#Lots of options to pick from but which is the Correct one - her hair would stay pink so maybe some of her pinks or purples
sysig · 1 month
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Getting closer, getting really close now I swear (Patreon)
#Doodles#Just Desserts#Villainsona#True Villainy AU#Just ignore how many times I've said that up to this point lol - I'm serious this time!#I always feel so bad designing TVAU outfits because Charm is always so miserable as a model haha#Could this be a contributing factor as to why it's taken so long?? No I enjoy drawing her like that lol#Made some design notes about the important elements of what I want for her True Villain look - more than just ''Her but Kaiein influence''#I'd still really like a nod to dragon scales of some kind but honestly her classic design is more that#Always going on about her spider theming how to make it dragony! It's the one thing I'm still hung up on lol#As for the rest I think it's Really getting close :) I got to actually turn her little ''shawl'' - I always knew it was Kaiein-related -#Into something that properly mimics his shape! It's all controlled by her tho it's not a part of his body - just magic-infused matter#Made to look like him so there's still that creep factor but it's more her body than his - she can control its shape :D#And I got to keep the jewels! Yesss - made it a motif! Now it's also on her hips and knees to break up her visual space yes very good#It's drips :) Y'know - like ink :) Finally figured that one out lol good job setting up my own symbolism me#And then some elegant drapey bits to match her ''shawl'' and continue to break up her space!! Yes! Good!!#I still haven't decided on a colour palette I think black and white is too obvious and too Kaiein but hmmm - she has a lot of colours#Lots of options to pick from but which is the Correct one - her hair would stay pink so maybe some of her pinks or purples#I'll play with some digital swatches later :)#I'm also so glad I could implement the hood design from one of the scrapped outfits ah <3 I love her in a hood she's so cute#I'm rather pleased with the way the spider web design breaks up her form as well - it's more subdued than the full bottom/shoes stripes but#It's also not very clear here lol the long ones that all the way down to her feet are the third from the center ignore that second one#The second lines out from the center host her wings! Very important!#Kinda reminds me of my holosona in a way actually :0 They /are/ both Evil-aligned hmmmm#All the more reason to colour palette! Differentiate the colours in my head#Really do feel like I'm approaching it now fdjsklafd getting close now!!
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Tear Down My Reason
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Orderly!Blue Jones X F!Reader • Rating: 18+ pals Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? | request info
Summary: Your friend and follow paitent has seemingly disappeared. There surely has to be some clue of her whereabouts in Blue's office.
Part 2/Series Masterlist
A/N: I don't know what to say.
Warnings: overuse of italics, oral sex (f receiving), p in v sex, there's some power dynamics in here, gonna say dubious concent because reader is a patient, please let me know if I've missed a warning.
Word Count: 4805
The lock on Blue’s office was embarrassingly easy to pick. For an asylum that was meant to house potentially dangerous individuals, they sure did have piss poor security.
Though, you technically were the only patient that could unlock doors with your improvised kit. A bent to hell fork, three hair pins, and a sort of straightened out spring from Abigail’s bed. 
Which is why you had to be the one to sneak in. 
The others had offered to come with you, not wanting you to face the risk alone. But, the more people the more likely it was that you’d be caught. 
The original plan had been for you to do this at night, ‘when no one else was around’, but as you’d quickly pointed out, there were plenty of people around after lights out. Lots in fact. If anything the corridors were patrolled more when the sun went down. 
So here you were, breaking in at just after 2pm. Right when Blue would be at lunch and away from his office. 
You crept in, quietly shutting the door behind you and heading for his desk. 
It wasn’t as much of a cluttered mess as you’d expected, a small mercy, but it was still a state. You sighed a little and then began to rummage through the files, keeping them as close to where they had been as you could. 
There had to be some clue here, some scrap of paper that told you where Lilly was. 
She had been taken to solitary three days ago. Solitary was empty. 
You had been searching for around ten minutes, finding nothing to aid you directly, but a few minor things that you committed to memory, such as the main access override code. 
There was a sound outside, footsteps, unmistakably Blue.
What. The. Fuck. 
You glanced at the clock: 2:11pm. He should still be at lunch, you should have plenty of time. The one fucking day that he doesn’t follow his schedule to the fucking second. 
Panic froze your limbs, squeezing them in a vice like grip that made you dizzy and nauseous. If he caught you… you end up dead. Or worse. 
You look desperately around the room for somewhere to hide. 
The outside of Blue reaches the frosted glass of the office door. 
Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck-
There was a muffled voice, someone speaking. 
“Do I look like I care about your incompetence?” Blue’s voice cut over it. 
Oh good, not only was there another person but Blue was pissed off too. 
Lacking any other viable option, you dived under the desk, pushing yourself back as far as you could and pulling the chair back into its correct place as you went. 
The door clicked open the second you were out of sight, your heart in your mouth. You tried your best to stay quiet, to breathe as carefully and gently as you could even though it still sounded thunderous in your ears. 
“Sir,” you recognised the voice, Kevin, a slimy man that personally you would quite like to see castrated, “there has to be something that-”
“Sit the fuck down.” Blue marched over to the desk, pulled out the chair and sat. 
Narrowly you managed to avoid a knee to the face, and pushed yourself even further back. 
“I am so sorry that-”
“Do I have to repeat myself?” 
You couldn’t help a small smile. There was an undeniable glee in the fact that Kevin was the one in trouble. 
As you listened to Blue verbally punch him in the gut, you discovered the reason why Blue was back so early from lunch.
There had been a fight in the cafeteria. You didn’t know the patients involved personally, barely on a first name basis. Apparently Kevin had handled the situation badly. Very badly. Another orderly was in the infirmary. 
You could hear the shake in Kevin’s voice, even as he grew quieter and quieter in the face of Blue’s rage. 
There was one horrible moment when Blue shifted in his seat, stretching his leg out, his foot caught your thigh for a second. Time stretched. But Blue didn’t even falter in his admonishments. And you thanked whatever god’s that were looking out for you.
Finally, when it seemed like the head orderly had had enough of voicing his displeasure he stood and walked with Kevin as the latter left his office. “One more mistake like this and it’ll be your last, understand?” The underlying threat in his voice was like ice down your back, despite the fact it wasn’t directed at you. 
“Yes, yes sir, thank you, I won’t, yes sir.” Kevin tripped over every word in his haste to get out of Blue’s sight. 
There was a thud and click as the door shut. Blue let out a sigh of frustration. 
The sound of the clock on the wall ticked in its even pace. 
Surely he’d go and complete his lunch break, or maybe head outside for a smoke. 
Just a little longer, the finish line was in sight, you could-
“You can come out now honey.”
For a second you didn’t feel anything, no panic, no fear. Just blissful nothing. 
And then everything came crashing down. 
Blue’s shoes clicked as he walked over to the desk. 
You were going to be sick. You were going to pass out. Your heart was beating so fast that the vein in your neck was going to burst and you’d die from internal bleeding.
Blue pulled the chair back and poked his head under the desk to smile at you. The expression would be sweet on anyone else. 
He offered his hand. 
You looked at it and then to his face.
A rabbit caught in a snare about to be skinned alive by the hunter. 
“Are you going to be civil, or do I need to drag you out?” He asked calmly. 
You took his hand. 
His smile widened. 
Surprisingly he helped you up, one hand holding yours and the other on your upper arm, making sure you didn’t bang your head on the desk edge. 
He lets go of your hand, but not your arm and holds you close.
“To what do I owe the pleasure honey?”
Oh you didn’t like that, didn’t like that at all. The way he said it, the way his lips moved around the word, the small flash of his tongue between his teeth as he elongated it, dragged it out to be far longer than it needed to be. 
You swallowed, your throat dry. “How did…” you whispered.
“How did I know you were there?” Blue finished for you, as calmly as if he was asking you what you wanted for breakfast.
You nodded once, eyes wide. Afraid that the second you blinked he would lunge for you. 
He smiled sweetly. “My office door was unlocked.” 
Your stomach drops. “You knew the whole time?” 
His smile widens and he nods twice. “Did you enjoy Kevin getting his verbal beating?” 
“I know he’s not a favourite amongst your lot.” He watched you carefully as he spoke, seemingly reading your mind from every micro action you made. “Though I don’t think he’s personally upset you, has he?” 
You stared at him, trying and failing to hide the shake in your limbs.
Blue reaches out with his free hand and slowly takes hold of your jaw. His touch is soft, light, but there’s a ridgedness to his grip, a threat of pain. “Has he?” Blue whispered.
“No.” You shake your head as much as he lets you. 
He smiles again, the expression gleaming against the sharp edge of cruelty in his eyes. “Good.” 
Slowly he lets go of your jaw to trace your right eyebrow with his warm fingers. The touch is firm, unforgiving, as he slides down your cheek. 
“Do you know why?”
You frown, shaking your head. 
“Do you know why he doesn’t bother you as much?” He pauses, waiting.
“I try to stay out of his way.” You whisper.
“No,” he lengthens the word a little, adding a slight musical bounce. “Try again.” 
“I…” you search his eyes for any sign, any hint of what the correct answer might be. Any way that you could side step his wrath. 
His fingers start to slide down to your neck. 
“I don’t.” You mutter, there are tears building in your eyes. You try to push them back. 
Blue grins. “Silly thing.” He takes his fingers away from your skin for a moment to tap the tip of your nose with his forefinger. 
You blink heavily, his firm grip on your arm stopping you from taking a step back in surprise. 
He moves forwards, forcing you around until the back of your thighs hit the edge of his desk and leans closer. “Can’t think of one, tiny reason?” He breathes, so close to you that your lips are almost touching. His left hand rests against the table behind you, caging you in.
“What were you doing in here?” His eyes are still playful but his tone shifts, completely dropping the smooth seductive tones for something much colder. 
You swallow, and take a millisecond too long to answer. 
You see the change the instant it happens, playful Blue turning into a supernova. He was going to kill you, eat you alive and pick his teeth with the bones. 
Dread swelled up like an infection, blinding you to rational thought and you did the only thing that came to mind, the only action that could provide some semblance of a distraction to his anger.
You kissed him. 
It was panicked and off, your nose bumping into his, but he freezes when your lips touch. A short intake of breath escaping his lungs.
You pull back, your mind finally catching up with your actions.
"Oh honey," he purrs, "do you think kissing me will get you out of trouble?" 
You shake your head, eyes closed as tightly as you can.
Blue chuckles lightly and tilts your chin up with the tip of his finger, you move quickly as if his touch were burning.
"Open your eyes." A more foolish person would say he sounded kind.
He wipes a tear from your cheek as you do what he says. 
"I'll tell you why," he speaks softly, gently trying to lull you into security, "he doesn't bother you. Hmm?" He raises his eyebrows. "Do you want to know?" 
You nod just because you know it's the answer he wants. 
Blue leans closer, so that his lips just touch the shell of your ear. "He doesn't bother you," he traces his fingers along your jaw again, turning your face closer to his. "Because only I get to bother you. Only I get to touch you," he places a soft kiss on your cheek, "and kiss you. Only me. Understand?"
You frown slightly, it didn’t make sense. Your interactions with Blue had always been to the minimum, you did your best to stay out of his way.
You’d heard stories though, accounts of what he could be like when he was near his worst. Those were enough to make you tiptoe around him. 
Then the longer you thought about it… the orderlies didn’t bother you like they bothered everyone else, even when you should have been directly in their war path. You had assumed it was because you were quiet, trying to be careful around them, tried not to be the centre of their attention. 
You had nearly been caught outside of your room after lights out once or twice. On one specific occasion you had been sure that you were going to be spotted, that you’d been seen, but it was as if the orderly on patrol had just missed you, had turned down another corridor at the last second. 
What if they had seen you? What if they had been told you were off limits to even shout at? That wasn’t, that couldn’t be…
Blue kisses your cheek again, pressing his chest to yours. The action is soft, pleasant almost. 
“So what are you doing in here honey?” He whispers against your skin. “And how did you get in?” He leans back slightly and bites his plump bottom lip. 
He searches your face for a moment before he continues. “Either you, or someone else stole a key, or you picked the lock, or… ah,” he smiles, perfectly reading your expression even though you were sure you stayed neutral. “We have a lock picker in our midst.” 
You swallow, the nervous gulp clicked loudly in your throat.
“I’m going to ask you one last time, why are you here?” 
“Lilly.” You whisper. 
“Ah.” Blue smiles and nods as if all the pieces were just falling together in his mind. “Of course, she’s a friend of yours isn’t she?” 
You nod. “Where is she?” 
Blue continues to smile and says nothing. 
“They said she was in solitary.”
“Who did?” He asks playfully.
“But solitary is empty.”
“How do you know?” He tilts his head to the side, grinning like this was his favourite game. 
“Blue…” You search his face for a second, oh every move you could make seemed like a very, very bad idea. “Please.” 
‘Please.’ He mouths the word back at you, delighted. “You want a favour?” 
You look down and he tuts. Quickly you look back at him. “Yes.”
“Oh, I don’t do favours honey, not with people I hardly know.” He lightly skimmed his hand along your hip. “But I can do a deal.”
“A deal?” 
“Hmm.” He stares at you, waiting for your next move, willing you to ask.
“What do you want?” 
Blue grins wickedly. The cat that got the cream. “An orgasm.” 
Of course. 
You clench your jaw, and nod, once. 
Of course that’s what he wanted. 
You don’t let yourself think about it, just move as if you're on autopilot. You step forward, beginning to drop to your knees but Blue’s grip on your bicep tightens, halting your action. 
You stare up at him confused. 
“Oh honey, I love the enthusiasm but the orgasm I want is yours.”
He doesn’t give you a second to process his words as he grabs hold of your thighs and lifts you onto the desk unceremoniously. 
The suddenness of the action jolts you and you nearly fall completely back onto the papers and files. You grab hold of the edge to stop yourself. 
Blue chuckles at the sharp escape of air from your lungs and kisses you hungrily, sliding his tongue into your mouth and moaning happily. 
He keeps a firm hold of your thighs, spreading them wide and positioning himself perfectly between him. Not leaving an inch of space between your bodies as he grinds up against you. 
You gasp into his mouth, his kisses are an onslaught, demanding. Storm waves crashing onto you and the only way you can stop yourself from drowning is to kiss back, to match his energy with your own. 
You bite his lip and he growls when you push up against him, when you grab his shoulders and dig your nails in for stability. 
He breaks the kiss only to latch onto your neck, licking and sucking and worrying the skin between his teeth.
You bite your lips together, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of hearing you moan, of letting him know you enjoyed anything he did. 
But the action was in vain, the way your breathing changed, how to pressed yourself further into his touch, leaning your head to the side so that he could gain better access, told him everything he needed to know. 
He licked a stripe up your neck, nipping lightly at your earlobe before planting a quick, wet kiss against your lips. 
Then he dropped to his knees. The action was so quick it took your mind a second to catch up with it. 
You opened your mouth to speak, but Blue hooked his fingers under your waistband and pulled down your trousers and panties in one quick stroke. The force nearly knocks you over and you jump to your feet to avoid falling.
You swore under your breath, just managing to stay upright. 
Blue tutted and pushed your hip, forcing you to sit back on his desk. Then yanked your clothes off your feet and threw them to the side of the room, quickly repeating the action with your asylum issued slippers. He left your socks on.
Instinctively you moved to close your legs, but Blue situated himself quickly between them so that your knees just brushed the outside of his shoulders. 
He tutted again and placed one warm hand on your left inner thigh and pressed. You jolted at the light touch and he smiled as he spread your further open. 
Your muscles clenched as you squirmed under his gaze, fighting the urge to cover yourself. 
Blue gazed at your cunt, seemingly committing every part of it to memory. 
The cool air of his office left goosebumps along your skin and you shivered.
“Such a pretty pussy.” He whispered before slowly dragging the tip of his forefinger through your folds. 
Your toes curled, your hips instinctively bucked towards the touch as Blue continued to stare, mesmerised. His lips slightly parted. 
He let out a soft low moan as he teased your opening, unhurriedly sinking his finger further inside to his middle knuckle before easing it out. 
Blue licks his bottom lip at the feel and sight of your wetness coating his skin. He repeats the action again, and again, and again. Always light, alway teasing, not enough pressure or pushing far enough in to do anything but rile you up. Never enough to give anything resembling relief. 
The sound of your wetness echoed around the room with every slow push and pull. Embarrassment burned along your skin, you shouldn’t be enjoying this, shouldn’t be craving him to go further. 
You whimpered, trying to keep the sound internal to save some semblance of your self worth. 
Blue didn’t look up, but he did slip his middle finger inside you to join the other in the slow tortuous glide and twist. 
You couldn’t help but sigh in relief, it still wasn’t enough but at least it was something-
At the sound of your sigh he pushed in further, finally sheathing his fingers completely in your wet heat and curling them upwards to stroke your trembling walls.. 
“Blue!” You gasp, your voice so high pitched and whiney, so desperate for him. 
“That’s it honey,” he muttered, diving forward and kissing your clit. “That’s it.” 
You moaned, the sound catching in your throat and he groaned in response, his eyes rolling back as he circled your clit with the tip of his tongue. 
He hummed against you, the vibrations sending shivers along your skin. “Taste so good honey.” He muttered before quickly returning to his previous actions. 
