siriusly-parker · 1 year
ok…ig i’m gonna be the one to say it. but i NEED more ronald gladden content. or at least more jury duty. gimme fics. the reader can be an actor, the one non-actor. idk. idc. i just need more 😭😭 i’m in love with my boy ron and i think we should acknowledge that and write for him. (or even just platonic! jury duty cast x reader, like cute interactions) the concept is just too good fr.
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Oh wait have I talked about my headcanon for the marvel time line involving vigilantes? Obviously this is all self indulgent headcanons and not involved in canon but anyways:
Technically speaking, all the mutants are first, but due to all the controversy and bias against them, people really don’t acknowledge them as being the first
Then Spidey is second, starting off as a teen in his homemade suit, but due to JJJ, he’s not even seen as a vigilante but as a menace
After that is the Fantastic Four, they’re very much in the public eye, so people start acknowledging those with powers, although it depends on how you define “vigilante”
Then after all that is when other vigilantes and established heroes come out of the woodwork
I just like it this way because I like the confusion it’d have with Spidey’s age and stuff, and because Johnny would try to establish himself as the “first” and it’d make Peter salty to no end, but also it makes sense to me for the mutants part about them always being first and people just not acknowledging them
(I didn’t include Captain America or the Black Panther as I definitely don’t think they count as “vigilantes” but rather superheroes in a legal sense)
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redshcdes · 8 months
thinking about Terezi and her loneliness and how she really does crave people's company, having grown up p much alone, and the few relationships she had with people that were rather 'deep' were both incredibly abusive and isolating her.
how so many ppl she trusted betrayed her and hurt her ; severely.
how now, despite how much she wants people. friends. company.
she continues to push everyone away. insisting she rather be alone when finally, FINALLY, given that bit of attention she wished anyone gave her.
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whats-9plus10 · 1 year
The Monarch probably went broke because he doesn’t have an accountant anymore. Besides raiding his office and likely getting booted as a client, he probably wasn’t filing his taxes as an escaped felon so he just went ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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redshcdes-archived · 2 years
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Thinking about Familystuck/Humanstuck Redglare who is a single mom who had two kids from a work related on and off fling.
Definitely a relationship that WAS NOT healthy and very toxicly co-dependent on and off ... (Apples don’t fall far from the tree.) Thus, the father doesn’t know he is the father and after her second child (Terezi) which is only 4 years from her last, she finally breaks things off and moves to a different city and place of work as a new start.
Redglare def loves her girls and she tries very hard to do what she can but she is def a rather Absent Mother due to her workload, and also how stern she seems to be because she’s always so exhausted, it’s hard for Latula to really bond with her, because she feels like she’s bothering and annoying her mother... But, Terezi definitely doesn’t seem to mind or care.
And while sometimes Redglare def is like ‘please not rn Im very tired’ she DOES try her best.
And I think about the relationship of Terezi and Latula. Latula def has a ‘rebel’ stage in her teens and only grows more distant and maybe even resentful over her mother for being such an absent mom to her ... Terezi really doesn’t as because of her attitude and also her being the youngest, she did get a lot more attention from Redglare, and it only helps that Terezi is interested in getting into the work Redglare does.
And I think about this and how Terezi probably feels distant from Latula due to her rebel stage and being so much older and ‘cool’, so Terezi DOES still have those insecurity issues with Latula, but Latula having a sense of envy toward Terezi because she got a lot more attention from their mother and is the younger sibling
But them in their older years both realizing like Mom was trying her best as a busy single mom and she DID try and do what was best for us even if we never noticed. And also realized where both of each other were coming from with their feelings regarding one another and growing together and becoming closer in their adulthood
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jurygarroth · 1 year
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made graphics for the way I think of MCD!Aph and the primary guard squad in my headcanon/rewrite world
transcript for the first one is under the cut because it's a lot of text but thank you for letting me cook :3
full of good intentions, despite facing danger she earnestly believes in the good in others, builds a community out of trust and kindness
starts to doubt her decisions more and more, impostor syndrome is made worse after finding out she’s Irene’s reincarnation. learning about Irene’s messy past gives her a sense of hopelessness, struggles with whether or not to compromise her values to be a true savior
Garroth’s betrayal had a large part in shaking her faith in people, though she would never admit it
fixates on ideals of chivalry and virtue as a contrast to the greed of his father and O’Khasis high society
does not know what he wants in life. runs away from expectations at home only to fall headfirst into his own paranoia. has the capability to lead but defaults to others
self-sacrificial because of sense of duty
most emotionally self-aware and always had confidence in his sense of identity, which made becoming a Shadow Knight a special kind of torture for him. acutely aware of his identity falling apart around him
has always been stubborn but now clings even harder to his principles to keep his old self alive
self-sacrificial because he truly believes he is disposable
life built out of regrets: not telling Jeffory her feelings, joining the Jury of Nine, following Zane’s orders and hurting innocents etc.
