#and finally intensive training with toby
not-poignant · 4 months
Hi Pia! You said that you need another vacation after this vacation, so I am not sure, how puppy situation, even if it partual custudy, affecting you ( may be you in panic when he is there and then recovering when he is not, and then round and round? ), but really, If you need another vacation, I hope you know we will be here to support you for it!
It's been nearly 4 weeks now since we got Toby so I feel like I can talk about this with a bit of a clear head.
(Talk of like an actual PTSD meltdown beneath the read-more, including self-harm mention - nothing graphic. There's zero obligation for anyone to read this, especially for folks who don't think authors should ever be honest about being people with issues):
So, I've been kind of quiet about aspects of this, but I have like severe treatment-resistant PTSD and C-PTSD, and puppies specifically are one of my triggers (especially if I'm responsible for them). The reason for that is kind of awful, and I don't really want to talk about some of the things I've experienced/been through that led to that, so let's just move onto the next part. You're kind of right anon, there has been panic while he is here lol.
As a result, I had a severe meltdown the first time I tried to adopt a dog many years ago now. Could not last 24 hours, needed weeks/months to recover.
But I've always wanted to share my life with a dog and I've been in a somewhat better space over the past year or so, and I thought I could maybe handle it better. I told myself 'if I can just get through that 24 hours I'll realise it's okay and it will all work out.' Anon I cannot tell you where this thinking came from, but it was wrong. Idk why past me was kind of naive enough to think this way but here we are.
No, after that 24 hours, it got temporarily better, and then I slammed into consecutive meltdowns, each one worse than the next, until the people around me were afraid for my life. I am still recovering from some of the harm I inflicted on myself during the last three weeks and likely will be for some time to come. The combination of a really intense PTSD relapse, as well as not being able to handle (as an AuDHD person) intense changes to my schedule basically compounded and I broke.
I made the decision to rehome Toby, and first contacted the people around me. Glen's mum said she wanted a dog, and had been specifically looking into dogs like Toby anyway, and so we decided this would be best because then I could still be involved (I love Toby to pieces).
After getting some space, I finally started to adjust, and have gone back to having Toby about 4~ days a week, with a view to going to about 6 days, with one day spent with my mum, or Glen's mum.
Today is the first day I was able to handle having him on my own for around 9.5 hours. And I'm here and able to write about it, so that's progress. He'll be here all day Sunday, and then Tues-Weds-Thurs-Friday. And from there a decision will be made as to where I'm at with my mental health etc.
I'm a bit more hopeful now that I might be able to keep him, but my PTSD is still very very bad. I'm having some nights where I'm simply not sleeping until 7.30am (even if he's not here), and my hypervigilance is crazy. Like, I am having so many auditory flashbacks it's stupid. So this is why I've been saying this break hasn't been very restful or productive. Because my mental health tanked like I detonated a landmine inside myself.
I didn't actually plan the two week break for Toby! That was just a coincidence honestly.
Unfortunately I have a lot of health conditions that respond very poorly to stress, so I'm dealing with those now too. And then additionally, in all of this, I had a breast scan / mammogram / ultrasound that has confirmed a suspicious lump I found a couple of months ago (breast cancer runs in the family), and I suspect I'm going to need a biopsy. I'll find out on Monday if that's the case. That's been in the background and hasn't been helping.
There's some other stuff going on that's not really worth talking about because these are the main things, but that's a good picture I think. It turns out 'just getting through the first 24 hours' doesn't magically make a severe PTSD trigger go away. And that forced exposure is not 'exposure therapy' - that's just reinforcing a trigger.
Anyway! I feel like I'm through the worst of it, and I am seeing glimpses of how my life could be richer if I keep getting through this. But...that's why I think another break. *smiles tiredly.* I have to wait a bit now for the PTSD / C-PTSD symptoms to settle down, and I also need to see what's kind of worsened after this. Realistically, with a relapse to this degree, it could take between 3-6 months to really start recovering, or to at least get back to where I was before December.
I hope with all my heart I can get there with Toby by my side. I love him so much.
(I want to add that Toby has never ever been in a position of harm at any point, and in fact I probably put myself in harm's way for his sake, because I wanted to provide solid continuity of care - in case anyone was worried about that).
Er so yeah! But I've picked up my writing again this week and have been able to do some like...things I'd been neglecting, and I feel more human again, I just hope I get some sleep tonight
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canmom · 15 days
the Spirited Away theatrical adaptation
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today I went with @birdfriender to see the stage production of Spirited Away, produced by Toho, currently on tour in London.
and like. holy shit??
you might say how the hell could you adapt a film like spirited away to stage. the answer is: incredibly inventive stagecraft, puppetry, costumes and especially choreography.
I was completely blown away by how this play flowed across the stage. set transitions were masked with lighting to direct attention, with the descending screen, with the rotating central platform that managed to function as nearly every part of the bathhouse. stairs, rotating bridges, creative use of size to indicate perspective (like the tiny train that circles the stage), and just the way the crew would move the props with a flourish -
but also the puppetry, like man! the way characters like Kamaji, Yubaba's giant head (used only at moments of intense emotion), and No Face would be operated by entire teams of puppeteers - it was extraordinary. the puppetry director was Toby Olié who's worked on a million different things including War Horse and you can really see them applying all these tricks accumulated over the years...
the show is remarkably faithful to the film; a few scenes are slightly abridged but every sequence I remembered was there and deliver with style. where it does need to pause and breathe, like in the famous train scene, it does. and like... it is fascinating to see an adaptation from animation to theatre. seeing how Mone Kamishiraishi (Chihiro) would stumble and bumb into walls just as she would under the pen of Shinya Ohira. or how a memorable sequence in the film could be represented symbolically: a collapsing pipe as a string of segments pulled on a string, a flower garden by dancers in flower outfits.
some of my fave sequences involved wooden panels carried by dancers, choreographed so the characters would weave between them, or they'd rotate to represent elevators on different floors. it was also fascinating to see how they'd symbolically represent things it would be impossible to stage, often representing fluids with fabric sheets. a transformation could be shown with actors swapping places with a flourish. at other times, it feels like stage magic tricks are in use, like a flash of light drawing your attention to a rope that was there all along. sometimes the puppeteers will be on stage, wearing simple beige outfits that mark them as not being 'present' as they manipulate the soot sprites and frogs and so on.
they also made effective, sparing use of a large projector screen, which descended at certain points, primarily for the driving scene at the beginning and the train scene. this actually didn't use scenes from the movie, but more of a soft, painterly style applied over... probably animated video? hard to say with the blurring, could be live footage. it reminded me of the use of similar screens in the later YoRHa plays, although it was a minor element here.
we weren't allowed to take photos (i took this one during the final bow anyway) and I would have been too busy watching to take them anyway, but this teaser shows briefly a number of the coolest setups. still, it's so much more when you see the whole thing flowing along without interruption.
and it was very interesting to me looking at this kind of show - big stage, directly homaging an animated film - from the eyes of someone who knows a lot more about film and animation than I do about theatre.
compared to film, you simply do not have closeups; the closest thing is when the puppeteers bring out the segments of Yubaba's giant floating head, but this is used sparingly. so everything is basically a long shot. however, because the acuity of a human eye is much greater than that of a camera, even from near the back of the theatre you can make out a lot of details that you wouldn't be able to make out with an equivalent camera shot. this allows compositions where there is loads going on at stage at once, with the eye being drawn to different areas by lighting and movement.
I do feel like there are definitely things to learn for animators from this kind of stage choreography. so many times I thought like, wow, that's so clever. like how chihiro riding haku was shown by splitting the dragon puppet into segments and putting her on the shoulders of one of the puppeteers.
and everything was done with such style too. if something shuffles off stage, you know it will be done with a wiggle and a flourish. small things but they add so much.
presumably because this seems like an incredibly involved show, there are multiple performers for each major character: four Chihiros, and three Hakus, Yubabas, Kamajis and so on. I'm not sure the exact lineup tonight beyond Chihiro. the exception is Kaonashi (No Face), who is played only by Hikaru Yamano, who gives an incredible performance, sidling and flexing around the stage in all sorts of strange ways that really get across the character's whole deal despite literally performing under a white mask and concealing robe. it's kinda amazing.
another fantastic casting is fundoshi dancer Yuya Igarashi as Kashira (the stack of three big heads that serve Yubaba, and speak only in wordless grunts). he basically has his real head as one of the three, and he has two more heads on his hands, and moves them around in incredibly energetic and funny ways. it's a brilliant way to interpret this, somehow feeling perfectly appropriate to have a buff guy in a red loincloth moving them around.
Yubaba's actress tonight would have been either Mari Natsuki or Hitomi Harukaze; either way she did an incredible job, it was really cool seeing a more human-proportioned version of the character and she brought a lot of energy and authority to the role.
the whole cast did a fucking amazing job honestly. I wish I knew more about theatre acting so I could comment more specifically on the tricks they were doing, but you definitely felt Chihiro's emotions
the production is in Japanese; English subtitles were shown on two screens on either side of the stage. the translation was on the 'honorifics included' end of that scale, but absolutely clear and idiomatic. the format worked - it was generally not hard to follow the action and glance at the subtitles, even though they were further away than they would be in film - and it definitely filled the theatre. I really hope this leads to more Japanese theatrical productions going on tour like this. wish i'd been able to see the Totoro one a few months ago.
definitely this kind of theatre must depend on a fairly obscene budget of the kind that only comes to biiiiig properties like, say, an adaptation of a beloved Studio Ghibli movie (one family turned up in cosplay) - there's a lot to be said for less extravagant staging. at the same time... this really was something.
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i gotta go to the theatre more
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twistednuns · 1 month
March 2024
My class is in a confidence/conflict training at the moment and I loved what the trainer said about how to deal with annoying people and information. I needed to hear that: stand up straight and look them in the eye. And don't believe everything you hear.
Du hast den geilsten Arsch der Welt - I found a postcard with this line on my desk in the classroom. I was about to be flattered when I noted the little addition "mich" at the bottom. Fun.
The lady who stopped me on the street just to tell me that she loved my outfit. It's quite pathetic how simple it is to lift someone's mood. I wanna pay more compliments, too. I'd really love to adopt a more positive focus!
Browsing Sephora and &otherstories with Margit. Food, cinnamon buns and a very interesting play at Residenztheater, Prima Facie. I loved when she hung up disgusting/intimidating portraits of old, white men during the court scene. Impressive.
MONKI tahin. The highlight of every breakfast for a while now.
Visiting Ralf in Jena. He picked me up from the train station and I felt at ease immediately. The whole weekend was very relaxed, close, beautiful. We are very good together. I loved lying around on the dock by the river in Paradies park - the first real outdoor session this spring. Talking about everything. Cuddling and getting to know each other in his apartment. Playing the piano together. Finally revisiting the planetarium. I met his friends Jona and Steve at a small concert. The next day, he dragged me up a hill. We enjoyed the view, then shot at a beer can with bow and arrow. We stopped at a cafe and walked back down. I walked 32000 steps that weekend!
A two-day English language teacher training about creative methods. I really enjoyed being the student for a change. I need to go back to school myself in one way or another.
Buying sourdough bread and a chocolate croissant at manufactum during my lunch break. A friendly interaction with two other customers.
Vietnamese food followed by a massage.
Turning a game of chess around. I won - even though I'd made a grave mistake early on and lost my Queen.
A yin and yang pattern on my freshly brewed coffee.
Seeing some if my stained glassware lined up in the dishwasher. Such pretty colours!
Another long talk with the osteopath about kinks, energy, addiction. I found out he used to be a Lindy Hop instructor and NEED to befriend him now. I also loved how my body felt after the session. I had a cup of coffee at 4pm: great strategy - felt super energized in yoga class! Is there a connection? I loved my low pain / high energy level that day.
Inspiration: writing and illustrating a children's book (found a cute know-it-all book the other day) and founding an online business (listened to one of Christina's Holistic CEO podcast episodes).
Listening to music by Iniko.
Preparing a treasure map for Lian's birthday party.
Heike's surprising rap part in Joyful Joyful.
Buying a big stack of boxes at IKEA. I'm kinda looking forward to organizing my basement compartment now.
Interacting with the little ones in my role as Earth Demon. Mara looking me straight in the face saying "I've seen you somewhere... I KNOW you!" Talking to Ale, meeting Tommy. Getting along fine with Jessy. Retreating to functioning mode but transitioning into a very relaxed night with Christian, Tobi, Tommy and Charlie the cat (who kept jumping on my lap, demanding affection). I had a fit of shivers and C. helped me stay grounded. Felt unreal. Sleeping it off. Meeting the gang again at 4am. Cooking for everyone the next day. And reconnecting with C. After a bad week. He shared his emotions and thoughts with me, said: "WHEN we're vibing we're vibing extremely hard." Sex was intense. He shook my hand afterwards and congratulated me for being part of his most intense sexual experience so far. He tried affirmation porn on me, calling me his Goddess. Mentioned my beautiful face and promised to always be there for me.
A mental image I might have to turn into an actual painting: Nina Hagen dragging me forwards as my inner heroine and Mara holding me back as my little demon because it's not safe to step ahead.
Letting my fingertips run over C's head and face in surprising patterns to the rhythm of the music. He said it felt like a little spider spinning a neuronal network.
My body doing the work for me. I didn't feel like going to Pub Quiz and I actually fell asleep that evening and had to excuse myself after waking up too late.
People staring at me in the morning. Or rather, looking at me as if I'm the most interesting person they've seen that day.
A new haircut! It's layered and light and I have lovely face-framing pieces now.
Buying a strawberry-ice-cream-coloured T-shirt. And Lagerfeld-esque aviator sunglasses. And nail polish in a deep, dark, golden bronze. Just in case.
Thinking about my goals for 2024. The ones that's really help me progress. The scary ones.
A women's Tantra circle at Rote Mondin (a magical yurt right in the middle of the city, next to the train tracks). I noticed how much time I'm spending in masculine energy, and how much easier it often is for me to be "one of the dudes". I felt an impulse to learn more about Tantra and finally read the book I've had for months now. And afterwards, Simone came up to me and asked me about my community in Munich, and electronic music. My gaydar was on, rightfully so. A nice connection.
Unearthing delicious green pesto from my freezer. Thank you, me from the past.
Finally putting on a sweater after having endured the cold for far too long.
Trying out for the solo part in Joyful Joyful. Improving so much in the second round.
Feli sent me a few stickers her friends have made of her. I put one on my water bottle!
Listening to inspiring podcasts in the car.
Smelling of Georg's laundry detergent after our osteopathy sessions.
Wearing yellow.
Being more relaxed at work. I LOVE having two days off now, it makes such a big difference.
Exchanging gifs of our "astral bodies" with Ralf when we wanted to cuddle but were so far apart. His was a proud unicorn with a rainbow mane, mine a cheeky cat. Of course.
Dill pickles.
Building two nifty shelf units for the basement. Starting to unpack all the boxes of art supplies I brought from my old school. It already looks like an art studio or store down there. But I didn't have the energy to declutter yet. There is still so much stuff I don't need. Donate, sell, gift. My mission for next week.
Cuddle movie night at Luna's. Finally seeing Burner friends again after a longer hiatus. Getting freaky with Robert. Playfights, petting Heinrich's cat personality, floating on the K cloud.
Cheering up C in the morning. Going to Anatolian brunch with Luna, Patri, David, Tobi, Lukas and Jazz. Afterwards we went to a pop-up plant sale and I had to advise everyone after they'd found out that I'm a crazy plant lady. Returning to Filzhof with Tobi, ordering pizza and playing a board game together.
What happens to me every few years: I hear the first notes of Madonna's Frozen which reminds me of how fascinating I find the song.
Feeling C's sparkly fire energy inside of me. Simply telling him to "enjoy". Helping him out with identifying the holes in his personality.
Yoga Sunday with Lucie. Meeting her husband Gerald. Dancing and shaking to the beat of the drums with my eyes closed. doTERRA essential oils in Wild Orange and a grounding blend. Drinking infused water, playing with an orange. Singing together, harmonizing. Enjoying the movement and my strength. Falling asleep immediately during the break. Blueberry cake. Feeling all the muscles between my ribs the next day. Waking up to their song in my head: I am the light of my soul, I am beautiful, I am bountiful, I am bliss, I am I am.
Accidentally creating a twinset when I bought a shirt in exactly the same shade of soft green as a cardigan I already had.
Talking with my students about war, stereotypes, human rights and asylum.
Solving a conflict with communication instead of passive aggression.
Feeling snackish. Eating a bunch of raw vegetables with tzatziki. Healthy, crunchy, delicious.
Finally finishing my review for 2023.
Reading Leonora Carrington's biography. I'm so inspired - and I'm realising that I've always been a Surrealism fangirl.
Buying a comfortable bra that actually fits me and gives my boobs a nice shape. What a rarity.
Seeing the fluffy orange neighbour cat for the first time after the winter. And sitting outside on the balcony chair for the first time, too!
Starting to read The Perfectionist's Guide to Losing Control - I felt seen and couldn't put it down.
Seeing Pictures of an Exhibition by Mussorgsky in Gasteig HP8 with my class. It was a lovely concert - with little acts and explanations in-between!
