#M'Baku Fluff
tchallasbabymama · 1 year
Ménage à Trois Part Deux: Chapter One
Hey there! Mholo! Sawubona! What’s been up??? I know y’all missed me, and I missed y’all too. I think I’m figuring out the whole work/life balance thing a little better, but I still have less time to write than I used to. That being said, it might take longer than before, but I just couldn’t wait to start this series finally! For those of you who are new here, welcome, and check out the first part of this series HERE before you read part 2. Also, check out my masterlist HERE to see my other stories.
Your feedback is always appreciated, so leave comments and please, please, PLEASE reblog if you like what you read. As always, just let me know if you want to be added to this taglist, and ENJOY!😘 
Word count: 5,023
T’Challa looked out over the bustling Golden City and tapped his long, slender fingers against the side of his leg. An annoyed grimace tightened his handsome face while his eyes frantically searched the skies for even the tiniest hint of movement from the west. Even though the king desperately wanted to pace around the room, he stood still while his tailor put the finishing touches on his suit for the night. His agitation grew as the time ticked on, but despite his less-than-pleasant mood, he couldn’t help but admire himself in the mirror when he caught a glimpse of his reflection. The embroidered black ensemble he chose for the occasion covered his streamlined body like running water. The locs that usually dusted his jawbone were twisted back into an elaborate bejeweled bun, and he looked every bit a king.
A knock at the door eased T’Challa’s anxious mind for a second until his younger sister swept into the room in her suit that mirrored his, just with a silky golden scarf draped across her shoulders. T’Challa’s own shoulders slumped with disappointment, but he pivoted to positivity quickly enough for Shuri to miss his initial reaction. 
“Look at you copying your big brother,” he teased her.
Shuri rolled her eyes as she crossed the room, but she still dapped him up in their special way. He was still her favorite person, no matter how much he annoyed her. 
“Whatever,” she sucked her teeth. “I wear it better than you.”
“Who lied and told you that?”
“Zora. And she’s about as honest as they come!”
T’Challa’s jaw tightened at the mention of her name.
“Where is she, anyway?”
“Late,” grumbled the king. 
“I should have known,” Shuri chuckled. “She also never gets anywhere on time.”
T’Challa grunted in response, and Shuri noticed the annoyance in his voice. She put up her fists, playfully tapping him on the shoulder with a weak jab.
“Come on, bro. She’ll be here. Chill out.”
“She’s two hours late.”
“Was there a problem with the opening?”
“No. According to Okoye and Bahati, they just could not pull her away from conversing with the crowd.”
The princess smiled.
“You know how Zora is. Or has it been so long that you’ve forgotten?” she asked him dramatically, with a hand to her chest. 
“Just wait until you meet someone. You’ll finally understand why being apart is so painful.”
“It’s been two weeks, T’Challa. You’ve gone away for longer on missions before.”
“Being the one left at home makes the time move slower.”
“I guess.” Shuri shrugged as she plopped down on the end of the bed and began picking at her fingernails–an anxious habit that she rarely resorted to. T’Challa immediately caught on to her discomfort, and his overprotective nature flared in his chest. He hated when Shuri wasn’t her normal bubbly self.
“Something bothering you?”
“Just your mother.”
T’Challa laughed away the tension that had built in his shoulders just that quickly.
“What did our mother do this time, Shuri?”
The exasperated younger sibling groaned as she fell backward onto the bed, “She won’t stop trying to set me up!”
“Who is it now?”
“Nakia’s younger cousin, L’Nela.”
T’Challa’s face scrunched up disapprovingly. Even the tailor stopped moving the lint roller across the king’s chest to look at Shuri in disbelief before continuing his job. 
“She’s not your type,” T’Challa stated as if it were the most obvious fact in the world.
“You know that. I know that. All of Wakanda knows that! But mother is horrible at lesbian matchmaking. Bast bless her for trying, but I don’t know how much more of this I can take, brother!”
“I will talk to her,” the king chuckled at her dramatics.
“Well, actually, I came to see if Zora would-“
T’Challa’s kimoyo beads chimed with the tone he had reserved for his love, and the communication bead rolled down into his palm. 
“Speak, and she shall appear,” he grumbled as Zora’s hologram smiled at him apologetically.
“I know, I know, I’m late-”
“Two hours, Zora?”
“I couldn’t just cut off the Ghanaian ambassador and ignore the excited children, T’Challa.”
“Brother’s been in a sour mood all day,” Shuri tattled from her spot on the bed, and Zora chuckled before her picture cut out momentarily.
“What are you doing?” T’Challa asked with an accusatory tone, his eyes squinting curiously.
“Getting dressed-“
“Just now?! It’s a two-hour ride!”
“I needed a nap!”
“I tried to tell her,” snarked Bahati, now promoted to Zora’s assistant, as she helped her into her attire for the evening. 
“Not you both ganging up on me! I can be late to my own damn event if I want to. And need I remind y’all I’m not even that late? We’ll be landing in a minute.”
“A minute?” T’Challa asked for clarification, raising a skeptical eyebrow.
“More like ten, kumkani wam.”
“Thank you for your honesty, Bahati.”
“Thank you for your honesty, Bahati,” Zora mocked. “You know, sometimes I think she’s your favorite.” 
“It’s because she listens.”
“She’s paid to listen; I’m not.”
“Don’t I know it,” T’Challa smirked, and Zora mirrored the expression. 
“I’ll be there soon, love.”
“I’ll be waiting.”
Racing through the central African skies on the Royal Talon, Zora ended the call and allowed the makeup artist to touch up her gold eyeshadow while Bahati zipped up the side of her backless black jumpsuit.
She knew she was pushing T’Challa’s nerves by running so far behind schedule, but Zora liked it when he was all worked up about one thing or another. Granted, that wasn’t actually her intention this time. She really did get caught up at the grand opening of the new Wakandan International Outreach Center in Accra. Still, she recognized that she should have planned for that possibility instead of booking a gala immediately after.
After two years of working with T’Challa and foreign dignitaries to bring her vision to fruition, Zora was finally kicking off her student exchange program. One hundred students of all ages, fifty from Wakanda and fifty from across the diaspora, would trade places for a semester. Zora spent countless hours pouring over applications and hand-picking who she thought would benefit most from the carefully crafted program. Now the diaspora students were coming to Wakanda for a warm welcome. 
As excited as Zora was for her exchange program to begin, she was running on fumes and needed time to relax and refuel. Not only had she just left Ghana, but she and T’Challa had just visited several Outreach Centers before that. Their trip started in Oakland at the very first Outreach Center. Then, they made stops in Houston, New Orleans, Chicago, D.C., and Atlanta before finishing their rounds in Charleston, where they met their goddaughter for the first time. Unfortunately, T’Challa couldn’t visit long because the elders called him away to handle a security problem near the southern border, but what little time he spent with the new addition to their extended family was more than enough to make an impact on Zora.
Indigo Ayers-Odun, daughter of Keisha and Dakarai, absolutely took Zora’s breath away. She was the best of both her parents, with her mother’s catlike eyes and her father’s broad smile. Zora and T’Challa were both tickled by how cautious the little girl was with them initially. Dakarai’s cautious nature shone through her before Keisha’s bubbly personality took over once she determined they were trustworthy enough for her to bless them with her laughter. She was a little miracle. One that captured the attention of everyone around her and made them wonder about making little miracles of their own. 
Zora got caught up in the magic. As soon as she observed T’Challa playing with the infant, she began wondering if maybe the time was right to try for one. She thought of her belly stretching and her hips cracking to make way for a baby that she hoped looked like her twin, and a warmth filled her chest. Those thoughts didn't stick around long, though. They were quickly shot down by her logical mind telling her she was too busy for babies, but they still lingered in the back of her consciousness like a dull headache.
T’Challa noticed the way Zora’s eyes seemed to look past Indigo into the potential future, and M’Baku saw it when she called him on her kimoyo beads so he could see the baby while stuck in Jabariland. Neither man mentioned their observation, but they both held onto hope that they could become parents soon. They tried to hide their baby fever from Zora so she wouldn’t feel pressured, but she knew what they wanted. And as the days passed by, she wanted it more and more, too…
The thought of a tiny hand wrapping around her tattooed finger made Zora sigh as her eyes examined the design, and Bahati smiled knowingly at her friend. 
“Missing your Jabari man?” she asked.
Zora simply nodded, not wanting to get too deep into the true reason for her melancholy. 
“The gala will fly by, and you can be together after.”
“I know,” Zora sighed again. “I just hate having to treat him like a spare.”
“Zora, I’m sure he knows he’s not a spare. This is all just for show. It’s all politics.”
Zora glanced at herself in the full-body mirror, and a sense of déjà vu washed over her as she found herself transported back to her first morning waking up in Wakanda. She’d never forget the day that Bahati first gave her, Keisha, and that incompetent ambassador a tour of the country that she now called home. She had come a long way in just two, almost three short years. Zora was just an ambassador’s assistant when she first came to Wakanda. So much had changed in her life with that trip to Wakanda. It was supposed to be for a few short weeks, and she ended up falling in love with the country and two of its sons and sticking around. Now, Zora couldn’t imagine living anywhere else in the world.
“Don’t worry. Tonight will be a breeze,” Bahati reassured Zora as she gave her one last glance over to check for anything out of place.
Zora smiled at her friend and let the optimistic words wash over her. Tonight would be a breeze…
Black students and their chaperones, journalists, and government officials from across the diaspora flew into Birnin Zana earlier that day, and each member of the royal family greeted them with a welcoming speech when they arrived. Shuri spoke of her excitement about sharing her technology with the brilliant young minds that had come to Wakanda. Ramonda spoke of how her travels with her late husband only gave her a taste of the outside world but encouraged the young Wakandans that would spend time beyond their borders to truly appreciate the cultural exchange. T’Challa ended the welcome brunch by telling them how the program came to be: Zora. He explained her absence and promised she’d grace them with her presence at the gala when she returned that evening. 
Zora ensured each guest received a kimoyo bracelet complete with translator capabilities, and Wakandan tour guides were assigned to small groups of five to ten people. The following day, they’d all receive the same tour that Bahati and T’Challa gave Zora and Keisha when they arrived, plus more specialized tours based on academic focus. The Wakandan students would be greeted by their host communities in their own unique but similar ways. They mingled with their visitors with ease, and by the start of the gala, the only thing that separated them was the culturally specific styles of their formal attire.
The event was held in the palace courtyard, with the setting sun front and center for the guests to marvel at while they trickled into the space from their lodgings across the city. Zora had spent months working with a team of artists, contractors, and craftspeople to make sure the courtyard (as well as the entire palace and the visitor’s apartments) was perfect and to her liking for her visitors. Drummers struck their instruments with their palms in a high-energy rhythm that got the guests dancing before the event began. By the time the guests spotted the Royal Talon descending from the sky on the other side of the palace spires, spirits were so high that they erupted into applause that rang out loud enough for Zora to hear inside the aircraft. 
She was a vision in black when T’Challa laid eyes on her as she came down the ramp, and as soon as she saw him, her face lit up. Zora ran to T’Challa and jumped into his arms, not caring about messing up their formal attire or makeup. Their lips locked in a wet embrace they had longed for over the past two weeks, and their bodies came alive at the other’s touch. His firm hands held her up and grabbed her cheeks to pull her body closer to his while her arms wrapped around his neck. Tongues explored mouths, and they breathed as one again.
Being apart for the past two weeks was rough for Zora and T’Challa. Seeing Indigo brought up a lot of emotions for them both, and being without their loves during that time made for some lonely nights. Kimoyo chats can only do so much, especially when Zora loved taking every opportunity she could to tease her man. Her fingers would explore her depths while she panted and moaned and called his name, wishing her walls were contracting around his girth, and he couldn’t help but stroke himself until he overflowed with passion watching her performance. He’d tell her what to do, and she’d become her bratty self instantly, forcing him to keep a running tab of her infractions.
There were eight.
Half of those infractions come from her insistence on not calling him by whatever name he allows her to at the time. Sometimes he wants to hear her call him the same name as the rest of the world, and other times he only allows “Sir.” When she wants to get under his skin, she’s always resorted to calling him by his title, and T’Challa kept count of four times when she chose to push that button.
Another three came from her refusal to take his directions. He told her to remove her panties; she pushed them to the side. He ordered her to stop rubbing her clit when she seemed like she was about to climax, but Zora did it anyway, a satisfied smirk on her face as her juices dripped down on her hand. Then, her striptease while the king was in a meeting with the council. Every few seconds, T’Challa’s kimoyo beads dinged with a picture that he dared not open until after the meeting, each one of her in fewer clothes than the one before. By the time he called her after the meeting ended, she was cumming all over her favorite vibrator and screaming his name in her soundproof suite on the Talon while he tried his best to maintain composure in the two free minutes he had in his schedule.
The last infraction was when Zora’s bratty side got out of hand. T’Challa had missed her usual before-bedtime call, and when he called her back twenty minutes later, Zora was tired and cranky from a long day of global politicking. Her attitude made her mouthy, and when she accused him of sleeping with his assistant, he’d had enough. The following day, she didn’t even remember their conversation, but the king had already begun plotting revenge. 
Those thoughts of punishment disappeared from T’Challa’s mind when he saw Zora in the flesh again. His heart nearly stopped as he took in her curves, from the royal purple polish on her stubby toes to the tip of the beaded halo resting comfortably in her curls. His hands felt like they were glued to her ass, and he couldn’t help but squeeze it tighter and test the jiggle in his hands to make sure it was all still there.
Zora whimpered against T’Challa’s mouth when his fingertips got dangerously close to her lower lips, and his body responded with a rush of blood between his legs. He pressed his pelvis into her warmth and held her tighter while she gripped him as if he would ever drop her.
“Oh, my Bast!”
Zora pried her eyes open at the interruption and saw T’Challa’s new assistant trying her best to remain professional. The rest of the staff was used to their displays of affection and worked around them like it was nothing, but poor Kidada looked stunned to see her boss and king in such a precarious position. 
“Uxolo kumkani–”
The two lovers cooled down and pulled apart with a chuckle, and the king waved off her nervous ramblings.
“No need to apologize, Kidada.”
She nodded and pushed her gold-rimmed glasses up the bridge of her round nose, looking away nervously while Zora and T’Challa were both swarmed by their stylists. 
“How’s it looking out there?” Zora asked the assistant while the makeup artist touched up her lipstick.
“The visitors saw the Talon arrive, and they’ve begun asking for you.”
“We won’t keep them waiting much longer.”
“We?” T’Challa scoffed, and Zora cut her eyes at him, forcing Bahati to stifle a giggle.
“We’re a unit now, T’Challa, or have you forgotten your vows?” Zora teased, and it became T’Challa’s turn to cut his eyes.
“As if I could ever do such a thing.”
“I know, baby. You love me too much.”
“That and the eidetic memory,” T’Challa smirked, his eyes trailing up to the isicholo on Zora’s head. 
His mind traveled back to the day he first placed it there as vividly as if he still existed in that very moment. The procession through Birnin Zana was more beautiful than anything he had ever seen until they made it to the palace steps, and he was allowed to turn around and face his future wife. The brightly colored flower petals that filled the air and covered the ground they walked on as they made their way through the city streets had nothing on Zora in her intricately woven purple robes and stark white wedding paint. Ramonda comforted Cheryl as they gave their children away to be married on the palace steps, and both mothers had tearfully proud smiles on their faces as the priestess declared their union to be blessed by Bast. T’Challa remembered hearing slight sniffles coming from Shuri’s direction, but he was too busy gazing into his new wife’s twinkling eyes as he secured her crown.
Zora caught him staring, but she knew where his memory had taken him. She reached out her hand to intertwine their fingers, and the swirling patterns that the tattooist etched into their skin the day they were wed completed the design in the way they intended. 
“Let’s go,” she said with a soft smile.
T’Challa brought her hand to his lips and led the way out of the dressing room with Kidada, Bahati, and their Dora Milaje detail on their heels.
“My king, my queen,” Kidada rushed out as she followed behind them. “The queen mothers and the princess are already seated at the table, as are the council members, and the-”
“M’Baku?” Zora stopped walking and looked back at the assistant expectantly, but Kidada deferred to T’Challa.
“Zora,” he began, “he decided it would be best if he kept his distance. He sent Dembe in his absence.”
“Oh.” Disappointment weighed on Zora’s vocal cords like the heaviest boulder. “Is he ok?”
T’Challa sweetly cupped Zora’s face with the hand not interwoven with hers.
“He knew he could not remain professional in front of our guests.”
Zora nodded solemnly, and took a step forward, only to be pulled back into T’Challa’s embrace.
“My love, he-”
“I understand… it’s hard for me, too.”
