#I just love the thought of Billy and the rest of the pack being huge and calling Steve little pet names
fizzigigsimmer · 8 months
Moonwood Part 2
A little belated birthday gift for @adelacreations. 💗
Thank you to everyone who shared their love for part one of this. I tried to link those who asked.
Lunch is eye opening for Steve. He doesn’t look for Billy exactly… Okay he totally looks around to see if he can spot Billy at any of the lunch tables or standing in the queue to get hot lunch, but only because he’s actively trying to avoid the trouble he is 100% certain Billy means to bring to his doorstep. But he doesn’t see Billy anywhere and even if that settles his nerves a little, he’s kinda disappointed too. Like there’s a part of him that already feels drawn to Billy in some way - it itches in the back of his mind like a half formed memory. Only instead of ‘now where did I put those keys’ it’s, ‘now where is Billy?’
He tells himself he’s being way extra, because he is, and tries to put Billy out of his mind. After they shuffle through the line Tim starts to head towards an empty table and Steve hesitates - not wanting to be one of the only kids eating alone, with Tim. It’s just not a good look and he’s pretty sure he’s gonna get stuck talking about Star Wars or whatever the whole time. 
“Hey Man, you uh-mind if I sit with some other people? I figure it might help me get to know folks since I’m new.” Steve tries to soften the blow, but the little frown that puckers the middle of Tim’s brow lets him know he hasn’t really succeeded. After agreeing where to meet up after the hour ends, Steve looks around for a table to join. About the second time his eyes sweep the room he realizes that he’s searching for a letterman’s jacket, but he tells himself it’s not for Billy. It’ll just be easier to talk shop with other jocks and maybe he’ll get lucky and find someone who is on the swim team.
But the first letterman’s jacket Steve sees is slung over the shoulders of a girl - only she’s not like any girl Steve has ever seen. She’s tall, and she’s stacked like she bench presses all the losers who have ever dared to hit on her before breakfast each morning; and she definitely eats all her Wheaties. And Steve knows girls are supposed to be soft and pixie sized or whatever, but he discovers a new kink that day because he really digs it. Would consider it an honor to suffocate between her muscular thighs or her full breasts.
And then weirdly, his mind goes back to Billy. He sort of gets why the path is there - Billy’s thighs were impressive and impossible to miss in those skin tight jeans - just not why his brain chooses to keep skipping down it to wonder what Billy’s chest looks like under his shirt, when he could be daydreaming about Sasha’s rack instead. That’s She-Ra’s name, Sasha. 
Sasha is a little wary of Steve at first because she thinks he’s just there to hit on her and ruin her appetite by drooling over her boobs - which she actually has the balls to say to him before he’s even sat down. But when she hears that Steve is new it piques her interest. She’s kinda intense. Her stare gives Steve the impression she’d like to hoover his dick and make him cry uncle at the same time, which is hot fair enough, but a little unsettling. And she keeps peppering him with really invasive questions. Not just the expected where did you come from, but questions about his family.
“Wow Sasha you gonna put out for the whole family or what?” Some guy named Randy whom Sasha has been trying to wheedle into coming to some sort of gathering with her, jokes. And like a real asshole he looks right at Steve and goes, “I’d be careful with the moony girls if I were you Harrington. They’re easy but every one of them's got like six meathead cousins who will drag you out to the woods and eat your liver if they catch you sniffing around one of their girls.”
Steve’s surprised when Sasha laughs, big and toothy with this mesmerizing glint in her eye as she promises Randy they’d have to race her for the scraps. Steve realizes that this weird fluttery feeling in his stomach is fear. And his dick is hard because he’s an idiot.
The gathering Sasha is trying to convince Randy and some of the others at the table to come to is some sort of bonfire out in the woods that the Moonwood teens hold every few weeks or so. Apparently it gets wild. Lots of drinking and telling ghost stories around the campfire when they’re not hooking up somewhere. It kinda reminds Steve of the parties he and Tommy used to go to at the quarry, complete with the local ghost stories. Only instead of monsters in the lake, out here the forest is rampant with werewolves who eat unlucky campers.
Steve’s surprised to see how seriously the Schiller High kids take the local superstitions. Because from everything he observes Sasha is really popular with other students (especially the guys) and usually all she has to do to gather a crowd is name the time and place, but Randy and the others don’t want to be out in the woods on a full moon. It’s kinda hilarious.
“You’re so lame Randy. Has anything actually happened at a bonfire? Like ever?” Sasha pouts but Randy just shrugs and says there’s a first time for everything.
“Plus Billy’s still pissed at me for going out with Trish and I don’t feel like putting up with his bullshit while he’s high on moonshine.”
“Billy’s going to be there?” Steve asks like a lame before he can stop himself. Of course Mr. Popularity is gonna be there, he kicks himself at the same time that Randy sneers and rolls his eyes.
“Billy never misses a chance to walk on the wild side.” Sasha confirms with a smirk. “You should come too Steve, everyone who's anyone will be there. I bet you’ll meet a lot of people. That is if it’s not too far of a trip.”
“It’s not too far. I live there, actually. In Moonwood.” Steve reveals and it’s like he dropped a bomb on the table. The other kids are looking at him now like he’s done something either incredibly brave or stupid and they’re not sure which one it is. All except for Sasha whose eyes almost seem to flash at him as her already intense scrutiny intensifies.
“Of course! That’s what that is, I should have known.” She exclaims a light bulb turning on, and before Steve can ask what ‘what’ is, she adds “You’re Bob and Irene’s grandson.”
“Yeah how did you -” Steve starts to ask but Sasha waves the question off like it’s a pesky fly and grabs Steve’s hand like they’re best friends in a teen movie.
“Gosh your wrists are so delicate, it feels like I could snap them like twigs.” She giggles at him. “Oh, I met your mom! How come she’s never brought you to any of the community gatherings?”
Thinking back, Steve remembers that his mom had made a few attempts to invite him out with them when she and his grandparents went out for the night. They didn’t do it a ton, but when he did he always presumed they were doing something old and boring like pottery or chips and bingo.
“Uh, because I’m eighteen and bingo night with my mom and my grandparents isn’t exactly what I’d call a good time?”
That gets him a laugh from everyone but not for the reason he expected. Turns out Moonwood community “events” are well known in the area. While Steve was hanging out on the beach and camping with tourists, his neighbors were mixing moonshine, rolling joints, and dancing naked to bongo drums and other hippie shit.
“He wasn’t fully naked.” Sasha insists with a glint in her eye that makes Steve think she’s lying. “Randy was so high at the time he couldn’t uncross his eyes. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
“I’m telling you Steve, this man went running into the trees buck-ass-naked. It was the craziest shit I ever saw!”
Everyone laughs and ribs at Randy and Steve just soaks it in for a moment. He can almost pretend that he’s back at home and nothing in his life has changed. But then Sasha pins him with those eyes of hers again and tells him he should come to the bonfire.
“Don’t let these tiny boys scare you Harrington, you’re made of stronger stuff. The worst thing that’s gonna be out in those woods is us.”
Sasha winks at him and that makes Steve chuckle. He likes her, he decides. She reminds him of Carol, if Carol were built like an Olympic athlete and had teeth big and white enough to do toothpaste ads.
What the hell, why not. It’ll pay off to be on good terms with the popular kids and maybe he can get ahead of the whole Billy situation before it becomes an issue if Sasha puts in a good word for him. As for the fear that the full moon will bring out the werewolves, that it might be dangerous to be out in the woods at night? Steve never takes it seriously for a moment.
|Part Three >>|
@darleenjade @sweetwaterangel @dragonflylady77 @natchula @tip-tap-tired @sparklingsprinkles
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reasonsmandy · 4 months
A letter?
Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader
✧.* requested by anon — Hi!!! Love your writing so much!! Not sure if you’re still doing requests lol, butttt I have a really specific one so if you’d be able to do this I’d like actually die omg. Okay so I’m a fashion student from LA and I was thinking, the reader is like basically siblings with billy and Graham, (her dad and their mom started dating when they were kids so they were practically raised together) but she’s closest with Eddie in particular. They’re best friends. They’ve basically been attached at the hip since they were kids. They’re both secretly harboring feelings for each other and everyone knows it but themselves. She’s been there for them since the band started, like Camilla, making them outfits for gigs and stuff. and Eddie even takes her to prom when her date ends up being a jerk to her. Butttt the reader ends up moving to LA to go to fashion school (maybe eventually she can be their costume designer for the aurora tour 🙏) and Eddie slowly stops talking to her god knows why. Fast forward- The band moves out to LA and they stay with her until they’re stable enough to be out on their own. The tension is super high between her and Eddie and EVERYONE notices. Super Angsty. Ends in fluff and love confessions 🫶 maybe angry billy lol. AGAIN THANK YOU!!! I know that was super complicated. YOUR WRITING AND EDITS ARE AMAZINGGGG !!
✧.* you're reading part one, here's the sequel — You matter to me
✧.* summary — You and Eddie were a story in the making, which you were sure had been finished after the way you left. But now with your reunion, perhaps there is a reticence.
✧.* warnings — none.
✧.* word count — 3.2k
✧.* 🎸 — Eddie's masterlist
✧.* mandy's notes — I love this ask! And I'm working on part two for it already. Please, lmk what you guys think of this back and forth writing dynamics.
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You drop your keys into the jar that was on the table next to the door, then hang your coat on the hanger as you try to speed up the process to finally rest from a long day. The apartment was dark and you didn't bother turning on all the lights, contenting yourself with just the orange light from the kitchen, you went to the counter, checking the letters you had received and also collecting some newspapers from the previous days to throw away.
Days like these make you miss the constant movement and excitement that your life in Pittsburgh contained, your thoughts from time to time hovered over delicious memories that you, whether or not you wanted to have a taste of once again. It had been a few months since studying fashion had brought you to LA, and even if you were satisfied with several friends and studying what you loved, there was a huge lack of what remained there.
With the feeling of nostalgia tugging at the pit of your stomach, you head to your phone to call the number you used to answer. At the end of the line you hear three rings before the hiss and finally a voice.
“Hello?” The unexpected voice makes you wonder if you had the wrong number.
“Uh, I'm looking for Mrs Dunne?” Your voice was tired, at this point you just wanted to kill the longing.
“Y/N?” You hear the questioning after a silence, and recognizing the voice makes the butterflies in your stomach rise.
“Yeah Eddie, it's me.” You say in a breath, and once again you receive silence.
“Y/N my dear, how is everything going there?” You try to avoid the feeling of sadness about what had happened, swallowing hard.
“Everything good, and things there?” You are amazed at how natural your voice sounds.
“It's actually a bit chaotic, the boys are packing everything up in a hurry to move.” She says in a nervous laugh.
“Move? What do you mean?” You try to remember having received this information before, but you can't find it.
“Didn't you receive my letter? They will try to grow the band in LA, you might even meet up. Isn't it great? Your brothers miss you.” You didn't know if you believed the last sentence, at least not in the plural. Graham and you talked sometimes, but you and Billy hadn't talked since your move.
“That's awesome! I'm happy to hear that.” You indeed were, but you couldn't help but feel the confusion of why all this was happening now.
You have a vivid memory of sitting on the floor of Graham's room as he murmured about how unfair life was, and at that point you tried your best to help your half brother with any advice you came up with. Your face was resting on the bed when you and he looked at the door when you heard Billy knock three times, indicating that he was going to come in. They were your brothers since you were two years old, when your father married the boys' mother you grew up together in that house mostly without any problems.
They were kind to you, they always were, even though Billy was more distant. You knew someone that he was marked by something that you weren't here to witness, but in a way you understood how much a parent was missed.
The older Dunne sits on the edge of the bed, watching his older brother frustrated, you notice that he holds back his laughter feeling the nostalgia of something that perhaps he has already been through. You thought about whether you should go out and leave them alone, but you figured that if you stayed quiet it wouldn't get in the way.
“They'll be other girls.” Billy tries to comfort him, Graham for the first time stops staring at the ceiling to look at his brother.
“And how'd you know that?” You watch them talking and try your best to go unnoticed.
Billy looks at you, his gaze urgently asking you to help him with this.
“Because you know how to play the guitar" Your voice barely comes out, since you hadn't spoken for so long. Your older brother looks at you with a subtle look of 'what the fuck?'. You shrug, completing the sentence. “What? I heard it's something girls like.”
Graham lets out a muffled laugh and you're happy to have made him laugh, Billy frowns and you can see a bit of jealousy there which makes you smile.
“And besides.” Billy continues, looking at Graham again. “You’re fourteen years old!”
You laugh and your brothers accompany you. It's a comforting memory, one of the moments when you felt welcomed and loved.
However, from that day onwards Graham's obsession with having a band was born. You thought it was a good idea, after all, you spent the afternoon idly after all your homework was done, and when you sat down to design different types of clothes and sometimes sewing something with Mrs. Dunne Graham hovered around making sounds of boredom, you knew that would be good to entertain him.
He had invited his best friends, who you had been attending since you had moved in at the Dunne house. You can vividly remember the morning you were woken up by the thunderous sound of drums coming from downstairs, you curse and mumble, getting up to find out what it was about.
When you get to the bottom of the stairs, you come face to face with Warren trying to arrange his drum kit in the living room of your house, you blink a few times trying to shake off the sleep that still resides within you, Eddie's figure appears soon after with his guitar hanging around his neck. He smiles at you and you give him an even wider one.
“Does Mrs Dunne know what you guys are doing here?” You say in a laugh, Warren turns to Eddie for that answer, his messy curls reaching his eyes.
“I guess so…” Roundtree answers you, moving closer to you. And your body demonstrates a fact that you had hidden from your brother: the girl who was attracted to men who played guitar was you, and he was the boy you felt attracted to. “Do you know where Graham is, sunshine?”
Your legs shake at the nickname that gradually became common coming from him, you shake your head, spending as much time as possible observing Roundtree closely. “I literally just woke up. But assuming that you guys already looked for him in his room, you should try the garage.”
“On it!” Warren exclaims, heading towards the garage but not before winking at Eddie who rolls his eyes.
You frown, and are slowly eroded by the silence that surrounds you and Roundtree. He clears his throat “I think they made omelets, if I were you I'd run before Chuck finds out.”
“Would you like to join me?” You ask in a whisper, afraid of the answer. "I mean, if I'm not busy with all this.” You gesture to the instruments piled up on the couch and Rojas' drums.
“I'd love that.” He smiles, leaving you with the pleasant nervousness of falling in love.
Now the orange light wasn't enough to make you see your surroundings without your eyes hurting, so getting rid of the vivid memory you decide to immerse your thoughts in what you loved the most ‘create clothes’. Recently you were obsessed with a specific style you had noticed on the streets of the city, and the way women in particular looked most beautiful in the prints you had in mind, your goal now was to create a line to present in the same style and this had involved your last thoughts and efforts in the last few days.
You didn't know how to shake off the bittersweet feeling of having your childhood experiences in the same city, it was good when it came to homesickness, but you couldn't shake off the thought that would always go to Eddie Roundtree. After all, even after so long you couldn't shake the love that arose in your chest when his face came back to memory.
You smile when you remember that innocent and calm love that always surrounded you two, the first of so many things for each other, your firsts were his and his were yours. And even though he seemed to try, distance wouldn't erase that, but of course, the thought that he wanted to delete such memories hurt.
Of course, you weren't sure about that, you had no way of knowing if he actually wanted to erase everything you lived through since you didn't speak to each other anymore. But it was customary for you to always expect the worst so as not to be disappointed if it turns out to be true.
You accompanied your brothers to band practice with your sketchbook in hand, with no other plans for the afternoon other than watching them play while using the band and their inspirational styles. You guys liked the idea that in the future you would be successful as a fashion designer and they would be the biggest band in the world with you making every outfit they would wear off and on stage.
“Hey Y/N, glad you're joining us!” Chuck says as he opens the garage door for you to enter, you smile.
“Thanks for having me.” You thank him, already taking your place on the ottoman he used to leave for you there. "Cami, You came!" You say running towards your good friend, and now, sister-in-law.
“But of course, I wasn't going to miss a preview of your prom show.” She says hugging you back, then looking at the boys.
“Yeah, about that…” Your voice makes all the boys look at you scared. "No! Oh sorry, now that I noticed what you could understand, What I meant was that I don't even know if I'm going.”
“What? Why?” Warren asks, twirling one of the drumsticks in your left hand.
“I thought you were looking forward to it.” Graham adds, intrigued along with concerned.
“She was, what happened sunshine?” Eddie asks, you could see he was very confused.
“I just don't want to be alone, you all already have dates." You try to explain, they look at you intently. "And my friends too, so..."
“I thought you liked our dates." Chuck says, trying to tell you that you would still have their company.
“Yeah, and besides, you know Amanda is looking forward to meeting you.” Rojas says, referring to his date and new girlfriend.
Eddie didn't say anything, but you feel his gaze on you the entire time, which makes you avoid his gaze.
“Are you being serious?” Billy asks, his tone sharp as usual. You shrug. “I thought that Jamie guy was going with you." You can see he's holding himself back from rolling his eyes, and Eddie stops looking at you to look at him.
“Jamie?” Warren asks what everyone was wanting. "Really?”
“You said that it was a bad idea.” You say angrily to Billy, because he was acting like he wasn't partly to blame for this.
“Yes, but if you're going to complain about going alone, you'd better accept the invitation." You suck in a breath, and Billy triggers a deafening silence in the room.
“I'm going out for a walk.” You say leaving, if you let no one stop you or ask you to stay.
“Really bro?” You hear Rojas' voice as it fades out as you move away.
You don't know how long you spent kicking pebbles on the sidewalk outside your house, slowly becoming grateful that your house wasn't so far from Chuck's and that soon you were on your own. You feel the presence of someone approaching, and decide not to look at whoever it was, it was still daytime and you didn't feel threatened by being alone on the street.
“Billy is a dick!” Roundtree speaks, sitting next to you, and you laugh melancholically. “I'm sorry about him, you know that if you don't want you, you don't have to do anything, right?”
You nod, still looking ahead and not at him. And that's why you don't notice how nervous he was, thinking minutely about his next words and how to do it. He opens his mouth and closes it without saying anything a couple of times before getting straight to the point.
“Go with me.” That's all he says, and you look at him with a frown.
“Is this a joke?” You start to get irritated just by this prospect, he holds your thigh so you don't get up.
“No.” He makes it clear, and you try to understand what the hell was going on. “I don't have a date.”
“But you said…”
“Let me be clearer." He says, holding back a laugh. "I don't have a date anymore.”
“You didn't have to do that." You say, with a bittersweet feeling of happiness.
“I wanted to, and besides, you know my times with you are always amazing.” You feel your cheeks burn as your smile widens. "So, what do you say?”
“Of course, I'd love to go with you." You hug him, feeling your body fill with butterflies. "Thank you, really.”
“I'll pick you up at eight?" He says, seeing you get up to go to your house.
“But don't you go early to check the sound?" You say holding back a smile.
“Oh yeah, forgot about that.” He says scratching the back of his head. “Then...”
“We can meet at Chuck's.” You say, completing his reasoning.
You take a deep breath before you knock on the door, automatically holding your folder with your drawings close to your chest, as if that would protect them from any judgment you theorized could happen.
When the wooden object opens, you can't contain your smile, and open your arms to welcome your brother in a hug. He squeezes you with longing and happiness, in the corner of your eyes you can see the rest of the band smiling when they look at you. When breaking away from the hug, everyone in the band gets their due "hi" and "I missed you!" of you, as soon as you finish talking to Karen and getting to know her you turn to Roundtree.
“Hey.” You say in a low voice, as if anything that involved you and Eddie was a secret. Perhaps a force of habit.
“Hello Y/N” His voice comes out harshly, something you hadn't imagined coming from your reunion.
“Good to see you.” By this time, you were feeling the tension building up. “Look, maybe we should talk about…”
“I don't think that's a great idea.” He cuts you off, avoiding looking deep into your eyes.
“Oye Eddie, check out this vest that I brought!” Rojas' voice calls him, and you try to ignore the tightness in your chest.
“I'll see you around.” He says, walking over to the curly-haired drummer.
“Everything alright, honey?” Camila's voice makes you jump in fright, but when you come face to face with her, your body melts.
You hug her immediately, gradually feeling calmer. "I'm so glad you're here, you have no idea”
She notices your gaze fixed on Eddie when you leave the hug, and knows (more than anyone) what that gaze held. All the history you had since that prom, which was put on hiatus due to the reticence caused by your departure.
“So you and Eddie?” She asks, looking concerned.
“I fear that's not even a thing anymore.” You swallow your upset, and put into practice what brought you there. “Hey y'all, gather here! I can't wait to show you what I came up with since I knew you were coming.”
“You know we don't even have a record company yet, right?” Billy asks, but not in a harsh, rude tone. But in fact, genuinely curious.
“I know, but you wouldn't come here if you didn't believe you were going to wear these clothes on stage one day." You smile, causing your brother to do the same. “So shut up and come and see it.”
You see they laugh with you, not noticing that Eddie was holding his.
Your hands shook as you positioned the letter in front of your boyfriend, if you could call him that. For everyone, Eddie had only done you a favor on the day of the prom, but in reality you had been sneaking out ever since.
The vivid memory of the cold wind hitting your skin took you to that night, ‘The Dunne brothers’ had already made the show a while ago and he didn't take long to grab your hand and guided you to the roof. You had no idea if they were allowed to be there, but fuck it, you had finished school and nothing would be important after that night.
You sat together eating some food that you had brought, and the comfortable silence hovered between you. You feel his gaze on you, and you slowly gain the courage to say what you've been thinking since that day began.
“Thank you.” Your voice comes out in a whisper. “For doing this with me.”
