#Michael Langdon x gn!reader
hart269 · 2 years
Pairing : Michael Langdon x GN!Reader
Summary : You feel your husband grow distant from you and one day everything just snaps.
Warning : Angst and a little bit of violence with swearing.
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Masterlist / Part 2
The wind blew cooling your flushed body as you jogged through the woods just behind your backyard. You and your husband Michael had moved into this new house a year after your marriage.
You two had been pretty young when you got married. It was a nice ceremony and everything, but as most marriages do, yours also has been grown stale over the years.
You did love him, but you weren't so sure of your feelings being reciprocated, surely not the last couple months. Michael had been nothing but cold and distant and the occasional mean when you've done something you're not "supposed" to do.
He had never physically hurt you but you were becoming less and less sure of it as time went by. This all had started slowly, Michael had started loosing interest and started spending more time outside the house rather than inside. His touches and hugs had slowly disappeared and when you tried to initiate it, he quickly brushed it off saying he was either too busy or tired. You didn't think he loved you anymore.
Your suspicions were pretty much confirmed when you went to an office party with him, he had ignored you most of the night instead opting to speak to his seniors and the new co-worker Mallory. You couldn't deny that she was beautiful. It saddened you but when you tried to talk to Michael about it he just called you jealous and that you were making up stuff.
You shook your head as you continued on your trail, maybe you should have left him but you loved him too much to consider leaving him just yet. So you did what you usually do, sitting in the shade of the big tree near a flower meadow.
It always provided with an odd sense of comfort, you felt like as if someone was holding your hand saying it'll be alright or maybe you had started to become delusional, you were not sure.
It had been pretty much your daily routine until one day Michael was home late, he did sometime had work come up but he texted you about it. But today, none was the case, it was after midnight when he returned, stumbling through the door.
"Michael, are you drunk" you exclaimed gazing up to his red eyes and loosened up tie.
"I'm not, I'm just a little tipsy" he defended himself doing his best not to slur his words.
"Michael you drove here, something could have happened you should have called me, you didn't even tell me you were going to be late" you pointed out.
"So, what now I have to take your permission for staying out late" His tone was acussing as he leaned down on you, making you take a step back.
I'm not saying that, I am just saying you could have told me, so I wouldn't have been worrie-"
Your words were cut off as he slammed you against the wall, you gasped as pain shot up in your back. Micheal's fingers dug into your shoulders as you whimpered.
"Do not tell me what to do, I CAN DO WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT" he yelled, glaring as his piercing blue eyes dug into your watery ones.
You were speechless, you had no idea what to do or what caused this outburst. Michael stepped back and went to wear his shoes back up as if nothing happened.
"I'm going for a walk" was the only explanation he offered before he disappeared into the woods into the dark.
You slid down the wall as tears flowed freely as you sobbed bringing your knees near you and leaning your head against the wall, and you cried until you fell asleep there on the cold hard ground.
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auroracalisto · 2 years
do you trust me?
michael langon x gn!reader, 265 words tw: i genuinely don't have any warnings for this one a/n: this is short. might continue. maybe not.
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"Are you scared?" he asked, a faint smile showing.
He was beautiful—unlike the others that you were stuck in the outpost with. In fact, he was the only person in this godforsaken place that made your heart beat out of your chest. Your body trembled, your legs moving on their own accord when you saw him.
But were you scared of him? Of this absolute stranger you didn't know existed until just a few days ago?
You were a grey. Was absolute honesty allowed?
He tilted his head at your silence, an eyebrow raised as he kept his eyes on you.
"I asked you a question, Y/n."
"No," you quickly said, eyes locking with his. "No, I am not scared. Why would I be?"
He smirked, leaning back in his seat.
"There are many things you don't know," he said.
"The same could be said for you, Langdon," you said, swallowing thickly. Your brazenness continued to amaze you as the moments passed.
His smile only grew. "I suppose you're right," he said. "But... mind you, I am just a stranger. Shouldn't you be scared of someone you just met?"
"Why would I? You've done nothing to me..."
He rose an eyebrow. He had done far more than you would ever know, but he said nothing of it.
"I'm glad to hear it," he said. "I have great plans for you, Y/n. Do you trust me?"
Do you trust him? What kind of question was that? But without missing a beat, the words left your lips.
"Yes, what?"
"Yes. I trust you."
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gothiccortez · 2 years
ghosts on parade
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tate langdon x reader
summary: trick or treating with tate!!
wc: 1.3k
contents: fluff, trick or treating. based off a request i received! this is just very cute and fun. no pronouns mentioned, so gn!reader. happy halloween :))
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A mixtape of Halloween themed songs shuffled on the stereo as you searched for the mask that would finally complete your costume.
A hoard of clothes were scattered on your bed that you’d thrown out from the closet. You shifted through them, wondering how you could’ve possibly misplaced the item.
With a sigh, you turned, and nearly jumped out of your skin as you ran right into the chest of Tate, who was holding your mask up to his face.
“Trick or treat.”
You could practically hear his grin, though his features were hidden.
“I’ve been looking for that for an hour!” you snatched the mask away from him with a sigh. In return, he simply smiled at you playfully
“I didn’t take it,” he said as he walked across the room to your bed. He flopped down on it lazily, making the forgotten articles of clothing fall to the floor. The black robe of his costume flattened out over the bed, creating wrinkles that you knew would be obvious. “I just wanted to help you out, baby.”
“I have a hard time believing that.”
Tate stared back at you, trying to decipher if you were actually angry or not. When you crossed your arms over your chest dramatically, he relented, rolling closer to you on the bed.
“Alright, fine. You caught me.” He took your hand in his own, running his thumb over the smooth veins and bones on the back of your palm. “Will you forgive me?”
The pout on his face was unnecessary, though you melted into him anyways.
“I suppose,” you said, your laugh betraying you. “Come on, idiot. We’ll miss out on all the candy if we don’t go now.”
You tugged Tate to his feet and he stumbled off the bed, following you out of the room. On the way downstairs, he put on his mask, nearly tripping down the steps in the process.
Addie was sitting on the kitchen table when you approached, busy occupying herself with a game. How she kept finding her way into your house, you weren’t sure, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care much.
“Aren’t you a little old to be trick or treating?” she asked, only sparing you a glimpse as she focused on her task.
You laughed, gesturing at her fully in costume. “Aren’t you?”
She made a face at you, tossing her hair back over her shoulder. “No.”
“Of course not,” you agreed. “Besides, no one will know if we're too old or not.” You completed your costume with the mask over your features. “That’s what the masks are for.”
Addie finally examined your full look, nodding with approval. “I like Michael Myers.”
“More than Ghostface?” Tate asked, sounding almost disappointed as he gestured towards his own costume. He took the mask off, frowning at his sister as his blond hair fell over his face in tangled strands.
“Oh, come on, Addie, don’t you think he looks cute?” You said teasingly as you pinched at Tate’s cheeks.
He swatted you away though his cheeks still turned pink under your compliment.
“Gross,” Addie said as you took Tate’s hand, rolling her eyes at you.
You laughed, pulling Tate along with you out the kitchen door. “Lets go,” you said, already excited to get out there. You hadn’t gone trick-or-treating since you were a kid.
All your problems seemed to wash away, just briefly, as you walked around the neighborhood hand in hand with Tate. You admired all the costumes and the creativity, the decorations that were on almost every lawn.
“You seem happy,” Tate observed, though he couldn’t even see your face. It must have been the way you were nearly skipping down the street, buzzing with energy.
“I am,” you said, feeling the smile curl on your lips. “I love Halloween. Don’t you?”
“Sure.” He shrugged. “I like spending time with you more though.”
You knocked him with your shoulder, your skin warming with the comment.
The night went by quickly, and you had no idea how long you had been out. You went to as many houses as you could before the lights went off, getting a compliment from each owner on your costumers.
By the time you’d made your rounds, reciting the same trick or treat at each front door, your bags of candy were full.
You walked back home with Tate, sifting through your bags as you searched for the best candy. Your masks were gone, the sweat at your hairline drying.
