#I am once again forced to conclude that I have A Type
honestlyvan · 2 years
Talk to me about Isurd and bureaucracy
Oh boy, so, I think Lambda's issues with structural inefficiencies and bureaucratic overhead produces a direct parallel between the way Taion and Isurd responded to Nimue's death. After all, we know that commanders get pretty free reign in how they run their colonies, and there are far less subtle examples of "the thing that is Wrong with this colony is also what is Wrong with its commander" in the game, so this isn't even too aggresive of a read, IMO.
For Taion, his bad coping is pretty front and center -- he's got a strong need for control, but also little faith in his own judgement; he's suspicious of other people's conclusions, but also defers to them when it comes to decision-making. He can't even fully stand by his own conclusions most of the time, because the more critical it is to get something right, the worse the runaway anxiety gets, and the more he slips into analysis paralysis. Taion doesn't trust himself, and doesn't trust anyone else -- so no decision he makes can truly be grounded, everything is up for second-guessing, and he can never have peace knowing he made the right call.
Isurd, on the surface, is kind of the opposite. He's very decisive, to the point where he tends to pull ahead of the pack because he's already two steps to a solution while everyone else is still catching up to a problem. Undoubtedly some of the problems with Lambda's system are that peacetime operations are more complicated and they're simply not equipped to handle them at this scale, but a larger problem is that even while authority diffuses down the chain, if there is a fuck-up, ultimately the responsibility will be his. Absolutely nobody is allowed to make judgement calls unless he's personally appointed them, and even then he retains a veto. Isurd also doesn't trust himself, and also doesn't trust anyone else -- so no decision can be made without a second opinion, and he has to run himself ragged not to slow the system he's set up down.
It reads as a kind of hypervigilance -- neither of them has fully dealt with their trauma, and so are mentally braced to react to a similar situation. Now, I do think to an extent both of them probably just are like that, naturally -- Isurd is the strategist of the generation, after all, and Taion is very curious and intellectually engaged in general, they're absolutely the kind of people where "comparing notes" is a kind of love language -- but it just kind of goes to show that sometimes bad coping looks like good coping, but too much. They're overprepared to respond to their own judgement failing, and it's wearing both of them down.
I think this reading of the situation also nicely harmonises with how little presence Isurd has in Lambda's quest line. By his own admission, he's been going through the war essentially on autopilot since Nimue's death, letting the problem grown unfettered just because he naturally tends towards hogging responsibilities. Delegating and leaving actual decision-making to other people is a step forward -- or at least a step sideways -- for him, and leaving Lambda and having to just trust that they'll be okay without his supervision would further help with that. He's at least trying to disengage, even if he's very bad at it, being a dumb moron workaholic who has to make everything into a production.
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percyluvr · 3 months
could you write a fic with clarisse and a nonbinary child of thanatos reader, where they absolutely DOMINATE in capture the flag?
clarisse la rue x gn child of thanatos!reader summary: clarisse and her s/o are undefeated in capture the flag wc: 1127
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It was widely known at Camp Half-Blood that if you weren't on Clarisse and her significant other's capture that flag team, you were on the losing team. Even before the two of you began dating, you were a force that no one wanted to mess with.
Your friendship had been very interesting for the other campers to witness, mainly for the reason that Clarisse seemed to warm up to you so quickly, almost as if there was an invisible string of fate tying her to you. The first time the two of you met, Clarisse was almost awkward when she spoke to you, and from then on, the two of you had been an extremely powerful force.
The two of you fit together like a puzzle, your minds always being on the same wavelength. If one of you strayed from the battle strategy you had come up with, the other could immediately tell why and what to do from that point on, which made capture the flag a breeze for your team.
You were sat in the Ares cabin with Clarisse, going over the strategy for the capture the flag, though it wasn't really necessary since the two of you were always in sync, but you thought it never hurt to be extra thorough. Even though the Athena cabin was on the opposing team, when they were usually on your team, the two of you were completely confident that you wouldn't have a problem winning.
"We'll charge together, but once we get through their second line of defense, you'll sneak past and grab the flag. Then, you'll go through the route we marked back to our base, and that'll conclude the game. Easy win for us, again," Clarisse states, making you grin.
The plan may seem simple, especially when it was the Athena cabin you were going against, but you had the entire Ares cabin on yours, and you had more faith in them for these types of things, but that's not to say the Athena kids are not master strategists, because they definitely are.
The next few days came and went, and it was finally time for your and Clarisse's favorite day of the month, capture the flag. The two of you shared a large breakfast, making sure to eat nutritious things to give you extra energy.
After breakfast, everyone headed to the forest and put on their armor and helmets.
"Thirty minutes until the game begins, get set up now. The games begin when you hear the horn, as per usual," Chiron says.
"Alright, does everyone remember the plan?" You ask, making sure that no one would mess up your victory, if that was even possible.
You heard many variations of confirmation, and so you and Clarisse sent everyone off to get into positions.
"You ready to absolutely dominate today?" Clarisse asks, as if she didn't already know the answer.
"Obviously, when am I not ready to hand someone's ass to them?" You joke.
Clarisse gives you a grin, and the two of you head off into the forest.
You two quietly talk for the remaining minutes, immediately focusing in when you hear the horn blast. You and Clarisse sprint off, slowly relaxing into a slightly slower pace to maintain your energy.
When you finally reach the other team's first line of defense, it was just as the two of you expected.
Clarisse knew that you were absolutely insane when it came to fighting, but you'd reached a new level in the past month of training. It was like the world had gone still except for you fighting. She was in the middle of a fight, and all she could look at was you. You fought like an absolute demon, your sword slashing so fast that she it seemed like you hadn't moved it at all. She could tell that you were still holding back, on account of it being a camp game and all, but she would've loved to see you with no restrictions.
It seemed like the fight lasted mere seconds, and all of the other campers lay on the ground. She stared at you in awe before coming back to her senses.
"Come on, we still have a game to win," she says to you, as if she wasn't just staring at you like you were a god.
When the two of you reached the second line of defense, you snuck off without a trace, something that you'd inherited from your dad. If Clarisse hadn't seen you fighting before, she would've wondered if you had ever been by her side in the first place.
You had no concerns about Clarisse fighting off the other team, so you quickly ran through the woods, fighting off stray campers that you came across.
When you reached the flag, you were astonished to find it completely unguarded. You wasted no time in sprinting over to the flag, grasping it in your hands and making a mad dash back through the forest.
You were careful not to step in any of the traps that the Hephaestus cabin must've made and placed strategically throughout the forest. You would've taken time to be impressed by how thorough they were with it, but you had a game to win.
In no time, you found Clarisse, signaling from the sides of the forest that you had gotten the flag. She grinned at you and finished off the fight she was in with some random camper, quickly catching up to you.
You made it back to your side in record time, hearing Chiron make a surprised noise and blow the horn, signaling the end of the game.
You jumped into Clarisse's awaiting arms. No matter how many times you felt her strong arms hold you, you would always be affected by it. There was something about feeling her hold you, knowing she would always protect you that made you feel all warm inside. She kissed you liked she'd been waiting her whole life to feel your lips pressed up against hers, and if you count about 2 hours as her whole life, then yes, she had been waiting her whole life.
When both teams had made it back to the river, Chiron announced that your team had won in a record-breaking 45 minutes, and you team shouted in celebration. You and Clarisse, however, celebrated by her taking off both of your helmets, picking you up into her beefy arms and kissing you with a passion that you'd never felt from her. She was just so enamored by you and how powerful you were that she never wanted to let go, but unfortunately had to so the two of you could celebrate, though she still didn't release her tight grip on your hand.
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The Senior: Years Later
Hello all! Before I start the next story in my “The Senior” series, I wanted to share that since I began writing, uploading, and reuploading these stories on here some things have changed. While I have been sharing my experiences with wedgies on here, these stories thus far have been about my experiences with them as a child and teenager. This didn’t initially bother me because I was sharing and, in a way, reliving these memories through my writing. But it bothers me now. 
Had my experiences with Chase concluded while we were both underage, I would have just stopped writing these stories all together. Yet this is not the case. So, this next part (and the final part following that) will take place four years after the previous story. When we were both consenting adults. I hope you enjoy,
I was sitting at home alone. Well, I was sitting alone in the house where I grew up. I was visiting my parents during a short summer break from the musical theater conservatory I was attending. I hadn’t been home in over ten months. The conservatory went by a unique school schedule, so the week I was home didn’t coincide well with my parent’s work. As both are teachers, they still had school. It was nice being away from my classes, rehearsals, and at my part-time work in Times Square retail. So, things were busy. I was on the couch, a bag of pretzels in my lap as I watched some current popular TV show. My phone vibrated.
“Hey”, the text read.
I immediately recognized the phone number. I had deleted his contact multiple times. I even blocked the number once. Yet, those numbers were as familiar as his name.
“Hey”, I text back.
I pause the TV, redirecting my attention to my phone. I pushed the bag of pretzels aside. The text bubbles (a new IOS feature at the time) visualized three dots, Chase writing a response.
“I saw you were in town. How have you been? Chase texted.
At this time, it had been years since we had communicated with each other. And even longer since we’d last seen each other. Last time I had seen him, I was a Junior, and he was in town on Spring Break from his college in Colorado. We’d met up at my place and almost gotten caught by my parents. We quickly averted detection by sneaking out through the garage, but the stress of the moment gave me pause. Had me so scared of being discovered as anything other than “appropriate” or “normal” that I had (again) cut Chase out of my life.
“I am in town, I’ve been pretty good” I type on my phone, before deleting it.  
“Yeah, it’s been chill”.
I send the text and quickly place my phone face down as far away on the couch from me as I can reach. The phone immediately vibrates, but I force myself to remain still. The similar pattern presenting itself. He texts, I reply, he texts, I reply. Then minutes go by with nothing. Those minutes used to torture me, even when sometimes those minutes turned to hours, or the rest of the night. I promised myself I wouldn’t obsess over this again. That I was better than this. I remained still for just over five minutes before gently reaching over to my phone.
“Give any wedgies in the big apple yet?” Chase texted.
He skipped passed the unnecessary formalities. I hadn’t wedgied any guys in NYC at that point. There wasn’t any time, and I had my own revelations I was working through. Within a month of living in NYC, I had come to understand and accept that I was so far in the closet that I found Christmas presents. I had started trying things on in my new “out” life. Mostly through chats on dating apps or…. well, that’s all I did. I was out to my classmates at school, but back home I slipped back into the guy I was before I moved to NYC. Chase had been out for years by this point.
“I haven’t, too busy! Lol =(“ I reply.
“I have been thinking about the one’s you’d give me.” Chase texts.
“Really?” I reply.
“Yeah, it was hot”. Chase replies.
I politely ignored the fact that I was sporting blushed cheeks. Also, my hard on. I was ignoring that too. My phone vibrated.
“Wanna come over? I can pick you up.”
I looked at the phone in disbelief. After all that we’d been through. The shame that I felt and sometimes still have. The times that we’d avoid each other at all costs. Here he was again, offering to pick me up. To spend time with him. To wedgie him. It’s as if the closeted, hidden high school version of myself peeled away. I stood up and hopped in the shower, but not before typing and sending my response.
“Sure, you know where I live.”
When I opened Chase’s front car door, he looks at me and it was simultaneously as if time hadn’t past while there were also apparent timely differences. Both of us now sported stubble, mine being closer to a beard. Yet, he still had that stupid plush dice dangling from his windshield. We chatted. I don’t remember about what. It was small talk, but I do remember there was a moment when he said something along the lines of “maybe you can’t do that, but you can give a good wedgie”. I remember how my hard on never subsided while sitting in his car. It’s funny what remains of your memories over time.
Chase pulls into the garage of his house. I had never been here before. He gets out of the car and nonchalantly enters his home, knowing I’d follow. There was a black lab that excitedly greeted me. I followed Chase into his room, and he closed the door behind him.
Chase’s room was the standard expected room of a teenager. Sports posters on the wall. His bass on a stand in the corner. A pile of clothes scattered on the floor. Chase noticed me looking at the pile.
“Find any underwear in there?” Chase asked.
“A couple” I reply.
Chase walks up to the front of his bed, taking off his grey zip-up and then tossing it on the ground. He stares at me a for a second as I stare back at him. He’s wearing a slim fitted light grey t-shirt and jeans. Chase then turns around, his back now facing me. I remember feeling awkward standing in that silence. Like I didn’t know how to fill it. We used to have so much to talk about. There were still things that should be said. Yet, I remained silent, lost in where to start.
“Do it” Chase said quietly. Almost as if through an exhale of breath.
His words snapped me out of my haze as if we were in high school flirting in our distant way. Our words and jokes that were just between us. Because no one, not even each other could ever know our true desire for the other. Except, we weren’t in high school anymore, and both of us since then had come out to our close friends, but more importantly to ourselves. That layer of shame was no longer relevant nor present. Nothing was stopping me.
“Do what?” I teasingly ask, taking a couple steps closer to him.
“Give me a wedgie. Please” and then he said my name. I don’t know why, but I found that hot. I was now directly behind him. It was again as if time hadn’t passed. Like I’d done plenty of times before, I lifted his shirt and fingered my way through the waistband of his jeans which also donned a brown leather belt. Once my fingers obstructively found the underwear, I made the waistband of them visible with a gentle tug. The underwear’s black waistband donned the word Hanes stitched multiple times in skinny white letters. The fabric underneath the waistband was dark grey.
I looked forward and clocked my own eyes in the reflection of the full body mirror to the right of Chase’s nightstand. I then locked eyes with Chase who was also staring at me through the mirror. It was like old times. I sharply tugged on the Hanes waistband and Chase arched his head and groaned as simultaneously the leg holes of the underwear came in full display above his jean’s waistband. That was new.
“I was curious” Chase said smirking slightly at me as I had him up on toes as held his underwear up in my grasp. Then I lift upward on my toes almost lifting Chase off the ground by his light grey briefs. My cock is at full attention now, obviously visible through the front of my black joggers. As I continue tugging at Chase’s underwear, on the occasion tug the bulge would briefly drag or rest on Chase’s ass. He knew where I was at.
I continue tugging, alternating between slow gradual pulls and quick pulsating tugs. On each pull, Chase varied his sound responses. Some were groans, quick exhales, and my personal favorite the occasional “ooh” or “ahh”. I got the grey briefs all the way up to his neck at the highest but I would then mess around with this wedgie by snapping the briefs against his back multiple times. I would also tug while pushing him forward only then to pull him back towards me, inching the underwear further in his butt. I at this point have never wedgied Chase in briefs. This made it exciting and new in a way I couldn’t begin to explain at the time, but thinking back on it I was likely excited by the arousal of it all.
The grey briefs were bunched, leg holes and all were above his jeans. I reach my hands in front of Chase, gently moving my hands towards his belt buckle. I slowly start navigating the belt buckle loose and I unbutton his jeans. I then abruptly pants Chase, leaving his wedgied ass full on display. Chase turns his head back towards me, smirking.
“Having fun?” He asks as he slowly pulls his briefs out of his ass and back into place.
I then lifted Chase toward me by his hips, so that his neck was right up against my face. I kiss his neck. Chase moans. I kiss his neck again, but this time as Chase moans I kiss him on the lips. Our first kiss. This right here was all I had ever wanted. His lips on mine.  He didn’t pull away. He turned around wrapping his arms around my shoulder as we continued kissing. His tongue quickly made its way into my mouth, and mine in his. I don’t remember gripping his waistband as we continued kissing, but when I opened my eyes for the first time as Chase was kissing my neck, I saw myself through Chase’s mirror, with his grey briefs lodged up his ass so hard that besides the fabric in my grasp there was no indication Chase was even wearing underwear. It was lodged that far up his perfect round ass. I tugged again sharply with my right hand while my left hand pulled Chase’s head back by his hair.
For a moment, we both simply stared at each other. No longer seeing the scared kids we were years before, but instead seeing ourselves as the men that we are. Men that are kind, yet long for another man’s attention, lust, maybe even love. Yet, in that moment we just remained present. In our own kinky way.
The kissing and the wedgies continued. I even let him briefly tug my blue Jockey boxer briefs softly up my butt, but he remained eager for his flossing. The only thing keeping me from ripping his briefs clean off him was the continued kissing, it was proving to be a weakness of mine. Over the next couple of minutes, Chase kissed his way down my body. From my lips to my neck, to my nipples, and further down my stomach. Chase was on his knees now, alternating between looking at my throbbing bulge and up at me. He looked so beautiful looking up at me, as if I could solve all his life’s problems. Chase slowly then lowered my black joggers off me while still looking at me. Pre cum was already staining the front of my blue boxer briefs as Chase lowered those too. This wasn’t his first time seeing my cock. Back in our high school days we dared each other to hold the others cock in the car for a minute. But this was certainly different. Especially because this time Chase was licking the pre cum off the tip of my cock before putting the rest of it in his mouth.
I audibly moaned as my cock was blown for the first time, overwhelmed by the sensation of it. The newness of it. The excitement of it. All of it felt like a lock was finally clicking open. My whole body recoiled when Chase took a moment to merely tickle my cock with small kisses. He’d told me he was hooking up quite a lot in college in the text exchanges we shared when we chatted briefly after he came out. Back when I was still so scared to accept that part of myself. Before I ghosted him.
“I always thought that you had a hot cock” Chase said looking at me.
I looked down at him, feeling aristocratic as I noticed his grey briefs still lodged up his ass. Chase went back at my cock again; except this time, I cupped the back of his head with my left hand, gently pushing his head inward so my entire cock could face fuck its way down his throat. My other hand between thrusts reached down Chase’s back to grip the grey briefs. As I alternated between thrusting my body forward and pulling on the underwear, I felt closer to myself. As if I was about to descend on the first drop on a roller coaster. I felt drops of sweat trickle off my chin. I looked down then, only seeing Chase’s brown hair and his briefs gripped in my hand halfway up his back, lodged up his ass.
It was then when I remembered the time he yelled at me after we got caught by a police officer. We were rubbing each other’s cocks in an empty parking lot with sunshades over the window of Chase’s car. How scared we both were. How we reacted differently. And then, how when I was a Junior in high school when I saw he had posted a picture on Instagram with a guy. A boyfriend. How betrayed I felt. How exposed that post made me feel. But also, how lonely it made him feel as well.
I gently let go of Chase’s briefs and removed myself from his mouth, pretending like I heard my phone vibrate. I made up something about my mom wondering where I was and that she needed me home. Chase understood, we dressed, and he drove me home. When we got back to my house, there were no other cars in the driveway.
“She wanted me to be ready to go by 4”. I said, trying to talk my way out of the lie.
Chase seemed like he understood, but I must give him more credit. It’s possible that Chase knew I was lying. Still, before I could get out of the car he stopped me. Gently his hand clasped into mine. Again, something new. He leaned in and he kissed me gently. For a moment, I succumbed to it. The desire and lust I still very much had from the past hour’s activities. Tongues touched. He still grasped my hand. And then as if I teleported, I was locking my front door, and he was driving away.
I ran to the bathroom, stripped off my clothes, and stepped in the shower where I preceded to go into my usual, comfortable, one-man routine of pleasing myself. I came within minutes recounting it all. Moaning at full volume as I came. My cum, shooting towards the top of the screen door in the shower, before then slowly trickling downward. As the hot water continued running down my hair and body, I felt both euphoric and lonely. Hoping that the phone would vibrate with a text from Chase saying he came or that he wanted to meet up again. Yet, I sat alone under the running water knowing that it wouldn’t.
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darklinaforever · 3 months
Let's be real for two seconds.
Viserys is the type of guy who will pass everything to Alicent.
Symbolically declaring war on Rhaenyra's marriage. Constantly suggesting that his grandsons are bastards. Calling Rhaenyra's children "simple beings", or something like that I think. Refusing a marriage between Jace and Helaena that he approved of, and instead letting him marry Helaena to Aegon. Remarks on Laenor's sexuality. Overlooking the fact that she tried to take Lucerys' eye. Brief.
Very clearly Viserys is far from being mean to Alicent and there she lets her do absolutely whatever she wants in general without ever punishing her. While these are relatively serious things that deserve punishment.
It's not an exaggeration to think that if Alicent hadn't stayed silent and said no to having sex with Viserys late at night, he probably would have agreed.
I'm not saying it's 100% certain, but it's very likely.
Alicent literally lied to him, and is still manipulating him at the behest of his father.
Becoming his wife therefore implies sleeping with him if he wants (in addition to always having made Viserys believe that she like him) and from her point of view, in relation to the religion she is a follower of, etc. It is her duty to do what her father and husband desires because she believes it is her duty as a woman, no matter how she feels. Duty. Sacrifice. Etc. So the problem here is not really Viserys. But the faith of the seven and Otto who instilled it in Alicent.
Once again, Otto is the culprit for his daughter's suffering.
Viserys is as much a victim as Alicent in my opinion. Alicent is in a union forced by her father that she never wanted. And Viserys is being manipulated by Otto and Alicent in order to be his queen, stay in his good graces, and have children so that there will be possible Targhtower heirs.
Once again, during sexual intercourse, he noticed that Alicent was staring at the ceiling and sought to catch her gaze accordingly and what did Alicent do ? She smiled, reassuring Viserys that she was probably fully OKAY from the Viserys point of view.
And then, I remind you that Viserys is not very smart and very easily manipulated. It took Rhaenyra telling him for him to open his eyes to the situation concerning Otto and Alicent.
Viserys is a fairly nice and simple guy, I remind you (even if yes, he screws up a lot). But stop seeing him as some kind of disgusting willful abuser in Alicent life... (look Otto for that)
Yes, from Alicent's unique perspective, without much thought, one can conclude that it was marital rape, and it kind of is, but if you take the whole situation as a whole, it's much more complicated than that. The situation is not all black and white.
I am told that I risk ending up in prison for making comments like this by a commentaters...
But what do you really think the justice system would think if they had all the pieces of the puzzle ?
