#100 intelligence 0 wisdom
thejadecount · 2 years
2012 and Rise TMNT Crossover Masterpost
I love it how in most crossover fanfics with one or the other iterations of the TMNT and ROTTMNT the main cause of the whole ‘crossing universes’ usually almost always leads back to Rise Donnie messing with portal/Multiverse technology.
Because admit it if anyone could and would break the Multiverse it would be Rise Donnie.
Like whenever I come across a new fic I can just imagine him turning on a gigantic machine that’s glowing and sparking and all his brothers terrified behind him while he’s just:
And then he just screws everyone over and breaks the multiverse.
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dungeon-strugglers · 1 year
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✨New item!✨ Phantom Shroud Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
Boo! This cloak has 3 charges, and it regains all expended charges daily at dawn. As an action while wearing this cloak you can expend one charge to cast the fear spell (save DC 17).
Possession. As an action you can force one humanoid that you can see within 5 feet of you to make a DC 17 Charisma saving throw or be possessed by you; you then disappear, and the target is incapacitated and loses control of its body. You now control the body but don't deprive the target of awareness.You can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, and you retain your alignment, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. You otherwise use the possessed target's statistics, but don't gain access to the target's knowledge, class features, or proficiencies. 
The possession lasts for 1 minute, or until the target drops to 0 hit points, you end it as a bonus action, or you are turned or forced out by an effect like the remove curse, greater restoration, or dispel magic spells. At the end of each of the target’s turns it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. When the possession ends, you reappear in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the target. The target is immune to this effect for 24 hours after succeeding on the saving throw or after the possession ends. Once you use this feature of the phantom shroud, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.
Incorporeal Movement. As a bonus action while wearing this cloak, you can become incorporeal for 1 minute. While incorporeal, you can’t be grappled or restrained and you can move through creatures and solid objects as if they were difficult terrain. If you end your turn in a solid object, you take 1d10 force damage. If the effect ends while you are inside a solid object, you instead are shunted to the nearest unoccupied space, and you take 1d10 force damage for every 5 feet traveled. Once you use this feature of the phantom shroud, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.
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📜 Credit. Art and design by us: the Dungeon Strugglers. Please credit us if you repost elsewhere.
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liquidnoodles · 2 months
DnD x Darkest dungeon homebrew subclass - fighter (sorry for bad formatting)
3rd level – colors of madness
When taking damage or doing a specific action too much, the fighter gains stress points.
The points go from 0 to 200.
The damage must exceed fighter level + PB of your max hp total.
stress taken = 1d10 + any psychic damage taken(if any)
If the score reaches 100 a d4 is rolled. If the fighter rolls 1-3 they get an affliction. On a 4 they get a virtue.
After a hard battle, if the DM wants to, they can force the fighter to roll a d4 for an affliction or virtue (same rules apply).
If the score is set At 150 or more the fighter deals an additional damage die per their weapon.
If the score reaches 200 the fighter has advantage on all attacks and a disadvantage on saving throws. They also roll a d4 for afflictions and virtues. Any damage taken is treated as if the fighter is vulnerable. On every turn, the fighter must roll a DC 12 check to remove 4d20 stress.
The afflictions can be cured for 25 gold worth of any stress relief (check downtime in xanathar's) (1 day). For 5 hours of rest the fighter can remove 3d20 stress.
The virtues have a limit of 1 virtue per 4 levels. If any virtues are given when the limit is met, the fighter can swap the virtues or not take the new one.
Any short rest removes 1d20 worth of stress if the fighter chooses to do so. The fighter can do so a number of times equal to their wisdom modifier per long rest.
Any enemies killed remove 1d8 stress.
Any critical hits remove 1d8 stress.
Fear of enemy kind (subtract a d4 on attack rolls against enemy type that got the stress meter up to 100 and add a d6 to the damage)
Nocturnal ( subtract d6 on initiative if not in dim light or darkness and add the d6 for initiative in darkness, the fighter gains a 30 ft increase of dark vision)
Masochistic (the fighter suffers ½ of the stress and reduces incoming damage by d6 but cannot be healed in battle)
Sadistic (-2 to attack rolls +2 to damage rolls) (if in range of an ally that fail an attack, the fighter makes a wisdom saving throw of 14, and if they fail, the ally is hit for 1d4 damage with an improvised attack, adding a +2 to their next attack roll)
Paranoid ( -3 to all wisdom charisma and intelligence saving throws and a +6 to passive perception)
Selfish (cannot help allies, but gets a bonus to rolls when being helped equal to ½ PB of helper rounded up)
Snail-like (the fighter gains 2AC and their movement becomes halved)
Hopeless ( the fighter gains 1AC but is vulnerable to the frightened condition and is vulnerable to psychic attacks)
Unwavering curse (the fighter cannot dawn off any armor and stop any attunement, unless in a presence of a holy symbol, place or priest like figure)
Cowardly (stress is taken on every hit, but it's halved)
Mad (the fighter gains a short or long term madness via a d10 roll, excluding the stm 21-30, stm 41-60, stm 71-75, stm 81-100, ltm 56-75, ltm 86-100)
Projection (when the fighter has 100 or more stress they target a all creatures in a 60 ft radius once per turn, dealing 1d4 psychic damage)
Alcoholic (fail a constitution save 5 times in a week for getting drunk DC10) ( +1 to damage rolls if drunk and -1 to constitution modifier if alcohol isn't consumed in 24 hours, additionally the fighter cannot relieve stress if not drinking or drunk)
Flagellant ( fighter gains a +1 to constitution modifier and can only lose stress by pain, giving them a -1 to charisma ability checks if they go unpunished for 24 hours)
Gambler (fail a wisdom save 5 times in a week DC10) (the fighter removes an extra d10 stress per gambling session and cannot relieve stress if not gambling, suffering a -1to wisdom modifier if the they don't gamble in 24 hours)
Rapturous - (level 7 required) ( the fighter gains an extra d6 damage die per every attack, looses 2AC and gains a +3 to attack rolls)
Refracted - (10th level only) (the fighter gains +3 to bloodthirsty and blight strikes but suffers a -1 to dexterity and a extra d10 of stress when gaining stress points)
Enemy slayer (add 1d6 on attack rolls against enemy type that got the stress meter up to 100)
Brave (the fighter loses 10 stress points after a battle is over and is immune to the frightened condition)
Kind (help action increases range up to 30 ft range and can be done as a bonus action)
Unwavering (no stress taken on first 3 rounds of combat)
Inspiring (on the first round of combat, the fighter and all allies get advantage on their attacks)
Stalwart (the fighter gains +1 to AC and can roll a constitution saving throw (DC12) to not fall unconscious)
Focused (level 7 required) (the fighter gains +2 to attack rolls and can crit at 18)
Powerful (extra damage die)
Vigorous (level 5 requirement) (the fighter gains 1AC and 20 ft of movement)
Swift hands (the fighter gains +5 to sleight of hand and medicine and has 2 interactions)
Angels touch (level 10 requirement) (when in 5 ft of a wounded ally, the fighter can make a medicine check of dc 10 to heal 2d8 hp) (can be attempted once per ally after a long rest)
3rd level (optional feature) - more than a brute
The fighter isn't just a killing machine. They can do other activities too.