“Are you kidding?” He says between a laugh. "I always have a blast with you. And to be honest, I kinda want this to last forever.”
“Yeah me too.” You look deep into his eyes, and see him get closer, interspersing his gaze between your lips and your eyes.
It stops when you are inches close, You feel his breathing and his intense gaze, little by little the party music fades away, being replaced by the beat of his heart.
“Why did you stop?” You whisper, looking now at his lips.
“Your brothers are going to kill me." He says jokingly, making you smile. “But I never cared what they thought anyway.”
One of his hands goes up to your cheeks, caressing your skin before kissing your lips. You didn't know what an explosion it would be like when it happened, but your body surrendered to it every second, and since then, you two haven't been able to put an end to it. And honestly, you didn't even want to.
Eddie takes the letter in hand, knowing that your nervousness probably indicated something. He wasn't angry, but disappointed, and it broke your heart.
“You were going to leave me a letter?” He speaks in disbelief, a few tears appearing in his eyes.
“Babe, let me explain…” You say but he interrupts you.
“You were going to leave, and I was going to be the last to know…” Your voice was choked, and you felt your tears running down your cheeks. "Damn sunshine, a fucking letter?!”
“I couldn't find the right time to tell you. " You say taking his hands, sitting next to him. "I didn't want to upset you…”
“Did you really think I was going to be upset?" He looked hurt by it all, and you wanted to disappear. "That I would be upset watching my girlfriend achieve her dream?"
“When you put it like that, well.” You close your mouth before finishing your thought.
“I wish you the best." He stands up, and you watch him closely. “You will rock, I'm sure.”
“Where are you going?” You say through tears, and he turns so you don't see his.
“I need some air. " He says, opening the door, and leaving.
You didn't see him in the days after, and on the day you were all packed to leave… he left you a letter.
Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo
-> Part two will be out soon!
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kennarose1108 · 2 years
Hey I would love if maybe you could write the reader getting car sick or plane sick while she’s on tour with Elvis!! And she tries to hide it but something happens and she can’t hide it anymore and Elvis has to help her!
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You and Elvis hadn't dated long but he was already falling in love with you. He didn't realize how hard he was falling for you until he caught himself imagining your wedding. You walking down the aisle in a gorgeous white dress with your hair and makeup done in the most beautiful ways. And in response to him falling for you he didn't want to be away from you any longer than he had to.
He couldn't stand going through another tour without you. So he invited you to the next one. You were hesitant because Elvis would travel thousands of miles to get to his destinations and you get extremely car sick. Even driving an hour somewhere made you feel horribly nauseous. But Elvis's recent tours hadn't been so big, only a few hours on the road. You can tolerate that. A few hours then getting off. So you agreed.
Elvis was ecstatic, quickly packing your stuff for you not even letting you touch it. When the day came he dragged you on the tour bus, a huge grin on his face. You and Elvis sat together, Tom, Billy, Vernon, and some of Billy's friends sat across from you both. Elvis and Billy were having a conversation when you wondered where you all were going.
"Elvis. Where are we heading too?" You asked. "Washington State." He says while slinging his arm over your shoulder. You froze. Washington State? That's like a thirty four hour drive.. You smiled at him before resting your head on his shoulder. You had been fine for the first hour, talking, laughing, and having a good time. But then the nausea hit you like a truck. You tried your best to put a smile on your face and act like everything was alright but Elvis wasn't stupid, he knew something was wrong. "Are you alright?" Elvis asks. You nodded, "Yeah... Just tired." You say with a smile.
After a few more hours you had to try and distract yourself from not vomiting. You tried looking out the window but that just made your entire world spin which made it a lot worse. But you felt somewhat relieved that it was now night time so you could go to bed and hopefully feel better. You ended up falling asleep on Elvis's chest as he laid on the seats.
You were comfortable and sleeping peacefully until you woke up randomly in the middle of the night to your nausea being worse than before. You couldn't hold it in anymore. You lifted your body off of Elvis's and held onto your mouth, gagging in the process. You hurriedly got up and sprinted to the bus's bathroom, slamming the door behind you and puking as you fell to your knees.
Elvis woke up in a confused and startled state when you shot up from him. He didn't snap out of it until he heard the bathroom door slam shut and the sound of you vomiting. Elvis sat up and rubbed his eyes, glancing over at everyone else who hadn't even stirred at the loud noises. He then got up, stumbling a bit since he was still not fully awake, and walked to the bathroom door.
The sound of a knock on the door made you jump. "Y/N? Are you alright in there?" Elvis's voice called through the door. "Yeah... Yeah I'm fine." You yelled out, trying to sound okay but you just didn't. You gagged through your words and you just sounded awful. "Want me to get you some water?" Elvis asks. You thought for a moment, making the decision that a cold glass of water would do you good. "Yeah.. Yeah that'd be nice thank you." You called. You heard him walk off. You then stood up and looked at yourself in the sink. You cringed, seeing vomit around your lips.
You grabbed the hand towel that was hanging up and wiped your lips before throwing it in the hamper. You stepped out of the bathroom to see Elvis standing next to the door, an ice cold water bottle in hand. "Thanks." You say while grabbing the water bottle from his hands.
You walked to the seat, Elvis behind you, and you both sat down. "You're not alright. What's wrong?" Elvis asks. You stare at the ground, taking sips of the water. "Nothing major." You said in between sips. "I don't care if it's the tiniest thing on the planet. If you're not okay I'm not okay. What's going on?" Elvis asks again, hoping he didn't have to repeat himself.
"I get car sick. Bad." You turn your head to him. "Then why did you come?" He asks. "I wanted to make you happy. And I didn't realize it was going to be a thirty four hour trip." You say with a chuckle, leaning back in your seat, Elvis doing the same.
"Well you know what that means now." Elvis says. You give him a confused look. "I'm going to take care of you," He says while wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close, placing a kiss on your neck. "And love you." You giggle. "And make you feel better." He says while placing a kiss on your lips but pulling away quickly and cringing. "Oh god, after you brush your teeth." He says while letting you go. You chuckle as you stand up, him slapping you on the behind as you walked to the bathroom.
Afterwards you and Elvis fell asleep. But when you both woke up you started to feel ill again. Elvis noticed you were looking pale so he grabbed you some water and told you to lie down. "We still have another fifteen to twenty hours left. Get comfortable. I'm going to leave this trash bin here so you don't have to go running to the bathroom next time you feel you have to throw up." He says before placing a kiss on your head and walking off.
You smiled, knowing full well that you were falling for him just as much as he was falling for you.
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zalrb · 1 year
You know the thing about djats is that I can understand not wanting to actually do a story about Fleetwood Mac. Writing a novel or show about real people who are still alive can get messy for a lot of reasons, and it can be limiting creatively. But from what I understand (I know nothing about the band’s history myself, I’m just basing this on what others have said lol), they really watered everything down compared to the irl events the book is based on. Like if you’re going the fictional route, why not go in the other direction and make shit even crazier? I thought this was supposed to be entertainment? I didn’t get past the first couple episodes cause I just found it all pretty boring tbh.
It absolutely can get messy and I don't necessarily fault the show or the book for not being about them, it's just my personal taste is I would be more interested in seeing an interpretation of events that led to an album, that led to songs that we still hear in shows, in commercials etc? And I think it's actually just because of the framing tbqh, like if it wasn't set up like a Behind The Music/series of interviews I don't think the inspiration for the book would be on my mind the way it is? Like even though Almost Famous is semi-autobiographical, it's about a teenage journalist writing about a fictional band for The Rolling Stone and I was totally cool with that and quite like the movie but it's just the framing of This Is A Documentary About A Famous Fictional Band that makes me go, you mean a band that's basically Fleetwood Mac but not actually Fleetwood Mac. Lmao.
And exactly, like, Fleetwood Mac was a lot lmao, like we're supposed to see this kind of tension between Billy and Daisy:
Many of the lyrics from the hit songs we know and love are Nicks and Buckingham taking swipes at each other.
Buckingham wrote 'Second Hand News', 'Never Going Back Again' and 'Go Your Own Way' about Nicks who duly responded with 'Dreams'.
Nicks says she was particularly insulted by a lyric in 'Go Your Own Way' which she's continually had to perform during her career, telling Rolling Stone: "I very much resented him telling the world that 'packing up, shacking up' with different men was all I wanted to do. He knew it wasn't true. It was just an angry thing he said. 
"Every time those words would come out onstage, I wanted to go over and kill him. He knew it, so he really pushed my buttons through that."
and then there was this
Stevie Nicks then fell madly in love with founding band member Mick Fleetwood, two years after she joined the band,
"Well, here's a big one for ya. I had started to see Mick Fleetwood romantically. I had a very dear friend whose name was Sara [Recor] who just went after Mick. And they fell in love, and the next thing, Sara's husband is calling me to say 'Sara moved in with Mick this morning. And I just thought you might wanna know.'
"That was three months into a 13-month album. So I lost Mick, which honestly wasn't that big of a deal because that was a rocky relationship. But losing my friend Sara? That was a huge blow. Sara was banished from the studio by the rest of the band... No one was speaking, and I wouldn't even look directly at Mick. That went on for months. And it was great fodder for writing! The songs poured out of us."
and then there was this
Christine McVie began an affair with Martin Birch, Fleetwood Mac's married sound engineer in 1973. The band then got rid of Birch (and Bob Weston, the aforementioned Fleetwood Mac guitarist who’d been having an affair with Fleetwood’s wife).
Christine started a relationship with the band’s lighting director, Curry Grant, which they've all admitted caused mega tension for the whole group. 
Now John McVie talks candidly about his struggles with alcohol at the time and how he doesn't blame Christine for leaving him.
Like everybody was with everybody and everybody caused tension for everybody, it wasn't just two members of the group having this meant-to-be explosive relationship that was great musically and terrible personally, everyone's entanglements permeated everything and having not read the book I expected it to have that kind of energy where it's just complete mess and that's not happening so I'm just like ... is this ever going to get messy or...?
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tomhollandisabae · 3 years
Dusk till Dawn- Billy Russo x Reader| I
Series masterlist
Request; had to use my own imagination here my friends 😛
Fandom; Marvel & The Punisher
a/n; so sorry i've been kind of inactive for the past two months but i had to study for my high school finals, but i'm back now:)
also, i'm thinking about turning this into a series so let me know in the comments if you want me to, cause i have a full plan how i want this to turn out...
Summary; After Billy is all over the news about his crimes and Frank is after his head, Y/n comes face to face with her husband's lies and is being called to make a huge choice, to leave him or not.
warnings; angst, smut (unprotected sex, degrading, gun play, fingering, choking, dom/sub!reader), fluff, mature language
words; 2.3k
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You had been at your apartment for the last three hours waiting for him. Your husband, Billy Russo, hadn't answered any of your phone calls for the past two hours. You had noticed lately that he was acting weird, but never imagined that it could've been what you saw on the news.
“Armed and dangerous.”
You husband was a murder, a criminal. You had shared the last six years of your life with this man. The man you loved had been lying to you all those years. You couldn't have been more devastated! You thought that he trusted you, yet you were wrong. The news had been crystal clear about Billy. He was a monster, to the rest of the world, but not to you. Your husband was nothing like what they were saying. He was gentle and loving and kind, towards you. Of course he was cruel to the people surrounding him, but not to you.
You loved Billy and that would never change no matter what, yet that didn't mean that would be able to leave the rest of your life with him.
And that's why you had hurried to pack your things and leave your shared apartment, until you froze when you heard the front door opening and closing softly. You felt your breath hitched in your throat. The person made his way calmly towards your bedroom and when he reached his destination, you could feel him starring at you. Yet you didn't pay him any attention and kept on packing your clothes.
“Y/n…” He whispered softly your name.
It felt like a prayer coming out of his mouth.
“Y/n…” He said again and started walking towards you. When he reached out his hand to grab your arm you turned around and backed away from him. You saw him sighing.
“Please…” He was sounding exhausted. You finally spoke.
“Get out of the house at least until i have packed and left.” You told him with a trembling voice.
“No!” He said sharply taking you by surprise.
“No, no no no.” He was walking towards you with his eyes glistening.
“You are not going to leave me. You are not allowed to!” He commanded.
“And who are you to tell me what to do?” You finally got the courage to speak more.
“You're not my fucking father Billy, you're nothing to me anymore. I don't recognize you, I really don't. I thought that I knew you, turns out I was wrong. You are nothing more than a cruel and foul creature. I don't want to see you anymore Russo. I want you out of my life after all that. I don't care that you're a murder. Damn that! I don't judge you, but i'm hurt that you had been lying to me all those years. You made me look like a fool, I was so stup—” At last he cut you off by grabbing your jaw with such force, that had you hit the wall-mirror – behind you.
“Shut up Y/n, just shut up!” His said as his eyes where burning into yours.
“I didn't tell you anything because I wanted to protect you. You have no idea how the people I deal with are. They would skin you alive, knowing that you're aware of my actions. I fucking care about you why can't you understand that!” He screamed into your face.
“You're a fucking liar Russo, that's what you are. Don't fucking dare to excuse yourself because this is your damn fault. I told you everything about me, about my childhood, my parents, yet you didn't say anything. The fuck you mean you care about me?”You tried to push him back but he was stronger than you and pinned you against the mirror while pointing his gun at your lower stomach. You looked at him with wide eyes.
“Shoot me.” You breathed out.
“Stop it Y/n…” He rolled his head downwards.
“Shoot me Russo, you are no better than the people who ruined me, you are just like the—” He interrupted your again by connecting his lips with your.
You wanted to back off, to push him away, but he was your husband and your need for him was a torture. He slid his hand that was on your jaw down and gripped at your neck firmly. He kept on pressing the gun to your belly and you couldn't help but let out a sinful moan slip out of your mouth while he had started kissing your neck. He groaned at the sound of it and focused again on your lips.
“I.. hate… you… ugh!!” You said between kisses as he gripped your neck tighter.
“Doesn't sound like it love.” He whispered looking you in the eye.
“Fuck you…” You said through clenched teeth.
“Oh trust me baby, you will.” He winked and turned you around facing the mirror as he ripped your shirt off of you with one hand- the other pressing the gun against your back- and then lowering your pants.
“Ya wanna leave me Y/n, wanna leave ya husband here all alone, havin' to kill people to keep ya safe while ya walkin' around? Huh? That's what ya want hun?” He said gripping your jaw while turning your head sideways to kiss you again.
“Tell me is that what ya want honey?” He said looking you straight in the eye as he proceeded on sliding his hand South so he could cap at your mount.
“Ughhh…” You moaned as he slipped his hand into your panties and ran his fingers along your folds.
“Judging by how wet you are, I guess not.” He chuckled into your neck as he nibbled at your sweet spot.
“You have no idea how much you mean to me Y/n.” He said as he started circling at your clit, spreading your wetness, making you throw your head backwards onto his shoulder.
“Ya have no idea what I would do for ya. I would make the Earth stop spinning for ya Y/n, would make empires fall and rise, people kneel before you. You are my Queen Y/n, the only person I love and care about and no one is to take you away from me, not even you.” He said into your neck as he pinched at your clit.
“Billy…” You moaned his name.
“Look at you all wasted for me. Is this what it takes to make you weak on your knees for me? Is this what you like babe?” He said forcing your head to look at your state through the mirror.
“Fuck Billy…” You cried out as you felt two of his fingers entering you.
“Yes baby, that's it, say my name, scream it for everyone to know who makes this Goddess feel so good. Tell me baby who does?” He bit at your earlobe.
“You do! You do Billy! Ugh!!” You screamed as he stroke your spot inside you.
“Sounds about damn right.” He said increasing his speed, pumping his fingers in and out of you in the speed of light, making you see stars and clench around them as he inserted two more at once.
“Billy… fuck fuck fuck, i'm—cumming.” You groaned as he licked the dark spot he had left on your neck.
“Cum for me baby, show me what these fingers do to you, how good they're making you feel.” He said with a horsed voice into your ear.
“Fuuuckkk…” You screamed once more as you came around his fingers.
“Fuck baby, yeah that's it soak my fingers with your tasty juices.” He kissed your lips passionately, while you were riding out your high.
When you calmed down he pulled out his fingers and guided them to his mouth licking them clean. You couldn't take your eyes off of him.
“Hmm i'm never gonna get tired of this.”
In one swift motion he threw you onto the bed taking your remaining clothing off and his too as he got on top off you with his gun still in his hand.
“Turn around, ass up.” He demanded. Then, something lighted in you and you felt like going against him.
“No.” You said sternly.
“What did you say princess?” He asked, his eyes darkening.
“You are not to command me like you do to your little puppies that follows you around all the time.” You told him, feeling more confident now.
“But you look just like a puppy right now sweetheart.” He chuckled winking at you.
“Now, turn around before I make you by force.” He returned to his serious face.
“No.” You said again. His eyes had gone so wide at that moment, that you thought that they would fall out his face sooner or later.
“Fuck, you know you're hot babe and I love that.” He whispered into your ear.
“But I still have my pride ya kno'.” He said and kneeled before you on the bed while he forced you to turn around while rolling your hips in his hands and lifting your ass upwards.
“That's more like it.” He said as he leaned down to place a soft kiss on the end of your spine.
“Now what's our safeword kitten?”
“Mhhmm… r-red…” You said as you clenched around nothing by the hearing of his voice.
“Good.” He said and in one swift motion he entered you from behind making you scream into your pillow.
“Fuck, had missed so much this tight pussy of my wife's. Fuck baby, never fails to amaze me...and satisfy me.” He moaned as he let you adjust for a moment.
When he felt you pushing backwards towards him, he started pounding into you at a punishing pace. He placed one hand on your left hip while the other pointed the gun at the back of your neck.
“Fucckkk…” You said in a high pitched voice lifting a little your head from the pillow and tilting it so you could look at him.
“You're so fucking perfect Y/n, I could never get tired of you. Always too good to me, don't know what I did to deserve ya.” He said as he leaned down, pressing his head on the back of your neck as he retreated the gun.
Finally you found the opportunity to push him away from you, throwing him onto his back and going straight to straddle his hips as you grabbed his cock pushing right back into you making him moan at your bossiness. Not only that, but you also grabbed the gun that had been tossed to the side and pointed it to his chest while you started rolling your hips at an extremely fast pace.
“Fuck Y/n…” He moaned again.
“You think it's okay to lie to me Billy boy, is it okay to make a fool outta your wife? Huh? You think I can't take care of myself? You think so little of me Russo, like you don't know me. Ughhh… so know i'm gonna fuck you like no one has ever fucked you before. See babe, I can take control of any kind of situations.” You said as with one hand you proceed to grip his neck.
“Babe… ughh…” He was looking at you like a wild animal.
“Think I'm weak Billy?” You asked while increasing your bouncing on his hips.
“Fuck babe… fuck no, you're the strongest woman ughh… strongest woman i've ever seen. No one's as powerful as you are babe.” He said as his hands attempted to grip your hips, but you threw the gun away, grabbing his forearms and pinning them right above his head.
“Damn right honey. I'm your fucking wife, and you are not to keep any secrets from me anymore, understood?” You said leaning down to him.
“Yes, yes Y/n, I do…” He said raising his head and locking his lips around one of your nipples sucking at it harshly.
“Ughhh… Billy…” You screamed.
And with that you were coming around your husband's cock while he started roaming into you with force. You released his hands and he immediately grabbed your hips turning you around, while you were still trying to recover from your climax.
“You’re the only one who understands me Y/n, the only one I can rely on and I cannot afford to lose you.” He said as he slowed down, going even deeper now but less rougher than before.
“You are not going to lose me Billy, I'm sorry for attempting to leave, I was so foolish.” You said as you felt tears rolling down from your eyes.
“No, no baby, this is not your fault. I'm the one at fault here, i'm the one who should apologize, not you sweetheart.” He said kissing your lips loving and gentle this time.
“I love you Billy.” You said as he buried his head into your neck and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and legs around his waist.
“I love you too Y/n and I'm so damn sorry.” He said kissing your neck.
“Fuckk Billy!!” You moaned as you came for the third time.
“Y/n…” He cried out too as you felt him twitching into you, as he spilled his hot seed in you.
“Y/n…” He breathed out as he caught his breath again.
“No…” You shook your head.
“Don’t you dare say anything. Whatever happens I want to have this moment here in my mind forever.” You said as a tear rolled down on your cheek.
“No matter what happens from now on love, I'll come to find ya. I'll bring the world into ashes if it is to keep you safe by my side.” He kissed your lips softly.
“As will I Billy.” You whispered.
Part 2
@pandaxnienke @kaqua
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therealvinelle · 3 years
I know this is like taking a bat to the beehive but... I really wanna hear your opinions on the whole... Imprinting thing
(Note before we go any further: this meta is written purely about the shapeshifting aspect of the Quileute characters, I don’t at all get into the racism in Twilight or any kind of social commentary. This is a purely watsonian meta. Others in this fandom have already addressed the racial dynamics at play, far more eloquently and knowledgeably than me. If I say something in here that’s in any way offensive, that’s not my intention and I’m open to criticism.)
Ooh imprinting.
I touch upon it here, basically I hate it.
The imprinting is part of this theme where the shapeshifters lose their free will and autonomy, and I find it tragic, cruel, and unnecessary.
First of, the fact that they have to phase at all.
They’re made warriors to protect their tribe. There’s no choice involved, only genetics and magic irrevocably changing their lives, and at a ridiculously young age, too. Sam is the oldest of them, and he is 19.