“What did you get?” Tate asked over your shoulder after he’d finished looking through his own stash. A full-size chocolate bar laid at the top of your pile, shining at you like a grand prize. It immediately caught Tate’s eyes, and he started to reach into your bag to take it from you. “I want the—”
Before he could grab it, you jerked the bag away, scowling. “No way!”
“Huh?” Tate seemed surprised, his eyebrows raising towards his hairline. “Do you even like those?”
“Maybe.” You narrowed your eyes, watching his every move. “Doesn’t mean I’ll give it to you.”
As predicted, Tate lunged at the bag, trying to grab it away from you. You were much faster, though, and took off in a sprint, laughing as he chased after you down the street.
He was faster than you, and would catch up easily, but you didn’t mind.
“Come on, baby, just a bite!” he shouted from behind you, running to catch up.
“No!” You could hear Tate right on your heels, the sound of his sneakers loud against the pavement.
Before you could pick up your speed, Tate was on you, throwing his arms around you from behind. He tugged you into him, and you fell into his chest, laughing loudly. As you flailed, you nearly spilled your bag of candy.
“Tate!” You glared, trying to swat away his hand, though he’d already stolen the candy bar from you. He quickly stuffed it into his own bag, giving you a kiss on the cheek to remedy the situation.  
“What if that was my favorite candy!” You frowned. In return, he held you closer. His hand grazed your hip as he pressed kisses into your neck from behind. “You would really ruin my Halloween like that?”
“Of course not,” he said, finally spinning you around to face him. He traced the edge of your jaw softly, staring at your unmoving lips. “I know that’s not your favorite. You don’t think I have all your favorite candies memorized?”
Your glare intensified, though only for a moment before Tate was kissing your pout away. The action made you melt a little, all your previous frustrations (as miniscule as they were), draining away. “Do you really?”
“Well, obviously…” he said, somewhat offended. “I love you.”
You stuttered, though returned the sentiment with a grin you couldn’t keep away.
“I’ll trade candies with you anyway. I don’t mind taking all the bad ones.” His eyes were completely serious, somehow concerned that he’d actually ruined your Halloween.
“I don’t care about a stupid piece of candy, Tate,” you said, throwing your arms around him in a hug as you pressed your face into his chest.
It caught him off-guard, though his hand quickly came to your back, lovingly tracing your spine. His embrace was warm, a shield against the cool autumn air.
“Come on, let’s go back. We can squeeze in at least one scary movie before the night’s over.” 
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thethreeeyed-raven · 2 months
⋆♱ AHS ♱⋆
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🕷️fluff | 🕸️angst | 🐈‍⬛suggestive | 🪦platonic
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⋆♱ Tate Langdon ♱⋆
🕷️ • meeting him in the murder house | gn!reader • part two
⋆♱ Violet Harmon ♱⋆
🕷️ • being her best friend | headcanons | x gn!reader
⋆♱ ASYLUM ♱⋆
⋆♱ Kit Walker ♱⋆
🕷️ • the first step | x fem!reader
🕸️ • it’s okay to cry | x gn!reader
🕷️ • 🕸️ • home | x gn!reader
⋆♱ COVEN ♱⋆
⋆♱ Kyle Spencer ♱⋆
🕷️ • party party | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Misty Day ♱⋆
🕷️ • listening to fleetwood mac with her | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Nan ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Queenie ♱⋆
🕷️ • being her best friend | headcanons | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Zoe Benson ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Dandy Mott ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Jimmy Darling ♱⋆
🕷️ • defending him | x gn!reader
⋆♱ HOTEL ♱⋆
⋆♱ James Patrick March ♱⋆
🕷️ • buying him a dog | headcanons | x reader
⋆♱ Tristan Duffy ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ CULT ♱⋆
⋆♱ Ally Mayfair-Richards ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Beverly Hope ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Kai Anderson ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Cordelia Goode ♱⋆
🕸️ • as i watch you die | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Michael Langdon ♱⋆
🕸️ • qui totum vult totum perdit | x gn!reader
🕷️ • halloween party | x gn!reader
🕷️ • trick or treating | x gn!reader
🕷️ • bonfire night | x gn!reader
🕷️ • 5th of November | x gn!reader
🕷️ • new years | x gn!reader
🕷️ • valentines together | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Mr Gallant ♱⋆
🕷️ • being his best friend | headcanons | x gn!reader
⋆♱ 1984 ♱⋆
⋆♱ Bobby Richter ♱⋆
🕷️ • 🕸️ • 🪦 • finally | x sibling!reader
⋆♱ Xavier Plympton ♱⋆
🕷️ • i cared too much that it killed me | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Austin Sommers ♱⋆
🕷️ • 🕸️ • saving you from the pale people | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Harry Gardner ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ TB Karen ♱⋆
🕷️ • inspiration | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Valiant Thor ♱⋆
nothing yet
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@lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom • @fangsp1der-2099 • @knight-of-flowerss
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𝐚𝐡𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 ❅ all murder house ❅ all asylum ❅ all coven ❅ all freak show ❅ all hotel ❅ all roanoke ❅ all cult ❅ all apocalypse ❅ all 1984 ❅ all double feature 𝐚𝐡𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ❅ all evan peters characters ❅ all moira o'hara ❅ all violet harmon ❅ all cordelia goode ❅ all madison montgomery ❅ all misty day ❅ all zoe benson ❅ all mallory ❅ all michael langdon ❅ all brooke thompson ❅ all montana duke ❅ all xavier plympton ❅ all harry gardner ❅ all lark feldman
𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 ❅ all criminal minds ❅ all criminal minds masterlists ❅ all criminal minds smut ❅ all criminal minds fluff ❅ all criminal minds angst 𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐫 ❅ all aaron hotchner 𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐧 ❅ all derek morgan 𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐬 ❅ all emily prentiss ❅ all emily smut ❅ all emily fluff ❅ all emily angst 𝐣𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐣𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐮 ❅ all jennifer jareau ❅ all jj smut ❅ all jj fluff ❅ all jj angst
𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐚 ❅ all penelope garcia 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝 ❅ all spencer reid
𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐮𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚 ❅ all euphoria ❅ all euphoria masterlists ❅ all euphoria smut ❅ all euphoria fluff ❅ all euphoria angst 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 ❅ all cassie howard ❅ all cassie smut ❅ all cassie fluff ❅ all cassie angst 𝐟𝐞𝐳𝐜𝐨 ❅ all fezco ❅ all fezco smut ❅ all fezco fluff ❅ all fezco angst 𝐣𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐯𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐧 ❅ all jules vaughn 𝐤𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐳 ❅ all kat hernandez  𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 ❅ all lexi howard 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐳 ❅ all maddy perez ❅ all maddy smut ❅ all maddy fluff ❅ all maddy angst 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐬 ❅ all nate jacobs ❅ all nate smut ❅ all nate fluff ❅ all nate angst 𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐭 ❅ all rue bennett 
𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 ❅ all the mandalorian
𝐛𝐨-𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐧 ❅ all bo-katan ❅ all bo-katan smut ❅ all bo-katan fluff ❅ all bo-katan angst 𝐛𝐨𝐛𝐚 𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐭 ❅ all boba fett ❅ all boba smut ❅ all boba fluff ❅ all boba angst 𝐝𝐢𝐧 𝐝𝐣𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧 ❅ all din djarin ❅ all din smut ❅ all din fluff ❅ all din angst ❅ all din x gn reader ❅ all din x male reader ❅ all din x plus size reader
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wonhosmistress · 8 months
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(18+ Minors DNI)=(Fuck around and find out)
😈Smut ☁️Fluff 🏳️‍🌈LGBTQ+!reader/❌gn!reader 🧩Mentally/Physical Ill!reader ✨Latina/Hispanic!reader
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Multi-Idol Series:
Aphrodisia:T1 & T2Prologue / Hyunjin Pt.1 /Hyunjin Pt.2
Most Recent:
S. Changbin x gn!reader (❌,🧩)
J. Wooyoung x gn!reader (❌,😈)
Besos En Guerra //K.SJ
J. Hoseok x gn!reader (☁️,🏳️‍🌈)
Soft Hours
K.Hongjoong x gn!reader B.Chris(Bangchan) x gn!reader S. Changbin x gn!reader (🧩,☁️)
Hard Hours
M.Yoongi x afab!reader (🏳️‍🌈,😈 )
C.San x gn!reader (❌,😈 )
J. Wooyoung x gn!reader (❌,😈)
Non-Idol (Old Works)
Dad!Keanu Reeves*Halted
Prologue / 1 / 2
(Michael Langdon)
Sojourn!Michael Langdon*Halted
Prologue / 1 / 2
Outpost!Michael Langdon*Halted
1 & 2
Back To 1984
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effloradox · 2 years
masterlist (01/01)
↳ a masterlist of all my soulmate aus based on the album Lover by Taylor Swift
i'm a fire and i'll keep your brittle heart warm
↳ aemond targaryen x dragon rider!reader mini-series
they took the crown but it's alright
↳ dream of the endless x gn!reader fics and drabbles
one tragic end to a million stories
↳ darkiplier x captain!reader + wilford x da!reader
fic masterlist can be found here
characters include:
↳ chase brody
↳ thomas thorne x3
↳ paul atreides
↳ ariel conroy
↳ 5 love languages
↳ sfw alphabet
eddie munson
↳ all at once, this is enough
↳ when you sleep are you ever dreaming of me?
