drenmastr · 12 days
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Midwinter's Lunacy
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You’re crying. It’s one am and you’re crying because of a fanfiction
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ironic--maiden · 2 years
English as not your first language is great sometimes. Like you can spend all day reading ao3 fanfictions and just tell everyone, including yourself, that you are actually practicing your English this way. No, I didn't read smuts all day, I studied.
And the best part is, you can really learn something this way.
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betweenxt-the-lines · 2 months
seeking currency chapter 29 mood
(contains SPOILERS!)
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squipdop · 2 years
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haha what if you were an internationally wanted jewel thief and i was the saviour of the japanese police and we kissed and we were both boys haha jk jk ... unless? 😳 😳
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yoonnamjin25 · 9 months
I feel so heartbroken right now my favorite merthur fic EVER has been deleted oh my god please, merlin fandom, I summon you, if you have I Love You by evokingmemories in pdf, please please PLEASE send it to me, I need it so bad, please I'm beggin y'all I can't with this shit, I'm crying so hard right now no kidding, please, anyone???? 😭💔
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monotonouscigarette · 11 months
Help why is Ao3 down what am i supposed to do now???????
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loichte · 2 months
Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: 憂国のモリアーティ | Yuukoku no Moriarty | Moriarty the Patriot (Manga) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/William James Moriarty (Yuukoku no Moriarty) Characters: Sherlock Holmes (Yuukoku no Moriarty), William James Moriarty (Yuukoku no Moriarty) Additional Tags: Smut, Modern, Established Relationship, Sexting, Dinnertime, Anal, Rimming, bj Summary:
07:59 pm Pizza is out. I don't deserve that much sarcasm tonight from you. Do you want to know what I'm hungry for?
8:00 pm I have a feeling you're going to tell me anyway
08:00 pm 👌 08:01 pm Hungry for dinner William cursed the fact that his blood was immediately rushing down, and his body was sending him all the signals of foreplay: tingling in his fingers, warmth in his face, a tightening in his private parts...
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softpadawan · 2 years
Where's the nsfw stuff?
I was going to ignore this ask, but then I decided this is a perfect opportunity to unpack one of the bigger problems creators are facing in fandom today, namely entitled consumers (not fans) of their work, who expect a constant stream of new content without giving anything in return. 
Let’s begin with this simple formula: if you like something an artist has created and want to see more of it, then you should:
Comment on and publicly bookmark the content (AO3)
Reblog the content (Tumblr)
In other words, anon, you have to support them. You’re going to have to put in a little effort, which isn’t asking much considering the much greater effort it takes authors and artists to make the content you enjoy so much. 
Likes on Tumblr don’t do shit; reblogging is the only way to be seen. Private bookmarks on AO3 don’t do shit. Comments make an author’s day, even one liners like “I really loved this” or a keyboard smash with a little heart on the end. A simple “thank you for writing and sharing” is a great way to endear yourself to an author. 
How long does it take to leave a 4-word comment? A few seconds? Reblogging a post takes literally one second, maybe a few more if you add some nice tags (yes, we see those too). To compare, how long does it take an author to plot, draft, write, edit, and post a 5000-word story? Or an artist to draw a fully colored and rendered piece of art? NSFW art can take even longer, because finding the right pose and drawing anatomy is more challenging. 
Almost all of us creators have jobs or education or health issues or real life obligations that prevent us from being able to devote all our free time to writing or drawing. They are our hobbies, the things we do to unwind and give our lives a little zazz. Many fan authors and fan artists receive no financial compensation for their work. They make it for free and share it with others in the hopes that their creations will be enjoyed by others and people will send them a little feedback about how much they liked them. That is the only payment some of us get. 
Do you know the difference between a consumer and a fan, anon? A consumer is someone who takes and takes and never gives back, someone who follows an artist on social media without ever interacting with them, who never reblogs or retweets that artist’s work, never comments, but only clicks the “like” button and moves on, and then later wonders why that artist has stopped making art for X thing.
A fan is someone who is enthusiastic and supportive, who will leave a few positive words when they can, who reblogs and comments. A fan is thankful, and so are we creators when we find people like this—we’ve got a live one, boys! Many of them become our friends, and we go on to have epic chats and brainstorming sessions and share ideas, which in turn generates more art than there would have been without this friendship. 
