lumiheartszz · 5 months
I need more jealous reader jdjdjdjd
(emilie is a biatch)
Some little drabbles ab jealous reader x wilbur >0<
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- Reader gets all angry and grumpy when another lady (usually EMILIE.) approaches Wilbur, and because of that, she always says she's cold so Wilbur can hand her his sweater, just to piss Emilie off
- Whenever Emi comments on Reader lipstick, acting like some girls' girl right in front of Wilbur, she fake pouts and asks Wilbur to fix her lipstick using his thumb while looking at her, again, to piss Emilie off
- Passive aggressive reader when Emilie gets too flirty with HER boyfriend as a "joke"? (We all know she meant every word) Yes sirr
Emilie: "y'know, I've never talked to a boy as smart as you~"
Reader: "it's so cool that you've talked to that many men, even when you look like that!"
(Her remarks make Wilbur hold back a laugh)
- emi and reader fake being friends with each other and constantly gives each other fake ass compliments
- whenever emilie "reminisces" her and wil's memories to flex that they've known each other longer (theyve known each other for a year) reader pulls up a memory of the two of them 6 years ago, which usually shut that bitch's mouth up. This would how it would usually look:
Emilie: "hey Wilburr, remember when we went swimming with Jschlatt and the others SIX months ago? It was soo fun~!"
Reader: "oh, then you should hear about when me and him found a litter of kittens on the side of the road on our way to uni during the summer of 2018."
Emilie: "... well anyway--"
- whenever emilie asks Wilbur if they could hang out in msgs while hes asleep reader would send a pic of the two of them cuddling with the message "hes asleep 💋" AND THE EMOJI IS IMPORTANT BECAUSE IT MAKES IT MORE PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE
Bonus convo between em and reader
Emilie: "not to be rude or anything, but your lipstick is a bit messy. I'm sure Wilbur likes tidy girls more."
Reader: "sorry, me and him made out in the corner earlier. You should've seen him, my lipstick was all over his neck." ♡
In summary: reader would roast that whore every chance she gets
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tilbageidanmark · 5 months
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Movies I watched this week (Last week of Year 3!)
4 Fascinating documentaries:
🍿 The Love Of Movies- The Story Of American Film Criticism, a light 2009 documentary about the first 100 years of (mostly print) criticism, from the silent era to the Internet. Narrated in somehow outdated intonation, still it provided interesting background and details to a story I know well, but not completely. 8/10.
🍿 “The only valid censorship of ideas is the right of people not to listen.”
I've never seen the show, so the quality documentary Smothered: The Censorship Struggles of the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour was all new to me. How a folksy charming comedy show got too edgy for network television at the end of the 60's. Actual victims of cancel culture.
RIP, Tom Smothers, Musician and Scourge of CBS Censors!
🍿 "We had a blast out in the desert. Everybody was getting loaded, and grass was 30 bucks a kilo...”
Let's get lost, a jazzy, impressionistic 1988 riff about my favorite smoky balladeer, trumpeter Chet Baker, made just before he fell to his death from a second story balcony in an Amsterdam hotel. The tortured "Prince of Cool", speedball-addict, James Dean lookalike player whose feminine singing style was one of a kind.
I'd much rather listen to Chet Baker & Bill Evans's 'Legendary Sessions', or any of his other recordings, than this hero-worshiped, free-wheeling Cinéma vérité footage.
But now I want to see 'All the Fine Young Cannibals' which was inspired by Baker's life.
🍿 Agnès Varda's 1968 piece of agitprop, Black Panthers, shot in Oakland during the 'Free Huey' campaign. Worth watching.
Werner Herzog's stunning masterpiece, Aguirre, the Wrath of God, an unforgiving descent into folly and madness. The plundering conquistadors lost in the jungle and barely navigating rickety rafts on the wild rapids. Heart of Darkness epic at the end of the world.
(Photo Above).
My masterpiece, a smart Argentinian drama about a lifelong friendship between two older gentlemen, a grumpy painter who doesn't give a shit and his worldly art dealer/manager, who carries him through. 7/10.
"you're gonna do great"
My 4th of Nicole Holofcener's works, You hurt my feelings. A small, intelligent story about always trying to make people feel better. A writer overhears her husband confessing to her brother-in-law that he hates her new book, even though he always assures her how much he loves it. Pleasant enough, NYC based drama, but eventually only a mild take. With David Gross. 6/10
The Philadelphia Story, a famous screwball 'Comedy of remarriage', a genre popular in the 1930s and 1940s. It circumvented The Production Code of the day which found stories about divorce too "scandalous". Katharine Hepburn was a socialite named Tracy Lord (No connection...), and she had to choose between three suitors the day before her second wedding. She also has a smart-ass little sister who sings "Lydia, the Tattooed Lady".
More Jimmy Stewart in a new Nerdwriter essay, comparing a scene from 'A shop around the corner' with the same scene at 'You've got mail'.
Re-watch: Children of Men, a chilling, retro-futuristic dystopian thriller set in totalitarian 2027, which is frighteningly similar to our own late-capitalist, repressive nightmare. Bleak saga of the youngest baby in the world, a world full of hatred, hopelessness, and Abu Ghraib. Only 4 years away... 10/10.
[I was going to follow this up with Shoot ’Em Up, another gritty action movie from same year 2007 and which also starred Clive Owen as a drifter who rescues a newborn from being killed by assassins. But it was so shoddily-made, I lasted exactly 2 minutes...]
The very first avant-garde film from 1921, Lichtspiel Opus I, made by German experimental filmmaker Walther Ruttmann.
"Find the seed... Shape the soil... Speed the harvest..."
I'm always looking for an excuse to watch Michael Clayton again. Too bad that this time is because Arthur Edens died (in real life).
The laconic "janitor", after an all night poker game, stops his Benz to look at horses.
One of my all-time favorite thrillers, with a perfect script and tight dialogue. His use of euphemisms, so understated, so deep in the weeds.
If anybody knows a more compact thriller, please let me know.
RIP, Tom Wilkinson, Shiva, the God of Death!
I didn't get the Chilean magical realist fable The Cow Who Sang a Song Into the Future, by first time director Francisca Alegría. It opens like a dreamy 'Man who fell to earth' symbolism, with a drowned woman emerging from the depths of the river, where she may or may not had committed suicide decades ago. Dead fish float, flock of birds form murmurations, and an estranged family behave strangely in the milk farm of their childhood. There's also a transgender grandchild who bonds with his maybe-dead grandmother, environmental disaster looming, family secrets that remain unexplained, and cows, who may sing into the future. But I didn't understand their song at all.
Slalom is another debut feature by a new French female director. A young downhill skier adores her trainer who comes to takes advantage of her innocence. It holds 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, but I hated it. I've been developing a low tolerance for stories of mistreatment, exploitation and abuse, or to watch another determined coach being tough with his young trainees. 3/10.
Alexander Skarsgård [Stellan's son] X 2:
🍿 Skarsgård wrote and directed a short film in 2003, To kill a child, a simple drama about an ordinary man who accidentally kills a child, while driving to the beach.
🍿 2 re-watch: On the Rolling Stone Magazine's list of '10 Best TV Episodes of 2023', the No. 1 was “Connor’s Wedding”, Succession Season 4, Episode 3. And indeed, Roy Logan's off-camera all-too-soon death, and his children's grief and devastation, was incredibly mesmerizing.
Also, “With Open eyes”, the tragic series finale, which encapsulated all the threads from 4 seasons of intrigues and disappointments. From the dinner scene where Skarsgård reeled Tom by “letting him sing for his supper”, to Tom's final coronation in the the SUV, together with Shiv his defeated wife.
The Newly Remastered Pee-wee’s Playhouse Christmas Special from 1988. A kitschy piece of subversive 'Camp' aimed at 4 year olds as well as closeted gay teenagers. With dozens of celebrity cameos, including Grace Jone, Magic Johnson, Cher & Larry Fishburne, and running gags about fruitcakes. Absurd and mildly fetishistic.
The Bear is a universally-acclaimed new series about a working class sandwich restaurant in Chicago. As an ex-chef who worked in similarly chaotic environments for nearly a decade, this story was unrealistic in the extreme. There was too much manufactured drama and way too many cooks to accommodate a simple hot dog stand. And the attempts to turn it into an experimental, hi-end Nathan Myhrvold spot were laughable. Lots of name droppings: Noma, Alinea, CIA, and lots of food-porn shots and plate-sets. They even brought Oliver Platt from the 10 times better film 'Chef'. It was written by somebody who obviously never worked as a cook. I somehow watched all of  Season 1, but didn't stay for seconds. 3/10.
Platonic, a new sitcom (without the laugh tracks), taking the 'When Harry met sally' concept, and replacing it with Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne. I could only stay for the Pilot episode. 2/10.
Throw-back to the "Art project”:  
Adora loves to cook.
(My complete movie list is here)
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captainsantiagos · 3 years
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BRIDGERTON (2020) || SANDITON (2019)
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sugar-petals · 3 years
Levi being a Capricorn is exactly why he’s so hot
yep. levi is a textbook capricorn in every aspect. 
- dark circles from people’s bs, survives on 2 mins of sleep, life is pain, still shaves and showers twice a day or something
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- socializes the least... cares the most
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- tracks the time for how long to keep the tea leaves in... keeper
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- mess with his loved ones, you rather wanna have thanos collapse a whole planet on ya
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- so relationally traumatized he can walk around like this n still be a virgin
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- somebody bathe themselves in desinfectant and then give him a week-long hug and suck his dick for 10 hours straight life hates capricorns
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- loves deeply cause he can’t help it
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- every guy wants to be like him, copying his every detail, and we aren’t mad about it. the world needs more capricorn men
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- love language and you’d never guess: physical touch
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- gets grumpy when you question his clout with the ladies and sense of empathy
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- acts and dresses like a crazed grandpa, has a black credit card and cute ass
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- combat intelligence 5000. invented violence and trademarked suffering. if you’re up to no good, this is the last thing u see
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- only person you can’t be mad at for being an eternal mama’s boy
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- surrounded by idiots, hence swears like a sailor
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- the only person allowed to do any kind of capitalism. only capricorns know what we really want and need
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- actual sense of duty 
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- better than anyone else
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- hates being better than anyone else
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- truly inspirational hustler and optimist
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- likes animals, despises majority of humans
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- v serious expression 24/7. smile = 8th world wonder
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- a man of class but frugal, frequently found in suit and tea i mean tie
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- obsessed with strict order and cleaning, last person to tell you a mask is emasculating
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- anxious bottom bean, must protect, constant existential crisis, this man needs some serious help
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- wielded first knife at age 3 or so, aries eat your heart out
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- only people a capricorn dude trusts: libra daddies and the gnc ladies + they/thems, god bless him
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- ... definitely has a pattern. behold, a sword bisexual. figures, capricorns are so broken they better get double the love
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- priority in life: human dignity
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- capricorns are so sad even the sunrays want to caress them 
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- was cutest baby.👇must protect
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- only valid gentleman of the zodiac. he’s depressed and damaged by everything and everyone except his horse and you, that way you know it’s real, measure your ring finger
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- last but not least he sweet and loyal, there’s a reason why this zodiac sign is represented by the goat and christmas is during capricorn season cuz santa levi is a present
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- he just got it all down
- capricorns play life on god mode, here’s the final boss, there’s a reason they’re the last sign in the year
- strong like aries, confident like leo, smart like gemini, tough like taurus, pretty and loving like a libra, as protective as cancer...
- principled like aquarius, invested like pisces, raw like scorpio, cool as sagittarius, as clean as virgo.
- what more do u need get yourself a capricorn they can do everything
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pedropascalssimp · 3 years
Boba fett x bounty hunter reader
Summary: y/n is a skilled bounty hunter who works for jabba the hut. But even jabba knows that y/n has her limitations, so once jabba sends y/n on a particular hunt, he makes sure that boba is there to assist much to the man in beskar dismay....
Warnings: language. Slight Violence. Boba being grumpy and a bit of an asshole. And fluff.
|Got bored and made this|
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The room was full of small chatter, men gathered to watch jabba's women dance, and the women that strayed in eyeing the bounty hunter who walked in with a struggling qaurry hungrily. It was no secret to everyone in the galaxy that boba fett's reputation didn't always revolve around the fact he was the most dangerous man in the galaxy, a skilled bounty hunter who put fear in everyone's core from just a glimpse of his beskar. But he also upheld the reputation of being quite the lady's man, every woman he came across seemed to be wooed by his voice, his word's, his aura. And the man was a tease, he was Arrogant, stubborn and a hard ass. At least that's how most viewed.
Walking to be stood in front of jabba's throne, boba kicks the man he had restrained in the back of his knees, making him fall with a whimper.
"jabba! I - I was going to pay you! I really was! But -
Boba cuts the man's words short by pressing his blaster pistol to the back of his head. "save you're lies for someone fool enough to believe them" his accent couldn't be masked through the modulater in his helmet as he spoke to the qaurry.
Jabba laughs joyfully at the sight of boba fett's triumph, catching the thief who was dumb enough to still from him. "well done fett! You must be rewarded for you're victory! Name a price or take you're pick" jabba motions towards the women chained to his side.
But boba simply shakes his head, "I'll take whatever credits you offer and another job" boba spoke while watching jabba chuckle.
"ah, ready for another hunt? I'll give you you're reward and another job... But that's for tomorrow, now you rest boba fett" the disgusting fat creature said just as you walked in. Two men cowering away as you had them in cuffs.
This draws boba's attention, for he doesn't remember quite seeing you before. Now standing beside boba and his qaurry, you shoved the two men by your side down onto the ground harshly. Boba only watches, intrigued by your heavily armed self and beauty.
"ah! Y/n! You're back earlier then expected!" jabba happily announced, you try hiding your disgust with the looks of the creature, the slob before you. Who had women chained to his side, you hated jabba, hated the way the women looked at you with begging eye's to free them, oh how you wished you could...
"it was an easy job, to easy in fact" you spoke his native tongue while resting a hand on your hip. Not even bothering to glance over at the man who's gaze burned into the side of your head.
"then how about I give you a job more challenging? Would that satisfy you?" jabba asks and you simply nod your head confirming you'd like that. "it's to big of a job for you to handle alone my beautiful little hunter... So I'll send boba fett here to aid you" you lift a brow at jabba then glance over at the man beside you, his t-shaped visor already looking right back at you.
Like hell you'd let this man help you on a hunt, you knew boba fett, heard the stories people told of him. How he was a flirt with the women, how he was a stubborn hardass. You didn't want to work with him.
"I work alone" you and boba both said at the same time, looking at one another you roll your eye's at him.
Jabba laughs, "you two are the best in you're profession, it's only smart to send my best two for the job at hand" he said while looking at you and boba.
"and what is the job at hand?" boba asks before you could, his voice rolled out of his helmet smoothly, like soft dark velvet. You find yourself wanting to listen to him speak more, but you quickly shake that thought away.
"I want han solo, he owes me money... His payment has been overdue for months now" jabba says and starts eating something you wouldn't even poke. You grimace at the sight and look away, boba snickering at your disgust quietly but you heard and glare at him.
"when I said give me a harder job jabba, I didn't mean impossible!" you point out the logical fact han solo was a tricky bastard and hard to catch.
"that's why I'm sending my best hunters for the job, with the two of you looking for him it's possible!" jabba spoke with a mouthful nearly making you vomit. "I'll be rewarding you both generously" you sigh and start considering taking the job, even if it does mean working with boba fett.
"we'll do it" boba tells him not even letting you speak for yourself, this makes your anger surface fast.
"what the hell do you mean we? What if I don't want to do the job?" you say speaking your own language while jabba chews away at whatever the hell it is he's eating.
Boba huffs before crossing his arms, you can't help but flicker your gaze down to admire his strong arms. "you'd be a fool not to take it girl, it's a good paying job" he said making you look back up at his helmet.
"it's a useless hunt... I mean, I don't doubt my strength for a second nor my skills of hunting but I'm no match against a wookie!" you argue with the man, "I honestly don't think you could even take the big fur ball in a fight!" you chuckle dryly. But he scoffs and simply shows you the braided wookie scalps hanging off his shoulders. You look at him surprised, not expecting that. Sure boba looked strong and skilled enough to handle his own well, but he was also shorter then most men you've met and never thought he'd be able to slay not one but two wookies. But you was wrong obviously.
"you were saying princess?" he smugly replied making you tense your jaw and bite your tongue. Speechless. "we'll take my ship and do the job and you won't have to deal with me again..." boba said making you nod, looking away from him and up at jabba.
"have you both settled on a agreement?" jabba asks, watching how you kept your eyes locked on his yellow ones.
"were taking the job... But don't expect me to work with anyone else again jabba, you know I work alone" you say in his language once more, voice dripping with venom as you glare at him. he only chuckles, looking at you wickedly.
"don't ever speak to me with such hostility, for I could always use someone with you're beauty in my collection, I have a spot saved for you..." he threatened you, putting at the empty caller and chain. You look at the spot and back at jabba with a stoic expression, hiding your disgust and fear.
"forgive me for my ignorance then jabba" you say more calmly and rush out of the room, boba bidding jabba bye before following you.
Once out of his palace your greeted with the burning heat of the twin sun's and the scorching sand, practically jogging away from the palace you head toward the town, in dire need of a drink. Hearing footsteps behind you, you simply scoff.
"why are you following me?" you snap, angry with jabba and this stupid hunt you had to prepare for. The cantina comes in sight making you nearly relax at the thought of drinking something, your mouth feeling dry.
