#adam x alex
nathanielhsewell · 7 months
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i love replaying twc for the millionth time and still somehow managing to get new, never been seen before dialogue that makes me absolutely loose my shit. every. single. time.
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rattlebear25 · 4 months
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“Lilith left me, Eve too. But you, Lute… you stayed by my side until the end.”
His death made me feel empty inside
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celticcatgirl2 · 7 months
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Gay gay homosexual gay
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razzle-n-dazzle · 4 months
ᯓ★ "YOU PROMISED!" Adam / Angel! Reader | Drabble
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ᯓ “Dad, watch out!” Charlie’s piercing scream filled the air as she reached out, trying to grab her father’s arm to drag him away from the oncoming attack. Yet she was all too late, watching in horror as an exorcist, one that utterly ignored any commands given, drove her spear through Lucifer’s back and out his chest; Missing his heart by near inches. “No!-” Lute shouted, standing injured on the rubble of the hotel with wide eyes, staring down the scene. Yet Charlie barely heard her as her ears began to ring, tears welling quickly in her eyes as she stared down at the scene, helplessly. As she watched her father helplessly look down at the spear that had been driven through his back and chest, his breath suddenly heavy as the pain hit him all at once.
There was a yell of frustration that came from the exorcist as they drew their weapon out harshly, causing Lucifer to hiss in pain, before they stabbed it right back through before he could turn to defend himself. Golden blood patterned on the ground, stained Lucifer’s clothes as the weapon was twisted and yanked back out again, accompanied with a sob. Yet, before the spear could impale the Demon Lord himself once more, Charlie had yanked her father out the way, causing the angelic weapon to dig its pointed tip into the ground; And Charlie, now kneeling next to her father trying to help him to hold his wounds, winced at the strength that kicked up sediment and rocks. Silence sat heavy in the air, Lucifer’s gasps and Adam’s struggle being the only other noises besides the sobbing, as the exorcist held onto their weapon for dear life. Charlie was sure they were about to scream out some sort of blood murder, she can see the intent shaking their very core and yet it was cut short as they were grabbed and yanked away from their weapon; Which still stood upright, buried in the rubble and gravel. “WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!” Exclaimed Lute, harshly grabbing onto the exorcist’s arm, tugging them once more towards as her glare pierced down at them. And all she got in response was a shaky gasp, followed by what sounded like them choking on their own tears. Charlie glanced down at her father, watching as he tried hard not to seep into the weakness. Vaggie rushed over as soon as she could, sliding down when she was close enough and ended up at Lucifer’s back. A quick conversation and panicked struggling as Charlie and Vaggie help Lucifer shrug and take off his jacket, allowing for Vaggie to tie it around his wound to keep pressure. And Charlie couldn’t help but let her eyes wonder back to Lute and the exorcist, holding in her breath as she noticed that Lute had snagged off the Angel’s mask to only stare at them in horror. And Charlie barely missed the way that Adam also stared at them, standing by the mouth of the crater, hand pressing down into his wound, as he stared; Charlie was so sure she had never seen him so pale and terrified. 
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“What… what are you?” Adam’s breathless voice reached your ears, and you could feel as his eyes scanned over your face with some sort of horror, or maybe fear. Yet, all you could do was choke out a sob, your tears falling heavier down your face as Lute dropped your stolen exorcist mask, backing away from you. “You shouldn’t be down here…” She would stare, equally as horrified as Adam; Who she glanced over, making sure she hadn’t missed a memo of a meeting. Yet the way Adam slowly crept towards you, wincing in pain he tried to hide, made it apparent that she had not missed anything, “Babe, you should not BE down here.” Adam’s voice grew hostile, but you had a hint that it was more out of anger for himself; Adam always prided himself on keeping you safe with these exterminations, he also prided himself on knowing every Angel that worked on his crew… and you just happened to slip through without him noticing. He should have caught you! He should have known you would come and should have stopped you! He should have– he shouldn’t let you see him like this. Weak. “Adam,” You started, voice cracking as you stared at him, “Adam… You PROMISED you would come home and I came along just to make sure and THIS IS HOW I FIND YOU!? ADAM WE HAVE A KID!” You shouted, standing your ground as Adam paused in his tracks, staring directly at you with this wide-eyed look.
And you hope it was realization that dawned on his stupid face and nothing else. Because you sat here choking on your own tears, having stabbed the Devil himself just to try and save your own husband when he promised he wouldn’t get hurt. When he promised you he would make it back home to have dinner with your son. When he promised- “YOU PROMISED ADAM!...” “I FUCKING KNOW!” Was his only response for a second, his eyes drawing down to the ground as though he was searching for some sort of answer. You could tell he was keeping in the tears that threatened to spill, “I fucking know… I…” And yet his words fell short, hanging in the air with no explanation of the state you just found him in. With no sort of explanation of what he was possibly doing down here, getting beaten up by Lucifer himself! When he said this would be like any other normal extermination, and in and out, a quick cleaning of the damned souls. You loathed Adam for downplaying his mission, you were infuriated he would lie to you just so you wouldn’t worry, and yet all at the same time you were relieved he wasn’t lying dead in that crater. That you didn’t have to pick up his body to bring back and have to explain to your son why his father wasn’t coming home. So, no matter how much your blood was boiling, you still found yourself walking over to Adam and pausing in front of him, watching as his eyes flickered from the ground and up to you, not being able to give you an excuse. But you didn’t want an excuse, you just wanted an apology and to get your idiotic husband to a hospital before he might actually pass out from blood loss.
So, you cupped his cheeks and brought him a little closer, “I’m… mad at you, but we’re going to talk about this later. Maybe when you’re not bleeding out all over the floor okay? Let’s just… get home.” You would mutter, hoping Adam would just agree and not argue, saying his job wasn’t done and he still needed to kill some bitch. “Babe, these bitches fucking just disrespected!-” Adam would start, yet quickly hushed as you grabbed one of his wrists and began to drag him away, “Ow! Ow, Bitch! I’m injured, be more fucking gentle would you-” “It wasn’t a request Adam we’re fucking going home before you die on me!” You shouted back at him, causing Lute to pause and glance over at the others; Slightly unsure what to say as she noticed them watching you dragging off Adam like he wasn’t just killing and slaughtering them. She would take a side step before spreading her wings and quickly following Adam and you, calling for all the exorcists to fall back. Though there was a growl that escaped her lips, and she knew that this battle wasn’t over. But she also knew the battle to get Adam to the hospital had just begun, because even while literally bleeding out he wouldn’t admit he was about to pass out and die from blood loss. His ego was too inflated for that shit; But she trusted you to get him the help he needed, even if you had to force him into that hospital room.
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ᯓ★ All posts/fanfictions posted under this blog is owned by @razzle-n-dazzle. Please do not steal, copy, or plagiarize the works! Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated.
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musical-shit-show · 4 months
electric touch
Pairing: Adam (Hazbin Hotel) x Sinner!Reader
Inspiration: My own silly idea but also Prompts #70 (“are you actually trying to seduce me right now?”) and #86 (“they don’t need to know.”) from Prompt List 2
Warnings: Cursing, mutual pining, Adam is still kind of an asshole (duh), suggestive dialogue
Word Count: 1,363
Author’s Note: I just really wanted the mental picture of Adam in some rocker eyeliner, so I wrote it. That’s about it, just being very normal about this character :3 If anyone has seen any fanart of Adam with eyeliner, my DMs are always open. As always check out my Masterlist, About Me page, or Prompt Lists if you’d like to submit an ask! Happy reading! :)
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“What’s that?”
You scoffed at the fallen angel lounging lazily on your bed, watching you intently as you went through your makeup routine.
You had just grabbed an eyeliner pencil, and were in the middle of smudging the smokey kohl onto your eyelids when Adam interrupted you.
