#Steve isn't based on a conversation i had with my brother
tartarusknight · 8 months
But Now We're Stressed Out
CW: Spiraling about the future and feeling like you don't have one.
Eddie Munson always knew he wasn’t very smart. He struggled every time he tried to learn something that he wasn’t hyper fixated on. Even when he was hyper fixated on something it was a 50/50 chance, he could learn it. But even with his shitty track record, he really thought he’d be able to do this. This being getting his degree. He thought that music therapy was what he was destined to do but as he sits in a class filled with smarter people who cared about the curriculum a hundred times more than him, he felt out of place.
It had been a month of struggling to even pay attention to what the professor was saying. A month of his friends putting their faith in him. A month of people telling him that he just needed time to get into the swing of things. A month of feeling a second from dropping out and knowing that he wasn’t meant for this. He wasn’t meant to learn about the way the brain works or memorize all this shit that would be useful if he became the therapist, he set out to become.
As he got home after learning about all the shit he’d have to do for the rest of his life in this profession, he just sat on the couch. He felt numb to it all. He felt too dumb for it all. He stayed there with the radio playing lowly in the background. The apartment he shared with Steve and Robin was empty because they were both out working.
He would’ve been working too if Steve hadn’t assured him that it would be fine. That he and Robin could keep them afloat and that Eddie could just focus on his schoolwork. Even though Steve was going through EMT training and Robin was in school herself. Now he wished he had a job because all he felt was unproductive.
He just sat on the couch feeling like a failure before he even failed. If it had been the first try then it wouldn’t have been as bad. But he had already done this. After graduating with Nancy and Robin, Eddie planned on never going back to school. But the year after Vecna Nancy had gotten Eddie to apply for the college near Hawkins and Eddie got his associate of arts degree with much struggle. Each day had been a challenge but he found himself in classes where they wrote essays and discussed things and Eddie could do that.
After a year at the college, he had found himself taking a few classes for their teaching program. He thought that maybe he could teach kids. That he could do something with Music or English, he could teach it. He thought of lesson plans to get the kids engaged. It had been nice… until he got into a classroom setting. The moment he sat back by the teacher’s desk with the task of watching and answering any questions the students had, he choked.
He had felt stupid and like he was just reaching blindly into the dark. So, he got his AA degree and dropped out with a small bye to his teaching class professor. The woman had been kind, saying that he understood the work well and that with some work on himself, he’d be a great teacher. That his lesson plans were engaging and something fresh that would meet the requirements but still be fun for them. But he couldn’t do it.
He didn’t explain it to his friends though. He just went home and said that he didn’t think that teaching was for him. He didn’t know what he expected them to say but for them to agree wasn’t it. Steve said that it was a lot of work for little pay, that maybe it was better to look for a job where he could do better for himself. And honestly, Eddie hadn’t really thought about the pay. He hadn’t cared about it but suddenly he was picturing himself in the future barely staying afloat and dragging Steve and Robin down with him. He couldn’t rely on them for the rest of his life.
Then Robin had said that she hadn’t been able to see him as a teacher. Her words had made him freeze but he laughed it off, calling kids annoying and gross. And sure, maybe he never saw himself as a dad but he didn’t think he was bad with kids. He was better with teens for sure but here Robin was saying that she didn’t even think he was good with any kids. That he was kind of awkward and too intimidating to be a teacher. So, he joked about his distaste for children even though he wasn’t completely sure if it was a lie or not and tried to move on.
He thought that maybe that was it. He wouldn’t go back, but Nancy and Robin were telling him how important a degree was. And when Steve got into an EMT program, Eddie realized they wouldn’t stop bothering him about school either. So, he doubled down, looking into possible degrees he’d want. He took a whole year until he landed on music therapy. Everyone put their faith in him. They all told him how it was a little different but he was different so maybe he’d be great at it. They pushed their pride onto him and he felt undeserving of it. Eddie still applied and by some miracle got into the program, jumping headfirst into the degree.
And it was a waste of money. He couldn’t do it. He’d fail the coming test because he couldn’t focus and he’d remind everyone that he was a three-time senior that wasn’t just trying to be a rebel and not graduate. But rather a person who was so dumb, no matter what he did, he couldn’t win.
“Eds, you home?” Steve asked, as he entered the small apartment, still in his work clothes. “Hey, you okay?”
Eddie looked up at his boyfriend, “I don’t think I can do this.” He whispered and Steve instantly sat down on the couch next to him. He looked concerned and Eddie hated it. “I’m not- it’s not for me Steve, I can’t do it. I’m not-” he couldn’t get the right words to exit his mouth.
Steve hesitated, “why do you think that?”
Eddie squeezed his eyes shut, “I’m not smart. I’m not dedicated enough. I sit in that class and everyone is so quick to understand but I’m asking the people next to me to help me with the work. I see them all hear the teacher and make notes with ease. I can’t even write fast enough!” Eddie rambled and Steve grabbed his hand.
“Hey, everyone feels that way to start out with. I promise you’re not stupid. You don’t give yourself enough credit. You’re smart, Eds.” He promised and Eddie looked away, “come on, you wanted this. What- remember why you chose this.”
But Eddie didn’t choose this because he was passionate about this. He chose it because it was cool enough and he’d be respected for it. But he couldn’t say that. “Come on, let’s remember why. Tell me why you’re passionate about it,” Steve pushed.
Eddie swallowed back the tears that felt like they might show up. “I- Music is important to me. It- it just fit.”
Steve smiled at him widely, “that’s right! So, you can do this! Sure, not every class is fun, but it’s the end goal you gotta think about.” Steve promised but Eddie couldn’t see a future that was happy anymore. He thought of the year he took off, living off of the savings for a good half of the year until he started working again. How much music he wrote and how he felt broken but free at the same time.
Steve just looked at him with that stupid blind optimism. Eddie had seen how happy Steve was in his job at the hospital, how he was tired but he seemed to enjoy the work. Eddie had only one job that he’s enjoyed so far in his 23 years of life. He worked as an apprentice at a piercing shop, helping here and there with piercings. But he had quit when Steve and Robin asked him to move to Chicago with them.
Sure, the job had a shitty manager and he was paid like shit but it was interesting. Eddie doesn’t know if he’s been interested in much since then, honestly. He didn’t know how to explain that though. Not when the whole party had been pressuring him to leave that job because the manager was sketchy as shit. That Eddie sometimes was missed on pay day or was yelled at for doing his job. They all had worried about him in that job and he didn’t know how to explain that he liked that job.
Eddie sighed, “I can’t do this Steve. I’d have to get a Masters, that’s a lot of school.” He tried again but Steve gave his hand a squeeze.
“Yeah, but it would be worth it, right? I know you, Eddie. You’re smarter than you give yourself credit for.” Their conversation was interrupted by the phone ringing. Steve glanced over but he refocused on Eddie. “I’ll just call them back,” he waves it off. “What has you stressed right now?”
Eddie looked at his hands, “I have an exam coming up.” He technically wasn’t lying but it didn’t feel like the truth either. “I know I’m going to fail it, Steve. I can’t even focus on the textbook to read a paragraph. I don’t have the motivation to do the work.” He stressed but as the phone started ringing again, Eddie knew he was losing Steve’s attention.
Steve gave his hand a squeeze, “how about you crack open that book and I’ll help you study.” He promises like he doesn’t have enough on his plate. Like he could hold Eddie’s hand through his entire college career. Maybe he could but it’s not like he could have Steve help him with everything for the rest of his life. “Sound good?” He asked as he picked up the phone.
“Sure, Steve,” Eddie gives him a tight smile and heads out of the room as Steve answers the phone.
He heads into their room and out to their fire escape and pulls out a cigarette. As he breathes in the smoke, he knows he can’t open the book. That something inside of him was broken. He rubs his eyes as the sound of Steve talking with Robin about dinner filled his ears. Eddie knows that there was a chance that Steve would help him study but Eddie wasn’t sure he wanted the help. Maybe he was undecisive. Maybe he was tired. Maybe he was just too dumb for all of this. He felt too young for all of this. But he knew the rest of the party was working towards a goal, that even Erica, who was just entering high school, had a future in mind.
But maybe that was the problem. They all had dreams. And in all honesty, Eddie never pictured living past high school. College was too far in the future; it wasn’t something he ever had to think about. Then it had been. So, he did his best and hoped that getting his general credits done was enough but it was never going to be enough.
He was never going to be enough. He’d need a degree and he didn’t know how to pick one that fit him. Not a single serious career felt like the right fit. Because Eddie was broken and dumb. He couldn’t figure out his own goddamn life. “Eddie does spaghetti sound good?” Steve called and Eddie put out his cigarette.
“Yeah, want a hand?”
“Sure! Robin’s gonna be home within half an hour. We can have it ready for her.” Steve shouted and Eddie knew the past conversation was finished to Steve. So, Eddie pushed it away, for now it could be finished for himself too.
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ponys-girl · 5 months
Dally punks Ponyboy
so based off of a thing I saw where pony gets Darry to punk anyone who annoys him or his brothers.
dally and pony were just messing around at the drive in when a similar scenario of what happened to cherry happens to another girl and dally is the source. the girl is telling him to buzz off, but he's Dallas Winston, who is she to tell him what to do? well, pony pulls a Johnny and tells dally to knock it off. so, pony not being the pet of the gang, dally punches him in the eye and spits on him. and, man, did dally regret that. bro completely forgot about the chick and focused on ponyboy. yk how siblings would be like, "nonono, don't cry, hit me back! don't tell mom!" well that was dally.
when they got back home, pony kept his mouth shut because he and dally are actually pretty chill, but Darry was livid and wanted to know who laid a finger on his baby brother. then, Darry starts accusing STEVE, and that makes soda mad and he confronts Steve like:
Soda: did you hit my baby brother?
Steve: Wtf are you talking about
Soda: admit it, Steve. you hit him.
so that resulted in Steve telling two-bit about the entire conversation, and that escalates to two-bit telling Johnny, but nobody actually knows WHO HIT PONYBOY. and pony isn't gonna just tell them, right? so, he and dally make this entire story that the socs stopped them and dally was handling 2 of them and ponyboy had to fight off the other one, giving him that black eye.
it worked pretty well until dally was a big mouth and was mocking pony by saying, "gEt OfF hEr, DaL," and that sounded a bit too familiar to Johnny.
so, they tried bribing Johnny to not tell anyone, but Johnny obviously told Darry because it was driving my guy NUTS.
when Darry found out, ponyboy made sure dally was at a party because he usually stayed a couple nights over when at parties anyway. Darry was like a bull. he was flaming.
oh, you don't think soda was, too? two-bit, also? AND Steve?
they all wanted to go get dally in that instant. soda was arguing about how dally was twice ponyboy's size, while two-bit was trying to find his switchblade.
eventually, ponyboy got all of them to chill out, but when dally came home a couple days later, everyone was yelling at him.
