#2017 sg
iconsrareforyou · 8 months
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ʚɞ * ・ ° . 。 like ʚɞ reblog
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beatcroc · 7 months
i literally ran an annie askblog for two straight years 😭
it's been awhile by now but to this Day whenever i reblog one of those 'what character do you associate with me' posts i still get like 3 people saying annie each time. never beating the allegations!!!!!! but i dont mind because i was funny as fuck on that blog and it was, up until pizza tower came along, by far some of my best stuff and the most 'involved' i'd ever gotten in 'fandom'. basically everything i'm using now in pizza comics i learned and honed for annieblog, haha.
my Stuff from that era is still very much around and evident too lol
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lesbianlenas · 5 months
why is it lesbianlenas and not bisexuallenas
didn’t she love kara’s ex boyfriend james?
first of all ive had this url since before s3 of sg even started lmfao. second of all no bc they only did that plot line bc they hated that lesbians loved lena and were calling her a lesbian. that’s why they added jack in 2x18 and when that did nothing they did the romance w james too. the only reason lena was ever w a man is bc the sg writers were homophobic & i will never let go of lena being a lesbian ever. & kara is also a lesbian too it’s in the narrative btw ❤️
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leviabeat · 2 years
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From this YouTube video.
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thelovehandmadeart · 2 years
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syraxfire · 2 years
i randomly reread supergirl in training and it made me miss supercorp and peak supergirl fandom so much that i logged into tumblr in the first time in months
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bakanokiwami · 1 year
If you want to see the TV Show bar chart with the multi-category fandom tags included, please check this post.
To make these bar chart race, all series titles in the TV Show Category on November 29 (or the closest date to it) of every year were copy-pasted from Wayback Machine to Google Sheets, rearranged according to number of fanworks, manually filtered for fandoms belonging in only one category and then inputted to Flourish to turn into a bar chart race.
Locked fanworks aren't included in the count because Wayback Machine can’t view those, only Ao3 users can.
Jossverse was in the top 10 from 2010-2017 (Top 2 in 2010 and 2011). In 2018, it was removed from the TV Show fandom list and works tagged with it show up in Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) instead so I’ve excluded it from the bar chart.
Thanks for understanding and hopefully I didn’t mess up anywhere! 🙏
ETA: About Doctor Who: Doctor Who actually has 2 tags with ranked higher (Higher than Doctor Who (2005) even) on the list. Unfortunately, they were both multi-category tags: Doctor Who & Related Fandoms was also in the Other Media category thanks to the Doctor Who (Big Finish Audio), and the other tag Doctor Who was also in Books & Literature thanks to Doctor Who - Various Authors. You can see them rank in the top 10 TV Shows multi-category bar chart race linked above.
About Stargate: The Stargate - All Media Types tag is actually interesting because unlike most All Media Types tags, it’s only listed in the TV Show category. That’s why it still turned up in this list. This might just be a lack of tagging its other categories (like Books & Literature) on AO3, however. Now that I checked its subtags, it actually had at least 2 Book & Literature only subtags: Stargate Atlantis: Legacy Series - Various Authors and Stargate SG-1 - Various Authors. So it probably should not have been in this bar chart race. Apologies for the oversight.🙏
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german-enthusiast · 6 days
Auch ich bin
✨nicht ganz gesund im Kopf ✨
und heute wurde das mal wieder sehr deutlich...
Also in diesem Zusammenhang mal ein paar Vokabeln + Ausdrücke über mental health (accordingly: TW!)
Busfahren hat bei mir heute eine Panikattacke ausgelöst (caused) . Zwei Stunden lang ging es mir sehr schlecht, der restliche Tag war auch nicht leicht. Ich weiß ziemlich gut, was die Panikattacke getriggert hat: im Bus saßen zwei (sich fremde) Männer, die sehr laut und einschüchternd miteinander gestritten haben.
Ich habe eine Zwangsstörung (engl. OCD, obsessive-compulsive-disorder). Wegen dieser Zwangsstörung habe ich oft Zwangsgedanken (intrusive/obsessive thoughts), allerdings habe ich nicht wirklich Zwangshandlungen (engl. compulsions), die ich ausführe. Im Englischen heißt diese Art von OCD oft "pure-O" oder "purely obsessive".
