#Skills vs Culture Fit
hirenest · 2 years
Skills vs Culture Fit
When hiring new employees, companies often look at their resumes or cover letters to determine whether they would be a good fit for the company. In some cases, however, candidates don’t even get an interview because they lack certain skills that the company requires.
But what happens when the job description states that the ideal candidate should possess specific skills, but the company has no idea what those skills are? This situation is becoming increasingly common as companies struggle to fill positions due to a shortage of qualified applicants. Learn more: https://blog.hirenest.com/skills-vs-culture-fit-the-great-debate/
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The problem is that many people think that if they aren’t sure what a skill is, then it doesn’t exist. They assume that if they don’t know what something is, then they can’t do it.
Companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon have all struggled to find enough people who meet their needs. These companies have had to turn to non-traditional methods to recruit top talent, including offering higher salaries than competitors, creating internal training programs, and even offering stock options.
A recent study found that nearly half of all jobs in the United States require at least one skill not listed on a typical resume. That means that most people applying for jobs will likely fail to land the position they want.
The best way to improve your odds of landing a job is by focusing on skills that employers say they want. For example, if you’re looking for a marketing role, focus on writing, social media management, graphic design, or customer service. If you’re seeking a sales position, hone your communication skills, problem solving abilities, and ability to work under pressure. You can find out more in our article: https://blog.hirenest.com/skills-vs-culture-fit-the-great-debate/
In addition to improving your chances of getting hired, it’s important to consider what kind of career you want after graduation. Do you want to work in finance? Marketing? Sales? Research? There are many different careers available in the field of information technology, so take some time to think about what interests you and what you’d enjoy doing every day.
I am a big believer in the power of positive thinking. It has helped me through some tough times and I believe it can help you too.
I encourage you to start thinking positively today. Think about things that you are grateful for, and try to see the glass as half full. This may seem counterintuitive, but it works! 
What is culture fit?
Culture fit refers to whether someone will fit into a team well. It’s important because it helps teams work together better.
The best way to find out if someone will fit into your team is by asking them directly. If they say yes, then great! But if not, don’t worry – you can still hire them.
Hiring managers should ask potential employees what kind of culture fits their personality. For example, if you like working alone, you may want to avoid hiring someone who likes working in groups.
A culture fit isn’t just about finding people who share your values. It’s also about finding people who understand your business and its goals. This means looking at things like experience and education.
If you don’t know where to start, consider asking friends and family members for recommendations. They might not realize they know someone who works at a company you’re interested in, but they could point you in the right direction.
How to Balance Hiring for Skills and Cultural Fit
The best way to find out if someone will fit into your culture is to ask them directly. If they don't know what you're talking about, it's probably not going to work.
It's important to hire people who share your values and beliefs. This includes hiring people who are passionate about working at your company, but also those who align with your mission and vision.
Be careful about hiring based on skills alone. There are many ways to do things well, and some people are better than others at doing certain tasks. For example, I'm terrible at writing code, so I hired a developer who was great at coding. He taught me everything he knew, and now I'm able to build websites from scratch.
If you're looking for a job, it's important to know what kind of work you want to pursue. The best way to find out if a career path interests you is to take classes related to that field. This will help you figure out whether you like the work enough to commit yourself to it. 
The ability to work with people, communicate effectively, and adapt to change are all critical skills when hiring new employees. However, culture fit is equally important. If your company has a strong culture, then you don't need to worry about finding someone who fits into your organization perfectly. Instead, focus on finding someone who shares your values and vision. This person should also be willing to learn and grow as your business changes over time.
In addition to being able to hire well, it's also important to consider whether your team members will be happy at your company. A recent study found that employees were happier at companies where they felt valued and appreciated. So if you're looking to improve employee morale, consider giving your team members opportunities to show off their talents and share their knowledge.
It's not uncommon for people to feel anxious before a job interview. But anxiety can actually hinder your performance during the interview itself. Studies show that people who are anxious tend to perform worse than those who aren't worried. They may also interrupt others less often and answer fewer questions correctly. If you want to know more about Skills Vs Culture Fit, read this article: https://blog.hirenest.com/skills-vs-culture-fit-the-great-debate/
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cooki3face · 7 months
wounded feminine energy vs wounded masculine energy:
Wounded feminine will struggle primarily with feelings of unworthiness that will present itself in a lot of different ways but wounded feminine energy may include things like:
issues with control and manipulation : stepping outside of her feminine energy and her home energy of recieving and trying to push and pull things into fruition or to go in the direction she sees fit and often for personal gain. This may present in her relationships with others, manipulating her friends, manipulating her partners, manipulating strangers. May be dishonest, deceitful, or deceptive.
low self worth & self esteem: she’s unable to make good decisions on who she chooses to be around and what she allows, may fall into a habit of people pleasing, may struggle with internalized misogyny, may be boy crazy or blow her entire life up for male validation or male presence, may constantly speak negatively upon herself and upon others. May victimize herself often or be prone to feeling “sorry” for herself, may also be heavily emotionally unstable or consumed by her emotions to the point where she’s constantly at high points of emotional distress. She has no boundaries, she’s desperate for love, she’s obsessive in a way where it comes from a place of lack or a void.
Vindictive,bitter, and jealous: falls right in hand with low self worth and self esteem, projecting all her fears and jealousy onto others especially other women. Always out to get someone, always picking on someone, always attempting to humiliate or tear someone apart.
over-giving: falls right into people pleasing but a feminine who may be over giving may not know how to or be unable to protect her energy, her power, her divinity and her “soft feminine”, she may become over-giving, over nurturing, overly empathetic to the point where she pours too much of herself (from a raw and authentic pool of her energy) into others. this comes hand in hand with my post about a feminine needing a divine counterpart who is conducive to her energy and is safe and giving so that when she’s in her most vulnerable state her energy won’t go to waste.
Shame and guilt: ashamed of her body, ashamed of her sensuality, ashamed of her femininity, ashamed of what it takes to protect herself from others, guilty for putting herself first, guilty for being in her power, guilty for recieving what she rightfully deserves, etc. etc. falls hand in hand with what I spoke about briefly about how purity culture and certain aspects of culture and life may supress one’s feminine nature and identity and ability to connect with self.
Intuitive and expressive: she’s in touch with her intuition, she’s strong and in tune, truth is clear and she lives in her truth. She lives an honest life, is honest with herself and with honors, shows up as an authentic version of herself in spirit. She’s creative, she inspires others instead of picking them apart or leading them astray.
Consumed by emotions: she’s angry, she’s aggressive, she’s emotionally consumed or disturbed, she’s violent, always fighting people, doesn’t have effective problem solving or communication skills outside of violence or conflict. Is always involved in conflict, is always involved in drama, befriends people with the intention of constantly being in the center of an issue or being aware of an issue, nosy and cunning. If she’s jealous and bitter she expresses it heavily.
Wounded masculine will struggle primarily with how he sees himself, honoring his heart space, and what it means to be masculine or a man. This is not a new issue, it’s as old as time, wounded masculine may exude behaviors like:
overly competitive and combative: masculine may have a tendency to try to out compete others, regardless of sex or gender. He competes with women, he competes with men. He used envy and insecurity to fuel these urges to compete with others. He wants to be the biggest all the time, he wants to be the most successful, the most important, the most looked at, etc. etc. there’s nothing wrong with these desires when they come from a place of self love and growth, there is an issue when they come from the ego and his desire is to push others out of their rightful place or consume the energy of others to make himself larger. Or he needs to be right and he’s argumentative. He may be prone to having narcissistic traits or a narcissistic personality type, he may have an inflated ego or sense of importance. Constant inner and outer conflict, he’s displeased with himself, he’s displeased with what there’s, he’s always fighting, always arguing, always involved in some sort of altercation.
