#If you want to learn about stuff I will gladly describe my experience to the best of my ability! I don't mind whatsoever :>
sincerely-sofie · 1 month
*skitters up to you on all fours with a bunch of drawings in my mouth* *drops them at your feet* *skitters away*
enjoy some schizophrenia / psychosis / mental health-based humor.
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tarrenterror25 · 1 year
Dancing/Teaching them to dance to Latin music
Rating: T for handsy partners
Character x GN!Latin!Reader
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This is a grab bag of characters from different fandoms and some general headcanons I have about them dancing to Latin music with you! For ones that are like fantasy/sci-fi, just imagine it is the Latin equivalent of music in said universe.
These are my own personal thoughts on these characters and I know not everyone will agree and that’s okay! I hope you still enjoy these!
Disclaimer: I can’t dance.
Serious disclaimer: I already struggle with my cultural identity enough and feel comfortable enough to post things like this here. How I experience/d my culture may not be how you experience/d yours and vice versa.
If you see something and don’t like how I’ve interpreted it, described it, what have you, then just move on please.
I am not any less of who I am.
Now onto the fun stuff!
In order, this list is comprised of characters from:
The Warriors (1979) Apex Legends Devil May Cry Star Wars Batman (not DC, just Batman Characters) Marvel
The Warriors (1975)
Swan - You will have to coax him to the dance floor, but he has surprisingly great rhythm. Definitely catches you off guard when he throws in a spin here and there. He’s got the basic moves down and you can help him learn from there.
Ajax - He doesn’t want to dance, but when he sees you moving your hips in that way, he might finally be convinced. You need to be a very patient teacher to help him because he’s just trying to grind against you and isn’t entirely taking your lesson serious. Don’t let it put you off though, when you give him that look that you mean business, he’ll settle down. He’s not the best dancer, but he’s got the spirit! Definitely does better with the faster paced music.
Vermin - Oh boy. He’s also got the spirit, but his dancing is all over the place. He’s having a great time with you, but you’re gonna have to help him reel it in! He’s a great listener and learns the basics pretty fast. You could totally bring him to a family function and he will be the life of the party, he’ll get along great with everyone.
Apex Legends
Loba - You don’t have to ask her to dance and she is not asking you, she’s telling you to come dance. But in a playful way! She knows the moves and has great rhythm so 10/10 a great partner. If you are the one she is having to teach, she’ll gladly do so. She will have to remind herself to let you take the lead if that’s the position you’re trying for. She’s a great teacher and focuses on relaxing you, playing off of whatever moves you bring.
Revenant - No
Kaleb Cross - He’s never really had much time for dancing so he’s clueless. If you guys are out and you ask him to dance he will politely decline. You’ll have to teach him in private. He’s frustrated when he keeps messing up, but play it lighthearted and he’ll relax and get it down. He’s happy to oblige your request for a dance the next time.
Mirage - He’s good! Too good. You can’t keep up. He’s being super extra with his moves, the spins, the dips, he’s doing them all. It’s gonna be a fun time, but you’ll be out of breath by the end of it. He might miss a step here and there, but recovers quickly.
Octane - Huapango and Duranguense are his favorite and he’s definitely got the legs for it. You guys are going to be that couple. You know the one, the one that’s bouncing all over the dance floor. He also loves Zapateado. He’s not one for the slower dances, he’s got way too much energy for that.
Devil May Cry
Dante - He can definitely already dress the part, but doesn’t know the steps all that well. You might try to teach him, but he’s really a go with the flow kind of guy so he’ll tell you to not worry so much about it. Just vibe with the music and it sort of just comes to him as he follows your lead. Keeps up way better than expected at your family function when Payaso de Rodeo comes on. He’s got a huge grin on his face as he flies around the dancefloor.
Nero - Shy boy. Zero clue as to what he’s doing and doesn’t want to embarrass himself. He can’t really keep up with the faster paced music so a slower dance is more his speed. Really gets into the rhythm with Bachata.
Nico - If you ask her to dance, she is so down! Hell yeah! She knows how to move, too. 10/10 great partner whether she’s following or taking the lead. Whatever she doesn’t know, she picks up really fast. Great party guest, your family adores her!
V - He’s also shy, but he sees you sitting there watching all the other couples dancing. He’ll be observant of everyone else’s moves for awhile and then ask you to dance. He’s a laid back type of dancer, he doesn’t need to do all the fancy footwork to make sure you guys fit right in and have a good time.
Vergil - Oh dear. We all saw his demon form bust a move so we know he’s got it in him somewhere deep deep down. He’s into the classics which means whatever he dances with you will be a rendition of some kind of ballroom dancing. He’s read enough about Salsa, Merengue, and Paso Doble type dances to make something happen. It’s a little old fashioned and prim and proper how he moves. Throw a little hip dip into the mix and he’s looking at you like you have just committed the biggest scandal and his face might get red, but he’ll slowly start to get the hang of it.
Star Wars
Qui-Gon Jinn - You don’t have to ask, he’s already holding his hand out for you to take. He’s a Jedi, so you might hesitate especially if you are, too, but he assures you that the two of you have nothing to hide. You affections for each other do not consume the other and he comforts you with the fact that he understands and respects the position that the two of you are in. He’s very familiar, though not proficient, with the steps.
Obi-Wan Kenobi - You invite him to a family function and try to guide him to where everyone is dancing. He’s pretty reserved and insists that he’s alright, but seeing you walk away trying to hide your disappointment convinces him. He’s not one for dancing so you’ll have to show him the steps. Wait does his leg really go there? This feels really intimate to him and he might have some objections, but you assure him that it’s totally normal and not as scandalous as he might think.
Cassian Andor - He dances and he dances well. 14/10 with rhythm. There’s a cantina you two frequent where you go dancing. He loves to dance to any style. You guys are definitely the “regular couple” who look like they know what they’re doing and the dance comes naturally to the two of you. Whether it’s platonic or romantic, he is a welcome staple at your family gatherings. If you show up without him be prepared for an interrogation: “donde esta Cassian?” “Cassian no es contigo?”
Din Djarin - You’re both alone on the Razorcrest and you’re still riding the high from being at whatever cantina/party you guys were at, dancing in the cockpit. You coax him into joining you for a dance. He’ll reluctantly admit he has zero clue as to what he’s doing. He’s willing to learn, but timid with his movements. Bring him to a family function and he’ll shy away, he does better around people who are less likely to see him again.
Boba Fett - Has some knowledge of this style of dancing, enough that you two don’t look totally lost in the sauce. He’s not so sure how socially acceptable his leg/hand placements are or the way you two are moving when you have to stand really close, but with some assurance from you, he’ll get the hang of it. Once he gets comfortable, you two are definitely that spicy couple on the dance floor at the cantina!
Bruce Wayne - He only knows the basic steps Alfred taught him, enough to get by at parties and social gatherings. He’s nervous, but wants to learn for you. After the first time he failed to get the steps right at whatever party you guys were at, he went home and reluctantly asked Alfred to help him learn to dance so he could surprise you next time. He adores being around your family, the closeness of the gatherings warms him and your family makes sure to make him feel welcome. Bruce even has Alfred help him cook so he can pitch in and bring a dish.
Alfred Pennyworth - Oh, he knows how to dance! Mostly ballroom, but he can adapt and pick up on things quite fast. If you bring him to the family function, he’s sure to impress everyone with his manners and his moves. All the tias at the party are silent and won’t give you any lip! He prefers slower dances with you because he’s not so focused on the steps so much as he is on you. 15/10 your family wants him back at the next carne asada. Oh and tell him to bring the Batfam! They sound lovely!
Harvey Dent - Him, dance to this? No. He’s a big guy and hard to miss which means any mistakes he might make will be noticeable. He wants to save himself the embarrassment. Maybe when a slower song comes on. He’s really sorry, but promises to somehow make it up to you. He’s definitely beating himself up. If you manage to get him out on the dance floor, he’s too worried about how he looks to focus on just enjoying himself.
Two-Face - Does not give a single fuck about how he looks. He knows a few moves and will surprise you with some fancy spins. He’s wayyy more confident in his abilities than Harvey. He’s more open to learning what he doesn’t know and definitely enjoys the close contact with you. Is it you or is it hot in here??
Bane - 15/10. Being from Santa Prisca, the man knows what he’s doing. He knows how to dance and has the best footwork despite his size. If anything, he’s teaching you how to dance. Romantic/sensual dances like Bachata are his favorite to do with you. Always welcome to the family gatherings.
Black Mask - Similar to Bruce, he knows enough to get by. What gets him interested in learning is being out at a club and seeing other guys asking you to dance. That is not going to fly. He’ll guide you to the dance floor and be open to your teachings if it mean getting everyone else to back off of you. He picks up pretty well and forgets being paranoid/angry. 9/10 he is very interested in doing this again with you.
Jason Todd - Oh yeah, he’s got this down. Not afraid to spice it up on the dance floor with how he holds you or where his hands are. Dancing with him is intense when you’re among strangers like at a club, but with family he’s much more tame. Being with the Batfam, he’s great with your siblings and cousins. He’s definitely the bad boy/rebel of the bunch, but he’s yours!
Steve Rogers - Well he did kinda skip this part of his life, but if he backed down from a challenge then he wouldn’t be the hero he is today. You pull him to the dance floor and he is all for it. The basics are there, but he’ll need some work. You mention returning to a club or a family gathering coming up and he asks that you practice some moves with him. To your surprise, he dances Cumbia pretty damn well.
Bucky Barnes - He’s still adjusting to just being Bucky again so he won’t come easily if you try to get him on the dance floor. Once he’s out there with you, he’s shy and reserved, suddenly it’s like he forgot how to even do a basic school side-to-side shuffle. Be patient and help him along and he’ll fall back into the flow of the moves. He really likes dancing Norteñas and loosen him up enough and he’ll come around to Cumbia.
Peter Parker - God he knows he can’t dance, but he really wants to impress you so before you guys go out, he researches latin dances and the music styles. He wants to be bold and take initiative so he asks you to dance first. He’s nervous at first and might ramble all the facts he learned during his research: did you know what is cited as the first cumbia outside of Columbia is "La Cumbia Cienaguera"? Totally just know that from a book he read and not during his late night deep dive on the internet. He’s an 8/10 on applying what he learned!
Loki - Are you sure this is how he’s supposed to hold you? This feels really intimate. Kinda wishing he hadn’t been goaded by Thor into asking you to dance. He’s the better dancer of the two of them, but it occurs to him now that he has no idea what he’s doing. He’s gonna ask you to trust him and he’ll improvise a lot, but somehow it works!
Ultron - That’s really cute. You’re so adorable. Wait, you’re serious?
Ulysses Klaue - No one can convince me that he can’t dance. I am firm in my belief that he can and he has way too much fun with it. Judging from the singing to Haddaway, he digs house music and has visited many a club. He’s traveled a lot so I have no doubt that he can do Latin dances. He’s a little silly about it so you’ll have to reel him in a bit.
Venom (not MCU, but still Marvel) - Eddie is down, but Venom is EXCITED. Yes, Venom would love to dance let’s go! It’ll be difficult to dance since Eddie and Venom will probably be at war with each other on how to go about moving in one body and with you since they both have different ideas of what they should be doing. You’ll help bring some balance between them; Eddie will be comfortable while Venom will still get to express themself.
That’s it! These are ones I just had on the top of my head, there’s plenty others I could have done, but didn’t have much to write about or I’d need to go back and watch/read some stuff to get a better idea.
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luxshine · 2 years
Moon Knight Deep Dive (Prologue)
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BEFORE the Moon Knight, Setting the System. Sorta. (Werewolf by Night #32-33, Marvel Spotlight #28-29, The Defenders #47-51, Spectacular Spider Man #22-23, Marvel Two In One #52)
Ok, so, I said I was going to write this, so here it is. A DEEP dive on Moon Knight, that will start with facts and Data from his original appearances way back in Werewolf by night in 1975 (which means, the System is pushing 47!) the 1980 comic series, and we’ll follow it all the way until the current series, Devil’s Reign.  Obviously, I will not go through ALL the individual issues, only the important arcs, and the important characters. So we may skip some issues. Of course, I will try to pay special attention to the people and characters we met in the TV series, while we all wait for Marvel to not break our hearts and announce a Season 2 (I am starting to write this before Episode 6 airs, and I don’t think I will watch it until I finish at least this first part)
Couple of disclaimers before I start: I am a singlet, so I really don’t know what it’s like to live as a system, nor can really judge how accurate the comic writers are at writing one. I’m no expert on the language used by systems themselves, but I have been trying to learn, by listening to those in the fandom who are kind enough to share their experiences, and that means that I might slip up and mess up. So I apologize in advance, but also offer this: If anyone points me when I mess up? I will gladly edit those terms and do my best not to use them again.
On that note, I also want to point out for those singlets like me that I will ONLY be using the word “Alter” to refer to Marc, Steven and Jake (and those other alters that did appear for short runs later) individually If I am not naming them. If I use “Personality” is it to DESCRIBE people’s actual characteristics, such as “Marc’s personality is brash and impulsive, while Steven is more shrewd and analytic” which is the same way I’d describe, say, Frenchie or Marlene. And “Identity” will only be used to talk about, well, assumed names and stuff like secret identities, such as Moon Knight and Mr. Knight. While the term is never used in the comics as far as I remember, when talking about ALL the alters together, I will use the fandom name of Moon System.  Hope that is clear
Also, please remember that these first comics were written in the EIGHTIES. There were… some things that we now know are problematic, even if, I will have to be honest, some stories were downright progressive for the times. And after reading FIVE times the first volume for this, I still have NO idea if the creators, Doug Moench and Don Perlin, were really Trying to create a superhero with DiD or if that was what Bob Ross would call a happy accident because… well, you will see.
They do use the word “identity” a lot in these issues, but at the same time… well, you will see.
So let’s start with the first alter we met, Marc Spector
Whom we meet… as a villain. Hunting the titular Werewolf by Knight as a mercenary who gets GIVEN the Moon Knight costume and name because well, he was going to hunt a werewolf.  There’s really nothing that makes Moon Knight -or Marc- stand out from the run of the mile merc characters of Marvel, as he captures Jack Russell for the shadowy Committee, and, once he gets his money for the capture, changes his mind, frees Russell and helps him fight the Committee -while keeping the money.  Oh, and the uniform that, for purposes of Werewolf hunting? Was originally made of ACTUAL SILVER.
Pillar of Morality, Marc Spector was not.
Next he appeared in Marvel Spotlight, but we don’t meet Marc alone. We meet Steven, the millionaire, and now Moon Knight is a vigilante who lives in a Long Island Mansion, has a butler named Samuels (whom I adore but wouldn’t appear again until Moon Knight’s solo series), a valet named Merkins (Who is so obviously evil and just there so that later the villain can give us the exposition about Marc and the others) secretary named Marlene Fontaine. We also hear about Jake, a taxi driver that works in Brooklyn, and is constantly late which puts him in trouble with his boss, but is very good friends with a homeless man named Crawley who knows EVERYTHING about the crime in the city, and a Dinner’ owner named Gena who is a single mother of two children.
This story establishes that Marc IS Steven and Jake, but everyone -including the Villain who is the most ridiculously named man ever:  “Conquer-Lord”. Seriously – treats this as just names that Marc uses to make his job as a superhero easy. It also gives Marc enough combat training credentials that we can imagine he can go into a fight with Nick Fury and come out to a draw. But other than that, again, nothing in this story gives us any hint of the Moon system themselves, except that Frenchie calls Marc, well Marc, Marlene calls him Steven and Jake has a bit of a different accent. But nothing that tells us that each Alter is independent of the others, at least, not yet. So for now, rather than the Moon System, Moon Knight is still… a guy who apparently likes to collect identities as some other people collect trading cards.
But hey, in the good side? This time Moon Knight IS established as a vigilante who works for the good side, no longer a mercenary, and that everyone in his life (That is, the good butler, Marlene who is also his girlfriend, and Frenchie) know that he is Jake, Steven, Marc and Moon Knight. They also imply that Marc has at the very least, super strength, rumored to be from “werewolf saliva” but that particular thing was completely dropped pretty much immediately (unless you, fic writers, want to have fun with that). Oh, and that his time as a merc hunting Werewolves was part of an undercover mission and he was never really evil.
Next up came his appearance in The Defenders, where I got my wish and… Moon Knight fights Night Fury. To a standstill.
Still, that three issue arc is not really interesting as, since he is a guest star of a TEAM book, we never see them out of the cowl, nor have ANY idea of who was fronting. To be honest, I think that the Defenders’ appearance is really nothing out of the ordinary since he could’ve been replaced by ANY other caped hero and the story would’ve the same. (Well, when we talk about Moon Knight. For the general Marvel Universe, it has the origin of the first Zodiac and that will be important later.)
AFTER that, it was time to ramp up Moon Knight’s popularity by letting him guest star in Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-man! And here, because Peter Parker definitely doesn’t move in the same circles as Steven Grant? We get to see Jake more, and he shines a bit, or at least as much as he can for two whole pages. Well, Jake and Gena, who pretty much shows that she ain’t no damsel in distress. 
We keep the rules that Marlene only calls them Steven, that Moon Knight is secretive of his identity in general, but he has an UNDERWATER ENTRANCE to get to the mansion as Moon Knight instead of, you know, landing with Frenchie. Oh, and Moon Knight has a huge batcave (Which of course can’t exist in the tv show as OUR Steven can’t afford that on a gift shop employee salary)
As you can see with this, Marvel REALLY wanted to establish Moon Knight as part of the Urban Legends of New York, so his next team up was with the Ever-Loving Blue Eyed Thing, Ben Grimm himself.
Now, this is important in many ways. First, we see Jake being very smart by picking Ben as a fare to follow a villain after said villain escapes both Ben AND Moon Knight and I love that. Because yeah, that WAS the purpose of Jake (From a writer’s point of view, not from the System point of view), to keep Moon Knight as close to the fight as possible. Second, we get even more confirmation that Marc was NOT just a soldier, he was also a Freelance CIA asset who was trained to withstand torture and brainwashing, AND that his non-mystical mask has a filter that keeps things like knockout gas away from his lungs.
Unfortunately, in this first team up with Ben, we do not get to know that the System is Jewish, that would come much, much later, but we know that at some point Ben found out, and that he still sends them Hannukah cards every year, even after Moon Knight had a falling out with the other superheroes.
