#It doesn't help that I see her as a Rose Bride character
magicalswordgirls · 11 months
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Heh, I’ll draw a better Aerial next time. The important thing is that I got over my fear of drawing mecha and also over my fear of building plastic models of robots, so thanks, Okouchi! Some headcanons and ranting under the cut. (With spoilers)
For some reason most of my WfM fanfiction has been centered around Aerial/Ericht ever since the theory about Aerial being Eri started circulating during the first season. I’ve been thinking about AU’s where she doesn’t lose her body and instead is an older teenager/young adult who has to deal with a mother obsessed with revenge while also trying to protect her little sister from the consequences of said revenge (and precisely because of that, she ends up questioning herself wether following her mother’s path is worth it or not).
I think that Eri was a character with a lot of potential in the story. She’s this girl who lost absolutely everything, who might be sad and angry about it but can’t do much on her own. She loves her family and even if she also wants to help her mom get revenge, she knows that it’s wrong and she doesn’t want her clone/little sister to get involved in any of it but, yet again, she can’t prevent the fact that her sister is used as a pawn, and she’s also being used, even if her mom doesn’t want to admit it. The dilemma of wanting to help her mom while simultaneously wanting to protect her sister’s innocence is a very compelling part of the story. Also the relationship between the sisters had a lot of potential. Eri could’ve seen Suletta as everything that she wasn’t able to become and that could’ve lead to very complicated feelings. There were a lot of elements that would have turned Ericht into a very interesting and nuanced character and I’m not even mentioning the transhumanism angle, there was a lot that could be explored in that area.
However, as we know, there wasn’t much about this character in canon (even if she was important for both the protagonist and the antagonist of the show). She remained a mysterious figure throughout most of the story and we didn’t get to know much about her motivations. In fact, most of what we know about her comes from the short novel “Cradle Planet”, the anime didn’t bother to put that information in the story and that’s why for most viewers she’s this creepy girl haunting a Gundam who’s almost as big as a jerk as Prospera. To be honest, I was expecting her to be more conflicted during her battle with Suletta or at least I wanted to kow why she was so convinced to follow her mother’s plan. At the end we didn’t get any of that, and she remained as an underdeveloped character.
So yeah, I have the impression that in my head I made up this nuanced and tragic character out of someone that ended up being a Funny Little Guy inside a keychain. Well, I guess this is very common when one starts liking a secondary character from a show. (I always wondered how people would make long essays and fafics about characters that didn't do much in a show... guess I'm that kind of person now).
Well, I suppose that I’ll have to stick to my fanfics and headcanons, at least I know that nothing I could write’s gonna be more wild than what actually happened in canon. So there’s that.
…Thanks Okouchi :/.
P.S: I like to speculate what kind of teen/young adult she would’ve been, specially in slightly less tragic AU’s, maybe she’s more like she was in the Prologue or she’s a little bit messed up because she’s shielding her sister from everything that’s wrong with their family. Idk, I just find her very fun to write (although I’m always aware that I might be creating some sort of pseudo OC, man I really wish that canon had given us more material to work with!)
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there's so much utena discourse around certain aesthetic signatures of the show (in particular, scenes and shots like the sword pulls, the transformations and outfits, etc.) and, like, surface-level discussions over whether these things are "Actually Beautiful" or "Actually Bad."
and i totally get it, especially with regards to some scenes---like the ways in which people have taken the ending scene of episode 33 and turned into weird pastel-pretty aesthetic boards lmao----but i do feel like a lot of the discussion is over-simplistic, and disconnected from the actual framing and themes of the series
utena and anthy's world is full of beauty. it is also full of horror and pain. there is often no clear delineation between the two, and we are forced (quite generously!) to recognize both sides of this.
the sword pulls oftentimes carry feelings of manipulation, hurt, subservience. anthy summoning the sword drives in the repetitive, obedient actions she is forced to repeat time and time again for others as the rose bride. in the black rose arc, they're violent and terrifying. in the third arc, they're stand-ins of the dysfunctions the characters have with the person drawing them, the ways in which their emotions are being twisted and ignored.
and yet! they're beautiful.
they're incredibly intimate moments, in which the two characters---who, generally speaking, are either emotionally or physically estranged from one another---cradle or hold one another, pull out a culmination of that person's essence, as a heavenly light frames the two of them together. the first time anthy does it to utena, it is out of genuine fear for her, her voice quivering with fear as she tries to do anything to help her! it's love! it's an act of beautiful love!
when pressed on how it felt to have their sword drawn, the duelists are flustered---they can't say it was just painful, because it was more than just painful. the screams of the black rose arc turn into something more quiet, ethereal, pretty---and yet still uneasy, unsettling.
a similar conversation can be had about utena and anthy's outfits. they're symbols of their roles as duelist and rose bride, and for anthy in particular it's an outfit emblematic of her status as a static, never-moving prize to be won. the outfits are as ugly as the entire dueling system, and yet---while recognizing this---the show doesn't stray away from associating the dress and the duels with delightful, beautiful imagery. the rose imagery in general is very beautiful and striking, even at some of the more dark moments!
there is an aesthetically pleasing contrast between anthy's dress and utena's uniform---one that goes back ages in terms of our understandings of gender and social status. why is that beauty there? well, for a lot of reasons! one is definitely making us question what we think of as beautiful, particularly in the contexts of gender roles and society (why did we have that gut impulse to see anthy in that dress as beautiful to begin with?) but, for the sake of this post, i think the most satisfying answer is because horror and beauty are usually intertwined in our actual lives.
so much of the show is dedicated to both finding beauty in horrifying situations and seeing how beautiful things are oftentimes pretty horrifying. anthy and utena's relationship is beautiful, but grows out of abuse, sexism, queerphobia, and hurt.
when utena and anthy dance in front of everyone at the ball, how do we interpret that? well, our first instinct is as a beautiful scene of budding love and care between the two of them; our second instinct (especially after watching the show) is that it's another example of the way in which they've both been boxed into these roles of prince and bride---and all as hundreds of eyes are staring at them. when does the line between gender as choice and performance begin, and when does it become oppressive gender roles? when does anthy's performance as the meek rose bride become her real self? when do the two's relationship become loving, and when do they stop hurting each other? when do the ugly things at ohtori become beautiful, and when do all of the beautiful things become ugly?
and there's not really one point, always, although sometimes there are---and sometimes there's multiple points, and sometimes there was no transformation at all, and sometimes things never stopped oscillating between good and bad, ugly and beautiful, scary and hopeful.
and like, even beyond the really radical ways this impacts the queer and feminist readings of the show, i just think that's also very nice. so much of utena is built on recognizing the beauty in the world. the main characters live in a shitty world while leading shitty lives. and they find beauty in it still.
(i will here also add here at the end that when the show wants to make a very clear definitive statement on one of its aesthetics being basically entirely bad with no beauty behind it, it's very frank in its framing. see: any shot with utena in a dress or her girl's uniform)
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foxglovepng · 28 days
Random Headcannons 1🌼🥀
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Requested: No
CW: Slight mention of drugs & Alcohol in Deuce's, mentions of panic attacks, TW mention of Donut Daddy, Gets a little deep in some of these.
Characters: Heartslabyul
I made some random headcannons to try and get myself back in the writing mood so I hope you like them. If you don't agree that's fine you can scroll and these are just my opinions. <3
I have a fun time writing these and I'm considering posting more headcannons until I finally get the motivation to write more.
Not proofread
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When it comes to Riddle I have a hard time with him because he is one of my least favorite characters, but in a way I feel for him because the way I describe him is Mommy Issues with a side of anger issues. (Also here his dad at?)
Behind Riddle's back everyone shits on his mom and tries to help Riddle with acknowledging his mom is a bad person and tries to help him see that.
When Riddle get's older I can see him being able to stand up to his mom and will slap back at her (Not physically) he also gets therapy to be able to cope with what she put him through.
A bit more positive, but post NRC Riddle gets a hedgehog and names it Rose or Heart.
He has personal deep beef with Donut Daddy on tik tok (Don't look him up PLEASE) he literally is that one Euphoria verse when he sees this man. When he got introduced to this man he was like "What the fuck is he doing to those PASTERIES." and now he holds a deep grudge and actively shits on him.
Weird head cannon but Trey is buff because I said so I MEAN LOOK AT HIM at his family's bakery he must be lifting some really heavy stuff right so he has to be buff in some way or another.
Cater moves around a lot from his father's job and currently resides in the Land of Pyroxene (If I am correct) I feel like it's possible Cater could have met Jack, Vil, and possibly Epel at sometime in his life he either doesn't remember or he does and doesn't mention it.
Cater goes skateboarding and he also knows how to roller skate and has ones with the light up wheels.
He's also very musical and can play the guitar so by this knowledge I am saying he can play Electric, bass, Acoustic, and the ukelele.
"Is that a baton in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" He sung to Trey (It's cannon because I said so)
In his delinquent stage he definitely dabbled in drugs & alcohol with his gang (Via Cigarettes and weed). He turned down anything that was super hard although he probably got laced sometime and swore off weed but continued Cigarettes.
Whenever he gets urges to smoke he uses a nicotine patch but that's on rare occasions he chose to be an honor student and he gets panic attacks on occasion from his past as he wants to become better for his mom.
Some more positive headcannons him and Ace play video games a lot together and even though he tries to be an honor student he's still a teenage boy who wants to have fun so sometimes these video game sessions can go very late into the night and they fall asleep during class and start beefing on who's fault it was.
According to his Phantom Bride Vignette he loves roller coasters and horror movies meaning he probably loves Junji Ito and I will die on that hill. Another thing I want to add is he loves Jojo and different anime's that have a lot of fighting (Jjk, black clover, soul eater, seven deadly sins, demon slayer, castlevania) although I heavily believe his favorite is Jojo. He's an avid TPN and My hero hater.
Another thing someone on tik tok made casual wear sprites and said Ace was a closeted emo he listens to Pierce the Veil because I said so. I also feel like he occasionally goes skateboarding with Cater just to hang out with him.
