#although not really. you can read this platonically or romantically if you wish
petricorah · 1 year
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sometimes you just need a little break 😴 [ID in alt]
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ccalxx · 8 months
Neuvillette & Wriothesley Dynamic
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I'll keep this really short. I just want to share my appreciation and thoughts of Neuvillette and Wriothesley's dynamic. You may see this platonically (canon) or romantically (fanon) however you might wish.
Based from the dialogues (I believe 2 dialogues at the start of the Fontaine Act III, and many more) Wriothesley and Neuvillette had many personal business and interactions despite of the Meropide Fortress being autonomous. Wrio treated Traveller and Paimon as guests because of their connection with Neuvi.
I thought that by the end of the Archon Quest (Acts III and IV of Fontaine) there will be beef between them (based on the trailer, and the voiceline, which I believeD (capital for emphasis) was Wrio's "Is this what Justice means to you, Neuvillette?" ) . I'm quite happy that this didn't happen.
Although Wrio joked about Neuvi's powers, he didn't really pry on what Neuvi's actual power was. But instead he believed that he was capable to subdue the waters(for the mean time).
They're both opposites, we can already see that; from the color combinations to their attitudes and behavior. But from what I can see they believed in each other's capabilities.
EDIT: I will further correct and edit this once I finished the story quests of Neuvi AND Wrio. Thanks
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bgwlsmahf25 · 2 months
Dark Coloured Dress
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x gn! reader; Wanda Maximoff x gn! reader (platonic); Tony Stark x gn! reader (platonic)
Warnings: alcohol; y/n is drunk; painkillers; little bit of angst and upset but otherwise all fluff
Summary: What happens when you drunkenly admit your feelings to your best friend?
a/n: hehe. There's a happy ending I promise!
Everyone knew that you and Natasha were joined at the hip. You spent every second together and when Natasha went on missions, you stayed in her room, curled up under the duvet with one of her hoodies on. But you weren’t together. You were constantly correcting people: ‘oh, we’re not together, she’s my best friend’ although nobody believed it. You wished it was true, you’d had a crush on the red-headed spy ever since you first met her and your love for her had only grown the more you got to know her.
“Hey Wands, have you seen Nat?” you said, wandering into the kitchen. The witch looked up in surprise. “You haven’t seen her?” You rolled your eyes. “No-o, that’s why I’m asking. Look I know I’m supposed to know her every move but she’s a spy and a really good one at that.” Wanda laughed. “Try her room. She was in there earlier.”
You knocked on Natasha’s door but there was no answer. Opening it, you stepped into her room, looking around. She wasn’t there but you spotted her clothes flung on the bed and a dark coloured dress lying beside them. Your breath caught in your throat as you examined it. The thought of her having a date made your heart clench painfully and you inhaled sharply, turning away from it. “Nat?” you called out, the words sticking in your throat.
“In here, angel.” You headed into her bathroom, finding her soaking in the tub, mounds of bubbles hiding her from view, for which you were eternally glad. She had a book in one hand and her phone in the other, she was frowning down at it. You sat down on the toilet seat, bringing your arms around your knees and watching her with a small smile of amusement on your face.
“Whatcha reading?” You gestured at the book, and she looked up, smiling as she caught your gaze. “That sappy romantic one you suggested. It’s not that good.” You sighed. “Of course you don’t like it. Um, question?” She laughed and put the book down, dropping it onto the floor by the bath. “I never said I didn’t like it. I just think the plot could be strengthened a bit. What’s your question?”
“The dress...” you murmured, thinking of Natasha having dinner at a fancy restaurant with a handsome stranger. The thought made you want to throw up and you looked away.
“Oh, you don’t like it? No matter, I’ll get another one.”
“Um, what, no. I – I think it’s great, you’ll look stunning in it. I just – what's it for?”
“The fundraiser?” She tilted her head to one side, studying you with an intense gaze. “Tony’s charity thing.”
“That’s tonight?!” you yelped. Tony had been planning the event for months and everyone was expected to attend. There were rumours the mayor was going to show up. “Nat, why didn’t you tell me earlier!” You dashed out of her bathroom to go and get ready, her laughter following you.
“Y/n? Are you ready?” There was a knock on your door. “Can I come in?”
“Yeah, come in.” You were putting the final touches to your hair, making sure it stayed out of your face. Behind you, the door opened and Natasha walked in. You caught sight of her in the mirror and spun around, jaw dropping as you took her in.
She had the dark coloured dress on and black heels. Her hair was swinging free, tumbling down her shoulders and chest in red waves. She laughed as she caught your astonished gaze, her lips lined with a deep red lipstick. “What’s that face for?”
“I - I just, I mean...” you closed your mouth, “you clean up well, Nat.”
“Thanks, angel. So do you, you look fantastic.” There was a smirk on her face and you turned back to the mirror, struggling with the last hair grip. “Here, let me.” She put her purse down and took your hair into her hands, pinning it back expertly. You stared at the desk, unable to meet her eyes in the reflection. “Ok, are you ready?”
The music and noise got louder as you got closer. You gripped Natasha’s hand and she squeezed yours. She knew that Tony’s parties made you anxious, ever since Ultron had gate crashed one and wreaked havoc.
“Hey you two... you look amazing,” Wanda said as you approached the bar. She had a red cocktail dress on and was sipping a drink, winking as she caught your eye. You gave her a shaky smile and she pulled you in for a hug, “You look stunning,” she whispered in your ear. “Natasha can’t keep her eyes off you.”
You laughed and protested weakly, your voice faltering when you noticed Natasha’s intense gaze on you. She ordered drinks and handed yours to you, your fingers brushing as you took hold of the glass.
“Romanoff, Maximoff, y/n.” Tony materialised beside you, looking impeccable in a suit, slightly tinted glasses resting on his nose. “Romanoff, a word?” Natasha glanced at you and you smiled. Taking that as her answer, she nodded at Tony. As she walked by, she leant in, planting a kiss on your cheek. “I won’t be long.”
“Oh my god...” Wanda breathed, and you shushed her. “She is smitten.”
“No, she’s not!” you laughed. “She’s my best friend.”
The witch nodded. “That’s how the best love stories start.” She glanced around at the party. You watched as a faint blush spread over her cheeks and turned to see who’d caught her eye. “You’re blushing. Something you want to tell me, Wands?”
“Not particularly,” she muttered. “I - need to go find someone. Talk to you later?”
“I want all the details,” you answered, sipping your drink. You continued to sit at the bar, enjoying your drink and trying to relax slightly. You spotted Wanda on the dancefloor with Yelena, Kate and Maria Hill. Further away from the dancefloor, Natasha and Tony were in deep conversation with the mayor of New York and a bunch of men and women in smart attire. You kept your gaze on Natasha, watching the way her hands moved as she talked. As though sensing your gaze, she turned her head, catching your eye. You smiled, and looked away, failing to notice her stopping her conversation and beginning to walk towards you.
“Hey. How are you doing?” Her voice was gentle but you still jumped, relaxing when you realised who it was. “I’m actually kind of enjoying myself,” you said, taking a sip of your drink.
“How many of those have you had?” she said concerned. You smiled at her, feeling happy and relaxed. “Y/n, are you drunk?”
“Getting there,” you murmured. “C’mon, I'm not that bad.”
“Ok. Stand up.” She bit her lip as you got to your feet and wobbled, reaching for the counter to steady yourself. “You’re drunk. Come on, I'm taking you back to your room.”
You started to complain then leant forwards against the counter, your head resting on the cool marble. “This feels nice,” you sighed. Natasha put an arm around your waist, helping you upright and then you started to make your way to the door.
You were half asleep by the time you reached your room. Natasha sat you down on your bed and pulled your shoes off, sighing as you fell backwards against the sheets. She pulled you into a sitting position and made you drink a glass full of water and take painkillers before helping you into pyjamas and then into bed.
You lay against your pillows, watching as she closed the curtains and headed to the door to dim the lights. You, however, thought she was leaving, and a tear slipped down your cheek, your arms reaching out towards her. “Nat. Stay. Please don’t leave me.”
“I’m not leaving, angel.” She dimmed the lights then kicked her heels off and came and sat on the edge of your bed. “You need to sleep.” She wiped the tears off your cheeks. “Why are you crying, darling?”
"I can’t talk about it,” you murmured. This made her frown, and she repeated the question in a gentle tone. “Y/n, you don’t have to hide from me. What’s wrong? Did something happen at the party?”
“No.” You thought about Natasha in her dark coloured dress, laughing and talking with the mayor’s son and more tears slipped out. You thought about how you’d thought she was going on a date, and you started to cry harder.
“Y/n. Hey, angel, talk to me. What’s going on?”
“Please don’t go on a date with anyone that isn’t me,” you sobbed, rolling over and burying your face in your pillow.
There was a beat of silence then a hand stroked your shoulder. “Ok,” she replied softly.
You woke up the next morning with a sore head. A glass of water was sitting on your bedside table, and you gulped it down thirstily. Your eyes fell on the pair of heels by the door, and you smiled, recognising them as Natasha’s. Then you frowned. Why were they in your room?
You reached for your phone and saw several texts, mostly from friends asking about the party. There was also one from Wanda.
hope the rest of the evening went well ;)
You frowned again, wondering what she meant. Did something happen? You panicked and opened your message thread with Natasha.
What happened last night?
There was a pause then three dots appeared. She was typing.
You're awake. I'll come find you
As you headed to the shower, you missed her next message:
If you’ve seen the news, I can explain. It's not what you think
By the time Natasha found you, you were in the kitchen, drinking coffee and munching on toast. Your eyes went wide as you caught sight of a news headline, suggesting dating rumours between Natasha and the mayor’s son.
She stepped into the kitchen and you shot out of your seat, holding your phone up so she could see the headline. “What is this?”
“Tell me this isn’t true!” you said, your voice breaking slightly. “What did I miss last night?”
“It’s not true,” she said quickly. “Y/n, I swear it isn’t true. They just got a few photos last night and it makes it look like-”
“What? What does it look like?” you said, tears beginning to fall down your cheeks. “Are you dating him but can’t tell me? What’s going on, Nat?”
“Y/n,” she replied firmly. She took a step towards you, but you stepped back. “We’re not dating. I'm not dating anyone. I promise.”
Your breath halted. “Then why...?”
“Because they know I like someone, they just don’t know who it is.”
You stared at her, your heart ripping into a million pieces. She liked someone that wasn’t you. Your best friend liked someone and hadn’t told you. “I - what? And when was I going to find out?” you answered bitterly. “I thought you told me everything, Nat.”
“I do tell you everything,” she whispered desperately.
“Obviously not!” you shouted and stormed out of the kitchen, pushing past a surprised and confused Wanda.
There was a knock on your door. “Go away, Nat.” Silence then another knock. “Nat, I said go away!”
The door opened. “You’re still calling me Nat, so you don’t really want me to go away. Can I come in?” You sighed and turned to face your best friend. She looked hesitant. You sighed and nodded, she came in and shut the door. “I can explain.”
“I really hope so,” you replied, sounding defeated.
“How much of last night do you remember?” she said cautiously. “Of what actually happened?”
“Nothing. I remember nothing.” You sighed. “I guess I was drunk and based on that, I probably said something, didn’t I?”
“You were drunk.” She slowly sat down next to you on the bed. “We came back here to your room. You were crying, I asked what was wrong, and you said, ‘Please don’t go on a date with anyone that isn’t me.’ And then you fell asleep.”
You stared down at your hands, fingers twisting over each other, heart racing. Had you really said that to her? You remembered the dress and assumed she was going on a date and how upset you’d been.
“Y/n. Look at me.”
She probably hated you for saying that. Why had you said that? What was wrong with you? Why did you have to declare your feelings when you weren’t going to remember it?
“Y/n. Please look at me?”
You swallowed and raised your head to meet your best friend’s gaze. She was smiling – wait, she was smiling?
“I don’t want to date anyone who isn’t you,” she whispered.
“Why?” you stammered.
“Because you’re the only one I want to date.”
“What?” In answer she leant towards you, her hand resting on your cheek. “Can I kiss you?” Speechless, you nodded, and she closed the distance, brushing her lips against yours in a sweet, soft kiss. You eagerly kissed back, making her smile against you.
She eventually pulled away and you smiled at each other. “Y/n, can I take you on a date?”
“Yes,” you whispered, smiling broadly at her. “Yes, I’ll go on a date with you.”
“It’s you that I like,” she said. “That’s what I meant earlier. I like you, angel.”
“I like you too, Nat.”
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nayatarot777 · 5 days
Quick Messages From Spirit • 3-Card-Pull
If you’d like a personal 6-card-pull, then feel free to purchase one through my Etsy shop! Full email/audio readings can be found on this pinned post here. I’m trying to slowly move the method of purchasing my readings to a much more structured and easy-to-use platform that showcases reviews, breakdowns of my readings, etc - all in one place. Many thanks! 🫶🏾
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• Pile One •
9 of Swords
Queen of Swords
King of Swords
You’re in deep mental turmoil because of a deep imbalance between your masculine and feminine mind. There are many ideas, thoughts, and opinions that you’re swaying to and from extremes with. What you need to work on right now is that you need to find a way out of this mental limbo that you’re in. You’re only experiencing this because you’re refusing to trust your own judgements so, in a way, you’re causing this mental turmoil for yourself. You need to gain clarity and what you actually think and stick to it. Don’t flip flop and don’t go back on your personal opinions and beliefs. Write down your opinions if you need to and act on them. Speak your truths once you figure out what your truths are.
