#But I'm still cackling at the fact that he said that with his chest
theflyindutchwoman · 11 months
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Oh Timothy, those lines were blurred a long time ago… and this is just the beginning! #The irony though...
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bbyjackie · 11 months
relationship headcanons with one piece feat: luffy, zoro, kid, law
warnings: fluff
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(header by Loni)
𝙇𝙐𝙁𝙁𝙔 has a constant need to be around you. he follows you around absentmindedly everywhere like a puppy, sometimes it can be a bit of a nuisance.
"y/n it was so funny! usopp's hand was just stuck in the pipe and he was screaming for like an hour 'til franky saw him!" luffy cackled, a gummy grin etched onto his features as you felt your finger grow numb by the second. "hm, i bet.." you let out a light hearted scoff, trying to pull your hand back. it felt like with each tug of your hand, instead of loosening the grasp luffy had, it only made his arm stretch further. "but luf, i need you to let go off my finger!" you groaned under your breath as you felt your back grow sore from the odd angle. you were shrimping with your spine feeling like it was bent to a full right angle just trying to pull away from the - sorry, your rubber boy as he made very clear. you couldn't see him but you could already envision his dopey smile turn into a massive pout. "ehh? why do i need to let go?" "because if you don't want me to become an usopp and start screaming you're gonna have to let go sweetie!" "i dont see why i have to.." "luf as much as i love you, i'm not taking a shit with your hand snaked through the door like that."
we all know 𝙕𝙊𝙍𝙊 has the worst sense of direction, but it always becomes comedy, especially when you're mid argument with him.
"stop being so dramatic!" zoro groans as his fist pounds against the wooden door of your bedroom. "come on out y/n!", he waited for a moment only to be met with silence. you had turned away from him mid workout after he told you that he doesn't need someone to smother him like an over obsessive mother. you must be pissed. not that it's your fault, he shouldn't have turned you away, you were just worried for him. letting go of his pride, zoro's hand loosens as he purses his lips and thinks for a moment, "hey, 'em sorry, i shouldn't have said that." again, there is just utter silence. feeling dejected, zoro turns his back just to see you with an amused smirk and hands crossed against your chest and usopp giving him the most massive side eye from around the corner of the hallway. "that's great and all that you apologised marimo," you giggled, usopp jumps in, "dude, that's the utility closet."
𝙆𝙄𝘿 is always in stage one: denial. every time anyone brings up the fact that he is utterly whipped for you, his face blows red and he gets soo mad. but the thing is, he secretly keeps small trinkets of yours just so he can feel closer to you.
kid was busy at work with a screwdriver in one hand and the other keeping this small steel mechanism as still as he could. his crimson red eyes staring down intensely at the work on his bench. every time he gets concentrated like this, you could almost see the vertex of his tongue poking through the corner of his red-stained lips. "kid!" you shouted, scampering around the room, as you finally landed behind him, hands secured on either side of his broad shoulders. "hah?" kid gruffed, head leaning backwards, hitting against your chest as he looked up from his desk, "what?" "have you seen my bracelet?" you pouted, tilting your head slightly to the side as you noticed from your peripheral that the arm that was not mechanical twitch slightly. "i can't find it.." kid immediately scoffs, turning his head back down to his work. "no how would i know where it is!" "hmm okay, just asking.." when kid finally leaves his workbench, killer glances at him from the side of the kitchen. "y/n was looking for their bracelet." "yeah i know." "did you find it?" "why the hell would i know where it is?" "so the silver bracelet with a pink bunny pendant on your wrist is 100% yours?" "shut up - yeah it is mine so what!" "okay sanrio girl calm down."
𝙇𝘼𝙒 has to remind himself that he loves you dearly. you're the first person to make him feel this way. so when you're absolutely eating it up in the middle of his study with ice spice blaring through the den den mushi, he tries his best to live laugh love.
"HE SAYS THAT I'M WHAT?!" you shout, hand gripping the makeshift pen mic up to penguin as law tries his best to concentrate on the med book he has in his hand. he swears to himself that next time he'll never let you in this room again. "GOOD ENOUGH, GRABBIN' MY DUH' DUH' DUH'" penguin answers, nodding along as bepo stands utterly in the corner with the den den mushi in his hands. "THINK 'BOUT SHIT THAT I SHOULDN'T HAVE!" before you can really show your shit, law immediately shambles you guys out of the room. "law, i'm sorry!!" you plead from outside his room as the boys stand awkwardly behind you, ice spice still playing yet way quieter than before from bepo's hands. "c'mon!!" law swears he loves you, but if he hears another t-that boy's a liar! that boy's a liar! he's going to rip his ears off.
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ghouljams · 7 months
Friend, I found the funniest writing prompt on Pinterest and immediately thought about your cowboy!AU. I know you have a lot of asks, but I couldn’t just let the opportunity to share it with you slip between my little fingers.
« I never thought my day would start with a goat, but… Here I am. With a motherfucking goat. »
For some reason, I can picture Ghost saying this, with a very deadpan look and tone of voice. If it took place in the past cowboy!au, where he is quite obviously enamoured with Goose but also still quite clumsy around her, it would probably be even funnier ?
Or Bee. Who doesn’t really know how to handle the farm life, but is still trying. With König looking at the goat in her arms like - « well, time to go get some wooden planks then. »
I can’t stop cackling at those scenarios I’ve got in mind. I hope they will make you laugh too x)
1870's!Ghost my beloved. He's so off his game with Goose despite being head over heels for her.
"You know when you said you had a surprise for me this isn't what I had in mind," Ghost tells you, holding the new born kid in his arms close to his chest. Both his muscular arms hold the little goat as it bleats, the poor kid looking so much smaller when held by such a giant of a man.
"You know this isn't exactly my version of a perfect morning," You tell him, soothing the new mother goat. You think she's got another one in her, which makes you a little nervous for her. You like this goat, be a shame to lose her.
"Never thought I'd be starting my day with a goat," Ghost gripes.
"What did you think? That I was bringing you out to the barn to take my fuckin-" You glance over your shoulder at him, the sharp heat in his eyes when he looks at you, "Oh my god you thought I wanted to fuck you in the barn!"
"Did not," He insists. You scoff, and turn your attention back to the goat.
"You think the barn is a good spot to take a lady's virtue?" You call over your shoulder.
"Course not," Ghost's voice is rough, even, he's stating a fact, "unless the lady asked."
"I'm not askin'," You throw back in annoyance. This isn't exactly how you wanted to start your morning either.
"Don't wanna fuck ya in the barn," Ghost grumbles, his voice low enough you could almost ignore it. You don't. You glare over your shoulder at him, he glares back. He's lucky you're sweet on him or you'd make him sleep in the barn. Damn pretty boy.
"You wanna wait 'til we're married like a gentleman, right?" You snap at him.
"Gonna marry you anyway, what's the point waitin'," He snaps back.
"What?" You frown, not expecting him to agree with you. Simon holds your gaze firm, still glaring. You blink, trying to come up with something to say back that isn't "I didn't know you wanted to marry me" or something similar. But you also... didn't know he wanted to marry you, you'd meant it as a joke.
You feel another contraction as you pet you're goat's stomach and transfer your attention back to her. Maybe if you keep your focus on your work you won't be able to feel Simon's eyes staring holes through you. Patiently impatient.
He's going to marry you, just you fucking wait.
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ticklishraspberries · 3 months
how abouttttt 67 with percabeth??? maybe lee percy? (but you decide okok❤️)
drabble prompts!! // thank you for the request!! xo 67. "Wow. Never thought I'd witness this."
Annabeth apparently made it her mission to embarrass Percy the moment he'd arrived at Camp Half-Blood; even while caring for him in those first few days, the Minotaur's injuries leaving him weak and groggy, she had still had the wit to comment on the fact that he drooled in his sleep, sending his face aflame.
Now, they're friends. They've gone on a whole quest together, defeated monsters and faced the gods and he's seen her embarrass herself quite a few times, like her terrified shrieks when she saw those spiders. But even then, she had composed herself quite gracefully, explained her fear with logic and reason, and moved on.
Percy's embarrassment used to feel white-hot, like when he couldn't answer a question correctly in class or when Gabe spit insults at him, the flush in his face felt burning, suffocating, and shame was usually replaced by anger.
Annabeth doesn't make him feel that way. Her little quips are always clever, usually harmless. Even her nickname for him, "seaweed brain" doesn't annoy him as much as he pretends it does. Annabeth, as well as his friends at Camp Half-Blood, don't make him feel like an outsider.
Percy has become flustered around Annabeth for a whole new reason, though, much to his horror. She had snuck up on him in her stupid Yankee's cap, invisible, and grabbed him from behind to scare him. However, his shout (which she described as a "squeal", which he vehemently denied) was less about fear and more due to the fact that she had grabbed his sides and squeezed.
"Are you ticklish, Seaweed Brain?" she had asked once the cap was off and she'd revealed herself, with that mischievous grin painted on her face.
Percy scoffed. "No," he said, unconvincingly.
And the rest was history.