trying to repent and dedicate her life to good but is terrified of making the wrong choice again, reacts defensively when her character is insulted because she knows part of it holds truth
overarching (and connections)
struggles with identity, rejecting a “past self” or (supposed) “true self”
the weight of decisions in an unforgiving world
Katelyn and Garroth: two sides of the same guilt-ridden coin (subconsciously aware of how similar they are and it drives them crazy)
Garroth and Laurance: unstable sense of self manifests as reliance on an ideal representation of good as an anchor (Aphmau)
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Sarge and lil Mama Headcanons
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I’ve never done a headcanon post and am rather dissatisfied with this one, mostly because I’m itching to write full fledged, descriptive blurbs and fics elaborating on these highlights. But this way y’all will get a little taste and hopefully something will spark your interest as I’d welcome any prompts, requests and suggestions for which ones you’d like to see written out in full 🌹
Warnings: NSFW…breeding kinks, lactation kinks, gender roles, housewife kink, innocence kink, free use, lots of kids, withdrawal mentions, Army Elvis being a hot tamale
The attraction starts a little differently from the usual romance, this man thought of you as the sweet and kitchen-skilled daughter of a Memphian music producer until one day Gladys opened her mouth to tell her impressionable son something along the lines of: “now there’s a pretty gal who would make you a marvelous wife and mother to your children”
Ever after that, this poor young man can’t help but think of you in that context, laying beneath him as he breeds you, swelling with his children, giving him little heirs to Graceland and then the whole cycle begins again…the other girls and the starlets are hot stuff and they’re all great for romance and sex, but when he’s alone in his room he wrings his poor cock out to the thought of filling you with his children and binding you to him forever. His intentions towards you are so wholesome they’ve turned primal, and it takes him ages to work up the courage to ask your daddy for your hand
This asking gets precipitated by two events: his induction into the army and the death of his mother. Without her in his life he can’t fathom making a home across the ocean without a woman, his woman, the woman his mama pointed out and he’s been married to in his head for a humiliating length of time
I mean, sure you’ve been trying to be a comfort to him whenever you two interact since his mama’s passing, and maybe you took more baked goodies over to the big house than strictly necessary, but it was all to make him get off the floor and stop looking so hollow, to be there for Gladys’ son and your father’s friend.
Here he’s been wanking to the thought of you swollen with his kids while you’ve been baking pies, finishing school and keeping your expectations for romance low.
But had such a fixed determination regarding your role in his life he forgets how little you’ve been let in on the secret. He’s been keeping his behavior circumspect around you as he distrusts what his instincts might compel him to do if he caught you alone wearing a dress and that perfume that sends him nuts
So it’s a shock to not really be asked, but rather told that you’re gonna marry him, like it’s something you owe the nation -like jury duty or the draft
And see, it’s gotta happen soon since he’s leaving and he wants to bring ya overseas with him and -well, that’s how you end up three months later laying beneath the King of Rock and Roll as he takes your virginity and makes you his wife,
He definitely tells you why he wanted you that night, praises you for being wife material and you preen under the weight of his adoration.And he absolutely asks you, as you both sit on the edge of the bed with his hand in your hair: “do you know what mamas and daddies do when they got to bed, lil one?”