Violence is an inherent part of what they become. Their purpose is to protect the tribe, by fighting vampires. Not only is this insanely dangerous (we see Jake get so injured by a single vampire that he’s bedridden for weeks), but if they succeed, they will have killed. In the singularly brutal manner of tearing apart and burning someone who looks a lot like a human, who talks and might beg for their life, at that. And I remind you, most of these shapeshifters are literal children. They might not see vampires as people, but all the same, killing one can’t be good for their mental wellbeing. (Thought: Perhaps an argument can be made for Laurent’s death having a part in the turn Jake’s personality took? Some, though not many, of the symptoms for PTSD do fit. I don’t know enough about PTSD to pursue this train of thought, but it occurred to me just now, in particular he becomes quite aggressive and prone to outbursts after that incident, so into a parenthesis it goes)
Not to mention how inhumane that responsibility is. Vampires in the Twilight-verse are terrifying, and the shapeshifters might have the power to fight them. But (and this is where I plug one of my all-time favorite animes, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, as it asks the question “Is it okay to sacrifice yourself for others?” because that’s... well there’s a parallel to be made to the shapeshifters. It’s on Netflix!) does that mean they should? Is it really their responsibility? Again- they’re kids!
Then there’s the time Sam lost control, and accidentally mauled the girl he loved. And it’s so cruel to both him and Emily. Sam never chose to have to control himself in the first place, he never chose shapeshifting. He didn’t choose to imprint on Emily either, and he didn’t choose to lose control that day. At no point in the series of events that led to Emily being mauled did Sam have any real choice, and yet he will shoulder the guilt for what happened for the rest of his life.
These kids get superpowers, and several of them seem to enjoy being shapeshifters, but the fact remains that they now carry this huge responsibility to protect their families and homes, doing so is incredibly dangerous, they lose out on their regular lives, and they can’t opt out of it.
This all sucks, but then we get to the fact that they are deprived of their free will, as their alpha can issue an order they physically can’t break. The alpha becomes alpha because of bloodlines, not because of a democratic election. Jake got a mockery of a choice in that he could choose to become alpha himself, or let Sam continue, which was really just choosing between a rock and a hard place. There is no limitation to what this order can be, from “don’t say X to person Y” to “let’s kill someone you love”. Jake has to struggle to break that last one, and he’s only successful because of the bloodline thing letting him become his own alpha.
Oh, and there’s the massive invasion of privacy when they have a hive mind. Cool concept, less cool to have it be reality. Leah is the poster child for how a hive mind can backfire, and they can’t opt out of this.
I’m not good at gifs, but the shapeshifters just make me think of that gif of someone flicking a lightswitch on and off, “WELCOME TO HELL!”. Of course, Twilight in general is a pit of despair for everybody, so I suppose that gif really is... well it sums up all of canon.
So, we have these kids aged 19 or younger, as of Breaking Dawn they skew as young as thirteen, their lives are turned upside down by something they can’t opt out of, they must shoulder this huge responsibility to protect their homes and families from the terrifying threat of vampires, and on top of all of that, they must obey orders that are so irresistible, they can compel them to harm someone they care for.
With all of that in mind, you’d think that the shapeshifters had enough on their plate. That through all of this they would at least retain their selves, and be able to look forward to a future where they could stop phasing, and go on to live normal, human, lives.
I’ll just quote Jake’s description:
Everything inside me came undone as I stared at the tiny porcelain face of the halfvampire, half-human baby. All the lines that held me to my life were sliced apart in swift cuts, like clipping the strings to a bunch of balloons. Everything that made me who I was—my love for the dead girl upstairs, my love for my father, my loyalty to my new pack, the love for my other brothers, my hatred for my enemies, my home, my name, my self—disconnected from me in that second—snip, snip, snip—and floated up into space. 
I was not left drifting. A new string held me where I was. 
Not one string, but a million. Not strings, but steel cables. A million steel cables all tying me to one thing—to the very center of the universe. 
I could see that now—how the universe swirled around this one point. I’d never seen the symmetry of the universe before, but now it was plain. 
The gravity of the earth no longer tied me to the place where I stood. (Breaking Dawn, page 237)
Everything that made me who I was disconnected from me.
Jake’s love for his father, his home, his very own self, it’s all gone now. And while I have thoughts on the authenticity of this imprint, whether it was organic, the description above is apparently how imprinting feels. It’s along the lines of what Sam, Jared, and Paul all describe.
I don’t think I can put into words just how devastating I find imprinting, I think the above quotation speaks for itself. And as with all other shapeshifter things, there is no choice involved.
We see its devastating effects in the Emily, Sam, and Leah debacle. Sam and Leah were serious together, so much so that they were engaged. Sam had fallen for and chosen to be with Leah. Perhaps they would have broken up eventually, but Leah was still the choice he made. Then he imprints on Emily, and all that is for naught. He had to break up with Leah, who if she hadn’t phased never would have learned why, Emily and Leah’s relationship is ruined, and Emily must forever live with the knowledge that if Sam had his free will intact he would be with another woman.
Then there’s Jared and Kim. Kim crushed on Jared, but Jared never noticed her. The fact that they were in the same class is damning: if a boy is attracted to a girl, he's gonna notice her. Jared never did.
Quil imprints on Claire, who is a toddler. That’s just a recipe for misery and disaster all around.
And I’ve only touched the shapeshifter side of things. They lose their autonomy and freedom, but the imprintées draw the short straw too. They’re now responsible for this other person’s happiness. Sure, having someone who’ll be whatever you need them to be sounds nice (well, it sounds horrifying, but I’m playing ball) on paper, but you can’t opt out of them being like that. The imprintée can’t say “Sorry, not interested,” and she certainly can’t shut the imprinter out of her life, not without irrevocably ruining the imprinter’s life. The imprinter needs her. She’s the center of his earth now, but she didn’t choose to be.
Imprinting is a liferuiner for everyone involved.
Then we have the question of what imprinting is even for. I’m afraid I agree with Billy, that it’s for procreation. We see Sam, who was dating a woman about to phase (even if Leah isn’t infertile, she’s a warrior now. She can’t run in the woods and fight vampires, and gestate and nurse a child at the same time) conveniently imprint on her cousin, who as cousin to Leah is from a shifter bloodline. Claire, as Emily’s cousin, has those same genetics. Paul imprints on a woman from the Black family line. Jake is the outlier, but either Renesmée’s gift helped that imprinting along, or he imprinted because of the offspring they could potentially have (I firmly believe it’s the former because the latter... NOPE. Also, I can’t imagine whatever magic drives imprinting would want vampiric progeny for the future generations. Regardless of Renesmée’s person, her biology is wired to desire human blood. That’s exactly what Jake is supposed to protect people from. Bad match.).
I just.... ughhh. God, I hate imprinting so much, and on every level.
To me, everything about the shapeshifters is about free will, autonomy, and the loss thereof. And it would have been beautiful if their story was about reclaiming that, but it isn’t. None of this, with the exception of the alpha orders, is even acknowledged.
So, in summation, yes I hate imprinting, but it’s only the horror cherry on top of a very sad and problematic cake.
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psychdelia · 3 years
max showed up on his doorstep with blotchy red cheeks and puffy wet eyes, board discarded on his lawn as she pounded on the door with her free hand, holding a shoebox in the other.
“okay, okay!” steve called out as he rushed downstairs. “i’m coming! jeez.” he huffed as he opened the door, ready to bark out a what, shithead? because who else would show up to his place and pound on his door for a minute straight?
except his mouth snaps shut when he sees her shivering in the winter cold and cheeks still damp. it’s been about 4 months since billy died and he hadn’t seen max in this state for a couple months now. he thought things were getting better.
maybe not.
“max.” he frowned. “what’s wrong? what happened? are you okay? are you hurt?” he asked, the panic in his tone increasing with each question.
she just shoved the box into his hands, giving him a determined look. so similar to billy’s. too similar.
“i found this in his room.” he can hear the suppressed tremble in her voice as she fights the urge to cry again. “i never gave it you because i thought maybe,” she frowns, looking down. “maybe he-“ she lets out a shaky breath. “but he never came back so it’s yours now.”
then a switch is flipped and she’s suddenly glaring up at him, yet another expression too similar to billy’s.
“you can’t tell anyone.” she clenches her shaking fists. “if you tell anyone what you find in there i swear to god steve i’ll hurt you.” her upper lip is twitching into a snarl and steve is genuinely scared of this little fiery teenager.
“jesus, max,” he sighs. “first of all, you two are way too goddamn similar for not being blood related.” he ruffles her hair with a free hand. “second of all, you can’t just tell me what’s in here?”
“no.” she shakes her head as she bats his hand away. “just,” she plays with the hem of her jacket nervously. “just keep an open mind.” she frowns. “we’re not from here. things are... different back home.” her shoulders sag a little and he can tell she misses home. misses life before hawkins. “promise you won’t tell anyone?” she looks back up at him.
he frowns as he stares at the box in his hand before nodding. “promise.”
“good.” she nods. she rubs harshly at her face with her sleeve before turning away to walk to the lawn.
“you need a ride?” he calls as she grabs her board. chuckles when she rolls her eyes, tosses back an i can get myself around, steve. then a quick thanks, though. see you around. then she’s taking off.
steve practically sprints up to his room after that. sets this mystery converse box down in front of him on the bed as he sits, unsure of what to expect. maybe porn mags? weed stash? who knows.
so, naturally, he dumps it all out on the bed. stares at the pile of magazines, books, seashells, pictures, papers. the first thing he grabs are the magazines, expecting to see a half naked chick on the cover. he freezes when he finds a half naked man instead, clad in leather.
drummer. drummer. drummer. all of these are the same magazines, different issues with different men. he wonders if they’re targeted towards women, but then he’s opening them up and finding men... with other men. figures maybe hargrove had been holding onto them for someone else because there’s no way in hell these are his. no, no, no. that boy was straight as hell. loved to show off a different girl hanging off his arm every week, made shows of flirting with both girls and women.
but then he’s grabbing a polaroid dated 1983 and it’s billy with shorter hair and fuller cheeks kissing another boy with a big smile and lovesick dopey look on his face.
holy shit. this can’t be real. billy hargrove wasn’t gay. he couldn’t be. he was the womanizer, ladykiller, heartbreaker of hawkins. he loved women and they loved him 10 times more. none of this makes sense.
he grabs the journal next, the leather on the cover worn and threadbare. the first entry is dated from 1983 and the last just a couple weeks before starcourt. right before he got possessed.
steve sets the journal aside, opts to look at the other pictures and items billy had stashed away before he reads about the last three years of the guy’s life. there are a couple pictures of a blonde woman with striking resemblance to billy, the same saint christopher pendant and thick silver ring billy wore present around her neck and finger. some of them feature billy when he was a baby, toddler, kid. he finds jewelry that seems feminine, womanly. figures they must’ve been his mom’s.
there are also some california souvenirs. he finds seashells and movie, concert tickets that read “san diego” on the top. there are also some books steve remembers he was supposed to have read or heard about in school, but also some more he never heard of.
at the very bottom of the box he finds expired makeup and empty hair product. there’s black and dark blue eyeliner and mascara, baby pink lip gloss. nail polish in black, dark red and a deep purple. in some polaroids, the slight sheen of the gloss and his dark, thick lashes are barely visible, but he still catches it.
steve can’t help but chuckle when he finds some candy wrappers and leftover weed grinds at the bottom of the box alongside the butts of joints and empty cigarette packs. marlboro reds. there’s scrunchies, too. shimmery and purple, probably stolen from max.
once’s he’s finished digging through hargrove’s secret belongings, he leans back and sticks his nose in the journal. it takes him the rest of the day and all night to read it from cover to cover.
the beginning is mostly about missing his mom and hating his father, documenting his abuse. there are a few pages about his crushes and boyfriends, allowing him to figure out that the boy he was kissing in the polaroid is named santiago, but billy calls him santi. once he reaches the end of san diego and beginning of hawkins, billy’s tone and messy scrawl is full of hurt, anger, and melancholy.
and then steve’s name pops up. KING STEVE in all caps, taking up nearly half the page. there are hearts around his name, alongside a big drawing of a dick. below, billy writes about feeling like a foolish schoolboy with some stupid crush on some guy with a huge dick he saw in the showers. steve’s already blushing and it only deepens when he gets to the part about billy wanting to feel said dick in his hand, his mouth, inside of him.
he has to take a break after that. doesn’t realize things only get spicier until he gets back to reading and finds out billy’s jerked off and fingered himself open to the thought of none other than king steve. his eyes immediately flick to the half empty jar of vaseline, finger-shaped holes indenting the jelly.
he spends the rest of the night reading about billy’s remorse and guilt towards him and lucas after that night, how billy still wants to hop on his dick and kiss him stupid, his and max’s relationship and how it’s gotten better even though they still blame each other for the move.
it’s both of their faults, steve realizes. billy missed his curfew for a boy and max had no choice but to lead neil to him.
along the way to the end, a couple pictures of steve fall out of the journal. pictures that steve has no idea how billy acquired. some are from school yearbooks, others just random polaroids that might’ve been taken by tommy or carol or jonathan. when he finally reaches the end, he reads about billy’s pool job and plans fo move back to california for college as soon as he graduates.
i know it’s stupid but i’m gonna miss him. his stupid hair and big brown eyes and pretty face and pink lips. i didn’t know anything about the guy but i wish i could drag him out of this shithole and take him home with me. i still haven’t apologized to him. maybe kidnapping him and showing him the ocean would count. but i can’t fall for a straight boy, no matter how big his cock is. i don’t get to fall for someone i hurt. it’s not fair. none of this is fair.
that’s the very last entry. it’s 1am and steve is wide awake. too awake. before he thinks too hard about what he’s doing, he’s shoving everything back into the box and flooring it to robin’s house. he knocks on her window incessantly until she opens it with a glare and he’s pushing his way inside before she can greet him with a snarl.
“billy hargrove was gay and in love with me and-and and jerked off to me and,,, pretended his fingers were mine and his dad was hurting him and his mom left and he was alone, robin.” he’s rambling, eyes wide as he paces the room with the box in his hands.
“he was s-so hurt and alone and no one paid any attention and now he’s dead because of a monster in some town he got dragged to as punishment for being gay and,” his voice cracks. “he’s gone.” he whispers brokenly as he shoves the box into her hands.
robin is very confused and surprised but all she knows is that her best friend is in distress, so she sets the box down and grabs his hands.
“steve. look at me.” she only continues when he does. “sit down and talk to me. let’s go through everything together, okay? just calm down and breathe.”
by 3am robin’s looked through the box and the majority of the journal - steve dog-eared the important pages and she’s a fast reader - and she’s just as shocked as steve, apparently, if her bewildered expression and silence is anything to go by.
“robin? rob, say something.” he urges. “please. i need you to talk to me.”
“holy shit.” she finally raps. “steve, i’m gonna ask you a question and i don’t want you to freak out, okay?”
he nods.
“do you think you could’ve... reciprocated billy’s feelings?”
he opens his mouth to answer but halts, eyes wide and crazy as he stares at her.
“i-“ he gulps. “maybe?” he croaks out. “i-i think so? maybe yeah. yeah.” he nods.
“so you’re bisexual.”
and that’s throwing him on a whole other whirlwind. steve’s had too much thrown at him for the night and he doesn’t have it in him to deal with a sexuality crisis on top of everything.
but billy’s pretty. so fucking beautiful and steve can’t admit it just yet but he wishes he were still here. he wishes he could travel back in time and reach out to billy and save him from the horrors of hawkins but also kiss and fuck and love him properly but now it’s too late and steve and billy have one thing in common.
they’re both alone. lonely. so much love to give but no one to receive or give back.
“bisexual?” he chokes out.
“you like both. boys and girls. like david bowie. and david bowie’s awesome. you’re kinda awesome too, i guess. for a dingus.” she playfully punches his arm and it makes him feel better for all of 2 seconds until it’s hitting him again that the person who wanted to love him is dead. died right in front of him.
“do you have hot chocolate?” she nods. “with marshmallows?” she nods again. “can i have some?”
he feels like he’s about to faint. completely black out. wonders if he looks pale to robin. he needs something warm and comforting and hot coco will do the trick.
billy comes back in february. hopper and joyce gathered everyone up in joyce’s living room early february. sat everyone down to announce that hop had gotten... a call. a call from some doctor named owens who hop has a history with, the same doctor who helped will.
owens was nursing billy back to health in some secret lab in indianapolis, hence the funeral with no body. apparently billy was in comatose, then a medically induced coma when his brain woke up but he wasn’t strong enough to just yet. then, when he did wake up, he had to relearn how to eat, write, walk in physical therapy, alongside the heavy emotional therapy.
owens hid billy from the world until he was ready to be exposed to it again. then he called hopper one afternoon and told him to come pick the boy up.
max was angry. screamed and yelled until she was reduced to tears in joyce’s arms. the other kids were shocked and confused. didn’t know if they should be happy or scared. will and el were the only positive ones. nancy and jonathan were mostly shocked and indifferent, numb to these crazy surprises the shithole town throws at them. steve and robin just stared at each other knowingly, a million thoughts racing their minds.
a week later they were all in joyce’s living room again, nervously anticipating hopper and billy’s arrival. everyone looked up when the doorknob began to jerk and the lock turned, their eyes trained on the door as it opened to reveal hopper standing beside billy.
billy. clad in a big hoodie, gray sweats and converse. the same ones that were once in the box steve has hidden under his bed. his hair is long now, flowing freely and curling wildly at the ends, looking so soft with the lack of product. he looked tired, fading blue bags under his eyes. he hadn’t lost his tan, steve noted, and looked a little softer around the stomach and legs. for someone who went through all the shit he did, billy looked good. healthy.
max got to him the second he stepped inside, throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him close. he immediately clung to max, holding her tight and whispering a shaky, wet hey, shitbird, only audible to her, resulting in her wet laugh. the siblings stayed like that for a few moments before pulling away to let billy see and greet everyone.
joyce had demanded they all not coddle billy because it would be suffocating and he probably couldn’t deal with that. except now she was serving and feeding him a million things, coddling him just like any other mother would. billy was hesitant and tense at first, but slowly relaxed, especially when he was given cookies.
sweet tooth, steve distantly remembered. billy has a sweet tooth, if the candy wrappers and lollipop sticks in the box were anything to go by.
everyone takes turns greeting and talking to billy. steve’s last in line to have his quick one-on-one with the guy and by the time they’re face to face, everyone’s sitting together, talking and laughing and eating.
“hey,” steve greets with a small smile. he can feel robin’s eyes on him and not-so-slyly flips her the bird, his eyes trained on billy and only billy. “it’s good to have you back.”
“you know you don’t have to say that, harrington, especially if you don’t mean it.” billy tries to joke but his eyes and smile are sad. “i only died for, like, two minutes. not a big deal.”
“shut up, man.” steve rolls his eyes and chuckles. “i do mean it.” he chews on his bottom lip nervously, doing a quick scan of the room to make sure there are no eyes on them before he looks back to billy.
then he’s reaching out and grabbing billy’s hand. running his thumbs over the scars along his palm and knuckles. he looks up to find billy confused and blushing. he smiles before pulling billy into a tight hug.
“you look good. so good.” steve whispers in his ear, getting a whiff of generic coconut shampoo. he has one arm wrapped tight around billy’s waist, holding him close with their bodies flush. he slides his free hand down and rests it on billy’s ass, barely squeezing. he chuckles when billy jumps a little.
“harrington.” billy chokes out, voice wrecked. “what’s your hand doing on my ass?” steve can feel billy’s lips moving on his neck and it makes him shudder.
“just doing what i should’ve done a while ago.” he sighs, content, just holding billy’s warm, very much alive body close to his.
“if you wanted to get in my pants, pretty boy, all you had to do was ask.” billy flirts with a smirk steve can feel on his neck. then he pauses. “you’re not fucking with me?” he asks, tone serious.
“nuh uh.” steve shakes his head. “actually, uh,” he pulls away just enough to meet billy’s eyes. “max gave me your shoebox.” he watches as billy’s eyes widen and go fiery. “hey, no, don’t get mad at her. it’s not her fault. she didn’t know you were comms back.” steve reasons. “plus, now i know big bad heartbreaker billy hargrove has a crush on little ole me.”
“who says i still do?” billy raises his eyebrows, as if his hands aren’t tightly holding onto steve’s shoulders and he’s not blushing and making heart eyes at the guy.
steve’s not too bright, but he knows when people have a crush on him. he’s always been bright in the language of love. and sex, for that matter, as billy will eventually find out when he inevitably get lovingly and romantically railed and fucked into steve’s mattress later that week.
“just have a feeling.” he shrugs, giving billy’s ass one last squeeze before he rests his hands on his hips with a grin.
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beauenfer · 3 years
𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐚𝐮𝐥 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐬...
a headcanon for what dating Paul would be like...
▬▬ PAIRING: Paul Lahote x human!Reader
▬▬ WARNING: language, barely sexual themes
all gifs I use are not mine...
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✦. you and Paul were not ashamed of PDA, first of all
✦. like, you guys would be walking on the beach when all of sudden you’re making out in the sand, the rest of the pack having to go home in disgust
✦. everywhere you guys went it was like your bedroom, kissing, touching of all kinds, and absolutely no shame when Paul would be sucking hickies onto your neck at Emily’s dinner table
✦. that’s when Jared would tell ya’ll to get a room
✦. and when Sam would kick you out of his house
✦. he wasn’t slick either, nor subtle. it’s not like he cares what people thought of him anyway
✦. you were his, if he wanted to interrupt you in the middle of a conversation you were having and tell you he wanted to go fuck you in his car he was going to
✦. you of course just found it funny
✦. he was always trying to fuck you in any way he could, anywhere he could, at any time he could
✦. but he was a wolf for Christ’s sake, he had a lot of stamina. he had a lot of tension, a lot of pent up energy, and he could go for days if he really wanted to
✦. but you needed a break sometimes
✦. you were always tracing his muscles even when you didn’t realize you were, your fingertips grazing his biceps or his abs when you’d sit on his lap, or lay on his chest
✦. he would be all too aware of that though, feeling himself getting more heated at the sensation of your hands on him
✦. of course, he wouldn’t want you to stop though
✦. you would have to get on his case when he wouldn’t wear a shirt into public places, purely out of habit
✦. “Paul, remember what we talked about?”
