the bathroom when a noise from one of the stalls had us stopping in our tracks.
Sidney pulled out her pepper spray, and we slowly walked over to the stall. I took a deep breath and looked at Sidney, who nodded her head. She had her pepper spray ready, and I pushed the door open. A girl with short brown hair looked up at us after dropping her bag. I looked down to see a ghostface mask. Sidney bent down to help her pick up her things. "I wanted a souvenir. I didn't think anyone would mind," she said and quickly put all her stuff in her bag.
When she stood up and got a good look at us, her eyes got a little wide. "You're Sidney prescott! I'm you! Well, I mean, I play you in the movie, or I was supposed to." Sidney smiled at her, "it's nice to meet you…" The girl held her hand out, "Angelina. Well, I better get going. It was so nice to meet you both." Then she was gone.
"Well, that was weird," I said. Sidney bent down and picked something up. "Wait! You forgot your brush!" She headed for the door and rushed out into the sound stage. "Sidney, wait up!" I went after her, and we walked through a door, and as soon as I realized exactly where we were, I stood dead in my tracks. "Sidney, wait!" It was too late though she was already out the door.
I slowly walked through the hall and spun in circles. I was standing in the entryway of Stu's house. There were so many memories that came flooding back. It was unreal how accurate it looked. I looked into the living room. The first memory that came to mind was Randy going on about the rules to survive a horror movie.
"You don't know the rules?!" He stood up. "Great. Thanks, babe." He shrugged and looked at Randy. "Have an aneurysm, why don't you?" Randy stood in front of the tv and started his whole rule bullshit. "There are certain rules that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie. For instance, number one: you can never have sex." Everyone booed and threw popcorn at him. Stu kissed my neck. "It looks like we're dead, baby." I laughed and lightly hit him. "BIG NO NO!" Randy said, swatting at the popcorn.
"Sex equals death, okay? Number two: You can never drink or do drugs." There were cheers, and everyone raised their bottles. "The sin factor! It's a sin. It's an extension of number one. And number three: never, ever, ever under any circumstances say, "I'll be right back." Because you won't be back." Stu pulled out from under me and stood up, kissing my forehead, and then stood by the kitchen door. 'I'm gettin'' another beer, you want one?" He asked.
"Yeah, sure," Randy told him. Stu held his arms out, "I'll be right back," he said and backed into the kitchen. "See, you push the laws, and you end up dead. Okay, I'll see you in the kitchen with a knife."
That was all before shit really hit the fan and I learned that my boyfriend was a fucking psychopath who helped kill my mother. If only we could go back to the times before all this. Before the murders. Before our lives were made into a movie. We would never get away from this no matter how hard we tried.
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ztarvokronpa · 2 years
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yet another short king that i absolutely love and want to smother in kithes cos bby deserves it and no ryoma you can't run away this time let me giVE YOU MY LOVE-
request status... OPEN!
headcanons under the cut!
SPOILERS FOR DRV3 (obviously!)
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Non-Despair AU
you? with him?? i mean sure but it might take a while lol
it'll be one sided pining until he realises he is also in love with you, then the pining is mutual
literally all your friends can see that you like each other and they've tried to set you up on multiple occasions
cue ryoma's stare
but when you two do get together, he's the sweetest honestly
but don't expect him to be all mushy and lovey dovey around you just yet, he's got demons he has to face first
that doesn't mean you can't be lovey dovey around him though!
hold his hand and rub your thumb over his knuckles - he will smile a little
kiss his cheek or the back of his head - he will freeze up a bit and blush a little
kiss him randomly on the lips - he will hide his face in his hat hehe
once he's more comfortable around you, he will get used to your affections and do the same to you!
did i mention his cat loves you? no? well, he does!
one time when ryoma got home from tennis practice, he found you asleep on the couch and his cat cuddling up next to you. it was so cute he had to take a picture!
"ryo, why do you have a picture of me sleeping with the cat as your phone background?" "what? i can't have my motivation to keep going as my phone background?"
when he comes back home really late at night and you're sound asleep in bed, he'll get changed and crawl next to you, placing himself in your arms and cuddling your chest
just don't turn on your stomach, he will die-
all in all, he loves you and will not let you go!
Despair AU - Ultimate School for Gifted Juveniles (or smth like that yk what i mean)
"go away, you don't want to be seen with a murderer, do you?"
boy shut up let us love you >:(
once he realises he loves you too, he tries to avoid you
it doesn't work because he always seems to find you by "mistake"
when he admits it and when you reciprocate his feelings, he feels like he's found a reason to live again!
so, you know how i said that teruteru is protective of you once the killing game starts? well this man takes it up a couple notches
i'm talking by your side 24/7 with a racket in hand (although he insists it's not for tennis or protective purposes, hon we can see right through you)
doesn't mind if you are friends with anyone, but he finds certain people suspicious so he'll warn you about them first before you talk to them
he calls you his reason to live and he absolutely tells you this whenever he sees you
but then the kubz pads arrive and you end up getting kirumi's
you immediately have a bad feeling when maki and kirumi come to tell you that maki gave ryoma his video, so you rushed over to his dorm
"what do you want?" "show me your kubz pad." "no." "right now." "no. if i didn't like it, you wouldn't either." "ryoma hoshi." "...fine. come in."
then you watched it. and on impulse after, you threw it to the ground, cracking the screen.
"THIS IS BULLSHIT!" ryoma was taken aback by your sudden outburst, but not totally surprised. monokuma, however...
after he left, you held ryoma's hands in his own and reassured him.
"ryo, that video is bullshit because i... i am right here and i care so deeply about you, okay? ryoma, i love you."
you expected him to tell you the typical "you can't love a guy like me", but what you didn't expect was for his hands to squeeze yours as he looked down, seemingly trying to hide his face.
"y/n... thank you... i... i love you, too..."
a smile on your face, you opened your arms and englufed him in a hug, effortlessly bringing him ontop of you as you laid down.
he took off his hat and buried his face into your chest as he wrapped his arms around you. then you felt something wet.
"ryo, are you crying?" "...no..." he's a bad liar, so you just giggled and planted a kiss on top of his head, bringing him closer to you.
you had him right where you wanted him. in your loving embrace, where he knew he was loved and cared for, and where he was safe.
at least, that's what you thought before the magic show a few days after had come to a terrifying conclusion.
"r-ryoma...? RYOMA!!" the scream you let out was nothing less than blood curdling as you watched your small lover get mauled to the bone by pirhanas.
you wanted to throw up. who could have done this?! you both loved each other dearly, so you knew for a fact it wasn't suicide. you shut down that conclusion real quick.
then the culprit became clear. the ultimate maid. kirumi tojo.
"ya know," began kokichi, a grin on his face as he turned to you. "y/n's been awfully silent for a while now. i wonder what's on their mind..." "...shut up."
shuichi had to agree with kokichi, as he too began to ask you what was on your mind.
