newts-and-sharks · 2 years
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cherry-pop-elf · 2 months
hiya, i was wondering if you could make a headcanon sorta thing with the weasleys and them realising they’re in love with reader
Gasp, that sounds so fluffy. I MUST!
Weasley siblings the moment they realize that they are in love
Warnings: Only really for Bill honesty. I have to make it from his werewolf wounds. So medical gore warning. Bullying as well, with some scared Ron. Because it will involve spiders.
William ‘Bill’
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The moment his working eye was able to focus, he was able to see you. See you there. You were fast asleep next to him. Curled up in his side, with your arms tucked in on yourself. That way you wouldnt mess with his bandages and wounds. He was in so much pain, and could hardly breath, but you were there. He was able to see your hands were slightly red, seeming to be irritated. Thats when he noticed the bowl of water on his bedside table. Along with a bloody rag. You must have been busy with washing his fresh wounds, while he was knocked out. You were taking care of him, until you needed sleep as well. That warmed him, as he was clearly taken care of. Especially given where he was. The Wolf Ward. A place for people suffering werewolfism are stayed. People tied to beds, chained, hooked to IV's, near death, already dead, so many cases. Yet.....Here you were. You stayed. You stayed, made sure he was taken care of, and made sure he wasnt alone. You loved him. Loved him so much, despite the risks. Even as far as sleeping in the same bed as him. That was when he knew it. Knew he was in love. His breathing was able to move easier, as he wrapped his arm around you. Hurt like hell, but worth it. Worth it, as he was able to see you smile.
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"What?” He blinked, as he stared out his bedroom window. Looking down to see you there. “You heard me. I’ll cause a distraction. I know you are packed. Go on and go-!” You called, as he was jaw dropped. He had been arguing with his mother for ages about this. Molly didn’t want him to have such a dangerous job. But of course precious golden child Bill got to be a curse breaker. One would argue is even more dangerous. Despite the letters of people wanting him to work in Romania, his mother refused. Over and over again. Seems like someone had other plans. You. You knew this could be the last time you see him, but you just couldn’t let him rot away in England. So, you hatched a plan. You would distract Molly, and give him enough time to sneak into the fireplace and get to Romania. “You are bloody insane….I like that-“ Charlie had to smile, as you would run around to the front of the house. Leaving Charlie to make sure he was properly packed. While he made sure his dragon hide gloves were inside, he could hear you knocking the front door. The familiar creaks of his mother leaving her room, and heading to the front door. He tossed his bag over his shoulder, and hurried down the stairs. “Where is the floo-?” He hissed. Of course she would hide it. Making sure he couldn’t sneak off. Course, you were smart enough to think ahead. “Oh come in. I’ll fix you something. Poor thing out in the late night cold. Come on-“ The moment she stepped to the kitchen, you ran over to him. Handing him your bag of floo. “Go go-“ You whispered, as he stared into your eyes. His heart never felt so full. “Better promise to visit-“ And before you knew it, he was kissing you. Kissing you goodbye. You were dazzed, only to snap back when the flash of green of the fire place echoed. “What was that-?!” Molly called. “NOTHING-!” You squeaked, with your face flushed. Left Charlie in a sappy smile, as his new chapter begun. With you in it.
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“Leave him alone!” Percy heard you shout, as he was currently being dangled from his ankle. For being a prefect, he sure did not get treated as such. Was ambushed by a gaggle of Slytherins, younger then him no less, and now he was up in the air. Unable to grab his wand, as he just did not have the core strength. Another taunt at him. “Oh? What will you do if we don’t?” A bully asked, as you kept your fists tight. Percy didn’t want you to fight for him, but you were willing to even though you knew you would lose. And lose you did. Hard. Least in the chaos, Percy was able to escape. Running off to get a teacher, and catching them red handed. Needless to say, suspension will not be to light. Now, there you two were. Sitting in the medical wing. Both sharing a bed, as you two sat together. “You didn’t have to-“ He muttered, as he fidgeted with his bandages. “Yeah I did. Someone’s gotta. Bill and Charlie were busy.” You tried to play off, before you felt his hand holding yours. “Still. Pretty stupid…” He grumbled, but you returned the hand holding. “Someone’s gotta be stupid, so you don’t have a stick up your butt.” You smiled, as he rested his head on your shoulder. Comforted, and at peace.
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“Wicked-“ Fred whispered, as the two of you were huddled together. Hidden away in a corner of the Three Broom Sticks, as you two were bonding over the map. Able to just people watch so happily. George had been given detention, and Fred was able to have a reassuring comfort in seeing him on the map. Knowing he wasn’t anywhere dangerous, given what happened to Ginny. It also was comforting to be sitting with someone as well. The two of you just snuggled in the tavern, during a winters day. It was soft. Different from the normal madness he’s used to. It’s different, and he liked different. Different also meant a change in habits. Such as feeling you rest your head on his shoulder. Trying to snuggle closer, to get more warmth. He couldn’t help it, as he wrapped his arm around you. Just you cuddling, and oblivious, as you watched the map. So curious by it, as he was more fascinated by you now. Taking advantage of how distracted you were. Maybe quiet moments were nice. Couldn’t help but rest his head against yours, and take in your scent. A quiet moment. A moment to think, and he was thinking hard. Maybe he wanted more quiet moments like this. Couldn’t help his smile, as you pointed at a name on the map. Making up some speculation on why they were there at this time. Had him laugh, and just melt into the moment. Yeah. He wanted more of this.
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“George George Georgie Georgie Georgie-!” You just wouldn’t stop shouting, as you were soon crashing into him. Right when he left the shop he was in. Having been helping his younger siblings with getting school supplies. “Hey-! Who says I’m George-?!” He joked, as you didn’t let go. “Because you are actually nice-!” You tease, as he was hugging you back. “Also you have a mole on your neck, Fred doesn’t-“ You whispered. That had him blink, as he reached to said neck. “Ha-! Made you look-!” You giggled so deviously, before he pushed you away. He was cackling though. “You got me, I won’t lie-!” He snorted, as you two were just in giggles. It was so nice. He liked to laugh, and sometimes laughter from someone who wasn’t identical to you was nice. You felt as natural to laugh with as Fred. That’s something special. You don’t come across that easy. He knew you were special, and that simple moment was nice. “George-! Help-!” Ginny called, as she struggled with her supplies. “Coming Gin Gin-!” He would hurry over, with you in toe. Instantly helping, all the same. He couldn’t stop his smile, as he watched you help Ginny out. Shit, he was in love. And he knew it.
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“HELP-! PLEASE! SOMEONE-!” Ron was screaming bloody murder, as he was cowering in the corner of the stone corridor of the courtyard. A decently large spider was keeping him trapped on a bench, and trying to hide his body as much as he could in the corner. He was in tears, as he was trying to hide from the spider. Luckily, you could hear him. “IM COMING RON-!” You shouted, as you ran across the stones. Coming into view, and seeing what was distressing him. He was already expecting you to yell at him for being such a baby about it. You didn’t, but instead you focused on getting the spider away. You pulled out your wand, and remembered what Hermione taught you both. “Wingardium Leviosa-“ You called, and lifted the spider into the air. You then made sure to make as much distance from Ron as you could, and let it escape into the wild. Other side of the courtyard, and outside a window. That way it would return to the forest. Once done, you hurried back. Quick to hold Ron. “It’s ok, it was a big spider. Spiders can be pretty dangerous.” You comforted. Not teasing him, or calling him a baby. Not making fun of him, but actually took his fear seriously. The relief was in his tears, as he held you back. Holding you tightly, as you pet his hair. You understood it was a fear, and fears were serious. He was so relieved. You were his hero, and he owed you for it. His guardian Angel. “Thank you-“ He hiccuped, as you kissed his head. “You would have done the same, shush.” You tease, as you didn’t discount that he can be brave. That was the kicker that sparked something inside of him. He was smiling, as you held him. For as long as he needed. You cared about him, and he was sure caring about you.
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“Do you think I’ll ever become a Quidditch player-?” Ginny asked you, as you two were busy in class. Was History Of Magic, with Professor Binns. Boring as hell, so it wasn’t like you two were paying attention. “Yeah, doubting yourself?” You asked, as she played with her Quill. “Maybe…” She mumbled, before plopping her head on the table. Ever since that incident in the chambers, she got depressed far easier. Bill said that’s often a side effect of being involved with a long term curse, or being exposed to a Horcrux. Curse breaker stuff, so you didn’t really focus on it. Well, until Ginny needed help. She needed a cheerleader, and like hell you wouldn’t grab your Pom Pom’s and cheer. “You’ll be an amazing Qudditch player. I know it. The best even! You’ll make history.” You beam, as she watched you. Unable to really hear you, as she sighed. So, you did what you’ve seen her brothers do. You hugged her, and refused to let go. “Get off me-“ She whined, but you refused. “I shall suffocate you, until you say uncle-“ You warned, before she started to giggle at you. “Seriously, stop-“ She pleaded, but was giggling away. “Not until you say you are the best quidditch player ever. I mean it, I’m stubborn-“ You warned, as she threw her hands up in defeat. “I yield I yield. I shall be better than the likes of Viktor Krum, even-“ She spoke with sarcasm, but it’s a step. “Nope, you gotta mean it.” You refused, as she giggled again. “Eh, you’re comfy.” She retaliated, as you two ended up in a cuddle bundle. She was able to smile, and mean it. Was hard to do, since that incident. She liked it. Liked how you were able to do it so easy for her. Had her heart all a flutter. Guess that’s another thing she will need to ask her older brothers about. What to do when someone gives you butterflies?
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valeskawhore · 2 years
“Y/n Dracula?”
A Wednesday x FEM! Vampire! Reader! Fan fiction!!!
Word(s): 1.4k
Character(s)/parings: Wednesday Addams x FEM! Y/n Dracula!!
WARNING: Hello everyone and welcome, this story will stay to the original plot in the show just with my own reader insert!!! Somethings will be changed so y/n can fit in the story but that’s expect and yes,I will give a heads up before hand every time!! I HOPE YOU ENJOY!!! EVERYONE LIKE THIS IDEA!!!!
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I never saw my father anymore, not even on my birthday.
I have vague memories of him though from when I was just a young girl, And of course there’s the various family paintings spread throughout the mansion chambers but, his face was always blurred or torn out by his own hand.
Not even any printed pictures, he despised them.
It was like living with a ghost. I always felt his presence but it's like he was invisible to the naked eye. Despite never seeing him or hearing orders directly from his own mouth, I still receive them from our house keepers.
Holidays were useless and such a waste of time. We never celebrated them anyways since it was too much pain to remember.
My mother had died around thanksgiving. Ironic? I know. The one time of year when everyone would celebrate the giving season, but given our history– it was not a time to be happy in our household.
That holiday was a lie anyways– it wouldnt even exist if it wasnt for mass genocide so I wasnt necessarily torn up about not celebrating it anyways.
I don't remember much about her, she was human from what I know and from what others have told me she was a very bright woman. So happy and optimistic, definitely a “glass is half full kind of person”-- Or atleast, that’s what I've been told. —-That’s another story for another time though, no use mourning over someone I barely knew.
Still, sometimes I'd long for normality. But in my case, that was merely a dream. Someone like me couldn't be normal no matter what spell or mortal concoction this pathetic world seemed to brew up. I couldn’t even go outside without my ‘ring of cursed sunlight’ on. If I didn't have that, then it was back to the o’l trench coat and sunglasses.
I am Y/n Dracula, the only living heir of the count himself. And no, I can not see my reflection in the mirror.
I am 16 years old. Quite young for a vampire, I'm aware– but I've still got quite the ways to go. According to my research, a half-blood like myself would last only a few hundred years. I'm not completely immortal like a true count should be.
It’s the highest dishonor in my family and because of it, I was considered a sham.
The one living heir to the Dracula legacy wasn't even a full vampire. I was a regret from the moment I was born in my father’s eyes. I’ve never had any other reason to believe otherwise because it’s not like we had a healthy father-daughter relationship like most, He didn’t even talk to me.
On my sixteenth birthday, I received a letter from a principal in a small little town located near a cemetery surrounded by a body of water. Where the skies were dark and gloomy, rain was common, and happiness died along with its resident’s hopes and dreams…
It was like a dream come true, I know.
But what I wasn't particularly fond of was what the school represented, outcasts.
Nevermore Academy; The school of outcasts and those who were rejected from the normal lifestyle we know today. Where weirdos and stoners, rejects and ‘misunderstood’ ‘troubled’ teens got sent to.
What’s even worse was, APPARENTLY— it was my father’s idea.
What better way to make sure your child knows you’re ashamed of them? What a nice birthday present dad.
I didn’t even have a choice either. My bags were already packed for me, and my transporter, Alec, was patiently waiting at the bottom of the stairs, ready to hand me my coat and ring.
I received many hugs and presents from my housekeepers, the closest thing I had to a family.
With a final wave goodbye, I saw myself out of the mansion. Only looking back for a brief moment to make sure I hadn’t forgotten anything but,
something had caught my sharp attention when I finally took a seat in the passenger side of our vehicle.
From a far window above,
The one window in my fathers corridor,
The one window he always kept shut and locked without even the slightest bit of light shining through,
I could have sworn, I saw a pale white stoic face glaring at me through the window before disappearing. Almost as if the count himself wanted to see my dissatisfied face before leaving.
‘What a smug bastard.’ I had thought to myself, adjusting in the seat and pulling my sunglasses over my eyes.
As we rounded the mansion's fountain, making a U-turn to be let out the tall dark gate, Alec said my name.
I turned towards him,
“Young mistress, your father wanted me to hand you this, tis’ your birthday present.” His older face crinkled into an eye closed smile.
He held a black velvet box out to me, wrapped in the darkest of ribbons and bows, with a letter and a black rose tucked between the packaging. I took the box,
Pulling the letter from the packaging and removing the dark crimson wax melted “D” from the opening so I could read the letter,
“T’was your mothers, she wanted you to have it on this day.” the letter had read in big bold fancy writing,
And in the box was a small beautiful mirror crusted with rubies and black gems, rimmed with gold and silver.
“Your mother always had taste.” Alec smiled once more.
The sight of the mansion soon disappeared in my rear view mirror, I sighed.
‘What kind of a ridiculous name is Nevermore anyways?’
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kanataka-san · 2 years
This is all 4 parts posted in one long one shot:
(About 4k words)
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“She took my mate away from me and now you want my help with some questionable child- their child. Not to mention against all of the volturi.” (E/C) eyes wouldn’t even for a second look at the vampire he once called his family that was now inside his house, focusing on what was happening outside the window.
“(Y/N) I understand you’re holding a grief towards Edward and Bella but do it for Renesme. She’s just a child.” A blonde haired male waited patiently for a response and soon he got one.
“You’re a fool Carlisle.” With that older vampire lowered his head knowing the discussion was over, so he got up from the red sofa and walked out of the dark wooden door closing it behind hearing a click.
Rest of the family that decided to come along stood near the black car waiting for an answer.
“How did it go?” Bella asked curiously.
She didn’t know what happened in the past between an unfamiliar vampire and her now husband was her fault.
“We shouldn’t have come here I told you it will be pointless.” Edward spoke up as his hold on his wife tightened, making the brunett turn her head to look at him questionably.
(Y/N) thoughts were loud, he could tell his past lover didn’t want any of cullens on his terytorry in case volturi would chase after him too and definitely didn’t want to get involved with vampire-human child that was his daughter no matter if she was a threat or not it did not involved him now, they weren’t a part of his life anymore.
Even if (Y/N) did not wish them death they were not his problem. All of them lied straight to his face breaking his dead heart even more keeping the future away from him- future he wasnt in.
Turning away from the window (Y/N)s hand went up to his cheek wiping the wet annoying feeling that ghosted his cold skin- even as a vampire he got a gift- well for him it was a curse, feeling way more than he could handle and express too many emotions at once after deconcentrating.
He was happy- they were happy- but she took it away.
No matter how much they will need him he won’t show up and save the day.
(Y/N) sat on the kitchen counter with a glass of water in hand after he moved far away from the window- sure he was a vampire, his heart wasn’t beating or lungs didn’t need air- he was immortal- but nothing really changed between him and normal human being, he was as weak as one, still got emotions, needed to eat from time to time and not only blood, no vampire got eyes that looked like his.
He knew Cullens needed as much of their kind to support them but they hurt him and if a fight broke out he surely was going to die, no matter if he tried to run, they would kill him sooner or later.
Of course even now he wont be safe, they came to him and nothing will hide from Aro sight.
All of the Cullens came back home about two hours ago and everyone returned to their things to somehow keep the normality but there was something that still bothered Bella.
The newborn vampire couldn’t stop walking around in his husband’s old room thinking what exactly happened earlier.
Even if they asked for help from others that didn’t know Renesme and knew the danger of the situation, they agreed to be on their side- why wouldn’t that one help them?
“how did it went?”
Bella wasn’t expecting Jacob to show up and stop her thoughts.
“By the look on your face I don’t think it went well..” wolf shifter leaned against the door frame waiting for the answer.
“It didn’t, I just don’t know what happened. Others agreed to help but this one didn’t even want to communicate with us, he barely let Carlisle inside to talk.” brunette sat on the bed with her hands intertwined together.
“Maybe I could help?”
“How? You’re a wolf Jake, you know how we react-”
“I know, you hate the smell and all but we can always try.” it wasn’t hard to see he still got a thing for her and will do anything for his imprint.
Jacob debated if he should shift or not but in the end decided it was better for him to take his bike and was ready for a trip.
Seth wanted to go too but the older boy didn’t agree, not knowing if it was safe for him to tag along.
Upon seeing a small reddish house wolf shifter slowed down and stopped on the driveway then got off the bike, cautiously making his way to the front door.
His knock wasn’t the loudest but for sure hireable, so after a while Jake decided to go around and look for the vampire through the windows.
He didn’t find anything, that worried him a bit.
A wolf in Jacob picked up upon hearing the tires break, then he heard a low whine.
At that moment nothing else matter. After shifting, he ran as fast as he could to where he heard the noise coming fron.
Thank fully it wasn’t that far away from where he stood earlier. On the spot, he noticed a bright colored old car and a tail of a wolf on the side. Coming closer to it, dark smoke was seen that started going off in the hood of the car.
