#I also apologize for not drawing more people T-T I didn’t have enough time when making this
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We're paired up in the brackets for the @tmntaucompetition
You ready to fight a feral child & a young adult trained in swordfighting, plus two gargoyles??? 🤣
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Be warned they won’t be going down easy~
@tmntaucompetition @theemployees
(Ozzy belongs to @coyotecam)
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thetaleoflevi · 2 years
Things Change
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Pairing: Levi x fem!reader
Content: Modern AU, SFW
Content Warnings: None? Kid Levi slaps Readers hand, and there’s descriptions of Levi and readers glow up but that’s it.
Description: As a child, Levi did everything solo. He was alone most of the time, and the one time you tried to talk to him, he rejected your friendship. As years went by, he realizes that he needed to grow up, and that meant learning to tolerate people. People like you.
Word Count: 4.3k
A/N: So many ideas are circulating my brain but I’m so scared to write to my best ability because that means lots and lots of words, and not everyone has the time to read long fics. For now, enjoy whatever this is. It’s not childhood friends to lovers because kid Levi despised Reader until the end of high school.
(P.S. If you read the “snippet” of this fic that I posted, I recommend reading through it again. I made some minor changes.)
⭐️Taglist: @ackermendick
In some way, you forgave the little asshole he used to be. He became more aware of the effect his words had on you, and as he matured, he softened the blow by a lot.
Now, he treated you like a prized possession. You didn’t push him away when he started calling you a friend. Rather, you welcomed him with an addictive chuckle and a punch to the chest that knocked the wind out of his lungs.
“We were never friends in school, were we?” you ask, sitting next to Levi on a bench. The bright orange and blue fading to purple is a majestic sight, and the sound of waves crashing against the sand is soothing.
“I considered you a friend after your brave action during the grape incident.” He’s staring off towards the view, remembering how things were in the past, when you were still old enough to throw tantrums and cry over the smallest inconveniences.
You turn to face him on the bench, bending your leg so that you’re sitting in a half criss-cross.
“You remember that? I still have nightmares about how hard you slapped my hand.” Your eyes glow with nostalgic joy.
“Of course I do. It’s a core memory.” He brings your hand up to his lips, pressing a restoring kiss onto the wound your inner child never healed from. “I know I never apologized, but just know, your hands will always be taken care of by me.”
Age: 5
“Hey Levi, you know you don’t have to peel those, right?” You look at the boy peeling green grapes in the corner of the classroom, and immediately flinch when he turns to look at you with this expression of fury, like you had disturbed him just by being loud enough for him to hear you.
“Why does it matter to you? You won’t be the one eating them.” The silver-eyed boy refocuses on the bag with scraps of grape skin, only to jump a little when you sit next to him.
“Can I try one?” You reach towards his bag of peeled grapes, barely grazing the ziplock, when his hand speedily lands on yours harshly. His eyebrows are furrowed, as if wondering what is wrong with you. He didn’t give you an answer.
You gasp in fear, taking a second to process what just happened before your face twists into one of emotional and physical hurt. Levi doesn’t want to hear you, and he also doesn’t want to get in trouble for making you cry, so he grabs his clear bags and moves to another square on the rainbow carpet in the classroom.
You sniff, eyes watering, but you don’t wail and you don’t make a sound. Tears slide down your face, the saltiness reaching your tongue through the cracks in the corners of your lips. You stand up and slowly walk to the tables scattered with different activities. You decide to go to the art table to draw what just happened. A crooked stick figure with four strokes of hair and a sad expression on the face is scribbled onto a page of yellow construction paper, and then you draw another stick figure with three strokes of shorter hair with its hand on yours. You put little lines around the hand to detail the hardness of the slap.
When you showed it to your teacher, she thought a boy was trying to hold your hand and you didn’t like it, so you had to explain what really happened. She promised that you and Levi would be friends again by the end of the day, and you smiled a little at that.
Your teacher made you and Levi stay behind for a couple minutes while other kids pointed to their guardians to show that they were being picked up.
“Levi, I heard from your friend here that you weren’t being very nice today. Can you tell me a little bit about what happened?”
“She tried to steal my grapes, so I swatted her hand away,” he confidently tells her.
The teacher watched your behavior while Levi talked. You still seemed to be hurt by his earlier action, and it was evident in the way you pouted.
“Miss, is this true?” The red haired woman puts a hand on your shoulder, signaling that she was talking to you.
“No, I asked if I could try one-”
“Well, I didn’t say you could, but you reached for one anyway,” Levi interrupts, talking over you loudly.
“Is there any way this could be resolved? Levi, what could you have done better in this situation?” The woman’s hand lands on the boy’s shoulder.
He looks away, annoyed that he has to say what the lady wants to hear just to go home.
“I… uh… I guess I shouldn’t have hit her,” he mutters under his breath, red-faced in embarrassment.
“That’s better. Now, what do you think you could have done better?” Your teacher looks at you now.
“M-Maybe I should have waited… um… waited for Levi to say I could have one instead of just trying to take it from him.”
“Great! You two are very good at problem solving. I’m proud of how you handled this. Now, before you go, I want you to shake hands. We can be friends again, right?”
You eagerly nod and extend your hand towards Levi’s, meeting him halfway, holding his hand and shaking it twice before retracting your hand. You don’t think anything of the way he wipes his hand on his overalls afterwards.
“Okay, now show me your grown ups and you can head on home.”
“There’s my uncle Kenny.” Levi points at a tall man with slicked back hair.
“She’s here to take me home.” You point at a woman with dark hair and a bright orange shirt, who is smiling and waving at you.
“Alrighty then. Have a great day! See you guys tomorrow,” your teacher smiles brightly and waves goodbye as you both split and separate from her.
You run towards the woman who was there to take you home, slowing down when Levi stops to give you an equally scary expression as the one from earlier.
“You’re a snitch, and no one will ever be your friend. Ever.” He huffs, before running towards his uncle, holding his hand as they head home.
You were unsure about what the word snitch meant, but the second part hurt almost as bad as when he slapped your hand. It made something hurt in your chest, but for some reason you didn’t want to cry about it.
You walked over to the lady, not as enthusiastic as before.
“Hey kiddo, why the long face?” She asks, holding your shoulders as you plant your face into her stomach, scrunching up her shirt.
“I’m really hungry and tired.”
That was the first time you ever emotionally lied to hide your true feelings.
High School, Senior Year
Age: 17/18
It was as if Levi had cursed you for the rest of your life. Things didn’t go exactly as he said they would, though. You made tons of friends, and he did, too. Unfortunately, you weren’t friends with each other. He had matured and occasionally talked to you when you were involuntarily partnered up for school projects, but other than that, you two were as distant as ever.
“Listen up, everyone. For this project, I will allow you to choose your partner. Choose someone who will do their part and who will stay focused on the work rather than just screwing around…” Your teacher’s voice trails off and all that can be seen is the turning of students’ heads to face the partner they wished to work with. You turn to face Hange, who in turn looks at you as well.
“Hey, want to be partners for this project?”
Hange hadn’t said a word to you. The voice came from behind you, a presence shadowing your back.
Levi had matured, and now you definitely recognized it.
Levi had matured physically. He refused to join any of the sports that represented the school, but he did start going to the gym every day after school. Coaches watched him during P.E. and realized his athletic potential, which turned into constantly asking him if he would be interested in joining their teams. As someone who picked things up quickly, he was promised a spot on the varsity teams, which he always rejected. Levi thought it was pathetic how they kept asking and asking—practically begging, and deemed it harassment when they wouldn’t take his no. Eventually, he was left alone. It only took a million no’s and one threat to bring it up to the principal.
Even you couldn’t deny how handsome Levi had become. You noticed the veins that snaked around his arms like lightning strikes, as well as the bulkiness of his toned biceps beneath the sleeves of his shirts. You also noticed the bags that decorated the bottoms of his eyes—something that shouldn’t have been as attractive as it was.
Levi looked good, but that wasn’t something you would ever say out loud.
Levi also matured mentally. It took reaching his last year of middle school to grow out of the ‘nobody likes you, you stink, you look like fresh manure’ childishness. He became aware of how stupid it was to say things like this as a fourteen-turning-fifteen year old. He realized that at some point he would have to grow out of the ridiculous ‘girls are gross’ phase, as well, because he started seeing things in girls that didn’t elicit disgusting feelings in him.
Levi was ready to grow up by the time he entered high school. He was so ready to prove that he wasn’t twelve years old anymore. It wasn’t hard to act like a normal person, not outwardly judging things that seemed weird.
He saw you a couple times during the summer, but never actually walked up to you. He thought it might be awkward, knowing how much trouble he caused you in all the years before.
On weekends, you always spent your afternoons at the beach, watching the sun set over the endless crashing waves. The strange thing was that you were unaccompanied every time, the entire bench only occupied by you.
When Levi saw you, he never took it as an opportunity to apologize for the way he was before. Even then, he felt like you didn’t hate him, because sometimes when you heard footsteps behind you, you would turn. The rare occasions when it was Levi, you smiled at him following it with a friendly wave. This was enough of a reason for him to speed walk home.
When he first saw you again at the start of freshman year, he instantly noticed the transformation you went through. You were glowing in pure daylight. You were more confident, and you weren’t wearing only hoodies and sweatpants anymore. Your chest was fuller, your hair was luscious, and you dressed like it was picture day every day. You were so stunning that the few pimples scattered on your cheeks almost went unnoticed.
He was truly ready to act grown up, but the moment he saw you strut into his biology class, he had to paw at the fabric of his pants to dry the sweat off his palms.
You looked good, but that wasn’t something Levi would ever say out loud.
Hange pointed at the person standing in front of your desk, a wicked grin on their face as you give them a perplexed expression.
You recognized that voice—the deep timbre, the wiseness behind it as well as the know-it-all tendencies that that voice gave life to.
You finally turned to face the mystery man, knowing all along who it was.
“You want to work with me?” you ask, putting the pencil you were spinning down on the desk.
“I know we can get this done faster than any other pair in this room. We won’t be working together for long, if that’s what you’re worried about.” His palms subconsciously settle on your desk.
“Don’t you have others that want to work with you? I was kind of set on working with Hange.”
“And I was set on working with Moblit, but look at them chopping it up.” He points over to the pair. Hange is doing her usual act of trying to win the boy’s heart with her ninety-nine point nine percent success rate of pick up lines, while Moblit internally and visibly panics, not knowing how to show he’s just as interested in them.
“Levi, let’s work together,” a girl asks, her eyes basically pulsing at him. “I got a ninety-five percent on the last project. With your smarts we could get that hundred.”
Levi quickly rejects her.
“No. I already chose my partner.”
“Hey, we should work together again. I don’t totally understand the prompt, but I’m willing to study for it. What do ya say?” Eren asks, putting his pencil behind his ear. Your heart shakes with anxiety, but you quickly turn him down in the nicest way you can.
“Looook who’s here to work with you!” You grab him by the shoulders and throw him at the quiet girl, Mikasa.
You go back to Levi’s side and whisper, “Let’s just confirm our partnership before we’re asked to work with others again.”
“Good idea.”
You follow him up to the front of the class where your teacher sits, waiting for students to come up to him.
“Oh, are you two planning on working together again? You did very well on the last project. This partnership is very reliable.”
“Yes, we’re here to confirm our partnership,” Levi says.
“Great! You’re my fourth pair—first written down on paper. Let’s see, I’ll…”
You both walk away from the teacher’s desk, separating to sit at your designated desks. You feel a sting in your scalp, a lock of your hair twisted around Hange’s finger and pulled swiftly.
“Ow, what?” You turn to face the culprit and their shit-eating grin.
“Ow, what?” They repeat, mocking your tone. “I didn’t want to work with you anyway.”
“Seriously? You ran first. I turned away for a split second and you were macking with Moblit.” You fake gag. “But, whatever. I didn’t want to work with you either.”
You both stare at each other in silence for two seconds before bursting out into laughter.
You lean in close to get your message to Hange as discreetly as possible.
“You got this, Hange. Make me proud.”
“Yes, ma’am.” They mock salute you, a stern expression on their face.
You didn’t realize how hard it was to work with Levi until you voluntarily chose to do so. He was nitpicking all the parts he entrusted you with. Lot’s of ‘this works better than what you have down right now,’ and ‘is that part set in stone or is it a rough draft?’
It got to the point where you felt like your head was pulsing. He was micromanaging the whole project and you were getting fed up with it.
“Levi, do you want to finish my parts of the project, too? Just say so and I’ll go home.”
“What are you talking about? It’s a two-person project.”
“Yeah, I know, but right now you’re playing both parts.” You straighten your posture from the hunched position you were in while you wrote on the worksheet.
“I’m just giving you pointers. You don’t have to take the advice if you don’t think it’ll make your work better.”
You sigh, the stress of misunderstanding piling onto your shoulders.
Would you be my partner if I asked nicely?
Levi watched you typing away on your phone as he continued working. Every once in a while he would see you grin, a short chuckle following.
Tired of Levi already? I thought you guys worked well together ;)
Stop. He’s taking over the entire project. Help.
I wanna stay with Moblit.
Hange, pleaseeeeee! I’ll owe you the biggest favor ever in the world. Ever.
How big?
The favor lasts from now until forever if I go through with it.
Ily <3
“How’s your part coming along?” Levi looks up again once you set your phone down.
“Hange says we can switch partners if you still want to work with Moblit.” You grab your pencil again, filling in some answers that made more sense once your head was cleared.
“We’re too far into the project to switch partners now.”
“We’re three days into the project, out of two weeks. I could fill Moblit in on my part and vice versa.”
He drops his pencil, sitting up straight to face you.
“Why are you abandoning this project? We’re doing fine. You’re doing really well.”
Your heart involuntarily speeds up, and butterflies invade your guts. It’s an unsettling feeling, considering how little time you spend with Levi to be feeling this way.
“I just don’t think i’m on par with your thought process. Working with Moblit… it’s what you initially wanted. Now is your chance.”
“I was just saying that- I didn’t want to work with Moblit. You- I thought…”
“You’re buffering.” You chuckle. “Reboot, refresh, andddd boop.” You tap the top of his head.
His face drops, unsure of what just happened. For some reason, he feels lighter.
“I wanted to work with you first. Moblit was supposed to be a backup, incase you… you know, didn’t want to work with me.” He avoids eye contact with you as he speaks his mind. It’s not something he’s totally comfortable doing.
“I hate working with you, you know?”
He looks at you again, his face not expressing the awkwardness he feels.
“I want to be your friend, though. I want to get along with you, and if that means I have to work with you for two weeks, then I guess i’ll survive.”
Sorry, he’s my friend now <\3
The project was finished three days early. You were partners by choice for every project since then. You worked together on the final senior project and passed with flying colors. With every project you worked on together, there was more time to get to know each other. There was time to ask questions about what the future would hold. You got so comfortable with each other, to the point where instead of turning to look for Hange when the teacher said pair up, you looked for Levi.
Graduation day arrived and you cackled when you saw Levi in his white cap and gown. He was one of the top ten students, so he definitely stood out from the rest of the graduates who wore forest green caps and gowns.
“We did it, L. Congrats on being top ten.” You patted his shoulder, a bright smile on your face.
“Yours is cooler.” He tugs on your sleeve lightly. “I’ll bet you one that as soon as I sit down, the filthy chair is gonna get my gown dirty.”
“Alright, you’re on. I bet it’ll stay clean.” You know you’ll be losing a dollar, but what does it matter. You’ll indulge in this bittersweet game of his.
The graduation march begins, and all the lines begin moving. Students follow students to end seated in neat files. Speeches are given by the Salutatorian followed by the Valedictorian. The principal gives her speech, and then the names are being read out.
When Levi’s name was called out, you were glad to hear many others cheering with you. It filled you with so much joy to know that there were many who supported him.
When your name was called, you heard people cheering and applauding, but the only person who mattered was Levi. You looked straight ahead, and scanned the row of students wearing white caps and gowns until your eyes met Levi’s. He was clapping for you, a rare, but captivating smile gracing his face.
High school was over. Some things would never be the same, but not everything would change.
After the ceremony, you met up with the familiars who came to see you. You accepted their congratulations, embraces, and well wishes before letting them know that you had other people you wanted to see before leaving school.
You turned to look for your day one, Hange. They were still talking to some people you didn’t recognize, so you went around looking for other friends.
“Hey.” There’s a tap on your back. You turn to see Levi, his cap in hand. “Let’s go talk at the front of the school. It’s quieter there.”
“Okay.” You nod.
It was a peaceful walk through the campus and through the gates at the entrance of the school. The yellow streetlights illuminated the cement beneath your feet, covering half of the grass surrounded by concrete blocks, where students usually sat while they waited for their rides.
You both sat down, a different aura surrounding you. Something serious, something intimate. Both if mutually understood.
“You lost the bet.” The first words that come out of his mouth, a smug smirk littering his face.
“Really, Ackerman?” You chuckle. “Stand up. Let me see your butt.”
He stands, a very light dirt spot visible on his gown.
“You can just dust that off. It’s not stained.”
“That’s not what we talked about. We bet that the chair was going to get my gown dirty, not stain it.” He sits back down. “You lost.”
You sigh, a lighthearted smile on your face as you dig into your pockets for your wallet.
Levi’s hand stops you from pulling your wallet out.
“That’s not what I want.”
“You said ‘i’ll bet you one’.”
“I didn’t specify what I wanted, though. What if I wanted one apple?”
You raise an eyebrow.
“Is that actually what you want?”
“Then what do you want?”
Your hand is cold in his as he folds his fingers between yours.
“What?” You giggle, leaning back a little when he gets closer.
“Come on. Stay still.”
“You’re being weird, Levi.” You chuckle, nervously.
“One kiss.”
You stop moving, and suddenly you are all too aware of his soft grip on your hands.
“It’s what I want.”
“You’re kidding, right?” You’re ready to hear him say no, but still hope he says he’s kidding.
“You’re the one who lost. Be a good sport.”
“What do you have to gain from something so…” you giggle in your flustered state, “…so stupid?”
“A once in a lifetime experience. Now tell me, what do you have to lose?”
“Exactly. It’ll be quick.”
Your palms are sweating. What an odd thing for him to want from you. A kiss? It wouldn’t be motivated by feelings so it won’t be weird. You can’t make it weird.
“Okay. Alright, just do it.”
One of his hands loosens and releases one of your hands, raising up to cup your cheek.
“Levi, hurry up,” you prompt, the warmth of his palm on your cheek letting butterflies escape.
He’s ignoring you now. He’s waited so long for this, and you’re allowing him to fulfill his want.
You can’t look into his eyes as he gets closer. The color has an effect on you, so you close your eyes and wait for your lips to touch.
“You’re taking forev-”
Your lips are enveloped by Levi’s, the lingering taste of the spearmint flavored gum he was chewing earlier, on your tongue. You died internally when he cupped your jaw, stealing two, three, then four too many kisses.
Who were you to stop him when you loved it so much? He kept you warm as the night breeze nipped at your bare forearms and shins, and you would gladly remain in his space for as long as he stayed in yours.
You separate from each other, a silent wide-eyed reaction from both of you. Levi made a sudden realization, and you continued to be surprised that he actually kissed you.
“I can’t go. I don’t want to anymore.”
“What are you talking about?” You ask.
“The university I got into is all the way in Chicago. I don’t want to go so far.”
“That’s amazing, Levi! You have to go.”
“I’m not leaving you here. We just repaired those childish altercations that made us rivals for years, and I’m not ready to stop talking to you.” He looks down at your still linked hands, a rosy color dusting his cheeks.
“We have phones and phone numbers. There are also apps to text through.” You squeeze his hand. “We live in a modern world, L. We’ll keep in touch.”
“Come with me.”
“Come with me, please,” he rephrases.
“No,” you repeat. “You can do this. I’m not going anywhere, and you can visit during your breaks.”
He sighs, unable to figure out how to change your mind.
“I’m not gonna win this time, am I?”
“Nope. You win some, you lose some.” You grin, knowingly. “Be a good sport.”
“Fine.” He turns to look at you, focusing on that lingering blush on your cheeks. “Do you have time?”
“Yeah, I don’t have to be home yet. I told my family that i’d get a ride from some friends.”
He nods in acknowledgment.
“Can we sit here a while longer? I don’t want to see anyone else right now.”
Reality is sinking in, and he misses you already. High school is over, and before he knows it, he’ll be on a plane to Chicago, miles and miles away from here, where you’ll stay.
“Of course. Did you want to talk about anything?”
He shakes his head.
“Let’s just sit here.”
“So we were friends during school, even if it was all the way towards the end. I’m surprised you remember all of that.” Your voice was everything but stable.
“Why are you crying? It’s a happy ending.” Levi wiped the tear that slid down your face, with his thumb.
“We didn’t actually grow up until that last project, huh?”
“It is what brought us closer, and then you drove a wall between us.”
You punched his arm, playfully.
“At least you’re back now, with a degree.”
“And you.”
He leans in and presses a chaste kiss to your lips. That fluttery feeling in your heart is now welcome, as well as his arm around you, while you watch the same sunset you watched all those years ago without him.
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lorata · 9 months
Claudius & Eibhlin for @penfoldx
in which anthropological study subs in for discussing one's private anxieties
(h/t to attractiveness anon & @literallyjustanyurlatthispoint for partial inspiration)
it's @penfoldx's birthday! have some ridiculousness
also found at DW here
The notebook lay on the coffee table, half buried under various tomes (that was a new word Claudius learned and liked to throw around, tomes) on rabbit husbandry, one corner peeking out just enough to draw his curiosity.
Eibhlin called them ‘composition notebooks’ and claimed every child in Three used them, which cracked Claudius up — imagine writing enough in school you needed multiple notebooks — but sure, why not. It was the genius district after all. She’d had to make do with recycled paper for a while after the war but now she could finally import the good stuff. Which meant Claudius kept finding them everywhere, experiment logs and local recipes and logical reasons why Brutus should let her keep a Village bear (pending).
This one, worryingly, carried the simple title ‘Observations’.
It could be private, unleashing the wrath of heaven if Claudius cracked open the cover. Or it could be a topic too awkward or embarrassing for Eibhlin to raise on her own, leaving this as the most convenient and least emotionally excruciating way of broaching the issue. The real question, which one?
With Misha, this would be deliberate psychological warfare. With Eibhlin, the lines blurred.
“Eh, fuck it.” Claudius flipped open the book. He could always cave on a fifth rabbit if need be.
Later that evening Eibhlin crept up behind him in the kitchen, impressively silent as always. Claudius resisted the automatic impulse to flip the chef’s knife around into throat-slitting position (years of post-Arena healing undone by ground warfare, now finally uncurling a second time) and laid the blade flat against the cutting board.
“Hold out your hands,” Eibhlin said. Her voice twinkled in a way that those who’d never lived with rabbits might call childlike innocence.
Claudius, on the other hand, shared his living space with several rabbits, and left innocence behind a long time ago. “I am making dinner,” he said without turning around. “Should I still hold out my hands?”
A pause, in which Claudius envisioned the pout growing like fog over the lake in early morning, and yeah, he thought so. “Misha says you are a party pooper.”
“Ironic,” Claudius said dryly, but while he’d acquired several mental illnesses over the years, finding ‘wee little rabbit poops’ endearing was not one he’d picked up along the way, sponsors save him. “I’m sure there will be more cute poops tomorrow. Do I want to know why you’ve been polling people in town about what they find attractive? If we’re hosting an orgy I should go out for snacks.”
Silence of a very different character this time. Claudius spent a long time cataloguing the pauses in their conversations, learning when to send for Beetee, when to backtrack and apologize, when to wait it out. “Ah,” Eibhlin said. “That was careless.”
“I thought maybe it was on purpose,” Claudius said. He slipped the knife back into the block and turned around, risking embarrassing Eibhlin with eye contact just to let her see he wasn’t pissed off. “Like one of those things you hid as a hint or something. I can pretend I didn’t see it if you want.”
Eibhlin’s gaze shuttered. “Don’t be asinine,” she said, her tone acerbic. “You do not need to insult us both. I am conducting — research. Anthropology. Desired physical traits in this district seem to be consistent in a way that extends beyond what I had assumed to be Village sampling bias.”