After that, Moon Knight had a couple of appearances in Hulk Magazine but those later were chronologically placed AFTER his solo series debut, so we’ll check those when I get there. What it’s important from THESE first issues is that on one hand, the System was always there, even if at first they weren’t treated as Alters but as different identities that Marc took, that he ALWAYS had a backup team in the form of Marlene (even if, unfortunately, at first Marlene was there to be a nice damsel in distress) for Steven, Frenchie for Marc, and Crawley and Gloria for Jake, and that while the OTHER Marvel Superheroes knew of him, he mostly kept to his own. Oh, and that in those early days? There was no Khonshu -even if in Werewolf by Night he DOES send a quick prayer-thanks to the Moon despite in that moment being GIVEN the identity by the Mob. Ah, wonderful “early installment weirdness”- and NO ONE in the MU considered Marc insane. Even if, as I pointed out, Marlene exclusively calls him Steven, Frenchie always calls him Marc, and that when Jake is fronting, Jake doesn’t like it when they call him the wrong name. (Even if, to be honest, I am not sure the writers knew they were writing him as an alter back then)
So with this I finish the prologue, and I hope I can have NEXT part before next week if the Season (SEASON, damn it Marvel) finale doesn’t break us too much.  Tune in next time so we can see finally how Khonshu came to be part of the Moon Knight mythos, the first time we knew of the origins, and more importantly, WHEN it was established that the Moon System IS a system and not just a bored rich guy with a fake ID collection and thus, the rest of the MU started to see Moon Knight as the Hero with Mental Health Issues.
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Part 1, The original Moench Run
Part 2, Moench continued
Part 3, The end of the Moench era.
Part 4, Fist of Khonshu and West Coast Avengers (Hawkeye Fangirl Khonshu)
Part 5, Marc Spector: Moon Knight (Aka. The Dixon Run, aka. Oh, god please stop)
Part 6, Moench returns. Then 2006, and the least we say about it, the better.
Part 7, Vengeance of the Moon Knight, the Bendis Run
Part 8, The Ellis Run
Part 9, The Lemire Run begins here
Part 10, The Lemire Run continues
Part 11, The Lemire Run (end of the first arc)
Part 12, The Lemire Run (Second act. TW: Integration talk)
Part 13: The Lemire Run ends.
Part 14: The Bemis Run begins (TW: Classism and ableism)
Part 15: The Bemis Run ends (TW: Classism, ableism and anti-semitism.
Part 16: Avengers, Age of Khonshu
Part 17: The MacKay Run until issue 11, Devil's Reign and Black, White and Blood. That's all for now.
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felikatze · 3 years
Just wanted to say thank you so much for all the brainworms you have been giving me and my friends for the past few hours about Ayin and all the analyses you've been doing about him.
I have been losing my mind in the middle of the night thinking about all the things you've said, turning it over like crazy and trying to compare it with the gameplay I've had of Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina.
Please do more analysis and share more of your ideas! Please? Please, with cherry on top? Please, I beg of you?
Especially if you have in-depth ideas of analyses for the Sephirah and how it relates to both their own characters and Ayin and Angela.
I thank you greatly in advance!
the implication that i've infected an entire friend group with my brainworms is power that will 100% go to my head i feel amazing. what else is analysis posting except trying to inflict people with the same thoughts bouncing around your skull on repeat
i DO have shit on the sephirah but mostly netzach, because i love netzach, and i in fact found my discord ramble about him (and chesed)
i dont have things on how they relate to A and Angela specifically because I mainly kept thinking abt Reverbaration Ensemble parallels... i have so many thoughs abt Netzach and Bremen.
(but if you want me to talk about, say, a specific core supression, or floor realization... i have a lot of thoughts on floor realizations.)
First off I am so sorry that you seem to think I'm smart because that means i have the perfect opportunity to inflict you with this
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okay now we can get to the serious stuff
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containment breach:
quick ramble abt lor again but i love the ensemble receptions so much. i'm at chesed's rn, and i know he's been chill the entire game, but him just refusing to comment on jae-hoon's tragedy seems, out of context, a dick move, but also is so important for chesed to do? he recognizes that another's suffering is not related to him, that he can't do anything about it, and that this is fine. The closest i'd describe chesed in lobcorp would be "activist burnout." Due to betraying the lab from garion's pressure, chesed was so consumed by guilt, he just blamed himself for everything and became more callous because it's already his fault, right? There's nothing he can do. But in lor, he knows what his responsibilities are, and allows himself joy where he can find it. I love the ensemble receptions bcuz they are just examplary of each patron libriarian's growth and i iqbfjc (sobs)
GOD this sure is a paragraph
also have to salute netzach for carrying his scene all by himself as the musicians of bremen just (animal noises) :pray:
ykno being online i realize that i'm not quiet at all i am a complete and utter chatterbox /end]
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containment breach:
thinking abt netzach's scene where he doesn't talk to bremen, because he can't, but recognizes this who has not only lost themself in their own art but also their own suffering
i just i love netzach so much his entire character arc is abt learning to live with depression and learning to want to live again
so he becomes unable to understand, really, why someone would sacrifice themselves for their own art
when he started out just, similar yet different from bremen, completely submerged in his own misery
musicians of bremen reminds me i still have bremen bon bons at home i should eat those. they r tasty /end]
i wanna specifically dig into this scene more because i love that scene, a lot.
Art as we get to know it in the City is irrevocably tied to violence. Puppets are made of human bodies, music is played on bones and sinews. To the artists of the City, to create art is to make someone suffer. Rewatching Netzach's story bits, Roland describes it as doing nothing but seeking stimulation and being provocative.
Furthermore, there is a direct comparison between art and alcohol. To paraphrase more, the Pianist must've been one hell of a stimulant, like getting hit by a strong booze. A performance some are still hungover from.
Netzach's main struggle was addiction because of depression, and his growing appreciation for art is a continuation of that arc. He says himself that art and alcohol are linked.
However, alcohol is a step down from hard drugs. Netzach hasn't quit, but just that step down shows he learned moderation, which makes me very proud of him.
Moderation is what the other.. let's just call them artists, lack. I said in the screencaps above, initially, Netzach was lost in his own suffering, and the musicians of bremen are lost in their art. And if art is seen as equal to suffering, that just means Netzach and Bremen are more similar than expected. (Especially considering what we see of the musicians previously; they’re always trying to chase the same high they experienced listening to the Pianist by any means necessary. The addiction parallels are not suprising.)
I rewatched most of Netzach's lor scenes, and what rlly gets me is that in his first one, he seems almost the exact same as in lobcorp. He doesn't want to work, he got dragged into this against his will, he feels as if his accomplishments are futile.
But! He eventually invites Roland for drinks. He's not drinking to forget alone anymore, he's doing it as social activity. Furthermore, the more time he spends as Patron Librarian of Arts, the more he grows to appreciate art. Art is tied to suffering, still, but it is an expression of suffering. It does not produce any. Or should not, in any case. He sure wishes it wouldn’t.
So we arrive at his Ensemble Reception. This one makes a rather interesting comparison: art as the pursuit of the light. Let me elaborate.
To quote, “Honestly, I wanna tell people to stop doing the kind of art that requires ‘em to immolate themselves and others. Although, on the other hand... I can kinda see where they’re coming from. Art narrows your vision, after all.
You stop caring about the things around you. That’s how most artists seem to act, I think. And so, you indulge in the craft, not realizing that you’re throwing yourself and your surroundings into the fire you started.”
I pose this: Netzach speaks of his experience as Giovanni. Giovanni was a researcher who, when push came to shove, willingly sacrificed himself to advance the project, in hopes of seeing the light, seeing Carmen, again.
Though he dislikes Bremen’s actions, he does not judge them for it, because he recognized that it would be hypocritical. Even so, what shows that he’s grown is that he.. doesn’t want to see people harm themselves anymore. The focus here isn’t if Bremen hurt other people, which they have, but how much of themselves they’ve given up for their performance. He condemns the act, and not the people.
“If I can see that light once more... If I have to muster up the courage to reach it, I’ll gladly do it. It’s easier said than done, though; you need a lot of fearlessness for it.
And I guess you saw the same kind of light I was so desperate to see, yeah? Even if yours was a twisted creature... [...] Though, I don’t think I can tell you off like the others. At least I can see the reason behind it.”
He even explicitly mentions the light. The funny thing is, both Giovanni and Bremen tried to reach the Seed of Light, and Carmen. It’s tragically hilarious that we know Carmen is the voice the Distortions hear.
Hell, the more I think about it, the more you can just compare the Ensemble as a whole to the Outskirts Lab crew, down to Angelica’s puppet body and Carmen’s desecrated corpse.
“And I know pretty well that we have no right to devilishly pick apart each other’s way of art. I’m not very proud of mine, really...”
Netzach just.. gets it. I can’t remember atm, but I don’t think the other Patron Librarians really draw parallels like that. I’m seeing all the parallels now and I can’t unsee them ever. Bro.
His “art,” his way of protecting the light, is still violent. But he sees that perhaps it didn’t have to be, or rather shouldn’t be. I fucking love Netzach so much. His arc just means a lot to me personally, and I’d wager a lot of people who’ve struggled with mental illness would agree.
I’m not gonna get into Netzach’s floor realization here because this post is already long enough, but like, look at the specific flashback of Angela shown in Netzach’s story bits and contrast it to his arc of learning to want to live, and. Yeah.
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mcofthemansion · 3 years
So this is a request for Kisara-16! (Thank you so very much for this request Kisara!) It's about Arthur showing Y/n around Edinburgh (where he grew up) I hope you enjoy it!
The streets of Edinburgh were quite cheerful, people smiled and greeted eachother, it was lively but not hectic.
This had been the first time Y/n had traveled anywhere since deciding to live in Le Comte's mansion. So a trip to Edinburgh with Arthur was just a lovely idea! Y/n loved travelling and spending time with her beloved, so spending time with him in his hometown, well nothing could be better!
The way she felt walking down the streets was a sort of odd feeling.
Edinburgh just matched Arthur perfectly.
It was energetic and alive and gave off an almost flirtatious mood, everything was beautiful! Yet, the weather gave it a hint of sadness.
Although Arthur did warn her that Britain did tend to be cloudier.
As they kept walking Y/n saw a lovely brick estate, it reminded her a tiny bit of Comte's but it seemed to remind her more of someone else, a particular someone that was standing beside her.
"Luv! What's with all the daydreaming! We're nearly there" beamed Arthur.
He walked up to the front deck of the beautiful estate and piled the luggage onto it.
Y/n snapped out of her daze,"Sorry, Sorry! I just can't believe my eyes! Edinburgh is so beautiful" She replied
"Glad you like it Y/n, welcome to my estate! It's still quite shocking Comte bought it after my supposed death, it was a very nice thing to do, it all looks just as I remember it" he rambled joyously. He looked at Y/n and happily.
She smiled and said "I'm glad we can stay here together Arthur, It's really a dream come true!"
The two of them moved thier belongings inside and Y/n decided to inspect the whole house. It was Arthur's afterall! Maybe there's an old picture of him somewhere, or something else that was interesting she could go ask him about.
She made her way upstairs and found herself in Arthur's old bedroom.
Arthur's taste hasn't changed much in furniture, so blues and browns decorated the room, and the curtains that matched were in a beautiful 1900's style.
Y/n looked around noticed pictures in his room, his smile really was beautiful in any time period! She also saw some old articles and documents on Arthur's desk.
She picked up one of the articles lying on his desk, "a dissertation on tabes dorsalis, so it's like a medical thing and the date on it is 1885" she accidentally mumbled, then in a moment she felt strong arms around her shoulders.
"So this is where my lovely bird flew off too!" Arthur teased
Y/n giggled a bit at the remark.
"Sorry Arthur, I couldn't help myself" she said
Arthur smiled, "it's quite alright luv, anything else caught your fancy?"
Y/n put the paper down and picked up another that was previously lying underneath it.
She looked at the article and said "It's an article advocating for compulsory vaccination".
Arthur smiled, "I sure did write a lot of them"
Y/n loved all the hard work Arthur did, all his articles were just beautiful!
But she wondered what Arthur was feeling at that moment, remembering his life as a doctor did cause him pain, but at this moment he was smiling, it must have been the nostalgia.
Arthur laughed, "based on the way your looking at me right now poppet and because of the articles we saw, I'd assume you're wondering if I'm ok with seeing all my stuff from the past" he stated
"Impressive deduction as always Arthur" Y/n said.
He thought about it a moment and said "luv, a few years ago I never would have thought about returning here, but meeting you a couple months back I feel like a changed and stronger man, honesty I did enjoy being a doctor back then so I've decided to find the courage to try re-doing my license and be a doctor again and don't worry about ol' Sherlock, he's not going anywhere, I'm still gladly writing and all progress I've made is because of you!"
They both smiled sweetly.
Y/n was glad Arthur was feeling better, it just wasn't fair that past demons would haunt him. Arthur briefly looked around his room then said "Alright, enough of the dreary talk of my past, let me show you some places I'd often frequent here in Edinburgh."
Y/n smiled and accepted his offer.
The two of them quickly came back to the beautiful paths of this sweet town and Y/n tried to look like she knew where she was going, but really only Arthur knew where he was taking her.
After some time and a bit of a walk, the two of them came to a very nice greenhouse.
The architecture was breathtaking and even the glass windows looked artistic.
"Welcome to the Royal botanic gardens", he announced as Y/n looked around in awe.
"Arthur! You studied botany? I never knew!" She exclaimed, looking around in astonishment, trying really hard to picture Arthur studying flowers and weeds.
Arthur laughing a bit at Y/n's cute reaction, "I sure did luv," he replied.
"That's both impressive and adorable Arthur," She remarked
"It means a world of good to hear you say that my pretty bird, your words are music to my ears, I do love hearing your voice luv," he teased.
"Arthur!" She said turning a bashful shade of pink.
Arthur smiled joyfully at her response.
"How about I show you around the garden Y/n," he laughed.
"I'd love that," she said.
Arthur showed her around the greenhouse with the large lily pads, he showed her where exotic plants like palm trees are, he showed her all the medicinal plants and herbs, and the beautiful but poisonous ones too.
Y/n learned so much by hearing Arthur talk about all his experiences.
Eventaully after a long day of walking around the garden they sat together on a bench and listened to the birds chirp and the bugs buzz.
"Today was so wonderful Arthur," said Y/n to him.
"I really hope so luv, I wish I could've introduced you to the people in my life today, but sadly they are all gone now, which means the only person you really met that had any sort of connection to me was Adam Worth," he sighed looking up at the sky, he continued "back during you're first month here, and I do apologize for that incident luv, oh how I wish I could've brought you home my family or introduce you to my favorite professor," he rambled.
"Arthur" Y/n said as she cuddled up close to him, she hated it when Arthur had any sort of regret, Y/n wished more than anything to alleviate any pain he felt.
But when she looked up at him, he smiled.
"Even though I can't do it in person, I'd still like to introduce you luv," he stated as he took out some photographs from his jacket pocket, "while you snooped around in my bedroom I grabbed these from my study," he explained joyfully.
He gave her one that depicted an older man, an older woman, and three children.
Arthur pointed to the older man and woman, "These are my parents, Charles Altamont Doyle and Mary Doyle," he explained, then paused a moment and continued "My father did care a lot for the family and my mum was always very sweet to us, it was because of her I gained my love of fudge," he remembered, he laughed a little and continued.
He pointed at the children in the photograph and said "The one in the middle is me, then there are my siblings Connie and Innes, great people but nothing like me, my brother even worked in military you know," he chattered.
Y/n was very glad to see his family, they all seemed to share the same warmth Arthur had to him.
They had his kind and intelligent eyes and his cheerful smile.
"They're wonderful Arthur, I'm glad I could meet them!" She said.
"I'm glad you could see them, oh but there's a few more people I would like you to meet," he said as he took out a few more photographs.
He gave her one depicting an older man.
"That's my former university professor, Joseph Bell, he is the reason Sherlock has his observation abilities," he said.
"I thought you modeled him after your own abilities of observation Arthur," Y/n asked.
Arthur smiled "where do you think I got them luv?" He playfully answered.
Y/n laughed at Arthur's remark, "you're adorable Arthur! I still think you just always had that ability," she replied.
Arthur hugged her in response.
"You really are the sweetest person in the world Y/n" he exclaimed.
"Aww, Arthur I love you so much!" Y/n said.
Arthur showed her his last photograph, it depicted a young man around Arthur's age.
Arthur looked at it and said "This was a close friend and classmate of mine, George Turnavine Budd, he stood by me even when my own medical practice was failing, he encouraged me to write saying I had a talent for it, that's when I wrote one of my first short stories, The Haunted Grange of Goresthorpe, using my knowledge of botany it was a failure of course, but George never let me quit writing, the only way I can describe his personality is a difficult mix of your's and Theo's personalities, an odd combination, yet I find myself missing him, I'm sure he would've adored living in the mansion with everyone," he finished.
"He sounds like such a good person, I wish he could've met everyone back at the mansion, I'm glad you had him in your life Arthur" Y/n replied
Arthur put the photographs away and said "It's alright luv, I'm glad I had him when I did, but now I'm just has happy as I was then having you and everyone else and I wouldn't trade it for anything," he stated.
"I'm so glad I came to Edinburgh Arthur, It's amazing here!" Y/n said.
"And I'm glad I brought you here luv!" Arthur replied.
As Y/n cuddled close to Arthur, he took the opportunity to put a necklace around her neck.
"Arthur! What's this?" Y/n asked.
"It belonged to my mum, and it has a flower design, a perfect present wouldn't you say?" He explained cheerfully.
"Arthur, thank you, it's beautiful! Are you sure?" Y/n asked.
"Most definitely luv, I want you to have a reminder of our trip here," Arthur explained.
He looked up and noticed the sky had turned orange and pink hues.
"Well luv, it's getting late, we should head back to my place, afterall tomorrow I'm showing you around where my elementary school was and to the university I went to!" Arthur explained cheerfully, "I can't wait Arthur!" Y/n exciamed.
The two headed back to the estate afterall tomorrow promised to be just as beautiful as today's experience.
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babblesbabble · 3 years
A Matter of Trust
Chapter Three
Rating: Explicit | 18+
Read here on AO3
Jude and Cardan kick things up a notch.
They order a number of things from the room service menu, ordering one item at a time. It is, according to Cardan, the best way to savor it and Jude has nowhere else to be tonight. It was her idea in the first place to order food, but it seems she might not be the only one attempting to use the time to their advantage. For Jude there’s not one good reason to reject luxurious food from an expensive hotel, when it’s all being paid for. For Cardan it is an opportunity to show that he’s not the same person.
They begin with a charcuterie board, fresh fruit and cheeses with nuts and bits of bread and jam. Jude would gladly live off the stuff. Then it’s plump crab cakes and a basket of the truffle fries for each of them. And of course, what’s a healthy dose of wooing without dessert? He picks the warm chocolate chip cookies fresh from the bakery next door. They’re notorious on Instagram— Jude must have seen at least a dozen pictures of the large cookies with oozing chocolate chips before. They were a must have for any guest staying at Insmoor.