✦. “you mean about wearing a shirt?”
✦. “mm-hm. And what are you not doing?”
✦. “wearing a shirt.”
✦. speaking of shirts, you had a drawer dedicated to Paul’s clothes in your room, and vice versa
✦. he always thought about you nakey, especially when he knew he shouldn’t
✦. he’d be in his wolf form, patrolling the area, when an image of your naked body would pop into his head, the way you moaned and writhed beneath him
✦. the pack was disgusted, and would always yell at him to stop thinking about those things at such a time
✦. of course the single wolfs didn’t have a problem with it
✦. which means Paul would almost kill them even though he was the one thinking about it
✦. it was a vicious cycle
✦. Paul had a really hard time controlling his anger, especially when it came to you
✦. you were really the only thing that could calm him down. if you weren’t there, one of the boys would mention you or call you over because they knew that would work
✦. if he thought you were in danger he would lock you up in Emily’s house or somewhere safe, and have Seth and Quil look after you while him and the rest of the boys patrolled for any danger
✦. his protectiveness really irritated you though. because it’s not like it was a major threat. Paul freaked out if he even saw one of the Cullens just in town. claiming they were on their way to kill you
✦. you just let him think what he wanted honestly. but you made sure to tell him to stop overreacting
✦. he was also incredibly possessive, a trait you thought was sexy... for the most part
✦. it wasn’t sexy whenever you’d be talking to one of your guy friends (that Paul wishes you didn’t have) and he would run over at the sound of your laugh and steal you away
✦. because the pack knew how jealous Paul could get, Jared would say something about you to get on his nerves
✦. “yo Paul, I saw your girl at La Push earlier. Definitely gave me an idea of what I wanted to La Push.”
✦. da fuck did I just write?
✦. “whatchu say, Cameron?!”
✦. Paul didn’t like bringing you to his house. his dad didn’t make the experience very pleasant
✦. he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, which he knew his father would do
✦. because of this, you guys were always at your house or at Emily’s with the rest of the pack
✦. but again, the pack was always picking on Paul so you two would just leave rather quickly with a container of Emily’s leftovers
✦. speaking of, you loved to cook with Emily whenever Paul would be outside with the pack, doing manly things and messing around
✦. of course, he didn’t want to be away from you but you made sure he hung out with the pack and not just you
✦. but all he did was talk about you and miss you even though you were like ten feet away so what was the point
✦. you loved to try out recipes Emily gave you on Paul, and the new techniques she would teach you
✦. you made him food, but Paul was the type where he couldn’t hide his disgust
✦. you’ll get there, babe he’d always say
✦. you loved how big Paul was compared to you
✦. you were always the little spoon in the bed, his big arms wrapped tightly around you in the little shack you lived in
✦. but whenever you two cuddled you got hot very quickly, and would have to pry him off you
✦. he would pout, and you’d end up feeling bad, begrudgingly going back into his arms
✦. you would always wait for him whenever he would have to patrol, but sometimes you couldn’t take how tired you were
✦. he’d climb in through your window and find you asleep, your small tv illuminating the saliva on your cheek
✦. he’d be the type to stare at you when you slept, getting in besides you and laying you on his chest
✦. he’d put the blanket around your shoulders and giving you a kiss on the cheek
✦. he was a softy when it came to you
✦. you never got mad whenever Paul was gone later than he said he would, well... maybe a little
✦. I mean, you understood he was a protector, part of the tribe and part of the pack
✦. he had responsibilities being what he was, and that meant it took a lot of his time
✦. he of course tried to get out of it as much as possible, but knew your safety was very important at the same time
✦. you understood this. you respected this. but on your special nights when you’d get ready for a fancy date that he promised he would be at and he didn’t show up you’d be disappointed
✦. speaking of, Paul knew this hurt your feelings. so he would definitely make it up to you in anyway you wanted the next day. Sometimes it was aggressive shopping sprees, body massages, anything that meant you were pampered
✦. Paul liked to show off when you were around. He would boast about his muscles, take his shirt off on the rare occasion he’d be wearing one, and he’d look over at you to make sure you were looking at him
✦. honestly, he acted like you were his crush, not his literal soulmate
✦. you blushed a lot around him because he definitely wasn’t shy when it came to compliments, or dirty innuendos, or just straight “Let’s go fuck.”
✦. he’s the type to always hug you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder and his arms tightly wrapped around your waist
✦. you always sat on his lap or between his legs at bonfires, drinking a beer Billy certainly didn’t approve of
✦. Paul liked to look at you. you two would be sitting on the couch, walking on the beach, sitting around the fire, or you’d be talking to Emily and you would feel his stare on the side of your face
✦. you always worried when he’d have to shift for anything but patrol, meaning there was actual danger
✦. Emily learned to trust and believe in Sam, so she always consoled you when the boys were away so you wouldn’t stress too bad
✦. you hated that you couldn’t tell anybody you were dating a literal wolf. you wanted to gush and show off but you knew that would give away the sacred secrets nobody could know about
✦. Paul made sure that if he wasn’t around one of the boys was hanging out with you. he didn’t want you to be alone and something bad happen
✦. he gave you a lot of smirks and sexy eyes
✦. he also was the king of bear hugs. he hugged you randomly, lifting you up in the air and smothering you in his chest, his arms alone twice the size of your torso
✦. you thought the veins on his arms were sexy af, and always found yourself daydreaming if you looked at them too long
✦. you could immediately tell who Paul was when he was in his wolf form. you could tell by his eyes, his size, and the color of his fur
✦. he liked to be around you in his wolf form because you always scratched behind his ears and on his head, like he was a dog
✦. at first, he thought his size and what he was in general scared you, but you made him get over it
✦. he’s hesitant around you when in his wolf form. he knows he’s huge and doesn’t want to hurt you
✦. just like his human form. he’s aware that he’s very strong, and has to watch himself when he’s holding your hand or hugging you because he could literally crush you in a second
✦. whenever you’d go out to Forks, he’d hug you rub himself against you. he’d just tell you it’s because he’s going to miss you
✦. but really it’s because he wanted everyone to recognize his scent on you. especially the Cullens if you ran into them
✦. you asked Emily for tips a lot on what to do for the relationship. you looked up to her, like your second mother
✦. Paul wasn’t the brightest boyfriend in the world. you had to be very blunt with what you wanted or what you were saying or else he’d get confused
✦. he didn’t understand how women worked
✦. sometimes it would upset you when you’d remember how many girls Paul had in the past. Girls who weren’t you.
✦. but that was just the woman in you. you tried to reason with yourself and say that he was young, a playboy back then
✦. it made you feel a little better, but you still found yourself thinking about it from time to time
✦. despite Paul being protective, whenever you two went to a party he was worse than you. he’d get so drunk that he was hanging off your arm. you would have to ask Jared to help you
✦. but with drunk Paul comes easily angered Paul. he would almost shift when a guy tried to talk to you, or he would just try to start something if he even thought someone was thinking of talking to you
✦. you and Paul were the couple that argued over stupid little things that had you laughing about it after
✦. “Paul! you cannot just eat my pancakes because you were hungry! bitch, maybe I was hungry!”
✦. “baby, I’m a wolf. I can’t kill vampires on an empty stomach!”
✦. whenever you two did fight about something serious, Paul wouldn’t be able to control his anger for very long
✦. he’d run off after feeling the shift begin, and after what happened with Sam and Emily he’d have to get away from you
✦. the boys would have to hold you back from running after him
✦. he’d come back a day later, wet from the rain with sad brown eyes
✦. he’d just wrap his arms around your waist and burrow his head into your neck, not one for words
✦. Paul didn’t like extravagance, living his whole life on the reservation. he didn’t like parties that weren’t with the boys
✦. he didn’t like going to fairs, going to restaurants, going anywhere really that was of outside of the reservation
✦. he liked to go to La Push and kick the ball around, go to Emily’s house, hang out with you in your bed and watch movies all day
✦. you accepted this, but sometimes you just wanted to go to Forks and eat at an actual restaurant with no trees and actual people
✦. so you’d say this to Paul, knowing how he couldn’t get a hint
✦. and then he would take out, but in general he’s not a planner
✦. if he ever did take you out to Forks or somewhere nice, it was completely random
✦. you always got really sappy with him whenever you two would watch movies at 3:00 in the morning
✦. you would just look over and see him focused on the television, his hand stroking your hip absentmindedly
✦. “Paul, you know I love you a lot? Like, a lot a lot?”
✦. “huh?”
✦. “nothing, you ass.”
✦. he wasn’t the type to let you win at anything. games, wrestling, soccer
✦. he would pretend to give you a chance, but then flip you the fuck over and yell in victory
✦. yeah, he was that type
✦. but no matter what, Paul loved loved loved you and on gawd if something every happened to you, even a little scratch, he’d go apeshit
✦. he didn’t know how to be romantic, or how to be nice, or anything considerate
✦. but he always tried with you. because you his baby
✦. the end
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me-4eva · 3 years
Harringrove Feedback Fest
This list is by no means exhaustive but OH MY GOD THERE ARE SO MANY GOOD FICS IN THIS FANDOM!! Anyone who knows my taste should know these are heavy on the angst by and large but there are also some sweet ones in there! (Also huge thank you to @gothyringwald for starting this!) It is currently very late so I will go through tomorrow and add some more details about each one but these are fics that live rent-free in my head... also I’ve tried to tag the authors as best I can
In no particular order:
What you had and what you lost by @its-tortle
Donna Richardson, formerly Hargrove, née Marcs, has not seen her son in nearly a decade. She had run from her husband in a panic with no time to turn back for Billy, and by the time she searched for him, he was gone without a trace.
It was her greatest regret.
The one in which Billy's mom comes to look for him, just as he's begun to heal.
My broken house behind me (and all good things ahead) by @ageolwian
He relives in vivid, distorted detail that time he got into it with Jonathan behind The Hawk; and when he got beaten into oblivion at the Byers’ old house; and that interrogation under duress beneath Starcourt Mall; all of them blurring together into one violent mess inside his head. Carol Vaughn holds him off the floor by his throat in Joyce Byers’ kitchen, while her boyfriend yells at her from the sidelines that he’s had enough, Carol, that he can’t breathe; the lights around them flash neon pink and blue by turns, and at some point a gang of Russians drive a Cadillac convertible through the living room wall.
Carol says, ‘hey there little Stevie,’ and kisses him on the cheek.
Or: Mr Hargrove’s supposed to be in Chicago all weekend.
We will be citizens by sarapod (four_right_chords) (couldn’t find a tumblr so linked their AO3 account!)
"This disease will be the end of many of us, but not nearly all, and the dead will be commemorated and will struggle on with the living, and we are not going away. We won't die secret deaths anymore. The world only spins forward. We will be citizens. The time has come."
The Party lives through the plague.
Fuck my heart, hope to die by Yassoda
When Steve notices Billy missing school, he tries to think nothing of it.
He fails.
He ends up sticking his nose in something unexpected, somewhat sad, somewhat dangerous, but ultimately good.
Like Steve needs more danger in his life.
A lot of Billy's life being shitty, and Steve's life being shitty, and them dealing with that however they can.
Lego Therapy by @cherrydreamer
Billy struggles with his recovery after the Mindflayer.
Steve helps.
With some Lego.
Bruises on both my knees (for you) by @bentnotbroken1fanfiction
Billy hasn't been able to satisfy the itch beneath his skin since leaving California. Unfortunately, he doesn't think he has a chance in hell to find what he needs in small town USA.
But that all changes when he sees the fire in Steve Harrington's eyes the night they fight. He sees something in them that he sometimes sees in himself when he looks in the mirror.
Harrington has demons. Just like Billy
Billy Hargrove Hates Nancy Wheeler by deadwife
Billy Hargrove Hates Nancy Wheeler.
Steve gets in a car accident, and nobody understands why Billy Hargrove is in the waiting room with them.
you're cold (and i burn) by @holdenduckfield
Move on. Let it heal.
Maybe that’s why Steve said yes when Max asked him to help move boxes out of Billy’s room after the dust settled. He could hear her voice. Too many. Too heavy.
Just like his wounds. His grief. Too many. Too heavy.
(Or, Steve steals the glass ashtray from Billy's bedside table and things start to go bump in the night.)
put your lights on by @desk-of-nekostar
better leave your lights on, 'cause there's a monster livin' under my bed, whisperin' in my ear
Tommy Hagan doesn't deserve Steve Harrington, but Billy Hargrove sure as fuck doesn't deserve him either.
Vaya Con Dios by GayerThings
Neil said Hawkins was a 'fresh start', away from the sins and vices of San Francisco. A good, proper place for the family. It's everything Billy loathes. But it's somewhere quiet, a shit-hole Billy can lay low in until he makes a break for it and escapes this nightmare. He has a plan. Finish high school, save up some money, and run. No friends, no secrets spilled, no caring about anyone or anything.
But everything changes after his fight with Steve at the Byers' house when he's brought home the next morning in a cop car. It's just like old times. Something goes wrong, and he pays the goddamn price for it. Sometimes it's just for existing. Sometimes he thinks his dad dragged them out here with the hope that Billy will mess up and someone else will do his dad's dirty work for him. So he tries to hide it. All of it. Climbs to the top of the popularity ladder with his fists and his charm. Finds the easy girls. But even then he still can't stop what his dad's been trying to beat out of him for as long as he can remember.
Not with King Steve in the picture. Not when the goddamn bastard keeps messing up his plan.
Second Thoughts by @callieb
That night, 1984
Steve sits at the kitchen table, a pack of frozen carrots wrapped in a tea towel against his swollen purple face. "I'm fine," he says. It’s over. They fought the monsters, and they won. Now he can rest.
Except in real life, the credits don't roll, and they don't get to skip ahead to Christmas.
Of Cats and Men by Thei
Billy hits a cat with his car, and finds himself responsible for three little kittens.
Fortunate Son by Ludovico_is_my_homeboy
Experiment Seven escapes the Lab.
Driven on by Brenner, an inter-dimensional gateway, and his own obsessive love, Experiment Six follows him.
getting better by banksoflochlomond
"Dude," Dustin says, "You can't just Schrodinger's Cat your way out of trauma."
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wagner-fell · 3 years
Spiders Are Ugly And Other Lies Capitalism Has Told Us (part one)
“Dad,” Astrid called out, shutting the coral coloured front door behind her. “Are you home?”
She dumped her cream tote bag spray painted with the words ‘Washing Machine Heart’ in big, rainbow letters onto one of the stools facing the granite countertop. The rest of the Merry Hoes followed suit. It was weird seeing a person as chaotic as Astrid in such a calm environment.
They were all spending the summer in LA with Astrid and her Dad. It had taken a while for Kevin to convince his family it was a good idea. Especially because he and Blessica had finally put years of pinning behind them. Making out on Kit’s bed at Mina’s third birthday party certainly wasn’t the way they had envisioned it but as the longing was over with, they were happy.
The Chu’s didn’t love the idea of their son living in a different country for three months with his girlfriend but we’re on board once Kevin assured them there was no possible way Blessica could get pregnant.
Kit wasn’t officially sleeping at the Yang’s but at the Institute with his boyfriend. Julian wasn’t so thrilled about the situation but Emma was. She was positively ecstatic about having a training partner as skilled as Kit was, courtesy of Jem and Tessa. Though staying a thirty minute drive away (on the wrong side of the road, Mari noted) wouldn’t keep Kit away for long. Even now he was with them instead of having his own reunion make out session.
Speaking of making out…
Mari rested their chin on the top of Astrid’s head and wrapped their arms around her middle. “Why don’t you show us your room while we wait for your dad to get home.”
It was kinda perfect, Mari often remarked, that she realized her feelings for their best friend weren’t so platonic as she previously led herself to believe at the same time they and Kit realized they were better off as just platonic.
Astrid hit her hand playfully. “That’s not fair!” she whined! ”How dare you take advantage of my constant hornyness when my God-fearing Presbyterian father could be in the next room? Shame! Shame on you, shame on your family, shame on your cow.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s ‘dishonor’”, said Kit, who didn’t even look up from his phone when he addressed her, “but go off I guess.”
Astrid looked like she was questioning all her life choices up to this point. “A white boy knows Mulan better than me.” She shook her head in disgust. Mari could feel the loose hairs of her girlfriend’s ponytail ticking her exposed collar bone. “Mulan.”
Mari laughed before softly brushing their lips against Astrid mop of bleached strands of pastel yellow, pink and blue mixed magnificently with her natural inky black.
“Is hornyness even a word?” Kevin wondered aloud as he observed the knickknacks placed at even intervals utop the kitchen cabinets. Blessica was with him. She was gazing at one of a crab steering a ship when she spotted a slim piece of paper taped below it.
“Ast,” she called. The both looked in her direction, despite Blessica needing the attention of one. “Your dad says he won’t be home till seven. Emergency at work.”
“Which leaves us more than enough time to pack and head over to meet Ty, Dru and Thaìs at the arcade,” said Kit. He finally turned his phone off and shoved it into the back pocket of his ripped jeans. “Marstrid can do the ol’ devil’s tango then catch up to us.”
‘Marstrid’ wrinkled their noses. “I thought we agreed on Astari, Christopher.”
“Astari sounds gayer,” confirmed Kevin, his eyes never leaving the miniature decorations.
“Not to be rude but why does Astari sound gayer?” asked a visibly confused Blessica.
“Because,” answered Mari, unraveling herself from Astrid to slide onto one of the bar stools and reaching into the Jolly Rancher jar, blindly searching for a green, “Astari has ‘star’ in it. Star equals astrology. An obsession with astrology is the price you pay for the gay agenda. Besides, Marstrid sounds like an old southern lady.” Then she furrowed her eyebrows and swiveled to face Astrid. “Southern is Texas, right?” Astrid nooded, a smile so big the Cheshire Cat would be jealous.
Without looking, she stuck her hand in the jar and pulled out a green apple flavoured hard candy on her first try. She held it out to Mari, who snatched it out of her hand with an angry huff.
“Hey, Ast, where do you guys keep the crisps?” asked Kevin when he finished inspecting all the knickknacks.
“Uh, under the barbecue sauce, I think.”
Kit’s eyes lit up. “So I’m sitting there”- Astrid understood what was happening in just enough time to quote- “barbecue sauce on my titties” in unison.
Mari put her head into their open palms, still sucking on the pity candy. “Why is this my type?”
“Are you sure this is the right place?” asked Blessica as Kit attempted to parallel park outside the location Ty had texted him to meet at. Key word, attempt. When Tessa had taught him to drive, he’d been such a disaster at parallel parking she had instructed him to ‘take the underground when tight spaces might be a possibility.’ Which he prided himself in doing. But this was America and the underground was called the subway, so, technically, no rules were being broken.
“Yes, Blessie, I’m certain.”
“Okay. Just checking cause a few turns back the GPS said-”
“Blessie!” He nearly crashed into the car in front of him.
“Right. Shutting up.”
When Kit managed to park with minimal damage and the three were about to exit, the voice of Nicki Minaj boomed from his pocket. Ty was calling him. He accepted the call, putting it on speaker.
“Hello Tiberius.” There was giggling from the other end of the line. A groan soon followed it.
“It’s been a year,” came the annoyed voice of Dru. “Get over your British kink already.” Kevin’s laughter echoed from the backseat.
“Hey Ty!
“Hi Kevin.”
”Hey Dru!”
“Fuck off.”
“Ouch. Why do you feel the need to hurt me so?” Blessica laughed.
“Here,” replied Thaìs cheerfully.
“Are you here yet,” asked Ty.
“Uh, yeah! We were just getting out of the rental car when you called. You didn’t tell me it was going to be crowded. I had to parallel park!”
“What are you talking about?” interrupted Dru. ”There are only four cars in the parking lot.”
“But,” Ty countered, “there are lots of Billy’s Fun Zones’ around here. You guys must have got mixed up and taken a wrong turn. I could have sworn I sent you the correct location on GPS.” Maybe Ty said more on the subject but Kit could hear anything or see anything except the superior smirk Blessica was giving him.
He covered the speaker. “Not. A. Word.” And no word came out of her mouth the entire ride to the correct Billy’s Fun Zone but the ‘I told you so’ look on her face spoke loud enough.
Kit slid back into the booth next to Ty, handing him his pretzel. Ty kissed him on the check in gratitude.
Dru and Ty were right. About this one being empty. He told him he had heard about it from Alyssa. Her pack frequented it often. They were left alone because, well, there was no one else there to bother them.
“Where are Astrid and Mari?” he asked.
“Fucking. I think. Or maybe just making out. I’ll know which one when they finish.” When Ty gave him a puzzled look he continued, “Astrid describes it all to me in full detail. I honestly don’t know whether she doesn’t have a filter or she just needs someone to scream to about how amazing Mari is.”
“Why can’t it be both?”
“True, true.”
They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Ty picked up the conversation again. “When Thaìs first met Astrid, she had a huge crush on her. They got along great. I always thought they would end up together. Or hook up at the very least.”
“Huh, that’s funny,” observed Kit.
“What is?”
“When me and Mari split, I was planning on trying to set them up with Thaìs. But then I caught her ans Astrid making out in a storage closet at school. Which, in hindsight, was pretty stupid cause they were in there so I wouldn’t be sad Mari moved on when I opened the door in the first place avoiding her to call you.”