steve harrington
↳ can we always be this close?
↳ prompt: just a few more stitches and you’ll be as good as new
aemond targaryen
↳ it must be exhausting (always rooting for the anti-hero) (fem!reader)
↳ don't want no other shade of blue but you (fem!reader)
jasper hale
↳ just wanna stay in that lavender haze
↳ we found wonderland
↳ i know that it's delicate
↳ blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine
thomas thorne
↳ no grave can hold my body down
wilford warfstache
↳ prompt: you okay? caught you staring off into space again
robert renfield
↳ prompt: i’m trying to fix your hair so hold still
dream of the endless
↳ dream having to apologise to his wife (fem!reader)
↳ dealing with dream when he’s been stabbed (fem!reader)
↳ being friends with dylan at hachett's quarry
↳ dating draco whilst studying at hogwarts
↳ meeting loki on sakaar
↳ living in dracula's castle
↳ being michael langdon's partner before the apocalypse
↳ living in the house share with nandor, laszlo, nadja, colin, and guillermo
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tboywriter · 2 years
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I don't post often but I do write often -- all my in-progress works are written here and I'll update with a link when I post :D
all art/pics r not mine -- they're all from Pinterest LOL
last updated : 1/31/2024
* __ means I haven’t decided on the gender of the reader yet :/ <it'll be either gender neutral or male reader> also if things are listed under book/movie/tv/etc -- that's the adaptation I'm using !!
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m o v i e s 
The Holdovers | Angus Tully x gn!reader
t v
Cowboy Bebop | Spike Spiegel x gn!reader
Cowboy Bebop | Spike Spiegel Headcanons
o t h e r  h e a d c a n o n s
( non - x r e a d e r )
modern!Harry Potter World Headcanons
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under construction:
m o v i e s 
Marvel | Pietro Maximoff x male!reader
HP | George Weasely x male!reader
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe | Edmund Pevensie x male!reader
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader | Edmund Pevensie x male!reader
Big Hero 6 | Tadashi Hamada x __!reader
Hells Angels | Mario x __!reader
t v
AHS | Michael Langdon x __!reader
AHS | Xavier Plympton x male!reader
Community | Abed Nadir x male!reader
Only Murders in the Building | Tim Kono x __!reader
Fairy Tail | Gray Fullbuster x male!reader
b o o k s
Maze Runner | Newt x male!reader
HP | tutor!Remus Lupin x __!reader
g a m e s
Monster Prom | Damien LaVey x gn!reader
Monster Prom | Damien LaVey Headcanons 
The Arcana | Asra Alnazar x __!reader
As We Know It | Jude x male!reader
c e l e b r i t i e s 
TXT | Choi Yeonjun x male!reader
TXT | mafia!Choi Yeonjun x male!reader
Actor | guidance counselor!Austin Butler x __!reader
p l a y s  a n d  m u s i c a l s 
Cursed Child | Scorpius Malfoy x male!reader
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It’s You (Michael Langdon x gn! Witch Reader)
Short fic inspired by my intense fixation on this ABSOLUTE PUBLIC MENACE because no, I could NOT fix him and I don’t think I want to
also inspired by the songs under the break (i am back on my dark academia bullshit)
TW: (implied depression, grief, implied sex but not the nasty-nasty, hopelessness)
𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝖒𝖞 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌? 𝖋𝖎𝖓𝖉 𝖒𝖞 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊
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Reader is a witch who has survived the apocalypse and lives in the outpost, haunted by grief. She lives in a heavy limbo until the love of her life and the destroyer of it, the Antichrist, appears with promises of a new haven. They reunite, and [Y/N] is forced to accept that even her love will succumb to the destructive force that now rules the world.
It had been difficult to sleep ever since the bombs fell upon the earth and wiped out the life I’d built in mere seconds. It was harder when I was moved to an underground bunker with perverse rules due to the wishes of my late father. I would sit alone in my room all night, hugging my knees in bed, cocooned in my blanket, staring at the door. I had been waiting for something—I wasn’t sure what. Something dark; that I knew. The anxiety that gripped my stomach made me confident of it.
However, it had always been hard to differentiate between my anxieties and my magic. Fear and power had always blended together in my eyes.
The night before he came again—the man I’d loved, the man that haunted the recesses of my mind—my habit of staring at the door had broken. Instead I laid on my bed, staring up at the ceiling for hours until I finally snapped and couldn’t stand my room anymore, being suffocated by the air and cooking under my bedclothes.
I ventured outside. It was bare. Silent. Dead. Perfect.
Everyone was asleep, leaving no one to roam the halls, including any Grays. I hated to call them Grays, they were people with names and grief, just like me. They were more human than the filth I had to fraternize with daily—Ms. Venable being the most repulsive of them all.
I wrapped my silk violet robe around myself tightly and walked in silence. I had no destination or purpose as I ghosted the halls. I only stared ahead or looked around silently: I’d seen every inch of this place and had grown more familiar with it that I’ve ever wanted to be with anything.
Except for him. Except for my sisters. The thought of them made my throat tighten with a sob eager to free itself.
I took a deep, shuddering breath and went to the library. I’d read all of the books I was interested in by the time eighteen empty months had trudged by and had resorted to the ones that were torture to read. I would’ve reread Frankenstein or the forgotten spell book left in the very top of the bookshelf, but the variety, even the unwanted, gave me some memory of the world a year ago. The feeling of skimming my fingers over worn leather spines had to substitute for the feeling of an ocean breeze, of a movie theater, of the bark of a tree or the fur of an animal. It was the last remnant of the world I had loved.
I cracked open Charles Darwin and stared at the letters blankly. My mind wandered to memory. The memory tugged on the agonizing burn of loss that ate through my stomach. My throat tightented. I bit down on my fist and stared into the fireplace as the tears flowed—the last fresh water on earth.
I fell asleep in the library that night—or morning, who knows, but I’ve always had a proclivity for staying awake during the wee hours—and I had a dream. I never dream, not unless it was important stuff. That was part of my magic.
There was blood, but more importantly, there was vomit—SO much fucking puke. It was flying out of their mouths like a hose, them being my fellow Purples and Grays. I recognized all of the faces: Mr. Gallant, Mallory, that old lady I don’t care to put effort into knowing, the loud one, the Oprah knockoff, etc.
But I didn’t see Ms. Venable. Or her goon.
On that basis, after I’d been woken up by Mariah, a Gray—who, by the way, used to be a child trauma therapist that definitely had more worth than the Vandebilt who yelled about burgers and shit all the time—and recorded my vision, it became abundantly clear that the two were planning to kill us.
I was a bit surprised. I couldn’t figure out why. I knew they were sadistic fucks who got off on playing god, but we had no use for them dead. I was confused by my vision until the perimeter alert happened later that day, and I felt him.