“What, you didn’t have eyeliner in heaven?” you smirked, looking at him through the mirror on your vanity. Even in such a relaxed state, he still kept that stupid mask on.
He shook his head, “Why would we need makeup in a place where everyone’s fuckin’ perfect and poised 24/7?”
Shrugging your shoulders, you accepted the answer. Made sense, anyways. From what you heard from Charlie, Heaven probably looked like a dream come true. Why would anyone need to alter their appearance in a place like that?
Turning back to the task at hand, you jumped slightly when Adam appeared behind you, his face incredibly close to your own. He was studying you intently, his digital eyes flickering over your expression.
“Ugh, what is with you, dude?”
His eyes narrowed, lips forming into a tight line. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he was…thinking. Which is not an activity Adam seemed to engage in, especially before speaking.
“It looks…good.” he muttered, feeling his face getting warm under his mask, “I guess I never really noticed it before.” You quirked an eyebrow, a small smile flashing across your face.
Ever since he turned up on the hotel’s doorstep practically begging for help from the Princess of Hell, Adam had decided to latch himself on to you. For what reason, you didn’t know; it didn’t particularly matter since any attempts to rid yourself of him were completely fruitless.
He was definitely an asshole, but he could be mildly amusing from time to time.
“Do you…do you want me to put some on you?”
He blinked stupidly. “I’m not gay, toots,” he deadpanned, “Despite what that little spider twink downstairs thinks—”
“No, no that’s not what I meant,” you cut in, trying to stifle your laughter at his remark, “But makeup transcends sexuality.” He scoffed, letting his insecurity wash over him.
Adam would never admit it you or Charlie or anyone else at the hotel, but being here made him feel less alone than he ever felt in Heaven.
Up there, he was practically ignored, even treated as a nuisance by the seraphim and other higher ups. Which he was, but that was beside the point.
He was already ashamed of himself for asking Lucifer’s brat of all people for help, but he had nowhere else to turn and felt completely alone. Except when he was with you.
Although you were a sinner too, you didn’t judge him as harshly as the others. Hell, you were able to stand up to him, even reason with him when he was particularly crabby.
It scared him, though he’d never let you know that. He’d rather get stabbed through the chest again than be vulnerable.
Standing up, you gestured to the edge of the bed, encouraging Adam to sit down again. He hesitated for a moment, not willing to trust you fully.
“You know,” you drawled, “some of the greatest rockers on Earth wear eyeliner. And looks sexy as fuck doing it.”
Adam’s eyebrows shot up in curiosity.
“And,” you added, “A lot of ladies are actually into it. I swear.” He blew a raspberry in dismissal, still not fully convinced. He decided to humor you anyway; he had nothing better to do.
“Ugh, fine,” he whined, “You’re lucky I’m bored, sugartits.” He plopped onto your bed, faltering slightly when removing his mask; you rarely saw him without it, and were struck by how, well, human he looked.
You couldn’t dwell on his appearance for long; you needed entertainment for the evening and didn’t want to wait for him to change his mind. With the pencil in hand, you swiftly went to work on his minor makeover.
You were close. Dangerously close, Adam thought to himself. So close that he was almost pissed that his eyes were closed so he couldn’t get a good look down your shirt.
He could feel your soft breath on his face, the almost imperceptible noises you were making while concentrating intently on shaping his new look. He almost flinched when your hand gripped the side of his face gently, tilting it up slightly to give you a better angle to complete your work.
Your fingers tingled on his skin, silence filling the space in a way that was new to Adam; he usually reveled in sucking the air out of any room he was in, but he was now focused so keenly on the steadiness of your breathing and the looming presence of your body so, so close to his.
He shifted uncomfortably on the bed, and for the first time in his very long existence, Adam actually tried to hide his arousal from you. “Almost done,” you muttered, examining the canvas of his eyelids closely.
You couldn’t help but notice that even though he was fallen, Adam still retained rather…angelic features. Perfect skin, tousled brown hair, annoyingly long eyelashes. You tried to not gaze at him for too long, but with his eyes currently closed, you couldn’t help but stare.
“Ah, okay, open up,” you said, feeling a quiver arise in your throat. He blinked, bright gold eyes accentuated perfectly by the dark liner.
Satan help you. He looked hot.
You realized you were still leaning incredibly close to his face, and before you could stumble backwards, Adam flashed a mischievous smile. “Damn babe, I must look pretty good if you’re giving me ‘fuck me’ eyes.”
“I wasn’t—”
“Shhhh,” he stood up, pressing his finger to your lips. Your attraction to him was quickly replaced with annoyance, even with him looking like a rockstar you might’ve had a crush on when you were still living.
You pushed his hand away, your stomach twisting. Leave it to Adam to ruin an actual good moment between the two of you.
“Are you actually trying to seduce me right now?”
“Maybe. Is it working?”
“Not in the slightest,” you lied. He brushed past you, considering his reflection in your vanity mirror.
“Fuck, I do look good,” he mused, getting an eyeful of himself. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. His gaze flitted to you, studying your form. You shifted your weight from one foot to the other. “Come on, aren’t you the least bit curious about how good this dick would look in that pretty little mouth of yours?
You crossed your arms over your chest, doing your best to act disgusted at that mental picture. “Only in your dreams,” you muttered, hoping the heat traveling up your neck wasn’t visible. Adam stood up to face you again, his mouth curving into a wicked smile. “They don’t need to know,” he purred, his eyes flicking towards the door, referencing the other residents of the hotel. “It can be our little secret.”
His fingers brushed your waist delicately, and you felt your heartbeat quicken as he squeezed the side of your body. He looked hungry, possessive, the dark pigment around his eyes only enhancing the intensity of his glare.
You gulped. You had to come up with an excuse, and quick.
“Charlie’s expecting me,” you croaked, pulling away from his grasp. You cursed yourself for the ache you felt between your legs, “Something about more trust exercises—” you headed toward the door, but Adam grabbed your arm.
He didn’t seem annoyed that you were brushing off his advances; he knew that it was now just a matter of time.
“Sure, sweetheart,” he teased, his grip red hot against your skin, “But teach me how to do this fun little makeup on myself sometime, hm? I like seeing you all hot and bothered.”
You swung open your door, flashing him the finger as you slammed it behind you. It didn’t matter that you were leaving him in your room unattended; you knew you’d be seeing him there later anyways.
Something told you he was going to keep the makeup on until you returned.
thanks for reading! as always, like/reblog/comment if you enjoyed :)
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diorsluv · 4 months
feather , part 32
“ you miss me? ”
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liked by lhughes_06, jackhughes, _quinnhughes, and 237,966 others
yourusername hughes appreciation post has come! (they wouldn’t leave me alone until i swore i would do it)
tagged: jackhughes, lhughes_06, _quinnhughes
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mackie.samo when did luke let you put flowers in his hair??
→ yourusername senior year 🙏🙏
→ lhughes_06 IT WAS FOR PROM OKAY
→ mackie.samo awww were you each others’ prom date??
→ yourusername yes 🙄
→ edwards.73 YOU OWE ME $50 mackie.samo
→ lhughes_06 you guys bet on us going to prom together??? a year after prom??
→ markestapa yes
username44 luke’s second pic 🥰
username98 OH MY GOD QUINNN
→ yourusername THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYING
markestapa that pasta was fire esp with the cheese on top
→ yourusername mark.. we don’t have cheese
→ trevorzegras LMFAOOOO
→ jackhughes I DON’T HAVE DANDRUFF
→ colecaufield explain the “cheese” 🤨 jackhughes
→ jackhughes no further comment.