The fighter gains 1 tool or musical instrument proficiency.
7th level – darkness of mind
Soothing mind prep
When on a short rest, the fighter gives anyone who is using hit dice healing equal to 2d4.
Special mechanic - Death's door
When the fighter falls to 0 hp, they can use one use of the second wind ability, giving themselves hp equal to 1d4 + 1/2 fighter level and a 1d6 + 1/2 fighter level to their next attack. They cannot do so until the next long rest.
If the fighter hits 200 stress while in death’s door , they fall unconscious and mark 1 failure on death saves.
10th level – Blight and Blood o’ plenty
When an attack is done on an enemy, the fighter can choose to make a blighted or bloodthirsty strike. For both a -5 to attack rolls is added. The strikes cannot be applied if an extra attack is used on the same turn.
Blighted - the target must make a constitution check with a DC = 12 + PB. If the target fails, it takes 1d6 poison damage (ignoring resistances) in intervals of 2 dmg a turn. The blighted being loses 15 feet of movement for the duration of the effect.
Bloodthirsty - the target must make a constitution check with a DC = 12 +PB. If the target fails, it takes 1d8 necrotic damage in intervals of 4 dmg a turn. The target AC is lowered by 2.
The fighter has 2 uses of either strike. A single use is regained per short rest.
15th level – Stunning them smitten
The fighter gains 2 extra uses of the strikes and a new strike:
Stunning - the target must make a constitution check with a DC = 12 +PB. If the target fails, it gets stunned, skipping its next turn.
Powerful strikes
Blighted - the target must make a constitution check with a DC = 12 + PB. If the target fails, it takes 3d6 poison damage (ignoring resistances) in intervals of 2 dmg a turn. The blighted being loses 15 feet of movement for the duration of the effect.
Bloodthirsty - the target must make a constitution check with a DC = 12 +PB. If the target fails, it takes 3d8 necrotic damage in intervals of 8 dmg a turn. The target AC is lowered by 2.
18th level – Stunning them smitten
Improved virtues
Enemy slayer (add 1d6 on attack rolls and 1d8 on damage rolls against enemy type that got the stress meter up to 100)
Brave (the fighter loses 30 stress points after a battle is over and is immune to the frightened condition and charmed)
Kind (help action increases range up to 60 ft range and can be done as a bonus action)
Unwavering (no stress taken on first 5 rounds of combat)
Inspiring (on the first round of combat, the fighter and all allies roll 3 d20 on their first attack rolls and use the highest)
Stalwart (the fighter gains +2 to AC and can roll a constitution saving throw with advantage (DC12) to not fall unconscious)
Focused (the fighter gains +2 to attack rolls and can critical strike at 17)
Powerful (2 extra damage die)
Vigorous (the fighter gains 2AC and 60 ft of movement)
Swift hands (the fighter gains +5 to sleight of hand and medicine and has 2 interactions and 2 bonus actions)
Angels touch (when in 5 ft of a wounded ally, the fighter can heal 3d10 hp twice per long rest)
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My understanding of Dungeon Meshi from Tumblr
Food Obsessed Himbo
Intelligence 100 Wisdom 0 Elf
Stoner Dwarf who does Mutual Aid
Tiny Voice of Reason
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that-tiefling-boy · 4 months
Finn & Tegan (OCs)
Here's my character's design in case anyone wants to try. I did install two mods (nothing major and really easy to use).
P4 Hair Colours Greying and Highlights
Trips' Accessories
Race: Tiefling
Subrace: Asmodeus Tiefling
Class: Druid
Cantrips 2/2: Poison Spray - Thorn Whip
Background: Outlander
Abilities 27/27: Strength - 13, Dexterity - 13, Constitution - 13, Intelligence - 13, Wisdom - 13, Charisma - 13 (these can be changed by yourself if you want to try but I always like my characters to have a balance in everything so I'm not constantly rolling dice and reloading saves)
Skill Proficiencies 2/2: Nature - Perception (these are optional too)
Prepare Spells 2/2: Cure Wounds - Speak with Animals
Body Type: 2
Identity: Male
Voice: Voice 3
Face: Head 6
Skin Color: Red Tone 5
Scarring: Scar 5
Maturity: 0%
Freckle Quantity: 100%
Freckle Intensity: 30%
Vitiligo Pigmentation: 0%
Tattoo Style: Blake Tiger
Tattoo Intensity: 100%
Tattoo Color: Grey Green
Piercing Style: A Wizard's Folly - Silver (mod)
Heterochromia: ❌
Eye Color: Demonic Green 2
Eye Makeup Style: Makeup 4
Eye Makeup Intensity: 100%
Metallic Tint Level: 0%
Glossy Tint Level: 0%
Eye Makeup Color: Black
Lip Tint Intensity: 100%
Metallic Tint Level: 50%
Glossy Tint Level: 30%
Lip Tint Color: Black 10
Hairstyle: Maudlin Pixie
Hair Color: P4_Color_TrueBlack (mod)
Highlight Intensity: 100%
Highlight Color: Emerald
Facial Hairstyle: Jawclinger
Hair Color: P4_Color_TrueBlack (mod)
Horn Style: Phlegethos Prongs
Horn Color: Dusty 5
Horn Tip Color: Green 1 (the more pastel one)
Here's some pictures of the good lookin guy:
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Finn was born and raised in Baldur's Gate and has a good relationship with his parents but spent more time with his mother growing up since she was a stay at home mother. He has one sibling, a little sister named Aurora. They had a good relationship as well, and were sometimes a bit mischievous when they were younger. Finn left to be on his own after decided to be a druid, he occasionally visits his family before returning to where he lives (a treehouse). During the events of the game, Finn and Gale become friendly with each other. Finn is curious about Gale as a wizard and what happened to him, and Gale is curious about Finn being a druid and the healing abilities. By the end of the adventure, Finn and Gale end up dating and Finn follows Gale to Waterdeep where they now reside.
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Race: Dragonborn
Subrace: White Dragonborn
Class: Bard
Cantrips 2/2: Vicious Mockery - Friends
Spells 4/4: Cure Wounds - Speak with Animals - Thunderwave - Feather Fall
Starting Instrument: Flute
Background: Entertainer
Abilities 27/27: Strength - 13, Dexterity - 13, Constitution - 12, Intelligence - 13, Wisdom - 13, Charisma - 14
Skill Proficiencies 3/3: Animal Handling - Perception - Persuasion
Body Type: 1
Identity: Male
Voice: Voice 1
Face: Head 4
Crest: Halberd Blades
Chins: No Chin attachment
Jaws: Sombre Calamity
Skin Color: White 5
Piercing Style: None
Heterochromia: ❌
Eye Color: Flame Yellow 4
Eye Makeup Style: Makeup 1
Eye Makeup Intensity: 100%
Eye Makeup Color: Yellow 4
Lip Tint Intensity: 100%
Lip Tint Color: Yellow 1
Tail Style: Tail A
Here's some pictures for the boi:
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Tegan originally was in an orphanage in Baldur's Gate before being adopted by a loving human couple when he was still young. He always had a love for the arts and had a talent for it, he was a born star. Tegan learned to play a flute by himself before he was given a nice flute by his parents for Xmas. He started doing shows as a teenager and was very skilled in what he was asked to do. He moved out of his parents house but remained in Baldur's Gate once he became an adult and continued his passion for the arts. During the events of the game, Wyll managed to catch his eye, both during battle and at camp. Wyll seemed to be about the only person at camp to be able to understand Tegan on a certain level, and Tegan knew he understood Wyll on a different level than most. Tegan grew a fondness and even a bit protective over Wyll as time went on, especially after Mizora turned him into a devil. Tegan and Wyll charmed each other and then decided to stay together after Wyll practically proposed to Tegan towards the end of their adventure.