It made sense the moment he walked into the room in the meeting—it was written on his face like it always was—he was going to be this place’s undoing.
And he would make it such an enjoyable game.
When our eyes met, I didn’t know how to function for a moment. I wanted to vomit, to scream, to leave, even though I knew it was him who had came. I thought I’d been done with it after I let him go and gave up, but it was bullshit. My feelings hit me with full force as his expression shifted to something genuine—only for an instant—then a soft smile formed on his lips.
Part of me wanted him desperately—the other wanted his blood on my hands and his heart crushed in my fist.
All’s fair in love and war, as they say. I just didn’t expect to see him again. Ever.
He announced the overrun of three other outposts, as well as a magical place called the Sanctuary that would solve all of our problems—except it didn’t, because he was choosing who was coming with him. In interviews. Individual ones. With him. Alone.
It made my mouth taste like metal.
Once we finally got to leave I hid in my room. I tried to process it—the feelings, the pulsing of my heart—then a knock came to my door.
I froze. I knew it was him. My love. The Antichrist. My Michael.
I slowly rose from the crouch I was in against the door, and gripped the handle before opening it slightly. I looked at him silently, trying to ignore my tears as I made my face stone.
He looked into my eyes, searching them, then smiled again. A real one, the one I remembered. I couldn‘t figure out for the life of me why.
“Come with me, [Y/N]. It‘s time for our interview.”
”What if I don’t want to speak to you,” I said coldly, eyes drying.
He noticed my tears. His smile fell, and he reached out to dry them. I meant to slap his hand away but my hand only gripped his forearm as he wiped some from my cheek. I fought to keep my composure at the long needed feeling of his touch on my skin. It felt right just like it always did.
”Come with me. Please,” he said quietly, “I doubt you want any of these people to see me coming into your room.”
”I’d think it would wise for you to have eyes when we’re together.”
His small, amused smile returned. ”Because you want to kill me?”
”Because I fucking will,” I hissed, shoving his hand away.
He seemed to take that seriously, because he took his hand back.
“I don’t want to talk about it here. Not with people watching.”
He was referring to the borderline six-foot foodie that was Ms. Venable’s other goon. They were hiding and eyeing us around the corner.
I pressed my lips into a thin line as I stared at him, then shoved past him, making the door shut aggressively.
”Don’t waste my time with bullshit.”
”Don’t waste mine with it, either,” he said.
“Fuck you.”
He went ahead, and I followed. He walked more confidently these days. It made part of me happy. I mostly wanted to crush his legs with a sledgehammer.
We went into a large office with a crackling fire. He shut the large rolling doors to the room, then turned to face me. I didn’t sit after he gestured for me to take a seat. He took it in stride, then carefully approached me.
“[Y/N]…I just want you to listen to me for a moment, okay?”
I looked at him blankly. “What could you possibly say that would make me forgive you killing my sisters? For reducing the world I loved into nuclear winter and pus-covered horses and desperate killers and thieves? What—‘I’m sorry’? Are you fucking kidding me? Don’t waste your breath.”
 “You said no bullshit. So I’m not going to lie.”
I scoffed, but sat down. He pulled up a seat right next to me and leaned forward, looking at me earnestly. It made my heart confused.
“I am sorry. But the only reason I’m sorry is because I’ve hurt you. I can…I felt your pain the moment I stepped into this place.”
He took my hand when he saw my eyebrows relax slightly.
“You’re one of the only people I can trust, [Y/N], I…”
I shook my head. “Don’t. Don’t say it.”
”But I do. I never stopped. I’ve thought of you constantly since the day you left, and I was never upset with you because, well, I could see it.”
I knew what it was he saw—the same thing I’d always seen in him. I looked at him slowly, my eyes feeling heavy as I took in his features without thinking of destroying them. He was beautiful—he’d always been. He caressed my face then moved closer to me.
“I know you’re angry with me,” he said, voice gentle, yet trembling, “I know, but even now, I can look into your soul and see it. You still love me—“
”Don’t,” I begged, feeling my eyes sting, “Just stop, Michael.”
”I still love you, [Y/N],” he whispered, tears falling from his eyes, “I do.“
The muscle that conjured grief in my system was sore and exhausted from suffering over him night after night. I was empty. But I still hurt for him. I hated to see him cry. I still do.
”I do need you with me, [Y/N],” he said, a fond smile trying to form on his face.
I chuckled. “No, you don’t.”
”Yes, I do.”
”No, you don’t. You don’t need anyone, not really. Maybe just your father, but I digress.”
”Then I want you.”
He moved from his seat and got down on one knee in front of me, pressing his forehead against mine—a gesture I partly initiated by leaning towards him. I shut my eyes, thinking of all the times we’d been like this before. After our first kiss, after our first fight, after confessing our love to each other.
“It’s never gone away,” he said, “You’ve always had such a pure, unrelenting love for me. Under everything, your nastiest truth was loving me.”
“Loving the Antichrist. Loving the killer of my coven.”
”But you didn’t care, did you?”
I opened my mouth to speak, but silence beat my voice for a moment. My words came out tiny.
“I never cared about loving the Antichrist, no. But I do care that you’ve betrayed me grossly.”
”You knew I’d kill them.”
I covered my mouth, pulling away and standing, going to the fire. I sobbed quietly against my palm.
“…Yes. But you—you had them shot. You killed them like they meant nothing—like you didn’t even care about the fact you were ripping my family from my life and tearing my heart open, like you didn’t care if I still loved you afterward! If I trusted you! If I would have a home, a safe place—a real one, Michael. Not you.”
He came up to me. “You don’t mean that.”
“Don’t I? Don’t you understand that the things you did to end the world like daddy wanted you to have ruined me? That when you cast aside your free will in favor of prophecy you cast us aside, too? Or is your mind too warped, too fucking sick and distorted to grasp the basic concept that your actions can hurt people you care about?!”
I’d yelled at him. I glared at him furiously as he looked into my eyes and saw the rage and hate was just as truthful as my love for him. But—still.
I let my gaze listlessly shift towards the fire. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean those last words I said.”
He shook his head. “No, you did…and you’re right. I am sick. You’re not cruel for seeing the obvious.”
“I’m cruel to myself. I can’t see myself belonging with anybody else. I can’t see myself even wanting to belong with anyone else.”
”Then don’t,” he said, taking my hands, “Come with me to the Sanctuary. Let me prove myself to you that you can love me again.“
His lips lowered to mine. “There’s no one else in this world meant for me but you.”
I was the one to kiss him. Tenderly, my lips unsure to pull away so as not to get fused and locked onto his for an eternity like it always did. But the feeling would exhilarate me. I pulled back before the feeling happened. I looked in his eyes. A soft, grim smile formed on my face.
“I know.”
I knew when I first set eyes on him that we were linked for an eternity. The “boy wonder”, the “Alpha”, the monster that I shared my bed with. I wish I could say the darkness repulsed me—that I didn’t feel the sinister undercurrent surrounding him and found myself seduced by it; that I found kinship in his darkness in my own.
But that would be a lie. And I hate lies. I’d always pick the truth, even if it scalded and shamed me. I picked the truth when I kissed him again. I picked the truth when I let him follow me back to my room and stripped myself of my purple costume. I picked the truth when we went to bed and he kissed me achingly and I dragged my nails down his back in blind, maddening ecstasy. And I picked the truth when I had another vision and didn’t tell him.
It was of my sisters returning. The blood, the struggle, and the blow that cast him away to hell in death and defeat.
The blow administered by my hand. The only hand that could ever slay the Antichrist. One guided by love, loyalty, and divinity. The one that traced his skin as he slept with me in his arms.
Yes; the truth would always scald me in the end.
Only the fresh water that fell from my eyes healed the wounds.
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untitled-writer-013 · 2 years
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Last Updated - 6:17 PM, 7/6/2023
Requests Status - Open
Writing Guidelines and Request Rules
Currently Working On...