Darry: why would you hit a 14-year-old!?
Dally: in my defense, he didn't care much!
Ponyboy: guys, it's okay-
Soda: you better sleep with one eye open, Winston.
Ponyboy: Soda!!
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imsodishy · 5 months
For you. 👍 They were too late.
Couldn't stop Seven in time, not until she had thrown them all for a loop.
Led them to now, Max sitting curled up next to her unconscious brother as Dustin paces a hole straight through the floor. Lucas sat on the couch closer to where Steve was laid, Mike and Will crammed together on an armchair. Robin, Nancy, and Jonathan had run off with Joyce and Hopper to find more information, if anything.
What happened was this: They were all cornered by a few of El's siblings, who were out to bring El back home. Not that it is home anymore. Hasn't been for a few years. But they were strong.
The girl, which El called Seven, had the power of hyper empathy. Make others feel their base emotions, no smokes and mirrors about it. It was harmless when it was just the numbers together, their emotions not that developed to really cause a huge scene, but.
Here, in the open? It was far more dangerous to be ruled by your emotions.
And of course, idiots they were, Billy and Steve had gotten hit protecting them. Knocked them out cold the moment they hit the ground, El fending her sister and brothers off until the others could drag the limp bodies to safety.
Leaves them to now, where everyone was waiting for them to wake up.
Everyone wanted Steve to wake up.
Only Max wanted Billy to wake up.
"He could lash out at us! You remember what happened at the Byers, right? He could have killed Lucas then! Any of us, really!" Dustin argues when Max had refused to have her brother tied up in the shed for 'everyone's safety'.
"He apologised! Several times! He's been getting better!" Max rebukes. Mike rolls his eyes.
"Max, your brother is aggressive. And you remember what El said about Seven! She amplifies emotions! Your brother's base emotion is violence. He wakes up, sees us, and we're toast." Mike swipes his hand through the air. "We'd be safer if we put him somewhere else."
"What, like a toy? That's my brother you're talking about here! Would you like it if I asked you to put your sister in the shed?"
"Nancy isn't Billy, Max. She wouldn't hurt us like Billy will."
It was a losing battle with them. Only El was on her side, and the only one willing to sit so close to Billy besides Max.
"Do you want to risk it, Max?" Lucas questions. "I mean, he's been getting better, but do you really know him…?"
Max looks at Billy, his face slack and bandaged with Elmo bandages.
"I have to. He put himself in front of us. It's not fair to him if you guys want to lock him up like an animal."
"To be honest Max but-"
Dustin is cut off by a slight whine coming from the object of their conversation, everyone turning to face him. Even if Max was putting her trust in him, she can't help but tense up anyways, planting her feet to the ground.
"M… Max…?" Billy groans, soft. Max reaches out, shakes his shoulder.
"I'm here."
Billy suddenly shoots up, and it earns him some background noise as the party starts talking louder, warning Max and El to get away before he attacks them.
Except, that isn't what happens.
What happens is Billy immediately screams and breaks into tears, covering his ears.
It's enough to shut everyone up. Everyone stares in total confusion as Billy's gaze shoots between each and every single one of them, eyes wide and rimmed in tears.
"What- What's- Please- I'm sorry why- It's too loud, it's too loud- What- Don't attack, please- I'm sorry-" He curls into a ball, arms blocking his ears as he ducks his head. Shakes like there's an earthquake born inside of him, and Max reaches out a hand to touch him.
Billy flinches the moment Max's fingertips brush against him, and Max pulls her hand back. Watches him curl up tighter, hands gripping his hair like a lifeline. Tearing out strands most likely from how hard he was holding on.
This isn't what anyone expected. This wasn't normal.
This didn't feel like Billy.
But he was hit by Seven.
This had to be Billy.
Then why did it feel wrong?
They didn't have long to ruminate on it when Steve rises from where he was on the couch. Dustin turns to Steve, already rushing over to him with a smile.
"Steve! Buddy, dude, are you okay you must be worried too but don't worry we got out-"
"You IDIOTS. What in the fresh hell did you think that was going to DO?!" Steve's voice booms, and Dustin stops in his tracks. Billy breaks down even more, El getting up to fetch a blanket. Drapes it over Billy until nobody could see him. Max can hear his shuddering breaths underneath.
"S-Steve? What-" Dustin was stupified.
Steve's head jerks to stare down Dustin, face red. "I was trying to tell you that no, going head first when we don't even have all the facts was a bad, STUPID idea! And then guess what!" Steve laughs, but it wasn't a normal kind of laugh at all. It was more mean, sarcastic. This was King Steve.
It felt so much like Billy.
"We got ourselves in TROUBLE. All because oh, it would be soooo much better if we just jump right into it, no planning beforehand! Everything will turn out fine, no worries! We've done this before, we'll just do it again! No biggie! What's the worst that can possibly happen?"
"Steve, you're scaring me-"
"Scaring you? Scaring you! Oh, oh that's rich, man. Really. Really." He stands up, eyes trailing over everyone once. Max can't help but lower her body just a little, try to stay out of whatever was happening to Steve.
Was this what he really felt?
Steve's hand curls into a fist, then settles right on the blanket mound that was Billy. Gestures to him. "And look what you've all done. You went and scared him. Bet you woke him up yelling at him. Screaming because you kids have no voice control. He didn't even ask for this. I didn't ask for this. You're lucky I don't want blood on my hands."
"We didn't- We thought he'd, you know-" Lucas tries to explain.
"What, bite? You wanted him to prove he's nothing but anger?! Is that it? You know he isn't! He's been hanging around us for months, but no. No of course not. Not like he's been driving you to the arcade when I can't, or making sure you don't die out there! He's not just-" Steve growls, spinning and kicking a fallen pillow. Quiets when Billy jerks from where he was hidden.
"I can't do this anymore." He says quietly, and heads upstairs.
Leaves everyone silently staring after him, save for Billy.
What was that.
It was almost like…
"They feel like they swapped." El says. "But they're… the same."
fic anon! thank you 💜
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momentofch-aos · 2 years
M's Marvel Thought of the Day (tis a long one - hold onto your hats)
Two similar conversations Daniel Sousa is likely to have had at two different points in time.
tw: mentions of PTSD
this got wildly out of control and long in the second part, i apologise
[ The Stark Mansion - 1947]
As he stepped out onto the patio that Jarvis had pointed him towards, he caught sight of her by the pool. It had been a little over 48 hours since they'd shared the kiss in his office. Since then, they'd attempted to leave the office to finally get that drink only to find out Jack had been shot and then jumped straight into their investigation. Between guarding Jack and pursuing any lead they could find, they had probably had 3 hours of sleep between the two of them in two days, and if Jarvis hadn't arrived at the hospital and dragged them to Stark's for dinner, they no doubt would have carried on till they collapsed.
Although he knew how exhausted she was, he couldn't but take in her graceful beauty as she perched on the edge of the pool, both legs of her jumpsuit rolled up to her knees as she dipped her toes in the water mindlessly. Clearly deep in thought, she didn't sense his presence until he came up besides her, her face turning to smile up at him.
"Mind if I join you Carter?" She gestured to the spot besides her as he very carefully lowered himself to the floor. Arranging his prosthetic so it hung over the edge of the pool, he sat a little further back than her. "What's rattling round that big brain of yours Peggy?"
He noticed the change in her demeanour after they'd visited Jack for the first time. He was still unconscious, pale and small of stature against the sheets. There had been a falter in Peggy's expression, almost imperceivable, before the mask she usually wore resumed.
"It's silly really." Her foot moved in the water, the ripples moving away from them as he watched.
"Tell me anyway."
"In the desert, Mr Jarvis and I... we argued. In the heat of the moment he said something, that he has since apologised for, but the more I think about it, the more it seems to be true." He didn't push, that wasn't the way to handle Peggy. Instead he waited for her to continue when she was ready. "Everyone around me dies." The catch in her voice as the words spilled out made his head immediately pick up, taking in her now slightly hunched shoulders.
"Cannot say it isn't true. My brother, Michael. Steve. Colleen. And now Jack..."
"Jack Thompson is too stubborn to die. You know he'll be making us crazy for years yet. Plus remember the doctor said things were looking positive. He's stable and improving." Daniel tried to reassure her.
"Still. It seems to be a theme in my life. Everyone I care about comes into danger by being near me. Ana. Jarvis. Jason. You."
"That is not your fault." She moved to rebut his statement but found herself cut off, his hand landing on her arm in a soft grip. "Ana made the choice to go and confront Frost, she said so herself. Jarvis ran head first into danger at the first opportunity. And Steve... he made his choice, for the greater good. And as for me, it's my job Peggy, just as it is yours. We put ourselves on the line to protect everyone else, no one forced me just as no one forced you."
Her gaze was soft on him as she listened to his words, the honesty shining through. She leant into his shoulder, resting her head against his neck.
"I don't want to lose anyone else." She mumbled, feeling his strong arm loop around her waist and scoot her closer.
"I don't either, but the best we can do is continue to fight. Together, if that's what you want."
"It is. If you'll have me Chief, I think I'd like to stay in California for a while." She smirked up at him, pressing a kiss to his jaw.
"I think we can handle that."
[The Lighthouse - 2020]
Despite being familiar with all the Shield bases in his own time, the extensive corridors and seemingly endless levels of the Lighthouse had been completely alien to Daniel. Luckily, he'd been accompanied by Daisy for most of the time since they had returned to this Shield team's timeline. It had been a steep learning curve for Daniel in the past three weeks, but the team had been endlessly supportive and helpful as he learned to adapt.
This morning Fitz had been making some improvements to his prosthetic, which Daniel had thought was pretty much perfect until Fitz adjusted something and there was a relief of pressure he hadn't even realised he'd been able to feel. The engineer made him run drills and lift weights to monitor the performance of the limb and once he deemed it satisfactory, he'd been let go, with the knowledge that there would be periodic adjustments in the future.
