#(we took a nap bc we were exhausted) but like
volatilechemicalz · 9 months
Apparently the people in my brain forgot that we have this silly thing called a bed because I just woke up with a blanket on me while we were laying on the floor five or so minutes ago
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fanon-canon-idfk · 4 months
aftercare (if ur uncomfortable with the genre pls skip)
where like after masc reader is just too fkin tired to put le boxeres back on so he just sits there tired asf and chuuya is like dude we just finished out it back on 🧍 and ofc dazais gonna be goofy asf like “ooo look at mr show off over hereeeee”
imagine the use of “pretty boy” to m! reader ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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It was yet another day at work in the agency alongside your boyfriend, Dazai
Who was also texting your other boyfriend, Chuuya.
Meanwhile, you were focusing on finishing your work as your phone buzzed in sync with giggles from Dazai sitting in the desk beside you.
The moment you finished your paperwork you looked over to his grinning face with a lifted brow before pulling your phone out and reading your notifications:
Chu Chu 10:47 PM
What are you guys doing?
Osa 10:49 PM
Dying of boredom 💔
Chu Chu 10:49
So you’re doing nothing
Osa 10:50
Chuuya expects so little of me! I’m working very hard!!
Chu Chu 10:50
Whatever I’m going back to work
Ah so that’s why Dazai was giggling.
Such a shame though, he seems so bored again now without anything to do. (bc he refuses to do his work)
So, as the good boyfriend you are, you picked up your phone and started typing.
You 10:52
Don’t be a bully Chu
Chu Chu 10:53
Tf you mean bully???
You 10:53
Poor Osamu is crying now!!!
Right on cue, you hear Dazai giggling again with his phone in his hands. He looks up at you with a giant grin, mischief already riddling his complexion.
Dazai wheels his chair right beside yours and whispers something in your ear, causing you to nod and chuckle to yourself.
Dazai put on a sad face, a pout with some puppy eyes, (Literally this emoji 🥺) and you took a photo of him with your phone.
You 10:55
[Sent an image]
Chu Chu 10:55
Oh stfu
Osa 10:55
Chu Chu 10:55
I’m going back to work.
You 10:56
Osa 10:56
Chu Chu 10:56
Osa 10:57
You 10:57
Chu Chu 10:58
He loves you guys <3
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Chuuya and Dazai had gone off to shower together after the 3 of you had an… intimate moment. You however, decided to shower after them because you were fucking exhausted.
Having two guys in bed with you is a lotta work, who knew.
You stayed laying down on the mattress, an arm over your face as your eyes started growing heavy. Ultimately, you fell asleep for a short nap.
In, what for you felt like a few minutes, Chuuya and Dazai had exited the bathroom with a new set of outfits on.
The second they laid their eyes on you Chuuya spoke up, “Oh what the fuck? You can’t even just put on your boxers??”
You woke up at the sound of his voice, situating yourself to rest on your elbows lazily as you looked back at them both. “Yup. Too much work..” you sighed.
Dazai chuckled, “Oh no, please, do keep yourself as comfortable possible~.” He smirked, eyeing your bare body admiringly.
“Ok- you, go fuckin shower,” he ordered, pointing at you sternly before turning around to Dazai.
“And you- stop fucking looking! I’m not going another round just because you can’t relax!” He shoves his hands over Dazai’s eyes, pushing him and himself out of the bathroom doorway for you to go in.
You sighed tiredly, begrudgingly getting up and grabbing yourself some clothing from the dresser. You groggily walked into the bathroom, leaving Chuuya and Dazai alone.
As you closed the door behind you, Chuuya removed his hands from Dazai’s face, revealing a pouting expression.
“What?” Chuuya questioned,
Dazai just responded simply, “Cockblocker.”
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You were all sitting on the couch watching a movie, yourself sitting in the middle. Dazai had his head resting on your shoulder while Chuuya was locking hands with you.
It was late at night so it was normal for you to be tired, but you didn’t feel like falling asleep in the slightest quite yet, the movie holding your attention a bit too well.
That was until you felt Dazai place a soft peck on your jawline, and you just instantly internally melted.
Your eyes started growing heavy like it was magic, you suddenly didn’t have the strength to even keep your head up! You laid your head atop of Dazai’s, his soft locks not doing you any favors.
You were at war with your eyelids, fighting to keep them open so you could keep watching the movie with your boyfriends.
Chuuya then looked over to you, noticing your battle to stay awake. “Are you falling asleep?” He chuckled, you replied stubbornly “No..”
He just laughed again, sliding his hand around your head and pulling you in to use his lap as a pillow. “It’s ok, pretty boy,” he smiled softly “just get your rest, we can always watch the movie again.”
Dazai watched the scene play out between you two, deciding to join in as he laid down as well. He rested his head onto your chest as he laid on top of you.
“Get your rest, handsome,” he teased, his words accompanied by another soft kiss, this time to your neck.
With that, you accepted your fate. Within just a few seconds, you were out like a light.
“Night sleeping beauty.” Chuuya whispered softly, lulling you further into sleep with a hand in your hair.
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⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ What Of Our Godly And Divine Love
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content: god! leo valdez x goddess! daughter of poseidon! reader fic warning: writing that's gonna make you wanna throw up bc its badddddddd tbh but that's it!! author's note: we started off so strong but then i remembered...i legit hate writing love confessions. they always turn out so cheesy. and also, i got so caught up in the whole 'what are they the gods of' thing and lost the plot but if this sits in my drafts for a moment longer i will just disappear and die and rot and decay and-
following the events of the war against gaea, the seven would summon to olympus. didn't even give them time to catch a nap or anything. in fact, as all eight of them clambered into the elevator - still in their armor and covered in cuts and mud - leo's hair was still smoking and a tiny flame was twinkling. y/n reached up, squishing it out between two fingers. leo glanced up, triedly, before nodding over at her.
"anytime, bucko," she muttered, slumping against the wall next him, her blinks slowing down until the elevator dinged, startling the whole group. they moved out of the elevator and took in olympus, the rows and rows of terracotta buildings, fountains and trees scattered all about, what looked to be an amphitheatre in the foreground. percy and annabeth lead the way, as they knew where they were going.
after trekking a few stairs, which everyone was complaining about by the end, they found the gods. they were arranged like the cabins at camp, looking down at the eight of them from their seats. percy raised his hand to their father in a wave, one their father returned with a nod and smile, his eyes meeting his daughter's for the first time.
"welcome, demigods," zeus spoke, not so much as a smile on his face or any kindness in his voice. y/n and leo glanced over at jason, who turned his view downwards and chewed on his cheek.
"couldn't let me catch some sleep before this," leo muttered, earning him a pointed look from the girl next to him, which he replied with a look of his own.
"no, we couldn't, boy. you're about received the highest and greatest honor we have to offer and you regard me with snark?" zeus snarled, leaning forwards in his seat.
"watch your tone with my boy, zeus," hephaestus huffed from his seat and leo tried his best to hide his smile at the comment, but the daughter of poseidon saw straight through him.
"why are we here?" annabeth cut in, leaning against percy for support. the exhaustion was clear in her voice, which is what they were all feeling. the gods glanced among themselves before turning their attention back to the kids before them.
"we're offering all eight of you godhood."
they all stood still, simply glances being passed between them. honestly, none of them expected that. maybe a pat on the back, a gold star sticker if they were feeling generous, but not godhood. without thinking, y/n wrapped her hand around leo's, tangling their fingers together. he squeezed it, both of them finding comfort in the other's touch.
"well, offer is generous," athena cut in, raising a finger before lacing her hands together and turning to demigods before her, "we insist. you've all done so much for us, we simply must repay the favor."
"i dunno," percy muttered, "i've already told you once-"
"yes, we remember. but we figured, this is slightly different circumstances," zeus cut the boy off, making a point to look at annabeth. percy held his hands up before clapping them together and spinning around to the group behind him, waiting for his words.
"okay, huddle up. we're gonna talk this through."
"well, we don't really-" athena tried but percy just raised a hand to her.
"i said, we're gonna talk it through, thank you," he replied, not even taking his eyes off the group that huddled around him.
"okay, okay. all in favor of godhood, raise your hand," percy started. frank, hazel, piper, and jason raised their hands. percy nodded his head before looking down at annabeth, who was still tucked into his side. she seemed to be deep in thought before she looked up at him, tilting her head.
"i go where you go. it doesn't matter to me as long as youre there," she told him, firmly. percy nodded, taking in this information too, before lifting his and annabeth's interlocked hands.
"fuck it," y/n muttered, raising her hand too. leo laughed lightly before throwing his hand up as well, giving the hand that was still held in his a tight squeeze.
"alright, let's do this. fuck, we're gonna make terrible gods," percy muttered, earning a laugh from the group. they all shared glances, idiots with their hands raised, and knew that annabeth was right, like normal. it didn't matter because they were together. now for eternity, but that's just a minor detail.
"don't worry, you guys won't be in charge of anything major or really all that important!" apollo cheered from his seat, beaming a smile at them.
"oh, jeez, thanks," leo huffed with a roll of his eyes. once again the girl gave him a shove and look, but she was struggling to hide her smile. leo smirked to himself, proud to have gotten to her, even if it was just a little bit.
they granted godhood by age, figuring that was the easiest. techincally, hazel should have been first but i guess the gods didn't see it that way as they called jason up first. hera gave him a proud smile as they announced what he was the god of - static from balloons and broken staplers. he rolled his eyes in a light hearted manner, shaking his head as leo and piper wheezed with laughter. then it was annabeth's turn. athena couldn't seem to hide her proud smile as annabeth was dubbed the goddess of coffee rings and lost hair ties. the group of teens couldn't help but giggle at the silliness, annabeth especially.
next up was percy, who was entitled the god of secret handshakes and broken fishing line. he laughed, clinging onto annabeth, his joy oozing from him. poseidon couldn't seemed to hide is laughter either. you were next, unhappily removing your hand from leo's and stepping up. you glanced over at your father, who smiled widely at you before shooting a playful wink your way. you were named the goddess of broken seashells and ships in bottles. leo was shaking with laughter, you rolling your eye at the boy and sticking your tongue out at him playfully.
following you was piper, who was labelled the goddess of chipped nail polish and teens who couldn't pass their drivers tests. aphrodite was sitting up straighter than before, her chest puffed out in pride as piper snorted with laughter, draping her arm around you as the two of you laughed together. then it was frank, who shyly took the title of god of missing pet posters and maple syrup. he was quite proud of the maple syrup one, the canadian in him overjoyed.
finally, it was leo's turn. he was christened as the god of monkey wrenches and broken matches. he turned to y/n, raving about how much he loved a good monkey wrench. she couldn't help but shake her head at the boy, quickly reconnecting her hand with his own. and last, but certainly not least, was hazel. i have the great honor of introducing you to the goddess of cheap party jewelry and colorful eyeliner.
and that was that. you guys were forced to abandon the muddy clothes you wore, trading them in for robes and sandles and laurels. no one complained too much about that one. percy and annabeth got married as soon as they could, hera refused to do it but aphrodite was more than happy to go behind her back and bless the godly couple. everyone else was just settling in, getting used to being allowed to relax and not have the weight of the world on your shoulders.
you spent this time thinking of leo, thinking about the fact that you wished you'd said something about your feelings before agreeing to godhood. sure, you guys were close and touchy but...that was just leo. he flirted with anything that moved, which included you and your lovesick heart. following the godhood agreement, you figured leo would be right on his way to get with any nymph, dryad, or mortal that he saw fit. and you refused to turn out like hera, a wife stuck in a loveless marriage. forever.
at least, that's what you thought. it's been maybe a few weeks - honestly, it was kinda hard to keep track of on olympus - when leo came running up to you. he'd tripped over his toga a few times and his laurel nearly fell from his curls but he looked just as dashing as ever. in fact, you couldn't seem to find too much a difference between god leo and demigod leo, he was still the same goofy boy you'd fallen in love with.