Probleme mit meiner mentalen Gesundheit habe ich eigentlich schon immer, besonders aber seit 2015. Damals bin ich (mit 12 Jahren) in die Psychiatrie gekommen und mir wurde die Zwangsstörung diagnostiziert. Ich kam in die Psychiatrie, weil ich mehrere Wochen lang Suizidgedanken hatte, obwohl ich eigentlich nicht sterben wollte...
Für mich war die Psychiatrie aber nicht hilfreich. Ich habe mich nicht ernstgenommen gefühlt, weil ich auf der "Kinderstation" war (≤14 year olds) und mich auch sehr wie ein kleines Kind behandelt gefühlt habe. Meine Zwangsstörung haben sie wie einen kleinen Gnom/Gremlin/whatever beschrieben und so...
4 Wochen lang habe ich auf der Station gewohnt, war nur an Wochenenden zuhause. In der Klinik waren viele depressive Teenager und auch viele mit einer Essstörung (Anorexie, Bulimie,...)
Davor hatte ich nicht wirklich mit diesen Themen zu tun, aber plötzlich wurde nur noch über Depression und Essen gesprochen (wir waren halt alle kranke Teenager/Kinder, die den ganzen Tag nichts zu tun hatten). Ich hab viel von Selbstverletzung und gestörtem Essverhalten gehört, und überall waren Leute, die sich selbst hassten.
Als ich entlassen wurde, ging es mir viel schlechter und ich war ca. ein Jahr lang sehr depressiv und habe mich auch selbst verletzt (was ich vorher gar nicht als "Option" kannte ...). Ich war zwar weiterhin in Therapie, aber die hat überhaupt nicht geholfen (aber ich hatte auch keine guten Therapeut:innen...
Erst 2017 mit meinem Outing (#queer) fing ich an, mich besser zu fühlen. Die Zwangsstörung war in Phasen — mal da und mal weg. Letztes Jahr im Sommer wurde es wieder schlimmer und meine Therapeutin und ich haben beschlossen, nach 8(?) Jahren Zwangsstörung mal Medikamente auszuprobieren.
Seit Juli 2023 nehme ich Antidepressiva (plural). Im November musste ich mein Antidepressivum (sg.) absetzen (stop taking it), weil es nicht mehr lieferbar war. Im Januar 2024 habe ich ein anderes Antidepressivum angefangen, was sehr gut und ohne Nebenwirkungen geholfen hat!! Leider wirkt es in letzter Zeit nicht mehr so gut. Nächste Woche spreche ich bei meinem Therapietermin darüber, wie wir mir helfen können...
🌲End of personal info dumping🌲
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ghcstcd · 1 year
WAIT THIS IS FOR THAT OTHER ANON HOLD ON HERE I HAVE A LIST OF ALL THE GHOULS AND WHEN THEY WERE THERE. I DID NOT SPEND MONTHS COMPILING EVERYTHING I KNOW ABOUT GHOST INTO OnE DOCUMENT FOR NOTHING!!! YIPPEEEE (also im 99% sure this is all correct but some things might be wrong idk) (also also i included the irl people who play the ghouls btw)
Era 1
The very first lineup of ghouls was from 2010 to 2011.
Alpha (played by Simon Soderberg)
-Lead guitar
-White Fantomen guitar (white with pointed black pickguard, curvy)
-Fire symbol on guitar
-Hand tattoos
Chain (played by Gustaf Lindstrom)
-Bass guitar
-Weirdly shaped black guitar with white edges
-Wore big chain necklace
-Bones painted onto hand
Omega (played by Martin Persner)
-Rhythm guitar
-Black Fantomen guitar (black, curvy, white outline)
-Omega symbol on guitar
Earth (played by Aksel Holmgren)
Air (played by Mauro Rubino)
-Air symbol on keyboard
-Stood up at all times
-Big and tall
In 2011, Water replaced Chain.
Water (played by Rikard Ottoson)
-Bass guitar
-Same guitar as Chain’s
-Wore blackout contact lenses
Era 2
From 2012 to 2014, the lineup remained the same as Era 1. In 2014, a new person began to portray Water, although the ghoul’s name remained the same. During this time, Earth was also replaced, and the new drummer ghoul was nicknamed Little Earth because of his small stature.
