#Dark!Stephen strange x reader
angies-writing-blog · 2 years
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Title: Beyond the Wall of Sleep
Fandom: Doctor Strange (Comics & Movies), MCU
Pair: ( Dark! / Sinister! ) Doctor Strange / OC (Reader)
Language: English (oh my bad English skills)
Summary: [...]An everlasting shudder ran through his body. Only one time before had he been afflicted by such wretched fear. That time, he had attempted to reach that mythical nameless city, but had been chased away by the thick gusts of the Arabian desert. Just like back that day, he now felt compelled to tremblingly utter that enigmatic two-liner that the lunatic arab Abdul Al-Hazred had written:
“That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.” [...]
Note: This is the result when I can not sleep at night. I have seen the new Doctor Strange movie and read Lovecraft. Very "dark" story. Please read the tags.
I feel like my translations are getting more and more terrible.
The beginning was good. Then I started to stagger.
I don't really like the last third.
Maybe it's because this story was originally an exercise in my native language, to write dialogue-free and without naming specific people, etc.
Feel free to criticize me. Oh yes, and unfortunately once again unedited (for now), because otherwise I would not have found an end.
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
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Get ready to be completely spoiled rotten and doted on 24/7/ 365 by these 2 since they will literally smother you with affection and love day in and day out
Very clever and crafty yanderes, quite a pair I tell you. And also literally impossible to escape from since they have science AND magic on their side. So, good luck escaping from them
Both of them don't have too much patience but I can see Tony being a tad bit more patient that Strange. No matter if you're a villain, Avenger, SHILED or HYDRA agent or even a civilian for that matter once you catch their attention you're dunzo
They'll take care of any pest in the way of you and them in less than 24 hours. These men here are not playing around when they tell you that crazy for you and they're madly in love with you
You won't be able to escape from them, ever since they've rigged the house with cameras in places you didn't even think or know that they could be there (No worries at least nothing's in the bathroom) and Strange's magic will prevent you from escaping. Now, if you act up with Tony, he'll just take your favorite stuff away and scold you like a disappointed dad. Now if Strange catches you acting up.... well, you'll be needing your running shoes and run as far as you can from him. That's all
Tony is kinda more lenient and laid back than Strange that's for sure. He'll let you get away with stuff and will lay it easy on you when you do some nutty stuff. Strange on the other hand takes discipline very seriously. As much as he loves, adores and cares for you he will NOT tolerate bad behavior from you at all. Even if his heart breaks and he feels like someone's stabbing him with a blade through his chest, he will make sure you behave like a good little girl/ boy for them
Tony can be a bit... over smothering at times which is why Stephen will drag him off of you anytime you want to be left alone or you need some space
Just play your cards right and assure them that you'll never leave them and you're good to go :)
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highonmarvel · 9 months
The Other Side
Searching for your Stephen, you find another, and he won’t let you go this time.
An entry for Day 4 of the exciting @sintember challenge!
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Prompt: The Other Side, ft Sinister Dr Strange of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022).
Warnings: DUB-CON!, possessive behaviour, developing Stockholm Syndrome. 18+! [And I haven’t watched Dr Strange in so long, please pretend I know what I’m doing.]
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You had lost Stephen and America, and you were now left in a crumbling world, a universe broken, with no way to get home. Based on the wrecked state of the world, you thought there wasn’t a Dr Strange here, that he had been defeated and his opponent left ruin. Though he wasn’t your Stephen, the thought still deeply upset you, that Stephen could be defeated, and maybe yours would be.
You push open the door of the Sanctum, you want to call out to him but you know there’s no point. The heavy door falls shut behind you. All the antiques and strange paintings and ornaments that once decorated the foyer have been shattered, some are deteriorating, and a dark mist floats through the cold temple, enveloping you, nearly strangling you, you feel.
Upstairs. You know you have to head to the Window of the Worlds.
You walk to the window, engraved with the Seal of Vishanti. It’s cracked, black lines not belong to the symbol run in all directions across the glass, that has a purple tint, nearly a faint violet glow. You want to touch it, when you hear your name whispered.
You spin, and there stands Stephen. Not your Stephen. This Stephen is… different: he looks older, streaks of grey paint his dark hair, with sunken eyes.
“Stephen!” you call, taking a step forward, “Or, Dr Strange, I need your help, please.”
“You’re here,” he murmurs, slowly walking towards you.
“I- I am,” you sputter, a little confused and off put by his trance-like demeanour, as his curious eyes never leave you, “I lost Stephen—my Stephen—and I need to get back.”
“I am your Stephen.” his voice is so low, so low you wouldn’t have heard it were you even a notch below the level of hyper-awareness he’s activated in you.
He steps into the light, and you gasp and take a step back. Visually, he’s not much different to the average person, but his eyes are dark, a familiar blue you once knew sealed up in an endless black; you can’t read them as he continues to walk towards you. You still.
He stops in front of you, and raises shaky hands to cup your face, his lips parted slightly as his foreign dark gaze analyses every inch of your face. His fingers are cold, ice cold, so cold they burn, like dry ice; you wince at the contact but he doesn’t seem to notice.
“No,” you whisper, “No, I’m not yours, and you’re not my…”
You raise your hands to gently grasp his wrists, and freeze when you see it. His fingertips are darkened, stained with a black so profound, so dangerous in sheer aura that you know what it’s from.
He’s been tampering with the Dark Hold, the book of sins so evil you barely know of it, just the name elicits chills; Stephen, your Stephen, barely discussed it, he never did until he found out about the Scarlet Witch’s use, and even still he said very little; you got the feeling that though his knowledge seemed limitless, he knew little here, and very deliberately he kept himself in the dark, because if he knew, he’d indulge.
And indulge he has, this sinister Stephen holding your face gently in his hands, as if these hands haven’t caused unfathomable destruction. You should have known—you knew—that Dr Strange could not be defeated. He wasn’t conquered, never could he be: he conquered.
“That’s me,” he smiles and reassures you. Though his eyes and fingers are stained, that boyish smile you know to be yours is the same as ever.
“What did you do?” is all you can muster in a shaky breath, a tear slipping down your cheek, he watches it fall.
“I did what was necessary, and you…” he strains his voice to prevent himself from choking on his words and he smooths a calloused finger over your skin, wiping away the single tear that had spilt, “You were gone.”
His eyes soften, and, despite the cold of his hands, they’re warm, his eyes, his body too, you notice, noting he’s much closer to you than you realised, and definitely too close for comfort. You don’t even know if you can call him insane, mad with power, and furthermore, you can’t tell what he meant by…
A cold hand snakes over your shoulder and his fingers grasps the back of your neck, pulling you towards him. When he kisses you, you stiffen, but, really, for barely a second, because his lips, they feel so familiar. This man is like your Stephen, you can feel it, but you see a different image; he’s like your Stephen if he had no self control, or even just a little less than he has now.
The thought hits you: you could never deny Stephen. Even if you could, say, by the grace of some higher power, even if you could walk away, Stephen always gets what he wants. There isn’t even a higher power you can turn to: there is no power higher than Stephen.
“You’ve come back to me.”
What can you even say? You’re sure he isn’t delusional, you’re sure he knows you’re not his, and you’re sure he doesn’t care. You nearly resign to your fate, but the thought burns you so hot you hurriedly blurt out,
“What happened to her?”
To you. Did he…?
He doesn’t answer, he stays gazing into your eyes, a sombre-looking but relieved smile on his face, like he’s reconciling the fact that he was wrong; he’s never wrong, but he never thought he would see you again. He simply repeats, “You’ve come back to me.”
“Stephen, no,” you state, firmly, yanking his hands off your face and holding his wrists down between you two. He seems mildly shocked, you’re sure he would have been able to overpower you if he you didn’t catch him slightly off guard. But no, you should know you could never be apart from him, whether you want to or not.
Magic ropes wrap around your wrists, tying a knot and pulling them close together, so tight you wouldn’t be surprised if they sliced your hands off. Stephen’s magic is golden, pure, this man—you don’t even want to call him Stephen—his magic is corrupt; purple, with black shadows swirling the violet pulses emitting from the shapes he draws.
You panic, forcing your head down to look at your bound wrists and then snapping your head back up to him. You open your mouth to speak, but all that comes out is a shrill little squeal as you’re lifted a few centimetres off the ground. The same purple and black vines wrap around your ankles, forcing them together.
You notice this is the first time you’ve been above him, floating just high enough for him to have to raise his chin to study you. You always thought this would give you some kind of dominance (fleeting and artificial as it may be), to be over him, but no, you never stood a fucking chance.
You barely struggle, afraid that if you shift around too much you’ll drop to the ground, so all you can do is be still as he circles you, examining you. Another thing; he doesn’t seem to just look at you, he studies you, like looking for flaws in a sculpture. What happens if he finds them?
“You know,” he finally speaks after several minutes of inspecting you, “All this…” he turns you towards the window. There’s a rift in the sky, with seemingly everything in it, everything in existence, it’s overwhelming, “I did for you, honey.”
He’s lying, he must be; though you can imagine yourself getting a little carried away now and then, in no universe could you ever see a version of yourself prepared to bring about mass destruction, the ends of literally infinite lives, no; you may be imperfect, but the collapse of an entire universe? He’s either lying or being intentionally ambiguous. Maybe he’s not lying, just misleading.
“You didn’t; you did it for her,” you half-lie; while it’s true he could only have done this for a different version of you, you doubt she would have authorised that, but you use her as sort of a scapegoat anyway.
He flicks his fingers and you spin to face him. He lowers you just enough so you’re at eye level, and despite your best efforts, you genuinely can not read his gaze; you can’t find any hint of what he may be feeling, it’s just a void, but it’s not, it’s not a void; you know there’s something there, something you’re missing.
You’re sure he’s going to say something, maybe continue his little game of pretending you’re his, but just as you anticipate the opening of his mouth, you violently spin again, this time towards the door, with a shriek. He walks in front you, and you follow behind, like you’re being pulled by a rope, like a dog on a leash who’s trying to play with something when the owner is fed up and wants to go home.
His bedroom door slams shut behind you and you’re lowered onto bed with a gentleness the human touch could never give, his magic softly laying you like you’re the most precious thing, and based on the look he’s giving you, you damn well might be.
Your soft rest hazes your mind for a moment, but you’re snapped back to the cold of the Sanctum when you feel him hover over you.
“I’ve missed you…” he whispers.
You don’t know when your pants came off, but you feel him run a practiced finger over your clothed slit. Oh, God, he feels exactly like your Stephen; the foreignness of his eyes and slight change in demeanour don’t seem to mean anything when he still feels exactly the same, it’s fucking with your mind.
You love your Stephen, more than anything, and you know this isn’t him. You try to push him off but when he slips a finger inside of you, you can’t help the shudder that vibrates through you.
Can I get Stockholm Syndrome so easy? you wonder to yourself, more berate yourself, as you try desperately to ignore the feeling of his fingers inside of you, moving in and out just the way you like, he knows what you like, he knows your body just the way Stephen does.
Because he is Stephen.
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atlasscrumpit · 1 year
Wanda/Scarlett Witch x Reader
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((Description: Wanda knows exactly what's best for you, it doesn't matter if she has to hurt you in the process of keeping you safe))
((Warnings: Dark themes))
Wanda explored around the gardens, looking for any trees or plants that needed attending.
Once she was done she came to the fountain in the middle of the garden to see you sitting on the edge and starring into the water.
“Hi, sweetheart. You feeling okay?” Wanda asked as you turned around and looked at her.
“I’m just bored.” You muttered making her sigh.
“I know, Y/N.” She whispered as she moved forward and grabbed your chin softly, keeping your eyes on her.
“I can create anything you want here, just name it and you’ll have it.” She said as you stared at her.
“I just want to go back to my life, back to New York. I-I know a lot happened but the team thinks I’m dead, I want to see them, please.” You whispered as her eyes darkened.
"No." She said simply as you pulled your face away from her.
"I had an entire life! And you just took it away from me!" You shout as you stand up and face her.
"Don't start this again, Y/N. We both know what happens." She warned as you glared at her.
"This isn't fair, Wanda please. I just want to go home." You begged as she moved forward and placed her hand on your cheek.
"You are home, my love. Maybe I need to show you again." She whispered as you felt tears in your eyes.
"Please don't do this again." You whispered as she kept her soft smile on her face.
"You don't need to be afraid." She whispered as tears ran down your face and your vision began to fade.
Wanda did this a lot, especially when you wanted to go home, she would bring you where she believed you truly belonged, at home with her.
Even if it was just an illusion she created.
You were in the small 60s looking kitchen while you cooked and hummed to yourself.
The door opened and you looked up to see your wife entering.
You smiled brightly as she closed the door and took her coat and shoes off.
"Well, something smells lovely, my dear." She said as she stood behind you and wrapped her arms around your waist.
"I thought I would make some muffins, I saw a new recipe in the newspaper and wanted to try it." You replied making her smile.
"Well, I'm sure they'll be absolutely perfect, love. I just need to have a shower and I'll be back." She said before leaving, you smiled as you finished baking.
Once you were done you cleaned up and sat on the couch waiting for Wanda to return.
When she did you smiled brightly.
"I was thinking, why don't I take you out for a nice dinner tonight?" Wanda said as she stood in front of your and held your face in her hand.
"I would love that." You replied happily making her smile.
"Y/N." You heard a male voice say as you looked around in confusion.
Wanda's face turned into one of anger.
"It's alright, love. It's just a neighbour I need to speak with, stay here for me." She said as you nodded a little and watched Wanda leave.
She went outside to see a familiar face and she glared at him.
"Leave, if you value your head attached to your body." She growled as Strange stared at her.
"We both know Y/N doesn't want to be here with you." He replied as Wanda looked at him in anger.
"That's none of your business. Here she is safe with me and I will not let you take her." Wanda growled as she summoned her magic as a warning.
She heard a noise and quickly turned around to see you starring at her in shock.
"You did it again... You promised after last time." You whispered as your mind began to break through the illusion.
You looked past her to see Strange, you felt tears in your eyes as you tried to run forward.
You and Strange weren't that close but seeing anyone but Wanda made you want to run forward and hug him, but Wanda had other ideas.
She quickly trapped you in her magic as you cried.
"No! Please, please just let me go." You cried out as Wanda looked at you sadly.
"Love, it's okay. I'm sorry I had to do this but you were getting upset again. I'm just trying to keep you safe." Wanda said as you cried.
"Wanda, look at her. You can't seriously think what you're doing is good for her." Strange replied as you looked at him hopefully.
"A lot happened to her, Strange. She went through so much..." Wanda said as she approached you and ran her hand through your hair.
"She doesn't realise what's good for her anymore, she's broken and she needs me." Wanda whispered as you looked up at her and cried.