"y/n, y/n, y/n, wait up-" he huffed, bending over and resting his hands against his thighs as he caught up to you, sucking breath back into his lungs.
"yes, leonidas?" you teased, having found his full name to be proper of a god. he rolled his eyes.
"ha, ha very funny. no, i'm here on serious matters," leo insisted, standing up straight and staring at you as his joking smile slipped off his face. this caused you to strand straighter too, your eye brows pitching together in worry.
"what's up? something wrong-"
"i talked to aphrodite," he started and you added a frown to your face, your head tilting at the boy.
"that's what you came to tell me-"
"would you just- just let me finish," leo cut in, holding his hands up, causing his laurels to slip once more. he groaned, shoving them back up before reverting his eyes back to you.
"i talked to aphrodite."
"yes, you already said."
"me, talking. you, shushing."
"alright, alright," you agreed, holding your hands up before making a zipper motion over your lips.
"she- she mentioned something and i just- i can't stop thinking about it. y/n, you're my percy. wait, that sounds wrong- no, but, you get the idea, right?? aphrodite said that we were fated, bound by souls or something, i dunno the logistics but i do know that she's right. i don't see myself with anyone else, haven't since the moment we've met," leo rambled, talking widely with his hands and keeping his eyes trained on the bottom of your baby blue toga, his adhd taking over his mouth.
"hmm?" he stopped, his eyes instantly darting to yours, which were looking at him with such a fondness that had his chest clenching.
"you're my annabeth, too. i don't care what aphrodite said or what the fates have to say. if you'll have me, i'll be yours and you can be mine," you joked, holding your godly hand out for his. he chuckled, easily tangling his hand with yours and pulling you closer by it. instantly, you wrapped your arms around his arm and his free hand found purchase on your waist.
and the two of you stayed like this, no rush in either of you. the two of you were overly aware of the fact that you had forever like this. forever to have and to hold, forever to cherish and to love. there was no need to rush this godly and divine love.
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pinchofhoney · 8 months
Because I wanna spread the "we need more Belphagor" message, how about something with him? Platonic or romantic is your choice but we need more content for him bc he's so :))))
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on the verge of a fever
belphegor x fem!reader
word count: 2.7k
warning: the way his character appears in the show has been changed for the purposes of this story; basically, here god is not trying to ruin the whole world, mention of drinking alcohol
summary: Ever wondered if Hell hosts Monopoly nights?
a/n: belphagor is my spirit animal. when you text me, it's the person who writes you back lmao my profile currently looks like a fan club of your requests, but it's not my fault that my obsession with this series is back and you're the only one with ideas related to it. i hope you enjoy it!!<33
pages that may interest you: masterlist ♡ taglist ♡ who i write for
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gif is not mine, credit to the owner
Guiding Sam and Dean towards the bunk stairs, you couldn't help but notice the genuine concern etched on Sam's face. He leaned in, his tone brimming with sincere care, and gently reminded you, “You know, if you ever need a hand, just remember that Castiel is just a phone call away.”
This morning's awakening had thrown you a curveball. At first, you brushed off the strange sensations coursing through your body, thinking they were caused by the aging mattress beneath you. Yet, with each passing moment, that peculiar feeling escalated into something far more troubling. It clung to you like an insistent itch, impossible to ignore, casting an unsettling shadow over your day.
Now, wrapped snugly in the comforting cocoon of your soft, pink blanket, you found yourself ensnared in the relentless grip of a fever. Your body radiated heat, and every movement became a battle against the oppressive weight of illness. The sole lifeline keeping you tethered to the realm of the living was the medication within easy reach.
Summoning a faint smile, you struggled to reassure Sam, who always kept a watchful eye, despite the fatigue evident in your voice. “I'll handle it,” you whispered, your words carrying a hint of exhaustion.
Trying to make the serious mood a bit lighter, you couldn't resist adding a touch of playful sarcasm. “Well, maybe you should head out before your God buddy decides it's time to disappear once again.”
After saying goodbye to the Winchesters, you headed back to your bed. You didn't want to bother Castiel with your problems; you knew he had more important things to worry about than a grown-up hunter catching a simple cold.
As you entered your room, you couldn't help but grumble to yourself. Why did it seem like Sam and Dean never got sick? You were used to risking your life to hunt supernatural creatures, and now, on top of that, you had to deal with a fever. It just didn't seem fair. You plopped down on the edge of your bed, feeling frustrated. This illness was not only physically uncomfortable but also a reminder that even tough hunters like you had to face everyday human struggles.
Ridiculous, you thought.
You took a quick look on the mirror standing in the corner, then let out a sigh of annoyance and laid down on your bed, giving in to a sense of resignation. You didn't even notice when you drifted off to sleep.
Hours later, you slowly opened your eyes, hoping to find some relief from the persistent illness that had plagued you. However, as your vision cleared, you realized that you felt even worse than before. It was as if the fever had intensified during your restless slumber, wrapping you in a suffocating embrace.
With a groan of discomfort, you pushed yourself upright, your head pounding with every movement. The room seemed dimmer, and the last rays of daylight coming from the corridor appeared harsh and unforgiving. Your throat was parched, and your limbs felt heavy as if they were made of lead.
Casting a rueful glance at the clock, you realized that time had slipped away during your troubled nap. It was as though the fever had stolen not only your strength but also precious hours from your day.
You came close to grabbing your phone and calling Castiel, but you resisted, refusing to give in to a moment of vulnerability – or so you tried to convince yourself.
Struggling considerably, you managed to shift your legs off the bed and, with an effort that would make an elderly man with mobility issues proud, you stood up. Your own sigh of discomfort mirrored the sound one might expect from someone in such a situation. You briefly caught a glimpse of your reflection in the mirror, mentally noting how pitiful you appeared, before making your way into the hallway, your feet dragging wearily behind you.
The bunker had settled into an eerie quietness, broken only by the weighty sound of your footsteps. As you made your way into the main room, your initial plan to head to the opposite corridor was interrupted by an abrupt rustling in a dimly lit corner of the space.
Your tired eyes strained to identify the source of this disturbance. Could it be a mere product of your fevered imagination? You wouldn't be surprised if your illness had started playing tricks on your mind. After all, nobody else was supposed to be allowed in the vast bunker.
And then, right there, bathed in the soft, muted glow of the bunker's emergency lighting, stood a figure you never anticipated encountering. Your heart skipped a beat, your breath caught in your throat, and your fever-addled brain could only muster one thought; Jack. Why was he here? What was happening? Wasn't he...?
“Jack?” you questioned hesitantly, your gaze darting around the room in search of some evidence that you were still ensnared in a dream.
The figure before you smirked. It wasn't the gentle, innocent smile of Jack. It was something darker, more twisted. Your fevered mind raced to find an explanation. Maybe it was the fever. Yes, that had to be it. You were conjuring this surreal scene in your delirium.
“Hello,” greeted the boy, lifting his right hand in a welcoming gesture, mirroring the way Jack used to.
Confusion knitted your brows as you unconsciously took a cautious step toward this familiar-looking stranger, clutching your blanket tightly around you. Your scrutiny intensified as you examined him closely. The person before you was dressed in the same attire as the last time you saw Jack, but it couldn't possibly be him. Jack Kline had met his demise, so why was he standing before you now?
Your gaze wandered to the sunglasses perched on the boy's face, and you couldn't help but shake your head with a hint of amusement. You swiftly turned away, fully convinced that your need for medication was far more pressing than entertaining these unsettling hallucinations. As you made your determined exit, you could almost hear a faint chuckle from behind you.
“Leaving so soon? And here I was, hoping for some company,” the boy, or rather, the entity inhabiting the boy's body, remarked with a sly grin, his voice dripping with faux disappointment. His sunglasses hid the fiery void that should have been his eyes, concealing his true nature as he attempted to blend in.
You paused, feeling an inexplicable mix of curiosity and unease. There was something off about this whole situation, and it wasn't just the fact that you were conversing with someone who looked like Jack but couldn't possibly be him. The aura this stranger exuded was friendly yet laced with an unsettling undercurrent of something more sinister.
“Why are you here?” you asked, your voice trembling slightly despite your best efforts to maintain composure.
The boy's smile widened, revealing a veneer of friendliness that barely concealed his sadistic amusement. “Oh, I was getting dreadfully bored down in Hell. Thought I'd stretch my legs, so to speak.”
His casual tone and the way he spoke about Hell as if it were a mundane inconvenience sent a shiver down your spine. This was no ordinary encounter, and you couldn't help but wonder if your fever had conjured up this bizarre scenario.
“I'm Belphegor,” the demon chimed in, noting your dubious expression. “Just a temporary tenant, you know? This body was basically vacant real estate, so I thought, 'Why not?' I mean, squatters' rights and all,” he quipped, nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders as if discussing his choice of a new apartment. His grin remained as inscrutable as ever, a blend of friendly and utterly unsettling.
You couldn't help but raise an incredulous eyebrow at the demon's cavalier attitude. This was a new low, even for the world you lived in.
“Squatters' rights, huh?” you muttered, not sure whether to be amused or deeply disturbed by his casual demeanor. “Well, congratulations on your, uh, new accommodations.”
Belphegor chuckled, the sound a disconcerting blend of mirth and something far more alarming. “Thanks, I think it suits me. But, you know, I'm not all that bad once you get to know me,” he added with a wicked grin, as if trying to convince you that sharing a body with a demon was just a quirky and harmless coincidence.
Your instincts told you otherwise, and you couldn't help but wonder how deeply the Winchesters were embroiled in whatever bizarre deal this demon had cooked up.
“So, um,” you began, feeling a little like you were fumbling through a conversation with a distant relative you'd rather not acknowledge at a family reunion. The situation was beyond awkward, standing there face-to-face with a demon who had chosen to squat in a body you knew all too well. “Care for a drink?”
If you could, you would have rolled your eyes right then and there, but you had to maintain some semblance of composure. You knew you should be taking action, maybe calling the brothers or attempting to exorcise Belphegor, but your phone was conveniently left behind in your room, and it seemed that the universe had a thing against including demon-killing pockets in your pajamas.
Belphegor's lips curved into a wicked smile, his amusement clear despite the sunglasses concealing his eyes. “Well, aren't you the hospitable one,” he quipped, as if being invited for a drink by the friend of his borrowed body was a regular occurrence.
You couldn't help but chuckle nervously, the absurdity of the situation sinking in. “I figure if I can't beat the demon, I might as well join it for a drink,” you replied with a wry grin, attempting to keep things light, even though your mind was racing with thoughts of what to do next.