He kissed her forehead, and the two of them took off again towards the courtyard with their entourage in tow. 
Zora tried to go over her speech, but her mind kept wandering back to M’Baku. She couldn’t help but feel a little hollow inside every time he came up. That emptiness came not just from missing her Jabari man, but because, in order to build relationships with foreign dignitaries, Zora had to become something she despised: dishonest. More than telling simple lies, she had to hide a piece of herself because of her global peers’ conservative sensibilities surrounding non-traditional relationships. 
Wakanda was already under so much scrutiny from the global press. The country’s name was being dragged through the mud by conservatives and liberals alike for their exclusionary practices, neither side of the political spectrum truly grasping the concept of reparations for descendants of chattel slavery. The United Nations was breathing down their necks for a taste of vibranium. Zora specifically had become the target of many a smear campaign calling her every foul name under the sun for “sleeping her way into the palace”—a sentiment that lost a news reporter in the UK his job when his boss mysteriously received pictures of said reporter in blackface taken just two years prior. 
To Wakandans, and many people around the world with liberated mindsets, polyamory is just another way of life; there are also many who see it as unacceptable, especially when a woman has more than one man. The woman is considered loose and therefore unworthy of respect, and the men are seen as weak for allowing such a thing to transpire. As incorrect as that thinking is, Zora knew all too well the ass-backward logic of the colonized world, and it was her decision to keep the true nature of her relationship with M’Baku under wraps to be taken seriously. The world would at least halfway respect a gold-digger, but a whore, especially when in the body of a Black woman, was seen as nothing more than an object to be used. To only speak when spoken to and to not demand the respect said whore deserves. 
That meant that while the visitors were inside Wakanda, the throuple was to act as a couple in public, and that M’Baku didn’t join Zora and T’Challa for diplomatic trips to foreign countries. However, when Zora chose to keep her other man from the world, she quickly learned that it wasn’t as easy as she thought it would be. In fact, it downright ripped her apart every time she had to restrain herself from holding his hand or planting a kiss on his cheek in specific settings. Every time Zora had to lie about their relationship or stop herself from touching him, her stomach churned at the lack of affection, but she’d always more than make up for it later.
Zora gave up on practicing her speech and let her mind wander to after the gala when the three of them would be together for the first time in weeks. She knew her guilt would make it difficult for her to accept the intimacy that M’Baku and T’Challa were undoubtedly about to lay on her for both her successful event and to celebrate their reuniting after her travels. She’d have to pay extra close attention to M’Baku, but as soon as she began planning all the things she wanted to do to him, the group arrived at the final set of double doors leading to the courtyard. 
The king and queen of Wakanda smiled so wide their cheeks hurt as they took picture after picture with their guests, much to Okoye’s dismay. She was on high alert, having so many foreigners in her home country, and although she loved the idea of the children coming to visit, she loathed the politicians and journalists that followed them. She didn’t trust them one bit, so she had her Dora Milaje, the palace guards, and the tribal warriors, on guard. Of course, each person had been vetted, and no weapons were brought into the country, but the warriors remained ready just in case something popped off. 
The general scanned the crowd while Zora spoke to a twelve-year-old girl who was interested in design and had complimented her isicholo when she noticed the entrance to the gardens darken, and a prominent figure appeared from the shadows. Okoye fought a smirk as she continued to survey the space, and as soon as the young girl left Zora’s side, she leaned in close to whisper a message to her queen.
“Your husband is here, kumkanikazi wam.”
Zora’s face lit up, and she instantly began searching the crowd for his figure until she felt a nudge on her shoulder. She looked T’Challa’s way, and his eyes darted to the back corner as he nodded in that direction, having heard Okoye’s whisper with ease. Zora’s gaze followed his lead, and not a second later, her body felt flush as she laid her eyes on none other than the chief of the Jabari himself. 
M’Baku stood near the entrance to the gardens wearing his chief furs, his large arm guards filling out his already massive silhouette in a way that made Zora’s mind go straight to the gutter. She felt a tingle between her legs at the thought of parading around his room in his furs while he was naked and tied down to his bed. The queen tried in vain to fight the urge to stare, but she was too weakened by his presence. He felt her gaze from across the room and looked away from his conversation with his liaison Dembe. Their eyes met, and it was as if the entire room had melted away. All that mattered was the man by her side and the man yards away from her. The only thing she felt was T’Challa’s warm arm sliding around her waist and the icy chill of M’Baku’s absence from her other side. 
Always knowing exactly what Zora was feeling, T’Challa leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Now would be a good time for you to stretch your legs if you’d like.”
Zora tore her eyes away from M’Baku, and they landed square on the only man the entire world knew to be hers, a knowing and thankful smile gracing her plump lips before she met him for a chaste kiss. 
“I’ll be back.”
T’Challa unhanded her waist and let her slip from his side, his eyes slyly taking in her figure in her jumpsuit as she sashayed toward the gardens with Ayo not far behind. He didn’t have time to daydream about what lay beneath the dark fabric because the U.S. Secretary of State dampened his mood by stepping into his line of vision. 
While T’Challa was being hounded by Secretary Ross yet again, Zora slowly made her way through the room, stopping every few steps to mingle while she monitored M’Baku as she grew closer and closer to his warmth. When she stopped just four feet away from him to applaud a blended group of teenagers dancing together, he slipped away from Dembe and back into the gardens, causing Zora to smirk. So, he wanted to play games?
Zora glanced at T’Challa across the room to check in, and his slight nod gave her all the approval she needed.
“Ayo, please make sure we are undisturbed.”
“Ewe, kumkanikazi wam,” the lieutenant nodded and stood guard at the garden entrance. 
Zora winked at Dembe as she slipped through the gate, and they sent back a knowing little wave as she disappeared into the shrubbery. The sounds of the party grew fainter with every step she took into the depths of the lush gardens until her stilettos became louder against the stone path than the drums in the distance. Zora’s feet carried her all the way there on autopilot, and when she rounded the last corner, her body came alive when a warm presence engulfed her.
It was a presence she knew all too well, one she had joined with before Hanuman in a ceremony that brought tears to her eyes. When she looked down at the large hands that had taken hold of her waist, a smile took over her face at the black ink embedded in the skin. His and her hands marked forever to solidify their union, just as her right hand held the same marks that decorated T’Challa’s skin. Her smile grew wider when he pulled her in tight and kissed her neck, his hands gripping the two strands of beads that decorated her waist given to her by her two husbands in a much more intimate exchange within the confines of her bedroom.
“You were great up there, my sweet,” M’Baku rumbled into the crook of her neck, and Zora sighed into the deep vibrations.
“How would you know? You missed my speech.”
“Dembe recorded on their beads so I could still watch you.”
Zora turned around in his arms and cupped his bearded face in her hands.
“I wish you could’ve been there with me.”
M’Baku kissed her deeply.
“I do, too.”
Zora reached for his hand and led him to her favorite bench in the entire garden. It had been carved from the trunk of an ancient tree that fell during an unseasonably powerful storm that blew through the night Shuri was born and placed in a secluded corner of the gardens. The carpenter paid extra close attention to detail when they made it, and Zora couldn’t help but feel drawn to it every time she entered the green space. So much so that M’Baku and T’Challa regularly found her escaping her duties by reclining on that very bench and soaking up the fresh air in silence. 
“I have missed you, Zora,” M’Baku mumbled, his lips dusting over Zora’s knuckles as he planted soft kisses on her inked skin.
Zora’s lips met his before she could even think to preserve her makeup, and not seconds later, she was straddling his lap… until the sound of a shutter pierced the air, and a rustling of leaves forced them apart.
Taglist:  @maddeningmayhem, @theblulife, @motheroffae, @love-mesome-me, @toni9, @brihann, @impremenior, @nahimjustfeelingit-writes, @brattyfics, @cecereads209, @afriendlyblackhottie, @queengodiva619, @musicisme333,  @dersha89, @ljstraightnochaser, @bornamiracle, @xoxoviva, @goddessofmischief0711, @issahyland, @blkbutterfly816, @judymfmoody, @novaniskye, @prettystringbean, @martakllv, @blackpinup22, @griot-of-wakanda, @mermaidchansons
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thatmexisaurusrex · 1 year
Just Sam and Bucky, getting a surprise visit from M'Baku. M'Baku waxing poetic about his great feats as the new King of Wakanda. Sleeping on Sam and Bucky's couch for the night before leaving to head back to Birnin Zana in the morning.
71 notes · View notes
axailslink · 1 year
i saw this prompt “I don't care if it's 2am, I'm lonely, come watch a movie” so could you write this shuri x reader fluff where the reader isn’t in wakanda and they haven’t seen each other for a while and the reader is a bit sad so shuri flies out to surprise her?
You flew here!?
Shuri x FEM reader
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Summary: you've been complaining to Shuri about how much you've missed her this past week. She pops in for a surprise visit.
You stare at the kimoyo beads when she answers and she stares back "are you frozen? Is there something wrong with the beads?" You shake your head "no just taking a moment to admire my wife since I've been away from home so long" she nods "I know it sucks" "exceedingly" you comment as you sit up and focus your eyes "where are you? The lightning is different" she looks around before answering that's suspicious "my bedroom love I took time from the lab" you glance at her outfit and nod "oh well like I was saying it kind of sucks being here alone the hotel is nice thanks to you but it's not like home there's no warm air, no dora Milaje, or even running children the children here act like adults..." She laughs and you nod "I'm so serious it's weird as hell it's odd" she nods "you only have about half a month left" you face plant the pillows beneath you "without you that's like years my love you know this I'm used to having you behind me in bed yet I wake up every morning with nothing but cold behind me and in front of me I'm sleeping with my pillows imagining they're you. It's kind of depressing." She laughs and you come face to face with her "it's so not funny not just being away from you but I'm sex deprived terribly sex deprived not even just sex I need intimacy bad." She looks at you then around her you finally bite wondering what the hell is going on and why she keeps looking around. "Baby I'll call you later someone just came to my door. I love you bye." Before you can answer she hangs up leaving you stunned "I know she did not just hang up in my face... I'm going to kill her."
After maybe an hour of flipping through the hotel television channels you fall asleep on the news.
"New news the queen of Wakanda Shuri Udaku has made an exciting visit to us today!"
Maybe you were already sleeping or wanted your wife beside you so bad you were conjuring up sounds either way it didn't matter as you flicked the TV off and went to bed again alone. You wake to a gentle dip in your bed causing you to carefully reach underneath your pillow and grab your gun but as soon as you reach for it there's already a hand there "on edge my love?" You sit up so fast to see if the voice truly matches the face you scramble to the lamp clicking it on and your smile is so big when you see hers. "Wait fuck am I still asleep? I swear if I'm still asleep and I wake up and you're not here I'm going to cry." Shuri grabs your face and shushes you "no I'm really here you're not dreaming my love your subconscious would never be that cruel." You look away as tears begin to form in your eyes anyway she pulls you into her arms after a gentle peck on your lips "hey hey what's wrong? I'm here" you look at her and shake your head "I didn't realize how truly lonely I was until now seeing you I feel so less lonely you really mean so much to me." She smiles and kisses your forehead "well I know that I mean you did marry me" you cover her mouth and lay on your chest "if you start talking you'll ruin the moment this isn't a joking matter..." She smiles down at you and pulls you into her lap "you have no reason to be sulking I'm here now my love" you pout as she moves your hand and places a gentle peck on your pouty lips. "I was hoping the news wouldn't tell you before I could but I'll be staying with you for the rest of your mission." You jump up immediately "I'm sorry what? What about Wakanda? What about your lab?" She nods "all handled don't worry we always said M'baku would be a great king I know they might not like him but he has leadership and he offered to take over for me while I was gone." You blink "I'm sorry M'baku my M'baku of the mountains? My brother?" She nods "he loves you and he'd do anything for you especially if he heard that being away from you was ripping the joy out of your mission." You smile and sit up gently pressing on your kimoyo beads "I have to call him" Shuri smiles at your excitement.
"It's so early he might not be awake..." You glance at her "he's always awake for me" M'baku answers immediately "yes child of Satan?" You immediately want to hang up but you remember the good deed and sigh "you're protecting Wakanda?" You can hear the snap of a carrot which makes you smile to yourself "yes I mean the throne's quite comfy and Shuri beg-" you interrupt "thank you big brother I was so lonely an-" you can hear him yawn on the other end causing you to glare at your kimoyo beads "oh fuck off" he laughs causing a smile to spread across your face "you feel better." You nod as if he can see you and he hangs up.
It finally gets to you now that if Shuri is here she flew here "Shuri you flew here!?" She taps your head letting you know you're a bit too loud and replies "yes control your voice I'm right beside you" you wrap your arms around her neck and don't let go you just bathe yourself in her scent breathing her in smelling the sweet shampoo she uses, the honey body wash, and the cocoa butter lotion. "Are you smelling me?" You shush her "I said I miss home and you are my home my warm and inviting home" she laughs as she lets her hands rest on your lower back. You sit up pressing a kiss to her lips which she wasn't expecting but immediately kisses back. Shuri lets her hands drop to your ass and you pull away and look at her "I didn't do a thing" you shake your head "a complete horn dog we're having an emotional... Moment" she continues to kiss you in-between your words causing you to slowly lose your words. "You've missed my touch as well you're arching your back" you immediately roll off her lap trying to act as if the kiss itself didn't have you needing to cross your legs. "You're going to distract me from my mission let me sleep" she shrugs and pulls you back to her "absolutely not I slept on the way and so did you you've had enough sleep. Now make time for me." You gently unravel yourself from her grip and lay back on your side of the bed she nods and turns over hovering above you "well thanks for making things easier" you just laugh as she glances down at your little satin night shorts. "You do know you're not getting any type of sleep? You did say out loud while I was on the ship with Okoye and Aneka that 'I'm sex deprived terribly sex deprived'" she mocks your voice and you laugh before leaning up on your elbows and kissing her. "You're right I am terribly sex deprived. How are you going to fix that problem?" You let your hand gently caress her face while she glances at her bag then back at you "you did not..." She nods "you finished it? We were just joking when we had that conversation about the Americans and their silly little toys" she shrugs "it works well want to try it?" Your curiosity of course gets the best of you "absolutely."
A/n: I enjoyed writing this one it was cute to me. 🥺
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saintwrld · 1 year
All the stars ✩
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shuri x black fem! reader
summary: in which you discover your true identity with the help of Bast herself
words: 2.7k+
translations: ewe, sthandwa - yes,love.
warnings: lil angsty, fluff, supernatural stuff, t’challa is mentioned
taglist: @pinkwright @locoforshuri @axailslink @cuddl3s4shur1 @ventingfanfics @verachii @inmyheadimobsessed @generallysapphic @shuriszn @shuris-whore @thevenusianleo @zayswriting @haechvn @yvxmpire @fentibeauty
lemme know if you want to be added to the taglist!! <3
a/n: it took me two hours and multiple repeats of ‘lift me up’ to write this 🥹
Another terrible pain struck through your chest, much worse than the one hours prior. Holding your chest and slowly moving towards the side of the bed to sit down, you breathe slowly to ease the discomfort.
After giving yourself time to relax your chest, you grabbed your phone to search what was actually going on with you. You knew that the search engine would highly say death or another illness to be the cause of your pain but your body feels the same after each pain.
A knock on your door interrupted your train of thought and you tapped your kimoyo beads, far too much in pain to stand and opened the door yourself. Riri stepped in with a concerned look on her face, treading lightly towards you.
"Hey girl. Nakia's been looking for you, it's almost time for the meeting." She softly smiled. Riri had met you on the tour she took of the palace with Nakia when she first arrived. She thought you and Shuri were even married but you explained how you were just close friends and looked out for her after her brother made you promise.
"Are the tribe leaders here already?" You asked and Riri nodded, you also nodded and stood up slowly. Your vision turned white for a quick moment before going back to normal, blinking your eyes as if something went into them. Riri would see you double over in pain almost everywhere in the palace but not knowing how to approach the situation, especially when the war with Namor is close.
You lifted your head to weakly smile at her and fixed your stance to pretend as if nothing was wrong with you. "Let's go. We don't want to keep anyone waiting, especially if it's about us." You said, reaching your door and opening it, allowing Riri to walk out first.
The ringing in your ear had become louder as you tried to listen to what the Queen was saying and what the tribal leaders were suggesting. The River Tribe leader, Zawe, had kept her eyes on you since you had stepped foot in the throne room. She noticed your body swaying and you constantly trying to keep yourself still. Shuri had her eye on you too, seeing you clench your fist repeatedly but thought nothing of it, just you being anxious.
