#I just need more people to scream about bikes with!!! and I wanna learn!!!
whoregaylorenzo · 1 year
okay actually let me do it like this
I'm perfectly aware I am new to the fandom I just really wanna meet more people, I'd definitely invite some more seasoned fans to be admins to help me
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close to home | chapter fifty eight
close to home | chapter fifty eight
plot: things continue to spiral at the camp
series masterlist
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x f!reader Word Count: 3,175 Warnings: violence, blood, typical twd, murder, hint of sexual content, the reader being the reader A/N: thank you for reading!!!
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Later that day, after taking a more extended lunch break, and against Daryl’s wishes, you joined everyone else to keep helping. The bridge would be finished soon, and you’d be able to go home and take a break for a while. 
There was a lot of tension in the camp, and people kept glancing at you. The fresh cuts and bruises on your body were a great example to all of them about what happened. But you’d pinned the man who did it to you, so when you stared back, they turned away. 
You were with Aaron in the shade under a tree, and he asked you about what Justin’s been doing to you and if you were okay. You told him a vague situation and reassured him it was nothing you couldn’t handle when Daryl approached the two of you. 
“Gotta get outta here,” Daryl said. “I wanna go up the lumber yard and work up there the rest of the day.”
“I’ll come too,” Aaron said. “I’m getting sick of looking at their faces anyway.”
You squeezed Daryl’s arm. “I’ll grab some gear and meet you by the bike.”
The lumber yard was only a few miles away, and the three of you made it there quickly. You and Daryl beat Aaron, who was riding on horseback. You immediately noticed you were the only woman there but didn’t care. You knew enough of the faces from the Kingdom and Alexandria that you felt safe. And you knew Daryl and Aaron were there with you. 
You’d been working for an hour or so, sweating buckets and helping Daryl saw through tree trunks when you heard the horses started to rile up. You paused and looked at Daryl. He nodded his head to behind you, and you turned, watching a few walkers approach. 
“I got them,” You said, pulling out your machete. 
It was only two and you made quick work at bringing them down, but when you turned and saw dozens of walkers breaking through the trees, you felt dizzy. “Herd’s here!” You yelled and jogged over to Daryl. “We gotta go now!”
Everyone started to move at once, and people took down any walkers that got too close while others grabbed the gear they could. Both you and Daryl were trying to take down as many of the walkers as you could when you heard Aaron yelling. 
You turned and almost screamed when you saw the log on him, and both you and Daryl ran over. He was screaming for people to help Aaron. 
“We need to get this log off him now,” You said as you looked at the blood on the ground. “His arm is likely broken.” You took the flannel that had been tied around your waist and got ready to make a tourniquet. You looked at Aaron and rubbed your hand against his head, trying to soothe him. “It’s going to be all right.”
When the log was finally lifted and he pulled his arm out, your stomach dropped at the sight. You knew he would lose the arm, but you said nothing. You tied the flannel around his forearm to try and stop the blood flow and keep it from moving too much. Then you helped Daryl get him up. 
But the walkers were gaining on you too quickly. Just as one grabbed Daryl and you yelled out his name, it dropped to the ground. Your eyes widened when you saw dozens of people from the camp swarm in, with Rick leading the charge. 
“We got this. Get him back to camp!” 
You yelled for Siddiq as soon as you and Daryl dragged Aaron into the camp. Your flannel was doing nothing to stop the bleeding, and you started worrying he’d die from blood loss. When you got to the med tent and learned that Siddiq had been sent back to Alexandria, you and Daryl both shared a look. 
“Okay… okay.” You said and looked at Enid; she’d been doing great for training with Siddiq, but this was bigger. And you’d never done anything like this either. “What do we do, Enid?” You tested her.
She looked at the arm in horror and then towards you. “We have to amputate.”
Both Daryl and Aaron asked if you were sure, but you ignored them as you prepped the needed materials. “You’re going to have to do it, Enid. I need to help Daryl hold him down.”
“Can’ ya give him somethin’ for the pain?”
“It won’t kick in fast enough.” Both you and Enid said at the same time.
You walked around to Aaron and looked at him. “It’s going to be okay, I promise.” You told your friend. “Daryl, grab his arm. He cannot move. Enid, we need to do this now.”
The young woman nodded, and you could see the hesitation. You thought you would have to do it for her, but she got to work after a second. Aaron started screaming at the pain, and you struggled to hold him down. After a few seconds, he passed out cold, and you started getting things ready to treat and wrap what would be left of his arm. 
“You’re doing great, Enid,” You told her. 
Once the arm was finally removed, both you and she worked quickly to cauterize, treat, and wrap it up as Daryl paced back and forth behind you. His blood covered both of your hands and clothes, but at least his arm was wrapped. 
“What now?”
“We wait,” Enid said. “I can give him meds when he walks up, but now his body has to fight it.” 
“He’ll be okay,” You told your husband. “Aaron is strong. He’s going to pull through.” You could see anger bubbling inside of him, and you knew he would lose it. He wanted answers, and you were scared to think of what he’d do when he found them out. Aaron and him were close, and you knew he’d do anything. 
You turned back to Enid when Daryl stormed off. “I have to go make sure he doesn’t kill anyone. Will you be okay?”
She nodded, “Yes, yes. Go.”
You squeezed her shoulder, “You did amazing. You’re going to make a wonderful doctor.” 
Then you were gone and running out of the tent. You spotted Daryl headed toward the headquarters tent and ran after him. You were quick on your feet and caught up to him as he got to the tent. You yelled his name, but he ignored you. 
“Who was supposed to turn that herd?” Daryl asked Carol as you walked into the tent. 
She nodded her head, and you looked at the other man in the tent. “Fuck,” You muttered when you saw Justin. This was not going to be good. “Daryl.” You said. 
“Hey, the walkie wasn’t charged,” Justin said as Daryl approached him. 
“Bullshit. It’s a solar walkie, you didn’t think to check it?”
“It’s not my fault the radio’s a piece of shit!” 
Daryl punched Justin, and he stumbled out of the tent. You heard him fall into the tables, and you followed Daryl out of the tent, yelling at him to stop. Rick wasn’t here, and after everything Justin had done, you knew he would beat him to death. 
“Daryl, stop!” Carol yelled.
When your husband had Justin pinned to the ground, hitting him repeatedly, it took both you and Carol to pull him back to finally stop. 
“I said stop!” Carol yelled again. 
You knelt down next to Justin and looked over his face. The wounds were terrible, especially after the fight they’d gotten into earlier. 
“We’ll deal with him, but not like this,” Carol said. 
Daryl grunted and grabbed your arm to get you on your feet. “There’s only one way to deal with these assholes.” He said to Carol and then looked at you. “Let him bleed.”
You sighed as he walked away and looked at Carol, who was shaking her head. “We can’t do this anymore. He can’t do this anymore.” You followed Carol back into the HQ tent. 
“Well, I’ve tried speaking to Rick. He’s not listening.” 
You shook your head and sat down. “Easy for him to do that when he’s at Alexandria all the time. I’m basically his messenger boy. He doesn’t know anything.”
“I know, I know.” Carol agreed with you. “But what else are we supposed to do right now?”
“I don’t know, but we gotta think of something fast before someone ends up dead.”
Your impossibly long day stretched for another few hours before the sun finally dipped, and everyone stopped working. You hadn’t seen Daryl yet; you figured he’d gone off hunting to calm himself down. And you weren’t exactly sure what would make Daryl feel better anyway. You could attempt as many jokes as you’d like, but it didn’t change how unhappy and pissed off he was. 
For the most part, everyone came together at a fire to eat. Without Daryl, you ended up sitting with Jerry, Nabila, and Henry and joining them in their game. You loved spending time with the three of them, and soon, you were laughing at Jerry’s jokes and rolling your eyes with Nabila. 
Eventually, Daryl found you and sat beside you with an arm around your shoulders. But he mainly stayed quiet. But he was there, with everyone else, and you knew whatever he’d done and helped him out. 
The next day, Justin went missing, and the day after that, Maggie showed up with food from the Hilltop and Justin’s head body. He’d been killed by someone. And tension started growing before noon hit. 
You and Carol heard the commotion as you rounded the camp. The saviors were gathered on one side while Hilltop, Alexandria, Oceanside, and the Kingdom stood together. Your stomach dropped at all the yelling, and both you and Carol ran over. 
“Where the hell is Daryl?” You asked Gabriel, but he shook his head. 
You sighed and followed Carol just as a fight started to break out. Quicker than you’d ever seen, the line was crossed and turned into a mob fight. Someone shoved you into Carol, and when you turned around, it was the same one you’d pinned a few days ago. 
He scowled at you, and you knew he was about to hit you, so you docked to the ground, swiped your feet, and knocked him over. 
“You fucking bitch!” The man said and grabbed your arm. 
“Fuck off,” You yelled, winding up and punching him in the nose. Your knuckles ached, but you punched him again and went for a third before he grabbed your arm and spun you around, locking you in a chokehold. 
“Hey, get off of her!” Rosita yelled, and you felt her jump on the man's back, which only made him choke you harder. Her elbow bumped against the sore spot on your head, and you knew she had him in a chokehold. If you weren't struggling to breathe, you would've laughed at the sight it must've been.
“Fucking asshole,” You coughed, scratching at his arms. 
Through the mob, you saw Daryl walking towards you, and you knew the guy did, too, because he let go of you and shoved you away from him. You stumbled forward a few steps, and Daryl grabbed you to steady you before he continued his way toward the man who’d grabbed you. 
Rosita approached you and asked if you were okay, but you were too busy watching Daryl. He grabbed the back of the man’s shirt and pulled him around before punching him square in the face. When he was on the ground, he pulled out his crossbow and pointed it in the man’s face. 
Both you and Rosita grabbed your guns, and you looked around to see that everyone on your side did. The saviors froze, and then you realized that Rick had gotten here--which almost made you angrier. 
You holstered your weapon and walked away. You were too angry to stay. 
When Arat went missing, you didn’t feel inclined to help. Although she was one of the ones who seemed to want to change, who wanted a better world. And there had been times where she came to your defense at the Sanctuary. So you joined Maggie and Daryl in helping them look. 
Still, after the past month or so at the camp, you didn’t particularly feel like doing a damn thing for the saviors. 
It was evening, and you’d taken a few minutes to rest and eat. Maggie went to radio into Hilltop, and you and Daryl were left sitting by yourselves. 
“Did ya kill Justin?” Daryl asked you. 
You snorted and threw a stick in the fire. “I fucking wish. Besides, I would’ve told you either before or right after. And I wouldn’t have left his body where someone could find it. Morons. You?”
“Ya fucked up for that one, darlin’, seemed to have it all planned, huh?” Daryl gruffed, which made you laugh. It wasn't very often he so openly joked about things. “But nah, woulda let ya do it.”
“If my old self could hear this conversation…” You trailed off and looked at him. His face was orange from the campfire and setting sun. “I think she’d run for the hills.”
“Woulda loved to know her,” Daryl said quietly. 
His words made your heart hurt and you leaned over to kiss him. “Maybe I’ll tell you about her, if I get to know about the old you.”
Daryl kissed you again and tucked your overgrown bangs behind your ear. “I’ll tell ya anythin’ ya wanna know.”
You heard Maggie approaching the two of you, and you smiled and gave him one last kiss before standing up. She asked you if you both were ready to keep going, and you nodded, kicking dirt over the fire to kill it. 
It got a bit chillier as the sun sunk further into the horizon, a sure sign that fall was approaching. When you stumbled across a few dead walkers, Daryl saw the weapon used to take them down, and he said he knew who’d done it. Neither you nor Maggie needed him to voice who it was; you both knew. Oceanside. 
So Maggie led you to her best hunch, and it was even colder by the time the sunset. You had grabbed Daryl’s hand, intertwining your fingers and walking close to him as you approached an old school. 
You grabbed your gun as Daryl raised his crossbow, and you all walked quickly around the corner to see what was happening. 
“Beg like you made them beg.” Cyndie held a gun to the back of Arat’s head. Bea and a few other women from Oceanside were with her. 
“Drop it,” Daryl said. 
Cyndia said something to Bea and the women all lowered their weapons. You hesitated, following Daryl’s lead. You kept your gun up. 
“You took out Justin with that thing?”
“He killed my husband,” Bea said. 
You lowered your gun as Daryl lowered his bow. You stayed beside him as you listened to them talk. Your eyes burned with tears when Cyndie cried to the three of you as she spoke of the night Simon attacked the community and how Arat killed her brother. The emotion, the desperation in Cyndie’s voice. It was the same as yours and Maggie’s when Rick saved Negan. 
You scowled and grabbed Daryl’s forearm as you listened to Arat beg and finally reveal what she had said to Cyndie’s eleven-year-old brother. 
Then you looked between Maggie and Daryl, and the three of you walked away without a word. 
Even though you didn’t care to save Arat’s life, you cringed when you heard her yelling at the three of you. Daryl wrapped his arm around your waist, “Don’ look back,” He whispered to you. 
So you didn’t. 
The following day, the saviors left the camp. You weren’t surprised, and you were thankful to see them leave. You couldn’t stand the sight of any of them, whether they were friendly or not. You wanted them all gone. You didn’t care if they were dead or not. You just wanted them gone. 
You were sitting in your tent for a while after that. You weren’t sure where Daryl or Maggie were and didn’t feel like going outside to talk to Rick or anyone else. So you stayed in bed and tried your best to not worry about everything wrong in your world right now. 
“Darlin’, wake up.”
Your eyes opened, and you jumped, hearing Daryl chuckle under his breath. You hadn’t even realized you’d fallen asleep. Daryl was kneeling beside the bed cot, caressing the side of your face as you looked at him, blinking the sleep from your eyes. 
“Maggie’s on her way to kill Negan. She'll probably be there by tomorrow."
“We worked it out with Oceanside; they gonna cover the walkies case word gets back. It’s ending today. Do ya wanna take my bike and go with her?”
You thought for a moment and then slowly shook your head. “I haven’t seen him since… I never go to the cell. I don’t want to see him.”
He nodded and gently pulled on your loose hair. “Okay, crazy girl.”
“Why didn’t you go?”
“Gotta make sure Rick ain’ anywhere near Alexandria. Keep him busy here.”
You nodded and set your hands on his face. “Okay. I can keep an eye on him, too, then.”
He leaned in to kiss you, which was slow, lazy, and perfect. “Ya look pretty when ya sleep, ya know that?”
You felt your heart flutter and your cheeks burn. “It’s nice to see after this long you can tell me what you think so honestly.” 
He hummed and kissed you again, cradling your face with his hands. You sighed into the kiss and let him deepen it as he slowly pushed you down on the bed. 
“We’re supposed to be keeping an eye on Rick, honey,” You mumbled against his lips when you felt his hand undoing the button to your jeans. You lifted your hips to make it easier for him, contrary to what you had just told him. 
“Right now, I wanna fuck my wife first, that okay with ya?” Daryl said as he leaned back to part your legs. 
You couldn’t say anything; his dominance had captivated you. And you knew after the days you’d both had, you and him needed this. So you nodded and sat up, quickly working to get his own pants undone. 
The both of you knew it had to be quick and quiet, and you bit down on his shoulder to keep yourself from moaning when he pushed into you. 
“Ah, fuck, darlin’,” Daryl mumbled under his breath. You moaned at the his words and how his raspy his voice had gotten, and begged for him to go harder. He chuckled and kissed your forehead. “Ain’ gotta beg me, just gotta ask nicely.”
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blackstarising · 2 years
Azari oc question thingy!
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
azari wants to see the people of t'kani thrive, not survive. it's a miracle they're really good at surviving, but this can't be it, right? with all the stay close to base of it all, the laser shield switching on and off, not even trying to make first contact with any neighboring planets?
her dad's done well. but they can't make do forever.
but then. what if she's wrong? what if they spread and they're killed? what if any neighboring planets decide to respond with hostility? it keeps her up at night, whether she should speak, debate about it with star command, or whether she should stay silent and leave them all safe. cramped, invisible to the galaxy, but safe.
you have such a courageous heart, her grandmother had told her on her deathbed. stand up and be counted.
maybe she does. and maybe she should. but not now. not while they're still safe.