He’d been pretty good at keeping his expression neutral and non-judgemental, but Claudius felt his eyebrows creep up in spite of himself. “You mean we’re a bunch of lunkheads so you thought we were poisoning your data?”
Her ears turned bright pink. “I meant —“ but oh, looks like Claudius wasn’t the only one to pick up a few tricks over the years. Eibhlin stopped, narrowed her eyes. “You are attempting to distract me by manufacturing outrage. Despite the willfully reductive phrasing, yes. This is a community of athletic outliers. You are not representative. I have made many efforts not to generalize across the population, and so this one has surprised me.”
It felt absurd to have this conversation while Eibhlin stood in front of him with a handful of rabbit dung, and so Claudius ducked down for the compost bin. Stepping out of the way for Eibhlin to wash her hands gave him a second to think about whatever the hell this was. “Is it really so weird? We move rocks around and make guns in factories and kill people. Grr, argh, strong people hot.”
This time the impatience nearly skewered him. “But that is the point, it is not that. Perhaps superficially, for short-term liaisons, but not partnerships. There is a reason why attractiveness in Three is strongly weighted toward intelligence. Physically symmetrical but intellectually bankrupt partners will not create a stable or successful household.”
Claudius blinked. “Ouch?”
“Do not —“
“Okay, okay. “ He held up his hands. Three-stupid was not universal-stupid, they’d had this argument before and reopening it now wouldn’t help anyone. “So you’re trying to figure out what is the … biological imperative … behind what Twos find attractive?”
See, he could do it too.
Now she hesitated. He probably should have moved this conversation to the living room or found her a rabbit to cuddle before starting this conversation, but more fool him, now they had to have it in the middle of the kitchen with nothing to fiddle with but sharp implements. “Leaving aside the question of whether biological or evolutionary imperatives exist other than as excuses for the creation of sexist binaries — yes. In Three we value intelligence because intelligence is how we survive. I could not understand how brawn could hold the same value in your society.”
“Okay.” Claudius leaned back against the counter, hands braced but open, nonthreatening. “And?”
“It isn’t brawn,” Eibhlin said. “It’s — community. Care. You are a district of physical labourers and physical people, so of course you value those who can take care of each other with your bodies.”
“Sounds kind of like cavemen,” Claudius said, amused in spite of himself. “I’m sure Brutus would agree, though.”
“He did,” Eibhlin said, nose in the air with the delicate air of someone choosing not to take offence, as the bigger person in the room thank you very much. “And Artemisia, once she stopped laughing. She went home with many girls, but she wanted to marry Emory when she was young, and now she is with Devon. That speaks to type.”
“Okay,” he said, again. “I still don’t know what — you don’t just do anthropology. You have to have a thesis.”
Eibhlin’s fingers curled in her sleeves, which — Ah, shit.
This was the part Claudius hated. Speedrunning weeks of research and observations to find whatever tangled mess of emotions had prompted Eibhlin to do this in the first place, because while Claudius might mangle onions or spar with his mentor or call up his friends in a total panic when he had a problem, Eibhlin … well, she did science.
“Okay.” A third time, the jigsaw puzzles falling off the table and clicking together into the most terrifying image of a nightmare clown he’d ever seen, but also the clown was right in front of him looking sad and he had to be very careful not to jump. “So it sounds like … we have the best of both worlds? You’re a super genius and I — well, I can sort of fix the roof, if I have help.”
Eibhlin studied him in silence for several moments, eyes intent and searching, but finally she nodded sharply and the knot in his chest unhooked. “Don’t forget the cooking,” she said. “You have become quite adept.”
“Glad to hear it,” Claudius said. “You want to help? I was still chopping when someone tried to put rabbit poop in my hands.”
“Hm,” Eibhlin said, admitting absolutely nothing, and held out her hand for the knife.
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ejzah · 2 years
Please would you write a story about sending Deeks undercover to attract a woman and Kensi gets jealous?
A/N: I know this prompt is ancient. My apologies if anon is still around. Also, I’ve done variations of this, so please excuse any similarities. I figure this is early season 4 era.
The Unfairness Of It All
“Come on, Deeks. How long does it take to change into a pair of swim trunks?” Kensi shouted, rattling the curtains on his changing room.
“Beauty like this takes time,” Deeks called back, completely unconcerned by her annoyance.
She’d been caustic with him all morning, ever since they’d received their case for the day. Deeks was going undercover to gain the attention of a high stakes burglar named Simone Burrell. She frequented Venice Beach where she had a habit of picking up surfers.
Hetty made it explicitly clear that Deeks should do anything necessary to gain access to Simone’s home and find evidence of her crimes. Callen and Sam had immediately started making increasingly inappropriate jokes about how he might gain Simone’s favor.
Kensi told herself that the idea didn’t bother her. They’d both seduced people before and it was just part of the job. Her own feelings about Deeks didn’t matter.
Yet the thought of another woman kissing him, touching him, made her want to punch something. Even though she had no claim to Deeks and certainly hadn’t been sharing any intimate moments with him. Somehow that made it worse.
She paced a few feet away, resting her forehead against the archway between the bullpen and wardrobe area.
Poor Deeks had been the recipient of her anger and frustration. Of course he treated it like a joke, parrying her insults with ease and a wry grin. Damn him.
“Alright, are you ready for this?” Deeks asked, and she hastily straightened, smoothing her shirt down as the curtain slid open and he appeared, dressed in only a pair of board shorts. “Not to bad, Huh?”
Kensi swallowed heavily as he held his arms out, putting his body on open display. Her eyes roved over his chest, following the lines of his muscles to the top of the trunks, which were low and tight and left nothing to the imagination. She suddenly felt uncomfortably warm.
“Well,” Deeks prompted. She hastily snapped her eyes upward, to see Deeks grinning at her with a twinkle in his eyes. “You approve.”
“Aren’t you supposed to wear a wetsuit?” she asked to divert attention from her burning cheeks.
“Yeah, but it’s not like I’m going to put it on now. What about the shorts?” I think the color brings out my eyes.”
Kensi agreed.
“Actually, I’m starting to feel a little nauseous,” she lied instead. “Here, you better put this on before someone reports you to HR.” She tossed the t-shirt he’d been wearing earlier at his head, which he caught in one hand, chuckling softly while he pulled it over her head.
Kensi turned her head under the pretense of checking her phone because she did not need that image running rampant through her head all day. When she turned back around, his chest was safely covered, and he was ruffling his tousled hair.
“So what’s your game plan with Simone?”
“Just be my usual charming self.” He moved a step closer, eyes serious despite his teasing tone. “Hey, you’re ok with this, right?”
“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?” she said immediately, laughing off his concern. She couldn’t have Deeks feeling bad for her right now. “C’mon, everyone’s waiting.”
Kensi shifter on her towel, trying to appear casual as she searched the water for Deeks. She’d specifically chosen a spot a few yards away from Simone Burrell; close enough that she could provide backup, but not so she was on top of Simone. Sam and Callen were stationed farther up on the pier, ready to step if needed.
There were other surfers out there, but Deeks was clearly the best and new exactly how to draw attention to himself without seeming obvious. Simone was eating up. She hadn’t taken her eyes off Deeks for more that a minute since he arrived.
Deeks caught a couple more waves before heading in. When he reached the shore, he buried his surfboard in the sand and started stripping off his wetsuit. He looked even better in the sun bringing out his tan and sun-bronzed hair. He stretched his arms over his head and Kensi had to look away for a moment as his shorts rode even lower.
She’d seen Deeks shirtless before and occasionally in even less, but for some reason she felt unusually flustered.
Get it together Kensi, she chastised herself. Even if Simone wasn’t usually violent, who knew what she would resort to when cornered.
Laying his board flat, Deeks grabbed a tin of wax and crouched low, rubbing the substance it over the surface of his board in small, even circles. Simone watched him the entire time. When he was almost finished, she stood, tugging the deep V of her black bathing suit a little lower and arranging her red curls on her shoulders.
Deeks glanced up as her shadow suddenly blocked out the sun. He did a good job of looking surprised to see Simone there. He offered her a boyish, crooked grin, wiping his dripping bangs out of his eyes.
“Can I help you?” he drawled, eyes dipping down and Kensi easily imagined him checking out the V of her suit.
“I hope so,” Simone answered coyly. “I’m Simone.”
“Nice to meet you, Simone. Justin.”
“You were impressive out there.”
“Eh, not my best day.” Deeks shrugged off her compliment, which made Simone laugh softly.
Kensi rolled her eyes.
“So humble. I like that.” She tossed her hair again, moving closer in the process so Kensi had to strain to hear. “But you look pretty perfect to my eye.”
“Oh, do you surf?” Deeks asked, injecting enough interest into his voice that Kensi would bet he earned yet another point in his favor.
“No, I’m more of an observer than a participant,” Simone responded. “I can tell when a man is experienced based on the way he moves, his posture…” she reached out and trailed her thumb straight down Deeks sternum, nail sliding along his damp skin. “How comfortable he is in the water.”
The gesture made Kensi tense in alarm before she could control her reaction. She quickly settled back, hoping no one had noticed her response.
Deeks made a hoarse sound as Simone kept going until she reached the waistband of his trunks, and rubbed her thumb along the skin there. It was almost indecent her out in the open where anyone could see.
“Wow, that’s a lot bolder than I was expecting,” Deeks said, grinning slightly as he shook his head. A mixture of anger and envy ran through her. He made no attempt to move Simone’s hand.
It was for a case, Kensi reminded herself. He was doing his job exactly as Hetty had asked. But that still didn’t quell the unfairness of it all. Some stranger got to touch Deeks so intimately and Kensi was restricted to playful punches and brief platonic touches.
“I don’t believe in binding what I want,” Simone said, shifting her hand back up to settle on his chest. “I have a place about a mile from here. Maybe you can show me some of your other skills.”
Kensi froze. She’d known this was coming but hearing it was so much worse. Forgetting discretion altogether, she stared as Deeks leaned forward, close enough to whisper in Simone’s ear. He stayed there for several seconds, face obscured by her hair.
When he pulled back, Simone’s wore a seductive grin. Deeks tucked his board under one arm and settled the palm of his other hand low on Simone’s back, guiding her through the sand. As they passed, he caught Kensi’s eye for just a second, before he focused on Simone once again.
Kensi wrapped her arms around her middle, sucking in a deep breath to dampen the sick, jealous feeling inside her. Deeks would kiss Simone, seduce her, do whatever needed to be done. And all Kensi could do was watch his back, because they couldn’t be anything more.
Shaking her head, Kensi quickly packed up her blanket, sending a text to Sam and Callen before she followed after Deeks.
He was her partner, nothing more.
A/N: I’m not sure Kensi would be able to hear that whole conversation, but I didn’t feel like trying to figure out what kind of mic Deeks could use around water. And we’ll forget about them leaving all their stuff behind.
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thequietmanno1 · 1 year
Thelreads, MHA 270, Replies Part 2
1) “We- We`re inside Shigaraki`s mind or something? It must be, since he`s there and there`s a, quite frankly, concerning number of disembodied hands floating around.
we`re about to go down a fucking weird trip, aren`t we?”- We’re going on an inception trip into shiggy-boy’s braincase….in fact, we’re not even the first ones taking up residence inside his cracked mindspace…
2) “Fuck if I know Shigaraki, you have quite the interesting imagination, I wish my dreams were half that abstract. Then again, I was never comatose, as far as I know.”- And as a side-effect of his awakened/ascended mentality, Tomura’s ‘ethereal’ white hair has become almost negative space around his head, almost looking like Horikoshi simply didn’t draw the pages around him. 3) “OH OKAY FUCK FUCK FUCK I KNEW THINGS WERE GOING TO GET WEIRD
NOT AT ALL”- Hard to call it ‘lingering’ when AFO actively cultivated Tomura’s mentality to keep it first and foremost inside his emotional core, always pushing him forwards even when he’d repressed the hell out of it. His mind is nothing but trauma, and he’s only now recently started to mature enough to start owing that damage as being what he thinks of himself as. He sees himself through the broken mirror of his mind, each piece a cracked reflection of the boy he started as and what he could have been. 4) “OH IT`S STILL HER, AND SHE`S REMINDING US AND SHIGARAKI OF THAT PARTICULAR MOMENT”- If this broken landscape is what makes up his mind, then tragically, the pieces of it that allow him to hold his ‘self’ together and avoid floating away in the chaos are the very ones that relate to his childhood trauma- the thing that breaks him inside paradoxically holds him together even beyond what other people could endure. 5) “I wonder, do Shigaraki even remembered that she apologized for what she had done? He wasn`t paying much attention at the time, but did he ever recalled that she regretted making him suffer like that?”- Being that this seems to almost be like Shigaraki’s memories of his family overlapping with that night and what he’d think they would say to him now, it sorta implies that he does remember – like, this whole sequence is a little unclear if it’s all in his head, or if him being technically dead means that he’s communing with his family’s lingering ghosts, or if he’s using the memories of his family to talk to himself through their images, putting the words in their mouths to converse with himself as he processes his current situation. Nana herself seems to be the anomaly here, but that itself might also be because of her lingering vestige preserved within OFA…which itself has some undefined link to AFO, as shown by him likewise sensing the changes to the twin Quirk within Tartarus when the additional Quirks started awakening. 6) “AGAIN, DID SHIGARAKI EVER THOUGHT ABOUT HIS DREAM SINCE THEN? EVEN IF ONLY TO SAY “FUCK THAT, HEROES SUCK”?”- I think he’s thought about it by not thinking about it – like the answer is one he already known deep down on an emotional, instinctual level, but it’s all wrapped up underneath the layers of trauma and pain involved with that night, and he finds it easier to think about the hurt that motivates him more than the uncomfortable answer lurking underneath all that sorrow and lashing out. Eventually, he will have to give a voice to that answer, but at present, his current situation means he can focus on attacking the heroes rather than wasting time navel-gazing and considering whether it’s even a possibility to turn back anymore. 7) “SOMETHING TELLS ME HE DIDN`T, CONSIDERING HIS EXPRESSION TOWARDS THE GIANT IMAGINARY MILF. OH GOD, EITHER THIS WHOLE SHIT IS GOING TO GO REALLY BAD, OR IT WILL GO REALLY, REALLY BAD”-Considering that the ‘itchiness’ is tied thematically to Tomura’s apparent longing to ‘destroy’ things, she’s as good as telling him that his revenge on the world that denied him will only lead to him wanting to destroy more and more until he has nothing left, but AFO has groomed Tomura so thoroughly that he’s convinced himself that existing in this miserable situation of his own violation is what makes him ‘him’ now, like he’s felt this pain for so long, it’s warped around to being comforting. Like Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Tomura has immersed himself in the role of the villain, even if it’s in opposition to his childhood dream, because he feels like he has nothing else left outside of it, and can only make the best of his situation by embracing the perks it provides him, even if he’s unsatisfied with it all at his core.
OH GOD OH FUCK THIS IS REALLY SPIRALING OUT OF CONTROL”-He says he’s ok, but only because he’s gotten so used to the misery of his current existence that he can’t imagine a life where he’s not the villain anymore, where he’s not the outsider rejected by society who can only destroy. His body reverts back to the child he was when he first found the photograph, showing that the desire to be a hero is still deeply wrapped up in his core identity, even if he’s convinced himself it’s impossible, and his eyes aren’t quite focused and full of emotions like they were when he was idolising nana’s image. He claims he’s fine, but it’s clearly deflection on how he really feels- and given this may be part of his own mind speaking to him through his memories, it could also be seen as him burying the last shreds of his conscience before he awakens to bring misery to all, reaffirming that this is what he wants to himself.
EVERYBODY RUN THE FUCK AWAY, SHIT`S GONNA OBLITERATE THE FAN”- As he affirms that he’s fine with being the destructive villain, the memory of his father attacking him surfaces- the first time he used his power maliciously, and thus the first time he experienced the pleasant joy and satisfaction that came with using his powers to hurt those who oppressed him, essentially the part of his mind that  revels in the joy of being a villain reminding him of the origin of that desire.
10) “WELP, THE TRAUMA PUT HIM ON THIS TRIAL, AND SHIGARAKI DECIDED ON HOW TO DEAL WITH IT. THE ONLY WAY HE EVER KNEW OF DEALING WITH IT”- It’s tragic, but Tenko’s confidence and fearlessness in facing what would normally be a traumatic memory that repressed him and destroying it with his own willpower and the strength he now possesses is somewhat inspiring as well. You can’t help but wonder how he’d have turned out if he was given some positive learning experiences instead of a troubled upbringing before he massacred his family.
11) “OH, NOW IT`S YOU. RIGHT. YEAH IF WE`RE TALKING ABOUT TRAUMA OF COURSE YOU WOULD SHOW UP IN HIS HEAD. THE FUCK YOU`RE GONNA SHOW HIM AS WELL?”-Well, he did help plant the bad thoughts of Tomura being an inherently destructive monster in his head in the first place- it gave him an easy way in in more ways than one… 12) “WAIT WAIT THEFUVKX THAT IS NOT AN HALLUCINATIOLN
AND HE`S TELLING HIM TO COME TAKE HIM OUT OF HIS CELL”- Not quite- the devil can’t take your soul entirely unless you willingly sign the contract of your own free will…. (MHA ch 246)
13) “Now, the doctor just wants some clarification before he gets started, and I’m wondering how many quirks he’s gonna shove inside his twink frame. He still needs to leave some room for the cherry on top of the cake, the quirk of All for One, that one is still behind bars, but soon he’ll be back…
Soon™”- Or he’s prepping him for All For one’s quirk all along, because it’s better long term for him to just finalise his body right from the start and have the ability to stockpile unlimited power already in him, rather than building up to it gradually by adapting his vessel pieces by piece to handle multiple quirks. All For One does seem to have some kind of innate resistance against the natural devastation that would result from containing multiple quirks at once, a trait shared with its twin, much to Deku’s benefit, so rather than toughen Tomura’s body up by adding increasing numbers of quirks into his modified frame one by one, it’s easier for Ujiko to just prep him to handle the entirely of All For One all at once and let the quirk’s natural abilities handle the blowback of gaining so much power in one go. Granted, the process isn’t pretty by a long shot, but Tomura’s made it quite clear he doesn’t give a damn about winning any beauty competitions, which is good, because he was looking worse off than even Dabi on that operating table. @thelreads
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polikszena · 1 year
Ficlet Advent Calendar 2022 - December 1
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I know I’m starting this with a delay, but last Sunday we presented our sketch show, so I was preparing for it during the entire weekend, and now I’m catching up with myself. At least the show went very well. :)
Title: The letter Fandom: Downton Abbey Characters: Mary Crawley, Cora Crawley Word Count: 827 Rating: Teen and up audiences Summary:   After her divorce, Lady Mary Crawley isn't looking forward Christmas this year, but then she receives mysterious letter on the 1st of December. Notes: Sets after Downton Abbey: A New Era, based on that headcanon of mine that after getting fed up with Henry’s absence, Mary decides to end their marriage as it does not seem to work anymore. Also, I decided to post the chapters separately, because it’s easier to tag them that way, so apologies for the spam.
December 1 - The letter
Looking at the calendar, Lady Mary Crawley let out a sigh. Contrary to the previous years, she wasn’t looking forward to Christmas at all. She didn’t feel the slightest excitement to think about the enormous tree in the hall or her children’s face when they would see it or when they would rip the paper off their presents. The only thing she felt was a slight annoyance and exhaust. 
Having the whole family around, including Edith, parading around the house, showing off her perfect marriage, the Bransons, Aunt Rosamund, then Isobel, and all would be very-very sorry for her and would lament Henry’s absence. (Not that he was home during Christmas in the last few years.) On the top of that, Papa invited the Marquis of Montmirail as well, his almost-brother, which meant more people to pity her. And that was the last thing Mary needed right now.
No-one said divorce would be a piece of cake, she knew that, but she wasn’t expecting it to be this this hard. Even though it was much easier to obtain it, society still wasn’t prepared for people deciding to end a marriage that wasn’t working anymore. Especially women. Ever since she had stopped being Lady Mary Talbot, the invitations to dinner parties, balls or other social events became more and more rare, and whenever she hosted something, only half of the invitees came, or not even half of them. Sometimes people invited Mama and Papa, but not her. It was humiliating.
Not only she wasn’t good enough for Herny to choose her over race cars, but she wasn’t good enough for the high society either. All because she had got fed up with her husband’s absence. Wasn’t marriage about being there for each other? It certainly wasn’t about him being away on some car race while Tom was getting married or Granny passing away. This was even worse than the times when Edith wrote that horrible letter to the Turkish Embassy. But this time it was only a divorce! Nobody died! Being rejected by both Henry and society was too much to bear.
When she entered the drawing room that morning, she found her mother holding a letter. Mary felt the urge to turn around and walk away. She didn’t want to know about another event she wasn’t invited to.
“Mary darling, this is for you,” Cora handed her the green envelope, and she raised a brow as she wasn’t expecting a letter from anyone. She couldn’t even recognise the handwriting on it.
“Thank you, Mama,” she said, sitting down on the armchair, then she opened the letter.
Dear Lady Mary,
I received the news about your marriage, and I have to admit, it surprised me. But I’m not here to gloat, or to pity you. I happen to know that divorce is not easy, especially not for a woman, but I also know how strong and brave you are, and if anyone can go through it with her head held high, it’s you.
What is this about? Mary wondered. Does this person think I need a lawyer? I already have one!
It takes a lot of courage to get out of a marriage – been there, done that -, and even the strongest need some encouragement, a few good words, a little bit of fun to ease the pain of the divorce and help you move on. And this is why I’m writing these letters to you. This is the first one of the twenty-four you will be receiving from me until Christmas. This will be my present to you. However, I will not tell you who I am until then, because I don’t want you to think I’m doing this because I have an agenda. I just want to cheer you up a little, just to make these times a little more bearable. I’m looking forward to writing all these letters to you; tomorrow you will receive the second one.
Until then I remain, yours sincerely, Christmas Ghost
When Mary put down the letter, she didn’t know what to say. She wasn’t even sure if that anonymous Christmas Ghost was serious. Perhaps the whole thing was just a joke. Still, the idea of someone writing twenty-four letters to her just to cheer her up warmed her heart, making her wonder who that might be. Someone from the estate? Anna, maybe? But why would she do such thing, seeing her every day? Could it be Tom and Lucy? That would make sense, she thought to herself. But how would they know what a divorce could feel like?
“Who wrote to you?” Cora asked.
“I don’t know, it doesn’t say,” Mary replied. “I either have an anonymous friend or the whole thing is just a joke. Probably it’s the latter,” she added with a small shrug.
However, next morning she felt genuine excitement when she saw a green envelope on the tray when Greg the footman brought in the post.
(Read it on AO3)
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v-hope · 3 years
Pairing: Jeon Jeongguk x Reader
Genre: Smut, fluff, established (kinda secret) relationship au
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: The moment Jeongguk and you saw the pink heart-shaped handcuffs that would be a part of his outfit for the photoshoot that day, you both knew what was coming your way.
Warnings: Fingering, unprotected sex, handcuffs (obviously), dressing room sex, quickie, creampie, Jeongguk is a whole tease in this one. Also they almost get caught?
A/N: You guys know smut is not my thing, but, I mean. Pink heart-shaped handcuffs. Do I need to say more? This doesn’t have much of a plot (I think), but I hope you guys enjoy! Also, I apologize for any mistakes that there might be, as I’m running short on time and couldn’t edit is as thoroughly as I usually do.
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Little were the times you were able to go on set to support your boyfriend. The fact that not every member of the staff knew the two of you were dating, along with no one outside of the industry knowing about your relationship either, only made things complicated for the two of you. However, with a comeback on his end and finals on yours being just around the corner, it was either that or having to wait three more weeks until you could see each other again.
You had managed not to draw attention most of the day — acting like a good friend with all seven members of the group, which you were, and eventually sneaking out with Jeongguk whenever he was done shooting his parts, so the two of you could have some much needed alone time in any empty room he could find in the building.
It was only when they had changed for their last photoshoot, Jeongguk dressed in a black coverall with a matching belt that made his waist look tinier than ever, as well as leaving half of his sleeve uncovered, that you found yourself breathing heavily.