You don’t, not really, all the “conjugal advice” dear sweet freshly married you got from your mama was to “be good” for your husband. So by golly you do it, you’re beyond good for him that first night and he coaches you through his voice tender, grounding and soft as he shows you
Wide eyed and fuzzy headed from the heat of his hand on your thigh you hear him explain, “the daddy goes inside the mommy’s kitty, baby”
It’s all alright, he tells your doe-eyed self, he’ll show you how it’s done between man and wife before God’s watching eyes, “thas’ it… spread ya legs lil.. no not that way… no.. goddamn it hang on honey lemme help ya”
And sure, partway through you’re asking “really Elvis? You’re not pulling my leg are ya? You’re really supposed to go inside me?” And he’s all, “How else am I gonna plant babies in your womb, honey? Gotta go far up in or else they’ll just get lost in your belly, with the cake you ate.”
He’s a bit insecure about the fact he has been long besotted with you and you’re merely fond of him. And so, both to assuage any guilt he might have over possibly pressuring you and to make you prove you want this -he has you on top, has you do the first impaling of your own free will
And he makes it so good for you that first night -after all, he wants you to look forward to him merging with you, he wants you to want to take him as often as he wants to take you, wants you to crave being filled, to be dissatisfied every minute he’s not inside you
He’s the one to teach you everything about such matters and as you’ve no set parameter or established sense of what’s “proper” or “dirty” you soak up every wicked trick he shows you. He gets to mould you into the perfect wife, perfect for his cock and his tastes, taking him just how he wants, whenever he wants, and your sweet self is in shambles from how good his foreign activity feels.
Now the papers, they’re having a field day. The colonel makes certain this sudden change of status is used for full image rehabilitation effect, there’s heaps of praise for Elvis the Pelvis repenting of his wildness and settling down, embracing the role of a wholesome family man.
When you visit him at Fort Hood and show up in your little sundress to the accompanying sound of wolf whistles, he's knocked flat on his ass by the sight of your pretty body filled out and matronly, a glow about you that suggests that finally you have the little piece of the puzzle of you that was missing before -him, a little bit of him inside you at all times
He pulls you aside for a frantic chat, eyebrows drawn together as he huffs out, u could so a specific like “Lordy, baby you been walkin around like that? glowin with your tits all big and swollen… shit... ain’t nobody look at ya too long did they?” “no elvis” “good answer lil girl i was bouta bust some heads in”
You have those twins right before he has to go overseas, and he forgets himself he’s so anxious he nearly crushes your little hand during labor
Elvis is a mess because you aren’t fit to travel and he has to leave you behind, no amount of money getting thrown around can allow him to stay longer, so he leaves you tearful, promising to get you over with the rest of his family and entourage
A nasty bout of mastitis makes your sicker than ever and delays any impromptu flights you might have tried to take, and Elvis is so worried for you since not even his mama is back home to make sure you’ll be alright, you’re all alone when he promised that you’d always be together as a family
One of y’all’s long distance phone calls gets bugged and recorded, sold to the papers and let’s just say that while the rest of the nation is choking on their eggs while reading a printed transcript of y’all’s dirty talk in the morning papers, you and Elvis are besides yourselves with anger and frustration that even this little comfort and closeness has been taken from you
It also disillusions the public regarding Elvis’ supposed reformation of character, he always has looked like he knows how to fuck, and now there’s swelling proof of that fact in you
Christmas is just around the corner -his first without his mama- and you’re healed up and mad enough that you pull some strings of your own and haul Grandma Dodger and the twins to an international airport and fly to Germany in Pan Am commercial class seats
That reunion at the airport?! Oh yeah, I’ve got a fic coming…let’s just say he missed ya, and he needs to inspect ya, make sure his boobs and his pussy are fully recovered
Reunion sex is trying to be hushed cause he’s living with other folks, but let’s face it, you two holler till the whole block knows what you’re up to, and you two can’t wait to get a house of your own
Succeed at that but then, it’s full of people often too
Which, seeing as how he wants free reign to take you every chance he can get, fill ya up again, that just won’t do. This is the true honeymoon of your married lives, and he’s got his little babies he wants to get to know
So yes, he rents other houses around the base for his family and entourage just so he can slip inside you whenever he wants, while you’re at the sink, or spread out on the kitchen table -undisturbed, save for occasional noise complaint - and talk, oh you two talk and this is where you truly fall in love with the man, not the legend
These days are the happiest of your life looking back, a taste of normality where you can look back and see your man coming home to you by six o’clock, dinner thirty minutes later, babies bathtime and reading time after that, and then the rest of the night to yourselves - alright, often you two fall asleep holding the snuggly little nuggets, let’s be honest…this man can hardly stand being parted from them more than he already is
