#actually this was fanart of a fic I read before I changed it up a bit
singularshark · 8 months
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Reserved seat
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heck-theo · 2 months
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CW BODY HORROR (?), BLOOD, VOILENCE. Please read the tags of the fic before reading.
Fanart for Neon Void cause I love this fic by sugarpastels!
I'm a sucker for this kind of character and I can't wait for more! I'd also really really love a follow up where Leo is dealing with the aftermath and reintegrating but I'll just have to wait and see ^^
The design changes a little bit and because this was done on and off over a few weeks, and the quality changes too. I really struggle with how I want the lineart and rendering to look so they're all different in styles. Not actually happy with most of these but I'm trying to make myself post more art. I like the sketches more but feel like I should post finished art cause I'm a perfectionist.
The Neon Void design is partially based off the art by @ / kaysdenofchaos at the end of chapter 2, as well as my own simplified interpretation and the mask shape is loosely inspired by The Black Rabbit of Inlé from the 1978 version of Watership Down (traumatic film tbh). Link to fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46753177/chapters/117752863
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prismatic-bell · 1 year
So @hejeksbs saw that post about fandom olds freaking out about IWTV stuff being posted on the AO3, and said they’re new to fandom and fandom culture and don’t understand. So congrats, Hejek, you’re one of today’s lucky 10,000. This is going to be a basic primer, but I encourage others to chime in with details. (Also, thanks for reminding me I need an Interview exhibit in the museum. I had that written down somewhere.)
So if you go back to the 1990s and early 2000s—the pre-AO3 digital years—you’re going to see an official disclaimer on just about every fic. These basically said “I don’t own anything here, please don’t sue me.” Some were quoted elaborate.
These started because of Anne Rice.
See, Anne Rice was, how can I say this nicely…an asshole? The day she died there were literally people posting crab rave and “Ding Dong, The Witch Is Dead” from The Wizard of Oz on Tumblr. Because before Harry Potter fanfiction was pretty frowned upon and you might get a C&D if you didn’t keep your head down properly, but Anne Rice.
Anne Rice literally recruited her “loyal fans” to harass people who made fanworks. At least one person was doxxed to her workplace by rabid Ricers, and at the time fanfiction was taboo enough you could absolutely get fired for that. I was eleven and friends with someone who was 13 who’d just read Interview and drew this wonky I-am-a-kid-who-can’t-really-draw-yet-but-I-loved-this-SO-MUCH piece of fanart of Louis and Lestat, and she literally dipped off the internet because she got an extremely nasty “I’m suing you” threat from Rice. (Are you out there, Mercury000? It’s me, sailorsharon0722.)
Anne Rice did everything in her power to ensure there was no IWTV fandom at all. I’ve heard from people older than me that she used to host a “vampire’s ball” every year in New Orleans for her “loyal fans” but if you showed up and she felt your costume outshone her own, she’d make you leave. People didn’t dare so much as put “Lestat” and “fanfiction” in the same sentence.
And then, irony of ironies, when her reputation got so bad she was struggling to sell books, she…became a Christian and started writing Bible fanfiction to sell.
Over the years there were claims she’d changed her mind about fanfiction, but nobody ever had evidence to back this up. I even saw a dude on Quora claiming to be a close friend of hers saying we were all lying, and he got absolutely ratioed by fans going “I still have my C&D letter, you wanna fucking try again?”
Incidentally, I would like to point out that her attitude wasn’t uniform. It’s easy to say “that’s just how it was,” but Neil Gaiman has been around since the 1980s and has always appreciated fanfiction. Stephen King’s approach is “please tell me, to my face, that me explicitly writing about Cthulhu isn’t fanfiction” and otherwise pretty lassez-faire (he has no interest in knowing you’re writing fanfiction of his stuff, he just genuinely doesn’t care), and his first book was published in the early 1970s. Gene Roddenberry, creator of Star Trek, actually accepted submissions of fanfiction scripts DURING THE SHOW’S ORIGINAL RUN, at least according to popular lore. (@dduane, can you check me on this?) Mercedes Lackey—who’s 1980s-and-1990s fantasy royalty—has been asked on Quora about why she “changed her mind about fanfiction” and her response was “I never changed my mind, I just had to talk my publisher into accepting it. I’ve always been okay with it but I had to say no because of my contract.” Sure, Diana Galbaldon was out there comparing fanfiction to rape(????), but even among those who disapproved of fanfiction, Rice’s attitude and actions were extreme. And they persisted into the 2000s, too, with her egging on fans who harassed and sent death threats to a YouTube reviewer who didn’t like one of her books.
AO3 changed ALL of that.
AO3 said “here is our well-researched legal claim that fanfiction is legal, and if someone gives you shit about works you have posted on our website, our lawyers will represent you. You can post safely here. It’s okay. We got your back.”
Even so, the fear about Anne Rice continued. And can you blame people? This woman’s name held the same power in fannish conversations as “Voldemort.” (A moniker by which I’ve actually heard her called.) She all but destroyed the old guard, on purpose.
….and then a new generation of fans happened. A new generation that didn’t remember life before AO3, had never known anyone who literally had to move house to get away from Rice’s minions’ threats and harassment. I know we use “nature is healing” as a joke on this website, but really truly, that’s what happened here. She left charred tree trunks and bushes that were old-school fans and from their ashes tiny little 2010s-fans seedlings began to grow.
The thousand-odd fics you saw in those screenshots (which I feel I should clarify are from before the new show came out—a show that must have her turning in her grave, because she was absolutely adamant that all her vampires were STRAIGHT and if you thought otherwise you were DISGUSTING, and I hope she spins so hard her corpse combusts) are absolutely shocking to us older fans because it’s like staggering out of a nuclear wasteland and spotting a little garden with signs saying “free nuclear-illness medical services” and realizing it’s real. What the fuck, what the fuck, but also, holy shit y’all we’re so proud of you. YES. Keep going. Don’t let the witch get you down.
EDIT: I’ve been informed by someone in the notes that IT ACTUALLY GETS WORSE:
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I’m not going to transcribe the whole thing because I’m on mobile and most of it is just bog-standard post notes, but what’s relevant is @theoriginalvelocipastor saying “OP forgot the part where she [Anne Rice] would take ideas from fanfiction.”
Like holy motherFUCKER this woman’s hypocrisy.
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spdrvyn · 5 months
better than snow: MIGUEL O’HARA
summary: have a merry christmas morning! you're groggy and experiencing a mild headache, but it's all worth it especially when you walk into the living room only to see your munch of a boyfriend.
fluff. suggestive. in typical vyn fashion, this is late YAHOO but merry christmas to everyone! i hope you all enjoyed your holidays because i very much did hehe, this fic is inspired by this fanart so go check it out! merrily we fall out of line out of line
You were a merry mess.
There was no such thing as partying too hard, but you thought that you'd never actually reach such a feat until last night. Hell, you didn't even remember falling asleep on the bed.
Don't get anything twisted, you had a lot of fun with Miguel and "coworkers" last night. That's what he liked to call them anyway, you know for sure he wouldn't invite regular subordinates to his home with you to have the craziest Christmas party known to man.
The tanginess of the copious amounts of whiskey you had was still on your tongue, your eyelids still weighed down by the very little sleep that you got. The sun wasn't entirely up yet, orangey hues barely visible through the blinds of the room.
You shivered as the cold hit your bare legs, these were definitely not the clothes you fell asleep in either. You looked down to see a t-shirt that very well reached up to just above your thigh, it was only safe to assume that you made a huge mess of yourself previously and even safer to assume that Miguel would save you by changing you into one of his shirts.
The choice of clothing isn't even necessary, you have clean shirts, but Miguel likes seeing you in his clothes so you weren't going to complain. Besides, it smells and somehow feels like him.
That didn't really help the fact that you were freezing, Nueva York and its deadly temperatures during winter season. You dug through the closet to find big enough blanket to carry, you weren't insane enough to drag the whole comforter of your bed around the flat.
When you entered the living room, the soft crackling noises of a fire the first thing you heard. Each piece of confetti, liquid, and dirty surface had then been wiped clean.
Though, that wasn't the only detail that had you baffled.
The moment your head turned, you could feel your heart stop beating in your chest, your breath slowing down, your blood run cold. Miguel was right there and he wasn't wearing anything else except for his briefs, you could see everything.
Smooth skin, a toned stomach, massive arms shielded by nothing, and the trail of hair that goes down to his even bigger—
"Merry Christmas," he uttered, you nearly choked. Right, right. He's in front of you. Shirtless. No! Act normal, act natural.
"Uh, Merry Christmas." the need for your little blanket lessened even more, this sight was enough to warm you up for the rest of the morning nay rest of the day. Your eyes moved to the mug in his hands that was still steaming hot, he reached it out to you in a silent question if you wanted any but you declined with a shake of your head.
With that, he gulped down the rest of his drink. As he set the mug down on the table, he gestured for you to follow him to which you immediately followed. He sat you down on one of the armchairs, his eyes raked over how you looked now. Bed hair, fingers clutched onto the blanket for dear life, flushed cheeks that you probably didn't know you had. Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous.
