#I’ll invite u babey
absentfrog · 1 year
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the official old crimeguy collage with 
@notmadsimon @enaaak666 @titobitex @jesse-png @phatkochi
thank you for sprucing it up with your fav guys, guys
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briswriting · 4 years
hey hey hey babey! love ur blog already :”) can i get 20, 33, 42, and 31 (in that order) with tsukishima and fem reader? he changes and falls out of love with her. pure angst!! please and thank u :)) also, i think its from angst/fluff prompt list pt 2 by helldemonicboy? (ithinkthatstheblogname) thank uuuu
there’s someone else
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+ heyy i had permission sending another blog this ask so here i go 🥺 angst with tsukishima kei becoming dry with you and then it goes on for multiple weeks. then you realize it’s because he fell out of love with you? he ends up finding someone else and replaces you. thank u so much for taking my ask. ur amazing! angst, with extra angst, sprinkled angst and angst on the side. thank u babey!!!!!
pairing: tsukishima x reader genre: angst
a/n: so i hope i chose the correct quotes but they make sense so i think i did LOL i also combined these two requests because they’re pretty similar hehe also first time writing angst so i hope i did the requests justice hehe
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You approached the front entrance of school, yet again no boyfriend to greet you before classes. The past week or so he’s been acting a little distant but you couldn’t blame him; exams were coming up and he’s been practicing even more due to a big volleyball tournament also coming up.
Being in different classes you knew you weren’t going to see him until after school. You decided to send him a text to invite him over for dinner after practice.
You smiled, happy that you were finally going to spend more time with him.
Perfect! I’ll make your favorite since my parents are out for the night. See you after practice love you!
Your smile faltered due to his short response but maybe he was just tired, he did have morning practice before school today.
Once school ended you walked over to the gym, wanting to find a spot inside to settle down and do homework as you waited for Tsukki to finish practice. Walking into the gym, you see a few of your friends setting up the net for practice and then you spot your tall boyfriend taking supplies out of the closet.
“Hey guys,” you smile at your friends as you enter the gym fully. Everyone smiles and you and greets you back as you head over to your boyfriend. Entering the supply closet, wanting to help your boyfriend out, you walk over to the basket of volleyballs he’s standing in front of.
“Hi babe,” you reach up wanting to plant a quick kiss on his cheek but he moves, moves away from you before your lips can even touch him and quickly pushes the basket outside of the closet. You just stand there in shock before slowly turning around and walking over to a corner in the gym to settle down and wait for practice to end.
As you’re sitting on the ground with your notebook in your lap, you start to think about how your boyfriend’s been acting lately. Maybe it has something to do with me, no that’s crazy Tsukki loves me. Tears well in your eyes, then you hear a whistle blow indicating that practice was over. Quickly you wipe your eyes and start packing your things, realizing that your thoughts kept you occupied the whole practice.
You start to head over to Tsukki and stand next to him. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yea,” then he starts to head out the door.
Rushing after him, you catch up and try to keep up with his quick strides so you can walk side by side with him. You guys walk in silence the whole way to your house, not even holding hands like you normally did on your walks home.
Entering your house, you walk into the kitchen to prepare stuff for the dinner you wanted to make for the two of you. Hoping Tsukki was going to follow you into the kitchen and wrap his arms around you, you were disappointed when he didn’t and you hear him settle down onto the couch in the living room.
You walk into the living room and seat yourself next to your boyfriend. You can tell that he slightly moves away but he wouldn’t do that right? Maybe it was just your mind playing tricks on you.
“Hey are you okay? You don’t seem like yourself tonight. You actually haven’t been acting like yourself the past couple of weeks. I just want to know if you’re okay with all this stress.”
“I’m fine. Stop worrying about me,” he states coldly, not even looking at you. You reach out to touch his arm but he quickly stands up to move away from you.
“Why are you acting like this?” you quietly ask. Looking down at your lap, tears welling in your eyes for the second time today.
“Because I can’t deal with this anymore!” he exclaims, turning around to finally look you in the eyes for the first time in a while.
“Deal with what? All the stress? You know i’m always here for you right? We’re supposed to be honest with each other Tsukki!” You’re worried for him, was the stress too much for him to handle? Why wouldn’t he tell you if he was struggling?
“No, it’s not because of stress! I just can’t deal with you anymore!”
“W-what do you mean Kei?” The tears in your eyes finally falling down your face.
“You want the fucking truth? Well the truth is that I don’t love you anymore! Truth hurts, doesn’t it?”
It felt like some just ripped your heart out of your chest and stomped all over it. Even more tears started falling down your face as you looked up at him.
“Is there someone else?” you squeaked out. Your chest felt heavy, you felt like you couldn’t breathe. You didn’t want to know if there was another girl, but you had to. Is that why he’s been distant?
He just stared at you, his eyes glistening with tears. “Just tell me if there’s someone else!” you exclaim.
He reaches out to grab you but you quickly back away from him. “Just say something! Anything! Please Tsukishima!”
And that’s when he knew he fucked up, when you didn’t call him by his first name or a nickname. The couple of years he spent loving you and it all ended because he met someone else. He fell out of love with you but stayed so he wouldn’t hurt you, but he knew that staying hurt you even more.
“Yes,” he whispers, looking away from you so he couldn’t see the hurt in your eyes.
“Get out,” you state, watching him through your blurry vision. He wouldn’t even look at you as he grabbed his stuff and headed towards the door.
“Y/n, I’m sorry.”
As he walks out the door in love with someone else, he doesn’t realize that he is still the owner of your heart.
haikyuu taglist: @lapofthegodss @allywritesimagines @leoa-do-mar @kagelama-tobiyolo @takingyouruwus
ask to be tagged if you want!
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If you’re accepting asks still, could I request something for spooky season? Like, FACE fam AU where Art’s this fae who owns the woods at the back of Fran, Al and Matt’s house and is constantly trying to get the boys’ names bc he’s a mischievous little shit and also he’s lonely. Idk maybe he gets Matt’s bc he’s more trusting and basically kidnaps him. Fran and Al try to get him back but Fran’s distracted by his son’s cute kidnapper. Happy Halloween! 🎃
Happy Halloween babey >:)
Art has lived in the forest for a VERY long time! He doesn’t even know how long. But he’s been on his own most of the time. The other fae didn’t like him that much because they either thought he was too mean or too much of a softie. So he has his own home underneath a tree stump out in the woods where no one would find him.
There is a handful of houses just past the edge of the woods and even though it annoys him, he allows them to stay. They aren’t exactly bothering him so...He won’t bother them. Except.
Francis has moved into one of the small homes with his sons. He’s always baking something that smells super yummy and his children are just the sweetest looking boys. Art decides that he needs to know everything about them
When they’re away at school/work, Art let’s himself in to snoop around the house. He eats some of their sweets and looks in every drawer in the house! But...the cat
He wasn’t expecting a cat!! And he’s never seen such a beast!!! After meeting that cat he decides that he can’t go into the house again unless he’s invited in. Which would be quite hard.
Art cant read modern English and even if he did, he wouldn’t be able to decipher who’s name was who’s. But he knew he liked Francis. A lot actually. He often found himself perched on roof to peek into Fran’s bedroom window to watch while he brushed his hair
One afternoon he finally heard it!! ‘Matthieu! Come inside, it looks like it will rain soon!’ ‘Ok Papá! I found some wild flowers!’ ‘Aww! Bring them in, I’ll get a vase for you to put them in!’....Matthew. What a precious name...
Matthew is the younger son, he’s probably 5 or 6 while the other is 10...maybe 11. And Art has always wanted a child so...maybe he’d help himself to one. Why not? Francis had two kids...he could spare one...
What Art wasn’t anticipating was Matthews bed being empty when he snuck in that night. He tiptoed around u tol he discovered Fran and Matt asleep in Francis’s room.
Now, the smart thing to do woukd have been to LEAVE!! But Art wasn’t really being smart in that moment. Instead, he scooped Matt out of Fran’s arms and tried to leave.
“What the FUCK????” Art had never felt such a forceful smack on the head bedore. Turns out Francis slept with a baseball bat next to the bed
Uhhh...this would take a lot of explaining...haha...ouch
“Look, pretty human!!! This is just a huge misunderstanding! I was...just going to take this Matthew...to uh...” “To where, you creep???” “To my hole in the woods” “HOLE????”
I kinda took this a different way!! Hope you don’t mind!!
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passable-talent · 4 years
roe, (marvel) soft dating peter parker headcanons?
Love of my life much, anon?
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-okay obvs you go to school with him bc babey
-whereas he’s better at STEM, you’re better at the liberal arts. You excel at writing, language composition, art. 
-he’s good at drawing, sure, but writing? words, you know, happen to peter parker sometimes. yeah.
-so peer review happens sometimes and I’ll be honest... the boy’s essay was a mess.
-but you were super nice about helping him fix it so it wasn’t so embarrassing. Made him feel better :)
-after that you hang out a lot
-Ned thinks you’re cool bc you drew him as a stormtrooper like, once
-but you’re not here for a backstory y’all want to know what he’s like as a boyfriend
-he’s kinda small but he’s SUPER comfy. There’s just something about him. Comfy.
-he sometimes wears hoodies too big on him so they fit u really nicely. And he gives u them before you even ask (!!!!!)
-first time he invited you over for dinner, he was super nervous, but you obviously wanted to calm him down so you tried to b super cool the whole time
-may kinda went all out for the food and it was so good and you were so nice so she loved you
-staying up until two in the morning just talking. Deep talks
-you don’t press him when he starts showing up with bruises, but you absolutely learn where they are to make sure you don’t nudge them
-when he started appearing with cuts, you started to push.
-if he can’t tell you, that’s okay. The least he could do is let you dress his cuts. You let it go for a while.
-One day, he was shaken up after a run, though you didn’t know that. You just sat with him and let him talk, and that’s when it all came out.
-you were better at keeping the secret than almost anyone.
-you even kept it from ned, for a while, until peter clued you in
-he doesn’t ever talk to you as Spider-Man, because at least he can keep you safe that way, but he did show you the costume. That mask did NOT work with your hair
-s t u d y i n g t o g e t h e r
-let me reiterate: he’s comfy
-comfy boi
-🦌 Roe
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fmnolan · 4 years
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so   i   was   thinking   the   other   day   how   much   i   love   lil   dumbass   hockey   fratbois   ,   ugh   such   icons   (   not   the   douchey   ones   )   ,   so   here   i   am   offering   nolan   as   a   tribute   .   he’s   def   my   favourite   himbo   &   mess   of   a   child   but   i   swear   he’s   fun   to   be   around   .   i’m   still   working   on   him   cuz   time   management   ?   we   don’t   know   her   ,   so   here’s   a   few   bullet   points   to   get   acquainted   with   the   babey   boi   .
 ❛   ✶   (   SHAWN   MENDES   ,   CIS   MALE   ,   HE   &   HIM   )      —      did   you   see   NOLAN   HART   walking   around   campus   earlier   ?   i   hear   a   lot   of   people   talking   about   the   TWENTY-TWO   year   old   SENIOR   .   from   what   i   know   ,   they   are   studying   NUTRITION   SCIENCE   and   are   a   part   of   PHI   KAPPA   DELTA   .   they   come   across   as   GREGARIOUS      but   also   HEEDLESS   ,   which   makes   since   because   on   their   instagram   (   @NOHART   )   it   says   they   are   a   CAPRICORN   .   when   i   see   them   ,   i   think   of   WET   HAIR   STRANDS   STICKING   TO   YOUR   FOREHEAD   ,   EMPTY   BEER   BOTTLES   ,   BACKWARDS   BASEBALL   HATS   ,   FURROWED   BROWS   &   HUNGOVER   MORNINGS   .   the   most   interesting   thing   i’ve   heard   about   them   though   ,   is   the   fact   that   REDACTED,   but   don’t   tell   anyone   i   told   you   that   .  
full name : nolan louis hart 
nicknames : nol , nolie
age : twenty-two
gender : cis male
sexuality : bisexual 
major : nutrition science 
hometown : toronto , canada 
𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑓𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦 
nolan has never been encouraged to be academically inclined , instead , his family expected him to play hockey , end up in the nhl like his father before him . instead of spending evenings studying , nolan played hockey in his father’s private rink . the boy had a natural talent for the sport .
the hart family has been on the map ever since daniel hart won many consecutive medals in the summer olympics in 1920 for swimming . ever since then it seems that every generation specialized in a new sport . it was only in the 1990′s where patrick hart conquered hearts all over the world during his nhl career , ever since then , everyone kept an eye on his son , nolan hart , to see whether he would follow his father’s footsteps .
due to the family’s constant success on the fields , they have been able to maintain a certain amount of wealth . not only they were popular within their respective sports but the hart family has been adored by the public for decades now .
nolan was born and raised in toronto , canada ( eh ) , born to a family of athletes & more recently, nhl hockey players . the hart fam has always been quite popular due to their wealth & success .
think lowkey kobe & brady ; like they were known of but rarely facially recognizable in the streets .
his mother elaine ( née tremblay ) hart was high school sweethearts with patrick hart & a puck bunny since birth , she quite literally hit the jackpot . she wasn’t exactly a gold digger ( hit it kanye ) only because her family had their quite fair share of money , although not comparable to the harts .
in the beginning of their marriage , the harts were the picture perfect family , two healthy boys and a white picket fenced house .  that was until four years ago , they got a divorce , mr . hart was found cheating on mrs. hart & he remarried not long after .
nolan has always been closer to his father , the man always making him train day and night to eventually make it in the nhl . his mother was there to heal his wounds and teach him the important things in life .
the divorce took a toll on the boy , deciding to take his mother’s side , after all how could you consider cheating on elaine hart ?? awful . he has maintained minimal contact w his father , he attends the occasional dinner . 
overall , his childhood wasn’t all bad or all good . he cherished the family outings , but detested feeling his father’s hopes & dreams resting on his shoulders . he didn’t have time to socialize much and make too many friends. 
nolan is your og dumb jock , you can’t blame him he was raised that way . his two braincells work very hard in nutrition science , where his last name made him get into the program . 
despite his lack of intelligence , he was raised right . his mother made sure he wasn’t a complete ass , trust me he can be one if he wants to . he has his canadian manners intact as well as a beautiful sense of humor . his morals aren’t too bad either . 
honeslty , what’s admirable about him is how driven he is . it is expected of him to make it into the nhl post graduation , but he truly works for what he wants ( not school wise though )  
he spends long hours in the gym and on the rink , great motivational speaker . 
his #1 talent is taking other aspects of life ( other than hockey ofc ) lightly , always joking around in the most serious situations , people hate & love him for it .
i’d say one of the biggest flirts around ? a bit of a fuckboy , but no the annoying kind but only the kind that u hook up but don’t expect emotional availability from him , that’s a given .
one of the most loyal friends , will have your back all the time but expects the same energy . he has a bit of a cancel culture where if you do him wrong once , he’s not going to trust you again . 
he is not a big fan of cheaters ngl . 
he has a bit of a temper but that runs in the family , it is said that when you don’t have words , you use fists ? well he’s dumb as a rock so i’ll do the math for you .
but he will rarely square up against his own friends . 
if you could get a degree in partying , nolan would . if you can consider party smart a thing, then he’s a professor . he’ll know how many kegs you’ll need for a certain amount of people , what themes work best , who to invite who to not , what drinking game works and what doesn’t . 