You couldn’t stop the little noises of pleasure cascading out of your mouth now, growing louder with every swipe of his tongue and caress of his fingers. 
His name fell out of your lips repeatedly, muffled and whispered but crystal clear to Blue’s ears.
The wet sound of his fingers continuously rang out as your slick began to drip down to his wrist and pool on the desk underneath you. 
“That’s it, that’s it,” he muttered as you grabbed hold of the back of his head with your left hand, your hips rising forward to meet his tongue and fingers, to push them deeper, harder. 
“Blue, I, oh god,” pleasure was curling so tightly in your belly, starting to send little spikes along your muscles. “Please!” 
Your sharp cry cut off whatever you were going to say next as bliss flooded your veins, overriding any other thought. 
Blue’s left hand squeezed your thigh as he continued to lick and suck and curl his fingers throughout your orgasm, trying to prolong it as much as he could. 
You came down slowly, breathing hard. 
At first you thought you’d have to tell him to stop, if he would even listen you to that is, but seemingly instinctively he slowed his movements and carefully pulled his fingers from you as he gave one last kiss to your centre. 
“Thank you.” He muttered, his voice almost inaudible. He stayed on his knees, looking down. Your cum shining on the bottom half of his face. 
He seemed so… soft like this. Behaved and, there was flutter in your core. You wanted him to… you wanted to…
You wanted him.
You leant down, your legs still shaky and tilted his head up. He stared at you with wide, confused eyes for a moment before you kissed him ravenously. This time forcing your tongue into his mouth before he had a chance to react. 
He moaned loudly, his lips moving against yours as you licked into his mouth, tasting your release and scrapping your nails along the back of his head. 
Blue sat up straighter, raising up on his knees and grabbing hold of you everywhere, anywhere he could touch to hold you closer. He whined into your kiss, heat rising to his skin as you lavished attention on him. 
“You don’t have to do this honey,” he gasped between kisses, “you did your part of the deal, I’ll-”
“Get on the chair.” You growled, biting his lower lip. 
He whimpered, soft and low in his throat as you pulled back and quickly did as you commanded. Sitting on his chair hastily and lacking grace. 
You took the smallest moment to enjoy the view. His kiss swollen lips and flushed skin, how needy he looked, the light pinch in his forehead, his chest rising and falling with his rapid breathing, how desperate he was. 
With a little hop down from the desk you approached him, pulling off your top and bra and dropping them to the floor. 
His eyes raked over your body, now completely bare for him. For a moment he was seemingly hypnotised by the swell of your breasts, the curve of your hip and reached out for you, running his hands comfortingly over your skin. 
You kissed him again needily, demanding his submission as you pushed him further into the chair. He fell back happily. 
“Up.” You took hold of the elastic waistband of his scrubs and taped his waist. 
He lifted his hips quickly, gazing at you in awe as you pulled them down to his knees. 
His cock sprang free, bobbing against his stomach. Blue seemingly wasn’t a man for underwear. 
He was long and thick, weeping from need. The urge to lean down and run your tongue along the length of him, to trace the large vein that ran up his shaft and taste the precome pooling at his tip was almost overwhelming. 
Blue stayed still, his heart echoing in his cock, making it jump with every beat. He watched you, his hands balled tense against the arm rests as he let you admire him. 
You breathed in deeply and he swallowed, an audible click. 
“Such a pretty cock,” you whispered and Blue moaned needily. 
You quickly put your left knee on the chair, just outside of his thigh, and kept your right foot on the ground as you took his length in your hand and slowly guided it inside of yourself. 
Blue let out a long cry of pleasure as you languidly sank down on him. His thighs shook with microtremors as he tensed them, forcing himself to stay still and not buck up into your sweet heat. 
You took your time, half teasing him and half out of necessity. Despite your previous orgasm and your abundant wetness, it had been a while since you’d been this intimate with anyone. 
The stretch was significant, but delicious. 
Finally, your hips met his as he filled you completely, a sigh escaping both of your lips. Instively Blue put his hands on your waist, his touch was light, careful. Just hovering over your skin. 
Experimentally you rocked against him, clenching down when the tip of him brushed wonderfully deep.
He threw his head forwards and moaned deeply, his hands tightening. 
“That’s it,” you teased and Blue bit back a sob of pleasure as you repeated the movement. 
You took hold of the back of the chair with one hand for better leverage, the leather groaning under the force of your grip and rocked back and forth again. This time just raising your hips ever so slightly before dropping them back down the length of him. 
Blue moaned, “honey,” rolling his head back to rest against the chair and trying to open his eyes, not wanting to miss a single second. 
Your walls clenched against him at the pet name, a fresh wave of wetness leaking down his cock and dripping between his balls. 
“Honey, please,” he pleaded. 
Never in your life did you ever think you’d hear Blue Jones beg. 
“Please, please, feels so good,” he bit his lip. 
“Yeah?” You quickened your pase, lifting yourself off him slightly higher than before. 
“Yes, yes, you’re so wet honey, and, oh fuck!” He sobbed
“And what Blue?” 
“Everytime I say honey you, god, you grip me so tight… like a fucking vice honey, ah!” His hips bucked upwards, moving of their own volition.
“Better keep calling me honey then.” You bit back a moan and started to move faster, bouncing on his cock and sobbing as he kept hitting so wonderfully deep. Pleasure began to build along your nerves, no longer allowing you to go slow and teasingly.
You began to chase the sensation desperately, needing to cum again. 
“Honey, yes, yes, oh god yes, that’s it, please!” He was so close, building to that perfect crescendo. He took his right hand from your hip and began to rub your clit with his thumb, needing to see you cum once more. 
“Blue!” You whine, your thrusts getting sloppy. 
“Yes, yes, honey,” he rubbed your clit faster, grabbing your hip tighter with his left and and planting his feet firmly on the floor so he could fuck you properally. “Just a little more, just a little bit more.” 
You cried out as you came so hard you nearly blacked out. 
Blue groaned, grunting as your walls squeezed him as he bucked into you. He held you tightly, working you through your orgasm and burying his face into your chest, littering you with kisses as he rutted into you like an animal in heat. 
He came with a loud moan, your nipple in his mouth, as he pumped you full of his hot, thick cum. 
Your breathing started to slow, sweat cooling on your skin. 
You expected Blue to push you off him now that he’d finished, or maybe take hold of your throat. 
Instead he wrapped his arms around you, holding you close as he snuggled into your chest. 
“You’re so perfect honey, yo-ohshit!” He moaned as your walls fluttered again at the pet name, sending a last shiver of pleasure along his nerves. You body seemingly instant on getting him to spill every last drop inside you. 
You move back, thinking you’d hurt him. But he continues to hug you close. 
“It’s okay, you just,” he chuckles softly against your chest. “Still squeezing me when I call you… that.”
You bite your lip, running your left hand through his hair. “What?” You tease, a small smile on your face.
He looks up at you, all doe eyes. “Honey.”
You clench around him, having seemingly no say in the matter. Blue bites his lip, ready for it this time and revels in the sensation. 
“Can I kiss you?” He whispers. 
The question would have been almost funny, considering what you’d just done together, but the soft, needy look he gives you makes it anything but. 
Your heart melts and you nod as you lean down and kiss him. 
His lips are gentle this time, sanguine and slow as he cups your cheek with his right hand. 
He’s the one that collects your clothes and helps you dress, placing kisses on every inch of your skin before he covers it up again. 
You don’t say another word to each other, but he kisses you knuckles, your palms and then lips before you go. 
You tell the others about what happened up to a point. The fictional you stayed hidden under Blue’s desk until he left, stayed undiscovered. You say you didn’t find anything helpful in his office. 
The next morning Lilly is in the cafeteria. She had been held in the upper levels, apparently there was another solitary there. Darker and colder. As she regails you all with her story you catch Blue’s eyes across the room. 
Neither of you do anything save stare, but it’s like a silent conversation flows through you both. 
Thank you for reading!
Taglist: @pleasurebuttonwrites @raven-rk @campingwiththecharmings @alexxavicry @mystinky-buttt @cocodiem @oscarisaacsspit @whatthefishh @mbakubabe @solobagginses @romanarose @saturn-rings-writes
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steveharringtonat3am · 3 months
Omg I loved that sunshine reader and grumpy! Steve fic! Could you do one where Steve tries to bake her something to be nice and just fails horribly? Maybe they’re already dating at that point??
It couldn’t be that hard.
Or atleast, that’s what Steve figured as he flips through a dessert cookbook you keep on the kitchen counter. Like most things in your shared apartment, it’s bright and bubbly and slightly nauseating but he just can’t deny you when he sees you smile.
He tries to focus on the cake recipes. Those seem simple enough, as opposed to the Italian cheesecake cookies or the grilled blackberry brioche bread pudding. He finds a recipe with a pink post-it, and your pretty writing stating ‘the BEST!!!’
There really weren’t any other options.
He has a few hours before you get home, so he figures he’ll start by doing some cleaning. You had a very maximalist approach to decorating the apartment. Which of course meant a lot of dusting and a lot of picking various items up and trying to remember if they were in the correct place.
Steve hadn’t expected to enjoy living with you so much. Don’t get him wrong, you were quite literally the reason he woke up in the mornings, even before the two of you started dating. But when you had brought up the idea, he couldn’t help but worry he would infect you with his general unhappiness with life. Like he would suck the joy right out of you and you’d be miserable. But the opposite happened. Now, he woke up genuinely excited. Granted it was because you would be in bed with him and he could get a sleepy kiss but still. Totally worth it.
“Do we have buttermilk?” He mumbles to himself after scanning the ingredients. The list is longer than he would have preferred, and he nearly cuts his hand open while chopping the chocolate. Luckily he manages to gather the ingredients and starts to put them in the bowl.
He finds a heart shaped cake mold, pouring in the mixture that doesn’t seem to have the consistency of cake mix but he figures the oven will fix it. With the kitchen a disaster, he figures a five minute break on the couch can’t hurt, right?”
It’s the beeping that wakes him up. Loud angry beeps from the kitchen as he jolts awake. Grey smoke has begun to haze his vision as it rises from the over.
“Shit shit shit shit shit.” He mumbles as he leaps off the couch, switching the oven off and opening it to a cloud of angry smoke and the charred smell of chocolate. He winces at the continued angry beeping, opening windows as far as they will go and waving a towel around desperately.
He doesn’t notice the sound of the key turning in the lock.
Steve is attempting to pull the charred mess out of the oven when you appear in the kitchen, wide eyed and beautiful. He closes his eyes when he sees you, as if to hide from your shocked expression.
“What happened?” The beeping stops in your presence and he lets out a small sigh of relief as he puts the probably ruined pan in the sink.
“I-well I tried to bake a cake. But then I kinda-maybe-sorta….fell asleep?” He tries for a sheepish smile but the worry on your face just breaks his heart.
“Are you alright?” You rush over to inspect his hands, checking for burns before smoothing his hair back to calm him down.
“Yeah I’m fine…I just wanted to do something nice for you.” The adrenaline has started to wear off and he just melts into you.
“I know sweetheart,” you mumble into his hair as you rub his back. “How about we leave the baking to me next time. You can lick the spoon.”
“That’s probably for the best.”
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ashisill · 8 months
The Jake fic is taking longer than I thought. So here’s a blurb to hold you guys over. Soft Jake should be out by the end of the week.
Josh is a girl dad
Jake is a boy dad
Josh is the one who’s fixing her hair for pre school. “Do we want pig tails or buns?” Turning on the curling iron, and making sure she knows not to touch it. “Its hot don’t touch” he’d say pointing at it. She’d nod her head as she watched her dad put her hair into pigtails. Josh is the one to apologize when he pulls her hair to hard “I’m sorry baby did it hurt?”. He would get it to perfection. Putting colorful little hair ties around them, or clip on charms to make her feel pretty. “Okay princess all done”. She’d smile in the mirror at her hair, and twirl it a bit at the ends. She stands up being careful not to touch the curling iron, and hugs her dad. Thanking him for making her look like princess. He’d smile from ear and ear, and place a kiss on her forehead. “Your welcome little darling”. He always makes sure she knows how much he loves her before dropping her off at preschool. “Do you know how much I love you?”. She would stretch her arms out as far as she could “this much?”. He’d agree with her, and gives her hugs and kisses before he walks her into school. Sometimes she gets teary eyed before he leaves, but she always comes home with fun little stories to tell him. And he’ll listen to every single word as he cooks her dinner for the night. Josh always makes bath time fun and relaxing for her. Once a week he’ll set a theme for her, or let her have extra toys, or if she’s had a “long day” he’ll message her scalp while he washes her hair. Which always makes her doze off in his hands. Right after bath time he lays her down in her “big girl bed”, but somehow she always finds her way back to his bed. Even though it may cause him less sleep he’ll never complain. She’ll find a home in his arms, and they’ll both drift off to sleep for the night. When she’s older, and gets her first period he’ll already be prepared. Giving her the option between pads or tampons, and teaching her the difference. Making sure to give her ibuprofen, and a heating pad for her cramps. He’s extremely understanding when she snaps at him. He never really loses his temper at her, and always gives her space.
Jake is the one to make sure there always a guitar laying out for him. One day he bought him one of those mini guitars. It ended up broke when he pulled the strings to hard. Jake just laughed it off, and took it to his office to fix it. When he’s old enough he’ll quiz him over music. Covering the screen in the car, and saying “what’s this song? Correct now who sings it?” He’ll teach him to be a gentleman. “You do not speak to your mother or any woman that way. Do you understand?” He will explain to him the importance of respect, and though he might not understand it now. It will become a part of him as he grows. Jake tries his hardest not to lose him temper, but sometimes it’s bound to happen. He’ll realized he messed up, and his son will began to tear up. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to lose my temper with you. It’s just frustrating when you don’t listen. We can fix it together okay” When the time comes to teach him about the birds and the bees. A lot of parents get weird about having this talk, and leave out important things. Not Jake he told him everything he needed to know. When he hits high school, and starts trying to sneak around Jake knows. “I was your age once too. You don’t have to sneak around. I know your going to do it regardless if I say no. So I’m not gonna try to stop you just be safe” Jake makes sure he knows if he’s ever in a situation to call him. No matter what he’ll always pick him up. He’s pounded into his head to never get behind the wheel intoxicated. The day a girl breaks his heart for the first time. He’ll come from school and immediately head for his room. Jake will give him his space for a while, but he didn’t come out all afternoon he went to check on him. He’ll tell him about a girl he loved, and how she loved another. Jake will understand, and tell him how he got over his heart breaks. His son will tear up, and Jake will tell him that it’s okay to cry. Jake will hug him, and wipe his tears. When he gets his first girlfriend Jake makes sure he’s treating her right. When he tells Jake she had a bad day he tell his son to buy her some flowers. He learned everything he knows from his dad, and Jake was always more than happy to teach him.
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connabeth · 2 years
mortal body, timeless souls
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my very late entry into @pjo-hoo-bigbang. thank you to my wonderful betas @percyheartsannabeth and @annabethy and artist @flyingdonuuts, love u all very much.
percabeth study abroad au // ~20k // excerpt below
She shoots a quick text to Silena, letting her know she’s ready so they can meet up to go to the beach together. They’d booked a jet skiing tour for their first day in Greece, which in hindsight seemed like a poorly thought-out plan, considering sleep felt like the more tempting option.
The university-provided housing isn’t far from Sally’s home, thankfully. Annabeth is grateful for a familiar face to help her navigate through this.
She spots the raven-haired girl making her way towards her, red sunglasses resting atop her hair, bag slung one shoulder, cool refresher in the other hand.
“Hey, babe,” she greets, and Annabeth falls into pace beside her as they make their way out of the cluster of homes towards a busier street with yellow taxis.
“Hey, Lena. Is that a new suit? You look pretty,” Annabeth compliments.
Silena, being the friend that she is, recognizes Annabeth’s ulterior motive immediately. She rolls her eyes, offering her drink to Annabeth. “You could just ask for a sip, you know.”
Annabeth greedily takes more than a sip, feeling the cold slide down her throat and settle into her stomach. “I know,” she says cheerfully. “You really do look good.”
“Well, what else is new? How are things with,” Silena pauses, “uh, what was her name, Sarah? Sammy?”
“Sally,” Annabeth corrects.
“Yeah, her. Sally…Jackson, right?”
“Yup,” Annabeth confirms, settling down on a rocky overlook on the cobblestone path, feet a little worn from all the walking she’d done today. “She’s…nice. Like, really nice.” Annabeth picks at a loose thread on her coverup. “Kind, I mean.”
“That’s good.” Silena replies lightly.
“Yeah, she’s great,” Annabeth smiles wistfully. “Fed me a whole family-sized meal the moment I stepped through the door. God, you would not believe how good those cookies were, too. I’ll try to sneak you a couple sometime.”
“I knew I picked you for a reason,” Silena smirks for a second, then she sobers up. “But?”
“But?” Annabeth asks, brows furrowing.
“But?” Silena repeats, prodding. “What’s on your mind?”
Annabeth stares at the other girl for a long moment, admiring the way her hair catches the sunlight and her lips seem especially shiny today, ignoring the knowing eyes seeing right through her.