He grabbed a present from the Christmas tree before it's presented to you, you tried to study the stern look on his face but if there's one thing you knew about Miguel, it would he how good he was at hiding how excited he was.
You unraveled the present to be met with a language book on how to speak Japanese, you noted the way two slips of paper bookmarked a specific page and when you opened it, you were delighted.
Two plane tickets to Tokyo, Japan and when you read the page that they were slotted into, it's how to say "I love you" in Japanese.
愛してます. Aishitemasu.
Your heart swelled, when you looked back to Miguel, he had the softest smile on his face.
"I'm going on leave for at least a week, we leave in two days."
"Oh, Miguel— this is—"
Unable to find the words for exactly how happy you were, you couldn't do anything more except grab him by his shoulders and kiss him breathless. Passionate was an understatement, you acted as if you were going to steal each breath from his lungs to which he'd let you if you truly desired it.
You've never received a gift this big before, never gone a trip with just you and another person. This is a first time experience for you and you're more than happy about the fact that you're going to be sharing those future memories with Miguel, you wouldn't choose anyone else over him.
When you separated, you both panted into each other's mouths. Miguel had you pushed you back into the armrest, the blanket too close to slipping off your ahoulders.
"I don't want to spend a moment away from you," he took one of your hands and pressed a chaste kiss to your wrist. His other hand slithered down to your lower back now to your bottom before giving it a firm squeeze. "What I want is to love, kiss, and cherish you in every possible. Will you let me? Corazón?"
There was only one answer.
There would only ever be one answer.
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olderthannetfic · 19 days
TL;DR: multiple people can arrive at the same fanfic idea/premise in different ways, but also, getting inspired by a different fanfic is not stealing, please don't gatekeep!
I joined a new fandom (it's Resident Evil (RE), which I'm mostly mentioning for that one 'nosy' anon because hell yeah I am super nosy as well, so here you go, dropping some names!), and I quickly stumbled upon one fandom-specific plot trope that I thought was both pretty neat but also super obvious (Infected!Character fic, which, in a world with zombies and viruses that cause zombies is a very logical trope).
Anyway, there was not quite as much body horror as I thought there would be, although I'm still looking, but that's not why I'm writing to you, that's just the (un)necessary background.
There was this one fic that I opened, which in its Author's Note clearly stated that the author set this fanfiction in another author's AU, because they loved the world created by this first author. The first fanfiction author basically came up with their own Infected!Character design and backstory (including fanart), and the second fanfiction author liked it so much they were now writing this fic based on/in that AU. Obviously not quoting the AN directly, but this second author was very complimentary and explicitly mentioned where they got the idea from, gushing about the first author.
In the AN for chapter two, the second author stated that they weren't aware that that first fanfiction author didn't allow others to write about the Infected!Character AU they'd made, that that first author in fact only allowed a very limited number of people they publicly approved of to write about their AU, and nobody else was allowed to touch the Infected!Character AU. This second author was now apologising in the AN for not knowing this, plus mentioning that they changed chapter one to switch up the backstory & design to not be too close to that of the first fanficton author's AU.
That made me sad, honestly. I've seen this attitude a couple of times, where fanfiction authors are super protective of their ideas that they won't allow any other fanfiction author to write about them, and it's always struck me as a little bit hypocritical, given the whole deal of fanfiction. Especially when the original/first fanfiction author is credited and the inspired work is clearly done because the second author loved the first fanfiction so much. If it's a highly developed/specific and original AU (so not just any common trope), and you don't even mention the fanfic you were inspired by, then I find that rude, but just flat out not allowing people to even touch 'your' thing? C'mon!
This partially ties into my other gripe about a specific type of comments I occasionally get, which are along the lines of 'huh interesting idea where did you get it? bc/btw there is this other fic with the same idea (posted before you)'; idk if I got the tone right, but they never seem to be actually genuinely asking how I got the idea (and I always delight in telling them, not sarcastically, I genuinely love talking about this stuff, bc I get inspired by the most random things and I love love writing 'original'/new things!! I love tropes as much as anybody, I read a shitton of them, but i when I write I love coming up with new shit/plot! it's so fun!!). They just vanish after my explanation, even when I try to invite further conversation. It always feels to me like they're 'checking' that I didn't steal the idea, and it feels a bit lousy.
I mean in (larger) fandoms, it is not surprising at all that two or three or even more people arrive at the same idea, maybe even inspired by the same thing, same reading of canon, or not, varied experiences--and just because the works are similar doesn't mean that they were inspired by one another, but if they are, that's not a sin! I just want people to not take everything in bad faith, and also, to not 'disallow' others from getting inspired, especially when they do it in a very polite manner!
It's because of comments like these that I sometimes, very privately, worry that before I'll manage to post the long fic I spent months writing--because I'm one of those who wants the thing finished before I start posting--somebody else will have a similar idea, post their thing first, and then I'll look like I'm lying about not reading/stealing their idea, or just jumping on the bandwagon, which again, it's not a bad thing, actually.
And it shouldn't be like that! I shouldn't worry, and people should also be more willing to accept that authors can arrive at the same idea at (roughly) the same time & accept that explanation without side-eyeing the author, and that if an author is inspired by a different fanfic, that's not a sin either (in fact, for me it would be an honour).
None of this is new either, but that RE stuff reminded me of it again.
Oh man, this is way longer than I thought it would be. Apologies. I'm going to add a TLDR at the start.
Anyway, I'm going to finish writing an Infected!Catboy!Leon fic now and be very unsurprised if I find out that somebody else has had the same idea long before me (aside from one or two reader fic inserts with that topic that I stumbled upon on tumblr, bc that's just not my thing at all (reader insert, I mean)).
In college, friends of mine had a falling out over one of them "stealing" the other's fic idea.
Space pirates.
Not specific space pirates. Not a way of integrating the concept that was fandom-specific. No, just the general idea of space pirates in the same fandom.
Never have I facepalmed so hard.
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dearheart42regenerated · 11 months
once upon a time, over 10 years ago, just a few months after the announcement that Motorcity was officially canceled...the creators of the show took pity on their heartbroken fandom and gave us several glimpses of what season 2 might have been like. they saw how much we loved Motorcity and gave us every scrap of info they could at the time, so that we could use those scraps to imagine our own personal "Season 2" - whether it continue on in our fics, our fanart, or simply our own heads.
I'm making this masterpost so that none of this material will be lost or forgotten, and so any fanartists/fic writers still hanging around today can use it for inspiration. if there's any related material I've missed, PLEASE feel free to add it in a reblog or let me know in my inbox! I want this list to be as complete as we can make it! :)
The Season 2 That Never Was: A Comprehensive List
Motorcity Season 2 Rough Intro "Scratch audio by our very own Chris P." (x)
-> backup download
Season 2 Writer's Wall posted (and later deleted) by @chrisprynoski on twitter, and shared on tumblr by @peopleofmotorcity, these pictures of the writer's wall showed us a "rough sketch" of what could have been, and gave our imaginations SO many fun theories and possibilities to play with. every blurry sticky note was a treasure to us. :')
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-> original tumblr posts: x x x x x x x x x x x x -> image masterpost -> google drive folder
Chris Prynoski's Fan Interview + Tumblr Q&A's this whole interview on youtube is a delight to listen to, and Part 2 in particular has some interesting bits about season 2. (skip to 17:10 for some good stuff about Texas and Chuck's backgrounds!)
-> Part 1 -> Part 2
Chris P also answered several juicy season 2 questions on tumblr. sadly his blog is deactivated now, but you can still read through all of them at the links below!
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-> image masterpost -> google drive folder
Capri Chilton - Mike Chilton's long lost big sister! I can't remember where or when it was first revealed that they were considering giving Mike a secret older sister, and I haven't been able to track down the origin. that being said, when it was revealed, the fandom loved the idea so much that they begged the creators to make it canon. Chris P busted out the "magical canon stick", gave us this delightful concept sketch, and "Capri Chilton" was born!
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The Motorcity Series Bible "To help you all understand what it is you are reading, this is the material that Titmouse used to help pitch Motorcity, and it was also a tool for writers to use when coming up with episodes to help understand who the characters were before there was any other reference. That being said, this was one of the very first documents about Motorcity, so many things have changed or evolved from these early concepts." (x)
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-> original tumblr posts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 -> image backups -> PDF download
EDIT: the COMPLETE series bible has now been leaked by Lost Media Busters on X (Twitter) and helpfully shared by @waksworldrebooted!!
--> here is a google drive download for the full PDF file!
Motorcity Series Bible - Redacted Version (Pages 1, 2, 17, 19, 20) funfact: @peopleofmotorcity was the official? unofficial? tumblr blog for Motorcity, and it was run by a guy named Mac - an animator for the show who loved to tease and joke around with the fandom. before revealing the actual first 13 pages of the series bible, he posted this censored version as a prank - a mix of truth and trolling! it's up to the fandom to decide which is which. ;)
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-> original tumblr posts: 1 2 17 19 20 -> image backups -> PDF download
MTV Era Motorcity Masterpost a fantastic collection of glimpses into the original pilot/pitch trailer that would evolve into the show we know and love today, found and compiled by @waksworldrebooted. "In 2000, Chris Prynoski pitched a cartoon called Motorcity. He made a card and a website promoting the show, which wouldn't see the light of day until the Walt Disney Company got their hands on it."