Autumn Prompts
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Loki Laufeyson HCs (Angst)
Yandere!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader (Drawing HCs)
Yandere!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader, Yandere!Stucky x Fem!Reader (Returning Injured HCs)
Yandere!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader, Yandere!Stucky x Fem!Reader (Faked Death HCs)
Masc!Yandere!Loki Laufeyson x Fem!Reader, Yandere!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader (Magic Pen HCs)
Peter Parker x Fem!Reader (Nickname HCs)
Yandere!Peter Parker x Fem!Singer!Reader (Singer Reader HCs)
Yandere!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader, Yandere!Stucky x Fem!Reader (Pleading Darling HCs)
Yandere!Tony Stark x Fem!Reader, Yandere!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader (Lost Work HCs)
Yandere!Stucky x Fem!Reader, Yandere!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader, Yandere!Loki Laufeyson x Fem!Reader (Abusive Boss HCs)
Dream A Little Dream of Me
Yandere!Stucky, Yandere!Loki Laufeyson x GN!Reader (S/O hides face HCs)
Yandere!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader (Prom HCs)
Yandere!Loki Laufeyson x GN!Reader (Non-English Speaker S/O HCs)
Yandere!Miguel O’Hara x Fem!Reader (Hurting His Darling HCs)
Yandere Bucky Barnes x Anon
Loki Laufeyson x Anon
You’re Safe Now (M!Loki Laufeyson x F!Reader)
Stress Reliever (M!Loki Laufeyson x F!Reader)
A Hint of Mischief (M!Loki Laufeyson x F!Reader)
It’s A Date, Then (M!TVA!Loki Laufeyson x Fem!Reader)
Yandere!Peter Parker x Fem!Cold!Reader
You’re Safe With Me 🕸 (Yandere!Peter Parker x Fem!Socially Anxious!Reader)
Beautiful Delusions
Chapter One, Chapter Two,
Harry Potter
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Yandere!Draco x Fem!Reader (Drawing HCs)
Yandere!Credence Barebone x GN!Reader (Accepting Darling HCs)
Fred Weasley/Anon
Neville Longbottom/@t-lupin-black​
(Poly!)Newt x GN!Reader x Credence
(Soulmate AU)Credence x Fem!Reader
Fred x Fem!Reader
Harry Potter x Fem!Reader
Neville x Fem!Pregnant!Reader
Luna Lovegood x Fem!Reader
George x Fem!Reader
Credence Barebone x Fem!Hufflepuff House Heir!Reader
Yandere!Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader x Yandere!George Weasley
Yandere!Marauders (excluding Pettigrew) x Fem!Reader
Yandere! Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader, Yandere!Weasley Twins x Fem!Reader (Play Jealousy)
Yandere!Marauders (excluding Pettigrew) x Fem!Sleepy!Reader
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The Slashers Lose S/O in an IKEA HCs
S/O Finds Out The Slashers Cheated On Her (Part 1)
S/O Finds Out The Slashers Cheated On Her (Part 2)
Fem!Reader Loves Old Love Songs HCs
Fem!Shy!Reader Loses Temper HCs
Fem!Reader Loves Being Scared HCs
Drunk!Reader Lost in Corn Maze HCs
Slashers with Fem!Gothic!Reader HCs
Poly!Ghostface with Fem!Recovering!Reader HCs
Yandere!Vincent Sinclair x Fem!Reader x Yandere!Bo Sinclair
“P-Pretty Piggy”(Billy Lenz x F!Reader)
Daddy Issues (Bo Sinclair x F!Reader)
Billy Loomis and Stu Macher with F!Autistic!Reader
Billy Loomis and Stu Macher with GN!Asexual!Reader
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Headcanons: Ships/Matchups: Oneshots: 
Yumeko Jabami x Fem!Gambler!Reader
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Michael x F!Reader
Michael Langdon HCs (Angst)
Michael x GN!Reader
Michael Langdon x F!Reader (Reader Death)
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Bruno Madrigal x GN!Reader (Height HCs)
Bruno Madrigal x F!Reader (Wholesome HCs)
Bruno Madrigal x F!Reader (NSFW HCs)
Yandere!Bruno Madrigal x Yandere!Fem!Reader (Yandere!Reader HCs)
Yandere!Bruno Madrigral x Fem!Reader (Accepting Darling HCs)
Yandere!Bruno Madrigal x GN!Reader (Yandere General HCs)
Bruno Madrigal x GN!Reader (Working HCs)
Luisa Madrigal x Fem!Reader (Spicy HCs)
Bruno Madrigal x GN!Bullied!Reader
Bruno Madrigal x F!Mom!Reader
Bruno Madrigal x F!Reader (Slightly Spicy)
Bruno Madrigal x GN!Reader
Bruno Madrigal x Fem!Infertile!Reader
Bruno Madrigal x Fem!Wifey!Reader
Luisa Madrigal x Fem!Reader
Not Evil, Just Misunderstood
Part 1, Part 2
Stranger Things
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Dream A Little Dream of Me
Reader Returns Home Injured HCs
Fem!Reader Loves Old Love Songs
Fem!Shy!Reader Loses Temper HCs
Hannibal (NBC)
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Dream A Little Dream of Me
Reader Returns Home Injured HCs
Fem!Reader Loves Old Love Songs
Fem!Shy!Reader Loses Temper HCs
Pig Meat
Feverish Kisses
You Belong To Us
Alt Gabriel & Toonbriel (TMC)
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Alt Gabriel x Fem!Reader (General HCs)
Yandere!Alt Gabriel x Fem!Innocent!Reader
Yandere!Alt Gabriel x Fem!Escaped!Reader
Yandere!Alt Gabriel x GN!Rebellious!Reader
Alt Gabriel x Fem!Yandere!Reader
Alt Gabriel x Fem!Pregnant!Reader
Alt Gabriel x Fem!Nun!Reader
Video Games
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Yandere!Ralph x GN!Encouraging!Reader (Detroit: Become Human)
Drunk Confessions [Javier Escuella x Masc!Reader] (RDR2)
Kiss and Make Up [Arthur Morgan x Fem!Reader] (RDR2)
An Unbearable Weight [Javier Escuella x Fem!Reader] (RDR2)
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Love Triangle (Yandere!Renfield x Fem!Reader x Yandere!Teddy Lobo)
Twilight (Cullens & The Volturi)
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327 notes · View notes
anna1306 · 3 years
Hey, guys!
Since my writings started to gather up attention (which is wow, I didn’t expect it at all, THANK YOU ALL), I decided to create a masterlist, so it would be easier for you and me both to navigate through this
I will try to keep this as updated, as I can, but if anything - tell me c:
The Lost Boys (1987)
Poly!Lost Boys
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New in town (GN)
In Santa-Carla appeared new person. They arrived with the Emersons and at first it seems that Lucy is taken, which pisses Max off. What the Boys and their sire don't know, that this is Lucy's sibling. And they know what is going on here, as they are too non-human
Dark interest (GN)
Four friends, who ended school last year, meet a person on the Boardwalk. They all are interested in them, each in their own way. But none of them, not David with his intuition, not Dwayne with the knowledge and guidance of the elders, not Marko from more or less good family, not even Paul with not-standard way if thinking could imagine this person to be a vampire. Who is more interested in them, they could ever imagine
Goblin Ruler s/o (crossover with Labyrinth) (GN) (Part 2)
Alone (GN)
Sweets (GN)
S/o with crutches (GN)
S/o who loves classical music (GN)
Short s/o with cute laughter (GN)
S/o with social anxiety (GN)
Cute, innocent S/o (female) (part 2)
Quiet dancing (GN)
Really short S/o (GN)
Reader, who turns into a demon (platonic) (female)
Ghost s/o (GN) (part 2)
S/o from Addams family (GN) (part 2) (part 3)
Opera s/o (GN)
Southern s/o (GN)
S/o on roller skates (female)
S/o with fear of darkness (GN)
S/o, who got kicked out of the house (GN)
S/o, who's into disco (GN)
Burlesque S/o (GN) (part 2)
Russian S/o (GN)
S/o, who changes styles often (female)
Tall and curvy S/o (female)
Reader, the other kind of vampire (GN) (part 2)
Reader, who plays violin (GN)
Australian Reader (GN)
Reader who protects them (GN)
Nose bleeds (GN)
Witch (GN)
Werewolf Reader with a dog (GN)
Reader falls asleep very fast (GN)
Reader with heterochromia (GN)
Nesting (GN)
Believe (GN)
Funny Reader (female)
Marks (+Michael) (female)
Clumsy S/o (GN)
Cutie s/o (GN)
Rockstar s/o (female)
S/o into knitting/crochet (female)
Movie night (GN)
Nice evening (female)
Very emotional s/o (GN)
S/o, who's shy at first (female)
Violent (female)
Wrong words (GN)
British s/o (GN)
Barista s/o (GN)
Ghoul s/o (GN)
Deception (Female)
S/o with a pet (Female)
S/o like Lil Mariko (GN)
Depressed s/o (GN)
Artifical vampire s/o (GN)
Distance (GN)
Deaf s/o (GN)
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S/o, who needs cuddles (+Michael & Star) (GN)
S/o with piebaldism (GN)
S/o, who saves them with blood (GN)
First feeding of s/o (GN)
Sudden kiss (GN)
S/o turning (GN)
Birthdays (GN)
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First sight (female)
Pent up feelings (GN)
Denial (Male)
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Darkness (Female) (Part 2)
Thoughts (GN)
Little guy (GN) (Part 2)
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Secret admirer (female) (part 2)
Doubts (female) (18+!)
