#ama writes
amaranthinius · 13 days
a short drabble-ish
As the groom, Madara wears a black yukata. It hides nothing— the large gap at the front stops near his stomach, revealing the valley between his pecs and the shadows of his abdominals, tinted by the beginnings of a dark trail of hair.  It wraps tightly around his arms, showing off even the tiniest shifts of his muscles.
His hair is in a high ponytail, flowing like a dark river onto his right shoulder. His black eyes twinge with an eerie red. It's the tiniest hint of Sharingan laying dormant behind them.
Tobirama's yukata is white. It's large on him, protecting Tobirama's modesty from everyone's eyes, including Madara's. And, unlike Madara, Tobirama is adorned with trinkles that reek of Senju alphas and omegas. Even now, as Hashirama prepares to announce the hunt, another omega comes forward to tie a band of cloth on Tobirama's wrist.
“You’re lucky,” an Elder muses, “to receive such a blessed omega.”
“I don't follow,” Madara grunts, turning around to salute the Senju Elder. It's another protocol that Madara has to follow. 
“It's an old tradition,” The Elders explains, “We used to offer trinkets to the omegas who were challenged in marriage hunts. Another way of begging the Gods to let them return into the clan. As Lord Uchiha sees, Tobirama is a beloved member of the clan.”
Flowers have been waived into his hair, which is now arranged into a braid. His wrists and ankles carry bracelets and anklets made from cloth, beads, and metal. 
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I’m crying, a few months ago I was about to quit writing for good and in a last ditch effort I wanted to write a short genshin fic, maybe 2-3 chapters.
That genshin fic has now 19 chapters and is still ongoing and it hit 10k views yesterday, checking back after updating yesterday it’s 15 new comments and over 400 new views over night. 
I haven’t written this much in over ten years. I always loved writing but I didn’t think i was any good. All those sweet, sweet people, you changed my life. You gave me back my spark, my love for writing, my confidence in my writing. 
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feral-ballad · 2 months
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Ama Codjoe, from Bluest Nude: Poems; “Bluest Nude”
[Text ID: “I crave. I want to be seen clearly or not at all.”]
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jayrockin · 1 year
Anonymous asked: Who is the best artist?
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I don't think any of the characters would self-identify as "artists" but Gillie is by far the most prolific doodler. (Gillie artwork drawn by the superbly talented @dimetrodone​.)
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genericpuff · 2 months
STAY OFF MY TERRITORY - Time Travel in Lore Olympus (feat. Springlock, our resident time traveller)
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Let's establish the "time travel" in LO first of all - it's briefly introduced by Hecate, who says that Hades isn't in a 'where' but a 'when' , hahahaha i so love time travel jokes /s THIS ISN'T A LAUGHING MATTER-
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We had already covered this in the criticisms that Kronos' 'dream comas' would have been better allocated to his time travel abilities, and it seems now Rachel is trying to make that a reality at the last possible minute. I'm going to completely tear apart that reality to present to you why it doesn't work in LO.
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Aw, Kronos' time abilities are finite? Get on my level, sir.
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The caveat is the existential toll that time travel takes on the jumper, and the fact that in most cases, it's impossible to perform due to paradoxes. And Lore Olympus' time travel presents a lot of paradoxes. No wonder Kronos went crazy, I'm going crazy just thinking about everything that's wrong with this.
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So Hades is trapped 'somewhere' in time. This isn't something I haven't seen before, but the issue it presents is getting someone back to their present time, as it presents the first paradox -
PARADOX #1 - There are no accidents. If someone is to jump into a timeline outside of their own, even if by 'accident', that would still have to be predestined by the timeline itself. This is in line with the grandfather paradox, which I will let the almighty Google define for us all to keep things brief:
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You cannot travel back in time 'by accident'. If you were to travel back in time, it would have been written into the script of reality already, so any effects caused by your jumping would be purposeful, even if they seem like 'accidents' to you - such as becoming your own grandfather, Philip J Fry.
Moving on, in the most recent FastPass episode, Melinoe reveals that she was taken from her timeline by Kronos.