As the Mining Tribe leader finished their statement, the unknown pain struck you again, going from your chest to your head. Your vision going completely white and the room went silent. It was as if your soul completely left your body and you were floating in space with purple and blue hues. On the outside, you let out an ear piercing scream, dropping down to the floor and immediately alarming everyone in the throne room.
Your eyes had turned white and the veins on your body showed and they were a bright purple, almost giving out light. You were shaking and your skin was getting a little pale. Shuri, as horrified as she was, immediately ran to you and helped Riri pick you up and give you to the Dora Milaje, waiting for their command from Queen Ramonda.
Before the queen could say anything, Zawe spoke up. "We need to get her the heart shaped herb. The myth of Bast is coming true." The last few words had brought chills to the other leaders in attendance, including M'baku himself.
The myth of Bast was, like its namesake, a myth that had been around for centuries but was never told to the younger generations by the order of King T'Chaka before his reign, to not have the youth believe in it. Your mother had briefly told you about it and how Wakandans had hope for Bast's return to the great nation.
The myth implied that the spirit of Bast would enter one's body and reveal themselves to be the Panther Goddess, one of the most powerful beings in the universe. The person would experience pain that scientists wouldn't dare research during transformation and gain powers that could make them rule the world if wanted. However, he who told this myth centuries ago had disappeared shortly after.
Until now, not a single soul in Wakanda has spoken about it nor heard anything about it. Until now.
“How? We have no herbs left!” Someone exclaimed from behind Shuri. As if gears had begun spinning in her head, she remembered your private garden that held the desired herb for whenever Shuri could possibly need it. She had given you prototypes to plant as a way to test on whether they’re effective or not.
“Someone needs to go to her room.” Shuri muttered to herself, gaining the attention of Riri who was watching you be placed on the floating gurney, twitching and crying out and it truly pained the pair to see you like that.
“Her room? The hell would she need there?” Riri questioned, a confused expression held on her features. “She’s got a few prototypes of the heart shaped herb planted in her private garden. I’m going to need you to get it and immediately bring it to the lab-”
Shuri was cut off by you screaming once again then moving your mouth with no sound coming out. “Take me to the garden of the herb. Now.” You demanded in a strained voice. Shuri wasn’t usually someone who could easily be scared however she knew that the voice you spoke in wasn’t yours but a completely different one. It seemed to have scared everyone around you.
Riri looked at you stunned and trudged her way to your room quickly, not wanting to witness anything else. Shuri looked back at her mom who nodded and walked to stand next to you. “Let’s go. I can’t bare to see her in pain.” Queen Ramonda instructed. Okoye, Ayo and Nakia were walking next to your gurney as they made their way out the palace. The remaining royals were escorted to the Royal Talon and Riri would be accompanied by Aneka, who was waiting for her by your bedroom door.
The cave of the garden held an eerie atmosphere as you entered and everyone who escorted you felt a specific feeling that they couldn’t quite pinpoint but fear was laced into it.
You had calmed down however your glowing veins were still visible and seemed to glow brighter the deeper you were in the cave. You stopped before the stone gazebo which also had the sand pit. Okoye, Nakia and Ayo placed your body on the sand, looking at Riri as she rushed to kneel next to your body. Shuri and Queen Ramonda followed Riri and placed themselves next to you.
Ramonda held the liquid above you, chanting to Bast to communicate with you in the ancestral plane and to remove your pain. As you drank the liquid, the deeper your soul traveled to meet the Panther Goddess. All the ladies beside you quickly buried you in the sand, silently hoping that you come back well.
the ancestral plane
You opened your eyes gently to see pink and blue versions of the northern lights and multiple stars literring the sky. You slowly sat up, looking around noticing the trees where panthers rested. You noticed you was in one of the private gardens of the Great Mound, where Shuri’s main lab was, your place of comfort.
One panther in particular, climbed down the tree and stood in front of you. The realisation of you actually being in the ancestral plane hit hard as you started to breathe faster. The panther transformed in front of you, revealing itself to be T’Challa, smiling at you ever so softly.
Tears pricked at your eyes as you looked at him. He had on the royal colours, purple and gold, in a suit with tribal designs. He looked happier than when you had last been in his presence, no longer suffering from the unknown illness. Before he could even speak, you walked up to him and tightly hugged him. It had been way too long since you had last hugged him.
He had said your name and you looked up at him, detaching from the hug. “I want to thank you. You have lifted Shuri up, keeping your end of the bargain.” He grimaced, making the tears on your face fall gracefully.
“Did you keep yours?” You asked, smiling and sniffling. He looked to the side and smiled. “I do look better, don’t I?” T’Challa joked, make you slightly chuckle.
“T’Challa. Why am I here? If anyone should be seeing you, it’s your sister. She needs to be in your presence.” You muttered. “I’m always with her, she just doesn’t want to believe it. You are doing an excellent job at caring for her just as I would. I’m incredibly proud of you.” Hearing those words come from him caused your tears to fall at a fast pace.
“You see now? I barely cry in front of others.” You smiled as you wiped your tears with your wrist. T’Challa smacked his lips and chuckled. “Crying is for the strongest of people. Always remember that.”
He hugged you again, you smelling his signature scent of mango and coconut with a hint of his everyday cologne. “Now, onto your journey here. It was not me who had requested your presence in the ancestral plane, as good it is to see my family here. She will be here soon.” He stated.
“She? Who is she?” You questioned, looking behind him after his sentence.
“You’ll see, she likes to have special entrances whenever she comes around. I do have to go now. Please tell my family that I love them with everything in me.” He requested and you nodded, going for one last hug, this one lasting a little longer.
“Two things before she arrives. Tell Nakia I love seeing her happy and also tell Shuri everything you want her to hear. She’ll listen. Goodbye, y/n.” Before you could even respond to his requests, he transformed back into his panther state and returned to the tree he came from.
Rumbling came from behind you and your instincts told you to look behind you, revealing a much larger panther than the rest with fur that had streaks of purple adorning it. The eyes of the panther were trained on yours, slowly but surely giving you the creeps.
Just as T’Challa, this panther transformed to a woman. A beautiful woman who fit the description of a goddess. The atmosphere around her had shifted to that of regalia. Her skin was a beautiful shade of dark brown with a body that one would kill for. Her facial features were quite young looking as she displayed her dimples and pearly whites. As she walked closer to you, her dark purple eyes remained the same shade as her pantheress form. Her outfit had thrown you off completely, it resembling a Mugler bodysuit that you had recently bought from Paris. Her hair was in a large afro with a purple halo around her head. Her height was that of Shuri’s, both women taller than you.
It clicked to you that you were in the presence of an actual goddess.
The woman stood in front of you was Bast herself.
“Holy shit.” Your mouth had spoken before you could register a sentence in your brain. You had no idea what to do. This was a deity you and your entire country had loved and worshipped for centuries. This was who you placed your manifestations and dreams to. This was who you put your entire trust in. Your whole heart. This beautiful woman who stood before you was arguably the most powerful being in the universe.
“Dearest y/n. It is an absolute pleasure to meet you. I’ve admired your walk of life and how you have carried yourself. You are truly a gem to Wakanda.” She began slowly and her comments sent heat through your entire body.
“Bast..” you whispered. She gently smiled at you. “Ewe, sthandwa.” She replied.
“I know you have your many questions and I’m here to answer however you do have to get back. They’re all waiting for you.” She added.
“Why me? Do I have any significance here?” You asked. “Ah yes! You, my dearest angel, are a true descendant of me. When you were born, you were considered special. You had an aura around you that couldn’t be pinpointed. I chose you for a reason.” The goddess expressed.
“Descendant?” You said stunned, essentially brushing of everything else she said.
“Yes!” She cheered. “Just as my dear Wakandans have theorised, there’s a descendant of mine walking amongst them. Y/n, you have inherited my powers to help others and to protect Wakanda alongside the Black Panther.” She explained.
Before you could even ask about the powers, she continued. “I do apologise for the painful process of gaining your powers but it was the only way. For now, it is your duty to protect Wakanda alongside Shuri. I will guide you through it all through your dreams.”
“Does that mean that..I’m a goddess?” You hesitated and Bast nodded. “In the ancestral plane and the eternal realm, you will be known as Bahati, to give you individuality amongst the others. You are now the most powerful being in the universe alongside the most powerful person in the world.”
As you’re processing everything, certain words had caught you off guard. “Your… majesty, you had mentioned the Black Panther. We don’t have that in the real world.” You mentioned making her smile.
“Oh, just you wait, y/n. The Queen has made lovely progress already as we can already see the future.” She added with a smile, making you more confused than you already are.
“And do tell the girl your true feelings, we need entertainment around here.” She winked at you and you felt yourself being pulled backwards.
You gasped loudly, drawing the attention of everyone in the cave who was watching you float in mid air. You closed your eyes and saw Bast again.
“Show them who you are.”
You opened them again and you were gently let down on the floor. Looking at everyone around you with shocked faces. The first one to break their facade was Shuri, immediately lunging forward to hug you as if you left forever.
“How long was I gone for?” You whispered in a hoarse voice due to the excessive screaming from before.
“20 minutes, plus minus. You scared me, y/n. I was starting to think that you weren’t coming back. I wouldn’t have anyone to call my best friend-”
“Shuri, I saw him.” You looked at her softly, causing her to pause and look into your eyes.
“Y/n.” Queen Ramonda started.
“He loves you all very much, with everything in him. Shuri, he’s incredibly proud of you.” You smiled, watching Shuri release small tears along with Ramonda and Nakia who appeared in front of you.
“Are you okay though? Seeing you floating and shit was scary.” Riri asked, making you to turn to her and she gasped loudly. “What?” You looked at her confused as she gazed into your eyes as if she was studying them.
“Your eyes…they’re purple.” Nakia pointed out. You couldn’t react, knowing you couldn’t see yourself. Shuri realised your new eye colour and gasped when it went back to your normal eye colour.
“Is it bad timing to ask Griot anything?” Shuri asked and you shook your head, non-verbally giving your permission.
“Griot. please check Y/n’s vitals and database.” She called out to the AI on her kimoyo bracelet, a large screen projecting itself with your hologram on it.
“Of course, Princess. Y/n l/n is a 19 year old black Wakanda female originating from the River Tribe. Her most recent database update includes an influx of supernatural abilities in her blood, it reading that it is the powers of the Panther Goddess, Bast herself. As of 20 minutes, Y/n’s database now includes Goddess status. In the eternal realm of all powerful beings, she is known as Bahati, Bast’s descendant.” Griot finishes, causing the cave to go silent.
Everyone looked at you with faces of shock and confusion.
“Holy shit.” Shuri quietly cussed, her mom gently hitting her arm.
“Shuri!” Ramonda whisper-yelled.
I absolutely lovedddd writing this! There will be a part two where she explores her powers and finally express her feelings to Shuri ikdr 🤭
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All scenarios/ficlets/fanfics/blurbs 
Namor X Reader
Namor visits the school to see the children and his favorite teacher
Namor/Teacher!Reader get married
Namor reassures you that his people do not hate you
Namor spoils/courts you
Namor get’s jealous of your blossoming friendship with Attuma
Namor takes you to see the snow, even if he hates being cold
Namor is really getting tired of saving you but you'll never get tired of teasing him. NB
You sing and Namor likes it. Eventually he likes it enough that he wants you to be his NB
Namor falls for a mermaid
Namor comforts you after the loss of a family member.
You, the Queen of Talokan, were dusted along with half the population of the world, Namor grieves until you are reunited.
Namor comes to terms will falling in love again after all this time.
Friends to Enemies to Lovers : M'baku/Reader/Namor Angst Love Triangle
M'baku/Reader/Namor love triangle, TW for SA
Part 2 The Wedding
Part 3 Consequences
Namor gives in to temptation with a palace aid
Sub!Namor seeing his Dom!Queen after giving the bracelet away
Part two of Sub!Namor and Dom!Queen
You’re the one He wants but you’re the one who refuses him. 
Namor strikes a deal with you, he’ll take you to the surface in exchange for your body.
Tenoch x Reader
Fluff or Angst (or both)
You and Tenoch have a meet cute on a plane to Mexico
Tenoch get’s stuck in an elevator with you, his personal assistant
Part 2 Tenoch/Reader after the elevator
Tenoch finally gets to meet his favorite reporter
Tenoch and you have a tension filled night in Mexico
Tenoch pretends to be your boyfriend to protect you
8 cute moments between Tenoch/Reader and 1 spicy moment between the sheets.
Sex Scenes, frustrated actors, and giving in to the feeling.
Tenoch realizes you have a praise kink and has fun with it.
Tenoch and you get stranded on the side of he road during a storm
Tenoch gets high and gets needy
Tenoch gets you a new toy and tries it out in public
Tenoch and his costar hate each other, kind of
Tenoch asks his assistant to sit on his lap
You and Tenoch are on your third date and you know what that means
Tenoch wants his face to be your throne
Rafa x Reader
Rafa comforts you after you lose someone from your past
Rafa meets his match in all things weed
Rafa has a special gift for his frienemy (shouldve been a blurb)
Miscellaneous Snippets
Blurbs (short little stories) from Ask Game I Made for blurbs
2for1 request Yandere type Rafa #19 and Namor #16
Toxic Possessive Rafa #3
Alejandro finds his dream #24
2for1 request Namor being playful #4 & #8
Alejandro confessing #19
Alejandro gets flustered #27
Rafa and drunk dancing #21
Namor at the Wakandan Tailor #16
Alejandrox2 being in love #20 & #28
Namorx2 being cute in bed and in a closet #17 & #23
Tenochx2 and some alcohol induced situations #21 & 30
Rafax2 cooking #14 & #18
Namor and his SHIELD connection #7
Tenoch comes home to a meal #18
Rafa needs some help after heartbreak #30
Alejandro #14 & #9 Soft then angst/ Tenoch #19 soft
Rafa #1 & #15 a little angst and smut
Blurb Requests Ask Game #2
Namor Head Cannons
More Namor Head Cannons
Rafa Head Cannons
RANDOM (bits and bobs that you can ask me about)
Dialogue I've considered
TENOCH INFO with additions in the reblogs
Twitter "Hey Tenoch"
Please tell me if any of the links aren't working.
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Our Future // The Proposal // Shuri
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Summary: Shuri has important plans for her and the reader to enjoy a day off. But a change of plans occur when M'Baku brings his 3 girls for them to babysit. 
Pairing: Shuri x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff // Cute shit // A little smut // M'Baku being M'Baku // SingleDad!M'Baku
Word Count: 2.2k 
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Your eyes fluttered open as you heard Shuri call for you from the door. Sitting up you let the covers fall from your chest and she couldn't help the smile that appeared on her lips. The sun made you look angelic with your curls on top of your head and your body bare. "What's the occasion?" You questioned as she sat the tray next to you. 
"We have a date today. There's somewhere I would like to take you to the garden tonight. It's been awhile since you've seen how much it has grown." She said and you nodded before digging into the delicious breakfast prepared for you. Once you were done she grabbed the tray before crawling up to you without saying a word. Her eyes held so much love and lust, you felt the sheets under you start to get wet from your pulsating core. 
You watched her intensively as her eyes flickered to your lips as you bit them waiting for her next move. She pulled you into a sinful kiss as she sucked on your tongue letting you run your hands through her hair. She let you fall back onto the pillows while leaving a trail of kisses down your stomach. She wasted no time pulling the duvet off of you, exposing your core to the cold air. Your nipples perked up as her hand pulled and tugged on your breasts before wrapping around your thighs. She kissed your inner thigh on each side before placing a single kiss on your clit. Your eyes fluttered closed and Shuri pulled away. "Eyes on me love." Your eyes found her own half lidded stare as her tongue licked at your clit. All you could muster up was a moan as she slipped two fingers into your folds. Hitting a sensitive spot inside you while she scissored her fingers in and out of you. You grabbed a handful of her hair as her thumb rubbed circles over your throbbing clit. "You taste so good sthandwa. If we didn't have plans I could eat for hours." Her words had an obvious effect on you as you moved your hips to match her pace. Fucking her face as you chased your release.  
"Fuck. Baby don't stop. Don't-" You were at a loss for words as she crooked her fingers to the soft spot she knew all too well. You leaned up tensing up as you came on her face. Clamping down on her fingers while her thumb rubbed your clit relentlessly felt like you were above cloud nine. She licked up every drop of your cum and coaxed you through your orgasm, letting you ride it out. 
"There it is. So good for me." She cooed as she left soft kisses along your skin before moving to find your lips. She smiled into the kiss and you sat up to lean into her. She helped you up before leading you to the bathroom. "We'll get you cleaned up usana. Then we can start our wonderful day." 
