#On Last Hurrah
One Last Hurrah
By Rachel Tucker We stood side by side on the upper deck of the small passenger ferry. The November wind whipped my hair around and I shivered in the cold. He placed his hand over mine on the railing and, without turning, asked quietly, “Are you sure you wouldn’t like to go downstairs where it’s warm? I stared out at the steely water, squinting in the sunlight. “That’s the whole point,” I…
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puppetmaster13u · 10 days
Prompt 312
You know what I never see used in crossovers? The fact that the Rogues, Flash’s rogues specifically, will not only hold a funeral for any central city rogue that passes, but several, if not all, will don their costume and commit one final crime in their name, so their rap sheet has one final score. Like can you imagine that for a final send off?
Can you imagine being a ghost and seeing that?
The Rogue doesn’t even have to be liked by the others, they can be an utter asshole. And the tradition is still done. And I just think that’s beautiful in a way. 
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israaverse · 5 months
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[OC/FAE] "Pray, sweet girl, wouldst thou cometh closer?"
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xia0ming56 · 2 months
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Ive fallen into the Medical Malpractice Show rabbit hole...
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babovens · 2 years
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Alex Hirsch everyone 👏
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naomistares · 5 months
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crappy sneak peak for next htn comic cus it's the new year and my year wouldn't have been as good without tumblr and it's people
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 3 months
"Brothers' Night!"
Click, click, clack, tap.
The familiar sound of his little brother's typing sounded around the corner as Sonic rounded it and made his way into the lab. Tails was zoned completely into whatever he was working on, his eyes glued onto the screen, not even shifting as he tried to reach for his juice box and swiped at empty air twice before he found it and took a sip.
Stifling an amused grin, Sonic wandered closer and leaned an arm on the fox kit's head. "Whatcha doing?"
"Uh . . . making calculations and preparations for an upgrade on the Tornado's integrated drive generator. I want it to be a bit more durable in case of another crash."
"Ah." Sonic stared blankly at the screen, deciding to pretend he knew what that meant. He nudged Tails's shoulder. "Have you eaten today?"
It took Tails a moment to respond. "Yeah, I had lunch, I think."
"You think?"
"Uh huh." Tails started typing again, then squinted at the screen and zoomed in on something.
Sonic frowned thoughtfully.
"So did you hear what Amy and Cream were up to today?" he asked, trying to test something.
"They went camping out in some canyons last night, and they're out hiking today! Amy said we could join them next time!"
Sonic grinned and shook his head, then glanced at the clock. It was past their normal dinnertime.
In the blink of an eye, he'd rushed off, readied up the living room with blankets, pillows, and a few small tables, then dashed back, scooped his brother into his arms even as he yelped, "Hey—!" ran back to the living room, and dumped him into the couch cushions.
"What gives?" Tails demanded, shaking his bangs out of his eyes. "I was in the middle of—"
"Nope!" Sonic interrupted, striking a pose atop the coffee table. "Break time, lil bro! Or should I say, brothers' night! Complete with a meal of your choice, storytime, board games, maybe a pillow fight, a sleepover, and no screens for the rest of the night!"
"Wh-What?" Tails stammered, looking somewhere between thrilled and horrified. "But what about the integr—"
"Tomorrow, bud!" Sonic hopped onto the couch next to Tails and dragged him in for a noogie. "You, little man, have spent way too much time working in front of screens today. Do you have any idea how bad that is for your eyes? This is an intervention!"
"I suppose . . ." Tails mumbled, but he was grinning. "We haven't done this in forever."
"Precisely why this is a perfect time to do it!" Sonic flipped off the couch and regained his pose on the table, even as Tails protested that he was going to dirty up his living room with the dirt from his shoes.
And so the evening progressed. Tails convinced Sonic to take his shoes off to spare all the blankets and pillows. Tails chose pasta for dinner, and they had mint ice cream for dessert (at least, Tails did; Sonic just had chocolate, since he was a bit sensitive to mint). They played an infuriating game of Monopoly that lasted two and a half hours. Tails won, and Sonic got his revenge by chucking a throw pillow at his brother's face.
It ended up escalating into a full blown pillow fight.