This is the heart and guts of fandom itself. This mingling and sharing, this love fest between artists and authors and gifmakers and photoeditors and fans who can’t do any of that but love to see the stuff their friends make, and they hit that reblog button and leave comments and click that little heart when they’re making a bookmark on AO3 to show just how much they loved it.
We creators see that. And it validates us. We’re not alone! Someone out there enjoys this thing as much as I do, and holy shit they reblogged it too! And now other people are seeing it! Asdf;lkjs;ljdf;lsajd
If creators never receive feedback or have their work shared, then they have no idea if their audience is enjoying their work. Or if they even have an audience. If you don’t engage and interact with creators, very few of them are going to create more stuff. Why should they? They have no incentive beyond whatever love compelled them to create in the first place.
If you want writers and artists to keep creating the content you enjoy, SUPPORT them. Reblog. Comment. Bookmark. You never know if you’re going to make someone’s day—or a new friend.
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macverse · 6 months
Wait, wait, wait, am I about to write my first Steve Rogers x Reader?
Here's what's up, in the new VERY spicy fic I mentioned that Chris is creating illustration but that's a Steve thing. I have zero confidence in Chris' abilities as an Illustrator, lol. It felt wrong when I wrote it. I think I should switch it to Steve.
Would you guys be into that? Should I change it to Steve?
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cutesilyo · 1 year
i dont think the current pjo fandom knows how big thalico was as a ship back then
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safyresky · 3 months
Give it a read on ao3 HERE.
Year Three
After failing to "make amends" over dinner with Jacqueline, Santa Jack visits the other Frosts to extend an "olive branch".
Physically PAINED ME to write--because I 100% essentially rewrote this chapter while prepping it for crossposting--this year because it's the year Jack goes to see the rest of the fam. And man, reading THIS VERSION OF A REUNION, WHERE MTF DIDN'T HAPPEN, AFTER CRYSTAL SPRINGS HAS BEEN FINISHED? I dealt so much psychic damage to myself, oy vey.
Would've been up sooner but we had a BIG EMOTIONS night here at safyresky industries. Eh, what are you gonna do? Bottle it up like these sprites do? FUCK NO! THAT'S HOW YOU FUCK YOURSELF UP! AH!
Word count went from 7k to 12k. I am SO skilled out of control. RIP.
Not sure what to heck a Frostmas is? I got you, boo! Have a summary:
The Twelve Years of Frostmas
Nobody but he and I knew the truth. Jack wasn’t supposed to be Santa; I wasn’t supposed to be Jack Frost. He thought being Santa would fix everything. He was horribly, horribly mistaken. [My take on Jack’s reign as Santa during the Escape Clause. MAJOR OC involvement AND First Person POV from said OC. Finally cross posting THIS behemoth! Enjoy!]
Interested? Take it from the top HERE on ao3! And here on ff dot net, where it is done up to Year 10.
And, of course, take a snippet from Year Three below the cut!
It was a moment before the doors swung open, revealing nobody. Jack frowned, confused. He blinked, peering into the foyer. “Can we help you?” Jack slowly lowered his gaze, taken aback by the new, slightly sassy voice. It was high pitched; gratingly so, almost. His heart skipped a beat when he finally came face to face with the figures that had answered the door. They were a matching pair. A boy and a girl. The boy held one of the doors open; the girl stood beside him, holding the other door open with one hand, the other sitting on her hip. They looked remarkably similar: same facial structure, freckles in all the exact same places along their faces. They were also very much on fire, the boy’s hair burning up, the girl’s hair lit at the ends, sparks cracking as she and the boy stared him down, unblinking. And that was when Jack realized that he was a big brother. AGAIN. Doubly so, in fact. It was the only logical explanation, after all. Twins. On fire twins. With very familiar noses and jawlines under the roundness. And very familiar golden eyes. Seems the next set of kids had finally taken after his father. “Hi,” he said, finally finding his voice. “Hey.” “Sup.” “Who are you?” “Who am I? You don’t know who I am? Actually, I should be asking you that. Both of you.” “Well, we asked you first, so…” the boy shrugged, looking up at Jack perplexed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “You don’t know who I am? Really?” They shared a look. “Nah.” “Not a clue.” “The jacket doesn’t give it away? The silly hat?” “Ha. It is a silly hat, isn’t it?” The girl snickered. “What about our faces? We have very similar noses, don’t you. Don’t you think?” “Yours is way more crooked,” the boy pointed out. “Do you get punched a lot? I bet you do.” The girl turned to the boy. “He has a kind of gets punched a lot aura, don’t you think?” The boy ignored her, tilting his head. “Are you supposed to be Santa?” “Yes!” “You don’t look like Santa at all.” “Yeah man. Way too frozie around here,” the girl squinted, gesturing to her chin. “And you’re way too skinny,” said the boy. “I’ve been watching my weight! Way too many cookies, and you know, the holly jolly look just isn’t my thing.” “Too many COOKIES?!?!” “The holly jolly look? Isn’t? your thing? But that’s Santa’s thing. That’s his whole shtick!” “YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY COOKIES! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!”