The gears in Ty’s head were visibly turning. Kit loved watching this process. An idea was forming in his boyfriend’s genius mind, he could sense it.
“What is their stance on monogamy?” he asked finally.
“Um, fuck, hold on. Mari sent me this whole speech about it.” Kit scrolled through his phone at a rapid rate before he saw what he was looking for. He cleared his throat and began reading aloud.
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:52 AM: monogamy is just another lie capitalism has fed us
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:55 AM: like, for example, the notion that house spiders are ugly and to be feared
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:56 AM: it’s just to sell bug spray
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:56 AM: same with monogamy
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:56 AM: pointless!!!
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:58 AM: in conclusion, if I want to join a polyam cult, who tf is the government to stop me?
Kev-Kev, sent 2:01 AM: mari please go to sleep
Bless-ing_to_the_world, sent 2:04 AM: ^^^^^^^^^^^
Mitski_my_love, sent 2:05 AM: preach!
Mitski_my_love, sent 2:05 AM: go off queen
By the time Kit was finished with his dramatic reading, Ty’s plan was fully formed.
“That settles it! We are going to play matchmakers!”
Alyssa, Ty’s friend mentioned is @thechangeling OC, not mine.
@the-blackdale @the-wckd-powers @adoravel-fenomeno @thomas-gaypanic-lightwood @illusions-give-reasons-to-live @ithurielkeepsgettingkidnapped @im-not-ruined-im-ruination @sofiatheskeleton @cncnbr @its-taff @noah-herondale-lightwood @maxboythedog @arangiajoan @shelvesofgold @book-dragon-not-worm sorry if I missed anyone LMK if you want to be added or removed from The tag List!!
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harringrovetrashrat · 3 years
The Gobbler II: The Witching Hour
Harringrove Big Bang 2021 is here!!! A huge thanks to @harringrovebigbang for organizing this!  Also a huge thanks to my team, @monsdasarah and @catharrington, who did the art and moodboard, respectively.
But without further ado, here we go.  The Gobbler II.  Time to get cracky.
Steve wasn’t counting the days until the full moon. He wasn’t.
Fine, he was. He was thinking about Billy at pretty much every chance he got. Because, while the blow job had been fucking mind blowing, Billy was… Billy had insisted on them hanging out some, going over rules and such, as well as sharing emergency information should anything happen while Billy wasn’t in control. And Billy was funny. He was smart. He was an asshole.
Check, check, check. Each box for Steve’s Horny/Falling Deeply in Love list had been checked and Steve was struggling. He could deal with Billy being hot, a lot of people were hot, and Steve could get over that. Hell, he’d thought Robin was hot until she very kindly turned him down. But the problem was that Billy wasn’t just hot. Steve liked him. Liked him, liked him. Third grade schoolyard liked him. Because while Billy was snarky and rude and a total dick when he wanted to be, Steve could tell he had a good heart. He saw it in the care Billy took with him regarding everything with The Gobbler. Saw it when Billy mentioned his sister and his eyes softened, even if he called her a shitbird. Hell, Steve watched Billy step over an ant hill instead of on it and his knees went weak.
He was fucked and he knew it.
“I still don’t know,” Robin said, brow furrowed with worry. Steve was finishing up the garlands she needed, weaving together the hay and wheat so flowers could be intertwined safely without fear of them falling out. He sighed and set down the garland before stretching out his fingers.
“I know, I know,” she said, cutting him off with a sigh as she paced back and forth in the living room while he worked. “But I don’t fucking trust him! And while I’m glad you won’t be traversing the woods--” She cut herself off, eyes narrowing. “You’re both staying inside, yeah? You’re not planning on going looking for it are you?” Steve rolled his eyes.
“We aren’t going to look for The Gobbler in the woods. We won’t even look at the woods.” Steve felt bad, just a bit, when Robin visibly calmed from the reaffirmation, though she did continue to pace. He knew she was just worried about him, but still. He did know what he was doing. Mostly. Enough. Steve stood and wiped off his hands before halting her movements by pulling her into a hug. “I know you’re worried,” he mumbled into her hair. He pulled back, giving her a smile. “But seriously. It’s gonna be okay. I know you don’t trust him, but do you trust me?” Robin scoffed, rolling her eyes a little with a small, fond smile. “Actually, don’t answer that.”
“I was gonna say,” she replied with a smirk. “You don’t exactly have the best track record.” She let out a sigh, enough nervous energy finally leaving her body for her to plop onto the couch. “But I get it. I know you won’t let him do anything you don’t like, but I just… Something is… off.” She shook her head as Steve looked away, choosing to go back to finishing the garland instead of responding. Robin was right, and while Steve wasn’t a bad liar by any means, she knew him too well. Robin looked. She listened. She saw his nervous tics and heard the words he didn’t say. So instead, he said nothing and finished the garland as she checked through her notebook and made sure everything was accounted for.
By the time Steve finished, Robin was done packing up the rest of her things.
“Hope tonight goes well,” Steve said, giving her another quick, firm hug as they stood in the doorway. He pulled back, grinning wide. “Say hi to Heather for me,” he said sweetly, getting a shove from Robin as her face turned red.
“Oh my god,” she groaned. “Shut up!” Still, she smiled, and gave Steve a softer, more playful shove. “Have a good night. Don’t stink up the house with your boy fumes.” Steve snorted and shook his head.
“Billy and I both smell great, thank you.” Robin rolled her eyes and headed out, hopping onto her bike and waving one last time as she rode off. Steve waved until he could no longer see her, sighing happily as he went back in the house. It was only a moment however before he kicked it into overdrive. Steve ran to the living room, shoving everything away. He wanted things to be clean and ready, anything breakable moved out of the way. He had no idea how the night was going to pan out, no idea if Billy would even go for him again. How did the curse even work? Would he need a different dick every month? Would their plan even work?
Steve decided that he didn’t care. That they would figure it out. That he would figure this out, no matter what. Billy acted cool and unbothered, but it was obvious that this curse made him… Unhappy wasn’t the right word, but neither was disgusted. Uncomfortable, maybe? Steve could work it out later; right now, he needed to focus on getting the house Gobbler proofed.
Steve was up and out of his seat in record time when he heard the doorbell ring. He had to stop himself in the entryway and take a few deep breaths. It was probably weird how excited he was. How much he wanted this. But, Steve had a crush, a big one, and he was known to have poor judgement when he was into someone. Steve ran his hand through his hair before finally opening the door.
“I was wondering if you were gonna stand there forever or let me in,” Billy joked as he stepped into the house and brushed Steve’s shoulder with his. Steve flushed as he remembered the stained glass window in the front door, where Billy probably saw him run up and stop. He swallowed his embarrassment and followed Billy to the living room. While he had been over a few times, they usually had met up at Billy’s place. Robin’s distrust of Billy made him nervous, put him on edge, so he didn’t like coming to Steve’s often. Which sucked. But today Billy was here. He was here and he was standing in Steve’s living room, looking around with a small smile. “You and Buckley decorate like fucking grandmas,” he said, turning to give Steve a teasing smile, tongue caught between his teeth. It made Steve’s heart stutter.
Yeah, he was royally fucked. This was probably the worst idea he’d ever had.
He was still gonna do it.
“You should do an open mic, really, with all those zingers,” Steve replied. Billy cackled and Steve smirked back. “C’mon. We can come back down here to order pizza and put on something, but I, uh,” he faltered, turning a little red. “I figure you can put your bag in my room?” His nerves made it sound like a question, but he wasn’t the only one feeling a little funny about it, since Billy also went red. He blushed down his neck and Steve wondered how far down it went. To his collarbone? His nips? Steve cleared his throat and gestured to the stairs, leading Billy up silently.
“It’s a nice house,” Billy said quietly, breaking through the tension. “Grandma accents aside.” Steve snorted and opened the door to his room, suddenly anxious for Billy to like it. He had plants on plants, pots on every shelf, every nook, every cranny. Herbs lined his window sill, along with a few succulents. Steve loved plants. Loved the energy they brought. His parents had hated how he had loved to be in the dirt, to feel the magic of earth and nurse it, keep it thriving and strong. They were white magic users, full of spectacle and grace. Steve, well, wasn’t.
The rest of his room was somewhat bland, lots of greens and blues, the wood of his bed frame and desk a nice light brown. Billy looked around, eyes a little wide, setting his bag on Steve’s made bed. His room was cluttered, but organized, and Billy seemed amused at all the little knick knacks Steve had.
“Wow,” Billy breathed. “I don’t know why but I expected more plaid.”
“I don’t know whether to take offense to that or not,” Steve replied with a grin. Billy shrugged, his smile easy going.
“Your choice.” Billy went to the window, looking out at the garden in the backyard. “I’m gonna assume you’re the one who did the garden too?” Steve joined him by the window, looking down.
“Kind of. I do a lot of the gardening, but Robin helps a lot. We like to have native species of plants, and I hate nettles, so she’s the one who deals with them.” It was nice, talking to Billy. He seemed genuinely curious to know Steve and he hadn’t had anyone this interested in him since school, when he still reaped the benefits that came from his last name.
“Native species?” Billy asked, turning to Steve.
“Oh, I could go on for hours, you don’t want--��� Steve began, face flushing.
“Dude,” Billy said, huffing slightly as he turned to face Steve more. “I like hearing what you have to say, okay? You don’t gotta censor yourself for me.” And there it was. The soft nougaty bit of Billy Hargrove that made Steve feel soft and squishy and seen.
“Well, why don’t we order the pizza and then we can talk?” Steve asked. He wanted to get out of his room before he shoved Billy onto the bed here and now. Steve had an inkling that Billy felt the same, but he was incredibly nervous that he was just reading too much into the situation. So instead of facing his feelings like an adult, Steve turned and headed downstairs, hearing Billy’s heavier footsteps behind him. He grabbed the phone out of the cradle, punching in the phone number for the best pizza place in town. “What do you like on your pizza?”
“Pineapple and onion. I can do ham or no ham.” Billy said it casually, like he hadn’t just spouted out the most disgusting combo Steve had ever heard.
“Oh, dude, I dunno. That’s crossing a damn line--” Steve began, aghast at the idea of pineapple on pizza, much less paired with onion.
“It’s good!” Billy protested with a pout. “Listen, order a medium one and then whatever your dainty tastebuds want. You’re gonna try it and I know you’re gonna like it.” Steve gave him a blank look, unimpressed and unconvinced. Billy just crossed his arms and raised a brow, tilting his head. Steve sighed and when Benny picked up the phone, he ordered.
When the pizzas arrived (pineapple and onion for Billy, while Steve got the olives and green peppers), Billy sat Steve down on the couch, handed him a slice, and sat on the coffee table, staring intently. Steve eyed the pizza, then Billy, then the pizza again.
“Trust me,” Billy said. “It’s good.” Steve sighed and rolled his eyes dramatically before daintily going in for a bite. “That’s a fucking nibble, get some of all of it, asshole.” Steve shot Billy an exasperated look, but he did take a real bite. And… Fuck. That smug asshole was right. The acidity and tart sweetness of the pineapple paired well with the sweet onion and the acidity of the tomato sauce. It was savory and sweet, with some good crunch, and Steve couldn’t help his surprised groan, staring at the pizza in shock. Billy made a choked noise and Steve looked at him, eyes wide.
“It is good,” Steve replied, taking another bite. Billy’s face was flushed, but Steve didn’t pay much attention, snarfing up his slice quickly.
“Told you,” Billy said, grin wide and proud. “It’s good shit. I know my food, dude.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Steve said through his mouthful of pizza. “You win this one, Blue.” At that, Billy paused, giving Steve a confused but curious look.
“Blue?” Steve blushed and realized he’d never actually said that nickname out loud before. Not in real life, at least.
“Yeah, uh, like your uh, your eyes,” Steve stammered out. Billy looked at him, silent, looking torn about something. Finally, his face settled and he snorted, shaking his head.
“Should I call you Brown?” Billy asked, snatching up a slice for himself. Steve fake gagged.
“Oh god no, please don’t.”
“Sure thing, Brown Eyes.”
“Billy, I literally said--”
“You said not to call you Brown. This is different.” Steve groaned while Billy smirked around the string of cheese connecting his lips to the pizza. They continued to joke around while they ate, Billy flinging the olives off his slices, like they had personally offended him. Eventually though, it was starting to get dark. Steve could see the tension and stress building inside Billy as the night went forward, inching closer and closer to the peak of the moon.
“Do you know when it’ll happen?” Steve asked. The pizza boxes had been broken down and put into the compost bin, all the leftovers wrapped in foil and put away. The sun had set and the only light in the house was from the multiple lamps Steve had. Billy had been subdued for the last hour, getting lost in his head. Steve knew because he did the same thing. “Just, like, is it a set time or does it depend on the season?”
“9 PM,” Billy replied softly, his earlier mirth replaced with concern and anxiety. “You don’t have to do this. You really don’t.” They’d had this talk multiple times, but Steve could see the weight on Billy’s shoulders. He knew how it felt to feel like a burden, so he reached out and took Billy’s hand.
“Maybe we met in some weird ways, but you’re my friend.” Billy looked at him, eyes shining a bit. “I wanna help you with this, and if we have a way to keep you inside and distracted all night? Why wouldn’t we?”
“You aren’t forcing me into anything, Billy. This is a choice I am making. Clear headed and sure.” Billy visibly relaxed, sagging a little. Steve kept hold of Billy’s hand, giving it a squeeze. “You wanna go up to my room?” Billy went red at that, flushing down his neck again.
“Yeah.” They walked up in relative silence, tension creeping again, but this time it was different. Steve felt electricity on his skin, felt heat curl in his belly. Billy sat on the edge of Steve’s bed, already looking out of it. “You can strip and leave your clothes on the dresser if you want,” Steve suggested. Billy just nodded, standing up. He stripped slowly, turning his back to Steve like they weren’t about to have sex. Still, Steve let Billy have his privacy. He did catch a glimpse of Billy’s ass, toned and tight, and he licked his lips, mouth suddenly dry and sticky.
“Thank you,” Billy whispered, and if it hadn’t been so quiet in the room, Steve wasn’t sure he would have heard him. Steve nodded, reaching behind him to find Billy’s hand and squeeze. There was a sharp intake of breath and a squeeze back. Looking back at the clock on his nightstand it said 8:59. Steve very suddenly was hit with the vivid memory of his torn jeans last time, and he scrambled to get out of his clothes.
“Shit!” Steve hissed. “God damn it!” He was nearly tripping out of his pants when he heard a low growl start from behind him. He paused, hairs standing on end in anticipation. He knew it was Billy but there was something so different about the timber of the noise. Steve turned to look behind him and Billy was standing there, head hung, hair gone limp, staring at Steve from under his brow. It sent a shiver through Steve, right to his dick. “Hey there,” he said, voice shaky. The Gobbler staggered forward, looking out of depth in these surroundings.
“Schm...eat…?” Steve let out a puff of breath, nervous laughter bubbling in his throat.
“Schmeat,” Steve replied with a nod. It was like flipping a switch. One moment, he was Billy, nervous and and ansty, the next, he was The Gobbler. It showed in the way he seemed to have a singular drive, a singular purpose. The way he heard Steve’s confirmation and everything else seemed to leave The Gobbler’s mind except getting Steve laid out. Strong arms hoisted him up and Steve let out a small squeak of air. “The bed! Put me on the bed!” He said, since The Gobbler was eyeing the window. He landed on the mattress with an oof, looking up as The Gobbler crawled on top of him. It was quick, a blink and he was above Steve.
“Schmeat. Hole.” Steve’s brows shot up.
“Hole? I thought you just sucked?” Did Billy-- The Gobbler wanna fuck him? Like, he definitely wasn’t against that, but he thought Billy had mentioned it was more an oral craving that anything else. The Gobbler growled again, moving down to nose at Steve’s balls. “Oh, shit,” Steve gasped. That was fast. He could feel drool dripping onto his groin and, while he was already getting hard, the process went a little quicker at the feeling.
“Hole,” The Gobbler repeated, more insistent this time.
“Okay?” Steve replied, because he really didn’t--
And then he was suddenly flipped over, face down, ass up, with his cheeks spread, saliva dripping down his crack.
“Oh,” Steve gasped. That’s what he meant. The warm spit cooled in the air of the room, sending a shudder up Steve’s spine. He grunted, arching his back a little. “Fuck yeah,” he breathed out. It ended in a choked off stutter when he felt a wet, hot tongue drag itself over his hole. He could feel the rumble as The Gobbler growled once again, this one less aggressive and more lustful. “That all big guy?” Steve teased, honestly a little desperate to feel more. “C’mon, go at--” Steve cried out when he felt lips against his hole, sucking the skin. “Ohmygodohmygod,” Steve chanted, suddenly painfully erect. He hadn’t been expecting that at all and holy shit did it feel good.
Steve’s reactions were paid no mind as The Gobbler pressed his face into Steve’s ass, a low moan rumbling from his chest. He was salivating, spit already dribbling down Steve’s taint to his balls. He sucked at Steve’s hole, leaving a hickey just to the right of it. Steve keened, dick already starting to leak. Apparently, they weren’t wasting any time today. The Gobbler slurped up his drool, lapping at Steve’s hole, which was already starting to look red and puffy. Steve gripped the sheets, holding on for the ride as The Gobbler’s tongue started making long broad strokes up his crack. Each lick was hot and wet and left Steve shaking. He could feel sweat beading at his temples and on his back. There was a grunt and Steve’s hips were shifted, ass tilted up more. The sting of the burn from the mustache grazing across his skin paired so perfectly with the soft velvet of the tongue soothing over it. Steve’s mind was already fogging over, eyes going a little hazy.
“Shit,” he murmured into his pillow, each stroke of the tongue pulling tiny gasps and moans from him. The sounds alone drove him wild and Steve wished he could grab his dick and stroke, but honestly he had no idea if he would be allowed. Wondered too if he could cum just from this. It was looking quite likely. Especially as The Gobbler started wiggling his tongue inside him, licking into his hole desperately. Steve was loosening up, but apparently it wasn’t enough, seeing as there was a whine from behind him and a nose pushing even harder into his crack. The wiggling was teasing and light, a steady pressure that was driving Steve a little mad. He pushed back, a whimper escaping his lips and fuck, there. He could feel the tongue wiggle in just a little farther as he pushed back, getting another moan from behind him. “Yeah, yeah, fuck,” Steve moaned, starting to steadily roll his hips back against The Gobbler’s face. The hands on his cheeks gripped a little tighter, maybe even enough to bruise. Steve selfishly hoped so.
The Gobbler began to fuck Steve with his tongue, each thrust opening Steve up more and more. He could feel spit dribbling down his crack, down his balls, dripping onto the sheets. His dick was hard, so fucking hard, and Steve tilted his head to look down. There were tiny globs and strings of pre coming from his cock, leaving a small growing stain on the sheets as well. Steve was definitely gonna have to do some laundry after this.
With harsh, heavy breaths, The Gobbler finally pulled back. Already Steve had a poor sense of time, and with his brain steadily melting into a pile of warm, blissed out goo, he had no idea how long The Gobbler had been eating his ass. Like it was his last meal and he was a starving man. Steve couldn’t help the desperate whine that escaped his throat, or the way his ass pushed back, seeking that hot tongue. He jerked when there was cool air blown onto his hole. The Gobbler switched between blowing on the cooling spit dripping down Steve’s taint and his now red and loose asshole. It made Steve shake, made his thighs tremble as sounds were pulled out from deep inside his chest ah, ah, ah. It had him gritting his teeth and clutching the sheets so tightly his knuckles were white. Teeth grazed along the meat of his ass, gently nipping at the skin and making Steve jerk forward with each light sting of teeth. The Gobbler started to suck, marking up Steve’s ass with his mouth like he didn’t know any other way to do it.
Not that Steve was complaining. Like, at all. His ass was probably gonna give him plenty of trouble tomorrow, but he couldn’t find the energy to care. Not when this felt so good. He gasped, sweat dripping down his face and onto the pillow below him as The Gobbler dove in again. Steve’s hands twisted in the sheets, moans practically leaking from his throat at the tongue wiggling it’s way into his asshole again. He was so loose, and just from his tongue. Even the thought made him shudder as more precome leaked from his dick, adding to the stain already spreading on the sheets. When The Gobbler pulled away for air, Steve could feel his asshole flutter, desperate for something to fill it again. He actually yelled when suddenly there was a finger pushing into him. It paused, hesitant, and Steve pushed back against it, hips moving as he fucked himself. A glob of spit slid down his crack and the finger pushed it inside him.
“Oh god,” Steve cried out, feeling his balls start to tighten. “Oh god, oh god, oh god--” And suddenly a hand clamped around the base of his dick, keeping him from cumming. Steve whined, loud and long, starting to turn over and push himself up.
“Mine!” The Gobbler snarled and pressed against his back, pushing him down into the mattress. Steve inhaled sharply as his finger shoved in farther, curling it up as he pulled it out.
“Fuck!” Steve screamed, unable to cum but feeling so fucking desperate. “B-Billy! Please!” He didn’t even really register that he’d called him Billy. Didn’t feel the desperation in the way the second finger pushed in, a little early. But Steve just made a low sound of pleasure, relishing in the burn of the stretch. It was the perfect amount to accentuate the pleasure without overpowering it.