Annabeth sighs, relenting. “I don’t know. She’s lovely and inviting and generous. Hell, she even offered to pay for the cab fare to the beach. I got lucky.” Annabeth tucks her knees to her chest as close as she can hold them, forehead coming to rest on her thighs. She sighs again, admitting, “It’s a lot. I don’t—” Annabeth pauses to discreetly wipe a lingering tear that had sprung out of thin air against the fabric of her coverup. 
She feels Silena’s palm on her lower back, the contact radiating warmth that cocoons her entire body. Annabeth knows she understands.
“I don’t know what to do with that. I don’t know how to act,” Annabeth confesses.
Her father, if he could even be called that, was never the most affectionate or doting. She could get on her knees in front of him and plead for his attention like a stray dog begging for scraps and she knows he wouldn’t look up from his war models and research papers. She haunted her own house like a disgraced, uninvited apparition, slipping in and out without so much as a glance. It’s why she ran away. She’d gotten more than used to living out one corner of that Virginia brownstone, speaking only when spoken to, taking up as little space as possible, her entire life ready to be packed into a single trunk with room to spare. She wasn’t okay with it, but it was her life and she’d long ago accepted it. But it didn’t feel like much of a life, a stranger in her own house, intruding on a family that wasn’t hers.
One conversation with her best friend at the time later, she’d taken his joking advice too seriously and evacuated the brownstone with $500 in cash stolen from her dad’s wallet and a backpack with enough water and clothes to last a few days. She’d left in the dead of night, but she hadn’t bothered being quiet—what difference would it make if her father wouldn’t have noticed either way. It was the best decision she’d ever made. Her father had reached out to her intermittently, too much to let the hurt ebb away over the years, not enough to show he cared that she’d packed up her life and started anew to escape him and his wife.
Her mother…she doesn’t know much about her mother. Annabeth’s a lot like her, she’s been told. With wistfulness. With disdain. She wonders if Frederick ever looked at Athena the same way he looks at her stepmother. His current marriage is all she’s ever really known. Not wanting to spend her formative years feeling like her soul belonged somewhere else, she’d filed for emancipation and moved to New York and made a home out of a ninety square foot cell in one of the only boarding schools they had in the city. So, really, Frederick isn't her father. She doesn’t think it makes a difference.
Silena pulls her from her thoughts. “Hey, it’s okay. You just need to get acclimated with your environment. Everything’s a little awkward the first time.”
“Have you met her kids yet?”
“Nope, not yet. Her daughter’s at swim practice and her son is out doing god knows what.”
“I think the part that terrifies me most about home stays is being the awkward outsider in the middle of a family argument. Like I would not know what to do with myself if she and her son got into a screaming match or something.”
“Thanks, I didn’t have enough to worry about.”
“No problem.” Silena grabs Annabeth’s arm and places it into her lap, fiddling with her palm. “But from what you said, that shouldn’t be an issue.”
“Yeah…she has, like, the most warm, nurturing energy. She fusses over you like a grandma but she honestly isn’t old at all. Pushing forty at the most.”
“Or she just has a flawless skincare routine.”
“Or being a good person means you don’t get wrinkles.”
“You should save money for Botox then.” Silena quips, already leaning away in defense of the incoming shove.
“Oh my god, wait, you know what?” Annabeth stops in her movement. “She had an American accent. I don’t know why that’s only now just registering but I guess I’m so used to hearing them, I didn’t notice.”
“So you think she’s from the states then?”
“I mean, probably. Maybe she moved here not too long ago.”
“Well, there you go. Maybe she’ll understand you more than you realize.”
Silena gives her hand a final pat and stands up, offering a hand to help her up. Annabeth takes it, stretching out her limbs and rolling her shoulders.
“So,” Silena starts, a devious smile playing at her lips. “Ready to ogle some sexy Greeks on the beach?”
“Not unless they look like Giannis.”
“That’s a tall ask.”
Annabeth shoots a deadpan stare and Silena’s cheeky expression. “One more pun and I’ll ram my jet ski into yours.”
Silena winces, “Ooh, babe, you don’t have the bank account to cover those damages. Or my funeral costs.”
“What if the break mysteriously stopped working?”
“Let’s be real, what would you do without me here? You wouldn’t last one week.”
“You think very highly of yourself.”
“How can I not? Look at me,” she says, flipping her hair.
“Your bikini bottoms are inside out.”
“What?” Silena scrambles to feel for the tag. “No they’re not, you cunt.”
Annabeth grins, hailing a taxi. They arrive on the beach and it’s fairly crowded, as expected, families gathered along the shoreline, paragliders riding the waves. The girls make their way towards the watersports booth where two guys are conversing over a sheet of paper. One is taller and stockier, built like a football player, his smile disarmingly charming. He probably wouldn’t hurt a fly. Not her type. The other guy standing next to him, black hair tousled from the salty breeze, is also tall, but on the leaner side. Annabeth tries not to stare too hard at the way his sunkissed biceps look as his elbows rest on the chipping wood of the booth, his head held in his palms.
Annabeth pointedly ignores the very sharp, very unnecessary elbow in the ribs from Silena.
“You seeing what I’m seeing?” Silena murmurs under her breath.
“I’m not seeing Giannis so….”
Silena rolls her eyes. “You’re impossible. Learn to appreciate the eye candy when it comes your way.”
“I don’t know, it kind of feels like we’re objectifying them,” Annabeth protests.
“We are.”
continue reading
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fluentmoviequoter · 5 months
Slow and Steady (Forever)
Part 2 of Slow and Steady (requested by @astroherogirl)
Summary: You relationship with Victor Vale is proof that slow and steady wins the race (or marriage).
Warnings: slight angst, fluff, Sydney and Mitch are my favorite dynamic duo, Victor is vulnerable
Word Count: 1.4k+ words
A/N: This picks up at the end of Slow and Steady, but most of it takes place 2 years later! For reference, Vengeful takes place 5 years after Vicious, so this is placed in the middle and just a fluffy break, which Victor deserves. I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think!🤍
Picture from Pinterest
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“No,” you answer, tears building in your eyes.
“Don’t do that,” Victor begs, raising a hand to wipe your cheeks.
“I- it’s too much.”
“It’s not enough,” Victor argues.
You nod, taking a shaky breath as you lay a hand on Victor’s chest. “Ask again.”
“Will you marry me?”
The ring is far too expensive, and you feel strange accepting it.
“On one condition.”
Victor laughs, and you smile at the sound. He shakes his head, raising his brows as he prepares to hear your conditions.
“Tell me where you got the ring.”
Victor sighs, running a hand through his hair before answering, “My parents sent me allowances every once in a while when I was younger. I think they suddenly remembered I existed and figured they should acknowledge me, as quickly as possible. The checks were big, and I saved them.”
“I’ve had it for years,” Victor interjects, answering your unasked question about how he bought it without a bank account or ID. “I’ve known for years, I was just too scared to let you know.”
“Vulnerability isn’t easy for me,” Victor answers slowly. “I have had a lot of people use my emotions against me, so I shut them off or hid them under stoicism and-“
“Meanness,” you fill in, smiling up at Victor.
Your soft smile and softer touches distract him, as they always do, but he fights to stay focused.
“You never answered,” he points out in a whisper.
“Ask me one more time?”
“Will you marry me? And stay by my side forever, no matter what happens and how vulnerable I become at your touch?”
You loop your hands around Victor’s arms, leaning up to kiss him. For once, you gave him the reaction he desired, and he’s never been happier to be the recipient of your affection.
“Yay!” Sydney cheers, walking around the corner from her hiding spot. “I knew she’d say yes!” She looks at Victor to add, “Especially considering she already said yes, but you felt the need to do it ‘properly with a ring.’” Her air quotations and poor imitation of Victor remind you of someone else’s signature sarcasm and deflection.
“Are you sure she isn’t your kid?” you whisper to Victor, smiling brightly.
“I hope not,” Victor answers, faux terror in his voice.
“Don’t be mean, she’s great,” you chide, removing yourself from Victor’s arms to hug Sydney. “Still up to help me pick a dress?”
Sydney squeals and Victor turns quickly, leaving you and Sydney to do… whatever you two do.
✯2 Years Later✯
Victor’s hand trails up and down your forearm. His fingertips are gentle, barely grazing your skin before dropping to tap your ring finger. 
“And you thought I was the one with the soft touches,” you mumble against his chest.
“They were convincing,” Victor whispers while kissing your temple.
You turn your head to kiss Victor’s jaw, his hand catching yours as you move.
“I love you,” you whisper, brushing your fingers over Victor’s chest.
He looks at you, weighing his options. You know when he decides on a reply, and your smile grows as he prepares to answer.
“I think you drugged me.”
“How’d you figure it out? I’ll have to tell Mitch to up the dose.”
“Maybe you’re the drugged one,” Victor corrects, narrowing his eyes at you while his arm tightens around your waist. “No one in their right mind would fall for me.”
“No one in their right mind would take as long as you did to fall for me,” you reply.
You push your fingers into his hair, half expecting him to purr as his eyes close.
“Vic?” you whisper. “When all of this is over, will you still feel the same?”
Victor’s eyes snap open at the vulnerability in your voice. He’s always expected you to tell him what you think, but he didn’t consider the doubts swimming in his mind could be affecting you, too.
“I have loved you for the equivalent of a lifetime, and though I know it will hurt, I will never stop. No matter what life brings, or what you do, falling out of love with you is impossible. And despite the pain I know it brings, I am yours from now until the end of everything.”
You scrunch your nose as you hide your face in Victor’s neck.
“Why did I marry you?”
“For my honesty and charm,” Victor jokes.
“I could always just walk out, pawn the ring, and you couldn’t do a thing about it.”
“I know.”
You sit up quickly, holding Victor’s face between gentle hands as you raise yourself on your elbows.
“Don’t ever say that again.”
“Sorry.” Victor leans up to kiss you, pulling you back down with him.
“This doesn’t seem very sorry,” you mumble against him.
He chuckles, more a shake of his chest than anything, but you know he’s as lovesick as you used to be. Turns out, it is as contagious as you hoped.
“Quote my letter one more time and I will kiss you until you can’t talk,” you threaten as you pull back.
“Oh no,” Victor exclaims. “Being kissed by my beautiful wife? Whatever will I do?”
“Sarcastic answers are my thing.”
“And loving you is mine.”
“I wish I could have what you and Victor have,” Sydney admits while you paint her nails.
“Someday, you will,” you answer, glancing up at her. “The world won’t always be like this. Eventually, EON will be gone, and maybe EOs will be accepted everywhere. Then you can find your person and settle down forever.”
“How did you know Victor was your person? Besides the whole opposites attract thing?”
You shrug, focusing on keeping her nail polish neat.
“I guess I could feel it. It was more that he drew me in; I wanted to be close to him. I wanted to be the reason he smiled. Still do.”
“So, it’s the person that…”
“Makes you feel at home. Shows you what it’s like to know someone on a deeper level, I suppose.”
“I can’t imagine Victor Vale willingly let you see his ‘deeper level.’”
“Sometimes, one person falls first. And, more often than not, the other person doesn’t fall at all. In my, case, he took his sweet time, but he did fall.”
“And he fell harder than she did,” Mitch adds, eavesdropping as he reads the paper on the couch.
“He also let me get away with a lot. If he had acted truly uninterested, I would have given up,” you admit. “Knowing someone enough to fall in love with them is important.”
Sydney nods, steadying her hand as Dol plops his head in her lap.
“Victor?” she asks, waiting for Victor’s hum to continue. “How did you know?”
“She didn’t let up.”
You wait for more, and when Victor doesn’t add anything, you let a small laugh slip past your lips as you return your attention to Sydney.
“And she does things like that,” Victor adds quietly.
He looks over and sees Sydney watching him, so he sighs and abandons his spot on the couch, crossing his legs to sink to the floor beside you.
“Look at your hands, Sydney,” Victor demands, though not as harsh as usual. “She touched me like that – soft and caring – and I didn’t know how to react for a long time. I tried to hate it, to get annoyed, but I couldn’t. Something about how she acted made me know, without a doubt, that what she said and did was genuine. When I finally let myself be vulnerable again, with her, I learned that she was worth it. Mitch is right, she loved me first, but I love her more.”
You snort, elbowing Victor.
“Why get married if it’s not real?” Sydney asks.
“It is real,” you and Victor answer together.
“No, it’s not a legally recognized marriage, but we meant what we said when we took the vows,” you add.
You finish Sydney’s nails and lean over against Victor.
“You’ll find someone when the time is right, Sydney,” you promise.
“Guys,” Mitch begins uneasily. “EON popped back up.”
You look over at Victor.
“I’m not losing you again,” you say before he can speak.
He smiles, pulling you close and kissing your hand above your wedding ring. In parallel to the night that changed your life back in college, Victor Vale pulls you in with a soft touch and a sweet smile.
“Please come with me. I promise to keep you safe, and I am never leaving your side again.”
“I am yours. I will be forever. I’m at your side, no matter where we go.”
Mitch pretends to gag as he covers Sydney’s eyes, turning out of the room as you kiss Victor.
“Softie,” you tease against his lips.
“Learned from the best, Mrs. Vale.”
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angsty-violet · 5 months
Coffee for Three
Aramis stopped as he caught sight of a new coffee shop. He was always on the lookout for places that he could spend some time writing and getting out of Anne’s hair. Now that she worked from home, the house was a little crowded at times and he took every opportunity to find somewhere he could write without bothering her.
He stepped inside and was immediately assaulted by the sweet smell of coffee and cookies. It was quiet, not very busy, with plenty of tables. He could just make out the soft sounds of light music and decided to give it a try. He stepped up to the counter and perused the menus, delighted to see that there were a number of tea options available for purchase.
“What can I get for you?”
Aramis tugged his eyes away from the menu and landed on the most handsome man on the planet. His skin shone with a slight sheet of sweat and his broad shoulders stretched his shirt tight. Aramis had to swallow back the instinctive urge to say ‘you.’
“I’d like a large Darjeeling please.”
“Coming right up. Feel free to have a seat and I’ll bring it to you.”
Aramis nodded and caught the man’s name on his nametag. “Porthos” was a strong handsome name for a strong handsome man.
He took his computer bag and picked a table near one of the windows with a good view of the counter. He opened it up and started to type out the outline for his next book. However, every time he put down a few words he was distracted by the man at the counter preparing several drinks at the same time. His mouth watered at the sight of his arms working to create several drinks.
Aramis pulled out his phone and shot off a quick text to Anne.
“Found the cutest guy, going to ask him out. Alright with you?”
“If I can come along, yeah.”
Aramis sighed. It wasn’t impossible to get a date with a stranger as a poly couple, but it wasn’t easy either. Too many people were weirded out by the thought of being with more than one person. Well, all he could do was try.
When Porthos brought him his drink Aramis had assumed he was going to be smooth about it, instead what came out of his mouth was more like a desperate lonely person, trying to get any kind of social contact.
“Do you want to go out on a date with two very lovely, albeit slightly odd people? One of which is me, and the other is a very lovely woman who is smart and successful.” Aramis saw the look on Porthos’ face which was somewhere between surprised and flabbergasted and could hit himself.
“I mean, not if you don’t want to, of course. Don’t feel obligated. It’s just you’re very handsome and clearly very hard working and you seem like the sort of opened minded man to go out on a date with a couple.”
Porthos held up a single hand and Aramis managed to stop talking. “I’d love to go on a date with you and your partner. I just moved here, and I don’t really know anyone but my friend Athos and his excitable boyfriend d’Artagnan. So, yes, I’ll go out on a date with you.”
Aramis grinned and let out an awkward laugh. “Great, so, give me your number and I’ll text you so we can set it up.”
Porthos smirked and turned the disposable coffee cup to face Aramis. Aramis glanced at it and saw a phone number written with a smiley face.
Aramis had changed his outfit four times and now Anne and both cats were watching in fascination as he checked himself in the mirror, again.
“I liked the second better than this.”
Aramis turned to look at her and then back to the mirror. She could see that he agreed with her. Which of course he would because she was correct. Her own outfit had already been chosen a half hour ago and now she was just waiting for him to decide on an outfit. Whoever this man was, clearly Aramis liked him a lot. Not to mention that they had been texting back and forth every waking minute.
He changed his outfit just as the doorbell chimed and Anne was on her feet before he could even offer to get the door.
She whipped open the door to look the man her boyfriend had asked out up and down. He was just as Aramis had described him, although he had changed out of his work clothes into a nice pair of slacks and a button-up shirt. She held out one of her hands.
“Hello, I’m Anne. Come in and make yourself comfortable.”
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ikkaku-of-heart · 1 year
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@indomiitas​ asked: Beckman placed a tray of cookies down by Ikkaku‘s side where the lone Heart moped about on the deck of the Red Force. “I‘m sorry you‘re missing that Heart Day of yours, lass,“ he murmured in sympathy, lighting a cigarette as he looked out over the ocean. “If any of our rookies should give you trouble today, feel free to tell me. I‘ll knock 'em round.“ { from Beck!! }
Heart Day Asks (Still Accepting!)