"because I'd think you'd want to discuss the upcoming hunt" he said now walking beside you matching your pace.
"well I was hoping I could relax a little in the confines of this dump but obviously that's not gonna happen" you huff and walk through the door of the cantina with boba.
"let me buy you a drink and we'll discuss it here" he offers, and you could never refuse a free drink, so accept his offer reluctantly and slouch in a booth.
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Slave I was a pretty neat ship you'd have to admit, you was seated in the co-pilot seat messing around with buttons. Fascinated by the different types of buttons in many colors, you peek over at the mandalorian man who was focused on flying the ship rather then your insistent poking around at the ships controls. Ever so curious you click a red button making a light flicker on, catching the attention of boba. You quickly placed your hands in your lap as if you didn't do anything and he eye's you suspiciously.
"stop playing with things... You act like a toddler" he muttered, watching you shake your head in denial.
"I didn't do anything!" you lie with a innocent smile, but he saw right through it.
"don't lie princess, I saw you out of the corner of my eye. Now keep you're hands to yourself" he scolds you while looking back over the stars that zoomed by.
You sigh deeply and Lean back in the seat, you was bored. Hyperspace not taking you to your destination fast enough in your opinion. Looking over at boba you decide to ask him so questions, what else was there to do?
"so boba... Do you ever take the helmet off?" you ask the question that's been brewing in your mind the moment you saw him. For the first few seconds he's silent before sighing.
"yes" he answered briefly, making you nod with a little grin.
"why don't you take it off now. It must be hot under there" you say, eager to see his face. You'd be lying if you didn't say you wasn't attracted to the mandalorian man before you, he was intriguing, your infatuation with him growing by the second as you traveled with him for only four hours. But damn was boba fett really slithering his way into your thoughts, plaguing your mind as you basically kept your gaze glued to his strong build. His strong arms and damn nice thighs -
"because I don't want to" he spoke snapping you out of your straying thoughts. You only nod and think of another question to toss at him.
"why not? I'm curious to see the man who was ignorant enough to take this job" you tease him with a grin, his helmet tilting in your direction slowly before he scoffs.
"because it's just killing you to see my face, I don't think you've earned that privilege yet though princess... But there's ways you can change my mind" he trailed off with a smug tone. You could hear the smirk in his voice making you shake your head with a chuckle.
"I'll survive without seeing it then" you said with a cheeky grin still. Although your mind began wondering to the ways you could change his mind....
"suit yourself then girl" he shrugs and leans back in his seat, relaxing some before the big hunt.
You smile at him with amusement, so far boba wasn't really that bad you thought. Sure he was smug and grumpy, but other then that he seemed like someone you could get along with.
Until you arrived at hoth, your destination where han and his wookie was supposedly at. This whole situation you found yourself in made you realize that boba fett was indeed, an asshole.
You sat in the ice cave shivering, teeth chattering together while you had your back pressed against the ice wall while hugging your knees to your chest. Small Fur blanket and jacket not nearly enough to keep you warm on this planet. Even the damn fire you made not enough to warm you.
But boba? He seemed fine, his warm under clothes and beskar enough to keep him warm as he laid on his fur blanket by the fire. Arms crossed behind his head as he laid on his back trying to rest some.
You look at him with doe eyes, "b - boba... I think it'd be b - best if we cuddled" you point out the obvious, for you was freezing to death and needed extra body heat.
"I don't cuddle princess" he states, brushing your chattering teeth and shaking off as he tries getting sleep.
You huff, a cloud caused by your breath wafting into the air as you scoot closer to the fire nearly on top of it. "if you wa-wake up and I'm dead... It's y-your fault" you stutter from the cold, nose and cheeks red as you sniffle. Maker this planet was hell.
"you act like you've never experienced I little temperature drop girl, toughen up" he grumbled while making himself comfortable. If you wasn't freezing you'd kick his ass....
"I'm used to planet's like tatooine dickhead" you muttered angrily, Glaring at the man. He only chuckles and shakes his head. That really got on your nerves.
But instead of shooting him or stabbing him in his damned thigh like you desired, your take your fur blanket that hardly covered your whole body, your legs uncovered sadly. You curl up into a shivering ball by the fire and try to sleep, hoping that while your sleeping you can forget the unkind coldness biting at your very being. Closing your eyes you try and lose yourself to sleep, but your shivering kept you awake. Body feeling numb from the cold.
Boba looks over at you with a little frown behind the helmet, hating to see you so cold.... He knew his beskar would be cold to the touch so he reluctantly stands up with a huff, stripping of his beskar leaving him in his underclothes. You peel your eyes open at the clatter of each piece hitting the icey ground, that's when you seen him take his helmet off, revealing a grumpy expression and dark brown eyes looking at you with annoyance. His dark hair short yet soft looking as he strides over with his blanket slung over his arm.
"you're going to die if you don't stay warm" he spoke, his voice even more intoxicating without the vocoder you always heard mask it. You feel your heart melt at the fact boba laid behind you, spooning you from behind as he wraps you up in his big arms, chin resting on your shoulder as he pulled you flush against his chest.
You sigh at his warmth, he felt warmer then the damn fire in front of you. Your shivering slowly subsides as you relish in his warmth, his touch. His and your fur blanket keeping the cold out as he held you.
"thank you..." you murmur, heart fluttering steadily in your chest as you never want to leave this man's arms again. It was comforting, a feeling of pure safety. And it was, he kept you safe from the cold.
"I can't have you die on me now, we still have a bounty to catch" he he whispers in your ear, warm breath fanning over your skin making you shiver for a whole different reason. His large hand finding yours as he held it, letting you cradle it against your chest.
"and here I thought you wanted me dead" you snort with amusement, referring to how you've basically annoyed him through this whole trip. He chuckles, the sound rumbling through his chest.
"it would make this hunt far easier, but unfortunately it would also make it dull" he whispers, this time his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear. Sending chills over your skin. He noticed and smirks, "besides you still haven't earned the privilege to see my face..." he lightly nibbles at your ear making you gasp at the abrupt action, heart pounding.
Damn boba sure knew how to warm a woman up, you was instantly feeling a warmth spread over your cheeks painting them red. "but I've seen you're face -
Your words was cut short as boba chuckles and takes his hand from yours making you nearly pout until he cups your cheek turning your head to look at him, dark eyes seemed darker as he leans down, lips ghosting over your lips now.
"yes... But now you gotta earn it" he pressed his lips to yours, your eyes shutting as you relish in the kiss.
Boba fett wasn't that bad after all. In fact, you hoped that you two would be going on more hunts together in the future.....
A/n: and I oOp.
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touchmycoat · 3 years
I've read 3 (and a half) books by this author (Bai Lu Cheng Shuang) now and I'm in LOVE. They seem to be consistently concerned with the question of how love can exist between men and women when society loads them with such systemic power imbalances. The female leads are all charming as hell and super distinctive, and BLCS has this way of concretizing exactly what love is. You get tons of hijinks and shenanigans and sarcastic mental monologues, but in the middle of all that, you also get relationships broken down in realistic, down-to-earth terms. Showing your shitty husband loyalty and apparent love? It's how you keep your ass out of the line of fire, whether or not he actually likes you, duh. Not getting jealous when he shows affection to other women? Why get jealous of insubstantial promises when you can get that dough, or food and shelter. Find out what he needs done and do it for him—make yourself useful and you get leverage. The author sees the problems of patriarchy and finesses the fuck out of them—plays men at their own game until the women walk out with both the monetizable goods and the emotional goods lmfao.
Can't stop won't stop recommending this. Modern woman transmigrates into a novel's minor villainness and sets out to make the main male lead fall in love with her so she can go home and get her end-of-year bonus already. Ji Man makes me heart-horny, I've already raved about it. I'm honestly about to reread it literally in this moment. BLCS is all about practical love—yeah, you can get doki doki about some person, but that's going to go. After it fades, have you learned how to manage that relationship? Do you understand that staying in love is work? Ji Man is so damn SMART, and i love scorpios ;;
I...would actually love to translate this novel because talk about my cup of tea! Widely-hated princess is executed for her sins by the Prime Minister, only she transmigrates into another young lady's body and sets out to clean out all the corrupt politicians and get revenge on the people who got her killed—who of course is the male lead. MC serves mushy nonsense and sex jokes like nobody's business, but it's all an act to keep her by the ML's side. The ML's ADORABLE jesus christ, very Lan Wangji-energy. I lovelovelove Ning Yuxuan from Spring Boudoir, but Jiang Xuanjin pushes all my OTHER buttons. Li Huaiyu is sexy and cute and has a following of men for good reasons. I cried for her when shit started going down, and this novel has one of my favorite slow burn > whump > misunderstandings > ignition progressions in the world.
the book i literally just finished today and spent oh, two hours dripping tears and snot for? Tentative title translation: The World for a Peach Blossom. A Zhao Country princess is to be married to the Southern King (an honorary title for a son of the Emperor) of Wei Country, but on the way, she stumbles into the Wei Prime Minister's plot to kill her for political power. The author writes something like "Shen Zaiye has a hundred ways to get Jiang Taohua killed and Jiang Taohua has a hundred and one ways to convince him not to." Bastard meets bastard, and the political shenanigans are FIERCE. BLCS writes such intricate plot lines that exemplify "the personal is political" fnjdjfndjnf harem women and their relationships and infighting can both dictate and be dictated by the greater "men's world" of politics. The title really says it all—the MC's name is literally peach blossom, and the tug-of-war at the heart of this novel is, when two bastards fighting for the good of their countries meet and fall in love, which will they sacrifice, their love or their countries?
(okay this one was not an easy read though, i'll be real the ML rapes the MC in the very first chapter and while she takes it pretty calmly, it's...a hell of a way to start a relationship. the ending had me fucking bawling for chapters and chapters though, in a good way.)
I'm putting this last 'cause i'll be real i didn't finish it. I picked it up because of the premise: modern woman transmigrates into the Prime Minister of an ancient kingdom who is a major pain in the Emperor's butt. She thinks the PM is a guy, but turns out he's a woman in disguise. Both the Emperor and the Emperor's bff go gay for her, except the Emperor figures out she's a woman first and they fuck about it. It's interesting and funny, and the MC has the charm of Shang Qinghua from Scum Villain—clever enough and good with words, but very much a coward at heart. Emperor's gruff and tough dude who does NOT know he comes off so grumpy. Reasons I put it down...neither the MC nor ML are as clever as the leads in the other novels. The plot lines and pacing also felt kind of sophomoric compared to her other works—the emotional payoffs really weren't all that there for me.
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waywardnerd67 · 4 years
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Summary: People always said that Hollywood was a whole other world. Soon, (Y/N) was about to find out just how different Hollywood could be. Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Reader Pairing: Jensen x Reader Warnings: AU/Fluff/Angst Word Count: 5564 Prompts: “Loving me is a death sentence.” / “We found each other. That’s all that matters.” A/N #1: This is for @supernatural-jackles​ SPN Bi- Weekly Writing Challenge. Don’t judge me… I’ve been rewatching/rereading Twilight. *ducks from flying objects* A/N #2: Jensen Photo Edit Credited To: @justjensenanddean​
I stopped in front of the Stage One door, looking up at the massive building in front of me. The last month had led up to this very day. I was hired on by Warner Brothers to be the Personal Assistant to Jared Padalecki while he filmed in Vancouver. Even though being a PA was a horrible job, working on the set of my favorite TV show was a dream. I had spent my days leading up to my moving to Vancouver training my inner fangirl to be a normal human being.
“Remember they eat, breath, poop just like any other human.” I whispered to myself on the plane ride from my hometown.
“Girl, please! They are sculpted from marble by the hand of God himself. Just don’t embarrass us in front of them. Make a good impression!” She commanded as if I had any control over that.
Now, standing in front of the main sound stage, my stomach coiled into an anxious knot. Trembling I took a step forward through the door and found myself looking into the Men of Letters Bunker. My inner fangirl squealed with delight urging my body to walk through the set.
“Can I help you?” A tall, dark haired man stood with a camera rig around his waist.
I cleared my throat of the large lump forming within it, “Yeah, my name is (Y/N) and it’s my first day as a PA. The studio told me to go to Stage One when I arrived this morning.”
He smiled a soft chuckle coming from his chest, “Oh you must be Jared’s new wrangler. Here I will show you where to go.”
I followed him to a small office building that had on site office staff and writers housed. He pointed me in the direction of Susan, the executive assistant to Jim Michaels. She was on the phone as she waved me into her office. Standing off to the side was another woman with long, wavy blonde hair. Her fit body was covered by a simple pair of dark jeans, soft chocolate sweater and black knee high boots.
She stuck her hand out towards me, “Hi, I’m Ash. You must be Jared’s new PA.”
Shaking her hand I nodded, “I’m (Y/N).”
“I’m so excited you’re here. Now I don’t have to keep my eyes on both of them. I’m Jensen’s PA so you’ll be hanging with me quite a bit.”
Susan ended her call smiling up at the both of us, “Fantastic, you’re here! I will go with you to meet Jared and then you can shadow Ash for this week. How did your move go?”
“As well as could be expected moving from Kansas to Vancouver. My apartment is amazing.” It was the truth. The apartment Warner Brothers provided was twice the size of the one I had in Kansas.
Ash chuckled, “Yeah it’s nice until you have two Texans crashing your place at all hours.”
My eyes must have widened because both ladies began to laugh, “I haven’t told anyone that you are a fan, (Y/N).”
“Oh… yeah…” I felt my cheeks burning and my inner fangirl was doing cartwheels.
“We’ll keep that between us for now. Jensen and Jared will eat you alive if they found out that juicy piece of information.” Ash chuckled as I noticed Susan flinch slightly.
They led me back towards the row of trailers, the first of which, they stopped and knocked on the door. My heart was beating against my chest and my hands began to shake as the door opened. There stood Jared Padalecki in all his 6’4” glory. His chestnut hair damp from a shower, his light gray t-shirt clinging to his sculpted body and the waistband of his boxers peeking out from his low hanging jeans.
I sucked in a shaky breath making Ash chuckled beside me
“Jared this is your new PA, (Y/N). Be nice.” Susan warned, narrowing her eyes at him.
His laughter echoed around them, “I’m always nice. It’s great to meet you (Y/N). Susan and Jim have told me great things about you. Hopefully, we’ll be great friends.” He held out his hand to me.
When I placed mine in his, the heat coming off of it surprised me. The corner of his lips curling upward into a sly smirk. His hazel eyes caught my attention as flecks of emerald and sapphire seemed to shine. He let go of her hand taking a step towards Ash then leaning down to kiss her kiss.
“Now I see why you needed a new PA.” I mentioned as they both smiled at me, “I look forward to working and getting to know you.”
“Me as well. Are you taking her to meet grumpy pants?” Jared looked at Susan who brow was furrowed at the interaction.
Ash groaned, “Oh no, I thought after last night he would be in a better mood.”
Looking from Susan to Ash it seemed everyone was in on the secret except me, “I’m sure we don’t need to bother him before filming. I can always meet him another time.”
“I’ll take her over to meet him. I need to check in with him anyway and it will be a good experience for her.” Ash reached up giving Jared a quick kiss then stepping away from him.
“I think you have this under control, so if you need anything (Y/N) just come to my office. Please check in with me when you’re done with your day.” Susan did not wait for a reply and walked back towards the offices.
Jared chuckled, “You’d think after all this time that she would be used to us. Ugh!” Ash smacked him in the stomach giving him a stern look.
“Come on (Y/N), let’s go meet Jensen.” Ash and I waved goodbye to Jared.
We walked a couple of trailers down and again my heart began to race. I tried taking a few deep breaths to calm down but the moment she knocked on the door all the air in my lungs vanished. The door opened and Jensen Ackles looked down at us.
“Ash, why so early?” His velvet voice sent shivers down my body.
A slight breeze blew past us and his lean body went rigid. His bright olive eyes darkened to a deep forest green. His fists were clenched at his sides and I could see his arms trembling. Jensen narrowed his menacing gaze at me freezing me in place.
“Go. Away. Now.” He seethed going back into his trailer and slamming the door.
Wide eyed and stunned, I turned to Ash who was looking perplexed, “(Y/N) why don’t you go to craft services. Tell them you want Jared’s usually breakfast and bring it back to his trailer. I will meet you there.”
Ash directed me to where craft services were and the wonderful owners started chuckling when I asked for Jared’s usual. I carefully balanced three cups of coffee atop of three styrofoam containers filled to the brim with eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, muffins and a small cup of fruit. Before I could knock, Ash opened the door to let me inside.
“Great job! My first day, I spilled the coffee.” Ash began to open the containers taking some food for herself and one of the coffees.
She handed another one to me with a soft smile, “Where’s Jared?”
“He’ll be back. He’s having a heart to heart with Jensen. For today, I would just stay clear of him.” I nodded sipping my coffee as Jared came back in frowning.
The morning and afternoon flew by as the guys began filming. Taking Ash’s advice, I made sure to stay out of Jensen’s way and even his line of sight. Not that it mattered because he was permanently in a foul mood for the day. Finally, around six o’clock Ash sent me to see Susan saying she could handle the rest of the evening filming.
Making my way to the offices, I had not seen Jensen for a while and as I made my way to Susan’s office I could hear his velvet voice coming from Jim Michaels’ office.
“She has to go.” He hissed, my heart dropping to my stomach.
There was a long sigh, “She comes highly recommended and honestly she is over qualified to even be a PA. She’s smart, talented and in need of getting her foot in the door. You better than anyone know that starts from the lower level. Did she do something or see something?”