After your shower together, Shuri spends the entire day spoiling you. She took you shopping and you two sat down for lunch. Filling her in on the village gossip and all that while she informed you of all her upcoming projects. Everything was so perfect. She suggested you head back to the palace to rest your feet awhile before getting ready for tonight. She had one more place to take you and that was a restaurant along the beach. 
You sat on the couch in the suite you shared with the princess in the palace as she finished up her shower after the two of you spent the day together. Your hair was wrapped in a towel as you sat with your tablet in your hands. Looking through the menu of this restaurant she spoke of. They seemed to have a good selection of food and desserts to choose from. You heard her enter the room and looked up to meet her gaze. She had some biker shorts on with a sports bra that revealed just the right amount of skin. But anything she wears is sexy to you. 
"We have a good two hours before we have to leave. Why don't you let me shower you in affection." She grinned as she held your chin in her hand. You stared up at her before your lips took hers in a hungry kiss. Her hands went to your waist as you laid back on the couch. Her body hovered over you and you spread your legs as a silent invitation for her to continue. She dove to your neck and left a trail of kisses and bites along your skin. Before you could get her where you needed her the most, her AI spoke out. 
"Princess. It appears that M'Baku of the Jabari tribe is here and would like to speak with you."
"He can wait."
"It's okay love. It may be something important. Later when I have you to myself no one will be distracting us." You told her with a sweet kiss. She pouted as she got off of you before slipping a simple black dress over her body. She walked out the room as you took your hair out of the towel and started to style it. Just as you finished the door opened once more and Shuri stood against the frame. 
"We have guests." She smiled before three young girls ran past her to reach you. "Y/N!!" They yelled out as they swarmed you with hugs and greetings.
 "M'Baku asked if we could watch them while he's at his meetings."
"Hello. Oh my goodness you're all getting so big!" You stated as you hugged the three girls tight. You remember when M'Baku brought the oldest, M'Juba, to meet you and the princess a couple of weeks after she was born. He did the same with the twins, Asha and Amdeh, after their mother died in childbirth. It was one of the few times that he was vulnerable with you and Shuri. He was crushed when the mother of his girls passed on. He wasn't quite sure how to be a father. Let alone a single one. He sat you down one day asking if you two could be there as role models for the girls as well as their godparents. You had never seen him shed a single tear until that day. Since then you and Shuri had made sure those girls were loved and cared for when he needed to be away on leadership duties. 
"Baba says we have to if one of us is going to rule Jabari in the future." M'Juba grinned and you gave a small nod while Asha climbed in your lap.
"How old are you girls now? You're growing up on us." You laughed and Asha got comfortable before holding up seven fingers. "The twins are seven! Bast that's amazing. M'Juba your going on 10 now. Give a couple months?" 
"Mhmm! I'm gonna be old enough to battle Baba for the Jabari throne. Then I'll be the one calling the shots. He's getting a bit old anyway." She snickered and you gasped playfully as Shuri watched from the doorway. 
"Dinner in the palace then?" You asked and her shoulders shook as she laughed. 
"Seems like it. I'll go get it started."
"Oh no. You and I both know you can't cook to save your life. I'm coming down." You stopped her and she feigned hurt as her hand clutched her necklace. "You girls want to help?" They shouted in unison and followed you to the kitchen. "So what's your big headed father been up to? Aside from dropping his kids off at the palace." 
"Baba only complains when things don't go his way. Asha gives him a run for his money. They are always arguing." M'Juba grinned as you picked up Amdeh to sit her on the counter. You let the girls decide on a snack as you begin dinner for you and Shuri. They agreed on cookies and sat in the dining room while you cooked. Shuri couldn't help but smile at how you interacted with the girls. It had her thinking how it would be with children of your own. That'll be something she does her research on in her spare time. She walked into the kitchen to see your back to her and her heart fluttered. "The girls wanted to watch a movie. Figured I'd put something on the hologram for them to watch while we finish dinner." Shuri wrapped her arms around your waist and smiled as you leaned into her embrace. Your thumb rubbed against the tattoo painted on her hand as you sat in a comfortable silence. She left a trail of kisses down your neck and you let out a short giggle. "They also want to play hide and seek with the panther." She grinned, sliding away from you to give space for you to finish turning everything off. You served dinner for everyone before excusing yourself to the bathroom. Shuri watched after you making sure you were gone before leaning over to the girls. "I need your help to do something for Y/N? You girls want in?"
"Is our father full of himself? Of course we are!!" M'Juba grinned and Shuri huddled them all together.  When you came back the table was clean and everyone was gone. Only a note left in the space reading "Ready or not here I come." You smiled as Shuri and the girls wanted you to partake in the game so you tiptoed up the stairs, headed to the lab. Surprisingly Amdeh was already there under a table. 
"Amdeh. She'll see you there." You whispered and she ran out to grab your hand. You could hear Shuri laugh as she chased after Asha. They were close. "I know a place come on before Shuri finds us." The child dragged you to the herb garden and for a second your forgot about the game as the herbs glowed a beautiful shade of purple. A light tug on your arm pulled you from your trance and you followed the girl behind one if the bushes. "We have to stay quiet." M'Juba jumped out of her hiding space with a light frown. "Hey this was my spot." You ushered her over and she joined you behind your bush. Not long after Shuri walked in with her hands on her hips, Asha slowly tailing behind. 
"Do you think they're in here Asha?" She questioned and the younger girl nodded. They split up to search and M'Juba looked up at you. "I'll lead them away." Before you could object both her and her sister ran from you and towards the back of the garden. Asha took off after them and you couldn't help but shake your head as hushed laughter left you. 
"Found you." A voice said before Shuri grabbed your waist, lifting you from your crouched position. A squeal left your lips when she spun you around and set you down on your feet. "Now for my prize." She leaned down to kiss you. You smiled into the kiss as the girls ran up with wide grins. "What do you three think I should win?"
"A wife!" They cheered and you looked at Shuri in time to see her kneel down in front of you. "I think so too." She grabbed your hand before slipping a vibranium diamond ring on your finger and you felt like you were floating. "I love you sthandwa. More than anything. You were my first best friend. My first real love. Now I wish you to be my first and only wife. If you allow me, I want you to be the one I wake up to every morning for the rest of my life. To love you. To hold you. You're the other half I didn't think I wanted but I needed. Will you?" You didn't answer as you pulled her to her feet before your lips found hers in an instant. Your lips molded together and her hands found your waist when you wrapped your arms around her shoulders. "Marry me." She said against your lips. "Say yes." 
"Yes." You sighed before she captured your lips again. The three girls hugged your legs and you laughed against Shuri. 
"Panther. M'Baku of the Jabari tribe has arrived." Griot announced and you all left the garden to meet him.
"Girls! I have arrived, it is time to go home."
"Noooooo!" The girls whined leaving M'Baku taken aback as you covered your mouth to hide your laughter. “We want to stay with Shuri and Y/N. It's more fun here anyways.”
“Excuse you, Jabari land is fun!”
“Yeah for boring people who attend meetings all day and sit on a stump of a throne.”
“That throne is important to our tribe.” He pointed a finger at M’Juba who in turn rolled her eyes. “Yes we know. You sit there all day.”
“Listen here-” The girls cut him off, making the sound of the jabari so he couldn't get a word in. His eyes then found you and Shuri before he crossed his arms. “What have you done to my girls.”
“That’s just it, M’Baku. They're your girls. Attitude and all.” She laughed.
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killmongerskeeper · 1 year
Our Future // The Proposal // Shuri
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Summary: Shuri has important plans for her and the reader to enjoy a day off. But a change of plans occur when M'Baku brings his 3 girls for them to babysit. 
Pairing: Shuri x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff // Cute shit // A little smut // M'Baku being M'Baku // SingleDad!M'Baku
Word Count: 2.2k 
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Your eyes fluttered open as you heard Shuri call for you from the door. Sitting up you let the covers fall from your chest and she couldn't help the smile that appeared on her lips. The sun made you look angelic with your curls on top of your head and your body bare. "What's the occasion?" You questioned as she sat the tray next to you. 
"We have a date today. There's somewhere I would like to take you to the garden tonight. It's been awhile since you've seen how much it has grown." She said and you nodded before digging into the delicious breakfast prepared for you. Once you were done she grabbed the tray before crawling up to you without saying a word. Her eyes held so much love and lust, you felt the sheets under you start to get wet from your pulsating core. 
You watched her intensively as her eyes flickered to your lips as you bit them waiting for her next move. She pulled you into a sinful kiss as she sucked on your tongue letting you run your hands through her hair. She let you fall back onto the pillows while leaving a trail of kisses down your stomach. She wasted no time pulling the duvet off of you, exposing your core to the cold air. Your nipples perked up as her hand pulled and tugged on your breasts before wrapping around your thighs. She kissed your inner thigh on each side before placing a single kiss on your clit. Your eyes fluttered closed and Shuri pulled away. "Eyes on me love." Your eyes found her own half lidded stare as her tongue licked at your clit. All you could muster up was a moan as she slipped two fingers into your folds. Hitting a sensitive spot inside you while she scissored her fingers in and out of you. You grabbed a handful of her hair as her thumb rubbed circles over your throbbing clit. "You taste so good sthandwa. If we didn't have plans I could eat for hours." Her words had an obvious effect on you as you moved your hips to match her pace. Fucking her face as you chased your release.  
"Fuck. Baby don't stop. Don't-" You were at a loss for words as she crooked her fingers to the soft spot she knew all too well. You leaned up tensing up as you came on her face. Clamping down on her fingers while her thumb rubbed your clit relentlessly felt like you were above cloud nine. She licked up every drop of your cum and coaxed you through your orgasm, letting you ride it out. 
"There it is. So good for me." She cooed as she left soft kisses along your skin before moving to find your lips. She smiled into the kiss and you sat up to lean into her. She helped you up before leading you to the bathroom. "We'll get you cleaned up usana. Then we can start our wonderful day." 
After your shower together, Shuri spends the entire day spoiling you. She took you shopping and you two sat down for lunch. Filling her in on the village gossip and all that while she informed you of all her upcoming projects. Everything was so perfect. She suggested you head back to the palace to rest your feet awhile before getting ready for tonight. She had one more place to take you and that was a restaurant along the beach. 
You sat on the couch in the suite you shared with the princess in the palace as she finished up her shower after the two of you spent the day together. Your hair was wrapped in a towel as you sat with your tablet in your hands. Looking through the menu of this restaurant she spoke of. They seemed to have a good selection of food and desserts to choose from. You heard her enter the room and looked up to meet her gaze. She had some biker shorts on with a sports bra that revealed just the right amount of skin. But anything she wears is sexy to you. 
"We have a good two hours before we have to leave. Why don't you let me shower you in affection." She grinned as she held your chin in her hand. You stared up at her before your lips took hers in a hungry kiss. Her hands went to your waist as you laid back on the couch. Her body hovered over you and you spread your legs as a silent invitation for her to continue. She dove to your neck and left a trail of kisses and bites along your skin. Before you could get her where you needed her the most, her AI spoke out. 
"Princess. It appears that M'Baku of the Jabari tribe is here and would like to speak with you."
"He can wait."
"It's okay love. It may be something important. Later when I have you to myself no one will be distracting us." You told her with a sweet kiss. She pouted as she got off of you before slipping a simple black dress over her body. She walked out the room as you took your hair out of the towel and started to style it. Just as you finished the door opened once more and Shuri stood against the frame. 
"We have guests." She smiled before three young girls ran past her to reach you. "Y/N!!" They yelled out as they swarmed you with hugs and greetings.
 "M'Baku asked if we could watch them while he's at his meetings."
"Hello. Oh my goodness you're all getting so big!" You stated as you hugged the three girls tight. You remember when M'Baku brought the oldest, M'Juba, to meet you and the princess a couple of weeks after she was born. He did the same with the twins, Asha and Amdeh, after their mother died in childbirth. It was one of the few times that he was vulnerable with you and Shuri. He was crushed when the mother of his girls passed on. He wasn't quite sure how to be a father. Let alone a single one. He sat you down one day asking if you two could be there as role models for the girls as well as their godparents. You had never seen him shed a single tear until that day. Since then you and Shuri had made sure those girls were loved and cared for when he needed to be away on leadership duties. 
"Baba says we have to if one of us is going to rule Jabari in the future." M'Juba grinned and you gave a small nod while Asha climbed in your lap.
"How old are you girls now? You're growing up on us." You laughed and Asha got comfortable before holding up seven fingers. "The twins are seven! Bast that's amazing. M'Juba your going on 10 now. Give a couple months?" 
"Mhmm! I'm gonna be old enough to battle Baba for the Jabari throne. Then I'll be the one calling the shots. He's getting a bit old anyway." She snickered and you gasped playfully as Shuri watched from the doorway. 
"Dinner in the palace then?" You asked and her shoulders shook as she laughed. 
"Seems like it. I'll go get it started."
"Oh no. You and I both know you can't cook to save your life. I'm coming down." You stopped her and she feigned hurt as her hand clutched her necklace. "You girls want to help?" They shouted in unison and followed you to the kitchen. "So what's your big headed father been up to? Aside from dropping his kids off at the palace." 
"Baba only complains when things don't go his way. Asha gives him a run for his money. They are always arguing." M'Juba grinned as you picked up Amdeh to sit her on the counter. You let the girls decide on a snack as you begin dinner for you and Shuri. They agreed on cookies and sat in the dining room while you cooked. Shuri couldn't help but smile at how you interacted with the girls. It had her thinking how it would be with children of your own. That'll be something she does her research on in her spare time. She walked into the kitchen to see your back to her and her heart fluttered. "The girls wanted to watch a movie. Figured I'd put something on the hologram for them to watch while we finish dinner." Shuri wrapped her arms around your waist and smiled as you leaned into her embrace. Your thumb rubbed against the tattoo painted on her hand as you sat in a comfortable silence. She left a trail of kisses down your neck and you let out a short giggle. "They also want to play hide and seek with the panther." She grinned, sliding away from you to give space for you to finish turning everything off. You served dinner for everyone before excusing yourself to the bathroom. Shuri watched after you making sure you were gone before leaning over to the girls. "I need your help to do something for Y/N? You girls want in?"
"Is our father full of himself? Of course we are!!" M'Juba grinned and Shuri huddled them all together.  When you came back the table was clean and everyone was gone. Only a note left in the space reading "Ready or not here I come." You smiled as Shuri and the girls wanted you to partake in the game so you tiptoed up the stairs, headed to the lab. Surprisingly Amdeh was already there under a table. 
"Amdeh. She'll see you there." You whispered and she ran out to grab your hand. You could hear Shuri laugh as she chased after Asha. They were close. "I know a place come on before Shuri finds us." The child dragged you to the herb garden and for a second your forgot about the game as the herbs glowed a beautiful shade of purple. A light tug on your arm pulled you from your trance and you followed the girl behind one if the bushes. "We have to stay quiet." M'Juba jumped out of her hiding space with a light frown. "Hey this was my spot." You ushered her over and she joined you behind your bush. Not long after Shuri walked in with her hands on her hips, Asha slowly tailing behind. 
"Do you think they're in here Asha?" She questioned and the younger girl nodded. They split up to search and M'Juba looked up at you. "I'll lead them away." Before you could object both her and her sister ran from you and towards the back of the garden. Asha took off after them and you couldn't help but shake your head as hushed laughter left you. 
"Found you." A voice said before Shuri grabbed your waist, lifting you from your crouched position. A squeal left your lips when she spun you around and set you down on your feet. "Now for my prize." She leaned down to kiss you. You smiled into the kiss as the girls ran up with wide grins. "What do you three think I should win?"
"A wife!" They cheered and you looked at Shuri in time to see her kneel down in front of you. "I think so too." She grabbed your hand before slipping a vibranium diamond ring on your finger and you felt like you were floating. "I love you sthandwa. More than anything. You were my first best friend. My first real love. Now I wish you to be my first and only wife. If you allow me, I want you to be the one I wake up to every morning for the rest of my life. To love you. To hold you. You're the other half I didn't think I wanted but I needed. Will you?" You didn't answer as you pulled her to her feet before your lips found hers in an instant. Your lips molded together and her hands found your waist when you wrapped your arms around her shoulders. "Marry me." She said against your lips. "Say yes." 
"Yes." You sighed before she captured your lips again. The three girls hugged your legs and you laughed against Shuri. 
"Panther. M'Baku of the Jabari tribe has arrived." Griot announced and you all left the garden to meet him.
"Girls! I have arrived, it is time to go home."
"Noooooo!" The girls whined leaving M'Baku taken aback as you covered your mouth to hide your laughter. “We want to stay with Shuri and Y/N. It's more fun here anyways.”
“Excuse you, Jabari land is fun! Unlike the confines of this palace.”
“Yeah for boring people who attend meetings all day and sit on a stump of a throne.”
