#369 method
reality-detective · 3 months
3,6,9 is the Fibonacci Sequence 🤔
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audrinawf · 8 months
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My Digital Manifestations Planner is out now!!!
the power of journaling is seriously underrated. use this journal to design your new life with various manifestations techniques using the law of assumption, law of attraction and quantum jumping. the teachings of Neville Goddard and Joe dispenza inspired me to make this journal since their works have helped me tremendously to change my entire life. for those that follow me they know my manifestations journey and story and how much I’ve manifested in such a short time.
so this digital journal contains 80 unique manifestations templates that you can use to manifest your ideal life.
there’s everything from vision boards to manifesting cheque books. there’s a daily, weekly and monthly planner and reflections pages. there’s a morning and evening routine tracker. gratitude exercises. meditation and fitness and some other trackers as well. there’s exercises to help your money blocks. vision board template and templates to write a letter to your future self and SO MUCH MORE! use this journal to design your new life and new persona.
how to use : this is a digital planner not a physical product so you launch this on the goodnotes app and it can be used on your phone and tablet! also if you use a tablet you can use a digital pencils with it as well in the good notes app!
Get it now it’s 50% off right now so it’s only $8
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lunasapphire · 5 months
Thank you universe for all that I have.
Thank you universe for all that I have.
Thank you universe for all that I have.
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thejournallo · 9 months
Explain the Methods: The 3-6-9
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Nikola Tesla believed that the numbers 3, 6, and 9 have a “special connection” with one another. During his research, Tesla started to notice that those numbers tend to repeat themselves quite a lot, and he believed that those numbers were at the basis of the creation of the universe itself.
Abrham-Hicks states that if we concentrate on a thought, due to the law of attraction, we attract energy, and what we have thought expands until it manifests itself on the physical plane.
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The 3-6-9 is basically a mash-up of those theories.
This is why the 3-6-9 method is one of the most powerful manifestation methods. When you use those numbers, you are tapping into a greater power.
The method itself is pretty easy:
In the morning, you want to write your first three affirmations of the day, which will be about what you desire, like you already have it. (Ex., I'm so happy and grateful to have a healthy body.”)
In the evening, you want to write your six affirmations of the day that will be about your intention. (Ex. “Healthy body”)
At night, you want to write your last nine affirmations of the day, which will be about what the outcome will be. (Ex. “Health, desired body, more energy.)
Always write like you already have what you are wishing for.
I hope this helped. In the next post, I'm going to cover a not-so-popular method. Stayy tuned✨
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iheartthesmithsblog · 2 years
revision 🍓
so if you know what revision is it it basically changing your past or something you didn’t want happening or making something happen.
i will be revising my life to me always having my dream life :), i will be doing this by i scripted out my dream life basically. how my mom is/how old she is, how my dad is and how old he is etc etc, how im rich, my desired appearance JUST MY DESIRES. i scripted it to me already having it and i will be reading it before bed, when i wake up, randomly throughout the day blah blah . and for my affirmations these are the ones i will be using then ones showed in the picture below. im probably gonna delete twitter since ik everything i need to know which is simply mental diet, sats, affirming and persisting literally all i need to know and do. so i’ll probably be back on twitter once my desires have formed into the 3d 🍓
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lightyagamismentor · 10 months
lion's gate 8/8 portal
It only happens once a year during Leo season when the sun is at its 15th degree of the constellation on the 8th of august. The secret lies within the number 88. The 8th number in numerology refers to an infinite amount of abundance & during the 8th of august this energy intensifies. this portal is a gateway to spiritual rebirth & the renewal of the soul.
the universe is constructed through careful mathematical calculations & we can find our testimony through Nikola Tesla's 369 theory of god's frequency. Numbers were always a sacred canal through which many scientists, religious scholars/healers & mathematicians uncovered the secrets of the universe.
High frequency energy will be delivered into our beings only if we allow it to penetrate through our souls. A shift in energy has been taking place from the 26th of July meaning that you may have been subtly receiving more intuitive messages about your surroundings/ wanting to surrender into the new as you let go of your fears/ cutting off chords that tie you to people & things that lower your vibration, etc. Your guides have been guiding you to step into your true power. Basically, this is a time where you shouldn't be afraid of taking harsh decisions even if it'll make you feel like a lone wolf. This is a period of grounding and connecting yourself to dimensions beyond the third & self-isolation is required.
during this time, your desires are ready to come into fruition as the support from a higher source of power towards you is being amplified. Journal more. Practice gratitude more. Let go. Pray more. Trust in yourself & your spiritual support team more. Set intentions. Meditate on your purpose & surrender yourself to the universe.
good luck. happy 8/8 ☼
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essentialvirgo · 6 months
⊹˚. ♡.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 369 Manifestation Method ⊹˚. ♡.𖥔 ݁ ˖
What is the 369 method?
The method involves setting an intention, typically a desire or goal, and then repeating specific affirmations or visualizations related to that intention.
How to use it
Choose an intention or affirmation. This could be something like “I am successful at everything I do.” “I am in a loving relationship with my SP” etc
Write this down 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times at night
The repetition helps your affirmation infiltrate into your subconscious mind, where it will eventually show up in your 3d reality
Get your free 369 worksheet here!