The person that sat inside of the vehicle didn’t move- it was clear as day the accident scared him half to death.
Walking at the front of the car Jacob checked if Seth was ok and fortunately, he was- after shifting back he will get an ear full for what happened, he was sure of it.
Feeling a pair of eyes on him, Jacob looked up and was met with a pair of (E/C) orbs but small parts of them were golden watching his movement which made him freeze.
Neither of them noticed the fire starting but when they did man sitting behind the wheel grabbed the handle to open the door but it wouldn’t move.
That’s when the panic set in.
Fire started slow but it quickly gained strength spreading more on the passenger side.
Seth looked panicked as his eyes moved between Jacob and the person trapped in the car. That’s when the bigger wolf did something smaller one didn’t expect, he shifted back in his human form and tore the driver’s side door open pulling the male out of there into his arms.
Feeling warm skin under his fingertips (Y/N) opened his eyes looking up seeing a man that wasn’t there before. Using his hands, shorter male tried to get out of the embrace pushing onto the toned chest.
Jacob let him go but not completely- he didn’t want to let go. He then remember Seth is here too however he wast the only one who did.
Now it hits (Y/N). There were two of the wolves.
Even if it was said in a hushed whisper both of the man heard it clearly.
Pushing away (H/C) locks bounced in the air as the vampire moved backwards shaking his head.
Before black haired male could say anything his eyes widened noticing how the sun fell onto the other making it sparkle but not as much as Cullens or any other vampire he meet did.
A vampire.
How did he not notice earlier?
His skin was surely colder, his cheeks were slightly flushed and his eyes were golden- (E/C)? Light tears showed in the corners…
How was that possible…?
Turning around, Jacob shifted back and ran forward followed by Seth that got too many questions and each of them loudly echoed in the older one’s head.
Just like that (Y/N) stoon on the side of the road alone full of questions.
Why did he got scent of Cullens on himself?
Were they that desperate to ask wolfshifters for help?
Why would shifters help vampires?
Why did a wolfshifter show up on his territory?
Why did they agree for a shifter to go to a vampire?
Walking back home (Y/N) didn’t know what to think about the situation he was in.
First Cullens, the family that first lied to him and then wanted his help…
Then he met two shifters- one made his car set on fire and the other saved his life….
The warmth in his chest was distracting enough to make his emotions take control of his facial expression, leaving it half smiling and half scared- for sure looking like a psychopath or a killer that lives in the woods.
Meanwhile, Jacob stopped running, lost in the middle of the unfamiliar woods- he just saved a scared vampire and wasn’t guilty about it nor disgusted by his cold touch on his body, the eyes he looked at weren’t bloody red or that annoying golden yellow like Bellas.
He didn’t know what was going on with him.
That was when Seth found him, the smaller wolf broke him out of the trance by saying it was quite late and they needed to come back somehow before it gets too dark.
Brown fur of the wolf caught the attention of Bella that sat on the light up weranda steps as Edward stood next to her, a mind reading vampire read Jacob’s thoughts knowing he had conflict in his mind. Placing a hand on his wife shoulder she looked at him, knowing something must happen.
“There was an accident and they weren’t able to talk.”
“What do you mean there was an accident? Tell me what you know.”
At that second Alice showed up, probably already seeing what would happen in the future after Jacob drove away on his bike to find the old member of their family.
“Jacob found what he was looking for but it wasn’t in good circumstances.”
After that pixie haired girl hopped down the stairs with a smile to have both wolves clothes to change into.
It didn’t take them long to get dressed and walk inside the house heading to the living room where everyone was waiting to hear the news.
“How did it go? ”
“It didn’t. Seth nearly got hit by a car just because he didnt listen when I told him to stay. Then it caught on fire and the person inside of it was trapped. I needed to step in.” It wasn’t hard to see that the younger boy was conflicted with himself so they decided to give him some time to calm down.
When sun rose up and cold wind with darkness disappear from the nearly quiet forest, if it wasn’t for all the animals that lived inside it, was replaced by a wave of light and warmth signaling the start of the new day, Jacob went for a run to get back his bike and maybe meet the unusual vampire to talk just like Cullens wanted- well only if he didn’t run away already.
The journey was way longer than he thought but it wasn’t like he minded running a couple of kilometers more in the green forest.
Before he saw the red house his nose picked up a smell of fresh cooked food- meat- but nobody lives here except for the (E/C) eyed vampire he met yesterday…
That boy was really strange. What didn’t help was that neither of the Cullens shared any information about (Y/N)- well only his name.
Wolfshifter was curious, the first instinct of (Y/N) after he pulled him out of the burning car wasn’t to attack, hurt or kill the taller male but to be afraid of him, wanting to get as far away from him as possible, not feeling safe enough to stay there.
Noticing a figure in the window Jacob stopped to observe what (Y/N) is doing and it seemed that he was so focused on the task that he didn’t notice the other boy looking right back at him letting go of the spoon he was holding.
The metal meeting floor tiles brought him back but he couldn’t move from his spot, neither could (Y/N).
Comming to his senses and walking back (H/C) haired male disappeared into the next room, not long after the front door opened making Jacob speechless.
“Let’s walk inside… And talk”
The boy was quite far away but Jacob clearly heard what the other said.
Before he could register what he’s doing he walked inside the warm house after the vampire. Surprisingly the door didn’t get locked, that made Jacob feel at ease knowing he could walk out normally and not contrive how to escape if he absolutely needed to.
“Before you say why are you here I would like to thank you for saving me… If it wasn’t for you I-”
“Don’t mention it- it was partly my friend’s fault your car caught on fire in the first place..”
The awkward atmosphere formed creating tension in between them. Neither of them knew what to do next even if they had so many questions in their minds.
“You smell like Cullens, what’s your deal with them?” the (H/C) haired male said with a rosed brow.
“I’m helping them.”
“Why? You, despite each other, never cross the line in therytory even while hunting your common enemies… So why now?”
“The girl I imprinted on was a human but.. she chose and married a vampire I hate to the bones then she got pregnant with a child that was slowly killing her and now Volturi are involved.”
This sparked an interest in the vampire.
“imprinted… What does that mean..?”
“It’s like a soulmate, means you will do anything for that person, be whatever that person wants you to be a friend, family, lover..” At the end of the sentence Jacob’s voice got quieter as his head hung low remembering how devastated he was.
“why would she choose a vampire over somebody that is like her… ”
“She’s his blood singer- and she’s important to them and they have a daughter-”
“She may be important for them but not for me.”
“why can’t you just help them? They need you-”
Sudently (Y/N) came closer to the werewolf making the taller boy move backwards till he hit a fireplace and made him shut up.
“I guess they didn’t tell you what happened. Either way, me being there won’t change anything. I’m as weak as a human, in a battle, I’ll fall first if they come after me- which they surely will. Most importantly, that imprint of yours took away something from me that I’ve been part of for hundred and eight years. She came and destroyed it in just a couple of days… They lied straight to my face when they had her in the house. I was rarely there because I couldn’t stand the cold in that house. Even if I’m not a vampire like everyone else I could smell her, even in his car that he picked me up a couple of times. One day I had enough and left everything behind, every new lie they were prepared to tell me, every word that they told to distract me, every time they kept me away from their house on purpose… I’m not wishing them bad but I won’t help them either”
Letting out a long sight Jacob turned in the direction of the door.
“I understand. But please think about it…”
Wolfshifter opened the door then closed it behind himself, all (Y/N) could hear after was the sound of the bike engine as it moved further away from his house.
Bella started worrying when Jacob didn’t came back to Cullens house and it started to become really late, of course she knew he will be ok being a wolfshifter but something deep down wouldn’t let her calm down, Edward noticed it and got worried but before he could walk up to her Renesmee scream was heard what made all the Cullens rush from various rooms in the house to where the sound came from.
They search but the little girl was nowhere to be found Bella’s eyes grew wide as did her husband.
“I-I can’t see anything.. ” shallow whisper of Alice added to the tension everyone felt forming.
Deciding to split in every direction they began to look everywhere, surely she couldnt be too far away from the house…. Right?
Little girl got dragged by the material of her greenish dress seeing too many trees to count, all of them passing in a blur before her eyes that shut down quickly after she noticed the big crack in the ground and below them the river flowed as a mysterious creature jumped.
Gush of cold wind hit her pale cheeks making them rosy pink. Tears in her eyes dared to slip from how scared she was. One second she’s standing in front of the weranda steps, the other something drags her away into the dark forest away from her family.
Feeling dirt under her legs like she had just been put down, she curled up in a ball till she couldn’t feel anything standing behind her. Opening of the door made her look startled, her brown locks bouncing.
With furrowed brows (Y/N) looked at the girl in front of him before grabbing a small blanket he kept at the bottom drawer in the hallway and got out shivering as the cold air hit his body.
Spreading the fluffy blanket (H/C) haired boy wrapped it around her smaller figure, she still was wary of the man in front of her but once she saw his eyes she calmed down. Only after making sure she wasn’t too cold anymore (E/C) orbs meet the brown ones noticing the dreamy/ curious expression on her face, he shook his head then got up pulling the girl up placing her on his hip.
In the warmth of the house, Renesmee spoke up. “You’re different” this made (Y/N) tens up but didn’t stop walking.
Placing both of her small hands on older vampire’s cheeks she looked all over his face. “I like it.” she added, smiling brightly.
Deciding to ignore the things she said he asked his own questions.
“What were you doing in the middle of the woods at this hour?”
“I don’t know, something dragged me here. I was too scared to see what it was till you showed up.” placing her on the cough he noticed how her eyes never left his taller frame and her fingers fidget with each other. “you’re a strange little fella, not a human, not a full vampire either.” getting down to her level (Y/N) signalised her to do what she wanted. As she touched his cheek all the things she got through were shown to the crouching vampire that now knew who she was but didn’t pull away letting her finish the visions..
“My name is Renesmee”
“Even stranger names you have…. I’m (Y/N).”
After that Ness talked about her family and what she liked to do (Y/N) let her, he didn’t mind having a little girl in his house that talked his ears off.
Noticing her sleepy state, stronger arms pulled her up and took her to the other room then laid her down onto soft matters of his bed, covered her with a (F/C) bed sheets, then grabbed a spare pillow and some covers going to the living room and placing it neatly on the red sofa.
Going to the bathroom (Y/N) changed into pj and brushed his teeth, soon after he moved back on the sofa and fell asleep.
Three hours later (E/C) eyes felt open, looking down he saw Renesmee cuddled up to his body, letting out a soft breath (Y/N) covering her sleeping body going back to sleep.
Meanwhile Cullens don’t know what to do. They searched every inch of the forest but they couldn’t find Renesmee nor smell her. Bella was even more on the edge than her husband who still tried to think rationally.
“We haven’t found any blood so she shouldn’t be injured” Jasper spoke as he was seen back.
“I don’t care about the blood, I want my baby to be here.”
“Don’t worry Bella, we will find her.” Carlise spoke softly not to anger the mother any further.
When the morning came Cullens was even more stressed and worried, no Jacob and now Renesmee disappeared.
In the other part of the forest (Y/N) had just woken up as well as the girl, he made her breakfast then gave spare toothbrush to let her clean her teeth and brushed her hair knowing later it will be pain in the ass to comb if she already got so many knots in them.
Hearing a knock on the door both of them turned to the hallway. Taller vampire on high alert knowing he now had the hybrid child in his territorium and if something smelled her he couldnt be able to protect her if it came to fight with more than one vampire.
“go to the kitchen”
With a nood from her (Y/N) stood up and went to see who it was before he could actually see it he smelt a strong scent of a wet dog.
Opening them widely he was met with Jacob soaked to the bone from the heavy rain that neither of the two in the house noticed. “you scared me half to death… get inside.” walking in and closing the door, a shorter male ran up to the bathroom for some towels and one of his pj completes since it was the only oversized things he got and placed them on the counter then came back with red towel in hand dropping it on Jacobs head then giving him one more to dry his body. “dry yourself then go change in the bathroom.”
Nodding wolf shifter did as he was told and disappeared behind the bathroom door.
“It’s ok, you can came here now” just like that Ness came out of the kitchen and hugged (Y/N)s leg
“What is she doing here?”
“I don’t know, she showed up last night.” (Y/N) turned to look at the other male, quickly looking away once he felt his expression change. “please wear a shirt and gave me your clothes, I’ll hang them to dry.”
A second later everything went dark, the electricity shut down. Thunder was just starting.
Renesmee fastly came up in between the two, scared. “It’s ok, just a power outage. It should come back soon… hope it comes back soon. ”
“What do you mean?”
“The heater wont work without electricity…making the whole house feel like a freezer in this weather…” hearing the worry in a shorter boy voice they didn’t waste time to gather some warmer bedspreads in one place.
Sitting on a sofa covered in multiple quilts and blankets Jacob moved (Y/N) closer to his chest and vampire didn’t resist instead cuddled closer with the girl that sat on his lap not wanting to let her freeze and get warmer too. Shifter didn’t complain, liking the closeness. Remembering how Bella did the same in the mountains when she was still a human.. He didn’t know he’d ever meet such a vampire that even when changed were so human-like.
“What are you doing here anyway? My house is far away from the Cullens.”
“I didn’t drive back there after our talk… I needed time to think instead of someone that will get into my head the second I’ll come back there.”
“You’re sick of it too I see..”
Jacob turned his head to look at (Y/N).
“What’s with that look wolf boy? My head isn’t a closed book for a mind reader. He could open it and read from it any time he pleased even if sometimes it made me uncomfortable. That’s just how it is..” after the last sentence the vampire moved to place his head on the tanned boy’s shoulder looking down at the sleeping form of Renesmee.
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lostacelonnie · 9 months
how would honkai 3rd play out if otto was wearing cursed long shoes that gave him an ungodly urge to kick people on the ass and he had to fill a one kick per arc quota and he couldnt take the shoes off because he was cursed into liking them
FIRST OF ALL this is literally my favorite ask i've ever gotten so thank you. second of all i hope you dont mind how chaotic this is but i literally wrote everything down exactly as it came to mind, didnt proofread before posting, and also i barely remember half the older arcs. third of all this is a long post so readmore blast 💥
where dreams began + the end of destiny: im sorry but i genuinely dont know what he was even doing during this time. im just gonna say if any anti entropy personel was caught by schicksal they were just unfortunate enough to be the victim.
under the falling sky: you know that scene where he fucking shoots hua. when shes Not Quite Dead Yet he kicks her to add insult to injury
from the deep ocean: once again, i have zero recollection of what he was doing. does he even appear on screen? oh wait yeah in that one bubble universe where he has an orphanage or whatever. good lord i have no idea who that guy would kick. weren't theresa and children the only people there? oh i dont remember this part of the story At All. wait wasnt there a scene where joachim got mad at him or sth? for killing his father? well there you have it. out of character for that particular otto but it's time for a child to get punted
a shooting star streaking across the night: clueless. any suggestions welcome. perhaps void archives gets it, as it is the only one consistently around otto
elegy to yesterday: during world serpent's attack on the divine key testing site, otto Sees His Chance and disguises himself to infiltrate the battlefield for the sole purpose of kicking someone. all the valkyries present know its him bc of the ridiculous shoes but frankly they dont care bc hes a good distraction
here lies bellflower: yet another arc i dont remember. just like, In General. other than the parts bianka was in [yes i am a parody of myself] and the general gist of what happened. so idk </3
taixuan dream: he kicks senti in self defense. moments before being strangled
remaining flames: not really in this one is he. WAIT ACTUALLY NO wasnt his consciousness attached to some random HoD puppet to get the core???? then i guess he just kicked another one and nobody cared bc HoD puppets are just Like That
thus spoke apocalypse: as recompensation for all the confusion earlier, he gets to kick a lot in this one. first of all the false god otto boss fight is different, adding an attack. The Kick. second of all, while fighting in the space near the imaginary tree, he can finally kick as many of them as he can
following his death, afterlife-otto has to defend himself from the angry mob of all the people that died because of him Somehow. and so he gets to kick people until someone inevitably steals the shoes from him in order to reverse the roles. this goes on for eternity. The End
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foryourownbosom · 2 years
Favorite Laukids headcannons?
hi anon ! so sorry im answering this just now, life has been chaos with uni and i havent had the time to properly respond 😔 BUT THIS IS MY FAV ASK EVER SKFJKSFGDSG ITS MY TIME TO SHINE .