In awe of modern technology, he wandered down towards the bunks to find Daisy. She had been excited to see what upgrades Fitz would have in store for him. Rounding the corner to her bunk, she saw Jemma quietly shutting Daisy's bunk door, flinching slightly at the click of the lock. When she spotted Daniel, she put a finger to her lips and beckoned him towards the common room. Doing as he was told, he caught up to the biologist.
"What's wrong?" He asked in a hush tone.
"Everything will be okay, I need you to know that." Jemma said to the visible concerned man out of time.
"Daisy's having a bit of a day. She suffers with these anxiety attacks occasionally, which is expected after everything she's been through." Daisy has filled him on a lot of the team's activities before they met him and he'd read her file when she handed it to him a couple of weeks ago. "Similar to what you might call 'shellshock'. We call it PTSD now."
"Is she okay?" The concern laced through his voice.
"She's asleep now. Alya fell while they were playing and hurt herself... she's absolutely fine, clumsy like her father. But I think an overtired Daisy and the fact she feels responsible for everyone around her, may have just pushed her to the edge." Jemma fidgeted nervously with her sleeve. "She feels so much all the time, for everyone, that when she gets overwhelmed it bubbles over. She just needs time, needs to actually sleep. Hopefully, now she'll be okay for a few hours."
"Are you saying she's not been sleeping?" Jemma shook her head.
"She struggles with a proper sleep pattern outside of missions, you know what it's like. But I think with everything Enoch told us and the fact she knows things are changing, everyone...moving on. I've found her up at all hours a few times when I've been up with Alya."
"I didn't know-"
"That's not your fault Agent Sousa- Daniel sorry." Jemma caught herself. "Daisy bottles things up, doesn't want to inflict her pain and worries on anyone else. She's a tough person. If she doesn't want you to know something, you won't."
"Still..." His hand carded through his hair.
"Just give her some time, I'm sure..." Jemma was cut off by a tremor rippling through the base. The pair locked eyes before they both took off at a sprint towards the source. Flexing the new prosthetic, Daniel powered down the corridor to reach it first and find the door locked. He stepped to one side as Jemma appeared, pushing a fingerprint to the lock pad, the system disengaging as the door swung open.
Without much forethought to his own safety, Daniel threw himself through the door, taking the sight of Daisy curled into a tight ball on one side of her bunk, fists clenched in her comforter. Her face was scrunched and tears streaming out of closed eyes.
"Dais- Daisy, wake up sweetheart. Daisy." Daniel knelt by the side of her bed, a hand on her shoulder. "Cmon sweetheart. Daisy, come back to us. You're okay. We're here. We've got you." His hand cupped her cheek in an attempt to wake her and she leaned into the contact, the tremors settling as her eyes blinked open slowly. "There she is."
"Daniel? Whats.." Her eyes flickered to Jemma, who was crouched besides Sousa. "How bad?"
"Rattle the chandelier, not knocking down walls." She joked, smiling down at her friend. "How are you feeling?"
"Still fuzzy." Daisy pivoted herself into a sitting position, realising as he let go that Sousa had still had a hand on her arm. "Sorry."
Jemma sighed besides him, making him shoot her a look before she started to explain. "She always apologises. This is not your fault." She fixed her best friend with a look, which made Daisy crack a smile.
"Is Alya okay?" The worry hit her all at once as she remembered what had happened.
"She is absolutely fine. Mack took her for ice cream. She's having the time of her life."
"Good. Good, she deserves that." Daisy's gaze fixed on the blanket now and Jemma gripped her knee.
"She loves you Daisy, just like we do. Okay? You're her aunt." Daisy nodded in agreement. "You need rest, you've been pushing yourself too hard."
"Yes doctor." She mumbled, a small smirk on her face. Daniel who had been watching the interaction from his perched position, moved to straighten up and give her space to relax, only for Daisy to reach out and grab his hand, a silent question in her eyes.
He nodded and pulled up the chair from the corner of the room. Jemma hid her smirk as she bid them both goodbye.
"You good?" Daisy asked as she settled back against her pillows.
"I'm okay." He wasn't going to push her to talk about it, despite his endlessly curious about the woman in front of him.
"Thank you for staying, it... gets a little much."
"For as long as you want me here, here is where I'll be." He said, sitting back in the chair.
"You might not want to say that." She murmured. His questioning look made her sigh a little. Her instinct was to bury everything, to hold it her chest and keep it to herself. But something about him made that feeling wasn't so strong. Maybe it was a mirroring thing. He'd her about losing his leg when they were back in the barn and they'd had more open conversations. "You remember the team of Shield agents that were killed protecting me when I was a baby?" He nodded. She steeled herself with a slow breath.
"There was an agent we found shortly after I joined Coulson's team, he was one of the first on scene in the aftermath. His colleague was killed after dropping me at Saint Agnes's. He warned Coulson and May 'Wherever she goes, death follows'. They chose to ignore him, but I can't help but feel like it might..."
"No." He cut her off, shaking his head as he sat forward to be closer to her. "You can't think like that."
"But it's true, everyone dies. Trip, Lincoln, even the ones that come back. Coulson, May, Fitz. I put everyone at risk." The tears reappeared as she wiped them with her shirt sleeve, pulling her knees up to her chest.
"Daisy..." He moved then, sitting on the bed in front of her. "Their deaths are not on you. It's the job we sign up to do, we put ourselves on the line, to be a literal shield. To protect those who can't protect themselves. There are always risks, but that's what we sign up for. It doesn't make it easy and we let ourselves mourn, but it is not your fault." She looked up at him with glassy eyes.
"You really believe that?"
"I do. You are one of the best agents I've seen. And i've seen a lot in all my years." His joke made a small smile flicker over her face. "Is that why Alya falling upset you?"
"I just don't want anyone else to get hurt. Not on my watch."
"And she's a lucky little girl to have you looking out for her." There was a beat of silence, as if she was digesting his words.
"That speech seemed familiar to you. Like you'd said it before." Daisy questioned, with a tilt of her head.
"You might not be the first person I've had to convince about things like that."
"Because some of your favourite people are people like me?" The smile that lit up her face made his heart flip in his chest. He chuckled.
"Because some of my favourite people are people like you."
If ya'll made it through this mess of words you deserve a gold star ⭐️
the parallel came to me while i washing up and then this happened.
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thedatingproject · 2 years
Date #0 - Steve
He was my very first date in at least 2-3 years. His Tinder profile was hilarious. He had done this cute thing about how different people in his life would rate him as a person - including his mom, best friend and dog. He's a good looking dude but the pictures on his dating profile made him seem very average looking. I swear. The pictures did not do him justice. He be HOT as hell. But I didn't know that at the time. I swiped right 'cause he was funny.
We kept talking because he was smart. Like crazy smart. By that I mean selling his first project to NASA kind of smart. And we could talk about a lot of stuff. Especially anime and our fitness goals. Any person who would watch "Bleach" based on my recommendation is a solid keeper in my books. And I loved the anime he recommended to me - "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood". He owns a lightsaber and a set of samurai type swords.
I wanted this guy to be my friend. So bad.
Why just friends? He is planning to migrate. I am not. Migration isn't an option to me for at least the next 5 years. I gave my entire 20s to the toughest years of my business. Now that it is actually making crazy profits and flourishing despite the economic crisis in the country, I am not ready to leave it behind before I make it into something I always envisioned it could be. If not, what I endured wouldn't even be worth it.
Would I be into him if the migration thing wasn't a factor? I really don't know. Theoretically, I could be. There are a lot of things that don't align up with us but that being said, they are also things we could communicate and come to an understanding. However, I will never open up emotionally to something that isn't realistically a possibility. So honestly, I don't even think about him like that.
He's a good guy. A good friend. An INTJ, so easy to get along with because my brothers are ENTJ and INTJ.
And I am an INFJ. My guards are way up high, and my standards even higher. I want to be loved. I want to be chosen because whoever I open up to cannot imagine not getting to share his life with me. I don't see myself ever just "falling" in love. I choose to allow myself to fall in love.
Anyway...Steve is an anomaly. I will tell you why in a bit. For now, let's adhere to the chronological order.
We continued to talk. After asking a mutual friend if Steve is an axe murderer, we met up for a pizza lunch date.
I appreciated his effort. He was on time. He traveled towards me in a fuel crisis in an Uber. He paid though I offered to split, with the logic that as women, she doesn't know what we are getting into on a first date so the least the guy can do is pay for it so she gets a good meal out of it even if the date was bad. He chose to drop me home despite my protests. He even went with me to the supermarket because I wanted to find my favorite chili and garlic sauce. Then after walking me home, he took a bus/cab back to his place. Like I said, very good guy.
It was my first date in years. I was so nervous. Not because I liked him, but because I was so self-obsessed about how I came across as a date to him. So to be honest, I didn't even notice how attractive he was. My brain wasn't processing. Anything.
We kept talking afterwards. Conversation flowed easy because there were not expectations or restrictions. I respected him, and I feel he respected me. I friendzoned him in my head.
I wasn't looking for a hook-up, and that was the only thing he was open to.
Then along the way, somehow in someway, the conversation about kinks came up. The discovery that we share most of the kinks and we might be compatible that way made me rethink things. A lot.
Then we planned a night of clubbing as I hadn't really experienced it at all and I wanted to do it at least once before I turned 30. But then I chickened out last minute because I wasn't sure if I knew him well enough to have a good time with him drunk. I didn't want to be a nuisance to anyone...or someone who brought the other person's vibe down. So we settled on dinner.
The plan was for me to show up at his place early, have some drinks, and we would order in. But then my overthinking brain thought this is just my second time meeting him. What if our texting vibe is a fluke and I don't actually enjoy his presence? I'll be stuck at his place. Awkwardly.
So I suggested that maybe we could go out for dinner. As an escape plan.
But...in my head, if the vibe was right, I had already planned to jump his bones. I trusted him. I had a good feeling about him. He is hot. He is smart so I won't be bored. And our kinks matched up. That theory is true. I, as the woman, made the decision. Dressed in matching lacy lingerie, fully waxed limbs...I was open to it.
The reason Steve is the anomaly is that I have never in my life been just physically attracted to another person this intensely without an emotional component. With Steve though, it was different. He opened the door and I wanted to jump him.
So I said I was okay with ordering in, we ordered sushi, and right after I was like "Do you wanna makeout?"
I'm pretty sure he was a little taken by surprise. I'll confirm once I ask him.
