#Now I know how the bad guys feel when they get obliterated by the power of pure light in anime
elie-draloup · 2 years
...And then there was light
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churipu · 6 months
Hiii!! I can ask for jjk men (your choice!) with a girlfriend who doesn't look like it but is like super strong! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ I have a love for those types of characters<3 thanks in advance!
I hope you are getting better ❤️‍🩹
jjk men & their "looks like a cinnamon roll but could kill" you gf
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featuring. gojo satoru, toji fushiguro, nanami kento x fem! reader
warnings. cursing
note. anonnn <33 i absolutely love this one, i have so many speculations for different characters about this request omg, thank you for requesting love, i hope this one is up to par, much love xoxo (and i am feeling so much better now, thank you for checking up on me). OH AND GUESS WHAT? u don't understand how thankful i am to reach 300+ followers in the first week??? u guys rock, ilysm
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GOJO SATORU. i feel like he'd feel so betrayed after finding out how you're very strong?? one second he's looking away and then the next second, he looks back and a curse is ready to pounce on you. he grits his teeth when he realizes that — but before he could even do anything, there you were, sending out a strong punch that leaves a gust of wind as a cherry on top.
gojo could only stare at you, jaw dropped. all he could think of was how on earth did you do that and how could someone so...cute and adorable like you send out that kind of punch. honestly, on one side he felt so betrayed to only know of your power now — but on the other side, he's so damn proud of you.
after all of that, you still managed to send him your most innocent smile as if you didn't just almost possibly created a hurricane with that punch of yours. skipping happily and then throwing yourself onto the male, "satoru!"
"you never cease to surprise me, baby." he chuckles.
and you blinked at him innocently, a little confused at what he's talking about. at first gojo thought you were just pretending not to know, but when he realized that you actually didn't know, it dawned upon him that maybe you didn't even realize how strong you actually are.
"y/n, you just obliterated a curse."
"oh. oh. yeah! i did."
yeah, you definitely weren't aware of your own strength. which surprised gojo even more.
TOJI FUSHIGURO. he's always thought that protecting you was one of his main duty, and believe me when i say that toji is always on guard for anything that could possibly send harm your way. feral animals, harmful plants, annoying babies, curses, anything he finds annoying — he just assumes you don't like them either.
despite not having a cursed energy, toji is strong. anyone would agree with that. so when he settled in with you, someone who radiates such loving and gentle aura, toji made it his job to keep you out of harm's way.
but apparently, you've got that under covered.
being in a relationship meant going out on dates occasionally, right? however, some people do not understand the meaning of "i have a boyfriend" and it annoys you. so when toji was away to fetch a few things and you were left alone, a stranger felt like it was the best time to hit on you.
"saw ya' from a couple of minutes ago, thought you're cute. we should hang out."
obviously the word "no" didn't work as he kept on bothering you, and you do know how people react when they don't get what they want sometimes? they just plain out throw words to boost up their ego and deny their own embarrassment. it's funny.
"whatever. ya' aren't that cute anyways." everything began out as an exchange of words — until anger consumes the best out of them. the male got ready to swung his hand on you.
and believe me when i say that toji was having the time of his life watching you exchange angry words with the guy, until he saw the male raise his hand. toji was about to drop everything and come to your rescue, but stopped when you smacked the stranger across his face harshly it sent him stumbling over his own feet.
toji chuckled lightly, although surprised. that day, i swore he promised himself not to get on your bad side (also, he thought it was pretty hot of you). he told you he'd been watching from afar, and was so ready to be your knight in shining armor.
apparently, you are your own knight in shining armor.
NANAMI KENTO. for the longest time, nanami has stood his ground in defending you from malices and curses. some of the people do not like the idea of you and him together, especially girls who failed to obtain his attention (obviously). and he'd always be the one to tell them to piss off and not to butt in his relationship.
you were just a normal businesswoman working normal office hours, and nanami — well, he's a pretty busy man. but he has made himself visible to your work environment a couple of times, mostly because you were clumsy enough to forget your bento box that you made for yourself before going to work.
and apparently that few times was enough to make girls swoon over your boyfriend. honestly, you could care less. you trust nanami. but things went rock bottom when this one particular girl, a co-worker who was obviously jealous of you. and she doesn't hesitate in showing that to you.
"accidentally" spilling coffee on you, "accidentally" stepping on your foot with her heels, "accidentally" bumping into you, "accidentally" elbowing your head when she walks by. just everything in an attempt to get a reaction out of you so she could possibly play the victim card.
you brushed her every attempt off, although it bothered you quite a bit. but your last straw was when she "accidentally" ruined the report you've been working on for the past week, sacrificing your rest and sweat for it — only for her to dump down a cup of iced macchiato on it the day you were supposed to hand it in to your boss.
you've just had enough of her, and this was not something you can brush off like her other "accidents" because this report would affect your position in the company (and possibly get you fired). but at this point, do you even care? no, no you don't.
"so, is this the part where i hit her?" you ask another co-worker who was there in the room when everything happened, and they nervously shook their head, "really? i feel like this is the part where i do."
so when you did send a punch to her jaw, your other co-workers were quick to run find help (your boss). and all it took was one punch to make the girl wobble weakly, her knees buckling.
oh, and your boss wasn't too happy about your resort in violence, especially in the work area.
"i don't care, i'm fired anyways." you took off the company's id card that was hanging from around your neck and tossed it onto the table before packing your bag to leave.
your boss wasn't the only unhappy one, you were too. and nanami as well.
"it isn't my fault, kento."
"i know, darling. i'm not saying it's your fault, i'm just surprised...that's all."
well, that was the first time you've ever threw a punch to someone. and the first time you've ever been fired, so yes. it is a surprise to nanami, but to you? you were expecting it sooner or later with the pace of how that co-worker was going in with her shenanigans.
"she was pushing it."
nanami was silently proud of you for being able to defend yourself though, "well, at the end of the day, you won the fight. right?"
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screeching-bunny · 1 year
Yandere! One Piece Charlotte Katakuri
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
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🌟 He is extremely kind and basically a gentle giant when it comes to you. You have home wrapped around your pretty little finger.
🌟 Very insecure on how you view him due his appearance and wants you to view him as perfect just like everyone one else does.
🌟 Is a very possessive and touch starved yandere. Absolutely hates it whenever you interact with anyone but him even if it is his own family. Honestly can’t trust anyone to look after you because of how many enemies he has and how crazy his family members can be.
🌟 No matter where he is, he is always worried about your safety. Your well-being comes before anything else in his life. If anyone dares to lay a finger on you there is going to be hell to pay. Will frequently use his haki around you because is worried that you might get hurt. Definitely baby proofs the house you two live in. He can’t bear the thought of you getting injured no matter how small the injury may be.
🌟 Loves it when you touch him or physically interact but is too shy to admit it. Will give signs that he wants affection if he’s in the mood for some cuddles but won’t verbally announce it. He enjoys the feeling of your soft skin on his.
🌟 When you guys met you were a baker that he saw in a bakery. He was far from home and was low on his donut supply so he decided to stop by. The minute he saw you for the first time he believed that you were extremely adorable and pocket sized. He ordered some donuts and was extremely whipped. You can bake and you’re good looking! He definitely has to have you.
🌟 I can imagine him sailing back home as quickly as possible and just begging his mom if he could marry you. Will absolutely do whatever it takes just so he can have you, no matter what. If Big Mom says no he’ll try to convince her that being married to you will give the Charlotte family many benefits and explain how the two of you can produce powerful heirs. When she agrees he is immediately kidnapping you.
🌟 If you try to runaway from this, he will immediately kill everyone you are close to and destroy the island that you live on. You’re forced to go with him because you now have nothing and can only rely on him for the essentials for survival.
🌟 Your wedding will be big and grand. He wants to make sure that everyone in the Grandline knows that you belong to him and if anyone messes with you it will be a direct insult to the Charlotte family. Will be a complete groomzilla so much so that over twenty wedding planners will quit before your wedding actually starts. Makes sure that everything is spotless and the the way that he envisioned.
🌟 Wants to have as many kids with you as possible. The thought of you having a swollen belly with his baby just melts his heart. He believes that having kids is a way to show everyone that you also love him as well. He would definitely want his kids to inherit your looks and not his due to his insecurity with his mouth.
🌟 Loves it when you bake for him and hand feed him. He always includes you in his meriendas and will absolutely obliterate anyone who interrupts that time he has with you. It’s very sacred to him because it’s where he has the most free time with you and it reduces the stress of his position.
🌟 Like Ace, he realizes that his tendencies are very wrong but won’t do anything to change it because of how much he needs to be with you. He absolutely cannot see you interact with anyone else because it feels like he’s going to explode when he does. You only belong to him therefore he’s the only one who gets to take up your time.
🌟 Will turn as bright as a tomato if you ever call him cute. No one has ever called him cute before but he doesn’t mind it if you do it. He feels very normal around you and will be absolutely over the moon if you don’t find his mouth to be terrifying to look at.
🌟 He loves you more than donuts and all the sweets in the world. He’d be willing to give up anything in the world just to have the opportunity to be loved by you and to have your affection.
🌟 From the moment he met you, he’d only be willing to eat the sweets that you made. Will no longer eat any donut that is not baked by you, no exception. He treats everything you bake like it’s a fine delicacy that can’t be replicated by anyone else in this world. He loves watching you bake as well, it’s very therapeutic to just watch you around the kitchen while you hum in your own little world.
🌟 Definitely loves how small you are compared to him. He finds it cute how he just towers over you and you have to look up every time you wanna talk to him. You look like a sweet innocent kitten to him that could do no wrong. Even though he loves it he’s also afraid that he might hurt you at times and often treats you as if you’re made out of glass.
🌟 Can not sleep unless you’re in bed with him. I can imagine him patiently waiting for you to get out of the shower at night so he can finally fall asleep. He sleeps with you on his chest with his arms wrapped around you. You honestly don’t even need a blanket with his massive his arms are.
🌟 He’s usually very intimidating and confident around others but with you he’s just a blushing mess. Whenever he looks at you he just blushes no matter what. You read a book *blush*. You pick up a flower off the ground *blush*. You fall asleep on the couch *blush*. You simply exist *exist*. With you, he’s acting like a teenager that interacted with their crush for the first time.
🌟 You can do nothing but just accept his love besides who is crazy enough to go up against the commander of the big mom pirates? You’re just better off at accepting his love if you don’t want any unnecessary deaths, you are his after all.
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sinner-sunflower · 2 months
P.2 HH Lucifer-centric AU 13/?
STORY 1, PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 14, PART 14.5, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22, PART 23, PART 24, PART 25, PART 26
Luci is the older sib among the Sins but he's the youngest among the Archangels.
I guess technically, he's the suffering middle child.
If y'all see a mention baby bro or little brother in the Prequel, pretend like you didn't see it ;laksldakl;
Perhaps Lucifer should've requested a 1 visitor per visit rule just like he should've expected that he's going to get tackled and suffocated in physical affection by the Sins and Charlie as soon as Belphegor opened the door.
Not that he doesn't like the hugs but he's just one tiny guy and he's pretty sure he's about to be buried alive under these giants.
Thank fuck for Belphegor for prying them off of him before he actually suffocated.
Belphegor: What did I say?! What did I just say?! What are you all? Children?!
A gasp and a coughing fit later, he finally calmed down enough to get his breathing steady. He thanks Alastor for the water, taking huge sips to fix his throat.
'Not to self: don't get buried alive. It's not a fun experience.'
He looks over at the now kneeling Charlie and Sins, head bowed as the Sin of Sloth relentlessly scolds them.
Belphegor: -powers in Hell and you can't follow one simple rule? May I remind you all what happens if I'm disobeyed while I'm treating someone?
All: Visiting rights will be stripped off.