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The Red Hair Pirates had been treating Ikkaku well since they’d picked her up. Really, she had nothing to complain about; Shanks had been continuing to give her the VIP treatment while they waited for her captain to come find her, and everyone had been very kind, working hard to keep her spirits up, but as wonderful as they all were, they simply could not fill the aching hole in her heart the absence of her nakama had caused.
It was even worse now that it was February 14th. Valentines Day to most, but to her crew, a much better holiday - Heart Day. A day where the Heart Pirates rejected the mushy lovefest the rest of the world insisted on and instead spent it as a family while partying harder than any pirate crew out there. And Ikkaku was missing it. Was the crew still celebrating despite her absence? Were they putting it off so they could continue to search for her?
She wasn’t sure which option made her feel worse.
The sound of Beckman’s voice and the accompanying smell of cigarette smoke managed to pull her gaze away from where she’d been staring longingly at the horizon. She’d been doing that a lot, hoping that a bright yellow submarine would surface if she wished hard enough. 
“Yeah, me too,” Ikkaku sighed. She’d told him and Shanks about Heart Day when the red-haired captain had asked if she wanted anything special songs or food to celebrate Valentine’s Day. It had been hard not to get choked up when she’d explained why she didn’t celebrate.
Picking up one of the heart-shaped, frosted cookies, she bit into it. It was delicious, of course, but the sweetness didn’t bring the same pleasure it usually would. After all, it wasn’t yellow or anatomically correct and it wasn’t made by a tsundere cook who had ensured everything was wheat-free.
Beckman’s offer of smacking around rookies almost coaxed a smile out of her, but it faltered. A couple had indeed flirted with her earlier - whether out of attraction or wanting to cheer her up, she wasn’t entirely sure - but had backed off when they’d seen she was clearly in no mood for it. “I’ll keep that in mind, but I doubt they’ll bug me much,” she mumbled, wiping red frosting away from the corner of her mouth. “You an’ Shanks have got ‘em well-trained. Besides, pretty sure my mood’s been a good deterrent. Which is good. Law’d be pissed if I were bein’ a ho on Heart Day. It’s the first rule; no dates, only nakama.”
The thought had tears stinging behind her eyes, and she looked back at the horizon, hoping the wind might dry them before they could fall. “Fuck. I miss those idiots so much,” she whispered, heart aching harder as she watched the vast seas around the Red Force remain painfully blue - not so much as a speck of yellow to be found. 
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graciegoeskrazy · 2 years
Pairings: Sebastian Stan x teen!daughter!reader
Word count: 1140
A/N: Hai. So um. I got a lot of writing done Sunday and was prepared to finish it all Monday and post it...but then a starting throwing up on Monday because of a stomach bug lolz. But, I just got back to school today and I'm fine now, but I was up till 2am last night which is so unlike me. I just had this surge of inspiration and was like “f it lets write.” I usually do “angsty-er” things but this is just cuteness and love so...sorry if this sucks. I hope you enjoy! This is also bussed off a quiz on Buzzfeed. I’ll link it at the end🥰 Do NOT repost my work on other platforms. 
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You and your dad were handed laptops once you took your spots on the chairs. The ‘director’ was super nice. She had short, straight, brown hair, with big cat eye eyeliner on both eyes, and a jacket wrapped around her waist. “So if we could get started by doing an intro? You know, just something like, ’Hey, I’m Sebastian Stan. I’m y/n we’re doing this quiz blah blah blah’ you know, the usual? I know this isn't your guy’s first time in front of a camera.” You and your dad nodded understanding what she meant. “Just play off each other, have fun, and remember to say the question and the answer options before picking.”
“I’ve seen like every single one of these, I'm super excited!” She laughed. “Okay great! Whenever you guys are ready.” 
Sebastian gave you a reassuring look before starting you both off. You smiled and nodded before he turned back to the camera.
“Hey, I’m Sebastian Stan.”
“I’m y/n Stan.”
“And today, we are taking a quiz with BuzzFeed.”
“And I'm gonna win.”
Your dad gave you a fake confused look. “I don’t think that’s how it works, babe.”
You shrugged and looked into the camera before saying, “I’ll still win.” which made everyone laugh.
“Wait! What quiz are we taking?”
“Uhhh…ha. ‘Answer these would you rather question and we will reveal if your soulmate is Sebastian or y/n Stan.’ I’m not sure- what if I get myself? What does that mean?” He asked, looking at you. You simply shrugged. “We’re gonna find out. Let's start.”
“Alright. ‘Would you rather spend the rest of your life with a sailboat or an RV as your home?’ Is there a nether button?”
“I would 100% choose RV. I am terrified of the ocean.”
“I knew you were gonna pick that.” He laughed.
“Like the boat looks fun for a night out or a vacation but not to spend the rest of your life on! Also, the commute to work would be awful and quite impossible with a boat.”
Your dad was starting to make fun at how serious you were taking this.
“What about you? What do you think?”
“I think you are 100% correct. RV it is.”
After a short moment of silence, you asked him a definite ‘no’ question. “Does that mean we can get an RV?”
“Next question.”
You giggled.
”Would you rather be the first person to explore a new planet or be the inventor of a drug that cures a deadly disease?”
“Deadly disease.”
“Why?” He asked.
“Because if you think about it, a new planet would be super duper far away from here, like farther than Pluto or something like that. We couldn’t even go.”
He seemed pretty impressed. “Hm. I like it…I’m still choosing ‘new planet’ though.”
“Ugh. I knew you would.”
“I love space stuff y/n!”
“I know! How do you think I know that stuff? Next one.”
“Would you rather go back to age five with everything you know now or know everything your future self will learn now?”
“I really want to skip this one.”
“Meh. I think I’d go to the future.”
“What?! Okay, but like, wait.” You crossed your legs and faced your dad. He laughed at how hard you were thinking this through. He put his fist to his chin and smiled at you. “This isn’t real, sweets. It’s just a quiz. A fun quiz.”
“I know, but I like to be right.”
“Oh my gosh. You are my daughter.”
“Would you rather be an average person in the present or a king of a large country 2500 years ago?”
“Okay, so. 2500-2022=…”
“Sweets. Pick an answer.”
“I am!”
“Math shouldn’t have to be involved.”
“Okay yeah, no. An average person today.” You gave the camera a thumbs up and clicked the keyboard while your dad rolled his eyes.
“Would you rather move to a new city or town every week or never be able to leave the city or town you were born in?”
“Move every week.” You stated.
“Seems like a lot but whatevs.”
“You see how easy it was to make a decision on something that isn’t going to happen?” He gave you a smirk while you rolled your eyes.
“Okay, almost done. ‘Would you rather be forced to dance every time you heard music or be forced to sing along to any song you heard?’ It’s gonna be singing for me.”
“I would dance. I’m not that great of a singer.”
“Whatever. It seems more convenient…”
“It actually doesn't.”
“But I would constantly get pissed because I would be doing the same choreography to Disney channel songs constantly because that's all I listen to.”
“Oh my gosh. You're nuts.”
“I get it from you.”
“Would you rather your only mode of transportation be a donkey or a giraffe?”
“Giraffe! OMG. Screw the donkey!”
“I guess so.”
“I would have a giraffe and name him rizzo.”
“Like…from grease?”
“Oh my gosh. Last one. ‘Would you rather have to read aloud every word you read or sing everything you say out loud?’ Read aloud. I already do that.”
“Same. That’s fine with me.”
“Again, see how easy that was?”
You rolled your eyes yet again.
You gasped. “I got me!”
He fake-gasped. “I got me to!”
“Ha ha! It says, ‘You are always the life of the party, and never afraid to let your true self fly free. You have so many amazing talents, and never take anything you have for granted.’ Awe. I’d say that’s pretty accurate! What does yours say?”
“It says, ‘You're more of the quiet type and need to find the right person to be totally comfortable with, which is why Sebastian is the perfect guy for you! You two are both adorkable and appreciate the little things in life.’ Yeah that's accurate but it makes me look like a wuss or something.”
“No! I like it. It's fine.”
Soon, the small crew clapped and the director approached you both. “Perfect. That was awesome guys! Give us an outro and we can wrap it up.”
Your father just looked at the camera before thinking. In all honesty, he was kind of over it. It had been a long day of press and meeting people so he was…losing it?
“I'm Sebastian and this is y/n and go watch our shows and stuff.” He followed his bleak comment with a thumbs up which made everyone laugh. You sighed at him before dividing to help him out. “Thank you for watching. Go subscribe to Buzzfeed and watch ‘Pam & Tommy’ and ‘Fresh’ out now on Hulu, and my new show on Netflix coming in two weeks. You looked at your dad. “Better?” He continued looking at the camera. “Do what she said.”
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Buzzfeed quiz here!
Thanks for reading!
122 notes · View notes
midgardianweasley · 3 years
Oh please may I request a Natasha X fem reader where Natasha comes down with the flu & reader takes care of her. At first Natasha is in denial & stubborn about being sick but Reader is having none of it, especially for the woman she has feelings for. So reader carries Natasha to her room. For a week reader does her best to make the red head as comfy as she can. Then one night when Natasha is high on medication, confesses her feelings for reader. Just pure fluff! I will forever be grateful! ❤️❤️
of course! i hope you like it <3
Take care of you
Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
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Summary/request: Natasha comes down with the flu & reader takes care of her. At first Natasha is in denial & stubborn about being sick but Reader is having none of it, especially for the woman she has feelings for. So the reader carries Natasha to her room. For a week the reader does her best to make the red head as comfy as she can. Then one night when Natasha is high on medication, confesses her feelings for the reader.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 3.8k
Message/ask if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
Requests are open
It was another day in the compound, the early sunrise started to make its way into your window, dimly lighting the room and beginning to make you stir awake.
A quiet groan escaped your lips, arms and legs automatically stretching before relaxing immediately afterwards. You’d just come back from a mission a couple of days ago, it had been exhausting and cold. So, so, cold. So it was a relief to get into pyjamas and your blanketed bed with the heating up so the room was warm, but not a furnace.
Standing up, your toes curled into the fluffy rug as you picked up a grey jumper that had been discarded beside the bed, throwing it over your figure, falling just below your thighs which were covered with loose sweatpants.
You made your way out of the bedroom and towards the communal kitchen belonging to everyone that belonged on your floor, Tony had made an all girls floor for us, apparently we need the space to deal with our 'girly stuff', that man has a way with words. Tony stayed with Pepper on their own floor and the male Avengers had been split up in small groups across other floors.
Expecting the kitchen to have a few people inside either eating or just chatting, you were surprised to see that it was empty for as far as you could see. However, it was obvious that people had been in beforehand, with the odd plate and mug lying around next to the sink.
‘Must be in training’ you thought.
Before you could walk to the kitchen island and begin to make something to eat, you heard a sneeze coming from the doorway a few steps behind you. With a small jump, you turned to see an assassin whose nose was currently the same colour as her hair.
“Sorry for scaring you.” She snuffled. Obviously the cold hit some people a little harder than others.
“It’s alright, you okay though? You sound a bit snuffly.”
“Yeah, I'm fine. Just allergies.” Pulling some Frosties from the cupboard below her, exposing her side a little as her top fell forward.
You knew she was lying, she’d told you ages ago that she didn’t have any kind of hayfever or anything when you walked around the compound with antihistamines constantly in your back pocket during the spring time last year and she was making jokes about how screwed you would be if the Avengers had to fight against pollen. You weren’t impressed.
You decided to leave it be for now, let her keep up her little facade, even though you knew, and she did too, that you could read her like a book and you knew she was sick.
“Right. Allergies.” You nodded directly to your friend and teammate, walking towards her to make yourself some cereal too, smirking to yourself slightly whenever you heard her try not to audibly sniffle.
The thing about Natasha that you'd always found so bittersweet, was her stubbornness. She always stuck to her guns, always made a deal to let it be known she was correct, however it was never in a malicious way, or to make anyone feel bad, she just liked to make her point. While you admired her confidence and certainty in her words, it was also incredibly frustrating when she was determined she didn't need any help.
Back in the days when she was hesitant to trust all those around her, she wouldn't let anyone help her heal her wounds from missions she'd been hurt on. Always brushing it off with an 'I'm fine' or 'I can do it myself'. She's grown a lot since then, she even occasionally let's you braid her hair when it's fallen out or she just needs to relax a little and while you know it's mainly for practicality, you still pride yourself on the fact that she chooses you to do that for her. To help her.
You just wish she'd have that same trust in you to nurse her a little.
"Doing okay over there?" You directed to the redhead who now sat curled up into the corner of the sofa by the windows, slowly munching on her cereal and taking short, mouthy breaths
"I'm doing" sniffle "great" She rubbed her nose with the back of her hand, it slowly appearing more red and irritated by the action.
You internally sigh, wondering how long it'll really take for her to fess up to you that she was coming down with something. Continuing to make your cereal and tidy up afterwards, you pick up the bowl and make your way over to Natasha.
"Do you mind if I sit with you?"
"Sure, but not too close"
"Why not?"
"Because i.."
"Because you're…?"
"Sneezing all over the place! I don't want to sneeze on you. You know how it is with your hayfever"
In her years of being a highly trained assassin, a black widow, you think that that has to have been the worst lie she's tried to pull off.
"I do, but I don't think you would"
"You don't have hayfever, Nat. You're sick."
"I'm no-" she was interrupted with another sneeze, grabbing a tissue from the box sitting on the table beside her.
“Bless you.”
“thank you” she mumbled, soon beginning to realize that with every minute, her story begins to crumble and her ill health becomes more obvious.
“come on, i’m taking you to bed”
“you’re not even gonna ask me on a date first? classy.” she joked, although congested, her wit remained just as quick and just as sassy.
It was moments like these, where she made those flirty comebacks or comments that made you wonder if the feelings you’ve harbored over the past months are reciprocated. you’d always put it to the back of your mind when you’d occasionally see her and Bruce cosying up, or what appeared to be a loving gaze shared between her and Steve. You decided to put your feelings to one side, not willing to not only ruin something for Nat, but end up being hurt in the long run. It was best to stay friends.
If only you knew.
A playful glare was sent her way upon hearing her words, trying to silently communicate that try as she may, she isn’t winning this one. It felt like you were staring at each other for hours, realistically it was only a matter of seconds, minutes at a push, before she threw her head back in defeat and audibly groaned at the fact she’d lost.
“Okay. okay, fine, I surrender”
You rolled your eyes at the dramatics, all of this for some bed rest, meds and soup. Standing up from your spot, you lean down and swiftly lift the redhead up bridal style in your arms, cereal being long forgotten. One of the perks of attending Steve’s training sessions, you build up a hell of a lot of strength because that man does not go easy on you.
It was a short walk to Nat’s bedroom, her room only being at the end of the hall down from the kitchen. She was practically half asleep in your arms, her head had found its way burrowed into the crook of your neck, minutes away from falling asleep.
“Hey FRIDAY, can you unlock Natasha’s room please? Hands are kinda full.”
You heard a small click noise before the door opened slightly allowing you to gently kick it open fully so you could walk in.
“Miss Romanoff’s door is unlocked, Miss Y/L/N.”
“Thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y.”
Walking in, you already had an idea of what her room would look like, having been in once or twice before. Natasha liked to keep her things tidy and in order, clothes laid away, bed made, floor clear. So to see her bed covers ruffled into a ball, tissues in the bin and scattered around and laundry in a bundle in the corner, it took you by surprise. She must really be unwell.
You took her over to the bed, laying her down gently before pressing the back of your hand to her forehead, she felt like an oven to the touch.
‘Okay. definitely a fever.’
She was in between being asleep and being awake, so you decided to leave her covers off and tidy up some of the mess in her bedroom. You discarded the tissues, hung up some clean clothes that were yet to be put away and replaced the space in the basket with her dirty laundry. Turning back to see if the assassin had fallen asleep or not, you really took in her appearance.
Her clothes were just slightly on the big side, but you could still see a faint outline of her figure, hair was tied back into a loose ponytail, letting the odd few strands escape and frame her face. Her eyes were practically fully shut, but you could still see the tint of green in them, slightly covered by her long, dark eyelashes. ‘It’s unbelievable’, you thought, ‘Her body is literally shutting down, and she still looks angelic.’
You’d be riddled with envy if you weren’t so entranced by her. Times like this, you wonder how you manage to keep your feelings to yourself.
“What” cough “what are you doing?” A raspy voice asked.
“Oh, I was just tidying up your room a bit, I know you like it to be tidy and-”
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“I know. I wanted to.” You ensured.
“Thank you.” It wasn’t obvious, you had to squint to see it, but she attempted a half smile.
“I’m just going to put this stuff in the wash, do you need anything brought back for you?”
“I’m just too warm.”
Looking around the room, you looked for ways to cool her down. There was the obvious option of windows, but they were full length except a tiny rectangle at the top which wouldn’t be enough air. You racked your brain for another minute before an idea came to mind.
“Wait here, I’ll be back in a second.”
“I’ll time you.”
If you weren’t in a rush to get back as soon as possible, you would’ve made a comeback to her comment. You took the washing to the laundry room, quickly throwing it all into the machine and putting on a boil wash before dashing to your own bedroom. Eyes scanning all over the room, it didn’t take long before they landed on the desk fan sitting on top of your wardrobe. Reaching up and grabbing it, thankfully it was a small wardrobe otherwise it would’ve been an incredibly embarrassing fall, you made your way back to Nat’s room.