I don't know about him but for me at least, the sex is intense. In the best way. Fun too because we can communicate openly and focus on pleasing each other. No ego. No expectations. He is very experienced and I'm grateful for it. He is also very much a giver which I imagine is always good for the woman. I love how he mentally kinda takes notes about my preferences and feedback and the next time is even better.
Every time we cuddle afterwards, though it is very nice, I keep thinking "Oh no, oxytocin must be rising" but I am keeping my head and going with the flow here. The objective is to maximize pleasure, for both of us. And let me tell you, I am very, very pleased. Most of the time, this man helps me transcend to a different plane of existence.
I've literally only slept with 2 people before Steve. The first time doesn't even count because it wasn't really consensual (let's not talk about it in depth. I did the healing. I did the work. I am okay!). The second was my narcissistic ex who treated sex kind of like a chore and may have turned me off all men for a while.
So this experience with Steve is nice. It's educational. It allows me to explore in a safe environment. It's inspired me to tap into a more feminine side of me and I love that.
I am not hooking up with anyone else at the time. Simply because I haven't met anyone who meets my criteria. I don't want to sign up for a subpar mediocre experience. No, thank you. Steve is hooking up with others and I kinda get to live vicariously through his experiences. That's exciting too!
But yes. I get why Harvey thought Steve might be a concern.
I am very much sexually satisfied that my drive to want to be attracted to others the same way is less. I can observe it logically. That being said, I am not done exploring yet either.
Hooking up with Steve is a very temporary thing. Maybe a few months at best. I know myself. If I am not emotionally into someone, no matter how hot they are and how sexually compatible we are, the attraction won't last. And if by some miraculous anomaly I end up catching feels for Steve, I am hightailing the hell out of here.
So I intend to enjoy it while it lasts.
Lets see how things go.
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pappydaddy · 2 years
Terror at Starcout Mall ii (r.b./s.h.)
a/n: the second part of this supposed to be one fic turned into a whole series! i tried to focus mostly on the reader's conflict of being confronted with russians who fit the "evil russian" stereotype. therefore, i wish to reiterate that this fic deals with a lot of stereotypes and prejudice. reader discretion is advised. after this part, it does stray away from the focus of the russian heritage of the reader due to the events of the season ramping up.
anywho, i hope you lovelies like the second part to this series!
tv show/movie: stranger things
pairing: steve harrington x fem!russian!reader/robin buckley (love triangle)
part i | part ii - you're here | part iii | part iv
| part v - steve’s ending | part vi - robin’s ending | steve's ending - steve's pov (special!) (coming soon) | robin's ending - robin's pov (special!) (coming soon)
warnings: this fic deals with a lot of stereotypes and prejudice based on nationality. mentions of nationalism, the fear of violence/harassment, internal conflict (a little), feeling like you need to hide the real you, etc. spoilers, blood, throw up, etc.
disclaimer: in light of recent acts of war inflicted on ukraine by russia, i wish to make it clear that i am in no way supporting russia through this series. a, this series was written well in advance to the conflict coming to light and, b, this is set in a different time in history/society/public relations. my heart hurts for the ukraine and for everyone that is effected negatively by the acts of war incited by russia. i am also horribly heartbroken over the people who have died thus far and i am deeply sorry for the families of the people that are stuck in the ukraine or that have died.
sidenote warning: the reader is written to do ballet - explained above. quickly proof-read, will proof-read better when i redo my older fics and edit my newer fics.
sidenote: throughout the series, there will be some scenes skipped. this was a creative choice when i had to edit some things out to shorten it (it was over 100 pages).
taglist: @the-weeping-author | @lilypad-55449 | @spongebob-in-the-upsidedown | @rottenstyx | @badass-yn | @boxofsilentwords (disclaimer: i put both steve and robin's taglist members as it isn't just a steve or robin fic)
masterlist | taglist | wips | navigation
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Y/N sat back on her knees as Dustin’s voice echoed against the aluminum walls. “So, when we set fire to the hub, we drew the Demodogs away so El could close the gate. But, now for some insane reason, the Russians appear to be trying to reopen it, which just destroys everything we risked our lives for.” He explained the whole Upside Down ordeal to Erica as he slowly unscrewed the panel on the fan’s box.
“By ‘we’ you’re including Lucas?” Erica questioned, bobbing her head which made the beams from the flashlights they attached to her helmet wobble.
“Yes, of course.” Dustin answered, looking over his shoulder at her, squinting his eyes against the bright lights.
“So, all that shit you told me, Lucas was there?”
“Yeah.” Dustin nodded, stopping his work on the panel to look at Erica. Y/N huffed out, beginning to get antsy the longer Steve and Robin were held captive.
“My brother, Lucas Charles Sinclair?” She pressed, still not believing him. The very brother she viewed as a huge chicken and nerd battled interdimensional monsters when he couldn't even stand up against his own little sister?
“Oh my god,” Y/N breathed out. “Yes, Lucas was there, I saw him with my own two eyes both years, can we please move on so we can get help and rescue Steve and Robin please?” She urged the conversation on, hoping her own eyewitness testimony of Lucas being involved with all of it since Y/N (who was dragged into it by her friendship with Jonathan which has since died out due to him spending all his time with Nancy) would give Erica the satisfaction she needed to move on.
“I don’t believe you two.” She shook her head, pursing her lips. Y/N groaned as Dustin snapped his head around to look at her, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He couldn’t understand why she didn't believe that Lucas was there. With an incredulous look, he sputtered a bit.
“Wait, so you believe everything about El and the gate, and the Demodogs and the Mind Flayer, but you question your brother’s involvement?” He asked, his hands falling limp onto his thighs as he sat back on his heels, dumbfounded. Erica nodded along as he spoke.
“That’s correct.” She confirmed, looking at the panel Dustin had yet to get off.
“Makes total sense.” Dustin muttered sarcastically with a side-eyed glance at the younger girl, getting back to work on the same screw he had been working on for the past five minutes.
“Okay, now that all of that is cleared up, can we please get this fan disabled? It’s getting way too hot down here and, most importantly, Steve and Robin are being held hostage in a military base and questioned because they think they are spies,” She stressed, letting her head fall back against the wall behind her, fanning herself slightly. She was sticky, uncomfortable, and her hair was drenched with sweat. Normally, she wouldn’t care, but if they were trying to find help looking any worse than they do now, they would be getting a one-way ticket right into a mental facility which meant that Steve and Robin would have to be stuck down in the Russian base for the rest of their lives. “Which, I guess some of the blame is on me for that because I stupidly said we were Americans working for them, but still - hurry up.” She barked, talking out loud.
“Do you need help with that?” Erica asked Dustin, also noting how long it was taking him to get the screws undone.
“Well, I mean, it is taking a while so-” Erica agreed with Y/N, but she was cut off by Dustin.
“Yeah, no shit, Sherlock.” Dustin snapped back at her, making Y/N lift her head to glare at him. She understood he was tense about leaving his mentor behind, but he truly was not just a pain in the ass for taking so long, but he was also becoming rather rude.
“All right, so if we don’t find a more efficient method to stop these fans, we’re not gonna find help, and like Y/N pointed out, your ice cream buddies are screwed.” She dished his attitude right back with the usual bob of her head. Dustin dropped the screwdriver to his lap again making Y/N breathe out a hissing breath, feeling like she was breathing fire at this point.
“Yeah, with that attitude, they are,” Dustin quipped, slowly raising the screwdriver again. “Jee-zus!” He muttered, turning back to the panel to idly twist the screwdriver yet again.
“Move,” Y/N impatiently crawled over between them, gently shouldering Dustin out of the way. “I will be damned if I waste any more time down here listening to you guys bickering while two of the most important people in my life are up there being beaten up.” She mumbled, grabbing the screwdriver from Dustin and twisting the screw effortlessly.
Dustin looked over at Erica, his mouth slack in shock from her sternness and pessimism. “We’re just being realistic,” Erica shrugged in defence of the two as the screw dropped to the aluminum, pinging as it bounced once. She quickly went to work on the last one, grunting slightly from how tight it was screwed in. “I mean, we’ve made it about point-three miles in nine hours. Then we had to walk three hours down that tunnel so I’d estimate ten miles back to the elevator, which should take us approximately,” She paused, eyes drifting up to the ceiling as she did the math in her head. “Twelve-and-a-half days.” She concluded with a nod. Y/N glanced over at her, impressed that she did that math in her head in such a short time.
“Did you just do all of that in your head?” Dustin asked, stunned.
“I’m good with numbers.” Erica shrugged as if it were no big deal.
“Holy shit, you’re a nerd.” Dustin breathed out in realization as Y/N went back to working on the last screw.
“Come again?” Erica gasped, offended by his accusation.
“You. Are. A. Nerd.” He spoke slowly with a pause between each word. Y/N rolled her eyes as their bickering picked back up.
“Okay, you better take that back, Nerd.” She warned him.
“Can’t put the truth back in the box.�� Dustin shrugged simply.
“But it’s not the truth.”
“Let’s examine the facts, shall we,” Dustin paused. “Fact one: you’re a math whiz, apparently.” He stated.
“That was a pretty straightforward equation-”
“Fact number two: you’re a political junkie.” He listed again, making Y/N nod in agreement. The last screw fell to the ground, once again plunking as it bounced. Despite all the screws being out, the panel stayed in place making Y/N try to slip her fingers under it.
“Just because I don’t agree with Communism as an ideology-” She defended herself before Dustin interrupted, grabbing her backpack that sat beside her.
“Fact number three: you love My Little Pony.” Dustin finished his examination, pointing to the cartoon ponies on her bag just as Y/N pried the panel off the wall, eyeing the jumbled mess of wires.
“And what does My Little Pony have to do with this?” She asked defensively, grabbing her bag back. Y/N ignored the two as she inspected the mess of wires tangled into a ball, sucking her bottom lip between her teeth.
“Ah, let’s recall the ponies’ latest adventure, shall we,” Dustin sighed, thinking back. “The evil centaur team and Tirek turns Applejack into a dragon at Midnight Castle, and then Megan and the other ponies have to use Moochick’s magic to defeat his rainbow of darkness, saving them from a lifetime of enslavement.” He rattled off making Y/N look at him with a weird expression.
“You can’t unscrew a panel in ten minutes, but you can recall an entire My Little Pony plotline?” She questioned, but Dustin ignored her.
“All the pink in the world can’t disguise the irrefutable fact that centaurs and castles and dragons and magic are all standard nerd tropes. Ergo, My Little Pony is nerdy. Ergo, you, Erica, are a nerd.” He concluded his point as Erica looked down at her backpack.
