#I have so many angsty comics I want to make! so many!
bluegreysilkie · 10 months
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A story about mushcup
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jjoshlynaround · 5 months
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making a part two to the gay moment comic i made. making it clear my favorite wolfwood is 98 wolfwood
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cowboydisaster · 9 months
Just Like You
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pairing: SImon "Ghost" Riley x single mom reader word count: 1.6k summary: Ghost can't get used to the fact that he's your son's favorite person in the world, but damn- he's trying. ("You- You're me for Halloween??") a/n: this fic references the comics, so for those who didn't know: Joseph was Simon's nephew. Super angsty and fluffy. Simon bonding with your kid. beta read by @margowritesthings
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Leo loves Halloween. It’s your son’s favorite time of year. The five year old boy, with your help, worked incredibly hard on his costume, and he’s sure it's going to be the best costume on the block. You may be a little biased, but really, it’s very good. Leo has put extra effort into perfecting every detail of his costume, because this year is special.
It’s the first year that Simon will be accompanying Leo with trick or treat. Leo loves Simon to pieces– but Simon can’t figure out why. The soldier elicits fear from nearly everyone that he encounters, his mask makes children scream and run in the other direction. Hell, his mask makes adults piss themselves in the field. Many enemy soldiers have surrendered at the sight of Ghost running towards them. So Simon can’t wrap his head around the fact that his girlfriend’s little boy looks up at him like he’s the greatest person in the world. 
Simon is less than stellar with children. He tries, but he’s not entirely sure how to talk to them. He’s always a little awkward, generally avoiding children when he can, but this one seeks him out. Simon loves you more than anything, and he wants to form a relationship with Leo, he’s just not exactly sure how. He’s trying, for you and the boy. Leo’s biological dad is a piece of shit, which Simon has lived through, and he tries to shield the poor kid from that pain as much as possible. Maybe it’s because Leo reminds him so much of Tommy and Joseph, but your kid is special. 
“You ready, bud?” You ask, pulling a hoodie over your frame. It’s Simon’s and it’s oversized, stopping just above your knees. But it's comfortable, and late-October in Manchester is not. Immediately, you find yourself encompassed in its warmth and the smell of Simon’s cologne.
“Almost, mummy!” Leo yells from the bathroom. “Simon is gonna love this!”
You chuckle, “I know he will, baby.” You grab the fresh mug of tea from your nightstand and head down the carpeted stairs. Simon was to be here an hour before trick or treat. You check your watch. 18:00. As if on cue, the doorbell rings, sounding out loudly through your little home. Always punctual. Leo squeals out of excitement at the sound.
“Coming!” You holler, padding across the chilly living room towards the door. You jog lightly, causing a few drops of tea to spill over from the lip of your mug, dripping down to the floor and splashing against the hardwood floor. Ignoring the little mess, you pull the frosted glass door open. Simon is wearing his less civilian mask with the hard plastic skull face. You’d specifically requested that he wear it, though he wasn’t sure why.
“You can just come in, you know. You don’t have to ring the doorbell.” You chuckle, nodding for him to come in. He steps inside the door, hands softly gripping onto your waist as he kicks the door shut. 
“I told you to keep your door locked.” Simon raises an eyebrow, squeezing your waist. 
“Oh, right…” You hum, squinting your eyes as you recall that conversation, “I forgot.”
“Course you did, love.” Simon smirks, “Happy Halloween.” he says, and you chuckle, gripping his skull mask by the teeth and pushing it up over his face. His scarred lips are sporting a smile, and you kiss it away. It’s over all too quick as he pulls away, nodding towards the cup of tea in your hand. 
“The kettle’s still on, yeah?” He asks, pulling the mask back down over his face. 
“Yes, I’ll get you a cuppa.” You roll your eyes playfully. He’s cutting your kisses short for tea, something he’ll make up for later, you’re sure. Simon glances around the living room, noting the few abandoned truck toys that lie around the living room.
“Where’s Leo?” Simon asks, looking around the living room as you walk towards the kitchen. 
“He’s just finishing getting ready upstairs. Why don’t you go up? I'll bring your tea up.” You hum, grabbing a tea bag and Simon’s favorite mug. You hear heavy footsteps going up the stairs, and take that as his response. 
You shake your head, amused as you slowly pour the steaming water over the tea bag, watching it turn a rich brown. Once it’s properly mashed, you add his preferred amount of milk and sugar, and then carefully start up the stairs. Your footsteps are naturally much quieter than Simon’s, and with the added fact that you’re trying not to spill his tea, he doesn’t hear you coming up the steps. You reach the top, and stop dead in your tracks at the sight around the corner. Simon is walking towards Leo’s bedroom, but from the angle you’re at, you can see Leo hiding around the corner as if he's about to scare Simon. Leo is fully dressed in his Halloween costume, a little replica of the exact outfit Simon is currently wearing, skull mask and all.
“Boo!” Leo screams, rounding the corner that Simon was just about to go around.
Simon clutches his chest, jumping back a comical amount. Simon literally screams, attempting to sound terrified. Obviously Simon isn’t scared in the least, but Leo doesn’t know that. Simon lets the boy proudly think that his costume is scary enough to frighten the unshakeable. Leo’s smile is as bright as ever under his mask, and you grip the cup of tea a little tighter as a smile pulls at your own lips. Simon’s eyes are comically wide as he fakes terror for the young boy. Entirely satisfied with Simon’s reaction, Leo pulls his mask off, giggling madly. 
“It’s okay, Simon! It’s just me, don't be scared!” Leo giggles, jogging up towards Simon who is bent over at the waist, pretending to gasp for breath and holding his chest.
“Bloody hell, mate. You nearly gave me a heart attack!” Simon chuckles, scooping Leo up into his arms. Once settled on Simon’s hip, Leo holds the plastic mask up to Simon’s face. It’s an exact replica of the mask he’s currently wearing, just much smaller. 
“Look! I'm just like you for Halloween!” Leo smiles, showing Simon all the little details that he’d put into perfecting his mask. 
“You–” Simon’s brow furrows, “You’re me for Halloween?” He asks, piecing it all together. Leo holds the mask out to Simon, who takes it and looks over the smaller version of Ghost’s infamous skull mask. 
“Yep! Do you like it…?” Leo asks, sounding a bit worried. His little eyebrows pull together, and Simon is quick to reassure him. 
“I love it, mate. It’s perfect, looks just like mine.” Simon whispers. There is emotion in his voice, unusual for him, you note. Tears prick your eyes as Leo puts the mask back on, looking up at Simon. 
“I wanna be like you when I grow up.” Leo says, wrapping his little arms around Simon’s neck. 
“You’re gonna be better than me, Leo. Much better, yeah?” Simon whispers, looking the boy in the eyes. Leo nods, curling up against Simon’s chest. He rubs his hand up and down Leo’s back, comforting him. 
“You know, Leo, you remind me of a boy I used to know.” Simon mumbles in a rare show of emotional vulnerability, his eyes glazed over as he pats the boy’s back. 
“Who?” Leo asks, propping his chin on Simon’s chest to look up at him better. 
“Uh–” Simon hesitates. “His name was Joseph… He was my nephew.” Simon whispers, and your heart wrenches in your chest. 
“Maybe I could meet him someday and we could play.” Leo whispers, hopefully looking up. 
“Yeah. Maybe someday.” Is all Simon says, nodding lightly as old, ugly memories pull at his brain, ones he’d shoved out and burned long ago. 
“I love you, Simon.” Leo whispers, hugging his little arms as tightly around the man as he can manage. He pulls Simon out of every dark thought he was having, those three little words pulling at his heart strings. Simon hesitates, voice stuttering for a moment. 
“Yeah– I love you too, little mate.” Simon whispers, voice heavy with emotion.
“This is gonna be so much fun– Mummy even helped me with my costume!” Leo adds, unintentionally changing the subject. He creates a perfect time for you to announce your presence. 
You hastily wipe your eyes and walk up the last step, rounding the corner you were just hiding behind. You catch Simon off guard, and he turns to you, slowly placing the young boy back on the ground.
“I didn’t hear you come up.” Simon whispers, taking the mug from your outstretched hands. He’s far away, lost in thought. Leo runs down the hall to grab his treat bag as Simon wraps his arm around your waist. 
“Didn’t want to spill your cuppa.” You explain, resting your head on his chest for a moment. Leo comes back around the corner with his bag, excitedly waiting for trick or treat to begin.
You smile up at Simon, noticing a few little tear tracks running down through his eye black.
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ghost taglist: @moths569
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opennwindows · 8 months
If you can, could I request BEN Drowned fluff / smut headcanons like about himself, with his headcanon age, hobbies, facts, what he is into or would like & want in a relationship, and what he would be like with a gamer girlfriend/ s/o?
If ya taking requests rn still?✨😇😊💖
Ben Drowned general + NSFW hcs
A/N: yes!! absolutely. i love getting to talk about how the pastas do their pastaing in my mind. i have so many headcanons for everyone that im excited to share!! also sorry i forgot to include the gamer gf part but i don't think it would change a lot of what i wrote!!
btw sorry for fucking dying i have been busy 😭😭 but no one worry i will still continue to work on requests!! if anyone has any marble hornets stuff they wanna request i will zoom you to the front of the queue so fucking quick. anyways enough of me yapping.
cw: 18+ nsfw, toxic relationships, crying kink,
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ben is mentally and physically 22, but he can be quite emotionally immature at times. when he died he never stopped growing and maturing, his soul was just stuck in limbo. think like the worst waiting room ever.
he's surprisingly tall, standing at about 5'9. he's lanky but not bone thin. could easily get pretty far in a fight without his ghost powers.
the link costume only appears when he’s in his ghost form. so for example, when he’s messing with someone on their computer he’ll appear as the canon BEN we’re most familiar with. when he’s just chilling in his physical body, he mostly wears beat up hoodies and sweatpants.
contrary to popular belief, ben's not the hardcore gamer everyone thinks he is. sure, he'll play some overwatch or whatever when he's bored but he honestly just prefers to watch tv and browse the internet. understandably REFUSES to play any zelda games. if you were trapped in a video game for decades would you ever wanna touch it again? exactly.
ben loves to draw little comics and troll (see: horrifically traumatize) people online. god forbid you get into twitter beef with this man because he will crawl through your monitor at 3am and leave you with a crippling fear of technology. dude thinks it's absolutely hilarious. a true knee slapper.
lowkey has a sugar addiction. will slam down 4 cans of pepsi in one sitting. he's very lucky that he's basically a ghost because the kidney stones would be plentiful.
you know that guy with the blown out speakers in his car, lives off of energy drinks and burnt blue razz ice elfbars, swears aphex twin is the modern mozart and works on the grill at your local wendy’s? yeah thats ben. or at least would be him if he was still human.