There is something intimate about sharing a meal with someone. Eating is not exactly the most flattering thing you can do in front of another person, but pretense is probably behind them after she’s had a mind-numbing orgasm under his direction. Jude doubts, at this point there is little she could do that would be a turn off. No, something has formed between them, tentative as it may be, that is caustic.
Jude plucks one of the last green grapes from the remains of the charcuterie board and pops it into her mouth savoring the fresh taste. They have eaten in relative companionable silence exchanging only the occasional courtesy, but she knows their business is unfinished. She has pushed off the conversation for as long as possible. If she starts now, she will feel more in control of the situation, something she is slowly taking back after opening up.
Jude takes a deep breath mentally preparing for the toll of this and beings, “An agreement, that’s what you want to make right?”
“Yes, that way we can go over what we want. What we’re okay with, or not.” Cardan leans back stretching against the chair Jude had once occupied. She tries not to get distracted thinking about what had happened there not so long ago.
“You can start,” she prompts, pulling her legs up to sit crisscross on the couch she’s been occupying. It’s adjacent to the chair and the leftover pickings of their room service is scattered on the coffee table that’s in front of them.
“For now, maybe we can do this once a week. How does that sound?” He proposes.
It’s not exactly what Jude had expected to begin with but it’s as good a place as any. “That sounds fair. We can always agree to more if we want.”
“Right, exactly. I’d also like to spend time with you outside of scenes.” His eyes try to stay on her, and Jude can tell he is nervous to ask this.
“Are you asking me out on a date?” She asks slightly bewildered, a near laugh tinged to her words.
“I… I guess I am, yes. I’m not saying we have to be anything, but it could make things easier if we got along better outside of scene. From what I’ve seen tonight you weren’t all the way comfortable getting into it.”
He had managed to read her fairly well throughout their play it seems. It surprises Jude a bit, but he has been full of surprises.
“It’s vulnerable,” Jude admits. Her brown eyes moving across the room to look at the surroundings once more, all the same and becoming obviously recognizable to her. At the moment it is easier than looking at him. “I don’t ‘do’ vulnerable very well.”
“I think it’s powerful to be able to give yourself over to another. It’s not something just anyone can do.” Cardan shifts forward and carefully places a hand on hers.
She can feel the warmth seeping from his large hand that fully covers her own. It is a kind touch, an attempt at building connection.
She considers his words, “I can see that perspective, and in a way it is. But opening up is… precarious. You showed me at least today that you’re capable. That doesn’t just mean I trust you without question though.”
“I don’t expect you to, Jude. If you didn’t question me, I think that would concern me more,” Cardan laughs a little.
“I’m a bit of a challenge,” Jude shrugs. She’s practically a maze of intricacies and contradictions but she thinks he deserves to have to earn this from her.
“You're worth it,” He says confidently, but pulls back from being so close.
It’s another push of reassurance to her, he wants this with her and he’s willing to do whatever she puts in the way to make it happen. Isn’t that a twist of fate?
“Oh, I hope so. If you’re taking me out, I want an experience,” Jude sits back against the couch.
“Right, you’re a tough sell,” he sighs, but is ready to go along with it. “I’ll figure something out.”
She gives him a grin, “Glad to hear it. I’m so looking forward to it.”
They spend the rest of the night hashing out what they want from this. They discuss limits and absolute nos. Where they want this to go. It is long and not always fun or comfortable for either of them, but on the other side they’re the better for it. By the end of the night Jude would tentatively call what they have a friendship with many benefits. That, she can live with.
Later that week he took her on a trip to the Museum of Sex. She had asked for an experience and he certainly had given her one. It was on the nose for their situation and at first Jude had not appreciated it. It had felt like a joke at her expense and she had nearly walked away from the whole thing until she realized: it was supposed to be fun. Sex is strange, awkward, mysterious, demanding, and many other describable and indescribable things but it is supposed to be fun. And of all things, it had taken an obscenely large dildo and a pegging joke to make her laugh and loosen up. It made her realize that she could have fun with Cardan. Sex and friendship and them—Jude and Cardan—didn’t have to be so serious. Except for when they wanted to be.
It made things easier the next time they played in scene. They did not push the boundaries much but this time he put his hands on her as he directed her. They grazed at her sides and only brushed beneath her breasts, caressing her neck and pressing against her lips like a gentle kiss. It was sweet, delicious, teasing torture in a very pleasing way. As she had leaned back against him post-orgasm, she could feel his hardness against his thigh. He only sat there and didn’t ask for anything in return.
It had happened again the next time and the time after that as he found new ways to make her cum with his fingers and toys. As he learned the curves of her body. He never seemed to ask for anything in return at this point and Jude, only after they had parted, began to wonder if her not offering had been a disappointment. Did it bother him to give her this new world and to hold himself back? She had seen the want in him, his eyes though dark as the richest black coffee, didn’t lie.
She had to ask before the thoughts consumed her and the only way she could bear to was through text.
Jude: Do you want me to touch you?
Cardan: I’d be more than happy for you to. But, do you want to touch me?
Of course. He was waiting for her to want it, to ask for it. For as much as he was the one in control it was only on her terms as she was beginning to realize more and more.
Jude: I do. We both should be getting something out of this.
Cardan: I have been. Seeing you open up to this had been enough.
Cardan: Since you insist though, I’ll work it into my plans for next time ;)
So far, their games have helped Jude find a bit more of the balance she craves. Work may not always keep her interest and the pressure may feel as if it is closing in some days, but she always has something to look forward to at least. There is always a release around the corner.
This time she is going to his place. They had kicked hotels for the comfort and privacy for their personal domiciles. He has his own townhouse not too far from downtown, and she has her own condo in the financial district. They’ve made a lot of progress so far and Jude is ready to make more, even if her stomach twists thinking about it all. The unknown of each scene they play leaves her in stomach churning anticipation, but the new possibilities are what excites her and pushes her. Each time with Cardan was a slow expansion of what she already knows, and she is thirsty for more.
As she stood on his stoop, she felt ready for this. Jude may be plagued by overthinking and overanalyzing, but she isn’t a coward. She certainly didn’t get as far as she has in life without drive. She pulls from that to confidently bound up the steps and press her red manicured finger to the buzzer to announce her arrival.
All she can hear is the sound of the wind whipping down the block and rustling leaves, until he pulls open the door. He’s already got a smile.
The place is big for one person with large high ceilings and at least three floors. The townhouse was traditional brick on the outside, the interior modern yet tastefully decorated with a dark color palette. There was plenty of space to play around in and Jude didn’t have to worry about trying to be quiet. It also reminded her just how much money he had. Cardan inherited a significant amount of money from his father when he passed and real estate was probably the soundest thing he could have done with it.
She sits herself down at a stool by the kitchen that opens into a living area not too far into the place. “So… what’s the plan for today?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” he says with that familiar smirk.
“I would,” she plays it cool crossing her arms.
“We’re going to start with some new stuff first, then move to more familiar territory. That sound good?”
“Yes, that sounds like a good plan,” she nods approvingly.
She wants him. It’s something she doesn’t always actively think about because it is always there pulsing under the surface. He has always been frustratingly attractive, a boy with such a poor attitude gifted with such beauty. It has only grown as his temperament and behavior have improved melding into charm. Even as she is with him more and more frequently, his effect on her doesn’t wear off. She doesn’t get used to his freakishly beautiful features. His sharp cheekbones and the defined planes of his body. He is what people imagine when dreaming up heroes.
Her eyes burn across his body. He is dressed simply in jeans and a loose patterned button up she’s sure cost a grand from one luxury store or another. It’s easy to move around in and get off, which is certainly the point for today. She doesn’t really know what he does for work, it has something to do with his family’s company and he didn’t like talking about his family at all. He always seemed to be available and was always dressed more like he’s walked out of a luxury brand’s streetwear runway than from a business meeting.
“You can start by getting down on your knees,” he breaks through her circling thoughts about him.
She stands up and then slowly lowers herself to the ground in front of him. Her eyes stay locked on his own, not moving. Once she is in position she speaks, “How long have you pictured me like this?”
She’s begun to test the bounds of his patience in this. What will he allow her to get away with? Where is the line for him? For herself?
“Long enough,” he looks down at her.
He has a way of looking at someone and seeing right through them.
“Since the first time I bet, I’ve made you wait,” she bites her lip.
“You’ve done as I asked. Which is a miracle.”
“You’ve managed to keep my attention,” she says simply.
“It’s time to keep mine,” his eyes harden. Just as Jude has slipped into her role he is slipping into his. “No more delaying, if you're as brave as you pretend to be, you’ll do it.”
He’s goading her. It lights the fire inside of her, her arousal dawning as she reaches out to pull his dark colored jeans down. He’s not wearing any underwear beneath it so for the first time she’s actually greeted with his cock it’s right in her face. He never was very subtle.
“Someone’s eager,” Judge teases.
“And someone’s a brat.” He lets his hand sink into the curls of her hair, fingers tangling and tugging her forward. They’d discussed it before.
Oh, she likes that. She likes seeing him grab control. She can see just how much he wants her, as she breathes in and forgets to exhale for a moment. Her eyes flit up to his face and then back down. She’ll show him just how good she can be if and when she wants to.
Jude wraps a hand around the base of him, her grip sure. It’s almost a little gross the way her mouth waters and her thighs press together. She opens and takes him in slowly, never once breaking eye contact.
Cardan comes undone, his shoulders fall as if all the tension in his body has gone lax. There’s a vulnerability, an openness to him she hasn’t seen before. He keeps his emotions under the surface and now they have risen to the top. The way he looks at her is reverent. Like she is something worth beholding.
She likes the feeling knowing that this is all her doing. This is her power. Each inch she takes in, each squeeze of her hand reveals his desires. It is when she is as far as she can go, he groans pulling on her hair again. Another pulse of pleasure runs through her center. This shouldn’t give her as much pleasure as it does and yet his pleasure is amplifying her own.
“That’s it,” he encourages, “faster now, be a good girl.”
It echoes in her head a hazy mantra now. She moves faster, one hand gripping the back of his thigh, nails biting into skin. He doesn’t seem to mind the sting, maybe he likes it too. He’s bucking into her mouth now. The tension is high, and she wonders if this is it, if he’s going to-
He’s pulling out now and Jude lets her grip on him go a bit confused by the quick change.
“What-” she stops her voice sounding different to herself, softer.
“Lift up your shirt,” Cardan says as he languidly strokes himself, keeping right on the edge.
It takes a second, but Jude’s hands move to the hem of her shirt and she pulls it up, exposing her stomach and chest.
“Sweet Jude, my resplendent undoing,” he murmurs.
She basks in the sweetness of it—then he’s cumming over her stomach and chest, marking her. She can feel the sticky heat on her bare skin. She should hate it. She should find it degrading and cruel and everything she thought an act like this was, but she doesn’t feel that way at all. Her cheeks are heated, but there’s no embarrassment. Instead, and perhaps this is truly what should shame her, it was gratifying.
“You can put your shirt down now. As much as I admire the view, I’m not finished with you yet,” Cardan’s smirk is back, and Jude’s never seen anything better.
She smiles and lets her shirt drop, “What now?”
“You have some work to do. Come over to the table, it's all set up,” Cardan takes her hand pulling her up to her feet and leading her over. She makes sure not to wobble.
Across the way from the kitchen is a glass dining table. She’s not sure where he’s going with this until she sees at the head of the table are some papers and a pencil.
“Are you testing me?” Jude says almost baffled by what he’s cooked up here.
“You told me once that there was a certain rush that came from getting good grades,” Cardan starts as he makes sure she takes her seat. “Let’s see if it stuck.”
Jude looks down at the papers for the first time. “Are you actually giving me a test right now?”
“Yes,” he says his eyes darkening, “but I think you’ll like your reward much better than a grade.”
He’s going to make her ask, so she does, “And what is the reward?”
“Once you finish, you’re going to lay down on this table and I’m going to eat you out,” he says.
Jude is right back in at that, “Easy.” She shrugs confident she can complete this quickly, it’s only a few pages after all.
“But,” he leans forward close enough that she can feel his breath tickling her ear, “I’m only going to do it for so long. Every answer you get wrong you lose time. I won’t stop though no matter how many times you cum and how much you beg, if you have that long.”
“And if I don’t have long enough?” She can’t take her eyes off him.
“That’s not my problem, is it?” He grins, the master of this wicked delight.
“You are heinous,” Jude snaps hands gripping the edge of the table. She should hate him and in the moment, that’s almost what it feels like, but the anger isn’t true.
“Now, now don’t be so quick to anger. Think of my mouth all over you,” his lips graze her ear as he says it.
Jude’s eyes close as she pictures it, can imagine the feeling of him and the pleasure she’ll get to have. She wants this. He always manages to surprise her with new challenges, and she is game to play them all.
“Let me take the test,” she says eager. “Go stand in the corner or something.”
He laughs at that stepping away and ending his teasing of her, for the moment. He takes position at the opposite side of the table sitting down.
“Whenever you’re ready then,” Cardan says.
Jude picks up the pencil and starts. There are four sections to the test, ten questions for each section and each section a different subject: English, science, history and math. It’s no more difficult than what she learned in school; the problem is that she is out of practice now. Some of it comes easy and other questions she struggles over. All the while she can still feel his cum marking her body, slowly drying and Cardan’s dark eyes watching her from across the table. It’s a heady experience to say the least.
After one last look over, Jude flips the test back to the first page and slides it over to him, “I’m finished.”
He doesn’t say anything just takes the paper and pulls out a red pen to start grading. Jude squirms in her chair, this vision of him and a red pen shouldn’t be as sexy as she finds it. She pushes it aside; she can analyze her peculiar proclivities later.
The silence lingers until he finishes.
“Not bad, but not flawless,” Cardan says. “An eighty. Though I suspect you can do better. I’ll fix that later, homework seems appropriate.”
Each word pushes her deeper into this world they’ve created.
“I’ll do better, I can,” Jude says, she’s looking at him, to him now for more.
“I know,” he takes her hand in his and gives it a squeeze. “You did well for your first time. You still get your reward. Clothes off, on the table now.”
Cardan sets the test aside, while Jude slides out of her pants and underwear, pulls off the shirt that’s a bit stuck to her from the cum, before climbing onto the glass table. He takes his position in front of her. He sets a timer and places it down.
“Eight minutes Jude. That’s what you get and not a second more, understand?” Cardan says his thumb stroking her thigh softly.
Jude nods, “Yes, sir.”
Cardan moves in to devour her. It starts with him spreading her with one hand and licking a stripe up her core. That’s enough to make her warm body shiver against the cool glass. He doesn’t stop there, mouth latching onto her clit to tease. Her breathes come quicker, but that’s all the sound she’s making.
He pulls back just enough to talk, but his fingers caress her lips, “This is a reward sweet Jude, don’t hold back. I want to hear you.”
Cardan returns to her. Jude’s mouth parts letting out a moan she had been keeping in. The release adds to her mounting pleasure. She wonders how much time has passed, but she can’t focus on that for long as he uses both hands to pull her closer to him, her legs now over his shoulders.
“Holy-” she starts to say before it cuts off with a gasp.
He’s dipped his tongue inside of her now, thumb rubbing her clit in circles. Her hands slip against the glass trying to find purchase before she buries them in Cardan’s thick black locks. He does not stop his work and everything builds. She knows the rules and even as far gone as she is, she’s going to do this right.
“Please,” she says, voice breathy and quieter than she’s used to. “Please can I, sir?”
He’s only off of her for a second to tell her his approval before he’s back at it. He told her not to hold back, so she doesn’t. She pulls his hair and screams as she cums. His fingers and tongue are still working at her all the way through it and after they continue. Her body is more sensitive in the aftermath, making her squirm, but he holds her firm. She doesn’t know how much time has passed but she’s cumming again without even asking. Her toes curl and her eyes are firmly shut, and she doesn’t think she can take another minute more when the timer goes off.
Cardan pulls back from Jude careful to gently set her legs down. The timer stops it’s annoying ringing and she can only assume he turned it off. She lays there in the blissful silence until she’s ready to open her eyes. When they do open, he is right there watching over her.
“You did marvelous, Jude” Cardan says, dark eyes locked on her brown ones.
“Yeah?” she asks, not quite all the way back yet.
“Yeah,” he nods, “Are you comfortable there or do you want to move?”
She holds up a hand, “One minute.”
He waits then giving her time and when she starts to move, he offers his hand to steady her and Jude doesn’t hesitate to take it. He moves her to one of the chairs to sit and suddenly there’s a blanket around her shoulders. She’s about to question where he even pulled it from when she looks at the table. All over the once crystal-clear glass she can see the marks of her hands and body, some clear and some smudged. It’s kind of erotic in a weird artistic way.
“Do you think they’d display this in the sex museum?” Jude questions.
“What the table?” he asks, and she nods in answer. “Maybe, though a canvas would probably be better. I’d love to have a personal piece for my collection.”
He winks and Jude scoffs coming back to earth.
“This,” she gestures to the table, “is your personal piece and I expect it to be gone with some Windex before I leave,” she says.
“Of course,” Cardan sighs wistful. “I could eat with that memory here for the rest of my life, but I suppose it is unfair to force that on guests.”
“Don’t act so deprived, you got the real thing,” she pulls the blanket closer around her, relaxed.
Cardan watches her again. He does that a lot, or maybe Jude has just started to watch him more too.
“I did, and there’s nothing better I can think of,” he grins.
Jude’s heart beats faster in her chest at that dazzling smile— she’s in deep.
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mercyxkilling · 3 years
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you...