Speaking of not being parted… cockwarming while nursing happens very often on the living room sofa, he helps support your tired arms and everything, and it’s almost boyish the way he peeks over your shoulder, his lips part and his eyes get wonderous as he watches his little ones taking their nourishment from your body
It doesn’t take you long to set up house and get into a rhythm, which means you notice when things are off -even if you two hadn’t much married time before all this. So it isn’t many nights reunited before you notice the addition of pills to his bedtime regimen and he tells you he hasn’t been sleeping well all alone out here, and you suggest an experiment… wearing him out before bed, and whenever he gets a craving in the night, you’re there for him to use… yes, we are gonna go full “breaking addiction through Free Use” here
Which is really just swapping one addiction for another -pills for pussy, but hey, it works and you haven’t been back a whole month before those tell tale signs reemerge and Elvis is the one to spot them first -half because he is so eager for it to happen again and for him to finally be apart of it, and another because this boy has studied the subject extensively in the interim and knows what to look for
This next pregnancy he is all over you, everything he missed before due to enforced separation he gets to watch unfold in real time, and to his consternation, he finds that you being pregnant is just as appealing if not more so than you fertile, his lust is magnified by gratitude now, as well as the sneaking suspicion that you’ve really finally fallen irrevocably in love with your crazy soldier boy
Elvis is so invested in your well-being when you are pregnant that he is reading all the recommended books, in between his army duties. This man lays in bed at night, glasses on, reading aloud to you by lamplight about all processes and symptoms, what stage your babies are at now (he swears it’s another set) and he goes to every doctors appt with you. He’s the one to ask tons of questions and actually tries to school the doctor on certain things, cause he’s a precious know-it-all with conviction
You visit him on base often and become quite popular with your goody basket, pretty smile and ripe tits -which drives him nuts when all the guys comment and notice that little Mrs Presley sure is a doozy… he just might haul you to the break room and take you on the pool table…and if they’re watchin him give it to ya real good through the glass doors?! Oh well, that ain’t his problem
After the third or fourth set of Irish twins the neighbors -and the general public- start to wonder if maybe this wholesome family might have a salacious underbelly…the other army wives pity you and your constant state of barefoot and pregnant, but your smug little face says: my man makes it worth it it
You two throw the best house parties over there, and in case all this talk of breeding has made you think this boy has forgotten his oral fixation…ha no, he mumbles his praises into your pussy for being such a remarkable hostess and an impeccable wife and mother after the guests clear out….sometimes before
This man, I am sorry to say, blames you and your tight little coochie for his trash pull out game, he’s all “honey, if you didn’t clench like a goddamn fury i-I might h-have a chance, but as it is, y-you gotta stay in p-p-possession of yourself if you want me to pull out, it’s the lady’s responsibility, i-it’s different for men, w-we can’t help getting carried away”
He tells you the condoms grit his foreskin so you burn them without a second thought, you’re addicted to the friction anyway
Riding him while wearing his army hat might be the first time you get a taste of submissive E, he goes from critiquing your salute and posture “straighten those shoulders out honey, drop that hand snappy, now!” (all while railing you from underneath ya) to being a glassy eyed mess when you cockily ask “you like that Sarge?” while swiveling on him like he’s an toy boy barstool
Returning stateside in the snow, in full view of a crowd of swarming fans and photographers with at least five more children than you two left with
For the next couple decades you rent out the entire top floor of every hotel you stay in just so the kids can freely run down the hall
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specialagentartemis · 9 months
Trying to think of ones I haven’t already talked about A Lot
Murderbot describes Preservation as "a complicated barter system" because it doesn't really have the words or concepts to parse what it's looking at: primarily a gift economy. An economy with a robust central government that does a lot of distribution of primary resources, and a social logic based more on providing than consuming. Farmers and agriculture techs don't produce food to then trade to other people, they produce food that's then re-distributed to everyone as needed by a central organization, and the farmers and ag-techs are given what they need and want by others who, y'know, eat food and express gratitude for Having Food. People don't trade for health care, doctors provide health care to whoever needs it because that's what they've trained and chosen to do and are given what they need by others for their service in providing health care.