He still won't admit that he's ticklish. It's ridiculous, because he so obviously is, but it's some weird pride thing that Percy can't shake. Now, every time she tickles him, she asks him again: "Are you ticklish?" and every time, no matter how hard he's laughing, Percy tells her no.
Annabeth has taken every chance she's gotten to tickle him, and he's been on edge ever since. Unfortunately, those demigod battle instincts didn't seem to protect him in the case of a one-sided tickle fight, and he didn't stand a chance trying to strategize against a daughter of Athena.
So, he jumps at every little sound and often keeps his arms wrapped around his middle just in case of an attack, which Grover finds incredibly amusing.
It's a sunny day at camp when Percy lets his guard down, too busy chatting with Grover by the water to remember his absolute pest of a friend and her shenanigans, when Annabeth creeps up behind him, not even bothering to turn herself invisible this time, and latches onto his ribs, and he nearly goes tumbling into the water.
Grover makes an indignant noise at being splashed, but Percy and Annabeth are too busy grappling to acknowledge him.
"Just admit it, and I'll leave you alone!" Annabeth says, giggling. Her fingers on his ribs are unbearably ticklish, and he can't believe how easily she's found his weak spots. Too smart, too methodical for her own damn good.
"Never!" Percy shouts, trying to grab her hands and failing miserably.
It continues like this for a moment, her trying to stick her hands into his armpits and him cackling like mad, but when she finally gets her fingers under his arms, Percy's laughter reaches a new octave, and before he can process what he's done, a small wave crashes over them both, as well as Grover who is still sitting nearby, and Annabeth crashes against his chest, spluttering.
"Oh, you jerk!" she cries, her hair sopping wet and dripping onto his face. For a moment, he worries that he's actually upset her, but she just begins tickling him with twice as much vigor.
"No, I'm sorry! Okay, okay, I'll admit it!"
Annabeth stops. "Wow. Never thought I'd witness this," she grins. "Go on then. Admit it."
She's still sitting on top of him, looking down at him with smug look on her face. Her hands are poised above his belly, like she'll strike again if he hesitates.
So, Percy swallows his pride. "I'm ticklish," he says, and instead of that white-hot humiliation, the embarrassment he feels is more akin to butterflies in his stomach. He briefly wonders if that's because of the confession, or the fact that she looks so pretty sitting on his legs, hair wet and smile beaming, but he quickly pushes that thought away.
Satisfied, Annabeth gets off of him and takes her seat beside Grover, talking to him about something completely unrelated, and as Percy watches her speak so passionately, he figures that being teased by her isn't so bad at all.
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eluminium · 3 months
SKIZZLEMAN WEEK LETS GOO!!!! May not have actually written and finished something for like two years BUT SKIZZLEMAN WEEK IS MORE POWERFUL THAN PROCRASTINATION!!!!
Thank you @skizzlemanweek for organizing and creating these prompts!
Prompt 1: Silent/Shout
It had been a weirdly silent few weeks on Magic Mountain.
Well, kind of. Of course, with seven hermits nearby and many more in horse riding distance, real silence is quite a rare phenomenon. But for the residents around Magic Mountain, an uncomfortable stillness louder than expected had settled into their hearts lately. As she cleans out the bones of her latest catch, Gem remembers mentioning it to Impulse recently.
"I didn't realize how much the man talks until he was gone. And now I'm like: Oh, this is what it's like for there to be silence, actually!"
The man in question? None other than Skizzleman, of course! Who isn't dead, just on some off-server business of some kind. At least that's what he told Gem and the others before leaving.
She rolls her eyes fondly at how Scar started talking about some conspiracy theory of his where Skizz is some heaven-sent spy barely a tick after Skizz took his leave. A rant that resulted in poor Mumbo explaining to a confused Joel that Scar's comic-book hero phase last season had some lasting side effects.
She unceremoniously drops the fish bones into the river outside her new anglerfish-shaped fish shop. They hit the water with a small splash before sinking into the murkiness below. Gotta give back to the river! Otherwise, it'll get mad. That's basic fisherwoman knowledge.
When she turns to head back inside so she can put the fish on the cutting boards away, her eyes catch the faint silhouette of Skizz's pyramid in the distance. The sight of it makes the silence around her somehow more prevalent. A sigh leaves her. She misses him. She never thought that the silence he leaves behind would suck this much.
But as she heads back inside, Gem reminds herself that she won't need to miss him for long. He said he'd only be gone for a few weeks, so he's due to be back pretty soon. Then she can go back to poking him for being old or something. In fact, she can almost hear him shout an overdramatic "HEYYY!" already as she points out that-
She quickly drops the floppy boneless salmon in the chilled chest and rushes out the door. She may have a good imagination, but it's not THAT good! She looks around rapidly until her eyes catch something. Two figures in the distance. She squints, but it doesn't really help, so she pulls out a spyglass instead.
She can't help but gasp in surprised happiness when she spots familiar feathery wings and a bright spinning halo. It's Skizz! He's back!
Of course, Impulse stands next to him, his demonic tail flapping wildly in excitement. They seem to already be caught up in a conversation. Typical them, can't leave each other alone for five seconds. Seems like the perfect time for her to come and deliver some made-with-love Gem Punches!
But just as she's about to put the spyglass down and run over, she spots a shocking change in Impulse's facial expression. The happy smile decorating his face melts in a tick into something unreadable. (Fear? Annoyance? Teasing? A mix of that and more?) Confused, Gem stops and pans the spyglass over to Skizz's face. Is he…Is he making kissy faces at Impulse-?
Before she can even process what's going on, Impulse looks in her general direction and RUNS. Full-on sprints at top speed in a manner Gem would be impressed he could do if she wasn't so caught off guard. The spyglass quickly disappears into her inventory as she watches him approach with Skizz hot on his heels.
"GEM!!! HELP!!!" Impulse shouts in a clearly overdramatic tone.
"You can't run forever Dipple Dop!!!" Skizz cackles manically.
"What are you idiots doing?!" She tries to put on a tone of playful annoyance, but her amusement leaks through like water through a hole in a boat.
"He's gonna kiss me on the cheek, Gem!!! You gotta help me!!!" Impulse squeals as he runs around in circles on the shore, skillfully dodging Skizz's attempts to grab him.
Gem can't help it. She bursts out laughing so hard it almost hurts her throat. These dudes, she swears. Obviously, if Impulse was actually uncomfortable with the situation he'd tell Skizz, and they wouldn't have a silly goose chase on her front lawn, so she feels rather justified in cackling at his supposed misfortune. And she only laughs harder when Impulse lets out various desperate noises of desperation, which are comical enough that Skizz has to stop his chase because he's laughing too hard. His hands land on his knees as he completely loses it together with Gem. Impulse giggles and stops in his tracks instead of running further, all but confirming that they're just messing around.
"Wow, Gem! I beg for your help, and you laugh at me? I thought we were friends!" He says in an overly hurt tone while crossing his arms and sniffling dramatically.
Gem opens her mouth to respond, but before a single syllable leaves her, Skizz pounces on Impulse and finally scores his victory by snagging a smooch on the man's cheek. He even manages to catch Impulse in a hug. Gem lets out something between a cheer and an "awwwwwww!" as Impulse wiggles in his best friend's grasp.
"I missed you, Dipple Dop!" Skizz says with happy sincerity as he squeezes said Dipple Dop.
"Missed ya too buddy" Impulse responds, sounding like he's getting all air wrung out of him. He pats Skizz on the back. Skizz, in turn, lets him go and turns his eyes to Gem, still standing in the mouth of her anglerfish. He wastes no time jumping into the river, splashing water everywhere, and then swimming over to her.
"And I missed you too, Gemstone!" He cheers as she helps him up onto the solid (?) ground.
Gem can't help but smile as she tackles him for a hug of her own. As his sturdy and comfy arms wrap around her she feels, more than hears, how the hush around Magic Mountain fades away as one of its seven lively mountaineers has come home once again.
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coffeebanana · 4 months
For the asks: what about 28? 👀
Kiss on a dare
In honour of Loveybug Week (today is Loveynoir day!) decided to try my hand at a little loveybug AU for this one...