Belphegor: That's right. And I am not above putting a ward on any of you to make it stay that way.
Never mess with Dr. Belphegor. As much as Lucifer is amused, he takes pity on his kids (his kids!) and speaks up to save them from the doctor's wrath.
Lucifer: I think they get it, Bel.
The kneeling demons cower as Belphegor sends them one last glare before huffing and went to typing something in her tablet again.
Beelzebub: Sorry for getting carried away, babe. We just got scared.
Asmodeus: Charlie's call really scared us. Did something happen in Heaven?
Satan: Tell me if that bastard Michael did this, I'll go to Heaven myself and beat his ass! In fact, I'm going over there right now. Open a portal.
Leviathan: Christ, Satan. Can you do one minute without thinking of doing something impulsive?
Satan: Don't say that name here! And fuck you! You're one to talk. Which one of us almost obliterated their ring in anger earlier, huh??
Lucifer: Wha- Levi??
Leviathan: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Mammon: Wait, is that why the elevator took so fuckin long to work? I thought I was gonna be stuck there foreva!
Charlie: At least you're all here now!
Charlie's wholesome sentiment made her aunts and uncles coo, wholeheartedly agreeing with her.
Lucifer: My duckie is right. Even though I said I was fine, you all still came for me. I'm starting to feel bad about making you all rush here every time I get hurt.
Satan: Don't you dare. No one is forcing us to be here.
Beelzebub: Right! Plus you always did the same for us.
He remembers those moments. When the rings formed and the Sins grew enough to move and handle them on their own, he was pretty lonely. Sure, he had Lilith, but children brought a different kind of joy with their company.
Plus, he loved indulging in others and all the children wanted was his attention, which he was always so happy to give.
The last person he would've thought to call him for help first was, believe it or not, Leviathan.
Levi had always presented himself as independent, acting like he's not as young as he was. Lucifer saw the aquatic demon's admiration for him, often mimicking how he talks, walks, and even dresses.
Lilith says it's envy (Because what else could it be, Luci? Isn't he the Sin of Envy?) but Lucifer knows better. He knows that Leviathan only looks at him in admiration. He looks at him like he hung the stars. Like Lucifer means something. Like he deserves to be looked at that way.
He doesn't but he's not going to tell young Leviathan that.
Anyway, Levi couldn't get the raging storms of Envy under control despite trying so hard. He was crying, begging Lucifer to believe that he did everything he could but nothing was working.
So he did what every good sibling/pseudo-father wouldo.
He drops everything and headed straight to Envy. In fact, he ran so fast he forgot to tell Lilith he was leaving.
Instead of fixing the situation himself, Lucifer chose that moment to teach Leviathan. He stayed in Envy until the other got it and not once did he berate Levi for not knowing something that wasn't even taught. It was his fault after all that Levi couldn't control it as he should've known that it doesn't come to everyone that easily.
The little scolding he got from Lilith when he came home super late was worth seeing a proud face on little Levi.
Lucifer: And I always will.
When it doesn't look like they're leaving him anytime soon, he figures he could just tell them now. He sat up a little straighter and internally braces himself for the expected uproar.
Lucifer: Heaven is on the verge of a civil war.
He winces. 'Way to rip off the bandaid, Lucifer.'
The room halted. They stared at him as they try to comprehend what he said just said. Then all at once, everyone bursts into screaming and panic, asking questions at him, at each other, at no one, at everyone. It was chaos and Lucifer can feel something rumble inside him. He figures Roo is enjoying all this unfold.
To be fair, he should've thought better than to say something like that out of the blue.
Lucifer: Sorry from dropping a bomb like that suddenly.
Satan: A bomb???
Mammon: Mate, that's a fuckin' nuclear one if I know one! The fuck you mean a war??
Lucifer: A civil war.
Charlie: What? How are we roped in it?? It's not because of the last extermination right?
Belphegor: You couldn't have told us this the moment you arrived?
Satan: Are we involved? Is that why Michael shot a freakin' laser through the sky??
Lucifer: No but-
Beelzebub: Oh god.
Lucifer: Guys, if you just-
Leviathan: Ozzie, how is our forces? Do you think we have enough manpower?
Lucifer: Guys-
Asmodeus: If it's only our fighting forces, then no. I'm sure a lot of demons would be willing to fight. Plus we have the firepower.
Lucifer: I-
Belphegor: Do we even know if angelic weapons would harm a higher ranked angel?
Oh for fucks-
Lucifer: Ê̵̡̟͔͉̱͓͓̪̝̫͙͇̞͛̓͐͒͒̎͒̋͘Ǹ̶̛͙̲̮͓͈̳̗̟̣̊̍͋́̇̀̋̐́̚̕͜O̷͇͔̒̇͋́͋́̓́͂́͆͋̅͘U̴̡̙̫͕̞̩͎̭̤̤͙̠̓̐̊̚͜G̵͖͇̘̘̩̟̗̠̬̐̈́͛́̾̈́̾̍́̈́̏͠͝H̶̢̬͉̯̞͇̯͈͙̜̬͚̟͙̊̈́͋͂̂̾̒̅̈́̆͊͗͂̚͝.̷̧͇͔͖̜̳̲̪̤͇̇͊͑̋͛̾̓͜͜
The room rattles from his voice. He stop his horns and halo from coming out. Lucifer can't see it but everyone else is staring at him in abject horror as his skin turned into a dark, glitchy mess.
He calms himself by taking in deep breathes until the fire in his mouth extinguishes.
Lucifer: Can I speak now?
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ryuichirou · 4 months
We have a couple of asks about yesterday’s drawing of Deuce and Epel (and a bunch of other asks too!), but I’ll start with an ask related to commissions. Thank you for your questions <3
Anonymous asked:
Is there anything you won’t do for commissions, i.e. OC x Canon, something too complicated, etc
I’m okay with almost anything, OC x Canon, complicated stuff, kink and gore included. That being said, I might decline some ships + certain top/bottom dynamics. In any case, everything is negotiable and I am willing to discuss alternative options, so if feel free to DM/email me, and we’ll discuss it.
Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your interest!
Anonymous asked:
now i’m picturing deuce and epel holding hands while they’re being railed <3
Awwww! This is sweet. They’re supporting each other…
hipsterteller asked:
Oh Deuce and Epel are screwed
About to get Yeahh, I know, these poor guys :”(
Anonymous asked:
ok but who but deuce and epel in those cute outfits. they’re so detailed too!
Thank you so much!! I’m happy you like it! Seifukus are so much fun, I love drawing them. It was Katsu’s idea to combine them with their dorm uniform colours, and I’m very glad that we did that.
Anonymous asked:
sees the deuce and epel art, head begins to play the song shota shota island vocaloid
Wow, that’s an oldie! A genre of vocaloid songs that seems to be dead but never forgotten…
Looking this one up now, and wow even the pose is similar LOL
Anonymous asked:
to be fair, 4chan x instagram is probably more fun of a ship name than, like, 3B class, it's funny to see Idia being the 4chan of the ship XDD
(this is related to the reply where I described Idia and Cater that way...)
Thank you lol The more I think about it the better it sounds to be honest. Idia has such strong vibes of a person with certain types of opinions…
Anonymous asked:
So what you think of Ortho as a bodyguard to Vil? Think of it like Vil isn't safe on his own because of stalkers, Ortho will prepare to obliterate them.
Rook could also work as a bodyguard.
Both Rook and Ortho would make great bodyguards! Both of them are powerful enough to notice both stalkers and paparazzi right away and either cover/protect Vil or dispose of any inconvenience before Vil even notices it himself.
It is an interesting concept, Anon.
While we were discussing it, we joked how Rook or Ortho are actually protecting the stalkers from Vil, because if stalkers somehow manage to take either of them out and go directly to Vil, Vil is going to kick the shit out of them lol
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Random headcanon: I think while he's so clean and proper, Greenhill LOVES to make/see Violet's makeup smeared and ruined. Either from heavily making out in the Swan Gazebo when no one's around or from completely fucking after a show they performed, the man gets so hot and bothered by his own work Violet would need to hopefully be able to walk after so many rounds
Greenhill isn’t even sure why he finds it so hot, in a way he feels bad ruining Violet’s perfectly black evenly coloured lips, but when his face is such a mess it’s a great reminder of how intense  their making out session was. Sometimes he forgets that his own face is also a mess afterwards, and Violet doesn’t remind him sometimes. Sometimes he’s embarrassed, sometimes he’s just a little petty.
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calebwittebane · 6 months
so fucking funny when my brain is like. hey bitch. i see youre going to sleep well heres the thing. im gonna give you some dreams now. picture this. imagine youre staying in a truly bizarre, labyrinth-like hotel thats not even rly divided into rooms, its just like, heres your pile of shit, loose furniture, make yourself at home. anyway theres creatures roaming the place. they can stun you and cause you profound pain. ohh yeah reminder you feel pain in dreams. full sensory experience. remember that. anyway you contact the hotel owner to gently point out a civil engineering safety regulation issue in the building (unrelated to the already mentioned flaws). he seems grateful. it hurts you when you try to speak, btw.
there are, also, flocks of small birds stuck in time, everywhere, dont touch them or theyll crash into what from their perspective is a solid object moving at light speed, and theyll be obliterated. okay so the hotel owner is like thanks for the tip i will get that checked out. Surprise! youre a demon whos been on the run. the hotel owner is your uncle and also a demon hunter whos been Waiting for you. you were supposed to be outside of the solar system, but looks like not only were you paying a visit to earth, you were foolish and arrogant enough to disguise yourself as a human and pull this kind of stupid stunt! well, thats not fucking good.
you dont know what he plans to do, so you do your best to escape His Twisted Hotel Realm. its not easy, but thanks to your ability to fly and to briefly become invisible and able to phase through solid matter, you manage to get out. youre out in the city now. its a Twisted Fucked Up version of warsaw. i mean like Continent Sized. whatever. youre gonna try to get to a train station and then figure out the rest. you take off flying in a direction that seems right.
well, flying is hard. its tiresome. and there are power lines everywhere. get above the power lines level you idiot. oh oops theyre at Every Altitude. gotta make sure you dont fly into them. so dont fly too fast. but you have to maintain a good speed, otherwise youll lose lift. oough oof ouch, you touched some of those wires, that sure hurt! well, this will be an ordeal.
oh geeze! it seems like youve flown into Gargantuan Horrifying Industrial Zone. its the part of the city thats all Mind Bendingly Huge machinery, excavators, pipes, endless fields of moving parts, saws, pumps, i mean theres nowhere to land. theres like, Walking Coal Excavators. walking moving coal plants. huge collapsing exploding structures--everything is so gargantuan, red-hot, horrible and dangerous, theres shit exploding and collapsing all the time. there are fires everywhere. oil spilling. toxic smoke. and of course power lines at every altitude. and enormous moving parts. well good luck flying through this Zone.
oh well! you try. you have powers after all. you try to fly through this Zone. a walking power plant almost crushes you with its incomprehensibly huge, rusty, titan limbs and machinery. maintaining invincibility while flying is Really hard and at a certain level of exhaustion its likely to malfunction, and if it does at a bad moment, youll be obliterated painfully.
well it happens. it hurts. but instead of dying you clip thru the ground into Huge Underground Tunne Network where the workers live and work and navigate the place. you try to hide in storages and unused tunnels and shit, but thing is, due to how Enormous all the shit upstairs is, the whole tthing is like a living organism. when a walking coal plant passes above, the tunnels contract and loosen up and give in, and some of them get squeezed completely. the workers know how to navigate this, but you dont, so you get painfully squished by a contracting tunnel. youre too exhausted to turn invincible.
well you decide trying to blend in is your best chance. best you can do with how tired you are is take the form of a young worker and pretend to be a new guy. some other workers (theyre all like combination coal miners and prisoners) immediately fall in love with you and try to hook up with you. you accept their advances to get information. they tell you about a train line running thru the zone that can take you to the outskirts. next one is tomorrow. you accept that as your best bet. after hours of grueling work and a painful experience all around, you get on the train. its old and falling apart. hard to tell where its going exactly. it breaks down. youre stranded. where are you? you dont know.
ugh! this wouldnt be happening if you werent a demon. which btw other workers figured out that you are. they start drowning you in a bucket of water. you start laughing at them. its not funny. you hurt all over. you want to die, but you never will. youre cursed to live through your own painful horrifying death endlessly, over and over.
also youre 10 and your parents are fighting
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cherrybean · 8 days
BCS Character Pairings as Billie Eilish’ new album songs
Love this album it’s so good and cuts deep in some of the lyrics 🥲 highly recommend !