“why would you need a chair, my lap is literally right here babe.”
would absolutely wear your skin if given the opportunity. not in a weird way. he’s just EXTREMELY touchy.
he needs someone who is significantly more organized and motivated than him. he can go almost a week without showering and it should honestly be considered biological warfare when he tries to smother you with affection during these episodes.
after awhile of you guys dating he LOVES the idea of y’all showering together. he has a fear of water and while showers aren’t too much of a trigger, your presence helps ease his anxiety.
favorite pet names: bro, dude, dawg, babe, bitch (non derogatory)
not really a romantic but he tries his best. a perfect date for him is just getting some takeout, watching youtube, talking about stupid shit and play fighting. if you want something more traditional or extravagant then he’ll oblige to make you happy but those types of dates make him feel quite suffocated and nervous. try to save those for special occasions.
now let’s talk about his problems because just like the other creeps he is ANGSTY.
he’s probably the most emotionally stable and healthiest of the group but he definitely still has his toxic traits, after all this man is a ghost that mentally tortures and kills his victims through manipulation.
ben would never ever get physical with his partner no matter how enraged he is but he absolutely is the type to do some mental damage when he gets carried away. ben drowned? more like ben gaslighted.
the type to say some shit that would keep you up for years and then kiss you the next morning like the argument never happened. he finds it easier to ignore problems than to actively talk and fix them. you’re gonna have to teach him some important communication skills or else you’ll grow to resent him after all the bottled up rage.
a bit too brutally honest and blunt for his own good so if you have thin skin the relationship would fall apart pretty quickly. he wants someone who can drag him twice as hard as he dragged you. bonus points if your insults are consistently funny as hell.
please watch anime with him and discuss it. he would propose on the spot, especially if you play with his hair.
pro player tip: if you want him to clean his disgusting room, help him and make it fun! he just needs a little push and motivation at times. and being around you makes him want to get his shit together.
big fan of late night make-out sessions. i’m talking like 45 minutes straight of just slobbering on each other’s faces with tongues down throats. if you don’t want his hands running over every inch of your body then you’ll probably have to chain him to the wall.
okay. so he’s a little inexperienced with his hands. he’s just a slow learner. be vocal with him about what you like!!
ben's about 7inches and slightly skinnier than average but he will have you seeing stars in record time. the dick game is no joke. he tends to go fast and deep most times.
i can see him being a switch in the idgaf-as-long-as-i’m-fucking way. dude will go with the flow and will try mostly anything.
definitely one of the least aggressive pastas during sex. he has sadistic tendencies but he’s more of a edge/overstimulate you until you cry versus a beat the shit out of you and rip hair out of your scalp type. he’s pretty vanilla given his occupation.
despite his love of roasting the fuck out of you on a daily basis, the only words that come out of this man’s mouth is heavenly praise. he looks at you like you’re the most gorgeous being on the planet and he’ll let you know it.
he loves to whisper praises into your ear while you ride him.
he's more of a receiver than a giver when it comes to oral. he'll absolutely spend hours between your legs if given the chance but nothing beats the sight of you on your knees and teary eyed with his length in your mouth.
he can be a bit of a head pusher but just let him face-fuck you every now and then, hearing his loud moans will be worth it.
did i mention how much of a crying kink this man has? you guys could be on round three and if he stares at your teary eyed fucked-out face for longer than 10 seconds he'll immediately get hard again. you'll have to beg him to give your poor body a break.
he's also into choking but only if he's the one doing it. if you try to restrict his breathing he'll panic and the mood would get ruined.
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risuola · 8 months
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BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR — F. READER x SUKUNA RYOMEN, who leads a gang of curses
Ever heard of that saying to keep your friends close and your enemies closer? Yeah, you took that one straight to your heart, and pussy, because sleeping – no, rough fucking with the most dangerous enemy you own became a second nature to you. You became Sukuna's toy, you knew he was playing with you, satisfied to fuck you brainless whenever he felt like it but thing is, he's also unable to say no to you, what pisses him off. But once, you show up at his doorstep all covered in blood and he cannot say no to helping you.
cw: smut, hate fucking (if you squint), dub con, enemies to lovers, shower sex, oral sex (m. receiving), face fucking, praise, pet names, overstimulation, cumplay, tiny bit of angsty feeling, violence and blood mentioned (nothing new in jjk universe ok), reader discretion is advised — 6,2k words
AU: this is the universe where sorcerers have to face curses - something akin to gang with Sukuna Ryomen leading them so it's close to jjk universe, but not quite.
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“Who did this to you?”
What makes hero a hero? Is it the power the ‘good guys’ hold? The extraordinary strength or intelligence? The morals and commitment, the noble qualities? Is it the way they use their exceptional abilities? Is hero a hero because he fights against what’s conventionally categorized as bad? Because he’s fighting for the right case? If so, who’s there to decide what really is the right case? Who has the right to tell where the line between good and evil is? You for sure don’t, but you were one of those heroes – countless battles you fought, standing against what’s bad and cursed, risking your life just to keep people around you safe. So much pain you endured, so many injuries you had to recover from just so those around you, the weaker ones, could live still in peace. So they can enjoy their days, not caring about a single thing. You paid with your own blood for their freedom, but that was okay. That was rewarding, that’s what you had to do, right? Because you were one of the good guys, you were one of those who were meant to protect the crowds. You had your ‘hero’ friends, you shared the experience with them, you shared your hardships with people who understood you. So why, when covered in blood of those innocent people, your body out of instinct led you to the door of your biggest enemy?
“Who did this to you?” Sukuna asked, taking the first glance of you after he swung the dark, ebony door open. His half naked silhouette completely covered the dim light from the inside of his apartment, but you were able to see him clearly enough. He stretched one of his arms up, propping the elbow on the doorframe and in the hand, he held a cigarette between two fingers and a glassful of alcohol in the rest. His tone was low and raspy as he grabbed you by the chin with the free hand, his thumb and forefinger squeezing your jaw just enough not to bruise, as he was examining briefly your stained in red features. He had never seen you so bloodied, so worn out, so defeated and he’d like to think that he’s seen you in every state possible. “It’s people’s blood.” He added, more so to himself, inhaling the familiar stench of mere, mortal red. He would recognize yours from miles; he knows the smell of what’s pumping through your veins, he knows the taste of it and with an unknown relief he acknowledged that this time, what stained your skin wasn’t your own.
“I did,” you panted out, your voice quiet and just slightly shaky – the uncertainty so faint that if he wouldn’t know you enough, he would have missed it. “I did this. To them.”
“You did?” He laughed, feeling the amusement taking place of the confusion he faced before. He had no idea what’s got you into the state of bloody mess, but to see you seek refuge at his home? Comical. “And why exactly is the little angel here?”
You knew what he wanted to hear. The mocking sound of the words he spoke combined with the smirk dancing on his lips made for the clearest indicator for his malice. Sukuna was amused by your presence at his doorstep, but he wanted to hear that you need his help. He was the kind to make people beg for mercy, to make you beg for an orgasm and naturally, he wanted you to beg for aid as well.
“I didn’t know where to go,” you admitted, sighing and giving him that little satisfaction. The weight of the situation laid heavy on your shoulders, the pictures of people you just brutally murdered still crisp and vibrant in front of your mind, but oddly enough, you felt no regret.
All of your life, or at least since you learned that you’re special, you made sure to put all of your energy to protecting those weaker than you, never really thinking too much whether they deserved it or not. Doubts began crawling into your mind when one of your friends left the jujutsu world, pursuing something more evil, but instead of blame, it triggered you to think. That little seed of hesitation bloomed today, all at once. Something snapped in you, something broke. When after a successful mission you found out that one of your friends didn’t make it alive, shit, he didn’t even make it in one piece, you wanted to scream. The boy was too young to die, too cheerful and kind, there was no need for him to leave this world so early, you should have been with him, protect him – but you were not. And you had to come to terms with that. Death of your friends was the bread of the line of work you pursued, you had to deal with it on daily basis, you were ready to take what was left from the body and give it a proper goodbye, but then, when you waited for the rest of your group, something happened. Some people, the survivors of the cursed attack, run towards the corpse of your friend, kicking and spitting on what was left of him, blaming him for the massacre that happened. Those people couldn’t see curses, they could have blame you, you were still standing and waiting on the bloody field, but no. They chose your dead friend. You had never heard such spite, such poison spilling from anyone’s mouth, as they abused the remains of the young sorcerer. That’s when you killed them. All of them, one by one, with nothing but a little sword and your fists. 27 people, young and old. You had no regret.
“You must have confused me with a hotel, sweetheart.” Sukuna teased, leaning down a little to see your face more clearly. His red eyes almost glowed in the dark and you could smell the soft mixture of cigarette and whisky in his breath when he stopped just few inches away from your face. The remnants of smoke he blew into your face with a wicked grin.
“Oh, don’t be a dick, Ryomen,” you rolled your eyes, waving away the nicotine cloud and realizing that’s exactly what you expected to hear. If he’d let you in without any kind of malice, that would be concerning, but you knew he will open his home for you anyway. He would do everything you asked for. “They will probably go after my head pretty soon, so take the time I’m giving you.”
“How generous of you. Thought that it will be me who kills you. Turns out your own people will do that. Talk about irony.” Sukuna laughed, straightening himself and taking few steps back, letting you into his apartment.
Allowing the doors to close behind you, you moved forward with caution, stepping slowly over the dark, hard-wood floors. It was your first time seeing the interiors of his house – before that, you were just aware of where he lives, never actually entering his space, but it was exactly how you expected it and also nothing of what you expected at the same time. Some part of you was convinced, the place he lives in is a dark dungeon kind of shithole, with blood splattered artistically throughout the interiors and screams of sorrow playing in the background, but what you were seeing right now was far from it. The apartment was luxurious, dark colored but free of any signs of tortured humans or death. There was a soft scent of smoke and something woody hanging in the air and one of the most gorgeous panoramas was spreading outside the window – thanks to the apartment being on the 20th floor. There was a big terrace opened in the living room area, from where the cold, late evening air was entering the space inside. Dark leathers and expensive details made it look like a mafia boss lived here and to be honest, it wasn’t that far from reality.
Your relationship with Ryomen was forbidden, it had no right to exist. You are the hero, you are obligated to fight curses and he is the most powerful curse that exist in your world. He’s the leader, the king of curses, the strongest enemy your kind ever faced and yet, he’s also your lover. The filthiest secret you have, the worst sin you committed, the one that you’re yet to be accounted for. Sukuna is everything you should avoid in life, he’s dangerous, he’s a menace. He thrives in pain and hurt of others, he drinks the suffering and feasts on agony, death and sorrow. He takes all the innocence that’s around him and drowns it in red and darkness. You should never let yourself get tangled with the cursed knot of everything that’s him. But you did.
First time you met him was on the battlefield. You were new in the city, oblivious to what’s spreading claws in Tokyo and it was your first mission in the field when you stumbled upon him. At first, he laughed at your sight, mocking your presence. He felt disrespected even, that the army of sorcerers, out of all available warriors, sent you to face him. You were small, looked far from dangerous, equipped in that funny little sword of yours and ironically, clothed in light colors as if they were not going to be stained all shades of red and purple. Were your bosses not aware of who he was? Have they tried to sacrifice you to him? Maybe you did something that made them want to get rid of you? But you held your head up high, dealing with his curses with so much ease and fluidity, he found it interesting. The more pawns he sent through the crowds of those mere humans, the more power you showed, taking them one by one. After that, you were present of every encounter with him, and with each of them, you grew more interested in the leader.
Sukuna rarely actively took part in the chaos. He just watched it unravel, he cherished the scent of fear and blood, he watched how people were running away, even though most of them couldn’t even see the curses properly. He just loved the frightening disorder he was able to spread, the screams and cries – all of that filled him with satisfaction, and he’d stay in the position of just a viewer, if not for you, who reached him and initiated the fight. First one in years for Sukuna, and that fight he found enjoyable. In time, it grew into something more intimate. Every close-range combat, every exchange of punches and throws fed into the heavy sexual tension. And that tension, naturally, led you two to the hidden alley where for the first time, instead of fighting, he fucked you against the wall.
“You can stay in here for tonight,” Sukuna told you, after a short moment of watching you wandering your eyes around you. He took another drag from his cig, wrapping his free hand around your waist and pulling you to his bare chest, not caring at all about all the blood you were covered in. You looked up to him, tilting your head as your hands automatically landed on the hard surface of his muscled chest. “My house, my rules though. No middle ground.”
“So demanding,” you chuckled, stealing the glass out of his other hand and taking a small sip of the alcohol. Strong taste of whisky burned your throat, but the burn was grounding, it calmed you down somehow. Sukuna was dangerous, but he was the kind of danger you knew and being at his place, at his mercy, didn’t phase you as much as the upcoming face-off with your sorcerer friends. “Okay then.”
“Good girl,” he grinned, reaching lower and giving your thigh a pat. “Hop.”
As ordered, you hooked your arms over his shoulders, hopping swiftly onto his hips just as you did countless of times before and it took him just few moments to take you to his bathroom. His lips immediately were on yours, you could feel the smoke burning your lungs but that was the last of your concerns. Sukuna put you down, rid both you and himself of the clothes and next thing you knew, you were in the shower, with ice cold water running down your body. It made you shiver, your breath caught in your throat and you leaned into his body, as if searching for the warmth of his skin. His chest vibrated with a laugh. You hated cold showers; he knew that. He loved them though. Too bad.
“Oh, don’t be a baby, some cold is not going to kill you, isn’t it?”, he all but sneered, stroking your bare skin with his rough palms, watching the blood slowly being washed off your picture. If it was yours, he would probably just lick it off you, but other’s – he wasn’t interested in.