Pin-Lee doesn't tend to have a lot to trade but she is a lawyer who keeps things functioning between Preservation and the Corporates, does the legal work that allows Preservation citizens to safely travel, and helps to maintain the contracts that prevent other more opportunistic planets fromtaking advantage of them. She provides this service to the planet and gets what she needs from other people who provide other services. Gurathin helps to maintain the university's database infrastructure, when he's getting coffee he doesn't need to offer to like, make a database for the coffeeshop, it's just understood that he's providing a service to society and partaking in another service to society. Arada and Ratthi are research biologists and their work is only tangentially productive to The Planet but I'm sure there's a public outreach or education aspect that's expected of a lot of researchers - learning without sharing what you're learning is socially unfair, even if their lectures are mostly only attended by students who are told by their teachers to go watch them. But it's kind of understood that by being an adult in the world, you are doing something that contributes to society and to others in some way, and as such are entitled to having your needs met as well.
It's a reciprocity-based logic of actions rather than commodity exchange, and honestly it works because 1) Preservation's population is relatively small, 2) there is a lot of bureaucratic organization work making sure everyone is getting what they need, the government is SO many committees 3) a whole lot of labor is done by machines (non-sentient robots) and bots (sentient robots). The reliance on bot labor is absolutely gonna be something Preservation has to think more about.
Citizens also every once in a while on rotation get called for a kind of labor tax akin to the way jury duty works, where every couple of months you have to put in a day working in the central town food court washing dishes or something. There are also Perks offered for jobs that might be a harder sell for people to do, like premium station housing.
Straight-up money that comes into the station from outsystem trade and travel mostly gets re-invested in supporting Preservation travelers off-planet into societies that do use money (like PresAux's ASR survey), or buying materials or machines that are hard to make locally (like ag-bots, or some spaceship or station parts for repairs).
However where barter comes in is on a more interpersonal one-on-one level, more similar to commissions. You grow a lot of carrots while my grapefruit tree is producing a lot more fruit than I could possibly eat, want to trade? You make ceramics as your primary Work, I'll trade you something if you make me something specific I have in mind. Can you help me fix my roof? I'll get you some good wood when the lumber trees are mature next year. Developing skills for these kind of interpersonal more-specialized trades is a significant motivation, too. And different skills and jobs inevitably attract more status and impressiveness than others. But it's not barter exactly so much as reciprocity, a strong culture of civic duty, and a highly organized government.
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Gallavich headcanons Shameless headcanon Fic Rec Gallavich Meta Shameless meta Question Lists Masterlists Spicy heacanons Fanart Parallels Polls
Character study Ian Gallagher Mickey Milkovich Lip Fiona Liam Carl Debbie Frank Monica Franny Mandy Mickey's mom Terry Sandy the Milkovichs Tami Caleb Trevor Cole Byron
Mickey & Lip Ian & Mandy Lip & Mandy Liam & Mickey Mickey & Franny Lip & Ian
Cameron Monaghan Noel Fisher
Episodes S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11
Gallavich Wedding Prison boyfriends Uncle Ian Uncle Mickey EMT Ian
Gallavich AUs High school AU Body Painter AU Chefs AU Jury duty AU Bartender AU Motocross AU Physical therapy AU Massage therapy AU Medieval Ukrainian AU Game show AU Coworkers AU Big Brother AU Musician AU Call Of Duty AU Trapeze artist AU Scandal AU Artist AU
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bladesmitten · 5 months
So…. Do you have anymore headcanons about modern au defense attorney Wyll 👉👈
the only thing i know about being a lawyer comes from ace attorney and daredevil (and htgawm???) so i don't really have much to say 😭 perhaps @bladeofavernus might want to share some headcanons about their modern au lawyer wyll too :3c
here's some off the top of my head:
wyll's charisma makes him very well-spoken during court proceedings! just imagine him doing his opening statement... i'd be in jury duty every day idc
he loves taking marginalized clients and asking nothing in return (but they still pay him whatever they can, like a basket of fruit, because he's such a sweetheart to help them out anyway 🥺)
ulder is low-key disappointed in wyll for not taking the desk he'd offered him at his big-time firm. the reason wyll started his own small law firm is b/c he doesn't really agree with his dad's clientele policy (the rich)
idk how he would've lost his eye but if we're following the daredevil au then he probably lost it in a fight idk 😭 maybe it's from fighting karlach (who's also a superhero lol); they both realize wyll has been misled and they've been pitted against each other. they become besties after yayyy
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Fred Fredburger x Reader Headcanons 💚 💕 💚 💕 🐘
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💚 Original headcanons 🐘
🐘 Ao3 version 💕
• You two met in the frozen yogurt shop!