Especially when a member of the staff went up to him and hooked something pink to his belt, having to tilt your head to the side so you could take a better look at it.
More specifically, a pair of cute, pink heart-shaped handcuffs.
As if on cue, Jeongguk’s eyes went to you, a smile curving up his lips as he teasingly raised his pierced brow when your gazes met. That was all you needed to know you were thinking of the same thing.
The rest of the photoshoot? Absolute torture for you.
“So,” he came closer to you after finishing his solo shoot, having Namjoon leave your side and going to have his. “What do you think?”
“Hot” was your simple answer, earning an amused bunny smile from him.
“Hot? That’s it?” he pushed it. “What about the heartcuffs?”
A laugh made its way out of your mouth at that. “Heartcuffs?”
“Jin hyung called them that” he laughed too. “They’re kinda cute, though…” his eyes scanned the one that wasn’t attached to his belt as he held it up. “Kinda resemble our hearts”.
“I’m pretty sure our actual hearts look a little bit different than these” you teased him over his cheesy words.
Jeongguk rolled his eyes. “I meant that they’re attached, you smartass”.
“So our hearts are cuffed to one another” you gave him a dramatic, understanding nod. “Does that mean there’s no way out for me?”
He chuckled, taking a dangerous step towards you. “Absolutely no way out, sweets”.
“Yah…” you stopped him before he could lean in for a kiss. “Anyone could see us”.
“Half the people here know we’re dating” he whispered without a care.
“And the other half don’t” you pointed out.
Jeongguk huffed, causing you to bite your lip as you thought about it for a moment. After all, and as frustrating as it was, the less people who knew about your relationship, the better.
“How about…” you mumbled, hooking a finger to the handcuff he was holding to pull him just a little closer. “You take these home so we can make up for the lost time later?”
Liking that idea, he found himself smiling, only to later have his cheeks turn a bright pink after having looked around at the people on set.
“They will know what I want them for if I ask to take them home”.
“Bummer,” you lamented.
Jeongguk bit his bottom lip, once again looking both sides around the hectic atmosphere surrounding you as everyone worked on getting the other members ready, before his eyes focused back on yours and his head tilted to the door.
“Let’s go”.
He didn’t hold your hand until the two of you were alone in the hallway, intertwining his fingers with yours and rushing over to the same dressing room the two of you had lovingly been making out inside during his last break almost an hour ago.
This time, however, all sweetness had been left aside.
Mouth hungrily sucking on your bottom lip as soon as your back pressed against the door, he wasted no time on locking it, effortlessly lifting you up and having you wrap your legs around his waist as he carried you to the closest drawer.
Placing you down on it yet not letting go of your butt as he gave it a hard squeeze and pulled you closer, a soft moan escaped your mouth when his wet lips trailed all their way down from your neck to your collarbone.
“We don’t have much time” you reminded him in what came out in more of a huff, knowing well enough he was trying to take his sweet time with you — something you truly did not have that day, not when he was working.
Jeongguk huffed, planting one last kiss on your chest before his mouth went back to yours. “I won’t see you in like three more weeks”.
“And you won’t get to fuck me either if someone comes here and interrupts us”.
That had seemed to convince him.
Taking the handcuffs off his belt, internally thanking the fact that they weren’t real ones and hence he didn’t need a key, he motioned for you to stick your hands out. You didn’t hesitate to do as told, watching him accommodate their particular shape to your wrists so they wouldn’t hurt you, and then, before you could either notice nor protest, lifting one of them up so he could also close it around one of the hooks from the rack you had not noticed was stuck to the wall right above your head.
Unable to move your hands, you caught him smirking at the sight of you.
“You know,” he mumbled, lips brushing against yours while his hand gently stroked your thigh. “I could get used to this”.
Your teeth biting on your lip were replaced by his own as his mouth once again crashed on yours, grinding your hips against the desk when his hand went down to your center, stroking you over the thin fabric of the black pants you had decided to wear that day.
“So needy, aren’t you?” Jeongguk chuckled, thumb rubbing small circles over your core. “Have nearly touched you and I can already feel how wet you are”.
A light moan escaped your lips, pretending to entangle your fingers in his long, purple locks to pull him in for a kiss and shut him up, yet finding yourself being unable to by the cuffs around your wrists.
It was then when it hit you, you were completely under his mercy right then.
Another chuckle escaped his mouth, digging his hands under your t-shirt and pulling you closer to the edge by your waist — keeping you in place as he slowly rocked his hardened member against your center.
“Jeongguk…” you pleaded in a moan.
“Yes, baby?” he sweetly replied, pressing a small kiss to the uncovered skin on your chest.
“Don’t tease me”.
He laughed under his breath. Fuck, there was nothing he wanted more than to take his sweet, oh sweet time with you.
Your words, although had succeeded to bring your point across, had not been enough to convince him. If anything, he only wanted to tease you more — your head going to the side as you tried to muffle a moan against your arm when he slipped a hand inside your underwear and one of his fingers made it inside you, was all the confirmation he needed to keep on driving you to the edge.
“Fuck, Jeongguk” you breathed out when he added another digit, involuntarily moving your hips away from him at the sudden wave of pleasure.
With his free hand grabbing tightly onto your hip, Jeongguk kept you in place, burying his fingers deeper inside you in pistoning and curling motions, having to muffle another loud moan of yours with his mouth as he had seemed to find that one soft spot of yours in no time.
“J-Jeongguk, please” you begged, melting under his intense eyes. “Please, I need you”.
If the two of you had been back home, he could easily have taken hours with you. However, after looking at the clock by the door and hearing a few staff members talking through the halls, he knew, just like you had told him before, that you were running short on time.
Not letting another second go by, he took your pants off. Rushedly unbuttoning his coverall, he couldn’t help but tease you once more after catching up on the way you had fought against the handcuffs to reach out to the white t-shirt that remained under his first layer — the one covering his toned chest you had always loved kissing, and the one he had decided to keep on just to drive you mad.
“You’re such an ass” you recriminated him.
Jeongguk laughed, pushing his underwear down enough for his hardened member to stick out. Pumping himself a couple of times under your intent eyes, his mouth came close to yours.
“Weren’t you the one who wanted to be in handcuffs, sweets?”
Feeling your heavy breathing mix with his, he sucked on your bottom lip, grabbing your hip with one of his hands to keep you steady while his other one made your panties to the side as he lined himself up to your entrance.
“Quit the teasing” you warned him this time, not being able to take it anymore.
With a low laugh and one last kiss, he entered you without a warning. Not being able to hold the throaty moan that had just escaped your mouth, you closed your eyes as you let your boyfriend fill every single inch inside of you over and over again with each thrust of his hips.
Burying his face on the crook of your neck, you felt his hot breath hit against your skin as he tried to muffle his own moans.
“Fuck, you always feel so good” he panted.
Still holding you tightly with one hand as he fucked you hard, one of his hands pulled your top up over your chest, keeping it there and pulling one side of your bra down so he could attach his lips to your breast and tease your nipple with his quite needy tongue.
Closing your eyes as you let yourself get lost in the extra pleasure his wet mouth was giving you, you jumped up after hearing a noise coming from the door. Eyes immediately going to it, you watched the doorknob moving forcefully yet not being able to turn, thanks to Jeongguk, who had been careful enough to lock it minutes ago.
“Hello?” you heard a woman ask from the other side of the door.
That hadn’t seemed to bother him, not for more than a second, at least. And even when she kept trying to turn the doorknob and a part of you wanted to tell him to stop just in case someone managed to make their way in, you couldn’t find it in you to actually tell him to. Not when his cock inside you felt so good, not when you could feel yourself getting closer by the second.
“Shh,” he hushed you when a moan slipped from your lips, thrusts becoming slower yet deeper for them not to hear. “They can’t get in, but they can still hear us”.
Although wanting to protest, you found yourself being unable to form any kind of coherent sentence when one particular thrust of his had been about to send you over the edge.
“Jeong—” your loud moan was cut off by his hand on your mouth.
Another moan was muffled by his hand when he pulled his cock almost completely out of you, only to slam it inside the next second. Pressing his forehead against yours and letting you feel his hot, heavy breathing on your face, he removed his hand from your mouth once you were quiet again, only to stick two fingers inside of it just in case.
You could tell he was enjoying this new little game of keeping it quiet — you, on the other hand, were truly struggling.
Once the doorknob had stopped moving and no one seemed to be by the door anymore, he was quick to replace his fingers with his mouth, tongue massaging yours and moaning against your lips when you rolled your hips on his.
“Jeongguk, I’m c-coming” you breathed out as soon as you were able to.
“Hold on a little longer, baby” he rasped out.
Taking advantage of the hook holding your cuffed hands up, he lifted you up from the desk, making you wrap your legs tighter around his waist as he held you up — this new angle allowing him to reach deeper inside you.
“Guk, I—I can’t—”
With your walls pulsating around his cock, you couldn’t hold on any longer, having no choice but to let yourself come undone as he kept thrusting hard into you — nails digging onto your skin when he felt his orgasm approach as well.
“Y/N, f-fuck…” he rasped.
Placing his hand under the curve of one of your breasts as he kept pulling you up and down into his cock, he forgot about the people outside for a few seconds — low grunts escaping his throat one after another until he reached his high.
Feeling his release spreading inside your walls, a light moan escaped your lips as well, being unable to move still while he buried his face in the crook of your neck as the two of you came down from your high and tried to catch your breath.
Breathing heavily against your hot skin, he pressed his swollen lips to it, later peppering a trail of kisses down to your chest, fixing your messy bra and then pulling your t-shirt down.
“Do you think they heard us?” you wondered, quietly watching him dress you up again and then button his coverall just enough to cover his underwear.
“I hope not” his answer didn’t sound very convincing.
Pouting in defeat, you let him press his red mouth to yours. Sweetly, as if nothing else had happened only one minute ago.
“Will you uncuff me now so I can touch you?”
A mischievous smile parted on his lips, lifting you up just enough for you to unhook your arms from the rack, yet not unlocking the handcuffs around your wrists. Instead, he placed your arms over his shoulders, around his neck.
“Let’s stay like this for a little longer” he pecked your lips.
“They must be already looking for the key to get inside” you reminded him.
“So let them” he shrugged, one of his hands going up to the heart-shaped handcuff around one of your wrists, staring at it for a couple of seconds. “I wanna keep them”.
“Please, let’s keep them,” you agreed in a heartbeat. “I need to take my revenge on you and all your teasing”.
“Revenge?” he played it innocent. “I was actually thinking, when we go public we can walk out with them on so that everyone knows we’re heartcuffed for life”.
Throwing your head back, you let a loud laugh out, later resting your forehead on his and entangling your fingers in his purple hair like you had so badly been aching for earlier that day.
Not being able to erase your smile, you shook your head. “No”.
Oh well, there would always be other creative ways to let the world know your hearts belonged to each other anyway.
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kaunis-sielu · 3 years
Fire Dogs: 6
Steve pulls Grant’s hand off of your arm then steps in between you and Grant.
“Fawn are you okay?” He asks softly.
“I’m okay,” you assure him and he turns his gaze onto Grant.
“I thought I told you that you were to leave her alone.” His voice is low and furious, “And not only do I find you here, harassing her, putting your hands on her but you’re also telling everyone that she’s an Omega even though you know she doesn’t want people to know.”
“What’s it to you?” Grant sneers and you almost pity him. Steve, externally seems calm but you can feel the rage.
“You’re going to leave Fawn alone. You’re not going to tell anyone else she’s an Omega, you’re going to think she’s a Beta and if you do come across her you’re going to treat her with the respect she deserves.” Grant seems to be fighting the Alpha command, he grits his teeth and sweat starts to form on his brow. You know he won’t beat it though, your knees have practically buckled at the power behind his command. You see why they call him a True Alpha.
“What if I don’t?”
“I’ll kill you. Omega protection laws say that as her Alpha I can defend her in anyway I might need to.” He warns and while Grant pales Steve continues, “Now, you’re going to apologize to Fawn, you’re going to leave her alone and I’m not going to have to remind you again.”
“Sorry Fawn.” You nod then Steve turns him around and gives him a little shove and Grant meanders away from you.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Steve asks turning toward you.
“Yea, are you?” When he looks at you quizzically you clarify, “you were so angry.”
“You could tell?”
“I could feel it.” The slow smile he gives you causes your heart to race.
“Oh Honey,” he breathes pressing his forehead to yours. You can feel his breath slide across your cheek and you sigh softly as you close your eyes. Something wet hits your cheek and you pull away from Steve and look up at the sky as the clouds break.
You’re practically drenched in a matter of seconds,
“Rain! Steve rain!” You cry tilting your head back, a smile stretched across your face as the rain pours down on you. Finally, you’ve been waiting for this rain to knock down the fires and it’s finally here.
But no more fires means no more Steve. Your smile falls off of your face as quickly as it bloomed. “Rain.”
“Honey,” Steve says looking concerned.
“No more fire means no more you.” You choke out and he gently gathers you in to him.
“Shh, we can talk about it. This might not knock out all the fire.”
“But if it does,”
“We figure it out.” He soothes, “dance with me?”
“What?” You ask not moving your head from where it’s pressed to his chest. He takes your left hand gently in his right and puts your right hand up on his shoulder while wrapping his left arm around your back then he starts to sway.
It’s soothing, the way he slowly sways and hums. The rainwater is cool as it falls but you find that you don’t care at least not until it gets chilly.
“You wanna head home?”
“Yes, can, can you sleep with me again tonight?”
“Yea Honey.” You round the car and slide into the passengers seat before Cooper licks your face.
“Thanks Coop. You good boy.” You tell him and Steve starts the car then heads for home. Steve reaches over and offers you one of his hands, which you happily take and leave in your lap. It’s been nearly three weeks at this point and you’re not sure how you’re going to feel when he leaves. You’ve heard that it can be excruciating for an Omega to be without their Alpha but Steve technically isn’t your Alpha.
It’s still raining heavily when you get back home. You and Steve cook dinner together after he showers and you change into something dry. As you eat you talk a little about your day, how your drawings were approved and that printing will start soon. Steve is proud of you, a welcome feeling after Grant.
Your heart sinks when Bucky comes home early.
“Fires look like they’re all out.” He says with a grin and you have to blink away your tears before either man notices. Cooper does notice though and he comes over to you putting his head in your lap. You pet him absentmindedly while half listening to Steve and Bucky talk. They talk about the fire, the rain and when the subject of their trip home comes up you have to leave the room. It makes you too sad to think about them leaving.
You take Cooper out, grabbing the umbrella that you keep by the door on your way out. You don’t fool yourself and think that Steve hasn’t noticed your change in mood or the tears gathering on your eyelashes but you need a moment. You let Cooper run around in the rain, one of his favorite things to do, and you let a few of the tears fall.
You’re so conflicted on what to do. You’re 99% sure that Steve is your Alpha. The one Alpha for you, with how he makes you feel, and how he treats you and the fact that you can feel his emotions are all signs that he’s probably your Alpha. You’d be completely thrilled if he didn’t come from New York. If he wasn’t the True Alpha of his pack. But none of those things are true. He is the True Alpha, he lives in New York City, and you live here.
“Hey,” Steve says quietly from just inside the house. “You okay?”
“I don’t know.” You admit not looking at him,“I wanna be but I don’t know.”
“Wanna talk me through it?”
“I’m just really conflicted. I know in my gut you’re my Alpha, but you live there and I live here and I like it here. I like the smallness, the woods and the mountains. I can’t ask you to move your whole pack, and shouldn’t you being my Alpha be enough? Why isn’t it enough? Is there something wrong me with me?”
“Nothing is wrong with you.” Steve assures you, “all of your feelings and thoughts are completely valid. If it makes you feel any better I know in my gut you’re my Omega. I’ve known since you opened the door. The pack and I will do whatever you need to be happy, no Alpha command needed.”
“I can’t ask you all to move here. How big is your pack?”
“All together around fifty.”
“Fifty! Steve! That’s huge!”
“Why don’t you come to New York with us? You and I can go upstate? See if we can find somewhere that’s close enough to the city but quiet enough for you?”
“I’m scared Steve.”
“Of what?”
“You know the last Alpha I had. What if this doesn’t work and I’ve moved my whole life to the other side of the country?”
“Do you own this place?” You nod, “then keep it. If it doesn’t work you still have a home but if it does we have a vacation place.”
“Would you want me to stop taking my suppressants?”
“If you want to. I know it’s easier to have kids when you’re not on them.”
“You’d want kids with me?”
“I want it all with you Omega. I want the bonding. The marriage. The family. I want all of it.” You’re floored by his admission you finally turn toward him and throw an arm around his neck pulling his lips to yours. Steve is gentle when he pulls your body flush against his, he’s warm and solid against you.
“I’ll come to New York with you. Are you sure you could live outside the city?”
“For you? Yes. Easily and happily.”
“Can we bring Cooper?”
“Of course. Are you gonna be alright traveling with the three of us?”
“Yea. I think I can manage.” You tell him with a smile, “when do you want to leave?”
“I don’t know, I’ve got to talk to Sam and Bucky. I’m sure they’ll wanna get back as much as I do but we have to be sure the fires are out for good. Maybe three days?”
“Okay, you might need to talk me down again. Get me out of my own head.”
“I can do that.” He promises, “you’re sure you want to go?”
“Yes. When I think of being left here without you it fills me with such dread. But I might get nervous about meeting your pack and about being on the east coast in a huge city.”
“The pack is going to love you. You don’t need to worry about that. Can I check your ribs again?”
“I suppose. Come on Cooper!”
“He’s soaked.” Steve says and you glance over at a very muddy Cooper.
“Yea, he loves the rain.” You’ll need to give him a bath before bedtime, luckily he loves bath time almost as much as he loves the rain. “I’ll have to give him a b-a-t-h. He loves them and will lose his mind when I say the word.”
“Ah.” Steve gives you a little half smile, “want help?”
“Only if you’re ready to get drenched again.”
“Bring it on.”
“Hey Cooper, wanna take a bath?” You say and as promised loses his mind barking and dancing around you excitedly. You let him in and he bolts downstairs.
Steve helps you give Cooper a bath and as you predict you’re both completely soaked by the time you’re done.
“Who got a bath? You two or Cooper?” Bucky teases as you and Steve go past him in the living room.
“Cooper, give him a hug.” You tell the dog who runs over to Bucky and still soaking wet jumps up into Bucky’s lap and throws his body onto Bucky’s torso.
���Awe Cooper!” You and Steve laugh as Bucky debates if he wants your dog off of him or if he’s just going to let it happen. He finally surrenders and hugs Cooper back as you and Steve head upstairs.
After Steve checks your shoulder and ribs he seems pleased with how you’re healing. Cooper sleeps with Bucky instead of you and honestly it’s kind of nice that you and Steve have the bed to yourselves. It would be even nicer if you could relax.
“Will you tell me about the pack?”
“Can’t sleep?” You hum softly in response. So you drift off to his voice telling you about his pack.
The next three days are busy, you get things together for your trip to New York. You use as much of the perishable food as you can and bring other stuff to the food shelf in town. You pack up all of your book stuff, some of your clothes and whatever you’ll need for Cooper. You and Steve decide that you’ll drive your car with Cooper and some of your stuff then Sam and Bucky will drive the truck with everything else that you want to bring out and their stuff.
It’s weird locking up your place for what could be the last time. But you think that you’re ready, Steve is watching you out of the corner of his eye while he talks to Sam and Bucky. He gives you this sweet smile when you come walking down the sidewalk, Cooper on your heels.
“Ready to go Omega?” Steve asks and you nod, both his friends share a pleased look then both head for the drivers seat. A tussle breaks out, Sam getting Bucky into a headlock but Bucky is able to muscle his way out of the headlock and throws Sam to the ground before jumping into the truck with a triumphant yell.
“Is this going to be a bad idea?” You ask an unamused Steve.
“They’ll be fine. I’m more annoyed with them, I just know they’re gonna embarrass me on this trip.” He says as you walk to your car together, he opens the back for Cooper then buckles him in and joins you in the car.
“Maybe I should’ve ridden with them to hear the stories.”
“Absolutely not.” Steve says lightly, “besides you wouldn’t really leave your Alpha all alone would you?”
“Not unless I have to.” You admit and he takes your hand. He presses a kiss to the back of it and gives you a soft smile. You’d let him mark you right now if he was a normal Alpha you realize with a start, your anxiety spikes at the thought.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I just, this is big ya know? I’ve been this fiercely independent fake Beta for like 18 years or so? And now I’m leaving that life behind.”
“You can still be an independent fake Beta.”
“No I can’t,” you admit, “I didn’t renew my prescription. I have a week left.”
Tag list:
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mha-princess · 3 years
Hello, I really like your writing, and I was wondering if I could request headcanons of how Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki, and Todoroki would react if somebody flirted with their s/o right in front of them, and the boys try to be calm and just tell the other person that they're in a relationship, but the person flirting just doesn't care, and continues to flirt with their s/o
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They get jealous of someone flirting with you
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A/N: I added Shoji to this request just because I love him.I hope you don’t mind (⁍̴̆◡⁍̴̆ )⊃♡- Anako
Characters: Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki, Todoroki, and Shoji
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Masterlist | Request Rules | Request Box
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This..... this is the reason he doesn’t like to go shopping
Now katsuki isn’t necessarily one to tell his s/o what to do let alone what to wear
But when your clothes start drawing too much attention is when he has a problem
Here you were checking out at your favorite mall outlet, katsuki behind you patiently waiting
“That’ll be $132 dollars please.” The cashier says looking up at you. You smile and hand hun your card. He takes it in his hand and examine the name on the front of the card.
“Y/N? That’s a pretty name.” He grins swiping the card. You hesitate to respond, you could feel katsuki moving closer to you.
“T-thank you.” The cashier is slow with what he’s doing, clearly trying to get a conversation out of you.
“Do you shop here often? I don’t ever see you around her.”
“She comes here with her boyfriend.” You feel Katsuki’s arm wrap firmly around your waist. The cashier raises and eyebrow, but persistent. He sets the card on the counter.
“You know if you were mine, you wouldn’t be paying for your own stuff it’d be on me.”
“With your fucking mall job? You wish.” Bakugou scoffs. Your mouth parts with sheer embarrassment.
“Katsuki!” You repeemind, “Sir, can I just have my bags?” You question.
“If I can have your num-.” He’s cut off by a concerning crackling. You look down to see Bakugou hands illuminating with bright little flames. Not enough to cause damage, but it was still concerning.
Quickly you reach over the counter and grab your card and your bags. You then drag Katsuki out of the outlet.
“Katsuki!” You reprimand once again.
“You should’ve let me blow his ass to shreds.”
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I feel like Kiri is a territorial guy
What’s his is his
So that being said Kiri is very heavy on PDA
And when someone persistently flirts with you is mind boggling to you both , as he makes it pretty clear that you have a boyfriend
But he also is very aware that his s/o is very attractive and that before are going to flirt with you
It’s only when you tell the person you have a boyfriend and they don’t respect that is when he has a problem.
One day when you were hanging out at the park just spending some quality time with Kiri, he had pointed out that a guy had been eyeing you for quite sometime
You brush him off saying that he’s just imagining things, but its when said guy walks over to you, you panic.
When the guy reaches you he doesn’t say anything, he just grins and hands you a piece of paper.
“I-I have a boyfriend.” You say, handing the sheet of paper with a number sprawled on it back. The boy pushes the paper back towards you.
“But I really think you should keep it. I saw you checking me out.” Kirishima grits his teeth at the accusation.
“Like they said they have a boyfriend. I’m the only only they’re ‘checking’ out.” You then push the paper back toward hun once more, but he still refuses to take it back.
“Keep-” The male stops dead in the middle of his sentence, in awe at the sight of Kirishima tonguing you dead in the mouth.
After he’s finished you fluster as you notice the guy is long gone.
Kirishima takes the paper from your hands and throws it on the ground.
“I hope he learned his lesson.”
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Ok so we all know that Denki has a flirty personality
So when someone is flirting with you he picks up on it VERY quickly
That being said he’d stop it as quickly as it started, already knowing how these things work
But if the person were to keep on hitting on you I’d see Denki getting a bit physical (as a last resort ofc)
“I already told you dude. Their taken.” He says sternly standing toe to toe with the other male.