(Updated on 5/12/24 to change Banner and title)
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mulderscully · 1 year
the way people talk about ten and martha's relationship is so narrow minded that it's starting to drive me insane. according to the fandom, either martha is the worst ever or the doctor is the worst ever when neither of those things are true. they're both good people who care about each other but aren't compatible for various reasons.
in season three the doctor is mourning rose. whether you like it or not he was in love with her. and in a sense, to him in that time, she JUST essentially died. i feel like people don't take into consideration how genuinely messed up he was at this time. in the runaway bride he almost killed himself, as we see in turn left: if donna hadn't stopped him he would have drowned. he was not in a good mental place.
martha meets the doctor and quickly develops a crush on him, which is understandable, and him "kissing" her doesn't help. but he is VERY clear with her that the kiss meant nothing, that it was a genetic transfer to protect her and that he was NOT interested in her - or in anyone. he knew he should not be traveling with anyone else at that point, but at the same time he needs companionship to stay sane.
i love martha, i genuinely think she is one of the best companions there is, but she is not very compassionate about the fact that the doctor has lost someone that he clearly loved very much. and ideally he should have been clearer about who rose was to him, but i feel like it's clear that it's obvious.
a lot of people give the doctor shit for "rose would know" comment and i do feel that comment was a hurtful thing to say, but he wasn't being intentionally malicious to martha here. he was just thinking about how rose would know what to say to comfort him because he was in love with her. not because martha isn't smart or capable or anything of that sort. does that make his comment okay? no! but intent matters.
he brings martha to new earth because he's missing rose and he wants to feel close to her in whatever way he can, and there is nothing inherently wrong with that since he had NO romantic intentions or feelings for martha. he made that exceedingly clear- she calls herself a rebound, but that doesn't make her one either.
did martha deserve better? of course. martha is put into many unfair situations, and there are a lot of things i think should have been done differently but the show never denies that the doctor was a dick to her. the show never denies that he hurt her by being too focused on his own grief and generally uncaring.
what makes martha's arc impactful is that it is realistic. i have been martha. a lot of us have! you love someone who doesn't love you the same way so you get hurt along the way. you convince yourself they COULD see you that way if x,y,z but they never do. at which point you have to realize you have to put yourself first and remove yourself from the situation. and that's important, that's powerful, that's part of the human experience.
martha grew as a character, she saved the world, she took her power back and became her best self because and despite what she went through in s3. by acting like she's just a helpless victim you do her character a great disservice by ignoring the person that she became.
and in turn the doctor grew and learned from that experience as well!
the doctor is allowed to be wrong, the companion is allowed to be wrong. sometimes at the same time. what a concept.
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bananadrinkxxx · 8 months
(21 PART 2)
[Aemond Targaryen x Original Female Character ! I fem!reader]
[Dark Romance / Enemies to Lovers / Revenge] Content for adults. 18+
[warnings: smut, sex content, dark romance, angst, fights, domination, murder]
[description: Aemond Targaryen meets his niece under a different name and falls in love with her without knowing that she is supposed to be his enemy.]
Masterlist - click here for all available parts
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His hair tickled her nose as he leaned down and kissed her.
It left her skin tingling. She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck. He lay on top of her, leaning over her and she felt loved and protected. Nothing would happen to her in his arms. In his arms no one could harm her.
"You can't imagine what I would love to do to you," Aemond breathed against her lips and kissed her gently. She smiled provocative and looked at him challengingly.
"No?" she asked innocently. "Then why don't you show me?"
"Hmmm, do you deserve it? Were you a good girl?"
Rose nodded with a smile and stuck out her bottom lip to make a pout. She played with his hair and kissed his neck.
"I love you, Aemond," she said. "I would do anything for you." She kissed a trail down his neck, savoring the taste of his skin and wishing that this moment would never end and last forever. But suddenly Aemond stiffened and moved away from her.
"That's unfortunate," he said, and suddenly his voice sounded so strange and dismissive. She opened her eyes and followed his gaze.
"Is this alright for you?," he asked but not her.
Suddenly a strange woman stood there in a white dress, a wedding dress, and looked at them both with a smile. She looked down at Rose condescendingly and suddenly Aemond was standing next to her. He took her hand and kissed it. Rose no longer understood... Why was he standing with her? He doesn't belong there. He belonged to her.
"Such a unfortunate thing," said the woman. Her face was completely blurred.
"Just a amusement until I have my true bride with me," Aemond said playfully, taking her into his arms. He pressed her body against his and they stood there, hugging each other, staring down at Rose as if she were just an annoying insect.
"Don't you want to get rid of her?" the woman asked and Aemond laughed. His laugh sounded so unfamiliar. He looked like Aemond, talked like Aemond, but his voice sounded like that of a monster. A monster that had been sent to her to torment her.
"I don't have to," Aemond said, looking her straight in the eyes. "It'll happen on its own."
What did he mean? Why was he standing there? Why wasn't he with her?
She wanted to stand up, pull him back towards her, but she couldn't move.
Then she felt water on her bare feet. Cold, icy water that reached for her and held her tight. She was stunned to see how the water increased, suddenly half the room was under water. Her fearful gaze went to Aemond, but he stood there, completely untouched by the water, watching as the water around Rose continued to increase.
"Aemond," she screamed for help and yet he didn't hear her at all. He turned to the woman, grabbed her face and kissed her. Her heart broke at the sight. She wanted to walk towards them, tear them apart, tell them that she was here and that she needed him, but the water wrapped itself around her feet like chains and held her back. She watched as Aemond and the strange woman turned around, leaving her to drown.
"Stop," begged, but her voice was suddenly no longer her own. She squeezed her eyes shut. The water had now reached her head and she only had one breath left before she was trapped under the frosty water. Suddenly everything was quiet and she put a hand around her neck as she felt the air becoming increasingly scarce.
"Breathe," she heard a voice again and her eyes opened. She looked around the room, which was completely filled with water, and then suddenly found a mirror pointed directly at her.
But instead of seeing herself in it, the Black Queen looked back at her.
Rhaenyra Targaryen had a crown on her head, her white-blond hair hung loose and she wore a black and red dress that hugged her body gently. She wore a gold chain around her neck. Her chain. Why did Rhaenyra wear her necklace?
Her eyes were focused on her with seriousness, urgent and demanding. Rose reached out to her, she pressed her hand against the mirror and Rhaenyra did the same. Although she couldn't touch her, Rose suddenly felt a soothing warmth on her body. Her gaze from her hand back to Rhaenyra, who looked at her pleadingly.
"Breathe, Aemma."
Aemma? She wasn't Aemma. Rose tilted her head and she opened her mouth to tell her that she was Rose and not Aemma, but before any words left her lips she felt water fill her lungs, but instead of entering her body, she felt she wanted to leave her body like the salty water. It shook her whole body and she suddenly felt someone grab her shoulders and shake her.
"Please, breathe!"
. . . . .
Rhaenyra was brought out of her thoughts by Daemon's screaming. She looked at Jacaerys, who also looked at her in shock and without thinking, she grabbed the torch on the wall and ran out of the room. She followed the shouting and saw several guards running outside.
"My Queen," she was greeted by Ser Erryk, bowing.
"What happened?"
"A dragon was shot."
Rhaenyra stopped in shock. "What?" Someone had shot a dragon?
Ser Erryk nodded. He moistened his lips. "The girl, the prisoner, escaped on a dragon and one of our men wanted to stop her. He thought it would be a good idea to shot."
A thousand thoughts swirled around in Rhaenyra's head. She looked at Jacaerys, whose eyes were wide open.
He was the one who regained his composure the quickest. "Which dragon?"
Ser Erryk swallowed and looked at Rhaenyra, who already knew the answer before Ser Erryk said it.
"The young dragon Marax."
Rhaenyra gasped. That wasn't possible. That was Aemma's dragon. Marax should never have accepted anyone but Aemma.
Not possible. Not possible. Not possible.
"Are they dead?," Jacaerys continued to ask and Rhaenyra widened her eyes.
"They flew into the sea, I-"
She didn't let Ser Erryk continue. She weaved past him and ran through the halls. It reminded her of the moment Lucerys had returned to her. Rhaenyra followed the guards, overtook them and ran towards the beach where a large group of servants and guards had gathered.
"My Queen," a woman called out and they bowed, but Rhaenyra took no notice. She looked at the dragon stomping out of the water injured, one wing broken and screeching as it stomped onto land. The people backed away in fear from the dragon, who had a belligerent look on his face. It was a miracle that Marax had survived the fall into the sea. She knew that dragons could swim in the sea for a short time, but the likelihood of them making it to land was very slim. She suspected the waves had washed Marax onto the beach. She saw the fight in Marax's eyes, the challenge to attack him, but instead of charging at the crowd, Marax looked back into the sea and Rhaenyra followed his gaze.
"Where is my husband, where is Daemon?" she asked and one of the guards pointed to the sea. Rhaenyra looked at him in disbelief, then her focus returned to the choppy water in front of her. Fear coursed through her body and she took a few steps forward before she felt a hand wrap around her arm. She looked to the side, directly into Jacaerys's face. He shook his head and Rhaenyra looked at him desperately.
"There he is," Baela called and then Rhaenyra saw him too. Daemon swam back to shore, carrying in one arm a figure she quickly identified as Rose. Rhaenyra held her breath and when Daemon finally had ground under his feet again, he picked Rose up in his arms and carried the unconscious girl back to the beach, where he gently laid her down on the sand. He had saved her? Rhaenyra didn't expect him to save the girl he tried to kill a night ago. Sometimes she didn't understand her husband.
Rhaenyra looked at Rose and before she knew what she was doing, she knelt down and shook her shoulders.
"Is she dead?" she asked in shock and saw her hands start to shake. Daemon knelt next to her and pressed his hands to Rose's chest, pressing on it again and again.
"Rose!" she suddenly heard Lucery's shocked voice and she looked at her son, who was looking at the girl, pale as a sheet. The fear was written all over his face. The same fear that Rhaenyra felt.
She didn't know where this fear came from. Why she felt it for this foreign girl, but everything inside her screamed that she needed to be saved. This girl that looked like her little girl. Rhaenyra's gaze wandered over Rose's body. Her dress was torn at her stomach and she almost covered it with her own coat when something suddenly caught her eye. Just below the tear in her dress, at her belly button, she saw a discoloration on her skin. Rhaenyra's fingers slid to the tear and she tugged slightly at the fabric to see exactly what she had expected to see.
A birthmark above her navel in the shape of a dragon.
It was just as clear as it was then. The first time, when she held her newborn daughter in her hands.
Rhaenyra felt like the air was being knocked out of her lungs. She stared at the birthmark in disbelief and felt tears flooding her eyes. Her whole body was shaking and she was gasping for air. She saw Daemon turn his gaze to her, surprised by her reaction, before his eyes followed her gaze, to her fingers brushing over the girl's birthmark.
That was impossible. Or ? No. Right?
She had been praying about it for years. Begged the gods for bringing her back, never giving up hope. Rhaenyra looked at her face and suddenly everything was clear, so clear, so understandable. This similarity was no coincidence. The gods had heard her prayers.
"Rhaenyra," Daemon's voice reached her and she turned her gaze to her husband, who was also looking at her with wide eyes. She had told him about Aemma's birthmark and he remembered, right? He became pale. Suddenly Daemon was so fucking pale.