Water (played by Linton Rubino)
-Bass guitar (same as previous Water’s)
-Large hands
Little Earth (played by Martin Hjertstedt)
-Short and small
-Spun drumsticks
Era 3
In 2015, Water was replaced again. He also switched guitars, although his name stayed the same.
Water (played by Henrik Palm)
-Bass guitar (white with larger rounded black pickguard, curvy)
-No symbol on guitar
In 2016, there was a transitional lineup change. Omega played his last show on July 2, 2016. His position as rhythm guitarist was replaced by Water, who switched to a Black Gibson SG guitar (fully black, pointed, black pointed pickguard with a white outline) without any elemental symbol on it.
From July to September of 2016, Ghost had no live bassist. In September, the first ghoulette, Mist, joined and became the bassist.
Mist (played by Megan Thomas)
-Same guitar as Water’s previous one (black and white bass)
-Looser costume than other ghouls
-Often wore nail polish
-Had slightly heeled shoes
During the “Black to the Future” tour, an unknown ghoul would occasionally come onstage and hit a cowbell during the song Ritual. He would then be shooed away by Papa.
Cowbell (played by Niels Nielsen)
-Only played on one leg of 2015 US tour
In early 2017, the lawsuit happened, which involved Alpha, Water, Little Earth, and Air. During the lawsuit, the lineup of ghouls completely switched, although Papa Emeritus III remained the frontman and was still portrayed by Tobias. Omega and Mist were not involved in the lawsuit, but they still left. Tobias won the lawsuit.
Before his part in the band was revealed, Tobias went to public events and was interviewed as either his Papa persona or as a character called Special Ghoul. Special Ghoul was just a normal ghoul costume Tobias wore during interviews—Special did not perform at all.
“The Popestar Tour” consisted of an entirely new group of ghouls, which debuted in March 2017 and played until September.
2017 Popestar Lineup:
Aether (played by Chris Catalyst)
-Rhythm guitar
-No symbol on guitar
-Same black Fantomen guitar as Omega
-Larger and more muscular
Dewdrop/Sodo (played by Per Eriksson)
-Bass guitar
-Same black and white bass as Mist’s
-Short and lithe
-Right pinky finger is always bandaged
Ifrit (played by Ben Cristo)
-Lead guitar
-No symbol on guitar
-Same white Fantomen guitar as Alpha
-Very interactive with crowd
Chair/Zephyr (played by Zac Baird)
-Sat down while playing
-Had two keyboard setups
-Same symbol on keyboard as Air
New Earth (played by Jan-Vincent Velasco)
-Wore bracelets
In late 2017, New Earth left and was replaced by Mountain.
Mountain (played by Hayden Scott)
-Does not usually wear shoes
Era 4
Ifrit and Chair were meant to be temporary ghouls to replace the ones who left during the lawsuit, so they left Ghost after the end of Era 3. Dewdrop replaced Ifrit’s position as lead guitarist, using the same white Fantomen as he did. Cumulus, a new ghoulette, replaced Chair on the keyboard. A new ghoul, Rain, took over Dewdrop’s previous role as bass guitarist. Another new ghoul and ghoulette joined and took on multiple roles. For the first time in the band’s history, the ghouls began to sing backing vocals live.
Cumulus (played by Mad Gallica)
-Backing vocals
-Short and chubby
Rain (played by Cosmo Sylvan)
-Bass guitar
-Same guitar as Dewdrop’s previous guitar
Swiss/Multi (played by Justin Taylor)
-“Multi” ghoul
-Acoustic guitar
-Backing vocals
-Smiles often
Cirrus (played by Laura Scarborough)
-Often near Cumulus
Era 5
Throughout Era 5, the lineup remained the same as Era 4. However, a ghoulette named Sunshine also joined during this era.
Sunshine (played by Sophie Amelkin)
-Backing vocals
-Slim and short
Dewdrop also switched guitars and began using an all-white, rounded guitar. During this era, Rain began occasionally using an all-black, rounded bass guitar instead of his normal one. Finally, Aether also began singing backing vocals in this era.
Thank you, stranger!
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The first round of preparations are finally complete, and that means the first round of the Classic Sapphic Ships bracket is almost ready to go! I'll be preparing the polls today and tomorrow to hopefully go live on Friday, and voting time for at least the first two rounds will run for a week. Check out the FAQ in the meantime, and feel free to send over any additional questions as well!
The full list of Round 1 Match Ups is under the cut!