--> tumblr masterpost (including wayback links to the old website) --> twitter sources from Chris P himself :)
Motorcity Unaired Pilot - 2009 Disney Version Originally aired during Comic Con 2012, the pilot was recorded and then posted on YouTube by Allison Simmons in July of 2012, later being privatized in 2022. The video was re uploaded onto VKVideo 22 days after its original posting to YouTube and is still currently available to watch online. (x)
--> backup download --> also viewable here!
if I find more material, I will add it here! :)
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terapsina · 1 year
Ask game for people who like to ramble about their obsessions. So.
...the moment in the story that I started shipping my OTP from this world.
...my three favorite characters and why I love them so much.
...which scene I would like to erase from the universe and why.
...why you should choose to check out the world of this story and choose three gifs that should underline my point.
...the scene from it that lives in my head rent free.
...which is my favorite platonic or familial relationship in this world.
...how likely I am to follow the writers and directors from this project to their other ones and why.
...a quote from it that means a lot to me.
...which characters I think should have interacted more in canon.
...how many fics I've read that are set in it (approximately and making exaggerated guesstimates).
...what I think of the central character(s).
...what attracted me into checking it out.
...which canon or popular fanon relationship I can't stand or feel 'meh' about and why.
...if I think the largest majority of fics I crave for it are fix-its, nobody-dies-everybody-lives, fluffy fics of my OTP, pining fics for my OTP, or plot heavy Gen stories?
...which character I would choose for the chopping block if I knew the writers wanted to kill someone.
...which character's death would (or did) make me rage-quit.
...the world-building aspect of the story I have the greatest admiration for.
...the perfect number of books/seasons/movies needed to tell this story properly.
...one behind-the-scenes trivia fact I've learned somewhere and my thoughts on it.
...exactly how little or how much headspace this fandom takes up in my brain at any given point.
...about my absolute favorite of their scenes and why I love it so much.
...why I do or don't ship them.
...if there's a scene involving them that makes me uncomfortable.
...how many other characters in my opinion see the chemistry of this couple before the couple itself does.
...the three most perfect OTP tags that I can come up with for them.
...what kind of AU fics I'm obsessed with reading about them (or would be if I could find one).
...the scene that I like to point to as proof that they're perfect for each other.
...if I'm most interested in fics about them that focus on fluff, angst, humor, smut or actual plot?
...what my ideal endgame for them is.
...rate the level of stupid they reach in their pining.
...how quickly I started shipping them when I got into the fandom.
...about three of the scenes that make me have feelings and (if available) find the gifs that underline my points.
...if I can watch them in relationships with other characters without feeling gutted.
...which tropes I think describe them the best.
...how I wish their story would go/would have gone.
...three of my fic recs for this ship. And (in the event that I've written something for them) one of my fics involving them that I'm most proud of.
...three of my favorite fanvids for this ship. And (in the event that I've created something for them) one of my videos involving them that I'm most proud of.
...three of my favorite fanart or edits for this ship. And (in the event that I've created something for them) one of my art or edits involving them that I'm most proud of.
...if this is a ship that's likely to take up room in my heart for years and decades to come or if they're the summer romance that will probably fade into the past with a fond memory.
...how and when they should get/should have gotten together.
...why I love them, like them or hate them.
...how I would have chosen to change their story from canon.
...if I have an OTP for them.
...if I have NOTP for them.
...if I feel like the writers mistreat them or if the story would be better if they were taken down a peg.
...the scene that I think shows just how awesome they really are.
...the scene that I think adds depth to their character or the relationship this character has with someone.
...a headcanon I have about this character.
...which of their relationships I would have cultivated more if it were up to me (both romantic and platonic).
...if I liked them immediately or if took a while before I warmed up to their character. Alternatively, if I disliked them immediately or if they lost my trust as their story progressed.
...how well I actually understand them. Do they feel like a very vivid character to me or are they kind of bland and hard to get invested in?
...how likely I am to seek out (or write) fanfiction for them.
...how I'd do it if they had to be written out of the story.
...what I think they want more than anything else.
...what I think their role in the story is versus what I think it should be.
...my very shallowest of opinions on this character.
...how well they'd do if they got dropped in a horror movie.
...whether or not I would personally trust them to be my friend.
...a song that describes how I feel about this character.
...my queer headcanon for them. Unless they're canonically queer, in which case whether or not I think they're good representation or kinda badly explored.
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gilbirda · 2 years
Time for some BatPham and DPxDC fic recs
I got a comment asking for some recs and I thought it'll be easier to have a masterlist or something in my tumblr and link that
SOOOOO I asked the BatPham server for recs and I'll just slap them here and add some that come to my mind in no particular order because it's 4:20 am (blaze it)(not really, kids, dont smoke) and ill comment some ive read personally
Now with Part 2!
Just the Typical Weirdness by Pandemi
The Phantom and the Knight by savya398
The Auction by Lalenja (young justice crossover)
30 Days of Kidnappings by Hyperintrovert
Types of Family by NerdofSpades
Unearthed, Reborn by QueenOfTheQuill
Pearls and Pomegranates by Evandarya (BrainDead (TimxDanny) inspired in Hades&Persephone)
The Fantabulous Emancipation of Danny Fenton by HistoricallyInnacurate
It Matters to Have this Ghost Clan Near (This Family I Never Knew) by SagaDuWyrm
The Captain and the King by Sivan5733 (A series featuring Captain Marvel AND John Constantine)
Change in Management by voidwriting (Love me some Sentient Gotham, I actually have to catch up with this gem of a fic) - with fanart!
Beauty lays behind the hills by Library_of_Cronos
moon's haunted by heybabybird (funny)
Speed Dial by apotheosis_avaritia (funny but short :( I want more)
Concession to Realism by wildimaginingsofhalfbakedideas (danny yeeted to WFA universe. Very cute)
Ghosts Don't go to High School by Evandarya (BrainDead cuteness tbh i love this one)
close enough to be whole again by hailsatanacab (twins Danny and Damian. ANGST. Good shit right here)
Green skies by siren_of_the_ocean
It's Hard to Make Friends When You're Half in the Grave by SagaDuWyrm
Leap Before You Think by TourettesDog
overbearing obsession by Ocearna (good shit right here, Ocearna's writing..... good)
Shrodinger’s Bat by Michaelisunderrated (angst! I have to catch up but it's really good as far as I read!!!)
Robin's Egg by Calix (really good!!!!! Damian is so serious and dangerous and will protect Danny like the "I only had X for a day but I would kill..." meme)
Raising Phantom by Imp_y (good shit!!!! de-aged Danny! Some Anger Management (JazzxJason) hints, batfam dynamics!!!)
Bat Ghost by Megaerakles
Who's Old Now? by LiraBuswavi (funny and short! With Captain Marvel!!!)
Vertical Limit by hppjmxrgosg (the good shit right there)
Vacation Crashers by Imp_y (one of the first i read for this crossover!!! the good stuff)
Unnerving by razzle_berry (Arkham security guard Danny and Arkham doctor Jazz fic!)
The Boy King and the Dark Knights by smallgaything (good stuff!!!! de-aged danny adopted by Jason!)(it inspired my fic "Safehouse")
EVERYTHING FROM SEASILVER (Really all their stuff is pure gold)
Date Night: Interrupted by HadesGhost (funny and short Anger Management treat)
family friction by halfagone (milkywxy) (funny!!! BrainDead and Anger Management oneshot!)
And So It Ghost by Evandarya (another one of the firsts i read for this crossover!! good!!)
To Join the Whispers by ayamari_no_goshi (best of the best! I base a lot of my Jason characterization from Goshi's in this fic!)
Chasing Shadows by ayamari_no_goshi (Goshi's stuff is pure gold)
death echoes by Ocearna (Ocearna's writing is good. What more can I say)
Ghosts of Gotham by Iymea (this one looks promising!!!)
This is it for now. When I get more I shall put more
Happy reading 🤗
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gallavichthings · 1 year
Gallavich Week 2023
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Here we go once more with the 11th (!!!) edition of Gallavich Week!
Last year I decided to change things up a bit and give you two choices for each day, instead of just one as was usual before. Well, this year I'm taking things even further because you'll actually end up with several choices per day.
Dates and themes below, details about each theme (please read those and also follow the links when provided) and more information about Gallavich Week in general after the read more. Quick reminder that all kinds of work are welcome, as long as they are original. Please read the guidelines before posting.
18/06 - Gallavich Week 2023 playlist
19/06 - Top 20 touristic attractions in Chicago
20/06 - Disney
21/06 - Meet-cutes NYC Instagram
22/06 - Tags from popular Gallavich fics
23/06 - Shakespeare
24/06 - Free Day
Details about themes:
18/06 - Gallavich Week 2023 playlist
This was a playlist created with suggestions from some followers of songs that reminded them of Gallavich. I won't be adding any more songs to it, but there should be more than enough to inspire you!
