#and has been screaming nonsense for like half an hour
letuce369 · 7 months
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??? cyan went from 8th to 2nd, green and orange went from 1st and 2nd to 4th and 5th, and pink went from 5th to 1st
the two teams who made it to dodgebolt were nowhere near it before the bonus crowns
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bookyeom · 1 month
whatever you say, bro - chs
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pairing: vernon x reader word count: 1.2k warnings: kissing, Shrek slander request prompt: "You're cute." "What did you say?" + "are you flirting with me?" "I’ve been trying to do that for three years."
Read Part Two here!
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A/N: Thanks so much for all the support on my 700 follower celebration. You guys rock! I'm doing my best to get through the requests, but there were way more than I anticipated so bear with me!
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Vernonie [8:59pm]: we still on for tomorrow night?
Your heart leaps, like it always does, when Vernon’s name pops up on your screen. 
Y/N [9:01pm]: yeah! see you then, bro
You sigh heavily, throwing your phone down onto the bed beside you and rolling over, pulling your pillow into your chest.
It’s a defense mechanism, you know, but it’s getting a bit ridiculous now. You’ve taken to throwing out the word nervously when he gets too close – which seems to be more often than not lately. You’d been worried that your crush on Vernon was getting disgustingly apparent, and so you'd started with this whole "bro" nonsense. Now, you don’t know how to get out of it.
Every time he catches you looking at him and raises a dramatic brow; every time you’re making plans to hang out just the two of you; every time his hand accidentally brushes yours while he hands over a headphone for you to listen to a song – you find a way to call him 'bro'. So that he knows it’s all strictly platonic. Which it’s not, of course – not for you – but his friendship means more to you than anything in this world, and you’re not going to jeopardize that just because you think he’s hot. And kind. And funny. 
Sure thing, bro. See you tomorrow, bro. I love movie nights with you, bro. I love when you show me new music or video games and your face lights up, bro. I love your eyes and the way you laugh at your own jokes, bro. While we're at it, your smile is pretty nice too, bro. 
You close your eyes with a sigh. 
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"Thumb war."
You’re sitting on the floor in Vernon’s apartment the next day, arguing over which movie to watch. It’s been at least a half hour of back and forth, so you'd decided to take matters into your own hands, and had proposed the most obvious solution.
"Thumb war," you repeat. "Winner gets to pick the movie." 
Vernon eyes you warily. "Fine. You're on." 
As soon as his fingers curl into yours, you can feel your stomach flutter. His touch sends goosebumps across your skin, and you regret the suggestion instantly, but you must carry on. For honour – and for the fact that if he makes you watch Shrek 2 again you might scream.
You square your shoulders and laugh at Vernon’s face, which has instantly turned competitive. You count down, and as your thumbs begin to battle, you feel the competitiveness in yourself grow, too. 
“Yes!” You cry. You have him pinned. 
You’re counting down when Vernon suddenly surges forward, your hands falling apart as you let out an ‘oof’ and fall to the ground. You let out a squeak as your back hits the floor with a soft thud, Vernon landing on top of you. His arms are on either side of your head as he pushes himself up a little, chest hovering above yours, and you can audibly hear the way your breath catches in your throat.
"Just shut up and let me pick a movie," he says breathlessly, and you’re sure you've forgotten how to breathe. His hips are between your knees, his chest pressed to yours, and you can feel every part of him against you.  
"Make me shut up," come your words, and you regret it immediately. His eyebrows raise, just as surprised as you are, and you swear he falters a little. 
"I will," he says back after a pause, and you can’t tear your gaze away from his. "I'll kiss you." 
The blood is rushing to your cheeks before you have time to think. Around now would be the time that you look away, but he’s so close that you can’t. Your heart is nearly pounding out of your chest, and you’re certain he can hear it. Or feel it.
Your head is spinning as you force out a laugh before saying, "Okay, bro."
Vernon’s eyes search your face before meeting your gaze again. His expression is serious, and you hold your breath as you wait for him to react.
But all he does is stand up, holding his hands up in surrender. "You can choose.” 
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For the rest of the night, things feel a bit awkward between you. You don’t comment on it like you normally would, because Vernon hasn’t said anything, which means he’s probably forgotten and it’s just you that’s making it weird now. You make it through your pick, and then he surprises you by picking one of your other favourites to watch as a second movie. It’s sweet, but you’re confused since he'd caused such a fuss earlier. 
As the movie progresses, you begin to relax a little. You can feel Vernon’s eyes on you as you giggle to yourself, and you shoot him a glare.
“Nothing.” He shakes his head. You turn back to the TV, focusing again when you hear him add, quieter, “You’re cute.”
Your head whips back in his direction. He avoids your gaze this time, the only telltale sign he notices you looking shown in the way he fidgets with the remote. 
“What did you say?”
“I said you’re annoying.”
You think ignoring everything that’s just transpired in the last minute is probably for the best. 
“I’m about to be really annoying, then,” you quip – and then you begin to quote line after line. 
It’s one of his biggest pet peeves, and he knows you’re doing it on purpose. You continue, waiting for him to break. It doesn’t take very long.
"Oh my god. Shut up." You can hear the smile in his voice, and you know you aren’t annoying him that much. 
"Make me," you shoot back without thinking, your heart stopping as you quickly remember where those two words had gotten you just a couple of hours before. You think Vernon is holding his breath, too, and you resist the urge to shrink even further back into his couch. Don’t make it weird, it’s fine, you’re just joking, don’t make it –
Vernon’s hand is on your face before you can finish your thought, tilting your chin up towards him – and then he’s kissing you.
When he pulls back, it takes a second for your eyes to flutter open again. And when they do, he’s already looking back at you, unwavering. His thumb brushes against your chin before he smirks and says, eyebrows raised, "I told you I would, bro.”
Your mouth is agape as he drops his hand and turns back to the movie. You feel a bit like your entire brain is resetting as you process what just happened.
“Are you flirting with me?”
“I’ve been trying to do that for like, three years now, so… yeah.”
“You kissed me.”
Vernon looks at you again now, and you absolutely cannot understand how he’s so calm about all of this. Smiling about it, even. “I did. Thoughts?”
Your friend is stoic at the best of times, but his eyes always give him away. When he doesn’t break your gaze, when he just waits while you process, you can see it in the way he’s looking at you — that even if he seems calm on the outside, he’s nervous. Nervous that you’re going to reject him, nervous that he may have overstepped, nervous that you don’t like him back. As if that would even be possible. “I think,” you say slowly, “that the movie can wait a little longer if you wanted to kiss me some more… bro.”
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@wheeboo @tae-bebe @waldau @eoieopda @gyuminusone @minisugakoobies @lvlystars @seohomrwolf @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @christinewithluv @wqnwoos @iluvseokmin
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ffsg0jo · 2 months
tw: grief, death, illness, and angst - i wrote this in like half an hour and i was really in my feels, so pls excuse me if it's bad
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uncle sukuna, who's been in and out of jail, is always seemingly in trouble with the law and couldn't give two shits about it. ever since leaving home and his twin brother behind, he's only lived for himself and himself only. he'd be damned if he lets anyone change that.
he receives a voicemail from his brother one day, telling him he's had a little baby boy called yuuji. jin wants to put everything in the past behind them and would love for his brother to meet his precious son. sukuna only scoffs and deletes the voicemail almost immediately.
it's only when jin texts him a video of yuuji (who he's surprised to see almost looks exactly like him, minus all the tattoos) 8 months later babbling what could be interpreted as "papa", does he falter. the kid's adorable, but sukuna isn't ready to face his brother just yet.
many more months go by, and jin seems to have taken the hint. except he gets sent another video, this time on his birthday. he clicks on the video, unable to resist and its yuuji, wobbling on two legs, clapping his hands, and singing his own version of happy birthday (??). he's gotten so much bigger and looks so much like his father.
the only word sukuna recognises from yuujis incoherent nonsense is 'kuna', and his heart softens. he messages back a "cute." and leaves it at that. jin sees the message and doesn't stop smiling for the rest of the day.
jin messages him again a week later, only this time sukuna's heart drops. kaori's dead, and her funeral's next week. he's only met her twice, but she was good for his brother, and she was always good to him too.
he sees his brother for the first time in years at the funeral. jin's hair is a mess, his face unshaven and sunken in; grief seemed to have aged him 10 more years. sukuna's many things, a bad brother included, but something in him breaks when he sees yuuji screaming in his father's arms, not understanding where his mum's gone.
he doesn't know why, but he walks up to jin and offers to take yuuji instead. the toddler immediately calms down in his hold, now more confused as to why there's a man that looks exactly like his dad but with sharpie all over him. jin breaks down, stammering out a thank you, and excuses himself, leaving sukuna alone with his nephew. he'll hunt down his brother later, but for now, he'll keep the brat occupied so his dad can grieve.
sukuna hears from his dad that jin's fallen ill months later. he's speaks to his brother more often now and has even met up with both him and yuuji a couple of times. but jin's never mentioned being sick. he's been looking worse, for sure, but he just put it down to being a single father to an energetic toddler.
he moves in with them the next week. jin keeps getting worse and even little yuuji's noticed.
sukuna tries his best. he really does. he's not been there for jin previously, but he makes sure he's there now when it matters. it's all new to him, caring for people. he tries to cook the most nutritious meals for jin, making sure they're yuuji friendly too. he makes sure the house is always clean, even though yuuji's making a mess every 10 minutes. he changes diapers (both yuuji's and jin's), bathes them both, and tucks them both into bed. he even reads yuuji a bedtime story just to maintain normacly even though he hasnt read since he was a child.
he checks up on jin, constantly seeing if he's feeling okay and gives him his medicine. he holds onto jin with the utmost care (almost carrying him) when they go to visit kaori's grave or when yuuji insists on both of them coming to the park with him. when jin can't sleep at night due to being in excruciating pain, he's there. by his side and holding him. he's never been this affectionate, but he's also never had a dying brother before.
it's still not enough, though. the last couple of days were the hardest, and even yuuji knew enough to be on his best behaviour.
sukuna silently sobs into his pillow at night, when the whole world's asleep. he's filled with regret and hatred for himself, but he knows it's too late now. he tells his brother he loves him and that he promises to take care of yuuji no matter what. jin only smiles, his eyes shining with unshed tears, and tries to kiss his cheek as a thank you, and i love you too.
jin died with one arm holding yuuji, the other holding sukuna's, and his wife's name on his tongue.
sukuna was left all alone, once again. except this time, he had no brother to give yuuji back to. as he promised jin, the stars as his witness, he'd do anything for yuuji and to keep him safe.
his life was no longer his own. he had his nephew to think about.
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© ffsg0jo 2024 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work, in any way shape or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
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devondespresso · 5 months
(found this bad boy in my drafts and honestly i loved reading it again so we're gonna post it. wahoo)
my personal canon for post-starcourt stobin is that they're actually inseparable for the first month or so
im talking steve taken to the hospital for his injuries and the staff having to force them apart and call security. im talking they have to drag robin kicking and screaming to a different room because last time Steve left her sight he was dragged back lifeless and presumably dead (i firmly believe they intentionally used physical torture for steve and to use his condition for psychological torture for robin)
and steve waking up half-present in a cold plain room alone? might as well be back in the bunker. and if theres doctors trying to run tests and examine his wounds? might as well be Russian soldiers standing over him and touching his injuries. hurting him again. possibly planning to hurt Robin next.
and now hospital staff are trying to deal with two screaming desperate teenagers who keep begging for the other in between rambles of nonsense and they can't run tests or do their jobs or even get answers from them because all these two seem to care about is the other teen
so they don't really have any practical choices other than moving them to a combined room. and they still freak out every now and then but having the other in the room keeps these outbursts much shorter and doctors are able to actually run tests and help these kids as long as they're close together. And when Robins blood tests and everything come back ok and shes able to be discharged, shes given special permission to stay in the room at all times
and the two little kids that came in with them? they're not exactly freaking out quite like the teens but they're certainly not making things easy either. Ericas testing the willpower of any doctor or nurse she can speak to and both kids stay as close as they can at all times and refuse to leave the hospital. visiting hours over? they're in the waiting room, even convinced a couple to move so they can have seats closest to the hall that teens room is in. try to call their parents? good luck getting a full name or number out of them. once their parents do come get them they're showing back up in an hour, bikes lodged in the bike rack and back in their seats. they've been stopped for sneaking in several times and caught hiding under one of the teens beds even more often. eventually staff just gets tired of spending half their shift wrangling two middle schoolers and it becomes an unspoken agreement to just ignore them hiding in the room.
And once Steve is discharged its the same thing all over again. Robins parents were worried about her spending all her time in the hospital with the boy from her summer job, but given the cover story about the fire and the pair getting trapped inside they convinced themselves its reasonable to want to stay by your friends side while they recover
but now that hes out, shes asking if she can spend the night at his house? and his parents won't be there? absolutely not. except robins in no mindset to accept leaving him alone for this long let alone overnight so she tried sneaking out to bike over to his before he can get the dumb idea to drive over in the middle of the night post-concussion. but the buckleys notice shes gone either because she makes too much noise sneaking out or they notice the severe lack of Robin-trying-to-be-quiet noises into the night (robin my tism queen definitely has bump-into-shit syndrome in the middle of the night but she also doesn't make any noise sneaking around the base with scoops troop so i think it's a 50/50 weather she can use the adrenaline to sneak out to see steve quietly)
so they put two and two together and drive over to the Harrington house. steve answers the door and calls robin over, both of them looking sheepish but not exactly guilty. they talk on steves couch (yes Steves there too) and stobin does their best to explain their separation anxiety that gets the severity across without getting them sent to a mental hospital all while making sure not to break any ndas (which ends up being a long conversation with stobin trying to translate their experience in the bunker to fit the cover story well enough, which is very different when the real story is kidnapping and the fake one is a building fire)
eventually they reach an understanding of "we're worried this is kinda unhealthy but its clearly more stressful to try and separate you right now and we're definitely not going to be able to stop you" so they compromise to let steve stay at the buckleys for a little bit so they can at least keep an eye on them. at first they try just letting steve sleep on the couch (which they agree to because steve worried about overstepping as the guest in their house) but one or both of them have nightmares the first night and robin ends up on the couch with him anyway.
after a few nights they get the gist of the stobin dynamic: attached so strongly its concerning but nothing... flirty. anything they do is always completely innocent. hand holding with no heart eyes, banter with no tension, hell even sharing a bed they resemble little kids in a sleepover pile more than lovers. and especially after nightmares they'll find robin holding steve like hes just one of her old teddy bears.
of course theyre still cautious and have their suspicions that theyre secretly dating and just really good at hiding it, they're paranoid parents after all and robins never shown this much attention to a boy ever. but they do relax a bit with it as they're more confident theres no... funny business.. going on. or at the very least nothing thats going to leave robin hurt. they'll have their talks and robin will promise its "nothing like that", but they've grown to like steve so they're sure robin will come to them when shes ready.
now if only there was a reasonable explanation for the middle schoolers that keep showing up. apparently they were also trapped in the fire with robin and steve which helps make some sense of it, but they also sat with them in the hospital. surely if they're having nightmares about the fire they'd go to their parents? they hadn't really talked much with the sinclairs but they seemed like very loving parents and robin follows steve to his little dinners with mrs Henderson pretty often so its not likely that they can't go to their parents about nightmares, but they seem to prefer going to steve specifically. like ringing the Buckley's doorbell at 1 in the morning asking if steves there. and of course they'll let them in and show them to robins room (after calling their parents first, do they even know their childs run off?) where steve was sleeping in a pallet on the floor but is now a glorified blanket pile robins hugging. on her bed, of course. because god forbid theres 2 feet of space between them.
and the kid just joins them in their sleepover pile, dustin usually clinging to steves other side like a baby koala and erica usually finding a spot leaning against robin or occasionally making room in between them
and so more often than not the Buckley's have not one, not two, but three extra children in their house that isn't their daughter, all of them sleeping in a pile on robins bed like theres nowhere else they'd rather be
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mediumgayitalian · 2 months
Nico is pretty sure, at this point, that something has gone wrong. A chasm has opened up, a trap went haywire, an explosion went off and blew up half the camp. Something drastic has to have happened to make everyone go quiet.
But the rocks of Zeus’ fist are sun-warmed. A sweet-smelling breeze ruffles brand new leaves, musses his hair, although it’s hot enough that he’s rolled up the cuffs of his jeans and forgone a sweater. Will is on guard duty next to him, and no one has come to bother them in hours, and he cannot bring himself to care.
“Found one!”
“No way,” Nico protests, leaning over to see. “It’s been ten minutes!”
In the palm of the cupped hand Will holds out between them, held loose so as not to crush it, is a four-leaf clover. One of the more picturesque ones, too; emerald green, heart-shaped leaves, delicately crimped, and a thin curling stem tapered perfectly down the middle.
Will shrugs, smiling. There’s enough bitten-back teasing in his expression that it looks more like a smirk. “I guess I’m just lucky.”
“Lucky I don’t smite you, maybe,” Nico grumbles. “Go away. Your bad vibes are hindering my success.”
Snorting, Will does, shuffling back over to let Nico comb through the clover thatch in peace. He stretches out on the grass — he ditched his shoes and helmet and armour the literal second the rest of the team ran off, the dork — and shifts ‘til he’s comfortable, ankles crossed, hands behind his head, eyes closed. Nico pictures him with a piece of straw sticking out of his mouth and a cowboy hat resting over his eyes and giggles to himself. The image is so clear he’s half-certain it was a vision.
“Though you were tryin’ to focus,” Will mutters, cracking one eye open.
Nico sticks his tongue out. “I’m trying, derpface. All your shifting around is distracting.”
“I’ve moved maybe three times.”
“Yeah, in as many minutes.”
Will, without looking, plucks a blade of grass and flicks it at him. “Stay focused, Death Breath.” He stretches his arms above his head, sighing. “I’m gonna nap.”
He doesn’t move when Nico flings a handful of (regular) clovers at him, infuriatingly serene. He’s trained himself to fall asleep anywhere, anything to catch up on the sleep debt he’s been wracking up for years, and the sunny patch of clearing in the first they’re in is one of the nicer places Nico has found him passed out. At least here he can stretch out, sit in the sun — Nico found him tucked in between the camp washer and dryer, once, curled under a stack of laundry baskets. He’d made a valiant effort to hide himself from accident-prone younger siblings and best friends who invite mortal wrath, but his snoring had given him away. Nico’d heard him outside the building.