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askoinari · 1 year
Kitsune Types & Ranks [simplified]
In kitsune society, a fox is given a rank depending on their age and magical prowess, as well as the number of tails they’ve grown. The higher the rank, the more respected the fox is seen towards others.
“Zenko”, or Good Foxes; are kitsune who’re typically well behaved and do good deeds for others for the sake of it. These foxes are often messengers or servants to gods.
“Yako” / “Nogitsune”  or Field Foxes, are kitsune who’re wild or typically ill behaved, often using their magic and skill to torment others and behave selfishly. This term is also given to non-magical foxes.
Kitsune of this rank are physically indistinguishable from non-magical foxes.
Kitsune between the ages of 0 - 100 make up the majority of this rank.
Starting around age 50, kits will start showing signs of being magical, assuming their parents are also magical foxes. If only one parent is magical, there’s a 50/50 chance of the kit also being magical. Kits are clumsy at first, but become more stabilized and intelligent the closer they get to 100 years of age.
Most kitsune will usually have 1 tail.
Kitsune of this rank are no longer easily confused with non-magical foxes. At this point, they have learned to walk upright, speak and understand human language and shapeshift their appearence, amongst other minor magic. Training begins to progressively hone their magic.
Kitsune between the ages of 100-500 make up the majority of this rank.
Starting from age 100, a fox may grow additional tails every 100 years afterwords. On the 99th year, it will slowly start to separate from the tip of the tail downwards toward the base. While this process is different for individual kitsune, it is usually a very uncomfortable year until the tail fully splits.
Kitsune of this rank typically gain between 2 - 6 tails during this time. Some Kitsune are able to grow more tails, but 9 is the limit.
Traditionally, for Nogitsune; it is believed that this is the highest rank they are expected to achieve in society, regardless of age, magical prowess or number of tails. It is often difficult for Nogitsune of this rank to earn the respect of other kitsune.
Kitsune of this rank have chosen to become a Spirit Fox, in which they will shed their mortal body and continue to live a spiritual existince akin to ghosts.
Once the physical body is separated permanently from the spiritual one, there is no reversing the process. The physical body is functionally dead.
Kitsune between the ages of 500 - 1000 make up the majority of this rank.
Kitsune of this rank gain between 7 - 9 tails. 
Most Zenko of this rank continue their training to become psychopomps, messengers, guardians and servants of the gods, amongst other opportunities. One of the most well known deities of kitsune is Ō-Inari, a deity of agriculture, prosperity and fertility, among other things.
Kitsune of this rank have achieved immortality, and have ascended from the spiritual plane into the heavenly one. These Kitsune are typically worshiped as minor deities, using their divine magic to offer blessings to others.
Kitsune between the ages of 1000-2000 make up the majority of this rank.
Kitsune of this rank typically have 9 tails, but some may grow more as they grow older and more powerful.
Zenko typically make up the majority of this rank, due to their alignment with divinity.
Kitsune of this rank have reached 3000 years of age, and have achieved the highest rank in kitsune society. 
Zenko typically make up the majority of this rank, due to their alignment with divinity. Elder kitsune are typically Kūko ranked, and are sought out for their wisdom.
Kitsune of this rank have reached a “retirement” status, and typically no longer serve the gods as messengers or the like.
Kitsune will no longer grow additional tails once they reach this rank, as their magical power is on par with the gods themselves, including but not limited to clairvoyance. They can choose to have no visible tails at all if desired, since they are no longer necessary.
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0zymandias-v-archived · 9 months
Known as: Ozymandias Real name: Adrian Friedrich Veidt DOB: January 3rd, 1939 Age: 46 Height: 6' 0'' (182 cm) Weight: 200 (90 kg) Hair: Blonde Eyes: Grey-ish blue Sexuality: ??? Bi, maybe? Gender: Cis male
Personality traits, or what to expect from Adrian:
Ambition - He's the most savvy businessman there is. Only because he's made such a fortune while sticking to using clean power, big on recycling, paying livable wages to all employees, and all that good jazz. He's not afraid of making his Board of Directors panic and question him on these simple acts.
Charm - Adrian knows how to socialize, and genuinely comes off as a humble, and sweet man. Wanting to spread his wealth more than hoard it. Though he still lives rather comfortably.
Betrayal - Ozymandias is extremely determined and goal focused. Ready to kill anyone who crosses him, or threatens to ruin his plans.
Bubastis - She is a genetically engineered large cat, a hybrid between Lynx and Tiger. She's red and black striped, and surprisingly friendly. Adrian's pride and joy, and trusted companion.
Savior complex - At the end of the day, Adrian is a selfish bastard. He calls himself Ozymandias, compares himself to Alexander the Great, and is unhealthily obsessed with ancient Greek and Egyptian mythology. It may be a god complex as well. But either way this guy decided in order to "unite" the world he'd drop a huge telepathic "alien" on New York City, killing millions. To "save" billions. And he truly believed his plan to work.
Description: Adrian is conventionally attractive with symmetrical and sharp facial structure along with straight blonde hair and grey-ish blue eyes. His hair is short, and usually styled neatly. His body is muscular yet lean due to his constant psychical excising and experience in acrobatics. He has no visible scars, and has a pale complexion with warm undertones. He is always sharp dressed, wearing the finest of fabrics that money can buy, always wearing purple and/or gold. As Ozymandias he wears a purple tunic with gold chest, arm and shin plates. Along with a purple cape, and a golden headband. And when he used to keep his identity a secret, a purple domino mask.
Background: Adrian was born right after his parents, Friedrich and Ingrid Veidt immigrated to the United States. The young boy was a natural prodigy, excelling in several grades higher than his own. Though quickly his teachers became suspicious that Adrian was somehow cheating, perhaps involving his parents. Who told their son to hide his intelligence from now on and continued to get perfectly average grades.
His parents died in a car accident that left Adrian with their estate and successful perfumery business named Nostalgia at age 17. However, he gave it all away to charity or shareholders of the business. Announcing that he wanted to demonstrate that anyone could achieve anything while starting with nothing. And thus he started his nomadic period. Traveling overseas to follow in the footsteps of his beloved role models, Alexander the Great across the Mediterranean, Asia Minor, and former ancient Persia. At the end of his journey in Babylon, Alexander's resting place, was where Adrian reflected on his idol's shortcomings. Where he failed to unite the world. He consumed hashish while traveling in the desert. There he completed his odyssey, undergoing a transformative psychedelic experience which gained him the understanding of Alexander's legacy and the wisdom of the ancient pharaohs, all of which would inspire him to become a "savior of mankind".