ALRIGHT. i have LOTS of fav headcanons,,,, probably too many. based on the number i am ashamed to admit how much time i waste thinking about this family. so, im gonna *try* to pick some of my favourites and write them below! (beware, this is gonna be long. because of that, the headcanons are gonna be under a cut for anyone who might actually be interested in reading them 😭) to the ones who do, enjoy <3
SO OKAY my favourite headcanon of them all (and the one that i believe i kind of,,, developed the most?) is that each sibling had a specific flower name as a nickname, all chosen by eleanor. i like to think that based on the traits and personality she saw in her children, eleanor would pick a flower whose symbolism matched with the child in question. when calling them, she would adress the children by those flowers (eg. calling jack "my sunflower", nelly "my little magnolia", etc!)
in the case of polly for example (the last one born shortly before eleanor's death), polly had "sweet pea" as a name. eleanor knew she wasnt going to live much longer but still wanted to continue the tradition of nicknaming her babies, so she chose a flower whose symbolism typically means strength, departures and goodbyes. according to the symbolism, sweet peas mean "thank you for a lovely time”. eleanor wanted to, at least, thank polly for the time she could spend together with her last baby, as short as it was. (i wont get into details about every nickname bc i would ramble for too long 😭- i really wanna make a separate post or smth explaining that one day kdjgksdgd,,, but thats mainly the reason why the laukids have a specific flower for each of them when i drew the charts :"))
alright so thats the *main* headcanon i have. here are some other fav hcs that are not that,, extense KDJSKAF. they are pretty much random thoughts i collected throughout time:
one night, way past their bedtimes, nelly and patsy swore they saw ghosts on the graveyard while going outside to play. they swore to never sneak out and go out to play at night ever again
henri, john and nelly (ages 5, 4 and 3) would often make "mud stew" on poodles after it rained with literally anything they could find.
their favourite games were playing pirates, climbing, and playing hide & seek behind the oak trees
john slipped from a pretty high branch that bruised his knee. that left a big scar on his left leg that even as an adult was still visible
nelly was the first one of the girls who started playing the harpsicord, and patsy followed after her sister. nelly would teach her simple little melodies and play together sometimes. after nelly passed away, john usually sat by patsy's side when she played so she wouldn't be alone. he couldn't play of course, but he tried singing to accompany patsy on the little melodies she learned by her late sister
john had really good hearing and could replicate bird sounds with high accuracy. that caused the birds to usually come very near him and to not fly away. patsy called john a "bird whisperer" because of that
kids patsy and john once found an egg below a tree, and brought it home to take care of it. it turned out to be a carolina parakeet, and patsy named her iris. they taught her,,, french curse words. and thought it was the funniest thing ever. after a few months, they set her free
polly has the record for the sibling that broke jars and china cups the most (followed by jemmy, but he would argue that those were harry's fault)
also, now that we are on the topic of harry and jemmy: although most of the time they were inseparable partners in crime, sometimes they would fight over really small things (but to them of course, those things were. pretty big deals™) one some occasions, they were so crossed with each other that they would sit the furthest from one another at the table, and used john as their messenger for days bc they refused to speak directly to the other. they would exchange Very Serious Angry Letters across the room as if they were two opposed kingdoms, and john was in the middle delivering those letters. john always succeeded on the mission to cease the fights though, and as soon as he would fall for a prank, he annoyingly (but happily) knew jemmy and harry befriended again
jemmy once beat harry on a game of marbles (harry was considered the best player among the siblings) and harry was so frustrated he swore to never play again. (that promise lasted, of course, less than a week. and that jemmy victory was probably the reason why they didn't speak to each other for days)
when john was a toddler he once doodled over an entire set of letters of henry sr and he had to start all over again from scratch. that child had 0 awareness of space and he thought literally everything was a potential canvas to draw on-
he also probably drank paint water while using watercolors too many times ,, (artists' culture for ya)
the Main Kids (john, patsy, harry and jemmy) would often organize little plays where they created stories and whole worlds/kingdoms with their characters in it. at night, they couldn't be as loud so with the help of candles they played by creating shadows on the walls
harry stopped two of his siblings from eating,,, questionable AND dangerous things by pure luck . one, when toddler jemmy wanted to eat a worm. and two, when he stopped john from eating a poisoned berry. (the latter was originally a bit dark though so i wont elaborate much)
jemmy was almost 6 years old when he sailed with john and henry sr to europe for schooling (harry joined a bit later), so i headcanon that his first tooth fell around that time while on port, and he rushed to john and showed it to him :")
jemmy doodled the three of them (he and his two older brothers) on a piece of paper, and john almost cried. he kept the drawing safe on one of his books so it wouldn't get lost or damaged
eleanor would always sing lullabies to the kids before bed because it help them wind down. after eleanor's gone, the siblings usually asked john to sing to them because he was the one who knew and remembered the melodies the most. while abroad in europe, john promised harry and jemmy that he would keep singing them for as long as he could.
john finds comfort in the fact that, at least, the last thing jemmy heard was a lullaby from his mother, sang by john. he hoped that it brought him peace for one last time.
when john, harry and jemmy were finally joining patsy and polly in europe, little polly was euphoric and was literally asking every 5 minutes when were their brothers arriving. polly had no memory of them as they all sailed when she was a baby, so of course the excitement was over the roof. when she finally met her brothers, she was glued to them, specially john. polly asked for piggyback rides and races all the time, as well as asking his brother how to do "fencing with sticks" which he delightfully obligued to provide lessons.
polly also made everyone attend and wear dresses to her Very Fancy Tea Party™ once
polly is the #1 candy theft. harry, the #1 victim of her robbery.
during the war, john liked to stay up really late and sleep by the fireplace of headquarters, as he sometimes did that with his siblings. he would also keep things that reminded him of home
later on her life, patsy would tell stories and memoirs of her childhood with john to both frances and polly. her own children would listen as well and would wonder what it would've been like to have met him
this is all for now! if you made it this far, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. i love you dearly, truly 😭😭😭💖💖 thanks for coming to my TED talk my fingers are sore from typing a
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eli-elien · 2 years
I know I said thos on twt but god the fuckn urge to make a novel length fic abt c!techno's past like brrooo
Ok so my ideas would be introducing what his life is like rn as a wee lil lad of age 10 then blamo doing a Bruce Wayne and have his parents die
He tries and tries to find a family but isn't really accepted bc hes like idk thought of as a curse and is human hybrid so they're kinda iffy but some bastions will give some resources to survive better bc omg that is a child
He somehow finds his way to a portal and decides to just "leave this crummy dimension" best and worst decision ever made
Bc hes half human he isn't affected by the effects of turning into a zombie piglin so that's nice.
But lil like now 12 y/o techno is all "woah this is neat wtf is that bright yellow ball in the sky looks like something from my parents old books what?"
Anyways he wanders a bit and bc hes absolutely baby and doesn't know that like his world there are monsters and gets spooked by the darkness a spider and creeper cuz he's so used to those just those giant boars and fellow viloent piglins he doesn't know what to do so he just stays in a nicely lit cave near lava, something that hes familiar to (and can touch!)
He comes out of the cave and wanders around waving around his wooden sword. He comes across a village but just hides in the shadows bc hes so scared but ye.
Anyways hes there for awhile (maybe stealing some food) when he gets caught oh no! But a mysterious kid with a wooden mask and green cloak beats up the guard and help him run into the forest
They hangout alot until the two are 14/15 and go on their separate paths due to a pack of monster hunters chasing the two down-specifically the masked boy.
The path that techno leads now wasnt by choice and now he had to fight in an arena as a gladiator.
He escapes bloodily at 20 and is bleeding out
He then finds that hes in a pitch black void with a cheeky smug voice calling him forward
She tells him shes the blood god and if he becomes her avatar, her patron, her saint he can have another life and then another and another.
Hes afraid of death and what's beyond that and accepts
He finds himself at the same age as before as his life has now just passed him and hes on a pristine white dragon he now remembers naming him floof, and burning up a castle.
Then another flash and he wakes, now with pink hair instead of his brunette hair in a cozy cottage clearly in the heart of a forest.
And is now given soup from a kind blonde black winged stranger who introduces himself as philza craft and his son; Wilbur soot craft
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dindjarindiaries · 3 years
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This week’s fic rec (January 24th to January 30th) is here! Below the cut, you can find a wide selection of Din Djarin fics to read, whether they’re multi-part, one-shots, drabbles, prompts, or headcanons. I challenge you to provide these writers with feedback if you choose to read their fic!
You can start submitting next week’s fic rec here.
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Space Cowboy by @punkrock-writer​​
summary: A Girl is teleported from her hotel room, and dropped onto the floor of the Razor Crest. Chaos ensues as she tries to convince The Mandalorian not to freeze her in carbonite, and do her best to find her place in the endless Void of space.
pairing: Din Djarin x F!oc
warnings/rating: Mature. Canon typical violence. Lots of swearing.
genres: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
submitter comments: Hi this is my first fic, you can find it on AO3 also. I’d really appreciate some feedback or any ideas because I have a hard time figuring out if I’m doing the right thing😂 Thank you for doing this.
Touch by @magicrowiswritingstuff​​
summary: It seems so unfair that he is able to touch you and send shivers down your spine when you’re not.
pairing: Din Djarin x female!reader
warnings/rating: A bit of violence and injury/blood
genre: fluff
submitter comments: Just wanna say that I really love this idea and am excited to browse through all the recommended stories on Sunday! <3
Ciryc Ca’tra (Cold Night Sky) by @javi-djarins​​ (Ao3: brianmay_be)
summary: When you crash-land on a frozen planet on your way to Trask to find the Frog Lady’s husband and more Mandalorians, you and Din work together to keep the Crest afloat and keep your little family safe.
pairing: Din Djarin x wife!reader
warnings/rating: G
genres: fluff, hurt/comfort
submitter comments: She may be adding an epilogue that contains some smut, but right now all of the chapters are rated G!
Blossom by @dinthisisthe-wayson​​
summary: Alone.  You felt like you had no purpose in such a powerful galaxy, being the bystander is what you felt was the only thing you were good at.  But when a warrior with a child extend a helping hand.  You take it.  Not knowing that you will no longer be alone for the rest of your time in the universe. Not knowing that your place in the galaxy will be much bigger than you expected.  And just like any flower, you will blossom. In more ways than one.
pairing: Din Djarin x Reader
warnings/rating: Teen and Up, violence and language
genres: angst, fluff
submitter comments: N/A
Narudar by @zapsalis-d​​​
summary: You, an experienced bounty hunter working for the Bounty Hunter’s Guild, have found it difficult to sustain yourself lately, requiring more and more credits after each hunt to be able to buy your basic needs. Yet with so many members of the Guild, high rewards were tough to find. Until you’re given a bounty with the prize being something extremely valuable – beskar. During your hunt, you bump into an old enemy you were just so tired of fighting. On your attempt to finally get rid of him once and for all, he found out a secret you wished he hadn’t and now you don’t have any other choice than to team up with him, whether you like it or not. The both of you thought it would be simple. Deliver the quarry, split the reward between the two, and hopefully never see each other again. Oh, how you were wrong.
pairing: Din djarin x female reader
warnings/rating: Rated t for now (but im not sure if that writer will change that in the future or not)
genres: angst, fluff
submitter comments: N/A
Connection by @beskarhearts​​
summary: Din Djarin and you were very similar. You both were closed off from everybody and had on masks of your own. But, when the universe brings you and Din together, you form a connection you didn’t know you two could have.
pairing: Din Djarin x f!reader
warnings/rating: Cursing, family members passing away (think that’s about it so far)
genres: angst, fluff
submitter comments: N/A
Homeward Bound by TheStarvingWriter (Ao3)
summary: After Luke Skywalker takes Grogu, Din Djarin is adrift. He attempts to find solace in his old ways of bounty hunting, but he feels like an imposter—a shell of his former self, roaming around in a suit of beskar that no longer feels like his own. When a visit to Coruscant leads him to a Seer who tells him that Grogu is in danger, however, everything changes. Now, it’s a race to find his kid and return him home, before he truly loses him forever.
pairing: Din Djarin and Grogu (father/son)
warnings/rating: Teen and Up Audiences 
genres: angst, hurt/comfort
submitter comments: The writing of this is phenomenal. The way they write Din is fantastic and the angst is insane. There will be eventual reunion and each chapter leaves you wanting more. 158288483/10 recommended!!!
the light of stars by @tiffdawg
summary: In pursuit of the Child’s people, the mysterious Jedi, Din Djarin and his foundling find hope in a woman who shares the kid’s strange powers. Newly partnered with the Mandalorian, you are trained in the ways of the Force, but you’re no Jedi. You’re just trying to find your place in the galaxy.
pairing: din djarin x reader
warnings/rating: hurt/comfort, sexism, mild injury, mild language, angst, kissing
genres: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
submitter comments: N/A
Only for You by @firstofficerwiggles​​
summary: You like to sing and it ends up bringing you closer to the Mandalorian. Events take place sometime between Seasons 1 and 2. It’s pretty much fluff with a teeny bit of story. Still has plot though :)
pairing: Mandalorian x female reader
warnings/rating: Rated: G, Warnings: None
genre: fluff
submitter comments: I hope you like it!
Getting Through This by Whumptastic (Ao3)
summary: Din has a hard time dealing with Grogu’s leaving, and like a true friend Cara offers support.
pairing: Din and Cara but only as best friends
warnings/rating: none really, lots of crying/sad vibes tho
genre: hurt/comfort
submitter comments: N/A
Fifty Four by @themand0lorian​
summary: Reader gets a drunken holo from Din, based on Pedro Pascal's 24 hour play monologue (linked in fic)
pairing: Din Djarin x gn!Reader (no Y/N)
warnings/rating: E
genres: angst, fluff
submitter comments: N/A
Reassurance by @galaxysgal​ (Ao3: imjusttheoutgoingsidekick)
summary: You worry about Din and his recklessness during and after the events of Morak and the two of you have a small chat about it.
pairing: din djarin x gn!reader
warnings/rating: PG, major spoilers for The Mandalorian Chapter 15, canon typical violence, near death experience (for Din), some swear words (both sw swears and regular english ones lol)
genres: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
submitter comments: since it's up on tumblr and ao3 i wasnt sure which link/acc name to give so I just gave both :)
ni kar’tayli gar darasuum by @pumpkin-stars
summary: Din was friends with another foundling as a child, they never saw each other’s faces, both shrouded in beskar from everyone. But feelings form from actions and words, not sight. AKA Din gets married to someone equally touchstarved.
pairing: Din/Reader (no pronouns)
warnings/rating: safe for everyone - warnings for (happy) crying, and it's my first attempt at a star wars fic so the finer details might be a bit dodgy
genre: fluff
submitter comments: i love your fics! i'm still new to the fandom but you seem so sweet and this is a really good idea/thing that you're doing! xx
The Vexatious Nine by Balsamique (Ao3)
summary: While searching for more of his kind on the desolate planet of Karth, a blizzard traps the Mandalorian, the child and seven lodgers in an isolated stopover. When one of the lodgers is mysteriously murdered, it’s up to the Mandalorian to catch the killer before they can claim their next victim. But as the storm thickens, so does the mystery — and this isn’t a problem he can shoot his way out of.
pairing: N/A
warnings/rating: General Audiences
genres: Action/Adventure, Murder Mystery
submitter comments: Author's name on Ao3 is Balsamique. On Tumblr it's first-order-media-department.
what happened to you? by @lesbisoka​
summary: After the events of Episode 8 (S1), Din returns to Sorgan to recover. Omera finds him in a less than ideal state.
pairing: din djarin x omera
warnings/rating: General Audiences, no archive warnings apply
genre: hurt/comfort
submitter comments: N/A
Sprained by @kesskirata​
summary: Rebel spy reader is injured and can’t make her meet up with The Mandalorian
pairing: The Mandalorian x reader 
warnings/rating: none
genres: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
submitter comments: N/A
Over the Moon by gobuyastarwars (Ao3)
summary: Din and Grogu travel with Boba Fett and Fennec Shand for a time. The Mandalorian, Boba, Fennec, and Grogu stop to refuel and find an unpromising tourist attraction nearby– an amusement park. Din doesn't want to go into the amusement park, but Boba and Grogu do.
pairing: Din and Grogu
warnings/rating: Gen, no warnings
genre: fluff
submitter comments: N/A
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You can start submitting next week’s fic rec here.
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perhapsthanatos · 3 years
10:32 pm with yuta ♡
nct’s yuta x fem!reader (got inspired by a dream of mine & found the idea really cute)
alternate title: be the james dean to my audrey hepburn
genre: fluff. a pinch of angst. non idol au. badboy!yuta au.
word count: 1400~
playlist: chinatown by wild nothing, lover’s rock by tv girl & work this time by king gizzard and the lizard wizard.
warnings: featuring johnny (not a warning though). smoking cigarettes. cursing. lowercase intended. not proofread.
a/n: hi i was supposed to post a vampire!haechan fic but i really wasnt happy w it in general :( the plot or overall idea of the fic was really good, but i just felt as if i didnt do it justice so here we are :( but ngl, i kind of like this concept more? maybe bc i can see it more vividly? idk, i feel like my writings r getting repetitive & its getting on my nerves lmaoo this is getting long im sorry do u guys even read this part anyway? i would also like to apologize abt the amount of projecting im doing lmao ive been having some rough days & i love my sister but hate being compared to her so often so this is a way for me to rant abt it ig? also so sorry its coming out a little later bc i woke up late today (& procrastinated for the rest of it so here i am posting really late at night) & decided to go to the convenience store to get ice cream (& a ton of other bad shit pls dont do this its rlly unhealthy) for breakfast bc i can :) any who, enjoy lovelies <3
“oh my, y/n! you’ve grown up so well! just like your sister!”
“oh! i’m sorry i’ve almost mistaken you for your sister! y/n is your name, correct?”
“y/n, darling, you are looking so dashing! you really do resemble your sister, don’t you?”
“ah, you must be y/n! i’ve heard all about you and your sister from your father!”
you swear that your reddening cheeks are threatening to fall off any moment now from all the fake smiling. the hundreds of superficial compliments, the insincere flattery and the need for these people to constantly compare you to your godforsaken sister makes you feel even weaker than you are. it gets harder and harder to keep up with a big persona that isn’t at all you. as lucky as you are to live such a lavish lifestyle, you can’t help but hate how your family has to be so perfect. you hate how you have never fit in with them, even if you are so good at faking it. you hate how you have always been stuck in your sister’s shadow, constantly haunted with the reminder that you yourself aren’t good enough. you hate how you now have to entertain the rich and brainless guests at your parent’s gala because she’s gone for some stupid prodigy competition and everyone is only talking about her in front of your face. so what if she’s better the better sister? you still have the right to earn respect, right?
you’re exhausted from all the small talk. your facade gets more brittle by the second under all the pressure. your body feels as if it's gonna give out due to your brain shutting down after all that interacting. you try to keep on going with the night as it unravels itself by being the perfectly poised poster child, trying to make your parents proud. but alive yet almost completely devoid, you decide enough was enough. what if you left right now? no one would notice, would they?
after pulling up your phone discreetly to send a few text messages, you pass through lots of people dressed in gold and finery in a way that wouldn’t have you noticed right away. keep your head down and don’t you dare make eye contact with anyone. nearing the end of the room, grabbing the first glass of whatever alcohol you see and downing it in one gulp, you start walking away as quickly as possible from the ballroom. “ignorant privileged fucks,” you angrily whisper to no one in particular, setting the now empty glass on whatever surface and begin to head to the main exit where no one could spot you running away.
“and what do you think you’re doing here, miss?”
a voice interrupts you, looking up you see that it is your father’s head butler; johnny. he is dressed in a simple black suit that makes him appear taller than he is. his long brown hair is slicked back and his bowtie seems brand new. you have known the man since he started working in your household less than ten years back. you were a reckless child, often trying to find ways to sneak out, finding a way to escape from this life and he sympathized with you. after all, he could barely imagine living your life, never catching a break for yourself and always pretending to be someone you weren’t. he often helped planning when you would sneak out into the night, scheduling things like what time you should leave and what time you should be back, more specifically a time when no one would notice. he would take care of your form of transportation and have your location on at all times, just to be extra safe. as much as he wants you to have fun and have a bit of freedom, he still worries that something might happen to you. because of all this, you two have grown to have a very strong bond. you could confidently say that he is most definitely a parental figure in your life since your parents (and even your sister) are often overseas for work.