Entering her room, you could feel it getting warmer as time went by. The woman hadn’t moved from where you left her, still sprawled out among the sheets. You set the fan down on her bedside table, plugged it in and switched the ‘on’ button. Over the quiet whirring, you heard a faint gasp of relief leave Nat’s lips, her body visibly relaxing at the cool breeze.
“That feel better?”
“Mhmm” She murmured, shifting in her bed to get as close to the fan as possible.
“How’s your hayfever now?”
You chuckled at her sudden calmness that overtook her, glad to have been able to help her out a little.
It wasn’t long before she fell asleep, the last of her energy disappeared within seconds and soft snores emitted from her. Pushing her hair back off of her forehead gently, you whispered a quiet ‘sleep well, love.’ before walking out to do some other things around the compound, reminding yourself to come back in an hour or so to check in.
You didn’t notice the affectionate smile that had made its way onto Nat’s face at your gesture.
“Miss Y/L/N.” Friday suddenly announced, making you drop the wooden spoon you were using to stir the soup you’d made for Nat. You remember her mentioning a dish called ‘borscht’, something she used to have in Russia, it was one of her comfort dishes. It was either this, or pizza. The soup was probably the safer option.
“Miss Y/L/N?”
“Yes, sorry F.R.I.D.A.Y., what’s wrong?”
“Miss Romanoff is awake and asking for you.”
“Oh, thank you! Could you let her know I'll be through in a minute?”
“Of course.”
And with a chime, F.R.I.D.A.Y. went off to pass on the message. You hastily got a bowl out of the cupboard behind you, spooning a generous amount of the soup in and covering the pot up afterwards.
The room had considerably cooled now, the fan had been on full speed since you left, the only difference was the curtains were now shut and the corner lamp was on, dimly illuminating the room.
A small ‘hi’ could be heard, although muffled, still audible. You knelt down beside her bed so you could be at the same eye level and tugged the blanket covering half of her face down.
“Hey sleepy.”
“Did I sleep for long?”
“Only an hour. Don’t worry.”
“An hour?! Ugh. I said to Clint that i’d train with him today. I’ll get dressed.” She attempted to sit up, and while successful, she looked as though she’d just got off the twister ride at the funfair. You shook your head, putting your hands on her arms and lightly pushed her back, raising your eyebrows in response to her playful glare.
“I spoke to Clint, he said he’ll catch you when he feels better. He didn’t feel up to dragging your passed out body off of the mats today.” She rolled her eyes.
“I’d be-” She sniffed, well, tried to, and looked around the room curiously before her eyes landed on the bowl beside her and then darted between it and your face.
“Did you-” She pointed towards the food “make Borscht?”
You looked down sheepishly.
“I tried. I remember you saying you used to eat it and I thought it might help. But if you don’t like it then-”
“I’m sure I will.” She reached over for the bowl, hand clasping the tea towel I slid underneath it so as not to burn her hands.
Settling with her soup, she blew on her spoon, cooling the substance before eating some. You watched anxiously, hoping you hadn’t messed up too bad, you’d only made it once before when she taught you the basics of it, so this was the first time you’d made it alone.
You exhaled a breath you hadn’t realised you were holding when you saw her smile, looking at you adoringly.
“I love it.” She rasped
“You do? Is it okay?”
“More than. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” You smiled, making small talk here and there while she ate.
“Do you want me to set up a movie for you?”
You walked over to retrieve her laptop, getting ‘Grown Up’s’ up on the screen. She’s recently been into Adam Sandler movies, it was a nice and easy movie to watch, it was really lighthearted. You nudged the laptop over to her, angling it so she could still see it properly when lying down. When you got up to leave, you felt a weak grip on your wrist, encouraging you to turn and meet those shimmering, slightly droopy, green eyes.
“Need anything Nat?”
“Can you stay? Please? I like your company.”
Your stomach suddenly became home to a zoo full of butterflies, as it often did when you spent time with Natasha. You’d both spent time together before obviously, but it was usually due to missions or as a group, only occasionally getting the chance for it to be just the two of you. So to have her openly request your company, it was heartwarming. Unbeknown to you, Natasha had the exact same feeling in her stomach, and it wasn’t because of the Borscht.
You gave her a nod, trying to hide the smile trying to force its way onto your face as you settled yourself down next to her, in the meantime missing the smile she was giving you, the kind where you smile with both your mouth and your eyes with a slight sparkle in them.
You looked up eventually, causing her to snap her head back towards the screen, a smile still clear as day on her face, only getting larger as you maneuvered your arm so it was behind her neck, allowing her to get closer, which she did. So close that you could feel her ragged breathing on your chest.
If you had to use one word to describe how you’re feeling right now?
It’d be warmth. The air may have been cold, the bowl left on the side will inevitably be the same. But all you can feel, is the warmth of the blankets spilling over the bed. The warmth from the laptop. The warmth radiating from the one who you admired so dearly beside you. And most vital of all, the warmth running through your entire body, making your heart feel full. If you had the chance, you’d bottle this feeling and treasure it forever.
A week went by, and Natasha was almost fully recovered, just having to take her medicine and rest when she can, but she’s now able to walk around the compound more often. However, although she’s had this freedom returned, she doesn’t appear to long for it as much as she did a week ago.
When she woke up in the morning, she’d roll her eyes when you’d told her she couldn’t go and train, she had to stay in bed. Unimpressed with not being able to go about her day as usual, she’d try and convince you that you were being dramatic.
'I don’t need to stay in bed.'
'You're worrying over nothing!'
'Let me leave my bedroom.'
'I’m perfectly able to go and train.'
She wasn’t, and was soon proven wrong as she collapsed back on the bed with a cracking headache.
But now, after the last 7 days of eating with you, watching movies with you and just generally indulging in conversations until she fell asleep with you, she started to feel like she didn’t want to feel better, she wanted this time with you to last forever. If she didn’t have feelings for you before, she most definitely did now. Or more so that she recognised it more now. She couldn’t pinpoint what it was. Maybe it was the way you took the time to make her favourite foods, or maybe it was the way you always made sure to check in with her and how she was feeling. Although, it also could’ve easily been the way your eyes lit up at the funny scenes in a movie, similar to the way they did whenever you made eye contact with her.
“Nat? Earth to Nat?” Lost in her thoughts, Natasha blinked a couple of times to focus back on the girl in front of her, smiling as always.
“Sorry, daydreaming.” She chuckled, her face feeling warmer as a blush appeared on her cheeks.
“Don’t worry” You laughed. “I was just letting you know that I'm gonna go and get your Nyquil, it should help with the headache and sore throat.”
“Ah, so I'm getting the good stuff now?” She winked
“I think you deserve it, plus, you’ve blown through the last of the ibuprofen.” You gave her a playful glare, both of you knowing that you’d have to go and buy some more, but you didn’t mind, you’d have gone to all 50 states for it if you had to.
“What can I say? I’m sick” Pulling the puppy eyes, not being able to last a minute without bursting into a grin, which you responded with a dramatic faint for an exit out of the room, leaving to go and get the Nyquil.
Getting her to take it was easy enough, dealing with a sleepy Nat, not so easy.
“I don’t like this movie.” She grumbled, pushing her face further into the pillow as her sign of protest.
“What’s wrong with this one?”
“It’s stupid.”
“You love this movie!”
“Right, what would you like instead?” You asked, already clicking out of the movie to go and pick another one for the fourth time.
“I don’t wanna watch anything anymore.”
“Okay. I’ll turn it off then. Still want me to stay?”
You shut down the laptop, putting it to the side and lay down next to the redhead who was trying to fight sleep. You reached forward to put some hair that was in her face, behind her ear, trying to ensure she was comfortable. It must’ve worked because before you could pull your hand away, her face nuzzled into your palm, eyebrows easing from their furrow.
“Thank you for taking care of me.” She whispered so quietly that if there was any other noise in the room, there’s no chance you would’ve heard it.
“It’s my pleasure Nat.”
She opened her eyes fully now, instantly meeting yours, they were cloudy with sleep. There was a comforting silence surrounding the both of you, neither one of you daring to break eye contact, I hadn’t taken any medicine yet I was still falling asleep with how peaceful it was. I woke up more when she started to murmur again, this time, it was incoherent.
“What was that?”
“I like you.”
“I like you too, Nat.” You smiled warmly
“Noo, as in, I like you.”
You could’ve sworn you felt your heart stop. Is she actually- Is this- what?
“You’re just tired, love.” She shook her head
“m not that” Yawn “tired.”
“Tell you what, get some sleep and then tell me in the morning when the meds have worn off, okay?”
“m’kay. I will y’know”
“I believe you” You were hesitant with her words, unsure about whether this was a moment she’d forget tomorrow and it’s not her true feelings, or if it was true and the circumstances had just convinced you otherwise.
But, true to her word, the next morning when you woke up, still groggy from the sleep, she was laying there almost wide awake with a toothy grin.
“morn-“ And before you could finish your word, her lips were on yours. They felt like the perfect fit, moving against yours at a gentle pace, though still not enough to let you process what was actually going on.
“Morning” She pulled away.
“That enough confirmation for you?”
more than enough.
taglist: @the-dumbass-that-throws-knives
411 notes · View notes
userlando · 3 years
I dunno if you do requests, but if you did a possessive/jealous Tom Hardy (or Eddie, or Alfie.... I dunno, they all give off the vibe) I would I've you like my soul or something......,........
oh god, inspiration strikes again..
Alfie wasn’t a soft man, both physically and mentally. He didn’t grow up in the warmest household and his mother, bless her heart, did everything to raise her boys to be great men when their father failed in that department.
Not to say that she’d failed, considering where Alfie had ended up, but it provided him with enough resources and money to take care of her the way she’d struggled to put food on the table and provide for him and his siblings during his childhood.
Alfie wasn’t soft when he’d done unspeakable things during the war, and he certainly wasn’t soft when he’d taken his place as the king of London. His hard exterior and the amount of blood on his hands was enough for people to fear him. And that’s all he would ever ask for. Because fear was respect, and Alfie would pry out anyone’s teeth with pliers if anyone dared to show him anything else.
Alfie wasn’t soft, but that’s the word he’d describe himself feeling when he heard you laugh for the first time. It had been five years but he remembered it so vividly that it still - to this day - made his hands shake in a way he’d never admit out loud. God forbid someone would hear him spew soppy shit that only you found endearing and romantic.
It was a rainy afternoon and Alfie was craving an evening at the pub after a long day at the distillery. A drink was all he’d come for, but then he’d heard you laugh and his ears had immediately perked at the sound.
It wasn’t difficult for him to locate where that sound came from. Because as he suspected, your face was just as radiating as your laugh and it sounded silly, but he knew from the moment he laid eyes on you, that he had to have you.
You were tough at first, your boundaries and lack of interest unlike any other woman’s he’d usually pick up. The way you seemed so unattainable only seemed to pull unwanted male attention, but the more he tried to pursue you, the more word got around. You were his woman, and only his. It infuriated you at first because you were no one else’s but yours, though Alfie knew you’d secretly loved it. Even though you refused to admit it even years later when the topic arose in conversation.
So, Alfie wasn’t soft. But he was soft for you, and he was soft for your laugh. Which was why his ears - much like that day at the pub - perked when he heard your giggle echo in the distillery. A frown immediately cast over his face as he placed his pen down on the surface of his desk.
He glanced around in confusion at first, wondering who the fuck you were speaking to that made you giggle like that. And his stomach churned when he thought of all the greasy men who were working under the roof of his distillery, who’d been instructed to not speak to you if not absolutely necessary. Everybody knew this. No one was foolish enough to risk losing their ball sack to a rusty shank.
Or so, that’s what Alfie thought.
The chair squeaked in protest as he rose from it, rough hands flat on the table to heave himself up as he grunted in annoyance. Annoyance because someone was clearly not doing their job, and annoyance because you knew better than to prance around at the distillery when there was work to be done. And chances are, you looked absolutely gorgeous doing it.
Alfie’s suspicions were correct, he realised, as he walked down the creaky stairs to the base floor. He found you a few yards away, legs that he loved so much clad in stockings he knew he’d be ripping off later. You had the same green dress on he’d seen you dress in before he left for work that morning.
He would’ve stood there and appreciated the way your dress flared where your back met your bottom, or the way you’d prettily pinned your hair back just far enough to reveal your neck. The very same neck he’d buried his face into the night before and just this morning.
Alfie couldn’t appreciate it though, mostly because of the two dimwits standing in front of you, greased up faces smiling as they spoke to you. As if Alfie paid them to slack off. Fucking idiots.
As Alfie moved closer, he could hear your soft voice ask ‘How’s Claire doing? What a strong woman she is for birthing your lovely twins!’ It admittedly made Alfie soften for a second, because of course you’d take interest in everyone’s life and show genuine concern. That was the major difference between you two. Where Alfie lacked, you made up for.
“Right, last time I checked, I paid you fucking idiots to do your jobs,” Alfie startled the two men as he approached, voice booming as usual. “So, tell me what you’re bloody standing around here for.”
You turned around with ease, having been with him long enough to not bat an eyelash at his vulgar words and flaring anger. His face was scrunched up in an expression that would make any sensible man and woman in London cower in fear, and you placed a hand on his meaty arm in a poor effort to calm him down. And to silently tell him to shut up and behave.
“Alfie.” You greeted him like he wasn’t shooting daggers at the two men who now looked like they wanted nothing more than to bolt. You couldn’t blame them. “Hi sweetheart. I was just talking to Christopher and William here about their families. Did you know Will had twins?”
Alfie only managed a grunt because why did you know their names? And Will?
He didn’t know if he wanted to drag the bastard into his office by his cock and beat his face into three different shades or to toss them out on their sorry arses. He knew the first option would send him into the doghouse for God knows how long, and the other option would cause more problems between the two of you than he dared to think about.
“Two girls.” The one he assumed was named William said, albeit a little shakily. The man next to him elbowed him and they both went quiet.
“Right, I must’ve missed the part where I fucking asked.” Alfie was livid, and there were so many factors playing into that reason.
These animals who worked under him knew to never lay their eyes on you, nevertheless talk to you. And he wanted to be angry at how good you looked, at the audacity to walk into the distillery when he knew he disliked you hanging around here during office hours.
Mostly, he wanted to spank your stubborn arse black and blue.
“Alfie, why don’t we go to your office, hm?” You asked softly, feeling the way he was shaking as you squeezed his bicep gently.
He knew what it was though. Your way of telling him to simmer down and behave.
You didn’t wait for him to answer, turning on your pretty polished heels to walk around and past him toward his office. He didn’t miss the way your legs wobbled, and he knew you were well aware of what you were to expect once the fragile door of the office closed behind the two of you. Alfie knew that the wobble of your legs derived from excitement and not from fear. You could scowl and reprimand him all you wanted, but you both knew that you loved his possessiveness at the end of the day.
He watched you walk away, his anger simmering down just a wee bit before he turned his head to the two men standing in front of him. He sucked his teeth, smacked his lips and contemplated beating them with his cane before thinking twice of it.
“What the fuck are you two still doing ‘ere?” His roar was enough to have them scatter like mice.
Alfie huffed and turned around, following in your footsteps to his office where you were waiting.
“How many times have I told you, right, to not fuckin’ walk in here when I’m working, woman?” He walked in and closed the door behind him.
He struggled to contain his anger when he saw you sitting on his desk, legs crossed over each other and his eyes immediately went to the sliver of skin where the hem of your dress had ridden up on your thigh. Alfie’s first instinct was to march up and grab the delicate skin until you squirmed, but he stopped himself.
He gripped his cane tighter in his right hand and rubbed his forehead with the other one. “You’re fuckin’ impossible.”
You frowned. “I can’t help it if you’re possessive, Alf. That’s your problem, not mine.”
“You know how these men are.” He gritted out, gesturing behind him to the distillery. “You cannot be this dim.”
“Alfie Solomons, I know you didn’t just call me dim.” You said and Alfie paused at the tone of your voice.
You sounded annoyed but he could detect the hurt in your voice and it was enough for him to let out a grumbling sigh, stepping up to the desk where you sat. He silently admired the frown lines on your pretty face and prayed that he hadn’t shoved his foot in his mouth.
Alfie got his answer when you parted your legs enough for him to step between them, and he struggled to breathe properly when you circled them around his behind to pull him closer.
“You’re my girl, yeah?” He muttered, bringing a hand up to cradle your cheek.
“Woman.” You protested softly, welcoming the touch as his silent apology.
You watched as his eyes appraised you and held back from preening when he grunted in appreciation and what you knew were hunger as his eyes trailed your body before landing on your face.
“And what a fucking woman you are.” He said lowly, using his hand on your cheek to pull you in for a kiss.
The clatter of the cane falling to the floor didn’t deter you as he let go of it in order to grab you by the waist, pulling you in closer as he deepened the kiss. You moaned into his mouth, not caring if anyone heard you. Alfie pinched the top of your arse in retaliation and you squealed.
“Alfie!” You sounded scandalised but the enormous smile on your lipstick smeared lips said otherwise.
Alfie admired his artwork with a smug smile, knowing that his mouth probably looked a mess too.