_quinnhughes hey wait my pics aren’t bad
→ yourusername EXACTLY I’M NOT THAT MEAN
→ yourusername i mean i still like the canadiens better but I’M NOT MEAN 🙏
→ _quinnhughes oh 😒
→ colecaufield WOOOOO
→ yourusername GO HABS 😈😈
rutgermcgroarty i’m surprised jack was able to carry you
→ jackhughes are you calling me weak
→ yourusername are you calling me hard to carry
→ rutgermcgroarty wait no i was just saying yk bc i had to carry you and i was struggling but only a bit and not because you’re hard to carry or anything 😰😰
→ adamfantilli bro can’t stop yapping
→ jackhughes maybe you’re just weak
→ yourusername maybe you’re the one that just can’t carry me
→ rutgermcgroarty stop teaming up on me 😕
lhughes_06 i’m looking pretty cute here
→ dylanduke25 yes you are 😘
→ markestapa cutest hughes brother 🙌
→ mackie.samo such a pretty princess 🥰
→ edwards.73 my little cutie patootie 😻
→ lhughes_06 oh mackie.samo edwards.73
→ yourusername even tho ur my bsf i’m gonna have to say my bf is cuter
→ lhughes_06 sad to say you’re not wrong 😔
username31 girl i need to know and i need to know now
_alexturcotte now that i think about it you only have quinn and jack’s jerseys
→ yourusername i have luke’s michigan jersey 😔
→ lhughes_06 WHAT i thought i sent you mine already
→ yourusername it’s okay lukey you’re fine if i just wear quinn’s right 😁
→ trevorzegras damn lil drizz i see you (you’re not slick i know what you’re doing)
→ lhughes_06 i wanna see my name and number on your back yourusername
→ yourusername i mean.. technically it is your name and number on my back 🤗🤗
→ lhughes_06 stfu 🙄🙄
→ yourusername shutting the fuck up 😕
→ lhughes_06 i better see you wearing a DEVILS jersey with my name before the next game
→ yourusername yes sir 🫡
→ _alexturcotte what the hell did i just do 😨
luca.fantilli fantilli appreciation post??
→ yourusername OH MY GOD LEAVE ME ALONE
→ adamfantilli do you not appreciate us ☹️
→ yourusername yes i appreciate you adam
→ luca.fantilli how much
→ yourusername very much
→ luca.fantilli enough to dedicate a whole post to us?
→ yourusername enough for you to not need a post that tells you how much i appreciate you 🙄
→ jackhughes stop stealing the spotlight guys
→ lhughes_06 fr she never appreciates us
→ _quinnhughes exactly
→ mackie.samo could never be us 🥱
→ maddy.samo say it louder for the people in the back 🗣️🗣️
→ msamoskevich she loves us more than all of you
→ colecaufield why are 3 families fighting over her
→ dylanduke25 CAN WE JOIN
→ tyler___duke5 IM READY TO FIGHT
→ trevorzegras dude come here griffinzegras
→ yourusername what the actual fuck
username74 all of them won the gene race wtf
colecaufield jack isn’t really doing it for me in that 2nd photo…
→ yourusername when is he ever doing it for you
→ colecaufield you’re right
→ jackhughes HEY this is supposed to be an appreciation post not a “let’s bully jack” post
→ _alexturcotte let’s bully jack
username90 pretty prettier and prettiest
username55 i have a hunch she’s doing this to throw us off even more
→ username36 i have a hunch she’s been doing this for way longer
trevorzegras why is luke’s kind of…
→ yourusername right 🤭
→ trevorzegras i meant in a bad way
→ yourusername oh
→ lhughes_06 how did you manage to turn this post into a weapon against us 😡
→ adamfantilli someone help luke’s talking like a fanfiction writer again
→ lhughes_06 I AM NOT
adamfantilli drysdale siblings try not to neglect us challenge go!
→ yourusername WHAT i don’t neglect you
→ luca.fantilli YES YOU DO
→ jamie.drysdale why did you have to rope me into this 😒
username11 fun fact guys it’s luke 😍😍
→ username79 wbk
→ username60 tell us something we don’t know
username23 they all look so ethereal
dylanduke25 won’t your bf be jealous that you keep posting these hotties
→ yourusername no bc they’re not hotties 🥰
→ _quinnhughes rude yourusername
→ lhughes_06 exactly i can’t believe he hasn’t gone insane yet
→ jackhughes we’re too 🔥
mackie.samo i heard from a little birdie that you’re not slick ‼️
→ yourusername i’m the slickest wym
→ yourusername they can’t sniff me out 🗣️🗣️
→ mackie.samo stfu ur so obvious
→ markestapa like you’re really obvious it’s embarrassing
→ dylanduke25 fr
→ edwards.73 stop lying to yourself
→ adamfantilli we could tell wayyyyy before you even started dating
→ yourusername 😔
username35 what are they saying in mackie’s replies 🤯
username47 i could bet anyone 1k IN CASH that they’re dating and i know i would win
username81 waiting for the day she posts bad luke pics
→ yourusername not possible!
username1 yall i swear to god i saw her on a date with him yesterday
jamie.drysdale i can’t believe you appreciate them more than you appreciate me
→ yourusername NOT TRUE
→ jamie.drysdale YES TRUE
→ jamie.drysdale THAT’S NOT ENOUGH
→ yourusername you’re so needy 😒
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liked by _quinnhughes, jackhughes, colecaufield, and 200,219 others
yourusername HELLO KITTY ☺️
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rutgermcgroarty i thought you were done with all your food posts
→ yourusername would you rather have me post my “lovesick” posts again
→ rutgermcgroarty i mean technically he’s still in the post
→ yourusername uh huh keep talking i dare you
→ yourusername mhm 🤨
username25 THE PIZZA???
_quinnhughes i was really hoping your hello kitty obsession fully died down
→ yourusername NEVERRR
jackhughes you haven’t posted ONE post without a picture of your bf since you got together
→ yourusername YES I HAVE
→ colecaufield no tf you haven’t
→ yourusername i’m sorry i love him too much 😞
→ luca.fantilli ick yourusername
→ markestapa DUKER STOP
→ lhughes_06 aw that’s cute yourusername
username77 if jack said she hasn’t posted without a pic of her bf and last post ONLY had him and his brothers…….
→ username68 waiting for the day y’all stop acting like we all don’t know it’s lukey pooks
dylanduke25 when did he learn how to braid
→ yourusername when we were younger and i forced him to learn how to do my hair 🤗🤗
→ dylanduke25 AND I JUST FOUND THIS OUT?
→ _alexturcotte you’re late bro
→ jackhughes i’ve walked into his room one too many times and seen him braiding her hair
→ _quinnhughes you’re not helping his case 😭
edwards.73 your hair is so greasy
→ yourusername no it’s not yours is
→ edwards.73 if you stepped out into the sun rn you would be able to hear your hair sizzling
→ yourusername i could cook a whole five course meal from the amount of grease in your hair
→ yourusername he can’t think of a better comeback 🥱🥱
liked by yourusername
username91 hello kitty x dominos collab when 😱
username4 my foodie twinnem
lhughes_06 did you buy the pizzas?
→ yourusername no i baked them with my boyfriend 🥰
→ lhughes_06 he must be a REALLY good cook then
→ yourusername no actually he sucks ass and he almost burnt the kitchen down ‼️‼️
→ lhughes_06 oh 😐
colecaufield donuts 🤤🤤
→ yourusername is that all you got from this post
→ colecaufield DONUTS 🙂
_alexturcotte pizza 🤤🤤
→ yourusername did you two copy and paste your comments
→ _alexturcotte PIZZA 🙂
trevorzegras luke 🤤🤤
this comment has been deleted
trevorzegras your bf 🤤🤤
→ yourusername ZEGRAS I SWEAR
→ trevorzegras YOUR BF 🙂
→ yourusername next time i see you it’s on sight
luca.fantilli tell your little boyfriend that he needs to stop letting you steal him from us when you’re around
→ yourusername let’s be so honest i’ve always stolen him from you when i was around 🙄🙄
→ luca.fantilli EXACTLY SO TELL HIM
→ yourusername tell him yourself 🤬
→ lhughes_06 luca if i didn’t know any better i’d say you’re jealous
→ luca.fantilli i take it all back
jamie.drysdale you said you stopped liking hello kitty when you were 9 😐😐
→ jamie.drysdale you know when.