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Lalo and Nacho - Blue
Lyrics: “I try to live in black and white, but I’m so blue”/ “Victim of your father's plans to rule the world”/ “But they could say the same 'bout me, I sleep 'bout three hours each night”/ “And I could say the same 'bout you born blameless, grew up famous too just a baby born blue”
Reminds me of the way that they’re alike yet so different. Both got into the cartel business for whatever reason, Nacho for quick money (from my guess) and Lalo because that’s what he was “born” to do. I feel that they’re both upset on how they’re in this life, but both deal with it in a different way; Nacho wanting escape and have a free life and “not have to look over his shoulders” while Lalo completely delves into the world he was thrust into and basically dominates it, although, in my own interpretation it also seems that it takes a toll on him as he only sleep 2-3 hours a night and almost sees this as normal or “bliss” because he “gets his best ideas while others sleep” or when others have his back turned to him so he has the advantage.
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Jimmy and Kim- Birds of a Feather
Lyrics: “If you go I’m going too”/ “Can't change the weather, might not be forever, but if it's forever, it's even better”
Omg my favorite couple 😭 I absolutely love them so much. While I think that they did love each other I also think it had a lot to do with them being almost complete opposites in a way(?). Kim knows who she is and she is not afraid to project herself as a very confident person. Jimmy on the other hand has a hard time grasping who he really is. Is he a good guy who feels empathy and wants to do good by Chuck and not slip back into his ‘slippin’ Jimmy’ shenanigans or is he his alter ego Saul Goodman who uses the law in an unethical way to contort Justice to his/his clients personal gain? In their relationship they both start to grow with each other and become almost the opposite of who they were from the start. I love the way their relationship grows, although in the end they didn’t end up together 😢. I also believe this is the way Jimmy would feel about Kim because even until the end he does everything in his power to protect her even if that means rotting away in prison.
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Mike and Gus- Chihiro
Lyrics: “To take my love away”/ “Kinda strange, feelin' sorrow”
Another pair that is the same yet so different. Both of them lose a really close and important person in their lives to them playing a dangerous game. Mikes son because he couldn’t be a corrupt cop like him and Gus’ friend/lover because of Gus overstepping his bounds. They both deal with this in anger and in seeking blood-for-blood. I love when Nachos dad calls out how revenge is basically worthless in this quote: “What you talk about... is not justice. What you talk of is... revenge. It never ends... my boy is gone.” I love how as the show progresses we see that Mike finally sees himself as what he is: a bad guy/ex&current corrupt cop. I feel that he also heals from losing his son in a way and basically comes to terms with it. On the other hand, Gus does not. Gus stops at nothing to get his revenge and in a way of poetic justice the last person who he wants to kill ends up killing both of them and the feud they had being completely obliterated.
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Mike and Jesse- Wildflower
Lyrics: “She was your girl, you showed her the world”/ “But I see her in the back of my mind, all the time”
Oof this is a hard one. I chose this song because it reminds me of when Jesse is trying to get closer to Mike and Mike shuts him down with “you are not the guy, you are not capable of being the guy, I had a guy and now I don’t” which I interpret him as Nacho being his “guy”. I’m BCS we see Mike start to care a lot for Nacho and it shows how he almost sees himself in Nachos dads shoes with not wanting his son to get hurt in the lucrative business he’s in. You can tell Mike cared a lot for Nacho when he goes to tell Nachos dad about his passing and how he’ll get justice for him. I believe that Mike then doesn’t want to get close to Jesse as a form of closing himself off since he knows people don’t last long in the business. Obviously they do end up getting closer and the lyrics just remind me of Mike probably thinking of Nacho in the back of his mind whenever he does ride alongs with others and wondering how long they’ll eventually last, or if they’ll outlast him.
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Walter and Skyler- The Greatest
Lyrics: “Man, am I the greatest. My congratulations. All my love and patience. All my admiration”/ “I loved you and I still do”
The lyrics basically speak for themselves. As we’ve seen in BB, Skylar is constantly out of the loop on what’s going on with Walter, from the cancer to then cooking meth. This song reminds me of how Skyler stuck around even when she didn’t want to or it pained her, for her family and because I really do think she loved Walter, but she couldn’t be with him due to his selfishness and putting them in danger. Sorry this one isn’t longer, this relationship just really stresses me out and makes me mad 💀
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metanarrates · 9 months
go off about the tree axe special boy arc speedrun
I know NOTHING about the axe because we only watched one episode this week (whatever one introduced the tree idgaf about which number it actually is) but good lord. its bad.
okay random numbered list of things because my brain has been depression deep fried lately and its easier to just throw together a list of my thoughts rather than making a coherent post:
- the pacing of this episode and this show in general is so fucking weird. we had like six episodes that were kind of nothing and now we're getting a Major Plot Development speedrun. wham, ahiru has issues about her ability to move the plot. wham, there's a secret drosselmeyer cult(?). wham, fakir's author powers (only introduced last episode mind you) are because he's drosselmeyer's descendant. wham, mytho and rue are having the exact same issues we've seen for the last six episodes. wham, there's a magic tree. wham, fakir gets absorbed by the tree. just kidding princess tutu saved him and now ahirus over her insecurity. any single one of these plot points is worthy of an entire episode but they just crammed it into one? its not good. actively makes me not give a shit about the characters anymore too, since they're now exposition machines
- I DON'T LIKE THE DROSSELMEYER CULT. now part of this is admittedly because I am a cult survivor, and the depictions of "hooded guys with secret knowledge" always bug the shit out of me. those depictions never have anything to do with actual cult life and just exist to make something feel spooky. it's cheap. but there's more to it than that.
so drosselmeyer has been in a weird place this season. s1 establishes drosselmeyer as an odd, ominous figure who stretches his fingers into the plot in subtle ways. he gave ahiru her pendant and can take away her transformative powers if it suits him. he created edel and was responsible for her demise. he can stop time when talking to ahiru. though his power over the world is quite indirect, he is still a force to be contended with. there are clear stakes to dealing with him, and he presents an effective threat to our heroes. how can you fight the author of your narrative when he is using all his power to make it a tragedy?
s2 has demoted him to "funny guy who exposits to the audience." he has almost nothing to do now that the raven is the most active antagonist. he talks. he paces in his clock world. he talks to ahiru once or twice, but he's a far less active manipulator of her than he used to be. all that really sucks, but the introduction of drosselmeyer followers completely obliterate any sense of mystery he may have had. he is no longer a shadowy untouchable force that only ahiru (barely) knows about - he is a physical entity who existed in this world, had children, and those descendants can grasp at his powers. rather than being a completely mysterious force to our characters, he suddenly has people who know all about his mortal life.
it completely punctures his sense of threat. if drosselmeyer's powers can be dissected, inherited, and replicated, what is his effectiveness as a threat? if he is a knowable entity who existed within the world of goldkrone, then what is his relationship now to that world? previously, he existed fully outside of it, which made goldkrone feel like an interestingly surreal collecting place of fairy tales, rather than a place that followed the laws of conventional reality. if drosselmeyer existed within goldkrone, and a character within the fairy tale he wrote is now reincarnated as his direct descendant, is goldkrone instead a previously normal town warped by his power? why isn't there much indication of this? how powerful is/was drosselmeyer? what is he to the world, and more importantly, what the hell is he to the narrative of princess tutu?
he no longer exists as a purely representative entity, is what I'm saying. any sense of an established world and his place outside of it has been destroyed and replaced with something WAY less well-defined to the audience. and as for his power...
-fakir being his descendant sucks.
-no, really, I don't think I need to get into all the ways it sucks. it replaces the fakir we know (guy who is a reincarnated knight from their fairy tale who doesn't wanna get killed) with a different guy with different motives (guy with a mysterious bloodline who wants to use his author powers well????) it doesn't make sense narratively. it just HANDS our heroes the power to solve the story, rather than making them work hard to earn it. it's bad and stupid and sucks. if I make an entire post about it ill just get mad with how many ways it sucks. so I'll just relate all this to the tree problem.
-the tree is almost impressively not symbolically charged. i mean, sure, you could pull some symbolism out of it. it's probably a reference to merlin being trapped in a tree. you could pull out some connection to yggdrasil, and of course it's concerned with all things being connected, which is very... tree-like. but it's not remotely connected to anything in princess tutu's themes or symbolic suites! what does it have to do with ballet, or fairy tales, or fate? hell, what the hell does it have to do with WRITING?!? that's what it's meant to be a power source for, isn't it? why?
and look, I don't like the writing plot. at all. it sucks. but if you must include something for it, the object you use to connect to its power should probably seem appropriately symbolic, right? they call people with that power "spinners" - why not a spinning wheel? that feels like it would easily slot into some fairy tale motifs. or I don't know, a magical quill or something. it would make way more sense than it being a magical tree.
a symbol exists to establish meaning. it's a way to quickly define what ideas a story is working with, and what those ideas mean in the context of a world. I know it sounds silly for me to care so much about drosselmeyer and the tree not representing anything, but it's symptomatic of a larger problem.
what are the themes now in princess tutu? why does the tree suddenly talk about "all is one" etc. as a means to hypnotize fakir? what does that have to do with anything that's been established? sure, it talks about defying fate, but at this point, I have no idea what that's supposed to mean. is fate becoming one with everything? is that what the tree's speech means?
previously, drosselmeyer worked as an effective symbol for the concept of fate, as an active personified antagonist who only wanted the characters to experience tragedy. but as discussed, he's been undermined. this new symbol has none of the necessary establishing work done to make it an effective replacement. the raven also doesn't work very well as a replacement. I have no idea what "fate" is in this story now, or precisely why it matters that our protagonists fight it.
and that's the crux of the problem with princess tutu at this point in time. nothing means anything. I don't know what the characters are supposed to be. I don't know what narrative role certain things are supposed to play. I don't understand how certain things are meant to be significant, or what the stakes are supposed to be now. what is happening now has very little to do with what has happened before, and it makes me feel as though nothing that's been established in the show really matters. I'm just watching them all hurtle towards an ending that feels unearned and uninspired.
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blackink-onpaper · 1 year
The Descend and the Resurface
Damian Hart (Beyblade) x OC
Summary: OC comes from a complex background, and in the midst of trying to save it all and help her family she enters a strange arrangement, which will change her life forever.
Masterlist 🖤
Tags: Beyblade, Beyblade Metal Masters, Jack, Damian, OC, sex, smut, nsfw, team Starbreaker, dr. Ziggurat, Hades Inc.
A/N: This chapter features a song, so I included it for the ambiance! Enjoy~
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Chapter 14
As the hour rolled by, Zeo opened up and told me about his personal vendetta against Masamune; now I finally know his name. Although I am sure there is, as always, another perspective on the whole situation, I have to say I was surprised Gingka hasn’t noticed his teammate was such a selfish power-hungry guy. Nonetheless, I think talking to Zeo about it helped him and even if that is the only extent to which I can help, I am fine with that.