She nodded desperately, the tears streaming down her cheeks in floods, and she returned to the girl who lay motionless and pale before them. "She must not be taken from me again, Daemon," she pleaded. She wouldn't be able to bear that. That couldn't happen. This shouldn't have happened here. Why hadn't she acknowledged her right away? Which mother didn't recognize her own child? Her hands clawed at her dress and she looked desperately at Daemon again, who had already turned his attention to her Aemma.
Her sweet little daughter had returned. It broke her heart to see her like that and she knew it was her fault. She wasn't allowed to die. That couldn't happen.
Marax made a screeching sound and Rhaenyra looked fearfully at the dragons, who was being held back by Dragonkeepers. But she was smart enough to realize that the dragon didn't want to attack anyone.
No, he didn't want to attack. He mourned.
Daemon then leaned forward, squeezed her nose as he pressed his lips to her mouth and blew air into her. In an alternating sequence, he repeatedly pressed on her chest in rhythmic movements, then he leaned forward and squeezed her nose again to force air into her body. But the girl made no reaction and Rhaenyra's hope left her with each passing moment. Daemon looked desperately at Rhaenyra, she saw how hope was leaving him too.
"Breathe," Rhaenyra called out as Daemon tried again and again. But no matter how many times he tried, he didn't get the reaction he was hoping for. Daemon fell back, desperate and exhausted, and looked at Rhaenyra with guilt and pity. She loathed his look. Why did he give up? She wasn't dead. She couldn't be dead. Her chest did not rise and she appeared to be a lifeless body but there was still hope right? No, she couldn't give up.
Aemma wasn't allowed to die.
She couldn't allow that.
So she leaned over the delicate, weakened body, held her nose and before she placed her lips on her, she spoke hopeful words to her daughter.
"Breathe, Aemma," she pleaded, placing her lips on her daughter's lips. She let all the air she had into her daughter's body and placed her palm on her face. Aemma's face was cold, like ice and she was despondent towards the girl who had returned to her under a different name, who she wasn't even allowed to get to know, almost killed by her.
She was a monster. She didn't deserve to be a mother.
Rhaenyra cried bitterly as her attempt also failed. She fell back, broken, and looked at her daughter's lifeless body.
"Please, breathe!"
But Aemma didn't open her eyes. She felt a hand on her shoulder, but she didn't care. She didn't care about anything.
She had killed her own child.
She lost her daughter again.
She was a murderer.
She didn't deserve to be a mother.
If she couldn't even save her own child, how could she run the reach? She was unqualified to be a Queen.
She reached for her necklace, her body suddenly feeling numb and not like her own. She felt her strength leaving her and how all of her energy was suddenly drained, she felt lost, so lost. Rhaenyra had a feeling she wouldn't survive this. She wanted to fall back and just die.
But then she suddenly saw movement out of the corner of her eye and her full attention was brought back.
She saw Aemma open her eyes and sit up to spit out the unwanted water.
Daemon reacted quickly and he helped her sit upright so she could pour out all the unwelcome water from her body.
Aemma choked out everything she could force from her body before her head straightened and her eyes focused directly on Rhaenyra.
@watercolorskyy @marvelescvpe @ammo23 @helaenaluvr
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horse-girl-anthy · 1 year
The Rose Bride: Power from Passivity
when I was first seriously trying to understand RGU, I struggled the most with how to understand Anthy. I was seeing a lot of people frame her as the mastermind behind all the manipulations in the show, yet somehow, this didn't feel right to me. on the other end, I would see people who defended Anthy's innocence in the events of the story, either by selective reading or blaming Akio as the cause of everything. I also couldn't quite accept this view, though I did feel it was important that Anthy not be condemned. through a lot of time and thinking, I have come to my own conclusions about Anthy, her powers, and her role in the narrative.
in an interview, lead writer Enokido describes Anthy as a personification of when reality enters a drama. going further, he states that because he and the other writers do not know everything about reality, they cannot know everything about Anthy, either:
Enokido: Because even us creators can’t understand Anthy’s inner thoughts (*note: naimen = inner feelings, interiority, true self). We created her while in search of that.
–. You can’t understand anything?
Enokido: That’s right. After all, there are things about “reality” that neither I nor Ikuhara can understand. Like you know how in this world we live in, there are things we think are absurd or things we can’t confirm.
from these statements, it's clear that Anthy was designed as a character it is impossible to fully grasp.
Ikuhara echoed Enokido's description of Anthy as reality in this interview, going on to call her "a rare sort of character." there are many reasons why she could be considered unique, but I want to focus here on other things Ikuhara said about Anthy in this interview:
Ikuhara: As for whether Anthy's character herself is venemous, I don't know the answer, and while I depict her in ways that make you suspect she is, I plan to never show you whether that's out of ill will or not.
the ambiguity of Anthy's character is very important. she always has plausible deniablity; her worst deeds are implied from a clinical distance. further, Ikuhara brings up the question of intentions. even when it's unambiguous that Anthy is doing something (for instance, helping Akio to poison Kanae in episode 32), there's usually not much indication of what Anthy is feeling or thinking. it's like she's not even there.
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I've always been struck by this little scene from the beginning of episode 23, when Anthy is employed at being Mamiya. she's totally alone here. if Anthy is doing Akio's bidding with full consciousness, then why do we get this scene? but on the other hand, can I say that Anthy doesn't know what's going on? of all the characters in the show, she has the best idea of what's really going on in the social system. again, contradiction and cognitive dissonance.
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Anthy is magic, not of this world. can I, as a normal human being, imagine what it would be like to one second be there, and then the next to vanish out of my clothes? it's impossible.
then the question becomes, what is the nature of Anthy's magic? she is called a witch for her crime of taking the prince away from the world. that was her last free act: I would argue that Anthy's magic as a witch is not actually something that she uses as a free agent. this was first put into words for me by Alice on the Imagine Me & Utena podcast (I believe it was their focus episode on Anthy)--after listening to others debate on if Anthy truly has bad intentions or not, Alice asked, does Anthy use magic, or does magic work through her?
similarly, in his episode commentary for episode 23, Ikuhara wrote:
People’s happiness or unhappiness shouldn’t be determined by struggles over the device called “the Rose Bride.”
I find the term "device" to be an interesting one. from a meta perspective, Anthy is a device for the writers: she is used within the narrative to acheive the story's aims. she is a device for Akio: a thing to be used. in a parodoxical way, Anthy's disempowerment is her power, and her passivity allows the world to take shape around her.
Anthy became the Rose Bride through the trauma of the Swords of Hate. they left her empty. in episode 38, she says, "I thought I was just the Rose Bride, just a doll with no heart." the emotional core of the story is the search for her true self, Utena's desire to reach the heart that Anthy had forgotten she once had. however, Anthy plays her role as the Rose Bride to the end, even after she has shown her true face to Utena.
how exactly do Anthy's powers as the Rose Bride work? as a device, a mechanism, I believe that the Rose Bride simply responds to the social environment of Ohtori, with the final aim of bringing about the "End of the World." this is getting kind of esoteric, so I will use an example from the show to illustrate: a reading of Miki's early interactions with Anthy.
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did Anthy go and play piano at the end of episode four in order to manipulate Miki to duel in the next episode? or is she simply manifesting what is in his heart? watching how Anthy interacts with others carefully, she operates as a projector screen, becoming whatever someone is fixated on. further, the way that they view her can radically affect the way she is portrayed from episode to episode. while Anthy becomes a demure angel for Miki, she is a two-faced schemer in Juri episodes.
the process doesn't stop here. next, the Rose Bride brings reality crashing down on characters' heads.
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during Miki's first duel with Utena, Anthy suddenly cries out in support of Utena. this action seems wildly out of character for her supposed role in the duels. again, I believe Anthy does this because of a truth buried within Miki himself. the falsity of his pursuit of the shining thing is what Anthy exposes, revealing that the object of his affections might not be what it seems. as the Rose Bride, Anthy repeatedly destroys other characters' self-images, their worlds.
of course, Akio does appear to be pulling the strings behind Anthy's machinations throughout the narrative. perhaps this is because Akio is the End of the World, a harbringer of the death of the self. however, Akio seems incapable of riding out the process himself, staying stuck within the system, its enforcer and slave. and although he subjugates Anthy, he is tormented by the fact that she is beyond his grasp no matter what he does.
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Anthy must have gotten some satisfaction out of Akio's torment, but she is more tormented than he could ever imagine. in a way, I feel as though Anthy is somewhat prideful of her position as Rose Bride; she feels that it is unchangable, a fact of life, and her adjustment to it is what allows her to keep surviving. thus, accepting things without complaint is wise. Utena is the one who challenges that, threatening Anthy with change, which can be terrifying even when what you know is endless suffering.
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Anthy stabbing Utena is one of the only times that she acts out of her true feelings and her role as the Rose Bride in unison. here, I don't want to parse out all of the complex interpersonal reasons Anthy the person had to stab Utena, but instead point out that it continues to fit with the Rose Bride's purpose: she brings reality to Utena. this was always going to be the ending to her desire to be a prince, cemented when Utena takes the swords for Anthy.
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the true sickness of Anthy's passivity is on display with her acceptance of the Swords of Hate. although the Rose Bride is the greatest instrument of power in Ohtori, it does nothing for Anthy herself; it comes at the cost of her sacrifice. that it is why it is difficult to frame Anthy as a mastermind. it was never going to be as easy as Anthy just making different choices, since sacrifice is demanded by the swords. she was only getting out of her position by someone taking her place, so she resigned herself. that resignation made her the subaltern base of Ohtori, able to take any form within it but her own. she must exit to be a real person.
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gamesception · 11 months
lets read rgu, chapter 27
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So here we are, the last chapter of the Utena Manga. The story finished in chapter 25, so this is another retcon side story slotting in an element from the show that didn't make it into the manga's main arc. This time it's Souji Mikage and Mamiya Chida of the Black Rose Arc. There was... a lot going on with that arc. All the character arcs of the various black rose duelists, the way they interacted with and advanced the arcs of the student council members, the kind of oblique, still not fully revealing anything hints at the greater machinations of the plot & Akio's hand on things, the idea that there's /way/ more going on with Anthy than even the first arc let on, and of course Souji & Mamiya's own characters and interactions - this last being the only bit that a single manga chapter's likely to be able to touch on, and even that I'm a bit skeptical of.
Because what's going on with Souji and Mamiya is kind of very gay, in a way that I'm just not confident will make the translation. I could talk more about Souji's repressed homosexuality thinly masked by compulsory heterosexuality posing as Pure Logic (tm), but I'd just be echoing C-Puff's excellent post that you can read for yourself (link).