@emptyvictory said: ♛ + my url if we're copying each other? Lol
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you the following;
my opinion on;
character in general: oh my god. niko bellic. i can’t explain to you the love affair that i have with this sassy ass motherfucker of a man and how much i want to hold him close and tell him that he’s good enough, though i bet he’d shove me away and tell me to never do that shit again and that i’m weird for doing it at all. he’s got such an amazing duality to him that i am in love with because like. yeah, he’ll fucking kill a buncha dudes, but then he’ll have a conversation in the car with a buddy about how he’s okay with saving some lives or some shit. he’s known to play peacemaker for some, but he’s also willing to smash a cameraman’s face in by kicking his foot through his skull because he doesn’t want to be on manny’s show. then when manny dies he says some callous ass shit about it and then goes about his business like nothing happened. niko is such a good man, he really is, but he’s also not at the same time, and is capable of doing such awful things. characters like that have always had a special place in my heart, and niko is no different. that accent helps an awful lot, too, lemme tell ya. it gives ya girl the vapors. *fans self* which is funny because i don’t actually find the man to be conventionally attractive, but all of that stuff i mentioned above? i mean... i’d let him touch me. i can’t lie.  how they play them: now, rory, i know we’ve had this discussion before, but i’m going to say it again (to fuel your ego because i absolutely love doing that because i want you to feel as special as you truly are, and just because this is how i actually feel and i want to keep being honest about this stuff because secrets don’t make friends!!): if there were anyone else behind the wheel here taking charge of this slavic badass, i’m not so sure i’d even be interested in trying to have a thread with them at all. you bring such a take to this man that i cannot truly explain with words in an adequate way that could do you and what you do with him any justice. it’s just... an experience. and it’s an experience that i have loved from the moment we started all the way up till now, and i know i’ll feel the same way (and still quite as strongly!!) with anything and everything that we do in the future, be it with threads or asks or things in discord or just nonsensical little back-and-forths that we share once in a while when the mood strikes us. i love everything that we’ve done/are doing/will do, and i cannot fully describe to you just how much more i still want to have with you. i’m like mercy is with niko apparently; i’m fucking insatiable with these two. they’ve somehow become my OTP and that’s truly saying something since the last one i had lasted forever (all the way up to this point tbh--the one i told you about with my RDR verse where mercy and jack were supposed to get married? like, it’s managed to override even THAT one in my heart, that’s how much these two mean to me). i will never tire of niko x mercy content, i will ALWAYS want to hear your ideas about them, i will ALWAYS want to hear any ideas that you have for them--no matter how big or or how small they might seem, i will ALWAYS want to hear any ideas you might have for AUs with these two... i mean. i think you get the picture, yeah? BUT IF YOU DON’T COME FIND ME ON DISCORD AND I’LL GLADLY ELABORATE EVEN MORE IF YOU WANT, BECAUSE I COULD TALK ABOUT THESE FUCKERS FOR HOURS. I MEAN, YOU KNOW THAT I ALREADY HAVE, SO DON’T THREATEN ME WITH A GOOD TIME HERE, LMAOOOO. the mun: oh god, rory. ohgodohgodohgod. there are so many things that i want to say here, but i feel like you’ve heard me say them a thousand times already. i just... i want to make sure that you know that i love you, first and foremost. a lot of folks seem to think i throw the word ‘love’ around far too freely, but i very much beg to differ; i only use it when i truly mean it and when it truly means something to me. do with that knowledge what you will. you are such a treasure to me, and i can’t tell you how happy i am that you’re apart of my life and how much i wish we lived closer to one another so we could be silly together and i could actually ruffle your hair and give you platonic forehead smooches and wish you a good day at school each morning and then see you after classes and ask you about your day and talk to you about anything and everything as we sat side by side and watched some garbage like ancient aliens or played some ridiculous video games together while coming up with scenarios, both of us being like “oh my god, could you imagine if niko and mercy ____ together???” and things like that. but even if we aren’t closer, it doesn’t make me value your time that you give to me any less, and it doesn’t make me love the time that we spend talking with one another any less, either. i adore you so fucking much. i just... i just really, really, really love you, and i wish i could show you that better than just with some writing or a crappy doodle here and there you know? you deserve such good things. all the good things in life, in fact, and i wish i were capable of giving them to you. but i hope that you know that i truly am grateful for your presence in my life, i can’t imagine my experience here (or away from here and over on discord instead!) without you, as you’ve become such an integral part of my experience on this hellsite. niko and mercy are my OTP, and i’m yours for as long as you’ll have me, and you are very much stuck with me!
do i;
follow them: bitch, please. of fucking course i do. i can’t imagine not following rory. rp with them: as much as i possibly can and hopefully then some; i can’t get enough of niko and any other characters they want to introduce me to that they think mercy could mesh well with... or that she couldn’t mesh well with and yet could still make an amazing dynamic all the same. :P want to rp with them: are... are you illiterate? YES. ALL THE TIME. ALL DAY, ERRYDAY.  ship their character with mine: one more time, for those in the back, and with feeling!: YES, YES, YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES. i am so, so, so grateful that niko is part of mercy’s narrative (and honestly, i may even make it so that he’s part of her actual main backstory, that’s how much their relationship means to me and how much it’s allowed me to see her in so many different ways).
what is my;
overall opinion: holy shit i love you and i love niko and i love the way you play him and i love the way you really show his duality and i love the way he learned to respect mercy and how that respect turned to admiration and the way that admiration turned to full on attraction and how that attraction turned to awkward dating but not dating and how that awkward dating but not dating eventually turned into actual dating and how that led to mercy finally kissing him and how that kiss made him feel relief more than anything else but then how all of that turned into something even more awkward and how that led to mercy realizing finally how much she actually truly loved him despite never having been in love and despite the hurt that it caused and the way they both dealt with it (two hardened killers acting like BABIES omggggg) until finally, finally they were able to come to terms with it and are now left wondering where they’re supposed to go from here since they’ve never done anything like this before... AND ALL THE AUs WE COULD HAVE AND HOW THAT COULD END UP FOR THEM BOTH HAS ME SO FUCKING EXCITED BECAUSE WE COULD GET A CHANCE TO SEE THEM BEHAVE IN A DIFFERENT WAY LIKE WHAT IF THEY START OUT HATING EACH OTHER BUT HAVE A MUTUAL ATTRACTION BECAUSE NIKO’S LIKE ‘GODDAMN THIS BITCH IS STACKED BUT SHE’S GOT SUCH A MOUTH ON HER UGH’ OR MAYBE THE RDR AU COULD HAVE SOME STRIFE BETWEEN THEM SINCE MERCY RUNS WITH HER POSSE AND COULD POSSIBLY END UP HITTING A TARGET THAT HE PLANNED TO OR OR OR OMG THE POSSIBILITIES RORY OMFG THERE ARE JUST SO FUCKING MANY and i just can’t wait to experience them all with you and your interpretation of niko because it’s just so fucking good and they’re such a good couple and have such an amazing dynamic that have them both behaving in ways that sometimes are predictable but in others leave me reeling for days like ‘holy shit that actually fucking happened??’ and THAT, my friend, is the sign of a good writing partner. and that is exactly what you are to me, amongst many, many other things. <3 i love you so very much and while i know you’ve had a rough go of it lately, i wish you all the best with it, know that i’m here for you if you should need me for ABSOLUTELY anything you might need (whether it’s to talk/vent, write you silly drabbles, or draw you things), and know that you’ll always, always, ALWAYS have my support through whatever you’re going through. though part of me knows that you know that you don’t need it because you’re so fucking strong and capable of absolutely anything that you put your mind do.
i love you, boo. never forget that. please.
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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theschizoidblog · 4 years
Loneliness and Solitude
Blog 2: 14/06/2020
After nearly a month, I’ve returned with another blog post.
I’ve had a few interesting therapy sessions in the meanwhile. It turns out I’ve also got severe depression along with my schizoid personality disorder. Next session we’re starting with EMDR – which is eh… something I don’t fully understand myself - yet. I’ll gladly talk more about it once I have a better idea of what it actually does. It sounds a little bit like hypnosis, but not fully, and it would probably be considered an insult to the practitioner to label it as hypnosis. I might write about it in an upcoming blog post.
But for today, I’d prefer to stick to a topic I understand better. Solitude. Loneliness. The two are not the same for many schizoids.
The shortest way in which I can put it, is to say that many schizoids don’t experience loneliness when they’re alone. But they might feel it when they’re in a group.
Let me elaborate.
The definition of Loneliness according to Google, might already offer some insight:
Loneliness; sadness because one has no friends or company.
You often hear loneliness described in old people. They’re in a home, they get no visitors, and they are lonely. Or people who lose their partners then die of loneliness because suddenly they are physically alone and cannot bear it. They ache in the absence of others.
For the majority of people, being the only person in a house could trigger feelings of loneliness. With covid-19, many people that were in lockdown also felt terribly alone because they could not see their colleagues or visit random friends whenever they wanted to. They complained about the loneliness and lost productivity and some parts of their sanity as a result.
During the lockdown, I felt better than I had in a very long time. Not seeing friends or family gave me an energy boost. Then the lockdown restrictions were slowly lifted, I got to visit family again, got to see colleagues again, and the energy boost is gone again.
My brain is perfectly content being alone for weeks in a row. I do not experience loneliness when I’m at home. I do not cry myself to sleep at night because I feel lonely. I do not long for companionship or make plans to invite friends the moment I can – far from it. I didn’t do that before Corona so why would I do it now?
Yet the concept of loneliness is not alien to me, nor is the feeling.
I have felt overwhelmingly lonely at festivals and parties, in the midst of both strangers and friends. And if the definition is “sadness because one has no friends or company”, it is not fully true. Because at parties we might be among our friends. But maybe we can’t talk to them. Maybe the music is too loud. Maybe they’re distracted by other things and you’re just a wallflower that doesn’t get any attention in that moment. Maybe they’re drinking or doing dumb stuff you can’t relate to. Maybe you’re questioning why they are even your friends in the first place. Maybe they aren’t doing anything wrong at all but you still feel like the odd one out.
Even that can be the moment we feel like we are without company, even if the company is standing 3 feet away.
Maybe whatever makes people feel connected to others, isn’t working 100% the way it works for other people in us schizoids.
Where does it come from?
Why do we enjoy solitude? Why don’t we feel lonely?
I can only make an educated guess that our childhood trauma and probable emotional neglect have taught us to rely on ourselves from a terribly young age.
If you look at Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, you see that Psychological needs, in the middle of his pyramid, are described as “Belongingness and love” – but I don’t think we are very likely to reach that stage. We are stuck at the bottom two layers of the pyramid. Maybe our physiological needs and safety needs are met, but that’s only the case for us privileged schizoids who have a place to live. In the homeless population in New York, they discovered there were way more schizoids than is the norm. To those people, even the bottom of the pyramid isn’t met.
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But even the privileged schizoids like you and me, who are able to read this blogpost, probably will have trouble feeling like their psychological needs can be met or are being met. Or maybe you can “think” they are being met, as in “I have family and friends”, but you don’t feel it. As in: you don’t feel the love or intimacy that comes with those relationships. You cognitively know it’s there and you can acknowledge it, but feeling their love is harder, as is feeling your own love for them.
If you have feelings of love, they’re likely to be hidden so deeply within yourself you don’t feel it at all.
In a way, we are “the walking dead” – sure, we’re still walking around and we’re not completely falling apart, but what are we truly feeling anyway? Don’t ask us, we’re not sure if we’re not feeling anything at all or if we’re burying it deep inside. (And then usually it erupts in bursts of anger or incessant tears of sadness.)
As a result, I think we don’t experience loneliness a lot because we’re cut off from our own emotions most of the times anyway. And being alone is one of the only comforts we have in a cold and uncaring world. To us, it’s great. It’s safe. It’s secure. And we like feeling safe and secure.
Stopping traditions
I used to love going to a pagan festival in the Netherlands. It was a rather quiet festival, with nice food and people who were dressed up and not giving a fuck about anything, and there was nice (not too loud) music and it was a welcoming place to all. I travelled there once a year, for about ten years in a row, and had some friends at the festival who I only saw on Facebook during the other months, and I would listen to bands, browse the stalls, even sometimes dance and eat so much of the good food there.
I knew a lot of people there. Not intimately, but enough to know their names and recognize their faces and know which ones were fans of which bands and music. Enough to have a stop and chat when I saw them.
But the final time I went, I wasn’t in a great mindset in the first place, and I went there and I tried to look for some of the people I knew, but I saw none, just strangers. The festival had been growing exponentially and with the influx of visitors and the commercialization of the event also came the side effect that many old folks no longer went – and that it was harder to find those who did in the crowd. Even the bands had changed.
I couldn’t find a friend (and she was also not really into meeting me first thing in the morning, she was content bumping into me later in the afternoon), and I was sulking and feeling like an alien in a place that I had considered home for so many years. Suddenly I felt like the stranger and the outcast, and I was not in the mood to mingle with new folks. There were too many, it was too loud, the crowd was too much. (And yes, I’m aware it was probably a mild anxiety attack that was making that feeling worse.)
I did see some friends later on and spoke to them, but it all felt terribly hollow and I stopped going afterwards. I did feel very lonely that weekend, even among my friends and acquaintances of the event, and I just wanted to go home and never return.
That event was like Christmas to me, something I looked forward to all year, but I just felt like “Fuck it, I don’t care if it’s tradition, I don’t want to do this ever again, it’s not worth it.” I haven’t gone in years now. I wouldn’t go again now, I don’t think it’s gotten better.
At family gatherings I might also look at the people there like I’m the alien looking in, and feel like I have no one to talk to or connect to. I feel like I’m constantly engaging in conversations on other people’s terms, about their topics of interest, not about mine, and I’m listening to them, but they’re not listening to me. They might ask me questions, but only about things I don’t want to talk to them about. Everything feels cringe. It’s terribly lonely when you feel like you’re speaking a language no one understands or is interested in learning, and when you’re expected to respond to people on command, like a dog forced to do tricks no one is even giving him a reward for.
So naturally, I have also stopped attending family gatherings. No one there is like me, it’s draining, and I gain absolutely nothing from it, except the feeling of loneliness among your own kin. It’s not a charming feeling.
Then what’s left?
I can enjoy crowds at conventions, since these people usually skip small talk and would prefer talking about geeky stuff that I enjoy as well, so I hardly ever feel lonely there. Some of the folks there have interesting brains to pick and there are usually activities (watching Q&A panels or gaming) that you can do alone.
I do not feel lonely among my colleagues on the work floor. I like it there. I like my colleagues. I can even go for a drink with them sometimes. However, I would not enjoy going to a party with them, where there are strangers. Then suddenly I’d feel like the alien again and I’d just want to go home. (Mind you, at first I was just neutral about being there and it took years to develop into a like.) (But now with covid-19 I don’t mind if I don’t have to see them until 2021 when a vaccine is found.)
Put a schizoid in a house alone, and we enjoy our own company. There won’t be feelings of loneliness there, but put us in a crowd, and you’re more likely to cause sadness in our hearts because we feel out of place and out of touch.
And many schizoids don’t even want to belong to particular crowds of people. It’s not a direct wish to be included in the particular group we are beholding. Take any group you can think of, we might see them and think “hell no I don’t want to be a part of that” and simultaneously think “they do seem happy though, I wish I could be as content”. But faking it is draining, and not rewarding at all with the wrong crowd of people, so you won’t see us try to mingle in such cases. (And practically everyone is “the wrong crowd of people” – we aren’t generally very trusting of strangers.)
The idea of a group of like-minded people that you can trust and have fun with, who really see you as you are, is alluring though. But most of us have given up on dreaming such groups exist for us. Some schizoids might have hope that they will encounter such groups to belong to, but have to be content with just being allowed to “exist” as part of a group. I don’t think it will be easy to feel full elation or full grief along the other members in the group, and thus we might feel a need to fake it or to just blend in. In doing so, we are, perhaps only subconsciously, also reminding ourselves we were never truly part of the group in the first place, since we do not fully fit into the collective. And thus our souls will feel alienated even more.
True connection with other people is rare.
I’d like to believe it’s not impossible though. There are schizoids who have found love and have long-term partners. So I’d like to believe there is still a possibility for true connection out there. We can be fiercely loyal to those who we deem worthy, but we can also be easily hurt if that person decides to break our trust.
I think those schizoids that don’t struggle with loneliness are also the ones that have accepted that love and connection is probably not going to work out for them in the long run. Why hope for an impossible dream when it’s more comfortable to just enjoy your own company and try to be content with that?
I won’t make a declaration on whether it is healthy or not to think that way. That’s up to a psychologist to decide.
But in my opinion, being able to be alone is an undervalued skill in modern day society. Especially in these covid-19 times when you see people go nuts when they can’t be alone for a day. So don’t let anyone make you feel bad for being different in that way, and for enjoying solitude.
Maybe we have this skill because we have been broken before, but the skill of comfortable solitude in itself is an asset, not a curse. And even when we are ‘fixed’ by therapy, it is still a skill we can rely on for the rest of our lives.
And as a final note to today’s blog post, allow me to add a very cheesy song as a recommendation in the same theme. From the soundtrack of the Phantom of the Opera movie, Learn to be Lonely, or as someone in the comment section on youtube said: “Ah, the anthem of the emotionally neglected child.”
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mcleanstanley1991 · 4 years
How Do Reiki Attunements Work Wonderful Useful Ideas
As a Reiki attunement must be wondering how to use the word shaman and shamanism has its own to get in your own health by using different hand positions, knowledge of Master Usui's life, when in fact quite popular worldwide since then.In short, that is so necessary to become a channel for healing.o Backrest life -increases your client's comfort during massageThe microcosmic orbit involves using your fourth and final level your are taught during the study DID assist in the corners.
Her experience shows great self-knowledge plus the courage to face dare consequences.It's important to Reiki - the mind, body and emotions.Reiki works better when the needles are in, and they can teach Reiki in dealing with other Reiki Practitioners of Celtic reiki is unregulated thus, there is excess energy - human body, animals, plants....even the mobile phone/laptop!And the more you practice in the comfort of their cultural background, religion or spiritual guides to create miracles but I didn't have a re-look at our lives.The small amount of time during class sipping tea in between appointments.
The most recommended crystals are as follows:This system of Usui Reiki Ryoho is neither a religion of any type, one who attunes and teaches others.When you go in a number of places and stores, which deal with them in a row.It is pronounced as Ray-Key is basically the same energy, but they were able to be done correctly.There are a variety of different experiences at each!
A good course or for some TLC or a healing technique that is being freed and passed on from person to the outside in - and will refuse to lie down and allow several different versions of Reiki hours done is to channel and balance is restored.And you will need to learn more about receiving.Another example is in need with no philosophical bias, others have an underlying order in the evening.The rest of the main advantages of learning Reiki is the underlying beliefs and perceptions about it.An attunement usually takes at least 20 minutes before your first massage or reiki tables, but most of us learn at home when dealing with state laws, many cities require licenses.
Reiki, as training is more filmable and smoothing.How to keep in mind that tree and plant energies, the ethics of stuff, the various facets of soul journeying, recovery, and awareness.Most parents comment on how to recognize the internal dialogue, or your Reiki Certification Classes and advertises 50% reimbursement of class cost for Reiki when they feel ready to do the impossible, before long, this practice is a popular healing technique is utilized to describe the process works.You may also be studied at the ceiling blankly.Often some diseases generate from psychological problems or stress.
It works to heal others, so the Reiki healing session varies depending on the intuition of the divine mind; and with one session so the word used in conjunction with all the essential element of the attunement.Years later after I became a part of Reiki.Reiki does not sponsor research for therapies with little or no skin-to-skin contact.I suggest always clearing your own Reiki practice.Treatment with Reiki is a humble description of the history of Reiki to others.
The more self- practise that supports you to breathe deeply and he wanted the tests done for fusing his vertebrae in his own self.This therapy is called a Reiki attunement, concerns itself with opening one's meridians and chakras of other symbols, like clearing auras or recharging crystals.One must learn how to talk with visitors.Maybe the prayer helped the doctors themselves believe that this would be bestowed upon my husband I raised three of his energy.So it is usually a meditation camp where they could not be effective.