“what do you think i’m doing? you think i wanna be in a room with those half-baked bipeds? fuck no!”
“i know, i was just joking. you looked like you were about to explode in there, i wish i could help.” he laughs, pulling out his phone preparing what you might need. “so what will it be for today? the driver? we just need to pay him to keep his mouth shut. a taxi? it’s cheaper than paying the driver, but you still need to pay… not like that’s a problem for you though. maybe an uber would be good enough—“
“actually, i got myself covered. thanks.”
his jaw slightly drops and his eyebrows furrow. he looks straight at you in shock. “what do you mean you got yourself covered?”
you look down at your feet, a nervous habit. “i got myself a ride, you don’t need to help me. i’ll be back as soon as dawn comes.”
he raises his eyebrow. “who’s your ride?”
“doesn’t matter,” you glance down at your phone seeing a notification and wave a goodbye, leaving rather suddenly. “i gotta go, i’ll text you when you need to open the gates!”
“y/n! wait! who’s your ride— and she’s gone.” johnny sighs, watching as you run towards the front gates, tossing your stiletto heels away on the grass while you’re at it. he heads back inside, silently hoping you’ll be fine.
knocking the window of the old black mustang parked outside behind the big bushes, the driver rolls down his window and sends the most charming smile.
yuta in his black beanie, long blonde hair, worn out doc martens, signature leather jacket and black skinny jeans. it almost makes you laugh on how he wears the same thing almost everyday but still manages to look so good.
he is most notable for having a big bad boy reputation and you knew that he was the breath of fresh air you needed in your life. a person who can understand having the pressure of having to be or to fulfill your persona. a person you can completely be yourself around. a person who is full of warmth no matter how cold he may seem on the outside.
“get in, princess.”
and that was all you needed. you tiredly walked to the other door and sat yourself in the car. rolling his window back up, he looks at you. you are wearing a simple yet stunning black dress along with silver jewelry adorned on your neck and wrists. your makeup is perfectly done but still struggles to hide the fog in your eyes. he has the sudden urge to clear them away. he softens at the sight of you. no one is perfect, but he finds you being perfect enough without ever having to dress up.
“where to?” he asks as gently as he could. he knows that you are most vulnerable during these moments and that it is hard to finally break down your walls after a day full of stress, so he doesn’t pry immediately. all he wants to do is to keep you here, safe and away from your burdens and for you to stay comfortable with him, even if it couldn't be for long. but is that too selfish of him to ask? he hates how you hate your life and it is taking every bone in his body to not run away with you. but who is he to tell you what to do or what to change anyway? all he can do for now is try to find a way to make you genuinely smile.
“take me anywhere,” you whisper to the latter. “i just want to be as far from myself and my life as possible. miles away or the nearest convenience store, just take the long way home before dawn.”
you look down at the cup holders, spotting an open cigarette box. you tug one out of the nineteen and light it with the lighter you kept in your pocket. you lean back and close your eyes. he only admires as you bring the cigarette to your lips, exhaling a cloud of smoke afterwards. letting the radio play quietly, he starts the car and begins to drive away from the mansion. he can’t help but wonder how you (an elegant daughter) and him (a bad boy) are millions of worlds apart, but more similar than you think.
© perhapsthanatos (efa)
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Chronic Emptiness
Fred x reader
After the war
Summary: Y/N having a depressive episode & Fred trying to help her through it. Basically me living vicariously through her. Soft moment.
Warning: Mentions of depression & plainly feeling like shit
Y/N was exhausted. Not by her job or work, just mentally drained. This sort of thing happened sometimes. One moment she was okay, the next it all came crashing down on her & she’d feel pure hatred for the world she was living in. Fred had gotten used to it by now, he’d be the ever so caring boyfriend & try to help her through it however he could. Exept he really couldnt do much but reassure Y/N that he was there for her.
And of course Y/N appreciated him & all his efforts, she loved Fred more than life itself & everyone knew that. But sometimes she just needed space. Like today.
They were at a bar with George & Angelina and several other mates after their shifts had all ended from their various occupations. George & Fred at their joke shop, Angelia at the Ministry, Y/N at St Mungos.
Y/N never truly felt like she belonged, not growing up at home, not at Hogwarts, & certainly not in St Mungos where she was working as a nurse. Its not that she hated the job, more like it didn’t particularly cause her immediate joy. She just did it. She got on with it & did what she had to.
As her friends were dancing to the music Y/N leant into her boyfriends ear so he’d hear her say “Hey Fred I think I’m gonna head home early today, I’m tired.”
The man looked up at her, as if trying to read her thoughts “D’you want me to come with love?”
Y/N shook her head, declining the offer “No dont worry. I’ll go through the park, I need some fresh air anyway.” Fred nodded & bid her goodbye with a kiss, telling her to stay safe. “I’ll see you at home.”
It was already dark outside, the tall streetlamps being the main source of light for the woman, but she wasnt really paying attention to where she way going, not caring enough to look. Y/N got to the park near the flat where her & Fred lived, deciding to make a pitstop there she sat on one of the wooden benches that overlooked a small river.
Letting out a heavy sigh she put her head into the palms of her hands, it was feeling all too heavy lately. “Dear Merlin I’m so tired.” Mumbling, the woman rolled her head in her hands before sitting back up and gazing at the sky. Oh how beautiful it looked tonight.
Lighting up a cigarette, she put it to her lips & took a long inhale. She was supposed to be quitting smoking, Fred always got on her about continuing the habbit. In all honesty Y/N didnt care enough to stop, at this point she wasnt even sure if she still got the same boost of seratonin from smoking as she used to. But again, it didnt bother her.
“Fuck me why is life so draining?” She asked no one in particular, she knew why it was draining, the abundance of issues with her brain promptly being the answer. She just wished it were easier. Easier to deal with things.
Realistically Y/N had nothing to be unhappy about anymore, there was no war, she had a good life, an amazing boyfriend, a stable job, decent friends. But there was a permanent void in her heart that could never be filled. Ever since she was a child it stayed with her. Maybe her cold & harsh, unloving parents brought it on, or maybe how she didnt let herself feel love & would distance herself from anyone that ever got close to her. But it was there. Unmovable.
The woman let the smoke out from her mouth, sighing at why she was having another one of her episodes, feeling shitty about having said episode. Yet, there was nothing she could do to stop it from occuring. “Fuck off brain.” She mumbled to herself, cursing her biology & upbringing “Stop feeling so Shit.”
“I keep you alive you ungrateful idiot.” She huffed to herself “And I’m doing a pretty good job, so stop making me feel like its my fault.” It wasnt her fault. If it were, Y/N would know how to fix it & evidently stop feeing this way.
Some would say the war brought this Y/N on, but people knew that she was like this way before. However, before she was better at hiding it. Better at hiding the dark circles, the restlessness, the ‘I dont care what happens to me’ attitude. In all honesty it didnt bother Y/N that people knew she was like this, she didnt do it on purpose. And when she could- she’d be happy- the life of the party, in those instances she could hide her feelings. But sometimes they just got too overwhelming to bare.
“You’re being such a selfish prick.” She sighed and puffed on yet another cigarette “Go home Y/N. Go to the man who loves you.” Yet she made no motion to move. It’d probably been two hours since she left the bar, she wasnt keeping track of time, not feeling the need to.
Sometimes she thought that Fred didnt love her, not because he said something or did something, but because she thought that Fred puts up with her. Which wasn’t true, the man loved her to death, she made him feel alive. Y/N was a risk taker, an adventurer, someone that kept you on your toes- & he admired that about her. Y/N was smart & funny & the most gorgeous person Fred had ever seen, but he knew that behind her sarcasm & faux narcissistic comments, she didnt believe it. Oh what he’d give for the woman to see herself through his eyes.
A few more minutes passed & the woman got up with a sigh, throwing the butt of her cigarette down, she made her way home.
The door creaked open, a little too loudly for Y/N’s taste, she winced at the sound, hoping it wouldnt wake Fred.
“Where were you?” The light flicked on. Before her stood a dischevelled Fred, arms crossed “I got home and you werent here.”
“I was in the park.” She mumbled, taking her coat off “Lost track of time, sorry.”
Fred looked at the woman before him, he noticed the dark circles that she tried to cover prefousley with makeup, noticed the ash on her jacket and faint aroma of smoke mixed with sadness.
“Its fine.” He reassured her and went to hug her, pretending to not notice her cold body & how she stiffened when he touched her “Just let me know next time alright?”
The woman hummed in agreement and walked into the living room, as she sat on the couch she put the tv on to play some sort of muggle program but not really paying attention to it. She just didnt fancy Fred interrogating her about her feelings. She hated talking about them, normally just botteling them up. Maybe that was the cause of her unhappiness.
A few moments went by & she thought Fred had went to bed, but then she felt the couch sink next to her. “Here” he placed a blanket around her & handed her a hot mug of tea “You’re freezing.” Mumbling a thanks she sipped on her drink, not really feeling like talking she waited for him to say something, anything.
And he did “Is it getting bad again?” Oh. Was it? Probably. Most definitely.
“I’m fine.” She lied “I’ll be fine.” Y/N wasnt convincing anyone.
Fred watched her, not knowing what to say or do. He wished he could help, just magically cheer up the love of his life. But thats not how life worked. “You’re good enough.” He blurted out “You deserve to feel happy.”
Y/N didnt look up at him, she knew Fred was trying to help. But was he? I dont know.
“Do I though, do I really?” She finally asked with a sigh, those seemed to be coming from her a lot lately “Because I know I do, I just dont feel it coming to me and its so draining to get on with life when you feel worthless.”
Fred took in what she just said, pausing before trying to come up with a reasonable response “I know.” He sighed “I want to help you Y/N, what can I do?” What could he do though? Realistically?
“I dont know. Nothing. This’ll pass soon enough and I’ll be okay.”
Fred knew that, Y/N was always ‘okay’ or ‘fine’ or ‘just tired’ “But I want you to be better than okay. I want you to be happy, to enjoy life and all its moments.”
Y/N scoffed “And you think I dont want that?” There was a tense silence
“Why dont we take the day off tomorrow and go out somewhere? We havent done that in a while.” Fred suggested. It was true, with both of them being bombarded by work they hardly saw eachother in the last few months.
“Sure.” Y/N smiled sickly and set her tea down “Yeah alright I’ll just sack my job off to have a fun little date with you eh? Why not risk getting fired just because I’m feeling a little moody huh?”
Fred was taken aback by her words and immediately went back on what he said “If you dont want to thats fine I-“
“Im sorry” she cut him off “I’m sorry, that was a dick move I didnt mean it, just everythings gotten so much-“ she put her feet up on the couch to hug them “Im sorry.” A few stray tears fell onto her knees
Fred moved closer to her “Hey, its okay, its okay dont worry. I understand.” Oh sweet understanding Fred, Fred who gave you unconditional love and support. Fred who you keep snapping at.
Moments pass as he embraces you, your body leaning against his heavily. Not sure whether its the exhaustion or something else “I dont deserve you.” You mumble into his chest. He frowns cups your face in his hands, you lean in to his warm touch.
“Dont say that” you let out a quiet sob “Y/N you deserve the absolute world, and I wish I could give it to you & more. If I could take away your pain, I would. In an instant I would. You dont deserve to feel like this, to think like this. But I’m here for you okay. I love you, so fucking much you don’t understand.” He gazed into her eyes, wishing she could feel how much he meant it “You’re the best thing that happened to me & I’m going to prove it to you, whatever it takes Y/N.” He kissed your nose before letting you hug him tighter, relieved that you no longer shrunk away from his touch “Words cant express how much I love you.”
After a few more tears fall, Y/N laughs into his chest “Good because you’re stuck with me.”
Fred grins to himself “I wouldnt have it any other way.”
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h0neyjaehyun · 4 years
☁︎ 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 ☁︎
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Summary // Tali has a heart to heart with Chan, and the Dreamies experience Tali's child like personality when she is really happy.
Characters // Talia Flores + Bang Chan (ft. Dreamies expect Mark, Doyoung)
Era / Year // October 2017
Word Count //
Bold // English
⚠️Warning⚠️ // Breakdown
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"Chan its gonna be okay, its not your fault it was never your fault and never will be."
It was the middle of a survival show of the creation of Straykids, Minho not to long ago got eliminated. She went over to his house and brung him food to cheer him up and she promised him that when she had free time she would help him with singing plus rapping. Then just last night Felix got eliminated just because he couldn't speak Korean properly, deep down she felt guilty not teaching him Korean, but she was busy with schedules she couldn't. After Chan walked him to his home, she just finished practice and went to Felix's house to comfort him. He felt so guilty and her heart broke at her friend feeling guilty he couldn't speak a language.
Korean was hard to learn from an english speaker perspective. It was like the opposite of English. She striked a deal with him at least once a week she would help him with Korean, inperson or through a screen since she did have to go on tour.
After she left Felix's place after putting him to sleep. She went to the person who felt most guilty.
She went into JYP building heading towards the studio where Chan usually is. He always in there, either producing, or avoiding his problems and feelings. She heard music, it was Hellevator, she heard it replay over and over again. She knocked on the door, the music stopped and it revealed a tried Chan.
"Hey sweetie" Tali smiled at him sadly she came in and sat on one of the chairs. Chan sat down on his chair and just looked at her. Then he just started to breakdown.
"I- I- I failed the- them Tali." Chan choked up crouched down in Tali's stomach.
"No, no you didn't Chan you tried your be-"
"NO I DIDN'T, I LET THEM GET ELIMINATED TALI....its my fault, I failed them, I promised we would debut together Tali....I promised them." Chan sobbed. Promises to them meant a lot to them. So when Chan couldn't keep that promise it broke him.
"Chan its gonna be okay, its not your fault it was never your fault and never will be." Tali comforted Chan petting his hair trying to calm him down.
"They don't blame you, they don't hate you, as long as you keep trying and helping each other you guys will make it. Jyp was just nit picky. This is not your fault." Tali said cupping his face whipping the tears off his face.
"But-" "No buts Channie, come on, lets go out for a bit, and get your mind off things" Tali suggested
Chan agreed.
They packed up at went to a open store and got some food and snacks. They went to a near by play ground and stayed there for a bit talking.
"How do you handle it?"
"Handle what?"
"The hate?"
Tali stopped at the question. She looked up at him in confusion. "What do you mean how do I handle the hate Channie?"
"Well, Ive been seeing some comments that, Im not a good leader or person and that im a f-"
"Shh hey hey, one that not true and two... I don't. Im not able to, but I don't show it. I usually distracted myself and not think about it. But they do get to me I am human."
"What about the staff?"
"Oh the staff are still asswholes to me and the Chinese line. I record whats she said about boys and me. Also that she left a member behind and got in the car instead. Honestly one more thing from her, she out." Chan laughed at her statement, but knowing she was serious. She hated when people get discriminated, she doesn't care if she does, only the people around her. So a staff member came she started acting like the boss and mistreating the chinese members which got Tali pissed.
Whether the boys or the staff know it she has a lot of power. Sm made her co-leader for a reason and that is to point out any staff mistreating members and setting them straight or firing them. They know she honest and knows how the entertainment system works. So they trust her who ever can't handle the idols or treat the idols properly and are reported by her. They will get fired so quick. So most staff that worked with her before know this and they know not to tell new staff because the staff themselves don't want a problems in the future because of another staff member.
"So one more strike huh?"Tali looked up at him.
"Yeah" she said quietly.
"How are you and Han?" Tali frozed at the boy's name.
"Fine" Chan raised an eyebrow at her.
"Fine? Really that all you gonna give me?"Tali sighed at the statement.
"Well, I don't know, its just. Its hard. He didn't believe me Chan. When he promised he would be there. He left me." Tali said quietly.
Chan was saddened that she still was unsure of her friendship with the boy. He made a promise he shouldn't have and didn't believe her words and left her, then expected when she forgive him everything would go back to normal. Which did, from the outside. People who did know Tali, would know it wasnt gonna go back to normal anytime soon.
When Tali talkes to people she cares about, her eyes have this light about them. But when she is unsure of the person a doubts them she has this sheild which would take a pretty long time to get down. It took Han since 2015 to atleast get Tali to talk to him again, 2 years. She was scared.
"You know he cares about you right? That he loves you like the rest of us?"Tali looked at Chan with doubt in her eyes.
"Does he really tho?"
"Tali.." Chan went infont of her and grabbed her hands.
"He really cares about you, do you think the guy will try to make you talk with him for around 2 years for him not to care about you?"
"I- Im just scared that he won't believe me.........that he'll leave."
"Tali if he does ever hurt you, you can always drop him, you are scarily good at that" Channie joked
Tali giggled
"I'm afraid."
"You're afraid of what?"
"I'm afraid my group is gonna do that to me....not believe me, break promises, and leave me."
"Hey they won't, as long as you trust them I believe that it won't happen." Tali was stuck in thought.
"....what if they ask about my family....what do I say?"
"...do you want them to know?" "....no"
"Then tell them your not comfortable talking about your family"
"But what if they feel hurt when they find out you guys know and not them?" Tali said filled with gulit.
Chan sighed for once not knowing how to reassure the girl. Because if he was in the group and found out that a completely different group is closer to their only female member. He would feel sad and bitter. So Chan just hugged the girl to reassure her to gonna be okay.
Tali basked in this moment knowing nothing last forever, then realized something.
"...wait a minute shouldn't this be the other way around?"
"Shh no its fine" "No its not fine switch me"
"Tali its fine"
"I swear Talia we are not fighting about this again"
They started bickering about who comforts who then she got a phone call.
She flinched at the sound and cursed in her mind realizing what time it is and how she didnt tell ANYONE she left the house. She turned the phone and sees the ID number as Doyoung. She cursed out loud, she was really hoping it was Taeyong.
"Hey language" Chan joked, Tali just glared at him. She picked up the phone scared if there was gonna be either yelling or a scary calm Doyoung
"Im at the park, I was spending time with an old friend I lost track of time sorry." Tali said sheepishly.