Right side:
Franky/Bridget (Wentworth) vs Regina/Emma (Once Upon a Time)
Watson/Moriarity (Elementary) vs Lucy/Amy (DEBS)
Gina/Rosa (Brooklyn 99) vs Debbie/Lou (Ocean's 8)
Jo/Blair (The Facts of Life) vs Peyton/Brooke (One Tree Hill)
Piper/Alex (Orange is the New Black) vs Bering/Wells (Warehouse 13)
Xena/Gabrielle (Xena: Warrior Princess) vs Trini/Kimberly (Power Rangers 2017)
Ripley/Annalee (Alien) vs Annalise/Tegan (How to Get Away With Murder)
Susan/Talia (Babylon 5) vs Chessy/Meredith (The Parent Trap)
Ann/Anne (Gentleman Jack) vs Scully/Reyes (X-Files)
Cat/Kara (Supergirl) vs Olivia/Natalia (Guiding Light)
Nikki/Helen (Bad Girls) vs Ola/Lily (Sex Education)
13/Cameron (House MD) vs Sara/Catherine (CSI)
Delphine/Cosima (Orphan Black) vs Emily/JJ (Criminal Minds)
B'elanna/Seven (Star Trek) vs Rachel/Quinn (UnReal)
Emily/Alison (Pretty Little Liars) vs Beca/Chloe (Pitch Perfect)
Carol/Maria (Captain Marvel) vs Raven/Abby (The 100)
Left side:
Grace/Frankie (Grace & Frankie) vs Shaw/Root (Person of Interest)
Callie/Arizona (Grey's Anatomy) vs Stef/Lena (The Fosters)
Eve/Mazikeen (Lucifer) vs Luce/Rachel (Imagine Me & You)
Tara/Pam (True Blood) vs Ally/Ling (Ally McBeal)
Alex/Olivia (Law and Order SVU) vs Miranda/Andy (The Devil Wears Prada)
Samantha/Janet (Stargate SG-1) vs Nomi/Amanita/Sense8)
Willow/Tara (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) vs 13/Yasmin (Doctor Who)
Sharon/Brenda (The Closer) vs Kalinda/Alicia (The Good Wife)
Max/Anne (Black Flag) vs Petra/Jane (Jane the Virgin)
Eleanor/Tahani (The Good Place) vs Kelly/Yorkie (Black Mirror)
Rory/Paris (Gilmore Girls) vs Aneela/Kendry (Killjoys)
Quinn/Rachel (Glee) vs Jane/Maura (Rizzoli & Isles)
Nico/Karolina (Runaways) vs Serena/Bernie (Holby City)
Laura/Danny (Carmilla) vs Peggy/Angie (Agent Carter)
Hecate/Pippa (The Worst Witch) vs Bobbie/Chrisjen (The Expanse)
Bo/Lauren (Lost Girl) vs Bette/Tina (The L Word)
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yes-17-15 · 3 months
Finally decided to make an introduction post!!!
You can call me Aiden or Nine, I like to write fanfics sometimes, I’m autistic, I have ADHD and PTSD, and I have severe anxiety, I’m also a SFW age regressor, I regress to around 5-9 so please don’t be really inappropriate or anything, my pronouns are he/they and meow/meows, hiss/hiss’s, wag/wags, and kitty/kitty’s neopronouns, I’m transmasc and genderfluid, and I’m abrosexual I think??
Some of the fandoms I’m in include; Stranger Things, IT (1990 and 2017/2019), The Goldfinch, Harlan Coben’s Shelter, The Umbrella Academy, I Am Not Okay With This, The End Of The F***ing World, Stand By Me, and Metal Lords. This list might get longer (or shorter) since I tend to switch interests a lot.
Some of my favorite ships are; Byler, Reddie, Boreo, Spokey (Spoon x Mickey), Jopper, Steddie, Jancy, Hanbrough, and Lachambers.
Some of my favorite characters are; Donald Duck (I know that’s incredibly random), Jim Hopper, Eddie Kaspbrak, Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, Jonathan Byers, Viktor Hargreeves, Klaus Hargreeves, Spoon Spindell, and Sheldon Cooper.