At age 19, Adrian took on the name Ozymandias and became a masked vigilante. Wasting no time in taking down large drug trade operations, tearing down Moloch the Mystic's criminal organization before locking him away. Ozymandias earned the tittle "Smartest man in the world" after that. While having no superpowers, he is still an extremely skillful fighter. His PR team took the extreme liberties to spread rumors that he learned to use 100% capability of his brain to gain peak condition. Thus he was known as "the man that can dodge bullets". Of course, he wasn't a costumed adventurer forever. After the first meeting of Crimebusters in 1966 that turned sour, Ozymandias pondered on the Comedian's wisdom for some time after. In 1975, two years before the Keene Act that outlawed masked vigilantes, Adrian retired and revealed himself to be Ozymandias. Then he began selling his hero persona as action figures. Growing his business into Veidt's Enterprises, which funded his secret mission; world peace.
It took in depth and careful scheming while he continued to pretend to be a compassionate entrepreneur, fighting against nuclear power plants and making plans to solve global warming. All the while he and his team of scientists began working on creating a horrid, telepathic monster posed as an alien at this secret base in Karnak. Ozymandias' plan was to help induce nuclear panic, keep Dr. Manhattan blindsided, then at the peak of a war breaking out he'd drop the alien in New York city. Tricking humanity into believing an alien invasion was taking place and therefore uniting the world toward a common enemy. Despite the murder of Eddie Blake (the Comedian) and it catching the attention of Rorschach and later on Nite Owl, Adrian managed to fool both vigilante's and his plan was successfully carried out.
After the failed attempt by Nite Owl and Rorschach to stop the catastrophic event from happening, which ended in Rorschach's death, and Nite Owl returning with Silk Spectre to the US. Adrian looked to Dr. Manhattan for reassurance that his plan truly had worked in uniting the world and creating peace amongst all nations. To which Dr. Manhattan cryptically responded by saying "Nothing ever ends". Leaving Veidt alone to question himself while in self exile.
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weezlbot · 2 years
eonwe rates the maiar
“Eonwe Rates the Valar” flopped hard, so I’m doing the logical thing and making another one! Birb boi rates his colleagues!
also this is more like how well he knows/likes them, not how “good” they are per se. it’s subjective not objective
Ilmare: she’s like a sister to Eonwe. she also makes fresh sweet rolls for the sky-folk (Eonwe, Arien, Tilion, Earendil, etc). on a regular basis. earnest student and preserver of wisdom. also her magic abilities are top-notch. She’s better with the Music than Eonwe himself is. She’s also deeply faithful to both Varda and Manwe. 100/10.
Osse: Brings rains that make the earth fresh and green, which is nice, but why does he have to be so destructive about it? and splashing innocent children of Eru down in the water to drown? However, his rehabilitation from the service of Melkor shows genuine faith and courage. 6/10. 
Uinen: Gentle and kindhearted. Protects the Children of Eru whenever she can. Reins Osse in when he rages. Feeds the seabirds little bites of bread. 9/10
Melian: Withdrew into Doriath during the Year of the Trees, then hid away in the gardens of Vana and Este ever since. From what he can tell, she is wise and sensible, which he thinks is admirable, but they aren’t close. She did open up the way for elf/maia marriages, though, so that’s kind of neat. 6/10
Arien: She’s so pretty! and the sun is so bright and warm! Her rapier wit makes her a fascinating conversationalist. Loyal, dedicated and timely. They talk on the reg--him as a flying being and her as the Sun. 9/10
Tilion: Being the Moon was the best idea he ever had. All the world’s hounds still howl to him in brotherhood. Eonwe’s not a dog person but that’s still pretty cool. Not as wise as some, but is chivalrous and dedicated, and frankly, Tilion and Ilmare are close and any friend of Ilmare’s is a friend of Eonwe’s. 7/10
Curumo/Saruman: A bit full of himself. And what’s with defecting to evil when he was supposed to be a force of leadership and light? However, his craftsmanship is high-quality, especially his weaponsmithing, and in the end, he is very intelligent. Doesn’t excuse the traitorship, though. 4/10.
Olorin/Gandalf: Wise, intelligent, and goodhearted. A good student, a good teacher. Talented in magic and swordplay. Fiercely loyal to his causes. And yet, he still has fun. 10/10 every Maia should aim to be like him
Aiwendil/Radagast: he’s a little feral but, like, in a cute way. Trying to save the little creatures of Arda from Sauron was an admirable cause. His heart’s in the right place, but his planning skills could be better. He’s simple, but there’s nothing wrong with being simple. 8/10
Alatar & Pallando: Hunt/eat birds for why? abandon cause for why? where’d they even go? what was their problem? 4/10
Tom Bombadil: What’s with moving to Middle Earth? Valinor literally could have used your might! Other than that, he’s a decent guy and 7/10. 
Goldberry: Continuing with the theme of Ulmo having the gentlest, sweetest she-Maiar in his service. 8/10.
the eagles: birby friends who are also heroic warriors? 10/10!
Mairon Sauron: intelligent. wise. crafty. his sense of beauty is immaculate. amazing with his hands. rapier wit. friend.10/10 evil. cruel. the things he did in Numenor and in the pits of Angband were vile. traitor. heartbreaker. enemy. 0/10. 
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heromaker-if · 1 year
Can you share some romantic facts about Astro/a, please?
Of course! You will get to meet them very soon.
Astro/a despite not being a monk any longer, they are still very religious, they are also the equivalent of 0 intelligence and 100 wisdom.
In a romantic relationship, Astro/a will pull MC for dances whenever the opportunities strikes, cook for them, and dedicate songs to them as well. Astro/a is the ride or die anyone needs in a friend and in a partner. They're also a great listener, an active one, that engages with the things the other enjoys, purely cause it makes others happy.
I hope that satisfied you a little bit, you will get to meet them hopefully on the next chapter. Thank you for the ask anon!