As you both made your way to the kitchen, you couldn't shake the feeling that you were walking on thin ice, navigating a situation that seemed to defy all logic. Sharing a drink with a demon in your pajamas was definitely not how you had planned to spend your day, but sometimes, but sometimes you had to improvise.
Entering the kitchen, you were determined to play it cool, all the while keeping a close eye on the boy. You grabbed a bottle of Dean's favorite liquor from the cabinet, figuring that if this was going to be a bizarre demon rendezvous, you might as well make it a memorable one.
“Here's to unexpected company,” you said with a somewhat forced cheerfulness as you poured two glasses, trying your best to hide the anxiety gnawing at your nerves.
Belphegor accepted the drink with a bemused nod, raising his glass in a mock toast. “To unlikely alliances,” he replied, his tone dripping with amusement.
While he was distracted with his drink, you seized the opportunity to grab a glass of water and discreetly pop a couple of fever-killing pills. You hoped that once the medication kicked in, the demon might just decide to take his leave, making this weird encounter nothing more than a fever-induced hallucination.
Sipping your water and pretending to engage in the odd conversation, you silently counted the minutes until the medication would hopefully bring some relief.
As the time passed, you couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter was all too real. The fever medication had begun to work its magic, and you felt a wave of dizziness wash over you, courtesy of the combination of drugs and alcohol. Your head was spinning like a top, and you realized that your attempt to blend in and have a normal conversation with a demon was spiraling into absurdity.
“So,” you slurred slightly, trying to focus your blurry gaze on Belphegor, “what's it like down there in Hell? I mean, besides the whole eternal torment thing. Do you guys have, like, a book club or a knitting circle to pass the time?”
Belphegor raised an eyebrow, his amusement evident even through those opaque sunglasses. “Well, it's not all fire and brimstone, you know,” he replied with a mock-serious tone, playing along with your bizarre line of questioning. “We do have our demon potlucks, and occasionally, a game night with some fiendishly fun board games.”
You couldn't help but giggle at the mental image of demons huddled around a Monopoly board in Hell. The combination of fever-induced delirium and the surrealness of the situation had turned the conversation into a comical farce.
“What's your favorite board game, then?” you asked, leaning in closer as if discussing board games with a demon was the most normal thing in the world.
Belphegor chuckled, his sinister amusement undiminished. “Twister,” he replied with a sly grin, and you couldn't tell if he was joking or not.
Lost in the absurdity of your conversation with the demon, you paid little attention to the strange sounds echoing through the bunker. It was as if the very walls were whispering secrets, and you chalked it up to your fevered imagination playing tricks on you.
Belphegor was in the middle of describing a particularly demon version of a summer vacation when a sudden, unexpected voice pierced through the haze of your conversation.
“Y/N” Castiel's deep voice resonated through the kitchen, his sudden appearance causing you to jump so violently that you almost knocked over your glass.
You turned to see Castiel standing in the entrance to the kitchen, his blue eyes penetrating the sunglasses-clad Belphegor with a steely gaze. The demon's expression shifted from amusement to surprise as he realized the presence of an angel.
“Castiel!” you exclaimed, your heart racing as you struggled to regain your composure. “I, uh, didn't expect to see you here.”
Belphegor's amusement seemed to wane as he met Castiel's unwavering gaze. The room fell silent, and the atmosphere shifted from surreal absurdity to a tense standoff between angel and demon.
“What does this supposed to mean?” Castiel asked, his voice steady as he approached the countertop where you were seated, sliding a blade out of his sleeve.
You quickly rose from your seat, wanting to calm the situation. The absurdity of the situation, in which you, in a pink blanket, wanted to defend a demon who could kill you with a snap of your fingers, did not reach you.
“That's Belphegor,” you stammered, your voice wavering as confusion and uncertainty welled up. You realized you had no real justification for the demon's visit. “I-I have no idea why he's here, but he's... uh, he's cool.” Trying to defend the demon only earned you doubtful glances from both Castiel and Belphegor, making this already weird situation even more confusing.
“I've got an offer that might catch the Winchesters' attention,” the demon said as he stepped forward from behind you.
Castiel's expression darkened as he confronted the demon, anger simmering just beneath the surface. “Taking Jack's body... this is desecration,” he hissed, his voice carrying the weight of his disapproval. The angel's gaze bore into Belphegor, as if willing him to understand the gravity of his actions.
You stepped in between the two, desperately trying to ease the mounting tension. “Look, I know this is... complicated,” you began, your voice trembling slightly with the weight of the situation. “But maybe Belphegor has something important. We should hear him out before we jump to conclusions.”
Belphegor, for his part, maintained his sly grin, unfazed by Castiel's anger. “I'm just a demon trying to make the best of my situation,” he chimed in, his tone almost cheerful. “Besides, the vessel was just sitting there, collecting dust. I thought it could use some fresh air, you know.”
Castiel clenched his jaw, clearly struggling to contain his frustration. “It's not about the vessel, it's about respect and dignity.”
Before Castiel could retort further, the kitchen door swung open, and Sam and Dean walked in. Their faces registered a mix of surprise and confusion as they took in the scene before them. The room was filled with a charged silence, broken only by the creak of the door.
“What's going on in here?” Dean finally asked, breaking the awkward standoff. His gaze shifted from you to Castiel and then to Belphegor, who was still wearing that boyish grin beneath those stupid sunglasses.
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itzynabi · 2 months
born to be world tour: seoul
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— if you thought a little extreme physical exhaustion was gonna stop her from performing with her members, you were wrong
— but she also rested the entire week except for practices (she only did one music show perf for until spring on mucore)
— she didn’t use as much energy as usual just because her health rn is 👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾 but best assured she is a performer
— mr. vampire is HER song guys, like, the babygirl that she is OMG😩
— and then the little break before the solo stages
— when i tell you this girl was snacking backstage during chaeryeong’s performance (after changing into her outfit ofc)
— granted her snacks were to ensure she’d have enough energy, but miss girl was swinging her feet and twirling her hair as she ate her snacks
— she’s no fucking angel, she’s no fucking goddess‼️‼️
— nobody thought she was gonna swear but she did
— and the choreo *chef’s kiss*
— then back to backstage to change and rest some more
— she almost took a power nap, but all her naps turn into 4 hours of unconsciousness
— listen she’s a dynamite truther so you know she slayed during that performance
— and she’s also a not shy girlie so… the dance was dancing
— time for ments
— nabi: honestly, the number one song i was looking forward to performing was icy. i was looking forward to performing it, but it isn’t on the tracklist 😔 it breaks my heart, but at least not shy is here 😕
— during the more freestyle stages (no choreo just fun) the members checked on nabi’s condition
— at some point ryujin pulled her to sit down together and just vibe
— during the encore stage, her and yuna swapped mics so they could hear each other in their in-ears
— and it was chaos😭😭😭
— nabi’s voice is naturally a bit loud so yuna was suffering (one reblog is one prayer for yuna 🙏🏾)
— day 2 let’s go!
— since it was the second day she was better at controlling her energy
— you can say many things about nabi, but you cant say she isnt a performer
— bcs how the hell did she turn born to be into a babygirl anthem 😭😭
— the transition from the other members being girl crush personified to her smiling so big and being so cute gave everybody whiplash
— but then she started being on her hot girl shit immediately after
— and second day of no angels and no goddesses
— dynamite was made for her
— perfect balance between girl crush and cutie girl galore
— and psychic lover her beloved
— nabi singing love is to yeji with the biggest smile the world has ever seen
— ment time lets go!!!
— “the members are very… i’m very grateful to have them in my life. i hope we stay together for a long time and continue to love each other the way we do now. thank you for allowing me to be in your lives and to cry with you, laugh with you, sing with you… thank you for everything. crazy things are going to happen this year, but all six of us will get through it together”
— and she started tearing up as she was speaking🥺🥺 but she couldn’t handle the attention so “that’s all i have to say, stop looking at me”
— then she made eye contact with lia in the crowd and started crying
— nabi: and you havent *sobs* even been *sobs* to *sobs* my apartment yet *sobs*
— then it turned into yuna and nabi hugging each other while crying
— yuna: unnie *sobs* said if lia unnie doesn’t *sobs* like her *sobs* apartment *sobs* then she’ll move out
— then you’ve got ryujin “but when we sent jisu unnie the photos, she said it was cute”
— it was just crying and crying
— yeji, ryujin, and chaeryeong trying to get the oldest and youngest to stop crying
— chaeryeong: unnie, your parents are telling you to wipe your tears and stop crying
— “my parents are here😭😭? do you WaNt Me To CrY a RiVeR??”
— somebody please get this girl tissues bcs it was getting ugly atp😭😭😭
— and midzys are watching all of this happen mind you
— tuna crying and holding onto each other went viral and you know it!
— but then they both calmed down
— nabi: i need to take a nap
— and lets go home everybody!
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tagging: @seolboba // @ateezivy // @ateezjuliet // @cafemilk-tea // @smh-anon // @alixnsuperstxr // @cosmicwintr // @girlzwfun // @txt-yaomi // @moongrlz // @novwonia
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©️ kim nabi
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theworldoffostering · 10 months
I am beside myself. We are back in the national parks and spent today at one of the lakes. DH’s friends from ID came over and we did a picnic lunch with them. It was a really nice day. We then got ice cream and headed back to our campsite to get dinner made.
People were cranky from being in the sun all day and probably travel and being hungry. I was talking to my mom about my dad, and texting with my cousin (her grandma is in the hospital on hospice apparently) and taking each of the little kids for a walk around the loop to try to create some separation and space for everyone.
DS and Ms. 6 were doing nothing to help. Ms. 6 stayed in the tent most of the day bc she's mad and wants to go home. I asked the teens to take a walk. They did and when they came back we were almost ready to eat. Ms. 6 said she wasn't eating and again stated she wanted to go home.
Two minutes later she took off running and took DS with her. I had to report them missing to a park ranger and they put out a BOLO.
Within one minute of the BOLO going out, they were found but then Ms. 6 asserted to the ranger once again that I am abusing her! And then she told the ranger I was abusing DS! And DS went along with it. Didn't deny it.
The ranger that found the kids was one of the ones that helped us last year when we had this scenario and she was so mad at me--basically yelled at me saying that I was now back for the second summer and I had TWO kids accusing me of abuse. So it once again turned into a whole thing.
They wanted me to have proof that I wasn't abusing the kids. Thankfully, I managed to get DS's therapist on the phone at 9pm and one of the people that is in our home doing life skills weekly with the kids. Ms. 6 instructed DS not to speak to his therapist. Ms. 6's therapist never picked up.
Ms. 6 was aggressive even with park rangers present and the police said they could arrest her based on her actions (attempted assault on me in front of them and resisting an officer) but they didn't want to bc she would then be released in town and have nowhere to go. They also considered a 72 hour hold but it would have also resulted in her being released in town with nowhere to go (we are supposed to leave this morning for home). So they basically spent three hours de escalating while I cried my eyes out and tried to not go into shock (my entire body was shaking due to the adrenaline). Then a ranger drove them back to our campsite and dropped them off where H and E were crying hysterically from the stress and saying they didn't feel safe with Ms. 6.
I am beyond sad this happened AGAIN and things have been absolutely fine--smooth even with Ms. 6 on this trip but something was bothering her this morning. I asked her about it. She had a lot of attitude but I just let that roll off. I asked her what she needed. Provided suggestions and eventually asked her if she wanted a nap. She said she did so that's what she did. Before she laid down, I asked her if I could give her a hug and she said yes so I did and felt like we were okay.