My DNI list is; Racists, Homophobes, Transphobes, Anti-Semitists, Neo-Nazis, Trump Supporters, Jim Hopper Antis, Eddie Munson antis, Mike Wheeler antis, Byler antis, Jonathan Byers antis, people who support Billy Hargrove, People who think Robin is bisexual, and people who think Richie Tozier is bisexual.
Some of my other socials are; Pinterest, YouTube, Reddit, my discord user is nine9.sg if you wanna add me, and Archive Of Our Own (Feel free to give me fanfic requests).
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bts-trans · 2 years
220729 Weverse Translations
J-Hope's Post ❇️
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감성 거의 2000년대 초반🤣😂😅 Image: 팔레트 잘 보셨나요? 여러분들을 위한 선물!! 성공!!! (https://weverse.io/bts/artist/1-102055575)
The vibes are almost like the early 2000s🤣😂😅
Image Translation: Did you enjoy watching Palette*? This was a gift for everyone! Success!!!
(*T/N: Referring to IU's show that J-Hope was recently on.)
Trans cr; Annie @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS 
J-Hope's Comments 💬 on ARMY's Posts ❇️ 
💜: (Weverse's official promotional post for Lollapalooza streaming.)
JH: 오예😇 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/0-102000197?anchor=3-171452478)
💜: (Weverse's official promotional post for Lollapalooza streaming.)
JH: Oh yeah😇
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💜: 누..누나… 쪼끔만 울게..🥹💜 JH: ㅠㅠ 무슨일이야 누나..🫶🏻 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/0-102041161?anchor=1-201708830)
💜: Noo..Noona..I'm going to go cry for a bit..🥹💜
JH: ㅠㅠ What's going on Noona..🫶🏻
(T/N: Referring to J-Hope's 220729 Instagram Post, thanking IU after being featured on her show: https://twitter.com/BTS_Trans/status/1553087079420203008)
💜: 당신은 lollapalooza에 대한 흥분? JH: 예쓰!! 흥분!!! (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-101280131?anchor=2-201693195)
💜: Are you excited about lollapalooza?
JH: Yes!! Excited!!!
💜: 호비야 너 진짜 잘생긴거 알아? JH: 😶..! (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/0-102041153?anchor=4-171458984)
💜: Hobi, do you know that you're really good looking?
JH: 😶..!
💜: 월요일부터 휴가 쓴 나 칭찬해!!!!!! 홉이 무대 볼꺼야!!!!!!!!! 너무 좋고 씐나🤩😍🥰 JH: ☺️☺️☺️☺️ (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-101286205?anchor=3-171467841)
💜: Compliment me for taking a vacation starting Monday!!!!!! I will go see Hobi's performance!!!!!!!!! I am very happy and excited🤩😍🥰
JH: ☺️☺️☺️☺️
💜: 오빠 긴장해? JH: 웅 많이..😅🤣 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-101286200?anchor=3-171469373)
💜: Oppa are you nervous?
JH: Yes a lot..😅🤣
💜: 오늘 밥은?? 안 먹었다면 꼭 챙겨먹기를ㅠㅠ!! JH: 오늘 삼겹살 념념뇸뇸 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/0-102053391?anchor=3-171471506)
💜: How about today's meal?? Please make sure to eat if you haven't alreadyㅠㅠ!!
JH: Today was samgyupsal nyam nyam nom nom.
💜: 롤라팔루자에 가보고 싶은데 예산이 부족해 어쨋든 꼭 필요하진 않으시겠지만 행운을 빕니다 사랑해요 호비 💖💖 JH: 마음만으로도 감사해요 🫶🏻 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-101292197?anchor=1-201724166)
💜: I want to go to Lollapalooza but I don't have enough budget. Anyways, you probably don't need it but good luck. I love you Hobi 💖💖
JH: It's the thought that counts, thank you.🫶🏻
💜: 호바 살 다시 조금만 찌우자 ㅠㅠ 맛있는거 많이많이 먹어 !! JH: 😭😭😭😭😭 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/1-102068352?anchor=0-201733544)
💜: Hob-ah, let's gain a bit more weight ㅠㅠ eat lots and lots of good food!!