Namely, that Otto forced his daughter Alicent to seduce Viserys to become his wife and queen in order to produce likely future male heirs to the throne ? And that during the sexual intercourse in question, Viserys noticed that Alicent actually seemed elsewhere, and consequently caught her gaze and she then smiled at him, telling him that everything had actually gone well.
Yeah... I don't think therefore that they would also live on the evil abuser and rapist Viserys. Probably / Maybe he would still receive some form of sanction for what happened in episode 4, but I think that justice would also and especially apply to the case of Otto who mentally manipulated his daughter so that she forces herself to do all these things with Viserys, also manipulated by these two in this affair.
The situation is not as simple as the Greens and Alicent stans try to make it out to be.
Yes. What is happening to Alicent is horrible.
But no, just saying that Viserys is a horrible rapist and abuser for Alicent is false for the second and quite more complex than that for the first option.
As I said, not everything is black, not everything is white.
Yes, Alicent forces herself to have this sexual relationship. But we must ask ourselves for what, for whom, and for what purpose ?
The scene actually has quite a context.
And again, if Alicent had simply said no, I don't think Viserys would have forced her to do anything, given the examples presented at the beginning of my post. That's what I think.
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 1 year
Someone Close By
TW: references to a difficult past, blood and burning mentions (nothing happens they're used in conversation, it's mostly just fluff)
Note: Villain is referred to as 'Tiger' once. Also, I am incredibly tight on time, n I just found this in my drafts, I will get to the asks, I just have 16 million hw assignments to do 😣
One of the most annoying things about Villain was his stupid habit of throwing out a cryptic "You'll see," when anyone asked why he was doing something. He responded casually and automatically, with a languid gaze. And it was infuriating.
So when Hero had asked another question, she was quick to add a "Don't say it. Don't you dare say it."
"You'll see," he replied, tone lazy and offhand, maybe even a little self-satisfied.
She slammed one of her fists on his desk. "Why can't you just answer the question like a normal person?"
"Show, do not tell." He shrugged at her nonchalantly.
"You- you suck at writing," she accused, wagging a finger at him. Anything to gnaw at his ridiculously inflated ego.
"Hmm, tragic." The sarcasm lined his tone, like a thin, sheer veil draped over an otherwise emotionless attitude. The more striking irony was the fact that he complained about being assigned essays for school and his piss-poor writing skills on the daily. Bringing it up wouldn't affect him, she learned. Not after that reaction.
"You're incredibly dense, you know," she breathed out, frustrated, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Mhm. And yet here you are, wasting your time conversing with someone as incredibly dense as me." He spoke with a hint of amusement, more self-satisfied than anything, his eyes still fixed on his computer screen.
"Sometimes," she attested through gritted teeth, "you have to force yourself to endure what you don't really enjoy in the slightest, for a greater benefit."
"Ah," he concluded, some sort of finality to his tone, "so you admit that you have to put up with however I behave." The corner of his lip twitched up only slightly, the ghost of a smile gracing his lips. Unlike how she'd anticipated, it hadn't seemed so ill-fitting on a normally emotionless visage.
"I could still break your nose," she threatened, letting her shadow fall over his seated form.
He only raised an eyebrow in response, the dirt-eating smirk still visible on his lips.
"You know, you seriously need to relax." He continued typing with his left hand, and he let the cool fingers of his right hand stroke up and down her arm, almost soothingly.
At that, she froze. "Y-you don't like. .  .you don't like touching people."
"True that," he admitted. "Does it make you uncomfortable?"
"No," she replied, before she could stop herself, and her face burned with an emotion she couldn't discern.
"Ah well, I remember you saying a touch could be calming?" At this point, he just sounded uncertain, a little confused if you will, every trace of the smug know-it-all from before vanishing.
"Yes, but I thought you were doing this to mess with me? Annoy me?"
This time, he finally met her gaze, lowering his hand to the desk again. "No. I think I've done enough of that."
She would rather be burned alive than to admit her arm felt cold where his hand had just touched. "That you have," she replied, rolling her eyes and earning a snort from him.
"It was reflexive. But I wasn't joking. You really do need to relax."
He was right, and she hated it. But she'd always been so tense; she couldn't even tell what being normal felt like to her. She didn't know it was so obvious that he could read it off her like a magazine.
"Do you want to watch a movie? I could use a break."
"You and a break? Don't you have a bad relationship with those? You never get tired," she mocked, smirking.
He turned around in his chair, "Not tired, just bored. Not doing something that important anyway."
Liar. He was both bored and tired, if the dark circles under his eyes and the way he seemed to slump, trying to let the tight line of his shoulders fade. He slowly ran a hand through his hair, a common tell for when he was exhausted. Except he hadn't known she could tell.
So, they found themselves sprawled out on the living room couch, the lights dimmed and a bowl of salted caramel popcorn resting on Tiger's lap.
He may have pretended to be a health nut, but deep down, he was a major sweet tooth. The movie playing on the flatscreen TV was terribly violent, gunshots and a ridiculous amount of blood featured in every scene or the other. It was definitely NOT the kind of movie one would relax to. Yet here they were, Villain was leaning back, one leg crossed over the other, and Hero had unclenched her jaw, her shoulders more slack now.
To the film's credit, there were a few light-hearted moments, mostly dark humour, enough to draw a laugh even out of him.
"He's not going to kill him," she said, completely certain.
"There would be no point of all this then. He's definitely going to kill him," he countered through a mouthful of popcorn.
And sure enough, he did not kill him.
"No way!" he protested.
"I've seen enough movies to read between the lines, kitty cat." She let a smug grin dance across her face.
The nerve of her. "Alright, Steven Spielberg, I get it," he huffed out.
The movie wasn't over yet. This was only half of it. Again, she found the fingers of his right hand running up and down her arm, his left currently sticky with caramel and tiny bits of popcorn alike.
The touch was relaxing, even with his calloused fingertips. Maybe even more so. "Do you want me to change the movie?" he asked softly, reaching for the remote.
He must've taken notice of how the line of her shoulders went taut only slightly. A scene in the movie where an older sibling took the pain to save the younger ones. The way it was acted out hit a little too close to home. "No. I'm fine really, and besides there's not much time left, and I wanna know what happens."
"Anytime you want me to change, just say it." And he continued caressing the skin of her arm absentmindedly. If she focused on that, then whatever the movie dished out wouldn't matter.
There was much worse she'd lived through, much more provocative to her triggers. At least right now, she had the comfort of someone close by.
✨️Le Taglist: @larinzz @syberianjade @lateuplight @altu-interactions @enbious-prince @astr0-mj @thelazywitchphotographer @addictedsandwhichaki @justalittlecorrupted @quaggasus @theangstyclown @vernilliom @mothmancommitsarson @starssabove @kurai-hono-blog @talkingsperm @catsarecool00 @muffinrebel44
Wanna be on the taglist? This'll take you there!
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wifiwuxians · 8 months
pls you're one of the very few people who make life as an yi city squad fan bearable. i had to filter the whole xiao xingchen tag because there is almost nothing but xuexiao. that ship comes with the worst characterization of xxc,sl & aq that i ever had to read with my own eyes. i don't care if i'm the minority,it's such a squick to me too. even mxtx was like "xuexiao? a-qing and xxc are closer to each other and yet they aren't a ship. why would you ship xuexiao?". so you're not weird for not liking it. (and i'm glad i can enjoy some awesome yi city art without having to endure endless braindead takes like "song lan is secretly lan qiren and he forces xxc to repress his true nature,xxc was happier with xue yang!!")
Oh noooo akrdnmxnxmdnaotndks I never go into any of the tags for the characters for this reason too, things I have filtered just slip through the cracks constantly, and I'm not much of a fic reader as it is but I think this would genuinely ruin my day. the hatred some shippers have for sl and aq is absolutely ridiculous and i cannot endorse it. if it makes you feel better, i think just about every ship has a lot of people writing things for it that just don't make sense or are flat out bastardizations, it's just probably a lot more obvious when it's a ship that is, um, well, rocky. to my knowledge all my moots and pals who ship it are huge song lan and aq lovers/enjoyers too and like they'd have to be, right, to have even found me LMAO JDJDJSJ and they are also like fully aware that it wouldn't work out canon wise (so theyre not saying things like WTF THEY DESERVED EACH OTHER STUPID MXTX) AND are totally open to my takes and my work, so i am very grateful every day to have met understanding people who respect my boundaries (of course i also have many friends who are squicked out too i'm just saying coexistence is possible and don't let anyone tell you otherwise) 💖
tho you genuinely lose me and my support if you write things like that, where you don't understand the characters and make them embittered obstacles to your ship and try to twist them into monstrosities simply to justify your tastes. like no. you're wrong. you don't know what you're saying. He Would Not Fucking Say That etc. and also to whoever wrote that take, i am speaking to you directly: xxc still pined over sl all those years so no, he wasn't happier. he was just happy. also we literally don't know what their lives were like together, we just know they were close enough that sl allowed xxc to touch him without issue despite the fact they can't have known each other for more than a year or two. Do Better.
as much as i may not be a fan of sxx, though, i also wanna say i really do admire people who are writing like 500-chapter fixit type things just to make them work out, and i did once read a fic of them i liked! it was sweet. it's just the total exclusion and hatred of sl that i can't even make an effort for (among other things but again im not here to make anyone feel bad, like i have NO ROOM to talk with some of the shit i make), like i know i won't enjoy it sksk we all have tastes
all in all I'm really happy you enjoy my work!!! It means a lot for me to hear and I'm honored to be one of the few, because if there's one thing I get a kick out of more than anything else, it's being unique LOL
AND JUST TO CONCLUDE: even if a friend of yours dislikes a ship you like so much that they request you not talk to them about it, it doesn't mean you can't be friends! Close friends even! BEST friends perhaps! Everyone is different, that's the beauty of it etc etc of course it's great to share the joy but don't let things like that limit you 😊😊😊💖
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paulythide · 1 year
A teasing peak!
Hello, this is a small tease of the upcoming One-Shot (Or is it a One-Shot? I don't know. I am having so much fun!)
Nevertheless, please enjoy it. Also, I'll try to post some art about my Dragon Age characters!
Also, if you wish to support me, please donate to my Paypal account. It will help me with keeping up a constant set of updates and schedules, as well as putting more Art for my works!
See you soon!
The concept of immortality, once a lofty aspiration and a coveted dream, has become a reality for a select few whose lives have persisted for countless centuries. However, as time continues to pass without end, the novelty of eternal life has given way to a sense of ennui and frustration. What was once a blessing has become a burden, an endless cycle of existence without the hope of release. The weight of immortality was heavy, and those who bore it were left to grapple with the ramifications of their eternal existence. Especially to those who remember what it was and the old glories of past times.
Still, it left a sense of purpose to those who have lost something significant. Revenge was often the only reason an immortal person would continue on with their dull existence. And no one knew more about immortality and retribution than an old woman by the name of Flemeth. A human, a witch, an old woman with even an older soul. A lingering reminder of what took place such a long time ago. A carrier of vengeance which would not rest until the purpose would be concluded. But that was still a dream for her. While waiting for her ultimate revenge, Flemeth's role in history has been to look out for essential roles in history, sometimes even push actions that could change the outcome of crucial moments. Out of boredom? Perhaps. Out of a need to do the right thing? Maybe. Whatever the reason for Flemeth to involve herself in certain situations. Flemeth's goals were mysterious.
Nevertheless, Flemeth could feel the winds of change coming again as she stared ahead of her, watching the smoke and fire from a safe distance.
"And so, once again, the Blight comes back to the surface," Flemeth spoke, sensing and smelling such a familiar scent. "An old soul tainted again."
Flemeth knew that the Blight could become an uncontrollable force if it was left untouched and with the current state of the world. It could be perilous.
"I wonder, what type of hero will rise against it?" Flemeth muttered to herself, pondering about the possibilities of meeting such a person. If it comes to that, she'll help that individual or individuals, just like she has done in the past. Humanity could benefit or a new leader. Who knows? Flemeth's pastimes to see ages come and go were genuine without entertainment. However, deep inside, she knew that it would not be forever. Flemeth and her old companion were awaiting their final dance that would soon come. But until then, she'll make sure the world doesn't burn.
"Oh, mother, there you are," a voice snapped Flemeth out of her trance as she could recognise the voice of her daughter, Morrigan. "Looking at the view?" 
Flemeth snorted, hearing her daughter's peculiar snarky, and sarcastic tone, which shouldn't surprise her. Flemeth raised her to be like that, after all.
"The Blight is coming once again, child. And it's starting here, on the Korcari Wilds," Flemeth responded as Morrigan stared at the darkened smoke that the Darkspawn were causing. Morrigan's face frowned, and instead of fear, was a sense of intrigue.
"I see," Morrigan only replied. "No doubt, the valiant Grey Wardens would come and save us all."
"No time to jester, girl. If we are not careful, the Blight could spread all over Ferelden. And only a Grey Warden can kill an Archdemon," Flemeth stated, scolding Morrigan's lack of understanding of their current situation or how dangerous those old souls of forgotten times could be. 
Morrigan said nothing, just stared at Flemeth, simply munching her words. Before sighing. "Of course, mother."
Flemeth nodded as she glanced at the horde of Darkspawn slowly climbing their way up from the Deep Roads, corrupting everything they touched. It was going to be a long year for Thedas, for Ferelden. Especially if the Grey Wardens were slow.
"Let go, girl. We must make sure to prepare."
"Prepare for what?" Morrigan asked her mother with a confused face.
"I believe, soon enough, we may have some visitors."
Morrigan's perplexed expression deepened as she obediently followed her mother, Flemeth. However, their departure was interrupted by an abrupt and intense sensation that coursed through their bodies, causing them to shiver involuntarily. The magic within them reacted to the foreign and unfamiliar presence, catching them off-guard and unprepared. It felt as though something or someone had infiltrated their very being, leaving a fleeting yet distinct impression that lingered long after it had vanished. The unknown entity had left them with goosebumps and an unsettling feeling of being violated by forces beyond their understanding.
Morrigan had her staff in her hand as she took her time to breathe in and out, trying to calm herself and her magic. "What was that?!" She exclaimed to the forest ahead of her, warning of any possible threat lurking in the shadows. But she knew no one was there.
Flemeth, an old woman, who has known many songs, was left speechless. She had no idea what that was. It was so unnatural, unknown, and not belonging to their world that it took time for her to regain her senses. The soul within her, that spirit. Mythal, an Elven Goddess, or whatever she was now, seemed to have been shaken too. And for an Elven Goddess, for a being thousands of years old, to be so afraid of such an unsettling feeling. It must be for an excellent reason.
"Girl, we must get back home," Flemeth whispered as she glanced West. Not being able to shake the sensation of something arriving so far away. Where the draws of the map of the known world ended. But Flemeth and Morrigan weren't the only ones who felt that sensation. Across Thedas, worldwide, to all users who possessed magic in their veins. They all felt that foreign invasion of their being, a quick shivering and unsettled sentiment of stupor and anxiety. 
And in the Fade, that wave was felt even stronger, as spirits, demons, and the fabric of the dream world itself shocked under the pressure of an unknown power making itself known. But what was it? Not even the oldest spirit could say. But they knew, mages, demons, and spirits alike, that a new entity as entered Thedas.
The rhythmic clang of metal striking metal, an ode to the blacksmith's craft, reverberated throughout the sprawling encampment. The cacophony of hoofbeats, the tramp of soldiers, and the ceaseless bustle of supply wagons coming and going created a mesmerising tableau for those unaccustomed to the sights and sounds of an army camp. Even intimidating, as such a view reinforces the idea that war was upon them. And it wasn't against a neighbouring kingdom, but something far worse.
And for a young mage whose life has only known the Circle. The exterior world seemed quite strange.
"So much noise," In a hushed tone, a youthful girl struggled to maintain pace with her surroundings. She found herself unaccustomed to manoeuvring around so many people or being mindful of her footsteps. The hallways of The Circle of Magi were consistently pristine and simplistic to navigate. She knew where everything was and could even travel with her eyes close. But here, things were utterly different.
"What is it? Not used to walking around so many people?" A warden by the name of Alistair called with a gentle teasing voice. The girl glanced at him and awkwardly nodded.
"Yes, it's weird to see so many... different people," She replied anxiously. "I am still getting used to... all of this."
Alistair smiled at the young girl. He knew how hard it had been for the young mage. The things he learned about her and the debacle that happened after her Harrowing made him realise that she was a gentle soul, thrust to join the Wardens. However, Alistair couldn't help but feel sorry for her. She is too young. Alistar sighed deeply, looking at the girl who couldn't be older than fifteen. 
From what Ducan told him, this young girl was beyond her peers. A truly one-of-a-kind mage. Intelligent, dutiful, compassionate, and incredibly powerful, the latter worried the Templars because, of course, they would be concerned about a young, powerful mage. Nevertheless, Alistair felt responsible for her, especially after spending time travelling with her. She was too innocent and afraid of the outside world and would be forced to join the Grey Wardens, and he didn't know if she would survive the Joining.
Alistair shook his head and glanced back as they walked towards the destination. "I... I heard you still have a family? Lothering? You did mutter something about it."
The young mage looked up to him, surprised to hear him say that. "You heard?"
"Ah, yeah, well, I have a good ear," Alistair chuckled nervously as he realised he had not yet disclosed his past as a Templar to her. Hearing and watching was a trait all Templars learned as a skill to continuously monitor Mages in case they planned something. A bit snobbish if Alistar could say so himself, but it was something he still had and was difficult to unlearn. "So, did you try to meet them?"
The young mage's lips quivered briefly as sadness poured from her face but soon vanished as she only breathed slowly. "I only know little. I have a few second cousins. The Amell Family used to be a big noble house from Kirkwall. I think... or very wealthy. I don't know how my mother ended up in Ferelden. I never had the chance to ask her."
"Ah, could you ask her? Ask for some references to where they could be? Y'know...?" Alistair asked, chuckling before the young girl's face darkened.
"I doubt it. My mother is dead."
Alistair felt like slapping his face as he groaned silently. "You're an idiot, Alistair," he muttered as the young mage tilted her head at him.
"Did you say something?"
"Oh, uh... look at the sky, beautiful?" Alistair quickly replied as the young mage stared back at him, quite amused.
"Mmhm, I guess?"
The youthful mage found herself puzzled by Alistair's enigmatic nature. Despite this, she couldn't help but relish the time spent in his company. His attempts at humour, though often lacking, were endearing, and she appreciated his efforts to lighten the mood. Through their interactions, the mage had come to view Alistair as a kind and considerate individual, always striving to ensure her comfort and ease. And she appreciated it immensely.
Soon enough, both arrived at a small camp on the edge of Ostagar and there, the young mage found herself surrounded by a group of strange people.
"These are the Wardens?" She muttered slowly, holding her staff tightly with fear in her eyes, like a baby deer in the forest.
"Recruits," Duncan said as he appeared from the shadows of the camp, holding a sort of scroll. "They are all recruits. Each of them came from a different background, either from Dalish, a noble house, an Alienage or the deep kingdom of Orzammar. But after becoming a Grey Warden, all of that won't matter at the end of the day."
Duncan stated, observing the group of people. A more significant set of recruits than he intended. Yet he felt that it was not enough. Against the Blight, it was never enough. However, Duncan had a duty. They all have a commitment to Thedas, to the world.
"Alistair, here, these are the instructions to follow. You know what to do," Duncan said as Alistair groaned internally, as he could sense a sort of stress rising among the recruits.
"Of course, Duncan," Alistair sighed, already feeling a sense of tiresome.
"Good. I have a meeting with the King. Try to take to be hasty since if our scouts are right. The main Darkspawn horde should arrive here by nightfall."
Upon hearing those words, a few of the other recruits threw disapproving and uneasy glances in the speaker's direction. Duncan had already departed, leaving Alistair to bear the full weight of responsibility for all of them. As the only active Warden in Ferelden, it fell solely upon Alistair to manage the situation.
Alistair just rubbed the back of his neck as he chuckled nervously. "Yeah... uhm. Why don't we start with introductions? My name is Alistar. I am the current... and only Grey Warden, besides Duncan, I mean."
Alistair stared around and could only hear some eerie silence. No one spoke to him, which was quite insulting, at least to him. "Eh, what about you?" Alistair asked the Dwarf, whose cold and emotionless face could be mistaken for one of a dead person.
As the rest observed the scene, they noticed a Dwarf perched atop a large boulder, seemingly in his own little world. He meticulously polished his warhammer as soon as his gaze fixed on the group with a steady, serious expression. He took a deep breath, and with a deep voice, he spoke.
"Lofrag Aeducan, I am from..." Lofrag paused, realising that he had been exiled for a crime that he did not commit. He tightly closed his hand and then let out a long breath. "Was from a noble house of Orzammar."
The flow of the conversation continued, as next to the Dwarf, leaning on a pillar from one of the ruins of the abandoned fortress that was Ostagar, away from the light, a hooded person was standing. The person emitted a hissing sound, suggesting annoyance and irritation.
"Lyna Mahariel of the Sabrae Clan," With a confident flair, the Dalish revealed her face, proudly displaying her Vallaslin. It symbolised her deep connection to her people and their ancient traditions. Although for some, a mark of ancient glories.
"Is that Mythal's Vallaslin?" Another elf asked, and Lyna could only reply with another hiss.
"Yes," Lyna said, inspecting the other Elf. "I am surprised you know about it. You don't seem to be one of us."
The other Elf frowned deeply as he stared at the Dalish Elf. "What do you mean by not one of us? I am an Elf too!"
"You're an Elf, but not a Dalish. My people," Lyna replied, almost scoffing at him, even looking down on him as if he was something else. "You're from an Alienage, aren't you? I can smell it from miles away."
The Elf was hurt by the other's sneering tone and attitude, which made them feel even more inferior. It was particularly painful coming from someone who should have been more understanding and compassionate to the suffering of their specie.
"Now, now, let's get along. We are in this together," Alistair stated nervously, trying to dissipate the tension away. 
The Elf in question glared at Lyna before looking at the group. "I am Kalian Tabris... I am an Elf from Denerim's Alienage. And proud of my race."