Jensen let out a dark chuckle, “She hasn’t seen anything. She seems naive.”
“Then what’s the problem Jensen?”
There was a long pause before he answered, “She exists, that's the problem.”
I had heard enough and walked towards Susan’s door knocking before entering her office. She was packing up for the day when she looked up smiling at me, “How’d it go?”
I put on my best smile, “Jared and Ash are great. Even Misha behaved himself.”
“Jensen?” She inquired looking as if she were trying to see under my mask.
I squared my shoulders back determined to make this work, “Fine. I know my place and will keep my distance. He’s not who I have to worry about, so all that matters is how I keep Jared on time and in line.”
Susan seemed impressed by my answer then pulled out a manila envelope from her briefcase, “Legal didn’t have this drawn up at the time of your hiring. You will need to read this over and sign it by tomorrow morning.”
I took it from her, “Of course. I will have it for you first thing in the morning. Have a good night.”
Walking out of her office, I made sure Jensen was nowhere in sight. Feeling confident he was gone, I made my way towards my car. Looking down towards the ground as I walked past the row of trailers, I did not notice the black SUV behind me. The honk startled me as I tripped over my own feet landing firmly on my ass.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. Just needed you to move over a little.” I recognized the driver as Jared and Jensen’s bodyguard/driver, Clif.
The back window slid down as I stood up and Jensen’s dark eyes pierced through me. As they began to pull away I swore I heard a low hiss coming from him. I hurried to my car and drove off the lot as fast as I could. It was not until I was on the highway that my fired nerves finally started to calm down. I knew there was nothing special about me but having my favorite actor despise me sapped all hope out of my heart.
Once I was parked in my spot at my apartment building, I was standing at the elevator when the doors slid open revealing once again the gorgeous man who seemingly hated me.
“Are you following me?” He asked, walking directly at me glaring.
I stepped back, “No I-I’m not. The studio is renting an apartment for me here. I h-had no idea you lived here until Ash mentioned it this morning.”
He ran his hand over his sandy, brown hair, “Why did you take this job?”
His question took me by surprise for a moment, deciding honesty was the best policy, “I wanted to be a part of my favorite show and I wanted to learn more about the business. No better way than to start at ground level and work my way up.”
“Favorite show, huh? So, you like monsters?” He chuckled as if he had told himself a joke.
“The monsters are cool, I guess. I’m more invested in the story of the brothers. Plus there’s no romance in Supernatural which is nice.” I watched as his shoulders relaxed briefly.
His eyes glanced around then came back to me, “You don’t like a love story?”
“No. I’ve had my heart broken too many times. I’d rather escape into a world of monsters than deal with matters of the heart.” My own heart betraying me as it thumped against my ribs.
Standing in front of him now, Jensen was truly striking. His sharp facial features, fair skin, plump red lips and muscular body had my own body aching in ways it had not in years. He was beautiful.
“I should go.” He abruptly left walking off towards the street.
As soon as he was out of sight, I sucked in a deep breath willing my body to move towards the elevator. That night my dreams were filled with dark alleyways and forest green eyes.
Over the next several weeks, I fell into a regular routine on set with Jared and Ash. I kept to my word that I avoided Jensen at any cost, but had noticed he was continually coming around me more. At first, I thought it was just because of Jared, but then I noticed he was coming around when he was not needed on set.
My inner fangirl was urging and encouraging me to talk to him. Then my first time meeting Jensen flashed through my mind and kept me far away from him. The last day of filming for the week was a night shoot. Ash and I were constantly running to get coffee for ourselves and the crew to stay warm. Jared every once in a while would pull us both into a bear hug allowing his body heat to warm us up. We were in the middle of a forest as Jared and Misha were filming a scene and I was trying everything in my power not to chatter my teeth.
“You’re going to freeze to death.” His smooth voice brought heat to my cheeks.
I pulled my coat around me tighter, “I-I’ll be al-alright.”
His perfect lips pursed together before he slid his jacket off his shoulders, “Here take this,” He stepped just close enough to drape his large jacket over my shoulders.
“T-Thank you.” I slipped my arms inside surprised that it was slightly chilled still.
We stood there in silence watching as Jared purposely messed with Misha’s takes, “Children.” Jensen muttered as I chuckled.
In a rare moment I witnessed him smile brief and my inner fangirl sighed gracefully falling onto a lounge chair, “You have a great smile. It’s nice to see it.”
Jensen rolled his eyes, “Yes well, I’ve recently come to the realization that instead of trying to fight fate I should just embrace her cruel destiny.”
I raised an eyebrow at him confused, but decided it was better I remain silent. What did he mean by fighting fate? What destiny? My heart began to race as hope filled my chest. There was something about the way he had been acting and what he said that gave me hope he was talking about me. The director wrapped for the night and we made the trip back to the studio.
Just as my luck has always been, when I got to my car it would not start. I was one of the last people to leave the studio in the early hours of the morning. Trying to decide if it was worth calling a cab or just sleeping in my car. I was leaning towards the latter of the two.
“Everything okay?”
I yelped turning quickly to see Jensen stopped in his car, “Jesus, you scared me.”
He chuckled before shutting his car off and coming towards mine. He lifted the hood and began checking through everything, “Looks like it could be your starter or alternator. We can have one of the mechanics look at it Monday morning.”
I sighed heavily, “Great… just great.”
“Come on, I can give you a ride back to our building.” His genuine smile dazzled me for a moment as he closed up my car and went to open the door to his car for me, “(Y/N)?”
“Um, yeah that would be great. Thank you.” I got into his car shivering from how cold it was inside.
Jensen turned on the heat and took off down the main street towards the highway. His large hands gripped the steering wheel tightly but the rest of his body seemed relaxed. A wave of fear crashed into a wave of excitement of being in close proximity to him. My inner fangirl and mine’s curiosity was getting the better of us from earlier.
“What did you mean by embracing fate’s cruel destiny?” I thought maybe he had not heard me as a silent tension filled the air between us.
“Did you sign the NDA they drew up for you?” Answering a question with a question was a pet peeve of mine but I let it slide.
I turned slightly in my seat, “Yes, though I don’t understand why I needed to sign one. It was clearly stated in my new hire paperwork not to speak of any upcoming episodes or scripts.”
Again, his soft laughter had an edge to it, “The NDA has nothing to do with the show or network. It is something our managers and agents have in place to protect us.”
“You mean protect you and Jared? Why would you two need protecting?” Suddenly images of Jensen starring in his very own version of Fifty Shades of Grey filled my mind and my cheeks burned.
We were approaching our exit and I knew my time would be up with him, but I did not want to leave. He remained silent until he parked in his space within our garage. He turned towards me, his eyes downcast and shoulders slumped forward. If I had not known any better, I would have thought he was upset or in pain.
“Jensen, anything you or Jared would tell me or I would see would strictly be between us. I don’t need a NDA to keep private matters private. I have more respect for both of you that I would never want anyone running your names through the mud of public opinion.”
I reached out my fingers briefly brushing against the back of his smooth skin. A small gasp escaped my lips from how cold he was even with his heater on. He pulled his hand away from me quickly getting out of his car. I followed him towards the main street where he finally stopped.
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…” He held up his hand to silence me.
Turning back towards me, his eyes were dark once again but not threatening unlike when we first met. No, there was something else. Something I did not recognize, but it made my heart race with anticipation.
“Tomorrow, I promise to explain everything. I will come by to get you around ten o’clock.” Jensen hesitantly brushed the back of his fingers against my cheek and instinctively I gravitated towards his embrace.
He quickly took off down the sidewalk leaving me with a million questions and yearning I had never felt before. In a daze I made up to my apartment and into my bed. Sleep did not come easy and when it did my dreams were vivid, sensual.
True to his word, there was a knock on my door at ten o’clock on the dot. I opened my door inviting him in as I finished getting ready.
“I’m sorry about my place being a mess.” I mumbled going back into my room to grab my coat.
I heard me laugh, “Quite alright, I mean Jared’s place is a pigsty.”
When I walked back out, I watched as his bright olive eyes traveled the length of my body. I nervously fidget with the strings on my coat as a slow smirk spread across his face. Jensen was dressed in a simple black hoodie, dark denim pants and black boots. A pair of dark Ray Bans hanging from the collar of his hoodie. Even dressed down he looked like a runway model.
We walked to the elevator, an empty car arriving, and as we stepped in the tension between us was nearly unbearable. I shifted from one foot to the next avoiding his intense gaze. With lightning speed, Jensen had me caged against the wall and his lips pressed against my throat.
“Jen-Jensen…” I sighed breathlessly as he dragged his nose up my neck to under my ear.
“Dammit, I promised myself I would not lose control around you, but…” he paused taking a deep breath in making my legs tremble, “you smell divine.”
As quickly as the moment had happened it was over as the elevator doors opened. Jensen was on the other side of the car looking unphased by what had happened. Whereas I was trying to remember how to breath and walk at the same time. His low chuckle and smug smirk made me smack his rock hard bicep.
“Ow.” I muttered making him laugh even harder. The pain was worth it to hear his musical laughter.
Instead of going to the garage, Jensen led me towards the sidewalk. He slid his dark sunglasses over his beautiful eyes and pulled his hood up over his head. I figured this was so no one would recognize him from the show. We walked side by side towards a nearby park. Our hands would brush against one another until finally he took mine in his pulling me closer to him. Leading me to a spot just off the Vancouver Harbor.
The sun was shining bright warming my skin then a cold breeze from the water would make me shiver. We sat at a clear spot sitting silently next to one another staring out over the water. Jensen gently pulled me into his side and draped his arm around my shoulder.
“Well, this is much better than when I first met you.” I whispered leaning my head on his shoulder.
I felt him press his lips and nose against the top of my head inhaling deeply, “Yes, well when we first met I wasn’t expecting you to be so… appealing.”
I sat up looking at him, “What does that mean? I feel like you are talking around me and I don’t like that.”
He sighed, pulling his hood down further as the sun shined brightly over us, “It’s only because the truth would send you running far, far away.”
“I told you, anything you tell me is between us. You have my word and a signed NDA for a safety net.” My inner fangirl and I were desperate to know what secret he was holding back. She was practically jumping on the lounger within my mind.
“When Eric Kripke came up with the idea of Supernatural, he had no idea how close to being right he was.” He pulled his sunglasses down his piercing out looking over them.
I swallowed the small lump lodge in my throat, “So you’re saying that supernatural creatures are real or that hunters are real?”
He smiled, pushing his glasses back up, “I guess hunters could be real, but then humans would have to acknowledge the fact that monsters were real.”
“Monsters… like you?” Suddenly a lot of his behaviors were making sense even if my mind could not wrap around the fact that monsters were real.
He nodded, “Does that scare you?”
“No.” My answer came quick and firm. I was not afraid of him. I knew he would never harm me. Somewhere deep within my heart and soul, I knew I was right where I belonged.
“You should be. I’m a dangerous creature even more so than Jared.” He looked out towards the water, “Mainly because Jared is just a big dog. All cute and cuddly as Ash would say.”
“Jared is a… werewolf?” I could not quite believe the words coming from my mouth, but his nod answered my question, “Then you are…”
Jensen faced me baring his teeth as his fangs grew slightly longer than the rest. I sucked in a breath as he closed his mouth, “Now you’re afraid.”
“No. More mesmerized than anything. You’re… you’re a vampire.” The awe in my voice could not be helped. I spent most of my life reading grand tales of mythical creatures and humans falling in love with them. Now, I was in the middle of my own fairytale.
He scoffed, “Mesmerized? I’m an undead murderer and you're in awe of it.” He looked away in disgust.
“I’m in awe of you. You’re obviously drawn to my scent and yet here you sit next to me. You could have ended me at any time these last few weeks but you haven’t. Hell, in the elevator that could have been it, but all you did was… kiss my neck. I’m in awe of your strength and will power.”
Jensen's expression softened and he pulled me back into his side, “It’s difficult being around you. When I first met you, I had never wanted a human so much in my life. First it was my primal need, but now…”
“Now what?” My heart skipped a beat as hope filled my chest.
“Now, I have this overwhelming need to protect you and be by your side always.” His jaw clenched as he spoke the words.
I reached up brushing my hand against his cheek, “Why is that so hard for you to say?”
He leaned into my touch, “Loving me is a death sentence. The thought of losing you is insufferable.”
Jensen’s forehead pressed against mine as I whispered, “We found each other. That’s all that matters.”
“You’re ridiculous, you know that right?” He chuckled, easily lifting me onto his lap and wrapping his arms around me.
“I’ve been called worse. Tell me more about your life.”
For the next several hours, Jensen told me all about his life from his rebirth in 1920 to how he and Jared became best friends. I hung on every word of every story he told and it was not until my stomach began to growl from hunger that he finally stopped.
“You should eat.” He easily picked me up as he stood and set my feet on the ground.
I looked away from him, the anxiety building in my chest knowing we would have to part ways soon. He laced his fingers through mine and led me back towards the main sidewalk. When we arrived at our building, I was having a difficult time keeping the tears that threatened to fall back. Once again, as we stepped into the elevator, the air tightened around us.
“What is it about elevators?” he muttered making me laugh as the very thought had gone through my head.
When we went past my floor, I looked over and saw a smile on his face. We stopped at the very top floor both sighing as we exited the elevator. He pulled out his keys and opened the door for apartment 1520.
“I thought it was only fair if you saw my place as well.” Jensen held the door open for me as I walked in.
The layout was open and bright with one wall being all windows. His furniture was dark gray with steel blue and navy accent pillows. He had a big flat screen TV with a few game consoles. What caught her by surprise was the wall of records and record player he had. I turned back around to see him anxiously watching me.
“Not what I expected from a vampire.” I walked towards his flawless kitchen and looked untouched which I guess was to be expected.
“Were you expecting a coffin and velvet?” His smile was infectious as I nodded.
Taking off my coat, I sat down on his couch as he walked off towards his bedroom. Jensen came back in with his tablet and a blanket. He placed the blanket over my and sat next to me.
“Order whatever you would like for dinner. Don’t worry about paying for it because I insist.” He chuckled as I rolled my eyes.
Deciding to order from my favorite pizza place I handed him the tablet to put his payment information in, “What do you eat?”
“Finally! The question I have been waiting for all day.” He exclaimed, “Are you sure you want to know?”
I nodded, “If I’m diving head first into oblivion then I want to know everything.”
“Brave woman. I still drink blood, but that which is donated. There are certain organizations within the acting community that are set up for actors such as myself. We go to grab our supply of ‘food’ and then we store it in our homes.” He pointed back towards the refrigerator, “All of it is from blood drives once the hospital receives its share then we buy the remainder.”
It was better than him stealing blood like Benny in Supernatural or drinking animal blood like Edward in Twilight, “Oh okay then. At least I won’t be surprised if I open the fridge now.”
There was a sad undertone in his laugh, but I chose to ignore it, “What about Jared and Ash?”
“Ash is human, but she seemingly blossomed at the end of last season. Jared was immediately drawn to her and they spent most of the summer at his cabin near Red Rock Point, Montana.” Jensen bit his lip smirking.
“Why?” I knew there was more to what he was saying but he seemed almost embarrassed to speak of it.
He sighed pulling me closer to him, “If you had asked me that question a month ago I would have given you a snarky answer about not being able to control his inner animal, but now… now I know better.”
I leaned my head against his shoulder, “Meaning…”
“Every few months, Jared would go into what he calls a rut. His need to procreate becomes overwhelming and he has to be off on his own as a wolf to deal with it. Now, he found his mate and one weekend a month they will go off to his cabin to… you know…”
My inner fangirl was begging on her knees for Jensen to say the words out loud but I just nodded, “I get it. Why is it now that you know better than before?”
I looked up into his shining eyes captivated as he leaned closer to me, “Because now I know exactly how Jared felt when he found Ash.”
His perfect full lips were inching closer to mine. My tongue darted out over them just before his were going to touch them then his door intercom buzzed. A small growl escaped his lips as he quickly got up buzzing the delivery man in. I found myself trying to take deep breaths to collect myself as my inner fangirl was hyperventilating.
“Dinner is served.” He said placing the box down on the table.
“I’m not hungry right now.” I said as he sat back down next to me.
He laughed, “Eat before the alien in your stomach pops out and eats the pizza for you.”
I narrowed my eyes at him before lifting the box open and grabbing a slice. Settling back into his side, he turned on his Netflix account. His fingertips trailing down my arm as I took a bite.
As I was taking a second bite he leaned in whispering into my ear, “There will be plenty of time to test my will power later.”
I shivered, truly no longer hungry for food. I placed the piece of pizza back in the back turning towards him, “What would happen if I took initiative and kissed you?”
He turned into a stone statue as he stared at me, “That would be a very dangerous thing to do.” He spoke slowly with a hint of challenge in his tone.
My inner fangirl was cheering me on as I pushed the blanket onto the floor and swung my leg over his lap sitting on his thighs. His ice cold hands gripped my hips as I leaned down my lips hovering his. There was a brief moment where time stood still then it was as if a rubber band snapped. His lips crashed against me and his arms wrapped around my waist holding me against him. He groaned as if in pain and I pulled away from him.
“Since I’m breaking all my rules and going to hell…” He whispered and in a flash we were both tumbling onto his bed.
That night was the best one of my life. Jensen may be a primal killer but with me he was nothing short of a gentle lover. I knew from that moment, I would do anything to remain at his side forever. Just like every cliche movie or book trope where the meek, naive woman falls in love with a monster that has a heart gold. I found myself in their exact shoes desiring an everlasting love affair with a vampire.