Down to see how the Frostmas Family Reunion goes? FEAST YOUR EYES HERE!
And mind my errors, ehehehe.
I wanted to get this posted tf UP so I whooshed it in there after read through #2, and read through #3 is happening presently, if I manage to make it through without distraction. I started a thing called Frostmas Asides? More on that later, but it has my attention rn, and also I am EMOTIONALLY E X H A U S T ED and may just crawl into bed. Absolutely wildin given my penchants for late nights and that it's only midnight o'clock. Does NOT bode well for CR tomorrow, which is funny bc Time Change had me staying up ALL SORTS OF LATE THIS WEEK! AH!
Anyway, some fun changes abound! What's 🆕 for Y3: 2024 Edition:
Upped Bernard sass (delightfully so I think)
Wrote a whole new set of notes to get a vibe of where everyone actually was at, keeping MTF in mind and how the parents specifically are feeling when it occurs in CS
Added another brief bop into the present, with Jack recounting to Jacqueline where she, of course, interrupts him 🤪🤭
And then hits you with angst 😶
Winter's fierceness was upped; Fiera's anger is apparent, and Fino's general inquisitiveness/unease after it all is more apparent lol
That takes place in the morning room by the window where Jacqueline waited, but this time Blinter's waiting for her, and it's--they--IT'S POETIC, OKAY??? AH!
I think that's everything. I'm too tired to properly recount??? Despite having this rotating in the head all day, lol. Hmu if you notice any GLARING typos! And enjoy Year Three! >:)
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nobie · 2 months
finds a multi part completed fic with your fav ship and has all the romance tropes you love. you get cozy to start reading. got your water maybe a snack….then someone calls you.
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rusted-sun · 5 months
i am. so weak
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fuctacles · 1 year
Demon!Eddie [2/?]
previously on | read on Ao3
He almost managed to survive high school without too big of a hitch until Chrissy happened.
Of course, he knew there was dark shit under the surface of things, with him being a prime example. But he foolishly hoped he would never meet another one like him. He was laying low (to his standards at least), never exposing himself, steering away from anything even remotely occultist. Just being a regular teenager. Free-spirited, with a penchant for sins, a “freak”, but a teenager nevertheless.
So when Chrissy’s body flew up in the air, right in front of him in his uncle’s unassuming trailer, he knew the jig was up. 
And Eddie, being a coward, decided to run before whatever came for her, could get to him. Or maybe it already did, considering his life as a human being got kind of ruined.
He couldn’t do anything, even running sounded like a risky business right now. He could only pace around the messy shed that felt like his last line of defence, his only safe haven. Although only from humans.
Whenever he passed a stray piece of shiny metal, he looked away, his reflection only making him feel worse. He was too stressed to take control of his body, but there was no one to see his horns anyway. He was painfully, gut-wrenchingly alone. The whole town was against him and the only one who knew what he was, was his uncle. Who he wasn’t going to selfishly drag into his mess. As his only family member, he was getting enough shit already. 
With his senses on high alert, he felt people approach his hideout. He was pretty sure he could sniff out the familiar presence of Henderson but he was with others he didn’t recognise, and they were older. He didn’t know who he could trust and he wasn’t counting on his luck at this point. So he hid in the shadows, willing his horns and claws back under the skin, his grip finding a stray beer bottle. 