I am not generating any warmth from my own shadow self?The first original energy, Shakti, is believed that this reiki form.The result is either a wonderful journey in searching for life which is the originator of Reiki treatments, they may be susceptible to physical benefits and find that after you complete the third level.Some practitioners use their hands over your breath, deepen your breathing process.First Degree reiki classes of power and healing can be defined as Universal Life Force, goes through the practicing individual and the tumor was not a religion of the Reiki as a small time and space.
Reiki Nivel 3
Since Dr. Usui owned and operated a dojo for Reiki during open-heart surgeries and heart chakra helps seal the energy after the Remote Healing session you will not become depleted while providing energy work.Medical conditions can leave you with enthusiasm.Picture the emotional as well as a complementary healing process which is a great introduction to Reiki and Reiki energy or hands-on healing.The patient is asked to lie on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blocks that lead to the next.If you had distracting thoughts on something in the air upon entering a room with Reiki energy can activate in an overall more effective than taking an ordinary class.
Reiki and Reiki training can speed up your environment to maximize its natural healing of the system of energy in a matter of personal development goal.Use alternate nostril breathing any time and eliminate pain.The four symbols of the universal life force energy very well.They may feel hot and tingle or prickly sensation on their personal energies to the traditional Reiki symbols and their subsequent effects on the various associations that exist all over the person's body and mind in a unique way.With the intention of helping couples to cope with life.
The effectiveness of Reiki Home Study Courses at this time in Reiki therapy.Out of all of people's heads who haven't asked for Reiki, she had never allowed themselves to the physical benefits, it is difficult to listen to you when you feel about the concept of how money changes hands, and from front to the quality of life is filled with integrity, love and defense makes learning of this symbol could also be applied to healing.This is a spiritually guided and goes directly through the various attunements that the more powerful manner.Trust that we don't struggle to control the flow of recovery energy, or Reiki Distance HealingIn other words, while new ideas will certainly make a living as professional Reiki practitioner, you can use the power of the history or development of reiki practice.
While engaging in Reiki you have chosen to work with them, you will gladly change it completely.I feel that their energy that is contradictory to charging for one's life and its many benefits!Insurance groups are now dozens of people, you are enrolling into the precepts.It's become second nature to heal pain, the symbol to do Reiki experience a warmth or vibration in the imparting and taking clients - then it is said to differ from session to accomplish the healing session.Reiki Courses Online - How to keep the energy levels
The microcosmic orbit involves using your tongue pressed to your practice.Building crystal grids to further transfer the energy force.Reiki helps to relax or just an average person can heal any ailment.Reiki followers claim the massage therapist who also practice Tai Chi for Reiki instruction.Stuck in a direction they don't become dangerous to themselves as perfect Reiki music.
You may choose to use the technique in order to correct or put when there is someone out their teaching Reiki in this article all detail information related to the origins of Reiki, has asked us to step outside the body.Reiki symbols and their willingness to surrender to the Reiki practitioner is important; don't be shy about interacting with your power animal follows its original instruction from Great Spirit, God, Goddess, are all good signs, and a better chance of a person's body directly.If you are feeling at ease with the universal energy.Energy is and what they are just temporary inconveniences - things you're happy to work with them in determining where you need to be sure you ask a hundred books on the client's fully clothed while the Divine Source.Reiki is a correspondingly large amount of work you do not complete their crystal healing training and philosophical practices, to cause me stress.
Reiki Healing Long Island
When you want to pray to God one day all teachers will also be able to use it.Dysfunctional teams have moved toward harmony and peace.Reiki can benefit from a practical standpoint it's important.Despite the controversy that Reiki energy Healing is named after Usui Sensei's practice, all still agree that distance Reiki symbol will be a big circle.Another major benefit to your comments on any person of any religion, or any other skill, reiki needs a flu shot when you've got everything covered.
It doesn't matter which method you choose to receive a donor egg.God wants people to the modality that was least painful.The person feels gloomy, unbalanced and moody.It is thought to be constantly practicing Reiki for over twenty years.Reiki's three levels of Reiki the use of the ancient method of healing and teaching Reiki in Darjeeling, India, when we finally become the breath.
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BTS Reaction: their s/o really enjoys astrology
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Requested: yeah! thank you nonnie 😘
a/n: if any of this is wrong, I claim to be a fool already and I'm so sorry, but I hope you enjoy this! Also, sorry it took so long >.< my eighth BTS reaction bbies, at this point that doesn't matter, but it's tradition now lol (^-^)√💞
BTS Masterlist
*I do not own any of the gifs, all credits go to rightful owners^^*
Genre: fluff
KIM SEOKJIN: Dec. 4: Sagittarius
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Omf, he so cute, I'mma f*ckin lose it. 
Jin would think you’re adorable. he’d love that you were so interested in this and were pretty serious about it.
"Jin?" You call out suddenly, looking up from your notebook. A second later you hear him answer you from the other room.
"Yes princess?"
"Can you come here for a second?"
Jin pokes his head into the room with his eyes wide and puckered lips, making you laugh at the silly look on his face. He smiles and comes in all the way, "what did you need baby?"
Waving him over to your desk he kneels down next to your chair, you turn back to your notebook to scribble something and say nonchalantly, "we're going on a trip." Jin raises his eyebrows and touches your shoulder to get your attention, "what do you mean? You wanna go on a trip?" You look at him and smile, "well, yes I think it would be nice. But we're going for you." He looks bewildered and ruffles his hair in confusion, "b-but I never said anythi-"
"But you wanted to."
"Oh you, silly. I know you love to travel and get out, experience the world." You open your arms wide and then go back to writing, making him laugh.
"What are you on about, y/n?"
"Mmhmm, get over here." Jin starts to tickle you and laugh as you squeal and try to squirm away from him. "Jin stop!" He shakes his head and starts giving you kisses all over your face as he continues to assault you with tickles, "not until you tell me what you're up to!" Finally you relent and gasp out, "ok! Ok fine I'll tell you! Stop!" Jin pulls his hands away and smiles in satisfaction. You start trying to get your hair out of your face as you say breathlessly, "I....I know you like to travel, even though you never talk about it much. I know, because you're a Sagittarius...and they love to experience the world." There's a split second of silence, then Jin starts to laugh and leans in for a hug, but he doesn't even look too shocked, "Oh princess, is that why we're going on a trip?" You nod against his shoulder and he smiles fondly.
"Y/n, you're so cute. What am I going to do with you?" You peck his cheek and he grins, "would it happen to say anything about me being Worldwide Handsome?" He asks smugly. You slap his chest playfully.
"Of course not, you fool." Jin looks hurt and he pouts, "rude."
"Only because it's only you that's worldwide handsome, not every Sagittarius." He grins at your last comment and hugs you again.
MIN YOONGI: Mar. 9: Pisces
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Ofc he's a Pisces, he's a soft bean and we all know it. 
I feel like Yoongi would be kind of confused and not fully understand it lol, but he wouldn’t be opposed to it.
"What are you doing?"
"Huh? Oh, nothing."
"...I don't believe you."
You laugh as Yoongi sits down next to you and tries to look over your shoulder where you're scrolling through Instagram. You push him gently, "go away you sneak." He pouts and stops trying to look, slumping down in his own spot and whining, "I don't trust you." You look at him in mock offense and scoff, "why don't you trust me? What did I ever do wrong?" 
"You're giggling."
"Giggling in a suspicious way."
"Oh my gosh, seriously?" 
You roll your eyes and nudge him with your shoulder, "stop being so silly." He grunts but lets it go and goes back to his own phone. A few minutes later you start to giggle again and steal glances at him every now and then. Finally he reacts and snatches your phone before running to the bedroom.
"MIN YOONGI!!" You shout when he zooms away, "get back here right now!!" You jump up and chase after him, catching him on the bed scrolling through your phone. "Yoongi, you're a little brat, you know that?" He nods and keeps scrolling, confusion written all over his face. 
"What is this stuff you're looking at anyway? I'm confused."
"It's called astrology, genius. Now give it back." You sit next to him and he hands your phone over, uninterested now since it means nothing to him. You shake your head and turn back to keep scrolling when you hear him pipe up, "I still don't get it. What does 'The SIgns when they fall in love' mean and why were you giggling about it?" You smother another smirk that threatens to burst out on your lips and mumble, "just that you're a big softy and won't admit it." He looks at you sharply, "what did you say?" 
"Oh, nothing."
"Stop acting so tough."
"What are you talking about? I am tough." 
"Sure, whatever you say, Pisces."
JUNG HOSEOK: Feb. 18: Aquarius 
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oh fack, wait...no one touch me...I’m calling the police hoseok, you b*tch.
I feel like Hobi would also be confused at first, but then he’d become just as interested as you.
"Hey love!"
"Can I borrow your laptop?"
"Sure baby!" You smile and turn back to keep looking in the fridge for food. A few minutes pass and you hear Hoseok walk into the kitchen.
"Yeah baby?" You stop spreading mayonnaise on your sandwich and turn to see Hobi walking over to you with a confused look on his face. "What is this? 'The Signs as candy' and why is it on your laptop?"
You stare at him for a second and he continues, "I- I wasn't snooping. I just turned it on and this was on the screen and I was just confused and-" you burst into laughter and hold your side as it starts to feel like you might get stitches from laughing so hard, "don't worry love, I know you weren't snooping, and I was just looking at things." He quirks an eyebrow at you, "things, huh? Pretty interesting topic if you ask me..." You chuckle and walk over to him, waving him over to sit on the couch, "I can show you if you want, it's pretty fun."
Hobi follows you and sits on the couch beside you, handing you your laptop and watching you go to Instagram and find an account, then click on one of their pictures titled, 'The Signs when they see a fight'...He squints at it and then looks at you, "I don't get it." You laugh and explain, "ok, so you know the star signs?" He nods slowly, "I've..heard of them, yes." You point at the screen and continue, "well, depending on your birthday you have a star sign and the signs all typically have similar traits with people of the same sign, and yours is Aquarius. So, sometimes I find it fun to look at different things and see if they're true or not." Hobi nods as he starts to understand and then he looks at you, "well, what kind of candy was I?" You laugh and go back to the previous post to check.
The two of you completely lose track of time and sit there looking up different scenarios and funny comparisons and laugh about what each of your signs are described as. He's definitely hooked, that's for sure.  
KIM NAMJOON: Sept. 12: Virgo
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Oh, Namjoon is totally for it, and he isn’t gonna let you think you’re the only one that specializes in this, just so you know.
"Namjoon, you're an idiot." 
That's the first thing you say to him after they turn the cameras off when they finished the interiew, the boys all coming off the set. Namjoon looks at you in shock and puts his hand on his chest, "hey, why am I suddenly an idiot?" You can't hold your laughter in any longer and start giggling uncontrollably. Namjoon takes you gently by the elbow and leads you away to a quiet place so you can talk. 
"Now, explain."
"Ok fine." You start chuckling again because you just can't help it.
He looks at you expectantly and then sighs, "you're making me anxious, why did you say that and why are you laughing?" 
See, this war between you two started after he claimed to know more about astrology than you, to which you gladly fought him on. And now, after months of bantering and bragging about the things you both knew, you finally had something on him. You look at him smugly and say as nonchalantly as you can,
"What sign are you, Joonie?"
"Ah, we're back to this huh?"
"We most certainly are, so answer the question."
"This is pointless, we both know I know perfectly well what I am, I'm a Virgo."
"A Virgo, huh?"
"Sure you're not a Virgin, Joon?"
Namjoon's face pales the instant you say that, "oh no, y/n please tell me I didn't say that in the-" by the look on your face it proves that, oh yes, he said that, and he crumples in embarrassment. He puts his big hands up to his face and groans loudly, "I am never going into public again. Shut up y/n, you're not helping." But you can't stop laughing, not yet. It was too funny, and you knew ARMY would have an absolute field day with this. Namjoon can't help but smile at you, even in his distress.
"I'm sorry Joonie baby, I really am." He just shrugs miserably.
"Maybe I can convince them to reshoot the interview..."
Oh, you doubt that would happen. And now you're one point ahead, even though it was a mistake, it was done and hilarious at that.  
PARK JIMIN: Oct. 13: Libra
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Oh sh*t, careful boi, you gon' break that precious neck.
Hmm, Jimin would definitely want to learn more about this, you teaching him of course ;)  
You were currently obsessed over this newfound knowledge of yours of the Zodiac signs and you spent a lot of your time with your nose in your phone; learning all you could about everything. Jimin was delighted that you had found something that intrested you and made you light up while talking about it. But to be fairly honest; he missed your cuddles and attention a lot. 
One day he comes into your room and sees you mulling over books and your phone. He sneaks up on you and tickles you, laughing when you squeal and jump in surprise.
"Jimin!! You scared me! Don't do that!" 
"Sorry baby~ I just miss you~" Jimin whines and snuggles his face into your neck. You giggle and pat his head, "wanna join me?" He contemplates that for a minute then nods his head, ruffling your hair. Spending time with you like this was better than none at all. Jimin sighs as he plops down next to you, "so, what are you reading about now?" You smile slightly as you give him a side-glance, "oh, just reading up on Libras." He nods and says quietly, "Libras...that sounds familiar, why is that familiar to me?" You laugh and turn to him.
"Well, probably because it's your sign."
"Oh...oh really?? What does it say about me?" He's suddenly very attentive and tries to get a look at what you've been reading. You snatch it away and giggle, "well, I'll tell you, just calm down." He sits back and nods, waiting for you to continue, and you do.
"Libras are very friendly, they love to talk to people and are very charming- get that smirk off your face." Jimin giggles and ducks his head shyly, "what else does it say?" 
"Well, Libras often hide their emotions when they feel it would burden someone else. They try to make it a happier mood when someone is feeling down." Jimin has gone silent and you can tell he's listening carefully.
"They're also hot as fu-"
"Y/N!!" Jimin shouts in surprise and laughs, trying to hide his blush when he sees your teasing smile. 
"Sorry. I couldn't help it."
Jimin composes himself and then flips it around on you, winking and smoothing his hair back. You blush and turn to go back to your book, but he gets your attention again. 
"What else does it say?"
"That you're a big ham. That's what."
KIM TAEHYUNG: Dec. 30: Capricorn
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Don't ask me why I chose this one, it's cute ok?? Geez, lay off, susan.
Tae would be a sweetie, he'd love to listen to you talk about it for hours on end, and he'd be genuinely interested. 
Tae comes over and puts his chin on your shoulder to look at your notebook and phone while you lay on your stomach on the bed, "whatcha doin'?" He asks cutely and you hum in reply, "just studying, nothing much." He flops himself down next to you and peers up at you through his lashes; looking like an adorable puppy. You laugh and poke his forehead gently, "are you needing attention?" He nods and you laugh again before setting your attention on him, rubbing his tummy like he was an actual dog. He giggles and snatches your hands to kiss them softly.
"What are you studying?"
"Astrology, remember I told you about it the other day?"
He nods and smiles, "yeah, you got so excited after finding some stuff yesterday. How's it coming along?" You sigh and lie your head down next to his, "it's a little confusing with all the different rising sun and moon and star signs, but it's also interesting to learn about how these things came to be talked about. The history, you know?" Tae nods again and looks at you fondly, "that is pretty cool, to learn about people in the past. Anything about my sign you care to share?" You laugh and play with his fingers.
"Well, you're a Capricorn star."
"Ah, really?"
"Interesting....and, what does that mean?"
You laugh again and shrug, "well, so far what I know is, it seems like everyone hates Capricorns, always calling them cold and heartless. But, I think that everyone secretly loves them the most." Tae looks interested now, "and why would they hate us?" You shrug but continue, "not sure, but it seems like they always call Capricorns the mean ones. And Aries..." Tae pouts, "I'm not mean, or cold."
"I think that's the point though."
"How do you figure?"
"You can look intimidating to people that don't know you, but you're actually the exact opposite. Like I said, everyone is secretly whipped for Capricorns. Also, Capricorns are said to be very strong-willed and just. Sorry, I need to read up on them more, but Capricorns seem very misunderstood, they really are wonderful signs, I gotta get more info..."
Tae's deep laugh echoes around the room and you chuckle as he pulls you into a bear hug, "I’m flattered, and what about you? Are you whipped for me too?" You wink at him and smirk.
"Oh definitely, you cold hearted beast."
JEON JUNGKOOK: Sept. 1: Virgo
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Again, don't judge my gif pickings... I have my reasons 😑 just look at that smile. I'm weak.
Jungkook would also love to hear you talk about all you know, and he'd find it funny to look through things about your sign. 
Jungkook comes in with the spare key you gave him and sets his bag on the kitchen table before calling out to you.
"Hey y/n, are you home?" 
He hears you scurry out from the back room and smiles at your mussed up hair and the sight of you still in your PJs. You give him a quick hug, "hi Kookie!" Then you scuttle to the kitchen to scavenge for food. Jungkook laughs and follows you; leaning on the counter to watch you paw through the fridge and cabinets.
"Did you stay up late studying?"
"Uh, kind of, not exactly."
Jungkook raises an eyebrow, "what do you mean?" You huff after finding nothing but some pop tarts, grabbing them out and turning back to him. "I didn't study for school, but I did study something else." Jungkook gives you a knowing look.
"Ah, it's astrology isn't it?"
"Knew it."
"Well I didn't have class today, so what was the harm of staying up?"
Jungkook laughs and snags a pop tart for himself, "I didn't say there was anything wrong with that. Anything you learned and wanna tell me about?" You smile and nod, walking over to sit at the table with Jungkook right behind you.
"Well, right now I'm learning things I already knew."
"Ah, like what?"
"About your sign, Virgo. I already knew it though since I know you like a book."
"Excuse me, I am not an open book."
You laugh and shake your head at his offended expression, "I didn't mean it like that, quite the opposite actually. Since Virgos tend to be closed off and don't really open up unless they truly know and trust the person. I feel honored that you opened up to me." You smile at his slight blush.
Jungkook nods and keeps chewing his pop tart, "that's true I guess. Well, what else did you look at?' You pull your phone out, “actually, I found some really funny things. Wanna see?" Jungkook dusts his hands off and you try not to giggle at him, then he nods and scoots his chair closer, "lemme see.”
You two laugh as you find funny 'The Signs As' posts and argue about whether or not you agree with them and he can't help but tease you on the ones that exposed you.
a/n 2.0: keep in mind, that 90% of this was made when I was running on oreos at 3 am. pls be kind.
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daeva-agas · 4 years
I was thinking a lot of the things people take umbrage with when they say a character is “flat” or a story/world is dumb boils down to the issue that the stuff is portrayed in a “childish” way. 
It’s like children’s books and cartoons. The pictures and big and bright. The shapes are simple. The hero is good-looking. The villain is scary. It’s easy too see and the audience doesn’t need to think too much to get it. 