On Monday, when Jensen and I arrived at the studio, Jared and Ash were waiting by his trailer. No words were spoken between them but by the smiles on their faces I could tell they knew what was going on between Jensen and I.
“You owe me twenty bucks Padalecki.” I heard Ash as Jared grumbled.
Jensen and I laughed as we walked to the studio building to meet with the executive producers and legal team concerning our newly starting relationship together.  
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ziracona · 3 years
hey zira, what are your hot takes on all of the fo4 companions?
Haha, I don’t know how hot they are, but I can give you a speed run! (Also I am very excited to get this. FO4 was the first open world game I ever played and just the concept of that and the hugeness of the world and branching story & sudden feeling changes towards me in companion characters totally blew my mind, & it still lives rent free in my heart).
Ada, Old Longfellow, and Strong I /still/ haven’t maxed despite having too many hundred hours to want to list on this game—the former bc they were DLC, Strong because honest to god I left him at a nice settlement and then completely forgot about him and remembering that I am the energy in this Ryan O’Flanagan video but abt leaving my super mutant in a tiny settlement alone. I will get there! To max affinity I mean. But anyway, I don’t truly know those three, so my takes are incomplete. So far though, I really like Ada. She is a good girl just trying her best. Fucks me up I can tell her to self destruct. Even though I feel sure she would ignore me, I cannot imagine ever saying that to her. It was really sweet she was willing to forgive the Mechanist and move on with her life. A good girl. Longfellow I am maxing rn (was last time I played anyhow). I enjoy him. Gruff grumpy old man but he seems quite decent and I like his idle banter and when he sings to himself a lot. Seems like he’s had it rough. Strong I liked. He’s wild, and I loved how insane meeting him was, and am worried about him eventually understanding poetry and how that might mess up his sense of world understanding. But he’s a chill dude in his own way and I am glad they gave us at least one nice super mutant.
For the companions I actually do know like the back of my hand, the speedrun:
Nick Valentine: Best man on earth. One of two fictional characters I ever called husband. I would die kill or live for him. I want to be 1/4th the man Nick Valentine is. One of the best characters ever period and I adore literally everything about him. It fucked me up early in game where right after he offered to basically risk destroying his mind to help a stranger look for her son, he asked me how I was doing. First character in the entire game to do that. His first companion dialogue is abt how you’re doing TuT. The man is very kind and forgiving and fair, but knows when the draw the line and take no shit. Emotionally mature, kind, caring, longsuffering. Incredibly damaged and broken by life, but holding on and living kindly and to help others anyway. One of the four most marryablen fictional men I’ve ever seen.
Preston Garvey: Brave, kind, sweet man. I would defend him with my life. He really just wants so bad to make the world better and life has been so hard, but he’s still trying. A beautiful and underrated companion and I would throw hands for him on sight. I adore how he whistles. A true and gentle and loyal friend. Take him to Quincy and let him get his justice it’s what he deserves. People who hate him because he tries to get help helping civilians in that game are weak. I love him so much... please give him enough time to reach max affinity he’s so worth it.
Deacon: *To the tune of You Are My Dad* You are my friiiiend! You’re my friend! (Boogie woogie woogie). Initially, he pissed me off bc he lies all the god damn time, but after we got close enough he actually trusted me, he stole my heart and I would also die for Deacon. He’s a really good person who thinks he’s shit because of who he was on his past. Also him 🤝 Preston: massive survivor’s guilt. They should be friends. Poor Deacon has been the last member of the Railroad like four times, and it’s awful. Help him. Give him love and support. He’s one of my all time faves. Also, Railroad hands down best faction and if you kill them for any reason other than like a walkthrough route video and I ever get the chance I would 100% clock you in the face as hard as I can, like going for losing teeth, and feel no guilt. I know it’s a game and that’s wrong, and I’d be wrong, but I’d still do it. Also, Ryan Alosio (his VA) saw me do cosplay for Deacon once and told me it was great and it filled me with even more love. Anyway Deacon is great. Also, his whole “There are other organisations out there. And, in time, I'm sure they're going to spoon-feed you their own patented form of bullshit. Ignore the verbage and look at what they're doing. What they're asking you to do. What sort of world they'd have you build and how they're going to pay for it.” Is one of the like, two most iconic quotes in all of FO4 & just super good in general.
Hancock: Hardcore badass man but also a good dude and a champion for the people. Man really puts his money where his mouth is and you gotta respect that; another favorite companion for sure. Big fan of the way he stabs a guy for you upon meeting, and is a cool leader who organized his crime and does a decent job actually leading. He works hard to help people and bites back hard. Social justice advocate, dangerous man about town, not afraid to cosplay a revolutionary war hero 24/7 & u gotta respect the no fucks given attitude. A chill dude. Like that he fights the institute, hates the Brotherhood, helps the Railroad, and is friends with Nick. He’s legit af. Also, his VA gives a different answer every time someone asks him about the voice he did for hancock and they’re funny af.
Piper Wright: A cool spunky lady. Lois Lane on the case, kicking butt, and taking name. She’s nice but also hardcore and smart, supportive, fun. A good person. You always get points if you like Nick (which most companions do), and they’re good friends. She’s funny and I love her. A good heart.
Codsworth: He’s great. He’s family. He’s like my...weird brother. Getting to max affinity is heartwarming and also makes my heart go :’-] . Great early-game companion bc he kicks ass and doesn’t need stims to heal. I love getting called by my name and think that was a great feature (well, my PC’s name). He’s a wonderful funky little robot dude and I am so glad he likes me.
Dogmeat: Amazing. A good boy. Doggo of the year. His actor deserved the game award she won. Cute, full of love, and plays with a teddy bear if you give him one. 100/10z
Cait: I like her a lot. She’s been through so much shit, and it makes sense she is how she is. I like they actually gave her an emaciated and messy (though still pretty) design, since she is a drug addict. And that they make her main quest about taking that seriously and wanting to get help, and that she’ll call out the player if they fuck around and do drugs in front of her after she gets rehabilitated. Her relationship to the PC if good is really sweet, and I am a fan. I like that while she’s not sympathetic to synths and thinks they aren’t people, she forgets that every time Nick walks into a room and is like “Oh hey Nicky : )”. She’s a good girl who has been through a lot and still needs time to heal and find herself, but she’s making great strides.
Robert Joseph MacCready: Human disaster (loving). Homeboy a goddamn /mess/ but I love him. He tries so hard to be cool. I love he makes you pay him to come with, then chickens out and gives it back lol. A fool ball of anxiety and bad decisions and what he thinks brovado is. I wish he, Preston, and Deacon would quit fighting, bc I am always like “ :’-] </3 Boys Please” when they swap out, but I love them just the same. He’s doing his best, he’s just stupid and a fool. Like Philip J Fry. Keeping his goddamn soldier toy, which somehow is listed as junk instead of sent to Misc with quest items where it would be fine, safe?parylizes me with fear. I’ve lost 2 hours of gameplay reloading an old save bc I accidentally lost it.
X6-88: A more complex one to answer about. He’s bad, but like, I’m pretty sympathetic to how he got that way. He was created in a lab and had his emotions mostly dragged out of him in intense psychologically damaging training so he would be a weapon and view himself as an object. I was relieved he chose me over the institute even if he wasn’t a fan of the chocie, and think that means there’s a lot of hope for him. Wish he’d chill the fuck out and quit intimidating civilians for 6 god damn seconds, but I like him. I bring him fancy lad snack cakes home from travels all the time, bc Synths are supposed to like them. Really like that he’s the /most/ sympathetic companion towards Danse in Blind Betrayal, even though he should not be programmed for that, and Danse hated him and made it clear any time they interacted.
(EDIT) Curie: I FORGOT HER BABY IM SO SORRY. I like Curie a lot, despite the fact I temporarily forgot she existed. I stg I thought she was in here. Uhhh, okay. Curie: like her character and personality, HUGE un-fan of both the way her desire to get a synth body is to be ‘more real,’ as if Codsworth isn’t a fully realized person while the same robot type she is, instead of just like. Because it would make her happy. ALSO hate how much of a Born Sexy Yesterday she is, even intentionally in not-determinate affinity talks. It’s gross. But her herself, I like a lot. She’s my daughter and I will protect her. She works at The Castle right now as their on-site medic.
Paladin Danse: I know I’m gonna take heat for this but honestly? He didn’t do much for me. I like that he looks and sounds kinda like Buzz Lightyear, and that’s fun, but idk at all why people think he’s so hot. He’s very boring & generic looking to me. Like you’re valid! Taste all be different. But he doesn’t do it for me personally in looks or personality. I don’t at all like, hate him. Or even dislike. Tbh I am fairly neutral on him. It was funny making affinity with him though. Every other companion I had maxed, I liked more and more with each affinity talk. They’d be like “So my dad was a minuteman and died and I want to honor him” or “I just want to really feel like I’m a person, for real, myself, and I am glad I met you, because the good we have achieved together is ours, even if I can’t be sure of anything else,” or “My brother threw the cultural minorities out of our city for clout bc the rich citizens were all racist, and I tried to help—I snuck them food to the unsafe ruins they set up in for weeks, but eventually, they just vanished, and I still bear immense guilt and self-hatred over not having stopped that.” And Danae’s would be like “One time a buddy of mine got kidnapped by super mutants. They turned him into one of them, and they’re all abominations, so I killed him and it made me really sad.” And I was just like “...Oh danse. I really wanted to like you more. But what the fuck.” His relationship to Haylen is sweet though. And ofc I saved him in Blind Betrayal. I blew up the Prydwin so he’s safe now too, and he lives in the garden by my house and tells me how glad he is we’re friends, and I’m p into that. Overall, my feelings on him are not strong at all though.
Porter Gage: Not a fan. Like, I appreciated he helped me kill the old boss, sure. And bc I owed him for that, I went to max affinity to see what there was to him as a person. And like, as far as raiders go, he was okay. But he wasn’t deeply sympathetic, and he’s a slaver, and if you try to liberate the slaves he and the others own, he /will/ turn on and attempt to murder you immediately, no matter how close you were, so he made his choice, and it was to be a bad person and an asshole to the last. Really enjoyed the VA’s work a lot on him tho.
And there you have it 👈👈😎. Thanks for asking!
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daretosnoop · 4 years
Lessons I learned from the Games
Most of this is just silly, some are actual lessons.
If you’re going to get murdered, get revenge by leaving clues to the blackmail you have on potential suspects and hope to god someone figures it out
If you’re investigating a crime, being a random transfer student at the end of the year is probably not the way to go, but no one cares because they’re too busy with college applications.
If your niece is coming to your place to investigate a murder and you’re not there, the least you can do is set up a cage to trap any possible break-ins.
Nothing beats being able to hold a gun to the murderer #whySCKremastered???
Teens dealing with pressures to meet college and parental demands
Teens resorting to drugs
Teens dealing with sexism that’s found in abundance in college and work environments
Teachers not giving a shit about what students are going through.
If you’re getting death threats, play it cool. Keeps the perps unhinged
Toxicity of fan culture
Throw all CEOs into the closet
Nothing beats Jazz
If you’re going to commit crime in an actor’s community, you must do it with flare
If you’re going to buy a Victorian mansion, the least you can do is check for ghosts. And also hire a carpenter beforehand
Never invest your life’s savings into anything
Treat those who help you with basic decency (my god Rose!)
If you’re snooping on someone, don’t give them any indication that you’re onto them
If someone slips a threatening message under your door, open the door.
Victorian houses have all sorts of booby traps, FIND THEM.
Don’t trust anyone who’s eager to be your friend
Trust the weirdos and grumpy people
Learn French
Don’t leave incriminating evidence that reveals your lies
There is no such thing as too much food
Women in history have been badly treated by (male) historians.
It’s called the past for a reason
Turn a bad situation into an opportunity to learn
If you’re going to do crime, at least ensure you have an escape route that’s not blocked by the snow
Don’t date people who pressure you to marry them/ask you to prove your love for them
As a woman, if you want anyone to take you seriously and help, you have to be adamant, sassy, and everything men don’t like to see in women.
If you’re a POC, the chances of the police helping you decreases
Capitalism sucks
Police suck
Misogyny in capitalism
Old theaters are amazing
Don’t trust the person who’s trying to be your friend!!!!!!
Don’t talk to suspects about your case
Have confidence in yourself
Colonialism still exists in the form of capitalism
The art industry is completely profit driven
Mexico and America tensions
The Mayans
They never talked about what happened to the Mayans…..
Don’t deal with shady salesmen
Sometimes saving money contributes to a bad system
If you accepted a position, take your work seriously
Don’t trust the guy trying to be your friend!!!!
Master the art of amnesia should you ever need to use it
Even if you disband a group of art thieves, it’s best to be humble
No one in life is going to help you, even if you get pushed into a monolith
This game is why it’s important to put your dog(s) on a leash! (insert that dog vine: “it don’t bite. Yes it do!”)
If we didn’t have uptight rangers, the parks would be burnt to smithereens
Misogyny exists in the woods
People who are just trying to do their job always get a bad rap even though it’s because of them the park still exists!
Gangsters are bad, but also low-key cool
Get back at your enemies by making a fake grave of them
Old people have interesting stories
Gold can release arsenic into water
Always check well water before using
Wood mice are bad for health
If you’re going to get tied up and tossed into your tool shed, keep a scythe on hand
Go birdwatching at night
Torque is a fancy word for screw driver
If you’re a POC, people are most likely to suspect you.
There is no job security if you end up in hospital
Sometimes you really need a 2000 calorie sundae
If you went to jail, people are most likely to suspect you first
Don’t spy on your co-workers
Don’t trust the person who’s trying to be your friend!
Don’t procrastinate on a job
If you’re miserable in life, maybe it’s time to sign up for some therapy
If you have a sad backstory, you’re automatically entitled to everyone’s sad backstory
Mental illness: depression
Health awareness: niacin, don’t eat junk food like a 2000 calorie sundae
Don’t dump someone just because they’re not able to give you a lavish lifestyle
If you’re going to trash someone’s boat, don’t leave your business card behind
If you’re tired of small mindedness, it’s best to just leave
It’s always handy in life to know boating skills
If you’re trying to report suspicious activity, communicating by bottles is not the way to go
Don’t feed wild animals!
Capitalism sucks
Look carefully at your environment, you never know what clues are left behind
Always make a plan B in case plan A doesn’t work
Don’t be afraid to explore
Never trust the guy who’s trying to be your friend!!!
Always trust the grumpy guy
Horses die easily
There is no such thing as over ripe vegetables
Sunflowers should be planted near gardens so that bees come
Respect chickens
Falling in love with a criminal is difficult when your dad’s a cop
It’s handy to know how to ride a horse
Ghost towns are terrifying
Farmers work hard and should be respected
Don’t trust the person who’s trying to be your friend!!!!!!!!!!
Don’t be a negligent parent
Before getting married, make sure your partner has a good relationship with your child
Don’t trust creepy people
America and British will always oppose each other
Talking parrots are always handy
British aristocracy was supported through colonialism #got Loulou on his Travels, uh huh
If you’re a spinster, you’re going to be the mom of something
If you’re afraid of becoming a monster, best be dramatic about it
It’s really important to have good communication between partners
Don’t stick your new wife in a room that still has pictures of your old wife and where all the furniture has covers on them
If you have a manor, you better explore it before some 12-year-old gets hurt exploring it
don’t go to great lengths to protect a rock
calling something that skips every generation a “family tradition” is just rude and exclusive
don’t leave your child alone for so long. Don’t keep them away from people their age
don’t write memories, no one wants to hear your life story
if you’re going to presume someone’s identity, you better nail the part down hard
don’t blow up the kitchen when there’s only three people in the house and you were the closest and last one in the kitchen
emotional manipulation
gas lighting
if someone mentions stolen jewellery, putting back what you stole just incriminates you
even if you have psychic abilities, don’t be an ass bout it
no one ever tips because no one like the system. Pay your employees what they deserve!
Even though the depression’s going on, people are still dumping money in psychic lessons and dress making
No one ever gives anything away for free
Even if you’re promised money, don’t put too much trust in the promises of others
Don’t be rude to the person who’s trying to help you
If your partner is demanding to be spoiled during an economic depression, find a better partner
People aren’t as smart as you, tell them straight where you left your will.
The dumb blonde joke is not funny
Cops are useless and unhelpful
People are more willing to listen to adults then teens/young adults
Celebrities are much different in real life then in their celebrity world.
Don’t steal someone else’s ideaà artist theft
Old trains are super cool
People aren’t as smart as you, tell them straight where you hid your treasure
Don’t dump someone just because people think they’re dumb
Capitalism sucks
The fashion industry is brutal
normal size representation
Boss’s can be crappy people
Don’t blackmail people
If you promised to do work, you better dedicate yourself to it
Having a healthy fear of giving away personal information is not a bad thing
Don’t aid stalkers
Covid-precaution: cover face with mask. Act erratic to keep people away from you
Concept of older men dating younger women is actually frowned upon
Love is mysterious
Flashlight on the many women who helped decode during WW2 but largely remain unrecognized by countries today
Forgery is okay sometimes
Indigenous cultures continue to be badly and negatively portrayed in media
Capitalism sucks
Academia is not as research oriented as one wishes it was
Native Hawaiians forced to “work with” big corps in order to survive.