Here, though, no one is bothering them. Chiron’s playing field medic, the infirmary has been stocked, the Ares kids were cursed by Clovis and co. last week and have been asleep since. There haven’t been any echoing screams of agony. No desperate IMs. Nico, even, makes sure to keep his sword within reach, armour still firmly strapped, quietly on guard so Will doesn’t have to be. For once, he can take up as much space as he likes, bare skin absorbing the sun that has outshined the clouds perhaps for the express purpose of keeping him toasty even without a blanket.
Nico drags his eyes back towards the clovers, smiling. He’s cute when he sleeps. Sometimes he mumbles, nonsensical ramblings of the half-conscious, too slurred for Nico to make much sense of it. He catches bits and pieces of words and phrases as he picks through the soft leaves; lemme try, twice, as he watches a ladybug hop her way over a stone; careful with that, as he tosses a handful of regular, three-leaf clovers into the air; and notably diphenhydramine as he digs his hand through the soft dirt to yank out a worm.
Nico turns to face him. “You’re a nerd,” he says solemnly.
Will snores in response.
“Sleep quieter, why don’t you.”
The thing about Will is that he is like a tapeworm.
Nico means this in the best possible way. They start out invisible — sure, you might feel the irritation of something new burrowing its way into your person, but it’s not your most pressing concern. You’ve maybe got other things on your mind. You’re not focused, intensely, on how tiny changes are happening to you; you’re eating more, moving more, sleeping weird. Sometimes this happens. It’s nothing notable.
Slowly, though, you start to change. There’s this…cavern, inside of you, that you’re suddenly aware of. Maybe it was always there. You’re struck, more and more each day, with the need to fill yourself. To consume. You are aware, for the first time in years, that you have not had enough. There has been an emptiness inside you. And now there’s this driving force making home inside you instead, pushing you to take enough to not just survive but to thrive. You’re capable, now, in a way you weren’t before, to feel your needs, your wants. To listen to them. There is something that has worked it’s way inside you and grown and grown and grown and forced you, alongside it, to care about yourself enough to maintain its life inside you.
Will would probably not appreciate being compared to a parasite. It might be funny to tell him anyway, though. Watch his eye twitch as he tries to find a diplomatic way to ask Nico what the fuck his deal is. He’ll have to tell him when he wakes up.
A quiet groaning noise has him looking up again; the sound of rustling clothes and twisting grass.
“Y’r smirkin’.”
Speak of the devil. Or parasite.
Nico picks at a tangled stem. “What are your thoughts on tapeworms?”
“Generally bad,” Will says, yawning. He doesn’t seem fazed at all by the random question — he usually isn’t. People ask him a lot of strange things, generally. Like, how many consecutive concussions are medically unsound? (any, dude, please), or what is the recommended liquid amount of iron to swallow to fortify your blood? (none, please don’t fucking swallow liquid iron), or perhaps most notable are you up for learning how to un-do cerebral paralysis within the next ten seconds? (no, Jesus Christ, get off the fucking roof and set down the wax wings, do you people learn nothing ever).
“What about tapeworms as a metaphor for friendship?”
“…That’s a new one, I’ll give you that.”
Hell yes. Point to Nico.
“D’you find one, yet?”
Nico’s face drops into a scowl. “No.”
He doesn’t understand how Will found a four-leaf so quickly. Nico’s been looking for much longer, and the clover patch is huge — statistically, he should have found one by now, right? It just makes sense.
Will hums, dragging himself to his knees and then somersaulting over. He lands legs sprawled over a smattering of pebbles, head by Nico’s knees. Nico reaches out and flicks his temples, just to watch him wrinkle his nose in protest.
“Whattaya so bent on getting one for, anyway?”
Nico shrugs, looking away. “Luck.”
“Duh.” Will pokes his thigh. “What for?”
“None of your business, nosy.”
“Well, that just made me a thousand times more interested. I was going to let it go, before, but now —”
“You’re so full of shit,” Nico huffs, grinning. Will matches his look with a shameless smile, placing his hands under his chin in a caricature of cherubic innocence.
“Why, whatever do you mean.”
“I mean —” he punctuates every word with a pinch — “that you have to know every detail —”
“Ack! Stop!”
“— of everybody else’s lives —”
“Hey! Derek Hale! Put the claws away!”
“— at any given time —”
“I am going to scream!”
“— or you’ll die.”
He acquires, finally, to Will’s screeching and writhing, pushing him away with one last poke. He pouts, looking at Nico with round, wounded eyes.
“You’re so mean to me.”
“You invite it, honestly.”
“By caring about you, you butthead.”
Nico rolls his eyes, fighting back a smile. “Yeah, yeah.”
Looking for the four-leaf is different with Will watching him. Different, somehow, even though he’s quiet, chin resting on his knees, eyes following Nico’s searching hands. Every shift has Nico’s breath catching, fingers twitching at his minute hums, his tapping fingers. He’s distracting. If Nico was struggling to find the lucky clover before, it’s hopeless now. Will drags his attention like the core of the Earth drags everything towards it.
“Hey,” Will murmurs, poking Nico with his toe. “Take mine.”
Nico glances up to find his hand, again, outstretched between them, four-leaf clover centred in the palm of his wide hands. His eyes watch every minute shift of Nico’s form, his stuttered breath, sweating palms. Bitten lip, shifting eyes.
“…You don’t know what I need it for.”
“I don’t need to.” Blue, blue, blue eyes. Ridiculously so, really. An exact match for the sky no matter what time of day; olympic blue, now, an perfect reflection of the late afternoon. “Take it.”
He thrusts his hand out farther. Heart pounding, Nico does, lightly pinching the stem between his thumb and forefinger, keeping his hand curled on Will’s.
He promised himself. One to ten thousand chance — if he found one, he’d do it.
It counts.
“Hey, Will.”
Blue widely above him, encroached by the canopy. Blue flapping in the wind behind him, perched on Zeus’ fist. Blue on the plumes of his helmet. Blue in the lavender, in the grape hyacinth, in the cornflowers.
Blue, blue, blue eyes, meeting his, flicking down. Flicking hastily back up again.
Nico tugs, gently, on his wrist. He moves where Nico directs him. Easily.
Up. Down. Up again. Perfect rings, thinning against a growing expanse of black.
Nico darts forward and kisses him. He sighs into it, immediately, hand going limp in Nico’s hold. The clover flutters to the ground between them, disappearing once again in a sea of green.
“You didn’t need luck for this,” Will mumbles.
Nico tilts their heads to rest closer together and kisses him ‘til he’s quiet.
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popquizhot-shot · 10 months
Everything is fine -2
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A/n: aaaaah thank you so much for waiting for part 2! sorry it's been so long im having fever and i had electoral campaigning to do so i've been so busy :DDD enjoy some revenge and a moment<3 not proofread so please excuse any mistakes
Part -1
The house is quiet when you enter. Spotless. As if it’s been frantically cleaned and the dust has been swept under the rug. You want to laugh. The bedroom door swings open but this time, he’s awake. He’s reading a book, his bottom half covered by the blanket. He looks up as you close the door and place your tote on the desk.
“Hey, baby.” he smiles and you let the corners of your mouth lift a little.
“I need some air.” you say and draw the curtains, unlatching the window and pushing it open. The night breeze is cool and the air in the room seems fresher. You stick your head out a little and breathe deeply, looking down.
You’re known to have the most absolute, shit eyesight, but even you can the the glow of red eyes a floor below you. You smile and draw back, Taking a towel from the cabinet and heading to the bathroom without a word, leaving your husband confused.
He can hear the shower turn on, and a few seconds later, the singular lamp in the roo switches off, leaving him in complete darkness. 
Miguel swears in frustration and huffs under his breath. His eyes come to focus as he gets used to the dark.
The only sounds are the rush of water in the shower, yet he feels the silence is eerie. The wind picks up, it’s almost howling, It sounds like a wail. His breathing quickens a little, and his eyes fall to the little expanse to the outside world.
He freezes. There’s something outside.
On the 18th floor. Staring at him. It’s eyes glow a deep red and he can see claws gripping the window sill. 
He wants to shout, to scream, to fucking move. But he can’t. 
The bathroom door swings open and he looks at you, then back at the window.
There’s nothing. No one.
“What’s wrong, honey?” your voice is soft and breezy, “It’s just the dark.” 
He looks almost manic, hunched over as he looked between you and the window, “There w-was something there. With red fucking eyes and it was staring at me.”
He looks at the window again and that’s when he shouts, “There!” he points and jumps off the bed, “Right there!”
You look to where he points and in the dark, you know he won’t see your smile. But Miguel will. 
You tilt you head, “Miggy, there’s nothing there. Are you okay?”
“Wha- how can you not see that?!”  he sputters and you walk over to him, turning his face away from the window, “Calm down, love. I think we should go to a doctor. In fact, I’ll make an appointment tomorrow, it’s the weekend anyway.”
 He takes your hands off his face and sighs, “I know what I saw.” he hugs you.
Your eyes flit to the window and you see one of the scarlet eyes shut in a wink. And then they disappear.
Your hand smooths his hair down, “We’ll be just fine.”
“I think it’s just stress, Miggy.” you say as you drive back from the clinic. He’d been subject to a number of tests by the doctors trying to find something wrong with one of the head scientists of the corporation that funded their work. Of course, they found nothing, but they did advise him to rest,  “After all, you spend so much time at work.” you shake your head in pity, “I’ll take off for a few days.”
“No!” he winces when you turn to look at him with an eyebrow raised, “I mean, no, you don’t have to. I’ll be alright. It’s just stress. You dob’t have to sacrifice your work.”
“Oh nonsense.” you wave him off, “It’s not a sacrifice to take care of the man I love. Unless, you want me to stay out of the house.” you chuckle, “You want me to stay out, honey?”
“No.” his voice breaks, “Of course not.”
A ting! Sounds from his phone and you peak at the notification thats from Dana.
“Is Dana coming over?”
He double takes, “How- nevermind. Yeah, she said she’d be visiting in an hour or so.”
You hum, with a small smile and swerve to the right, and he jerks and almost hits head on the window. You park, “Could you bring the groceries in?” you gesture to the shopping you’d gotten done when he was at the clinic. You smile and get out, leaving him behind.
He sighs and gets out, shutting the front seat door while opening the back one and taking out the paper bag. He notices a man standing opposite the car with his back turned to it.
He’s wearing the same clothes that Miguel’s wearing. And when he turns around he takes his shades off and he stares at him with red eyes. Miguel draws ina sharp breath.
If you ever see someone that looks identical to you, run away and hide.
His phone rings and he looks down at it and cuts the call. When he looks back him, the figure has disappeared. Shit. Shit.
Run away.
He looks to his right, to where the entrance to the building is and he doesn’t even take a step before pain blooms across the back of his head. He doubles over with a groan but is pulled back by his hair and he can feel a sharp pain at his neck.
Then, darkness.
“Miguel, I swear to god.” you pinch the bridge of your nose, “This wasn’t the plan!  How do I explain how he magically arrived here after fainting downstairs? You know the plan was that I dru-”
“Tell him a tall, nice man helped you.” he snarks and you resist the urge to throttle him. You settle for a glare that makes him chuckle.
“Relax, Sweetheart. He’ll believe you. Now I've healed the puncture with bacta spray and the wound is gone.” he gestures to the man currently spread out on your shared bed, “I need you to wake him up, tell him he passed out from exhaustion. I’ll take it from there.”
You look up at him, “Thank you. For wasting your time on this.”
His hand comes to rest on your shoulder and it tingles, “No time wasted, I assure you.” he nods reassuringly, “Now wake him up.” He rolls his shoulders and settles down on the plush couch you have that faces the bed.
You flick some water from the bottle you keep on the bedside table onto your husband’s face and when he wakes with a start, you fall into the role of the worried wife.
“Oh my god! Miggy! You’re finally awake!” you cup his face, “I was so worried! Are you okay?” His widened eyes look inyo yours and his furrowed eyebrows soften.
“I-I blacked out. There was this guy who looked like me and-” his gaze travels behind you to fall on the couch and he freezes at the sight of the menacing man staring at him with those fucking red eyes. 
Run away and hide.
“Baby.” he looks back at you, “Do not  look back.”
The room is silent. You can see Miguel in the reflection of your husbands eyes. Like the snap of a branch, the doorbell rings and youre forced to turn around, much to your husband’s protests. 
You lock eyes with Miguel and look back at your husband with incredulous eyes, “Miguel, are you crazy? There is nothing there!” 
“Can you not see that?” he stretches his hand out to make a point and Miguel scowls.
“I can see absolutely bullshit!” you raise your voice.
The bell interrupts whatever he was going to say and take a deep breath. 
“I’m assuming that’s Dana?” you raise and eyebrow and he nods, “I’ll get it.”
“No! Don’t leave me with that fucking thing!” he points to where Miguel sits and then at you. You groan.
“Then you go and open the door!” 
“FIne!” he storms out, wobbling just a little. You hear the door open and your stomach drops when you head Dana’s voice.
“Hey.” Miguel says and you look down, “You’re going to be okay.”
You nod, “I’m going to be fine.”
He gestures to the door and you steel yourself before stepping out, a smile making its way onto your face as you spread your arms and greet Dana who replies with her high pitched voice. Even your husband seems to be in a better mood and you can’t help but remember the hologram.
“I love you” he kissed her neck softly and she giggled.
“Hey!” Dana says your name, “You okay?” 
“Youre going to be okay.”
You snap out of you daze, “Yeah, sorry. Long day.” you smile again and she pouts almost condescendingly.
“Awwww, I’m sure you’ve had a tiring day. Writing is such a hard profession.” she says airily.
You grit your teeth, “Tea?”
“Yeah honey, I think we’d like that.” Miguel smiles.
As you walk to the kitchen, and get out the ingredients, Miguel recounts the events of the day to Miguel and she scrunches her nose and laughs. She, too, says it’s just stress. Only this time, he listens. You swallow hard and go back to boiling the tea.
The apartment is built in an industrial style, and very much an open plan. The design is such that Miguel can see you from the bedroom. He can see your hands flying to open and close cabinets and crushing cardamom and washing tea cups. Living a life so different from the one you live with him.
The teacups clink as you place the tray on the coffee table. They take the cups and sip the tea with relish, like they always do. Miguel sighs contently and Dana groans with satisfaction.
“Have fun.” you grin, “I gotta shower. I’ll see you in a bit.” you whip around to speed walk awkwardly to the bedroom. Cursing at yourself inwardly because really? That’s the best excuse you could find?
Paces away from the bedroom, your eyes meet Miguel’s. The variant of your husband. This variant who had patched you up, and got you food and held you and was currently waiting for you and wasting his time on your petty revenge.
You breathe from your mouth so they can’t hear the sniffles you’re trying to hide as you shut the door.
The door shuts with a click as you step in and in five seconds, Miguel curses his stupid enhanced hearing and winces. You give him a sad smile and he moves to wrap his arms around you. Your hands go around his neck and you look up at him. After a few moments, his head dips, and he’s so close. So close that the both of you are breathing the same air. Noses nuzzling each other, cheeks rubbing against the other and lips leaving their light feather touch on the other. 
He can hear the small sniffle you try to hide and he does the only thing he can think of to make you think of anything else. His head hides in the crook of your neck and he breathes in your scent. He relishes the small sounds that leave you. He lets them envelop his senses, so he doesn’t have to hear whatever is going on in the next room. His hands travel the expanse of your back, fingers teasing under the hem of your shirt.  It’s a messed up dance you’re both in. He knows that. But, god, you’re so soft and-
He breathes out a moan. Your lips are on his neck, gently mouthing at flesh. Your eyelashes leave whispers of kisses in their wake that make him lurch forward and pick you up. Your legs wrap around his waist like it’s an instinct.
The windows bathe you in the setting sunlight. And you look ethereal.
But. You’re not her. You’re not his love. Her smile was different, her hair shorter. Her eyes are softer. His head wracks with guilt but then he looks at you again. You’re doing the same. 
He can hear the laughter from outside, but it’s like time stands till as the both of you look at each other. Searching for what is missing. Using the other for their own comfort.
Like a reverent follower, he gazes at you. Like you’re his saint. He wants to say the words. To tell you to use him. So that the both of you can have some semblance of comfort in each other. Your head dips down and your lips brush his and his eyes shut. Succumbing to the feeling.
Two thuds are heard and you pull back, “That was fast.”
“Wait, you used the drug?” his eyes widen and you smile.
“Well, what’s left now but to take them to HQ?” you chuckle.
The hall is silent. There is no laughter.
He smiles.
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Little drop of your love
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requester: Can you possibly do a Azriel X reader where they are newly mated and the IC and them go out at Rita’s and someone hits on her?
a/n I had so much fun writing this it's almost illegal...
warning: mention of sexual themes, creeps in the club
It has been a month. A whole month since you last saw your family. The mating frenzy has been so intense, since you and Azriel accepted the bond, that even Azriel has positioned all of his works. There was no way you two could be without one another for longer than five minutes. If it wasn't him between your legs, then it was you on your knees looking up at the spymaster or Azriel with your legs over his shoulders as he ate you out. Never before had you felt such a strong desire to be this close to him. Even with him buried deep inside you, you still felt like he wasn't close enough. It's like you wanted to crawl inside his skin. Somehow completely melt inside him and just becomes one body and soul. 
In the beginning, you couldn't care less that it was just you. That's all you wanted, and you cursed Rhys out for interrupting you two. Even the thought of Azriel being anywhere but in your bed made you physically sick, as if you were going to die if he spent a moment elsewhere. But as the weeks passed and the initial craziness faded, you two spent more time laying in bed laughing and cuddling. That was when you realized how badly you two neglected your friends. You knew deep down that they would understand, and in the worst-case scenario, you two might just get teased. Maybe get a prize for being all up on each other for the longest time. Yet it still made your heart ache a little. You missed the girls. And boy, oh boy, how many stories you had to share with them. Not to mention that you missed messing around with Cassian. He had always been like a brother to you. Yeah, an evening just getting wasted with him and talking absolute nonsense was long overdue.