→ yourusername no i don’t?????
→ jamie.drysdale YES YOU DO
username41 we’ve been stuck in soft launch era for TOO LONG
username26 girl i love you but PLEASE JUST GIVE US CONFIRMATION
→ yourusername mark babe there’s a lot of shirts
→ yourusername NO??
→ markestapa IT’S SO FUNNY
→ yourusername you’re the type of guy to laugh at a hello titty shirt 😐
maddysamo i miss you 😞
→ mackie.samo BACK TF UP
→ yourusername I MISS YOU MORE
→ jackhughes oh my god get away
→ lhughes_06 you’re so defensive jack
→ dylanduke25 you’re one to talk lhughes_06
adamfantilli the frosting on the donuts kind of look like glue
→ yourusername throwback to your glue eating era ⁉️
→ yourusername high school sophomore eating liquid glue 😱😱
→ adamfantilli LITERALLY SHUT UP
→ lhughes_06 LMAOOO
→ yourusername don’t act like you didn’t eat glue all of your elementary school career luke
→ lhughes_06 oh 🙃
username21 hard launch when 🙁🙁
→ username59 apparently fucking never
username77 by the time they hard launch they’ll already be married with three kids and another one in the oven
liked by yourusername
→ username44 OMG SHE LIKED IT??
mackie.samo TECHNICALLY he forgot to braid and i taught him how to do it again
→ yourusername no go ahead take all the credit 🙄
→ lhughes_06 🫤🫤
→ rutgermcgroarty 🤓
→ markestapa ACKSHUALLY
→ edwards.73 nerd alerttttt 🚨🚨🚨
→ mackie.samo okay hate on me then 😒
next chapter notes ) i’ve gotten to the point where i’m posting once in a blue moon but at the same time i’ve literally been procastinating in every aspect of my life (i just spent 3 hours on one class’ assignments) anyways THE HARD LAUNCH IS COMING SOON 🫢🫢 not proofread ‼️
tags: @aliaology @hockeyboysarehot @absolutelyhugh3s @jackquinnswife @freds-slut @love4ldr @blueeyedbesson @43hughes @v1olentdelights @dancerbailey3 @random-human02 @ho3forfakeguys@loveforaugust@cstads-blog@h0e4fictionalme-n
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plush-rabbit · 4 months
Dating Vox Headcanons
I have opinions again!! It's been forever!!
A/N: its kinda on brand for me to fall for a tv headed demon
It comes to no surprise that Vox is obsessive when it comes to things that interest him. Taking note of you, is both a blessing and a curse. It’s cute- He’s cute. When he attempts to speak to you in the beginning, he’s mauve, not skipping a beat in his attempt to make himself bigger and better than anyone you’ve ever known. However, the moment that you take interest in him- that you actually encourage him to talk more about himself- he might actually short circuit a bit. His screen freezes and he might even flash SMPTE colors on his screen. 
As cute as he can be in the beginning, his obsessiveness also leaves you with no privacy whatsoever. He needs to know what you’re doing. It’s almost more than a need. It’s a want. It’s a desire to check in on you no matter what he’s doing in the meantime. He checks on you constantly, and sometimes it's for the worst. Hearing you laugh with someone that isn’t him, knowing that you’re having a good time when he isn’t around, is enough to have him claw at the table. He won’t confront you about it- at least not in the beginning of the relationship. At some point, you just become aware that he’s there. That as long as there’s some sort of screen- a camera, a television, a watch, anything- he can be there in no time flat. 
He needs you close to him. He doesn’t want to wait a second more without you, so he’ll hire you as his personal assistant. It’s great pay and hours, and the benefits are reserved to you and only you. At first, you’re grateful- you’re in Hell and your partner is someone who holds power, honestly, it could be worse. He gets the benefit of seeing you everyday, practically 24/7, with you at his beck and call. You scurry beside him, take your lunches beside him, he takes up your entire time. The few times that you are allowed to go eat with others in the building, he’s keeping an eye on you. He needs to make sure that he can trust the others around you- that they won’t set you up for failure.
That being said, any relationships that you have outside of him and the other Vees, is monitored. Thanks to technology and addictive personalities, everyone has some sort of device on them at all times. He needs to make sure you aren’t with people who will whisper misguidance into your ear. He needs to make sure that you’re okay. However, the minute someone gets a bit too cozy with you, he’ll make sure to take care of the problem. Whether it's stitching an audio together to make it sound like they’re badmouthing you, or anything of the sort, he’ll do it. He just needs you with him. He can’t risk someone else starting to tell you how suffocating the relationship sounds.
It’s gifts here and there for you! Whatever you want- whatever you’ve even browsed online, he’s sending it your way via express shipping. It’s wonderful at first- you get what you want and all you have to do is tell the television demon how wonderful he is and how much you appreciate him and how you’ll never leave him. It’s sweet at first, you get nice things, but then you have an argument with him, and you realize that his gifts aren’t just that. What he gave you was expensive- would it kill you to just be a little kinder to him? You can’t just smile and admit you’re wrong at least once? Especially after everything he’s done for you?
Whether you’re tolerated by Velvette or Valentino or not, you’re stuck in every meeting that Vox has with them. Lunches, dinners, conferences, attempting to calm Valentino down after a tantrum, overseeing Velvette and her fashion shows- you’re right there, next to Vox. His hand claws over the top of your head, patting you, or raking his claws down your back or over your arm in an attempt to soothe him. The way he sees it, he soothes everyone else, and there’s no one to settle his nerves except for you. You’re an accessory at times- dolled up, perched at his side, and only speaking when you’re given permission to. You’re paraded around the office, following him close at his heels, making sure that where he goes, you follow. You can’t be left alone- what if something were to happen to you? He needs to be close by to make sure that you stay safe.
He hates getting upset at you. It breaks his heart- or whatever he has inside of him- to see you snap at him. You curl your lips, bare your fangs and with tears in your eyes, you tell him how you’re exhausted and how you don’t want to be some accessory to him, how you’re tired of being stuck inside the damn tower. You never listen to his warnings of it being so dangerous outside, and when you do make an attempt to walk away from him, you remember that he’s an Overlord, and you are not. He’s horrific, mean, and much stronger than you are, and he has no trouble putting you in your place if you even make an attempt to leave him. He really does hate yelling at you. You’re terrified of him days after, flinching and tensing when he reaches for you. But you’re just a bit dense and while you’re pretty, there’s not much going on in that head of yours, so you have to understand that he just has to be assertive sometimes. 
After an argument, he doesn’t necessarily say he’s sorry, but he is softer around you for quite some time. His hands caress yours, and he adorns your wrist in jewelry, letting the tips of claws bump over every bridge of charms and rings. His claw traces over your fingertips, and he mumbles sweet things to you. He tells you how pretty you are, and how sweet you are to him. He takes a day off to just spend with you, to make up for everything that happened before. An apology will never be spoken out loud, he could never admit that he went too far, but he would tell you that maybe you two can leave the tower, go someplace nice and see all that he doesn’t let you see alone.
Considering who he is surrounded with consistently, he needs attention that isn’t cruel. He craves your attention. He likes how kind you are to him. In those moments where everything is still, and the lights aren’t so bright, but coloring you both in a golden hue, he likes the quiet when it's with you. It’s interesting to watch him be so apprehensive with his movements. He slowly rests himself on his stomach, the back of his screen facing upwards, as your hand starts to scratch up and down his back. You can feel him shiver, you can feel his breath, the tapping of his claws against you- the stillness that he tries to hold just so you won’t stop. If your phone buzzes, or your attention is taken away, he buries himself further into you, a low hum emitting from him. It’s the few times you see him so mellow.
