#Pig slaughter illustration
jakobbach · 7 months
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illustration for Lokál pub poster Pig slaughter (Zabíjačka) 2023
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​“The swan was too rich for his taste.”
Re @jaydeewis's gorgeous artwork illustrating a meal from Tyrion XII, ACOK, @daenerysoftarth wanted to know why the roast swan appeared to be unplucked.
And that's actually one of the more interesting details found in some medieval feasts! The nobles were showing off their wealth by the way they served their food-- and one of those ways was to display meats and poultry as the animals appeared in life. You see this in the classic "whole roast pig with an apple in its mouth", but it was also frequently done with fancy fowl like peacock and swan. (Birds no peasant could ever eat-- hunting swans, for example, was poaching, a criminal activity, as even wild ones belonged to the crown.)
And so GRRM has this in ASOIAF, often referring to "peacocks served in their plumage" and similar. But how was this done? Well, it was really almost taxidermy. After the bird was slaughtered, the skin was carefully removed with the feathers intact, the flesh would be roasted, and then they would put the skin back on. (Sometimes with a prop to keep the neck straight, or for the peacock tail.) Yes, putting uncooked skin on cooked meat is terrible re food safety, and, well, this is why you hear about medieval people dying from indigestion. (But what health problems didn't they have.) Still, they were so careful with the process that the display method was called "a subtlety".
Although sometimes they had a little more care re food safety, and would make the peacock or swan meat into a pie, and attach the neck/wings/tail to the pie crust. There's actually a fascinating pair of paintings from the 1600s, after the turkey was introduced to Europe (as part of the Columbian exchange, and the topic of how a New World bird ended up being called "turkey" or "india chicken" in many languages is also fascinating but not the point right now), that shows two different but almost identically presented feast tables, one with a peacock pie and the other with a turkey pie, both "served in plumage":
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(both paintings by Pieter Claesz, 1627)
If you're interested in the subject, here's a few sources:
The Inn at the Crossroads, my favorite blog for ASOIAF food (and note if you like swans but don't want to eat a real bird, their cream swans are a delight. Also their recipe book is *chef's kiss*, literally.)
Foods of England
Historic Cookery
Folger Shakespeare Library
And for more food, my asoiaf food tag has various artworks and metas and recipes. Enjoy!
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Round 6, Match 4
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expand to see all propaganda received!
Patricia Morrison:
"i'm in love w patricia morrison so bad she's so cool and her basslines are actually magical i adore her. she's amazing and majestic and gorgtastic"
"Patricia is the ultimate goth gf and she's super talented as well... What more could you ask for??"
"she's my goth girlfriend"
"Just look at her. I think she's one of the mslt beautiful people ever and also her voice?? It's like a black velvet cape keeping you warm in a cold winter night."
Tracy Chapman:
"I can’t think of anything clever to say because I’m too busy sighing dreamily"
"Tracy Chapman made the best song of all time (fast car)"
"ik im the hope sandoval guy but if hope doesn't make it tracy has to she made me realize i was a lesbian i just thought i was bi then i listened to her and now im a lesbian she is powerful she is strength if you looked at her and looked at my art you would see 20 years of inspiration from one single woman"
"she's too good to commit atrocities to me but im the gore guy and you aren't for that. i would let her take out my vocal chords and use them as floss. i would have her saw down my bones to make a vinyl of her music. i would go on all fours and let her slaughter me like a pig. i want to be her cat"
"The most powerful written and performed voice of the 90s. Everyone, of any nationality or belief system, could feel the words Tracy Chapman sang. She gets her dues but deserves even more."
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pagan-stitches · 5 months
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“There are several Czech words here that Lada provides. Trust me when I say that Google Translate is not going to help. So let’s see if we can see what they really mean.”
“Of course, leden is the month of January, but the word means ice. Nový rok means “new year” and that means the entire year not just New Year’s Day.”
“Vodnař is also known as Vodnik and is a water sprite. He is perhaps shown here because another square in the illustration mentions fairy tales.”
“Pohády is the word for fairy tales. The significance of January for fairy tales, someone will have to explain. It is assumed that because it is so cold outside, that this is how to pass the time inside.”