So when Feyre gently knocked on your mental shields, you had to hold yourself back from screaming from excitement. The rest of the family was planning a trip out for a night at Rita's. You two were invited, of course, and as Feyre said, that would allow everyone a chance to celebrate your mating bond since there was no time for that prior.
"Az, come on, I want to put on something nice and have fun with our friends." You, of course, agreed to the offer without informing Azriel about it, leaving him all grumpy in bed now. "You've been wearing my clothes, ain't that nice?" His hands were once again resting on your hips as he laid practically on top of you, nibbling at your neck from time to time.
"Yes, but I miss our family. Don't you?" He has always been a huge family man. There was not a single family dinner or gathering that he missed. You knew he loved them without a doubt, so this was still the mating bond speaking from within him. "You weren't complaining about that an hour ago", "Azriel", the male-only laughed, hiding his face in the crook of your neck as you squirmed beneath him. 
But after long hours of trying to sway him your way and thanking him for agreeing afterward, you managed to convince him to finally go out. And in all honesty, who was he to deny your wishes? Azriel was ready to do anything for you if that would make you happy. You were his priority now. His mate. His equal. The other half that he had wanted to find for so long.
Azriel felt like a whole new man. Even Cassian had pointed out that his brother was smiling more. Well, at first the general had asked if he wasn't sick, earning a vulgar gesture from the shadow singer. But everyone could see just how happy and full of life Azriel had become once you stepped into his life. One by one, you broke through all of his walls and, with your gentle and slow love, showed him a whole new meaning of life.
Azriel was happily sitting by the fireplace, smiling to himself, thinking of all the memories you two had shared when he heard the sound of your high heels approaching. And all he could do was let out a low growl as you gave him a little swirl while biting your lip. "I think we won't make it out the door," Azriel said, taking hold of your hand and spinning you around one more time, admiring how the black material of the dress, accompanied by white pearls, fitted your body simply perfectly.
"We're matching," your hands had come up to rest on his chest, feeling the soft material of the black shirt he was wearing, "And it's honestly rude how you manage to look so sexy with just a shirt and a couple of undone buttons," smacking his chest playfully, you moved to pull away, pouting slightly. "You're the sexiest when you're naked, but this is outrageous," bringing you closer to him. Azriel placed a loving kiss on the crown of your head, "You look breathtaking, my love."
Smiling brightly, you wrapped your hands around his neck. Even with high heels on, you barely got to meet his lips without stepping on your tippy toes. Azriel leaned in, pressing his lips against yours, not caring about the red lipstick you were wearing. Within seconds, the kiss got more passionate, and Azriel's hands started scrunching up the material of your silk dress. "Az, you'll mess up the dress before we even get there," you grumbled, pulling away from him. Brushing your fingers against his lips so you could wipe away the red tint covering them. "Good, they know you had some action before you came there, and they'll stay away," you shook your head, rolling your eyes as you two walked out.
The club was stuffed when you got there. And with you being out for the first time in quite a while, the sea of bodies and the drumming of the music instantly made you want to step away as an overwhelming amount of stimulation flooded your senses. Azriel instantly draped his hand over your shoulders, bringing you closer to him. His other hand held yours as you two stepped forward. He could feel your emotions loud and clear. Sending some comforting strokes of love through the bond, feeling as your body instantly became less tense as his body pressed to yours. 
It was a question in itself. But somehow, through all of the sounds, you heard the loudest shriek that Mor had let out once you two came into view, immediately running your way. Feyre and Nesta follow one step behind as they all embraced you. Once you were practically swallowed by the females, Azriel stepped aside and went to join his brothers, who both had the biggest smiles on their faces. "Look who finally graced us with their presence," Rhys chirped, handing Azriel a glass. "Reeking of sweet, sweet sex," Cassian added, earning a shove from Azriel in return as the two males laughed. "I'm surprised she's walking", "I'm not an animal, Rhys", the spymaster gave his high lord a look before turning his attention to you. You haven't yet crossed the distance towards the private nook. The girls still twirling you around as if you were the most unseen creature ever. Azriel would have asked them to stop and leave you alone, but the smile on your face as you all giggled among each other is what stopped him. His lips curve up as he watches you.
"Come on, we need it in millimeters", "And don't forget the details", "No, tell me if he's into some kinky stuff", they were all talking over one another, and you found yourself laughing so hard your cheeks started to sting. "Should I be concerned that all you bunch care about is my mate's cock?", you teased them in return, earning multiple eye rolls and growls.
"It's for research!", Mor whined from beside you. "Fine, he has the biggest wingspan for a reason. Never seen anything like that in my humble life," you said, Nesta fell back on the plush material of the sofas as the girls once again erupted into fits of laughter. "Does he treat you well, though?" Feyre took a hold of your hand, squeezing it softly. "He's perfect," you said, turning your attention to the boys and instantly catching Azriel's gaze. Even while he was still talking with his brother, his eyes didn't seem to leave you. "I feel like a princess. He's the best." Smiling at your high lady, you leaned into her embrace.
As the night went on, more and more drinks were poured, and saluted by everyone. You were sitting on Azriel's lap, his hand loosely wrapped around your lower body, as everyone watched Cassian peel his shirt off as he performed quite a lap dance for Nesta. It was hard to tell the difference between her wanting to kill her mate and just wanting to rip the rest of his clothes off.
 "Someone needs to save his poor soul," Azriel laughed in your ear, kissing your exposed shoulder, "I'll go get us some drinks and grab him a water," Azriel was almost up when you pushed him back down on the seat. "I'm perfectly capable of doing that on my own", the spymaster shot you a warning look before you leaned in kissing him softly, biting his lip as you pulled away. Azriel cursed under his breath just as you walked off, smirking like a cat.
Most of the people in the club were wasted. It shouldn't have surprised you, given how late it was. But that also meant that the club was starting to get less stuffy. The crowd was still big, but at least it felt like there was a tiny bit more breathing space. You shouted your order to the bartender, who complimented you in return. Wishful fool, you thought to yourself as you smiled at him, grateful that he turned away to mix the different liquors without a second glance. You were still laughing to yourself, thinking how badly you were going to tease Cassian tomorrow, when you felt someone come to stand next to you. You would have ignored it, but the closeness of the stance made you frown as you turned to look its way.
The male was pretty tall, but nothing compared to Azriel. Light hair, bright blue eyes. Ah... Everything you hated the most in males. You stepped to the side, but he took that as an opportunity to catch a hold of your hand, making you turn his way. "What a pretty flower has landed on my way," you cocked your head to the side, "More like you landed yourself here," the male whistled back, a smirk on his face. "And she has an attitude. Do you carry that into the bedroom as well?" Your eyes went big as you gaped at him, "Excuse me?", "You heard me, you like to be a little brat?", his hands gripped your waist as he pulled you closer to him, your hands instantly came up to push against his chest so he wouldn't get too close. Turning your head to the side as you closed your eyes. But not even a moment later, the hands were ripped off of you, as you fell into someone's embrace. Looking up, you saw that it was Cassian, who now looked way soberer than he did a few minutes ago. Returning your gaze to the front, you noticed Azriel's back, wings already perked up as he towered above the male.
"Oh little lad, I would step aside if I were you," Rhys warned him, knowing that this could escalate rather quickly. "Maybe you should mind your business; I was getting some," Azriel stepped forward, lifting the blonde by his shirt. "I will send you flying into pieces if you say even a single word," the shadow singer grunted through his teeth. You tried to reach for him, but Cassian wrapped his arm around you, bringing you closer to his chest. You tried to protest, but you knew that it was mainly for keeping you safe in case Azriel completely lost his cool. Not only to protect you but also Azriel, knowing that he would never forgive himself if, in the heat of the moment, he hurt you by accident. 
The shadows were swirling all around the place. The poor male's feet were dangling in the air as Azriel glared at him. And if looks could kill, the sorry fuck would be six feet under.  "You ever decide to touch my mate ever again, and I'll make you eat your own hands, understood?" The male only nodded his head, squirming in the tight grip of the spymaster. "I asked you a question, shitass!" Azriel roared, making the glass bottles at the back bar shake ever so slightly. "Yes, I'm so sorry, please," the male pleaded, almost crying. Azriel threw him across the room without a second thought as he turned to you.
Cassian instantly let go of you, stepping aside, as well as raising his hands up. Yet Azriel didn't miss a chance to also growl at his brother. You took a hold of your mate's hand, dragging him into the back room for some privacy. Luckily, the place was empty as you closed the doors behind the two of you. Azriel was still breathing heavily. You knew, you could tell from the way he was clenching his fist that he was fighting against the urge to go back there and beat the daylight out of that male. You approached him, stepping in between his legs, your hands running through his perfectly made hair. Azriel let out a deep breath as he nuzzled his face into your stomach, hands gripping your sides as he breathed in your scent.
He needed to ground himself. To pull himself out of the blinding rage. He refused to be violent in front of you. Of course, you knew what Azriel did. You knew that very well, but that didn't mean that he wanted to welcome his dark side into day-to-day life. "I'm all okay. I'm here with you," you mumbled softly, thankful for the dimmed-out music that allowed you to keep your voice nice and soft. "He...", Azriel spoke, but his voice died down as he clenched his jaw tightly.
"He's a doomed creature with a death wish," you said as you gently nudged Azirel's head up to meet your gaze. "You could have been seriously hurt. He could have... ", "I'm here, you saved me, and I'm alright," you said, placing both of your hands on either side of his face as you bent forward, resting your forehead on his. "I promise that I'm fine, Azzy," yet his eyes still searched you as if he was trying to find a lie in your words. Shaking his head, he pressed himself closer to you once again. You ran your fingers up and down his neck, scratching him ever so slightly.
"We should have stayed at home," Azriel groaned, but you quickly cut in, "That's not true. We had a fun night, and we'll continue to do so," you said, pushing him back into the soft pillows as you moved to straddle his lap.
"What do you think you're up to, sweet girl?", he asked, but you only smirked as you pressed your finger to his lips and said, "Saying thank you to my knight in shining armor." The darkness in his eyes was replaced with a lustful look as he moved his hand under the skirt of your dress. Eyes going big as his fingers came in contact with your bare hips. A mischievous smirk paints your lips as you lean forward, leaving kisses on his exposed chest. "It's your lucky night, little bat. I came bearing gifts," the shadow singer only shook his head as he flipped you two over, "You're so going to pay for this, gorgeous."
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itsabouttimex2 · 2 months
Ok, ok, HEAR ME OUT-
How about lmk Monkeifam and Bullfam with a Y/N who isn't afraid to throw hands —
Like i mean in a response to trauma or manipulation, becouse i fell it isn't explore enough in this situation -
Sure, your loved that you belived was a friend trapped /kidnapped/gaslight you is heartbreaking and of course you are gonna be sad and more incline to behave butttt-
There is always the other way of absolute rage that comes in once you realized you have been trapped/kidnapped /gaslight ecc- like i don't care anymore, i wanna throw hands, those people are death to me.(even thought this isn't the smarter choice considering the strenght of some of the people here) like them breaking Y/N down so they can comfort them to manipulate them, but then unsurprisingly the get the biggest smack/punch of their life . Just- wow the audacity.
Throwing Hands
Bullfam & Monkiefam
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“…is this some sort of pathetic attempt at ‘rebellion’, Y/N? I am not impressed.”
Your hands straight bounce. Like punching a bag of wet cement, the Demon Bull King’s skin just shifts around under your fists, never breaking or bruising. You only shatter yourself against it, leaving you worn and looking foolish.
He might not even punish you, given that it’s likely that you break a wrist on impact.
“Now, look what you’ve done to yourself, foolish child. Did you truly think your mortal flesh could stand a demon king’s might? Well, now you know better.”
You lost your temper and struck him. Immediately, you learn better than to do that ever again, and he considers it lesson enough.
Surprisingly merciful, all things considered. (Partially because he finds it somewhat funny.)
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I once said in my yandere alphabet that: “Red Son doesn’t want to waste his time doing something like caning or whipping you”. And though I think that viewpoint is usually true…
This changes that. It’s maybe the only situation where he would actively engage in any form of normalized torture “corporal punishment”.
Being physically attacked switches Red from ‘mildly reasonable, if a bit hair-trigger’ to ‘vicious and cruel’. Through brute force alone does he wrestle you into submission, binding your arms behind your back with a pair of metal cuffs.
He tosses you onto the nearest bed and couch before burning the lower half of your clothing off. He then takes up a thin metal rod to utilize in “disciplining” you, sharply lashing it down against your now unprotected skin. He’ll leave puffy, bleeding welts from the top of your rear to the bottom of your thighs, ensuring that you won’t even be able to think about walking for at least a week.
Problem is that not only does it not solve the problem of you being scared and angry, it also just… makes him feel bad afterwards. It breaks him, seeing you weep brokenly over his bed. Blood sluggishly trickles from the skin he’s lashed open, and you scream your lungs out into the sheets as you try to adjust to the pain.
And then he “has to” (wants to, in truth) settle in for some awkward form of aftercare, offering lotion and bandages. When you don’t accept, he forces you to drink a cup of honeyed tea loaded with sedatives because you won’t stop shrieking.
Antiseptic while you’re asleep, a few stitches here and there, then the lotion and bandages he tried earlier. And then a few cautious back rubs, trying to calm your fitful slumber.
“Gods, Y/N… what have I done to you? I… I was just… I was… no, I… I’m sorry.”
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An outright dodge. Princess Iron Fan has no time for your nonsense. For trying, she’ll lock you into whatever room has been set aside for you, barring the door with powerful magic.
One shallowly-filled bowl of food every two days, adding just a little bit more to it each day. One ceramic cup of room temperature water every four hours. A change of clothes every three days. Instead of brute force, Iron Fan teaches you through deprivation.
After a month of this, she might see fit you allow you back out of your room, letting you mingle with the family you have been forced to adopt.
After writing her a letter of apology, of course. Two pages. Pray you have the mind to keep your pencil steady.
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So very many tears to deal with, probably on both ends. MK knows that he’s doing isn’t all that great, sure… but it’s because he loves you!
Can’t you love him back, please? Ok, he’s been manipulating you! Maybe he’s been driving some friends away! Maybe he’s sent a few clones to tail you around the city! But, please, please- you can’t stop loving him! He just can’t risk having you hurt!
“Please, Y/N! You don’t understand! I’m just trying to keep you safe! You can hit me again, hit me as many times as you want! Just- please, Y/N… I need you. Please…”
His last resort is stuffing you in Shuilian Cave, given that you can’t escape with his or Sun Wukong’s help. Maybe a few ropes to keep you in place. He’ll cry with each knot tied, begging you not to hate him.
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Sun Wukong tanks your punch and gives your head a little pat, frowning at the display. “Sorry, bud. Trust me, I know I’m not exactly the good guy here. Go ahead and let it out. I… kinda deserve it, huh?”
The Great Sage knows you have every reason to be upset. Really, you do. All there’s only so much waylaying of emotions to be done, unfortunately. You were going to crack eventually.
He stands firmly in place, one hand rubbing your back while you break your fists against his body, watching you scream and cry. The man is just… unsurprised? He’s starting to realize that he messes up a lot of things.. So just letting you whale on him seems fair, gently trying to shush your angry tears while your skin grinds to bloody pulp against his shredded abdomen.
“How about I make us some tea,” he offers afterwards, surveying your destroyed hands. “And I’ll patch you up. Then… I think you’ve earned yourself an early bedtime for the rest of the week, bud.”
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“Oh, kiddo. Do you know what “screwing up” is? After this, they’re gonna put your picture in the dictionary as an example.”
Macaque does not tolerate having hands laid on him. Not by friends, not by enemies. And certainly not by his little student, who is supposed to be wide-eyed and placid, in awe of his every move and strike.
You are supposed to be sweet and respectful. You are supposed to be kind and loving.
And he’s sure that with a little bit of “training”, he’ll get you back to that disposition.
He’ll snap his fingers with an angry snarl, shadows springing all around you like cold wires. You are gagged with a cold ebon muzzle, both your hands locked inside a cuff of swirling black and purple. You want to act like an animal? Macaque will chain you to the wall by your new muzzle and treat you like an animal.
Maybe a few days spent so on a chain so short you can’t lay down will teach you better than to raise a hand against “the only person who even loves you, Y/N!” ever again.
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anaki-boo · 7 months
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This stone bird appeared in the second half of winter. Even at Christmas she was not there, and in February she was already looking at Harry with her blind stone eyes. The bird was definitely conjured, because it was one with the tombstone, as if it was born from it. It was a raven with folded wings and a slightly open beak. As if he wanted to say something.
One could only guess who decided to decorate the grave of the professor, and why it was a raven. Not some bat, not a snake, finally. A raven. Perhaps it was the symbol of wisdom and death. Yes, Harry even read about it specifically in Agatha Daredevil's book "Symbolism in Magical Transformations".
"Raven," she wrote, "has long meant mind and has been associated with death. He embodies prophecy and insight. Crows in stories often act as psychopomps connecting the material world with the spirit world."
Don't ask why Harry needed to know about the raven. And even more so, don't ask why he visited the grave of his former professor so many times in a row. He didn't quite know the answer himself.
They say that criminals are drawn to the crime scene. But it was there—in the Screaming Hut, where he left him to die all alone, bleeding. But here… This grave was just a pit with a stone coffin in which Snape's remains were placed — evidence of Harry's crime. But he remembered the basics of first aid, he remembered, and then for some reason he thought that he was powerless before fate itself.
Harry still dreamed of Snape, paralyzed by Nagaina's poison, unconscious. His light warm breath, his eyes glazed with pain (but not from death). How long had he been lying there when they left before he died? A couple of minutes? An hour? Or maybe more?
Harry first visited his grave in June. He came alone and at dawn, sneaked in there like a thief. He was going to make some kind of speech, ask for forgiveness. But even though there was no one to eavesdrop on her, Harry couldn't get a word out of himself. Instead, for some reason, he burst into tears like a child. At the funeral — Lupin and Tonks, Freddy, baby Creevey, Snape himself — did not cry. But then... the speech was successful only in August.
Since then, Harry had been dropping in on the professor at least once a month, on one of the extra-curricular Saturdays. I told him about my life, shared all sorts of nonsense. He did not ask for forgiveness, as if he knew that the professor no longer holds a grudge. And as if he understands.
