#and itll keep going until she snaps i tell you
words-for-holland · 3 years
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Tom and Y/N decide to work in the same room together. The problem...both of them get easily distracted and a whole lotta fluff comes with it.
A/N: Whoa its been awhile but here we are again! Thank you for 1,000+ followers it means the world! Surprises to come 😉
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“Hello beautiful.” Tom greets Y/N with a cheeky smile on his face. He quickly pecks her soft cheek as he places his laptop across from his lovely girlfriend, who was currently focused on her work.
She takes a second to look up, returning his smile with a soft one. “Hey, good looking. What’s up?”
“Nothing really. Is it okay if I work here with you? I just want to be close to my girl.”Tom pouts.
Y/N’s heart could burst at the sight and reason he gave. An inaudible “aw” prolonging through her mind...until she quickly realized that there could be some complications with this as a slight frown starts to replace her dimpled smile. “Wait...are you sure?”, she asks. “Dont you have press interviews that require absolute silence? I doubt any of you will want to hear the constant typing in the background.”
“Yeah, your typing is horrendous with those lead heavy fingertips of yours.” Tom teases.
“Well these lead heavy fingertips aren’t leaving anytime soon, so youre probably better off working elsewhere.” She suggests, pointing off to the distance. Tom groans at the idea, using his one hand to put her finger down. He engulfs hers with his, lacing her fingers and holding on tightly.
“Noooo. Dont wanna be anywhere else. Please darling? ” He pouts once more.
She giggles at his plea, rolling her eyes. “Course you can, bubz.” Tom excitedly scoots his chair in as he rubs his hands together to prep for the work to come.
And work they did...for at least 10 minutes. Tom was getting antsy as he read through his next script. Occasionally his eyes would roll to the left, and observe Y/N as she continued to read through an article on her screen. Not that Tom didnt find his own work fun but he always found watching Y/N do her thing just a bit more interesting.
He hadn’t realized himself, but his body start to shift and lean more towards her. His arm extending to wrap her in, as it glided up and down in a steady motion. His thumb doodling hearts on her shoulder. Tom could tell it had an effect on Y/N, discreetly smirking to himself as he heard her audible shakey sigh.
He wanted to see what else could make her sigh like that, so instead of his thumb he used pointer and middle finger, running them up and down her shoulder. Tom could see the smile creeping on Y/N’s face and her little head shake. She knew what he was up to and yet, Y/N still wanted him to think that he was not gonna get her that easily. But God was it hard. Every touch felt like tiny fireworks against her skin, goosebumps forming all over her body with every touch. She to stay strong. No distractions.
Tom eyes perked up, at the action. He must go further, he thinks. Tom starts to trace his nose from her shoulder to her neck, leaving kisses at her jawline. “C’mon darling. Think its time for a break.”, he whispers in her ear.
She turns her head towards him as she smiles, leaving a quick kiss on Tom’s lips. “Its only been ten minutes.” She laughs. “Five if you want to count the distractions.”
He backs up, pretending to look appalled. “How dare you. I’ve been a good lad focusing on my script for the whole ten minutes.”
A playful glare formed on Y/N’s soft face which ultimately ended her up with a fit of giggles. She couldnt take him seriously, but then again she never did with anything. Tom has always said if they were kidnapped by a pair of robbers, her first reaction would be to laugh. As the laughter died down, Y/N paid her attention back to the screen which had been inactive during the playful banter and continued to type out those set of documents that she had been meaning to get to.
Tom on the other hand was still reading through his script, taking mental notes on how he was going to approach his character. This time he was completely engrossed in his work. His eyes moving left to right with every line he took in. Until...he felt something ticking his lower calves. Tom knew it was Y/N’s foot, by the way it brushed just as he had done with his hand on her shoulder. The movements never stopped, her legs now curling around his own. Y/N was trying to getting back at him, but one thing she always forgot was that Tom always wins.
Naturally he had to the same, and what once became a playful game of footsie, now ended up with Tom shifting Y/N to sit on his lap. Her legs now wrapped around his waist and his hands holding onto her hips. Both of them connecting their soft lips, feeling every spark and essence of love. He looked up at Y/N with admiration, thinking how lucky he is to have her in his life. Yeah Covid sucked for the most part and limited their ability to even do anything exciting outside, but it gave them the opportunity to be with each other far more than they could have on a normal day. On a normal day, Tom would be jumping around country to country while Y/N would be home miles and miles away from him. Course, nothings changed with jumping from country to country, but Tom gets to bring Y/N with him now and thats all that mattered to them.
But work never stopped them from keeping busy. Just as their kisses were getting more heated, and their hands tangling each others hair both their alarms went off. The couple stopped their antics as they leaned their heads back, groaning in synchronization.
“Ughh. Thats my cue. I have to prep for an interview.” He mumbles as he nuzzles into Y/N’s neck.
“I know. I have to get ready for another business meeting. Whoo.” she speaks in a sarcastic manner, dropping her head.
“What time?” He asked pressing a kiss to the shell of her ear.
“Mm...3. Why?”