Abusive and angry: he has a tendency to communicate with physical violence or is unable to solve problems effectively. He has a desire to hurt others to make himself feel stronger or more powerful or feel validated and respected. Constant inner and outer conflict, he’s displeased with himself, he’s displeased with what there’s, he’s always fighting, always arguing, always involved in some sort of altercation.
controlling and/or possessive: controlling in plenty of areas, in his relationships, in career, in life. Reflects a masculine whose not confident in his ability to be loved and admired, not confident in his ability to make a difference or take action that will push things forward or into fruition in a genuine and meaningful manner. A possessive masculine is a masculine who has a strong desire to consume things rather than enjoy them and allow them to flourish. Especially in his relationships, he may attempt to “squash” his partner, keep them from stepping into their power, keep them from doing well, he may have a tendency to view his partners and counterparts as objects to be had or to be owned rather than to be appreciated or as an energy that is complimentary and adds to his value or divinity. This goes hand and hand with what I spoke about briefly about men in relationships with successful women who try to trap them with pregnancy at the height of their careers or try to minimize their success. He’s overly critical of others and overly critical of himself on an internal level. May be prone to picking up misogynistic tendencies and views, he picks on women, he degrades them, he feels the need to tell them what to do and what’s acceptable.
Manipulative: again. A masculine who doesn’t think he’s truly capable of making an impact, a masculine who doesn’t believe he’s capable of truly being loved or doesn’t believe he has enough value to be stayed with in his relationships. A masculine who may have a tendency to see others as below him or as pawns.
over-preforming or overcompensating: am i man enough? Am I doing enough? Will they look at me or admire me enough? He tries too hard to be “masculine”, is afraid to stray away from masculine stereotypes, bullies and takes out aggression towards men who don’t fit the mold that he’s been conditioned to believe is what masculinity or being a real man looks like. Leads him to being controlling, resentful, aggressive and violent in a lot of cases. Resents others who live in their truth and live authentically despite judgment and rejection, tries to squash or push down others who go against what he’s been conditioned to believe is right or wrong, ends up pushing people away or ruining a lot of his relationships and his connections because he’s unable to find the courage to be who he is from an authentic stand point and he’s angry because he always feels like he has to preform and conform. And bro is definitely the lgbtq police and the “that’s gay asf” guy in the back who nobody asked an opinion from. He’s overly critical of others and overly critical of himself on an internal level. May be prone to picking up misogynistic tendencies and views, he picks on women, he degrades them, he feels the need to tell them what to do and what’s acceptable.
Unable to feel emotions/disconnected from self: unable to communicate and communicate effectively, he doesn’t understand himself and therefore can’t understand others, has a tendency to resort to anger or shutting down or running from things when he’s feeling triggered or being coaxed out of his shelf or is required to open up and be vulnerable. He’s guarded and closed off, he’s defensive, he struggles with an avoidant attatchment style, he’s afraid of being seen, he’s afraid of true intimacy, he’s afraid of being perceived in general and perceived as being soft or emotional. He doesn’t want to talk about his feelings because he’s conditioned not to and it’s difficult. He’s stagnant, he’s unable to grow, he’s unable to learn hard emotional lessons. Repressed his feminine energy or actively represses it and this goes hand and hand with overcompensating and over preforming.
Unstable: unstable, unsupportive, unsafe physically and emotionally. He can’t create a safe space for you, for others, or himself emotionally or physically and he will not.
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freakinator · 21 days
some disjointed and kinda incoherent thoughts about the s5ers + jepexx:
4c - nature vs nurture, his nature of being a somewhat peaceful generous guy with a somewhat solid sense of justice who wants to be friends with everyone thats the closest thing lifesteal can have to a hermitcrafter vs the way lifesteal itself bends and corrupts those very qualities: seeking vengeance against the abyss after they kept taking advantage of him only to kill him to the point of helping with the orbital cannons, reviving wemmbu over and over again cause he felt bad for him, his own builds being used (or at least attempted to be used in the case of sanctuary) as both slaughterhouse and grave as they eventually turn into rubble
jumper - love that corrupts, holding on so dearly to her teammates (both former and current) and her vision of what lifesteal is supposed to be that shes willing to enact extreme and even horrific measures towards others (particularly zam) to protect them and their memories, limiting herself only for the sole purpose of making said measures hurt even more
minute - good ol' Lifesteal TraumaTM babyyyyy!!!!!! how fitting that the most fanboy-y of the new guys is the one that gets to have the most traditional form of Lifesteal TraumaTM, although idk if its better or worse that he basically speedran almost all forms of it courtesy of the PlayersTM, Wemmbu, and the PMC (all he needs now is to keep failing and dying against an impossible enemy and he'd have a complete set)
pentar - yeah i can see why the PlayersTM love him, he's adapted very well to how lifesteal is although that might just be because he seems to be a very chill guy (of particular mention is when zam did his restaurant bit he just went along with it), that being said he still very much has a lot of hallmarks of being a new guy, one being that hes very reactive which im hoping will change soon since the wemmbu election + the advancement race may have possibly flipped a switch in him
wemmbu - props to this guy for trying so hard to exploit at every opportunity, although i do wonder how differently he would act if he was here for s4 or if he would stay exactly the same as he is now
squiddo - when will they return from the war, has the opposite problem to jepexx wherein she keeps getting dragged into plotlines and essentially forced into adapting to how lifesteal is despite her aversion simply because everyone likes her, she knew basically nothing about its culture and yet shes blended in perfectly, technically nothing is their fault and yet still theyve got blood on her hands
jepexx - when will he return from the war, has the opposite problem to squiddo wherein nobody likes him (ingame) so he keeps being pushed away from plotlines, since hes been here before everyone expects him to behave accordingly and yet the lifesteal he knows of is in s1 and therefore he acts according to that culture even tho the server gone long past that, asserting his will even tho its entirely unwelcomed such as looting corpses right in front of everyone, technically everything thats happened to him is his fault and yet still hes one of the more innocent players simply because of circumstance and skill issues
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itspronouncedtessa · 9 months
The "English or continental" debate is problematic and ultimately detrimental to the community.
Every time I see one of these "are you one or the other" posts, polls, tweets (Xcreets?), blogs, vlogs, whatevers, I get so annoyed. Undies fully twisted.
So indulge me and let's get into this.
First things first:
This is not an attack on pickers or throwers specifically. Any knitting style is valid. If the end result is even, non-twisted stitches that you enjoyed putting together, you're doing it right.
That said, I have 3 major gripes with the concept of "English vs continental" knitting:
1. The terminology. The terms "English" and "continental" were coined during WWII, as continental is actually German and the English were (rightly, at the time) uncomfortable doing anything the German way, or admitting that that way could be more efficient.
As we're about 80 years removed from the war, it might be time to accept that neither is objectively better and that German isn't a dirty word. We can, and should, use English and German, or throwing and picking respectively.
2. It's exclusionary to new knitters. The whole picking vs throwing discussion has made it so that new knitters don't know there are other options. If you're new to knitting, you get the impression that these are the only two options and if you can't do either, you can't knit.
Not to mention that the overwhelming majority of patterns and instructional videos are written or made exclusively for English or German methods. Which means if you want or need to use a different style, you need the additional step and skill of translating the pattern to fit your method. This requires a certain level of understanding of the underlying techniques that new knitters don't have. (Which is why I prefer charts, but that's a whole different rant.)
3. It's exclusionary to experienced knitters who don't pick or throw. The term continental for specifically German knitting dismisses all the other non-German European styles.
An incomplete list:
Eastern, or Russian, where you purl clockwise instead of counterclockwise, mounting the stitch backwards and knitting through the back loop on the right side. Creates the same stitch, but can be so much smoother to execute. Also very useful if you're doing rows of YO, ssk, as it eliminates the need to reorient the stitches before knitting them together.
Norwegian, where you purl without the need to bring the yarn fully forward. This is hard to describe in words, so I highly recommend googling for a video on Norwegian purls. It's a game changer for rib or seed stitch.
Portuguese, where you tension the yarn at the front of the work, looping it over your neck or through a pin. My personal preferred main method. Super helpful for those of us who lack finger strength to comfortably tension at the back. Makes purling a breeze.
Irish or lever knitting. Done with straight needles and (mostly) one-handed. Extremely helpful for people with disabilities. Also one of the fastest methods. You should check out videos on this, the speed is magical.
Flicking (not exactly regional), which is right handed but instead of throwing, you move the right needle to grab the yarn. Also difficult to explain, so check out some videos on this, too. Its a very quick method with minimal wrist movement. If you have the finger strength for tensioning it's worth practicing this, as it's so quick.
All of these are valid techniques, most of them are from continental Europe, none of them are included in the question "English or continental?".