A short trip to Valencia with my bestie. First and foremost, we LOVED the aromatic smell of the orange blossoms everywhere. We noticed it for the first time on our first night, walking over a deserted plaza in the rain. It followed us on our strolls through the city. Walking through the Central Market one morning, there were even more interesting smells. All the fresh fruit and baked goods... So rich! / A cat sleeping in the sunshine behind a homeless man. A dude wearing a red bandana and wide-leg pants. / Taking lots of picture of orange trees instead of the architecture. Creating a photo-love-story of Sash and her food. Modeling my autumn colour outfit in front of an orange wall. / Walking through Ruzafa. Discovering interesting art galleries, used book stores, vintage shops. When I entered Kowalski Cosas Bellas Artes I immediately knew I was in danger zone. So many interesting things to discover! I had such a lovely conversation (in Spanish!!) with the owner and he recommended lots of his favourite museums, bars and restaurants in the area. / Angel numbers following me around as I go, glitter on the floor leading the way. / Warm soft-bake cookies with dark chocolate, walnuts and sea salt. Iced latte. Hot ramen noodle soup with the perfect miso egg. / Cycling through the impressive Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias. The Science Museum was super interesting. I learned a lot about space travel and human genetics. And, my favourite thing: watching little chicklets hatching! They looked exhausted but kept hacking at their siblings. Such a special thing to witness! / Touching the Mediterranean. Ice-cream by the sea. How I love a good 180° ocean view. / After the little Surrealism exhibition, we walked through a park and I saw a gorgeous cat cuddling up to a lady on a bench. They both found a friend that afternoon! / Really good interior design and architecture - well, Valencia was the European Capital of Design in 2022 and it shows. We stayed in Casa Clarita, an art hotel designed by Jaime Hayon. / Too much shopping. The Nice Things store. Crush gallery. Vintage stores. / Palm trees against old brick walls. / Inspiring art. Little paintings by Alberto Porta (Zush). / Agua de Valencia in a glass almost as big as my head. We fell asleep early that evening. Strong stuff. / Spending a lot of time with Sash for a change. We don't see each other often anymore but it's nice that we still click. Oh, and finding out that she is a Manifesting Generator, too! Power couple. //
An adorable selfie of Christian and Mara. Felt a little jealous!
Going on a trip down south with Christian and Lian. First we stopped at Chiemsee where we threw gifts for my mum in the water. C. threw a coloured egg, introducing himself to my mum and wishing her Happy Easter. He told her that he is with me now. I brought her crystals and a bunch of flowers, a big orange rose in the middle. I attached a little feather and incense to it and released everything to the water. A fragrant little boat. I sent a few tears after it, they merged with the lake water. I told her I missed her and that I'm so much like her - more and more as time passes. Afterwards we visited C.'s friend and "spirit guide" Gyan who actually reminded me a lot of my mother. A wise older man with a lust for life and a rich past. We ate his delicious apple marzipan and walnut cake with a big dollop of cream. Then we went on a walk down to the river and threw big stones into the water. On the way back, we collected wild garlic and I made pesto which we ate with spaghetti. A beautiful afternoon.
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huskymaine · 2 years
For favorite character ask- kakashi
Thanks for the ask anon!
Favorite thing about them
There are many things that I admire from Kakashi, by my favorite is his kindness. Many people wonder why Kakashi didn’t turn evil after everything he went through, but I think the answer is simple. He has no malice bone in his body. No matter what circumstance, he bore no hatred and genuinely tries to make everyone around him feel better. I spoke about it more on this post.
Least favorite thing about them
His self-deprecation, seriously Kakashi, stop blaming yourself on things outside your control. Also sometimes he was too apathetic to handle things that need his utmost concern. Although I understand why he’s like that.
Favorite line
"I will never let my comrades die." This line is so cool on our first watch, but so painful on our second watch. 
I love both KakaGai and KakaYama, but can't choose one of them because they have different dynamic. KakaGai is like twin brothers whom equal in power and relationship, they genuinely like each other presence and mutually support each other. Also seems like they can feel when the other party is in distress and immediately rush to help. In KakaYama, I can find older sibling/younger sibling relationship in my family, with fondly teasing older sibling and exasperated but admiration from younger sibling. Tenzo’s status post-war made me bitter about this pairing for a while though (seriously why the fuck Tenzo got Orochimaru monitoring task?).
I don’t really like shipping in fandom (especially Naruto fandom), and I don’t see Kakashi as a type of person who have romantic relationship with anyone. I think Kakashi is asexual or at least demisexual. Maybe I’ll elaborate more about it on future post.
However *look at my ObiKaka fics subcription* I -ahem- really love their angst. And they're so messed up to the point of hilarity. It’s unhealthy at all and I will not wish it happen on canon, but it can’t be denied that Kakashi has intense feeling for Obito and vice versa. In fact, I enjoy so much the segment when Kakashi discovered that Tobi is Obito because it’s the first time the cool calm Kakashi getting completely thrown out and let out extreme emotion. Although Kakashi definitely didn’t have good time at all. I am quite a sadist haha.
(Note : in Boruto, Kakashi and Gai are married and I approve so much. It’s hard for me to imagine things like kiss or romantic gesture between them, though).
I'm not fond of teacher/student relationship in general, but sometimes at least I can handle them in AU setting, kinda. Maybe. But, I can't handle MinaKaka at all in fics or explicit romance arts. Maybe because in my mind Minato is default Kushina's malewife, haha.
(Turns out I indeed can't handle Minato being paired with anyone except Kushina)
random headcanon
Kakashi found his deceased father’s body with lightning flash in his eyes and thunder roar ringing in his ears. He wouldn’t admit it even to Gai and Minato, but every time he sees lightning he remembers Sakumo’s suicide. Then he found out that his elemental affinity is lightning and he handled it just like Kakashi handles using Chidori post-Rin's suicide, a.k.a continuous trauma exposure. Btw Kakashi, your coping mechanism is the worst.
I sent it to @depressedhatakekakashi and it was made to an amazing short fic.
Unpopular opinion
Looks like this is unpopular opinion among Naruto fandom, which sadden me so much, but guys, Kakashi loves all of his students equally. When they are together, he paid attention to all of them and told them his observation. But Humain, why Kakashi only taught Sasuke pre-final Chuunin exam although Naruto also passed? Why Kakashi only taught Naruto in Shippuden and didn’t also teach Sakura? 
Because not only Kakashi is incapable of multitasking, both Sasuke and Naruto’s training require his utmost focused monitoring. Please remember that in Chidori training Sasuke had Curse Seal and in Rasenshuriken Naruto had Kyuubi Chakra. Both things are dangerous and undoubtedly will take over their bodies the minute those impatient hotheaded boys pushed themselves past their limit. With such a great risk, sadly Kakashi can’t afford to get his focus divided.
Song I associate with them
Uma to Shika by Yonezu Kenshi (I swear this song is like made for Kakashi).
Favorite picture of them
My fav picture of Kakashi is his crescent smile, but I dunno which one to choose and not turn this ask into full-blown compilation. So not picture, but this GIF is my fav Kakashi GIF. The maximum brat energy he emitted... *ruffles his hair fondly*
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(Kishimoto-sensei, look at him. Look at the preciousness of him. Do you really capable to see this bouncy boy and then dumped all of the world's suffering on him? Smh)
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Could I have headcanons for Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke sharing a darling?
This was actually part of a post I made a while ago. It was about sharing a darling pairs in which I was personally interested. Also, since I did already a Sakura and Naruto post and a modern reader post, I tried to summon the backstory shorter up and layed my focus on the dynamic of the relationship.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, unhealthy relationship, unhealthy mindset, vicious behavior, harsh behavior, killing, manipulating, kidnapping
Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura sharing a darling
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🍜💙🌸I can see you as a fellow classmate back in the academy days with Naruto having already a huge crush on you back then and going on small little dates with you. When the teams were made, he was definitely upset that he wasn’t part of your team, jealous of the classmates who were. With Sakura you developed a good friendship during these days since Naruto brought you over as often as possible since he wanted to introduce you to his new friends. She was just thankful that Naruto had someone, he could always count on. Sasuke was most likely annoyed by you at first because that blonde over there never stopped talking about you. I feel like that if you would excel in a special area, ninjutsu for example or would be a good strategist, he might be impressed. But he would definitely need to spend a lot of time with you. You might have helped him with new techniques for which he acknowledged you.
🍜💙🌸You could say that this was somewhat the start of it all, Naruto and Sasuke both being in love with you. It made the relationship a bit more complicated to say the least, both often arguing when it came to you. A lot of snarky and mean comments from Sasuke, poking fun at Naruto and saying he wouldn’t be strong enough and Naruto throwing childish tantrums. Sakura, knowing that both of them liked you, was of course saddened due to her crush on Sasuke back then. But she also knew that you couldn’t do anything about it and felt almost sorry for you, these two were much to take after all.
🍜💙🌸It came to the final showdown between Sasuke and Naruto after he had decided to leave the village, wanting to get stronger and feeling hatred for Naruto because that guy had gotten so strong and monopolized your time. It led to a much more intense fight between those two, Sasuke more aggressive because of all the anger inside of him which led him to yelling at Naruto that one day he would get you and then you would be his. Naruto on the other hand got terrified when hearing this, not willing to let you anywhere near Orochimaru and Sasuke, who was clearly not thinking, which also led him to pushing harder.
🍜💙🌸He was scared when he had to leave you alone, but also knew that this was a necessary step to get stronger. He made Tsunade, Sakura, Kakashi and everyone of his friends promise that they would protect you. He knew Sasuke was lurking somewhere outside there, waiting for his chance.
🍜💙🌸It was during this time that Sakura fell for you, spending everyday with you that at one point Tsunade just decided to train both of you together since you were always there. She just realized that you had been there for her all the time, always supported her and acted as the shoulder to cry on when she had needed one. She felt conflicted about this, knowing that Naruto and you were an unofficial couple which led her to some mood swings. She was either on cloud nine or somewhere deep underground.
🍜💙🌸When Naruto came back, she informed him about what had happened. He was at first a bit more iffy about how to feel, but him and Sakura shared a great trust after all, leading to both of them agreeing to share whilst also wanting to safe their teammate. Sasuke on the other hand had spent years training with Orochimaru and that guy had somehow found out about his pupil’s little obsession with you, daring to sometimes ask him about you which led to Sasuke aggressively reacting. Even the thought of Orochimaru anywhere near you was disgusting.
🍜💙🌸After he went rogue, he had originally planned to take you after defeating Itachi. You could have been in the search troupe together with Naruto, Sakura and all the others. Tsunade and Kakashi were aware that Sasuke was after you, so they most likely either made you pair up with Naruto or Sakura at that time. If Sasuke found out or not depends on whether he sensed you or not. If he did, there’s a chance he really went after you, only to be interrupted by all the other people searching for him which was quite frustrating. You were so close and he still couldn’t grab you.
🍜💙🌸He didn’t know about Sakura yet, Tobi probably told him about it, using it as a manipulation to make him distrust the village even more and bring him to joining the Akatsuki. And that made Sasuke snap. As if it wouldn’t have been enough that this blonde moron had fallen for you, Sakura too?! Was that guy kidding him! And when he found out that those two were even sharing, he honestly was irritated. The concept of sharing the person you love wasn’t exactly well known to him.
🍜💙🌸It was most likely after the war that those three finally came to the terms of sharing with each other. Of course Sasuke needed a lot of time to get convinced. It was most likely Sakura and maybe even the darling who suggested it. Naruto wasn’t exactly all that happy with it. He was a jealous boy after all and he knew that Sasuke wasn’t exactly...the nicest person. He was dubious about this whole thing and the only reason why he was willing to give it a shot in the first place was because Sasuke was his friend. And as a worshipper he refused to let you get yelled at. And Sasuke was conflicted about this. Sharing really isn’t his strength and whilst he did saw them as his teammates again, he was still pretty selfish about you. He shouldn’t have to share you with someone else. But he knew too well that Sakura and Naruto wouldn’t let you go. Neither would he. He needed most likely help and comfort from the darling during this time so he would come to the terms of sharing.
🍜💙🌸It is truly a thing to witness in here. Because whilst Sakura and Naruto worked together so well because they share a lot of Yandere types and has the same point of view about how to treat and share you, not to mention the same trust, Sasuke isn’t like those two. He’s more of a bastard who can lash out easily when the wrong buttons are pushed and also yell at his darling for it.
🍜💙🌸It’s also worth mentioning that whilst Naruto and Sakura do see Sasuke as their friend and teammate and trust him, they always hoped for him to come back, when it comes to their darling, both of them are a bit more distrusting and more on edge. They know Sasuke’s mood swings and whilst he definitely is a bit more nicer to you, he can just as well spit out some hurtful words. And that’s definitely anything, but fine with Naruto and Sakura.
🍜💙🌸The dynamic between Naruto and Sasuke could be described as shaky. They are literally back to how they used to act to each other when they were younger. That means Sasuke mocking his friend whilst Naruto throws childish tantrums. But both of them changed after all so it can go from just acting like children and teasing and yelling at each other quickly to actually throwing hands over you. And in this case Sakura and the s/o will have to step in so they don’t try to kill each other again. And whilst Sakura definitely always tries to solve this peacefully, the moment she loses her temper too or notices that both of them scare you with their behavior, she definitely isn’t above punching them and yelling at them to stop their stupid behavior since they scare you with it.
🍜💙🌸The dynamic between Sakura and Sasuke might be a bit more awkward given the fact that Sakura used to have a crush on Sasuke and he knows that too. But at least those two are a bit more polite with each other, most likely because most of the times she knows not to push his buttons and tries in general to always talk with them if they have a problem with each other. If we go from cannon logic and assume that both of them should still develop romantic feelings for each other later on, this would of course change a few things. Sasuke would just have an easier time sharing with someone if he loved that person as well. It would still be pretty turbulent though.
🍜💙🌸Time has to be developed carefully because once again, the dynamic with Sakura and Naruto might be great, but Sasuke doesn’t add up to it. Sakura and Naruto are used to sharing their darling and definitely spend a lot of time with them together. Whilst Naruto does need a bit more time alone with their darling than Sakura does, they managed to schedule the time. But with Sasuke in the picture things changed quite a bit. Sasuke is more of a loner and since he’s possessive, he needs a lot more time with his darling in comparison to many others. Another thing is that he needs the calmness and Naruto and Sakura tend to be a bit too loud for his taste. Not only that, but all three of them together with their darling can lead to a quick argument between Naruto and Sasuke and that’s when it really gets noisy.
🍜Naruto would grow most likely more clingy due to constantly being teased and poked fun at by Sasuke. From the three he is definitely the one who would smother you more than Sasuke. He isn’t exactly happy with having to share with the black-haired boy since Sasuke goes sometimes a bit too harsh on you. There is also this old competition from his younger days between him and Sasuke which still influences the way those two act with each other. He’s also a bit more protective over you than he usually would be, not wanting you to endure any of Sasuke’s mood swings alone. If he should find out that you always get scared when him and Sasuke are in another shouting session which is about to reach it’s climax, he would feel totally horrible afterwards, apologizing whilst suffocating you in even more affection. He would try afterwards to prevent himself from getting angered too much by Sasuke for your sake which isn’t very easy.
💙Sasuke is somewhat the more unpleasant counterpart of Sakura and Naruto. He isn’t the nicest person and he knows that too. He tends to often get all pent-up due to constantly throwing fits with Naruto. It makes him a bit more trigger-happy and so it definitely happens once in a while that he has to let his frustrations out, sometimes even on you. He does feel bad afterwards since he understands that this isn’t completely your fault. It’s just hard for him to endure Sakura and Naruto, who are very overbearing to say the least. He needs time alone with you to connect properly and that is hard with the other two constantly around. He isn’t exactly all that willing to make things up with Naruto since he possesses a huge amount of Uchiha pride. Sakura would honestly have to drag him by the collar to apologize to you and to make both of them apologize to each other.
🌸Sakura is the voice of reasoning between those two. She’s honestly the only reason they didn’t lose their other arm as well. She’s more reasonable with everything and acts somewhat as a messenger between those two since their pride often keeps them from talking to each other like a grownup does. She often talks with both of them as polite as she can, figures out the problems and talks to the other one, listening to his problems and trying to make him help to understand the point of view from the other guy a bit better. She’ll also there to comfort you when you had to witness yet another fight between those two. Whilst she is someone who tries to solve things in a non-violent way, she tends to lose her temper too, grabbing both of them by their collars and shaking them whilst shouting at them to stop acting like complete idiots. Does anyone of those want to make you feel scared of them? Good grief.
🍜💙🌸This will never be a picture-perfect relationship, not with Sasuke in here. It will get overtime better though since Naruto and Sasuke will somewhat learn to co-exist next to each other and share with each other which will have you and Sakura let a sigh of relief out. The only thing they have to work on now is somehow helping Naruto and Sasuke to not get a bit too messy. Sakura is due to being a medic not that willing to kill unless something serious happened. Naruto possesses a few boundaries, but it is still too easy to set him off. And Sasuke definitely earns the first place. He’s paranoid, even more since he has to share his darling already and doesn’t want any other trailing after them.
🍜💙🌸It also makes him want to isolate his darling a bit more which is not okay with the other two. Sasuke isn’t really comfortable with with going outside with his darling, he is more on edge, especially when in public. He doesn’t have anything against a short walk outside in nature, but when he has to go under humans he tends to keep his darling closer to him. This isn’t that terrible of a case with Naruto and Sakura. They are just on the jealous side, but not that paranoid like Sasuke is. In short, there will always be things that will require long discussions and fights until for the time being a solution is found.
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whumpersdump · 3 years
Project Rebirth - CH4: Final Touches
Content! From Whumper’s POV. (They’ll get a title soon btw, I just haven’t decided on a name yet).
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TW: (None of these are graphic) Restraints / blink-and-you-miss it use of  “it” as a pronoun / dehuminization / non-con surgery (non-graphic, whumpee isn’t awake) / lab whump / pet whump / sedation / sensory deprivation (not from Whumpee’s POV) / brain-fiddling? (he talks of an implant that restricts basically everything from speaking to moving. It’s mentioned, not shown)
Everything is set for the first practical stage of Project Rebirth to begin. All that is need is some final surgical attention, and a last talk to Whumper’s new investors. Also no editing we die like Toby’s previous owner...
Whumper sat next to Subject One, like he had every moment of spare time in the past five days. The last two, they barely twitched a muscle. Of course this was in part because of the starvation, but it was nice to have achieved nonetheless. Even if would wear of. Their body may be still, but the occasional twitch, hitch of a breath, told him their mind was racing.
He already picked out a name for them. Their masterpiece, even if it would take nine months before he would see their frantic eyes again. Everything was prepared. Their nursery—which was a rather misleading name, but it fit the process, and the marketing—was almost done, the housing facility would be complete in three months.
Subject One was the only one who really needed to be in the container for the sake of the time that it would give Whumper, but the aspect fit the aesthetic his investors expected. It would be what kept the program running for decades to come.