Saviour (GN)
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Doubts (GN)
Friends with benefits (GN)
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Awakening (Male)
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The lost Boys meet their female versions (with s/o)
Out of despair (David x Michael)
Other fandoms
Deal (AHS; Michael Langdon; Male)
Sickness (AHS; Michael Langdon; Female)
Jealousy (DDADDS; Craig Cahn; Male)
Peace and quiet (AOS Star Trek; Mcspirk)
Don't leave me (Teen Wolf; Deucalion x Stiles)
Fiery pet (Descendants; Harry Hook; GN)
Chubby s/o (The Quarry; Nick Furcillo; Female)
577 notes · View notes
hart269 · 2 years
Pairing : Michael Langdon x GN!Reader
Summary : When Michael returns, he is not same man who went missing and you like him more for better or for worse.
A/N : Second and final part of Blasé.
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Michael didn't return that night or the next morning. So, when you woke up all groggy, you tried to call him but to no avail. His phone was just outside your backyard and while you did try to search for him you couldn't find him anywhere.
Worry began gnawing at you as more time passed by. Seeing no other way out, you called the police, they came in for questioning. You explained what happened not going into the details while they reassured that he wouldn't have been gone far and would be found soon.
The police investigated the whole area and questioned the neighbous but no one had seen him wandering in the dark. And so the whole day went and the next but there was still no sign of him.
It was a small town so news travelled fast, some came to reassure you that Michael will return and everything will be fine, and some came to give their condolonces. There was even a search party led out.
You didn't know what would you do if he wasn't found. Michael was a big part of your life, you didn't even have many friends that you could rely on.
You could try to focus on your job but every part of your daily life was so connected with him, that you felt untethered without him.
Moreover you would mourn over the loss of someone you love, a thought you were trying to avoid.
It was the third day when they found him, the police dog had led them to an unconscious Michael laid under the same tree you usually visited. The only thing strange was that thepolice had searched that place multiple times but to no avail.
But that was beside the point, Michael was rushed to the hospital, he had a cut on his hand, he was extremely dehydrated and he had a concussion.
When he woke up, the first thing he did was call for you, an ask you were quite surprised by. You went to the hospital room he was at, you could see his shilloutte laying on the bed as the police was there questioning him of his whereabouts.
Michael didn't seem to remember much only that he had stumbled in the dark and hit his head. He then apologized for the inconvinience that he had caused. After a few more questions the police left and you fully entered the room.
Micheal's gaze shifted to you as you sat near the chair beside his bed. "How are you feeling" you asked gazing at him.
"Like someone hit me with a baseball bat" Michael groaned with a cheeky smile taking your hand in his unwounded one, gently caressing with his thumb.
"Michael, don't do that again, ever" You pleaded in a stern tone not exactly sure which incident you were referring to.
"I won't, I promise, I'm sorry for what I did"He said with such sincerity that you had no reason to not beleive him.
There was a peaceful silence as he gazed fondly at you with a gentle smile, something you admit, you had missed for some time.
Michael was released soon. Even after you two went home, his new changed behaviour continued. It was like he was a completely different person now, like he was before everything started to go wrong and much better.
You two even ate dinner together a rarity among itself. Michael tried to make conversation and soon the evening was filled with laughter instead of the usual cold silence that echoed through the walls.
You weren't quite sure how you were feeling about the whole thing or Michael's new persona, but as you realised your cheeks hurt from smiling so much, you realised maybe things were turning out to be better.
The night dawned while you two get ready for bed, that's when you noticed it. It was strange, so small you could have missed it if you didn't know it was there, was it a bruise, you moved closer to Michael to inspect it better.
"What's that" you questioned out loud.
"Hmm?" Michael turned around to look at you quizzically.
"You didn't have that before" you said turning him back, gazing at the 666 behind his ear.
"I don't know" Michael replied as he went look in the mirror. "Maybe I scratched myself in the woods or something"
"That's weird, does it hurt?" you glanced at him with concern as you ran a finger over the mark.
"No, I don't think so"
"Okay then"
Sensing your slight hesitation, Michael pulled you close, and wrapped his arms around you in a warm hug making you bury your face in his chest.
"Don't worry love, everything's going to be alright" Michael reassured kissing your forehead as his eyes went black.
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auroracalisto · 1 year
aurora's 2022 fic pick
hello, and welcome to my first post of the new year—my 2022 fic pick! i will be compiling some of the fics i read and loved from this past year below!! to make it harder on myself, i've resorted to choosing only three for each month. i guarantee i've read hundreds more.
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included fandoms: marvel, american horror story, the last kingdom, the 100, the witcher, peaky blinders, law and order: svu, the umbrella academy, gotham, stranger things, the princess bride, top gun, hetalia, timewasters, original work
DISCLAIMER: SOME OF THESE FICS MAY CONSIST OF NSFW. please be aware before clicking on them. also, please read responsibly—i have not included all triggers to the fics, only major ones, so please be sure to check those before you read the fics.
there is one month (october) in which i only reblogged two fics, and i checked my ao3 history as well. i didn't read a single fic on ao3 that month. to try and make up for it, i have posted an extra for the month of december.
words left unspoken by adorin on ao3 - doc ock x reader - fluff and angst, character death, gn!reader - this fic was *chefs kiss* no joke i love it and i recently went back to re-read it. it gets better every time. Heartbeat by HanakoSpiritoftheToliet on ao3 - matt murdock x reader - pregnant!reader, fluff - this was so sweet. i am a sucker for fluff. Terrible Two's by writeyouin on ao3 - charles xavier x reader - parent!reader, fluff - like i said. a sucker for fluff. i can't help it.
Soulmark by @dyns33 - matt murdock x reader - a little bit of angst, a little bit of fluff; happy ending - i remember reading this for the first time and absolutely crying when i read the ending. it was SO good. Lost In the Shadows by @7-wonders - vampire!michael langdon x fem!reader - part of a collection of fics, kind of spicy towards the end, but nothing serious - the series is seriously so good. i am 100% prepared to re-read it. Chivalry's Death by e_n_silvermane on ao3 - 2p!prussia x reader - hetalia, gore, mute!character - LISTEN. EVEN IF YOU DON'T LIKE HETALIA. this is SUCH a good fic. literally it is so good. there's so much depth to the story itself, and i absolutely love every part of it. like... the description, the guilt the characters feel—it's literally a piece of art and i will stand by that until the day i die.
For a moment by @disasterofastory - finan x fem!reader - hurt/comfort, gore - LOVE. love this fic. all her fics are so good. almost like praying by @imaginearyparties - steve rogers x bucky barnes - gore, gay religious angst - i fell in love with this fic with the first paragraph. i knew i was in for a magnificent piece, and ilana never fails to provide. There are monsters and there are men by silverwolf7850 on ao3 - vampire!matt murdock x reader x werewolf!frank castle - fluff and angst, canon-typical violence, supernatural themes - this fic FUELED my love for both matt and frank. i literally loved every second of it and i wish there was more to it.