19/06 - Top 20 touristic attractions in Chicago
Just follow the link to know what they are. As usual, prompts are meant to inspire and can be taken any way you want, not just as Ian and Mickey visiting the places.
20/06 - Disney
Anything Disney-themed. Disney movies, Disney shows, Disneyland... Mickey Mouse? :P And yes, Marvel and Star Wars can be considered Disney as well.
21/06 - Meet-cutes NYC Instagram
Follow the Instagram to find dozens of interviews with random couples about how they met! Watch them and get inspired. :)
22/06 - Tags from popular Gallavich fics
I took one "unusual" tag from each of the 10 Gallavich fics with more kudos on AO3, so here they are, to be used as inspiration:
Unresolved Sexual Tension (from Sexual Harassment in the Workplace)
Organized Crime (from The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Ian Gallagher)
Soulmate AU (from you are inked on my skin long before we begin)
Ian and Mickey talk dicks (from Nobody's Fuckin' Business)
Accidental Baby Acquisition (from Melánia)
Internalized Homophobia (from Noisy Neighbours)
Domestic!Gallavich (from a thousand and one ways to show you care)
Long-Distance Relationship (from Lost in Translation)
Ian Bottoms WHOOPS (from eighty-four)
Social Media (from Cooperative Gameplay)
23/06 - Shakespeare
Self-explanatory, I suppose? But again, to be interpreted as you want.
24/06 - Free Day
How do I participate?
You don’t have to subscribe to anything or announce what you’re doing, you just have to post your work on the appropriate day and tag me on the body of the post using @gallavichthings. It’s important that you tag me properly so that I can be sure to see your post and reblog it.
What types of works are accepted?
Any kind of original fan work is accepted, including but not limited to: fanart, fanfiction (no minimum words required), graphics, gifs and gifsets, videos, and fanmixes. Yes, meta and polls are also accepted (though I do request that you either try to keep them within the theme for each day or post them on the Free Day).
When can I start posting?
I’ll always make one initial post for each day, at 12am GMT (check here to see when that is in your time zone). After that, post away!
Can I still participate even if I don’t have a Tumblr account?
Absolutely! Just submit something here (http://gallavichthings.tumblr.com/submit).
Can I post on Twitter or Instagram?
You can post anywhere you want! On Twitter and IG, we encourage you to use the hashtag #GW2023and I’ll RT you. You can also mention @gallavichthings if you want. I do not have an IG account though, sorry, but you can post there and send me a link for visibility. That being said, we do encourage you to post here as well, so it can be seen by more people.
Is there an AO3 Collection?
Yes, right here. Participation is not mandatory though, and you can rest assured this Collection will not be deleted.
Can I post something that I’ve already posted before?
No, sorry. The works should have been created specifically for GW. You can, however, create a sequel or a different version of a previous work.
Can I post something that is not in English?
Of course. Just make sure that it is original, or that you have the original author’s permission (and, in that case, link to the original too).
Can I make R-rated works?
Yes, just please give any necessary warnings and tell us the rating at the very beginning of the post. If the post is visual (like a fanart or a gifset), it would be nice for you to also tag it accordingly - Tumblr now allowes you to select if a post is deemed for mature audiences or not. It’s not mandatory, but if possible put it under a Read More here on Tumblr and under a spoilers mark (so it’s not instantly visible) on Twitter.
Can I post something that’s AU?
Sure thing! Tag it accordingly though, both for those who want to avoid it and for those who’d like to find it.
Can I post supernatural works, mpreg, or genderbends?
Yes! But if it’s a fic, please include it in the warnings.
Can I post more than one work?
Definitely! The more, the merrier. You can post as many works as you want, on as many days as you want, be it one post per day or ten on the same day. Anything goes!
Can I post on more than one day? Do I have to make something for each day?
Again, the more, the merrier! You can post on only one or all days if you wish!
Can I make one work that fits two or more themes?
Sure thing. I only ask that you post it on the day of the last theme included. For example, if you are posting a work that includes the theme from Day 1 and the theme from Day 4, post it on day 4 (just make sure to tell me that it includes both).
Can I write a multi-chaptered fanfiction?
Yes, and you don’t have to post everything either. When you do, just be sure to include either a masterpost, or the links to the previous chapters in the beginning.
Can I include other characters/pairings in my work?
Yes, as long as Gallavich is still the focus.
What if I can’t finish on time?
The Gallavich fandom is ALWAYS happy to see new fan material, so just post it when you’re done and tag me, ok? The same goes for people who can’t finish a work on the assigned theme day; you can still post it on a different day during GW, just make it clear which day it was made for.
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not-poignant · 5 months
Out of curiosity, when did the, 'fanfic doesn't need to adhere to canon, everything is valid and good, don't give concrit unless specifically asked for' attitude become the norm? Genuine question.
I was active in fandom back in the LJ days, when sporkings and comms viciously mocking Mary Sues were the norm, but then I sort fell out of fandom spaces for the past (checks notes) fifteen years holy shit. The current attitude seems diametrically opposed to what I remember fandom being like (kinda shitty, it was 'cool' to be an asshole back then), and I'm just curious as to when and how the shift happened. I mean, I assume it was a gradual thing, but is there anything in particular that stick out to you?
(Also, because tone doesn't convey very well through ask, and I don't want to leave you with a poor impression-- this is by no means a defence of the 2000s attitudes, nor an aspersion on the current ones. I'm genuinely only curious about the evolution from one to the other; I hope that comes across.)
Hi anon!
TL;DR because my response got LONG -> Anon this existed before Livejournal as an attitude, in fact modern fandom was literally born out of being not canon compliant (*waves aggressively to Spirk shippers*) and this existed on Livejorunal too and there have always been big pockets of fandom that really frowned on sporking even there, like that was not cool when I was on LJ, unless you were a certain age, or in certain spaces in fandom.
But also AO3 was its kind of final death knell re: making it cool to bully 13-16 yo writers (who were largely the victims of sporking) and killing dreams, which was born out of meta happening on LJ and in other places about like... not trying to make people miserable for writing a free fic out of the love in their heart that someone else didn't like or think was good enough.
Anyway, the longer version of this under the read more!
(For everyone else, welcome to some of the uglier aspects of 00s fandom!)
So there was actually criticism around all the stuff you mention 15-20 years ago as well. I was also on Livejournal during that time and there was a pretty big proportion of people in certain fandoms who recognised even then that like... setting up communities to mock say, Mary Sue writers, was actually a pretty weirdly cruel thing to do to people who were providing free labour and the literal only 'payment' they could get in a kind of energy exchange was people just not being complete dickheads to them.
So things were already changing, especially in many LJ communities and awards communities. There were a lot of big debates over whether concrit should be asked for, and a growing movement of authors who said they welcomed constructive criticism for example, instead of assuming it should automatically apply. There was also a lot of meta around the function of fanfiction and whether it should even be 'good' by published standards if the author was just doing it for themselves, and for fun (esp if they were just going to get punished for it by folks who were elitist, judgemental, grammar purists etc.)
Things really changed around the time of AO3 (2009-2010 - literally around 14~ years ago, you may have just missed the big change anon!), Strikethrough and the Dreamwidth exodus. There was a massive swing away from leaving concrit unless the author specifically asked for it, and fandom became a lot more generally able to recognise that a lot of labour goes into fanart and fanfiction and that paying with public criticism is shitty actually. Also people were just more able to recognise that like most fanfiction writers aren't trying to become professional writers and many don't want to be.
(I would actually say things changed around the time of fanfiction.net too - rude comments there were definitely noticed and could create some pretty forward 'hey why are you doing this on something you literally don't have to read' responses from fellow readers - idk what fic sites you were on. The small indie fic sites where you could often only comment via email for example, definitely drew a lot more critical attention than sites that tended to have public comments).
The 'fanfic doesn't need to adhere to canon' literally exists since the very first Spirk slash fic in modern fanfiction in the last few decades. Literally, as soon as you write Kirk/Spock, you're not adhering to canon. Our fanfiction 'ancestors' literally paved the way for a legacy which is about not adhering to canon in order to see the world/s and thing/s you want to see, be entertained by, by turned on by, or enjoy, from the very beginning. You may not have been in slash circles anon, but the foundation of queer same sex fanfic is in many ways the foundation of fandom. But yeah, this is literally where fanfiction started! As soon as you're shipping characters that aren't canon for fun (or for whatever reason), you're making it pretty clear that you want stories different to canon, and you have to change things to often keep those characters in-character.
So yeah! That's been there for decades. Idk what circles you were in on that front! While it was fairly common for a while to criticise characters for being OOC (Out of Character), imho, a lot of folks started to recognise that they literally weren't paying for what they were criticising, and they could just walk away and potentially not like...blast the fanfic. Some folks started to recognise more that people were writing with ESL, or were teenagers (some 40 yos in fandom realised they were mocking literal 15 year olds in their proto-podcasts and websites and realised actually that's just...mean? Really mean? Not the way to nurture new generations of fanfiction writers. Definitely in no way encouraging), or were writing for themselves, or writing for like one other person, or writing for fun, or writing for free, or writing for personal reasons etc.