Subject One shuddered. They’d gotten the message. He’d chosen one of his newly acquired sponsors to deliver it through the earpieces. Not because it needed to be. He could just as easily move, then sedate the subject. Make the chaos in their mind spike just before they’d awake in ominous calm. Comforting calm, though it would take a while for the subject to feel about in that way. They had nine months, it would be enough.
The sponsors needed to feel special anyway. Some of them could make perfect pets, the way they seemed to crave special attention. He could try it someday. With this Project, even they could be reborn.
He nodded at Toby. “Bring them to the surgeon. It’s time for stage 3.”
Toby exited the corner he’d been standing in for the past day. It was a test, to see how obedient he really was. So far, Whumper had been pleased. Sure, seeing pets shiver at the thought of accidentally moving a muscle without permission could be rewarding, but it didn’t bring the type of productivity he needed. Toby’s compliant personality, in combination with Whumper’s training, did.
Toby reached for the subject’s shoulder like he always did.
“Not anymore, Toby,” Whumper commanded. “No more touching of any kind. You can move them, tube and all.”
Toby obeyed. With precision, he took the hand truck out of place and rolled it over to the doors that opened to the medical wing. Subject One would feel this, but it wasn’t enough to skew the results. If anything, it could amplify the result he was looking for.
He followed behind Toby, but entered the door to the watching room instead of the OR like Toby did. That’s where his funding was waiting. He hated having to care about it, but money was simply necessary for him to scale up the Project. “Thank you for coming back,” he told the seven investors waiting for him. “As I’ve said before, most of the program is completely tailored to your pet and the pet you wish they become. That means, no program looks or feels the same. This part though, they all have in common.”
He guided their gazes down to the OR—where the surgeon had sedated the subject—and begun the procedure. Toby watched from his corner, as Whumper had told him to. This would be the only time he was allowed this close to a subject before Rebirth, so Whumper made sure he knew as much as possible. The pet didn’t lie. He used to, but his previous owner trained it out of him.
If he were to fulfill any purpose at all in the future, he would have to learn to. Knowing about the stages before meeting the Reborn subjects was a good way to teach them. After all, he’d be the one to truly push the subject’s minds over the edge.
The investors patiently waited for Whumper to explain what was happening. “The implant all subjects receive is what makes this project so realistic. Like a newborn child, they have to learn everything. Eating, speaking, resisting, if you want them to. All in an effort to recreate them into the pet they were always meant to be. Now of course, some of them have skills we do want them to keep. Take Toby down there, he’s a master on the piano. For each pet, the implant’s functions can be customized.”
One of the investors raised her hand. “What are your plans for this one then?” she asked. “Does it have anything worth keeping?”
Whumper smiled. “In a less dire situation, we might have chosen to keep certain parts of them, but as you’ve noticed this is not the average pet we’re talking about. They will be reborn a blank slate. The only thing any pets are allowed to keep is their understanding of language—so they can obey commands, and their ability form minimal amounts of coherent thought and memory. We’ve found that this process works best if to some extent, the pets are aware of the changes. A risk, I know, especially with this one, but it will prove efficient.”
He straightened his tie. “This one in particular has quite the mouth, and they tend to use a bit too much of what they hear against their trainers. For that reason, we’ve limited their access to their vocabulary a bit more than usual. They’ll be able to understand simple sentences, but we won’t have to worry about their natural perceptiveness.”
“What’s he doing to their eyes?” a second investor asked.
Whumper’s heart fluttered. He’d hoped they’d ask. “Those, are highly sophisticated remote-controlled lenses.” They weren’t necessary, they function was mostly aesthetical from the subject’s perspective. They helped make it all a bit more realistic on both sides, though.
“They don’t have to be removed, ever. Which is why we’re putting them in so early. They control the subject’s ability to see color, and light. Like them implant, we can control them from behind the scenes. They aren’t vital, but they smooth out the transition from the Rebirth into the following stages of the program.”
He glanced down into the OR, where the surgeon was finishing up, and the other staff had begun to prepare the subject for stage 4’s container. “I’m afraid that I can’t show you anymore at this point, so my staff can take on this challenge with as little distraction as possible. However I’m happy to answer as many of your questions as I can.”
Several hands shot up. Whumper smiled.
“What are they doing?” Was the first question.
Whumper gazed down. Four people were removing the restraints and the jacket, and outfitted the subject in the thin white suit that would help keep them healthy and alive throughout the following stage.
They connected the dozens of tubes and wires that would take care of everything they couldn’t handle from outside the container, as he called it. “I’m afraid this is another one of those trade secrets, but what I can tell you is that in spite of how it looks, this will make the pre-Birth stage as realistic as it can be.”
“What about these nurseries that your people kept going on about. I’m sure they’re important, but it all sounds a bit too… human for my taste. I prefer my pets are used to the necessary restraints and housing conditions, so to speak.”
Whumper nodded. He wasn’t surprised to hear this investor thought his standard approach too kind. She’d demanded her pets were kept muzzled and bound at the facility’s daycare, even though they were among the most compliant creatures he’d ever seen.
“As I said,” he answered. “Everything can be customized. This subject I believe, will gain more from approach that teaches them that as a placeable pet, they will be cared for as long they don’t resist. Should you trust us with your pets though, if we decide after the evaluation that another approach may achieve the desired results more efficiently, we’re prepared. We have nurseries of all kinds, and our staff is prepared to fulfill any role they need to play.”
That seemed to please them. Whumper turned to the last question.
“How long does this program take?”
“We have multiple options. The standard program Subject One will go through can take up to sixteen years starting at the Rebirth, with a minimum time of three years. Now of course, that is a long time for a pet to be away. We have two accelerated programs that last either a few months, or even just a few weeks. You’re free to choose, but after the evaluation we will provide you with a suggestion. Not all pets need the full experience. Especially if they’re not old enough to be placed, a longer program can harm the natural development.”
A frown formed on a few faces.
“I can see you’re worried about the results I’ve promised you. You won’t have to wait long. The program may be an intense procedure, but the results will start to show after just a few weeks. The rest of the Project is about making them last, so these—” He dangled the subject’s bright red collar in front of them— “will soon be no more than a reminder of what I’ve solved.”
Whumper clasped his hands. The subject was moved out of the OR, into the container hall. “I must go now. My assistant will be up shortly to escort you out. I should mention Toby’s not allowed to be too talkative around strangers, but he’s still learning. If he breaks any rules, please contact me. He doesn’t respond well to strangers punishing him, he’s a bit too loyal for that.”
Taglist (asks are open if you wanna be added or removed): @suspicious-whumping-egg
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Ex-Condor Through the Time Machine (Chapter 7: The Main Line)
This is also available on AO3 :)
A/N: I managed to creatively bend my way around all my geography errors! The outline has been changed slightly to reflect this. (Toby will still appear, even though he’s lost his chapter title lead billing.)
Also, I wish I had already been referring to BoCo as “Oh-Two,” which is what he is known as familiarly.
But better late than never. We’ll be starting… now.
Please pretend that I have been doing that all along.
Big thanks to CutCat for the beta read—the help with proofing—and their gracious absence of an “omg, weirdo, bugger off” when I showed up with a draft of 4000+ words. You are a godsend, and the best partner-in-crime—er, collaboration!
Fireman Heaver had fouled something up. He had briefly splashed 5702 with the hose before the driver had interrupted him, and it turned out that the Sudric instructions were “Apply with force, then keep dry.”
Of course, merely translating that much required a impromptu congregation of guard, gangers, shunter, and two porters on their lunch break, not to mention Edward, who was the one who recognized the final word. This was much to the amusement and chagrin of the men, who agreed that their grandparents would be disgusted at the halting show they were making of the mother tongue.
After several minutes it became obvious that something was indeed funny about the area that Heaver had sprinkled with the hose. The wettened area, they said, was peculiarly white and shiny. When they tried to rub it off, it only became more so.
It didn’t hurt, physically. But the mystery seemed to draw only more intense interest from his growing little crowd—and Oh-Two did dislike fuss. The best days of his life so far had always been ones where he’d been left pretty well alone, with his brothers and his work.
Right now, what he had was a growing crowd of railwaymen squinting and rubbing the immovable white stain on his side.
The groundskeeper thought the shape resembled the number 8.
A porter disagreed, saying it was a snake, eating its own tail.
Someone else opined it was the cycling lion of British Railways.
(From the sounds of it, crumpled brown papers from various lunches were tossed at the lattermost traitor.)
Overall, Oh-Two was very grateful when Edward, whose eyes had been fixed above, interrupted with a shout. “There’s our signal!”
The diesel smiled as the crew resumed their posts, and the others backed off. He was pleased, too, when Mr Heaver waved on his way to Edward’s cab. “Never mind. They can paint over it easily enough, at our Works!”
“Other side looks fine, anyway,” agreed the driver, giving it a last once-over. (The fireman pretended to clutch his heart in surprise at this rare word of approval.)
That was the side that would actually be visible to other engines, so 5702 was satisfied. It was good to be off. Edward had been steaming freely for some time, and started as soon as the guard whistled readiness and driver pulled the lever. He chuckled a bit, too, finding that he had braced for much more resistance than 5702 and the several trucks still behind him offered. Many a steam engine over the years had made this same discovery, as the big new diesels were in fact lighter than they looked.
“Now for the tour!” Edward whistled.
5702 had to laugh. “Lead the way.” He liked this steam engine, who had been as anxious as he to put an end to the workmen’s scrutiny, and who proved to be very gentle with his train. Of course, the unbraked trucks trailing him clattered into Oh-Two, making his already sore system ache dully, but there was no help for that. He’d had worse, and in worse company.
The tour did not feature much commentary, perhaps because upon departing they almost immediately encountered the hill. Edward proved as sure-footed as 5702 would have expected a banking engine to be (though he was a strange choice, for a banker—you couldn’t escape that!), but it was hard going, and he needed all his puff for the climb. Oh-Two, for his part, tried to ignore the discomfort of going upwards with no power. It wasn’t the first time he’d needed a ride, but being pulled up a gradient always made him feel sick and swoopy in the axles, and had perforce instilled in him with a deep if secret empathy with trucks.
Even amid his discomfort, he noted that, while the hill certainly was a hill, it also was not the sort of dramatic peak for which the mainland was now accustomed to use bankers. If they were using two engines to move slow freights over this stretch, then this region certainly did need some help, whether from diesels or from larger, Standard steam engines. Even the much-ridiculed Metrovicks had passed harder climbing tests than this, from a standing start, and unassisted.
Though, going down, he was impressed by Edward’s solid control of the train. He reflected ruefully that he himself would probably require a brake tender, should he take any unfitted loads this way.
Donald, he reckoned, would have a field day, when he saw that!
After the hill, they began to pass, and be passed, by other engines. Lots of them. And in an array of shapes and colors that made 5702 dizzy.
None of them were the same design. Oh-Two couldn’t imagine how the single workshop that served Sodor could keep such a great variety of engines in good order.
Of course, some of the engines he saw, especially on sidings situated far from the main line, were likely under private ownership. But other engines going by with their trains were unmistakably North Western, with its distinctive red lining.
They simply came in a rainbow of colors.
5702 was familiar with a world in which diesels sported a variety of bright two-toned liveries and bold hazard stripes—but the ever-dwindling population of steam engines were in black or, perhaps, Brunswick green. Furthermore, the latter’s appearances ranged from scruffy to truly dire. Hardly anyone took much fuss over them these days, and so to Oh-Two steam engines had always looked the part of some grubby piece of black-and-white history that had overstayed its welcome.
Sodor continued to be a revelation. More engines than not were in the region's standard blue, itself a very pretty color, but all the rest seemed to follow no rule besides the whims of their painters. In addition to umber, chocolate, Indian red, and, for some reason, canary yellow, Oh-Two was pretty sure he soon spotted every shade of green that humans had ever put upon an engine.
The only thing the steam engines here had in common was how well-kempt they were. Oh, not in the artificially spotless state of an engine before some grand tour or special—but they were cared-for, and obviously washed down as regularly as the coaches.
Of course, there was one other commonality.
On this busy but modest main line, every engine looked askance at Oh-Two as they passed.
But all in all things were going as well as could possibly be expected. The other engines simply exchanged whistles with Edward, frowned in puzzlement at the diesel, and rattled along. Nothing was said…
… until they met Gordon.
Oh-Two knew it was Gordon, the second he came into view. It couldn’t have been anyone else.
Every engine on British Railways knew Thomas the Tank Engine and Gordon the Big Engine. You couldn’t escape the knowledge... much less their posters.
This, of course, was the latter of the two steam mascots. A grand old Gresley engine, built in the days before there was any interest in a steamlined, much less a light, Pacific. Seeing it in person, the design struck Oh-Two as rather impractical—good grief, how could such an engine ever cope with the Peak Forest bank?—but it was still undeniably impressive, even more so in motion than in stills, with a flair and magnificence that Oh-Two knew very well none of his diesel-burning kind could yet boast.
Yet he bore an expression of shocked horror when he laid eyes on 5702. It was not really all that dissimilar from the terror that Oh-Two had last seen on mousy little Myron… but now, somehow, the expression was almost funny, plastered across such grandeur in almost cartoonish fashion.
“WHAT—is— THAT?!” roared the great engine, as he thundered and snorted by.
Diplomacy be damned. 5702 had to chortle a little to himself. The rattle of the two trains hid it perfectly… but he’d probably have been unable to help it, even without the cover.
He’d been the one replaced, as well as the one doing the replacing, so many times already in his short life. He knew the associated fears were a simply awful feeling, and he had never enjoyed being the one to inflict them. But somehow he didn’t feel a bit guilty this time. It wasn’t like he could ever compete, with that! And the Pacific would learn as much, soon enough.
In the meantime, Oh-Two was strangely grateful for Gordon’s overreaction. For once an engine had managed to render this fraught, sticky situation… ridiculous.
The train chugged along, gaining speed. After the big Gresley’s buoying spot of horror, Oh-Two relaxed and enjoyed himself. Weather fair, tracks firm, and neither catcalls nor jeers—it really doesn’t take much, to keep an engine happy. Edward occasionally called back the name of a village or other landmark, whether something natural like the Standing Stones or industrial sites like the milling operation off River Russagh, and seemed to understand that Oh-Two felt too poorly and unpowered to shout back. The few trucks at the tail of the train started to laugh and sing. They were fairly good-natured fellows, as trucks went, and everyone proceeded content for some while.
After passing a big station called Cronk, however, the path grew steadily more rural, and soon the Up line was reduced to one track. Eventually they were signaled to a siding to wait on a train behind them.
Nor did they wait long. It was a passenger service, racing itself from the middle station through the furthest stretch of countryside on the line.
“I say!” called the steam engine at the head of the train, even as he whooshed by. 5702 was nearly blinded by the dazzling brightness of the passerby’s immaculate—and extremely red—paintwork. “Edward, what are you doing with that disgusting diesel?”
Edward blasted a scolding whistle, but it was no good.
"Phew! At least usually they’re clean! ”
He had gotten a much better chance to examine 5702 than the reverse, and Oh-Two knew at once that the red engine had, despite his rushing pace, noticed the faint outline of his leaked oil and coolant.
“Sorry, mate,” the fireman called back, his human’s voice tinny compared to the rattling train. “S’pose I didn’t clear it up well enough.”
5702 tried to formulate the words to express that he was more than grateful that Mr Heaver had bothered to try at all. Before he’d figured it out, Edward let off steam.
“You did all you could, fireman. Ugh, but he would notice!”
“No escaping that one's eye,” agreed the driver, and threw back an explanation to their guest, sounding resigned and philosophical all at once. “Our number five, James. Was meant to be a fashion mogul, that one, but they got confused, and stuck the poor fellow with a smokebox and boiler instead!”
The red engine and his passenger train rocketed on down the line, and the tracks soon settled back to stillness and silence beneath their wheels.
The shunted locomotives were left at the signal, and both were profoundly quiet. There wasn’t much to say. Oh-Two knew that they both knew very well that Edward’s kind lie about why the new diesel was bound for the Works had just been hopelessly exposed.
At this point, Oh-Two could hardly find it in him to care.
Anyway, he rather thought that, if someone had subjected him to bearing such garish cherry-hued paintwork, he’d not be so free with his criticism about anyone else’s appearance.
“Oh, well,” Edward muttered to himself at last. “At least he can be trusted to not run his mouth about it over the whole island…”
5702 caught the sarcasm. But he was still surprised when the fireman, who was up in the tender leveling out his supply of coal, snorted loudly.
Sensing the diesel trying to reckon out what he had missed, the fireman grinned and clambered to the edge, so that he could peer down at him. “You see, my dear Bo-Co, you’re actually being—”
“Co-Bo,” the driver put in.
“He’s a Co-Bo. Not a Bo-Co.”
The fireman was comically slack and blank about it. “’S’ the same thing, innit?”
“No,” said the driver and the steam engine, as one.
“‘Course it is. He’s double-ended . Who cares which way you start counting the bogies?”
“Everyone,” chorused Edward and Mr Sand—who were obviously much practiced in this sort of routine.
Mr Heaver stared some more, annoyed to be ganged up on. 5702 had to smile a bit.
“Are they having me on?” the fireman demanded, turning back to him.
“No, sir. They’re right.”
“Co -Bo.”
“There, now you’ve done and got it!”
Edward’s encouragement was deliberately patronizing, and the fireman struck back at once.
“Ahem! As I was saying . You see, my dear diesel—”
The others sniggered quietly, but 5702 kept a straight face, and was rewarded with the energetic fireman leaning forward and patting him on the roof.
“—fact is, you’re already being pulled by the most gossipy hen on the whole North Western. Don’t let that innocent face of his fool you.”
“No,” said 5702 thoughtfully. “I can believe that.”
“I always heard your kind was pretty intelligent,” said Mr Heaver, all approval. “Without, it seems, having to be know-it-alls about it.”
Edward only whistled.
“Uh, fireman,” said Mr Sand. “We should be getting our signal any moment. And we’re not waiting on you.”
“Shouldn’t dream of it,” Heaver grumbled. He patted Oh-Two’s roof once more before traipsing back down onto the footplate, and, despite the most recent blows to his pride, Oh-Two found himself smiling fully.
He liked the feeling of being allies, even if he supposed it were all in jest.