Tom plays with the strands of her soft hair. “Was wondering if you’ll stay with me through mine and Ill stay with you through yours.”
“As much fun as that would be. I dont think were allowed to —“
“Im not saying we have to be on camera for each others meeting. But if one of us will be off camera itll be all right.” He plans, still looking at his girl with pleading eyes. Y/N’s mouth twitches to the left, her eyes furrowed with suspicion.
“You’re doing it again.” Tom states, a small chuckle escaping his lips.
“Doing what?”
“You’re making that face again.”
Her expression quickly changes to confusion, not entirely sure of what Tom was noticing that she didnt about her own face. “What face?”, she asks.
“The one where you twitch your lips and make your eyes look angry. You only do it when youre indecisive about something. Its bloody adorable.”
Y/N snorts at his comment, and tries to get off to give him time to prepare, only to be stopped by his hands pushing her back down on his lap.
“I was serious about wanting to stay with my girl the whole day while doing work. Please?” He pleads again, this time bringing out the puppy face. “I’ll be good and do the dishes tonight.”
To be fair, Y/N knew she was always gonna say yes to Tom. Its pretty hard to deny her dorky boyfriend when hes asking so sweetly and just wants to spend the day together. More so, if the roles were switched, she would have done the same thing. “Go get changed movie star, before youre late for your interview.” She murmurs to him, kissing his cheek before she scrambles of his lap to sit across from him.
Tom whoops with victory as he runs out the room quickly changing into his shirt, fixing his hair, and adding glasses for that sophisticated touch. Sure he wanted to look his best for the Cherry Press, but he made sure his outfit was something Y/N would very much adore as well.
“How do I look?” Tom asked coming out of their shared bedroom.
Y/N looks up from her computer, and smiles widely. “Handsome as always.” She couldnt take her eyes off of him, admiring every detail of the clothing and how it perfectly complimented Tom’s feature. She eyed him from top to bottom, until she noticed something. “Uhh..honey....you’re not wearing any pants.” She asked a bit confused. Her eyes engrossed in the muscles of his thighs and the fit of his Calvin Klein boxers.
Tom smirks at her. “Its uncomfortable wearing pants. Besides no one will see...except you.” He teases, gently lifting her head up so that her eyes meets his. “Eyes up here love.”
“Youre something else.” She laughs, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks. “Well...least we know who wears the pants in the relationship.”
Tom laughs loudly at her comment. He hooks the waistband of Y/N’s sweatpants and snaps them back to further prove her point. “That was a good one. Ill give you that.” Tom and Y/N high five each other, and then it was press time.
Y/N kept quiet and tried her best to minimize the typing unless it was really needed. Seeing Tom talk about his work and dedication was something that she had always admired about him. He loved his job and everyone can see that. Occasionally they’d steal glances from each other, smiling and holding each others hand under table so that no one could see. But it was just one of those moments that Tom and Y/N couldnt help themselves too. Two hours passed and Tom was free.
“You did so well.” Y/N praised Tom and awarded him with a quick kiss. “I love it when you talk about your passion.”
“Thanks. I love that you were there with me to sit through it all.” He smiles. “I believe its your turn now. It’s almost 3.”
Y/N frowns, knowing shed have to dread through hers. Instead of getting to talk about her passions, itd all be about business, business, business. “Ugh. Do I have to?”she groans.
“Come on now. Dont be like that, you’re gonna be fine. Ill be here with you the whole time.” Tom reassures her with kisses all over her face.
“No distractions?” She asks.
“No distractions.”
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thesnowidol4life · 2 years
what have you done 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
but yes <<<<333 i love them with my whole being <<<<333
1:What made you ship it
multiple things it was like god was forcing me to perceive them!
i was on the ao3 tag on day 2 of proseka being out bc i was that impatient about translations and ended up stumbling upon a ruinene fic there (no but its actually so funny bc not only was i not interested in wxs at the beginning, and even though i read every oc's basic description before the game came out, it wasnt until that moment that it clicked in my friends to lovers loving brain that "oh shit you can do childhood friends to lovers w them huh" . this really was the beginning of the end)
anyways it got worse as i read wxs' main story bc i realized "oh no im starting to enjoy them a lot uh ohh" (i blame things like rui only agreeing to join wxs at first so nene could have a chance to try performing again, "you have a bad personality/that makes two of us", nene being happy that rui's started enjoying doing shows w tsukasa and emu, rui snapping at tsukasa for making nene cry and tells her she doesnt have to push herself to perform anymore, etc. i never recovered from any of that i never will). then it got WORSE when my brainrot was getting enabled by my bestie. then it got WORSE WORSE when i thought about nene while listening to yuukei yesterday one day and by law if a character exhibits takane enomoto behavior i cant must get attached. so yeah now im here
2: What are your favorite things about the ship?