Tourism industry and its affects on the environment and native population
Sometimes an upgrade is not a good thing
Animal conservatism
Capitalism sucks
International competitions suck
Running away from humans to hide in a cabin and bonding with a wolf is not a bad thing
Never enter a sauna alone
It’s bad business to kick customers out
If your customers are falling asleep everyday in a common room, it’s probably not a good sign of booming business
Don’t be chill over bombs exploding near your hotel
Always handy to know how to drive a snow mobile
Don’t volunteer to be a maid, ever
Cops are useless
Don’t dump your job on your girlfriend
There’s nothing wrong with being emo
Men being emotional and desiring love and affection
Men being abused in relationships
Even if your relative leaves you a ton of money, it’s no excuse for not being a good guardian/parent
Don’t trust strangers. Don’t eat food from random people
Customer service is awful. Even when the customer is trying to instigate a horrible reaction in you, you got to put on a smile
Always trust the eccentric lady
Nancy’s sad backstory allows her to hear everyone else’s sad backstory, unless you’re a guy, I guess.
A date in the cemetery is not a bad idea
If your partner demands you to spoil them, get a new partner
People aren’t as smart as you, tell them where you hid your treasure
Anyone can help out on an international mafia case
The mafia is very creative and artistic
Capitalism sucks
Assert your independence as a young woman by dancing in a cat suit on stage? I guess?
Money can be found anywhere
Eat the rich
Don’t trust the person trying to be friends with you
Possessive relationships are red flags
Don’t steal a cheap neckless if you’re a notorious thief
Cops kind of useful for once.
Don’t pull a prank on your partner before your wedding
Don’t invite someone who used to date your partner and still has feelings for them
If your partner is missing, actually look for them instead of sitting around
Crows are amazing
Fiona might have lost her parents at a young age and her life as a hermit definitely had its side affects, but she also saved herself from the misogyny women endured
If your friend gets kidnapped, please, at least fake some concern
Don’t waste time with monkeys
The only other person on the island is probably the culprit
Girl bullying can be worse than boy bullying
Don’t trust the person who’s trying to be your friend!!!!!!
Nancy’s sad backstory allows her to hear everyone else’s sad backstory, unless you’re a guy, I guess.
Academic institutions are struggling to fund research
Capitalism sucks
Even if you hate your lead, don’t sabotage the team
Communication is important
Even if you hate your job, don’t sabotage your team
People who resist to change just become boulders in the way of progress
Boomer mentality is soul destroying
Emotional manipulation
Gas lighting
Sometimes you have to cut away from those you love in order to maintain your sanity
Nancy’s sad backstory allows her to hear everyone else’s sad backstory.
If you have to give your partner a gift every time you fight, you might have relationship problems
Don’t be in a relationship just because you’re used to it
Don’t force someone to adhere to your expectations in life
If you’re unable to talk to your partner and so resort to haunting her inn, you probably have relationship issues
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The Curious Case of Dean Winchester: Part Two
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,644
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
Tags at the bottom
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“Find anything?” Dean asked his brother after you two checked what seemed like the hundredth bar in town. “No, not a thing. Well, you come up dry, circle back to the motel in two. Your turn to grab dinner… extra bacon.”
“Sam’s getting dinner?” you chuckled as you two took a seat at the bar.
“Yeah. Can we get a beer, please?” Dean asked the bartender.
“You wouldn't happen to know of a poker game going on in back, would you?”
“It's a bar, not a casino,” the bartender sighed as he popped the top of two beers before handing them over.
“My friend Ben told me you'd know,” Dean said as he reached into his jacket pocket.
“Don’t know any Ben.”
“Sure, you do. You know, balding, smart-ass, real ladies' man?”
“Listen, pal,” the bartender leaned really close to prove his point, “I told you, I don't know any Ben. I don't know nothing about a game.”
“You sure? Because,” he slid over a hundred-dollar bill with its picture of Ben Franklin in the middle, across the bar counter, “he sure seems to know you.” The bartender glanced at the bill before making the decision to take it.
“Around back. Take the elevator down,” he cleared his throat.
Grinning at the man, you two took off to the back before doing exactly what he told you to do. As soon as you approached the elevator door, it opened and your father came rolling out of it in his wheelchair.
“Dad? What the hell are you doing here?”
“Planting daisies. What's it look like? Came in on the case.”
“And you beat us here?” you asked as your dad wheeled away from you two.
“Well, brains trump legs, apparently.”
“So, you found the game?” Dean asked.
“Did you stop it?” you asked but received no answer. “Dad?”
“Not exactly,” he sighed as he wheeled around to face you.
“Dad, what did you do?”
“I played, okay?” he sighed.
“I lost.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” you yelled. “You played some he-witch?”
“Don't you take that tone with me,” he glared.
“You fucking idiot!”
“They're my years! I can do what I want!” he yelled.
“And you didn’t think about me? What if you lost your life? Do you even care about my feelings?”
“How many did you lose?” Dean asked, changing the topic.
“Twenty-five,” he sighed.
Your father visibly aged twenty-five years right in front of your eyes. His skin sagged, the skin under his eyes darkened, and he looked even more tired than he already was.
“We are not done!” you growled before storming into the elevator.
Dean stared at Bobby before following you to confront the witch. As soon as you stepped foot into the room, your eyes flashed a bright blue in anger. Dean couldn’t stop you as you stormed over to the witch before grabbing his arm harshly.
“Hey, man. Excuse me. Can I borrow you for a sec?” you growled.
Patrick, the witch, looked at you before eyeing Dean who casually showed him the handle of his gun that was stashed inside of his jacket.
“Oh, yeah. Of course. Great. Good to see you two,” he said as he excused himself with the couple he was with. You forced Patrick over to one of the tables with a shove.
“Hey, calm down. Look, I don't know what it is you think I did to your wife or husband or brother or mother or sister, but, uh, I just want you to know, my feelings were real, and maybe they deserved it.”
“That ain't my problem, man-witch. You owe my dad some years,” you growled as your eyes got an even brighter blue.
“My, another witch on my hands. Good to see we’re still circling the world,” he laughed.
“I’m nothing like you. Give them back.”
“I'm sorry. He lost. Them's the breaks.”
“Well, then un-lose him or I will make your death so slow and painful you’re going to wish you’d given them back,” you threatened as blue magic started to swirl in between your fingers of your right hand.
“Give it your best shot if it makes you feel better. Besides, I could use a good… tickle. Darling, what you have doesn’t compare to what I can do. You want years? Great. Play me for them,” he chuckled.
“Fine,” Dean said before he could think about his words.
“Dean!” you gasped just as your father came rolling into the room.
“Dean, no!”
“They're my years. I can do what I want,” he repeated what your father said.
“Does no one care about me?!” you yelled emotionally. “You’re throwing away your lives like it’s nothing but what about me? What if you lose, Dean? What then?”
“I’m not going to lose.”
“I can’t watch this,” you sighed before turning to Patrick with a threatening glare. “My offer is still on the table. I will not hesitate to kill you, and something tells me I will win.”
“Good,” he chuckled as you left the poker game.
There was no way you were going to give yourself a panic attack while watching the game. If Dean didn’t come back, then you were going to rain hell on Patrick. If he came back and all was well, you’d rain hell down on Dean.
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The door to the motel room opened, and Sam walked in carrying takeout trays with burgers and sodas. He closed the door and set them on the table before getting a good look at your depressed state on the bed. Your back was hunched, tears stained your cheeks, and your eyes were puffy and red.
“What the hell happened?” Sam asked.
“Ask the idiot,” you sniffled.
Dean walked out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe, but that wasn’t the most shocking thing. He played Patrick, but he lost. Dean wasn’t Dean anymore. He gained fifty years after winning your father the twenty-five he bet on. Sam reached for his gun and was going to point it at the old man, but since you weren’t freaking out about the stranger, he figured he wasn’t dangerous.
“Dean?” Sam gasped.
“Okay, what the fuck happened?”
“We, you know... found the game,” he said as he picked up one of the burgers on the table.
“You f—I thought you said you were g-good at poker,” Sam exclaimed.
“He isn’t,” you glared.
“Shut up,” Dean scoffed.
“Man, you look like—”
“The old chick in Titanic. I know. Shut up,” Dean scoffed with his mouth full.
“I was gonna say Emperor Palpatine,” Sam chuckled. The door to the room thudded open, and your dad came wheeling into it before closing it.
“I see you met John McCain there.”
“Yeah. Any of you want to tell me what happened?”
“My dad’s an idiot,” you sighed, “and Dean’s an even bigger one.”
“Hey, nobody asked him to play,” your dad argued.
“Right. I should have just let you die.”
“And for damn sure, nobody asked you to lose!” Bobby yelled. Sam grinned at the interaction, but when he caught your gaze, his smile faltered.
“It's like Grumpy Old Men.”
“Shut up, Sam,” your dad and Dean said as the same time.
“What the hell were you thinking? He's a witch. He's been playing poker since guys wore tights,” you exploded at your dad.
“You just don't get it,” Bobby sighed.
“Yeah, I get it, dad. You saw a chance to turn the hands of the clock back and get out of that damn chair. Pretty tempting.”
“I can imagine,” Dean added.
“No, you can't.”
“You got me. I never been paralyzed. But I tell you something—I've been to hell, and there's an archangel there wanting me to drop the soap. Look at me! My junk's rustier than yours! You hear me bellyaching? Huh?”
“Uh, actually, yeah,” Sam said when Dean’s stomach rumbled loudly. Dean gasped and took a seat while still holding onto his burger.
“I'm having a heart attack,” Dean gasped. Before you could publicly freak out, your dad spoke.
“No, you’re not.”
“What is this?”
“Acid reflux. Guys your age can't digest certain foods. You're gonna need to put down that cheeseburger,” he chuckled. Dean sighed and placed the burger down regretfully.
“So, you want to keep emoting, or you want to talk about solving this little issue of yours? It's got to be about the chips.”
“I slid 'em across, Patrick did his little witchy number, and you prettied up in a hurry.”
“I mean, what are you all thinking? Some kind of magic chips or something?” Sam asked.
“You remember what he chanted?” you asked.
“Every word,” your dad nodded.
“Alright, then let's find out where he stashes his chips,” Sam declared.
“And steal me fifty. Benjamin Button me back into burger shape. What do you think?” Dean smiled.
“I think you ought to put some clothes on,” you sighed.
Dean rolled his eyes but made his way to the bathroom where his clothes were. Luckily, they still fit, and he walked out twenty minutes later fully clothed. Someone knocked on the door, and Dean went to answer it. It was housekeeping, and she was a beautiful young woman. Dean’s natural instinct was to flirt, but with his age and looks, you weren’t even worried.
“Ready for housekeeping, sir?”
“Born ready,” Dean grinned.
“You're just like my grandfather,” she laughed and his grin faded. “He hits on anything that moves, too. You’re adorable.”
“And dangerous,” Dean frowned when she walked into the room to gather the dirty sheets.
“Aw,” she giggled. You, your dad, and Sam were all smirking at the scene before you.
“Can we just go? You’re my girlfriend. Shouldn’t you be jealous or something?” Dean pouted.
“No, you deserved that,” you declared as you left the room with the three men.
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Ray of Sunshine - Chapter 3 (Levi x OC)
"What the fuck are we doing here, Erwin?"
Levi crosses his arms over his chest and leans further into the wall, wanting nothing more than to disappear it in. When Erwin said they'd be meeting with some people of importance, this is not at all what he envisioned. A meeting, in his mind, typically implies people sitting around a table in a relatively small room having discussions and more often than not trying to push their own agendas. This could not be further from what he had in mind. Rather than a stuffy boardroom, he finds himself in a massive and lavish ballroom with exquisitely painted ceilings, numerous crystal chandeliers, and marble floors. There are tables throughout the room littered with various drinks in expensive looking bottles and plates piled high with untouched food. It's a fucking waste. Worst of all is the people. Nobles, almost all of them. Fat and carefree in their ridiculous monkey suits as they try to schmooze and manipulate each other. They don't give a damn about people like him, the ones who are fighting and dying for them to be surrounded by so much luxury.
"To do what we do, we need funds, and these people are the ones holding all the money." He takes a swig of his wine, finishing it off only to have it refilled by one of the neatly dressed staff, who scurries off to find more glasses to fill. He sets it down on a nearby table. "We need to convince them that what the survey corps does is worth their investment. The difficulty is making it apply to them when they have no care about the common man, nor fear of the Titans."
Levi pinches the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache coming on from all the bright lights, noise and shitty company. "And how exactly do you expect me to help with that?"
Erwin looks down at him, amused. "You've created quite the reputation for yourself. I figured showing off humanity's strongest could only put the odds in our favor."
"Tch." Levi glares at him. That ridiculous title some fool came up with. He doesn't care what people call him when he's not around, that's their own business, but being called that directly just pisses him off. "I'm going to get some air."
Before he can get very far, however, he crashes into someone. "Shit." He mutters, catching the young woman easily before she hits the floor. Her muted green eyes are filled with surprise at the contact, but brighten up as soon as she recognizes Levi, matched by her signature smile. He helps her upright, keeping a hand on her arm to keep her steady until she gets herself sorted, then immediately resumes his plan to get the hell out of there. He is foiled once again, this time by a gentle hand around his elbow that stops him dead in his tracks.  He looks at her, a combination of annoyance and discomfort apparent on his face which only gets worse as he takes in her appearance. Her red hair is long, longer than it appeared when she was wearing it in that sloppy bun and looks incredibly soft. The purple dress and dark corset are very different from her white, blood-stained scrubs, and reveal feminine curves he didn't know she had. She notices him noticing her and a very becoming blush spreads over her round cheeks. Everything about her screams at him to touch her, but he's always been good at pushing aside his selfish wants. "Didn't expect to see you here, brat."
She's taken aback but recovers quickly. She can't remember a time when anyone ever called her a brat but shrugs it off as part of Levi's tough guy act. "It's great to see you again, Levi!" She places a hand on his arm. He flinches but doesn't outright pull away. A good sign. Her heart flutters in her chest. Looking over his shoulder, she spots Erwin amping himself up to impress the nobles. "Erwin, oh, I mean, commander." She gives him a dramatic curtsy. He lets out a hearty laugh.
"Heard about that did you?" He scratches the back of his head, grinning sheepishly. "I'm still getting used to the title."
"You're going to accomplish great things, uncle Erwin, I just know it!"
"We can hope. My success or failure today will have a strong impact on the Survey Corps' operations in the years to come; I have to put on a good show." He glances at Levi, still looking for an opportunity to get away. It's clear this environment doesn't agree with him. "You know, I'm not the only one with a new title. I promoted Levi here to captain."
"Who better to have among your top ranks than humanity's strongest?" She raises an eyebrow, searching for some kind of reaction from the stoic captain, aware of his distaste for his newfound title.
Levi rolls his eyes.
"Congratulations, Levi. I'm really happy for you. The scouts are lucky to have you." The sincerity in her voice is palpable. He gives her a short nod, finding himself getting embarrassed at her praise.
Erwin clears his throat. "Actually, I'm glad you're here, Lydia. As you may have realized, Levi isn't exactly thrilled to be here." Erwin gestures to the grumpy, dark-haired man. "I need to secure some funding, but I'd like him to gain a little notoriety among the nobles."
Lydia raises a hand to stop him. "Say no more, leave it to me." She sends Levi a mischievous grin. "I'm happy to babysit."
Erwin lets out another boisterous laugh. "Glad I can count on you. I owe you one!"
She waves at him as he heads over to a large group hanging around the drink tables. Smart, targeting the party's drunkards to secure funds for what most believe is a waste of good money. Wrapping her hand around Levi's forearm, she leads him in the direction of some equally inebriated nobles who would likely be very impressed by the feats of humanity's strongest.
Her hand on his arm makes him hate being here a little bit less, but her intention to show him off to some spoiled rich guys makes him inwardly squirm.
She tightens her grip on his arm, hoping to reassure him. It doesn't. "Listen, I know you're not a huge fan of this whole type of thing. If you want, I can take care of all the talking. Just follow my lead."
He says nothing, but part of him is grateful she'll be taking over the tedious task of interacting with the nobility.
"Hello, Lord Reiss, Lord Kultheim, Lord Harkon, Commander Zackly! I'm pleased to see you here."
"Ah, Lydia, wonderful seeing you here my dear."
"Yes, you must thank Lady Candor for throwing such an exquisite party."
Zackly says nothing, opting to take a long sip of his drink.
"I'll be sure to send her your compliments."
Her usual brightness dims as she forces a tight-lipped smile, though Levi is unsure why.
"So, Lydia, tell us about this young man accompanying you. He seems like a decent sort, when are you getting married? He better hurry things up or maybe we'll start getting ideas of taking you for ourselves!" Lord Kultheim slurs. These men can sometimes act like dogs, and she is grateful for Levi's strong presence. She ignores the obvious come-on and proceeds with her agenda. "Gentlemen, this is Captain Levi, from the survey corps." She places her free hand over his upper arm, momentarily taken aback by the strength hidden beneath his uniform. She recovers quickly, but Levi definitely noticed. "He saw me alone, without a friend in the world and saw fit to keep me company."
Lord Kultheim raises his glass. "Good lad, Captain."
"Captain? You certainly rose quickly within the ranks. You must be quite a valuable asset to the survey corps."
"Indeed, the Captain here is quickly becoming known for his talents in battle. He has the highest number of confirmed titan kills and an impeccable service record. With him in the corps, there's truly nothing they can't accomplish."
Levi resists the urge to roll his eyes. Lydia is really laying it on thick, and they seem to be lapping it up like fresh milk.