“Do you mind if I sort out your things?” Harry asked in May.
Only yesterday, the Hogwarts cemetery paid tribute to the memory of those who died in the battle. Today, the usual silence reigned here again.
“No one has touched them all this year. However, the elves have recently collected... how should I say... personal — clothes and all that. There are papers left in your office. No one knows who would need them, and I told McGonagall that I could take them. Not all of them, of course. But... something important. She said she would have given it to my mom if she were alive. But she's not alive, and you're out… So you don't mind, I think.”
The grave did not answer, nor did the raven. Their tacit permission was granted.
There was a warm spring calm. The sun was hot, the back and the back of my head were hot. It was like someone's tight embrace.
Surprisingly, there were few papers. So — study plans, several business and personal letters (Harry decided not to poke his nose into envelopes with the Malfoy coat of arms, but to forward them to Draco) and books, most of which were with a library seal, and over which Madame Pince then groaned.
"Professor Snape was constantly delaying the delivery of books! But about this one — he lied to my eyes in an impudent way, said that some scoundrels stole it and burned it!".
In the top drawer of the desk, under stacks of blank paper, Harry found an old, battered diary. The entries in it were completely irregular, sometimes Snape forgot about the diary for several months. There were potion recipes, whole phrases in runic notation, addresses (Harry assumed they were potion customers or ingredient suppliers), and drawings and squiggles that Harry remembered from the Potions textbook.
The guilt that seemed to have calmed down over the past year came flooding back to Harry. He randomly leafed through this old notebook and thought about how much he had personally deprived the magical world. If Harry had stayed, he would have helped Snape, if he had called for help, the professor could have been saved. And with him — his developments. Dozens of useful potions and spells. Cured diseases, solved problems and saved lives…
Harry shifted the notebook to his other hand and started leafing through from the end. On the last filled page, at the very bottom, a bird was drawn in ink. Smooth body, large open beak and folded wings. It was the same raven that appeared on Snape's tombstone in winter. Words written in the professor's familiar small handwriting seemed to fly out of the raven's mouth:
"Feed the bird."
In the lower right corner there was a postscript made in pencil:
"If you go to feed, take a broom."
Harry loved riddles, but he didn't like being overcome by excruciating excitement. Like, for example, this time.
Harry took with him a broom and treats for the raven. There was a piece of bread and a sausage wrapped in a paper bag in his pocket. In his mind, the raven would definitely have been treated to some of this.
It looked stupid. He was standing in the middle of the cemetery with a broom and trying to stuff his breakfast into the mouth of a stone statue. She refused to eat.
“Feed… Feed the bird. But how?!” he muttered, feeling himself getting angry.
Why did he even think that this was the same bird? What makes him think that the professor left him a hint? And what was he going to find anyway? A hiding place? A cache with something important? For example, by a will? Snape didn't care about earthly things, and he had nothing to bequeath, except for the old house, which, as McGonagall told him, he hated with all his heart.
Angrily, Harry threw the spoiled food on the ground and began sorting through everything he knew about crows in his head. As a child, these birds scared little Harry. Aunt Petunia knew about it and said: "Don't look at them, or they, bloodthirsty creatures, will peck out your green devilish eyes."
“Bloodthirsty… Bloodthirsty creatures," Harry whispered thoughtfully and bit his finger with his teeth.
The blood did not appear immediately, it had to be squeezed out of the wound. Harry put his hand to the bird's beak and smeared it with blood.
The stone moved. At first, the raven moved its head, then cawed soundlessly — just opened its beak several times. Then he spread his wings, stamped on the spot and fluttered up.
Then Harry understood why the broom was needed.
"Why the hell were you going through my papers? Arrogant, stupid, curious, shameless... why are you silent? Can you feel your hands? Do you feel it or not?!”
Snape was furious, his eyes were shooting lightning, but Harry was not afraid. To see him—pale and with bloodless lips—on the floor of a Screaming hut, to see him off on his last journey a few days later, to come to his grave for the first time — that was what was scary. But now I'm sitting in a chair, leaning closer to the fireplace, licking drops of firewhisky from my lips and watching the professor rub his stiff fingers… It wasn't scary at all.
Let his hands be completely frozen from the long flight, let them turn red. Let this village house be unfamiliar and creepy, and it looked like no one had lived here for a long time and only recently a person had settled here. Let Snape, aged and with a torn, scarred throat peeking out of the collar of his robe, shout at him (thank Merlin, his voice remained the same). Harry was happy. And he couldn't get a word out of himself.
“Do you feel it? Are you going to answer me?”
Harry nodded, somewhat drunkenly and sluggishly, and only then did Snape leave him alone.
He sat down at a table—a long one and probably intended for a large family that once lived here, and now almost completely covered with dried herbs- and began to unwrap one of these dried bouquets. His fingers nervously fingered the thin stems and selected suitable ones.
“I…” Harry finally managed to say, but then he trailed off.
Snape looked at him sternly, and there was a threat in that look.
“I was hoping it would be Minerva. Or, in extreme case, Miss Granger…
“Weasley”, Harry interrupted automatically. Hermione, who had been Ron's wife for three months now, was constantly correcting her acquaintances who called her by her maiden name. “She's Mrs. Weasley now”.
Snape snorted. As he was doing it before — ironically , disapproving and arrogantly.
“ I had a better opinion of her. Well… What the hell did you want in my desk? What were you looking for there? Memories? My diary, in which I confessed to crimes? They wanted to sell his Skitter, probably, and…
"I wasn't looking for anything," Harry interrupted him again. "McGonagall gave me permission to take your papers, that's all. The office had to be vacated for a new teacher. She allowed it… She allowed me to take what I think is necessary.
“Allowed you? And why on earth would that be?”
“I needed it.”
“Why did you need it? Couldn't leave me alone even after death?
“Couldn't," Harry muttered, reaching for a bottle of firewhisky. It was standing at his feet.
The esophagus burned with heat, it became difficult to breathe at first, and then immediately felt better. Even the excitement has subsided.
“Why would that be? Tormented by guilt?”
"No, no guilt," Harry lied. “ I just fell in love. You know, it happens like this… You know a person for many years, and then he dies, becomes less disgusting and malicious, and you even have a communication. So you can fall in love. Even... with such a… you.”
He took two more big gulps, and a very pleasant heat spread in his chest.
Snape was silent and stared at the herbs on the table. It seemed that now they would break out and a fire would start.
“And how did you...? The antidote? Or did someone help?”
"Someone helped," Snape echoed and, apparently deciding that Harry had had enough to drink, called for a bottle with non—verbal and non-verbal spell.
He waved his hand — and it jerked and flew to the table, hitting the bottom on the edge.
“Malfoy? I've seen his letters… You were friends, right? … Are friends, I mean”
"Can you take the stairs?" Won't you wring your neck? Or do you need to be levitated?
It took Harry a moment to realize what the professor meant.
“ Are you inviting me... to stay? After what I…”
“ You won't be able to fly back in this condition. I won't let you apparate drunk, and I don't have a sobering one. You will spend the night here, and in the morning I will erase your memory.”
“ What are you going to do to me that you will have to erase my memory?” Harry laughed.
“I don't like you, Potter...” Snape looked at him as if he suspected some kind of bad change in him or someone else's evil influence.
“Yes, to be honest, I don't like myself ... but you…” Harry paused, feeling like a drunken fool. “Don’t erase my memory. I'm coming back anyway. In a week or a month…”
“Yes, you are coming back. I have no doubt in your stickiness, Potter.”
A few things didn't happen next morning. Firstly, they did not quarrel, although they could have. Secondly, Harry did not apologize for what he said drunk in the living room yesterday. As if he felt it was wrong to apologize for telling Severus the truth. Thirdly, Snape never erased his memory.
And, to be honest, Harry didn't go anywhere. Neither in the morning, nor in the evening, nor the next day.
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akkkkollle · 2 years
Before you say it: yes i’m toxic. Moving on-
Just imagine: mikey pissed you the fuck off - like, did everything from being annoying to being a selfcentered rude bitch all day. So you know what? You’re gonna ride it all by yourself, bitch. And i have this idea that mikey is that whiney bitch that needs helps to get off even when riding that dick so after a time, he start cooing and begging for your help, almost crying (still riding you) meanwhile you’re on your phone, watching shits on tiktok and not giving a fuck while mikey is almost having a breakdown 😂😭
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Pairing: Mikey × M!Reader.
Words: 600+.
TW/CW: humiliation, disobedience(?), riding, pleading, overexcitation, denial of orgasm(?).
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You sigh, watching someone's Instagram posts and in your thoughts, ridiculing their stories that happened because of their stupidity. Did someone break up with a guy because he tied your tail a little lower than you need? Fuck. This is some kind of nonsense, but someone really has no brains.
- Manjiro, be quiet, I'm busy. - you say irritably, flipping on.
But what did he do? Honestly, nothing, but he didn't stop, that's for sure.
His hands are on your abs, squeezing it. His head is thrown back, as are his eyes. Tears are streaming down his face. His little red cock twitches, having a sincere desire to cum. He whimpers, having practically nothing in his brain. How long has he been riding you? It's been about an hour and a half. And how many times did he cum? Null. He just wants to cum, wants to touch his dick and cum, but he can't. It will be worse.
- M-m/n... I'm begging you..! Let me cum! Ah, I-I can't... anymore! - he begs, actually having a strong desire to cum.
- No. You were acting like a bitch. So you'll be treated like a bitch. - you whisper monotonously, still flipping through .
He whines loudly as more tears roll from his eyes. His right hand is shaking, he struggles with a strong desire to touch himself. What happens if he doesn't do it? He probably won't come. And if he does? It will end, but it will end even worse than it is now. And what does he have to lose? His hand touches his penis. And he only rubs his head slightly, as he ends up with a loud scream.
He falls on your breast with heavy breathing, closing his eyes. But he is immediately turned over on his back. He opens his eyes, seeing your expression. It gives him goosebumps. Is he afraid? Maybe.
- Bitch, I think you got something wrong. Who do you have to listen to, huh? - you squeeze his neck slightly, pressing him against the mattress.
-Y-you, M/n...
-So what the hell are you doing? Did I let you cum?
- No, you're not.
- Well, then I will have to not only punish you, but also teach you to obey, whore. - you hiss, squeezing his neck harder and starting thrusts.
He moans loudly, feeling the stimulation of his sweet spot. But apparently he won't come again, at least not until you think he's had enough.
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byunpum · 1 year
EXPERIMENT 56 [your time is coming] sequel | PART 5 |
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PAIR: Neteyam x Human reader. ( a mix of human and Navi )
Other pairs: Quaritch x reader (platonic) , sully fam x reader.
SUMMARY: Y/N thinks she has a peaceful life with her new family. But a sudden visitor is about to change her life and her family's life.
WARNINGS: 18+, the characters are aged up 20's, a little violence, don't worry no one dies, Y/N and neteyam being parents , Bestie stuff, Family moments.
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5
Note: I hope you like this chapter, Sorry it took so long to upload this part. I've had a lot of work this week, I've even been sick. But I will be catching up this week. Thanks for the support~~
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Max was examining the results that norm had given him 5 minutes ago. He hadn't quite entered the lab, when he came upon the image of Quaritch sitting on the examination table, jake sitting across from him looking at him, as if his life depended on it. And norm asking him a few routine questions. As soon as norm noticed max's presence, both men ran up to him and started asking him questions.
"So?" asks Jake, waiting for an answer from his friend. Damn this knowing what was wrong with Quaritch was killing him. Max keeps looking at the results and talking to himself. "No abnormal activity" says max, looking innocently at the two men. - "Max…we know that…we want to know if there's another 'type' of activity?" shouts norm, the man is hysterical because he's had jake screwing with his existence for the last 4 hours. "He says it's someone else," says jake. Max goes back to looking at the results and walks over to Quaritch. Jake and norm watch as their friend starts talking to the man, it was nonsense questions. About everyday life, or what he liked to do. He also asked him how he had been feeling in the last few months and if he had experienced any changes.
After about half an hour, Jake sees Max approaching them. "His consciousness woke up, that's all. I have to run some more tests, but I'm pretty sure," Max says, as if what he is saying is understood by everyone. The man sees how jake and norm are looking at him open-mouthed.
"OK… The avatars they used for the Recoms, they are avatars that already had consciousness. They needed them to have consciousness so that they would be able to accept the memories of the military. A body that has no consciousness cannot walk on its own. It was like a celebral abduction, they repressed the southconsciousness of these avatars and made them believe that the memories they were introducing were theirs" max speaks. Jake couldn't believe what he was hearing. Norm walks over to his friend.
"Oh…that's right. That's why our avatars couldn't walk around without us, because they had no pre-designed consciousness, they were like newborn babies. While these ones had trained them, to then erase everything…" Norm begins to search and write down what they discovered. " You're telling me… that the man in there… he just had a spiritual awakening and now he's not what we think he is. " jake almost screams, he's frustrated. "Yes… he's totally someone else. He tells me that all the memories he has are of that person…but he's not that military guy" max says.
Jake was going to have a heart attack. You were right, Y/N was right. But he couldn't help but feel that he was in danger, this man who claims to be someone else. He had tried to hurt his family, and he had kidnapped you. He had done so much damage to his now home, pandora. He cannot accept. Norm can watch as jake walks out of the lab, and leaves everyone behind. "Hey where are you going?" yells Norm, as he watches his friend walk away from the lab. Norm knows jake will be fine, he just needs more time. "So what do we do with him?" asks max, giving a look at quaritch who was already lying on the table, while looking at the ceiling and playing with his tail. "I don't know…let's do some more tests" says norm. "He looks like an abandoned kitten" says max. "That's what I say" norm laughs a little.
On the other hand… Y/N was following the strange noises she heard. They were like begging and whimpering…and you were pretty sure they weren't from any animal…they were from a human or some na'vi asking for help. You had lo'ak behind you, both of them had stopped running to approach the target. You had to be quiet, you didn't want to scare anyone. To your good fortune you were both very good at it. You and Lo'ak were experienced at sneaking and being quiet, you had escaped from the family hut many times.
Neteyam had his arrow inches away from spider's head, trapping him on the ground. While the boy tried to cover as much of his face as he could with his hands. A single arrow and he would be dead in seconds. "Nete…what's wrong with you?" said spider, his voice trembling, his eyes tightly closed. He didn't know what was happening, but he knew it was impossible to escape. Neteyam's pupils were dilated, beads of sweat were running down his forehead. He was in a trance of rage. Why did he always have to be involved in everything…why did he always have to be with you? Why you were always looking for spider's help, and not him. Neteyam wanted to overcome everything that had happened, but it was impossible for him. Why did spider have to help you, why wasn't he a good friend and he went and told him. He doesn't trust him… they are supposed to be friends, almost brothers…
Just as the arrow was slipping through his fingers, neteyam moved his arm a little to the left. Causing the arrow to pass right next to spider's head, burying itself in the ground. Spider felt like life was passing through his eyes. Neteyam stayed pointed at spider for a second, bow empty. "Nete…please put the bow down?" says spider, moving his hand to move the bow. Spider noticed that neteyam didn't exert any force, and was able to take the bow and put it on the ground. Neteyam's chest was heaving up and down, he looked like he was in a state of shook. He was a second away from ending his friend's life, how could he be able to do that. And still spider had gotten up from the ground, and had his hands in his arms. Trying to sit him down, spider gets neteyam to sit up. The boy moves a little away from the na'vi in hopes of giving him some space.
"Why does y/n always look for you?" speaks neteyam, sitting on the ground his head was hanging down. It was a sign of defeat. His jealousy had consumed him, to the point of eliminating what he thought was a threat, spider. He felt bad spider had nothing to do with it, even you…you had nothing to do with it. The problem was him. "y/n…she's my friend" spider says in a shaky voice. Neteyam looks up and looks at the boy. You could see the fear she had towards him. "I know she is your friend…but she doesn't trust me" says neteyam, he is silent waiting for some answer from spider.
"She trusted you…and you helped her bring our enemy to the village. She could have counted on my help, but no…she looked for you" says neteyam, now he had his whole body turned to spider. He had an authoritative attitude, but it wasn't defensive. "I think she looked to me for help…for fear that you wouldn't help her. Understand this is a delicate situation…but I didn't agree at first. Besides, you met that man once," says spider. Neteyam crawls a little closer to spider, runs his hands over the back of his neck as he sighs loudly. "Us? You mean my father?" asks neteyam.
"You know how jake is and she…y/n likes to help everyone. She…" Spider pauses. "She's great," says spider. Neteyam's eyes focus on the attitude spider now has. He looked kind of sad. "She's all yours neteyam…she loves you so much. If she seeks my help it is because we are friends…very good friends" spider says, raising his gaze to look at neteyam. He laughs a little, relaxing his shoulders. Maybe he had overacted. "You have a beautiful baby…you have a family with her," spider's voice sounds a little gruff. "I know I missed my chance with her a long time ago…I'm just helping her like I would help you" he says.
Neteyam reaches over to drape an arm around the boy's shoulders and give him a nudge. "Thank you…and sorry for trying to kill you" neteyam says laughing a little. "Oh don't worry…it's not the first time they've done it" neteyam started laughing and spider followed him. They stood in silence for a moment enjoying the tranquility of the jungle. "You know I think Y/N looked me up because she thought I might have some kind of relationship with Quaritch" says spider. "That makes sense" says neteyam. Boy were they stupid, maybe that was your plan all along. A noise interrupts them as the two boys see two figures emerge from the bushes. Y/N falls to the ground and is followed by an agitated lo'ak. They both quickly get up in attack position. Neteyam and spider stand there with their mouths hanging open.
"Ahhhh" yells lo'ak, you see neteyam and spider sitting next to each other. You had misheard…you could have sweared you heard some screaming. "Hello yawnetu!!!" says neteyam, sitting up straight and raising his hand to greet you. Spider copies his movements. He had to pretend, if you found out that he had tried to tempt spider's life…ohhh he was in a lot of trouble. He might be big, but you intimidated the hell out of him. You quickly approach neteyam and you sniff him.