“That throne is important to our tribe.” He pointed a finger at M’Juba who in turn rolled her eyes. “Yes we know. You sit there all day.”
“Listen here-” The girls cut him off, making the sound of the jabari so he couldn't get a word in. His eyes then found you and Shuri before he crossed his arms. “What have you done to my girls.”
“That’s just it, M’Baku. They're your girls. Attitude and all.” She laughed.
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Masterlist - 2023
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
𝓡𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓵𝔂 𝓤𝓹𝓵𝓸𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓭 𝓕𝓲𝓬𝓼:
Fanfic Friday 4/28/23
A Rose By Any Other Name - George Weasley X Female (Slytherin/Sirius Black Daughter) Reader; fluff, slight angst
Vet Bills - John Wick X Female (Vet) Reader; fluff, mini angst
Party Games - Steve Rogers X Loki Odinson; fluff, slight angst, Pocky Challenge
Chocolate Surprise - Loki Odinson X Thranduil; fluff
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Alphabetical List -- Updated on 4/28/23 (newly added George Weasley, John Wick, Steve X Loki, and Loki X Thranduil Fics above and below)
Italics = I have already made fanfics on this character if you wanna read them
↑ My Fanfic Masterlist is located on my page, or click here "X Reader Masterlist" Or click on the fandom titles below for the specific Masterlist and/or Character
For Requesting Rules, click here "Request Rules" You may request as many times as you like, as long as you stay along the lines of the said rules above
(Here is a list of songs for characters that inspire me! "Songs"
(Requests Are Open!)
DC | Gotham - Bane (Hardy), Bruce Wayne (Bale), Bruce Wayne (Keaton), Bruce Wayne (Pattinson), Bruce Wayne (Val), Edward Nygma (Carrey), Jack (Heath) Joker, Jason Todd, Jerome Valeska, Jervis Tetch (Gotham), Jonathan Crane (Gotham), Jonathan Crane (Murphy), Klarion Bleak, Maxwell Lord, Richard Grayson, Roman Sionis, Victor Zsasz
CR | Disney - Christopher Robin, Cruella de Vil, Ella (Cinderella 2015), Gaston LeGume (Beauty And The Beast 2017), Jasper Badun
Harry Potter - Cedric Diggory, Draco Malfoy, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Severus Snape
Kingsman - Eggsy Unwin, Hamish Mycroft (Merlin), Harry Hart, Jack Daniels
Marvel | X-Men - Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Charles Xavier, Eddie/Venom, Erik Killmonger, Everett Ross, Harry Osborn (TASM), Heimdall, Helmut Zemo, John Allerdyce, Johnny Storm, Kurt Wagner, Logan Howlett, Loki Odinson (Not the Series), M'Baku, Natasha Romanoff, Otto Octavius, Peter Maximoff, Peter Parker (Andrew), Peter Parker (Tobey), Peter Parker (Tom), Pietro Maximoff, Quentin Beck, Sam Wilson, Scott Lang, Shang-Chi, Steve Rogers, Thor Odinson, Tony Stark, Vision, Wade Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Wenwu
Star Wars | The Mandalorian - Anakin Skywalker, Armitage Hux, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, Din Djarin, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Rey
Stranger Things - Alexei Smirnoff, Billy Hargrove, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckey, Jim Hopper, Steve Harrington
The Hobbit / The Lord Of The Rings - Aragorn, Bilbo Baggins, Boromir, Dwalin, Elrond, Faramir, Fili, Kili, Haldir, Legolas Greenleaf, Pippin Took, Samwise Gamgee, Thorin Oakenshield, Thranduil
Pedro Pascal -
(Pedro Pascal Characters Masterlist) (Let me know if I should add any more)
Kingsman - Jack Daniels - Included/Merge Mansion - Tim Rockford/The Last Of Us - Joel Miller - Included/The Mandalorian - Din Djarin - Included/Wonder Woman 1984 - Maxwell Lord
Miscellaneous -
Assassin's Creed - Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Brothers Grimm - Jakob Grimm
BBC & Enola - Sherlock Holmes
Hell Boy - Red (Hellboy), Abe Sapien, and Agent John Myers
Encino Man - Linkavitch "Link" Chomofsky
George Of The Jungle - George
Ghostbusters (2016) - Jillian Holtzmann, Kevin Beckman
Indiana Jones - Indiana Jones
John Wick - John Wick
Jurassic Park - Ian Malcolm
Scooby Doo (2002) - Shaggy Rogers
The Last Of Us - Joel Miller
The Pirates Of The Caribbean - James Norrington, Hector Barbossa
The Phantom Of The Opera - Erik Destler
Uncharted 4 - Sam Drake, Rafe Adler
X-Files - Fox Mulder
(If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to let me know!)
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nexusnyx · 2 years
Ohh, would you consider doing a Shuri x fem!reader where the reader is abducted n held hostage somewhere and Shuri saves her? I really like the idea of her just being totally unhinged @ whoever is holding the reader hostage but her also being SO SOFT with the reader. TYSM IN ADVANCE IF YOU ACTUALLY DO IT!
⚠️ Mentions of violence, death, kidnapping. | 🏷️ Fluff, friends to lovers, protective!Shuri, kidnapping, soft ending; WC: [2k] | 📑i actually loved this prompt and even though i'm working on 2 commissions right now, i had to do this. i'm sorry if it's short! i hope you like it xx.
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Never for a second Shuri thought she'd ever care about something else again, and then Nakia dropped you into everybody's life.
The comet, the blinding sight that pulled her out of so much darkness—the one that managed to wreck the foundations that rage and grief were building up on her. And now they took you.
Shuri ripped through their defenses.
If someone told her she was swimming against the ocean's strongest current, she would believe them.
It felt that way.
She lounged alone, lost in a trance, without a single care for those who found themselves on her path. All they got was a warning, a single warning, and then Shuri was coming through.
"You have three seconds to get out of my way." The white noise of the fight muffled even their sounds, but their eyes answered her well enough. "I will only warn once."
Some left.
Many got blasted meters up in the air.
There was nothing between the destination point she headed and the knowledge that they took you, I told her she was safe and they took her.
Nothing but the echo of Ayo's words:
"My Queen..."
—the instinctive drop of Shuri's stomach, falling flat on the laboratory's floor, staining everything in red even before she heard the words.
"She didn't leave on her own. It was him. He took her. We already found her location—"
"My Queen, the General and I would like to—"
"Where, Ayo?!"
Shuri knew that not even ten minutes behind her, the army of Dora with the help of M'Baku was on their way, tearing apart the defenses of the remaining fighters, but she couldn't wait when she heard.
There had been time for planning, for strategizing, but not for Shuri.
Not for someone who could lose anything, but you.
"They took her thinking they were taking Nakia. I don't believe they kidnapped her for the reasons you're imagining. They think Y/n is the one with the internal information on the Council."
Even the reason why brought her no comfort—it might not have been because of Shuri that you were stuck somewhere underground having the worst experience of your life, but it still happened.
Your security slipped through her fingers, so Shuri sunk her claws into anything that stood between her and getting you to safety.
My baby. My baby...
There was no Shuri being dropped out of the airplane. Not a single trace of the one who once was Princess, who once was Queen.
There was only Panther.
They took my baby.
Shuri realized halfway inside the stupidly large castle that all the reasons she had for keeping you at arm's length and denying the obvious tension that electrified the air every time the two of you were together were lame, useless, and nothing compared to the idea of never holding you again.
Of someone causing you harm.
"My Queen," Griot speaks inside the suit.
"Where is she?" A guard runs towards her as her voice reveals her, and Shuri releases the tension built up in the suit with a stomp of her foot against the ground, sending him flying over the balcony.
"I finished the scan of the inside area, and I found Miss Honey's last bead signals in a certain underground room. It seems to be the most highly secured one given the interrupted electrical waves right around its walls."
"Show me the way."
The smart eyes drop a pin meters under her, and the Panther is going down in a single leap, just as it did when it first revealed itself to the Council.
Shuri feels her deep inside her bones.
The impact always amazes her—soft, certain, and easy to make. Instinctive.
She's met with horrified looks of sad, doomed souls who were warned only a brief second ago of the invasion, and they barely have time to lift their weapons before she's dashing off again.
They're too slow.
All of them.
Shuri can almost hear her voice, the memory slipping by over the sounds of screams and fight.
"I like his voice. What's wrong with his voice?"
"Nothing's wrong with his voice. He's just very... white."
"Bast, you're funny. ... Here, listen to this one and tell me you still care."
"... You smell like the perfume I gave you."
"... You knew what to choose."
"Hmmm. It was an easy choice. You smelled sweet the first time I saw you."
"The first time you saw me you'd fallen in a god's trap, and you could barely open your eyes, silly."
"And you'll never let me forget it."
"Not as long as I live. We made a deal that day."
The memory almost makes her take her first hit—she keeps coming back to that day.
Since Okoye put her on the airplane and told her "I'll drop you there, and we will be there exactly when you need us, My Queen," her brain had shut off, and like a good open-theater movie, all Shuri could see were the best bits.
The way you always lean on her, not an ounce of fear on your body—that plays on her head.
The little laugh that only she can pull out of you—it's kept her from killing everything in sight.
Your voice, soft and tasty like sugar—
She rips the door open with the last accumulated energy safe, and the metal flied behind her. That's when she hears it.
All that matters.
Praise, Bast. I will give you all the offerings I promised, Bast. "Oh, Bast." Shuri's kneeling in front of you in a second, ripping all the ropes that are keeping you bound. "Honey."
"Shuri," it's a broken, happy sob, and Shuri can breathe.
She can finally breathe. "Yeah. I'm here. It's ok." With the ropes all gone she removes her mask in one go, and it's all she has time to do before you're throwing yourself on her. "Bast, I was worried. Did they hurt you? Are you hurt?"
Even though Shuri tries to pull you back to get a better look at you, your grip on her is strong as vibranium. "I'm ok."
It's right there and then Shuri notices the Panther is gone. "Of course you are." Not literally, but the strength and almost physical presence hanging over her shoulder are lightened. "Of course," her hands both hold you by the nape and the head, squeezing you as close as possible. "I'm sorry—"
"Shut up, I swear." Your laugh is strangled, and without a doubt the best thing she's ever heard. Shuri feels it like the first drop of your honey. "You have nothing to apologize."
"I have some things, but they're not what you imagine."
"Ok. Why are we having a conversation somewhere people can still come shooting at us like savages, though?"
It's Shuri's turn to laugh. "I'm waiting for something."
"What?" it's a whisper, but your voice so close to her ear grounds her back to Earth.
Shuri realizes neither one of you wants to let go. "Okoye."
"You came alone?!" You scream, pulling back from the hug at last.
Saved by the gong, Shuri's spared of an answer when Griot announces, "My Queen—Okoye, and Ayo have officially taken over the main ground. She said you have three minutes to get up there."
Your eyes turn to the mask on the floor and close the mouth that was gaping wide.
"We only need one," Shuri breathes in deeply, and lets out extending her hand. "Let's go?"
You take her hand. "I'm going to scold you so hard on that airplane," your warning tone is so endearing.
It reminds Shuri of other times.
"Why do you keep hurting yourself? Do you realize how difficult it is to hurt someone who's been touched and is guarded by the Panther? Divined by herb? You have to learn to take better care of yourself!"
"You know, it's funny to me. Most people now have this mixture of fear and respect for you—they can sense how wiser and stronger you are, which no one though was possible, but every time you come to me with your alien-related problems and the dilemmas you're carrying, all I want to do is hit you. How are you looking me in the eye and telling me you did this without any supervision? That's dangerous, Shuri."
How had she kept quiet?
"Why are you smiling?" you ask her, a frown taking over your face. "I mean it."
"I know," she replies, her smile getting wider.
"You can't just get in the way of a bunch of assault weapons all on your own," the frown on your face deepens, and Shuri wants to laugh. "Why didn't you wait for them?"
She shakes her head, easily. "Couldn't."
"Really? You couldn't wait the two minutes your highly trained protection army take to come up with a plan?"
On her ear's speaker, a voice comes in. "Ah, this is why I like her. Smart Honey. I agree wholeheartedly with her," says Okoye.
"I really couldn't," Shuri reiterates.
She feels you want to pull your hand away from hers, so she grips tighter and pulls your body until it's only a few inches from her.
"Snarky smile and still no explanation as to why, but fine. Let's go?"
She could go. Instead, Shuri waits for your eyes to make contact with hers. "I couldn't wait a single second," she answers, voice coming out lower. Your eyes always struggle to maintain contact with hers, and now she thinks she gets why. "I told you before: I'm not doing this again."
"Doing what? Wait—are you talking about our deal?"
"The one and only."
"What does our deal have to do with you not waiting for backup?"
"'I'll protect my life first. That was the deal, wasn't it? You scolded me for protecting my planet without thinking about myself, made a speech about how everyone needs me here if I want to protect anything, and this is part of the deal." Shuri has no idea how she only listened to you ranting your heart off and never interrupted you with a kiss. "You're my life, too. I can't wait a second before saving you. That's impossible. "
The look of being speechless is a good one for you.
Shuri smiled again.
She laughs when you trail off. "Never thought I'd see you not have words for something—"
Shuri's instinct is the only reason why she catches you.
It's a tsunami—the way you throw yourself without abandon, with certainty that you'll be held; when your lips crash onto hers, Shuri grunts, and takes a step back to stabilize your whole weight in her arms.
You kiss like you do anything else you're passionate about—with the surprisingly gentle care that still reveals that fire that you're made of.
Shuri's never going to stop craving this now.
She kisses back with less finesse than you; a little desperate, and burning up a lot.
It worsens when she hears, "That was adorable, but it means you two truly have only one minute now. Save it all for later, could you?"
Shuri pulls back, and she can tell the second when you realize what's happened.
Your eyes open, staring deep into hers, and it's like an invite in: i can't hide it either. this is what i feel.
Shuri tastes the honey in her mouth. "Hold on to me, baby."
She likes the way you whine at the nickname, and the way she hears her friends laughing in her ear-coms only makes it better.
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tchallasbabymama · 2 years
Blossoming Ashes
[Coming 2024, 18+]
Amita Ngani has seen too much darkness over the years, but when an old classmate re-entered her life and brought a certain Jabari chief with her, Amita’s life was forever changed. Will her new life be satisfactory, or is there more out there for the formerly dark aziza?
This story is set in the same universe as Troubled Waters. You can absolutely read it without reading the first, but I suggest doing so anyway.
M'Baku x Amita (OC)
angst, smut
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Be sure to check out my full masterlist and let me know if you want to be tagged!
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
Five Times Bucky Set Sam Up on a Date and the One Time Sam Set Bucky Up
Oh my gosh, I didn't think I'd get this in on time, but I have blacked out my @samwilsonbingo Round 2 card! 😆 Also, while this is ultimately a SamBuckyQuin fic, there are other pairings in there. Here's a goofily sweet 5+1 fic for the fills: "Ayo", "M'Baku", "Joaqu��n Torres", and "Musical Theater". Enjoy! 🥰
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Five Times Bucky Set Sam Up on a Date and the One Time Sam Set Bucky Up
| Pairing: SamBuckyQuin | Rating: M | Chapters: 6/6 | WC: 5.6 |
Summary: Bucky Barnes keeps trying to matchmake Sam with people he thinks would be perfect for Sam.
Sam could see him. Scruffy, mismatched hoodies and all. He could see the man who shaped the 20th century with his assassinations, the war hero turned cyborg, the man on the run himself, Bucky Barnes. Peeking out from behind a corner like a child playing hide and seek. Snickering to himself like he just pulled off the greatest heist ever known to man. And Sam didn’t know what to think of that at first. Sam thought this would be like all the rendezvous he’d had with the infamous Winter Soldier this past year. He thought it’d be them meeting silently in a public place. Wandering into a crowd as they whispered about their week, their month; talked about Sam’s insecurities and fears; taped together whatever spotty memory Bucky had. Sam thought it’d be sitting down at a café reading books together or feeding pigeons in Central Park. Yet here he was, unsure as to whether he should acknowledge Bucky as Misty Knight of all people appeared before Sam, waving like she had been waiting for Sam all this time. Not that Sam was mad to see her there.
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rayrayvan · 1 year
The great war III
Pairing: Shuri x Fem!reader Warnings: Angst, Spoilers, mentions about injuries, fluff
part one, part two
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You did your best to distract yourself from worrying about your wife. You were informed that they have just arrived. So you and the queen aboard the aircraft, get to the palace as quickly as possible.
Shuri was held up by M'baku. The injuries she sustained were brutal but thanks to the Black Panther abilities she has, she's able to survive it. She was limping to get to the lab to be patched up when she heard someone screaming her name.