You were about to speak but nothing came out, you knew Wanda had taken your voice.
"Now, I think you've overstayed your welcome, Stephen." Wanda said before everything began to fade again and you cried.
You looked down at the recipe in the newspaper and smiled.
"I'm sure, Wanda would like these muffins when she gets home."
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thornsinmycrown · 5 months
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warning(s): [ MDNI +18 ] no use of y/n, afab!reader, use of petnames (hon/honey) eventual smut, 18+ dark content, yandere dynamics, minors do not interact. word count: 2.9k
summary: years have been passing by, years where nothing seemed to be fortunate for Doctor Stephen Strange on his quest for greatness that until one day he realizes the key of happiness was always presented in front of him, you.
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You were accompanying each other through the corridor, both doctors heading to their interview. The cameras were ready to capture your smiles as you talked about the miraculously successful procedure, with the new technique that the neurosurgeon had co-created in conjunction with you, the recently transferred back doctor on duty, after, saving the life of one of your patients.
"Ready for the interview, hon?" asked the neurosurgeon, visibly excited.
"It depends," you answered with your iced coffee in hand, "what exactly are we talking about?" you questioned, remembering one of many professional conversations where you had been slowly silenced by Stephen's eccentricities.
"Well, we're talking about the patient," he assured you with a relaxed smile, "how I intervened…"
"We intervened," you corrected, mid-sip without even being bothered. From a man like Strange you could expect anything.
"Of course, that's what I meant," he brushed it off, "we're a great team."
You raised an eyebrow with a half smile hiding behind your coffee so, you wouldn't laugh outright in Stephen's face with your bitter sarcasm.
"Oh, really?".
But, sometimes, you just couldn't help it.
"Yeah. I am the best neurosurgeon in the world, you are the best psychiatrist, we complement each other perfectly, don't you think?" he flirted. Again.
Ever since you had met Stephen Strange, you realized that his world revolved around three things: he, himself and him. Since Stephen Strange had met you, his world began to revolve around four things: He, himself, him and you.
"It's true, we know so much about each other," you completed, a subtle sarcastic tone that passed for friendly, drawing a goofy smile from the doctor. "Truth or Dare?" You decided to play around a bit before the interview.
"I love a challenge," Stephen bragged, winking at you playfully. You looked to the front and rolled her eyes before saying the dare.
"I dare you to tell me what my master's degree is," you said, placing yourself in the corner of the sofa by the door as an old habit in your office.
Stephen stopped short, adjusting his cell phone on the coffee table's surface, he really didn't expect that to be the dare, but he knew he wasn't going to win, pretending not to understand was not an option since he wasn't stupid: he could feel your petty aura, who, in a desperate attempt for him to leave you alone, agreed to listen to his cynicism.
"Of course I know, it's…something that starts with 'gers'?" His tone revealed the lack of attention he gave to his partner, the same one that soon narrowed her eyes in an almost accusatory way.
"Amazing that with your eidetic memory, you can't recall a single title easily in casual chat," you accused, taking a last sip from your coffee canister before setting it down on the small table across them.
The office was full of cables and high lights in the background that gave the place an overly saturated aspect, for Stephen it was like rediscovering that his natural habitat could be even more glamorous, cornered by a camera and reporters waiting to write down his every word, as if the truths off the universe came out of his lips, the sensation of having been born for it raised his ego to Olympus.
For you, however, it was as if you had been paid to swallow hot lava so you took another sip of your icy drink, you knew you wasn't tiny compared to anyone, but to talk about your work the way the neurosurgeon does and with the intention in which he pronounced each word of honor, it caused your belly to roll over. You only hoped that Stephen would not believe himself the Hand of God or say something out of place on camera that could later cause his own declive; Although knowing him, he would find his way out to be free of problems in the end.
"I don't give much importance to titles," he chuckled lightly, feigning a humility that on rare occasions he denoted in certain spaces, something that made her correspond with a lopsided smile.
"It's not what you told your assistant yesterday when he called you 'Steve' and not 'doctor,'" you remarked, knowing that he would ignore your title if it represented a risk to his own.
He looked around to check who was listening to the conversation, slightly uncomfortable with the idea of causing a misconception of his usually prefabricated charming and talented persona, adverse to the generally apathic and arrogant self he usually ought to be on his quotidian agenda.
No one was paying them the attention he believed they deserved, although now it was a fortune to their insignificant argument.
"Well, 'Steve' is for family, my assistant is my employee", he lied, he dismissed the topic lowly, whoever heard him would see it was somewhat normal, a simple correction. But you didn't.
You saw that gleam in his eyes, you didn't know what it was or how to call it, yet there it was somehow making you shiver, too detatched to be simple wording, too straight to mean further relevance. He was displeased, you always noticed, at your inconvenient comments related to whatever he did or say — and he did like it too.
Perhaps that's why he was so fond of you and as much as you were an obnoxious partner to work with at times, you were never unwanted for him. Women kneel voluntarily just to have a touch of, at the very least, the hem of his leather belt, batting bambi eyelashes and leaving purposeful red lipstick stains in the collar of his shirts; When somebody says "yes" so many times, one can easily be draw to the person that dares to say no.
"Got it!", you crossed your legs in the small sofa, humming lowly and by the time Stephen's ears peered this sound, you were already on your machiavelic deed, "Steve's ready for the interview and so am I, where's 'hair and make-up' by the way? He kinda needs it".
And everyone laughed. A harmless laugh that Stephen had to mimic while he glared at you with disapproving eyes. Very few things really made him angry: traffic, calls from operators to change phone lines, incompetent people assisting him in the operating room, or being assigned patients with less serious problems than the ones that led him to the interview he was about to give, but his name was the top of the list.
It fragmented his ego, name badges and business cards elegantly decorated with off-white backgrounds, spent thousands of dollars so that his name always appeared in full never misspelled capital letters, now reduced by you to a bland nickname for any average white American man who eats hot dogs at every sunday baseball game in which his son stays on the bench, he was not the avarage man and he knew it — or at least had an idea of it.
He could never dispise you, how to dispise you? He just wished that for once you could see how great of a man he could actually be if you gave him that chance, but any advance you had dismissed with fervour. And now here he was, laughing with you, pretending he liked your jokes and wasn't pissed just to attract you, to appear as a likeable man and maybe, others saw that too.
They probably believed you made the eccentric and artificial Doctor Strange a more humane being in the end, that your friendship gave him the piece of humble cake he needed, a mere mistake. You had the vision of a therapist and, like a detective, could sense all the cowebs of his tricks, the amateur process of a conquest poorly planned.
The interview went on anyhow, some laughs and comments about procedures that seemed to falsely fascinate the interviewer who batted her eyelashes as if she was mopping the air, Stephen using terms and long words he made sure no one would understand to impress the viewers and you, spreading awareness of regular check-ups. Everything was marching good until the interviewer saw something between you two, something she knew would definitely sell the story further.
"It must have been very easy for you to work together," unsuspected for you where the conversation was going, your smile still looked genuine for the crimson mischievous grin who was in front of you "how long have you been working together?" to you it seemed a normal, common co-workers question.
"I guess... Since always?" You shrugged, trying to evoke in your mind since when did you considered working with him a logical idea, and you looked for Stephen's eyes subconsciously.
"I can't really remember" he scratched the back of his head, smoothing out his hair to not ruin his perfect hairstyle and what it appeared to be a sheepish smile slowly formed on his lips, "we met many years ago, though she looks like no day has passed" he complimented you, and you silently nodded in thankfulness.
He gave you a plain smile, he was used to you not complimenting him back, so it didn't felt awkward, he always expected it, thinking of himself of a poor hopeless romantic every time, like a puppy waiting for his owner to pull the leash, it almost seemed to be as if you were hiding something.
The perfect excuse for a reporter hungry for gossip.
"You look like you're very close indeed", she casually threw, "what is your relationship like outside of work?", by this point, you should have started to guess this wasn't going to be concerning to work anymore.
To be honest, you were excited too, as much as you wanted to be skeptical and keep yourself grounded or tell the doctor beside you not to get too comfy at the idea of being a celebrity, you were going to be on T.V; Everyone would know you were part of the creation of a procedure capable of giving anyone the chance to retrieve their motor skills to a level where they could have a normal life again. It consumed you to a degree you didn't fathom until now.
"I think we have a good connection outside work, he's open to share ideas, he adapts to situations and also has a great talent", by the way he was smiling back at you, you could say he was enjoying the praise rain, not often between the two of you on your end specifically, "one of the best on his field".
"If not, the best" he quickly interrupted, a light laugh erupting from his lips. "If you allow me saying," and Stephen would never miss a chance to publicly show you he was your number one fanatic, "she's fantastic to work with, she brings details and perspectives in a very unique way, as much as I would like to admit it, there are things I can't quite grasp without her" he laughed again, more loosely even, charming and attentive to his co-worker's reactions.
"Would you describe it as intimate, then?" It was intentional, the innuendo on her words was clear, and it was just rising.
"Sorry, what?", you scratched your ear gently, your brows narrowed significantly and you hoped you had mistaken the clear double intention behind her words.
"Yes! Your relationship" she promptly casted the mood to put a name to what you had — wrong names.
» "At first glance, one could say you are very close to each other. You compliment yourselves fine" her gaze was serious, she wasn't teasing to spite, she was doing it to sell a love story.
And it didn't place into your mind of how good could it be to have a column on one of those shallow magazines, where they share tips to style their old skinny jeans better or lose weight with five easy steps, on how two professionally accomplished doctors saved the world with their brains and their love.
"Well, if we look like we are close to each other, it's because we are" Stephen, not so oblivious to the route of the conversation, couldn't let himself waste time "I mean, we spend most of our days together" he shrugged, acting as natural as possible.
"Because of work" you ended quickly.
Due to the way the interviewer arched a brow, you could notice she wasn't happy with the way words were being phrased, and she had to dig in more dominantly.
"Sure, but, you know—" she licked her lips.
"Know what?" you didn't exactly spat back, that wasn't how the usual confrontation went with you.
You were always on the rational side of things, the one that decides if it's worth it to continue an argument or not, between blacks and whites you always tried to be the gray.
"Two young attractive people spending so many hours together, and you seem to hold a lot of chemistry" your smile slowly faded into a thin line, that was the moment Stephen knew something was wrong, "how would you describe your relationship?"
Despite his usual playful self, he decided to step on and set the boundaries you always spoke about, because he would never do something to displease you, specially not if you saw so directly what his intentions could be, he had to be smart and play crosswords with his speech.
He gave you a side eye to check on you, you shared a brief glance and that was all he needed to attempt to better things up for you without loosing style.
"We're more of a partnership than anything," he admitted this time with more sincerity as he noticed your displeased reaction, he would never do you mad in a way that could make himself look bad in front of anyone, " I do, and say with the utmost respect, that I consider her an equal in what our fields concern" he really tried to make it better.
"That means you've never blurred those professional lines before?" it was the quizzical brow, the stupid smirk, everything seemed to be set up to make your brains bolt.
You sighed deeply, your right hand rubbing your forehead with your eyes closed, you scratched one of your brows with your thumb and before you could open your mouth, he was answering again.
"If we put it like that", you gave him a side eye, "we have", and now you were fully looking at him with wide eyes trying to decipher what was he up to.
"Let me clarify this to you ma'am" you held your finger up, "Doctor Stephen Strange and I are not involved in any kind of paraprofessional relationship nor will be", you anxiously replied to his words before he screwed up the interview completely.
Now he gave you a dirty look. Your words were respectful, it was your tone though, the disgusted facial expression you did that made him want to ask everyone in the room to leave and spank you.
"Except we're very good friends" he clarified as well, the journalist looked at you both with curiosity, "we studied together, we work together, she knows all my ex-girlfriends, we are friends. If what you want to know is if we ever had sex the answer is no".
You felt your face heat up, embarrassment filling your lungs as you held your breath. You would have loved to say it in a more subtle way, however with Stephen there wasn't any subtlety. You nodded and licked your now dry lips, his tone had been almost severe, determinant enough to put the interviewer and the cameraman uncomfortable to not do more spicy question again.
Your sixth sense warned you of his eyes on you, burning holes in your skin hoping to see through you the same way you did he. And the next times he searched for your eyes between questions as the interview went on, he would look at you tenderly, enamoured even, to purposefully set the seed of doubt on people if the no-sex part was cut from the final material. He wouldn't leave it at that, you wouldn't be the one that got away.
For as long as he had to wait.
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author's note: after some months into hiatus, i've decided to put this blog in good use and post some drafts I had. This is planned to be a short series so, if it's well recieved, I'll keep updating parts.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 2 years
Deranged and Deceptive {1} || Dark!Sinister Strange
Summary: Takes place at the end of Spider-Man: No Way Home. You are pulled through the torn fabric of reality and into the multiverse to find a man who both is and isn't your husband. Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, smut, dark themes, kidnapping, dub/con, unprotected sex. WC: 1.6k
Dr Strange Masterlist || Part One || Part Two
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When the world had been splitting at the seams there was only one person you were thinking about. Ribbons of purple light broke through the walls surrounding you and you swore you saw Stephen’s face peering through the cracks. Fearing he was in trouble, you reached through and felt his scarred hand take yours, his wedding band cool to your touch.
“Come closer darling.” He called, the familiar timber of his voice coaxing you closer until he tightened his grip and pulled you through.
It felt as if you were being forced through a wall of elastic, the only force stopping you from springing back was Stephen’s steadfast hold on you. Just when you thought you would be crushed by the pressure you were facing it popped and you flew into his waiting arms.
“Stephen?” You trembled as you looked around the ruins of the New York Sanctum. “What happened?”
“We lost.” He muttered as he pulled you to his chest. “I lost.”
You looked up to see the features of your husband but his eyes held a darkness that you had never seen, there was an eerie haunted look behind them. “What do you mean?”
He pulled you to the shattered glass that used to serve as a lookout on the top floor of the Sanctum and you looked out at the desolation. Debris and ruins littered the land as far as you could see, you could hardly tell what city you were even in.
“This is all that is left.” He said quietly. “I couldn’t lose you too.”
“This isn’t happening.” You shook your head and stepped away from the cold wind blowing through the broken window. “I, I can’t believe it. Things were a bit crazy with the Electric guy making the lights go funky and the Doctor Octopus but…end of the world? I don’t understand.”
“You don’t have to. Just believe me.” He growled, gripping your arms tight as his eyes widened. “You do believe me right?”
Your head bobbed as your heart sped up; your husband didn’t have to ask - he should have known you would believe him, that you trusted him. A sickening pit of dread settled deep in your gut as you realised that although he had the face of Stephen, he most certainly was not yours. 