It seemed ironic, that a pink, sparkly blast from an Akuma's gun might spell out the end for a girl who herself was sparkly pink personified. But the fear that sliced through Chat's heart didn't find that fact particularly funny or clever. "Loveybug, watch out!" He'd thrown himself into the air before the words had left his lips, and now barreled into her side--a moment too late. As they tumbled across the asphalt, a giant pink glow engulfed them both. A tickle ran up Chat's spine as they rolled to a stop, Loveybug pinned beneath him, her eyes widened in an uncharacteristic display of fear. After nearly an hour spent fighting this villain, they both knew well enough what being caught by Truth-Or-Dare meant. There was no escape. The Akuma cackled. "Well, well, well. What will it be for our heroes? Truth or--" "Dare!" Chat shouted, knowing there was no other choice. Truth might mean sacrificing their identities, and he couldn't ever do that. Not so long as he was still holding out for Ladybug to come back. The shimmering air deepened to fushia as the orb around him and Loveybug tightened; his decision applied to them both. "Dare? Oh, that's too easy." A gleeful chuckle sounded. "I dare you to kiss." Chat Noir's blood ran cold. And then, as Loveybug's lips morphed into a smirk, his whole body went hot. He didn't know how to feel. "Don't worry," Loveybug said, pushing herself up onto her elbows beneath him. Chat instinctively pulled back in response. "This is easy." "L-Lovey, I--" Her smile wavered--for the tiniest moment--into an adorable pink pout. "Don't you trust me?" "I--" She cut him off by pushing hard against his chest, knocking him sideways and rolling on top of him in one fell swoop. It seemed insane that she'd fumbled ten Lucky Charms in a row, only for her coordination to be perfect for the art of seduction. Her legs tightened around his hips. Chat Noir swallowed. And yet...he did trust her. He could only feel safe as her hand rose up slowly, brushing through his hair before landing on one of his cat ears, taking it between her thumb and forefinger and giving a gentle rub. He had to suppress a purr. "It's not too late, Minou. We could still change to Truth..." "But...our identities..." She tilted her head. "We'd figure a way out. I know we would. I just..." Her fingers trailed down the side of his face, tenderly cupping his cheek. "I don't want to do anything you're not comfortable with." And that was just the thing. It scared Chat Noir how much he wanted this. (Even if he sometimes still felt a pang at the sight of pink hearts where there should be black spots. Or if he sometimes felt an overwhelming sadness when he mistook Loveybug's pony tail for one of his lady's pigtails.) "I'm comfortable," he assured her. The gravel digging into his back didn't count. Her smile widened. "Well then..." Chat Noir raised his head as she lowered hers, lips seeking lips, his heart running wild in his chest. But at the last moment, Loveybug swerved, placing a quick kiss on his nose before pulling back. He blinked up in confusion, and she laughed. "Not like this, mon chaton," she said as the colour around them fizzelled out. His nose still tingled where she'd left her mark. "When we kiss, I want you to mean it." She bounced to her feet, in a flash of pink and sparkles--a magic that was purely her own, so much softer than the Akuma's pull. But Chat Noir felt just as entranced as before.
Thanks for the ask!! 🩷💜🩷
Check out @kisspromptsforthelovesquare's prompt list!
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lionizingheathen · 2 years
hey im new to your blog but I LOVE the way you write sirius, could we have more sirius content pLEAES (soft, dark, fluff, smut, ANYTHING you can give us pleaseee🥺🥺🥺)
FWB!Sirius Black x fem!reader
Riding Sirius's face
Warnings: Smut, face riding, oral sex female recieving
It was nice to know that lazy mornings with Sirius hadn't changed since your arrangement had begun. You were sitting on opposite sides of your room, with Sirius holding the kitten you'd gotten last week. He hadn't put him down since he'd been introduced, it was adorable.
"I want you to ride my face." Sirius said, so casually that the book you were reading tumbled right out of your hands as you looked at him, wide eyed. Had he truly just said that? He wasn't even looking at you, instead he was still petting the small kitten that was curled up on his bare chest, giving Thunder his full attention.
"Excuse me?" You asked, your voice coming out in a bit of a squeak. He looked over at you lazily, giving Thunder one last kiss before he opened the door and set him outside, turning to you.
"You heard me, I know you did." He said before walking to the bathroom to clean his hands. You blinked, trying to think of what to say when he returned.
"Did you... I... Uh... Right now?" You asked, and he nodded, moving his wand from behind his ear to between his teeth so he could pull his hair back, using it as a holder before he grinend at you. Fuck, he was so ready... that was really hot.
"Yeah, if you're down for it. Your roommates are gone and I just really think it'd be an out of body experience." Sirius said, and you let out a laugh, shaking your head as you tried to ignore the throbbing between your thighs. He'd be handling that in a moment.
"Okay, freak... lay down." You said and he grinned, pressing a kiss to your cheek before he bounded past you, collapsing flat on the bed with his arms splayed out to the side, still grinning like a fool.
"Thank you." He said, patting his chest like he was calling an animal. You rolled your eyes and swatted his hand before stepping out of your pants and panties. He gave you a long look until you pulled your shirt off as well, and you watched him lick his lips as he stared at your chest, clearly appreciating the fact that you'd opted to leave your bra off... you'd been together all morning, when would you have had the time to put one on? You crawled up his body, pausing when you straddled his stomach. You heard him let out a strangled moan, and you knew it was because he could feel how wet you were on his skin, but you ignored it. Rules had to be made.
"But if you can't breathe, you have to tell me. It would be mortifying to tell people that you died eating me out." You said, and he rolled his eyes, giving you a look as he sat up on his palms, brushing his lips to yours before he spoke.
"One. That is the best way to die. Two. I am a grown man, I know how to breathe with a beautiful woman getting off on my face." He murmured, and you scoffed and shoved him, making him lay flat on the bed once again as he cackled beneath you. God, he was such a dick.
"You are the fucking worst." You groaned, and he shook his head, raising an eyebrow.
"And yet you're still fucking me, so clearly I'm not that bad." He said, and you flicked his forehead, crossing your arms. If you weren't so fucking horny right now, you'd tell him that this wasn't happening, just to watch him pout.
"Shut up, Sirius."
"Why don't you make me, y/n?" Sirius asked with a smirk, and you nodded, crawling up his chest a bit more, pausing in a kneel just above his face. You watched him bite his lip as he glanced between your cunt and your eyes, almost pleadingly.
"Promise me you'll tell me-." He pulled you down onto his face, giving you a look.
"Stop talking." He mumbled, and then he moved you onto his mouth with ease, and from the moment he began it was an assault of the senses, giving you nowhere to move where he wasn't on your cunt. You clawed down the wall, mouth hanging open as you shuddered, shaking your head. Sirius Black was otherworldly.
"Oh my god..." You whimpered, grinding your hips down on his face frantically, already wanting more even though he was giving you everything that he could. "Fuck, your tongue... So good." You sighed, and he pulled away, making you let out a huff of frustration. That wasn't fucking fair.
"You look amazing from this angle-." You reached down and gripped his hair, pushing his face back into your cunt, but he held back. Fucking bastard.
"Don't stop when you've just started, that's fucking mean." You warned him, and he gave you a cocky smirk. Bold for a man who had asked to be where he was right now.
"Oh?" He asked, and you rolled your eyes at him.
"Eat my fucking cunt, Black. That's why we're doing this is so I can cum on your face, right?" You asked, and he nodded, his eyes glinting. God, he looked dangerous like this.
"Now you're getting it, love. Take what you need, it's hot when you boss me around." He said, and he was at it once again, making the entire world fall away with ease. It was only him and you, no one else existed, not right now.
"Fuck..." You cried, reaching up to tug at your own nipples, the sting only adding to the sensations. God, you were going to make him do this every fucking day. "Oh my god, so good..." You sighed, and he pulled your clit between his lips, running his tongue over it again and again, making you see stars. Talented, that was the only word you could think of for him.
"Oh my god, you're such a beautiful man..." You groaned, and you knew he liked it from the way that he sucked your clit harder, making you moan.
"Mmm." You jumped when he hummed around you, feeling goosebumps all over your body. God...
"Ha! Holy fuck..." You gasped, and he pulled away, looking concerned. Cute.
"You okay?" He asked, and you nodded, gulping down breaths. You were fine, he was just far too good at this.
"Just... Hum while you're sucking my clit again, it felt really good." You murmured, and he gave you another cocky grin, leaning forward to press a kiss to your sensitive clit, making you jump. Fuck, this man needed to finish the things he started.
"Everyone loves that once I've done it once, I knew you would too." He said before diving back in, making you let out a loud moan as you leaned your head back. The back of your mind wondered if your roommates would be home soon, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. Sirius Black was eating your cunt, that was the only thing on your mind right now.
"I... Fuck, Sirius..." You whined "Keep going, don't stop moving your fucking tongue." He didn't need the warning, you knew that. He was content to spend his entire day between your thighs, existing only there. But you weren't going to last that long.
"Shit... Shit, how am I close already? Merlin, you're so good at this..." You moaned, and he sighed around you, slapping his hand down hard on your ass. God...
"Little more... just..." He moved his tongue faster, burying his face deeper between your thighs, and something in the increase in pace sent you right over the edge, your vision blurring as you trembled. Holy shit, this was the hardest you'd ever cum in your life and you were meant to stay practically upright? What was he on?
"Fuck... Fuck, I'm cumming! Oh my god!" You gasped, digging your nails into the wall in front of you as you shuddered, grinding your cunt against his face as he gripped onto your ass, burying his tongue deeper as he messily ate you out, not stopping even when you started to go limp. You whimpered, trying to shift off but he held you tight. "Wait, I can't-." He pulled back for a moment and you looked down, seeing a determined look on his face. His hair was wild, sticking up in every direction and his chin was gleaning from you... he looked utterly unleashed.
"You can. You can and you will. I want more, I'm not done yet." He said, and you nodded, chewing on your lip as you felt him pull your clit between his lips again, making you jump. You were already so sensitive, it wasn't going to take you long this time either... he had to know that.