"Perhaps his talents could be useful elsewhere." Lord Harkon steps forward, looking Levi up and down. "I could use a man like you in my personal guard. I'll triple whatever they're paying you now, not to mention you'll be much safer in the interior." He shoots them a cocky smile, and Levi wants nothing more than to wipe it off his fat, smug face. "Talent should be rewarded, don't you think? You shouldn't be sent out to die for a worthless cause like the rest of the rabble."
"Maybe talent is better off doing what it does best, rather than sitting around growing fat, stupid and complacent, wallowing in its own shit because it's too scared to go outside. If there was more talent out there with the rabble, as you so aptly put it, than up your asses, then maybe we'd lose fewer good men and get something done for a change."Levi stands resolute in his defiance, wearing his usual scowl.
Gasps, coming from all around them. Lord Harkon takes a step back, mirroring Levi's glare, but falling far short of his intimidating aura. "How- How dare you speak to me that way! I could have you court-martialed!"
"Now, now, gentlemen, there's no need for such a fuss." Lydia takes a step forward, placing herself between the two. "The captain is merely stating a truth: there would be far more advancement, and far less loss, if there were more capable soldiers choosing to join the ranks of the scout regiment. Additionally, there are so many untapped resources beyond the walls that could be put to good use someday. Why should the Titans keep all that land for themselves when they don't use it to its full potential?"
All but Lord Harkon nod their heads. "It's an interesting point, to be sure." Zackly turns his attention to Lord Harkon. "Now, now. There's no need to sulk."
"Truly, Lord Harkon, any soldier would be lucky to work for you. However, our dear captain is a man of the people. He could not be expected to place the wellbeing of one man above all others. Surely you understand." She looks up at him through her lashes, flashing him her classic smile, only feeling slightly disgusted with herself. He falls for it, hard. Levi cringes at her sickly sweet tone. "Anyhow, gentlemen, thank you for chatting with us, enjoy the rest of your evening." She curtsies and quickly pulls Levi away from the crowd and towards the open balcony, overlooking the city.
As soon as they pass through the door, she lightly shoves him around the corner and into the stone wall, eyes wide with uninhibited surprise. "What the heck was that Levi?" she whispers, her face mere inches from his. His gaze meets hers for a brief moment, then he looks away with a sigh.
"I mean, did you hear all the bullshit I had to pull to salvage that situation? Seriously." She raises her arms in exasperation, but it lasts only a fraction of a second. She brings her hand to her lips, as though trying to conceal the way the corners of her lips are tugging upward. Puzzlement is barely discernable beneath Levi's usual glower. A laugh escapes her lips, soft, quiet. That one laugh paved the way for a fit of giggles so strong, she needs to support herself on the wall. "His face," she gasps, "His face when you told him he was wallowing in shit!" She continues to laugh, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. Although her sudden laughter took him by surprise, he can't help but momentarily let his guard down, remembering that noble pig's shocked expression. The bugged out eyes, puckered lips, and flabby cheeks came together to form one of the most ridiculous images he'd seen in a long time.
"It was pretty funny." He states without a trace of humor.
Lydia looks up at him, only to double over with laughter at the contradiction between his face and his words. There's something about this moment; the setting sun shining in her hair, her genuine delight at his actions, the occasional snort she emits without shame. Something sneaks past his well-established defenses.
For a moment, he allows himself a taste of joy, cracking a ghost of a smile.
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leelee10898 · 6 years
For you: Chapter 5 - Come Clean
Characters Belong to Pixleberry, I am just borrowing them.. Except those created for this story. Summary: Two weeks later, Leo is headed out of town. Olivia and Drake keep Aria company, as they head to dinner at Dex’s estate.  Catch up HERE Rating: Angst, fluff Chapter inspiration: Come Clean - Hilary Duff
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2 weeks later…. “I really hate leaving you, maybe I should cancel this tour. ” Leo tossed himself onto the bed. “No, you are not. Get your ass up and go. I will be fine Olivia is coming later today.” Aria pulled him his arms making him stand. “And Drake.” Leo mumbled. “Drake?” Aria arched her brow. Leo rubbed the back of his neck “yeah I kinda asked Drake if he would come stay here while I was gone. ” Aria leaned in and kissed his lips “You worry to much, but I appreciate it.” They walked to the front door Leo wrapped his arms around her pulling her closer, his lips found hers in a long, soft kiss. “I love you.” He drops down to his knees placing a soft kiss on her small bump “and I love you two.” Tears well in Arias eyes. “Hey what’s wrong?” Leo stood placing a on her shoulders the other cupping her face. “Nothing, you’re just so damn sweet. And I am going to miss you like crazy.” The car pulls up to take Leo to the hospital. “Ill call you every day. I love you.” He leans in kissing her. “I love you too.”
A little later that day both Drake and Olivia arrived. They were bickering as soon as they walked through the door. “What is going on here?” Aria approached the two. “Oh you know, Drake is just being his normal miserable self.” Olivia scoffed crossing her arms. “Will you tell Her that it is not normal to carry 6 knives?” Drake hollered. “ Drake that’s.. wait, Olivia you carry 6 knives? Where do you keep them all?” Arias eyes went wide. “Unbelievable! I’ll be in the stables Hale.” Drake threw his hands up in the air and stormed off. “What’s with you two?” 
“The man is insufferable, He drives me crazy.” Olivia huffed. Aria went in the living area and sat down, Olivia followed. “Ok, spill whats really going on?” Aria questioned, during the engagement tour she caught them making out on more then one occasion. “Nothing, its nothing.” Olivia refused to speak. Aria gave her a accusing look. “Ok fine. He wants to be a couple. ” Olivia averted her eyes from Aria. “Ok.... and you don’t want to be?” “No, yes, I don’t know. The man makes me crazy, do you know how many denim shirts he owns? 20 Aria!” Olivia motioned twenty with her fingers. Aria stiffens back a laugh. 
“Olivia, I am going to be brutally honest with you. I am pretty sure you are in love with him, and you are just trying to tell yourself you don’t.” “I am not in love with him, I couldn’t possibly be, I am a Nevrakis, we don’t love, love is weak.” Olivia denied it, something in her eyes told a different story. “You know a very smart woman called me on my shit not that long ago. Sounds like she needs to take her own advice.” She placed her hand on Olivia’s. “You are right, I love him. thank you Aria, as hard as it is to admit, I love that grumpy asshole.” Olivia wiped a tear away. “Olivia are you crying?” Aria asked “If you tell anyone I will kill you.” Olivia threatened. 
*********** A few days had passed and things in Valtoria were a little rough. Drake and Olivia were avoiding each other. If Drake walked into a room, Olivia would excuse herself and vise versa. It was driving Aria insane. She had thought the talk Olivia and her had would change things, but Olivia was stubborn. It had been four days since Leo left. Although she spoke to him every night and he would text her on his down time, but she missed him. Her phone rang it was a video call and she smiled at Leos face lighting up her screen. “I miss you so much.” Aria sighed looking at the phone. “I miss you too, how are you feeling today? How are things going with Drake and Liv, any better?” “I’m feeling fine, and no, things with them are no better.” “I’m sorry baby, I wish I was home.” “I know, I wish you were here too. I am not looking forward to the party at Dexs” Aria rolled her eyes. “ Yeah, I really wish I was home for that.” Leos tone deepened. Aria yawned. “Mm i’m sorry its been a long day.” “No need to apolgize Love, get some rest I will call you tomorrow ok. I love you, good night.” “I love you too, good night.”Aria hung up the phone, she laid her head on her pillow and fell right to sleep.
Two days later, the night of the Party at Crenshaw manor Aria was putting her finishing touches on her make up when Olivia came strolling in. She was a vision in red, always red. While aria wore a powder pink chiffon overlay dress, that concealed her growing bump but did not seem like she was trying to hide something. "Are you ready? The car is waiting.” Olivia asked. “Yes, let me grab my clutch.” The two walked down to the car and climbed in. “You ladies look beautiful ” Drake admired as he sipped from his glass of whiskey. Olivia’s cheeks reddened “thank you.” “Yes thank you Drake, you are looking quite handsome yourself tonight. Olivia wouldn’t you agree?” Arias eyes shifted to her friends. “I..I.. yes Drake you look very handsome. ” Olivia stammered. I will get these two together if it kills me. Aria thought to herself as they felt the car roll to a stop. Dex met them at the door, “Aria, Duchess Olivia I am so glad you could make it.” He kissed each of their cheeks. “Drake, good to see you.” He extended his hand. “Come follow me.” Dex turned on his heels leading the trio through the corridor. “we will start with dinner and retire into the hall for refreshments, can I have the staff get you something to drink? Wine, champagne perhaps?” His eyes lingered on Aria. “ Water would be fantastic, thank you Dex.” She answered. As they walked into the dining room Dex sat Aria at the head table with himself, Hana and a couple other Nobles that seemed to be around He and Leos age. The night drew on and Aria remained quiet for most of the evening finding she had a hard time relating to their tales of what it was to be born with a silver spoon in their mouths. Hana leaned in “If I hear Duke Simpson announce his networth one more time I think I may scream.” Hana giggled, she had had a few glasses of wine and was feeling a bit relaxed. 
“So Duchess Aria, you are close with Prince Leo why is he not in attendance.” One of the men asked from across the table. “Yes, he is on a short tour with the motocross circuit. He sends his regards.”   "Oh that is right, he races bikes these days. Sounds like Leo, he always liked things fast. be it cars, bikes or women.” Dex sipped his wine. Aria felt her heart drop. “Well, I would like to think he has turned himself around these days.” Aria responded. The group of men laughed, “Leo doesn’t settle down, he gets bored way to easy. Which is why he slept his way through most of the court.” One of the men said “Yes, married, single, it didn’t matter to Leo. You know I heard he had a bastard out there. Some unsuspecting girl fell prey to the play boy prince. ” another chimed in. Aria felt sick to her stomach she stood up “please excuse me gentlemen.” “I will go with you.” Hana stood joining her. “Of course Duchess, we will be retiring to the hall, please find us there.”  Dex informed her.
Aria rushed off to the bathroom, Hana in tow. She dabbed some cold water on her face and neck, trying to calm herself down. “Are you ok? You don’t look so well.” Hana approached placing her hand on Arias shoulder. “I will be, thank you Hana.” “You know you shouldn’t believe them, about Leo. You know they are rumors right?” Hana smypathetically patted her back.  “I know. I am not naive I know he questionable past. It just stings a bit to hear.” She straightened herself up, lets join the others shall we? 
Aria and Hana joined the others in the hall. She noticed Olivia and Drake smiling and laughing in the corner, she smiled at the interaction finally she thought to herself. She tried to lay low but then Dex called her over to join his little group. “Aria, you must come. You will just get a kick out of these stories.” Dex insisted. She stood listening to the men talk about Dex and Leo’s hijinx growing up. The many many women they took advantage of. She felt disgusted by it all, but she stood there frozen, listening but lost in her mind at the same time. Who is this man they are talking about, not my Leo. He has changed, right? He would never leave me, no. But he also hasn’t asked me to marry him either. Maybe he is just occupying his time with me. No this is all crazy. “He would have gave up the crown sooner for her.” Aria heard Dex say, pulling her from the thoughts screaming in her head. “Im sorry who?” Her eyes perked. A gleam of mischief twinkled in his eyes. “Oh Princess Helena. Leo was madly in love with her. His true love, everyone knew it. Their parents forbid the relationship, but it never stopped them from banging a few headboards.” Dex nudged his friend. That was it, Aria couldn’t take anymore. “Lord Crenshaw, it has been a pleasure but I am afraid I must call it a night.” 
“Oh, of course Aria it has been a pleasure.” Dex grabbed Arias hand kissing the back of it. Aria found Olivia and Drake and told them she was ready to leave. They agreed but Olivia needed to use the rest room first. As she walked through the room she over heard Dex’s group engaging in conversation. “So have you nailed the new duchess yet?” Dex chuckled “well, she was here tonight so what do you think? You know how do things,  I hit it and quit it.” A few men laughed spewing a few disgusting remarks about what they would do to her in the bedroom.
“Excuse me But I could not help over hearing your conversation. ” Olivia interrupted.  “Duchess Olivia, we were just-” “You were just speaking in a disgusting manner of a noble of a higher station than yourself, lord Crenshaw.” Olivia snapped. The men stammered. “ Duchess Aria has the sole attention of a prince. Now tell me why in the hell she would entertain the likes of a bunch of titless nobodies such as yourselves?” She smirked. The men quickly looked down at their feet. “Yet you spend your time laying with a commoner. ” Dex shot a snide remark. “That commoner has more class in one finger then any of you have in your whole body.” She spat back, Olivia leaned in close to Dex “Be mindful who you are speaking of Dexter, I could castrate you in the blink of an eye and think nothing of it.” Olivia smirked, the color drained from Dex’s face. “You gentleman have a wonderful evening.” She turns and walked away.
After a silent ride back to Valtoria, Aria climbed the stairs and entered her room. She stripped her clothes throwing them across the room. She climbed into a warm shower trying to wash away the disgust she felt from the evenings events. She wrapped herself in a towel, the things they said about Leo swirling in her head. She tossed herself into bed, not bothering to get dressed. The tears were coming now, she heard her phone buzz from her night stand and d she ignored it. She laid in bed and cried herself to sleep.
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iimuchakk · 6 years
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Seven seas babies AU
This AU is because I wanted all the generals to still be alive and love each other! I cant draw so writing will hopefully be good enough~ there are also references in three of the children’s names, one a fandom two historical. One you’ll get easily the other two I doubt, so if you do round of applause for you
Hinahoho’s babies xxx
Kikiriku is around 28 now, but of course he’ll always be his dad’s bouncy baby boy~
He’s tall, like d a m n he takes after his mother in stature 
A tad reckless, but very nurturing 
Absolutely no common sense, if you tell him the cookies are in the top shelf he’ll still look in the bottom and complain he cant find them
Tries so hard to become the man his dad’ wants him to be, even though Hinahoho has made it clear he’ll support him no matter what
Still manages to accidentally crush Ja’far in hugs
Spend’s a lot of his time in Sindria with aunt Pipirika away from his dad and siblings, but visits as many times as possible
Catori and Aponi are Hinahoho’s twin daughters, both 26.
Defiantly not identical 
Catori is a tall powerful women, favored to become the next tribe leader
Aponi still struggles tying her shoe laces and is the imuchakk version of a mouse, though is very smart
both really spoilt
dads away on a business trip? remember to bring something back for us!
uncle sin is selling some new merchandise? does that come in a yellow?
Bidzill and Bodaway are another pair of twins Rurumu blessed Hinahoho with, 25 years old, and too identical for anyone’s liking.
“Hey Boda- oh sorry Bidzill-”
Impossible to tell apart 
They even act the same, both really mischevious
Only Hinahoho really knows the difference
He says its his parental instincts
He gave them both “matching” broaches but in reality they have slightly different cuts so he knows whose who
Last but no means least Ahanu
Black sheep of the family
Literally never smiles
Equivalent of a 23 year old eskimo emo
Constantly calls his dad old just because he’s over 50 and sometimes hurts his back
Likes swimming, swimming calms him
Ja’far’s babies xxx
Sometime’s Ja’far wishes he never had a child
loves Rabi to bits but he acts like he’s 4 but in reality he’s 16
It’s like having another Sinbad, except this time he actually HAS to love him
Rabi likes magic, wants to be a magician, cant be a magician, settles for magic tricks
magic tricks he uses on his dad
magic tricks that get him in trouble
Sinbad and his mom are so supportive
He has about five different top hats and the palace garden is now filled with rabbits
secretly now hates being a magician
but cant back out now since uncle sin has spent to much money on him
o o p s
looks nothing like his father apart from being covered in freckles
his skin’s tan, his hairs ginger, his eyes actually have life
craves his fathers attention but he’s always busy working
secretly wants to become an advisor like his dad so he can spend more time with him
smokes but no one needs to k n o w t h a t
Sinbads babies xxx
Sadiq is very much a troubled child
illegitimate son of his idiot father
had a hard life
mother abandoned him when he was young
found Sinbad and the others when he was 13
has been living in the castle for 3 years now
Rabi is constantly following him
“No I dont want to see you pull a rabbit from a hat-”
takes a deep interest in Ja’far who unlike Sinbad has no qualms with disciplining him
skilled sword fighter, but foot work needs work
Sinbad always offers to help him but Sadiq never let’s him
Sinbad tries so hard
but it never seems to work
far from being a ladies man
thinks when you find a women you should commit yourself
tries to hard trying to find that woman
commits himself to quickly
boi gets heart break a lot
Kikiriku gives him ice cream
Masrur’s babies xxx
Two wives come in handy
especially when you love family as much as Masrur does
especially when they kick ass better then Masrur does
Sadi’s 18, likes naps like her father, hard working liker her mother Razol
excellent warrior
very smiley
jokes a lot
literally falls asleep standing
has a major sweet tooth
terrible babysitter
once she was playfully throwing Domonic up, and he never came back down
Angelou is 18 to, but born to Masrur’s second wife Rehema
he’s a lot like his father, apart from the fact he never sleeps
lost two fingers off of his left hand from when he was 10 and decided to go looking for a fight
found a fight
lost his fingers
it was a traumatizing time for him but his family helped him through it
has grown up a lot since then
very protective older brother, dosent want what happened to him to happen to the others
Ruby is 17, was Razol’s second born
very jealous of her older sister, acts as if she dosent like her family
they all see through it
grumpy guts, will make anything tiny into a big deal
always tries to start a fight
is always carried off by Angelou, who see’s himself in her
Domonic is Rzaol’s third child, 14 years old, Rehema stopped having children after complications in Angelou’s birth
just wants to explore
is conflicted between becoming part of the fanalis corps or a dancer
keeps his passion for dancing secret, since he thinks his family will want to abandon him
Lo’lo is the only one who knows he likes to dance
covers for him so he can sneak out to go meet his dancing group
Sharrkans babies xxx
Only has the one baby who he’s constantly cradling!