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Will this Mamiya also turn out to be Anthy in the end? In which case, this statement that they hate Utena and Anthy stands out. Sure it could just be read as manipulating Souji, but otherwise, I mean sure hating herself for letting Akio control and manipulate her, sure, but also maybe resenting Utena who does so much to protect her while being seemingly oblivious to what she actually needs help from? Or forcing her to confront the experience of friendship that she doesn't think she deserves, or making her face the idea of hope when she had been sheltered from having to care by the hopelessness of her situation?
Anyway, Souji kicks things off by inviting Utena to a Lecture at the Nemuro Memorial Hall, location of anime's dark therapy elevator that makes you worse. Utena talks to Miki about it, and Miki confirms that the basic backstory here is the same as in the anime.
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Come on Utena, I know you're dense sometimes, but that's clearly Souji, you just talked to him earlier today. I know it's weird that he's still alive and on campus decades after he died in that fire, but you've seen at least 3 weirder things than that by this point.
And you Miki! You have even less excuse.
Anyway, Anthy goes missing around the same time, and Utena follows a Convenient Hunch (tm) to look for her in the Memorial building, where Souji is waiting for her.
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Good on you, Utena.
But if Utena's not vulnerable to mental manipulations, bad therapies, or forbidden secrets then that doesn't leave much for Souji to apply his signature computer-like brain to, so we just kind of skip straight to the dueling part. No, not in the arena, right here in the Memorial Building. Anthy's already there and dressed for the occasion, presumably because Mamiya is Anthy like in the show.
But this isn't any old Rose Duel.
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Was it ever spelled out in so many words that the difference between regular rose seal duels and black rose seal duels was that the black duelists were there to kill Anthy rather than possess her? Like that was clearly Mikage's goal, but still. Although... in the manga it was eventually revealed that the point of even the regular duels was for Anthy to die and the winner to replace her as Rose Bride themselves, so there's not really much of a difference here after all?
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I like how this panel has like a drape that could be Mamiya standing in his own Rose Bride dress, but it's also pretty clear that Utena and Anthy don't see him there.
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Unfortunately Manga Souji/Nemuro doesn't really have time to really establish the more complex relationship between him and Mamiya, so instead Manga Nemuro's core motivation is more about guilt for the students killed in the fire, and Mamiya is just one of those students - one he thinks he can save/revive if he defeats Utena and claims the power of Dios.
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Manga Mamiya even always looked similar to Anthy, Souji isn't remembering him wrong, and Anthy isn't magically posing in his place after all. Which makes all the wondering about what Mamiya meant when he said he hated Utena and Anthy kind of wasted space, since it was just Nemuro projecting.
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So anyway Utena wins the duel and the Memorial Building starts to collapse, and Mikage decides to stay behind with his memory of Mamiya while Utena and Anthy escape.
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The manga version works in sort of a special Halloween Episode spooky ghost story sort of way, but it didn't really have the time to get into all the things that made the anime versions of Mikage and Mamiya so compelling, let alone the wider impact of the Black Rose arc as a whole. I enjoyed the chapter, but I'm left feeling more or less the same as I did about the bonus Ruka chapter - it was nice to see a manga version of these characters from the anime, but without the time or the framwork to fully dig into them it was probably a good call to leave them as side stories outside of the manga's more contained main plot.
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what if right after Bella touched down in Forks and met her dad, she got the personality of Utena Tenjou from Revolutionary Girl Utena? How would the story change, and would Bella-Utena be able to survive the Edward yandere simulator? (You can probably tell I just binge watched revolutionary girl Utena for the second time…)
Oh boy.
Well, first, I think we have to go over how Utena would even react to this.
Utena and the Real World
One of the things I love about Utena is that we have no idea what the real world or adulthood is. It's less magical, less beautiful, presumably than Ohtori Academy but it could also be a post apocolyptic wasteland due to Anthy's decision to have the prince stop sacrificing himself for them.
We never get to see it and I love the show for that.
It's a nebulous, terrifying, place that the characters know they must reach or else perish without ever having been born.
And then, of course, there's the fact that those who leave Ohtori don't seem to be able to take much with them just as those who enter Ohtori. What I'm getting at is that memories are a fuzzy thing in the Utena universe and characters very much shrug and go along with it.
Back to the Ask
For my sanity, we'll say that Utena has not entered Ohtori yet. She has not remembered why she wanted to become a prince, she is still searching for her prince unaware of who he is, and she hasn't been pierced by the swords in Anthy's stead.
Utena finds herself waking up on a plane and getting off. She's a little confused, but not overly much so, and figures she must be traveling somewhere, likely in search of the prince who she's been wanting to meet.
In the bathroom she notices her face looks different. Everything about her is different, she's older, her eyes are now brown along with her hair, and she's shorter too.
Utena's annoyed by this but doesn't think much of it as she didn't in canon when she body swapped with Anthy. Shit happens. Probably because of whatever curry she must have had on the plane.
My point is Utena takes being 'Bella' in stride though she likely corrects Charlie to 'Utena' and gets really really really weird about having parents of any kind as she is decidedly an orphan.
Also, she wants to be a prince.
Charlie doesn't say anything to that.
At school Bella immediately clocks the Cullens as the student council people of note but would not find them to be prince candidates. While she wiffle waffled on Touga being the prince or not when she was uncertain was when he acted like what Utena thought to be a prince, gallant, chivalrous, brave, and kind. When he was an ass she paid less mind to him. Akio happened to be what was left of the prince, which helped him out, and also oozed seductive evil charisma.
The Cullens are too standoffish, too snobby, and Edward later too hostile for Utena to have interest in them. After Biology, for all Edward wouldn't notice the first time, he gets the Saionji treatment.
(Not to mention, I'm sure, that Utena actually likes Jessica Stanley as someone very reminiscent of Wakaba, good intentioned if a bit of a loud mouth who focuses on the wrong guys for sometimes the wrong reasons. Utena would be appalled that Edward acted so cold to her when Jessica was being brave.)
When Edward returns and tries to be charming...
The thing is that Edward is ultimately pulling a Touga. He would find Bella (Utena's) desire to be a prince, to meet a prince, bemusing and later irritating (as Edward is certainly not that prince and knows it). More, he would want to be the prince, not her, in which case Utena would have to be put in her place as the rose bride er damsel in distress in the relationship.
Ultimately, because of this, Utena while perhaps wavering on Edward for a little bit would staunchly reject him when all of this makes itself clear.
Now, that said, Utena is beloved by the gods.
It's unclear what, exactly, the power of Dios is and when Utena started embodying it (was it only when Anthy noticed) but there's a chance that it could be there out in the real world and could keep her alive in any surreal confrontation with Edward (presuming this still is, in some way, the Utena universe).
This means that Utena will survive against all odds only to be pulled towards Ohtori to fight for the rose bride.
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sepyana · 1 year
Revolutionary Girl Utena (Sega Saturn) Playthrough: Part 1
Finally watching the movie has gotten me back to the series in full swing. When I heard about to game i decided to play it. I will post my thoughts on the game as we go! Taking some snapshots for people to use is nice as well. Might or might not continue this.
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Playthrough under the cut.
This game has been translated by fans! I can't thank them enough honestly, they're doing god's work. I imagine this game will be very long (╯▽╰ )
You start as a purple haired girl with two pigtails. There is basically nothing notable about you other than your parents meeting in Ohtori.
Our first sight is Saionji bullying Anthy. Anthy says she is engaged to Utena so this is after the first duel. I've been told this game takes place during the black rose arc. If that's true I hope we get to see Kozue and Shiori.
I didn't take any screencaps here but basically we have a chance to interrupt them or watch. If you interrupt him Utena comes in time to help! Idk what happens with the other option tho lol.
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You later meet Utena in your class and have a chance to talk to her. The first thing our protag asks is her love life. I was tempted to pick the first option here, if you do protag assumes Utena is a boy and everyone makes fun of you. I hate when visual novels do this shit. I was asking her if SHE had a girfriend, game. I picked the second option so everything goes smoothly mostly.
Wakaba jolts in to bring up Utena's prince and tells her she shouldn't lie to the new student. Then Utena proceeds to tell us one of her most important memories. To us. Who she met minutes ago. It's a weird way to give us the exposition but whatever. At least we get to see Wakaba! I wan't to talk to her as much as I can. My bestie. My poor little meow meow.
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We get to have tea with Utena and Anthy. They have been really nice to us so far. That's Utena for you. Anthy explains us the the duels when we mention Saionji talking about a Rose Bride. Utena doesn't seem to enjoy this at all. Our options here are: Saying we wanna get engaged too, changing the topic, or cracking a joke. I wanted to get my relationship points with Utena up and hoped to cheer her up a bit. I crack a joke only for her to think I wasn't taking her seriously. Oh well.
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We also have to talk to Akio to get our dorm number. Thank god this place has an elevator. I don't know how to explain this but he look like a loser in the picture. We learn we are in the same dorm as Utena and Anthy. And Chu chu, too. Can't forget about Chu chu.
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Akio explains us the layout roughly. Our attention goes to the fencing club building, apparently protag's dad used to be an advisor in the fencing club. Him and protag's mom met in the fencing club.
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Had to take this image from YouTube because I forgot to screencap this, my bad.
A few things the note here. There is a calendar from 15 years ago marking the 25th there. What's weirder is the drawing on the wall. It shows the council members and Utena, along with our new character. We don't manage to get a glimpse of her open locker before she finds us and...
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There is no way she is the is the president of the fencing club. That's a tax paying adult right here.
So... Sanjouin Chigusa. I like her design. I like that her hair curls up to look like roses. Her colors are nothing revolutionary but they do look nice together. The ice blue hair, the royal purple outfit and the passionate red eyes tell us everything we need to know about her. Also, she is the only female character to have squinting eyes like that. I guess that's why our character couldn't tell her gender. Though she doesn't have the stupid long face like Touga or Akio does. Her face does reminds me of Mikage, actually.
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Apparently, the east dorm we are assigned to is suppose to be for the Rose Bride and the one engaged. The student council invites us to a masquerade party to see what our deal is. They think the end of the world is why we got assigned there (And they're right.)
Utena and Anthy come with us because Utena was worried about us o(^ ^)o Anthy even lends one of her dresses to us too. Utena just comes in with her normal outfit. Peak Utena behavior.
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Touga should be hosting the ball but he is too busy being a playboy. I accept one compliment from him out of politeness and he immediately takes my hand.
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Could have told me that earlier, Utena.
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I think I just made an enemy out of every woman in the school. Our character notes that Touga looks like her dad. Yeah, I haven't mentioned it but our dad looks exactly like Touga. Our mom looks similar to Shiori. I don't really wanna think about that.