“And how do you know so much about My Little Pony?” She questioned, happy to have him also backed into a corner. Y/N, giving up on trying to figure out the wires, reached in and grabbed the ball in the center.
“Because I’m a nerd.” He said proudly just as Y/N yanked the cords out, sparks shooting out from the plugs a short distance. Y/N leaned back, avoiding being hit by the orange sparks as the fan slowed to a stop, making them all look at it.
“Come on, we can’t waste any more time.” Y/N instructed, shuffling to one side so that they could crawl through in front of her.
“Yeah, let’s go,” He paused, turning to get on his hands and knees. “Nerd.” He shot back at Erica. Grumbling, Erica slipped her bag back on as Dustin crawled through first before following him, Y/N taking her spot at the end of the pack.
Pulled herself out of the new hatch they discovered to join Dustin and Erica, Y/N let out a low whistle as she took in the room they now found themselves in. “That’s a lot of chemicals,” She noted, looking around at all the hexagon-shaped storage containers filling the room. They were floor to ceiling, but they looked like they only held forty-eight containers of mystery chemicals per box. Scanning around the room, they could hear the hiss of the cooling agent in the storage containers, the white mist rolling within them. “Now we just have to figure out where the hell we are within the compound,” Y/N muttered, searching for a map of some kind.
“Oh-ho-ho.” Dustin bounced up and down when his eye caught something, prompting him to take off, leaving Y/N and Erica rushing after him and down a small set of stairs into a darker room.
“Do you even know how to drive?” Erica asked Dustin once they spotted the red buggy thing.
“How hard can it be? Max did it.” He shrugged, hopping into the driver's seat.
“Max did it illegally while nearly killing us,” Y/N reminded him, shoving him over. “Driving is not as simple as you think, it takes practice to figure out how to properly place your weight on the gas pedal to go a constant speed, now shove over, if anyone is driving - it’s me.” She informed them, giving Dustin one last shove.
Dustin didn’t move, instead, he reached for the ignition, his hand meeting an empty slot. “Aw, come on.”
“You seriously thought they’d just leave the keys in there?” Erica questioned him as she stood on the other side of the buggy, judging him.
“There’s gotta be a spare.” He ignored her as well, searching every nook and cranny of the buggy for another set of keys. Erica sighed, shaking her head, wandering away from the pair of them.
“Yeah, they are probably on a guard or something, they wouldn’t just leave a spare set laying around in the buggy, especially not after a breach.” Y/N pointed out, watching him continue to dig around, laying completely flat on the bench seat.
“Hey, guys?” Erica’s voice spoke up from a short distance away. Y/N looked over, spotting a suspicious-looking stainless steel cage that looked more secure than their underground base. She turned away from the buggy, quickly walking over to where Erica stood, both of them gawking at the cage.
“Yeah?” Dustin responded, sitting back up, but not looking towards her as he checked the back of the buggy.
“How big did you say that Demogorgon was?”
“Big, nine feet or so, why?” He asked, still not looking over as he continued his search for the keys. Erica, finding him useless, tapped Y/N’s hand gently, pointing to something down another short corridor before leading her down there.
“So the Russians don’t just want to open the gate, but they also want to trap a Demogorgon,” Y/N whispered, trying to figure out what was going on. “This just means we have to work faster to save Steve and Robin so that we can get out of here and warn the others.” She determined, not paying attention to Erica as she sauntered around, looking at all the weapons that Y/N also didn’t notice.
“Well, let’s use this to help save them.” Erica suggested.
“Use what-” Y/N furrowed her brows, whirling around only to find Erica holding a stick of some kind way too close to her face. “Holy shit, can you not put that in my face please,” Y/N asked as she carefully pushed it away from her face. “What does that even do anyway?”
“Beats me, I think you push this-” Erica cut herself off when she hit a button, causing an electrical current to shoot between the little nodes, making an arch. “Cool!” She exclaimed, eyes wide in excitement.
“Not cool, that probably has enough voltage to kill a child!” Y/N worried, her eyes wide in fear. Erica shrugged, relaxing her arm that she held the stick up with, pointing the electric end to the ground, walking away from Y/N, following the corridor. Groaning, Y/N followed after her, scared she would play with more dangerous weapons. They curved around, coming out behind Dustin as he held the spare keys in his hand.
“Erica? Y/N?” He called, his voice echoing and stern. Erica pulled the stick back up, hitting the button making the blue current come alive once again with a loud zap. Y/N and Dustin both flinched at the sound as Dustin turned to face them.
“What the hell is that?” Dustin yelled, sliding farther away from the stick as Erica let the button go, turning it off. She shrugged, looking down at it.
“A deadly weapon,” She remarked as if it wasn’t obvious. “Could be useful.” She pointed out, hitting the button again. With another loud zap, the blue string of electricity was back. Backing away with his hands up, Dustin didn’t take his eyes off the stick, not trusting Erica with a weapon such as that.
“For what?” He asked once she let the button go again, lowering his arms.
“What do you think? Taking down Commies, saving your friends.” Erica pointed out.
“You know not all Russians are Communists, right?” Y/N asked Erica, earning a deadpanned look from the younger girl. She seemed to be using the two terms interchangeably, and Y/N just wanted to be sure that Erica wasn’t going to use the electrocution stick on her if she somehow found out she was Russian.
“Saying as though it’s a Government Funded mission with the army involved, I think it’s safe to assume that these Russians are in fact Commies.” Erica shot back at her sassily. Y/N nodded, it was a fair point.
“Thought you were more realistic than me, Nerd,” Dustin shot back, bringing the conversation back around. Erica rolled her eyes, walking to the passenger seat of the buggy. “We don’t even know where they are, and even if we did, there are a million guards up there with weapons way deadlier than that.” Dustin pointed out the flaw in her plan as he started to walk towards the buggy. Y/N swooped beside him, taking the keys from him.
“You’re not getting behind the wheel,” She remarked before he could protest, keeping the keys away from him. “Besides, they were obviously planning on using that stick thing on a Demogorgon so it would have to be a pretty powerful weapon.” She remarked as Dustin climbed into the buggy, scooting to sit in the middle of the bench seat.
“Look, the best thing we can do for them is to get out of here and find help-” Dustin tried to tell them, but Erica accidentally waved the stick too close to his face as he situated himself - cutting him off. “Easy with that,” He pleaded as Y/N slipped into the driver’s seat. “Our chances of survival, and theirs, rises substantially.” Dustin continued.
“Well, that will be plan A, but something might happen where we have to rescue them before getting out of here.” Y/N warned.
“Just trust me on this, please?” Dustin begged the both of them. Nodding, Y/N put the keys in the ignition, twisting them. Dustin nodded, happy that nobody was arguing with him as the engine powered on with a weird, futuristic noise.
“Okay, before we go any farther, can we at least come up with a plan where we save Steve and Robin then go from there?” Y/N stopped suddenly, making Dustin groan for the umpteenth time.
“The General just left, let’s go,” Y/N whispered to Erica and Dustin as they all hid in a dark corridor. Waving them around the corner, she kept an eye out in case a guard came running by. “That door, that door!” Y/N told them as she followed behind them, pointing to the door she saw the General come out of. Erica handed Dustin over the stick as they all looked to each other, waiting for the go-ahead.
“Let’s do this.” Dustin nodded, shoving the door open with a battle cry. Y/N could hear the zap of the stick turning on as Erica and she ran in after him, watching as he electrocuted what appeared to be a doctor of some kind, sending him limp to the ground. Y/N and Erica gawked at it as smoke slowly rolled off of the man’s chest before focusing on the task at hand when Steve began to talk, making them take a look at the horrible state of his face.
“Hey! Henderson,” Steve exclaimed excitedly as Dustin started to work on his restraints. Robin started giggling, looking over her shoulder at Dustin. “That’s crazy, I was just talking about you.” He giggled. Y/N rushed over to Robin, working on the restraints on her ankles.
“Oh, my god!” Robin laughed at the coincidence. As Y/N moved to work on the restraints keeping the pair together only to realize that the buckle was on Steve’s side.
“Get ready to run.” Dustin ordered them. Y/N sent him a nervous look over the two as they fell into a giggling mess. It didn’t seem like they could run at this point. Not only was Steve so beat up, but they also seemed high off their asses.
“I’ll pull the buggy up to the door, then you guys get them in the back.” Y/N told them, running out into the hall, starting the buggy up to bring it from the corridor they hid it in. Cringing as the beeps blared in the empty corridor, she hoped the alarm would drown it out before it would reach any guard’s ears. Blindly, she backed up to what she thought was the door and hopped out, leaving the buggy running.
“Y/N, you need to help me, I can’t get Steve up!” Dustin told her as she opened the back doors, getting ready to toss them in. Running back into the room, she saw Erica supporting Robin with a struggle, slowly making their way to the buggy.
“Grab his arms, I’ll steady him.” She told Dustin, getting behind Steve and placing her hands on his shoulders, helping push him out of the chair. He groaned in protest, acting like a child being woken up for school. His head lulled backward, his brown eyes fluttering open to look at Y/N upside down.
“Hey, I’m glad the Russians didn’t figure out that you’re a Russian, that would have been bad if they did,” Steve giggled, drawing out the word ‘bad’, pulling a hand from Dustin’s grip to boop her nose. “Would have spilled your secret to Dustin and Erica, but don’t worry, your secret is still safe with me.” He rambled, making Dustin look over at her with furrowed brows.
“You’re a Russian?” He asked, nearly dropping Steve.
“Yes, my parents are immigrants, can we focus on that later, right now we need to go.” She pressed him, slinging one of Steve’s arms over her shoulder to support him while Dustin did the same. They hobbled as quickly as they could out the door, just barely getting Steve to the buggy before he automatically crawled in.
“This is a big bed,” He slurred, flopping down on it. “It’s not very soft though.” Was the last thing they heard before they closed and locked the door on them. They could hear the muffled voices, but they couldn’t distinguish what they were saying until they crawled into the bench seat.
“Hang on tight, we’re going for a bit of a ride!” Y/N warned, putting it in drive and stomping on the gas. Dustin and Erica toppled onto each other before they scrambled to sit upright, holding on for dear life as Y/N gained speed, speeding through the corridor. Behind them, in the back, Steve and Robin rolled around, their skin screeching against the cold metal, but they didn’t seem to feel it.