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sproutedlavender · 9 months
Manifestation | The 369 Method
The process of manifestation has been gaining more and more popularity through recent years. Through TikTok, Instagram and other social media platforms, you can find multiple methods to manifest your desires.
There is so much information on manifestation that it can be overwhelming, especially for someone who’s just starting out and doesn’t know where to begin.
When you’re manifesting, it doesn’t really matter which technique you decide to use, the important thing is that you follow your intuition and begin.
One of the first methods I found when I was just starting out on my own manifestation journey was the 369 method. It worked wonders for me, maybe it’ll do the same for you.
Let’s take a look.
What is the 369 Method?
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe”.  -Nikola Tesla
Before you begin using the 369 method, or any manifestation method for that matter, it’s important to be very clear on what it is you want.
Once you have a clear vision of your desires, write them down; make sure to write them in present tense. For example, rather than affirming “I want…” you would affirm “I have…”.
Saying ‘I have’ puts you into the vibrational state of receiving your desires rather than just desiring them.
Once you have decided on an affirmation you will then…
Write down that affirmation 3 times in the morning
Write down that affirmation 6 times in the afternoon
Write down that affirmation 9 times in the evening
The significance of the numbers
Why is the 369 method so powerful? The answer is in the numbers themselves.
·         3 represents our creative power and ability to shape reality.
·         6 represents harmony and balance between our physical and spiritual lives.
·         9 represents spiritual rebirth, completion and the release of negative energy. 
Together these numbers work to help bring your manifestations into your life.
Manifestations still not working?
Even with helpful methods, manifesting isn’t always an easy road. If you find yourself using methods and still not seeing your desires appear in your reality, you may have some blockages. This is a common mishap that can happen to anyone.
No amount of methods or techniques will help you to manifest what you want if there are blockages in the way.
If you find your manifestations blocked, find out 7 Reasons Why You’re Not Manifesting What You Want.
First you need to let go of the things you don’t want before you can fill yourself with the things you do want. Once you learn why you’re stuck, you can begin to clear out the old and start moving again.
Good luck on your journey! ❤️
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shiftingacademia · 4 months
um minuto de paz! a comunidade de shifiting não tem um min de paz! de novo o ticoteco vai encher nosso saco, não é possíveeel
devíamos nos mudar oficialmente pro tumblr, ia ser muito mais fácil
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shiftingnancy · 8 months
🍥| Twilight DR
I'm redoing my Twilight DR, I'll leave some very important additionals later. And by the way, does anyone have important additionals for me to put in the DR??
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reality-detective · 10 months
Nikola Tesla: "The Spirit of God is Not What You Think" (full explanation)
"The Frequency of GOD." The full explanation of Nikola Tesla's 369, the true nature of the Matrix and The Real Da Vinci Code."
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youreality109876 · 2 years
What Manifestation truly is:
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As someone who follows the Law of Assumption,the basic words of this Law include Law of Assumption, meaning whatever you assume ,will be true. No matter what. Then comes persistence,self concept,mental diet,methods like Visualization,Void blah blah blah
Now if I say Law of Attraction,the basic would be whatever you feel,you attract. Then comes words like high vibration,journal,555 method,369 method, meditation,crystals,again high vibration, positive thoughts blah blah blah
Notice what's common in both of these laws? Did either mention that someone else will do it for you?? I see so many coming to loa blogs and complaining that even though they "persisted",they didn't get their desires apparently. And? What would the blog do? Suggest you more methods to try. But I can tell you from here,even then you won't have your desires
UNLESS YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE YOUR DESIRES. I don't fucking care what circumstances you're facing,I don't care how opposite the 3D is being,I WANT YOUR MIND AND SOUL RIGHT WHERE YOUR DESIRE IS AND PERSIST IN THAT FUCKING PLACE. I need you to show your conscious mind every fucking reason as to why you believe your desires is yours. If you follow the Law of Assumption ,FEELINGS DONT MANIFEST. YOUR THOUGHTS,YOUR CORE BELIEVES WILL MANIFEST. If you follow the Law of Attraction,it starts with you IF you truly believe your thoughts will manifest. Keep affirming,that though you're feeling sad,it's temporary, everything will change EXACTLY how you want it to.
Your desires are not the pedestal,YOU are the pedestal. YOUR SOUL IS THE GOD. Now tell,a soul which is a God,would they be so easily moved by something like...3D? Okay,let's say our body: something we believe is permanent. But nowadays,you can even change your body,maybe at times by manifesting tons of money for a physical surgery indeed or just by BEING THE PERSON WHOSE BODY IS CHANGED TO THEIR DESIRED BODY.
So nothing you see is permanent. But if you can persist in the thought that you will give yourself,your brain,your body,your soul THE BEST,if you're open to receive your desires,if you're open to let go of your unhealthy obsession to your desires(for eg,you won't live if you won't have that desire) THEN YOU WILL RECEIVE EVERYTHING you've ever wanted. Nobody has the right or power to stop it except you.