The Gobbler panted into Steve’s ear and he could feel the drool dripping down onto the junction of his neck and shoulder. It shouldn’t have been so hot. Steve shuddered, feeling The Gobbler’s erection grazing against his ass cheek. He wanted it at least between his cheeks if it wasn’t gonna go inside. But The Gobbler didn’t even seem concerned with his own erection, just with touching Steve. He mouthed at Steve’s neck and between his shoulder blades, fingering Steve slowly. The tenderness of the kisses and the changed pace altered the feeling completely, and suddenly it was intimate. The pads of The Gobbler’s fingers massaged his prostate and Steve’s back arched. His hair was nearly wet with sweat, the whole room reeking of musk and sex. Goosebumps pebbled his skin as a shock went through him, the world focused to the sheets below him and Billy, The Gobbler, pressed up close behind him. The Gobbler took his fingers out slowly, pulling back. Steve whined, arm reaching out behind him. But instead, hands grabbed his hips and helped turn him over.
Hair splayed out around him, sheets mussed and wrinkled from being twisted and wrenched tight in his fists, Steve lay there, gazing up at The Gobbler. He hovered above him, hair draping down and shadowing his face. Still, his eyes shone bright, staring into Steve’s so intensely it made his dick leak. It was angry and red, throbbing as it bobbed, nothing giving him enough satisfaction to come. The Gobbler grinned, ducking down to suck one of Steve’s nipples into his mouth. Steve arched into it, hand gripping the back of his head. The Gobbler groaned, low and rumbling, hips rolling and his hard cock smeared pre along the vee of Steve’s hips. Steve was mush. Utter mush. His face was flushed and his eyes were glazed as The Gobbler went down, down, down and finally took Steve’s aching dick into his mouth. With one hard, wet suck, The Gobbler’s head bobbing only one time, Steve came with a shout that stuttered into silence. He came so hard his vision went white for a second. The Gobbler swallowed around him, drool mixed with jizz leaking from the corners of his mouth as he humped the sheets, fast and ruthless. Steve’s toes curled and his legs spasmed, knees tightening around The Gobbler’s ribs.
There was a loud slurp and a smack as The Gobbler pulled off Steve’s dick, letting it flop onto his groin, wet, shiny and softening. He swallowed audibly, letting out a moan as he came into the sheets, damp with sweat and drool. Steve watched him through half lidded eyes, watching as Billy blinked away the remains of The Gobbler. Steve smiled as his favorite pair of blue eyes turned to him, staring at him in awe. He wasn’t sure what other emotions he was seeing; he was too tired to discern much.
“You have got one hell of a tongue,” Steve slurred out. Billy continued to stare at him, eyes wide.
“You… You said my name,” he stammered out. Steve blinked at him, honestly drained and finding it hard to figure out just what Billy meant. And then, as sleep overtook him, it clicked. Fuck.
Steve woke up with a jolt and a sharp inhale. He blinked, looking out his window where the sky was still dark. He sat up, already starting to feel how sore his ass was. Billy must have gone ham on the biting and stubble rubbing, because he felt kinda raw. A good raw though, something that made him smile a bit at each tiny twing.
Then Steve remembered that he had actually shown his whole ass by moaning Billy’s name and a chill went down his spine. Billy wasn’t in the room, wasn’t on the bed, but Steve saw that his jeans were still on the floor, and it made him relax a bit. He got up, tossing on an old shirt and some sweats, before making his way downstairs quietly. The clock read 4:45, so Steve had definitely conked out deeply after he came. Billy wasn’t in the kitchen, but when Steve went into the living room, he saw Billy sitting by the window in the large armchair. He was resting his chin on his fist, just staring at the forest behind the house, lost in his thoughts. He had a glass of water on the table next to him, and didn’t look upset, so Steve took that as a good sign to start. He was quiet as he walked closer, pausing when Billy sighed heavily.
“I can hear you thinking from there, Steve,” Billy said quietly, without any heat.
“Sorry,” Steve replied on reflex. He sat down on the couch, watching as Billy continued to gaze out the window. “I--”
“Why did you say my name,” Billy asked, voice quiet and unsure. Steve looked down at his hands, pulling and tugging at each other as he wrung them together. He didn’t know quite what to say. It would have been weird to call out Gobbler, but he knew what Billy meant. In fact, was kinda shocked he even remembered.
“I… I mean, it won’t change my answer either way, and I don’t mean it as like-- Fuck,” Steve grumbled, rubbing his forehead with his hand. “How do you remember that? I thought--”
“I get… Bits. Not everything. I’m able to remember small things and feelings and small clips, but mostly it’s hazy. I can’t piece it all together. But,” Billy took a breath, deep and bracing. “I didn’t imagine that part, did I?” His voice was calm and unannoyed, but Steve still felt his stomach wriggling around inside him.
“No. You didn’t. I… Billy, I’m selfish,” Steve began, words coming out on a shaky breath. But this needed to be said. And he needed to apologize. “The first time this happened I mean… I hadn’t gotten laid in ages and you were hot and so it worked out. But this… time I--”
“Steve--” Billy said, voice laced with hurt and curiosity.
“Please,” Steve got out, cutting Billy off. “Let me. Let me say it all and then we can. We can talk.” Steve sniffed, rubbing his sweaty palms on his thighs. “This past month getting to know you has been so incredible. You’re a smart guy, just enough of an asshole, and you… You listen to me. And you care. The first thing you were concerned about last month was me, even though you’re under a spell forced to do a bunch of weird shit! Me! You were concerned about me!” Steve could feel Billy watching him, but eye contact would make his throat close up and maybe make him vomit, so he kept them at the table. “I know we don’t know each other super well -- I mean, it’s only been a month -- but I… You’re an interesting person and I fucking like you. I like you so much, Billy. All of you. Seriously.” Steve let out a long breath, closing his eyes to focus on getting the lump in his throat small enough that he could talk. “You need someone to help you and I… I’m too selfish to say no, even though I should because you--”
“Fucking christ, Steve,” Billy said, voice closer than it should be. Steve’s head snapped up and Billy was across the coffee table, leaning forward and bracing himself as he gazed at Steve. He didn’t look mad, didn’t look annoyed. Looked more fond than anything else and Steve felt his stomach do flips that were more along the neutral vein than flips that felt like he was about to start weeping. “You gotta let me get a word in.” Steve looked away again, apology ready to tumble from his lips, but Billy’s hand came and tilted his chin up, making him lose all ability to form thoughts, much less words. “Just to, yanno, condense all that, you said my name because you… you wanted it to be me?” Steve nodded, feeling his cheeks heat up. But when Billy smiled, relieved and excited and hopeful… It was so bright and overwhelming, Steve’s heart started fluttering, all of his insides squirming in joy and delight. “I’ve been so fucking worried. Because I really thought you were just… Humoring me. That this was you feeling like you maybe had to, or just to get some dick while you could--”
“I would never--” Steve began, horrified at the idea of using this against Billy.
“I know,” Billy replied gently, brushing his thumb over Steve’s cheekbone. “I know. It’s happened enough before I was worried I was being swayed into some false sense of security, but,” Billy let out a huffy laugh, smile going soft, “But this is just you. You’re just like this.”
“Like what?” Steve asked, unable to raise his voice above a whisper as he looked at Billy. Took in everything about him in the soft light of the moon. There was a shift in the air, something beautiful and new coming into fruition. Magic fluttered around them, Steve could feel it, bright and eager. It made the house feel warmer, feel fuller, and Steve’s breaths started coming in a little heavier. It took more energy to pull it in, but it was filling and exciting, making his skin tingle and thrum. His fingers itched to run over Billy’s skin. Which, come to think of it, he could do.
“Kind. Good. Silly.” Billy listed, pupils dilating as he moved around the coffee table, hand never leaving Steve’s face. Steve was grateful, unsure he could handle the feeling of loss if Billy had stopped touching him. As Billy sat, Steve’s hand came to settle at the small of Billy’s back, fire sparking in his gut and heart as their skin touched. Billy’s breath came in shaky, stuttering, and Steve leaned closer, their foreheads touching. “When you’re as hot as I am,” and some of the tensions eased at that, a snort escaping Steve before he could stop it, the magic shifting from something waiting for a spark to something more grounded. The feeling of hearth and home. “Yeah yeah,” Billy replied with a grin, “I know, I know. But really. People… Don’t see the person behind the abs.” It was silly, but Steve understood what he meant. Understood the struggle of people not just being blind to the person inside the body, but refusing to look beyond what they saw. “So thank you. For not being like everyone else.” Billy kissed him then and--
Steve was a witch, had been born into magic and felt it thrumming inside him. He’d been open to magic all his life, had felt the shift in magic during the change of the seasons, had done spells that had filled the room with power. Steve had seen amazing feats and more, but this kiss sent something through him. Something strong and vibrant and like nothing he’d ever felt. A crashing wave of signals and comments from the Earth and the magic within. He was overwhelmed with everything that coursed through him from the chaste kiss, hand pressing Billy closer as he tilted his head, mouth opening slowly. The kiss wasn’t hurried. It wasn’t hot and heavy. But it made Steve’s skin prickle with goosebumps, made his heart race and his lungs squeeze. He pressed closer, feeling Billy’s hand drop from his cheek to his shoulder, thumb brushing over his collar bone. It was a languid kiss, drawn out between a drag of the tongue, a light bite, the shared breaths between them.
When Billy finally pulled back, Steve knew his cheeks were flushed and he was panting just a little. It would have been embarrassing if Billy wasn’t also blushing, all the way down to his chest.
“I think,” Steve said, trying to catch his breath. “I think that we should go on a real date.” Billy’s laugh was bright in response, his head falling to rest at the junction of Steve’s neck and shoulder.
“Of course,” he breathed out. “Of course that’s what you’d say first.” Before Steve could even pretend to be offended, Billy kissed his neck, soft and sweet, his mustache dragging along Steve’s skin just a bit. “I’d love that. I’d love that a lot. But maybe we should get some sleep first, Brown Eyes.” Steve could feel the energy draining out of Billy now that the air had been cleared, and sleep started to tug at him as well. Even as he rolled his eyes at Billy’s simple nickname. However, he would have been lying had he said it didn’t thrill him and make his insides flutter.
“I think that’s a good idea,” Steve said in agreement. They moved together, hands still grabbing gently at each other, both of them unable to separate for long, if at all. It was like the truth had magnetized them and they just couldn’t fight the need to connect. They fell into the bed, smiling and warm and excited, ready for what this change would do for them.
As much as Steve wanted a languid morning filled with slow kisses and gentle touches in the lazy morning sun, Billy had places to be. Specifically, helping his sister Max.
“She’s moving in with her boyfriend, finally,” Billy replied when Steve asked, mouth full of egg and toast. It should have been gross, but Steve only found it endearing. “I won’t say I think it’s their best idea, but they’re at least keeping separate rooms. I know Max needs her own space.” Steve nodded, using the corner of his toast to burst the yolk of his fried egg.
“It’s good of you to help out,” Steve said, dipping his toast into the yolk as he cut through the egg with the edge of his fork.
“More like it’s required because I missed helping her move into her last place. Not like I was fucking sick or anything.” He set down his fork, plate already clean, before downing the coffee in the mug before him. “Sorry to eat and go, I would really rather stay here and--”
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” Steve said with a chuckle. He was also eager to talk more about them, but promises made were promises kept. “We have plenty of time, yeah? I mean, you can always come back here later,” Steve purred, thrilling a bit when Billy’s cheeks flushed.
“Don’t tempt me or I won’t leave,” Billy said, standing and leaning down to cup Steve’s cheek, kissing him lightly.
“That a promise?” They were distracted by the door opening, separating slowly. Robin came in as Billy was leaving the kitchen, both of them awkwardly giving the other space while pretending they weren’t doing just that. “How’d it go?”
“We’ll see this winter,” Robin replied, snatching the last bit of his egg between her fingers and quickly shoving it into her mouth.
“Snooze you lose, dingus,” she said with a grin. “Last night go...okay? Anything happen?” She searched his eyes for any hint of deception and, for once, Steve wasn’t really worried about what she’d find.
“Kind of?” Steve said, mouth tugging into a smile. Robin furrowed her brow. “Nothing bad, seriously, all good things.”
“Steve?” Billy asked, knocking on the door frame. Steve stood and went over, leaning in close. “I gotta head out, but I’ll text you later, okay?”
“Sounds good, Blue,” Steve replied. Billy just smiled, eyes darting to Robin for a moment before he ducked in for a kiss.
“Catch ya later, Brown Eyes,” Billy replied as he headed out the door. Steve rolle dhis eyes, but really couldn’t help the smile on his face. Billy left with a wave and wink, disappearing into his car, and leaving Steve feeling smitten on the doorstep. He watched Billy’s car go, jumping when Robin’s voice came from right behind him.
“So that’s what happened, huh?” She asked, voice lightly amused. Steve blushed and shut the door, turning to give her a sheepish look.
“I did say it wasn’t bad.” When Robin didn’t reply with a quip, Steve paused, smile freezing on his face. “Rob?”
“I’m happy for you, Steve, really, I am,” she said, and Steve could hear the ‘but…’ coming from a mile away. “But I still think you need to be careful.”
“Robin, please--”
“It’s not about me trusting him this time.” Steve looked up at that, curious. “It’s because… Steve. I’ve only seen you this smitten with one other person in my life, and that was Nancy.” That. That made Steve freeze. He’d loved Nancy fiercely, too fiercely, and had been utterly smashed when she’d broken it off. Had been depressed for months. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Oh.” Steve wasn’t sure how to respond. Because he didn’t think he was that attached yet. Even if the idea of never talking to Billy again made it hard to breathe and made his lungs tighten and made his eyes water--
Oh fuck, Steve thought.
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fatiguing-thoughts · 3 years
“Natural” - Chapter Three - Embry Call x Reader
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I let Embry drive to the secret spot. I felt it was easier than listening to him attempting to navigate. Also because “you can’t drive with your eyes closed” and I had to have my eyes closed or it’s not a surprise anymore. 
Oh how he is still the giant goof I fell in love with as a child, a preteen, and a teen. Embry Call was the love of my life for as long as I can remember. 
Embry started to blast our shared playlist on my radio. The car ride quickly turned into us belting out our favorite songs together. A dream come true if you ask me, I just wish I could see his beautiful face singing. 
“Can I open my eyes yet?” I asked, turning the music down.
“In a few minutes, we’re almost there, bean.” He rubs a small circle onto the back of my hand with his thumb. 
I felt the heat rush to my cheeks, and I tried to stop the giggle from leaving my mouth-- I felt myself smiling anyway. 
A few minutes pass, and I finally feel the car park. 
“You can open your eyes now.” 
I open my eyes and am met with an unfamiliar treeline. We aren’t parked in a designated parking lot; there aren’t even any signs. 
“Do you know where we are?” I ask him, surprised at how isolated this place seems. 
“Of course. I’ve been here a lot.” 
“Is this where you kill me?” I laugh. 
“Oh yeah, you caught me, bean.” He rolls his eyes. 
“Wait, Em. Quil and Jake said there’s been a lot of bear attacks. Is it safe in here?” I ask in a worried tone. 
“Bean, I would never let anything happen to you. A bear is not on my list of concerns.” He puts his hand on my lower back, continuing to walk us into the woods. 
“Okay, Em. I know you got huge and weirdly strong and everything, but, and no offense, I don’t think you could take a bear down single handedly.” I look at him with raised eyebrows.  
“Oh you’ve gotta stop doubting me. It’s safe here, though. I’ve never seen any bears here.” He smirks, leaning closer into me. 
“Okayyyyy there tough guy.” I chuckle, following his lead. 
We press forward, walking to the mysterious place. 
“It’s about a fifteen minute walk from here, not too bad.” He shrugs. 
“Sounds fair.” 
After about another ten minutes and then some, Embry tells me I have to close my eyes so the surprise isn’t ruined. 
“Em, I can’t hike with my eyes closed.” I laugh. 
“Get on my back.” He offers. 
“No, you absolutely cannot carry me the rest of the way. You’ll die.” Eyes widening out of my skull. 
“No, don’t be ridiculous. Either get on my back or I’m picking you up, bean.” He grins. 
“Em, I just-” 
My words were cut off from the quick swooping motion of Embry picking me up. He picked me up so effortlessly, leaving me surprised. 
“Okay, now close your eyes. We’re getting really close.” 
“Em, how did you do that?” I ask, eyes now closed. 
“It’s quite simple, really. I used my arms and I-” 
“Oh hush, you know that’s not what I meant.” 
His laughter was music to my ears. Hell, his voice was heavenly enough to put me into a slumber. I feel so weird, thinking so intensely about him. He’d probably think I’m absolutely nuts. Though, he seemed to watch every movement I’ve made since we met up, and hangs onto every word I say. 
I rested my head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. It soothed me, it almost put me to sleep. 
“You can open your eyes again.” He says as he gently puts me down on the ground. 
“Holy shit, Em.” I take in the surroundings around me. 
“You like it?” He asks, like an excited child. 
“Like it? I love it.” I tell him. 
I walk deeper into the clearing. It was surrounded by pine trees and a small river running through the end of it. 
“I thought you would. You always loved this kinda stuff when we were younger.” 
I turn around smiling at him, thrilled to see how much he valued me back then. 
“I did, I still do. I haven’t changed too much. I’m still (Y/N). And you’re still Embry.” I smile at him.
“Yeah, I guess so.” He awkwardly pulls his lips tight, pursing them together. 
 “Em, you’re the same Embry I’ve known my whole life.” I walk over, grabbing his hands and looking up into those deep chocolate eyes. 
“(Y/N), you really feel that way? You think I’m the same?” He asks with unsure eyes peering into mine. 
“Of course. Just a lot taller, warmer, and bulkier. Other than that, you’re the same soul I’ve known.” 
“Oh, bean. I missed you so much. Can I tell you something?” 
“Of course, anything.”
“Remember when we kissed before you left?” 
“I could never forget it.” 
“There isn’t a day where I don’t regret not doing that sooner. Doing it more. I wish that you didn’t go. I wish we weren’t apart for so long. I just wish I told you that I loved you before you left. Or even after, I wish I told you before today.” 
My breath hitched, and I couldn’t feel anything in my body anymore. I was in shock. My whole life I was in love with Embry, and now he’s telling me it was mutual? I always felt it wasn’t one sided, but I never thought I could be so lucky. 
“Em, I wish I knew. I’ve been in love with you since day one. I think about that kiss all the time. I’m so happy you felt the same way, I just wish either of us had the balls to say something. Especially when I was gone. Being so far from you for so long, it hurt. Being back with you, it feels so natural-- it feels so right. Seeing you again, I expected it to feel something… but what I felt when I saw you. I don’t understand what happened Em. It’s like everything around us stopped.” I try my best to explain my feelings. 
“I know, bean. I know. I have a lot of explaining to do today. That happened to me, too; a little more on my end. You being here is the best gift I could’ve asked for. I love you, (Y/N).” 
“I love you Embry.” 
“Can I kiss you?” His lip quivered slightly. 
“Please.” I looked up at him with pleading eyes. 
He bent down, one hand grabbing my waist, and his other holding the back of my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck, feeling the warmth radiate off of him. 
The kiss was hungry, his soft warm lips intoxicated every fiber of my being. Chills ran up my spine, leaving me weak in the knees. This kiss felt like a thousand suns exploding, I never wanted this kiss to end. 
Embry pulled away a minute or so after the kiss started. Leaning his forehead on mine. 
“Wow.” I breathed out. “I know.” 
“I wanna do that more often, Em.” 
“We can, soon. I don’t want to rush either of us into anything, (Y/N).” 
“I understand. Thank you, Em.” I hug his waist tightly. 
“Of course, bean. I just want you to know everything before you decide anything.” 
“Embry, you have to tell me what’s going on. Did you kill someone?” 
“No, (Y/N). I never killed a person.” 
“Okay, so we’ll watch the sunset on the beach, and you can tell me all about it.” 
“Alright, let’s go back to the car and head over to La Push.” 
I nod and he grabs my hand, leading us back to the car. 
“How do you know your way around here so well?” I ask. 
“I’ve been here a lot.” He looks down at me, flashing me the signature Embry Call grin. 
Jesus, that face makes me weak in the knees, every time. Video chatting with him did it no justice. 
Our walk to the car was one of silence. It was a lot of longing stares at the other, listening to the sounds of nature. Enjoying the peace that Embry has never failed to bring me. 
We get to the car and I drive us to La Push, enjoying another car ride with the company of Embry. 
Getting out of the car, I grab the blanket I kept in my trunk and head down to the beach. 
Embry rolls out the blanket for us to sit on. I plop down and he follows, sitting close to me. 
“So, I just want you to know that I would never lie to you. Everything I’m about to tell you is the truth, and I can prove it. Okay?” He looks at me, dead serious eyes. 
“Alright, Em. You’re making me a little nervous.” I chuckle. 
“No, no. I would never hurt you. Just understand that before I tell you the rest.” 
I nod, worry starting to kick in.
 Hurt me? Why would I think he would hurt me?
“Okay, do you remember those stories that Old Quil and Billy used to tell us? Like when we were kids?” He asks me. 
“Yeah. I loved those stories. I thought they were great.” I smiled.
“I know, I remember you loved them. But, (Y/N), they’re true. The shifters are real. It’s all real. The cold ones, too. All of it.” 
“No, please. I can prove it. I just want you to be prepared.” He looks at me with pleading eyes. 
“Embry, on this hypothetical that it’s all real-- what are you trying to tell me?” I ask. 
“I’m a shifter. Jake, Quil, Paul, all of us. Seth, Leah, Jared, and Sam. We all can shift. We protect the land, the people from the cold ones. I promise I can show you.” 
“Okay. Show me, Em.” I look him dead in the eyes. 
“Well, I have to show you in the woods. These are tribal secrets, nobody is allowed to know. Only those in the pack, and their imprints, of course.” 
“Imprints? I don’t remember that part of the story.” I admit honestly. 
“Yeah Billy never talked about that much, he probably didn’t think we wanted to hear about it as kids.” He laughs a little. 