HERE’S the pinterest board 
HERE’S a tinder profile thot it was cute 
HERE’S a tweet so u can get his vibe 
HERE’S a connection tag , i would die for all those plots 
other connections i would die for are basically : brotps , exes , fraternity bros , ppl he fights w , close squad , hockey friends ( on the team or go to watch him ) , bffs , secret fling , anything w angst !!!
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judehayward · 4 years
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FULL NAME — jude hayward (him n his parents dnt kno his middle name they lost his birth certificate n forgot what they wrote)
NICKNAME — judas
D.O.B. — 13th march 1997
STAR SIGN / MOON & RISING — pisces / taurus / virgo
MBTI — intp (the logician)
MORAL ALIGNMENT — chaotic neutral
MARITAL STATUS & SEXUALITY — single n bisexual
LANGUAGES — jst english :/ boring
TALENTS / HOBBIES — painting, drawing, piano, bass guitar, cooking (hates it tho never does it bc he jst doesn’t hv the energy bt he cn do it quite well), composing, smoking, used to b decent at baseball when he first moved to san fran bt....... no work ethic 😔 didn’t stick at it 😔, reading, narrating pigeons outside of his window like david attenborough
TOP 5 MUSICIANS — the cure, elliott smith, glass animals, the smiths, metronomy.... bonus additions r neutral milk hotel, the national, wolf alice, mac demarco, foals, slaughter beach dog, the psychedelic furs...... cldn’t just list 5 i’m sry. (am i?)
FAVOURITE BOOK — i think he likes virginia woolf stuff a lot.... probably rly likes on the road by jack kerouac too....... i’ve nt read any of this i jst Know frm quotes n things....
FAVOURITE FILM & TV SHOW — hereditary, the room, beautiful boy, the truman show, bladerunner, green room, fight club (:///// he’s not One Of Those bt he jst relates w the insomnia aspect), E.T....... then fr tv um...... mr. robot, breaking bad, peep show, walking dead (until it got Shit), nathan for you, the eric andre show.
FAVOURITE VIDEO GAME — the tony hawk games.... red dead redemption when he’s depressed sometimes he jst rides around on a horse nt even doing a mission jst smoking n galloping...... in silence..... silent hill n resident evil..... think he prob wld hv played life is strange too..... n CoD zombies when younger bt thts it.......
WHAT DID THEY DO THIS PAST SUMMER? — went bk to sheffield to oversee his parents gallery n also catch up w childhood friends n things :/ it was Bad
WHERE HAVE THEY TRAVELLED? — jst various places in england, san francisco, lovell n amsterdam i think
DO THEY TAKE ANY PRESCRIPTIONS? — ya he’s on 200mg of sertraline atm.... idk wht it’s called in america... an anti-depressant basically... he’s tried like 87274723 diff ones bt. :/
DO THEY HAVE ANY DIAGNOSIS’S? — depression (severe) and insomnia... probably mre undiagnosed :/
FICTIONAL CHARACTER THEY ARE MOST LIKE? — ok he isn’t a fictional character bt his biggest inspiration is robert pattinson honestly............. i cn also see nick miller (new girl) in him............ mulder frm the x files (dnt watch bt frm screencaps etc) n also ik he’s a real person again bt the like Persona nathan fielder puts on in nathan for you..... vry deadpan n absurd..... reminds me of him
ARE THEY EMPLOYED? WHERE DO THEY WORK? — no job Babey altho mayb i’ll change tht fr the spice
WERE THEY POPULAR IN HIGH SCHOOL? — he ws invited to all the parties bt he wsn’t like a Top Dog or anything....... jst along fr the ride
DRINK? — ya
SMOKE CIGARETTES? — so many ya’s. so little time.
SMOKE WEED? — so much. Sorrr pls give ur lungs a break.....
WHERE WERE THEY BORN? WHERE DID THEY GROW UP? — sheffield, england!! he mostly grew up there bt also spent some yrs in san francisco. his parents were weird n unreliable abt relocating between galleries so it ws a bit of a train wreck tbh......
WHAT ARE THEIR PLANS POST-GRADUATION? — jude does nt..... hv any plans fr his life at all........... none at all...... doesn’t look any of u in the eyes.................. :////////////////
PARENTS NAMES — harry n colette
DO THEY HAVE PETS? TYPES & NAMES? — he hs a tortoise named herb who he wld never confess to loving dearly..... lets him roam free as he pleases.... feeds him slices of cucumber
ARE THEY RELIGIOUS? WHAT IS THEIR RELIGION IF SO? — no he’s like..... if god ws real he’d b a cunt.
HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE THEY SLEPT WITH? — hmmMMM..... mayb like.... 30 something
WHAT VEHICLE DO THEY DRIVE? IF THEY DON’T DRIVE, HOW DO THEY TRAVEL AROUND TOWN? — idk cars bt i imagine the paint kind of peeling faded dusty blue-ish grey myb like.... a slightly older model...... splutters smoke the stereo jams a lot........ he doesn’t care he’s like the bastard hs character............ probably brks dwn a lot n is parked mre than driven. usually gets the bus
DESCRIBE THEIR FASHION — just doesn’t give much of a fk throws whtever on...... usually some flannel shirt or white tshirt...... variation of trousers....... jean jacket or corduroy one......... dr martens.............. sometimes plaid pj pants in public i rly cnt emphasise hw little he cares.............
DO THEY BELIEVE ANY OF THE STORIES ABOUT RADCLIFFE? WHICH ONES? — he finds the undergrounds a bit creepy i think bt he doesn’t rly like enclosed spaces so cld just b tht.................. probably thinks the secret society hs some weight to it
DO THEY THINK THE MOTHMAN IS HOT? — open to the idea of him being a handsome fellow................. perhaps muscular in physique...... striking bastard chap......
A QUOTE THAT DESCRIBES THEM — “He was more like a drizzle in a drought, a fast glance of the view as you’re speeding down the highway. He was there, but he never was.” or “There is a terrible emptiness in me, an indifference that hurts.“
A SONG THAT THEY WOULD RELATE TO — cnt pick between agnes by glass animals n spanish sahara by foals so..... slaps both dwn
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my-creative-hell · 4 years
Sleep deprived (Actor au)
Despite being absorbed in her work, Grave hears the knocking on the door of the lab behind her, breaking her concentration enough to be aware of the room around her, the world outside dark.
“Come in!” Grave calls out softly, not taking her eyes off of what she is doing as the door opens silently, Scarlet popping her head into the room.
“H-Hey! Are you okay in here?” She questions, hiding the brewing concern inside of her as she speaks to Grave, who hadn’t come out of her lab room all day.
“I’m good! Are you okay?” Grave returns the question, smiling as she turns to look at Scarlet, worry instinctively coming to mind as she questions her.
“Oh I’m fine, don’t worry about me! I was just worried about you, since you’ve been cooped up in here all day…” Scarlet explains, smiling softly as she opens the door more, coming inside.
“If you’re worried, you can stay in here with me… o-only if you want to though.” Grave offers, giggling softly as Scarlet enters, closing the door behind her.
“What you working on?” She questions, sitting down on the floor comfortably near Grave.
“Arm blasters and leg stuff!!!” Grave explains, glowing softly as she pokes Scarlet’s nose affectionately.
“How long you been in here?” Scarlet questions, smiling as she leans on her hand for support.
“Two hours…” Grave lies, looking away guiltily as Scarlet frowns, eyes boring a hole into her.
“I know that’s not true… feels like I haven’t seen you in ages.” Scarlet explains calmly, voice hushed.
“…Maybe it’s been a day…” Grave continues, hiding from view as she speaks, though Scarlet keeps her eyes trained on her.
“Just one?” Scarlet pushes, frown deepening on her features as she watches Grave keenly.
“And a half…” Hiding more, Grave keeps going as Scarlet sighs from the floor quietly.
“How long really?” She asks, wanting a solid answer from Grave, unable to remember herself how long she had been in the lab for.
“Three days… sorry.” Grave admits, curling into a ball as Scarlet smiles kindly, happy to have the answer.
“That’s okay but… you aren’t tired after spending so much time working?” Scarlet questions, curious about the answer.
“Not at all! I’ve done this a million times.” Grave explains, scoffing quietly as she answers her.
“Yeah… I guess so.” Scarlet agrees, laughing quietly, though it sounds strained and tired.
“What’s wrong, Scarlet?” Grave questions, frowning as she begins to glow, feeling slightly worried.
“Oh no, I’m fine, don’t worry!” Scarlet exclaims, jumping slightly at the sudden attention as she diverts her gaze away from Grave.
“A-Are you sure?” Grave questions, her frown deepening as she fiddles with her hands nervously, glowing brighter in concern.
“Of course! I’m doing fine.” Scarlet reassures her, nodding as she hides her face out of Grave’s view.
Sighing, Grave tries to smile as she opens her arms, inviting Scarlet in for a hug. Scarlet smiles at the offer, but it looks nervous as she debates getting up from her seat on the floor.
“I love you…” Encasing Scarlet in a gentle hug, Grave warms her up as she speaks softly, keeping quiet.
“I love you too.” Scarlet returns the sentiment as she leans into Grave, her voice sounding more drained than usual.
“Mmm babey.” Despite noticing the change in Scarlet’s voice, Grave avoids mentioning it as she kisses her gently, Scarlet silently attempting to keep herself awake as she is held gently.
“Do you want me to make you a thing?” Grave questions, releasing Scarlet from the hug a she glows softly.
“You can if you want to, I don’t mind.” Scarlet explains, humming quietly as she flashes Grave a gentle smile.
“You can’t look!” Grave warns her, smiling as she prepares some equipment, Scarlet nodding as she covers her eyes for her.
Beginning to work, Scarlet can hear the noises of power tools and Grave’s soft humming as she curls up into herself, attempting to use the noise to keep herself awake.
“I done!!!” Grave exclaims, finishing the device quickly as she signals for Scarlet to open her eyes, wiggling excitedly as Scarlet smiles at her.
Grave reveals what she’s made for her, a softly glowing heart with a gentle melody playing. Scarlet smiles at the heartfelt gift, though some nervousness grows inside her as the melody only serves to make her sleepier.
“Now you have a crown! …Kind of!” Grave exclaims, setting it on Scarlet’s head carefully despite her rising concern, avoiding asking Scarlet for fear of annoying her.
“How much longer do you think you’ll be working on stuff?” Scarlet questions softly, reaching to hold Grave’s hand as she smiles.
“I dunno! Do you need to do somethin?” Grave questions, kissing Scarlet’s hand gently as she moves to poke her nose in an affectionate manner.
“Nope! I was just being curious. I’ll uh, let you keep working.” Scarlet explains, blushing at the contact as she averts her eyes from Grave.
“A-Are you sure?” Grave questions, frowning slightly as concern crashes over her in a large wave.
“Yup! I’m just gonna… go and find something to do for a while.” Scarlet explains, nodding as she attempts to get up off of the floor, though it seems like a difficult task.
“Y-You’re not okay, are you?” Grave asks, feeling more concerned by the second as her frown depends, glowing as she worries.
“I’m fine, don’t worry about it, my legs just fell asleep is all.” Scarlet attempts to lie, her voice higher than normal.
“That’s not it…” Grave insists, curling into a ball shape as she prevents herself from pushing further, feeling worried.
“I’m fine, really. I just think I need a little help up.” Scarlet tries to reassure her, sighing softly.
“Okay…” Agreeing, Grave stands up, offering Scarlet her hand as she smiles gently, the hand being accepted gratefully by Scarlet.
“You need anything else?” Grave questions, gently pulling Scarlet to her feet as she taps against the floor. Shaking her head, Scarlet leans into
Grave as she stands, suddenly feeling fuzzy.
“You’re lying, aren’t you?” Frowning, Grave presses a gentle kiss to Scarlet’s forehead, her voice low and soft as Scarlet shakes her head in answer, though the unsteady swaying of her body tells another story.