They did get their signal, though the happy sense of being lost in the journey had dissipated, and indeed Edward had not yet gotten fully back up to speed before they were diverted yet again, at the very next station.
A large tender engine was at the platform with three coaches, yawning and idly hissing weak steam. His driver was fussing at him, but he may as well have been speaking to a nonliving machine, for all the notice his engine took.
That there was some bother about the bucolic little station was obvious. Railway staff seemed to be scrambling to entertain and pacify bored, wealthy tourists who were milling about, looking hungry, and starting to hopelessly wander from the platform for walks into the village.
“Edward, dear chap,” the engine murmured, hazily. He bore by far the most austere livery Oh-Two had seen all that day: black with white lining, with silver accents centered heavily on his valve gear, side rods, and tyres. Altogether, the effect was to draw attention to his unusual 2-6-2 wheel arrangement. “Fancy seeing you down this way. Brilliant timing, you clever old thing. I’m just about out of puff.”
“I’m bound the other direction, Bartholomew.”
There was a warning in Edward’s voice. The engine called Bartholomew did not take the slightest notice.
“What’s the problem? You’ll be lucky if they do hand off my train to you. Pleasant job, this.” He yawned again. “If, I concede, a bit dull.”
“Plenty of work to be done, over my way.”
Bartholomew gave a weak, gentle snort. “If it’s work you’re looking for, there should be as much as you want of it here. Why go rushing about? Grow where you are planted, dear Edward… grow where you are planted.”
“Some of us are engines,” said Edward, with an excessive and sarcastic patience, “and not trees.”
“Why, so you are!” Bartholomew sighed, with a happy simmer, as his already uninterested steam died down further still. “But you run about too much, my friend. You’ll do yourself a mischief one of these days. A fine sight it would be, if you took it easy for a spell.”
“The rest of us would all take it a bit easier,” said Edward, warily eying the stationmaster and the crews, who were in deep and animated conference, “if we didn’t have to pick up the slack for you.”
Bartholomew gave a smile slightly less vague than his other efforts. “If it meant you took a nice afternoon nap for a change, I might even be induced to make a delivery or two.”
“Charmed. But I’m having a very nice little run right now, so be on your way and let us be.”
Bartholomew showed not the slightest curiosity about who “us” referred to.
Unfortunately, stationmaster seemed to have the same idea as Bartholomew. As the engines fell into an awkward silence (huffy on Edward’s part, and sublimely untroubled on Bartholomew’s), they could all overhear the debate being shouted across the tracks.
It seemed Bartholomew would need a long delay before they could raise his steam, and the stationmaster needed their one and only platform cleared out for the Local. Surely, it made perfect sense for Edward to turn ‘round and take the train, which was bound for Wellsworth anyway. And Control had already agreed.
Driver Sand, however, was none too resigned to his fate. “We have to get this diesel—”
“He’s a Co-Bo!” Heaver put in cheerfully. Then, “Ow.”
“—to Crovan’s Gate.”
“Is it urgent?”
“Is it urgent? His entire system’s down.”
The stationmaster gave 5702 the barest, briefest glance, then continued: “We can’t stick this lot on the Local—”
He had clearly determined that Oh-Two was irrelevant to the day’s work. And the worst part was, the diesel couldn’t disagree with him.
It wasn’t the first time he’d felt inconsequential to the bustle and busyness of the rails. But here, surrounded wholly by steam engines, it was perhaps the most acute such moment in his life.
“This is the special,” the stationmaster continued. “It must get priority.”
“The special?”
“Right! VIPs, all of them. It’s a charter. You know…” The stationmaster glanced all around before explaining, at a lower pitch: “The Boxford party.”
The driver groaned.
“We checked with Control!" the stationmaster went on. “You’re not timetabled until 7:05.”
“That hardly means we’re idle,” objected Sand. “Quite apart from this rescue, we’ve got goods to sort—”
“You know very well that main line passengers are going to trump branch line goods, every time.”
“—and we are assigned a train to bank at four—”
“Yeah. But you already pawned that job off for today, though, didn’t you?”
The driver sighed. It was clear he was used to getting his own way. “Look, what if we just push behind long enough to stir Bartholomew’s fire back to life?”
“If an engine is that determined to not go,” muttered Edward darkly, “there won’t be any making him. Trust me…”
Scowling, Sand gave up. They deposited 5702 and the tail of trucks onto a siding, where the diesel found himself parallel to the stranded steam engine, who was smiling vaguely, eyes heavily lidded.
“Well, well, well,” he murmured, opening one eye to lazily survey the diesel. “What a sight!”
Then he closed the eye again, and went back to dozing.
Oh-Two normally didn’t mind avoiding the pitfalls of conversation. But it occurred to him that Bartholomew was on his right-hand side. His eye might well have fallen Oh-Two’s white mystery stain. The diesel wouldn't have minded finding out what another engine thought it resembled. Sometimes humans could be so baffling. He was curious to know whether there had been cause for all that fuss.
The passengers were herded back to the platform and invited to board. After navigating more switches than any engine ever cares to, Edward took Bartholomew’s place at the head of the train, and put on a brave face that lasted long enough to exchange words with anyone who approached him, gracious with greetings and complaints alike. But, as soon as the passengers had all queued to file back into the coaches, he frowned at the track ahead, hissing unhappily at the sight of the line opposite his original destination.
“Once they raise his pressure,” said the stationmaster, conciliatory, “you want Bartholomew should finish your delivery?”
Edward eyed the other steam engine with blatant dismissal. “No, thank you, sir. I prefer it done properly.”
“And a fine afternoon to you too, old chap,” smiled Bartholomew. He still appeared to have his eyes closed, basking in the sun.
“We’ll be back,” Edward called over to Oh-Two. A promise.
“I shouldn’t mind,” yawned the black engine. “Made mostly of aluminum, these buzzboxes, aren’t they? It’s not a hard lift. There’s no point in your rushing back here.”
“It’s not the engine—who has a name,” began Edward, all severity. But the effect was rather lost when Bartholomew deigned to open one eye again, blearily focusing on the diesel’s number.
“Please tell me that you aren’t referring to ‘D5702’.”
“That’s right.” Edward affected to sound mildly surprised that Bartholomew could read it.
But Bartholomew only scoffed, untroubled. “That’s not a name. That’s too many digits. You should get yourself something better,” he told Oh-Two. “Alison, perhaps, or Samantha. You are female, yes?”
Oh-Two glared. Although to humans there is no difference discernible to the eye, rolling stock can always invariably tell at a mere glance. They can’t explain how, but misgendering among their own kind is nonexistent. Well, except for trucks who might care to irritate an engine. “Are you blind?”
“Many have asked, my dear whatever—many have asked. Still, you look more’n a bit like that railcar over Elsbridge way.”
“Bartholomew, if you’re going to nap,” said Edward, who had to let off steam despite the passengers boarding his train, “then perhaps you’d better get on with it, so as to stop insulting our guest.”
“What insult? She’s the most beautiful creature ever placed upon bogies! Sight for sore eyes, that one. He’s a fine fellow, too. Despite that little hammer and sickle painted on his side.” He went on, ignoring Oh-Two’s splutter completely. “Sure and you don’t want me to take him to the Works, once I wake up? Save you a trip?”
“No,” said Edward shortly. “Nice change of pace though it is, to hear you volunteering for anything. Anyway, it’s the mineral wagons behind him that I expect would give you trouble.”
“Oh, dear me, no. I didn’t sign on for them. Owner doesn’t care for me to mess about with freight, you know.”
“We do know.” Edward sounded fatalistic. “I’ll see you in about two hours, 5702.”
“Marcus!” suggested Bartholomew, shouting over the sound of the guard’s whistle.
“No,” said the other two engines, together.
The Boxford party’s charter pulled away. As Edward and the coaches chuffed out of sight, Oh-Two found he had somehow forgotten that this was only his first day here.
Now, he remembered.
Broken down and useless in the middle of nowhere, alone save for the indifferent sleepy engine beside him, he realized his position all over again.
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irisviel101 · 3 years
MFB Fics | "Through The Ages"
Apparently, I wrote this fic a home back and forgot all about it. Not sure if I should post it on FFN, so I'll just put it up here. It's really old and probably not that good, but here goes.
Summary: Many bladers have joined his gym and Coach Steel remembers everyone's story. Behold, the Dungeon Gym through the ages.
James Steel hadn't expected to find world class bladers in the local tournament. Really, he was just there to take a break and instruct his students on what common mistakes not to make and perhaps to scope out some new talent.
He had had to bite the insides of his cheeks so that he wouldn't shout about all the mistakes the competitors were making. Those kids were the same age as his own students. Sure, they were kids but if they were serious enough about blading to enter the tournament, they needed help.
Perhaps he should put out some more flyers and take in some more students. More students would take more time out of his schedule, especially ones so young, but there was nothing that felt better than to help kids reach their full potential.
He came to a stop, watching as a kid tried to knock over a can. It was one of the competitors of the tournament that had occurred today. He tried to connect the fluffy brown hair and the dark skin to a na—
Right. Owin. The one who almost reached the quarter finals.
"Ah, man!" the kid said as he jogged over to collect his bey. "What am I doing wrong?"
James decided to speak up. "For one thing, your shoulders are too tense."
"Huh?" The kid looked around and finally spotted him. "Who're you?"
James shrugged. "Just someone who likes beys."
The kid's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"An alley isn't really a great place to train. Tell you what, kid. Come to my gym and I'll help you."
Owin leaned forward, eyes lighting up. "Really? You're a bey teacher?"
"Yeah. The name's James Steel."
It took a while for Owin to convince his parents, but he soon became a member of the Dungeon Gym.
When the door opened, James had to pause for a while. The storm outside was so intense that he'd given his students a day off. They all loved a vacation too much to show up, not that their parents would let them even if they did.
Did something happen?
He left his work room and came to a stop. He wasn't sure what he had expected, but it wasn't a small kid drenched from head to toe. Their eyes met and the kid froze as though he had been caught stealing. Through chattering teeth, he stammered an apology, already half out.
"Hey, wait."
The kid froze once more. James did not like the way his fingers tensed around the doorknob.
"Come on in."
Within an hour, Toby became a member too.
Bruce and Brad
"We're the ultimate tag team!"
He watched the two kids who had just come in, his lips twitching in amusement. Kids were adorable sometimes.
"We've come to challenge your gym," the blond one said.
"Go ahead and try," Owin said. "Toby and I will take you on." He turned to his self-proclaimed partner. "Right?"
Toby turned to James in confusion. "I thought battles with outsiders weren't allowed."
"Well, yeah, but these two asked me instead of just barging in here, so why not? You kids need a challenge every now and then."
Needless to say, Toby and Owin won the match.
"Toby, how come you're late today? You're never late."
"And who's that?"
"Are you a blader, kid?"
James suppressed an infuriated sigh. He left for two minutes and they skipped their training. Kids.
"Hold it!"
They all jumped and turned to him with panicked looks.
"All of you, back to training."
With a startled, "Yes, sir," they all scrambled to the nearest task, not even minding that he had told Owin to do the shadow launches and Brad to do the push-ups, not the other way around. And why on Earth was Bruce doing balance training?
"Sorry I'm late, Coach," Toby said. All the fear from the first night was gone and Toby boldly met his eyes.
James nodded. "Don't make a habit of it." He turned to the other kid and the small brown haired boy tensed a little. "What's your name?"
"Uh, I'm Zeo Abyss. I'd like to join too, please."
"Zeo, huh?" He needed to see his skill level. "Give me a shadow launch."
Zeo did as he was told, his stance a little off because of the suddenness of the command.
"Very well, then. Welcome to the Dungeon Gym."
"I take my eyes off of you for one second and you forget all about training."
The new kid — someone clad in red — furrowed his eyebrows. "Don't be such a grouch."
James raised an eyebrow. None of the kids he's recruited so far had done something like that. Interesting kid, that one.
"No one's battled me at all since I came here! I'm cramping up for goodness's sake!"
Another one who liked to battle. Well, the gym was open for anyone who wanted to join. James just wished that the kids would learn to ask him directly instead of just bringing in strangers or battling anyone who showed up.
Zeo encouraged the new kid and Toby warned him about the strict training, but it only seemed to make him want to join even more. At least, not until after he had joined and been given the task.
Honestly, no kid had ever complained about the training exercises that much, not since or after. But Masamune had spirit, James would have to give him that much.
King and Chris
Following the repairs that came after the Nemesis Crisis, James was relieved to know that Toby, Zeo and Masamune especially — what had he been thinking, going head first into a fight with the freaking god of destruction anyway? That kid would be the death of him one day — could take it easy for a while.
Not that it stopped them from training so much, but that was just what those kids were like. So were King and Chris, apparently.
Speaking of which, he had something to say to the two of them.
"Why do we have to sign this?" King said, looking at the contract as if he was actually reading it, though James knew better than to think he was.
"With this, you'll be an actual member of the gym."
True to himself, King grinned. "Cool!" He scribbled something at the sheet which James was sure was barely legible even though he had yet to see it.
King handed the form back and— Yup, this kid's writing was horrible.
"Hurry up and sign, Chris!" Masamune said, throwing an arm around the blond precisely because he knew Chris hated that.
"Yeah, what're you just staring at it for?" King added.
Chris turned to the two of them and then to him. Swimming in his eyes was— Wait.
Oh, no, he didn't.
"If you're thinking about leaving, kid, then so help me—"
"No way!"
Flashing him a smirk, Chris finally signed the form and yet another member joined the gym.
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
Under The Mistletoe with the Akatsuki // Part Four // Deidara
Ah, so it’s his turn under the fragrant green spotlight. He readies himself and stands underneath the plant, ready to endure (or perhaps enjoy) whatever is coming his way. It’s odd; when he was a young kid he always thought that kissing was gross. But now, as he waits for the first person to come to him, he finds himself almost ... excited.
“Ooh! Lucky Tobi! Tobi is first for Senpai!” Oh, God, or Lord Jashin, or whoever it was that made things happen: Deidara does not want to kiss Tobi. Tobi is already a bit too hands-on for Deidara’s liking, a bit too attached to his Senpai. Also, it bothers him that at the moment, nobody else is in the room; the two of them are totally alone. Still, though, this should only last a few seconds, and everybody else is going to be having a turn, so why not? Tobi gets close to Deidara and, to the blonde’s shock, he pulls off his entire mask. Deidara’s brain is able to register small details about Tobi’s face, but only for a split second. After that, suddenly, everything went ... strange. He’s being kissed; he can feel ((surprisingly soft)) lips touching his own, but ... he barely notices this. Deidara is flooded with bizarre imagery, of vividly bright flowers and aggressively emerald fields, none of which are in the little room they’re standing in. Is this ... is this genjutsu?? After his first encounter with Itachi, Deidara has trained his eye to counter such illusionary tricks; he quickly snaps out of it and comes back to reality. But Tobi ... his mask is on, and he’s shaking Deidara’s shoulders. “Senpai?! Are you okay??” Tobi claims that Deidara fainted, and tells him to sit down while he gets him some water. Deidara does as suggested, confused. WAS that just a ... a dream? Had he fainted? Had he and Tobi kissed at all? He starts to write the entire thing off, but then he realizes that his mouth has the taste of dango in it. Wasn’t Tobi eating Dango earlier? Wasn’t — and then Tobi is back with the water, and Deidara drinks, his mind still jumbled. He hopes the rest of his encounters aren’t this bizarre.
Deidara is an immature kid that reminds Kakuzu a lot of his own partner, Hidan. He can’t begin to count how many times in the last month he’s had to RE-reattach Deidara’s arms, because the guy kept doing reckless things with that damn “art” of his. Still, though; even Kakuzu has to admit that Deidara’s antics provide a steady stream of lighthearted entertainment, in an organization that could be very depressing most of the time. When it’s Kakuzu’s turn, he puts one hand on Deidara’s face and gives him a light kiss on the forehead. He smoothes back his bangs as he does, informing Deidara that there are many people who would pay good money for hair Deidara’s length, and if he’s ever interested in making a bit of money, to come see him (and his scissors).
Thinks of Deidara as being like a little brother, in a way. And a good friend; despite the loud and temperamental way he acts with the others, with Konan, he’s always been one of her biggest supporters and confidantes. There was even a time in the past when the entire group was traveling somewhere new, and Konan twisted her ankle in a concealed hole in a field. Deidara immediately lifted her off her feet and carried her the rest of the way to their destination. She approaches Deidara with a smile, leans in, and kisses the tip of his nose. Deidara responds by putting his hands on her cheeks, and giving her two smacking kisses with his hand-mouths. The two laugh and then Konan leaves to make room for the next participant.
Surprisingly less objective than he was with many of the others he had to kiss. Even goes to the trouble of using a minty breath freshener beforehand. Makes absolutely NO comments beforehand about homosexuality or how “stupid” he feels this to be. “Ya ready for me, blondie?” He grabs Deidara around the waist, tilts him back, and gives him a brief (but impactful) smooch. Deidara blinks, surprised. This is ... oddly nice, but — why in the world does he suddenly taste blood on his lips?? Did Hidan just come back from a sacrifice? Did he do that completely unhygienic ritual of his where he licked the blood of his victims off his scythe? Hidan looks proud of himself, and, as he’s backing away, he tells Deidara that he reminds him of “a bitch in my old village that never let me kiss her. Now I feel like I have!”, to which Deidara gets angry and throws an explosive at Hidan’s face. “I’m a MAN, you stupid prick!” The two start fighting before Hidan is dragged away by Kakuzu, and Deidara goes to scrub down his mouth and lips before the next person comes up.
Ah, the youngest of his “children”. He’s happy that Deidara is so open with his feelings and being part of the group now; when he first came to the Akatsuki, he was a very secretive and somewhat shy young man, who had no trust in Pein or in any of them. Now he was so comfortable around his new “family” that it was like he was meant to be with them from the get-go. Pein goes to kiss Deidara’s forehead, stops, reconsiders, and kisses his cheek instead. Afterwards he smiles and gives him a friendly punch on the shoulder, before going back to his room.