“Good.” He nodded, a small relieved smile looking so much like your husband’s that for a second you forgot it wasn’t him. “Are you hungry, darling?”
You shook your head and looked around the large room, your eyes falling on the grand piano in the corner. A small gasp caught in your throat as you remembered Stephen talk about how he used to play before his accident but you were certain he had sold the expensive piece. Walked over, you lifted the lid and ran your fingers along the keys, the notes deepening with each touch.
“It is beautiful.” You sighed as you reached the lowest note and felt his presence at your back. 
“It is.” 
He sat at the bench seat and patted the spot beside him, waiting until you were seated before beginning a melody you had heard once or twice but couldn’t name. Your eyebrows pinched together as you watched his lithe fingers dance across the keys without a single tremor to them, despite the identical scarring they held. 
The piece came to an end and as the last note echoed through the room you felt a tear rolling down your cheek, imagining he truly was your husband sitting at your side. Taking his hand in yours, your thumb traced the surgical lines along his fingers until you reached the wedding band you had placed on his finger. “Does it hurt?”
“Not anymore.” 
You were captivated by the depths in his grey eyes and stuck still as he leant closer, his lips brushing gently against yours, your body struggling to react as your heart waged a war with your mind. Stephen had talked about timelines and multiverses before but it wasn’t something you understood and you kicked yourself for not asking more questions. Your heart couldn’t tell the difference and you felt love for the man kissing you but your mind knew they were not the same.
“I’m so glad you are here.” Stephen smiled as he rested his forehead on yours. “I can’t live without you.”
“Me too.” You whispered, the exhaustion blatant in your voice. 
“Let’s get you to bed.” He said as he pulled you to your feet. “We can talk more in the morning.”
Most of the rooms you passed were dark and dusty, except for the room he led you to. The ornate iron bed was the only furniture in the room and a dozen candles placed around the room were the only source of light as Stephen began to undress himself. The glow of the candles cast shadows across his skin and you felt the familiar stirring in your body at the sight of his, a warmth spreading through your core. 
You quickly climbed under the thick blankets and closed your eyes before they betrayed your lust, feeling a warm arm curling around your waist and pulling your back to his chest. 
“Goodnight, my love.” He whispered low in your ear, the tease of his beard tickling your nape as he placed a kiss on the bare skin. “Sweet dreams.”
Pressing your legs together to ease the ache between them, you rested your hand over his and settled into his embrace. “Goodnight, Stephen.”
Your dreams had been turbulent as you imagined Stephen searching for you and losing his mind. He had been tormented with the thought of losing you that he broke the laws of nature to get you back, losing himself in the process. You had woken with a gasp but quickly relaxed as you found his arm safe and secure around you and his kiss to your neck chasing away the nightmare.
“Shhh, it’s alright my darling, I’m here.” He soothed as he hand teased the lace trim of your panties you had slept in. “You’re safe now.”
You sighed as his fingers slipped between your folds and felt your reaction to him, the inviting warmth begging him to bury his fingers within you. His chest hummed with satisfaction as he felt how wet you were before pulling back to glide over your clit, rolling his hips and pressing his erection against you in time to his fingers. Your head was spinning with need, the need to orgasm and the need to reassure yourself it was all a bad dream.
“Please, Stephen…” You begged as your core tightened around nothing. “I need you.”
You almost whimpered at the loss of his touch before he lifted your leg over his and pushed your panties aside. Your eyes fluttered shut at the feel of his cock pressing to your entrance and your lips parted with a moan when he filled you with a powerful thrust. Stephen mumbled nonsense between his kisses that snaked up your neck and you craned your head so that you could taste him, his tongue slipping past your lips.
“I love you.” He professed as he lifted your leg higher and deepened his thrusts, the angle driving him over your sweet spot. “I would do anything for you.”
“I love you too.” You smiled almost drunkenly, your mind and body teetering on the edge of bliss and unable to comprehend anything but loving promises.
His arm snaked over your waist and you reached over your shoulder to run your fingers through his hair, holding him close as the pleasure peaked and you cried out his name. Your pussy clenched around his cock, your fluttering walls tipping him over the edge as he moaned in your ear with his release. You lay with your fingers entwined and his heart hammering into your back as you both regained your breaths and rode the high of endorphins. All too soon his body betrayed him and he retreated from you, the warmth of his release and yours slipping from your folds to run down your thigh. 
Pulling the blankets back, you stretched up and found it odd that the lighting in the room didn’t come from the fixture above, the sleepy haze suddenly clearing. The nightmare came back to you and you clamped your hand over your mouth as you looked back at the man lying lazily across the bed. Bile rose in your throat as you realised the nightmare wasn’t a dream at all, this wasn’t your husband.
“This is wrong.” You rambled as you grabbed your clothes from the floor and tried to make your way to the door only for it to slam shut. “Let me go, I don’t belong here.”
“You belong with me, always.” Stephen said as he rose from the bed, his eyes wide with panic. “You are my wife, I love you.”
“You are not my husband.” You backed against the door as he closed the distance, your head shaking as you repeated the mantra in your head. “You brought me here, please, send me back.”
“I would do anything for you.” He said, chillingly void of emotion as he placed his hand on the base of your throat, the threat clear without exerting any force. “But I will never lose you again. You. Are. Mine.”
Your teeth clenched together and your lips curled back at the threat. “He’s going to come for me.”
His laugh was harsh and sharp, his smile sinister as he leant in as if to whisper an important secret in your ear, the words making you flinch. “And you will witness his death.”
Click here for part two.
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
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You most likely must have met him through his time of him being a surgeon or a doctor, or you must've been some hero like him to catch his attention and make him notice you. Now, Stephen is someone who doesn't get impressed too easily but somehow you managed to impress him and for that, congratulations :) You now have a yandere wizard or sorcerer at the back of you
Heck, you might even be a random person just minding your own business and he feels intrigued by how unfazed and calm you appear. Now, when it comes to him getting obsessed with you, he's gonna be getting completely cocky since he's pretty sure his actions are subtle and you wouldn't possibly find out. He'll start trying his best to impress you either with his magic or his car, watches or even making balloon animals for you lol
You might be able to avoid him not for long since this man here can create portals and everything like a modern day Kurogiri, unless you work in the medical field like him. He'll literally make sure you stay WITH him where he can keep an eye on you and watch your graceful movements like a hawk
He can be really sneaky when it comes to stalking you. You won't even know he's stalking you at some point since he's damn good at hiding and lying low when stalking you
As a yandere, I have a feeling he might be possessive, obsessive and maybe a little bit.... manipulative too since he's also kinda good at sweet talk I think
Doctor Strange here really loves and admires your upbeat personality and the fact that you're sarcastic like him makes his heart beat even more for you. He'll listen to you sing and applaud you, telling you how wonderful and melodious your voice is. He thinks you sing like an angel but he doesn't like it when you show affection to undeserving morons that don't even deserve to LOOK at your direction. He'll get jealous if you hang out with Tony too often since you both are buddies and pals and so, he'll do his best to drag you away from him and try showing you some cool trick that'll end up leaving you impressed with it and him being proud and smug AF while he smirks. Cocky prick....
He'll kidnap you when he feels like you're either in danger or he just needs to have you with him, that's it PERIODT. He would have stalked you for something like 6 months to more and everything about you. He'll know and understand you'll be scared and confused and angry and you have to hand it to the man here, he has a lot of patience. But if you piss him off, you're wandering into dangerous territory. Does he feel bad for what he's done? Not even a little bit
If you try fighting him, he'll think it's amusing and not to mention adorable that you think you actually have a CHANCE of beating him and escaping him. He'll do his best to make you happy and will create and give you things with his magic. That's a pro of being in a relationship with a wizard lol. The worst way he could punish you is locking you in a room with his magic preventing you from escaping. He just wants you to love him and yes, he DOES intend having a family with you as well. Maybe 3-4 little ones running around. You best pray this man doesn't get jealous since if he does, he'll send many death glares to that person and after that, he's gonna torture them in the most brutal way possible with his magic. And he'll find out whatever you're planning since he's a sorcerer of course. Little things he likes doing with you are cuddling with you and talking about things you like. He shares the same interest in astrology as you and loves hearing you talk about it, and the way your eyes shine with interest. He'd feel like the worst person on the planet when he sees you crying and he'll do his best to comfort you, he knows it's tough but you can face the challenges together as a couple, he'll help you and be there for you no matter what
Even death won't be able to separate the 2 of you since he'll just find a way to bring you back to life. So, that 'Till death do us'' part won't apply. He might act like one hell of a god damn Tsundere once in a while but secretly, he's a complete sucker for your affection
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alostlovergirl · 1 year
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Two for the price of one: Stephen strange x reader x OC
Summary: No matter how far you ran, he will always find you.
Warnings: stalking, obsession, possession, ex-boyfrend, non-con, rough fucking, kidnapping, friendly fuck
" Good Morning, America!" The news reporter spoke in a chirpy tone as Olivia Reggie sat on the couch with a not cup of joe in her hand. The tired nurse just got done with a 16 hour shift as a emergency room nurse, and all she wanted to do was relax. That's all she wanted to do and all she had planned to do this sleepy evening.
That is until.. "BANG BANG BANG!”
Her door was being pounded on like the fucking police was at her door. She grumbled a tired nurse phrase before getting up, putting her milk filled drink down on her coffee table, walking over to her door. " Who is it?" she says, breaking into the peak hole. Her eyes widen at the sight of her half naked, battered best friend standing there, crying and looking over her shoulder with fear riddling through her body.
Olivia immediately swings her door open and tanks her friend in from the blistering cold of the New York evening air. " What the fuck?! Why are you out here with no pants on."she reprimanded her friend before recognizing that she was shivering and crying. She seemed to be red in the face and her legs were trembling. She sighs and leads her over to the couch before getting her some hot water from the coffee maker. She gives her the mug of water, rubbing her head. " Honey, what is going on? "
She just crying, holding the mug of hot water. Her body was bruised and her thighs were shaking as she just cried. " I ran away from him..."
"what?" the confusion started to settle in. What the hell was she talking about?
" I ran away from Stephen. I just up and ran. I couldn't take the abuse anymore." she spoke softly, still crying. She puts her legs up to her chest and rocks, cuddling the mug against her exposed rib cage. It looked like the poor thing had been starved, like she haven't ate in months. Olivia covers her hands over her mouth, hugging her friend, pulling her towards her chest, protectively. Her friend cried her eyes out into her shoulders.
"sweetheart, do you want anything to eat?" she asked, knowing that she possibly didn't want to talk about it anymore. She feels her nod againsther chest and sniffle, pulling away from her friend. She nods back and gets up to see if there was any leftovers for her to eat. She knew her allegeners, some nuts, mostly peanuts.
She gets some Alfredo pasta and warmed it up in the microwave, grabbing some cold water from the fridge. " here you go, sugar", she walks over to her, giving her the lukewarm food. Her friend snatched the food and scarfs it all down, almost choking at one point. She rubs her back, sighing. How could this happen? Why didn't she say anything? She didn't know that her best friend was being abused, she felt horrible cause if felt like she allowed her to be abused like this.
Stephen didn't even seem like a bad person. Sure, a little arrogant but, not a bad person, right? Shit, what did he do to her? She looks so traumatized and she tensed up anytime she laid a hand on her, making her scared to touch her. " You wanna stay with me? I'll protect you and take care of ya" she tilts her head up as she spoke to her. She expected her to say yes, but she shook her head, quickly.
"N-no! He’ll find me and he will hurt you. I'll just go on the run." she says, feeling worried about her friend, but her friend didn’t entertain that idea. She reaches her foot under the couch and her foot tapped the gun.
" he won't be any danger to me, darling." she hugs her friend and rubs her back. " No more being on the run. You are staying with me, okay?" her friend hesitates, but nodded and sighs, she was extremely nervous. Stephen was always an abusive man. He was arrogant, selfish, self-center, spoiled, and always thought about himself. He wanted what he wanted and forced her to do whatever he pleased. He even tried to impregnate her to trap her in the relationship, he wanted you to suffer for all the things that he had been through. The crash, losing his career, losing everything dear and important to him, all the trauma that she never caused.
Her body had been through so much, the raping, the abuse, the alcohol being stuffed down her throat, the constant punishments, and the starving. She could still see his hungry, lustful eyes staring over her broken body, licking his lips. It made her shiver. Everything about him was mentally fucked and he showed his true colors only 2 months into the relationship.
Stephen seemed to be angry, as he walked around, pacing the floor. Every step he took sparked a glittery foot print. His girlfriend had been gone for a few hours and he didn't know where the hell she had went. He called her over 40 times and she was refusing to answer her phone, making him more angry.
As soon as he heard the door open, he was rushing up on her. He saw her holding a bunch of bags and he growls. He slaps her across the face, shocking the poor woman, who had just been shopping for some new clothes.
"where the fuck have you been?! I've been calling you over and over" he yelled in her face, grabbing her arms tight enough to make her whimper in pain. She yanks her arm away and glared at him.
" I just been shopping.. with my own money." she tried to soften the blow, but that just made him angrier. He slapped her again, letting her fall to the ground. She held her stinging cheek and tears run down her face, moving away from him. He walks away and she just sat against the wall, shocked.
Did he just slap her...
Her friend fed her and kept her safe from harm. She even payed for her to go to therapy. She wanted her abused friend to get better, to forget about that punk. She didn't need him in her life, but she kept picking at her nails, whispering about being his possession. She kept saying that he belonged only to him. It was really freaking her out, even if it had been a year since she ran away from him. She was paranoid and kept looking over her shoulder, shaking. She was having horrible panic attacks and was diagnosed with PTSD by her therapist.
Olivia couldn't help, but feel an impending doom coming towards the two.
It was spring and the flowers were blowing through the wind. It seemed like a happy day, but it wasn't for Olivia's best friend. She kept receiving threatening text messages from him, saying that he was coming and that he was watching her. She felt like she was about to throw up as her phone kept dinging and dinging with more threatening texts messages.
Olivia was told about them, while she was cooking burgers. She almost dropped her spatula and snatched her phone, blocking Stephen. She puts her phone on the counter and hugs her best friend. The girl was trembling from fear, not wanting him to find them. She could not go back to that horrid man.
The two girls tried to forget about it. They enjoy their burgers and fries, Olivia admiring how much weight Y/N was gained since she has been living with her. She was back to her healthy weight, with thick thighs and thicker arms. She smiles as her friend happily bites into her burger, juices dripping down her forearms. She was so happy and seemed to finally enjoy life, but those text messages were itching in the back of her mind.