'Don't Like Don't Read' wasn't just about political stuff, it was also about just walking away if you feel the urge to slam a fanfic in the comments.
I've been in fandom for around 2.5 decades anon, and there were so many spaces that were not actually as shitty or mean-spirited as the ones you were in? Or ones that at least had a lot of different thoughts etc. Like, sporking (mocking/bullying badfics and sometimes the folks who wrote them) was disapproved of by a lot of people in fandom even while sporking was at the height of its popularity (the Fanlore page goes into more detail about this). It might have just been the fandoms you were in, or the people you were hanging out with (and that might have been dependent on your age or just if you were around people who wanted to be 'cool' back then - in the same way that being an 'anti' is cool among certain crowds today. It's possible to spend years in certain crowds and never get an image of broader fandom for example - we can all end up in spaces like that! I know I have.)
When I started writing fanfiction (which no one will EVER find lmao), generally giving positive comments was normal. Constructive criticism was actually pretty rare and there were already fanfiction aggregate sites that generally disapproved of it in their Rules of Conduct. People were encouraging and polite. And this was around 20 years ago on Livejournal and private indie fanfiction websites.
I would actually say there was never exactly an evolution from 'one to the other' because like thousands of people in fandom already believed this and argued in defense of supporting fanfiction and transformative works via accepting that people are labouring for free and that not everyone wants to become a 'better writer' etc. - the meta was there on Livejournal in the 00s. There were communities where sporking was seen as hip/fun, and communities where it was literally banned or at the very least, super frowned upon.
There were meta fandom communities where sporking was the subject of discussion and you know eventually in a lot of those meta communities, that's where a lot of folks decided actually that calling out the fanfiction of 16 yos as 'cringe' or 'badly done' maybe said more about us as human beings and what we wanted fandom to be, than it did about the actual fanfic itself. By the time AO3 came around, people built it with this in mind.
To this day on AO3 it's mostly considered appropriate to say you want concrit in your author's notes, and to otherwise assume as a reader it's never welcome if it's unsolicited. That started during the LJ era. And it was talked about at great length. There's obviously going to be people who disagree! But for the most part I'm a big believer in compassion and 'not everyone is here for the same reason' and 'they literally gave this to us for free and it's meant to be fun' (like yourself! What we do/think/argue 10 years ago on LJ is sometimes different to what we do 10 years later lol, I used to be against trigger warnings pre-AO3! Times change a lot :D )
So yeah, this was definitely something that was around before you and I came to fandom, and it was something that continued to grow as an attitude during, until finally it kind of won out on AO3. But yeah fandom as we know it was born in people literally not being canon compliant to make some gay dreams come true (Spirk shippers bless them all), at a time when there was no representation.
Even in the earliest days of fandom where comments could only happen via email, one of the earliest phrases authors used were things like 'flames will be used to roast marshmallows.' For those reading who don't know, flames are hate comments, critical 'this fic is bad because' comments etc. Except you emailed them directly to the author, because there was no place for comments on a fic.
And this started because authors in part got death threats for writing gay stuff.
So you know, from the very beginning, authors in fanfic have by and large had a very low tolerance for criticism / hate over something they're doing for free and making no profit out of, when they're changing/altering the canon as they please to create representation (or hotness lmao), that is literally a labour of love in a world of very little representation. From there, things have just grown. The whole 'flames will not be tolerated' existed even before Livejournal did.
Honestly there are still people who love sporking and you could probably find groups and Discords dedicated to that even now (actually you literally can, there's a Dreamwidth group for it), it's kind of wild but it started to get cool again. Just like 90s clothing :D (Which is also wild because I can just take that crap out of my closet and wear it again).
But yeah it also sounds like you may have been in some pretty crappy pockets of fandom! When I was on LJ in the 00s I avoided those places and still got to experience fandom across multiple fandoms (mostly NCIS, Captive Prince, HP, Profiler, The X-Files and some others) and communities.
I was super active in some fandom communities and saw a lot of meta happening, and my view during the early and late 00s was that sporking was largely pretty frowned upon after a very brief (like 3-6 month) era where it was cool for only some folks, and then everyone (including some - but not all - of those folks) was like 'heyyyyyyy hang on a minute.' It was something that the bullies did, and enjoyed, and otherwise folks kind of stayed away from it, especially once they learned people were becoming too scared to write fics, which is the inevitable outcome of mocking/bullying folks and fics that have been made purely out of love for something.
Like, publicly making a spectacle out of what a 13 yo (they were often teens - and it's kind of sad how many 40 yo women were doing the sporking :/ ) wrote out of love, just for fun/clout was not considered cool by everyone even back then, because like, a lot of us saw that as killing new generations of fandom (some folks who sporked considered it a win if a fic or account got deleted, this is not based behaviour), not actually creating good writing, internalised misogyny (Mary Sue hatred and self insert hatred), etc. It's hard to explain because I do really think we were in different corners of fandom at the time, but I don't know anyone personally from my time on Livejournal who actually liked sporking as an idea or enjoyed it or enjoyed listening to it or reading articles mocking fic.
I knew about it from very lively 'is this okay' 'actually no it's not even if it's just for fun this is trying to hurt people and saying 'it's just the fic' is not going to be the bandaid a teenager needs to understand why older folks (generally) in fandom are mocking them for being new at a skill' discussions on LJ in meta fandom communities. So this is how much I could be in fandom and not be a part of it and also have like a wildly different experience to your LJ experience!
I think if I'd been a teenager during that era it would have seemed a lot more appealing (in the same way that many teens are antis now before they grow out of it), and fuck it if I was a more bitter person who was just around people who liked to make fun of what other people created, perhaps I would have enjoyed it too, I can see a lot of reasons why a person would fall into that in LJ -> but I was an adult on LJ trying not to be mean to people or what they were creating, so yeah I was maybe just in very different spaces! (Don't get me wrong, I have my giant fucking character flaws, but I was very scared of people hating me so like I didn't want to do things that would make that happen, lol, and also I was scared to put up fic myself during the era of active sporking. I know for myself that sporkers didn't just scare away writers of 'badfic' - they...intimidated a LOT of people).
Before AO3 I was on FF.net, posting fics on LJ, posting on Schnoogle, gossamer, and a couple of other archives. So I don't think my experience was that 'narrow,' I just think I wasn't around like... anime at that time or other places where it might have been happening. I also avoided like...Draco/Malfoy where CC drama was happening and I know sporking was popular in that specific arena / pairing for a while as well (er, as well as anything to do with Mary Sues).
So yeah! That's about where that is. Generally gatekeeping fandom is just seen as not a great thing to do to people, and that creates other kind of beliefs that are generally upheld as being more inviting/nurturing. After all, if someone truly wants to get better at writing, they can ask, or do courses, but as we all know, everyone has to write some bad stuff to get good at it, but not everyone wants to be good. Folks are in fandom for different reasons. I'm rambling now so I'm going to finish my lunch! :D
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flightfoot · 4 months
hello! i dunno if you were accepting fanfic recs asks but - might you have any fanfic recs about chat noir angst with the rest of the superhero team?
Yeah sure! I'm not entirely sure what you mean about having the rest of the superhero team, but I'm assuming it involves them having at least some sort of role in the story? Anyway I'll do the best I can.
Dr. Walker & Kitty Hyde series by @pearl484-blog
Summary of the first fic, Rain Falls, Everybody Lies:
Chat Noir loves the rain. He loves the danger. He loves the excitement, and he especially loves how much Catwalker hates it. 
Jekyll and Hyde AU
Adrien AUGreste Entry 3: Rain
So like the summary says, and the title indicates, this series is inspired by the popular conception of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - not how the book actually goes, but how it’s portrayed in popular media, with Jekyll splitting himself in two, with a “good” side and a “bad” side. 
During Kuro Neko, instead of just changing his appearance through changing his mindset, Adrien took more extreme measures, sealing off his “undesirable” characteristics, his anger and sadness and all his sharp edges, into the ring so he could assume a more placid, genial persona that’d be more accepted - Cat Walker. 
But Chat Noir’s still there, taking over whenever Adrien gets too testy, and desperately trying not to be pressed out of existence entirely. With embodying Adrien’s sealed anger and snappishness and rebelliousness, he’s not too kind to the other heroes - he already felt looked down upon and ignored before this, and seeing them accept Cat Walker while he’s fighting for his life doesn’t endear them to him either.
The series isn’t unfair to them - this isn’t a case where one party is entirely in the wrong and another’s entirely in the right. Marinette, Zoe, Nino, and all the others - they did wonder about what was going on with Chat, but he wasn’t in a position where he could see it, and he did have legitimate questions about how much Ladybug would budge on things, if he’d told her what he was going through. It’s a series that emphasizes characters hurting and lashing out in some terrible ways, but that hurt still being respected, and working things out, trying to get everything to a better place.
drowning (in plain sight) by @buggachat
Everybody had expected Monarch's defeat to be a moment of triumph. Nobody had expected Gabriel Agreste, unmasked and mind frayed from continual abuse of the miraculous, crying out to all who would listen and making Paris certain of one thing:
His son, Adrien Agreste, is one of his sentimonsters.