Deidara may be the only member of the Akatsuki that Zetsu doesn’t really want to kiss. With everyone else, he likes to get close to them because they smell like delicious food. But the blonde guy ... he has a smell to him very much like clay, so much so that it masks the more desirable aroma of human blood. Zetsu is the only one who’s olfactory senses can detect this subtle difference, and it’s enough to deter him from ever trying to devour the kid. Nevertheless, he leans in, gives Deidara a quick smack on the cheek, and dashes away so fast that Deidara has doubts whether or not anything actually happened.
Is very, very hesitant to approach Deidara; no matter what he says or how he acts, Deidara just radiates with hatred for him. He’s watched several of the others exchange kisses with him, but thinks of just skipping his turn and going to his room. However, Deidara spots him and, folding his arms in front of his chest, asks, “So now the mighty Uchiha is too good to kiss me, hm?” and Itachi sighs and steps over to him. “Where do you want it?” “Huh?? It’s a KISS, you idiot. Where the hell do you think I want —“ but Itachi interrupts him by yanking him close by the forearms (so hard that the stitching weakens just a little) and lays into him with his lips. He kisses him so intensely and so long that Deidara actually starts to feel light-headed. Right before he thinks he’s going to pass out, however, Itachi pulls back, and to Deidara’s surprise he’s SMILING at him. “How was that? That good enough?” Deidara is still so shocked that he can’t think of a smart ass answer back, all he can do is nod. Hidan, who had been watching, comments “Jeez ... after a kiss like that I think you have to marry him, Itachi.” Hearing this finally snaps Deidara back to normal, who scowls and snarls and barks out “As if I’d ever become a low-life Uchiha scum, hm!” Itachi, still smiling, walks away as Deidara shouts insults after him. Things are back to normal.
Kisame truly enjoys being around the young artist. He finds Deidara’s sense of humor to be entirely refreshing, which was needed when working in an oft-depressing organization like the Akatsuki. He walks up and kisses Deidara on his chin, just beneath his lips. When Deidara asks why he picked such an odd spot, Kisame replies that everybody has already kissed the other places, and he prefers to not catch germs from the others (especially Hidan). Deidara laughs and agrees with him; after he goes, Deidara leaves and goes to brush his teeth and wash his face, to prepare for his final kiss of the night.
Sasori approaches Deidara like he would approach a wild animal; slowly and cautiously. Deidara has been his partner for some time now, an Sasori is never quite sure what he’s going to get with him. Sometimes he’s loud and obnoxious, other times he’s quiet and thoughtful. Some times he acts like he can’t stand the puppet master, but sometimes ... “Hey, Danna.” “Good evening, brat. Looks like I’m last.” “Yeah, hm.” Sasori gets close to him. He cups Deidara’s face, stares into his eyes, and leans into his lips. Deidara’s eyes close but Sasori’s stay open, taking in every minute detail of this kid, no, this man in front of him. Unable to help it, he moves one hand and gently puts it in Deidara’s soft hair, fingering the silky golden locks. He’s again struck by how warm he is, how wonderfully human. After some time has passed, Sasori breaks the kiss and steps back, straightening out his robe. “Was that acceptable?” Deidara nods, although the expression on his face is somewhat unreadable to Sasori. Recalling what Hidan said earlier about Itachi, Deidara says, jokingly, “After kissing me like that, now you have to marry me, hm.” He’s kidding, but oftentimes humor goes straight over Sasori’s head. He replies, in his quiet, analytical way, “I’ve always found the concept of marriage to be a waste of time and resources. People in general fare much better, and accomplish much more as individuals, wouldn’t you agree?” Deidara nods, and Sasori turns to go. Halfway down the hall he stops, turns slightly, and says, softly, “Deidara?” “Yeah?” “If I ever was to take that step, if I ever was to marry somebody, to fully commit myself to another person; well, it could only be to —“ but suddenly Hidan bursts out of his room, loudly yelling and cursing at Kakuzu’s door about something. The mood broken, Sasori bids a quiet Goodnight to Deidara and continues on to his room. Deidara stays where he is for a long time, wondering what Sasori had almost said.
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shadyhorsedragon · 3 years
I have some headcanons regarding Kageyama's birthday :
▪Shouyou takes him to play beach volley.
▪maybe with their sisters.
▪maybe to play against/with Kunimi and Kindaichi.
▪in Brazil, where he'll meet his old friends and present them to him. (In addition, the weather is better than in Japan)
▪bonus points if they meet Iwaizumi, Oikawa and/or Ushijima along the way, who would be here for a holliday break.
▪they stay there for a few days, actually, which marks the return of "Ninja Shouyou"... alongside "King Tobio". Few people have beat them to this day.
 ▪when they play with their sisters, they take turns :
 so we got :
- Kageyamas vs Hinatas (cool team vs energetic team)
- Tobio & Natsu vs Miwa & Shouyou (Tobio gets along well with Natsu's style, as she was greatly inspired from her brother, even if she has some tricks of her own up her sleeve).
- Tobi & Shou vs Miwa & Natsu (the boys won, obviously, but not without putting up a good fight. Natsu is a great player, smart yet impulsive, basically, she Shouyoued this one. Miwa had to adjust but she's actually pretty smart and remembered some good tips from her early vb years.)
-> They have to use their given names.
Did they do this to have fun ? Did they end up taking this way too seriously ? Maybe. In any case, the evening ended up with a dinner with Hinata's Brazilian friends.
 ▪they probably took turns during the Kindaichi & Kunimi match as well. (I have no headcanons for this one but it'd be pretty awsome, finally the middle school rematch !)
▪boiiiii if they meet IwaOi. Imagine of Hina called them over for a few matches ? Well, Oikawa would probably refuse, and Iwaizumi would probably be back in Japan, but one can dream 😭
▪"Tooru-san !" For Hina or Kags. "Tooru !" For Iwa-chan.
▪Hina made sure that Kags didn't have any matches in the near future, he asked Miwa & Kags' teammates to keep him updated (if it's during the BJ vs Adlers period, then he's ask Hoshiumi. He could ask Ushijima to help as well, but he gets along more easily with the Tiny Giant), Kags suspected something at one point, fortunately he let it slide, *intense Hinata sweat*, he contacted Kunimi & Kindaichi to ask if they were available (he contacted them through Koganegawa, they had each other's numbers from high school, and if he had changed, he could ask Tsukki, did he win tickets for a week in Brazil or will he pay for them ? Idk), he contacted his Brazil pals to ask for a good place to rent for the week, they told him they'd help him for their arrival, the Karasuno team greeted them upon their departure in Japan
▪best birthday ever with the people closest to Kags and his life-long passion with a good training in the sand, and the last evening, as Hinata and Kageyama were sitting on a hill nearby the beach, the wind refreshing their warm and exhausted bodies, Kageyama asked why would Hinata do all of this for him, Shou just answered : "well... to thank you for believing in me, for giving me a goal to reach, for being on the same wavelength as me, for teaching me how to 'jump', and stuff... that means a lot. I... I owe you a lot." Tobio turned to him, studied his face for a moment, and bursted out laughing and realizing all that Hinata had brought to him, on and off court. "Well", he answered, "then I owe you everything."
▪Hina and Kags kept on calling each other "Shou" and "Tobi" since then.
Furudate content that fueled my imagination :
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windstormwielding · 3 years
{ ooc } Recent trends show that people are very receptive to big, scary, beefy mommies™... so why not come meet the fine lady who raised Kō-boy here? Hadn’t had much of a proper image for her until recently, but then a bunch of things just clicked and fell into place!
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I’ll repost all of the below for her own page on the blog at some point, and might soon open her up for interactions as a proper side/request-only muse like Hai’iro Ranmaru. For now though, here’s the rundown! History, abilities, you name it, it’s down there!
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Profile: Ryōhei Yumiko
Name: Ryōhei Yumiko (亮平 由美子)
Birthday: June 26
Race: Soul
Gender: Female
Height: 185.4cm (6′1″)
Weight: 86kg (190 lbs)
Relatives: Ryōhei Kōtarō (Adoptive son)
Previous Profession: Shinigami
Previous Affiliation: Gotei 13, 11th Division
Previous Position: Lieutenant
Theme Song: “Battle Against a True Hero (UNDERTALE OST)” by Toby Fox
— Appearance —
Yumiko is a middle-aged woman with an imposingly broad and burly figure. Her face, while still retaining some youthful beauty to it, is partially disfigured from an accident with her zanpakutō early in her career. Many scars adorn her muscular form from head to toe, gained throughout her time as a battle-hardened soul reaper of the 11th Division. Her hair is auburn red with hints of greying in the present, usually kept long down her back and tied in a ponytail, and her eye colour is hazel.
She is often seen wearing an amigasa and a frayed, dull green kimono to better blend into the foliage, albeit the fabric is bloodstained. In her younger years, she wore a shihakushō, but customized her look into that of a sukeban-style delinquent: she wore her kosode open over her shoulders, tied to her upper body with a red ribbon; she tore off her shitagi sleeves to bare her arms; her Lieutenant’s badge was worn around her left bicep.
(Present Day Faceclaim: Balalaika of Black Lagoon)
— Personality —
Years ago, Yumiko was a foul-tempered spitfire who assisted in keeping the sorry louts of the 11th in line. Strength meant authority within those walls, and there were really only two within the Division who could challenge her might, but she was never one to lord her position over others. Diligent as can be, she often took initiative for leading combat drills to keep her subordinates’ skills sharp. As a member of the 11th, she was a fiercely determined fighter who also relished in the thrills of combat, often using brute force to get the job done, and let her hair down whenever parties were held and drinks flowed. Though she and 3rd Seat Kuruyashiki often butted heads over trivial matters to the point of trading blows, she genuinely respected his strength and character deep down.
While she grew calmer and humbled when she effectively retired, she still holds no patience for any who seeks to do harm unto others weaker than themselves. Yumiko always had a weakness for children, despite the fact that her appearance tend to terrify many, to her dismay. To make up for this, she starkly changes her demeanour into a far more doting personality, sometimes accompanied by a familiar dopey grin that Kōtarō would inherit. She was fiercely protective of him growing up, and, true to her 11th Division training, killed those who dared to threaten her boy’s life without batting an eye or losing sleep.
— History —
In her heyday, up to 410 years before the present, Ryōhei Yumiko lived as a Gotei 13 shinigami, serving as the Lieutenant of the 11th Division. She fit right into the mold of a squad full of melee combatants and was a master with a blade, living and breathing by the three B’s: brawls, bloodshed, and booze. The many scars she accrued over the course of her lifetime each stood as a testament for her love of fighting, as these only grew in number the higher she rose up the ranks.
Unfortunately, her career was cut short come a terrible incident with her Captain. In a bid to further his own swordsmanship as the 6th Kenpachi, Captain Baishin attempted to merge with his own zanpakutō. This fusion, though successful, turned out to be one-way and took a debilitating toll on his mind, causing Kenpachi Baishin to go on a killing rampage that claimed the lives of over 60 seated officers across the Seireitei, including Lieutenants (OVA: The Sealed Sword Frenzy).
Yumiko nearly lost her life in the assault. While she survived, her saketsu and hakusui were pierced during the battle while she burned through her reiryoku. She awoke to several changes in the Gotei 13, chief among them being: her powers have effectively disappeared forever; Kuruyashiki, her 3rd Seat in the 11th, rose to the occasion and donned the Captain’s haori as the 7th Kenpachi during the crisis; and Baishin fled to the world of the living before being sealed away by Kuruyashiki and five other Captains, with two of them not returning home.
Not wanting to sit around for a pity party as she can no longer work within the Seireitei, Yumiko simply left and returned home in North Rukongai. Though her soul reaper powers are gone and she can no longer hear the voice of her zanpakutō, she still had both her fearsome physical strength and her incredible skill with a sword, just as how she always lived and liked it. She never raised her blade against innocent civilians, but many thugs in their attempts to cross her over the years lost their lives.
Around 270 years before the present, Yumiko found a toddler in the thickets of Kusajishi, just passed on from the world of the living. Disgusted that her former comrades would leave him to die within one of the worst districts for a child to be in, she sought to foster him and take him up to some family in a better-off district closer towards the Seireitei. However, she quickly found herself endeared to him when she realized he wasn’t scared of her at all, clinging to her with not one scream of fear or protest at the sight of her. She then decided to take him in as her son and gave him a name of his own: Ryōhei Kōtarō (亮平 康太郎).
Yumiko doted on and sheltered the boy as best she could over the years. Putting her years of fighting experience to use, she strove to teach her son the way of the sword. This was not only so that he may stand an actual chance by himself in the sticks of the Soul Society, but because she knew from his persisting hunger that one day soon, Kōtarō too might follow in her footsteps as a shinigami.
After he finally left for the Academy, she took to wandering the Soul Society proper, but would still come back to Kusajishi on the occasion he should ever visit.
— Powers & Abilities —
Expert Swordsman: As a Lieutenant of the 11th Division, Yumiko's talent in Zanjutsu was almost unrivalled back in her prime. Though her skills dulled with time and little worthy foes to fight out in the boonies, she still managed to garner a menacing reputation that kept her feared by many in North Rukongai. She passed on much of her knowledge in the combat art down to her son, who later became a worthy swordsman in his own right.
Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Yumiko supplemented her swordsmanship with grappling, throws, and boxing, where her larger size and superior strength come into play. In the past, she often resorted to fighting with her bare fists while her active Shikai was locked into its sheath.
Enhanced Strength, Endurance, & Durability: Kōtarō looks up to Yumiko and calls her the strongest woman he knows; that’s not just him being cute, as he means that quite literally. She built up much of her strength over her long tenure as a shinigami in the most combat-intensive Division of them all, capable of lifting and cleaving boulders that are heavier and larger than herself with relative ease. Her body proved resilient enough to not only survive attacks from a crazed Baishin-zanpakutō fusion, while other seated officers in her position—including fellow Lieutenants—perished, but hold him off solo for some time despite her wounds and failing powers.
— Former Powers & Abilities —
Great Spiritual Power: As a former Lieutenant of the Gotei 13, Yumiko once possessed a considerable amount of reiryoku. Her reiatsu was coloured light blue, and her exerting her spiritual pressure made the surrounding area more humid.
Kidō Practitioner: Having attended Shin’ō Academy, Yumiko proved to have little aptitude for magic. The loss of her powers only took away what little capability for Kidō she had.
Shunpō Expert: Yumiko was surprisingly agile for her bulk and quite fast among her peers, able to keep pace with her old Captain who was himself well-versed in Hohō. While she now lacks the power to use such techniques, she still retains some valuable footwork lessons and continues to apply them toward her swordplay.
Zanpakutō: Yūgiri (夕霧, Evening Mist) resembles a normal katana in its sealed state, with a grey hilt and raindrop-shaped tsuba, and its scabbard came with a clip that kept the blade notched. Though Yumiko can no longer call on its power, she took her blade with her nonetheless when she absconded from the Seireitei, and concealed its distinct appearance by binding its hilt and tsuba in cloth. Yūgiri hangs by her hip. Its release command was “Billow!” (畝れ! Unere!).
Shikai: When transformed, Yūgiri’s blade hollowed out with small holes dotted along its length, gathering moisture from the surrounding area to empower its steel with super-heated steam and scald her enemies. Yumiko used the mist as a smokescreen, and often sheathed her active weapon to compress and build up power within its scabbard for mortal draw techniques, such as steam blades.   Yūgiri’s signature technique, Jyōki Bakusatsu (蒸汽爆炸, Steam Eruption) was the end result of storing up so much pressure, that it creates a steam explosion with extreme heat and force from the sheath once her blade is drawn. The first time Yumiko used this move proved reckless, resulting in the facial burn injury.  
Bankai: Not achieved.
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ghosttotheparty · 3 years
when you come home
prompt #43 “we’ll see each other again” kisses; for @alittleemo <3 AO3
Troy was just stopping by the study room to get one last look at it, but he stops when he sees Abed, sitting on the table at his own seat, his ankles crossed as his legs swing. 
Abed doesn’t see Troy standing there, holding the strap of his duffle bag with both hands, leaning against the doorframe, watching Abed watch the janitor. Troy waits, watching him, savouring him, until the janitor straightens one last chair and grabs a crumpled piece of paper from the floor and Abed says, “Thanks, George!” lightly with a raised hand. 
Almost immediately after George is gone, Abed’s hand falls back to the table, propping him up. The friendly smile he gave George falls.
Troy’s heart clenches and his hands tighten on the strap, and he watches and watches and watches.
Abed barely moves, save for the subtle rise and fall of his shoulders as he breaths, the swinging of his legs, and the small lock of hair that falls across his forehead. He doesn’t move it. He doesn’t even seem to notice. 
Abed, can you hear me? Troy tries. Abed doesn’t react or respond.
So Troy says what he needs to. 
I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m breaking you and I’m sorry. I’m going to miss you so much. I’m going to think about you every day. I have that picture you gave me of us, and it’s gonna go on my wall, and it’s going to be the first thing I’ll see when I wake up in the morning and the first thing I’ll see when I go to bed at night, because you’re already the first thing I think of when I wake up and the last thing I think of when I go to bed, and that’s not going to change.
Troy’s eyes sting and he blinks them, biting his quivering lip. Abed continues staring at the floor in front of him. Troy wishes he could hear what he’s thinking. 
And I know I’ve said it before, but it was usually when we were roleplaying or in character in the Dreamatorium, but I love you. So much. You’re the only person who really gets me. I barely even have to explain anything to you, because you just get it. You have to explain stuff to me a lot, but that’s because I’m me. Sorry.
“Hey,” Troy says finally, after more breaths and more longing, yearning,  desperate watching. Abed looks up, smiling softly as soon as his eyes land on Troy. 
“Hi,” Abed says quietly, shifting on the table. 
“Whatcha thinking about?” Troy steps into the room, toward the study table, swaying awkwardly as he holds the strap of his bag.
Abed takes a breath before looking away and shrugging. 
His legs continue to swing as Troy gets closer, stopping a few feet away. 
“Thanks for the blanket,” Troy says abruptly, remembering, and the corner of Abed’s mouth quirks up into a smile. 
“I thought you might like to take a little piece of home with you.” 