wanted more but his wife died in childbirth
despite the two not being in love, just best friends, he was still devastated
called his son Ozymandias like his wife wanted
he hates the name though and shortens it to Oz whenever he talks to him
Yamariha agrees it’s a terrible name when she visited, but admits the babies cute, acted like a second mom
When Sharrkan questions something Ozymandias does he only ever gets gargles in reply
Ozymandias loves snakes, a bit to much
they’re all scared of him since he constantly tries to hold them, but ends up strangling them
no baby has ever drooled more, Sharrkan has to constantly change his bib
he cries if Sharrkan leaves the room to
being an evil dad, Sharrkan sometimes pretends to disappear and has a little giggle
spoils Ozymandias as an apology
Oz has a wooden toy snake he teethes on,
the toy snake had half a head in the first day of having it
Pisti’s babies xxx
Pisti has no babies
Pisti looks after Tir, her nephew, like he’s her son
Her 42 year old sister Pheme who was Tir’s mother died in a flight accident defending the kingdom, Pisti made a vow to protect him
Pisti wants her own baby as well
she’s trying to find the right man
cannot for the life of her find the right man
has lived in Sindria so long she wants a man who can sweep her off of her feet
not under them
is determined for Tir to grow up brave and fair
Tir is already obsessed with animals
thinks he can fly like a bird
dont tell him he cant
you’ll only make him cry
Pisti dresses Tir in feathers to add to his illusion
plus she knows when he’s older she wont be able to make him look this stupid ever again
Tir is 100% a pervert
Spartos’ babies xxx
Both very religious
Elizabeth is 16 and boi oh boi did puberty hit her well
very curvy, very beautiful
very big problem for the men of her family
spartos cries daily
many suitors try to win her affection
however she is very determined to stay chaste and pure until she marries
very much a relief for the men of her family
Elizabeth is smart and strong willed like her mother
has her father’s hair and eyes
believes world peace can only be followed by world war
strives to bring people together through music
very talented and very promising singer
Mystras jr is named of course after Mystras
people like to call him junior
wants to become a sasan knight
knows how important it is to become a sasan knight
will not stop until he becomes a sasan knight
very skilled fighter for his age
very protective over his sister
loves his sister more then anything and enjoys listening to her sing
he’s adamant that when he’s knight king he will create her the most extravagant theater where she can sing all the songs she wants
really not bothered about women himself
to busy bothering trying to take care of himself
wants to be independant
he cant cook or clean his own clothes
water and soap? on clothes? that’s what the maids do? well that must be easy!
Que explosion
Drakon’s babies xxx
Only had one after what happened to Spyro
boys only 12 and he considers himself a monster
one side of him looks like his mother
brown hair
big beautiful eyes
and the other half looks like his father
covered in scales with claws and sharp pointy teeth
he’s sometimes to scared to look at himself in the mirror
wears shawl and masks a lot
saher tells him he’s beautiful but he dosent listen
blames his father and is ashamed of himself for doing so
plus side he has fire abilities
incredibly skilled fighter since he spends a lot of his time in isolation trying to hide from the world
shy as anything, very mature for his age
Rabi is constantly dragging him to parties along with Sadiq
himself and Sadiq run off whenever they can
gets along surprisingly well with Sadiq
his hair is so long
likes his man buns
dont make fun of his man buns
he’ll get angry if you make fun of his man buns
you won’t like it when he’s angry cause he gets an ugly vein in his forehead 
e w w w w w
Yamraiha’s babies xxx
also has no babies
but shes expecting!
has been for 3 months exactly!
has a cute lil baby bump
already getting very canky
she wants pickles! get her pickles!
if she’s ever practicing magic the baby will kick like mad
Yamraiha thinks it’s because they really like it
or at least she hopes that’s the reason
that is the reason right?
cries a lot and just wants snuggles’
is always contacting the other generals because she complains she misses Sindria and that she wants the baby to meet them all
is the whole reason Sinbad comes up with the idea for them to have a family reunion in Sindria!
yay! family meet baby bump!
refuses to say who the father is
her kingdom is a very accepting place after she took over, so she wants to keep the magnostadt father a secret for now
feels bad if she gives him to much responsibility all at once
plus she enjoys having complete control over the kingdom
Hinahoho is 52, had Kikiriku (28) when he was 24, twin girls (26) when he was 26, twin boys (25) when he was 27 and Ahanu (23) when he was 29
Ja’far is 46, and had Rabi (16) when he was 30
Sinbad is 50, had Sadiq (16) when he was 29
Masrur is 41, had Sadi (18) at 23 and had Angelou (18) at 23 also, Ruby (17) at 24 and Domonic (14) at 27
Sharrkan is 42, had Ozymandias (4 months old) at 42
Pisti is 39, Tir’s ( 4 years old ) mother Pheme was 38 when she had him
Spartos 43, had Elizabeth (16) at 27 and Mystras (14) at 29
Drakon is 50, had Spyro (12) at 38
Yamraiha is 44, currently expecting
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The Worm Reads: Empire of Storms, Ch 19 - 20
The last few chapters utterly spoiled me with good content in form of the witches.But everything good, sadly, cannot last forever.
Elide Lochan kept quiet during the two days she and Lorcan trekked through the eastern edges of Oakwald, heading for the plains beyond.
*groans* Elide, I love you, but your POVs are just not fun to read, I’m sorry. Maybe because my instincts are telling me we might get a Lorcan POV too, and I’m starting to be irked by this guy.
But [Elide] still slept soundly these last two nights—thanks to the belly full of meat courtesy of Lorcan’s hunting. He’d scrounged up two rabbits, and when she’d devoured all of hers in minutes, he’d given her half of what was left of his. She hadn’t bothered being polite by refusing.
Girl, you were kept prisoner for how long? Don’t feel sorry for eating. Besides, Lorcan is an immortal warrior, yeah? So he probably doesn’t need to eat as much as you do during a day.
So they make it to a city, and Elide, being one of the few smart characters in this book, realizes Lorcan needs a disguise.
Elide surveyed herself, and set down her pack. First, she removed the leather jacket, even though it left her feeling like a layer of skin had peeled off, then she rolled up the sleeves of her white shirt. But without the tight leather, the full size of her breasts could be seen—marking her as a woman and not a slip of a girl that people assumed she was.
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I say once again; full grown women are not the only ones with huge breasts. You  can be a teenager with big breasts. Hell, I’m a young adult woman and I don’t have large boobs at all! Your breasts size have very little to do with your age once you hit puberty.
[Lorcan’s] eyes traveled from [Elide’s] feet to her head, and he frowned again. “Bigger tits won’t prove or hide anything.”
See, even Lorcan understands this. Also really, Lorcan says ‘tits’? 
They roll up to town and there are soldiers checking wagons and inspecting people, searching for her. Since Elide’s limp gives herself away, Lorcan fixes it temporarily with magic.
[Lorcan] opened the door, and by the time [Elide’s] eyes adjusted to the glow of the wrought-iron chandeliers, Lorcan’s face had changed. His eyes might never be warm, but a bland smile was on his face, his shoulders relaxed—as if he were slightly inconvenienced by the wait but eager for a good meal. He almost looked human.
I know I said I despised Lorcan, but at least he’s willing to listen to Elide and make an effort to disguise himself. Maybe these chapters won’t be too painful to read.
“Brother,” Lorcan murmured so no one else could hear. “I am your brother.” “You are my husband,”  [Elide] said with equal quiet. “We have been married three months. Follow my lead.”
I see your “pretending to date/be married’ fanfic trope, SJM. I see you.
[Elide] said simply, “Men will not fear the threat of a brother. I would still be unclaimed—still be open for … invitations. I have seen how little respect men have for anything they think they are entitled to. So you are my husband,” she hissed, “until I say otherwise.”
Jesus, way to throw men under the bus. Why is it that all unnamed and minor male characters in SJM’s books are addicted to rape and sexual harassing women? Like I know it happens in this time period ( and today) but Christ, all of these men are just frothing at the mouth to claim a woman or some shit.
Elide listens to the next table, which turns out to be a traveling carnival group.
Elide lifted her eyes to Lorcan’s—he gave a nod. She took a sip of her stew, steeling herself, thinking of Asterin Blackbeak. Charming, confident, fearless. She’d always had her head at a jaunty angle, a looseness to her limbs, a hint of a smile on her lips. Elide took a breath, letting those memories sink into muscle and flesh and bone.
Awww, I love little tidbits like this, showing how much of an impact Manon and her Thirteen had on Elide. Girls supporting girls is so important and precious.
Elide manages to convince the carnival group that she and Lorcan are traveling performers, and they are allowed in. I’m starting to warm up to Elide again - she uses her intelligence, he speaking skills, and her wits to solve her problems. It’s refreshing compared to the other characters always using magic and strength.
His wife. Gods above.
Unghhh, Lorcan’s POV.
Lorcan ignored the hand the bearded man offered and jumped into the back of the wagon, reminding himself to sit close to Marion, to put an arm around her bony shoulders and look relieved and happy to have a troupe again.
But again, he’s making an effort at least. That’s more than Aelin would do; she’d just threaten to burn everyone in her path until she gets her way.
Marion rolled her eyes, patting Lorcan’s knee. He nearly cringed at every touch. Even with his lovers, outside the bed itself, he didn’t like casual, careless contact. Some found that intolerable. Some thought they could break him into a decent male who just wanted a home and a good female to work beside him. Not one of them had succeeded.
Christ Lorcan, she’s just patting your knee. Right after I gave your kudos for putting effort into your disguise and everything.
“I want to see life—see the world,” Marion said, her voice softening. “I want to see everything.” Lorcan wondered if Marion would even get to do that if he failed in his task, if the Wyrdkey he carried wound up in the wrong hands.
Like I said, gonna be a doozy when Lorcan finds out his Wyrdkey is a fake.
Does it sound like I’m stretching for things to say? Because I am. Honestly this subplot is just.... really really boring. It’s just Lorcan being grumpy and brooding and while Elide is a nice and interesting character, SJM just isn’t doing anything cool with her aside from the occasional little moment here and there.
“But Aelin Galathynius,” Nik mused. Marion’s hand went limp on Lorcan’s knee. “Who knows what she will do. She has not called for aid, has not asked soldiers to come to her. Yet she held Rifthold in her grip—killed the king, destroyed his castle. But gave the city back.” The bench beneath them groaned as Marion leaned forward. “What do you know of Aelin?”
“Rumors, here and there,” Nik said, shrugging. “They say she’s beautiful as sin—and colder than ice. They say she’s a tyrant, a coward, a whore. They say she’s gods-blessed—or gods-damned. Who knows? Nineteen seems awfully young to have such burdens … Rumor claims her court is strong, though. A shape-shifter guards her back—and two warrior-princes flank her on either side.”
Aedion is the one who came up with the guarding her sides/back thing. How the fuck do other people know about it? Also unghhh everyone in this book just has to be royalty don’t they.
Some soldiers stop them and order them all out, presumable looking for Elide. Then they fuck off and Lorcan angsts about happy endings and how Elide’s goal is foolish.
There was no such thing as a better world—no such thing as a happy end. Because there were no endings.
Don’t be like that Lorcan, you’re a hot attractive magic dude in a shitty YA book. Of course you’re gonna get a happy ending. Next chapter!
Rowan Whitethorn just needed a place to rest. He didn’t give a shit if it was a bed or a pile of hay or even beneath a horse in a stable. As long as it was quiet and there was a roof to keep out the driving veils of rain, he didn’t care.
Dorian and Rowan have made it to Skull’s Bay.
But [Rowan] and the young king had chosen another route, during the many hours he’d made good on his promise to teach Dorian about magic. They’d worked for only minutes at a time—since it’d be no use if the king wrecked their little boat should his power slip its leash. So it had been exercises with ice: summoning a ball of frost to his palm, letting it melt. Over and over.
Aww, this is nice. I kinda wish we could’ve actually seen this, but it’s a nice mental image nonetheless.
But as if the gods themselves wanted to test him, a gust of rain-cooled wind sprayed into their faces, and some sense pricked in its wake. A shift in the air. Like a great pocket of power gathered close, beckoning. The knife at his side was instantly in his soaked hand as he searched the rooftops, revealing only plumes of rain. Rowan quieted his mind, listening to the city and storm around them.
So Rowan’s magic picks up some shady shit. What, pray tell, could be after them in Skull’s Bay?
Rowan sheathed his knife. “Then stay close and keep alert.”
Oh. Never mind, then. We transition then into Dorian’s POV.
Aelin had once confirmed that Rolfe was indeed soulless and indeed tattooed. As for the map … She’d shrugged, saying Rolfe claimed it stopped moving when magic fell. Dorian wondered if that map now indicated that he and Rowan walked through his city—if it marked them as enemies.
Seriously, Rolfe is so cool. A pirate damned without a soul with a magic map on his hands? Gimmie that novel! I wish SJM actually did something with the cool concepts she makes.
Two guards stood halfway down the block—guards not for any uniform, but for the fact that they were standing in this storm, hands on their swords. Rowan angled his head in a way that told Dorian the prince was likely contemplating whether it was worth it to chuck the men into the roiling harbor.
Rowan: How dare Darrow imply that my gf and I can’t be proper leaders? We are extremely talented in diplomacy!
Also Rowan: Hmm I’m gonna toss the guards of the guy I arranged a meeting with into the ocean lol.
Storm-Chaser. Lady Ann. Tiger-Star. The sterns of ships. Every table was made from them. They hadn’t been taken from wrecks. No, this was a trophy room—a reminder to those who met with the Pirate Lord of how, exactly, he had gained his crown.
Seriously why are SJM’s side characters so awesome and bad ass and intriguing but her main cast is so boring and lacks any development? Cut out Aelin and her court and give me a novel about Darrow, the witches, and Rolfe’s pirate army. I’d pay good money for that fic.
A door behind the bar opened, and a slim, brown-haired young woman stepped out. Her apron marked her as the barmaid, but her shoulders were back, head high—gray eyes sharp and clear as she scanned them and remained unimpressed. “He was wondering when you two would come snooping,” she said, her accent rich and thick—like Aedion’s.
Aye lmaooo you call them out girl.
Dorian nodded, something in his chest easing. “And you—your magic is … better?” That hard face yielded nothing. “I’ll manage.” Not an answer.
Lmao don’t worry Dorian, as soon as Rowan needs his magic he’ll be able to shoot frost balls out of his ass. Because what is a magic system?
Dorian didn’t know what he expected from the Lord of Pirates. But a dark-haired man, a day past thirty if that, lounging on a red velvet chaise before the rain-splattered curve of windows was not it.
Damn, SJM, you gonna leave me hanging just as soon as we get to an awesomely built up character? Apparently so.
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orionsangel86 · 7 years
A retrospective look at the Season 12 wishlist.
Back shortly after the season 11 finale I wrote out a wishlist of all the things I wanted for Season 12. Looking back at that list (here) It’s funny to see what I wanted with hindsight now that season 12 is over and season 13 is only a week away. I thought I would revisit my season 12 wishlist to recap the season and where I went wrong (and right!) before I post a wishlist for season 13.
Wish 1. Castiel gets his emotional arc resolved - This is a big one. As a Cas girl I was left unsatisfied with Castiel’s arc this season, HOWEVER, we KNOW from previous Dabb episodes that he loves to explore Castiel’s emotional story and I have no doubt that this will continue into season 12. Our angel still has a story ahead of him (hopefully ending in the love of a certain green eyed hunter.)
In Hindsight: Ah yes, my big number one on the wishlist was all about Cas getting his emotional arc resolved. Did he get this? Well, kind of. I don’t think any of us could have predicted that Dabb would give us THREE Castiel heavy episodes exploring his emotional past, present and future in ways which blew our collective meta brains out. Cas got lots of love this season and its why season 12 is now one of my all time faves. Where we are now is unknown in some ways for Cas but in other ways his past is clear. He has finally reached the transformation part of his character journey, and season 13 will bring us a Cas rising from the ashes like a beautiful phoenix shrouded in flames.
Wish 2. SUPERBRITISH - I am not going to stop going on about this. This is my land, My green and (fairly) pleasant land. The British are coming to Supernatural and I cannot stop being excited about it. Can I please have ALL the TFW in London head canons please? From traffic jams and silly accents to discovering the glory that is a bacon roll from Gregs on a Sunday morning whilst suffering a horrendous hangover.
In Hindsight: LOL. Yeah right. Am I disappointed? Totally. The British Men of Letters were for me, totally underwhelming. There was no trip to England, there was no grumpy Dean stuck on the M25. At the end of the day they served their purpose. They brought home the fact that hunting is not black and white. That sometimes it is humans who are the most monstrous. Honestly right now I just hope we don’t revisit it. I think its best that this story line gets dropped from now on. *sigh*
Wish 3. Awesome female characters continuing to kick ass - I adored the use of female characters in the finale. They all lived, no one female was a sexy lamp (sadly that role was given to Castiel) and no one got forced into unnecessary make out sessions. The women are smart, sarcastic badass queens who will RULE this show come October, and I for one, cannot wait. 