Lyna could be heard snorting on the side, almost mockingly, but Kalian decided to ignore it. 
"My name is Catherine Cousland," another woman spoke, yet that voice sounded almost depressing, a whisper even. Alistair knew who that woman was and had heard from Duncan what had transpired with the Cousland family. Catherine seems to still be grieving the death of her mother and father, but more importantly. Deep inside her, the desire for vengeance was growing. 
Although the other individuals in the group were all grown adults, with some even having prior experience in combat, the young mage girl appeared to be overwhelmed as she stood before them. Their intense gazes bore down on her, and she struggled to summon the courage to introduce herself to the group. Thankfully, Alistair gently nudged her, smiling at her, calming the young girl.
"Hello," she spoke nervously, almost stammering. "M-My name is Elia Amell! And I am Mage, from the Circle of Magi!"
The young girl spoke nervously, feeling all the gazes upon her now.
"You're so young," Catherine whispered, amazed and worried. "How old are you?"
"Fifteen..." Elia responded, suddenly feeling everyone looking at her in shock.
"Fifteen?" Kalian repeated in a whisper, trying to come up with terms about the age of the young mage. Even the Dwarf Lofrag gave a sort of amused stare at the girl.
"A child?" Lyna muttered, equally surprised, if not a bit offended, to be put next to a child. "It is wise to have such a young Mage with us?" Lyna asked abruptly, giving Elia dirty looks, to which Alistar simply stepped ahead, looking at Lyna directly into her eyes.
"She is the best the Circle of Magic can offer. Otherwise, she wouldn't be here," Alistair stated firmly, glancing around the group, almost daring them to speak up.
Lyna huffed, but in her eyes, there was a glimpse of worry for the young mage girl. It seemed that Lyna was not as heartless as she appeared to be, or maybe it was for some other reason.
"I meant no offence, Miss Elia," Catharine replied gently. "Just worry, that's all. But I trust your abilities."
As Elia gazed at Catharine, she couldn't help but notice a certain aura of protective warmth emanating from the noblewoman. It was almost as if Catharine was assuming the role of an older sister, seeking to ensure Elia's comfort and security throughout their joint travels. Elia didn't mind, honestly. 
"Thank you," Elia muttered, suddenly looking down, avoiding everyone else's gaze.
"Whatever," Lyna quietly expressed her concern while quickly glancing at the girl. Shortly after, Daveth and Jory showed up as new recruits, but no one paid much attention to them.
"Well, now we all know each other, we can now hold hands," Alistair stated, as the silence of each one of them was his answer. "Fine, don't hold hands, meanies."
That did bring a soft chuckle from Elia, which Alistair thanked with a playful wink.
"Now, we had a task at hand. We are to go to the Korcari Wilds and seek some ingredients. The faster, the better."
"So be it," Lofrag grunted, standing up and putting his warhammer on his shoulder.
As the rest of the individuals gathered their gear and began to walk away, it became apparent that each of them had a distinct motivation for being there. One person may have been seeking a fresh start, a chance to begin anew, while another was driven by a desire to make amends for past transgressions. For someone else, it may have been an opportunity to seek retribution. Regardless of their individual reasons, they were all on the cusp of becoming Grey Wardens - a group of misfits who would ultimately play a pivotal role in a war that would forever alter the Thedas, for better or for worse.
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aurata-rin · 2 years
FFXIV Write, prompt 2: Bolt
With another sheet of paper discarded into a pile, Narumi exhaled an exasperated sigh.
Too much black ink on that one.
She felt rather than saw Zenkyo’s gaze rise from his book to look at her. She was sure he was either cocking a brow at her or smirking in amusement. In fact, it was not improbable for it to be both at once.
“I did not think you would struggle this much with the basics.” He commented.
Yeah, he was definitely smirking.
“I have a good eye for the arts, but that skill evidently does not extend to my own hands.” Narumi responded back with a huff. She found another clean sheet, raising her eyes only to look at the diagram behind her tutor. She did not meet his eyes.
“Most learn this within a week. We are approaching the third.” Zenkyo clicked his tongue. “Perhaps the Chihara--”
“You will be paid for your time, Master Hirasaka. Unless you find the pay disagreeable?” Narumi interjected before he could finish his thought.
“I am certain you know I have no shortage of opportunities, should I wish for work elsewhere.” He smiled at her. She could sense it from his tone of voice.
“Yet you are close to spending three weeks tutoring me in the basics.”
“I thought you showed promise.”
Past tense, she noted. A challenge, or a dismissal? As she guided the brush of black ink across the paper, she furrowed her brows. Surely she was not a completely lost case? She already picked up on the fundamental theory. And the more basic sigils. Was she simply too ambitious in her efforts to learn?
The black brush was replaced with one dipped in red. The last one had just enough of it. The black strokes seemed to have been balanced out this time. If she could just replicate the red patterns of her previous attempt…
Her concentration was momentarily disturbed by Zenkyo’s tea-sipping. Had their roles been reversed, she would have shot him a glare.
Alas, she had no such luxury. He might just admonish her if she even looked up to make a visible note of it.
Focus, child.
She forced her hand to move again, mindful of which stroke she was at.
“Did your clan not abandon the art?” Zenkyou asked, gazing out at the open field he had picked for their lesson. Something about fresh air and a healthy flow of aether. His golem dummy still stood a short distance away, unmoving.
“They pursued martial arts over more scholarly skills, yes, but we have always kept our old documents safe. They are a trove of knowledge for those who know how to decipher them.” Narumi returned the brush to the side of the small, portable table they had brought with them. 
The talisman looked fine, for once.
“And you seek that knowledge. Personal gain? Fame?” The man questioned further, his eyes following her as she stood.
“Curiosity.” She replied, this time looking straight at him.
And a bit of petty revenge. She suffocated the thought at the back of her mind.
“You convinced your family to pay for my tutoring merely to sate your curiosity?” Zenkyo did not sound shocked. It was amusement more than anything else, Narumi concluded. He was not the type to be concerned for anyone’s financial status - so long as it had no bearing on their ability to pay him.
He did demand hefty fees, but he was one of the best in the area. Traveling all the way to Bukyo to study was simply not an option; Zenkyo’s tutoring was her best alternative, and beyond his apparent attempts to get under her skin, he was entirely competent. He knew exactly what he was talking about.
“As it turns out, onmyojutsu is still a perfectly respectable field, Master Hirasaka. It did not take much effort to convince them it would be a boon to the clan to have someone once again pursue it in the family.” Narumi smiled, though it did not reach her eyes.
“If you continue to pursue it,” Zenkyo shook his head, his cup of tea cradled in his hands. With one hand supporting the bottom, he tipped it up for another sip.
“I will.” Narumi assured.
“You will?” He asked regardless.
“I will,” she repeated.
His gaze found hers again, and he stilled.
Without even a glance towards the golem -- towards her hand extended toward it with the talisman caught between two fingers -- she smiled. She smiled at Zenkyo, eyes full of such confidence he soon snapped his gaze to the sheet of inked paper between her fingers.
Streaks of purple enveloped Narumi’s arm for a mere moment, until it coalesced around the talisman. The static screeching halted for a split second, made the hairs on Zenkyo’s neck stand on end, and then released. A bolt of energy shot from the paper and collided with the golem in less time than it took for either of them to blink.
Zenkyo looked to the target in time to see it tip over and slump to the ground with a thud-- no, several thuds. The arm had shattered into multiple chunks of clay.
If even Zenkyo was caught off guard, Narumi had either committed the equivalent of a crime in his eyes, or succeeded above expectations. Which, realistically, were probably not high to begin with, but it was a vast improvement regardless.
Honestly, she did not want to stick around to find out just yet.
“I shall see you tomorrow, Master Hirasaka. I am afraid I have work to do at the manor.” Another of those mirthless, polite smiles. She turned before he could smile back, leaving him with the broken golem and twenty-something discarded (and failed) talismans.
Zenkyo watched her walk off, his eyes drawn to the hand that held the talisman. The streaks of charred skin was enough to tell him there had been a little too much red again, but it was mostly contained by the black strokes to counter-balance it.
He leaned back against the tree behind him, a satisfied smile on his lips.
Well, even birds need to learn how to fly.
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Shinzo Abe's Speech at the Moonie-Affiliated UPF's "Rally of Hope"
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The following is Shinzo Abe’s speech from the September 2021 Rally of Hope. Bolding was done by HWDYKYM. Yamagami is known to have seen this video in March or April 2022. 
I am Shinzo Abe, former prime minister of Japan. It is an honor for me to speak at this Rally of Hope hosted by UPF in the presence of heads of state, parliamentarians, and religious leaders from 150 countries, addressing today's problems and engaging in dialogue on how to create a better world, especially in relation to the peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula. 
My hopes are high for Think Tank 2022, which is set to be launched this time, to play a significant role. In honoring Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon and all of you, I would like to express my profound thanks for your tireless efforts in resolving disputes in the world.
While the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics were held amid the ongoing pandemic, they have become a special historical event and were safely concluded amind much hope and inspiration. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone around the world for their support. Despite numerous hurdles, including an unprecedented one-year delay, no athletes allowed to go outside of the athletes' village, and games held without spectators, seeing athletes who attended the opening gave the world much-needed strength and inspiration, and I think we lit a path for the future.
Sharing such inspirational moments transcending ideology, religion, ethnicity, nation, and race enabled the world to once again realize the bond that unites humankind.
Globally, people are experiencing anxiety over COVID, where people are trying to decided whether totalitarian states or democratic states are superior. Human bonds can never be formed by force. Inspiration and sympathy must be voluntary, and the bond between people should be based on freedom and democracy. Some countries, including totalitarian and hegemonic regimes, are attempting to bring about change by force. Political maneuvering of this type should stop. Thanks to my advocacy for a free and open Indo-Pacific, this strategy has been adopted by the US, Europe, and the world at large. For a free and open Indo-Pacific strategy, however, the Taiwan Strait must remain peaceful and stable. Thus, the need for more solidarity between countries that share the values of freedom and democracy—such as Japan, the United States, Taiwan, and South Korea—is more pressing than ever. 
I appreciate UPF's focus on family values. As stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “the family is the natural and fundamental group unity of society.” Let's beware of so-called social revolutionary movements with narrow-minded values. 
History has always been moved by great passion for the ideal in all ages. An ideal always finds itself confronted by barriers. Obviously, a fight will ensue. 
It is passionate fighters that have changed history. We will need passionate leaders if we are to achieve solidarity between countries sharing freedom and democracy, maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, and achieve peaceful reunification on the Korean Peninsula. These Rallies of Hope will give us much strength; of that I am confident. Thank you very much.
A letter from the National Network of Lawyers Against Spiritual Sales to Shinzo Abe (9/17/2021) - in Japanese only
Abe’s “ties” with the Unification Church were politically motivated
Leni Robredo is a progressive Moonie-supporter?
Pope Francis meets Moonies at the Vatican – he was asked to support UPF in Seoul 2020
FFWPU President of IAPP Prosecuted for Money Laundering and Drug Smuggling in US Court; may be connected to UC / FFWPU Leadership
Complaints of corruption and a call for help from members of the UC in India
The Assassination of Shinzo Abe & the Unification Church Hak Ja Han, Founder of Universal Peace Federation (UPF) declared she is “Female Jesus”
0 notes
inchigo · 3 years
Hello! Can I request male reader fucking gojo with a little bit of him crying. If you don't want to you can
order up! ♡
My Plaything
warnings: sub!gojo, dom!malereader, dacryphilia, forced orgasms and overstimulation
summary: Gojo tries his best to survive while you use him as you please, playing a game of “how many times can I make you c*m before you go braindead”. Spoiler, he loses.
notes: I once again wrote this at the late/early hours of 1 am so if there is a typo then squint and carry on.
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Gojo’s fingernails dig into your back, carving red welts into the sweating skin as he moans underneath you.
“Please, y/n,” he pleads, cum covered chest heaving. “I already came, please…”
The headboard smacks against the bedroom wall in a viscous rhythm matching the pace of your thrusts as you speed up. You ignore him completely and push his legs flat against his chest. Gojo gasps as the angle deepens your reach inside him, head falling back against the bed as his body tenses up. He’s close and you know it.
“No, I’m going to… I’m going to—!” Gojo squirms in protest yet wraps his legs around your waist, digging his heels into the meat of your ass until both of you are pressed together. He squeezes his eyes closed and shudders through another orgasm.
You let him grind down and grin as his chest is painted again. “You’re starting to look like a true slut, Satoru. Another orgasm within three minutes? I must really make you feel good.”
Gojo blinks drearily, gaining his senses again and slurs out your name. You hush him sweetly and give an experimental thrust. He instantly shakes his head and whines out something unintelligible.
“What was that?” You snear and give another thrust, taking the time to slide every inch of your cock back in. “I couldn’t hear you.”
Gojo jolts with each cruel thrust so soon after another orgasm. He pushes at your chest harder, but he’s so spent that it feels like a weak tap to you.
“P-please I can’t go again, I’m too—.” His sentence breaks off into a shivering moan.
“How many times has it been now?” You ask, a few inches from his face.
Gojo shakes his head. “I don’t- I—.”
“I told you to count,” you remind and add a hard thrust to get your point across. It shakes his body and he gasps, dazed eyes blinking up at the ceiling as he tries to calculate the amount of times you’ve made him cum within the past two hours. It’s cute, seeing him try so hard while being at your mercy.
“Four… times?” Gojo answers carefully, knowing the punishment for missing count.
A kiss to the temple is his reward. “Very good!”
He closes his eyes and begins protesting again before you even have a chance to speak. “But I can’t go again, y/n. I’m so tired already, four is enough.”
“Satoru, do you have a favorite number?” Is the next question asked, his babbling once again ignored. Your thrusts have slowed down to let him think.
Gojo opens his eyes, confusion clear in the expression. “What?”
It’s is just a trap and his foggy state let’s him fall for it. “A favorite number, I’m sure you do.”
“Yeah it’s six,” Gojo answers far too truthfully for the type of person he knows and should remember you are. “But what does that matter?”
“Six it is then,” you conclude eagerly and roll back into him. The look on Gojo’s face as he realizes the fate he just sealed for himself is too priceless.
“No,” Gojo begins and tries crawling backwards out of your reach with a sudden burst of panic. “I can’t cum two more times, nothing will come out! Please, y/n!”
You move after him, pressing the weight of your pelvis down to pin him. “Two more times should be easy for you, you’re the strongest after all Satoru. Come on, I’ll count them down for you.”
“No, y/n, no no!” Gojo pleads, starting to become frantic much to your excitement. “I beg, y/n, don’t do this!”
“Be quiet, Satoru.” You sit up on your knees and lift his legs to your chest, holding them together by the ankles with one hand. Gojo clenches around you and you’re reminded of how close you truly are to cumming too. Which won’t do, can’t cum before he gets through these last two and that just means you’ll need to make him finish fast. A steadying breath is taken to anchor yourself before starting off with a brutal pace. Sound of skin slapping, headboard banging and Gojo’s cries of pleasure filling the room again.
His ass is off the bed, held up for him to be used like a fleshlight. Gojo’s hole clenches around you every time your cock slams back in, making his legs shake in your hold.
“Too-too much,” Gojo whimpers. “You’re filling me up too much.”
You hush him once more, holding back your own moans and kiss his ankle. “You can take it, Satoru. Take all of it.”
Gojo writhes on the comforter, head inching closer and closer to the headboard as you fuck him up the bed. “T-too much too fast!”
“But you feel so good around me, Satoru. I can’t help myself.” Each thrust punches out a stuttered string of moans from his mouth in sync with every other sound. All a result of you.
Gojo bites his lip to stop the noises, putting his hands between the headboard and him.
“Oh don’t hold your voice from me, I love hearing how good I make you feel.”
Gojo shakes his head, breathing heavily from his nose as his lip begins to quiver. Your attention is instantly trained to his face as it twists up in an attempt to stop what you know is inevitably about to happen. He sniffles loudly, seeming to shock himself and momentarily make him forget he had been trying to remain silent and let’s out a loud sob.
A shiver runs down your spine at the miserable sound, your hips jolting then halt upon almost cumming right then and there at the sight of fat tears falling from his blue eyes. Gojo begins wiping them away only for more to take their place, completely incomprehensive to the fact that you had stopped moving altogether.
Another shiver takes over your body and you swear under your breath at the sight: his bottom lip trembling, shaking hands covering crying eyes, and his pale chest covered in his own filth heaving after each gasping sob. It’s hot, so hot and you want to make Gojo look even more disheveled than he already is.
“You make such a pretty mess, Satoru.” You breathe, voice darker than before. “Once we’re done, I’ll have you lick it all off my fingers. How does that sound?”
“Shut up!” Gojo cries out sharply.
It truly takes you by surprise and if you hadn’t stopped moving before then that would have made you pause. “Looks like you still have an attitude even after cumming your brains out four times, what a shocker, Brat.”
All hesitation gone, you angle your hips just right and give one single hard thrust right to his prostate. A high whine leaves Gojo’s lips, confirming you are in the right position, smiling to yourself and continuing as he moans for you like a slut and grips the sheets. His knuckles turn white with the fierceness of his grip, thighs tensed so tight they quiver like a vibrator against your chest. He’s close, and so are you but you don’t let up once until Gojo’s sobbing out profanities upon release. Your fingertips leaving bruises on his skin as you cum in him finally, thrusting uneasily until you fill him up and both lay weighted in a messy pile.
With a sigh you take two fingers and swipe them through Gojo’s cum and bring it into his sight. “Looks like stuff did come out, Satoru. I knew you could.”
Gojo turns his head away, tears still falling and twitches as you pull out. “Leave… me alone…”
“Look at me, Satoru~” You whine and rub his thighs lovingly, letting the shaking limbs fall on either side of you. “Pay attention to the one giving you pleasure.”
Gojo shakes his head, only able to physically pout as a last resort to hang onto any ounce of consciousness before going completely brainless from over exerting himself. It’s adorable, seeing his swollen lips puff out and brows pinch together so pitifully.
But it’s not enough.
“Don’t be so cold, please, pretty boy~” You ask softly and start kissing up his body, licking up the cum your mouth catches with an appreciative hum that synchronizes to Gojo’s weak whines of disagreement.
You continue to rise up his chest, latching your lips around a pink bud and lick. The squirming is instant as your tongue skillfully twirls around it, planted heavily on him as Gojo tries pushing you off.
“Not there… too sensitive- mm!”
“That’s the point, Satoru.” You remark teasingly and move to the next, nipping hard.
Gojo jumps, blinking through tears. “It feels weird, y/n, I-ah!”
The teasing did the job of making him hard again for you. His cock rest red and irritated against his stomach. Firmly, you take him in your hand and start stroking.
Gojo kicks away, wanting to escape the unpleasant sensation you’re causing again and refuse to stop. You soothe him once more, “One last time, pretty boy. If you’re a good boy and cum one last time I promise we can be done and I’ll take care of you.”
“No no please, please, y/n. I can’t cum again, it hurts so bad.” Gojo grabs your wrist tight and you stop.
His face is then covered in kisses. “Shh, Satoru, it’s okay. Don’t you want to be good for me?”
The grip loosens enough for your hand to move freely and he nods, sniffling so sweetly. “Yes…”
It makes your heart jump, earning him a kiss to the forehead. “That’s my good boy, now just breathe for me.”
Once again, you stroke his cock at a gentle pace and let Gojo thrust into your hand. He holds onto your shoulder, nails digging in and picks up the pace on his own. You swipe your thumb over the slit on his tip and tighten your grip as Gojo thrusts up, knowing he’s close already.
“Keep going, you’re so close.” You whisper into his ear, grinning wider because your words are making him move his hips against the pain.
“H-hurts!” Gojo mewls through gritted teeth.
“You can take it, pretty boy, keep going for me.” Another few thrusts and he tenses under you again, gasping with your name on his lips and arches off the bed. You coo into his ear, praising him through a dry orgasm that lasts longer than the others, mouthing at his neck until Gojo is jolting deadweight again.
“There we go, Satoru. Six orgasms, I’m so proud of you.” He’s covering his face again, chest moving unevenly. You smirk, leaning down and kiss his hands before pulling them back to reveal tear stricken blue eyes. They fall faster once meeting your sparkling gaze at your handy work.
“You were such a good plaything.”
©2021 inchigo. all rights reserved. no reposts and other modifications allowed.
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Billy Loomis And Stu Macher x Reader- Our Favorite Girl (Slight gore warning)
...(Trigger warning, stabby stab)
“Hey newbie!” 
You looked up from your textbook to find Stu Macher prancing up to you. With a polite smile, you greeted him.
“Hi Stuart.” you said. “How are you?”
“Hey! I said you didn’t have to be so ‘oooh hi Stuart I’m so prim and proper.’ “ he laughed out loud. “We’re friends aren’t we?” 
“I guess so.” you laughed nervously. “ Um...what’s up?”
“I’m havin’ a party and you’re coming!”
“Parties?” You frowned. “I-uh...” you wanted to reject the idea. You hated parties and your parents would probably blow a fuse if they knew what was going on around town. ‘Stuart, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Why not, kitten?” he winked. “Afraid to be seen with little ol’ me?” there was a darkness behind his words that you couldn’t ignore. “Don’t like being out after dark?”
“I’m not the partying type is all.” you shrugged. “If you hadn’t noticed, I’m not the most popular person around here.” you stared down at your shoes. “I just don’t wanna ruin your party. I’m the last person you wanna be seen with.”
“It’d make me real happy, kitten.” he stepped forward and slipped his fingertips under your chin and made you look up. “Please? Just for a few minutes.”
Call it weakness, but you couldn’t say no to him.
“Okay.” you smiled lightly. “I’ll go”
“Great! Don’t worry, it’ll be super memorable.” he winked as he skipped off. 
Later on, you were walking to your locker only to bump into Adam. Typical bully. “Hey Y/N. Heard you were going to Macher’s party tonight...you gonna wear a dress for me?”
“No.” you answered curtly. “It’s amazing how you don’t seem to have anything better to do other than shove your nose into my business.” you hugged your books to your chest. “Can I go now?.”