“Jesus, slow down!” Steve slurred as they were thrown against the back of the cab, his fingers almost slipping through one of the large circles letting them see-through. Dustin poked the finger back in.
“Keep your fingers back there.” He told him sternly, but Steve ignored it.
“Yeah, what is this, like the Indy 500?” Robin joined in, her speech just as slurred as Steve’s. Y/N tried to tune them out as she checked the mirrors to see if any guards were following them.
“It’s the Indy 300.” Steve corrected her.
“No Dingus,” Robin cried out. “It’s 500!”
“It’s 300!”
“Let’s say a million.” Robin settled, making the two of them fall into a fit of laughter. Erica looked back, watching them through the cage as they fell over.
“What is wrong with them?” She asked, jabbing her thumb behind her, looking between Dustin and Y/N as they focused in front of them. Y/N gasped slightly as the wheel jerked out of her control for a second before gripping it tighter and picking her speed back up.
“I don’t know.” Dustin answered truthfully.
“It’s pretty obvious, they are high. The General must have injected them with something.” Y/N took her eyes off the front for a second.
“Y/N, watch out!” Erica yelled, pointing right in front of them. Looking back, her eyes widened as the buggy sped towards a stack of metal barrels. She took her foot off the gas, slamming in on the brake making them all pitch forward. Steve and Robin, who had no time to prepare slammed against the cage, making them groan. The three up front thankfully had time to react and saved themselves from concussions.
“You guys alright back there,” Dustin asked as Y/N turned the buggy off. All three turned to look at the two in the back, seeing them both rubbing their heads. They only groaned in response, sitting up. “They’re fine.” Sparing glances at each other, they all climbed out of the cab, running to the back.
“I really hope this part is easier than the others.” Y/N whispered as Dustin unlocked the back, swinging the door open to reveal the two doped up idiots still rubbing the backs of their heads.
“Come on,” Dustin ordered the two as the three of them stared at them, but they didn’t move. “We gotta go, now.” He added, but they just continued to whine and groan, rolling around. Looking at each other, Y/N, Dustin, and Erica all began to yell at them, finally making them move. Getting close enough to them, they all grabbed one part of them, yanking Steve and Robin out of the buggy.
“Do the keycard, Dustin.” Y/N nodded towards him as she steadied Steve who kept stumbling over his own feet, his head bowed. The ends of his tangled hair tickled her shoulder, but she tried to ignore the urge to scratch it as she tried to drag him towards the elevator.
“Here goes nothin’.” Dustin took a deep breath before quickly swiping the card, the machine beeping.
“This sucks.” Steve slurred, wiping under his nose aggressively as Y/N tried her best to keep him standing upright. The large door started to slowly open with a mechanical whirring noise. It was miraculously quiet as they watched it open, eyes following the industrial-looking door until it was open enough for them to walk under. Erica and Y/N dragging Robin and Steve in behind them, their slurred giggles echoing down the corridor.
“Shut the door,” Y/N told Dustin as she leaned Steve up against the shelves, his body slumping against it as he collapsed into himself with laughter over something his drugged-up mind thought of. Dustin obeyed, sauntering up to the close button, slamming his palm into it, the door instantly retracting back down. “Okay, what’s the plan once we get back to the loading docks?” Y/N asked, joining Dustin over by the panel as he hit the up button, slamming the door closed. Erica, leaving Robin with Steve, joined them as well.
“Do you have your car with you?” Dustin wondered, the elevator jolting as it started to ascend, the two teens behind them stumbling and giggling goofily as they lost their footing.
Y/N shook her head. “No, it’s in the shop, I took the bus here and Steve was supposed to drive me home,” Dustin groaned, letting his forehead fall against the cool metal of the elevator wall. “Maybe escaping the base was the easy part.” She muttered. Steve was in no condition to drive, but on top of that, trying to communicate the fact that they need his car keys from him will be nearly impossible in his state.
“The only option left is to try and get him to give us his keys,” Erica pointed out, looking over her shoulder at Steve and Robin, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “Uh, guys, you might want to see what they are doing.” She told Y/N and Dustin, making them whirl around, their mouths falling open at the sight of Robin holding the flatbed cart as Steve tried to step onto it.
“Well, at least they are distracted so we can actually plan things out,” Y/N tried to offer a positive spin to the situation, that was until Steve and Robin began to whoop and laugh obnoxiously loud, making Y/N cringe, their voices echoing off the walls. “Or, they are just going to do that.” She sighed, gesturing to the pair as Steve managed to stand on the cart, his arms out to his sides.
“Hey,” Robin exclaimed, not realizing how loud her voice was. “You look like you’re surfing!” She told Steve, making him swing around, his hands on the handle of the cart, his face in Robin’s. Y/N huffed, rolling her eyes as their eyes connected.
“Surfing,” Steve yelled right after Robin as if it was his own idea. “Yeah,” He nodded eagerly, trying to swing back around to regain his position, but the elevator shook slightly making Robin wobble, the cart twitching. “Whoa!” Steve exclaimed, his already poor balance being thrown off, making him stumble on the cart, his hands waving through the air to balance himself again.
“They seem drunk.” Erica noted, looking at both Y/N and Dustin.
“Why would they be drunk?” Dustin asked, looking back at Steve and Robin.
“I’m a natural! Check it out,” Steve yelled just before Robin yanked the cart towards her, making him topple forward. “Whoop!” He made a noise as he fell onto the ground beside one of the piles of boxes that were scattered around the elevator, Robin’s laugh echoing around them as she moved her hands crazily.
“Wipeout!” She exclaimed as Steve rolled onto his back, his head propped up against a box, his chin pressed to his chest, laughter bubbling up. Y/N and Dustin rushed over to him, sitting on their knees on either side of him. Dustin wasted no time to clamp a hand over his forehead, Steve wiggling as he tried to bat it away, making Y/N grab his wrists.
“He’s burning up.” Dustin announced, looking from Steve to Y/N before settling on Erica for a second.
“You’re burning up,” Steve muttered, still fighting against them, making Y/N grip his wrists tighter, trying to keep his arms from flinging around, but he broke free. Dustin tried to get him to calm down, whispering calm words such as ‘one sec’ or ‘Steve’ in hopes he would stop wiggling. “God, no,” Steve whined, trying to push Dustin away from him as he tried to look at his eyes. “Ow!” He said as if he was a child who bumped his knee, closing his eyes on Dustin, but he saw enough, looking back at Erica.
“His pupils are super dilated.”
“Maybe he’s drugged.” Erica suggested with a shrug.
“That’s exactly what’s going on, I told you guys,” Y/N stood up, her hands falling on her hips. Dustin stayed by Steve’s side, but Steve’s mind was already wondering. Looking down at him, Y/N watched as he blinked at her calves, jabbing one with his finger. “The Russian’s probably injected them with a truth serum, that’s why they seem drunk.” She explained, swatting Steve’s hand away as he tried to poke the back of her knee, but he didn’t mind, instead, looking to Dustin.
Turning back to Steve, Dustin was met by Steve poking the tip of his nose. “Uh, boop!” Steve made the noise, his eyelids fluttering closed. Dustin ignored this, leaning over him, sending two pats to his cheek. His eyelids lifted again, his eyes heavy with a daze as he looked up at Dustin.
“Steve, are you drugged?” Dustin asked, expecting him to be able to answer that question.
“How many times, Dad,” Steve started to answer with a sassy head bob. “I don’t do drugs. It’s only marijuana.” He sassed Dustin, his finger coming up to tap Dustin’s nose once again. Losing his cool, Dustin scrunched his nose up, slapping Steve’s hand away from his face.
“This isn’t funny, okay? I need to know what they did to you,” Dustin stressed, but Steve just giggled, stuffing one of the ends of his scarf up his nostril. “Are you gonna die on us?” Dustin asked, trying to get through to Steve, but Steve only reached his hand back up to Dustin’s face, wanting to just boop his nose again, but accidentally used his whole hand.
“Boop.” He made the noise again, his eyes fluttering closed.
“We all die, my strange little child friend,” Robin spoke up for the first time since Steve fell, making them all look at her. She played with two locks of her short, blonde hair, her blue eyes wide, her head tilted, all matched with one of the creepiest looks Y/N has ever seen. “It’s just a matter of how,” She spoke in a breathy tone, leaning forward in her crouched position. “And when.”
They all stared at her for a few seconds, silence filling the elevator as they neared the top. Blinking, Y/N couldn’t form a single thought in her brain, too creeped out by Robin’s philosophical advice. Dustin, shaking his head, looked back to Steve. “They’re gonna be looking for us up there, so I need you to tell me where you parked your car.” Dustin told him.
“Oh, can we make a pit stop at the food court?” Steve asked, his voice deep as raspy.
“I think the drugs are starting to wear off, just a bit though,” Y/N told Dustin, noting the way Steve spoke and his slower movements. “He’s gonna be in a lot of pain soon.” She whispered to herself, shaking her head as she peered down at Steve, dropping back down beside him. His angry red eyes, the dried blood streaming from his nose, the dark cut right on his lower lip, and the smeared blood around his mouth - it all looked painful. But the worst-looking one yet was the angry swelling around his eye.
“I would kill for a hot dog on a stick!” Robin ignored Y/N, only focusing on the food.
“It seems to be leaving Steve’s system faster than Robin’s.” She noted, looking up at Dustin who looked quite annoyed by their scattered minds.
“Ooh!” Steve sang, his eyes staring off as he fantasized about a hot dog on a stick.
“All right. Yeah, food. Yes,” Dustin nodded, looking back down at Steve. “You can have as much food as you want, but only if you tell me where your car is parked.” Dustin lied, knowing they wouldn’t remember his promise a minute from now.
“Uh-oh.” Steve spoke promptly, his wide brown eyes looking up at Dustin just like a child admitting to something bad to their mother. Y/N’s heart dropped, knowing that there could not be anything good following that.
“Uh-oh?” She and Dustin repeated.
“The car’s off the board.” Steve informed them.
“What?” Dustin asked, not wanting to react just yet in case Steve was just playing a trick on them.
“They took the keys,” Steve answered, his hands slipping into the pockets of his work shorts, turning them inside out. “The Russians, they took my keys,” He showed them his empty pockets, making the last bit of hope drain from Dustin’s eyes while Robin laughed in the background, finding it all so funny. “Like forever ago,” He added in, dropping his hands on the floor with a clang, Robin’s laughter making him laugh. “That’s a bummer, right?” He looked up at Dustin, proving that even if the drugs were slightly wearing off, he was nowhere near sober. With a sense of doom and fear, Dustin shared a look with Y/N before they both looked at Erica, none of them knowing what to do now.