He stands up, reaching his hand out for me to take. I look up at his face, grab his hand and follow him into the woods. 
We walk a few minutes into the woods, out of sight from the beach. 
“Okay, just stand back for a minute, and just remember-- I promise I won’t hurt you.” 
“I trust you, Em.” I smile at him. 
Though I didn’t necessarily believe him, a part of me felt this was true. I never knew Embry to be crazy, and after all these stories came from somewhere. I just… I never expected it to be anything more than a legend. 
He smiles at me, nodding. He strips down to just his boxers, causing me to put my hand out, covering the lower half of his body from my sight. 
And that’s when his body began steaming. His body shook intensely. 
Before I knew it-- there was an enormous grey wolf in front of me. Standing on all fours, it was over six feet tall. This was a massive wolf. I looked down at his paws, easily bigger than my head. His head, bigger than anything I could’ve ever imagined. 
The wolf nods, letting out a small whine. Walking over to me with his head low, showing me that there’s nothing to be afraid of. 
“Wow. You’re beautiful.”
I reach out my hand, running my fingers through the soft fur on his head. Scratching behind the ears. 
“So this was the secret? You’re the big bad wolf?” I ask, chuckling at my own stupid jokes. 
Embry took his head, nudging me on the shoulder as a way to tell me to shut up. 
“So, everyone I grew up with gets to turn into a giant wolf superhero, and all I get to do is lick my elbow? Something doesn’t seem fair here.” I laugh. 
Embry’s massive head lays itself on my shoulder, weighing it down enough to almost start hurting my neck.
“So this is what you were nervous about? That I would think of you differently? You’ve become one of my favorite stories growing up as a kid. You aren’t a monster, Em. I think you’re amazing.” I smile at him. 
He takes a step back, looking my in the eyes once more before grabbing his clothes off the forest floor. He runs behind some brush, I heard some bones cracking before I heard Embry shuffling in the bushes. A moment later he returns in front of me. 
“Thank you, (Y/N). I was just afraid of how you’d take this. I didn’t want you to be afraid of me, or want nothing to do with me. I know it’s a lot to take in.” 
“It is. I honestly still feel a little whacked out, but I meant what I said, Em. You are such a light in my life, and you always have been. Em, you scared me before. I didn’t know what to expect but… this is workable. My best friends are shifters, they’re incredible. This is magical, Em.” I smile at him.
He walks over and hugs me tight. 
“Thank you for accepting me, bean.” He whispers into the top of my hair. 
“Of course, Embry. But why are you so worried about the way I would react?” I ask. 
“Well, I’ve been hiding it from my mom for over a year, I just want her to stay out of the drama it brings. I was afraid of hiding it from you, too. But I also didn’t want to lie, I wanted us to stay comfortable. But, it’s a dangerous world. I wanted you to stay being my little bean.” He smiles softly at me. 
“I’ll always be your little bean, Em. I want you to be honest with me, always. No judgment here.” I smile. 
We walk back to the beach as the darkness falls. 
“So, imprinting?” I ask. 
“Ah yes, imprinting. It’s kinda like a soulmate-- whether that be platonic or romantic. It happens after you phase, if you’re lucky. When you first meet eyes with them, everything stops. It’s like all of a sudden, whoever you imprint on becomes your world. It’s not gravity holding you down to the Earth anymore, it’s them. You’d do anything, be anything for them. A brother, protector, a lover… but it’s all up to you. You get to choose this, (Y/N).” 
“Oh wow. So I’m… I’m your imprint?” I ask. 
“Yes, you are my imprint. You get to control it all from here.” He looks at me with a hopeful look in his eyes. 
“Well, Em. I’ve loved you my whole life. This is what I wanted, and if it’s what you’ve always wanted… then why fight it? I agree that we should take it slow but, I want you.” I breathlessly answer him. 
“(Y/N), you don’t know how happy this makes me.” 
I lean up, kissing him on his lips again. This was a feeling I would never get used to.
“Thank you.” He says, almost short of breath. 
“No, thank you, Em.” I lay my head on his warm chest once more. 
We sat back down on the log once more, his arms wrapped around me, keeping me warm. 
“So, can I ask you some questions?” I ask. 
“Of course.” 
“So, how hot are you? Like temperature wise.” 
“Jake said 108.9. So I’ll trust his word on that.” 
“Holy shit. You really are my dream space heater.” I giggle. 
“I love keeping you warm, so it works for me.” He kisses the tip of my nose. 
“Next one, so the cold ones. Those are vampires. That means that they’re real? And they’re here?” 
His face drops, realizing the heavier question. 
“Yeah. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you, ever. Ever since the Cullens moved back, we started phasing. Bella’s dating Edward Cullen, yes. But they only feed off of animals, so they call themselves vegetarians, if you will. Anyway, since they’ve come back we’ve had issues with some nomad vampires. One especially keeps coming back for Bella. She’s been running on our land a lot, she’s just hard to catch. We’ve been trying to catch her, too.” 
“So you say catch her, but you’ll be killing her, right?” 
“Yes, (Y/N). She’s dangerous, she’s a rogue vampire on the hunt for revenge and blood. It’s what we were made to do.” 
“No, I know. I just wanted to make sure. Just saying, you said you’ve never killed a person, low and behold you have killed vampires, though.” I tease. 
“Oh, technicalities. They’re already dead. It’s to save everyone.” He nudges my shoulder. 
“I know, Em. But the Cullens, they’re good?” I ask. 
“Kinda. I still don’t trust them all that much but we are civil. We have a treaty.” 
“I see. So who knows?” I ask.
“The pack, the Cullens, Bella, Billy and Harry, and the imprints. Though there’s only three of you guys right now. You, Emily, and Kim.” 
“Ah I see.” 
“I’ll introduce you formally to the rest of the pack tomorrow at our bonfire. You get to come to those.” He smiles at me. Pulling me closer into his chest. 
“Quil’s coming, be prepared.” He tells me. 
“What? How do you know?” I look around for Quil nearby to no avail.
“I hear him and Jared.” Embry tells me.
“From where?” I ask. 
“I don’t know, they’ll probably get here in a few minutes.” 
I look at him in disbelief, wondering how correct he was. 
In the meantime, he explained to me the other perks of being in the pack. The mind connection, the healing abilities, speed, and strength. It was all so amazing, I couldn’t believe it was real. Apparently the “bears” were vampires-- I knew there were no bear attacks.
“Hey what’s up dorks?” Quil interrupts a few moments after Embry told me. 
“No fuckin way.” I look at Embry in disbelief. 
“At least a mile away.” He boasts. 
“So she knows now?” Quil looks between us. 
“Yeah, I know it all now, dork.” I mock. 
“Ooh Embry, you finally joined the imprint club. I’m Jared, I have the best eyesight and I’m the most handsome. I know we’ve met before, but I’m a new man now.” Man this guy was goofy as all hell. 
“Wow, incredible. What an honor to meet you again.” I mocked his tone. 
“You know it, girl.” He winks. 
“Does Jake know you know yet?” Quil asked. 
“Not yet, I assume he’ll find out soon. I’m coming to the bonfire tomorrow.” I smirk. 
“Oh god, we’ll never be able to get rid of you.” Quil says, sitting on my other side and messing my hair up. 
“Rude.” I remark. 
“I haven’t heard a peep out of him since he left with Bella today.” Embry informs us. 
“Oh wait, so she knows because he imprinted on her?” I ask.
“No, you’d think so-- but no. He’s just in love with her, which ropes us all into the drama with her and her leech.” Jared says. 
“Oh, I see.” 
“Yeah, Jake’s pretty sensitive about it. Maybe don’t bring that up to him, bean.” 
We sat around, joking for hours. I began to yawn and leaned my head onto Emrby’s shoulder. 
“You tired, bean?” He whispers into my ear. 
“A bit. What time is it?” I cuddle deeper into his shoulder. 
“A little after midnight.” 
“I should probably go home soon, I’ll be too tired to drive if I wait longer.” 
“News flash: you’re already there, bud.” Quil laughs. 
I whine into Embry’s shoulder, sticking my tongue out at Quil. 
I felt Embry’s strong arms lifting me up, carrying me to my car. 
“I’m gonna take you home, okay? Where are your keys?” He asks softly. 
“Inside pocket of my bag.” I mumble. 
I felt him go into the bag, hearing my keys jingle. My car unlocks and I feel Embry put me into the passenger seat, buckling my seatbelt. 
“Thank you, Em.” I mumble. 
“Of course, bean.” 
I don’t remember any of the drive home, as I was asleep for the entirety of it. 
I wake up to Embry’s strong hands lifting me out of the car and walking to my front door, unlocking it with my key. 
“Where’s your room?” He asks. 
“Upstairs, the second door on the right.” I manage to get out. 
We go up the stairs, and he pushes my door open. Embry lays me down on my bed, and tucks me in before plopping my keys and bag on my desk. 
“Goodnight, bean.” He kisses my forehead before walking to my door.
“Em, wait. Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?” I ask. 
“I can do that.” He smiles before slowly walking over to my bed, trying to be quiet in an effort to not wake my dad. 
“Thank you.” I lay my head on his shoulder once he gets into my bed, wrapping my arm around his waist. 
He begins to stroke my hair, and hold me in his arms. 
I could swear that if  there was a heaven, this was it. 
I felt my eyes drooping, unable to stay awake much longer. 
“I love you.” I mumble.
“I love you too, bean.” He kisses my forehead. 
And that’s the last thing I remember before drifting into my peaceful slumber.
Word Count: 3635
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szchaql · 3 years
Total Opposite (part 7)
Paul Lahote x Swan Reader
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After every calm wave, there must be a huge storm. This is what happened after the fight with the new born army.
A year has pass since then. Bella and the Cullen are graduating. The happy moment from the graduation soon turn into a deadly serious one.
Bella and Edward decided to get married.
"What?" (Y/n) ask her sister in disbelief. "What the hell, Bella? Do you know the consequences?"
"I know, (y/n)... i know.." (Y/n) look at her sister with raising eyebrows. "But.. but we love each other. We can't live without each other. Like with you and Paul.. and Dad already agreed into this."
(Y/n) couldn't believe her sister at all. Why? Why must it had to be Edward, the vampire, out of all men in USA? WHY? And the fact that their Dad agreed into this is just, what?
"You know what will happen if you marry him right? You know that it's dangerous. Why? Don't give me that 'i love him' reasons." (Y/n) start to raise her voice. Yes, she want Bella to be happy. But this? Marrying a vampire? It's the most dangerous things to do!
Bella couldn't find her voice. She only look at her angry younger sister, don't know what to say.
"You know.. i really want you to be happy. I'll accept anything to help you happy. But this? I'm sorry, but i can't. I can't accept this Bella. This is the most stupidiest and dangerous things to do." The youngest Swan turn her back against her sister. She can't let everyone around them to get hurt again.
"Please, (y/n).. just come into my wedding. I just need you to come into my wedding, that's it.. i won't and never force you to accept all of this.. please?" Hearing Bella plea, (y/n) sigh in defeat.
"Okay. But please tell the Cullen to leave me alone. I'm serious. The last time i told you this, your friend Alice kept bothering me, calling me. I can't be friend with them, even if they are vegetarians. I still don't feel safe. Okay?" Bella nod her head immediately.
"Thankyou sis.. you know that even i hate Paul, but i really support your relationship with him, okay? Ask me if you need help. I'll always be there for you." She said as the two reconcile pretty fast.
Yeah. Even if both of them disagree on something or having a huge fight, they always reconcile fast enough. In just one day. They know that they need each other. They respect each other decisions even if they don't like it. That's a huge surprise from the Swan daughters relationships.
The news of Bella's wedding spread fast as the wedding invitations being spread into family and friends. This lead into Jacob leaving the house into the Canada, feeling hurt about Bella's wedding.
The pack feels restless, thinking about Jacob and what will happen after the wedding. Will everything be okay?
"Don't go... i don't feel right leaving with the leech.." Paul whispered with worried face. Today is Bella's wedding and the idea that his imprint going to her sister wedding, with almost a full of vampires isn't a great idea.
"I'll be fine, Paul. There's Seth. He gonna protect me. It's okay." (Y/n), who already wearing the dress beautifully, pat her hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down.
"Still..." (y/n) chuckle and kiss Paul's cheek. "I'll be back before you know it. Okay?" Then, she leave with Seth for Bella's wedding.
The wedding went pretty well. Everything is perfect. (Y/n) smile at Bella when the couple saying their vow. Everyone can tell that the two are in so much love. The wedding ceremony finish up with a dancing. (Y/n) dance with Seth all the way, laughing at each other as Seth said something funny to lighten up the girl mood. She's a little bad mood since some of the Cullen, expecially Alice tried to talk to her. Unfortunately, Seth is always there to save the young girl.
"Why can't they leave me alone?!" She half yelled as both of them stand aside, looking at people dancing.
"I think that's something related to Alice's ability to look into the future." Ability? Future?
"Can you... can you tell me more about it?"
"Each vampires have ability. Like Edward, he can read mind. Alice can look into the future. The Volturi also. They all have different ability." Seth explain a bit about Cullen and vampires.
"But, why the Cullen always try to talk to me, like they want to get close to me?" He just shrug.
"I don't know.. and don't worry, (y/n). We'll be there with you." Seth bright smile make (y/n) smile too, feeling safe.
As the dancing and party continue, Bella suddenly ran near the exit. Jacob is coming back! They hug and talk to each other. But as the talk continue, the look on Jacob change. He suddenly get angry. Luckily, Sam is there with the pack, ready to stop Jacob from doing something dangerous.
"What happened?" (Y/n) asked as Seth use his body as a shield for her.
"Jake's angry, knowing that Bella and Edward will go for a honeymoon."
Poor Jacob. He loves Bella. It must be hard for him.
Before things got out of hand, Sam already told Jacob to leave with him and the rest of the pack. Seth too, leaving (y/n) alone. She try to search for her dad, but when she see him with Sue and Billy, talking, she back away and decided to just leave the party.
"I'll go home, Bella. Is that okay?" (Y/n) ask her sister as she readily want to leave.
Before Bella can say something, Alice approach them. This make (y/n) roll her eyes and looking toward her sister for help. "What's the rush, (y/n)? We want to know more about you." She said with big smile.
(Y/n) scoof and back away. She looks at Bella. "I'll leave first, sis." Bella nod her head. "Be carefull. Is Paul gonna pick you up?"
"Yeah. We gonna meet up not to far from here. I'm not gonna come home tonight, sis. Tell Dad about it. I'm gonna hang out with the pack." (Y/n) said and hurriedly leave the party.
"Wait! Let me walk with you. It's dangerous out there." Alice, still try to get close to the youngest Swan.
"No! Can you for once leave me alone?! You are so annoying!" The calm and quite (y/n) yelled loudly at Alice. Her face and eyes shows hatred. Some of the people stare at their direction, making (y/n) feels uncomfortable. Charlie soon approach them, asking his youngest daughter.
"You okay, dear? Want me to walk you home?" He asked, gently squeeing her shoulder.
"Alice, enough. I already told you to leave her alone.." Bella stop Alice before she could approach me.
"Please." She sigh in defeat, looking at (y/n) with sad eyes. But (y/n) didn't mind it as she shift her eyes to her dad.
"It's okay, Dad. I'm fine. Paul isn't far from here. Just want to have some lone quite time to myself. I'll be back home tomorrow. Gonna have fun with the guys." Charlie nod his head, knowing exactly that (y/n) prefer to spend times with the boys in the Rez, rather than with the Cullen.
"Okay. Be carefull. Call me when you get there, okay?" Then, she leave hurriedly, dissapear into the woods.
(Y/n) is deep in thought as she walk down into the meet up place to meet Paul. Her mood is bad after the party. She should be happy about her sister, but that vampire ruin her mood. As she reach the place, Paul already waiting for her along with Seth. The look on (y/n) make both of them wonder what happened at the party.
"What happened, (y/n)? You okay?" Paul approach his imprint hurriedly, asking if she's alright.
"No. Alice stubbornly tried to approached me. Thanks to Bella and Dad i could get out from there." (Y/n) mumbled, feeling angry and annoyed at the same time. "Because of her, my mood is ruin right now. I just wanna take a rest and enjoy Emily's foods."
Paul grab her hand and they head to Emily's. Seth trailling from behind them. Feeling slightly annoyed too. "I shouldn't have left you back there." He mumbled grumpy.
Paul chuckle at him. "It's okay, Seth. Alpha's order. Besides, you protect her well. I'm glad."
"Hey, Seth." The boy looks up to see a certain black eyes of (y/n), smilling at him. "Thankyou." It stunt Seth as the couple leave him, standing freeze.
As the 3 make it to Emily's, they gathered around at the dining table. The pack already sitting, eating. "You should first go change, (y/n). I'll save some for you." Emily suggest as (y/n) nod and grab her spare clothes that she put it before she left for the wedding, and head up to the bathroom to change. Then she head back to the dining room and sit beside Paul, eating her foods.
"How's Jake?" (Y/n) asked Sam as he give her this sad looks.
"Not good. But he will be okay later. Just have to keep eyes on him." (Y/n) nod, knowing well what Jake has to gone through.
"I'll go talk to him later."
"Okay, that's great (y/n). Thankyou." Sam give (y/n) a soft smile and they continue eating.
(Y/n) enjoying the rest of her day with Paul and the pack. Playing games, chit chat, watching movies, throwing jokes. She decided to stay at Emily's with Paul since coming home isn't the best option and she's already so tired to move.
"What?"Sam looks at (y/n) with this deadly serious eyes.
"You heard me, (y/n). Bella's pregnant."
(Y/n) sigh as she massaging her forehead. She can't believe this.
"She must be kidding me." She mumbled. "How bout Jake?"
"He left. With Seth." Paul said as (y/n) looks at him with horror.
"What the hell exactly happened?"
"Bella is dying. The baby is killing her. We decided to kill them before it kills Bella." The news of the pack want to kill Bella shock (y/n).
"The hell, Sam?! That's my sister! And it's still a baby!" (Y/n) yelled, shocking the guys and Emily.
"(Y/n). Stop." Paul using his warning voice. His face hardened, his hands are clenched.
"What? And I just stand still, looking at all of you killing her and the baby? No way!" (Y/n) stands up and ready to leave.
"Stay out of this, (y/n). I'm warning you." Paul said.
"Who are you to ordering me around?" The girl look at her boyfriend, her eyes full of rage. "You know how close me and Bella. And i won't let you guys kill her and her baby."
"(Y/n). Paul. Calm down." Sam decided to mediate them, but it's no used as (y/n) already walk out of the door.
"(Y/n)! Wait!" Emily calls her.
"No. I won't stay with you. I won't let you kill my sister. You kill her, i'm done with you all. I'm out and leaving. That's final." After she said that, she leave. Paul, with fist clenched run into the woods and shift angrily.
The boys just look at them, helpless. They can't do anything. Alpha's order.
"Sam." Emily reach Sam, but Sam just stand still not even chase Paul to the woods. He knows not to interfere their relationship. But he also don't have any intention to not kill Bella and her baby. He know (y/n) will forever hate them all, but this is for people safety.
@ivettt | @calling-dips-on-j-hope | @tbhprobablydontcare
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gh0stwriting · 4 years
Hello, could you write some HC’s on how the slashers( michael and Billy, Rest is your choice 😁) would react to their s/o volunteering at a haunted house as an actor? Like getting that creepy persona, the makeup, and just being able to act crazy? Really just their overall response? ( Bonus points if billy and stu actually go through the haunted house, but it’s okay if you dont wanna write that) please and thank you 😁
(thats literally my dream job omg. i also made the bubba, michael and jason ones have the s/o adopt some traits from their man for their character bc i probably would and it would be fun)
he saw you rehearsing your characters mannerisms and your few lines, things like “get out” and “you’re next” , typical horror movie things. he was amused by how committed you seemed to whatever you were doing though he didnt know what it was yet.
a few days later he found your characters mask and brought it to you, asking what it was for, to which you told him every detail about the haunt. he really loves when you get animated while talking about something you’re passionate about.
he’s vaguely interested and would very much like to see you at work though he knows he cant, so he settles for watching you rehearse, both alone and on video calls with your coworkers. you never invited them over for obvious reasons.
the day of the haunted house came and you panicked, fear overtook you as you overthought each detail and how it could go wrong. Michael quickly noticed your unease and simply handed dropped a cheap looking necklace into your lap, staring at you until you thanked him and stuffed it into your pocket before hugging him and packing your things for work.
when you came back you were quite possibly the happiest he’s ever seen you, a huge smile never daring to leave your face regardless of the amount of fake blood and sweat covering covering your skin and clothes. as soon as you cleaned yourself off you told him all about it and he quickly shared your enthusiasm over the topic, though he didnt make it evident.
so, your actual character isnt inspired by Ghostface in any way. but, your horror buff boyfriends have given you several tips on how to maximize the creep factor of your character.
they’re probably more excited than you are about the haunted house, they can’t wait for opening night and even tried to persuade you to ask your boss if they could be actors too, though you knew if you did there would be a lot more bloodshed.
on opening night you’re sitting inside a fake vent waiting for the guests to start walking through when you hear your boys laughing to each other as they point out all the horror references ranging from the nightmare on elm street furnace to a recreation of the pamela voorhees shrine.
when you heard them walk by you snuck out of the vent, making sure the hinge creaked as much as possible before you hid, knowing they were looking. you followed them through a majority of the house, always hiding when they turn to look and just being out of sight at all times. Billy knew it was you but Stu was effectively creeped out and a handful of guests had already left bc of how scared they were.
you knew you werent supposed to touch the guests but thought it wouldnt matter if you did it to your boys so when Stu walked past a room you were in you grabbed him by the ankle, pulling him to the floor, causing him to shriek and Billy to laugh at him before continuing to walk. he thought you were too cute to be scary, but Stu on the other hand needed many cuddles when you got home.
so your character is inspired by Bubba in the way of being a chainsaw wielding but otherwise silent killer, known for maintaining the spook factor and keeping everyone on their toes.
you ask Bubba for advice on the characters mannerisms and other things like how to hold the saw to make it seem weighted and real, mostly learning from example.
you spent the weeks leading up to the opening of the attraction practising with Bubba, in and out of costume to make sure you perfect the character, even throwing in a few of Bubbas noises (particularly the shrill squeals) as a quirk of your character and an homage to person that made your character what it is.
admittedly he does get quite spooked the first time you show him your costume but it also very intrigues and loved the feeling of the different fabrics beneath his fingers, your costume consisting of a tattered apron, a dirty tunic and ripped pants, topped off with old boots, all of which stained with copious amount of fake blood and dirt.
hes there on opening night, from the sidelines of course and giggles every time he hears your chainsaw rev up, followed by the shrill screaming of horrified guests, oh by the way he gave you one of his old saws, so its very much real but very dull. its mainly there for the realistic rev sound and probably cant hurt anyone. probably.
halloween was by far your favorite time of year, not only bc of the candy but also bc of the annual haunted houses. you were fortunate enough to get a job at one of the more popular ones and wasted no time creating a character based on the guidelines for the houses theme.
you ended up making most of your costume by hand to make sure every detail was perfect, regardless of the shoddy stitchwork. Jason watched as you worked through all hours of the night, either trying to figure out the characters makeup or putting finishing touches on the costume and props.
he confronted you around the 36th straight hour of work to try and get you to sleep but you denied him, insisting you had to finish the current part you were working on so he sat with you. he watched enthralled by how delicately you held the fabrics as you passed the needle through them, making something would perfect your characters horrifying visage.
he was anxiously waiting for you to come home from the second you left, thoughts of you never returnning flooding through his head, deciding to clear his mind with some good old fashioned murder. you did return of course, covered in fake and a bit of real blood from where guests would react physically to your scares.
you were so clearly happy about it he happily sat while you talked about how fun it was and how cool your coworkers were and then followed you around after as you demonstrated some of your characters best scares.