JH: 😭😭😭😭😭
💜: 아이유의 팔레트덕분에 저 제이홉님 팬됐어요🥹 JH: 오예🤗 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/1-102068347?anchor=2-201710969)
💜: Because of IU's Palette, I became a fan of J-Hope🥹
JH: Oh yeah🤗
Trans cr; Annie @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
J-Hope's & Suga's Comments 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 기분 안좋아졌는데 호비 땜에 기분 좋아졌엉 JH: 아싸!!! 그럼 통장은 내꼬 ! 😁 SG: 제 의사는요..? (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-101312959?anchor=1-201733678)
💜: I was in a bad mood but because of Hobi, I feel better.
JH: Oh yeah!!! Then your bank account* is mine!** 😁 S: What about my opinion..?
(T/N: *J-Hope & Suga's responses are in reference to the OP's username, which is "Grandma's bank account is Min Kitty's". **Written cutely.)
Trans cr; Annie @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
J-Hope's Comments 💬 on ARMY's Posts ❇️
💜: 💌 방탄소년단, 안녕하세요 저는 16살이고 오늘 저의 생일이에요! 2019년에 한국말 공부하기를 시작했고 꼭한번 감사편지를 써보고 싶었는데 이렇게 쓸 수 있게 되어서 너무 기뻐요! 저는 멤버들의 음악을 2017 년도에 처음 발견했어요. 그리고는 몸을 떨수 밖에 없었어요. 예전에 저는 완전히 제 자신을 잃었어요 . 그것에서 도무지 헤어나올 수가 없었어요. 저는 걱정과 불안속에 살아야 했어요. 그리고 그것들은 제 인생에 많은 변화를 야기했어요. 간단한 일이 너무나 어려워졌고 무엇을 하기도 전에 진이 다 빠져버렸어요. 그때 그 기분은 엄청나게 절망적 이였고 힘이들었어요. 그래서 도와줄 사람이 절실히 필요했어요. 그럴때 저는 멤버들을 발견했어요! 제가 멤버들의 음악과 메시지를 알아갈 수록 빠져나갈 길이 보이기 시작했어요. 제 감정을 완전히 이해해주는 것 같은 멤버들을 발견하고는 혼자가 아닌것 같았어요. 제게 무슨일이 있어도 멤버들의 음악과 비디오는 항상 제게 울수 있고 쉴수있는 어깨가 되어주었어요. 멤버들이 쓰고 만든 가사는 제게 표현할 수 없을정도로 큰 도움이 되었어요. 많은 갈등과 불안을 겪고 있는 학생으로서, 멤버들의 음악은 제게 흔들리지 않는 바위이자 평안 그 자체 였어요. 저는 알아요 제가 이제 혼자서 고통받지 않을 거란 사실을요. 여러분들은 저에게 셀수도 없는 영감을 주었고 많은 것을 가르쳐주었어요. 그래서 저는 일하기 시작할 수 있었고 노력하기 시작할 수 있었어요. 다 멤버들 덕분이에요!! 그리고 한국어도 배우기 시작했어요. 정말 감사드려요. 이렇게 까지 나아질수 있을지 어렸을때 몰랐지만 16살의 저는 정말 많이 성장했어요. 저를 자랑스러워해주세요 ㅎㅎ 이 편지를 더 길고 싶었는데 저한테는 한국말로 쓰기를 진짜 어려워요...근데!! 멤버들은 언제나 제 옆에 있어주셨어요 그러니 저도 멤버들을 평생, 멈추지 않고 지지할께요. 멤버들은 저를 행복하게 해주었어요 모든것에 너무 고마워요. 정말 진짜 고마워요. 다 표현할 수 없을만큼 사랑해요. i love you - sydney. JH: ❣️ (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/2-102097060?anchor=2-201720610)
💜: (OP wrote a heartfelt post about how they found BTS during a hard time, how BTS' music helped them to find a way out, and that they'll continue to love and support them forever.)
Trans cr; Annie @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
J-Hope's Moments ⭐️
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lollapalooza 오는 사람!! 소리질러!! (https://weverse.io/bts/moment/52d833169184003dcb96b9e87c98ae38/post/3-101331441)
Who's going to lollapalooza!! Make some noise!!