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jinxthequeergirl · 5 years
A star above them all
Steve Harrington x henderson! reader
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Summary: there was a time you and steve got along really well now that your world is ending for what feels like the hundrth time you reconnect
Requested by anon: i saw ur taking steve requests lol i wanna know if i can request some after starcourt mall fluff/angst with a steve x henderson!reader? and dustin being kinda protective over the reader? idk, you dont have to do this is you dont want to!!
Warning: swearing
Also a friend of mine actually did this for me and I still have the bead.
Also don't think I did this as good as I hoped.
You remembered very vividly being friends with steve harrington from kindergarten up until sixth grade.
  You also remembered that in. Sixth  grade you went through a rough patch in your life. Steve was there to help.
  It was in the art room just after lunch had started. You were alone crying over a drawing you worked hard on. "Y/n?"  
      "Go away steve!" to him that meant come have a seat. He pulled up a seat next to you and looked at you sadly "What's this?" Before you could stop him He pulled the page from under you and frowned.
   "Who did this? You worked really hard on this!" you grabbed it from his hand and turned away. It was the classes latest assignment. Free hand anything you wanted.
  You took a photo from your family's photo album and painted it You worked so hard you came in before school, during lunch, and after school. When you finished your art teacher told the class that she would be featuring in the art show.
  You were so proud, steve was proud, your family was proud. Until you came in the next week and found red paint smeared across it. The teacher told you she had to pull it from the show. Leaving you here.
   "I'm sick of it Steve...I'm sick of Tammie doing This stuff to me..." he grabbed your shoulder and spun you around on the stool. "Listen to me!" He took the paper from you and slammed it on the table.
  "They really are just jealous! I mean who wouldn't be? You are talented and funny, not to mention you have me as a best friend." You chuckled rubbing a tear away.
   He stopped and got up and grabbed something from across the room. "And here." He took your hand and placed a small handful of beads in it.
   "See this cool glow in the dark star bead? That's you!" he put "you" in the center of your palm.
    "And all these other boring beads they're Tammie and everyone else who isn't you...or me." he held one up to show you before chucking it across the room.
  "Just get rid of them! Ignore them! They don't matter!" you laughed and soon enough joined him in throwing them across the room.
    "Mr.Harrington. miss Henderson!" You turned to each other and laughed and you closed your palm around the single star bead in you hand.
  And that night you went home tore the charm off a necklace you always wore and replaced it with the star.
  It was always a constant reminder to you that no one who put you down mattered.
  Even after you started highschool and steve left you for Tommy h, And Nancy wheeler. You still wore the necklace to remind yourself that it even counted for him.
 You and Robin took lead with Erica beside you as you walked down the tunnel of the Russian base. "So how's you y/n-"
Steve looked at Dustin confused. "What?"
"Listen I know what happened between you and y/n. And I know we're friends and all but it's my job as her brother- "
"Younger brother." Steve stated.
  "As her brother to make sure she stays happy besides you've got robin."
  "C'mon henderson-"
   After everything in star court was over. The flayed dead, the gate finally closed again. You sat on the floor of the upper level next to Steve wanting to cry.
"I can't believe you kept it...after all these years."
You looked over at the boys beaten and bloody face.
   "The necklace." you looked down at the little star around your neck. "Oh huh...yea I do."
 "I'm sorry...for What I did to you in high school…"
  "It's whatever Steve.." you got up and started to head down to make sure everyone else was ok.
 "Hey no it's not!"
He caught up with you and fell into step.
"Steve...really now is not the time to be apologizing for one of many doughy things you've done. And listen it's fine my brother likes you and whatever and it was nice to be able to talk to you again even though our lives were on the line...but I know you'll just go back to ignoring my existence even now that you've got robin."
  You hurried over to will and Lucas who both raced into your arm. Leaving Steve there. After the second time this happened. And You saved his ads from Billy he realized how much he missed You.
  You were all sent outside to ambulances and wrapped in blankets. Steve though he was in conversation with robin couldn't help but look over to the ambulance you say in, he watched with a warm smile as you quickly got up and ran across the parking lot to engulf Dustin in a hug.
 "Are you ok? Are you hurt?"
You both seeming asked at the same time. You both fell to your knees hugging each other.
Dustin got up and came over to Steve. "Hey."
 "Listen you know what I said about staying away from y/n"
Steve nodded and shrugged. "Yea but you didn't necessarily say stay away from her-"
  "I did in not so many words shit head...just shut up and listen…"
Steve nodded And looked at him.
  "I know she misses you and I know that she needs you...so maybe...it wouldn't be the worst if you tried to talk to her again."
 Steve grinned and looked over to you hopefully. "Well are you gonna go or just state at her?"
   Steve quickly got up and made is way over to you.
 "What, Harrington?"
He sat down next to you.
 "I'm sorry...and before you get all pissy just hear me out!" You turned to him with a shocked look.
 "What?" you shook your head and smiled. "Nothing please continue."
 You two sat there the rest of the night. You finally allowed Steve to apologize and the both of you stayed there until it was all over. Just talking and catching up.
 You fell asleep on his shoulder on the way home and he was happy again.
~three weeks later~
"Ya know I'm gonna miss that sailor outfit."
Steve smiled as he turned around to face you. In three you agreed to give him a chance and start dating him. And You had to admit you where happy.
"What? My video store outfit isn't good enough."
You rolled your eyes and kissed him quickly pulling a movie from the stack in his arms.
  "How about a movie at my place tonight, mom's out, Dustin is with the gang.."
He smiled. "Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss being with my star again for a second." You raised your eyebrow at him. "Your star?" he smiled.
"Yea Steve's star? It's...it's got a ring to it font you think." You laughed and he leaned over to kiss you again. But someone launched popcorn at the both of you.
 "You make me sick." you laughed at robin and pulled some from your hair throwing it back at her
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l1ana · 6 years
Imagine being able to hold Thors' hammer
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Summary: Yeet, idfk I'm in a car thinking this up so yEAH—
You were the main one to usually tidy up after the messes that the rest of the avengers made in the tower; that included repairing destroyed parts of it. After all, it was the least you could do to repay Tony for letting you in as one of the family. Unfortunately, being let into the family also meant being the main target for idiot or cruel pranks cast upon you by the rest of the team. It was hard to get used to at first, but you eventually made way to accept that everyone were just as goofy and carefree on the inside as they were on the outside— They never meant you any harm.
Today was no different. Long story short: some idiot tried to attack the tower, lots of collateral damage to the tower, you going to clean up the tower. “[Name], you know I have money for a reason, right?” Tony asked, walking underneath the ladder you stood on with a coffee mug in hand. “Yeah but fixing things is my specialty. Consider it a second hobby besides helping you guys kick the shit out of bad guys.” “Language.” Steve groaned, relaxing into the couch. A smirk graced your face. “Figured you'd say that.” Tony took a seat at the dining room table.
“That guy was... Tough.” Clint exhaled an aggravated sigh. “Yeah, tell me about it.” Natasha added. “Are you all okay? I can fix you some cup of tea if you'd like.” You said, waving your hand upwards to have a multitude of tools make their way to the walls and initiated the cleanup. “No, no, [Name]. It's quite alright.” Bucky dismissed, still wondering how you could be in such a happy-go-lucky mood after what the hell just happened.
You reached your left hand downwards, expecting one of your tools to fly into hand. “Uhhh, I can't seem to find my hammer. Can someone get an extra from the closet?” At those words, an idea popped into a certain gods mind. Now he sure enough wasn't the mischievous type compared to his brother Loki, but Thor did enjoy teasing you as much as everyone else did. Clint stared at him with that knowing look in his eyes, fully aware of what the deity had in mind. It was quite obvious to everyone what Thor was thinking, and most of them groaned in dismay or laughed in agreement.
“You honestly can't find any other way to act smooth, can you?” Tony remarked with a sip of his drink. Unlike the others, the capabilities of Thors legendary hammer Mjolnir hadn't been leaked to you at all. And since you hadn't the slightest clue to whatever Thor was brainstorming, this only worked to his favor. “Of course he can't. The only way he knows how to is by telling his long tales of being a god and whatever.” Sam stated with a wave of his hand. To elaborate on what they were saying— Thor may have developed a small l̶a̶r̶g̶e̶ liking towards you. Just a little bit. But honestly, he wasn't the only one.
“You guys just can't leave the poor girl alone for one minute, can you?” Wanda laid back into the recliner while making said comment. “Hey, I'm not the one thinking it up.” Bruce waved his hands around in defense. “Nor am I.” Clint added before doubling with a, “But just in case, 30 bucks saying she'll hold it.” Que the loud and obviously ticked off groans from Steve. “That's a really low move,” He grumbled, throwing his left arm atop of his face. “..... 50 saying she will.”
Bucky threw a pillow at his companions stomach, scolding him for indulging in this idiot plan to make you swoon for Thor. “10 on her not holding it.” Until giving in himself for why not sakes.
Before they knew it, the team was all making quiet bets deciding whether or not your palm could properly wrap around the handle of the legendary hammer without falling. The good news if you couldn't hold it was that Thor could catch you —due to the weight of the hammer knocking you off balance and sending you quickly gravitating towards the floor— in one arm and his hammer in another, looking dashing and being seen in your eyes as ‘hero’. And even if you could hold it, to which he HIGHLY doubted, he'd be getting paid. It was a win-win on either side.
Snickers and moans, followed by a few discouraging comments courtesy of Sam, flew around as Thor aproached the ladder you stood at with Mjolnir behind his back. “[Name], I have the hammer you seek-” Once he turned his eyes up, he immediately dragged them back down to the floor with a crimson stroking his usual pale skin, not wanting to come off as ungentlemanly for staring at your rump. A cough came from his mouth as you opened a free hand and held it out, expecting the hammer to be set into your palm. “Thank you Thor.” Oh goodness your voice was like catnip to a catnip-starved street feline. He absolutely adored it with his entire heart and soul. Almost made him feel bad for what he was about to do. “E-ehem! You're deeply welcome, my dear [Name].” He said, pulling his weapon from behind him and holding it by the base, setting the handle within your palm. His head clocked back towards the team, who either gave a look of affirmation or one of disagreement to his action.
Thor sighed, his fingers releasing grip of the iron block and opening his arms out, ready to catch you.
