#a blorbo christmas
sharkneto · 2 years
I’m now internally chanting “ROB AND SARAH HOLIDAYS!” Obviously no pressure to write things you don’t want to write. But just know that I would be here to devour anything you do write on it lol
ah, how much you guys like my blorbos never fails to warm my heart and make me so soft. my running joke with @non-plutonian-druid is that any idea i say i'm Not Writing eventually does get written. So, I'm not writing the holiday fic, but i'm not not writing it either lol, If the amount of brainstorming that has gone into it to build Rob's stupidly large family is any indication.
the thing is, if i do write this fic (which... is not going to be short. I know myself. this would end up at like 30k), where do i post it. where does it go. it's practically original fiction at this point. i feel weird posting it in umbrella academy fanfic. five is barely there. it's just my homemade blorbos. plus eleven more homemade blorbos and their intricate relationships that really all come together to make sarah miserable
#she tolerates because she loves her husband and they don't actually see his family that often outside of the holidays#let me ramble in these tags now#in a completely nonsensical order#rob is the youngest of three by a significant amount (decade younger than his oldest brother and 7 years younger than his sister)#his siblings both have kids and the oldest of those kids are just starting to get old enough to have kids of their own#sarah and rob's mom do /not/ get along and that's not sarah's fault#rob's doctor handwriting has never been relevant in hit or jt but is a running joke in this#sarah is the only person who can read it. this sometimes does include rob#the most cursed thing is that rob is bobby to his family and sarah Hates That. so much that she can't even joke about it#five either comes in because he hangs out with sarah in a grocery store parking lot while she's taking a break from all the walters#or he ends up getting sucked into being at the house when they're all also there#one of these is significantly more fun but my god does it add even more dynamics to figure out#anyway. tidbits.#the major sticking point in me actually writing this rather than just having Way Too Much Fun thinking about it#is that it does require a lot of intricate familial relationships that i do not have experience with#so i gotta go off vibes. bits i glean from watching friends interact with their families. and tv#ficblogging#a blorbo christmas#i should have a rob tag#sarah#yeah i've thought about this just A Little Bit
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thetatardis · 10 days
gorgeous television. no notes. love an implied paradox. mommy issues nation suffered massive losses today but i’ll allow it for the vibes. kate was gorgeous and actually sounded like she had a doctorate for the first time since her invention
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aseuki · 1 year
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Magolor has taken over the Kirby Twitter just to announce Sand send tweet
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molinaesque · 2 years
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Ebenezer Scrooge (Scrooge: A Christmas Carol, 2022)
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overchromatic · 5 months
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quick sketch of Kieran in an outfit i own irl
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panic-flavored · 6 months
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So I see there's a blorbo meme going around
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guzhufuren · 1 year
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various freaky blorbos + text posts for @toppinghughdancy 
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undeadchestnut · 1 year
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"Don't you worry about a thing, Prudence my girl. Uncle Scrooge will take good care of you, I'm sure."
Jacob Marley and his emotional lifeline dogs. 🐶
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0tr45hm0uth · 6 months
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Merry Christmas from 10 and 11! May you all have a happy new year!
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sometimes, as a fanfic writer, I worry about doing something that's already been done before. there's already a story with this pairing and trope, or this character and situation, etc.
of course, like many other fic readers, I like to see my favorite blorbos falling in love over and over or in the same sexy situations, but just a little differently each time.
it hit me today that it's not just fic readers who do this. you know how there's a gazillion covers of the same christmas songs? look up "have yourself a merry little christmas." there are so many covers. sure, some of them are our favorites, but if that song is a banger, you're going to listen to it performed and recorded in a million ways and still think it's awesome.
so, maybe next time when you're looking for a new fic that features your main idiots in love, pining after each other for the billionth time, and wondering why you do this, just know that there are people who love listening to "grandma got run over by a reindeer" sung by a diversity of voices.
if that's ok, so is reading about your little meow meows being repeatedly emotionally scarred or falling in love. or sharing one bed. or going from enemies to lovers.
the world that has many renditions of" grandma got run over by a reindeer" definitely has room for more stories of your blorbos.
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Someone needs to jermafy Billy Lenz or lenzify Jerma.
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tsuwumugiaowoba · 5 months
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Merry Christmas!
From the Shelby-Solomons Clan
#Alfie leaves Tommy a big package underneath the tree
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blessyouhawkeye · 1 year
the makers of hadesgame dared not only ask but answer the question "what if phoenix wright and miles edgeworth spent too much time in hot topic as teenagers"
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cobaltfluff · 2 years
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happy halloween to my beloved blorbos!!!
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