“Yeah, you’re definitely lying.” Sighing, Grave carefully lifts Scarlet up, cradling her gently. “Y o u are goin to bed.” She continues, her tone serious.
“Cant…” Scarlet mumbles, hiding her face in Grave as she shakes her head more, feeling weak.
“Why no? You need to!” Grace responds, feeling concerned as Scarlet hides away from her view more.
“Just cant…” Scarlet explains, her voice getting quieter and more slurred as the fuzzy feeling in her brain grows.
“I’ll sleep with you if that makes it better, but you really really need to go to sleeb.” Grave encourages her, sighing softly.
“You aren’t tired… I can wait it out, I have been already.” Scarlet murmurs from her place in Grave’s chest, feeling groggy.
“You what?” Grave questions, feeling her face pull into a concerned frown as worry swirls inside of her, Scarlet whining in response.
“…I can’t sleep on my own, but you never sleep.” Scarlet admits, her voice getting quieter in the hopes Grave wouldn’t hear her.
“I… sorry.” Grave apologises, looking down to the floor as she thinks. “It doesn’t matter if I’m not tired, you’re way more important right now. You need to s l e e p.” She explains quietly.
“…I’m fine, don’t force yourself. I’m just being a baby.” Scarlet argues softly, looking up at Grave as a gentle frown graces her features.
“I-I don’t think you understand, we b o t h need sleep. I haven’t slept in three days and neither have you. If you don’t sleep I’m gonna… eat… your hair.” Grave threatens quietly, sighing as she looks down at Scarlet.
“Sorry…” Sighing, Scarlet clings onto Grave gently as the exhausted feeling grow inside of her.
“Sleep please… I’m really worried about you.” Grave encourages her, frowning as she kisses her gently.
“Can we get in bed?” Scarlet requests, hiding in Grave gently as she lowers her voice.
“Of course we can!” Smiling, Grave moves her to their room, gently placing her on the bed, lying down beside her.
Curling up under the covers, Scarlet reaches for Grave gently as she feels her sleepiness dragging on her, seeking comfort.
“I love you…” Grave mumbles, pulling Scarlet close as she litters her face with kisses of affection.
“I love you too…” Humming, Scarlet nuzzles into Grave gently to warm herself up, feeling safe and comfortable.
“You babey… my babey!” Grave exclaims quietly, starting to feel sleepy herself as she holds Scarlet.
“Mmmm…” Scarlet is quiet as she gets sleepier, Grave pressing a gentle kiss to her lips as they both fall asleep beside one another.
 The sky is still dark as Grave stirs in the bed, curling up comfortably as she taps her feet against the mattress softly. Scarlet lies beside her, huddled into her comfortably as Grave gently kisses her forehead, smiling affectionately.
Shifting in the bed, a small frown works its way onto Scarlet’s face as she hides in Grave, making her feel confused as she starts to stroke Scarlet’s hair gently, hoping to calm her down.
Leaning into the touch, Scarlet whines softly as Grave frown, feeling concerned as she continues to stroke her hair gently.
“Mmm…” Scarlet hums softly as she hides in Grave more, curling herself into a ball like shape, Grave wiggling her feet in slight worry for her.
Scarlet seems to stir from her sleep slightly, nuzzling herself gently into Grave as she beeps in response, feeling worried as Scarlet opens her eyes slowly, looking around herself.
“Hi…” Grave keeps her voice hushed as she speaks, trying to smile as she glows softly, Scarlet humming quietly as she wakes up further, hugging Grave gently.
Returning the hug, Grave litters Scarlet’s face in gentle kisses, making her scrunch her nose in response as she burrows into Grave.
Glowing softly, Grave cuddles Scarlet gently as she nuzzles into her, already feeling sleepiness wash over her once again as she warms up.
“You babey…” Grave murmurs quietly, wiggling as she strokes Scarlet’s hair gently, watching her smile.
“Yours…” She responds equally quiet, kissing Grave softly as she snuggles into her comfortably.
“That’s friggin c u t e.” Grave squeaks, curling into a ball as Scarlet whines from the lack of contact, curling into Grave as she giggles, holding her close and giving her a gentle kiss.
Smiling, Scarlet allows herself to drift off silently in Grave’s arms once again, feeling safe and cared for as Grave follows closely behind her.
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ichirostitties · 5 years
welcome!! can i please get some uhhhhh pining/confession hcs for ichiro, doppo, and dice? 👀
HEY GUYS IT’S BEEN A HOT MINUTE i should be able to update more frequently now!! work b like kickin my ass + i’ve been replying for uni so uwu owo i’m back now alSO oh..THIS RQ WAS LIKE MADE FOR ME!! they’re all good dudes ughh dw i’ll send them all the love
-oh this poor kid. he has no clue what to do, it sort of hit him out of nowhere one day; that he realised he really REALLY liked you, like a lot!! more than a friend (i think ichiro is the type of person who would only really fall for someone he considers a friend first, so u gotta be his friend before u can suck his dick ok)
-he can’t stop thinking about you, especially when he’s reading those light novels of his. he can’t help picturing the two of you in the same situations as the main love interests and he keeps!! blushing and having to stop reading because it makes his heart so soft but he’s so embarrassed 
-every time he sees you he can feel his heart sort of..squeeze or ache in some way, he finds it hard to hold back his feelings because he’s usually so honest and affectionate but he really doesn’t want to ruin your friendship.
-jiro and saburo notice he’s been acting differently recently, he’s been a little more easily distracted and he seems especially jumpy when you come around…honestly they can probably tell what’s up, i think they’d try to get you two alone but they simultaneously facepalm when ichiro still says nothing and just keeps staring at you when you’re not looking (sometimes you notice but you don’t think much of it)
-he would probably imagine some different romantic confession scenario each night. before he goes to sleep he lies there and he imagines various (impossible) ways his confession to you would go. it’s all really cliche but he’s having the time of his life before he goes to sleep and probably dreams about it too
-bruh ichiro is so whipped like.,he’d drop anything to help you if you needed it. he’s such a sweetie and even you notice he’s been doing more to help than usual lately. please remind him to take care of himself, i feel like he needs someone to do that for him sometimes
-it takes time, a lot of longing glances at you and he probably even sighs wistfully while reading manga, but eventually he’ll gather up the courage to tell you how he feels. he’s planned some impossibly elaborate scenario, but one day when you guys are just hanging out on one of his days off playing video games or something (GOD I WISH THAT WERE ME…THIS BITCH Y/N IS OUT HERE LIVING THEIR BEST LIFE) he just sorta..lets it slip that he really likes you. 
-he would definitely only ever say it in person. he thinks that doing it via message/text is sort of an easy way out and what sort of person would he be if he did that?? he’s gotta gather up the courage just like his favourite main characters have done so many times!!
-so he’d tell you, and if you accept him he’d be SO HAPPY i think he’d almost cry. he’d give you the biggest, softest hug ever and you’d probably have to tell him to stop squeezing so hard but!!! aah!! he’s so so happy that you return his feelings and he doesn’t even care that you guys technically wasted time with all the moments he couldn’t bring himself to say anything
-and as a zombie kills him in minecraft in the background, ichiro can feel that ache in his chest finally subside as he leans in to give you a big ol smooch right on the lips (mwah ily too ichiro)
-ok. this one made me a little emo ngl
-when dice finds out he has feelings for you, he really doesn’t know what else to do. there’s evidence that he actually doesn’t think that highly of himself (..im lookin at you hypmic manga + stella lyric video), so he would probably be content to be around you in any way, even if it isn’t romantic, because he’s just so happy and kind of astounded you want to be around him as much as you do at all
-he isn’t very obviously like this, though, it’s just thoughts he has sometimes so you don’t notice anything, but they’re still there. he doesn’t think you’d want to date someone like him, after all, he’s a bit of a screw-up, right?(NO HE ISNT..DICE IS BABEY) he’s only 20, and yet he’s already made so many bad decisions…
-and he finds himself enjoying your company even more than usual, he really does love you so much and he isn’t used to feeling this way! his chest hurts when he thinks about you, and he just sees your hand and wants to hoLD IT SO BADLY but he can’t bring himself to say anything
-he’s always been a little clingy towards people who are kind to him, but you notice he’s been like that even more than usual. he doesn’t even beg money from you like usual, he’s just…there, a lot. not that you mind, in fact you welcome his company, you just notice that difference
-he stays with you a lot, and you guys still have just as much fun together as you always did! he’s great to be around, he’s really lighthearted even if he gets riled up easily, and maybe you start to notice this light, fluttery feeling when he’s around too..but you brush it off as just general enjoyment of his presence
-it’s one day, after he’s had a particular lucky streak down at the slot machines, that he feels that wave of dopamine hit and just rushes to your place, excited at all his winnings, and accidentally-on-purpose (he’s aware of what he’s doing, he just can’t really control his mouth lol) tells you how he feels in a big rush of excitement (probably like “AND I THINK I WON CAUSE I’VE BEEN AROUND YOU A LOT!! YOU’RE LIKE MY LUCKY CHARM!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH Y/N!!”
-you’re like “uhh..ok what?? bruh moment” as he keeps going, then he realises what he said and COMPLETELY STOPS, he’s speechless for a good few seconds, before he turns pretty red and starts pacing around the room ranting about how it wasn’t supposed to go like that!!! he wasn’t supposed to say anything because there’s no way you’d wanna be with someone like him!!
-and then you go over to him to calm him down, take his hand in yours and assure him that actually, you do want to be with him. you tell him you’ve liked him for a while now too, but you’d only figured it out recently, and he’s just so shocked that his brain stops working for a moment and he looks like “…” but as a person
-and then he gets the biggest, cheesiest dice-grin on his face and gives you a BIG BIG BONE-CRUSHING HUG, spins you around, and says he loves you over and over while you laugh and cry simultaneously because you think he’s about to snap your spine
-after that’s over, you tell him that he shouldn’t think of himself as trash or anything; sure he’s like the definition of bad decisions, but you don’t care because he’s an honest, kind person whose company you genuinely enjoy, and even if he gambled all his clothes and everything else he owns away, you’d still wanna be with him because you feel the same, you love him
-he’s so happy! he feels luckier than he ever has in his entire life, his day has gone so well and he has the best sleep (by your side, ofc) he’s had in a long time
-a nervous wreck..you think he’s bad normally?? he’s 100 times worse now that he’s realised he likes you in a romantic way
-he’s REALLY OBVIOUS!! poor man :^( he stutters while he’s talking to you (more than usual), he blushes BRIGHT RED when asking you anything, he’s fidgeting SO MUCH like his hands are shaking (knees weak palms sweaty mom’s spaghetti), and sometimes he can’t even bring himself to greet you when he sees you because he’s just too afraid of screwing up and making you hate him (as if you could ever..doppo is amazing)
-everyone within a mile radius can tell how he feels. hifumi almost tells you himself before doppo smacks him straight across the face and tells him to shut the hell his mouth before apologizing profusely to you and dragging mr hifoomi away for a severe talking to about Social Boundaries (then apologizes for giving him the smack and pats him on the head. i love their friendship)
-he’d go out of his way to see you at least once a day, even if he can’t always bring himself to talk to you and even if it means he gets home a little later than usual. he feels horribly creepy just watching you, but his heart is fluttering so much and his chest is aching so badly he can’t do much more than that, no matter how much he wants to go over to you
-he will NEVER confess purposely. his self esteem is so cripplingly low he’s convinced you don’t even like him that much anyway, let alone return his feelings, and he thinks him confessing would just make you despise him, so he never says anything and just remains stuck in this horrible loop
-one day, however, he’s had the shittiest day in a while (at least, it stands out compared to others), and you invite him over for dinner (it’s been a while, after all!). he thinks, why not? how could this day get any worse? at least he’ll get to see you, even if he makes a big fool of himself and you end up hating him. at least it’ll all be over in one day
-you’re actually a little nervous yourself. you really like doppo, and you had plans to say something to him yourself this evening. you didn’t want to give him a nervous breakdown, however, so you had this whole thing planned out where you’d give him the most relaxing dinner possible so he’d at least be in a relatively normal state of mind so you could tell him your feelings
-well!! spoiler alert, it doesn’t end up like that. doppo, more anxious than usual, keeps slipping over his words and keeps muttering under his breath, and you can only seem to calm him for a max of 5 minutes at a time before he’s at it again. you manage to get through dinner fine, in fact it’s really pleasant, but after that he doesn’t know what to do and ends up biting his nails on your couch while you tidy up
-he says it accidentally. he didn’t mean for you to hear it, but he says that he loves you and you almost drop the plate you’re holding in shock because!! no way! he feels the same? and you turn around and he’s got this absolutely devastated look on his face because he’s convinced he’s just ruined your entire relationship
-you rush over to him before he can start apologizing and self-deprecating again (he gets a few out before you reach him) and you pull him up off the couch and into your arms because boy does he look like he needs a hug right now. you stroke his hair and reassure him that you feel the same! in fact, you were planning on confessing to him yourself at some point tonight, but he beat you to it! you congratulate him on being brave enough to say it aloud, even if it was an accident
-doppo’s in shock. he doesn’t know what to say, but he loves the feeling of your hand stroking his hair and leans into it, unable to believe his luck. he probably starts crying as soon as his emotions catch up to him because he’s SO RELIEVED, that was so stressful for him, and he’s not sure if he’s felt this happy in a long time
-he calls hifumi and tells him he’ll be out for the night, before he decides to stay over at your place for the night (screw work, he’ll call in sick) and maybe talk to you about nice things while he falls asleep. he’s wanted this for so long and you’re more than happy to have him over to talk things out properly (and also try to lift his spirits a little. poor man needs a break)
-and now u guys r dating and it’s wholesome and pleASE GIVE HIM ALL UR LOVE HE NEEDS IT!! 