Ms. 6 snap chatted with her biological family the entire time the police were managing the situation. Clearly not taking anything too seriously.
I then spent another two hours in the tent with them while they smugly giggled about how great they are. I cried again. Talked to them. Tried to explain why this was not okay. Tried to explain what could be done differently. Said I was glad they were not in jail or the hospital. Radio silence.
I stayed n the van with H and E while DH slept in the tent with the other four.
I'm exhausted. I'm so sad. Idk what to do. I'm not sure how we will make the 20 hour drive home tomorrow. I cannot ever travel with Ms. 6 again. I know DS’s therapist wants DS separated from Ms. 6 but Ms. 6 is being super manipulative. Do I tell her she cannot live at home any more? How do I create felt safety for everyone when she continues to do this?
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crispy-bonnie · 1 year
Fluff wolf x reader please *grabby hands*
lmao WOLF SIMP WOLF SIMP no but really , i’m willing to write that for ya lmao . hope ya like this ✨ reader is masc so that you can stim even harder over this . please don’t strangle me when we get back to school
oh and note — this is heavily based off of a bunch of character.ai things that i wrote with the hoxton bot because i’m a sucker for comfort things lmao another note , post-writing :: i tried writing this in third-person but i hated it lmao . next req is gonna be in second-person bc yes
Cushions — WOLF X READER
It was a quiet night at the safe house. Aside from the soft sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze, the only sound that could be heard was the clicks on a TV remote and the various channels that the holder was flicking through.
The person in question was Wolf, who had volunteered to stay at the safe house overnight. The only reason why he volunteered is because of his partner, [H/N], who was on a heist late at night. Wolf wanted to make sure that he would come home safe and so that the two could cuddle for a while since the safe house was pretty much left all to them.
His hopes came true as he heard the subtle noise of a vehicle's engine approaching the safe house gates, aforementioned gates soon swinging open before the sight of the vanilla white and mint green painted van rolled in. The driver, who was adorned in black and had an all-too-familiar mask obscuring their face, hopped out of the driver's seat for a moment as they went to shut and lock the gates.
It wasn't long before said driver was back in the van and slowly making his way to the now opening garage, the engine coming to a soft halt as soon as he rolled the vehicle in. The garage doors starting to close once more, Wolf observed as the heister who had been driving the van stepped out, slamming the car door behind him before undoing and tossing his mask to the side.
The Swedish heister couldn't help but let out a snort upon seeing his beloved's now somewhat crimson tinted cheeks and disheveled hair, his heavy eyes showing how clearly exhausted that the poor guy was.
"Hehe, you doin' okay? You look like you ran a whole marathon." Joked Wolf as [H/N] trudged his way towards the couch that he was seated on. His expression of amusement flickered to concern for only a moment as [H/N] fell forward and landed face-first on the couch that he was sitting on, his concerned look soon morphing into a warm smile as he carefully pulled his hood down from his head.
"Do you want to take a nap? It's just going to be us two here for the night." He offered, rubbing his beloved's back gently as he tried to encourage him to move just a little closer to him. All it took was [H/N]'s small noise of approval before Wolf gently gripped him by the torso, letting him grip onto his arms as Wolf pulled him into his lap gently.
[H/N]'s head was now resting comfortably on Wolf's thighs, his tense form seeming to relax into the other's warmth as the TV switched off. The only noises filling the air were the cool breeze from outside the windows and the soft breathing of Wolf's exhausted partner.
"There you go. Rest up, Älskling." He whispered softly, cracking a small smile as [H/N] relaxed his weight onto him. Though it felt like hours, it was only a few minutes before the two of them were fast asleep on the couch.
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riewritten · 1 year
i thought abt sharing this to my art blog bc... art... but then this is something i'm writing for school rn so i'm sharing it here instead ( ´ ◡ ` )
the story prompt i did last 2021 was pitched to one of my writing classes (TV script making). last sunday, a groupmate was thinking about making a character sketch (like the document) but i thought about making a literal sketch 😭
chau asked if i plan to turn this into a comic (@frenchdyer ily i wouldn't even share this here if not for your words of encouragement ILY). i need to ask permission from my groupmates first but if they ever agree, i think i'll work on this one! aAaHhHHHhHHh
for the context of character sketch, BLUE indicates the past whereas PINK indicates the present design.
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her design was heavily inspired by csm's asa mitaka bc they share the same attitude and (a bit of) upbringing!
so the working premise of this story is that our main character, LISA (20), takes a tired nap at the nearby convenience store after catering to her sister's funeral. however, when she opens her eyes again, she finds herself in a timeline five years before her sister, KRISTA, died! as her uncanny encounter ensues, she targets one goal: seek revenge for the people who had bullied her, which, she believes, were the primary reason why her sister ended up dying.
moving on to the next character, we have MAXON (20)!
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indeed, he is basically erwin smith with black hair. i mean, maxon is an intelligent boy (student council, too!) so i thought, why not integrate the commander in his physique? tho ofc, he is far from erwin's personality. we made him a very flawed human being.
he is a former co-worker of LISA's sister, KRISTA, at the minimart 5 years ago. he also used to be LISA's classmate.
during funeral, MAXON tries to initiate a conversation with LISA only to no avail because our protagonist isn't in the mood to talk. funny enough, he was also at the convenience store LISA took a nap in. MAXON closed his eyes & heaved a sigh due to forlorn, but then finds himself in the same disposition as LISA when he opens his eyes again—in his 15 y/o body five years ago, at the classroom, and KRISTA is still alive.
to make things more fun, MAXON and LISA will not have a clue about their disposition (like, LISA would assume that the MAXON she talks to is none but a measly kid and vice-versa).
as MAXON's regret lurks around his mind, he sets two goals: to change the way he acted with LISA's bullying incident at school and help the two sisters the best way he can. WHY THE REGRET, THOUGH? because in the original timeline, MAXON was as a mere bystander. even when LISA's disposition worsened that came to a point of dropping out of school and having KRISTA work more to support her therapy, MAXON did nothing.
the last main character would be KRISTA, whom funeral was depicted in episode 1.
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no particular inspiration for her charac design but now that i look at it, she resembles the OC i made in dusk in the brightest, which, apparently, loves her younger sibling to her very core too.
LISA and MAXON blame themselves for her death bc of its probable cause: heart failure due extreme stress and exhaustion. that, and KRISTA refused to have her heart conditon treated properly bc financial constraints and her priority over LISA’s disposition). to put it simply, she will be the center of MAXON and LISA’s motivations as they go back in time to change things.
here's the catch: it is ambiguous if they really did travel time or it was none but collective fragments of their imagination to cope with the grief.
for now, our group are onto making the manuscript. i'll ask them if it would be possible for me to turn this into a comic afterward lol.
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cherrypeaking · 11 months
good morning baby~ 🥺🩵 it's finally friday!! we made it to the end of the week!
this week has felt so long and exhausting yet somehow the time i spend with you everyday feels like it zooms by ;; i wish there were 100 hours in a day so i could spend them all with you 🥺🥺 talking to you everyday isn't enough i need to sleep on your ceiling or live in your walls or something shdjhsg i'm always so thankful for the time we spend together everyday, i love my cherry time so much but lately it feels like i miss you even more than usual >< i didn't even think that was possible!!
speaking of cherry time, while i'm happy i got this new job i'm so scared it's gonna cut into my time with you :( obviously i will always make time for you no matter what bc i love you and while i doubt the tasks i'll be given will be too difficult or time consuming, i always prefer having time with you with little to no interruptions >< i just have to remember that i'm doing this so i can have some quality time with my hot choco fairy in the early winter 🥺🥺🥺🩵🩵 i want to be with you and hold your hand so badly my love ;3; 🩵🩵🩵
since i'm back on my #employedgirl shit, i went to the grocery store and bought stuff for food prep :> i'm gonna start making salads everyday like i used to but i also bought sushi bc i can't resist a good shrimp tempura roll 😩😩😩
i didn't get to do my miniatures today since the day kinda got away from me (i took the world's sweatiest nap i swear dhjshg but the dream i had... 😳😳🤭🤭 i'll have to tell you all about it~) but i'll probably work on it some more this weekend~ every time i look at all the little furniture i have to put together i think about you and how tiny you are 🥺🥺🩵🩵 my sweet baby is so little~
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i was thinking about how much you like pretty pink makeup (which is so cuute it's so you~ 🥺🥺🥺) and i saw this 4ce stuff on pinterest at the perfect time <3 pretty pink makeup + pretty pink princess taehyun = ultimate cherrycore 🥺🥺🩷🩷🩷
i'm missing you so much rn my baby love 🥺🥺🥺🩵🩵 i hope you slept well and i hope your shoulder is finally feeling better! i think i'm feeling good to get back into stretching but i have a tendency to push things so i think i'll give myself another day to chill just in case ><
i love you so much my sweet~ i'll always be here for you no matter what! like i always say, as your number one fan i'm rooting for you!! 🥺🥺🩵🩵🩵
i’m so excited for the weekend to be here finally mommy!! 😭😭 just had my gf toast (hehehe 👉👈🩷)
the week felt super long and busy indeed :’) i can’t wait to be done cause i needed a break… i also felt this way, it feels like i miss you even more than usual 🥺🥺 you’re the one i think all the time when i go to sleep 👉👈🩷 if you were on my ceiling or in my walls though i’d want you to come right into my bed instead 🥹🩷
i get that ;; i guess you never know what you have until it’s gone hence why i always made sure to live it to the fullest 🥺🥺🩷 since you were employed when we met i’m sure we will be okay though~ i just hope my mommy is fully well rested for her first day at her new work 🥺🩷 i love you mommy i’m so proud of you 😚
SUSHIIIIII YAYYY 🥹🩷 i get the need to meal prep hehe :3 salads are really nice to make >3< 🩷🩷 i hope you like whatever you make to eat, my mommy’s such a nice cook so i don’t doubt it 🥺🩷
ooooh a dream… 😳🤭🩷🩷 i can’t wait to know what it is about >\\< i’m excited to see a new progress pic cause it already looks so cute >3< i wish i could fit in there so i could be in your hand 🥺🥺🩷
THE MOODBOARD AAAAAH ITS SO PRETTY (but you’re even prettier and more beautiful 😚🩷) i love pink makeup indeed hehe tho i haven’t put on makeup in a while :’3 i really like it 🥺🩷
i missed you so much mommy!! i kept waking up at 3 then 5am i had to force myself to get back to sleep not to feel dizzy during the day but i wanted to talk to you each time i woke up ;; my shoulder is doing fine i think there’s still a sore point… i’ll see if i don’t opt for longer but softer stretches >< if you tend to push a little it’s better to take it easy and get one more day of break mommy 🥺🥺 i don’t want my mommy to get hurt 🥺🩷🩷
>\\\\< thank you mommy i’m always here for you, i love you i’m your number one fan as well 🥺🩷
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magicalink · 1 year
Beutiful Genshin dream with the anemo boys turns into nightmare 😭😭😭
So I took a very long nap bc period cramps and had a wide veriety of nightmares but the worst one started as a beautiful dream:
I was strolling with 6reeze around a city on the coast, going shopping and taking lots of photos (with their faces censored bc no one should know I was on vacation with the famous idols) We had a lot of fun. Then we headed to the beach. I was so happy bc I've been wanted to go to the beach in real life for such a long time!
