#Sea of Waking Dreams
2jihiir0 · 4 months
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Sea of Waking Dreams by @azrielgreen
read it on ao3!
Steddie BigBang (Team 130)
Part Two is finally out !!! We are so so excited to be sharing it with you lovely people !!! I was so lucky to be able to work alongside such a talented and wonderful person and I'll cherish this experience forever. Az's stories inspire me so much, and this definitely won't be the last time I'll draw them ~
If I had to describe this chapter in four words they would be: chills, sex-magic, water and blood 🖤✨🌙
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velvetjune · 2 months
the chapter songs in Alan Wake 2,, flawless
#they deserve more love and discussion#saying this while also not knowing what to say other than they’re so fucking good#alan wake 2#i think it’s partially because poets of the fall’s tracks are iconic so of course they’re in the spotlight (as deserved)#but also the CHAPTER SONGS. them being made for a given chatacter(s) with the help of Sam lakes poetry#the changes with ‘this road’ by Poe with every Alan chapter. becoming more distorted and revealing lyrics and the spiral#the scratch song being 1) hilarious and 2) similar to Zane’s poetry in the aw1 arg#the emotion in superhero when saga feels lost at the story making it so Logan was gone#the lines of her feeling like a ghost in this story forming around her.. how she feels guilty and absent for both what the story’s doing#and being away from Logan because of her job. ashdhhhhjhh my heart#AND. follow you into the dark HAS to be alice. which kills me because at for at I thought of Alan#but no. Alice jumped in the dark place after him. it’s so !!!!!!!!!!!#the rabbit hole line. Alice spiraling deeper and deeper into a dream—into wonderland#the Lost at Sea one is also good. intrigues me. the Bowie and Lynch references are blatantly aw2 Zane#but it’s so similar to diver Zane and the ‘originals’ death. being lost in the dark place with illusions of escape#and losing any sense of identity. whether he’s real at all or the monster of this sea or just a lost soul.#the soft and calm vocals / instrumental really makes the whole thing#NEED to stop typing more tags because this is a Lot. however.#‘no one left to love’ is also a phenomenal song and one of my favorites from the album. GORGEOUS vocals and how it all flows together.#such a powerful and beautiful way to end a chapter#anyway that’s all I had to say :)#god. I’ve started to watch a few playthroughs of the game and 90% of people have skipped the chapter songs and every time im#that’s fair but my brain and soul might implode if I don’t see anyone else talking about how good these songs are
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imminentinertia · 9 months
In which I keep a promise to a bunch of people who read a fic five years ago and try to explain why I'm doing that now
In 2018, @vesperthine and I collaborated on run down till the rain delights you and when some people asked for more, we promised a sequel. That didn't happen.
Until now.
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Now it's snaking its way to AO3 like an aging Toyota on cold Tromsø roads (I'm really sorry for this silliness but one of the inspo photos we used did this to me).
There's a bit of a backstory:
First of all, you have @nofeartina to blame for run down in the first place and @peacestew to blame for me sliding into the SKAM fandom in 2023 going "hiiii I haven't been in this fandom for years but here's a fic".
In 2018, Tina wanted fisherman!Isak in a knit woolen jumper* and somehow roped V into writing it, and then V somehow roped me into a collab (I'm still entirely unsure how I ended up saying yes), we brainstormed and looked for inspo and wrote some scenes** to see how it went. Fisherman!Isak turned into marine!biologist!Isak with an old fishing boat and a cabin, Even pretended to be suave, the Tromsø area piped up about wanting to be more of a character than a location and there we were:
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Gif by @peacestew
It was so much fun writing with V, and we got along so well, so we wrote a short sequel quite soon after. It just needed a few final tweaks.
Then life happened.
Long story short, I haven't heard from Vesperthine since summer 2019. I hope she's happy and well, and I hope she's writing original fiction because she's seriously gifted, and I miss her because she's a very sweet and smart and lovely person. I was left with a nearly finished draft and a hope she'd turn up again. Since then I've turned down requests to translate and podfic run down, and disappointed a few people asking about the promised sequel, because it didn't feel at all right to make those decisions without V's input.