these two are my favorite depiction of the childhood friends trope in any piece of media (i know a lot of the things i love arent top tier writing for that to mean a lot, but also idc theyre the best)
this sounds weird on a post of me talking about a ship trope i love but i get really annoyed whenever im watching/reading something w childhood friends and a romantic aspect is applied to it bc itll always feel either like the romantic love is forced or that the platonic love feels forced. its such an easy trope to fuck up and it hurts bc its my favorite one. ruinene doesnt have this problem tho they stay winning like always
like theres a special kind of softness that comes through when they interact (using this as an excuse to remind people about how soft rui's voice gets whenever hes talking to nene one on one bc that killed me the first time i heard it). and you could look at it superficially like "it makes since they've known each other for 10 years" or smth but then when you learn more about their pasts its especially heartwarming to know that these two people who have such a hard time connecting with others were able to keep each other so close
and its even better when you remember wonder halloween showed that rui and nene did drift apart at some point in middle school which were very difficult times for both of them, yet they were still thinking about each other during that time
like even when rui was going through his depressive episode where believed he would only be able to create shows by himself forever, he still wanted to help nene after she developed stage anxiety and quit acting bc he knew that she loved singing and performing shows more than anything. hell i wouldnt be surprised if pre main story he tried multiple times to help her overcome her anxiety and main story was almost like a final try. and when nene was finally able to go on stage again SHE DID IT BC SHE WANTED RUI TO COME BACK TO WXS BC THATS THE HAPPIEST SHES SEEN IN HIM IN SO LONG AND SHE DOESNT WANT HIM TO BE ALONE AGAIN SO SHE WAS WILLING TO FACE HER FEARS AND PERFORM W TSUKASA AND EMU IN THE SHOW SO THEY COULD BRING RUI BACK GOD IM GONNA IMPLODE
ANYWAYS their comfort level is very appealing to me and i love it whenever it comes up.
also the way they get whenever the other is overcomes a problem is great, like when rui was able to make up w tsukasa in wonder halloween. nene's relieved that she could support rui during this situation bc she couldnt reach out to him during middle school and how she wants him to rely on her more bc she's his friend (the way she specifies between “weve known each other since we were kids” and “and also, we’re friends” made me cry for 10 minutes the first time i read it fr bc she wanted it to be clear to him that he isnt alone anymore and that their close friendship isnt just some old memory they were besties as kids and she's still gonna be his bestie and god im becoming more and more ridden w illness as I say this). theres also when nene is able to accomplish something difficult during a performance (perfecting her christmas solo during holy night and singlehandedly improvising her scene to save the play during mermaid) and rui just always looks like he just fell in love w her every time (this is partially a joke but also no whoever rigs the live2d models needs to answer for that shit) and afterwards he’s just very proud of her and doesnt let her forget it and ahhhhhhh stop being fond of each other it makes me lose my mind ahhhhhhhhh
theyre so funny together too. theyre both such little shits that i love watching them whenever they pull a tag team roast on tsukasa or when rui is planning some bullshit and nene just accepts having to witness her bestie's actions. this isnt even mentioning the comedic goldmine that is picnic. the fact they were out having a nice cute hike date so nene could build stamina for their shows meanwhile mizuki ena airi and shizuku are on the other side of the mountain actually in danger of dying will never not put me in hysterics
its like theyre so imperfect in their own ways and its caused problems for them in terms of how they interact w the world but at least they love each other and have for so long and its like YEAH THATS THE LONG TERM CHILDHOOD BEST FRIENDSHIP EXPERIENCE THANK YOU
also this is more of a meta/gay aspect to all this but i,,, absolutely love the way they sound together in songs. out of everyone in the game they're my favorite voices. I can and will be the no. 1 supporter of ruinene duets bc whoever decided to cast machico and toki shunichi for those two is seeing heaven. the 5 second ruinene harmony near the end of miracle paint caused me to question if i was bi. the ruinene nijiiro stories alt has been my ringtone for over a year now and i have not gotten tired of it. every cover on my wishlist that i want rui and nene to get is fueled by my desire for them to get a proper cover. the most we get is bits in full wxs covers but still no actual duet/duet w a vs joining them i think that's wrong and illegal
(yes i am still salty over cendrillon i will never stop being salty over cendrillon until we get compensation and trust me there are a lot of songs they can do ask me about my dream ruinene covers i dare you)
God theres so much i love about them that i could and have actually talked about them for hours and its to the point ive wanted to write an actual serious meta on their dynamic for a year now its badddd
3: Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
once again i plan on doing a meta one of these days so i don't wanna go too in depth about this rn but I disagree w the idea that ruinene are just the average childhood friends trope and that there's nothing special about them (re: why i love them tangent).