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PARADOX #2 - Which version of Kronos took her? Was it the present version travelling into the future to take her from her timeline into his present? Or was it some future version of Kronos who has escaped yet again at some point in the future and then travelled back into the past to interfere with the events of the current present, possibly in an attempt to rewrite the script? If it's the latter, this means that Hera and Persephone can't feasibly stop Kronos indefinitely, as to stop Kronos would mean that he wouldn't exist in the future to take Melinoe from her future timeline and thus this present timeline of events would cease to exist. If we want to get even more granular with it, 'present' Kronos is still 'past' Kronos as it's the Kronos from ten years ago who got his hands on a deity to help him mess with people's dreams, and that deity has been revealed to be Melinoe, who would have had to be ripped from some point in their future timeline. This falls in line with a temporal paradox, or as most people know it, the 'kill baby Hitler' paradox, which designates that one cannot go back in time to kill baby Hitler, as killing baby Hitler would remove all the subsequent events that would lead up to you deciding to build a time machine and go back in time to kill baby Hitler.
Melinoe claims she's only been here a few days. That would be all well and good, as time is funny like that - I've done my fair share of jumps into the distant past only to return a few minutes later - but what doesn't line up is the present timeline of events that would only work unless she's actually been trapped for longer than a few days.
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PARADOX #3 - So it's only been a few days, but Hades and Persephone have known about this child trapped in Tartarus for weeks, and we know Kronos has had her since the dream diving arc back near the end of S2. So unless Kronos is simply jumping to different points in time to cause shenanigans - which leads to even MORE paradoxes as you feasibly cannot travel to your own past to change it due to it creating a different future - then it can't have only been a 'few days' for Melinoe, it would have been at least a few weeks, giving some wiggle room to the past events of her appearing before Hades in his dreams due to her being the goddess of nightmares. Kronos escaping Tartarus after using Melinoe to put people to sleep and possess them was not something that happened in a pocket dimension, it was very real and very present.
Hades commits an even bigger sin, however, and the biggest issue with this 'time travel' plotline:
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PARADOX #4 - I truly hope 'home' means 'home point in her timeline' and not their literal home. Hades and Persephone cannot take Melinoe, for two reasons: they haven't had their daughter yet, and the future timeline versions of Hades and Persephone need their daughter back. If Hades and Persephone were to adopt this version of Melinoe in their present timeline, it would create a clone paradox, as they would have a duplicate Melinoe from the future, OR it would create the grandfather paradox if they opted not to try for a child knowing they already have Melinoe which would erase the whole sequence of events that led to future Melinoe's birth in the first place.
Ultimately Lore Olympus' time travel suffers from the same issue many time travel stories suffer from - not having consistent rules. It is choosing now , near the finale of the series, to introduce time travel, rather than establishing it back in Season 1 when Kronos was first hinted at. It's also still not clear in what Hades' role is in this, as him being taken to a 'when' could still be read as a dream sequence rather than actual time travel. After all, Kronos supposedly "exhausted" his time travelling powers centuries ago - surely as a way for Rachel to have her cake and cover for the fact that she's had Kronos in the series since S1 and never actually had him do what he's known for - but now she's trying to eat it too by just giving him his time travel powers again for no reason besides rewriting the dream diving finale from S2 but with ambiguous time travel instead.
It's all a huge mess and the best thing I can do for myself is simply not let it keep me up at night. I have enough time travelling problems to worry about as it is. I will be sticking to the Austin Powers method -
(I am not enjoying myself.)
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essektheylyss · 3 months
Open, non-exhaustive list of content I would read/watch in a heartbeat about the political situation in Rexxentrum post-Solstice:
One-shot or mini-arc of the Nein going full National Treasure level heist on the Cerberus Assembly records management department before a Ludinus simulacrum can reach the burn boxes
Faux Trump aide exposé-style novel of Athesias Uludan compiling and publishing The Dirt in the aftermath as part of his apology/comeback tour
Colville-run Dirty Dozen one-shot or EXU of Oliver Schreiber dragging some particularly unruly ex-Scourgers out of semi-retirement (read: house arrest) to take Ludinus out once and for all in exchange for full indemnity
Found documents a la Midst appendices of the Cobalt Soul documentation and evidence compiled about the incident
The Archmage: An Autobiography by Martinet Ludinus Da'leth (discovered and published posthumously) [1500 pages and riddled with exaggeration and inaccuracies, the last 20% has clearly been written by AI a simulacrum]
Lorekeeper rundown Youtube video from Dani Carr
Yet another novel: Wildemount's most (in)famous and (un)reliable documentarian smelled a story (Taryon's version)
Literally just a main campaign episode of the Nein infodumping to Allura at a war council meeting with the Hells present. I need this information so badly. I am fucking begging.