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We lose Anthy and Utena after this. We run across Saionji instead, bullying Chu chu. I tried to be less direct so I tried to distract him. Protag told Saionji Anthy was looking for him and he ran to find her straight away. I may have made a mistake.
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We stumble on Chigusa as if all this wasn't enough. It seems like she was looking for us. I'm a dumb little lesbian so I am naturally excited o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
Things don't turn out so well as it becomes clear she fucking hates our guts. She definitely has beef with our parents over something happened 15 years ago. The incident being 15 years ago also means our parents had us a short time after the event. This isn't looking good at all.
To nobodies surprise, she also happens to be a duelist. Putting a note on our back and escaping is one of the funnier ways to challenge Utena.
The council has declared Chigusa officially as the enemy.
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bespectacledbun · 7 months
an update list of fanfic ideas I have planned for ikepri; one-shots:
antivenom — chevalier returns from an ambush, injured and soaking in blood, returned to the beast he once was. emma takes care of him and brings him back to his humanity. (soff post-battle TLC for chevie. emma washes his hair and bandages his wounds)
needs and wants — chevalier michel is not a man with many needs. his sheets are silk and his clothes are finery; his meals are a delicacy and his education unmatched. as for wants… there is nothing a beast of a prince could— or should— want for. at least, that’s what he tells himself (character study)
profane — chevalier does not believe in god. not in the way others do. but he cant help but think heaven is real, for he sees a glimpse of it when he takes emma to his bed (desire and agnosticism. some risqué themes)
keep me in your eyes forever — the blade to emma’s back hits four inches higher and two to the left, striking true through her heart. when the last thing chevalier see is emma’s lifeless eyes, he thinks of all the emotions they looked at him with before; wariness, fear, surprise, confusion, curiosity, anger, and love (true love route canon divergence. emma dies on the battlefield)
achromatopsia — a world where a person sees in monochrome until their destined lover brings color to their life. what a joke. nobody would want to be tied by fate to the brutal beast (alternate universe, soulmates, angst)
stages of grief — post-romantic route reveal. how leon navigates his secret with his brothers and his changed dynamics now that he doesn't have to carry the weight of it alone (leon character study, but really just exploring their brotherhood)
nameless, faceless or damnatio memoriae — every morning leon wakes up, gets dressed, and eats fine food off of finer plates. every morning, he pores over countless documents regarding the infrastructure and economy of his beloved kingdom and makes sure every citizen under his rule can smile for another day. every afternoon, he goes to the training hall with his brothers and sweats out his nervous energy. every night, he head out into town and drinks, dances, loses himself in the blur of nameless and faceless people. every day, “leon dompteur” loses a little bit of himself to his name (one shot character study, kind of angsty because existential crisis)
longer fics:
retrouvailles (informally known as rosen fic) — once upon a time in a kingdom of roses and refinery, there lived a common woman who was intelligent, kind, and beautiful. she caught the eye of the brutal beast, the coldest of the princes in the kingdom, but instead of fleeing in terror, she managed to get close to the beast and melt his heart, transforming him into a human again. and then..... she disappeared. (canon divergence from romantic end, accidental pregnancy)
pearl bay — when silvio ricci and rio ortiz decide to vacation separately in the same small coastal town, neither of them expect to run into each other. they also don't expect to be sitting in the town's jail, charged with the murder of a local who’s body washed up in the bay… or to have the local bookstore owner offer her help in proving their innocence (modern setting, small town murder mystery, no romance or love triangle)
a dagger through the heart — as a part of the newly formed peace treaty between rhodolite and obsidian, the emperor of obsidian decrees that a marriage will be arranged between yves, the half-obsidian prince, and a daughter of an esteemed noble family. the only problem? yves's bride-to-be is a trained assassin, and her target is her new husband (idk if i want this to be an oc fic or a female reader yet 💀)
ignis fatuus or smoke and mirrors — emma doesn’t usually do this. she doesn’t usually go to the local off-campus clubs, or have a drink too many and flirt with the cute boy next to her at the bar, or take him home with her. but when she runs into the same guy on campus and he seems to have no idea who she is, she can’t help but think there’s more to him than meets the eye (alternate universe: modern day university, ONS with keith)
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sakuramidnight15 · 2 years
-RSA OC Information-
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Character Bio
Name: Aine Chauveron
(Japanese: アイネ・ショーベロン)
Romaji: Aine Shōberon
Quote: "I have my own faith to follow, I won't let you forget about it, not even once."
V/A: Aya Endou (Japanese)
Gender: Female
Age: ???
Birthday: April 25
Star Sign: Taurus
Eye Color: Acadia White (Her normal eye color)
??? (Unknown Eye Color)
Hair Color: Beige Blonde to Champagne Pink Ombre
Height: 177 cm
Race: Crestia Demi-Goddess
Species: Celestial Type (High-ranked)
Homeland: Themyscira Empire (4th Kingdom Level)
Family: Unnamed Biological Father (Left the Family)
Unnamed Step-mother (Left the Family)-(Deceased)
Unnamed Younger Step-Brother and Step-Sister (Left the Family)
Unnamed Biological Mother
Unnamed Grandparents
Achlys Esmeray (Biological Older Brother)
School Status and Fun Facts
Dorm: Crystaleon (@fumikomiyasaki)
School Year: Third
Class: 3-A
Student no. 11
Occupation: Student
Saintess of Solaris Chapel (Previous)
A soon-to-be bride of a forced marriage (Previous)
Lady of the Chauveron Household (Current)
Club: N/A
Best Subject: Literature, Potions, and P.E.
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Favorite Color: White, Rose Pink, and White Beige,
Favorite Food: Tea (Various Flavours) Sweets (Cannot resist but somehow picky), Meal with any Flavour (Various)
Least Favorite Food: Tasteless Meals, Bittersweets, Sweet Chocolate (Mostly), Lamb Tongue,
Likes: Quiet Places, Her Blood-related family, Teasing her older brother, Learning new things, Giving Karma in secret, Doing self-learning, Her Mother, Garden Strolls, Midnight Star-gazing,
Dislikes: Unwanted attention, Greed, Noisy Places, Her Past (Mostly), Family Affairs, Her Step-Family (Mostly, but a lot of hate for her father), Being overshadowed, Injustice, Being Weak, Anyone Hurting her Loved-ones (Mostly),
Hobbies: Self-learning, High Memorizing, Messing with her older brother, Exploring New Places and other Races, Becoming Both Villainess and Saint, Napping underneath the trees, Eating a lot of sweet without gaining weight,
Talents: High-skilled Celestial Magic, Levitation, Demi-Goddess Physical Strength, Sorceress Abilities, Healing Abilities, Sight-seeing Visions, Mistress of Manipulation, ???,
Nicknames: Aine (From her family and friends)
Aine-senpai or Chauveron-senpai (From the freshmen students)
My Lady (From all the Servants)
Little Sis (From her older brother)
Little Ai (From her mother and grandparents)
Other Nicknames:
Lady of the Chauveron Household
Former Saintess of the Solaris Chapel
Appearance and Personality
Appearance: Aine has a tall and slender female body build, but looks more of a normal female body build from a distance. She has a very long beige blonde to champagne pink ombre colored hair which it came be a struggle, but not for Aine whenever she's does it herself or with help. She has acadia white colored eyes which they can change into an glowing unknown color whenever she uses her celestial powers. Aine is one of the chosen demi-goddess of the dorm, but is a high-ranked crestia demi-goddess.
Personality: Born in a sky-like above the clouds dimension called the 'Themyscira Empire' in the fourth district. Aine has rather a complicated but difficult childhood. For the first time, she neither looked like either of her previous family members for what she had remembered.
She doesn't have a best childhood ever since. her family neglected her presence, the household servants would ignore her, her somehow older siblings would bully her in anyway, her so-called mother never see her efforts, and so on. Her own father wasn't even the best around whenever he's in the household. Aine has always stayed in the shadows, it felt like it was meant to be forever, but it never lasted long.
But if she hadn't learn about her real loving family, she wouldn't have escaped on her own after meeting her real brother and family one night. Soon she learned how to stand up for herself after Aine had decided to become a villainess and saint inside of her and started rebelling against any from her father at all costs.
The current Aine we are now seeing is now like any other noble demi-goddess and lady, but only does it for public matters. But inside with the household she's now staying in, she has a normal female teenager personality after leaving her step family and even her own father alongside with the past. More fully, she's normal and respectable person towards others in the dorm, but with a little curiosity for finding something new.
Though she can be pretty mischievous in secret whenever she's with her older brother, anyone in the school can find them as a odd pair of siblings together. Which it's just typical for them being siblings.
Aine can be rather sweet and patient despite the complicated past she had as a young child if you get close to her. She's often busy from time to time as a noble lady but she's look for a way to catch herself a break a minute or so... If there's a chance somewhere possible, sometimes she can sneak off... But will get slightly caught in the end, that's mostly for her older brother to do afterward.
Please remember, this crestia demi-goddess has own her limits for ticking her off, and you're gonna blame her past and the she has torture for it. Aine can turn from saint to pure villainess, the chances are highly high for it to happened.
While being a villainess, she'll do whatever it takes to bring what is right and wrong, even if it costs her hands to be dirty when it comes to a million lives, Aine would still win... With or without bloodshed.
A crestia demi-goddess... What a rare sight to behold. This celestial is more what it meets in the eye.
-The name 'Aine' is an Irish female given name. It means "radiance" and was the name of the Irish Celtic goddess of wealth and summer: Áine. While her surname 'Chauveron' was first found in Britanny (French: Bretagne). Cited in early times are Renaud Chauveau, who was named bishop of Châlons in 1351, and Audouin Chauveron, who held an important position in Paris in 1381.
-She was inspired on four characters. Terra Branford (From Final Fantasy), Aria Roscente (From Villainess Reverses the Hourglass), Asseylum Vers Allusia (From Aldnoah.Zero), and Stephanie Dola (From No Game No Life)
-Aine has a love habit for sweets, but never gains weight.
-Her older brother often scolds her for being mischievous with him, which Aine didn't care.
-She's respectful to her dorm leaders, she happens to be in the light side. She knows how to handle her duties.
-Aine is a hundred percent different demi-goddess from the rest in the dorm, but it didn't bother her and brother much.
-As mentioned, Aine was overshadowed by her step family in her childhood life, till her father attempting her to becoming the saintess of the Solaris chapel and getting into an arranged marriage. But after meeting her real family and becoming a villainess to her step family's household, after much chaos had been made in the shadows and even the drama that caused her step mother to be perished, Aine destroyed what her father ordered for her to follow and fled to live with her real family.
-She was separated from birth, due to her father and his mistress who later became Aine's step mother. He left her real mother and son and took their daughter away. Which it was over now after Aine learned the truth.