There are times when Vox can be sweet. When he has the time- usually during a lunch, or one of your breaks- he’s right beside you, listening to you rattle on about this or that, showing him a video on your phone. He’ll nod and laugh, be attentive and ask follow up questions so you know he’s actually paying attention. You’re pressed close to him, his arm over your shoulders, your legs over his, bodies pressed so close together, it’s a wonder you two haven’t melded into one. Even if his screen makes certain things difficult, it doesn’t stop you from seeking him out. Despite how malicious he can be, you return to him, you adore how he talks sweetly to you, how he calls you his one and only, his dear, his sweetheart. 
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lettherebemonsters · 30 days
News on the Adam front...okay so according to Alex Brightman himself from a livestream, he's FORBIDDEN from disclosing information on Adam and Lute via contract.
What this means? I have no freaking idea. But if Adam's voice himself can't disclose info on Adam, if Jessica Vosk clarified that Lute has feelings for Adam and Vivziepop had Guitarspear as part of the Valentine's collection....
Yeah, it looks like we're getting Guitarspear in the near future. If not season 2 than by season 3.
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hooffuloftootsierolls · 2 months
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Hold on tight to this time, this place,
‘cause everything you know will be erased
You were born inside your head,
and that is where you’ll be when you are dead
You are just a boy, you are no man,
and nobody you know will understand
You are just a boy, you are no man,
and nobody you know will understand
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lukesvangelista · 2 months
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in which luke witnesses your shot at the national championship.
warnings; none that i can think of (may upset some wisconsin fans, sorry if this is too soon)
If you could tell the hockey gods to go to hell at this moment, you would not hesitate.
March 24, 2024. Whittemore Center Arena, University of New Hampshire. The University of Wisconsin vs. The Ohio State University. 2 vs. 1. A little over eight minutes left in the game. The score? 0-0.
Despite outshooting Wisconsin throughout the entire game, you had not scored a single goal. You had had a few close chances, sliding in past Wisconsin’s defensemen a few times, but just couldn’t convert. At this point, you were thanking Raygan for her outstanding performance in goal. But most definitely not the hockey gods.
The voice of Coach Muzerall fluttered through your ears as she told you all to give it everything you got. You were sure Mark Johnson was giving the same speech to his girls at the opposing bench, but honestly, you were too nervous to care. Your eyes wandered around the arena in hopes of finding the only person who could offer any comfort at the moment — Luke.
Unfortunately, Luke had missed the past few games of the NCAA tournament — even your earlier Frozen Four game against Clarkson — because of his schedule with the Preds. Luckily for you, the team was rewarded with a complete off day after their win over Detroit last night. So Luke did the only he could think of. He bought a plane ticket to Durham as soon as he landed in Nashville, and ubered to the arena in order to see you play. You woke up to a text saying that he’d be there, and were beyond excited (and relieved).
As you skated onto the ice in preparation to resume the game, you were able to locate him about halfway up in the stands. He was on his feet, decked up in his scarlet and gray apparel, with a buckeye necklace hanging around his neck. In his hands was a sign that read ‘BUCKEYES > BUCKY’. A small smile crept its way onto your face, wondering where he would have even gotten the materials to make it, but you didn’t care. His support meant everything.
After moving your eyes off of Luke, you focused on Cayla Barnes, who was stationed off to the right of you. She gave you a quick nod, and you knew she meant business. Just as you focused your attention back on the ice, the puck had dropped, with the Badgers winning the draw.
You quickly moved into your own zone, parking yourself in front of the nearest Wisconsin player, which happened to be Britta Curl. The puck passed back and forth between a few of the players before Laila Edwards ended up taking a shot. Raygan managed to kick save it out of your zone as most of your teammates went to make a line change.
They weren’t quick enough, however. Wisconsin had managed to quickly pass the puck out of their zone to center ice, where Curl was waiting patiently with her stick. The puck fell into line perfectly as she entered your zone. You rushed back as fast as you could as you saw Raygan prepare for a wrist shot, and somehow managed to poke the puck away as you tangled up with her. This time, the puck landed right on Cayla’s stick.
Cayla quickly rushed up ice as you let out a small breath. You followed suit, backing her up in case a Wisconsin player managed to steal the puck back. It didn’t take long, however, for Cayla to find Hannah Bilka at center ice, with Joy Dunne on her tail.
You held your breath as the puck landed on Joy Dunne’s stick. If there was one person who wasn’t going to fail you, it was her. She was your team’s leading point scorer with 38 points on the year (23 of which were goals), the WCHA Rookie of the Year, and the NCAA Rookie of the Year. Almost immediately, she sent the puck flying right past McNaughton’s glove and into the goal.
Cheers erupted from the ice, bench, and stands as you were swallowed up into a team huddle by the glass. Joy excitedly made an “O-H” with her hands before embracing you all and making her way to the bench. You smiled softly and looked up at the clock — 7:13 left in the third. You skated off the ice and Stephanie Markowski took your place by center ice.
Locating Luke again, a bright smile was plastered wide across his face as he watched the replay. He had met Joy, who you embraced as a little sister, when he had come to campus to visit you earlier during the all star break. Needless to say, he was proud of her, as anyone should be. What you didn’t know, however, is just how proud he was of you. Your defensive poke-check set the scoring play into motion and here you were just over seven minutes away from winning the national championship.
Time couldn’t have passed more slowly for you as the clock wound down. Wisconsin had created many more scoring opportunities, but just couldn’t convert (you had to thank Raygan once again). You were back on the ice with two minutes to go, scrambling back into the defensive zone as the Badgers pulled McNaughton in order to gain an extra attacker. Your heart raced as you saw Casey O’Brien rush onto the ice, skating swiftly towards your goal.
You knew nothing good was going to happen if you couldn’t calm down. So, as the puck was passed to Ava Murphy, you took a deep breath and raced in front of her as she wound up for a slap shot. As she let go of the puck, you dove in front of it, the puck redirecting off of your ankle and into neutral territory.
Man, did that hurt like a motherfucker. The crowd simultaneously grimaced and cheered for you as you recollected yourself off of the ice. You swear you could hear Luke’s voice yelling your name out of the entire crowd, telling you to get up and kick ass.
The puck was quickly regathered by Caroline Harvey as she circled through neutral ice, waiting for her teammates to reenter the zone. Once completed, the puck was passed to Lacey Eden as Emma Peschel tried to poke it away, but in vain. Caroline passed it to Charla Edwards, who lined up to take a shot from the blue line. None of your teammates were guarding her, so you did what you had to do. You once again skated up and prepared your body to be hit with a hard piece of vulcanized rubber. When it did, you fell to the ground, but got right back up as cheers erupted once again.
“Let’s go, Y/N!” Quinn Kuntz yelled from the bench, and you struggled to skate, but the puck had bounced right back to Edwards. Instead of trying to move around you, she wound up for another slap shot, but that one didn’t get past you either. The puck once again hit your body as you blocked the shot, falling to the ice once again. Finally, Emma was able to clear the zone as the puck raced towards the other end of the ice.
At that moment, you used your stick to propel you towards the bench. You knew you weren’t seriously injured — you’d just have a few bad bruises here and there — but your body hurt like a bitch from taking all of those shots. You were greeted with pats on the back from all your teammates on the bench as Hannah jumped back on in your place. You smiled softly as a response, focusing on the jumbotron to see the time left in the game.
One minute. If you could hold off Wisconsin for one minute, you would be a national champion. You watched anxiously as your teammates tried to clear the zone towards the now empty net of Wisconsin, but to no avail. Finally, Joy had managed to send it down the length of the ice, which forced a quick line change. You hopped on the ice with around 30 seconds left and made your way into the defensive zone yet again.