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they're in love?
it's all through her physicality.
azari's a queen of microexpressions, so she's not very readable to begin with. so if you're, let's say, a time-traveling space ranger living 22 years in the future who never had the chance to grow up with her -in some random non-specific example, of course - you're not going to notice much and it's gonna stress you the hell out quite frankly
really, what our hypothetical space ranger doesn't know is that azari is a victim of the burnside curse (trademark, all rights reserved), which pretty much turns her into an absolute klutz. and anyone who saw a young lieutenant calvin burnside become a walking danger to himself and others upon finally realizing he was hopelessly in love with his best friend zora "hobbes" keating-acharya knows that curse a little too well.
so like. a lot of walking into doors. tripping over shoelaces. slipping on grease. that sort of thing. and if you're walking next to her, she's taking you down to the ground with her, so if she's suffering, so is a poor izzy hawthorne.
but she also expresses it on purpose, while she's dancing. so when she's at the club or there's a showcase on, there's more intention to her movement. more hips, more drama, more body rolls, more sharpness. deep down, she knows it's preening, all a wanting to be watched by one person in particular, but whatever. even she likes to have fun.
🚲 BICYCLE - can they ride a bike? what do they remember from learning to ride a bicycle?
wait I really like this because now I get to think about whether t'kani prime has bikes? I'm gonna say yes? I think when they're on the base people will ride bikes to visit one another but when they have to go off base they're using their electric trucks.
I think azari knows how to ride a bike she just prefers not to. she'd rather walk if it's close enough or drive. riding a bike is too exposed, there's too many variables, too wobbly when she's not thinking.
cal and zora try to teach her to ride when she's a kid but it just doesn't take. she freaks out, screams, any time either of them let go. however, at some point in high school, they have a triathlon unit at school, so she needs to finally learn to ride a bike to well, pass phys ed.
when she finally cracks and tells izzy, she tells her to wake up early the next morning. and for the next two weeks, the two practice bike riding early in the morning before school.
when azari finally makes it around the block, she doesn't say anything, but she hugs izzy so tightly she lifts her off the ground.
some more oc emoji prompts if you wanna hear me prattle on!
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shortstorytobetold · 2 years
Breeze from the ocean where i stand right now
Cold i feel in my hand.
When i was about to light my cigarette that’s when i knew i left my lighter on my purse in my car. I was strolling around, observing everyone, like i always did, but today no one took my attention. Just a couples swimming in that nasty ocean, who would have a right mind to swimming in jakarta’s ocean ?. Some Arabians riding electrical bike, cat-calling me in their language that i don’t know, made me regret those 6 years of islamic school and learning arabic, shoulda learn the curse words.
I sat on the dock, one step away from a cold-grey ocean.
“I came here to cry”
I wouldn’t lie, this couples months has been hard for me.
When a person that I thought would be the love of my life decided to move on with his life, took everything away from me and live his life with his new maiden.
While I’m here mourning and grieving.
It didn’t right to say I haven’t move on from the person, because i already did, I didn’t miss the person, but the memories i had with him kept haunting me like a ghost, and it won’t leave me alone. Even in those memories, all i can see was me and blurry image of no one. 
There was a time where I’m afraid to be alone, because my thoughts would took over and threw all the insanity away. and that’s what happened tonight. I knew I wasn’t okay, that heavy nausea were coming back and tried to eating me alive, had to run as far as possible just to threw up an air from my stomach, I didn’t puke, but i need to throw up. 
I took my annual leave, because I couldn’t bear to go to office with this phase coming up and down up and down. I didn’t do anything just sitting in my room, hug myself and told it that we would be okay. But we’re not, we never be okay.
And here i am, alone, with my thoughts.
Crying should be easy, you just need to release all the tension you’ve been keeping, But i am done crying, lately i’ve been crying like a wolf, loud but there’s no tears. I screamed without any voices from my throat
“Mad woman”
Call me that, i knew I’m a mad woman, All the insanity has been gone, all left is this feeling of insecurity and the fear of abandonment. I’m afraid people would leave me so i push them away, “It won’t hurt if i become the person who leave first”. Tonight isn’t really cold, I mean jakarta always have tropical wind breeze and that why the westerners love this place and of course it’s cheap here (for them, not us)
But even with those warm breeze, All i felt was cold inside, really cold. Like that time when i was having famcation to Europe. Really cold. I think either my tears has been drain out or it just froze to the point it stuck on my lacrimal gland.
And back again where i sat on dock, one step away from high seas. I didn’t say anything, didn’t do anything, just looking far away into the deepest night. All I think was to drown myself here, and leave everything behind. No, it’s not because of him i want to drown myself, I always have this thought to end myself, it always there before him and even when we were together, so particularly he wasn’t the reason. 
I fell into the darkness and refused to seek for professional help, I don’t think anyone could help, after all no one could save you, you should save yourself from this pit of hell, and my answer is death. No one cherish death more than i do, no one hates their life more than i do. People would told me that I’m ungrateful brat, people would told me thousands people would kill themselves to be in my shoes
“Well come here and live my life, tell me how you like to be suicidal all the time, tell me how it feels when you already have hundreds million rupiah on your bank account but you still wanna kill yourself, tell me how you like it, tell me how it feels to have everything but yet you still feel nothing inside, please anyone tell me?”
After all that thought, I asked myself 
“What’s next? Continue this life or end it already?”
“Well we already here, you can choose either to drown yourself or back to reality”
“-or you know crash yourself and make it looks like an accident?”
When i failed my 5th suicide attempt i thought “whenever up there must have a good plan for me, or he knew i could do more than this, or he just like to saw his creature desperate, well whatever in his mind, after all he’s the almighty and we’re just his creature”
I heard the announcement from the speaker that stated beach would be close. I pack everything and went to my car with thought “we never had a guts to actually kill ourself”, and i went home, crying in silent during my road, the tears finally here.
He said it supposed to be fun, turning 25.
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hellenhighwater · 4 years
My stage career began when I was a little under two months old, when I took the spotlight as Baby Jesus in a Christmas pageant. I’m told that I did a wonderful job and slept calmly through the whole thing, which can only speak to my talents as an actress, because I was 1. the wrong gender 2. a colicky screaming demon of a baby and 3. about as far from divine as it’s possible for an allegedly-human child to be. 
I continued to be actively involved in theater as a kid (and frequently played roles of various small animals, because I was tiny for my age). Around the age of ten, I was cast as the lead character in a musical about cowboys that I no longer remember the name of. It was my first real lead role, and I took it very, very seriously. And because I am myself, that means I maaaaybe went...a little overboard.
My character’s introduction was early in the play, accompanied by the crack of a bullwhip. This was more-or-less pre internet (or, at least, our director was not tech-savvy enough to find sound effects online) and we didn’t have a sound effect track for that noise. There were plans to acquire the appropriate sound effect before opening night, but I rapidly tired of making my entrance during rehearsals to the sound of someone yelling “BULLWHIP NOISE!”
This, I thought to myself, is a problem I can solve.
I learned early in life that it’s good to be friends with people who have skills; they always come in handy eventually.  After rehearsals one day, I put on my cowboy boots and biked a couple miles over to my friend Grace’s house. I went down to their basement and knocked on her older brother’s door.
“Hello,” I said. “I need to learn how to use a bullwhip.”
“....Okay,” he said. It did not seem to occur to him that he might ask further questions about why I, a tiny horrible munchkin composed exclusively of rage and pointy elbows, needed to be weaponized any further. Clearly, I had come to the right person.
My friend’s older brother would have been an SCA nerd, if SCA was a thing where we were. Instead, he was one of those unsupervised 4H kids with weird hobbies, largely oriented around ancient forms of combat. He was somewhere in his late teens at this time, and he liked to make stuff. It was an urge I, even at age ten, could sympathize with. His name was Aron. 
Aron got out his bullwhip (which I had noticed hanging on his wall on a prior visit, and had filed away mentally under a for future use tab) and we went to the backyard. 
“Step one of using a bullwhip,” Aron began, “Swinging the bullwhip.” 
We rapidly discovered that since I was god’s tiniest, angriest creation, a full-size bullwhip was way too long for me to use. Aron’s shins suffered for my attempt. 
“...Step one of using a bullwhip,” Aron said, “Making a bullwhip.”
So we went back inside, found a tanned cowhide (that he just...had? I don’t remember if there was a reason for this.) and some razor blades, and I learned how to cut and braid a bullwhip. It took a few tries, and I wound up coming back for a while, because I kept getting frustrated with the bullwhip-braiding process and Aron kept distracting me with bait like: “Hey kid, wanna learn to make some chainmail?” and “Hey kid, wanna fletch some arrows?” and “Hey kid, wanna try doing horseback archery?”
Obviously the answer to these questions was “BOY, WOULD I EVER!” Some delays are necessary to the artistic process.
(At one point my mom asked me “Hellen, what are you doing over at Grace’s house all the time?” And I, perfectly innocent, said, “Making weapons!” and my mother, who never understood why I was like this, but accepted that a girl has needs and those needs occasionally involve stocking a personal armory, said “Okay! Have fun!”)
Soon, the bullwhip, size extra small, was finished. The lessons on actual bullwhip use commenced. 
It should be noted that Aron was self-taught, and really had no idea what to do, so this was mostly an exercise in the two of us standing twenty feet apart and flailing wildly with our respective whips until snapping noises happened. And then we figured out what we’d done to make the snapping noises. And then we kept doing that. Extremely vigorously. So vigorously that at one point one of the bullwhips launched into the air and caught on a tree branch and we hand to drag the trampoline over so Aron could bounce me high enough to grab it. But we persisted!
Eventually we reached a point where we could line up pop cans on a fence rail and hit them off three times out of five.
Feeling extremely accomplished and like I finally understood method acting, I packed my bullwhip into my backpack for the next play rehearsal. Soon enough, it was time for me to make my entrance. 
I leaped on stage in my cowboy boots and cracked the bullwhip as hard as I could, immediately launching into the song despite the fact that the sound of five feet of braided leather breaking sound barrier had startled the accompanist so badly she’d keysmashed on the piano.
The director shouted something she probably shouldn’t have shouted in a room full of small children, and then demanded, “WHERE DID YOU GET THAT!”
“I made it!” I declared proudly. “I’m a cowgirl! I can make my own bullwhip noise!”
“You...made it?” 
“Yes! Because we needed a bullwhip sound effect. And bullwhips are where bullwhip sound effects come from!”
This was, of course, impeccable logic.
It is apparently difficult to argue with a gleeful ten year old who happens to be armed with a bullwhip longer than she is tall. After some negotiation, the director agreed that I could use my bullwhip for my opening song, provided that I didn’t pop it while anyone was anywhere near me on stage and I didn’t let anyone else play with it. These terms were acceptable to me. 
Somehow, no one was injured and the play went off without a hitch. We can only chalk up these things to the magic of the theatre. 
Nearly a decade later, an unsuspecting college classmate asked me, “Hellen, wanna take a class on bullwhip combat with me?”
And obviously I answered, “BOY, WOULD I EVER!”
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Since Big and Ken fell off their bikes I wonder if they'll be punished for technically failing their task? I kinda hope we do get a scene like that but Porsche says to Kinn "I don't wanna punish them I don't do things like that" just to twist the knife in a little bit more. I don't think Big and Ken would appreciate it but I think as time goes on Kinn is starting to become more affected by Porsche's opinion on him.
Ooo, true.
Okay, I'm very sorry, but I'm going to use this ask to talk a bit about Big, Ken, Pete and Porsche and how they've currently started to intersect with both the trauma Porsche suffered and how that might come into play with future punishments and how Porsche handles that.
Because the very specific part of the punishment that happened was the humiliation. And part of that is the reaction after the punishment. Porche has to be able to come back from it and prove that he learned from it.
But he hasn't learned from it.
Because the punishment might have been drinking the drugged drink but the punishment was actually for getting raped by Kinn and Porsche knows that because Kinn pulled him out of his day off and tells him that he's being punished for what he did and what was done to him.
But Porsche cannot let the punishment bother him. He cannot let it be what breaks him because he is already breaking from the rape and he has to hold together because he cannot let the others know what happened. Remember Ken and Big mocking him? Kicking him? Laughing at him? They think they're mocking someone for getting drugged, for getting rescued by their boss, for failing at his job.
And think about what that means for Porsche who is still trying to recover from a rape.
And then the bathroom.
Oh, the bathroom.
Porsche in agony, in a flashback, screaming and trying to find any relief and Pete rushes in and for a moment, just a moment, Porsche thinks Pete will understand. He thinks Pete knows and he's both horrified and also relieved that he could share what happened only to have Pete laugh and then he knows that he's alone.
He still laughs. He's stressed and he's aching and he's breaking up inside but he still laughs because he can't say that to Pete.
Pete thinks he's heartbroken because Porsche is hiding a deeper trauma behind the trauma every assumes he has and so he comes across as someone hiding pain... but Pete has no idea.
Porsche cannot talk to anyone about this. His friends, both inside the mafia and on the outside, wouldn't understand this part of his story. He never wants to tell his little brother. And Kinn, who he was just starting to trust, is the one who did it to him.
Honestly, the deepest pain of this is watching Porsche trying to change himself to protect himself and watching the people around him trying to explain it. Heartbreak, loneliness, time apart, a shitty boss... all the words that speak around the trauma itself because no one knows of the trauma and Porsche cannot speak of the trauma.
But this comes back to the bodyguards he has to work with for as long as he's with the mafia which is basically the rest of his life. And Porsche knows he has to keep a certain level of face in front of them and with them. The way he looked at Ken when he was mocking him as he crawled? That was nothing compared to how he looked at Kinn because he knows that both Big and Ken are only following the orders they're given, even if they are enjoying it a bit too much.
So... okay.
Back to the actual ask.
I'm not sure what Porsche would say if he was told to punish Ken and Big for failing at the rescue. But I'm also not sure they'd be punished, honestly. Porsche was punished for drinking a drugged drink, not for failure in and of itself while Ken and Big both did their best in that situation and fell off their bikes in a chase.
They'd be likely to be punished but not the same way Porsche was punished because that was specifically for the drugged drink and for needing to be rescued from that and also for being a distraction to Kinn when Korn didn't want him to be... which is a very specific reason for being punished.
Kinn is definitely becoming more affected by Porsche's opinion but he's also stubborn and he's been raised in a situation where he needs to be in control and in power at all times. For all he cares about Porsche's opinion, he is a mafia leader first and foremost and he cannot do anything to put that power in danger.
It's going to be an interesting battle between Kinn's feelings for Porsche, Porsche's place in the mafia, Korn's view of their relationship, the other bodyguard's view of the their relationship and how that all comes together in the moments when they disagree.
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vampirelair · 3 years
Good Boy Gone Bad
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How I was hypnotized, raped and turned into a vampire.
I didn’t even notice until my workout buddy Kyle told me. There was this guy at the gym who I ran into almost every week, just one of these random people you see regularly. But Kyle noticed that he started to work out at the stations near us more and more. Also, it seemed to me, that everytime I spotted him from the corner of my eye, he disappeared around a corner the moment after. Maybe next time he’s around, I’ll talk to Kyle about my girlfriend so that he can hear us, just to make sure the stranger knew I was straight and would back off.
And then there he was. Right in front of my house when I pulled over with my bike. I was sweating because it was quite a warm summer night. But before I could approach the stranger and tell him to get the hell out of here, I started to feel this weird feeling. The moment our eyes met, I felt numb and aroused at the same time. I couldn’t look nor walk away. The stranger approached me, not even blinking once. Losing strength in my hands I dropped my bike on the floor.
»Wanna invite me in?«
Why did I say that? Why would I invite this creepy stranger to my place? It didn’t make any sense, but I just blurted it out, intuitively. It just felt right. We went inside and just outside the door of my flat the stranger asked again. »Can I come in?«. Only this time, I kept thinking for a moment. I could have said no, but there was something about the stranger that interested me. I could always send him away later, right? So I said yes, come in.
»I’ve been watching you.«
»I noticed that.«
»You are special. I wanted to meet you.«
»I’m not ga…«
»Shut up.«
And I did. I couldn’t say another word. Slowly, the stranger came closer to me and kissed me very gently on the lips. A rush of adrenaline shot through my body, my dick hardened in my biking pants. What was happening? Like a highly addictive drug, I wanted more. But before I could kiss the stranger back, I felt two hands turning my head to the side and the stranger licked my neck from the shoulder to the ear. Another rush of adrenaline went through my body, from the part of my neck that the stranger licked to my shoulders, my chest, my dick, my arms and my legs.
»Do you like that? Tell me.«
»Yes.« – I was able to talk again.
»Good. You want more?«
»Yes, please!“
The stranger ripped off both of our shirts, we kicked our shoes away and with an amazingly elegant sway move to the side I suddenly lay in the stranger’s strong left arm while he pulled my pants off my body with his right arm. The strength of the stranger was so impressive, I felt the urge of caressing every inch of his body. And what a perfect body it was, beautiful pecs and arms and legs, the perfect amount of hair. The stranger was everything I was working out for at the gym. I just had to touch and kiss all of it. I sucked the nipples of his hard pecs, grabed each and every muscle and kneaded it and that’s when the stranger smiled for the first time. Not only smiled, he laughed. Was he laughing because he was able to seduce a straight boy like me? I didn’t care. I just needed to experience that amazing body.