And all of the above doesn't even get into the non-western, non-English, non-European styles there must be around the world, that I can't find through Google, because the English speaking world only uses the above mentioned methods.
Also, knitters that use other methods than picking or throwing are wildly underrepresented in the community, giving the knitting scene a culturally very white, western European image. Knitting could be a far more inclusive hobby if we'd embrace all styles.
In short, we need to change the question to "tell me about your technique" and learn from each other. Combining multiple methods (I use 3 or 4 interchangeably, depending on the pattern) can increase efficiency and enjoyment. And if you're struggling in any way, there might be a technique out there that better suits your needs. Asking about English vs continental isn't going to provide that information.
So tell me about your technique, especially if you use or know of any knitting methods that aren't western or European, I would LOVE to hear about that. Let's share and celebrate all the ways we knit.
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isa-ghost · 2 months
was reading through your q!phil hc masterpost and was wondering if you could add any of your codebreakers/etoilza headcanons into the fray…? :3
qPhil headcanons masterlist
RESTATES for my and your convenience (heads up, there are suggestive/mildly explicit mentions!!):
--He's FWB with Etoiles. Extremely QPR, Etoiles is an aro king --He and Phil started out as friends and that has Barely changed if at all, but sparring matches get a little too homoerotic sometimes and neither of them can resist the other when they're popping off extra hard. Things have. Escalated a few times. If yknow what I mean. Of all Phil's harem members polycule partners, he & Etoiles have absolutely ZERO emotional investment in the Spicy(tm) things they do together. It's simply a very intimate way of showing each other their respect & admiration for the other. What they have going on is a "*spanks you* good game, let's hit the showers team" kinda deal. They're the type of mfs to finish in bed then shake hands like "gg." Casual sex is >>>> to these two, but it happens waaay less between them than it did Phil & Fit, Fitza was habitual (pre-Pac). Codebreakers is a once in a while thing --Etoiles has 100% asked Phil who fucks the best out of the polycule bc like everything else, it's a competition & he Must win, he Must have the best dick game. This amuses Phil very much --Phil is attracted to Etoiles the same way he's attracted to Fit, HOWEVER, the reasoning is different. Etoiles has raw skill and talent, but it's the way he wields it and demonstrates it that makes Phil wanna act up. Also Etoiles is fucking hilarious. Who can resist a good sense of humor? Those dramatics make Phil swoon --Etoiles is one of the people who is best at catching Phil's Tells for when something is wrong --Etoiles is one of few people who can convince (or goad) Phil into doing something he normally wouldn't, especially if he's drunk --Speaking of Phil being drunk around Etoiles, the way he can still absolutely body someone or snipe smth from miles away makes Etoiles want to kiss him stupid --Etoiles left a scar on Phil's back during Purgatory when he killed him Day 1. Phil didn't know for the longest time, but it took him a while to show him his wings after that. --Phil was genuinely afraid of Etoiles (& Fit) for a while after Purgatory --Sometimes Phil's laughs and startled yelps sound almost like squawks. Also his hiccups. It's very rare, but whenever it happens, he gets teased for it. Especially by Etoiles. --Phil goes back and forth on gifting one of his shed feathers to Etoiles --Technically all of the Polycule vs Ender King hcs apply to Etoiles in some way --Phil could listen to Etoiles teach him about French culture for hours
And now the new stuff :D
Etoiles's dramatics can get Phil in tears laughing. His sides and stomach will hurt before it's over, and Etoiles can go on for MINUTES. Sometimes he'll keep going purely because it has Phil dying so hard and he loves seeing what a kick Phil gets out of it
Etoiles is (playfully) salty that Phil is such a My Kids Come First kinda guy bc GOD does he want Phil to be down to do dangerous pvp and dungeon busting shit without the "euuu we gotta make sure it's safe" aspect more often. He wants that Angel of Death. Etoiles is the #1 Dadza (Derogatory) islander /lh
See, Fitza is more explicit and deadass about their,, Time together. Codebreakers is more subtle. Yknow that "media literacy is knowing when something that isn't gay sex is gay sex" post? That's Codebreakers. Sparring, dungeon busting, whatever high-risk high-exertion thing they're doing together. That.
It should go without saying how down Etoiles would be to throw hands with Ender King. It would be the most exhilarating fight he's ever had
Phil's still lowkey lost about the whole resistance thing. And schedules lately have not been kind to the two of them, so he hasn't had a chance to talk about it with Etoiles as extensively about it as he'd like to
Btw he's secretly concerned as hell smth bad is gonna happen to Etoiles if more of his body becomes corrupted by code :)
They 100% refer back to the time Etoiles said this regularly, and similar things like it. The same can be said for Fitza but my god the extent to which these two are more than willing to kill for each other. OUGH.
Phil does not realize how much pent up stress and emotion he can vent out via sparring or hitting something really fucking hard. Etoiles is going to fix that one day.
Phil's Etoiles impression has made Etoiles attempt to learn how to mimic Phil in retaliation but he cannot for the life of him get the hang of Phil's fuckass accent. Geordies stay winning to this man's dismay
Etoiles is frustratingly yet fascinatingly hard for Phil to clock sometimes. It's difficult to gauge exactly how he's feeling or what he's thinking. And yet as inconvenient that can be sometimes, something about it is incredibly attractive to Phil at the same time. Which is funny because unpredictability is usually not something his survivalist brain would like. Something about how he trusts Etoiles and therefore his being a wildcard is not so scary,,
Etoiles 🤝🏻 Chayanne - Wanting Phil to take them on a flight
I don't know if I'd call Etoiles an anarchist the same way I would Phil, but either way he is SO DOWN to fuck with the Feds if it entails any kind of pvp or the need to be geared up
Ok listen I have to call back to the gay sex subtext thing. Things that are more sex than gay sex to Codebreakers: Sparring, adrenaline, battles of wit, flexing powerful gear, thinking too much about what an absolute potential killing machine the other is, watching one another be in The Zone during a fight
Phil has more physical strength than skill with weapons and Etoiles has more skill with weapons than physical strength. Ok now imagine that while they're in a 2v# fight
I would not put it past Etoiles to pull a Missa and say smth wildly out of pocket and suggestive so fast in French that Phil doesn't catch it.
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000yul · 2 years
i appreciate that arknights went beyond what you would expect out of a eldritch horror cult story and into the detail of why people would join such a cult (or at least be sympathetic), why it continues to persist, why iberia has been so unsuccessful at eradicating it.. it's a really refreshing perspective. the seaborn are completely alien amoral monsters, sure, but the people who align with them do so for very human reasons. revenge, spite, a longing for something more, a rejection of iberian society - these apply to both the native iberians who no longer feel any community with or allegiance to from a cruel, overbearing ruling power, and the aegir refugees exploited and thrown away like trash…
this skill in fleshing out the many facets of human response to uncontrollable misfortune is a strength in arknights writing - the catastrophes and how society responds to them, as well as oripathy etc. being the prime example of course. i just think it's particularly notable here because of how much eldritch abominations are traditionally an external, Other threat, but here, the writing conveys a strong message: humans divided themselves along clumsy lines and failed their own, and that's not something you can blame the seaborn for
(saint carmen said something like 50% of the aegir taken from gran faro back then had cult links. the flip side of that: 50% did not. nonetheless - no one returned from their time with the inquisition. and how many liberi did they miss in their mad rush back then? amaia was a liberi, after all…)
fitting that their enemy is the seaborn - a species that is the purest, ultimate representation of the us-vs-them mentality (kin or not kin)—to the complete exclusion of all culture, the ability to relate to those not their own, and everything that defines humanity
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ronika-writes-stuff · 16 days
Thoughts on Ishan :
(and ict in general)
1. When he opted out of India's test squad before our series with S. Africa....I knew... I KNEW it will be a long time before we'll get to see him playing for India again.
And then few weeks later Rahul Dravid said in a press conference... He can come back... Just play domestic.... My heart sank.
Here's the thing, I don't blame him at all for taking a break due to mental fatigue.
I fully support his decision as well. He prioritised himself and that's good.
But my dude... If I was your friend, if I was there with you... I wouldn't have let you go.
I would have grabbed his trousers and refused to let go. This is team India. You take one step back and 10 other people are standing right behind you ready to take your place.
Shubhman gill was hyped up so much... Remember his 126 in 63 balls against New Zealand?