Since McNaughton was pulled, the Badgers had an extra attacker, which made it harder to defend your goal than usual. You weren’t going to give up that easily, however. The puck was passed back in forth between the six Badgers on the ice, each one of them waiting for the perfect shot. The clock wound down as the puck finally landed on Sophie Hegleson’s stick.
Everything seemed to move in slow motion. You could hear nothing as you once again forced yourself to skate in front of her, knowing that this goal would change the trajectory of the game. Your teammates were counting on you, so you were going to give it your all. You braced yourself for impact as the puck hit your back, your body sacrificing itself for the win exactly as the buzzer went off.
The game was over. You were officially a national champion. The sounds of your teammates yelling filled your ears as you let your body collapse to the ice, both in pain and in shock. You took your helmet off to gather yourself as a small smile made its way across your face. You had done it.
Emma skated over to you and pulled you up off of the ice, and you both rushed over to join the dog pile of your teammates on top of Raygan. Although you couldn’t see him, Luke was smiling down at you, a look of immense pride present on his face. He fumbled with the buckeye necklace hanging around his neck as he couldn’t contain his excitement, knowing that you were a national champion.
After you all had settled down and received your medals (but not before shaking hands and congratulating Wisconsin on their tremendous effort), you were allowed to bring family members and friends onto the ice to take pictures. As Luke made his way onto the ice, you excitedly skated over to him, and his arms were wide open to catch you. You smiled widely, your eyes shining brightly, “I did it, Luke. I really did it.”
He cupped your face with his hands, nodding his head in agreement, “You did it, my love. I’m so fucking proud of you.”
You smiled brightly up at him again, your eyes swelling with tears. Luke pulled you into another hug, gently kissing the top of your head, “Go celebrate with your teammates. I’ll be right here waiting for you when you’re done.” He reassured, giving you a soft smile as he wiped away some stray tears that had fallen with the pads of his thumbs. You nodded, skating over and joining Joy. When you were finally given the trophy after she did, you hoisted it high up into the air, ready to show it off to the entire world.
After all, it’s always been Ohio against the world.
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liked by lukevangelista, kentjohnson.13, and others
youruser: ohio against the world ❤️🩶
view top comments
lukevangelista: BUCK YEAH 🌰
lukevangelista: THAT’S MY GIRLFRIEND
maxmccuee: gross
lukevangelista: my girlfriend just won a national championship, what did yours do?
maxmccuee: go fuck yourself evangelista
youruser: hey now let’s stop arguing (and max i’m the only one who gets to do that with my boyfriend ☺️)
luca.fantilli: OH MY GOD
user1: y/n’s iconic lmfao
user2: LUCA 😭😭
quinnkuntz: yeah, we did that
matthewknies: how are your shins
youruser: i’m not sure you wanna know
matthewknies: fair enough have a good day
colemcward: buckeyes > badgers
_alexturcotte: cole that’s not nice
colemcward: truth hurts buddy, but keep your head up! i’m sure it’ll get better soon 😚
joyv_dunne: HELL YEAH
emmapeschel: always been ohio against the world!!!
kentjohnson.13: check the record books
youruser: hey kj you might want to focus on your 24-50 record first!
kentjohnson.13: it’s actually 24-38-12, thank you very much
youruser: so we’re actually the only team bringing honor to cbus rn, but if you keep it up maybe you can too!!
lhughes_06: HOLY SHIT
adamfantilli: unfortunately can’t argue with that so pipe down kj
kentjohnson.13: okay i’m sorry
user3: pls y/n is so funny 💀
youruser: …surprise?
lukevangelista: something about our friendship being firm idrk
user5: i wanna be y/n when i grow up
ncaaicehockey: honestly same
user6: ncaa what are you doing here 💀
_connorbedard: congrats!!!
alex.vlasic: connor’s big social media debut folks! be nice to him he’s a little shy
youruser: okay let’s take bets, if connor sees his shadow (these comments) it’s six more weeks of his social media hiatus, but if he doesn’t then we’re all blessed by his presence
youruser: (thanks connor)
nickmoldenhaur: six more weeks of winter for sure 😔
user7: i didn’t realize how funny y/n actually is she’s hilarious
brandtclarke55: nah i’m hopeful for an early spring
_connorbedard: you guys are mean
brandtclarke55: …soooo does that count as an early spring or no?
a/n; hope you all enjoy!!! i had fun with this one (also not sure why two of my imagines have revolved around ohio state but this was convenient hahaha), thanks so much for reading!!
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nathanielhsewell · 7 months
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the love triangle, the wayhaven chronicles.
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imagination-phantom · 4 months
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I think I’ll just, I’ll just take a nap right here. Thanks.
Starts reciting my guardian angel prayer. lol no but that would explain a lot.
*Takes long ass sip of tea*
I could fix him XD
Iolololol no I couldn’t none of us could he needs so much help XD
He’s so squishy tho!!!
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celticcatgirl2 · 7 months
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“Oh dear Christ my dick game was so good I broke him….”
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parisiterileymoon · 2 months
For scientific purposes, what is everyone’s weirdest “hear me out”?
Me first:
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musical-shit-show · 3 months
little taste of heaven
Pairing: Adam (Hazbin Hotel) x Sinner!Reader
Inspiration: Prompts #53 (“why don’t you make me?”) from Prompt List #1 and #78 (“oh, i’m gonna fucking ruin you.”) from Prompt List #2 with added inspiration taken from a request from the lovely @odins-nsfw
Warnings: cursing, Adam is an asshole (what else is new), tiny bit of angst if you squint, general kinda rough smut (18+, MINORS DNI!!!), oral sex (female receiving), face sitting, digital manipulation, unprotected sex, Adam and reader are definitely toxic, enemies that are also lovers :)
Word Count: 2,149
Author’s Note: This took me a little longer to write but I’m very happy with how it turned out! Definitely getting more comfortable with writing smut, and writing for Adam is still proving to be very fun. Thanks to everyone who has interacted with my other Adam one shots (which you can read here and here); it seriously means so much to see the positive feedback. I still have one more request in my inbox, but I will definitely be writing for more Hazbin characters as the year goes on (especially since we don’t know when the show is coming back). But if you’d like to submit an ask, check out my About Me page, Prompt Lists, and other works in my Masterlist! Thanks and happy reading, depraved sinners!
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“Hey, toots, settle a bet for us, would ya?” you heard Angel Dust call to you from across the hotel lobby. Ever since Charlie Morningstar successfully staved off an attack from Heaven’s army, you decided to join her crusade towards redeeming the seemingly irredeemable.
You were first assigned as a quasi-concierge, since you had spent most of your time in Hell bouncing from one side of the Pride Ring to the other. You hopped up from your desk and met Angel, who was slumped across the bar; Husk was silently cleaning a glass, a small smirk on his feline face.
“What’s up, guys?” you breathed, counting the seconds until your shift ended. You were grateful for the free accommodations that the hotel provided, but you didn’t expect the afterlife would involve diving into the wonderful world of customer service.
The porn star shifted his gaze to Husk, and you could tell they were both up to something. “Are ya fuckin’ the angel or what?” the bartender asked, his voice gruff. Angel almost spit out the swig of malt liquor he had just taken.
You feigned confusion, turning to the spider-like demon. “Angel Dust, I think I would know if I were fucking the biggest porn star—”
“—Actor,” you corrected yourself, “on this side of Hell. You should know he’s not my type, Husk, honest.”
Angel Dusk tsked. “You know that’s not who we’re talking about, babycakes,” he said, his voice lowering, “We’re talking about the angel. Or, I guess the fallen angel.”
Oh, shit.
You shifted uncomfortably on the barstool, swirling the whiskey glass Husk had placed in front of you. “No clue what you mean by that.”
“Bullshit,” Husk said testily.
“See, I told you she’d lie,” Angel drawled, smiling smugly, “You can read it on her pretty little face.” You could feel the heat creeping up your neck.