"y/n-" tenko had began, but wasn't able to continue as you screamed at everyone. "I SAID SHUT UP, JUST SHUT UP ALL OF YOU! I DON'T WANT YOUR QUESTIONS!"
silence befell the trial grounds as you sobbed uncontrollably. kirumi's guilt worsened.
"why...?" you began. "why did you do it? and to him?!"
kirumi reluctantly explained after shuichi put the pieces together. the harsh, tear filled glare you gave her made her sweat.
after her execution, you were the first one to storm off to the dorms, ignoring the cries of your friends and wanting to make a beeline to your room when you stopped in front of ryoma's dorm room.
you were already crying before, but now you had finally collapsed to your knees and sobbed uncontrollably into your hands.
you did this until you felt something tap your head twice, as if it was trying to comfort you.
"THERE-THERE. HE-WOULDN'T-WANT-YOU-TO-BE-SAD,-WOULD-HE?" looking up, you saw monodam in front of you, the door to ryoma's room open a crack behind him. you quickly assumed he had come out of it after hearing you cry.
you looked away, small sobs coming out of you as you had calmed down, your hands wiping away your tears.
he then held out something to you that very quickly caught your eye and brought you to tears once more.
ryoma's hat.
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hiya my loves! i've thought up an alternative ending to this, so, if you want, would you like me to write that in full? not headcanon style, just oneshot? ily all! 💜
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This is a bit out of my format, but I noticed it relatively recently and didn't see anyone talking about it. In general, I will talk about a small detail in the design of the harbingers, namely crystals (they are very noticeable in the pictures with Arlecchino and Tartaglia, so take a look at them first to better understand what I'm talking about). And I very much doubt that their color doesn't mean anything, especially considering that mostly their white coats are no different.
So we have:
Pierro (leader)- blue
Columbina (3)-blue
Arlecchino (4)-red and black
It is worth noting that the shades of crystals are also different. For example, the crystals of Pulcinella and Pantalone, the ninth harbinger has a darker shade.
Now let's look at the harbingers with blue crystals, there are most of them and the first thing they have in common is a mask. Columbina, Dottore and Pierro are all masked characters. Columbina has a mask that shows her face the most, behind the mask we are still able to see her eyes and her crystal is the lightest of all, it is almost white. Piero's mask covers only one part of his face and his crystal is slightly bluer than Columbina's. And Dottore, his crystal is the darkest among the three of them, and the mask hides his entire face. I can also draw a parallel in the possible immortality of Dottore and Pierro and maybe Columbina.
Purple crystals. Pulcinella and Pantalone. The first thing I thought about, and what I assumed was that Pantalone and Pulcinella can share the same color, due to the fact that they are both not a combat unit, not physically, for sure, and they are mostly attached to the Snezhnaya, since Pantalone is engaged in economics, and Pulcinella is the mayor.
Red and black. Arlecchino, Capitano and Tartaglia. They, it seems to me, are the main fighting power of the Snezhnaya. Now, I will add to my arguments another theory that I have heard, it is connected with Capitano. In short, Capitano's background is listed in the Blood Knight artifact set. And it tells about a brave paladin who was eventually cursed and raised his sword against those he wanted to protect, after seeing what a monster he had become, he wanted to die in the abyss. However, there he again swears allegiance. In general, if you believe this theory, then the Capitano can be said to be cursed and from this his crystal is black. In Arlecchino, you can notice the crystal as a whole is red, BUT the edges are already black. I'm not trying to say she's cursed, but maybe her mind is a little clouded or she's losing faith in something. Tartaglia's crystal is simply red, which suggests to me that he has not yet been disappointed in his ideals and has not suffered from his own weapons.
I can't say anything about Sandrone, her color stands out the most and there is no one to compare her with.
P.s. pls don't take this too seriously, after all, I'm not good at theories👉👈
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gummybugg · 8 months
i keep seeing you post about the mice come out at night but i still don't know what it's about
As a joke I was going to put "even I don't know what it's about" but that won't due since I began writing it yesterday hehehe! There's no excuse not to give a serious answer!
It's a wip still in its baby stages, but I can give it all I got for a solid rundown! ✨️ (btw it's very scarcely mentioned in my pinned post, but I can elaborate a bit more)
So strap onto your seat belt and grab an unalcoholic beverage because I'm about to go on an incoherent ramble about mice, men, ghosts, and cajun culture:
Also, there is an intersection between Cajun culture and queerness. They are both things Morgana is ashamed of. He wants to fit in, get rid of his "embarrassing" accent, and just live his life under wraps. But that's kind of impossible when he finds a family of ghosts haunting his home. Through the tragic telling of their deaths, they help Morgana realize that he must cherish what little time he has to live and to live his life unabashedly. And keep telling stories. Be the person younger You needed. Don't hide yourself/don't be embarrassed. You're not living life for others, but for yourself. Stop appealing to those in charge. Do what makes you happy and you will find your company.
Morgana is a closeted trans guy living in Louisiana who drops out of college because it makes him depressed af. He needs a change, so he decides to move out into this conveniently affordable haunted home with what little funds he has left until he can make a living. But it's a *haunted* house (you know, typical spooky Louisiana lore), and he must find a balance between the spirits and finding meaning in his life.
It's a coming of age story but lowkey the plot of a Christmas Carol if you turn your head 90 degrees and squint really hard. Like the ghosts go "Morgana stop being an idiot and just live your life already" but he's like "but everyone will hate me and ill probably die or something" and they go "then it's a win-win for us."
We also get featured scenes/themes such as: Morgana's clown-core clairvoyant sibling Tooth, who can actually see what tf is going on (Morgana can't, he didn't get the ghost-seeing genes); a gay ghost wedding between the two father figure ghosts (Addison and Vincent); found footage of a broken household (relatable things); sibling power; gender euphoria; funny trans moments such as a pun about "dead names" (come on, it's FUNNY); acceptance; and found family.
For now, though, the story is on hold until I can get a better understanding of it and the direction I want to take it. I'm also writing it now, but yeah! Thank you for asking, this really helps me get a better picture of this project!
I plan to expand upon the Cajun culture as it is the entire reason I began this project (to not let the culture fade away). Culture, along with identity, go hand in hand with how we should be proud of our backgrounds instead of shy away from it to conform. Go and learn about those before you, and you will feel less alone instead of brooding in your college dorm, counting down the days until graduation!!
I think this sums up the premise, but I can keep going if there are any questions. I am always eager to share about my stories!
I have huge aspirations for this (and many of my other projects), as I plan on implementing many forms of media into this story (if the stars align and this takes off). Such as photographs, audio files, journal entries, blah blah. I was also thinking of being fancy and dropping a few lines of poetry/literature that inspired this story at the start of each section if this story goes anywhere.
But yeah, so thanks a lot for the ask! I really appreciate it :')
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WIP progress update
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, I thought I would be done by now. I though, 'oh, this'll be cute. A little fucked up because I live for messed up character dynamics but short and sweet.' I underestimated the task I chose to subject myself to.