• Pile Two •
8 of Wands
The Lovers
This energy is either representative of the recent past, present, or near future.
There’s something here about very fast movement towards a permanent ending of something. Most likely a connection to someone else (a romantic relationship more than anything, but it can definitely be a deep platonic relationship too). I’m feeling an ending that you did not see coming. However, every death moment is followed by a rebirth, and what’s rebirthing itself is some form of true and genuine love. Specifically for yourself. This shocking communication has the purpose of pushing you into an ending that was going to happen inevitably. The Grim Reaper just came through and sped up the process so that you didn’t waste any unnecessary time drawing this out. This connection to this person was energetically dead already. The actual death of the connection just hadn’t manifested into reality yet. This was a push from the universe to really get the ball rolling in your life again, although it may not feel like it.
• Pile Three •
Page of Pentacles
10 of Cups
You’ve been in a time period of learning how to manage something in relation to your practical world - money, your daily routine, self-care, etc. The truth about your life in general seems to be setting in, and I feel like you’re realising that what you thought would make you happy is only going to give you a false sense of happiness. There’s a completion to some type of hopes and wishes that you have - not necessarily because you’ve achieved them, but because your perspective on them is changing. You’re really looking at the earthly things that you’ve been lead to believe will make you happy and you’re seeing that they’re less significant in comparison to other things. To other things that’ll truly align with who you are truly and in actuality. This seems to be an awakening of your higher mind in relation to what life has to offer - which is way more than what can be seen and felt.
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theminecraftbee · 1 month
Just out of curiosity, do you know any alternative ways of showing types of relationships that could be used on ao3? I find the & and / method to be very constraining, especially with ambiguous or multi-dimensional relationships. & for platonic and / for romantic does not allow for a proper representation of nonstandard relationships, for example an enemy/loathing or polyamorous relationship. (Homestuck quadrants are their own thing and are not what I am asking for/about.)
answer that answers your question:
yes and no. if you just want another category of markers to exist, i know you said no homestuck quadrants, but those are probably most commonly used, although they're all synned to the / tag. i've seen some exchanges that want to differentiate use /& together, i've seen ? be used, and i've seen some invent their own tag (largely exchanges use these for matching purposes and it's rare but i HAVE seen it). however, there's no unifying convention, and ao3 will eventually syn all of these to either the / or & tag (usually the / unless the wranglers have a very good reason to think it's the & tbh). so know that even if you use your own symbol, it will show up in the relationship tag it ends up synned to.
one of the most common solutions to this is to use the symbol closest to what you want--personally i tend to just use the & unless there's fic content i think gen fans would really hate, since & is the tag that covers the much wider spectrum of relationships in my head, although some people will differ--and use freeform tags to disambiguate. for example, last days has the & tag for joe and cleo, along with a "queerplatonic relationships" tag! i believe "ambiguous relationships" is also a canonical tag, and you don't have to use canonicals if you can't find the one you like! the world is your oyster.
(here i'll also note: the & doesn't require them be like... friends. it just requires the fic be about their relationship in some way, and for this relationship to not be romantic or sexual. enemies is absolutely covered here, as is like, weird coworkers, or even tags like "hero & the public".)
(similarly, the / tag doesn't require they like each other, it just requires it to be a "ship"; enemies who have a ton of sexual tension goes under this, as do things like abusive romantic or sexual relationships; just make sure you're using your warnings and additional tags appropriately!)
the other most common solution is to tag both the / and & tag and use a tag like the "ambiguous relationships" or "this can be read as either" or "queerplatonic relationships" or whatever other disambiguating tag you think it needs. this is less common in the mcyt fandom because of the mcyt fandom's history of being SUPER WEIRD about shipping, but it's often the most common solution in fandoms that aren't this one.
"i want ao3 to have a ship tag that is neither & nor /, and is not considered synonymous with either" unfortunately this doesn't exist and isn't going to. like i'd love to say there's a way to make it exist but it Won't because of how ao3 was designed to work on a backend level and also ao3 does NOT change quickly, for better or for worse. you're going to have to pick between "make up a symbol and it will probably be synned to /", "use the tag you think you like best", or "use both". i wish there was another option too, if it helps, but the additional tags are really useful here!
"use no relationship tag" is also always an option; the relationship tag is not a required tag!
answer that answers your two examples, neither of which really fit the question as i understand it, hence me separating them out:
a fic about the relationship between two enemies is either the & tag if you just want the one that is actually meant to be used or the / tag if you mean for it to be like, the kind of enemies that have sexual tension. use additional tags to additionally disambiguate (example: just put in the tags the canonical tag "enemies" and you're good to go). the & tag is for ANY kind of platonic relationship, it does not require the two characters like each other, only that the fic is about their relationship! you can use the homestuck <3< if you REALLY wanna make it clear but that's synned to /, so like, up to you. if you're super worried someone will misunderstand the & tag you can also just not tag a relationship, relationships aren't mandatory tags.
i have no idea why you're asking about polyamory because that has a solution that's entirely unrelated to the problem you propose: you just tag the ship. ship tags with more than two names in them are legal tags, as long as it doesn't go over ao3's tag character limit you're good. if you do hit the limit, just use more than one tag! this is totally fine and follows ao3 conventions, don't worry. if it's the kind of polyamorous relationship with metamours, where not everyone is dating everyone, this is where more than one overlapping relationship tag REALLY helps. plus: you can mix / and & tags! not all of them will be canonical yet, but that's true of ANY ship tag you're originating! i have seen the form of "character/character & character" in many fandoms before, it's totally valid and will disambiguate! (also, the ensemble tags may help you here if you're doing like, a polyhermits thing; "hermitcraft ensemble/hermitcraft ensemble" is a legal tag and i think what polyhermits is probably synned to.)
so yeah, hopefully this helps some! good luck out there!
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yanderes-galore · 26 days
Maybe a romantic/Platonic Yandere alphabet for Billy Lenz (Black Christmas) 🪲 [Shiny Bug Anon]
I have mixed feelings about him but I will follow through for you :) I'm writing the original in case you wished to know, not the remake.
Yandere Alphabet - Billy Lenz
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Forced affection, Murder, Blood, Dark themes/General "Yandere" behavior, Horror themes, Toxic themes, Kidnapping, Clingy behavior, Manipulation, Jealousy, Biting, Possessive behavior, Forced relationship/companionship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
When it comes to the original movie, not much is known about Billy. However, I can assume he's rough with affection and very intense.
He seems like he'd be clingy while also being rough based on what I've seen. He's a very disturbed individual but reciprocating would keep him at bay. Just give him the affection he adores... Just until you can find a way to leave.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Considering what Billy does in the movie, he'd definitely get messy when it comes to you. He'd get rid of everyone around you and doesn't care about the amount of blood.
Anything to keep you with him... Regardless of his intentions.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Billy is a bit volatile and disturbing. One moment he's very affectionate, the next he's having some tantrum. He wouldn't mock you unless he's having one of his breakdowns.
However, when he's feeling nice, he'll cling to you while whispering obscene things. He's a disturbing man and hard to predict. Even if he seems caring at times... Best to stay alert.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Most likely he would do things against your will. Although, say the right things and he may listen. He's hard to read but with time you can probably find ways to keep him docile.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
It's hard to tell but he seems really vulnerable with you. It's hard to tell when he's open but he seems vulnerable to you and your influence.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Upset, irritated, angry. He hates it when you try to fight him. So he does whatever he can to get you to stop.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Not really and he'd hate it.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
With Billy there can be a lot. Be it the weird and vulgar phone calls, the murders, the kidnapping, or the clingy behavior... It's all really bad.
The worst experience? It's really hard to pick....
Might be the moment he reveals himself, covered in the blood of your friends as he drags you away to the attic to be his newest toy.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
It's hard to tell when it comes to him. Yet he probably is going to view you as a replacement for Agnes or something else entirely. (Again, gender doesn't matter to him)
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Yes. He definitely lashes out and there will be blood when he does.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Obsessive, Possessive, Easily jealous, Volatile, Perverted (if romantic), Clingy.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He stalks you and makes phone calls just like in the movie. They're always vulgar in nature, no matter his intentions. He stays out of the way most of the time, just watching you.
However, when he finally decides he wants you, he'll pick off those around you before taking you away.
You may put up a fight...
But he's determined to make you his one way or another.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Billy doesn't really bother masking anything so no.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Restraints and degrading if he's platonic. He may add biting in there if he had "romantic" intentions. He just... Seems like he'd bite.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Most of them when he has you in his grasp.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Billy isn't really patient, he's more impatient honestly.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
You might break him more, actually. If that was even possible.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No and no.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Childhood along with his nature.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Confused yet he tries his best to console you. It's twisted... But it seems likes he's trying. If his odd rambling can be considered comforting....
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Reciprocating just enough to make him docile, then you can try to find a way to leave.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
The possibility is certainly there. If you don't play your cards right, yes.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Not really a worship yandere... Although he has similar tendencies with how he clings to you. Safe to say, in a way you soothe him.
Which means he'll do anything to cage you with him.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Honestly, with how unpredictable he is it can be anywhere from weeks to months.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Intentional or not, yes he would.
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moraysoiree · 3 months
Just my idea of what it feels like to be far away from home.
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characters: Floyd Leech x gn!reader (platonic, could be read as romantic), mentions of Jade and Azul word count: 1134
Ramshackle dorm prefect’s life was in no sense easy. Sitting through classes and thinking how you can’t even put all this knowledge to good use because of your ‘magiclessness’ was, for lack of a better term, pure torture. Thank god the classes ended, finally granting you some freedom to wander off in hopes to lift your spirits by hanging out with one of the strange people that were in abundance here.
To your glee, on the way to the first floor you noticed a familiar figure on a terrace just a flight of stairs below: one of the eel guys was standing there, leaning against the guardrail with slumped shoulders. Given the idleness, figuring his current mood was no big feat. The chance was worth taking, though.
‘FLOOOOYD!!’ you started skipping down excitedly, not even bothering to get to the floor and jumping off the middle right onto the unsuspecting victim. ‘Shrimpie!’ wide-eyed, Floyd still managed to catch the falling anvil and laughed, spinning from the momentum. ‘Ye gonna kill us one day,’ he grumbled. ‘I wish I could kill you that easily,’ you pinched his cheeks, causing the displeased eel to click his teeth in a mock threat. ‘A point. You little fishies, on the other hand…’ he trailed off. Both went on to lean onto the banisters, laziness afloat in the sunny spring air. The mood wasn’t as bad as expected. Or, rather, improved rapidly, for that matter. ‘Sup with the classes,’ you tugged on the lilac ribbon hanging from his forearm. ‘Skipping, huh? What would Azul say?!’ you covered your mouth, appearing to be scandalized. Theatrical jests usually amused him, but not today for some reason. Or was it Azul’s name that got on his nerves? Either way, Floyd wasn’t really in the mood for talking, so the clue was taken and both stared off into the distance silently. And was there a lot to stare at, as college’s balconies had the best view onto the sharp cliffs, mercilessly slicing the rumbling waves into white foam.
Something occurred to you, and you asked, fidgeting with the very same ribbon still: ‘Say, don’t you ever get homesick?’. Floyd tore his eyes off the sea and gave you a thoughtful glance, ‘Mm-hhm… not really. There are a lot of things on land. I think Jade got it worse’. ‘Jade?! How come?’ It was hard to believe that Jade, who navigated human society better than the majority of humans, was, in fact, facing some trouble adapting. ‘S’ not like he doesn’t love it here, too, I mean. But y’know how he goes to wander by himself and chew on his plants or whareva-you-call-it. That’s different from me. Gets melancholic ‘nd all.’ Floyd sighed and stretched, crossing arms behind his head. ‘And you don’t? Like ever’. ‘Don’t think so? Lotta interesting things just keep happening around. This school is kinda special tho. Many fishies to squeeze, and jumping right into my jaws, too,’ he shut his eyes in delight, but his general expression shifted into something more sinister, something ascending from the murky depths, prowling and lurking. ‘Kinda like home. Ya kno’ it’s crazy down there. You can never stop or rest. Unless you wanna be eaten, ‘course. Same here,’ he waved at the Night Raven College’s walls. ‘So your bloodlust is what keeps you going? Should’ve known better,’ you scoffed, and Floyd rolled his eyes. ‘Mean! I like many of your things, like clothes, and phones, and the strange food you have. S’ not like I only care about beatin’ up some krill,’ you eyed his messy uniform doubtfully and pondered whether the eel really liked clothes as much as he claimed to.