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moonvoiid · 4 years
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i am writing on two hours of sleep in the past twenty-four hours so please excuse me and all of my mistakes,  both grammatical and overall.    i swear i’m usually in a playful,   cryptid in a sexy way kinda mood...   fhsduifhds SO.    so !    ian moon.   alright,   i’m leaving important links down below !!   the google docs document contains his biography in a slightly    ( re: no big improvement )   better state than what i’m giving you under the read more,   so if you’d like 2 give something    (  SLIGHTLY )   more comprehensive a read i’d recommend it !!!   
( jeon jungkook, cismale ) hey ! have you seen IAN MOON around ? HE works as a SKI INSTRUCTOR (KID) at big bear resort, but they must be off their shift by now. well, if you do see them can you let me know ? they’re 22 years old & they’ve been working here for THREE MONTHS. they tend to be +SPONTANEOUS & +CHARISMATIC, but can also be -MANIPULATIVE & -DESTRUCTIVE. the other employees have labeled them THE REVELLER. thanks a lot !    ( charcoal-stained fingertips, cat hair on dark hoodies, frowning lips around an e-cigarette , distressed pokemon cards & the gleam of a new mercedes benz under street lights. )
google doc   +    playlist    +    pinterest board
THE PAST, a brief summary:
ian was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.    as soon as he could make demands,    he got everything he wanted whenever he asked for it and then more.    i wish i could sum up his childhood in those sentences alone,    but the bitter reality of his early youth was that he was a lonely kid.    his mother was a rather young trophy wife who married into his father’s family and became pregnant to tie herself into the family’s empire and his father was a ceo of a real estate company who only cared about making ian a suitable heir to the title.   he was allowed too much freedom from the start–   his dad only involved himself in ian’s life when it came to academics and his mom…   well,   his mom lazed around the house enough for ian to see her every few days or so.
he rebelled around his first years of university in seoul.   he was studying business to follow the path that was set for him when all of the pressure that had been building up finally made him SNAP.   ian ruined what little relationship he had left with his father and decided to leave home altogether after making a massive mess he couldn’t fix.    with a subsequent agreement he made with his mom,    he got to choose where to live,    if to study right away,    and what to do for the time being with a bank account full of funds.    now THAT’S the ian living and working in big bear village you know  !
his job !    ian works as a ski instructor for kids.   back when he was a child himself,    he and his family would often go on vacations and that frequently included leaving korea to go play in mountains of snow.   ian is really good at skiing because it was one of those skills that he worked his naive ass off to be wonderful at so his parents could have something to brag about.   besides choosing it because he’s good at it,   though,   ian also enjoys really active atmospheres in general.   he likes being kept busy and interacting with others and he likes being out in the cold like a mama duck since he ended up getting assigned to teach children how to skii.   he quickly warmed up to the job and he has a ton of fun working with kids which is hard to believe considering how generally insufferable ian is in any other setting.
mimi !    a short one but definitely worth mentioning because if i don’t mention her,   he will.   mimi is ian’s    (   and roman’s   )   beloved cat,   he would literally die for her.   she began living with them in their chaotic apartment after ian rescued her tiny kitten self and took her home.   she is extremely spoiled by him even though she herself is lowkey feral. 
postive habits !    so ian is truly a man of habit.   the pros are that some of his habits are really,    really good...   and the cons,   of course,   is the flipside that his negative habits are rather...    very bad and annoying.   but these are the good ones !!   it seems like he doesn’t really notice it,   but he makes an active effort to treat his friends because he doesn’t really know how to express affection unless it’s within an inappropriate joke or comment.   he’s quite loose with his expensive belongings and will quietly pay for his friend’s drinks throughout the night.  he works out a lot,   he would be a gym rat if he wasn’t busy being a disaster.   he makes up for all of the alcohol he drinks by eating really healthy    (   unless he’s high or,   again,   drunk and needs oily unhealthy food or else he’ll die   )   and keeping up with workout routines !    i don’t recommend having him as a gym buddy because he’ll show up at your doorstep at four am with protein shakes and a really shitty workout playlist.    he is very into art !!   his favorite medium is charcoal and he keeps his drawings / occasional paintings very greyscale.   he can be seen sketching the mountains during his free time like a true buffering romantic,   and his future plans include going to art school !!   he’s real organized with his general space n etc !    a tidy boy.   
negative habits !    alright,    so ian has a lot of these.   perhaps the biggest one is that he doesn’t accept criticism on his character even though he cares about how he’s perceived which is really very annoying for many people who know him.   he’s...   how u say...    irritating.    he never,   ever takes anything seriously and he’s always making a dumb joke,   so he has this persona of being a charming flirty pretty boy who sleeps around like a god taken straight out of greek mythology.   in other words,   he’s 100% a fuckboy.   the reason this is a bad habit is that ian is actually really smart and reliable but he wears 50 coats of shallow asshole that cover that up.    it’s his thing.    he thinks it protects him or whatever.   he can b...    manipulative...   he’s just really good at lying and will never hesitate to do it.   he is BAD at relationships !!    he treats them as things to pass the time or avoids them altogether in lieu of just getting the fun part of people and honestly...    it’s lowkey evil...   he’ll string people along and then blame them for getting attached ?    of course he goes on to feel very empty !!    because he does this stupid impulsive shit !! all the time !!    but anyway ian smokes e-cigarettes and he’s always got a fancy one in his pocket that he WILL use during any free outdoor time that he has.    he likes 2 party a lot and make bad choices while he’s drunk and then do that over and over and over again fhdisufh.   that’s the reveler for u babey !! 
misc headcanons !    ian is a huge weeb and loves video games.   he plays all big three gaming consoles + PC and u BET he hosts super smash bros hangouts w/ snacks and weed and everything u need basically every weekend when there’s not already a party goin’ on.   tbh in general ian rlly likes to start parties up like he’ll b the first to text ‘ aye where the party at ’    all the time and there’s no party invite he’ll say no to.    /    he’ll randomly start sketching u if ur sitting across from him n there’s a pen in his hand.    /    he wears absolutely no colors like this boy rlly only owns dark or pure white clothes.   /    he has only 1 tat:    a palm-sized heart on the side of his right hip.   ton of ear piercings tho !!   /    nnnn....    i’ll leave this lil section at that fr now !! 
to sum it up,   ian is a mix between a charming socialite boy and a messy fuckboy.
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freddycartergf · 4 years
19, 20 ans 24 babey 💌
19. favorite lesbian novel
OK i’m ashamed to say i don’t read that often so i don’t have one BUT if anyone would like to recommend me one I HAVE time now w this quarantine babey
20. favorite lesbian song
THERE are a few i’ll say 1950, TALIA, girls like girls, and OH ALSO i wanna be your girlfriend these are basic i Know but they Slap
24. if a girl was to woo you what should she do?
HM OK ok definitely talk to me about anything related to one direction HDJDJS ok but seriously if a girl like . invited me over to watch a movie and build a fort and cuddle i 🥺🥺 i just wanna Cuddle PLS and discussion wise talking about like . social issues and related stuff is a) interesting to me and b) very telling about if we’ll get along HDJDJ OK ok that’s it OH WAIT also if u buy me sour scandinavian swimmers from trader joe’s u own my heart
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peachymhaechan · 5 years
“Not even one snow angel?”
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Genre: fluff
Warnings: language bc im too dumb to find better words
Pairing: Jaehyun x gender neutral reader
Author’s Note: yall it’s so cold that they had to cancel school for three days bc it’s supposed to be in the negatives for three days straight, so yall already know what that means: time to write fluff focused around Jung Jaehyun when I should be preparing for my biotechnology debate,,, yeehaw !! also: im shook that yall liked the mark mafia au so much,,, I will have another mafia au out soon, love yall !!
our story is set in fair Verona, where it is cold as tits out
jk its not actually set in Verona but ya know. Romeo and Juliet, am I rite, laid ease and gents?? (even tho that story is high key messed up and I don’t really understand why people aspire to have relationships like that) 
no but for real, classes for the next couple of days were cancelled because of a negative ten degree Fahrenheit wind chill, and that meant you had nothing to do (other than procrastinate your class work)
yeehaw, am I rite, laid ease and gents???
n e ways, 
rather than staying in your dorm all day w your dorm mate whom you did not always get along very well with, 
you decided to carpe the fuck outta that diem and play in the snow with some of you friends
lacing up the boots you shoved over four pairs of socks, you called Johnny, a kid you’d known since your freshman algebra class
“Seo, let’s go outside for once.” 
“Excuse me, what? Is it the sleep deprivation talking or did I hear you just say the words lets go and outside in one sentence?” a sleepy Johnny said from the other line
“Haha, very funny, dumbass. Let’s go play in the snow,” you told him, throwing on a winter coat 
“Y/N, it is eleven AM,” Johnny told you, causing you to roll your eyes as you shut the door
“Really? I had no clue, Johnny, thank you for telling me.” 
“Y/N, it is eleven AM on a day when classes are cancelled,” Johnny rephrased
“Yes, I am well away. Suit up, Seo. I am on my way over, be there in five.” 
on your way, you looked at all the snow and tried not to slip on ice
you made a few stops at some of your other friends’ dorms, and by the time you got to Johnny’s, there was a small army of people ready to play in the snow (and wake up Johnny)
“Mark, can I please wear your hat?” Haechan whined, flashing Mark puppy dog eyes and tugging on his sleeve
“Y/N, make him give me his hat,” the boy begged you, turning those eyes on you
“Mark, do what the baby says,” you told him, knocking on Johnny’s door
johnny seo opened the door, and before you could say anything, you were hit with a snowball in the face
he started cackling and said, “Before you guys got here, I went outside and made a snowball, then put it in a bowl in my mini fridge.” 
“Nothing, Y/N, I thought you wanted to play in the snow?” 
“Johnny, we are not IN the snow right now. We are standing in the middle of your dorm building, while snow drips down my face. I am going to destroy you when we are actually in the snow.” 
“I’d like to see you try, dumbass. Oh, also: do you care if I invite someone to hang out with us today?” he asked, and for some reason, everyone pivoted their attention to the six foot tall man, which you did not notice
“Go ahead, the more the merrier. Right, guys?” you asked, and everyone nodded a little too enthusiastically
You narrowed your eyes in suspicion but didn't ask any questions
“Who all were you planning on inviting?” you asked, trying to get more info out of him
Mark, Haechan, Jisung, Chenle, Jaemin, Jeno, and Lucas all avoided eye contact
“I don’t know, probably just a few of the other guys... Ten, Taeyong, Winwin, Kun, and Jae.” 
so THAT’S why they were acting weird 
those two faced whores
“Jae?” you asked, trying to do some more subtle investigating
“Yes, Jae.” 
“Jae as in... Jaehyun?” 
“Yes, Jae as in Jaehyun.” 
“Like... Jung Jaehyun?” 
“Yes, Jung Jaehyun.” 
“Like..... your roommate Jung Jaehyun?” 
“Yes, my roommate Jung Jaehyun.” 
“The one that I think is hot and told you all that I have a crush on him?” 
“That’d be the one.” 
oh no
oh fuck no
“Unless, of course, you want me to tell him that something has come up and he is no longer invited.” 
“No, no, that’s not necessary, he can still.... he can still join us, if he wants.” 
“Okay, good, because I told him to come with us, and he should be ready any minute now.” 
cue Jaehyun nudging johnny out of the way so he can get out of the door
and all you could think was 
ohhhhhhh mannnnnnnn, he’s hot
he had on jeans, a fluffy winter coat, gloves, and boots, but he had you quaking in your four pairs of socks, okay 
you could feel your cheeks heat up when he gave you a smile
those dimples had you wEAK, BITCH
“Hi, Jaehyun!” you managed to get out, to which he responded
“Hey, Y/N! That hat looks really cute on you! You always look cute, but, ya know what I mean.” 
to say you were malfunctioning would be an understatement
the boys saw you go into a full system reboot
“Let’s get going before all the snow melts!” Chenle said, grabbing your arm and pulling you out of your technical difficulty
“I doubt the snow will be melting any time soon,” Jisung mumbled, getting a slap in the arm from one of the other boys
the only sounds that registered to you were the sounds of the bickering boys, sleds dragging on the floor, and your own heart beat
okay, dawg, just play it cool. 
now that’s easier said than done, isn’t it? dumb bitch. 
the whole time yall walked outside, you were super aware of the proximity of Jaehyun
after about two minutes, Jaehyun was standing right! next! to! you!
wowie, babey! yee fuckin haw!
when yall finally made it to the “lawn” (whatever the fuck u wanna call it, I am not good with words, yeet) of campus- a huge hill with trees all around, right in the center of campus-
yall threw down the sleds a few of you brought, and got right to it
johnny got on a different sled and challenged you to a race, to which you naturally agreed to
while johnny was getting situated before the race, you made a snowball out of his sight, and right as it started, you nailed him in the face
“yOU MOTHER FUCKER!” johnny yelled as he fell off his sled and you took the lead
the boys all laughed (including Jaehyun! let’s gooooo!) and watched you do a half assed victory dance when you reached the bottom of the hill
winning was great and all, but you had to climb back up the hill:/ 
not cool, dawg:/
when you finally reached the top, you found that some of the guys were making a snowman
Jisung saw your heart melting upon the sight and said, “Stop that, this is emo boy gang, either get on board with emotional numbness or get out.” 
that stopped melting your heart, but you still loved the sight of all of them so concentrated on making a huge snowman
Jaehyun led the group, telling them what to do and assembling everything
by the time the snowman was complete, it easily was taller than you were
“yo. this is dope, bro,” johnny said to Jaehyun, pulling him into a bear hug
“thanks, bro,” Jaehyun said, laughing a bit at how ridiculous it all was
“Snowball fight time?” Jeno asked, all of the younger boys behind him, looking at you Old Folk for confirmation as to whether or not it’d be socially acceptable to start wailing balls of coldness at each other
you, johnny, and Jaehyun looked at each other and shrugged 
“Why not?” 
why not, indeed
without a second of hesitation, the younger boys started chucking snowballs at you three
sicko mode or mo bamba? 