I have working on this for approximately 2 months. My Google document is now 29 pages long. I want to die /j
And I feel bad for the like five people who saw and liked my other post about my upcoming fic as this taking forever (I feel worse for my followers on Reddit; I've had a few ideas for things but nothing I've started properly writing out, poor sods). So, I'll be including another couple of snippets, the fanfic's title and a possible AU idea.
The fanfic itself is called A Star Is Just A Black Hole Waiting To Happen ([Redacted] x Recovering!Yandere) and it is a yan x yan pairing.
Here are a few more snippets to tide anyone over that actually wants to read this lol
I hacked Teo’s Tesla and drove it into Lake Bluemoss.
‘I did. Hold on…’ He fished his phone out his pocket and, after a few moments of inaudible muttering and tapping away, he turned it so they could see. Sure enough, displayed proudly on the screen was a picture of a half-submerged car in a lake, taken from relatively far away, with what looked suspiciously like a surprisingly panicked Teo in the background. ‘Told you,’ he crowed, triumphantly. 
They reached up and carefully carded calloused fingers through his hair, revealing dark roots peeking through. Your poor hair. It must be fried to Hell and back. Please tell me you use coconut oil or-. Aster’s heart thundered in their throat, as [Redacted] leaned into the sensation, eyes fluttering shut. He gently gripped their wrist, holding them there. A silent plea for them to stay. A plea they couldn’t bring themself to refuse. Instead, all they could do was huff in amusement. Something. You really are like an overgrown cat, you know that? He said nothing, only nuzzling into them further.
And then suddenly, he pitched forward. Only for you. He burrowed themself against their shoulder, breath ghosting against their neck. Only ever f’you.
They leaned their head against his, fingers idly toying with the baby hairs on the nape of his neck. I know. I know.
How did you want to crush her? He goaded. He was greedy. He needed to hear this.
Their lips curled in displeasure and, in the low gloom, their grimace looked like it was filled with blood-rimmed teeth.
‘I wanted to throttle her. Maybe slam her head into the fucking concrete.’ There was something bright and brilliant and vicious in their eyes, blazing like a supernova, as their nails dug into his cardigan. Spittle and acid pooled in their mouth. Before their eyes widened with realisation and they composed themself again. They bowed their head to hide their face, as they felt it heat up and crumple in embarrassment. Horror and shame curled in their stomach at their sudden outburst. ‘Sorry.’ (fix)
Don’t apologise, he soothed. His tone was agonisingly warm and promised patience as dauntless and unending as the void. It made Aster’s head hurt. Y’have nothing to apologise f’r. You know I would do the same for you.
(They stared at his jumper, the cable knit pattern suddenly deeply fascinating. Knitting had never made sense to them. Nor had he.
And an AU idea: I'm thinking of writing a Magnus Archives!AU, with [Redacted] being an avatar of the Spiral. I was originally thinking the Web, given his manipulative tendencies and canonical liking of spiders, but I think the Spiral would be more in line with canon abilities. These include distorting his appearance, the world around him and the overall narrative. He doesn't merely manipulate, he deceives. So, it seems like a better fit but feel free to disagree. Instead, maybe he can be deeply marked by the Web (and possibly the Eye, given his whole thing for surveillance cameras and keeping constant tabs on Angel) as a little treat :)
I am really sorry this is taking way longer than I expected. I hope this doesn't disappoint anyone when it comes out, even if it is just because of wait time alone lol Or shitty writing. More likely shitty writing.
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“A silly, terrible play”
“Humans are a unique type of pest, multiplying and poisoning our world, all while enforcing a structure of their own. A deeply unnatural structure. Where others saw order, I saw a straitjacket. A cruel, oppressive world dictated by made-up rules. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades. Each life a faded, lesser copy of the one before. Wake up, eat, work, sleep, reproduce, and die. Everyone is just waiting. Waiting for it all to be over. All while performing in a silly, terrible play, day after day.”
Just thinking again about how much this quote applies to the Wheeler family. The concept of the perfect suburban home in the cul de sac, with the perfect—straight in more ways than one—nuclear family as a model for social idealization… it’s an unnatural default structure. This structure applies to anywhere that has a general default for societal perfection. It is a pushed ideal, a safe ideal too as formed by [poisonously] long-bred societal expectations. It is metaphorically like being straight-jacketed. The rules are made-up but you are insane/against the ‘natural’ order/wrong if you don’t follow such rules. This insistence of a ‘natural’ order can lead to unnatural performance.
There is so much that has been said about the way Henry has taken his understanding of such a structure and adapted himself as a predator—a predator against the predatory, oppressive world and what he experienced as a child. We additionally know Will’s correlation to Henry. We know the ways Will parallels but is opposite to Henry regarding the way they’ve been treated/viewed. Same with the Byers. We can also clearly see Mike and his family within Henry and his family—within this part of Henry’s monologue. We know the Wheeler family is a farce on a visual level. They visibly fit the structure, but it is performative. Unlike the Byers family, who don’t visibly fit the ideal structure, the Wheelers and Creels do. The Wheelers look picture-perfect and seem to have the picture-perfect background.
But we know better and see the cracks. We have seen the cracks through every season with the Wheeler family in general. With Mike, he hides so much of himself but we notice the signs of what he’s hiding—more than just his sexuality of course, though this would be the most glaring concern to the structure. He’s well-aware of the basic routine Henry speaks of (and what I painfully think of nearly every day for how simply effectively it hits): “Wake up, eat, work, sleep, reproduce, and die.”
I’ve talked about this line before and how it whittles an individual down to their most basic functions and expectations—the biggest expectation being to reproduce. Reproduction is traditionally associated with heterosexuality. This is inherently untrue and having children should simply be someone’s own choice regardless, but for many it is an expectation by means of basic function. This was a fundamental expectation that was drilled into me while growing up in the oppressive structure I was in (a religious cult for me). At a young age, adults were already talking to me about the man I would marry. About the children I would bear. As in, I have the body that is ‘meant’ to bear children and that is what I had to grow up to do.
This used to give me so much anxiety as a child, and as a young adult, because (though I didn’t fully comprehend my bisexuality or what my true wants were due to the muddled programming I was receiving) I could realize I wasn’t fitting in. I already wasn’t fitting in socially (nerd, outcast, etc), but the older I got the more I realized just how much more I wouldn’t fit in. So I tried to pretend I was. When delving into Mike, as so many on the Byler tag have so articulately done, we can realize he is pretending; especially as he gets older. And have evidence upon evidence for what he is pretending. And we can easily gather why. It’s a performance a lot of us understand.
When Henry speaks of the oppressive world structure as as a silly, terrible play (a meaningless one via performing the basic functions and enforced, made-up rules that disregards the individual and their individuality), it’s easy to think of Mike. So many of the characters in ST fit here, but for Mike we can see the performance within the “silly, terrible” role he feels expected to play.