You would usually snap back at him, say something witty and engage in a word tug of war but it was hard to think clearly, when it was that cold. You quietly gasped for breath, your chest heaved for air and it slowly began to hurt, standing underneath the stream of icy water. Sweet torture that you expected from Sukuna – one that he couldn’t really pull off when you met somewhere else. Now, he cherished the way he could do everything. His house, his rules.
“S-so cold…” your voice stuttered. “It hurts.”
“Poor little you,” he chuckled. “How about you hop onto my dick so I can warm you up?”
 There was no time for you to consider the offer. With no effort, Ryomen swooped your thighs once again, hooking them over his hips and he pushed you against the dark grey, tiled wall at the same moment he pushed his cock into you. The burning pain made your body jolt, as he forced his way into your unprepared walls. The muscles, contracted from the cold resisted his girth, but it only made him grin wider. A whimper escaped your throat, as you stabbed your fingernails into his shoulders, fruitlessly pushing him away.
“Look at you, all whiny as if you hadn’t taken me hundreds of times before,” he teased, bottoming out in one, fast thrust and he groaned lowly right after. The tight feeling of your pussy squeezing him so impossibly made him think for a moment that he can cum right here and there which would be unacceptable. “Relax, or it will hurt more, sweetheart.”
“Shut up,” you muttered quietly, forcing one deeper breath of air into your lungs, trying to loosen yourself up, but the concoction of cold and pain made it out of grasp. Ryomen only chuckled, contented with the little array of torture he was able to execute on you and slowly pulling out almost all the way, leaving only the tip still inside just to push back in one harsh move, earning a juicy bite to his shoulder. You sunk your teeth into his flesh, drawing blood. The metallic taste covered your tongue and you wondered how many of your nails pierced through Sukuna’s skin as well.
“Better watch that mouth,” he purred right into your ear, toying with you for few moments more before he picked a pace – ruthless and violent, drilling his hips into you with force that only his body could possess, the one that usually drives you insane but now, it got you crying. Salty traces of tears that stained your cheeks quickly got washed off with the icy stream from the shower. “You wouldn’t want me to accidentally tear you apart, would you?”
Every word he spoke, he accentuated with particularly sharp thrust and you could feel the resistance beginning to disappear. The rough friction eased and Sukuna was able to slam his pelvis into you with much more freedom as your juices enveloped his dick. Your thighs fluttered around his waist, a coil of pleasure already began to formulate itself in the pit of your stomach and the more he moved, the less cold and pain you felt. All of it turned into ecstatic state of lust overriding your mind, stripping you off the clear and coherent thinking and all what was left in your mind was the sin you were just committing. Another one to add to the long list of misdeeds.
“You like it, huh?”, Ryomen asked, his tone gravelly and interlaced with heavier breaths, as he was grinning maniacally, absorbing the way your cunt was sucking him in even deeper than he already was reaching. “You like the pain, don’t you?”
“Fuck, Ryomen,” you gasped out against his skin, scratching long, angry marks onto his back. Heat was slowly overtaking your entire body, radiating from your core to the rest of you and you couldn’t feel the cold anymore. Not when he was fucking into you like he was meaning to drill a hole through you, hitting all of the sweet spots inside your aching walls. He might have been mean, but he knew your body way too well. “Right there, don’t stop—“
Of course he stopped. He had to stop, how else could he keep his title of a menace of the century if he wouldn’t stop right when it began to feel overwhelmingly good. Right when the string in your belly threatened to snap any given moment?
“Knees.” He ordered, absolutely thrilled by the way he’s got you all worked up so quickly. He barely just touched you and already you were so close to the first bliss, but he had no intention of giving it to you right away. Once he pulled out and your legs were back on the floor, he looked down at you. “Don’t make me repeat myself.”
A plethora of profanities gathered at the front of your mind but you spared them in speech as you dropped down onto the cold marbled tiles. An awful feeling of the water falling straight onto your head made you feel slightly dizzy, but you were determined to finish him off so he can finish you off. With that in mind, you took him into your mouth.
The warmth of your tongue made Sukuna gasp silently. It contrasted with the icy atmosphere perfectly, sending shivers down his spine and he couldn’t help himself but to grab you by the head. There was a significant amount of desperation now boiling inside his veins, he couldn’t quite tell why, but from the moment he saw you at his doorstep, he knew he must have you as soon as possible and it’s only thanks to his strong will that he lasted that long.
At first, he allowed you do your thing. Just as much he knew the language your body spoke, you were fluent in the way his own talked. Sukuna would never admit it out loud, but he’d do everything if granted to have you for himself. He liked to have control, to dominate you. He liked to fuck you any way he wanted, any time he wanted, and you were always oh so willing to spread for him, whenever he pulled you into his arms. He thought of you as of one of his toys, except for the fact that when he began hooking up with you, all of the other women stopped existing for him. Why fuck someone else when you were perfectly willing to give him your holes and why settle for some mere humans, when you were that much more durable? He reasoned his choices with that – you were just stronger, you took him just better than anyone else, you were able to withstand his force and you were more than willing to give him your body to play. Yeah, he wasn’t going back to you because he just wanted to. No, it was just practical. And no, if it wasn’t him who initiated the sex, if there was a situation when you gave him a booty call – he wasn’t agreeing because he would say yes to everything you asked for. Please, he was agreeing because… Anyway, he was the dominating side. That was clear as day. You had no word in that relationship. For sure.
Feeling himself enter the stage of pre-orgasm, Sukuna pushed your head further onto himself. You gave up into his will as he began fucking your mouth with ferocity, the tip of his dick hitting the back of your throat time after time as you kept it open for him, teasing him with your tongue every time he slid in and out. It was getting hard to breathe, you squeezed your eyes, stabbing your nails into his strong thighs but it did nothing to slow him down. His girth filled your mouth completely, harshly abusing your palate and airways and you could tell he was close by the way his cock flexed and twitched in between your lips. Sukuna’s grip on your hair tightened as he finally pushed your head onto himself, your nose nearly buried into his stomach as he shot the hot, white ribbons of cum right down your throat. You stilled for a moment, almost choking on the way he cut off your breath ways but then he let go and you backed out, hungrily gasping for air.
The cursed king grinned, satisfaction painting its picture over his features, but he wasn’t even close to being done with you, you both knew this. In light speed you were in his bed, face pressed into the mattress and ass high in the air as he buried himself back into your cunt. The velvety, swollen walls took him in now with no resistance and you moaned into the pillow at the incredible feeling of being so full. With a bruising grip on your hips, Sukuna moved right away, abusing your hole with an unforgiving pace and strength.
“You’re taking me so well,” he let out a groaned praise, something he doesn’t do often, but any time he does, it makes you jump straight into cumming. Ryomen had a way with words, with the way he used his voice against you and it most certainly was one of your weakest points when it came to him. He was able to render you into a needy mess only with the tone of his speech and you loved and hated it at the same time. This time, the growling echo of his words reverberated through your system and shot you straight in between your legs. Your oversensitive walls clenched around him, your thighs were trembling and your back arched even more as you squeezed the sheets in your hands. “Wanna cum? Ask for it.”
“Ryo— ah, Ryomen, please,” you pleaded, pushing yourself slightly up from the pillows only to get forced down by his large hand over your head.
“Please what?”
“Please let me cum, I need to cum, please,” you hated to beg him for anything and at this point you should have gotten used to it already, because the superiority was his middle name, but it still was against your nature. But nothing could deny the fact that he fucked you perfectly every time, he was able to make your brain turn into heated flurry and only for that, you played along and fed his ego.
Sukuna’s fingernails dug into the fat of your hips to pull you even closer, his hips slamming against your ass with every thrust he made. His knuckles turned white from the bruising force of his grip, but that pain you didn’t even register. You felt like you were falling, from somewhere high right down into the endless hole of lustful pleasure. The haze overtook your mind, white ribbons of nothingness covered your vision and your entire body tensed, bracing for the impact.
“Cum for me,” he allowed you, and as if just waiting for the command, you became undone right here and there. Spasms of ecstasy rushed through you, you were speeding into the arms of physical satisfaction as he was pumping into you riding you through the orgasm. First of many. Sweet, white ring formulated around the base of his dick, but he had no intentions of stopping at it.
You’ve lost count at fifth. You really should be careful what you wished for. You were a mess, with skin glistening with the thin layer of sweat and so much juices running down your thighs. It was filthy, you could feel the drops sliding down your plush skin, you could hear the wetness being pumped out of you with every thrust of his hips – the amount overflowing you. You were so incredibly full, you swore you couldn’t fit more and each time he proved you wrong. Wet sounds of Sukuna’s dick abusing your hole were bouncing off the walls, the soft melody of grunts and heavy breathing accompanying them as you tried to run away from him, to steal just a little breather, but he wasn’t going to let you escape.
You couldn’t take much more, you were so done, exhausted and utterly oversensitive and for real you thought few times already that one more orgasm, and you will just die in his bed. Every time he proved you can indeed take not only one more, but as many as he gives you. And he wanted to give you a lot, it was a rare occasion he could force you more than usually. When the lines of what you can and cannot take are blurred out, completely covered by the thick layer of cum and ecstasy.
Ryomen listened to how his name was now unknowingly slipping over your tongue, without forming any coherent sentences. The prayer you were letting out was a music to his ears, he needed to hear more of it. He knew it was a lot for you, he was pulling one bliss after another from you, greedy to take more and more as he tried to fuck his way into your soul. You had a way of awakening all of his carnal instincts, you were able to make him lose himself in the act, in the warmth of your body, in the welcoming squeeze and you always took him so well. There was nothing he couldn’t do to you and for that, he loved meeting with you. You satisfied all of his cursed instincts.
“Just few more,” he cooed, but the tone of his voice had a mocking lingering underneath it. You whined loudly into the pillow that you were biting onto for the last, what felt like, hours. All of your body hurt at this point, you were tired and sore, your back almost broken from all the arching you did, your ass red from the countless slaps he’s given you and your vocal cords already worn out from all the pleading and moaning you let out. You had enough, swearing his inhumane stamina, but then again, why was your pussy still so wet and leaking if it was too much for you? Why were you still so invitingly wet, why instead of knocking him down and creating some distance you stayed with your ass up high, taking load after load even though there was physically no more space for it?
“Noo­—,” you cried out, reaching back to naively try and stop him, but you couldn’t get close to him. Instead, he grabbed you by that hand, pulling your worn-out body and with a grin that’s purely sadistic, he slipped his dick out of you. Immediately the white concoction of his seed and your juices gushed out of your stretched hole, so he gathered it on his fingers.
Once you were up, straight on your knees, gasping for air, he pushed his heavily covered digits into your open mouth and there was no need in telling you what to do as your tongue worked its way around, licking him clean. Sukuna took in the fucked-out expression you wore on your face, the wet skin around your eyes, the traces of saliva and now his cum around your mouth and he knew he still wants more.
Being purely evil as he is, he half-sat down comfortably on the bed next to you, his back leaning against the backrest as he gave your reddened thigh a slap. You knew what he wanted, but hesitated, unsure if you really can do what he demands. You were exhausted already.
“Come on, get that pussy over there,” he chuckled and despite the way everything in your head screamed not to do it, your body moved on its own and you straddled his strong thighs, lining his still impossibly hard dick with your aching entrance. He slipped in with ease as you bottomed your hips down to his own, taking him in fully and Sukuna grinned at the filthy picture of where you were connected. “What a good girl you are, look at you.”
“Shut up,” you told him, rolling your pelvis over him, feeling every aching muscle in your body scream, but that you actively ignored. You couldn’t focus on in, when he was so deep inside you, when more than you longed for rest, you longed for the overwhelming bliss that was so close for both you and him.
Ryomen laughed, fighting the urge to play with your clit and to prevent that from happening, he put both of his hands behind his head, resting comfortably and just taking in the gorgeous view of you bouncing on him. He loved watching you, not only during sex but in general. The picture of your frame, your soft, plump skin, your beautiful face, your hair, your everything – all of it tickled him in a way no one else ever did and he couldn’t explain the reason behind the attraction he felt for you. He just knew that if only thing that he could do is to look at you, he’d take the opportunity without blinking twice. You were just perfect, and maybe it was because he knew every time he has you might be the last time, he knew that you might die at any given moment considering your job, he learned to cherish every time you’re next to him. And that, of course, he would also never say out loud. He was the boss here, after all. You had no control over him. Not at all.