“And I already told you I want their number.” The boy says shoving at Denkis chest.
Quickly you step in, forcefully shoving the other male to the ground before this gets out of hand and someone is in the ER for electrical burns
“And I said you weren’t fucking getting it.” You respond taking Kaminari by the wrist and walking away
Afterward Kaminari would apologize constantly for not keeping his cool, but you constantly tell him it’s fine
“I didn’t think you’d get physical for me.” He dramatically gasps at your words.
“I’ll always fight for something worth fighting for.”
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Just from looking at todoroki I get scared so how someone is flirting with you while he’s right there is beyond me
I honestly don’t even imagine him saying anything to the person that’s flirting with you that glare is deadly enough to scare anyone away
And when he’s jealous it’s doesn’t necessarily show, due to his personality
He gets hit on all the time and just ignores whoever’s hitting on him and expects you to do the same
But one day when your both at dinner, there’s a waiter who just won’t stop.
When he would come by your table he would BLATANTLY ignore Shouto
“Do you need a refill? Or is there anything I can help you with?” He says smiling at you.
There’s no change in Todorokis expression but you can fell he’s aura go dark, this had to of been the fifth time that waiter has came by and asked that question
“No thank you just the bill please.” You respond .
“Will you be splitting it between you and your friend?”
“Boyfriend.” Shouto corrects, putting a large emphasis on the ‘Boy’ part.
The male doesn’t even glance in Todoroki’s direction.
“I’ll be right back, love.” Your mouth drops as he walks away. You look at Todoroki who is physically calm, but mentally pissed.
The boy returns from the back with the billfold. He hands it to you, but you slide it to Todoroki.
Upon opening it his eyes are met with a number. Not a bill number but a phone number.
You look at Todorki who is now showing signs of being upset. He grips the bill tightly and it begins to freeze.
You look at the waiter who is now visibly scared.
“Y-You know using you q-quirk in public is illeg-.”
“Do I look like I give a damn about what’s illegal?”
You pay for the food and quickly get him out of that restaurant.
After that incident he definitely got more clingy, realizing that some people simply have no respect and he didn’t want anyone to steal you away from him
He has never really been in a relationship so handling these kinds of problems is new for him. He’ll need a lot of verbal and physically validation for awhile
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This boy really doesn’t like being in public so the few times he acommanpies you, you hope everything will go well
But sadly, that’s not always the case
This boy’s a true gentleman and doesn’t like to have any form of dispute
So when someone’s flirting with you he’d try to handle the situation as ‘professional’ as possible
But when his attempts fail he doesn’t get jealous, he gets very insecure.
He’s already unsure of his appearance and seeing someone flirt with you makes him feel bad
It makes him feel as though he isn’t enough
But it’s a good thing that your quick to act in these situations
“Look my boyfriend is right here, so I’d appreciate it if you got the hell on.” You say harshly, shoving the irrelevant male who was hitting on you.
Afterward like Todoroki, Shoji will need a lot of reassurance I mean a lot
So do things like hug him, touch him, kiss him. And let him know that there’s nobody who can take his place
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raggaraddy · 3 years
Idk of I/someone else has already asked this but how would the yanderes react to having a mute s/o
A/N: Hi Hi. Thank you for the request, I hope you enjoy it! 💜💜💜
Trigger warning: Yandere themes, violence, abuse, unhealthy relationships, blood drinking, descriptions of medical care.
Line: Mini-Rap Line (Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin)
Alpha! Namjoon
"How long are you going to keep this up?" Namjoon asks, trying to mask the genuine irritation in his voice.
It's been 8 days and you haven't said a word to him. Now, if you weren't talking at all that would be one thing, but you were specifically not talking to him, and would talk to other people with no problem. Trying to make it as pointedly obvious as possible that you were avoiding him and him alone.
The blatant disrespect of this was driving him mad. But he had never set a rule that directly stated that you have to talk to him or reply to him, and he knew that you would only fight it further if he instituted the edict now.
For you though, you were having the time of your life making him suffer. It was rare for you to have so much control between the two of you, and you were abusing it to the fullest. Especially given the reason this all started.
A week ago you were whining because he wouldn't let you go to the town fair without him. An unreasonable decision he made. Because as you tried to point out, you were going to be surrounded by the pack anyhow, and the excuse he gave for not going was a very unnecessary border run that anyone else could do in his place. While he wants to deny it, you know the real cause for his refusal though. It's because you sounded too excited about seeing your new friend at the fate and he was jealous. Even though she was another girl, for whom you had no romantic feelings, he was still jealous. And petty. You could see it in the way he mentioned her name or his face when you spoke about her.
But even with all that, it was his injustice that really made you snap. The exact words he said to you as you tried to reason your point, were; If you're going pout I don't want to hear another word from you. Basically, he told you to shut up just because he couldn't come up with any valid rebuttals and he didn't want to lose. So fine, if he wanted to be a dick, you were going to simply take his own instruction and hyperbolize it.
And his frustration was worth every moment of silence.
While he was hoping not to further blow this out of proportion, Namjoon was trying to break your silence by being strict towards all your other undesirable behaviour. Disciplining you for each and every rule you broke. Hoping to wear you down, or at the very least provoke you into another argument so that he could claim victory.
He was giving you time outs, taking away your electronics, making you hold quarters to the wall, refusing you junk food and sweets, making you stay by his side the entire day and so on. Fully running through all of his most infuriating and childish punishments. But no matter what he did, you remained defiant. And he was at the end of his rope.
Sitting in the kitchen, you were talking with the Gamma and two other wolves during a patrol break. As Namjoon was putting lunch together, you were happily observing his clenched jaw. However, the aggravation their Alpha was exuding was putting the wolves on edge and they were trying to include him in any way they could. Asking his opinion on topics as trivial as shoes, in the hopes to offset the irreverence you were showing.
When they asked him which of two brands he prefered, you interrupted, sick of their transparent attempts.
"No one cares what he has to say." You snip turning your back to him. For the first time in days, you were referring to him, and all the attitude you had stored up was pouring out in those words. You didn't take a second to think about what you were really saying though.
With an almighty crash, Namjoon smacks his hand into the benchtop, catching the side of the plate causing it to shatter. All three wolves and you jump. Quickly the words replay in your head as you see their wide-eyed gawking. Then the realization hits, you were safe being underspokenly disrespectful, but being outrightly so... he had rules set about that, and now you'd just given him the right to punish you in the way he had been itching to.
Grabbing your arm before you can protest he drags you upstairs to your shared bedroom. With weak shoves and refusals, you stay determined not to utter a single word. But as Namjoon pulls onto the bed, dragging you over his lap, as he lifts up your dress and tears down your underwear, you recognise that it's not time to play anymore.
Ignoring your shouts, your foul language, and eventually your cries for him to stop, he holds you down and smacks your ass raw. After about 20 minutes and once he's reduced you to tears, he finally lets up.
"Apologize," he demands. Still crying, you're too out of breath to reply at once, and that pause costs you. His hand comes down on your bruised ass again making you scream. Your cries turning into whimpered hiccuped apologies as you cling to the tear-soaked duvet.
Satisfied with your change in attitude, Namjoon at last stops. Not letting you run away like you want though, instead he has you straddle his lap, his legs carefully spread so your bruised butt doesn't have to sit on anything.
"Do you understand why I did that Y/n?" He asks softly pulling you into his chest. His hand running over your back.
You know why he did it, but you're too bitter to answer him and can only muster a grunt.
"Still not speaking to me, huh?" He smiles knowing he has already won whether you wanted to admit it or not, "Because if you're going to continue being disrespectful, I don't care if your ass is still glowing, I will bring you back up here."
You can only grunt again. Hating him, while you nevertheless cuddle in closer not wanting him to stop comforting you. He chuckles feeling your energy. Fiddling with your clothes and hair to realign and neaten them.
"Beautiful," he purrs in your ear, "If it really means that much to you, I will have someone cover me this Friday so I can take you to the fair." He consigns, kissing your forehead. You finally look up to him, head tilted and mouth slightly open. "Do you want that?"
Looking down and away, you're pouting a little but you push the word out. "Yes,"
"Okay, I will. But you have to be on your best behaviour from now until then." Namjoon winks.
You lost, but you still got what you wanted in the end. So maybe you can chalk this up to a draw. And at the very least you've found a way to get what you want in the future. So maybe that can be considered a win.
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Assassin! Yoongi
Because of your disrespectful outburst, Yoongi had told you that you were not allowed to speak until he says. So far you were 4 weeks into your 5 week deadline.
Initially, it was an unyielding torment to have to be silent. A few times you had slipped up and spoken. Each and every time, Yoongi was quick to respond. He would lock you downstairs for as many days as words you spoke. Luckily, the most you said at one time was 5 words. And he still fed you while you were down there. So while it was horrible, it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been.
Steadily though, you found it became easier. While you weren't allowed to speak, you still needed to be able to communicate with Yoongi, so he allowed you to nod and shake your head, and smile. It was restrictive, but strangely enough, you found it becoming comfortable. Because you couldn't speak Yoongi expected less from you. You didn't have to search for words when he spoke to you in an attempt to make him happy and overall, it made your interactions less stressful.
With you not speaking, he was speaking less also. So for the past few days, you have been enjoying a wordless dialogue that you and Yoongi were having. And at this point, you were feeling more relaxed and not missing talking at all.
Although waking up this morning you came downstairs to a horrible sight, that made you wish you could scream.
Yoongi was collapsed on the floor. Stretched out on the kitchen tiles in a puddle of his own blood. Covered in bruises and cuts. His torn up T-shirt soaked in blood.
3 nights ago he had left for a job. With the ease between the two of you, Yoongi didn't lock you up when he left, although he didn't downrightly state that as the reason. He must have come home sometime last night, but clearly, you didn't hear him.
Rushing to his side, you're looking down his unconscious battered form with no idea what to do. This is nothing you know how to deal with.
With how long you have been without speaking it feels wrong, unnatural even when you think about doing it now. And you can't bring yourself to release a single word. So you do what you can to try and get his attention, and to wake him up. You shove him, clap over his head. Lastly and desperately smacking his face a few times, sighing in relief as it pulls him back to consciousness.
Groaning, his eyes look to be spinning from light-headedness. Stiffly he tries to get himself upright against the wall. Seeing his intent you help him. Pulling him, you slip a little in the puddle of blood. Your hands and feet are already covered in it. Your limbs trembling as you hold your hands away from your body. Looking down at him with pleading eyes, waiting for him to tell you what to do.
"Medic kit," he breathes, each puff heavy and wheezed.
You nod, spreading a trail of blood through the house to his bedroom. Collecting the duffle bag in his closet that is filled with a surgeries worth of supplies and running back downstairs, you drop the bag at his side, unzipping it for him.
While you were gone he's torn his ripped shirt off. Among the cuts and scars that already litter his pale chest, he has a deep long cut that runs diagonally down his torso. It looks like basic first aid was already applied, blood-drenched gauze stuck on the worst and deepest parts of it.
"I'm gonna talk you through this," he pants, with a struggled smirk, "Maybe wash your hands first, cause if I die of infection, I'll be pissed." His playful banter feels so out of place, not just for the scene but for him. Although, you're not going to question how he wants to deal with a life-threatening injury, and the ridiculousness of you being the one that needs to help him. If he wants to joke to cope, fine.
Nodding and wide-eyed through the whole run-down, it takes everything you have, but you stay calm and stop yourself from crying.
Thankfully time has seemed to stop the bleeding. As you remove the bandages the lacerations have somewhat clotted. Going step by step, you follow Yoongi's every word. First, you clean the area with a bucket of water and a cloth. Then apply an antibiotic ointment, that smells really gross. Washing your hands once again, you lower beside him, and realize you've only just gotten to the worst of it.
While the bleeding has stopped the cuts above his belly button and his hip are deep enough, the fat is exposed.
"You gonna be able to do this?" Yoongi asks as you hold the needle and thread with a tremble in your hands that is painfully obvious.
You nod, taking a deep breath. But even after 3 more of them, your exhales are still coming out shaky. You are in desperate need to calm down and your sure he can't get mad at you in this circumstance, so you're going to try what you've seen on T.V. Standing, you rummage through the cupboards and pull down a bottle of whisky from the top shelf. Watching Yoongi closely as you open the cork, giving him the chance to stop you. But he doesn't so you gulp down a few mouthfuls, shivering as the taste flows down your chest.
You're not sure if it helped your hands, but you feel a little better. So that's enough.
Returning to his side, slowly Yoongi talks you through suturing the openings. A traumatic experience you hope to never repeat. The sensation of the needing pushing through the layers of skin will surely never leave your head though.
During the stitching, you were surprised that Yoongi didn't flinch or react in any way. You're unsure if it was because the area was numb or because he was restraining himself to not freak you out. But in any case, you were grateful.
After everything and nearly 2 hours, you finally move onto bandaging.
Both of you are now able to slump back, thoroughly exhausted. For the longest time after the final step, neither of you move. You're still horrified, leaning against the wall looking over the armature medical aid you've given Yoongi's chest. Almost feeling a sense of pride through the unrelenting urge to vomit.
"You know," Yoongi grunts, shuffling back, lifting only his head to rest against the same wall. "If you wanna finish early and talk now, I think you've earned it." He chortles dryly, with a straight line smile.
Wiping the sweat from your forehead with the back of your wrist, you laugh uncomfortably. Honestly, after this, you'll be happy to have the next week without speaking.
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Vampire! Hoseok
You couldn't take much more of this.
It was endless and he was ruthless.
Night after night Hoseok was coming to you. Drinking from you, hurting you in so many ways, and leaving you. If you were lucky, he'd remember to feed you his blood before he left. If not, he'd let you remain broken, making you suffer through the day.
With everything that you had to endure, you were tired of being tired. Exhausted of being exhausted. Scared and sad all the time, and hating a life from which you had no means of escape. But even with all of this, you were still holding out hope that there had to be some way to lessen your suffering. You had to believe that if you wanted to keep your sanity. You just had to figure out what he wanted.
So far you had seen no depth to him. All you had learnt was that he enjoyed your misery too much. It was like a game to him. Every sound you made, every cry, every time you begged or screamed at him, or fought him, it would only encourage him. He was trying to coax a reaction, to draw out your fear. And with no other form of control, you wanted to see what would happen if you took that away from him.
You theorized that if you did he would get more vicious, but then he would get bored. Best case scenario; he would let you go. Worst case; he would kill you. And somewhere in the middle; he would keep you only for your blood. But any of these were better than the hell you were living in now.
So partly with a plan in mind, and partly out of sheer exhausted terror, you stopped speaking. It was going to be impossible to stop all sounds. There was no way you could stop yourself from screaming or crying or reacting, but you could control the words that came out of your mouth.
And for over 2 weeks now, you haven't uttered a single word.
With the sun high in the sky and being ready to sleep, you come back to your room, jolting as you open the door. Seeing Hoseok sitting on the bed.
In an unnatural flash, he's behind you, goosebumps prickling on the back of your neck. Grabbing a chunk of your hair he jerks and twists you, moving you to face him. His other hand comes up pressing his fingers into your cheeks harshly enough to make your mouth open. Keeping your jaw spread, he moves and tugs your head inspecting inside at all angles.
"Hmm, I was just checking if I cut your tongue out and forgot. But it's there." he uses his hold on your face to throw you back. Crashing you to the floor. "So you're choosing not to speak to me." He chuckles eerily.
As soon as you hit the floor, you scramble to your feet. Struggling to do so with an injured leg, but knowing it's safer to not let yourself remain on the ground or he'll most likely stomp on you.
You croak quickly silence yourself, forcing yourself to not speak and maintain your desperate strategy. Bracing yourself instead like you're facing a wild animal.
He marches forward, grabbing the arm you hold out. You'd rather he break your limbs than your organs. But he uses the arm to yank you forward, his right fist hooking broadly, your head snapping to the side, blood flying from your mouth. "Still not going to speak baby?" He yanks you back, hitting you in the exact same way. And a third time, your mouth gushing blood inside and out. "Are you trying to hurt my feelings?" He laughs switching his target, this time aiming at your torso. Each time dragging you back into place so he can properly hit you again.
Smacking the back of his hand into your head, he lets your fly into the floor this time. Clicking his tongue as he squats, hovering over you. "Baby, it's not as fun when you're not begging me to stop," he says icily. "Maybe I'm not hurting you enough."
Finally, he's giving you the assurance that you were right. Which means just like you thought, he's threatening to become more vicious. So you can endure that, or you can try something extra and see what happens when you outrightly give him everything he already takes.
Gently and so very carefully you lift your arm to his chest, gradually and painfully getting yourself onto your knees. Watching you do so with such difficulty and while you're trying to maintain eye contact with him, Hoseok is too amused to interrupt you.
With the taste of blood flowing from your mouth, you lean in nervously, expecting at any moment to have your body broken in two. Your heart thumps enough to hurt as you lightly kiss him. Leaving a stamp of your blood on his lips. Too scared to even blink as you monitor him. With a curious expression in his eye, he licks lips clean, a trace of a smile raising the corners of his mouth.
Not receiving a negative reaction you continue. Hoisting yourself up again you begin to kiss him slowly, your tongue flicking his lips encouraging him to open his mouth. Deepening the kiss the moment he does. Kissing your blood between the two of you.
Your hands are shaking, your legs are trembling, and you feel sick with fear, but he seems to be stable. And it seems to be working. As tenderly as you kiss him, he is kissing you back the same.
After several minutes and as the pain of holding yourself up gets to be too much, you lower down, terrified that any movement could evoke a change in his response. Keeping your eyes fixed on him, you tie your hair back into a messy bun.
The smirk on Hoseok's face is fully grown as he watches you with complete intrigue. You've never been the one to initiate anything and he is beguiled by your actions.
Coming back to the same height you don't return to kissing him, instead you press your chest to his, clinging one hand into his shirt to keep you balanced, and the other wrapping around his neck to bring his mouth down to your shoulder. It's a wordless invitation that he accepts eagerly, sinking his fangs into the slope of your neck. Too sore and tired to cry out, you can only pant through the bite.
As he drinks, your hands drop and his tighten around you to keep you up. But the second he's done, he releases you and lets you fall to the carpet.
Your eyes open as you hear the bedroom door. However, you see Hoseok stall. Pursing his lips while looking over his shoulder at you. To your surprise, he turns back and in a delicate manner you did not think possible from him, he lifts you up, carrying you to your bed.
Tilting your head up, he presses his lips to yours and your first thought is one of dread. Assuming that he's not finished and he only came back to have sex with you, thinking how much it's going to hurt in your condition.
Pushing his tongue into your mouth you can feel right away that the blood pouring into your mouth is not yours but his. His tongue lapping yours, feeding you his blood the same way you did to him. Healing you in a way he never has before.
Steadily you can feel all your cuts and breaks startling to heal. Clarity returning to your sight and your breath again flowing easily. As your energy returns you begin to reciprocate the kiss. Both out of a feeling of success and clinging on to the taste of his blood, which has come to trigger a feeling of relief within you. Having attached the flavour with the sensation of having your pain taken away.
Abruptly, Hoseok pulls away, getting up without another word or look. Leaving you alone, laying in shock.
It was a reaction unlike any you had expected, but for the very first time, he was damn near humane. So you would have to try that again and see if lightning strikes twice.
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Playboy! Jimin
"Ta-da" Jimin bursts into the bedroom with a small black paper bag in his hand and a massive smile on his face. He jumps on the corner of the bed snatching the remote from you and turning the tv off with a click over his shoulder. "Look, Angel." He hands it over, putting the gift in your lap.
Looking down at it, you sigh internally, leaning back you choose to pointedly ignore it. Resting your head against the headboard, you close your eyes.
Lifting the bag by the handles Jimin swings it between his fingers over your head trying to place it in your eye line. "Look, your favourite." He shakes the brand in your face, the joy in his eyes gently fading into guilt.
For 5 days now, you had been stuck in bed. During an argument about your job, Jimin was once again trying to convince you to quit. His points were the same as always. That you didn't need a job because he could pay for you. That you lived with him, and he would buy you heaven and earth. He meant it in a sweet romantic way, but you couldn't help but take it in a 1910 housewife kind of way. You knew that mostly the reason he wanted you out of work was that he was very greedy with you and hated you being around other people. He didn't like that you weren't there to keep him company and entertain him at all times.
Honestly, those 8 hours out of the house, even though you were down to 3 days a week, were so revitalizing. Jimin could be a lot of work. And he was getting more and more controlling about who you saw and when you could see them. Apart from work, it had been 3 months since he last let you go out or see any of your friends by yourself. And you were fighting to hold onto this last little bit of freedom.
However, you will admit in the attempt at making your point solid, you said something incredibly stupid. He said he paid for everything, and you said you needed your own money in case you ever wanted to leave him. And he took that about as well as you'd expect.
"Come on, this isn't fair." Jimin pouts. "I said I'm sorry."
What really wasn't fair was that he hit you, kicked you, and screamed at you. Demanding you apologize and promise to never leave him. But you were coughing up blood, too dazed to even comprehend his words at the time. And when you didn't answer he growled you can't leave if you can't walk as he threw you down the stairs.
It's only by a miracle that you weren't injured as permanently as he intended, but still, he had done plenty of harm. Your ribs and stomach were black and purple. Your face was cut up with your lips split and your jaw swollen. Your arm and hip were also deeply bruised and sore. But with all of this, you truly have no idea the full extent of the damage because Jimin refuses to let you go to the hospital.
So, due to your injuries and your own principles, you hadn't spoken to Jimin since you woke up.
The first day he was remorseful and apologetic. He pleaded and begged for you to forgive him. He tried to hold you and love you and take care of you, but despite the pain and the fact that you really couldn't take care of yourself, you refused him at every turn. On the second day, he was already becoming annoyed that you wouldn't let him near you and kept ignoring him, and on the third day, he yelled at you for being difficult, trying to put the blame for his reaction on you. Yesterday, when he saw that gaslighting you wasn't getting him what he wanted, he went back to being sweet and doting, having had better luck with guilting you in the past.
This means today when his presents don't earn him your forgiveness, he should be right on track to getting pissy again.
He pulls a small box out of the bag, flicking it open. "Ta-da," he smiles. Only to be met once more with your active avoidance. "Look," he whines holding the ring box up but your eyes are closed. "Y/n look!" He barks.
You're not going to, though. He always does this. Buys you something to resolve his guilt. And if for even a moment you express gratitude or pleasure in it, he takes it as complete forgiveness. Then when you haven't actually absolved him, he accuses you of being difficult or a spoiled bitch. Even ignoring him you know he's going to make a problem of that too, but at least this way he will have to keep suffering in his shame.
During the last few days, you've been thinking hard about why you're with Jimin. For a moment, you even thought about packing your things in the middle of the night and leaving him. Moving back in with your old housemate, returning to full-time work and picking up your life where you left it. But thinking that, even with everything bad Jimin can do, it hurt your heart.
He's yours. And out of all of the people in the world, you're his.
Really there weren't too many times that he freaked. And he only did it because he loved you too much, or because you said something cruel like you did this time. No, most of the time he was so sweet. He listened to you, and he really cared about everything you had to say. Even the smallest problems he wanted to help with. He was normally so kind and gentle and he treated you like a princess.
No matter how hard you looked you would never find anyone who treated you like Jimin did.
So even when he lost his temper, you knew you just needed to hold out, because soon everything would return to regular.
This time he just overdid it. And that's why you were punishing him by not speaking to him. Because you knew it was important to stand up for yourself.
There's a flurry of sudden movement and a hefty bang across the room. Your eyes jumping open, Jimin has thrown the ring and the box into the wall. His frustration exploding in a rampage as he attacks your makeup table. Sweeping everything off it, stomping on anything fragile that hits the floor. Throwing the table over he hurls it into the wall, finishing it off by booting his shoe into the mirror over and over until it cracks.
Turning back to you, his hands curled up by his side, it's unnervingly apparent that he is fighting to restrain himself. Even now, as you lay in bed broken, in his rage he is still considering hitting you again.