And now he's missing.
Nobody can find him— not even the superheroes, and not even his closest friends. But Marinette, Nino, and Alya aren't ones to give up so easily. They'll find him, no matter what it takes.
(But, geez, would it kill Chat Noir to lend a hand?)
I’m sure everyone saw this one coming. If there’s one thing buggachat’s good at, storywise, it’s capturing raw, tumultuous emotions, frantic breakdowns as the characters desperately try to navigate bad situations. This was a real treat to read, as I’m betting most people reading this will agree, given just how popular the fic has been. It also has a ton of fanart, both by buggachat and by random fans, if you go looking for it (there’s a drowning in plain sight tag which I’d advise perusing). 
one does not love breathing by @wackus-bonkus-maximus
All of Paris watched as Hawkmoth murdered Chat Noir, taking the Black Cat Miraculous for himself. Ladybug swears revenge, but her enemy—and every miraculous in his possession—disappear without a trace.
Six years later, a new team of villains launches an attack for the last remaining Miraculous: Volpina, armed with new powers; Queen Bee, with questionable loyalty; Argos, the new holder of the Peacock Miraculous; and Cat Walker, who Ladybug hates the most.
Takes place after S4 - Strike Back.
This is a simply phenomenal fic. You get to explore a lot of different perspectives, like Felix, Kagami, Marinette, and Adrien’s, just to name a few, and see their different thought processes and plans and priorities, and how it can cause their plans to collide with each other, even when they all ultimately are aiming for a good outcome for everyone. The characters are pretty complex and can mess up at times, even when they’re doing things (or not doing things, looking at you Luka) with the best of intentions. It was a joy to read and a real nail-biter the whole time, I actually wrote a fic for it halfway through just to resolve some of the tension for myself, One Does Not Love Shadows.
It also features the version of Luka I’ve connected best with to date, as he feels like Luka, but also is a lot more fleshed out, and can make some major errors while simply trying to avoid missteps. It’s helped me get a better handle on a character who I’ve generally had a lot of problems with really understanding.
It is an M-rated fic, though I think Wackus is being overly cautious on that front. There’s no sexual content and I wouldn’t put the violence or gore above a T-rating, so I wouldn’t let the rating scare you off.
Chat Walker’s Trial by @pearl484-blog
Instead of Catwalker showing up to serve as her new Chat Noir, Ladybug is stunned to find that Chat Noir has returned to her, having “improved” himself by repressing his emotions, memories, and willfulness. Deciding that this will not stand, she organizes her teammates to convince Chat Noir that giving those traits up and becoming the perfect partner was not the right move, but how can she argue against perfection?
Adrien Augreste 2022 entry for the day 23-24 prompt: Swap
This is a really intriguing fic. Instead of becoming Cat Walker in Kuro Neko, Adrien instead runs across a mage who helpfully provides some spells to make him into the “perfect” partner for Ladybug, magically suppressing his emotions and urge to rebel, as well as his memories of being Chat Noir, in order to make sure he doesn’t love her anymore. Ladybug, naturally, is distraught about this, but since Chat did all of this of his own free will, she needs to actually persuade him it was a bad move, which isn’t as easy as it sounds. It’s exquisitely painful at times with the amount of self-hatred Chat has for his previous self, and how the Miracuteam is divided on how bad these changes actually are, since he does seem more focused now - though the holdouts are a lot less on board when they think of someone who’s closer to them going through this process.
I hope that these scratch your itch!
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 10 months
Neurodivergency stuff:
Having a character hyperfixation is so bizarre
[a rant about how character hyperfixations are different than special interests, how seeing Hobies makes me feel, and also daydreams that I don't necessarily control]
I talk about stuff like this here because I feel it should be normalized 🥺😁
I love Hobie. He's my hyperfixation.
But it's not like a special interest or normal hyperfixation. Like I love trains and subways and metros and I'll eat up ANYTHING about them but like - the interest is completely from an intellectual standpoint.
My Hobie hyperfixation is completely different.
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Bruh I get about as much comfort looking at his photo as I do like hugging my own mother or some shit and that's not an understatement
Especially actual screenshots of the movie. Like I love fanart but for it to hit right it has to be 'actually him'.
Looking at photos of him genuinely calms me down and thinking about his voice makes me feel safe. I trust him.
I can accurately 'daydream' about him doing almost anything in vivid detail, but I'm not necessarily in control of him in those daydreams. There are just certain things he won't do. If I ask him a question I won't know the answer unless I 'ask' him. And if I don't like is answer I can't just change it cause he said what he said!!!
Um but yeah at least for me it's way more than 'Oh I love this character and reading fics about him' and way closer to 'this is somehow a person to me I talk to through my head. And I can feel the same warm feelings towards him as I do an actual existing human.
I know I can't touch him or hug him - and that gives the exact same emotion as if you were missing a friend that went away to college.
I know it's not the same, but my brain produces the same feeling from different scenarios than other people.
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Like just by looking at this photo I can imagine the way his vest feels and what is like to hold his hand, and the fabric of his shirt, the way he smells, his guitar by my leg - and it's like ... I'm not trying to do that that's just what happens when I look at the photo
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At least twice I week I have a daydream of Hobie rubbing my back and telling me to calm down and how he understands why I'm upset all in his accent in a very specific detailed rendition of his home thats never been shown on screen before-
And the emotional response is just as real and holds weight in my brain the same. It's way beyond just an intellectual interest, at least in my case.
Character hyperfixations are more emotional connections.
And IDK if that's how it is for everyone else??!!!! But uhhhh!!!!! Yeah- ummmm- haha yah mhm
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I hope somebody can relate but like waking up and looking at a Hobie photo feels like waking up beside him and THAT'S THE TRUTH and if you think that's weird or cringe then
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Homie idk what you want me to tell you it is what it is
And some people may find that weird or cringe or whatever I don't give the slightest fuck because isn't that amazing that the human brain can do that - see a human creation and take some much meaning and emotion from it, making a full circle of human creation and art powered souly by human emotion and the ridiculously sophisticated imagination humans are only capable of through centuries of evolution right
But can somebody tell me if it's like this for them or if not what does your Hobie hyperfixation look like
Also if you have daydreams too please tell me about them like can you control him in them like a Barbie doll, or is he completely independent?
Mines is probably 90% independent - there's somethings either outside of his character or things he just won't do
[like for those who follow me, in my head I can ask Hobie to take me to the locked basement, and he'll absolutely say no. And if I try to imagine him doing it, the daydream I imagine is a lot more paperthin, plus Hobie will say "That's not it and that's not me, quit imagining me like that-" and I can't continue the daydream
Since I just exposed myself lemme just-
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I've been thinking of a headcanon/au thing for several days now and it is quite literally the reason I'm on tumblr again. I mean, I had thought of it before but didn't think much of it, and now it's all I've been thinking about.
Heavily inspired by a fic I read, some fanart I saw, and general tendencies/what ifs.
Immortals/Undying duo aka Philza and Foolish
-Foolish was the first person to call/consider Phil his 'dad' or a father figure
-Phil finding Foolish as a young totem and, I mean, Phil's pretty recently immortal, somewhere between a few decades and a few hundred years.
-Foolish hasn't even formed with another living creature yet or has only hardly started.
-Phil is more rough around the edges than nowadays, but still takes Foolish under his wing.
-Foolish knows he's only meant to be kept as a sacrifice of sorts to his parents, and since his parents are no longer around, that must be Phil, right?
-Maybe Phil keeps him at a distance, not wanting to start caring for the living thing that's supposed to keep him alive should anything happen
-Or maybe Foolish wiggles his way into Phil's heart, but in an attempt to keep Foolish far, he tries insulting him, calling him 'Foolish', but Foolish thinks it's a name like Phil has and happily takes it
-Maybe neither of them thought Foolish would be around this long, but then Phil starts to open up, more and more, and he doesn't want to sacrifice Foolish anymore for selfish reasons
-Maybe Foolish sees this as no longer being useful to Phil, although, surely not, though, right? They were getting along, so how come he isn't of use anymore?
-Maybe Foolish tries to go back to before he was useless, trying to convince Phil that he's useful again by bringing back the sacrificial behavior, but it only upsets Phil. He can't upset Phil, though. He'll have to find a way to manage being useful again while also keeping Phil happy.
-Maybe Phil explains how other species are treated, convincing and teaching Foolish to be more selfish.
-Maybe one day, after they were finally understanding each other, Foolish calls Phil 'dad'', but Phil freaks out, not wanting to be a father yet
-Maybe Foolish tries explaining that they can be like other creatures in society, just like Phil taught him, but he gets turned down. Phil doesn't want a family. Not yet. But a family's all Foolish has wanted since he learned about them, from his dad.
-Maybe Phil denies Foolish as his family, trying to ease it on him, but Foolish is still young by many standards. He doesn't understand. He gets upset and leaves, not wanting to stay with someone who doesn't even see him as important.
-Maybe this is what causes him to turn into a totem of death, his shark part growing as he let's out his emotions on hundreds of innocents.