“DIVIDE AND CONQUER, DIVIDE AND CONQUER!” you yelled, all three of you taking off in different directions, making the boys split up their force to follow
for some reason, Jaehyun ran along with you, leaving johnny to fend for himself
“Jaehyun, this isn’t a part of the plan!” you scolded, but at the same time loved the situation yall were in
“I know, I wanted to make sure you don’t get hurt.” 
wow, we stan !
“That’s awfully sweet of you, but now we have to figure out how to get rid of them.” 
“I’ll make a diversion while you hide and make ammunition? Send a signal or something and i’ll find you when you’re ready,” Jaehyun told you, making a sharp left and darting through the trees, a trail of boys following him
since you were left alone, you put your hands on your blushing cheeks and then got to work
within a few minutes, you had more than enough ammunition to hit the boys with and you saw all of them at the bottom of the hill, some wrestling and some throwing wads of snow at the others
great idea: take them out from up there?? yes, let’s go y/n, coming in clutch w that idea
without warning, you began to chuck the hundreds of snowballs you made at the boys
by the time you went through all the ammo, none of the boys were left standing except for johnny and Jaehyun
johnny stood up from behind a statue in the campus center and said, “Holy shit.” 
Jaehyun looked at all the boys laying in the fetal position and said, “Holy shit.” 
after that, everyone wanted to go home
not sure why, after all it’s not like they just got their asses kicked in the cold
“I don’t feel like going back to the dorms so soo, though,” Jaehyun said to you and Johnny
johnny went :) idea time! 
“I am feeling really tired from today, but I heard Y/N say earlier that they wanted to stop at the café at some point today and try one of the new drinks they’re making.” :) ;) 
“Okay, cool. Do you want to go to the café with me, then?” Jaehyun asked you
Jaehyun asked you. 
Jaehyun asked you? 
“Yes, I’d love to!” you told him, handing your sled to Jaemin to take with him to the dorms
after parting ways, yall went to the café and had a kind of?? date
just a lot of small talk, what is your goal in life, what are your deepest fears, blah blah blah
on the way home, though, that was when it got REALLY couple-y
you slipped on ice! 
and he went to catch you!
but he fell, too!
but he made it so that you were laying! on! top! of! him!
Hello, K-drama moment!
instead of speaking, you both stared into each other’s eyes 
before you totally #securedthatman by rolling off of him
and making a snow angel
laughing, he stood up and held out a hand to help you up
“Come on, let’s get going, it’s really cold out now. Too cold for snow angels, for sure.” 
“Not even one snow angel?” you asked, flashing him puppy dog eyes
“Not even one snow angel,” he confirmed and helped you up, and!
he didn’t let go of your hand! 
later on, yall consider that snowball fight turned café trip to be your first date, and boy, was it cold, but your hearts sure as hell felt warm that day
in conclusion, uwu
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exordiumed · 5 years
syzygy [ II ]
↳  soulmate au | inspired by this johnten au
pairing: oh sehun & you
genre: fluff, angst
word count: 3.018 words
summary: syzygy (n.): 2. a pair of connected or corresponding things
syzygy masterlist
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“i’m so glad you came into my life.”
“you mean that? like really?”
“of course i do, you’re the best thing the universe had written for me.”
You weren’t really dealing with your feelings in the best way possible if you’re being honest. He has a girlfriend for Christ’s sake and here you were, pining after him like an idiot. Jongin, bless his soul, quickly became your best friend and also your emotional support throughout this entire predicament. Though sometimes it felt more like he was teasing you instead of actually helping.
Maybe the universe was punishing you for some reason? Whatever that was happening, you wanted it to end immediately. But of course, you don’t always get what you want, as you so quickly learn.
So, imagine your surprise when you walked into one of your classes to see him. Of course, your first plan of action was to find the furthest seat away from him, but, unfortunately for you, he had noticed you and beckoned you over to take a seat next to him. Reluctantly, you walked over and plastered on a smile for him when you sat down.
“Fancy seeing you here.”
He chuckled before replying, “Yeah, almost like the universe wants us to be together or something.”
If you were drinking anything while he said that, you were sure you would’ve spat it out. Does he know that he was being like this? Sending you weird mixed signals and being aware that his words held a double meaning for you? Honestly, it was getting a bit tiring trying to be normal around him when everything that he did made you want to jump him.
Thankfully, he wasn’t a distraction in class as you had feared him to be. The two of you hung out after class, walking around town and you managed to take some good shots of the skyscrapers in the city centre. And maybe you sneaked in a few candid shots of him walking around, unaware of you pointing your lens at him.
“You’re a photography major right?”
“No, I just like lugging this camera around and struggling to find inspiration for my assignments and constantly ramble on about angles and composition and symmetry all the time,” you replied sarcastically. For some reason, your reply made him laugh, a bit too hard until people were giving the both of you dirty looks, but you didn’t care. You made him laugh. You felt a bit too proud at that.
After his fit of laughter died down, he stared at you. He did that a lot, you noticed. You shifted uncomfortably underneath his gaze, it almost felt like he could see into your soul, read all of your thoughts and you didn’t like that one bit. Being so vulnerable at the hands of someone else.
“Your stare is kinda intense, you know that?” You told him.
He laughed again.
“So I’ve been told. Maybe it’s a drama major thing, you know, just dramatic like that.”
“Whatever you say.”
You came back home after hanging out with Sehun and you were happy. Exhausted, but happy. You checked your phone for notifications to find 5 text messages from Jongin:
hi ok sure ignore me thats fine actually its not pls respond u better be getting dicked down or something for u to not reply wait no u cant be he has a gf oop Read 20:22
You rolled your eyes. Leave it to him to give you an unneeded reminder of the sad reality you lived in.
» wow i completely forgot that he has a girlfriend thank u for the reminder Read 20:24
omg she’s alive!!! how did it go sis Read 20:24
» ok i guess just 2 friends hanging out Read 20:25
lAME Read 20:25
Chuckling at his response, you tossed your phone onto your sofa so you could shower, and hopefully wash away all the thoughts of Sehun left in your mind.
The next few days passed uneventfully. It was a much appreciated break from the hectic whirlwind that was your life for the past month.  Jongin’s been an absolute sweetheart of course, hearing your incessant ranting and complaining about love and Sehun and how much you wanted to simultaneously smooch him but also run him over with a tractor.
“I have an idea,” Jongin started over lunch one day.
“Oh no.”
“Shut up,” he smiled. “You’re going to a party with me.”
“No, I’m not.”
“That wasn’t a question, it was a statement. You’re coming with me whether you like it or not.”
You were confused, and your facial expression definitely showed it because Jongin groaned.
“You’re going to find some nice hook-up and forget about him obviously!”
You snorted. “Oh yeah, brilliant.”
“Shut up.”
You were honestly doubting his plan, but you didn’t tell him that. And, maybe he was right. Maybe a distraction could help you forget about Sehun.
Except, it didn’t work. 
One moment you were sucking some guy’s face and for some damn reason you opened your eyes to see him staring right at you. You panicked, pushed the guy off of you and ran outside, looking for Jongin so you could rant to him and hopefully calm down.   
You didn’t find him, but you did manage to calm down, nonetheless. It was beautiful outside. You relished the night breeze and admired the moon hanging in the night sky with a few stars dotted around. You lifted your phone camera to take a picture of the sky, something about those astronomical bodies calms you, strangely. Like a wave of sereneness washes over you when you admire them. You decided there was nothing left for you to do at the party, and Jongin’s plan for you to hook up with someone and forget about Sehun had failed, so you texted Jongin you were leaving early and left for home.
“Hey,” Sehun said as soon as you slipped into your seat next to him. “You left early yesterday?”
You swallowed. “Yeah, I just wasn’t feeling it y’know?”
“I see.”
He was quiet after that, and it unnerved you. Sure, he was usually quiet but something about his silence this time scared you. Still, the rest of the lecture flew by with no incident and when he got up to leave, your hand shot up to tug at his wrist. He looked at you and you immediately pulled away, as if touching him had burned you.
“Did I.. do something wrong?”
He shook his head and offered you a small smile. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about it too much, okay?”
He left, and again, you were stunned. You groaned inwardly, why were boys like this? Your mental complaining was cut short when you received a text from Jongin.
lets have dinner!! Read 17:55
» sure when and where and who Read 17:55
my place!! as soon as u get here i have takeout just u n me babey Read 17:56
» hot i’ll be there in 20 Read 17:57
Jongin always knew how to cheer you up, even when he didn’t even know you needed it. Takeout and watching Netflix on his sofa together was the perfect remedy. And his dog too, you daresay you liked his dog more than him.
The moment you crossed the threshold from the front door of his apartment, Jongin engulfed you in a bear hug. You laughed and hugged him back. He was practically a ball of sunshine and you had no idea what you did to deserve this man.
Halfway through your Netflix marathon, you sneaked a photo of Jongin cutely pouting at his TV over some scene happening in whatever show you two were watching. You added it to your story and looked up from your phone to see Jongin stealing some of your noodles. You swatted his hand away and he shrieked.
“Um, I think rude is you trying to steal my food mister.” Jongin stuck his tongue out at you while you resumed eating the rest of your food so there was none for him to steal.
A little while later, you were helping him throw the trash since it was the least you could do to help him out when he invited you over, Jongin called out to you.
“Did you tell Sehun you were with me or something?”
“What? No!”
“Huh. He’s asking me about you,” he replied. You furrowed your brows trying to think of how he could’ve known you were hanging out with Jongin.
“Oh! He must’ve seen my Instagram story.”
“I’m on your story and you didn’t tell me?!”
You shook your head as you dumped your trash into the rubbish bin. You wondered why Sehun would be asking him about you. He should just leave you alone, he has a girlfriend as Jongin loves to constantly remind you about. Again, you were confused. Everything about him was confusing. You wished he would just stop it, you wished he didn’t have a girlfriend so you were free to do whatever you wanted with him, you wished you would stop feeling this way.
Sehun sure had a thing for asking you weird questions out of the blue the moment you sit down next to him in class because this time he asked you:
“Do you like Jongin?”
If you could pronounce question marks in real life that would be your response to his question, but since you couldn’t you settled for giving him the most confused look you could muster.
“I mean, you were hanging out with him at his place last night so I thought..”
“You’re an idiot, he’s my best friend, we were just hanging out and watching Netflix. Nothing special.” Your reply came out curt and probably sounded a little cold. You hadn’t intended it to come out that harsh but, you supposed you were just tired of this boy and his antics, no matter how much you liked him.
“Oh.” He said and he was silent after that for a long while, until he asked, “Do you wanna have dinner? After class? With me? And we could walk around the city again and you can take nice photos of me, or the buildings whichever you prefer.”
What was with him and stunning you into silence? Because, you didn’t give him a reply for a few minutes before muttering out a “sure” and going back to paying attention to the lecture.
The dinner was nice, and the impromptu photoshoot you had with him was nicer. He was a nice model, and you certainly weren’t complaining about having this many photos of him stored in your camera now. Being around him inspired you, strangely, and you were stopping him every five minutes to take a picture of some random things from different angles and different perspectives. You didn’t notice him observing you, and you sure as hell didn’t notice the small smile that was on his face when he watched you do what you enjoyed the most. He wanted to see you like this, always. And so, he captured this moment on his phone: you, awkwardly standing on an overhead bridge trying to get a shot of the cars underneath you. You wouldn’t see it until much later when you got home and viewed his Instagram story.
» sehun wtf!!! when did u take that i look clapped Seen 22:00
no u don’t wtf u look perfect Seen 22:04
You decided that was enough social media for that night and went to sleep. Your dreams contained images of you and him in a world where you were together, where everything was perfect, and the two of you were perfectly in love.
And somehow, you had managed to fool yourself into thinking the two of you were in love. The two of you hung out on almost a daily basis even when you didn’t have class together and you fell into this routine with him. You were so used to being with him and only him.
And you realised this, so you did the one thing you knew how to do. Rant to Jongin.
» nini i think im fucked Read 14:25
what did u do this time Read 14:25
» KSDLJFSLDKFJSD i think im catching serious feelings for this very taken man! Read 14:26
yeah you’re fucked Read 14:27
» FUCK U Read 14:28
After a very long phone call with Jongin, you decided to just see where this crush goes. Risky, but it was practically the only thing you suppose you could do. And, it was fine for a while. You still hung out whenever he asked, and you took photos of him, and he would take sneaky Instagram stories of you that you would cry over and tell him that you looked ugly, but as always, he would insist you look fine.
Of course, you were still constantly reminded that he was very much, taken, because in addition to his posts of you, his girlfriend would be scattered in there too. The two of them out on dates, her posing cutely for the camera and you were sad. Maybe even bitter. She was so effortlessly cute, and you could tell she made Sehun happy and she loved him, and he loved her. Who were you to get in the way of their relationship? So, you didn’t do anything.
Everything continued to be normal, or about as normal as your life could be with this stupid romantic drama you had found yourself in. Truthfully speaking, the only person you could blame was yourself. You hated yourself for catching feelings for him. Literally you could fall for any guy out there, and your brain decided on Sehun, the guy with a goddamn girlfriend. Brilliant. Maybe the universe was punishing you.