I ran across the coast enjoying the sand and picking seashells of beautiful colors. Then I headed for the sea to play with the waves and swim a bit. I even surfed and there were dolphins bc dream(? I was having lots of fun by myself but I wanted the boys to come. For some reason they changed their attitude and none of them would come to the water.
I went back to the sand to look for them but suddenly the beach had turnee into a mountain of sand full of people I had to climb to be able to go back to the beach and reach the boys.
I finally made it and found Venti, who I had to chase to be able to talk to. He was not acting like himself, so nervous and scared? I asked what was wrong with him bc he had such a bad face, I asked him if something was worrying him. He looked even more nervous and accepted to accompany me to the water. I picked some seashells and tried to show them to him bc they were cute but he didn't even pay attention to them, he was acting paranoid. I swimmed with him a bit until he told me he wanted to go back to the hotel.
We climbed the mountain back to the shore together, it was exhausting. Then we walked to the street and he was looking so pale and tired.
I asked him if he was okay but he was so nervous and didn't wanna be close to me. He almost fainted but I catched him and I laid him on the grass delicately.
"Venti what's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked, very worried "Let's call the others and go to the hospital!"
He went paler and said:
"No! Don't call the others!"
Unfortunately Xiao saw us and approached us. He was out of character too, he acted so strange.
"Xiao, come here, Venti is not feeling well, I din't know what's wrong with him." I said, even more worried.
I dont know what face I put when Xiao's expression turned like the one of a monster and he held Venti's head and torso just to give him a punch on the jaw.
"Xiao! What are you doing?!" I exclaimed, horrified. They were so close and always loved each other, what was happening??
He told me some phrases I don't remember, but it was something really turbid, I remember suddenly realizing that I had been living a lie with them and that 6reeze was in a veey toxic relationship. As Xiao started beating Venti up, he cried while lying on the floor.
I was paralyzed and observed as Kuni appriached with a pale face and Heizou came smiling behind him.
I tried to ask them to stop Xiao but it turned out that Heizou also beated Kuni up and he was terrified of him and Xiao.
I started crying on the floor and I snatched Venti's semi conscious body from Xiao, who simply let me with an evil smile. I held him while sobbing. I started crying for help, to the people on the street, on the beach, to a nearby ambulance that was parked by the pavement.
"It's useless," Xiao laughed "No one is coming to help you, no one can stop us."
I reached for my phone in my pocket and tried to call 911 but they didn't answe either. I contemplated with horror and anger all the people who were staring at us, witnessing the situation but unwilling to help.
"Someone! Help! How can you do nothing while you see he is bleeding???" I screamed, my heart broken but filled with rage.
Xiao and Heizou laughed and I knew they were right. No one was coming to help us.
So I used all my strenght and picked Venti up. He was so heavy to my weak arms but I was able to lift him. Half carrying him, half dragging him, I started trying to look for a hospital, desperate to get someone to heal him.
And then I don't remember more of this horrible nightmare, I jumped into another one where I was in a classroom that was hijacked by some terrorists who shot a poor kid on the chest 💀 But that's unrelated to Genshin.
I honestly hope to have a nice Genshin dream tinight, one in which my husbandos aren't violent 💔😭
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omegasmileyface · 1 year
took a series of naps out of sheer exhaustion just now. near the end of the last one I wanted to tell my friend about an album, but I couldn't remember what the album was, but I knew it was by Nirvana. so i did my usual, went to the wikipedia page for Nirvana to look at the discography. but there just... wasn't one? and, now— in a whole lot of my dreams, I have a ton of trouble doing 'basic' activities that take a lot of effort, like reading and walking and talking and keeping my thoughts in line. I always feel it like it's real, and it's incredibly frustrating to the point I've had panic attacks about it in the waking world, but honestly I'm just glad I don't have as much trouble with those irl, when it is possible bc some people do. so, I figured, after trying to find this wikipedia page a few times, I just wasn't reading correctly or something, and I asked my friend for help and they couldn't find it either. and i got to ranting about this— how is there no wikipedia page for nirvana? it's NIRVANA! and there was some more discussion, mostly only dumbfounded on my end, until we ended up calling a support line for wikipedia. i could barely hear or comprehend the voice on the other side of the phone at all, but when we were transferred to a representative, my friend handed it to me anyway. when it connected, I heard the woman on the other line finish tucking her kid into bed— "Alright, Honey, I'll see you in the morning. Sleep tight. Love you."— and then a door closing, and then she whispers "Hi, how can I help you?" into the phone. ??? whatever. Who am I to police how wikipedia manages its representatives? so I say "um, hi, if this is a bad time, I can talk later, but... I'm having issues with... wikipedia?" and she sighs and says "Fine. Well, can I ask about your demographic? Please tell me your age... [a couple muffled things I straight up could not make my ears comprehend] and gender identity?"
The idea of answering that list of questions from memory, some of which I didn't even hear, all of which were slipping from my mind like butter, all of which were completely irrelevant to the disappearance of the wikipedia page for Nirvana... I went silent. Couldn't think of a good way to answer. And then I thought... yeah, no. And simply woke up.
And when I woke up, the building had just finished serving dinner, so guess I missed a meal too. Whoops.
probably for the better that I quit, I bet if I had said "where I am, the wikipedia page for the band Nirvana has disappeared" I bet she'd just say some shit like "if there's a topic you'd like to have its own wikipedia page, you can create one with a user account"
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marcholasmoth · 2 years
OSRR: 2921
today i was real tired.
i got up and brought joel to work for his meeting but not before i had to double check what was reality. i had a dream this morning that joel got a message that said his meeting was canceled, and that he could work from home, so i could sleep in. my alarms were going off intermittently, so i couldn't distinguish the dream from reality, so around 7:20 i asked joel if it was real. he said no. i asked if we still had to get up. he said yes. i was sad.
after bringing him in, i came back and took a nap. it was just a little over an hour, but it was much needed.
got to work, worked with a student for two ish hours, had a meeting with other tutors and our supervisor and the library favorite (glenn) about possible ideas and other stuff for the coming semester. lots of good ideas. i had lots of bad ideas. only because they were good but they involved puns so that made them bad. like, a workshop for skills and coping with ADHD/ general inattention but not licensed i called a "focus group." had the idea to make things themed in weeks, pirates were one of them bc we have canvas (sails are canvas) and navigate (what you do) and being "on board" with your classes (self-explanatory). also a workshop on fighting procrastination called "now and later" and handing out the candy now and laters with the "and later" crossed out on each piece. see? all good ideas. but bad ideas.
i worked with a student for a while too, got her helped, and went off to see the kiddos. i worked with them for an hour and a half and went to get joel, came back, fixed my little backpack contents arrangement, attended class, got in more good comments that the professor once again said we're good ideas and good points to make, didn't really do research for my other class's paper because brain cells go brrrr, determined i was hungry, went out to get a burger and ice cream, had a lovely human experience at five guys, stopped for ice cream, and came back and watched a few episodes of the office before dying of secondhand embarrassment and coming up to bed.
for some reason it won't let me post two videos but i'll post them separately or type it out later. it was really funny.
anyway, it's bedtime. i'm fucking exhausted.
but also as i left to sign off from class, my professor had commented thanking me for being in class despite being tired. we finished early tonight, and as i went to go off, i said "community naptime, byeeee" and clicked exit. that was funny. i like my class.
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loucipherrrrr · 4 months
Talk to ya later
but probably not.
Tbh i’m tired, fed up, bored, annoyed, beat down, exhausted. Tired of checking up on you. tired of asking how you are. tired of begging to hang out. tired of you not making time to do things with me. tired of you flaking.
NO: I have been talking about going together since november maybe even october. every month you’ve pushed it back. one month we were supposed to go and the week of you tell me your friend is coming too… “she always comes anyway” like i was supposed to know she was coming this time like she has a permanent spot when you go back home. how are 2 large dogs and 3 adults supposed to fit in your lil honda? why didn’t you think about this before i took those days off. why didn’t you say she was coming to begin with? yeah she’s Always going with you, so i thought you’d tell her not to come this time bc i Never go with you. wtf. Then january comes around i’m asking ab going again and you say you’re going for madi gras…???!!!! in february the weekend before my birthday like I don’t have plans. bitch come on!!! you got into a accident so you have no car. this literally reminds me of louis. LOL!!!!!! I would have to take my car so we’d be taking 2 cars I might as well go alone. why sit here and say let’s schedule something so we can just do things with the dogs. i think we’re actually scheduling something looking for days i can take off so we can actually do it and you FLAKE every time.
R/L/L: I’ve dropped people over flaking. Why you’re so dif idk. You flake all the time. we’d make plans to watch movies together and instead you’d be sleep. you’d rather pick up a bottle than stay up sober. “i’m so tired, i just need a nap. why didn’t you wake me?!you can still come but i’ll be sleep.” Every time i think you’ll actually wake up ON YOUR OWN to make time to WANT to hang with me. but instead i’m begging you to hang. IM always coming to you. When you did have a car you rarely came here. yes theirs stairs and blah blah bs but you work 5 minutes up the road but i’d always be meeting you at your house? I’m so tired of doing things for fuckers that wouldn’t do the same for me.
N: I’ve watched your child multiple times for you while you’ve gone to wherever. i’ve asked you to watch stella once. i never go anywhere as is but if i were to “need a break” i’d still have to deal with mine bc you’re normally “going through it” too. like it’s never equal? “i’m getting another job can you watch her until i get my life together?” i say sure bc my child needs a play fucker but what if i’m tired of mines but you’re going through it too? like wtf.
Tired of me asking you if you’re good. asking if you’re alive. asking if you’re okay. asking about you. asking this that and the third without you asking me for shit. yeah i can’t keep my mouth shut and i’m just rambling half the time anyway. but when i’m not you’re silent… no are you okay without me saying i’m not. no are you goods from you.