"Something happened" you speak. The two men laugh nervously as they look at each other. "Nooo we were here practicing and talking" says spider. You turn your gaze to analyze the boy. "You were with lo'ak?" asks neteyam to change the subject and distract you. "Yes…we were at the beach" you turn your attention to neteyam. He grabs you by the arm and pulls you so that you are now by his side. "Hey why don't we go to the village…I'm hungry" says lo'ak who all this time had been lying down. Neteyam gets up from the ground, just like spider. They all take their possessions and make their way to the village. As they walked, spider and neteyam gave each other a few glances as they laughed a little. Neteyam was glad to have a friend like spider… who would forgive something like what had happened a few moments ago, nobody. But spider did… he was a strange boy.
Arriving at the village, you see how neytiri is talking to jake outside the family hut. You all glance at each other, and walk over to where the couple is. "Dad…what happened?" you say, a little worried. From the look on his face and the way his tail was all up in the air, you knew your father was having a nervous breakdown. Well, he was always like that…but you were sure he was about to collapse. "Y/N you were right…max just confirmed it" says jake raising his arms a little upset. "I'm what?" you're confused, what's going on. Neytiri tries to calm jake down, and invites them all into the hut. "I'm going to get norm and max" says jake, running towards the lab area. "Mom…" you look at neytiri, who is also confused. Neytiri leads us inside and orders us to sit down.
"Mom, where is noah't" you ask for your son, who is probably hungry. "Kiri has taken him to play with tuk, relax, he is fine" Neytiri gives you a squeeze on your arm, sitting down next to you. Everyone was quiet. Lo'ak and spider were talking about anything. And neteyam is next to you, he was playing with a bracelet he had on his ankle, you knew he was nervous about something, you knew it had to do with what happened a few moments ago with spider. You walk over and lay your head on his shoulder. "Is something wrong? Are you okay?" you ask, neteyam just looks at you and nods his head. His eyes betrayed him…he was feeling guilty. What happened? Out of nowhere, you see norm, max and jake enter the hut.
"Hello family!!!" says Norm, sitting down next to everyone. Jake and max follow him. You see that they have some papers in their hands. You were so curious to see what those papepes had written on them. Max looks at you and laughs a little, as does Norm. "You were right little girl… Quaritch is someone else" says Max, everyone is shocked. What do you mean, he's someone else? So what you had interpreted about eywa was correct. Max tried to explain as much as he could so that everyone understood, spider and lo'ak understood. Even neteyam understood what max meant. But your mother, neytiri is not convinced. "We are going to say that in about 2 or 3 months his past memory will be erased. He will be kept with personality traits and some vague memories." Max says ending his monologue. "So what do we do now?" asks neteyam.
"I don't know…you decide" says norm, looking at you quickly. Oh no, now this was your decision. You had gotten it right the first time, now you had to decide what to do about Quaritch. "Mmm we can ask grandma" you speak up. Neytiri supports your decision. "I think it is the right thing to do, tomorrow morning we will all get together and talk to mo'at. She will recommend us what to do" said neytiri with a serious voice. You were always impressed when she spoke like that, you see how everyone nods and hurries your mother's order. "Perfect" says Jake. After a long talk and norm answered some questions about the situation with Quaritch. Norm and max leave. So does spider, saying goodbye to everyone. Thus leaving neytiri, neteyam , lo'ak , jake and you alone in the hut.
"I'm sorry I didn't trust you" says jake, his hand was now holding yours. Your father could be stubborn at times, and it was normal for him to worry. And you hated to see him like that, you knew that the grief and shame he had now had no reason to feel it. "Dad… don't say that" you stand up and hug him. Jake wraps his arms around you and presses you to his chest. "D…daddy" you giggle a little. "Ma jake, let her go" says neytiri laughing a little."My baby girl…" jake says, letting go of you and giving you a kiss on the forehead. "I promise you everything will be okay" you speak, looking at your mother. You knew she was uncomfortable with this whole situation, but she knew how to handle her emotions very well. "I know" says Neytiri, pulling you close to give you another kiss on the cheek. You watch as your two parents look at you, you might be so different, but they loved you so much and trusted you blindly. You hear some smiles and smirks at the entrance. And you all see how kiri enters with tuk, tuk was holding noah't in his arms. While he was playing with some braids in his hair.
"Look who's there!!!" says tuk, pointing at you so your son could see you. Noah't stretched out his little arms as soon as he saw his mom and dad. "Come here" you speak, making faces at noah't. Tuk hands him to you, and you quickly begin to kiss his chubby cheeks. Neteyam is next to you, so you pick up the baby for him to give him a kiss too. Neteyam gives him a kiss and this causes a tender noah't smile. He is already on your chest, laying his head down to fall asleep. "We fed him fruit and played with him a lot" says tuk excitedly. "I see they put something in his hair too" you say, taking a closer look at the baby's new hair ornament. "Yes…that will bring him good luck" says kiri, as she lay down in her hammock. "Ahh yes, how?" asks neteyam, who is now examining the new object in his son's hair. "It's a good luck stone… relax" says neytiri, the woman was looking for various things for the meal. Kiri sticks his tongue out at his older brother and he copies the same gesture.
Neteyam bends, and comes up to your ear. "Ma y/n could we go to our home?" asks neteyam, you stroke your face a little on his cheek, handing him noah't and picking yourself up off the floor. Neteyam copies your movements. "Well…I guess we're leaving" jake is shocked usually you two stay up late with them. "why? you don't want dinner" jake gives neteyam a look, the boy gets a little nervous. "mmm no dad it's just that we are kind of tired" neteyam says shyly. Neteyam was still getting very nervous if he tried to confront his father. "but" jake starts to speak, but is interrupted by a laughing lo'ak. "Father…don't you see they want to be 'alone'" lo'ak speaks in a mocking voice. You laugh a little, you knew neteyam was tired, but you also knew his intentions. "ok….let's go" you start to push neteyam by the thighs, before he started to fight with lo'ak. All the family members say goodbye and you continue on your way to your hut.
You quickly arrived at your hut. Neteyam held noah't, and sat with him on the ground. It was still early to go to sleep, so you had to entertain him for a while before he fell asleep. Luckily for you, your son was a very quiet baby. You sit down next to neteyam, knowing he was acting strange, "Did something happen…between you and spider?" you ask. You could see his ears wiggle and his tail stiffen and start to wag slowly. "mmm I…nothing. Nothing happened" says neteyam. "Neteyam… you are lying to me" you question him. Neteyam sits with his legs crossed and his back straight. He looked like a little boy about to be scolded by his mother, it gave you a little tenderness. "I will tell you the truth" says neteyam. You look at him waiting for an answer. It couldn't be that serious. "I tried to kill spider…but we talked and now everything is fine" says neteyam, he talked as fast as he could so you wouldn't understand well, but boy did you. "You what!!! So the screams I heard were from spider" you raise your voice a little. "Ma y/n everything is fine…calm down" neteyam says, trying to calm you down. You had already gotten up from the ground, and you were right in front of him. It's not like you were very intimidating, even standing up. He looked bigger than you. "Why would you do something like that? Spider didn't do anything" you say. Neteyam looks down.
"I know…and that's why I regretted it. It wasn't right, I let my emotions guide me" he lowered his head in regret. Trying to do damage, and for no justifiable reason was not approved behavior in the omaticaya clan. It was a very passive clan. "Emotions…or jealousy?" you sputter, as you wait for neteyam to have something to say to you. But you only resent a 'mmm' and feel him tilt his head to your chest. You reach out to hug his head. "I don't want to know the reason for the situation…because I'm sure it's something stupid. But did you apologize to spider?" you ask. "Yes I did…spider is a good friend and he understood me" says neteyam, pressing his head on your chest. You stay for a while, stroking his scalp, and giving him a few kisses on the top of his hair. Until you feel someone tapping your foot. You look down, and see noah't raising his arms.
"Ahhh my precious baby…I love you too" you turn away from neteyam, to now sit on his lap. Placing noah't on your chest, you are sure he is very hungry. Neteyam settles in and hugs you. So that both of you are comfortable on his chest. "Why did you ask for spider's help, if I'm ready to do everything for you?" asks neteyam, while rocking in your arms. "You would have helped me care for and feed our father's enemy?" neteyam is silent, of course he wouldn't have. "Spider always does what I want" you speak in a mocking voice. "So you used him" you look up, neteyam had a smile on his lips. "Hey…don't say it like that. Yes…but I didn't mean it that way. He's my friend, that's all" you return to settle back on his chest.
After an hour, Noah wasn't very sleepy. So you put him in his hammock. A small hammock that his aunt kiri had made for him. "He looks so cute!!!" you give him a soft kiss on his cheeks, as you watch the baby settle in. You carefully close the curtain that separated the baby's space from the hut (for privacy) "Hey come here" says neteyam, he was sitting on the other side of the hut. Luckily for you your home was quite big, designed for a family of 5 people. You walk towards him, you see that he has some kind of cream in his hands. "What is it?" you watch as neteyam takes some out of the bottle, and takes your arm to apply it to your skin. "It's ngrr help for hybridization, and it smells great too" neteyam takes your arm, and sniffs the scent leaving a kiss. You laugh a little but let him continue what he is planning to do.
You stand in front of him, watch as he takes a generous amount in his hands and mixes it in his palms. Now he begins to massage it into your legs, his hands gently massaging your skin. You see how he is giving you a few looks, and he comes over to give you a kiss on your shoulder. As he continues to carefully massage your legs, he gently moves up from your calves to the back of your thighs and you feel him squeeze his hands. "They are so soft and plump" neteyam bites his lip and you giggle a little taking his face in your hands. "Hey…easy" you tease, as you feel his grip get tighter and he moves his hands to squeeze your ass. In one swift movement he pulls you closer to him, so that your hands are now around his neck. His hands now crawl to your crotch, to pull you up. You had reached his lips, pulling him closer to you to deepen the kiss, as he let out a few desperate moans, while his hands made quick work of your clothing.
In a matter of seconds your clothes were on the floor, while his hands touched any part of your body he could reach. He seemed so desperate for your touch, and there you could understand his behavior. "Are you?" you pull away a little from his lips, but he keeps leaving kisses on your jaw and breasts. "Neteyam… I" your voice is clipped as you feel his hands lift you off the ground. And he straddles you towards the hammock you both shared. Your back in cold material, as neteyam settled on top of you, leaving kisses on your breasts going down to your belly. "All mine…" was almost a whisper, almost to himself. Reminding himself that he was the only man who could take you like this.
Your legs spread intently, leaving him a clear path. Your hands travel to the top of his head to push him to where you needed him most. "Let's finish what we started this morning" says neteyam giving several bites on your lower belly, you lift your hips a little. You were a mess in little moans, he didn't know the effect he had on you. You thought he was a fool to think, that any man could stand a chance with you.
On the other hand…
Quaritch was sitting on the bed that mo'at had prepared for him. Well, it was more like where she settled anyone who came to ask for her help. He was feeling better, the medications and some stitches that Norm had given him had helped him a lot. He felt strange, he felt like he was in a completely new place, he was like a new person. Every hour that passed felt new to him. His legs were crossed, and now he was holding his tail, analyzing it. Mo'at on the other hand had been watching the man, norm and max had explained everything to her. To her it was watching a lost toddler.
"Careful with that tail…you don't want to hurt yourself" says mo'at. Quaritch quickly lets go of his tail. Mo'at is silent for a moment, until she begins to speak. Capturing the avatar's full attention. "Do you have a name?" the woman asks. She looks at the man who now had his ears lowered and his tail had stopped wagging. "Well…they call me quartch. But I like Miles better" Mo'at smiles a little. "Well Miles, how does it feel to wake up?" Miles settles more into his spot, and gets excited about the question. He'd been there all day, testing and listening to how he was someone else. But no one had ever asked him how he felt…until now. "I feel strange…but free" Miles says, Mo'at stands up and hands him a type of container that contained a drink. "I'm glad you found your home…Y/N wasn't wrong about you" mo'at says.
"Y/N…she where is she? I haven't seen her since I got here." Miles says. Mo'at could notice Miles' behavior to talk about you. Miles' ears perked up, his tail began to wag with excitement, and his eyes widened with interest. "I imagine she's with her mate…it's normal not to see couples this time of year," says mo'at, she knew better than to talk about her granddaughter's intimacy. But she wanted to set the record straight. " Time?" asks Miles, he doesn't understand much of the Navi language. "Mating season" says mo'at without any embarrassment. Miles nods his head, and she can see the redness on the tips of his ears. He didn't have to ask about you…of course you were with your mate. Who else would you be with. "Well get some rest…it's going to be a long day tomorrow," says mo'at getting up to leave the hut. The man stands there thinking, as he settled in. He had to get used to the idea that he wouldn't see you, he just wanted to tell you how grateful he was to you.
6:00 am
The entire sully family was gathered at mo'at's entrance, waiting for norm and max to arrive. They were going to talk to mo'at about the situation, now that they knew that Quaritch was going through his facet of being someone else. And that it wasn't going to hurt, they couldn't just take him out of the village. The poor guy didn't know how to defend himself, life in Pandora is not the same as in the military camp. Besides, you weren't going to let them take him out, you had put so much effort in taking care of him. "Well…what's taking so long?" says Neytiri. As she moves from side to side, you knew she was nervous. This was not a situation she liked, but she had to respect her mother's decision.
On the other hand, neteyam is sitting on a rock. He had his hands around your waist, pressing you to his chest. You could feel how nervous he was, just knowing that you were going to see this man was putting him in a bad mood. Spider slowly approached the group, he hadn't seen neteyam since yesterday. His head was down, and he walked straight towards you. You move a little away from neteyam, and take spider's hand to give him a hug. "Hey…are you okay? i heard about what happened yesterday" you say, looking quickly at neteyam. He laughs a little and waves to spider. "Yeah, I'm fine… nete and I set the record straight" spider laughs, and reaches out his hand to touch neteyam's shoulder. You intertwine your arms with spider's, at the same time norm and max arrive.
You all enter mo'at's hut, as you enter you can see how Miles is sitting next to mo'at. He was helping the woman, he looked so calm. He looked like a different person. You let go of spider's arms and move away from neteyam. And you run to Miles, hugging him by the neck. "Quaritch!!!" you speak cheerfully. The man wraps his arm around your back, laughing. "How are you little one?" speaks Miles. Everyone in the room was looking at you with surprise. The relationship you had created with Miles was very strong. Neteyam had already stepped forward beside you. Miles looks up, watching as your partner looks at him. He moves his hands away from your back. Jake and neytiri had sat down next to mo'at. The atmosphere is heavy, you could feel the breeze. Neytiri had her eyes on Miles, she leans over and takes your arm to pull you closer to her. You obey your mother and sit next to her. Neteyam follows you, while lo'ak and spider stand near the entrance. "Well… I'm glad you're all here," mo'at says.
"I've made up my mind, about this man" mo'at relays a smile to Miles. Jake was about to speak, but the woman raises her hand. "shhh" neytiri says. Your father could be the great jakesully, a strong warrior. But if your mother said to shut up, he does it without thinking.
"I have decided to keep him with us" says mo'at. "Mother!!!!" yells neytiri, getting upset as she lifted herself a little from her seat. Neteyam followed in her mother's footsteps, as did jake. Meanwhile spider and lo'ak were left in a state of shocked. You try to calm your family, but they all ignore you. It's not like you can do much surrounded by giants. "Grandmother…but this man is dangerous" says neteyam. "Neteyam!!!" you take his hand, making him sit up. Miles' eyes meet yours for a moment, you could see those words hurt him. The avatar in front of them, was someone else. But he didn't blame anyone.
"HE WILL STAY HERE! We will help him to adapt…to live with us. I have spoken!" says mo'at. Your grandmother was very upset, she was looking straight at Jake and Neytiri. Norm and max had taken it upon themselves to explain everything to mo'at. She knew the right thing to do was to help him, and let him be part of the clan. Of course, he had to earn the trust of the clan. Everyone in the hut is silent for a long time. Neytiri stands up and looks at MILES. "If you do…the slightest harm to my family. I will kill you again with my own hands" you stand up and take her hand. "Mom calm down…don't be like this" you try to reassure her. Jake could be calmer than your mother, she couldn't control her motherly instincts…in that hut were her children. And they were saying that the man who had done so much damage to their family was going to be part of the clan.
After some discussion, various things. How Miles should behave, and what he should do to gain the trust of the clan. The whole family gets up and leaves the mo'at hut. Only Spider, neteyam and you stayed behind. "Y/N… I am proud of you. Your skills have grown so much" says mo'at caressing your face. You get up from the ground, and sit next to Miles. "ahhhh I am happy for you, how do you feel?" you speak. You felt strange talking to him. Days ago he was the soldier you once knew, and now he was a whole new man. You were glad to know that you had had a big impact on his memories, because he still remembered you.
"I'm…I'm happy. But confused" Miles speaks, his ears move back. You can hear spider's sarcastic laugh. You look up and make a face at spider. Spider walks over and sits down next to neteyam, who hasn't taken his eyes off Miles at any point. The two men were sure of something, they had to keep an eye on you at all times. They knew that from now on you were not going to leave his side. "Spider…I think you could help Y/N. Miles needs a lot of help" says mo'at, who was sitting next to you. "And so do you neteyam" mo'at chuckles a little.
Before the two boys could complain, mo'at starts talking. "Yes…you two are going to help Y/N. And I don't want you to be complaining" mo'at says. You chuckle a little, as you adjust a piece of Miles' outfit. He looks at you and gives you a shy smile. "Don't worry… you'll get used to it. And everyone will accept you" you say, smiling.
"Let's see" says neteyam in a low voice, just so spider can hear him. "Yes, I doubt it will come so easily to him," says spider. They both have their arms crossed, you watch them. Could they stop judging him, and understand that miles is not the person who once created the RDA.