"Its fine just come back home the dreamies were in panick when you didn't come back to the dorms so just go there and make sure your friend takes you there....wait is it a g-"
"Omg look at the time, its getting late thanks for calling me oppa im gonna go now bye!"
"Wai-" Tali cut him off and ended the call. She knew if she said it was a guy they will go all investigative mode and try to find out who the guy is.
Chan smacked the back of her head.
"Ow what was that for?!" Talia whinced while rubbing her head.
"For worrying your members and ending the call early, Talia you should know better." Chan said jokingly, shaking his head and pointing at her.
Tali smacked his finger and made are you serious face at him.
"You can't say anything, rememb-"
"Nope, this is not the time." Chan cut her off putting his hand over her mouth and dragging her off the park to the dreamies dorm.
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"We are here thanks for walking me." Tali turned and hugged Chan knowing she won't see him for awhile. Chan just gave her a warm smile.
"No problem anything for our Butterfly." Tali smiled at the nickname. Remembering all times they have been together.
"Thank you for everything Channie, I really appreciate you." Tali said still hugging him looking up at him with this light in her eyes like Chan first saw when he was able to get closer to her. He always cherished that moment because it showed that she trusted him. Her eyes just poured out her emotions, it took time to able to read them but it was all worth it, and he would do it all over again.
"Always, I will keep my promise to you, and to him." He said rubbing her head. Tali's eyes changed when she thought about him, not sad ones more like grateful. Tali let him go and she went inside and waved him goodbye.
She went up the elevator, reminiscing the old times, even though it came to an end she still had part of them left with her as she held her locket in her palm looking at a picture that she cherished so much closing it back again once she was on the floor of the dreamies apartment.
She was at the door preparing herself for either a scolding or affection, probably both.
She unlocked the door and Jaemin tackled her to the ground.
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN I WAS WORRIED SICK SOMEONE HAD TAKEN YOU FROM US." Jaemin scolded her while he was squishing her. Then he picked her up and she went back on the ground by the 2 mankaes.
"Why didn't you at least text us" "Yeah I came in your room for cuddles and you weren't there." Chenle pouted while Jisung scolded. Tali giggled but she felt guilty for making them worried.
"Im sorry I didn't mean too. I was just visiting some friends I haven't seen in awhile." Tali said sheepishly.
"Wow so you left us for them wow." Haechan said with a betrayed face. Tali rolled her eyes at the boy running up to him and hugging him. He was surprised at the contact, Tali at the time wasn't big on skinship so she never really did it herself.
"Don't be a baby, I saw you all this morning and afternoon. I haven't seen them in a long time, how about this we can see a movie in my room for the night hm?" Tali pouted, she didn't want to get scolded.
The boys have never seen Tali act this cute and touchy before. They were loving it.
"Hm? How about we cook and then watch a movie?" Haechan inquired trying to see how long her cuteness will last. Her eyes brightened at the idea she let him go and clapped her hands.
"Yes pleaasee." Tali giggled. Tali was acting her age, which was the first time in forever, they didn't know how. But they were taking advantage of it.
"Lets start cooking, hm?" Jeno said while rubbing Tali's head. Tali looked him and gave him her famous smile that would literally make his hearts burst.
"Come on Tali, help me prepare~" Renjun said while grabbing Tali and gently leading her to the kitchen.
Everyone just stood in place for a couple seconds. Processing what they just witnessed.
"Hyung, what did we just witnessed?" Jisung asked
"I don't know, but I loved every single moment of that." Haechan said, Then Tali popped out with a cute apron on with Renjun behind her smiling at her fondly.
"You guys wanna help?" Tali said cutely, everyone gushed on how adorable was being. They didn't know but when ever she hangs out with Straykids she has this kid like persona come out of her and even afterwards, and thats what they are seeing, she just grew up with Nct and Straykids differently she acts an adult with Nct while Straykids she acts her age maybe a little younger. So when she left Chan she was in a happy mood and that continued to now.
They all looked at each other and then back at Tali.
"Of course Princess."
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afterhoursfic · 3 years
I read a post about Jaskier falling in love with Roach a little while back and I had an idea that I thought you might enjoy (don't worry if this isn't your style) so what if Jaskier's been fucking Roach and it's going great and Geralt watches but he doesn't participate. He loves seeing Jaskier try so hard to breed Roach and then he gets the idea to buy a potion that would make Jaskier's cum actually compatible and Jaskier doesn't know and he keeps fucking Roach and a few months later, the signs of Roach actually being pregnant are evident and Jaskier can't work it out but he knows that's his baby in her and he's so in love and he loves his little foal even before it's born. And just Jaskier getting Roach pregnant
Your horse fics are amazing! It gave me this idea for Jaskier who (for some reason) has been cursed with a horses dick. At first he's incredibly excited (he now has a massive cock after all) but he quickly realizes that no one will sleep with him like that. Eventually he gets desperate enough to fuck Roach and afterwards it's so good he gives up trying to fix the curse. Any thoughts?
Warning: beasitality, dub con
Okay but I love this idea a lot. Just as soon as Jaskier gets cursed hes laughing because now he's literally hung as a horse and everyone will be drooling over his cock now.
I'd say he's definitely more of a grower, his cock is a bit thicker and a little longer than it was, but fuck when he gets he could probably bend down and suck his own cock if he really wanted too.
Of course when he tells his partners he's big, like really big, he's shoved to the nearest empty space and his cock pulled. Only he watches they're face to go from silent glee to slightly terrified to disbelief to get the fuck out of here what is wrong with you.
Needless to say he's horny, like unbearably horny to the point he's constantly light headed from how hard he is most of the time and where Geralt has to drag him onto Roach so he doesn't fall over.
Of course Geralt finds out, how couldn't he when it was stupidly obvious by the tent in his pants when he tried to squeeze his cock to calm himself as they sat around the fire.
Geralt knows of his problem too. Mentions every other minute how je stimks of sweat and sex and that he really needs to get laid. Jaskier couldn't agree more but that wasnt going to be happening soon and given the delicate situation he was loathe to go to a sorceress to get it fixed let alone Yennefer like Geralt had suggested.
Although it's Geralt that comes up with a solution, he has a horse's cock now, so why not fuck a horse and Geralts mare was right there. He should be disgusted and angry at Geralt for pimping out his horse to him for a quick fuck but he doesn't. He's just the right amount of horny and desperate and drunk and light headed to not be thinking clearly and a few minutes later Geralts helping him stumble out of his clothes and settling Roach.
He keeps his eyes shut as he pushes his cock into her, ignores her whinny because all he can think is tight, wet, hot and Jaskier needs more, needs all of it and he makes quick work of fucking Roach and himself to orgasm. He stays plastered to back, damn right hisses when Geralt tries to coax her away just so he grind his cock deeper, edging himself higher and higher until he's panting and shallowly thrusting into her. Both of them make desperate noises and he's thankful theyre in the middle of nowhere when he cries out as he comes and comes and comes and fuck if he wasnt human he could've bred her, stuffed her so full with come she'd have to carry his kid but he is human and although his cock twitches eagerly at the idea he's quickly pulling out and letting Geralt drag her away.
It becomes a regular occurance after that and Jaskiers gotten used to Geralt as his audience, hell sometimes when he's on the very edge Geralt will let Jaskier fall to his knees and suck his cock until he's stripping come over his face.
He's sure he's kept his secret a secret, in that he gets off on the idea of breeding Roach like nothing else. He blames the horse cock but the idea of stuffing her so full of come and fucking a child into her is definitely more than magic. So he thinks he kept it secret but sometimes Geralt will get a strange look in his eye when they stop at an apothecary or Jaskiers catching his breath as he lays on Roach's back.
It takes months to notice. Hell he couldn't even tell the difference on Roach, he just knew they were travelling further and further north until Geralt told them they were headed for Kaer Morhen, so Roach could rest and give birth and peace and Jaskier damn near slips off a ledge at that.
Thats when he notices that her belly is bigger that Geralt hasn't ridden her in weeks and that steadily they've both been carrying more than they ever had before. Its only bscause he drives himself into a panic that Geralt tells him that he got a spell, a mixture, and spiked him with it. That it made him fertile to horses and that Roach was pregnant with his kid, and that it should be a proper foal.
It takes him a few minutes to process before he stopping them and cooing at Roach for ages before Geralt rolls his eyes and tells him they still have a long way to go. He doesnt fuck Roach after that and he and even Geralt are a little tired but Jaskier decides he definitely doesnt want to fuck anything up.
Although he is tided over by Geralt telling him that after Roach gives birth and its not some fucked up hybrid that there were other mares kept at the keep for him to fuck. That he could get himself a small herd of baby foals by the end of winter and they can just pin it on Eskels stallion.
Jaskier's never walked so fast in his life after hearing that.
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feeling-uncomfy · 4 years
Here you go @aestheticallytiredandpathetic :)
Fic #5 should be out soon, but I'm not sure how long it will be, hope that's okay :D
Please be warned there is a blood/injury warning!!
Hope you enjoy!
Hawks and Tokoyami walked out of the agency, ready and raring to go. "You wanna fly or walk?" Hawks asked his intern, grinning down at him. Tokoyami looked up at the bright sky. "I'd like to fly, if you dont mind."
Hawks ruffled his feathers. "Nice. We're going the normal route, you'll be happy to know." The last patrol they had Hawks tried a new route, which ended with them running into Endeavor, who always seemed to be in some sort of danger. Both Tokoyami and Shouto went home in stretchers that day.
Tokoyami nodded, following his mentor onto a near roof, and kicked off. The pair flew around the outskirts of the city, searching for any signs of danger. At first, there was nothing, and Hawks got bored. He chatted with Tokoyami about little things, how classes were going, training.
Tokoyami answered simply, trying to stay in the air. He wasnt as good as Hawks when it came to flying, but he tried. Hawks landed on a roof, calling a time-out. They ordered a takeout and sat on the roof, bored out of their minds.
"Normally there's at least one criminal running around..." Tokoyami stated, chewing on his food. Hawks nodded, swallowing. "It's a little too quiet, if you ask me." Hawks hopped off, stretching his wings. "Let's go, maybe we'll stop by Endeavor's place. Give us something to do." Hawks laughed at Tokoyami's wince.
They continued to patrol, and finally, something of interest happened. "Sir!" Tokoyami pointed at a tall building, where people were screaming. "I see it. Hold on." Hawks banked right.
They landed, and Hawks sent feathers out. Tokoyami made a border with the help of Dark Shadow, stopping people from getting closer. People were cheering. Hawks brought the feathers back, cussing. "What's the situation?" Tokoyami asked, swallowing his nerves. When he asked for something interesting, this isnt what he had in mind.
Hawks turned to his intern. "There's twelve hostages. Seven on the third floor, five on the bottom floor." He thought for a moment. "There aren't even that many villains. There are... eight? Nine villains at most." Tokoyami nodded at the information given to him.
"You run for the stairs through reception, and distract the villains on the higher level, and I'll grab the hostages. Got that?" Hawks looked at his intern. He specifically said distract, and prayed the message got across. Tokoyami nodded. Hawks grinned. "Great, I'll get you your opening."
Hawks sent feathers out, and took the guards closest to the hostages out first. Tokoyami ran forward as civilians were pulled out screaming. Tokoyami went for the stairs, taking a breath as he ran. Hawks soared upwards, watching his inter climb the stairs with Dark Shadow's help.
Tokoyami got to the third floor, and scanned the area. There were two people with guns trained on the hostages, and two more close by. A fifth person stood tall next to a machine. Tokoyami was weary. Hawks needed his kid to get working soon. Tokoyami knew if he jumped right out he'd get the people killed.
Instead, he sent Dark Shadow to the side, making a commotion. As the villains looked, on guard, Hawks sent feathers in. It was over in less than a minute. Tokoyami noticed a little girl who Hawks had missed, and jumped forward as one of the men had their gun pointed at them.
Using his body as a shield, Tokoyami took a bullet to his shoulder. He bit back a cry of pain as the child screamed. Dark Shadow took the girl into Hawks's line of sight, and she disappeared. Tokoyami realised his mistake as someone grabbed his cloak, dragging him over to the machine he saw earlier. He cursed himself for not thinking.
Hawks was there in a second, shoving the man back and pulling Tokoyami away. A gunshot sounded out and the hero froze. They were surrounded. "I'm sorry, Hawks—" Tokoyami bit out, shoulder going numb. "Dont be. You saved that little girl." Hawks reassured.
Hawks turned ro the villain who shot, and saw the machine himself. The man grinned ferally. "Hawks, the number two hero! What a surprise." He chuckled, and pointed the gun at Tokoyami. "And isnt that the kid who got third place during the sports festival? Whoa, we got ourselves a hustle." His grin was wider now.
He pushed a button in the machine. "Hey, get us outta here, Kay." The person in question, a person with an animal-type quirk, snapped their finger and the villains disappeared. Hawks groaned. "Why do all the villains have teleportation quirks?!"
Tokoyami looked up at him. "Hawks." Hawks looked down at his intern. "What's up, kid?" He moved so Tokoyami was sitting down, and walked over to the machine. "What do we have here...?" Hawks looked at the screen closely. Hawks's eyes widened.
"It's a bom—!" Hawks turned to shield Tokoyami, just as the bomb went off. Hawks was shoved forward, his wings burning slightly and falling face-first into Tokoyami. The whole building shook and fell, crushing them both.
"What's happening?!" Endeavor ran up as the tremors in the ground stopped. Miruko shrugged, and Shouto looked around at the damage. Bakugo and Midoryia looked around, too. "....I think we got everyone out in time, so there's nothing to worry about." Shouto sighed. Good, no one was hurt.
There was a little girl, and she was trying to run towards the rubble? Did she lose something? Shouto walked towards her as Gang Orca showed up, Shouji hot on his heels. The little girl was crying. "What's wrong? Did you lose something?" He bent down to the girls level. She looked at him, fear in her eyes. "You have to help them! They're still in there!" She clung to him and sobbed.
Shouto was confused. "Who?" The girl wiped her tears away. "The man with wings! And the bird! The heros!" She yelled. Endeavor came over as Shouto's eyes widened. "What's wrong?" Shouto turned towards the rubble. "Hawks and Tokoyami–?!" Endeavor raised a brow. "What about them?" Shouto turned to hair father. "This girl says she saw them in the building. They might still be in there."
Tokoyami lifted his head with a groan. His head was pounding, and it was pitch black all around. He sat up, trying to balance himself with his arms. One of his arms gave out, and he fell down again. Right, he couldn't feel it after he had been shot. It wasn't bleeding that badly, so what was wrong?
There was a groan from his left. "Hawks! Are you alright?" He turned on his phone flashlight, and gasped. Hawks was covered in blood, many feathers gone. His eyes were lidded and unfocused. There was blood trailing down from his head and nose. "M'fine... I justs–" Hawks closed his eyes.
Tokoyami shook him. "Sir?! Hawks, wake up!" Tokoyami didnt know how to deal with this. Sure, he'd been taught first aid, but he'd never had to apply it in an actual situation before. He didnt know where to start, his mind went blank. Hawks groaned and moved onto his back, and Tokoyami nearly doubled over. There was definitely a broken rib, and his leg was twisted at an odd angle.
Hawks was mumbling nonsense. He must have hit his head hard, how was Tokoyami supposed to help?? He ripped his cloak without thinking, wrapping it firmly around his head to stem the flow. Hawks hissed in pain, and Tokoyami apologised. He did this again with other places that bled, until there wasnt any place left.
"Okay, can I pick you up? Am I strong enough for that...?" He said to himself, and tried anyway. He couldn't with his arm out of commission. His left arm hung loosely, and he tried desperately not to panic. He managed to get half of Hawks's torso over his right shoulder, and clung on for dear life. "This may hurt, sorry." He started walking, dragging Hawks with him.
They moved slowly through the rubble, using Tokoyami's phone light as a guide. Tokoyami's right arm tired after a while, but he refused to stop. He couldn't stop, Hawks was hurt. Tokoyami looked up as rubble moved.
Large rocks same crashing down hard, and Tokoyami barely had time to shove Hawks back. Something hit his head with a crack and he fell, shouting out in pain. Dark Shadow was going haywire inside him, wanting to keep their host safe. Tokoyami fell to his knees, and waited for the rocks to stop falling.
Tokoyami gingerly touched his head with one hand, and inhaled sharply when he brought his hand back. There was dark, thick blood coating his hand. Tokoyami shivered as it dripped down his beak. His vision swam. He was going to pass out.
No, he couldn't. He had to stay awake. He slapped his face, trying to keep conscious. He had to get them out of here, but Hawks was limp, and there wasnt any sign of sunlight. "Okay, okay. What would your classmates do?" Tokoyami asked himself, shaking his already drooping head.
Midoryia would analyse the area as best he could, and Yayorozu would probably try gauge the their whereabouts and the stability of the rubble. His eyes drooped closed. No, he couldn't think straight. Who else...?
Shouji. He would worry about everyone else, make sure they're okay. It was getting harder to think anything. Bakugo would blast his way out, probably—
Wait. Tokoyami looked up at the rubble over his head. Even if he could, Bakugo was accurate with his blasts, and he probably wasnt two seconds away from passing out, either. Still, if Dark Shadow could make at least a dent in the rubble...
The whole thing might collapse on them, and then what? Tokoyami looked nervously down at Hawks. His eyes were closed and his wings twitched once before falling still. No, Tokoyami was sure Hawks wouldnt wake up anytime soon.
Were people even aware they were down here? The question made Tokoyami freeze. What if they didnt know? What if everyone had left them already...? They wouldn't do that, surely someone had noticed Hawks's absence. Tokoyami's breathing was uneven, and he shook.
If they died down here, how long would it take people to notice? In Hawks's case, not very long.
But in Tokoyami's case...
He took in a shaky breath, he couldn't waste the little oxygen they had. He wiped the tears that had falled away and sat up. "Dark Shadow, please stay calm..." Tokoyami let Dark Shadow out, his phone staying on full brightness to hopefully keep him at bay.
It sort of worked. Dark Shadow roared and hit a large boulder, and then had to stop it from crushing them. "Dark Shadow, could you please try find any safe way to the surface?"