There was only one part left I didn’t touch yet. So I went down on my knees, looking the stranger in his hypnotizingly beautiful eyes, licking his huge boner from the balls to the tip, not breaking eye contact. I never even touched another guy’s dick before but it felt like the most natural thing to do in this very moment. So I started sucking it like my girlfriend uses to suck my dick. Only this time I wasn’t touching my own pecs and abs but the ones of the stranger. And not only the pecs and abs but also his huge thighs, his ass and his strong arms… I wanted to taste his juice but I also didn’t want it to be over yet. That’s when I noticed my own huge boner. I moved my hand down to start jerking off but that’s when the stranger pulled my arm away, grabbed me by the neck and held me up so that my feet were dangling in the air. I thought this was it, now I was being choked to death but the stranger just said in an angry voice »Don’t. You are mine.« and tossed me on my bed.
I landed flat on my stomach and before I could even move a bit I felt the stranger’s scrubby beard on my ass cheeks and his tongue up my ass. It was a feeling of sensation I never felt before and it felt better than anything I ever experienced. Once again, a rush of adrenaline shot through my body, now even more intense than before. I felt it up my ass and all inside my stomach and chest, my dick grew even harder and I couldn’t help but moan with pleasure. The stranger on the other hand seemed to be infuriated and growled and snarled while the licking of my asshole became more and more a devouring.
Finally, he needed to take a breath and stopped for a moment. I heard an evil laugh and his tongue moved up my back up to my neck. I knew what was happening next. He would put his huge dick up my ass and it would hurt. And boy, it did. He was in a frenzy and he was brutal. He just shoved it in, I screamed, and he began pounding my ass real hard. Right from the start. It hurt so bad, i had to bite my pillow, the screaming turned into loud, painful moans. The stranger did not have any mercy but instead kept going faster. To my surprise, the pain was slowly replaced by that rush of adrenaline again. The stranger licked my neck again, put his arms under my chest and held my torso by the shoulders with his hands. I was his toy and he used his strong arms to really push his dick up my ass or rather push my body back and forth.
After a while, the growling of the stranger turned into a lustful scream and he bit me in the neck. I couldn’t believe it, this hunk was giving me a hickie? It really hurt, though, and he kept sucking my neck for quite a while but the feeling of his dick up my ass was distracting me from it. Then he let go and in another graceful, swift move he turned me around with his dick still inside me. And then I saw. The stranger indeed bit me and there was blood running down his chin, dripping on his sweaty chest and on my abs. Another lustful scream revealed the truth about him. I saw his fangs. And that’s when it dawned on me. I was being seduced – or maybe even hypnotized – and raped by a vampire.
He kept on pounding my ass, holding my legs, getting wilder and wilder and I knew I was at his mercy. Resistance was futile. I was going to die that night. Unless…
»Turn me.«, I said.
Without even the slightest reaction on his face, the vampire just grabbed my neck again, choking me, pulling me up and whispering in my ear: »Beg.«
To my surprise, he started sucking my rock hard cock while still being inside of me. I grabbed his arms and started begging. This was my last resort. »Please… turn me… Make me a vampire… I will serve you… Please…« He let me beg for quite a while and I was getting weaker and weaker. I forgot about the bite in my neck. I was bleeding to death.
Just before I almost passed out he stopped sucking my dick, which was surprisingly still hard, bit his own wrist and held it to my mouth while getting back to sucking my dick again himself. Without hesitation, i grabbed his arm and sucked as much blood out of his wrist as possible. The moment his satanic blood touched my lips I felt the rush of adrenaline again, a powerful force was taking over my body and all of a sudden I shot a huge load into the vampire’s mouth. I was shaking, still trying to get as much blood as possible, my dick not stopping to shoot my load up the vampire’s throat who enjoyed every bit of it. He swallowed every drop and when I was literally sucked dry he rose up again, a big satisfied but evil grin in his face, thumping his dick in my ass as hard as he could and with an incredible loud howl he came inside me. Every shot felt like fire burning inside of me and just after some seconds I was gone.
I woke like from a nightmare. I sat upright in my bed, sweating, panicking, confused. To my surprise, the vampire was still there, waiting patiently right next to my hard dick. I fell back into the bed and once again I came and the vampire swallowed every bit of it. But this time, I came for almost a minute. I learned later that it was my transitioning body getting rid of the last bit of mortal bodily fluids. Since cum is also an essence of life – even more powerful than blood – the vampire was eager of drinking every bit of it.
Another surprise in this night of surprises was that Kyle was here. He was just standing there, in the middle of the room, naked, his empty gaze staring at the empty wall. The vampire saw the confused look on my face and told me. I was not a vampire yet. I was transitioning. I had his evil seed inside me and now I had to choose: do I really want to turn into a creature of the night, or do I let the seed kill me from within. All I needed to do, was to take a sip of mortal blood. In that moment, I still had friendly feeling towards Kyle. But I made up my mind. I was not going to die that young. The vampire helped me up. I was weak, I could barely stand. He carried me over to Kyle and I held myself up on Kyle’s strong shoulders. With a snap of his fingers, the vampire woke Kyle up. He didn’t panic but just looked me in the eyes.
»Hey. Why am I here? What’s happening?«
»I’m sorry Kyle. I need a small favor from you…«
The vampire produced a little shaving blade from behind Kyle’s back and slit a very small cut into his neck. Kyle hissed and I felt a strong force within me that drew me towards the little wound. I grabbed Kyle’s hair and tilted his head so that his neck was beautifully exposed and kissed him on the now strongly bleeding spot. The moment my lips touched his blood the force within me seemed to explode, filling me with strength and energy and I felt all the muscles of my body tensing up and my teeth sinking brutally deep into the flesh of his neck. The feeling of my teeth in his neck felt like penetrating somebody with my dick. I held Kyle tight and sucked the blood out of him, growing stronger with every sip I took. I felt my muscles growing and I even grew an inch or two taller. I lost control and wanted to suck my friend dry at that moment but my master stopped me. He held me up by my throat again and with his other arm he made Kyle drink his vampire blood. Kyle’s wound healed in a heartbeat and he just fell down on the bed.
My master saved my friend. But I was in a frenzy, I wanted more blood, I wanted to shove my dick up my friend’s cute ass, I wanted to fuck and bite him senseless. But my master turned me around, held my arms behind my back and made me look at myself in the mirror. I was huge, I was transformed into a man I thought I couldn’t be however hard I trained. Blood was running down my chin and my chest and I needed some moments to calm down. I was a vampire now. And no matter how much I feed and fuck, I am always hungry and horny for more.
Kyle and I are still friends. Of course, he doesn’t know that I’m a vampire. My master hypnotized him and made him forget after what happened. But I still go to the gym with him – even though I don’t need to with my supernatural strength – and suck his dick. I found out that he’s bi-curious and always dreamed of having his dick sucked by me. Also, I enjoy freaking him out with my fangs from time to time and rape and bite him. I always make him forget afterwards, but I grew quite fond of him.
My master is giving me the freedom to fuck and feed on whoever I want. Which I do. Daily. But he will always have the power to summon me, which he does from time to time to celebrate group biting parties or the siring of a new slave together. I do not have permission to sire someone yet, but I am looking forward to the day. My master gave me the most incredibly siring ever and I can’t wait to pass it on to another deserving mortal.
vampire lair
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alltooreid · 3 years
congrats on 100<33
✏️ - idk if this is a good enough concept but something along the lines of reader being scared of something (can be a thunder storm or haunted house or anything u want lol) and spencer comforts reader
(reader can be fem. (she/her) or gn (they/them), it doesn’t matter to me)
i hope this made sense, i didn’t wna go to into detail that way u could work freely with it lolll 💓
omg this makes perfect sense and it’s such a cute idea!! I went a little overboard and this got really long because I added a little meet-cute situation but I hope you love it anyway!! Also I changed Y/N’s fear because I had a really good idea and you were so open!
Pairing: Spencer Reid x GN! Reader
Type: comfort so like angst/fluff idk??
Word Count: 1.4K (oops)
Content Warnings: discussion of blood
When Y/N was five years old they told their mom they wanted to be a doctor. However, when one is five years old they assume being a doctor only entails helping people, being nice to children and giving them lollipops and that seemed like the best career choice ever.
However, when Y/N was six years old they went on a bike ride with their next door neighbor, a girl their age named Rebecca. This particular neighborhood friend loved to play dangerously and had conceived a game like tag, however you had to stay on the bike the entire time. Although innocent on paper, about 12 minutes into the game Rebecca had stood up on the seat of her bicycle in an attempt to get a better reach at Y/N and tumbled over the front handlebars.
She shook it off quickly and by the time Y/N had rushed over to help she was already on her feet.
“Are you okay?” Y/N asked in a panic.
Rebecca brushed some rocks off her shorts, looked up at Y/N and smiled, “Yep! That was so much fun!” she said, going in for a high five.
Rebecca however, was not okay and had failed to notice that two of the “rocks” she had brushed off were actually her two front teeth. When she smiled and spoke to Y/N they were overcome with panic when they saw her mouth, missing two teeth and gushing blood.
So naturally, they immediately passed out.
Rebecca quickly ran to get her mother, more concerned for Y/N than herself, and still hadn’t even noticed her teeth’s absence. Both children were driven to the hospital, and although Y/N woke up on the way, they got checked out to make sure they didn’t have a concussion.
Soon after they were clear Y/N’s parents arrived. Hovering over their six year old and asking all sorts of questions, the first and only thing Y/N thought to do is turn to their mother. “Mom?”
“Yes sweetheart?”
“I don’t think I wanna be a doctor anymore.”
Y/N’s mother laughed and wrapped her arms around the crying child, “Maybe that’s not the best idea.”
Even with their fear of blood, Y/N career ambitions remained the same: help people, be nice to children, hand out lollipops. So when they graduated Y/N started their own candy store. It was the perfect job for such a sweet soul, and by the time they were 28 Y/N had perfected their storefront. Glass displays were replaced with plastic to prevent people cutting themselves if they broke, they keep a small collection of different patterned and themed band-aids right next to the cash register and without fail had at least one medical student working in the summer in between school years (in case of emergencies).
But no amount of prepping could help Y/N when Dr. Spencer Reid came into their store with his four year old godson.
Y/N couldn’t help but smile as they watched Spencer and Henry zoom around the empty store, Henry throwing all kinds of sugary sweets into his basket and Spencer encouraging the entire thing. Soon enough the two were at the register and dumping at least eighty dollars worth of candy on the counter. Y/N began ringing it up, but was soon interrupted by the small child, barely in sight because of the desk in front of him.
“Excuse me? Do you have a band-aid? I got a paper cut.”
“Yes I do! What kind of band-aid do you want?”
“Ummmm do you have Spiderman?”
“Of course I have Spiderman! Here you go,” they said, setting it on the counter.
“Can you put it on for me?” He reached up his little finger to show Y/N his cut.
Quickly jolting their head, Y/N panicked “Um maybe you could have your dad help you with that. . .”
“Of course, I’m sorry, and I’m actually his godfather. . . “ He looked up and noticed Y/N’s aversion to the cut, “It’s safe to look now.”
Y/N sighed, “I’m sorry, I just can’t stand blood. What did he cut it on?”
Henry was entertaining himself flipping through the pages of his godfather’s abnormally large book, not reading it of course, because although Henry was smart for a four year old, he was not yet fluent in Russian.
“Oh nothing that’s your fault,” the man said. He was then nudged by his godson, and apparently, personal wingman, “Um, I’m Spencer!”
“Hi Spencer! I’m Y/N,” they smiled, finishing their calculations, “Um, your total is $81.92”
He was thrown off, “That’s not right, it should be 96.37. . . Did you forget something?”
“Actually your forgetting my 15% injury discount, and the extra lollipop I give to nice kids,” they reached down to hand Henry a raspberry lemonade lollipop.
“You really don’t have to do that! It was my fault really-”
“No seriously, trust me I’m kind of ripping you off here. I combined the injury discount and the cute guy discount.”
Spencer blushed, “Um well maybe we could go get coffee sometime to make it up to me.”
“I would love that”
On this coffee date Y/N learned about Spencer’s job and was shocked he would go on a date with someone who was scared of papercuts. However Spencer explained he found it admirable that someone could be so affected by other people’s pain, and later into their relationship discussed how he wished he was as affected by the gore of his job as he was during the beginning.
Their romance worked perfectly, Spencer loved having someone waiting at home for him, a person who could be completely separate from work and the cases that affected him so much that he needed to talk about them typically ended up involving more manipulation than gore.
But just over a year in Y/N got a phone call from Aaron Hotchner.
Spencer had been shot in the neck.
They got to the hospital as soon as possible, and rushed to Spencer’s room, completely forgetting about the things they were almost certainly going to see.
So when Y/N walked in at the worst possible moment, as Spencer was getting his gauze changed and his open wound was in full view, they freaked out, letting out a quick scream and crouching to the ground, covering their eyes with their hands.
“Y/N! You’re here!”
Y/N did their best and eventually had made their way to Spencer’s bedside chairs, only having to peek twice. Once there, Y/N’s hands remained firmly locked over their eyes, both to protect themselves from the blood and to cover their panicked tears from Spencer.
“Y/N, close your eyes tight and remove your hands for me darling.”
They shook their head aggressively. Spencer sighed, “Trust me, I’ve got you.” So they did, and as they kept their eyes glued shut, Y/N felt Spencer use his thumb to wipe tears from their cheeks, before tying something around their eyes.
“See, now you can’t see the blood, and I can hold you,” he said, grabbing one of Y/N’s hands and kissing the back of it now that gauze had been tied around their eyes.
Quickly Y/N wrapped their arms around Spencer’s middle as best as they could with him laying down, and cried into him. Spencer soothed them by petting their hair, “It’s okay darling, they just changed the gauze so it’s gone now, there’s no more blood if you feel ready to take it off.”
Y/N sobbed more and ripped their makeshift blind fold off, “I’m so stupid. . . You got shot and you have to comfort me because of a little blood . . .”
“No, no, no. Don’t talk about yourself like that, you are not stupid. You’re scared and overwhelmed. I already knew I was okay but you didn’t when you came in there, not only that but as soon as you came into this extremely stressful situation you were greeted with your worst fear. You’re all I’m worried about right now.”
Y/N smiled “I’m so happy you’re okay. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Well luckily you don’t have to worry about it.”
-Thank you for reading!! please reblog and let me know what you think :)))
Holly’s tiny taglist!!: @hercleverboy @reidingmelodies @rigatonireid @muffin-cup @takeyouleap-of-faith 
(let me know if you want to be added or removed!!)
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internalsealpanic · 3 years
The Mechanics of Living part 2
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Summary:  You trick Tim into going to a closed-off sector. Things go well. a/n: I will be doing a director’s cut for this is anyone is interested (by anyone I mean @glorified-red) Warnings: very slight body horror and gore 
Main Masterlist
Tim Drake Masterlist
It was easiest to just tell Tim all the facts rather than rely on the goodwill you've built in 3 years to persuade him.
There's a reason sector 4-D was cordoned off last year. For some unknown reason, a section that had been little more than a concrete wasteland started teeming with infected life.
People say it was an abomination (An unidentifiable, Tim corrected but you still think abomination captured the appropriate dramatic for that.)  that wandered in from farther in the waste. Some people say it was one of Bludhaven's beasts they let loose. You highly doubt Bludhaven was in any shape to contain whatever it is ravaging sector 4-D. After all, it wasn't in any better shape than Gotham was at the moment. You doubt it's ever been in better shape. They're like two cities constantly caught in this vortex of awfulness, looking at each other from two different sides thinking 'poor bastards'.
Sector 4-D was an easy hunting ground where young scavengers got their feet wet before they could move on. Now it was a dead zone, a dead zone with too much potential to pass up.
Like every sector, sector 4 was vast and unexplored and supposedly, there had been a library there. A building full of books and most importantly, medical textbooks.
You feel a little bad plucking at Tim's heartstrings when all you cared about was the payout. Appealing to the guy's sense of responsibility was kind of cheating but-- BUT! The specified textbooks do have stuff about bacteria and illnesses so you aren't really overstating their importance.
You try to push down the number of zeroes the man had shown you as you zip past a rusted sign.
You don't really trust anyone other than Tim to help you with this. Besides, all the other people who won't stab you after cashing in the reward probably don't know half as many words as Tim so you'll definitely need him to get the right books.