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henrysglock · 2 years
okay okay i love talking about dnd - dnd anon back again
just general fyi, there's multiple editions for dnd. new monsters get added over the course of them, some stats change, game mechanics get reworked ect. we're on E5 right now. the party in ST would be playing with E1 which came out in the early 80s (E2 came out in the late 80s and is definitely relevant to anything S4 and onwards). i know most of the original 80s stats, but just mentioning here that some numbers went up or down a few digits over the years
okay and now breaking this down:
in dnd you have CRs (= Challenge Ratings) which are a number between 0 and 30. those give you an idea of the general strength of an enemy, the higher the stronger. that's generally how you as a DM decide what to throw at your party since you don't want to give and absolute BeastTM to you Lvl. 1 party (CRs also aren't always 100% reliable since DMs can tweak stats slightly to fit their parties better, but CRs DO give you a pretty solid idea of how fucked you're going to be on average going into an encounter)
and long story short, a Mindflayers CR is 7. Vecna's is 26. and yeah that'd basically already be enough said, one of these is Not like the other. Tldr: Vecna is an absolute Unit and wins this competition every time
but now also, more in depth:
first more stats: CR only give you the General difficulty of an enemy. you also have AC (Armour Class) and HP for every enemy for example:
AC -> MF: 15, V: 18
HP -> MF: 71 (potentially up to +13 with additional roles when creating the enemy), V: 272 (with a roll up to +128)
Vecna, again, unsurprisingly given the CR, wins everything here BY FAR. but besides stats, the actual game lore is also interesting:
for one, i said A Mindflayer intentionally because there's actually multiple. it's not a unique enemy type (it's still rare though). they're also called Illithids and are actually much more human looking than on the show -> a bit of a wizard type - also much more human sized than the one in ST. their faces are very much spider tentacles tho so I'm guessing that's from where we got the visuals for our favorite Big Guy. (also, fun fact: Illithids/ Mindflayers tend to show up in combat with a handful of followers they're mindcontrolling, very similar to the plot of s3 actually, just think that's neat :D)
and then there's VECNA. THE Vecna. the ONE and only (ha). totally unique. actually, as of E1 Vecna wasn't even a fightable enemy with stats yet. he was only Referenced in the monster manual (where all the dnd enemy lore at the time came from) + his eye (or arm actually? sorry not sure which one it actually was) were super strong items you could find. but no Vecna in the flesh yet - he was just this elusive evil in the background. only in E2 did Vecna actually get a stats sheet and was something you could actually try and fight. and Vecna is Big in dnd, a bit of a staple figure actually - especially in E2 at the time. Mindflayers may be more of an enemy class than a given "name" for one specific person/monster. but oh boy did Vecna sure make a name for himself alone. multiple names actually, that's the guy people call "the Arch Lich" and "the Undying King" to name a few, if there's One wizard you're going to be sweating to fight in late 80s dnd it's THIS guy. Hard as Hell to beat! and a dnd icon on top of it!
and even the fighting in itself is going to be an absolute Bitch, so here a general idea of how combat works:
aside from attacking, you constantly roll saving throws. that's how you avoid dying/ taking damage/ suffering negative effects like poison or burning etc. the saving throws are all in a specific attribute so Intelligence or Wisdom for example. you roll with a D20 and need to get something higher than a certain predetermined number to actually get the save and avoid whatever made you roll for the save in the first place. depending on the stat you're rolling in, the numbers for the MFs are basically all between 6-7. but for VECNA they're all between 12-15.
the combat system in E1 and E2 is slightly different than today and i'm not Totally in tune with it, so i'm not Completely sure if/how saving throws might have worked a bit different back then,
but the HIGH requirement for saves (consistently rolling over 12-15 with a D20 is Fucked btw) is also why we see the game in S4 go down the way it does. the entire group makes it to the final boss alright but then starts falling like flies. because you'd have to consistently roll REALLY high to keep hitting saves and not chip your health down slowly or get CRIT'ed in one go. and even if you're lucky with rolls, the longer the combat goes on the more likely you are to start missing saves and either die from a direct hit or get a negative effect that kills you over time. which is why we see the entire party go down alongside Mike during Eddie's game, except for Dustin and Erica who are both still 1 hit from death.
even the parts of the game sequence we actually get SEE on screen in s4 show us this directly, when we see Mike going first in the combat order and look upset immediately when he presumably fails his first save right away (unlucky) -> i've seen people confused why Mike looks upset but an Enemy figure gets knocked down on the board instead of his paladin. this is why as far as i can tell here. he might have still won against whatever he was fighting but took massive damage or got a passive negative effect from failing his first save. he zero'd out later at some point, since only Erica and Dustin are left by the end, but i probably wasn't Directly after the first hit he took (even though it could obviously be Because of that hit, since it might've been a passive effect which can kill you with a few rounds delay)
so Yupp, that's the general breakdown here! so tldr Again: if you had the choice between facing the Mindflayer or Vecna on the condition that everybody sticks to dnd rules you do NOT go for Vecna. Ever. that guy is Horrible to beat. literally the chance of fucking up like Mike here and missing your FIRST save right off the bat is 60-75%, that's BAD, that can KILL you
me with my melted ice cream brain: yeah what u said
but actually yeah looking at the numbers it’s v clear who’s the big bad even from the dnd framework. and it also makes sense why El et al. are able to defeat the mindflayer twice but not Vecna/Henry even once
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reynauld · 1 year
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Every cause needs a champion, a hero to rally otherwise common men to a righteous cause and lead them to victory. The Crusader is that champion. With holy blade in hand he smites the wicked and sends them back to the darkness from whence they crept. While his armor restricts his movement it affords him great protection, allowing him to stand in the frontlines to take the blows that his weaker comrades cannot.
No matter the pressures he faces he will remain strong, finding strength within himself to keep fighting on while inspiring others to do the same. Even in the midst of battle he can galvanize his allies, giving them the strength to fight off madness for a little longer. When the Crusader is leading the charge, all of hell will know to fear the flame.
------------------------------------ Your name is Reynauld, of Avignon.
You came here when your campaign ended in defeat, and dismay. Not the staunch insistence of your commander nor the declaration of victory was able to erase the bitter memories of your dead friends, and dead soldiers. Among the many corpses that fell for zealous purpose, there was your own. Not much can assuage the bitter taste of war, the back of your throat used to the scent of fire and molding flesh. 
You had a wife, and a child, but you could not face them outside of the helm that you wore at first. When you did try to reach them, they seemed to wish nothing to do with you. And thus, you took to older roads, in different countries far from the Light.
And then one day a man met you at a crossroads dive, looking for people to help him on an impossible quest
❝A mighty sword arm anchored by holy purpose - a zealous warrior!❞
Name: Reynauld D'avignon Age: 32 Lineage: Reborn, (Undead, Light Touched) Class: Paladin (Oath of Devotion ), Level 10 Background: Crusader Occupation: Hired mercenary under employ of Regulus von BockRank: Excommunicated Knight Commander/ Former High Paladin of the Flame  Height: 6'4’’ / 185 cm Weight: 222 lbs / 100 kilograms
Strength: 16 (+3 ) Dexterity: 18 (+4 ) Constitution: 16 (+3 ) Intelligence: 13 (+1 ) Wisdom: 10 (+0 ) Charisma: 16 (+3 )
Status Conditions: Undead
Characteristic Spells/Abilities: Light, Divine Smite, Divine Favor, Branding Smite, Thunderous Smite, Heroism, Lay on Hands, Beacon of Hope, Aura of Protection, Aura of Devotion, Bless, Hallow
Proficient in: Religion, History, Sleight of Hand… *whistles*, and Intimidation
Reynauld is a dexterity-based Great Weapon Fighter, whose montante great sword is aptly named “The Last Crusade”. He focuses on dealing and taking as much damage on the front line as possible, using his extreme endurance and quickness to distract the enemy from his allies. His offensive and defensive capabilities, as well as his experience in battle and healing capacity, make him an invaluable pick for expeditions into the dark corners of the Earth. 