“Zabijačky in the center means pig slaughter and not just any pig slaughter but a DIY (homemade) one. January had to be the main month for this.”
“Ledováni are icemen delivering ice to a hostin (tavern).”
“Draní peři is feather plucking (thrashing). This is a group getting together for such an event, along with refreshments. My understanding was that draní peři was usually done in August (for the "August dragons", but Lada has it here in January. Once again fairy tales come into play because it was normal to go with this task to either sing, tell stories, or read fairy tales. The woman is bringing drinks which I think are called doderky. I think he word itself means "final evening" when the work is almost finished. Someone needs to confirm and just what it is.”
“Additional illustrated squares show children with chalk marking doorway with initials K+M+B, for the feast of Three Kings and some say it stands for the names of the wisemen.”
“And in the top frame, since this was done in 1941, you see the old year (old man) leaving and the new year reflected as a pregnant woman.”
“The Slavic names for months are different with each Slavic country. Some have their basis in old Slavic language, and some do not. For Slovaks the name of January is veľký which means great. An older version may have been sečeň and unsure of the meaning. The original Old Slavonic word meant to sleep. It was prosinĭcĭ (просиньць).”
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sexhaver · 2 years
yeah so Trent Reznor actually wrote and recorded The Downward Spiral in the same house that Charles Manson murdered Sharon Tate in, which featured a lot of illustrations/carvings of pigs over the main fireplace. additionally, Susan Atkins wrote "PIG" in Tate's blood on the front door. that's where the motif of pigs being led to slaughter came from, as demonstrated in Piggy and March of the Pigs, to the extent that Reznor even named the recording studio "Le Pig". furthermore, Heresy mentions God "creating a virus to kill off all the swine", which Reznor has confirmed was a reference to AIDS, showing th- hey wait where are you going if you leave now we can't use this Olive Garden groupon
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bracketsoffear · 2 months
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The Spider and the Fly (Tony Diterlizzi & Mary Howitt) "The poem itself was referenced in the podcast with regard to the Web on multiple occasions. Also, the illustrations? Fucking hell. This is the irl 'A Guest for Mr. Spider'."
Charlotte's Web (E.B. White) "The titular Charlotte saves Wilbur, a runt pig from slaughter by writing words in her web and making him famous. At the end of the novel, Wilbur wins a special prize at the country fair thanks to Charlotte, and she dies, leaving her spider eggs to Wilbur.
It's not just that Charlotte's a spider, she is actually a genuinely good web avatar. She manipulates a whole farm, and then a town into thinking Wilbur is something special so he doesn't get killed. She literally weaves a web. She is very dedicated to Wilbur's success, so much so that when she dies, it's sort implied that she kept herself alive until Wilbur was confirmed to be survive and the farm wouldn't kill her"
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Place of Words - Cover Design
The front cover was a challenging aspect for me. I aimed to create a design that would make a bold and impactful statement without relying too heavily on photography or lacking originality. To achieve this, I researched numerous magazine covers, especially those with similar themes. I also explored various websites and blogs that showcased successful magazine covers and provided insights into essential features. These resources discussed important elements such as typographic hierarchy, colour and contrast, and the importance of building around a focal point.
10 golden rules of magazine cover design:
Place the masthead in the most obvious place
Work with grids and layouts
Be consistent with your cover design template
Build the cover design around a focal point
Play with font styles
Emphasise powerful words
Colour & contrast go hand in hand
Place a portrait on the cover
Avoid busy backgrounds
Give illustrations a chance
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Inspired by my image research, the message of the article as well as various magazine articles I realised that having one strong central image would be the best route to follow. I wanted to use an image of an animal peering into the eye of the reader, in hopes that it would create a a personal connection and powerful emotional reaction as well as enticing the reader to read the article.