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아미 저는 잘게요 ㅠ 좀 더 놀고 싶은데 폰이 얼굴에 떨어지고 위기를 느꼈음... 라뷰 쪽쪽 🥰😍🤩 (https://weverse.io/bts/moment/52d833169184003dcb96b9e87c98ae38/post/0-102100367)
ARMY I am off to sleep ㅠ I wanted to play longer But I felt a sense of danger when my phone fell on my face... Love you smooch smooch🥰😍🤩
Trans cr; Annie @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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istarted following u in like 2017 and then 4 yrs later i named myself sam without knowing ur name is sam. ur influence
fuck yea great name. ive always had it but the moment i became fully content with it is when i got really into Stargate SG-1 and Sam Carter was my fav characeter
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leviabeat · 2 years
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📸 Noel Morgan
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thelovehandmadeart · 2 years
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sinclaire-by-the-sea · 2 months
(The sound of waves can be heard in the background.) 
I... I'm not entirely sure why I've done this.  
She told me I didn't have to.  
(Sinclaire inhales) 
I'm... My name is Sinclaire. Sinclaire Gossamer. I'm twenty-three years old, and I live alone in a lighthouse. The date is Thursday, April thirteenth, 2017.  
This is dumb. I'm just talking to some lame recorder. Doesn't even have the courtesy to be a tape recorder. At least then it'd have some semblance of ambience. All I have is the echoing lounge room and waves to keep me company. It's cold. I'm cold. I can't imagine how it's going to be when Winter rolls around.  
For reference, if I somehow develop early onset Alzheimer's, I'm in the southern hemisphere. That means Winter in June through to August. My lighthouse is off the coast of Te Waipounamu, the southern island of New Zealand.  
I'm not from New Zealand. My family's English. Admittedly there's a little guilt in being the descendant of a race known for colonising. I recognise and respect Māori culture, I'm not a raging racist or anything. I just feel bad.  
I feel bad all the time. 
I'm rambling. Avoiding the topic.  
(Sinclaire exhales disappointedly.) 
Sandra wanted me to do this. Sandra's my therapist. Sandra Sadowsky. She's from Russia, I think, but she doesn't have any accent.  
Anyway. She recommended that I journal my thoughts. I thought she was insane. My handwriting is ass and the signal here isn't the best, and I don't have the means for a typewriter. And then she said I could record myself speaking.  
I considered it, and... here I am.  
You see, I'm not really the best with my... feelings. I never really... I've never been good at my emotions, despite my mother's best efforts. I had a girlfriend once, too, who tried to help with it. She did help. But we ended on bad terms, and since then, I've kind of forgotten all of it. It's a shame, really. But I shouldn't dwell on the past.  
So Sandra told me I should journal my thoughts to better understand myself. I don't see the point. I still do all of this thinking, just not out loud into a tape recorder.  
It also means I can't do my thinking while I'm out. I don't think I'd look very presentable if I was rambling into an audio recorder on a supply run. 
Oh god, I'm picturing it now. Walking through the grocery store, going down the fresh produce aisle, leaning into my jacket and letting my emotions and darkest secrets go free. I'd be in people's minds for /months/. Good lord. 
So... yeah, I don't really know why I hit record on this.  
But Sandra said it could help. And Sandra's usually right. So I'm humouring her. Maybe there'll be benefits. Who knows, maybe I'll become happy and carefree. Maybe I'll get a proper job and won't have to live in this concrete tower that's always cold and always echoes, no matter how many curtains I buy. 
But let's be real.  
That's not gonna happen. 
Sandra's gonna have my head for that comment. But these recordings are never going to see the light of day. Her loss, I guess. (Chuckle.) 
So, let's get things all orderly. I've been seeing Sandra for about three months now. She's been trying to get me to journal for the last three sessions. I started seeing her because some past traumas had resurfaced, and I wasn't all that well. So, she told me I should find a way to process things and come to terms with what happened to me. At first, I was dismissive. I thought that she didn't know anything about me. I've had to realise that she does, in fact, have good ideas.  
And you know the rest. 
I'm not... I'm not ready? I don't think?  
To talk about my... past. 
(Pause. Sinclaire inhales)
Sandra doesn't really know about it either. She knows a few details. 
But. I don't want to talk about it, really. And I'm not ready to. 
So, I guess this is just going to be me rambling and repeating myself until I'm ready enough to talk about it. 
(There's a long silence. Wind and waves fill the quiet. Sinclaire's breathing is picked up by the recorder.) 
SINCLAIRE: I like it here. It's quiet.  
(Another long silence. Sinclaire sighs.) 
SINCLAIRE: I don't have any friends.  
(waves can still be heard.) 
SINCLAIRE: Signing off. 
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