"Shit..." You whined, feeling your mind unravel as he pulled his hand back to deliver a hard spank to your ass, making you cry out as your thighs shook around his face. He moved his hands, opting to scrape them hard down your thighs, leaving red lines in their wake.
"So... So good..." He knew what he was doing to your, and you felt him smirk against you, and something about that made you tremble. Sirius Black had asked you to do this. That was something that any woman would beg for, but you didn't have to. He'd come to you.
"Gonna cum... Sirius I'm gonna cum again!" You cried, feeling the hot knot in your stomach tighten before it released, making you tremble over the edge once again, feeling like your mind was slipping away from you. He didn't stop until you were entirely limp, falling off of his face beside him and curling into a ball. He wrapped his body around you, silently holding you until you stretched, turning to him.
"You look otherwordly when you're on my face, love." He said, and you shoved him lightly, giving him a look even as you blushed. He didn't have to say shit like that... he shouldn't say shit like that.
"Wipe your chin, that's fucking embarrassing." You murmured, and he rolled his eyes but nodded, reaching down on the ground to wipe his chin on his shirt before he laid back down beside you, pulling you against his body.
"Right." He kissed you deeply, and you whimpered at your taste on his lips. "You did so good." He murmured when you broke apart, and you groaned and covered your face, trying in vain to cover the grin that spread across it.
"Ugh... that was amazing." You sighed, looking at him through slatted fingers. He nodded, giving you a cocky grin.
"You're fucking right about that." He responded, and you looked over at him... He was so beautiful... and he was fucking you. You let your eyes trace down his body and you bit your lip at the way that his cock was straining in his loose pants.
"Jesus, Sirius..." You murmured, and he raised an eyebrow, a slight dusting of pink on his cheeks. He knew what you were talking about, that look on his face more than confirmed it.
"What?" He asked, and you reached down, sliding your hand under his waistband and into his pants.
"You're so hard..." You wrapped your fingers around his thick cock, jerking your hand up and down it a few times, making him jump and clench his entire body. Fuck, you could have some fun with him like this. He'd probably do anything you asked him to. "So sensetive." You murmured, and he swallowed a moan and nodded, digging his nails into your wrist, giving you a pleading look. So cute...
"Yeah. That should not be surprising considering what we just did." He responded, and you chewed on your lip, thinking about taking him down your throat, letting him fuck your face like he had the first time... Fuck, that sounded so good.
"Do you want me to take care of it?" You asked, tying your hair back out of your face. He sat up and nodded eagerly before settling back, trying to look like he hadn't just responded like that.
"If you want to..." He said, and you nodded, getting up off of the bed and walking in the direction of the bathroom. You'd bought a new lingere set last week and you'd stored it in there in case the time presented itself where you could get a proper reaction out of him... he'd go fucking feral.
"Take your pants off and sit on the edge of the bed, I'll be back in a moment." You called over your shoulder, and almost immedietly you heard the rustling of clothing behind you, making you smirk. Charmer.
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ebongawk · 10 months
hellcheer + mini golf pls
"Eddie, no."
"Eddie, yes."
"Eddie, no!"
"Christ, Cunningham, what are you? My mom?"
"What? Ew, Eddie, no."
"I'm calling Child Protective Services and telling them my mother sticks her tongue down my throat."
"Eddie, gross!"
"And that she likes it."
Chrissy tried to swallow her laugh; she really did. Tried to keep a stern face, lips pursed around her serious expression. Her finger pressed against her boyfriend's chest as she grasped his metal golfclub with the opposite hand.
It was, however, a fruitless endeavor. Because she, for whatever reason, found Eddie's absurdity humorous, and the laughter side-stepped the lump of refusal in her esophagus. Sounding almost like a backfiring car as it slipped undaintily from her throat.
Eddie clocked it, his eyes glistening with victory as he carefully unpeeled her fingers from around his club.
"Alright, alright," he sighed, holding his arms up in submission. "I will not, in fact, treat your precious game of mini golf like it's real golf and hit the ball as hard as I possibly can." He smirked, leaning toward her. "Satisfied?"
Giving a little harrumph, Chrissy crossed her arms with an eyeroll. "I'll believe it when I see it, Munson."
Eddie grinned, feral and wild and glorious, as he grabbed his ball and set it on the raised green pad of turf. He lined up, shimmying his hips a little, and Chrissy giggled. Throwing a look over his shoulder, he made a show of wiggling his entire body that had her snorting with her hands pressed over her mouth. He reminded her of Gumby, sometimes, in the way he moved. Boneless limbs and flailing joints.
And, honestly, he did look a little ridiculous. All black clothes and silver chains, holding a bright pink golf club and matching pink golf balls that he grabbed before she had the chance, because, "You always get to be pink, sweetness, give someone else a turn." Standing on chemical-green turf and gently whacking balls into downscaled windmills and off the backs of cartoonish plastic animals.
Mean and scary. It made Chrissy laugh anymore, trying to perceive how he might look to the general population and failing miserably.
All she ever saw when she looked at him was her Eddie.
And her Eddie was ready and willing to take her mini golfing after she mentioned in passing the opening of a new course in Fort Wayne. Showing up on her doorstep with one of those ridiculous checkered golf hats he said he found at a thrift store and wrapping his arms and legs around her to get it on her head.
(She had to admit, it was kinda cute. Even if he did mess up her hair.)
"Watch this, baby! Boutta make a hole-in-one."
"I'm gonna guess a bogey, actually."
"Even better!"
"It isn't!"
"Well, it's a cooler word, at least," Eddie said, pulling back and tapping the ball. He still somehow managed to hit it way too hard, the force sending it flying through the air and making it bounce off the side of the drawbridge he was trying to get it over.
Her former boyfriend would've gotten extremely frustrated at that. Called mini golf a waste of time and said he wasn't playing anymore. He'd pretend that he'd wait for her at the concession stand, like he was granting her permission to finish the game alone, but would throw a fit if she actually tried to play the remaining holes.
Eddie did absolutely none of that.
Eddie threw his head back and cackled as the ball ricocheted off the wooden bridge and flew back further than it was when he set up his shot. He nearly toppled himself trying to catch it, which only made him laugh harder, looking back at Chrissy with bright eyes. Like a forest in autumn, sunlight streaming through browning leaves.
"How many points is that?"
"It's one!"
"What? No way. That was at least ten, Cunningham. Did you see the way it arched?"
"Eddie, points in golf are bad."
"Well, I don't feel bad," he replied, sauntering toward her as he twirled his golf club. Which almost immediately went careening out of his hand, landing on the turf with a dull thud. He looked at it like it had disappointed him before closing the remaining distance between them.
"You don't feel bad because you didn't bother learning the rules," she stressed, even as a new grin tugged at her lips, trying to find life that she suffocated as best as she could.
The moment Eddie's arm wrapped around her waist, she lost the battle.
"Rules are overrated anyway," he shrugged. "I think my way is way more fun."
Humming, Chrissy shrugged, trying to keep a disinterested air that was betrayed immensely by the firmly affixed smile she couldn't shake.
"Too bad you didn't invent the game then," she shot back as Eddie pulled her closer to him.
"God, that would've set us up for life," he lamented, slumping toward her. "Who needs rock n' roll when you're rolling in that sweet mini golf cash?"
Her heart gave a little flutter at the implication, the hand not still holding her orange golf club spreading across his pectoral.
"'Us', huh?" she asked. Eddie's eyebrows shot up, his head tilted to one side as he searched her eyes. For what, she didn't know, but whatever he found seemed satisfactory with the way they warmed.
"Definitely us," he agreed, tongue pressed against the inside of his cheek as he made a show of thinking. "Right up until you divorced me, anyway."
"Wouldn't I just get half of that sweet mini golf cash, then?"
"What? You think I went into this post-mini-golf-invention marriage without a prenup? I'm crazy, Cunningham, but I'm not insane."
Chrissy squawked indignantly. "You would make me sign a prenup?"
"Well, yeah! How else am I supposed to convince you to stay tethered to me forever?"
"Oh, my God."
"Are you saying you'd divorce me and leave yourself broke?" He scoffed. "Unlikely, baby. Gotta incentivize you with money, since clearly my body isn't enough."
"Oh, my God, Eddie––"
Her rebuttal was cut off as Eddie closed the scant space between them, capturing her lips with his and swallowing down her retort. Chrissy melted into it without permission, sighing into his kiss and falling headfirst into the familiar cadence of their shared sonnet. The hand on his chest abandoned its post, curling around his neck so her fingers were tucked into his hair and keeping him tethered for as long as possible.
They only broke apart when someone wolf-whistled from another course, both of them panting as red blossoms of embarrassment bloomed under her cheeks.
"I know, right?" he called back to their unknown spectator. Then, quieter, for only her to hear, he said, "Fifty points at least."
Laughing, Chrissy tucked her forehead against his collar as she caught her breath.
Gosh, she loved him.
"How many bogeys do we have left, Cunningham?"
"We're only on the fourth hole."
"Ah, the forbidden fourth hole, is it?" He waggled his eyebrows, and she laughed even more.
"Of eighteen, Eddie."
"Well fuck, we better start hitting balls! Stop distracting me with your feminine wiles, Chrissy, it's unfair!"