Somehow that turned into a karaoke battle, which then turned into a comedy show by Sonic with lots of sassy commentary from Tails. They made popcorn and stuffed themselves with far too much junk food, until 3 a.m. hit and they found themselves lying around half-buried in the mass of pillows and blankets, each getting more and more loopy as the conversation spiraled.
"Beef can't get sick," Tails found himself mumbling. "Dead meat doesn't get sick."
"I was talking about the possibility of cows turning into zombies, not contaminated lunch meat," Sonic muttered drowsily in response, breaking into a yawn.
"If the zombie cows die, do people still get turned into zombies if they eat them?" Tails asked, his voice muffled as he spoke into a pillow.
"I thought zombies don't die."
"Well, if someone blows them up in a bomb, they'd probably die."
"They'd be disintegrated. And then no one could eat them."
"Or they'd just turn into fiery zombies."
"I don't like zombies. Can we change the subject?"
"You started it."
"No, I was talking about . . . something else entirely. You just thought I said 'beef.'"
"What were you talking about before?"
". . . I forgot."
Slowly, they both lapsed into silence, until both had drifted off to sleep. They slept in till noon the next day, and even though cleanup took a while (neither of them remembered spilling half the popcorn into the couch), neither had any regrets.
Tails had forgotten just how much he loved Brothers' Night, but he was determined never to forget again. And he couldn't thank his big brother enough for dragging him away from his work to do it.
I literally just whipped this up on the spot lol. I LOVE DE FLUFF!! Also the late night conversation about zombies and beef was heavily based off a near identical late night conversation I had with some friends at a sleepover a couple weeks ago 😋
Edit: here's the AO3 link
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thatlonelycactus · 4 months
Somehow the way David and Michael acted The Kiss™️ makes it both more and less painful. This is gonna sound weird but like- by no account is it what one would describe as “romantic”. In fact, “romantic” is the last thing I would describe it as.
In no known universe was that kiss “romantic” because that’s not what it was supposed to be.
It was supposed to be earth shattering, selfish, hopeless, hopeful. It was a last hidden, desperate “I love you”, it was searching for something that neither of them could find, a final plea. It’s savage and selfish and brewing with love and war and peace and hatred. It was saying “goodbye” to what could have been forever. It was a kiss trying to express the same amount of emotion that had stayed inside each of them for 6000 years. It was a kiss doing the job of millions of other kisses.
Maybe if it was a smaller, quieter kiss, we would have wondering what could have been. Maybe we would have cried out just as much because what else has their relationship been aside from a few, well veiled remarks and actions? Maybe we could have convinced ourselves that that was all they needed for now.
But for the first time in millennia, they went big. Crowley went for it. Because Aziraphale was trying to make a change- so why shouldn’t he? Why should he just throw it out there because it might be his last chance- their last chance. Because, in 6000 years the closest he had come to saying those three words were just small, inconspicuous remarks of friendship. Why should he raise the white flag now, when they had come so close to having a life together?
Because, after an eternity of small, quiet “I love you”s, why should their final try at saying it aloud to each other be quiet as well?
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useragarfield · 3 months
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✩ FAVORITE CHARACTER MEME ✩ ↬ scenes: 9.13 "One Tree Hill" [5/6]
Everyone should have that. A place that makes them happy.
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no-where-new-hero · 7 months
I found this uquiz on how fandom would see me if i were a fictional character, and i WON
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if you take the quiz pls tell me what you got, i'd love to know who my moots are
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rosesofthetwilight · 1 year
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wulfhalls · 2 years
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that's his betrothed 😭😭😭😭😭
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emblazons · 1 year
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He is more of myself than I am.
Day Seven of @bylerweek2023 - Soulmates aka: Byler x (Emily) Brontë + how he looks at you when you're not looking
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akajustmerry · 1 year
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lavenderyulu · 2 months
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fuck you *alola-ifies your Friede*
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ari-kari · 7 months
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it’s here! it’s queer!! it’s my beloved 7-day binge fic, out now and ready for reading.
it’s got everything folks. 90’s house parties. Comphet. Girls kissing on the mouth. a real delight. go check it out now.
Winter, 1996. It’s the semester before graduation, and Adora is bonding over drinks with a few soccer teammates. Out of nowhere, one of them brings up a game that Adora’s never heard of before - “gay chicken.”
Naturally, Adora has questions.
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