“Don’t Alfie me, woman.” He pressed an open mouthed kiss to your lips that tasted a lot like a promise. “This is just a preview of what I’ll be doing to you tonight.”
* * * * *
Welp, that turned sexual. But hello! Hi! Surprise, here’s me answering to an ask five hundred years later. I was in a writing mood so.. hope you enjoy x
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Since modern!xiao expects camgirl to be a 'good girlfriend' ...how does he in turn be a good 'boyfriend'? Like I feel homeboy is so emotionally stunted he doesn't have a clue on what to do...he thinks because he occasionally lets her free from her chains and basic needs like feeding her and sometimes lets her bathe by herself is being a good bf and not like...you know, taking you out on dates, watching movies together, surprising you with flowers and all that
Well obviously he's never gonna let her step foot outside his apartment for several reasons so taking her out isn't an option. Probably gives her sex-related gifts and his movies of choice are the extremely violent gore slash horror films so...yeah
He's trying his best I guess? XD
Oof yeah he kinda picks his own definition. His general lack of experience and knowledge just leads him to go down the very... traditional way of thinking. What does good bf do. Protect and provide? Well, he protecc. He attacc. Keeps you safe by keeping you inside and will totally kill anyone that comes after you, so, check. And he totally provides for you. I mean, he pays for everything, the place you live in, all the bills, the food you eat, he even started buying food just for you. He even sighs and pays for all the unnecessary things you insist on like stuff for your hair and nails, even gets those more expensive brands you wanted. Honestly, why can't they just make the same 3-in-1 body wash/shampoo/conditioner combo thing they make for guys that he buys from the convenience store? That would be so much easier. Sigh.
Honestly if there's something you like he'll try to learn about it from you. It is actually kinda sweet, in a genuine way. He doesn't necessarily understand it, but he likes to hear you talk about things you like. He thinks that's part of the definition of good.
And gifts... Yeah you get gifts. But yes you are correct it's gifts of a... Certain nature. Lots and lots and lots of lingerie type of things, especially all the stereotypical egirl stuff he sees. Buys you a virgin killer sweater, the cat keyhole lingerie, the cow print bikini thing, and all the other trends the internet made famous.
He actually steers you away from the vibrators and other things, might even get rid of them bc let's be real, boy is insecure. Grumbly. You don't need dildos and stuff like that... You have perfectly good dick right here. No he's not afraid of being unable to compete with the vibrator he just... Thinks it's a waste of time. He keeps some for overstim torture purposes tho.
He does like his quality time, likes to watch things all curled up on the bed. His idea of a "date" is "ordering delivery and marathoning some series." So he does, in a sense, like dates. He can't take you out but he can still give dates if you want them. If we're going with our boi being a lil nerd it's probably a combination of horror and like, shonen anime.
The first yes is just... He likes the gory ones. He likes good, well done horror too, but also just the gross violent stuff. You Pavlov him into showing it more bc when you cringe and wince it makes you shuffle up against him for comfort which !!!!! Darling touching him willingly? Darling cowering and clinging to him for comfort which makes him feel like big stronk man™? Excellent. So he puts those movies on more often.
But his weeb stuff... he's an avid watcher of the almost grossly male-targeted anime that are 2% substance, 98% impossibly-massive-tiddy anime girls running around with guns. No real plot or anything of value, just girls moaning while they shoot things. And harem anime, and other male targeted things.
Also modern Xiao insists up and down that Sword Art Online is a good anime. People are just tasteless plebians who can't properly appreciate it, he says. No he doesn't own the entire manga light novel and blu ray box set complete with body pillow and figurines, put that box back in the closet. Don't open it. Grrr.
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lovelybarnes · 3 years
god- l. laufeyson (part 2)
pairings: loki laufeyson x reader, platonic!tony stark x reader, mentions of nick fury warnings: language and minor angst about: part 2 to god a/n: i apologize for taking so long to post it, i was having trouble coming up with the little details and honestly just writing overall but it’s up!! and another bucky fic will be up tomorrow or saturday!!
loki is suspicious after you leave. in the- admittedly short- time he’s been shoved away and locked in a cage to rot, he had seen you all of two times, and he was enthralled. flabbergasted, too, surprised that a simple mortal managed to stay hidden in the deep parts of his brain and refuse to leave. you were… interesting, just as you had described him: not as a villain, or evil, or horrendous, but captivating; unbelieving that he would do anything for no good reason.
whether that was true or not was still up for debate, so he had yet to decide if you were incredibly intelligent or the simple, stupid mortal he thought you all to be. nevertheless, he found himself slightly disappointed when you left, waving goodbye to him and tucking your book under your arm. while he tried to dissolve the sensation, tony stark came bounding in, standing as close as he could to the glass barrier. stark barked words that loki didn’t care much for, ignoring the man. he could see you wince from inside the elevator, a sliver of your face still available from the closing doors.
“hey, hey!” stark barked, snapping his fingers at loki. the god tilted his head at him, “yes?” he asks, voice dripped in more annoyance than usual. “that girl who just came out of here?” stark started, while loki took a minute to examine his words, “girl,” was she not an accomplished avenger? he thought tony of all people would show the respect that loki thought none of them deserved. “if you even think about doing anything to her, i will bring in the big guy to slam you around some more. you remember him? or do you need a refresher?”
loki nearly scowls at the mention of hulk, body reminding the strange ache that was left after the oaf slammed him into the floor. he only chuckles lowly, though, “how much do you distrust a fellow avenger to believe they cannot handle themselves?” loki muses. tony scoffs, shaking his head, “i really don’t think you’re in a position to question me.”
“i’m a god. i am always in the position i wish to be in,” loki reminds, making tony roll his eyes, “you’ll never see her again if i can help it. and i can,” he says. “oh, but i like her!” loki rebuts, riling tony up, “so sweet, don’t you think?” tony freezes, abruptly turning around and slamming a hand against the glass, “you will not lay a hand on her. i’ll make sure of it.”
“i seem to remember midgardians can usually do as they please,” loki replies smoothly. “and you really think she’ll want to spend time with a monster?” tony questions. loki smirks, “i suppose i simply have a feeling.”
tony is seething when he comes to your lab, having switched with steve to come talk to you. you’re humming along to a song he doesn’t bother to recognize. “you’re in a good mood,” tony observes. at the sound of his voice, you turn, taking your earbuds out and grinning at him. you press what he assumes is the pause button on your phone, “tony! i’ve actually been meaning to ask you something,” you begin. tony raises an eyebrow to tell you to continue. “it’s about loki,” you continue, anxious about his reaction. the man pauses, exhaling softly, “oh. i know what you want to- i’m so sorry for doing that to you, y/n. i promised that i wouldn’t put you with him and we should’ve been more prepared. it won’t happen again.”
the confusion is clear on your face, vocally affirming it with a “huh?”
“that’s what you wanted to talk about, right? babysitting loki?”
“well, yes, but no, it actually wasn’t bad, i wanted to bring up the idea of maybe allowing him books? or maybe music or something, i can’t imagine going from having any book at your fingertips to none at all. also, he’s not getting enough food and i wanted to talk to you abou-” tony stops you with a raised hand, “what?” you recognize the conversation won’t end too well, so you try to phrase your words in a way that tony won’t get too angry at. “i just- when i was watching him, i thought we could be a little less… cruel.”
“with the guy who tried to take over earth?” tony retorts, you sigh softly, already beginning to feel resigned. “he still deserves to eat,” you defend weakly, “come on, tony, please? i’ll watch over him myself when he’s listening to music or reading or eating and i’ll take it back when i have to leave.” tony shakes his head, “someone will always be watching, and it won’t be you.” you frown, “why? don’t you trust me? i’m an avenger, tony. i’m not weak or useless, it’s just watching over someone who is literally in a cage. he can’t even escape.” tony’s about to say no again, so you press, “how come nick fury- man who doesn’t trust- trusts me enough to do that but you don’t?”
tony’s fingers squeeze the space between his eyebrows, eyes closed. he contemplates the effects if he refuses, no doubt ending in the thinning-by-the-minute thread that is your trust in him completely snapping.
“fine,” he finally agrees, and your frustrated frown melts back into a relieved small smile, “but everything you give him has to go through someone else first. i don’t care if it’s fury or hill or romanoff or me, but it has to be approved.” you nod quickly, “yes, of course.” tony raises a finger, “and, you will watch him the whole time. you got yourself into this, kid. i trust you can protect yourself from him if you ever need to.” you agree, “absolutely, and, uh-” you reach into your bag, pulling out the book finnegan’s wake, and your old ipod, equipped with a single downloaded song and earbuds plugged in. “i actually have already chosen a book and a song that i think he would appreciate during the time he tells me himself what he would like and while it gets approved, and um,” you push the objects toward tony, a surprised look lining his features, “since you have time now… the ipod has only that one song and i doubt he can do anything with either of the items, although i’ll be here if he does.”
“you picked these out for him?” tony questions, and you nod again, “i don’t really know him, i doubt anybody does, but i thought james joyce was a good guess considering.” tony looks from the objects in your hand back to you, before sighing and grabbing them. “i want to break free?” he asks, holding up the ipod. you feel your cheeks heat, “music is hard, i went for the obvious.”
tony exhales, looking down at the book, “fine, both are approved.”
“what, you’re not gonna check to see if i carved out a hole into the book and put the tesseract in there so he could escape?” you ask sarcastically, taking back the items while he rolls his eyes. “no, i trust you.” you grin, “you better. there’s no reason for you to not,” tony agrees with you softly, genuinely feeling bad while he kisses your cheek in goodbye. “steve was just called on a mission and needs a replacement, so you better get down there. bowser isn’t in a good mood today.”
you huff out a light laugh at the nickname, cradling your dear books and tangling your fingers in the cords of the earbuds while you walk to the elevator. you catch your bottom lip between your teeth while you watch the numbers blink above the elevator doors, nerves from your choices finally making a home in the pit of your stomach and making your grip tighten on the items. you really don’t know him, and one of the few things that you do know about him is that he isn’t the nicest- although you think it probable that it was warranted- which begins the inkling of regret of your carefully-picked choice to form. you try your best to push past it though, attempting to reassure yourself through the fact that loki’s reading options are limited, and as evil as everyone (including him) claims he is, you suspect (hope) that there is something in him that can’t simply disregard kind gestures. you suppose that theory is from what thor has told you about frigga. you hope it’s correct.
the elevator dings, knocking your thoughts off their destructive railroad and your attention to the shield guard wearily eyeing you and what you carry. “hey, wally,” you greet, shooting him a smile as you walk over to him, pulling your id card from your pocket. “what’cha got there?” he asks, sitting up straighter in his chair to look closer at you. “a- already approved by tony stark- book and song for loki. you know how much he had access to in asgard?” you question. he shakes his head, and you sigh, “me neither. but i imagine it’s a lot, and i don’t think he’s been introduced to our books yet.”
wally stares at you for a few seconds, before pursing his lips, “already approved by stark?” he checks, “already approved by tony,” you repeat. “just no ear things. don’t want him to choke somebody,” he instructs, holding out his hand. you oh quietly, hurriedly pulling off the headphones and putting them in his hand. wally only nods then, trusting you enough to not ask for any more reassurance, and pressing a button next to him to allow you into another elevator. the ride is much shorter, and you bounce on your heels, fidgeting with the edge of the book.
you barely recognize when the doors part, the slick-haired god already examining you. “in asgard, it is strongly discouraged to damage books like you are doing,” loki states. you stop your picking, dropping your hand and walking inside. “hello to you too, loki.” the god ignores you, instead focused on what is in your arms. “i thought any pleasantries for you weren’t allowed down here,” he says, eyes focused on your ipod. “ah, not if you ask nicely,” you reply, standing next to the chair, “and, these aren’t for me.”
you set your own book down on the floor- a very cliche wuthering heights, but it was either that or romeo and juliet, and you’d prefer not get caught reading about a forbidden romance while watching a villain- and hold up the one for him, grinning. “so i don’t know much about asgard or its books because thor hasn’t budged yet on taking me, but from what i can gather, you have little to no media from here, right?” loki ducks his chin suspiciously in response. “so i can imagine you haven’t read shakespeare, or james joyce, which reminds me a lot of you, so…”
you offer no more explanation, putting the book on your chair and showing him the ipod, walking closer to the glass. “this is an ipod. it’s used to play songs offline, and i picked one out for you. i don’t know if you’ll like it because i don’t really know what type of music you like or if you like it at all-” you pause, finally recognizing how long it had been since he’d talked. “but, uh, i hope you do.”
you look up at him then, unsurprised to find him already staring back at you. “you did this for me… why?” he queries skeptically. “i told you before; i imagine it’s difficult to go from everything to nothing in a day. and i think it must be boring to be trapped in there all day with nothing to do.”
loki still looks distrustful, but you grab the book, pulling out the key card to open his food slot. “i can’t leave these in here after i leave, but i’ll stay until you finish both,” you assure, pushing the book through the small gap. your ipod is still in your hands as you walk back near him. he looks at you for a few moments longer before his eyes flick to the book. “and there are no… explosives? poison of some kind in that?”
you shake your head, “no, of course not.”
loki narrows his eyes at the paperback anyways, walking towards it apprehensively. “when you want me to, i can teach you how the ipod works and you can listen to the song. it’s by a rock band called queen,” you babble, watching as he slowly observes the book before picking it up at an even more leisurely pace.
“i’m going to go sit over there now. just let me know if you need something,” you can’t seem to stop talking, so you focus instead on your legs moving you back to your seat, picking up your novel before sitting. you’re about to ramble on about something else again, until you notice the publication in loki’s hands, slightly panicking at the immediate rush of satisfaction and happiness it gives you when he opens the first page.
you try to avoid the sound of turning pages when you stay stuck on the same sentence, too concerned about why your neck decided to warm when the god accepted your favor.
“you can play it,” loki voices suddenly, almost as if reading the loud thoughts about your decision on the song. he looks up at you, “reading is usually accompanied by light music, but i suppose i could listen to rock.”
you nod, pressing a button on the small device that makes the beginning notes bounce off the walls of the room. your fingers gently tap along to the beat on the edge of your page without your noticing, too used to the melody to not react. you try not to look too hard at loki to watch for his reaction, too interested if he’ll like it or not.
after the first minute passes by and he doesn’t object to the sound, you count this as a win, allowing yourself to relax into your chair and actually read the words lined on the page, discovering them to make a lovely combination. you only notice when the song ends when loki speaks up, “it is okay,” he compliments, “i enjoyed it. i think i’d enjoy your so called queen.” you chuckle softly, “i thought you would. do you have any favorites here so i can add them for next time?”
“no,” loki responds, not taking his eyes off the page. “i’ll find some for you, then,” you promise, then press play on the ipod again, not missing the tiny quirk of loki’s lips, making you way too giddy than you should be.
after it has been over six hours and loki has barely finished finnegans wake, you’re completely sure he took extra time to read it; whether it be to absorb it better or simply have more time with it in his hands, you don’t care, pride swelling up in your chest because you did something right for him. he hadn’t complained about the repeated song, and you can’t blame him. the sounds are a lot more entertaining than the cold silence that usually occupies the space where he resides.
you ask loki more about what he thought, attempting to coerce him into telling you his preferences, until tony is calling you up.
you’re about to leave, both books and ipod in hand when you pause.
“y/n,” loki starts, and you realize it is the first time you’d hear your name out of his mouth. you decide you like how it sounds in his voice, not disregarding how you shouldn’t. “yes?” you answer instead, meeting his eyes. “thank you.”
you swallow, surprised at the genuinity in his voice while you nod, “it was no problem.”
loki finds it disturbing how much he dislikes seeing you walk away.
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Stay pt. 2
Summary: An unknown killer has been abducting local girls but somehow you managed to escape but you are still scarred to be alone. You are now safe in Easttown where you meet Colin Zabel a detective who is helping Mare with your case. When he finds out you have no where to stay he offers to let you stay with him. Little does he know where this offer will lead, and in the end you both end up finding comfort in one another.
Warnings: Mentions of kidnapping, restraint, angst, there us fluff sprinkled throughout it
Word Count: 2879
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“What if she stays with me?” Mare whipped her head up to look at him and Harriet did the same. He looked at them, his head tilted slightly to the side. “What?” 
Mare gave him a hard look as if willing him to understand what about what he had said was wrong. 
“What?” He asked again.
 “Really? You think she should stay with you?”
“Are you stupid?” At this point Harriet was glaring at him as well. 
He gave a shrug, his arms still crossed over his chest. “I mean I know I’m not the ideal person to take her in, Harriet is the best candidate. “She nodded her head at this. “But I'm a detective and I have training, I can protect her.
“Zabel.” Mare said slowly as if willing him to understand. “You want the girl who was abducted and assaulted by a male killer to stay with you, a man.”
 Colin’s eyes widened at the realization. “Oh okay I get why you guys were so concerned. But no I’m not offering her to stay with me alone I’m offering for her too. Wait.” He said taking a deep breath trying to clear the awkwardness but only making it worse. He took a deep breath and started again.” Look, I live with my mom.” Mare raised an eyebrow at this but she was in no position to judge him. “She could come stay with me and my mom. There would be a woman present at all times and an older woman at that. She might provide some motherly comfort to (y/n). My mom is also retired so she’ll be able to look after her like all day while I’m at work. And I’ll be there too and can prove protection if it comes to that.” Colin let out a breath of relief after fully explaining his intentions. 