• You were hungry on that day, and your stomach was in the mood for a cold, creamy treat, so why not head over to the frozen yogurt place that’s conveniently down the street.
• As you walked in, you noticed a tubby green elephant-like demon who… looked as though he was having trouble deciding on what flavor to get.
• Being the helpful and kind person that you are, you help the demon out by telling him that you plan on getting mint chocolate chip and ask him if he’d like the same.
• Mint chocolate chip? Sounds good to him!
• You order two chocolate mints and pay for both of your desserts.
• As you both take a seat at the table, the green elephant thanks you for your help! It was just so hard for him to pick a single flavor since they all looked so good.
• You convey to him that it’s not a problem and that you’re always happy to lend a helping hand!
• You learn that the demon’s name is Fred Fredburger.
• Fred was… quite the character. He seemed very childish, but you found him to be adorable! You loved hearing him ramble on about his interest in nachos and his mother’s baking.
• You ask Fred if you and him could hang out more, and he excitedly says yes!
• You noticed that he tends to say that word a lot.
• Your friendship soon turned into a romance as the both of you eventually started dating.
• One day, you decide to buy your elephant boyfriend roses and chocolates, and he happily thanks you for them. He sets the chocolates in his flower vase before stuffing the roses in his mouth and eating them.
• Fred decides to draw some pictures with his crayons and shows them to you. You find them to be absolutely beautiful! The pictures were all drawn in an adorable child-like art style. The first drawing was of you and him eating nachos together with a heart drawn around you both. The second drawing showed Fred as a superhero with huge muscles saving you from a burning building, and the last drawing depicted the two of you getting married.
• Fred loved hearing you laugh everytime you and him were summoned for jury duty. He didn’t know what was so funny though, all he wanted was some nachos for you and him to share, so he kept asking the judge repeatedly for them.
• Fred introduces you to his spider friend, Jeff!
• Whenever you hung out together, you three were the ultimate trio.
• Fred jumped for joy when he found out that you were a cartoon fan too! A past time activity that you both enjoy doing is talking about your favorite animated shows! Fred’s favorites were the show about the orange monkey who went to summer camp and the show about the imaginary friends, while your favorites were the show about the three kids who went around the neighborhood scamming other kids for quarters to buy jawbreakers and show about the three superpowered little girls who fought crime and saved the world before bedtime.
• When he takes over the world again like he did at the end of “Billy and Mandy’s Big Boogey Adventure”, he makes you his king or queen and the two of you rule over Endsville together while summoning all the nachos and frozen yogurt in the world.
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redshcdes · 9 months
what's your muse's least favorite food? and do they have a guilty pleasure dish or snack?
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least favorite food?
i dont rlly think there's like.. one SPECIFIC she hates the most, but definitely bitter foods!!!
No flavor except Pain.
Guilty pleasure snack/food ?
She feels guilty over nothing.