But it's been five years (!!!), I doubt I'll ever hear from her again, that draft is sitting there on my drive, and... so earlier this year I started thinking about just going ahead and posting it. I went through all our notes and figured out what remained to be done (not much, we even had the title ready), and decided to do those tweaks at some point.
Then Peace slid into my notes a while ago (it had been a few years since we were in touch, I love it when old mates show up), we chatted quite a bit and somehow mentioned run down, and I'm entirely unsure how this snowball started rolling but now we're doing an art + fic collab with that sequel. She's been terribly enabling, and dangling pretty gifs in front of me, how could I resist? She even made a gorgeous title gif for run down. V would have been just as happy with this, I'm sure.
Considering that the sequel was just about finished, and V and I never had any actual disagreements while writing (one tiny scuffle about adjectives, we compromised), I think she'd be okay having her name put on the sequel. And I am okay with making that decision, since it's been so long. I've done the final editing, Peace has added her lovely gifs and now I'm just going to work up the courage to post it.
As stupid as I feel giving directions for fic reading I recommend you read (or re-read, bless everyone who has read it) run down till the rain delights you first, I'm not sure the sequel will make much sense otherwise.
the roll of the harbour wake is coming soon to a fic archive near you. Peace and I hope you will enjoy it.
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Gif by @peacestew
*the fic was almost immediately nicknamed The sweater fetish fic. Drooling over the guys in knit woolen jumpers kept happening for ages.
**the first scene we wrote didn't actually make it to run down, but we put it in harbour wake, and it goes to show that sometimes a fic takes a very different direction from where you start it.
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seapasture · 6 months
I keep staying up too late because it feels like the only time of day I can breathe for myself and avoid interruption but there's also a mysterious cutoff point which varies each night when I am pounced upon by my own shadow and I suddenly feel very depressed
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tolbachik · 7 months
sorry for being so angry tonight. a better world is possible, we have the engineers, the knowledge, and the power to do it. but our world is driven by a greed and hatred unlike any other, one that sucks the soul out of us all.
we can live lives filled with peace, love, and relative comfort but it's been decided for us that we can't. we can uncover the secrets of our world and universe, but we only chose to do so when it's profitable.
there are so many amazing, wonderful, beautiful people on this world. so many vibrant cultures, so much love, so many hopes and dreams. but the west takes it all. capitalism takes more than the world can provide, pushes people into poverty and slavery, all so only a few can play with us all as mere toys and have dick waving competitions.
we're turned against each other, we're told others are savage and inhuman, that they're just a number, just a percentage point. they play god, and as one that is filled with nothing but vengeance and rage. one that only seeks to punish and hoard all that there is, until there isn't anything else anymore. we could've made such a beautiful world for ourselves by this point if a few key things had gone through, but greed and hatred was won time and time again.
my only hope is that we can finally start to push this horrid system into the fire, and we can truly start to set things right. for all its failings, i think the internet has really started to bring us together. i just want people to live and be happy. i want everyone to be able to follow their dreams and feel love. i really hope we can reach that point someday.
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autumnalwalker · 2 months
A Dream About An Endgame 
I am in a place that resembles a cross between used bookstore and antique shop.  The labyrinthine aisle meander and loop around for what must be miles at least. Books and knickknacks cover every shelf, island, and table; so many that some are forced to pile up on the floor.  The materials and level of the flooring varies, but at the moment I am standing at the bottom of a small flight of five or six steps in an area with orange-ish clay shards for pavement.
I am helping several of the gathered people realize who they are.  This place has grown crowded over the past few hours with confused people that could be reasonably mistaken for cosplayers.  Not necessarily what one would normally accurate cosplayers as they capture the spirit of characters more than their “canonical” appearance.  They are, in fact, the characters themselves in truth, although it is only slowly dawning on them as the final act approaches. 
I finish sorting out this group - especially tricky as there are several versions of the same character from different retellings present - and move on.  There is someone I hope to find before everything ends. 