-Aine has rather a charming voice when speaking normally, and the tone wouldn't change when she's in her villainess work. Which is why I chose Aya Endou to be her voice actor.
-She has her fair share connections with the diabolical race in secret. Has been good terms with only one of them though...
-Has a pet flying cloud familiar named 'Moira'.
-Has a habit of napping whenever she feels tired, mostly underneath the tree shades.
-Big love for star-gazing. Would still do it.
-Morefully studies the other races she wants to learn about.
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casasupernovas · 2 years
Fast forward after Lazarus' transformation and first kill, we are back with the Jones'. Francine pulls Tish aside and begins to question who Martha's new friend is. "The way she followed him." Now you can argue that Francine's concern is a bit over the top, but it's clear that Francine knows her daughter well and knows if something is amiss. And it is. Tish comes to her defence and Leo doesn't seem to share Francine's concern either. But Francine's worry is clear - "she's not a Doctor yet. Never will be if she doesn't stay focused." This new stranger maybe hampering Martha's journey.
Leo interjects and says "so she's found a bloke so what?" Francine's responds by saying she just knows something else is going on behind the scenes and again, we know she is not wrong. Now, I think you can argue that we aren't given enough reason for Francine to be so concerned - it's one thing for her to disapprove of a potential boyfriend, it's quite another for Francine to think something nefarious is going on. I think maybe if Martha had followed the Doctor over to the controls whilst the machine began to overload, then Francine's concern may have been more valid, or if she had overheard the conversation with Dr Lazarus. I think we just needed a bit more.
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Martha's family is not as fully established as Rose or Donna's. Most of Series 1's episodes build all around Rose's life. 'Rose', the 'Aliens of London' two parter, 'Father's Day', 'Boom Town' and 'The Parting of Ways'. For Donna, we see 'The Runaway Bride', 'Partners In Crime', 'The Sontaran Strategem' two parter, 'Turn Left', 'The Stolen Earth' and 'The End of Time' two parter. All of these episodes include either family or relationships close to the characters that serve to world build and help the audience understand who they are. The Jones only get 'Smith and Jones', 'The Lazarus Experiment', 'The Sound of Drums' and 'Last of the Timelords' for her season, and a brief cameo in 'The Stolen Earth'. I know Reggie Yates became unavailable for filming but Leo Jones is not the only member of the Jones' family. I really wish we got more because what we have already established is interesting enough. Leiticia, the eldest, the highflyer, very confident, a tad shallow. Leo, the youngest, already with his own family all before turning 21. Francine, the matriarch. I'd like to point out all the Jones' have a Londoner accent. It's not particularly cockney or 'working class' like Rose, but it's not posh. Francine however, does sound very posh and RP. That's a pretty good indicator into what sort of woman she is like also. She clearly thinks very highly of her family and wants the best. She also cares about keeping up appearances as expressed in the very episode when she wished for her ex husband not to bring along his 'trophy girlfriend' to Leo's party. Clive Jones who we have only seen twice is also apparently either very well off or squandering his money on his new girlfriend, as shown in the shiny new car, paying for Leo's birthday party and taking Annalise shopping. A mid-life crisis. These are some pretty good foundations, and it's a shame it never really gets built upon.
Anyway, Dr Lazaruz entices Leticia upstairs, something she later said she only went through because "if it could work for Catherine Zeta Jones..." and I...okay girl. Lmao. Tish is apparently no above using...'unscrupulous' methods to get ahead, the Doctor and Martha find the corpse of Lady Thorne and realise that Lazarus could attack someone else and leave downstairs whilst Tish and Lazarus come upstairs. We get another Master reference as Tish said she had no experience in PR but the interview panel thought she had 'all the necessary attributes; this is clearly deliberate.
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The Doctor and Martha decide to go upstairs again after being informed by Leo that Leticia has gone upstairs with Dr Lazarus. Francine tries to speak to the Doctor but the Doctor immediately races upstairs causing her to spill her drink. When a mysterious man speaks to her, she is obviously very irate about him, speaking tightly in reference to Martha's new 'friend', and the mystery man says she ought to choose her friends more wisely, successfully planted a seed of dissent.
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Up on the roof we get a world weary Doctor reiterating to Lazarus the value of the human capacity for life, and we get another snippet into the world of Martha Jones, when Leticia asserts that Martha always finds faults with men Leticia finds herself involved with, insinuating that this is a regular occurance for Leticia and a normal thing for Martha to do. But seeing how Tish acts towards Lazarus, I think it's fair to assume that Martha more often is right than wrong in this regard. Now why all three try to use the lift instead of the stairs is beyond me but they get downstairs anyway after the building goes into lockdown. (Shudder)
Now. Here I think is a good example for Francine's concern. The Doctor running to the chamber and tossing the sonic to Martha, instructing her to use setting 54. It's very command and follow, and he takes charge after telling the hall they are all in danger. "The way she followed him." This is practical and needed for them both to do, but it would be concerning for an outsider, especially Francine. Your medical student daughter is suddenly in the midst of danger, following orders from a complete stranger, and it comes naturally, like she's done it before. What's going on? Lazarus attacks and his tail (stinger?) causes a table to crash into Leo's head, and Martha, her mum and Leo get away after the Doctor lures Lazarus away from attacking Francine and Leo and gets him to chase him. Martha shows her Doctorness, by checking over Leo, his eyes, gets ice, deduces he's (mildy) concussed and leads the charge instructing them all to get out of the building after telling Tish the Doctor is buying them time. At the bottom of the building everyone is still stuck inside (I'm getting Children of Earth vibes) and Martha deduces that there must be an override switch to get everyone out. She gets to the desk and uses the sonic which opens the doors.
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As everyone leaves however, Martha knows she has to stay and help the Doctor despite the danger. Francine protests after saying it could get Martha killed but Martha says she doesn't care and she has to go. Francine asserts that the Doctor is the reason she wishes to return, however, I would argue that Martha demonstrates in 'Smith and Jones' that she would always help in a dangerous situation, even if there was imminent danger. Francine also states that Martha has changed and he is why. Tish backs up the Doctor realising he was buying them time, however does not wish for Martha to return either. Martha does not listen and runs inside after the Doctor.
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Now, I wonder if the Doctor really thought Martha had left him to fight alone as he seems extremely surprised to see her, "what are you doing here?" but nevertheless they continue their crusade to stop Lazarus. Or maybe, the Doctor is still so in denial about having a companion again, he's surprised when she acts like one, backs him up, helps him. Outside, Tish reassures Francine that both the Doctor and Martha would be okay, and this is probably because Tish saw first hand their dynamic and how he got her away from Lazarus. The following exchange is very interesting:
Francine: "She turned her back on us, went back in there with that thing...for him"
Leo: "He must be some guy."
Tish: "Maybe she loves him."
Francine: "She just met him."
Knowing that Francine is in the midst of a bitter divorce, it's not surprising she would take this so seriously and so personally, exacerbated by the life and deathness of the situation. She feels like she has been abandoned yet again by someone she cares about, and even to take it further, replaced by another white counterpart.
Tish also seems to understand that Martha has deep feelings for the Doctor. You would have to to to literally follow someone into danger like that. The whole family (minus Clive) are at a crossroads because their sister/daughter has gone from her normal life with them, to putting herself in mortal danger for a man they have only just met, a man to their eyes Martha has only just met. It's a lot to deal with, and it's made even more tense by the mysterious man who is oh so polite and seems oh so concerned for Martha - "Is your daughter still in there with the Doctor? He's dangerous, there are things you should know." So Francine listens. He may be a complete stranger like the Doctor, but he's charming and calm and seems to care. So Francine listens. I would like to know what he told her, because it's enough to prompt Francine to get violent.
Back inside, Lazarus chases Martha and they hide inside the chamber. We get a funny exchange because we know the Doctor always has a plan...but sometimes he doesn't. We have just established how Martha followed him into danger, because she knows she has to help, she wants to help, but she also is confident in his ability to save the day. So when he announces he hasn't got a plan, and didn't even really think his intial idea to get into the chamber through, Martha is incredulous and sarcastic; "in your own time then." We then get another funny innuendo - "what are you gonna do with that?" "Improvise" he says while slowly moving down out of the frame, past Martha's waist. Lol. They can be funny but there do appear to be a lot of these in relation to Martha this season so I can't help but point them out.
Anyway they almost go as Martha puts it 'through the blender' and Lazarus appears to be back to normal, and Martha observes that it's almost pitiful and the Doctor quotes T.S. Elliot. There's also a piece of music here I am very upset was never released. It plays after the stretcher takes Lazarus away
More to come!
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esther-dot · 3 years
"There’s a propensity in the fandom to look at a character who mistreats Sansa and rather than acknowledge how they use/abuse her, ship her with them as a way of absolving their fav of wrongdoing." You do realise this is precisely what Cersei fans do too? Not shipping her with Sansa, but all the nonsense about how she tried to help Sansa in her own way, how she only hated Sansa because she "saw herself" in Sansa, she was just trying her best to teach Sansa, she must have been exactly like Sansa when she was younger. It's all just an attempt to put a rose-coloured tint on that relationship, diminish Cersei's culpability, and glorify Sansa's relationship with another one of her abusers. I don't disagree about the other ships you mentioned, but it's interesting to see these accusations being made so often by a corner of the fandom that doesn't even realise they do the exact same thing with Sansa and Cersei's relationship all the time.
I fully expected that post to earn me an angry anon, but I did not see the "but you don’t hate Cersei!!!" angle coming. 😆
I am not responsible for the words that every Cersei fan writes, I’m not even aware of them because I’m only active in the Sansa fandom/Jonsa circles, and I hardly even write about Cersei myself, so I’m perplexed that you feel like this is something pertinent to me. As far as I can remember, I haven't said Cersei was like Sansa because I've been pretty vocal about the fact that I think Sansa is incredibly innocent/good. I'm one of those people who don't think she mistreated Jon or bullied Ary@ because that's ooc. I can't remember if someone said it or I just thought that Cersei drawing herself flying on a dragon with Rhaegar, believed she would marry him, only to be heartbroken reminded me of Sansa. I'd agree with that because come on, it does sound like something Sansa would have done. However, Sansa is a deeply compassionate, kind person, and while I thought show Cersei was very entertaining, I never made the mistake of thinking she was like Sansa, even as a child because of the whole...ya know, murder thing. 😬
As for the "she tried to help Sansa in her own way" issue, well, I think show Cersei did believe that loving your children and your children alone was good advice. I think that was coming from her own experience. Cersei couldn’t love Robert (who was abusive), but she does love her children. She left out the whole twincest detail though 😆 It isn’t pretending she isn’t a villain to say that was what she thought. Cersei did believe in ruling by fear. Are you saying she didn't? In her mind, Cersei offered Sansa guidance. As wacky as it is, Cersei did think she was betrayed by Sansa. That reminds me of how Tyrion took her as a child bride, knowing the plan was to use her to take Winterfell/the North from her family, that his family murdered hers, and he still resented her for not loving him. These characters aren’t well. What they think makes no damn sense outside their POV, but it is their POV. As a result, there’s this…intimacy in Cersei's hatred for Sansa because she sees herself as having tried to mentor Sansa even though we know it was craptastic advice. I'd argue that's what the author wanted us to understand, just as all the Stark kids have mentors who give them advice they must reject.