The girls watch movies together, Olivia rubbing her arms, rocking her to sleep, unconsciously. Y/N falls to sleep and Olivia lets her sleep on the couch, kissing her head. Olivia doesn't think about the messages when she goes to her room to get dressed for her 16 hour night shift. She only took long shifts to make as much money as she could for the both of them.
She puts on her blue scrubs, and ties her hair up into a quick ponytail. Olivia yawns and packs her bag, walking out of her room to an eerie feeling in her dark house. She walks to the living room, looking at her friend. Her heart jumps out of her chest when she sees a dark figure standing over her friend, just breathing softly and dripping with water from the midnight rain. He was rubbing his hand over the curve of her hips, humming in a approval. " so pretty..." he purrs, squeezing the chub, liking the feeling of the fatty flesh against his cold hands.
Olivia mentally cursed herself out for putting the gun under the couch, now she can't reach it. He stood right in front of it, feeling up her friend. She tried to think about what to do. What could she possibly do? He was standing infront of the gun and she was starting to believe her friend that he was dangerous because that man stood at a height of 6’2, with an intimidating build. The anger of not having his lover for an entire year, was practically fuming off of him. She felt like she was suffocating under the pressure of his anger, it was uncomfortable.
She takes a deep breath and lets out a scream, jumping on him and pressed her fingers into his eyes. The scream alerted Stephen and woke her friend. Y/N stared at her ex lover being attacked by Olivia with fear. Olivia yelled at her to run and she took that amazing advice, running to have. Olivia started hitting him over and over, yelling at him to get out of her house. He elbows her and she drops on her coffee table, making her back crack. She yelled out, whimpering in pain.
His hand lights up with an orange glares, raising his hand. She feels her throat close up, levitating in the air. He snaps his hand to the left and her body gets thrown to the left, crashing into the connecting kitchen. He walks away, quietly to find the one he was looking for. She was his possession and he will be damned if she stays away from hm any longer.
As he walks towards the back room, the nurse jumps on his back, stabbing him with some scissors. He yells out in pain, throwing the nurse off. He stomps on her stomach and steps over her. She grabs his ankle and he, with no remorse, stomps on her again. Olivia groans, curling up. He had walked away and she had no idea where he went, but she couldn't move. She couldn't move when she heard her friend screaming for help.
She tried to get up, wobbling and feeling like she was gonna throw up, but she slides down the wall. It hurt too much and he has already thrown her friend into a portal to the sanctum. She rests her head against the wall with sweat and tears running down her face. She had failed to protect her friend from her deranged ex-boyfriend. And he was coming down the hall....
He was coming down the hall.
Olivia crawled over to where the gun was, but giant hands grabbed her ankles and dragged her back towards him. He had a wicked smile on his face and stared her down, licking his lips. He hums and opens a portal to the sanctum.
" hmm, two for the price of one " he spoke and throws her through the portal.
The cold floor over the sanctum provided no cushion to Olivia's face almost making her break her nose. She looked up and is met with blinding lights, and Stephen picking up her friend. He walks over to Olivia and grabs her by her waistband of her pants. She fights him as he walks up the stairs with the two girls. One that was fighting and the other was limp, giving up immediately to the older man. One knew how dangerous he was and the other had no clue, only had a taste of what he could do.
Stephen smiled at his lover being so submissive to him and the new girl who thinks she can still fight him off. The other one was so feisty and it presented a challenge for him, he loved it. ‘This is gonna be fun...’ he thought to himself. He couldn't help, but be excited for the nightly festivities he had planned. He carried the two up to his room and tosses them on the bed. The girls had different reactions to the atmosphere. One was freaking out and the other was sitting there waiting for instruction.
He hums and tosses his cape, letting it fly away. " come here, show your friend what you do best. " his disgusting mouth commanded towards her friend, and her friend got up, walking over to him. Olivia watched in shock as Y/N dropped to her knees and removes his pants, letting his erection go free from its restraints. She started to pump him, making him moan. Stephen held her hair, praising her as performed the disgusting act. Olivia looked away as she felt uncomfortable.
Stephen moved Y/N out the way, walking over to her friend. He grabs her face, but she pushes him away. " Get the fuck away from me! You are an ass hole and a fucking creep! " she yelled in his face and he slaps her across the face, shocking her.
" Now, listen here bitch. You are under my control and you will listen to me. Now, get over here and suck me off or do you want listen to your poor friend get raped?" he cups her face, squeezing her cheeks. Olivia shakes before she reaches out and wraps her hand around his cock, making a disgusted face. She lets her hand pump up and down. She whines and looks away from him. He chuckles, darkly. " Aww.... What's wrong? Embarrassed sugar?" he teased her, which only made her more pissed off. He looks towards his lover and she sat there, staring at the floor, tears dripping down.
He pulls away from Olivia and walks over to her with a smile, picking her up. He places her on the bed, pushing her back. " off.” she strips off her clothes, and lays there exposed to him. He smiles and runs his ring finger along the folds of her warm cunt. She shivers, her legs falling over wider being completely submissive to him, afraid of what would do to her and her friend. He licks his lips and lined up his dick with her entrance.
He fills her up, tearing a loud moan out from her throat. He wasted no time in pounding her tight cunt. She cried out, pushing on his shoulder. " Stephen! It's hurts" she screamed and clawed at the bed. He didn't say anything, but just grabbed Olivia and dragged her to the left of them. He takes off her pants and pushes his fingers into her pussy. Olivia started squirming and trying to move away from the fingers that were disrespecting her body.
The two girls were moaning or begging. All of this was music to his ears, loving having complete control over the two. That's all he wanted, complete control in his life. He curls his fingers in Olivia's pussy and pounded into his lover's body. He already felt like he was about to bust and he just started.
He was gonna impregnate Y/N and make Olivia his sex slave. He kissed Olivia, shoving his tongue in her mouth, tasting her. He hums when she didn't fight him, allowing him to press his fingers deeper. Y/N was clawing at his stomach as he got a lot harder. She was crying feeling her pussy pulsate against his cock. She watches him pull away from Olivia's lips,focusing all his attention on her. He wraps his hand around her throat, kissing her. He pounds into her harder as Olivia cums on his fingers. He pulls his fingers out, pulling away from her. He shoved his fingers into her mouth, making her taste her friends. Her sucking on his fingers pushes him over the edge.
He fills her up and pulls out. He pants and smiles at the two tired women.
"don't ever run away again." he threatens his lover and she nods. She looked at her frenc and whimpered. She gave him a deal, two for the price of one and now her friend was trapped with her.
Note: this is not as good because I was speed writing and I didn’t proofread it
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tearsfortheyouth · 2 years
A.N: guys look it’s finally out omg. Buckle up, shits hitting the fan
WARNINGS: kidnapping, choking, anger issues, manipulation, dark Stephen strange is a warning itself
Taglist: @belleroo @sherlocksgirl91 @spicylove4ever @spidermansdeadgf @sherlux @jamiethenerdymonster @gwephen @browneyedgirl22 @landlockedmermaid77 @stripy567 @rbymoon @dumbbitch04 @itsbabyrih @strangelockd
“Where are you?”
It was a faint whisper, but nonetheless, it was certainly loud enough to send a cold shiver down the wandering woman’s spine.
The gentle question echoed throughout the walls of her brain, embedding itself into her mind. It was a familiar question, just as familiar as seeing an old  acquaintance for the first time in years; simple and effortless.
Her heart beat filled her ears, a steady an rhythmic noise that provided the only psychical evidence that she was truly here.
She was here, wherever that may be.
“Please,” the pathetic voice pleaded, desperation clinging onto each syllable as if called to her.
Her mind raced, confusion washing through her veins as the voice grew louder, nearer, until it had cornered the woman with its unforgivable power.
The echo etched itself into her mind, her body aching as she heard her heart rate incline at a drastic pace. “I don’t understand,” she cried, wincing as the voice surrounded her, overtaking her senses.
It was intangible, and yet it was hurting her. It was a physical pain she couldn’t quite grasp nor describe. It was a disease, eating the inside of her brains and spreading through her veins.
Another plead made its way into her ears, and she sobbed, her ears throbbing in pain as the volume increased. Her hands flung to her ears, covering them in a desperate attempt to ease the pain. “Please,” she pleaded, her voice like ice as she begged the voice to silence.
“Where are you, (Y/N)?”
She awoke in a cold sweat, her eyes flinging open quickly as a small scream bubbled into her throat, preparing to spill from her lips and cut through the silent air. She pressed a palm to her mouth quickly, and instead, a small broken sob escaped her.
Her heartbeat was rapid, the soft murmur of it thudding into her ears. She took a deep breath in, slowly pushing herself up. The white cotton of the blanket covering her slowly slipped away, exposing her oversized black tee shirt that adorned her figure.
Rays of sunshine poured into the small window beside the bed, the bird’s song filling the room with a sweet serenade that left the woman feeling light after her nightmare, but nonetheless, the coldness that clung to her was enough to be a pale reminder that once again, she had gotten no sleep.
She couldn’t remember the last time she had a full nights of sleep. She couldn’t seem to grasp the last time she had felt truly rested. She was exhausted, almost scared to sleep in fear that the same nightmare would return — that the voice would return.
And every night, she was proven correct.
A weight shifted beside her, and suddenly, a strong arm wrapped firmly around her midsection.
“Good morning, my love,” a voice softly spoken, the morning rasp enough to make the woman smile in adornment.
A pair of lips pressed themselves against her shoulder, a soft tired sigh escaping the man that sat beside her.
She turned, a loving smile plastered onto her stiff and tired face. Her hand came to rest on his shoulder, and she pulled him towards her, her lips pressing softly against his own. “Good morning,” she gently murmured against his mouth, pulling away slightly so only their foreheads remained touching.
Stephen smiled, his eyes soft as he gazed into hers. It was a beautiful gaze, as if he were seeing color for the first time in his life. And in a way, he truly was.
She was his color, and without her, his world was colorless and lifeless.
“How did you sleep?” He asked gently, his thumb tracing circles along an exposed area of her stomach. His face was one of slightly concern, his eyes glistening slightly as he searched her own for answers.
She sighed, the corner of her mouth forcing into a smile. “I slept fine,” she quickly replied, tucking a stray piece of messy hair behind her ear. “How about you?” She added, quirking an eyebrow towards her husband.
“Amazing, like always. I only wish we could have slept longer. I could hold you in my arms all day,” he answered, a teasing smile tugging at his lips. He pressed his fingers into the side of her stomach, and she twitched, a bubble of laughter leaving her.
“Stop it,” she demanded light heartedly, her hands shoving his off her. Ignoring her, he wrapped his strong arms around the woman, pulling her down with him as he fell backwards into the bed.
She squealed, laughing as she fell back against him. Her stomach pressed against his, her hair falling like a curtain around their faces. “Oh, you cheeky little bastard—“
He leaned up to cut her off, his lips pressing against hers. Sweetly surprised, the woman softly giggled against his mouth, a small hum escaping her as Stephen held her in his arms.
Warmth flooded between the two of them, complete bliss flowing through their veins as the lovingly embraced each other.
Slowly, she pulled her face away from his until it was hovering just above his own. He gazed into her lovely eyes, a smile never leaving his handsome face.
“I love you,” he whispered breathlessly, his hand coming to caress the back of her head and play with the messy locks of hair.
“And I love you,” she replied, pecking him once more on the lips. “But I’m hungry, so I’m making breakfast.”
“You go do that,” he said, giving the woman’s bottom a soft pinch before playfully pushing her off him. She gasped in surprise, pushing herself up off the bed.
“Hey, mister. You better be careful. I could spit in your food and you would never know.”
“Not like I haven’t tasted you before,” he remarked, a smirk tugging at his features as he stood.
The young woman gaped at her husband, a surprised choked laugh escaping her as she moved towards the grinning man. Bringing her hands up, she shoved him backwards into the bed where he landed with a soft “thud” and she sent him a wink, leaving him staring at her in shock as she moved out of the room.
Before reaching the kitchen, she stopped at the brown record player in the living room, placing a worn record onto the stand. Setting the needle down gently onto it, a satisfied sigh left her as music began to play throughout the quiet house.
She found herself in the kitchen, tying up her hair and immediately getting to work on breakfast.
Whisking together eggs and spices into a bowl, she hummed along to the lyrics of the song, the gentle ballad bringing a sweet melody into the house.
Despite the music, however, her mind continued to flash back to her dream, her brow crinkling slightly as she tried to push away the thought.
Though it was a reoccurring nightmare that greeted her each time she killed into unconsciousness, it still brought her fear and confusion. The voice was so familiar, and yet she simply could not grasp the person the voice belonged to.
She blinked, a small frustrated sigh leaving her as she set the whisk down. There was no point in holding onto a dream. After all, that was all it was; a dream.
She poured the eggs into a hot pan, reaching over to put two slices on toast into the toaster.
As the eggs cooked, she was still, staring empty mindlessly into the pan. Soon, the smell of eggs began to fill the kitchen, and her stomach growled in response. She stirred the steaming eggs, breaking them into pieces.
As she stood there and stirred. she couldn’t help but let her mind get the best of her. What if it wasn’t a dream? Dreams were different each night, weren’t they? What if it was deeper than that? What if—
Her eyes caught on her wedding ring — the delicate golden band hugging her finger glistened in the morning light — and her heart calmed. It was like a rock in the storm, and her cheeks reddened with adoration.
She was safe. Stephen would always protect her.
He was her rock.
The sound of the toast popping up brought her back to reality, and she jumped slightly at the sudden noise, a breathless laugh escaping her when she realized it was just the toast.
Quickly, she shut the stove off, using a spoon to scoop the scrambled eggs onto two plates. She grabbed the toast, buttering both pieces and setting them beside the eggs.
Just as she was pouring coffee into two mugs, Stephen came striding into the room. He had changed into something less…pajama-ey… and now wore a dark long sleeve shirt and jeans.
Wrapping his arms around his wife from behind, he kissed her cheek. “Smells delicious, my love.”
“You say that to everything I make,” she giggled, turning her head slightly to allow him room to place a kiss on her lips.
“And it’s always delicious.”
“Shut up and eat your food before it gets cold.”
“Whatever you say,” he grinned, grabbing one of the plates from the counter and taking a seat at the small rounded table near the kitchen.
She met him there, setting a mug beside his plate and taking a seat beside him.
They ate in comfortable silence, the music providing the only source of sound. It was enough, for each were comfortable in silence.
She was the first to finish.
Hopping off the seat, empty plate in hand, she moved towards the sink and began to clean the mess she had made as Stephen ate.
As she cleaned, the woman simply could not keep her eyes off the kitchen window. It was bright, hues of yellow, orange, light blue, and green blending together to create a masterpiece of art outside the little house.
“Stephen, do you think we could go for a walk today?” She asked hopefully, though she knew the answer. She didn’t look at him while she spoke, instead opting to scrub the eggs off the pan.