"Don't blame me! You kissed me, mister!"
"Oh, you are definitely getting served a prenup."
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blythebewitched · 3 months
Eyes Like Starlight: Smiling Critters Oneshot
Tales From The Playcare AU:
While scavenging, Bubba and Kickin find a skylight above the Playcare. Its the first time they see the real night sky . . .
Kickin Chicken always wanted to go outside for as long as he could remember. Out of everything, there was nothing he wanted to see more than the stars his personality was inspired off of.
Just above, HIGH above the Playcare, there it was. A skylight. It was round and covered a bit by old vines around the outside. But you could still see through it.
He and Bubba stood there. Silent. Staring up. Kickin could count at least 30 stars. It was literally breathtaking as his breath caught in his chest. It was the most amazing thing he'd ever seen.
"Are you coming? . . . Kickin?"
The Chicken swung his head to face his friend. He hadn't noticed Bubba was looking at him. Normally the thought of his crush staring at him would fluster him. But the view took his attention.
"C'mon. We have a job to do remember? "
"Isn't that the most beautiful and amazing thing you've ever seen!? The REAL night sky! Its right there! You're just gonna walk away and act like this isn't MONUMENTAL!?"
"Eh . . . Not really. I'm not impressed."
Kickin stopped dead in his tracks. Eyes wide and mouth agap.
"You're NOT impressed? . . . HOW ARE YOU NOT IMPRESSED!!!???" The words ricochetted off the walls. Bubba having to quickly shush him.
"Are you out of your mind? There's monsters nearby!"
*whispers* "how are you not impressed???"
Bubba squeezed the bridge of his trunk under his glasses and let out a sigh. "If I wanted to see pretty white lights I would've just looked at YOU. Your eyes are the same thing. Now let's go".
He started walking towards the ladder to go back down to the Playcare. Kicken was being oddly silent so he turned around. A little annoyed the idiot wasn't following. He caught sight of Kickin standing perfectly still as expected, but UNEXPECTEDLY he was wide eyed and red faced.
"Kickin? . . . Are you . . . Alright?" He walked back a few feet. He took notice the Kickin was avoiding his gaze. When he got close enough, Kickin's eyes became heavy lidded.
"You . . . You're unimpressed cause you think my eyes look like the stars? . . ." Kickin finally looked up at Bubba. To his dismay, it was with those big puppy dog eyes Bubba could never hate or say no to. Those eyes gave him the hint he needed to realize what he just did.
"THAT WASN'T A COMPLIMENT!!!" Bubba cursed himself for being the loud one now. "I ONLY MEANT IT FACTUALLY! You are literally the STAR character! It shouldn't be surprising that SOMETHING about you would be modeled off the real stars!"
Bubba didn't think it was possible, but Kickin's eyes got BIGGER. A little smile appeared and his blush got deeper. The fact that Kickin was flattered caused Bubba's face to fluster in return.
"It's okay to compliment me y'know." The smile turned into a sly smirk. "I promise I won't think any less than you . . . Lemondrop" . Kickin knew there was NOTHING Bubba hated being called more than Lemondrop.
He had a huge crush on Bubba Bubbaphant since they had met. When Kickin called him that pet name for the first time, he realized just how bad Bubba was at . . . Emotions. Since then, he found it funny and endearing about his favorite elephant.
Kickin was lifted off his feet and pinned against the wall. He couldn't help but cackle at this reaction he'd gotten used to by now.
"NEVER. CALL. ME. LEMONDROP!!! NEVER. EVER!!!" Bubba's face turned red. It PISSED him off whenever Kickin tried to play with the emotions he tried to keep under lock and key.
Bubba angrily slung the bird over his shoulder causing him to burst out laughing. He began to walk back towards the Playcare planning on ignoring the idiot on his shoulder. But Kickin wrapped his arms around his neck. He placed the slightest peck on Bubba's head.
"Thanks Bubby. I think that was the nicest thing you've ever said to me . . . You're my best friend. 💛"
Bubba looked down at his feet as he walked with his crush . . . His favorite person in his arms. He tried his hardest to hide his smile despite being irritated by the pet name.
"You're . . . My best friend too. But Sweet Prototype you get on my nerves."
Both of them laughed as they reached the entrance of the Playcare. Secretly, in that moment, both wanted nothing more than to tell each other what they really felt. But, too nervous to do so, they left it for another day. For now, it was good enough for Bubba to be his best friend . . . And for Kickin, it was good enough to know his eyes reminded him of starlight.
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mudhamster · 6 months
CHWHWN: 03. December - "useless fact"
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Kacchan: *image attached* impress me Deku: Interested in a particular area? or topic? thing? Kacchan: Bold to assume I would be interested in something useless at all Deku: but! ╰(°ㅂ°)╯ sometimes things you thought were useless turn out to be quite useful Kacchan: uh huh Deku: You remember that rice-cooker thingy? The one that goes in the microwave? Kacchan: no Deku: Everyone and their mama laughed at me. But fact is! I'm the only one in the dorm who can cook perfect rice in 13min Without actually cooking! Kacchan: ... was that the useless fact? Deku: carrots were once purple Kacchan: ..eew Deku: Imagine a soup with purple carrots (° -°) ︵ ┻━┻ Kacchan: no thanks Deku: AWARD UNLOCKED: YOU USED ⋆*✩>>T H A N K S<<✩*⋆ FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! Kacchan: fuck you deku Deku: AWARD UNLOCKED: YOU USED ⋆*✩>>F U C K<<✩*⋆ FOR THE 10000th TIME!!! ok sorry. want another one? Kacchan: no
Deku: Dr. Seuss invented the word nerd in 1950. It meant comically unpleasant creature Kachan: actually laughed at that Deku: (´◡`) Kacchan: yea, good one enough for today G'night comic ugly thing Deku: lol Night, Kacchan ♥
For a split second, Izuku saw three dots, Kacchan was still writing something - but then that was it and the chat went silent.
Nevertheless, Izuku lay on the bed, heart pounding, cell phone still in his hand and the chat open. That was what he wanted. Contact, he thought with a small smile. In the last three days, he had chatted more with Kacchan than in the whole last month. It felt new and good. But most of all, right.
He had made him laugh. He rubbed his face deep into his pillow at the thought. Even in front of the posters, he was a little embarrassed by his bashful grin. He'd given anything to hear that. Was Kacchan already in bed? It was late, after eight, which was a pretty good indication.
It meant that he was in bed chatting with Izuku.
The thought of Kacchan chuckling in the dim light of his bedside lamp prevented his ribs from taking another breath, as if huge hands were wrapped around his chest and squeezing him. It felt like longing. Melancholy and a little bit of greed. To finally see Kacchan laugh again because of something he had said or done… a real laugh, … and not the spiteful cackle. A real, honest laugh. He wanted that. And more. All of it.
Izuku blinked down at his cell phone. He re-read the chat with forced calm, the evidence that they had kept in touch for three days without interruption. That was more than a beginning.
Piece by piece, but with composure.
There was no guarantee that he would be able to make him laugh in the next few days - who knew what Kacchan would draw tomorrow? What if it was the hug?
"Please, please let it be something harmless," his muttering died away in his pillow, "I need a little more time, just a few more days."
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clickerflight · 10 months
Whump Week: "It's hard to love broken things"
I'm doing this event! I'm so excited! I'm also doing sketches for each one and I'm going back to my roots and writing about The Adventurers. The first whump event I ever did was writing whump about that thought project. (Also, you ever make a post and put it on the wrong blog and have to put the whole post together again? Yeah.)
Content: demon whumpee, half dragon caretaker, cultist whumpers, whip wounds, on the run
Running through the forest on bare feet at high speeds, being chased by cultists who held him captive was not ideal for the now reopened whip wounds dribbling down Laurance's sides. His lungs ached, he knew his eyes were glowing red with the fear that seemed fused to his very soul, and he was certain he would have fallen if it weren't for the woman supporting him, running as fast as her legs could carry them. Her wings occasionally scraped his back as she flapped them on instinct, trying to get away from the cultists. 
"Leave me," Laurance panted. He didn't have the strength to get his arm off of her by himself. It was so much effort to get one torn up foot in front of the other. 
"No," Anisha growled, eyes flashing, reminding him that despite how weirdly human she looked, she was still a fiercely protective scaleon. "I'm not gonna!"
Laurance would have laughed if he'd had the breath. She talked so strangely, and it was just as endearing now as it had been when she was behind bars in the cult's dungeon. 
She huffed, flapping her wings again causing Laurance to stumble and wince. 
"Sorry!" she yelped, hauling him up as they broke out onto a dirt path. 
Laurance glanced back and his heart jumped into his throat when he saw the familiar red and black painted armor adorning the chests of men who had also found the road. 
"CITY!" Anisha shrieked. 
Laurance nearly cried with relief as he spotted the walls ahead, which turned into horror when he noticed the closed gates. "They aren't going to let us in," he said, stars starting to form in his eyes as the pain in his back and limbs reached the next level. 
"Do I LOOK like I care!?" Anisha asked, eyes bright with determination.