This sounds like it runs the gamut in level in terms of seriousness but I would like it stated for the record that I would unhinge my jaw to consume any item on this list.
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cookie-crumblr · 7 months
Can I ask for a succubus darling AU?
OFC!!!!! omg yus! i’m assuming for Jasper, if not anny send me another!
CW: NSFW, SUCCUBUS G/N READER (HE STILL CALLS US PRETTY, but in a GN WAY, he thinks you’re beautiful no matter what gender and equipment, so take it 😤✨🥰 /lovingly 😘)
“shiiiiit, Y/N” Jasper groans, one hand tightly gripping one of the beautiful horns that crown you.
Your cheeks are hollow as you bob your head up and down, lips wrapped around his deliciously veiny member.
You moan out around his length, eliciting a sigh from him that sounds like music to your ears.
His other hand fingers your lower half, he loves your mouth, but he really wants to feed you properly.
“Y-Y/N, lemme take care of you, pretty,”
You almost cant stop, mana starved and feral. Usually he keeps you perfectly well fed, but he had just returned from a long trip with Dev, and Issac to “take care” of your previous master.
You need his cum, no matter where. Your body feels like a drug addict’s when they are going through withdrawls.
Violent shaking, with cold sweats, fatigue and dizziness plague you.
Your body is telling you to suck harder. You NEED to suck harder.
*pop* “haaa haaa” you gasp, your face covered in a glistening sheen of sweat and drool, “P-please Jasperr, hu-hurry, I need you s’bad!”
You grab the arm of the sofa and present yourself like a bitch in heat. Your spade tipped tail wraps around his arm and pulls weakly in attempt to bring him closer.
Your little wings flap in solid frustration. You’re so close, but it feels so far.
He doesn’t make you wait.
Pushing himself into your sopping hole, you wail out in ecstasy.
He’s holding your ass up by your tail, and keeps your head down by pushing on your horn.
Your nails rip the fabric under you as squelching slaps bounce off the walls and fill the room.
“F-Fuck Ja-s-perrr hah!”
“You take me s’well, pretty,” His voice is so filled with love and adoration even while he’s using his full strength to ruthlessly fuck you.
You squeeze his dick with everything you’ve got as he pumps in and out of you.
With a few twitches he dumps his thick load into you, and your body practically glows.
Your strength returns in an instant and you slip his grasp, and flip you both over.
You’re on top now, and you feel yourself up while continuing to bounce on his dick and milk him.
He’s always a little sleepy after you sap some of his energy for the first time in a while.
His smile is dreamy and practically fucked out, but his cock remains hard.
“Please! More! Jasper, moreee!!” You whine and twirl your hips while grinding down into his lap.
“Of course, pretty~ take as much as you need fro’me~”
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amarcia · 6 months
a jedi 'romance' story i want
starts with a young man, lets call him Y, and young jedi knight lady, lets call her K, that fall in love secretly during one of the missions and spiral out into relationship and, you know, stuff happens, the force is immune to birth control pills
and the jedi order does NOT kick out K from the order for getting pregnant but they do make her choose between staying in the order or starting a family and then K realizes that actually her jedi calling is more important to her and she cant give it up, so there is now this single father with a kid somewhere in the galaxy who is kinda sad the love of his life left him so easily but he is now holding the manifestation of the love for his woman in the form of this child and he will raise the child himself ok
and this kid grows up and while they hear some of this great stuff about what their supposed mum is supposed to be (a jedi knight), they just hate not knowing her like at all, living apart and just feeling abandoned and ignored by her, so one day the kid just up and leaves to Coruscant to see K for himself, and of course they get turned the other way by the security of the temple but then, idk, they find a way to crawl into K's life out of spite, end up flying off-world on errands with her, or something, and its very emotional because they figure out their actual mother is teaching some other stupid guy called Padawan (stupid ass name by the way) and they're so annoyed by it the force turns sour but idk they spend time together on this mission and they become bigger family by acceptance of their circumstance by the end of it - or something, i have not thought that far about it, but listen-
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writingwithfolklore · 3 months
Taking Notes from Editors
I did a post on giving and receiving feedback, but now that I’ve been an editor for a little longer, I’d like to do a follow up on taking feedback specifically from professional editors.
