#Fourth Season
Peanut Butter Death Wish
Steve Harrington X Reader (Established Relationship) X Eddie Munson
Slight crack! Eddie is a little shit in this one, but you're a bit of an antagonist too.
⚠️ Warnings: Swearing, mentions of blood and weapons, eating expired peanut butter, sexual references ⚠️
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"So uh, the Upside Down is a real place. I thought you guys were talking in D&D terms." Eddie says, stuffing his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. With the way that the eerie glow of the other dimension fell on the two boys, Eddie's Hellfire Club Tshirt looked brighter than ever. Besides from the strangeness of the newfound place, it was all he could focus on as the group walked towards Nancy's house- for what, he didn't know. The infamous Steve (The Hair) Harrington was walking directly next to him and Eddie thought he looked ridiculous wearing nothing but his denim jacket and bandages. Laughing to himself, he let his gaze wander over to where you were.
You and Eddie had been friends for a while, but this stupid Harrington guy always got in the way seeing as you two were together. Eddie had wished he knew you before all this craziness so that he might've had the chance to sweep you off your feet instead of killing Demobats. You were wearing black ripped jeans and a David Bowie shirt which was slightly too large for you and hung loosely at your sides- Eddie was sure it was Steve's but he wasn't going to bring it up. Your hair was pulled back into a ponytail and your shoes were triple knotted with their florescent laces. You were beautiful, and this fake snow/ash shit that fell around everywhere definitely added to your beauty. He would've continued staring if it wasn't for Steve interrupting his thoughts.
"Yeah, I've never played that Dungeons and Dragons game before, but all the kids like to make up names for this dimension using their preexisting ones." Steve said, unaware that Eddie was currently eyeing up his girlfriend. He pushed his hair back with his hand and Eddie saw a glistening stream of blood running down the top of his forehead.
"Uh, Steve dude, you've got some blood up there." Eddie motions with his finger as to where it is and Steve wipes it off with the back of his hand.
"Thanks, guess those bats did give me more trouble than I originally thought." He said, taking off Eddie's jacket. "Thank you for this, but I really don't want to get blood on it."
He hands the jacket back to Eddie and Eddie takes it with an unsure expression. He just wanted to be deemed worthy of Steve's time.
"Hey, I think we made it." You said, walking up to the two boys and immediately going to stand by Steve's side and assess the wounds he had. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm okay." Steve said and you watched more blood run down his forehead, giving him a look which read "Are you fucking stupid?"
"He's lying to you, (Y/N). I saw him stumble over a tree root a little ways back, I'm sure he's getting over the embarrassment of tripping." Eddie smiled and you laughed at his antics.
"Of course he did, he's clumsy as hell." You replied and winked in Eddie's direction. He felt his heart grow ten times bigger at the cute smile you sent him with it.
Walking on towards Nancy's house, Robin struggles with the doorknob and tries to get in to no avail. The lock was stuck in an odd place and no matter how many tries from the group, it wouldn't open.
"Allow me," you said, heading for the living room window and breaking the glass, "It's not your real house so it's fine."
Steve finally caught onto Eddie's staring as you contemplated the best way to slip into the room. He hit Eddie on the shoulder with a scowl and grabbed the denim jacket out of his hands. "Here," he said, putting the article of clothing on the windowsill, "This'll make it so that you don't get cut on the glass."
"Are you sure it's okay that I use this, Eddie?" You asked, completely unaware of the tension between the two. Smiling cockily at Steve, Eddie turned to you and put his hand on his chest.
"Of course that's fine, sweetheart."
Steve felt like the veins in his arms were going to pop.
"Thanks!" You said, slipping into the living room and opening the front door from the inside to allow everyone else in. The darkness consumed the entirety of the abandoned hallways that were familiar to you. Running your fingers over the wallpaper, you remembered all the nights you spent over at Nancy's hanging out with her and watching the latest VHS tapes. Smiling fondly at the memory, you move on into her bedroom following Nancy herself, and have a look around at the posters hanging up. It might've been the Upside Down, but there was the Tom Cruise poster clear as day. You didn't understand the appeal, but hey- maybe the Demogorgons liked him.
Nancy strode over to the closet and frantically searched around for the box that would contain the guns she had for self-defense. Why she had bought them, you didn't know. You picked up the diary from the bedside table and opened up to the latest entry. 1983. The year Barb went missing.
"Where the fuck did they go?" Nancy sighs with frustration as she digs through everything in her closet.
"Maybe the Demogorgons took them?" You offer the ridiculous suggestion to no one in particular and laugh at your own joke.
"Real funny (Y/N)." Nancy says, clearly still upset about not finding them.
"No, no. I think she might be onto something." Eddie says with an antagonizing grin, looking you directly in the face. You stare at Steve with a confused look now noticing what Eddie was up to, but your boyfriend was looking down at his shoes with his mouth pressed into a hard line. He was pissed.
You throw the book over to Nancy, who looks at you with confusion. "What's this?" She asks.
"Your diary. Look at the date."
"You were looking at her diary?" Robin pipes up from the hallway with her head just barely visible around the corner. You rolled your eyes with a smile.
"September. 1983." Nancy read aloud and you watched the realization dawn on her. "I haven't bought the guns yet. That's why they're not here."
"Bingo." You said, laying back on her bed and staring up at her ceiling. Because of this, you didn't notice that Steve and Eddie had walked out of the room.
Turning the corner into the kitchen, Steve leans back against the countertop which was covered in the mysterious vines that adorned the rest of the Upside Down. He glared at Eddie who had joined him and felt the anger rushing back to him. However, he decided it would be best for everyone if he stayed calm.