“You’re so fucking pretty, you know that?” Sukuna growled lowly, feeling his abs tightening. You were working yourself onto him so perfectly, the angle of your hips allowed him to hit every sensitive spots inside of you and that triggered your walls to tense against his girthy length. He was getting close, his dick was flexing and twitching inside of you and you could feel his entire body bracing for the impact. As your hands wandered over his skin, tracing the black marks that you always found incredibly sexy, you could tell his muscles got harder, the contraction clearly indicating his orgasm was flowing in and it was only a matter of few moves before it overflows. You wanted to get him there first, to finish him off hard, but he wouldn’t let that happen. It was a rule that’s unspoken, but clear as day – he wasn’t going to cum before you, no matter how good your pussy felt and desperate to keep the right order, Ryomen allowed his fingers to reach down your body. His calloused fingers found the swollen, puffy nub and he rubbed little circles into it, making you shiver above him.
Some more tears escaped your eyes, passing through your lash line and tracing down the sides of your face and that sight was one of those the cursed king loved above anything else. You were the last one to cry on the battlefield, you could have been pierced right through in the stomach, but no tears would show up in your eyes and yet, when overstimulated, when in bed with him, from time to time some of those salty droplets were making an appearance and Sukuna loved the fact that he was the one to cause it.
“Oh, you little crybaby,” he mocked, pulling his back away from the backrest only to glue his lips to the side of your jaw, where the wetness collected. He tasted the saltiness, savored the way it spread over his tongue and with wet kisses he began to smear all over your face, he finally reached your lips. “Cry for me a little more.” He purred right into your mouth, you could feel his own being stretched into a grin, you could hear the worn-out malice in his words and as much as you wished to disobey him, you couldn’t when his fingers worked so expertly over your clit.
 “Ryomen, I—“ you whimpered, squeezing his shoulders with crashing force, barely able to move anymore, but you pushed through, with the help of his strong hands guiding you further and further, over the edge.
“Come on, cum for me,” he encouraged, and you didn’t need to be told twice. As if on order, everything in you snapped. You felt the warmth flooding your body and electrical impulses rushing through your spine and entire nervous system. The rush of hotness spread all over your body as you came for the nth time, covering him in your wet sweetness and he followed suit, shooting into you and prolonging your orgasm. You were delirious with the saccharine mixture of exhaustion and pleasure, you couldn’t even tell how many rolls your hips did before you collapsed onto him, completely lightheaded and worn out. Sukuna wrapped his arms around your frame, pulling you to his chest as he fell back onto the bed, finally allowing you to rest. His dick still buried deep inside of you, plugging the way out for everything that’s flowing inside you but you didn’t mind it. Sometimes you felt like his cock just belonged in your pussy, you felt complete with all of his size stuffed into you. “Such a good girl.”
There wasn’t much you could tell him, you just stayed there, nuzzled into the side of his neck, desperately trying to calm down your heard and your breath as he smoothed his hand over your back. You were satisfied beyond need, completely overstimulated, ruined, but you loved to feel like this. Especially that night you wanted to cherish. The thought it’s probably the last one lingered somewhere at the back of your head and now as the aftershots of bliss were wearing down, it became more and more clear. It was distressing, you tensed at the memo and to hide it, you moved down Sukuna’s body.
This time he didn’t intervene when you took him into your mouth. He knew you well enough to know you were distracting your pretty head from thoughts and frankly, he was thinking about the same thing so the warm, wet feeling of your lips hugging his cock was distracting him too. You licked him clean, savoring all of the mess you made and you worked him with an intention to never let him forget about the head you give him. And he was quick to cum underneath the intensity of your tongue, groaning your name in low tone, rasped out and out of breath.
* * *
You watched the sun coming up, spreading its light over the city panorama visible from the large windows of Ryomen’s apartment. Still in his bed, now all washed up and with his strong frame sitting against the backrest. His arm was wrapped securely around your body, now pressed to his chest. Your head rested comfortably near his neck and it was quiet. No need to say anything, as the atmosphere of post bliss was settling down, pressed with the heavy weight of uncertainty. You had no idea what was going to happen to you after the murder you committed. Deep down you knew your days now are numbered and the number is much less than you anticipated, and somehow the king of curses knew that too. Before that, he was sure you’ll survive most of the dangers – you survived him, so what was there to hurt you? He never considered your own people hunting you down. And that made him feel uneasy, although he wouldn’t show it to you. Instead, he’d just keep you close, smoothing lazy little circles onto the skin of your stomach as he holds your naked body right next to himself. Instead, he’d just let you stay for as long as you need to, not rushing you to leave. And instead of showing you that he cares, he’d just stay there with you, sharing a drink and a smoke, watching the sun rising slowly even though the aesthetic of the view does nothing to him.
“Once you get out of here,” Sukuna began, pausing nonchalantly to take a drag from his cigarette before giving it to you. “What you’re gonna do?”
“Don’t know. I’m gonna be alright.”
“Alright, huh?” he scoffed softly, watching the grey puff of smoke coming slowly from your mouth before he took the cig back from your fingers. “Better be.”
“Yeah.” You sounded light, there wasn’t much emotion in your tone, but it was the emptiness that Ryomen found alarming. Maybe he could ask you to stay with him? Yeah, that could work. But he couldn’t, the words too intimate to get through his throat so instead he stayed there and listened. “I’ll be okay.”
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likedovesinthewindd · 11 months
Hii I little angsty request but could you do one where reader comforts hobie after his Canon event?
Somthing where reader keeps rambling because she doesnt know how else to fill the silence and they end up having the- "do you want me to shut up" "No" "do you want me to leave?" "...no"- conversation
ok so in the movie itself it doesn't really go into detail ab what hobie's canon event is exactly, and a lot of theories talk about it being him killing a police captain. then there's also the shot that shows him throwing away his suit. in the comics he kills president osborne and reveals his identity so that could also be it but idk!! maybe i didn't catch it but i left it as ambiguous so that you could kinda go with whatever.
hobie brown x fem! reader
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warning: mentions of death, ingury
wc: ±1400
a/n: this was slow-cooking in my damn drafts but i finally got it done.
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The pelts of rain that fall against your bedroom door in their uncoordinated rhythm does little to lull you back to sleep as you thrash around in the sheets, your mind torturing you with the recurring thoughts of 'what if?'
What if he got hurt? What if he's lying somewhere, bleeding out and slipping right through your fingers? What if he was already dead, killed in cold blood by one of the many people against him and the message he so fearlessly and shamelessly carries with him.
You turn around in bed once again, willing the thoughts away as you try to focus on something less pessimistic.
You haven't heard from Hobie in days, haven't seen him even longer ago. It wasn't uncommon for him to dissappear like this—you almost expected it from him considering what he did—but it's never been this long before. The longest he's been gone was four days. It's been ten today.
You knew he could take care of himself, and you knew he could protect himself well. Hell, you've both heard and seen what happened to the people that underestimated him. But you still worried, it was in your nature to worry about him every time he left you. He knew this, and he'd do his best to reassure you in his own laid-back, almost cocky way.
"You worry too much, love. 'll be back before you knowit, yeah?" was what he'd always say, leaving you with a kiss to the forehead. You couldn't exactly remember what he said when he left days ago.
At that, your mind whirred back to life, the what if's and gruesome scenarios plaguing you for the umpteenth time this day alone. Before these thoughts could once again pull you into a depreciating hole of anxiety and stress, you shot out of bed, the cold air at once causing goosebumps along the expanse of your arms
You had to do something; move around, clean your room, watch TV, fold laundry, anything to get your mind off of things, even if only for a little while. You decided to make your way to the kitchen, make yourself something to eat, considering you've been too on edge to stomach anything truly filling.
The soothing voice of Billie Holiday filled the kitchen from the old record player, as you absent-mindedly stirred at the pot of pasta, the pan next to it simmering with sauce. Your reverie was broken by the sound of your bedroom window being slid open, followed by the thud of boots and a loud sigh.
Your heart sunk down to the soles of your feet, as you quietly yet excitedly made your way to your bedroom. There he stood, pulling at his mask, the rest of him soaked from the heavy downpour. He pulled the mask from his face, and once his eyes met yours, you knew something was wrong.
You made your way over to him, your socked feet trying to avoid the small puddle his boots had made as you took his cold hands in yours. He took a second to look down at where your hands connected, and released another tired sigh. "Bee?" you asked, trying to get him to look at you. He looked up at you with sullen eyes.
"Are you hungry?" you asked softly. You didn't ask him where he was, or what he was doing. He wasn't going to give you a real answer anyway. Not right now, at least. You didn't pry at that part of his life, although the various news reports and newspaper articles kept you more than informed most of the time. That was if they weren't being filtered through by the regime of the higher ups, them not very keen on telling the story how it really is. Much more interested in keeping their hands seemingly clean, and painting him as the bad guy; the wannabe hero trying to further worsen the state of the already near-apocalyptic nation.
He only nodded at you question, and you nodded along with him, already seeing that it was going to be one of those nights; where he much rather preferred you did all the talking, while he mulled over whatever event had occurred.
"Go take a shower, I'll finish up the food," you said softly, leaving him and returning to the kitchen. After a while he emerged from the bedroom, changed into dry clothes as he made his way to the kitchen table. He sat by the island quietly, watching you cook and listening to you as you talked about what you'd been up to. He didn't miss the small "I missed you, bee. You had me worried," thrown in.
It wasn't long till the both of you sat in your small living room after finishing your food. You could see he wasn't really hungry, but he ate just to give you some peace of mind. The sound of Billie Holiday was by now traded for Amy Winehouse, her beautifully gruff voice mixing perfectly with the sound of the rain that still pelted against the windows.
"—I knew she was only joking, but I was still scared as hell. You know how easily I get stressed out," you rambled on about whatever stupid story you could think of, anything to fill the deafening silence between the two of you. You, by now, were on your third story already, and you could feel how irritating you probably were. You were trying to get him to react, to snicker, laugh, make one of his sarcastic remarks, anything to tell you he was alright. You could see he wasn't alright, though.
He looked so tired, like something was eating at him, and it killed you to see him like this. It was obvious that whatever had happened was not just one of those nights, but something much more serious.
You followed his line of sight, where he had been staring at the coffee table with a blank stare, eyes trained on the cover of a newspaper you had bought.
"Do you want me to shut up?" you asked quietly, at your wits end. He finally looked at you, shaking his head slowly. "No," he added, voice gruff and deep from no use. You nodded, moving closer to him and placing your hand on his leg, giving it a light squeeze.
"I decided to buy one today, when I passed the convenience store 'round the corner from work," you started, "yeah...haven't read one in ages. There's actually an article about you in there, don't know how they managed to get that printed," you laughed weakly. "They called you 'Spiderpunk', I know how much you hate that," you added quietly, your resolve crumbling when the only thing you got out of him was a scoff. Usually he'd go on a tangent about how much he hated the term, but tonight he was so quiet, so sullen it actually unnerved you.
"I'm here if you want to talk, you know that, right?" you asked, and he gave you a nod. "Perhaps not right now, but when you're ready, I'll be here. I'll always be here. Even if we end up never talking about it, it's fine." For a moment his face faltered, looking as though he desperately wanted to talk to you about whatever happened, but the words got stuck in his throat, making him swallow dryly.
"D'you want me to leave? Give you some space?" you asked again, and when his eyes met yours, you could see every hidden emotion in them, every unsaid word he so desperately wanted to utter to you. The sight made your heart clench. How badly you wanted to wrap your arms around him, make him forget, but if he wanted distance, it was what you'd give him.
Once again it was just the sound of Amy Winehouse and the downpour filling the small room, along with Hobie's deep and steady breaths against your collarbones.
"No, stay a bit," he said, and you nodded once again. You moved impossibly closer to him, finally wrapping your arms around his neck and engulfing him in an embrace. He accepted your affection, responding by wrapping his long arms around your waist and practically pulling you into his lap, placing his head on your shoulder and letting out another exhausted sigh.