Noah't aunts : @st4rrry @valeriinee @inutheangel @gielrmn @sloppierjewel @purple7theparty @itscheybaby @ssc7514 @namorslit @ducks118 @tpwkstiles @elli-aesthetics @nao-cchi @uselessbutinteresting @msjae @austynparksandpizza @gamorxa @andyyy4444 @itssomeonereading @meivap @barbii04 @mm-nope @dorck26 @nessrin @purple7theparty @ssc7514 @sloppierjewel @yeosxxx @legendleopard100 @pandoragalora @jayzes-blog @ducks118 @kyriekurokami @heesoftiefreak @teamanime @d4rno @dumb-fawkin-bitch-bitch @burdeningbitch @allsouls-emma @aceofheartzzz @famousbagelhandspurse @fanficblogs @lilyofthetigers @mjnij @laylasbunbunny
@cherrywinesab @sloppierjewel @bubbleguppy0315 @ellielovesrobinarellano @mrs-sullys-blog @lovekeeho @vectoriscommitingcrimes @kimtaehussy @bimbotinkerbell  @aceofheartzzz @d4rno @3okutos-3ig-toe @bxnnywriting @anarcoirisgatuno @allsouls-emma @luna-ann @vivendominhahistorias @neteyamsgirll @yeosxxx @naynay2808
@neytirisgf @meivap @gamorxa @nuttyrebelflower @lovelyygirl8 @allenparkermin03 @lucero-ksb-blog @neteyamforlife @btslovergirl12 @nuttyrebelflower @artologia-blog1 @sloppierjewel @queen-dk @kurtisamazing @lovekeeho @rebeccao03 @mikeyswifie @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @lu-the-ghost-reader @liluvtojineteyam @vaishureader @rebeccao03 @myh3artttt @pandoramyst @lu-the-ghost-reader
If there is any problem with the tags, let me know and I will try to fix it as quickly as possible. tag list is open, just let me know *3*//
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the-ghost-boo · 6 months
The Mall Santa [Gay Smut]
Hi! This is the first piece of smut that I've ever written, so I hope you enjoy it! I would love to get feedback on what you think of it! The story is fully fictional and the first half is mainly just setting the scene so if you want to get straight into the smutty part of it head down to the second "paragraph". Happy reading <3 - The Ghost Boo
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“For fucks sake”, I sigh, aware of the fact that in the 2 hours that we'd been at the mall, I've bought only one of the dozen gifts that I had to buy for Christmas.
“Dude, stop stressing”, Jade tells me, giving me an encouraging smile, “everything will be fine”.
Once again, I sigh, leaning my head against the cool glass of the cafe's window. 
“It would be”, I say, “but I don't know what to get”. 
My eyes rake around what little I can see of the mall from outside the cafe's windows. There isn't much to see, just a terribly decorated Christmas tree which looks like the decorations were chucked on by a minimum wage worker who couldn't give less of a shit. The only other thing there is to see is a Mall Santa sitting on his chair giving away presents to everyone and anyone who queues up. 
“It's honestly not that hard”, Nicholas tells me, “and it's your fault you left it till this late”.
He's not wrong there, I haven't even bought a Christmas card for my brother, let alone bought gifts for everyone. Groaning, we all get up, having finished our coffees. 
“Let's get out of here”, I declare. 
“Let’s get some of your gifts bought”, Nicholas grumbles. 
As we exit the coffee shop, we pass the Christmas tree and stop to admire it. 
“What a disgrace”, Nicholas laughs, “and they call themselves the biggest celebrators of Christmas”.
A sharp intake of breath comes from beside me as Jade whispers, “Holy shit, so hot”. 
I glance at her worriedly, “Jade are you blind or something, it looks li-”. Trailing off, my gaze makes itself to where she's looking. The Mall Santa. She's right, he is hot. Locks of soft gold hair frame his angular face and I find myself entranced. 
Until, his piercing blue eyes meet mine. Quickly, I look away feeling embarrassed, but not before I catch a slight movement of his eye. Did he just wink at me?
“Jackson”, Nicholas shouts excitedly, “this is exactly what you need”.
“What?” I ask confusedly, “what are you on about?”
“The Mall Santa”, he says, nearly jumping in delight, “you can ask him what to get for everyone”.
Just as I'm about to tell him what a stupid idea it is, Jade says, ‘“oh my god. He's right, you should go talk to him”. 
Sighing in defeat, we all start ambling towards the lengthy queue. 
“WHAT THE FUCK”, Jade nearly screams. Glaring at her as many people look over to us, she lowers her voice. 
“That's Aiden Ross”.
Nicholas gasps. He knows Aiden Ross. I know Aiden Ross. The hottest guy in school, the type of jock who has all the girls lusting over him and should ignore meaningless nobody's like me. 
“Maybe this isn't such a good idea”, I mumble.
“Nonsense”, Nicholas giggles, “you'll be fine, he won't eat you”. 
As I join the end of the queue, I wave to Jade and Nicholas, “Go do some shopping, you don't have to wait for me, I'll text you when I'm done and we can meet up”. 
Just as it looks like Jade is about to protest, Nicholas pulls her away and I'm left alone in a slowly diminishing line of people. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, I reach the front and Aiden gestures at me to come forward. I awkwardly stand in front of him, not knowing what to do. Laughing, he pats his legs.
“Come on”, he says.
“Are you joking?” I ask, “I'm not going to sit on your lap, I'm not a little kid”. 
“The rules are the same for everyone”, he smirks, “if you want to see Santa you sit on his lap”.
It's not like I don't want to do it. Ever since I was paired with him for chemistry last year, I've been dreaming of sitting on his lap. Of sliding my hand into-
“So Jackson, are you coming or not”, he asks impatiently. 
I'm surprised that he remembers my name and as if reading my thoughts, he says, “I don't forget a pretty face like yours”. 
Impatient grumbles fill my ears as the people behind me tell me to hurry up. I make my way over to him and plonk myself down on his lap. As I'm sitting down, I can't help but notice that the santa trousers are slightly too small for him, so the outline of his rumoured 8-inch cock is slightly visible beneath them. 
“So”, he murmurs into my ear, “what brings you here”. 
“Well, I was just-”. 
I stop abruptly as I feel something poking into my buttocks. 
Glancing into his perfect face, I ask, “Is that?”
He moves his mouth closer to my ear and whispers, “My dick? Yes it is. Is it bothering you?” 
My slightly insane gay brain takes over before my common sense brain can react. 
“Of course not”. 
I adjust myself slightly and the hardness beneath me grows harder. A slight moan escapes him.
“I've been dreaming of this since last year”, Aiden gasps.
Slightly shocked, I reply, “I've dreamed of your cock since I first saw you”. 
With a devilish grin, he takes my hand and says, “Should we bring this elsewhere?”
My nod is all the answer that he needs.
“Sorry”, he yells behind him as he takes my hand and leads me to the staff room, “we're closed!”
Slamming and locking the door behind him, he shoves me into the tattered sofa which lies in the centre of the room. I fall backwards onto it, my erect dick already pressing up against my trousers. Aiden moves rapidly towards me and slams down his lips onto mine. Slipping hungrily downwards, his hand finds its way to the waistband of my jeans and he tugs them down my legs. Beneath my white Calvin Klein boxers, the defined shape of my dick is trying to escape. Still kissing me, his tongue flicking through his teeth and parting mine, his hands start to gently knead my cock from the outside of my boxers. I gently moan under the pressure of his mouth against mine. With a quick flick of his hand, I feel my boxers tear in half and my dick springs free. He grabs it with his hands and slowly pumps it up and down and I can't help but whimper into his mouth. His hand moves expertly across my shaft and a pressure starts to build up. Moans escape from my mouth just as I'm moment away from climaxing.
“I'm not ready for you to cum just yet”, he says, “it's your turn now”.
Abruptly, his lips leave mine and he takes off his shirt. Then, in one fluid motion he pulls his trousers and boxers down, letting his massive erect member slap into his chest. My eyes bulge at the size of it and I feel intimidated by it. 
“Suck it”, he commands.
For a moment I don't move, just staring at the full 8 inches of gloriousness.
“Now!” he roars impatiently.
I quickly move my mouth towards it and slip it into my mouth.
“Oh my god, that's it”, he moans as my mouth moves along it, leaving a glistening trail of my saliva. Without warning, he grabs my head and pushes his dick right into the edge of my throat and I start gagging. Tears start to fill my eyes and just as I'm about to run out of air he lets go of my head and I take in a deep breath. 
“Don't stop”, he whispers. 
He doesn't need to say more. I put my mouth back onto his cock and my tongue starts to swirl around it, licking all over. I flick my tongue under his frenulum and beneath his foreskin, savouring the light saltiness of it. He groans and starts to buckle against me. 
“I'm about to cum”, he whimpers.
He puts his hands on the back of my head again and pushes his cock right down my throat, to the point where my nose grazes his freshly shaved pubes. Frantically, he face-fucks me, slamming his cock in and out of my mouth, so quickly that I can do nothing but sit there, until a massive moan fills the air and his throbbing cock spasms in my mouth. He deposits long ropes of sweet white cum deep into my throat and I let it sit there in ecstasy. Finally, after what seems like hours, he's done ejaculating and lets his glistening, thick member fall from my mouth. Right as he grabs hold of it and slaps it gently across my face, making a soft splatting sound, a voice comes from outside the door.
“Aiden are you in there? There's a long line of people waiting for you”.
“Shit he breathes”, as a few remaining drops of oozing white substance drips from his tip onto the soft carpet below.
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We miss you post 🧸
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Well here is a surprise for you then!! I miss posting a lot too trust me, this year has been insane, I'm trying to focus on my original novel I'm trying to write as well, but I definitely miss posting as much as I used to 🥺
this is probably literal nonsense lol, i wrote it in probably half an hour, but i've been reading a lot of mafia books lately hahaha and i took inspiration from those
Rowan was watching her. 
He’d been watching her for a while, first because of orders, and the duty he knew he had to fulfill. But more recently it’d been out of his own interest. Because Aelin Galathynius was a fascinating creature, and he’d been unable to stop himself from wanting to see what she was going to do next.
As a mafia “princess,” there wasn’t much freedom she was really allowed. But the few grasps she had, she took and ran with. 
Whether it was staying outside for a little too long after being called in, trying to give her bodyguard the slip while out shopping, even foolishly attempting to steal money from her father’s account to purchase a ridiculously expensive pair of shoes. 
She had to know he probably would’ve bought them for her anyway, so Rowan assumed it was about the principle of the matter. Aelin liked to make waves, when the rest of her family would rather the boat not get rocked at all.
You could say it was out of luck that their surveillance hadn’t been discovered by now, but really, Rowan knew it never would be. Connall Moonbeam was far too good at his job, and Rhoe Galathynius’ joke of a security team was far too incompetent. He almost wished they were a little better, just to make this more satisfying. It wasn’t as exciting when there was no challenge. 
But the challenge would come later, when Galathynius realized what exactly they were up to. 
Of course, by then it would be too late, but his rage would be delicious. 
Rowan wondered what her rage would taste like, if it would be as sweet.
Narrowing his eyes, he sucked in a little more smoke from his cigar as he looked over across the water, his gaze landing on her figure immediately. Aelin was out tanning on her family’s yacht, followed by guards and not even leaving the marina, but still trying to act like she was in control. It was admirable, albeit stupid and pointless. 
She had no idea he was up here, on the second deck of the boat right next to hers. He’d swindled it away from the previous owners with a threat and a well placed stack of cash, using it as another method of his surveillance. They’d make their move soon, but for now he just wanted to watch. 
Rowan was sunning himself, stripped down to just a bathing suit as he laid back in his chair, set up to have the perfect vantage point. Maybe he should’ve felt like a creep, but he didn’t really give a fuck. 
Her blue eyes were closed and hidden behind a pair of expensive shades, her body highlighted by a tiny white bikini that was verging on obscene. That’d been a secret purchase, he supposed. Rhoe Galathynius wouldn’t have allowed it, no matter how much his princess pleaded. 
She could spend however much money she wanted, but she couldn’t wear anything that made her look like anything less than a perfect future mafia wife. Rowan wondered if she knew what was planned for her, who was planned for her, if she accepted her fate or not. He could answer that last one easily: she would never. She would get married kicking and screaming, until her parents found the right leverage, or the right incentive. Whichever would do the trick to make her willing to make the right connections.
It was the way of their world. Rowan knew it. Her parents knew it. Little Miss Princess would know it soon enough.
Movement caught his gaze, and Rowan turned his head to see a new figure joining Aelin on the back deck, watching as she sat up and smiled, moving her sunglasses so he could see those eyes of hers shining. From a quick glance, observing dark hair, blue eyes, and a million dollar grin, Rowan knew exactly who’d shown up. 
Dorian Havilliard. 
Another person of interest for The Cadre, though for different reasons. Rowan knew of their friendship, but he couldn’t stop his free hand from dancing along the edges of his gun as he considered if that was her intended. He could end that little problem easily right now. It would be a simple shot, and then he could slide off the boat and into his car before they even figured out where it came from. 
If the previous owners of the boat tried to spill who they’d sold it to, well, Rowan was sure Lorcan would send someone to take care of it. 
But he restrained himself, knowing the complications it could cause. Not for his own safety, but for their plan. It’d taken too long to get to this point already, too much death and sacrifice. Rowan wouldn’t thwart their chance at revenge for something as petty as this. Even if the thought of Havilliard dropping dead right there gave him an immense amount of satisfaction.
Still, Rowan forced his hand to relax, letting it rest back on the arm of his chaise lounge as he soaked in the sun. Havilliard wouldn’t be an obstacle for long, anyway. Nothing would.
The name - Rowan Whitethorn - wasn’t known in these circles, but his other name was. Hawk. One of the five names of the Cadre, an organization that had been causing chaos for all of the mafia families within the past year or so. All of it was very much deserved. The criminals of Rifthold were going to pay for the crimes they’d committed years ago, whether they were aware of what they’d done or not. 
They’d start with the Galathynius’ and the Havilliard’s, before moving on to the Hamel and his precious Assassin’s Keep, and then finally to the one woman they all despised. All five of them were from different backgrounds, and had different reasons for this revenge. But that woman…she deserved death by all of their hands.
But that would come later. For now - it was getting close to time to steal a certain mafia princess straight out of her castle, and welcome her straight into hell. 
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illyrianmalfoy · 2 years
goodnight, little lion
dramione, 1.5k, domestic fluff
James Sirius Potter, two year old son of Harry and Ginny Potter, wiped his snotty nose with the sleeve of his shirt. His mouth had the remnants of a chocolate frog and an unknown, sticky, blue substance on it. Draco only stared and curled his lip in disgust.
“He likes to be read to before bed. He may ask for more than one book, don’t feel like you have to though.”
“Oh nonsense! I’ll read as many books to the little angel as he wants!”
“Okay then. I guess we’re leaving now!”
“Enjoy yourselves!”
Draco quietly snorted as he listened to the exchange. Angel. The spawn of a Potter and a Weasley surely must be anything but. The topic of children had come up between him and Granger recently and briefly. The former golden girl, dethroned due to her ongoing relationship with a former death eater, had made him a bit soft around the edges. The thought of a baby, small, blonde, and curly haired, half him and half Granger brought a smile to his face. The two year old staring back at him quickly reminded him that they don’t stay a baby forever.
He remembered the day the youngest Potter was born very well. Ginny had requested Hermione attend the birth, as a form of support, and Draco had been dragged along to wait in the sitting room. Harry quickly poked his head in the room every hour or so to update him and the Weasley’s that had gathered there throughout the day. Draco may have thought it to be a dream, or a nightmare more likely, that he would willingly be in the sitting room of Harry Potter along with five Weasley’s if it weren’t for Ginny’s screams that he could still hear if he thought hard enough. That night, after the dark haired baby had finally made his arrival and Draco and Granger returned to their shared flat, Hermione had confessed that she had no desire to go through what she had watched Ginny endure during those hours. Draco had shrugged. Fine with him.
But about a month ago now, Hermione had made another confession. She had baby fever, she had called it. Draco asked if he should call for a healer and she laughed herself horse. It turns out that baby fever isn’t an actual medical condition. Though he thought maybe it should be as he watched James shove a finger into his nose up to the first knuckle. Hermione bounced into the room, the picture of excitement and not any ounce of reproach on his face. This was obviously her idea. She had offered herself and Draco as babysitters so the Potter’s could have a date night to themselves. At least that’s what she had told them. Draco knew they were here to see if they could handle it. Handle a child. Together. They could barely make tea in the kitchen at the same time without bumping into each other and annoying one another. How on earth would they parent a child together? It would not be the same as it had been when Draco was a child, with the house elves being his primary care takers and his mother only toting him around on a hip in front of guests. He would be responsible for a tiny, fragile, impressionable life. God’s spare that baby.
Hermione kneeled in front of James, a wet cloth in her hand. “What shall we do first, little one? She asked as she wiped his face clean of the leftover sweets.
“Fly!” The little boy squealed. Potter was already teaching him to fly? But James ran on short, chubby legs to the corner of the room where a toy, wooden, broom leaned against the wall. He mounted the toy and ran circles around Draco and Hermione. She giggled and Draco could admit, the smile on Jame’s face was priceless. “Chase me, Uncle Draco!” He squealed. A title Draco had not quite gotten used to but answered to often these days. He sighed and Hermione tilted her head at him, a silent “please.”
“Chaser Potter has his sights on the snitch!” Draco said as he started the chase, James’ answering laughter gave him false hope. Because an hour later, in the kitchen, James threw a whole bowl of pasta onto the floor and screamed at the top of his lungs, demanding chicken nuggets.
“What the bloody hell are chicken nuggets and where on this god's forsaken planet do I get them?” Draco asked through his teeth over the screaming.
Still dizzy with the after effects of apparition to and from Muggle London, Draco slumped on to the Potter’s couch as James quietly devoured four chicken nuggets, chips, and a juice box. Little devil. During the twenty minutes of silence it had allowed him, Draco helped Hermione clean the pasta and red sauce off of the floor. “How are you feeling?” She whispered, trying not to disturb the beast.
“What?” Draco asked back, not sure if he had heard her correctly.
“How are you feeling? I know it seems like a lot but –”
“A lot? He went from running around the room in a fit of giggles to screaming like a banshee for processed food in a matter of seconds. I have whiplash.” Draco said, focusing on the mess instead of her disappointed face.
“Bed time is soon.” She said.
“That should be fun.” He knew the sarcasm in his tone was dripping off of his tongue.
With the mess cleaned up, Hermione carried James to the bathroom and drew him a bath. Draco cringed when he heard another demand come from the tiny mouth. “I want Uncle Draco!” Draco moved from his leaning post in the kitchen and peaked his head around the door of the bathroom.