Mare and Harriet glanced at one another. “That’s actually a good idea Zabel.” He smiled at Mare’s compliment. “If she doesn't want to stay alone at her apartment she can stay with you if she feels comfortable with it.” 
Mare stood up making her way to the door. “I’ll go and explain everything to her and let you know what she says.” Mare excused herself from their office and made her way towards you. She nodded at you as she sat down on the bench, making sure to keep her distance. “Hey so we know you have your apartment and if you want we are more than willing to drive you there, and we’ll have eyes on the surveillance to make sure no one bothers you.” You nodded your head at her proposal, a seed of dread still sitting in your stomach. You really didn't want to go back and be all alone. “Is there any way I can stay with you or Harriet?” You asked meekly. 
Mare gave you a tight smile and shook her head with a no. “Sorry.”
You sighed. “That's okay.”
“There is another option.” Your head whipped up, you were ready to accept whatever it would be if it meant you wouldn't be alone. “If you want you can stay with Detective Zabel.” You felt yourself heat up at the offer, that was the last thing you had expected Mare to say. 
You leaned to the side and looked past Mare towards Colin. He was working on something but when he saw you looking he gave you a wave and a smile. “You can stay with him and his mother.” You looked at her with wide eyes not believing her offer. 
“I don’t want to be a bother.” 
“You won’t be. And honestly we would feel much better if you were staying with someone we know.” 
You bit your lips weighing your options. On one hand you really didn't want to be alone right now. But you also didn't want to inconvenience Colin. You looked up at him again, he looked like he would be able to protect you if anything happened, he was the most obvious choice. You were still a little hesitant about staying with him because a part of you wanted to do it for a more selfish reason. He was so nice to you and the way he talked to you brought you a comfort you hadn't felt in a long while. And he was cute, you chided yourself for thinking it but it burned in the back of your mind. You sighed already knowing which option you were going to pick.“Okay.” 
Mare gave you a soft smile. “Okay I’ll tell him.” 
Mare got up to leave but she stopped herself glancing around the room. It seemed Harriet had left to go back to her department floor. Mare knew that she had told her that they should wait to interview you till later but she really needed to talk with you and see what you knew. Sh turne dback to face you and you gave her a curious look. “Hey, would you mind answering a couple questions.”
“About the case?” 
“It’s okay if you-”
“Yeah of course.” Mare was a little taken aback at your response. She was expecting you to try and push it back but there was this hardness in your eyes. You hated that man more than anything in the world, you wanted to do anything you could to get justice for the girls he had killed. You got up and followed Mare into the interrogation room, she called Colin to come in and he sat beside her on the other side of the table. You avoided their piercing gazes and stared down at your lap, playing with your hands. Mare’s voice made you look back up.
“So you were only missing for about two weeks, correct.” 
“Yes but it felt like longer.” You watched Colin as he scribbled down your answer to what Mare had asked you. “He um he approached me late at night. I was walking home from work, my car was being repaired. It was a Tuesday I think.” You furrowed your brows as you tried to recall the exact details of what had happened on the night of your abduction. 
Colin looked at the way your face scrunched up and set his pen down. “We can do this later if you’d like.”
“No, I want to do this now.” You said with a harsh tone. “Sorry, it’s just I want to help you guys anyway I can.” Colin nodded and picked his pen back up. “It was tuesday and I had to work late so I didn't walk home with my friends like I usually do. I was walking home and this guy jumped me near the alley.”
“Do you remember anything about him?” Mare asked.
“Yeah, he had a scar across his palm on his right hand. He was big, but he had a stomach. I never saw his face though. I was new so all he really did with me was tie me up and drug me. So my memory of the house is really hazy. The girl that was there took care of me, she was supposed to teach me how to act around him.” 
“If you were tied up, how did you escape?” 
“He only tied us back with rope, and for the most part during the day and night we were allowed to just be in the room unrestrained because it was locked.” You rubbed your wrists, remember the way the rope burned your skin and how raw it made it. “But one day when he came in to get the girl I was with, she was pregnant and he didn't like that. He pulled her out in a haste and when he locked the door behind him he didn't do it right.” You were crying at this point, remember the screams of the girl as she is pulled away. She had looked out for you when you got there and you knew there was no hope of ever seeing her again.You knew they would find her eventually but it wouldn't be alive. “So when he went to bed I was able to slam against the door and after a couple hits it opened.”
“He didn't hear you?”
“No, we were kept in this storm cellar near the house. It was raining that night, I waited for the cracks of thunder and then hit the door, that way it would mask the sound. I don’t remember the house or where it was as soon as I broke out I ran. It was really secluded, I could hear his car chasing me but I guess I lost him once I hit the woods.” You sniffled, your heart rate picking up at just remembering the events. You had tripped so many times out of fear alone, at one point you believed that there really was no escape. You had collapsed at the edge of the woods from exhaustion, at the time you didn't have any idea that you had actually made it out. 
Colin watched the tears stream down your face. He hated that they had to make you relieve your trauma, but anything you remembered could be critical in catching the guy. Mare reached out and consoled you, telling you that there were only a couple more questions they needed to ask you. You nodded and answered them the best you could. 
“Thank you (y/n). You gave us a lot of good leads to look up on.” She stood up and you did the same. “Detective Zabel will take you to your apartment so you can get some of your belongings and then to his house and help you settle in.” 
You weren't prepared for how out of place you would feel in your own apartment. You hadn't even been gone that long and yet everything seemed so foreign to you. You told Colin he would make himself comfortable as you got a bag together. You walked through your apartment looking at all of your possessions. Nothing seemed real, or brought any comfort. In your mind you were still trapped in that small space, sharing a twin mattress with a girl who was long gone. You had loved your apartment and now it just seemed constraining. Willing you to continue with your life and go back to normal. Something you weren't quite ready for yet. You rifled through your clothes, pulling random out of the drawers, not even bothering to see what it was. All you wanted to do was get out of your apartment. 
Colin was looking at the pictures that were hanging on your wall. He smiled to himself at seeing you through the years, from your awkward teen years to now. He liked this one picture in particular, you were on the beach standing about ankle deep in the water. Your hair was blowing around your face and you had the happiest smile on your face. He blushed looking at it, you  looked very pretty in the picture. Of course he had thought you looked very pretty the first time he had laid eyes on you. As soon as he thought about it he shook his head trying to clear it from his mind. It wasn't right of him to think things like that, he had just met you and you had gone through something horrible. The last thing you needed was the man you were staying with thinking about you in that way. 
You watched as Colin looked over your pictures with a smile on his face. You blushed at the way he stared at our pictures. You cleared your throat and he turned to face you. You lifted up your bag. “I’m ready to go now.” 
The ride to his house was awkward and quiet. Colin glanced over at you. “I wasn't sure if I was supposed to have the radio on or not.” You raised an eyebrow at him and he continued on. “You know how they always say in serious situations you should not have your radio on cause it seems insensitive.” He started to ramble and you watched him with an amused look. He was so considerate but in the most awkward way possible. He sighed and glanced at you again. “That didn't make any sense did it?”
“Not at all.” He laughed and you did as well. It surprised you, you didn't expect to be able to laugh like that anymore. You took a quick glance at Colin, there was something about him that you couldn't quite place, something about him that made you feel safe and almost normal. Being around him reminded you of who you used to be. Colin saw you looking at him and smiled, you looked away with a smile of your own taking hold. Colin flipped on the radio, ABBA started playing. He hummed along to the tune mumbling the words to the song under his breath. After a while you joined him, your shoulders moving away from your ears as you relaxed. “Afraid of a love affair, but I think you know, that I can’t let go….” 
Your first thought was that Colin’s house felt like a home. The minute you stepped through the door this wave of comfort settled over you. The dated furniture and childhood pictures really tied it all together. His mom tried to ambush you at the door with questions and hugs as Colin did his best to fend her off. He told her she could talk to you after you got settled in. 
 Colin rubbed the nape of his neck giving you an apologetic smile. "I’m sorry about her. She means well.” 
“I think she’s nice.” You gave him a gentle smile.
He led you down the hall and stopped at the door closest to the living room. “This is the guest room.” He opened the door. The room was filled with boxes and crafting supplies, they were scattered over the bed and tossed into various corners. Colin cursed and scrambled to quickly empty the room. You giggled as you watched him apologize for the mess. He shook the blanket out, coughing at the dust that erupted from the fabric. He placed the blanket back down and placed his hands on his hips. “I didn't think the room was this bad.”
“It’s okay, it’ll be interesting to stay here.” You joked. 
“No, it’s not, um let’s see.” Colin thought for a moment before it hit him. He grabbed your bag and opened the door across from the room. “You can stay in my room.” He smiled widely at you and you just gaped at him.
“What, no-
“Yes, you can stay here and I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“Mr. Zabel-”
“Colin.” He smiled shyly at you. ‘Please call me Colin.”
You returned it and started again. “Colin, I can sleep on the couch. I mean you’re already letting me stay here. I can’t take your room either.” 
“Please, take the room.” His tone was firm. You sighed and nodded. “Great, so you can get settled here while I go back to the station.”
“You’re leaving?” 
“I have to get back to help Mare, but my mom will be here if you need anything. And if you need me you can call me. Okay?”
“Okay.” He moved towards you and kissed your cheek, you flinched and he reeled back. 
“Oh my god I’m so sorry!” He practically jumped to the other side of the room. “Force of habit I usually kiss my mom on the cheek before I leave. I-” he sputtered out, his face flushed red. I’m just going to go now, I’ll see you later.” He rushed out before leaving you standing alone in the center of his room. 
You lifted your hand up to your cheek to feel the spot where he had kissed you. It was wildly inappropriate that he had done so, but it was even worse that you enjoyed it. You felt your heart flutter at the thought of him kissing you again, but this time moved slightly over. 
You set your bag down on his bed and made your way to the kitchen. His mom was sitting at the dining room table and got up when she saw you coming. 
“It’s okay ma’am, you don’t need to get up. I just came to get a drink of water.” 
‘Let me get it.” She didn't even give you room to protest, she sprang out of her chair and rushed back with a glass of water. You thanked her.
“You have a really nice home Ms. Zabel.”
 “Thank you dear.” She smiled warmly at you and hesitantly reached her hand out towards you. Resting it on your forearm, you looked at where her hand rested. You hated how such a simple act of comfort made you tear up, it was nice to feel such a loving touch. Her voice made you look back up at her. “You know, this is your home now too.” 
You smiled at her, nodding at her statement. Little did you know how right she was. And little did you know that pretty soon Detective Colin Zabel’s house would become more of a home to you than any place before.
Taglist: @anonymushhy @chiswritingandreadingcorner @xxspqcebunsxx @coffeeandteaintheevening @kitwalkerangel @xmaximoffic @livingmybestfictionallife @evanmybeloved @kaismessiahbb
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girlmeetsliv3 · 3 years
Cruel Liaisons
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~~ Previously Lingerlust ~~
A/B/O!MiniMoni x Reader; Poly BTS
“When one strikes the heart of another they seldom miss, and the wound is invariably fatal.”
Release Date: May 7th, 2021 @ 12:15 p.m. (GMT-5)
Apologies for the late update. Hope you enjoy it.
Trigger Warnings: blood and gore.
February 2nd, 2022
           “Please state your name for the record.”
           “Jeon YN.” YN stared at the recording machine in front of her, it looked antiquated like the type that wasn’t automatically connected to a cloud or storage system. “Those types have to be manually saved. Which can come in handy.” The officer’s cleared their throats, drawing back YN’s attention. What were their names again? “We need you to state your sub-gender as well.” The one on the left spoke lowly, his voice coming out a bit tense and nervous. “Beta.” When YN tried to smell them, she noticed both were wearing scent blockers, though her sense of smell was never her strong suit.
           “This is officer Park Sooyoung and officer Kim Jisoo.” The taller one stated, her tone dull, as if she rather be anywhere else. Judging by the bags under her eyes and the large cup of coffee in front of her – a bed seemed to be her choice. Officer Kim reached to the ground and placed a file on the desk, she opened it to reveal a series of photographs; five to be precise. Males and females from around a same age group are placed with one female in the center, she looks strangely familiar to YN. The rounded tip of her nose and arched brows but she can’t quite place the face. There is someone YN does recognize though, a face she saw just a few days ago.
           “Anyone you recognize?” Officer Kim asks, her tone is serious but airy. The smile on her face after every sentence lets YN know that she’s the ‘good cop.’
           YN points at the second photo from the left, “Him. I saw him in a missing persons ad on the news, but he didn’t look this old.” They had likely picked a picture from when he was younger, the man on the news held a bright smile. His jawline sharp and his cheekbones high but not defined. The man in the photograph in front of her had a pronounced jawline, hollow cheeks, and an ugly scowl that did nothing to mar his features. ‘K.T’ read the bottom.
           “What news channel and around what time?”
           “KBS, maybe late evening. I watch it before I go to sleep.”
Both officers nod, as Park shifts around on her seat. Now facing directly at YN, resting both elbows on the metal table. “Are you aware of the reason you were brought into the station today?” Officer Kim jumps in before YN can answer, “Just so you know you aren’t being charged with anything.”
Yes. “No, I don’t know.” She shrugged, keeping her eyes level and gaze neither too intense nor too bored.
“You’re here due to your affiliation with Alpha’s Kim Namjoon and Park Jimin,” Park spoke, “They’re your employers, correct?” There was an edge to her voice that YN recognized. Many people weren’t fond of them – many had a reason not to be.
“Yes.” YN nods.
“How long have you worked for them?” Kim asks.
YN notes how neither women are writing anything down, nor looking towards the one-sided mirror behind them. Are they perhaps recording this with a second device? If that’s the case it's not just her voice YN must be cautious of, but her expressions as well. “Around nine months, I’m their housekeeper and take care of Hyunwoo.” After a bit of silence from the police, she elaborates more, “I cook, clean, and help the child with his homework.”
“That’s quite a lot for just one person. Especially considering you have little background in those areas before you were hired, correct?”
They’re trying to bait me. “I’m used to doing those things at home.” YN shrugs, she can see the growing frown on Park’s features.
“How exactly did you hear about the job?” Kim leans forward, but one of her hands drops below the table. Park’s eyes dart over to her partner for a second, but YN catches it. Kim likely gave her a signal or something like a reassuring squeeze, YN hopes it’s the latter. “What was the hiring process like?”
“From an acquaintance Dr. Sihyuk.” Both officers nod along, they don’t seem to recognize the name. “Bang’s dead. Unlikely anyone will find something there.” They always knew to cover their bases. “Um, normal, I guess. I sent in an application and then had an interview.”
“You made a lot of money as the Kim’s housekeeper. Did you never ask yourself where that money was coming from?” It seemed the officers were done trying to be subtle.
“No, it wasn’t my place. Plus, most of the money I earned went into paying family debts.”
“Do you know Kim Namjoon’s or Park Jimin’s source of income?”
“Again no. I just did what I was supposed to do.”
“You never thought to ask?”
Sooyoung smirks, “Interesting how everyone around the Kim’s just accepts things at face value. Their co-workers, drivers, bodyguards, even their housekeeper just does what their told. You weren’t even a little bit curious as to how they could possibly afford the lifestyle they have?”
“Curiosity killed the cat.” YN’s arms were clenching around the chair, trying to hold herself back from reacting negatively to the hassling.
“But we aren’t cats.” Sooyoung remarks and for a second YN feels like she’s lost a battle. Jisoo points to the picture in the center, it's a beautiful young woman with flowy hair and a bright smile. Her delicate features give away her omega nature. Though the closer YN inspects the picture, they’re bags under her eyes, permanent frown lines etched onto her face, a hollowness to her eyes. She looks somewhere between life and death. “Do you recognize this woman? You lingered on her a bit longer than the rest of them.”
The longer YN stares at her the more she starts to piece things together, but it still feels like she’s missing something. So she gives a generic answer. “She looks kind of familiar. Has that kind of face.”
“What kind of face?” Jisoo questions.
“Like…pretty, popular, all over billboards kind of face.”
It's enough to satisfy them for now. They slowly start removing all the pictures while leaving only the woman’s, the longer YN sees it the more unnerved she becomes. Her head begins to hurt as another migraine begins to pound at her temples. Creating a sort of hazy fog over YN’s mind. Both officers’ then hold up the picture and flip it revealing a picture of the same woman holding a young child wrapped in blankets. She looks so much happier, so full of life. Instantly YN places her, recognizing the toddler wrapped in blue velvet.
“This is Hyunwoo’s mother. The last time anyone saw her alive was three weeks ago when she just so happened to be having dinner with your employers.” Fuck.
           YN’s phone dings as another text from Mark appears on her screen: ‘boss wants to know when you’ll start paying?’ She groans exhaustedly, responding with ‘I have been paying. He gets half my salary every week.’ Which hasn’t made living very comfortable for YN, but she makes do with what she can.
           Mark: It’s not enough princess, not with the way daddy’s been spending money.
��          Me: What am I supposed to do if you keep giving him money?!
           Mark: That’s not up to me. So, the money?