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isle-of-no-dogs · 1 year
vent time :D 👍
For some reason the world decided that today would be the day to have a breakdown (yay)/sar
I’ve got a week until I have to go to this job for the whole summer, and I know there will be dogs all over the place. I already have to deal with the annoying ones in my neighborhood, but now I’ll be surrounded with them even more. Now I can’t hide from them. Now people are going to see how crazy seeing dogs makes me act, and they are going to judge me and call me names like everyone does.
How many times do I have to tell my supposed ‘friend’ that I have a fear of dogs and animals in general for her to stop sending me pictures of her pets. Or my other friend when we are on phone calls to stop saying things like “Oh can you hear my cute dog in the background, aren't his barks adorable” While I feel like throwing up and screaming!
And worse is when I go into for this job I’m going to be seeing HIM all the time. Him and his nasty dog, and his scary smile . Him and his demeaning and damaging words. HiM as he says he cares about me but all he does is hurt me. My family loving him, and I can’t blame them, but I want them all to understand I want to be nowhere near him or his dog.  My family might act all nice and understanding that I hate animals, but I know the want me to change. I know that I’m just a burden to them and I ruin all their fun times. 
I all I want is my family to choose me, to choose me over the dogs. To say “Oh dogs bother and ruin your life so much? well we love you so of course we will choose you.” But they won’t. Everyone wants both.
And I’ve opened up to the internet before with this problem, how I want them to choose me over the dogs, and what did the internet say?! “GO kill yourself” All these people obsessed with dogs, and thats ok, you love your dog thats fine, but you are biased. And even if you do ‘love’ your dog, how can you love it more than your actual family!
Please don’t hate me! All I want is to be heard and understood. All I want is is to be happy. I am so miserable, and everyone just keep hating me. I don’t want to doe but at the same time I want this to end. Why can’t I be happy. Why does everyone have to hate me?
I know I’m opening up and so I should prepare to be hated and told to die, but I think that's unfair. You can share your opinon respectfully. Or hate me in silence.
To those of you that are following me, or said something kind to me, thank you. Thank you so much for understanding, and helping me to feel less alone. And I hope you won’t come to hate me too.
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askdie6th · 5 years
Hello, my voodoo man
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“I… I thought no one had that one.”
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raayllum · 2 years
OKAY so the dragon prince official on twitter changed its background picture to this
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which is gorgeous, and i wondered what, perhaps, it might refer to. the starry background matched up with aaravos and the officially translated poem about elarion’s midnight star that’s about the city (person?) of elarion and its history with aaravos.
and i think i may have figured it out!
i was curious what would happen if i turned up the exposure and lightened and the picture, and then zoomed in on the far left corner!
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There’s the clear hair tassels / locks (similar-ish to Runaan’s hair style, so elven) and the long fingers we’re used to seeing on Aaravos. Moreover, look at the difference between the left half of the night sky and the right side.
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The left (western) half is all inky darkness, a lot less bright and blue than the right (eastern half). So not only does it parallel the way magic left the west (the Pentarchy) and stayed in the east, but I think the sky is showing an event described in Elarion’s poem, namely: 
Elarion, frightened waif, reached bone-white branches to the night, the stars she asked their light to cast and stop the dragons’ fiery might.
Elarion, unworthy whelp, Wept as the stars turned black the sky, They donned their masks They turned their backs, And left Elarion to die.
I think this is when the Startouch elves started to leave Xadia, and humanity, as a whole. They turned “black the sky” (the left half of the picture, the darkness moving over onto the blue half) and left Elarion alone to face the wrath of the dragons (possibly Sol Regem, possibly for some other reason). 
We also know from the Tales of Xadia handbook that the First Elves (that Aaravos belongs / belonged to, according the S1 novelization)  / Great Ones (“It was a gift from one of the Great Ones,” Ziard says of his / Viren’s staff that Aaravos recognizes in s2) used to be around far more often, but left. The poem mentioning them goes as follows:
Where do the fabled Great Ones hide?
What secrets have you locked inside?
From rising Sun to Moonlight’s grace
I search the Sky for any trace
Of Starfolk, fabled, fallen, found—
Once everywhere, now none around.
Is all we are to know of thee
Consumed by Dark, or cast to Sea?
So bound to Each, are we denied
The touch of Stars? Have our Gods died?
Where do the fabled Great Ones hide?
Dark is capitalized like the other sources, so we can assume the Dark is short for Dark Magic (the same way Moonlight is a variant but refers to Moon). 
Both poems point to the same thing: the Startouch elves chose to leave, likely due to some incident surrounding dark magic and Aaravos, and they took the stars with them — and nobody knows where they’ve gone. But TDP’s banner picture seems to show that revoking of the night sky Before they left, and I can’t be more excited about the implications of it.
We’re gonna get the Deep Lore Dive y’all. 
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anime-grimmy-art · 3 years
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What do you do when there’s not much to an AU? You make up your own stuff, ofc. And as is per usual when I make Character Designs, I make up a shit ton of lore too.
The ramblings under the cut, but what I’m really interested in, is what you guys think. Do you guys have any headcanons/ideas for this AU? Let me hear them! Also, if you don’t wanna read on tumblr, here’s the Google Docs link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/151yshHxnb_--P6eMKkwkI2dee9xC_Llb/view?usp=sharing
Before I get into the characters’ roles, here’s some general facts and backstory of their town:
- Basically, it’s Undertale meets Harvest Moon / Stardew Valley. Well, kinda. I at least used that approach for coming up for the jobs for the characters. You know, how there’s always a general store, a doctor, a smithy, etc.
- The usual story of a HM game is that you come to a town that’s way past its glory days and you, as the player/farmer, help them get back to that. The “backstory” of the town is that that already kinda happened. I’ll get into it more in the character description, but basically when Asgore was still mayor, the town got really popular. Then yadda yadda, a certain tragedy happened, two kids died, and the town suddenly got very bad publicity. There was a lot of stuff going on back then, bad reputation being spread and also a lot of law stuff, cos, you know, supposed child murder ‘n all, so Asgore made the decision to shut off the town to ppl from outside. This was in the interest of most monsters living there, because as fun as it is to have a lot of people coming there, most just wanted to live a quiet life. Not everyone was happy with that though, so many moved away from town and some others are trying to get the town back on its feet. But more on that later.
On to the characters:
I’m just gonna start with the skelebros, cos it’s their fault in the first place I got so invested.
Basically, they are what the player is in hm/sdv. They just showed up one day, took over the abandoned farmhouse and began their life there. The two came to town way after it was “closed” and since then a new mayor has opened the possibility for new residents to move in. Their farm helps the economy of the town a lot and the mayor, like usually in hm games, is trying to use that to make the town more known again. The skelebros aren’t really working towards that goal however.
So, now a bit more detail on them individually.
- The design is mostly based on what’s “canon” in this au.
- He works mostly on the fields and is in charge of the crops. Their fields aren’t spectacularly big, but still big enough to plant a few dozen rows of veggies. 
- Paps also helps out a lot in town when he has the time. He helps Asgore with his plants, he goes fishing with Undyne, helps Toriel carry crates around and so on. This is inspired by the part-time job mechanic in HM ToT.