Troy smiles weakly. He swallows, willing his eyes not to start burning again. The library is quiet, but he can hear the air condition blowing. A sound that doesn’t scare him anymore. His smile falls. “How many blankets did you take down from the fort? The one you gave me was pretty structural…”
The one Abed gave him is blue. Dark blue, with the Inspector Spacetime logo printed across it. It’s soft and fuzzy, and when Troy pushed it into his bag, it moved the air around him and it smelled just like Abed. Troy had to take a second to collect himself before zipping his bag up. 
“All of them.”
Troy freezes. 
Abed glances at Troy before looking back down at the floor, watching his feet dangle above the ground. 
“But… why?” Troy asks, his brow furrowed, confused. And maybe a little hurt. The blanket fort was theirs, even though Troy had moved into the former Dreamatorium. He still spent enough time in it, watching tv and playing games with Abed. He even spent some nights there after moving into his own room, climbing into the bunk bed late at night because he felt lonely without Abed’s breathing under him, without the quiet creaking of the bed as Abed rolls over. There were a few nights he even spent in Abed’s bed, just because, their limbs tangled together and Abed’s face buried in Troy’s neck, his breath tickling his skin. 
Abed is quiet for a second, and Troy waits, watching him carefully for any hint at what he’s feeling. 
“I don’t know,” he says finally. “It just… won’t be the same.”
“But… that’s where you live. And sleep. Are you keeping the bunk bed there?” 
Abed shakes his head. Now he notices the hair that fell across his forehead, looking up at it with crossed eyes before pushing it back. 
“Where are you…” 
Abed cuts his eyes across to Troy, smiling subtly.
“Are you going to my room?” Troy asks, a grin starting to spread across his face, and Abed nods. “Are you going to move the bunk bed?”
Abed pauses before shaking his head. 
“No, I’m just gonna use yours. I don’t know what we’ll do with the bunk bed yet. Maybe donate it.”
“Well that bed is really comfy, I think you’ll like it.”
“Plus it’ll smell like you,” Abed says quietly, like he’s thinking out loud. “Which…” His words drift off and he takes a deep breath, looking up and tilting his head back.
“Which what?” Troy presses lightly. 
Abed sighs, and it takes a second for him to answer. 
“Could help or hurt me. I don’t want to use the bunk bed because it’ll make me miss you. But smelling you might make me miss you too. Or it might be comforting. I…” Abed takes another breath, and now it shakes as he exhales. 
“Hey,” Troy says softly, lifting his bag over his head and setting on the table next to Abed before stepping close. Abed covers his face with his hands. 
“I know it’s supposed to be easier for me to let you go now, but it still…” His voice is muffled. “I know,” Troy whispers, reaching a hand out and running it over Abed’s back. He’s careful, smoothing down the wrinkles of Abed’s flannel, listening as Abed takes slow, deep breaths. 
Finally, Abed drops his hands, but his eyes are still trained steadfastly on the floor in front of him. 
“Hey,” Troy says quietly, taking his hand from Abed’s back to step in front of him. “Do you remember when Toby locked you in a telephone booth at the Inspector Spacetime Convention?” 
Abed cuts his eyes up to him, furrowing his brows and nodding slowly. 
“And…” Troy swallows, looking away before looking back at him. “Do you remember how you told me you weren’t scared or worried or anything because you knew I’d find you?” 
Abed brow relaxes and he looks away. 
“It’s like that.” He steps closer and sets his hands on Abed’s knees, tilting his head to catch Abed’s eyes. When their eyes meet, Troy continues. “I’m leaving today, for a long time probably, but it’s going to be okay because I’ll find you again. Okay?”
Abed doesn’t answer, looking up into Troy’s eyes. 
“I’m going to come home,” Troy whispers. “I’ll find you again.”
“What if something happens?” Abed asks, and his voice is strained and he sounds desperate, and Troy’s heart cracks down the center. “What if we can’t save Greendale?”
Troy shakes his head.
“I don’t care, Abed.” He moves his hands, holding Abed’s face, his fingers slipping behind his jaw and ears, his thumbs pressing into his cheeks when Abed tries to look away again and gazing into his eyes intensely. “Greendale isn’t my home. You are. And I don’t care if you’re in Colorado, Tokyo, or some remote cave in Croatia. I’ll come home to you.”
He waits for a response, his eyes flicking back and forth between Abed’s until Abed nods slightly and Troy moves back, realising he had leaned forward as he spoke. 
“Promise me something?” he says, loosening his grip on Abed until his thumbs are brushing lightly over his skin. Abed nods again. 
Troy swallows, looking down.
“Don’t stay here?” he finally says quietly. When he looks up, Abed’s brows are furrowed again. “I mean--” He chokes on his words, so he clears his throat, stepping closer to the table, and Abed’s legs spread for him to step between. “If you want to stay, of course, but just… Don’t wait for me. If you get the opportunity to go make a movie in Hollywood, do it. Or if you just… get to go somewhere, get a job, whatever, do it, okay? I’ll catch up.”
Abed looks at him, and his eyes are so dark and glassy and desperate, Troy thinks he might cry, and he really hopes he doesn’t because if Abed cries, Troy will fall apart. 
“Okay,” Abed whispers, and Troy falls apart anyway. 
They’re just breathing to each other, exhaling words like they’re telling secrets.
Troy takes a breath, nodding, looking looking looking. 
Abed is sitting on his hands, but as seconds tick by and their eyes remain locked, one of his hands drifts to Troy’s side, grasping the fabric of his hoodie in a fist. Troy is acutely aware of Abed’s eyes flicking across his face, skimming down to his lips, and of Abed’s hand tightening on his jacket, and of--
“This is a kiss lean,” Abed says, shattering the taut air between them. 
Troy blinks, and suddenly there are only inches between his face and Abed’s, and he can feel Abed’s breath on his lips, and his fingers are gently cradling Abed’s face, and it’s every romance movie ever made. 
“Sorry,” Troy says, letting go of Abed and pulling away, stepping back, but Abed stops him before he can step away completely, reaching up and grabbing Troy’s face, pulling him in until their mouths crash together. 
Troy stumbles as his eyes widen, and he catches himself with a hand on the table and a hand on Abed’s hip. 
So he wasn’t just imagining any of it. 
He wasn’t imagining any of the times he caught Abed just looking at him, with those beautiful eyes of his that Troy is beginning to realise that he really is obsessed with, or any of the times that Abed went out of his to find any excuse to touch him, brushing his hand against Troy’s back while passing him, pressing his knee into Troy’s under the table in the study roo, sitting just a little too close to Troy on the sofa when watching a movie.
Troy squeezes his eyes shut, sliding his hands around to Abed’s back, pulling him closer. 
Abed kisses differently when he’s him. 
When he’s in character, as one of the many characters they play together, he’s always gentle, usually with a hand pressed lightly to Troy’s chest or his fingers curled around his chin, and the kisses last for just a second, for the sole purpose of completing a scene or a trope. Every soft, barely-there peck left Troy nearly speechless, nearly breathless, left him wanting and yearning for another. 
Abed, apparently, kisses desperately when he’s not in character. His hands clutch Troy’s jacket, pulling him close and holding him there, tugging at it as he tilts his head and opens his mouth, and there are quiet, whimpering sounds coming from his throat. Troy pulls back for a second, taking a gasp of air and licking his lips before leaning back in, sliding a hand up into Abed’s hair, running his hand through it and tightening his grip in it when Abed’s teeth catch his lip. 
When Troy finally lets out a quiet hum,  Abed reaches up, wrapping his arms around Troy’s neck and pulling him down, whining as Troy leans into him, pressing his hand against the small of Abed’s back, pulling him closer until they’re as close as possible. Abed’s head tilts and he’s bobbing his chin and he’s sliding his tongue into Troy’s mouth, and Troy’s heart is pounding in his chest. Troy wonders if Abed can hear it. 
Abed’s legs wrap around Troy, and Troy smiles against his mouth.
When Abed finally pulls away with a sharp gasp, Troy pulls his head away and looks at him, his eyes widened and awestruck. Abed’s mouth hangs open for a second before he closes it, and Troy watches his throat move as he swallows. 
“Woah,” Abed breathes, his eyes drifting back to Troy’s mouth. Troy scoffs at the understatement, smiling softly at him, and Abed’s hands slip down to his chest, his fingertips scratching lightly as he curls his hands. 
“That was nice,” Abed says.
“Wanna do it again?” 
Abed doesn’t answer, and instead just leans up, his fingers gripping the fabric of Troy’s t-shirt as their lips lock again. He’s slower this time, gently slipping his tongue between Troy’s lips and sighing. Troy raises his hand from Abed’s back, lifting it to run through Abed’s hair, cradling his head carefully. When Abed pulls away, he rests his forehead on Troy’s, breathing deeply with his eyes shut like he’s asleep, before lifting his head and resting his cheek on Troy’s shoulder, nestling his face in Troy’s neck. 
Troy closes his eyes too, wrapping his arms around Abed’s neck and holding him close, his fingers still tangled in his hair, almost shivering as Abed’s arms snake around his waist. He swallows, furrowing his brows, unsure of what to do, what to say. I love you? I’ll miss you? Everything seems too small, too understated. Nothing can make Abed know what’s happening in Troy’s heart, what’s tearing it apart and stitching it together at the same time as Abed’s lips brush his skin. 
“Can we do that again when you come home?” Abed asks softly, and Troy can feel the question on his skin. He smiles. 
“Can we sleep together when you come home?” Abed asks, somehow even softer than before. 
Troy’s eyes fly open and he suppresses a grin, scratching Abed’s scalp softly as he nuzzles his face against his head. 
“Like… sleep in the same bed? Cuddling after  a movie? Or like sex?” 
“Mm. I meant share a bed, but sex is cool, too.”
“We can do both.”
Abed hums happily and kisses Troy’s neck. It’s soft, and slow, and Troy nearly chokes on his own breath as his eyes promptly begin to burn. Abed’s arms tighten around him like he can sense his eyes turn glassy. 
“I already miss you,” Abed whispers. His breath sends a shiver down Troy’s back. 
“I’m not gone yet,” he manages to say without his voice breaking. 
“But you have to leave soon.” Troy feels Abed’s hands fist in his shirt like he’s scared to let go. “And the others are already waiting outside.”
“I kn--”
Troy gasps, squeezing his eyes shut. As he lifts a hand to quickly wipe the tears that are already cascading down his face, Abed raises his head and gently pushes Troy’s hands away, swiping his thumbs across Troy’s cheeks and under his eyes. 
“Sorry,” Troy breathes, looking down, avoiding Abed’s eyes, but Abed curls a finger under his chin, shaking his head and leaning in to kiss him. 
Troy wonders how magical kissing Abed will feel when he gets back. It already feels like he should be glowing blue.
“We can…” Abed says when they pull away. “We can call. And email. And… and Skype and stuff.” 
Troy nods, his lip quivering, and he presses his hands to Abed’s face. 
“We can watch movies and then talk about them together,” Abed continues, looking deep into Troy’s eyes. “I’ll keep you up to date about everything that’s happening at Greendale, and you can tell me all about your adventures.” Abed puts his hands over Troy’s. “You can get postcards at all the countries you visit, and when you come home we can put them up on our wall.” He’s smiling hopefully, raising his eyebrows. 
Our wall.
Troy nods again, and Abed leans in, pressing their foreheads together. 
“Day by day, right?” Abed whispers. “And when you come home we’ll have a movie marathon, and we’ll cuddle for as long as we want.” 
Troy nods. 
“And I’ll have money,” he says, smiling weakly. “I can get us a projector. We can watch movies on the ceiling.” Abed’s eyes light up and he kisses Troy again, leaning up to catch him. 
“I should have done that a long time ago,” Troy murmurs when they separate. “I really missed out on four years of kissing you.”
“It’s okay.” Abed presses his lips to Troy’s again, softly and slowly, and Troy fingertips skim down Abed’s neck. “When you come home we’ll have all the time in the world.”
They hold each other, and Abed ends up with his face back in Troy’s neck, his knees on either side of his hips, and Troy worried that he may not be able to let go of him, of this beautiful, magical man that pulled Troy out of the dark, scary place inside him that he’d been cowering in. This weird, incredible man that made Troy feel safe. 
“Guys?” Annie’s voice calls softly at some point. (Troy loses track of time, especially when Abed’s arms are wrapped around him and his breath is sending chills over his skin.) 
Abed doesn’t move, except to nuzzle his face into Troy’s neck more, and Troy lifts his head from Abed’s, looking over at the door, where Annie appears, her brows pulled in in a sympathetic expression. 
“Troy, your… your boat is here.” 
He sighs and nods, and her eyes flick from him to Abed and back before she gives him a sad smile and leaves. Troy runs his hands through Abed’s hair. 
“Hey,” he whispers, but before he can say anything else, Abed lets out a forlorn, “I know,” and he kisses Troy’s neck before he lifts his head.
They walk outside together, hand in hand. 
Abed lets go of his hand when they join the others, after pausing to stare at the boat, the Childish Tycoon, for a second, and Troy knows they all see it: their fingers weaved together, and the way Troy’s hand drifts in the air for just a second after Abed’s falls from his, not wanting to let go. 
He says goodbye to them all, each hug and handshake chipping away pieces of his heart that he supposes he’ll have to leave at Greendale. 
“Clone Abed,” he says when he reaches Abed again, fighting every urge in him to reach out and pull him into his arms. 
“Clone Troy.” They both pause, looking at each other, feeling the others’ eyes watching them. “By the way, when I cloned you, I had to patch some missing parts of your DNA with genes from a homing pigeon. You may notice side effects…” Abed glances away. “Like the compulsion to come back.” 
“Cool,” Troy says calmly, trying his very best not to let the work break. “Clone hug?” 
Troy’s face falls as they wrap their arms around each other. 
When they pull away, he can’t bring himself to let go completel, his arms around Abed’s neck, their foreheads pressed together, as Abed’s hands slide over his waist. 
“When you come home, we’ll make up for lost time,” Abed murmurs softly, just for Troy to hear. 
Troy pulls his head away, looking into Abed’s eyes intensely, trying his damnedest to memorize them, before glancing down at Abed’s lips. Abed nods slightly. 
So Troy kisses him. 
He hears a quiet “Oh!” from Shirley and a heavy sigh from Jeff, but he finally doesn’t care. He just tilts his head and kisses him again, softly, carefully, feeling Abed’s fingers spread over his back and slide back to his waist. 
“I love you,” he says finally, finallyfinallyfinally, when they separate, and he steps back, brushing his fingertips over Abed’s cheeks. “I’ll be home soon.”
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avversiera-writes · 3 years
imagine this - senju tobirama/you, part 1 of 2
Summary: In which Tobirama ponders about what his life has amounted to, if what he has done and all of his accomplishments were enough. 
What happens if he makes it from his last fight, and comes home to the news of his unborn child. Life, as it is, ensues.
A/N: Pls cry, I did my best in this one-shot HAHAHAHHAHA.....
available on AO3.
Imagine this.  
Tobirama closes his eyes and he searches for your chakra signature. It flares strongly, even more than usual, and despite being close to his death, he takes comfort that you are alive and well. His words of telling you not to mourn him can only do so much, he knows this well. He did not realize that he would be taken from your side this early on in life. 
He does not feel pain anymore. 
As someone who has lived through many wars and deaths, he wonders if all the work he has done, all the fights he has won, he wonders what they equate to. Is he just a blip in time? Will he be remembered for his transgressions, or the accomplishments that he made and paid for by blood and many sleepless nights? Will he be known for his militaristic rule and policies, or be overshadowed by his brother’s abilities and be named something less? 
 At the time of his dying, he finds that he could care less. He only worries for you and what his death will mean to you. The village will be okay. He has trained his successor well, has raised him to be a fine shinobi, and under his care, the village will thrive. He hopes. He knows that Hiruzen is too young, but he is the only capable shinobi who can protect his village and lay down his life for it, no questions asked.
His eyes go to the sky, and for the life of him, he has never seen the sky like this. It is not supposed to be beautiful, not when he’s dying, but now that everything is finally coming into a stop, he finds that it is okay for him to finally admire the beauty of nature. That it is okay to feel at peace, and accept all the love that you have given him, because he knows all too well how much you have given him. 
 He never had time–he felt as if time was always working against him, and no matter how fast he is, time is a god that he can never contend with. He is and will always be a human being that will die in the end. 
 He is Senju Tobirama, Second Hokage. Master delegator, inventor, advisor, a brilliant tactician, teacher. 
 But to you, he is Senju Tobirama. Your husband, your companion for life. 
His vision clouds with blurred faces, but for a moment, he is allowed a moment of clarity. 
 Hiruzen, the new appointed Hokage, comes into view. He did not expect for any of them to come back for him. 
Tobirama feels a hand grasp his, and he turns to his student. “Tell her...that I am both thankful...and sorry.” 
His vision blanks, but he hears his student heeding his request. As for his last breath, he spends it feeling your chakra, despite being miles away. 
  Imagine this . He tells you, even if you will never know. 
It could be worse, you think. 
 When they brought Tobirama in, he was worse for wear. The good thing was, he is still conscious. He is not belligerent, and he lets his students carry him to the hospital to start the healing process. 
 Nervously, you follow them and you try to hold in the queasiness that is rocking your stomach. Subconsciously, you bring a hand to your stomach, as if it will help calm it. 
 You wait around, eating whatever Tobirama’s students bring you to eat and fighting hard to not throw it back up. 
 You must be sick, you reckon, but you know that this is not true. You have noticed how you tire easily these days, and how moody you are even though some situations do not require intense emotions. You also notice how you get sick around certain smells, and you are sensitive to the slightest change in temperature. You feel bloated, even though you cannot keep down any foods that you used to eat. 
 You are afraid to say it, because you do not want to hope for more, especially with what happened in the past with your miscarriage. 
But days of waiting for Tobirama to heal, of going through many tiring routines, the tiny life inside you continues to grow strong, and you are sure that it will be okay. 
After almost a month of recuperating, Tobirama is chained to his bed–figuratively, of course. He does not seem eager to get back on his feet, which is a first. He always disregards his own health and feels the need to jump at any chance to work, but for now, he stays still under your vigilance. You are finally alone with him, and you take his hand into yours. 