Rescuing You by @violetrainbow412-blog - vampire!eddie munson x fem!reader - angst, kind of villain!eddie - bro this was IT. this was the fic that fueled my love for vampire eddie, and i've never been the same since. unnamed by @000ficlets otto x reader - fluff - this fic is literally only five paragraphs long but i loved it so much. like,,, you know how you just read something about you can just feel the love coming from it? yeah. this fic. beautiful. against all odds by @twistnet dmitri antonov x fem!reader - angst, fluff, possible tw due to violence - this was one of the first dmitri fics i read after becoming attached to the character... brb gonna re-read it AGAIN.
A Surprise Guest by JaskiersWolf on ao3 modern!jaskier x reader - first meetings, alcohol - bro. BRO. when i say this fic is so good, i absolutely love it. it's so soft and makes me feel all warm on the inside. 6 Meters Under and Back Part 1 by @onesaltyhunter - vampire!sihtric x fem!reader fluff? bloody vampire stuff - oh my gosh when i found this, i jumped on the opportunity to read it. i love vampires, and i LOVE sihtric. is there a part 3? i don't know if there's a part 3. It's good to see you! by @disasterofastory alfie solomons x reader - technically first meetings, anxious reader, being followed - disasterofastory always has amazing fics and this one,,, idk there's just something about it that i love to read. it's totally alfie and it's written well!!
Scarrification by BruisesAndBuzzaxes on ao3 victor zsasz x fem!reader - fluff, meeting family, character backstory - this is a long fic, but it's *oh* so good. like it's literally worth every last word. i've read it a few times through already. i might go back again and read it one more time. Where Our Pieces Fall in Place by anotherwinchesterfangirl on ao3 - finan x fem!reader x sihtric NSFW, time travel, polyamory - so good. SO GOOD. i love time travel tropes and this one hits the spot, every time i read it. Imagine being chosen to join Wonkru in the bunker before Praimfaya [...] by @fanficimagery roan x reader, past!echo x reader - angst to fluff, typical canonical violence - ohhhh my gosh in a world of so little roan x reader fics, this one is a diamond in the rough. it's so good.
Peanut Butter Cookies by @eddie-van-munson eddie munson x reader - slight angst with a happy ending, jealousy, allergies - jealousy fics are so good and this one was just,,, too good. i love eddie. i love domestic eddie. please don't cry by @sickoherd john murphy x reader - comfort fic - short comfort fic with john murphy <33 it was sweet and simple and so good with just a few words. Selfish Jerk by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord jim hopper x reader - fluff, a little angst, taking place during season 2 - i looove hopper. this was the first fic i read in july that was jim hopper, and it definitely wasn't the last.
IF I DIE YOUNG by @imgoingtofreakoutnow steve harrington - finale-based fic; major character death. lots of angst. - this fic is so good. i remember reading it for the first time and i actually cried. multiple times. i loved getting to read how steve may have felt in the days after the season 4 finale. annie's writing is so good regardless. Darling by @no-mercy-bby ralph timewasters x reader - short fluff fic - one of the first fics i read of ralph and i absolutely fell in love with him. bby is an amazing writer and they've definitely captured my attention on more than one occasion. want me to kill him for you? by @froggywritesstuff diego hargreeves x gn!reader - short fluff fic - diego is amazing and the characterization in this fic is just as incredible.
That Guy by YouGotThatWrite on ao3 rafael barba x gn!reader - fluff, meet-cute over coffee - my mom and step-dad watched the entirety of law and order: svu and i just so happened to watch most of the episodes with rafael in them. i already loved him. and then i read this fic. it's so good. The Eddie Munson Collection by Edtease on ao3 eddie munson x reader - blurb collection; somewhat nsfw - these were so good and i loved getting to read about a somewhat domestic eddie munson. some of them are a little on the nsfw side, so please be aware before reading. Imagine finding out that Rafael sometimes worries about your age difference by @svubloods rafael barba x reader - age difference, established relationships - okay so i'm not even gonna lie i love fics that take valid concerns and makes the characters live through it. that being said, i also love rafael. there's no questioning as to why i loved this fic.
City Nights by @thebirdybrigade allen f. jones x gn!reader - possible tw for attempted s/a, violence, etc. slight angst to a bit on the fluffier side?? - oh boy the first hetalia fic i've included on this list. i genuinely loved this fic. it was written well, and i love to re-read this. the ending kills me, every time. goodnight, my love by eliwashere on ao3 original character/reader - major NSFW warning, vampires, original character, pwp - i don't even remember how i found this fic. i think i clicked on the vampire tag on ao3 and came across this. it's so good?? like i fell in love with the plot of the story, and then the smut itself was a bonus. AND THEN the author included a sketch of the character in the next chapter, and boom, i fell in love, AGAIN. i literally do not have another fic for this month. i was off of social media well until the middle of the month. i will include an extra one on december because i know i have enough for that month.
THOSE WHO ARE LEFT BEHIND by @imgoingtofreakoutnow steve harrington x gn!reader - platonic, mentions of death and mourning - the second of annie's fics i've listed. it's sad, but it's so good. it's the budding of a relationship and i absolutely adore every bit of it. attention by @imaginearyparties namor x reader - okay but let's talk about the fact that ilana ALWAYS has good fics, and this one just proves it?? it's so good. i hadn't even watched the new black panther yet and i had already fallen in love with namor because of how he was written in this fic. are you thanking me or your god? by @lazypeachsoul uhtred ragnarsson x fem!reader - meeting, budding relationship - uhtred is a babe and the way lazypeachsoul writes him is magnificent. i love him and this fic so much.
Nobody But Me by @ohthatstragic tom "iceman" kazansky x fem!reader - jealousy, established relationship - THIS was the first iceman fic i read after watching top gun maverick for the first time and i fell in love with him. not to mention the writer did well with characterization. gonna come back to this fic at some point and re-read. Concussed by @topgun-imagines mickey "fanboy" garcia x fem!reader - slight angst, injury - fanboy is adorable and this fic (other than the injury he sustains) is so cute. i loved reading it. Dating Westley Would Include... by @bowieandqueen11 the princess bride westley x reader - dating headcanons - i need more princess bride fanfics. i've talked to a few mutuals about it before and i might just do it. this fic is so good, though. i'm so glad it's out there. extra since i only had two for october: Strong people aren't born they're built by meowmeowpumpkin on ao3 jake "hangman" seresin x fem!reader - angst, a bit of violence, major tw for some things; please be sure to read the author's warnings before you read. - bobbbb in this fic. i love it. and the 180 jake does when he realizes that something isn't right with his wife. it was good.
and a reminder for everyone reading:
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americxn · 3 years
michael langdon x gn!reader
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headcanons based off michael visiting your outpost and taking an instant liking to you
this is boring rip but an fun concept I think
warnings: death mention, food mention, assault mention, swearing, I think that’s all
taglist: @kitwalker02 @forevercountess @kitwalkerangel @milly-louise @thecountessesglove @undeadcortez @kitwalker64 @samsassinparvismagna @xmaximoffic @divineruler @tatesweaterweather @evanmybeloved @vi0lentvi0lets @ikkleroniekins @ananad1 @shlutnutt @sanni333 @mossybank @tatesimper @sallyscigarettes @copy-of-a-cheeto @whiiiiplaaaaash @colinsbagel @nerdydoesthings @fictional-men-that-i-stan @spidergirlmcu​ @depressedvamp​ @slightlyvicked​ @kaiscumsl4t​ @peterssilverjacket​ @usuck​ @quickiesgirl​ @cooperdaysgf​ @lavhoes​ @auroracalisto​ (dm to be added or removed <3)
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he appeared seemingly out of nowhere under the guise of needing to interview the inhabitants of the outpost; he was to choose a select few to take with him to the safe haven. the rest would be left to rot.