But he faltered.
And Today he's in reserve.
Jaiswal is going to be our new opener in all 3 formats very soon. And there's nothing wrong with that. The guy earned it.
Ishan left the South Africa Series and a month later during the india Vs England test Series Jurel was picked and he did an excellent job.
Now imagine... Imagine if Ishan was there instead... If ishan had scored those 90 runs.....he would have made his place permanent.
I'll repeat myself.... I don't blame him for leaving... But he should have thought this through. Especially when a guy like Rahul Dravid is your coach.
(he's the same guy who gave declaration during a test match when Sachin Tendulkar was about to score a century. He's not as innocent as he looks.)
Another thing which really hurts me is how so many people complain about him being benched and then dropped but Yaar....there are tons of players who have gone through this.
Even Ashwin was benched. He said in an interview that when his team would win he wouldn't even feel like going in the ground to congratulate them coz of how hurt he felt.
It happens.
Anyways My overall opinion on this drama is :
1. I support him for leaving.
2. But I hate that he left.
3. A block of ice would be a better coach than Rahul Dravid.
Anyways... Jo hogaya so hogaya.
What I want now is for him to focus on his future.
And He can start by leaving Mumbai Indians.
MI was the team who would pick young players, groom and invest in them and make them capable enough for team India.
The MI we have seen this year is no longer that team. It doesn't matter how many reels their insta page puts out, the atmosphere of that team is tense, awkward and a hot mess.
If Mumbai really cared about a future captain as they claimed.... They should have made Ishan their new captain...like how csk and gt did with ruturaj and gill.
But oh well.
Right now... The best he can do is keep himself fit, play domestic and leave MI at THE EARLIEST.
That team, it's atmosphere, the mismanagement and inner conflicts (believe me, they exist) will not help him at all.
Imo, he doesn't need a team to grow. He has developed a good skill set. What he needs now is a stage.
A team like Kkr, RR or Gt will be great for that because these teams don't drop Their players after 1 or 2 matches... Have good coaches, stable environment and a good atmosphere overall.
Ishan is an excellent wicket keeper + batsman and the type of cricket he plays is best suited for t20 format (one day and test also but especially t20).
Whether we win or lose this t20 world cup... This one is the last one for our senior players.
After that, our youngsters will take charge (at least they should).
Yashasvi and Abhishek should be our openers.
Gill, rutu and Riyan would perfect be for middle order.
Ishan, with his explosive batting style, would be the perfect finisher.
Also... This dumb culture of batters not learning bowling (encouraged by this stupid impact rule) that has developed in the Indian team needs to STOP.
Look at Australia and New Zealand's t20 squad. Look at how many all rounders they have.
Look at ours. We won the 2007 cup because of all rounders as well.
Also... We cage our players. We hold them back. A player like Travis head is playing with such ferocity because his style and mindset is supported by his captain, his team and his media.
Meanwhile... If an Indian player attempts to do the same and doesn't make a big score in 2 -3 matches... He'll be benched instantly.
Another thing... If we look up the stats of our players in this year's t20 wc squad...
Except virat, Bumrah and maybe kuldeep ...everyone else is on ram bharose.
When players like n. reddy, ishan, rutu, gill, Riyan, natrajan... will be groomed and given enough opportunities....their aggressive style will be supported instead of criticized.... that's when we will win trophies.
@fangirlingintellectual @roseromeroredranger @snowcloudsss
@ishuess @bimesskaira
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 month
i was feeling shiratorizawa + semiten and kawashira hcs so y'all know the drill LET'S GO
goshiki has 100% forgotten that he sleeps in a bottom bunk bed and consequently has shot up awake at the sound of his alarm only to bang his head on the underside of the top bunk bed
or the ceiling if he has the top bunk it's the same either way
also for some random reason i really enjoy thinking about semi and peach green tea. idk he feels like such a peach green tea person
fun fact when i first got into hq i made a list in my notes app where i could keep track of what i thought EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER (organized by team) would order at a boba shop/cafe so i could reference it for fics. i just looked at it for the first time in years. i apparently put down strawberry black tea for semi which still remains a pretty good choice i think
you know what. semi can be a strawberry black tea AND a peach green tea person. he goes for peach green tea when he feels like straying from his usual strawberry black tea. there i fixed the problem we're back on track
tendou uses the excuse of going on boba runs for the team to get alone time with semi. he'll be like "haha i can't get ALL the drinks by myself!! eita come with me :3" and semi just sighs but is honestly secretly really pleased that tendou would choose him out of everyone to run errands with
the greatest love language of all: running errands together
i actually think that, all things considered, semi was probably a little bit insecure and a little bit shy when it came to performing
like yeah he doesn't mind BEING in the spotlight. but he had to work on thinking he was good enough for it at first if that makes sense??? and i think being benched for shirabu probably exacerbates that
he's not used to showing other people his songs and his music!!! he's not used to being vulnerable!! he's not used to believing that he's skilled!!! because obviously that didn't work out in volleyball!! what if semi isn't actually as good at music as he thought himself to be?
tendou of course is determined to make him throw all these thoughts out the window
furudate please give us the secret cultural festival arc where semi gets a chance to shine because of his musical talents . . .
actually since shiratorizawa is a bunch of rich kids i wonder if yamagata has a smartphone bc i just think that'd make him constantly losing it 100x funnier
yamagata: "can everyone shut the fuck up for like five minutes i lost my phone and need help listening for the vibrations"
honestly why do i feel like half the times yamagata has "lost" his phone was really just tendou messing with him
like he's in the foreground running around looking for it while tendou is in the background snapping selfies with it or whatever
reon, ushijima, and yamagata like to go jogging together early in the morning. semi tried it once and then promptly decided never again
i actually think soft quiet early mornings are reon's favorite time of day!! he gets some peace to himself and he gets to see the sunrise bleed into the sky and he gets that crisp sweet air of fresh dew in the dawn and it's so so comforting to him
god i don't know how he does it i could never be that much of a morning person
however this does also mean reon goes to bed at like nine pm at the latest which tendou is personally offended by
reon the early bird riser who probably does yoga or some shit before meeting ushijima and yamagata vs tendou the night owl who stays up til three reading manga in the dark
genuinely how is tendou functioning at practice he probably stays up til three like four out of seven days of the week
(sorry i know i'm dunking on tendou a lot i'll stop now)
kawanishi will never admit it but he is so incredibly fond of the height difference between him and shirabu
it allows shirabu to fit his head perfectly in the crook of kawanishi's neck during bus rides and such and it makes kawanishi's heart flutter every time
but also kawanishi is MISERABLE during spring because shirabu can't comfortably do that when kawanishi is prone to sneezing like every five minutes
shirabu, teacher's pet that he is, is really good friends with the school librarian
oh my god . . . kawashira blue sky complex au . . . i would actually cry . . .
okay anyways shirabu kenjirou is really good friends with the school librarian and that's how he finds out that the school librarian used to know ushijima's dad
wouldn't that be crazy tho????? i'm thinking it was either the same librarian that utsui had or it was a close friend of utsui's who became the school librarian after they graduated and stuff. i'm kind of leaning towards the second one bc i feel like that makes more sense
i just. can you imagine how alone ushijima had to feel. can you imagine how suffocating it had to be. like there's plenty of reason to assume that his mom's side (and perhaps the mom herself) ended up disliking utsui and i wouldn't be surprised if they tried to scrub him out of ushijima's life
new idea guys utsui comes back and gets with the shiratorizawa librarian
honestly i just think this scenario would really show off how much shirabu and ushijima mean to each other because i think that gets underestimated a lot
they trust each other!!! they respect each other!!!! they understand each other!!! ushijima who knows that he is to be used for his pure raw strength and that that's all shirabu wants to do for him and shirabu who wants to bring out the best in ushijima and thinks of himself as someone who serves ushijima!!!!! shirabu and ushijima who both think they're being used by the other but they don't care because that works best for them!!!! it's their way of showing respect!!! by handing the reigns over!!!!