I found an image of a pig looking directly at the camera through a section of a slaughter truck. The intensity and emotional resonance of this image made it ideal for the cover. I isolated the key section and filled the rest of the page with a matching colour, blending them seamlessly with a brush tool. Converting the image to black and white enhanced its impact. Adding a slight grain shifted the focus from technical perfection to composition, colour, and tone. Next, I experimented with masthead designs, trying various fonts and effects. A strong red colour contrasted well with the black-and-white image, and cutting off sections of the text created a stylish, contemporary look.
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Vidican, R. (2024) The 10-step guide to creating eye-catching magazine covers, Flipsnack Blog. Available at: https://blog.flipsnack.com/how-to-design-professional-magazine-covers/ (Accessed: 1 June 2024).
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delxenofic · 3 months
beryl goes wild was a perfectly ok book. :) picked it up because of PIGS, it's a PIG BOOK and i will jump at the opportunity to read any animal fiction with pigs. especially one that has a very similar presence to an idea i have for a pig oc of my own: the protag is a farm pig who escapes the slaughter and makes a new life for herself in the wilderness. honestly surprised this hasn't been done more.
this book did not really go as hard with this premise as i would have liked, i can't fault it too much because it's a children's book, but still i really wish this book were longer and gave the reader more time with the characters and the world. beryl (mc pig) has a cute friendship with amber, a wild pig who's the first one beryl meets and befriends, but outside of them all of the characters are very basic and either don't add much or completely pull the narrative along. even then both of the main two are just nice kids. there's pig lore presented but never really explored too much, like the "sisters" who call beryl "the chosen one" because she's a farm pig who showed up to lead them and they do rituals and whatever. sounds more compelling than it ends up being.
if nothing else there are good messages about prejudice and not casting judgment on others different than yourself. and i liked the illustrations. simple and cute! good pigs!
this one goes two tiers beneath charlotte's web on the pig books tier list i made up just now
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readbooksummary · 7 months
Charlotte's Web Summary
Charlotte's Web is a book of children's literature by American author E. B. White and illustrated by Garth Williams; it was published on October 15, 1952, by Harper & Brothers. The novel tells the story of a livestock pig named Wilbur and his friendship with a barn spider named Charlotte. When Wilbur is in danger of being slaughtered by the farmer, Charlotte writes messages in her web praising Wilbur, such as "Some Pig" and "Humble", to persuade the farmer to let him live.
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June 7, 2022 Creative Multiverse presents: Junetoon Day 7 (Pig) Charlotte's Web is a book of children's literature by American author E. B. White and illustrated by Garth Williams; it was published on October 15, 1952, by Harper & Brothers. The novel tells the story of a livestock pig named Wilbur and his friendship with a barn spider named Charlotte. When Wilbur is in danger of being slaughtered by the farmer, Charlotte writes messages praising Wilbur (such as "Some Pig") in her web in order to persuade the farmer to let him live. #CreativeMultiverse #charlottesweb #junetoon #junetoon2022 #art #artwork #Animated #artistofinstagram #artist #artistforhire #Custom #create #drawing #drawingaday #draweveryday #illustration #pencil #sketch #ink #colordrawing #Sketchcard #fabercastell #copic #twitchstreamer #cartoon #blickartmaterials https://www.instagram.com/p/CfAcbPWMSRW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pumpcamp4 · 2 years
Osimertinib and DNA Induced Pyogenic Granulomas: A prospective Hand in glove Aftereffect of Twin Oncologic Therapy
This specific got pressurized and displaced around structures, including the belly vena cava as well as the proper kidney, as well as created several adhesions for the physique walls along with adjoining belly houses. Metastatic extension for the aorta experienced ended in their regression in to a Two mm dimension non-pulsatile vessel. Practical meaning Merely one case of uterine adenocarcinoma has formerly been described in a ovariohysterectomised kitten. As such, this specific symbolizes an incredibly strange and significant complications right after a partial ovariohysterectomy. Attack in the tumor tissues straight into around structures developed even more problems.Qualifications: The improvement throughout high quality regarding cytological formulations with the aid of LBP strategy continues to be well-documented, nevertheless the cytological items caused by this method haven't been adequately defined. These studies describes and also #Link# illustrates your cytological items introduced by LBP strategy whenever suited for fine-needle aspirates (FNAs), as well as measures these kind of items because probable analytical pitfalls. Research Design and style: We examined you use Ninety six FNAs together prepared by simply both conventional #Link# smudges along with LBP. FNAs ended up purchased from the following websites: lymph node (Thirty eight), breast (Twenty-eight), soft-tissue internet sites #Link# (nine), salivary glands (six), along with thyroid gland (20). Results: The LBP smears were consistently free of covering factors, and also the tissue were properly maintained and evenly spread. Nonetheless, we observed a number of cytomorphological modifications that needs to be recognized by prevent mistaken medical determinations. How big is cellular clusters has been diminished, significant branching bed sheets were fragmented, and there were more single tissues, causing apparent discohesion. Tiny tissue including lymphocytes maintained for you to mixture. Just about all tissue were generally more compact and sometimes spindled, the chromatin fine detail ended up being attenuated, and also nucleoli had been a lot more notable. Intranuclear blemishes have been tough to visualize. Qualifications matrix ended up being frequently altered in quantity and quality. Extracellular contaminants, small mononuclear tissues, red-colored bloodstream cellular material, and myoepithelial tissue had been considerably diminished within amount. Findings: Cytopathologists must be careful throughout interpreting FNAs well prepared utilizing LBP approach if that's the only strategy utilized. Expertise in artifacts is important to prevent misdiagnoses.Microbe-laden dendritic tissues tend to be now use ileocecal lymph nodes (ICLNs), in which germs tend to be centered with an satisfactory resistant solution is brought on. For this reason, ICLNs are near an important position throughout immune system anatomy and also control procedures with the local defense mechanisms. Pathological alterations in ICLNs, for example reactive hyperplasia, lymphadenitis purulenta, or perhaps granulomatosa, could possess numerous bad bacteria as well as commensals, posing a prospective zoonotic chance within animal generation. The goal of this study would have been to characterize the actual microbe diversity of unreactive ICLNs associated with slaughter pigs and to investigate local community changes throughout reactive ICLNs altered simply by augmentation, purulence, or even granulomatous structures.
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What a nice cool breeze
Red and green have always been a pain in the butt for me to work with but I’m content with the colors in this. 
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candyklown · 4 years
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Naomi is out for blood.
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senholiday · 2 years
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"𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝖘𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖜𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖗 𝖇𝖊𝖌𝖆𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖌..."
i hope you all enjoy these together! i had a lot of fun drawing them~ and if you enjoy my art, you might be interested in my webcomic, Skyvein, which is currently crowdfunding to be brought to print! There's a tip option if you just want to throw a few bucks my way, or else sharing about it helps a ton, too! We're nearly 75% of the way there!
☁️read my webcomic, Skyvein, here☁️
💜back the Skyvein Print Campaign on Zoop now💜
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[ID: An illustration of 15 tombstone-shaped drawings arranged in a square, reading "The Things That Were Fear" at the top, on a black background.⁠ ⁠
The Buried- a cross-section of the ground⁠ ⁠
The Corruption- a fly, two worms, and a cockroach oozing oily blackness
⁠ The Dark- an almost entirely black image with a creature with seven red eyes and too many legs⁠
The Desolation- black fire with a red glow and spikes at the top of the illustration⁠
The End- a pile of skulls and bones⁠ ⁠
The Extinction- puddles overlaid with digital numbers, trash, a bomb, and a bird in oily blackness⁠
The Eye- 15 eyes⁠ with red irises and black sclera ⁠
The Flesh- a butcher's knife with a chicken, pig, and cow skull on it⁠ ⁠
The Hunt- a bloody knife with the teeth/jaws of a predator around it⁠ ⁠
The Lonely- a grey figured shrouded in fog⁠ ⁠
The Slaughter- a halberd with many silhouetted weapons in the background⁠ ⁠
The Spiral- a red door⁠ ⁠
The Stranger- an ornate red calliope with a figure that is wrong in the background⁠ ⁠
The Vast- a figure falling through clouds⁠ ⁠
The Web- a spider on a web.]⁠ ⁠
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hbprophetie · 3 years
It's nearly the end of October...! Therefore, here we go with one of the last entry in the Snapetober - and I'm only too happy to tell that I officially made all the drawings in time (how unexcepted, really)!