“You called?” He said, grinning when James’ face lit up. Draco charmed a few bubbles to float above the little boy's head. Delight and mischief danced in his eyes. The splashing began. By the end of bath time, Hermione had to cast a drying charm on all three of them. Draco wrapped James in a towel in the shape of a shark and carried him to his bedroom. The room was painted crimson and gold, gryffindor colors. Not unlike the silver and green room he had grown up in. A framed picture of Potter and his parents sat in the nightstand next to the small, toddler sized bed.
“That’s daddy’s mum and dad.” James stated. “A very bad man hurt them.” He said with the dictation Draco had never heard in a child. Clever little thing he was.
“Yes, he did.” Hermione cut in, no doubt sensing Draco tense up at the mention of Voldemort. “But nobody will ever hurt you.”
“I know.” James mumbled as Draco pulled a pajama shirt over his unruly head of Potter hair.
“And why is that?” Hermione asked. Draco caught on that this was a rehearsed question and answer.
“Because Aunt Hermione,” he enunciated each syllable, as if he had been taught to pronounce her name that way, “will hex them silly!” Draco laughed out loud. Of course she would. She was fiercely protective of those she loved. Draco knew, not so deep down anymore, that he would do the same.
“That’s right.” She nodded and tickled him under his armpits before lifting and laying him into his bed, tucking his blankets in tightly around his sides. “What book will it be?” She walked to the large bookshelf in the corner, she had no doubt been a large contributor to it. With any toy she bought the boy, a book accompanied it. Balance, she called it.
“Can I pick two?” He pleaded. “One for you to read to me and one for Uncle Draco to read to me.”
“I think that’s more than fair.” Draco finally cut in. “What do you say, Aunt Hermione?”
She only smiled and grabbed the two books James had chosen from the shelf. First, a muggle story about a young boy who wreaks havoc in his home and his mother sends him to bed without dinner. The little boy sails to a mysterious island full of havoc wreaking monsters who he sends to bed without their dinner. Draco thought “Wild Thing” was the perfect nickname for the rambunctious boy Hermione was reading to.
James had chosen a story from The Tales of Beedle and the Bard for Draco to read to him. They settled on The Wizard and the Hopping Pot. Just as he reached the part of the story when the third knock sounds, he looked over the book at James, sound asleep with his mouth slightly parted. Hermione had ventured back downstairs as they’d started the story, to await Harry and Ginny’s return and put away James’ toys. Draco closed the book and sat it on the nightstand. He softly petted the top of James’ head and looked around the bedroom once more. “Goodnight, little lion.” He whispered before leaving the room. All children were different, weren’t they? A child being the product of himself and Granger would be less rambunctious, wouldn’t they? The door to the little lion’s den clicked closed and Draco loosed a sigh of relief. He could only hope so at this point. He wondered if baby fever was contagious.
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diorkyeom · 8 months
‘✷’ : CHAPTER SIX “to be your own person”
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chapter word count: 5.6k+
chapter warnings: none
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summary: "lately, seokmin had come to a realisation. joshua hong, he thought, was a little bit of an enigma." - in which seokmin has known joshua for years, but he's always been a bit of a mystery to him. and as the days go by, he finds himself wanting to know who the real Joshua Hong is under his polite smile and warm eyes and sweet words.
notes: aight gays im gonna be real i have no idea how this is gonna progress and any time i made u think i knew what was going on, i was basically lying to you bc i have no idea lmao
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“Soonyoung hyung, I think I left my keys at Jeonghan hyung’s,” was the first thing Seokmin said as Soonyoung groggily emerged from his room the next morning.
“Good for you,” the elder croaked, rubbing at his half-closed eyes, before walking past Seokmin and into the kitchen.
Seokmin trailed after him. “I need to go over there and pick them up.”
Soonyoung just grunted, opening the fridge and squinting into its depths. “Okay. Have fun.”
There was a brief pause, as Seokmin watched his roommate squint at the fridge a little longer before pulling out a container of cold chicken and walking to the table, letting the refrigerator door swing shut. 
“You’re coming with me, you know," he said. "Come on, hyung.”
“Hm.” Soonyoung looked up from the chicken, eyes still puffy with sleep, yet still managing to direct a mildly accusing stare at Seokmin. “Why am I getting a sense of deja vu?”
Seokmin just grinned as innocently as he could. Unlike most Saturdays after coming back from Game Night, his head was curiously clear. He supposed it was one of the upsides of not drinking as much. Soonyoung, however, was as thoroughly out of it as usual, and probably wasn't fit to leave the house for another four hours. But when Seokmin had come home last night, discovered his house keys were not in his back pocket as they usually were and had had to fish Soonyoung’s keys from somewhere off of his drunk body to open the door, he'd come to the conclusion he’d left them over at Jeonghan’s. He hadn't had the energy last night to go all the way back and pick them up, though, so Seokmin had made the decision to go fetch them the day after.
Not by himself, of course. He had to bring his lovely friend Soonyoung with him too.
“I’m not coming,” Soonyoung said, looking down at the chicken and then over at their stove, and then down at the chicken again before promptly beginning to eat the cold meat with his hands, evidently deciding it was too much effort to heat it up. “Go get your keys yourself.”
“Hyung! Come on. You’re coming with me.”
“No, Seokmin, I’m not, and you cannot force me t—”
An hour later, Soonyoung stomped up the path to Jeonghan and Joshua’s front door, arms folded. Seokmin waited further along the steps, grinning widely as Soonyoung frowned and pouted and muttered annoyances under his breath.
“I can’t believe you dragged me out of the house to watch you get your keys,” he grumbled. “My head is still pounding.”
“Nonsense,” Seokmin replied cheerfully. “If it was, and if it was really that bad, then you would’ve put up more of a fight. You basically walked out of the front door hand-in-hand with me.”
He knocked on the door, and beamed wider as Soonyoung glared.
“I’m pretty sure I protested the entire time.”
Seokmin shrugged, as if Soonyoung protesting was a given. “But you walked out by yourself! I didn’t have to drag you kicking and screaming from the house.” He turned back to the door, knocking more insistently. “Why are they not answering? Hello, there are people outside your house!”
Soonyoung winced as Seokmin continued to hammer at the door. “Maybe Jeonghan’s asleep. I mean, he did spend a long time towards the end of the night doing, like, a million cartwheels.”
“Yeah, but he has my keys,” Seokmin whined. “I don’t even know how I left them there. And I want them back— Ah!”
The door suddenly swung open and Seokmin’s hand went sailing through mid-knock. By a sudden, miraculous bout of reflexes, Jeonghan managed to duck the fist, and then stared at him amusedly. “Well, good morning to you too.” His eyes were twinkling, and he looked far too awake for someone who had spent a good majority of the early hours of that morning doing drunken cartwheels around his own home. “What do you want?”
“What, can’t we just come over because we missed our lovely Jeonghan hyung?” Seokmin asked teasingly, as Jeonghan opened the door wider to let the two of them in.
Jeonghan laughed, walking further inside, picking his way through the mess. “You missed me?”
Seokmin nodded his head vigorously as he took off his shoes, before following Jeonghan while Soonyoung stayed in the doorway, cursing at his shoes which refused to be untied. “Of course! We’d only ever come here because we miss you dearly, you know?”
A head popped into view from the stairs as Jeonghan led them to the living room, and Seokmin narrowly managed to avoid bashing his forehead against a person’s chin. 
“Han?” the head asked. “Who’s here?” 
And then the head froze, making eye contact with Seokmin.
Seokmin blinked up at Joshua, who blinked back, startled. His hair was all messed up, eyes still a little heavy with sleep, and there were pillow marks on one side of his face.
Neither of them said anything, and there was silence save for Soonyoung’s continued curses at the front door. Jeonghan grinned at them from the living room doorway, cheeks pulled up, looking like he’d planned this encounter, but of course he didn’t, because no one could plan this, right?
“You only missed me, hm?” Jeonghan said, and his eyes were still twinkling. “Only me, Seokmin?”
Seokmin laughed. Nervously. With the distinct feeling that he was walking right into a trap. “Haha, not just you, of course. I missed our Joshua hyung as well!”
Someone made a squeaking noise, but when Seokmin turned to look at Joshua again, he was walking down the stairs, shaking his head, running a hand through his fluffed-up hair in an attempt to calm it down.
“Stop messing with him, Jeonghan,” Joshua said, sighing. His tone was long-suffering, annoyed, and yet with a smile to his voice that made Seokmin smile a little too. “He’s here for something. Let him get what he came here for instead of extorting words of affirmation from him.”
Jeonghan laughed. Soonyoung was still in the doorway. Joshua was rubbing his cheeks, glaring at his housemate, and Seokmin felt like he was missing something.
“What if I’m extorting them for you, hm?” Jeonghan grinned, before waving his hand, turning back to Seokmin. “Okay, okay. You’re here for your keys, aren’t you?”
Seokmin blinked. “How did you know?”
Jeonghan grinned, impossibly wider, and Seokmin was a chronic smiler himself but this looked like it was most definitely bordering on uncomfortable. He turned to Joshua, impish. 
Joshua stared at Jeonghan, in disbelief, looking more and more awake with every passing second. 
“I’ll go get them,” he said, after a long, long moment. “They’re upstairs in my room.” And with that, he turned on his heel and disappeared back up the stairs.
At that moment, Soonyoung seemed to materialise at Seokmin’s shoulder. “Alright, have you found your keys? Can we go now?”
Seokmin didn’t even register what he’d said. “Hyung,” he said to Jeonghan, “why are my keys in Joshua hyung’s room?”
Jeonghan pouted. “He messed it up. Joshuji wasn’t meant to get them himself.”
“Never mind.” Jeonghan waved a hand. “How are both of you doing, by the way? I don’t think I saw you drink a lot last night, Seokmin.”
“He didn’t,” Soonyoung said. “But I did. And my head hurts. Once we get Seokmin’s keys, we’re gonna go.”
“Go?” Jeonghan repeated. “Goodness, no, don’t go! We still have all this mess to clean up. You’re going to help, you know.” He gestured all around him, at the house which looked more like a dumping ground than a property in a suburban area. “I can’t do this by myself.”
At that moment, Joshua descended the stairs, Seokmin’s keys clattering in his hands. Seokmin’s eyes lit up as the elder handed him his keys, face breaking out into a grateful beam. 
“Oh, hyung, thank you so much!”
Joshua looked up from their hands to blink at Seokmin, before he smiled, all melty soft and gently golden. The gold was unfamiliar, but not extremely so: like Seokmin had seen it perhaps once before. All open and glowing and light. But… where?
“No worries. Jeonghan gave them to me, saying you’d dropped them somewhere in the house,” Joshua was saying. He shrugged. “Knowing Han, he probably just stole it from you while drunk.”
“Joshua!” Jeonghan looked scandalised. “Why would you expose my secrets like that?”
Seokmin blinked, and then laughed, slapping Jeonghan on the shoulder. “You’re so mean, hyung! I can’t believe you’d do something like that!”
Jeonghan joined in with his fake laughs, slapping Seokmin in reciprocation. “It’s just part of my charm!”
Soonyoung blinked tiredly, and he and Joshua exchanged looks as the other two continued with their actions. “I think Jeonghan hyung’s still drunk,” Soonyoung said, and Joshua nodded.
“There’s a very good possibility.”
“Anyways,” Jeonghan said, poking Seokmin in the side before stepping back, “as an apology, I can have you help us clean up our house.”
“Oh, I’m terribly sorry, but I can’t,” Seokmin said, clasping his hands together dramatically. “I have other stuff to do.” He turned to Soonyoung, grinned, and rapidly turned on his heel. “Bye!”
Soonyoung frowned. “Wait, what? Seokmin, what stuff do you have to do?”
Jeonghan tilted his head, before beaming. “Well, Soonyoung, it seems you’ve been chosen to help clean up the mess!”
Joshua drifted down the hallway as Soonyoung vehemently protested, running his hand amusedly through his hair as Seokmin struggled to put on his shoes. “Do you actually have other stuff to do?”
“I do, actually,” Seokmin said, almost falling over as he tugged on his sneakers. “I have, uh. Something. With Jihoon hyung.”
“With Jihoon hyung.” Joshua crossed his arms, leaning against the wall as he watched Seokmin, the weak cries of Soonyoung echoing behind him. “You have plans with him?”
Seokmin finally won the battle over his shoes, and stood up. “Yeah, actually! I have to record a… thing. For him. He asked me last night.”
Joshua looked at Seokmin for a long moment, and Seokmin shifted uneasily. There was that whirring cogs look in Joshua’s eyes again, but it only lasted a second before he smiled, all fluffy cotton candy. 
“Sure,” he said, leaning away from the wall to step forwards, and Seokmin had no explanation for the way his heart suddenly jumped as Joshua leaned closer, before reaching past him and opening the front door for him. Joshua smiled again. “Have fun.”
Seokmin swallowed, smiling back. “Thanks, hyung.” He nodded to Soonyoung and Jeonghan, who were still arguing further inside the house. “Have fun too.”
Joshua grimaced, and his expression made Seokmin laugh. “I’ll try.”
And then he bid goodbye to Seokmin once more, with a wave that the younger made sure to return, and then Seokmin was walking back down the path, out onto the street, a smile still inexplicably on his face.
───────────── ‘✷,
“Ah, there he is,” Soonyoung said dramatically the moment Seokmin stepped into their apartment. “The traitor. The man who abandoned his hungover roommate who had to clean up last night’s mess with one Yoon Jeonghan nattering in his ear.”
Seokmin just laughed at the echo of Soonyoung’s voice from somewhere in the living room, taking off his shoes and wandering down the hallway. “Hyung, Jeonghan hyung texted me to say that he didn’t actually make you clean up when you were all hungover, and he actually just made you tea and fed you cookies instead.”
There was a pause, before Soonyoung’s voice floated down the hallway again. “Well, you’re still a traitor for abandoning me,” he said. Seokmin grinned, poked his head into the living room, and then upon seeing the other people in their apartment, beamed wider.
“Seungkwan! How’s your head doing, after those handstands last night? Oh, and Junhui hyung! You’re here too?”
Junhui waved from the floor. “Hi! Minghao kicked me out of our apartment. Said I was giving him a headache.”
“Aw, poor Junhui hyung,” Seokmin said, pouting, before sitting on the floor next to him. “What were you doing? Why did Minghao kick you out?”
“I was singing in his ear.”
“Oh.” Seokmin blinked. “Well, if I was Minghao, I would’ve kicked you out too.”
Junhui just grinned.
“Anyways, where were you, hyung?” Seungkwan asked curiously. He was all sprawled out on the sofa, looking like he owned it, while Soonyoung was bunched up in one corner. Seokmin was mildly surprised that Soonyoung had let that happen. “Hyung wouldn’t tell us anything about where you were.”
“That’s because he didn’t tell me anything,” Soonyoung grumped, before kicking Seungkwan’s shins. “Also, move over. You’re squishing me.”
“I was with Jihoon hyung,” Seokmin said, shrugging. “Just doing him a favour. Nothing big.”
Seungkwan squinted suspiciously, but he didn’t have time to push it before Soonyoung bodily shoved him back onto one half of the couch, already talking about something else.
“Speaking of Jihoon, though,” Soonyoung said, ignoring the younger’s squawks of indignation, “He’s recently sold a song to that new boy group. Did you know that?”
“Wait, you mean that boy group that went viral for their debut song?” Junhui asked, and when Soonyoung nodded, he grinned. “Wow, that’s amazing!”
Soonyoung grinned, and his cheeks looked almost rosy with pride. “I know right? Jihoon’s amazing.” He paused, and then somehow, managed to grin even wider. “And guess who was just asked to choreograph their dance for them?”
Junhui’s eyes widened, and when Seokmin finally clocked what Soonyoung meant, he let out a dramatic gasp and clasped his hands together.
“No way! Seriously? Hyung, you’re so incredible!” he cried, throwing his arms in the air in congratulations. “Are you gonna take it? You’re gonna take it, right? Imagine if this comeback goes crazy viral for them too! Imagine if you were able to come back as their permanent choreographer!”
Soonyoung grinned, shrugging. “Dunno. I might. A couple of indie companies have reached out to me, though, so I’m a little bit booked up.”
“No!” Seungkwan suddenly shot up and grabbed Soonyoung’s shoulders, looking like he’d completely forgotten his earlier disgruntled state. “You have to take this, hyung. I gotta show the music video to my colleagues when it comes out and brag about the fact that your name is in the credits!” He turned to Junhui. “Hyung, back me up here!”
Junhui laughed, leaning back on his hands. “Take the job, Soon-ah. You don’t want Seungkwan to not be able to brag to his colleagues, do you?”
That made Soonyoung laugh. “Okay, okay, maybe I will. They haven’t finalised payment just yet, but their offering price was a decent amount, so I might.” He fished out a bag of chips from somewhere amidst the mess, opening them and beginning to chomp really loudly. “I googled the company, and they’ve had, like, really good choreographers under them for a while. One of them left to start his own company though, and I think that’s why they offered a job to me.”
“That’s so cool,” Seokmin said sincerely, eyes wide. “You should take it, hyung. Is it only one song?”
“Both their title track and a b-side, I think,” Soonyoung said, and then smiled, looking utterly delighted. “If they’re going to be performed, normally those two songs are pretty different in style. They must like my work a lot if they think I can pull off two different choreos.”
“As they should,” Seungkwan said, nodding vigorously. “You’re incredible, hyung. You deserve to choreograph for every single song in the world.”
Junhui tilted his head. “Is that a compliment? ‘Cause it sounds more like an overworking curse than anything.”
Seungkwan ignored him. “Do you know what the title track sounds like? Wait, how did you even know that it’s the same song as Jihoon hyung’s?”
“I told Hoon about the job offer, duh,” Soonyoung said simply. “And he said, yeah, he’s recently written a title track for that company, and turns out that it really is the same one."
"Oh!" Seokmin's eyes were wide with amazement. "What are the odds, huh? Does that mean Jihoon hyung let you listen to the demo?"
"He didn't have one," Soonyoung said, shrugging. "Which is weird, because he normally records the demos by himself as soon as he's finished composing a track. But he said he was looking for a different voice, 'cause he wanted someone else to do it."