“I will be cheering you on Zeo, don’t you worry” I gave him a side hug with my right arm: “I’m just surprised Gingka didnt realise he was like this earlier.”
“Masamune thinks he didn’t do anything wrong” Zeo sighed: “The arrangement tomorrow will finish him off, and I will have my revenge by any means necessary.”
In my thoughts, I reflected on the fact that Starbreaker members all have a strong drive: Zeo’s revenge, Damian’s need for dominance, and Jack’s need to express himself. None are necessarily bad, Zeo’s especially sounds quite reasonable, but it’s just strange how different they are than Excalibur. My thoughts then moved onto the clock on my wrist, wondering when was Damian going to be done.
“Have you seen Jack?” I asked, to change the topic.
Zeo checked his smart watch: “oh he’s probably painting or something. He always has the energy burst day before a big match.”
“Wait, is he fighting Gingka or Damian?”
“Well, unless Gan Gan Galaxy somehow found a third member they didn’t announce anything about, I think Gingka will go against both Damian and Jack. I insisted on Masamune.”
The elevator door slid open, and Jack stepped out. He was without his mask and coat, his hands covered in bits of paint. With a small pant, he sighed: “I finished yet another beautiful masterpiece!”
“Great Jack” Zeo said without any particular emotion, more like an acknowledgement: “Wanna come sit with us? I think they’ll serve lunch soon”
“Excellent” Jack sat down next to us: “I am positively starving!”
“How do you feel about tomorrow’s match?” I asked him as he fixed his hair, which also apparently had some strands covered in an ultramanrine blue paint:
“FILLED WITH INVIGORATING EXCITEMENT” he yelled, which startled both Zeo and I considering his seemingly tired enterance into the room: “I cannot wait to use the feathers of a mythical Pegasus to scatter across a canvas distributed to a global audience to see!”
Zeo seemed bored with Jack, but also worried about his own problems. To compensate for the differences in energies, I tried to calm them both down:
“Tomorrow is going to be challenging, but you have every upper hand possible” I shot a smile at Zeo particularly, and he smiled back softly: “Yeah, it seems Damian’s cruelty saved us a lot of work in this tournament.”
“Blessed are his hands” Jack added, theatrically waving his hand, which I just noticed was missing a glove: “There is just sometning so beautiful in destruction and obliteration, something so simple and clean. And he really does a beautiful job.”
Without knowing what to say, I stood up to get some water, when two people dressed in black plain clothes entered the room with two trays of food, putting them on the table in the conversation pit and leaving just as fast as they came in. I poured myself a glass of ice cold water and sat down with the boys again. Jack dug into his rich plate first and quite hasty:
“Bon appétit!” I smiled at them, Jack nodded as a response because his mouth was full, and Zeo perked up his head:
“Oh you speak French?”
“Yeah, I studied it in school. Latin and French were mandatory second languages. But now I mostly just listen to the music really…”
“That’s so cool” Zeo smiled and took a bite of food off his fork.
“Let’s play some music!” Jack waved with his fork, almost stabbing Zeo’s ear: “Camila can even play some refreshing French music to add ambience to this bland room, which I told Ziggurat many times requires more colour…” Jack kind of trailed off into his own thoughts.
“Yeah of course I can play some” I picked up my phone and looking through the songs I had, before finding one I was convinved Jack was going to love: “Jack, this one is for you!”
As the first notes of ‘dernière danse’ by Indila played, Jack was completely in trance: “oh my… OH MY!”
“Now you’ve done it” Zeo almost choked himself laughing at Jack, who was moving along to the music. He then stood up, and gradually made additions to his range of motion: “Camila, this is WONDERFUL!”
I laughed and got up to join him, singing along with the singer. Zeo was definitely enjoying what he was seeing, because he accidentally spilled my water all over himself by kicking the table with his foot. By the end of the song, we had a little party of three: Jack and I were the singing dancers, and Zeo was our delighted audience.
“Okay what’s next?” I picked up my phone: “what do you guys listen to?”
“I really like this artist” Jack pointed to the ceiling with his finger, referring to the one we just litened to. I looked at Zeo, who was patting himself dry with a napkin: “oh man, uhm, I don’t know… I kind of like rock?”
A mischevious thought crossed my mind, bringing warmth to my cheeks: “what does Damian listen to?”
Jack and Zeo unanimously said: “Ziggurat”, before all three of us burst into laughter.
“He always seemed like a Carmina Burana guy to me” I sighed, sitting down. Although I didn’t expect anyone to get my reference, Jack burst into laughter: “Carmina Burana… this is too good!”
I pressed play on a song called ‘love story’, also by Indila, to Jack’s major satisfaction, as the three of us continued the chat. Then, the elevator door slid open, and Damian stepped out with a smile pointed my way: “Am I interrupting a party?”
“Camila’s been playing us some delightful French music, Damian. Come and join us!” Jack said, he was visibly very happy. Zeo also seemed much more relaxed than earlier.
“Hm” Damian’s eyes rolled across the room and the three of us: “Interesting.”
“Sit with us, Damian.” I smiled at him.
“Fine” he sighed and sat down with his elbows on his knees. The song continued in the background:
“Is she saying ‘love story’? In the song?” Jack asked, and I nodded in response.
“At least something we can understand” Damian added, referring to none of the boys speaking French.
At that moment, all three of the boys receieved a message on their devices. Zeo and Jack read theirs on their smart watches, and Damian read his on a phone-like device he pulled out of his pocket.
“Group meeting?” Zeo looked up: “About what? Haven’t we decided everything already?”
“Well then there are other things to discuss, obviously.” Damian replied with a grin, but visibly annoyed by Zeo’s question. As a response to what Damian said, Zeo stood up abruptly with his fists clenched in anger and his lips pursed together, as if to prevent himself from saying something, and walked over to the elevator:
“I’ll see you at the meeting.” he stated before the doors closed behind him.
“We should be going as well” Jack said casually, as if this scene didn’t happen at all, making his way to the elevator. When his back was turned to us, Damian whispered: “see you after” into my ear before rushing off behind him.
With the fall of the evening, the energy and heat of the day lifted, and tiredness swept over Hades. I was laying in Damian’s bed, as he was studying the data Hades Inc. has collected on Gingka, his fighting style and Bey, off his large TV screen.
“Damian” I purred, slowly hugging him from the back: “You’re ready. Please come to bed.”
His face remained focused on the screen: “I don’t want any surprises tomorrow.”
He evidently didn’t understand I was craving his attention: “You need rest for the Arrangement tomorrow, there is nothing Gan Gan Galaxy can surprise you with.”
“I suppose you’re right” he sighed and turned off the TV, crawling under the sheets, and I cuddled up to him:
“Have I ever told you that I really like the name Starbreaker?”
“Hm?” Damian lifted an eyebrow, clearly departing from his previous train of thought.
“Because of, obviously, the flag, but also because you break stars” I slid myself on top of him, and caressed his hair: “stars like Gingka… and what is a galaxy without stars?” I smiled at him, trying to allude to Gan Gan Galaxy’s name.
His mouth stretched into a very satisfied smile, this has improved his mood significantly: “I really am the Chosen One because of how lucky I got.” he leaned in and kissed me passionately before turning me around and got on top of me, more assertive and confident than earlier today.
“Aren’t you tired?” I checked the time and saw the effects of the Arrangement were supposed to kick in by now.
“Not at all” he grinned in a sadistic smile, pushing his hands under my top, and placing his knee between my thighs accidentaly, making me moan unexpectadly. I moved my hips in motion, grinding on his knee and thigh until he suddenly flipped me around, grabbing my hips. I realised he knew what he wanted, to assert dominance and fuck me senseless, and relaxed all of my muscles in hopes of being rewarded. Soon after, I was moaning breathlessly as his thrusts kept hitting my senstitive spot. With my chest pressed flat against the bed, his one hand holding the back of my neck, and the other gripping my hip, I had completely let him take control.
“Damian..” I moaned into the bedsheets, separating the sylablles from the thrusts.
He chuckled: “you’re a slut for me, aren’t you now?”
“Yes” I moaned: “please Damian, please… I’m about to finish…”
He chuckled again, this time a bit more sadistically, as he put his other hand on my hip as well, gripping them from both sides now, and letting out a pleasure-full sigh: “Good for you”
Then he picked up the pace, and I came. For me, orgasms have always felt like tripping over something: there is a repetative motion until a point when you trip over something, and then are in a free fall, surrendered to what’s happening to you, and what’s about to happen to you, before a wave of sensations comes crashing into you. He finished soon after me, my pussy still pulsating from my own release as he was filling it up with his sperm.
He laid down onto his back next to me, and I turned around to my side to face him. We locked our eyes, simply staring at each other for a minute or so before slowly drifting off to sleep.
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arkhivez · 2 years
Rewriting the She-Hulk Finale
“Jen,” K.E.V.I.N. began. “Are you sure this is just about getting rid of big spectacle endings with bad guys?” “What do you mean?” Jen asks, confused. “I understand that you want this to be your story, and not the story of cameo characters, or another standard MCU ending, but consider this.” K.E.V.I.N. turned to the screens in the room, and began playing various scenes. “He may have been your father boy, but he wasn’t your Daddy.” “If you were here, I’d even hug you.” “This? This isn’t freedom. It’s fear.” Various scenes began to play from the past fifteen years. But there wasn’t any fighting. It was people talking.  “While it is true that we do like to have action-heavy finales, we also mean to present our characters facing real struggles, coming to terms with their place in the multiverse, being changed by it,”  K.E.V.I.N. explained. “That doesn’t mean that I have to do it the way they did it!” Jen exclaimed. “Are you sure that’s what you’re trying to avoid? Or do you mean to keep escaping your difficulties, keep running from the question of who you are?”  K.E.V.I.N. asked in his kind, but assertive voice. Other scenes began to play. “So call me, anytime,” Bruce and Jen hugged each other. “My daughter gets attacked, and I’m supposed to do nothing?” Jen’s father. “What that incredibly attractive man said in there...you deserve better.” Mallory giving a genuine compliment, not something she gave to everyone. “Come on! Civic duty, remember?!?” Nikki urging Jen to transform in the courtroom. “Or do they have a duty to protect those without it?” Jen was practicing her closing. “They did this, because they believed their power would shield them, from very real consequences.” Jen looked over at  K.E.V.I.N., indignantly. “Not cool, bro. Using my own lawyer speech against me. What are you trying to say?” “What is it that you are trying to say, Jen?”  K.E.V.I.N. asked. “Are you sure that Jen Walters has nothing to answer for?” They were back outside. Todd Phelps winced and prepared for the She-Hulk to obliterate him. But instead, Jen was explaining that he would be going to court. “Jen!” Nikki and Pug ran over. “So, everything is cool now?” “I made a mistake. I misused my power, and I let someone bait me, like Mallory said,” Jen told them. “It doesn’t feel right that I’m out there trying to make people with superpowers pay for crimes when I won’t even face my mistakes. Matt said both Jen and She-Hulk can do some good. But they both need to help themselves first.” In a move that shocked her friends, Jen turned herself into DODC, allowing herself to be transferred to a high-security cell.  “Yeah, it feels weird from the other side,” Bruce nodded, standing outside her cell. “How long do you think you’ll be in here?” “Mallory Book is sorting that out, she thinks they can work something out, but it won’t happen overnight,” Jen shrugged. “But that’s okay.” “Are you sure?” Bruce asked, concerned. “You know...I kept calling you ‘Smug Hulk’, but I’ve been the smug, cocky one ever since this started. I’ve been running from having these crazy hulk powers and going green, while I could have been doing a bit more to help. You were right,” Jen admitted with a frustrated smile. “But that’s okay. No more running from my problems. Some things you can’t smash our way out of, right Bruce?” Bruce just nodded, giving a proud grin. “I’ll be here if you need me.” He began to walk away. “Winning the battle with yourself, that’s the real villain.” Jen looked on with a satisfied look. Then picked up a book they allowed her to have in the cell and began reading. She was calm and confident. Not cocky, and not in crippling self-doubt, either. She was...herself. And she was finally starting to figure out who that was.