Yes, you had been fucking Adam. And yes, you had been keeping it from the rest of the hotel residents. Even after showing up—in a new demonic form, no less—to be redeemed, you knew no one, not even Charlie, trusted him fully after the last botched exorcism and direct attack on the hotel itself.
But he was drawn to you almost immediately, singling you out as someone to pursue and torment. And stupidly, you found yourself attracted to him, despite your better judgement.
“Who told you,” you deadpanned.
Angel Dust’s gaze flickered from you to Husk and back again. He sure knew how to be a fucking tease.
“Your stupid boyfriend,” Husk confirmed, not wanting to torture you any longer.
“Ya shoulda seen him bragging about it last night,” Angel added, no doubt living for the drama this would cause, “He’s got some loose lips once the booze starts flowin’. Real keeper if ya ask me.”
Stomach in knots, you attempted to put up a brave face, even with their taunting. “He’s not my boyfriend,” you said definitively, now feeling anger welling up inside you.
This was all Adam’s fault. He couldn’t keep his fucking mouth shut and now you were the one dealing with the humiliating fallout. “Fine, fuck buddy, whatever,” Angel corrected, watching as you stood up from the barstool in a huff, “Doesn’t sound like it’ll last very much longer, given the look on your face.”
You rolled your eyes, completely over this conversation. “Would you excuse me?” you asked rhetorically, your voice dripping with poison. Even Angel looked perturbed for a moment.
Husk glanced over to his companion as you hopped off the barstool, practically seething, “Yeah, ‘course toots,” Angel called after you, still clearly tickled by this development. He loved this kind of soap opera drama bullshit.
You were still able to hear Husk say “Oh she’s gonna fuckin’ murder him,” as you climbed the steps and stomped to Adam’s room.
Pounding on the door, anger and embarrassment grew like a vicious virus inside you. When no one answered, you pressed your ear against the door and was met with the irritating sound of a whiny electric guitar.
“Perfect,” you muttered to yourself as you grabbed the ring of keys Charlie had given you when you were on shift. Even though you had technically clocked out, you weren’t above bending the rules to give Adam a piece of your mind.
You threw open the door, letting the thud as it hit the wall startle the fallen angel strumming his guitar lazily. “Jesus fu—” he started to say as he shifted on his bed, but then his eyes softened at the sight of you, “Oh, hey babe—”
“Don’t you ‘hey babe’ me, you fucking prick,” you spat, fire practically spewing from your mouth, “You’ve been telling people about us?!”
A tense pause.
Another pause.
You could feel your eye beginning to twitch.
“Ugh, fine. Yes. But what’s the big deal?” Adam asked incredulously, finally putting his guitar down.
You paused for a moment, your anger simmering. The big deal was that you were embarrassed. That the thought of you and Adam going public made you look like a desperate sinner latching onto the only other wayward soul that would look your way.
And hell, you actually liked sneaking around, until he ruined it with his big, dumb mouth of his.
And maybe, just maybe, you were afraid that once the novelty wore off and everyone knew about you two, Adam would leave you behind and move onto the next shiny new toy to waltz into the hotel.
“Cat got your tongue, dollface?” he prodded, wanting to get a rise out of you. It was one of his new favorite pastimes.
You pinched the bridge of your nose, your anxiety being replaced by annoyance. “Jesus fucking Christ do you ever shut up?” The former angel smirked, his eyes flitting up and down your form.
“First off, don’t take the Lord’s name in vain,” he said as you rolled your eyes, “It’s fucking rude.”
You wanted to punch him.
“Second, why don’t you make me?”
That was the last straw.
You lunged at him, practically pouncing on top of him to kiss him hungrily. Adam knew exactly how to push your buttons, and pathetic as it was, you actually fell for it every time.
You were straddling him, and felt him wince as you bit his lip in the heat of the angry makeout. Adam knew you were pissed, and the more you fought for dominance, the harder he felt himself get. 
After all, pleasure always tasted sweeter with a little pain. And you tasted fucking delicious.
Adam groaned as you pulled away from him, your face still radiating with heat and anger. You weren’t letting him off that easily, and he knew it.
“Lie down,” you muttered, your eyes scanning his smug expression. “Now.” Wordlessly, Adam complied, lying on his back as you removed your pants and underwear swiftly.
Adam raised his head slightly just in time to watch you remove your shirt and throw it across the room in a huff. He waited patiently for you to do his own disrobing on his behalf; the lazy bastard loved when you rode him.
But he didn’t feel the desperate grasp of your hands around his cock.
No, instead, you climbed up his chest, until you were eye to eye, his gold pupils dilated. “I’m going to have to take drastic measures to shut you up, aren’t I?”
Adam felt his pulse quicken. “What’d you have in mind?”
A sinful smile spread across your face. “Something I know you hate,” you teased, cupping his face gently, doing your best to seduce him into submission, “And something I happen to know your bestie Luci is very talented at.”
Adam gripped your arm, pulling your hand away from his face. You became frightened for a second, before he started peppering the inside of your wrist with small love bites.
The games you played toed a dangerous line between love and hate, and luckily Adam had been fucking you long enough to understand the moves you were making.
“I’m not eating you out,” he said, his expression darkening, “And don’t try to bait me with that little pretty boy. It won’t work.”
You felt your pulse quicken; clearly you had struck a nerve. You just had to push him a little further to get your way.
“Is that why Lilith really left?” you said, rolling your hips against his, feeling how hard he was underneath you, “Because you couldn’t…satisfy her the way that Lucifer could?”
You knew this would send him over the edge. And the moment you looked into his burning gold eyes, you knew you had won.
A small victory, but a victory nonetheless.
“Oh, I’m gonna fucking ruin you,” he growled, tugging at the hair at the nape of your neck. You smirked as he finally complied and laid on his back. Adam would rather give up control than have his skills in the bedroom be compared to the King of Hell.
You knew he was insecure, and if he was going to be a dick about it, the least you could do was take advantage.
Before he could change his mind, you placed each thigh on either side of his head, kneeling until your aching core met the lower half of his face. After a few seconds of resistance, you felt his lips part and flinched as his tongue slid into you.
“I can’t believe this was—ah—” you bucked your hips as he found his way to your clit, “This was the only way to get you to shut the fuck up.” You felt a hum of disapproval as his slender hands found his way to your ass.
You smiled to yourself as you felt the annoyed hum that radiated from your stubborn lover’s mouth. Finding your pace, you felt the tension in your abdomen rising as Adam continued to eat you out.
For not loving the act, you had to admit he was good at it. Feeling his tongue swirl inside you sent a shiver down you spine, and you felt a yelp leave your lips as he slapped your ass as you continued to buck on top of him.
In retaliation, he tried teasing you with small sucks and flicks, but you didn’t care; the fact that he was focusing on your gratification for a change was rewarding enough.
After a few minutes, though, the fallen angel had had enough of your domineering; if he was going to finish you off, he was going to do it his way.
Coming up for air, he placated you by circling one of his fingers around your clit. “Alright baby, you got what you wanted,” he breathed, “Now it’s my turn.”
In one fell swoop, he flipped you over onto your back, and disrobed in the blink of an eye. ‘Showoff,’ you thought to yourself, annoyed by the lack of his mouth on your pussy.
Before you could protest, two of his long fingers found his way inside you, pumping and curling to hit your sweet spot.
“After this, I’m gonna fuck you into oblivion,” Adam muttered, his tempo growing more erratic, “You’re lucky I’m even bothering to get you off after your little outburst, but you can consider it a favor this time.”
You tried to focus more on satisfying sensation you were feeling than his bitching. “It’s the least you could do after that bullshit you pulled with Husk and Angel,” you said, feeling a bead of sweat roll down your back as you tightened around him, “They’ll fucking crucify me.”