“Hey...is there a problem?” you turned around to find Billy Loomis stalking up to you. You had seem him a handful of times but never actually talked to him before. “You...where do I know you from?”
“I sit behind you in English. We had a project together once.” you replied sheepishly. “Stuart forces me to sit between him and his girlfriend at lunch when they’re fighting. You talk to me from time to time...”
“Stuart...” he raised an eyebrow. “You mean Stu?”
“mhm! You probably don’t remember me because I never reply...” you nodded. 
“You goin’ to his party or somethin’?”
“He asked me to go.” you trailed off. “You’re going too, right?”
“ Why? Excited to meet me there?”“ he smirked, totally ignoring Adam at this point. 
“I mean...” you stared down at your books. “I was hoping someone I’d know would be there.”
Billy raised an eyebrow at you. You gave off a shy aura and for some reason he was into that. He and Stu had been planning a massacre, and they were gonna blame that damned Sydney Prescott. It was the perfect crime. 
“Hm...I’ll see you there.” he winked at you, then sent a death-bringing glare at Adam. “Problem, handsome?” he sneered as he passed the athlete.
... at the party
“Not even three hours in and I have to hide...” you cursed yourself out. “Damn asshole...!” 
Adam was informed that you had arrived and was looking for you, shit!
You ran into the kitchen, losing your breath. “Billy?” 
The suspect in question whipped around. Billy was holding what you assumed was the house phone and instantly hung it up. “Hey...”
“Am I glad to see you.” you sighed.
“Somethin wrong?” 
Billy was in the middle of executing his plan, but for some reason he couldn’t help but want to talk to you. 
“Adam is looking for me.” you sighed. “Could I...stay here with you? Please?”
Billy smiled, darting out his tongue to run across his bottom lip. You were absolutely adorable. “I have a better idea.” he smirked, walking up to you. “Why don’t we send him a little message?”
“You have a girlfriend.” you put a hand on Billy’s chest. “I c-can’t.”
“Not anymore...she dumped me for Randy.” he tusked. ”Figures right?”
“Well...that’s her fault...you’re pretty cool.” you bit your lip.
“So...” Billy tilted your head up towards you. “Let me-”...he gently kissed your lips. While it felt wrong, you melted into him. He held the side of your face in his hand. Sidney wasn’t your friend, not by a longshot, but you still respected her. The fact that Billy was so willing to kiss you, like this.
“For once...stop worrying about other people.” he mumbled against your lips. “Just live in the moment...shit I know what I want...you know what you want...so act on it damnit.”
“Are we still talking about getting Adam off me back or-”
“Shush...don’t think.”
“Kinda hard to when your girlfriend is in the other room”
“Shut up.” he shushed you, tightening his arms around you. You kissed him back with just as much urgency. How would the others react, seeing this...seeing you. Billy backed you up against the counter. Before it could get any farther, you both heard screaming, girlish screaming. 
“What the hell was that?” you asked, feeling your heart race.
“Stay here.” Billy ran in the direction of the noise, leaving you to stand there in terror.
You could hear screams and cries for help, followed by what sounded like gleeful laughter. You were left frozen in place as a man with a mask on his face kicked open the kitchen door. 
You immediately braced yourself with a kitchen knife.
“Stay back!” you warned. “I will cut you!”
“Easy kitten, I’m not gonna kill ya.”
Call it ignorance. Call it instinct, but there was something familiar about the way this stranger spoke to you.
“What did you just say?” you dared ask this man. “Did you just call me kitten?”
“You’re naive, childish...and adorable...like a little kitty cat.” the way he laughed under the mask led you to believe he was laughing with his tongue stuck out.
There was only one person that you knew who spoke like that. You slowly lowered the knife and walked up to him cautiously. The figure didn’t move in the slightest. You were standing toe to toe with him. 
You cautiously raised the mask only revealing the bottom half of the strangers face...only they weren’t a stranger.
“Stu.” you concluded.
“....You said my name.” he flirted.
“Care to explain?”
“In a bit...got something to take care of.” he straightened his mask again before disappearing again.
It was only less than a minute before Stu came quite literally crawling back into the kitchen.
Stu doubled over, holding his stomach as you rushed over to his side. “Stu?” you put a hand on his forehead. “Stu, please don’t be dead!” you winced. “It’s okay, you’re okay.” That damn Sidney...she must have had something to do with this.
“Y/N...it hurts.” Stu moaned in pain. “Hold me?” 
You wasted no time in gathering him to the best of your abilities. He rested his head in your knee. You hummed thoughtfully, shushing him while you used his sweater to apply pressure to his stab wound.
“Y/N, are you sure you aren’t an angel?” He shamelessly flirted, smiling through his pain.
“No, I’m not.” you giggled. ”Save your energy.”
“I’d have more if you just gave me those lips of yours...” he winked. Just to shut him up, you kissed his forehead. 
“Not what I meant, but works for me.”
 As you chided the poor boy, Sydney ran into the kitchen, screaming at the top of her lungs while Billy also wounded stumbled behind. 
“Billy??” you gasped in horror. Seeing you must have caused him to loose his footing, because he slowed his movements. You laid Stu on his back and urged him keep his sweater over his wound. 
You scrambled to your feet, eyeing Sidney with a glare no one had ever seen you wear.
“Y/N! You’ve got to believe me! They’ve been the ones doing this.”
“I find that really hard to believe that when you were just standing over Stu with a bloody knife.” you seethed. “Your own boyfriend? Really?” you dared step closer.
“Y/N! They’re manipulating you!” she began crying. “You have to see it!” She was obviously hysterical.
“Then give me the knife.” you faked calm, cautiously stepping towards her. “Give me the knife...and we can-” you stopped yourself. You looked over at Billy, praying he wouldn’t be mad. “We’ll call the cops.” you you held your hand out.
“WHAT?” Billy seethed. You avoided his gaze. Hopefully he wouldn’t sense your fear. 
“Trust me...” you said, just barely above a whisper. You were mostly talking to Billy, but had to make it look like it was directed at her. “We can get out of this...”
Sidney (very stupidly) outstretched her hand, the one that was holding the knife. Once it was within your reach, you grabbed her wrist, and grabbed the blade with your free hand, throwing it to the side. You tackled to to the floor and held her down.
“Crazy bitch.” you mumbled. She began thrashing, and screaming bloody murder. You were eventually able to get the best of her. “Whoever is the least dead...COPS...NOW!” You struggled as Sidney screamed. “This bitch is out of her mind!.”
“I have a better idea.” A seemingly fine, and now very much not dead Stu rose to his feet, a sick smile plastered on his face. The knife had slid over to him and you hadn’t even realized. You were too focused on keeping Sidney on the floor.
Suddenly you were yanked back into Billy’s arms as a sharp object came down from above, plunging through Sidney’s chest. 
“Oh my god!” you buried your head into Billy’s shirt, trying to block out the terrible sounds you heard the terrible sounds of skin ripping. 
“Shhh it’s over babe.” He shushed you. “It’s okay.” he stroked your hair with his bloody hand. Stu laughed manically as he wiped the sweat off his face. 
“Some party huh.” Stu cackled. He wasted no time in sandwiching you between himself and Billy.
“You had us thinking you’d betray us, Kitten.” Stu dug his head into your shoulder.
“Y/N would never do that to us...she’s our good girl.”
“You guys are-”
“And this party was-”
“Smart girl.”
“And now that you know our little secret, we’re never letting you go, kitten!” Stu laughed. 
“And if you tell anyone, we’ll have no choice but to take you down with us...but you won’t do that to us, will you?” Billy asked, nuzzling his head into your neck.
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enchantestuff · 3 years
hatred - Charles Leclerc
I think I might make this into a mini series with an enemies to civil with each other to friends to lovers kind of vibe but I'm still not sure, anyways here's Charles x reader wanting to rip each others throats but instead end up ripping each others clothes off
gonna dedicate this to the lovely @yungbludz​ happy birthday <33
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warnings; smut as per usual, Charles being very egotistical, choking, language, enjoy <3
2k words 
part two
It was safe to say you and Charles hated each other. You knew hate was a strong word, but you also knew that you felt nothing but hatred for the man. You hated his cocky smile and the fact that everyone seemed to be obsessed with him. You also hated the fact that you had to spend the whole weekend with him.
You worked for Ferrari, meaning that, unfortunately, you had to spend a lot of time with Charles. You were actually excited when you first got the job of being Charles Leclerc's PR manager. You had admired the driver and couldn’t wait to work alongside him, but that all changed once you actually met him and realised what an ass he really was. Everyone else loved him, of course, because he seemed to be nice to every single person on the planet except you.
You and a select number of the Ferrari team had been invited to a special charity event taking place in the ballroom of a luxurious hotel. You had all decided to check into the hotel the day before the event, in order to save time and familiarise yourself with the venue. Of course, according to your job description, you also had to run through the possible questions Charles could be asked with him.
Although Charles loathed you, he had to admit you were good at your job and managed to prepare him for every possible scenario, which is why he hadn’t begged Mattia to fire you, at least not yet.
You sighed as you reached the check in desk, all you wanted to do was flop onto the hotel bed and sleep until the morning. You gave the lady behind the desk your name and watched as she quickly typed on the computer in front of her. “Ah yes, Y/N and Charles, room 506”
Your eyes widened at her words as you shook your head. “No no, that can’t be right” you pleaded as you leaned your arms against the counter.
“Im sorry ma'am, but the booking is for the both of you” she explained with apologetic eyes as she handed you the room key.
“Take your time, Y/N. Not like we aren’t all exhausted from our long trip” you heard Charles scold from behind you. You quickly turned around and shoved the room key into his chest.
“Politetly, go fuck yourself, Leclerc” you muttered as you shouldered past him and walked straight to Mattia on the other side of reception. Mattia sighed once you walked over and gestured for you to begin arguing with him, he knew it was going to happen.
“Why? Why would you stick me in a room with that-that imbecile!” you snapped.
“Listen, Y/N, i know how much you dislike him and vice versa, but everyone had to be paired with someone and I thought this was the best option for you both” he explained with a soothing voice.
“Why do I have to be with her?” you heard Charles ask from behind you. You felt small standing in front of him, his broad frame practically trapping you between him and Mattia.
“Y/N is your PR manager, it's her job to prepare you for this event” Mattia once again calmly explained
“And she couldn’t do that over breakfast?” Charles inquired, you could feel his tense gaze on the back of your head and you whipped around scoffing at him as you placed your hands on his hips.
“Don’t act like this was my idea! Not everyone wants to share a room with you Charles, get your head out of your ass”
Charles opened his mouth to throw a rude remark your way but Mattia stopped him before he got the chance. “The both of you are sharing this room, whether you like it or not. I think everyone would prefer if you took this time to sort out your problems instead of bickering like children. I’ll see you both at breakfast. Goodnight,” he scolded as he walked off with his luggage in tow.
You felt your cheeks redden as embarrassment creeped up your shoulders. “Are you trying to get me fired?” you accused Charles as you grabbed your own luggage and made way for the elevator.
He shrugged in response, “Wouldn’t be the worst thing” he muttered, stepping inside with you. You pressed your floor number and sighed in frustration. “Can you stop breathing so loud?” he groaned, rolling his eyes.
“It was a sigh, dipshit.”
“Trust me, i don't want to be near you as much as you don't want to be near me”
“Glad we're on the same page” you replied, stepping out of the elevator and storming to your room, which in hindsight was a foolish idea as Charles had the key and you had to wait for him as he took his sweet time walking up the hallway.
He unlocked the door with a smug look on his face and stepped in before you, dropping his luggage on the floor as he surveyed the room. “You have got to be kidding me” he complained once he saw the double bed in the middle of the room.
“Oh what is it now, Charles?” you asked as you shut the door behind you “is the carpet not to your liking? Is it too bright? Are there no chocolates on the pillow” you continued and slipped off your shoes, “do you want me to - oh shit” you cursed as you saw the predicament you both were in. “Looks like you're sleeping on the floor” you shrugged whilst walking towards the bed.
“I am NOT sleeping on the floor,” Charles complained.
“What? And you think I am?” you argued, once again placing your hands on your hips.
“I don’t see why not,” he commented, crossing his arms across his chest.
“I am not sharing a bed with you, Leclerc! So you,” you jabbed a finger at his chest, “are going to have to step off your mighty throne and take the gentleman approach and sleep,” jab “on,” jab “the floor,” you snapped.
Charles raised his eyebrow as he stared at you. You could cut the tension between the two of you with a knife, it was almost unbearable. You had never fought this long, somebody had always interrupted you both before you got the chance to really push each other's buttons. “I'm going to say this nice and slow, sweetheart,” Charles growled, taking a step forward, you in turn took a step back as you removed your finger from his chest, “I’ll take the high road, we can share the bed just this once, as long as you stop acting like the spoiled princess that you will never be” he continued to walk towards you as he spoke and you were eventually trapped against the wall.
Charles moved his hand to lie on the wall next to your head, the distance between the two of you becoming smaller and smaller by the second. “I might be ready to step off my throne but are you ready to be a good girl and step off yours too?” he concluded. 
“Bite me, Charles” you retorted and something in the both of you snapped as you grabbed his face in your hands and he roughly grabbed your waist. Your lips violently pressed against his as your tongues practically fought against each other. You almost moaned at the force of his kiss, but refused to give him the satisfaction.
Charles pulled away, giving your mouth a final short kiss before he moved to mark your neck. “Come on, princess. Stop being stubborn for once in your life and let me hear the noises that you can make''
You however kept your mouth shut, Charles smirked and shrugged his shoulders. “If that's how you want to play it,” he smirked before gently grabbing your breast and slipping his hands into the waistband of your leggings. He rubbed circles on your clit as he pinched your nipples. “I want to hear you, sweetheart,” he grunted.
You rolled your eyes back in pleasure and involuntarily let out a moan. Charles felt his dick twitch in his pants and cockily grinned as he kissed right under your nose. “Good girl,” he whispered. It wasn't long before his trousers were discarded as well as your own leggings. You hadn’t moved however and were still pressed up against the wall. “Are you sure you want this?” he asked and although you felt your heart skip a beat you rolled your eyes at him and nodded.
“Yes, please just - just hurry up” you squirmed against the wall. That seemed to be all the validation he needed. He slowly put a condom on before easing into you. You scrunched your eyes at the uncomfortable feeling and tapped him to move. Your lips parting on their own accord as the feeling was replaced with pure pleasure. Charles forcefully grabbed your legs and wrapped them around his waist, providing him with a better angle for both himself and you.
“O-oh shit” you moaned as you scraped your nails down his shoulders to his arms, which left harsh red marks in their wake. Charles moaned at the feeling and you were almost aroused by the sound. Almost.
One of Charles hands were digging into the soft flesh of your thigh while the other moved to wrap itself around your neck, his signature pinky ring digging into the flesh of your skin causing you to mimic his actions and let out a moan at the pain.
“You like that?” he grunted as he continued to thrust into you, lightly placing some pressure on your throat, not enough to suffocate you, he didn't hate you that much, but enough for you to enter a state of pure bliss.
“I hate you, Leclerc” you found yourself muttering but you certainly did not hate him at that very moment.
“Feelings mutual, love”
You continued to scrape your nails across his back, desperate to pull more moans out of him. Charles however, didn't like being the only vulnerable one and removed his hands from your throat, he grabbed both of your hands in his own and shoved them upwards, beginning his assault on your chest.
Your toes curled as he hit all the right spaces, you knew you were close but you really didn’t want to be the first one to let go. Charles could feel the clenching of your walls and smirked into your chest. “Are you close, princess?” he asked, bringing his mouth to your lips and for some reason you found yourself kissing him back.
“No” you blatantly lied.
You moved your head closer to him when he pulled away but he refused to connect your lips once more and you found yourself pouting at the lack of attention. God, how pathetic had you become.
“Now, i knew you were a spoiled brat but i didn't take you for a liar as well”
“Glad to know your ego has no off moments, Charles” you scoffed and were about to start an argument before he began slowly pounding into you, his precise thrusts made it extremely difficult to formulate a sentence let alone hold onto the knot in your stomach. So, against your brain telling you not to, you let go.
You would have fallen onto the ground if it wasn’t for Charles' strong grip trapping you against the wall and his own body. The noises that he made as he reached his own high caused your heart to flutter in your chest and you began to wonder if having sex with him was a bad idea.
“Are you okay?” he asked after he had pulled away from you. You nodded your head as you furrowed your eyebrows
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” you asked.
You were surprised the both of you were capable of having a normal conversation, but you supposed nothing could be normal between you after that.
Charles gently ran a finger across your neck and by the look on his face you knew you looked worse for wear. “I kind of lost myself in the moment, I’m sorry if I hurt you. Really I am” he clarified.
“Its okay” you sighed as you rubbed your neck, “lets just go to sleep”
“I’m still not sleeping on the floor”
“Just stay on your side of the bed, Leclerc”
816 notes · View notes
mid-weast · 3 years
Will you keep it down? | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: You and Jungkook attend the same university and have been neighbors for 3 months now. It drives you crazy that he plays loud music at 2AM, and it drives him crazy that you barely acknowledge his presence.
Pairing: Jungkook x Female!Reader; Black!Reader
Words: 2.6K
Genre: enemies to lovers, student!jungkook, student!reader, fluff, mention of smut, angst? (in the form of bickering back and forth).
Authors note: Hi hi! This is the first fic I’ve ever written so if it’s bad I’m sorry. Also it is unedited so if there's grammar / spelling mistakes I'm sorry again! Also this is catered toward the reader being Black but I hope it can be enjoyed by everyone. Thank you for reading! Feedback is appreciated ok love u bye!
Even though you were studying in your room, his knocks were so loud you nearly jumped out of your skin. You had expected a reaction, but not a full-on explosion.
You and Jungkook have been apartment neighbors for about three months now, and a constant problem is that he blares his music hella loud late at night. Of course he’s a music major so he listens to music a lot, but at this point you don’t care. It doesn’t even seem like he’s working on composition homework anyway, just being an asshole with no regard for his neighbors peace. Now don’t get yourself wrong, you're not just some uptight bitch who complains about everything. Well, you do have several pet peeves but over the years of going to school in Korea you’ve picked and chosen your battles very wisely. In most cases you let things slide. You wouldn’t care at all about someone playing the music loudly, but it is 2 AM, and while you’re up studying you know a lot of your other neighbors are trying to sleep.
You tiptoe toward your front door and twist the knob slowly. You only open the door wide enough to be able to see his face. It’s not that you’re scared that you’re in danger or anything, and you rarely back down from people giving you a hard time. But you were tired, wearing a big ass t- shirt and short shorts (your regular sleep attire), and it was late at night. So if anything was going to pop off you felt pretty vulnerable. Even though you’re the same age, he towers over you and you find his size kinda intimidating.
As usual, you have to crane your neck to see his face, and your view of him is limited by the narrowness in which
you opened the door.
“Can I help you, lil boy?”
From what you can see of him, right away you can tell that he is pissed. Dawning his usual attire of a black sweatshirt with the hood up, black sweats, and stomp a hoe boots, he stood extremely close to your apartment door with his arms crossed. His usually wide, puppy dog eyes are now pressed in narrow slits. His normally pouty lips are formed in a hard line, and his jaw is so clenched you could carve an ice sculpture with his jawline.
"Who the hell do you think you are? You called the cops on me? Are you INSANE???" Jungkook shouts.
Obviously he's mad, and despite the amount of times you've gone back and forth he's never raised your voice at you. The old you would have screamed back at him, but over time you've tried to respond to anger with calmness. Also, you were a little scared because this mf is kind of big.
"I already told you if you keep blaring your music at 2AM, I was going to do something about it!" You respond in a hushed whisper, slightly concerned that your elderly neighbors will be even more disturbed by the noise. "I've told you this a million times, and you barely do anything about it. If anything, it's gotten worse like you're doing it on purpose. People are trying to sleep and I'm trying to study, why is this so hard for you to understand?"
He sucks his teeth. "You're such a little snitch. And I've already told YOU that YOU can't tell me what to do."
"I know I can't...but they can," you nod toward the exit, referring to the police officers that most likely just left out that way with a tiny smirk growing on your face.
If it was possible, he clenched his jaw even harder and you think that he's going to pop a blood vessel. He pushes his way into your apartment, which sends you stumbling back and you grab the door handle to regain your balance. This causes you to close the door shut.
"Hey! What the hell do you think you're-"
He steps right up to you and leans down into your face.
"Who the fuck do you think you are, seriously??? Why are you such an annoying little brat? Just because you're a nerd with no friends who gets no play doesn't mean you can take your bitterness out on me.”
You have to laugh in his face at this point because hello??? First of all, who is he talking to? Second of all, you have told him a BUNCH of times to turn his music down late at night. You didn't think that was too much to ask. As far as you were concerned, being aware of your noise level when you live in an apartment is the universal bare minimum for being a human being.
"ME? Who do you think YOU are? Actually let me tell you. You're an entitled little rich boy who thinks he runs the world. I don't give a fuck about how popular you are on campus, how many people fall at your feet to be around you, and how many hoes you have, you cant talk to ME like that. And how are you going to try and tell me about myself when it's too much of a task for you to be a decent neighbor? I've never done anything to blatantly bother you, so why can you just.." You started to panic because usually when you raise your voice out of anger, your voice cracks and tears threaten to pool out of your eyes, but you tried to get a grip and not back down..."why can you just be nice to me so we can live in peace? Is that too hard for you???"
He looked kind of taken aback by your question. Being nice to you? It never crossed his mind. Also, you kind of had a point. When the semester started and you both moved in on the same day, you would shoot him a small, friendly smile in passing but you never seemed interested in getting to know him. He always wondered why that was. It's not that he had a problem talking with girls, since all he had to do was breathe and girls would come flocking around him, but you would flat out ignore him. Even at all the major parties at the beginning of the year and on Thursday nights when students take over the clubs in the city, you'd barely even acknowledge him. He KNEW that you had seen him too, since you would make eye contact, but you acted like he was just another guy at the club.