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lawyeryuri · 2 years
The heart thing but im not gonna describe how to kill you cause youre a cool mutual however i wanna hear what makes naruto a good anime and also what makes it bad also i wanna hear your favourite headcanons of the guy on your pfp and sakura if you have any
I wanna hear you absolutely infodumps me into oblivion. Obliterate me with your naruto facts, headcanon and whatever in betweens. Take your time to answer this i will be waiting, until that here take this cat with ya ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ
(giggles and kicks my feet) thank you so much for this ask!!! ^_^
ok so what makes Naruto a good anime in my opinion are the characters, their emotions and how they relate to one another. (also it's like really gay) Naruto has a pretty big cast and a ton of filler episodes, so a lot of the time, it's used to get into different character combinations, specifically at the end of the original series, with the 80 episode stretch of filler, (honestly a bit excessive) that's basically just naruto hanging out with the other teams. filler is truly a double-edged blade, because if its not good, it is a SLOG... i didn't skip any episodes until like ep 450, where it breaks from the war (exiting, fun, plot-relevant) to cut to a parallel universe retelling of THE ENTIRE SERIES UP TO THAT POINT. it lasts like 20 episodes, and sasuke's a cop (old, dumb, acab)
another gripe i have with Naruto (the show) is best summarized by that post that's like "i miss when naruto ran around and bit people. now he's just a liberal" cause he kind of stops growing as a person at age 16. "as soon as you question your ideals, it's all over" ok buddy. how about you learn and grow with your experiences. other than that that though love the show, though I do think it's an interesting choice to redeem/offer justification for every single (canon) villain in the whole series.
OK my favorite head cannons for rock lee (pfp guy) and sakura... I think that rock lee speaks without contractions because he wants to give every sentence his all, and not take the easy way out. in a filler episode, rock lee builds a training dojo, and I think that's super in character for him, and I bet tenten helped him fix it up, and she's got a tool closet in there or something. I also hc that bor🤢 boruto Era 🤮 lee is like a taijutsu teacher and works with shino. as for sakura, I think she and Lee spar together all the time so she can improve her speed. I also hc her as an aro lesbian because I can #relate to.. the whole sasuke deal. I also feel like she would take up art, once she takes a break from work.
I actually also have a theory about naruto (the boy) I've never talked about, I actually think naruto can sense chakra signatures. this is because he sensed zabuza during the land of waves arc. it would also make sense that his sensing ability is just enhanced by sage mode instead of pulled out of nowhere. not to mention that the most powerful and precise sensor introduced is an Uzumaki as well. (shout out to my girl Karin) probably the reason it never comes up is because he doesn't know what a sensor is 💛
uh wow that got long. starting this I was worried I didn't know enough about naruto to infodump, for some reason (I've literally been obsessed since February why would I think that) anyways THANK YOU SO MUCH for sending this ask, it literally made my week :D💛💛💛 I know for a fact you are also a very cool mutual (I have no lame mutuals) and have a great week!
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pacifymebby · 5 months
The comments on this are so confusing… why are people praising her? Also a comment says she offered miners £30,000 redundancy which I’ve never heard of before x
I've never heard the £30,000 thing before and when I've tried to google it I can't find much to confirm or deny it? So I don't know how much I trust it. What I have found though is that any redundancy that was offered, it was offered as a way to try and break the strikes. The options presented to the miners were basically 1) stay on strike and we'll fire you without pay 2) break the strike (be a scab - this is a very bad, seen as a class traitory thing to do and had crazy real world consequences!!) and you'' still lose your job but we'll give you redundancy.
And when you weigh those two choices up (especially when you consider the men being made redundant were 55+) they're pretty hopeless choices. You're not going to get work anywhere else because your trade is being obliterated and any jobs going will go to younger men.
It wouldn't surprise me if this was one of her methods for breaking the strike, Thatcher's Neoliberalism (basically every man for himself politics) was all about dividing the working class, breaking communities and unions so that the working class masses would feel small/ helpless and like they were actually a minority.
This is probably also why people on that video are commenting positively about her too. Thatcher kind of "invented" the middle class when she split the working class into "work shy don't want to better themselves" poor people and the "aspirational working class" She introduced stuff like "right to buy" which enabled people living in council houses/ public housing, to buy their house from the government for cheap. Sounds great if you're the person in the house, (and so many working class people did benefit from this/ there families still benefit now, especially in places like London and the East where house prices have skyrocketed since the 80s/90s). Terrible however because Thatcher and successive tory governments never built new council houses so now there aren't any left and no one can afford a house. (however theres that small chunk of working class people who benefited massively and so love her now)
She did loads of stuff like that whilst she was in power, she crushed the unions and British industry, sold industry off to foreign investors who provided the work for cheaper (at the time!!) which meant that the already very wealthy got to invest in and make more money out of these deals, but the working class lost all their jobs and local economies suffered. Also like my nan on my mums side of the family remembers thatcher fondly for "freeing us from the tyranny of the unions" she remembers it all really differently and pictures Arthur Skargill (the guy who lead the strikes) as some kind of Tony Soprano/ Godfather type mob ruler who was holding the public to ransom, demanding the public pay more and more money to keep him in business (which wasn't how it worked at all haha) But like, whilst the strikes were going on electricity/ power would be cut to homes because no coal and stuff so the country experienced blackouts and this was blamed on strikers (when like, if Thatcher hadn't been threatening them, they wouldn't have needed to be on strike and would have quite gladly gone to work!)
Essentially what happens when a prime minister is doing as thatcher did, is that the government will pick the group of people they're going to attack (in this instance the miners) and they will run with a story about how the miners are being "intimidated" into striking by other miners (as if the unions were the mob), they split them into "these good honest men who just want to work but they're being threatened" and "these evil work shy men who rule with threats and violence and want to bring the country to its knees!" They build this narrative and run with it, and the strikers had their own narrative too which was much different. But the British public will remember whichever story they believed at the time... So people who lived in those mining communities knew the "truth" (I've put this in commas because many would argue with me) and people who did not believed what they were reading in the papers and hearing from the government.
if you can access this then this is a really interesting article about the link between police violence during the strikes (and how they never got prosecuted for trampling strikers with horses) and police violence at Hillsborough which they also got away with for a really long time. (brits might have heard of this disaster, very famous and the inquiry that got people justice only happened in the last few years) Its a pretty solid and since proven example of how the Government and the police twist the truth and outright lie to construct false narratives and get away with really evil things. (word of warning if you google Hillsborough, its really upsetting, I can't read about it without getting extremely emotional)
Sometimes it really helps to read something totally bias in the direction opposing yours, this is kinda good for explaining why some people fucking love the woman haha
the paragraph at the end about how Britain was confident and empowered by 97 because of thatchers is so wack, Britain was emboldened by 97 cause Tony Blair had presented them with an offer of change and hope lol. The middle/ upper class just got cocky because thatcher had lined their pockets with working class money lol
Also something I've just remembered is that Brassed Off (the film I mentioned earlier) is about the union bands, which if you're a Sam Fender fan you might have heard him mention when he talks about why he likes having those brass sounds on his records, the union bands were like, crazy parts of the community, they got all the men together and like sharing something (not their feelings unfortunately but you know, it was still a vital part of community and support) And idk, that could be a really cool little watch if you're interested in that connection to Sam's music and the north east and stuff!!
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nikoruistyping · 2 years
i don’t care how you do it, i just want to see tony x fem! (or gn!) reader with flirty bantering while in the field doing superhero stuff! smth light hearted, fun, and fluffy! xxxx
Field Work || Tony Stark || Headcanon
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Tony Stark x Avenger!Fem!reader
Requested by: @girlllucrazy
TW: Adult Language, Playful/Funny Banter/Yelling
A/N: I decided to do this in the format of a headcanon since I wasn't sure how to fully make the concept into an actual completed piece. I also ended up making it an Avenger!Fem!reader since I’m assuming you mean like they are doing superhero stuff together as a team. I tried my best since I feel like I’m not really good at headcanons per say and its all kinda all over the place and messy so I hope you enjoy regardless!
It’s already been about a week of having your powers and Tony is very protective of you out on the field
He even built you a suit because if he couldn't protect you he at least wanted you to be able to protect yourself
During your first week of training you may or may have not completely obliterated Tony's lab in the process with your powers
“That’s it I’m officially dishonoring you from the Avengers-”
“It’s not that bad...”
“Tony just relax-”
You guys are constantly and I’m not exaggerating constantly arguing like a married couple while fighting off bad guys
“Did you see that?! I totally just knocked him out!”
“No I knocked him out.”
“No I did just admit it.”
“No I'm the one who took him out just stop being so jealous.”
“Me getting jealous? You must be out of your mind, I clearly blasted him from here.”
“Do you want me to blast you out of here? I can and I will Tony.”
“Are you seriously threating me right now?”
“Maybe I am.”
“You wouldn't dare.”
“Try me Stark.”
Usually one of you eventually would give up and let it go but honestly you guys never really did let it go, it was more of a “we are saving this for later” kinda deal
Most arguments on the battlefield were solved with the both of your trying to blast each other into nonexistence
It never really worked though, you both were just horribly stubborn
Playfully slapping each other on the arm or head was just natural at this point no matter what smartassed comment came out of your or Tony’s mouth
Speaking in scientific equations was a weird love language of yours with him when you guys were working on more scientific type superhero stuff
“Could you repeat that again.”
“Are you really going to make me say it again?”
“Yes because it sounds sexier when you say it.”
You both would hype each other up and compliment how your suits look before jumping into a fight
“Man that suit is really showing off your assets.”
“Did you really just say assets?”
“What? It’s true is it not?”
“Fine, I’ll take whatever compliments I can get at this point.”
Every time Tony makes a mistake you always just completely roast him for it
Literally you show 0 mercy
“I think I did okay! *explosion in the background*”
“Really Tony?! That building just exploded right behind you!”
“Oh wow look over here everyone it’s Ms. Perfect!”
“Seriously Tony, I don't know how you fit that giant ego into your helmet.”
“My ego is perfect ok-”
“You saying that just shows you have a big ego.”
Regardless of all the pointless fights and arguing you both recognize when you save each other too
“I always got your 6.″
“I always got your...12?”
“Tony that’s not even correct-”
“Don't ruin the moment damn it! I’m actually trying here to show a sliver of human emotion for you.”
Tony is always coming up with over elaborate plans on how to take a bad guy down meanwhile your more direct
“Just blast him in the face.”
“Y/N, you cant just ‘oh blast him in the face’ you need a game plan.”
“Says the one who never sticks to the plan.”
“Well I can do that because I’m the one who made the plan.”
“Here he goes again-”
Tony goes on to explain how he always follows the plan and contradicts himself in the process at least 5 times
When he catches you distracted looking at him on the field he usually starts getting playful and flirty with you
“Take a picture it will last longer sweetheart.”
“I totally wasn’t checking you out-”
“Seriously there is a way you can take pictures in the suit if you want-”
“Tony we are in the middle of a fight the last thing I wanna do is take pictures of you!”
“Fine, then I’ll have to start charging you for staring.”
“Charging me for staring?! What's next your gonna start charging for breathing too?!”
Despite how earth crushingly annoying he was you still loved having him as your partner in crime
Regardless of what happened you had each others backs no matter what
“Who was the one who destroyed the building, fess up.”
“It was him!”
“It was her!”
“Oh wow nice way to throw me under the bus Tony.”
