#Asha and star
avitha · 3 months
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Asha 💫
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☆☆☆☆Ruffled Feathers☆☆☆☆☆
Star wanted to surprise Asha with a special breakfast, but things don't go as planned as he wished.
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Sunlight streamed through the window, dappling Star's face in a warm glow. He stretched luxuriously, his golden eyes blinking open.
Today was the day!
He'd surprise Asha with breakfast in bed, a perfect way to start their weekend. Pancakes with berries, just the way she liked them.
He didn't jump—no, he flew out of his bed so his feet wouldn't make any noise as he walked across the creepy floor. He opened the door to his messy room, winching slightly as it made a slight squeaky sound from the doorway hinges.
He flew down the stairs and towards the front door. He opened the door, and the warm sun bathed him in gentle light. Star sighed softly to himself; the rays felt comforting and good.
He landed outside the front of the house and placed his hands on his hips. Now, the real challenge awaited—the eggs. Monster, the rooster, wasn't known for his hospitality. Star took a deep breath.
Time to put Operation: Surprise Pancakes into action!
He grabs a basket and runs down the path to the chicken coop nestled between two large weeping willow trees. He shivers to himself as his confidence slowly turns into fear as he approaches the well-kept coop.
He was terrified of chickens, a silly fear he was embarrassed to admit. Star shuffled his feet, the basket feeling heavier with each hesitant step.
He peeked through a crack in the coop, hoping to catch Monster napping. Instead, the fiery red rooster stood tall in the center, surveying his domain with a beady, yellow eye.
Star gulped. Direct confrontation was not an option to admit.
“Cock-a-doodle-dooo!!!” Monster caws, spreading his large red wings outwards before charging at the closed door at full speed, his body slamming against the wooden surface.
The sudden squawk and crash from the coop sent Star leaping a foot in the air. His basket tumbled from his grasp, spilling across the grassy path. Monster's enraged caws echoed through the morning air, punctuated by the frantic thumps of his wings against the coop door. Star knew then that a head-on assault was definitely not on the menu.
He took a deep breath and had to get those eggs to make breakfast! Stat took his hand and unlocked the door to the chicken coop.
"Hey, Monster…" he smiled nervously, watching the rooster from the center of his sight. Star stepped into the coop, "I just want…. Aaahhhh!!!"
The Monster attacked him again, and feathers flew in all directions. He used his orange beak as a battling ram against Star, and then the hens followed, jumping from their nests.
Beaks snapped, claws scratched, and the coop erupted into a cacophony of squawks and panicked flapping. Star felt like a ragdoll being tossed around by a feathery hurricane.
A particularly aggressive hen, Gertrude, by name, latched onto a lock of Star's hair, yanking with surprising strength. Another, a young pullet named Penelope, used his back as a launching pad, propelling herself towards a nest perched precariously on a ledge.
Star, overwhelmed and desperate, did the only thing he could think of. With a silent plea to the Wishing Realm, he channeled all his energy and morphed.
This time, however, the transformation wasn't planned. It was pure panic.
He turns into a fox.
Great…. He'd transformed into one of the greatest enemies of chickens….
"Oh, great galaxies…" he whispered, the dreaded birds surrounding him
Star bolted through the coop door, a flurry of fur and fear. The hens, momentarily stunned, squawked in outrage.
Overcoming his surprise, Monster launched himself after Star with a furious crow.
Outside, the world blurred as Star weaved through the tall grass, the frantic drumming of his paws the only sound in his ears.
Behind him, he could hear the enraged squawking of the hens and the powerful thrumming of Monster's wings as the rooster gave chase.
Asha from her room heard everything as she peered outside her windows; she felt her mouth drop open as she saw everything.
An army of chickens chased a golden glowing fox; for a moment, Asha questioned her sanity. Was she still dreaming? Had the stress of planning their weekend getaway finally pushed her over the edge?
But the frantic clucking and the unmistakable thump of feathered feet against the ground convinced her otherwise.
This was real.
Her boyfriend, Star, was a glowing fox chased by an army of angry chickens.
Curiosity warring with a sudden surge of protectiveness, Asha threw on a robe and bolted out the back door.
The chase had reached the base of the giant oak Star had targeted. The fox, panting heavily, scrambled up the rough bark, claws digging desperately for purchase.
Just as he reached a sturdy branch, Monster launched himself into the air, a crimson blur against the clear blue sky. Monster grabs Star by his tail with his sharp beak, making the poor shapeshifter yelp.
"Yeow!!" he cried, his eyes almost popping from his skull.
"Monster!" she called out, her voice surprisingly steady. "Let him go! Now!"
Momentarily startled, the rooster tilted his head, his beady eyes switching between Asha and his dangling prize.
The hens, sensing a shift in power, fell silent, their attention drawn to the unexpected human intervention. The rooster released his beak from Star's tail, pulling a few golden hairs free.
"Bok…." Monster growled; Asha put her hands on his.
"Nu-uh! Don't you 'bok' me!" She frowns.
Asha's firm command hung in the air, starkly contrasting with the frantic clucking that had filled the moments before. Monster, caught off guard by her sudden appearance and unwavering voice, blinked his beady eyes.
He turns his head upwards, giving a state-down at the trembling Star as he transforms back into his humanoid form and clutches onto the tree's base for dear life.
"Bok-bok!" Monster seemed to argue with AshaAsha's unflinching gaze and met Monster's beady stare in a silent battle of wills.
The rooster puffed out his chest, feathers bristling, and let out a defiant. "Bok!" That echoed across the farmyard. But the fire in his eyes had dimmed, replaced by a flicker of uncertainty.