She moved so quickly it jarred Laurance's broken ribs, and when his vision came back from the blinding pain she was pressed against his bloody back, arms around his chest. 
"Nisha!?" Laurance gasped. 
All he got in return was a slightly hysterical cackle of laughter, and then pain as Anisha lifted into the air behind him, scaled wings sweeping down around them as she dragged him into the air with her. 
There was no way they were going to make it to the top of the wall. There was no way. Maybe if Anisha wasn't a stunted Scaleon, but she was tiny and Laurance, despite being mistreated and starved for months, was still bigger and heavier than her. 
Anisha growled in his ear, her wings sweeping down in defiance of gravity, in defiance of death and the wall approaching. 
"This is gonna hurt," Anisha hissed, and then Laurance was flying. 
He yelled, looking for something to catch onto, and like a miracle, or perhaps a curse, his hands caught the edge of the wall, sending waves of pain through him that nearly dislodged him. Still, despite how broken his new body was, it was still the body of a demon and it didn't give up so easily. 
He looked down past his torn up shoulder to find Anisha on the ground. She'd thrown him so hard it had sent her to the ground, but her diminutive size did not take away from the fact that scaleons could take a fall. 
The cultists were catching up, though, and Anisha had to roll to avoid a weapon that plunged down towards her face. 
Laurance tried to haul himself up onto the wall, but all he could do was hang there, his muscles quaking at the very thought of pulling him up. 
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He looked down again to find Anisha climbing the wall, the talons on her feet, fingers, and the hooks on her wings searching for every crevice she could use to get to him, her tail lashing quickly behind her to keep the cultists from grabbing it. 
"I'm coming, I'm coming," she assured him, leaping up the wall to get there faster. "Almost there! Hang on, man!"
Laurance whimpered. He could hear people running along the top of the wall and all he could imagine was a knife coming down on his fingers, sending him to the ground again. 
"We're under attack!" a deep voice called. "Ready your bows!"
"They're coming over the walls!" another called, feet pounding towards Laurance.
"IF YOU TOUCH HIM, I SWEAR, THEY WILL NEVER STOP FINDING YOUR BODY!" Anisha roared, her voice so much louder than her tiny body suggested she could produce. 
Laurance heard her wings flap loudly, the wind blowing over his damaged skin until she reached the top. She hissed at the young man who had been watching them with an open mouth and he stepped back. She hauled herself over, stumbling for a moment before turning and grabbing Laurance.
"We made it! We made it!" she cheered as she started to lift him up. He screamed as she pulled him over, though she was very gentle in setting him on the ground, nudging him to curl up on his side in the fetal position. 
The sound of men screaming and yelling swirled around Laurance, the sharp twangs of bowstrings echoing in his ears as he dry heaved on the stone. 
"W-what are you?" the young guard asked. 
Anisha's sharp voice replied, "I'm a scaleon. You know, dragon person? Thought the wings made that pretty obvious." She took a deep breath to soothe herself and said, "Sorry. I have had a very stressful day. Where are we?"
"Ah, um Kaliaway, my lady. Is... that a semni?" 
"He's with me," Anisha replied, and Laurance could hear the exhaustion creeping into her voice. "Is there a doctor, er, medic? Healer? What do you guys call the guys who do the wounds and bandages thing?"
"The, ah, huh?"
"Oi, Phillip! Why aren't you- oh."
Laurance twisted his head to see a tall guard in a full suit of armor, captain's badge clipped to his shoulder, looking at the three of them. 
"Medic? Healer?" Anisha asked, exhausted as she gestured to Laurance. "Quickly?"
"He's a semni."
Anisha bristled, mantling her wing higher despite how her tail drooped. "And he was a slave to those heathens. Can we please get him a healer!?"
“Semni aren’t allowed in the-”
Anisha hissed, ears pinned back. “If you do not find him a healer, I will rip your fingers off and feed them to you through your nose!”
The head guard took a step back, and Laurance couldn’t blame him. Anisha didn’t have much of a dragon aura most of the time, but when she was using it it was terrifying. 
“O-of course, my lady,” the captain said, and with that, he scrambled to find someone to go get the healer while the rest of the guards continued to shoot at the semni below, chasing them off. 
Anisha crouched down, putting a gentle hand on the back of Laurance’s head, using her wings to shield him from the gazes of the guards. 
“Did you see how he ran?” she whispered, her smile wrinkling up her nose. 
Laurance huffed out something that was trying to be a laugh. “Absolutely….. You didn’t have to do all that. You could have been killed.”
Anisha shrugged, like none of it mattered, like saving him was the easiest thing in the world. Or perhaps, if not the easiest, the most logical. “It'll be a fun story to tell. For both of us.”
He stared at her. “Are you insane? I suppose you’d have to be to get me out of there.”
She smiled. “If it means that being sane is to abandon a new friend because it’s easy, then yes, beloved. I’m insane.”
Part 2
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partrin · 7 months
"what in the jujutsu sorcery"
a short, rinharu drabble inspired by the fact that i still cannot believe, till this day, that mahito and haru share the same japanese voice actor.
cw: spoilers for jujutsu kaisen S2E18
"this," rin starts, in between stuffing handfuls of salted popcorn into his mouth, "is intense."
haru nods. he keeps his eyes on the screen and watches as the antagonist—mahito—a flamboyant, grey-haired villain with an ugly hairstyle, a questionable sense of fashion and an absolutely grotesque way of transfiguring human souls and bodies into macabre forms, prances through an alley while squealing gleefully, dodging throws and punches from the main protagonist.
"nanami didn't deserve to die the way he did," haru says non-commitally, blindly reaching out for the bowl of popcorn that rin (selfishly) holds close to his chest. "if itadori had come sooner, maybe he wouldn't have died the way he did."
"oho, so you're blaming the redhead now?" rin asks, cocking an eyebrow. he waits, smugly, for haru to take his bait as he reaches around him for the aforementioned snack.
"i'm not blaming anyone."
"but you said that if itadori had come sooner—"
"i didn't."
"you clearly said—"
"i'm not. blaming. anyone." haru says, putting his proverbial foot down. he glances at rin through his peripheral vision, gives him the side-eye, and watches as rin straightens up and shakes the tension in his shoulders out. "all i meant was that if itadori had come sooner, maybe he'd have been able to intervene."
"don't we all wish someone would intervene sooner..."
"what was that?"
"nothing," rin mutters under his breath. "nothing."
the scene onscreen flashes once. sounds of heavy yet quick footsteps scurrying through walls of thorn-like protrusions echo in the air. mahito begins to chortle like a madman and yell something about how delighted he is to be in a fight like this with the redhead protagonist.
"y'know," rin begins after swallowing down another handful of popcorn, "he kind of sounds like you. mahito."
haru scoffs. "don't be ridiculous."
"i'm serious!" rin nods towards the screen of the laptop with his chin for emphasis the second mahito erupts in yet another loud, inherently evil screech. "he's got that weird baritone of yours; the kind that gets impossibly high once you start screaming."
"i do not sound like that," haru argues, looking positively peeved. "and i don't scream. that's your job."
"shut up," rin grunts. "and you do scream. think i forgot the time you yelled in my face in the locker room after regionals?"
haru rolls his eyes. "no. but i'm sure i didn't sound like—" mahito's cackling rips through the atmosphere, "—that."
they watch with their eyes peeled wide open as itadori mumbles some sort of bold, heroic, intrinsically-motivated speech to himself, the kind that speaks truth to power, as he punches and tears through the walls mahito erects in his path. tendrils of empowerment escape the screen and travel through their veins, feeding them with a constant, heady flow of pride for the protagonist and his impending victory over mahito.
"you do, actually." rin says without looking away. "you sound almost exactly like him." he shudders bodily. "remind me not to piss you off."
"you've pissed me off," haru notes. "many times, actually—"
"shhhh, haru—" rin hushes, nudging haru with his bony elbow. "itadori's 'bout to beat his ass and win."
haru shoves his elbow aside and doesn't mention that he thinks in this verse, and that of itadori's, redheads almost always come out triumphant.
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I think about if I was vash travel buddy I would probably annoy him(or be entertaining) cause we just be walking In the desert and he’s like 🚶‍♂️and I’m like 💃 behind him cause I listening to 2000s pop music on an old iPhone that still miraculously works, just dancing to Beyoncé and one direction. Or tell him old mythological stories of gods and beasts and hero’s by the campfire. I probably be good entertainment for him.
A/N: Okay, I'm dying at this concept! I'm totally gonna make it a 160GB ipod Classic tho. It has a screen for video, and soooo much more space than a dinky old iPhone xD durable af too. I miss mine ;-; I'll probably increase the era of songs as well, because I'd be right there with you doing the same damn thing! 
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Lost Melodies
"Gonna make a move to a town that's right for me!" Vash watched you dance alongside him to the music playing through the headphones of your family's iPod, which had been passed down since before the space fahring age. You sang little "doots" to the electronic melody as the town you left behind disappeared from the horizon.