“I don’t think so, (y/n). Today isn’t a good idea.”
“Why not? Look how beautiful it is outside. It doesn’t even look real.”
It went silent in the room, the song from the other room ending. “I said not today,” he repeated, his tone harsher than before.
She flinched slightly at the venom, her heart sinking slightly. Forcing herself to look away from the window, she finally nodded, muttering a quiet apology as she set the pan into the dishwasher.
Another song began to play, the familiarity somewhat easing the disappointment of Stephens answer.
The sound of wood scraping against the tile filled her ears as he stood from his place, moving towards his wife. He placed the plate beside the sink, his hands wrapping around the new dish in her hand. Ignoring her confused expression, he carefully pried it from her hands and set it beside his dish.
From there, he wrapped one hand around her waist, using his other hand to gently wrap around her jaw and move her to look up at him. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, his eyes softening when seeing the disappointment in her own. “I just have some things I need to get done today, alright? Another time, i promise.”
She glanced into his eyes, searching for something she simply could not name, and finally, she nodded silently, warming when she saw the beautiful smile she had fallen in love with.
“It’s our song,” he whispered again, his head nodding towards the record machine. “Dance with me, honey.” Using his hand on her waist, he moved her hips slightly, and she let her arms snake around his neck.
The music was soft as the couple danced in the kitchen, smiles branded upon their youthful faces. He swirled her, letting her fall back into his arms as she blushed.
She was head over heels for him, and he was in love with her. Nothing would ever separate them.
He would make sure of that.
A fragrant candle sat still upon the windows ledge, the evening glow of the descending sun illuminating across the beige walls of the living room.
It was silent as the girl sat cross-legged on the beige sofa, her fingers pressed against her temples as she rubbed the tender area. Her head pounded, throbbing waves of pain washing over her brain.
She had tried everything to rid herself of the ache, though nothing seemed to work. The pain had only grown more and more intense, so much so that she could hardly walk without feeling nauseous.
“(Y/N), Where are you?” A gentle voice called, like how a parent might call a child, and she felt herself grow cold.
She froze, the movement on her temples ceasing in place.
She struggled to find words, her tongue caught in perfect silence as she struggled to determine whether it voice was truly real. It was familiar, the same familiar voice that had haunted her each night.
The fear crawled from her head down to her spine, tension gripping her body. She could feel the panic beginning to rise, her vision burning with tears as they threatened to pour from her scared eyes.
She was unable to move, still as a statue, as a shadow began to illuminate along across the floor.
It was a monster — a real life boogeyman — and suddenly, she felt like a child being fed to the monster beneath her bed. Grey devoured the room as the shadow grew larger, and like a bunny about to be preyed upon, she cowered in fear, a sharp cry of utter devastation escaping her. Pushing herself further back into the sofa, her eyes slammed shut, quick sobs of desperation leaving her lips as the monster grew closer, it’s cold arms gripping her own, much to her horror.
“(Y/N), it’s me,” the voice quickly exclaimed, giving the woman a quick shake.
Her eyes fell open, and just like that, the monster was gone, with Stephen now taking its place.
Her Stephen.
She breathed a sigh of utter relief, quickly closing the space between them with a tight hug. She fell into his arms, her cheek pressed roughly against his heart as he held her, tears sliding down her wet cheeks.
She gripped onto his shirt with white knuckles, scared that if she were to let go, the monster would return. He sat with her, his chin resting on the top of her head as he rubbed circles on her back in attempt to soothe the hysteric girl.
“Are you alright?” He finally asked when her breathing had calmed. Neither moved, though both could feel that the woman was shaking.
“I think I’m going crazy,” she replied breathlessly. It was a whisper, her voice wavering as she spoke. She clung onto him tightly, as if he were the rock that grounded her and protected her from the harsh locks of ocean waves. “I just — I just, keep seeing things. Terrifying things, Stephen, and - and these dreams won’t stop and I-I’m so damn scared.”
He was silent as he held her, her hand continuing it’s soothing circles on her back as he pondered what she was saying. He felt conflicted, unable to come up with a solution to fix his wife.
Slowly, he pulled himself away from her, holding her about a foot from himself. “Why don’t you relax a little bit, okay?” He suggested quietly, his hands rubbing on her shoulders lightly. “Go take a warm bath… don’t worry about dinner. I have it handled.”
She hesitated slightly, but when she stared into his warm eyes, she instantly nodded in response, carefully pushing herself up and off the sofa.
He watched her with sharp eyes as she moved out of the room, her hand coming to rub at the back of her sore neck. Seeing her disappear from the room, he let himself take in a shaky breath.
What was he going to do about this?
She found herself standing in front of the bathroom mirror. She was exhausted, her messy hair adorning her pale face. Gripping the counter to keep herself steady, she braved herself to look into the dull reflection in front of her.
What she saw unnerved her.
While yes, it was supposed to be her, she just simply couldn’t fully recognize the woman standing in front of her.
She was thin and pale, her eyes tired and dark, with purple bags branded into the skin below. There was a look in her eyes, a faint glow that seemed to be unusual. (Y/N) knew, somehow deep inside, it didn’t below there.
Her lips were dry and cracked, her cheeks hollowed and drained from all ounce of color that would hint she was even alive.
She didn’t look alive, nor did she didn’t feel alive.
What was happening?
Raising her hand up to tuck a strand of her tangled hair behind her ear, her eyes caught on the wedding band wrapped around her finger.
Bringing it closer to her eyesight, she examined the gold, noting the way the diamonds shined under the fluorescent light of the bathroom.
She sighed, moving to slide the ring off before getting into the bathtub; however, it didn’t come off. Furrowing her eyebrows, she gave it another tug, and yet the band didn’t move. Confusion filled her mind as she continued to try and pull the ring off, frustration beginning to creep up on her.
Why wasn’t it coming off? It always came off when she—
She froze, eyes stuck on the ring that cling to her finger.
She had no memory of taking it off ever before.
She was becoming frantic now, returning to trying to tug the ring off. Her finger ached as she tugged sharply, her hand twisting and turning the band as she tried to yank it off.
With a loud cry and a sickening crack, the ring finally let go of her finger., flying forward and landing in the bathroom sink. Tears welled in her eyes as she cradled her newly broken finger, quiet sobs escaping her.
And then the pain came.
Suddenly, a sharp pain filled her head, loud whispers filling the small room around her. The pain consumed her, the color draining from her eyes.
Everything was grey, a dull grey that ate away the bright colorful colors that used to paint the walls of each room. As the color was drained, so was the warmth.
A cold sweat crept upon her skin, goosebumps dancing their way down her arms and legs as she panicked.
A scream made it’s way up into her throat, bubbling out into a shrill sound that echoed throughout the walls.
“Where are you?”
“No, no, no,” she frantically pleaded, her body sliding down the bathroom wall as her hands covered her ears. “Please, no — Stephen, please.”
The banging on a door caught her attention, the handle jiggling as Stephens muffled voice spoke. “(Y/n)?”
Throwing herself off the floor, she unlocked the door, swinging it open and landing straight in his arms.
The voice was distorted, deeper and raspier then what she knew. Slowly, she looked up at her husband, her eyes filling with horror as her eyes met with an inhumane creature.
A scream pierced through the room, the woman throwing herself away from the man as quickly as she could.
The eyes softened, the creature cringing slightly at her distressed state. “No, no, it’s me, my love — it’s…”
“Please, please, stop!” She cried, watching in complete hysteria as the creature slowly began to shed its skin. Monsters crawled out from his mouth, hands desperately gripping anything on him to escape. He swallowed these creatures, coming back into the man she had once loved.
“It’s me!” He cried, reaching for her.
Memories flooded back into her mind, memories of being drugged, of being held here against her will, memories of her dreams.
This wasn’t her Stephen.
Her Stephen was the voice in her dreams.
“No,” she whispered, throwing herself up and off the floor, sprinting towards the door. She ran, sounds of desperation escaping her as he chased after her.
“(Y/n)!” He growled, his footsteps echoing behind her. “Come back here!”
He was angry, frustration evident in his venomous voice as he ran after her.
The hallways of the grey sanctum were long, the aching coldness wrapping around her body as she searched for a way out.
“Get back here!” he spat, his hands moving from his sides and reaching towards the woman. “Stop trying to fight this!”
The walls began to spin around her, windows multiplying as she ran. The floor beneath her stretched as he used his magic, her mind becoming dizzy with the moving room around her.
Shadows painted the walls, screams of the dammed clawing their way out of the ground and into the air above.
“Please, Stephen,” she cried as she ran, thinking deeply into her mind and searching for any indication he was listening. “Help me.”
Shoving open a door, she ran, slamming it shut behind her. Much to her despair, the hallway continued in front of her, the walls spinning and turning in a sickening manor.
A frustrated scream escaped the frantic woman, and yet she didn’t stop running.
She had to escape — she had to leave and get back to her universe. She had to leave this place.
It was dead silent in the hallway, only the sound of her footsteps and her heavy breathing filling the void she ran through.
She turned down a hallway, only to be met with a dead end. Turning back around, she ran the opposite direction, her wild hair whipping her face.
Another dead end.
“No,” she moaned, a shaky sob leaving her lips. “Please—“
“I told you, it’s useless.”
His voice was like cold ice going down her spine, utter fear prickling her skin. She stood still, unable to look at the man that stood behind her.
He moved more closely to her, his chest coming to brush against her. His breath made its way down her back, cold fingers coming to brush along her neck and move her hair back.
An uncontrollable cry fell from her lips, her eyes falling closed as she stood, a single tear trailing down her cheek as she stood there , absolutely frozen.
“I’m sorry, my love,” he said softly, a small sigh leaving him. “But I can’t let you leave.” His lips pressed gently against her shoulder. They were cold, and she shivered at his touch. “You know this already — why do you keep fighting?” His voice was disapproving as he placed another kiss to her freezing shoulder.
She kept quiet, unable to speak. She was trembling against him, small uncontrollable whimpers escaping her as he kissed her. She wanted to throw up, to die right there on the spot. She was weak, unable to continue this fight against this monster.
“Just kill me,” she finally pleaded, the words flying from her mouth before she could give another thought. “Just kill me — please, kill me.”
This seemed to grab his attention, for he stiffened slightly against her.
“I’m done fighting, I can’t fight anymore; but I’d rather die than be here with you. I’d rather you kill me yourself and get it over with.”
His arms grasped her wrists, swinging her around quickly to look at him. When meeting his eyes, she shuddered, a sudden coldness washed over her body, her knees bucking slightly.
His eyes were dark, black almost. They were a never ending black hole that devoured her, drowning her until she could no longer breathe.
“You’d rather die than be happy with me?” He spat, anger dripping from his voice. “I’ve given you everything — everything!”
The walls shook with his voice, his control beginning to falter. His grip on her wrists tightened, and she whined, trying to pull herself away.
“I’ve destroyed worlds for you, I’ve slaughtered millions! I gave you everything you wanted!” A hand released her wrist, only to cling straight to her throat like a magnet.
She gasped, her newly released hand flying up to grab his fingers and try to pull them away from her airways.
“You ungrateful brat…” he muttered venomously, his jaw tightening as he choked her.
She stumbled backwards, her back slamming against the wall of the hallway. She struggled to pull at his fingers, another hand moving to hit him in the face. He ignored her feeble attempts to defend herself, inhaling deeply as her knees gave out from beneath her.
“I don’t understand what I did wrong,” he said lowly, his voice barely audible to the struggling woman. “I’ve given you everything.”
Her eyes fell closed, her chest screaming for air.
Finally, she would be with Stephen again.
Finally, she would escape from here.
Just as she was about to drift off into the peaceful comfort unconsciousness had to offer, his hand released from her throat, and she fell to the floor near his feet. His blue cloak brushed against her forehead, her arms supporting her as she gasped for breath.
His breaths were hard and fast, staring down upon her with dark eyes. She was weak, unable to stand as he stood over her. He took a moment to contain himself, his jaw tight as he worked to calm his angered state.
Slowly, he leaned his arm down to grab a fistful of her hair, forcing her to look up at him.
“Pull another move like that,” he began, his chest rising and falling quickly as he looked down upon her. “And I’ll make you really wish I would kill you.” He examined her, watching her eyes dart away from his own as she refused to look at him. “And I promise you, even as you scream, and even as you beg, I won’t kill you. I’ll make sure you’re alive for every single moment of it — do you understand?”
His voice was exceptionally calm for his heavy breathing, his tone smooth and promising. When she didn’t answer, he gave her hair a tug, receiving a tired cry from the girl. “I said, do you understand me?”
“Y-yes!” She sobbed, her hair finally being released. She fell back against his feet, shame and cowardice coating her words.
“Very good,” he praised her dully, an empty satisfied smile tugging at his lips. He crouched down beside her, his fingers brushing against her jaw and forcing her to look up at him once again.
“See you soon, my love,” he said quietly, leaning to place a soft kiss against the confused girls forehead.
His fingers pressed against her temple, and suddenly, everything went black as she collapsed against the floor.
“Wake up.”
“(Y/N), where are you?”
Her eyes going open, a small gasp falling from her lips as she shot up in her place. Sunshine filled her eyes, the warm yellow light creeping upon her skin as she heavily breathed.
With soft blankets wrapped around her, she allowed herself to fall backwards against the bed with a relieved sigh, turning her body and relaxing against the fluffy pillow.
Just as she was about to drift off into unconsciousness, a strong arm snaked around her waist, pulling her close against a warm body.
A kiss was placed against her shoulder, and she smiled at the familiar warmth that spread through her veins.
“Good morning, my love.”
//// thank you all for being patient with me, there will be a part four sometime soon hopefully!
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thornsinmycrown · 4 months
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ㅤ𐐪𐑂 — warning(s): [ MDNI +18 ] no use of y/n, afab!reader, eventual smut, 18+ soft!dark content, yandere dynamics.
ㅤ𐐪𐑂 — summary: years have been passing by, years where nothing seemed to be fortunate for Doctor Stephen Strange on his quest for greatness that until one day he realizes the key of happiness was always presented in front of him, you.
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— chapter one.
— chapter two.
— chapter three.
— chapter four.
— chapter five.
— chapter six.
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21 notes · View notes
the-royal-petals · 2 years
Sacred Oaths | Stephen Strange x Reader | Chapter 1 | [ The Beginning]
Being a SHIELD agent, you have seen some stuff; from asgardian weapons being used in bank robberies to another company trying to recreate the super soldier serum—you've seen it all.
One day you're thrown head-first into an investigation about a sorcerer named “Ashley Carrie,” wanting to know why HYDRA killed her and why they're after a book that could threaten the fate of reality:
"The Death's Reaping."