- Unbelievably, in this AU Pap is not an absolutely awful cook. Since he helps out at Muffet’s and Grillby’s a lot, they tend to show him some tricks to cooking. Even though Pap’s not a big fan of the greasy or overly sweet cooking those two do, he picks up a lot.
- Again, design mostly based on the “canon” look. Maybe a bit more baggy.
- This is finally an AU this dude gets to rest. Since there are no resets and he doesn’t have to see his bro die again and again, for once in his life, he’s not a sad ball of depression. He’s just a chill and lazy dude that loves to make puns. Though, since he’s not too experienced with the feelings of loss, helplessness or grieving, he still tends to hide behind puns and fakes smiles if he does feel bad.
- Sans is in charge of the animals on the farm. Papyrus begrudgingly gave him that role since Pap’s loud demeanour and hectic movements usually scare the animals. Sans’ relaxed attitude draws the animals to him naturally and even if Pap mostly finds him sleep against a tree, in a stack of hay or on one of the sheep, the animals are always fed, healthy and relaxed, so Sans seems to be doing his job.
- Sans always has a small chic sit inside his hoodie or hat. Is it always the same one? Who knows, maybe.
- Sans also, somehow, can produce eggs out of thin air. Grab into his hoodie pocket, in his pants pocket, in his hat, in his slipper, there’s suddenly always an egg there. On good days he can even make butter or cheese appear. 
- He’s literally just a scarecrow in this. Though, if you ask any of the bros why they designed their scarecrow that way, they won’t have an answer.
- Frisk is mostly based on what I wore myself as a kid in summer. Just a loose shirt with a cappy. Toriel basically has her ut gown, just with an apron on top.
- Frisk just appeared outside the “magical” forest one day. Napstablook and his cousin found them and brought them to Toriel, who has been taking care of them since.
- Toriel runs the general store in town, but also often takes care of the few kids that still live there.
- Frisk usually helps out in Toriels store, plays with the other kids or sits around at Asgore’s. They’re notorious for nabbing small snacks, mostly from Asgore’s plants. You’ll always find them munching on something. 
- Frisk was in town before the skelebros. Since they’d moved in, Frisk often went to spy on their farm. After a small incident with angry chicken, Frisk got to know the two better and now they see them as something between brothers and uncles.
- But Frisk honestly gets along with everyone. Just like in UT, they’ve not only been adopted by Toriel but literally everyone.
- Toriel and Asgore’s relationship is not as bad as in the main game, since, you know, Asgore didn’t kill literal children, but there’s still tension between them. Back when Asriel and Chara died and the whole thing with the bad rep for the town began, Toriel felt betrayed by Asgore focusing more on the town than giving their deceased kids the grieving they deserved. They’re not divorced, but Toriel still moved out and said needed space to think. Now that Frisk is in the picture though, the both of them are slowly coming to even ground and may even be able to talk things out and clear up the uncertainty of their decisions.
-Asgore has his UT Ending / Deltarune clothes, just with a gardener’s belt.
- He’s the previous mayor of the town, but after all the crap that happened, he stepped down from the position. Now he has his own little shop and sells seeds, saplings, homegrown veggies and fertilizer. So, basically what e.g. the Marimba Farm is in HM AP
- His main customer is Papyrus and they’re on friendly terms. Asgore is worried about how much and how hard Pap works, so he often gives him a discount. 
- Since his family’s past tragedy, Asgore is kind of nervous around kids. So, when he first met Frisk, he hoped they’d not visit him too often. But to his chagrin, Frisk took an instant liking to him and spends a lot of time at his shop (and steals eats the fresh grown veggies). Now, he’s really grateful for that, because for one, he loves Frisk as dearly as he had his own children, and also because now the tension and mistrust between him and Toriel seem to grow smaller day by day.
- I gave Undyne a pretty basic fisher’s outfit. Alphys basically has Elli from HM’s outfit, just a bit more doctory stuff added. She still has her canon lab coat too.
- In essence, Undyne and Alphys have 2 completely different jobs. Alphys is the resident doctor and Undyne runs the fish market.
Two things. Yes, I know Alphys is more a mechanic than a doctor, she fits the aesthetic though, so she’s the doc now. And no, Undyne being a fisherwoman is not cannibalism, think of it more as a shark hunting smaller fish.
- The reason I lump them together is because they act as the local “smithy”. Alphys is still really tech savvy in this (I mean, Mettaton is still part of this AU), so she takes on most problems with electronics and stuff. For Undyne, I didn’t want to lose her Royal Guard’s Captain image, so she’s really good at handling tools (and weapons, but Al doesn’t let her make them anymore). So basically, if there’s a broken tool, you can be sure that either Undyne or Alphys can fix it.
- As for relationships, those two are still an item. Alphys is still really shy and a shut-off, but since Undyne and Pap become best friends, she gets to know the skelebros better. She and Sans especially get along well, since most of the time Undyne and Papyrus are let loose, they sit back and talk about science-y stuff. (no, Sans doesn’t have a background in science but he’s still into sci-fi)
- Alphys has a bit of a strained relationship with both Asgore and Mettaton.
Back when Chara and Asriel died, it was because of “illness” (maybe poisoning?). Alphys feels awful because with her back then limited knowledge on medicine she couldn’t help the two. Asgore doesn’t hold anything against her but Alphys can’t help but feel guilty.
Alphys still built Mettaton’s body in this one. The two had a really big disagreement, because Mettaton hated the fact the town was going to close, and he couldn’t understand how Alphys could feel otherwise, even more so endorse the idea.
Mettaton, Napstablook, Mad Dummy/Mew Mew:
- Napsta and Dummy are pretty self-explanatory, they got straw hats. Mettaton’s outfit is a bit of a joke cos it’s a play on “work at the top and party at the bottom”. The tie has two different sides, one with the yellow red pattern, the other completely red. His “top part” is the business part, because when he’s on tv or in the mayors’ office, you don’t usually see his feet. The bottom is his party/dance part, cos his dancing/entertainment channels mostly feature his legs. 
- Mettaton, still a robot, Napstablook and Mad Dummy are all still cousins in this AU.
- Originally, they all lived and worked at the Blook Farm, the Animal Farm of this AU. Mettaton, however, despised that simple live and after befriending Alphys and her building him a body, he left the Farm to pursue bigger things. 
- Mettaton runs the local tv network. From weather to game shows, he does it all. He also runs the tailor shop in town that sells his designer clothes and merchandise. After Asgore stepped down, Mettaton also took over the role of town’s mayor and now works towards making the place more known again. Not everybody is happy with him doing that though.
- One of those people is the Mad Dummy. He can’t stand people anyways and he always claims that history would just repeat itself.
- Since the whole family is made of ghosts, they have different dummies and scarecrows they can use to take care of the animals. To mock Mettaton and kinda get back at Alphys for giving MTT such an opportunity, Mad Dummy found the blueprints for the Mew Mew robot and now modelled one of their scarecrows after it. 