The voice sounded familiar that when she looked up, her legs would give up. You were calling out for her name, running towards her. "Shuri!" You screamed again and when you were near to where she was standing, you rushed to hug her tight.
When she engulfed you in her arms she felt as if she was home, in your arms where she can lay down her defenses, where she can rest and not worry about tomorrow, where she was safe. "You're here" She whispered in your ear " Thank Bast you're awake" She whispered again.
You cried into her shoulder and she did the same but when you hugged her even tighter she winced in pain. You pulled away and asked if she was hurt, she simply nodded. You moved to her side and let her lean into you. "I've got her to thank you Lord M'Baku, the debts will be repaid," You said to him but he swayed his head no " I did it for Wakanda," He said and went to excuse himself to return to Jabariland.
You held her up with your hand around her waist and her arm around your shoulder for support "Where is my mother?" She asked "She's inside waiting" You replied and she nodded in agreement.
When you two reached inside her lab, her mother walked in. The Queen and her hugged each other tightly, asking one another if they are fine and telling her that she worries for her daughter's safety, praying to Bast and the ancestors to keep her safe.
Shuri soon later started to work on patching herself up, but you stopped her before she could begin "Nah uh, I'll do it" You told her. She just gave you what you needed because if she didn't agree you'd say "I am your wife and that is my duty" and how she was injured so she didn't but she did plan to mess with you and ended up not going through with it.
"When were you up?" She asked when you were done "Maybe a day after you left," You said as you cleaned up your mess. The silence was surrounding you two. She felt kind of awkward with you now with the mess she made. When you threw the last garbage out, you fell to your knees, and the feelings you kept at bay finally gushed out. Shuri saw you fell so she hopped off and approached you gently. She heard your cries and soon after, she engulfed you in her arms "I thought I lost you" You began, trying your hardest to form the words you want to say to her. "I thought I wouldn't be able to see you again, feel you again, kiss you again. I thought of the worse and I hate myself for doing that" You continue. She stayed silent and let you cry out the pent-up feelings you kept to yourself "And the past months, I've been nothing more than selfish. When you were grieving, I wanted you all to myself instead of letting you do whatever you want to do" You added which made Shuri shish you now "You weren't selfish, Sthandwa. If anything I was the one who completely abounded you. I know you were grieving too but I let work consume me, I'm sorry for that" Shuri cried out this time and you both sobbed hard. "I'm sorry too, My Shuri" You cried out.
You pulled away and faced her. Leaned in to place your forehead against hers.
"I love you" She whispered "I will always love you" She added again "I love you too" You whispered back "I will always love you" You added
Both of you were hesitant but later leaned in to kiss. It was slow and hesitant but was soon replaced with longing and passion.
You both apologize to each other and vow that even when times do get rough, you'll always be there for each other.
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a/n: might rewrite this but anyways here's the last part
@sexylifestylesblog @taiiunknown @ziayamikaelson
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bucky-h0e · 4 months
A/N: We getting spoiled this week! I'm working out the schedule, but just for this week I've got a few extra posts to make up for my absence - hopefully you enjoy them all!
Anyway, here's a short, late-ish Valentines' Day special.
Warnings: Fluff, Bucky and Alpine's father-daughter dates, Sam and Bucky embarrassing Alpine like good father's should
Serendipity Masterlist
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Bucky and Alpine (+Sam) celebrate Valentines Day
There are many ways this day could go and have gone
The only constant throughout the years are that Alpine always gets Bucky and Sam flowers
and Bucky and Sam always get Alpine flowers
it started off as a competition, Bucky got Alpine flowers one year and Sam went out and bought a bigger bouquet
the next year, Sam bought a bouquet bigger than the one from the previous year, Bucky bought her two
so she basically gets given an entire flower shop but eventually she told them to knock it off
i mean, do you know how hard it is to look after and set up 30+ bouquets?
it's fucking difficult and she wasn't even getting paid to do it
now, if they all have significant others (unlikely because Bucky only has three contacts in his phone and one of those is his therapist) then they spend most of the day with them
Bucky and Alpine will always try to go out for food during the day
just a little father-daughter date
nothing major
Bucky denies it
Alpine has heart eyes and keeps telling everyone that the Winter Soldier is her dad
absolutely uses it to her advantage to get free cake
and to scare away dates
the most likely scenario though is that Bucky doesn't have a date, Sam does and Alpine's situation varies from moment to moment
if she doesn't have a date then she's all
"Bucky's all the Valentines I need"
"Unless Thor comes around cause goddamn"
"i'd stretch for Steven Strange too."
"or literally any Wakandan."
"Especially that M'Baku guy."
"Thanks Al."
if she does have a date
"I can cancel, i don't even know this man. I can just tell him to fuck off."
"I don't need some guy that I met randomly at work"
"At my bar job no less"
"Seriously Bucky, he ain't no M'Baku so-"
"Kid, shut up, go on your date."
"don't interrupt me you living fossil"
"fucking, rude grumpy ass"
once it's decided that yes, she will be going on her date
she drags him over to her place so he can keep her company whilst she get's ready
she'll aggressively sing songs at him
which bucky is very used to at this point
maybe force him into a little dancey-dance
which he'll say he hates but very much enjoys it
spins her at some point and dips her
she'll also cook him dinner, because if he's gunna be alone then she'll be damned if its not with a hot meal
Bucky won't admit it, but he loves when she cooks because it reminds him of coming home to a family and a food on the table made by someone who loves him
also it means he doesn't have to cook
when she's ready, she's normally a ball of confidence (apart from the time she dated a young history professor - she was a wreck)
so he doesn't need to give her a pep talk or anything
which is good because he doesn't exactly know how to tell a girl he hopes she gets laid?
bit of weird thing to say to his young neighbour who he views as a daughter
when her date comes to pick her up, he's standing right behind her glaring at the guy
sizing him up, committing his face to memory just in case
"okay, we'll be off now, lock my door for me would you Buck"
she'll lean up (thats a lie, she practically drags him so he lowers himself to her height) and kiss his cheek goodnight before taking her dates arm and smiling
as he's locking her door with his spare key (they'd given each other spare keys in cases of emergency but lets be honest Alpine uses them whenever she wants) he'll over hear a bit of their conversation which normally revolved around him
"It that-"
"It is!"
"It's not."
"You know the Winter Soldier?!"
"He's not the Winter Soldier."
That conversation normally tells him that the date isn't going to go well
he knew she hated when a date would focus on that aspect of him
like for fucks sake man is actually a living time machine
and alpine knows a lot about him
ask better questions
whilst she's on her date, he'll sit at home and watch movie recommendations from her and Sam
he'll read
listen to music
drink beer that will definitely not get him drunk
when Alpine comes back, he'll send her a text to make sure she's safe
he used to check on her by opening the door but she once caught her and an ex boyfriend in a rather
position to say the least
they couldn't look at each other for a week after that and bucky had very quickly learnt his lesson
if the dates gone well then he won't get a response until later that night
if it goes okay then it normally means there will be a second date before anything happens between the pair
if the night is bad, then Bucky had received the text first and had gone out to pick her up from wherever the date was
we love a protective dad
on the nights that don't end with Alpine in her place getting lucky (which is most years up until she meets the before mentioned professor - i've got a fucking plan for these two i swear)
they sit together on Bucky's couch, drinking beer and teasing each other
Alpine is normally still dressed up at this point
"Bucky rub my feet"
"fuck no"
"oh c'mon you're supposed to be a 40s gentleman"
"and you're supposed to be a lady, put the dogs away"
her unhinged and outlandish outbursts had led to Bucky getting a 'swear jar' of sorts
she'd have to put a dollar in for every one
"Fucking... jar you in a minute
"Nice threat Al"
"Grandpa, I swear to god"
"Which one"
now sometimes Sam will join them if he doesn't have a date but come on
you can't tell me that Sam Wilson
Captain America
doesn't have a Valentines' date
he isn't a social recluse like a certain Steve Rogers
Now, Bucky and Sam are very protective fathers
nobody can tell me otherwise
you also can't tell me that they wouldn't be the biggest fucking teases in the world
every valentines day, without fail, Alpine gets a video message from Sam
It's of him and Bucky, giving her "advice"
"This Valentine's Day here's a couple of things from a couple of guys"
Bucky looks physically pained the first few times she'd been sent it
"Rule number one, always make sure to give a gift instead of receive one, thats makes you a good person."
Sam is very obviously loving this, every single year
"rule number two, be yourself always and forever with anyone and everyone"
"that's very nice. Always, Always remember rule number one"
"but always keep in mind rule number two"
"number two has heart too"
"at the end of the day it takes two to make things right"
it was an ongoing joke that alpine was ready to end
especially when they sent it to the professor boyfriend on their first valentines day together
"I am.... so sorry"
"It's okay, love, it'd endearing"
"it's embarrassing"
"they care about you"
"i'm going to end them"
"one thing before you do, how did they get my number?"
poor baby forgot who he was dating for a hot second there
little does he know he's going to be cockblocked most valentines' by James Barnes
this poor man just wants to swoop Alpine off her feet and treat her like a queen
Bucky's sat there like a little gremlin with a beer and a smug little grin
he ain't ready to be an actual grandpa just yet
especially if the kid takes after Alpine
50/50 is just too much of a risk at that point
has 100% convinced Sam to crash one of their dates before now
Sam agrees but has a moment of clarity in the middle of it
"You ever think that we hang around this kid too much?"
Bucky's sat there with sunglasses looking through a newspaper with eye holes cut out
they're in one of the fanciest restaurants in New York and Bucky looks like a cartoon villain
"What happened to you man?"
he's joking, partially
he loves Alpine and the professor is the only boyfriend of hers he's like for her
Until the day comes where Alpine meets that man, Bucky is her main Valentine's bitch
and he makes sure of it
he really, really hates all of Alpine's ex-boyfriends
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Epilogue to the M'baku/Reader/Namor love triangle aka Friends to Enemies to Lovers.
Part One Part Two Part Three
Summary: Five years have passed and this will be your first time being welcomed back into Wakanda after your banishment. How will things have changed.
Angst, fluff.
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You stood on the banks of Wakanda looking upon a home you had not stepped foot in for five whole years. It was as beautiful as it always was in the bright sun of the morning. You flexed your hands, getting used to the air again after such a long time. Anxiety was still peeking through the confidence you had built over the years.
"In reina, are you ready?" Namor asked from your side. He entwined your hands and brought yours to his lips. You examined the slight bluish tint to your skin that wasn't surprising but still left you feeling slightly bereft. After all, you spent your times in Talokan, where, in the deep, your skin looked it's usual brown. You met the eyes of your husband which still held the same love and affection they always had.
"As ready as I'll ever be," You replied, squeezing his hand and following the procession as it made its way to the palace.
It was the five year anniversary of the alliance between Talokan and Wakanda. Many things had happened since your banishment. You had been heartbroken but eventually received word that M'baku had convinced Shuri for a temporary banishment, one that lasted five years. You had accepted it, knowing that the turmoil of the last few months were fueling Shuri's vitriol. You were also harboring resentment for the Wakandan royal who you blamed for the loss of your first child, though she would never know.
You had been with child the day you were banished. You didn't know until a few months later, when during a heart wrenching break down over the decision to uphold the banishment sent you to your knees. Your grief over your lost home was enough to end the small life before it could start. The loss of a child you had not even known you had was a hard blow for you and Namor. But if anything it brought the two of you closer. Maybe it was because he had spent centuries watching his people die of old age that he was able to fight off grief by ensuring you that you had more time to have more children. He was your source of comfort and strength while you reevaluated your life.
Namor had been the doting and caring husband he had promised to be. But even he was worried when you started experimenting with vibranium, growing plants with it, and trying to mimic the original potion that had made the Talokanil who they were. No words from him deterred you from your mission and you would silence him with adoration and love and promises of carrying his child when you joined him in bed every night. You knew he was worried and didn't want you to force a transformation but you were determined.
In regards to the traitors, Namor had publicly executed those that had tried to poison you and had dealt a warning against further uprising. You were the one who gave Attuma a letter to read to the people since you couldn't be there. You understood where they were coming from and why they hated you, even if it was not all of them. You addressed their fears of the surface world, the recent alliance with Wakanda, and your choice to stay with Namor even though it meant losing your home. You chose Talokan and its king over everything and you had no regrets.
After the letter, the people were nicer. Some sent gifts and the maids checked them all for tampering. But there was no other attempt on your life. You were determined to connect with your people and that meant being able to join them beneath the sea. The only communication you had had with Shuri in the first year were messages about recreating the plant that had helped the Talokanil. It was a puzzle that Shuri helped with although she remained disconnected at first, the scientist would not refuse the challenge. It was the catalyst for repairing your relationship and the first offer to visit, that you would refuse.
Two worthless attempts later and one that had left you tinted blue but not at all able to breathe underwater, you had eventually succeeded in something close. Maybe it was because that plant had been engineered but the potion that should have been 100% did not completely succeed. It had indeed given you the same skin and look of the Talokanil but you could breathe through your mouth and nose on land. The gills on your neck would seal up in open air and reopen when you swam in the ocean. You were secretly thankful that you could dwell on surface and land, like your husband, without assistance.
That was not your only success over the last five years. The other was currently being carried by the majestic king next to you. With curly dark hair, tiny wings on his ankles, and skin as golden as his father's was your son. Three years old and as curious as a new born lamb. His chocolate eyes flicked to and fro as he took in the new surroundings for the first time.
Yuneun, your 'half moon'. Half the sea and half the sky. Although he was sired shortly after you took the potion he did not inherit the blue tint or the gills. No he was his father's son and Namor had been terrified and awestruck. The boy was already showing signs of higher intelligence and slightly slowed aging. You secretly thanked whatever gods gave your husband an eternal companion. Your golden boys who you loved more than life.
Bringing an heir to the people of Talokan, and one that was so much like their king had endeared the people to you. When you joined them in the deep of the city and commiserated with them, showed them your skin and gills, they had finally fully welcomed you. Your family had ruled the undersea kingdom peacefully. But there was still a part of you that yearned for the surface and the home you left behind. A part you fought tooth and nail for years to not going begging for reentrance to the land it was banished from.
But now your banishment had ended and you were here, with your husband and son to celebrate five years of peace. You saw how some of the Wakandan's whispered as the procession passed through the vibrant city center. The way their eyes took in your tinted skin and the slices along your neck but you paid them no mind. You were proud of the person, no the Queen you had become in your absence.
"Na'," Yuneun called to you with hands out stretched. You and Namor both paused to allow the children to climb into your arms. You kissed his cheek and resumed walking, your husband had a firm hand on your lower back guiding you as you spoke to the boy.
"Yes, in chan paalo', my child. Do you like it? This is where I come from," You smiled as your son looked around wide eyed, the wings on his ankles fluttered with excitement.
"Yuum, yuum," Yuneun called to his father, pointing at the palace that was rising up into the skyline.
"Yes, little one, that is the Royal Palace. You will meet your uncle and the Queen of Wakanda soon," Namor beamed. The Talokan King was all smiles and happiness. Over the years the diplomatic relationship between the two countries had improved greatly. He met with Shuri at least once a month and together they presented a united front at global gatherings.
M'baku had been allowed back into the council and he and Namor had a bi-weekly meeting which ranged from sparring to board games to physical challenges. It warmed your heart to know that M'baku and your husband had become friends. It had healed many old wounds to hear about the stories and games between the two great men. It was also a way for you to hear about M'baku and him about you. It had been a condition of your banishment that you did not contact the Jabari leader.
You would see him today, for the first time since you saved him from certain death at the hands of Shuri. You were not worried about the Queen. Your work together to recreate the potion had started out tense but had fallen into easy comradery by the end of it. But you had not had the time to rebuild with the man who was like your brother. You hoped he would accept you as you were now.
You could see the Dora Milaje flanking the council and Queen Shuri at the entrance to the palace. M'baku stood next to her and you saw the moment they recognized you. Eyes widening for a moment but a smile growing across their faces. You felt your anxiety melt away and the tenseness in your shoulders relax. You looked to Namor who returned your gaze with a knowing smile. He leaned in and whispered to you "I told you. You could have comeback before the 5 years passed. They wanted you to. They missed you."
He was right and you knew it. You were the stubborn one who wouldn't let go of your pride and waited out the banishment. But you didn't regret it. You could present yourself confidently and happily now that time had healed the wounds of the past.
"The Great King and Queen, we welcome you!" Shuri greeted you. She looked older but also softer, the grief had finally left her eyes and you recognized your old friend. Namor and M'baku clasped hands while you stepped up to Shuri.
"Queen Shuri, I would like you to meet the crown prince, our son, Yuneun," You turned your son to look at your friend.