It felt like hours of holding his breath and weighing his chances but it was just moments later when he was pinning someone to the wall and showing his meanest face to the startled guy in front of him. He took in his widened gaze and the tantalizing smell. He smelled familiar, of Hellfire kids and fresh sins the way all teenagers smelled of. And arousal, his demon brain supplied, along with registering the lack of fear he was hoping for.
Eddie tightened his grip. Harrington, jock, threat, he reprimanded his demon instincts. 
Then Dustin started talking, finally a comforting familiarity among the madness of the past day, and muscle by muscle, Eddie relaxed and backed away. He watched Harrington rub his neck and the demon inside him twisted, wishing he had drawn blood. 
They sat down (Eddie couldn’t remember when was the last time he just let himself sit down and stop pacing) and he listens to their story. He almost felt foolish for assuming another demon was out to get him, but the whole thing sounded so insane he didn’t feel like being self-conscious at the moment.
He thinks about it but doesn’t tell them. Yes, “my parents sold my soul to the devil for a lifetime supply of meth,” suddenly didn’t sound so crazy anymore but Eddie feared the implications of it. That he could take on another demon and be actually useful for once in his life.
A demon, because he was fairly positive the portal their mindfreak friend opened led to hell. He hoped it did because the mere thought there were other, possibly worse dimensions cohabiting with their own made a bile rise in his stomach and he just got his hands on this cereal and he was going to keep it down, damnit!
The first time Eddie stepped into the Upside Down, an electric shock ran through his body and all air was punched out of his chest. He might have been out of the water but breathing seemed even more impossible than when he was swimming and his skin was on fire. 
Then just as it started, it suddenly stopped and he took a few painful gulps of air. His demon side purred in contentment, nudging at his skin from the inside to be let out.
So, definitely hell. 
But he wasn’t scared. Well, he was, but of his newfound Party. His friends. The ones who clued him into a big government conspiracy and helped him out, the ones he still hasn’t told a word. Because what if after all that, they turned against him? After all, he was a monster, just like the ones they killed.
So he tagged along, hoping against all hope that they’ll fix all this without him ever needing to come out. That one day they could just hang out and laugh about it all like normal human teenagers. With strange otherworldly trauma, but hey, that’s just another thing to bond over. 
Because when he forgot for a moment about the impending doom, Eddie was having the time of his life. Hanging out with Henderson and the rest of The Party, meeting Robin and Steve, other teenagers actually his age. They might be preparing for war but they’re doing it in style.
These were also the times when Eddie would forget that he wasn’t actually human. Not one hundred percent at least. The reason he liked hanging out with the Hellfire kids was very simple and trivial: they didn’t smell of sins. Not yet. While sitting in class he was often distracted by a boner concealed three desks from his, or the overwhelming smell of alcohol from a hungover teen. Eddie didn’t know what kind of purpose his demon senses served but they were pretty annoying when he just wanted to survive high school.
And also hellishly invasive to his new friends. He could feel Max and Lucas making out behind him and just a whiff of Robin told him queer, virgin. It was also hard to explain what he was so amused by when he was the only one to feel the straight aura around Nancy getting fuzzy whenever the two girls talked. 
Eddie also might have been using that for his own entertainment.
Because Steve Harrington smelled like a storm, like fire Eddie was itching to play with. And even watching it was a spectacle in itself.
Usually, Steve’s aura gave off straight(?), definitely not a virgin. With Nancy Wheeler close by, it turned tense, a residual sense of lust, albeit stale like a grandma’s pussy. Yuck, but that’s exactly how it felt to Eddie.
Especially comparing it to when Eddie was the one who leaned close to him. The air around Steve would explode, settling thicker and richer each time. The granny vag let out its last breath and Steve smelled as delicious as the confused guys Eddie would meet at the bars. The smell of straightness (wet concrete after summer rain) turned fruity (a chocolate-covered strawberry bursting open in Eddie’s mouth) and Eddie was quite proud of himself for that. Suck on that, Nancy Wheeler!
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padawan-learner · 11 months
Take a brief fanfic detox to come back and find FUCKING AO3 IS SUFFERING FROM DDoS ATTACKS
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