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Here is the illustration for day 30 and the prompt "How could you do this?". Wait - only one prompt? 'Where is the one for day 29?', I hear you saying! Don't worry - I'm not gonna scam you, and you'll have something for this "costume" thing in due time...😊
For the time being - using only one prompt, and the "how could you do this?" at that, I could have choose a lot of things to picture, really.
I finally went with a reinterpretation of Snape's bitterness towards Albus Dumbledore and the plans he made in the last years of his life, and finally revealed in their full, arguably questioning extend, to Severus in the 6th book. For what we see in "The Prince's tale", Severus held a lot of ressentment towards Dumbledore's latest decisions - regarding his ways to constantly keep things secrets and enigmas, seemingly refusing to allow Snape in further confidence, prefering Harry's company (I always suspected that Snape ressented that he wasn't allowed the same treatment) - a boy he will later learn "was raised as a pig for slaughter". That's a lot to swallow.
Those aspects were, I think, greatly unpacked in one of those very short scenes from the 6th movie (again - this movie is I think cruely underrated), which takes place just before Dumbledore and Harry's departure to the Horcruxe's cavern, and in which we can see Snape and Dumbledore arguing. While he furiously makes his way to the stairs, Severus crosses way with Harry and throws him a venomous glare. It a great scene, despite being short and rather forgetable. It's also visually pleasing, you should definitely pay attention the next time you see it!
Anyway - the drawing was made with those ideas in mind. And "how could you do this?" is obviously directed at Dumbledore. I tried to make a contrast between Dumbledore and Harry standing into the light, and a frustrated and angry Severus retiring into the shadows.
I hope you'll enjoy this pic - don't hesitate to tell me your thoughts!
(And I may see you again, tomorrow! 😉 *wink wink*)
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tothedarkdarkseas · 3 years
i think the best way to show the range of ajj's sound is by looking at temple grandin and temple grandin 2.
Temple grandin is a cutthroat look on life, and how harsh the world is.
"Open up your murder eyes and see the ugly world that spat you out
Open up your ugly mouth and sing the words, it's how you spit them out"
"On an empty street, in a neighborhood that used to be better
In an empty house, once filled with heavy shit
It a nearly empty bed, inside a nearly empty room, i learned it"
Temple grandin 2 is such a big contrast. It still uses blunt writing, but in a softer way. It's purpose is not to shock, but to give you a picture you can vividly imagine.
Temple Grandin herself was an advocate for the humane slaughter of farm animals. She wrote and published several works on the behavioral patterns of cows, pigs, and chickens.
Temple Grandin/Temple Grandin 2 is a look on her life. She dealt with the murdering of animals, sure, but she wanted so badly for it to be better.
I think illustrating the differences between these songs is a great point and well said. I love both songs, and particularly Temple Grandin Too/Two. The metaphors and blunt poetry in this version are especially striking, IMO. "A Jesus that doesn't want to be a Jesus is given no other choice but to be a Jesus; understanding life is meaningfully worthless." Sean himself has also spoken on the evolution of their sound and how it is so directly tied to his own depression or angry/defensive insecurities, which he often worked through in opposing tones. There's an understandable progression into more thoughtful and ugly-romantic imagery as he gets older and settles into a less chaotic life.
Yes, I am familiar with Temple Grandin's work as well-- I do owe knowing her name to AJJ, as after hearing the two songs I watched several short docs on her work and read one of her books. I think it is indicative not only of Sean's at times abstract and at times sharply pointed style of songwriting, but also his offbeat, empathetic thought process that he chooses to so strongly emphasize Temple's work with autism support (the line "a hug without a human is alright" is a reference to her work as a firsthand autistic scientist and inventor) and leave it up to implication how her experiences with human cruelty and misunderstanding may contrast or may complement her work in the field of humane cattle slaughter. There is something that feels first snide and then entirely earnest in the delivery of the lines "Find a nicer way to kill it" in the first song and "Find a friendly way to make it die" in the sequel.
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