‘But you’re like Jade, aren’t you, little Shrimp?’ Floyd snapped you from your thoughts forcefully, and you noticed he was staring at you sharply. ‘You get those sour moods and sigh a lot’. Look who’s talking about moods!? But he was right, although it came as a surprise that such things didn’t escape him. He’d always seemed too caught up in his own emotions. Or was it precisely because of it that Floyd had noticed the way his friend was a bit too quiet on one day and a tad too distant on the other... ‘I love you all, but I didn’t really choose to be here, and I don’t even know if there’s a way to go back. Even if there is, will I survive with people overblotting left and right and making it everyone’s problem?!’ Floyd laughed. ‘Nothing to laugh about in my life’, you sighed. ‘You would be shocked how hard it is to live without the little things, like my favourite songs, or the trinkets I’d collected, or the bakeries I’d always visited’. He was listening silently, letting you get it all off your chest. ‘I had friends back home, too. Will I ever see them again? Do they miss me, I wonder.. Maybe I died in my world and got isekai’d here so there’s not really a place for me to return to at all?!’ Floyd scrunched his face up at your outburst. ‘Now you sound just like Firefly Squid.’ Then, however, his expression became serious. ‘You know, Shrimpie. There are a lot of things in this world that are out of our control. You can have a down-to-the-minute detailed plan, covering the next forty years, but what use will it be if a shark gobbles you up tomorrow? You should value the ‘now’, or ya risking to miss all the fun n’ regret it later,’ his hand ruffled your hair. ‘I get that it ain’t easy for ya to be all gung-ho about it all the time, but that kind of thinking is just a waste. Say what, how ‘bout we go make Crowley get his game up with your homeworld instead? I can squeeze him real tight if ya wanna.’ You thought about it for a solid moment, seriously considering the offer. ‘I’m good. Spare the unfortunate soul, he’s got his plate served to him from people throwing hands last week’. ‘And who’s to thank for that ya think?’ Oh. Of course. ‘What a spectacular friend I have, rushing to avenge me before I even ask!’ The phrase might have been a joke, but you put your genuine gratitude for the so much needed reassurance into it. To that display of emotions, Floyd’s eyes glinted mischievously. ‘So you saying you owe me one?’ You regretted your choice of words instantly. ‘Come ooon, ain’t gonna eat ya, Shrimpie. Not yet, anyway. Speaking of food… What a rad way to repay me, huh?’ ‘Mostro Lounge?’ Floyd groaned. ‘Heell naaah if I see Azul today I’ll punch smn. Hard.’ So it WAS about Azul, in the end. ‘Canteen it is then. Takoyaki?’ ‘Ya know me best, Shrimpie.’
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cc--2224 · 7 months
Second Impressions
Pairing: Crosshair x GN! Reader
Summary: You expected the worst when the Bad Batch were assigned to be your bodyguards, but first impressions aren't always everything. It doesn't take long for you to get close to them, well, most of them.
Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, mentions of broken bones/injuries
Notes: Can be seen as platonic or romantic, however you'd like! Also, softer than normal Crosshair because I'm into that
Word Count: ~2.5k
Taglist: None, let me know if you'd like to be added!
Read on AO3
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You didn't have a chance to react to the nearby explosion before you felt something collide with you. It felt like durasteel barreling into you, you felt a sharp pain and then a weight on top of you before it went quiet. Your eyes were glued shut, fearing what you might see if you opened them.
It was supposed to be a normal day, or at least as normal as it could be. You had been traveling with Clone Force 99 on a series of expeditions, with them acting as somewhat of your bodyguards while you conducted your research on different planets. 
They hadn't really been keen on the assignment at the start, deeming it "too boring to just go around looking at plants" and "not a job worthy of their skills" as you had heard them say. In all fairness, you weren't sold on the idea either, but your protests had fallen on deaf ears. The war had become too dangerous for you to venture out on your own, and nearly every other unit was too preoccupied fighting that war to assist you. 
As your research continued, however, you got used to them, even growing to like them. They were much different than any other clones you had worked with, each of them had enhanced abilities, and incredibly different personalities. Over time, you had begun to consider them your friends. 
Wrecker became willing to help you with the heavy lifting that your job entailed, bringing the larger samples you had to gather back to the ship. Hunter's astute senses started to come in handy when you were tasked to locate rare vegetation that no one seemed to be able to pinpoint the location of. Tech was always okay with having his brain picked whenever you had questions or needed someone to bounce ideas off of. And then there was Crosshair. His sharp eyes, always watching from a distance, never getting too close to you. His tongue was just as sharp as his eye, and the few times he did speak to you, it was never to exchange pleasantries or words of comfort. You were positive that if the others had considered you a friend, Crosshair most certainly did not. 
Your first impression of him left much to be desired, as much as you tried to befriend him.
You learned early on that it was best to let him do his own thing, although there was a part of you that was almost upset by that. You had heard him on more than one occasion joking with the others, and you had tried to use that as an opportunity to speak to him, figuring the other times he was just in a bad mood and now it had been lifted, but when you'd open your mouth, he would close back up. You wished that you could have gotten to know him as well as you had his brothers, but his boundaries were set and you did your best to respect them.
When your research brought you to Felucia, you were slightly apprehensive to go there. You had heard of recent skirmishes between the Republic forces and the Separatists, but decided you would be far enough away from any outposts to get in and out without issue. 
The ship landed about a klick away from the co-ordinates your supervisor had sent you, and when you exited the ship, the dense forest seemed empty. Feeling a false sense of security, you insisted on going to find the fungi you were sampling on your own. The others didn't see any problem with that, so they accepted the idea, but only if you remembered to comm them if there was danger. Their terms seemed reasonable enough, so you agreed and made your way into the forest.
You hadn't been gone long before there was unrest in the Marauder.
"Was it really a wise decision to let them go on their own?" Crosshair asked with his teeth grinding against a toothpick. 
"They'll be fine, there's hardly ever any conflict around here, and definitely not this deep in the forest." Hunter tried, unsuccessfully, to reassure him. 
"If you are so worried about their wellbeing, why did you not go with them?" Tech glanced over at him before looking back to the control panel he had begun fiddling with.
"Yeah, Cross, you like them or something?" Wrecker joined in with more of a teasing tone than his brothers had.
Crosshair simply scowled at all of them in reply before standing from his chair. 
"I'm going to take a look around."
No one said anything else while he made his way outside, but they each exchanged their own secret looks.
His eyes scanned the area, but found no trace of you aside from your footprints in the mud, and thankfully no sign of any danger. But just as he was about to walk to the other side of the ship, he heard the sound of distant blaster fire coming from the direction in which you had taken off. 
Without thinking, he started off into the forest, following your footprints as best as he could. Through the trees, he could see a tank crushing the trees in its path and a patrol of droids following it.
"Kriff." He muttered under his breath as he tried to find your trail again. 
You had gotten lost in your work, you didn't really know where you were relative to any occupied villages on the planet, and you didn't know how long it was taking you to retrieve the samples you were instructed to obtain. Until you had heard blaster fire, you weren't even aware there could be anyone this far out. It sounded far away, so you thought you could finish what you were doing before going back to the ship. The return fire sounded much closer, and this worried you. You sighed and reached for your blaster in case things went awry, but found the holster empty.
This seemed like the kind of danger the others would have expected you to comm about, and just as you were bringing your commlink up to speak, you saw a flash coming toward you, and that's when you felt something colliding with you.
It was dark.
Death? Is that what this was? 
No, your eyes were closed, that's why it was dark. Death wouldn't hurt this much. You were suddenly very aware of a pain radiating from your side into your chest.
But you couldn't find the will to open your eyes, when you did eventually try, your vision was blurry and you were forced to shut them again.
You felt a weight on top of you, halting your movement and shallowing your breath. The nearby conflict you heard, and now the ringing in your ears meant there must have been some kind of explosion. You tried to piece together what just happened, but with limited movement and blurred vision, that task was proving difficult. You must have been lucky enough to miss the explosion, but unlucky enough to be in the range of flying debris, and you couldn't bring your comm up to call for help.
You figured that if death didn't find you already, it soon would.
As you resigned yourself to your fate, you heard a muffled voice, it didn't sound like a battle, it just sounded like one almost desperate voice, you thought you heard it say your name but you couldn't be sure. 
The weight lifted from your chest and you heard the muted sounds of blaster fire before it was silent again. In the silence, you felt your head being lifted slowly from the ground, almost like you were being cradled.
"Please..." The voice returned, becoming more clear. "Wake up." 
Your eyebrows furrowed and a groan sounded from your throat. Slowly, your eyes opened, you had to blink a couple times before you could clearly see the figure holding you.
He sighed in relief. "You're okay."
"Y-Yeah but.. what happened?" You tried to sit up on your own, but his hand was still firm on your back, stabilizing you. You felt the sharp pain in your side and your chest more furiously as you breathed in, and you winced in response. "I feel like I was hit by a railspeeder." 
"No, luckily just plastoid." He looked over you, trying to assess any injuries, but he almost looked guilty when he met your eye. "...Sorry." 
You looked at him with a confused expression.
"There was a clanker patrol in the area, must have been targeting a nearby village, but a tank fired this way. I tackled you out of the way, I guess doing so injured you."
You looked down at his chestplate, and pieced together that the impact you felt, as well as the weight on top of you, it had been him. 
"Can you stand?" He asked, standing up slowly and offering you a hand to help you up.
You took it but when you tried standing, the pain you felt in your side became worse, shooting in different directions across your torso and bringing tears to your eyes. 
He stopped trying to help you up and in a swift movement, he carefully scooped you off the ground. 
"We'll take a look at that when we get back to the ship." He said and started walking back.
It took a few moments to feel comfortable, both with your injuries and with his demeanour. He had never expressed interest in being near you, and now he was willingly carrying you back to the ship.
As if he could feel your stare, his eyes darted over to meet yours. "What is it?"
"Why are you being so nice to me?" You asked quietly, still looking at his face intently, like you were trying to draw out his usual annoyed expression.
"What do you mean?" He raised an eyebrow.
"I mean... you never even talk to me. And now you apparently saved my life."
He looked ahead with a stern expression. 
"We were hired as your bodyguards." He reminded you.
"I didn't even know you were there."
"I was wor- …I disagreed that it was safe for you to go out by yourself, and then I heard the blasters, so I came to find you." He paused, considering your earlier words and how he acted toward you prior to this.
In truth, he had seen how close you had gotten to Hunter, Wrecker, and Tech and he didn't feel you had a place for him. He tried to be content to watch from afar as he always had, it was what he was made for after all. Keeping his distance was his role in every mission they took, and he was certain this mission would be no different. But watching from afar, observing the way your eyes lit up when you spoke about your research, your smile that grew when you'd talk to his brothers, everything about your interactions with them planted a bitter, jealous seed inside of him. Knowing they could talk to you so freely, that they could draw those smiles from you, a smile that he wished he could see up close. And knowing that he could too, if he hadn't pushed you away anytime you tried to get near him. He was petulant in the way he craved your affection, while also refusing to get close to you, to let you in, but he'd never admit that to himself much less to you.
"As for not talking to you," He continued, "I'm just… not talkative."
"You're talking now." You countered, and you were met with a slight smirk. "I always assumed you just hated me or something."
He didn't answer for a long time after that. You were nearly at the Marauder when he finally spoke again.
"I never hated you. It just takes time for me to get used to people. I like you." His eyes widened just slightly enough that you notice. "I mean, I like having you around."
You could feel yourself blushing. You tried shifting to bring your face closer to his, but you were unable to without causing yourself more pain. He noticed your movement and stopped for a moment so you could readjust yourself in his arms.
"Crosshair, can you.. come closer for a second." 
He glanced down at you before obliging, bringing his head down so he was level with you. You slowly moved your head toward his and kissed his cheek. 
"Thank you… for saving me."
He snapped his head back and you smiled slightly when you saw the tips of his ears reddening. He didn't say anything, but he gave you an acknowledging nod.
When you finally returned to the ship, Crosshair laid you down gently on your bunk as your injuries were scanned and treated as best as they could be, unfortunately bacta patches wouldn't do much for broken ribs, but bedrest would.
Crosshair kept you company as much as he could while you healed. His visits were often silent, there were many times where he just stood and watched over you. It was awkward at first, but you started to understand that was how he'd feel he was keeping you safe. Although, sometimes he would attempt to get to know you, he's sit at the end of your bunk asking you questions about your research. A topic that would always send you into a verbal frenzy for which he wouldn't accept any apology. On occasion he would also allow you to ask him questions about himself, but there was never any consistency to how much or how little he would tell you. You knew he was trying to open up to you in his own way, and this led you to reconsider how you first felt about him. You wished you hadn't jumped to conclusions about him, but at the same time you were glad that he was willingly opening himself up to you rather than you breaking a boundary by mistake. You began to feel closer to him the more time you spent with him, and you slowly began to understand that he considered you a friend long before the events on Felucia, even though he never made it clear. 