"Town to keep me movin' keep me groovin with some energy" the smile on Vash's face widened as you raised your hands up to chest height, "Well I talk about it, talk about it, talk about it, talk about it." You opened and closed your hands as if they were talking, "talk about, talk about, talk about mo-ooovin'!" You grooved, "Gotta move on!" You had shared this music with Vash before, as the two of you had taken turns listening to music on your iPod, and Vash's Walkman.
"A-Won't you take me to… FUNKY TOOOOOWN!" You belted out into the vastness of the desert. Vash loved it when you got lost in the music when your little group had to travel on foot through the desert. Granted, this caused you to drink more water than without the additional singing, but you had bought a second canteen so you had enough water to stay hydrated.
Wolfwood and Milly also found your little concerts entertaining, Meryl…. She had her limits. She was more interested in the Audiobooks of various Mythology the little iPod contained. Vash recalled a night where the five of you relaxed around a campfire, an Audio book of Norwegian Mythology playing through a speaker through the audio jack. It told stories of Gods that were long forgotten to Gunsmoke. 
"Fair enough,” said Thor. “What’s the price?” “Freya’s hand in marriage.” “He just wants her hand?” asked Thor hopefully. She had two hands, after all, and might be persuaded to give up one of them without too much of an argument. Tyr had, after all. “All of her,” said Loki. “He wants to marry her.” “Oh,” said Thor. “She won't like that."
They listened to the story of the fortification of Asgard. He remembered the look of horror on Wolfwood and Meryl's face when the origin of Slepnir was mentioned. He remembered the cackle that erupted from your lips, knowing another mind was ruined by the fact that The All Father, Odin, rode his own nephew into battle. 
"Your arms are my castle, your heart is my sky. They wipe away tears that I cry…" he tuned in long enough to hear you'd changed songs, and he caught your glance towards him at the lyrics. The blush on your face made you stutter the next lyrics, but he smiled sweetly towards you. 
It was late In the evening when the two of you entered Warrens City. Vash needed another tune up from Mr. Marlon. Thankfully, your journey had been smooth sailing, and you two were soon cuddled up in their shared bed, sharing the earbuds as they watched a movie on the tiny screen.
"What do you have hidden in your pocket, Sophie?" The blonde man on the screen asked. The old woman, Sophie took a red piece of paper out of her pocket, and handed it to Howl. As the paper met with his fingertips, the paper caught fire, burning a carving into the table.
"Woah, scorch marks! Howl, can you read them?" Markle, the apprentice, asked.
"This is ancient sorcery." He mused while he caressed the table outside of the scorch marks.
"You who swallowed a falling star, O' heartless man, your heart shall soon be mine. That can't be good for the table." He shook his head. 
"Ugh, this movie is so pretty." You mused, and you let your head rest on Vash's shoulder. 
"It really is. I wish we had more than just this movie from that animation studio." Vash leaned his head against yours, a sweet smile across his face.
One night after Vash had gotten his gun back, You, Vash and Frank went for a drink at the bar. Frank insisted on a single drink, and Vash of course went overboard. 
"Hey! Vash tells me you play the guitar. Why don't you play something for open mic night?" Frank gentured over to the little stage in the corner. An acoustic guitar sat in a stand, the bar's logo painted on the front.
After some thought, you agreed, and went over to the stage. You picked up the guitar, checking to see if it was tuned, and adjusting the microphone so you could be heard while sitting on a barstool. You strummed the guitar, as you sang the opening pitches before faking a throat clear,
"Hey baby won't you look my way? I can be your new addiction. Hey baby whatcha gotta say, all you're giving me is fiction." You sang, getting the attention of the bar,
"I'm a sorry sucker and this happens all the time, but I find out that everybody talks, everybody talks, everybody talks." You glanced over to Vash who was already enamored by your performance, pausing mid-chat with the newly arrived insurance girls,
"it started with a whispeerrrrr, and that was when I kissed herrrrrr. And then she made my lips huuuurrt. I could hear the chit chaaaaaat. Take me to your love shaaaack. Mama's always gotta back traaaaack , when everybody talks baaack!" Your voice gave a lovely vibrato to every long note.
You concentrated on singing for Vash, something you always did when you got nervous about singing around other people. Once your brain believed it was just the two of you, you could sway to the beat, and really let loose on your vocals. You loved spreading the power of music to the people of Gunsmoke, since you held such a rare and precious outer of music long gone.
It often made you wonder about the songs that didn't make it into this device. What genre were they? What did they sound like? You guessed unless you got a time machine that you would never know. You were thankful for what you did have, because you didn't know how the people of Gunsmoke lived without it. 
Songs used:
Funky town- Lipps Inc.
Every time we touch- Cascada
Everybody talks- Neon Trees
Audio books: 
Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
Howl's Moving Castle
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night-market-if · 1 year
I was wondering, would it be too soon to ask a prompt with Mal, Milo and MC?
Just spending time together, maybe playing a game or cuddling?
I understand if you don’t want to spoil anything
A/N: I will say this would be way, waaaaaay in the future.
I leaned back into the muscular chest behind, my eyes droopy as the light from the enchanted windows bathed us in sunlight. Milo's arm was secure around my waist while soft music spun and popped on a strange little wheel in the background. For once, we had a day filled with no agenda. We woke up slow and let the soft curls of light lull us into a warm comfort.
"You still sleepin'?" Milo rumbled in my ear. His voice was whiskey deep but oh so soft. It was the kind of voice that was gruff with a day off and I could just picture his mused hair from when he had first risen this morning.
"Just relaxing," I told him.
"K," he said, his thumb rubbing circles low on my belly. "I apologize then."
I cracked an eye open, looking up at him confused.
"Hey, Mal," he barked.
Malcolm was pouring himself a cup of something warm and spicy and didn't bother to look over his shoulder.
"No," he responded immediately.
"Mal," Milo practically whined. I stifled my giggle in his chest. I could just imagine the roll of the other man's eyes.
"What, Button," he said, turning to face us.
"What kind of music should you listen to when fishing?"
Malcolm looked highly unimpressed already. "I'm not answering that."
"Something catchy," Milo laughed. He laughed so hard in fact that the deck of cards he was holding, the ones he was supposed to be shuffling for their next game, sprayed everywhere. They launched from his fingers with a sharp zip before scattering across the room. Malcolm looked at Milo over the rim of his mug, sipping at his tea. "Get it, Mal?" Milo laughed. "Get it
Malcolm locked eyes with me, gesturing with a subtle nod of his head. I untangled myself from Milo's arms and went over to Malcolm, hopping up on the counter in front of him and stealing his kafe. Milo was still cackling in the background.
"I mean," I started, "he did practically just set up fifty two card pick up for himself. That joke was to his own detriment."
Milo shook his head, boxing me in on the counter. "I forgot how bad his puns are."
"Want to play Riot with me instead?" His eyes perked up at the odd little game him and Hazel had created together.
"You know it?" I nodded. Leaning over my shoulder, he looked at Milo. Who was, in fact, still laughing. When he pulled back, he grazed his hands against my side, staring at me with that deep intensity that always reeled me in.
Reeled me in.
I snorted in laughter.
And Malcolm dipped his head. "You also just made a fish pun in your head." When I started laughing in earnest he pushed away.
"Oh, no, Mal," I giggled. "Come back."
"Yeah, Mal," Milo called. "We can play Go Fish."
We could hear his groan from the other room as he tried valiantly to ignore us.
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coldflasher · 6 months
17, 18, and 29 for the ao3 asks, please! 🧡
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
You know, I think it might actually have been Joe? I've not written much Joe POV but it's always so fun to do, particularly in scenes with Len, cos Joe is always so done and ready to fight at all times lmao. I have a half-written one shot I really wanna finish where Joe finds out about coldwestallen and almost has a heart attack and it was SO fun to write, I'm cackling just thinking about it
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
i feel like the obvious answer is len. i've seen a lot of people saying that and for good reason, he's so difficult to get right. particularly when it comes to dialogue. i loooove writing dialogue, it's my fave, but when i'm editing i find myself revisiting so much of his dialogue and deleting, tweaking, rewriting, SO much of it ends up on the proverbial cutting-room floor because when it comes to len, i take the old edict "he would not fucking say that" so seriously. it's always in my mind. but the problem with len is that there's so MUCH he would not fucking say. and it makes it very difficult when there are things i NEED him to say for the plot but it just doesn't ring as authentic.
there's this post that i saw once that talks about the ways people say things without saying them, specifically when it comes to expressing love. like they say "fasten your seatbelt" or "text me when you get home safe", but what they're actually saying is "i love you, i care about you", and that's the balance i'm basically always trying to strike with len. it's like, how can i have him say things without saying it. so i spend a LOT of time agonizing over that
that being said i think the character who's challenged me the most this year has actually been iris. because i've been reading and thinking a little more critically about like. fandom racism. and how characters of colour, but especially Black characters, are treated by fandoms and by the narrative, and so i've been trying to be a lot more intentional about how i write iris and particularly how i'm describing her, and not wanting to perpetuate harm in my portrayal and potentially create an unsafe space for Black folks in fandom, and also thinking about what candice patton herself has said about the fact that iris was never really written as Black, especially in the early seasons. like. this is a white character who they happened to cast a Black woman to play. so that's also something that's been going around in my head, like her race is important and would affect her whole perspective and worldview, and so i don't want to forget that, but then i don't want to overstep and write things that are outside my lane... there have been times where i've really got in my head about it, which is good, i think i'd rather be thinking too hard about it than being careless in my approach, but it's defo been at the forefront of my mind as she takes a bigger role in the fics i'm writing, especially as i have a few iris-centric longfic ideas that i'd LOVE to work on in future but that's defo something i'll have to be even more aware of if i do that, so yeah.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
You know, frustratingly I think my fave thing I've written this year is something I can't share because it's a huuuuge DNDB spoiler 😭 so I'll settle for sharing a steamy lil snippet from the westallen "don't worry, darling" AU i mentioned because it's a super romantic scene and i loooove it
it hasn't been edited so still kinda rough around the edges but im obsessed with like. its general essence!