In Hindsight: Can I hear a cheer for the WAYWARD SISTERS! Hell’s YES! I mean, they have granted us what we wanted with the Wayward Sisters in season 13, but did we actually get this in season 12? Well, Lady Toni turned out to be a psycho, who died. Her British badass knuckle duster lady also died. Alicia and Tasha both died, so did Rowena and Eileen. It actually wasn’t a GREAT season for the girls. This is what happens when you give Bucklemming too much control over the main plot I suppose. *sigh*. So whilst the Wayward Sisters announcement definitely counts as a win, overall I can’t say this wish has been ticked off. 
Wish 4. Men of Letters vs Grand Coven - Yes this is a big one and I am hoping is the main story arc going forward into season 12. I want to see more of the Grand Coven of witches and their European battle with the Men of Letters. I am expecting more awesome women kicking ass thanks to this potential storyline.
In Hindsight: LOL. Again. Wasted. Potential. *sigh*
Wish 5. Mother Mary and family time - Mary’s reveal was pretty amazing especially since I think we were all expecting it to just be her ghost or a vision or something, but nope, Mummy Winchester is back on the scene and I can’t even begin to imagine what they are planning to do with this. All I am hoping for is that Mary’s influence will help Dean to accept certain parts of him that he loves to keep repressed (effeminophobia and his bisexuality being the big ones). Mary coming back will hopefully start to truly break down and destroy John Winchester’s toxic influence over his sons. I also really really want her to meet Cas and say the words “Thank you for watching over my son.” YES.
In Hindsight: Ok so this one I think gets ticked off. Mary’s purpose was to get Dean to let go of some of his major hang ups, to finally get some really heavy stuff off his chest, and to break down John Winchesters toxic influence. Also for Dean to finally take his mother off that pedestal he’s been keeping her on his whole life. I think the show, and 12x22 particularly, did an excellent job with this. We didn’t quite get a bisexual reveal, but the subtext was thick and heavy (12x11 was glorious). Mary also mirrored Cas continually throughout the season as two people both looking for their place in this little family dynamic and having Mary accept Cas as “one of my boys” really was the icing on the cake for any Cas fans out there happily sipping on hater tears.
Wish 6. Sam gets some distance from Dean, some other friends, maybe a girl, and definitely a dog - I think it is safe to say that Sam isn’t dead. Probably just shot in the arm or leg or something. I want him to be taken to England by Lady T and face the Men of Letters. I hope that they will warm to Sam (and his wonderful moose charms) and that Sam will get to bond with his British companions away from Dean (because Dean always steals the side characters away and bonds with them more than Sam ever does - except for Eileen). Maybe there could even be love in the future for Sam - either by bringing back Eileen or developing a decent and believable relationship between Sam and Lady T (I don’t want her forced into the love interest role, I think she is far too good for that already, but if she becomes a regular throughout the season like Rowena is then potentially a relationship could blossom slowly between them. It could work. I have been hoping for love for Sam for some time now and I can see the potential in this).
In Hindsight: Urgh so this is a yes and a massive NOPE at the same time. Bucklemming managed to ruin Lady Toni in the second episode of the season and then killed off Eileen in 12x21 (seriously fuck those assholes). I guess even the THOUGHT of shipping Sam with someone now gets a girl killed in this show even if she doesn’t go near his killer dick. Poor Sam. On a more positive note he DID get some distance from Dean in 12x22 and symbolically the toxic co-dependency has been broken. So that is one major point to mark off. (I didn’t actually even wish for that as I doubted it would happen myself!) Shame about him still not getting a dog though. WHY CAN’T YOU GIVE SAM A DOG DAMMIT! Sam has definitely moved forward in season 12 to a healthier place, though I think he still has far to go compared to Dean. Hopefully we will see him reach his full potential in season 13.
Wish 7. Lady T is a well developed, fully rounded, likeable character and not a sexy lamp or boring love interest - I already love her. I want to know more about her, her motivations, her back story, how she became a woman of letters, I want her to be a worthy adversary to the Winchesters before becoming a trustworthy ally. I want her to continue to take none of their shit, to put them in their place and therefore earn their respect. I also really want to see her face of with Rowena. That would be awesome. England vs Scotland right there! Potentially I would accept her becoming a love interest to Sam only if it was done right. If it was done in the subtext throughout the season and is only a very very tiny part of the storyline. It would have to be major slow burn. No forced kisses like in CACW (did you guys see that? what the fuck was that?). Only then, would I accept any sort of romantic sub-plot between characters.
In Hindsight: *ugly cries into pillow over how off the mark this was*
Fuck you Bucklemming.
Wish 8. More screen time for Dean and Cas = DESTIEL - Well obviously. It wouldn’t be a proper supernatural wishlist if it didn’t have Destiel written in big letters somewhere now would it? After all the build up in Season 11 in the subtext I am still convinced that this is going somewhere. The season finale has NOT destroyed my positivity at all. In fact it has only added to it. (come ask me about it if you want more info). At the end of the day, Dean and Cas are going to have to save Sam. This means spending time together trying to FIND Sam in a completely unknown city (hence my excitement over them renting a car and getting stuck on the M25 before ending up lost in somewhere like Surrey… Oh the fanfiction potential! I can practically taste it! I have faith in Dabb to bring us more destiel moments. he has always been good to us.
In Hindsight: *stops crying*
*jumps around in glee*
*remembers the end of 12x23*
*cries again*
Do I even need to talk about it? Every good wishlist should include destiel, but I NEVER would have predicted what they gave us. I NEVER would have seen it coming…
But seriously though? With the pining over each other in 12x09, the angel/human love stories and human weakness of 12x10, the LOVE CONFESSION of 12x12 and the MIXTAPE (among other amazing moments) in 12x19 where do I even START with season 12 destiel?!? The fact that they have ended it like they have KNOWING Cas is coming back… I mean… it is BEYOND ANYTHING I COULD HAVE DREAMED UP. There is a reason we call it season fanfic 12. Holy crap it was glorious. I’m marking this a big YES for the wishlist.
Wish 9. Following on from the above… HUNTER CAS - Dabb brought us the wonderful episode Hunteri Heroci which had Cas try out his hunting skills (and save the day I might add). We know Dabb loves Cas. I have every reason to believe that Cas will get more time as a Hunter. I want him in MOTW episodes. He will be soooo good in MOTW episodes please please PLEASE let this happen! (especially if the MOTW episodes are set in BRITAIN because the boys are still out there dealing with the MOL and the Grand Coven…. I see them dealing with ghosts that are 1000 years old and haunting freaking castles… it will be glorious.)
In Hindsight: Does “Agent Beyonce” count as Hunter Cas? Because I want to count it. It may not have been on the level of Hunteri Heroici, but I loved his grumpy married couple bickering with Dean at the start of the season, the lumberjack comment? That was genius. Give us more stuff like that SPN PLEASE.
Wish 10. More funny episodes - More witches doing ridiculous things to the boys. Give me ACTUAL MOOSE SAM WINCHESTER PLEASE! Give me the kind of silly witch stories we have been reading about in fanfics for far too long… come on show, its season 12! What have you got to loose?
In Hindsight: Well, 12x11 was witches and was pretty funny whilst being equally heart breaking. Plus it gave us the wonderful end scene of Dean riding Larry to his hearts content. None of us are gonna forget that in a hurry. I think it counts. Even though I am still royally pissed off that they killed Rowena. *sigh*
We do have a Scooby Doo animated episode in season 13 though which again I never ever would have considered possible but heyho, they love to surprise us.
Wish 11. Beach Episode - This is purely for @elizabethrobertajones. Maybe once they are done in Britain, they’ll head off to the med for a true European beach experience… They’ll be fine as long as they have Cas with them. He speaks all the languages. He can order the cocktails and ice creams. ;-)
In Hindsight: I TAKE IT BACK. NO BEACH EPISODES EVER AGAIN. Sometimes I swear Dabb lurks on Lizzy’s blog to read the kind of stuff we are dreaming up just so he can grant our wishes in the MOST PAINFUL WAY EVER. Cas DIED on a beach. All Dean wanted was to visit a beach once in his life, but they KILLED CAS on a BEACH. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO US DABB? WHY?
*continues sobbing into pillow*
Stay tuned for my Season 13 Wishlist... Once I stop crying...
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sarcasmnymph-blog · 7 years
Beowulf: The Original Gary Sue
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Beowulf. Ah isn’t he just the best! He is so great in fact that he single-handedly (sort of) inspired the most amazing parts of The Lord of the Rings and Skyrim. However, despite its legacy and the fact that it is the oldest “English” text in existence, Beowulf is a very simple story. Or at least simple by epic poetry standards, just look at The Odyssey. And that is because a lot of its text is just ramblings of the Kings, lineages, politics and just exposition dump. (I guess in that sense it really is a high fantasy story) However, once you get rid of all of the fluff, it is a story about how a guy defeated three monsters, becomes a King on the way and had the most rad funeral ever. However, despite how great the exposition is, I will be skipping most of that dump mainly for this summary because well… it adds nothing to the actual story. I will add details where necessary. Let’s begin!
Quest #1 Grendel the Giant
So our story starts with King Hrothgar of Denmark, the son of King Shield Sheafson. The King enjoys an excellent long successful reign. So successful in fact that he decides to build a great mead-hall called the Heorot where his warriors can come and party it up, get gifts, drink. You know basic Nordic stuff. Now the Heorot being the ultimate party place is not very nice to live next to. Especially not for a grumpy giant like our friend Grendel. Since there was no police at the time to shut your noisy neighbors up, Grendel comes up with the only logical solution to this conundrum: Murder! Grendel comes every night to kill the people in Heorot to send them a message. However, again these are Norsemen we are talking about, so they continue partying it up and decide to try and fight the giant to stop him. However, after many nights of murder and party and murder and again partying our hero eventually enters the story.
Our hero Beowulf hears the plight of the people of Denmark and inspired by the challenge of fighting a Giant and decides to ride there with some men and defeat the Giant. King Hrothgar who had connections with Beowulf’s father accepts Beowulf’s help and holds a feast for Beowulf’s honor. Cause partying before killing a Giant that is killing you for partying too much is the best plan of action. On top of this fabulous party plan, Beowulf has an even better plan. You see, giants aren’t warriors and don’t use weapons so it stands to reason that Beowulf shouldn’t use any armor or weapons either. This fantastic plan makes everyone in the party even more excited for this future sparring match. However, a man named Unferth has doubts about Beowulf’s capabilities. Inconceivable! You see, sometime in the past Beowulf lost a swimming match with Breca and Unferth has a hard time believing that a loser like Beowulf could defeat the Giant. And Beowulf accepts that despite going through the water for five days and five nights in armor he couldn’t beat Breca as Beowulf got distracted by the eight sea monsters he defeated. What a shame!
At last, after getting sick of all the drinking and cheering Grendel decides to enter for the showdown. The two have a fist match until Beowulf proves himself the stronger fighter. Beowulf with his own bare arms tears of Grendel’s entire arm from his body. Grendel mortally wounded, walks back to his swamp to die alone as his arm gets hung from the top of the mead-hall as a trophy. What an honorable victory! Everyone cheers for their new hero. Unferth admits that he made a mistake by doubting Beowulf and gives Beowulf a cool power-up sword called Hrunting, a sword that has never failed in a battle. (Spoiler Alert: The sword fails in battle)
Quest #2 Grendel’s mother
I guess Grendel didn’t die all alone after all Since a fantasy story without a revenge subplot can’t exist and Grendel’s mother decides to get some age-old retribution against the Danes. Grendel’s mom (from here on out “Lady Giant”) enters the Heorot and kills Aeschere, one of Hrothgar’s trusted advisers. She also steals the trophy arm and returns home. I am sure that how no one heard the Giant sneak in, kill a man and also take a famous trophy is subject to much scholarly debate. However, that is not our concern as King Heorot once again summons Beowulf and his men to go and have some vengeance against the Lady Giant for taking revenge against them.
As our brave heroes ride following the tracks of their enemy they come across and cliff and find Aeschere’s head lying on the ground. Below the cliff is your generic RPG monster swamp. Time for Beowulf to grind some EXP as he jumps into the swamp with no fear of death and defeats all the monsters with a bow and arrow and sinks deeper into the swamp. Now you would think that this would lead to Beowulf drowning and dying of suffocation, but if so you apparently haven’t been paying attention. A little swamp in the lungs only slowly bores Beowulf who simply slowly sinks down to the bottom, probably checks twitter a few times. As he reaches the bottom, the Lady Giant ambushes him and drag him into her cave.
Beowulf, enters another epic showdown, this time with the Lady Giant. He tries to use the sword Hrunting against her but fails. Even the legendary sword is no match for the Giantess. So much for a sword that has never failed in battle. Beowulf decides to resort to the bare arm ripping trick but fails that too as the Lady Giant matches his every blow. However, since this is a hero story, Beowulf finds a conveniently placed sword, made conveniently by Giants. He uses the conveniently massive sword and swings it at the Giantess and kills her. It turns out both Grendel and his mother were incapable of being harmed by human weapons, so a sword made by Giants was the only way to kill her. Oh, and the sword was also conveniently one-time use only and after slicing the Giantess’ head, it melts leaving just the hilt. Beowulf grabs the handle and the Grendel’s face which was in the Lady Giant’s cave and swims back up.
Our heroes return to the mead-hall in triumph and the Danes party it up one last time. King Heorot who has practically adopted Beowulf as his son by this point gives a mighty speech about how great Beowulf will be and how to be a good King and warrior. King Heorot tells his subjects that the only way to greatness is to pursue spiritual over the earthly things. He tells everyone how eternal rewards are much more fruitful than materialistic rewards and then gives Beowulf some gold and materialistic treasures as a reward. Yay! Beowulf is thoroughly satisfied and done with all the partying returns to Geatland when he reunites with his King Hygelac and tells the King of his adventures in Denmark. Beowulf presents his King with most of the treasures he earned in his Giant killing Quests. In time the King Hygelac dies in a battle against the Shylfings, and the kingdom falls to Beowulf because King Hygelac’s widow thinks that Beowulf is just the best. Since Beowulf is just the best, he decides only to be the protector of the actual heir. But the heir dies anyway, and Beowulf becomes the King. Such is Destiny.
Quest #3 Dragon Slaying
King Beowulf being the amazing King he rules the Geats for fifty years wisely and righteously. King Beowulf even manages to stop the war with the Swedes by avenging King Hygelac. However, we still need Beowulf to finish one more Quest. Hence, a thief manages to find his way into the hoarding place of a Dragon and makes the smart decision of stealing a shiny gem studded goblet from let me remind you a Dragon! When the Dragon realizes that he is missing one cup from his gigantic heaps of gold, the Dragon gets furious and comes once again at the only logical conclusion: Murder! The Dragon decides rain fire on everything in his path until he finds the thief and his precious cup. Perfectly Rational. Hmm… I wonder why does this look familiar? *cough* The Hobbit *cough*
Eventually, the fire-breathing dragon starts tormenting, you guessed it, King Beowulf’s Kingdom. Beowulf takes twelve good men and starts investigating and finds the thief that caused this entire menace. Our set of heroes ask the thief to take them to the Dragon’s burrow. Now you would think that the smart way out is to give the dragon the thief and the goblet and make peace. Well, then you haven’t been paying attention, because of course not. The right thing to do is fight the Dragon. However, even Beowulf realizes that unlike the giants Beowulf can’t just wrestle the dragon and hence takes his armor and a shiny sword named Naegling with him to the burrow and challenges the Dragon.
Beowulf fights bravely even at his old age while his companions run for the hills after watching the fire-breathing dragon cause apparently they didn’t read the Quest description. The only man who stays is a young chap named Wiglaf. While fighting the dragon, Beowulf’s sword shatters cause swords are basically tissue paper in this universe. Wiglaf runs to aid Beowulf who is mildly inconvenienced by the Dragon’s fire. However, as soon as Wiglaf rushes in Beowulf get’s bit by the dragon on his neck. Now you would think that a gaping neck wound would make Beowulf succumb and die. Well of course not! As the fight rages on Wiglaf stabs the Dragon in his belly, the only place with no dragon scales. Beowulf finishes the battle by stabbing the dragon with a Deus ex machina knife and our two heroes triumph.
Now you would think that all the blood loss would kill Beowulf. Are you kidding me? Obviously no. Dragon venom, on the other hand, does start killing Beowulf. Now Beowulf being the benevolent, non-materialistic king that he is, asks Wiglaf to bring a piece of the treasure he just won as his last wish. Beowulf looks at the shiny gold he just won and makes Wiglaf the King since Beowulf in his fifty years of being an excellent King didn’t manage to get laid, somehow. Then he asks that they make him the most bad-ass funeral by making him a burrow and then our hero dies. The Geats then host a huge funeral pyre and bury the new found treasure with his body in the burrow.
The End
As you can see at the heart of it, Beowulf is a rather simple story about a man and some monster slaying. However, despite its simplicity it has inspires many stories. Hell, a character is named after Beowulf in even Frank Herbert’s Dune Cycle, the most sci-fi of the sci-fi novels of its time. Tolkien has very openly admitted his inspiration from the classic, and hence every story that followed Tolkien’s footsteps has been inspired by Beowulf to an extent. Say what you want about the character of Beowulf or the story, but you can’t deny that it inspired a legacy of work including most of the high fantasy we see today. Without its influences, Fantasy literature wouldn’t be what it is today, and for that, we have only one person to thank. The amazing Beowulf himself!
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