                While ultimately writers are the rulers of their work and can make the final decisions on it, there's a lot of growth in your manuscript to be found by trusting your editor and taking their notes. As an editor, it’s my job to make your work as good as it can possibly be. It’s also my job to maintain your style and voice and make sure everything you do best shines the brightest.
                We’ve studied and practiced this goal. So the biggest thing I want to impart on you is:
1. Trust your editor
Go into the process with the mindset that you'll accept at least 85% of the edits your editor suggests. When another editor works on my writing, I accept about 95% of it, sometimes %100 (for shorter pieces).
Writers sometimes get hung up on the smallest changes an editor tries to make. Be careful not to be too precious, allow your work to be explored from a different perspective and lens.
You can always keep a separate doc that has your original piece, it doesn’t go away or get ruined when an editor works on it. While it's your work in the end, it's helpful to go into it with an open mind. Often feedback you may have never considered is the key to really elevating your piece. Make some room for your editor's opinion and expertise, trust your editor.
2. Choose your battles
If you are going to reject a suggestion, I recommend it be something really worth going to bat for. Choose your battles, and choose only the biggest ones. You ultimately know your work best, so fight only for the stuff you believe is integral to keeping the same.
This will be an easier battle to win if you’ve already accepted the vast majority of other suggestions. Does it really matter if your main character’s name is Jolene or Veronica? Maybe not, so take that suggestion so you can afford to keep her queerness, or the subplot about her mother, etc.
But going back to the trust your editor idea, don’t think about it as a battle. We are not on opposite sides, we’re both fighting for the same thing—to make your work the best it can be. Respectfully acknowledge a suggestion you don’t like, give it a day or two to think on it, and then decide if that’s something you’d really like to advocate for.
As an editor, when a writer has a solid justification for rejecting a suggestion it helps me understand their work better, and builds trust between us.
3. It’s okay you’re not perfect
Sometimes as a writer receiving feedback, my impulse is to be embarrassed I’ve done something ‘wrong’. Then, of course, I go to defend myself or justify it or attack. We don’t like feeling threatened, and it can cause some high tempers and nasty disagreements in the editing world.
It’s really important that you recognize that impulse to defend yourself, and choose not to react to it.
By that I mean, if you feel yourself getting defensive over a piece of feedback—take a deep breath, don’t answer it right away. You don’t need to explain yourself. Think on it for a bit, just try it out. See what happens when you make that change. If you still hate it, think about why. If you’re just rejecting it on impulse, you’re probably in that “defend” state.
                You’re not being attacked, and you’re not a bad writer. It’s okay if you’ve made a decision that didn’t land, or a mistake that’s kind of embarrassing.
                As an editor, I can assure you that I don’t judge my writers. Ever. When I make suggestions, it’s from a pure ‘just trying to help’ standpoint, and I really appreciate when my writers are open to my suggestions and ideas and accept or reject my suggestions with friendliness and grace.
                I’m not a super experienced editor in any way, but if anyone has any questions about the editing process, the job, or anything else about it, I will do my best to answer!
Next post we're going to talk about when to reject a suggestion or feedback because the editor/reader isn't always right. Follow to catch that when it's out!
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charlesoberonn · 1 year
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amaranthinius · 11 months
Tobirama stares.
Madara had laughed, pressing his hand against Tobirama’s chin. The ghost of his thumb still rests on Tobirama’s lip, softly dragging it away from Tobirama’s teeth before he could make himself bleed. His gaze has been warm, eyes impossibly gentle when he kissed Tobirama. Uchiha know, he whispered, it’s something innate.
Those aren’t his eyes, not entirely. Tobirama has no idea where to start, who to ask. His clan has lost records when they lost their ancestral home, the legend of the Rinnegan most likely forgotten considering how no one ever mentioned it during their lessons.
He can’t go to Hashirama, otherwise his brother will get involved. Tobirama has taken too much from Hashirama, had created too much pain to let his brother deal with the aftermath. Hashirama would understand, would smile and ruffle his hair. He would find a way. Tobirama doesn’t want him to.
Hashirama needs his village, his wife, and their kids.
Does he thinks of Madara dying? Of Madara alive? Does he need to recreate the tenketsu in his mind? Should he push the chakra through the node in his eyes? How does someone turn the Rinnegan on? What’s even the Rinnegan attached to?