I don't think it's glorifying the relationship to acknowledge that Sansa had regard for Cersei that she never had for Tyrion, and that Cersei’s betrayal was particularly cruel, personally significant to her. That experience was a formative (“never will I be like that evil bitch") one. I’ve said before, to me, the Sansa and Cersei relationship is far more interesting because Sansa never allowed Tyrion to get close to her, but she did trust Cersei initially. I talked about this a bit here. Cersei’s treatment of Sansa hurts me more because she let Cersei in. To me, that makes their relationship more interesting than the pedoships. I don't think that's viewing it through rose-colored glasses, and just because I enjoy Cersei as a villain in a way I can't the pedos (because I don’t like reading about sexual harassment), doesn't mean I've forgotten she's a villain or am acting like she isn’t culpable.
I don't see how there being...(counts on my fingers) six of us who love Sansa and enjoy Cersei as a villain/prefer her out of all Sansa’s antagonists is such a hot button issue for you when the norm for the ASOIAF fandom is people who argue that a 13yo is having fantasies about her sexual assault and think that there’s nothing wrong with believing Sansa needs to fall in love with her molester to prove she’s not a worthless person. (I’m stating that more crudely than they do, but that’s the truth of that stance). And when I say “norm” I mean, that ship was, maybe still is, accepted by the majority of the fandom. The most popular ASOIAF tumblrs support it/ship it, or at a minimum, never condemn it. Pedoship content is in the Sansa tag every day (I have them filtered, but I still see the tag for the blocked post), and yet, I seriously do not remember reading any posts about how Cersei was a good mentor to Sansa or how a good ending for Sansa would be for her to end up living under Cersei’s thumb. If we were saying those things, then there might be some comparison, but I doubt anyone has ever even suggested that Sansa needs to accept Cersei’s treatment or forgive her to prove that she’s a good person. Whatever we do or say about Cersei and her interaction with Sansa is in the context of a fandom who does all of the above while wishing that Cersei’s twin/lover/father of her children strangles her to death because she, none of the other villains, she is evil. So, remember the environment in which Cersei fans are writing. Think about what they’re pushing back against and take that into consideration when reading their takes.
Obviously, S@nsaery and D@ensa are far less objectionable than the  pedoships, but again, their content is everywhere while I do not see the content about Cersei you’re claiming is commonplace. This is why I question if this is a real norm that you're picking up on, or whether it's something you saw once or twice and are now trying to hold us all responsible for? Are you sure you didn’t see a joke post and overreact? Tone can be difficult to read in text, but even Cersei’s most hardcore fans know she’s evil. It’s kinda why we like her. The same can’t be said for fans of other villains, so again, I am skeptical about your attempt to act like what we’re doing is equivalent to stuff going on in other parts of the fandom. Most of them deny that their favs wronged Sansa, while we know Cersei did. Have you seen posts saying otherwise? Because, explaining the why of a character’s action isn’t saying what they did is right. Are you possibly confusing the two?
Also, I don’t see people I follow talking about D@ensa or S@nsaery much. I can’t remember ever seeing someone say what I did before, and I’m pretty certain that was the first time I ever wrote about them, so it isn't the case that I'm bitching about those ships “often.” I did it once, and even if I did dedicate my blog to hating on one of those ships 24/7, I’m allowed to express my shipping preferences without having to throw in, “btw, Cersei is still evil y’all” as if that has anything to do with what I’m talking about. It’s totally irrelevant because I never said, “let’s pretend that Sansa would be happy to maintain a relationship with Cersei.” That simply isn’t a thing I say. Now, even though I reject your accusations as baseless, I agree with you in a way. Show D@ensa and S@nsaery do have a lot in common with the Sansa and Cersei dynamic because they both tried to play Sansa/use her naïveté against her, which is the same thing Cersei did. This is why I don't want them with her because they aren’t good to her. They’re all bad for Sansa, they all wronged her.
All the same, just because I know Cersei's a villain, just because I know what she did to Sansa doesn't mean I can't have sympathy for what Cersei endured, talk about her as more than her most heinous acts, and see how the experience of being a woman in that fucked up world allows for these two very different characters to have some shared experiences. No one thinks it's weird for fans to love and humanize every other villain (and I do mean all the other villains), so I don’t see why Cersei can’t benefit from some sympathetic reading too. I care about what Cersei has suffered, even if she is a baddie. She is still part of the critique of their society even if she’s evil. And, it’s kinda a thing that Martin loves parallels/foils and creates them with loads of characters, including Sansa and Cersei. That’s a standard part of fandom discussions which means, it makes sense for us to talk about those? Because Sansa will not be making the same decisions Cersei did and will not have the same fate? That kind of analysis is fun, the basis of a lot of spec, so unless you’re seeing a lot of stuff I’m not, I feel like you’ve misinterpreted what we’ve said/our purpose. 
If you would like to DM the specific post(s) you’re reacting to so that we can have a common framework in which to discuss this, feel free, but as of now, no, I do not “realize this is precisely what Cersei fans do” because I don’t. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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a-chlolix-blog · 3 years
Scarabée and Kitty Claws AU
Ivan Bruel/Shellraiser (Turtle!Ivan)
Alix and Ivan have quite the close friendship.
He even tells her about his crush on Mylène in secret (which she doesn't tell of course).
When Kim starts to make off of Ivan through a note & gets him in trouble, Alix's glares at him while Ivan's sent to the Principal's office.
Then he's akumatized into Stoneheart and the Origins of Scarabée and Kitty Claws begin!
When they defeat Stoneheart for the first time, Scarabée's more concerned with Ivan than capturing the akuma and forgot about it.
Scarabée: Are you alright?!
Ivan: I think so... who are you?
Alya, recording them with her phone: I'd like to know too.
Scarabée: I'm... Scarabée! Call me Scarabée. *swings off*
No one hears of the other Stonehearts until abit later.
Alix decides to give Ivan a little space, but what she didn't count on was Marinette getting him to sing his song to Mylène.
This gets him akumatized again and his takes Mylène as his bride & Marinette to get payback.
Alix never took the Earrings off, so she goes to transform (Chloé does as well) and get into action.
They're able to get to Stoneheart and when shouted at to put the girls down, he shouts "YOU CAN HAVE THIS ONE!" and throws Marinette toward the ground, only for Scarabée to catch her.
After the speech to Hawkmoth & display of Scarabée's power (which had Kitty Claws absolutely smitten), Stoneheart calls the Akuma Clones to him.
After getting the parachute Lucky Charm, Marinette decides to tell the heroines where the akuma is, while also shipping Ivan and Mylène.
Marinette: Those two are absolutely made for each other!
Scarabée: You're shipping sense may have just given me an idea! *runs towards the Eiffel Tower*
Kitty Claws, internally: *stares at Scarabée* Made for each other...
Scarabée: Come on, Kitty!
Kitty Claws, snaps out of her thoughts: Right behind you! *runs after Scarabée*
Scarabée's able to make Stoneheart and Mylène kiss, saves Mylène while Kitty Claws saves Mylène, purify the akuma, and uses the Miraculous ability to fix everything.
Scarabée gives Mylène Ivan's song and of course she loves it and the two become a couple.
The bug heroine tries her hardest to not shout "FINALLY!" at the top of her lungs.
After that day, Alix happily listens to Ivan about how their dates went and how much he loves her (unaware that Mylène's been tells her the exact same thing).
The two are the best players on their LaCrosse team.
Of course they're not surprised by Mylène being their along with Max to cheer them on.
What surprised Ivan is that Chloé was there.
Ivan: What's Chloé doing here?
Alix: Probably here to cheer on Adrien.
Ivan: Yeah, that makes sense.
Chloé: *secretly stares at Alix*
The episode "Horrificator" is different. The episode is now "Mysteria". Basically Brigiette Alarie (OC of mine) wants to be the lead in the movie, but everyone voted for Mylène to be the lead actress.
Not wanting to be a support/background character, she akumatized.
With promises of being able to show that class what a real horror movie star looks like, she's akumatized into Mysteria.
An akuma with the ability to make you solve mysteries in order to get to them and the one she captured (Mylène). If you fail to correctly solve the mystery, you get captured too.
Of course Ivan's determined to help the heroines find Mylène, no matter how many of their classmates get captured.
After they get to Mysteria and defeat her, Ivan and Mylène share their first kiss (which doesn't involve one of them being akumatized).
The movie still doesn't make it in though as André STILL think it's all fake.
But Alix is still happy to hear her friends gush about their first kiss (at different times), believing she was caught by the akuma and didn't see it.
When Ivan tells Alix he's forming a band with Rose Juleka and Luka, she supports him 100% & even goes to band practice often.
This band even plays at Chloé's birthday party, which she absolutely loved.
Ivan, sees Chloé and Alix dancing together: That's interesting.
After the party (the akuma that crashed it), Ivan asked about her dance with Chloé. She replied with "Just partying with the birthday girl."
After the Anniversary of Dalia's death, Ivan is the first to notice that Alix and Chloé seem closer, but doesn't bring it up.
Ivan even becomes the Turtle Welder known as Shellraiser & here's how!
Three of the members of Kitty Section are dealing with another Band that thinks they're better than them, but they get scared and leave when Ivan shouts up.
With promises of being able to be a better band than Kitty Section AND take out their strong drummer, the four teens are akumatized into the Hard Rockers.
A four person akuma with the abilities to fight with instruments and their music.
When the akumas show themselves, Alix and Chloé (who were there together) go to transform and get into the action.
Kitty Claws gets the other members of Kitty Section as well as the crowd out of danger, while Scarabée takes Ivan to give him the Turtle Miraculous.
But she decides to make Ivan a temporary welder.... until after the battle and her mind was changed.
Wayzz: Scarabée, I would like this boy to be my new welder?
Scarabée: Are you sure, Wayzz? It isn't too soon?
Wayzz: I am sure. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you. *hugs Scarabée*
Ivan, trying not to cry: So, I can keep him?
Ivan learns how to make all sorts of teas and makes sure Wayzz drinks as much as he wants.