-Maybe one day, The Angel of Death arrives at a town recently destroyed, only to be told of a Totem of Death. Surely it's not who he thinks it is, I mean, he's a Totem of Undying, of Life. Then again, the totem population doesn't seem very high. When was the last time he saw a sentient totem before Foolish, anyways?
-Maybe, eventually, Foolish learns from his ways, turning to building instead. He isolates himself, creating a temple in a far off desert, creating his own oasis where he won't harm anyone.
-Maybe he gets a visitor one day, with large, black wings. They talk, but both make a point to not bring up what caused their distancing. They both seem happy, even when the elder departs.
-Maybe they see each other again, years later, a popped totem from not far off, bringing Foolish out of a deep slumber, taking a few months for him to wake up. Several mortals are met, but they see each other once more.
-Maybe Foolish learns of Phil's Son. Of course, he can't blame Phil for changing his mind from all those years ago. He has- had- has a child of his own, one he actually chose to have. Foolish can't be upset. He has his own kids! They aren't sentient, but they have names, a safe place. At least someone else considered Foolish family. A mother-father.. a papa. But that doesn't last long either. Mortals don't last long.
-They meet again on what's supposed to be a vacation. Foolish has no family, his kids taken from him, his parent gone, his new fling just broke up with him. But it's okay! Time to start anew. Even though others aren't thrilled to be stuck on the island, Foolish takes it happily. Sure, Phil still has his son, but he can't be upset about that.
-Then they both become parents again. And things are looking up for the Immortals, both with their happy families. Phil's eldest son returns and gets a child of his own, one that eventually gets welcomed into Phil's care with open arms. Foolish tries not to be bitter by how easily the young one was welcomed, shoving his feelings further down. He's got his own family!
-But maybe his own family isn't doing great. His boyfriend would go away for a few days, but now it's been several months. He wasn't informed by his partner of their recently adopted child, another islander, grief stricken with the loss of his own child, but now he realizes how similar to Phil he is in regards to welcoming people. His boyfriend left, but he's quickly acquired a son in law and grandchild. He convinces himself he's happy, despite the cheating allegations, the torture from other islanders, the constant pain from totems popping around him, the manipulation of the higher ups of the island, the-... He's happy, he swears!
-He still thinks Phil thinks less of him, maybe he cares less, but he doesn't hear the worry as Phil notices he's stuck in the nether. Phil noticed almost immediately, trying to figure how to get him back. He doesn't know the way Phil affectionately rolls his eyes at something he says or does, just like a parent would do.
-Then the world falls apart, but at least they're on the same team. The "game" has just started and everyone on their team is already losing morale, all hope lost within a few hours. Over the next few weeks, things change and Foolish starts to feel like a kid again. His teammates aren't helping. His powers were ripped from him on the original island, but now he can't keep up with the deaths. If only he were still the totem of that. If his physical wasn't bad enough, his emotions are bubbling and he doesn't want them to boil.
-His teammates- his family, are becoming just that. He would join them, but ever since the first rejection, he hasn't done it again. He hears the way his friends all call Phil 'dad'. He's not sure if it's in the cult way or the family way, but it still hurts when Phil doesn't reject the title. He knows he's being selfish, but why do they get to call him that? He's not sure, but he has a feeling even Carre has at least mumbled the word to their leader. Maybe it's different since they're mortal. It's not fair, but he hopes that's the reason. He wants to join in, to not be the only one not calling their leader that. But he doesn't dare. Not after the first time. He can't risk the aftermath of another possible rejection. It wouldn't be a stranger that would be affected this time around. So he doesn't bother, calling him 'wise leader Phil' and things of the like. It leaves a sting each time he hears one of his friends call Phil that, but he can manage.
-Things only get worse on the last day. After hardly scraping by, they had made it to the final two teams. Foolish came across totems. 2, looking near identical to his former children. He does what he thinks is best, handing them over to Phil. He can't risk losing another child, his most important family member. Once again, Phil rejects him, handing the totems back over. To Phil, he knows how important such an act is, but he wants to play fair. He also doesn't want to cause Foolish pain by possibly popping one or both. To Foolish, Phil has declined one of the most selfless acts a totem can do. He's upset, feeling like a wounded puppy, but he understands and will accept Phil's wishes. Phil didn't need them anyway and Foolish pushes down those feelings once more, happy they had won.
-They get to see their kids. And they do. But the freeing of the child of their top tormentor isn't too exciting. As the room shakes and the ceiling falls, Foolish calls for one last ditch attempt from his father figure, for any sort of guidance. Phil stands frozen in shock at a son he chose being hidden behind rubble, leaving soon after. The one he's rejected, desperately tries to save the only family he has left, leaving only when he realizes he can't help his child. He chooses to be useful to someone else.
This started as just thoughts, then writer brain came out. oops.
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tss-storytime · 6 months
2024 TSS Storytime Big Bang FAQ
If you’re already familiar with the Big Bang, jump down to the Word Count and Communication and Check-ins sections for this year’s changes.
The Basics of the Bang
What is a Big Bang?
A Big Bang is a challenge that encourages writers to create long stories (25k minimum) within a certain time frame and artists to create works to pair with those stories. Basically, the fandom gets a lot of long stories and awesome art all at the same time! Every writer gets fanart, every artist gets inspiration, and everyone gets to enjoy the final product. 
Is this Big Bang limited to a certain pairing, genre, or rating?
No. Most ships (except incest) and gen stories are welcome. Likewise, AUs, crossovers and fusions, all genres and all ratings are also welcome, including NSFW fic and art.
Only adults (18 or older) may work on M+ or unrated works. NSFW works must be clearly indicated as such so that no one ends up partnered with someone whose work will make them uncomfortable) So long as the primary focus of your story is Thomas Sanders and/or the Sanders Sides, you are good to go!
How do I sign up? Will there be an email or a message so that I’ll know that I’ve actually gotten through?
You can sign up via the Google Form linked at the bottom of the pinned post! It’s via google forms so you should receive a confirmation message on the site once you hit submit. We’ll also post a list of everyone who has signed up about a week before sign-ups close.
I am both a writer and an artist, would I be able to sign up for both or should I just sign up for the one I’m more interested in? 
You can absolutely sign up for both if you think you can finish both! You can even sign up for more than one story as a writer if you think you can finish more than one.
Can I sign up as both an artist and a beta? 
Absolutely! You can sign up for all three things if you think you can manage them!
I want to participate but am not a writer or an artist. What can I do?
Please consider signing up as a beta or offering to cheerlead creators you follow. Writers and artists need and appreciate all the support they can get!
Writing Requirements
What’s the minimum word count? (Updated for 2024)
25,000 words.
This is a six-month challenge, from Feb 1st to August 1st, and you should use all the time available to you. So start writing as soon as you sign up, and make the most of all the time you have!
Writers must have a minimum of 1k words by April 1st. We recommend writers have at least 5k by the time artists begin to sign up in May.
Can I write more than one story?
You may, but please note that the deadlines and word counts hold for each story you submit.
Does my story have to be completed by the end of the Big Bang? Is it okay if I get past the 25k mark but by the time August rolls around it’s still going?
The story you upload in August should be complete on its own. You can definitely write a sequel and continue to explore the characters and the setting in future stories, but the one uploaded for the challenge should have a beginning, middle, and end and have its main plot threads resolved.
I’ve started a fic that I’d like to turn into a submission. Can I do that?
All works should be created specifically for this challenge. However, if you are working on a prequel/sequel piece to something you have already written, that is acceptable, as long as you link to the piece it comes before/after in your submission and it can be read and understood on its own. 
That said, so long as you have not posted any of your fic, you may use it for the challenge (this means don’t post chapters or large portions on your tumblr/AO3/etc. until your posting date. You can use your usual feedback methods so long as it’s not open to people you’re not personally conversing with).
Can the work be chaptered, or does it necessarily have to be a very very long oneshot?
We strongly recommend you chapter your work, however you will not be disqualified if you prefer to keep it as a oneshot. Be sure to meet the word minimum and have the fic complete and posted in its entirety by your posting date.
Does the work need to be a 25k words chaptered story or can it be several short stories set in the same universe following a loose timeline? Or just oneshots unrelated to each other but with something in common for each one shot? 
It should, if possible, be one story. Several snapshots from the same universe that have a unifying theme and follow a timeline would qualify under that—it’s all part of the same life story - but unrelated oneshots would not.
Does my story have to be beta read?
It’s highly encouraged, but not a necessity. However, there will be a list of betas you can ask to beta your fic and we will include any beta readers you are working with in your team channel on the event Discord server.
Art Requirements
I’m an artist, not a writer. How do I participate?
In May, artists will get to choose among anonymous summaries the writers submit. They will be posted about halfway through the challenge and artists will be given time to read through these and submit their top three choices. Once they have their assignment, they should work with their writer so that the finished product is something they both love.
Does the art for the project have to be digital or regular? And how massive of a piece is it?
The piece of art does not have to be digital or traditional - so long as you can get traditional art scanned, you can definitely use pencil/pens/markers/paint/etc.
As for how massive, you should expect to do one or more illustrations for the story you end up with. If you’re creating a large full color painting - either digital or traditional - you’d only really be expected to do one. If you’re going to create uncolored lineart, maybe two or three, etc.