And he'd be lying if he said you weren't fine. You had thick thighs, a beautiful face, nice curves, and always wore outfits that hugged you in the right places. He always wondered what it would feel like to wrap his arms around your body and press it against his own. He would constantly sneak peaks of you throughout the night at the club, but something stirred in him when he saw that you were chatting up other guys. Was he...jealous? Jealous that you were so eager to pay attention to these dudes who, in his opinion, were decent looking but they were nowhere near his level, and you never even gave him a second thought? One night he even saw you leaving with a man he knew through mutual friends, and he had to physically stop himself from breaking the glass he was holding, because that guy, while objectively handsome, was nothing compared to him. Jungkook wasn't blatantly cocky, but he let his talent, charm, and looks speak for themselves. He was THEE Jeon Jungkook, and nothing ever really bothered him....except you.
Was he....interested in you? Nah, that can't be it. You were some random chick who happened to be his neighbor, who also is one of the only girls he's met that doesn't give two fucks about even having small talk with him, and that infuriated him for some reason. So the first time you came knocking on his door in an adorable pink satin pajama set with a matching bonnet complaining about his loud music, he knew the game he had to play.
He's still standing over you, centimeters away from you face, but you notice that his eyes soften a little and so does his jaw. He unclenches the fists he was holding crossed against his chest
You continue, “I don't care what you do, and I'm DEFINITELY trying to run your messy ass life. Believe me," you scoff, "you don't have enough money to pay me to do that. But when your dickhole behavior fucks with MY life is when it's a problem. And it's BEEN a problem."
He rolls his eyes. "Whatever, little girl, maybe I should call you little mouse now, since now I know that you'll go squeaking to the cops now, don't fuck with me or my music again.”
Without moving your head you look him up and down with a confused expression. "Am I supposed to be scared of you? No seriously, you look like you cry during Disney movies while wearing footie pajamas, and now here you are throwing a fit because I forced you to stop bothering the entire wing with your music?"
Girl...what are you saying??? This man just barged into YOUR place, is in your face, and is strong enough to pick you up and throw you, and you’re insulting him? But you figured if he's going to be rude, you'll throw it right back because you're tired of his bullshit.
Whatever softness he was feeling for a fleeting moment immediately left, and annoyance once again washed over. He straightens up a bit and puts on that annoying confident smirk he wears when he thinks he's won arguments between you two.
"You should be nicer to me, all it will take is for me to tweet one thing about you, and you'll be the most hated person on campus."
At this point, any suspicions that you had about him annoying you on purpose were confirmed. You've concluded that this mf is a bully and you, small and shy but not one to take mess, will put him in his place to-motherfucking-night.
You take a step toward him, now crossing your arms tightly against your chest, but he doesn't even move a hair backwards.
"Clearly you need a rude awakening so here it is. I don't know what type of people you've dealt with all your life, always saying yes to you, letting you boss them around and taking whatever bullshit you dish out, but let me tell you I am not the one. Never have been and never will be. Unlike the other fools around here who cream their pants at the mention of your name, I don't care about who you are. You'll respect ME and MY peace as long as we're neighbors, you get me?"
Now y/n, you have never so boldly stood up to someone, where did that come from, babes? You've tried to not let this entitled little boy get to you this whole time, but with him standing in front of you in the middle of your apartment with that extremely annoying, yet handsome, smirk on his face, and after all the crap he's said tonight, he had you all the way fucked up.
After you said that, he just laughed and looked away. Now you’re standing there fuming and confused...was there a joke you missed? You were being dead serious!
"Something funny?" you ask, narrowing your eyes.
"Nothing, just thinking about how I want to face fuck that annoying little mouth of yours so you finally shut up.”
Your jaw almost dropped to the floor. You've never had a guy say something so blatantly rude and vulgar literally inches away from your face. But again, you weren't going to back down.
"Oh really?" Scoffing and tilting your head to the side a bit while narrowing your eyes even more, "I'd very much like to do the same. Maybe then you'll learn your place."
"Oh please, princess, you probably blanch when someone around you even mentions the word sex." He chuckles and leans down close toward your face again and cocks his head to the side, scrunching his nose and in a pouty voice said, "you're fooling no one, but keep trying, maybe you'll get there.”
You're even more annoyed than you were before, if that was even possible. But if he wanted to play this game, you might as well go there with him. It's true, you were a bit more prudent than more, but it pissed you off that he could tell. Regardless, you do know some things to say that could have him leaving with his tail between his legs.
You pouted your lips and in a babying tone said, “Aww sweetheart you have no idea. You think you're big and bad but like I said, you probably cry watching Disney movies. The same way you'd be crying, begging me to let you cum down my throat as I mercilessly toy with your cock for hours.”
Now it's his turn to go pale. Y/n, his stuck up neighbor who has barely even spared him five seconds of her time just threatened to edge him into submission? He has to pinch himself because he must be dreaming....
“Well I-“
“But I don't even think we’d make it that far, hun” you continue, “because in order to humble your egotistical, disrespectful ass, I'm gonna have to ride your face until you suffocate. And when the paramedics come and I have to explain how you died, I won't even hesitate to tell them that you were a punk ass loser who LITERALLY drowned in my pussy!”
You don’t know who this person speaking is, but it is not you. All of the pent up hostility you’ve held towards him just flooded out of you and you couldn’t stop the words from coming out. To be honest you shocked yourself, but you still stood there with your arms crossed and your face unfaltering, just waiting for him to say something smart back.
He stared at you silently, eyes wider than you’ve seen before and his mouth hung slightly open. He wasn’t expecting you to respond with so much fire, but now he wouldn’t be able to sleep until the image you painted came true. His brain said fuck it, and his lips crashed down onto yours. The kiss is sloppy but passionate, and you swore you heard him quietly whimper.
When he feels you starting to kiss back, he smirks into the kiss. Your lips are moving against each other in tandem, and all thoughts about how much you despise the prick fades away. As you uncrossed your arms and placed them on his chest, you could feel his heart beating wildly. Was he as nervous as you were this whole time? You wonder. You knew he was a player, so he was experienced. But the thought that you made him nervous gave you a tiny confidence boost. His hands slowly slide up the sides of your body to sneak behind your back, to pull you further into his chest. As much as your brain was telling you to resist him and push him away, you couldn't help but fall victim to how soft his lips felt against yours. Suddenly you feel airborne as he swiftly reaches down behind your thighs and picks you up. You instinctively gasp but he doesn’t miss a beat, simply biting your lower lip and locking your lips together again.
“Maybe we should test that scenario of yours, and if it comes true, that wouldn’t be the worst way for me to go” he says, doing that annoying but soul-crushingly handsome smirk he likes to wear as he carries you off to your bedroom.
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mistresspotterhead · 3 years
The American Ymbryne- Chap. 1
Alma Peregrine x fem!reader
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Warnings: Yelling, slamming hands on a table, being outed (kind of)
Words: 1,900 on the dot
A/N: Wow, this took a lil bit. Alma doesn’t appear until the very end of this chapter, but she’ll be in the next one a lot. Everyone has been so kind, and that has helped a lot <3. Also: Miss Saker indicates the type of bird you are, not your given name. I hope you guys like this. 😊😊😊
Tags: @itsonlydana @evil-feather @merci-bitch @multimilfs @escapetodreamworld @gay-and-sad-tm @multifandomfix @romanottsmaximoff @n0thing-is-real-exe​ @theaudreymere 
(ask if you want to be added/removed)
In a strange way, Cairnholm reminded you of the Chicago loop you and your wards had just fled from. They were both very dreary, cold, and, from what you could tell from those on the ferry, the people would rather be anywhere else. 
“M-miss Saker? I’m cold.” The bundle of talking coats shivered next to you. 
“I know, Astrid. We’re almost there, though.” You sighed and looked out toward the slowly approaching coastline. Your surviving children, Elina, Alexander, Leonard, and, of course, Astrid, all huddled closer to you. You stared at Cairnholm for a while longer, until the ferryman’s voice suddenly called out.
“Alright everyone, ‘ere we are! The… lovely… Cairnholm!” He steered the small ferry over to the somehow smaller docks, and you led your children out.
“Is everyone here? Astrid, Leo, Elina, Alex?” David, Beth-Anne, Lisa, Frankie, June, Stefanie, Josef, Alice, Rosie, Reggie. You suppressed the urge to call out their names as well. 
“Yes, Miss Saker,” they called in long-suffering voices- you were very adamant about attendance. It was good to see something was normal.
“All right then. Leo, can you see where the loop is? And Alex, are there any other peculiars near?” Ah yes, your diviners. It was very lucky for all of you that they were two of those that survived the wight’s invasion of your loop. 
Your Chicago loop near the Art Institute was one of the last surviving loops in America maintained by an Ymbryne, along with your South Side, McKinley Park, and St. Louis loops, though the latter was run mainly by its older wards and reset once a week.
As of a fortnight ago, though, the Art Institute loop was the only one you had. McKinley Park was attacked by Wights and Hollows in December, with South Side following close in early January. Samuel, the sole survivor of McKinley Park, was what Syndrygasti call a Librarian. He could see hollows and alerted you to them when you were traveling to St. Louis for reset. The problem with this, though, was that Sammy was only five years old, and so frequently got distracted.
It wasn’t hard to understand- Illinois in 1975 was very colorful. Sammy was gone now, though, as were all most all of your children. Speaking of… 
“There aren’t any other peculiars on the island, Miss Saker- at least not in this time,” Alex said, startling you out of your thoughts.
“Thank you, dear. How are you faring, Leo? Have you located the loop? I don’t like being out in the open for this long.” For emphasis, Elina gave a giant, chattering shiver that was surely exaggerated.
“Indeed, but it is on the other side of the island, and the night is fast approaching.” 
You looked over and scowled at the sun; if you couldn’t get rest, then why was it allowed to?
“Well then. It looks like we’ll have to go into town.” Immediately, protests arose.
“Aw, no!”
“Come on, Miss Saker! We can make camp out here!”
“Because that sounds comfortable,” Leo deadpanned to Astrid.
“Well, it’s better than town! There probably isn’t even a hotel!”
“Actually, Astrid, that’s where you’re wrong.” Astrid looked shocked at the suggestion that she could ever be incorrect at something. “There is a hotel. It’s called the….” You took out the crumpled guidebook the ferryman had given to each tourist. “Preist Hole. What kind of hotel is called the Priest Hole?” You muttered that last part to yourself. “Anyway, off we go. Come along, single file now.”
Your ducklings dutifully arranged themselves from youngest to oldest, seven-year-old Elina closest to you and sixteen-year-old Leo at the back.
You hoped that the food was at least good.
Nope. Everything on the Preist Hole’s menu was covered with vinegar. You wondered if that was a Welsh thing or a Cairnholm thing. Maybe the owner just liked vinegar. Next to you, Elina was grimacing with every bite. On a whim, you decided to flag the bartender down.
“Hey, Kev, was it?” He grinned widely at you. You gave him a small smile in return.
“Yes, ma’am, that’s me. What can I do for you ‘n yer bunch today?” 
“I was just wondering if you had some fries- sorry, chips- with less vinegar. My youngest is still picky.”
“Hmm. Well, I’ll talk to Arnie ‘n see what he can whip up fer ye. He’s the cook, ye see.”
“Thank you so much, sir.” You attempted a bigger smile, but it still felt forced.
“Naw, it ain’t a problem, really. ‘N please, call me Kev. Sir sounds like I’m fifty- ‘n I’ve still got twenty years ‘fore that,” he chuckled.
“Well then, you must call me y/n.”
“Of course, ma’am- y/n, sorry.” He rubbed the back of his neck.
“It’s alright, Kev.” This time, your smile was a small bit genuine- his hesitancy was endearing.
“Yeh. Well, um, I’d better talk teh Arnie now. I’ve kinda been lingering here for a while.”
“Of course. I wouldn’t want to keep you from work, anyway.”
“I mean, I wouldn’t object if yeh did,” Kev concluded, winking before walking away.
Once he was out of earshot, Astrid started chittering.
“Ooh, was that flirting I saw, Miss Saker?” You rolled your eyes, and Alex guffawed into his water.
“Miss Saker? Flirt with a guy? I think Elina would drink an entire bottle of vinegar before that happened.” You turned your head sharply in his direction, but not before Astrid snapped back at him.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You jerk your head toward her now.
“Well, Miss Saker isn’t really the type to, ah, dabble in the male gene pool.” It was like you were watching tennis, really, with all this head-turning.
“That doesn’t make any-”
“ENOUGH!” You stood up, placing your hands on the bar. “This is not a discussion we are having, especially not here and now. Alex, I told you that information in confidence, and I am severely disappointed that you have betrayed that. Astrid, whether or not I am flirting with someone, and really my love life in general, is none of your concern. Do you both understand?”
They nodded, Alex looking especially ashamed of himself.
“Sorry, Miss Saker. It just slipped out.”
You sighed and ignored all the stares you and your wards were getting because of your outburst. 
“Alright, Alex. Just… you can’t share things that people tell you privately.”
“Yes, Miss Saker.” He was quiet after that, poking at his food.
It bothered you that he had shared that information, though it didn’t seem as if the other wards had understood. Of course, Leo was the only one you would expect to, as he was sixteen, but he had been sheltered in your loop his entire life. All of your wards had, really.
Just as you were beginning to sink into your past again, Kev came out with Elina’s new plate of fr- chips.
“Here ye are, little lady. I hope you like these better.” He smiled at Elina, tugging a small one out in return. You both watched expectantly as she took a tentative bite. And another. And another. Until the plate was almost gone, and she was rubbing her stomach in contentment.
“Well, that was fast.”
“It was good, Miss Saker. I wasn’t going to let it cool.” You laughed at the disapproving look on her face.
“Alright, alright. I suppose you have a good point.” You turned to Kev. “Thank you again, sir, for-”
“...right. Thank you for doing this. How much will it cost?” You were ruffled at his interruption, but he didn’t notice. He pretended to think for a moment.
“Hmm… how much will makin’ a little girl ‘n her mam happy cost? I dunno.” He smiled at you. “It’s on the house. I can see that ye haven’t had such a good day, so….”
“Really? Are you sure? I mean, I have the money….”
“I’m completely sure. It’s good te make someone happy once in a while.”
“Well, I truly do thank you. It also seems that we’ll need a room, if that’s alright?”
“Sure. Room four was just recently vacated. It’s right up here.” He led you up the stairs, the kids trailing behind.
The room was small for five people, but it seemed like a mansion to the children, who only had their old, overcrowded loop to compare it to. There were four rickety beds, though they did seem to be clean, and a barren nightstand next to each of them. 
“Ah… I forgot that this only had four beds. I can get ye another room, or-”
“No, no, this is fine. Thank you for your help, Kev.” You subtly ushered him toward the door.
“Oh- well, if ye need anythi-”
“Yes, of course. Ta, then! Have a nice day!” You shut the door, leaving him very confused.
Alex was wheezing on the floor behind you.
“That… that was absolutely amazing Miss Saker! You are an absolute icon!” 
What in Abaton does that mean? You never could understand the new slang terms that the 1970s held. 
Elina yawned, setting off all the other children and alerting you to their needs.
“Alright then, time for bed.” Immediately, they were completely awake.
“I’m not tired at all, Miss Saker, therefore I shan’t be able to fall asleep.” 
“The fact that your accent is coming out very strongly tells me that you are indeed tired, Leo.” You crossed your arms. “Bed. now.” Your wards slouched, and grudgingly picked out a bed each.
“Miss Saker, where will you sleep tonight?” Astrid asked as you were tucking her covers in.
“On the floor, of course. Now, did you remember to take off your gloves?”
“But it won’t be comfortable! The floor is so hard and cold and dirty and-”
“Your gloves, Astrid.” She was very talkative, even late at night, though you had come to enjoy it. Sometimes.
She took off the gloves that helped control her peculiarity and was about to start chattering again when Elina suddenly spoke up from her bed in the corner.
“I could make you a nest with a spare blanket, Miss Saker?” You gave her one of your very rare genuine smiles.
“That would be lovely, Elina.”
“Wait- how did she know you were going to sleep in bird form?” Alex asked, finally catching on. You smiled again at Elina and kissed her on the forehead.
“She’s made me a little nest before when I fall asleep in my study while in bird form.”
“And that happens often?”
“Surprisingly so. Now, snuggle in and no more talking.” As the children said their goodnights, you finally transformed into your bird form; a stunning saker falcon. You jumped lightly onto Elina’s bed, careful not to hurt her with your razor-sharp talons or accidentally hit her with your wing (which had happened on more than one occasion). 
Though you nestled into the warm bunch of blankets right away, you didn’t fall asleep until much later, and even then, you were restless all night. 
Little did you know, in the old manor that you would trek to the next day, a group of peculiars and one very curious ymbryne had observed all of this. Alma LeFay Peregrine set her watch and gave the children a reassuring smile while she pondered what this meant and why her stomach had fluttered when you gave that dazzling smile.
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whereisten · 3 years
Stupid Cupid
A Taeyong fic that’s a part of our Halloween Series!
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Summary: Cupid, also known as Taeyong, has never experienced real love. But when he meets you, he may finally have a chance.
Pairing: Cupid! Taeyong x female reader
Genre: romance, angst, fluff, smut, fantasy
Word Count: 13k
Warnings: oral (male receiving), penetration, breast fondling, cursing, alcohol use
(A/N: thank you guys so much for being so sweet and understanding and patient. I’ve always believed Halloween should be a celebration for multiple months out of the year and since the Halloween series is ongoing, it works 💀. Anyways, I’m so excited to share this with y’all. ❤️ One of my favorite songs is “Give Me Love” by Ed Sheeran. And the music video features Cupid so I was inspired. 👍🏼 I hope you guys enjoy it! I also was inspired by “The Consequences of Cursing Cupid” by @by-moonflower). I loved it!)
Cupid was one of God’s most prized pupils. He was also one of His most beautiful creations. His hair had the shades of pink you’d see at sunset and warm brown eyes that could claim the heart of almost anyone. His tan skin glowed, bringing a piece of heaven’s glow down to earth with him. His body was slender, elegant, and muscular. His true appearance was known to few mortals but overtime, historians were able to conclude that Cupid was as beautiful as any of the archangels.
God entrusted his son to bring love and hope to the world one couple at a time. With his bow and arrow, he was able to give people love every day. As the years have passed, though, the population of the world expanded and Cupid only had so much time in the day to bring couples together. God and Cupid carefully handpicked Cupid fledglings throughout the years. Cupid wasn’t alone in his work anymore and he could afford some downtime every few centuries. It was 2020 and it was time for Cupid, or, as he was known by his earthly name, Lee Taeyong, to take a vacation.
Taeyong arrived in the sunny coastal town of Isla one Sunday morning. He would stay here for a few months. Taeyong would’ve kept working if he hadn't been forced by his coworkers to take a leave of absence. He’d always been a huge workaholic and quite the perfectionist. He was the type of guy who liked to get things done by himself. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust his team. He just had a fixation with doing things his own way, which caused many clashes over the years.
This time, God had to intervene and force Taeyong to step down so that newly realized Cupids like Haechan and Yangyang could step up in his absence. Taeyong moved into a beach house right by the beach. A whole mansion to himself, he grimaced. What the hell was he supposed to do in such an expansive and luxurious place all by himself? Well, he had some ideas.
As much of a workaholic Taeyong was....when he let loose, he really let loose. It was like there was an on/off switch in his brain when it came to his rebellion and since he was out of work for the foreseeable future, it was time to turn the switch on. All work and no play for so many years made him act out in rebellion, which was why God sent Cupids Sicheng and Kun to watch out for Taeyong this time around.
Taeyong heard a knock on the door of his beach house. He frowned in confusion.  
“Knock knock,” Kun said as he brought in suitcases and carried a backpack over his shoulder. Sicheng followed him in with his own bags as well.
Taeyong frowned. “What are you guys doing here?”
Sicheng beamed. “We’re here to make sure you don’t start up another orgy and anger many significant others…”
Kun nodded. “You’ll barely know we’re here.”
Taeyong brought out his angelic smile. “Is that so?”
Even with Kun and Sicheng on his tail, Taeyong was able to throw a massive party at the beach house the next night. A pretty face like Taeyong’s and a few likes on Instagram could attract many followers. And with followers, there was a great party. Celebrities even caught wind of the festivities. Taeyong was able to hire caterers and event planners to make the beach house a Hawaiian paradise. Tiki torches were lit all around the house. People lounged in the lagoon-shaped pool. There were party games in every room in the mansion.
Your friends convinced you to come with them to the hot new bachelor’s party. You could use a night out after working another six day work week at the local Isla Humane Animal Shelter. You wanted to let loose and dance with your friends. If only for a little while. Hopefully, you didn’t think about him now that you were able to relax.
Taeyong was having the time of his immortal life, dancing with one girl...one boy...after another. He was already hooking up with people on the dance floor in the backyard that overlooked the beach. He would grind behind one girl while another boy grinded against him from behind. Taeyong was in nothing but red swim trunks. His abs glistened with sweat and-
Your friend Jisoo said, “y/n, ask him to dance.”
You’d spent the last few minutes staring at the dancefloor. You couldn’t help but watch the pretty boy who stood at the center. You quickly gulped down your drink and shook your head. “Pass.”
Jisoo sucked her teeth. “Y/n, you’ve been staring at him for five minutes now.”
You rolled your eyes. “I like to observe my surroundings...It’s nothing.”
“You should ask the pretty boy to dance. It won’t hurt.”
“Nope. I’m fine right here, drinking my free pina colada...Not a care in the world.”
Jisoo replied, “Y/n, it’s been five months...”
You met Jisoo’s eyes. “Yeah, and I’m doing a lot better. You know this. My family knows it. All of the people who should be sorry to follow me on any social media know this.”
Jaehyun joined you two. “She's talking about how she’s over...him?”
Jisoo nodded. “And she clearly wants to dance with The Bachelor over there.”
Jaehyun watched him, also. “Well, for starters, he’s way cuter than that bastard but she should stay away from him. He’s trouble.”