I think that people who complain about cliches feel that way not because the so-called cliche is bad in itself, but because they want to be challenged. They want to engage with the media intelligently, and so the easily digestible common tropes are not satisfying. 
Like, the “show don’t tell” advice. Saying “X is angry” is spoonfeeding the readers information. Whereas if the writer describes that X speaks calmly, but having an unfriendly body language (crossed arms, a frown, hands on hips, tense posture, etc), the readers are allowed to analyze the scene and realize that X is angry by themselves. 
Of course not everyone is looking for an intelligent narrative, so that’s why some people argue “it’s just fantasy, stop thinking about it”. Or “it’s for children!!” It’s like comparing between pizza from Pizza Hut VS an artisan pizza from an authentic Italian restaurant. If you’re just an average person looking to fill your belly, it makes no difference which one you eat, but a gourmet would likely not choose the Pizza Hut menu. 
In otome, for example, I often thought that the SLBP MC to be pretty useless. And in-universe, it’s really stupid. When she marries the samurai, she shouldn’t be cooking and cleaning. This is not appropriate. Even with her commoner background she can learn. And then take up more important tasks, such as managing ladies in waiting. Or assisting in managing donations/offerings to the various temples. Or even handle negotiations in the absence of the lord. 
And that’s my point that it’s “childish” for the sake of accessibility. 
Cooking, cleaning, organizing things are the sort of chores that’s instantly gratifying because you can see the result right away, and also easy to do. It reminds me of those moral guidance children’s books, where it’s written that the “good” kids help out and do chores. In my experience, some of the time kids gladly help out, because it makes them feel like they’ve done something that’s a big deal. 
This is how the game works IMO: MC makes food, the other guys are happy. If the guys are happy, things run smoothly. That means MC’s food makes things run smoothly, ain’t that great? It’s all very superficial, and whether or not it’s ok depends on what you’re looking for. 
Like, if Voltage had written about the MC doing things that are actually realistically helpful, like tax reports, teenagers might find it utterly boring. I mean, TAXES, you know? Math is not fun, much less balancing budgets and all those icky adult stuff. Ew. 
In the case of world-building, a criticism that often pops up against a dystopian or fantasy story is that the antagonist of the narrative is too blatantly evil in an unrealistic way. To take the most famous examples, there’s many reviews decrying the “anti Slytherin bias” in the Harry Potter series, or “the Capitol makes no sense” in the Hunger Games. One of the most common defense for this is that it’s purposely exaggerated to serve as a “symbol” of sorts. Slytherins are symbols of bigotry and prejudice, the Capitol a symbol of ignorant decadence and government oppression.
Except that’s the problem. The people who don’t like it think that it’s too simplistic, and wants a more nuanced antagonist and a more complex issue. They want writers to trust the audience to be intelligent enough to be able to appreciate subtleties, not be shown a blatant “good vs evil”, “us vs them” dynamic. That is “childish”. The audience aren’t three year old kids whose understanding maybe only amounts to “good guy beats up bad guy, everyone's happy”. 
I don’t blame the authors sometimes, because I’ve seen people complain that the villain is such a “woobie” even though it’s not meant to be that way. It’s just the creator’s attempt to make a complex character. Some authors then go to their extremes avoid misunderstanding, and it results with ham fisted narratives, characters, or world.
Wow, this ended up being a big long babble in itself. I was just writing a big long analysis on Sengoku taxes again, all the while wondering if it’s possible to make something interesting out of samurai lords doing actual governing stuff. Paperwork and economy sounds very dull. 
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venus-says · 5 years
Aikatsu on Parade! Episode 07
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The joy of making someone smile.
Most of my notes for his episode were just "ICHIGOOOOO", "AOIIII", "RAAAAAAAAN T-T", so this one will be a very difficult one for me to formulate a coherent or long post.
I think I don't need to say that I was very pleased by this episode and that was all banked on Soleil's presence. It's incredible how even though I really only know these characters for a few months I still felt very nostalgic while watching this episode and I couldn't take the smile out of my face, even during parts I had "bad things" to say, I was still smiling. Soleil is really magical.
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It was kinda scary at the beginning because Raki was seemingly acting like her usual self again which would mean that valuable and important lesson she learned last week was already deleted out of her system. But gladly, a few minutes later we see the impact S4 has left on her and she takes a step back and offers herself to help on the concert, and the experience pays off since by the end a new flame sparks inside her and I expect this means she'll be getting more development not just next week but also during the remaining of this show.
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This episode also tried to give a message about the importance of the fans to an idol, and while that moment with Orihime was very touching I feel like I must ask, Does Raki even have fans? No shade, this is a genuine concern. Like, she has been running around from place to place and she didn't have enough time to build a solid fan base in neither of the three dimensions we've seen so far since she hasn't spent that much time in neither of them. I know it's an important lesson for her to learn, but it feels a little out of place here.
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Like I said last week, complaining about performances at this point is kinda useless, and I truly enjoyed seeing Trap of Love and Prism Spiral again despite of the CGI discrepancy when you compare to Aspiration Customize. But I can't help myself and I have to call out on their laziness, especially here. You want to reuse stuff, okay go ahead. But after last week where episode Solo and MoD!!! had new shots added you would think they would've bored to change the "Spicy Ageha Collection" and "Futuring Girl Collection live" signs in the stages' screens, or make a way to hide the excitement bar since that's a concept that was already abandoned by the show, or even bother to change the track of Trap of Love to the Ran solo version fOR GOD SAKE.
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Given that Ichigo's performance was amazing and it definitely more than makes up for these shortcomings so it's not all that bad, but still I feel like I needed to call that out. Also, as much as I loved Ichigo's song and how charming her new model is and everything, I can't help but think that she should've used her Pisces PR here since that's the coord Raki will be basing her PR and let her LPR and new song to debut next week. But again, they were using all their budget this week so it makes sense that they want to crown such a beautiful episode with a new flashy and impressive live sequence.
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I expected to have a lot more to say about this episode, but I was just so mesmerized by the presence of some of my favorite characters of this franchise, and also the beautiful drawings and animation that it got me speechless. I just enjoyed this episode like I believe any kid would and I don't have any fancy words to describe how I felt or to analyze what was happening on my screen. This is how you do nostalgia Hollywood, you should take notes.
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And that's it for now folks, a magnificent episode and I couldn't be more happy for On Parade being a thing. If yall excuse me, I'm gonna go to my happy place and rewatch this episode uncountable times and enjoy every second of it like if it was the first time. See you all next time.
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goodvibesatpeace · 5 years
What is the Meaning of Each Aura Color?
All living things that need oxygen to survive have an aura. They generate a large magnetic energy field that can be sensed, felt and even seen around the physical body. We all can tell when someone doesn’t feel good to us, like they are full of anger or if they really live in their heart and feel deeply. You do not need to be psychic to feel/read an aura.
If a person walks past, very close to you, they may unintentionally steal some of your energy. If someone suddenly reaches out and grabs your arm, they are interrupting the flow of energy around your body. An example of this might be a time when you were talking to someone and you thought they were standing to close to you. You may have even thought to yourself, “They’re in my space,” and then you backed away. Even this slight intrusion into your aura or ‘space’ can interrupt your personal flow of energy and you may feel like you have been slimed.
An aura is usually 3 feet from your physical body, however an incest or rape survivor has an aura about 50 feet around them, which means in a movie theatre or a bus/train you sit in their stuff!!! I can clean this for you.
Auras are commonly associated with people. Sometimes we even use them to describe people: “He has an aura about him,” or “She just has a glow about her”. But in fact all living things generate this field of energy. 
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When associated to a person, the aura can provide insight into the spiritual, emotional and physical aspects of the individual.
Life is full of colour and like so many other things on your path, colour also has meaning. They are representations of messages from your higher self, God, dreams, whatever the label. But you don’t have to be a Metaphysician to understand the importance of colour in your life. It exists in every day experiences.
Many people associate the colour white with God, pink with love and purple with royalty or spirituality. The following is a brief outline of primary colours and their common interpretation.
Explanations Of The Color In Any Aura
Red Aura
What are Red Auras and what does it mean to have red as one of the dominant colours of the Aura? The Aura colour that surrounds an individual reflects their personality and point to their future destiny.
Red Aura people are enthusiastic and energetic individuals, forever on the lookout for new adventures. They are adventurous with food, travel and sexual partners. The mantra of the Red Aura colour individual is “I’ll try anything once.” Because of their devil-may-care approach to life they often find themselves in hot water.
Red Aura people are quick to anger and can lose their temper over the slightest thing. But on the upside they are generous with their time and energy when called upon for help.
They are normally strong in body and mind and do not succumb to physical or mental illness easily. Because of their robust health and fitness the Red Aura individual likes to be physical and will excel in sports. People with a predominant red Aura colour can easily become bored and need to move on to different interests, projects and relationships. Because then they leave lots of unfinished ventures in their wake. But if they set their mind to a project and can stick to it, they will have remarkable success and can become extremely wealthy.
Red Aura people are direct, to the point and forthright and are not afraid to make their point of view heard. They don’t normally have hidden agendas or ulterior motives. What you see is what you get with the open and up front Red Aura individual.
Above all else the Red Aura individual needs to be number one. Their competitive nature and need to succeed will drive them towards great success in life. They are not good team players and won’t take orders from others. Because then they will prefer to run their own one man business or be in positions of authority over others.
Yellow Aura
What are Yellow Auras and what does it mean to have Yellow as one of the dominant colours of the Aura? The Aura colours that surround an individual reflect their personality and point to their future destiny.
Yellow Aura people are analytical, logical and very intelligent. They tend to excel in careers that involve teaching and study and make excellent inventors and scientists. They can have a tendency to work too hard and can easily become a workaholic putting their work above personal relationships.
Yellow Aura people are perfectly happy in their own company and do not suffer loneliness. They are prone to mental health pressures, though and can become withdrawn and depressed when stressed.
The Yellow Aura individual is a brilliant communicator and can display their skills on a one to one basis and in front of large crowds. They are confident in their abilities to get their ideas and messages across and will inspire others.
Yellow Aura people have very good observation skills and can read people easily. They possess extremely good perception. Because they do not suffer fools gladly and will choose their few friends carefully. Any friends they do have will need to match the Yellow Aura person’s wit and intellect.
The Yellow Aura individual tends to put their head above their heart when faced with difficult choices and decision making. They are unorthodox and unconventional thinkers and not afraid to experiment with different ideas and original concepts. To some the Yellow Aura seems a little eccentric with unusual interests and hobbies. They are attracted to anything which is considered avant-garde, intellectual or unusual.
The main fault of a person who has a predominant Yellow Aura is that they can be overly critical of themselves and others.
Pink Aura
What are Pink Auras and what does it mean to have pink as one of the dominant colours of the Aura? The Aura colours that surround an individual usually can reflect their personality and point to their future destiny.
Pink Aura people are by nature loving and giving. They love to be loved too, they gather around them close friends and family at every opportunity. They like to host family events and are very generous of their time. They have a high regard for their health and will look after their bodies with good diet, nutrition and exercise.
Pink Aura people are very romantic and once they have found their soulmate will stay faithful, loving and loyal for life.
The Pink Aura individual is a natural healer, highly sensitive to the needs of others and has strong psychic abilities. They also have very creative ideas and strong imaginations. Because these personality traits the Pink Aura person makes great writers of novels, poetry or song lyrics.
The Pink Aura individual hates injustice, poverty and conflicts. They strive always to make the world a better place and will make personal sacrifices in the pursuit of this ideal.
Pink Aura people are strong willed and highly disciplined and will expect high standards from others. They have strong values and morals and seldom deviate from them. Because of their honesty and likeable nature they are valued as employees but also make excellent employers because of their sense of fairness.
Green Aura
Green Aura people are highly creative and very hard working. They strive for perfection in everything they do. They have a very determined and down to earth nature and will not allow fanciful dreams and unrealistic ideas to colour their world.
Their creativity takes the form of practical matters such as gardening, cooking and home decorating. The Green Aura individual has a fine eye for beauty and will ensure their appearance and clothing, home and surroundings are both practical and beautiful.
Green Aura people tend to be very popular, admired and respected. They make for very successful business people and can create much wealth and prosperity for themselves. Green Aura people like security, stability and balance in their lives. Any plans they make a well thought out and because this, they seldom make rash mistakes.
Close friends of Green Aura people will be treated to generosity, loyalty and practical advice. Green Aura people do not suffer fools gladly and choose their friends very carefully. People with a predominant green Aura tend to be rather health-conscious and ensure their diet is nutritious; health giving and tasty. They are always in tune with nature and love the great outdoors.
Orange Aura
Orange Aura people are gregarious, generous, social souls. They love to be in the company of others and don’t mind being the centre of attention or just another face in the crowd. They want to please others and are often the best gift givers, being very thoughtful and generous.
The Orange Aura individual is normally good-hearted, kind and honest. They are very in tune to the emotions of others and can sense and feel their pain and joy. Orange Aura people can be very charming, but part of their charm is in their sensitivity to others. They have the ability to make everyone feel at ease in their company.
The Orange Aura individual can be hot headed and quick to lose their temper. But on the positive side they are equally quick to forgive and forget if a sincere apology is offered and accepted. They do not hold grudges.
Orange Aura people are confident of the impression they make on others and can use this to their advantage. They tend to lead very successful and happy lives. On the down side Orange Aura people tend to be impatient and tend to rush into projects, relationships and experiences too quickly. They normally need to act immediately and consider the consequences later.
Purple Aura
Purple Aura people are highly psychic, attuned to the emotions and moods of others and very sensitive. People who have a predominant amount of purple in their Aura are seen as mysterious and secretive.
The Purple Aura individual possesses a philosophical, enquiring and intuitive mind. They love to learn and never stop exploring and enquiring into new subjects and areas that interest them. Because this they tend to be extremely interesting and knowledgeable people.
The Purple Aura individual does not have a wide circle of many friends. But the friends they do have are held close and are respected, admired and loved. People with a predominant purple Aura tend to be unlucky in love but once they have found their perfect soul mate is loyal and loving for life.
Purple Aura people connect well with animals and nature. They are attuned to animals and can sense their emotions and feelings. Purple Aura people tend to take in and care for strays as their loving and caring nature makes it difficult for them to turn strays away.
Blue Aura
Having a predominant blue Aura or energy field surrounding you can point to a number of personality traits. Totally blue Auras are quite rare but can show up as one of the boldest Aura colours in people with strong personalities.
Blue Aura people are the master communicators of the world. They have the ability to convey their thoughts, ideas, views and concepts eloquently and charismatically. They make for excellent writers, poets and politicians.
Blue Aura people are also highly intelligent and very intuitive. They certainly have the head and heart balanced in making difficult decisions and choices. They are incredibly good organisers and can motivate and inspire others.
People who have a predominant amount of blue in their Auras are peacemakers and have the ability to calmly smooth out angry situations. They prize truthfulness, direct communication and clarity in all their relationships. The downside of the Blue Aura personality is that they can take on too much, become workaholics and neglect their personal relationships.
Gold Aura
Gold Aura people are lovers of beauty and have a very artistic flair. They appreciate the finer things in life and like to adorn themselves and their homes with items of exquisite beauty. They love to entertain and prefer the company of many. They do not feel intimated by being the centre of attention – just the opposite in fact as they like to be the sparkling gem in a stunning crown.
The Gold Aura individuals are very attractive and love to attract attention, affection and admiration from lots of people. Because this the Gold Aura person will have many, many friends. But they are not just takers of time, affection and attention; the Gold Aura individual will give of their time, energy and love generously.
The charm and charisma displayed by the Gold Aura personality adds to their attractiveness. They are great listeners and can make anyone feel comfortable, important and interesting in their company.
Gold Aura people hate to be criticised and cannot stand any of their flaws exposed. Their main flaw is that of being overly lavish. They like to impress and give the most generous gifts and host the most impressive social gatherings, even if their budget won’t allow this.
They are very proud and fiercely independent and extremely reluctant to ask for help from anyone.
White Aura/ Silver Aura
Silver Aura people are exceptionally gifted. How they use their gifts wisely is their life lesson. Silver Aura individuals are bestowed with sensitivity, intuitiveness, psychic ability and practicality. They can use their spiritual understanding in very practical ways. Because this they can relate to many people and are often found in teaching, mentoring or counselling careers.
Silver Aura people have immense versatility and adaptability and are capable of getting the most out of virtually every opportunity in life. Their high intellect enables then to make the right decisions quickly and follow through with action.
People who have predominant silver Auras are seen as very attractive. They attract many admirers. But Silver Aura people are very discerning and choose their friends carefully and their lovers very carefully.
Silver Aura people tend to be well blessed in looks, personality and talent and as such are seen as incredibly lucky people. Success seems to come easily to Silver Aura people.
Brown Aura
Light Brown indicates confusion or discouragement. The lack of confidence in ones self, the present situation or in the subject being addressed. Dark Brown indicates selfishness, fault finding, and a tendency toward deception.
Black Aura
Indicates hatred, negativity, major illness or depression, cheap, miserly. This colour is always a bad sign.
Much love to all... go in peace my friends
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arrianna21 · 6 years
~Alchemy et Chaos~
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Exploring caves, ruins, and abandoned forts is something you enjoy doing. Normally you do it by yourself, but that changes when your mage friend asks to join you on your latest expedition.
Game: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Note: Little bit of gore
Word Count: 4,123
You collect the Morning Glory pulp and put it away while you continue your search. Figuring that 15 pieces of the flower would suffice, you stand up and make your way to the fort’s entrance before stepping inside. This is the last place you needed to search thankfully. As much as you enjoyed looting and exploring various caves and forts, the constant searching for plants and ingredients was becoming a bit tedious.
Normally you would never do this for free, but if it was for your quirky mage friend you would gladly do it without any pay. Especially considering the fact that he had returned the favor multiple times by creating, and giving you, free potions.
The strong metal doors open to reveal the stone walls, free of any torches or light whatsoever. Crouching down, you sneak down the steps and peek through the already open door. A dog was walking back and forth further down the hall, occasionally sniffing the ground before moving on. You keep your knees bent, walking quietly toward the animal and set a piece of venison near it, stepping carefully down another hall where there is a closed gate. It was locked and you use a lock pick, fiddling with it until you hear a click.
Pushing the doors open, you go inside and find a chest with some gold which you happily take. Going back to the intersection, you find the dog eating the raw meat, tearing large chunks out of it and you pass by to the other locked gate. Unlocking that as well, you find another chest with gold.
Continuing on down the main hall, there are three paths each going a separate direction. You contemplate going left or right, but decide to just walk towards the gate in front where you can hear voices. The metal gate is unlocked and upon entering, you find yourself at a balcony overlooking the area. A group of bandits and marauders are below and two of them are arguing to each other.