           Me: I’m looking for a second job. One that pays better.
           Mark: Just go sell your eggs or something. Not like you have any use for them.
           “Asshole.” YN muttered, muting her notifications. She looked up to the entrance of the fertility clinic debating whether or not to go in. It wasn’t like she had much of an option; she needed the money and fertility clinics were the only ones willing to provide big sums of money fast. Not to mention she had missed a day of work to make the appointment, which meant less money to give to Mark. I hate this. I hate this so much. YN was about to walk away, leave everything when she spotted a black BMW parked on the curve. Its driver observing her intensely. She knew what it meant.
           Mark was getting pushy. Meaning his boss was getting pushy and YN didn’t need to be on the bad side of some loan shark – not again. So, she mustered up the courage and opened the glass doors, being hit with the smell of lavender and pheromones. It reeks. Nonetheless, she forced a smile on her face and walked towards the front desk. “Hello, I have an appointment with Dr. Sihyuk.”
 “Unfortunately, there is a limit to how many eggs we can safely remove from you. Betas aren’t like omegas, you have a set number of eggs. Removing the majority of them would leave you infertile. We’d also be unsure of whether the eggs are useful or not without running the proper examinations which can take weeks.” Dr. Sihyuk explained as he went over YN’s medical file, each sentence uttered destroying her hope little by little.
“I understand but I am quite fertile. I carry a recessive gene from my father who is an omega. Not to mention I’m not interested in having children so I would have no use for my eggs,” she could sense the doctor’s hesitation, “unlike someone who might benefit from them.” I just really need the money.
“Oh, I know, you betas are lucky in that sense. Don’t have to worry about population growth.” Though it was said jokingly it still made YN uncomfortable, let her know he wasn’t buying her bullshit. The doctor closed the file, “Why exactly are you interested in donating your eggs? Is it for the money?” He saw right through her.  At her silence the doctor sighs, “We get one of you every once in a while. Always wrapped up in some business started by a family member or mistakes you’ve made.” Sihyuk opens a file cabinet beside him and shoves her file in there, “Unfortunately for you there’s no market for beta eggs.”
YN sags exhaustion and fear taking over her, “I –” Sihyuk takes a small white business card out of the cabinet holding it out towards her. “Fortunately for you, I happen to know someone hiring. They specified only betas applied.” Hesitantly YN takes the card, “What kind of job?” Though she knows one should never look a gift horse in the mouth it feels to good to be true. “A housekeeper for an alpha couple. They’re long-time associates of mine. Give them a call you won’t regret it.”
 Evening of June 20th, 2021
           Hyunwoo wouldn’t stop crying. YN truly regretted feeding him chocolate before bed, he had nightmares that had not let the three-year-old rest. Though YN had time and time again reassured them there were no monsters under his bed or strange men coming to take him at night, he wouldn’t hear of it. Insisted she had stayed in bed with him and when that didn’t work cried out for his daddies. The issue being his daddies were currently busy, in the middle of their ruts with their weekly guests. Thankfully, their bedroom was across the apartment from Hyunwoo’s, or else she’d have to explain to the child that the screams being heard didn’t belong to ghost.
           “I want papa! I want daddy!” Hyunwoo shrieked, snot and tears dribbling down his face. At this rate, he’d get himself sick if he didn’t permanently injure his vocal cords – or her hearing.
           “I know. I know, but they’re busy right now. I can go get them later.” When their guests are gone and they’ve cleaned their bedroom. YN never quite knew how they manage to sneak them out and clean up so fast, but she didn’t question it. Less work for me.
           “NO! I want them now!” Hyunwoo bolted towards the door, his little legs running as fast as they could. Though they couldn’t compare to YN’s.
           She hugged the toddler, “Alright. I’ll go get your daddies but you have to promise me you’ll wait in bed.” Hyunwoo began to shake his head, “Come on Woowoo, imagine what they’ll say if they hear you threw a tantrum. What would daddies say?”
           That seemed to sober him up a bit, “They would be disappointed.”
           “Exactly,” YN led him back to bed, gently tucking him in. “I’ll be right back with them soon, okay?”
             The hallway felt eerily long as YN struggled with how to politely interrupt without being subjected to the alpha’s rages. Ruts were an especially tricky time and there would be very little she could do to protect herself if it took a turn for the worse. Not to mention she was breaking one of the very few rules set by them: no bothering us after nine pm. YN glanced at her watch, it was currently 11:43 pm. I am so going to lose my job. But Hyunwoo needed his parents, and she didn’t want to risk the toddler running into their bedroom and being witness to something that would certainly cause trauma. Not to mention I might get sent his therapy bills. More debt. YN reached their bedroom doors. A light red hue leaking from the bottom, she willed all her courage and knocked.
           “Come in, darling.” Jimin spoke, his dulcet tone sounding a little rougher than normal. Surprisingly the door was unlocked, so YN opened it. At first, she saw nothing out of the ordinary, just Kim Namjoon and Park Jimin laying in their bed. The red silk sheets, she so often had to wash, concealing their more intimate parts. It wasn’t until YN noticed the stains covering their bodies and the walls. It caused her eyes to dance around the room until she landed on what had caused such a mess: the two dismembered bodies lying on the floor. The red lighting of the room serving to conceal what the stains truly were: blood.
           Namjoon beckoned her inside with a wave of his hand and YN felt obliged to obey. She could still smell the pheromones in their air, still feel their rut. Not to mention, Hyunwoo might have been following her. She locked the door behind her.
           “To what do we owe the pleasure?” Namjoon spoke, smirking and showing off his blood-stained pearly teeth.
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chaoticpuff17 · 3 years
When the Chips are Down
part 4
hello my darlings, You asked for it, and now it’s here. Please enjoy my chaotic ramblings as I dive back into my hectic schedule while also being volunteered for child care!--- chaotic puff
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Y/N begrudgingly had to admit that she was in love with the nursery. It was beautiful, warm, comfortable. It wasn’t the nursery she and Mark had made together, but it felt safe even if she knew that nothing was safe while she was in Namjoon’s clutches. It felt like it was hers though. She hadn’t been the one to decorate or set it up, but it was hers. The room was familiar and safe. This was where she had retreated from Namjoon after that horrible night. It was with a sickening feeling to know that that was probably the night that her sweet baby had been conceived. It wasn’t fair to the child. It wasn’t fair to her either. 
It was good to like the nursery. She’d be spending a lot of time in it once the baby arrived, probably even before as she tried to avoid namjoon. She knew deep down though that there was no avoiding him. She doubted he’d ever let her out of his sight again or at least not for a very long time. Even now he hovered over her as she fluttered around the nursery. She was nine months pregnant. Did he really think she was going to run? She doubted she could run even if she tried. She moved at a waddle, her belly impeding any sudden or quick movement. She loved her baby, but she was very ready to not be pregnant anymore. The stress of being back and not having Mark with her wasn’t helping anything either. She was liable to bite Namjoon’s head off if she didn’t get some space, but that wasn’t going to happen. 
“You need to eat something, jagi.” Namjoon sighed watching as she went through the baby clothes he had prepared. 
There wasn’t anything gender specific. He’d arrange for her to pick things once they knew what they were having, but gender neutral outfits would work well for a newborn. His research and Yoongi’s wife had informed him how many outfits a newborn baby could go through in a day. 
“I’m not hungry.” she grumbled, releasing a sigh of her own. 
“You need to eat.” 
“She might be nauseous.” a new voice called from the door to the nursery. 
She turned to find Yoongi and a woman she didn’t know standing in the doorway. Even more surprising was the fact that the woman was holding a baby, a baby that looked unnervingly like Yoongi. 
“I didn’t know you were coming.” Namjoon smiled, tiredly ignoring the guarded look that Sen gave him. 
“You called us.” Yoongi grumbled. “Something about bonding and babies.” 
Y/N looked to Namjoon, completely unimpressed by the fact he had essentially arranged a playdate for her, but it would admittedly be nice to have another woman to talk to other than Miss In. The maids were all terrified of her as Namjoon’s wife. 
“Shoo.” The woman growled shifting the baby on her hip. “Leave the ladies to talk.” 
“She needs…” 
“I think I know a little more about pregnant women than you do, sajangnim.” She smiled sweetly, though the expression lacked any sincerity. Y/N could tell immediately that she was going to like this woman. “Yoongi.” 
The man held up his hands in surrender, dragging out a protesting Namjoon so that the two women could get acquainted. 
“I’m Sen. Yoongi’s wife.” she introduced herself keeping a little distance between herself and the other woman for both of their comfort. 
“I didn’t know that Yoongi got married.” 
“How could you? You weren’t here.” Y/N flinched a little at that, but Sen was quick to correct herself. “Oh no, don’t get me wrong. I admire you for making it out. No one else would have the guts. Namjoon is one scary mother fucker.” Y/N had to laugh at that. “Doing what you did takes some balls.” 
“Still ended up back here.” 
“You did better than I did.” 
Y/N froze staring at the other woman with wide eyes. “You escaped?” 
“I wouldn’t say escaped so much as left. Yoongi and I weren’t together. I was one of Jimin’s girls. I left when I realized I was pregnant. Yoongi showed up at the hospital right after this little guy was born.” 
“Not like he would allow me to see anyone else, possessive bastard.” 
“Seems to be a running trend here.” 
“Come on.” Sen laughed, taking a step towards her. “You should sit down. That baby has to be giving you some back pain by now.” 
“You have no idea.” She groaned, sinking down into the rocking chair again. “How old is he?” 
“Three months. His name’s Yoonho.” 
“He’s cute.” 
“Want to hold him?” Sen offered practically shoving the baby into her arms. “I’m desperate for someone else to hold the little bugger. Yoongi is possessive, but you’d think the baby was a bomb with the way he treats him.” 
“He doesn’t seem like a baby person.” 
“He’s not.” Sen laughed as Y/N settled little Yoonho against her bump. 
She had to admit the kid was adorable, chubby in the most delicious way, like a little dumpling. He had dark hair that stuck up at odd angles, and she was in love. It could have been the hormones running through her system, but she was completely enamored with the little guy. 
“How do you do it?” She asked, her voice soft and unsure. “How do you raise a baby in all this?” 
“You do the best you can. No one asks for this, but at least it comes with some very luxurious settings.” 
Y/N smiled a little. It was true that Namjoon provided a very gilded cage. The nursery was proof of that. Everything was arranged to make her life comfortable, even if she was anything but, and looking down at Yoonho she was reminded she wouldn’t be alone in this soon. She was going to have a little one of her own to look after, to protect from all of this.
Part of her wished that she was having a boy. There’d be no pressure to have another baby with Namjoon. A greater part of her wished that it would be a girl. She didn’t want to give her tormentor the heir he needed. It was a patriarchy after all. He needed a boy, and she didn’t want to give that to him. She didn’t want to give him any children, but it was too late for that. In a few short weeks there was going to be a baby whether she wanted it to be Namjoon’s or not.
Sen observed the other woman for a moment, watching the melancholy drift over her features from her seat on the floor. There were other chairs, but the floor seemed like the best option for when Yoonho decided he was going to be fussy and wanted floor time. “You okay?”
“Not really.” She answered with a shaky smile. “He’s adorable.”
“You won’t say that when he’s crying.”
“You were one of Jimin’s girls?” she asked curiously, desperate to get the focus off of her and her life.
“I was working off my mom’s debt. Stayed because it paid well.” She shrugged. “I was always planning on leaving, but he sped up my time table.” Y/N nodded understandingly practically melting as the baby cooed up at her. “Apparently up and leaving with one of the big seven’s babies is frowned upon.”
She wasn’t naïve enough to notice the similarities in their stories. They had both been thrust into this life, for different reasons, and they had both tried to leave, unsuccessfully so. She was honestly surprised that Namjoon had allowed them to be alone together, but he had probably only been thinking of the baby side of things and not the scheming wife side of it.
“It gets better.” Sen offered only to be met with a disbelieving look from the other woman. “It does.”
“You just have to be their doll.”
“No one said it was easy, but there are things you have to do for your family.”
“He’s killed my family.”
“Not the baby.”
“I’m terrified it’s going to be a boy, that I’m going to bring a little Namjoon into the world.”
Sen nodded understandingly. “You’ll love that baby regardless. Even if that baby is Namjoon’s carbon copy, it’s still yours too. You get to raise it.”
“It feels like he’s won. He’s taken everything.”
Sen sighed, running a hand through her hair as she tried to find the words to say. “You still have your baby, and despite everything, you have Namjoon’s ear. You can use that. Do you know how hard he worked to find you? We were honestly all a little scared of him.”
“The other girls.”
A choked sound of surprise left her at that. She was stunned. Namjoon was going to hold her escape against her. He was going to hold Mark against her, but he had gone to see Jimin’s girls in her absence. It was horribly and hilariously hypocritical.
“The other girls.”
“No one really wanted to mess with him before you. He’s scary. You know? But after you? He was an absolute nightmare. Those poor girls have probably all breathed a sigh of relief to know that you’re back.”
“They can keep him.”
“After the past few months? They don’t want him.”
“I don’t want him either.” She scoffed bouncing the baby a little as he fussed.
“Then we’re all agreed. We should form a club.”
Y/N couldn’t help it. She burst out laughing, a mix of emotions running through her. Eventually the laughing slowed into tears, which Sen was quick to notice.
She stood up quickly, scooping the baby up with one arm and draping the other comfortingly around the other woman’s shoulders.
“It’s going to be alright.” She promised. “You’re not alone here anymore. We have to look out for each other, right?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Besides, who else is going to listen to me complain about diapers and gush over baby clothes?” Y/N let out another teary laugh. “Why don’t we go take a walk in the garden? I think we could all use some fresh air.”
Namjoon watched from his office window as his wife and Yoongi’s strolled through the garden. They were talking and laughing in a way that was comfortable, familiar, something he hadn’t even seen her display with Jin and Jungkook, and he begrudgingly had to admit that those two were her favorites of the bunch. She was always happier with everyone who wasn’t him. He shouldn’t have been jealous. He knew she needed female friends, but he wanted her to be that comfortable with him.
“If you keep frowning like that your face is going to freeze.” Yoongi drawled from where he was lounging in one of Namjoon’s chairs. “Sit down and relax. You’re gonna miss it after the baby comes. They cry, all the time.” Namjoon didn’t move. “She’s not going to suddenly come running to you because you’re staring at her like a psychopath from the window.”
“I don’t like to be away from her. We were apart too long already.”
Yoongi groaned leaning his head back. “She needs space too. She doesn’t like you.”
“I know that.” Namjoon snapped irritably. He didn’t need to be reminded of his failure to woo his own wife.
“It could get better.” Yoongi offered lazily. “Babies change things. You never know.”
God, Namjoon hoped that was true. He hoped that the baby would soften her to him. He wanted, no needed, them to be a family. He wanted her to smile and laugh with him like she was with Sen in the garden. He wanted it to be the two of them and their own child, maybe even a few more. They had the perfect house for kids. He had the perfect wife. He just needed her to see that.
“How does Sen not chop your head off?”
“I don’t step on her toes, and she doesn’t step on mine.” Yoongi shrugged. “But I’ve known her a long time. She knows me. She may not like me, but we’re comfortable together. Y/N is not comfortable with you.”
“I’m trying.”
“Try harder?”
“She ran off with another man.”
“And you fucked Jimin’s girls. They’re terrified of you.”
Namjoon growled in frustration, his eyes still fixed on her figure as she continued her walk. They’d both made mistakes. He knew that, and he was willing to forgive her, even if he wouldn’t forgive the man who had taken her away. All that mattered was that she and the baby were home again, with him.
“It doesn’t matter now.”
“I guarantee it matters to her.”
“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. She doesn’t need any more stress right now. It isn’t good for the baby.”
Yoongi scoffed at that, but didn’t say anything more.
Several hours later, Sen and Yoongi were due to head home, much to Y/N’s dismay. It was nice to have someone who understood around, but she couldn’t blame the other woman for wanting to go back to her own house, to unwind and relax and settle her baby down for a much needed nap.
Yoongi was visibly smug by how well the two women got along, and Namjoon was hovering, ready to whisk her away for lunch. He was still fixated on the fact she hadn’t eaten any of the breakfast he had had prepared for her.
“I’ll come again soon.” Sen promised, one hand holding Y/N’s. “We can pick some things for the baby.”
“Thank you for coming.” She smiled leaning in to hug the woman goodbye and to coo one last time at the baby.
Namjoon would have been lying to say he didn’t melt at the sight of her interacting with Yoongi’s child. He couldn’t wait for it to be his child she was fussing over. Soon, he reminded himself. He would have this soon.
“Come on.” Yoongi grumbled, gently taking the baby from Sen. “It’s time to go home, and Namjoon looks like he’s going to have an anxiety attack if he doesn’t get Y/N to eat in the next five minutes.”
“Hyung.” Namjoon nodded, relieved to have the visitors leaving so he could have time with his wife.
“It’s going to be okay.” Sen whispered as she gave the other woman a hug. “You have all the power right now. Don’t forget that. He can’t do anything while you’re carrying his child.”
True, but how far could she really push her boundaries before Namjoon pushed back? She didn’t know, but she was planning on finding out.
part 5
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