He can only hold her, miss Winehouse sang.
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desultory-novice · 3 months
White-Haired Noir (Older)
I wasn't kidding when I said Noir has become more of "my OC" than before. Anyway, they tell me cringe is dead, so let's get on with it!
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(Pictured: Would you believe this guy was once my Dark Matter Swordsman???)
No longer a teary-eyed apprentice, White-Haired Noir in ~the future~ (circa Star Allies??) has become a knight in his own right, swearing his service to Dedede as thanks for helping house the bruised, battered, emotionally unstable teen boy so many years ago.
Dedede Stop Adopting People Challenge (impossible)
Over the years (and with plenty of hard hitting, gloves-off training from Meta Knight) Noir has both grown up and grown accustomed to life on Popstar. He's regained some semblance of a life (gasp!) and inner peace. (...When Popstar's not being invaded, that is.)
He has friends (and rivals), is able to stomach food and drink a bit better, and has accepted Gooey, finally. He can even speak positively of his lost childhood with his little sister, on occasion.
Despite Popstar's generally warm weather, the Shiver Star native continues to dress in highly concealing fashion, as his upper body still bears the scars of his interrupted Dark Matter transformation; one reason he grew his hair out long was to help conceal the ones on his neck better, so as not to frighten the younger Waddle Dees.
[Assorted Text Wall Below]
Age Range: Mid 20s and up (Tbh, his specific age'll probably fluctuate depending upon the kind of story I want to tell. This is, quite simply, an adult Noir who's got his life more together.)
Abilities: Mild regenerative abilities, magic reflection, healing/purification, light projection [Rainbow Sword] 
Protective magic and various physical ability-boosting magic [These come courtesy of the crystals adorning his jacket, a gift from the Queen of the Fairies. Noir is still a squishy human, after all. His fine swordplay aside, he needs magical enhancements to not get accidentally steamrolled by Kirby's other friends.]
Hobbies: swordplay, stargazing, crochet (Taranza taught him the last one, both as a mental grounding exercise and to help rehabilitate Noir's Dark Matter corrupted hands for performing delicate tasks. Half of Dream Land has one of Noir's early crochet octopi sitting in their storage. Nowadays, he makes toys for the younger Dees.)
Etc: Because of his closeness with King Dedede (and in large part due to their matching scarves/sashes), his general protectiveness of the Waddle Dees, as well as his fairy-tale outfit (which Ribbon helped with) Noir has picked up nickname of the "Prince of Dream Land"
A highly unfitting one, Noir has been heard to privately complain. In what world could an unwashed, damaged, sharp-tongued orphan with hands near-literally dyed in blood become a prince...?
Height-wise, if we consider King Dedede to be one of a breed of extinct "mega penguins" then Noir, fully grown, is of comparable height. (Dedede insists he's taller because of this crown puff. Huzzah! His title as king is safe!) In human terms, this does make Noir a short king :cough: prince, which in his case is due to malnourishment, physical abuse during puberty, and just plain genetics. ^^;
Anyway, despite how shockingly decent he looks cleaned up, Noir is still a feral cat at heart, and he hasn't lost his sass either, even if the edges have been somewhat filed off with time.
(Even the most angsty and tragic of emo boys can only go so many years with sparkly, shimmering, pastel rainbow hair (1) before they give up the act and start smiling ju~st a little more! ^_-)
(1) It is completely impossible for Noir to return his hair to its original dark maroon/black, btw. Even the strongest dye refuses to stick.
...And yes, he has attempted.
(Q: When is this...? Cause he still looked 16 in that FL comic you did.) (A: That's because I hadn't thought ahead when I wrote it! This form is basically meant as something to pull out for the later games with some extra padding for any future games/events. >w< )
(Q: So... is that FL comic still Apologies canon?) (A: ~ish! He would definitely be his older self now. That said, this Noir did still encounter Elfilin by chance, immediately recognized him as ID-F86, and had a PTSD episode over it, dredging up old memories he'd believed he had come to peace with. It was the closest the Dark Matter in Noir had come to re-awakening in years. Elfilin's sincere apology to the innocent victims of Forgo's rage helped Noir keep from losing himself completely and he was able to recover.
Also, following Crystal Shards, Noir DID resume having daily nightmares about Adeleine and her fate. That was why MK encouraged him to stay with the fairies of Ripple Star for a time and recuperate; that Noir could resume his training with Meta Knight later on. The grateful fairies all turned out to completely ADORE him - particularly, his shining rainbow hair. This period away from Popstar meant that he totally missed out on Amazing Mirror though.)
(Q: If he missed Amazing Mirror, what games DIDN'T he miss?) (A: He was actually there for a somewhat altered version of Meta Knightmare Ultra in Planet Robobot! It was his first "mission" with his teacher. (And I have a fanfic brewing about that, thanks to the anon who asked what if Noir got within wishing distance of Star Dream...)
Unlike Meta's relationship with Kirby, where Meta trusts Kirby to bounce back from everything and is excited :wipes drool off face: to see how much Kirby will grow, Meta Knight tries (somewhat) to keep his very human disciple out of danger, if he can. He's not soft on him by any means, with hard blows and even harder life lessons, but he knows that Noir came to them hanging onto life by a very frayed thread and he only pushes as far as he believes Noir can take.
Nowadays, he's much more trusting of him to handle himself.
(Q: Assuming he was in SA, where was he during TDX, RtDL, and FL? (A: In both Triple Deluxe and Forgotten Land, he was away from Popstar. Record of Stopping Dedede Abductions: 0/2. He rolled his eyes at a giant beanstalk erupting from Dream Land leading to a kingdom in the clouds "...You're kidding?" and Dedede was stomping mad when Noir laughed outloud about the story of the abduction - which concealed the fact that Meta Knight WAS LAUGHING TOO.
In Return to Dream Land, Noir was still on Popstar but didn't participate in the adventure in any capacity. When everyone returned and told the tale of Magolor's betrayal, his response was a deadpan, "Okay but you all saw that coming a mile away though, right? .........Tell me you saw that coming." He was a little less sassy when he heard Magolor's downfall came at the hands of a corrupting artifact.)
(Q: Wasn't Noir taller than Dedede in that one random sketch?) (A: As an Earth human. Noir eventually became Popstarian size.)
(Q: It's nice that he's okay but... but Adeleine... ; _ ; ) (A: Yeah... However, similar to Blade and Gooey in the main verse, in the AU AU, it was Painter who took care of and sheltered the Dark Matter outcast. Noir initially hated Gooey, because he despised Dark Matter for destroying his family and he hated it every time Gooey tried to approach him - like a sign that he would never escape his mistakes. Only later was he forced to confront Gooey and realize that Gooey was always seeking Noir out because of Adeleine's memories Gooey had taken in. They eventually had a painful heart to heart, where Noir was able to experience his sister's last memories through Gooey. Noir now lets him wear Painter's beret in memory of her.)
Anyway, that's now two (and a half (?) if you count "Snowflakes") Noirs who have escaped the cycle of misery! Hooray!
Don't worry, Main Timeline Noir, your salvation comes next............Probably???? >w<
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archie-sunshine · 1 month
I want to make a short knightformers lore comic.
I want to make a short knightformers comic but there are too many options so you guys will pick for me.
Keep in mind all of these will be lightly angsty and non sexual, and all of these will have something to do with the lore of the knightformers world!!
Also feel free to make propaganda and speculations about what these might be about!!the most fun part of any vote is propaganda :)
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iloveundertaesooomuch · 5 months
Some advice from AU Calebs!
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Heck yeah I did it! Finally i finished ONE of the HUNDREDS AU crossover ideas I have in my head!! Crossovers are fun guys!! (I apologise for a bad english in advance. Writing this it a rush.)
"It's ok to ask for help." (A Reverse Of Feathers And Mud by @jess-the-vampire)
I couldn't make a crossover meme without the legend. Sorry, not sorry. He is such a sad lad but tries to stay positive and be happy for his family uydfykudsutsudskudsluds (*dies*). I have to admitt, Caleb's dad energy is too strong for me to handle without wanting a hug him. No wonder! He was THE grandpa for centuries straight without a break. At least Caleb gets his whole family together in the end. Comics with him and either Hunter and Philip or Luz and Eda make me run in cirles around the room aaaa.
"You are not a burden." (Brother's Keeper by @idoodlestuffsometimes)
Damn, you definetly created one of the darkest AU in the fandom. Each time I re-read AU related posts I scream my lungs out because it is so angsty and so great. I am genuinely scared of your Belos ngl, because.. this man didnt loose anything and he still proceeds to do all that stuff. Enconter with him has 0 survival rate.
POOR CALEB! At least in the world of memes he had an opportunity to flee the captivity twice (the bald head and the car). This man had no moment of mental rest for centuries oh my God. One of my friends wants to fight his brother personally to protec Caleb at all cost sksksk. Well, at least Hunter will always have an actually loving relative! And if the happy ending is going to be canon, I think the future looks great, especially knowing how much pain all your characters go through currently. (And I think both Caleb and Hunter would need the "you are not a burdain" affirmations. At least some form of support in their situation.)
You said in the latest ask-answer that BK!Caleb was supposed to have white streaks in his hair so I attempted to add them. Hope they look fine! Colors for the outfit I got from Belos, so they would match, I guess???
"Murder is okay." (Loose Strings by @oldmanpip)
My bro, brother, friend... Despite you being not to involved on the discord server, my brain is still rotting with your great awesome AUs. And I know you know that. Your Caleb is really loose in all sences of that word and I love that. Wonder if your AUs will ever be available to the public. Because oh boy oh boy they deserve to be recognised. (Loose Caleb is such a conservative grandpa who never did anything wrong, wdym?)
"Your feelings matter." (Pip In Time by @celestialscribbler)
Honestly? Man, your comic is the reason I got invested in Witteclaw couple at all. Even if the "Pip in time" is not their story, but you wrote their teen romance so sweetly. Those two melted my heart... I scream each time I re-read your comic for 100th time. Just WOAH my brain goes brrr! And Caleb as a character is also written really really well. I love him so much. He is such good brother but MAN HE NEEDS A BREAK FROM BEING AN ADULT! BOY! Insirt crying and heart emojis here.
(PS: hope you still care about your health!)
My thoughts:
I have been drawing this for more than a month I think? And the only reason for that is my university. I hope to actually get an ADHD diagnosis because something is clearly wrong with me. But thats not the point.
There are so many ideas in my head. Goofy and not. The only problem is that I have less and less ability to do what I want lately. I wish I could bring them all to life, but at the same I dont know if anyone will be interested. Would AU crossovers look too self-indulgent? Or nah? Idk. (Just Grimwalker-Isle already has so much potential for stupid ridiculous fun I am runnin on coffee juice.)
Litteraly my mind is plagued with different fun plots and possibilities I am going crazy. But I also have A TON of WIPs that I need to finish. Perhaps I will attempt to manage everything at once, but, no promises.
Wish me luck on my exams!
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ashesbreadandbutter · 1 month
Vox x Alastor || Tell Me Who Did This, Now.
So I know I know, commission work yes yes I'm getting to it BUT! I wrote a little blurb for that little comic @milariro drew for radiostatic which is literally like my favorite ship I think. 👀
Anyway hope y'all like it! ÙwÚ
Word Count: 2k
Rating: PG(?), maybe PG-13. Mostly angsty ish feel?
It isn't the first time he's lost track of him somewhere but every time it happens Alastor hopes it's the last. 
He hasn't seen Vox in days and considering how close they are… it's strange, worrisome. 
Vox usually keeps up with him, taking the time to send messages and letters and pop up at the most sudden of times and Alastor always responds. Life in hell has been growing on the two of them, Vox has been so excited recently… so eager to announce that he had a dream, one where he could publicize the two of them, where they could happily pursue their goals… together and Alastor both loved… and despised the very idea. 
Really he himself is fine with his little following; those few sinners, Vox included, who seemed to always tune in but he'd be a liar if he told himself that he didn't see this …new behavior that seemed to jump out of his friend. Vox was a big dreamer, they had spent many long hours talking to each other, laughing and joking while also spewing their deepest hopes and dreams…well usually it was Vox who did so while Alastor listened and encouraged him but he couldn't help but want to stop the other at the same time.