You always got company. always doing some shit then complaining about it later. Complaining about having people at your house till 4am then saying you didn’t get any sleep and also getting drunk after you said you’re done drinking. “this is my last night out” Everytime you go out. Lmao i just be wanting to be included but for that to happen i have to ask instead of you just offering… but you’ll tell your company about whatever y’all got going on she’s always invited. Am i to much? To little? What’s the problem??If you don’t want me there just say that before I make a fool outta myself. I swear you be thinking that shit is funny.
you said you were spirling i said i am too. i asked you the next day if you were good but you didn’t ask me. haven’t asked me shit since actually. you stay MIA often and i’m always trying to figure out if you’re okay or not. If you need anything or whatever but i swear you be forgetting ab other people around you. But I’m not talking about your company that you have around you 24/7 i’m taking be me the nigga who dropped whatever they got going on to make sure you’re good thinking you’ll do the same. LMFAO.
your company you always got with you is all you think about. i’m so mf tired of it. i bet you lost my house key i gave you. lmfao i’ll be changing my emergency contact soon. don’t worry ik you’ll be to busy to come out anyway
ps: lol you remember when i made a matching set of earth girls and the one i made you, you didn’t want ᵒʳ ˡⁱᵏᵉ. ʷᵉ ʷᵉʳᵉ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒˢᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵉᵗ ᵗʰᵉᵐ ᵗᵃᵗᵗᵉᵈ and that never happened. but now all of a sudden i make a betty pic that you like better and you want to get that tatted instead… it doesn’t work like that.
definitely weird behavior. don’t wanna be around it anymore. tbh i’m good in solitude. 🧑🏽‍🦯😘🕺🏽🫡
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sapphiclizziebennet · 2 years
here's more of me yellin about autism!!! in a good way. i kind of like keeping these journals of my experiences with processing the diagnosis so hopefully it's not annoying that i'm posting them
first of all it's very disheartening to realize over the last week or so that i basically had to get a diagnosis from a doctor or else nobody would believe me. even now that i have a diagnosis, my mom still doesn't believe me. it's very strange and i'm trying to come to terms with it and kind of failing? just because i can talk to people and put on the customer service voice doesn't mean there's more there. so much of myself i have masked.
it is really, really fucking weird to see how deep the rabbit hole of masking goes for me. for so many years i have studied people and learned the "correct" ways of acting. my perfectionism, which for so long has been a very significant part of my issues with functioning, has caused me to still want to be the perfect neurotypical person, or to set myself apart from other autistic people. it's very sad, in a way i feel like i've lost a part of myself that i need to rebuild. i kept wondering, why was i so out there as a teenager? why did i talk about what i loved so openly, and now i don't? why were there things i did back then that didn't have consequences that i don't do now? and guys, it is so eye opening to know that it's because of masking. it feels like some kind of personality shift happened for me and yeah basically i've been living a fake version of myself for a long time but i'm so deep into it i don't know how to get out :))))
today was my first day in a long time only getting like, a single hour of sleep. i had an appointment earlier this morning for nerve testing, which involved a lot of sensory things that are absolute no's for me. so i was already seeing that i was having trouble masking, my eye contact was a lot worse and i was a lot less, shall we say, practiced in how i moved and spoke, and then they brought out the needles which are an immediate panic response for me. as soon as the first one went in i had a full meltdown right there on the table and it wouldn't stop. this poor doctor had no idea what to do and we had to stop the testing entirely, meaning i don't have full results for what's going on with my arm. and yall, it put me out for the entire day. i didn't go to class today. i took a nap bc i was sleep deprived but also because i was so emotionally exhausted after that. i feel awful that i didn't go to class today and i feel awful and guilty that this experience, which only lasted about a half hour this morning, took so much out of me. how do i get over that? i have never liked being this sensitive but now i know what it's from, so hopefully then in the future i can figure out how to budget my energy a bit better.
anyway that's what's been going on, i have More Thoughts but that's kind of the gist today
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this sounds so funny but the autism memes have made me really happy now that i have something to relate to lol. so many times now i notice things and i'm like "big autism moment" because i never realized why i was reacting to things in certain ways, but now i know!!!
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heartandfangs · 2 years
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GENRE Roommates AU, Playboy!Jake, Virgin!Reader, Heavy Smut, Slight Angst, Fluff (if you squint)
PAIRING f!Reader x Jake/Jayeun
WARNINGS 18+ ONLY, Arguing, Cursing, Possessiveness, Jealousy, Implied one-sided feelings, Unresolved/hurt feelings, Flirting, Slight slow-burn, Morally-grey characters, Sexual inexperience, Making out, Breast worship, Nipple play, Spit play, Light biting, Dirty talk, Praise kink, Dry humping, Clit orgasm, Squirting, Cum eating, f!Receiving, Switch!Jake, Dom!Jake, Switch!Reader, Sub!Reader WORD COUNT 6k+
SUMMARY What’s life like when an aloof girl with a grumpy streak and a guy who’s the human personification of charm become roommates?
In which a kiss on the cheek turns into a kiss on the lips turns into more than you bargained for from your playboy roommate.
AUTHOR’S NOTE I recommend reading the part one drabble for context, and if you have— welcome to the second NSFW installment! I've been working on this one in my drafts bit by bit for the past several months as I had no clue if I'd ever publish it (I was just planning on keeping it to myself bc of how horny it is ha). You can thank a particular aussie for wrecking me big time recently.
This has a lot of typical tropes for its genre, but I don't think boobs get enough love in fics around here (at least for my tastes), so enjoy. Like/reblog this fic and leave me some feedback if you enjoyed it and want more. Maybe it won't take me another six months to come out with another chapter.⚰️
Part I, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Masterlist
© 2022, Heart and Fangs. All rights reserved. Do not translate or post anywhere.
You padded over to your door in a haze and swung it open, nearly running into your roommate, Jake.
“Morning, sleepyhead,” you winced as he tapped his knuckles atop your head, passing you on his way out.
You scoffed, rubbing sleep from your eyes. Evening naps always made you feel groggy and even more exhausted than before you even rested. You glanced at your phone screen, then shoved it into your short pocket. 
“It’s 11 P.M. You’re going out?”
“Actually, I’m having someone over.”
All trace of drowsiness fell from your face as you shot him an incredulous look, but he didn’t seem to notice with his attention on the glowing screen of his phone.
You gripped his wrist firmly, causing him to go wide-eyed.
“I thought we agreed on no visiting and no visitors since that terrible flu is going around right now,” you reminded sharply.
“I… I completely forgot.” You raised an eyebrow at him as he continued. “It’s just been so long, and… force of habit.”
Is a week so long for Jake Sim?
You sighed, “It’d be nice if you thought about your roommate’s well-being for once. I can’t afford to get sick at this time of year with how busy I am.”
A look of guilt flashed across his face. 
Huh. So the guy can feel some shame.
“I do care,” he shot back, “Seriously, I forgot. Otherwise, don’t you think I’d be going out instead of blatantly having someone over if I were trying to go behind your back and see someone?”
You sighed, “Fine, but a deal’s a deal. Say what you need to get her to leave, alright?”
He nodded while staring elsewhere; you followed his line of sight to your grip encircling his wrist. Quickly retracting your hand, you moved past him to the kitchen pantry. Jake was usually the one who initiated contact with you, rarely the other way around so you felt a bit subconscious about touching him.
While you rummaged quietly for some midnight snacks, you listened closely for any sign of the door opening. To your relief, it remained silent, except for the tapping of his phone screen.
“There, I sent her off,” he said dejectedly.
“Thanks, I know this isn’t easy for you.”
He detected the sarcasm in your tone and crossed his arms, leaning against the countertop. With your back to him, his eyes slowly took in your mussed hair, that signature oversized shirt you’ve owned since you were ten, and those sweat shorts that barely cleared the tops of your thighs. You’d definitely worn them for the past three days straight. Indeed a homebody, he found your rare company refreshing despite how abrasive you could be at times.
“You’re a terrible sympathizer.”
“Am I?” You turned around and tore open a pocky pack, sticking the biscuit stick past your lips.
The sudden calculating look in his eyes was slightly unnerving, but you stood your ground. Upon approaching you, he snatched the pack out of your hands and strolled into the living room. You momentarily stared after him in disbelief.
“That’s mine,” you followed behind him closely, trying to reach around him to reclaim your snack.
“Well, I’d like some. Do you mind?”, he kept it out of your reach and blocked your path with his broad shoulders, keeping you at his back. He leaped over the couch and landed on a cushion with a bounce, shooting you a smirk, your midnight snack held captive. 
You placed your hands on your hips. 
“That’s the last pack left! Don’t act like a child and try and get back at me for something we previously agreed to, Jake.”
“But as you already know, this whole abstinence thing isn’t easy for me,” he shot back, snapping a biscuit stick in half in his mouth.
You rolled your eyes and squinted at him as he offered you a piece, beckoning you closer. 
“I’ll give it all back if you sit down and watch something with me. C’mon ___, humor me on this terribly lonely night. You're always alone in your room.”
That’s because you have obnoxious company over more often than not. 
You huffed but found yourself leaning forward with an unamused expression.
“Ah,” you parted your lips.
Jake bit his lip, stifling a fit of giggles as he stuck a pocky into your mouth.
Annoyed, you pressed forward further, taking nearly the whole biscuit into your mouth. Before your lips touched Jake’s fingers, your jaw snapped shut with an aggressive crunch.
“Gosh, you’re scary, you know that?” He tossed the remaining end of the biscuit into his mouth. You averted your eyes at Jake’s daring act, finding it difficult to ignore how he licked the chocolate and crumbs off his fingertips, all with a pleased grin.
“Just with people who annoy me.”
He handed you the pack, which you snatched out of his grasp. You plopped down on the cushions at the end of the sofa, intending to keep to yourself for the rest of the night.
Jake shook his head, “I’m messing with you... Is it weird I find that side of you endearing?”
You adjusted the cushion behind your back. “That’s the first time I’ve heard that. You might have some sort of issue if that’s the case.”
Jake looked off to the side. “One issue amongst many. Regardless, I’d want you on my side if I got into a fight or something.”
A slight sense of pride swelled in your chest at his words, but you showed no sign of it. “Yet, here are you are on this fine night, trying to pick a fight with yours truly over some snacks.” 
He laughed, quickly reaching over to brush the knuckle of his index finger against your side ever so lightly in jest. Your breath caught at the electrifying sensation across your ribs; it disappeared as he pulled back.
“How else am I supposed to get your attention?”
Jake propped his elbow up on the couch arm and rested his chin on his palm with a small smile, his eyelids lowering slightly.
“Maybe just use your words,” you murmured, feeling a flush work up to your neck.
“What’s that?”
Distracted, you returned to munch on your Pocky while Jake began to flip through the TV guide. “Alright, what do you wanna watch?”
“What makes you think I wanna watch something with you? I’m just here to finish my snack.”
He pouted.
“I’m sure you'll be wide awake for the next couple of hours since you took a nap. And since this is my new reality now,” Jake gestured at the space between you two,” You should take responsibility and keep me company tonight.“
You slowly turned towards him.
“You owe me, remember?”
“Ah, you’re right, I do,” he nodded as though recalling your deal after you were generous enough to lend his one-night stand your underwear. 
“You’re the youngest person I know to have dementia, dude.”
Jake opened his mouth to retort, but your terrible joke did have weight to it.
“I admit… so what’ll it be? Going to dump chores on me for the month? My treat for Door Dash this week? Or maybe a new matching lingerie set?” He glanced you over teasingly.
Your cheeks reddened at the memory of you shoving your underwear at Jake and shooing him away, then his lips pressing against your cheek unexpectedly. And, of course, the flash of his bare skin, which was surprisingly not a common sight in your flat despite his nightly activities. 
“I’m joking. Well?”
“I mean, I figured you’d count pausing your hook-ups until flu season ended as the favor repaid, but if you’re not…” you glanced over at him, and he looked at you expectantly. A bit surprised, you rubbed at your wrists self-consciously. “I’ll think about it and let you know.”
Jake flashed you an easy smile, then stretched his arms over his head, tucking them under his neck. “Alright then. Just let me know, ___.”
You nearly kicked yourself for staring at the way the thick cords of muscles in his arm flexed; it was a bit fascinating to you as someone who drew for a hobby. Sometimes you forgot just how in shape the guy was, but it made sense for an athlete like him. Some mornings, you’d bump into him after he came from an early run– the sight of him breathing heavily, covered in a sheen of sweat while shooting you a smile in the kitchen was always a difficult image to forget, and one you'd never get used to.