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ornithia · 9 months
tagged by @solorovo (finally getting around to this 👀)
Last Song:
debris (by uni and the urchins)
Time will claim most everything But you belong to me Time can have all the debris But you belong to me
Currently Watching:
lol, been watching link click w/@solorovo, most recently watched (pirated 🏴‍☠️) #OPLA last week, and the weekend before last i sat w/my siblings while they marathoned jury duty, lol
Currently Reading:
ngl, lately my reading has mostly been my own process documentation for work lmao … BUT my most recent recreational reading includes two papers documenting a raven x crow pair and their courtship + their subsequent rearing of fledglings (the latter circulated tumblr relatively recently), a few brief articles trying to get more info on Pamphobeteus vespertinus (GORGEOUS spider 🕷️) and i've BEEN trying to catch up on an ongoing 79+ chapter sidlink fic which i first started reading back when i finished BOTW pre-pandemic o-);;; (and ngl - i'm reading it for the OCs rather than sidlink lmao 💀)
Current Obsession(s):
in no particular order:
world / character-building headcanons for hazbin hotel + helluva boss
the inherent queerness of naruto & whether accidental, intentional, or freudian in nature
AMC's dark & unintentional workplace comedy colloquially known as the terror
cannibalism as a metaphor for the human condition
the mortifying ordeal of being perceived as courtship
feathers' androgynising flambouyance
tagging (if you want): @the-socially-awkward-cat @spookysnooty @imightbechairs @winabego @lainybug0504
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redshcdes-archived · 2 years
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Also something that isn’t really.. Talked about a lot, that I think is kinda important, is how Terezi was ALSO liable to be culled.
Karkat is obviously brought up a lot. For reasons I don’t need to state.
However, though, people I think seem to forget that Alternia finds disabilities as ‘cullable’. As this line in part of Tavros’s introduction ...
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Terezi is blind. She is, by Alternia standards, disabled.
And I think her being a ‘mid blood’ doesn’t really save her. As it seems it’s mostly Purple blood or higher are more of the ones who can get away with anything when it comes to government, as said by Tyzias in her Friendsim route.
So, I like to HC that one of the reasons TZ wears the glasses she does as not only a homage to her ancestor, but as a means to disguise her disability. As she wasn’t seen wearing the glasses as often/all the time before she lost her sight, only when she was cosplaying. As WELL as her living in the woods, which isn’t the SOLE reason she is in the forest, but it’s one of the few reasons why she DOES like staying out there as well.
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kiliinstinct · 2 years
someone could have asked this previously but do you have any hcs or ideas for lgbt ships? I am a grayke lover like you and would love to know!!
Well, I've done some Grayke Headcanons before, and you can find those at [this post.] But lemme see if I can think up some more!
Canajane: Cana confesses first, but it takes a good long while because no one ever really knows what Cana is thinking. (does she date men as often as she says? does she like men? women? who knows? she seems pretty open to anything, but no one's ever SEEN her actually out on the dating scene all that much.) She finally confesses when she gets tired of hearing people spread rumors about Laxus and Mirajane, and is very happy when Mirajane admits she's not even attracted to men. (A fact Laxus already knew, but kept secret as it wasn't his to tell.)
Fraxus: Freed takes the lead a lot more often than one might think. It comes naturally to him after leading The Raijinshuu for so long and Laxus is happy being able to trust Freed enough to just let it happen. But their business is their business, so it doesn't get shared often.
Lisanna: Ever the chaotic asexual who likes to tease and join in on pranks, has turned down more offers for dates than she can count because she really doesn't want anything physical with people and they always have to make it about that why... (I may be projecting a little here, but shh.) May also be Aromantic, but the jury is still out on that. (Even Lisanna doesn't know. If anyone asks she's just gonna shrug.)