Star, clinging precariously to the branch high above, watched the exchange with relief and amusement. Asha's sudden intervention had been nothing short of heroic, and the sight of her facing down the fearsome (well, mostly) rooster was both impressive and slightly terrifying.
As Monster continued his argumentative "bok-bok-boking," Asha folded her arms across her chest, her stance firm.
"Look," she said, calm but firm, "I understand you're protecting your flock. But Star here just wanted a few eggs for breakfast. There's no need for all this ruckus."
Monster tilted his head, considering her words. Sensing their leader's indecision, the hens shuffled their feet and murmured amongst themselves.
Perhaps Asha's unwavering presence and reasonable tone were starting to break through their feathered outrage.
Seeing an opening, Star called down from the branch, his voice sheepish but hopeful.
"Yeah, Monster! And hey, maybe we can work out a deal? Like, some fresh fruit for breakfast for trade for the eggs? Or maybe a nice dust bath for you and the ladies?" he suggested
A low murmur rippled through the hens at the mention of a dust bath. Dust baths were a luxurious treat, a chance to preen their feathers and eliminate pesky parasites. Monster, too, seemed to contemplate the offer.
After all, a complete dust bath was hard to resist.
"See, Star has some great ideas! Why don't we all calm down, and maybe I can even offer some help gathering delicious fruits for everyone?" Asha seized the moment.
A tense silence hung in the air for a beat, then Monster let out a single, hesitant "Bok." It wasn't quite a surrender, but it wasn't a declaration of war either.
The hens quieted down completely, their beady eyes fixed on Asha.
Taking a deep breath, Asha offered a small smile.
"Alright then," she said, extending a hand towards Monster in a gesture of peace. "Truce?"
Monster regarded her hand for a moment, then, with a slight dip of his head, nudged it with his beak. A triumphant grin spread across Asha's face. Despite its chaotic start, their farmyard breakfast mission might have a peaceful ending after all.
Monster and the hens return to the chicken coop. Star watches from the safety of the tree; he glances down at Asha with wide eyes.
"Can I come down now…?" he asks, a relieved laugh bubbling out of Asha's throat.
"Sure," she called back, amusement dancing in her eyes. "Just, maybe try the front door next time, huh?"
Star jumps down from the tree with a frown printed across his lips. He crosses his arms across his chest, feeling sad and disappointed.
"I'm sorry, Asha, I wanted to surprise you with breakfast this morning…" he apologized.
Asha's smile softened, understanding washing over her. She walked towards the tree's base, her eyes meeting Star's.
"It's okay, Star." She assured him, taking his hands into hers as she gently squeezed them. "You don't have to worry about eggs for breakfast; we can have bacon and maybe some fresh fruit and toast instead?"
Star, relieved and a little sheepish, smiles back.
"Yeah, I'd like that." nodded.
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strawberryxjinx · 5 months
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Contrary to popular opinion, I love Wish. So here is Asha and Star <3
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starsha-stardust · 2 months
wish screenshots part 8
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wolfgabe · 8 months
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All right Super Smash Bros Modding community you know what to do.
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scurviesdisneyblog · 6 months
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Early visual development for Wish (2023) by Griselda Sastrawinata-Lemay and Brittney Lee.
An earlier version of the film saw Star take on a human form as a magical, glowing character inspired by Peter Pan. Ultimately, the creative team reconceptualized Star as an ethereal, playful entity resembling Mickey Mouse. "Now Star and Asha have an emotional journey. They are soulmates." -Allison Moore.
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adventuretolkienlover · 7 months
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Honestly, this make me so sad. I would have preferred this story so much. THIS feels like a love letter to Disney's past. I'm sure others will have their opinions on it. But this pretty much sums up mine.
(I kinda hope they'll do a remake someday with this instead. That's probably wishful thinking. But hey! I can dream. Lol.)
EDIT: People seem to think I mean a live action remake. I don't. I mean I would want it completely done over. That's a bit out there, but like I said, I can dream. It's just my fantasy.
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rubydart · 6 months
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arleniansdoodles · 5 months
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Alrighty, here's my first bit of fanart for 2024! Asha and Starboy from Disney's Wish - more specifically, Wish's concept art :''') I haven't seen the movie, but I think I can confidently say that I would've been more interested in seeing it if they'd kept the romance/soulmate dynamic from the early concepts.
But anyways, here's my take on Star's design, and also a little cheek kiss for Asha! :D Also, I never made an official "Happy New Year" post, so I just wanted to say thank you all for your support in my art and writing endeavours! I hope this year is a kind one for you, and may all your wishes come true <333
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kkopimint · 6 months
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🌠 make a wish.
Don't show me any more discarded ideas, I have no self-control/hj
I saw many drawings of the StarBoy with Asha and I wanted to draw them too, I wish they had left that idea but it didn't happen hahaha. Probably (or not) if I draw him again I would change his hair or his clothes, I don't know, the concept arts are so nice that it was hard to think which one to use aaaaAaaaA
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warryart · 6 months
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Asha and Star concept sketch🌟
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salmonpiffy · 6 months
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My interpretation of Asha and Star from Wish (2023) based from early concept designs of them
Yeah, I'm coping so hard
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sugardells · 6 months
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“They are soulmates”
Art by Sugardells
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starsha-stardust · 2 months
guyss look at this magnetic statue I got T^T
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princess-ibri · 7 months
So after seeing the Wish concept art, I had a thought…
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And that’s how we’re gonna get Human Shapeshifter Star in the DisneyVerse 💫
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achimancosujpg · 6 months
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Okay so!!! I saw this version of him and i had to draw him!! I drew the @kiiwiibun ‘s version. Credit to them for the character design :3
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