Positive: Warrior of Light, Prismatic Force, Luminous, Prismatic Calm, Irrepressible Negative: Kleptomaniac, Ruminator, Risktaker, Witness
Hi. I’m Cas, (any pronouns). I’m 29.
I’m here with @darkestheir
This is a ttrpg analog blog.
Canon storyline. Reynauld arrives to the Hamlet with precious few clear memories, meeting the soon to be heroes of the Hamlet and the valley beyond it. Under Regulus’s beckon, Reynauld descends into twisting dungeons and dangerous forests, fighting beside his companions and friends. The horror grows as the truth of the Hamlet, the surrounding area, and its people are revealed, and not only that truth, but the truth about himself as well. With the defeat of the heart of darkness, the darkness itself is now the enemy to fight ever onward.
A religion that pre-dates the Crusades. It is a pagan religion, with focus on balance, sacrifice, purity of spirit, and human willpower to achieve these things. The Light in its simplest form can be explained as the worship of daytime, the sun, stars, and celestial bodies. There are many different sects of Light worship, each sect having its own particular set of beliefs. The Light is a benevolent and demanding entity, and understanding it is to understand one’s own self as well.
As if confirming the existence of such an entity as “The Light”, there also exist what are called “Light Touched”. Light Touched individuals seem to bear a piece of the Light itself inside of them, being innately attuned to its powers and will. 
📖 Light Touched Template
The First Order of the Light believes the light is like pure essence of life and they are the taps in to that stream. They have means to open that tap wider, and do so with caution, lest they be drawn in and left no longer as an individual but part of the whole.
📖 Of the Light
The Third Order of the Light/The Order of Tephos’, teachings focus on curating and protecting the already present light in all creatures.
📖 The Third Order’s Beliefs
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thefivekins · 4 hours
Every character in THE FIVE KINS will have an array of six stats that will determine success of certain actions within the RP. Some checks may call for more than one at a time. They are as follows:
STRENGTH — measures bodily power and the extent to which you can exert raw physical force.
Examples of using STRENGTH: climbing, jumping, swimming, fighting/sparring, etc.
DEXTERITY — measures agility, reflexes, balance.
Examples of using DEXTERITY: running, sneaking, swiping something unnoticed, hunting, etc.
INTELLIGENCE — measures mental acuity, accuracy of recall/memory, and the ability to reason.
Examples of using INTELLIGENCE: recalling information, investigating, winning a game of skill, etc.
WISDOM — measures how attuned a cat is to the world around them, represents perceptiveness and intuition.
Examples of using WISDOM: determining the true intention of someone, diagnosing an illness, gathering herbs, identifying herbs, utilizing herbs correctly, detecting the presence of something, etc.
CHARISMA — measures your cat’s ability to interact with others.
Examples of using CHARISMA: deceiving, intimidating, performing, persuading, etc.
ENDURANCE — measures a cat’s physical fortitude.
Examples of using ENDURANCE: ability to travel long distances, go long without rest or food, enduring/responding to pain, resisting sickness, ability to take damage, etc.
When choosing your character’s stats, specific numbers will be provided based on age. This is to prevent any potential unbalance between ranks. They are as follows:
KITHOOD (0-5 moons): up to 8 points per array
ADOLESCENCE (6-12 moons): up to 16 points per array
ADULTHOOD (13+ moons): up to 24 points per array
SENIORITY (100+ moons): up to 20 points per array, every 10 moons stats are lowered by -2 until they reach 10 per array
Do not use all possible points for your character stats– every new character starts with half the amount.
Along with the stats above, players may have additional modifiers to include based on the rank of their character. The highest possible modifier an adult cat can have is 8– one cannot max out on more than 3 stats. Kits cannot have more than 2 modifiers per stat, apprentices and elders no more than 5.
Modifiers are increased over time, alongside a character’s knacks, by leveling up.
Specific skills, known as “knacks”, are character abilities that are tied to certain stats. They are earned over time based on various things within the RP, like:
the level of your cat
the rank/role of your cat
certain characteristics
recurring jobs or themes
Each character created will start out with 2 knacks of the player’s choice, starting at 0. Each knack is connected to an ability score, acting as an extra modifier in specific contexts during the RP. The more activities one does related to a knack, the more proficient your cat becomes in it.
When a new knack is earned through rank, level, or context, they too will start at 0 and need to be built up through further experience. The max points a knack can have attached to it is 8, just like our modifiers.
The max amount of knacks one can collect per character is 6. A cat does not need to have a knack for every type of ability, though spreading out the types one choses is recommended.
Dice, specifically d20s, will be used within the server for roleplay. They will be used to determine the following:
herb foraging
fighting (optional)
accuracy of actions/decisions
effectiveness of actions/decisions
chance & luck
Majority of dice rolls will be made in the direct context of a cat’s ability scores, modifiers, and knacks. If one’s collective score per contextual ability is above the number rolled— success! If it isn’t— failure. The rest is up to the interpretation of players and GMs, so there is still room to twist the results and be creative.
Here is how dice will be used for hunting, foraging, and fighting, respectfully:
For every hunting attempt, one must roll twice. These rolls are for quality and success respectfully. Players must roll their DEXTERITY modifiers.
0-5 - Scrawny, barely anything more than bones. Is it even worth keeping?
6-10 - A small or young piece of prey. It is a decent portion, but may not be entirely filling.
11-15 - Excellent catch! This creature is healthy and the perfect portion for a cat like yourself.
16-20 - Now this is something to bring back to camp with pride. This creature is in perfect shape, maybe even bigger than normal. This could probably feed more than one cat.
0-5 - Immediate failure. You trip on your paws, make too much noise, pounce too soon or too slow. Better luck next time.
6-10 - Maybe you made a small mistake that let your target know you were there, but you are still quick. This creature will try to escape— whether you catch it or not is up to the player.
11-15 - You pounce on your target. It tries to escape your claws, but you're quick to stop it.
16-20 - You pounce. Immediately, the prey is in your grasp. No struggle. Success.
You may make up to four attempts to catch prey during one thread. It will be a new target every round.
For every foraging attempt, one will roll once. This roll is for quality respectfully. Players must roll their WISDOM modifiers.
0-5 - The herbs are wilted and torn. There's nothing to salvage here.
6-10 - The herbs aren't fresh, but they aren't dead either. Take what you can and use it quickly.
11-15 - A healthy patch of herbs! There's enough for a cat or two to bring back.
16-20 - You hit the herb jackpot! These plants are fresh and healthy, just waiting to be used by your skilled paws. There's more than enough to bring back with you.
Most combat within the RP will be left entirely to the whims of the players. A “yes, and” approach is expected with or without the use of dice. It recommended that players with battling cats roll in the beginning of the thread to determine losses and wins by measuring STRENGTH and ENDURANCE ability scores. However, this is optional if players have a thorough plan for how the fight will play out.
Cherrybranch and Eelswipe have engaged in combat. Cherry has a STRENGTH score of 10 with a +5 modifier and an ENDURANCE score of 5 with a -3 modifier. In turn, Eel has a STRENGTH score of 8 with no modifier and an ENDURANCE score of 13 with a +4 modifier.