Nothing happened.
It went dead silent in the tower, the only sound being you hammering the nail into the wall to finish hanging the picture. The amount of jaws that dropped was immesurable. Thor turned his head round to witness the shocked expressions written over his team mates faces. Oh yeah, they looked like all hell had been loose. Deciding to dart his gaze upwards to where they all directed their sights, he joined the rest of the avengers in this awestricken state.
There you were, twirling the hammer in your hand innocently as you wiped the sweat glands forming on your forehead. “There we go. Good as new.” You remarked with a chirp, pushing the picture frame to be straight and neat. You slid down the ladder as the tools fell back into your small toolbox, the top closing itself instinctively with a satisfying snap. “This is quite the odd modeling for a hammer. But nevertheless, thank you for the help. If I had moved, it might've been raining wrenches and iron bits, heh.” A gloved hand, your hand exactly, scratched the nape of your neck as you giggled nervously. Due to your close-eyed grin, you were unable to catch glimpse of Thors' undescribable expression that painted his face.
“I’ll get going to the outside now. Y-you all have fun!” With that you dashed through the living room on your way to the balcony, opening your eyes and taking notice of everyone's faces. “What's wrong? I can always lend an ear if need be.” You chuckled, leaving them all in wake of those words.
“She held it.” Clint was the first to speak up amongst the group, putting a wall between the quietness. “She actually held it.” His mouth was wide enough to stuff and entire pie in as he said that. “She actually held it.” Sam took a long hard stare at his drink, eyes furrowing. What the hell was in it? He wasn't drunk right now, right? Oh well, whatever was in it -or left in it- was gone, down his throat. Natasha just smirked in a know-it-all fashion, retorting “That's what you all get for underestimating the power of [Name],” “Aka the power of unrelenting kindness.” Wanda and Nat did a little fist bump. “Name's worthy... Totally didn't see that coming.” Steve said sarcastically with a smug look. He already foresaw the hammer within your threshold long ago after witnessing what a charismatic young lady you were, always willing to help whenever.
“See, this is the part where I wake up because I know I did not just let a 200 go to waste.” Tony said, pinching his cheeks. Everybody was stuck in conversation, dishing out surprised comments or bragging about the money they got simply from the bet. However, Thor wasn't making any comments at all. No gasps, no inhales, nothing. Just nothing. It was blatantly obvious that he was the most stunned of all. Bruce smirked. “What's the matter Thor? Someone finally picked up the claimed ‘unholdable’ hammer and now you're quiet?”
“To be honest, [Name] is probably the worthiest of us all.” Peter said. “I mean, she has a heart of gold. Literal gold.” He fawned over how much of a sweetheart you absolutely were. Pietro nodded in agreement. “She's a gracious girl with nothing but purity within her.”
It goes without saying that this whole idea of ‘worthy’ didn't define as much to everyone as it did to Thor. So many roads were being laid out before his very eyes revolving around you. This had so many different meanings, so many different futures. You could take place as a ruler of Asgard. You could possibly transend and become a goddess. The head attached to the mop of blonde hair was sent into a ditzy. He was in this state of rethinking literally everything that's eved occured in his life. His emotions were a mix of shock, rage, joy, and so much more— all of them swirling n him and creating a feeling he didn't even know existed. There was no way to even give it proper words. “Hey, Thor.” Rhodney snapped his fingers, eliciting the other to awaken from his daydream. “Oh, yes?”
“So, whatcha gonna do now?”
“What do you mean?”
“[Name] held your hammer. This obviously means something besides the fact that she's boiling with love to spread.” Bucky said. “Isn't there something more to it...?”
“I have to marry her.” Thor said without hesitation. “What?” Everyone in the room perked their heads up. “Asgard must be ruled over with those the hammer deems worthy, and [Name] is without a doubt worthy.” Oh how Steve was happy that he didn't pull the hammer off the table that time when they were all drinking. “Awww, so you finally get a shot to kiss wittle old [Name]y-waymey.” Tony mocked, making fake smooching noises. “He wasn't ever going to make a move on his own, I think it's good that the hammer got involved.” Pietro commented.
“Jeez it's blazing hot out there.” Speak of the devil, there you were, emerging from the outside with sweat running down your body, your clothes almost soaked in the substance. “I could use a drink right about now.” Waltzing your way to the fridge, you bent down and picked out a small glass of water, chugging it down in one gulp and releasing an ‘ahhh’ of satisfaction.
Thor felt something hit his head; A pillow. Glaring at the one who threw it, the god sighed at Clints childish act yet got the message. He inhaled, mustering all the courage he could and walking up to you. “Uhm, lady [Name], I could really-” “Hey Thor. Here's your hammer back.” You turned and greeted, opening his palm to place the hammer in it. “W-wait, you knew this was mines...?” He asked questioningly. “Yup. You always walk around with it after all,” A light laugh emitted as he took the time to process this. “It's pretty light for a hammer that only gods can pick up. Does that make me a goddess?” Everyone overhearing this in the living room snickered. No doubt about it, Thor was going to go crazy.
“Wellll, I guess since it's your hammer, that technically makes me your goddess!”
thor.exe has crashed
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Weekend Fun
Clare: put her hand on his neck when he kissed her. Her lips moved slowly against his returning the kiss. She parted her lips and met his tongue stroke for stroke. "Yeah, they're going to have to get over it because I don't share." Clare whispered. They were definitely more than friends. Clare smirked at Dakota. It was so wrong that the minute he mentioned licking her, she started doing a mental inventory of what perfumes she had that might entice him. But she couldn't help herself. Clare had kissed two boys on the neck last year and gave one of them a hickey. No one had ever made out with her neck though. "I'll keep that in mind." She said coyly. In actuality, Clare planned to dig through her purse after dinner to see if she at least had cotton candy flavored lip gloss with her. "Isn't that what we are supposed to do? Besides learning how to cook properly is going to be fun especially if you help teach me. I'll only feed you stuff that turns out right. I can pawn my failures off on other people." Clare thought this was the perfect time to learn a new skill before she got busy with spring activities. It was just as much for her. She was getting a little sick of her mom's leftover casseroles and the like. They hadn't even sat down together to eat as a family lately. If Clare could change that in a positive way this time it was worth a shot. "No one's body should be objectified." Clare amended. "Both guys and girls make positive and negative comments about people's bodies. It's always unwarranted." Clare wasn't surprised girls stalked Dakota and hit on him or his brothers based on their good looks. But the whole thing was creepy. "Woah, she actually asked you that? What is wrong with these girls?" Clare gaped at Ash, horrified. He was in junior high! "Did she leave you alone when she said no?" Clare didn't want to think about some dumb little girl trying to follow Ash into the shower. Clare smiled at Emi. She hoped most of their conversation was over her head. Even if it wasn't, Clare was sure Emi always had a good time playing with the other kids at the gym and didn't care what they'd been talking about. Clare was startled when another little girl climbed up on Dakota's lap. She realized this was Emi's friend by the conversation. Clare kept eating her own onion petals while she watched Dakota feed Karin. It didn't bother her obviously but she wondered if Emi was jealous. Clare laughed when Karin practically swooned when she noticed Dallas. She had finished eating by the time Dakota returned from taking Karin back to her mom. "The five year old chapter of your fan club is adorable." She smiled at Dakota and held his hand. "I don't know what Emi and I are going to do with you though. Do we need to set some ground rules?" Clare teased him. The waiter came back to refill their drinks and said their food would be out soon.
Kota: smiled as Clare whispered to him. "I don't share either." he whispered back. When Clare spoke coyly, he looked at her. "You'd do that on purpose wouldn't you?" he asked with a soft chuckle. "It would be fun, I can already see squirting you with whipped cream and eating it off you as well. Just no food fights it makes a big mess and is a waste of food." he stated. "Yea says the guy with a high metabolism that can afford to eat a lot without getting fat or having to exercise a lot." she stated and Kota chuckled at her. "It'll slow eventually." he assured. "Did you know that s-e-x causes you to burn 280 calories which is more than running or walking?" Stacy asked and the whole family aside from Emi looked at her. "I didn't mean it to sound like that. I read it in a magazine." Stacy pointed out. "Trust me if it were like that, I would've lost twenty pounds by now along with about 40 bucks." Dallas laughed. "Thank God it's not like that. I don't want to be a grandma this soon." Ms. Anderson stated. "Anyway.." Kota trailed off and looked back at Clare. "Just no wasting food when cooking." he kissed her cheek. He didn't really care that Clare would pawn the food that didn't turn out to other people since he knew that if they were cooking together, he'd probably try it before it went in the oven if it was batter or he'd be helping her so she didn't mess up. He nodded when Clare spoke about their bodies being on display or them getting commented on. Once she asked Ash about the girl, he looked at him. "Yea, she left when I told her I shower with my bathing suit on in the gym." he said honestly. "Girls at the gym are worse than guys. I mean sure when a girl loses her bra most guys run to see, but we won't do anything past that. With the girls there, like Ash said, they'll ask us to shower with them. It's worse because they'll flaunt their body to do it." he said honestly. "One girl grabbed Kota's arm and pressed her body against it." Ash said and Dallas started laughing so hard he spit out his drink. "Sorry, I remember when you gave her a cold look and said you were gay." Dallas reminisced. "It worked for about a week, that's when I got hit on by a guy." he shivered. "He pinched Kota's butt and in turn Kota punched him. After that Josie ran over and told the guy Kota's not gay. Of course all the girls were back on him and he just glared at them." Dallas stated. "I go to watch Stacy work out and keep the guys away from her." he added. Hearing Clare mention his fan club, he looked at her again. "I don't really have a fan club yet." he said honestly. "What's with the yet?" Dom asked. "Word is going to get out that I created MB right? Then I'll get a fan club. I won't be famous, but I already know girls will ask me for merch, what's coming out next, what to expect from MB, how long it's going to last, interviews for magazines since grandpa kindly told someone in an interview that I'm taking over the company only he called me his grandson and already said I have the MB line." he stated. "You're going to be famous." Ash said and Kota looked at him. "Maybe a famous designer, but even so they're not like the celebrities, I won't be getting that much publicity. We aren't in Japan where I'd be separated from everyone, have stalkers, be in various magazine's, go on talk shows, have a fan group that expects me to be theirs. It doesn't get that crazy here." he pointed out. "I'll be in Business weekly, go to a few conferences, and that's about it. Steve Jobs wasn't even celebrity famous in my eyes." he said honestly.
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