Maybe you need help from people who specialise in the weird and mystical.
Fic Warnings: Eventual Smut, Angst, Mentions of Torture and Abuse, Medical stuff, injuries. [Chapters will be trigger warned accordingly]
Rating: Mature/Explict
[Prologue] - [ Chapter 1 ] - [ Chapter 2 ]
Note for this chapter:
Hello there! I've been struggling creating this story for the last few months, and I am hoping that creating this into a Stephen Strange x Reader could help me get some more ideas :3 This story has already been planned out, so there is no need to worry too much! One thing you do need to know is that the reader's last name/surname has been chosen as "Johnstone." But the pov will be in "you." I hope this doesn't deter you from reading
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After a wild case, you knew getting some coffee your co-worker would be the best way to celebrate.
It wasn’t your usual case you’d find on a day-to-day basis. A couple of weeks ago, a report came in about a group of teenagers harnessing Asgardian technology to rob a local bank. As bizarre as it sounded, you were excited for this. It wasn’t every day you’d have to contact Asgard to tell them about their missing weapons being used for bad. After a painstaking back and forth of legal issues and differences, SHIELD returned the technology. 
As much as you wanted to have someone else take over the case in the first place; the Asgardians (mainly, Lady Sif) asked for SHIELD personally, thanks to Agent Coulson’s encounter with them a couple years ago. Now this was something you could cross off your bucket list. 
“I have to admit, facing an actual Asgardian face-to-face is terrifying; I was expecting Sif to toss me across the room.” Bob, your co-worker said, walking beside you as he navigated down the busy street of Manhattan, dodging through civilians and blanking the curious stares to the uniform. “How is it you were calmer than Tony being told he cannot create any more suits?” 
You snorted. “You’re forgetting that Fury asked me to help with the Ultron incident in 2014. I met Thor and he’s as intimidating as they get,” you looked at him with a grin, “besides, he wouldn’t hurt somebody who’s innocent; he’s too busy getting confused about Midgard in general to want to throw you across the room.” 
Though it was true Asgardians were able to throw people (and things) considerable distances, it was also known that they were protectors of Midgard and swore to help if there were any conflict if any of the nine realms tried to invade. Thor was the main reason this was put in place. 
“What’s the deal with people simping over his biceps?” Bob asked as you entered the corner coffee shop, thanking him as you entered first before standing behind an old lady. 
It wasn’t as busy as you'd expect it to be, especially since it was the afternoon. Ahead were four people who needed to be served, which wasn’t too bad as usually you’d have to wait at least 20 minutes. Three tables sat at the side of the shop, overlooking the street from the window. Quiet jazz music played through the speakers, relaxing those who entered. 
Besides you of course. You hated Jazz. 
Trying not to cringe at the music, you looked at Bob. “His biceps? Have you seen them up close? He could destroy me with those and I would willingly let that happen; I hate to admit it, but he’s hot.” There’s no doubt you'll be regretting those words later; but what surprised you was that Bob also agreed.
“I can’t deny it. If he asked me to make out with me, I’d be down for it.” 
The old lady turned around just as that was said and grinned at Bob. She reached out and placed a hand onto his arm, causing him to glance at you for help. “Whatever your preference is, sweetheart, you have my full support. You are one handsome young man, and anybody would be stupid to turn you down; say, are you married?” 
Bob looked at her pointedly, holding back a quiet laugh as he held up his ring finger. “I have a beautiful woman.” He said with pride. He watched the woman gesture to you. You couldn't help but choke on air, “oh no. Not her, god no.” Now he had to laugh. “I can’t stand working with her, let alone spending my entire life with her.”
Rolling your eyes, you gestured to the counter, drawing the old lady’s attention from Bob and back to ordering food. Once the lady looked away, you sent a ‘ really? ’ look at Bob who shrugged and smirked. 
Not long after collecting your order, you left the shop and wandered down the street, heading in a different direction to the SHIELD base. There was an hour left of your break. Why head back to the base when that would earn you a pile of paperwork and extra stuff to do?
Ahead stood a tall building. It seemed out of place for what it was. It had green tiles and brick walls, along with intricate carvings of symbols and patterns that screamed ‘spirituality.’ It appeared to be some sort of temple, or something you’d find in the middle-east, though it was unclear. At the top of the building was a circular window with curved frames, resembling a pattern on a tennis ball. 
Noticing the building, you took a final sip of your drink before nudging Bob. “£20 says there is an old man in there watching our every move. It screams ‘ creepy ’. Tell me I’m wrong.” Your pointed to the window, “I can imagine someone watching us right now.” 
Bob rolled his eyes, “nah. That place reminds me of Avatar: The Last Airbender.” He shrugged.
“You haven't even watched the damn thing.” You shot him a look, tossing the empty cup into the bin, “you don’t even know if there are magical people in there. What are they called again? I heard Fury talk about them the other day, but I wasn’t really listening. I think the place is called the 'Sanctum?'” 
There were other types of magic, but much as you wanted to believe in other abilities, the most you have seen was from Wanda Maximoff, an Enhanced person who volunteered at HYDRA. That’s as far as your knowledge went. You were aware of other magical beings, but you had never had a chance to encounter them; maybe you could one day?
Passing by the building, your phone buzzed with a notification from Fury:
“ Agent Johnstone. You and Agent Stanton are needed in the base immediately; we require you to conduct a new investigation. More will be briefed as soon as you get here. Meet me in Room 0212Ac.
Warning: Stark is here.”
@strangeobsessed, @shadowmarvelartist
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geeky-politics-46 · 2 years
Hi again, I love your stories and I loved how my last Request turned out it was awesome, thank you, I was wondering if I could Request another one, like the reader and sinister had a bit of an Argument like nothing big but they both needed space, so sisters idea of space is going back in time to Visit his lover when she was younger like 5, just to spend time with her, he doesn't Do anything to twist time or anything and cause like destruction just some cuteness, like Hide and seek and tea parties, and than he comes back and the tow make up.
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In A Different Light
References to my story "Actions Speak Louder" but can be read alone.
Pairing: Sinister Stephen Strange x Reader
Summary: After a fight with you he goes to quite literally see your point of view, & comes back with a new understanding.
Warnings: Minor argument & some angst w/ a happy ending. Some relationship red flags. Fairly Disney-esque level fluff.
Again I'm embracing fluffy Sinister Strange. I'm obsessed with him. I wouldn't call it a toxic relationship, not super healthy still, but use your own judgement.
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Something good and pure in you had served to balance the evil and corruption in him. That was why you had been the one to fall into his universe. Even after he had fallen prey to the Darkhold the fates had decided he deserved a chance at redemption. That was why you saw a silver lining where he only saw a dead end. It made you an odd couple of sorts, but you brought out something in him he had thought died long ago.
You balanced each other, and you balanced the cosmic scale of the crumbling universe around you. Instead of continuing to devour the city piece by piece, the world had found a sort of homeostasis. It was something he had only noticed after that day when he gave you his sweatshirt. When you had fallen asleep in his arms. After he let his affections for you show.
Not long after that your relationship began to bloom in something beyond incidental housemates. First into friends, then slowly moving towards lovers.
Pieces of the world slowly stopped crumbling away. Day after day he had grown used to looking out the large window of the Sanctum only to see a new building that had fractured in two, or rubble where a building had been just the day before. It took a few days before he realized that nothing was changing anymore. A hunger seemed to have been satiated in the maw of the incursion. 
As the hunger of the cannibalistic world faded, a hunger grew inside him. An emptiness that yearned to be filled. He wanted to change too. He wanted the emptiness in his heart to be filled by you. By your love.
The first time he kissed you, really kissed you, was the first day you saw the sunshine since you had been there.
The whole thing came to a head the first time you got him to slow dance with you. It was to an old country record you were surprised to find in the Sanctum at all. It was "In A Different Light" by Doug Stone.
It was a song you had spent hours hearing your parents dance to, when you were growing up. It was their song. Of all the things to find here, at the literal end of the world, this seemed like such an odd thing. Even Strange said that he had never seen it there before you found it. Not that it was exactly his style of music anyway he could easily have looked right past it. 
You essentially had to beg him to dance with you. All you were asking was one slow dance. After some arm twisting and making your best sad face he finally relented. Secretly pleased when you giddily ran over to put the song on.
He extended one hand to you to grasp and reached to wrap his other arm around your waist. He tried to hold you at a slight distance, to keep his frame stiff and formal, but as he heard your sweet voice sing along to the song softly he started to let himself melt against you. Pretending for a moment you were just another couple dancing in your home. There was no incursion and no crumbling building, you were just normal and you were happy together.
"You know in a weird way this song is perfect to describe us. I see you as such a different person than who you try to be. I really like that person Stephen. I like it here, with you." 
Your confession pulled him from his fantasy and he became crushingly aware of his own fate once again. This was his punishment, he was doomed to be miserable. It was something he was sure of. At least he was sure of it, before you. Now he didn't feel so sure of anything. This had to be some sort of joke. You couldn't be happy. He couldn't be happy. 
"Why do you insist on trying to project some happy fantasy onto your life here?! You are trapped here with a monster! With the man who did this! You should hate me with your entire being! Why do you insist on trying to love me when all I can do is cause pain and suffering?! I cannot save you from this place!"
His suggestion hurt you. You had truly started to care for him. You saw the cracks in his cold facade. You were falling for the man who let you see beneath the surface. He wasn't about to shut you out again without a fight. He had to know that you would fight for him. For he man who likes it or not, somehow, someway did something to bring you there. 
"Who says I want to be saved?! I'm not some damsel in distress Stephen, and I don't see you as some broken toy to fix either. I have never asked you to be anything other than who you are. Who says I'm not happy here exactly as things are, you and I?"
"You can't be happy here! You just can't!" He screamed as he pulled at his hair in frustration both at you and himself.
The best thing to do was remove yourself from the situation. You were both letting your emotions get the best of you. You were both angry and upset. So you removed yourself from the situation. 
"We aren't doing this right now. We will do this once we can talk about it without screaming. I'm going to be in my room, and I need to not see you for like 2 hours. So I can calm down. Okay? Come find me when you're ready." 
He stood in stunned silence. Once again you managed to take him by surprise. He wasn't used to fights that didn't just continue to dissolve until things started being thrown and things were said that could never be taken back. You waited to walk away until you saw him give an almost imperceptible nod.
You stayed away from each other the rest of the day. At opposite ends of the Sanctum, or at least you tried. You could feel his presence when he would come to your side, just to make sure you were okay, even though you knew he thought you couldn't. He liked to underestimate you. 
You hated how cold the room felt when you curled under the covers of the bed you hadn't slept in in months. In the bedroom he said was yours when you first arrived. You had grown so used to snuggling into his side, feeling him go stiff at first be relaxing into your touch. You knew you had to let him come to you though, he would tell you when he was ready to talk. 
He cracked open the door of your room when he knew you were sleeping soundly. He felt so lonely even with you just that far away. He had to understand what made you so confounding to him. He had to understand this idea of love that you had. The image that had been set for you in your mind all those years ago. 
He wouldn't mess with anything. He just wanted to see. So he grabbed and pursued the books of the Sanctum in the dark of night looking for the one he needed to take him there. The one that would allow him to turn back the clock and see. 
As he cast the spell he watched the decayed Sanctum melt away to the sight of greenery and fresh smell of cut grass. It was early evening and the noise of crickets starting to sing could be heard over the sound of the radio. On the porch stood your parents arm in arm in their own world dancing and singing to each other. Laughing when one of them would be horribly off key or step on the other's feet. 
"Are you a prince?" 
A small girl with pink cheeks and a pure curious smile had snuck up behind him. Dressed in a shimmering princess dress and crown. He recognized her smile immediately. It was you. You were maybe 7 at the time, but it was without a doubt you. 
He was surprised not only at your question, but at the fact you could even see him. He had taken care to magically  cloak himself. It must have worked as your parents were clearly none the wiser to his presence. They weren't far away from where you had been playing. So why could you see him?
He didn't want to frighten you, but he desperately didn't want to disrupt the timeline and return to the Sanctum to find you now erased from his life. He decided to just get out of the situation as fast as he could. Pretend he was a new neighbor dropping by, or a salesman. Something innocuous. 
"Far from it actually. I was hoping to see your parents, but I don't want to interrupt. So I'm just going to leave and come back later."
He started trying to back away from you and move towards the street. Once he was out of eyeshot he would portal back to the Sanctum. Before he could get far though you lunged forward and grabbed both of his large hands in your small ones without a hint of hesitation. If you noticed his scars it didn't show. How his appearance hadn't terrified you he didn't know. 
"Wait! You seem sad. Will you dance with me? Dancing always makes me smile, and you seem like you need to smile." 
It was very apparent to him at that moment that you were still the same person you were all those years ago. You had always had an optimism and a curiosity that even in his best days, before the Darkhold, he never had. The pureness of intent was the same. You just wanted to help him. It wasn't about making him into your perfect Prince Charming. It was just about wanting to see others happy. Even him.
"Who am I to say no to a princess?"
So he let you lead him as you turned and side stepped together, around in a small circle. He thought about all the ways the world had jaded him even before he succumbed to the evil of the Darkhold. 
That what had brought him to the moment you came into his life was a desperate search for somewhere he was happy. Where he could have the love he felt he had been so cruelly denied. 
He thought about the question Christine had asked him on her wedding day; 'Are you happy Stephen?'
He had given up long ago on ever even thinking he would approach that feeling, but as he thought of you he realized. You made him happy. He was happy when he was with you. That's why he pushed you away earlier. He was being given the thing he had wanted more than anything, and it scared him. 
He wasn't miserable with you there, he was happy. Finally, He was happy. He wasn't just happy, he was falling in love. That's why the universe was repairing itself. The very thing it had been fractured to find was blooming inside its broken pieces.
As the song ended, a genuine smile was no on his face as well as your small cherubic one. He had to get back and apologize to you. He had to make things right. He let your hands fall from his and took a bow.
"Thank you princess. I feel much better now."
Your mother suddenly called your name and he immediately worried he had been found. As soon as you turned away he vanished himself out of your world and back to the Sanctum of his own universe. Immediately going to make sure he hadn't changed his own world beyond salvage once again.
You were still there. Still asleep. Holding the light blue sweatshirt, his light blue sweatshirt, close to your chest and cuddling into it as a substitute for his presence. He fought the urge to go pull the garment from your grasp and slide into its place, his place, next to you. 
For once he wanted to do things right though, and the right way to say he was sorry wasn't to slink in under the cloak of darkness.  He wanted to make a grand gesture. To show you how much you had changed him. That he may not be a good man by the standards of most in the multiverse, but he would be a good man for you. You made him happy.