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mesperyiandevotee · 4 months
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I forgot about this one XD
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feral-ballad · 2 months
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Ama Codjoe, from Bluest Nude: Poems; “Bluest Nude”
[Text ID: “I am rough to touch. I am the yellow song / of a blue pain.”]
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cathyfowl · 4 months
Ok, the depressive episode is hitting hard and I need the motivation to write my Modern AU Bloodweave story, so... My ask box is open, ask me anything about the story and beware spoilers in my answers.
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genericpuff · 3 months
Hey puff! So you said Hades is a "mess who hasn't spilled over" and there are definitely some warning signs even now - Artemis' dislike, the ominous grin in the last chapter does not bode well for Alex, him treating Minthe pretty badly and dismissively, being open about his attraction to Kore while acknowledging Minthe, eating Dio to shut him up and laughing about it (No Kronos flashbacks, Hades??) Of course he did a lot of this in LO too but that was framed as a good thing and you seem more self aware than that.
My question is are he and Kore still endgame with his bad traits? Or is Kore just hiding a much darker, more selfish side who would like all this?
Hades and Kore are both very, VERY complicated people with complicated backstories that involve both the good and the bad. They're both victims of circumstance as well as their own wrongdoings (even the ones that were well-intentioned, they're both walking the road to hell wink wink), they're both holding on to some pretty dark shit and we're going to be exploring plenty of both sides along the way. I'm obviously trying not to spoil anything, but I will say that Hades and Persephone are not going to have a cut-and-dry 'fairy tale romance' like what was attempted in LO, Rekindled is attempting to be a more faithful retelling of the original Hymn to Demeter after all (or at least its original themes and messaging). They're both incredibly damaged people with a lot of tightly-sealed baggage that DESPERATELY needs to be unpacked and we all know what happens to relationships built on those types of foundations ;0 So that's all ima say on that ~
As for the irony of Hades 'eating' Dionysus, hurt people hurt people. Though I wouldn't worry about Dionysus, he just projects his consciousness into berries, he's alive and well ;) As for Hades... let's just say you shouldn't eat berries possessed by the god of madness, guy is gonna have a harsh comedown LOL
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assmeffect · 28 days
Mass Effect Men, driving HCs
women here
Kaidan: listen, everyone who claims Canadians are so polite and demure has never seen one drive. years of pent up anger come out when Kaidan drives. no where near as bad as Zaeed, he still follows the rules and laws. extremely animated when raging, and comes up with the most creative insults.
Garrus: as much as garrus loves to rib Shepard about their driving, he's barely any better. his time at c-sec at least drilled basic rules of the road into him, but he's still an asshole who'll cut people off.
Thane: prefers to drive in complete silence, maybe plays some white noise while he drives. do not try talking to him he's not listening. very careful on the road, hasn't been in an accident once.
Jacob: generally a good driver, just doesn't use his turn signals. good at multitasking while driving, so talking, listening to the radio, eating, he can do it. will gladly take the role of designated driver
Mordin: I think he hates driving, he get too in his own thoughts and forgets he's driving. would rather let shepard drive than do the driving
Zaeed: worst driver here. worse than Shepard in that he doesn't even try to follow the rules of the road. his road rage is horrific, has fully gotten out of his car to fist fight someone. would drive a pickup with trucknuts.
Cortez: best driver here. very relaxed when driving, very in his element. this man is a Saint on the road, not an ounce of road rage in his body
Vega: it's a miracle he hasn't been killed, he never wears a seatbelt, never uses his turn signals, and pulls illegal turns all the time. drives with his windows open and radio absolutely blasting music.
Joker: would be the best driver if he wasn't such a jackass. regularly flips off other drivers he thinks are being stupid. thinks he's the best driver on the road, and he is, just don't tell him that
Jaal: has an angaran license, though I don't think he drives a traditional vehicle. more along the lines of some sort of atv or motorcycle type thing. a good driver, has definitely modified his vehicle.
Liam: I honestly don't think he has a license. he prefers public transit or to let other people drive. he's not that great of a driver when he does though.
Gil: has zooped up his car and treats it like his baby. will not let anyone else drive it, ESPECIALLY not Ryder. will fight someone if they hit his car. follows the rules of the road religiously.
Reyes: Street races, will try and goad other people into street racing. has lost his license multiple times. amazingly enough has never crashed.
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