You stare at the rows of cars before you. They're overrun with weeds and vines and rust. A stark reminder that your Gotham is just a fraction of what it had been. You stop your bike in front of a taxi with a faded yellow body.
"This is it. This is where your life as an adventurer begins."
You swallow back the wave of nostalgia, letting the bike roll past it into the mess of cars to keep it a little more hidden. It isn't illegal to go to this sector yet. At least not when you checked but you really don't wanna gamble your Scavenger's license on clerical errors by either of your guilds.
Tim steps out of the sidecar, careful not to jostle Basil in his bag. You want to point out that you should probably wake the cat up otherwise you were wasting food on him but you knew better than to expect cooperation from Tim's fur ball from hell.
“So which theory about the illness do you think is the most plausible?” He asks, tucking the walkman away. You both thought it was stupid name but you didn’t really wanna question the teller. “The one that involves the least aliens.” You pause, narrowing your eyes at Tim whose hand is currently being eaten by his cat. “Or alien adjacent things.”
“So, you're one of those people who thinks the government did it.” Tim is *such* a little shit. Maybe that’s why his guild master gave him the most useless cat on the planet. Grade A my ass, you think staring at the furball nipping at his knuckles.
“Not on purpose, no.”
Tim raises a brow. “I didn't know you had that much faith in humanity.”
“Pffff, I think they just fucked up.”  
“Here, I was accusing you of being optimistic.”
“A mistake really.”
You two come to a crossroads.  A giant large yellow lantern hangs in the middle of the street, swaying listlessly in the air. It’s strange.
“Do you think the people in the old world used those to scare away the sick?”
“If they did,” he looks around, “it didn't work.”
Your eyes flit over the area.  Stone walls crumble, vegetation willing in the cracks. Still, even with the overgrowth of life, the city feels hollowed out. Nearly a decade ago, you’d first laid a hand on one of the stone arches of the city hall just down by main street. Nearly a decade ago, you felt the stone crumble beneath the pads of your fingers. Nearly a decade ago, you had come the closest to knowing what it was like having the sickness. Even one of the great cities had been reduced to a fraction of its size.
“Do you think the color of the light matters?” Tim asks, pointing again to the lamp.
You squint. You hadn’t noticed it at first but yeah, the color of the lights was different.
“Maybe,” you tilt your head, “or maybe the people from before were just idiots.”
“You just have a bad opinion of them, don’t you?”
“Like you don’t.” You shoot back, tapping your bat against your boot.
Tim rolls his eyes and shrugs.
You try to smile at that but something’s wrong. Your skin bristling, the air is stale despite the wind. You watch the lantern sway back and forth, the thin wires holding it up, fragile and precarious. A bad feeling crawls up your spine.
There’s a pressure in the air, the atmosphere turning into a vacuum.
Basil hisses, looking as vicious as he can.
The wind stops.
The skittering voices rise like the fluttering of locust wings.
A writhing mass, pulsing and menacing, blots out the horizon. It opens its maw to wheeze and the stench of rot floods the air. Your insides curdle and wilt from the intensity of the putrid odor. Once the *thing* draws another breath, the skittering begins again and this time you know where it’s from.
You can see it in the way its neck twists and undulates, its rotting flesh rippling as the fragmented voices rasp out of its throat. Its limbs, deformed, move unnaturally as it ambles towards you.
You stare at it. Your limbs unmoving. That thing *is* an unidentifiable. In all technicality, it fits the neat taxonomy laid out by experts. It is neither man nor beast. Its form corrupted beyond recognition. It’s rotting and shambling. But the thing you are looking at cannot simply be sorted neatly because it is what it is.  
A creature that god himself did not touch.
An abomination.
You splay a hand on Tim’s chest, pushing him back lightly.  Glancing at each other, you nod as you slowly step back into an alley. You quietly curse Gotham’s gloomy weather for the thing’s appearance. You thought you would have at least ‘til sundown to look for loot before having to flee to a safer sector. But when in Gotham, nothing is ever certain even the rising of the sun.
All you have to do is be quiet. Easy enough. Being silent is the first thing you learn to be in this world.
It blinks at you.
It. Blinks. At. *You.*
Your heart stops, the blood running in your veins turning into lead.
Dozens of eyes blink at you. They’re not all human from the looks of them. It opens its maw again, your muscles bunch up in anticipation of its miasmal breath. The discordant voices coming from its mouth coalesce into a horrible sob.
Tim grabs your wrist and pivots towards an alley. The sudden change in movement shocks your body awake. You scoop Basil up and bolt down the alley, letting Tim lead the way.
Desperately, You try to concentrate on the scuff of your shoes against pavement instead of the creak of limbs and the plop of flesh as it drips off the creature. The pinching of Tim’s features tells you he’s doing the same.
You round the corner, shoulder hitting brick, narrowly avoiding dozens of hands reaching for you. Basil yowls and hisses and you would apologize but your shoulder is screaming at you and goddammit Basil, we have bigger issues.  
You and Tim squeeze into a space between the buildings seemingly too small for that thing’s gelatinous form. You make the mistake of looking back only to see its limbs skitter up the building and down the other end of the alley. It smiles at you, rows of teeth glittering in the sparse light.
This was it.
This is where your life ends.
Where else is there to go?
You expect the acceptance to come in like a flood or relief. Life was hard with very little room for breath. Scraping by, tooth and nail, knuckles bleeding for every scrap of stability. You close your eyes and take a deep breath. You suddenly feel so tired like the adrenaline had been keeping you together for the past few years. Acceptance should have come easy.
But it doesn’t.
You open your eyes to glance at Tim, finally resignation sets. His features are still pinched and his hand is trembling beside yours. You really did screw this one up big time, huh?
You bite your cheek.
Watching Tim’s mind work, you know you have to keep him alive. You squeeze Tim's hand. He narrows his eyes at you. You give him a crooked smile and let his hand fall.
You pivot, foot pushing against the pavement as you launch yourself to the other end of the alley.
If your estimates are correct, you can buy him 15 minutes. 15 minutes would be more than enough for him to make it back to the bike--
Tim yanks on your hood, throwing open a door. The creature howls as Tim hurls both of you into the building.
"What the heck was that?!" Tim screams.
"A Dick." You answer, rubbing your head. fuck. Tim could throw.
"No! You were being fucking stupid."
You scowl at him in the dark. "Thanks Tim. I get it."
"No, you don't!"
"Can we argue--"
The door rattles and shakes. A fist-shaped dent embeds itself on the metal door. You glance at each other before scrambling towards the very safe-looking stairs.
You fly up the steps like hell was on your heels and as far as you're concerned, it was. You wrench Tim's bag from him and you're half tempted to throw him over your shoulder as well but you're not sure the stare case can hold that much weight.
If you climb to the roof--  If you... climb... It can climb. Fuck.
You and Tim seem to come to the same conclusion as you throw yourselves into another door.
You shove a sofa in front of the door and sit on it.
"Please tell me you've miraculously come up with a plan." You hiss glancing over to Tim who's staring at the window.
He glances over his shoulder to look at you. "If I could pull off miracles, you wouldn't be so dumb."
You sigh. Ok, yeah. He has every right to be mad. It was an incredibly stupid move but it's a numbers game and yeah.
Tim runs his hand through his hair, tugging at the strands. He needs to come up with something. He glances out the window. He walks over and leans out the window.
"We should jump."
"Would you like to elaborate?" You wheeze, still not really letting go of a
"Follow me."
"Tim, I have never trusted you less in my life." You snort, quietly. But you make your way to the window.  You set Basil down and look at what Tim is pointing to. There's a dumpster filled to the brim with trash. There doesn't seem to be any infected mice in there and the road to the right is a straight shot back to the bike.
You lick your lips.
"So we're on the same page."
"Uh, if that means what I think it means then yes."
Tim lets out a breath as he opens the window as quietly as possible. You listen to the steady beat of limbs thumping against the wood. You hold a collective breath. The window clicks into place with a loud snikt.
The thumping stops.
You practically shove Tim out the window while you stare at the door. It rattles and shakes.  A screech erupts the stairwell as you jump out the window. You land with a thump, sinking beneath the mounds of plastic.
Your heart is hammering and pressing into your throat. Its beat is in sync with the steady thump of the limbs. The wet squelching of rotting flesh scraping against the rusted metal of the dumpster. You want to heave but Tim shoves a hand in your face. You gag silently. Tim's hand smells putrid from the trash.
You hold your breaths until the thumping goes away. You don't dare breathe until Basil settles down.
You fall limp against the trash. Your limbs feel like jelly. You gag. Thinking about jelly right now is probably the worst thing for your health.
Tim nudges you with his foot. You turn your body over as quietly as you can.
You watch him make shapes with his hands. You frown.   You cycle through your memory trying to remember what the gestures mean then let go of Basil when you do.
Basil rises from the trash, padding against the plastic.
When you hear Basil jump down to the pavement, you dig your way out of the trash.
"For the record, I hate your plans." You say, gagging.
"What was yours?" Tim fires back, dusting his hair.
"Just what I thought."
You're the first to climb out, holding your arms out to him mockingly. He silently threatens to curb stomp your face. You snort and tuck your hands to your side.
Thankfully, you make it to the bike without incident.
Tim tucks his body into the sidecar, occupying himself by comforting Basil. You hand him a bat as you start the bike.
"Just in case."
You kick the bike into gear as you two ride into the sunset.
You breathe a quiet breath, letting your eyes slip shut for a moment. The road is clear for about 14 breaths.  That’s all you want to think about.
At the fourteenth breath, you open your eyes to an open expanse of road, endless and breathtaking. You turn to Tim and laugh. He gives you a sour look. You’ll just buy both of you some canned pineapples later and he’ll maybe forgive you. Basil certainly does as he doesn’t participate in Tim’s sour protest, opting instead to crawl into Tim’s bag.
Then you hear it above the roar of the engine.
The skittering.
Voices like the fluttering of wings.
It screeches, the raspy cry making your skin crawl. You don’t wanna look back. You don’t want to see the unnatural movement of its body as it bounds towards you.
You kick the bike to a higher gear. The engine will hate you but you can’t repair it if you’re dead.
The bike slows down. Tim stands up raising your bat over his head, bringing it down. It does not clang. The sound is squishier and moist. Your stomach rebels. Hazarding a glance behind you, you see the writhing mass holding onto your bike.
“TIM,” you shout.
“I--” Swing “-- AM--” Swing “--A LITTLE--” Swing “--BUSY!” “THERE’S A CAN OF HAIRSPRAY IN MY DUFFLE.”  
Tim ducks down, throwing you the bat. You swing wildly at the creature, summoning up a truly impressive bout of swearing.
Tim sprang up, nearly falling off the sidecar if not for you grabbing his shirt. Tim flicked the lighter, pressing down on the nozzle of the spray, and unleashing fire on the beast. The thing cries, voice shattering as it burns. You watch its flesh burn. Oh, what a pleasure it was to see it burn.
"We are never doing this again!" Tim wheezes.
"Of definitely fucking not." You bark, kicking the bike to a higher gear. The purring of the engine sounds like music to your ears.
"We are definitely doing easy sectors by a bit." You laugh.
When you don’t hear a snarky remark, you glance to your sidecar. Tim is slumped into his seat, breathing hard. You raise your brow but turn your attention to the road.  You shake him. You shake him again and again.
Tim doesn't respond.
You pull your hand away and it’s slick with blood.
Thanks for reading!!!!
Tag list:  @batarella​, @anothertimdrakestan, @lucy-roo, @multifandomgirl-us, @bungunz​ , @birdy-bat-writes​,  @boosyboo9206, @americasmarauders , @l-inkage, @arestorationofbalance , @cloudie-skay, @wunderstell   @hyp-oh-critical @glorified-red @ marshmallow12435 @vvipgot7be​ @jadedhillon​ @notsostraightweeb​
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dixon-angel · 3 years
Choices {Daryl Dixon} Prologue
Summary: Earning Daryl Dixon’s trust for the most part was harder than surviving the end of the world. For you, though, all it took was one trip gone wrong into Atlanta. Safety is never guaranteed.
T/W: this series follows the story of TWD (the show, not the comic) and will contain: strong language, violence, depictions of gore, depictions of vore, major character death, spoilers (if you haven’t seen the show before), sexual themes, drug use, heavy themes (will be trigger warnings for those scenes). Read at your own risk, I am not responsible if any content upsets you, you have been warned.
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There was a low, somber air around the farm. It had been quiet for the most part of the week. Most had been snappy, and Carol… well, it was easy to imagine how a grieving mother was to be. Especially given the circumstances.
Daryl Dixon, it seemed, though, was highly affected by what had happened. He had fought with Shane over looking for Sophia and had spent so long tracking the forest - hell he’d even almost killed himself with his own damn arrow looking for her. He had hope. He had given Carol hope. Yet… she had been in the barn the entire time, locked up like cattle. She had been in there. She had been a walker for god knows how long and… Daryl had been looking for her.
There were footsteps, but Daryl sat still. He didn’t care for people. He hadn’t ever since Carol had pushed her way out of his arms and stormed back to the farmhouse. It was soul-crushing finding Sophia there. It truly was. Daryl felt defeated.
Usually, that voice would bring him so much comfort but Daryl would not look over, not even when he felt you plonk down beside him.
“Daryl, look… about Sophia…” you were slow with your words, quiet. You didn’t want him to explode on you. You knew that out of everyone, you were the least likely to get any aggression from the younger Dixon brother, yet you couldn’t help but be cautious around him.
The sun was setting nicely, an amber glow falling amongst the trees. There was a chill in the air but neither of you minded. It was kind of nice compared to the blistering heat that had been present earlier in the day.
You took in a breath. It wasn’t easy to talk to Daryl when he was upset, but he had blown up on just about everyone lately and you had kept your distance. But you didn’t want to anymore. You knew why he was acting out and… you didn’t want him to push everyone away from himself.
“...Daryl,” you began with a sigh, “what happened to Sophia wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t anyone’s fault….”
Daryl didn’t answer. He didn’t even acknowledge your words. He was starting absentmindedly towards the farmhouse.
“I know you blame yourself, you think you could have done more for her but… Daryl, she was in the barn. She was bitten a long time ago…”
“That doesn’t help.” He replied gruffly. At least he wasn’t screaming at you.
“I know…” you sigh again, stretching your legs out in front and placing your hands on your lap, “but… she was only twelve, Daryl… I hate to say it but Shane was kinda right, she didn’t stand a chance.” You scoffed. Daryl made a grunt in response, “She was only a kid… in a sad kinda way, death was probably a good thing for her. She was growing up in a world full of death and decay. Death was a kind outcome for Sophia.”
“...try tellin’ Carol that…”
“... yeah, maybe we keep that between us, huh?” You knocked your shoulder against his.
It went quiet for another moment. You took the pause to think about what you were going to say next.
“This ain't a world for kids to be growing up in Daryl, you know that, right?”
“Yeah..” Daryl scoffed.
“I mean… I know I sure as hell don’t wanna bring kids up like this.”
“... so that’s it, huh? All we do is bump uglies?”
“Daryl…” you sighed, “that’s not what I meant.”
“No, go on and say it, cause I thought-“
“Daryl,” you cut him off, “I don’t wanna raise a kid in this world. Look at how much it changed Carl. If, and when, I have kids, I wanna… I wanna be able to bring them up in some sort of stability. I wanna be able to let them learn how to ride a bike in the middle of the street, or to play kerby for hours on end, I want my kids to have a childhood, not what Sophia or Carl have to endure.”
It was Daryl’s turn to sigh. He plucked up the courage to finally look over at you. Your side-profile was blooming with the golden hue from the sunset. It cast a kind of angelic look across your face. You weren’t looking at him, not even with your eyes. Daryl’s gaze lingered only for a moment before he turned his head.
You were right. Sophia’s death was a tragedy. It shouldn’t have happened but… this was no world for a kid to be living in.
“So, what, you wanna build up some kinda civilisation? You wanna rebuild humanity?”
“I guess…” you chuckled lightly. You knew how crazy it sounded, “you think I’m hoping for too much?” You looked over at Daryl and for a moment, your eyes met.
“Girl, I think you’re batshit crazy. You’re hopin’ for something’ way outta your zone. Try hopin’ for a rabbit for dinner.” He was joking, but the seriousness in his voice would throw someone less familiar with him off.
“Yeah… I guess I am hoping for too much. But you gotta have hope, right?”
“Yeah… it drives ya forward… gives ya something - anything - to cling on to… I… I hoped Sophia was alive… not just for my sake, or for Carol, but for everyone… cause if that little girl could outsmart all the geeks in the woods, we mighta stood a chance.”