Everything,the law,the methods,the prayers etc: everything begins from what you're feeding your brain and your soul
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lunasapphire · 5 months
The saying “I get what I want when I want” sounds stuck up and childish, but let me tell you something! - if you have that attitude towards your manifestations and do the 369 method, y’all you got some new things coming to you! Big time. That saying can manifest all your desires, hopes, and dreams! - just note don’t use it in a cocky manner because let me tell you some, you won’t have support with your dreams that’s way.
2024 let it be the year of manifestation!
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jiulovescookies · 11 months
Best way I have gotten manifestation results!
1 ○ starting off with the most common method, acting like you already have results. I acted like how the desired version of myself would be, and eventually I started to manifest the things that i wanted! ( make sure to persist! ) for example, if you thought you look like someone, and keep thinking that you will look more like that person. ( if it makes sense)
2 ○ deciding its yours and not worrying about it
so, how this works it you just decide that whatever you are manifesting is yours, and don't worry about it, and don't really think about it ( don't obsess) just like that. for example if you are manifesting becoming tall, a tall person wouldn't question if they are tall because they know they are tall. remember, you don't chase your desires, your desires come to you
3 ○ assuming If you want your subs or methods to work, just assume they work, trust me it works very well ^^ in your 4D (place where you have results) as i just mentioned you have all of your results, and eventually your 4D will become your 3D ( what you have rn, cant exactly put in to words).
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iheartthesmithsblog · 2 years
some of my new manifesting “techniques” 🦥
now these are just some things that i added to my new routine to help me in my journey that helps ME personally if you like anything i list in the post you are more then welcome to add it to your own routine our switch it up a bit to your liking :) now to the post we go
💟 : manifesting something new each week.
so for this what i am gonna do is target something each week to get by the end of the week (friday) for example. say i wanted to manifest finding 20 dollars on the sidewalk on friday ill assume/affirm, “on friday i will find 20 dollars on the side walk” “on friday when i go outside i will find 20 dollars”. this will help keep manifesting fun and keep it from turning into feeling like a chore & it will boost my faith in the LOA and my faith in my power.
💟: manifesting something labeled “small” for me everyday.
by this i mean something smaller to me, because i know labeling your desires “big” and “small” can be harmful i simply mean things that arent as big, important or exciting as me manifesting my desired face. now for example say for today i wanna manifest seeing a rainbow colored car ill affirm “i just saw a rainbow colored car pass by” , “subconscious i command you to show me a rainbow colored car” etc. this ties in with keeping manifesting fun and also boosting my faith in the law and my own power.
💟: not writing out my desires/affirmations
now not everyone needs to do this as i used to write out my desires and affirmations almost everyone does i just want to stop doing this because i realize how much stress,doubts, and overcomplicating the LOA i do when i do this. instead i’ll simply just write out self concept affirmations and thats it, for any of my desires like df or db ill just affirm i have that when im in the mood to or when i want to saturate my mind OR if i think of it. writing out my desires or affirmations on a list makes it feel like im doing this as a chore or im in a lack of want by writing out everything and opening it everyday to read it. so by not doing this it can help me get into a state or knowing or a state of wish fulfilled easier.
💟: sticking to the basics and only using subliminals, affirmations,sats, and a mental diet.
if you dont know what subliminals are they’re just videos with hidden affirmations with music layered on top so you cant hear them, i only wanna stick with three things affirmations, subliminals and ONE AND ONLY METHOD sats. i want to do this because it keeps manifesting simple and not me doing 293893 methods to “try” and manifest my desires. and by sticking to the basics i mean simply remembering this picture which simplifies manifesting. and lastly a mental diet which is literally just flipping any and every thought u can and making them into thoughts that work in your favor its that simple it can be difficult at first to watch ur thoughts not at all times just when needed and instantly changing an unfavorable thought into a good one can be tricky but all you have to do is persist and you will not regret it
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now here are just some things im gonna be doing to my routine to help me with my journey. these are the things ik will help me stay on track and actually keep me persisting, on track and not giving up until i get what i want. if you like anything i said once again dont be shy to add it to your routine. make your journey fun take care of urself just because you can get anything you want dont stop taking care of urself do ur makeup, even if ur manifesting clear skin do ur skin care BUT only if you want to because it will make you feel good not because you feel like you have to change the 3d. do things that will keep you in a good mood because even tho high vibrations and good moods aren’t needed for the law of assumption its better to have a higher self concept to help you manifest more easy rather then having a low self concept and just make manifesting more difficult for you, so make a routine , go shopping, get that job DO things that will make you feel happy dont do things because you feel like you have the change ur 3d no let your 4d and the law handle that :))
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euphoriajeon · 2 years
メ The 369 manifestation method メ
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➜ For everyone else, the 369 method is a reminder to touch base with our intentions and purpose throughout the day. Consistently writing what matters to you can help solidify your sense of purpose and direction. Your intentions shape the direction of your thoughts and actions.
➜ This numerology method is popular and easy. Write down what you want to manifest. You’ll do this:
→ 3 times in the morning
→ 6 times throughout the day
→ 9 times in the evening
- Euphoria ♡
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