Eflman: Trans. What's manlier than a selfmade man. (as said by @phoenix-before-the-flame) He knew what he was since he was very young, and while it scared and confused him to bring it up at first, the way both sisters immediately called him by his chosen name and pronouns filled him with so much joy. (No wonder he immediately wanted to learn take over so Mirajane didn't have to be alone. He wanted to do for her what she'd done for him.) No one remembers who Elfman "used" to be anymore and he couldn't be happier. (and when Evergreen eventually found out, she stopped harping on him about his "be a man" speeches as much and would often say it to him instead, just to watch his face light up. But shh, don't tell anyone.) Natsu: DemiRomantic and DemiSexual. This gremlin is the Demi of all Demis. Romance? Don't think about it until he's already neck deep in feels for someone and by then it's just confusing and overwhelming so time to pretend that's not there. Sexuality? Can he eat that? (In a non sex way thank you very much.) Sure, the jokes and the fantasies come out the more he ends up liking someone, but he'd much rather a good ole brawl over the horizontal tango any day. (That and who dances horizontally? That's weird. What? What do you mean that's not what that means? Crap.)
Hisui and Yukino: They're shy babs who don't know what to do with their feelings or where to even begin expressing them. Especially since they don't see each other often, but Hisui certainly has felt things for Yukino since she first laid eyes on her and it sometimes leaves her feeling restless and annoyed that she's stuck in Crocus Castle all the time. (Being a Princess is full of too many duties to be running about on dates, after all.) Yukino is more oblivious and while she thinks Hisui is gorgeous and a wonderful leader, she doesn't understand why the Princess Blushes so much when they're around each other.
Stingue: He has moments of gay panic around Rogue more than one might think. He can't help it. The soft smiles Rogue gives just makes his heart stutter and he forgets how words work half the time. Please don't tell Rogue, the shadow slayer would NEVER let him live it down.
Frosch: No ship but.. they're enby. It's canon. No one can convince me otherwise.
I'm sure I can think up some more, but I don't wanna make this post too long. I may write more later. Thanks for asking, @newgeht !
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Hey Lemon! How are you doing today? Did you do anything for Halloween?
I have some headcanon questions for you! We all know how Ian and Mickey's first kiss went down, but who initiated their second kiss? was it also a quick peck on the lips? How long after the first kiss did it happen?
-anon xx
Hi Lovely!!
I'm actually having a good day! Even though I had jury duty I basically just sat around on my phone because they didn't need me and spent the rest of the day doing fun stuff like shopping for books and going to build a bear, and the local nerd cave.
I didn't! I never get trick or treaters where I live, and I had jury duty while my work was having their party so i didn't get to dress up there either.
It was when they're sitting on the couch watching the movie and he was all amped up and nervous.
He turns to Mickey and Mickey turns to him, Ian is looking at Mickey's mouth and internally thinking 'play it cool play it cool play it cool'. And it doesn't even register to him that Mickey is just looking at every freckle on his face like he's trying to memorize them, and Mickey starts to say something, maybe starts to ask if Ian wants more pizza bagels or if Ian wants to play some grand theft auto, but Ian leans forward quickly and presses his lips to Mickey's.
He feels Mickey stiffen and he breaks away quickly, eyes wide, worried he's done something wrong.
"S-sorry, I just thought that since, we, you, s-sorry, fuck f-forget I did it." Ian stammers out an apology wanting to sink into the floor, looking everywhere but at Mickey, his face blazing.
Mickey's heart stutters and he huffs a half laugh, "I-" his breath catches, and his lips part.
Ian looks at him and feels his heart race.
Mickey licks his lips and his eyes search Ian's face, "I don't want to forget it."
Ian's eyes widen and his lips pull into a grin, "You don't?"
Mickey's lips quirk upwards, and he shakes his head from side to side.
Ian moves a little closer to Mickey and his eyes search his face, his hands shake as he tilts his head to the side as he leans closer to Mickey.
Mickey's eyes looking from Ian's lips to Ian's eyes, his cheeks tinge with pink as Ian gets closer and closer until they're a hairsbreadth apart.
Their breath warming the other's skin, mingling together.
Ian doesn't want to spook Mickey, so he whispers softly, "Is this okay?"
Mickey huffs another laugh, "Just kiss me Gallagher."
Ian is almost startled by his words enough to not kiss him, but he smiles and he presses his lips to Mickey's and it's like he's seeing colors for the first time, and that stars are bursting behind his eyes.
When their lips part Ian looks in Mickey's eyes and sees the stars bursting in his eyes too.
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I loved this ask! Thank you dear!
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