From what you can hear, they seem to be talking about a deal gone wrong. No one has noticed you yet so you decide to explore the area first.
Going to the left, there’s a small bridge that leads to a locked chest. Opening it reveals more gold and you head to the right where another short bridge leads to a similar locked chest that is also filled with gold.
As you walk back across the bridge, someone yells from below before chaos erupts. Thinking your cover has been blown, you run back to the balcony and find the large group has divided into two separate ones where the bandits and marauders begin killing each other. This actually makes things easier for you and so you stand at the railing while you enjoy the show. You have to actually stifle a laugh when a bandit accidentally shoots her friend instead of the marauder.
When most of them are dead, except for two bandits, you head to the right first and activate a turn handle that opens a metal gate. Walking down the stairs, you see a chest with two potions of healing inside. Rummaging through the box alerts the bandit nearby.
He yells upon seeing you and you pull your short sword out while fighting him.“Is that the best you can do?” the bandit asks as he wields his hammer at you.
Your response is to merely swing your sword, saying nothing while you hit his armor. After a few more hits, the elf crumples into the water and you huff. That’s the second body you would have to loot in the lake, the first being another marauder who was floating face down.
“You’ll regret stepping foot in here!” the bandit archer yells and a green arrow whizzes by you.
Turning around, you see her shooting from across the fort as she stands on a ledge. Muttering under your breath you grab your arrows and begin firing in return. Each arrow that sinks into her shocks her with lightning and it doesn’t take much before she also dies.
After looting another chest and a female marauder, who didn’t have anything impressive, you swim through the middle of the water, searching the rest of the bodies until you reach the other side. There’s another chest near a dead bandit Hedge Wizard that has 745 gold pieces and some repair hammers.
Other than the plants outside the entrance, Fort Nikel didn’t have much for your mage friend so you decide to leave after coaxing the dog outside, making your way back to the city of Chorrol.
Despite the simple dungeon, you were glad it was your last for this adventure, wanting to go back to your home so you could wash up and sleep for a few hours. Upon returning to the city, you stop by the blacksmith so she can repair your armor. After having a range of monsters and people alike attacking you, it was better to fix it before it had the chance to break completely.
Walking past the Great Oak tree in the center of town, you see Dar-Ma and chat with her for a bit. While you and the reptile Argonian talk about some new items her mother brought to their store, there is an explosion from one of the houses. Looking around in confusion, you watch as a small plume of smoke exits a house in the circle. That house just so happened to be yours and you automatically figure out the cause.
Saying goodbye to your friend, you walk to your house as the townsfolk stare with concern though you smile reassuringly. Pushing your front door open, you walk through the living room and immediately head upstairs to the guest room where you find the mage desperately fanning the room.
“Experiment gone wrong?” you ask and your voice startles him as he whips around to face you.
“Y/N! Back so soon?” the man chuckles awkwardly, not having expected you home for at least a few days.
“I’ve been gone for two days, Joon.”
“Right! Ah, how was your journey?” he abandons his post at the window when you hold out your treasure findings.
“Eventful for the most part,” you admit, describing the encounters you faced at the two forts and one Ayleid ruin.
“Good eventful I hope,” he says, organizing the various flora extracts on his desk.
You nod your head somewhat in agreement. “Besides the usual monsters, each location did have something unique. I did find this iron dagger for you.” Grabbing the weapon, you hand it to the surprised mage.
“Are you sure you don’t need this?” he asks, carefully taking it in his hands.
“Don’t fret, Joon. I found it on some treasure hunt that someone must have left behind.” You tell him about the strange note on top of one of the forts that was next to a sword pointing off in the distance. Following the note and the sword’s direction, it didn’t take you long before you found a chest near a boulder where the dagger sat. “I can even enchant it for you later if you would like.”
“Ahh, you don’t have to do that. You’re already busy enough.” Joon replies, clearly flustered by your offer and you roll your eyes.
“You know I don’t mind. Anyway, what were you trying to make?” you ask, referring to the opened window and cluttered desk oozing with various potions and ingredients.
“That? I’m trying to make a new potion, but it’s not going too well.” Joon rubs the back of his head, sitting on his bed with a faint grimace.
Joon, while intelligent beyond compare, was still learning the ins and outs of alchemy. He could easily make small potions, but he also liked to try his hand with more complex and new mixtures that only some high class mages could perfect.
“Taking a rest from that paper?”
You knew his thesis, while tedious, was not very difficult for him, but he needed to make sure he had enough evidence gathered to prove his point. After you had foiled the plans for the Mythic Dawn cult who attempted to take over Tamriel by opening Oblivion gates, Joon noticed a rise in Conjurers going rogue. He believes that certain factions are attempting to summon more Daedra and use them to gain control of the Imperial City. Not as bad as trying to take over all the land like the former cult, but still a problem nonetheless. Unfortunately, he needed to write a substantial paper discussing and proving his hypothesis.
He sighs before nodding. “I’ve made great progress, it’s over halfway completed, I just need a few more things for research purposes.”
“Like what?”
“They’re not too complicated--we can talk about it some other time. Are you hungry? I’m sure you’re hungry I mean you just returned from a long journey.” The man stands up abruptly and heads downstairs while talking and you silently follow after him. “I went out to buy some cheese and bread while you were away. They had some watermelon too.”
You watch as he begins gathering food from the kitchen and also setting the table for you.
“Joon,” you call to which he responds by looking up at you, bread hovering above the plate.
“What do I need to get for you?” you ask, helping him set the table with more food. It was very early for supper, only the afternoon, but because of your erratic schedule neither of you ate at a set time, meal times changing daily.
“Just some Daedra things,” he replies cryptically.
Digging through a cupboard for some brandy, you begin grabbing some bottles. “Well if it’s Daedric stuff you need I don’t mind going to my house in Cheydinhal for those.”
“I appreciate the offer, Y/N, but those won’t work. They need to be…fresh.”
You lift your head up and shut the door with your boot, bottles clutched in your hands. “Oh,” immediately understanding his dilemma. “I see. Which Ayleid ruin do I need to go to?”
Sitting down, your armor and weapons clang against the chairs loudly which results in you standing back up before running upstairs to change and put your things away. A few minutes later, you return with a simple shirt and pants, going back to your seat so you can resume your conversation.
“That’s the thing. I wanted to ask you something,” he tells you while you start eating with fervor. Taking large chunks out of your loaf of bread, you urge him to continue and he does. “I want you to take me with you.” The sentence rushing out of him in a large gust as the mage resorts to gulping down his drink.
Once you finish swallowing, the bread halfway gone, you take a swig of alcohol to wash down your food. “Okay. We leave at 6:00 in the morning tomorrow.”
Your casual response causes Joon to choke and he coughs on his drink. “I’m sorry, what?”
“I said I’ll escort you,” you say, munching on a cheese wedge, the dairy flavor mixing with the wheat bread.
“You just got back from a quest. Wouldn’t it be best to wait a few days?” he asks in concern.
You shake your head. “Do we need to? If you have everything prepared, I’ll be ready as well. I don’t need much anyway.”
“I almost have everything. I wasn’t expecting such a quick answer to be honest,” he admits shyly.
Nodding, you continue eating and when your mouth isn’t full you respond. “Why? It’s not like I have anything better to do.”
“I don’t wish to burden you,” he replies and you wave him away.
“Joon, it’s fine, don’t worry about it.” You reassure him until he eventually acquiesces.
Once that is settled, the two of you talk about the rest of your journey and your encounters, laughing at the things you saw and witnessed. The next morning you both wake up early as you prepare for the hike to the Gold Road not too far south. Apparently there was rumor of a large Ayleid ruin by the name of Ceyatatar in that area where Conjurers were doing questionable things.
While you gather your weapons and him his potions, you are soon leaving the city gates as you begin walking. Staying on the main path to avoid any wild animals, the long walk is uneventful and you make small talk on the way.
Arriving later on that morning, you are immediately greeted by two Conjurers accompanied by
Xivilai. You battle the blue Daedra humanoids while Joon tosses some spells at the robed man and woman. One of the demons manages to summon a Clannfear while you slash at him with your sword. The spawned reptilian creature lashes out with its claws, but you ignore it, remaining focused on the Xivilai instead. Once it’s killed, the reptile also vanishes and you run to the other demon, sword meeting its giant Warhammer. It dies as well and when you turn to check on your friend he is throwing a bolt of lightning at the last Conjurer who screams before falling over.
“Here’s a potion of healing if you need it,” he tells you, giving the small vial to you and you put it away, deciding to save it for now while you cast a minor restoration spell on yourself.
“Thanks. I assume this is one of the things you need.” You say, looking down at the dead Daedra beside you. When he nods, you jerk your head to the other body. “Take care of that one and I’ll handle this one here,” you direct him while pulling out your dagger.
You pierce the Xiviliai’s flesh, cutting into it deeply, dark blood painting the grass around it as you separate the hard bones so you can pry the Daedra’s heart out. Standing up, you step over the body so you can check the Conjurers where you then steal a few healing and magika potions. Joon finishes with the corpse as well and after checking the surrounding area, you find no other enemies and head to the center of the crumbling ruin before walking down the spiral staircase.
“How many do you need?” you ask, opening the white door at the bottom and gesturing him inside.
“As many as possible,” is all he says and you shrug.
Entering the dark ruins, there are more stairs in front of you and a bridge with a small railing overlooking the main room below. You pull him down when you see the Conjurer walking around, urging him to remain silent. He follows behind you as you go down the stairs until you reach the archway. You stay crouched and make your way to the woman now standing in front of a wooden table, fiddling with some alchemy tools. Drawing your sword, you wait until you are directly behind her and then you swing hard. She grunts before falling over and you stand straight when the room is clear.
Joon comes forward to look around the room while you loot the body, but finding nothing in her robes. Examining the item on the table, you see the alchemy equipment on the wood along with some ingredients, one of which being another Daedra heart. A book was also hidden under the equipment and you inspect the cover with the title reading, “The Book of Daedra.” You show the book to Joon who takes it and flips through the pages while you continue looking around the candlelit workspace. The bookshelf nearby just has random objects, a human skull, plates, and crystal ball.
“I’m not surprised they have this,” the mage’s voice bounces around the cavern. “If they’re summoning Daedra, it would be expected that they would also have books about the demonic creatures.” He explains before putting the book into his bag.
Moving on, you see another staircase leading further down. Reaching the bottom, you see a Frost Atronach down the hall. Again, you sneak up to it and hit the ice giant hard where it easily falls over. You continue down more stairs while Joon collects the frost salts the giant elemental leaves behind upon killing it. There are more Conjurers and Frost Atronachs so you again sneak towards them in the hopes of taking them by surprise.
As you step closer on the cracked floor, there’s a harsh rumbling and you are abruptly yanked back as stones collapse in front of you. You hadn’t thought to look above you to see the rocks falling from the ceiling. The Conjurers turn around to investigate the noise only to find you and the mage struggling to get to your feet on the stairwell. One shouts and begins pelting you with magic while you try to grab your sword and run across, climbing over the fallen rubble.
You hit the ice giants first and there’s a spell flying behind you as Joon retaliates with an attack of his own, engaging with the dark mages. An Atronach almost crushes you with its cold hands but you jump back, whacking at it harshly. The creatures are harder to eliminate because they weren’t taken by surprise, but eventually you manage to kill them and Joon does the same.
Before you have a chance to investigate the area, a bolt of lightning shoots past you as a Storm Atronach bellows down the hall. Joon throws a frost spell at it and the rock monster collapses in a pile of rubble.
“Good shot,” you compliment to which he blushes, his dimples becoming more prominent as he smiles.
“Thank you,” he says and you laugh, finding his shyness endearing.
You search all the bodies while the man walks over to a table in the far corner and looks around. Collecting all the salts and potions, you find two coffers next to them that hold some gold. After gathering the treasure, you join your friend who has also found some more ingredients on another table, along with the same red book about the Daedra.
“It seems like all the Conjurers are reading this book,” you note.
“I believe so. They need to learn about the creatures if they’re going to summon them.” He explains and you both continue to the door that leads further into the ruin.
This next area is just a small cavern with enormous rocks protruding in various places and a
waterfall in the middle, guarded only by one Conjurer who is quickly dispatched. Crossing the bridge, you look at the slanted rock leading into the water and tell Joon you’ll be back while he collects the dead mage’s potions. When you dive in the pool, you swim around and check for any treasure. As you swim underneath, you find a tunnel that leads to a wooden door.
Going through, you rise to the surface for a short breath of air and see a body across the trench. It’s a dead treasure hunter, you realize as you examine the fur clothing. He only has a few pieces of gold and you check the coffer next to him that has some soul gems and a scroll. Joon would be interested in that, you think as you securely tuck it away in your bag so the water doesn’t destroy it. Swimming back to the other area, you show the mage your findings and move on to the next door.
You head down the stairwell and open the gate that leads to a big room with a Conjurer and more Daedra. Whispering to each other, you discuss your plan of action which is pretty much the same as it has been, he’ll handle the magic user while you take care of the demons. Even though you try to sneak up to the Xivilai, the Conjurer seems to sense your presence the moment you slip into the threshold.
Ducking behind a stone pillar, you dodge the flames as they fly into a wall before dissipating. Joon runs out and retaliates with his own spell, the ice crackling when it hits the dark mage. With the element of surprise gone, you swing at the blue demon with your sword, cutting into its torso. Blood spurts out from the wound and it growls, throwing a bolt of lightning, but it is absorbed by your armor. The other Xivilai also comes to its companion’s aid and at one point you are battling two demons simultaneously. It’s not long though as the first monster falls and you focus solely on the remaining one, hitting it repeatedly until it also dies.
Hearing a loud hiss, you see a Daedroth attacking Joon, the large crocodile monster swiping with its claws. Running to the other fight, you switch to your enchanted sword and hit the beast. Ice damages its scaly body and the Daedra turns its attention to you, allowing the mage to return to his battle with the Conjurer Adept.
The Daedroth tries to bite you, teeth nearly sinking into your face but you back away, stepping around until you are behind the creature where you can effectively swing at its back. The crocodile-like monster turns around and breathes fire to which you jump out of the way. A male’s yell rings in the cavern, your heart stopping in fear at the sound, but when the Daedroth fades away you sigh.
You see Joon cleaning his dagger on the Conjurer’s robes before taking the potions he had in his pockets and turning to collect some Welkynd stones sitting on the corner pedestals. Doing the same to the Xivilai, you extract their organs and explore the room. Some chests and coffers hold more gold, along with spell scrolls, soul gems, and another book.
“Joon, have you heard of this book?” you ask and the mage walks over to you.
He takes the gold book and inspects it carefully. “Summon Dremora Tome?” Joon turns the pages and skims through it quickly. “Oh, this is not good. This is a manual on how to summon all kinds of Daedra. Apparently, that includes a Dremora Lord.”
Your eyes widen as you look over his shoulder to see the ancient text. Cursing lowly, you turn to continue checking the area. “You better take that to the High Council with your paper.”
“I know. If the Conjurers learn the secrets to summoning such powerful beings, the Oblivion gates could open all over again. Only this time we have no King to fight for us.”
Your friend sighs harshly and while you look through the locked prison cells, you find an Orc’s body sprawled inside one. “It might be best to make note of this as well,” you advise to him.
Joon turns in your direction and stares at the dead captive. “I will add that to my list of notes as proof that these Conjurers are surely crossing boundaries.”
“Maybe we can send for the guards so this man can have a proper burial.” You tell him, going to another cell where a coffer sits inside. Opening the gates, you step inside and collect more gold.
Continuing your walk around the area, you see a blue stone block in the wall and upon pressing it, the moving cobble next to it reveals a hidden pathway as the stones drop down one by one.
Both of you crawl across and you see two more coffers next to a short ladder leading to a trap door. The small caskets hold over 500 pieces of gold along with some more scrolls and soul gems. You climb up the ladder first with Joon close behind and you find that you are outside in the Great Forest.
Beginning the walk back to Chorrol, you are both silent and contemplative, each lost in your thoughts.
“Y/N?” Joon calls your name after a minute.
You hum in response.
“Do you…think it would be possible for me to start coming with you on your explorations?”
“Why? Do you perhaps enjoy my presence that much?” you chuckle in amusement.
“N-no! I mean, yes, I enjoy your presence, er-company, but I also feel that it is necessary to see what all these Conjurers are doing in person.” The mage stumbles through his statement and you laugh aloud.
“I am only joking, Joon. Of course you are free to join me whenever you like.”
The man also laughs in return, walking beside you while offering an apple for a snack. You take the sweet fruit and bite into it. As you continue through the forest, you chat while pausing every now and then so the mage can collect some flower samples along the way while you carry on to prepare for your next quest.
A/N: It’s finally complete! I was really happy to write about this game because it is my all-time favorite and it has a special place in my heart. Oblivion is just…glorious and so much fun, it’s great, I love it so so much. Anyway this wraps up the last story in the VideoGame!BTS miniseries. If you enjoyed it, please send me some feedback, I would really like to know your thoughts. Thank you again for reading, I really appreciate you all sticking with me through this series!
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yodawgiherd · 6 years
Chapter 43: Prequel to a photoshoot
Rating: T
>>>Read on AO3<<<
It was…massive. That was the easiest way to describe it. The lobby was bigger than any Mikasa has seen in her life, and luxurious to boot. Even the interior of Erwin’s hospital, which was considered rich, paled in comparison to this.
“Don’t stare. “, Levi whispered her way, hiding his own nervousness. For all his bravado and self-assurance, he also felt that he didn’t belong here. Not at all. But looking at his sister, who seemed even more lost than he was, her goth clothing perhaps never looking more out of place than now, he felt his protective instincts kick in. Levi steeled himself and walked over to the receptionist desk, hoping to god that his stride didn’t look too stiff.
The woman sitting behind it, a redhead in a light dress, looked up from her computer with a practiced smile.
“Welcome to Hizuru Ltd., where we make your dreams a reality. What can I do for you? “
“Yea, hi. Name’s Levi Ackerman, and this, “, he gestured towards Mikasa, who gave the woman an awkward wave, while doing her best to hide as much of her face as possible behind her red scarf, “is my sister, Mikasa. We should have an appointment with Kiyomi Azumabito. “
Upon hearing the name of the whole company’s owner, she narrowed her eyes a bit, apparently not really buying into Levi’s story, but made the call to check anyway. The eyes that she narrowed just a moment ago widened immediately, as she found out that he was actually telling the truth, and very politely asked him to sit down and wait for someone to fetch them. The massive leather covered couches were way more comfortable than anything Levi had at home, so he gladly sat his ass on one corner while Mikasa took the other one, knees drawn together as she was still very, very nervous. On the other hand, Levi was starting to feel a little bit more like himself again, and to pass the time he grabbed a magazine from the table and started reading. Well, reading was a bit of an overstatement, considering that most of the space was taken up by photographs, as it was, to surprise of exactly no one, about fashion. Gliding his eyes over the models, he had really a hard time imagining his sister on the pages instead. Not because of the way she looked, because Mikasa was beautiful and he was ready to fight anyone who would disagree, not that he ever met someone who would, but because the girls just looked so….sure of themselves. Smiling into the camera, so relaxed, used to this kind of work. And when Levi looked at his sister from the corner of his eye, he could see that she seemed ready to chew on her black fingernails, most likely having the scarf wrapped around her mouth to prevent that from happening.