This leaves Cherry with a total of 15 STR and 2 END, Eel with a total of 8 STR and 17 END. Cherry can overpower Eel, but Eel may not be injured as easily as Cherry would like. Eel may not be as strong, but Cherry is more susceptible to injury.
Levels in THE FIVE KINS are earned through participation within the RP. A promotion in a character’s rank triggers an immediate level up– otherwise, they are increased by the amount of threads one has a part in. Your cat will receive a level up every 8 threads, and every cat starts at level 1, no matter the rank. This, in turn, allows one to increase a character’s modifiers or proficiency in a knack over time. Additional points for each level are measured in EXP, which can be spent in an in-server shop to access more features if desired.
(Need visuals? A google doc version of this information, including charts, can be found here.)
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shiftingsatyr · 15 days
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°•》Once Upon a Witchlight DR Script《•°
Last edited: May 27th, 2024
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°•》About Me《•°
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● Name:
● Nickname(s):
Cal (Friends), Kiddo (Kremy and Gideon)
● Species:
● Age:
Somewhere in their 20's or 30's
● Birthday:
● Pronouns:
● Gender identity:
● Romantic orientation:
● Sexual orientation:
● Description:
5'4 chubby brunette with short fluffy hair and fur, greyish blue eyes with beauty mark under right, pale skin with freckles all over face and shoulders with black ombre starting from fingertips of both arms, black hooves with satyr legs/tail/ears
● Stats:
Strength: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 10 (+0)
Dexterity: 11 (+0)
Intelligence: 9 (-1)
Constitution: 17 (+3)
Charisma: 15 (+2)
● Abilities:
Dancing Lights:
You create up to four torch-sized lights within range, making them appear as torches, lanterns, or glowing orbs that hover in the air for the duration. You can also combine the four lights into one glowing vaguely humanoid form, each light sheds dim light in a 10-foot radius. You can move the lights up to 60 feet to a new spot within range of another light or it winks out if it exceeds the range.
Thunderclap: You create a burst of thunderous sound, which can be heard 100 feet away. Each creature other than you within range takes thunder damage.
Vicious Mockery: You unleash a string of insults laced with subtle enchantments at a creature you can see within range. If the target can hear you (though it need not understand you), it takes psychic damage and has disadvantage on the next attack it makes.
Dissonant Whispers: You whisper a discordant melody that only one creature of your choice within range can hear, wracking it with terrible pain. The target takes psychic damage and must immediately move as far away from you as possible.
Cloud of Daggers: You fill the air with spinning daggers in a cube 5 feet on each side, centered on a point you choose within range. A creature takes slashing damage when it enters the spell’s area for the first time and as it stays there.
Tasha's Hideous Laughter: A creature of your choice that you can see within range perceives everything as hilariously funny and falls into fits of laughter. The target falls prone, becoming incapacitated and unable to stand up for the duration.
Silvery Barbs: You magically distract the triggering creature and turn its momentary uncertainty into encouragement for another creature. The triggering creature is then distracted and any attacks against it are easier to land.
Hypnotic Pattern: You create a twisting pattern of colors that weaves through the air inside a 30-foot cube within range. The pattern appears for a moment and vanishes. Each creature in the area who sees the pattern becomes charmed for the duration. While charmed by this spell, the creature is incapacitated and has a speed of 0.
Mass Healing Word: As you call out words of restoration, up to six creatures of your choice that you can see within range regain health.
Raise Dead: You return a dead creature you touch to life, provided that it has been dead no longer than 10 days and the soul is willing.
Seeming: This spell allows you to change the appearance of any number of creatures that you can see within range. You give each target you choose a new, illusory appearance.
● Personality:
A kind, musically inclined yet forgetful satyr who is friendly but wary to most because of past experiences they've had on the road that have led them to isolate themselves. They have a soft spot for pathetic creatures, going out of their way often to comfort or help on multiple occasions
● Likes:
Sweets, Rain, Musical theatre, Seafood, Heights, Snow, Pranking
● Dislikes:
Math, Heat, Dark/Neon green, Quiet, Water, Isolation, Swamps
● Hobbies:
Cooking/Baking, Playing music, Climbing, Reading, Knitting
● Backstory:
An Amnesiac bard satyr from Prismeer who while staying the night at "The inn at the end of the road" after traveling was awoken by a large fight involving Carnivalè Lecroux verses a witchlight-high Torbek which they decided to help in, later offering their services as a tour guide to the group
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● Parent(s):
Kremy Lecroux: An alligator lizardfolk warlock under the order of the loa of death, Baron Samedi, who can hypnotize people by saying the phrase "Would Ya Kindly?" and can shoot eldritch blasts. He is the leader of Carnivalè Lecroux and my adoptive father, being referred to as "Papa Kremy". He claims to be "ironically" married to Gideon Coal, though often expresses the opposite when forced to tell the truth
Gideon Coal: A fire genasi chain-fighter with a southern accent and a literal hotheaded temper, ready to throw hands against anyone who dares go against him. He is haunted by the ghosts of clowns he has killed "accidentally" in the past, with the main one being a clown named Chuckles who torments Gideon constantly. He claims to be "ironically" married to Kremy Lecroux, though often expresses the opposite when forced to tell the truth
● Best friend(s):
Torbek: A bugbear bloodhunter with split personalities, one being a ruthless killing machine dubbed "Gorebek" and the other his normal depressed self. He was tortured for many years in Prismeer, tubes and canisters filled with a glittery pink liquid known as Witchlight permanently lodged into his back and arms. He is an alcoholic, using the drink to soften the voices in his mind which has unfortunately caused him to steal property like a cardboard cutout named Clementine who he is supposedly "married" to from the Witchlight Carnival
● Friend(s):
Morning Frost: A orange tiger tabaxi sorcerer from the mountains with a monotone voice and love of beans. He can use his mind to telepathically speak to another or crush a creatures brain, to the horror of his party. He is often cursed to have no feeling in his legs, screaming "My fucking legs, Gricko!" every time it happens. He is often referred to as "Frosty" by his friends, especially Gricko who he is very close with
Gricko Grimgrin: A goblin druid and adopted father to Hootsie the owlbear cub, stolen from the Witchlight carnival years ago when he worked there as a helper. He can transform into monstrous creatures with the help of his owl shaped ocarina like a landshark or can heal the party by summoning "Bananyas" by calling upon the help of a giant gorilla spirt. He is quite the jokester, loving to say deez nuts jokes to Gideon to make him upset or reference nonsensical items such as Sea cucumber Robert rectangle trousers
Hootsie T. Cutesie Grimgrin: An owlbear cub stolen adopted by Gricko Grimgrin from the Witchlight carnival who now act like that party mascot, dancing and performing routines made up for her by her father and uncles. She is very fond of her "Flypad", a leaf with which flies get stuck to along with rat snacks which she receives after a job well done
Twig Toadstool: A brownie warlock whose patron is unknown. She runs "The inn at the end of the road" which, when not open, transforms into an acorn satchel that she carries around and can pull items from the inn out of. She and Gideon are extremely close, having a father-daughter type relationship and is often found hitching a ride on the fire genasi's back
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°•》DR Info《•°
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● Scenario(s):
Torbek and I sleeping in a pile on the floor together after an exhausting day adventuring, Frost and I reading together, Kremy teaching me how to cook gumbo
● Safe word/phrase/action:
I will be able to come back to my CR by drawing the shifting symbol in the air
● Specific affirmation(s) for this DR:
None as of right now, maybe to return the comfort the characters have given me
● Time Difference:
One day in DR will equal one hour in CR
● Extra fact(s):
This DR is based off a Dungeons and Dragons campaign by Legends of Avantris, taking place mostly in the Feywild in a section called Prismeer which has been overtaken by a coven of hags called "The Hourglass Coven" with its members being Bavlorna Blightstraw, Skabatha Nightshade and Endelyn Moongrave with the lands previous ruler being Zybilna, a powerful archfey who would grant the wishes of whoever came before her being frozen in time by the coven
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menagerieofmagic · 1 month
Abyssal Leviathan
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Abyssal Leviathan
Gargantuan monstrosity (titan), chaotic neutral
Armor Class: 18 (natural armor) Hit Points: 310 (20d20 + 100) Speed: 20 ft., swim 80 ft.