Nor were the sounds of his groans late at night. For whatever reason, it never made a difference to him and his partners if you were in the flat when they did their thing. Again, you chalked it up to a lack of shame. Thank god for noise-canceling headphones, although some nights your curiosity got the best of you, as did your lack of self-restraint. One too many times, but you would never admit it.
Part of you envied Jake for living so freely and without self-imposed restrictions; the other loathed him. Between the two of you as roommates, you were always the uptight one who most resembled a responsible adult, but you secretly wondered what it might be like to be the girl on the other side of the wall.
The thing is, you've been that girl once. Just a couple years ago, you thought you'd met the one, and had given away precious firsts in the belief of that.
Oh, how you were led astray.
Your brows furrowed as your mind attempted to shove the memories down; they were trying to resurface against your will.
Even though you led a very different lifestyle than Jake, you couldn't blame the girls who cozied up to your roommate so easily and in flocks at that. At least not entirely. You understood loneliness but instead subjected yourself to it ever since the day 'love' took on a completely different meaning to you. The solution of solitude and the pursuit of your career has done you well, so far.
You dragged your hand over your face and directed your attention to the TV, hoping Jake hadn't seen you staring off into space. Random dialogue from a show filled the room a long couple of minutes before either of you spoke again.
“New shows sort of suck,” you complained, tossing your trash onto the table. You'd have to restock your snack pile this week.
“Yeah. How about one of these?” He tapped on the remote control. “Choose your pick, supernatural beings, psychological thrillers, true crime, hot serial killers–”
“Yeah, sure. Wait a minute–” you narrowed your eyes at Jake.
Has he been snooping on your Netflix profile?
Despite the new selection that was way more to your liking, your mind drifted again, not having counted on Jake actually granting you a favor. 
What could you possibly ask of him? You didn’t want to waste it delegating your chores to him or food. You could easily take care of things on your own. For some weird reason... you wanted to make it count.
However, your mind drew a blank. You turned on your side and eyed Jake across the couch, whose attention was on the screen, shadows and light dancing across his relaxed features. His legs sprawled over the sofa while you huddled under your soft blanket. You watched him unconsciously run his tongue over his lips out of habit. Christ.
Feeling stiff, you stretched your legs against his side; he made room for you. 
“This is probably the stupidest thing that’s gonna come out of my mouth as a fully grown adult.”
He chuckled. “Ditto, it’s past midnight. What is it?”
“I just…” you hesitated before slowly speaking, “My first kiss was terrible.”
That drew Jake out of his TV-induced stupor. Jake snorted at first, but he didn’t miss the myriad of emotions that flickered across your features– something akin to anger, sadness, disgust, and embarrassment all at once. He flashed a look of concern in your direction.
“I-I don’t know why I’ve been thinking about it recently…” your fingers brushed absently over your cheek. “Maybe because you kissed my cheek that morning, and it brought back memories.”
Lost in thought, you missed the way Jake’s eyes darkened. He was curious about the details you were withholding from him and weighed pressing the matter. You really sounded like you needed to talk for the first time since living together. 
“How bad was it?” He asked.
“It was a complete shitshow, honestly. I thought I was giving away my first kiss to someone I’d spend the rest of my life with. It was a silly thought,” you laughed, “A first kiss might mean nothing to you. I thought it meant something, but my friend was just… curious. He had me convinced and was pretty awful about how he went about it.”
Why am I spilling all of this to a flagrant playboy?
“If you want to share more, I’ll listen,” he reassured.
Although you were a bit startled at his response, you decided to continue, “He was sort of pushy about the kiss… even commented on how weird my teeth felt,” you laughed but it rang empty. 
“Clearly he was just using me. Actually, the way he got me to even kiss him– amongst other things," Jake noticed how you quickly skimped over the details, "–In the first place was because he told me he wanted to marry me. It was ridiculous, but despite all the red flags, I told him I loved him, and he said he felt the same.
He took it all back the next day and still wanted to be just friends. Our relationship got even more complicated, and I eventually ended it. Best decision of my life, but also the hardest. I was naive, but we’ve all had our hearts broken at least once by a terrible person, haven’t we?” You joked.
Unable to look Jake in the eye, silence filled the room, and you decided this was the most self-conscious you’ve felt in your entire life.
“I unloaded a lot on you right now, sorry. It’s pretty embarrassing,” you said, trying to swallow a lump in your throat. 
Fuck, this feels pathetic. I just thought I’d be honest with the guy for once, but I sound like I’m vying for sympathy. And with the way I’ve treated him tonight, I wouldn’t be surprised if he just started trolling me–
You felt a warm hand slide over your own, giving you a comforting squeeze. Your wide eyes met Jake’s steady gaze. 
“Being vulnerable with someone isn’t embarrassing, ___. Not with me.”
First your eyes widened, then a small smile pulled at your lips.
“Thank you,” you said ever so quietly. 
Jake’s breath caught at the sight of your expression softening– although he knew he didn't deserve your vulnerability, he couldn’t help himself.
“I don’t want this to mean anything. I hate being haunted by the memories, but I know who I am right now isn’t conducive to developing a relationship with someone. To override those memories, that is,” you explained, “Still, I wish I could forget my shitty first kiss above everything else, I hate that it’ll be in my head for the next decade.”
You wondered if he'd catch on, figure out your unvoiced request.
“You don’t want ‘what’ to mean anything? I’m not entirely sure what you mean.”
“Are you gonna make me spell it out?” You whispered.
You clutched your knees to your chest as Jake shifted closer, his arm resting across the back of the couch frame, his hand moving from yours to toy with the edge of your blanket. Immediately, you missed the heat of his skin– you've been missing it ever since that morning he kissed your cheek.
“You’d leave it up to someone like me to guess?” Jake brought the knuckle of his index finger to his lips, eyes trained on you, “What if I’m way off base? Would you hold me to it?”
Despite your nerves going awry, you held his stare, tried to speak in a steady voice, “You bet I will.”
Jake's hands traveled up to your knees; you let him part them slowly as he shifted between your legs to lean over you. He steadied himself with a hand spread out near your hip, the other brushed your hair back from your neck, sending chills across your skin.
The barrier of the blanket did little to lessen the deep impression of his touch on your body. You had expected him to pounce on you with his signature zest, but his movements were relatively slow yet insistent. Different than the eager way he'd stumble to his bedroom while sucking hickey's onto a random girl's neck and accidentally open the door to yours.
“You bet I will,” Jake repeated, tipping your chin towards him, “That’s my girl.”
His girl.
You would’ve been at his neck at any other point in time for saying something so outrageous, but you were currently far from caring.
He watched your eyes flutter close, the way your body shivered at his words. 
It was bizarre how you could go from being at each other's throats to invading their personal space without a second thought. It didn’t take much from either side to get here, but then again it wasn’t easy for you to be so open with him. He must've sensed that.
You could almost feel his lips hovering over your own, but then he paused– only to press a chaste kiss to the corner of your mouth.
The couch dipped, and he pulled away. Eyes shooting open, you gave him a confused look. He wore an expression of... apprehension?
“You’re messing with me," you accused.
“I’m... I'm not. I don’t kiss, at least not on the lips.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh, a little disheartened. Although, you could never recall him making out with any girls he had over. “What? Why?”
“Kissing just… makes you feel things about the other person that you wouldn’t feel otherwise. Feelings that can complicate things. It’s proven science.”
So much about that line he delivered on vulnerability. Was he playing me?
“Right. Spoken like a true fuck boy,” you began to turn away, chest aching for some reason. 
To your embarrassment, Jake held your chin to keep you in place. You tugged at the edges of your shorts; the blanket had fallen somewhere on the carpet. He looked to your lips, then met your eyes with a searing gaze.
“You know what I’m about, ___.”
Heat crept across your chest and up your neck. 
“We’re worlds apart,” you stated.
“Are we?”
Is he offering what I think he is?
“We both know it,” you insisted, “Yet… why do you stare at me like that when you know I can’t give you what you want? When you know we both want different things.”
“What do you think I want from you?”
Your head was beginning to spin both from the proximity between you and Jake and the jumble of thoughts in your head.
You considered your motivations; were you really just hoping for a kiss? Or more?
“Obviously, what you want from any other girl–”
“There was no other girl tonight,” he interjected.
You hesitated before shaking off his hold on your chin. “You just made that up? Why?”
Jake sat back against the couch cushions, hands spread across his thighs. He released a heavy breath. 
“I figured I’d make an excuse to get your attention and to hang out with you. You don’t really bother to spend time with me even though we're roommates, especially when it’s just us in the flat.”
He wanted to hang out with me that badly, just to get into my pants? To the point where he was willing to leverage our temporary agreement? 
“You’re unbelievable lying to me like that. You're the one who always has people over. Now what, am I supposed to keep you entertained? Do you realize how childish and attention-seeking that sounds?”
“I do,” he nodded, “But sometimes you see right through me, and other times I feel like I’m in my own echo chamber,” His words carried a tinge of frustration, “Honestly, your request is over the top, but I haven’t been hanging out with anyone as of late because you asked me to. Can you blame me for wanting some human interaction?” 
“We should be trying to avoid the flu, so that’s just being a decent human being on your end of the deal. Also, it’s incredibly user-friendly of you to suddenly start wanting to hang out with me when you can’t have one of your girls over.”
“___, it’s not even about that. I just want–”
“Anyone with a sense of self-respect would acknowledge and accept this,” you refused to hear him. He wouldn't even apologize for deceiving you.
Jake fell quiet, expression crestfallen. What was he so down for?
Just when you thought you'd have to snap him out of it, that unnerving stare of his was back– an air of stubbornness radiating off of him. Still, you sensed a lingering hurt in his eyes.
“You should know I’m shameless.”
Your hand curled into a tight fist. What was he getting at now?
“I’m well aware. You just want me because I’m not your typical fuck, don't you?”
“So sure about that. Aren’t you?” His low voice was barely over a whisper. 
At his challenge, uncertainty seeped into your thoughts. You considered Jake’s obstinate demeanor and realized you felt even more irritated than before. He didn’t flinch when you shifted forward to twist his shirt collar in your grasp, unrelenting. 
“Yes, I am. And I will not be used again,” you scowled at him. “Are you gonna prove me wrong, or will Jake Sim, the notorious playboy, prove me right?”
Jake swore under his breath. 
“Use me then.”
He watched shock spread across your face as you froze in place. 
Jake quickly pulled you into his lap by your waist, your hands steadying yourself on his shoulders. His warm palms slid over your neck, thumbs brushing against the flesh of your cheeks.
“What the hell are you talking about—“
“Don’t make me repeat myself,” he began to press open-mouthed kisses against your neck, to the curve of your throat, nipping at your jaw. Unable to help yourself, you moaned softly at the sweet sensation while your hands pushed at his shoulders.
Jake held you flush against his chest, “Use me.” You gulped at the sight of Jake staring up at you with such a ravenous look. “Or would you rather it be the other way around?”
Anger flashed like lightning behind your eyes.
You roughly cupped his jaw and dragged his plush lips against yours despite his initial wishes, and he let you. Without hesitation, you licked into the heat of his mouth, and it was pure sweetness bursting across your tongue. Jake groaned against your lips and caressed the small of your back underneath your shirt; he seemed to like that just as much as you did. Somewhere, in the back of your mind, you couldn't believe Jake was letting you kiss him. And that you were allowing him to touch you.