Everything about him felt different now. His discerning eye always watching, somehow always being able to read you with ease regardless of what you did and didn't tell him. His sharp wit always countering your own. You learned that he was never one to exchange pleasantries or offer words of comfort, but you didn't hold it against him as you once had. Even after you had healed, he was more open to speaking with you, when you heard him joking with his brothers, he no longer closed himself off when you approached. Instead, he'd usually make a small joke at your expense. 
Your second impression of Crosshair was much better than the first, now that you understood him more than you thought you had early on.
While you hoped you wouldn't have to deal with a couple broken ribs and bedrest again any time soon, it wasn't the worst thing to happen to you. Although getting even closer to Crosshair without having to go through all of that again would be much more ideal.
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ilovedthestars · 5 months
and also just. the way ambiguity in relationships is assumed to be romantic, too. see, i wrote that whole post a while back about how I loved ambiguous fictional relationships, with deep devotion but no clear label as to the type of relationship. i called it love as in significance--that's where my tag comes from. love as in being important to someone, in whatever form that takes.
and what I said then about how this applies to romance still applies--when I'm reading about a fictional romance, I'll be much more engaged with one that feels built on that foundation of significance than one that isn't. flirting, the trappings of modern courtship, those feel empty to me without the feeling that these characters already matter to each other. (this is why in real life I'm so perplexed by things like dating apps, or people who actively seek out romance with strangers--I just personally can't fathom the idea of wanting that kind of closeness with someone you don't already know and care for.)
but in regards to ambiguity....I feel like I've been burned a little. I loved ambiguity because it meant you could take many things away from it. other people could see romance, but I could see the kind of deeply devoted platonic relationship that, let's be honest, is incredibly rare in fiction. but I'm starting to feel frustrated by the way ambiguity is assumed to be romance, without an explicit statement that it's not. (I've joked about the obligatory "no hetero" moments that have to be inserted into the start of a piece of media that has a male and a female protagonist with any kind of relationship other than romance--the "not with those lips" moment in the D&D movie, for example. It's funny, and i appreciate it being made very clear, but it's kind of sad that it has to be.)
and...okay, there's an elephant in the room that i really should acknowledge. I was talking about it in that first post, but I made a point of never mentioning it, although i'm sure plenty of people guessed.
I haven't watched Good Omens season two. I'm not sure if I'm ever going to. When I first wrote about my love for ambiguous relationships back in February of 2023, Aziraphale and Crowley were at the top of my list. When I wrote about how ambiguity left room for anyone to see themselves represented, and how i wished that a little more space was left for aro voices, I was talking about them. I was frustrated by people who saw that ambiguity as "queerbaiting"--didn't they see that the story was already queer, that Aziraphale and Crowley cared so deeply for each other, and whether they kissed or not wouldn't change anything?
But they did kiss. And it did change something. I don't feel like there's a place left for me anymore. And there's social pressure to celebrate, to be happy for another canon queer love story on TV, and god I'd love to celebrate that, but I can't help but feel a little betrayed by a story that I thought would leave space for me.
(and yes, a kiss doesn't have to mean romance--but in this, in hollywood, it's assumed to. the creators and the audience both understand it as such, unless someone stops to say no, we're friends who kiss each other the mouth, we're subverting your expectations. because the expectations are inescapable.)
I've been trying to give myself the space to feel upset about this. To remember that aro stories are queer stories too. And I think I'm raising my standards. I'll take ambiguity--I'll take any carved-out space I can find. But I'm not sure I trust it anymore. I want explicitly platonic relationships with the level of love and devotion and care usually reserved for romance. I want to read and watch and listen to stories about people who are significant to each other without romance even being in the picture. I want love that isn't synonymous with romance. I'm going to stop feeling like I have to settle for anything less.
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 months
Atsushi for the ask game.
Favorite thing about them: HIS SELFISHNESS. It's so so delicious to explore. Can you imagine a protagonist that saves others not out of simple good will, but because of egoistic self-preservation motives? It just feels counterintuitive for me lmao, and I found it quite messed up when I first watched the anime, but now it's so compelling to explore. His whole “everything I do is in order to gain the right to live” is crazy fashinating. Because lol, that's entirely nonsensical to me! There's no such thing as “gaining the right to live”; all humans, every person in the world is inherently deserving of life. All. No exception. So there's no level of “weak” or “worthless” that would make you lose that right. The fact that's it's a vision so distant and absurd from mine, idk, it just makes it very compelling to explore? “What if there was a little fucked up guy who believed the right to live had to be earned” just sounds like a very interesting premise.
Least favorite thing about them: When I first watched the anime, I think I found him low-key annoying? I just... Don't do very well with self-deprecating people and people who complain a lot in general, I usually suffer in silence and tend to (wrongly) assume others should do the same (this probably makes me sound pretty mean, I swear I try to be understanding irl). However, it doesn't bother me as much anymore, I simply think it's more of a distinctive trait of the character that makes him multilayered and unique. As of now, I can't think of anything I don't like about him if not the fact that I wish he'd rely on Dazai and others in general a little less. I know that has to do with his lack of self-worth, so maybe it makes sense,, but as of now he feels kind of stuck. I just wish we'd see him grow more on that front.
Favorite line:
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There may be better ones, but I really like the delivery of this one.
brOTP: KYOUKA AND ATSUSHI they make me go insane. Already talked about this in the Kyouka post but just to reiterate: in my headcanon Kyouka really is the only person Atsushi feels genuine, selfless affection towards. It's very sweet. They're siblings. Kyouka's happiness is really important for Atsushi. They really do have that feeling of people who got out of an abusive environment learning what normality is supposed to be like together. I also really like how they compensate for what the other lacks, be it decisiveness and coolhead for Atsushi and empathy and positivity for Kyouka. Although plenty shipping them romantically, I really like platonic sskk and atsulucy as well.
OTP: I really like sskk eheh. I think they're neat. There's a thousand and one reasons why I find them pretty great. They're objectively the only reason why I got invested in bsd as well as the only thing that has me keep up with the franchise to this day. Right now, I feel like the one thing I really appreciate about them is how you can be the worst person in the universe and still somehow be loveable to someone. I think it's sweet. I also find it very fun and enterataining to explore their various soulmatism antics. They're both very complex and multilayered characters with something deeply wrong with how their minds work that makes them very fun to analyze both by their own and in the complexity of their relationship. Their collective story arc and canon relationship progression is extremely engaging and nice to follow, too. I love dazatsu and atsulucy as well!! Both were ships I wasn't particularly invested when I read the manga for the first time, but really grew in me in the last six months or so. I really dig akuatsulucy as well!!
nOTP: Nothing?
Random headcanon: He really likes reading. There's some real meta-analysis to be made here I actually had written this is probably not the right place to talk about, but in a work that's all about literature, he's the character who reads.
Unpopular opinion: He's the hardest character to write / characterize. That's why people should probably go easier on other fans when they mischaracterize him. He's just very multifaceted and genuinely hard to get. I keep seeing people being like “Stop babyfying Atsushi he's an independent adult!!” then turn around to say “he can't be shipped with Dazai because there's too much unbalance of power :// [somewhat implying Atsushi can't make free decisions for himself]”, or “Stop making of Atsushi a soft baby who never did wrong in his life!!!” then turn around to say “Atsushi is the happy puppy of the agency who gets treats and pats from everyone ^^ ” like. At least to me, a lot of people's arguments sound self-contradictory all the time; but that doesn't mean people should stop having fun and characterize the characters as they like! Just, let's stop being mean to each other and try to be a little more accepting towards others' takes, shall we? And yes that also includes letting people find Atsushi annoying if they find him annoying (although like, I've NEVER found anyone call Atsushi annoying ever, so really, what remote fandom spaces is everyone visiting? Why are you looking for clothes (good takes) at the soup store (Tik/tok I assume?) ).
Song i associate with them: Common World Domination by Pinocchio-P, HIBANA by DECO*27, Ghost Rule by DECO*27, so on and so forth.
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga:
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Favourite illustration: Look, there's too many beautiful illustrations, I can't chose. Here's a very good one though.
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Favourite illustration in the anime art style:
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But also:
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Favourite Mayoi card:
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Send me a character?
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belphiesreverie · 2 years
i dont see many tartaglia asks but i <33 him so much it HURTS so yandere childe with a bookish/book smart reader if you can pls?? romantic or platonic is up to u
I love writing for Childe so so so much, I rlly wish more people would request him 💔
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I think at first he wouldn’t really get it
What’s the point in reading so much? All that knowledge isn’t gonna help you get stronger. That kind of mentality yk?
I imagine he’s read books to his siblings before, but never for himself, so he also kinda has this idea in his head that reading is for kids
His obsession would start when your knowledge is actually relevant to him. Being able to talk about different kinds of weapons and fighting techniques with him suddenly peaks his interest
Since you read a lot of books which cover a large range of topics, you can talk to him about an array of different things that he actually finds really useful. Maybe you offhandedly mention that if he turns his body a little more to the right then his strikes will hit harder. And when he tries it, it actually works
He’ll start buying you books that have an abundance of knowledge about different fighting styles from other regions and information about weapons and how to use them the most effectively. He does this not only as a way to try and garner your favour, but also so he can subtly try and pry the information out of the books from you so he won’t have to read them himself
Although, he ends up buying a lot more books of different genres when he sees how happy they make you. And something about the genuine happiness and appreciation you show him strikes a chord in him
He goes from only wanting to listen to you talk about the strategies from the books he gives you, to indulging you in listening to you explain the plots of your favourite books or grievance’s from one’s you hated
And one day he realises that it doesn’t even have to be listening to you talk about books, he just wants to hear your voice. He’ll listen to you talk about anything and everything as long as your words are directed at him
And when you lose your voice from talking for hours on end at his request, he realises that he just adores being in your presence and having you near him
So won’t you stay by his side forever? He can buy you all the books you’d ever want, and he’ll even read them to you when you’re stuck in bed recovering
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riddle-me-ri · 9 months
a/n: PHEW okay so here's one of two 4k commissions I was working on. And it's for my very amazing friend @mischievous-marchie (tagging the NSFW blog because this is so NSFW lmao) Marchie, thank you so much for supporting my writing and trusting me with your main man Jervis, and all his variations. I hope I did your sweet idea justice and thanks so much again for supporting me by commissioning me. It means the world. And I hope everyone else gets to enjoy it too.
*Also reader is referred to as the March Hare cause Alice is overrated, The Hare was always my favorite and...yeah it's its for March lol
Content Warning: explicit sexual content, masturbation, sex toy, mutual masturbation, unprotected sexual intercourse (gn so no specific genitalia mentioned), caught in the act, and making out.
Word Count: 4.5 k
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General Mad Hatter x Reader - Call Out My Name
Your fingers drummed along the hardback cover of a novel you were trying to read. Soon the tapping of your fingers migrated to your foot on the floor. 
You groaned in frustration. 
You grew restless with boredom. 
Even the white noise of some random show that played on TV began to become silencing…just an echo of how lonely and dim it was when he wasn’t around. 
You sighed, finally surrendering and putting the book down on the coffee table. 
Why did Jervis have to be in Arkham?
You knew why, because if one of you was to get caught by Batman… Jervis ensured it was only going to be him every time. Jervis always made sure you had an escape, even if you didn’t know he had one for you.
“Arkham is no place for lovely people, my dear.” He explained once in a moment of lucidity. “I take it as a chance to reconvene my thoughts and even get to visit old friends.” He chuckled before he continued. “So don’t worry about me, dear…Although don’t forget about me either…please.” 
Your heart panged the same way it did the day he told you that. He didn’t have to worry about you ever forgetting him. 
You could never forget about the man you have loved and continue to love feverishly since day one. 
If he only knew, sometimes you wished he would just miraculously figure it out. Then maybe, just maybe, he would be compelled to reveal his feelings…if he had any for you that is.
It felt like he did anyhow, the way he’d protect you from Batman, how he always somehow made time to see you or include you in everything. 
You two have been companions for quite awhile. Jervis has always been charming, kind, and fun. He always made you smile, even on days when you didn’t feel like rolling out of bed. 
You tried your best to always be there for him. 
During his highs and lows, his madness and his lucidity, for everything. In turn, Jervis is always there for you when you need him in any capacity (except when he was locked up, which he always felt guilty for leaving you.)
You two were inseparable.
The Mad Hatter and The March Hare at the Mad Tea Party–only missing a sleepy Dormouse. 
Yes, a strong, loyal relationship was formed, but if only it could transition from platonic to romantic…
Of course, it didn’t help that he is exquisitely handsome in the most unconventional way that was endearing to you. 
Jervis’ wide bright eyes, cute elongated buck teeth, raggedy hair, and his obtuse nose that you desperately wanted to kiss. 
You sighed as you sunk yourself deeper into the couch, no doubt creating a uniquely shaped dent in the cushions from lounging there all day.
You really did miss him. All of this reminiscing probably doesn’t help either. You just couldn’t help it, just forming his image in your mind made you happier. 
Perhaps…this imagining could help in another area and maybe you can salvage the boring day and turn it into a fun night. 
For a moment, you were grateful that Jervis wasn’t around…
The cushions of the couch sunk against your weight as you laid back and made yourself comfortable. 