 Tobirama looks at you, in the same way that he always does. Even when he’s angry, or scowling at something that displeases him, all of that goes away when he finally finds your face. 
 “You do not look well,” Tobirama hoarsely grunts out. 
You let out a small chuckle. “Speak for yourself.” 
 Tobirama squeezes your hand strongly. “I told you not to worry.”
 You roll your eyes, finding it in you to be a little bit more playful. “No, you said, do not mourn me .” You try your best to impersonate him. 
Tobirama scowls and gives you a pointed look, but his touch on your hand remains tender. 
“Tobi,” you whisper, unsure how to begin. 
 Tobirama stares at you, waiting patiently for you to gather your thoughts. 
 “I’m with child,” you tell him, cutting to the chase. 
You look to your husband’s face and you see a light of wonder spread across his eyes, and then the faint softening of the rest of his face. 
“Oh,” he says, rendered speechless. It is probably one of the least things he expects right now.
You smile faintly and you bring your entwined hands to your lips. “You will be a father.” 
 Tobirama lets out a faint rush of air that sounds akin to a laugh. “And you, a mother.” 
When Tobirama got discharged from the hospital, it is surprising that he does not immediately throw himself to work. He insists that you consult with a doctor to make sure that everything is progressing well with your pregnancy, and by insist, you mean, command . You follow at his behest, and you wonder if the rest of your pregnancy will be full of Tobirama worrying more than enough for the two of you. 
 Well, he does have a reason to. 
He waits as patiently as he could, making the doctor examining you work nervously. 
 However, you know there is no budging him. 
“Alright, my lady,” the doctor says. “Your due date will be on August 13.” 
  The doctor gives you more provisions, and you have no doubt that Tobirama has already memorized them. He is always better than you with these types of things, as long as they require a routine and order. 
 As you walk home, Tobirama keeps close to you, not showing how fatigued he is and instead, trying to show you that he can fight anyone who dares harm you. 
“Tobirama, calm down,” you tell him right when you step into the four walls of your home. 
 You know that he is checking and rechecking the chakras surrounding you, in case anyone tries to do something. 
 “You, sit down,” Tobirama commands. “I will ask the servants to make you something, and you will sleep right after.”
 “Right after?” You retort, because you really cannot help it. “At least let my food digest for an hour or two.”
 Tobirama thinks about this, and then concedes. “Fine, but you will not tire yourself and move around. You will stay in bed.” 
You roll your eyes, but there is a smile on your face. “Right, okay.” 
 Tobirama meets your gaze, making sure to reaffirm his words, and then he makes way to find the servants. 
“Dammit, Tobirama,” you say to yourself, out of affection and amusement. 
Tobirama will not even let you walk around the streets of Konoha, not unless he is near you, because one, you might fall, or two, somebody tries to attack you–all his reasonable reasons, of course. So, no walking and shopping anymore. You also cease your work to help your husband, and instead, you are cooped at home, poring over books and poems and other dry manuscripts you happen to get your hands on. If it is not available at home, Tobirama brings it to you. 
 As your womb grows, your moods swing like a pendulum. One moment, you are giving Tobirama the silent treatment because he didn’t even massage you, the next you feel like you’re about to cry because has not even glanced at you or offered to carry you from the bathroom to the bed. 
 You honestly do not understand it, because you have always been the less moody one. You feel ashamed that you are acting up, but Tobirama does not complain and takes every brunt of your unpredictable pregnancy with a steady grace and stride that you have always known he is capable of. 
Tobirama is a problem-solver, so he always takes action and he starts to make concessions for you. He also scolds you more than usual, mostly due to his fear that some ridiculous situation is about to happen to you. He also comes home earlier than his earlier usual to care for you, and this side of him, you wish you can get more of. 
 He always manages to surprise you. Much to your chagrin, it is probably because he does not reveal all of his cards right away. It’s like a mission, where one has to meet all kinds of tasks in order to get the reward and receive a bigger mission that is a level up from the previous one. 
 It is quite funny, that Tobirama never loses this side of him, even towards his domestic life. 
You feel your baby kicking one night, when you are reading and humming to yourself. The sensation startles you and you shout Tobirama’s name in panic. 
 Your husband is at your side in no time, hounding on you with concern. He studies you carefully, his eyes on full alert. 
 “What is it?” He puts his hands on your womb and he looks so alarmed, that it is almost endearing to you.
 “I...there was…” You look down and when your baby kicks again, you realize that there is nothing wrong. 
 Tobirama notices the kicking as well, and he immediately froze. 
You try not to cry as you put your hands on top of your husband’s. “Can you say something? I was just humming and your baby kicked me.” 
Tobirama looks quite horrified. 
 “What?” You urge him. “It’s okay, the baby’s fine. The doctor said that it’s bound to happen, I was just surprised.”
Tobirama lowers himself and he stares at your womb focusedly. “Really?” 
 “Yes, we’re okay. So talk to your child now, let them know you’re here.”
Tobirama keeps staring, and you see his gears turning. “I do not know what to say.” 
 Tobirama caresses your womb with his thumbs. “This is your father…” 
You laugh, and Tobirama glares at you, but there is no malice. 
“Don’t bother your mother too much,” Tobirama continues, but sternly. You detect a hint of shaking in his voice. 
 You raise your eyebrows. “Firstborn child and that’s what you say to them?” 
 “What am I supposed to say?” Tobirama snaps, agitated. 
 “Calm down!” You chuckle. “One might have thought you’re the pregnant one here.”
 Tobirama clenches his jaw, and you know he is embarrassed. 
“Firstborn?” He repeats, dumbfounded. 
 You shrug. “Well, you know, trial number one right here on the way. If it goes well, maybe you’d want another one so it doesn’t get lonely.”
Tobirama frowns. “My children are not experiments.” And he glances down at your womb again. “And don’t call them ‘it.’” 
 You chuckle, and you squeeze his hands. “Fine, fine. You’re so meticulous.” 
Tobirama smiles softly, and then he stands up. He gives you a forehead kiss, and then sternly ushers you to go to sleep. 
 You do not even complain about it. 
Read Part 2 here.
buy me a coffee !
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werewolfdays · 3 years
24 please!
24. “Can I touch you?”
My patient groaned and swayed in his seat as he watched me get the stitches ready, “I hate needles.” 
“Don’t worry, this won’t hurt as badly as you think it will.” I assured him, “You can have a lollipop after.” 
A hearty laugh relaxed his more tense muscles, “Is that your way of saying I need to grow up?”
“No, I’ve dealt with people that whine a lot more than you do.” Memories of practically every single time I had to patch Jayde up came to mind. If nothing else, she taught me how to deal with difficult patients. “And I really do have a jar of candy hidden in one of the cabinets.”
“Well, in that case,” He sat up a little straighter and offered his wounded arm. 
I made sure that I was careful with every stitch so I would cause the least amount of pain possible. The injured werewolf only flinched a couple of times and was mostly successful in maintaining a neutral face. Whenever he lost the battle and grimaced, I offered an encouraging smile to help ease his discomfort. 
“You’re doing great.” I told him as I moved on to the next laceration.
“That sounds patronizing.” He grumbled. 
In an effort to take his mind off of it while I worked, I asked, “What’s your favorite flavor?” 
“Green apple.” 
“I love anything blue, myself. So, lucky for you, I have plenty of green apple.” 
He chuckled again and shook his head, “Can’t believe you’re bribing me with candy like I’m a five year old.” 
I raised a brow at him, “It’s working, isn’t it?” 
I grinned in satisfaction and concentrated back on my work.
Someone suddenly came into view out of the corner of my eye, approaching with haste. I was too busy focusing on the stitches to bother with looking up, but the person stopped right beside me. “Just a second.” I muttered, trying not to sound irritated at my workspace being invaded. 
“Sorry to interrupt,” Toby said, revealing the presence looming anxiously over me, “but I think Jayde needs your help with something.”
“Uh...” I started distractedly as I tied a knot, “Can it wait?” 
“No, not really.”
I stopped abruptly at his answer to meet his gaze. Toby was dressed in workout clothes, most likely having been in the training room with Jayde all afternoon. His expression looked worried, making me fear that something bad had happened. He certainly wouldn’t be stopping me in the middle of treating someone if it wasn’t important. 
My heart did a somersault and I looked at my patient with a wince of apology, putting my equipment back down on the tray beside me, “I’m really sorry, but I should go see what’s wrong. I’ll send Malcolm over to finish this up and then you can go check the far right cabinet behind the latex gloves. Grab a handful of whatever you want.” 
My patient nodded in understanding, though he looked a bit confused, “Yeah, sure. Thank you.” 
As soon as Toby and I were quickly making our way to the training room, in the privacy of the empty hallways, I finally looked over at him with concern, “Is she okay?”
“She’s having an episode.” He explained. 
I wasn’t surprised, but I still frowned. She hasn’t had a bad panic attack in a while. I had hoped the streak would continue on its momentum, but I guess PTSD was an unpredictable foe. “How bad?”
Since our destination was right around the corner, Toby shrugged, “You’ll see.” 
The first thing I heard before the door even fully opened was Jayde snapping menacingly at someone, “I need you to leave me the fuck alone!”
As I stepped into the room, I got a look at the scene. Jayde was sitting on the floor, her back leaning against a weight bench, and the heels of her hands pressing into her eyes. I could see how intensely her muscles trembled, how uneven breaths made her body shift restlessly, like it was impossible for her to find a comfortable position to stay in. Skye hovered close to her, pleading with her older sister to cooperate with her attempts at fixing the situation. 
“Don’t shut me out, Jayde, I’m trying to help you!” Skye reached down, but Jayde flinched away from her, “Come on, talk to me. Please?”
I quickly inserted myself in between them. It wasn’t Skye’s fault, her intentions were good, but she didn’t quite understand how to properly handle this. Being desperate for a solution only put more pressure on Jayde, backing her into a corner and making things worse. It was evident in the mumbled curse that escaped her clenched teeth. My chest pinched at the sound. 
I put my arm out and herded Skye away. She opened her mouth to protest, but I cut her off with a nod and kept my voice calm, yet firm, “I know. It’s okay, just give her some space.” 
Toby didn’t question me, he grabbed Skye’s arm and pulled her back to fulfill my request. “Do your thing, Nadya.” 
“Thanks.” I said and turned back to Jayde. I carefully approached and slowly sat down beside her, propping my elbow up on the bench to lean my head on my hand. Not too close, but not too far that she couldn’t feel my presence. “Hi, Jay.” I whispered softly. 
All she did was shake her head, her fingers shaking as much as her heavy exhale, “You should be at the clinic.”
“I’m right where I need to be.” I took a few quiet moments to study her. Despite being so close, Jayde still refused to look up at me. In fact, she wouldn’t look up at all and kept her hands over her eyes. Almost as if she was shielding herself from something. “What is it?”
“It’s the…” She gestured vaguely above her, “The fucking lights.”
My gaze drifted up to the ceiling. The lightbulbs must have been replaced recently with a more heavy duty bulb because I noticed that the training room was a lot brighter than it used to be. That’s when I understood. The new lights reminded me of the fluorescents at the hospital, which meant they reminded Jayde of the lights that shone down on her nearly twenty-four seven during the three years she spent as a captive. 
I glanced at Toby and Skye, “Can you turn those off?”
Skye nodded and rushed to the switch on the wall before Toby got the chance. 
With the absence of harsh light from above, softer sun rays peeked in through the windows and illuminated the training room instead. I watched Jayde carefully. Prolonged seconds passed in silence before she finally lowered her hands from her face. She still kept her gaze on the ground, her muscles twitching anxiously as clipped breaths echoed in the space. 
“Can I touch you?” I asked. Receiving a nod in consent, I reached over and grabbed one of her clammy hands, bringing it up to cradle it against my chest in both of mine. I wanted her to feel my heartbeat. To focus on my relaxed pace of breath to try and match it. “Take your time and just breathe. I’m right here.” 
Jayde’s grip became stronger than steel, but she didn’t hurt me. I remained in the same spot on the floor, not moving any closer or asking anything more of her. I only brushed the tips of my fingers soothingly along the back of her hand and waited patiently for her to tell me what she needed. 
“Can you talk about something?” She eventually asked. 
“I had this patient that was afraid of needles today. He tried to convince me that he didn’t need stitches, even though he bled all over the place. To calm him down while I stitched him up, I told him he could have some candy when I was done. Worked like a charm.” I gave Jayde an amused smile. She still hadn’t looked at me yet, but I saw the corner of her mouth start to curl up just a fraction. “If only you were that easy.” 
The sound of her soft chuckle made my heart flutter. “Like you haven’t found effective methods with me.” 
“True.” I admitted, bringing her hand up to plant a kiss on her scarred knuckles. The touch pulled a long sigh from her lungs, easing some of the rigidity in her muscles. “But I think you like being difficult. It’s fun for you, isn’t it?” 
She shook her head, “Not when it’s like this. This is stupid.”
“It’s not stupid, Jay.” I reminded her without hesitation, “It’s just how it is sometimes.” 
“I wish it didn’t have to be at all.”
“We get through it, don’t we?” 
Jayde took another deep breath before her gaze finally met mine. Her midnight eyes glittered with unshed tears that were gradually dissipating as she stared at me. “You get me through it.” 
I smiled and placed my hand on her thigh, giving her a loving squeeze, “How about you and I go for a walk?”
She looked up at Skye and Toby, her expression becoming slightly ashamed now that she had calmed down a bit. Toby offered a reassuring smile, while Skye’s face fell in her own guilt. My lips pursed. I didn’t want either of them to feel bad, this wasn’t anyone’s fault, but I couldn’t fix every negative emotion in the room by myself. 
“I wanna get back to training.” Jayde said, mustering some confidence into her voice. “And you need to get back to the clinic.”
“Just a few minutes of fresh air.” I gently urged. 
Skye spoke up, “It might help, Jayde.” 
The two sisters shared a look and an understanding passed between them. One that I couldn’t fully decipher, but it felt like apologies and forgiveness were conveyed in their silent language. Then Jayde nodded and leaned in to kiss my temple, “Alright. Just a few minutes.” 
My hand cupped her cheek and I gave her a warm peck. “I promise we’ll go back to being responsible right after.” 
“You’re all about being responsible, aren’t you?” She teased as she stood up.
“Sometimes.” I replied with a wink once I got to my feet, and started to lead her out of the training room. 
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beybladefanfictions · 3 years
Ryuga x King Chapter 13 - Partner Troubles
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(Cover art is by Zadi Jyne)
King’s POV
“Go Variares!”
The two beys flew through the air side by side like a pair of swans, crashing into the boulder at the same time. Upon impact, the huge rock instantly split into pieces. King instinctively shielded his face. Pebbles landed all around Ryuga and King, none of them hitting them. King looked up. Variares and L-Drago were spinning side by side on the other side of the rocky remains.
“Woo!” King cheered, holding his hand up for a high five.
Ryuga rolled his eyes. “We’ve done this a million times, King.”
“And it’s cool every time!” King insisted, still waiting for his high five. “Work with me, will ya?”
Ryuga sighed. However, he finally returned the high five. King inwardly squealed. He and Ryuga had registered for the tournament that morning and had spent most of the day training together. Ryuga’s idea of training could be a little intense but it was fun nonetheless.
“King!” Masamune’s voice suddenly called. King looked up. His friend was dashing toward him, a frantic look on his face. “There you are! Are you free?”
King gestured to Ryuga. “What do you think?” he asked, not taking his eyes off Masamune.
“Please?!” Masamune’s eyes were huge and there was a note of desperation in his voice. “I really need your help!”
King let out a sigh, snatching up his bey. “What is it?”
Masamune looked away. “I… I need a partner.” King gestured to Ryuga again. “I mean I need your help finding a partner. I’ve asked around but Gingka’s already teaming with Kenta, Tsubasa and Yu are a team, Zeo and Toby-”
“What about Kyoya?” King suggested. It was an ambitious idea, but not completely out there.
“He’s with Benkei,” Ryuga replied, crushing King’s hopes.
“Ugh, see what I mean?!” Masamune exclaimed, pacing in small circles in front of them. “All the good ones are taken and there's only one spot left in the tournament! I have to find someone!”
“We’ll ask around town,” King turned to Ryuga. “Ryuga, wanna meet up later today?” he suggested, with a smile.
Ryuga dipped his head.
“Great, thanks.” King nodded to him before turning back to Masamune. “Let’s go.”
“Thank you so much, King.” Masamune smiled at him.
King shrugged. “No problem, man. To be honest, Ryuga and I needed to take a break anyways. That guy doesn’t know when to quit sometimes.”
“Or he’s just stronger than you,” Masamune replied with a smirk.
King’s eyes narrowed. “Excuse me?!”
Masamune just giggled into his hand. King nudged him. Masamune nudged him back. The two of them continued through the city, looking for anyone and everyone who could’ve been a blader. A clashing sound suddenly echoed in the distance. King perked up. The sound repeated again and again like the beat of a drum.
“Hey, that sounds like a battle!” Masamune exclaimed, charging in the direction of the sound. King trailed after him.
They made their way to the top of an incline, with a hill leading down to a bey stadium. Four people King had never seen before stood around it. On one side, stood a dark-haired girl wearing pink and a much taller boy with a stream of dark hair. On the other side, were two more boys: one with scruffy brown hair and the other with purple hair pulled into an immaculate braid. Their four beys travelled around the stadium in two separate formations. When the two pairs crossed paths, they sent up sparks as they began clashing with each other.
Beside King, Masamune let out a gasp. “It’s Wang Fu Zhong!”
“Who?” King asked, turning to his friend.
“Team China, from the world tournament.” Masamune pointed to the boys on the right side. “See that guy in the tank top?”
King gazed at the boy with scruffy brown hair. He nodded.
Masamune smiled in a gloating way. “I kicked his butt,” he informed, pointing to himself.
King rolled his eyes. “Pft, yeah right.”
“I did!” Masamune exclaimed, stiffening with anger. “His name is Chao Xin, you can ask him!”
King started walking down the hill. However, the incline made his feet slide down as if he were on ice. Once he reached the bottom, he caught his breath. Then he made his way toward the bladers.
“Hi!” King greeted, with a wave.