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic, baby,” he cooed, resting his thumb on your bud as he continued to pump his fingers into you, “Now be a good girl and cum for me.”
It only took a few more moments of stimulation for you to humiliatingly come undone around him, knowing he’d make you pay for it later.
Getting off always seemed to come with a price when it came to fucking Adam; at the very least you were able to shut him up for a few glorious minutes.
You contemplated if the grilling from the other guests and constant bickering was worth it, but you didn’t have much time to change your mind. Adam pulled you off your back and onto your stomach, and you winced as he slammed his cock into you, your ass on full display as he took you from behind.
You gripped the sheets, the friction of him inside you equal parts painful and gratifying. ‘Another question for another day,’ you thought, burying your face into the mattress as he fucked you at an agonizingly delicious pace.
Right now, you had a pissy angel to placate and a couple of sinners to swear to secrecy.
Royally fucked didn’t even begin to describe the mess you had gotten yourself into.
thanks for reading! please like/comment/reblog if you enjoyed and want to read more! :)
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diorsluv · 2 months
casual , part 7
“ you said ‘we’re not together’ ”
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liked by vivianliu, dylanduke25, and 100,299 others
yourusername i’m on that hot girl shit
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username91 the mirror pics 🤭🤭
username40 gimme sum of the hot girl shit babe 🙏
lhughes_06 yes queen be confident!! don’t let my douchebag of a best friend bring down your happiness
→ yourusername who are you and what have you done to my brother
→ mackie.samo limp wrist culture
→ markestapa 🍊🍓🍎🫐🍐🥭🥝🍏🍋
→ dylanduke25 fruit bowl alert
→ rutgermcgroarty 😟
→ lhughes_06 STOP THIS I BEG OF YOU
_quinnhughes i have a few friends who want to get to know you a bit better
→ yourusername wait a second..
→ _quinnhughes yes i know i never let you talk to guys 😑 BUT THIS IS AN EXCEPTION.
→ yourusername is it what i think it is 😱
→ _quinnhughes THIS IS A ONE TIME THING ONLY yourusername
rutgermcgroarty yay
→ yourusername ☺️
→ rutgermcgroarty 😁
→ yourusername 🥰
→ rutgermcgroarty 🤗
→ lhughes_06 what the hell is this
→ luca.fantilli goddammit they’re communicating in emojis again
_alexturcotte AYEEEE NICE
trevorzegras SHES BACK??
→ yourusername IM BACK
→ trevorzegras are you happy
→ yourusername i’m happy!
→ jackhughes she’s not happy she called me last night bawling her eyes out
→ yourusername THAT WAS STRICTLY SIBLING BUSINESS jackhughes
username48 who’s gonna tell her she looks absolutely GORGEOUS
username93 drop the workout routine babe
→ username22 fr i’m tryna get a waist like that
luca.fantilli i think someone might feel a bit regretful
→ yourusername i wonder who 🤨
→ luca.fantilli i think you know who
→ yourusername i won’t know unless he tells me himself
→ luca.fantilli IM TRYING TO HELP YOU
vivianliu oh my god
vivianliu mother
vivianliu you’re so hot
liked by yourusername
vivianliu who needs your little boy toy when you have MEEEE
→ yourusername ‼️‼️
→ lhughes_06 i’d rather you date her instead of him
→ jackhughes me too
markestapa he has so much pride i apologize
→ yourusername 🤷‍♀️
→ yourusername you know how i am with my toxic men
→ _quinnhughes yeah you’re obsessed yourusername
→ trevorzegras LMAOOO
→ mackie.samo goddamn 😭
→ vivianliu stop don’t do her like that
→ _alexturcotte violation.
→ dylanduke25 💀💀
colecaufield hello i see those are the headphones i generously gifted you out of the kindness of my heart
→ yourusername i dont like where ur going with this.
→ jackhughes he wants you to go watch him play when they play the wings on thursday
→ colecaufield JACK.
→ yourusername AWWW OF COURSE I WILL (can you get me good tickets 🤨)
→ colecaufield i already got you behind the bench don’t worry
username14 i’m afraid you ABSOLUTELY ATE 💕
username55 mom and dad are fighting again
→ username71 mom and dad??? they didnt even hard launch babe 😭😭
edwards.73 nice
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liked by adamfantilli, markestapa, and 93,447 others
edwards.73 spent time with the #1 bro tn
tagged: markestapa
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dylanduke25 i always knew you had favoritism
→ edwards.73 it’s true mark’s my favorite
→ edwards.73 my mom said never lie
→ markestapa i love you too babe 🥰🥰 edwards.73
→ edwards.73 😘
username36 this is so frat boy
adamfantilli this is completely unfair
→ edwards.73 you berated me last night on ft
username16 i’m waiting for you and rosie to make up
username5 ethan’s cheating with mark 😱
mackie.samo let’s address the allegations
→ edwards.73 hell no
→ dylanduke25 what allegations?? 😟
lhughes_06 why can’t you just stop beating around the bush for once
jackhughes i hope you know she cries herself to sleep every night
→ yourusername stop exaggerating it was one time 😒
username17 listen to the hughes ethan please 🙏
username3 i’m so confused what’s going on
vivianliu you should’ve spent tonight with her
→ edwards.73 well i didn’t so 🤷‍♂️
→ vivianliu oh my god you drive me insane just make up and fuck already
→ markestapa what’s with the change of heart vivian 🤨🤨
→ vivianliu i give up
colecaufield 👍
→ edwards.73 🙏
username45 ayeee that’s what we like to see
username90 whyd you post a mirror pic too
→ username22 can he not post a mirror selfie?? 😭
_alexturcotte just makeup and makeout
→ trevorzegras whaaat 🤯
→ edwards.73 thought you were so against me what happened
→ _alexturcotte we’re so tired of you two
luca.fantilli am i #2 at least 🥹🥹🥹
→ edwards.73 yes bro ur #2 🙄
→ adamfantilli #2 literally means shit
→ rutgermcgroarty awww luca you’re shit 🥰
→ luca.fantilli hahaha ur so funny
yourusername stop ignoring me please
username37 ethan and mark best duo ⁉️⁉️
username74 let’s talk about the fact that that’s a whole ass mural in a house???
→ username59 frat house go crazy
_quinnhughes stop ignoring her ethan
→ edwards.73 i’m not
trevorzegras should’ve invited me fr
→ edwards.73 buddy you’re on the other side of the country
→ trevorzegras PLEASEEEE 🥺🥺🥺🥺
→ edwards.73 ew god no
username16 this is so old chase atlantic coded
→ username44 LIKE THE NOSTALGIA EP??
→ username60 YEAAA
rutgermcgroarty PLEASE she’s sobbing uncontrollably and i know it’s killing you too
→ edwards.73 mmmm
→ rutgermcgroarty i see you on life360 outside her apartment dont even try to act all mysterious and shit
→ edwards.73 STOP STALKING ME??
→ rutgermcgroarty if i don’t see you still at her apartment when i wake up in the morning i’ll make sure you never wake up again
→ adamfantilli calm down rut 😭
→ colecaufield i see you’re a bit protective aren’t you rutgermcgroarty
→ mackie.samo why are we threatening each other
→ lhughes_06 okay why are his words effective but mine aren’t 😔😔
→ markestapa what the hell is going on
→ dylanduke25 FIGHT??
→ jackhughes more like a murder dylanduke25
→ vivianliu i stand by rut ‼️
username20 please just have makeup sex already i want the old posts back
→ username2 yeah i think they’re doing that 💀
next chapter notes ) soooo yes they’re a little toxic but i love my toxic men 🥴
tags: @dancerbailey3 @hughesfein @loveforaugust @alwaysclassyeagle @love4ldr @inhoodmood @bunting58 @crazycat-ladys-blog @smoooore @bunbunbl0gs @lilasianmeat
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