"Huh, I wonder whose voice he was stealing," Junhui was in the middle of saying when Seokmin's eyes widened and he let out a tiny squeaking noise, making all of them pause and turn to look at him. 
"Seokmin?” Junhui said. “Was that you?”
"No," Seokmin lied, before remembering that he really was a terrible liar. "And I definitely don't know anything about the person that Jihoon hyung used for his demo."
"You're lying," Seungkwan observed, incredibly intelligently, as if Seokmin wasn't the most obvious liar in the world. 
“No shit,” Soonyoung said, narrowing his eyes. “What do you know, Seokmin? Is it something bad?”
Seokmin blinked rapidly. “No?”
Junhui narrowed his eyes. “Is the person whose voice Jihoon stole a really bad person?”
“What? No!” Seokmin shook his head, and then smiled awkwardly. “It’s just that, uh…” He paused, and then shrugged, all jerky movements and embarrassed grins. “Jihoon hyung… might’ve used my voice?”
A beat.
And then there was an explosion of noise, with Seungkwan crying out in disbelief and Soonyoung wailing and pretending to be hurt that he wasn’t told and Junhui just bursting into laughter and slapping Seokmin’s arm over and over again. 
“How?” Seungkwan demanded, before repeating himself thrice more when no one seemed to be listening to him. “Hyung, how? How did you even agree?”
Seokmin grinned again, sheepishly. “Jihoon hyung asked me yesterday,” he said. “Asked if it would be alright for me to sing the demo track. It’s nothing too big or fancy, so I said yeah. And then we recorded it today.”
“Can we listen?” Soonyoung asked, and both Seungkwan and Junhui nodded fervently. “Can we? You have it with you, right?”
Seokmin shook his head rapidly, so hard that his ears started ringing. “Oh, no no no. No. You can’t. It sounds really bad. You shouldn’t listen to it.”
“It can’t be that bad,” Seungkwan protested. “Hyung! I wanna hear it! I wanna be able to use it to prove to you that you could totally be a singer!”
“Nope, none of you guys will ever hear it,” Seokmin said, crossing his arms. “Jihoon hyung has heard it, and Soonyoung hyung might hear it too for his work, but that’s it. No one else. Not if I can help it.”
“Aw.” Junhui patted Seokmin’s shoulder, and then pinched his cheek. “Well, if you’re sure.” He smiled then, all sweet and lovely and Junhui-like. “But I bet you sound really, really good. We’re proud of you for doing that! Jihoon’s probably really thankful as well.” And then he turned back to the others, and abruptly said, “Do you think stars plan when they’re about to die?”
Instantly, the conversation topic changed as they all ranted animatedly about the random topic that Junhui had thrown at them, and Seokmin found himself eagerly participating too, grateful for how easily Junhui had switched their conversation around. Knowing Seungkwan and Soonyoung, they’d have probably wrangled the demo recording out of him, the brats all too aware of their collective ability to wear him down in five seconds flat.
But as it were, the demo and the fact that Seokmin was singing was something he was still a little self-conscious about, especially the idea of other people hearing him. It felt… weird, to have someone listen to his voice in that way. Especially when he wasn’t that confident in his singing.
Oh, well. Maybe he’d get there one day, he thought, as he laughed at Junhui’s earnest expression as the elder argued for the emotional intelligence of stars. Seungkwan would probably love to give him pointers on expression and projection and stuff.
───────────── ‘✷,
“Where the hell do you think you’re going, mister? It’s midnight!”
“Out!” Seokmin yelled back, putting on his coat. “I’m going on a walk.”
“No you’re not!”
“What do you have against me going on a walk?”
“Stay home and watch trashy TV with me!”
Seokmin shook his head as Soonyoung’s voice echoed down the hall from the living room, the small sounds of tinny sitcom laughter floating through the air. He put on his shoes, making sure his keys were in his pocket before opening the door.
“I’m going out, and you can’t stop me!”
“Well, I could go over there and steal your keys.”
“But are you going to?”
Soonyoung paused for a moment, and then came a petulant huff from the living room. “Fine. Go. I hope you get kidnapped!”
Seokmin just laughed before walking out of their apartment, closing the door behind him.
The week had passed by almost painfully slowly. Even more slowly than normal, and by the time Friday had rolled around again, Seokmin felt as if he’d lived through a whole entire month rather than just six days. 
It was why he was going out on a walk now, wandering down empty streets, kicking fallen leaves. He only went on nightly walks when he was truly exhausted, mentally, and the week had been so draining that he believed he definitely deserved to go on one tonight. Even though nothing had really happened, he was still so tired, his brain whirring and rattling so fast that all his thoughts were nothing but crackly clatters, bashing into each other and screeching like metal against metal, and he wanted nothing more than to escape his own head and go somewhere else. Somewhere quieter, gentler. Somewhere soft.
Cotton soft.
“Hello,” a voice said in his ear, and Seokmin felt oddly as if warm light had suddenly spilled over his shoulder as he turned to look over at the man coming to sit beside him.
Joshua smiled, a slight upturning of the lips that made Seokmin’s own lips tingle with the urge to smile too. “Tiring week?”
Seokmin gave in to the urge, and smiled, dimly registering his own lack of surprise at Joshua’s sudden appearance. It was as if it was completely normal, like Joshua blended in with the calm of the silent night, like Joshua wasn’t anything startling or out of place in Seokmin’s late night attempt to escape the mess in his head.
Almost as if, deep down, Seokmin had been expecting to see him. Or hoping to see him, at the very least.
“The most tiring,” he sighed, and Joshua nodded in understanding, sitting down under the streetlamp with him. “I don’t even know why. This was just a normal week.”
Joshua tilted his head. “That’s okay. A week can be normal and utterly exhausting at the same time.” 
Seokmin looked away. “Maybe.”
There was silence, then, calm and soft grey and filled only with the sound of them breathing. Seokmin wondered vaguely how Joshua had even managed to find him: he was sitting in some residential street near his apartment, after all, out of the way of main roads and normal paths that people took walks on. And yet Joshua had found him, found Seokmin at the time he’d hidden himself away, at the time he’d most wanted to be alone.
But Joshua’s presence radiated warmth beside him, shoulders pressed together, both of them sitting right underneath the glow of the streetlamp, and as Seokmin finally felt the tangled screams in his brain slowly unravel, he decided that this was most certainly better than being alone. 
“What have you been up to this week?” Joshua asked softly, and the question made Seokmin blink, before letting out a soft laugh.
“You make it sound like we don’t literally work in the same place, hyung,” he said. “As if I don’t tell you every little detail about my day the moment we leave work.”
Joshua just shrugged, a small smile tugging up the corners of his lips. “Maybe I want to hear it again.”
“All of it?” Seokmin asked. Teasing.
But Joshua just looked at Seokmin, his small smile widening slightly. “Yeah. All of it.”
And, well. Seokmin had to look away after a few moments, because there was something so delicately silver in Joshua’s smile, and it made his fingers twitch and his ears burn, not quite understanding why that expression was affecting him so… weirdly. 
He told Joshua about his week, though, after gathering his thoughts, because Joshua was always such a good listener, and talking aloud to him strangely made his brain unravel even more. Like his mere presence was enough to smooth all the jagged edges of his thoughts, hush the screams in his mind, settle everything back down into a state of peace and comfort.
“—described such a thought-provoking analysis, and I don’t normally make predictions on my students, especially the younger ones, but she is someone who I think would do really well in something like law or philosophy,” Seokmin finished, and Joshua hummed interestedly.
“Really? From just one analysis she did?”
Seokmin shook his head. “It was her entire essay,” he said, eyes wide. “This was, like, top tier writing the entire way through. She talked about themes and changing ideas in a way we’d never discussed in class. She’s a natural, I just know it.”
“I’ll look forward to seeing her named one of the top lawyers in the country,” Joshua said solemnly, and Seokmin laughed, tilting his head back.
“If you ever need a lawyer, just contact her and tell her you’re Mr. Lee’s long-lost twin,” Seokmin joked, beaming. “She’ll be sure to help you.”
Joshua smiled. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Seokmin leaned back, sighing contentedly. “I don’t know, but there’s just something about you, hyung,” he began thoughtfully, “that makes it so easy to be… comfortable.” He turned to look at Joshua, as the elder raised an eyebrow and propped his elbow on his knee, resting his cheek against his palm. “Is that weird? You’re just really easy to talk to, I think. It’s nice.”
Joshua hummed, his gaze sliding past Seokmin before focusing on him again with a smile, eyes meltingly soft. “I guess it’s just part of my charm.”
“Yeah, probably,” Seokmin agreed easily, and Joshua laughed. “You’re charming, hyung. Like, even Minghao thinks you’re a nice person. And that guy won’t even admit to thinking that Junhui is decent, despite the fact he's been living with him voluntarily for years.”
"Well, Junhui's good company," Joshua said. 
"And he's adorable," Seokmin shook his head, smiling. "That's not the point, though." He lightly bumped his shoulder against Joshua's. "You're always so nice to everyone. Even Minghao agrees."
Joshua chuckled, leaning his cheek further into his palm, eyes fixed on Seokmin. The yellow light above them made his eyes look caramel gold, glinting like gilded words on the open pages of an ancient book. Easily read, easily seen, easily identified as the most beautiful thing in the entire world. 
He really looked so… at ease, his frame all relaxed as he sat next to Seokmin, their knees touching, his smile so bright and sweet that Seokmin’s chest did a weird, fluttery thing, and he had to swallow and blink rapidly a few times to get it to go away. 
But Joshua just looked so open, his expressions crystal clear on his face, and as Seokmin thought back to last week, he couldn’t help but feel a little confused.
“Joshua hyung,” he started, and Joshua hummed, eyes refocusing on Seokmin to listen to what he was saying. “You know during last month’s Game Night? When you were talking to Jeonghan hyung?”
Joshua paused, and while his eyes were still copper-gold, he looked more cautious. “Yes?”
“You kind of… shut down, when you saw me,” Seokmin said. He fiddled with his fingers, and Joshua took his cheek off his palm and sat up properly. “Did I… Are you… Was it something I wasn’t meant to hear? I mean, it’s just that I’ve never seen you look so… like that around me before.”
Joshua was looking at Seokmin intently, and not for the first time, Seokmin felt almost as if Joshua was gauging his real emotions, what his real question was, figuring out how much to say and whether it would be okay to say it. But his face was still glittering gold, irises shining around the edges, so it felt less like Joshua was hiding from him, and more like he was trying to find the words to speak about his real self.
After a moment, the elder smiled.
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” he said, slowly. Careful. “Han was just being irritating again. I didn’t want you to be irritated by the nonsense he was saying as well.”
Seokmin stared at Joshua, before shaking his head. “You’re really nice, hyung,” he began. “You’re really nice. To everyone. And that’s—that’s really hard to do. Believe me, I’ve tried. But you do it really well, and—and I can tell, you know. That you’re changing for everyone. So you can be this all-round likeable person.
“And I’m not judging you for it. If I could do that, I’d do it too. But I guess, sometimes, I get… worried?” Seokmin hunched his shoulders, curling into himself, shy. “Because I just really like you a lot, hyung. You’re a really cool friend. And I’d never lie to you, and I know you’d never lie to me, but sometimes, when you change your personality like that, it kind of feels like you are.” 
Joshua was silent, before he reached over and nudged Seokmin’s knee with the back of his hand, a gentle press of knuckles against fabric, the warmth of his touch almost instantly making Seokmin want to melt into him. And then his hand was gone, resting back on his own knee, as he looked away from Seokmin and out onto the darkened street. 
“It’s hard to be your own person, once you realise that being everyone else’s person makes life a whole lot easier,” he said quietly. And then he didn’t say anything else.
After a moment, Seokmin sighed softly, bringing his own hand up to cover Joshua’s where it rested on his knee. “I get that,” he said. “But… it’s good to be your own person too.”
Joshua looked down, shrugged. Thought for a long moment, and then spoke. “By now, it’s habit, I guess. I’m used to being someone else’s person so it probably just comes easily now. And normally, most people don’t notice.”
He hesitated, then, words ringing opalescent in the air, so light and feathery and truthful that Seokmin felt kind of dizzy. Joshua’s hand was still warm under his, and he couldn’t quite tell whether the touch was grounding him or making him feel even floatier. And then Joshua’s grip tightened, just slightly, and Seokmin managed to focus back on him again.
“You’re a little different, though,” he said, chuckling softly. “Both you and Jeonghan. I’m not allowed to be someone else with Jeonghan. And you…” His words trailed off, and he looked back at Seokmin, eyes bright. He blinked, and for a brief moment, Seokmin could read every single galaxy within Joshua��s eyes.
Joshua’s eyelashes fluttered, and he looked down at where Seokmin’s hand covered his own.
“Every time I see you, it just gets harder and harder to be the someone else’s person to you.”
Seokmin breathed in quietly, shakily. “I think you should just be you.”
“It doesn’t work that way, Seokmin,” Joshua said quietly, with a small laugh. “It is me. Everything is all me. I just…” He paused, mouth twisting, like there were words he wanted to say but he couldn’t find them. Or maybe they didn’t exist.
“That’s okay, then,” Seokmin said, and then held Joshua’s hand more securely, wrapping his fingers around Joshua’s as the elder looked up at him, mild surprise in his eyes. “That’s fine. I get it. I still think you should allow us to truly know you, though, Joshua hyung. We’re your friends. We care about you.”
Joshua nodded, and his thumb lightly brushed against the side of Seokmin’s fingers, smiling just a little. “Maybe just you, for now,” he said. “Maybe I’ll just have you know me for now.”
Seokmin blinked, before beaming, wide and happy. “You won’t have to do anything different,” he promised. “I’ll help you feel comfortable with me, all by myself. I wanna know who you are, Joshua hyung.”
“Shua hyung,” Joshua said after a moment, and Seokmin tilted his head.
“Shua hyung?”
“You can call me Shua,” Joshua elaborated, and his face was so soft, his smile tinged with a shyness that Seokmin had never seen before. “I just… It’d probably be easier than saying all the syllables for ‘Joshua hyung’. If you want, of course.”
“I—of course,” Seokmin said, earnestly. Then he grinned again, squeezing Joshua’s hand once before releasing it and throwing his arms open wide for a hug. “Shua hyung! That’s so cute.”
Joshua laughed, bright and tinkling like bells, and as his arms wrapped around Seokmin in return, it occurred to him that he’d never heard Joshua laugh like that before. All bright and carefree and as beautiful and soaring as the elegant notes of a song. “It’s just my name in shortened form.”
“Yeah, and it’s cute,” Seokmin said, smiling so wide that his heart felt like it was going to burst, “Shua hyung.”
And Joshua—elusive, cotton soft, polite and unreachable Joshua—gave Seokmin a smile that could have lit up the whole world.
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kaiandels · 11 months
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How long? Ellie Williams X Reader
warnings: cheating, (sorta?) smut, explicit language, and i think that's about it?
p.s: It's my first time writing on here, I just got really inspired by the song "How Long" by Charlie Puth. I'm really embarassed to put this out there but whatever, enjoy! (Not proofread by the way. I kind of imagine Ellie in this story with her grey hoodie and like... HEHSHA. And also, this is kind of short.)
"FUCK YOU!” You screamed hitting the chest of your supposed loving and caring girlfriend. Apologies and screaming filling the room. The room where memories were made, memories wherein there were screaming just like this, but in a completely different context.
“How long?” You asked staring at the emerald-green eyes that you used to look at with so much love. “What?” Ellie said almost breathless from trying to get you to calm down for half an hour. “How long has this been going on?” You asked again waiting for her to respond. You saw her open up her fucking mouth, the mouth that suddenly stayed still. Opened… but not saying anything.
“Was she better than me?” You continued, bombarding her with such questions that even Ellie couldn’t answer. Which made you fume. You continued blabbing nonsense, your anger getting the best of you.
“What? Huh? Did she give you head better than I did? Did she moan louder? Was her ass bigger? What? Fucking tell me! Goddamnit!” You screamed, getting frustrated at your “girlfriend's” silence. You both stood there, resting in silence for a solid minute. Until she spoke up, knowing damn well she shouldn’t have.
“I’ll admit, it’s my fault. But you gotta believe me baby, It only happened once.” Ellie said (lied) trying to get ahold of your hands. You tried storming out the door but her calloused hands stopped you from doing so. “I’m sorry baby, please I’m sorry.” Ellie said grabbing your waist pressing your back against her chest. “Promise there were no feelings involved.” Ellie said softly as you started sobbing in her chest trying to get out of her grip.
“Save your apologies. Let me go.” You mumbled.. feeling weak. Ellie’s hands has always been your weakness. And you didn’t want to show her your evident vulnerability from her having her hands wrapped around you in a tight embrace.
Ellie was in a serious state… until she saw you squirming weakly just because she had her hands on you and her arms wrapped around you. She muttered a curse under her breath. Her confidence starting to peek. “Are you gonna pretend you hate me?” She whispered in your ear as you squeezed your eyes shut, broken sighs leaving your mouth. “I d-do… hate you.. I fucking despise you.” You said trying to sound strong trying to get ahold of the conversation.
“I lied… it didn’t happen once. It happened for a week. She was good, but not as good as you baby.” Ellie continued to whisper in your ear. “Fuck you..” You said as if it seemed like you were only whispering. “Aren’t I bad? Hmm? Will it make you feel better that while I was fucking her I was thinking of you? Huh?” Ellie smirked as you felt her slowly planting kisses on your neck, softly biting the spot that makes you weak. The spot that no one knows but her. And only her.
“Jesus Christ, you’re fucking sick Ellie.” You said closing your eyes fully accepting that you have no escape. You gripped her hair groaning “I hate you. I hate you… I- ah..” You moaned as you felt her hands on your breasts kneading them slowly. ‘How did it even get there so fast?’ You thought to yourself. Moaning as she twisted your buds as you start grabbing a fist-full of her hair.
“I don’t get you baby.. Mm.. you say you hate me then moan in to my touch.” She laughed in that raspy voice which irritated you because you were now damp in your underwear because of that stupid fucking voice. You stood your ground “You cheated. Stop.” You said as dry as possible.
“Oh yeah? After this you’re going to forget that I ever did.”
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