"Hello little prince, I am so glad to meet you," Shuri spoke to the child with a soft tone. Yuneun giggled in reply and you couldn't help but look down adoringly at your child.
Shuri shifted her gaze to you, "It is good to see you old friend. I know why you never came when I said you could visit. But I am happy that you are here. I would like to apologize for everything."
The Queen looked regretful. You pulled her into a one armed hug, "Shuri, all is forgiven and has been. I just needed time to heal, time to become the best Queen I could be."
She returned your embrace then pulled away to take you in, "Motherhood suits you and so does the blue skin."
You laughed at her light teasing, "It was a small price to pay to be accepted by my people. Plus, you've seen Talokan, to be able to swim in that world without a huge suit is a blessing."
"Come, let's go inside. Then we can feast and truly catch up," Shuri looped an arm with yours and guided you inside. You glanced back to make sure that Namor and M'baku were going to follow you. "They'll catch up. M'baku will want to speak with you but I will hog you for now."
"It is good to see you, Baku. You look well," You said to the great Jabari warrior. You were fighting the anxious need to wring your hands together now that you were face to face. He had asked to speak to you somewhere private and you had obliged. The celebrations were well underway and everyone else had already reintroduced themselves.
"And you, my dear friend, look happy," M'baku remarked, a softness taking over his features.
"I am. Namor has kept me up to date about your life as much as he can between his grand retellings of your spars and games," You chuckled, "I expect to meet your betrothed before the wedding. She will need my approval after all."
M'baku chortled loudly, "Yes, yes, she knows."
"Will you give me a hug already? It has been too long," You finally requested. The tension finally broke and M'baku gathered you into his arms in a warm embrace. You held on firmly, remembering his scent, and all the years you had spent together. "I have missed you, Baku."
"I have missed you too," M'baku stroked your hair and then released you from his embrace. You were both teary eyed and sniffling which made you both let out a laugh. "Blue suits you."
"It does, doesn't it," You quipped back, grinning at him.
"They treat you well now?" M'baku asked.
"Yes, they have accepted me and adore Namor, myself, and Yuneun," You informed your friend confidently.
"Yuneun, a good name for a beautiful child, may I meet him?" M'baku offered you his arm to lead you back to the main hall.
"Of course. Namor has been weaving tales to the boy of how great of a warrior his uncle is," You took his arm and walked with him, the warmth of familiarity rolling through you.
"You've told him about me?" He asked surprised.
"Oh he knows all about his lineage here in Wakanda. He will always know of the two great Kingdoms he comes from," You looked up and caught the Jabari man's eyes. "He will be proud of both his families. We have made sure of that. I may be as Talokanil as I can be now, but I will always be Wakandan."
You sat at the table with M'baku holding your son who was pulling at the warriors furs and giggling uncontrollably. Shuri and Namor were in a deep conversation about a recent outreach plan to your left. You looked around the decorated hall remembering how you met the King here, not knowing how your fate would change.
You looked out upon the mingling Talokanil and Wakandans and felt your heart swell. There was no division of sides like the day of your wedding. There was no tension or grief, just celebration.
Your eyes looked at the dais steps remembering how the blood of the traitor had been spilled here and no one who hadn't been there would have guessed. It was all so surreal. Maybe there were gods out there that had blessed this union despite its unhappy origins. Whether due to the sacrifice or in exchange for the deep suffering you had all endured.
You looked once more around the table and caught the eye of your husband you mouthed 'I love you'. Shuri caught him and turned to you, making a gagging motion which made Namor laugh. M'baku was making baby noises at Yuneun and you covered your giggle with your hand. He raised an eyebrow at you and stuck out his tongue then continued to amuse the boy.
You sighed in content. Namor made his way around the table and greeted you with a kiss to your cheek and the side of your neck. "You are glowing, in yakunaj."
You turned to him, cupping his cheek, "We all are, in ajawo, we all are."
thank you so much for following me on this journey.
reblog, reply, review!
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bestfriend491 · 1 year
Lies of Omission Prt.2
Okoye x Reader
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Summary: After the your heartshattering confession, your relationship reaches a breakthrough. Read Part 1 before you read this.
Comfort and Fluff
Warning: None
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Okoye could not have anticipated how bad the day was going to go. It had gone from a sweet date to you being really unwell and stuck in the infirmary. She had wanted and waited to share so many moments with you, after nearly a month of not being around each other. 
After so long apart, Okoye realised how strong her feelings had gotten, and today she had actually planned to tell you how deeply in love with you she really was. It was going to be intimate and she was going to be vulnerable, something that she rarely ever let herself be. 
She knew that you would tease her about the whole thing for months after, and it would maybe even become an inside joke between the two of you. But now, she just stared at you, laid on one of the infirmary beds. You were sleeping, after not having woken up from the second blackout, causing Okoye to worry even more than she had already done. She decided after 5 minutes to go and get help. 
It was a quiet day, where most people were at their homes so M'yra, the only person in the infirmary today, had helped as soon as she saw you laid in Okoye's arms. 
Okoye could open the door only slightly, using her foot to open it more and carrying you in. 
"Hello?" She looked around, not seeing M'yra at first. 
"Coming!" Within a few seconds, she was by Okoye's side helping you into a bed to get you medication. 
"You said that she was going to go and take medication. Do you know which type?" M'yra had been asking questions that Okoye did not have the answer to. 
She had only known about this whole thing for 30 minutes, how would she know. 
"No, I didn't get to ask." She bowed her head in shame at saying she didn't know yet another thing. She felt like she wasn't going to be able to help you. 
Still, she couldn't let herself cry in front of M'yra. She didn't want to be vulnerable about this whole situation until you were awake and the two of you were alone. 
Luckily, you hadn't stopped breathing throughout the whole thing. Okoye didn't know how much more of the day she would be able to take if you had.
After 10 minutes you started waking up on your own but M'yra gave you some medicine that made you fall into a deep sleep to help your body rest.
Okoye sat next to your bed, running her fingers along your arm. Something she had started doing for comfort. She had a lot of things that she did for comfort, most of them including being around you. 
Although her initial feelings of anger and disgust towards your abusive ex were still very prevalent, she knew that you didn't tell her the whole story so that she could seek out revenge. You wanted to feel seen for once.
The fact that you hadn't been comfortable enough to tell her about such an overall life consuming thing made her sad. She knew that you were similar to her in which you both struggled to open up, but she thought that surely she couldn't have missed all of the signs. 
She started to think back to everytime she had suspected that something was off with you. 
On your 6th date you had arrived at Okoye's house much later than you had said you would, and although you looked stunning in her eyes, there were large bags under your eyes and you looked exhausted. 
You had just had a bad morning where you couldn't even get through doing your makeup without fainting but still not having told Okoye, you told her that you were summoned to work for a sudden meeting and M'Baku wouldn't let you postpone it for anything. 
Okoye had raised an eyebrow at you, having seen M'Baku at the palace not even 45 minutes before, and even then, he had mentioned no such meeting. 
The two of you had still been getting used to being official, and she didn't want to ruin a fresh relationship by being controlling or seeming insecure so she went along with your story and the rest of the date was as great as every other one had been. 
The same had happened on at least 4 other dates. She would wait for you and you'd either be late or cancel with a low effort lie being given to her. Most of the time the lies didn't even make sense.
These memories weren't even the most obvious clue that something was wrong. 
Most recently, you had stopped her from visiting your house for 2 whole weeks, claiming that you were sick. But your story has changed multiple times over the days, sometimes multiple times during the day. 
She had again chalked it up to you being confused, thinking that whatever medication you were on was making you drowsy. 
Now, she could tell that you had been having a couple of bad weeks and had been having too many fainting spells to feel comfortable being around her. 
She frowned at how obvious it was that you were covering up something in the first place. 
Guilt replaced her concern now. 
'How did I miss such a big thing?' She kept asking herself. She was a Wakandan warrior for Bast's sake. She was trained to always be suspicious and see through people's lies. 
She so deeply wanted to make it up to you, to make up for not being more observant in the entire duration of your relationship. 
With the permission of M'yra, she wheeled you to her headquarters, and slowly transferred you from the infirmary bed to her own. She was glad that it was so quiet in the palace today, because she knew that people would look at her very weirdly if they had seen her doing this. Especially without context. 
Once she had returned the bed and said her thanks to M'yra, she rushed to a quinjet (she could have walked but she didn't have that kind of time) and flew to the place where she had planned to take you, taking everything that she had set up down, and loaded it into the jet with her. 
When she got back, she was surprised but relieved to see that you were still asleep. So she got to work setting everything up again. 
She admitted that it must have looked like a very cliché American Rom-Com. Lighting candles and placing down rose petals, but if she had to be a bit banal when it came to showing her love, she would.
By the time she had finished setting up the food, you had finally started to stir awake. You laid with your eyes closed, now that you were conscious, remembering the previous events of the day. Shame washed over you. The way that you had told Okoye was absolutely pathetic and it was a sloppy execution too. 
You were sure that she would leave you now, just like everybody you had ever been with seemed to the moment that you became too much. 
It was the smell of scented candles that got you to open your eyes. Before this, you had been in the infirmary and you had assumed that that's where you still were. Now, you were in Okoye's room.
It looked very different than usual though.
'Did a romance tornado hit this room while I was gone' you thought, only you had actually said it out loud , getting a laugh out of the person next to you. You turned to your left, not having seen Okoye yet. 
She hadn't left. 
"I know, it's different from my usual structured cleanliness." She smiled at you, and you did the same, not sure what to say to that. 
"You… you stayed." You decided on that after an awkward silence. 
"I couldn't leave." She wanted to say so much more. 
She couldn't leave, because she loved you, because she was scared of the person she would stop being if she were to lose you, because you were her entire world. You were a part of her mind, body and soul. 
You tried to sit up, and for a moment she thought you were gonna try and get up to leave, but you just shifted to the right side and tapped on your left to tell her to come and sit with you. 
She got onto her bed, sitting right next to you, leaving no room between the two of you. You leaned your head to the side and placed it on her shoulder. 
She placed hers on top of yours and linked your two closest hands. The two of you sat there comfortably. Silently communicating without saying anything out loud. 
"Ndiyaxolisa (I'm sorry)" you whispered. " I should have told you sooner." 
"Enough about that." She dismissed you, not wanting you to keep carrying this guilt. 
"I know now. And I don't plan on leaving you, Y/n." Hearing her said that is what made the tears start developing. 
You hadn't realised how much you needed to hear that and now having her say it so confidently, you couldn't take it without letting a few tears out. 
"Ndiyakuthanda, Y/n. (I love you, Y/n)" 
You turned your head to face her, thinking that you might have heard her wrong. She couldn't have just said that. You wouldn't believe it. You had been the only one that had gotten to the I love you stage between the two of you. 
"Utheni? (What did you say?) " you asked, wanting to make sure you were indeed not making this up.
"I said, I love you." Okoye's eyes had a glossy coat on them now too. 
" I love you so much, and I… I don't think I would have been able to live with myself if you didn't know that. I want to be there for you, for everything good and bad." 
A smile spread across your face, and you broke into a fit of giggles from the excitement of hearing her say that. Soon, Okoye joined you, and you were both laughing with each other. 
You leaned in and placed your lips on hers and the two of you shared a tender kiss. 
It was late now, and the food was going to get cold, so Okoye and you ate, and talked and laughed. 
It wasn't the date that any of you had expected, but it was still one of the best that you had ever had with each other, because now there was nothing hanging over your heads. Now, there was no longer a reason to keep lying. 
And for the first time in the entire week, you went the whole night without fainting. 
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The End
(Part 3 out now)
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Author's Note: I hope that this story, brought some of you pleasure. Thank you for reading.
Requests are being worked on as we speak.
77 notes · View notes
mermaidchansons · 1 year
Warm Colors: Chapter 7
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SugarDaddy!M'Baku x Oshun(reader)
Summary: M’Baku takes you on a 2-week excursion to St. Lucia and feelings boil over.
Words: 4600+
Warnings: Smut, fluff, angst 18+ only
Author’s Note: Sorry, I know it’s a long one. Let me know what you think!
Suggested Listening: Something Different by Adekunle Gold, Can’t Anymore by Shenseea, Indélébile by Yseult
Translations: uthixokazi wam, uyamangalisa (my goddess, you’re amazing), sthandwa (my love), umntu (person), iyinto yam yonke (you are my everything), ukukhanya kobomi bam (light of my life)
Chapter 7
The Ritz Carlton, Los Angeles
M’Baku walked into the loft silently and placed his bag down by the door. The setting sun peered through the curtains on the windows and illuminated the dim room. His eyes closed and he let out a long sigh. This weight of emotion he had been carrying finally rolled off his shoulders as he opened his eyes and took in the surroundings of his second home. After a harrowing time in Jabariland, he only sought your comfort. On the flight over, he found himself anxious to get to you. Wanting, needing to have you in his arms; to hear the melodic tone of your voice as you speak. Finding solace in your being was something he had become accustomed to. But now, it was all he craved. It seemed that being away from you for even a day was too much after the two months he spent trying to instill a sense of security in his people after the coup. He wanted so desperately to make up for the lost time between you, but that was a power M’Baku knew he could never possess. 
The kitchen and living room were empty but he knew exactly where you’d be at this time. If there was one thing he had learned over the past six months he had known you, it was that you rose with the sun. And surely he’d find you behind a canvas as you always were. M’Baku followed the sounds of soft music dancing through the air and stopped just short of the source. He rested his towering frame against the doorframe of your art room when he saw you working, still in your pajamas. Not wanting to be a distraction, he watched you for a moment as you moved your hand up and down the canvas in a circular motion. Fragments of gold flew away with each movement; streaks of sunlight catching each piece and reflecting its light onto the walls. The cowrie shells in your braids clicked and clacked against one another as they sway across your back; this moment in time was one that he would cherish till the end of his days.
“Uthixokazi wam, uyamangalisa.” 
You looked over your shoulder to see the gentle giant smiling at you, his cute little gap on display. Rubbing your hands together to rid them of the excess gold flakes, you stood up and walked over to hug his waist. 
“I missed you,” you muttered into his chest. He rubbed your back and chuckled.
“I told you I’d return in a day's time, sthandwa. Show me what you’ve made.” 
Leading him by his hand, you positioned him in front of the canvas resting on your easel. A twilight-skinned woman with stars for freckles held her palms together over her chest and golden adornments sat upon her chest and wrists; a golden halo surrounded her. It was your first commission and it felt so good to finally be done with it. You watched as M’Baku’s hand traced the edges of the painting slowly. 
“You’re torturing me, Emby. Tell me what you think.”
“I think..,” M’Baku trailed off. “I think I must have it.”
“What? No, this is a commission that someone paid for! You can’t just have it,” you chuckled as his face turned from wonder to annoyance. 
“Nonsense. How much did this umntu pay you? I have $10,000 American dollars in my bag, surely that will be suitable!” You couldn’t help the bubbling laughter that was spilling out of you. You were aware that M’Baku was as serious as could be but his face when you told him ‘no’ was priceless. Giggles echoed through the room and you could tell he was taking none of your shit. 
“I can’t, daddy. But I will make a painting just for you. Wait, why do you have so much cash on your person?” The question came out as a shout and he shook his head at you, waving off your concerns.
“We have a flight soon. Are you packed?”
“Yes, my bags are on the bed,” you noted, picking up a drop sheet, “Can I ask where we’re going?”  
“Of course. We are going to St. Lucia for two weeks,” he smiled, holding the other end of the drop sheet and helping you cover your masterpiece. He laughed when your face lit up at the mention of the destination. Your excitement always pleased him.
“Two whole weeks? Someone must miss me.” 
“I don’t know what you speak of, Oshun.” He shrugged his shoulders and you chuckled, lightly hitting his thick abdomen. 
“You play too much.”
“Come. Knowing you, you most likely ran to this room at first light rather than having any sustenance. I will make us something to carry us through the journey,” he muttered, shaking his head in disapproval. 
“You’re always trying to feed me. ‘Baku, you don’t have to-”
“Hush. Let me care for you.” M’Baku’s hands squeezed your shoulders gently and he leaned down to press a kiss onto your temple. You could only smile as words left your mind and you followed him to the kitchen. 
Kalinago Beach, St. Lucia, Caribbean
The island was lush with mountainous greenery and the sweet sounds of technicolored birds speaking to each other in the trees. It was the most beautiful place you had seen and also the hottest. The sweltering heat made you thankful for the protective style you asked Meg to put in last week. But the view of the Kalinago Beach resort made you forget the heat as you walked hand in hand with M’Baku. The resort was nestled between the two towering dormant volcanoes and had clear, crystal-blue waves crashing upon the private beach. 