Strength: 28 (+9) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 20 (+5) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 15 (+2) Charisma: 12 (+1)
Skills: Perception +7, Stealth +7 Damage Resistances: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Damage Immunities: cold Condition Immunities: paralyzed, poisoned Senses: darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17 Languages: Aquan, understands Common but doesn't speak Challenge: 17 (18,000 XP)
Amphibious: The Abyssal Leviathan can breathe air and water.
Siege Monster: The Abyssal Leviathan deals double damage to objects and structures.
Innate Spellcasting: The Abyssal Leviathan's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 15). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:
At will: water breathing, shape water
3/day each: control water, ice storm
1/day each: tsunami
Multiattack: The Abyssal Leviathan makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its tail.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 32 (3d12 + 9) piercing damage.
Tail Slap: Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (3d10 + 9) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 20 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Roiling Waters (Recharge 5–6): The Abyssal Leviathan churns the water around it in a 60-foot radius. Each creature in that area must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 26 (4d12) bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. On a success, a creature takes half the damage and isn't knocked prone. Creatures in the water have disadvantage on this saving throw.
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anneli-oldenburg · 7 months
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b i o g r a p h y
↬ Full name ↫
Princess Anneli Astri Bjorgman Oldenburg of Arendelle
↬ Nickname ↫
El, Ellie
↬ Birthday ↫
Nov 30
↬ Birthplace ↫
Kingdom of Arendelle
↬ Zodiac ↫
↬ Height ↫
↬ Orientation ↫
↬ Social Class ↫
Upper-- she's a royal
↬ Wealth ↫
Extremely wealthy
a p p e a r a n c e
↬ Tattoos ↫
I don't know if she has any, or if they does they are in white ink
↬ Piercing ↫
Just ears
p e r s o n a l i t y 
↬ Normal mood ↫
El is normally in a good mood and is happy but because she's a princess she's also good at putting on a stone cold face and not showing emotions
↬ Temper ↫
She absolutely has a temper in some situations, she's very entitled
↬ Discipline ↫
She is very disciplined in the public eye and in her parents' eyes, but not at all in private
↬ Strengths ↫
Ellie is emotionally strong, not a lot phases her but sometimes that's to a fault
↬ Weaknesses ↫
Hurting the people that she loves and threatening her kingdom
↬ Drive/dreams ↫
To be Queen of Arendelle
↬ Fears ↫
Her kingdom falling or not being able to be Queen
↬ Likes ↫
She loves a good traditional homemade meal, not whatever fancy stuff is served at formal dinners. She loves to dance and go on fun trips while she can.
↬ Dislikes ↫
Being stuck in the palace
↬ Soft spot ↫
Her fam
↬ Depression ↫
Knowing that she'll be stuck in Arendelle forever once she's queen
↬ Inspiration ↫
↬ Role model ↫
Her ancestors who had great power
↬ Habits ↫
She's a hair twirler when she's bored
↬ Love Language ↫
acts of service and words of affirmation
r a t i n g s 
(5 Stars means very high strength, 1 star means very low strength aka weak)
↬ Psychological strength ↫
↬ Physical strength ↫
she can kick some ass, she didn't want to be seen as weak
↬ Leadership ↫
natural born leader
↬ Wisdom ↫
it depends, for the kindom she thinks things through, but with personal choices they can be kind of rash
↬ Intelligence ↫
she's pretty intelligent, people are quick to underestimate her
↬ Confidence ↫
↬ Endurance ↫
she is resistant to change but eventually learns to adapt
r e l a t i o n s h i p s
↬ Father ↫
King Erik of Arendelle. They have amicable relationship, but they were never close growing up.
↬ Mother ↫
Queen Astrid of Arendelle. They have a tumultuous relationship, really they never see eye to eye.
↬ Siblings ↫
She has a younger brother, Bodie, and younger sister, Halley
↬ Other relatives ↫
Anneli just found out that she has a cousin, Lyra, is and very suspicious of her and her motives.
↬ Enemies ↫
↬ Rivals ↫
Anyone who has a claim to the Arendellian throne
↬ Friends ↫
other royal girls who like to go out and party
↬ Best friend ↫
no idea
↬ Love interest ↫
not yet!!!
↬ Marital status ↫
↬ Children ↫
↬ Pets ↫
she probs has reindeer but maybe a pet cat, i feel like no one has any. Norwegian forest cat called Freya
p a s s - t i m e
↬ Hobbies ↫
travel and party
↬ Talents ↫
dancing, ice skating
↬ Sports ↫
see above
↬ Occupation ↫
 h o m e   l i f e 
↬ Location ↫
↬ House size ↫
↬ House type ↫
it's a castle
↬ Level of luxury ↫
↬ Bedroom description ↫
whites and pastels, v lush and cozy
L I F E    S T O R Y 
↬ Age 0-12 ↫
Anneli was v much brought up a princess. she was always in lessons, she was always present at events and on her best behavior even at a young age.
↬ Age 13-18 ↫
once she hit teen years she started to want to go out and see the world more, which her mother thought was pointless because her duty is to arendelle. Anneli agrees that her duty is to her kingdom, but once she was 15/16 she started to sneak out to go to parties/clubs. She continued to do so, but once she was 18 she told her mother she couldn't be held captive in the kingdom anymore and began to travel
↬ Age 19-30 (or 25) ↫
Anneli has managed to keep her private life separate from her life as a princess, and the public adores their sweet princess but has no idea what she does when it gets dark or while she's away from home
↬ Darkest secret ↫
when Anneli was 17, she shared a kiss with Ryker, a descendent of Briar Malin during a game at a party. He started to pursue her, but she rejected him. Ryker put a hex on Anneli where the next person she kisses on the lips will be cursed, and the only way to be rid of the hex is if she chooses to be with him. Since then, Anneli has never kissed another person on the lips out of fear of cursing them, as she doesn't know what the curse would entail.
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vampirearataka · 4 years
megamind and dr doofenschmirtz are the same brand
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