okay that's a really serious oversimplification of what i'm actually thinking but i got like five hours of sleep and i'm running on two mugs of some strong ass lotus green tea i trust you guys y'all get what i mean
like idk i think ushijima wouldn't really know what to do with shirabu when they first meet in their second and first years. quiet upperclassman who is occasionally a jerk but mostly does not mean to be and his equally quiet underclassman who IS a jerk and DOES mean to be. they'd be so fucking funny together. they back each other up in ways they don't even realize. they could leave entire crowds in tears on accident
actually . . . the poor third years back then who had to deal with this first year they thought was quiet and composed and unassuming and totally chill. but was, in fact, completely unchill
shirabu's gone to bat for every single member of the team at some point btw. soekawa ushijima reon yamagata semi tendou etc etc. none of them have ever witnessed it though word just gets passed around to them like shirabu is some honor-defending ninja who only works in the shadows
and then it really surprises shirabu when they come to bat for HIM
i mean i just. i think shirabu is really used to being independent. is used to doing things by himself. he's not used to other people sticking up for him or other people trying to guide him (which could be another reason why he clashes with semi). it's not that he thinks he's perfect but like. he's never had people who wanted to do that for him before!!
but now he's got goshiki who WANTS compliments from him and he's got kawanishi who loves him for whatever reason and he's got the upperclassmen who ruffle his hair and swing an arm around his shoulders and tell him ot text when he needs help and he's just like ???? like a system error.
give it up for shirabu kenjirou everyone i love him
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burningtheroots · 11 months
💜🤍💚 Introduction Post & Guide/Masterpost 💜🤍💚
After three months, I think it‘s time to introduce myself and clear this mess of a blog a bit 💀
So, I‘m 20 years old and have been learning about radical feminism for quite a while before joining in myself, and I‘m really grateful to be part of this community and even be mutuals with some of my favorite women on here. <3
I joined Tumblr (and Instagram) to share information, my own opinions and to connect with like-minded women. Before discovering radical feminism, I always felt left out from the discussions and didn’t know that there would be anyone who‘d understand me and accept me. I tried to fit in somewhere where I didn’t belong, and whilst it‘s not always easy to be here, I‘m happy that this community exists. :‘)
DMs & anons are always open, and I‘m always interested in having discussions and meeting new people.
I‘m rather shy and struggle a bit with my social skills, but it gets better eventually.
The only people who aren’t welcome on my blog are p0rn obsessed men and generally anyone who only wants to harass me or spread misogyny. I‘m all for respectful discussions and willing to share my viewpoints, but I‘m not a punching bag.
As there‘s a lot going on here, I collected the most important posts and reblogs (quite many, to be honest) and decided to link them here. Some are simply informative, some are very subjective and some are a mixture of both. The list will be updated over time.
Here you go:
(I‘d also heavily recommend to check out @/radfemfox5, @/woman-for-women, @/butch-reidentified, @/radsplain, @/meanevilandcruel … and many more — not actually tagging them because this post is long & I don’t want to annoy them) 💜🤍💚
if a link doesn’t work, please let me know
Sex-based violence 🔗 links
‼️ Self-protection in emergency situations
Pornography 🔗 links
Prostitution 🔗 links
Gender Critical 🔗 links
Surrogacy 🔗 links
Sexual assault 🔗 links
LGB & Pride 🔗 links
Women‘s health 🔗 links
Pro-choice 🔗 links
Questionable men 🔗 links
Women‘s rights movement // General stuff continued 🔗 links
Women‘s movement // General stuff
Donation Megathread
Stop the infighting
"Not like other girls"
"Not All Men" is a war propaganda tactic
Age and attraction
Key elements
Andrea Dworkin works
Why feminism should center women and women only
How men see us
Prioritize women
Radical feminism is intersectional
Radical feminism definition
Double standards in terms of "unconditional love"
Favorite quote
We‘re not Nazis
We don’t support Nazis & vice versa
Misogyny vs. misandry
Why I‘m a radfem
Actual radfeminism
No good men
Feminist book list
Libfem hypocrisy
Andrew Tate fans
"Withholding sex" is a misconception
Sexism against women in sports
Choice feminism
Men ☕️
Sex-based violence
Radfeminism is superior
On motherhood
On motherhood 2
Workplace sexism
Men‘s mental health month
Women are not protected 1
Women are not protected 2
Oppressor classes
Men who want children
Men‘s sexual entitlement
Beauty Myth
A man‘s world
It‘s all men
Double standards
Women in fiction
No conservatism
Lies about emotions
The system isn’t broken
Resist, don‘t comply
Male hypocrisy
Woman arrested in Saudi Arabia
"Unconditional love"
Beauty ideals
Again, men ☕️
Parental alienation ‼️
Men & gossip
Men dislike their own daughters
Women aren’t objects
On religion
Sexism at school
Women‘s labor
Men‘s victim mentality
Arranged marriage
Women are an afterthought
Oppression in the US
Purity culture
American women & maternity leave
Body neutrality
Dangerous men are around us
Men don‘t actually "love" women
Stereotyping men
Neha Wadekar in Baringo county, Kenya
Tomiekia Johnson
Child marriage in the US
Workplace sexism
UN report (alarming)
"You are a man-hater"
People with disabilities matter
Disability Pride Month
Girls‘ clothing
So you‘re partnered with a male
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astrolavas · 11 months
i think it’s kind of interesting with the hexside tracks convo. i actually think construction magic is the only coven-specific type of magic we’ve ever seen hunter do? with that big earth fist he whacked amity with in eclipse lake. i don’t know if that would be an argument for or against him taking it as a class, but i feel like everything else we’ve ever seen him do is like,, not tied to a coven besides that one spell
(this is related to this old post but i put the answer in my drafts and the option of posting it vanished from my memory lmao)
tbh that IS true, i forgor it can be technically considered construction magic kxjsjks
i feel like there are so many spells and different "sub magic types" and magic courses that are kinda unclear which track they'd be taught at or where they fall under, especially since there are some tracks/magic types that we've only seen used in a very general way; like construction or oracle. we've seen manyyyy possibilities for some tracks, like abomination (like what darius vs alador vs amity can do, how differently it can be used) or bard (how at first glance it just feels like a "yeah we use instruments to fight and do spells" but then we also find out how much you can truly do with it and how much actually falls under bard magic through raine) or illusions (everything that gus, and graye, have been shown to do) etc. but some tracks/covens we have really just been kinda... shown from a very surface level lol
hell, i still wonder why anyone would ever choose a potion coven in a world during belos' reign, where you have to choose to only have one magic type, because... from all we've seen it seems like in order to make potions you don't really need any magic (having magic can help but it's not necessarily needed) so what magic DO you get??? you have to get something (maybe magic that can assist you in making potions?) but we have no clear idea what. also considering how oftentimes potion-making is also tied in with other magic types (like plants or healing or beast-keeping) it almost feels like it should be a sub-type of each magic or an addition rather than its own thing. BUT KXJSHSK YEAH like, we don't know! i wish it was more clearly fleshed out in the show.
there's also the fact that now that belos is gone, the society is able to take back their culture and history and practices that were lost to time and as we can see in the epilogue they're actively working on making the boiling isles less... belos-influenced. they're working on that process of decolonization and it's going to be a long LOOONG while until traces of belos' impact completely disappear, but there are already clear changes. the sky is clear again (just like it was in the "savage ages" - a contrast to the pollution we see in the emperor's coven era), palismen are being carved again and palistroms are coming back from being endangered, selkidomus is doing good, the once a police precinct in latissa is now a hospital and the hostile architecture around it (the spikes) is gone, there's now a way to remove sigils and everyone is free to pursue whatever they want. the society is healing. etc.
and covens, magic being split into these clear subtypes- was not ever really something natural. like yeah, there ARE magic types that seem very clearly "thematic" like you can very clearly separate bard magic from plant magic, and a witch can be naturally skilled in a particular thing (like willow or gus) but there are also some spells that overlap and some that seemingly don't fit into any covens at all. belos made up covens in order to limit witches' bodily autonomy and control their abilities, in order to seem more powerful and to create this structure of power. so i imagine that if you are in a coven, in any coven, there are spells that don't quite fit any of them, or some that fit all.
i. ngl i completely derailed the ask and forgot where i was going with this LMAO but yeah
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OC interaction
Thanks to @somethingclevermahogony here and here, @illarian-rambling here, and @mk-writes-stuff here!
Rules: describe an OC, then describe how they would interact with the OC of the person who tagged you!