You took a deep breath as your head nestled into the plush arm rest. You slowly rolled up the long graphic tee you wore, exposing your lower body. 
It had been a minute since you ventured into the realms of self love in the most physical sense, but you were certain the awkwardness of the start would be well worth the pleasure in the aftermath. 
Your breath hitched as your fingers fell into a decent rhythm stimulating your sex. Every nerve ending on every pore of your skin was ignited. 
You decide to finally take it up a notch. 
You reluctantly removed your hand to reach for the toy on the side table behind your head. You snatched up the dark blue bullet vibrator and turned it on to a low setting. 
Your body jerked slightly at the vibrating sensations as you glided the toy over your chest and down your abdomen. The smooth material made you wish it was something else. 
Instead of the cool smooth mechanical texture…it was rough, soft, and warm. 
Instead of your hand controlling a toy, it was someone else’s hand, better yet, Jervis’ gloved fingers. 
Desperately, you wished it was Jervis that stimulated your body. 
It was his warm diligent hands roaming across your skin causing goosebumps to form. His hands that created delicious friction that you craved. 
As the vibrator made its way closer to your sex, the setting was turned up higher and your moans became louder and more drawn out. 
The vibrations added with the continued pace of your other hand on your genitals. You were a withering mess on the couch. 
Your eyes tightly closed, trying like crazy to suspend reality and envision it was Jervis doing this to you. 
Your moans soon turned into pants and cries. “J-Jervis…Jervis!” 
As you were chasing that sweet release, as if your imaginations manifested him…
Jervis Tetch was actually a free man and was making his way to your apartment. 
Jervis was absolutely beaming with excitement. Adrenaline was still pumping in his veins from his narrow escape from Arkham.
The moment he was out, he knew he had to come see you and let you know he was free! The only person that would actually be waiting for him on the other side…
He just couldn’t wait to surprise you. 
Jervis missed you terribly. No one else understood him, appreciated him…genuinely liked him like you do. To say you made his heart race would be an understatement. However, he was extremely cautious and uncertain. 
As much as he wanted to sweep you off your feet, hold you, kiss you…he didn’t want to risk the chance of losing you–as he has lost others. 
Jervis wasn’t sure he could handle losing you in any capacity. 
Hence why he always did his best to protect you when things got dodgy. Despite your stubbornness to stay by his side…something he juxtapositionally adored and lamented about you. 
His gloved knuckles barely racked along your door when he heard–
“J-Jervis! Jervis!” 
Jervis’ heart fell to his stomach. The adrenaline from his escape rose back up out of sheer panic for you. He quickly grabbed the doorknob and was stantly met with resistance from the locked handle. 
Seeing no other option, he began backing away and braced himself with his side as he ran shoulder first into your door–
You were so lost in your motions and the fantasy in your mind that you didn’t register the reality of your doorknob being rattled. 
You were none the wiser to another presence until he made himself known by busting down your door. 
The loud bang of the door hitting your wall woke you up from your pleasurable reverie. 
Quickly, you sat up, hastily lowering your shirt back down and threw a blanket over your lower half for good measure. 
You were petrified and frustrated.
“J-Jervis?” You let out in a small almost mousy voice, as you finally took in who the intruder was. 
Jervis was looking around wildly, expecting some type of altercation to be happening, but quickly came to the realization nothing was awry. 
In fact, you were alone, on your couch…nothing entirely out of place. 
“Um…well..this is quite a predicament.” He chuckled sheepishly, as he lifted his hat to scratch at the side of his head. 
You gulped down a mouthful of air as you tried to regulate your heartbeat. You began silently praying to whoever could hear that he wouldn’t put two and two together of what you were doing. 
“Jervis,” you began, still trying to calm your nerves that were currently in a tailspin at the moment. “I-W-What are you–how…why did you break in?” 
Your mind struggled to think of just one question, but that one seemed the most pressing. Usually, when Jervis came over he always knocked or he somehow let you know ahead of time that he was coming over. 
“I-I heard you screaming my name…” He stretched his arms out exasperatedly. “I-I thought something was happening to you! It sounded all the same” 
Whatever redness coalesced from your earlier activities quickly drained from your face. 
“Ah…well…something was happening but nothing–bad…” You slowly began covering yourself up more with the blanket. Secretly wishing it would make you disappear.
“Yes, that much is obvious…so tell me, my dear. What was all the ruckus?” 
“Um, well…I was..uh…”
“And what is that?” He interjected. Jervis pointed to a small rounded device on the ground that was still buzzing on the floor. 
Jervis walked over towards where the object laid. He almost grabbed it until you grabbed his wrist. 
“It’s nothing! I’ll get it! Oh sh-”
“Hare! Langua-oh…”
In your panicked leap for the toy, Jervis saw your state of dress or more like the lack thereof. 
You couldn’t help but take note of how cute he looked when his face began blushing at the cheeks. 
Even though yours was most likely as red as his is. 
You instantly turned the toy off once it was in your grip. 
As if seeing the vibrator in your hands was the final piece to the puzzle, Jervis was able to slowly put the puzzle of events together. 
You were alone, on your couch, in nothing but a shirt, your skin was tinted red…you screamed his name…but not in danger or pain…
Jervis may be whimsical and mad most of the time, but he wasn’t ignorant. 
You sighed as you saw him come to the conclusion of what happened. Somewhere deep down you were grateful you didn’t have to spell it out. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“I apologize-”
You both looked up at each other after apologizing at the same time. 
“I-I didn’t mean to make you panic.” You continued, rubbing your arm. 
“I didn’t mean to…ahem…ruin your fun?” He nervously chuckled as he played with his hat brim. 
“It’s okay.” You reassured him softly. “I appreciate your concern.” 
Jervis nodded. Of course he was concerned, he was always concerned for your safety. 
“Yet…the question remains…why did you cry my name?” 
Jervis had an idea why. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t guilty of the same act, but he just needed you to confirm it. 
You looked away coyishly, biting your lip to keep from just dumping your emotions mixed with your explanations on him. 
Jervis gulped. He really wished you didn’t do that. Although it did complete this exquisite vision of you just now. 
Your hair a ruffled mess, your body gorgeously silhouetted by your shirt that only came to be just about your mid-thigh…all complimented with a cute lip bite. 
You sighed. “I…I was…uh…thinking of you…while I had fun.”
Jervis took a small but sharp intake of breath. You were actually going to say it.
You nodded before looking away, not being able to look at him. Assuming he wanted a further explanation after a beat of silence, you continued. 
“I-I’ve cared…I mean. I’ve always…” You groaned in frustration. 
After taking another deep breath to reset your thoughts. You tried once more, “yes really…I’ve had feelings for you for a while and I…when you’re in Arkham…I, for a lack of better words…really miss you.”
Jervis hung onto every word like it was the last life line connecting him to the ship out in the middle of the ocean. 
It was happening…it was really truly happening. Someone he loved…actually loved him back!
Jervis slowly walked over closer to where he was right in front of you. He gently curled his index finger around your chin and directed your head down to look at him. 
His eyes stared softly into yours. “I missed you too, my dear.” 
The sincere look he gave you, lidded eyes and a soft smile made your heart swell. 
“I suppose it comes as no surprise that I, too, have had feelings for you arise.” His eyes shifted slightly, still unsure if he reciprocated correctly. 
Your eyes widened, heart thumped against your chest. 
All embarrassment was dissolved into surprise. 
You reached to touch his hand that still propped your chin and your smile widened when you felt his fingers laced together between your own. 
“If you’re saying what I think you’re saying…I’m very surprised but super happy all the same.” You giggled as your hand tightened around his. 
Jervis chuckled warmly as he turned his hand so the back of your hand faced him. He gently pressed his chapped lips against your hand before smiling up at you. 
"My dear, Hare, you know my way, I always mean what I say."
You were ecstatic, your body unable to keep still. To finally have everything laid out in the open. To know the one you've cherished for so long returns the sentiment.  
"You do! You always do! Oh, Jervis!" You quickly slid your hand out from his grip but only to wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into an excited embrace. 
Jervis became nervous again. He wanted to return the hug desperately, but he wasn't sure how to keep himself composed when he actually got to feel what little you wore. 
Hesitantly, to not upset you, he wrapped his arms around your waist tightly. You were so soft and warm, he tried to refrain his fingers from tugging away at the flimsy obnoxious cotton that still covered you. 
You slowly brought your head back and looked back down at him. Your eyes coyly darting between his eyes and his lips. You were stuck in limbo once more, should you ask first or just go for it? 
Thankfully, despite Jervis' own dilemma, he was able to catch onto yours. As if silently asking if it's what you want, he slowly brought his face closer to yours. 
You gasped softly, not missing the crucial hint. You closed your eyes, slowly leaned forward, and your lips gently pressed against Jervis’. 
The kiss was so soft, sweet, and even innocent in that hesitant uncertain first kiss kind of way, but it felt so right and it capsulated all your emotions in one simple gesture. 
You’ve dreamt of this moment for so long. Always thought if it were to happen it would be this way or that way. However, now that it happened, every made-up scenario and sensation paled in comparison to the real thing. 
Jervis was the first to slowly pull back. You couldn’t help the tiny snickers you made at the sight of him softly panting for air and his pink dusted cheeks. 
Jervis perked an eyebrow at you curiously. 
You shook your head, not wanting him to think he did something wrong. “Sorry, you’re just…so cute.” Your hands came up from behind his back to frame his face. 
Jervis practically melted at your touch. Your touch heated his face up even more, but he didn’t mind one bit. To be touched so tenderly, and lovingly by the only person he cared about…nothing could possibly come close to the sensation. 
He craved more of your touch and kiss. He yearned for your affection as the Knave of Hearts (allegedly) yearned the tarts. 
Jervis couldn’t even think of a response to your compliment as he swiftly crashed his lips back into yours. 
You were shocked but not displeased as you quickly kissed him back with just as much fervor. 
Jervis’ breath hitched when he felt you slightly poke your tongue along the edge of his protruding tooth and his lips. He didn’t hesitate to grant you entrance to his mouth. 
Your kiss became more heated as your tongues explored each other’s mouths. Jervis began exploring more of your body, slowly building confidence to feed his desire to touch more of your skin and hopefully please you. 
His hands raked and grasped around your waist and hips. As well as up and down your back. 
So close to that same feeling you were trying to mimic earlier in your mind.
Your kiss was broken once more, albeit simultaneously as you both fell onto the couch when your knees bent against the cushion at the sudden impact. Jervis’ own hat fell off his head but safely landed on the coffee table in front of you. 
The cheesy silly predicament caused you to snicker. 
Jervis hummed warmly before he slowly rose himself off of you by his hands that were on both sides of your head. 
“Still enjoying yourself, I see.” He chuckled lowly. 
The deep drop in his voice caused a shiver to go down your spine. 
It was then you took in the truly compromising position you were in…your fantasy from earlier was slowly playing out right before your eyes. 
You’ll be damned if you let it slip away. 
“Yep, much more so now with you actually here.” You smiled sweetly. 
“Whatever you sought in your fantasy.” He began.
Jervis leaned up to kiss your forehead. “I’d be more than happy to make a reality.” 
A kiss on your cheek before looking into your eyes in earnest. “If you’ll let me.”
Any confirmation you think you could say didn’t feel strong enough, so you just leaned in to kiss him once more. 
It was all the confirmation Jervis needed as he leaned into your kiss. It was all the motivation he needed as he brought his body back down to try and get closer to you. 
Your back arched slightly when you felt his hands slowly crawl up your body and under your shirt. 
Jervis slowly retracted his lips from yours. Only a small trail of saliva kept you two connected. 
He grabbed the hem of your shirt before looking up at you, silently asking if he could remove it. 
You nodded so quickly your head almost rolled off. 
The moment you were free from the flimsy cotton shirt, Jervis was quick to appreciate the exposure to your body as he began kneading the skin of your chest and abdomen. 
He tucked his head in between your neck and shoulder as he began leaving hot wet kisses along your jaw and neck.
“J-Jervis…” you sighed breathlessly. 
Jervis’ body tensed at your voice. He brought his head back up to face you. 
He gulped. “P-Please…do that again, just the same…want you to call out my name.” 
You nodded, your hand reaching up to cup the side of his face. “I will, just as long as you don’t stop.” 
To that Jervis grinned a grin that would put the Cheshire Cat to shame. He gave your forehead another peck. “My darling, March Hare, I wouldn’t dream of such a thing…I wouldn’t dare.” 
Jervis briefly sat up and rested on his haunches as he began shucking away his suit jacket.
Already missing his close proximity, you quickly sat up and wrapped your arms around his neck while he tried to unbutton his dress shirt, but quickly gave up in exchange for holding you.
He chuckled at your enthusiasm, still deliriously delighted to have someone love him like this. As you began returning the favor with your own kisses to his neck and chest, he continued to make quick work of his trousers. 
To have Jervis here with you almost as bare as you were, overwhelmed you in the best of ways. 
No longer did you have to ponder what he looked like under his clothes or how he would feel against you. 
He was there in reality. All there and all yours. 