as much as i dont like it when the units are seen as only 2 dynamics bc then other dynamics dont get to have as much content (like how a lot of vbs content feels like anhane | akitouya yeah i get bored of that), i will without guilt turn a blind eye if its ruinene content. It can be story moments it can be song moments it can be card cameos idc if it becomes unfair bc I get fed for another week and that’s what matters sry <3
oh yeah and nijiiro stories is one of the best commissions in project sekai like im talking in the top 10 if im lowballing i wont take any constructive criticism on this (i am only half joking)
anyways yeah my annoying little bisexuals i care about them very much
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officialinuyasha · 4 years
Yashahime Episode 2 "The Three Princesses"
The episode starts with young Towa and Setsuna in the Forest of Ages. I want to note that the music that is playing during this scene is Towa's theme song in a more calm emotion played slow. Fun fact, that Towa's theme song does have Rin's theme song in it, for those who don't know. I have a video I made on that. Towa says that they have lived in the forest for a long time. Setsuna appears to not have her fur, either she gets it by puberty or hers was decorative from another animal. As we know the fur from Sesshoumaru is apart of his body, this was confirmed by Rumiko Takahashi in the InuYasha Profiles book under Sesshoumaru's profile. Again, the comparison to Sesshoumaru's belt is made here like I noted in my trailer breakdown. River (Kawa) or winding stream represents continuity and the future. Based from their color palettes given to us in the first artwork we were given, Towa is blue and Setsuna is purple. While in this scene it appears that Setsuna is wearing blue and Towa is wearing purple. When Setsuna is older, she is wearing blue with a purple belt. While Towa is wearing a yellow belt like Sesshoumaru and Setsuna seems to be wearing the faded red belt that Rin wore from the Final Act.
- Towa's memories have began to fade when she's an adult. The thing she remembers the most is Setsuna - So anything else we see in this flashback may be missing details. - The animals shown in her memories might be the other characters. There were two deer coupled together, and a fawn that could be InuYasha, Kagome and Moroha. With another deer running after. The boar had two twin babies Almost like K'inu and Gyokuto. My friend https://twitter.com/Mokomoko_fluff made even more comparisons and she describes more into the past theory with the animals, as well as the Young Twins clothing comparison to the parents. So please follow her. Towa begins to run too fast, and let's go of Setsuna's hand. When recalling this memory she even questions why she let go of her hand... Setsuna pushes Towa out of the way. I know some people were confused, but as I played it slowly frame by frame. Especially when Setsuna says "Look out!" Setsuna pushes Towa out of danger. Towa can't track Setsuna's sent because of the fire. In this moment, I want you to take account of the Japanese terms used.  In English we have words like scent, odor, aroma, and so one. Sesshoumaru in the Japanese manga uses the term aroma (sweet smelling) for Rin, while for others he used regular smell. In this moment Towa is using the same scent term that Sesshoumaru uses for Rin - A Sweet smelling Aroma. Towa's pearl activates when next to roothead. Probably because she's in danger, or many other reasons as to why it could activate. We hear Ne no Kubi - or it's English name Roothead talking about Towa's pearl. Towa is holding onto a vine until it tears and sucks in Towa. Towa goes through what is officially called the "Tunnel of the Tree of Ages" also known as the "rainbow corridor" as to what Moroha calls it later on in the episode! So this could imply that the pearls have to do with this. Towa wakes up from Buyou, and Souta finds her. Souta notices that she's from the Feudal Era - "It looks like you've come from place far, far away, huh?" Towa wasn't sure why, but she knew she could trust Souta. When they go looking for Setsuna, another version of Towa's theme plays. They never found Setsuna, it had been ten years since Papa Souta adopted Towa. In this moment it's further into Towa's song in this slow version, and we can clearly hear Rin's theme song in it. I got chills. They're living into a condominuim, and she goes by Towa Higurashi now. She says her memories have faded and lately she had been thinking it may have all just been a dream. It shows her weapons, including Kikujuumonji at the top. She has a lot of workout equipment and a punching bag. She's got trophies. Towa says Setsuna definitely was not a dream. She says it's such nice weather, then she goes to brush her teeth to get her day started. Her younger sister Mei is on her way to go to school, tells Towa Good-Morning and mentions that it's Towa's first day at a new school. She tells Towa to not get into any fights. Then she leaves to go to school. Towa tells her to be safe. Towa then says that Mei is "Papa Souta's true daughter". "She's a bit shy and naive, but she's also cute, smart, honest and quite talented." She's Towa's precious little sister. But she feels that maybe she cherishes Mei so much because she's a substitute for Setsuna, whom she was never able to find. The flower on her bag - Plum Blossom (Ume) is the first flower to bloom in the spring and is known as the ‘Flower of Peace’. A protective charm against evil, it also represents longevity, renewal and perseverance. Identified by rounded petals. We also see Towa wearing a robe that has yellow Plum Blossoms on it. Towa says she dresses the way she does because it's easier for her to fight. Souta is worried about Towa being dressed like a boy because it's an all-girls school this time. Because he doesn't want her to get into fights anymore. She walks to school and says that no one seems to get it - That transferring to an all-girls school won't stop the fighting. The ones she takes down always come back for more. The bullies show up thinking Towa is trying to run away from them. The bullies are actually a cameo appearance of Lum's Stormtroopers or also known as Lum's Guards from Urusei Yatsura. She answers "Who said I was running?" In the next scene is shows her beating them up. At one part one of them says "Stop it! Itll break! Help!" in this moment she pauses and stops. She says that the fighting hasn't stopped ever since she stopped a bully in elementary school. And there'd be more each time she changed schools. As she picks up her bag, we see the flower upclose again. She says that they are all weak and "Why can't they just keep their heads down?" The bullies say "That ain't no woman." "Why doesn't she finish us off?" "She's too soft." "But at this rate..." "We'll have to ask Bro for help." That part made me laugh. BRO Towa reaches her school, Saint Gabriel Academy - It's her first day and she's late already. "St. Gabriel Academy" is the name of the school where the main characters went to in the series NEW MOBILE REPORT GUNDAM WING. Which was made in 1995 by Sunrise! She's making sure no one is looking, then she hops over the gate. We see the Feudal Era - Moroha is sitting by a waterfall, picking her ear. She can tell that there's Demon Slayers behind the trees. She says that she wouldn't be slain, not even in a 1000 years. She says that she will turn them all into lunch for her Kurikaramaru. This could be a reference to the swords possible absorption ability like Tessaiga, or even Dragon Scaled Tessaiga. I can't get enough of Moroha, I loved it when she laughed.