"What was that?" He asked, putting his hands on his hips.
"What was what?" Eddie asked, rummaging through the cupboards and finding a jar of peanut butter.
"You know what I'm talking about." Steve said, handing Eddie a spoon from the drawer behind him.
"Thanks." He replied and opened up the jar, still staring at Steve.
A couple of moments pass while Eddie eats his snack and Steve waits for him to answer. The punk rocker's hair was strewn all over the place and his shirt was covered in the stains from both the lake and the other dimension. Well, at least he had a shirt.
"Why are you trying to seduce my girlfriend?" Steve asked, grabbing a spoon of his own and sharing the peanut butter with Eddie.
"1983 peanut butter. Seasoned with the sky shit from the Upside Down." Eddie said.
"Can you just answer the question?"
"Oh uh. Because she's hot I guess." He says, moving towards the cabinet again to try and find another snack. Stopping him by placing a hand around his arm, Steve gave him the death glare.
"I respect you, dude. I really do. But (Y/N) isn't available."
"What are you guys talking about?" You came out from Nancy's room with the diary under your arm and your hair down now. You looked tired and worn out from all this Scooby-Doo investigating that both boys felt bad for leaving you to do the work while they had their petty argument.
"Steve was telling me to stop flirting with you." Eddie put point-blank and held out the jar for you. You walked over to him and dipped your finger in taking a little taste of it before deciding it was safe to eat.
"This shit has to be expired." You said, grabbing the spoon from Steve and popping more of the delicious cream into your mouth.
"It most definitely is." Eddie said.
"So uh, the fact that Eddie is flirting with you doesn't bother you at all?" Steve asked you with concern.
"Nah, it just makes you all angry and flustered and I think a jealous Steve is a hot Steve."
Steve found himself grow extremely hot when you said that, the blush on his face overpowering any other expression. He was nervous that you were secretly liking Eddie's antics but to find out that it was just to get a rise out of him, made him feel things he probably shouldn't describe with the third party in the room.
"Pants getting tight, bud?" Eddie asked with a knowing glance and Steve hurried to place his hands on his jeans to conceal anything that he didn't want showing. You were smiling and staring him up and down.
"I gotta hand it to you, (Y/N). Steve is sexy as hell."
"That's just your bisexuality talking." You said to Eddie with a knowing glance. He laughed and now started to check out your boyfriend.
"If you ever need a third party, you know who to ask." Eddie said, exchanging a fist bump with you.
"Absolutely not." Steve said, taking your hand with the spoon still attached outside of the Wheelers house.
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zuccher-0 · 2 years
I didn't lie when I said I going to come back, today I brought you this drawing of one of my favorite scenes from the last season of Stranger Things, starring Max. AHHHH, I was waiting too loooong for this series and it finally appeared, and if it was worth it, this series is really beeeaaautiful, the background music, the atmosphere, the desperation, everything, simply beautiful. Aahhhh
Obviously I wanted to illustrate it and here is the result, I hope you like it as well as me.👉👈
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ayo-edebiri · 4 months
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#The third season of Good Omens looks really good
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Cranky Curmudgeon: "True Detective: Night Country"
True Detective: Night Country This season of True Detective is testing my curmudgeonly limits. First of all, I can’t just watch all of them in one day. I’m not used to that anymore and it makes me cranky. As with the first season of True Detective, the bulk of the episodes are all about piling mystery on top of mystery on top of unknowns and having the detectives bumble around working hard to…
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chickflickingreviews · 4 months
Cranky Curmudgeon: "True Detective: Night Country"
True Detective: Night Country This season of True Detective is testing my curmudgeonly limits. First of all, I can’t just watch all of them in one day. I’m not used to that anymore and it makes me cranky. As with the first season of True Detective, the bulk of the episodes are all about piling mystery on top of mystery on top of unknowns and having the detectives bumble around working hard to…
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mroddmod · 1 month
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just one more before you go
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violent138 · 1 month
"Flash take the controls," Hal ordered, opening the hatch at the back.
Barry blinked, noticing the empty pilot's seat and zooming into it, shouting, "Are you crazy? I don't know how to fly this thing?!"
"What?" Hal demanded. Something exploded on the planet.
"I'm a forensic scientist!" Barry yelled, wildly pressing buttons. "Isn't there some kind of autopilot?" Looks back to see Hal gone.
Their spaceship proceeds to nose dive towards the alien planet, and Barry starts screaming--
Batman paused the footage, turning to the newer members. "And that's why flight training is now mandatory for all members of the League."
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claraoswalds · 27 days
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#nothing suspicious going on here
DOCTOR WHO (2023-) The Church on Ruby Road // The Devil's Chord
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jay-wasstuff · 8 months
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ocean-irl · 1 month
Doctor, girlboss, malewife is a top tier TARDIS dynamic actually
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demigods-posts · 5 months
that scene in the first season where annabeth tries to reassure herself that percy's alive because he has to be and then he comes back and she gets to hug him contrasting the scene we'll get in the fourth season when annabeth tries to reassure herself that percy's alive because he has to be and then she has to speak at his funeral because no one's heard anything from him in two weeks.
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trendingtales · 2 years
HSMTMTS season 4, High School Musical: The Musical's fourth season May 20, 2022, saw the confirmation of The Series. The first day of the shooting was September 20, 2022.
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sableeira · 10 months
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this is the same man btw. what is in that poison? gay juice?
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kiriona-apologist · 9 days
hey disney what the fuck do you mean ncuti's second season will also only have 8 episodes and a christmas special i'm holding a fucking gun to your head
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jaskefer · 1 year
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"How fortunate, that is. I've long wanted to see you in person."
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claudiasjustice · 8 days
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