Jervis’ cock was hard and occasionally hit his stomach. He breathed a sigh of relief once it was free from its confines. 
He gasped shortly when you lightly traced your fingers up his dick. You turned your head to look at him to make sure this was okay. 
Jervis nodded before leaning in to kiss you again. A kiss that said “I love you” and “I trust you.” 
You felt the sharp intake of air through Jervis’ nose as you slowly wrapped your hand around his cock and began slowly stroking it. His gloved hands dug into the folds of your body, as if trying to keep himself grounded. 
Soon you felt his hand travel further down your body. Not wanting to leave his precious March Hare out, he began trying to copy the same rhythm you were going at to your own sex. 
This caused you to pull back from his lips, as you began panting into the crook of his neck. 
Fantasizing be damned, this was so much better than anything you could imagine or what that toy could replicate.
Yet, you wanted–needed so much more. After years of pining for Jervis, to finally have him here with you in the most passionate way imaginable. How could you not want everything? Every little bit of him he has to offer?
“Jervis–mmh…Jervis..” You moaned. Trying to form a sentence but got caught off guard by his sped up pace. 
“N-Need you…please…now.” You managed to pant out. 
Jervis gulped, slowing down his movements which you did too. “Are you sure?”
“Yes!” You almost whined. “Please…Jervis..”
Another shudder overtook Jervis’ body. His heart beating relentlessly against his ribcage. Jervis knows madness, but has never known a madness as passionate and pleasurable as this. 
Jervis gently leaned his body against yours to slowly have you lay back down on your back with him hovering above you once again. 
He brought one of his hands to his mouth and bit down on the tip of the finger sleeve of the glove, before peeling it off his hand. 
As sad as you were to see the gloves go, seeing the way he bit down on the finger of the glove made you swoon. 
Once his hand was free from the glove, he reached down to your core and gathered what wetness was there before proceeding to slowly push his finger into your entrance. 
Despite the fun you had earlier, you were still fairly tight as you winced at his finger entering you fully. 
Jervis stared at you intently, looking for any signs of discomfort and hopefully he could see signs of pleasure. 
He slowly added another finger as he continued his steady pace inside you. 
You appreciated the effort he went to make sure you wouldn't be uncomfortable. However, you think you were about to scream if you didn't actually have him. 
You gently put your hand on his arm and squeezed. "I'm ready, Jervis…please…I need you." 
Jervis doesn't think he will ever get over hearing you say that and hearing you pleading for him. 
He slowly brought his fingers out and maneuvered himself to where he could line himself up to your hole. 
Jervis leaned over you again with hooded eyelids before kissing you. As he kissed you, he gently pushed himself inside of you. 
You both took a sharp breath between your lips at the intrusion. Jervis began peppering soft kisses all along your face, jaw, and neck. Anything to ease any sort of pain you were feeling. 
You softly muttered to him you were okay and that he could start moving. 
Jervis seemed unsure at the moment, but took it in stride as he slowly pulled himself out and equally as slowly pushed back in. Every time it got easier and more pleasing.
Your moans continued to egg him on, but not nearly as much as when you moaned his name. 
It made him thrust faster, kiss you harder, and squeeze your skin tighter. Soon you began crying out his name similarly to how you sounded earlier when he thought you were in danger. 
He hoped that this was far better than whatever fantasy you had playing in your mind. 
If he had asked you that, you would have reassured that he was far better than what you imagined. 
Your arms wrapped tightly around his neck to keep his lips near yours. Your hands either clung to his hair or the thin dress shirt he still wore. 
Your throat began to burn from your moans and hot pants but you didn't care. It was well worth the deep burning sensation in your gut that continued to get hotter and tighter. 
"Jervis…Jerv-mmm-I-I'm close.." You managed to announce in between your sounds of continuous pleasure. 
Jervis nodded, all words in the English language being lost on him at that moment. He was close too, his ball tightening every time you squeezed around him or cried out his name. 
His focus was solely on you though as he began thrusting faster than before, pulling out just enough to keep the head of his dick in before thrusting back in. 
It knocked the air out of you, but you didn't care. It made your legs tingle and had you see stars. 
Soon the tingles in your legs soon overtook your whole body as your nerves became ignited from the delicious release from the burning tension finally boiling over inside you.
You cried out his name when you arched your hips up from your shaking legs. Your entrance tightened that much more around Jervis' cock causing him to finally come unwound inside you with an audible groan. 
Jervis reluctantly pulled out of you before collapsing on top of your body. His head nestled in your chest as he tried to catch his breath. 
You tried to do the same, completely at a loss for words at the moment. You brought your hand up to comb through his unruly hair, finally living out another fantasy of yours.  
You lowered your head and kissed the top of his head before whispering. "That was amazing, better than any fantasy." 
Jervis chuckled, but deep down he was ecstatic, he just didn't have the energy to entirely act on it. 
It meant so much to know he could please you, because loving you pleased him. 
He lifted his head up briefly to look at you with pure adoration in his eyes. "It was my pleasure, darling." He scooted a little forward so his lips could reach yours.
When you two broke apart your heart swelled up at the soft look he gave you. It almost felt silly to say it, the way he looked at you made it clear he felt it too, but your heart was so full you swore you were about to combust. 
"I love you, Jervis." You said softly as if speaking it too loudly could break the tender moment. 
Jervis' smile widened as his bright eyes softly glazed over and his eyelids got more heavy. "And I love you, my dear Hare." 
You two slowly slipped into a tender slumber. Likely going to wake up sore from the nightly activities and sleeping on the couch, but it wouldn't matter. 
All that mattered now was that you two had each other in a way you both desired for a long time. 
All those wondrous daydreams, desires, and fantasies were finally part of your wonderful reality. 
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autism-corner · 9 months
The Seven and a Half Morningstars
AO3 || 2.1K words || you/yours pronouns || Masterlist
Levi and Lilith have something in common. Something none of their brothers have. They both are the reason that 'the morningstar/demon brothers' doesn't really apply anymore.
transfem sisters figuring themself out together. although, not at the same time or without severe loss (and gain). <3
ft. you loving levi (either romantically or platonically)
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Levi knew. She’d known for a long time, but she was content with the way things were. Until you came around. She could handle everyone seeing a gross guy otaku. She could not handle you, seeing her in a way that wasn’t her true self. It felt like lying to you, and that's the last thing she’s ever wanted. Part of her thought it was selfish, but she wanted you to love her. Not him.
It all began way back in the celestial realm. Back when they were known as the seven brothers. Ofcourse, everyone was siblings to each other in that place, but everybody could tell that these seven had something special between them. Lucifer, the morningstar, had basically adopted the younger boys, and it created a bond that few, if any, could break. While every one of them looked up to Lucifer, each angel was also steadily growing attached to the other 5. Mammon and Asmo were both extremely extroverted and found common ground there, and the twins were already close as could be. Lilith and Levi were both outsiders, and that’s where they connected.
Ofcourse, Lilith had the twins as well, but Lilith tended to wander around more, and he kept feeling like he didn’t really belong in heaven anyway. Ofcourse, Lilith loved his brothers, but sometimes he longed for a different life. A more free one. That’s why he drifted towards Levi. Leviathan always seemed to be in his own little world, and Lilith wanted to join him. So the two hung out a lot together, slowly creating a world away from everyone.
Lilith laid out on Levi’s bed. His arms reached out towards the roof, seemingly grasping the words to explain his thoughts. “You know,” He began. Levi sat in his chair in the corner of his room. Even though he seemed to be reading a book, Lilith knew Levi would listen to him. “I wish things were different. You understand, right?” A vague ‘hm’ came from the corner. Lilith sat up. He only ever did that when things got serious. “I don’t mean here.” A sigh. “I’m talking about like. Feelings and stuff.” This made Levi pause. Levi knew that he wasn’t the best with feelings or expressing things. But he also knew that Lilith understood that. He closed his book and waited. Clearly, Lilith had a lot to say about this, and the only thing Levi could do was wait and hear him out.
“I’m also not talking about struggling with feelings like you are. This is…” Hesitation. This was definitely a difficult subject for Lilith to talk about. He’d started biting his nails again. “More personal, in a way? I think.” He fell back down on the bed, still fidgeting. Levi slowly looked up.
This was so different from the usual Lilith. Lilith is often so full of energy that Levi could barely even keep up. This Lilith is trying to be calculated and calm, and it’s worrying Levi. “You should stop biting your nails.” A quiet response from Levi. A silent way that tells Lilith that he cares about him, and that he’s paying attention to him.
“Can you come here for a second? Just lay next to me. Please.” To many others this would’ve sounded like a simple request. But Levi picked up on the desperation that was hidden behind it. He slowly got up and walked up to Lilith, who was now curled up on his side. Levi joined him, laying, although stiffly, beside him. Levi wasn’t sure yet how to approach the situation, but he would stay and listen to anything Lilith had to say.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lilith's hand move. An invitation (request?) to hold his hand. He sat aside the discomfort he might feel with physical touch, and joined their fingers together. He’d do anything to comfort Lilith.
“I don’t want to say it this bluntly, but I can't figure out a better way.” Lilith had pulled up a pillow and was clutching it against his chest. “I don’t think I’m a guy.”
It wasn’t often that people would see Lilith cry. Lilith often had a way of life that would brighten up every room, conversation and face. The ways that Lilith broke that day, in front of Levi, showed the weight of this issue. Clearly this had been bothering Lilith for a long time now.
Lilith began explaining to Levi about all the things she’d wish to be different. And Levi listened. What else could he do? Lilith explained that she didn’t necessarily want her name to change. She’d grown up with this name and had so many memories with it, it was impossible to be complete without her name. But she did want people to refer to her differently. She wanted to be called pretty and cute and beautiful. She wanted to be a little sister.
Levi listened and understood. Levi helped her alter her clothes, helped her pick out new ones. Together with Levi, Lilith became who she wanted to be. And together with Levi, she explained it to everyone else. Thanks to Levi, she became her full self.
Things were glorious for a couple of centuries. Everyone lived and laughed, now being known as ‘The Seven Morningstars’, rather than 'The Seven Brothers'. Everything was perfect.
Until she fell.
Desperation broke out. How could Father do this? How could He break up their family, their comfort. How dare He take away their little sister. It was unfair.
They had to keep living.
Dark times turned darker upon their arrival in the Devildom, strangers in a new world. But with the darker times, aside from the anger still flaming within everyone, new forms of warmth began to rise as well.
Lilith’s replacement, set free by the anger she caused, came to them. Ofcourse, no one but himself saw Satan as Lilith’s counterpart, but that didn’t soothe his anger. He raged and rampaged wherever he could, but slowly gained comfort in the sister he never had. He finally settled with a piece of Lilith in his heart, allowing himself to release the anger she could never express.
Like before, they started being known as ‘The Seven Brothers’ again.
All the struggles they went through together made them that much closer, now only having each other to depend on. Bond’s grew again and strengthened, setting them up for their new life. A new life that is better than they could’ve ever imagined back in the Celestial Realm. A life with freedom. A life that Lilith gave hers for.
Levi had taken it hard. Her fall. Even though the relationships with his brothers improved, to levels never even achievable in the celestial realm, an important part of his life became irreplaceable. Someone to actually talk to, someone who got him, someone who was like him. He never got the guts to actually tell her. How he related to her. How he too, wished to change.
It caused a silent suffering.
Until you came. Even though things hadn’t been all that bad, he viewed you as his saviour. The one who brightened up his days again, gave him everything they could. But most importantly, someone who understood him. You made him better. Like his sister had before.
That’s when Levi started to question things again. You were able to give him his confidence back. When you were together, it felt like nothing could tear you apart. It was a mutual understanding between the both of you. It felt like Levi was back with Lilith again, but improved. Ofcourse, nothing could replace Lilith, not even you. But you gave him back his feelings, familiar yet somehow more intense. More worth the risk.
During the healing you were the cause of, Levi began to find their truth again. The truth that they had always already known, but often pushed back, was being indefinitely resurfaced by you. You reminded Levi of her. And now, finally comfortable, she could rise & remain.
Lilith was the one to tell Levi about this. Levi was never good with her own feelings, after all. If she hadn’t indirectly told Leviathan that being like this was okay, that things could change for the better, that life doesn’t have to be a struggle, Levi might’ve never even known. And now, it’s time for her to tell you.
She wasn’t as brave as her little sister. She couldn’t possibly tell you this straight to your face. Praise to the devildom and its better developed technology. A voice message it’ll be. A regular text message did feel a little too impersonal for something like this.
“Hey. uhm. Right.” A clear fumble with paper can be heard. The clearing of a throat. With a robotic voice, certainly reading a script that’s been spent hours on, Leviathan started. “I don’t know how to properly tell you this. It’s hard. But very. very. important. To me. I. I am not. who you think I am. But I want to be. And I know you want me to be myself as well. You have told me that plenty of times. And I am grateful for that. It is because of your continued persistence in being comfortable with myself that I bring you this. That I trust you with this. Because I don’t think I can continue being a guy.”