Hisui shows up and calls her "Moroha the Demon Killer" this also refers to her being a Bounty Hunter. Hisui's theme song sounds like it uses notes from Miroku's theme, of course that being his father. I'll have to wait until the songs are released for me to make a proper comparison. He says on behalf of the local villagers, that they've come to punish her. "In the name of the Moon I will punish you!" He throws Hiraikotsu and she jumps out of the way. Moroha says that they've got the wrong target. She hasn't left the mountains, she was just waiting for her bounty to show up. Hisui says "A demon /and/ a bounty hunter? All the more reason then!" He was charging at her while Kohaku tells him to stand down. Kohaku calls Moroha, "Lady Moroha" - and asks if another demon is responsible for the attacking the village. She says thats right but that it's too late - they've made her mad. Now she pulls out her rouge that contains the red pearl. You can use rouge as lipstick as well. It looks like a nipple. MOON PRISM POWER! - MAKE UP. Okay, these Sailor Moon references are killing me. She says "With this rouge, I become Beniyasha, Destroyer of Lands. Tremble before the bloodthirsty dawn." Setsuna interrupts Moroha with her Naginata. Moroha says "Hey, you Demon Slayers work with an interesting companion." "You're a half-demon, right? I'm also a..." Setsuna immediately says "Silence! You're dead." Moroha pulls out her sword and the fight starts. It seems that Moroha knows about the weapon Setsuna is using the Kanemitsu no Tomoe. Moroha asks if she wins the match if she could have it. Hisui wants to back her up Setsuna but she says thats theres no need. Moroha says "So your name's Setsuna, huh?" Moroha licks her lips giving her a nickname "All right! Sorry "Setsu," but I'll be taking your weapon!" The battle animation here was beautiful. In this moment Setsuna's pearl starts to glow in her eye. By many reasons this could be happening, Setsuna's life being endangered, or because Moroha's red pearl is nearby, it could be telling her that Moroha is not an enemy. Moroha says "You have a rainbow pearl too?" It seems that Moroha knows about the Rainbow pearls, but that Setsuna doesn't know what they are. As this happens Mistress Three Eyes senses the pearls powers and comes out. The zoom in animation of her eye, that's really detailed. Mistress Three Eyes was the demon that was attacking the village. From the Yashahime Keyword, we also know that Mistress Three Eyes is the Granddaughter of Mistress Centipede from the first InuYasha Episode. She lunges at Setsuna Hisui picks up Setsuna quickly, avoiding Mistress Three Eyes. In this moment Setsuna could be having visions because of her pearl activating. Hisui asks if she's okay and she snaps out of it. Moroha knew that Mistress Three Eyes would show up since she has the red pearl with her. Moroha has been after her from the start. She says "Time to claim my bounty!" as she jumps to attack Mistress Three Eyes, but she's tougher than Moroha though. Instead she pulls out her bow, prepares an arrow for firing and says "Hey Demon Slayers! Get lost, unless you want to get caught in the crossfire!" "Take this! Heavenly Arrow Barrage!" She shoots an arrow, and it cuts Mistress Three Eyes hair, passing her head. Mistress Three Eyes thinks she missed but she was very wrong. The first arrow vanished and then Loads of arrows appear, raining down onto Mistress Three Eyes. Kohaku says "Are those Sacred Arrows? No, those are the Arrows of Sealing. How could Beniyasha have such spiritual power?" Moroha says she did it! In this moment Mistress Three Eyes shouldn't be moving. But here's where things get interesting, Mistress Three Eyes begins to move, however in this moment a purple aura appears. This is the same purple aura we see from Episode 1 when Roothead swallows bandits. Could it be that some arrow shafts  are made from the fallen branches of sacred trees? However this isn't true for all arrows as we know powerful priestess such as Kagome and Kikyou have been able to channel their spiritual powers from regular arrows. Could it have been that these arrows were made from Rootheads fallen branches at some point? She was able to take Moroha's shell that containted the Red Pearl out of thin air. Could it be that Roothead took it from Moroha to give to Mistress Three eyes on purpose to lure the pearls to him? Or Mistress three eyes has a different power than her grandmother. It's possible that even having a pearl nearby she could get stronger, similiar how Mistress Centipede got stronger with the Shikon Jewel nearby. The thing is that Mistress Three eyes was only able to move her head up when this happens, so something tells me Roothead has something to do with it.