You looked over at Daryl. He was staring at the ground. He was blinking a little too often and you knew that if you were looking at him head-on, you’d find tears in his eyes. Rick, Shane, Lori, Dale, everyone else, they didn’t see Daryl for who he truly was. He was a very broken man, but you saw beneath his hardened shell. It hadn’t been easy breaking him down, it had taken you since the start of the outbreak to get this far.
Daryl was a good man. People never even tried to see the good in him, though. They saw a hot-headed redneck and… well, they didn’t want to look after that. You saw him, though. You saw Daryl and he saw you, too.
“I kinda blame your old man for all this.” Daryl broke the silence, “he should not have left her alone.”
“... I kinda blame him, too.” You agreed, “but he didn’t have any other choice. If he did, I know he would not have left her like that. I’m sure he feels guilty enough without us pointing fingers.”
“I suppose…” Daryl took a breath, “what took ya so long to come see me, anyway?”
“I don’t know, maybe the fact you’ve been kinda rude to everyone else? I didn’t want you breaking up with me over this.”
“Nah, I’d never do that.” He managed to shuffle a little closer before slinging his arm over your shoulder. You melted into his touch. You had missed him.
“Will you come back, now, angel?”
“Will you move your damn tent back to camp, Daryl Dixon?”
“I don’t think you’re leavin’ me much choice, are ya?”
“I am not.”
You pushed yourself up and out of Daryl’s touch. He wanted to grab you back but you had already taken a couple of long strides forwards to get out of his reach.
“I am sorry about Sophia, Daryl. I know finding her meant a lot to you. At least you got your closure.” The golden glow was engulfing you now and Daryl really didn’t know how he’d been so lucky to land someone like you.
“Can you come back? You gotta shower- don’t look at me like that!” You chuckled, “come on, I’ll make it worth your while.”
Well, you didn’t need to say much more for Daryl to be pushing himself off of the log he had been perched on.
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cherrycocaineee · 3 years
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3. Jeon Jungkook - First Meeting
       A single earbud blasted music into my ear as I rode my bike back home after school. Despite trying to pedal fast and get home before the storm hit hard, I was slowed down by overcrowded pedestrians walking at snail speed on the sidewalk. All I could do to make it less frustrating was listen to my music. Softly humming to the beat of the song, I navigated cautiously through the sea of people. My back felt heavy with my school bag draped over it and I groaned at all the homework I’d have to do once I got home.
    Eventually, small water droplets started dropping from the sky and hitting my exposed skin, and soaking my white shirt. Huffing, I pulled my bike over to the nearest place with outdoor seating and something covering my head. Which so happened to be a small coffee shop that I sometimes went to on my way home. I pushed my bike against the brick wall and sat down to wait for the rain to subside, and to pass the time a lot quicker, I decided to get a head start on some of my homework. History was the first one that I took out of my bag.   A few minutes passed and the rain was only getting heavier, so I was kind of debating whether I should call a friend to pick me up. However, it wasn’t a good idea because I wouldn’t be able to bring my bike home at the same time. Suddenly, a hooded man ran underneath the coffee shop coverage. His clothes were damp from the rainfall, but he didn’t seem to care. Not wanting to seem like I staring creep, I looked back at my homework. But I couldn’t really help it. He was attractive. His skin was pale but had a sunkissed look to it, his lips were a peachy shade of pink, his jawline was sharp and could probably cut through anything if it were a knife, and his hair looked so soft and fluffy, as the deep brown darkened in the stormy weather. I had to force myself to not stare.  I forced myself to do my homework, avoiding making any type of eye contact with the beautiful stranger stands a few feet away from me.  “Excuse me.” His sweet, deep voice penetrated my one ear that wasn’t covered with an earbud. Looking up, I saw him standing in front of me, his phone in one hand and his other hand in his pocket. His smooth brown eyes were staring right at me.  “Sorry to bother you,” he said, his English choppy, “but my phone is dead and I was wondering if you could tell me what time it is?”  I picked my phone up from on top of my history textbook and clicked the middle button, making the screen turn on. My wallpaper was a photo of my best friend, Ophelia, and I at the beach in Los Angeles last summer with her parents. Ophelia was wearing a two-piece swimsuit that was pumpkin orange, and it complimented her mocha skin tone. I was wearing a firetruck red two-piece that had white polka dots all over it. The two of us were standing in the bright blue ocean, hugging one another, as her older brother took the photo. I read the time on the lock screen and looked up at him.  “It’s 3:40,” I answered, “almost four.” “Ah, thank you.”  He turned around and went to sit at an empty table. I bit my bottom lip softly before speaking again.  “If you’d like, you can use my phone charger and computer to charge your phone.”   The stranger looked over at me and smiled while nodding his head. Then he was out of his seat and in the seat next to me in a split second. I removed my white iPhone charger and my laptop from my backpack and handed them to him. After hooking the charger to the computer, he hooked his charger to his phone and watched as it turned on.    “I’m Jungkook,” he introduced.  “I’m Avery,” I smiled, holding out my hand to shake his. His large, calloused hand wrapped around my small, soft one. After greeting one another, we started discussing some random things like the type of music we listened to, family, books we’ve read. I even learned that Jungkook wasn’t from America, which I kind of already figured from his accent, and learned that he was from South Korea. Jungkook even started teaching me some small Korean words. It was a lot of fun, and it passed the time a lot better than sitting here and doing boring school assignments. Jungkook turned to the coffee shop and pointed at it.  “Is this place any good?” He questioned. “Yeah, they are,” I answered, “I come here pretty often.”  “Do you want to get some coffee with me?” “Sure.” The two of us stood up and went inside the small coffee shop. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee beans, cinnamon, and vanilla filled my nose as we entered. The little chime of the bell above the door alerted the barista that he had some customers.   I helped Jungkook read the menu before ordering. While we waited for the drinks to be made, we continued talking. “So you still go to school?” He asked. “Yeah, it’s my senior year,” I replied, “how about you?” He shook his head just as the barista placed our drinks on the counter. The two of us picked them up and headed back outside, continuing the conversation along the way. “I graduated in 2017.” “Oh, so two years ago.” He nodded his head.   The rain was coming down hard. I was sipping on my cold brew while watching each drop hit the ground. There were few cars driving through the streets, but really most people stayed out during weather like this. The idea of the roads being too slick and causing an accident was enough to deter people from causing an accident. It was one of the few good things about living in Seattle. As I placed my coffee down, I shook my phone in front of Jungkook while smirking. “Wanna play some iPhone games?” I persuaded, “I bet I can beat ya.” A sneaky, mischief smile appeared on his face, “get ready to lose.” We exchanged numbers and started off by playing 8ball. Jungkook was extremely competitive and he was good too. Luckily for myself, I was competitive too. So for the next hour, we played as many imessage games trying to beat one another. We were tied and the last game we were playing was connect four. The game was hard to win considering neither one of us was stupid enough to let the other person connect four. This game lasted the longest out of all the ones we played.  However, as the rain started to slow down, I finally ended up beating Jungkook. I giggled as Jungkook started pouting, crossing his arms, and puffed out his bottom lip. This action caused me to laugh even harder. He looked at me out of the corner of his eyes and began laughing too. Soon the rain stopped altogether, so it was time for me to head home. I packed up all of my things and grabbed my bike.   “It was fun hanging out with you, Jungkook,” I giggled, “hopefully we’ll see each other again before you head back to South Korea.”  Jungkook nodded, “I liked hanging out with you too, Avery. Since I have your number, I’ll give you a call so we can play some more games.”  “Sounds like a plan!” I hopped on my bike and waved to him goodbye as I rode off towards my home. I walked through my front door calling out to my family that I was home. Mom, Dad, Austin, and Jenna were all sitting on the couch when I walked into the living room. Austin looked up at me.  “What took you so long?” He asked. “It started raining,” I answered, plopping down next to Jenna, “so I waited for it to stop.”  “Good, because the last thing your father and I need is you getting hurt,” mom said, smiling. They were watching Wipeout on the television and soon I was immersed in it as well. That is until my phone dinged and I looked down to see if the message was from Ophelia. It wasn’t, it was from Jungkook. He had sent me a photo of him with the message reading: Can’t wait to see you again. Use this photo for the icon above my number.  I smiled and sent him a recent photo of me that Ophelia took telling him the same thing. I hadn’t noticed that Jenna was leaning over my shoulder reading my message until she screamed so loud I felt my eardrum almost burst. Quickly, I dropped my phone in my lap and covered my ear. Austin and I glared at her while our parents looked at her with questionable looks. Jenna picked my phone up.  “Ave,” she started, “did you meet this guy today?” “Well yeah,” I said, “he got caught in the rain too, so we chatted a bit, got some coffee, and played some iPhone games while we waited. Why?”  “You literally met my idol!” She squealed. “Idol?” “Yeah, those lame Korean boys that she has plastered all over her room,” Austin said, turning his attention back to his phone, “you know the one with seven members in it?”  “BTS,” Jenna answered, “you met the youngest member of the group, Jeon Jungkook. You have to give me his number, Ave!”  As quickly as she had picked up my phone, I snatched it away. “No way!” I snapped, “I can’t just give you his number, especially if he doesn’t even know who you are. What if he’s not cool with it, Jen?” I grabbed my backpack from next to my feet and went upstairs. I could hear Jenna pouting and crying to mom and dad about me not giving her the phone number. I closed the door behind me as I entered my room and sighed. That’s when my phone dinged again and I looked at it. It was a text from Jungkook. As I read the message, I felt my cheeks burn as they turned bright pink. I shot him a quick message to reply and then sat at my desk to finish up my homework. Yet, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop thinking about the last text Jungkook sent me and I knew I’d probably still be blushing by the time I went to bed. But I didn’t mind in the least.
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bbugyu · 4 years
finding something to do + kim mingyu
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you had spent your better years bored with mingyu, and he thought holding your hand felt like holding his fleeting youth.
wc.4088 | almost smut, mostly fluff, friends to lovers/uni au, fem reader, that one trope where there is mutual pining but both of them think the other is gay, maybe like half an ounce of angst if you squint Really Hard, lots o swears
i usually make my fics hella neutral as far as gender and size and orientation goes but hahahaha this ones for the average sized bi girls! also just realized that i stopped using capitalization in my fics and yk what? im fine with it. this fic is based off of the song of the same name by hellogoodbye.
“stop honking, other people live here.”
mingyu grinned at you through the half-open passenger window, leaning over to pop open the door. the handle had never recovered from a giant cup of soda crashing into the side of his ride in the middle of a particularly rowdy summer shenanigan, the sticky substance soaking into the mechanics before he had gotten the chance to hose it down in a friend's driveway at 2am. now, you had to wait for him to open it from the inside on all future shenanigans, and you could only roll the window down half way, lest you have to laugh at mingyu aggressively pulling on the window between his palms as you pulled on the motorized switch to coerce it back into the closed position. you slid into the co-pilot seat and looked over to your best friend.
"if you answered your texts i wouldn't have to honk."
you rolled your eyes, tugging on the seatbelt. "go, gyu."
he laughed and shifted into drive, turning up his stereo as he pulled away from your apartment building, hand returning to the stick to shift up a gear. "thanks for coming."
"what else was i gonna do?" you slipped the slides off your socked feet and pulled your legs to sit cross-legged. "i finished rewatching avatar."
"study, maybe?"
you looked at him. he was right, finals were right around the corner, but you had an uncharacteristically light load this quarter (due to you not realizing you needed approval for one course before registration and it filling before you could sign up) and you weren't too worried about the three tests you would have to take in a couple weeks. "could say the same to you."
mingyu let out another laugh, suddenly singing along to the song as he ran a hand through his hair. you smiled at his profile, then pulled out your phone to update your instagram story. as you moved the camera over to mingyu from the streetlight-lit road ahead of you, he laughed midway through a lyric and practically yelled "mwoya" at you, gripping the wheel with both hands and jumping in his seat. 
you laughed hysterically, frantically saving the video before pointing the screen at him. he turned down the music to watch it, eyes flickering between your phone and the road. he laughed at the way it cut off on both of you screaming. "what was that?"
you giggled, swiping through filters. "you being dumb."
"you love me."
"you're right."
mingyu smiled at that, adjusting the stereo volume again, bobbing his head to the rhythm as he drove to the one convenience store in your town that sold his favorite mint chocolate chip ice cream, a mission he had called upon you for at 11:30pm. when it switched over to a song you knew, mingyu noticed your subconscious humming to the tune and a few lyrics falling out of your lips, the wind from the open window whipping through your hair.
by the time you reached a small parking lot across town, you had yawned probably half a dozen times.
"tired?" mingyu pouted as he rolled up the windows and unbuckled his seatbelt. "sorry for dragging you out."
you shook your head, following suit and pulling yourself out of the car. "i slept too late, i think. i'll be fine."
you followed mingyu across the quiet street to the convenience store the two of you frequented perhaps too often, finding yourself there after late night study sessions or mid-barhop for ramen, snacks, and most importantly, the mint choco ice cream bar of mingyu's affections.
after perusing the options as if you hadn't been there earlier in the week, you picked out an ice cream bar as well as a couple bags of chips. you walked up behind mingyu at the register as he was pulling out his wallet.
"i'll pay if you come over and play smash," he said, nodding at your hands full of snacks.
you eyed him. "what's the catch?"
"you can't be mad when i play meta knight."
you groaned, but put your things on the counter for the cashier that was likely the same age as you both to scan. "fine. i'll still beat you."
mingyu grinned at you, and you snagged your ice cream bar off the counter as he paid, the other snacks getting put in a plastic bag. you grabbed the bag and held it open as mingyu retrieved his own ice cream, both of you peeling them open as you exited the convenience store.
"mm," you let out, mouth full of ice cream as you leaned against the metal bar meant to lock up bikes on the sidewalk. "it's nice out tonight."
mingyu agreed, biting into his treat. "it's refreshing but not too cold."
you nodded, watching cars pass on the street. "i can't believe it's almost summer already."
"me neither," he said, squatting in front of you as he ate. "we're gonna be seniors next year."
you groaned. "have you decided if you're doing summer quarter?"
he shook his head. "i decided against it. i only really have to take one extra course next year so it didn't feel worth it."
you nodded, looking down at him. he was looking to his left, absentmindedly watching someone walk their dog across the street.
after the ice cream was finished and you threw away your wrappers, mingyu cursed slightly at the fact that he still managed to get his finger sticky despite doing his best to avoid meltage. after he popped open your door, he dug in the glovebox for some wet naps, playfully knocking your knees aside as you tried to sit. you laughed, waiting for him to be done so you could put the bag of snacks on the floor in front of you.
when you met mingyu sophomore year, your hair was shorter and he was blonde. he had sat next to you in your shared ecology lab and promptly fell asleep before the class had even started, and you had to nudge him awake when the professor was handing out the syllabus. 
"gah, fuck, i'm up," he waved a massive hand in your face, blinking away his sleep before focusing on you with furrowed brows. "you're not seokmin."
seokmin was his roommate, you learned, and also met a few weeks later when you went over to their dorm to work on assignments together. they've since upgraded to a compact but efficient three bedroom apartment and acquired another roommate. you stared out the window into the night sky as mingyu drove to said apartment, blinking heavily at the lure of a nap. you pulled your knees up to your chest and tried to listen to the song playing from the stereo.
only moments later, mingyu glanced over and noticed that your eyes had fluttered shut, your head lolling against the window. he wondered, staring at you in awe, how much longer he could pretend he wasn't in love with you.
when you and mingyu had first gotten to know each other, you admittedly had a bit of a crush on him, until you found out he had a boyfriend. even after they split almost four months later, and you had been there to bring him chicken and beer while he fumbled with the drawstrings of his sweatpants and rubbed his swollen eyes with the back of his hand, you decidedly resigned any feelings for him, knowing it was a lost cause for you to pine after a guy that didn't even like girls. hell, you barely even liked boys - you had gone on dates with six different girls, yet not a single guy since you came to university, and mingyu had sat on your bed while you tried to get ready, giving a concise "try again" when you showed him an oversized sweatshirt.
"why not this?" you asked, groaning.