The four bladers paused, meeting his gaze with varying expressions. The boy with dark hair had a neutral expression. The girl and the brunet boy tilted their heads to the side.
The boy with the braid glared at him. “What’s the meaning of this?” he grumbled, “Can’t you see Chi-Yun and the others are in the middle of training?”
King took a step back. *Rude…*
“Hey, chill man,” the brunet boy cut in, gesturing for his friend to calm down. “He was just saying hi.”
“Uh yeah,” King smiled again. “I’m King.”
The boy with long dark hair dipped his head. “Yes, we know who you are, Legendary Blader of Mars.” He had an air of authority around him, making King think he was some sort of leader.
“Heh…” King rested his hand on the back of his beck. “I guess I would be famous now…”
“Hey, guys!” Masamune, waving and running in
“Masamune!” The four kids exclaimed in unison. They began snatching up their beys one by one as they approached Masamune.
“You guys are here for the tournament I’m guessing?” Masamune asked.
The dark-haired girl nodded. “Yeah, Gingka told us about it and we just had to come.”
“Hey uh…” King approached the brunet boy. “Chao Xin right? Did Masamune really beat you at the world tournament?”
Chao Xin let out a grunt. “He told you that, huh?”
“Oh, he didn’t just make that up then…”
King gazed at Masamune, expecting a reaction. Masamune didn’t even gaze at him, making King frown in disappointment.
“So uh, I’m looking for a teammate for this tournament. Are any of you by chance available?” He gazed at them hopefully.
“Sorry, Masamune,” Chao Xin replied, “I’ve already teamed with Chi-Yun and Da Xiang has already teamed with Mei Mei.” He gestured to each person accordingly.
Masamune let out a groan.
“Why can’t you two be a team?” Da Xiang asked, gesturing to King and Masamune.
“He already has a partner,” Masamune grumbled, folding his arms. “I’m the odd man out.”
“Who’s your teammate, King?” Mei Mei asked, smiling curiously.
“Ryuga?!” All four members of Wang Fu Zhong gasped in unison.
“Uh…” King took a step back. *Oh yeah, I can’t just mention him casually to people…* “Yeah, he’s good now, don’t worry,” King explained hastily.
“Huh…” Da Xiang dipped his head. “So the rumours are true.”
“Ryuga and King…” Chi-Yun had his finger on his chin as if he were musing aloud. “Two legendary bladers on one team…”
“Well, technically Ryuga isn't-”
King smacked his hand over Masamune's mouth. “Yeah, he and I are gonna be an unstoppable team. You guys better watch out.” He smirked competitively, remembering he was talking to participants from the World Tournament. “Actually… you look like you'd be fun opponents. Wanna battle?” King held up his launcher.
“King, we're trying to find a partner so I'm not left out of this tournament!” Masamune exclaimed.
“Right, right.” King lowered his launcher. “Later then?” he asked, gazing at the team hopefully.
Da Xiang smiled. “I'm sure at least one of our teams will get to battle you in the tournament.”
“Yes!” Mei Mei’s eyes lit up. “It would be awesome to get the chance to crush legendary bladers like you and Ryuga!”
Chao Xin and Chi-Yun nodded.
“Sounds like a deal!” King called as he walked away with Masamune. “See you then!”
“Bye! Can’t wait for the battle!” They called after him.
“I should’ve known they’d be fully teamed already,” Masamune grumbled, glaring at the ground.
“It was still worth a try,” King replied with a shrug. “Come on, let’s go see who else is around.”
Masamune let out a sigh but still nodded. They asked around the city for what felt like hours, making multiple laps around the more dense areas and asking pretty much anyone who crossed their path, whether they were Beyblading or not.
They found several other bladers already training with their teammates, just as Wang Fu Zhong had been doing. King had to fight the temptation to battle every single one of them now. It felt like he hadn’t had a truly exciting new battle since he and Ryuga’s tag battle against Gingka and Kenta and it was eating him up inside.
“This is starting to feel like a lost cause,” Masamune complained, resting his hand on his forehead.
“There has to be someone,” King insisted, his eyes narrowed. “You don’t want to sit this tournament out, do you?”
Masamune glared at him. “No, of course not!” There was new passion in his voice.
King looked around. The sidewalk in this area was quiet besides the two of them. He looked around. Two people were sitting on a bench out in the grass. Both appeared to be boys. One of them had dark hair and was wearing a traditional Japanese outfit and the other had the poofiest blond hair King had ever seen. There was enough space between them on the bench for another person.
“Those guys look cool.” King gestured to them. “Maybe they're bladers.”
Masamune let out a sigh. “They are. Go ask them if you really want to.”
King froze. *How does he know that?* However, Masamune didn’t seem in the mood to answer that. King made his way toward the two.
“Hi,” he greeted with a wave. “Are you guys bladers?”
The two boys looked up at him with looks of confusion plastered on their faces.
“We are…?”
“Hey…” The blond-haired boy raised an eyebrow. “Wait a second… I've seen you somewhere before.”
“Oh, uh…” King shifted in place. “My name's King. Maybe you saw me on TV? I helped defeat Nemesis.”
“Yeah…” The blond boy nodded. “That's probably it.”
The boy beside him nodded as well, hiding the bottom half of his face behind a paper fan.
“Uh… so what’s your name?” King prompted, gazing at the blond-haired boy.
King gazed at the dark-haired boy. “And you?”
“Ryutaro Fukami.”
King dipped his head. “Nice to meet both of you.”
“Not from around here I'm guessing?” Tobio asked, raising an eyebrow.
King took a step back. “How'd you guess?”
Tobio shrugged. “Easy. You're speaking English.”
“Oh… right…” King chuckled a little.
“Here for the tag team tournament, I'm guessing?” Ryutaro asked. He folded his fan, and King noticed that the boy was wearing dark blue lipstick.
“Yeah,” King replied with a nod. “Do either of you need a partner?”
“We’re already a team, but our…” Tobio let out a grunt. “Buddy still needs a partner.”
“Did you want to team up with him?” Ryutaro asked.
Before King could answer, Masamune charged in, stopping beside him.
“Oh my gosh yes please!” he exclaimed, his eyes wide and almost crazed. “Where is this guy?!” He looked around wildly. “Is he here?! Can I meet him now?!”
“Oh, it's you…” There was a prick of annoyance in Ryutaro’s voice.
“Haven't seen you in a while,” Tobio added, raising an eyebrow.
King’s gaze shifted between them. *How do these two know Masamune?*
“Yeah, I was back in America,” Masamune replied, still looking around. “Where's your buddy? Have I met them before?”
“He's getting food for the three of us,” Tobio answered.
Ryutaro nodded, opening his fan again. “He should be back soon.”
Before anyone could continue, the sound of loud hard footsteps echoed through the air. King looked up. A third boy was dashing toward them. He looked like, well, a homeless person: long unkempt hair, torn clothes, and the crazed look of someone who would attack you in an alleyway. King instantly felt uneasy.
“Hellooooo!” the boy exclaimed.
“Ah, there he is now.” Tobio’s tone was casual as the crazy guy stopped in front of them.
“Hello ally-crabs. Wha?!” The boy’s eyes went wide when he noticed Masamune and King. “Stranger crab alert!” he exclaimed, dropping the take out boxes he was carrying to point at them. Tobio caught the boxes in one swift movement.
Ryutaro folded his fan. “Tetsuya, we found you a partner,” he informed, gesturing to King and Masasamune with his fan.
“What?!” Tetsuya’s eyes lit up. “Yes! So which of these crabs is gonna be my partner-crab?” he asked, gazing at them.
King took a step back.
“Uh…” Masamune trembled as he raised his hand. “Heeey… Long time no see, crab-guy.”
“Crab-guy?” Tetsuya laughed. “You're speaking my language, crab. Come along. Let's go register for the tournament, crab!” He grabbed Masamune by the wrist and began dashing away. King stiffened.
“Wha- wait a second!” Masamune exclaimed, struggling to keep up with the weird crab guy.
KIng’s heart skipped a beat. He turned to Tobio and Rytuato, expecting them to do something. However, they remained on the bench.
“Hm…” Tobio was gazing at the take out boxes. “I guess he won't be wanting this.” He reached toward it. Before he could reach it, Ryutaro smacked Tobio’s hand away with his fan.
“Aren't you guys gonna go after them?” King prompted, tapping his foot anxiously.
“He'll come back eventually,” Tobio replied, rubbing his hand.
“Well, I should go after him. It was nice meeting you guys,” King called, as he ran in the direction Tetsuya and Masamune had disappeared. “I'll see you at the tournament tomorrow!”
King rushed through the city, looking around for any sign of his friend or that weird “Tetsuya” guy. Finally, he spotted Masamune in front of the main stadium.
“Hey, Masamune!” he exclaimed, dashing toward him. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Masamune smiled and shrugged. “We just signed up for the tournament. Were… you worried?”
“Well, yeah, that guy made me uneasy,” King replied bluntly. “You sure know how to pick ‘em.”
“What was I supposed to do?!” Masamune exclaimed, “I couldn’t find anyone else!”
“You sure it’s a good idea to team up with him?” King asked, raising an eyebrow.
Masamune shrugged. “No, but most of my ideas aren’t good ones anyways.” King stared at him doubtfully. “It’ll be fine! Tetsuya’s not the best blader but I can carry the entire tournament on my back if I have to! Just wait and see!”
“That’s not really the point of-”
“Anyways, thanks for the help!” Masamune cut him off as he dashed away. “See you at the tournament tomorrow!”
King gazed up at the sky. The sun had dipped so low in the sky it had almost gone completely dark. He made his way toward Ryuga’s house. As he walked, he couldn’t help but think about tomorrow’s tournament. He trembled with excitement. *So many cool opponents… I can’t wait to battle all of them!* King tried to remind himself that it was unlikely he would be able to battle everyone he’d met today in one tournament. However, he couldn’t help but imagine it anyway…
King went to sleep on the couch that night. The next morning, he felt someone rest a hand on his shoulder and shake him slightly.
“King…” It was Ryuga’s voice. “Wake up.”
King just grunted tiredly in response. His eyelids, along with his arms and legs, felt too heavy to lift right now.
“King!” Ryuga raised his voice. “The tournament is starting soon!”
“Just… just a few… more…” King struggled to get the words out.
“King!” Ryuga exclaimed.
“King!” Now that was Kenta’s voice, sounding equally annoyed.
King just grunted in response again, rolling onto his side. Ryuga pinched King’s arm. When King didn’t respond, Ryuga let out an annoyed sigh. His hand brushed against King’s stomach, making him flinch instinctively. A giggle slipped past his lips. There was a moment of silence.
Then Ryuga was suddenly tickling King’s stomach. King’s eyes popped wide open. He yelped in alarm, trying to squirm away. Ryuga grabbed King’s shoulder, holding him in place as he used his other hand to tickle him. His expression twisted into one of sadistic joy.
“Ah, stop!” King squealed, kicking and squirming in an attempt to escape. “Ryuga! STOP!”
Ryuga stared at him, completely unfazed. “You didn’t say please.”
“PLEASE!” King exclaimed without thinking. “PLEASE I BEG YOU!”
Ryuga retracted his hand. King gasped, gripping his stomach and curling into a ball to further guard himself. He shivered, his heart pounding out of his chest.
“Ryuga, come on,” Kenta was scolding Ryuga like a parent. “There was no need to do that.”
“It’s fine… I’m fine…” King sat up, still gripping his stomach. “Let me just… get some food and we can go.” He stumbled to his feet.
Ryuga stepped to King’s side, not meeting his gaze. “Are you…” he murmured in his ear.
King smiled at him. “I’m fine…”
For a moment, he considered kissing him. However, he pushed that idea away quickly, remembering what happened the last time King kissed him. So instead he nuzzled his head against Ryuga’s shoulder like a cat.
“Don’t worry about me, tough guy.”
Ryuga sighed in exasperation. King moved away before Ryuga could make him, grinning widely.
(Author’s Note: For anyone confused, Masamune met Ryutaro and Tetsuya in the Beyblade movie: Sol Blaze, The Scorching Hot Invader. That’s why they’re familiar with him.)
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hit-me-with-a-ladle · 3 years
Ch.3 of my Creepypasta story
A/N: Now as I said this is the third chapter of the story so if you are interested in reading the other chapters before this one just go on my profile and you'll find them or just go on Wattpad: @hit_me_with_a_ladle
Walking to her room, the only thing she could think about was the possibility of escape. Though filled with dread and sadness, it wasn't the time to think about it when she was so unequivocally tired. Stepping into the bedroom, she looked around and found it weirdly comforting. The room itself was quite spacious, and the walls appeared considerably wide and coated in a warm brown colour that seemed freshly applied. Right in the middle of the room was a regular-sized bed perfect for two people. The covers were creamy white and looked good in contrast to the walls, right next to it was a small wooden nightstand and a clock right on top that seemed to be working, "Its midnight". There was also a large window in the middle of the wall across from the door, slowly approaching it the girl put her hand on it, the glass was very thick, it also didn't have any way to be opened. Lastly, there was a big wooden dresser with a flower-patterned design across it that resembled the nightstand next to the bed, opening it up, it was empty.
Gently, laying down on the bed, she closed her eyes and dozed off into a dreamless slumber that didn't last long. A few hours later she woke up with a jump, getting up in a shaky daze she quickly caught herself before falling. Sitting back down, she groaned, annoyed at the fact that she was so exhausted. She sat there with a blank expression on her face and thought about everything that happened yesterday, the only thing she could feel was a distant sense of dread, forced to stay alone in this house. And in shock that she was even able to get a minute of sleep, but still, that was the most sleep she could get in a long time so she wasn't complaining.
"Wait" She suddenly said out loud and instantly regained her composure while standing up once again. "I'm alone maybe there's a way to escape I should look around!" With that, she promptly walked out of the room and ran downstairs. As soon as she reached the end, her face turned pale, immediately remembering what Masky told her. Someone was supposed to stand guard, making sure she doesn't escape. He wasn't lying, there sat the tall man in the navy blue jumper on the kitchen table. "Jack, is that you?" She said softly, he swiftly turned his head and looked at her through his masked face. It appeared that he was reading a newspaper as far as she could tell.
"Why are you up so early?" He said in his usual monotone voice while going back to reading. "Oh, well....umm..." Flustered, she lied "I was just sleepwalking?" Though what she said sounded more like a question than a definitive answer. "Wow, you're an atrocious liar." She could hear the smirk on his face. "Ok, so I wasn't sleepwalk," Sitting next to him "I guess I couldn't relax," That wasn't a complete lie. "Mmmhmm" He answered drily, not looking at her. The minutes that passed felt like hours to the girl, but the man reading wasn't bothered by it in the slightest.
"Jack..." She started to speak after a gruelling ten minutes of ear-piercing silence. "I'm still confused about some things regarding this whole training and centreman situation that's going on. So can you please elaborate more on it?" He still didn't bother to look at her and was intent on reading his paper undisturbed, but he finally replied. "For one, it's called a middleman, and also, no." He explained in a low, dull tone. "Can you not be so difficult, I understand you're busy, but I deserve to know what's going on," She clenched her hands together while pleading, but he ignored her. "PLEASE!" She asked again but this time much louder. Still no response. "I don't want to beg for you to tell me but I will if you don't at least acknowledge my existence." Trying for one last time, she stared at him intensely waiting for something, anything to happen. "If I do, will that make you stop staring at me and go up-stares?" He asked irritated while finally giving her a passing glance, "Yes." Quickly sitting down on the chair to the right of him, she rested her head on her palms and put her elbows on the table while waiting for him to start.
Setting his paper down, he eventually spoke "Let's begin with your training. For the next six months, you will go through extensive, agonizing, training to prepare you for the job. Which, I'm assuming you know what it is." She nodded in response. "Good, now what exactly will happen is my associates and I will be in charge of teaching you different skills you'll need to obtain for the job."
"Well, who will be teaching me what?" She chuckled while looking at him, a bit worried. "So...I will be teaching you how to fight, how to track someone down and human anatomy, to be more exact how to chop up a body the right way." He almost seemed amused at what he was saying, then continued, "As for the others, Tim will be teaching you how to navigate the forest and everything you need to know about every creature that resides in it. Ben will be teaching necessary black magic and how to use magic items without getting hurt. And lastly, Toby will be teaching you fighting but defence more than anything. He'll also be showing you how to use weapons in a fight and pressure points to killing." He explained. "Tomorrow will be the day you start, and I'll be the first one guiding you."
"Well damn, that's going to suck." The girl finally spoke up while loudly sighing in frustration, looking at Jack again, and then immediately realized just how close they were. Without thinking, while he was talking, she was slowly getting closer to where he was. They were only a few inches apart now. Her eyes went wide though he didn't seem to care. Jack darkly chuckled at her reaction at their distance and picked up his paper while slumping in his chair. His laugh sent shivers down her spine, but strangely enough, it was rather soothing. She looked up to the ceiling and slouching down on the chair and crossed her arms. "Can I ask another thing?" She asked after a while, ending the peaceful silence that Jack welcomed so dearly.
"Didn't you say you were going to leave after I answered your question?" He remarked, somewhat agitated, "Yeah, I know I said that but let me ask one more thing, and I swear I'll leave." She explained. "Ok, whatever, just ask away." He murmured. "So...why was I chosen exactly" He was cut off guard for a split second by the question, not expecting her to ask it so abruptly. "I know Masky explained a bit of why, but I need to know the definitive reason to why I, out of billions, was chosen." He thought for a minute before answering. "Well, as far as I know, you had some quality's that were most common in middlemen. But that as far as I know. I'm not the one that has the ranking to tell you. But if you want to know more, then ask Tim. He's the right-hand man of one of the higher-ups that choose you." And with that, he again continued to read his paper. After a solid few minutes of thinking, the girl spoke up once more. "Ok, I should go then." She said while getting out of her chair and approaching the staircase leading to the floor upstairs. "Oh, one last thing Jack." He turned his head to look at her."Yeah?"He asked annoyed."Why is the window in my room nailed shut?"
"Well we can't have you escaping now, can we? But the main reason is so you won't try to commit suicide." He, again, darkly chuckled.
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