A peculiar surge of power flickered through your body, as did the unmistakable heat of arousal. 
Jake was generous– letting you scrape your teeth against his lips and shove your tongue against his as you pleased. You were winging it with the mindset of just making up for the terrible first kiss you had given away so carelessly—and making Jake pay for giving you a hard time all night. 
Your shitty excuse of a first kiss never stood a chance.
He angled his head to deepen the kiss further, surprising you with his passion and confidence. It was incomparable to the sweet way he had kissed you on the cheek and even closer to your lips just moments ago. You’d always imagined what he was like as a lover, and it was something else entirely being on the receiving end of his fierce advances.
For someone who doesn’t make out much with other people, he’s incredibly good at this.
But then something in the air changed the moment you sat back and settled yourself on his lap. Jake ground his hips up into your core, and to your surprise, you felt his hardness through his sweatpants. You gasped, nearly breaking the kiss, but his hand at your neck kept you right where he wanted you.
At this point, Jake was beginning to dominate the kiss, clearly more experienced in keeping pace. What was breathing again?
You finally managed to pull away, but he chased after you, catching the wet string of saliva that connected your lips on his tongue. The symptoms of a dizzy spell quickly clouded your mind.
“Wait– holy shit,” you panted, “Why…?”
Jake thumbed at your lips which were glistening and several tints redder than before, while his free hand moved to knead the soft flesh at your hip. 
“No reason at all.”
“Jake,” you dragged your palms down his firm chest, “Fuck you, you’re not making any sense. You even egged me on…”
“C’mon, gorgeous,” he began to drag the pads of his fingertips back and forth just below your collarbone, “Do what you do best and use that brain of yours to make sense of this.”
“Stop playing with me!”
He still managed to tease you even in your overwhelmed state, pressing a wet kiss just under your ear. “You’ll kiss and tell once you’ve figured it out, won’t you?” 
“I hate you,” you muttered, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Oh, I'm sure you do. Better tell me what you want– properly this time.”
Memories of your terrible series of firsts threatened to resurface, and you willed them away with all of the spite you’d bottled up after these past couple of years. You decided that they would be buried in your psyche by the time morning came, never to be reminisced about again. You sincerely hoped for it.
No, you’ve never slept with someone. But the little girl who had hoped to give her first kiss away to her prince charming grew up and had a change of heart. Up until a mere moment ago, you thought a kiss would satisfy you and help lay those awful memories to sleep.
Had you been wrong? You and Jake– maybe you two weren’t as different as you first thought.
“What’d you do to that girl that made her cream her panties so badly?”
Jake chuckled, “Why don’t I just show you?"
“You'd love to, wouldn't you? Fine,” you held Jake’s jaw firmly and looked him in the eyes as you said this, “My shorts stay on, and don’t even think about shoving anything inside me tonight. I don’t care how hard you are.” 
His cheeks grew a shade darker, “Yes, ma’am.”
“One more thing. You were holding back when you were kissing me, weren’t you?”
Jake ran his hands up your sides. “What if I was?”
You leaned forward, and he met you halfway– the sugary taste of your tongue sending him into a frenzy again. He lapped at your lips and prodded around the heat of your mouth, obscene sounds filling your ears.
This time around, Jake’s grip on your neck kept your lips together until he deemed fit to let you resurface for air. A privilege you had willingly surrendered as he stole your breath, the insistence of his tongue causing saliva to spill down your chin.
You moaned against his slick lips due to how messy the kiss had become, and he took the opportunity to trace a nipple through the fabric of your shirt, causing you to shudder. His fingertip circled the bud several times before squeezing the hardening tip between his middle and index finger.
You jerked against him, finding that you were unable to control your body's reaction to his touch. He scrutinized your every reaction, finally breaking the kiss.
“You’re so, so sensitive. Like the way, I play with you, baby girl? The way I fucked your mouth with my tongue?”
Falling into a complete trance and unnacustomed to dirty talk, you could only nod in agreement. Jake didn't seem to mind and all the while, your underwear grew wet at his words and the attention he gave your chest. You watched him take your breasts into his hands as he alternated between rubbing and flicking at your clothed nipples to massaging the mounds as a whole. 
Gasping, you stared at his hands, and fought the odd urge to trace the veins protruding across them with your tongue. Jake watched your dazed expressions, completely enamored with your reactions because he's never seen such a side of you before.
And oh how he longed to see more, having imagined you more than once to be entirely at his mercy at night, or perhaps the other way around when you were just a room away, buried under your books. Wondering whether you were experienced or not; it hardly mattered to him. His charming, homebody roommate who he could so easily rile up and then appease in the ways he did best, now that you were finally letting him. 
“You’re fucking adorable,” he whispered against your ear. 
“M’not,” you insisted. 
You licked your lips, breath stuttering when he focused on flicking a swollen nipple back and forth with a single finger, nearly making you faint before he dipped his head to envelope your clothed breast into the wet heat of his mouth. 
“Oh my god—“
The ceiling above you spun, and your pussy gushed with arousal. Jake hummed against your breast, while his free hand toyed gently with the other. As he sucked at it, his saliva soaked into the fabric of your shirt, allowing his tongue to lave across your nipple, the friction only adding to your pleasure.
“You are. Bet you’re so, so pretty under this...”
Jake switched over, taking your other breast into his mouth, tugging at the fabric with his teeth. He lapped at the bud while his hand finally slipped under your shirt, spreading his saliva that had seeped through across your skin. You moaned aloud, surprising even yourself with desperation in your voice. 
It felt amazing to feel his fingers glide against your bare skin; you were desperate to feel his tongue against it too. His lips released your nipple with a smack, causing you to whine. 
You rolled your hips against his abdomen, seeking friction. You were going crazy— your fuck boy of a roommate was making you go crazy. 
“Talk to me, baby girl,” he looked up at you from under his dark lashes, his pupils blown wide. His hands ran over your thighs to roughly grip at your hips. You hiked up your shirt and tugged his head back down onto your chest, causing him to groan against your skin.  
“More, please—“
Jaw falling slack, you could hardly form another word when he spat against your chest and watched it run down your skin. He captured it on his tongue, dragging it up the underside of your breast and then fitting as much of you as he could into the tight, wet heat of his mouth.
Your clit throbbed, and your eyes fell close at the immense pleasure. Jake was taking his damn time, tongue laving over your nipples while his lips stretched over each of your breasts with a pop, one after the other.
“Jake,” the way you moaned his name sent a jolt straight down to his hardening cock. It was damn near impossible to ignore the way you were rutting against him, but he’d neglect the urgency in your desperate little thrusts for just a moment longer. Having you fall apart in his hands of all people was affecting him more than he’d ever imagined. 
“Need you to touch me more…”
He hummed and sucked harshly before letting your swollen breast drop from his mouth. Strands of saliva hung between his lips and your glistening skin, breaking once he spoke. 
“Gorgeous. I wonder just how wet you are, ” Jake pondered, his voice husky against your ear.
The moment you met Jake’s eyes, he recognized the deep unbridled craving in them; they reflected his own. In a moment of boldness, you spread your legs for him to see your dampness spread all across your shorts. 
“Shit,” he breathed. 
You yelped when he pushed you down onto the couch and fit his knee against your core. He watched you press up against him, rolling your hips against his hard, flexed thigh. Pleasure visibly shot through your body.
His eyes narrowed in the dark, and he roughly shoved his hand against your stomach, gripping the soft flesh below your navel. Your hand moved to squeeze his own, causing his heart to skip a beat at the sheer tenderness of your touch. 
The thought that he was being too rough for your first encounter together crossed his mind, but the greedy look in your eyes dispelled any sense of doubt.
“You're so eager. That feel good, sweetheart?”
You nodded slowly as your words got caught in your throat. Jake immediately fit himself against your side to drag his middle finger up and down your core, amazed of the way it glided over your soaked shorts due to your slick. 
He brought his damp fingers up to your lips, “Be a good girl and get them wet for me.”
You obeyed, sucking his digits into your mouth, slightly taken aback at the foreign taste of yourself. He used his free hand to cradle his arm around your neck and tug your shirt over your breasts before sliding your saliva over your pert nipples.
Oh god.
Jake’s hand squeezed at your breast while the other dipped back down between your legs. The pads of his fingers began to circle your swollen nub just like they had over your nipples, but this time his movements were tighter, harsher. You were so wet under your shorts that the moist sounds filled Jake’s ears and spurred him on to bring you to your release. 
“Feels so good…”
Your hand gripped his wrist as you felt your pleasure build, and the other tangled into his shirt. You trembled against him, and he soothed you with a wet kiss on your neck. You continuously ground your core against his thick fingers, the unrelenting pressure against your clit causing heat to spread over your skin and deep within your body. 
“Oh fuck, I’m gonna—“
“Say my name when you come,” he urged.
“Jaeyun,” he corrected sharply, his teeth scraping along your neck. 
He sped up his hand without warning, rubbing your clothed pussy and your eyes fluttered shut, all of the pleasure gathering in your core before snapping with a sharp jerk of your hips. 
“Ja—,” you gasped, “Jaeyun!”
Starlight burst behind the darkness of your eyelids while warmth and euphoria spread through your body in waves. Your thighs clamped around Jake’s hand, but that didn’t stop him from palming your entire pussy and rubbing as much of it as possible, taking you through your high. 
“Yeah, that’s it, baby girl. Make a sweet little mess for me so I can taste you.”
His sweatpants were painfully tight at the sight of you absolutely wrecked in front of him, his cock twitching against your thigh at you calling his name while your cum seeped through your shorts onto his fingers.
He let your nails dig into the skin of his arm and watched as you stretched the fabric of his shirt in desperation. A deep groan vibrated through his chest as he drew out the sweetness of your orgasm with insistent fingers, your trembling moans the perfect indicator of your pleasure— and his own.
“Good girl, such a good girl,” he praised against your ear.
You panted against him; your eyes still screwed shut from the immense toll of your orgasm on your body.
The sensation of your high was indescribable. Having someone touch you was different from touching yourself, but despite reaching your climax, you ached for something to fill you up. 
Still in a daze, your hips followed his movements. He slipped his hand past your waistband, dragging his fingers against your sensitive folds and clit, gathering your slick. 
You let out a whine; the raw contact of his skin against your own made your toes curl and hips buck. It felt amazing and you so badly wanted him to keep his hand down there a little longer.
“I know, baby,” he hushed. 
You shuddered, your core clenching at the way Jake's tongue wrapped around his glistening fingers, his eyes shutting tight as though he were relishing your flavor. A deep sound of satisfaction rumbled through his chest. His hand snaked around your throat, squeezing it lightly while capturing your lips in a deep, intoxicating kiss.
Jake took in your blissed-out expression, a pair of unfocused half-lidded eyes staring up at him. He stopped himself from taking things any further. 
“___. If you don’t want me to fuck you right here and now, then get out of here,” he warned.
“What?” you asked in a daze.
He pulled back from you, eyes unmistakably full of longing. “Get out of here. Now.” A tense moment of silence passed before you came to your senses. You pushed past Jake and scrambled to your feet, running to your room and shutting the door behind you while your body screamed to stay.
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