This resort had been at the top of your list for a long time. It was the only resort in St. Lucia that was owned by descendants of the slaves that worked on the sugar plantation that stood here years ago. When you first told M’Baku you wanted to go there, you made it known that you only wanted him to spend money at Black Saint Lucian-owned places. St. Lucia’s history was tainted with France’s colonial bullshit, but you still wanted to see it. You were eager to see everything the island had to offer. Where would you go first? Embark on the Chocolate Heritage Tour? Experience the Diamond Falls? Maybe visit the bird sanctuary? You couldn’t make up your mind but before you could do anything, you’d need to rid yourself of your luggage. 
Once you stepped onto the checkered floor of the lobby, M’Baku instructed you to sit whilst he checked in. You sat under a palm leaf-shaped fan and your eyes wandered until you caught sight of a gift shop in the corner. The trinkets and oddities that filled the windows piqued your interest and yet, you did not leave your seat. After all, he did tell you to rest. 
“I’m so sorry, sir. Your room isn’t ready yet. We weren’t expecting you for another hour or so.” 
“Hmm, are there no other rooms available?” 
The woman’s thick accent was all you knew of her as M’Baku’s height was blocking any view of her. You shifted in your seat and fully turned your body to peek into the shop. A film camera sat in the window and felt that familiar tingle of inspiration calling you to it. It was a new medium but you’d welcome the challenge. You turned back to see that M’Baku was still preoccupied.
“We have a couple of beach bungalows available but they are expensi-” 
“Money is no object. How quickly can you have our things moved there?” You shook your head in amusement at M’Baku’s antics with the check-in clerk. How he came into such money was a question that never left your mind, but you wouldn’t dare ask him. Why ruin a good thing?
You stood from your seat and as your curiosity got the best of you, you waltzed over into the gift shop. Name keychains, sunglasses, and chocolate bars filled the stands of the shop. But only one vintage camera sat on the checkout stand. Making quick about asking your questions, you decided to purchase it. There were so many ideas you wanted to fulfill through the lens of this camera and you couldn’t wait to use up all of the film the gift shop could sell you. Just as you began to pull out your card to pay, you felt strong arms wrap around your waist.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Your whole body froze up when you heard his voice. 
“I was just paying for-”
“Paying for what,” M’Baku grunted, pulling cash out of his pocket, “I will not have it. Surely you know better than that.” 
He handed the clerk the money and squeezed your hips and belly, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. You rolled your eyes playfully but relished in his touch. 
“Newlyweds? We get a lot of them here,” the clerk cleared his throat, securing the camera in wrapping paper before putting it in the bag. 
“Something like that,” M’Baku answered, smiling down at you as he grabbed the bag. You couldn’t help the grin at his infectious smile. 
The Beach Bungalow
This is luxury. That was all you could think of while the ‘lifestyle assistant’, Georgie, assigned to your bungalow guided you and M’Baku to your home for the next two weeks. The walkway was shaded by towering greenery with peaks of light and small glimpses of the pitons peeking through. The bungalow was slightly secluded and right on the beach, with a wading pool on the side and a sitting patio around back. The hushed tones of the crashing waves could be heard from your front door and you wondered how you would be able to leave once your baecation was over. 
“Here are your door keys. Should you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can reach me from the bungalow’s iPad.” You whispered a thank you and walked into the living room while M’Baku helped bring in the luggage.
You placed your sandals in the corner of the foyer and set off to explore your new digs. The dark wooden floors were cool beneath your feet and set a stark contrast to the white walls of the residence. The same palm leaf fans from the lobby made an appearance in the living room and hall. Pictures of modern art lined the walls. The decor was simple but beautiful. 
Once you opened the door to the primary bedroom, you found it littered with gifts. Christian Louboutin boxes on the floor and the easily recognizable blue coloring of the Tiffany boxes on the bed. Stunned, you walked over and swiped your hand over the bows, feeling the ribbons against your palm. A pop of red caught your eye and you turned to see giant bouquets of red roses on the dresser. You stood in awe, holding your hands to your cheeks. You had never seen so many gifts at once. Thoughts of whether or not you deserved all these gifts flashed in your mind and you shooed them away, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. Doubt would not get the best of you now. You wanted to savor this moment of pure bliss. 
“That look on your face is one I will keep with me for my darkest days,” M’Baku cooed, pulling you out of your thoughts. 
“Emby, there’s so much. Why all the gifts?” 
“I just wanted to show you how much you mean to me, enhle. But if you don’t want the gifts…” He trailed off, chuckling at the look on your face.
“You know I want them!” 
“Then open one so that I can put this old tech to good use.” 
You shook your head at him as he unwrapped your film camera. You chose a large Tiffany gift bag and flung the tissue paper out of the way. Underneath all the wrapping sat a pink leather crossbody bag with a heart pendant. ‘Please Return To Tiffany & Co. New York’ was written on the front and a silver chain hung below it. Your eyes widened at the sight of it and you heard a click of the camera. 
“Open another one!” 
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You and M’Baku had spent an entire week exploring the island. He had created an all-encompassing itinerary full of adventurous activities that absolutely wore you out. Just today, you toured a reclaimed chocolate plantation and saw the most majestic waterfalls. You got into the water at your own pace as you had yet to learn how to even doggy-paddle. But M’Baku was slowly teaching you to swim and though you were a difficult student, he insisted to help you overcome the feat and finally learn. And who were you to say no? You loved being in his strong, burly arms and would jump at the chance to be in them once again. 
With every outing came the heat of the island. And the heat always resulted in M’Baku shedding layers to keep cool in the sun. It took everything in you to not want to run your hands up and down his sweat-glistened chest on your hike this morning. Or when you visited the cacao factory and watched him rip open a cacao pod with his bare hands, his biceps flexing and catching the attention of other women on the tour. Audible gasps sounded as another group thirsted over him, but you couldn’t care less. The lewd sounds he made when he sucked the flesh off of the seeds made your insides writhe and you swore that you could have creamed your shorts right then and there. But M’Baku, being the ever-observant man he was, immediately saw your body language and knew where your mind was; your thighs clasped together, biting your bottom lip and wringing out your hands. He knew exactly what was going on in that pretty little head of yours and had lectured you about ‘undressing him with your eyes’. Being a good sugar baby, you listened and nodded your head in agreeance. Yet, that didn’t stop you from ogling his 6’5 frame for the rest of the afternoon; hell, most of the photos you had taken on your new film camera were of him. Or of you on top of him.
That night, you and M’Baku had dinner plans at a Saint Lucian restaurant called Montie’s. The beautiful eatery sat on the beach covered with palm fronds. When you walked up, a live band was performing on the open-air deck. The sounds of steel drums and rich tones of singing swam through the tables of people and your body couldn’t help but dance to the beat as the two of you walked hand in hand to your table. He pulled out your chair before taking his own and ordered drinks for the table. You clapped along with the rest of the patrons once the band finished their song and the waiter left to grab your refreshments. Turning your attention back to M’Baku, you caught him staring at you. Your face started to heat up under his gaze and you looked down at your hands, smiling. 
“What are you staring at ‘Baku?”
“I’m simply admiring the beauty on this island, thixokazi wam. Are you enjoying our time here?” 
You nodded, sighing in contentment. He pulled a red Cartier box out of his pocket and placed it on the table. 
“I have also enjoyed my time with you, Oshun,” he said, sliding the box to you, “you have truly filled my days with joy. Please, open it.”
Opening the box with slightly shaky hands, you found a small gold cowrie shell on a thin chain. The shells that were in your hair. You gently lifted it and watched it turn and shine in the light as it dangled. M’Baku stood from his seat to come behind you. After handing him the necklace, you lifted your hair to aid his view and he placed the chain around your neck; securing the clasp. His hands lingered at the nape of your neck before returning your shell-adorned braids to their original resting place. Your hand shot to your chest and felt the cold metal shell that had made its new home there. Now it was your turn to stare at him in wonderment as he returned to his seat. 
His smile lit up the room and for a moment, you felt as if the two of you were the only people in the world. The lights were bright but nothing could shine as he did. You had met M’Baku during your search for inspiration and understanding. But you had found so much more. He had become your muse in such a short span of time and in some ways, you became his. Somehow, this man sitting before you, that you barely knew, had stolen your heart; and you could only wonder if you had stolen his in return. Was his tenderness and affection a ploy of the contract that now guided your life? Or could it be something more? You desperately wanted it to be something more and prayed to someone, anyone, that Shellee wasn’t right. It wasn’t the trips, the gifts, or the allowance that kept you in his grasp. It was him. And as M’Baku sat there, smugly smiling, knowing he had you; you wanted him too. 
The waiter placing your chocolate martini in front of you brought you back to the present. Releasing a breath you didn’t realize you were holding, you wiped the singular tear that hadn’t noticed fall. 
“Did you not like it? Are you alright,” M’Baku questioned with worry overtaking his face. Leaning forward, you held his hand from across the table.
“No, I love it. I’m more than alright. This is- everything is perfect.” 
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After showering, all M’Baku mentioned was that all he wanted to do was rest after dinner. But you had other things in mind. 
You laid on the couch in your sleep dress with your head on M’Baku’s lap while he got lost in a book. Brown Sugar played on the tv but you found it hard to pay attention to the movie. His hand was rubbing your belly incessantly as he delved more into his story and you could only think about his hand being somewhere else. Shifting underneath his hand, you watched to see if he would somehow read your mind and do as you pleased. And still, his attention stayed on his book. With a small sigh, you decided to take matters into your own hands. Pulling his hand away from your stomach, you placed it on your chest, peering up at him to see how he’d respond. He offered you a quick glance before kneading your breast through the fabric. His book could not cover his smirk when he felt your nipple hard underneath his touch. But you needed more. 
You sat up with a huff and scooched back until you were seated in his lap. Pecking his lips, you trailed kisses down to his neck, softly biting and nipping at the sensitive area. A content hum left his lips as he continued to read, trying to ignore the uncomfortable strain against his pants as he hardened beneath you. Not letting up from his neck, you moved his free hand underneath your dress and pressed his hand onto your pussy. Desperation overtook your movements as you quickly spread your lips. He felt how wet you were and quickly moved his digits around your clit. 
“You just won’t leave me be will you?” M’Baku chuckled as you moaned ‘no’ and placed his book down. He held you close to his chest and you rested your cheek against his. 
“I know exactly what you need, sthandwa.”
He shoved three fingers into your soaking entrance and covered your moans with his lips. His kiss was intoxicating and you slid your tongue across his bottom lip, begging for him to grant you access. Pumping his fingers in and out of you, he pressed his thumb against your clit and you threw your head back in ecstasy. The action threw your body into hyper drive and you could feel your stomach tightening; steadily building a climax...
“Fuuuuuck, ‘Baku, please,” you whimpered. You were practically begging for release as his fingers fucked you dumb. The only thing that existed in your brain at this moment was the man beneath you, whispering praises into your ear. 
“Iyinto yam yonke. Ndiyakuthanda.” 
The more he spoke to you in his native tongue, the closer you were. His words felt like a spell he had cast to excise this vivacious coil tightening deep within you; to pleasure you beyond belief. And he was determined to help you release. 
He held you firmly as he felt your body seize up. One more stroke of his fingers and you were squirting into his hand. The build-up from all the exchanged lustful gazes and loving caresses of the trip was spilling out of you in waves. As your breathing slowed, you watched  M’Baku slide his fingers out of you and place them into his mouth, licking the taste of you off of his digits. The sight alone was enough to make you cum again and again.
“M’Baku,” you moaned, dragging out the last syllable in his name. He hooked his arm underneath your knees and stood, effortlessly carrying you as he walked towards the bedroom of the bungalow. 
“Keep moaning my name like that and we won’t leave this room for the rest of the week.” 
“I never get to see stars like this,” you whispered, leaning back into your patio chair; shimmering lights dancing across your vision. 
The sky was a black canvas and the stars were glittering against it like it was their last chance. M’Baku only hummed in accordance. He had been oddly quiet since you two had finished a third round in the primary room. It was out of character for him and you did your best to lighten the mood. 
“You talk to me in your mother tongue a lot. I can’t always remember the words but I remember some. What does ‘izo-kazi wam’ mean?”
M’Baku chuckled and you felt a tinge of embarrassment hearing the words come out of your mouth. You were sure you just butchered the hell out of whatever you just said.
“Thixokazi wam,” he corrected, moving his chair closer to yours, “means ‘my goddess’. And that is what you are to me, a goddess.” A blush made its way to your face and now you were even more curious.
“What about sthandwa, does it mean like baby or something?”
“It means ‘my love’.” He placed a hand on your thigh and squeezed it, sending a chill through your body.
“Okay, one more. On the couch earlier, you said something, I know this going to sound horrible. Uh, ndi-ya-ku-thanda?” 
M’Baku turned his whole body toward you and sat there with his mouth agape before closing and opening once more; had you butchered it that badly?
“It means ‘I love you’, Oshun.” 
Your heart skipped a couple of beats as it sounded loudly in your ears. Looking at the man next to you, you sat there in bewilderment. He took your hand into his and brought it up to his face, placing the sweetest kiss over your knuckles. Tears began to stream down your cheeks as you watched him intently. 
“Falling in love with you was the easiest thing I’ve ever done, sthandwa. I love you with all my being. Please, omncinci, please tell me you love me as well.” 
Standing from your chair you watched as he held his arms out to you, welcoming you in. You fell into him and took what felt like your first breath in months. The shoulder of his shirt was soon becoming soaked from your endless tears but you couldn’t help it. The light of your life just professed his love to you and was awaiting a response. 
“I love you too! I was so afraid to tell you,” you sighed into him. M’Baku rubbed large circles into your back, soothing your soft cries.
“Don’t ever be afraid to tell me how you feel. I want to know your thoughts, always.” 
You sat like that for a few minutes. Wrapped in the embrace of a man that had fallen in love with you, under the stars on an island that you could never have imagined you would be able to visit. 
“Wait, so what happens to the contract? It’s done, right? Are you moving in full-time?” Your excited questions were met with silence and you sat up to look at his face; to search for answers in his eyes when his mouth had yet to answer. 
“The contract would have to be in place for as long as you would have me. With my company, in my home country, I cannot commit to a relationship because of it. But, enhle, when I saw you for the first time I knew that I needed you in my life which is why I pursued the contract,” M’Baku trailed off, watching you stand from his lap. 
“But why does your company have anything to do with us? That doesn’t make sense, what aren’t you telling me,” you questioned in confusion. 
“This is all I can give. I could not… I cannot give you the loving relationship you desire. The one you deserve. It cannot be enough.” 
You held his large face in your hands and wiped away the tear that had escaped from his eye. 
“It will, I’ll be fine. We’ll be fine. Everything will be okay. We can just keep the contract.” Your words spilled out in nervous haste as the tears began to stream again. M’Baku brought his hands to hold yours. 
“Ukukhanya kobomi bam, how long will it be enough?” 
You couldn’t answer. You didn’t know how long this contract would be enough to satisfy you after the confession he’d just made. How could he expect you to respond? You could lie to yourself. But after looking into his eyes once more, you knew you couldn’t lie to him. 
“Do not rush yourself. We can speak more about this in the morning. Come.” 
The next morning, M’Baku stirred awake and felt around the bed for you, wanting to pull you in close and lull himself back to sleep. But when he couldn’t find you by touch, he opened his eyes to find an empty side of the bed. He sat up slowly, stretching his wide arms with a yawn. Throwing his legs over the side of the bed, he slipped on his shorts and got up to find you. 
After checking every inch of the bungalow, he looked out past the porch and saw you sitting near the soft waves of the beach. He walked over and sat down in the sand next to you silently, not wanting to disturb your thoughts. You immediately reached for his hand and he intertwined his large hand with yours. 
“I think you’re right,” you whisper with a quivering voice, “I think I deserve something more. I didn’t want you to be right.” 
Wrapping his arm around you, M’Baku pulled you closer, allowing you to cry into him. He recognized that this may be the last time he gets to hold you; there was so much he wanted to say, but he settled on silence. Words could not change the outcome. Not this time.
Taglist: @great-neckpectations@babybluepeaches@muse-of-mbaku@melaninmarvel@ashanti-notthesinger@naturallyqueenie@howtoshuckatlife@tgigoldie@archivistofwakanda@alexundefined@minyara-kun@destinio1@siriuslycollinss@raysunshine78 @madamslayyy @notdsg@ghostfacekill-monger@soufcakmistress@greennightspider@bitchacho25@elaindeereads@whatthefuckbilly143@jordanhelah@puremolasses@ajspencer1892@wakanda4everinthisbitch@monochrome-pineapple@psuedo4@bubblyqueen​ @chaneajoyyy@blowmymbackout @tchallasbabymama @bellabiachi
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