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shleepys · 3 years
AYYYY I hope you all were safe over the holidays and continue to stay safe over these next few months! Right now my state is dealing with record high covid numbers and a bunch of snow, might be different for you guys but hey, even though we're kicking off the start of a new year we still have to be aware of what's been going on and continue to push through it. But yeah!
We can finally reveal for the @harringroveholidayexchange, so I hope you enjoy what I made for the amazing @catharrington! I don't know how everyone else is formatting theirs if they did fic and art but I'm going to put both here! 💕
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prompt! - I’ve always loved the differences in the two boys while growing up, I imagine Steve having huge Christmas parties with champagne flutes and the works and Billy being invited and happy to spend time with Steve, he really is!, it’s just a lot he isn’t used to. All up to author interpretations: make as fluffy or angsty as you want ;)
summary! - Steve forgets they were supposed to hang out elsewhere while his parents threw their annual Christmas party and agrees to stay.
Luckily, Billy doesn’t mind!
The only problem is, they don’t get to hang out... and Billy starts to feel overlooked.
- - - - -
Billy couldn’t be more out of place.
Parties were his thing, don’t get that wrong. He could get drunk, smoke, fuck, do whatever and if Steve was with him, only then it was infinitely better. 
But this wasn’t a party. Not the party he knew. It felt more like a corporate gathering or a birthday for someone he didn’t know and he only ended up on the list because his boyfriend’s involved. Which wouldn’t be a problem if everyone around him wasn’t two to three times his age and he actually got to hang out with said boyfriend. 
But it’s fine. It’s been fine so far.
Crystal champagne flutes and ugly holiday sweaters just aren’t necessarily Billy’s forte. He can’t fathom how much Steve’s parents spent on this party alone and can only bet that it cost more than the monthly payment for the house on Cherry Road. Not that he has much resentment towards what Steve’s parents do with their money but it just seems… unnecessary. 
He takes a sip from his flute, rustling the jacket resting on his lap before leaning further into the sofa to try and wait this out despite already being here for what seems like hours. Billy gradually looks up again and stares into the other room where he can see Steve and his parents.
He can’t see their faces, but he can see Steve’s. Their backs are turned to him - Steve’s off to the side - they’re merely silhouettes so he can’t tell if his parents are just being gregarious or snobby. Then again, neither of them really talk about their parents so Billy has no clue.
Billy watches as a couple leaves, the discomfort continues to overrule Steve’s face as suddenly another appears and the cycle starts over again for what seems about the hundredth time. He huffs, kicking the shagged carpet beneath him before lowly cursing himself out. Should he have reminded him what they were going to do tonight? Or would Steve have rather stayed here? 
He can’t tell whether or not Steve’s just over some of the pretentious attitudes and comments he’s overheard in the past hour or that he’s trying to break the chain and get over to him so they can do something together. He could always get drunk and wait for Steve to get done, he knows where the brunette keeps a bottle of scotch that he stole from his dad’s liquor cabinet in the office. 
He blinks, lips sucked in to form a seal as he thinks. “Should I go home?” Billy whispers, soft and hurt. There’s not really a point in staying and maybe he can see if Jonathan has anything new to smoke. Deep, contemplative breath.
Billy stands up and discards his glass on the side table next to him before throwing on his coat and grabbing his scarf. Everything from then to going outside flashed by like a blur, nothing of importance really stricken in his mind other than colored sweaters and the sheen of champagne glasses hitting his eye. His breath is almost heavy as he opens the door and a wave of ice rushes over him. It bites at his nose, almost makes him want to itch it but he ventures out regardless. Billy slowly closes it behind him.
Billy sighed softly, eyes falling to the ground. It’s been snowing all day. Coming and going with the wind and dusting every road, house, and tree with freckles of white. Granted, everything was coated before it got too dark and hopefully, the roads weren’t iced over for any of the poor drunks inside. Steam rolled from his mouth as he exhaled before taking a deep breath. Billy threw the end of his scarf over his shoulder and looked out where his car should be, a somber smile passing his lips but twisting into a frown. Steve told him he could park where his family parks.
His feet felt like they were superglued to the deck, that, or like boulders had been tied to the ends of them. Billy bit his bottom lip and fidgeted with his coat pockets, sort of kicked the snow from under him.
He swallowed hastily, a lump bouncing in his throat as he looked out again. Couldn’t pinpoint the emotion to anything else but a pang of burning guilt. Maybe he should have just gone up to him, shouldn’t have made a big deal out of feeling left out, taken him away from his parents so they could go upstairs or leave.
Someone jerked open the sliding doors. Light poured from the inside, Billy twisted around to identify the backlit figure expecting a drunk only to find a breathless, seemingly worried Steve. Billy wanted to furrow his brows and walk off into the snow where he knew damn well Steve wouldn’t go into with house shoes on, but for some reason, he stayed put. Watches as Steve shuts the door behind him and rubs at his arm.
“What are you doing out here?”
Billy doesn’t respond.
Steve seems to catch on, and their eyes lock. 
There have been times when Billy goes outside during a party to catch his breath, maybe sneak around back to talk to Steve about one thing or another, maybe drunkenly make out and hope no one was watching or Tommy had their back. But they hadn’t been to a party for a long while, not since September. And, Billy doesn’t just bring his car keys with him to ‘catch his breath’.
Billy broke contact with a sharp ‘huh’. “Did you forget about me?"
“What? No! Why would you think that?” Steve shuddered, pulling his hands into his sleeves.
Billy looked back up with dagger-like eyes, “Because it seems an awfully lot like you did.”
“Well, I didn’t.”
He could bite back, the very opportunity hanging in front of his nose. But he didn’t. Instead, a familiar quiver caught his lip. Lingering feelings creeping up and forcing his hand to itch at his pocket. Billy shook his head, eyes falling to the ground. 
Steve frowned, aware of the events to follow. He’s known the other long enough to recognize the outline of Marlboros in any pocket. Deep down wishes there was some other habit Billy bid in, but that’s a matter of discussion that needs to be saved for later.
Eventually, the pack came out. Steve chewed on the inside of his cheek as he watched Billy, his lighter flaring until the end emitted a pale red before shakily tucking it away. He shook his head again slow and somber like. 
“I’m sorry.” Billy started, hands moving along with his words. “And it’s not that I don’t want to be here. You’re just,” he sighed, “busy.”
Steve’s lips sealed tightly at the comment. He saw the discomfort present in the other’s sentences, could feel guilt churn in the pit of his stomach. Thing is Steve wasn’t the slightest bit spiteful, he was pissed at himself for not taking action to check up on the other. Not considering bringing another friend with them in case something like this happened. He’s upset because they were supposed to do something together tonight besides this but he forgot and agreed to be here. Steve watched him take a drag, self-spite running through his veins. 
The corners of Steve’s eyes pinched, his throat tightening as he spoke, “No, I’m sorry! This sucks, this whole thing has sucked. I stressed myself out over decorating for the party and was so excited to hang out! I didn’t mean to agree but I forgot! And mom and dad keep introducing me to people. I- I wanted to spend time with you! I didn’t want to be here!” Steve took a step forward before shaky inhale. “This is my fault, this shouldn’t have happened.”
The next few seconds were the two boys staring at one another, each waiting on the other to say something. Billy was at a loss. Steve had a million thoughts streaming through his mind, hoping that the blonde wouldn’t just turn away and leave. 
Eventually, Billy glanced at the door, peering through to check if the blinds were shut as a faint smile appeared. Billy’s lips pressed against Steve’s before he could protest, his hand meeting to cup the brunette’s jaw and brush over the apple of his cheek with his calloused thumb and cigarette in the other. Steve’s tears wetted his cheeks, he didn’t mind it all that much. The shock melted into comfort as Steve cherished the kiss, pouted when Billy slowly pulled away from him. The slight tinge of champagne lingering on the other’s lips, the heat of their bodies giving them a little warmth.
Billy craned his head - albeit Steve was taller - until their foreheads met. 
“Don’t apologize. I get it.” Billy whispered. Steve gave a small, dismissive ‘huff’.
“My boyfriend should come before a stupid party. I should have told them otherwise.” 
Billy shook his head. “The party’s nice. You beat yourself up too much over this kind of stuff, I forget things too. Remember the creek?” 
Steve giggled, lips twisting into a smile. “In July when you were supposed to meet me there and didn’t show up? And I stayed there all night?”
Billy frowned as he thought into it, the bitter call at one in the morning that turned into a week of not talking to one another. It ended nicely though - if ‘nice’ was drunk car sex in the middle of the woods. There wasn’t much of an apology there but hey, they’re still trying to work on things and figure out how exactly relationships work because they aren’t exactly a sixty-year-old couple with forty years of experience behind the boy’s backs.
“I still owe you for that. Sorry.” His eyes fell to the deck as he pulled his head away, bumping his cigarette against his finger and watching the ash fall.
After Steve noticed the shift he got quiet, frowned, and eyes followed Billy’s to the wooden boards below. “Don’t apologize,” Steve echoed with a light smile. Gently Steve grabbed Billy’s scarf and drew him in for a slower, deeper kiss. 
People forget things, that’s human nature. And sometimes they can be a bit dumb about it too. But this was going to be the boy’s first Christmas, granted it wasn’t exactly Christmas yet, but it was important to them both. Spending time with a significant other on a holiday was amazing even if they can’t shout it out to everyone they know. 
These moments always have a sort of energy to them. When the boys share a wordless amalgamation of self-deprecating thoughts after ‘messing something up’ and those little habits come out to bite to express those thoughts oh so clearly.  It’s a ball of weird energy that shines in self-hate that the two have been working to eliminate and hey, they’ve gotten pretty far! But, it’s still there. Smiling in the corner of the boy’s minds. Ready to strike at any moment. It’s just a lot smaller now. 
Because again, don’t have the forty years and that’s perfectly valid even if the two don’t seem to realize it.
Billy leaned into the sweet kiss before Steve drew back. Billy chuckled and wrapped his arms around the other as he tucked his face into Steve’s neck. Steve shook again, this time cuddling up to the other and ravishing in the heat and short breaths coming out of them both.
“I wanna go inside,” Steve mumbled, rubbing at the other’s back.
Billy laughed and slowly pulled away to look at Steve. “Too cold?” 
“I’m in a sweater and sweatpants,” Steve pulled on his scarf again and toyed with the frayed ends. The grin Billy responded with brimmed with bliss, his hand roaming up and held the other’s with a firm hold,
“I’ll meet you inside.”
Steve had ventured back into the party while Billy snuffed his cigarette into the deck, eventually, the two found one another next to the food Steve’s parents had catered instead of cooking this year. Only thing that wasn’t in foil baking trays was the Christmas cookies that Billy had been dying to try ever since Steve brought them up at the beginning of December. Drinks clattered in group cheers from the surrounding areas, the smooth music now bearable. He never expected that a party this foreign to him would turn out for the better. Never thought he would feel… like a part of it? The crystal flutes, richies, and overall appeal still don’t rock with him, but with Steve, he has someone there for him. And that’s all Billy could ever ask for.
Thankfully, he didn’t feel like he was going to projectile vomit champagne anymore… the nausea sort of faded after Steve kissed him outside. Billy turned to Steve, noting the rosy shade still dancing on the apples of his cheeks from outside.
“Your sweater isn’t that ugly,” Billy emphasized, chewing on an ornament-shaped cookie.
Steve shook his head with an amused sigh, sweeping the crumbs from his shirt. “This isn’t that kind of party, if it was I would’ve had you help me make one.”
“Are you sure? Because I don’t think Karen from Fiance got the memo.” Billy pointed into the crowd at the woman in question. Her sweater took the cake for one of the ugliest, tensile hangs from her torso, lights strung all over, buttons on the brink of falling off. “You think she beats her kids over the head with a bible?” Steve rolled his eyes. Billy smirked at the little glare he’d received. “You should have pulled out your grandmother’s cat vests.” 
Steve gagged, eyes wide and ridden with disgust. “Keep talking and you’re going to make me throw up. I never want to see those again.” Billy snorts and Steve shoves him with a laugh, “It’s not funny!”
“But you’re laughing!” Billy remarks and lightly bumps him back returning the bubbling laughter.
A woman seems to overhear their laughs and spins around with the biggest and brightest grin Billy’s ever seen. It kind of startled him. Doesn’t know who she is, doesn’t care to know until he recognizes the cat vest and how familiar those brown, round doe eyes are. She runs up to them, curls bouncing on her shoulders as she approaches with a drink in hand. Mrs. Harrington gasped, grabbing onto Steve’s sweater with eyes darting between both boys, “Is this Billy?”
Steve smirks and rolls his eyes again. “Hi, Mom. I’m back Mom.” She lightly wacks him in the arm. “Yes! This is Billy.”
Her eyes lit up, dazzled with happiness as she stuck her attention on the blonde as he snuck another cookie in his mouth. “Steve talks about you all the time!”
“What? No, I don’t!” Steve’s eyebrows knit together as he tried to defend himself but deep down knew there was no hope, especially after Billy gave him that smug but appreciative little look as his mom went on her story-telling rampage. 
Billy laughs, almost in disbelief, “Really?”
“He talks about all of his friends, really. But, oh! When it comes to you he goes on and on and on, he really thinks you’re something.” Billy watched as the tips of Steve’s ears tinted themselves red and smirked. An interesting conversation for later. “I’m so upset that I haven’t been able to meet you until now! You two are always out or asleep by the time I get home.”
Billy’s brows quirked in an expression of sarcasm. “Well, thank you for not waking me up at two in the morning to introduce yourself.”
Mrs. Harrington chuckled, shaking her head before putting her hand on Steve’s shoulder. “I’m going to go get another drink. Oh, and Billy!” She paused and made eye contact, “If you want to come over for Christmas, you’re more than welcome too! Just tell Steve so I know.”
Billy’s brows flew upwards, blush rising and Steve picking it up instantly. She waved goodbye before walking around them and going off on her journey into another room. The boys stared again, each waiting on the other to say something until the brunette spoke up.
"She likes you," Steve muttered, ears still red as ever.
"You talk about me to her? I think that's cute."
He huffed. Had to stop himself from leaning against the other to hide his face. "Mom likes knowing what friends are up to."
Billy loosely smiled, slowly bumping into Steve with his hip before getting a light bump back. “You look a lot like her.” Steve shook his head.
“Not as much as my dad,” Steve turned to see if he was there and frowned when he didn’t see the other but slowly faded into a smile. “I don’t know where he is, he would have loved to meet you.”
The boys got quiet again.
Billy cleared his throat, his head tilted down as if to duck away to hide his blush and the movement didn’t go unnoticed by Steve. “About coming over for Christmas-” 
“I want you to.” He softly tugged on his jacket to get his attention. Eventually, Billy made eye contact, grinned with a chuckle following behind. Christmas with Steve? His caring boyfriend, twenty million cookies, a few possible presents, and… some loving parents? 
Billy couldn’t be happier.
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xoxo-nikki-xoxo · 4 years
Paul Lahote × female reader
Prompt number 5: "I'm sorry.... please forgive me"
It all happened so fast, him transforming. It was one stupid fight, but that one stupid fight is not only going to change who i am; its gonna change him too. Looking back on it now i don’t even know why the hell we where fighting in the first place. It was raining outside and in the heat of the moment you slapped him out of spit of course. You regret it so much. But looking at your face he probably regrets it more. When he phased you blacked out at the sight of his claws reaching put to your face, the sting pain was too much for you to handle. 
The next thing you knew was that you were being placed in the comfort of your own room. The smell of the fresh lavender calmed you down, but the aches of the cuts where still felt. You remember Sue telling you how lucky you are that you didn't lose your nose, or an eye.. There’s muffled voices coming from the next room, the words you hear are choppy, but your still able to make the words out as people spook. It had to have been your dad, Billy talking to what you could only assume would be your older and only brother Jacob. The last voice is the easiest to tell though. You wake up to his voice, its everywhere. In your dreams while sleeping, in your head. It the voice of your long term boyfriend Paul.
“ I don’t have time for this billy.... I need to see her. I know shes in here, you have to understand. I lost it for a split second, I love her. Shes my everything” I could hear him talking to what i would assume my dad and probably my brother. 
“ Maybe you should have thought about that before you clawed half my sister face off. Fuck Paul you don’t deserve her” Jacob snarled
“ shes my fucking imprint, and sense your so tough how about you prov-”
“ Enough! Paul is right... No matter how much I hate to admit it. He needs her, and she needs her to” 
Before you could even process what was happening you could hear footsteps coming your way. The house is so familiar to Paul its very easy for him to make his way into your room. You pretended to be asleep. You have no clue what to say, or what to do. You haven't even seen what your own face looks like. It cant be any better then what Emily's face looks like. The footsteps stop, hes hesitating that cant be a good sign.... You can tell, being with him for so long you have become in tuned to him. His body language, the way he talks all the way to even how he smells. All those indicators help you tell how hes feeling
knock knock
And when he comes in you don’t even have to open your eyes to know how hes feeling. Its remorse, and probably a mixture of sadness too about what he did to his imprint.
“ I’m coming in...” His voice is so weak, fragile. He has to have been beating himself up, its Paul. I know for a fact he has, see even though hes a hot head. He’s still my sweet cuddle bear. And when it comes to you hes very protective. He doesn't even let the other pack members give you a hug, expect the girls.
He opens the door after getting no response from he, he walks into the bedroom quietly. Squatting down on my side of the bed. He sniffles, has he been crying?
“ I know your probably asleep.. i just.. i don’t know what the hell happened princess.. I-i’m.*chokes on his words* i’m sorry.... please forgive me” Paul chokes out as he reaches out to gently caress you cheek that doesn't have a huge bandage over it.
“ I can never say how sorry i am that i did this.... I should have been better... for you.. i need to be better. Not so quick to let my anger get the best of me.... Please wake up princess... I need to know your okay.. I-I need to hear your voice. Ill forever be sorry to you..” Paul whispers, hes running his hand threw the lose stings of hair that are on your face. You hear him sniffle, has he been crying? probable..  By not answering part of you hopes he well get the hint and just leave. But you cant just let him leave, so you open your eye looking at him. His face lites up when he sees your “waking up”. He leans down to give you a soft kiss on the cheek.
“ ill never forgive my self for what I have done to you. You mean so much to me y/n.... words cant even descried how i feel” He’s pleading with you, and ever time he talks your heart is breaking more and more.
“ I’m sorry i started the fight..” your able to whimper out, You voice is still hoarse after the crying you did. Don’t even play your self, you look terrible just the same s he, Your eyes are puffy and your face is swollen too. His doesn't look any better. He has a black eye, from what you can only assume him and Jacob got into it after it all happened. Both his eyes are red and puffy as well.
“ sh... don’t talk if it hurts.. just can i stay here with you? i need to be by you... I’m so sorry...” He mumbles the last part again as it was probably his filth time apologizing to you.
“ stop apologizing... here lay down” You move over the best you can giving him enough room to get in bed with you. No matter how mad or angry you are, its hard to stay mad at him. Especially if hes looking like this. He needs you and well you need him to so you both can heal.
So this is how you both stay for the remainder of the day/night. He did the majority of the talking. He apologizes again more the 20 times for sure. This is going to be a major bump in your guys relationship. His temper is going to have to change and it well. He will do anything be anything for you. So if it means him having to change for the better hes going to do it. Because he loves you. No matter what you have his heart, and if he has to spend the rest of his life proving that to you. You should know damn well that he will do it.
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