Jisoo scoffed. “Who are you? Her father?”
Relieved that Jaehyun was on your side, you said, “Thank you, Jay! Now don’t worry about me, Jisoo...I’m great! I’m out of the house. I’m cutting a rug.”
Jisoo eyed you. “Okay…”
Now you had to admit that you thought about throwing caution to the wind and dancing close to the man, making ‘come hither’ eyes at him, kissing him in a closet, and calling it a night. The idea made you wet just thinking about it. But you knew yourself. You were the type to fall hard. And you fell hard once and it left you broken to this day.
Anyway, Pretty Boy seemed kind of busy so you turned the other way to join a game of poker in the living room.
Every human that spent an intimate moment with dear old Cupid was guaranteed the best orgasm of their lives. In Taeyong’s hands, his lover would feel treasured and adored and spoiled. Taeyong, a bringer of love, could bring paradise to anyone.
Now in his human form, Taeyong still had some of those divine powers. However, in a human body, he had limitations.
Like his alcohol tolerance, which, unfortunately for him, had never been good.
Before he could take anyone to paradise like he’d longed to do since he came to the Earthly plane, he was outside in his front lawn, vomiting all of the alcohol he downed in the past two hours.
Taeyong felt woozy. He wasn’t all there the moment when you first approached him. He looked awful. Pale and sweaty from puking so much.
Your concern outweighed your fear of talking to him so you approached him. You handed him a bottle of room temperature water and a wet towel from his kitchen so he could clean himself up.
Taeyong uncapped the water bottle and drank. He managed to say, “Thank you.”
You sighed, relieved to see that he was responsive. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I am...Thanks…What’s your-”
“Y/n! Time to go,” Jaehyun started. Jaehyun promised to take you home. You were supposed to go into the shelter tomorrow to finalize an adoption.
You shouted back, “Coming!” You turned to your friend. Taeyong couldn’t see your face now. You did smell heavenly, though. Like fresh berries and daisies.
You turned back to Taeyong and smiled. Even if he was a wreck, he was still the most gorgeous male you’d ever seen. “Great party. Take care of yourself.”
Taeyong was still trying to sober up but he was able to meet your eyes, the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen on this planet. In any realm, actually. “You, too…”
You left him there, curious about you. Unfortunately, he didn’t have time to ponder further as he threw up again. Maybe these parties were getting old. He always found himself like this whenever he visited good ol’ planet Earth...
[One Month Later]
Taeyong continued to indulge in his debauchery, throwing parties every night. Part of him hoped you would return so he could properly thank you for your kindness.
Your eyes were sultry and your scent was intoxicating. He wished he could remember you.
Every night that he spent time with a different partner, he thought of you.
Without any hidden agenda to get in bed with him, you absolutely fascinated him. His clouded judgment that night only made him remember your eyes. That was all he had to go on. He couldn’t explain the need to see you again.
The need grew stronger and stronger.
He certainly couldn’t ask his coworkers or the big man upstairs for help. Surely, they’d misinterpret his actions. He simply wanted to see you again.
In the process, Taeyong slowly began to reevaluate his time on Earth. Like Gatsby before him, he threw even more parties in hopes of you showing up. But he had no idea about your hectic work schedule. The parties continued and Taeyong quickly grew bored. Maybe he needed to get out and explore the city if he ever hoped to see you again.
In the daytime, Taeyong found himself waking up earlier and sending his partners on their merry way. He took up a couple of hobbies at home, as well. Baking and playing games on his Nintendo Switch. For his outings, he’d go to the mall, the grocery store, the amusement park, and more. Everywhere he could think of. But you weren’t there. He had the ability to feel your presence but you were never within his radar and it frustrated him.
Taeyong finished swimming a couple of laps in the pool and went into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. Kun was making dinner and Sicheng was setting the table.
“Penny for your thoughts, boss?” Sicheng inquired.
Taeyong sighed. “I’m just wondering when you two will finally leave me be.”
Kun turned off the stove and let the stir fry cool. “When your sexual appetite ceases.”
Taeyong frowned. “Have you no shame to comment on my activities?”
Sicheng and Kun looked at each other and looked back at Taeyong. “No.”
Taeyong sighed. “If you must know, the parties will cease tonight. I have given up.”
“Given up on what?” Sicheng asked.
They couldn’t know about Taeyong’s true motive with his parties. “Parties, of course.”
“Really?” Kun asked as he washed his hands.
Taeyong sighed. “Yes. Now let’s eat.”
A few hours later, Taeyong went to the beach to get some sun. A few girls asked for his number and he simply pretended not to know English. He spoke Japanese and spoke broken English to throw them off. He was in no mood to frolick. He was frustrated.
It was because of you. He couldn’t explain it but he desperately wanted to see you. Wanted to know you. Wanted to feel you come alive under him as he pleased you. And he had no leads.
Maybe he should just throw in the towel. It was dangerous for him to entertain the idea of seeing someone as more than just a fling. Knowing his one night stand’s name was more information than he needed.
Perhaps you weren’t real. Oh, heavens. He knew you were real but maybe he should convince himself of the contrary so he could give up on you.
Meanwhile, you’d been busy non-stop. You couldn’t go out and unwind because of your extremely-packed schedule, which was just how you liked it. Whatever free time you had was spent at home curled up in bed before bedtime. It was how you preferred it, though. It helped you get over your ex much more quickly. Or so you thought, anyway.
One of your co-workers at the shelter was an adoption counselor who had a family event she needed to attend. So she asked you for a favor. You came in for the afternoon shift to help pair up families with pets.
You loved working at the shelter, helping animals find their forever homes. It broke your heart to see so many of them, neglected and homeless. You always knew you wanted to work with animals, though. In high school, you started at the shelter as a volunteer. Now, you were one of the managers. You helped with fundraisers and outreach events to get the shelter animals’ faces out there.
You went to check on the dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, and other residents of the shelter, like you always did. Then, you finished adopting out an Australian Shepherd. His new family already adored him. The shelter’s adoption process was strict so if a family really wanted to commit to a pet, they had to commit to the process to prove it. So you had high hopes that this adoption would be permanent.
On the off chance it wouldn’t, these animals always had a home here. You wouldn’t cease until you did everything you could to get a home for each animal that walked through the shelter’s front doors.
You took a picture of the happy family to post on the shelter’s social media. You sent them off. You felt like you were being watched so you turned to the front window where you recognized Jaehyun and the pink-haired man from the Hawaiian paradise party. They were talking like they knew each other.
You frowned and walked outside to greet them. “Jaehyun?”
The men faced you. Jaehyun beamed, “Y/n! I was passing through and I ran into Taeyong here who is looking to volunteer at the shelter.” Taeyong was about to cut in when Jaehyun continued. “Is there a volunteer orientation today?”
You shook your head. “It’s tomorrow, Jay.”
Taeyong just looked at you, not saying a word.
You tilted your head in confusion. “But...If you’re free, Taeyong, we’d love to have you.”
Jaehyun answered for him. “Of course he is. There’s no other place he’d rather be!”
Taeyong shot Jaehyun a look but his face softened as he looked at you. “Yeah...He’s right about that.”
Still confused, you smiled. “Okay, tomorrow it is.”
Taeyong headed home after his confrontation with the meddlesome Jaehyun. Just who was he to you, he wondered. How dare he cross a god?
Sure, Jaehyun was a beautiful specimen but he was not at his level, Taeyong thought to himself.
[A Few Hours Ago]
After his time at the beach, Taeyong took another stroll through the town, exploring small businesses and stumbling upon an animal shelter.
Through the front window, he saw a family with their Australian Shepherd. And that’s when his radar switched on. His heart squeezed and his breathing faltered. You were here. You greeted the family inside. They posed for a family photo together with their dog. They held a sign that read “Furrever Home” on it. The family thanked you and you sent them off.
You were exquisite. Your smile. The glimmer of hope in your eyes. Your laugh. You were out of breath from running around so much and from the excitement, he could tell. Even though you were stressed and tired, you were happy at that moment. You turned toward his direction and he read your name on your name tag: y/n.
Taeyong wanted to rush in and call for your name but his feet were planted to the ground.
“Hey, I remember you,” someone called out to him.
Taeyong snapped out of his daze and turned to find a handsome young man with black hair frowning at him. Taeyong started. “I’m sorry. I don’t-“
“You’re Taeyong. You throw parties at that beach house and you’re the city’s most eligible bachelor. It’s all over social media.”
“Yes, and?”
The stranger glared as he nodded at you through the window. “You’ve been watching her, haven't you?”
Taeyong smirked. “And what about it?”
The man looked down at Taeyong’s pants where his member betrayed him. Jaehyun lifted his eyebrows.
Taeyong shrugged. “It’s rude to stare at a stranger’s crotch.”
He laughed. “You’re pretty easy to read, Taeyong. But I gotta warn you: don’t waste her time if you’re not fully committed.”
Taeyong laughed. “And who are you to tell me this?”
“Someone who refuses to see his friend’s heart broken again.”
Again, Taeyong wondered. “Well, I have no plans to let it get that far.”
He rolled his eyes. “Right.”
“Jaehyun?” You started.
Then, the conniving Jaehyun set Taeyong up to be a volunteer at the animal shelter without his consent. Well, Taeyong could’ve said no at any time but he didn’t want to disappoint you. Besides, this would be an opportunity to get to know you. Jaehyun may not be so bad, after all, Taeyong mused.
Jaehyun left Taeyong with these parting words. He grinned, showing his dimples. “If you hurt her, I will run you out of this town.”
Taeyong smiled. “I’d like to see you try.”
To anyone else, it would’ve seemed like two friends were parting ways but in reality, it was more like a declaration of war.
Your friend Jaehyun was very protective of you, Taeyong realized. He wondered if Jaehyun was enamored with you. And your nickname of “Jay” for him made Taeyong’s stomach turn.
Who was he to you? And why was he butting in on Taeyong’s pursuit of you? And what did Jaehyun mean by you getting your heart broken again? Who broke your heart? And why was he still breathing, unless Jaehyun failed to mention your ex’s funeral?
Taeyong wasn’t going to break your heart. He wasn’t that stupid. He spent enough time on this planet to set boundaries and never fall in too deep with a human.
It didn’t matter if you made him feel different than any other human has after twenty seconds of an interaction.
[The Next Day]
Taeyong wasn’t sure how he would feel about working with animals because he’s never interacted with them before. He envied any family who had a pet, though.
It was a kind of love he didn’t get to see frequently. His job was primarily focused on romantic love so it always fascinated him to see familial love, love between friends, and now love between man and man’s best friend.
You led the volunteer orientation. It was a relatively full house. You gave the new recruits the rundown on maintenance, walking the dogs, socializing with the animals, feeding, laundry, and safety. Taeyong was so impressed by how skilled and informative you were at work. You were a no-nonsense girl when you needed to be.
When the orientation ended, Taeyong lingered behind in the staff meeting room. You had to admit that seeing Taeyong again made your heart do weird things. You’d dreamed of him for a few nights and part of you wished you could’ve gone to another one of his parties. Your friends told you he’d thrown so many this past month that they lost count. So you were shocked to see this wealthy party boy at an animal shelter of all places. You did notice as you gave your talk that his eyes never strayed from yours.
After the orientation, you began, “Hey, Taeyong. How did you like the orientation?”
He smiled. “You were brilliant.”
Your face heated up. “Thanks.”
He asked, “I was wondering if you were free tonight to-“
A volunteer popped in. “Y/n, code leash with Ruby!” Code leash meant a dog was loose in the shelter without a leash on.
You started. “Oh, God. Sorry, Taeyong, I have to help catch one of our dogs.”
You looked distressed so Taeyong decided to help. He didn’t know where this altruism came from but it was there. “I can help.”
“Thank you. I have to warn you, though. She’s not friendly with most people. So be careful.”
You and Taeyong teamed up to catch Ruby while some of the other volunteers also teamed up elsewhere. Ruby had hidden under one of the benches near the cat corner of the shelter.
Ruby was a Papillon, also known as a Continental Toy Spaniel. She was a reserved dog. She was adopted as a puppy but when she was a year old, her owners gave her up for adoption when they were expecting a baby. With the betrayal she’d experienced, she closed herself off from most people and most animals. It took a few weeks for her to warm up to you.
Ruby had cute ears that resembled a butterfly’s, which explained the name of her breed, the Papillon.
With her leash in your hands, you crouched down to greet her. “Hi, Ruby…”
She surprised you by running over to Taeyong, who froze in his tracks. Ruby jumped against his legs and cried. She wanted his attention.
You looked at them in shock. Ruby had never taken so quickly to someone before. You were impressed.
Taeyong’s eyes doubled in size as he slowly backed up. Ruby continued to jump against his legs, regardless. “What’s happening? Is she trying to kill me?”
You fought back a laugh. “No...She wants you to hold her.”
He looked mystified. “Uh...I’ve never…”
“You’ve never…?”
For the first time, he looked shy. “I’ve never held a dog before…”
You approached them and called Ruby again. “Ruby, I’ll help you.”
You picked Ruby up and guided Taeyong. “Just raise your arms and cradle her. It’s okay.”
You handed Ruby to Taeyong and he was shocked at this new feeling he felt in his chest. It was this overwhelming joy and worry and affection he’d never felt. He would die for this dog.
Well, if he could die, he would.
So this is what familial love must be like.
Ruby licked him all over his face and he giggled like a little boy.
You were overjoyed to see Ruby with another person. This was promising. “She really likes you. It took me weeks to get her to warm up to me.”
Taeyong stared at you. “Really? I can’t imagine that…”
“You saved the day, Taeyong. Not bad for your first day as a volunteer.” You laughed.
You led him and Ruby back into her room. You stepped into her small room where she resided alone. She had a big fluffy bed and toys to play with. Even so, it could definitely get cramped in there after a few hours. You would take her for a walk later.
Taeyong asked, concerned. “She lives by herself? She must be so lonely.”
You told Taeyong her story and he understood her circumstances. He was furious at Ruby’s previous owners and he finally understood why places like this shelter existed.
You said, “She needs someone who will remain faithful to her all of their life. I hope she finds them soon.”
Taeyong rubbed Ruby’s belly. “So do I.”
“I have to get back to work. You’re not on the schedule until tomorrow but you are more than welcome to spend some time with the dogs…”
Taeyong was in his own bubble with Ruby.
You giggled. “Or maybe just Ruby.”
You left them be and got back to work.
Taeyong spent the next hour playing with Ruby, taking her for a walk, taking pictures of her, and cradling her to sleep. He hoped to catch up with you later but he couldn’t let go of his attachment to this dog now.
There was something about this town that made him attached to others. First, it was you. Then, it was Ruby.
It was unusual.
Ruby fell asleep and Taeyong checked his phone. He received a text over half an hour ago.
Where are you? Kun says you’re not home :( -Yooa
Crap, he’d forgotten all about Yooa. His “date”.
Taeyong realized he’d be getting earful from Kun later. He texted Yooa he was on his way.
[2 Weeks Later]
The first few days were rough for Taeyong because he’d never done manual labor in his life. He was willing to try and with your and other volunteers’ guidance, he was able to pick up on everything quickly. Everyone thought Taeyong was as strange as he was beautiful. They thought he was a sheltered rich boy who was learning how to care for someone else for the first time. Well, they weren’t far off from the truth.
Taeyong volunteered almost everyday at the shelter. He did everything he could possibly do as a volunteer and still had the energy to take the dogs on more walks than required. He was a god, after all. His energy on Earth was higher than that of any normal human’s. He hoped to impress you, too. He tried to ask you out or even for your phone number but you were always busy with shelter tasks. It was very hard to tell if there was a connection between you two.
At the end of each shift, Taeyong always left Ruby for last because she was his favorite shelter animal. “Alright Ruby, today is the day I finally ask y/n out.”
Ruby snoozed in response. Taeyong sighed. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”
You were the last person to leave the shelter and lock up. Everyone had already left an hour ago but you were finishing up some emails. You found Taeyong waiting outside the door. “Taeyong!”
He waved and smiled, not looking disheveled at all after a full-day shift.
You, on the other hand, could use a shower. “Everything okay?”
Taeyong asked, “Are you free?”
“I was wondering if you…”
Your eyes as you watched him left Taeyong in nearly almost a trance. The way your hair fell over your eyes when you adjusted your work bag. The breeze caused your perfume to creep into his nose and he had to catch his breath. Even your little yawn after a long day was cute. Damn it.
You started, “Taeyong?”
Taeyong tried to say something but his throat went dry. Why wasn’t he able to say words? He was prepared to say. Come away with me tonight. I’ll take us to dinner and then...Well, it’s your call, y/n.
And here he was, his palms sweaty. His cheeks were red. He was so close to trembling from the new anxiety that crept up on him.
You asked, “Are you okay?”
Taeyong shook his head to shove his fears away. “Are you free?”
He invited you over to his house for dinner as a thank you for showing him the ropes around the shelter. You felt bad for assuming that he was asking you out. It appeared that he wanted to keep this platonic and you were relieved.
You’re a chicken, Taeyong thought to himself. The ball was in his court and he missed his shot to take things further with you. Even so, you’d said yes so all in all, you two were headed somewhere.
You followed Taeyong in your car over to his place. You entered the extravagant beach house, which was surprisingly neat and homey. The furniture looked comfortable, like you could easily fall asleep on it. The lighting was at a low, almost romantic setting. The house was tranquil and all you could hear was the crash of waves in the distance.
Taeyong said, “Please take a seat. Make yourself comfortable. Can I offer you some wine?”
“Yes, please. Thank you.”
Taeyong smiled warmly at you before he departed for the kitchen.
Another young man appeared as he came down the stairs, calling out. “Sicheng and I will be back in a few days. Our Lord needs us in Beijing for an emergency match-up.” He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and merely stared at you. “Seriously, another ‘appointment’?”
Taeyong darted out of the kitchen. “Kun.”
You got up and waved. “Uh, hi. I’m Taeyong’s friend, y/n. From the animal shelter?”
Sicheng joined the group. “Friend?”
Kun’s eyebrows furrowed. “You’re just friends with him?”
You looked at everyone around the living room. “Yes…”
Although you had to wonder what Kun meant by “appointment”. If you had to guess, you weren’t the first girl Taeyong brought home. This week.
You knew Taeyong was a player from the first night you met him. But you were attracted to him so the possibility of a one night stand with him didn’t repel you. You weren’t about to ask for it, though. You were already going out of your comfort zone, coming over to his house for dinner.
And then...Taeyong’s personality surprised you these past few weeks. He was warm and hard-working and kind. You had to admit you had a little crush on him. You wouldn’t let that truth see the light of day, though. A player was a player, no matter what.
Sicheng smiled as he greeted you, “Y/n, welcome to our home. I’m Sicheng. Our rude friend right here is Kun. We are Taeyong’s coworkers and roommates.”
“It’s nice to meet you. What is it that you guys do? You mentioned a match-up?”
Taeyong eyed his friends. “They...”
Kun continued, “We...are dating gurus!”
You replied, “I see. So you’re headed to Beijing? That’s exciting!”
The boys told you they worked for a dating website for high-profile people and traveled to countries like China and South Korea to counsel them on dating. It was unheard of and unusual. At least for you, anyway. But it was kind of fascinating. Kun and Sicheng told you that Taeyong had been working nonstop for years now as a dating guru so now he was taking some time off. They excused themselves and headed off to the airport.
You accompanied Taeyong to the kitchen as he cooked some New York strips for the two of you. He refused your help and wanted you to sit down and relax. “I didn’t know you were a dating guru.”
He chuckled nervously. “I don’t really like to talk about it.”
“Oh, well, we don’t have to…We could always talk about something else. Like where you’re from?”
Taeyong chopped some vegetables as he mulled over his answer, avoiding your eyes. How was he going to say he came from Heaven? First of all, it would be ludicrous to you. And second, it sounded like a pickup line that would only stroke his ego. There was no way to win by telling the truth. “Abroad.”
You sipped your glass of wine. He was so vague. “Abroad? Where?”
“My Lor-...father traveled all the time when I was growing up so we always moved. And once I got to work with the dating website, the traveling continued.” Nice save, he thought to himself.
“Oh? Wow, that’s sad, isn’t it?”
Taeyong looked at you. “Sad?”
“I mean, maybe it wasn’t...What I meant was that it must have been difficult getting uprooted all the time. Having to get accustomed to a new place...Only to have to start over somewhere else.”
You had no idea, Taeyong thought. You read him like a book so he had to ask. “How did you know?”
You understood his situation very well. “My dad is a lieutenant general. We’ve moved around a lot until I was eighteen. Come to think of it...Are your parents in the military?”
Taeyong knew he had to come up with something. Quick, he told himself, think of something believable. The first thought that came into his mind was Jurassic Park after he watched it last night. “No...He’s a...paleontologist.”
That was an uncommon job but you were impressed. After all, Jurassic Park was one of your favorite movies. You asked him about the places his dad took him, what dinosaur bones his dad uncovered, and more. Taeyong had to get creative and being dumb about the subject didn’t hinder his case. He claimed that remembering the names of species was impossible for him. You were riveted, regardless. You spent most of the time talking about Jurassic Park, anyway. You told him about Universal Studios’ Islands of Adventure and a Jurassic Park feature located at the park. You suggested you two could go together sometime and Taeyong’s eyes lit up, then. His doe eyes caught you off-guard.
You continued talking about your interests and your pasts. Well, you did. Taeyong had to get a little creative when topics such as his “childhood” and “family” came into conversation. But other than that, he enjoyed having you in his home. You were full of warmth and generosity. You laughed at his jokes and asked him about how he was doing. It left him speechless. He wasn’t sure what you were really thinking or if you were even interested. You were equally unsure and found yourself considering what you’d been fighting since the moment you first laid eyes on him.
Taeyong served dinner. His cooking was incredible. The steak and baked potato were paradise on your taste buds. “Taeyong, oh my God, this is incredible. You should be a five-star chef and open a restaurant.”
Taeyong chuckled. “Thank you, y/n but I’m more of a pastry chef than anything else.”