But you're pretty sure he won't.
Jimin has just never been good at dealing with consequences and he is worse at dealing with the guilt that comes because of his actions. Without you pardoning him, he's going mental. Which is good, because that means he's learning.
"Whatever," he yells, "just fucking forget it." Barging out of the room he slams the door ferociously behind him.
He may be acting harsh, but you know that more than likely he will be going out to replace everything he just damaged. And he'll buy you something even better than a ring to say he's sorry.
And as long as he doesn't hit you again, you'll know that he really is sorry and in a couple more days when your mouth is healed, you will be able to forgive him. Then the two of you can move on from this and it will be as perfect as it can be.
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ptergwen · 3 years
Hey could you write one where the reader helps tom, who's heavily drunk, get home? Somehow tonight he's a sad drunk and cries about random things to the reader it amuses the reader, but later surprised when tom cries saying that he thinks the reader is dating someone else because he saw the reader going out with a guy days before??
warnings: lots of drinking mentions and swearing
a/n: woah this is pretty long 😭 got a little carried away heh enjoy
“you’re where?” you ask into the phone, eyebrows furrowed as you try to make sense of tom’s drunken speech.
he seems to have gotten himself into a little bit of trouble. all his critical thinking skills blocked out by the alcohol, he ended up calling you. you’re now determined to find out where your friend is and help him home. tom has a track record for doing stupid shit when he’s drunk.
“th’ pub,” tom slurs back. “you wanna join me? have a drink?” you can hear the smirk in his voice. he’s leaning on the bar, but his arm slides and draws an oh, shit out of him. so he doesn’t hear your giggling, you put a hand over your mouth. “y/n/n, you coming?” he asks sort of desperately once he has his balance.
“yeah, tom. i’m on my way,” you reply and head to your front door, keys already in your hands. “hurry,” he commands, then takes a sip of beer from his nearly empty bottle. he’s not making this easy for you. the drunker he gets, the harder it is to drag his ass out of there. “i am, i am. see you soon.” you hang up with a sigh.
it doesn’t take you long to get to the pub, which is a good and sometimes bad thing, this time good. you find parking and speed walk inside. your eyes instantly scan the place for your buzzed best friend. he’s not hard to find in one of his signature white t-shirts, hair slicked back. he’s hunched over in the stool, and his head is down. that’s concerning.
the bartender is cleaning up a spill nearby him when you approach the bar. tom whines out a series of, “i’m sorry, i’m so sorry, i’m really sorry,” to him. he’s crying. weeping would be more accurate. his whole body moves while he sobs into his arms. you sit down next to him and put a hand on his back.
he looks over at you with tears falling down his cheeks. “tom, what happened?” you frown, already turned to face him. his eyes water again. “i- i spilled my drink and it got all over and i feel so bad, y/n,” tom tells you in a high pitched tone, the bartender placing down another beer in front of him.
you shoot him a glare because he’s clearly had enough. he swings the rag he was using to clean over his shoulder and shrugs. isn’t part of his job knowing when to cut people off?
“thank you,” tom mumbles to the guy, who gives him a nod before tom grabs the beer off the counter. you snatch it away from him. “oh, no. that’s enough already.” you put his drink down on the other side of you. that encourages tom to cry some more, hiding his face in his arms for a second time. “no fair!” he yells and sounds like a child while doing it.
“you’re gonna have a really bad hangover, or puke this all up, or both,” you explain your confiscation to him. “probably both.” tom lifts his head up, eyes sad yet hopeful at the same time. he grabs your hand with both of his. “will you take care of me?” the question, mostly how he asks it, makes your heart clench.
“of course. let’s get you home, okay?” you stand up and loop an arm around his back. tom follows suit, you pulling him towards you and grabbing his jacket off the stool. “no, i wanna stay with you.” he insists, stumbling forward as you lead him towards the exit. you’re hoping he already paid because you don’t feel like that sketchy bartender coming after you.
“sure, you can spend the night. we haven’t had a sleepover in a while,” you agree, pushing open the door with your foot, arms preoccupied with tom. your offhanded joke makes him emotional again. there’s more to it, though. “it’s- it’s been so long,” tom sniffles out. “aw,” you chuckle and tighten your arm around him.
he used to stay over your place a lot before he moved in with the boys and harry. he misses being able to crawl into your bed and snore while you lay in his arms. you also miss it, so it’s funny how neither of you have said anything.
the tears in tom’s eyes make his vision blurry, which in turn makes him trip over a rock. “sorry, man,” he apologizes to it, you steadying him and letting out another laugh. he’s funny when he’s so far gone. “we’re almost at the car,” you let him know with a tiny smile. “‘mkay,” tom nods and wipes his tears away, leaning into you for the rest of the way there.
tom does fine for most of the car ride. there’s an incident where he gags and you almost pull over, but he ends up not needing it. he feels so awful he nearly puked in your car that it makes him cry yet again. you promise him it’s fine, that you don’t mind and everything is fine. you’ve never seen drunk or sober tom act like this.
you bring him straight to your room when you get home, dropping him on the bed and huffing. tom falls onto his back. he closes his eyes and purses his lips. “do you need anything?” you pant, answering yourself before he does. “you should have some water.” “ok,” tom mumbles and drags his tongue along the inside of his cheek. “ma’am,” he adds.
rolling your eyes, you make your way to the kitchen to get him a water bottle. you start to wonder why he got so plastered in the first place. seeing him in this state beyond worries you. you love tom too much to watch him fall apart. you really love him.
you come back to your room and flick on the lights. tom throws an arm over his head, mouth agape and a groan escaping it. “shit, sorry,” you giggle, shutting the lights off. “you’re a madwoman,” he rasps back. he sounds slightly more aware of himself now. “well, you’re a madman. here.” you toss him the water.
tom obviously doesn’t catch it, so it lands on his stomach. he rips off the cap and goes to take a sip while laying down. he’ll throw up for real this time if he does that.
“tom, tom, tom,” you murmur to yourself in a playfully disapproving tone. you take a seat next to him, tugging at his hand to get him to sit up. he smiles lazily and brings the bottle to his lips, watching a smile spread across your own face while he takes a sip. the two of you make eye contact for long enough that you notice something visibly shift within him.
tom looks down at his lap instead, taking his mouth off the water with a pop. he then exhales through his nose rather reflectively. you take notice of that, squinting at him in the dark. “what?” you wonder aloud. a few seconds go by without tom saying anything, deciding if it’s worth bringing up. he figures he might as well say it because it’ll come out eventually.
“the other day,” tom starts, voice deep and alcohol still in his system. “were you out with someone? a guy?” you’re not quite sure what he’s referring to. “huh?” is all you say back. “harry was picking up dinner, said he saw you on a date at the restaurant.” he gets quieter during the second part, almost upset. you sit up from the comfortable position you were in.
“harry was there? i didn’t know that,” you tell him as you try to piece together the story. tom takes that as confirmation. “so, you were on a date?” he caps the water and throws it somewhere on your bed. “i need another drink.” “it wasn’t a date- hang on.” it finally clicks with you why he was getting wasted by himself in the latest hours of the night.
“you were drinking because you thought i went on a date?” you ask tom softly, another smile pulling at your lips. “um...” he blows out of his mouth and nods, still nodding as he speaks. “yeah. made me feel shitty.” what you said now registers with him. he perks up ever so slightly. “but, you said it wasn’t a date?” “no,” you quickly dismiss. “he’s in one of my classes.”
“we were working on an assignment, and i thought having him over would give him the wrong idea.” you’re grinning by the end of your explanation because of what you feel is about to come next. tom beams back at you, moving closer to you on the bed. “good,” he affirms and brings a hand up to your cheek. his wide pupils search yours, thumb brushing your skin.
“‘cuz i like you, and love you.” his voice drops to a whisper. “love you a lot.” “i like you too,” you breathe out, enjoying the way his warm hand makes your skin tingle. “and, i love you.” “wish i knew that before i got fucking pissed,” tom mumbles, but seems unbothered because he leans in to kiss you. you’re met with his beer breath before giving him a push back.
“speaking of, you’re still drunk,” you laugh and comb your fingers through his matted curls. “i’m not,” tom protests, ducking away from you. scoffing, you retract your hand with a knowing look. “you are. i can smell it. we should go to sleep, tom.” he caves and lays down, letting his head fall in your lap. “fine. can we at least cuddle?”
he’s relentless.
but, you say yes.
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infinitebells · 3 years
annoying: chapter 30
iwaizumi hajime has hated you, his assistant athletic trainer, since he knew you in high school. you on the other hand have bothered him for fun for as long as you knew him, not realizing your romantic feelings for him had manifested in that way. what happens when you two blockheads finally come to terms with how you feel?
a/n: i was lowkey unsure of this chapter at first, but now i fucking love it. also sorry for the late update, i was super busy today and didn’t have the time to perfect it!!
“y/n, come on! you can’t stay in there forever!” bokuto’s yelling and knocking were the only things keeping you from drifting back into a fitful sleep. your anxiety and self doubt had been plaguing you for the past few days, which was how you ended up buried beneath blankets in bokuto’s bed. you knew it was only a temporary relief from the the weight of your self loathing, but you physically didn’t have the strength to pull yourself out of bed.
“i can and i will,” you yell out. you hear a muffled sigh behind the door before it clicks open, and the entirety of bokuto’s weight falls onto the bed. you feel your eyes gloss over with new tears as he shuffles under the blanket and wraps his arms around you. you refuse to face away from the wall, only curling in on yourself more as the fresh tears fall once again.
“i know it sucks, but he re-“
“i don’t want to talk about him right now,” you whimper out, and bokuto only hugs you tighter. he doesn’t speak again, only drawing soothing circles on your hip. he pulls you back enough so that his head rests on top of yours, and lets you cry in his arms.
yaku and atsumu had been over earlier, but given your miserable state, they left early to give you alone time with bokuto. they knew you two were best friends, and they knew he was probably one of the only people right now who could cheer you up. so you stayed there, tears leaking out of your eyes and sliding down your temple.
“can we at least get you showered and changed, and then stop by your apartment to get more clothes?” bokuto finally murmurs in the silent room. he breathes a sigh of relief when you nod weakly, letting him help you up and out of bed and into his bathroom. he sets your clean and folded clothes on the counter and waits outside for you to finish. you should be finding comfort in the warmth of the shower, but you can’t decide if the water is scalding hot or freezing cold. by the time you’re finished, your clothes on and hair brushed, bokuto has everything you need, car keys in hand.
the car ride to your apartment is silent, but you can’t help but notice the way bokuto’s fingers drum restlessly on the steering wheel.
“are you okay?” your voice is weaker than you intended, but bokuto still hears you. the smile he flashes you seems stressed, worried almost.
“i should be asking you that,” he says naturally, as though he isn’t struggling to stay happy and calm.
“you seem tense,” you mumble, eyes moving back to the road. you don’t see the way his eyes flick to the parking lot of your apartment complex as he pulls up, almost in a searching way. he stays silent as he pulls into one of the reserved guest spots, shutting the car off and turning to face you.
“i gotta call atsumu and update him so you can go ahead of me ok? i’ll meet you up there,” he says, smiling once again. still fake. you nod anyways, dragging yourself out of the car and into your building. the elevator ride up feels like five seconds as you go in and out of conscious thinking. you barely register the fact that you’ve reached your apartment until the cool metal of the doorknob shocks you back. with a heavy sigh, you push the door open. immediately, your keys drop in shock, and your hand flies to your mouth.
laid out in front of you, your favorite flower petals decorate the floor of your apartment. lightly scented candles decorate your counters and end tables, and in the middle of it all, iwaizumi hajime stands with bags of takeout in front of what looks like a fort made from blankets from his apartment.
“what the fuck.” it comes out as a whisper, and you see the blush creep up his face.
“this is my way of showing you that i’m being genuine. i know you don’t like grand gestures, so i figured i’d keep it simple and stick to your favorites,” he explains nervously. he sets down the takeout bags at the entrance to the fort before slowly walking over to you. you make no effort to move away as he stops a foot in front of you, eyes searching your face.
“how’d you get in my apartment?” you finally look up to meet his eyes, and the blush on his face grows even more.
“bokuto gave atsumu your spare key, which he gave to me,” he says, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. you nod distantly, still taking in your surroundings.
“are you okay? did i overstep? i can leave if you wa-“
“don’t go,” you blurt out. you surprise yourself, as well as him. his eyes widen, but he remains silent, letting you adjust to the added decorations of your apartment. he lets you walk around him, silently closing your door as you slowly walk around the kitchen and living area of your apartment. your hands trail over the soft flower petals that lay on the counter, and you duck your head into the fort curiously. inside, dainty string lights decorate the perimeter, and a small monitor set up with your favorite anime lays at the very front. two soft pillows, and even more fuzzy blankets from iwaizumi’s apartment, including your favorite, lay in front, ready to be laid under. when you poke your head back out, iwaizumi is still standing in your foyer.
“do you like it?” his voice is quiet, hopeful. you don’t say a word as you walk back over to him, and you can see the tension in his shoulders reach the breaking point. which is why you surge forward, arms flying around his middle, and head buried in his chest. you don’t know when you started crying, or how you ended up kneeling on the floor with iwaizumi kneeling too. all you know is that he lets you cry and babble rushed apologies as tears soak his t-shirt. he says nothing, running a soothing hand down your head and onto your back. only when your sobs have died down, and you’re reduced to sniffling, does he sit back and look at you.
“please don’t be sorry. i’m the one who should be sorry. i rushed you when you hadn’t had the time to recover, and it was probably really overwhelming. you did nothing wrong, your feelings were perfectly valid okay? i’m glad that you’re here now, and i’m more than happy to take things slower. all i want is you in my life okay?” his words are soft yet confident. it’s the exact reassurance you needed. which is why you nod, allowing him to lead you into the fort and pull the blankets over you. it’s why you lean against him while you two eat the takeout he brought, laughing at your show. it’s why once the food is done, and the candles have burned low, you turn to your side, hugging him tightly as you let your eyes flutter shut. and when you finally drift off to sleep, you miss the three words iwaizumi murmurs into your hair as he too joins you in sleep.
no matter though, you’ll always be able to hear it next time.
taglist: @chaemoji @honeysunny @halesandy @autumnandhotchocolate @velociraptorenthusiast @fluffyviciousbunny @darlingkuroo @youtuboo @b0bablinds @nerdynstoned @jovialweaselskeletonfan @amboisez @bbyhaji @astral-vroom @miwtze @seijqhigh @mrswhitethornbelikov @atsumubabie @lvrkuroo @navymacaroons @daphnxy @mangobangi @galagcica @its-the-aerieljeane @the-golden-jhope @cece-lives-here @kellesvt @nachotrash @jewlmin @anngelllla @poppi144 @trashy-simp @ysatrap @hogwarts--imagines @mariachiii @thestarsanctuary @indecisivehusky @bakugouswh0r3 @erinoikawa @freyafolkvangr @tetrapot-melon-tea @meiankolia @sya-arts-blog @d0llpie @rintarawr @winunk @roschea-behindthescreens @roselleviennesstuff @moonlit-mizukage @lady-tokugawa-of-mikawa
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things-we-cant-say · 3 years
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pretty little liar
Pairing: Ten x Female!Reader
Summary: In order to get your annoying ex off your back, you tell a little white lie that takes an unexpected turn.
Genre: College!AU
Warnings: Smutty smut, dirty dancing
Word Count: 4,867
A/N: Unable to withstand Ten’s power any longer, I had to start writing about him…or a version of him anyway. Hope someone out there enjoys my first dip into the ~imagines~ pond. ☺️
The party was in full swing by the time you and your best friend Amy arrived, the music so loud it could be heard down the street. It was a wonder the cops hadn’t broken it up yet but hey, the night was still young. Ducking through the arched doorway with Amy hot on your heels, you let her guide you into the foyer where you both stopped to take in the scene. The place was packed with people dancing, drinking and laughing—everyone apparently having a great time. Which was perfect for you because all you wanted to do was blow off a little steam and pretend you hadn’t spent the day fantasizing about committing the perfect murder.
You enjoyed school for the most part and you enjoyed your classes, but really you couldn’t wait for it all to just be over. Two extra years and your master’s degree in linguistics was almost within your grasp. You still weren’t one hundred percent what you planned to do with it (teaching was definitely out) but either way you were ready to dive into the real world. To no longer be stressed out about exams and papers and boring ass professors that constantly seemed to have a stain on their tie.
And to get far, far away from your stupid ex, Adam.
“Uh oh you have murder face,” Amy said as she peeped around to look at you. “What’s wrong?”
You shrugged. “Just in my head I guess.”
Amy hummed. “I get it. That’s why we are here though! To get fucked up and do something we regret in the morning.”
You laughed. “Guess we’re Uber-ing home.”
She grinned and grabbed your wrist, pulling you over to a table loaded with different types of alcohol. The guy ‘tending bar’ as it were winked as you two approached. “What can I get you for?”
“Something with alcohol but where we can’t taste the alcohol!” Amy exclaimed happily. “Oh! And if you’ve got any little umbrellas I’d like one of those too.”
He did finger guns and proceeded to cook something up in two red cups, sticking in two pink umbrellas when he was done. You and Amy took your drinks and after a cursory sniff, took a sip. The tequila wasn’t as strong as with a single shot but you could still detect it just not enough to make you stop drinking. Unlike Amy you didn’t plan to get completely fucked up but you weren’t going to say no to a nice buzz.
Cups in hand you migrated onto the dance floor and fell in with everyone else, bopping to the beat and scream chatting over the loud music.
“I really needed this!” Amy yelled. “Statistics is kicking my cute little ass!”
“I know what you mean!” You shouted. “But hey! Soon we’ll be done and actual jobs will be kicking our cute little asses!”
Laughing, Amy bounced up and down, sending her blonde hair flying. “Is that why you’ve been so grumpy lately? Or is it…he who shall not be named?”
With a sigh you took a big sip of your strawberry margarita. “Yeah. He keeps fucking calling me and leaving me these stupid ass messages, apologizing and shit. I’ve blocked him but he just uses someone else’s phone.”
Amy’s eyes stretched wide. “That’s like stalker behavior! Or maybe he really is sorry for what he did.”
You snorted. “Sorry for having sex with his ex in the backseat of my car? As far as I am concerned he can take his ‘sorrys’ and shove them so far up his ass they come out his mouth as safaris!”
Amy choked a little on her drink, hitting you hard on the arm in admonishment after she stopped coughing. “I hate you! I could have died!”
Her words made you smirk. “But did you? No but for real, fuck Adam. Fuck Adam and anyone who even looks like Adam!”
“Woo!” Amy threw both hands up into the air, yelping as liquid sloshed down onto her head. “Oh shit! Drink emergency I’ll be right back!”
Before you could say anything, she turned and hurried back towards the drink table. Alone in the middle of a dancing crowd, you didn’t know whether you should slink over to a corner or just keep dancing. That last thing you wanted was some random dude trying to groove with you. Of course if you decided to hold up the wall nothing would stop some random dude from trying to hit on you either. At a bit of a loss you drained the rest of your drink and did a I don’t really know anyone two step, hoping Amy would return soon.
The tequila settled nice and warm in your stomach, making you feel more at ease. Most of the people at the party were from your school but not ones you associated with on like, a daily basis. Sure you recognized a few faces from the library or cafeteria but there was no one you’d had more than a surface conversation with.
And then your eyes landed on him. Ten.
Ten was a…different sort of person altogether. He was the kinda guy CW shows thought actually existed in college, except he was very real. And very much fucking gorgeous in that unattainable way CW shows also loved. However, that sort of did him a disservice because as far as you knew, he was just a decent guy who happened to be able to do some pretty awesome things.
For example, he was an amazing dancer. The kinda dancer that just freaking mesmerized you when he moved. Had you wondering how in the hell had he taught his body to do that shit? One minute he was in total sync with everyone else and the next he was performing his solo and blowing your mind. He’d done some show a few months ago with a friend and you’d nearly flipped out of your chair watching him work. The body rolls, the attitude, the way he’d just commanded the stage…whew. Was it possible to be a fan of someone who wasn’t famous?
Then there was his art; things he designed himself or drew from memory. Art class was essentially where you’d sorta came to be acquaintances with him. You weren’t exactly good at drawing but you liked it enough that you wanted to improve, plus it helped you de-stress after particularly hard days. Ten on the other hand excelled and just like with dancing, it was interesting to watch his process. He’d described himself as a sensory artist so he wasn’t always as concerned with the end product as the professor sometimes wanted him to be. From your eye though he’d yet to create anything that wasn’t remarkable. In fact, more than once you’d wanted to ask him to design a tattoo for you, but felt it would be kinda weird. He had no idea what you were into after all. So far your conversations with him had consisted of colors and that one time he’d asked to borrow one of your brushes.
You were pretty sure he’d sold something to an art gallery.
Anyway so Ten could dance and he could draw and he could sing and he was fluent in several languages; as far as you knew the only thing he was kind of shit at was cooking. But who hadn’t set a class kitchen on fire once or twice? Or three times…
If he were an asshole—well people would probably still crush on him—you’d count that as a major flaw and want to keep your distance. But the kicker was that he could do cool things and he was nice. Dorky even especially when it came to cute animals. Was always posting pictures of himself at the animal shelter playing with the kittens and the puppies, or just acting like an idiot with friends. Yet it was that confidence that made him seem untouchable, and also made him sexy as fuck. More than once you’d fantasized about biting his Adam’s apple.
Shaking your head, you fanned lightly at your face with both hands. Maybe stepping outside for some fresh air would be a good idea.
“Y/N!” Amy nearly tripped over her pretty sandals in her hurry to get back to you. “Weewoo weewoo weewoo!”
She grabbed your shoulder. “It’s a police siren! We have a code red situation here, I repeat a code red! Adam just walked in!”
“What?” You blinked and immediately looked towards the doorway, brows narrowing when you saw she was right.
Standing there in a white t-shirt in his formerly handsome glory was your ex-boyfriend, Adam. Once upon a time you’d thought the world of him; thought he was the kinda guy you could probably marry someday. The kinda guy you’d introduced your family to. Turns out he was the kind of guy that hooked up with his ex in your car repeatedly until finally being caught in the act. Sure it had been gratifying to make him and her walk home half naked but it had done nothing to quell the pain left behind. Thankfully though your pain quickly turned to anger and now you usually focused on not murdering him when he popped up. There was a lot you could forgive but cheating was firmly in the do not cross zone. Everything you’d felt for him evaporated the moment you saw him with her.
And he’d promised he was over her. Lying piece of shit, you thought to yourself.
“What the hell is he doing here?! Does he even know anyone here?” you asked with a frown.
“I dunno!” your friend said slowly. “It’s possible, big campus and all. Do you want me to help you climb out of the bathroom window?”
“Yeah my boobs aren’t fitting through one of those skinny ass windows,” you replied wryly. “Though to be honest I’m almost willing to risk it. C’mon let’s—”
It was too late. Adam spotted you like an arrow searching for its target, eyes registering shock and then elation. He reached you in three quick strides, opening his arms for a hug that he was damned crazy to expect. “Y/N. Wow you—you look amazing. I’m so glad we ran into each other.”
You huffed. “I’m not. I told you we’re over Adam. Or does me blocking your calls not get the message across?”
He exhaled deeply. “Look I know I messed up but I’m sorry. Classes were just really tough and—and Lucy and I would reminisce about old times…”
“Do I look like I give a shit? You cheated on me and we’re over.” The lie came so easily. “Besides, I’ve moved on.”
“Yeah!” Amy poked him in the chest. “She’s moved on so suck it!”
Adam arched a brow. “You’ve moved on?” He sounded skeptical and that made your blood boil. “Since when? And with who?”
You’d once heard that Hippocrates came up with the saying drastic times call for drastic measures though it wasn’t something you’d be willing to bet money on. However, standing there with your ex eying you like he just knew you were lying brought a whole new meaning to the idiom. You would one hundred percent be damned before giving him the satisfaction of gloating.
Tequila’s kicking in…
Without missing a beat, you put a hand on your hip and motioned to Ten. “Him. I’m seeing him.”