To tell him that he didn't need to go out there and get big and famous or whatever because Alastor likes the way Vox already is but his friend, his silly friend had his hopes for their pitiful, shameful lives down here so who would Alastor really be to stop him?
To put it lightly, Alastor is anxious over the other demon who was still just hardly taller than Alastor's own shoulder. He's worried that something might have happened to his friend considering how long he's been missing now. After all, Alastor had noticed the way they seemed to draw more attention these days when they were out together… the sneaky glances and judging gazes the other sinners would give them.
Alastor doesn't care, couldn't care less especially considering how easy most demons are to get rid of but… Vox had seemed to grow rather conscious of his presence outside because of it all. 
There's been times where he's even mentioned it, brought it up when it was just him and Alastor together.. Alastor could never forget it, the first time it was ever brought up… the way that Vox seemed to look over his shoulder and double check locks and doors with the excuse of making sure they were ‘safe’. 
It angers Alastor. 
Annoys him so bad to the point that he'd kill them, split their skulls and the ground they walked and before Vox’s very own feet but… for some reason whenever Alastor gets to that point… the point of nearly no return, Vox will lightly brush his hand against his own and while that kind, warm smile and tell Alastor that it was okay. 
That they didn't matter. 
That he didn't care. 
And so on and so forth. 
Alastor moves through the room now, annoyance dripping into the air around him as he seems to get ready to go somewhere… to go look for him because after everything they've been through so far he could admit that he didn't… like it when he couldn't keep tabs on Vox. When they weren't together so Alastor could defend him if needed. When he couldn't hover around Vox like a hawk threatening to peck out anyone's eyes who dared to even spill a drop of liquor on his shoes. He's smiling but he's anything but happy as he gets dressed to go out and hunt down Vox himself..
It's not until he's all ready, a clawed hand reaching out to his front door when his ears suddenly perk as the sound of knocking from the other side fills the room. 
Alastor freezes for a moment, his mind simply going blank in that very moment except for the thought of Vox that lingered and as he shifted gears and continued to reach out and turn the door before another knock could be heard, Alastor found himself faced with Vox. 
Immediately there's a surge of electricity that rushes through his body at being faced with his friend. 
He's relieved, for starters, just seeing him but then that turns into confusion, then slowly into unbridled rage when he takes in the sight of the other more closely. 
“Al..” Vox chuckles softly, that little chuckle that Alastor had grown rather fond of over their time of knowing each other even in those moments when he did it after telling some stupid joke or when it happened when they seemed to press close to each other in the moments when they could. He usually loves hearing it but this time he does not. 
Especially because it's glitchy, corrupted from what he can see. 
Not while Vox stands before him looking like a stray, beaten dog who practically limped its way back to its owner.
“I know I'm later than I said I'd be but hey, I'm here now yeah?” Vox starts off, or at least attempts to through riggidy default settings and his scratchy voice box though Alastor seems to understand him anyway. 
He doesn't want to though. 
He doesn't want to be faced by him when he's like this and all Alastor manages to do is let out a glitchy sound himself though unlike Vox he's not tired or worn, he's energized, livid. 
His eyes move over Vox's form; looking at his heavily dirtied and wrinkled shirt that seemed to be missing a few buttons then they look at the way Vox seems to cradle one of his arms and of course Alastor takes in his screen which seemed shattered, clearly punched in. 
Rightfully so, Vox seems to grow self conscious as the way Alastor hasn't responded yet. He knew that appearing like this at such a late hour would be one thing for the man but it's so strange to see Alastor so… serious. Vox laughs a little, lowering his gaze as if shy, unwilling to show his face as he slowly looks down to his shoes.
A moment of silence washes over them and Vox can't help but rub his already sore arm.
Maybe he shouldn't have come after all? Perhaps Alastor was even angry with him for doing so after already being hours late… Vox knew he shouldn't have come, should have just dealt with this on his own like he preferred to do so but they both knew Alastor would have come looking for him if he hadn't shown up because that's just who Alastor was when it came to Vox. 
His rushing thoughts come in bundles, so much so that the silence becomes deafening and Vox can't help the way his body wants to just naturally step back and walk away as if he never came to begin with, and maybe that was for the best? He hates bothering Alastor, hated not being strong enough to always hold his ground or to scare others away like Alastor so easily seemed to do and maybe it makes him feel inferior, unworthy of being with the other man which always makes his heart ache when he comes down to such a conclusion. He has so many dreams for them but at times much like these ones he wondered if he was just getting reality messed up with said dreams. 
It's not until a finger slips under his screen and lifts it to make Vox's gaze focus on Alastor's once more but this time… Vox seemed to freeze at what he saw on the other's face, his functioning eye growing wider at the scene as he finds himself suddenly holding his breath. 
He's distorted, glitching and reversing, sigils forming in the air behind him as his eyes look into Vox's. His neck twisted over to the side and eyes big, red, and ticking in a way that makes it seem that Alastor is just barely clinging to patience… like he could burst at any moment in a fit of claws and teeth and as Vox stares up at him, shocked, he can feel shivers run up his back as Alastor continues to hold his head in place. He's gentle but firm, refusing to let this go which was something Vox would also say to him..
To just forget it and move on but no, nonono.
Alastor refused not to be pissed and as far as he knew, he had worked to do..
People to punish, bitches to burn. 
“Who… Did this.. to you?” He says and with the way the room seems to shake it's clear that Alastor is not in fact asking but instead demanding to know. Vox can feel the bloodlust leaking off of the other demon, the fury he carries and Vox was sure that if he was anyone else in hell in that very moment that Alastor probably…wouldn't have hesitated to spill his blood and the ground he stood on. 
Vox recognized the look, his eyes slowly lowering again now while Alastor shifts his hand to caress the side of Vox's face, running his thumb over the undamaged side and though it's a kind gesture Vox can feel the way Alastor's hand seems to lightly shake. 
Vox makes a soft sound, something that he didn't make often and closes the gap between the two of them, wrapping his arms around Alastor and clinging to him and at first the taller of the two freezes at the reaction before slowly but surely… calming, at least as much as he could right now. 
It takes a moment for Alastor to immediately respond but Vox doesn't mind, not when he can feel how warm Alastor was and smell his scent so closely and after everything it seems to take some pressure off the TV demon. When Alastor does hug him back his hold is a bit firmer, a bit tighter, like he may get upset if Vox dares to pull away from him now. 
“Alastor, please…” Vox sighs softly,  brokenly and though Vox's voice box is fucked Alastor still makes out those words and the gentle way Vox seems to speak to him. 
“Please just…just leave it.” He says next, moving to bury his head in Alastor's chest and stepping in closer only to tumble forward onto a knee making Alastor jolt and quickly grip him closer before he finds himself in both of them. “Please let it go… I'll be okay, I'll recover. I always do don't I?” he says, practically begging the other man and Alastor feels his face twitch and he's never before more angry at his own curse for not being able to show just how upset he is right now. Yes of course he was sure Vox would be okay but he despised the idea of the other growing used to being treated this way by others...
“I'll be okay see?” Vox tries to convince the other or maybe… he's trying to convince himself now as he lifts his head and gives Alastor that silly, stupid smile again and it both annoys the deer demon but also convinces him enough to not leave right now and go hunt down however did this for there was all the time in the world to do such later. 
Vox had come to him at this time for a reason and even if the reason was simply because Vox had no one else Alastor didn't care. He'd help him just like he always did… and so with a huff Alastor looks down to Vox with that everlasting smile though it does seem strained. 
“Come inside… I'll take care of you.” He says and though Vox still feels guilty for showing up and possibly ruining Alastor's day with his appearance he also feels… grateful knowing Alastor was there just like he always was. So Vox gives in, sighing and nodding softly, gathering himself and getting to his feet and as Alastor holds the door wide open for him he trails in before the door closes back and snaps shut behind the two of them now allowing them to be alone together, where they were always guaranteed safety from the hellish world around them. 
Where Alastor could continue to keep a close eye on him for just a while longer. 
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genericpuff · 3 months
(disclaimer, this is coming from a heartstopper fan! i love heartstopper this is not hate!!)
i think at least part of the annoyance with heartstopper isn't just that isn't a light fluffy ya series, it's also that its another example of how the queer media that gets the most mainstream attention tends to be this kind of light fluffy ya stuff that focuses on two conventially attractive queer boys or men and it also tends to be written by people who aren't queer men on top of that, so not only can it feel very samey but it can feel like other queer people are relegated to side characters in the stories of cis gay men. and as someone who loves heartstopper i get that on some level.
btw by "written by people who aren't queer men" NOT saying that isn't not written by queer people. alice oseman is genderfluid and aroace, becky albertalli is bisexual, etc. and while i think the point is still valid there is a misogyny element in that a lot of the focus is put on things that are written by women or people they perceive as women while tumblr darlings like good omens and ofmd (written by presumably straight men) don't get the same treatment.
nah y'know what, that's fair, I can get how frustrating it can be for a lot of popular queer stories to feel samey, I've definitely gotten BL-fatigue in the past on platforms like WT and Tapas because many of them ARE the same and feel like they're just piggybacking off trends for the sake of clout (and this is a problem in the heterocis romance stories too, don't get me fucking started on how dark romance has turned into torture porn where vulnerable women are constantly being victimized by rich powerful men and we're just supposed to root for that ??), but it's one of those things where like, what might be seen as just more corny shit could very well be the revelation another person needs that they're gay / trans / etc. that the story helped them realize. there's just a point where i see these arguments against cheesy popular queer stories that teeter dangerously close to being queerphobic and, as you said, misogynist, simply because "it was written by someone who i perceive as a woman so that makes it BAD!"
and I didn't mention it in the original post because I didn't want to @ OP in any way but in the comment section they literally said "i dont think heartstopper itself is all that bad but it has pretty much aimed the direction of all mainstream gay comics towards wholesomeness instead of anything more interesting so i want to destroy heartstopper to destroy heartstopper clones" and that gives me massive ick because it implies their sole reasoning for including it was "chill and happy queer stories bad, if a character doesn't suffer enough then they're not interesting"?? why can't LGBTQ+ audiences have more 'vanilla' stories that aren't all sad and angsty all the time? are we not entitled to the same corny romcom vanilla shit that the heterocis are entitled to? why do LGBTQ+ characters - and by extension, people - have to suffer to qualify as being 'interesting'? You're already interesting, you're you! like i'm sorry, are we trying to scare people straight??? 😭 shit, that's even a plot point that's touched on in Heartstopper itself where Nick is questioning his sexuality and he starts googling shit and it's just ALL the terrifying news stories of queer kids being ostracized / bullied / murdered / etc. and as much as it's important to be aware of the ongoing issues so we can keep fighting for our rights, we ALSO need to find balance and remember to celebrate the stories that AREN'T that because we need something to be hopeful for, something we can find peace in. I don't think Heartstopper is some deeply profound piece of work, but it also doesn't seem like it's trying to be? It's a low stakes celebration of the LGBTQ+ experience that's very warm and comforting, especially for those who are the same ages as the main characters who are often being persuaded by the grown-ups around them that it's a death sentence to be gay / trans / etc.
and it's not like we HAVEN'T had popular pieces of queer representative media that explored things outside of cheesy BL, like are we forgetting about Nimona which explored both the gay and genderfluid experience in a very accessible and fun way while still being mature and not pandering to its audience over how society has made monsters out of queer people?
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(and even then I'm sure there are folks who would argue "actually, here are the issues with Nimona" , and that's fine tbh, we can like media and appreciate what it brings to the table while also discussing what it lacks in, such as what we're doing now with Heartstopper! progress is a never-ending journey!!)
and also okay, not me trying to be argumentative in the slightest BUT I don't really get the argument that 'other queer people' are being sidelined for the main characters? unless there's something I'm missing here lol (I will apologize for that because it's admittedly been a while since I've re-read Heartstopper so I should probably go do that to refresh myself on it). like i say that in the sense that Heartstopper is clearly meant to be about two gay male teenagers. just like how Nimona is about a shapeshifter who is not a girl or a boy (they're Nimona!) and a gay man who are both trying to change the system that's other'd them for years for the better. that is the story Heartstopper is trying to tell and it achieves that. it also has a trans character plotline that I could see people arguing feels sidelined but I think there's a massive difference between 'sidelining' and just having a B plot ? my honest take with that is not every piece of representative media is going to be able to cover every single topic, it's just not doable for one piece of media to be a monolith for everything, the same as how one person can't be a monolith for an entire community of people. BUT that doesn't mean works like Heartstopper and Nimona can't inspire others to also lend their voices into the medium and create that representation that's needed. That's why we need ✨variety✨ and Heartstopper is part of that variety by offering a more vanilla cutesy story full of good vibes for people who want that sort of thing.