“What’s your price for a batch of chocolate cupcakes?” You teased.
He smiled. “Free of charge.”
“Well, if you were free to watch Jurassic Park 2 with me this week, then I would consider it.”
“I’ll take it.”
Taeyong was excited that you two would see each other outside of work again. Taeyong served you cookie dough ice cream with fudge.
You ate your ice cream. “Thank you so much for inviting me over. I haven’t been able to hang out with friends in a while so this means a lot.”
Friends. Taeyong was a little hurt at your label of him. He thought there was something between you. Maybe this wasn’t the right time to make a move so he forced a smile. “I’m glad we’re friends, too.”
[2 months later]
Taeyong continued to volunteer at the shelter. His ego took a nice, deserving blow after you told him you were just friends. He was still happy that he got to spend time with you. You became so close that you spent most of your time with him outside of work. You played video games and watched movies. You also fostered some animals together on the weekends.
Taeyong hadn’t thrown a party or gone to one since he started spending time with you. His phone started lighting up a lot less as the weeks passed. The truth was Taeyong had stopped hooking up with anyone else. He was focused on you. Getting to know you.  
You even told him about your ex Jaemin. You and Jaemin were going strong for 11 months. The biggest player at your university, Jaemin worked hard to get you to say yes to dating him. The romance started off beautifully and ended abruptly when Jaemin said he didn’t want to be unfair to you. The day after the breakup you saw him out with another girl like it was nothing. And a month later, they were engaged to be married. Now, they were married and expecting a child together. It seemed that he genuinely loved his wife. The way he looked at her with such affection the day after he broke up with you. It broke you because that was how you used to look at him. You thought he was the one and up to a certain point, he told you you were the one for him. You wondered how he moved on so quickly to this day.
Since then, you didn’t want to date anyone, much less a playboy. Hook-ups were something you would’ve considered but you were still hurting. Taeyong had been the first boy you looked at in five months but you still weren’t ready. However, now that you two were getting to know each other...Maybe, just maybe…
Taeyong wanted to track down Jaemin and destroy him, break up his family, and kill him. Well, maybe not to that extreme. But he wanted to avenge you for how Jaemin could’ve been so swift in hurting you and moving on like nothing. He had to wonder…
If maybe one of his coworkers had something to do with it. He’d never had a hand in pairing up a Na Jaemin with anyone. If that were the case, he would’ve never forgiven himself for pursuing you.
He finally understood that you were guarding your heart and he didn’t want to push you. He would wait for as long as it takes to…Well, he wasn’t sure...Kiss you? Take you out on a date? He wasn’t sure how romance or courting worked.
It took some convincing but Taeyong finally decided to foster Ruby for the week. He didn’t refuse before because he didn’t want Ruby. He was scared of being ill-prepared for taking care of her or that his house had some hazards for the little dog.
You drove Taeyong and Ruby back to his house. The three of you stood outside his front door. He had Ruby on a leash.
Taeyong started. “Are you sure, y/n? What if Ruby falls in the pool when I go take a shower? What if she chews at my phone charger and gets electrocuted?”
You laughed. “Taeyong, how is she going to get in the backyard? Are her paws going to magically turn into hands so that she can turn the doorknob to the back door?”
“So long as you keep her active and give her toys and activities, she will have no reason to chew at your charger or go on an online shopping spree while you’re asleep.”
Taeyong frowned, knowing that you were mocking him now. “Fine. But if anything happens, I’m taking you down with me.”
Your eyes danced. “Fine with me.”
You three went to the beach and Ruby was having fun playing on the shoreline. Taeyong giggled like a little boy as he played fetch with her. You watched them and smiled. It was beyond you why Taeyong wouldn’t adopt Ruby. They clearly loved each other very much. Maybe today you could finally convince him.
You returned to the beach house as you ate ice cream cones from the boardwalk ice cream shop. Ruby ran back inside to drink from her water bowl. You and Taeyong lingered on the outside deck by the pool and watched the sunset. Taeyong’s chocolate ice cream cone was melting at the sides and you regretted not buying chocolate so without thinking, you licked his melting ice cream. Taeyong was caught by surprise and you looked up at him before getting back to your ice cream cone.
The innocent but teasing glint in your eye made him shocked and aroused. He paid a little too much attention to your tongue. As quickly as it appeared, it disappeared. And he longed for it to worship his body.
You winked. “Sorry. You’re a slow eater and it was melting…” You handed him your vanilla ice cream cone. “You can have some of mine.”
He snapped out of it and licked the cone as suggestively as he could to try and get a reaction out of you. And that he did. His big brown eyes had a mischievous glint to them. He smirked. You avoided his eyes completely. “Y/n.”
You bent down and pretended to tie your shoe and realized you weren’t wearing sneakers but sandals. You got back up, embarrassed and still looking away from him. “Yeah?”
“I like you.”
You looked back up at him. “Taeyong-”
“It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. I just wanted to say it. At least once.” He liked you for a long time now. The more time he spent with you and went out of his way to be with you every moment he could made him realize that maybe what he longed for with you wasn’t simply one night of pleasure.
He wanted more. He didn’t know exactly what that meant. But he just liked to be with you. Your kindness, your wit, your sense of humor, everything about you made Taeyong feel that heaven could be found in another person.
He didn’t want to push you, not at all. He did wonder about what things would be like if you gave into each other. But he would still wait for as long as it took for you to consider him.
You admitted, “Taeyong, I like you, too.”
He sighed in relief. “Oh, thank heavens. Let’s go out on Friday.” Hundreds of plans were running through his mind of how he wanted to spoil you for your first date. He’d been doing research on where he could take you in the city and debated whether or not a road trip to Universal Studios would be too much.
You smiled in spite of yourself. “That’s so sweet…”
“I don’t know if I’m ready...Or if I can trust you...You’re very…experienced.”
Taeyong looked at you in confusion as he finished his ice cream cone. “What do you mean? I’ve never dated.”
“I mean...Sexually…” You muttered the last word. Your face was hot and Taeyong only looked at you like you’d said the sky was blue.
“Taeyong, before we met, you were partying every night and sleeping with multiple people. Are you going to tell me that you’re not that person anymore? Because you know what happened with Jaemin...I don’t want that again. If we are going to take this any further, you have to be honest with me. When you want to end it, show me your heart. Don’t leave me wondering what I did wrong...” He could see your eyes get bigger and redder. They were welling up. Your voice broke and it broke him to hear it.
He hated seeing you unhappy. You didn’t deserve to be burned the way you had. He wrapped his arms around you, then. For the first time. “I would never do that to you. I would never-”
You hugged him back. “Please don’t make promises you can’t keep. Let’s just take this slow...Okay?”
He never felt as close and vulnerable with someone. Then you came along and he was ready to do what he could to be with you. To at least try. “Okay.”
He caressed your face and pulled you in for a kiss. He lifted you off the ground and sat you on a ledge as he leaned down to kiss you deeper. His tongue intertwined with yours. You both tasted like ice cream and it made you both crazy with longing. You were the first to stop the kiss and reminded him, “Slow.”
He kissed your forehead. “Slow.”
[4 Months Later]
You and Taeyong took your new relationship slow. It drove you both crazy that you put off sleeping together for so long. You wanted to get to know Taeyong better. So did he. Even if this was the longest dry spell Taeyong had undergone, it was worth it.
“What’s got you so happy, boss?” Sicheng asked, visiting from New York. Sicheng and Kun moved out months ago when they saw that Taeyong wasn’t causing any trouble. Sicheng held Ruby in his lap. Taeyong adopted Ruby not too long after you two agreed to date.
Taeyong was worried, though. Just how far could he take things with you before he was summoned back by God? It could be five years or fifty years before He called him back to Heaven. Taeyong had to tell someone what was eating at him and Sicheng was one of his closest friends. “I need to tell you something.”
After Taeyong told Sicheng about you and what transpired all this time, Sicheng sighed, “Taeyong, this is trouble. We are not supposed to get involved with humans.”
“Sex is okay but dating and marriage are out of the question? How does that make sense?”
Sicheng frowned, reminding Taeyong of Kun at that moment. “Sex was never okay. In moderation and with zero strings attached? Sure...But you’ve crossed several lines...You’re playing with fire by pursuing y/n.”
Taeyong sighed in frustration. “I know but Sicheng, I’m falling…”
Sicheng watched Taeyong that night and witnessed how he changed after he met you. He put a hand on Taeyong’s shoulder. “I know. You’ve fallen since that first night. Five seconds.”
It took Taeyong five seconds to fall in love with you.
Taeyong continued, “I want to make this work. Let our Lord find out from me.”
“But-” Sicheng started.
“I appreciate you for not ratting me out to our Father, Sicheng. You’re a good friend.”
Later that night, Taeyong picked you up from your apartment and wanted to surprise you. He blindfolded you as you sat in the passenger seat of his car. Taeyong whispered into your ear. “Can you hear me?”
You laughed and bit your lip. “Taeyong, it’s a blindfold. Not ear plugs. Why are you whispering?”
He whispered even lower and the warmth of his breath made you fidget and press your thighs harder together. “It’s fun. That’s all.”
He could tell you were aroused. He could see your nipples through your black dress and he had to control his cock from making an early appearance. It was a good thing he blindfolded you.
Taeyong drove you two in silence and his giggles made you laugh. You held hands. It didn’t take too long to reach your destination. He escorted you out of the car and removed your blindfold.
You were at the Isla Central Marina and you stood before the entrance of a yacht named Cupid’s Bow. The boat was decorated with white Christmas lights.
“Taeyong, what is all this…”
He smiled as he led you onto the boat. “It’s where we’re having dinner tonight.”
You sat down at the table set at the center of the yacht. It was decorated with white daisies. Taeyong chose white daisies because their scent reminded him of you. And for their significance.
He sat you down at your seat and squeezed your shoulders.
You looked around in wonder. The night sky was clear as the full moon shone down on you both. “This is amazing. I can’t believe you did this for me.”
Taeyong sat across from you and smiled brightly. “I want to give you the world, y/n. If you let me, I will.”
Your face felt flushed and you stared down at your lap. “You’re so corny.”
He asked for your hand and you gave it to him. He kissed it and looked at you with what could be described as bedroom eyes. He tried to seduce you a couple of times now because he loved to tease you. You’d tease him back and pretend to consider sleeping with him. Fair’s fair.
But tonight? The teasing would stop.
Someone else cleared their throat. “Welcome to Cupid’s Bow. Thank you for dining with us tonight. I will be your server, Kun.”
You gasped and laughed. “Kun, what are you doing here?”
Dressed as a waiter, Kun said, “Taeyong needed a hand for tonight. And our friend Sicheng will be maneuvering this vessel.”
You turned to Sicheng as he waved from the steering wheel. He was wearing a captain’s outfit. You fought back a laugh. They were a cheesy group of guys.
Kun started you guys off with drinks as the boat departed the marina. You sailed around the bay that connected to the ocean. The bay led into downtown Isla where the city lights shone brightly. It was a beautiful modern-day fairytale.
Taeyong started up a playlist from his Bluetooth speakers and asked you to dance. “Give Me Love” by Ed Sheeran played.
Taeyong was a great dancer. He must have been classically trained for years. He spun you in circles and dipped you, pretending he was about to drop you to tease you. He pulled you close and hummed along to the lyrics. You laughed and held him tightly.
The songs continued as you and Taeyong watched the view. He held you from behind. The night was perfect.
“Y/n,” he said into your ear softly.
“I love you.”
You turned back to him and smiled. “I love you, too.” You kissed him.
You liked Taeyong ever since that night you met. But you started falling in love after you saw how he was with Ruby. He carried a lot of love and loyalty in his heart that it left you in awe every time you were with him. There was more to him than the wealthy bachelor persona he emitted. That wasn’t who he was. He was a man who loved fiercely. He was your best friend. And now you wanted him to be your lover.
You sat down together and ate Italian cuisine. Kun was an incredible chef. You and Taeyong share lasagna and chicken Alfredo. It was delicious. For dessert, you two fed each other gelato.
When Cupid’s Bow returned to the dock, you and Taeyong sat in the car, awkward.
Taeyong waited for you to tell him to take you home but it never came. You wanted him to suffer for a few more seconds.
You started. “Thank you for tonight.”
He cleared his throat. “I had the best time.”
“Can I stay the night?” You asked softly.
Taeyong was hearing things. “I’m sorry?”
“Let’s spend the night together.”
Taeyong was about to jump out of the driver’s seat and scream. He played it cool and his face was unreadable as he said, “Okay.”
You giggled. Taeyong was an enigma but you could see the blush creeping onto his cheeks.
You returned to the beach house and darted to the pool. Taeyong ran after you. You removed your dress and turned to him, biting your lip because you knew he loved it.
You were down to your black and red lingerie and Taeyong was so close to salivating. He longed to worship your body. He stood there, unable to move. He watched you slowly descend the steps into the pool and wait for him.
He walked slowly over to you, like a tiger about to pounce on his prey. He wanted you. You could see the desire in his gaze. He unbuttoned his shirt and you could see his abs glisten against the reflection of the pool. He smirked again, knowing it drove you crazy when he did that. He slowly unbuckled his belt and you could see his bulge better as he pulled down his pants.
“Wow,” you said.
Taeyong was down to his briefs. He pulled them down and chucked them away. His physique was like that of a statue of a Greek god. He was rock solid. You swam into the deep end, waiting for him to follow you in.
Taeyong got into the pool and dove down. You couldn’t see him now.
You were waiting for him to surprise you but time passed and you wondered if something was wrong.
“Yong?” You started. “Yong!”
He crept up behind you then, pulling your panties down in the process. “Boo.”
You smacked him. “Jerk. I thought you were dying.”
Taeyong chuckled. “I wasn’t down there for that long.”
“You’re kidding, right? I counted. It was at least a minute.”
Maybe he crossed the line with his immortal abilities, then. He sighed. “What can I say? I have incredible lung capacity.”
You rolled your eyes. “Why don’t we put that to the test?” You put your arms around him and kissed him deeply.
Taeyong’s heart skipped a beat. Your soaked body got him harder. You got onto his lap and he kissed your cleavage. His kisses were everything. You had been thinking about your first night with him for a long time now.
Taeyong lowered the strap of your bra and kissed your shoulder, silently asking if he could unclasp your bra. You nodded. He adored your breasts, biting and sucking at them.
You lowered your hand to his pelvic region and felt his large cock. He grunted as you clasped it. You kissed his neck and nipped at his ears.
You both loved teasing each other so now that you were spending the night together, neither of you was going down without a fight.
After a few minutes, Taeyong carried you out of the pool. You looked up at him, admiring his flawless profile. He dried you off and he took your hand and led you upstairs to his shower.
He started up the shower and you looked up at him. He took your face into his hands and gave you a peck on the lips. He smiled.
He started washing you with his body wash. It was Jo Malone Lime Basil & Mandarin. It smelled just like Taeyong and you wished you could smell like this all the time. He carefully navigated your body like you were a fragile vase and kissed you all over. He saved your chest for the end and could feel your heartbeat against his palm. He looked up at you through hooded eyes and you kissed his nose.
You washed him and teased him as you washed around his crotch, lightly tracing it with your fingers. His skin was soft while his body was muscular. He was the most beautiful contradiction in the world.
Taeyong pulled you in for another kiss and you wrapped your arms around each other. He turned the shower off. You both dried off.
He scooped you up, making you giggle. He laid you down gently. You stretched your body against the mattress and Taeyong admired all of your angles.
“I’m going to fuck you until the sunrise, y/n,” Taeyong said as he looked down at your body. Your eyes lock on him. They were no longer doe-like.
“I bet you are,” you said, feeling a little nervous now.
He straddled you and kissed you. His cock teased its entrance into your folds. “My stars, you are the most gorgeous creature,” he said as his face was mere centimeters from yours.
You pulled him closer and you kissed again, running your hands over his back. He traced his fingers around your folds, teasing your entrance. You whimpered as you held him tightly.
You pushed him off of you and laid him back as you gripped his cock and pumped. “You think you’re the only who’s been dying for this moment?”
Taeyong gaped at you. You were the first partner to take charge. His other lovers usually let him take the lead. He didn’t mind it much but to see you cater to his needs made him dizzy.
You took his cock into your mouth and your throat burned from the contact. You couldn’t take all of him in so you had to love the rest of him with your hand. You started bobbing your head back and forth, licking the veins of his throbbing member. Taeyong grunted. “Fuck, y/n.”
You looked up at him and his heart nearly stopped again. He gripped your hair. He came into your mouth and you swallowed his seed.
“You taste better than I imagined,” you said as you wiped your mouth.
You were generous in all aspects of life but in the bedroom? Taeyong was floored. “Allow me to pamper you.”
He laid you against his bed frame and brought out handcuffs.
“Well, you came prepared. Are those new?” You hoped they were.
“Yes. They came in yesterday…Good timing, wouldn’t you say?”
You nodded as he unlocked the cuffs. “Lift your arms up, y/n.”
You obeyed and he cuffed you. Your breasts were raised beautifully and Taeyong sighed. “Breathtaking.”
You averted your gaze and Taeyong shook his head. He took your chin and turned your face to him. “No, no...Don’t get shy on me now...Not when you fucked me with that pretty little mouth of yours.”
You loved how low his voice became and you felt your pussy tremble underneath him. He fondled your breasts, squeezing your nipples and biting them. He kissed around your folds. He traced his tongue at your entrance and breathed against it, making you whimper. He started whispering sweet nothings in multiple languages. He spoke in almost ten languages and you wondered who this man really was. You came once he spoke dirty French into your ear.
You were already soaked and Taeyong wanted to indulge in torturing you for a few minutes before he entered you. He started by slipping one finger into your entrance and carefully avoided your G-spot to rile you up.
“Taeyong, please,” you cried.
He stopped and kissed your forehead. “We have all night, y/n.”
You pouted. “You’re too good at torturing me.”
He smiled. “Am I torturing you? I didn’t think so.”
You wrapped your legs harder around his abdomen. “Get inside me. Now.”
He sighed. “You seem to forget that I’m calling the shots, y/n.”
You licked your lips. “Are you?”
He frowned and slipped his fingers out of your folds. “Do you not like it?”
You shook your head. “I do. I do. I do.”
He smirked. “Then, let me work.”
He continued to fingerfuck you until you cried. “Yong, please…”
“I love when you call me Yong. It destroys me,” he said as he finally entered you.
You cried out loud as his cock entered and hit you in the right places. You could feel him go deeper and could feel his cock twitching in your belly. You climaxed quickly and Taeyong quickly pulled out and came right after.
Taeyong cleaned you both up, not removing you from the cuffs just yet.
“Uh, Taeyong?”
“Yes, darling?”
“You forgot something?” You looked up at the cuffs.
“Oh, you’re right. I did forget something.” He kissed your forehead. “I love you.”
He walked out of the room.
Your arms started to hurt from having been raised for so long. “You are so funny!”
He returned with a tray that had two glasses of water and a bowl of strawberries and whipped cream.
“Are you hungry?” Taeyong asked, acting oblivious.
“Taeyong, I think it’s your turn to try on the cuffs…”
He beamed. “Exactly what I was thinking, y/n.”
“Okay, great. Now if you can get these off of me, the chances of me choking you to death will be lower.”
He laughed. “You’re so funny.”
He sat next to you in bed. And fed you a strawberry with whipped cream on top, popping it into your mouth. He carefully slipped his finger out and licked his finger. “Mmm.”
He took the whipped cream and drew out shapes onto your body, tracing his tongue over the shapes and eating the whipped cream. It drove you crazy.
“Now that I’ve had my dessert. It’s only fair that you enjoy yours.” He uncuffed you.
You cuffed him and had your way with him. You even took it a step further and pulled out another set of handcuffs from the drawer. “I see you got an extra pair.”
He smiled. “Can never be too prepared.”
You returned his smile. “Let’s kick it up a notch. Shall we?”
You cuffed his ankles, as well. He laid in bed and waited for you to get to work on him but you decided to get the bowl of strawberries and whipped cream and eat a couple slowly. You even fed a couple to Taeyong.
You started, “This is nice.”
Taeyong grumbled in Korean.
“What was that?”
“Nothing. I’m just waiting here. Patient.”
“Like the good boy that you are,” you cooed.
Your voice made him harder. You took the whipped cream and traced it over your collar bone. “Lick,” you commanded.
He licked across your collarbone. Then, you drew shapes onto his body, drawing a heart around his pelvic region. You saved it for last and slowly licked around it. You kissed his tip. He groaned. You straddled him and kissed him passionately.
You teased each other like that all night and made love for hours. You fell asleep in each other’s arms, holding each other tightly. The sun had risen a few hours ago. You woke up first and found Taeyong holding you tightly to his chest. He felt your movement in his sleep and he held you tighter. The sun lit up his features. He looked like an angel.
You kissed his cheek and his eyes opened slowly. “Good morning.”
You smiled. “Hi.”
He stretched and held you again. “I need to check on Ruby.”
You shook your head. “I’ll take care of her. You sleep.”
He whined. “It’s okay. You rest.”
You giggled. “It’s okay.”
You and Taeyong got cleaned up. You borrowed some of Taeyong’s clothes. You took Ruby for a walk around the neighborhood. You spent a quiet day together, living in utter bliss.
[1 Week Later]
Taeyong was on cloud nine. Having you in his life made him complete. He can’t imagine it getting better than this. You were at work and Taeyong was preparing dinner for you as you were sleeping over later. He was going to ask you to move in.
He finished his homemade pepperoni pizza and put it in the oven. He heard the doorbell ring. Ruby barked and he joined her to see who was at the door. It couldn’t be you. It was too early. He opened the door to find Mark at the door.
“Mark!” Taeyong smiled and hugged him. Mark was another one of his coworkers and close friends. Taeyong regarded him as a little brother.
“Taeyong, it’s great to see you…Wow, you are glowing.” Mark eyed him carefully.
He smiled, thinking about you. “Yeah...I guess I am. Come in!”
After they sat down and caught up with each other, Mark said, “I’ll cut to the chase...I’m here in Isla for my next pairing session.”