And you were entirely convinced it was, after Sehun heard you complain to Jongin about him.
It was at some random person’s party and you and the usual crew were there. Surprisingly, Sehun didn’t bring his girlfriend but you decided not to think too much about it. What did occupy your mind, however, was that Sehun was being quite touchy. He’s a naturally affectionate guy and you didn’t really pay attention to it, since he’s like that with everyone. But, maybe it was because you let your feelings for him stay bottled up too long because that night, you just exploded to Jongin in some stranger’s kitchen with loud music being played over the speakers and with the amount of people in there, you thought nobody could hear you rant.
But, like many times before, you had been wrong, because Sehun was silently standing at the entrance of the kitchen, watching you talk your mouth off to Jongin.
“Jongin, I can’t stand it. He’s so.. Ugh! I know he’s just a naturally touchy person and I don’t mind that one bit! In fact, I should be the last person to complain about this but, I just can’t fucking stand it. It bothers me so much that he’s like this and it really doesn’t help that I like him, so this is even more of a mess for me but goddamn. I don’t blame him though, it’s not like he knows I like him like that.”
You huffed and stayed silent for a while.
“I just hate how he looks at me you know? He looks at me like he’s in love with me. Does he look at everyone like that? It really throws me off. Sometimes I wish he was actually in love with me.”
Jongin poured you a drink while you vented to him. “Sweetheart, maybe you should tell him.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Are you crazy? No fucking way, I’ll just wait for my feelings to fade or something. It’s been like two months; they’re bound to go away. He has a fucking girlfriend what’s not clicking in my stupid brain?”
You accepted the drink Jongin offered you and you let your eye sweep around the kitchen, when your eyes fell onto him. Staring at you. And you were definitely, one hundred percent positive, that he had heard every single word you said. You nearly dropped the cup you were holding, and you slammed it on the kitchen counter. Jongin jumped at your action, and he opened his mouth to say something, until he looked in the direction you were staring at.
The both of you, in perfect unison, muttered: “Oh fuck.”
You grabbed Jongin’s wrist and pushed past the other partygoers in the kitchen to book it out the backdoor, in the opposite direction Sehun was standing in. He watched the two of you disappear out of the house. He certainly had a lot to think about.
You were fucked. There’s no other way around it. The moment you reached your apartment with Jongin in tow, you fell onto your couch and groaned into the pillows. Jongin perched on the back of the sofa and stroked your hair, telling you everything will work out eventually.
“I think it’s about time you told him, sweetheart.”
You let out a long sigh, and begrudgingly, accepted the fact that you did have to face the music. You were scared, but the truth was out and he knew it in the worst way possible and there was no escaping this.
“You’re right. But I’ll do it tomorrow. I don’t have the right state of mind to do it right now,” you told him. He agreed, and he led you into your bedroom and tucked you into bed, but not before you forced him to stay over because it was late and you didn’t really want him to leave. So, he took the couch while you attempted to fall asleep with thoughts of finally telling Sehun you liked him swirling around in your mind. Somehow, you managed to fall asleep and you would say it was the best sleep you had in a long time.
Until you checked your phone.
The unintentional scream you let out had Jongin dashing into your room to see your holding your phone with your face painted in horror. Your lockscreen was on display with a notification telling you that you had two unread text messages from Sehun.
[2 unread messages from Sehun]:
hey can we talk? Sent 01:24
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microsoftedgy69 · 6 years
TT: Hey, happy birthday. TT: I got you a little something. I don't know your new coordinates and I'm not about to dox you, so if you don't want it that's cool, I don't know where to send it anyway. TT: Yeah. I hope you have a nice day.
TG sent file coordinates.txt
TT: Oh, you're up. TG: hi TG: ya lol im in spain its like 8 am here TT: Nice. Where in Spain? TG: barthelona babey TG: y u even askin i sent u my coords TT: I haven't checked them yet. TT: Sorry, I'll get on that. TG: nooo dont apologize im just messin omg TG: i didnt just reply 2 u 2 get a prez TT: Ok. TT: Cool. TT: Barcelona's nice. TT: You're not with Rose then? TG: nah TG: u w dave? TT: Nah. TG: mm TG: she sent me smth tho TT: Yeah? What'd she get you? TG: books TG: v creative TG: didnt tell her tht i already read alla them in like 2421 TT: You can tell how they weren't meant to have kids sometimes, huh? TG: 4 sure lol TT: Didn't think I'd ever see you talk smack about your mom. TG: didnt think id ever see u move out of daves bougie aptmt either but here we are TG: hows the yacht TT: Not significantly less bougie. TG: lol tru TG: did u send jake smth too on sat? TT: No. TG: ofc not TT: He would have expected it to be a mail bomb anyway. TT: Last we talked he didn't seem too convinced that I don't want to kill him. TG: in his defense u do wanna kill him a lil TT: Yeah, but just a little. TG: he left the island u kno TT: Great. TG: janeys been helpin his messy ass buy a house here TT: Ok. TG: lmaooo fine fine TG: hey al TG: sorry 4 not texting u yesterday TT: It's alright. TG: its still hard TT: I know. TT: It wasn't my birthday anyway. Mine was in October. TG: o TG: sry 4 not texting u in oct then TG: did u have a good one TT: Yeah. TT: Do you have plans for today? TG: the others r comin over TG: jane is even bringing her dad TT: Oh. TG: ye TG: i mean TG: al ur invited if u ever wanna come by TG: but mayb not today TG: what w mr mail bomb bein around and all TT: Yeah. Thanks. TG: where u at rn? TT: Canadian east coast. TG: o sweet TG: have fun there bub TG: send me snaps of ur snow angels TT: Send me snaps of European architecture. TG: deal!! TT: Deal. TT: See you, Rox. Enjoy your sweet nineteen. TG: see ya al TG: and thank you
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shirosucc · 6 years
voltron ask game
i havent done one of these in FOREVER but i was tagged by @gayhura​ !! thank u bby 💖💖💖
How did you discover the show?
i always peripherally knew of it when i was a yuri on ice blog. i had one mutual who was super into it but ironically she was a klanti. so i knew kl was a thing, i knew k and l were characters, but i didn’t know which was which. i blacklisted the ship tag bc they bored me and i was thoroughly uninterested in their relationship, which due to its prevalence and popularity i assumed to be basically canon already. one day a mutual rbed this (now deleted) nsfw sk art and i was like damn....... who’s the sexy cow man.... ppl really ship dark haired pretty boy w someone other than skinny green bean boy? so i went on the voltron wiki, learned all their names, started reading some sk fanfic because i was so determined to not get into the show. i was convinced i could just look at the pretty art and read the fic and not watch the show. clearly that was Not True
Was it love at first sight or did it take you a while to get into the the show?
my situation is weird so since i was already invested in the characters themselves (or two of them at least), i was pretty into the show from the very start. season 2 definitely solidified my love, but i was so into shiro and keith’s development both individually and as friends that it didn’t take much for me to start loving the show.
Do you have a favorite episode?
definitely s2e1 (across the universe) and s2e8 (bom). both very iconic sheith episodes. i also REALLY REALLY like s4e2 (reunion)... it made me cry like a little bitch baby even though i KNEW that pidge was gonna get reunited w/ matt. 
Do you have a favorite Paladin?
i really love all of them a lot. i love shiro as a character, and also what he means for representation and what he means for my thirst levels, but ultimately keith is my favorite because i relate to him a lot and feel for him very intensely. i think he’s more complicated than fandom tends to like (ppl generally hate the things they don’t understand and i think keith is a prime example of that in a fandom where fandom needs everything spoonfed to them). i don’t understand the concept of kin (disclaimer: this is not an invitation to send me asks explaining what kin is to me) but keith is the closest i will ever come to kinning a character. i love him. he’s my darling boy. my son. light of my life. my babey. i’ll defend him until my dying breath and anyone who doesn’t like that can die mad about it.
Do you have a favorite Lion? (If it’s different from your fav Paladin, why?)
i like the red lion. you gotta earn her trust. she follows the rules of No Man. i understand that. i respect it. also she flew across space to save keith AND attacked an entire alien base to save him. if that’s not the biggest mood in the world idk what is.
Do you have a favorite Villian?
regular brain: he doesn’t really count as a ‘villain’ but i luv lotor with all my heart and soul. i think he’s a really complex character and i can’t quite figure him out but i think that’s a good thing. people in real life aren’t predictable, and fictional characters shouldn’t be either.
big galaxy brain: acxa............ hot
Do you have a favorite Alien Race? (Recurring and/or minor)
ARUSIANS!!! the arusians!!! they are so cute!!! i also think it’s so cute that a couple of them have designs based on real ppl who worked on the show. they look like tiny little dinosaur babies. i love them.
Favorite side / other character(s)- Rebels, Generals, Blade of Marmora, Garrison, etc?
blade of marmora... i know people LOVE to hate them (especially kolivan) but i am glad that they have a place for keith. i think they’re really really good for him. i wish they would stop dying tho.
How/Why did you join the fandom?
me: im not gonna get into voltron
me after seeing one picture of sk: ok im just gonna look at art
me after exhausting every artist’s sk tag: ok im just gonna read fic
me after exhausting the sk fic tag on ao3: ok im just gonna watch the episodes with shiro and keith
me after realizing that there is no list of episodes just focusing on shiro and keith: ok im gonna watch the show but i wont blog about it
me after watching the entire show in 3 days: ok im gonna blog about it but gen material only and i will never blog about ships.
Care to share your favorite headcanon?
this one will never be canon (dw... why) but original garrison trio keith shiro and matt is my favorite hc in the world. they took away so much from us. we could’ve had it all. is this how it feels to be slighted by an ex. 
What do you think is the best part of the show?
i think it’s really accessible to a wide demographic of fans, and across a lot of ages. younger children who are fans of the show can focus on the fight scenes and cool robots and messages about hope and friendship and bravery. older fans can, among other things, focus on the relationships between characters, and then threaten to kill each other over those relationships. it’s really beautiful. circle of life.
Any hopes and wishes for future episodes / seasons?
please let my little boy (keith) come back from the war (i want to see my little boy)
Do you think you’ll stick it out until the end of the show?
yeah i’m too far gone. we’re in this for the long haul babey. i’ll be walking across the graduation stage at cornell in 2020 being like dam.... wonder if we’re gonna finally get some project kuron resolution...
Tag your friends or someone you want to get to know better:
literally everyone has been doing this i cant keep track but im gonna tag @phaltu @kcgane @bottomnoctis @curdleddoodle @exitlude @nitorai @amaanogawa @sctvrns @nayuhs @kerberosheith and @saltyshiro
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rustiieldritch · 5 years
Commissions babey
This is very much an in progress thing bc ive never done this before
theres examples under the cut, just so i dont take up space
i can really only do flat coloring, sketching, or Some cell shading
just so yknow
for characters!
icons n little things like that will be a $1 (just heads, in this case?)
busts will be $2
full bodies will be $4
things like homestuck sprites will prolly be about $3
for scenes!
this is a little more complicated, definitely depending on how detailed you want your scene/bg whatever to be
somewhere between $7-10 prolly
something else!
this is touch and go but something like my chumproll in my theme, or cursor, is gonna be $1
minecraft sprites go the same way, and other things like that. 
maps are most likely $5-7
I’ll talk to you about specific prices for this kinda thing
non art!
writing? most likely $1 per.. 100 words? i REALLY dont know how writing coms go. I also have no examples of my writing considering i just got invited to ao3
but uhhh ill get some soon babey!
dnd character sheets are $2 per sheet! ill do as much or as little meddling in the creation process as u want (eg whether you want me to roll your stats for you, choose the race or not, etc)
maps are $5
ill prolly put more stuff out in the future and refine all this! but for right now you have this mess
simply just dm me or email me at [email protected]
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my-creative-hell · 4 years
Help (Mermaid au)
Walking on the beach, it was impossible for Grave to miss the strange sight in front of her. Lying just outside of the ocean, Grave was sure she could see a female selkie, their human form poking out of their half shed skin, unconscious on the sand.
Concern immediately flooding through her, Grave glow brightly as she panics, unsure of what to do or say in this situation as she looks at the selkie, whose skin is pale and grey. Blood stains the sand close to them, making it harder to decipher if they were okay.
Buzzing loudly, Grave approaches the selkie, opening her mouth to try and say something, though no words come out as the selkie remains unconscious, making it hard to tell if it is breathing or not.
Kneeling down to get a better look, Grave tries to persuade her brain to think straight through her worry as she examines them. The selkie skin is missing a hind fin, and Grave can see some fresh scarring on one of the humans legs as she looks over them.
Glowing brighter, Grave debates with her own mind on what to do, feeling more worried as the selkie’s skin seems to dull, losing colour due to the cold temperatures outside.
Removing her hoodie, Grave drapes the warm fabric over the selkie to keep it warm as she gently bites on her fingers, feeling panicked and confused. The selkie twitches slightly at the touch, clearly in pain as Grave decides what to do.
Being careful, she picks up the selkie, carrying her carefully in her arms as she tries to keep the movement as pain free as possible. Though the selkie doesn’t wake up as she begins walking, some colour returns to its face as its skin begins to warm to a normal temperature.
Grave smiles as she starts walking in the direction of her secret hideout, glowing as she holds onto the selkie, which weighs less than expected.
Grave frowns for a moment at the lack of weight, but quickly relaxes as she realises the truth, the fresh scarring she had seen earlier coming from the loss of one of the human forms legs. The selkie’s temperature returns to normal as Grave enters her large hideout, the colour in their skin returning.