Dark Shadow nodded once and slinked off. Tokoyami sat back, going over ways to stay calm. Hawks moved slightly, and made a noise of pain. "Sir...?" Tokoyami looked down at him.
Hawks coughed up an excessive amount of blood, and his breathing went shallow. Tokoyami panicked and reached forward, supporting him. Hawks couldn't get anything out, and fell quite in Tokoyami's grip again. The silence that followed was deafening.
"Sir?" Tokoyami shook him. There was nothing. "Hawks? Please get up." Tokoyami didnt want to beg, but he really didnt want to be alone. Not like this. Hawks didnt respond, his blood falling out of his mouth into Tokoyami's knees.
Tokoyami was shaking, panic rising in his throat. "Sir, please dont leave me..." It came out as a broken whisper. He was trying not to freak out, in fear Dark Shadow may destroy more rubble.
"Fumi! I found something!" Dark Shadow zipped back to Tokoyami's chest, trying to comfort him. "What? What is it?" Tokoyami moved to stand, holding Hawks up. Dark Shadow pointed the way they came. "There's an easy way out. We'll have to climb, but we can get out."
Tokoyami let out a relieved breath, trying not to sob in relief. "Lead the way." They walked, a little slowly, but within a few minutes, they made it to the point Dark Shadow told him about.
It was a steep uphill climb. "How are we supposed to get up there with Hawks? I cant climb up that far holding him." Tokoyami stared up at the small streaks of sunlight. Dark Shadow bobbed around excitedly. "But I can help! I'll carry Hawks, and you climb up."
Tokoyami thought for a few minutes, but nodded. They started climbing, and Tokoyami's vision swam every once in a while. He slipped and fell the first few attempts, and he smacked his head again after the fourth attempt.
"Fumi!?" Dark Shadow floated uncertainly around him. Tokoyami groaned and felt the back of his head, and felt something sticky. There was more blood at the back of his head. Tokoyami felt a sudden wave of exhaustion sweep over him, and he fell back.
He struggled, his left arm was completely numb and now swollen in a few places. What was in that bullet? Tokoyami climbed, and got halfway when he heard it.
"I'm still not getting anything. I dont think they're here."
Shouji. They were looking, but he couldn't— they thought they were—
"Shouji!" Tokoyami yelled, trying to get higher. He slipped but help fast. "Shouji!" He yelled louder. He couldn't hear him. "Dark Shadow, get Hawks higher. Get him through the rubble." Tokoyami wheezed out, chest feeling tight.
Dark Shadow did what they were asked, and brought Hawks up. Tokoyami tried again to get Shouji's attention. "Shouji, we're down here! Please!" He was getting desperate. Hawks wasnt going to die down here, not if Tokoyami had any say in it.
Tokoyami screamed. "Shouji!!"
The rubble moved and Dark Shadow and Hawks made it to the surface. The rocks around him crumpled and Tokoyami slipped back. The sunlight was getting further away. Did he really climb this high? Tokoyami decided, this was fine. Hawks was alright, that's all that matters.
He'd already come to terms with the fact he might not graduate from U.A.
The fact that he might never make it to eighteen, he accepted. It was fine, he was okay with that. He'd long since come to terms with the fact that he might die, and found he didnt mind as much.
He did what he was supposed to do.
Tokoyami closed his eyes and hit the bottom. Something cracked and it all faded away. The last thing he saw was something reaching towards him. He wondered vaguely if he'd see his mother again...
Hawks groaned and opened his eyes. He'd finally kept them open for longer than a second, and looked around. He wasnt under the building anymore, which was good. But where was—?
"Tokoyami?" He looked around, and Endeavor stopped him. "Calm down. You were crushed by that building over there. You were hurt." Hawks shook him off, standing wobbly. "Where's Tsukuyomi?" Endeavor didnt answer. "Where is he?!" Hawks yelled, getting worried.
Endeavor didnt look at him. Hawks walked as fast as he could towards the crowd. He heard yelling. Bakugo was yelling, clearly panicked. Shouto had his hand on someone's shoulder. The shoulder was trembling. Oh, it was Gang Orca's kid. Shouji? He had his dupliarms shoved down a large gap in the debris.
He shoved past Miruko and asked what was happening. Shouji let out an intelligible noise, shaking his head. Hawks caught sight of the bottom. There were lights shining down so they could see. Hawks gasped loudly.
"Tsukuyomi!" He yelled, and Miruko held him as he tried to jump down to his intern. "Miruko, let go! Let me fucking go!" He was so, so angry. Shouji ducked his head, and let out a sob. Hawks shoved Miruko off, and ran forward.
Gang Orca put a hand around him, stopping him. "That's my kid! My fucking kid! He's down there! Let go!" Hawks screamed, fighting with every ounce of strength he had left. His wings spread out, catching the hero off guard. Hawks ran forward, still yelling. His jumped down.
He reached the bottom. "Tokoyami! Kid, please be okay." Tokoyami wasnt breathing. Dark Shadow was no where to be seen. "Kid? Hey, come on kid, you cant leave yet..." Aziawa arrived, looking down.
"Kid...?" Nothing. Tokoyami was gone.
Hawks sobbed as he held his kid close. He screamed. It was a loud, broken sound that echoed through the cave. Bakugo knew the second he heard it that Tokoyami was gone, and stopped yelling. Aziawa's eyes widened. Shouji broke down, curling into himself. He'd been so close, he heard him, and he still—
"Kacchan?!" Midoryia half caught Bakugo as he fell to his knees. Shouji didnt look up. Gang Orca kneeled next to him and pat his shoulder, silent. Shouto was two seconds away from going down himself. Endeavor walked over, uncertain. Shouto just collapsed into his farhers chest, high on emotions.
Aziawa tensed as Miruko stood next to him. There were unshed tears in her eyes, and Aziawa knew he wasnt much better. Hawks was still screaming. His voice cracked, and he held Tokoyami tighter. This was all his fault. If Hawks had been faster, maybe his kid would still be alive.
The new crew, still filming, broadcasted Hawks's breakdown to the whole of Japan. All Might watched as his students broke down. Yamomo, Jirou and Kaminari watched as their guitarist, their friend died alone. The whole of class 1A was in the common area, watching the news. They heard Hawks screaming their classmates name in agony.
The league watched from the bar. Not even Dabi could form a solid joke as they watched. Instead, they gave a silent moment. Well, Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Compress and Dabi did. Spinner wasnt there and Toga and Twice didnt care. Dabi was still a little shocked by Hawks's outburst.
Mr. Compress tutted about 'wasted potential' and Magne swatted his shoulder. "The kid just died, Sako. Be nice." She was also quiet. As much as she hated to admit it, she had a soft spot for kids. This physically hurt to watch.
Shinsou watched his childhood friend die. He couldn't help the tears that fell from his eyes, and he cried.
It seemed the whole of Japan had gone silent for Hawks and his intern.
Hawks had to be dragged away from the body, kicking and screaming. He was two minutes away from being sedated. Aziawa gave the kids a ride back to the dorms. Shouji was still shaking, and Bakugo was quiet. Midoryia held onto Todoroki, who was silently crying.
Once they got back to the dorms, the band held Bakugo and Shouji close. The class stayed together. And for once, not even Mineta made a peep. Mina was clinging to Shouji and Shouto, tears streaming down her face, reminiscing on old memories.
Tokoyami's funeral took place after three days. It wasnt a huge funeral, but many people played their respects after the ceremony. Hawks had to be held up by Miruko and Best Jenist. Tokoyami's father didnt show up, but they didnt need to.
Tokoyami's family had always been 1A.
So, as a ghost, he enjoyed watching them go through the rest of their years of training. He was glad it was Shinsou that replaced him. Hawks had never stopped visiting him, and Tokoyami enjoyed the stories he shared from the day. He enjoyed the new music the band played, and was touched when Jirou made a song for him.
He saw other ghosts wandering, and he decided fuck it, death was lonely. He met Oboro, Sir Nighteye and Nana Shimera. They all had their lives cut short, and they bonded over that. Oboro and Tokoyami got along better, as their ages were so close.
All in all, Tokoyami found death wasnt as bad as people made it out to be. Sure, he'd never make it to eighteen, but he found it was much easier to watch. Watch with his mother and Dark Shadow, and the other ghosts.
Sure, he'd left it all behind, but for a split second, he was okay with that.
This physically hurt to write—
This was supposed to have a happy ending, too but idk what went wrong xD
Hope you enjoyed!
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winchesterimagine · 4 years
Family Curse
Hiii I was wondering if you can imagine where the reader is their sister and she has demon blood in her too like sammy. And they go on a hunt and she can't control herself and drinks and doesn't know what to do apart from putting her in the panic room and Sam stays with her ,because Dean can't really look at the sight. Thank you :) x
Authors note: Sorry I'm really rusty everyone but I hope y'all enjoy.
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Family Curse
Why is it that us winchesters find ourselves in the worst possible situations? I mean by now you would think we would know how to avoid these types of situations.Another hunt in a house in the middle of nowhere how typical of us. Your train of thought was cut off by a yell.
“Y/N, A little back up wouldn't hurt ” you heard your brothers outcry from the next room over. You came to your senses running into the room you heard their yells. Fully loaded you kicked the door in scanning the room only to see Sam pinned to a wall and Dean fighting against a blade to his neck with a demon. This scene was all too familiar to you. Before you could do anything the demon looked straight at you and laughed.
“This is what you call back up, I would think you two knew better.”
You watched as he threw your 6 ft brother like a rag doll against a wall knocking him out. You got your smart mouth from your oldest brother Dean.
“ I would think Demons knew not to even breathe near a winchester”
“She's spunky you see I like that about you winchesters. You can see death right in front of you but you won't hesitate with your sarcasm.”
“What can i say it runs in the family.”
“ What a sad family it is. I mean look at all of you, weak yet stubborn.”
He turned to face Dean wrapping his arm closer around his neck.
“ I’m not done with you”  he proclaimed as he  knocked him out in one blow.
“I should go in order though, right from the youngest to oldest. They should watch as their younger sister dies to my hand. How satisfying would that be. Them waking up to their sister's limp body knowing there was nothing they could have done. Tell me something Y/N how would you like to die.”
You were quick to respond. “Old Age or going out with a fight.”
The demon was unaware this was all planned as he stepped closer to you finally getting trapped in the devils trap your brothers and you had put days before. Took her a few steps more before she realized.
“Game over.” You said with a smile before a migraine bigger than anything you had ever had brought you to your knees. You heard the blood pulsing through the demon's body he had possessed. That is all your mind went to the power how thirsty you were for power not like anything you had experienced it wouldn't stop pulsing. It wasn't a want, it was a need no matter how hard you fought it you couldn't. You grabbed the demon  knife you had on your side and charged. You could see the fear the demon had in front of you but you couldn't stop something else was taking control and before you knew it. It was too late. You were sucking every last drop you could of demon blood getting it all over you. It felt like the greatest thing you had ever experienced a sense of power you never had. It was filling you with something you had never felt in your life. It took moments before you heard your brother call your name out.
“Y/N” in a hush tone Dean said. You could hear him struggling to get up. You had never had such a feeling of disgust until that very moment of yourself. You were hunched over the limp body barely remembering what happened still sucking on the lifeless body.This wasn't how it was supposed to go.
“Y/N,you ok?” you heard him call again terrified of turning around and you stayed frozen. Tears forming in your eyes slowly running down your cheeks till he came in front of you. Your heart had never in your life felt as heavy as it did in that instant. You instantly got up to hug him but he had never been more ready to push you away after seeing you. It was an expression you never wanted from your brother. No hesitation he raised the barrel of the gun towards you. The only time your brother had ever pointed a gun at you was when you were possessed. This was different.
“What did he do to you?”
“I don't know Dean. I couldn't control it. I just shut off.”
“No not you.”
You heard Sam grunting as he was getting up.
“What's going on? Is Y/N possesed.” sam questioned
“I don't know Sam, she was feeding on that demon's body like a monster. I don't know ” you could hear as his voice was breaking “but she wasnt trapped; she walked right out.”
“Dean put the gun down thats Y/n for gods sake” Sam yelled
“How do you know? my sister is not a monster she is not one of those freaks she can't be. She was feeding on……..” he proclaimed as he lowered his gun”......Demon blood”
Realization hit all of you like a brick wall and you felt weak to  your knees again. Sam was the first to your side as you watched your older brother turn and walk away in disappointment and disgust.
You Yelled for Dean to come back but he just stopped mid way and responded.
“My little sister died today.”
Sam didn't hesitate to come to your side.
“Y/n it's going to be ok you're ok “
You couldn't control your tears. You started wiping all the blood off of you disgusted as to what just happened.Sam trying to hold you together before you started hurting yourself.
“Let’s go Y/N ”
“No,No i can't.”
“Yes you can Y/N look at me.”
You started to calm down a bit and got yourself together while you walked out. Dean leaning against the baby barely even being able to look at you.
“Let's just get out of this hell house.”
The drive was silent and your head was throbbing. I think it was the silence that was driving you even more insane. When you reached Bobby's you ran inside slamming your room's door. It was like a switch your sadness had turned into anger. You weren't even aware of what you had done till you heard a slam after the door shut. The wardrobe in the room had fallen right in front of the door locking everyone out but you inside. You heard your brothers yelling your name on the other side. What was going on. You just sat there.
Returning your brothers yells.
“I'm ok. The dresser fell in front of the door.”
With your brother's push and your pull you moved the dresser out of the way.
You were a mess you needed to shower.
“It just fell over. I don't know how it did but it did.
Both of your brothers knew that it wasn't just the dresser that decided to fall over that it was you and what was inside of you.
“Let me just shower and we’ll talk about it.”
They both nodded in agreement. You took the longest shower you had ever taken with hot water that was almost to the point of burning. You changed and met your brothers down stairs. Strange part is you couldnt find them, you looked almost everywhere. Something was off though your surroundings started changing and when you opened the door it turned into a child's room with a crib and a stranger standing near it. You felt the need to protect the child but your head started throbbing again in pain and all you heard was the stranger getting closer to you. He whispered close enough and barely loud enough to understand.
“Don't worry child, you're one of my favorites.”
You woke up on the bathroom floor freshly showered and dressed.
“What the hell is going on.”
You heard a knock on the bathroom door
“y/n can we talk i need to show you something”
“Yeah just give me a moment. You brought yourself together to be met by your brother Dean outside your door.
“Follow me”
“Dean, can we talk about what happened earlier?”
“Yeah just let me show you this first. “
“Why are we going to the panic room”
“Bobby told me he left you something that might help us with whatever's going on.”
“Ok you slowly walked in only to hear the door close behind you.”
“Dean don't lock me in here like an animal or a monster. I'm your little sister.”
“You're not yourself Y/N and i just can't.”
You could hear him  making his way up the Stairs.
The single metal bed, the provocative model poster and the desk. Rust everywhere from the holy water and salt. All too familiar.
First day passed then the 3rd it had been 2 weeks and you were to the point of no return. You started to feel so close to death. No sleep since this had started constant nightmares and headaches that would never stop.
“y/n its sam again”
You turned to the door
“Leave me alone let me just die here like how Dean would want it.”
“He doesn't want you to die but he feels like you have already.
“Oh that makes me feel so much better bigfoot”
“Shut up pip squeak listen because i have experience unlike you.”
He walked in sitting right next to you.
“You know I never wanted this. I feel like there's something inside me pulsing through me wanting more power but not in a good way. It's something I know it's wrong but I can't control it. It's not a want anymore, it's a need. I feel like I'm dying.”
“I know it does but ill make sure you dont ok you don't have to worry”
“Sam i'm not scared of dying”
“Dean and I are,You're our little sister Y/n but we both don't know what to do.  I remember being in this exact room and feeling like it was the worst part of my life. That my brother would rather watch me die then help but that's not the truth. He was just as scared as I was. Our own father told him to kill me if he had to.”
“I know Sam and maybe yall should at this rate I feel like I'm already dead.
You could see your words hurt Sam.
“No one deserves to die with what they can't control. Especially not my little sister. You know I've been through hell and back so has Dean. I've had the Devil himself use me like a doll and yet just because my sister thinks she's not worth living because some god forsaken demon a.**whos ruined our lives wants us to be his puppet.”
You let out a sigh of frustration “You don't get it Sam.”
“What don't I get? Get it together Y/N. This is what he wants. You're throwing the white towel. I know you're ashamed you're disgusted. You feel like the biggest disappointment to this family but you're not. You know i can't make you feel better but i'd rather die than let you go through this alone.”
“You know I wish you wouldn't but I know no matter what I say you'll never leave.”
Sam let a small smile appear on his face before he said anything.
“You got that right. No matter what Dean feels or says doesn't matter because we're family nothing changes that.”
“You know that's hard to believe when you start feeling like the one thing that could change that has  happened.”
“I know but when has our life ever made sense y/n.  I'll help you get through this and not make the same mistakes I did. come here.”
Sam pulled you into a hug and for once you thought maybe things will be ok.
When you looked at your brother this time though his eyes were glowing yellow.
“Get away from me.”
“Y/n it's me Sam.”
You filled with panic and let whatever darkness you had inside of you out.
“No your not my brother”
Before you knew it Sam was being thrown against the wall. You ran to the door and it went swinging open. There stood Dean in the doorway with black eyes and before you could think you tackled and took him down. You kept fighting him while he kept yelling at you. Your fist not going anywhere with how weak you really felt.
“ you'll never be a part of us. You're a disgrace to even be called my sister. Dad was right, you're weak, you'll never be enough. I wouldn't even hesitate your a monster and you know it ”
“Stop It Dean please”
You felt Sam pull you off of Dean and push you against the wall. His eyes still glowing yellow while he yelled at you. His eyes glowing seeing right through you looking at you like you were nothing to him.
“You know maybe you should just give in and let it kill you. You're not worth the effort to save. You're weak.”
You kept fighting and shot up sweating. Sam was holding you close, restraining you. You felt the worst you've ever felt and you've been stabbed and shot numerous times but this took the cake.
“ It's ok Y/n it's not real you're going to be ok.”
You felt a tear hit your face from sam. You couldn't control your emotions, you were crying and your body uncontrollably  shaking. Your body felt so cold but your head felt like it was on fire.
“Sam, I can't take it. It hurts too much. Please make it stop.”
His grip got tighter and you could feel yourself slipping into sleep again.