The art should be commensurate with the level of effort the writer is putting into the event.
You’ll also be working with your writer directly, so you can coordinate with them once you’ve been assigned to each other to see what will work best for both of you!
What exactly do they make for the story? Can it be anything, like for example a comic of a scene in the story, or like a ‘cover art’ for the fic? 
Basically, yes. You’ll work directly with your writer, as they’ll need to give you access to their rough draft and plans so you can gain inspiration, so the two of you can work together to see what would fit best and is most exciting for both of you. But you can do any of those things. A comic, cover art, a single scene illustration, chapter headings, character portraits, whatever most inspires you and moves you!
The artist sign-ups are for drawings, paintings, and likely more if you can make a convincing argument to us and your writer! Writers are also indicating if there’s any kind of art they don’t want to receive you can be certain the person you’re paired with is more than happy to get your type of art for their story!
Are beta readers assigned to writers, or would the writer have to reach out to them? 
There will be a list of people who offered to beta with details of their preferences so you can contact them directly or ask for someone in the discord. If you’re having trouble finding someone, you can reach out to us and we’ll do our best to match you. However, we do want to avoid matching up everyone individually.
Do beta readers work exclusively with one writer or are they expected to beta multiple works if multiple writers reach out to them? 
That’s up to the individual beta! If you wish to work with only one person, you can let us know once you have arranged things with them and we’ll take you off the list. If you wish to work with multiple people, you can do that, too. Just remember not to stretch yourself too thin!
Can we have our friends edit and look at our story if they are not a part of the Big Bang? 
Absolutely! You can use any beta/editor/cheerleader you’d like. Just be sure the story itself isn’t up for general viewing until your posting date. But someone doesn’t have to sign up to be an event beta to help you edit. The beta sign-ups are to help writers who don’t already have someone to look over their work. It’s also a great way to make new friends :D
Communication and Check-ins
Communication: Discord and Tumblr
All announcements will be made on Discord first. We will cross post to Tumblr, but Discord is the place to be for the latest information. After you have signed up as a writer, artist, beta readers, or a pinch-hitter, you’ll get the link to the Discord.
We ask that all participants join the event Discord server.
What does check-in mean?
Since the sign-up period is quite long, there will be regular check-ins to be sure anyone who signed up way back on Feb 1st both still remembers signing up and is still interested in participating. This is a long challenge and people do move fandoms/have life things happen.
What if I’m not available/busy during a check-in?
With the exception of the minimum 1k word count in April and the 5k word count by the end of artist sign-ups, you don’t have to have a particular amount done by a check-in. It’s simply to let us know you’re still working on it. We’ll also create a post and send out messages/asks about a week before the check-in date as a reminder—both on tumblr and on discord - so as long as you’ll be able to shoot a quick “yes, still working!”, you’re good! 
You can also check in early, it’ll be done in the same manner as the sign up—via google forms that are posted about a week in advance of when the check-in is due.
What if there was an uneven number of participants like 40 artists signed up but 80 writers. What would happen then? 
Initially there will be more writers signed up than artists but by the second check-in some of those writers will duck out (quack) which usually evens things out a bit.
That said, in some years, several artists have volunteered to create art for more than one story, and we will put out requests for more if it’s incredibly unbalanced. There will also be pinch hitters to jump in in case we need to replace an artist later into the event.
Alternatively, if we have many more artists than writers, multiple artists will be assigned to the same story. No matter what, every writer who finishes will receive art!
What’s a pinch hitter? 
An angel. 😇
Someone who is willing to jump in to create something they otherwise wouldn’t have because someone else backed out. In a Secret Santa, these will usually be people willing to write a story if one of the participants doesn’t, for example. In this case, we will likely ask for people who would be willing to be ready to jump in as artists if a writer’s partner isn’t going to finish, or disappears, or something like that. Hopefully they won’t be needed, but their willingness to step up makes a challenge of any kind run much more smoothly!
How much should you share with your partner?
You’ll share your draft with your artist and your beta reader, but not with anyone else. You should be ready to show them everything you have once they get assigned to you, and to send them updates—that way they’ll be able to gain inspiration from all parts of the story. Many teams use Google Docs and Drive to make it easier to collaborate.
In May, we’ll post the summaries writers supply for the artists to choose among, but those should just be two or three paragraphs at most, basically what you’d read on the back of a book to get you to buy it.
Is a title required for the summaries that will get posted for the artists?
Nope! If you have one, it will be posted with the summary, but no worries if you don’t - and no worries if it changes between then and posting!
How will the works be posted? 
There will be a schedule for the month of august for when which works will be posted so that all works are spread out and get the attention they deserve without overwhelming people. Works can be posted on AO3, on your own tumblr, or wherever you feel most comfortable. The work should be posted in full somewhere. If it’s on tumblr, just @ this blog on your post(s) so we can reblog it here, if it’s exclusively somewhere else just @ this blog on the post with the link.
Can you post all of your fic on one site, but post it at different dates for another? For example, could I post the whole thing on AO3, but then post daily chapters on Tumblr?
Sure! As long as the full fic is available online on your posting date and not before, you can post it in another place however you like!
As writers, are we allowed to post teasers of our stories on our blogs to let our followers know what we’re working on, or do we have to hold all the content until the very end? 
So long as it’s just a teaser and doesn’t go up until after the summaries have been claimed and artists assigned, yes. Summary claiming is anonymous to be sure everyone’s story gets the same chance among all the artists so please don’t indicate which summaries is yours/what you’re working on in detail before that publicly.
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glorf1ndel · 2 months
4 & 23 for the ask game please!
4. Is there a popular pairing you don’t necessarily dislike but aren’t too invested in?
I suppose Russingon. I tend to view their relationship as queerplatonic or a strong platonic bond, so I’m not as invested in them as a romantic ship. But there are a lot of great fics and art for them out there, which I love seeing! 💛
23. Has your favorite character/ ship changed over time?
So my favorite Tolkien character has always been Aragorn. He is the OG. I tacked on Lúthien and Glorfindel to the favorite characters list as I learned more about them!
As for favorite ships, my initial fave was Aragorn/Éowyn! I still love them so much, though I also support the canon relationships they ended up in. I just want good things for both characters. :P
After that, my favorite ship was Angbang! I actually saw fanart for this ship before even getting into the Silm, and it prompted me to try reading it. I did not get very far, but I still enjoyed seeing Angbang fanart. 😂
I have adored Beren and Lúthien since successfully reading the Silm, and their book only added to my love for the couple. Theirs is a fairy tale-like story with so many twists and subversions!
As for Glorestor, that might be my newest favorite Tolkien ship! I have loved them for years, but I admit I forgot about Erestor for a long while before stumbling across him in some fanfics. Sorry, Erestor!
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
I always get ticked off from people who keep trying to push for the monetization of AO3 because that's my favorite thing about the site, honestly. 1) No one here, i don't believe, said fanfic/fanart isn't real art. 2) Fan-made products are taken off of etsy all the time. Every single day this exact thing happens. Etsy shop owners get their shops taken off the site for this! exact! thing! 3) Japan has different copyright laws than in the USA, where AO3 is based. Doujinshi does get some creators in copyright trouble in Japan if they try to create new characters based on the pre-existing work. It happens fairly often. 4) Writers always improve the same way: they write often, read often, edit, repeat, over and over again. We expect writers to break into commercialization the same way the people before them have: you write a novel or a short story anthology, edit, rewrite (rinse repeat), send queries to agents, wait for agents to come back with good news from publishers, then market the hell out of your book along with the publisher (if the publisher has the money to do it). And if none of that is your thing, self-publish. You don't get to monetize your fellow fans' labor just because you're too lazy to figure out how to market your work to let people know it exists. It's easier than ever with the internet. And I wish entitled crybaby fans would get this through their heads: no👏🏽one👏🏽 has the right, or should have the right, to make money off of someone else's story, hard work, or imaginative work. If you're a writer, create something new and do the market research to figure out how to best market it. No one has the responsibility to fund your creative dreams but yourself. Why should anyone care to follow a writer of original works who's most known for writing derivatives of others' IP? Now that we're in the age of IP and copyright ownership of art, why does this need to constantly be repeated? AO3 is free and open for everyone to use. If you want to market yourself and your work, you'll have to do it somewhere else. The internet is vast. Stop being lazy and put in the work like other writers do. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Yeah. Fandom is where I honed my craft.
That's the great thing about fandom! People read so much kind of half-baked stuff and genuinely enjoy it. They wouldn't give that same leeway to commercial products. There's also more space for niche interests. That allows a writer to figure out what they actually like instead of just chasing the thing that someone else says sells best.
Lots of people who go pro, including me, write very fandomy stuff. You pick up almost any m/m self- or indie-pub book, and you know in five minutes this is a fic writer. But if we're any good, we can build enough scaffolding for our own worlds and characters. Change the names. Beef up your own setting. Write a complete plot that doesn't rely on being a missing scene from something else. It's not that complicated.
Frankly, if someone "needs" to sell fic, that makes me think they aren't confident in their writing being attractive to others without a major crutch.
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