MIstress Three Eyes swallows Moroha's pearl and becomes stronger, slightly transforming. So she goes after Setsuna, who has the Gold Pearl while they try to divert her to Lady Kaede.
Towa is at school, with her homeroom teacher Osamu Kirin who seems to be a cameo of Mousse or Dr Tofu from Ranma 1/2. He tells her a British Proverb with an Engrish accent "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." So he overlooked her being late for the day. Which she seemed surprised that he didn't call her parents and let her off the hook so easily. Three of the bullies seemed to be stalking Mei. Then we see Towa jumping onto the roof to look at her sword. She says that this is the moment when she feels at peace. She says "The celebrated sword Kikujuumonji, a national treasure." Towa says that "she was told" that her sword once belonged to the shogun Yoshiteru Ashikaga - Although it might not be true though, you know what Gramps said about So'unga. If he was the one that gave her the sword, I wonder how she got it. I also want to note that Kiku is also a Chrysanthemum flower. Yet another flower symbolism of Towa. It is the symbol of regal beauty, rejuvenation and longevity. Used as the Imperial Seal of Japan, it also represents autumn. The guard on her sword seems to be a flower shape as well. Towa sniffs the air, and she can tell that Mei is crying at Grampa's shrine. The bullies tied up Mei, Grammy and Grampa Higurashi. Bro seems to be Kuno Tatewaki from Ranma 1/2 Towa says "This world is full of the weak. And because they're weak, they band together and pick on people weaker than them. I'm really sick of it."
I like it when Towa says "I can show you a crying face. But it won't be mine. It'll be yours!" Towa fights them with her fists. One of the things I mentioned in my trailer breakdown was the symbol on Towa's sword bag. That appeared to be one of the Kagome symbols. But we'll see what it really is or actually means down the line, I'm sure. One of the guys take out a knife and threatens them. So Towa takes out her sword and drops the bag, we get to see the symbol once again and it appears to be ten pointed. A decagram, based on this frame.
A different version of Towa's theme plays. Towa takes hits because she remembers her promise to Papa Souta, to never use her powers in front of other people. Of course in this moment, she is sorry that she can't keep her promise. She throws the other dude, saves the day. Mei doesn't want her to fight, and says "I know you want to be more girly and cute, don't you?" Towa says "Um, I guess there's a part of me that can't answer immediately." Mei was like "You're supposed to say 'yes' even if you don't mean it!" Okay little girl.
All is well the bad guys leave as they think the police were coming, but Gramps says that they just so happened to be passing by. Mei and Towa have a sweet moment. Towa says she's sorry. Towa says Living in this world is hard. If you don't follow set rules, you're treated as an outcast. Girls must be feminine, and boys must be masculine." And that she has been sick of that. The whole gender roles, and having to follow those rules. I really love that she talks about stuff like that. This is what I've been really wanting to see more of especially coming from the Feudal Fairytale universe. The story of InuYasha was the internal struggles of having to follow what society wants, being an outcast. She said that but she thinks it's time to stop being stubborn. There's nothing that could ever justify making Mei cry that much. Towa is so sweet and loving, she cares so much. Like the voice actors said in Animage, she represents her mom's personality. Another cute part where Towa's smelling something that she's smelled before, something nostalgic as the breeze passes through the Sacred Tree. She questions why it was coming from the Tree. Then we see Lady Kaede coming out of her hut. She's like "What the Hell?" seeing Mistress Three Eyes chasing Setsuna and Hisui on Kirara. So Setsuna says she was going to use to her advantage that Mistress Three Eyes wants the pearl in her eye. Which is funny to me because that was Moroha's idea first. So, here are some things to note from Moroha with her baiting as a Bounty Hunter. Setsuna drops down and uses her Senpujin, or Cyclone Burst. This sounds a lot different from the trailer. I preferred how it sounded in the trailer - But I'm sure that we'll be hearing it a lot more. As not all announcing of special attacks are going to sound the same each time. "My name is Setsuna. Those are my only words for you. That is why you will die tonight." Moroha interrupts with her Crimson Dragon Wave. Atta girl. That's my daughter. You tell her! That was your bounty first. Setsuna said a famous Sesshoumaru line "Ridiculous". Setsuna can't seem to move at all, and Mistress Three Eyes takes her Gold Pearl. Swallows it and does the same transformation we see that her grandmother Mistress Centipede - becomes in the first InuYasha episode. Moroha seemed to be more excited that she was becoming stronger, like it would be more fun of a fight that way. I really like that about her. "Hold on. I've got you, Setsu!" And Setsuna's like "Don't call me that!" Roothead inside of the Sacred Tree/Or known as the Tree of Ages begins to glow blue, and talks. He says "I sense the Rainbow Pearl for the first time in over ten years! And two at that! By the power of the Tree of Ages, I now return to this world!" By hearing this, I know from the first movie the Tree of Ages are linked to all different times. So it could be that Roothead can also travel between ages as well. "Could this smell be..." All three of them get sucked in. Sent to the Modern era. One thing to note is that Moroha is being thrown and landing the same way that Kagome did from the first episode of InuYasha. Towa is amazed to see her sister Setsuna back, her silver pearl begins to glow in her eye. Calling out Setsuna's name. Moroha says "Damn it. I feel so weak. It is because I crossed through the rainbow corridor?" I'm really curious as to what she means by that. So I'm sure we'll figure out more of what the Tunnel of the Tree of Ages does. She could be exhausted from time traveling. Which would be something that's new, but heck she was thrown as well. Mistress Three eyes gettin' all excited about getting a pearl for each of her three eyes.