Amy made a sound like a cat having its tail stepped on while Adam gaped at you. “What? I—no. No way. You’re totally lying. I’ve seen the people he’s dated and you’re not his type at all.”
This bitch.
Twirling on your black heels, you strolled across the room to where Ten sat in an arm chair, chatting with a few of his friends. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you straddled his lap and leaned forward to whisper in his ear. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I know this is awkward as fuck—I’m so sorry—but if you just play along I will owe you big time. I’ll give you anything. You need a kidney? You can have a kidney.”
Ten’s friends had gone mute and as you sat back to gauge his reaction—or to possibly be thrown off of him—you bit your full bottom lip. His dark eyes were watching you calculatingly, his own lips pursed together like you were a riddle he needed to solve. Up close he was utterly breathtaking, all smooth skin and silky black hair that fell artfully across his forehead. He smelled incredible.
And then he spoke.
“There you are baby,” he said wrapping an arm around your waist. “I’ve been looking for you.”
That was when you figured you owed him your first born but it was fine. “Well, you found me. Sorry to keep you waiting.”
He chuckled. “You’re worth waiting for.”
His friends still looked confused though they didn’t have time to voice their opinions. Adam stalked over seconds later like a man on a mission. “So it’s true? You and Y/N are together?”
Ten tilted his head to the side and you saw the moment the lightbulb went off for him. “Yeah we’re together.”
Adam huffed. “Since when? For how long? Where did you two meet?”
Ten smirked. “Are you taking a survey or something?” He brushed his lips across your jaw, making you shiver. “The only thing that matters is that she’s mine. Let’s dance, Y/N.”
“I would love to,” you replied with a smile. You were also grateful he’d remembered your name.
You climbed off of his lap and took his hand, sending Adam a you thought look before pulling Ten out into the thick of the crowd. Your heart was beating a mile a minute but you felt too giddy to pay much attention to it. Plus, you knew Adam was watching you like a hawk and you didn’t want to let on how nervous you actually were. If he found out you were lying he’d never leave you alone and consider you pathetic to boot. Besides the nice buzz that was finally creeping down your spine told you everything would be fine. How could it not be?
Ten’s hands settled low on your hips and he gave you a little tug, pulling your back to his chest. You fit rather perfectly with him, his chin brushing the top of your head. Picking a rhythm in the song that thumped with bass, you began to move together. You rolled your ass against him and leaned your head back to rest on his shoulder, focusing on his breath as it ghosted across your neck. A silver of light wouldn’t have been able to get between you.
Normally you wouldn’t have dared to do something like this with a near stranger but your desire to make your ex suffer was bigger than your nerves. Besides Ten appeared to be all in on the ruse; his body twisting and curving in sync with yours, fingers on his right hand sliding up between your breasts to wrap lightly on your throat. His teeth nipped at your earlobe and you gasped. Reached around to his side to clasp his shirt for an anchor. You heard him chuckle and suddenly you were spun away from him only to be reeled back in, this time face to face.
The room felt like it was two hundred degrees. You weren’t exactly wearing much—a slinky black dress with tiny ties at the hem—but even that seemed too much. Without missing a beat though you and Ten continued to grind with one another, his thigh just barely pushed between your own. Every time you swayed forward to meet him the denim of his jeans rubbed deliciously against you, sending sparks sprinting through your veins. Both of his hands were on your ass as if helping to guide you, and as you met his gaze you couldn’t help but bite your lip at what you saw there. Desire, lust, hunger—no one had ever looked at you like that before. Like they could just devour you and still not have enough of you.
It made you feel powerful.
You grinned and wrapped an arm around his neck, fingers giving his hair a little tug. He hissed and lowered his head so that he could mouth at your bare shoulder, hands squeezing your ass so hard it nearly hurt. You weren’t sure when you started to get wet—maybe it was the moment you sat on his lap or he decided to play along with your dumb stunt—but you could tell it now. Your panties were sticking to you, your skin was on fire and it was becoming difficult to think straight. Honestly however you didn’t want to think at all, especially not if it meant not being in Ten’s orbit.
“Ten,” you whispered into the skin under his jaw.
He hummed, the sound vibrating through your body. You plastered your hand to his chest and pulled it down, nails catching on the thin material of his shirt until they were brushing along the zipper on his jeans. You gave him a quick squeeze—he was hard and straining—and he cursed loudly. Between one second and the next he was dragging you down a dimly light hallway, past kissing couples and one guy passed out drunk in the doorway of someone’s room. He swung you both into the first vacant room he came to; a lavish bathroom at the very back of the house. The door was closed with a swift thump and the lock clicked shut.
You licked your lips as he crowded you back into the counter, looking down at you with a tiny smirk. That part of your brain that yammered on about bad decisions was surprisingly quiet, so you figured it was beyond okay to pull him down for a kiss. As with most of the stuff he did, Ten was a damn good kisser. His mouth was soft and warm, his tongue playful and coaxing. He kissed you like he’d been waiting to kiss you for a long time. Until it grew deep and sensual. Until you were both panting with the need for air but neither wanting to let go of the moment.
With a gasp you tilted backwards a bit, your knees suddenly weak. “Fuck me,” you said absently.
“Can I?” Ten asked, chest heaving. “Can I fuck you?”
“God yes,” you replied, already pulling your dress up until it hitched around your waist.
Ten hooked his thumbs onto the band of your pink panties and slid them down your legs, laying them next to the sink. He looked you over with that same eye he used for his art but you could tell he liked what he saw. You grabbed his hand and brought it between your legs, spreading them wider for him. Two of his fingers slipped inside of you without any resistance to find you damp and aching, already so hot for him. He started a lazy rhythm—in and out, in and out—like he was in no hurry at all. Like he wasn’t driving you crazy all the way down to the tips of your toes.
He kept his eyes locked onto yours as he touched you, lips slightly parted like he couldn’t believe this was happening. That rang true for both of you. Never in your wildest dreams did you think you’d ever really be friends with Ten, let alone about to hook up with him. It was like you’d stumbled into some alternate universe.
Bringing his free hand up to your cheek, he smoothed his thumb across your lips, pressing lightly until you let him in. You sucked his thumb into your mouth and gave it a little nip, smiling when he smirked. When he deemed it wet enough, he pressed it to your clit and you moaned, your hips stuttering upward with a will of their own. He began a firm massage, working your clit this way and that, fingers still thrusting in their maddening motion. Of course he’d be great with his hands. Of course he’d be able to play your body like a finely tuned instrument.
Pressure started to build low in your stomach. “I—I’m…”
“Turn around.” Ten took a step back and made a show of sucking his fingers into his mouth, tongue darting out to lick between them like he wanted to savor every drop.
You whimpered but did as he requested, your eyes finding his in the wide silver mirror. You watched as he unzipped his pants and pushed them along with his dark colored briefs down to the floor. You hadn’t seen him pull out a condom but he had one; ripping open the packaging with his perfectly straight teeth before rolling it onto his hard cock. It was a delicious looking thing you had to admit, long and thick with a slight curve. If you’d had the time you would have gladly went to your knees for him.
A low breath shuddered out of Ten’s lungs as he pushed inside of you, his hands gripping your waist so strongly you were bound to have a few bruises later. “Fuck, you’re tight.”
It had been a while since Adam and nobody after him until now.
When he assumed you’d adjusted to the size of him, he pulled nearly out before driving back inside of you. You moaned and pushed back to meet his thrusts, feeling the pleasure shattering through you. Your breasts bounced as he moved and he reached a hand forward, tugging down the top of your dress so that he could cup one. He rolled your nipple between his fingers and pinched, bending over you so that he could bite down onto the tender skin of your shoulder. The motion sent him even deeper and you both groaned at the feeling.
“Te—Ten,” you stammered, losing your train of thought when he rolled his hips liked he did on the dance floor. “Oh fuck! Fuck!”
The picture you made in the mirror was a very erotic one; you could see every single expression on Ten’s handsome face. The utter enjoyment he was obviously finding in fucking you was written all over it; there was nowhere for it to hide. His head was tipped back, eyes fluttering closed only to pop back open so that he could watch himself shove into you over and over again. He had you up on your tip toes, nose just an inch from the mirror itself. He was always sexy but tonight that word took on a whole new meaning.
All you could do was try to give as good as you got.
You slapped a hand onto the sink to steady yourself and clenched around him, reveling in the low whine that escaped his throat. It kinda sounded like your name.
And then he was pulling all the way out, dick bouncing as he stumbled backwards. You blinked in confusion. “Wh--what’s wrong?”
Ten ran his fingers through his hair. “C’mon. I want you to ride me.”
He sat down on the closed toilet seat lid and you straddled him without a second thought, sinking down onto his dick with a full body shudder. With your dress around your waist and your breasts jiggling in his face as you bounced up and down on his cock, he traced his tongue around your nipple before lightly biting down. You tangled your fingers in his hair and panted out his name, letting out a squeak when his palm connected with your ass for a hard slap. Planting his feet on the floor, he leaned you backwards a bit as he drove into you repeatedly, eyes watching how well your pussy took him.
“You’re beautiful,” he murmured against your collarbone. “Gorgeous—you feel so good.” He bit you again, this time on the side of your neck. “So good.”
With one hand on his shoulder to brace yourself, you rose up and let yourself come down hard over and over again, feeling him pound so deep it was almost criminal. Had the music not been so loud you knew exactly what you would have heard; the sound of skin hitting skin as Ten fucked you like he owned you. Just for tonight, maybe he did.
You weren’t sure how long it went on but when you came it still managed to take you by surprise. Your body lit up like a Christmas tree from the inside out and you cried out Ten’s name, clenching around him, your nails digging into his shoulder blades. He muttered a drawn out fuuuuck and pinched your clit with this thumb and forefinger, making you jerk so hard you nearly tumbled off his lap.
“Ah! Ten!” You shouted as he kept it up. “I—no—oh god—”
Your pussy tightened around him again and he shivered, thrusts growing erratic as he came with a grunt. You trembled through a second orgasm almost in disbelief—usually the only thing that could get you off twice in a row was hidden under your bed in a shoe box.
Seconds later you flopped against him, attempting to catch your breath. He was still rolling his hips just a tiny bit, making all the too sensitive areas ping.
“Whoa,” he said breathlessly, wrapping both arms around your waist. “That was…”
You chuckled softly. “Yeah…” Chancing a look at him, you admired the way strands of his dark hair stuck to his sweaty forehead. He was glistening, shirt sticking to his chest. He smelled like hints of your perfume and you smelled like hints of his cologne. It was all so intimate.
Reluctantly you sat back and gazed at him, wondering if things were about to get awkward. But Ten just smiled and ducked his head a little, a barely there blush creeping up into his already flushed cheeks. It was so adorable you couldn’t have resisted kissing him if you tried. From the way he melted into you, he’d had the same idea.
After a few minutes of just enjoying the feel of his lips against yours, you forced yourself up off of him. Your legs shook; you had to grab the counter to keep from tripping in your heels. You could already tell you’d still feel him tomorrow and the thought made you kinda dizzy, but in a good way. Blinking at your reflection—your hair was a dark mess—you knew there was no way you’d be able to hide the love bites that adorned your skin. They stood out stark red and purple like a bruise.
Ten remained slouched on the toilet for a couple of moments before removing the condom and tossing it into the trash. He dabbed at his dick with a handful of toilet paper, and then pulled up his underwear and jeans. “So…can I ask you something?”
You fixed your dress. “Sure.”
“Who was that guy?” he inquired with a grin. “The one you obviously wanted to get away from.”
Oh shit you’d forgotten all about Adam! “Oh he—he’s my dumb ex. He jumped stupid at me and I—I wanted to show him that he’s an idiot. That I’m totally over him. I—I’m sorry for getting you involved.”
He laughed as he patted down his hair. “No complaints from my end. I think he got the message though.” Reaching behind you he handed you your panties. “Don’t wanna forget these.”
It was ridiculous to be embarrassed considering what you’d both just done, but you couldn’t help it. You took them from him and pulled them on, keeping your eyes on the ground. “Thanks… Look Ten—”
“I’m hungry,” he said interrupting you. “Have you ever had grilled dried pollack?”
“Um yeah once I think,” you replied uncertainly. “It was pretty tasty.”
Ten motioned behind him. “I know a place that makes it if you wanted to go. And…maybe afterwards we could just hang out. Talk.”
That sounded amazing. “I’d love to. But…”
He picked up on your meaning. “Y/N I sit next to you in all of our art classes. I make conversation with you for no reason. Do you really think I of all people forget my brushes? Honestly I’ve wanted to ask you out for a while but you’ve always seemed…disinterested.”
You were dumbstruck by his admission. “Me?! That’s just my face! You’re the unattainable ingénue or whatever!”
Ten chuckled, folding his arms across his chest. “Oh please the only thing standing between me and being a serious cat dad is having an apartment that allows animals. However, this conversation is pointless. You owe me and I’m collecting…if that’s okay?”
You huffed but couldn’t stop grinning. “It’s perfect.”
The walk from the bathroom to the living room had everyone staring with a few people letting out loud whistles. Adam had disappeared but Amy was there to give you a big thumbs up. You promised to call her later and then let Ten pull you outside into the warm night air, your fingers happily entwined with his.
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thosewickedlovelies · 3 years
Anything That Shined: prologue  |  The Thief x Heroic!F!Reader x Marcus Moreno
Rating: T for Teen
Summary: The thief debates on adding a few Heroics to his collection
Tags: friends to lovers; eventual throuple? threesome? I haven’t decided yet
Word count: 967
A/N: So I know I labeled my last MM thing as a prologue, but this is a story I have actual ideas and more content for, so it's forreal this time. Please enjoy this lil preview for a story I'm excited to write more of! 😍
This will NOT be any kind of dark fic- the thief "stealing" them will not be described, and will not be a permanent state- the situation will be explained in the next chapter
It’s an idea he’s toyed with before, of course. Stealing a Heroic. What an addition to his collection one of them would make! The things he would have access to with some of their abilities on his side...
Something about it never sat quite right, however. It wasn’t that he couldn’t do it- he’d used his abilities to steal people before, although he wasn’t sure it counted as stealing to take them back from miscreants who’d abducted them in the first place (“Rescue” wasn’t his preferred term. He didn’t advertise his morals, after all- only that they had a price tag).
But whenever he considered acquiring a Heroic- nothing. His gift didn’t whisper to him the way it normally did when he was pondering a heist, didn’t illuminate potential interception points or escape routes. Perhaps because that truly would be kidnapping, not theft, the thief muses as he waits for his order. Vague as they were, he reasonably certain it went against his morals to steal people. He preferred to recruit them, voluntarily.
But if it was only temporary? he probed. If I only meant to steal them for a day, and not keep or harm them? 
His gift seems to titter in response. The thief grumbles internally at its coy answer, having long since stopped questioning the oddity of talking to what was essentially a vague quasi-consciousness in his head.
Perhaps his gift’s unhelpfulness was due to his own apprehension. Stealing the entirety of a living person was a lot trickier than just plucking the voice from them. And really, none of their abilities couldn’t be acquired by him otherwise. Miracle Guy? The thief had someone who could fly. Tech-No? Superpowers weren’t necessary to be tech-savvy enough for his needs.
The speedy one would be useful, the thief reflects as he adds just a touch of sugar to his coffee. In and out with the goods, no fuss no muss. But that took all the fun out of a heist. He could do that part himself half the time, anyway. The rich scent of the café’s new single-origin brew lures him from his thoughts, and the thief allows himself to be distracted, sighing into the steam kissing his face and luxuriating in the rich flavor. He simply must ask the owner for their supplier. 
The kicker is that he knows who the real jewel would be- the Heroic whose powers could provide the greatest benefit, even to a man as substantially gifted as himself. Marcus Moreno. He hid behind his swords and his teammates more so now than he had in his early days, but the thief had seen the footage. His telekinetic abilities weren’t to be underestimated.
Nestled in his favorite spot- a cushy nook, half-hidden behind a large plant with leaves like graceful emerald fans- the thief regards the park across the street as people flock to it. He couldn’t have predicted that the same he day he comes into town would be the same day the hero is involved in a minor incident across the street from a café he frequented. But it seems just a little too serendipitous of an opportunity to ignore. 
A razor-edged halo of gleaming silver arcs around Moreno’s head when he whirls his swords up and into their sheaths. The thief’s gaze lingers on the blades, on the wide shoulders to which they’re strapped. The hero is so close he can make out the good-natured smile on his face where he kneels before a clamor of children. Yet still his gift murmurs too faintly to make out, as if from across a windblown distance. The thief frowns in thought. But when another, brighter glint catches his eye, his gift bursts into such cacophony the thief almost flinches, expensive coffee sloshing in his cup.
It’s you. The Heroic they called Sunbeam.
What skin is exposed by your suit ripples with the the light of the sun. Radiant and shimmering with a white-gold aura, you look every inch a star walking the earth- the thief is baffled as to how he’s missed you, even as fixated on Moreno as he was. Your brightness dims bit by bit every time you refasten a patch of your modifiable uniform, although the effect is rendered somewhat moot by the fact that your suit is also white and yellow, with glittery gold patches that draw the eye. As he watches, you pause, closing your eyes for a deep breath, and the remaining glow in your hands and face lessens to an almost human level.
Your fellow Heroic stands as you stride back toward him, asking something, his brow furrowed in concern. You shake your head in reassurance. The man’s relief is obvious, even from this distance; he reaches out to rest a hand on your shoulder, his stance relaxing. You seem surprised, but pleased- a bashful smile appears on your lips, and- just for a second- your skin seems to flicker again with a bright warmth.
Interesting. His gift hisses excitedly. The cup clinks faintly against its saucer as the thief lowers it, all of his attention laser-focused on the super-powered duo across the street, on the rapidly clarifying plan in his head. Both of you turn as someone else runs up to you. The angle causes natural sunlight to glance off your cheek, and the thief blinks at the shine; it’s not unlike the reflections which speared off of Marcus’s swords. Your gold to his silver.
The thief smirks to himself as he remembers his own words. Anything that shined. His eyes track your glittering silhouette, Moreno resembling your shadow in his black uniform, in the thoughtless synchronicity of your body language. His gift croons in an alluring song. Ah, what the hell, he decides. A two-for-one deal. His smirk transforms into an expression of relish.
I apologize for nothing. Luv u guys <3
Taglist: @thirstworldproblemss
69 notes · View notes
xiaomoxu · 3 years
Lucien - Mind’s Quest: Arriving With The Crowd
A date from CN server which hasn’t been released on EN server yet. Might contains some spoiler.
Please beware of roller-coaster emotions from this. A sweet moment yet has a deep meaning between them, is ready to serve you~
*) I put [...] on my thought about some scene.
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Translations under the cut~
Part 1
??: Lucien, MC, we met again.
On the way when Lucien and I get off from work, suddenly a familiar voice came from behind us.
We spontaneously turned around and saw our neighbor, Mr. Zhang, carrying a supermarket bag and beckoning to us with a smile.
Mr. Zhang: Recently, I saw you two commuting to and from get off from work together every day. It's a really good relationship.
MC: Mr. Zhang also helps your wife buy vegetables every day.
Mr. Zhang: My wife’s legs are not good, so I will run more errands. It’s not the same as when you are young.
Mr. Zhang: I remember MC said last time that you were going on a business trip, when would you leave?
MC: I will leave tomorrow.
Mr. Zhang: Oh my, it's no wonder! Then I won't bother you, so I'll leave you two.
Lucien: Okay, I understand, please be careful Mr. Zhang.
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Mr. Zhang smiled and looked at us again, then strode away.
I received an outdoor reality show a while ago. I planned to go to the countryside of a neighboring province to shoot for three months. I heard that the signal over there is not very good and it is inconvenient to communicate.
In order to make up for the time when the two places were about to be separated, Lucien and I made an appointment to spare some time every day before departure.
Almost all the spare time was used by us when commuting to and from get off work, visiting the supermarket, and buying breakfast.
Even if it is somewhat "inseparable" in the eyes of others, I still feel that this time is far from enough.
When I was thinking about it, Lucien gently squeezed my hand, recalling my thoughts.
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Lucien: How do you plan to spend the last night at home?
MC: Speaking of it, it might be a bit boring...
MC: In fact, my luggage hasn't been packed yet, so I'm always worried about what's left.
Lucien: Let me check it with you later.
Lucien: There is a distance between the shooting location and the urban area, so you still need to prepare well.
MC: Okay.
I looked up at the bright evening sky, and couldn't help but move closer to Lucien, entangled his arm.
MC: But the weather is so good today, let's go slowly.
Lucien: Alright.
As he said that, Lucien slowed down, we dragged a long shadow and walked slowly towards home.
Early the next morning, Lucien escorted me to the station.
After taking the luggage out of the trunk, I stood still and did not move.
Standing at the gate of the station, the dismay of parting suddenly surged up.
Lucien turned around with a sense and helped me stroke the messy hair in my ear.
Lucien: This time it's my turn to help you take care of the green plants. Don't worry, I will take care of them.
Lucien: And for you, if you need my help over there, remember to tell me.
MC: Okay.
I opened my mouth, but couldn't say anything more. Lucien sighed lightly and pulled me into his arms.
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Lucien: It's ok, the words you want to say, I understand.
Lucien patted my back lightly, as if he wanted me to feel at ease.
I gradually calmed down, feeling the breath in his arms a little greedily, wanting to save a strength for myself.
None of us spoke, just let time pass quietly.
A radio alert sounded vaguely in the station, and the restraint on my waist was loosened. I also let go of my hand and raised a smile to Lucien.
MC: Phew... Recharge completed.
Lucien: It seems that the big producer is ready.
MC: Um! I will work hard, strive to go and return early.
Lucien: Okay, I'll wait for you to come back.
I waved to Lucien, pulled up the luggage and walked into the station.
After passing the security check and walking far away, I couldn't help but look back.
At the entrance of the station people were coming and going. I don't know who they are going to go to or who they have just said goodbye.
Lucien still stood on the spot, looking at me from a distance.
A train came into the station, and the crowd quickly engulfed him.
But knowing that someone is watching, has filled me with confidence.
Exclusive Radio
Lucien: The question just now is almost like this.
Lucien: After you go back, you can adjust your opening report based on today's discussion.
Lucien: Do you have any other questions?
Student A&B: There's none.
Lucien: Okay, that's all for today.
Student A: Huh? There is another hot search on the news.
Student A: "The villagers broke the news that the film crew was polluting the environment...This film crew seems to belong to the company "Miracle Finders", right?
Student B: Yes, I saw their propaganda a few days ago, saying that they are going to the neighboring province to shoot a reality show.
Student A: Local villagers said that they dumped sewage into the river and also posted photos.
Student B: This is too unqualified, right? Do you want to destroy people's environment in the name of local customs?
Lucien: ....
Student A: Wait a minute, Professor Lucien is the consultant of "Miracle Finders" .....
Student B: It's, Professor Lucien, we didn't have other meaning...
Lucien: It doesn't matter. It's a matter of fact. If the film crew really makes a mistake, it is normal to be criticized.
Lucien: But I want to know, did the photos on the hot search actually capture the scene where the show crew dumped sewage?
Student A: Not really, only pictures of the river.
Lucien: Then we better not draw conclusions so quickly.
Lucien: There is no objective fact of "the program group dumped sewage" in this photo, only the result of "the river water was polluted."
Lucien: People can stand from different angles and use this result to infer many different stories.
Lucien: There is only one true fact.
Lucien: How do you prove it, are the stories you heard were the facts?
Student A: I.....
Student B: Look, the program group issued a statement to refute the rumors!
Student B: They also did a picture comparison. It turns out that the picture on the hot search is a picture several years ago.
Student A: Huh? Then someone maliciously spread the rumors.
Student A: ... Sorry Professor Lucien, we were a little impulsive just now.
Lucien: There is no need to apologize to me, it is essentially the fault of the rumors.
Lucien: However, since the thesis is about to start the topic, you can use this matter to remind everyone.
Lucien: Whether you are doing research or encountering social events, don't be too impatient. Set your mind down and analyze the logic carefully.
Lucien: I will also look at your logic loopholes during the defense. So, I hope you will prepare it well.
Student A: Good professor, we must prepare carefully!
Lucien: Well, let's go back.