- Napstablook isn’t fond of taking over obejcts like his cousins do, so he mostly takes care of the snails. Somehow, he can interact with them even when incorporeal. 
- The two of them run the Inn together. Muffet cooks in the daytime and makes desserts, Grillby manages the bar in the evening. 
- The two still can’t really stand each other but working together like this benefits them both because their rivalry just spurs them on more.
- Even though Grillby is a patient person, somehow Muffet is the only person who riles him up enough to retaliate. (Well, maybe except for Sans, he’s a strong second).
So, basically everything between those two is a challenge in some way. Even if Papyrus doesn’t notice, even his cooking lessons are a challenge for them. 
- Even though they’re constantly bickering, after working together for so many years, there’s a strange level of respect and trust between them. Even if back when they first started this business, they’d pour salt into an already open wound, nowadays they’d know better and just take a step back from the other or even comfort the other (on very rare occasions only). 
- They be dead. Kinda.
Some Characters that’d live in that town too but that I haven’t made designs for:
- Gerson is the original smithy of the town. He’d grown up in a family of smiths, but he’d always had an appreciation for the sea. That’s why, when the town became more deserted and Undyne had a good enough skill level as smith, he took up the Captains hat and now mostly spends his days out on sea. He also ferries people to places if they need him to. Oh, and just like in canon, Undyne learned most of her skills from him.
- Burgerpants is a poor dude Mettaton basically kidnapped when he was trying to get fame in the city. Now Burgerpants works wherever MTT needs him to, be that as cameraman for the tv shows, cashier in his tailor shop or his slave secretary in the mayor’s office.
- MK is Frisk’s best kid friend. MK’s parents are in charge of shipping the goods out of town and paying the individual people. MK’s the one that usually collects the goods at the end of the day.
- Other than that, there are only a few people in town. I’d imagine the older folks or the really young families stayed in town after it was closed. I think the librarby dude would still run the library. Some Snowdin residents like the stone family or the dogs also might still live there. 
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hwascomfort · 2 years
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pairings: ateez x gn!reader
genre: floof | headcanon
warning(s): never ending fluff
WC: no idea
notes: didnt spell check, we die like men
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this dude
tries to hide it and fails massively
the type to be watching your group perform and have stars in his eyes when you show up
will 100% dance slightly without realising it </3
definitely has your albums on his shelf
confidence drops to zero if youre in the same vicinity
avoids any and all eye contact but still manages to accidentally catch your eye
will be very polite
and gentlemanly
will greet you even if it kills him inside
needs a wingman if he ever hopes to properly talk to you
not to worry though
Wooyoung is here 💪🏻
stumbling over his words
woo leaves at some point and hwa just goes =͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪ ‧̣̥̇)
but dw, youre smart
you keep the convo going
and even slip him your number
boy is literally stunned when you walk away
because how in the world did he just land your number?
slowly gains confidence in talking and interacting from then on <3
actually can hide it
for the most part
somehow naintains his professionalism
it's completely mingi's fault that people outside of ateez know he likes you
or at least thats what hongjoong believes
dear mingi had just been doing a vlive
when all of a sudden
you hear your music on in the background
but no singing along??
until hongjoong waltzes into the room mingi is in and sings along to your part </3
literally doesnt even realise because he kept walking past while mingi stared at him like ఠ_ఠ
in joongs next solo vlive, he tries to play it off as he 'really admires you'
literally no one believes it
swears you know when in youre next stage of the song you wink during your part
he is correct
one of your group members gives him your number in passing
heart go boom
completely obvious
in awe every time he sees you
all smiles if youre in the same room
will play your songs on vlives
eyes never leave you
the type to lean his head on his hand when he watches you
also the type to try and talk to you if youre on some type of show together
is a complete sweetheart if he can talk to you
will also learn your latest choreography so he can be in a tiktok with you </3
100% has bought all your albums and has them in his favourite cubby of his shelf
will definitely ask for a picture with you because he needs to have proof he met you (literally no one is asking for proof)
asks for your number after several interactions
is lowkey surprised when you give it O.o
takes full advantage of having your number 🥲
people only know he likes you because he wants them to know
has no shame in liking you
will blatantly say that youre his favourite member of your group
will ask if youre comfortable with him being open about it when you meet though because he swears he saw a video of you looking thrown off when an atiny told you he liked you
he imagined that
but is a very relieved boy when you tell him that it's okay :)
continues to be blatant
will occasionally do singing in his vlives
and will also occasionally sing along to one of your songs if possible
will definitely flex his unusual amount of albums
one day he's on an ep of weekly idol
with your group
kwanghee and eunhyuk come through as wingmen 💪🏻
you two are coincidentally in the same group for almost every game
you give him your number after filming :D
boy is both happy and surprised
takes advantage of having your number in the sweetest way possible
gm/gn texts </3
similar to hwa in a way
genuinely tries to hide it for a while
but one day
he sees you in person
because your groups are on together for a music bank interview
cant help but smile whenever you speak
literally malfunctions when you make eye contact
surprised → confused → happy → conflicted because now people will realise
but back to happy when you smile at him 💃🏻
no longer hides it
will be in awe whenever he sees you perform
is essentially a fan boy when he can talk to you
its so endearing
so blueberry san is just minding his own business
when he has your manager in front of him while holding a bouquet of flowers
is very surprised
bc wtf
is told to give the flowers to you and now he's even more confused
does so anyways and
gets your number and also one of the prettiest smiles ever
happy cat
another mostly obvious boy
kind of
he's very subtle about it
sometimes you'll catch him smilng while your group performs, but not specifically when youre there
will dance to your songs, but not just your part
speaks highly of you but not in a crush way
will look at you when youre there but limits it to be professional
until one day
the two of you are seen speaking in an ateez logbook
no one knows why the clip wasnt cut
but the two of you are in the background
everything seems normal
he laughs whole heartedly at something youve said
continues to stare at you with hearts in his eyes
somehow looks very soft and comfortable as he talks with you
from then on out, its very obvious he likes you
everything remains the same
but the glances are that of a love struck fool
the smiles look brighter during your parts
the voice he uses when he speaks of you is soft but excited
so the next time youre seen together
its no surprise to see the two of you exchanging numbers
also extremely obvious
plays your songs whenever he can
learns the main choreography for your songs as soon as they come out O.o
ALWAYS recommends your group
has had you as his bias since the moment he found your group
goes onto universe to say he wants to do a collab 🥲
is the definition of puppy eyes the first time he sees you in person
cant help but stare at you
lowkey does his witch laugh to make you notice him
you do ಥ_ಥ
talks to you as soon as he realizes
instantly has your attention for the next ten minutes
definitely asks you to sign a piece of paper or sumn
isnt expecting to see your number on there too
by the time he registers it youre already gone 💃🏻
he's the only one who CAN hide it
very well at that
not even the members know
manages to keep it a secret for a year
because he almost never talks about your group
until one fateful day
your song was trending :D
a lovely atiny on a fancall asks him to do the little trend
he does so
even though he looks mildly uncomfortable
is then asked if he likes your group
says yes
somehow it's big news on atiny twitter and such
is it a coincidence that the next show he's on is with your group?