"Setsuna! I'll save you!" and her sword breaks. So this is what leads to Towa creating a blade from her demonic energy that we will see in the next episode -
The animation in this episode was beautiful especially down to the water effects when Towa and Setsuna were drinking water, even when Towa was walking to school you could see the water effects there as well. Kaoru Wada's music does not dissappoint me, ever.
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katsukikitten · 5 years
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A/N the labor of love that was trying to post this thing. Let me know what you think of my first attempt at shy girl.
You stand in the doorway of class 1A, still not used to the move you were forced to make all from a stupid, stupid dare two months ago. You hunch your shoulders, it doesn't matter that you're so early that you're the only soul in the classroom.
It does not ease your racing heart or the intimidation that is class 1A.
Especially since you came from the support class.
"Are you going to enter or block the door all fucking day, extra?" A growl comes from behind you and you startle.
"S..sorry." You blush madly, stepping to the side so he may enter. He sucks his teeth in response and plops himself into his desk.
Deadly jaw sitting in an even deadlier palm. You swallow frustrated with your self and the furious blush that just won't go away.
The blonde is the last person you want to see. You sit in front of him in class and you already feel his candy apple red eyes piercing the back of your head although they currently stare at clouds that float gently across the sky. He sighs heavily and you only now notice the bandages on his cheek and forearms. You frown, was he pushing himself too hard again?
"Whatcha looking at, Y/N-chan?" A purr in your ear has your heart jumps into your throat before a deep chuckle rings out.
"Kiri..Kirishima-san." Your face is red, and you're stammering. Damning your body for flustering so easy, scarlet eyes slide back to you at the door. You look away instantly.
"Please I told you call me Kiri or Eijirou." He says rustling your short hair, before taking his seat. He talks to Bakugou who's eyes haven't left you yet.
You can tell when his eyes linger from the weight of them. Thanks to your quirk you can feel when someone's eyes are on you, it's one of the main reasons you are so shy. Knowing when people are staring AND feeling the heaviness of a gaze can be overwhelming. You've come a long way at learning to block most of them out, having them fade to the background but some people have intense eyes and it often comes to the forefront of your mind whether you like it or not.
And Bakugou Katsuki is one of the few you cannot ignore.
Still you woman up and sit down in front of him. Keeping your posture straight as you add some cliff notes to your notes from yesterday's class.
You no longer feel the burning sensation at the exposed base of your neck as you hear him and Kiri erupt into laughter.
You try not to blush. The rest of 1A floods into the room with plenty of time to talk. You feel thankful to hear the chatter that you've grown used to, their energy feels happy as they all speak.
The sound of a scrapping chair pulls you from your notes. You smile at the strawberry milk skinned girl with matching hair, as she sits closely to you. Elbows resting on your desk. Mina has wormed her way, as with the rest of the girls, into the status of friend.
"Oh do you need to borrow my English notes?" You beam brightly before it sours as you study her face. She wears that devilish grin, you swallow at the thought of trouble.
"I heard a rumor about you." You instantly blush and her smile widens.
"You cant just ask people about their own rumors, its rude!" Ida says, emphasizing his belief with jabs of his left arm.
"So its true by the hue on your cheeks huh?" She teases, you look for Urakaka-chan. Midorya, even Kiri for help but not a soul makes eye contact with you.
"Mina!" Ida chides but you take a deep breath. It was bound to make it to class 1A sooner or later.
"Wha...what rumor?" You whisper as anxiety gnaws at your chest as you worry over how twisted the rumor may have become.
"I heard you influenced two teachers with your quirk." She leans in closely and you try to avoid her gaze, "Midnight and All Might."
The class grows quiet at the mention of his name. You swallow thickly as you're sucked back into the memory.
It was just a fucking dare gone bad.
"Y/N, truth or dare?" What was supposed to be your best friend asked you.
"I..I'm not very good at this game." You said sheepishly but she grinned ear to ear. One of the things about Kiko is that she loooooved to bully you into abusing your power but she defended you from other, more dangerous bullies all through the school years so it was a no brainer to follow her to UA.
"Come on, itll be easy." You deepen in shade but not because of her peer pressure but because you feel those eyes on you again today. You seize, almost frozen from the weight before they seem to glide away, your shoulders relax. You see him across the court yard lazing in the shade of a tree.