(Lucien left the room and close the door behind)
Lucien: Huh? No phone, no news...
Lucien: Forget it.
Part 2 - Main Story
I settled down at the shooting location and confirmed some shooting-related matters. It was too late when I got back to my senses.
--The whole day's hard work hits my body, but the unfamiliar environment makes me sleepless.
I unlocked the phone and saw that the conversation with Lucien was still staying in the report after arriving.
Suddenly I wanted to talk to him, so I raised my arm to find the signal direction and knocked on what I saw today.
MC: "Today, I was dealing with emergencies, the network was unstable, and the scene was very chaotic..."
MC: "But fortunately, I saw a very interesting book on the way, specially introduce words with special meaning."
MC: "For example, this one."
I posted a photo of a page in the book with the Greek word "pathos" on it.
T/N: The Greek word pathos means "suffering," "experience," or "emotion." It was borrowed into English in the 16th century, and for English speakers, the term usually refers to the emotions produced by tragedy or a depiction of tragedy. "Pathos" has quite a few kin in English. A "pathetic" sight moves us to pity.
It means the sense of yearning and longing for those who are absent.
I waited for a while, but Lucien didn't reply, he should have fallen asleep.
I confidently continued to type on the keyboard and talked out all kinds of experiences in one mind.
MC: "The villagers are very kind and hospitable and helped us a lot."
MC: "The air is also very fresh, and a faint fragrance of green grass can be smelled everywhere."
MC: "But there are so many bugs! Thanks to you reminding me to wear long pants yesterday."
I told everything from morning to night, and when I was about to say something, my phone suddenly shook.
A video call invitation appears on the screen.
I sat up, scratching my hair twice before press the answer button.
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MC: You haven't slept yet...
Lucien: Well, just after finishing the report, I received your self-thinking message.
Lucien: I thought I couldn't wait for your good night today, but I didn't expect to receive a "big gift before going to bed".
MC: I don't know if you're still awake, is it bothering you?
Lucien: How come, I didn't feel disturbed.
Lucien: It should be said that I am very happy to see you share these experiences, in every detail.
Lucien: It seems that I am also experiencing these with you.
Lucien picked up the phone on the side and swiped, and smiled in a good mood.
Lucien: The book you took is also very interesting. The author has developed such a rich interpretation just around the word "pathos".
Lucien: This is the first time I know what this word means in Greek.
MC: Does this word exist in other languages?
Lucien: Well, I remember that this word is often used in English to convey the appeal of artistic works. It also means "sympathy" and "suffering".
MC: When you say this, you feel that there is a subtle connection between these two interpretations.
MC: Missing or longing for someone you care about can be considered "suffering", right?
Lucien: Maybe it is true.
Lucien: When the person you care about is not around, everything about her becomes more conspicuous, which makes people more aware of the fact that she is not around.
Lucien: Just like today.
Seeing that I was a little confused, Lucien pointed to his mobile phone.
Lucien: I saw some people on the Internet saying that the villagers at the filming location are somewhat dissatisfied with you.
Lucien: Is this the emergency you dealt with?
MC: ....I thought my actions for solving the problem were fast enough to keep you from discovering it.
Lucien: I thought you would talk to me about this sooner, so I have been waiting for your news.
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I was stunned for a moment, and then quickly smiled at Lucien.
MC: Don't worry, those on the Internet are all rumors, I’ve already solved it.
MC: In fact, we get along very well, and we promised to let the guests help a family draw portraits tomorrow.
Lucien: Well, then I won't worry about it.
Lucien paused, and suddenly moved closer to the camera, seeming to want to see something clearly.
Lucien: Why you keep supporting your arm like that, is it not comfortable?
MC: No, because the signal at this spot is better...
MC: The accommodation conditions here are actually pretty good, and the rooms are clean and tidy.
MC: Except for the occasional signal, you have to looking for the angle yourself.
Lucien: I can imagine how you would look for a signal while holding your phone.
MC: You're teasing me again!
Lucien: Alright, I won't teasing you. It seems that you can sleep well tonight.
I lay down again holding my phone and patted the hard bed underneath.
MC: Newcomers may still have to get used to the bed for a few days.
Lucien: In this case, I will lie down with you.
Lucien turned off the top light and walked to the bed to lie down. I followed and turned off the ceiling lamp, leaving only the small lamp beside the bed.
The screen went dark, and Lucien's face also looked a little fuzzy.
We lie on each other's sides, looking at the screen, as if we were lying face to face.
Lucien kept looking at me. I was a little embarrassed by him, and my eyes began to drift around.
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Lucien: Where are you looking at?
MC: ... I can't sleep, I want to divert my attention.
Lucien: It's better to close your eyes first, and I'll help you.
Seeing Lucien's encouraging gaze, I closed my eyes, and his low voice quickly came from my ears.
Lucien: Next, can you tell me what sound you can hear over there?
I pricked my ears and listened carefully, perhaps because my vision was blocked, my hearing became extremely sensitive.
MC: There is the barking of puppies and the roar of the machine.
MC: The alarm bell of a car rang...It was a bit noisy.
I subconsciously covered my head with a quilt, remembering that Lucien was still watching, and then secretly revealed half of my face.
Lucien: I seem to forget to remind you to bring earplugs.
Lucien: If you bear with it, the owner should wake up soon.
As soon as Lucien's voice fell, the noise outside the window stopped, and the world returned to silence.
Lucien: Is it quiet?
MC: Well, it feels quieter now than before...
We were silent in unison. Maybe the night is getting darker, and there is no other sound in my ears for a long time.
I don't know how long it took before I vaguely caught a tiny movement.
There are small ups and downs in the steady, it is Lucien's breathing.
I brought the phone closer, and subconsciously let my breathing keep up with his rhythm, as if we were in the same space.
My mind slowly calmed down, and my consciousness gradually drifted away in this sudden connection.
MC: Lucien...
Lucien: Hm?
MC: Good-
Did I say "good night"? It was too late to confirm, and my mind was gradually empty.
I do seem to be a little sleepy.
I don't know how long it took, Lucien's breathing gradually became even longer.
The girl on the screen is asleep, but she seems to have not released the phone yet.
Lucien sighed almost inaudibly, then curled the corners of his mouth again.
She was right, "The yearning and longing for those who are not around" does make people suffer.
Lucien gently stroked the sleeping face on the screen with his fingers, and spoke softly.
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Lucien: Good night.
Part 2 - Memory Silhouette
Half a month has passed since the shooting. On weekend mornings, I was putting on makeup while chatting with Lucien.
MC: Professor Lucien has worked hard, and accompany me to get up early on weekends.
Lucien: It's okay, I just came back from buying breakfast.
MC: Huh? You finally remember to have breakfast on time!
Lucien: I heard that the spring limited soup dumplings from the Huxin Road store will be off the market in a few days.
Lucien: Thinking you might like it, I bought it.
Lucien: However, I forgot that you were not at home and accidentally bought two portions.
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Lucien fiddled with the bag on the table and sighed softly.
I touched my flat stomach and sighed.
MC: I knew I should have eaten it again before I left, now I have to wait until next year...
Lucien: Then wait until next spring, we will buy it the first day it goes on sale.
MC: Okay! Then if you want to eat more today, just eat one for me.
Seeing Lucien nodded with a smile, I just patted the sunscreen on my face and closed my makeup bag.
Lucien: How do you feel that your dressing time has become shorter today?
Lucien: It usually takes at least half an hour before you come knock on my door.
I hummed twice, leaned close to the phone and tapped on the screen.
MC: Professor Lucien may not be aware of it. Make-up takes time and it takes time to remove makeup.
MC: At days, moving bricks are precious as moving gold, and I’m sleepy at night, so I don’t want to bother to remove my makeup.
MC: And now, it’s more important to be able to concentrate on talking with you for a while.
Lucien looked at me, smiling at the corners of his eyes and eyebrows.
Lucien: It seems that I was too accustomed to this intention before, and I will cooperate more with your time in the future.
Lucien: Speaking of this, I found a lipstick at home yesterday, which should have been dropped by you.
Lucien got up and disappeared from the screen for a while, and when he returned, he had the lipstick in his hand.
He opened the lid and showed it to me. I recognized that this was the one I carried with me before. The paste had already bottomed out.
MC: Actually this one is about to run out, just throw it away for me.
Lucien: Do you like this color very much?
MC: Yes, it's very versatile.
Lucien thoughtfully twirled out the remaining lipstick. I looked at him with a curious expression and couldn't help but smile.
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MC: Lucien, in your eyes, are the various lipstick look similar?
Lucien: Just looking at it, it's a bit difficult to tell.
Lucien: But after you apply it, I can see the difference.
[Not me crying over this conversation ㅠㅠ]
MC: Unexpectedly, Professor Lucien is also have a talent for such things...
Lucien: This is not my talent.
Lucien: You make these colors look clearer and more beautiful.
It sounds like a joke, but his tone is very sincere.
I was a little embarrassed to look away, and my heart was filled with sweetness because of his attention.
MC: Do you have any favorite color?
Lucien: I have. What I see now is the one I like the most.
My cheeks were slightly hot, and I was about to say something when the phone alarm rang suddenly, interrupting my thoughts.
Lucien: Is it time for assembly?
MC: Mmhm, how can time pass so fast...
MC: Then I'll go out first.
Lucien: Be careful on the road and take a break.
Lucien waved his hand as I did, and the sunlight shining in the room reflected his smile more clearly.
After finishing the call, I also subconsciously glanced out the window.
Although we can't spend this weekend together, but fortunately, we still enjoy the same sunshine.
Part 3 - Main Story
It has been a month since the shooting started, and the daytime sunshine gradually warmed up.
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Three poles on this day, we set up the machine under the sun, but a guest did not wait.
Perhaps because of the sweltering weather, the guests were not very enthusiastic about their work, and even began to find all kinds of excuses to try "ask for leave".
Physical discomfort, temporary travel, family affairs... all sorts of things like
The reasons for yes and no are endless, which makes us very embarrassed.
I communicated privately a few times, hoping that they would cooperate with the work, but within a few days, the old drama will repeat itself.
Today was another morning without anyone. My colleagues took turns to the residence to persuade. I also made a few calls to the guests’ agents.
Fortunately, after some coordination, the guests finally came forward, and we started the machine in the afternoon.
But in this state, the shooting process becomes a bit difficult. The venue is not cool enough, there are too many retakes caused by the wear, and I don't like interactive sessions...
Little things that did not constitute a problem have become problems. I tried my best to explain from them, so that my colleagues and guests did not quarrel.
In order to ensure the quality, I temporarily decided to stop work ahead of schedule after the key parts were taken.
I took advantage of the break time and prepared to go to the nearby supermarket to buy some supplies to comfort everyone.
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Along the way, the villagers who came home passed by, and the sound of conversation and the roar of tricycles filled the evening breeze.
Although they looked tired, everyone was happy on the way home.
I suddenly remembered the days when I left work with Lucien before I left. At that time, I also had the same happiness as them. It was expectation and stability.
I don't know what Lucien is doing now. Did he leave work on time? Did he eat well? I took out my cell phone, but found that there was no signal.
I turned off the screen, walked silently to the entrance of the village, and suddenly a bright light shrouded my head.
The street light was on, and the warm light spread on the road outside the village. In front of the platform not far away, a bus full of passengers was pitting in.
Looking at the scene in front of me, I seemed to be gently pushed by a force and changed the direction of advancement.
I got on that bus.
Clerk: Welcome!
MC: ....
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Originally, I just wanted to take the bus to relax, but I didn't expect to sit at the terminal --- the railway station accidentally.
The power that clamored in my heart drove me to buy a ticket for the fastest return to Loveland City.
When I walked out of the Loveland City Railway Station, it was raining heavily outside.
I watched the pedestrians passing by in the rain, and the reason for escaping gradually returned to my brain.
I walked into a nearby 24-hour store and sat down. I was looking at the night view outside the window and combing my thoughts. My phone suddenly vibrated, and Lucien's messages popped out.
Lucien: "Are you done?"
MC: "Well, it's finished."
I thought about it and added another sentence.
MC: "it's raining outside."
Lucien: "It's a coincidence, it's raining in Loveland City."
Listening to the patter of rain, I calmed down a bit and dialed the video call.
Lucien quickly picked it up. With the light on, I saw the familiar room behind him at a glance, which seemed to be my living room.
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MC: Lucien, are you at my house?
Lucien: Mmhm, the rain is a bit heavy, let me move the green plants on your balcony.
Lucien: Are you still outside?
MC: I'll go out to buy something for everyone, and I'll go back when the rain drops a bit.
Lucien: It's already a bit late, so be careful when you go back.
MC: Don't worry, I am fully equipped.
As I talked, I nodded vigorously, as if to prove something, and as if I just wanted to convince myself.
Under the bright light, Lucien's dark circles were obvious, and his face looked a little pale.
There was a bit of sourness in my heart, I subconsciously moved closer to the screen.
MC: Lucien, what have you been up to lately?
Lucien: There is a study at the end, and the things at hand are a bit trivial.
MC: Is it very hard? You look a little haggard.
Lucien: In order to avoid blemishes as much as possible, it is indeed a bit harder.
Lucien: But it will be over soon, don't worry about me.
Lucien: But you seem to be very busy lately. Have you encountered any difficulties?
MC: There is a little problem...but fortunately, it is not difficult to solve.
I hesitated for a moment, thinking that I secretly ran back to Loveland City like this, I always felt a little embarrassed, so I changed the subject.
I glanced at the room behind him, and suddenly caught a bright color near the window sill.
MC: Lucien, what's on the windowsill...?
Lucien: Recently, a new flower shop opened near the research institute. There are many type of flowers and they are very beautiful.
Lucien: So I bought some privately and put them in your house.
MC: Well, I want to see it too.
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Lucien switched the camera to the rear, and I saw a row of flowers on the windowsill, almost in full bloom.
It can be seen that these flowers are taken care of by Lucien very well, but the colors are all gorgeous, and they are inevitably dazzling when they are placed together.
always feel that this is not in line with Lucien's style, so I spoke with some doubts.
MC: Lucien, did you choose this all?
Lucien: I just chose the type of flowers, and the clerk helped to match the others.
Lucien: What's the matter?
MC: Nothing... they are bloomed very well.
MC: Is it time-consuming to raise so much?
Lucien: It does take time to change the water and pruning, but once in a while, it can be regarded as a kind of rest.
Lucien: Sometimes it is a little more comfortable to do things according to your own will, right?
I vaguely think that he meant something. Did he find out what he sneaked back into? It shouldn't be so obvious....
Just as I was thinking about how to respond to him, Lucien turned back to the camera and met my gaze.
Lucien: What about you, is there anything you really want to do now?
MC: Yes, I really want to go home, and immediately sleep for three days and three nights, and then go to eat hot pot and soup dumplings.
MC: I also want to watch movies and dramas instead of the ones I made myself.
Lucien: I thought that at least one of these wishes was related to me.
MC: Of course it is related to you. These are all things I want to do with you.
MC: It’s just that sometimes I don’t dare to think too much. It would be a little sad if I remember that you are not around.
I lowered my eyes, on the opposite side, Lucien did not speak for a while. Only after a while, I heard his voice again.
Lucien: In fact, every time the flowers bloom and wither, I also get annoyed.
Lucien: It would be nice if I could see it with you. If I raise it with you, it might be able to bloom longer.
Lucien: I am used to witnessing these moments with you. When you are not around, it is really uncomfortable.
I looked at his slightly bent eyes, and the bottom of my heart loosened for a moment, like a seed coming out of the soil.
MC: Then next time there are flowers blooming, please send me a picture.
MC: Although the network on my side may be delayed, it can be considered as a witness with you.
The smile on Lucien's lips deepened, and he nodded gently.
Customers opened the door one after another, and I glanced out the window. The rain had stopped.
Worried about revealing my position, I hurriedly moved closer to my phone.
MC: Lucien, the rain stopped on my side, I'm going to catch the last bus first.
MC: Let's continue tomorrow, go to bed early. Good night!
Lucien: ... Alright, pay attention to safety. Good night.
As soon as Lucien's voice fell, I hung up the phone in a hurry, and quickly bought a ticket to the neighboring province.
The sky was still gloomy, but my mood faintly became lighter.
One-sided thoughts may be troubles, but if this trouble gets a response, it turns into some kind of power.
The feeling of wanting to escape disappears. Between parting and reunion, I will run as soon as possible.
Because I know he is waiting for me.
Part 4 - Main Story
The filming work has been going on for two months, and the sense of summer has gradually become clearer.
It wasn't until the evening when the heat subsided. Colleagues walked to the restaurant one after another. I took out my mobile phone and walked to a place where there was a signal, and left a message to Lucien.
MC: "I have finished work, is Professor Lucien still busy?"
The words "The other party is typing" appeared at the top of the dialog box, but soon stopped and changed to a video call invitation.
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I hurriedly picked it up and Lucien's figure appeared on the screen. He was wearing a white coat and seemed to be still in the laboratory.
Lucien: Sorry, I may have to work overtime today.
Lucien: When checking the data, we found some problems, and we need to "rescue" them.
MC: Is it serious?
Lucien: Fortunately, it's just a bit time-consuming to process.
Lucien rubbed his eyebrows, and my heart tightened suddenly as I looked at his tired face.
MC: I remember that you were finishing up last month, is it almost to the deadline?
Lucien: It's less than a week.
Lucien: This time I brought a newcomer, and there are a lot of things that need to be run-in in the details.
MC: They might feel a little nervous, it's the first time they take on an important job.
MC: But with Professor Lucien, everyone will be able to find the way out smoothly.
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Lucien smiled and moved a little closer to the screen.
Lucien: I find that in your eyes, "Professor Lucien" always seems to be very powerful.
MC: Not only "Professor Lucien", in my eyes, Lucien is omnipotent.
MC: As the saying goes, those who can do more work, but you can't force yourself too much.
MC: Maybe you can’t rest assured now, but I have a tip to make you feel better.
Lucien: Oh? I really need it. Please tell me your advice, teacher MC.
MC: When it's really difficult, just give yourself a wish.
MC: In this way, every day we are moving towards that final wish and we have overcome many difficulties without realizing it.
MC: For example, arrange a vacation or travel, as long as it is something you like to do!
Lucien looked at me for a while and suddenly laughed.
Lucien: Thank you, teacher MC. I understand.
Lucien: In fact, this wish has always existed, maybe I'm just too impatient.
MC: What is Professor Lucien's wish?
Lucien blinked at me and skipped the question.
Lucien: If I remember correctly, your filming is also coming to an end.
MC: Well, the part of the reality show has basically been filmed, and I will go to the neighboring city next week to make up some empty shots.
MC: It is estimated that I will be able to go home soon to appreciate the flowers and plants that Professor Lucien has taken care of!
Lucien stretched his brows, and the smile in his eyes became deeper.
Lucien: Well, they are also looking forward to seeing you.
The neighboring city’s framing plan is based on the theme of "going home from work", for which the on-site director summoned a group of extras.
However, it rained suddenly before the filming started, so we had to buy an umbrella temporarily and distribute it to everyone.
I looked at the monitor and thinking about the moving line. I saw the light of the traffic light blurred in the rain, like a wet oil painting.
Considering that the theme of this reality show happened to be related to painting, my heart moved and decided to change the shooting plan.
MC: Please use an artistic way to express the theme, we will do slow-motion processing.
Think of this block as the background of the painting. You can use the props to simulate the people in the painting.
The actors seemed to be very interested in this suggestion and tried them.
MC: Let's try it first.
The camera moved slowly on the slide, the light slid between the transparent umbrellas, and the crowd moved closer to the camera and dispersed.
I seemed to catch a glimpse of a somewhat familiar figure in an instant, but in a daze, the figure disappeared again.
...How could Lucien be here? I must have saw it wrong
I blinked vigorously, forcing myself to concentrate.
Some of the people in this "painting" singing, some strode across the puddle, and some pulled out a stack of papers from their bags and threw them into the sky.
The night scene oscillated in these chaotic lines, and seemed to be lit by the warm atmosphere.
A piece of A4 paper flicked in front of the camera. After a brief loss of focus, the familiar figure suddenly appeared in the line of sight.
MC: ....?
I refocused, but found that the scene in front of me was not an illusion.
A narrow gap was opened between the crowds, and I saw Lucien holding the umbrella, walking towards me.
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He didn't make any movements, but just followed the crowd forward.
The light-colored coat was stained with some rain, which did not weaken his refined temperament at all.
This is the "Professor Lucien" I am most familiar with. He walks in the crowd calmly, as if he just got off work.
The splendor in front of me instantly lost its sound, and my eyes could only follow him closely.
But why is he here, why did he join the group acting team?
Doubts and surprises are intertwined in my heart at the same time, I really want to run to him immediately. However, at present, the only thing I can do is to look up from behind the camera.
It seemed that I had been waiting for a long time, and the moment I looked at him, I looked into his full of emotions-eyes.
In the next second, he took out a familiar lipstick from his pocket, twisted his fingers apart, and slowly started writing on the inside of the umbrella.
Perhaps it was because the people around him were acting in an exaggerated manner, and his movements did not appear abrupt.
I subconsciously stared at his umbrella and slowly pieced together what he had written.
P-A-T-H-O-S, is the word we talked about.
The continuous rain water glides along the umbrella surface as if soaking it.
There is a faint bitterness in my heart, it is the smell of yearning and longing.
After a brief gaze, Lucien passed the equipment and stopped beside me, as if accidentally covering the umbrella over my head.
I came back to my senses and refocused my attention on the shooting until the group actors had all gone.
MC: Cut!
MC: Xiao Fu, tell the actors, just follow the feeling they just did, and take another shot later.
My colleague walked to the side to greet the actors. Seeing the atmosphere loosen, I breathed a sigh of relief and turned to face the person behind me.
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I took a straight step forward, squeezed his sleeve, and poked his cheek again. Lucien leaned down cooperatively, and let me touch him.
MC: Am I really dreaming...
Lucien: Do you need to check again?
The smiling eyes are so near. As if bewitched by the light, I opened my arms to embrace him.
The faint fragrance of green grass enveloped my breath, and I couldn't help but move closer.
MC: Lucien...
Lucien: Mmhm, It's me.
He was holding an umbrella in one hand, and he held me tightly on my shoulder with the other. I didn't care if there were other people beside me, and buried my face in his arms.
A real touch came from under my palm, and the tips of his hair flicked gently in my ears, itchy.
At this moment, without the barrier of the screen, even if I bury my head in his arms, I can clearly outline his appearance.
Lucien gently patted me on the back. I don't know how long it took before I heard his voice.
Lucien: Is it confirmed now?
MC: Hm.… It is indeed our Professor Lucien who has replaced the actors.
MC: But why are you here?
Lucien: Now I'm here, will it affect your work?
MC: No way, you just provided a super awesome picture.
I remembered the busy work he said before, and subconsciously stroked the back of his hand.
MC: Is your research over?
Lucien: It's just ended today.
MC: Why didn't you take a break first...
MC: It’s a few hours’ drive from Loveland City to here.
Lucien: Compared to the past few months, a few hours is nothing.
Lucien: Besides, someone suggested before that I should give myself a wish to face the problems.
Lucien: Now that the problems have been resolved, I will come to realize this wish.
I looked into his eyes and suddenly understood what his "wish" was that he didn't tell me that day.
MC: But we have to go back to the countryside after the filming today. Is such a short time enough?
Lucien: Not enough.
Lucien: But the moment I saw you, I still thought it was worth it.
Lucien: I just don't know.. Does this suit the "going home" theme required by the big producer?
I looked at his questioning expression, and couldn't help but gently squeezed his face again.
MC: Totally suitable.
MC: Lucien, welcome back.
Part 4 - Memory Silhouette
After a brief reunion, Lucien will return to Loveland City.
After the filming was over, my colleagues took the equipment back first, Lucien and I got on the bus to the station.
There were not many people on the bus at this time. We sat side by side by the window, and the neon lights circling outside the window passed by.
This short reunion still made me a little dazed. I stared at Lucien's reflection on the car window, as if I couldn't see enough.
The bus stopped for one stop, opening and closing the gap between the doors, Lucien turned around, with a helpless smile on the corners of his lips.