Turning towards him, she stood on her toes to reach more easily and Barry tightened his arm around her waist, grabbed her thigh with the other and hoisted her up onto the chest of drawers in front of the window, knocking over a lamp which thunked to the floor and sent all the light in the room crazy, filling it with weird shadows and changing the angles of their faces. Barry pressed her against the window pane and Iris jumped, making a startled little sound at the coldness of the glass that caused her to arch into him even more, wrapping her legs around his waist for leverage. He leaned hungrily into her, bracing one palm against the window, and before long the glass had fogged around his palm and haloed around her like a pale aura, the moonlight outside smudging her edges while they kissed and kissed like they’d never stop.
Thank you!
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alixgracchus · 2 years
Dick and Slade go on an early morning run. Slade is slightly ahead of Dick (this is fine, nice view).
Batman is working into the morning and thinks Dick is chasing him. Down swopes the Bat...
Running Lap | 1.4k | T | AO3
"You're just enjoying the view or you got tired from chasing the lady?" Slade said, and even from here Dick could tell he was smirking.
They had decided to go on a very early morning run this morning, though Dick had complained a lot about Slade's inability to sleep more than five hours a day and making it everyone's problem. Was it too much to ask for him to go alone instead of dragging Dick along? At least the view was nice, he guessed.
"You're jealous or something?" Dick snorted, "I just wanted to give her back her phone."
"Sure," Slade laughed, "and the fact she was pretty had nothing to do with it."
Dick gasped in mock indignation.
"How dare you! Are you saying I am a womanizer?"
"I'm just saying people usually think with their brain rather than their cock, Grayson."
Dick let out a worldless, indignant exclamation.
"Come back you bastard!" he ordered, laughing.
He started chasing Slade, who kept himself ahead enough of him to turn around and taunt him. They ran around for a few minutes, cackling like naughty boys when suddenly a great shadow swooped down on Slade.
"No!" Dick yelled as he ran to Slade.
Slade had managed to dodge Batman thanks to his enhanced senses, and immediately shielded Dick with the growl of a tigress protecting her cubs. Time seemed to slow down as they faced each other, the horror of the situation downing on the young man as his mentor took them in. The man cocked his head, confused, before Dick saw the flash of understanding go through him.
His heart felt ready to leap out of his chest.
"Run!" Slade ordered him, pulling him by the arm as they ran as fast they could.
Dick let his lover guide him, mind still reeling. What would they do now that Bruce knew about them? How were they going to live? But those were questions Dick had no time for currently. Thanks to Slade, they lost Batman in less than ten minutes.
"I need to–" Dick started, but Slade cut him off.
"We can't go home for now, you know that. My safe house isn't far. Come."
Dick sat down the second they got in. He felt feverish, hands shaking. Slade rested a protective hand on his shoulder.
"Come to it, I won't leave you," he told him in a reassuring tone.
"You must!" Dick exclaimed with despair. "What if Batman sends you to Waller? You know the terrible stuff she does to people!"
Slade kneeled in front of him, his hand cupping his face.
"Listen to me, Richard. I can handle your old man. I won't leave you alone with this bastard. Not after what he has done to you."
"Let's not talk about it now. We need to think and to plan."
Dick watched Slade pace. He felt guilty. He should have known Bruce would come checking on him after their last fight. He had been careless. He may have destroyed everything.
"Stop beating yourself, kid. That's my job."
A warm hand came to fondly squeeze the nape of his neck. Dick chuckled despite himself.
"I'll go fetch some things at home. We'll stay here a few days to see how it plays out."
"Slade… I'll have to go."
"No," Slade firmly told him, hands curling into fists.
"Yes," Dick retorted. "It's the only way to protect us. He'll never let you go otherwise."
"I can defend myself, kid."
"Not against Bruce."
Dick took a steadying breath as he got out of the taxi. Alfred came out to greet him and take his luggage out of the car.
"We are quite happy to have you back with us, Master Richard."
Dick gave a forced smile, trying to stomp his anxiety.
"Master Bruce is waiting for you," the butler told him pointedly.
His throat was dry as he stepped inside the Batcave. He spotted Bruce busying himself with a new experiment.
"Hey," Dick greeted him nervously.
Bruce did not acknowledge him. The young man felt his hands starting to shake, wondering what he was going to face.
"I got a few samples to check," Bruce eventually said, though he didn't take his eyes away from his microscope. "Take care of those ones on the table."
Dick stood frozen for a few seconds, perplexed by this request when he expected a fight. He slowly came to sit next to Bruce, eyeing him carefully. For the next hour, they worked in silence, as if nothing had ever separated them.
Bruce ignored Alfred's pointed looks as he served him a cup of coffee. The glow of the Batcomputer was the only light in the Batcave. The newest surveillance device he had put on Dick was finally paying off. He had been afraid his boy would find it before he could get any intel on Wilson.
He upped the volume as Dick entered a penthouse somewhere in Blüdhaven.
"Hey–" Dick's voice echoed in the Batcave before some shuffling cut him off.
Sounds could be heard for almost a minute before Dick laughed happily. Bruce didn't think he heard him laugh like that in years.
"I'm fine, Slade," he whispered breathlessly.
"Did he touch you?" another voice Bruce recognized asked.
"He didn't do anything to me, I promise."
A short silence followed by a pained hiss ensued.
"Ouch," Dick complained.
"How did you get these?"
"I got those during patrol. Bruce didn't touch me. He'd never do that."
Wilson scoffed.
"Nothing happened," Dick insisted. "He… He acted like usual."
"The bastard's preparing something."
"Honestly, I don't know," his boy sighed. "But I don't think he will pursue this any further. At least for now."
"Are you certain?"
"I know him. If he was fearing for my safety we wouldn't be having this conversation right now."
Wilson hummed, and again some shuffling was heard. It sounded like Dick was undressing.
"Did you put some ice on your eye?" Wilson asked, though he sounded further away.
"Yes mom," Dick answered with exasperation, and Bruce could picture him rolling his eyes.
"Who?" suddenly asked Wilson, this time sounding closer.
"It's nothing," Dick assured him. "I'm okay."
"Who gripped your thighs so hard they left bruises?"
Silence fell. Wilson sounded ready to kill a man, and Bruce wondered if he had ever murdered someone for Dick.
"It's– It's not what you think. They were tying me down and I was trying to kick them so they held me by the legs. Nothing more, I promise," then his boy's voice dropped to a whisper, earnest and trembling. "No one has touched me but you. No one else but you."
Sounds echoed in the Batcave, and with some discomfort Bruce realized they were kissing sounds. He wondered why Wilson was so concerned by the possibility someone could force themselves on Dick. Disturbingly, he felt he had missed something grave in his boy's life.
"It's been so long since I've had your hands on me," Dick panted quietly. "I've missed you so much, Slade. I want you."
Alfred cleared his throat loudly as the kissing resumed.
"Now that it is clear mister Wilson is not brutish towards master Richard, perhaps you could focus on more pressing matters, sir."
Bruce ignored him.
"I need you inside me," Dick pleaded, earning a quiet "Good gracious!" from the butler.
Wilson growled softly.
"Not now," he gently told him. "Not in your state. You need rest."
Kisses were heard, along with a soft sigh from the mercenary.
"Grayson– Richard, you need a bath and some rest."
Dick hummed. He started to say something, but Alfred pressed the button.
"I think this is quite enough," he said sternly in the now quiet Batcave. "Master Richard would not like to see his privacy invaded like this."
Bruce knew he was right of course, that it was only his paranoia and morbid curiosity that was pushing him to break Dick's boundaries like this. He couldn't think of how angry his boy would be if he learned Bruce had replaced his favourite earring with his surveillance microship. The earring was now in a small velvet box in his bedside table.
Another thing to remember Dick by.
Dick hummed with content as the hot water and Slade's hands worked on his tensed muscles.
"You know," his lover whispered in his ear, "I was thinking we could perhaps go on a run this weekend."
Dick groaned.
"Seriously? After everything that happened you didn't learn your lesson?"
"I do know you run like an old lady riddled with arthritis, thank you."
The young man gasped in mock indignation, splashing water at Slade. He placated him by wrapping his arms around him, nuzzling his hair.
"Maybe you're right," Dick hummed after a few moments. "You do need to practice how to run away from the Bat."
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