It was a sudden and unprompted message to you, with an even more abrupt ending. Upon finishing her script, Levi pressed the send button immediately and directly shut off her phone. She couldn’t bear the thoughts about your response, but knew she’d have to.
It hadn’t even been a minute when you knocked on her door. Within that time, you had listened to the message, sent her a streak of five different messages in response, and raced through the entire HOL to her room. It only took two unanswered knocks for you to barge into her space, where you hurried to her bed to find her already sobbing.
Her emotional state, and her body finally being engulfed in your arms, made her spill everything. About Lilith, and how she was the one that planted this idea in her head in the first place. How hard it had been without her. How regretful she is for never having been able to tell her little sister.
She told you about how much you mean to her, and how she kept thinking, no, knowing, you only loved the wrong version of her. You loved the version of her that kept wishing he was different, that forced himself to be someone he only partly was. You loved someone that was not her. And she told you about how hurt that made her feel.
But she also talked about how loved she felt by you. How despite the rude comments Levi made, both towards Levi’s self as to others, it never made you love Levi any less. She talked about how lovingly and calmly you always handled her meltdowns, how you asked permission for every touch, how you didn’t grow annoyed anytime her energy was too low. She talked about all the things she would miss if she lost you. Things only you could give her. Things that made her feel like she was worthy of love, things that made her believe being herself might be worth it. You make her believe suffering doesn’t have to be.
It was an emotional and extremely draining rant. Many tears were shed, from both sides. At the end, you had simply kissed her head. It was enough for Leviathan to feel at peace. The mentally taxing questions could come later. For now the two of you would cuddle and rewatch TSL. No need to talk. Now was the time to simply lay embraced and at rest, as the both of you slowly drifted off thanks to the comfortable atmosphere. It somehow felt an impossible amount more loving than usual.
It was amazing to see her flourish. Huge bits of her anxieties were visibly taken away as soon as she grew comfortable in her new out and proud identity. She smiled and laughed more, talked more enthusiastically in her higher trained voice, and was more excited for the mundane joys. Life was easier. Life was better. Alongside you, thanks to you, she grew into herself. Nothing else changed much. She kept being her otaku self, she kept sneering comments anytime her envy flared up, and she kept the same bond with each of her brothers like she always had. Loving in their own special way.
Although, admittedly, one sibling-relationship did change. Anytime she found joy in her womanhood, there was a little part in her that felt more love, more similarity for her sister. A connection that was evergrowing. Despite never being able to tell Lilith, Levi knew she had known. Lilith had always had her way with people like that. Levi knew that somewhere, Lilith was smiling down to her. The exact same way she had once she started living her full life as herself.
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lazyalani · 11 months
Hello, I hope you're well! I hope I'm not bothering you, but if I understood correctly then you currently have requests open for Black Butler?
If I'm wrong, please feel free to delete this ask. I appreciate you taking the time to read it regardless!
If I'm not, then may I please request for Black Butler? I have all kinds of ideas myself about a situation where Ciel brings in another member of staff to help Mey-Rin out with cleaning since she can be clumsy quite often. That being said, the person (Mc, reader, whoever you wish to refer to them as) isn't strong or spiritual or really that special of a person. Borderline Mary Sue with how normal their life seems, but maybe they could have something more to them than just being a normal human. How would some of the characters react to/interact with them? (Preferably romantic headcanons if that's okay, if not then feel free to change it however you wish!) My favorite characters at the manor are Snake and Sebastian, but if you want to add someone different feel free! If you only take one character per request, then can it please be Sebastian?
No pressure, no rush, you don't have to accept this. Thank you for reading my request anyway! I hope you have a lovely rest of your day, please take care of yourself and stay safe! 😊
| Black Butler [Phantomhive Estate]
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| When Ciel brings in an assassin as a servant
| i was a little bit confused to what you meant as 'more than a normal human' but i assumed they aren't supernatural but not a normal civilian either, i hope this is okay, gosh im so nervous about this, but i love this request, i got this when i was in rites rehearsal in school lol, only a few dialogues, oc is gender neutral, i wasnt sure if i should put reader or oc but ig oc would fit more i hope its okay, this could also be read as reader cuz its gn anyway, i wanted to write this is fic form but i figured it would be too long, im sorry i couldn't do snake because im not really that familiar with him, this is my frist time taking up this kind of request, mixing up an assassin and romance is a bit confusing so sorry if i dont live up to your expectations, mc is referred to as 'they/them'
Ft. Ciel, Sebastian, Mey-Rin
| Kuroshitsuji Masterlist
| Main Masterlist
Extra Note: I was a lot more motivated to write this cuz you're so sweet :') lots of thanks and hugs for you
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CIEL [Platonic]
Ciel encountered them during a mission as the guard dog. An assassin sent to kill him, who ofcourse, failed due to his demonic butler. After suffering an utter defeat on Sebastian's hands, Ciel had a risky idea of bringing them back with him to add to his army servants. He has seen great potential. Although Sebastian had not been fully pleased as it was risky because they were literally sent to kill them, he had respected his master's wishes but kept an eye on them. Waking up to an unknown bedroom and then suddenly being offered a chance to work for someone you were assigned to kill before was definitely surprising for them, but after observing how the 'job' works, they reluctantly accepted.
They weren't good at doing the housework, but they weren't bad either for someone who had just started to work. Still confused, they kept observing Ciel, wondering why they were even offered the job despite almost assassinating him.
"Young Master, may I ask a question?" They asked during dinner time, dusting shelves near the dining table.
"Because you're useful."
"Pardon me?"
"The answer to your question. You were going to ask why I had offered this to you, were you not?" He calmly sipped his tea, then lowering the cup to let Sebastian fill it. "Failed, but not helpless. Surely you understand why I have 'servants' like you, don't you? You'd prove to be a good ally against those pests."
".... Thank you, young master."
"You have yet to prove your full loyalty, show me your devotion, servant."
"Gladly, Earl Phantomhive."
And so they brought back the heads of their former client and their agency employer. With a few days of Sebastian still keeping an eye on them, they had slowly but surely earned the whole manor's trust.
They had soon gotten used to how their job works. Although still a bit clumsy, they had done their best to serve the Earl, gaining fondness for the child. Despite what others think, it was quite easy to have affections for the young master, whether it's out of sympathy or slowly just getting to know him. They understand what draws the other servants to their master. The Earl was cunning and ruthless, but he was still infact a child and in need of support. So they had grown to get used to taking care of him by doing simple actions and words, serving him with gentleness and fondness.
"Young Master, is the blood yours?"
"Young Master, please let me tend to your bruises."
"Young Master, it is time to eat."
"Young Master, what should I tell Sebastian to prepare?"
"Young Master, Bard has made something explode again, please civer your nose from the smoke."
"Young Master, I heard this tea is good for soothing headaches."
"Young Master, I believe it is time to rest."
As an assassin, they understand what it's like to kill. To have a shitty and frustrating background. To have to kill to survive and get what you want. To have to be cautious everytime. To not affording to let your guard down knowing the dangers of your world.
And so they are cautious and wary of anyone getting close to him. A visitor or anyone that's not originally a part of his life before. They always keep them, hence why they requested to have a slight change on their uniform to hide it.
They had heard his story from the other servants and came to an understanding of what Ciel really wants to do, to achieve. Revenge, and if it means protecting the boy and letting him live as much as he can, they will help him towards that goal.
It's only when they are in a mission and they are involved that Ciel is reminded that they are a professional assassin still.
It does make him more confident that while Sebastian is out fighting the main enemy or hunting someone, they can protect him, not letting any other enemy near him and killing them all before they can even take a step forward. It gives him chills, the same ones he feels when Sebastian shows his true abilities. It terrifies him that a human could kill so easily like a demon, and relieves him that he took them in.
Eventually, Ciel has gotten used to their subtle (not really) smothering and protectiveness. He was bothered at first, but he just let it be until he does get used to it, it's a great balance to Sebastian's sarcastic and teasing nature at times. And althought he would never admit it, he does look forward to getting pampered after a long day or mission and not get teased for it (Sebby srlsy).
SEBASTIAN [Romantic]
When he doesn't trust them yet, he sees them as a potential formidable enemy. They may not have defeated him, but they still put up quite the fight for a few minutes. Although defeated, not completely. They might not be a danger for him but they are great danger to his master, being inside the estate and meddling with other servants. He does find them a bit interesting. Normal people may not see it, the assassin's face is neutral, but their eyes are readable, atleast to him. It interests him how their eyes keep on changing emotions, curiosity, observant, interested, empathetic, understanding, sympathetic, pleased, distressed, frustrated, disagreeing, surprised. It interests him how much a human could keep on changing through so many emotions in a short time, and manage to keep it hidden under a neutral mask. And it interests him how they could keep such a calm manner while suspecting something about him.
Sebastian could see it in their eyes whenever they see or interact with him. Cautious, observing, curious. He knows they suspect he isn't human. Ofcourse, what human could do those things he did during their fight. But still, they had kept quiet about it and never asked questions, atleast not verbally. Sebastian could see so many questions hidden in their eyes, and it amuses him to see how they try to keep those questions in. It amuses him how they could really reign their own thoughts and questions despite seeing and interacting with him everyday.
When they had gained his trust, he lets his guard down just a little bit more. He admits, he finds it comforting to finally have someone competent enough in the household to help him. It's not that he really needs help, it's just that he finds it quite a bother and annoying to do every chore while doing his tasks as the Guard Dog's 'assistant' or something.
It's not really a secret that Sebastian finds it easier to be around them than the others. The way his stiffness is nowhere to be found around them, and his voice seems to be less strict. He knows and he doesn't really care when even the Earl points it out. He claims it should serve as a motivation for the others to start working harder if they don't want him to always nag them. Ofcourse he and Ciel knows there's more to it but they don't care (though Ciel definitely would save his thoughts about it for future purposes).
After a while, their curiousty does fade into just being neutral and not giving a shit about who he is or what he is. Despite having suspicions, they let it be because knowing he keeps their master safe is enough. Although they are a bit wary to how he is connected to the young master, they decide to push it down.
Sebastian and them act like normal co-workers as time passes.
"Goodmorning, Sebastian."
"Goodmorning. Has the utensil shelf been polished upstairs?"
"I did that yesterday, shall I do it again?"
"No need. Have the pests been taken care of? There were quite a few crawling around yesterday night."
"They have, I laid them in the 'garden' and let the others clean up. I will check on it again later to make sure the job is done perfectly."
"Good job. Make sure everything is fine while the young master and I take care if everything outside for later."
"Yes. Is the young master still asleep? He didn't overwork himself again, didn't he?"
"It seems that he quite did, seeing as he is still asleep right now and not calling for me. I shall get him ready for the day, I'll leave you to do the rest."
Sebastian does prefer interacting with them than anybody else. Okay, maybe not normal co-workers, but the most normal talk murderers pretending to be servants could do. He prefers talking to them more than any servant because they understand how he talks about the things that aren't meant to be said around anyone else. They have the intelligence Sebastian wants a subordinate to have and he's quite greatful for it. It pleases him that he can now take a little bit more time outside the manor without worrying about it burning down or the young master's safety.
Afterall, their new servant is very skilled in doing their job.
But the main reason it that because he could show sides of himself that aren't meant to be seen even by the other servants. While he may not show his true nature, he does show a little bit of non-human capabilities. Not needing to worry about it makes things easier for him, also because they can cover for him at tines. Their neutral and usual they don't care nature puts him at ease. And them being an assassin definitely adds more ease. Knowing how to kill, and anything that involves it makes it easier for him to slip out and ask a bit help.
It reaches to the point where interacting with them puts him at ease after a long day or after an annoying event. Sebastian is definitely more comfortable around them than anyone else.
He does know what it means. He knows what the little tingle feeling he feels when he hears their voice. He knows what the ease on his back means when he sees them. And he doesn't mind at all. It feels good so why would he deny it? Although it could propose a few problems in the future, but he'll worry about it when it gets there.
When he realizes it, he gets a little more softer on them.
"Job well done as usual."
"After dusting that, you may take a rest."
"Have you eaten? The food I made a while ago is still fresh."
"Ah, do be careful dealing with those pests, they might be quite a handful."
"I imagine you might be tired from dealing with those cockroaches, the tea is still hot, it is good for body pains."
And yes, other people do notice. And yes, Ciel does know, and he doesn't give a shit as long as it doesn't interfere with their missions and tasks. Plus, it gives him opportunities to tease his butler back.
It also adds that whatever is going on will not have to interfere with his tasks to his master because he knows full well that they can protect theirself, the household, and the young master. They are a professional assassin and does not need protection and direct orders and intructions to kill and hunt.
In any case, Sebastian and them would deal with their growing affections slowly and quietly, letting it grow further while letting the each other savor it.
As times passes by, Sebastian does get a little bit more bold with his words and actions. He grows quite more confident when they reciprocate his advances.
All in all, Sebastian was drawn to them because he can show a little more if his true self around them. Because despite disgusing as a servant, they don't exactly differ from when they act as an assassin or a servant. They don't lose their personality and turn into a normal person when changing roles. They are competent in any role they take and know what needs to be done, how to talk about house chores and how to talk about other things, when to meddle, what to do, what needs to be left unasked, how to deal with their emotions efficiently, and does not get distracted by the slights of things.