Besides the characters, there are a handful of others present, avatars of broad archetypes and natural forces, the child heroes whom everything rests on, and the Sulfurs and Thistles.  The Sulfurs and Thistles are something like guardians and caretakers of this place.  I am unclear on the distinction between them, but there seems to be an incomplete overlap between them and the archetypes.
And then there is me, an interloping outsider who should not be here.  This is not my first visit to this place, but for everyone it is their last.  I have come to learn that one of the Thistles is my true mother. 
I catch sight of one of the Seasons (Spring, not Autumn as I’d hoped but still a friend), call out to her, and begin walking with her through the winding aisles.  She shifts between forms of animal and human fluidly as a dream.  I have already done the most important duty entrusted to me and guided the young heroes to the places that they must begin from, so now I have a few short hours left for my personal pursuit.  My constant stopping to help the characters realize who they are is honestly unnecessary by this point.  They’ve already begun to congregate into groups of heroes and villains.  As Spring and I pass by I catch snippets of dialogue as they begin to recite their lines in remixed recreation of iconic-and-now-intersecting scenes.  My heart is lifted as I recognize a handful of characters that I know will switch from the side of the villains to the side of the heroes when their moments come.  I stop to pet a statue of a cute creature for luck and Spring admonishes me for falling behind and nearly knocking a set of small glass animals off a shelf.  
We both know that elsewhere in this place - far from here but not too far - the end has already begun.  Floors are flooding and the ceiling and walls are cracking open into a nothingness that consumes all in a terrible wind.  What kind of world comes next after everything resets will depend on the young heroes.
Spring and I find a nice quiet place to rest and wait for the young heroes to find us (find her) or not.  I begin to ask her about a Graysonthistle.  Or maybe a Gaylordthistle.  I cannot properly recall the name, only that it it started with a “G” and contained an “ay”.  I am cut off by the arrival of a Thistle dressed in the image of an elven forest warrior in green-and-brown leather armor and war paint. 
I recognize her although she does not recognize me.  The last time I was here (several years ago) I stood out in my beige slacks and navy blue corduroy jacket she found cute for all that she didn’t want me here.  Now, in my gold-trimmed dress with my crook of living wood, I easily pass as a Sulfur or Thistle, or even an archetype.  Perhaps the Junior Spring or Autumn.
The Thistle asks Spring about a question that’s been bugging her.  Not that it really matters this close to the end, but she would like to slake this last bit of curiosity while she still has the time.  A Sulfur whom she trusts to be unfailingly accurate issued a notice some time back to apprehend a certain interloping outsider who somehow managed to sneak into this place not once but twice.  The part she can’t understand is that the detection report registered the intruder as being male last time but female last time.  She hopes that Spring can clear this up for her and maybe even help her find the outsider.
Spring laughs at fated serendipity. 
I smile and prepare to introduce myself to my mother.
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koskela-knights · 3 months
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Lost at sea
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llitchilitchi · 2 years
oh the copacetic au just makes me so sad on dreams behalf, im glad he gets out of there eventually :(
how long overall is he with sam, before being saved? and how long does it take for him to realise the extent of the damage sam did to him (emotionally and physically)? if you dont mind answering ofc! this au is beautiful as always (and also heartbreaking)
it takes a few months at most. if we are to follow the canon timeline, Techno escaped Pandora mid September, and Sam took Dream out in approximately a week.
if we go with the Revengers, and stick to the canon timeline of them forming at the end of January, it would give them about 4 months together, which is plenty of time for them to slowly tear each other apart in the worst ways possible. the intimacy and complete isolation together definitely makes things accelerate quite a bit. staying together for longer than half a year sounds a little too cruel.
the healing process takes much, much longer. it takes seconds to break a vase and a much longer time to put it back together, and Dream's psyche is much the same.
there is no full recovery to speak of, with a lot of the physical damage being permanent (like Dream's legs). the bruises fade. it takes him much longer to even recognise that Sam was, after all, far more abusive than Dream let himself believe, and that is just the first step in actually emotionally recovering. it would depend on the people who are willing to be by his side as he recovers, how many of them would be willing to listen. how many of them would be willing to say "you didn't deserve this."