“Sorry sweetheart, can’t take the blame for everything.”
“But your the one who- you know what nevermind I’m out.”
But at the end of the day you both knew you loved and cared for each other
You both always bounced back and would be even stronger than when you started
Complete Masterlist
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supernaturalgirl20 · 2 years
A Greater Power
Pairings: Marcus Moreno x heroics!reader
Warnings: Violence, fighting, knife fighting, blood, death, angst, fluff.
Summary: You are a heroic but don’t actually have any powers. You’re skill with knifes and martial arts has you teamed up with Marcus, and you both fall for each other. On what’s to be your last mission, you both get captured and Marcus gets seriously injured. Can you save yourself and him before it’s too late?
A/N: this is a request by the lovely @lovelypastel2532 hope you enjoy 😊
Comments and reblogs really appreciated 🥰
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This is all wrong!
It wasn’t supposed to be like this.
What was supposed to be a simple mission, in and out, had gone terribly wrong. Some bad guys had stolen a chemical, one that if mixed incorrectly with other ingredients, could literally obliterate people. You and Marcus decided to take it, the last job before you both hang in the towel. Missy and the other children had really stepped up and now Marcus could finally retire, something he wanted you to do as well. He said he wanted to finally settle down with you maybe even start a family. You agreed.
You wish you hadn’t.
It was a trap. Looking back on it now, you don’t know how you didn’t spot it. The clues were all there. Electro had been behind it all, his hatred for Marcus beyond words and he was finally going to have his revenge.
Outnumbered and outmatched you were both captured and put in separate rooms. They tied you up and dangled you from the roof, your arms being pulled in angles they shouldn’t. Four men dressed in black, their faces covered watch you struggle against the rope but they don’t touch you. Strange you think. Why aren’t they doing anything? The quietness of the room is interrupted by a loud cry of pain. Marcus! They get louder and more frequent and you feel the blood drain from you at the sound of the man you live in pain. You needed to get out of here.
Marcus was tied to a chair and was surrounded by men in black. He tried desperately to get free from his restraints to no avail. Suddenly the door opens and electro marches in, a sly smirk on his face.
“Marcus Moreno, I beg you thought you had seen the last of me? I’ve been waiting for the moment for a long time. You are going to pay for what you did to me.”
“When I get out of here I’m going to kill you,” Marcus snarls at him. Electro lets out a deep sinister laugh as he clutches his stomach. “No, I don’t think you will. You see, I have an offer of sorts, your pretty women is next door. I have her tied up and men waiting to do my bidding at any given moment, all I have to do is give the order and she will wish she was dead.”
“Don’t you dare touch her,” he says struggling against the rope.
“Ah ah ah!” Electro says wiggling his finger at Marcus. “Not so fast magnet hands. Here is my offer. You can decide who lives or who dies, the choice is yours.”
“What are you on about?”
“I have the women you love and I also have your daughter. You must decide who I kill.”
Marcus’s heart almost stops as the words sink in, colour draining from his face. This can’t be happening.
“You took my wife away from me and now I will take something of yours. You have five minutes to decide.”
“No! You can’t do this..please.” Electro looks towards one of his men and nods his head. The guard speaks into a com link and says ‘do it’. The next thing Marcus can hear are your screams and it breaks him. Turning towards electro he begs him, “take me instead.”
“No! This will hurt you more.”
“Please…your wife…it was an accident..I didn’t mean to. Please just beat me, kill me. Leave them alone.”
Electro just stares at him, his eyes boring into him before he nods at the guard again and your screams stop. “Very well. I’m a generous man, I’ll accept your terms.”
You struggle against the rope again and you hope your plan works.
“Stop that!”
With a devilish smile you continue to work the rope, spotting of the men moving out of the corner of your eye. When he’s close enough you wrap your legs around his neck and snap his neck causing the other men to jump into action.
You were always underestimated. Your lack of powers always leading the villains into a false sense of security. What you lacked in powers you made up for in skill and combat. You were even more powerful that Marcus with your knifes and you had trained under Mr Miyagi in martial arts, something you liked to keep hidden.
Having managed to break free from the rope you proceed to kill the men in the room. Standing over the last one you hear a voice coming through on his com.
“Do it.”
Letting out a violent scream, you play the part of damsel in distress before slitting the man throat. That would by you some time. You begin to search frantically for the keys for the door but there are none. Looking up you see a crack in the vent and an idea forms in your mind.
“Please…” Marcus gurgles out through his blood filled mouth. “Kill me.”
Electro laughs before he sends a shock wave through Marcus. “This is much better. You will die only when I have had my fun.” Marcus was beginning to fade in and out of consciousness, his thoughts drifting to you and Missy. How he wishes he could see you again, tell you both that everything will be ok and that he loves you. His world fades to black just as he makes out a figure dropping from the roof.
No! No! No!
“Marcus…Marcus please wake up. Baby please..don’t leave me.” Movement catches your eye and turning you see electro pull himself towards the door. With a new found rage you grab Marcus swords and slice through him. Grabbing the phone from his pocket you call headquarters for an evacuation and to send medical before rushing back over to Marcus. Kneeling down beside him you kiss his lips and hold him before tears start to fall. “I’m so sorry baby, this is all my fault I should have known. I…”
“Y/N you need to move.” The team had arrived and were pulling you off him as the tried to put him on the gurney. You stood back, miracle guy keeping a hold of you as you watched them wheel him into the truck. When he was out of sight you completely break down, your screams of anguish echoing around the room .
“Hey it’s ok. He’s gonna be ok.”
After hours of surgery Marcus had finally pulled through. The doctors said he would be ok and shouldn’t have any lasting inquiries. You were so happy but it didn’t stop the feeling of guilt that had settled within you. You, Missy and Anita sat at his side day and night, waiting for him to come round. You were asleep on the chair beside his bed, your head resting on his arm and your fingers laces with his when you heard a groan. His fingers squeezed yours and you looked up at him in shock.
“Marcus you’re awake.”
“Hey baby…”
“How are you feeling?”
“Sore…but I’m alive…that’s all that matters..”
“Dad! Your awake.” Missy says excitedly as she rushes over to him. She hugs him tight but loosens up when he winches in pain.
“Hey…it’s ok..I love you. I love you both.” He says his eyes drifting towards you.
“This wouldn’t have happened if I had done my research properly. I’m sorry Marcus.”
He’s shaking his head as his grips your hand tighter in his. “Not your fault baby. He wanted me dead, he was capturing me no matter what.”
“I’m so happy your alive. I love you.”
“Ah you’re awake.” The doctor says as he enters the room. He asks Marcus a few questions before he does a quick check on him.
“You don’t have any lasting injuries, you any feel aches from time to time by it’s quite normal given what you’ve been through. We’d like to keep you here for at least a week and then if everything looks good, you can go home.”
“Thanks doc.”
He motions for you and Missy to hop on the bed with him and you both curl into his sides. Happy to be together again. A little while later, Anita arrives to find you and Missy fast asleep on the bed beside her son. He looks to her with a smile on his face. “Thanks for looking after them mom.”
“With was no trouble. I’m so happy your ok Marcus. I think it’s time you retire for good now though, I couldn’t bare to lose you.”
“I plan to.”
Weeks have passed and you and Marcus have fully retired from the heroics. Marcus has been spending his days him his office, doing what your not sure but your just happy he’s here. Standing at the stove you stir the meat in the pot when you hear a groan from behind you. Marcus is bent over gripping his knee.
“Hey baby are you ok,” you say as you rush over to him.
“Yeah just it aches sometimes that’s all.” He looks at you now and he can see the guilt written in your face. Gentle cupping your face in his hands, he kisses your lips softly. “Stop! This wasn’t your fault. I don’t want to see that guilty look on your face again.”
“Ok I’m sorry.”
He makes his way towards the stove and turns it off, moving the pot off the hob. “What are you doing?”
“I want to make love to my girlfriend if she let me?”
“Marcus your still in pain, I don’t want to get you.”
“I’m not in pain and besides I want to feel you, it’s been weeks.”
He laces his fingers with your and leads you to your shared room where he lays you back on the huge bed and makes love to you. It so slow and sensual and god you’ve missed the feel of him inside you. Climaxing together he rolls off you into the bed beside you pulling you into his side.
“Ten amo, mi amor.”
“I love you too.”
“I…I have something to tell you..” he says a little nervously.
“I’ve requested that Missy be removed from the heroics team.”
“What? Marcus she’s going to be so upset.”
“No she already knows, I’ve discussed it with her. I’ve bought us a house in Spain and I want to us all to move there and live a normal life. Mom included.”
“Is this really what you want?”
“Yeah it is. I just want us to be a family. Somewhere safe.”
“Yeah. I love you and Missy so much. Anita too. I’ll go whenever you go.”
He leans over you now, his eyes looking at you with such love and adoration.
“Will you marry me?”
“I’m pregnant!” You say at the same time.
You both freeze. Looking at each other with confusion on your faces.
Marcus waits for you to speak first. “I..I’m pregnant…I found out last week.” His lips meet your in a searing kiss. “I’m gonna be a dad again?”
“Yeah. Are you happy?”
“The only thing that will make me happier is you agreeing to marry me.”
“Yes Marcus I’ll marry you.”
He grabs the small box from his bedside locker and slide the ring onto your finger. His hand moves down your bare skin and rests on you stomach. “You’ve made me the happiest man alive. I love you baby.”
“I love you too.”
Permanent tag list: @lunaserenade @anaaaispunk @maievdenoir @elinedjarin @seasonschange-butpeopledont @alberta-sunrise @dihra-vesa @pintsizemama @athalien @loserrlauraa @thorins-queen-of-erebor @pascal-rascal424 @ikinmahlen @pascalisthepunkest @dindjarinneedsahug @almaeunice @jediknight122 @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @colorlesswhispersunknown @stevie75 @rosie-posie08 @hauntedmama @greeneyedblondie44 @prettylilhalforc @giselatropicana @phoenixhalliwell @sherala007 @its--fandom--darling @donnaa @javierpinme @luxmundee @littlemisspascal @hayley-the-comet @ezras-channel-rat @misspearly1 @writer-darling @misspearlssideblog
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justalads · 3 years
c!niki and c!wilbur enjoyers. pspspspspspsps
alright guys so last night i rewatched pretty much all of the pogtopia arc. and this isn’t meant to be a big, important analysis post (it’s kind of incomprehensible), because my brain is fried from, you know. rewatching pretty much all of pogtopia. but i do have some stuff i’d like to say.