Under the cut, it got long:
C's OC #1
Narul is a 23 year-old slave at the Palace of Labisa, the Great City by the Lake. He is a forestfolk, a person or group of people who have been mutated or altered by the effects of wild or ambient magic. His birth mother was a priestess, his father is a mystery. He was adopted by an enslaved woman as an infant, thus how he ended up in the servitude of King Hutbari. He is a giant of a man, literally, at just a hair under nine feet tall. He is additionally quite bulky, much much larger than even the biggest human. He is so massive that the door into the slave quarters had to be reconstructed just to fit him as he grew up. Aside from his size he is also just a bit rough in appearance, hairy and broad, picture a DnD Dwarf, just sized way up. He is inhumanly strong, a fact that causes him a great deal of distress. Because of his size and strength, Narul has the potential to be quite dangerous to normal humans, as he has been repeatedly reminded of since his childhood. Narul has a great deal of anxiety around his body and his potential to accidently hurt others, as such he is quite timid and careful. He has a tendency to mumble when he talks, which unfortunately due to his low voice, often makes it sound like he is growling. He is a gentle person, he likes flowers and abhors violence. He cries relatively easily and gets easily anxious or overwhelmed.Despite all of this he is fiercely loyal and kind. He doesn’t talk much but loves to listen to others.  His fatal flaw is a healthy dose of self-doubt and self-loathing. Narul hates his body, it scares him, and he believes that it scares others. He is often self-deprecating, though not in a joking way. He feels an intense jealousy towards those around him that are able to live normal lives and pursue normal relationships.
C's OC #2
Mikrab is a spiritblood, half-human and half-spirit, a demigod. Mikrab is just over 1450 years old, his body is functionally immortal, though his mind is not. Time and loss has made him apathetic, and his memory has faded with the ages. He does not remember where he comes from, nor his family, he doesn't even remember his birth name, Mikrab is the Knoshic version of his original name (Like Juan vs. John), and his culture and language of origin have since gone extinct. While he does not relish in violence or destruction, he simply does not care if he causes it. He will kill and destroy for the sake of convenience. He wanders the world, not seeking death but also not avoiding it. He is lethargic and cold, save for moments of frustration, often with his predicament. As with all spiritbloods he is massive, though among spiritbloods he is on the short side, only about 7'8, and is a bit more lean in his build compared to the likes of Narul or Batricca. His supernatural strength and durability are what have allowed him to survive so long. Surprisingly, he is quite a skilled linguist and can speak in Kishite, Knoshic, Apunian, Korithian, Arkodian, Ikopeshi, and Namuti.
Katie's OC
Djek Kagura is a young man (19 in the first book, 23 in the second two) with a shifty appearance, red eyes, and a constant squint due to poor vision. He grew up on the streets after his parents tossed him out to cut down on mouths to feed, only to later join the brutal Tunnel Wasp smuggling gang, which he later split from due to his aversion to violence and need to do what's right. As a person, he's always quick with a joke or snide comment, loves sarcasm, and lies like a fish breathes water. His bad habit is that he loves to annoy people on purpose. At his core is a deep sense of self-loathing and abandonment issues, but he covers these with humor. He tends to try to find peaceful solutions to situations and has a bit of a bleeding heart, even if he pretends to be tough. His friends mean the world to him and he's loyal to the point getting himself hurt in fights he can't win. Also, he's surprisingly in touch with people's emotions and always trys to make them feel better, even he does it with a bad joke or by irritating them to action. He has a weak form of sorcery, specializes in shadow magic, and has incorrigibly sticky fingers.
My OC (created by my lovely gf): Nellie is a clone in her mid-twenties, although she���s only been out of the vat for about six months. She’s reasonably tall and pretty skinny, with pale skin, short black hair, and narrow red-and-gold eyes, which she usually hides behind sunglasses. Nellie is a sweet, kind, and empathetic woman who cares very deeply for others and wants to help, to the point where she sometimes struggles to put herself first. She also has a deeply traumatic history of abuse by her genetic donor that still troubles her deeply and gives her struggles with intimacy, as well as an addiction to mindsplit that she’s trying to shake. She longs for a simple, happy life - a good job, a nice place to live, good food, and the chance to live as her true self (Nellie is a trans woman) is all she’s really looking for (and maybe a partner one day if the opportunity arises - she’s met a friend who’s cute but he’s also a clone of Belladonna’s dad so she’s a bit uncertain). Nellie also has empathic magic, although she hasn’t trained it much, which she mostly uses to see how others are feeling and help them where she can.
Ash Hathaway is a thirteen year old (at the start of Pt1) girl with telepathic powers. She's ambitious to the point of self-destruction, where she wants to try new things just to see where her limits are. Part of it has to do with wanting to prove herself - that she can do it. If someone says she can't do something, she's likely going to go out of her way to do it. She lives in the moment with only some hindsight and no forward thinking. She seeks pleasure and thrill and risk, with no regard to how this could hurt herself or others. Not that she doesn't care about people, but more of she just doesn't recognize danger. She wants nothing more than to expand her powers just to see how far she can go. Despite being able to read minds and feel the emotions of others, she struggles to empathize or understand exactly what she's feeling, usually misinterpreting what others are thinking. Overstimulation and frustration can lead to her seeking ways to avoid her problems and more dangerous behavior. Ash needs to be kept busy - have her do something productive and hands-on, and she will be fine.
Ash and Narul
I think Ash would feel a little conflicted about approaching Narul, considering his size, and she doesn't like feeling physically helpless. However, I think she would, because she also likes risk and after a bit of debate would decide she could use her telepathy to her advantage. Being able to read his thoughts, I think Ash would figure out that he's not a threat, even if she doesn't understand being timid of himself just because he might hurt someone. She does get the fear on some level, since she has done so before herself, but she's always just reassessed how to go about testing her powers. Why limit herself? She may try to teach Narul that. You can't learn if you don't try. Narul I think would be scared that he might hurt her, a child, in the process, so probably wouldn't give in. I think Ash would get his frustration in his own skin, since she's felt that way many times. However, she will never understand not wanting to see what he's capable of. But I think that Narul will ultimately remind Ash of her best friend, Lexi. Jealous easily, cries easily, easily overwhelmed, hates violence...just a million times more reserved than she is. Narul may be jealous that Ash even has a friend group, even if Ash manages to admit most of her friend group was constructed by Lexi. I think they'd be able to connect on some level, but ultimately not understand each other quite well.
Ash and Mikrab
I think Ash and Mikrab could help each other. Ash is always eager to learn more, and through telepathy, could help Mikrab potentially regain some memories. She would love to absorb the knowledge he has, maybe experience what the long life was. However, if he's lost the ability to care, Ash may do this without consent, even if she believes it would ultimately help him. I'm sure she'd sit on it for a while, but in an intense situation, in an attempt to stop him, she'd easily rip into his mind to try and access what he once lost. She wouldn't do anything that deep without consent on impulse, I don't think. Unless we're talking about Ash toward the end of TSP, then I think she would, and in a way she becomes more and more apathetic like Mikrab. So depending on the circumstances, Ash could help Mikrab connect with memory and emotion again as she learns new things and tests her abilities, or Ash's drive to do that will get her severely hurt, killed, or just in a generally bad situation.
Ash and Djek
Djek may intrigue Ash a bit too much. She may be able to sense he's lying, sense him covering pain with humor, etc wonder why, and peak into his mind. May get a bit overwhelmed by the self-loathing thing. She has used humor before to defuse situations, so they have that in common, but she does not exactly covering up her own pain with it. She will try to understand Djek, but her curiosity may get the best of her, and I'm not sure he'll like her experiencing his own self-loathing and calling out every lie he makes. I think they would clash, at least at first. Djek being in touch with emotions naturally would be an interesting comparison. I feel like they'd call each other's feelings out, read each other and make the other one irritated as a result. However, I do think that if they were in A Situation in which they were forced to work together or bond, they could do it. Ash definitely would be interested in Djek's magic, weak or not, and may even encourage him to test his limits.