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Lucien: Suddenly holding it so tightly, are you afraid that I will run away?
He raised our tangled hands, and I realized that I had just accidentally used some strength.
I let go hastily, and reluctantly hooked his finger again.
MC: It's a bit, after all, "sweet dreams" are always too short.
Lucien: If this is your dream, don't worry, it won't slip away easily.
Lucien gently folded his fingers and clasped my fingers.
Lucien: Speaking of it, I'm very curious, why didn't you choose the Loveland City for your shooting this time?
I paused and thought about the words before I spoke.
MC: Loveland City is a bit far away from us, and suitable shooting sites have not been approved for various reasons.
MC: But there is another reason that I don’t want to shoot in Loveland City.
Lucien: Hm?
I paused and thought about the words before I spoke.
MC: At first, everyone was back at their home. If they were in Loveland City, they might not even want to work.
MC: Especially knowing that I'm in the same city as you, I can't help but feel sorrowful.
Lucien smiled and stroked the back of my hand lightly.
MC: But how do I remember that you seem to have sneaked back once halfway through?
MC: Huh?! How did you know..
I looked up at him in surprise, but Lucien smiled and clenched my hand, pulling me closer.
Lucien: When you called me that day, it was in the store, right?
Lucien: There is an activity label on the shelf behind you, and I saw the words Loveland City.
Lucien: Moreover, the call that day was particularly smooth. Normally, your signal in the village should not be so good.
MC: ... Then why didn't you break through me?
Lucien: You look a little shaken, I have been waiting for you to tell me why.
Lucien: But you didn't, and you comforted me in turn.
Lucien: So I guess, at that time, you didn't really want to escape, you were just pissing off, or wanted to calm down, right?
The stop announcement of the bus intervened in our conversation, and after a short stop, we continued to move forward.
The night scene outside the window quickly receded, and only Lucien's smiling eyes stayed on me.
I secretly sighed in my heart. Maybe it is because he always looks at me like this that he can always guess any of my thoughts.
MC: I should have guessed it a long time ago, nothing can be hidden from you...
MC: But thanks to you chatting with me at that time, I didn't really waver.
MC: Knowing that someone was waiting for me to go home, it instantly became full of energy.
Lucien: Silly, you have worked very hard.
Lucien: Compared with the past, you already become stronger and braver.
Lucien: Instead, I need to get strength from you now.
I looked at his slightly frowning eyebrows, and there was a burst of soreness in my heart, and I leaned over to embrace his waist.
MC: Can this give you a strength?
Lucien: Hmm... But maybe you have to hug a little tighter.
MC: You are shameless.
With that said, I moved my body and moved closer to him.
A muffled chuckle came from the top of his head, and the temperature between his arms soon covered his back. I leaned on his shoulder and suddenly thought of something.
MC: By the way Lucien, who told you about the filming location?
Lucien: If I told you, would you blame that person?
MC: Of course, it's not right to disclose the itinerary privately
MC: But criticism belongs to criticism. Since it was revealed to you, I will still personally thank this person
I reluctantly rubbed his chin and buried my face in his shoulder.
I felt Lucien resting lightly on the top of my head, and a slight vibration followed his voice.
Lucien: I'll tell you when your work is all over.
Lucien: Now there are only two weeks left, and we can enter the countdown to go home.
Lucien: I hope that when you see me again, you can still be as happy as you are today.
MC: I will definitely be happier than today.
The bus kept entering and leaving the station, muting our tail sound in the slightly bumpy carriage.
I counting in my mind, there are three stops, two stops, one stop left. I'm going to say goodbye to him again.
However, the rainy season is about to pass.
I think it will be a clear sky on the day of reunion again.
Part 5 - Main Story
The three-month shooting is finally over.
Before the hottest day came, I quickly packed my luggage and returned to Loveland City.
As soon as I got out of the station, I immediately looked around, looking for Lucien's figure.
The moment I dragged the box in the crowd, a familiar call suddenly came from my ear.
??: MC!
I turned my head and saw Lucien standing outside the security line of the station, his eyes gazed deeply on me.
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MC: Lucien!
MC: Excuse me, please let me-
I dragged my luggage around the crowd, and ran towards him. Seeing Lucien, I rushing towards him, I simply let go of the luggage and jumped into his arms.
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Lucien: .... Be careful.
Lucien warned me like this, but his arm had already hugged me tightly.
Rarely, he didn't lean over to hug me and carried almost all of my weight in his arms. I had to stand on tiptoe so I could barely touch the ground.
There was a slight suffocation in the chest, and none of us willing to let go.
MC: Lucien... I miss you so much.
Lucien: I miss you too.
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A low breathing sound came from my ear, Lucien let go of me a little bit, his fingertips slid from the top of my head to my shoulders, followed by his eyes inch by inch.
Lucien: Our big producer seems to be tanned, tired and thin.
MC: Really?
I also raised my hand and stroked Lucien's cheek, rubbing it with affection.
MC: Our Professor Lucien has also lost a lot.
MC: It seems that I have to eat more delicious supplements these days!
Lucien smiled and nodded, and pulled the two luggage behind me.
Lucien: Then let's go home.
MC: Well, this time I really "go home"!
After returning to my home after a long absence, looking at the familiar furnishings, I finally let go of the tension that had been in the past few days.
Tired from the long journey, I quickly changed my clothes, walked into the room and opened the curtains, and at a glance I saw the flowers that Lucien kept on the windowsill.
It is a new variety that has never been seen before, and it is still in full bloom.
Lucien walked up to me and was slightly taken aback at the scene on the balcony.
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Lucien: ... It seems to be brighter than I imagine.
MC: Imagine?
Lucien's eyes flickered. I thought maybe he didn't know much about flower arrangements, so I volunteered to pick up an empty vase.
MC: It’s okay, just a little adjustment.
I picked a few flowers of similar color from a few bunches of flowers, trimmed them briefly, and put them in the empty vase again.
MC: Look, is this better?
Lucien: It looks a lot better.
Lucien: Before, I just followed the maintenance instructions to raise it, but it turned out that it needed to be adjusted like this.
MC: The most important thing is to keep the flowers well, I just add a little ornamental.
Lucien: In order to make flowers and people happy, it is best for us to raise them together.
Lucien: If you raise it next time, can you please help me arrange the flowers?
MC: Of course, it's on me!
I raised my head confidently, Lucien rubbed my hair with a smile.
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Lucien: In return, I have a small gift for you.
Lucien turned around, picked up a small box from the coffee table and handed it to me, opened the box and there was a lipstick inside. The authentic rose red reminds me of the handwriting printed on the transparent umbrella on that rainy night.
Lucien: Choosing lipstick for the first time, I don't know if you like it.
MC: It looks so beautiful...Why would you think of buying lipstick?
Lucien: I just think this one should suit you well.
Lucien: Want to try it?
MC: Yes!
I picked up the mirror on the table and was about to turn the mouth red, and suddenly met Lucien's gaze from the mirror.
MC: You, why are you looking at me all the time.
Lucien: Can't I watch it?
MC: Not really, just a little embarrassed...
I turned around while I was talking, only to find that he was still looking at me in good time.
MC: .... Lucien!
He was amused by the way I was bulging. He seemed to think a little bit, and came over to take the mirror from my hand.
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Lucien: Sorry, it's been a long time since I looked at you like this, I really don't want to miss any of your expressions.
Lucien: But if you are not used to it, I have a compromise.
Lucien: I'll help you put it on, how about it?
This fresh proposal made my eyes bright, and I quickly turned to face him.
MC: Okay, I won’t miss any of Professor Lucien’s special offer!
MC: But did you even know this...
Lucien: I'm not that good, and I may need you to be a "guinea pig."
Lucien: But I will try to be careful.
MC: It doesn't matter, Professor Lucien's "fault tolerance" here is very high.
Lucien: It seems that this is a special treatment for me.
Lucien: Come, sit by my side.
Lucien took me to sit on the sofa, tucked the hair beside my face behind my ears, and then focused on the lipstick.
He opened the lid skillfully, and squeezed it unnaturally
His gaze rested on my lips for a while, and I opened my mouth slightly in cooperation before he made the first stroke.
The moisturizing paste pushed against the lower lip, Lucien lifted my chin unconsciously, extending the color stroke by stroke.
His movements were very light, I was a little itchy, and was blocked by him, so I couldn't move, so I kept blinking and looking around.
Lucien seemed to have not noticed my struggle, so he put on lipstick slowly and didn't forget to look around, as if admiring his own work.
Lucien: This color really suits you, and looks better than I imagine.
MC: Is it "imagination" again?
Lucien: ,After all, it is a gift for you. Since I bought it, I have been imagining the way you put it on.
Lucien: Now, I can finally see it with my own eyes.
Lucien's fingertips gently rubbed along the edge of my lower lip, as if tracing its shape.
I caught a glimpse of the flowers behind him, and my heart trembled slightly.
I don't know how Lucien faced his longing, maybe it was a short daze interspersed with his busy work, maybe it was a "wish" in my heart...
I didn't deliberately think about it, but I felt that it was like a shadow.
I gently held his face and looked at him seriously.
MC: Lucien, now I am back.
MC: Whatever you think of or what you want me to do, you can tell me directly.
MC: After all, during this time, I have also accumulated a lot of wishes about you...
MC: Just as we "compensate" each other!
Lucien looked at me in silence for a while, and finally raised the corners of his mouth.
Lucien: Since I got my wish just now, now it's your turn.
Lucien: What do you want me to "compensate" for you?
I spread out Lucien's hands, seeing that there was still the lipstick that he had just rubbed off on his fingers.
I suddenly realized that it is precisely because there is no barrier at the moment that we can directly leave marks on each other.
And the long separation that I experienced made me want to be more greedy at this moment, leaving more proof of existence around each other.
I followed my heart to stood up and kissed his lips.
Lucien: ...
The newly applied lipstick rubbed against the corners of his lips, like a small blooming flower, dotted on his fair skin.
This color is really beautiful.
MC: If I want this kind of compensation... is that okay?
Lucien met my gaze, raised his hand and rubbed the corner of his lips, and suddenly laughed.
Lucien: Of course you can.
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He hugged me up and let me sit on his lap.
Sunlight spreads on us through the gauze curtain, adding warmth to the narrow distance.
Lucien: I thought before that you might need to adjust to your original life for a while... Lucien: Now it seems that I am the one who has been worrying too much.
I took the lipstick from his hand and made a few letters out of thin air.
MC: Remember the "pathos" we talked about before?
Lucien: Yes, I remember.
MC: Later, I read the book carefully and found that there are actually two kinds of misses described by this word.
Not only do I miss the other person when we are separated, but even if the other person is right in front of me, I still long for him.
MC: So, although we are not in the same place in the past few months...
MC: But to me, I never felt separated from you.
Lucien raised his head slightly and looked at me, his eyes seemed to be filled with shards of light.
Lucien: So, even if I am a little greedy now, is it okay?
MC: It’s okay.
Lucien: I not only want to see unique colors, but I also want to leave colors related to me in it.
Lucien: Is it okay?
He took my shoulders and seemed to draw something on my shoulders with his fingertips.
I lowered my head and looked over. The little red he rubbed with his fingertips just now was drawing another "flower" on my shoulder.
MC: Of course, after all... this color suits me very well.
Lucien stared at me deeply, his gaze slowly sliding from my eyes to my lips.
In the drenched sunlight, he held my face and dropped a feather-like kiss on my lips. The soft touch feels like a kind of gentle comfort, which makes me fall into it bit by bit.
I closed my eyes and felt him pull my chin slightly. I opened my mouth slightly, and his breath quickly swept through my perception.
The jaw was clamped by him, and a slight pain melted into the hot breath, which made the kiss look a little eager.
I put my arms around the back of his neck and responded carefully, the pain quickly dissipated, and he asked for it even more with burning sensation.
The faint scent of rouge faints between the lips, I don't know if it comes from the lipstick on his lips or mine.
The shoulders were gradually clasped by him, and the cold air from the air conditioner came in through his fingers and was warmed by his palm.
Every skin that touches him is conveying pleasant sensations. I keep my eyes closed, but my eyes are full of brilliance.
The wet and rainy season that I have just spent alone is all illuminated by the snuggle at this time.
I don't know how long it took, the temperature on my lips slowly faded, I opened my eyes and saw a mess of rose red on Lucien's lips.
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MC: Lucien, the lipstick--
Lucien: It's all spent.
We reached out to each other at the same time, trying to wipe off the fainted lipstick. But no matter how you rub it, it will leave a shallow trace.
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We looked at each other in embarrassment and couldn't help laughing together.
MC: What to do.. am I ugly now?
Lucien: No, it's cute.
The eyes of the person in front of me are like water, and the sunlight seems to have washed away the complexities in these eyes, showing a bit of pure satisfaction.
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Lucien embraced me again and stroked my hot cheek patiently.
Lucien: Any other wishes?
MC: There are a lot more, I feel I can't finish it for several days.
Lucien: It doesn't matter, I will be with you for many days.
Lucien: Those missing seasons, let us make up for it together
Notes from me: I can’t helped but giggling and crying over this date. The writer really gave us how Lucien’s feelings towards MC. They will loved each other for sure, with any circumstances ahead them. My wish just, please give them a happy moment like flying kite maybe? Anyway, thanks for visiting my blog and always reading Lucien’s date, and give him love~ xoxo
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trashytummiez · 3 years
Could you write a story about Mina and Kirishima having a date where their appetites get the better of them, so they wind up all full and burpy?
Kirishima had always been meaning to ask Mina out on a date but every time he tried to work the nerve to talk to his pink-skinned classmate the butterflies in his tummy would always get the better of him and he'd always chicken out. So when she ended up asking him out instead it certainly made things a lot easier. She always knew how to make everything look so much easier than it was after all.
The two ended up going out to dinner which Mina insisted was really casual. Kirishima still kept trying to mind his manners all throughout dinner but unfortunately the red haired boy also had one of the most immense appetites within UA. Meaning despite his best efforts he ended up eating quite a lot more than he intended to eat but he just couldn't help himself. The food was simply way too good and the well-meaning boy ended up eating a whole heck of a lot more than he intended to eat on his first date with his long time friend.
But to Kirishima's surprise whereas most girls might have been turned off by his voraciousness Mina was right there with him every step of the way. He knew the pink girl had a pretty big appetite of her own but he never imagined in his life that she could ever pack it away an ounce as much as she had done on their date. It was surprisingly disarming and only worked to help Kirishima relax that much more around her which only encouraged him to eat even more as the night went on.
By the time they were back at Kirishima's place both teens were stuffed to the brim. "Unngh man I'm stuffed..." Kirishima groaned heavily and placed both hands atop his belly. He'd eaten so much that his tummy was bulging out as though he swallowed a beachball that rode his t-shirt up and exposed his bare stomach. It churned noisily while Kirishima rubbed it to try and soothe that persistent ache. His stomach felt so incredibly heavy and taut after eating so much in one sitting. "How're ya holdin' up Mina-chan?"
"Unnnnnnngh..." was the only reply he got when the bloated pink girl flopped down lazily onto the couch next to the red haired boy.
When Kirishima glanced over at his date and saw how much she'd managed to eat in full he couldn't help being impressed.
Mina's tummy was huge.
Like Kirishima she looked as if she swallowed a basketball. Though it was notably smaller than Kirishima's belly due to the strength of his stomach and his overall endurance it was nonetheless big enough that her own top was riding up and her shorts were both unbuttoned unzipped and even tugged down a little to give her big perfectly round tummy some much needed breathing room. But because of the nature of her acidic quirk much of what she had eaten was already well more digested than what Kirishima ate. Which was why Mina's stomach looked much softer and more sloshy than Kirishima's rock hard stomach.
"Dude I can't believe how full my tummy is right now," Mina said rubbing her belly and giving a strained huff in the process.
Kirishima couldn't help snicker at her adorable use of the word 'tummy'. "Heh at least we know you could kick Kaminari's ass if he tries to challenge ya to an eating contest," he said encouragingly.
Mina giggled but that soon turned to a sickly groan when the giggling made her tummy jiggle and slosh heavily.
Kirishima saw that and scratched the back of his neck bashfully. "My bad."
But Mina waved her hand dismissively and smiled at the sight of Kirishima's larger belly. "I'm still blown away by how much you managed to eat over there. You almost look pregnant!" She teased and gave Kirishima's big belly a teasing pat.
Kirishima blushed both from the joke and from Mina's hand thumping his tummy like that. Unfortunately that pat she gave disrupted some of the pressure that was brewing in his stomach. It wasn't long into his binge eating that Kirishima felt the need to burp really badly. But because he was around Mina he didn't want to embarrass her or gross her out with his crudeness especially if he wanted there to be a second date. All dinner long Kirishima desperately needed to burp but had been holding it in all night. He knew if he tried to let out muted ones to relieve pressure it would all come rushing up. And he knew if he gave any closed mouth burps those would still be loud enough to draw attention.
So when Mina's pat tried to work the pressure up his throat Kirishima desperately willed himself not to burp hoping instead he could excuse himself for a moment to leave long enough to let loose clear of Mina's earshot. Mina looked at him with confusion when she saw Kirishima clamping a hand over his mouth and looking mildly nauseous.
"Are you okay? You're not about to be sick are you?" She asked obvious to Kirishima's gastric distress.
All Kirishima could do was nod desperately in the hopes to holding back the pressure.
But then a thick gurgle erupted from Mina's own bulging tummy. And without a moment of hesitation Mina threw her head back and gave a huge throaty burp that completely caught Kirishima by surprise.
Kirishima was in awe. Not only was Mina even remotely embarrassed by letting out a big unladylike burp but she looked almost as proud as she did relieved the way she moaned in satisfaction and gave her belly such a hearty pat of relief after. Her tummy jiggled and sloshed heavily from the pat she gave it.
"Ohhhhhh yeah I needed that good god," Mina moaned contently then casually let rip another hearty burp. She turned to Kirishima and tilted her head. "Sure you're okay? You're sweating bullets."
Unfortunately since Kirishima was so awestruck he had almost forgotten how turbulent his tummy was getting when he tried to assure her that he was okay. Because the only thing that exited Kirishima's mouth was a giant burp that was infinitely louder than what Mina had just let out.
All that gas Kirishima had been holding in came violently rushing out of him like a bomb. That had to be one of the biggest burps Kirishima had ever let out. And the relief he felt was immense. But with that monster freed came all the pressure behind it.
Kirishima palmed the side of his bloated belly and brought a fist up to his mouth in time to give an incredibly deep closed mouth burp Mina could hear rumbling quite loudly in Kirishima's mouth. Then Kirishima gave an even longer and deeper closed mouth burp that made him wince from how hard it was to hold back from exiting his mouth.
He wearily blew the gas off to the side and sighed heavily giving his tummy a few hearty pats of his own. But he nonetheless blushed and gave a bashful, "'scuse me. Sorry but I really needed to get that out..."
Mina giggled loudly. "What are you apologizing for dude? That was a great one! Bet that felt amazing too!" She patted Kirishima's belly a few times then started rubbing it a little firmly. "Got any more in there?"
Kirishima was blushing immensely from having his tummy rubbed by his pink skinned crush. "Umm...p-probably..." he said timidly. Her rubbing was not only deeply sensual when his belly was so heavy and full but it was stimulating his stomach muscles enough to circulate more air in Kirishima's stomach.
He turned his head and gave a really big burp that he couldn't hold in.
Mina giggled some more. "Wow you really were holdin' back all dinner weren't you!" She said and gave Kirishima's tummy a few firmer pats.
"Well I was..." Kirishima paused to give a really deep burp that left him panting. "...AAAAAAUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRHP!!!! Ohhhh man...but yeah, I was tryin' not to embarrass you."
Mina tilted her head in confusion. "What by burping? Who cares? I'm not Momo dude! I wasn't gonna get grossed out or anything."
"Yeah but we were also in...buuuuuuuhhhp...unf...in public. It's not manly to potentially gross other people out when they're tryin' to enjoy their meals."
Mina simply gave Kirishima a smile and teasingly poked his belly button a few times which made him blush even harder.
"You're too cute sometimes," she said which earned a bashful smile from the muscular boy. "Well either way if ya gotta burp don't hold back dude! I'm definitely not gonna," Mina said.
And right on cue her own belly gave another thick churning sound which made Mina's face tighten.
That was until she gave a thick rumbling burp that rolled out of her for a few seconds. But Mina maintained that look and held up a finger.
"Mph wait there's more," Mina said in a concentrated tone. She gave her glutted tummy a few pats which drew Kirishima's eyes to her bulging pink belly watching its flesh ripple with each pat she gave and slosh like it was full of incredibly rich jelly. She gave another low rolling burp and followed it up a few shorter ones.
As none of the burps gave Mina any relief she huffed in frustration that almost resembled a mildly nauseous pout.
"Ungh hate when they get stuck like that," Mina complained gently stroking her tummy from side to side while it churned noisily. "Kirishima you wanna gimme a hand?"
The bloated red haired boy tilted his head in confusion. "Ummm...whadduya mean?"
"I mean literally gimme your hand silly!" Mina said and grabbed Kirishima's hand. The boy yelped and went as red in the face as his hair when Mina placed his hand right against the dead center of her utterly engorged belly.
It felt so unbelievably soft to the touch and was so fast at digesting that her tummy almost felt a little squishy the way Kirishima's hand sank mildly into her bloat.
"There ya go! Now all you gotta do is push down!" Mina explained.
Kirishima gulped thinly and anxiously. He'd never touched Mina's flesh so intimately before and something about holding her belly just made Kirishima feel incredibly funny. But in a pleasant sort of way he couldn't describe.
Pushing thoughts aside for a moment Kirishima took a nervous breath then did as Mina asked by pushing down into her tummy.
Straight away a rush of gas worked its way up her chest and Mina this spunky pink skinned girl expelled a burp so loud that Kirishima almost mistook it for a dragons roar.
Kirishima was amazed. Not only was such a monumental burp easily a record breaker but he could feel Mina's tummy rippling under his palm from how intense that burp was.
Mina looked dazed but oh so relieved when it ended the way she slumped in her seat and nearly went cross eyed.
"Ohhhhh wow...that felt amazing..." Mina moaned.
Though he was still blushing Kirishima gave a fang-y grin. "Dude that was manly!" He said and gave Mina's jiggling tummy a few pats.
Mina hiccuped from the patting then grinned at Kirishima. She subtly gulped down some air which made her tummy feel mildly tighter under Kirishima's hand. Then Mina burped that air back up in the form of the words "Th-AAAAAAAAAAANNK . . . YYYYOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!"
Kirishima was taken aback by Mina burp-talking so effortlessly and really stretching the 'you' out for as long as she could. It left her panting when she finally finished and managed a weary giggle.
She seemed to be helping Kirishima to get more comfortable because the manly boy took in a few gulps of his own and gave an even louder response to Mina's crass antics.
Kirishima successfully burp-talked the words 'anytime dude' with his eruptive dialogue getting louder with each word until he pushed out a really loud finish.
Both teens broke into a fit of laughter at their incredibly juvenile antics. Mina's tummy kept jiggling the more she laughed but with all that gas let loose it didn't hurt as much to laugh as prior. When the laughter subsided Kirishima smiled fondly. Because he was so much more comfortable now he began to gently rub Mina's belly.
The pink girl closed her eyes and sighed contently while Kirishima's hand gently stroked up to the roundest peak of her tummy and down all the way to her delicate lower tummy without reaching too low in case that made his date uncomfortable. But at this point Mina didn't appear uncomfortable with anything. She sighed happily and leaned against Kirishima and leaned further into his hand.
He continued to gently rub her belly and feel that odd warmth throughout his body. Kirishima couldn't explain it but the sight of Mina's tummy so big and round and the feeling of it brought an indescribable pleasure for the boy. A feeling that was more subtly matched by Mina whenever she caught a glimpse of Kirishima's belly in its bloated state.
Neither one could put into words what they were feeling. But they both knew that they very badly wanted to see the other getting stuffed like this again in the future.
Which all but guaranteed there would be a second date. And a third. And a fourth after that.
But for now both teens could very comfortably say this first date couldn't have gone any better.
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