IDK, I think there's just a lot of nuance that's being missed in that poll, and in the difference between Heartstopper inspiring more people to write happy cozy BL stories vs. implying that it's had an actual negative influence on modern art and media in the same way that series like Homestuck and LO have to the point that people think it needs to be destroyed, like wtf LOL Like they're not even comparable IMO and a lot of the arguments I see people making about why it is just feel a little backwards, and those arguments obfuscate the real issue which is just "popular thing is popular and people like to piggyback off popular shit". That's a fact for basically any niche and genre, these trends come and go. Even if the whole cutesy BL trend passes one day (which it will) it'll be replaced by something else that people will also inevitably find samey and boring after a while. This is not a concept that's unique to LGBTQ+ media, it's universal.
Balance is important and I think finding that balance is as much a responsibility on the shoulders of the consumer as it is on the creator. And I don't think Heartstopper deserves to be put into the same camp as stories like LO which literally straightwashes its canonically queer characters and gives those queer identities to nothingburger characters who are easy to shoo out of the plot to make way for the heterocis ones (while still parading itself around like it's actually 'queer rep' which... it really isn't.) Like all three of the comics in that poll are vastly different, serving different audiences, with different goals and intentions. It's comparing apples to oranges to pineapples.
The worst Heartstopper has to offer is just a low stakes plot that might not appeal to everyone or feel 'samey' which yeah, valid, but in the grander sense of whether or not it's had a negative effect on queer media just for being... cheesy? And inspiring other people to write stories like it? I don't get the argument, it feels like it's severely missing the point of what we're fighting for here - to live happy little unbothered lives - but that's just me ╮( ̄ω ̄;)╭ I'm definitely not trying to be a dick about it in any way and I don't want anyone to think I'm not open to the opposing points here, I do agree with you on the oversaturation of samey BL stories, but it just rose some massive red flags to see Heartstopper next to frigging Homestuck and Lore Olympus LOL
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thegreatwicked · 5 months
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Enjoy some of my favorite stories I've come across on Tumblr! Seriously, I LOVE these stories and I reread them A LOT!
Please note: Virtually ALL OF THESE STORIES ARE SMUT. That means 18+ content, and you are responsible for managing your internet consumption. Minors DNI.
DC Comics
Dance for Daddy by @matth1w LAWD. I love me some Roman Sionis fics and this one DELIVERS. Sexy, kinky, smutty I give it a solid Chefs Kiss.
Joy Ride and Let Me Make You Feel Good, The Intern by @littleredwing89 More delicious Roman Sionis one shots Joy ride is about teasing Roman as he drives and Let Me Make You Feel Good is about a sweet smutty cure for a hangover. And the Intern, a fuck buddies to lovers story, god yum. Reader inserts. Drool. Go forth read and enjoy.
Bait the Beast by @more-cardigan-than-womanLord help me, I found a new little gem. You cause a bit of a ruckus with Coblepot and Roman thinks you need a lesson.
Yours by @tarrenterror25set in the AO! Verse Roman is having some trouble during the holidays overcoming everything the Joker did to him, good thing he has you. Because he does. You're his now. Melt. Sorry about the mess.
Star Wars
Water and Rock by @split-spectrum I honestly cannot say enough good things about this story It follows Obi-wan/Fem Reader in the classic Master/Padawan troupe and it. is. SPICY. Up to twelve chapters which I have read MULTIPLE TIMES and it hits so hard. Go read this story it is sexy as HELL and gives you the feels. She's so damn good at writing Obi-Wan it hurts, but like in a kinky good way.
The Gift by @ladyinwriting18 I have already spoke at length about the fabulousness that is Lady in Writing and her amazing content. This one is a favorite! Its a Maul/Reader Insert and it is smutty sxy and kinky. Seriously if Maul is your fictional crush (Hi me too!), go read this.
The Three Princes Part One: The Oldest Profession by @thenightmarketofdathomir This writer is freaking legendary. I do not know the collection of words in my own language to describe the eloquence and sophistication this writer possesses. Just go. Go read this and you let me know if you're ever the same again. This gem stars our boy Feral and is a you/reader insert. Oh damn, this story makes me want things...
Birthday Wish, Romancing the Pages, The Write Seduction, To Create Life, by @jedianjakenobi Y'all, this author holds a special place in my writer's heart. She's a published author on Amazon and she's truly amazing. Her works are all Obi-Wan-centered and reader inserts. Birthday Wish is a birthday crush from your sexy neighbor, Romancing the Pages is a fake relationship/summer romance with a reclusive shy librarian (Ben) and a best-selling author, The Write Seduction is a professor Kenobi/writing student story and it is SPICY. And my favorite To Create Life is a Jedi Council green lights a baby-making program and who else is the reader paired with? Their good friend Padawan Kenobi. My darlings, my friends, if you like Obi-Wan smut then you are doing yourselves a disservice by NOT reading these.
Empty Me Out by @221bshrlocked reader insert/DOM Obi-Wan I'm tellin y'all this story NEARLY killed me. I've lost track of how many times I've readit. You're an entertainer and Master Kenobi needs information from you, so you give him what he wants and then he gives you what you want. Where it Wasn't massage therapy reader insert/Obi-Wan, do I need to say more? Pretty sure I melted into the floor with this one.
His Loving Satine by @waterlily707 I love reader insterT and OCs but these two Obi-Wan and Satine are a joy to read. Temporary paralyzed Obi-Wan at the "mercy" of a slightly dom Satine. Juicy, gorgeous, little bit of fluff. Love it.
Room 24 by @murdockussy Little angsty Obi-Wan/reader insert enemies to lovers in an undercover assignment-type situation. Spicy, dom Obi-Wan give. Me. More.
Tea with Lemon, Tea with Honey by @wickedscribbles an established relationship as a reader insert and Obi-Wan. If you want honey then you get to take care of a sick Obi-Wan and kind out you have a new kink, if you want Lemon then Obi-Wan takes advantage of said kink and whisks you away to another planet for some R&R under the guise of "work." Enjoy!
Ben Hardy
Hold Me Close, Don't Let Me Go by @stray-kaz God. This one shot is just sxy as hell, it's a Billy/Four fro, 6 Underground/Female Reader. Our boy comes home to one hell of an 'I missed you, I need you right now' welcome. GO read it. Right now.
Such an Experience by @rogermyreligionOk. Guys... FUCK, this is a hot little oneshot Roger Taylor of Queen/Female reader and OMG. Just go read it. I've officially stopped counting how many times I've read this. Smutty/Sexy. I'm dead.
Long Distance by @acciotwinzwinz. Y'ALL. Sit your asses down and read this Roger Taylor/Reader insert/You. It's fluffy, its sexy, its cute and the smut is -chefs kiss- Yes, I read this one a lot too.
For now, these are some of my favorites that I frequently reread because I love them. I'll probably be adding more, it's more than likely I've forgotten some...
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cheesecakeluvrs · 2 months
Rogue and Gambit in X-men 97’
This is neither One Piece nor Sanami but I’m obsessed with X-men 97’ currently and I need to talk about this somewhere
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I keep seeing people say that Rogue is cheating on Gambit in X-men 97’ but that is absolutely not the truth. This is understandable because the general knowledge is that Rogue and Gambit are together because they are in the comics and I’m sure some people who watched the original X-men animated series as a child look back and remember them being together. While they were awfully flirting with one another they never got together officially
This is also probably because Rogue and Gambit were a pretty fresh couple in the early nineties so I’m sure the writers just went with the same flirty approach that they had before they got together in the comics
While it’s clear they have feelings for each other as they kiss 2 times and almost another (although one of those kisses was not consensual) and Rogue also calls herself “Mrs. Lebeau” when she needed a name (which I’m sure there was also confusion on Rogues name due to it also being fresh) they are definitely NOT together
Gambit is literally my favorite character so it’s hard bashing him so much like this but he has no right to get jealous of Rogue. Everyone on the internet keeps saying “poor Gambit” and such and I just wish they would watch the original
Gambit in the original is just not a great guy a lot of the time to Rogue. First, one time Morph flirted with Gambit as Rogue and told him that she had been lying about not being able to touch people (LIKE HOW DO YOU FALL FOR THAT HOW DOWN BAD ARE YOU) so his reaction to that is to go up to her while she’s sleeping and kissing her resulting in his passing out. Like I get you want this woman but leave her to her sleep
Second, he makes kinda creepy comments too. Like one time he tells her “you need to lay off the fried chicken” and one time she was just out of her usual fighting clothes and he said “you should dress up for me sometime” (but she did flirt back in that situation so I’ll give him that one)
Lastly, saying Rogue cheated on him is crazy because Gambit flirts and hits on so many people (even though they’re not serious he still can’t get jealous of someone else’s relationship if he’s doing that) then has the audacity to get all angsty when Rogue and Cody go on a date or when Rogue and Archangel touch and share a sentimental moment due to Rogue absorbing some of his memories one time
Okay okay and DESPITE all this I am still Rogue and Gambits biggest shipper and cheering for them in 97’ so what is going on with Magneto. People who did a single google search keep coming up with the “well Rogue and Magneto were canon in the comics”, yeah they got married in “Age of Apocalypse” but referencing couples outside of 616 is crazy. You know who else has been together when we are counting EVERY timeline? LITERALLY EVERYONE. This is Marvel comics, this is not new, everyone has hooked up and everyone will continue to hook up. Just look up a list of all the people Wolverine alone has been with
Sure they COULD go with Rogue and Magneto for X-men 97’ and I’m just a stupid dum dum for believing otherwise but I see no reason to with all the buildup of the original and that sad face Rogue made in episode 4 was a little hm….
I think this is all for a little drama, a little development, a little spice because if Marvel hates anything it’s happy couples with no problems. I am praying that this is just to improve their relationship and at the end of this stupid love triangle they will finally be together but who knows
There is also a little theory that Magneto and Rogue actually aren’t doing something too crazy. I just find it weird that they haven’t actually shown us anything (I know they can’t show us them doing something devious but maybe at least kissing) only heavily suggesting it with the training room and Gambits nightmare thing. It’s just because a lot of times shows and movies will heavily force something like someone cheating then they later find out that they were actually just spending so much time together because they were planning their birthday party or something
I sound as desperate and delusional as Gambit but I’m doing all I can. I probably should’ve just waited for tomorrow then posted this after watching the new episode but I couldn’t wait so maybe all of my thoughts and opinions will change in a few hours
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amourlyns · 4 months
❛ HEY VENGEANCE. ❜ ➜ ⁽ masterlist ⁾
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✧ 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕: in which john price and simon riley discuss the past, present and future over a late night smoke.
✧ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: mentions of war, death, body horror, mental illness, child death.
✧ 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔: inspired by this post. enjoy some angsty, but soft john and si. added my own personal touches, so i like to think john went through something similar and that’s why he’s so greatly effected. + he has 2 kids, mac n rosie with his ex—wife clara. dedicated to @whittywhitty and @mawvax ‘s comic.
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⟡ ⠀ | Words are never exchanged during these kinds of nights. Instead, smoke fills the space where words would lay.
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There’s a bitter chill in the air that settles into John’s bones. Making a home in his marrow. Tonight, he’s accompanied by Ghost. Of course, Simon Riley would always be more than a phantom. John actively told him that— yet.
Yet it doesn’t click.
Because phantoms do not desire eulogies from their Captain, and phantoms do not seek absolution. They simply be. Somehow, Simon Riley does this all at once. Despite the façade, he’s still a man. A man who feels, a man of flesh and blood. There’s a twinge of guilt that spikes through John’s veins, he already knows that it’s too late to speak on such matters— too late for apologies on events he could not stop.