Ash and Nellie
Ash would probably accidentally sense Nellie is a clone, but she'd also sense she shouldn't reveal that to anyone. Her kind empathetic nature who puts herself last would remind Ash a lot of her friend Gwen. Hearing Nellie has empathetic magic would definitely cause Ash to be curious, and she'd ask her many questions about it. First, she may ask how she could learn to interpret emotions, but also may see if she can help Nellie expand her powers a bit more. Ash also has a bit of a developing addiction to telepathic probes that expand her mind and give her visions but start to take a toll on her - mentally, emotionally, physically. If Nellie is shaking off an addiction, I would hope she manages to convince Ash to stop using the probes. Cannot confirm if it would work or not - it may make Ash get irritated and want to use them more to prove she can do it. That last bit may cause a divide, but I think they'd mostly be interested in the other.
Well that was long.
Tagging @elsie-writes @winterandwords @sleepywriter00 @cherrybombfangirlwrites @duckingwriting @ceph-the-ghost-writer + anyone else who wants to play!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
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aheathen-conceivably · 9 months
THE BOLD THE FACTS tag by @helenofsimblr
The Rules are simple! Tag people and name a character you want to know more about! If you want to let the person you tagged decide who to showcase, then don’t name a character and they can pick somebody. Easy! The person who is tagged will then bold the remarks below which apply to their character &, if they want to, include a picture with their reply!
I was tagged by @historysims4 for the one and only Antoine Duplanchier (as if I wouldn’t have picked him anyway 😙)…
Tumblr media
$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor (only currently, as he’s had various levels of wealth through his life) / in poverty
✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other (he grew up wealthy and transitioned into middle class later in life, and now finds himself unemployed and without any property ownership 😬)
✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other
✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes (literally on the run for running out of bribe money) / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
◒ Children: had a child or children (who of course he spoils endlessly) / has no children / wants children
◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned (by his father before birth) / raised by birth parent / not applicable
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
♦ disorganized / organized / in between
♦ close minded / open-minded / in between
♦ calm / anxious / in between (mostly calm, unless he’s spiraling)
♦ disagreeable (will charm the hell out of you until you piss him off) / agreeable / in between
♦ cautious / reckless / in between (mostly reckless when he’s overtaken by emotions but working on tempering that for Zelda and Violette)
♦ patient / impatient / in between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
♦ leader / follower / in between (does what he wants when he wants and refuses to follow, but has no interest in leading others)
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard (again, not without reason but if he’s been wronged it’s not pretty) / in between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
♦ traditional / modern / in between
♦ hard-working (cue the must provide for my family at all costs mindset) / lazy / in between
♦ cultured (baby boy is bilingual and world traveled at this point) / uncultured / in between / unknown
♦ loyal (as we’ve seen sometimes to a fault, especially when he has his priorities of loyalty inverted) / disloyal / unknown
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
★ Faith: monotheist (the cultural Catholic vibes are strong with this one) / polytheist / atheist / agnostic
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes (I mean they were haunting him at one point) / no / don’t know / don’t care
✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
❀ Philosophical: yes / no
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral (giving him neutral vs. favorable as his past has made him cautious) / sex favorable / naive and clueless
♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable /naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills: excellent (those scars didn’t come from nowhere) / good / moderate / poor / none
≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently (very close to the latter, and has been at various points in his life) / Alcoholic
☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely /sometimes / frequently / Chain-smoker (please see above photo or any story post 😅)
✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict
✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
$ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently (clothes, my boy loves clothes) / shopaholic
♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
I’ll tag @come-hell-or-high-water @surely-sims @antiquatedplumbobs @paperdolls-and-pixels @simadelics and @blueshistorysims for any sim you choose (and please feel free to ignore me entirely 😉)
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 10 months
hello lovely, this is re: sex witch stuff. do you have any advice for figuring out whether what's up with you is an a-spec thing or a depression thing?
context being: I've suspected I'm somewhere on the asexuality spectrum because I don't usually get *attracted* attracted to people unless I've gotten to know them somewhat. but at the same time, I've been depressed since I was a young teen and in the past few years, my libido has definitely gone down and I usually only get horny around my period. part of it is probably the meds and the fact that I'm Exhausted all the time (being in uni and having to be an adult doesn't help lol). I'm 23 and still a virgin, but I do get the sense that I would enjoy casual sex or an FWB situation. the other thing is - I do enjoy my own company, and I know I'm probably not in the best place to be in a relationship, but at the same time I'm a little lonely and would love to be in that long-term relationship stage of things yk? but I have no great desire to be actively dating (lack of energy also factors into this), and hookups are not a big thing in my culture so sex kind of goes with dating. which is why I still can't figure out whether this is more of an a-spec thing or depression + mild social anxiety thing :/
I'm the last anon about aspec vs depression thing. forgot if I mentioned it or not but I'm 23F, bi (I think. I tend to use queer. never actually been on a date with a girl before) and cis so there isn't any major gender or sexuality issues complicating things. I do have some body insecurities which may play into it (was naturally quite slim and then I lost more weight in the past 2 years due to meds which means my boobs are even smaller than before) but overall i think I'm fairly body neutral at this point 🤷‍♀️
hi anon,
I'm going to say something that I worry has the chance to come across as condescending and I want you to know that that's not my intent at all. I'm not trying to downplay your curiosity or exploration of self, or the mental health experiences that you've had. you're the predominant expert on yourself, and you can feel free to disregard all of this.
having said that:
what you're describing doesn't sound like it's solely a depression thing or necessarily an asexual thing at all. it sounds like being a busy 23 year old with a lot on their plate and having more pressing things to focus on than sex, even though sex sounds kind of nice. that's very normal for lots of people whether they're asexual or not, and it's actually great to hear that you're aware that you're not in the best place for a relationship and that you're already comfortable in your own company. it may not be the most fun thing, but being self-aware and able to be happy on your own are both important skills to cultivate.
you definitely could be asexual! I'm not denying that! but just chilling sex-free while you're busy and stressed and tired with uni and other things isn't hard proof, especially when it sounds like sex is something you think would be fun and desired for you if it were a better fit for your life right now.
some further reading that may be helpful:
The Sex Myth (Rachel Hills) - one of the very first sex books I read back in my baby sex witch days; a helpful reveal that most people are, on average, not having as much sex as they claim or want to be having
Come As You Are (Emily Nagoski) - neat insights from Dr. Nagoski about the ways that stress and other factors fuck with cis womens' sex drive and sexuality (and how to approach that with grace and self-compassion)
Ace (Angela Chen) - a phenomenal look at the experience of asexuality by an asexual writer, which may be helpful in determining if asexuality feels like the right label for your experiences
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almoststedytimetravel · 8 months
what if the rest of the lucina gang got sent to hoshido/nohr
Oh, bby girl you can't enable me like this...
Okay so, for balancing reasons you'd have to split the kids 50/50 so we need both Morgan's and some starting classes would have to be changed.
F!Morgan - Deviner/Skyknight
M!Morgan - Samurai/Sorcerer
Cynthia - Skyknight/Cavalier
Noire - Archer/Deviner
Kjelle - Spear master/Knight
Brady - Monk/Trubadour
Yarne - Apothecary/Taguel
F!Morgan gets deviner and M!Morgan gets Samurai because in their offical art M!Morgan was holding a sword and F!Morgan is holding a tome. Kjelle get's spear master because she starts with spears. I don't know why I chose Apothecary for Yarne, it just felt right. F!Morgan having Skyknight as her Heart Seal class is based on her heroes class being dark flier. Noire having deviner is in reference to her mother's class, deviner and not sorcerer because she's stated to be unskilled at dark magic. Yarne gets his base Taguel class back by heart sealing into it.
Laurent - Sorcerer/Apothecary
Lucina - Mercenary/Spear master
Gerome - Wyvern rider/Ninja
Nah - Wyvern rider/Manakete
Inigo - Mercenary/Ninja
Severa - Mercenary/Skyknight
Owain - Sorcerer/Samurai
Nah gets wyvern rider because she's a dragon and I think that woulds be funny. Also I think Laurent should be able to wear the slutty sorcerer fit, I think it would be funny. Mercenary is the only Nohrian class that starts with swords so that's what Lucina gets she ger spear master because lords get lances on promote in Awakening. I feel like Ninja fits Gerome personality wise.
I think only the original trio would be retainers to the royals everyone else would be doing something different. I think the Morgan's would be Azura's equivalent of Flora/Felicia. Twins who serve as Azura's maids/bodyguards which would also make them neutral units. Cynthia would be a Skyknight stationed at the capital. I can see her being an early recruit in Birthright, like she joins you when you first leave the capital. I think Noire and Kjelle would all also be early game recruits while Yarne and Brady would be mid game recruits.