“Is that so?”
He nodded. The usually lighthearted boy looked serious. “I know about y/n.”
Taeyong’s smile faded. Ruby snuggled tighter to Taeyong as she rested on his lap. “Who-“
He shook his head. “I found out myself. Y/n is my next assignment.”
Taeyong felt his world crashing down onto him. “No…”
Mark sighed. “I expected one of the fledglings to get into this mess but you? Our mentor? It’s absurd.”
“Father doesn’t know…Imagine his disappointment when he finds out. He doesn’t have to. If you end it now.”
Taeyong’s chest was on fire. Tears were threatening to fall. “No.”
Mark frowned. “What?”
“You heard me, Mark. I’m not leaving her.”
Mark sighed. “Once I strike the arrows at her and her partner, it’ll be over.”
Taeyong shook his head. “Mark, please.”
Mark hurt for his friend but his duty as a Cupid came first. “I’m sorry, Taeyong. This is how our world works. You’re the one who told me so.”
Taeyong hated this. He hated the world he knew before you. How could he go  back to a world of bringing love to others and have no love himself? He couldn’t. Not after meeting you. You’d been burned before. No doubt by one of the Cupids interfering. He wasn’t about to let that happen again.
“Taeyong, if you interfere with y/n’s pairing...There’s no telling what the consequences will be.”
“I’ll be the one to deal with that, Mark. But I won’t let you come between us.”
After their exchange, Mark left. Taeyong retired to the kitchen to check on the pizza. It was ready.
“What is he saying, Taeyong?” You started.
“Y/n?!” Taeyong jumped as he found you waiting for him at the kitchen island. 
You’d snuck in earlier to surprise him with sweet potatoes you bought from the farmer’s market. You wanted to scare him because it was a bit of yours. You snuck through the back door with your own set of keys he gave you.
You were about to duck your head into the living room when you heard Taeyong say he wouldn’t leave you. Your heart sank.
He wanted to hold you. “Y/n…”
You crossed your arms. “What is going on? Who is Mark? And who exactly is your father? What exactly is your job, Taeyong? Because I’m beginning to suspect you’re not a dating guru.”
Taeyong sighed. “You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you.”
“Try me.”
Taeyong checked the schedules of the fledglings at work in Isla. The best way for him to prove his identity to you was to show you how Cupids worked. “Come with me.”
He drove you to an amusement park. You turned to him. “You are not taking me on a date right now.”
He shook his head. “I’m not. Just follow me.”
He led you into the park and you sat down on a bench by the haunted house.
Taeyong started. “See that guy in the leather jacket? That’s my coworker Shotaro.”
“I don’t see him…” There was no one by that description where Taeyong was pointing.
“Y/n, hold my hand.”
“Taeyong, now’s not the time.”
“Please. Just do it.”
You gave in and held his hand and suddenly, a young man in a leather jacket appeared. Shotaro was carrying a bow and a bag of arrows. He prepared his arrow to shoot at someone leaving the haunted house.
“Taeyong, what is he doing?!” You yelled.
Taeyong shushed. “Y/n, just watch.”
You put a hand over your mouth and you were about to run over and stop this madness. Taeyong held you back.
Shotaro released the arrow and hit the young woman first. She looked at her best friend and kissed her cheek. Shotaro then shot another arrow at the best friend. She kissed the first young woman on the lips, then. The arrows vanished just as quickly as they pierced both women. It was as if they were never struck. Shotaro noticed Taeyong and waved before he faded away.
You rubbed your eyes. “Taeyong?”
“What the hell was that?”
“More like what the heaven was that…”
Taeyong explained everything to you. How he was Cupid. How there were Cupids all over the world bringing people together. Taeyong was the original Cupid and he was on vacation. You took it all in and a lot of things started to make sense. Why he never spoke about his family or his job. How a lot of things were so new to him. It wasn’t because he was a sheltered rich boy. He wasn’t even human. He was a god.
This also meant that your concept of love was completely wrong. Cupids had their hand in romance all over the world. Which made you realize...
“So…When Jaemin broke up with me, it was because of you guys?”
Frustrated that you brought up Jaemin, Taeyong managed to say, “Yes…”
Tears fell from your eyes. “And you were never going to tell me?”
“It wasn’t my place to-“
“Oh, hell, if it’s not...How long were you going to play me like this? You were going to leave, anyway. What was the plan? Lead me on and then dump me like Jaemin did?”
Stabbed by your words, he begged, “Stop saying his name.”
“Well? How long were you planning to lead me on for? I’m sure you have a carefully crafted schedule for your next victim ready.”
Taeyong shook his head. “You don’t mean that.”
Tears fell onto your lap. “Taeyong, I loved you. Did you ever love me?”
The past tense killed him to hear. “Y/n, I love you. I’ve never loved anyone in all my years. You’re the only one for me.”
“Taeyong, you’re going to leave me.” You sobbed.
He shook his head. “I won’t leave you. I’ll fight for us.”
You hugged him tightly and he shushed you. He bought you a funnel cake with a large cup of lemonade to share. You both ate in silence for a few minutes.
You broke the silence.“When Mark said I had a pairing session, that means that I’m being matched with someone. Someone that isn’t you…”
“Taeyong, I don’t want to be matched with someone else. What are we going to do?”
“I have a plan.”
You sighed. “I’m being selfish.” “What? No...Why would you think that?”
You took a sip of the lemonade. “The consequences of you disobeying...God, I still can’t believe it....I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Taeyong replied, “Let me deal with that, y/n. I will fight for us. It’ll take some convincing but after all of my years with Father, he has to listen to me.”
[The Next Day]
Tonight was the animal shelter’s fundraising gala in downtown Isla. It was held at the lavish Sun and Moon Hotel’s ballroom. Your potential partner would be in attendance tonight but you didn’t care. All you cared about was Taeyong and what he had up his sleeve. Mark was mingling with the other guests. He didn’t know that you were in on his plans with you. He met your eyes and smiled, playing the part of the oblivious but charming young man.
As far as Mark knew, you and Taeyong broke up last night so you had to look miserable. And frankly, you felt miserable not knowing what was about to happen with Taeyong. There was a chance you could lose him forever tonight. But you held onto the chance of remaining with him.
You forced a smile and continued to mingle with the guests. Meanwhile, Taeyong disguised himself and kept an eye on Mark. Mark may have been a well-established Cupid by now but he was not at Taeyong’s level. He was off by a few centuries.
The shelter had received a lot of donations from many local businesses and celebrities. You gave a thank you speech to all the attendees for their generosity and raised your glass to them. The uncertainty was killing you underneath it all.
Taeyong watched Mark prepare his arrow, then. Mark was no longer seen by humans. You realized Mark and Taeyong were missing, which meant it was time. Taeyong prepared his arrows. He stabbed himself with his own arrow as he watched you. Right before Mark shot his arrow, Taeyong shot at you. You turned to him, then, finally able to see him. Mark realized too late what he had done.
Mark yelled. “What have you-”
Taeyong and Mark vanished.
[5 Years Later]
The year you spent with Taeyong had vanished from your memory. The night of the gala after Taeyong and Mark disappeared, you continued on with your life. Living with an inexplicable hole in your heart. You thought it was because you were being dramatic. Seeing a lot of your friends get married and have kids didn’t help your case either. Meanwhile, you were alone. Working hard and thriving, sure. But emotionally, you weren’t all there.
None of your friends or family remembered Taeyong either. It was as if he never existed to any of you. One day, Jisoo introduced you to one of her friends from her gym. You two hooked up not too long afterwards. The night was fun. It was a one-time thing.
However, that one-time thing ended up in your pregnancy. The father wanted nothing to do with your child so he skipped town. You didn’t hold it against him. The child was unplanned and you decided to carry on with the pregnancy on your own. Your friends and family were very supportive. You gave birth to a baby girl named Daisy.
The emptiness in your heart was filled by your love for Daisy. She was your world. She was your partner in crime. You wanted to give her everything good the world had to offer. Maybe someday you could give her a father.
After dropping her off at pre-school, you stopped by the post office to send out a letter to your pen pal. Isla recently started up a pen pal program for its citizens to send each other letters and gifts. You were paired up with someone who shared a lot of the same interests as you: favorite movies, foods, and animals.
You were paired up with a man named Lee Taeyong.
Dear Taeyong,
I’m sending you a copy of my favorite movie of all time, Jurassic Park. Please let me know if you like it. If you do, there’s a bunch of stickers in it for you. I hope you have safe travels to Munich and Budapest.
Taeyong had faced serious consequences for interfering with your pairing session. The work that had to be put in to pair up y/n’s original partner, Nakamoto Yuta, with someone else put everyone into a frenzy. Thankfully, the damage was repaired.
However, the Lord was pissed. Taeyong disobeyed him. Even though God adored him, he knew he had to be punished. For every second it took for Taeyong to fall in love with you, it would take a year for you two to reunite.
God relieved Taeyong of his Cupid duties and wished him a wonderful life as a human. He looked forward to Taeyong returning to him again one day.
Taeyong returned to Isla with an established job as a pilot. Ruby remained with him. His friends Sicheng and Kun would look after her while Taeyong was away now and then. He loved traveling the world but he loved coming home to Ruby most of all. He tried dating a couple of times but it never clicked with anyone. And hook-ups were a thing of the past. He wanted something serious. He hoped to find someone to call his person someday.
He recently sent his pen pal a letter before departing for his flight to Paris.
Dear y/n,
I loved Jurassic Park. I can’t believe I wasted so many years of my life not knowing this movie. Don’t hold back on the stickers. I’m sending you a copy of one of my favorite movies. It’s called Train to Busan. Try not to swoon too hard over Gong Yoo or I might get a little jealous.
You two exchanged letters frequently and after a few more months, you decided to meet up at the cafe right next to the shelter. Taeyong walked past the shelter, arriving early for your meet-up. He was thrilled to meet you and finally put a face to your name. He looked at the windows where adoptions were currently underway.
That was when he saw you.
And just like that everything flooded back to him. How you two already knew each other once. How you became friends and grew together. How you fell in love.
He ran into the shelter and called your name. “Y/n!”
You were answering a volunteer’s question when you heard someone call your name. When you turned to the person who called you, it all came rushing back to you. All of the memories. All of the love for him that you carried in your heart. 
“Taeyong…” Your eyes welled up.
You ran towards each other. You jumped into his arms, then. You laughed and cried together. You took a ten minute break to sit outside with Taeyong.
“I can’t believe it’s you…” He cried.
“Me neither...It’s been five years…”
“Five years...A year for every second it took for me to fall in love with you…” Geez, he thought, God was so unfair and so corny at the same time.
Five years without each other was too much for either of you to bear. You caught up on each other’s lives. Taeyong was shocked to find out you have a daughter. You were shocked that Taeyong was a human now.
But now this meant that you two could grow old together. Daisy could finally have a father. And you couldn’t wait to hold Ruby again.
[1 Year Later]
After a year of dating and getting to know each other again, you and Taeyong got married. Daisy and Taeyong adored each other. Ruby was happy to see you again and more than happy to welcome Daisy into her life. It was a beautiful union.
All of your friends were in attendance. Jisoo was weeping so hard. Jaehyun and his boyfriend Johnny were in attendance. Taeyong was shocked that it hadn’t been Jaehyun who claimed your heart after all this time. It turned out that Jaehyun was just a concerned friend. They became good friends.
You got married at the beach. You wore a stunning mermaid white gown. You walked down the aisle with a train decorated with white daisies. The white daisies translated to: “I love you truly.” Sicheng, a violinist, played his rendition of “All My Life” by K-Ci & JoJo. It was yours and Taeyong’s song.
Taeyong donned a black tuxedo. A daisy decorated his lapel. He nearly broke down in tears at how lovely you looked. You couldn’t help the huge smile on your face.
You recite your vows to each other. You started, “Taeyong, from the moment we first met...My life became tinted in shades of pinks and oranges again. I could see that the world could be beautiful. You helped me find happiness again. A happiness I didn’t know I needed until I met you. I adore you and will adore you even into the afterlife. Whatever happens, I will always be here for you. You have my heart. My everything. I cannot wait to spend our lives together with Daisy, Ruby, and our future children. I love you.”
Taeyong replied, “Y/n, you are my world. I found love in you. You are the light of my life. You made me a better person and you made me want to live and enjoy life. The world is beautiful because of you. I love you with all of my heart. I promise you that we will always be together. No matter what life...and the after life...will throw at us. I am yours. I will always be with you. My love. My darling y/n...I love our family. Daisy and Ruby, we love you so much. I cannot wait to raise our family together, y/n. I love you.”
Officiant Kun continued, “By the power vested in me by the State of Sweetwater, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”
Taeyong scooped you up and kissed you, earning applause from your friends and family.
A magical day of many. You two lived happily ever after.
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jamesandthedog · 3 years
I think it’s still @blitheringmcgonagall ‘s birthday where she lives so happy birthday you vaguely shining light of my life! No present could express how glad I am to have you as a friend, but have a little bit of fast written and very unedited Jily:)
Stuffed in Sirius’ drawer
James remembered Lily’s voice and how her hand felt wrapped around his own. At least he thought it was her hand. He remembered seeing the familiar features of his best friend hovering high above him and he thought he had heard voices. He may have slept somewhere between those thoughts, he wasn’t sure. Everything felt a little groggy, dream-like, just like the pain he remembered vaguely in the back of his mind, or those white-clothed witches and wizards he thought he’d seen walk by.
When he really put his mind into it, he could remember fighting Death Eaters near Portobello Road, but now it all seemed fuzzy. It had been late evening, but it wasn’t dark anymore. Where was he?
“James, are you awake?”
There was the voice again, her voice. This was James’ favourite dream, the one were Lily talked to him. Sometimes it was just a voice, sometimes a touch or blurry outlines of her face disappearing before he could quite see them. Though now something in this drowsy state of mind felt different, as if she was closer.
When James tried really hard, he could imagine Lily was holding his hand with both of hers, sitting beside a hospital bed. The image was shattering, there was too much light and he thought she looked tired, worried.
“Great. We’ve wanted him to shut up for years and this is when he decides to listen.”
“Shut up, Sirius,” Lily said and it came out almost as a cry.
“He’s going to be alright,” said a third voice, more soothing.
Remus, James realised.
This dream felt more real than the ones before.
“Stop pissing her off, Padfoot,” James muttered.
He heard Sirius laugh. Maybe he heard Lily whisper a Muggle prayer.
It took James some time to open his eyes and realise that Lily really was there. He couldn’t see her properly, he didn’t have his glasses on, but she was there, smiling, her lips kissing his fingers. Then he saw Remus, one hand on Lily’s shoulder as if he’d been massaging her shoulder to calm her down. Sirius was on the other side of the bed, leaning on the window frame, looking like he hadn’t had a shower in days.
“Should’ve known you’d come back from death just to defend Lily,” Sirius said.
James smiled.
“How are you?” Lily asked, placing his glasses on his face and kissing his forehead.
James thought about it. He felt a little sore, not much.
“You’re in St Mungo’s. You’ve been passed out for three days,” Remus added as Sirius walked on the edge of the bed.
That explained the bandages. Three days? Had they given him a sleeping potion? Shit. He moved a little and his whole body ached, making him grimace. Shit.
“Never better,” he smiled.
Lily took a long, shaky breath. James looked at her, and now that he was able to see her clearly, he could see she was upset. She had tears in her eyes. It felt was worse than the actual aching in his chest. James squeezed her hand that was still holding his.
“Good. You really scared Lily,” Sirius grinned.
“Scared me?” Lily scoffed. “You were the one considering going back to your parent’s house to do research on dark magic in case we needed to bring James back from the death!”
“I’d say it’s fair to say you scared all of us,” Remus concluded. “If Peter wasn’t on Order duty, he’d be here to worry over you too.”
James looked at them. He could see the worry boiling in Lily, and he knew Sirius could act calm but the idea of losing any one of his friends got to him. Remus was probably the most sensible one when it came to death, he’d given the idea some thought a long before the war started. He’d probably been the one to guide the others through the past three days, and James didn’t think he could even thank Remus enough for doing so.
“So… You all got out of there unharmed? What happened?” James asked.
Lily bit her lip. She didn’t look at him.
“Snivellus hit you with that curse. Remember the one that cut you at school?” Sirius said, anger in his voice. “Only he’s gotten better at it because it wasn’t just a cut of two, you were bleeding all over. And you know how Bella gets, I couldn’t get to you past her and fucking Snape.”
Lily looked down at their hands and took a long breath collecting herself. James hated putting her through this. Whatever Snape did wasn’t her fault. James squeezed her hand.
“I managed to disparate you, but that was after Snape had thrown a Crusiatus at you,” Lily said quietly. “It took ages for the heelers to stop the bleeding.”
“Your girlfriend hasn’t left the hospital since. And neither has Padfoot,” Remus concluded.
James took a breath and nodded. That explained why he felt his whole body ache. James remembered some of it now. Battling against Snape, the man had sought him out like he always did when he couldn’t see Lily around.
“Thanks. For getting me out of there and, everything,” James said, looking at each of them.
“Thanks for not dying,” Sirius shrugged.
“Me, shutting up for live?” James asked remembering the first words he’d heard Sirius speak. “No way I’d give you the pleasure.”
“I’d hit you if you weren’t looking so crappy already, you know?” Sirius grinned.
“Can I… Can we have a moment?” Lily asked, looking at the two boys.
Remus nodded. “Yeah. I’ll take Sirius home so you can talk. That mutt needs a bath anyway.”
They left, and James was left with Lily. Now that the others were gone she had hard time keeping her eyes dry.
“Hey, I’m here. I’m okay,” James said, bringing her hand to his lips and kissing her palm. “Are you okay?”
A sob escaped her lips, but she nodded, pressing her lips together.
“If you ever – EVER – scare me like that again I swear I-“ Lily started.
“Showcase your Muggle swearwords?” James raised a brow as he interrupted her. He loved listening her swear the Muggle way with all her Gods and Christs.
“Don’t start joking mister couldn’t-wake-up-for-three-days,” Lily snapped, but he knew she was relieved to hear him being back to his joking self. “Besides you told me you’d always win him in a battle!”
He had sworn that not too long ago, when Lily had witnessed Snape seeking James out in a battle two times in a row. It had happened earlier too, and James had a feeling Snape only did it when he thought Lily wasn’t around. But she had caught up to it, so James was forced to talk to her about it. He didn’t want her to worry, and honestly he was better at combat, so he had told her she didn’t need to worry about it.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly, apologetically.
“I don’t need you to be sorry, I need you to stay alive, you idiot!”
She was sobbing now through the anger and yelling. James tried to sit up, but it was too fast and hurt his chest where Snape’s first curse had hit him. Lily stood up to stop him, but he got up sitting anyway, this time slowly. He pulled Lily closer by the hand until he could hug her. It wasn’t a full hug, not the type of warmth and comfort he was able to give when his chest wasn’t covered in wounds.
Lily cried, her tears wetting the skin on James’ neck as his fingertips draw calming patterns on her back.
“I am alive. I’m not going anywhere,” he hushed, pressing a kiss into her neck.
“You better not,” Lily said. “I’m pregnant.”
James’s fingers stopped petting her back. He let the air escape his lungs and pulled back just enough to see her face, it still hurt but it was the fastest thing on his mind.
“You what?” He asked, wiping a tear from her cheek.
“You heard me, Potter,” she said with defiance in her voice.
James snorted at it and glanced somewhere above just to take time to comprehend it. It was definitely not something they had been planning. They had been careful. Except maybe… Well, they may have not always waited quite as long as they should have after Lily took the potion preventing this sorts of thing from happening.
“And I’m keeping it so you better not die on us,” Lily added when James looked at her again.
It was a war and bringing a child into that certainly didn’t seem like a responsible thing to do. But when he looked at Lily, he knew what he had known for years. He wanted her. The chaos of war had only made him more certain of it. He hadn’t dare to dream of live after war for quite some time, but there had always been that distant idea of creating a family with her. Their little life together.
James nodded, giving her a smile. “Can you send an owl to Pads?”
Lily raised her eyebrows.
“You really want to write Sirius a letter right now?”
“I need him to bring me something,” James smiled.
“I tell you I’m pregnant and the only comment I get is your need to write to Sirius?”, she asked.
James rolled his eyes and kissed her softly.
“Fine,” he gave up on the letter and brushed a strand of hair from her face. “But if this is going to be very lame because I can’t even get off the bed, you’re the one to blame.”
“James? That makes literally no sense,” Lily frowned. “Are you alright? I’m going to call a heeler.”
James laughed and kissed her again before she had time to move away from him.
“No,” he shook his head and kissed her once more, slowly, bringing his hand in her neck. “I just mean, I’ve wanted to do this for a long time. And I can’t promise you I won’t ever die. But I swear I’ll do anything to keep us all safe. I can’t get on one knee-“
“James what-“
“And the ring is stuffed in Sirius’ drawer –“
“I fucking love you, Evans-“
“Oh my god.”
“I love your laughter. I love your fierceness. I love your wit. I love how big heart you have. I loved to wake up to your voice today. I love everything about you, even the things that annoy me. And I’m not saying this just because you’re pregnant. Will marry me, Evans?”
There were tears in Lily’s eyes again. His hands had moved to cup her face as he’d spoken and she was holding onto his wrists. He tried to read her expression but he was too nervous to catch her thoughts just by reading her.
“You have a ring stuffed in Sirius’ drawer?” She asked.
“He said I should commit to a ring at least for three months before chaining myself for life.”
“How long has it been there?”
“Around two months.”
Lily nodded. “He’s going to be pissed.”
James raised his eyebrows. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” she smiled.
“You’re really going to marry me, Evans?”
“I’m really going to marry you, Potter,” she laughed, and pulled him gently closer, pressing her lips on his.
In that moment James was sure no death eater, not even Voldemort could stop them from winning the war. He had simply too much to live for. So he kissed her back, and felt nothing but utter joy until twenty minutes later when the tiredness took over his aching body and he fell asleep smiling.
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