But he speaks anyways.
Some part of John really believes that Simon, not (Ghost) could read him like a book. Or at least try to. Before John can utter an apology, Simon’s gaze already settles on his superior. He’s expecting something, either words or actions. John realizes this, and speaks at once.
❛❛ I’M SORRY.. ❜❜
John shifts his weight, leaning into one leg. Simon glances towards John for a total of three grand seconds. He notices these three things. One, John Price’s brows furrow inwards when he’s contemplating something. Two, he gnaws on his beloved Clara Villa cigar when he’s stretched too far. Three, John Price loves too much.
It’s still profound to Riley, having someone apologize to him. Some nasty, ugly part of his mind tells him to be apathetic. To play dumb. John does not mean it, nor does Simon deserve such a thing. An apology, empathy, or some kind of grand understanding.
He cracks anyways.
❛❛ (…) WHAT FOR ? ❜❜
John is obviously at a loss, his cigar burns out. Ash settles on the tray, glinting in the moonlight. He lights another, gnaws, and smokes. Notes of leather and light maple stains John’s lungs. A bitter char wafts in the air. The stars seem to illuminate the hazy night.
They sit in silence for a few moments. John eventually starts up again, and Simon listens closely.
Price’s words echo into the endless night, accompanied by cicadas and their hymns, the chirp of crickets follow moments after. Then, there’s silence. Is it really silence? There’s so many unspoken words that burn like an uproarious flame between the pair.
So many apologies John could say, so many stories he could say and tell. John wants to tell Simon that no one should ever experience such a thing, and how he’s a good kid. John wants to tell Simon that it’s not his fault.
And if John could, he’d explain how the soil of your own grave never leaves the ridges of your fingertips. And how you can never scrub the grime off, no matter how hard you try. How silence is the most jarring thing to a man, yet, the most peaceful. How being a living, walking, deadman changes you.
To be a living, breathing body. Rotting away like a real corpse. John thinks, and he wonders. What kind of man has the stomach to rip a jaw, and dig his way out?
Simon has his own thoughts. He ponders on his next words, and what to say to get his Captain out of this whump. It’s uncharacteristic, to see a man of John’s status and stature oh, so defeated. His shoulders are slumped, eyes are set on the view below. Obscured by the dark night, but undoubtedly somber and solemn.
Simon knows that Price’s life revolves around humans. He knows the Captain has seen terrors no man should lay his eyes upon. Simon has heard the stories and he’s seen John’s scars. Small glimpses into the window of his life. Simon knows John is lucky enough to have a family, two kids. Mac and Rosie. A loving, supportive woman in his life— his ex—wife Clara.
And yet, despite this. Simon could sense that John Price could never be a gentle man, because he never had a gentle man in his life. He only knows how to chew on marrow and sink his canines into everything and everyone.
Simon only knew this because they were two of a kind. They aren’t unfamiliar with the sight of blood spilling from orifices of a cadaver, decomposing and becoming one with the earth. Or, the gore of a body festering in puss. The corroding of flesh, and necrosis of the limbs due to an untreated infection on the field. Simon and Price have laid their eyes on parts that are meant to be hidden away by flesh and muscles.
These parts, the innermost parts, are always shocking when displayed in such raw, open spaces, like the battlefields and deserts, where bodies are picked apart by vultures and crows, but Price and Simon no longer flinches at twisted body parts and decaying flesh. They have seen far too much of it to be upset by it anymore.
But, Simon does not know how the rawness of all it washes over John, despite the disfigurement of each of these bodies (was) a living, breathing, person. Whether or not they were civilians, enemies or enemies.
John’s sense of mortality is never numbed, or dismissed. Instead, he weighs on it much, much, more. Death within his field of work is something he knows will happen. There’s no point of price diminishing these feelings.
John Price has children, he has a family. He’s ready for his own death, but are they?
Of course he’s no saint, he knows this and refuses to be called such. He has the blood of mothers, fathers, and children in his hands. He suffers each day for it. Flashing visions of gaunt faces and vacant eyes staring back at him each night. Spindly fingers that wrap around him in the night.
John is a man of war. A man who chooses the lesser evil.
The sensation of Simon’s arm on his shoulder brings him back to earth, a sense of reassurance. A silent apology.
Simon faces John now. Stubbing out his cigarette, to grace John with a timid smile. John blinks once, then twice, then thrice. A smile, a smile from Simon Riley. John could cry, really. Granted, his eyes are already watering up from Simon’s speech. He fights the urge to laugh at that horrible pun. Maintaining a brave face for Simon.
John chokes out, the feeling of Simon’s hand on his shoulder remains. He’s rooted now, feeling as bit lighter than before.
❛❛ AH, NOT MY BEST. ❜❜
Simon chortles, a retort dies on his tongue. For once, Simon feels lighter too. He’s ran out of smokes now. The only thing they could do was watch the sun rise back up in the horizon for tonight. And exchange a few stories, or accept the silence.
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tblsomedoodles · 3 months
more Donnie VS The World content. It makes me vibrate and scream and wiggle like I'm off my meds. I would love anything, even a solid block of text, but your doodles/full artworks/comics are my favorite.
Please? All I've found so far is what we see in the donnieverse comic and the MVA/AMV (music video animatic/animatic music video). So many questions, like - is Casey (Sr) involved in any way, whethercas a fellow captive or rescue mission teammate? Is this the True Apocalypse or Averted Apocalypse timeline? If the latter, where is Casey (Jr)? How is Splinter handling it? (Is he even still alive to be Having Emotions About It?)
(Please feed me.
B L E A S E)
(If you don't mind, could you show/tell how Donnie escapes, one of his first Big Leads that gives him so much hope he cries, and/or the Big Reunion? One would be nice, two would be great, and all three would be amazing. If they aren't planned/are too spoilery, that's okay. Anything you can/are willing to give would be lovely.)
Thank you!! I'm glad you like it : ) I don't think I've answered many asked about this particular au, so i'm more than willing to talk about it! : )
I don't really have much up for it, mostly b/c it deals with a lot of angsty material that i can be a little uneasy about posting. I have a bit of old concept art, and an unposted fic i'm editing/rewriting (b/c it's the first fic i wrote for Rise and i did not have those character voices down lol.) I can probably post the first bits of it later this week. I did say at one point that i would once 'proud family tradition' was over, and it now is.
but yeah, here's the concept art, i'll put the explanation under the break b/c i'm going to be rambling lol.
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So Donnie vs. takes place after the thwarted apocalypse (not-apocalypse future). They get taken by Bishop a few months afterwards, and it isn't until about a year after that, that Donnie gets free.
He's the last one still with Bishop at that point, and had been told/convinced through various means that his brothers were dead.
Bishop did a lot of experiments on him, leaving a lot of scaring. One of which was injecting him with Krang DNA to see what would happen. (the eye and veins thing. I think he has some side effects from that but i'm not entirely certain what they are atm)
The fic itself starts after his rescue, b/c i'm focusing on Donnie's search for his brothers (and his own recovery) Rather than the traumatic event itself.
The rescue itself, was certainly a rescue. April, Casey, and CJ worked together to get him out of there as well as gain whatever information they could before they were found out. (Casey went undercover and was able to get some incomplete files and help get donnie out before she was discovered and had to leave.)
donnies in...pretty bad shape at that point, mentally and physically. Physically, he's malnurished, injured, scared, the works. Bishop did a number on him in the year he had him.
Mentally, he's pretty much shut down. He's completely non-verbal, unresponsive most of the time, when he does respond it's very slow and seemingly difficult for him to do so. He describes it that it feels like he's behind several plates of thick glass. He can see and hear what's happening, interacting (or even just feeling anything about it) is very hard to get past the glass.
How he goes from that state to hunting down his brothers is fairly simple. One of the broken, encripted files Casey acquired was Leo's file. None of the three could open it, but they managed to get Donnie to try to do so. He manages it, sees the file, and for the first time in about a year, has hope. He doesn't even wait to show the other three, he just takes off while no one was looking, with April's laptop and CJ's coat (he steals a backpack along the way.)
I don't really want to say much past that. A lot of the rescues/reunions are pretty spoiler heavy, and i don't want to ruin some of the mystery of what's going on in the fic. But know this, he does get all his brothers (and family in general) back. Also, splinter is alive and is part of this, but again, that's spoilers for some things i don't want to ruin.
Again, i'll probably start posting this sometime this week. It's an interesting fic that i've put quite a bit of time into at this point, so i'll be excited to see what is thought of it.
Thank you!
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dandylovesturtles · 5 months
Top Ten Posts of 2023
I decided, why not? ^^
I'm limiting this to fics/analysis/headcanon/etc posts I made during the year and skipping over anything that isn't my actual creative work. That said, if you're curious, my actual top post was this funky screenshot from episode 2.
10. Everyone's just fine with Donnie modding the moon buggy? (362 notes)
It occurred to me that despite being MASSIVE nerds for the Jupiter Jim franchise, the bros seemed awfully chill with Donnie taking an actual on-set moon buggy and modding the hell out of it.
A few people argued with me in the notes that the Turtle Tank is so cool no one could possibly be mad about it and I do think that's fair. The Turtle Tank is easily my favorite thing Donnie made in the show.
9. Splinter and Leo talk post movie (443 notes)
And then his dad walks in and says, “I would like to talk to Blue, please. Alone.” And suddenly Leo doesn’t feel so good anymore.
This is the most recent tumblr fic I've done (I think lol), so seeing it make it this high felt pretty good. I love Splinter and his boys... they make me emotional.
8. A headcanon about the Disaster Twins (445 notes)
I have a headcanon that the twins are lowkey always trying to get each other to laugh.
This is still true.
7. A showcase of Donnie's injuries in End Game (462 notes)
So everyone talks about Donnie getting his shell shredded by the Shredder in Many Unhappy Returns but I feel like it’s underappreciated that that happened to him coming off of getting his ass beat in End Game like
One of the first posts I made when I made this blog haha. Poor Donnie |'D
6. Donnie records everything (617 notes)
broke: Donnie listening to what happened in the prison dimension woke: Donnie showing Raph Leo’s big damn hero speech since he wasn’t there the first time
The main reason why this has so many notes is because @roseverdict wrote a great fic down in the notes that you should all go read.
5. Leo asks Donnie a favor (829 notes)
“You might as well tell me what you need,” he says, turning to his computer and pulling up his list. “I’ll assess it and prioritize.” “No, no, that’s okay. It’s nothing,” Leo insists. “Nardo.” Donnie levels his best stare at him. “What is it?”
I love writing the Disaster Twins being soft and you guys love it when I write it too.
4. Present Donnie and Future Donnie have a little disagreement (CAS AU fic) (1,242 notes)
“What was I supposed to do, tie him to a chair?” “Yes!?” says Mini-him like he’s stupid, which warrants a scoff.
Shoutout to @skcirthinq who doodled a comic version of their conversation.
3. Casey Jr. and Uncle Tello troll Present Donnie (CAS AU fic) (1,701 notes)
Casey Jr, says Uncle Tello’s voice. Uncle Tello? Do you want to see something really funny?
This is my actual fic with the most notes! I'm glad you all enjoyed this silly little take on what was actually an incredibly intense moment in Cass's original comic.
2. Mikey contacts the Hamato ancestors (2,054 notes)
future Mikey: *trying to contact the spirits of the Hamato for advice and guidance in the apocalypse* Donnie’s spirit: Hello, you are now communing with Donatello.
I can't believe you guys gave over 2K notes to the stupidest joke I've ever made. Shoutout to @nonymous06 for this artist's rendition.
and finally, drum roll please.....
My top post of 2023:
1. A very silly idea for a separated AU (4,283 notes)
non-angsty ROTTMNT separated AU where the boys meet online and bond over their shared love of Jupiter Jim and skateboarding and Lou Jitsu. Then one day they agree to meet irl for the first time at a con and decide to dress as turtle aliens.
This post spawned an adorable fanart by @thatsmutbean , this hilarious fanart by @onionninjasstuff , and an entire fanfic called new phone who dis by @rbtlvr
This has been an incredible year! My love for ROTTMNT has not diminished in the slightest and I still have lots of ideas, so I hope you guys stick with me for 2024. Thanks again! Happy New Year!!
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