So he worked for hours to make everything right. He cleared out a space to use as a dance floor and surrounded it with candles. Then he put on your parents' song loud enough for you to hear in your room and waited for you to wake up. 
When you wandered into the room you were clearly confused and still half asleep. Hair disheveled and wearing your favorite old baggy t-shirt and ratty pajama shorts he had magically recreated for you after you arrived. You still managed to take his breath away. 
You slowly wandered over to him, about to ask what was going on. He went ahead and beat you to the punch. The longer he waited to speak the greater the chance he would over think it and chicken out. 
"I've never been good at saying the words 'I'm sorry', so I hope that this will help show you that I am sorry. I didn't mean what I said. I got overwhelmed. I'm not used to having someone else here. I'm not used to caring for someone or having someone care for me. So… will you dance with me?"
You smiled at him softly. While he spoke you continued to walk towards him. So instead of answering first with words you reached out and placed his arms around your waist. Yours looping around his neck and pulling him to the center of the floor. 
"I'll always dance with you Stephen. All you have to do is ask."
As he held you in his arms and started slowly spinning you around the floor of the Sanctum a flick of his hand illuminated tealight candles floating in the air above and around you. It almost looked like you were surrounded by fireflies. That alone had you speechless. When he started to sing you had to fight not to cry. It was barely audible at first, but you recognized it immediately.
I see you... In a different light
Your hair falling down With love in your eyes
In my mind... You're a beautiful sight
I see you in a different light
Just the way I saw you, last night
"I'm sorry for being such an asshole. I just... You know I've been here alone and I've done some terrible things... I don't think you're capable of harming a fly. I just don't deserve you, someone as irredeemable as me doesn't deserve someone so good, but I want to deserve you. I want to be better... for you, because of you. You make me happy and searching for happiness is what got me here. I  just forgot how to let myself feel happy. A villain isn't supposed to get the princess and live happily ever after. I'm scared, but I'm happy… because I'm falling in love with you."
"Stephen, I understand how hard it's been for you here. I also know that something you did caused this, and in time I hope you'll tell me everything. Truthfully. To me, it feels like I was brought here to help you, not to change you. So all I want is for you to be the man you want to be. Know that I will always see you in a different light than the one you cast yourself in. A princess doesn't have to find a prince, Stephen, they just have to find someone who makes them happy. You make me happy and I'm falling for you too."
You danced in silence for some time before you finally spoke again. 
"I remember you by the way. It took me a bit of time after I got here, but it hit me one day. When you thought I didn't see you watching me. That day in the backyard. My parents were convinced I had made you up and that no one was there. That you were some imaginary friend I created, but I knew you were real. I don't know how, but I knew. That's why I believe in you. That's why I love you, because I always have. Even if you aren't a prince."
You tilted your head up to his and he let his lips melt into yours. You stood surrounded by the flickering lights and for a moment the decayed facade of the Sanctum faded into what it once was. You looked up to see Stephen actually smiling down at you. 
"Stephen, before either of us says anything to mess this up, take me to bed please. Make love to me."
He lifted you up bridal style and kissed you once more before he started walking toward the bedroom.
"Who am I to say no to a princess?"
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Stephen Strange Taglist: @starkiller-queen @glitterylokislut @verycollectivecreator @chatampr @maskmare931 @lovecleastrange @wheredafandomat @mkixx @katefullerrr @littlepinknightmare @foofarny @stygianoir @moonroyalt @saturnsbabe69 @blaxdet @blackrose-92 @ironstrange1991 @rindulacre @nancy-thompsons @wolfatheartandsoul @dangerouslittlefairy @n0obmaster-69 @oliveoilthoughts @onebatch--twobatch @yourmajesty13 @blondekel77 @lil-sweater-slut @gwephen @sinceimetyou @possessedjoker @coeurgrenaty @cc13723things @just--a-magpie @supervengerslock @strangelockd @dont-feel-so-good-peter @kingsmanperfecthartwin @ghost-lantern @thefalconandthewinterwidowshield @itssmaugtheterrible @katherinemaximoff @veryfancydoilies @cute-angi @mochacake2016 @prix19 @alexfanficnook @anotheroddfish @mando-is-the-way @xourownsidee @baes-x @dreamingsmile @negar77rd @imaginesfreetotake @ppatricia34me @rougepetale @evelynrosestuff @hiddlechive @sherlux
Let me know if you want to be tagged in stories for everything or for a specific charector. It's currently a lot of Strange & Bucky ❤
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wndasdoll · 1 month
⋆˚࿔ Oh baby 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
words: 1.1k
warnings: cheating, hurt/comfort, slight angst, neglect of partner, piss kink, slightly dark, slight pevert wanda, stephan strange (yes, he needs a warning), wetting yourself, jealousy, texture issues, alludes to possible eating disorders and possible abuse, smut, praise, degradation, brief ignoring/ghosting, kissing.
relationships: boyfriend!stephan stranger x female!reader & bestfriend!wanda maximoff x female!reader
18+ minors & men dni
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"oh my, that must have been awful.." wanda whispered, her words tickled against your ears. your boyfriend stephen had canceled on your date and you were upset because you hardly saw him anymore.
you looked down at your nails, picking at the skin near it. this was one of your nervous habits that wanda tried to help you break but it was no use. every time she'd think she got you to stop, it continued.
wanda hummed, with a swift response her fingers brushed your hand. her eyes followed your movement. you met her gaze, she was waiting for you to say something.
"i'm not even surprised, i don't think i'm his first priority. or his second.. or third." your eyes dropped. wanda could feel your pain but didn't comment on it. "it's just more convenient if we were together... i know that our mess of a relationship will be over in a few months." you mumbled, a stray tear escaped your eye.
"oh, baby.." wanda sighed softly, bringing her hand up to wipe your tear. she hated seeing a man, especially one whom she hated, get you all worked up.
you collapsed in her arms, your quiet sniffles filled the silence. her fingers traced circles over your back. her hot breath lingered against your skin. the smell of her sweet perfume.. it was almost too much for you.
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your eyes fluttered as you began to feel a warmth pressed against you. it was the arms of your best friend lazily draped around you. she had also fallen asleep it appeared.
your bladder felt full and when you attempt to make a run for the toilet, you found the woman's death grip to be wildly protective. so comforting.. the urge to lay numb against her was strong but you changed your mind when you find yourself nearly having an accident on her.
"wanda" you mumbled softly against her. she shifted in the bed, no response. "wanda" you repeat but the red-head just shushed you and wrapped her arms around your waist. "wandaaa" you whimpered, you couldn't hold it anymore.
wanda felt a warm liquid drip down your leg, spreading all over her bed. she smirked against you, this was her plan all along. to get you all embarrassed and flustered under her. now this isn't exactly how she envisioned it but she can't admit that this wasn't hot.
"oh, detka.. you had a little accident, let mommy help clean you up." wanda's eyes darkened, hovering over you. you hid your face, you were so embarrassed. first you cried to her about your boyfriend and now you've peed all over her bed. there are definitely better ways she could have spent her friday evening and now you've ruined her bed.
"hey, let me see you pretty girl." she cooed at you, removing your fingers from covering your face. she smiled at the reveal of your glossy tears, god you were so beautiful.
⋅˚₊‧ 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅
she noticed after your previous interactions, you wetting her bed a week ago, you had been more distant. she felt hurt and upset that you were avoiding her. she saw you spending all your time with stephen again, you claimed he was trying to "make up for lost time".
she ran into you at the supermarket and to her surprise of course you were with stephen. his hand intertwined with yours while the other occupied his phone. he appeared to be wrapped up in whatever it is he was doing, or whomever he was texting.
wanda bite her lip to hold out the venom she so desperately wanted to let out. instead, she sighed and pushed her cart to align with yours.
"hey, y/n!" she exclaimed, her eyes fixated on stephan and the way he doesn't even acknowledge her presence. y/n looked at stephan nervously, you had on a baggy hoodie and this made wanda suspicious. she furrowed her brows trying to rack her brain why this could be. she knew you hated wearing baggy clothes, it was a texture thing for you.
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the next time wanda saw you was at a barbecue, you were all dolled up and she wished she could run her hands down your doll-like figure. kiss your soft cheeks, caress your shoulders, leave traces of her all over you. she knew she had to fix things.
wanda saw you with a tray in your hands making your eay to the kitchen so she grabbed a glass and quickly followed behind. finally, she could have a moment alone with you to talk things out. she hate the silence treatment, not being able to hear your sweet voice and laugh that could brighten anyone's mood.
"y/n" wanda called out, in a rush. you emptied the tray into the trash and placed it in the sink. wanda is hovering behind you when you turn around. this startles you and you bump into her. knocking the glass out of her hand.
oh no. "wanda, i'm so sorry-" you exclaimed. you felt so bad, you had been ignoring the girl because of stephen and know you've knocked a glass out of her hand. "No- no, please let me talk y/n." Her eyes full of guilt and sadness.
you nodded, the least you could do was hear her out.
⋅˚₊‧ 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅
"i can make you feel way better than he could.." she purred, exhaling softly against your neck. "let me take care of you, baby." wanda's hands ran through your body. light as a feather but just soft enough to have an effect on you, and she could see it.
she wanted to take her time with you to show you how making love should be like. your eyes widened, nodding. god you've wanted this for so long. "need to hear you say it, darling." wanda whispered, her eyes lingering on you. just aching to go forward but depending on your sweet voice to give her consent.
"i want this wanda" your words muffled against her skin. wanda waited no longer, her hands motioned for you to lay on your back as she hovered over you. she pressed dher lips against yours. you tasted so sweet, it was so addicting.
wanda let out a soft moan against your lips, she sounded so beautiful. you wanted to hear more. her hands lifted up your shirt, exposing your bra-less skin. the moment your shirt departed, the cold air hit your nipples. they began to harden, wanda bit her lip to try and control herself.
she so desperately wanted to take your nipples in her mouth, to suck on them, bite them, pull at them and just abuse them. she resisted, to use for another time. right now, a sweet little thing like you needed to be treated like an angel.
⋅˚₊‧ 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅
wanda's masterlist
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saylorsaysstop · 9 months
Smart Mouth | Stephen Strange x Fem!Reader 18+
a/n: so this little fic stems from a dream i had a couple nights ago that went just like this... note to self. don't take a melatonin and read spicy strange 😋 or do if you want to wake up the following morning in quite a sweat 😅🦋
warnings: spicy strange, hint of choking, Strange is def a dom while reader is a sub, no full-blown smut but enough to tease, and Wong being comedic relief
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“Why are you hiding from Strange?” Wong asks from his spot at the table in the library. You lift your eyes to stare at him, pretending that the book in hand occupies your attention. 
“I’m not hiding from him.” You huff. 
No, you most certainly were hiding from Stephen. You had annoyed him earlier during a training session to the point that you had the audacity to question his skill. And he was a man who never wanted to be tested, especially by the likes of you. 
“I heard you screaming at him earlier,” Wong whistles. 
“Wong,” you mutter with a warning shot behind your tone. 
“Yes?” he responds with a snort. 
Huffing, you roll your eyes and return to the book. Of course, it was a book you’ve read many times before in the past, one that if Stephen finds you reading will judge you immensely. They were words that you simply glanced over, the meaning behind them not in the least of your worries. You just wanted to get away from him. But now you regretted coming to the library because you knew Wong loved to tease you about your unbridled attraction to Stephen. 
“Stop staring at me,” you can feel the intensity of his eyes on the side of your head but he did that all on purpose. He chortles, tsking you as he flicks to another page. He knew it wouldn’t be long before you and Stephen broke one another. He just loved witnessing the buildup. He claimed that you and Stephen’s interaction was far more interesting than a soap opera on television. As you slide further into your seat, your ears catch the faint flickering of what could only be–
“What are you doing?” Stephen demands, stepping out of the portal. His dark red cloak – which you nicknamed Cloaky to get on Stephen’s nerves – whips with the movement. 
“She’s hiding from you,” Wong belly-laughs but quiets when you send him a death glare. 
“You’re hiding from me?” Stephen approaches you. “You should be learning.” he takes the book from your hands. “Why is this here? This is Twilight.” 
“Is it?” you answer defiantly, pretending that you had not one ounce of care in your bones. Which at this moment, you didn’t. “Huh. Guess vampires like mystical arts too, yeah? Can you finally tell me why Edward Cullen sparkles in the sunlight?”
Wong snorts from behind you, this time Stephen delivering the fatal glare. 
“What is wrong with you?” he demands, crossing his arms in that judgemental way he only knows how to. 
“Nothing, Master Doctor. Nothing.” you shrug her shoulders. Stephan pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance. “Can you go away now? I was really enjoying my read.” you pluck the hardcover out of his hands. 
“You didn’t look like you were enjoying your read. You looked like you were hiding from him.” Wong continues to play both sides.
“Stay out of it!” You and Stephen both announce at the same time. Stephen looks down at you and huffs. 
“Come on,” he slams the book shut and tosses it in Wong’s direction. “We’re trying this again.”
“No, we’re not.” you shake your head at him. “You got your balls twisted because I told you that I could do better than you. Maybe drop your ego and listen.” you cross your arms over your chest.
“You know what your problem is? That mouth. It constantly runs. No wonder you can’t learn anything. When you should be paying attention to someone greater at the arts than you, you’re running your mouth! Do you have an off-button?” Stephen hisses.
You snarl. “Sure do. But it’s in a place you’ll never touch,”
Stephen grows heated by your words. Wong wished he could summon popcorn because his daily soap opera was on and boy was it getting good. His eyes look back and forth like he’s watching a tennis match, seeing how Stephen would possibly react to the strong-willed nature of you. The elder draws in a sharp breath hands resting on his hips. You scoot your chair back, wood scraping against the floor, and stand before him. 
“Well? Anything else before I’m dismissed?” you smile.
He underestimated you incredibly. You take another dangerous step closer and rest your hands on his wrists. “Or is this the part where we kiss and makeup and I promise to do better?” you pout, bottom lip dramatically pushed out. Stephen’s blue eyes appear much more like blue flames. The heat of his body radiates, almost pulverizing your resistance to not try and tear his clothes off. 
“We can’t keep doing this and you know it,” Stephen lets down his resolve only slightly but it was far too much because you sneakily took the sling ring off his hand and in one quick motion, opened a portal to the outside of the sanctum. You had at least managed that art. You giggle as you toss the ring back to him, the portal collapsing shut, the only fragments left being an amber-colored spark. 
“Oooh, she’s good,” Wong comments. “She got you real good, Strange.” 
“Wong!” Stephen growls. “Who’s side are you even on?” 
Wong shrugs his shoulders. “Right now? Hers. Stealing your slingy and opening a portal to escape through? Smart girl.”