"you have good proportions, bitch. show 'em off."
rolling your eyes, you rooted around in your closet for something less shapeless. your style had always skewed a little athletic, a little hip-hop. you bought mostly mens fit shirts, making the task slightly more difficult. you found a nice pair of high waisted jeans you hadn't worn in a while and paired it with a drop shoulder tee and a turtleneck, finally getting the approval of your best friend.
all of the facts laid in front of him led mingyu to believe you were completely and utterly gay, and even if you weren't, your taste in women suggested he was the exact opposite of your type. you liked petite girls. girls with long hair and that wore skirts and lots of rings. the kind of girls that you had to lean down to kiss. 
so he continued to try out the pool of eligible bachelors in your area that were within a respectable age range. he had even tried to date some girls, but every time they tried to suggest the dates go further, he would think of the way his best friend's fingers had sent electricity through his entire body just by brushing an eyelash off his lip, or how you would trace the veins that ran through his wrist as you watched a movie together on your couch. the way your touch set his skin on fire. the way he wished he could just admit the way he felt about you. 
he always smiled and said he'd call them sometime. he never did. it wasn't fair to them, but neither was him only ever asking them out because they reminded him of you somehow.
guys were easier, he thought. they didn't remind him of you.
mingyu was so caught up in the sight of you sleeping that he absolutely ran a red. he cursed under his breath when he realized the light he was passing under had been yellow for longer than he had thought, thinking how lucky he was that the cross street was empty. good thing he was almost home.
"hey, sleepyhead," he said when you stretched suddenly as he pulled into his parking spot. "do you wanna go home?"
you shook your head, yawning. "no, i need to eat chips."
he laughed and killed the engine. "you left a pair of house shorts here and you can borrow a shirt," he said, suggesting you crash in his bed when you got too tired for smash.
"what, you don't wanna carry me home?"
mingyu slammed the car door shut and shoved his hand in his pocket. "i'd rather not, no."
you stretched again, a hand reaching out to ruffle his dark hair as he tried to punch in the door code for you to enter his building. "mean."
he laughed at you again, leading you up the three flights of stairs to his apartment.
"hey, minghao," you said, waving at the shadowy figure that was seemingly melting into the couch, illuminated by the tv.
he raised a hand in acknowledgment, sitting with his neck at a 90 degree angle, a movie with subtitles on, and his phone face down on his chest. "yo."
"wanna play smash?" mingyu asked.
"no thanks."
mingyu dropped his keys on the kitchen counter. "we're playing smash."
"you're funny."
you laughed, and mingyu pouted. "please, myungho?"
minghao finally looked at his roommate. "i'm watching annihilation. the switch is handheld for a reason."
you watched mingyu roll his eyes with a smirk on your lips. he went over to the switch dock by the tv and grabbed the console, sticking his tongue out at hao. you giggled, following mingyu down the short hall to his room as minghao waved you both off.
"have i said that i like hao a lot?"
"yes," mingyu said. "like, every time you come over."
you smiled, throwing open his dresser and carding through the shirts that would surely be massive on you. "well i do."
the switch got tossed onto his bed and he sneaked around you to grab a pair of sweatpants from the drawer above the one you were looking in. he also pulled out the pair of shorts you had left, putting them on top of the dresser. "i'm getting naked now."
you shook your head lightly, knowing he was only changing his pants, but kept your back to him out of respect anyways. you picked up the shorts. "did you wash these?"
"yeah, i threw 'em in with my laundry last week."
you nodded, spotting the color you had been looking for. "aha!" you pulled on the ashy gray shirt, revealing one of your favorite things you had ever convinced mingyu to buy. an extremely soft, lightly distressed shirt with a tasteful rip along the neckline. "i'm getting naked now."
"clear," mingyu said, letting you know he wasn't looking as he flopped onto his bed, propping up the switch on his bedside table and setting up the controllers.
you pulled off your loose sweatshirt and swapped it for the borrowed shirt, then shoved the denim shorts down your legs, laughing lightly at how your sleep shorts completely disappeared under the shirt. you turned around, stretching out your arms to show how large the shirt was on you. "look."
mingyu rolled onto his back and propped himself on an elbow to look at you, giggling as you swam in his shirt. outwardly, he smiled, but internally, he thought this was simultaneously the worst and best idea he had ever had.
you looked absolutely stunning in his clothes, he thought, but only said that you were cute. he ignored the familiar feeling in his stomach and handed you a controller as you crawled onto his bed, settling on your stomach next to him.
he had to stop putting himself in this position. you were far too pretty for him to forget his feelings towards you.
but maybe that's what he wanted. maybe he didn't want to forget his feelings. maybe the few times you had told him his dates were attractive weren't just objective reassurances. maybe he held onto the sliver of hope that you could possibly be attracted to him, too.
you slammed your face into the bed as the game loaded. "why are all switch load times utter ass?"
mingyu adjusted so that he was laying on his side with an arm propping him up and flicked the back of your head. "because the console can fit in my palm."
your hand went up to swat at the culprit of the flick, and you pouted as you lifted your head to look at him. "that's not fair, your hands are huge." you wiggled onto your elbows to grab his wrist, pressing your palms together. "see?"
mingyu laughed, feeling his cheeks heat up. "well, you have baby hands, so." he punctuated his point by curling his finger over yours. you pouted again, then slipped your fingers between his, thinking about how nice his warm hand felt over yours.
you blinked, then pulled your hand away and grabbed the joycon as the game finally loaded the skippable intro, hoping you weren't blushing too much as you cleared your throat. mingyu stared at your pink cheeks for a moment, his mind reeling. was he seeing something that wasn't there? or was his hope in you validated?
you were clicking through the menu and felt his eyes on you, and all you wanted to do was hide behind your hair and avoid eye contact. you nearly jumped when mingyu cleared his throat.
"hey, i have something i've been meaning to ask you."
your eyes met his briefly. "shoot."
"do you…" mingyu paused, trying to think of the right way to phrase his question. "i know you have exes that are guys, but is that something you're, like… still into?"
your ears burned and you wiggled until you could sit back on your own legs, fiddling with the hem of the shirt you stole and hesitating to make eye contact. "you mean, being with guys?"
"yeah," he said, watching you intently with his brows furrowed.
"yeah, i mean, i guess?" you shrugged. "i like both."
mingyu nodded slowly, watching your eyes as they stared at the wall across his small room. your cheeks were a rosy pink, and you were chewing on your lip. "me too."
you looked at him finally, your eyes wide. "what?"
he gave you a crooked smile. "i like guys and girls, too."
if you were blushing before, now you were blazing. "oh, my god, i'm an idiot."
he laughed. "what, did you think i was, like, totally gay?"
"shut up," you threw yourself down onto his bed, hiding your face in the blanket. in your defense, he had definitely called himself gay before, but you definitely called yourself gay constantly, so maybe you shouldn't put so much weight in those words. "shut up, i'm embarrassed. i don't want to talk about it."
hearing mingyu laugh next to you made you feel like you were on fire, then you felt the ghosting of fingers on your arm. you froze. mingyu's voice was soft when he spoke again. "do you wanna talk about how i have a massive crush on you?"
you slowly raised your head to look at him, cheeks burning red. he gave you a small smile before you choked out a "huh?"
"i ran a red earlier," he said suddenly, his fingers moving from your arm to absentmindedly brush your hair out of your face, then to your shoulder, then back. it was a reassuring touch, one you had felt from him before, but you still were caught off guard by his sudden succession of confessions. "you were sleeping and i couldn't stop looking at you. i totally could have crashed the car."
"dude, what the fuck." you stared at him, then lowered your voice to imitate him. "'hey i have a crush on you and i almost killed us both because of it.' that's you, that's what you sound like right now."
mingyu laughed in your face and you couldn't help the chuckle that fell out of your mouth. "sorry i almost killed us."
"i guess i can forgive you," you said, picking at your nails suddenly despite them being clean. "especially because i might have a crush on you, too."
mingyu kept staring at you with a fond smile, and you wondered if he could also hear how hard your heart was beating. "can i kiss you?"
you looked at him, trying not to stare at his lips. you nodded, almost hurriedly. his hand pulled against your back as you rolled your body to face him, and your hand reached out for his jaw as he pulled you into him. and when his lips crashed into yours, you yelped slightly, melting into him almost immediately. they were plush against yours, and he was gentle as he pushed your back onto the mattress, adjusting to hover over you slightly. when you let your head fall back onto the bed, he grinned at your blown out pupils and swollen lips, buzzing at the way your hands curled around around his neck, fingers digging into the hair at his nape. he adjusted again, a hand finding your waist as he pulled back to let you swing your leg across his lap. you pulled him back over you, enjoying the way his hips hit the back of your thighs as he caged you in with an elbow by your shoulder. you stared up at him, heart racing, eyes flicking down to his lips too many times for him to not take the hint.
mingyu had always enjoyed pleasing you. this definitely felt like the next natural progression.
he dove into you, and your arms wrapped themselves around his shoulders. mingyu was a hugger, and he also liked wearing very little clothing when he worked out, so you knew what he looked like under the plain white tee. knew what he felt like. but suddenly - with his hands slipping under what was technically his shirt to properly feel your waist, with how his tongue fought with yours - you really felt him for the first time. the way his shoulder muscles rippled just beneath the skin as he adjusted, clearly trying to not make his growing bulge so obvious. you considered the fact that you might get to see how much leg day really benefited, considering how much he posted about it with sweaty post-workout pictures on his story.
mingyu felt your thighs squeeze around his hips, pulling back slightly. "is this okay?"
"is it?" you responded, a hand pulling back to fall on his jaw. "i've wanted you for ages."
he laughed lightly. "god, we're idiots."
you had no time to respond before he was kissing you again, his hips rolling into yours, pulling a surprised moan from you. he ate it up, his fingers gripping your waist tighter at the sound. you felt his girth as it pressed against you, and you gasped. when was the last time you had been with a guy? high school?
when mingyu's teeth bit down on your lip, you were really glad he was the guy you were unconsciously waiting for.
he tugged on your hips as he rolled onto his back, pulling you to straddle his lap. you giggled slightly, settling back into the open mouthed kisses as he ran his hands from your ass up your back, slipping under the sports bra you were wearing.
then there was a knock. you yelped, burying your face in his shoulder as you heard the door swing open. "make room for king k r- oh shit!"
you laughed into mingyu's neck as he yelled for seokmin to get the hell out, his hands tugging the hem of the stolen shirt over your butt in an attempt to shield it from view. you heard him squeak out an "i'm sorry!" as the door shut again.
"i'll kill him."
you exhaled, the laughter still on your lips as you looked at his profile from where your cheek pressed against his shoulder. "bet he thinks we're secretly dating."
mingyu laughed, scratching an eyebrow before returning his palm to your ass. "not a secret now."
"oh, so we're dating now?"
mingyu craned his neck to look at you. "is that not what was going to happen?"
you giggled, sitting up and putting your hands on his chest. you adjusted your knees, fully aware of how the movement would rub you against his still hard bulge. "we have both fucked people without dating them afterwards, kim mingyu."
"ah," he said, digging his fingers into your soft ass and rutting into you gently, making you gasp. "we're gonna fuck? i thought we were just joking."
you slapped his chest, giggling still as you rolled your hips. "if you don't wanna, i could ask hao-"
"oh, shut up," he said, pulling you down to kiss him. "if you liked myungho like that you would have tried it ages ago."
you smiled, your thumb running over his adams apple as you placed gentle kisses on his jaw. "sweetie, are we jealous?"
"i don't deserve this, you know?" mingyu pulled your hips against him again, a low grunt tumbling from his beautiful mouth. "i haven't put my dick in a girl since i met you and now i'm with you and you're talking about my roommate? this seems extremely mean."
you giggled again, then placed your lips on his again. he instantly kissed you back, one hand leaving your ass to go to the back of your neck. "you're the only guy i ever think about," you whispered, getting repeatedly interrupted by mingyu's needy lips on yours.
the wolf-like grin that broke onto his face sent chills down your spine. "let's keep it that way."
seokmin's hand was still on the doorknob, his wide eyes blinking, when minghao paused his movie and sat up to poke his head out and look down the hall. "the hell was that?"
he puffed out his cheeks as he walked back into the living room, his palms clapping gently. "i thought you said y/n came over to play smash?"
minghao's eyebrow quirked up. "she did."
the eldest sat on the couch. "i thought mingyu was gay?"
"what?" minghao looked down the hall again. "wait, what? were they-" he stopped when he heard a muffled groan that was far too familiar.
seokmin grabbed the remote and pressed play, scratching his cheek as he turned up the volume. "what are we watching? catch me up."
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ushiwakaout · 3 years
Omg i read the series of the things you thinks the hq boys will say and is so cuteee may i request it with Hinata??(im not sure if you already write it tho)
HINATA 😭 MY BABY! MY SUNSHINE [thank you btw, very sweet of you, i’m glad you like the series]
mmm mmm mmm, timeskip Shoyo got me feeling all hot and heavy 😩
warnings: Timeskip haikyuu
“Hey honey... Yeah it’s time to get up.” (6:00 am)
“We have early practice today, do you wanna watch?”
“You can just lay on the sand if you want, maybe take a small nap under the nap?”
you: “Five more minutes Sho.”
*will come back in five minutes exactly and dive into your bed*
“Five minutes are up sunshine... get up!”
*he really do be slaming his toned body on yours and starts laughing*
“Come on, get up before I throw you over my shoulder.”
“It’s a little chilly so bring a jacket too.”
“I mean I can just bring mine, and you know i always end up take if off before practice.”
“Hurry up in the shower too.”
“You look so cute.”
“Come on, lets go- Hold my hand.” (6:30 am)
*holding hands to the beach because you’re his only piece of home*
*okay but Oikawa really did end up contacting you because he could tell how homesick Hinata was getting and you surprised him by moving in his him*
*he definetly cried because he missed you and home*
“Here, *wraps his sweater around you shoulders* so you don’t get chilly” (7:00 am)
*watching him play volleyball is such an experience because no matter what it is, practice, scrimage match or a real game, he always plays at 110%*
“Did you bring my sun *hands him his sun glasses* you are A SAVIOUR!”
*cups your face to give you a kissing frenzy.... which just means he kisses your face eveywhere*
“You wanna go wander around and get some breakfast? Just so you don’t get bored, yeah?”
“You know i’ll be fine, you’re here with me in spirit and that’s enough for me!”  (7:30)
*you might have gone overboard and gotten everyone food*
teammate: “Você é um homem de sorte, shoyo! (you’re a lucky man)”
*shoyo smiles as youre handing out his team food and how oikawa pampers you for bringing them food*
“I am, aren’t I?” (8:00 am)
“Y/n come here!!!~”
*Will jump on you so you better catch him so he can hug you*
“You wanna stay at the beach? Have a beach day? We haven’t had one of those in a while.”
“I’m gonna run home and freshen up, you okay staying here while they clean up?”
*shoyo leaves you alone for no more than 10 minutes because your place is someone close to the beach but he came back with his bike and someone was trying to hard to flirt with you*
*Oikawa eyes shoyo when he comes back and they are looking at each other as if they have a plan*
*Oikawa is running in front of the guy and nods at hinata*
*Sho 100% will spike the guys head*
“Oh shoot! Sorry, you where in the way...” (8:20 am)
*casually sits down where he was standing and kisses your temple*
“Is there something I can help you with?”
*believe it or not shoyo is very possesive, especially in brazil*
“Have you eaten yet?”
“Did you wait for me? *sniffle* You’re too good for me.”
*has a tendancy to sway side to side and bumb into your shoulder*
“I think i’m gonna take a nap, wake me up so I can switch sides.”
*stand up and strips off his shirt with one hand and your just like- blushing*
“Oh no, did you burn your face? You’re really red, put on some sunblock”
*he finally learned the diference between sunblock and sunscreen while in brazil*
“Oh? You’re blushin because of me?”
*hes so dumb so he gab s your hand so you can run it down his chest and toned stomatch*
“It’s just skin, what’s so- YOU’RE NOSE IS BLEEDING! I’M SORRY I JUST WANTED TO HELP!” (9:00 am)
*mother fucker doesnt realize how sexy hes gotten since highscool like STOP IT*
“Mmm *waking him up from his nap* Has it been an hour yet? Do you mind putting some sunblock on my back.” (10:00 am)
“Thank you baby, give me a kith.”
*yes he says kith, not kiss.... hes baby*
*will quickly fall asleep because while you put on sunlock on his back, you give him a good rub and hes just drools while falling asleep*
“Has it been an hour yet?” (11:10 am)
*startles you bc you didn’t realize he was awake*
“hehe, sorry... I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“You’re so cute, gimme a kith.”
“You’re gonna go for a swim? I’ll catch up in a second.”
*100% oggles at you when youre zipping of his jacket before heading to the water*
*hes slapping his face bc he feels like a perv*
*yes he did legit just scream it- people are looking at him weird- yes you do start bushing*
“I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you!!!”
*hugs you to the point where you tumble and fall on your ass with him ontop of you*
*shoyo is really emberassing but i don’t think you’d have it any other way*
“Come on, lets get out of the water and get food. All this swiming has made me hungry.” (12:40 pm)
“What do you wanna eat?”
“I’m in the mood for tacos... fish tacos sound good... I want fish tacos.”