(this also just became a niki meta sorry i love her. i really just got emo about her during the second half of this and it got long. i have a lot of feelings about her and wilbur’s friendship.)
it’s a pretty general conclusion that wilbur’s real “downfall” began on october 8th, during the stream “who are you go away”. of course, his spiral and the process of him losing faith had begun much earlier, more around the end of the first war or during the election. but the big switch, so to say, was definitely here, when as wilbur walks back from schlatt’s announcement, he asks tommy if they’re the bad guys.
this entire scene was so interesting to me. wilbur here is a man who has lost hope, someone who is backed into a corner morally and has nothing left. he points out that they can never really reclaim l’manburg without forever tainting it, and that schlatt knows this. the entire half an hour or so before, schlatt has been taunting wilbur about losing that power. the emphasis of the festival on “democracy” is so clearly a barb thrown at wilbur, and it works.
wilbur’s “nothing left to lose” in this vod is a mirror to niki’s “you know what they say about a woman who has nothing left to lose”. this will not be the first time they mirror each other.
basically, wilbur’s angry. when schlatt announced the festival, wilbur realized that maybe it wasn’t a terrible thing. so once he worked around into the mindset of “we’re the bad guys”, he was able to justify saying he was going to blow up the nation with no remorse. he wants chaos! he wants no survivors!
does he do it? god no.
during the streams leading up to november 16th, wilbur is consistently scared. he goes back and forth on it, and makes multiple “conditions” that determine whether he’s going to do it or not, almost begging someone to stop him. he whispers to himself that he’s scared, that his hands are shaking, that he’s not sure if it’s the right thing to do. because despite what he says about “not caring about any of them”, the instant niki is threatened after tubbo’s death, wilbur walks up to schlatt and tells him that if he’s going to kill anyone it should be him. later, when quackity and tommy talk him down from pressing the button, he can’t press it because they’re there and he can’t bring himself to kill them as well.
but he has no problems with putting his own life at risk. he refuses to wear armor half the time, and actively places himself in harm’s way to save others. he still cares about everyone else, as much as he says he doesn’t. even when he does cause harm to others, during november 16th, he immediately begs phil to kill him. “look, they all want you to.” he can’t live with what he’s done, and how he’s hurt people, but he couldn’t allow manburg to continue.
the man is terrified and angry and he can’t win. and even as he tries to stuff himself into the mind of someone who doesn’t care, he cannot. when he finally does, he cannot live with being that person.
but the reason i rewatched this arc was to see niki’s point of view, especially after her statements during her last stream. i genuinely think that wilbur’s only betrayal of her was pressing the button, because he betrayed everyone. they might have known he was going to do it, but they had faith he wouldn’t.
wilbur cared a lot about niki. her life under schlatt was awful, wilbur hated that she was suffering, and the scene where wilbur plants himself directly in the center of the festival and tells schlatt to kill him instead hits pretty hard. he has the argument with schlatt, and then turns to niki and tells her to run. he then hits people and sprints away, trying to give her time to escape.
this is also when he asks her to join pogtopia, because now that schlatt has said he’d kill her, it’s a safer place for her.
so the man did care about her. niki is angry at the memory of him that she has. it’s been twisted by time and her own grief and paranoia.
in rewatching pogtopia, i realized that a lot of people hate the memory of wilbur. not him, and what he did. they think he didn’t care. and to quote hamilton (apologies):
“history obliteratesit paints me in all my mistakes”
does niki have a right to be mad at him? absolutely. he caused direct harm to her by blowing up l’manburg, once it was reclaimed. but she’s wrong that he never cared.
(an interesting note: wilbur only blows it up after techno starts fighting people outside. he hears it, and says “look, they’re fighting”. he didn’t re-initiate the conflict of the country. the fact that even after peace was won people were fighting just gave evidence to his belief that the entire country was corrupted.)
niki has been hurt a lot, and wilbur has things to answer for. but we as the audience know that her statements are just her perception. she is a character who acts on perceptions. the entire stream was in black and white. during doomsday, upon seeing wilbur log on (as ghostbur), niki has a panic attack and destroys her bakery, trying to rid herself of the pain of the memories. her lines during this stream are chilling, whispered repetitions that are a mirror of wilbur’s end.
(paraphrased, it was long and confusing but there are a few bits and this was the essence of it)
“wilbur is gone. this isn’t happening. he is dead. l’manburg is gone.”“it is real, i am real, he is real and he is dead.”“l’manburg is gone, i am real, i am l’manburg”.
(god. dude i could spend Months analyzing this one stream alone. there’s so much here.)
doesn’t that sound a bit like “my unfinished symphony”? wilbur and niki both attach their own self to the nation they fought for, and can see it as an extension of themself. they both destroy parts of it in acts of fear, attempting to save everyone else from what they’ve made.
what i pulled away from niki’s stream is that she’s not healing. i remember the chamber she locks herself in at night. i remember her refusal to eat. i remember how she was so angry at tommy, and she later realized that anger was misguided. niki genuinely believes that wilbur did not care about her, and that’s not surprising: when he died, she denied the fact that he was gone. she represses the things that she can’t handle, same as lots of other people. it is easier for her to pin her hurt on wilbur, because she needs somewhere to pin it. people feel more in control if they’re angry, not sad.
the song cc!niki said was for her character really emphasizes this. it’s a coping mechanism.
but even condemning wilbur won’t help, because she will still never get closure. niki cares about what others think of her, and so she can’t move on from someone hurting her. she can’t move on because she thinks he hated her. she is angry that he is back, but it is an opportunity for her to heal. she couldn’t heal when he was gone. she’s not the only one with a negative perception of wilbur, after all. he has one too. the two of them really need to talk.
i want niki to be healthy and safe. i want to see her heal so badly, and i do think it will happen. after wilbur died, his betrayal of her stayed with her, and it eventually became her memory of the betrayal that she hated, not the thing itself. it’s been months since it happened. niki wants to find an outlet for her hurt, because she wants to feel better. there’s a pattern i noticed: she only gets mad at people once she hasn’t seen the person themself for a while. and once she sees them and talks to them, and realizes that they care about her and don’t want to hurt her, she stops blaming them for it. she only hates her perception of them. example one? tommy.
man was in exile for a long time, and when he came back he “brought” fighting. that’s how niki saw it. but the fact that after she spent time with tommy (trying to kill him but. details, details) she forgave him because she saw it wasn’t his fault is a really good sign.
i genuinely think that speaking to wilbur will help niki, and it will also help wilbur. after all, they both hate wilbur. the entire perception of wilbur as some heartless, crazy manipulator needs to be shattered for both of their sakes. they both buy into it.
i want niki to know that others care about her, and that she has places she can feel safe. she hates that wilbur is invading the syndicate, because she’s scared of his memory hurting her. i don’t think wilbur will hurt her on purpose, because even though he sees himself as awful, he doesn’t hate her. he never did. usually, with people who have hurt someone else, i want them as far away from the person they hurt as possible. if wilbur does hurt niki i’ll probably cry. but again, it’s not him that hated her, or really him that hurt her in the way she thinks he did. when wilbur was dead, niki didn’t get any better. her memory of him festered and made her feel worse. that’s also why niki killing wilbur or hurting him somehow wouldn’t help her heal. i want wilbur to explain that he didn’t hate her. is wilbur even close to self aware enough to help niki? nah. this is going to take a Long time, and it’s going to hurt.
last thing i swear lol
during niki’s stream, she says that wilbur manipulated her. again, i watched pogtopia last night, and i’ve watched the rest of season one recently as well. i genuinely don’t see it. but i do think i know why she said it.
during season one, wilbur doesn’t manipulate niki. he doesn’t have a chance to later, he’s dead. so then, what is she talking about? of course it’s a perception, same as a lot of her other claims. i think she’s talking about how she cared for l’manburg.
niki joined the server as wilbur’s friend, to join his nation. she grew to care for l’manburg. she devoted herself to it, same as he did. but doomsday showed us that she hates that. in niki’s eyes, l’manburg only brought pain for people, and because she ties herself to it, she hates that she ever cared about it. she can’t allow herself to care for it, because it was used to hurt. so how does she cope with knowing that she once did? she pretends she didn’t.
if she can convince herself that it was wilbur who convinced her to care about l’manburg, she can avoid blaming herself for her own pain. and yeah, she shouldn’t blame herself for it. it’s not her fault. the entire situation is tragic and a little hopeless and once again really makes me hope that she recovers. l’manburg was ruined for her by others. schlatt, techno, dream, wilbur. again another place where she and wilbur are similar: they convince themselves they never cared about l’manburg because of the hurt it caused.
to summarize: wilbur’s going to get a shock soon. don’t know when, but probably the prison visit. something is going to shake his perception, the story is hurtling towards that. once he is able to take responsibility for what he did, and feel safe (because a lot of what he does now is out of fear of being alone or useless), then he and niki need to talk. niki needs something to get her out of her own head. she’s spiraling too. they are essential to each other’s recovery because of how much they meant (and mean) to each other.
anyways i miss early season one niki i liked it when she was happy :(
~ Lad 2
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Hi! So I would like to request a Seb x reader one shot if you have the time ☺️ I just got diagnosed with Endometriosis today and am in need of some soft Seb... Could you write smth where Seb finds out that reader is always in pain during sex and never said anything, though he knows she has Endometriosis and usually cares for her during her period... and he then encourages her to get surgery to try and fix it? Only if it's okay though, I know it's very precise, sorry!
A/N; I am so sorry to hear about this hun, i hope there’s something that can be done, no one deserves to go through that kind of pain. I researched endometriosis and it certainly sounds horrible, I’m sending you all my love and support 💙
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Endometriosis - Sebastian Stan x reader
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Summary; based on the request, I changed it a tiny bit so I hope that’s okay, I just feel like if r was in pain seb would notice, I hope you like it hun 🤍
Warnings; endometriosis, smut, oral sex (male and female receiving), 69ing, mentions of sex toys, illness, mention of alcohol, fluff, pain, swearing
divider by @firefly-graphics
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It hurt like a bitch, there was no way to put it, or at least it was a simpler revelation of description at the prying of your womb had you near to tears. You laid your head down into the pillow, mushing it into the fabric, as you wanted the pain to dwindle down into nothing, and thus you tried to ignore your own suffering, as you turned over to be on your back, severely wincing by the change in position. A groan came from the other side of the bed, as the man that was laid there began to shuffle, in the midst of waking up.
“Morning.” He spoke with a hoarse voice, the steadiness obliterated by his blatant hangover that was haunting his form. Sebastian rubbed a hand over his eyes as he fully awoke, stretching his back as he reached his arm out, swiftly hooking it around the back of your neck as you allowed yourself to lay on the muscle. “Guess neither of us got laid, did we?” He laughed lightly, shaking his head, as he tipped his chin up, blinking his baby blues up to the ceiling.
“Considering that we’re in the same bed, and that you’re not a stranger to me, I guess not.” You laughed to your close friend, whom was aware of your condition, but not the extent of it. “Looks like you’re going to suffer from no morning sex Stan, I’m sure that sucks for you.”
“Usually it’s someone else doing the sucking.” You smacked his arm at his off handed comment, pulling a smirk out from the man as he turned to face you, pulling you closer by the contact that he had upon you. “I’m guessing your disappointed that you’re not waking up to some muscular, blonde haired and blue eyes patriotic punk.”
“If you’re describing Evans, i swear that I will punch you in the dick, I said he was attractive once.” You put emphasis on the amount of time(s) you had ever mentioned it. A pout quivered his lips, as he shuffled beneath the covers, angling his hips in a more comfortable position so that they weren’t being crunched down on the mattress.
“You can punch my dick, on the agreement that you kiss it better.” Seb allowed a hollow smirk to mull over his handsome features, as you swatted his bicep once more, an unhumored frown conforming its position upon your face.
“I’m not one of your hook ups, I’m not gonna get on my knees for you buddy.” You bantered back, raising a brow at his inquisition. No, you were not a past sexual partner of his; it was a constant of him never having a serious relationship, he opted for flings rather than any long engagements, you suspected that he had feelings for someone else, but you were not sure of whom.
The thought alone of him being endeared with the image of one woman brought a pain to your body, separate from your medical suffering. Though your opinion wasn’t fair, considering that you as well, or had your time of sleeping around before the pain in your inner walls became too much, and that was one of the many things that you had given up, more or less.
To support the montage of your body’s self torture, you had a mixture of hormone and tablets that helped reduce the unexplainable sensation that willed around in your lower half, swarming around like an internal snake bite in your own body.
“69 then?” He joked, but it felt so serious. You knew he wasn’t being truthful, it was the relationship the pair of you had, though his face had moved closer, his breath fanning over your face, making your heart prominently race as you thought about such a scenario. “Having mentioned Evans...” he began to change the conversation, having felt the heat that had radiated from your body.
“Go on.” You pried at him, interested in hearing what his friend had opted to say about the pair of you. It wasn't every day that you heard celebrities gossiping about you.