Smiling, Grave carefully sets the selkie down on the couch, ensuring they’re comfortable as she walks away from them, beginning to prepare some soup for when they wake. The selkie shifts on the couch as she works, recognising a safe environment around it.
Grave doesn’t notice the movement of the selkie, too focused on making the soup as they shift again, beginning to regain slight consciousness as they lay down.
Wiggling happily, Grave watches as the soup comes close to being done, glowing excitedly. On the couch, the selkie shifts more, its eyes opening slightly, though its mind remains foggy, not quite caught up to the environment around it.
Pouring the soup into a bowl, Grave turns around, smiling widely as she see’s the selkie beginning to wake up. They watch Grave with unfocused eyes, calm due to the loud buzzing in their brain as they try to wake up more.
Setting the soup down in front of the selkie carefully, Grave backs off, wanting to leave space to avoid scaring the creature. They frown slightly as they wake more, looking at their human hands in confusion as they realise the situation.
“Hi…” Grave keeps her tone quiet as she sits on the floor, smiling brightly at the selkie, who opens their mouth for a moment to speak before shutting it again, unsure of what is happening to them.
Grave glows as she watches the selkie, buzzing quietly, unsure of what else to say in response, instead waiting for the selkie to speak.
“W-Who…?” The weak and scratchy sounding word manages to push past the selkie’s lips as she looks at Grave, confused as she plays with her hands in a nervous manner.
“Grave. What about you?” Feeling slight concern at the selkie’s voice, Grave presses onwards with a gentle smile, feeling happy that she has woken up.
“S-Scarlet.” She explains, looking around the room in confusion as her brain catches up with her. “Where?” She questions, frowning slightly.
“This is my hideout!” Grave explains, smiling widely as Scarlet watches her, looking confused as she reaches out for Grave in curiosity.
Grave beeps quietly as she holds onto Scarlet’s hand, watching as she fiddles with her fingers curiously, finding hands strange and new as she moves Grave’s warm hand around.
Giggling quietly at the touch, Grave’s cheeks blush slightly as her hand is held. Scarlet seems to notice this, shifting to hold Grave’s face gently in her hands as she inspects it curiously.
The blush on Grave’s face deepens as Scarlet smiles sweetly, leaning forward to press their foreheads together in a kind greeting, making Grave squeak quietly in response as she closes her eyes.
The noise startles Scarlet, making her jump in confusion, backing off slightly from Grave.
“Sorry…” Grave apologises, frowning softly as she looks away from Scarlet looks down at her legs, huffing as she notices the scarred remains of her left leg.
Grave notices it too, looking away quickly as she attempts to figure out what to say, Scarlet frowning as she pokes at the scarred skin, though she tries to smile again as she looks at Grave. Holding out her hand, Grave makes a soft noise in concern.
Sniffing quietly, Scarlet accepts the hand, taking it in her own gently as Grave smiles, wiggling her body carefully.
“You don’t have to answer this, but… what happened?” She questions, her voice gentle and calm.
“Orca g-got my tail… tore it.” Scarlet explains, looking down at her scarred skin again, the memory loud in her mind.
“Oh no… that sucks ass.” Grave frowns softly as she looks at Scarlet, the swear words making her smile.
“You helped me.” Scarlet explains, wrapping Grave in a gentle hug to show her thanks. Squeaking again, Grave hesitates for only a moment before she returns the hug gently.
“What’s that?” Scarlet questions, smiling as she references the bowl of soup Grave had gotten for her.
“Soup!” Grave explains, glowing happily as she let’s go of Scarlet, who tilts her head in confusion, unfamiliar with the word. “I-It’s a food, but it’s a liquid kind! There’s many types of soup and I made chicken soup!” Grave tries to explain, wiggling contently.
“How do you eat it?” Scarlet nods at the explanation, not completely sure but not willing to ask more questions on it.
“Some people drink it and some use spoons! So there’s two different ways.” Grave explains, holding Scarlet’s hands gently in her own.
“I don’t know what a spoon is.” Scarlet admits, smiling brightly as she giggles, Grave realising that this selkie had likely never been among humans in her life.
“Spoons!” Grave exclaims, pulling some spoons out of her pocket as a visual aid for Scarlet, who looks excited by the sight, gently poking one of the spoons in keen interest.
Squeaking quietly, Grave gently pokes Scarlet’s nose affectionately, watching as she smiles and laughs, picking up the bowl of soup curiously.
“I put alphabet noodles in them cuz those are cool!!!” Grave explains, smiling widely as she wiggles, Scarlet smiling despite not understanding what she means. Grasping the spoon carefully, she tries some of the soup hesitantly.
“Do ya like it?” Grave questions, giggling as she lays down on the floor, watching Scarlet happily.
“It’s nice!” Nodding happily, Scarlet’s bright smile lights up the room as she gets the hang of using the spoon.
“Good!” Grave smiles, thinking for a moment before realising the selkie’s current indecency. “Pants.” The word comes out on its own, clearly confusing Scarlet, though she continues to eat her soup quietly.
“I’ll be right back!” Jumping off of the floor, Grave moves into one of the bedrooms in her hideout as Scarlet nods, finishing her soup as she waits for her to return, curling up on the couch.
“Pants!!!” Entering the room again, Grave holds up some pyjama pants decorated with frogs for Scarlet to wear.
“Frogs!” Scarlet exclaims, excited by the sight of the pants as Grave walks over to her.
“Frog pants for y o u!” Grave explains, handing them over to Scarlet, who puts the pieces together, squeaking quietly as she hides in her skin to change. Turning around to provide more privacy, Grave shakes in excitement as she listens for Scarlet.
Pulling off her selkie skin, Scarlet smiles happily, poking Grave to alert her of her decency as she moves her skin aside for safe keeping.
“Frog pants, babey!!!” Grave exclaims, squeaking as she turns around, making Scarlet smile as she pats the space on the couch beside her, inviting Grave to sit down.
“Wanna watch TV?” Taking the invitation, Grave sits down happily, leaning over to hold Scarlet in her arms gently. Nodding in curiosity, Scarlet smiles as she leans into the touch.
Smiling happily, Grave turns on the TV, turning the channel to animal planet as Scarlet rests her head on Grave’s shoulder, feeling comfortable and content.
“Dogs!!!” Grave buzzes as she watches the TV, feeling too happy to know what to d with her emotions.
“They’re cute!” Scarlet exclaims, giggling as she wraps her head around the show playing.
“So fluffy!!!” Grave agrees, feeling excited as she holds one of Scarlet’s hands in her own. Smiling, Scarlet squeezes her hand gently, feeling warm and safe.
Squeaking quietly, Grave hides her face from view, making Scarlet smiles as she yawns silently, snuggling into Grave for warmth as she watches the TV.
Grave blushes at the contact, closing her eyes to prevent herself from squeaking once again.
“…Where do tired humans go?” Scarlet questions, shifting herself as she tries to stay awake.
“They go to sleep!” Grave explains. “Its not really a place, its just a thing they do tho.” She smiles as she looks at Scarlet.
“I don’t think I can go home for a while… what do I do?” Scarlet frowns as she speaks, looking down at the couch.
“You can stay with me if you’d like!” Grave exclaims after thinking it over for a moment, smiling brightly.
“You’re okay with that?” Scarlet questions, her eyes innocent and wide as she looks up at Grave.
“Of course I am!” Grave exclaims, tapping her feet happily against the floor as Scarlet smiles.
“You’re really nice…” Scarlet smiles brightly as she yawns, getting more tired the longer she sits.
“T-Thank you…” Grave fails to think of anything else to say as she blushes, her heart besting loudly as Scarlet smiles, resting herself against Grave as she gets sleepier.
Grave pulls Scarlet in for a cuddle, holding onto her gently as she smiles, falling asleep easily as Grave gets more tired. She follows along quickly, a noise of content leaving her mouth as she dozes off easily.
 Light shines into the room form the morning sun as Grave stirs, keeping her eyes closed as she glows contently, too comfortable to think about moving. Scarlet lays atop her, warm as she sleeps deeply, not stirring at the light.
Grave stirs more, blushing as she comes to, not wanting to wake Scarlet but unsure of what to do. Scarlet stays still, curled up on top of Grave, deeply asleep as her face rests against Grave’s chest comfortably.
Gently poking Scarlet’s squishy cheeks, Grave shifts to get up on the couch, slight concern at waking Scarlet creeping through her. But Scarlet remains deeply asleep, not reacting to the movement as Grave levers herself up.
Smiling, Grave stands from the couch carefully, glowing dully as she walks to the bedroom to change her clothes, opting to wear pyjamas, having no intention of leaving the hideout. At Grave’s absence, Scarlet curls up on the couch for comfort in her sleep.
Once changed, Grave moves into the kitchen, starting to make some breakfast as Scarlet sleeps peacefully on the couch, not stirring at any of the noises being made.
As she waits for the food to finish, Grave turns on the TV as Scarlet turns over on the couch, one of her arms covering her face as she sleeps soundly.
Grave squeaks at the cute sight, glowing softly as a knocking sound comes from the front door of the hideout.
“Hello?” Turning the stove off as the food finishes, Grave walks towards her door, a soft glow of concern emanating from her.
“Hello, I was wondering if I could have a word with the owner of this building?” A female voice responds through the door, calm and patient.
“You’re talking to them right now, actually.” Grave explains, frowning as she keeps the door shut.
“Oh! Pardon the assumption, you just sounded so young.” The woman explains, laughing cheerily. “But, to the point, there’ been some reports that there might be a selkie in the area, do you know anything about that?” She questions lightly.
“Um…” Trailing off, Grave pretends to think for a moment. “No, I haven’t. Why do you ask?” She lies, questioning the woman’s motives.
“Well, selkie’s are incredibly dangerous creatures that have a known violence towards humans, if there is one in our midst, it needs to be detained and dealt with in the proper manner.” She explains, giggling as she speaks.
“Oh dear… thank god I haven’t seen any.” Grave frowns at the obvious lies the woman is telling, feeling slightly nervous for Scarlet as she tries to speak to her.
“Well let me know if anything changes, I’m around the neighbourhood all day!” The woman explains chirpily, walking away from the door.
“Bye…” Grave doesn’t like the sound of that, feeling concerned for Scarlet as she walks back into the kitchen. Scarlet remains asleep on the couch, though the sleep seems to be lighter now.
Grave plates the food carefully, making a plate up for Scarlet before walking over to the couch, gently poking her to wake her up. Scrunching her nose as she stirs, Scarlet opens her eyes, stretching her arms in front of her.
“Good morning!” Grave smiles as she places the food down on the table, watching as Scarlet wakes up fully.
“Morning.” Rubbing her eyes gently, Scarlet smiles as she pushes herself into a sitting position.
“I made breakfast!” Glowing happily, Grave smiles as Scarlet giggles, pulling her down gently to sit beside her on the couch. Beeping happily, Grave hands Scarlet her plate of food as she wiggles.
“Was someone talking outside?” Scarlet questions, smiling gently as she starts to eat her food, quickly adapting to human food.
“Yeah…” Grave admits, frowning as she nods, making Scarlet tilt her head in confusion as she watches her.
“They said there were some reports of selkie’s being in the area and that they are ‘dangerous’.” Grave explains, rolling her eyes. “Its all bullshit…” She huffs, anger and concern flooding through her mind.
“Oh… that probably explains it.” Scarlet frowns, looking slightly sad at the realisation as she speaks.
“Explains what?” Feeling concerned and confused, Grave watches as Scarlet bites her lip nervously.
“W-When I got attacked by the Orcas, I managed to swim away, but something shot me… a-and I couldn’t stay awake.” Scarlet explains, fiddling with her fingers gently as she speaks.
“They tranqued you…” Grave explains, frowning as she glows brighter, her anger growing.
“Tranqued?” Scarlet questions, watching Grave curiously as she fumes in anger towards those that had done this.
“Yeah, it’s a thing that forcefully puts you to sleep. Its usually used by shitty people who like to hung innocent things down a-and either experiment on them or kill them…” Grave explains, glowing angrily as Scarlet nods.
“Are we bad? Is that why they want to hurt us?” She questions, sounding sad as she plays with her hands.
“You aren’t bad at all, some people just fucking suck and like to hurt anything that’s unfamiliar to them.” Grave explains, shaking her head as she holds Scarlet in her arms gently.
“But what if we are dangerous?” Scarlet sniffs sadly, hiding her face in Grave as she is held.
“If you were dangerous, you would’ve tried to hurt me already… have you done that yet?” Grave looks down at Scarlet, her voice soft and calming as Scarlet shakes her head in answer, sniffling quietly.
“Then you aren’t dangerous at all!” Grave continues, her voice getting softer as she smiles gently, Scarlet pulling her in for a hug, a small smile working its way onto her face. “I’ll keep you safe…” She promises, squeaking softly at the sudden hug as she returns it.
“Thank you.” Scarlet mumbles quietly, smiling as she hugs Grave gently, a quiet giggle escaping her.
“You’re welcome!” Grave exclaims quietly, gently squeezing Scarlet in the hug as she smiles.
“Clothes feel funny.” Scarlet comments, humming softly as she starts to feel better, a quiet laugh escaping her.
“Yeah, but they’re also really comfy depending on what you wear.” Grave explains, smiling. “That’s why I wear hoodies a lot!” She continues, fiddling with her fingers.
“I’m only used to my pelt skin.” Scarlet explains, giggling as she watches Grave, smiling softly.
“I could hive you some of my hoodies if you want! A-And other things!” Grave explains, glowing as she holds Scarlet’s hands in her own gently.