I actually think Nah and Gerome would be Neutral units serving in Cheve. They get auto recruited in birthright/revelations but need to be recruited in conquest by having one of the Awakening kids talk to them. It would be on the same map where you get Charlotte and Benny. It would also give the Awakening units two neutral units per nation. Laurent would join you after one of Corrin's returns to Krakenburg, best time I think would be when they get sent to the rainbow sage. Lucina I can also see being recruited durring the seven fold sanctuary map, perhaps having been sent a head by Xander.
This would also give five more child units for the male characters.
M!Morgan's child would have to have their own version of "Time to tip the scales!" and "Time to even the odds!" I think their gimmick would be remembering what happened in Heir's of Fate and have the starting class of ninja.
Yarne I can see having a child unit that's the complete oppisite of him, bold and reckless who gives him no end of heart attacks. staring class of Oni Savage
Laurent's child unit would be a detective, trying to solve mysteries like Miriel but rather then being a scientist they do dective work. The best starting class for that would be outlaw with Ninja for a heart seal class.
Brady's child unit would be a 'Sukeban' a sterotypical japanese female deliquent. But one who's quite skilled at the more 'high class' activities. Basically Brady but with the Japanese aesthetic and cultural influences because she'd be a Hoshiden unit
Gerome, child unit who has a wyvern named Maria. I think they would have conflict with Gerome baced on being in the deep realm. "I'd rather see you less often as you grew up rather than be stories for you to hear." vs. "I would have been satisfied with stories of you if it meant not being alone." A follow on from "I didn't want heroes I wanted my parents."
I also think they would have a mechanic where if you fight one of the Awakening kids with another they won't defeat each other but will leave each other at 1hp/they will miss any attack that would defeat them.
Oh and Noire would defiantly be able to S support Hayato and have unique dialogue with Rahjat
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switchcase · 6 months
in your reply to another anon you wrote that in your experience western ppl with DID tend to be good at emulating behaviour and being more chameleon-like. that’s a really interesting perspective. are there other cultural differences in how DID or other mental health issues express themselves or are approached in different cultural contexts you’ve encountered?
There are a lot of sociocultural differences in how most if not all disorders present. An example would be the whole "male vs female autism" thing which doesn't have to do with inherent sex differences and is more to do with how children are treated differently based on their gender. Patient description of symptoms differ as well based on culture for both mental and physical health issues, which can skew how the professionals come to the conclusions they do. Because professionals are taught to fit certain symptoms descriptors together to come to a diagnosis, and those symptom descriptors they're trained with are white and western descriptors. Both of these things (as well as provider biases and racism) are big factors in why POC are so frequently misdiagnosed or go undiagnosed for longer periods of time, regardless of the diagnosis.
Not a lot of DID-specific research on this (this is a big research interest of mine is prevalence and presentations of DID in nonwhite demographics). There is starting to be more research in DID in global south countries, but not much and there are some issues with how the researchers interpret certain things. For example, there is a paper on dissociation in my homeland which talks about the normalization of dissociation in my culture (true), but one of the examples the author gives is a word which translates to "premonition"--I'm guessing she misinterpreted or that it wasn't translated properly by her student(s), since she didn't speak any of the local language.
I have noticed tailoring your personality to be palatable to various family members/coworkers/friends seems to be a skill many white, western people have regardless. Not in a code-switching way where the mannerisms or the language change, but in the sense of changing your entire personality and viewpoints. It's pretty disconcerting for someone who isn't used to it, when someone pulls out 5 different completely contradictory personas that have wildly different principles and opinions but all still perceiving themself as the same person that's just acting for social benefit. So it may be this social skill but a bit more exaggerated in western DID. IME, which is of course anecdotal and Very, Extremely limited to the people I've had the opportunity to meet and get to know, myself and other individuals I know that are immigrants/from global south don't have this skill and it isn't obviously present in their parts.
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
Tumblr media
“Fin Monster” © Jia Hao, accessed at his ArtStation here
[I just finished reading Folk Tales of the Maldives, which is a culture and mythology I knew nothing about before reading. Maldivian society puts a lot of stock in fishing, sailing and other seamanship, and like all seamen, they have a lot of sea monsters. The author of the book was less interested in monster stories than in collecting more “realistic” oral traditions (boo), so there’s a number of them that make cameo appearances that leave me wanting more. There are giant jellyfish that are so hard that boats (and even people) smash to bits when colliding with them. Pearlfish (which live inside the anuses of sea cucumbers) are the larvae of giant deep sea monsters. Most of the monster tales that get a full plot are about the furētas, which are shapeshifting reef monsters loosely equivalent to an ogre or troll. They eat people, are super strong, but dumb enough to be scared of people crunching on fried breadfruit. I slotted my version as a CR 8 to make it fit into adventures in the same place as D&D/PFRPG’s traditional “ogre-with-magic-powers-based-on-Asian-mythology”, the ogre mage/oni.]
Furēta CR 8 CE Monstrous Humanoid This giant is vaguely piscine, with spiny fins along its limbs, back and neck. It smells like a low tide and has enormous sharp teeth.
A furēta is an aquatic shapechanger that prey on people living on tropical islands. They typically live underwater, in caves and crevices on reefs or rocky shores, and move onto land to hunt. They can disguise themselves as humans, and may walk undetected into villages to scout for victims, whom they then ambush. Most furētas keep a handful of costumes, weapons and tools in a safe dry space, so they can more easily pass for humanoids. Furētas are somewhat foolish, and few of them know much about the humanoids they impersonate. Thus, they can sometimes be tricked into revealing their identities, or bluffed or intimidated by customs or technology they are unfamiliar with.
A furēta can stretch its body to supernatural lengths, letting it look above rooftops or claw at sailors on a boat from the water line. Their claws and spiny fins carry a vile rotting disease, which afflicts those who succumb to it with leprosy-like rotting sores. Most furētas hunt alone, but they do occasionally form gangs of friends and family. These associations are more competitive than cooperative during combat, with each furēta trying to prove themselves the strongest and the toughest.
In its natural form, a furēta is about ten feet tall, but they can stretch to at least twice that height for brief intervals.
Furēta                                                                                                CR 8 XP 4,800 CE Large monstrous humanoid (aquatic, shapechanger) Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +16, scent Defense AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +9 natural) hp 105 (10d10+50) Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6; +4 vs. disease, poison, sickness and nausea SR 19 Defensive Abilities innate foulness, spiny Offense Speed 30 ft., swim 60 ft. Melee bite +15 (1d8+6 plus grab), 2 claws +15 (1d6+6 plus disease) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks elastic lunge Statistics Str 22, Dex 15, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 15 Base Atk +10; CMB +17 (+21 grapple); CMD 30 Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lunge (B), Power Attack, Skill Focus (Disguise) Skills Disguise +11, Perception +16, Stealth +7 (+11 underwater), Swim +23, Survival +15; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception, +4 Stealth when underwater, +4 Survival Languages Aquan, Common SQ amphibious, change shape (humanoid, alter self) Ecology Environment warm aquatic and coastal Organization solitary, pair or gang (3-6) Treasure standard Special Abilities Disease (Su) Reef rot; claw or spine—injury; save Fort DC 20; onset 1 hour; frequency 1/day; effect 2d4 Con damage, affected character must make a second save or 2 points of Con damage are drain instead; cure 3 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution based. Elastic Lunge (Ex/Su) A furēta gains Lunge as a bonus feat. It may choose to gain an additional 5 feet of reach in exchange for an additional -2 penalty on attack rolls, to a maximum of 15 feet of reach and a -6 to attack rolls. A furēta may use this ability in conjunction with change shape. Innate Foulness (Ex) A furēta gains a +4 racial bonus on all saves against diseases, poisons and spells and effects that cause the sickened or nauseated conditions. Spiny (Ex) Any creature that strikes a furēta with a touch attack, melee attack or unarmed strike must succeed a DC 17 Reflex save or be scratched by one of its spines, taking 1d6+3 points of piercing damage and being exposed to the creature’s disease. Manufactured weapons with the reach property do not endanger their wielders in this way.
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