“He thinks we’ve hooked up.” Sebastian stated, making your neck reel slightly back as you took in the fact, of well, the perceived view point of a world renowned, household name, actor. A part of you was slightly embarrassed, you held your own cheek as the words that Chris had passed on sunk in on you.
“We, no, never. Okay, I’m exaggerating, that would not be so bad, but it would definitely be weird. But like, why does he think that, of all things?” You asked whilst partially laughing. It made you partially aware of yourself, and the prospect of you possibly having made your feelings obvious, but that however hadn’t been the case as Seb scratched over the stubble that he had on his chin, and did that awkward Bucky smile that had became humorous in his new marvel show.
“Of all things; it’s like you’re trying to break my heart babes.” With one diverging look from you, he knew he was done for. It always pained him to keep secrets from you, and this was the one that he had been hiding for so long. “You’re really going to make me say it, aren’t you? Okay, fine. I still can’t believe that you haven’t caught on, after all this time, but this just shows that you haven’t noticed how I try and scare away every guy with my money and power.”
“Yeah, I noticed that.” Lightly you scoffed, having many memories of such a situation. It was a pattern that kept repeating itself, but to you it had just become normal, and to say you were fine with it was not incorrect. It gave you hope that he could reciprocate the emotions that you held towards him, though having a wish like that was altogether hopeless. He was just protective, that was all, he probably saw you like a little sister, or something of the sort, that really put a drab annotation on the prospect of romance.
“Ever wonder why?” Ever, more like all the time, but you allowed him to continue without disruption, by doing so more would be unveiled by that mouth of his, and you were eager to learn more, yet a little hesitant. “It is because I am so tired of being your friend, I love it, don’t get me wrong but...” you were dreading what was to come out of his mouth next, you squeezed your eyes shut, almost as if you were unable to see, the pain would not render upon your specimen. “I love you.”
“You what?!” Eyes snapping open, you were blatantly shocked by his confession. “That can’t be right Seb, you’re you, and I’m me, and-“
“We’re us.” He finished for you. As he noticed you relax from his contingence, which allowed him the time gap to slide closer, his warm and soft hand running up the side of your face as he watched you gasp from the sensation. It was not the first time he had touched your cheek, but it was the first instance in which he done so intimately; you were rather fond of the treatment.
You nuzzled your face into the curve of his hand, your brows lightly directed in a downwards motion as you lulled in his touch, and that was when you realised that he had frozen. “Shit.” You stopped him from moving away, pausing the sadness in his eyes for the current second. “I should have responded, that was my bad. I love you too, I’m not just saying that, so you know.”
“That’s a relief.” Sebastian sighed, falling back onto the mattress, bringing his face accidentally closer to your own. The tips of your noses were touching as your eyes ogled deep within the pools of one another’s, it was impossible not to seek a closer vicinity, and thus, you slunk closer, bracing the tips of your nails against his scruff, as your lips worked their way onto his.
“How would you like another kind of relief?” You pulled away, stroking down the smooth course of his shirt covered chest, prompting a suggestive dialogue in your tone. His brow raised as he thought about it for a moment, but then he remembered a rather distinctive matter he didn’t want to cause any obstruction to.
“What about your, you know?” He was referring to your endometriosis, having the knowledge about the unfortunate illness that interfered with your life. Through it all, the doctors appointments, the encouraging you to take your medication on days that you weren’t feeling particularly well, he was there. Now it made sense why.
To reply, you softly shook your head, combing your hands over his shoulders, as you answered him. “If it gets too much, I’ll give you the signal.” You spoke, leaning down to peck his lips, though you still saw the reluctance that was embedded on his forehead in the form of strict lines. “I promise.” You persuaded him, meaning the sentiment, as his eyes trailed down, his hand scourging a fierce, passionate grip upon your hipbone as his tongue weaved its way back into your mouth.
You moaned into the atmosphere of his mouth, grabbing onto his cheeks as you heaved breaths into the internal beyond of this man, rolling on top of him, as you swept your crotch down against his own, extracting a sinister sound out of his guttural throat. It was only turning you on more, and you knew that if you didn’t do something, even despite the recommendations of your doctor, you would be sufficed with a lack of pleasure, and that was all you currently craved.
It wasn’t fair how you had been dubbed with the condition. So many people in the world could have sex whenever they pleased, yet you were forced to commend under the sentence of experiencing a discomfort when all you wanted was the comfort of being intwined with another human being. That connection, it felt mandatory, however you were denied it, for every time that you proceeded to bed a stranger, or a partner of any sorts, the stretch of anything in your walls pursued you with a fracture of pain.
You’d even had to throw out your vibrator, whilst it felt good on the outside, the clenching of your empty walls sparked physical and mental hurt, and reminded you of the fact that whenever you were filled by any length, your body could not function to emit pleasure, instead it was the opposite that you were tasked with contracting. The thought and reminder often spewed tears in your eyes, but you held them back as you got lost in Sebastian.
“I don’t want to hurt you.” He admitted sentimentally, and your heart both became full and broken. It was sweet and scorching to the arousal between your legs to know that he was that concerned about your well being; he wasn’t just prioritising getting his dick wet. He resumed pressing succulent kisses on your lips, he lulled in the notion, he too wanted to be close to you, but he wasn’t willing to do inadvertently so to the expense of you being in pain.
That was the opposite of what he wanted, even as your hand wandered down his firm and pheromone driven body, that bucked in your grip, as your hand hooked around his bulge, your thumb stroking over his round sack as he grew beneath the layers of his soft sweats and underwear. “69 then?” You reiterated his earlier words, causing his pupils to blow wide, and his blue irises to darken into the juxtaposition of stormy skies.
“Will that be okay?” You confirmed it was, even if you weren’t completely sure yourself. The angles, the penetration, it was all elements, that combined gave you an equation that you had yet to figure out. The only way to do so was to try it, even if it concluded in an error, and not a sensible answer. To instigate the next step, you roused your sleep shirt from your body, leaving you in nothing more than your causal panties, but Seb didn’t seem to mind.
In fact he rather preferred the normalcy of your actions and undress, it made the strategy of shifting from friends to intimate lovers into one of relaxation, there was no absurdity nor discomfort yet, for either one of you. Your fingers dipped in the sides of your underwear, teasing the band, as you cocked your head towards Seb, licking your lips as you took in the view of him entranced by your being. “Am I going to be the one naked or...”
You were grateful that he took the hint, and stripped himself from both layers that kept his goods confined. He rapidly removed them, leaving his uncut cock open to your gaze; it wasn’t anything massive which was a relief, but it for now, it was to be attained in the confinement of your mouth, rather than the realm of your cunt, so that slight stretch could await. As you thought of that, you reached your hand out, dancing your fingers lightly over his shaft.
Seb emitted a soft huff from his obtainable lips, he dragged you to be laying atop of him, as your thighs surrounded his length on either side, it was warm, and rested perfectly below your where your cunt was hovering. How you wished to just sink down on it and- “Turn around.” For a moment you took time to refrain your memory to perceive what you had said before. And then, whence your words caught up to you, it was simple to do so, especially with the motivation of what was going to happen.
As you spun around, to be facing his lower half and have your own above his mouth, you watched his cock twitch, as it rested heavily upon his abdomen. You could feel your nerves kick in; it was a substantial difference from anything that you had ever done together, from looking at the stars and watching cheesy movies, to sexual actions, it was quite the leap. But a welcome one, you had waited so long to acknowledge your feelings to him, you'd be damned if you were not going to act on them.
A shiver rippled up your spine as he paved a lick through your slit, it made you tense up for a moment, and you try to register any diagnosis of pain, you coiled when he put one of your lips in his mouth. It felt good, which was a relief, and you took that as a sign to reap your front forwards, and focus on his throbbing hardness that was oozing precum against his perfect skin. The drop of essence looked like liquid moonstone, catching the ambience of the snooping sun that eyes through the crescent opening of the closed curtains, creating a luminescent light against the contrast of his skin.
Leaning forwards, as the initial shock of Seb using his tongue on you had settled in, as a faint plea from inside of you derived away in your eternal being, your tongue glided over the patch of fallen precum, your eyes fluttering at the heavenly, yet rare taste, it wasn’t every day that a man’s cum was relatively nice on your buds. Some perceived eating junk food as a lifestyle, caring not for how the receiver of their sperm would taste within the mouth of a giver on the other end. Sebastian hummed against your slick folds, as he danced his hands around your ass, grasping your cheeks firmly.
His fingers swept through the outside of your cunt, fooling around with your labia as his tongue swirled your bud, making your face grimace on the edge of pleasure, as your warm lips wrapped around the head of his cock, whirling your tongue within his slit, as your hand rested around the rest of his length, jerking it in your grasp, as his hips lightly heaved upwards against your face. He teased a finger around your entrance, running the tip along the wet flesh that mimicked your breaths as it clenched prosperously.
“Shit!” Tears webbed in your eyes as he entered the finger, though he considered that a resonating profanity of pleasure. To your dismay, it indeed was not though, the entry of the digit weighed heavy inside you, prying sorely against your walls as your giving to him paused, as you harshly gripped his thigh. “Shit, that hurts Seb. Fuck!” In an instant, he stopped, extracting his finger out from within you, as it caused you further pain, and helped you turn around, and lay languidly upon the bed.
“Oh my god, fuck, I’m so sorry y/n/n.” He panicked, immense guilt wavering his body, as he grasped your face, staring with sorrow into your seasoned expression. “I didn’t mean to- didn’t want to hurt you, shit, I should never have tried to-“ soothing his conflicting emotions, you stroked his shoulders, kissing him to ease his words into silence. He felt guilty, but so did you, you were the one whom had encouraged to pursue the rhythm of your shared sexuality to one another, deducting the poise of your actions with tear beaded eyes.
“It was my fault; I said it would be fine. I should have known it shouldn’t have, I’m sorry.” You reasoned with him, knowing that you had told him that it was to be something that you could manage, but from experience, you should have had better knowledge of how things would turn out.
“Don’t you ever apologise, you’re perfect, the only thing that I want to ease is your suffering. Is there any news on the operation that can be done, should I get you your medication now?” He wanted to be certain, to ensure that you didn’t put the accountability of your situation completely on yourself, he should have asked if a finger would have been fine, he shouldn’t have been swayed by your persuasion. “I could talk to someone, see if I could get the thing moved up, I can pay for it, get you further up on the ladder.”
“No.” You smiled, pressing an ample kiss upon his scruffy cheek. “I don’t want that, many other people are waiting for the op too, and I can’t have you paying for it. That would just be inconsiderate of me, you have already done so much for me, I can’t ask more. You’ve been there through everything, just wait with me whilst I wait for myself.” You pulled the sheets over your breasts, staring opulently into his serene eyes, shuddering as he swept his lips over your mouth once more, deriving you breathless for a moment.
“It’s okay to be selfish, if any of them had that chance, then they would take it. I can afford it, and I would want nothing more than to pay for it, it’s not just about sex, you know that. I love you so so much, you’re my best friend, the girl of my dreams, I’ve waited for you, I just want the pain that you live through to disappear. Out of all people, it’s not fair that it’s you, but it is, and this is the one way to fix the reductive searing of hurt that you live through.” You gulped, water glazing your irises as you stared at her, trying to diffuse your light sob.
His words brought acceptance to you within the scenario, as you took a deep breath in, confronting the trigger that had set off inside of you. It was difficult to handle and attain to, as you curled in his bare arms, exasperating your soundness close to him, as he competently cupped your face, kissing the tip of your nose. “Okay.” You agreed, nodding sincerely along with your words. “Okay, I’ll do it for me. It’s the right thing to do.” A smile raved his face, as you convinced yourself of doing so. It was to be a long road, but Sebastian would be there holding your hand, travelling down this path alongside you.
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