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euesworld · 1 year
"I cling to you, I cling to you like waking from a dream.. though no dream could ever be as sweet as you. I cling to your love like a monkey clings to a tree, I cling to you the way static clings. I cling to you the way the sun clings to the sea, I cling to you the way a bee clings to a flower.. I cling to you the way spring clings to April showers. I cling to you when we softly hug with an affection that lasts, I cling to the sound of your laugh.. I cling to your every I love you, oh how I'll never take it back."
I'll cling onto your damn leg, cause I'm clingy like that - eUë
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giddlygoat · 6 months
uh oh i’ve developed both a hyperfix on customizing rubber ducks and argos and mr plant within a matter of hours. on top of ttcc. how am i going to be able to sleep with all this adhd energy dawg
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2jihiir0 · 5 months
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Sea of Waking Dreams by @azrielgreen
read it on ao3!
Steddie BigBang (Team 130)
It was a lovely experience to create art for this project and work alongside the talented and wonderful @azrielgreen !!! 🥰 We couldn't be happier with the final result !! Chapter 2 comes out next week with another illustration.
This story will grip you from the very first sentence and take you on a haunting and passionate journey 🖤✨🌙
Eddie Munson knows Steve Harrington better than anyone. He knows his husband inside and out. They've been together for eleven years, married for eight. Their relationship is everything, it's their world. Their life is built around love, trust and the rules. The rules keep them alive, keep Steve alive. Because their work is dangerous, dark and terrifying. Steve is a powerful psychic medium and Eddie has lost count of the close calls by now, but the rules have always held strong, long after the scars have healed. That is until Will Byers starts writing letters to Steve.
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redhotarsenic · 9 months
Reporpoised phantasies machine girl is 21 minutes of the worst trip to the beach imaginable in audio form. Like the beach is alive and actively trying to fuck with you and it’s getting so much pleasure out of it
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thinkingnot · 2 years
i need Amsterdam twitchcon goers to pull out the most hard hitting lore questions or imma explode
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agentravensong · 2 years
watching a mother 3 lp and i gotta say, the more i learn of the plot, the more concerned i become re: deltarune's plot
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noxtivagus · 1 year
#🌙.rambles#ok tbf didn't rlly swim the water's too cold for me to really swim properly but#i missed the water like this so much#i'm shivering rn tho my teeth were chattering#the sunrise isn't seen here like the sun rises the opposite way but#the moon was so pretty this morning..#n the sky n sea was so beautiful 🥹#i woke up in the middle of the night. i think i had another bad dream. i slept before 10:30 tho hehe#there's that ask i've beeen meaning to answer hmm it made me smile when i saw it yesterday hehe but i forgot to yh answer ><#n then.. i did tag tbd so i will delete it later so i'm probably not gna reply to that comment there but#ty genuinely you know who you are it made my morning 🫶🏼#sleeping n waking up early is really nice#i'm still a bit low on sleep tho i approximately only had like 6 bcs i woke up before my alarm. dunno why i keep on waking up at 5 am#nyways i rlly love the beach so much#the sound of the tides crashish against the shore n#the way the sea gives back what it takes#the smell of the sea.. is really comforting to me#the endless expanse n the bright blue sky stretching out to the horizon#the clouds yonder n the beautiful painting all the colors of the sky make together#the warmth of the sand beneath my feet. the laughter n smiles of my family that warms my heart amidst the chill sea breeze#memories come back to me. watching the waves brought forward n back.. a lullaby i know so well#this is a mess i cld use better words n phrasing but i'm just dumping rn#i think i still feel very lost n confused but the endless sight before me. of the sky n sea. just comforts me#edit/ random thoughts i may delete later but. sometimes i really wish i could just time travel. just to experience some moments again#i cld n would expound n write sm more about that but i'll just keep these thoughts buried to myself :^)
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seashaper · 2 years
i think it was something added in a reboot that i never thought about and so never fully remembered, but..back on my original world, once, i met a couple other gods of the pantheon. aphrodite was very focused on seculus, understandably, but i spoke to someone too. to an extent i didn’t fully recall until last night. his name was arctic. ..is arctic? he’s a very young god of the northern seas. i think he gave me my magic. personally.
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