Ivan's happy to find out that Shellraiser's Mylène new favorite hero (as well as Kitty Section's favorite).
Inspired by: @emdoddles @muggle-born-princess @princess-of-the-corner @symphonic-scream @justanotherpersonsuniverse @dcschart
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My contribution for today's @flashfictionfridayofficial . Doctor Who is the fandom, Characters are: 10th Doctor, Rose, Liz Shaw, Patricia Haggard.
The house is in flames. It's all burning, the heat so hot that its hard to believe anything might survive. The neighbors run around the front yard in a frenzy, calling emergency services and trying to figure out if someone, anyone knew if there was anyone still in there.
The Doctor slips around the back, and is nearly run over by the huge golden retriever that has wiggled through the doggy door to get out, barking insistently to attract attention.
With so many people out on the street, it is bound to work eventually - but by the time the animal has made itself understood, it will all be too late.
The Doctor knows he's their only hope now.
Gently touching the door knob, it is already uncomfortably hot, and as he wiggles it nothing happens. The door remains locked, unfortunately.
Quickly, he pulls out his sonic screwdriver and directs it at the lock, letting the precision laser from it do its job. When he's done, he kick the door open.
"Doctor! What can I do?" Rose joins him only a second later, catching him just as he is entering the home.
"Take them for me when I come to the door! There are two" He instructs, rushing straight into the flames to look for his friend.
He finds her not too far from the door. She lies sprawled out on the floor, her girlfriend fallen next to her. Somehow, they both look so familiar yet so different.
Liz Shaw is older, blonde hair turned to white and wrinkled creeping in over her near-perfect skin. Her clothes are about the same, but they seem as different as the old woman wearing them. Particia looks about the same as when the doctor last saw her, but more grey is growing in her fire-red hair.
He takes Liz first and feels only a stab of remorse for it, dragging her to the door where Rose caught her with surprising ease, moving her further outside. 
When he is returning to the living room, he hears something collapse, and for a moment he thinks he might've been too late. But then he gets there and sees the burning wooden beam has barely missed the target, the woman still safe where she lay on the floor. Without stalling any further, the doctor take her and starts to pull her out. It's getting hard to breath even for a time lord, but he knows he has to save both of them. He just has to.
Finally, he gets outside and Rose help him to place her next to Liz, both partners looking as though they are sleeping peacefully in the grass. On the other side of the house, he can still hear the dog bark and he knows that soon, soon, he's going to lead them to his owners.
"We should leave" He declared, after allowing himself a moment to look at the two of them.
It seems almost cruel for him to do it this way. For him to save Liz from ruin and destruction, from losing the most valuable of things - a partner - while knowing very well that in a year, she will be gone regardless.
But he knows it has to happen. Because if it doesn't happen, then two years from now he and Rose would not be dancing at Liz's wedding. Two years from now, the brigadier would not be laughing and smiling at his new bride.
Their relationship was meant to rise from the ashes like a fenix. Suffering, distraught and tired of life's frequent ruin and destruction, they would find each other and build something new.
The new foundation they built would last their lifetime.
"Doctor, we should really go now. I think someone is coming" Rose pull at his sleeve, and he is shaken from his musings. So he bend dowm at place a tender kiss on each their forehead - after all, they both were people worth the love he felt for them, and then he followed Rose in running away.
Behind them,the dogs barking grew louder, and he knew he did the right thing. He took the ruins and destruction, and made sure that something would rise from the ashes.
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writerforfun · 3 years
Underwing Challenge Day 6 + Day 7
6. What does your portfolio look like? Talk about as many other WIPs as you’d like here.
I have to be honest here, I never understood portfolio. I mean u understand what it is and its purpose but I never understood how to make it for myself.
But either way I guess I do have certain things I worked on.
Starting of with Collection.
1. Collection: Story 1: Mirror Defect: (DONE) (Sorry no cover)
Not all is as it seems.
Not all can be explained and even when the truth is out not everything will make sense.
"I just lost my brother, I can't lose her."
What can you do when you lose trust in those around you? When grief holds you too close?
When lies are hidden all around you?
When nothing is real?
Can you trust your own eyes? When all goes wrong who can you trust?
"Experitment 1034, you are next"
Is anything real? Are you real?
**Warning: character death, graphic description of the deceased character.**
The story was originally done to scare my uncle. I was going to send him this other story, which R.L. Stine wibe to it but sadly I lost it.
So here we are. Now this story features Mark, who despite all that has occurred, is trying to fix his broken family, even if it means destrying himself but is this family real?
You can check it out here
2. So, A Deal?: (DONE)
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Met with death she has no choice but to let death consume her.
"No, I can't leave like this! Not like this."
There is no other way, or is there? But is she ready?
"What do you want? Does your soul not fill with rage, anger and despair? Pushing you to the core of vengeance? Don't you feel like a ghost? Dreading you will disappear? You know you are nothing but a ghost, and eventually, you will have to fade."
"I have seen the face of affliction brought by my reality, I'm tortured by the future of things that cannot be, haunted by visions of yesterday."
Her sin is great, but her desire greater. Will she survive the burn?
This was something I did for my school wrok once. Although it is quite different than the original work. I'm quite happy with the last chapter. I honestly just posted it out as a test to see if others would like it.
It took quite an effort and I enjoyed doing the last bit of it. I really want to make a sequal to it, get it going, but not really sure if this is going to go well.
You can check it out here.
3. Solar Elements: (DONE)
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Avatar: The last Airbender inspired.
A lot can happen during a lifetime, faultless rotating to flaws, heroes into villains, a lifetime of destruction smiling in your wakes.
A lot can be lost in a lifetime.
"Wolf is going overboard,"
"We do not have time to wait."
"Surrender now and we shall show you all mercy."
"No, we will never yield to you"
"Then so be it."
"You are not prohibited to address better yet conduct such disgrace." "We are still alive!"
"Love you, Son"
A lot can happen during a lifetime, faultless rotating to flaws, heroes into villains, a lifetime of destruction smiling in your wakes.
"And so she has finally awoken."
I had done this for a story contest once, sadly I was unable to win. But I have to behonest, if I had I would have been so annoyed, it was awful, so awful. I won't talk much on it, as I still don't like this too much.
This feature elemtnal magic and time twist you can say, where a character, reborn must choose to either repeat history or change it completely.
4. Pirates tale: (WIPs)
Had this in for a while, been working on it but didn't have a plot till now.
The ship has no name, no crew, nothing. But if you see it, it's already too late.
Legend says they're ghost, some say they are cursed, others....... others don't live to tell the tale.
It was inspired by a prompt I saw once. Hoping to make these pirates cured to be vampires, hidden from all and only visible at night. They are insearch of their first crew captain, the one who must break the cures. Problem is, Captian dies 30 years ago.
Guess, his hidden daughter must be placed instead.
This is dumb, so dumb, but hey, I'll work on it.
5. The Basement: (WIPs)
Another school work.
This one feartures students sneaking into their school's basement. Each with their own story on why the basement is forbbiden.
If only they had listened and not followed through, then maybe they would not have encountered, the hidden dark past of the school.
This has a gay couple, lol I actaully send it to my teacher but I don't think she noticed :(. It needs alot of work though, so this may take a while.
6. To find the Truth: (WIPs)
This one seems to be liked a lot by you guys. Many seem intrigued.
In the dystopian future, when the world government collapsed, when humans fell and the virus took hold, out rose a series of mutants. Their genes mutated by the virus released when a power plant went nuclear.
These mutants, blessed with powers beyond their control, have taken leadership. Smart, strong, powerful and undefeatable. They hold power over the weak like you and me. But I won't let them stop me. I won't let them come in the way.
They are sloppy, weak and useless. The world is filled with criminals, danger and people in need. This world needs justice, it needs help and they won't help, so I will.
"They'll take you away. They take people like them away"
"I won't let them"
I worked up a lot on this in the past few day and have actually most of the plot down. Well the main chracter's backstory at least, even how the virus started and why these mutants have taken over.
I just need to start it out and get it going. I have done that and I was thinking of adding bits and pieces on how the world is after every sub-story, like telling the tale as the story progress.
Was also hoping to give this story, a big reveal as to who these mutants are and how they came to be, why they take other's like them and how they find other's like them.
7. To Sacrifice or To Live? (WIPs)
Still working up on the name here, but the story goes like this.
Two wedding decades a part, each holding nothing but tale forgotten.
An evil entity hanting them both. A power over both familes, readdy to demolish them whole this time.
Will the scarifice work?
Ok, before you turn away, here me out here.
Two weddings, one in the 1900s and the other in 2000s. Both familes trapped in a curse long active, each must work to find a way to break the curse. One failed, made it worse, will the new bride make it? Or will she suffer worse?
8. Collection: Haunting Memories (WIPs)
Jenny doesn't know how she did it but she did. She didn't mean to. She really didn't. But Nina is dead now and it's her fault. She did it.
It's her fault.
Then why do they blame Jake? Jake is sweet, kind and caring. Sure he was the one with the blade, covered in blood and coming to kill Jenny next but it wasn't Jake. Because she saw.
Saw him kill her. Push the blade through Nina, watching as the girl fell. Her blood turning the ground crimson. She saw as the life left Nina's eyes. As the killer slumped to the ground, the control over him wearing off.
Jenny knows because she killed Nina. Then why does no one believe her? And why do her memories differ from Jake's?
“I am telling you what happened.”
“All you are doing is wasting our time.”
“Then be patient, this is all I have. Please just hear me out.”
“We are busy people here. We don’t have time for stupid tales, girl”
“This is not a stupid tale. If you could just listen.”
“We are listening. Listening to you for the past 10 minutes, all you have done so far is tell us useless things. We have things to do.”
“Everything I mention is important. One thing missed and you won’t understand. Please. I need your help.”
“You have 10-”
“Fine 15 minutes.”
This I hope to work and get done by at least in the next month. It need a lot of work and must be quite slow yet fast paced. I need to make the plot a bit more than just what I have written.
8. Trick? No, I'll take the Treat (WIPs)
Halloween themed. Done quite long ago.
What will you do when your Halloween turns into a nightmare?
I have nothing much on it at the moment, but will update this soon.
7. What kind of partnership are you looking for in this event? Friendship? Somebody to bounce ideas off of? Something else? What sorts of people are you hoping to meet and adopt?
Honeslty, I did a lot of research in the past few days and boy do I ned a lot of work done.
For starters, I need someone who can actually tell me how my work is going, just how kuch of an effort I have out in and how it seems to others.
I need harsh, quite harsh feed back so I know what I am doing wrong, what I should improve with and what interests the reader about the book.
I also say wish to meet and know other writers here. Would love to meet them and get to know them.
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