“Do you not want fish tacos? We can make another stop, don’t worry!”
*you hold his bicep because hes rolling his bike beside him*
*does that little flex, to try and impress you but-*
“Ow! Ow! Arm cramp!”
you: “I told you don’t need to flex anymore”
*lets out a little Hmph noise and his cheeks are full of air*
“I just wanna impress you baby.”
“No I don’t want your kisses...”
“Because you’re making fun of me.”
“I want you to apologize.”
“W-with a kiss....” *hes making that little uwu face iudfidfviebfvkjfhedi*
“No you don’t get a kiss back. Hurry up I want my tacos!”
*you make him order since he knows more portuguese*
“ give me a kith or you don’t get your food” (2:00 pm)
*you obviously give him a kiss and hes all happy now*
“Do you wanna eat this at home?”
“You carry this then, I gotta push my bike”
“Ah the apartment is so nice and cold!”
“I’m gonna shower first... Join me?” (2:30 pm)
*you cant tell me this man wouldn’t pick you up in the shower and fuck you so so so so good. hes so sweet with you too because he’s always been naturally thick so he stetches you out a lot especially without prep- and shower sex with Shoyo does NOT come with prep but he does fuck you nice and slow*
*the shower was a big waste of time because he turns off the water and walks you to the bed while he’s still in you and fuck you at the edge of the bed because he loves spreading your legs for him and watching you cum while hes thursting deep*
“Still hungry?” (4:00 pm)
*he really is laughing at how you only nod because wtf... he really does leave you breathless*
*makes you rinse youself off while he re-heats the food*
*you’re legs a wobbling by the time you’re making it to the kitchen and hes just watching you struggle as you sit down*
“Is that my shirt?’
“No, no! D- don’t take it off... It looks good on you.” (4:30 pm)
“That was really yummy, did you enjoy it?” (5:30 pm)
“Wanna watch a movie?”
*makes you watch frozen and frozen 2 because they are his favorites*
“did you hear the theory about Elsa is actually dead in the second one?”
“You want some popcorn?”
“We don’t have any? I’ll go down the street real fast... Just pause it.”
*really does start dashin home from the store bc he thinks youll start it without him*
“Why am I out of breath? No reason...” (7:40 pm)
“Here, I got you a drink too.”
“Look see! There she looks like she’s transparent.”
“Oh and there! She send the letters through the wind because she can’t physically do it.”
“I’M NOT CRYING!” (9:00 pm)
*will start to restle you... does it become something more because you grinded on him.... yes it did*
*He’s caressing your head as youre laying on his chest, kissing the crow of your head before whispering sweet nothings into your ear.*
“Goodnight baby...” (10:40 pm)
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Run run lost boy...
Tumblr media
Living on the streets was definitely like living on hell.
Being kicked out and threaten to death after the... incident; Chisaki had no idea what to do... an cursed orphan could little to provide himself on a sick world like this... Heroes didn't even looked at him. Why would they? What importance would it give to them to help a abandoned dirty child on the streets?
He was alone and he accepted that quite easily for his dismay... after all. He has been alone as far as he could remember.
His feet were so sore... walking bare foot on the hot street and occasionally grass from parks let his skin all itchy and with bubbles.... yet he couldn't stop. He knew the risks of being a minor and walking alone... only God could provide his safety if there was even one... maybe he was abandoned by him as well...
His stomach growled as he hissed. Supporting himself on a wall of an alley to rub at his tummy... to his horror, his bones were staring to peak out under his shirt...
The last time he had eaten were hours before his quirk had activated for the very first time... and it had been days already. His eyes burned at the pain yet no tear came... he couldn't. He showed weakness once and look at what happened.
The boy only clenched his grip on the bare skin of his tummy and continued to walk.
A man walking on a bike shouted and he dodged quickly as he saw it with wide eyes the man shouting obscenities to him... His gaze travelled from the path the biker had took and his golden orbs gleamed at seing the huge street market.
His interested got the best of him and he could only gulp loudly as his feet carried his frail body to the market.
Dodging ocassionaly adults and disobedient whiny childs who begged for a toy or a pantry.
He stared at the place in wonder until he flinched at hearing a man shouting at the owner of some stand... The man hitted his hand harshly on the table and it happened to fall a onigiri right in front of his feet.
He frowned at it before crouching down to pick between his bony hands as he stared at it.... it had just fell on the ground and it even got some dirt around it... but he was just so hungry and weak..  He knew better than complain about the only edible thing he had been gifted.
His mouth invonluarialy salivated when he opened hesitantly.... disgust present on his face... yet he closed his eyes tightly and took a huge bite out of it....
God, how long has it been since he eaten something to just feel goosebumps at swallowing a piece of food? He even let out a shaky sigh as his hands trembled and eaten the rest of the thing like a animal... not caring anymore if he could get sick or not... he had to eat something. Anything...
"Good eh?" He widened his eyes at the voice above him and gasped before tripping and falling on his butt on the floor.
The man was smoking a cigarette while smirking down at him with crossed arms. A cap covering half of his sweaty and greasy face.
"The money runt. If you get something you have to paid for it." He growled as Chisaki gulped.
"I... don't have-" he grunted and clenched at the rough hand whose grabbed him by the hem of his torn out shirt and lifted him up on the air.
"Now listen here you street rat! Or you pay now or I am going to cut your hands outta of that limb body for you to learn how to not steal from the others!" He shouted, getting the attention of a bunch of the people around... but no one did anything.
He cried for the man to let go, screamed, kicked his legs to try to get out... nothing worked. He pressed his hands against the man's arm and hand but it did nothing.
Why?! Why wouldn't it work when he needed?! Why his curse couldn't just work?! Why couldn't he control it...?!
Tears started to gather on his eyes as desperation and the man only shouted louder at him. Grabbing a knife nearby with his free hand as Kai only squirmed even more to try to get out of the man's grasp.
"LET GO-!"
"No one steal from my stand boy!" He shouted back before he stopped on his tracks when a toy made of wood hit his head. Distracted enough he let go of chisaki whose fell on the ground harshly.
"Why don't you mess with someone of your size?!" A child's voice shouted and he looked up to see a kid, around his age or younger with tears on her eyes as she curled her fists on her little hands...
"What is that?!" The man cursed, holding onto the side of his face where the toy made a little cut "Wanna get punished as well you little brat?!"
The girl widened her eyes in fear before she crouched and picked a rock. Throwing on another's man head whose immediatly demanded to know whose was it.
"Him!" You pointed at the man as Chisaki only blinked as the males started to argue before he felt someone grab his wrist and pull him up from the ground.
"Come on!" You shouted and started to run, pulling him along with you, just when the man noticed you two had run off.
He could hear the shouts but the only thing his body could do was run along with as his mind tries to process why the heck you did that?... why were you risking yourself with... him?
You pulled him to an alley and gasped when both of you saw the salespeople running after you both.
"Here!" You started to climb as he only could follow... it was better than a bunch of old man trying to beat you up for a onigiri...
You two reached the rooftop but he widened his eyes at seing one of sailors had quirk which teleported him and another had wings.
Just when one of the wings went to grab your arm, he slapped his hand away before a hero passed by and got him.
Although the other was running towards you two.
"Dammit..." he muttered before he saw you looking at the edge of the building before looking at him.
"On three we jump, okay?" You breathed out as he widened his eyes.
"Arw you nu-"
"THREE!" you grabbed his hand and jumped, both of you screaming before falling onto bags of trash which prevented your fall to hurt you both.
"Where are they?!" You two looked at each other and hearing the voices up above before you grabbed his hand and lead him to hide on a hole it ha don one of the walls of the alley.
"Look around! Pests like them cant had gotten that far!"
"Come on dude. Let it be..." you two heard it and you put your finger on your lips while looking at him as he breathed in and out to catch his air back.
"Fine! Such a fucking prejudice though..."
The voices were getting away and away before you poked your head out of you guys hidding spot and giggled before crawling your way out. Patting your clothes out of dirt you after extended your hand at the hole where he was still curled up.
"Here. They're gone now.." your voice was so... soft. Caring. Sweet... he rarely got to hear someone talking like that to him as he slowly and hesitantly crawled his way out... but never touching your hand.
"You're okay?" You tilted your head and went to brush your fingers in his bony arm but he stepped back while looking away.
"I'm fine..." you demonstrated for one second a look of hurt but soon it was replaced by a relieved smile.
"I'm glad!" He looked at you hesitantly and frowned at how kind you were being towards him... it was clear as day that he didn't had nothing to give back... what did you want it?
"You're still hungry... aren't you?" You frowned at him as he tsked.
"No-" his body betrayed him when a loud growl was heard by both of you... his cheeks flushed at the sound and it got worse when you stiffled your chuckles by your two small and healthy hands... so different from his ones.
"I am hungry too.. I can pick something that is not from the ground though." You montioned for him to come and before he knew you grabbed his hand on yours and pulled him.
He clenched his jaw tight but didn't muttered a single sound as you dragged him. He occasionally looked at how well dressed you were compared to him... disapproving and weird looks that both of you received.
You pushed a glass door, making a bell sound to echo in the air as he looked around a what it seemed like a bakery... the air was so warm and the aroma of breads and cakes filled the space as he ocassionaly sniffed and sighed in content...
It was such a clean place... the ground could even show his own reflection as he looked at it... the contrast of his dirty and bony self to a classic clean noble place was huge...
"Go sit!" You chirped while letting go of his hand... for some reason... he looked at his hand and holded it with his other one... it felt... wrong. He never was one of physical contact... yet, he felt more empty than usual when your warm hand let go of his cold one.
He rubbed at his hand and walked around until he found somewhere to seat...it was so comfy and soft compared to the streets and benches he had to sleep on...
His golden orbs were fixated on the table before looking up to see you standing on your tip toes, talking to an old man whose smiled down at you and handed you a bag.
You jumped your way towards him and sit down on his side with a smile. His face lowered as if he wanted to hide between his shoulder blades. You searched don the bag and got a nice and fluffly kind of bun and placed on his front on a paper.
"Its a milk bread! Takashi-san is the best on doing those!" You smiled as he frowned and slowly uncurled his legs and stared at the bread in front of him... occasionally poking hesitantly.
You giggled at the aprehensive look he gave to you before you put your hands on teh table and bounced.
"Go on!" You encourage as he pursued his lips together with a frown before hesitantly grabbing the piece of bread between hsi trembling hands as he sniffed... taking a little bite before hsi golden eyes widened at it.
You looked at him eating desperately as he chugged down bread after bread on his mouth... crumbs stuck on his face as he could only be described at the moment as a animal whose was finally eating the hunt he so long searched for.
After eating he let out a little burp making him blush red as you giggled.
"Hope that was enough.." you smiled as he stared at you with parted lips before returning to look at his lap as he fidget with his hands.
"Why.. why this?" He spoke quietly, his voice scratchy and hoarse... how long has it been since he had a normal conversation? He didn't know.
"This what?"
"... I can't pay back..." he mumbled while scracthing lightly his forearm, not daring to look up "Dont have... money for it."
"I just wanted to help-" You smiled before hesitantly putting your hand on his shoulder yet retreading as he flinched harshly na d stared at you like if you had burned him.
"Sorry." You mumbled sadly "You don't like others to touch you, right?"
He could only nod warily as you brought your legs up to sit on them.
"Sorry. I wont do it again." You smiled as he breathed in and out before slowly lowering his guard. "Do you... have a name?"
"... Chisaki." He mumbled, looking down "Chisaki Kai..."
"That's a nice name." You said and pointed at yourself with a big tootheless smile "I'm (L/n) (Y/n)! But call me (Y/n)."
He looked warily at you before gulping and reaching for your hand... his skin felt warm again at only getting closer as you let his bony hand touch yours to test the waters...
Your hands reached up at the height of your chests as he stared at it... how soft and how perfect it was how you rand his hand got together.
"(Y/n)..." he tested on his own little scratchy voice before he looked up at the bell ringing... two males in black yukatas entered and talked with the old man occasionally.
"Oh... the yakusa" you muttered as he snatched his hand back at noticing the heat coming back to his cheeks.
"The yakusa. The Shie Hassaikai." You muttered with a smile as you pointed at the two males receiving a package the old man gave to them. "Those are the lower rank I guess... Takashi-san told me once. They only come pick up what the "big guy" demands."
"Its a mafia." He mused out loud as you nodded.
"You know. Takashi-san raised me since my parents died on a accident because a hero was fighting a villain... they were on a building where he was threw off and... happened." You sighed as he looked at you.
His parents were terrible and even called the heroes on him... and the one who helped him had their parents taken away of them because of one.
What kind of justice is this..?
"The big guy helped Takashi-san to raise me so basically we own them lots!" You smiled as he nodded with a poker face.
"(Y/n)-chan." The old man came up and Chisaki flinched away and got down from the seat "I'm sorry, but we need to close... this friend of yours can't stay here."
"But-!" You heard a bell ringing and gasped at sieng that Chisaki had left and ran out of the store before you whined when Takashi grabbed your arm.
"Kai-kun!!" He stopped on his tracks and looked at you aprehensively as you wiggled on the old man's grasp. "I want to see you again! Can we?! Pleaseee???"
He widened his eyes at your words as a breeze of wind passed by as his dark brow looks flew... despite the wind... his frail amd bony body were warm and... fuzzy.
For the first time... the muscles of his face moved... his lip moved on his own and curled up...
He smiled for the first every time on his life...
He nodded and his face flushed when you squealed and waved at him as the old man laughed. He waited for you to enter the bakery to start to walk again... but that never happened.
Because this day aparently were teh day his butt was going to be sore because goddammit another one he tumbles over and falls back.
"Oh. I'm sorry kid." A older voice pronounced as he grunted and looked up... the sun made it difficult to see the man's face "What the.. the state you're in boy, where are your parents?"
The mere mention of them made him shiver and the man quickly noticed that.
"I see... got no place to call it home..." he furrowed his eyebrows and crouched down on his level as he looked up.
"Say..." he looked up amd saw the face of the man as he blinked "What's your name?"
Years passed by...
The screech Mimic lwt put was enough for him to flinch and messed up on his a signature he was doing it on one of the papers.
His eye twitched before he let out a breath and got up only to be stopped by seing you entering his office... beautiful as always.
"The precepts today were glad that I brought goods of the bakery." You giggled while he allowed himself to take his mask off to let out a chuff and to pinch his bare nose with his gloved hand.
"Grown up ass adults and you come by to leave breads and cakes... what a great partner for our Shie Hassaiakai."
"Oh hush." You pouted while putting the trail on the coffe table and huffing with your hands on your hips "I'm sorry that I cant be perfect for the all mighty future leader of the Hassaikai boyfriend of mine!" You bowed mockingly as you snorted at the chuckled he let out.
"You're ridiculous..." he rested hsi head on his hands as you poked your tongue out.
"And you're boring." You placed down on his desk a plate as he eyed suspiciously before smirking.
"Milk bread I see." He grabbed a piece between his fingers and immediately put it on his mouth as he got up and you standed in front of him.
"How is that?"
"... Perfect." He allowed a rare smile to show on his lips as you smiled back at the man you had the pleasure of knowing even on his worst state.
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scarletdawnxx-blog · 3 years
Nightmares: A Bucky Barnes x Reader Story. Chapter 5.
A date.
 With Bucky Barnes.
 You stared at yourself in the mirror wondering if this was the best thing or worst thing you could be doing right now. Of course, you liked Bucky, how could you not, he was handsome and kind, and when he smiled, it made your heart leap. But you were getting ready to leave, you didn’t know if or when you may come back. You looked around your half-packed room, boxes here, organized piles there, you stared at the end of your bed, where not long ago you held Bucky in a long hug after he agreed to let you try and get Hydra out of his mind. A sadness seeped into your bones. This had been your home for the last two years, where you had built friendships, where you had found a sense of belonging and purpose, where perhaps feelings were starting to blossom and now once again your whole life was changing.
  Shaking the feeling off you turned to the mirror once more giving yourself a final once over. You felt confident in your choices and even beautiful, when a knock came at your door. Taking a deep breath, you opened to see Bucky standing there. He was wearing dark jeans and a plain black shirt with a leather jacket. He was holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers, which surprised you because you had never told him.
  “They are lovely,” you said as he offered them to you with a smile. “How did you know these were my favorite?” You asked him, inhaling their scent.
  “That is a secret for me to have.” He replied coyly.
  “You asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. didn’t you?” you asked with a laugh.
“No,” he said, trying to seem serious but a grin started to spread across his face and you couldn’t help but smile up at him. “You ready to go?” he asked and you nodded, setting the flowers on your nightstand. You started to make your way to the door but Bucky stopped you. “You may want to grab a jacket.” You looked at him a little confused. It wasn’t really cold enough yet for a jacket. “Just trust me.”