he addressed your group with a sharp coolness that made your skin itch and your stomach tighten, but you didn’t miss the way his eyes lingered on your face for a mere second too long as you scanned the living quarters which you and your companions lounged in.
this instilled a fear within you that exceeded the day of the nuclear fallout. that death at least would’ve been quick. and the complete uncaring nature of the man, his exterior seemingly frozen in a constant state of glorious boredom, did nothing to ease your anxiety; it was clear that michael didn’t give a shit who lived or here died, he was only visiting the outpost because he was obliged to.
but that impression only lasted several days and your first meeting with michael had a dangerous sense of hope latching onto your mind.
you were the third to be interviewed and despite the other inhabitants complaints at his nonchalance and cryptic nature, you found yourself immediately at ease in his presence.
during your interview, he lounged idly on the edge of the desk before you, scrutinising your reluctant form shrinking away before him in the plush armchair. but he was quick to coax some ease into you with just a few easy, uncharacteristic smiles, accompanied by personal questions that you were at first reluctant to talk on, but were soon providing him with flowing answers once he’d lowered your guards and pried open your vulnerability.
he took his time with you, the room falling into easy conversation. michael noted the way your fingers gripping onto the velvet arms of the armchair loosened, the way you began to unknowingly lean towards him, your face smoothing into an openness as you talked.
you were somewhat crestfallen when the meeting abruptly ended:
“You’re dismissed. Thank you for seeing me today, y/n.” his velour tone was soft over the gentle crackling of the fire burning steadily on the other side of the room.
“What? That’s it?” you asked, stomach tightening with a sudden bout of nerves as he surveyed you carefully, his gaze sharp in the dim light of the room. “Yes.” He responded simply. The room fell into silence as you considered his words, considering whether to push further or stand to leave. Settling for the former, Michael watched in light amusement as your lips parted, already knowing which question was now poised on your tongue.
“Well how did I do? Did I get in?” His lips curved into an amused smile at your eagerness.
“Of course you did. You were in before this interview but I wanted to speak with you regardless.”
he called you back the next day. and the next. allowing you to stay in his makeshift office for as long as you pleased, talking to you about anything and everything. he was softer than he came across, or perhaps that was just the facade he adopted in your presence. you couldn’t be sure but found that you didn’t care, not as he seemed to develop more and more of a liking towards you.
eventually, he asked you to eat your daily meal with him and you couldn’t bring yourself to disregard his invitation, especially not when he consistently gave you his portion as well, helping to dispel the hunger that plagued your every waking moment.
he always stopped you in the winding corridors of the outpost when you ran into each other, asking how you were and blatantly ignoring your company. everyone else despised him, only pretending to respect him because he was their tether to life. but not you, you didn’t have to fake anything.
he kept to himself for a duration of his visit but there were several occasions when he sought you out to talk with you, scaring away the rest of your companions with a sharp smile.
he invited you into his room one evening, sitting you down on his bed and pulling out his laptop, showing you various pictures and reports of what the outside now looked like and giving you an insight into the other outposts; knowing what was waiting for you beyond the walls of your outpost put you at ease and the fact that michael was confiding in you further ensured you that he would stay true to his word and take you with him when he left.
of course michael’s blatant favouritism resulted in poorly concealed jealously and in some cases, hatred, amongst your “friends” in the outpost. some cussed you out, one even physically assaulting you amidst their panic of not being chosen by michael. they disappeared the next day and despite your copious questions, michael refused to tell you what had happened to them.
you read together in the armchairs beside the roaring fire in his office, sat together for meals, wandered the empty halls of the outpost side by side and even began retiring to his bedroom to talk until the late hours of the night.
time moved faster than ever and soon michael was announcing the names of those he wished to take with him to the safe haven. your name was called first, his eyes twinkling as they fell on you, followed by several of the others who had to refrain from slouching to the floor in relief and thanking michael through their tears.
he openly wished that he could just take you and leave the others to die slowly and painfully but you had convinced him to stick to his original plan and he had listened, taking your words and wishes as gospel.
he kept it professional within the outpost and couldn’t wait until he could take you from the wretched place and show you just how much he had grown to like you during your time together.
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please comment & reblog if you enjoyed and feel comfortable doing so. it really helps when you do; any form of feedback is so appreciated !
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m a s t e r l i s t <3
date created: 06/08/21
date last edited: 25/10/22
* = contains smut/nsfw
American Horror Story
James March:
various imagines (x fem!reader)
until forever falls apart
imagine taking a bath with james
imagine dying outside the hotel cortez
good old-fashioned lover boy
with passion*
dear insecurity
sweet relief*
cold december nights
pillow t(ouch)alk
goodnight, my darling
protect me
sinners, aren't we all (series - unfinished)
black mary janes - pt one
the roses - pt two
porcelain and parchment - pt three
miracle (series - finished)
miracle pt one
miracle pt two
miracle pt three
miracle pt four
Austin Sommers:
various imagines (x fem!reader)
poetic lovers
new muse
Tate Langdon:
various imagines (x fem!reader)
the most wonderful moment
about a girl
The Evans:
headcanons (x fem!reader)
that time of the month is is?
does a chicken have lips?
ugly sweaters + mistletoe
kit likes sunflowers
scars to your beautiful
Cordelia Goode x Michael Langdon:
are monsters born or created (unfinished)
optimism - pt one
incertitude - pt two
affection - pt three
paralysis - pt four
clarity - pt five
AHS Instagram:
if the ahs characters had instagram
I am a goddamn cartoonist in the making:
(aka shitty ahs cartoons i've curated)
apocalypse #1 - michael langdon goes shopping
apocalypse #2 - witches pay the outpost a visit
Noel Fielding
Vince Noir:
various imagines (x fem!reader)
my girl
you alright?
soft cheese
various imagines (x fem!reader)
happy hour*
south london forever
tour life
spunky dilf
various imagines (x gn!reader)
creature of the night
vince/dickie x howard thing that i may or may not continue
on the far side of the moon
Dracula (BBC)
Dracula x Agatha Van Helsing:
after all this time did you think i’d let it hurt
trust in a beast
death on the nile/russell brand as dr windlesham (niche, ik):
heal you
tim curry as rooster hannigan (annie 1982)
our love ain't lousy
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grav3yardbb92 · 2 years
All my stories are 18+. I do not write smut, but some stories have triggering or sensitive themes. I hope you enjoy. Please reblog or like, I really appreciate it. Most of my stories are female or gender-neutral reader.
- Rumor Has It (Angel x reader, Spike x reader)
- Gone Away (Doctor Strange x Reader)
-Winter Diamonds (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
-  Crush (Avengers x Reader)
- The Love of a God (Loki x Reader)
-Frozen Memories (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
-Blind Date (Steve Rogers x Reader)
-Christmas With the Avengers (Stucky x reader)
-Glow Stick (Dr. Bruce Banner x Stark!reader)
-- TFATWS Incorrect Quote (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
-DINNER FOR TWO(Cillian Murphy x GN!Reader)
-Unexpected (Matthew Gray Gubler x F!Reader)
-Small Surprises (Tom Hiddleston x Reader)
-Idiots (Sebastian Stan x Evans!Reader)
-The Best Boyfriend ( Sebastian Stan x Diabetic!reader)
-Rough Day (Chris Evans x Reader)
-Please Come Home for Christmas (Chris Evans x Reader)
-Little Moments (Dad! Anthony Mackie x Mom! Reader)
-All the Best People Are (Jefferson x Reader)
-Ease the Pain (Sherlock Holmes x Reader)
-Tats For a Cause (Dave Navarro x Reader)
- Summer of ‘84 (Xavier x Reader)
-The Mark (Michael Langdon x Reader)
-Boom! Pt.1 (Spencer Reid x Pregnant Reader) -Pt.2 
-Criminal Minds Reiding List
-PROTECT (SSA reader, no pairing)
- Just a Girl in a Bar (Spencer Reid x reader)
-WHY PT.1 (Derrick Morgan x reader) -PT2
-SCRATCH (Dr. Spencer Reid x BAU! Reader
-Be Mine (Neil Lewis x reader)
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