MEY-RIN [Platonic]
Mey-rin sees them as an older sibling.
Sure they might be monotone and apathetic at most times, but their caring nature makes her think otherwise.
"Mey-rin, be careful, you might fall down."
"Please don't move too much, you might get injured."
"Ah, use this instead of that, this is more effective."
"Oh, don't do that, it will make blood flow out more."
They definitely scare her when they are at the battlefield. Those emotionless eyes and monotone voice are more terryfing than everything when they hold their katana and slash through the enemies. The thought of them being their ally when they keep enemies from coming at her makes her calm.
Merciless, definitely. But she sees them a bit different inside the manor. Those scary eyes are replaced by a neutral face. They rarely smile but she can see their caring actions towards everyone, especially towards their young master.
She was definitely more than happy to know that they can live up to Sebastian's standards in doing house chores because they definitely need help. Although she is ashamed and embarassed to be outdone and to ask for help from a new servant, she can't help but do it and admire them. She can't help but ask them to teach her, and she was happy to know that they agreed.
"I see, instead of doing that, I think you should do it sideways so the duster can cover everything."
"Try cleaning in a more staright posture so you don't fall down."
"How about starting at the top so you don't fall down bending when you start at the bottom of the stairs?"
"I am glad to be of help."
She does look up to them so much. She is very glad that they are as competent in the house chores as they are in the battlefield.
When she observes then, she can quite see the similarities of when they are outside. They still have that stealth when they are walking, that swiftness and speed when doing chores, the effiency when doing tasks, and the quality when doing everything.
It honestly terrifies her how they can just kill so easily without any trace of emotion and pretend to be a normal servant as though nothing happens at night.
Despite obviously having a crush on their resident visual butler, he also does intimidate her in a way the new servant does.
The new servant does make her a little bit more scared, but it brushes of everytime she sees and hears them taking care of everyone. It makes her happy that under that apathetic face they wear, they truly care for all of them. And it makes her relieved that they aren't an enemy.
Ofcourse, she was wary of her before, all of them were. But they did see their improvement. From doing chores improvement to socializing improvement.
When they kind of 'nag' her to be careful on standing in chairs to dust the shelves and clean the stairs, she feels warm. It feels like having an older sibling nag at you to take care of yourself.
They also have the room next to Mey-rin, and when she has her nightmares about her past, they come comforting her. Despite the usual monotone of their voice, she can feel their concern. They may not be much of a talker, their comfort is quiet, but it's enough for her that they listen to her thoughts and worries and understand her.
They also remind her to change her glasses when it's near breaking. Or when she falls and breaks her glasses, they always offer to buy a new one and let her rest and tend to her small bruises.
All in all, she's glad to have someone who can be there for when she's sniper Mey-rin, maid Mey-rin, and sad Mey-rin.
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call-me-copycat · 1 year
Welcome! こんにちは! ⛩️
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Fic Masterlist
Art Masterlist
Before You Read Anything of Mine! (Info)
Drawing Game + Art Requests
Here's a bunch of kaomojis for you to use!
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About Me!
Hello! My name is Michiko, but please call me Michi or by my username, CopyCat! I'm fine with some nicknames as well! *ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚
I write and draw art for My Hero Academia (just MHA right now)
I'm accepting writing requests! Requests will always be open, so please feel free to stop by! You can ask on anon, and it's completely free! I'm fine with multiple requests and super long and complex requests too!
It just might take me some time to complete them right now, but I always strive for quality! I normally try to keep my fics around 5k+ words. Bonus since sometimes I have to do lots of research on things I'm not familiar with to avoid a poorly written request
Other than writing and drawing I love Japan and Japanese culture! I also love lots of cute things as well (especially cats) ( ⑉¯ ꇴ ¯⑉ )
I also like biology and biotech! I'll admit I'm a bit of a STEM nerd (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)
I'm open to anyone who wants to just chat! I like getting tagged in tag games and hearing about someone's day! It's a bit of a struggle for me to talk to people, but I always try to put in the effort!
It's a pleasure meeting you! ໒꒰ྀི∩˃ ᵕ ˂∩꒱ྀི১
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Writing Requests
Characters I'm better at writing:
Platonic/Romantic/Yandere ➜ Any request is fine
Platonic/Romantic/Yandere ➜ Anything really
Present Mic
Platonic/Romantic/Yandere ➜ Any request is fine
Platonic Only ➜ Mentor/Aunt/Caregiver, etc
All Might
Platonic Only ➜ Mentor/Uncle/Father Figure/Caregiver, etc
Platonic/Romantic/Yandere ➜ Any request is fine
Platonic/Romantic/Yandere ➜ Any request is fine
Platonic Only ➜ Friends/Best Friends
Platonic/Romantic ➜ Any Request is fine
Detective Tsukauchi
Platonic Only
Platonic Only
Recovery Girl
Platonic Only
Platonic/Romantic/Yandere ➜ Any request is fine
Other Characters:
I'm fine with writing pretty much any MHA character, although there are some that I'm better with. Just ask and I'll tell you if I can write them or not!
I do mainly write for Shinso and Aizawa, so if you can then I'd suggest asking for them (๑´ㅂ`๑)ŧ‹"ŧ‹"
Will Write:
I'll write for a wide range of things!
Horror (good with this)
Complex/long requests
Mind Control/Brainwashing
Mental illnesses/health (most likely for hurt/comfort)
Slow Burn
Amnesia Fic
Body Swap
Childhood friends/friends/enemies to lovers
Strictly platonic fics
Arranged marriage/regular marriage
Slice of life
Darker content such as Death, torture, interesting ways of thinking, etc. (As long as it has a resolution)
If you have any questions as to what you want to request, please ask! If I can't write for something all the way then I'll be sure to try to find a night ground! ୧(`꒳´* )ว𓈒𓏸
Won't Write:
Political or overly religious prompts (with exceptions, such as it helps drive the plot forward)
Anything that has to do with real people
I don't do character x character (sorry, nothing against it!)
Male reader ( I have nothing against male readers, but since I'm female I find it rather difficult writing from a different perspective). I will write from a gender neutral point of view though :⁠-⁠)
Any hate in general towards an undeserving person/group
Anything other than MHA, although I do like to write short stories and poems from time to time
Overall for Requests:
If you have a request, please send it in! I love getting them, and I always try to write something that won't disappoint. Anons are on, and if you wish to stay anonymous but want to be remembered, then you can sign off with an emoji, symbol, or nickname.
So far my anons are:
Extra Disclaimer (s):
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My Tags!
These are just some ways I've recently been trying to implement to make it easier to navigate my blog. I've only recently created this system for myself, so I'm sorry if it's a bit jumbled!
💬 - Just chatting with someone or random personal posts where I'm just talking
📌 - A post I loved and want to visit again / think is important
🎋 - General messages/asks from others (like from ask games or just sweet messages I receive)
💌 - Can also be used for sweet messages/Notes I really enjoyed
🍱 - Foods/Recipes I want to come back to
🧧 - Educational Japanese/Korean/Chinese content
🎏 - Events/Holidays/Birthdays
🎐 - Cute things!
🩹 - Vent Posts / Asking for personal help or opinions
🧬 - Interesting science or biotech things
📝 - Writing Prompts / Writing Info
🏮 - Aesthetic Japanese Posts
🔖 - General info I've found helpful
🍥 - Anime/Manga things
🔔 - Polls
🍰 - Cute reactions I plan on using
📎 - Posts I liked (like a lesser form of the pin)
🍬 - Sweet Posts (like inspiration and things)
🪻 - Art I like
🍄 - My friends' posts
🍵 - Anything that I relate to / goals of mine
🗨️ - A post with just text (normally short) that isn't mine
📢 - Something important I need to get across
My Hero Academia - General MHA stuff
➜ Along with that I tag the characters
CopyCat Writes - Fics I've made
CopyCat Draws - My Art
My friends ♡ - Anything that has to do with my friends (messages/posts)
Favorite art style - Art styles I really like
Pretty Art - Art I thought was pretty
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Thank you all for your time! If you ever want to talk or be friends or anything, then I'll be here! I'm a bit awkward when it comes to talking, but I enjoy getting to meet new people!
I hope you all have a lovely day! Wishing you the best! (៸៸᳐>𖥦<៸៸᳐ )੭゙
Link to the old "Welcome" post
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chiffaust · 2 years
Can I request a Valkyrie x reader(not separate) who is a sensitive person and cries a lot. Thank you!!
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— SYPNOSIS you just wanted to help Shu, but you accidentally made a mistake.
CONTENT fluff, comfort, sensitive reader, GN!reader, can be read romantically or platonically (i hope).
( n ) — note this was disastrous to make since i dont really read that much valkyrie stories so sorry if thegre too ooc!! IM ALSO SORRY ANONNIE THIS IS PROBABLY NOT WHAT YOU WANTED😭
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"Dear me, you sure are easy to fluster..." Shu would say, sighing at the sight of you crying at the mere accident. It was an avoidable accident, yet he wasn't shocked that it happened.
You who were so eager on wanting to help him create an outfit. You who didn't listen to his instructions at all and snipped right through it and messed it up altogether.
"S-Shu I did it again..." Your voice was nothing but a husk of whisper as you rest your head on the table dreadfully.
"Hmph, I told you to listen to me, now look where your stubbornness has gotten you. Luckily, it was already a mess to begin with, and—hey, are you seriously crying...?!" He cut himself off to ask you one simple question.
He shouldn't be surprised at this point with how many times you'd cry whenever you make the slightest mistake in your work. He does know how it feels like to not achieve the perfection you want, but your reaction is... Kind of extreme, he supposes?
And you'd also cry over the simplest things too; small, unfortunate events. Like this time you sulked over Shu forgetting to buy you a small keychain souvenir you wanted. He in fact has bought you lots of things from France far more valuable than a simple keychain.
And to think that he's treating you as nice as he could too. He wishes Kagehira was here right now, he's better at comforting others than he is. Speaking of Kagehira, where exactly is he?
Now he has to stress over two people at once...
He hesitated slightly to comfort you, he didn't know what to say or what to do in order to comfort those who are distressed such as yourself. He truly does wishes that Kagehira is here at the moment...
At that very moment, he heard the doorknob being twisted, and soon chimed in a familiar voice—Kagehira!
"Oshi-san~ 'm back! 'N' you won't believe what happened—nngah, why's producer cryin'?!" His cheery tune soon turned into a concerned one once he saw you there, crying with fabrics and sewing tools everywhere on the table.
"Nngah, oshi-san, don't tell me ya bullied them t' the point where they started cryin'!" Mika burst out, suddenly assumed for the worst.
Considering that he's Shu Itsuki and you're crying while being in a room with him in a setting like this all alone, it's only an understatement to assume that.
"Non! Don't be stupid, Kagehira! I didn't say anything nor have I done anything wrong! In fact, it was their fault that my costume's state was worsened." Those words rolled down his tongue before he could realize what he'd just said.
"I know that I'm stupid and worthless and I can't do anything right, but you could've at least sugarcoated it a little..." You muttered all under one breath, a melancholic aura surrounding you as your tears rolls down your face once again.
"No, I—"
"Oshi-san, I'll take care of 'em from 'ere." Mika said, patting Shu's shoulder with a smile on his face. Mika sat down next to you and pats your head.
"There, there. It'll be alright. Just 'cuz ya made one mistake, that doesn't mean we'll leave and abandon ya fer it."
"I know, but I just feel terrible for messing it up... Although Shu said it was a mess to begin with, I thought it was beautiful. I just wanted to help him and I messed it up..."
"I mess up a lot of times too, 'n' Oshi-san still hasn't left me!" Mika said happily. "Yer our producer, y'know? We only had gotten this far all thanks fer yer help! Ya made mistakes along the way—no, we made mistakes along the way, but we're still okay together, aren't we?"
You sniffled, looking up at him with glistering eyes that had stopped crying. Your gaze soon falls over to Shu who did nothing. He was merely there, watching from afar with a monotone expression.
You swear he was smiling slightly, but it was probably just your mind playing tricks with you or something...
You look back to Mika who was smiling gently at you.
"I... Suppose you're right." You muttered.
"Right? 'N' remember that we love ya, producer♪ take it easy on yerself too." He said, soon hugging you.
"Oshi-san, c'mon! Join into the hug too!"
"H-huh?! Non, no way! Why on earth would I hug you two and—"
Before he could continue with his protest, you tugged the hem of his sleeve before pulling him into the group hug.
"You can't run." You said, wrapping your arms around his waist and pulling yourself closer to him, purring like a cat as you lean onto him.
Mika soon joins in, laughing happily.
Shu wasn't enjoying it in the slightest, but he soon went quiet for a short pause of a period before a smile formed over his frown and joined in the laughter too. Although it's more of a giggle than anything, it's still cute. 
You smiled, looking at these guys with adoration in your eyes.
Oh, how you wish this moment wouldn't end.
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