surprisingly, yes
is it surprising when an MC asks Jongho who his bias is? no
he malfunctions
it must feel like the impending doom of when one of the boys is going to kiss jongho
bc the look on his face 💀
says it's you and someone else after some time
the boys and MC tease him tho bc after that he refuses to look in your direction
secrets are unveiled 👹
jaw nearly drops open when you come up to him after filming
is stunned when you give him a piece of paper with your number on it
lowkey asks you why yoou gave it
if the embarrassed look of your face is anything to go by...
yeah he gets his answer from that and that only because you leave :D
is happy tho
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captnjacksparrow · 2 years
Hi, recently I saw a post about that "sasu**** was planned before show even aired (excuse me, wtf) .The beginning of the chapters said that Sasuke has a sweet spot for Sakura. 'you read the manga ' , but you forget the first proof of him liking Sak***. Sasuke even blushed around her like 4 times and winked and smiled at her in the manga (ch 36).Sasuke is shy when around Sak*** and blushes when she does/says anything romantic towards him unlike other (🤣🤮) . He allowing Sak*** to hug him for a while before telling her to let go. Sasuke then throws himself in front of Sakura to protect her from harm,Kakashi swoops in makes Sasuke jealous, As if protecting Sak*** is his duty (duty my a**). Sasuke doesn't reacts to Naruto when he calls him a coward but he reacts when Sak** calls him a Coward (who calls who?) and has the will to fight again(😂) . Sasuke having nightmare when Sak** getting punched in the face, his conscience is telling him that he’ll just let Sak*** die too if he doesn’t wake up in time.He is also clearly jealous that Sak** is smiling, and acknowledging Naruto. Her attention now on Naruto instead of him(I can't 🤣🤣). Sasuke threw away love (Sak***) and friendship (Naruto) (ch 365?) . Sasuke was keeping tabs on Sak*** to be able to know sak*** was a medical ninja. When Sakura randomly charges at Madara Sasuke immediately runs towards Sak** when she gets impaled by Madara meanwhile Naruto is still in shock. Sasuke cared about Sak*** and Kakashi falling to their death inside of the lava when he glances up at them to see if they were okay, then tells Naruto how they were safe. Naruto sees sasu saved Sak** and Kakashi due to his body moving on its own when they were in danger of being infected by the infinite Tsukuyomi. Sasuke’s eyes are hidden upon putting Saku*** in a genjutsu, indicating that he is once again hiding his true feelings".
naru**** post - Kishimoto’s first concept of Hi*** has Naruto in the background with her wearing a necklace of Naruto’s trade mark spiral an artwork made in 1998 before the series published in 1999.Naruto and Hi*** being hinted at all through at the series even years before the manga ended let alone the signs from even pre series".
What's your opinion about this, sparrow?
My Reaction after reading this :
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Sasuke always hides his true feelings, Right???... Even after he married with her for 12 years and for an unforeseeable future, Sasuke would forever hide his true feelings... Because there was never one!!!! 
Naruhina was hinted from 10,000BC, eh?? That epic romance!!!!
Then what was the need for a movie, I wonder?? Instead Kishimoto could've created that Timeless Romance in 700 chapters. If he could make a MinaKushi, why couldn’t he make NaruHina???
Leave that. 
If NH was planned from the beginning, why Naruto (atleast) attempted to kiss Sakura, planning to date Sakura but never heard Hinata’s confession????
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The Author drew them for us to photo manipulate at zero cost of Time and Energy.
How Considerate!!!! 
Is there anything like this for SS or NH??? 
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To my Eyes, Naruto and Sasuke were just exchanging their Deep Rooted Rivalry feelings through their Lips.
If you think they are kissing, Satan will come in your dreams and punish you.
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Kishimoto is not a NaruSasu shipper at all. Especially he didn't cut Sakura out of this picture. And writing the initials of 2 people (N.S) is purely "Brotherly".🤡. 
Don’t you dare think this is a couple thingy!!!
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After knowing that I have this picture in my phone, My male friend gave me a suspicious look that I was into Gay Porn with Vampires and Werewolves.
Can you even believe the embarrassment I felt at that time??? 
No, You won’t.
Oh!!! N and S are definitely not wanking next to each other. They are just in deep meditation while holding their breaths. 
It’s all just some Yoga.... guys!!!!
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Clearly wearing a 'Friend's' face in your Necklace with Heart Shaped pendant is just Friendly. Only in Naruto and Sasuke's case, of course!!!.
But SS/NH photoshop those girls’ face into the pendants and then it becomes Romantic with full of love.
Naruto’s Necklace from first Hokage looks extremely WEIRD!!!!! 
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Sasuke is not at all giving a Blow Job to Naruto. Especially Reddit dudebros commented under this pic as 'Retarded'.
You know what???
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Even for a crack ship like SasuSai.... They have the ultra content from Canon.
Did I say that all these pictures were drawn by Kishimoto himself???
For a ship that was planned from the beginning, Why don’t they have anything like this???? It’s very easy to draw some suggestive pics for a Hetero Ship, Right????
I wonder why couldn't he draw something like this for SS or NH... Atleast once???
He won't. Because,
Kishi is the No.1 SNS shipper. And that's the fact.
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frenchrebelfries · 3 years
Fury’s Daughter
AN: Idk wth I just wrote... I just got this idea so yeah... Happy Reading!
You are the adoptive daughter of Nick Fury, when you were 5 he adopt you when your parents died on a plane crash that was cause by Hydra, your parents and Nick were good friends that’s why he took you in.
You were a smart kid, always analyzing things, Fury told everything to you and never lie. To protect your identity Nick made you a new one as you volunteer to be an agent of Hydra to gain information and was branded by the organization. You did dangerous mission and always getting out alive.
You were then sent back to and joined the Avengers initiative but the avengers were suspicious of you as you came out of nowhere, no files, no nothing but a name and Fury’s trust.
No one knew who you are to protect your identity in recon so the avengers treated you coldly but you didn’t care, you didn’t tell it to your father about the situation you are in because you were train to adapt and you did. You were kind to them and all as you and Natasha got closer… like really close. Out of all Natasha Romanoff is the one you have trusted the most.
You got out from the elevator after a short report you did to Nick about the information you got for the Winter Soldier when you heard the laughing of the team as they sat in the living room with pizza on the table as they talked and laugh at each other.
The laughter halted when they all noticed you and silence came… you knew you were never welcome her but your father trust them so you really had no choice but to put up with it, sensing their discomfort you just gave them a nod greeting them.
“Good evening Avengers” no one answered as you expected and left and went to your room, you heard a light foot steps following you and a hand holding your wrist and seeing a familiar red head you have fallen with for the past few weeks.