“That sounds nice. T-Thank you!” Scarlet smiles brightly as she holds onto Grave, her voice sweet and content.
“You’re welcome!!!” Grave exclaims, feeling happy as she squeaks, making Scarlet giggle as she sits with her. As they sit, another small knocking noise comes from the front door, alerting them both.
“I’ll be right back.” Frowning, Grave looks at the door before standing up and walking over to it. “Hello?” Getting to the door, she looks through the peephole quietly to see the same woman from earlier.
“Hello again! Sorry to bother you, but I thought it’d be a good idea to inform you that several selkie’s have been spotted and one has been caught.” She explains, smiling brightly.
“R-Really?” Grave questions, attempting to make her voice sound excited despite the concern flowing through her as the lady nods.
“Yes! Its currently being detained but, and I do regret to ask once again, someone has informed us that they believe a selkie is inside your residence.” She confides.
“Who?” Grave questions, frowning as fear rises inside of her, signalling for Scarlet to move to the bedroom for safety. Frowning, Scarlet heeds the warning, crawling across the floor skilfully and quietly to the stairs.
“A resident reported seeing some strange activity, and said she saw a shedded selkie being carried into your residence.” The woman explains, smiling calmly.
“I’m not strong enough to carry anyone, so that’s bullshit.” Grave lies, scoffing as she tries no to glow in panic, giggling to try and sell it.
“That may be the case, but everyone’s worried at the possibility of there being a dangerous creature loose in our neighbourhood. Could I ask to check?” The woman questions.
“Um, no. Sorry.” Pretending to think about it, Grave shakes her heads, feeling afraid as the woman frowns.
“I am afraid we do have a warrant to look around. I understand this is stressful, but you could be living with one of these dangerous creatures and not even know.” She explains.
“Alright, you can search.” Grave thinks for a moment before nodding, opening the door for the woman to enter, a plan forming in her mind.
“Thank you for your cooperation, it’s for your safety after all.” The woman smiles, patting Grave on the shoulder as she enters the building.
Grave smiles through the anger, waiting as the woman looks around the first floor quickly, seemingly more interested in the upstairs floor, traversing the stairs eagerly.
Feeling scared by this, Grave quickly grabs a frying pan before throwing it at the woman, knocking her down for only a moment.
“So you were lying.” The woman realises, smiling as she hears Scarlet from within one of the upstairs rooms.
“Of course I was! I’m not a dick, unlike you apparently.” Grave glows angrily, feeling scared for Scarlet as the woman smiles more, opening the door that separates them.
“There you are! Cant get away this time, can you?” The woman grins as she see’s Scarlet cowering away from her.
Grave tries to think, come up with a plan, but every thought flies out of her head, a swirl of anger and panic forming as she glows brightly, unable to move or do anything as the woman smiles, walking over to the terrified and frozen Scarlet. Grabbing her carefully, the woman pulls out a syringe from her pocket, jamming the needle into Scarlet’s neck quickly and efficiently, watching as she quickly loses strength, her eyes rolling back as the anaesthetic takes effect.
Grave quickly regains control over her mind, anger flooding through her as she lands a heated punch into the woman’s face, her nose snapping easily under the pressure. A deep menacing look traverses her face as the woman grabs onto Scarlet, yanking her up to hold her away from Grave.
Glowing brightly as she seethes in anger, Grave lands a solid and harsh kick into the woman, who growls loudly.
“Why do you protect this disgusting creature? It’s only going to turn against you!” She yells, holding onto Scarlet roughly.
“First of all bitch, s h e is not an ‘it’, and if she was gonna turn on me, she would’ve done it already.” Grave argues, her blood boiling as she watches the woman.
“That’s what it wants you to believe! It wants you to think its nice and innocent and then it strikes! I should’ve taken this one out what I had the chance.” The woman snarls out, her teeth gritted angrily as she hisses out her words.
“Y’know what? You’re right…” Grave relents, sighing as her glow disappears quickly, frowning as she speaks.
“Really? So quick to see reason?” The woman questions, smiling in a threatening manner. “You’re willing to see it die?” She continues, a hand on Scarlet’s neck ready to strangle her.
“Of course! But she’s not the it I’m talking about…” Grave smiles, moving quicker than the woman can react, slamming her hands into her neck and squeezing harshly.
“You are going to get yourself killed!” The woman screams out, Scarlet being dropped harshly onto the floor, forgotten as the woman claws at Grave’s hands in an attempt to free herself.
“Mhm, sure.” Grave doesn’t pay attention, not moving her hands from the woman’s neck, putting more pressure on her windpipe.
“So protective of your little monster, such a shame.” The woman laughs quietly, a sinister smile stretched abnormally onto her face as she looks into Grave’s eyes.
“Are you seriously gonna try to do a villain monologue? I am literally choking you, bitch, there’s no time for that shit.” Voice disturbingly level and calm, Grave squeezes the woman’s neck harder, making her cough as blood chokes out of her wounds.
“Not a monologue, just a warning.” She explains, smiling once again. “Since selkie’s don’t react well to anaesthetic.” She continues.
“Noted.” Is all Grave can say, keeping her face calm while her mind runs wild, feeling concerned for Scarlet as she chokes the woman out, remembering her ability as her eyes roll back into her head, going limp in Grave’s grip.
But Grave keeps going, not wanting to let go of the woman’s vile body until she was absolutely sure no breath would ever come out of it again, glowing softly as she worries about Scarlet. Her skin growing pale as dust, the woman’s breaths stop, not starting again as Grave lets go of her.
Hoisting the woman up, Grave carries her downstairs where she proceeds to dump her corpse casually beside the trash before running back upstairs to where Scarlet lies on the floor.
Feeling concern wash over her, Grave carefully lifts Scarlet off of the floor, placing her on the bed gently, a soft healing kiss being places on her face. Scarlet doesn’t wake up, the anaesthetic still affecting her, but Grave tries to calm herself with the knowledge that she wont be harmed by it.
Grave sits on the floor quietly beside her, trying to still the panic in her mind as someone knocks on the door downstairs, the sound slightly panicked to her ears. It scares Grave slightly as she walks downstairs, looking through the peephole in her door.
“Hello?” She questions, watching as the girl outside, about her age, fiddles with her hands nervously.
“I was told there was a selkie here? Is that true?” She questions, looking at the door in front of her in agitation.
“Depends. You tryin to kill them?” Grave questions harshly, feeling fear and anger buzz inside her mind.
“No! I’m relates to her! Her names Scarlet, right?” The girl shakes her head quickly, trying to keep her voice calm.
“Y-Yeah…” Grave stutters, surprised at the girls knowledge, unlocking the door for her silently, though she keeps herself on guard in case of an attack.
“I’m Lola, her twin sister. Also a selkie, though that’s a given.” The girl explains, smiling as she walks inside and offers Grave her hand.
“I-I’m… Grave.” Hesitating for a moment, Grave takes Lola’s hand, shaking it in greeting as she smiles softly.
“So my sister is here?” Lola questions, smiling as she fiddles with her hands, Grave nodding in response.
“She’s in the bedroom!” She explains, leading Lola up the stairs and opening the door for her, watching as she follows her quietly, peeking inside the room.
“She’s missing a leg…” Lola realises, feeling concern spike through her as she looks at her sister.
“Yeah…” Grave admits, frowning gently as she glows in slight discomfort, watching Lola closely.
“Do you know how?” Lola questions, sighing as she see’s her sister on the bed, taking it in.
“Orca.” Grave explains, fiddling with her fingers as Lola huffs, sitting down on the bed beside Scarlet.
“She wont be able to swim anymore… she cant come back to the ocean.” She explains, looking at Grave mournfully.
“Oh no…” Frowning, Grave sits down on the floor as concern floods through her, her voice quiet and low.
“Was… was she in human form when you found her?” Lola questions, reaching a hand to gently hold onto one of Scarlet’s.
“H-…half.” Grave explains, glowing softly as she taps her feet against the floor, sitting quietly.
“W-Were you the first person she saw?” Lola pushes, realising something as she holds onto Scarlet’s hand.
“Mhm…” Grave admits, curling into herself as she buzzes quietly, making Lola look down at her.
“How… do you feel about Scarlet?” She questions, gently patting Grave’s back as she speaks, trying to comfort her.
“I-I think she’s cool… wanna keep her safe.” Blushing, Grave explains, her heart fluttering in her chest as she thinks about Scarlet.
“You would be willing to keep her safe? What if I said it was forever?” Lola pushes further, looking down at Grave with careful eyes.
“Y-Yes, of course I would!” Grave exclaims, looking at Lola as she glows, feeling more positive as she watches Lola think for a moment.
“This is a lot I’m talking about. You’re the first human person she saw, she’s bonded to you and if she doesn’t have to, she wont leave your side, are you willing?” Lola explains, holding Grave’s face gently in her hands as she speaks.
“I-I am willing.” Grave nods, her face blushing slightly as she looks at Lola, who smiles kindly.
“Then I bless it.” She jokes, laughing quietly. “Keep her safe and tell her she’s always welcome to visit us, we’re always close.” She explains quietly.
“I will!” Grave promises, smiling widely as she wiggles happily, her mind overflowing with happiness as Lola pats Scarlet’s hand gently, standing from the bed.
“Unfortunately, I have to leave, since our dad’s the one who got caught.” She explains, giggling. “Gotta go get him.”
“I hope you don’t get hurt… and the people who caught him can die.” Grave smiles, wiggling as she speaks.
“I’ll be fine, we’ve done this before.” Lola explains, smiling as she pulls Grave in for a gentle hug.
“Good!” Grave squeaks softly, returning the hug gently as she glows, feeling happy.
“Take care of her, alright?” Lola leans out of the hug, smiling as she watches Grave.
“I’ll keep her safe, promise.” Grave glows as she speaks, making Lola smile more as she lets go of her.
“Good, I’m counting on you!” She threatens jokingly, waving as she leaves the room, Grave returning it as she hears the front door closing.
Carefully, Grave gets in the bed beside Scarlet, holding one of her hands gently in her own as her mind races with a million thoughts a second, Scarlet shifting slightly on the bed, turning towards Grave.
Grave smiles as she watches her, feeling her heart flutter as Scarlet turns in the bed more, facing Grave as anaesthesia starts to wear off slightly.
Grave blushes, hiding her face as she curls into a ball, feeling too many feelings to handle as Scarlet snorts quietly, her cheeks squishing against the pillow softly.
Grave uncurls herself, thinking for a moment before gently holding Scarlet’s face in her hands, watching as Scarlet stirs slightly, though she feels groggy and loopy as she does.
Quickly moving her hands away, Grave hides them under the covers as Scarlet shifts closer in the bed, whining at the loss of contact, finding it comforting.
Hesitating for a moment, Grave holds Scarlet’s face in her hands once more, feeling her heart beat quicker as Scarlet smiles gently, cuddling up to her contently.
Her cheeks flushing red, Grave squeaks quietly as she lays with Scarlet, half asleep as the drugs begin to wear off.
Thinking for a moment before coming to a decision, Grave leans forward, gently placing a kiss onto Scarlet, keeping it soft. Scarlet stirs at the contact, her eyes opening halfway to look at Grave, still feeling groggy.
Grave hides herself in Scarlet, her face bright red and warm as Scarlet makes a noise of questioning, tensing up as she starts to come to more and more.
Letting go of Scarlet’s face, Grave backs off slightly to give her space, her face sill flushed and warm.
“S-Safe?” Scarlet’s voice is barely a whisper as she curls in on herself, trying to wake herself up fully.
“You’re safe…” Grave confirms, nodding her head as she keeps her voice quiet for Scarlet.
“H-How?” Scarlet questions, shifting in the bed to cling onto Grave gently, wanting comfort.
“I-I um…” Grave trails off, unsure of what to say, her voice getting quieter as she speaks, Scarlet making a confused noise in response.
“I-I kinda… killed her.” Grave admits, her voice quiet and slightly fearful of Scarlet’s reaction. But Scarlet stays quiet, instead burrowing into Grave for comfort.
“Sorry…” Grave apologises quietly, holding Scarlet in her arms as she hides in Grave.
“Its okay, she was mean… she’s the one that shot me when I got hurt by the Orcas.” Scarlet explains quietly, her voice muffled by Grave’s body.
“Oh…” Grave smiles gently. “I’m glad she’s dead now.” She admits happily, earning a giggle from Scarlet as she hugs her, feeling sleepy and warm.
“Can I ask you something?” Grave questions, smiling gently as Scarlet nods, shifting her head to look up at Grave.
“Can I um…” Grave looks away as she mulls over her question. “Can I kiss you?” She asks, watching as Scarlet’s face lights up in a blush, though she nods nevertheless peeking up at Grave with wide eyes.
Squeaking quietly, Grave kisses Scarlet gently, the kiss being returned as Scarlet’s cheeks light up in a red blush, burning her face softly.
Her face growing redder, Grave hides out of view as Scarlet giggles, pulling her in for a gentle hug.
“I…” Grave looks down at Scarlet, glowing softly. “I love you…” She admits, smiling brightly.
“I-I love you too!” Scarlet smiles, laying her head comfortably on Grave’s chest as she beams up at her.
Blushing more, Grave carefully runs her hand through Scarlet’s hair, watching as she relaxes, her eyes involuntarily closing as she rests on Grave’s chest, still feeling sleepy.
“My babey…” Grave comments quietly, glowing softly as Scarlet hums, close to falling asleep again as she relaxes.
Grave continues to stroke Scarlet’s hair as she grows sleepy herself, Scarlet easily falling asleep, feeling comfortable and safe as Grave follows suit, falling into a calm, enjoyable sleep.
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