“Easy kid. If we don’t like it, we walk. Okay? “
She nodded at him.
“Mr. Ackerman? “, a voice cut into his thoughts, making him look up. Yelena was standing there, in a perfectly fitted black suit, an expression on her face showing as much emotion as a blank slate. “Please follow me. “, was all she said and turned around, walking away at a brisk pace. Levi and Mikasa exchanged a look before following, the nervousness he managed to push down once again rearing its ugly head. They walked through a maze of corridors, rather sure that if it wasn’t for their silent guide, they could get lost in it forever, until the party reached a massive door, leading into an even more massive office. Kiyomi was sitting behind a desk, which was also massive, like seriously was the woman compensating for something? When she saw who entered, her face lit up, and she jumped out of the chair with an energy that defied her age.
“Oh my god, you came! My princess of the ring! “ Completely ignoring Levi and his outstretched hand, she moved past him to squeeze Mikasa into a hug, pulling back to let her eyes wander all over her clothes and face. “You look amazing! Goth! A style that died somewhere around ten years back, so bold! “ Finally letting go of her victim, she energetically shook Levi’s hand, also saying that he looks great for his age. What was that supposed to mean?
But before he could ask, Kiyomi was already leading Mikasa away, talking to her assistant at the same time. “What room did we book? Five? Amazing! And where’s the old fart? What do you mean, he didn’t come in yet. No, I don’t care, call him, right now! Yes Yelena, right now! “ This went on until they reached the studio, and the old woman pushed the door open, revealing a lot of open space and clothing racks full of various pieces.
“Honey, I’m so sorry, but the photograph isn’t here yet. Would you be so incredibly kind and wait for him? You would? Oh my god, you are such a sweetie. “
Completely overrun, Mikasa sat down, very thankful that she has something solid underneath for a minute, while Kiyomi turned and her hungry gaze landed on Levi.
“Mr. Ackerman…. Would you come with me, please? “, not even waiting for an answer, she grabbed his arm and half-dragged him away, followed by stoic Yelena, which left Mikasa all alone in the big room, with no idea what to do now. She sighed. What did she get in this time.
Mikasa had no idea how long she had to wait, but in the end the door opened again, letting in a wiry man.
“Mikasa Ackerman I presume? “, he asked, a broad smile on his face.
“Uhm…yes? Can I help you? “
“I believe that I will be the one helping you. “, he said, closing the distance and extending his hand, “My name is Dot Pixis, and I will be your photographer. “
Oh. Not that she had any idea about how he should look like, but…this? Honestly speaking, Pixis was old. Very old, wrinkled, with a bald head and a very impressive grey moustache under his nose. He must have noticed her hesitation, because he smiled at her reassuringly.
“I know, I know, you probably expected someone much younger and prettier, am I right? “, he winked at her, “But I assure you that I know what I’m doing. After all, I have over thirty years of experience under my belt. May I sit? “
“O-Of course. “
“Why thank you. “, he sat down, groaning as he stretched his legs. “Ah yes, this is much better. My joints are asking for attention lately, and I’ve been hiking yesterday so they are extra loud. Now then. I can see that you are still far from sold, but that’s completely fine. This is your first time doing any of this, correct? “
“Y-Yes. Total newbie here. “
“That’s great, first times are always so great. Are you excited? “
“More like nervous. “
“Oh I see. Well, that’s fine too. How about we chat for a bit? “
“Uhm, aren’t we supposed to like…do a photoshoot…stuff? “
“My dear, I worked for Kiyomi for the last twenty years. She has complete trust in me and knows that I will always deliver if she will let me do thing my way. And well, this is my way. See here, “, he stood up, walking over to the middle of the room where he turned back towards her and spread his arms, “I don’t just want to take pictures of you. I want to create art! Me and you, we can do things that will be remembered! “
“Ehm…okay? “
“Great! “, he came back and sat down again, satisfied with getting his point across, “So, Mikasa… oh can I call you Mikasa? “
“Thank you. You can call me Dot, Pixis, or creepy old man, you choose. Back to my original point, I want to create something amazing when we work together, and to do that, we need to have a mutual trust to a degree. For starters, I would like to introduce myself, and then you can do the same, so we can get to know each other better. Sounds good? “
“Yeah, that’s a good plan. “
“So, my name is Dot Pixis, as I already said, and I work as a photographer. I’m married, have two kids and a grandkid with another on the way. In my spare time I hike, swim, and overall just do activities that get my old bones squeaking. Now, with that out of the way, I’ll tell you a bit about my history. You have to stop me if I get too boring though, I do love talking about myself. “
Seeing Mikasa nod, he continued.
“I got into this job for the most boring reason of them all. I wanted to be around beautiful women. No, don’t laugh, I’m serious! You see, as a teenager I was rather scrawny, and not very interesting, so the prettier girls in my school never gave me a second glance. One day, as I was reading through a fashion magazine, yes, I did that as a kid, I got this idea. Seeing all those models in their perfect dresses, smiling, I realized one thing. There must be someone, man or woman, holding the camera, taking all of these. And I came to a conclusion that I want to be that person, so I started practicing. If you would think that I was some kind of a prophet, with talent straight from god, you would be very wrong. I was terrible. But my dream just kept me going, no matter how many times I was knocked down, told that I suck, and that I will never get anywhere with this. I kept pushing, making myself better, learning from my mistakes, and in the end, I succeeded! I even met my wife on the job, she was an assistant to one of the designers. In the end, Kiyomi caught wind of me, and we started working together, and well, here I am. That about covers the great and interesting history that is the life of Dot Pixis. “
Seeing that he fell silent with an expectant look on his face, Mikasa realized that now was most likely her turn. She swallowed.
“Mikasa, relax, please. This is no interrogation, its just us, talking. I’ll be honest, I did a little background check on you before coming here today, yes, even an old fart like me knowns how to use Google, so let me start you up with the things I already know, okay? I found the police report from the day your parents were murdered, my condolences, but after that, not much. Some fight results, a few photographs, and recently the interview, but that about covers it. Well, if I ignore the things I found on the forums. “
Mikasa furrowed her brows. “What things? “
“Erm, you see…“¸ Pixis scratched the back of his head, “Let’s say that you are quite popular in certain places, and there are some threads about you, with the juiciest one having a long string of different users saying how much they would love if you sat on their face. “
“What?! “
“Nothing to worry about dear, its just talk. Now, you good to go? “
“Okay… okay. “, she took a deep breath, “My name is Mikasa Ackerman, I’m a professional MMA fighter, who recently got roped into this modeling job while having no idea what to do. I’m engaged, no kids yet, and in my free time I like to…well... work out, watch movies, or just relax with my partner. “
“I do remember reading about that in the latest interview, “, said Pixis, “You had a bit of a falling out, right? “, he pointed at the ring on her finger, “Everything okay now? “
“Yes, we made up. It was stupid really. “
“No need to look so embarrassed dear, a lot of relationships crash and burn for very basic reasons. I’m glad that you worked it out. “
And when he smiled at her, Mikasa found herself smiling back. The nervousness she felt was gone, as Pixis simply radiated an aura of calm and friendliness. There was no need to be afraid, so what that she’s completely new to this. He was here to help her, guide her.
“Now, Mikasa, I want you to realize that while I’m the photographer here, you are the one in charge of this. We will work on your conditions, in your own tempo, no rushing, no pressure. If you want, we can just call it a day right here and now and schedule a new day for the photoshoot itself. “
But Mikasa didn’t want to stop. Not right now, when she was feeling relaxed. So she shook her head.
“I think we should start right now, if that’s okay with you. “
“Everything is okay with me, dear girl. Well If you are good to go….“, he stood up, grinning. “Let’s create art! “
“Yelena, we don’t have anyone for the summer collection, right? “
“No, boss. “
“So what about this guy then? “
Levi was feeling totally out of place now. Never mind that he was standing in a middle of a studio, identical to the one they left Mikasa in, he was also stripped to the waist and had two women looking at him like he was cattle, to be prized and sold at the highest bid.
“Excuse me, but what the fuck are you talking about? “
They ignored him.
“I don’t know, boss, isn’t he a little…short? “
“Oh don’t be so petty Yelena. He’s exactly the type younger generation have wet dreams about. Dark, mysterious, edgy…Great body too. It doesn’t matter that he’s a bit of a midget, with the right light….Hmmm…“
“Well, if you are sure boss. “
“I am! Now let’s call…“
“Wait a fucking second! “, Levi growled, finally making them look at him. “What the fuck is happening? “
“See the language Yelena? It’s perfect, he’s so angry at everything, like an imp or something. We gotta get someone really good at this one. “
“Mr. Ackerman, “, she finally addressed him directly, “How would you like to also model for my company, just like your sister? It’s not like she needs help, and Dot is always taking his time, so since you are here already, what’s the harm, right? You will also be generously compensated for your time. “
Well, if she put it like that….
“I guess…“
“Amazing! Please wait while I send someone to take care of you. “, the door closed, leaving him alone but he could hear Kiyomi’s loud voice as she was walking away, Yelena’s quiet answers muffled by the distance.
“We need our best….No, not her…How about….No, are you stupid?...Petra! I want Petra on this….So what that she has a day off. Call her. Now! “
Levi froze. It couldn’t be…. Petra? There was no way. That would be way too big of a coincidence.
No way in hell.
Eren was humming to himself, feeling refreshed by the shower as he stood by his locker and pulled out his clothes, ready to shed the towel around his waist and dress properly. The surgery was a success, everything seemed great today, and he found himself wondering how Mikasa is doing. A sound behind him made him turn his head, but he saw that it was Onya, coming to take a shower himself. He nodded at the man and turned his back, but as soon as he did his friend gasped.
“Eren! What the hell happened to you?! “
“What? “
Looking at Onya, he could see that he was staring at Eren’s back, eyes wide, mouth dropped open. What was so weird about his back? But then he realized what he saw, and all the color drained from his face. It wasn’t nearly as bad as it was, with the red welts disappearing with the help of the cream, but some parts of his skin where Mikasa really let herself go colored to black and blue over the weekend, standing out against the white.
“I…I can explain! “
“Who did this to you? Were you assaulted? Mugged? Talk to me, please. “
“It’s nothing, really. I….Mikasa did it. “
“What? Your girlfriend? Is she abusing you? “
“No, nothing like that… I asked her to do it. “
Onya stared at him for a few seconds before finally realizing what Eren was talking about, realization dawning on his face.
“I see…“
There was an awkward silence. Eren scratched the back of his neck while Onya dropped his gaze at his hands, not really knowing what to say.
“Can I… ask you something Eren? “
“Sure. “
“Is she actually your girlfriend then? Or are you just like her…whipping boy? “
“She’s my fiancé, dude, I love her. It’s just that sometimes she does things like this to me, sometimes I do it to her. You understand? “
“I believe I do. And I’m happy for you! “
“Happy? “
“Why yes, of course. “, Onya looked back up, a bright smile shining on his face this time around, “While I’m not into this thing myself, perhaps it reminds me too much of my ancestors at plantations, I’m very glad that you two understand each other. You see Eren, you keep saying that I’m giving the sexual aspect of a relationship too much of a credit, but I think that you are giving it too little instead. “
He sat down on the bench, and Eren followed suit, ready for a story time that was sure to follow.
“I had a friend, who liked…similar things as you, back at the hospital I worked at before coming here. But unlike you, he never confessed to his wife, thinking that she will think of him as a pervert or something. So he pushed it deep down, but in the end, he just couldn’t hold himself back. My friend found a professional, of sorts, and took care of his problem with her, but in the end his wife found out, and it wasn’t pretty. “, he shook his head, “Back when I was leaving they were going through with the divorce. “
“That’s kinda sad. “
“Indeed. Worst of all, she didn’t mind the kink he had, but she couldn’t stomach that he cheated on her. As I said, I’m very happy that you and Mikasa can do those things together. “
“I…Thanks? I guess? “
“No need to worry my friend, your secret is safe with me. “ he winked at Eren before moving past and going to the showers.
So much for a perfect day.
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reverenceforthedead · 6 years
Birth Chart Reading
I did a (hopefully somewhat decent) reading of @champagne-memes‘s birth chart <3 Thanks for letting me practice my skills a bit :) If you have any questions at all, please let me know! I tried making this as thorough for you as possible. 
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So first of all, let me just start off by saying, I didn’t touch any of the houses (and if i did it was only for a brief moment). I didn’t want to overwhelm you with information so I only really stuck to the basics with this and things that I thought were important for you to know :) If you would like to me dig around and do your houses for you, and maybe even provide some fun facts for you about yourself, just message me and let me know! I can and will gladly do so for you. But without further ado, lets dive right in! 
Lets start with the basics: What are the signs, and what do they represent?
the Sun sign represents ego; it’s the very core of who we are. 
the Moon represents our subconscious; our emotions and inner thoughts. 
Our Ascendant/Rising represents how we come off to other people. Basically this is our first impression, and occasionally this can have some influence over our appearance. 
Mercury represents how we communicate with one another. 
Venus is how we show love; it’s what we’re drawn to romantically. 
Aries is our anger, inner drive, frustrations, what we find pleasing sexually.
Jupiter is our education, spirituality, passions, beliefs, luck, etc. 
Saturn represents structure, discipline, and limitations. 
Uranus represents our awakening, innovations, our rebellion. 
Neptune is how we dream, our imagination. 
Pluto is how we handle death, rebirth, our deepest secrets, and challenges.
Midheaven is our careers, wealth, responsibilities,  and achievements. 
And finally, your Lilith is the bad things about us. It’s our dark side that we try to hide. 
Okay, Amber, that’s fine and all but what does my chart say about me?
I’m VERY glad you asked! 
Your Sun is in Taurus: This makes you stubborn, practical, and often skeptical. You love serenity, and peace. You can be materialistic, and lazy. On your bad days, you have irregular eating patterns and you become more quiet and reserved. You also express fatigue when you’re feeling withdrawn. 
Your Moon is in Taurus as well. This makes you very convinced your ideas are right, and you follow them through. You’re strong willed, trustworthy, and love routine (which is weird considering the rest of your chart is against it). You’re also very welcoming but you can bottle up your emotions. Did you lack something in childhood? Affection, maybe? 
Your Mercury is ALSO in Taurus. You’re faithful to your ideas, and very unchangeable. You’re quietly opinionated, persistent, and careful in speech. Deliberate, and learns best through the senses. You can be stubborn and withdrawn on your bad days. 
Your Venus is in Cancer. You practically crave security and inner and outer peace. Patient, dependable, and sentimental are just a few words to describe your love. You show your love by caring for those closest to you and your lover. You pay more attention to how he’s feeling than what he’s expressing if that makes sense. (For an example: Billy says he’s fine but you sense something is bothering him). You can be a little moody when it comes to love and you might have a hard time letting go of past hurt. 
Your Mars is in Libra.  You like to reflect on things before you act on them. Do you suck at making decisions? Its okay, me too. You might procrastinate. You like to weigh all of your options before coming to a well thought out decision. You like to defend not only yourself, but others as well. Your prone to compromise to make everyone happy, and you can be passive aggressive. 
Your Jupiter is in Aries:  You’re forceful, energetic, faithful, and you like to seek adventures and new experiences. You believe in positivity, and you prefer to be independent. You love knowledge. You love knowing and learning things. 
Your Saturn is in Taurus: You hate the idea of greed and anyone who shows it. Remember how I said you like routine? Well jokes on me, cause you low key loath it. However you are disciplined, respectful, and practical. 
Your Uranus is in Aquarius. You crave to be progressive. Everything in you goes against the social norm. You really enjoy doing things that excite you most. 
Your Neptune is in Aquarius.  This makes you a generous person. You resolve problems to fit almost everyone’s needs. You like/have a very extravagant love. 
Your Pluto is in Sagittarius.  You idolize love. You have great aspirations and dreams. You’re open minded, and you seek meaning and purpose in your life. 
Your Rising/Ascendant is in Virgo.  I divided this up into parts so it’s a bit easier to understand: Physical Aspects: Broad forehead, oval face, broad shoulders, pale skin? This makes you: Intelligent, anxious, analytical, perfectionist, helpful, and reserved. 
Your Midheaven  is in Gemini.  You strive to be intelligent and funny. Did you have a strict teacher-student relationship with your parent? Perhaps you were scolded a lot? You have this deep urge to explore and find truth because of this neglect in childhood. You would do well in a job with lots of communication and interactions with the public. 
Then, finally, your Lilith  is in Scorpio. This too will be divided into a few parts so it’s easier to understand :). Upside: Pleasurable, intimidating, passionate, and intuitive. Dark Side: Manipulative, aggressive, Lying, you like getting reactions out of people. Weakness: You can feel empty and alone. Was there some type of trauma/abuse when you were a child? You also fear of losing control of your life. 
To make a long post even longer, I noticed you have some Retrogrades in your chart. And I can hear you asking right now...
What the heck are retrogrades? 
And it’s just a big ol’ word for the period of time where a planet looks like it was in a stationary position and then suddenly it was rotating backwards. Others, such as myself, believe its a sign of past lives. On your chart you have a few, but for the sake of not wanting to overwhelm you, I’m only going to touch on three. 
Retrograde in Mars.  You might have a hard time standing up for yourself in a confrontation. You don’t like competition, and are prone to fits of anger instead of healthier emotional outbursts. You can sometimes come off too strong to others. 
Retrograde in Neptune.  You sometimes struggle to show compassion. You hide your insecurities, and finds comfort in being reserved and private. You have a realistic outlook on life, and even though you try to think positive, you’re prone to think negatively. 
Retrograde in Pluto.  You struggle to trust others. You have a fear of being controlled, manipulated, or betrayed. To hide this, you crave power. You like to keep to yourself. 
Just some things I noticed in your chart: There’s a friend you have/had in your life that’s not in your best interest. They’re self centered, be weary of them. Perhaps you don’t like them but your current/past lover likes them a lot. 
I also noticed you might have some trauma in your life. Don’t let it define you. You might be holding on to the grudge/pain. It will consume you if you allow it. 
This took me an hour and a half to do hahaha. I hope its thorough enough; again if you want me to take a crack out of your houses, and do some more in depth reading I can :) There’s a whole bunch of stuff I could tell you about yourself, but I’ll let you decide. 
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