“Hey Y/N, I’m sorry about the boys you know how hard headed they are” she sincerely apologized to you as you gave her a soft smile
“it’s ok Natasha, I know they still don’t fully trust me and I understand why, so it’s cool” you replied to her as she looked at you suspiciously searching your face for any lies but you being good at hiding your emotion she immediately gave up when she didn’t find one.
“So… Movie night?” she asked cheekily at you as your brows furrows
“what about the others?” you asked her as she started pulling you towards her room as she shrugged
“they can take care of themselves, come on!”
One day when you were alone practicing in the gym at 6 am of the morning you accidentally took off your clothes leaving you in your sports bra forgetting that Steve Rogers is always awake at that time and saw your Hydra mark on your chest and thought of you as an enemy and told the team as they planned to eliminate you on the next mission.
To eliminate the Hydra scum.
“can I get a hand over here?” you heard Clint said in the coms as you took down the last guy from your floor inside a hydra base that you’ve been recon last week
“I’m coming on your way” you answered running to Clint’s direction knowing the base like the palm of your hands as you shot a Hydra soldier who was sneaking behind him
“Thanks” you nodded at him you continue your pursuit taking down agents as you skillfully glide yourself on the battle field.
The battle had stop when Clint finished the last guy as Steve and Natasha immerge from the control room with a case on hand.
They must have gotten the information
“Mission complete, how’s the perimeter Tony?” Captain said on the coms as you get close to Natasha scanning her for any injuries and sighted in relieve when you found none.
“Perimeter is clear as the sky Steve were ready to go home” you smiled at the thought of home… Fury promised you a dinner with Maria and Coulson when you get back since things have been busy these couple of week and you were really excited about it since it’s going to be your first dinner with them again since you got back from recon.
“time for phase 2 then, Romanoff” you frowned at Steve’s word
Phase 2? You never heard about it when at the briefing
You were still in confusion when Steve called Natasha and you felt a searing pain by your side
You wiped your head to your side seeing a knife… a knife you gifted to Natasha lunge by your side.
You looked at her eyes full of betrayal and so as Clint and Steve who was in there with you.
“Phase 2 complete, were leaving, now die you Hydra scum” Steve said voice full of spite hearing a ‘good job’ from Tony and a ‘let’s go’ from Clint as you fall down on your knees looking at their retreating figure leaving you.
The last one you saw was the red headed assassin taking one last look at you as they close the door as your whole body fall down on the cold ground.
You shakily grabbed your phone dialing your father’s number as he answered rather cheerful
“Y/N why are you calling me? Is your mission done?” you heard your dad’s voice making you tear up a bit
“get your ass here kid Maria and Coulson just arrived here and im about to finish cooking these turkey”
“c-can I have a rain check on the dinner dad… I kinda messed up…” your voice was now shaking and you are feeling colder than usual the blade may have a poison as you felt a burn and getting light headed faster than normal.
Fury must have sense that there is something wrong by the way your voice sounded
“Y/N what happened? Are you ok?” you can hear his voice full of worry as you heard Maria and Coulson from the background asking what’s wrong.
“I-I think I was the p-phase 2 of S-Steve’s plan dad… it’s really g-getting cold here ya know” blood tricked on the ground from your wound
Your vision darken as flashes of memories filled your eyes.
You can hear the shuffles from the other line saying they are tracking my call and will be sending medical help
“I’m s-scared d-dad… I still d-don’t wanna go” you cried,
“Help is on the way Y/N keep holding on I’m here for you kid” you can hear the shakiness of your father’s voice, you kept trying to keep your eyes open and now seeing dark spots forming.
“T-thanks for everything dad… tell Maria and Coulson I love them…” your voice was barely audible hearing their cried for you to wake up.
“Keep your eyes open for me kid… please”
“I-I think a need a nap… l-love you dad” and you were gone.
They kept calling for you but you never answered back.
Fury along with Maria and Coulson with a medical team arrived at the base eyes redden because of crying as they found you on the cold ground with your phone by your side and a stab.
Fury cradle you like a baby as the medic announced your death with Maria and Coulson crying by the side.
“Did you check the monitors?” Fury’s cold voice echoed in a quinjet as your cold body layed beside him with your head on his lap stroking the hair that is covering your face.
“you’re not gonna like it boss…” Maria said with blood shot eyes as she played the video of Steve ordering the Phase 2 and Natasha Romanoff stabbing you as they left you.
“call them up at SHIELD… they would pay for what they did to her” Nick ordered as Coulson took his phone out to call them.
Nick glanced at you as he swiped some blood by your mouth hugging your corpse closer to him.
They avenger’s arrived at SHIELD seeing Fury holding Y/N’s hand as she lay dead on the table with Maria and Coulson by the back holding back their anger.
“what is this Fury?” Steve stepped out in confusion to why they got the body of Y/N
“What is the phase 2 Captain” Nick’s voice was colder than usual
“… to eliminate the Hydra-“ Steve answered as the other’s stayed silent
“and who is the Hydra?”
 Then there’s silence, the team were uncomfortable with the silence but Steve was getting impatient with all of it.
“Look I don’t know what is your point here but you should thank us for killing the mole here Fury”
Fury looked at them as Coulson held Maria who was about to attack Steve as Fury spoke…
   “I see no dead mole here Rogers… all I see is my dead daughter”
  The team’s eyes widen as they froze from there spot
“W-what?” Bruce asked
“Y/N Fury... is my daughter who you called a Hydra scum”
“B-but she had the brand-“
“She had the brand because she was undercover inside Hydra that gave her the mark to extract information for your missions that is saving billions!” Fury angrily shouted making them all flinch.
All of it dawned to them as Natasha fall into her knees realizing she killed a hero… she killed her friend who trusted her… she killed the person who loved her…
“I pulled her out of the recon to keep her safe knowing her all her covers were blown, I put her into your team so she can be protected thinking after all those years of being away we can have a normal dinner like she wanted for years, I trusted my daughter in your hand yet you are the one who killed her…”
Fury stood up tears streaming down on his face
“Avenger Initiative’s termination is effective immediately, all of you would be put in maximum security prison for killing Y/N Fury” Agents entered taking their weapons and cuffing them
 “Nick… I’m sorry” Steve’s voice filled with regret rang out as Fury looked at him coldly throwing a file on the ground in front of him as the content spilled revealing pictures of the Winter Soldier.
 “Y/N wanted to give you this information from the last recon she was put in to, James “Bucky” Barnes is alive and now known as the Winter Soldier who is working for Hydra and has killed thousands”
Steve’s face was full of shock knowing his best friend Bucky is alive…
“I’m sorry to cap…” Fury cut him off and coldly apologies to Steve who is now confuse to why as everyone in the room looked at them in silence.
 “you took someone dear away from me… and now I’m taking yours, Good Bye Avengers and thank you for your service” before Steve and others could react they were all tranquilized knocking them out cold and only waking up in a glass cell with Ross smirking at them as they sat there in silence thinking the things that they have done for you.
“welcome to your new life Avengers…in prison!” and a loud laugh erupted from Ross as he walked out as ex-heroes gazes followed his exit.
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