 He said and you grabbed the jacket that was laying on your bed waiting to be packed. He took you hand in his and the warmth was felt through your whole body making you suck in a breath. You walked with him quietly to the garage when he dropped your hand and got on to a motorcycle and offered you a helmet as he put one on as well as some gloves. The jacket made more sense now. But you had never been on a motorcycle before. The thought equally scared and excited you. You must have paused for longer than you thought because Bucky now looked worried.
“Is this ok?” he asked tentatively.
“More than ok,” you said, taking the helmet from him. “I just have never been on one of these before.” You admitted stepping closer.
  “Don’t worry Y/N, you are more than safe with me.” And you knew that was true. You would always be safe with him. He took the helmet back from you and placed it on your head securing the strap under your chin and your heart started beating so fast you were sure he could hear it. You placed a hand on his shoulder to steady yourself as you swung a leg over the bike and settled in behind him. He reached behind himself and took your hands wrapping them tightly around his waist. “Hold on to me tightly and move in a little closer.” He said starting the bike, the rumble moving through your whole body. You did as he said and he took off, a small scream of surprise erupted from you turning into a laugh. It was exhilarating. The wind on your face, the closeness of Bucky and how his body felt pressed so close to yours, the sound of the engine, there was a freedom in this that you liked. After a short while the tree lined country road gave way to bigger city streets, you must have been heading into Albany. The closest big city near the compound. There were days when you missed the hustle and bustle of the city. Especially New York City, all the tall gleaming buildings, the artists in the streets, the museums, but you didn’t miss how being around all of that life had exhausted you. You had needed the peace the compound in upstate gave you.
You finally arrived at your destination and he just kept surprising you.
  “Mini golf?” you asked surprised and he just smiled at you. You never could have pictured him, all super soldier and vibranium arm, holding the tiny gold club, trying to tap a ball past a turning windmill.
  “Unless you are hungry, we can do dinner first.” He said and motioned to the small pizza place across the street. You got off the bike and undid the helmet, shaking your head a little, really hoping you didn’t have awful helmet hair. He turned the bike off and removed his helmet looking still put together, how was that possible, you mused to yourself.
  “No, I would love to defeat you in battle before a victory meal.” You teased him and he laughed getting off the bike.
“Those are some pretty confident words Y/N.” His hand ran down your arm sending a shiver down your spine. He was trying to distract you, and you had to admit it was kind of working.
  “Wanna make this interesting Barnes?” you asked.
“I’m intrigued,” he responded leaning back against the bike looking too damn hot for a person to legally be allowed.
  “I win and you have to try and steal one of Stark's suits, and I’m not talking about the tailored ones in his closet.” You said crossing your arms. You knew the fail safes Tony had installed around his suits and couldn’t help but find the idea of Bucky tripping them to be hilarious.
  “And if I win?” he asked in a low voice.
  “That’s up to you.” You told him, holding his gaze.
  “You let me teach you how to ride a motorcycle.” He said after taking a moment to think about it. How could he do that if you were leaving? “When you have free time at the school, you won’t be that far,” he added. “Not that I wouldn’t enjoy more rides shared with you, but I think you would really love being in control and doing it yourself.” He wasn’t wrong, the idea of being in control and taking off all by yourself, seemed exhilarating, powerful.
  “You got yourself a deal.” You said and extended your hand. Bucky took it and sealed the deal with a shake and a smile, one that reached all the way to his eyes and made the little lines around them crinkle. He was happy, and you could tell without needing to use your ability.
  You were right in how Bucky would look playing mini golf but it was the most endearing thing you may have ever seen. The two of you lightly joked and teased each other. You could tell he was still nervous and would catch the occasional looks or whispers from onlookers. While the public didn’t know who you were, Bucky’s face had been all over news programs and magazines.
  “Aren’t you uncomfortable in the jacket and gloves?” you asked him as you waited for the next hole to open up. He just shrugged it off and flexed his vibranium hand in the glove. He had to be at least a little too warm. It wasn’t exactly hot out but it was not cool enough to wear the jacket and gloves. “Is it because you are worried people will see the arm and only think of the wrong you did?” You asked him and he stared at you for a minute. You set your things down and took his left hand in yours and removed the glove, you tucked it into one of the pockets of his jacket and did the same for his right hand.
“You have nothing to be ashamed of,” you said, lacing your fingers through his left hand. “Can you feel that?” you asked, never really knowing if he could still really feel with his vibranium arm. He looked down at your interlaced fingers and the sadness on his face was almost too much. Had this all been a terrible idea, did you cross a line?
  “Yes and no, I can feel the pressure of your hand, I know it's there, but it doesn’t feel like this,” he said and took your other hand in his. His skin was overly warm from the gloves and almost felt like a burn compared to the coolness of the metal, the two opposing sensations crashed around inside of you, and you found yourself moving closer to him, your chest meeting as you breathed. “Here I can feel how warm your skin is, how soft,” he said in a whisper. You looked up at him and couldn’t help when your eyes fell to his lips, how you wanted to just reach up and kiss him, and before you knew it you found your body moving in that direction, you sensed his body was too. That was until the people behind you pulled you from your thoughts with a shout as someone behind you had scored a hole in one. You kept from groaning in disappointment as you stepped back, dropping both of his hands and picking your things up.
  You returned to the game but the lingering tension was there now. You wanted to reach out and sense what he was feeling, but it seemed dishonest. When you finally arrived at the last hole you went first and sank the final shot one under par. It had been a tight game the whole way but Bucky would have to sink a hole in one to win. Which he had failed to do the whole evening.
  “So which suit are you gonna try and take?” you asked as you waited for Bucky to line up his shot.
  “You haven’t won yet Y/N,” he teased back with a smirk on his face. He gently tapped the ball, and you couldn’t believe it, but sank it in one shot.
  “No!” you said faking disappointment. He laughed and had a smug look on his face. You weren’t sad in the least. He had given you a reason to spend more time together, time outside of training, or hunting Hydra, time outside of the team, time outside of the Winter Soldier and an Avengers Operative. Just two people. “You know even though you technically won the game, I feel like I still came out on the better end of this deal.” You told him as you returned your clubs.
  “Is that so?” he asked.
  “Yup, I get to learn a new skill, and you have to teach it to me.” You replied and it was true, you felt like this was winning. He smiled and took your hand in his as you walked to the small pizza place across the street.
  Over dinner you talked about the usual things, where you grew up, family, your favorite movies and music. And he listened intently, hanging on every word as you excitedly told him about your latest obsessions.
  “I’m sorry, I’m talking too much,” you said, feeling self-conscious all of a sudden. “No please keep going, I love hearing you talk. Your voice is soothing.” You looked at him oddly. “What?” he asked, leaning on the table to look at you closer.
  “I don’t think anyone has ever said something like that to me.” You admitted. He reached over and pushed a hair out of your face and once again you felt yourself being drawn towards him.
  “You’ve been on your own for too long,” he said gently. On my own? What did that mean? How could I be on my own surrounded by people all the time, surrounded by the team all the time, you wondered to yourself. You sat back and out of his reach, his words made you feel confused, and you pulled in on yourself. “So, you leave in two days?” he asked, clearing his throat and changing the subject.
  “Uh, yeah, early Saturday morning.” You told him putting on that smile you had trained over the years to put people at ease, to say that, nothing was wrong and you were fine. It was utter bullshit. There was a long silent pause. You wanted to reach out with your abilities to know what Bucky was feeling. Would he miss you? Did he feel anything more than friendship for you? You couldn’t help but remember that warm, glowing feeling you had felt while inside his mind and wonder who that feeling belonged to.
  “We should probably head back before it gets too dark.” He finally said, breaking the silence. You agreed quietly as you slid out of the booth grabbing your things. Bucky took your hand and smiled gently at you making your heart flutter.
  When you arrived back at the compound Bucky walked you back to your room and wished you a goodnight before placing a soft kiss on your cheek and disappearing into the dark hall. Even when you had finally fallen into bed after a little more packing and a shower, the feel of his lips on your cheek lingered, and a smile stayed on your face as you fell  into sleep.
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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Chapter Three: A New Home and Revelations
Summary // Chapter List / Masterlist
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A/N: feedback is always accepted especially with this as I’d love to know your thoughts.
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As Brooke walked through the airport she was glad to finally be able to stretch her legs. She had never been that good at flying so now it was over at least she could take a breath and somewhat relax. To the world she looked like a confident twenty one year old exploring the world but inside she felt like the scared little eight year old she once was.
Finally after scanning the arrivals hall she saw a couple holding a sign with her name written on. It took her a second to start walking towards them but as she did she felt a sense of familiarity about them, like she had met them in a past life. Taking a deep breath she pushed the feelings aside, smiling at them as she walked closer.
“Brooke right?” The woman smiled softly at her.
“Yeah that’s me” Brooke nodded as the guy took her suitcase from her.
“I’m Chris and this is my wife Laura” he smiled.
They quickly sensed that Brooke wasn’t in the mood for talking as they walked through the airport.
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The drive to her new home was quiet, which she was grateful for, all she wanted to do was eat and take a nap. It had been a long flight, but she had a feeling that she wouldn’t be able to get a nap for a while.
Looking out the window she watched the trees and scenery as she headed to her new home. Soon enough the car came to a stop at a large set of metal gates. This was it, this would be home for who knows how long. She watched as Chris spoke to the guys guarding the gate. Pulling her headphones out she paused her music to listen to what they were saying but it was all in whispers so she gave up. The sound of a familiar rumble in the distance caught her attention. She knew that sound anywhere. As they drove into the property Brooke was shocked this place was huge, there were bikes racing about and a lot of fit guys. Maybe this place wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Once the car was parked she climbed out of the car, stretching her back, feeling the soothing of her bones cracking.
“Come on, first stop is meeting the president” Chris said as he hauled her suitcases out of the car.
“Is this some kind of democracy? Like you have your own President” Brooke said raising her eyebrow. Where the hell as she.
“All will come clear” Chris laughed holding his lighter out to light Brooke’s cigarette as well as his own “I have a feeling you are going to fit in perfectly”
Soon enough they were standing in a room that looked like an office, Brooke looked around seeing all of the pictures lining the white walls. Wherever she was, it looked like a big family.
"Prez this is Brooke her family sent her to live with me and Laura" Chris said nodding at the blonde who smiled, awkwardly waving a small wave as two more guys appeared.
One of them definitely caught her attention, and she couldn’t help but smirk. His golden hair, bright blue eyes and bulging muscles covered in tattoos. He was definitely a god and definitely Brooke’s type. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad living here with the eye candy she thought. Before mentaly scolding herself for practically drooling over the blonde god.
She was in a complete world of her own so she didn’t realise that the other guy was staring at her rather intently.
“Urm mate take a photo it lasts longer” she sassed “in fact scratch that I don’t know what the hell you would do with it.” All the guy could do was smirk which annoyed her.
“I mean the sass is there” he chuckled as he studied her face a bit harder. “Wait, it can’t be. Please tell me this isn’t a joke”
“Urm” Brooke said, extremely confused as everyone stared at her. To make matters more confusing everything and everyone seemed so familiar. Like she had been here before. There was something about this place that felt like home.
“Please tell me you actually brought her home” the dark haired guy said on the verge of tears.
"sorry don't know what you are on but I've never been here in my life" Brooke snapped as she fiddled with her lighter in her pocket.
“Yeah it’s definitely her Bro” Blonde god grinned.
“Can someone just tell me what the fuck is going on” Brooke huffed. She always hated being kept in the dark. Before she could process what was going on she the air was squeezed out of her in a bone crushing hug.
“I think you need to take a seat as we have some things to explain” Blonde god said, the power that radiated off him made Brooke want to submit to his every word. “Where have you been all this time?”
“Long story short, living in London, like causing trouble. Caused said trouble and my adopted parents sent me to live here and now I’m hella confused and I don’t like it” Brooke said as she played with her thumb ring, the one this she always did when she was nervous.
Around two hours had passed and Brooke learned that the dark haired guy was James, her older brother and blondie was Xavier. She was part of this family before she was kidnapped when she was around eight. Which tallied up with all her memories of the foster homes and that time she didn’t like to think about let alone mention. Every question or piece of information the boys have her made her head spin even more. She had so many questions but had no idea where to start. Whether it was from the confusion or lack of sleep she felt her eyes get heavy before everything went black.
The lads watched as Brooke’s knees gave way, without a second though Xavier was by her side wrapping his arms around her waist so she didn’t crash onto the floor. Adjusting his grip he laid her on the sofa that was in the office. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. The last time her saw her she was the shortest sassiest little eight year old known to man. He was honestly speechless as the woman laid in front of him.
“I can’t believe it’s her” he mumbled as he ran his hand through his hair. “I didn’t think we’d see her again” he took in her features but a couple of things caught his eye as her jacket slipped off her shoulder revealing some nasty scars, most of which looked like burns apart from the six inch scar that was definitely from a knife. Anger ran through his veins as his blood boiled, this was his bumble bee and he was ready to find the bastard that did this to her and make him pay for laying his hands on the girl.
“Xav” James called “now isn’t the time to be thinking about revenge okay, we need to take things slow this is a lot to take in”
“Yeah you are right” Xav sighed, pushing himself to his feet. Before walking out of the office, he needed some air.
“Xavier please tell me my eyes aren’t deceiving me and that was actually Brooke I saw go into your fathers office” hi mum smiled.
“Yeah mom it is” Xavier nodded.
“And you aren’t happy about that no?” She said softly knowing the internal battle her son was having.
“I couldn’t protect her mom” he sighed not making eye contact as his mind filled with the events of that day “that day was the worse day ever, I told her I wouldn’t let anything happen to her but I didn’t follow her and she’s been through god knows what”
It was Brooke’s eight birthday party, the compound was buzzing with excitement, as they were getting everything set up for the princess of the club.
Xavier barged into Brooke’s room to find her sitting on her bed colouring some unicorn.
"Bumble you wanna to come down to the pool with me and James" Xavier grinned watching her green eyes light up causing her to drop her crayon.
"get out of my room then you big oaf" she giggled trying to push him out of the room.
Xavier grinned even though he was 5 years older, everyone knew he would do anything for Brooke, their bond was like no other and she always went to him is she was upset or needed a cuddle after having a bad dream. Within five minutes he felt a small hand grab his before being pulled towards the pool.
“Last one there smells” Brooke shouted already running off, with her panda bear safely tucked under her arms, before reaching the edge of the pool, dropping the panda on the lounge chari and jumping into the water, not wasting any time.
The hours passed and the place was filled with giggles as the three of them messed about in the pool, until Brooke was growing tired and climbed out of the water.
"I'm going to go for a walk" she grinned pulling her dress over her wet bathing suit and grabbed her panda.the bear she took everywhere since Xavier won it at the fair for her last year.
"OK B stay where we can see you" James smiled as he tackled Xavier dunking him under the water.
After about 20 minutes that’s when there was an ear piercing scream that could be heard around the compound making everyone freeze. That was Brooke’s scream. The boys clambered out of the pool so fast running over to where the scream came from but they couldn’t see anything and were soon ordered by their fathers to go wait in the clubhouse.
Xavier sighed as the memory replaced in his mind.
“I should have followed her, I should have been there to protect her. I broke my promise to her” he said blinking back the tears that had formed.
"Hey you didn't know son" his dad said putting his hand on his son's shoulders.
"The thing is she doesn't even remember us, that’s what’s killing me more than anything, she doesn’t remember her family” Xavier snapped as the tears threatened to fall. "I'm going on a ride" He muttered leaving the room. He needed to clear my head, he was future president of the Blackstar Mc and he couldn’t let people see him like this. See him so weak.
One thing caught his eye as he stood on the main steps to the club house. A perfectly white kawasaki ninja pulled up the drive but he didn’t recognise the bike nor the number plate. He was so caught up over the bike he didn’t even realise that James was now by his side.
"Xav we need to talk" James said. Xavier knew what this was going to be about. "I'm talking to you as my best friend and not how a future vp would to his future prez right" he said running his hand through his hair.
"Ok bro fire away" Xavier nodded, sparking his smoke.
"I know how much you are tearing up right now, but we all are. We just found Brooke after so many years” James said “but I know that look Xav, that’s your I want this girl to be mine look”
“I can’t help it” Xavier sighed.
"I know bro, I know" James sighed "I just want to say I am fine with you being with her and couldn't think of a better person to be with her, but please protect her and don't freak her out because there are a lot of things we are going to have to explain to her." Xavier knew where James was coming from at the end of the day she was his blood.
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