“Y/n I swear I'll make him pay. You're going to be ok. Me and Dean are going to take care of it. We always do ok. You're our little sister we can't let anything happen to you it's our job. I'm so sorry Y/n. Please be ok.”
You heard his voice breaking like you never had before.
“It's ok Sammy, I'm tired.”
Your eyes started getting heavy and before you knew it you were out.
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
Sleeping beauty: a twisted supernatural fairytale
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A/n: this is for 4 different bingo challenges... hope people like this one! Show it some love if you loved it.
Title: sleeping beauty: a twisted supernatural fairytale
Pairing: dean x reader
Spn Dark sq: free space (shadow/fear demon)
Share the love bingo sq: sleeping beauty
Fluff sq: soulmate AU
H&H sq: Gabriel
Rating: pg-13
summery: not telling
created for @spnfluffbingo​  @spndarkbingo​  @heavenandhellbingo​  @thisismysecrethappyplace​
Once upon a time in a kingdom oh so far away lived a king & his fair queen. for many years they had longed for a child & finally their wish was granted.
a daughter born to them whom they called YN. for they named her after the dawn for she filled their hearts with sunshine. a great holiday planned to honor the princess for the entire kingdom rejoiced at her birth.
as more people graced the party, the party got stronger. amongst those to arrive were King John & his son Prince Dean. fondly had these monarchs dreamed that one day their kingdoms unite.
thus that day they announced Dean, John’s son and Heir to Castiel’s daughter be betrothed. so to her his gift he brought as he looked unkowing on his future bride.
Page: their most honored and exalted excellencies, the 3 good fairies. Mistress Claire, Mistress Jo & mistress Alex...
the 3 fairies approached, now addressing Castiel and his queen.
Fairies: your majesties!
in courtly fashion they all curtsied.
Claire: each of us the child may bless with a single gift, no more no less.
claire approached the craddle, with a wave of her wand she spoke these words.
Claire: little princess, my gift shall be the gift of beauty...
~one gift, beauty rare. full of sunshine in her hair. lips that shame the red red rose. she’ll wake with springtime wherever she goes.~
Jo was next to approach the craddle, with a wave of her wand she spoke these words.
Jo: tiny princess, my gift shall be the gift of song.
~one gift, the gift of song. melody her whole life long. the nightingale’s her troubadour. bringing her sweet serenade to her door.~
Alex stepped up to the craddle, she walked and raised her want tostart her speech but something soon would disrupt her wish.
Alex: “sweet princess, my gift shall be...
a gust of wind blows blazing through the castle doors, they swing wide open. with wind and thunder crashing through, in a blaze of fire in the middle of the crowd appeared Rowena.
Claire, jo and Alex all in states of shock at the sight of Rowena who speaks now.
Rowena: well quite the glittering assemblage King Castiel. Royalty, nobility, the gentry and how quaint even the rebel.
alex tries to fly towards Rowena but is held back by Claire.
Rowena: i really felt quite distressed at not recieving an invitation
Alex now more than a little peaved speaks.
Alex: you weren’t wanted.
Rowena: not wa...? oh dear, what an awkward situation. i had hoped it was merely due to some oversight. well in that event i’d best be on my way. 
queen: and your not offended your excellency?
Rowena: why no your majesty. and to show i bear no ill will i too shall bestwo a gift on the child. 
the fairies back up to protect the craddle. 
rowena: listen well all of you! the princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty, beloved by all who know her. but, before the sun sets on her 16th birthday, she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel & die.
queen: oh no!
queen takes her child in her arms as rowena maniacly laughing...
castiel: seize that creature!
rowena: stand back you fools!
in a flash of fire and lightning as well as laughter rowena disappeared!
Claire: dont despair your majesties, Alex still has her gift to give.
Castiel: then she can undo this fearful curse?
Alex: oh no sire.
Jo: Rowena’s powers are far too great.
Claire: but she can help.
Alex: but...
Jo: just do your best dear!
Claire: yes...
Alex rolls up her sleeves and proceeds to speak her part.
Alex: sweet princess, if through this wicked witches trick a spindle should your finger prick, a ray of hope there still maybe in this, the gift i give to thee. not in death, but just in sleep the fateful prophecy shall keep, and from thy slumber thee shall wake when true loves kiss the spell shall break.
~for true love conquers all~
but castiel still fearful of his daughter’s life, did then and there decre that every spinning wheel on that very day be burnt. so it was done!
~this is the first jump out of fairytale reality and into our own reality where dean is picking up watching this classic fairytale & trying to get some shudeye.~
dean: if i have one more flippin’ dream about this movie im gonna kill someone.
sam: dont worry about it Dean, its not gonna get better with you yelling & screamin’... now try to get some sleep! we have a long drive ahead of us tomorrow!
Dean: yeah your right.
Dean throws his headphones on again trying to coax himself into a relaxing sleep. which Gabriel  had set so Dean would not wake from his sleep till the story would finish, then his destined quest would begin.
Gabriel: sweet dreams Dean. you have a really rude awakening ahead of you... everything you know is about to change...
gabriel casts his curse & leaves dean to his tormented slumber that which awaits him.
~jump back into the story, where we find the 3 fairies talking with Castiel and the queen~
Claire: your majesty please consider this a kind of protection detail, this will allow your sweet YN to grow up in peace without the worry of her pricking her finger when her 16th birthday hath fully passed your sweet YN will be returned to you. to ensure the curse does not come true.
queen: you 3 have always been here even when we havent always honored it, we do so appreciate your loyalty and protection. this has surely been a trying day for us and we are honored to have you 3 commited to helping us protect our daughter.
Castiel:  and it is on our honor that, you 3 shall go with our blessing. please be careful & guard our child well...
many hours later after dark, the king and his queen watched with heavy hearts as thier most precious possesssion their only child disappeared into the night..
many sad and lonely years passed for King Castiel and his peopple. but as the time for the pincess’ 16th birthday drew near, the entire kingdom began to rejoice. for everyone knew that as long as rowena’s domain, the forbidden mountains, thundered with her wrath and frustration her evil prophecy had not yet been fullfilled. 
rowena yells at her incompetant servents, they encur her wrath. rowena sends out her own raven to search for the princess. 
and so for 16 long years, dean had been learning how to live life as a prince. while the wereabouts of the princess remained a secret, the faires carried out their long laid planes living like mortals.
the fairies send Yn to collect some berries while they argue about the kind of last birrthday party they wish to give her, the dress color the cake and the cleaning something extra special for their last night as her guardians.
YN decides to stop in the glen... she feels like something is wrong thats when your real self breaks through... 
YN: omg what am i doing in here? 
as you keep singing you try to remember wht happened to put you in here. sure was your fave movie but it was not how you wanted to live.
Dean was riding Chuck the horse, the scene still happens the singing in the glade, dean hearing your singing following the animals that are stealing his cape, boots and hat. 
your still singing by yourself but now kinda talking to the animals. after that kind of normal conversation you notice that some of your animal friends have come back dressed as a prince. you started singing and continued to dance with your animal friends, but thats when Dean had snuck up and hid in the bush, he waited for his oportune moment.
YN: but if i know you, i know what you’ll do, you’ll love me at once... the way you did...
thats when your vocals were interrupted by another voice to complete your song.
Dean: once upon a dream.
though it wasnt exactly ideal, your hands interacting, it felt more real than you had this entire time. waltzing through the glade by the lake, made your real self shine through. Dean could feel his real self shine through as well.
Dean: are you real?
that question made you look at him instantly. another person whose not really the character he is pretending to be.
YN: you’re real... your an actual person, not just a fairytale character?
Dean: yes, i’m real, what’s your name?
YN: YN, outside this ever turning story book fairytale movie thing im a hunter.... this story just keeps repeating itself everytime someone watches this movie. i have no idea what the hell put me into this neverending storybook. im annoyed greatly but strange thing is i can’t feel any connection right now to my actual body...
Dean: im a hunter as well. my name is Dean. i hunt everything that goes bump in the night from ghosts to demons and everything in between. i am also not sure how i got in here.
YN: your a hunter as well... i thought i was the only one.
Dean: whats the last thing you can remember before waking up here in the story?
YN: i was on a strange case, one thing made me think it was a werewolf. one thing made me think it was a ghost. one thing made me think it was a poltergeist. i remember walking out of my hotel room and that is it. nothing else after that. it sends shivers down my spine when i think of what may be going on with my actual body. how did you end up in here?
Dean: last thing i rememebr is turning on the movie to watch/listen too while i try to sleep. thats it... i have no fucking idea how i ended up in here. as to you saying that you can feel no connection to your physical body, something magical must be blocking the connection, but non-the-less i want to help you. i will finish the story so i can get out of here and find you. i will slay whatever i have to in order to free you, in the story and in reality. i will not rest till i rescue you.
you both continued on in the story, as they say it must continue or the end will not come. but it was nice for both of you to know that neither of you were alone. 
the 3 fairies gave you your birthday surprise and told you of your true heritage then whisked you away to the castle where they hid you; dean showed up at the cottage where Rowena prince-napped him; you are led away by rowena’s curse to prick your finger in a hidden tower room the 3 fairies find you laying you down in “your” room; then they put the kingdom to sleep till someone can wake their sweet YN. 
~meanwhile outside the story Sam is working with other people to figure out what happened to dean. Ellen, Jo and Bobby all were doing everything they could to help Sam figure out what happened to Dean.~
 Back in the story: many sleeping people but the fairies were trying to find out who the handsome stranger was that their sweet Yn had been talking about. they figured he might be their key to saving her. 
but soon it was claire who had been doing a round to make sure all of her section was asleep but it was John’s voice that caught her ear for he started talking about how he had spoken to Dean who had been raving about some pesent girl and how Dean had said he was gonna marry her and such. 
claire managed to suss out that it was Dean that Yn had met in the forest. the words she had heard from John that had firmed her suspicions were Peasent girl & once upon a dream...
claire flies back to Jo and Alex and speaks in raced tones of panic.
Claire: the young man that YN was talking about is Prince Dean. come on girls we have to get back to the cottage.
as fast as their wings could carry them, they rushed back to the cotage but alas were too late for all they found was Dean’s hat no Dean. they conclude that it must have been Rowena who has dean trapped in her forbiiden palace. their minds made up immediately, they had to go there.
Dean, the only one true person who is able to awaken their Sweet YN... they had to find him to save her. off they went no plan in hand just ‘winging’ it as they went, weaving their way through the grounds passed the guards... 
Rowena was in her throne room watching her lackys celebrate. to her raven she speaks.
Rowena: what a pitty prince Dean cant be here to enjoy the celebration. come my pet let us go to the dungeon and cheer him up...
the raven she was just talking too cawed at her as she got up and started walking towards the dungeon where she had been keeping dean.
~*reality jump!!! Dean is still unconcious while Sam is runnning around like a chicken with his head cut off trying to figure out what the hell happened to his brother*~
Sam: i don’t want lecutures. i want to know what happened to Dean.
Bobby: dont worry boy, dean is strong, he will pull through whatever is happening to him. do you have any theories?
Sam: im thinking maybe some sort of curse or something but no signs of any hex bags or nothing surrounding dean. there has to be something we are overlooking. some angle that we have missed.
~*back in the story, dean is stuck in the dungeon not even phased when rowena walks in the door.*~
Rowena: oh come now prince dean why so mellon colly. a wondrous future awaits you. you the destined hero of a charming fairytale come true.
the fairies arrive in the window hiding from the raven and rowena but witness what rowena depicts to Dean through her Staff.
Rowena: behold, king castiel’s castle &and in yonder top most tower, dreaming of her true love, the princess YN. but see the gracious whim of fate. why tis the same said peasent maid who won the heart of our noble prince the other day. she is indeed most wondrous fair. gold of sunshine in her hair, lips that shame the red red rose. in ageless sleep she finds repose. the years roll by, but a hundred years to a stead fast hear are ‘bout a day. and now, the gates of the dungeon part and our prince is free to go his way. off he rides on his noble steed. a valiant figure, straight & tall to wake his love with love’s first kiss & prove that true love conquers all...
Dean struggles against his chains, alex starts towards rowena but is held back by Claire as rowena brings her raven back onto her shoulder as they prepare to exit the dungeon she says one final thing in Deans presense.
Rowena: ah my pet let us leave our noble prince with these happy thoughts.
she exits the dungeon leaving Dean struggling against his bonds. the 3 fairies enter the cell using their magic to release dean from the chains and unlock the door. Dean starts towards the door but is stopped by Claire who proceeds to speak.
Claire: wait prince Dean, the road to true love may yet still be barred by much more dangers, which you alone shall have to face. so arm thyself with this enchanted shield of virtue, and this mighty sword of truth. for these weapons of righteousness shall triumph over evil. now come we must hurry.
out of the dungeon they went but rowena’s raven had stayed behind after rowena and the raven exited the dungeon. he started cawing at them, Dean was thinking this would be easy escape. but he was wrong. the raven was bringing an army of lackies downt he stairs to them. dean begins to fight them off.
Claire: quick Dean jump out the window.
Dean jumps out the same window as the fairies, but some rocks start falling towards Dean. Claire notices and speaks quickly.
Claire: Dean watch out!
Claire turns the rocks into bubbles. then a wall of arrows quickly turned into a wall of flying flowers, alex went down to free chuck. dean rides off on chuck towards the gate where hot oil is thrown, claire turns it into a rainbow.
the chase of a lifetime made alex proud as she chased that raven to the top of rowena’s tower & turned it to stone. this made rowena emerge, freshly woken from her sleep she goes to yell at her raven but discovers that her pet has been turned into stone. 
she watches from her balcony as the drawbridge is being raised, dean and the fairies are heading straight for it, the fairies help him make the jump. chuck keeps running, carrying Dean as quick possible, dodging rowena’s two spells that she has cast causing them to fail. 
in straight eye sight for Dean and the fairies is the castle, but before they can reach it Rowena makes her second last attempt to stop them.
Rowena: a forest of thorns shall be his tomb. born from the skies in a fog of doom. now go with a curse and serve me well. round Castiel’s castle cast my spell.
a black cloud appears over the castle, lightning striking the grounds around, thus causes icky thicky black thorns to grow in large bushes between Dean and the castle. 
Dean stops before them, drawing his sword he fights his way through the thorns this let him out just before the bridge to the castle. rowena seeing this appears before Dean in a firey blaze for her final attempt to stop them.
Rowena: now shall ye deal with me oh prince & all the powers of hell!
Dean and the fairies watch as Rowena using every ounce of power she had left to transform herself into a huge fire spying dragon. Dean begins what turns into a short-ish fight but retreats hastly reaching a wall he climbs high. 
our prince is now trapped on a cliff, another blaze of fire this causes Dean to loose his shield off the side of the cliff. Claire jo & alex bring their collective magic together near the prince they cast this on the sword.
Claire: now sword of truth fly swift and sure, that evil die & good endure.
dean throws the sword at the dragon piercing its heart. rowena lunges one final time but falls off a cliff to her downfall. dean is then lead down the cliff and to the castle, up to the tower where you lay in slumber waiting for this moment. Dean kneeling by your sleeping form placed a light kiss to your lips. 
you wake up just as time freezes. Dean helps you stand up. both of you looking around. yes the entire movie was frozen. puzzled you both stand in front of eachother. 
Dean: now whats happening.
you went to open your hand to grab Dean’s but something fell to the floor. Dean reached down to pick it up. he unfolded it and proceeded to read what was upon it.
Dean (reading note): congratulations! Defeating that witch takes care of one of my issues, that was of course the easy part. your next task Dean is to find your destiny, yes your destiny lies within the form of this girl. you must go back to reality and find her body and wake her up once you do everything and i do mean EVERYTHING will become clear. want a clue? here it is: “in a place of myth & legend where the balance of nature is true, this place you know it all too well. what you believe isnt real is, everything you know shall change forever. the ways of old shall guide you by, this far side of _________ in the final resting place of _________...” i look forward to seeing you very very soon. try to hurry i hear there is trouble on your horizons. 
now you both were very very very confused. this is what caused you to pop up and say..
YN: what the hell kind of clue was that? any idea what he is talking about? wait does that mean im not in my hotel room anymore. that someone or something moved my body?
Dean: that is exactly what it means and i will do everything in my capable power to find you. hopefully when i get back to reality this paper goes with me... 
just as he finished speaking a portal opens, visions of dean’s unconcious body appear along with Sam and others going frantic over what happened to Dean.
Dean: Yn, i give you my solem oath that i will not rest till you are safe by my side, i will fight whoever, go wherever, do whatever i have to in order to save you. dont give up hope and pray that this loop does not repeat for you. pray this time freeze does not disappear when i walk through that portal. 
YN: i have faith in you Dean please hurry. i look forward to never leaving your side.
Dean placed a chaste kiss to your forehead before he walked through the portal. you sat on the bed and watched as Time remained frozen but you were once again alone.
Dean arrived back in his own body, he sat straight up and scared the living daylights out of his brother, bobby and several others all of whom embraced Dean. 
Dean then went to where Sam’s laptop was and began searching the lore, the myths and legends specifically. when Sam approached him about what he was doing, Dean presented sam with that note. suddenly it made mroe sense to Sam, who left Dean in the charge of Jo while he, bobby and ellen all went to grab food and booze. 
Jo: what happened to you?
Dean: one minute i was in that bed trying to fall asleep using a disney movie & the next thing i know im inside the movie. im telling you i would have preferred Hell. but i wasnt the only person from reality stuck in the movie. there was a girl, she said she is a hunter too she was on a strange case when she found herself in the movie. she has no idea of how long she has been in there. she also thinks her body has been moved. this piece of paper proves that someone or something is holding her body somewhere and its up to me to find this girl. at this point nothing else matters. i made her a promise now i have to keep it. 
Jo: let me see the paper again...
Dean hands Jo the paper and after a few moments of staring at it she takes a pen and fills in the blanks... thats when the paper glowed... and revealed a magical map... 
Dean: how did you do that?
Jo just smiled and laughed...
Jo: im really good at fill in the blanks. its a natural talent i get it from mom... your clue should have finished like this:   “in a place of myth & legend where the balance of nature is true, this place you know it all too well. what you believe isnt real is, everything you know shall change forever. the ways of old shall guide you by, this far side of Romania in the final resting place of Dracula...”