Stephen looks down at the ring in his hand.
“I can’t believe she stole my slingy,” he mutters before shaking his head and opening a portal to chase you. You’re happily walking down the sidewalk in front of the sanctum, the loud beeping of car horns informing you that Bleecker Street is very much alive. 
You whistle, unknowing of the consequences that are about to find you. You take the next corner and walk just beneath an oak tree when out of nowhere, a portal opens and Stephen is darting out in front of you. 
“Oh crap,” You skid to a halt, turning around and racing in the other direction. He was walking like prey after their meal, blue eyes bright like an incoming iceberg. Only this time, you were the Titanic about to be struck. 
You quickly speed-walk, whispering incoherent sentences in your mouth. You glance over your shoulder and see that he’s disappeared into thin air. Maybe the city was on fire. Maybe Bruce decided to throw something at someone’s car. Maybe Thor–
“Where are you going?” Stephen’s voice is loud and right in your face. A gasp flees your mouth as Stephen’s tall stature looks even bigger when you’ve been caught. You swallow and look up at him, his body inches from yours.
“Away,” you say, attempting to duck out from under his arm but it was useless. Stephen entraps you against the yellow parked taxi cab, hands bracing the hood. You can only peer so many inches above his muscular forearms. His chest rose and fell in a steady pattern but his facial expression told the story. With a clenched jaw and twitching hands, you had royally ticked him off. 
“Are you mad because I took your stupid ring, made a portal, and ran away from you?”
“Actually, yes. Yes, I am.” Stephen grumbles. “You’re inexperienced. That was stupid.”
You roll your eyes. “Oh so now I’m stupid?” 
Stephen grimaces. “Women… No. You’re not stupid. But what you did was stupid. You could’ve opened a portal to a different place where I would’ve had to save you instead of punishing you.” 
You chuckle, observing him under your lashes. “Whatever. You’re not gonna do shi-” 
Your words are cut short and your breath is strangled when Stephen suddenly wraps his hand around your throat. He presses the entirety of his weight against your body and for a moment, you can feel every ounce of heat radiated from beneath his robes. He glares at you with a sinister look in his eye, his hold on your throat making you experience a head rush. 
“You listen up and listen well, darling. That little game you played? Irresponsible. You’ve made me very upset, but do you understand what that means? It means you’re deserving of a punishment, and oh darling am I going to punish you… I’ll have these pretty little cheeks all damp with tears, this aching core of yours dripping with my cum. I’ll have you so spent you won’t be able to train tomorrow morning. You’re my toy tonight and I’m not going to stop playing with you until I’m satisfied. Do you understand?” 
Your body develops chills. He turned you on so badly. You lick your lips and nod your head as he presses his thumb over your pulse, feeling the sudden ramping of your heart rate. 
“What does a good girl say to the man who owns her?” Stephen’s warm breath fans your lips. 
“Yes sir,” you gasp, feeling his grip loosen. He lets your throat go and you cough, working to catch your breath.  “Good girl,” Stephen grips your hand and opens a portal– one that leads you directly into his bedroom for the punishment of your life.
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the-doomed-witch · 10 months
Hey can you write a natasha romanoff or wanda maximoff with fem reader with taylor swift's gorgeous? I think that song is perfect for them and it's my fav. Taylor song. Thanks in advance
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Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: You’re the journalist, and she’s a celebrity. You’re drunk, and she’s gorgeous. You know how it goes. // based on Gorgeous by Taylor Swift
Word Count: ~1.2k
Warnings: 18+ ONLY. MINORS + MEN DNI. a really thick tension, almost competing w e/o, jealousy?, everyone’s like reaaally getting drunk, publicly making out, nothing but pining, situationship but it actually works out 💀
Author’s Note: hi anon! i hope you enjoy this 🫶 if you noticed the “hey stephen” no you didn’t 😭 also sorry this became kind of long but overall i loved writing this
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Her flashing green eyes meet your glare as soon as she enters the room, hands tied with her stupid boyfriend. He’s not even just some guy, he’s a fucking microwave.
It was yet another Avengers party, and you were there as a member of the press, again. It was the third one this month, and you were tired of coming up with questions to interview them with. You showed up, asked them updates about their upcoming plans in hopes of a new cover story, ignored Wanda in every way that you could, got drunk, and left. It was a routine for you. But at least you got to drink expensive wine.
Your body tenses up at her sharp death stare, as if she was ready to burn you down. Wherever she went, you moved to the opposite direction, joining a circle of people or excusing them to click a picture of them. Of course, Stephen Strange was a fellow who’d love to get a picture taken, so you follow him.
Wanda sways her hips while walking up to you, her black dress gliding with the movement of her hips. “Hey Stephen, could you excuse us for a minute? Thanks.” Having no opportunity to answer, he nods with a formal smile and leaves you in Wanda’s privacy, all alone.
Placing her glass of whiskey aside, she hugs you. Albeit lightly, but you lose your breath for the second. “Y/N, what a delight to meet you. I feel like we need a lot of catching up to do.” she speaks with a smirk on her face, adorned by curls of her red hair falling down gracefully
You politely agree and grab yourself a drink; it was what you had to do in your professional capacity. Journalists cannot be rude to anyone.
She takes you to a quieter corner of the deafening party, that God knows how even exists. It was dark, but you had a couch to yourselves, just enough space to fit the two of you at a safe distance.
She speaks something, but you don’t hear it, you’re too busy staring at her cleavage. Wanda understands the direction of your pupils right away, and stretches her back, rotating her neck to release the tension.
“I’ve been really tired today. But since we are old friends, I think I should know a little bit about your life these days. How’s everything going on? Have you got a girlfriend?”
Old friends? That’s how you define a homoerotic ass situationship? Really, Wanda? You decide to join her game, and take off your coat, folding it and resting it on your lap.
“Mm, I’d love to say yes, but I’m afraid not. It’s kinda on and off you know.” You adjust your tie, it was harder to breathe with Wanda so close to you. “How are things with Vision?” you counter question her. It isn’t a competition, but you fear giving in against her.
She takes a deep breath, and replies, “I hope none of this goes out into the press.”
“You can trust me, Wans.” You add the nickname as a sign of confidentiality and a personal effect.
“Things haven’t been good with him. I don’t even know what he’s doing out there right now. I’m not even sure where he even is, if he has left the party to go to a club or something. Not that I care anymore…”
“I’m sorry for that, I wish he wasn’t a moron.”
She laughs and slightly hits your arm, “Hey! I’m still his plus one for the night.”
“I guess you should try to find him around here somewhere, then.” you give her the evil smirk. She reflects the same expression and says, “It hurts to know you don’t have a girlfriend yet. You deserve one, for the stunning woman you are.”
It suddenly turns into a game of who can hold back longer and who can roast better. You excuse yourself from the coversation after a little while, and proceed to ask people some questions.
With the glances you steal, you observe that Wanda doesn’t smile for the rest of the evening, not even the perilous grin of hers. The time passes for hours till you are inebriated again, spending your time with the even more drunk host of the evening; Tony Stark.
You stand in a group with him, Valkyrie and Thor around you, all high from unhealthy amounts of drinking. You still hold yet another glass of wine in your hands, sipping between quips and laughter.
“She called me her ‘old friend’… The fuck does that even mean? A friend who’s older than you?” The group laughs with every sentence you narrate to them.
“Girl, we’ve had our fair share of situationships… none of them have ever called me an ‘old friend’… it’s just the weirdest thing to say…”
Thor holds his guffaws back and asks you, “But Y/N, who is this lady that you’re talking of?”
“Well you wouldn’t believe.”
Tony joins in the conversation, “Oh come on Y/N, tell us!”
You notice Wanda entering the little crowd of four of you. She’s just as drunk, but seems to be in little control of herself, unlike you.
You throw your arm around her shoulders, and watch her change the subject of discussion. Maybe she heard what you said, maybe it was involuntary, but she is here to the rescue of you and herself.
In between drinks and limericks by Thor, Wanda’s hand extends to your waist, your arm still around her shoulders.
You both turn towards each other to laugh, but the smiles falter away with the vicinity of your bodies. You freeze for a moment, watching her eyes give you a soft look for the first time in months. Suddenly, she’s the only one in the enormous room, filled with thousands of people. She’s the only one emanating light, in the crowdful of darkness.
Her eyebrows stretch up, with her uncertain expression. For a response, you move your hand to her nape, scratching it softly as you tug her closer to you. She wraps your tie around her wrist, in an attempt to pull you more quickly than your pace.
Her lips feel warm, and delicate. With repeated scratches at the back of her neck, she sighs and pulls your tie even closer, consequently her tongue meeting yours. Your stomach tingles with butterflies till she gives you space to take a breath.
It’s infuriating to feel this way. Out of all the alcohol that made you drunk, only the feeling of her lips brushing against yours managed to intoxicate you.
The lustre of her black dress remains lingering in your eyes when you push Wanda against the bar counter, careful not to hurt her exposed and freckled back. “You’re so fucking gorgeous Wanda,” you speak before capturing her into another kiss, “I hate it so much. God, I hate it so much.”
“Hate me enough to take me home tonight?”
“Oh I could be alone all I want. Unless you wanna come along?”
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alostlovergirl · 1 year
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Drown in it- sinister strange x reader.
Summary: you had been a lost victim to sinister strange for a while now and the sex started getting boring for you. So, now he has decided to try something new. A new thing to cause you a different type of pain.
Warnings: waterboarding, head in bucket, Stockholm syndrome, dub-con, whipping. Minors do not interact, please.
A forgotten victim in another universe, Y/N, was completely lost to the world that she left behind. She had been left with him, the him that she had fallen in love with, thinking that she deserved the beaten and whippings that he gave out. Her body belonged to him and she gave it up to her for a semi- comfortable life.
But, he had said this multiple times, over the span of a couple of weeks, that the sex was getting unbearably boring. He stopped touching the woman for a few days because he didn't want to have boring sex anymore. She thought he had stopped and that the pain was over. That they could finally have a normal relationship. Like her Stephen strange in her old universe.
That was until he came with a new way to torture the poor woman.
It was a cold winter morning in the sanctum and Y/N sat there with a cup of hot coffee. She let it warmed her soul as she looked around the cold, dark place. She didn't like the fact that she couldn't have warmth in this quiet, eerie universe was slightly upsetting. She always had warmth and comfort with her old Stephen. She wondered if he would ever come back for her. If so, how would she tell him that she loved the sinister version of him?
She sips her hot coffee and shakes the thoughts out of her head, trying to forget the old Stephen. " honey, can you come here for me?", she hears her lover calling for her. She puts her mug down and walks to the back, " yes? Where are you, Stephen?"
"In our bedroom " he yelled back and she walked further to the end of the hallway. When she walks in, she seen Stephen sitting there with a belt and a bucket of cold water, smiling at her with a wicked twist.
He makes the come here motion with his fingers and pats his thigh. " come sit on my lap, hon. I want to try something new. Ada a little more pain to our sex life." he says, with an amusing tone in his voice as you drooled. He may have taken you forcefully, but his dark presence and stature made him incredibly more attractive then her old Stephen.
She takes a few steps towards him, before sitting on his lap. His hands immediately go up to her hips and pulls her towards his chest, flushing her completely against her. His hands start traveling down and squeezing her ass making the poor thing gasp. She looked up at him, pressing herself closer, making him feel her perky nipples against his chest, trying to tease him.
He chuckles at her pathetic attempt and reaching in front of them, going up her shirt, pinching her nipples. She lets out a breathy moan. She squirmed on his crotch, whimpering. He rubbed her nipples around in figure 8s. " you wanna take off your shirt, my drear.", it was more of a statement then a question. He isn't given her a choice, but telling her to take it off. She nods and pulls off her tee-shirt, letting her perky breasts fall down out of her shirt.
"good girl...such a good girl, you are. I should reward you because you have been so damn good lately. But, you gotta let me have my fun first, alright." he praises her and making her blush. She nods as warmth settled in her heart. She loved the praises, it always made her feel amazing and made this relationship worth it. She soon and bounces at bit.
He chuckles and slaps her ass. “ well, go on. Strip and I want you ass up, face down. " he demanded and it made her giggle. She gets on the bed and strips down, until her most private areas are on display for the sinister doctor. He smiles and gets up from his seat, walking past the bucket of water. He licks his hand and starts teasing her pussy.
"ah! Stephen.... Mmm..", her body jerks back, but was pulled back by his firm hands.
"don't pull away, honey. Don't be a bad girl, stay good for me." he presses down on the middle of her back, keeping her place and making her arch her back. He pulls his hand away. "remember, count for me, drearie” he says, rubbing her ass.
She nods and prepares herself for the belt. His whippings were always hard, even if he wasn't mad. She hated when he had the belt, but he wanted to do this and she would do whatever the hell he wanted, even if it did hurt. She feels a hard smack on her ass, the belt buckle hitting her thigh.
She jumps. " ow! O-one... "
He hits her ass again.
It keeps going until they reach 20. Her ass felt raw and her thighs were covered in arousal. He grabs her hair and yanks her up, making her grab at his hand at the roughness. " wait! Stephen! Not so rough!",shefelled out as he grabs the bucket of cola water and puts the woman on her knees. He doesn't give her a time to think as he pushed her head under the water.
She started to scream as he quickly takes off his pants and boxers. He slammed in, holding her wet hair while she struggled. Her lungs was filling up with water and she felt that she was going to drown when he pulls her head up. She gasps for air and her lungs were burning like hellfire was burning her lungs, shriveling them up into pieces of coal.
Her wet hair and face froze in the nipping winter air of the dark universe. She shook as he pounded her, getting riled up listening to her struggle to breath. "Just like that, baby." he laughs a sadistic laugh as she gripped the sides of the bucket, moaning out his name with a shaky voice. That's when dunked her head back under the water, letting her lungs fill up more with freezing water.
If she didn't know better, she'd think he was trying to kill her. The way he was dunking her head like she was a damn donut and the water was black coffee. Her pussy fluttered around him as he pushed balls deep. She opened her mouth, moaning and he took the opportunity to bury her face in the water. Her nose and mouth filled with water. Okay, she was actually started to drown.
She scratched his hands and arms as her vision started to get black dots. Her body was starting to shut down and she was in incredible pain. She screamed and it only caused more water to fill her lungs. Stephen was enjoying the view from above, watching her struggle and impaling her with dick. It made him cum more quicker than he thought.
She felt him cum, so was he gonna pull her out of this water? Was he gonna kill her? Before she could find the truth, she passed out.
" hon, wake up." his soft voice pulled her out unconsciousnesses. She looked up to find her concerned lover. He actually thought he killed her. She blinks and he smiles.
"Ready for your reward?"
He really could be sinister.
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