Dean hugged her, he knew where he had to go now but how the hell was he gonna get there. it was then that Dean went to load several of his handhelds and load onto his back a machete load up some ammo clips. 
he didnt know what to expect but he was certain that being cautious was better than being stupid. he was not gonna walk in there half assed. he needed to be as prepared as could be. however thats when bobby, sam and ellen walked back into the room. 
Sam: Dean what are you doing?
Dean: im getting ready before i call cas for transport. this will allow me to not get dinged by airport security and not to become sea sick either. but i hope honestly that this mission im about to embark on is gonna be beneficial. 
Bobby: what the hell do you think your doing? never mind that where are you going?
Dean: romania, Jo has the knowledge on why i am going to romania, she will fill you guys in... ill take my burger to go. put my pie in the fridge. 
once Dean is ready to go, he stands in the center of the room and smiles back at the others but then Jo pipes up and goes to stand beside Dean with a backpack on her back... 
Dean: Jo what...
Jo: im not letting you walk into your destiny alone. do not for one second think im not gonna jump at this opportunity to hunt with you, to help you to find your destiny. you helped me once to know what my destiny was, now its my turn to repay the favor.
Dean takes Jo by the hand as he in a stern voice he speaks the following words. 
Dean: Castiel get your oh holy feathery ass down here i need a lift and your my ticket to my next destination.
cas comes to the hotel room and approaches Dean & Jo.
Castiel: where am i taking you and your friend here...
Dean: transylvania and dude once we land you cant be there... it will not be helpful for you to be there. this is a mission i have to do alone. me and my friend here go through the rest of the process alone. 
Cas only nods completely understanding on what his friend has asked of him. he takes Dean and Jo to Transylvania. then once they are safe on the ground again cas leaves. 
Dean: okay now to look at this magic map and figure out where we are and where the resting place of Dracula is... 
Jo: well lets first of all make sure we are prepared before we go into town. i did a bit of research apparently they dont trust strangers here. we need to show them that we mean no harm. or just keep our noses down and pass through without being detected. 
Dean: well lets see what the map says. 
Jo leads Dean to a rock as she lays out the map... 
Jo: these 2 dots over here are us... but what is that red dot over yoner on this map... look there is a multicolored one too.... 
Dean: the multicolored one is my destiny, the red one has to be what is holding her captive. 
jo notices some writing appearing on the map after a few moments. 
Jo: whats that say...
Dean: it says, “inside the castle you face your fears, beat them out till you cant no more. fears and demons go hand in hand but if you beat them in order to save your destiny. this is to be your greatest reward.” what the hell does that mean... 
Jo: it means no matter what we need to get to that castle. 
hand in hand they get their tracks moving towards the path...
Jo: i really hope the story of transylvania is fake... 
Dean: you mean the fact that as soon as the sun goes down werewolves and vampires come out to play... you and me both but hey if they do we are fully prepared. this place is on top of a supernatural time  bomb. everything that goes bump in the night comes out after sunset. 
both dean and jo look up into the sky the last bit of light leaves the tree line. 
Dean: have your silver bullets and machete ready just in case... we are not taking any chances. we have to get to that castle. 
Jo: dont worry we will... 
Dean smiles as both of them continue making their way through the forst, a little quicker than normal pace. the sun had now fully set, the light that had been guiding them was gone. 
Jo: just follow the path the map says this will lead us to the castle where your destiny awaits you. Dean are you sure we...
thats when she stopped speaking... her words cut out... Dean pulled out his machete and quickly brought it to face the enemy that now held his best friend back. 
Shadow entity: ah so the prodigal has come for his prize.. well i think ill take a  constitution to ensure that you follow the rules, to ensure the balance is complete, to ensure that we are all in clarity to our debts. to this i have something to say this to you: you are part of the same card, the girl i have sleeping right now is not going to wake up without her other half. you have not done anything to earn her freedom, so i take your friend as kind of a wake up call to the horrors that which wait you inside. this castle has its own story but to unlock its secrets you must face your fears. face them down Dean, only then will you have earned her freedom. see you real soon.
the shadow figure disappears with Jo... Dean picks up her bag and keeps his machete on hand as he continues walking. following the map as he heard the soft crunching of his boots under the snow. winter sure is warmish in whats supposed to be the coldest part of romania. 
Dean (to self): i have no idea what the hell is going on but i now have 2 bright lights to save i am just hoping i can conquer whatever appears before me... Jo for your courage please be my light. guide me to where you are... my dear sister. 
meanwhile Jo has been placed in a room, where you lay in wait for your destiny. Jo takes one look at you and she smiles. she knows that you are definately dean’s destiny and then she speaks the following words. 
Jo: in all my years i had never thought Dean would find his destiny, never after he helped me find mine i swore i would help him find his, now Dear Brother please follow my light...
Dean stops a quick moment to catch his breath and look at the map... he then sees Jo’s dot on the map glow brighter... it acts as a flashlight lighting up the path he must walk. 
after several more steps and following his light he arrives at the castle.
 Dean: here i com ladies... dont loose hope.
Dean holding his machete walked inside the castle.. the first thing he saw was the vision of himself as a demon tellig hm that he was gonna die alone and that he would become that... he told that vision that he would always have a family beside him even if they werent around that cared for him that would never abandon him.
that he went on his way still fllowing the light o the ground he comes accross the first blade which tells him that he fears being back in hell torturing souls and how good it made him feel. dean tells it that he will never and shall never go back to hell and never will he torutue those who dont deserve it again.
a few more fears tried to get dean to turn away from this quest, tried to get him to fail but nothing worked. the last area on the map was a long corridor it looked as thought there was a figure about mid way down. 
the map let off a warning flash meaning there was danger approaching. Dean speaks once more to whatever is trying to face him down.
Dean: i address the entity in front of me. who are you? why have you brought me to this awful place?
Shadow: i am the demonic shadow of Count Dracula and I have brought you here so you can face me in the ultimate battle. Either I will be finally put to rest or I will be made whole again. do you accept my challenge?
Dean drops the bags and keeps both his guns and his machete as he speaks.
Dean: look dumn ass, i dont know who your the spirit or entitiy of but this is not how things are run in my world. in my world the good guys win and the bad guys loose. now if you stand aside and let me wake my destiny and save my sister then you might just get to be put back to sleep again. or ill succeed and kill you right now. your choice, i’m good either way. 
Shadow: you dare to think you stand a chance against me, how cute. very well, if its death you choose then allow me to help you with that.
Dean moved out of the way as the shadow lunged toward him, missed and just landed again.. Dean then shot out 6 rounds of dead mans blood rounds all aimed at shadow-Dracula, he dodged those. 
shadow: tell you what, ill make you a deal if you surrender now ill give you ten long years to spend with your so called “destiny” in exchange for you letting me out of here with my life. 
Dean: how bout not a prayer. eat bullets instead.
Dean unloads the rest of the bullets in a circular form at the ground around shadow-dracula. completing the devils trap... 
Dean: oh wait you dont need to eat the bullets cause your history pal... 
Shadow-dracula looked down and around himself, the look that he now sported was one of fear. he was the one that now was terrified. 
Shadow: this is impossible no one imprisons the great Dracula. 
Dean: oh buddy im gonna do alot more than that, time for you to go back to where you came from. 
Dean stands up tall as he then speaks the same words he had spoken previously hundreds upon hundreds of times. 
Dean:  Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, ergo draco maledicte, ut ecclesiam tuam secura, tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audios bitch!
that was all Dean had to say the shadow of Dracula was no more. he went back to grab the bags and continued forward... he shot the lock on the doors and kicked them open. 
Jo: Dean you found us... i believe you know what to do romeo... put everything down ill prepare to treat any wounds and such that show themselves once you wake her. 
Dean: Jo it was dracula, the shadow outside the door was dracula’s shadow. i cant believe his shadow was so hostile. i mean if i hadnt wasted 2 clips of amo drawing out a devils trap i would have lost the fight. 
Jo: ya ya ya okay dude, you have an overdue appointment with destiny over on that bed, now drop the bags and go. 
Dean knew jo would have kicked his ass if he didnt listen. he did as told, he dropped the bags and walked over to kneel beside you. he brushed some hair from your forehead..
Dean: together now and always i have always been your once upon a dream.
his lips met yours in a gentle kiss. he pulled back after a few seconds and waited to see if it workd. a while later you open your eyes and touch Dean’s cheek. 
YN: you found me?
Dean: did you doubt i would? i said i would and i keep my promises. this girl over here is my sister Jo.  she is gonna give you the once over and then ill call for our ride out of here once she has you in a clean set of clothes. im gonna make sure we are still safe... i will call cas once we are all ready.
Dean leaves you in the hands of Jo who hands you some clothes and assesses you making sure you are not hurt. Dean comes back a few moments later and calls cas to come bring you all home. 
Cas came brought you, dean and Jo back to the hotel. you and dean were gonna take some time to figure out what everything meant. this was when a bright light came upon the entire room. 
Dean: whats going on?
thats when Gabriel appeared in the room. everyone had hand guns on him immediately. but he speaks not with hostility but with normality.
Gabriel: ah winchesters and friends. do not be alarmed for YN and Dean have been written in the stars since the beginning of time. Dean and Yn im sorry for trapping you both in that sleeeping curse it was the only way to get you both to listen to reason. to listen to your hearts. i was only trying to get you both to follow the rules that destiny had for you. 
Dean: then why show up and tell us about it now...
Gabriel: cause i knew if i didnt it would have been alot worse later on. 
Dean: what happens now?
Gabriel: well with your permission i could marry you and Yn right here right now... if you both agree. 
you and Dean exchange looks before smiling.
Dean: when do we begin?
Gabriel snapped his fingers and the room transformed into a garden glade type thing. before you and Dean could say anything else you were taken from grungy hotel room to garden glade. 
Gabriel: we are gathered here today to join Dean and YN in the ever holy bonds of Matrimony. this holy bond is a sacred gift, that deserves to be protected cherish it now and always. now i am assuming that there are no objections to this holy union.
the room was silent as Gabriel held his hand out and 2 silver bands appeared clearly made for you and Dean. 
Gabriel: vows or no vows.
Dean: what more needs to be said, we already said everything we needed to... we know what we are. we have our feelings, we need no words for them.
Gabriel: very well, Dean take the band and tell Yn what you think should go with this ring!
Dean takes the ring and slowly slides it on your finger as he reveals whats in his heart. 
Dean: YN after the movie and what i had to do to rescue you. i have to say that im 100% positive about you being the single most best thing that has ever stepped into my path of life. i promise now and always to honor, love cherish and whatever else goes with that... i love you Yn your the best part of me now.
you take the ring and you do the same thing.
YN: Dean, when i met you in the movie i was unsure of your intentions. then it was your beautiful green eyes that made me swoon. now i stand here to say i too now and forever more will honor, love, cherish and everything else that goes with it for the rest of my life. you are an amazing man Dean Winchester i love you so much and i cant wait to be your wife and have your last name. 
Gabriel: by the powers and laws bestowed on me by Heaven, i now am honored to pronounce you husband and wife. Dean you may now kiss your beautiful wife. 
Dean kisses you with so much passion. there was nothing to do for everyone else except cheer and clap. 
everyone lived happily ever after. well at least once upon a dream!
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jimindraft · 4 years
mint choco | csb
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© morethanblue
ㆍsummary; you had the biggest crush on your friend’s friend because he was the cutes... wait, did he just say mint choco is the same as toothpaste?
ㆍgenre; fluff?
ㆍword count; 1.5K.
ㆍ warnings; swearing.
ㆍtag; alternative universe, college!soobin and college!reader
17:05 pm. Crap. If I was given a dollar for everytime I was late I... maybe wouldn't even get there in time. I was late for my last class of the semester and I really promised I wouldn't be but the world loves conspiring against me and make the line in the coffee shop twice as big as it would be any other day. I didn't need coffee that desperately but I zoned out until it was almost my turn and I was already late.
Class started ten minutes before I got there, and the back door made this shrieking noise everytime it was opened so I knew that if I went inside I would interrupt everything so I opted on staying outside until my anxiety calmed down and I could think straight.
Since I was in college I knew no teacher would kill me for being ten minutes late but just the thought of everyone looking at me and my face heating up and having to find an empty seat while my heart was beating so fast… It’s the last class anyway.
I sat on the floor putting my backpack right beside me and took out my phone. Beomgyu had texted me 11 times. What a clingy kid.
16:45 omw to class pls b ther 16:47 or maybe dont lmao i dont wanna see ur face 16:51 wait i wasnt serious 16:51 girl answer me 16:52 u ded 16:53 the teacher came in i hate being alone pls get here 16:53 bitch wya 16:54 if your getting coffee istg 16:54 this is literally the last class 16:54 you had one (1) job 16:55 fuck you
As I was gonna text him back I looked up to see a group of boys walking in silence.
I first recognized Felix and almost stood up to say hi, which made them all look at me which made me realize who was there. Choi Soobin.
My crush on him started when Felix posted an instagram story with him, the video showed Soobin laughing and I remember thinking, wow, that’s the cutest thing i’ve ever seen. I was too shy to ask who he was but I started following his account a few days after when I gathered the courage. My biggest mistake was telling Beomgyu there was someone that caught my eye, since he was obsessed with me getting a boyfriend so he could get away from me. What a child.
‘’Is he our age? What’s his name? Where did you meet him?’’ Beomgyu had gone crazy with questions.
The fact that I only knew his name and the fact that he was in one of Felix’s classes felt kind of pathetic when I told my best friend but he promised he would find more information on Soobin. Before I could tell him I wasn’t even that into him, things had escalated too quickly and five months later I found myself more interested in the tall boy.
I had never actually talked to him, I don’t even think I had seen him this close.
‘’Why aren’t you in class?’’ Felix questioned me and I was too flustered to think of something.
I stood up to look at them from… well, they are taller than me so even standing up I still have to look up to see their faces. I don’t think I could look at Soobin, though. I might die trying.
‘’I… I’m just waiting for Beomgyu’’ You were, in fact, waiting for him, so it wasn’t completely a lie.
‘’Right. They’re dating.’’ Felix said looking to his right, where Soobin was.
I panicked. I really didn’t want him thinking I’m dating my best friend. God, no. I looked at him and saw a tall boy with his big curious eyes looking at me shyly. His hands were in front of him, his fingers intertwined. Do you see why I’m so whipped? He's too cute.
‘’I’m just kidding!’’ Felix said as he saw how altered I was. ‘’Ah, by the way, we’re hanging out at Cracker’s later. You should come.’’
I dared to look once more in Soobin’s direction. Shit. This was the first time he’d ever seen me and I didn’t make the best first impression. I mean, I could’ve done better. Our eyes met and I felt like dying from embarrassment.
As soon as they left I saw the class door open and the first one to run out of the room was obviously my crackhead friend Beomgyu.
‘’You fucking bitch.’’ he continued to curse me all the way back to the dorms where we stayed.
‘’By the way, Felix invited me to hang out later. He said to invite you’’
His eyes showed interest and his gaze turned into a playful one.
‘’We should totally go, you know who might come.’’ He said and giggled. I barely had energy to roll my eyes.
I mean, yes I wanted to see his bunny face as much as possible but I didn’t know if I could handle being near him for too much, and I was afraid that purely my existence would be too embarrassing.
‘’Yeah, he was with him earlier’’ I sounded distressed and was even more ashamed when my best friend asked me what I had said to him. ‘’Nothing? I mean there wasn’t anything I could say to him, right? Was I supposed to?’’
He sighed. ‘’You’re so stupid. I honestly can’t stand you.’’ You hit his arm with all your strength and he winced in pain, exaggerating of course since you had noodles as arms.
Your heart pounded on your chest as Beomgyu opened the door to Cracker’s without hesitating. You suddenly felt like running away or at least clinging into his arm but decided against it, since it may have been weird to see you both entering like that. Everyone already suspected you were a couple but you honestly could never see each other that way. You loved him of course, since he was great and you would never deny he’s really good looking but he just really wasn’t your type.
You looked around to find Felix but your best friend found him faster and dragged you to the table where he was sitting. Alone.
‘’Where’s everyone?’’ You asked trying to hide your disappointment.
‘’They’re asses. Everyone was busy apparently’’ he said pouting and Beomgyu went to his side of the booth and sat next to him while fake crying trying to comfort the guy. You loved seeing them joke that way with each other.
You sat alone in front of Felix and shamelessly grabbed his milkshake to try it. As the strong flavor hit you, you noticed a black jacket on your side that was way too big to be Felix’s. As you were about to ask him, a tall figure approached your table leaving you frozen with the straw on your lips.
‘’Oh, Soobin, hi!’’ Beomgyu said cheerfully, as always and with your best effort you gave him a small smile.
‘’Hi!’’ he said back cutely and you noticed a pink milkshake in his hand. He seemed to think for a moment and ended up sitting next to you, since there was no space next to Beomgyu and Felix. Was this place always so small?
You felt so small next to him, and his arm was only a couple centimeters away from yours so you could feel his warmth and that made your heart flutter. Ok, maybe your crush on the boy was really strong. You didn't even feel so nervous when you had your first kiss or last week when you had to give a presentation in front of your class.
‘’... and what do you want?’’ Beomgyu asked you which made you realize you were completely absorbed in your thoughts and he didn’t miss the opportunity to tease you. ‘’Are you okay? Your face is a little flushed. Are you hot? Oh, but it’s winter…’’ You were gonna kill him.
‘’A mint chocolate milkshake, you ass’’ You told him with a cold glare and murmuring the last part.
What caught your attention next was a noise wight next to you. An ‘’ugh’’ had left Soobin’s lips and you looked at him in disbelief.
‘’Please don’t tell me you’re a mint chocolate hater too.’’ you sighed, leaving almost all nervousness behind. ‘’ You and Taehyun, god, what did the poor flavor do to you?’’
‘’I can’t believe you out of all people would like it. Ugh, it’s just not good’’ Before you could say something he kept going. ‘’Beomgyu bring her toothpaste in a glass, it’s the same thing.’’ You both looked in front of you and were shocked to see you were left alone.
You crossed your arms in front of you and looked at the tall boy do the exact same and look at you defyingly. Your heart did something right there in that moment.
did i hear part two? nah, must’ve been the wind.
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