"Look Y/N, I'll even give you your options up front." She looks around as she thinks, she spots her target "The dare is to make All Might and Midnight scream 'Fuck you' to one another."
"The truth?" You ask almost timid even after all these years.
"You tell us who you have a crush on." You go to open your mouth but she stops you, "Aina here can make you tell the truth with her quirk if you're lying."
You feel your skin prickle with worry, your cheeks blossom with embarrassment.
You're not even sure you if you like this person and to have Kiko know his name would be mortifying. You look her in the eyes with your most intense gaze she flinches. She's seen your ability first hand.
"Dare." You almost growl with a new found furry as you plop onto the grass crossing your legs. Normally you would need a mirror to do this but since it is two people you'll need to keep your eyes closed. One person is easy to manipulate but two, almost simultaneously will be difficult. You let the energies of others fade away as your world falls into a black drop. All Might appears and you startle for a moment when you see more than his energy lingering around him, you ignore it and you focus hard on Midnight.
They both appear on the black backdrop, you concentrate on them both until they come into sharp focus, they are closer together in this plane than in real life.
"Her nose is bleeding..." You hear Kiko's friend speak.
"Quiet." She snaps.
"Turn to one another." You whisper both aloud and to them. They do with ease, "You're angry, furious. How could they how could they how could they?!"
You watch their faces distort, pulling on distant memories in them both, altering the who they were furious with into one another.
"Now scream, tell them how you feel. Tell them what you've always wanted to yell at the top of your lungs." You breath in feeling both of their voices mingle together in your throat before you whisper, "Fuck you!"
"FUCK YOU!!!" They shout, pulling you from the plane at lightening speed. You smile proud of your work, that's the first time you've 'worked', as you call it, two people at once. The yard goes quiet as they both fluster, cheeks burning red as they realize what has happened. You wipe your nose at the wrong time catching the eye of Aizawa.
"Earth to Y/N?!" Mina asks. Your heart races before you look her square in the eye.
"Yes, it was me."
She looks shocked before she laughs, "Oh that's so cool!!"
You feel everyone's eyes on you, including a pair of deep red. You try to fight the anxiety but thankfully Aizawa lazily strolls into class with his normal bored look, distracting the class.
All but one.
"Alright class, sit in your seats." He begins the lesson shortly after the scrapping of chairs and desks cease. He starts with a history lesson of Hero's before segueing the conversation into identifying a quirk in moments. Your pencil scratches against paper, eyes fully glued on your handwriting to avoid Sensei's eyes. It's getting to the part of his lecture where he pauses for a question.
"What's the quickest way to identify a quirk, Y/N?" Fear grips you tightly in its inescapable fingers. Your heart clenches, blood rushes to your face and deepens in color on the back of your neck. Sweat collects quickly on your palms as you gulp softly. This is the first time he's called on you and Sensei's eyes feel heavy on the top of your head.
You know this is one of those questions that has several right answers and you know what the best answer is but what if you don't?
What if you say the wrong thing and Aizawa scolds you in front of every one?
What if it isn't the answer he is looking for and the whole class thinks you a fool when he says the most correct answer?
What if you can't speak at all? What if they laugh, shunning you back to the support class where you belong
What feels like ages passes in a matter of seconds. Seconds too long that could seem like stalling.
Oh Kamisama what if Sensei thought you weren't paying attention at all? You want to let your body shake but you clench your fists hard enough that your palm is sure to have bloody half moons. Your lip quivers as you try to force the answer out. Nothing comes and you bite your lip to keep from whimpering in front of the whole class.
Why you? Why did you have to be so fucking scared of the simplest shit?
You feel the burning then, not of the other nineteen students that wait patiently for your answer but of his unforgiving red eyes.
"You watch them." He growls impatiently behind you.
"Very good Bakugou." He says returning to his lecture. Relief and sadness seep into your veins, bringing you down from the rush of adrenaline. Shame hands heavy in your eyes at it threatens to spin. You swallow your disappointment and the sob that threatened to leave your lips.
Class goes on, lunch comes and goes in a blur and before you know it Aizawa is handing out his personal homework assignments. He goes up and down each row as he tells them their nightly task, dismissing them when he is finished. You hear Sensei pause behind you.
"Bakugou, tonight after your normal task I want you to meditate. Relax anyway you know how so you can attempt to keep your temper in check."
"Yea yea." The blonde waves his hand as if to shoo Aizawa before sensei takes a step to you.
"Y/N. How often do you get to practice your quirk?" You face him but keep your eyes on his chest
"I was called a witch growing up. So it wasn't until recently did I start getting the hang of it." You admit shyly. Aizawa thinks for a moment but you're too distracted by the energy that is still present behind you.
"Your file says you can do quite a bit. From spying to your display in the courtyard." You feel petrified as he discusses your quirk, something you've always wanted to keep secret but Kiko convinced you other wise. You swallow thickly wanting to protest but Sensei speaks much faster than you.
"I want you to spy on me from 5pm to 6pm tonight. I want detailed notes on what I've done for that hour. If you can hear my thoughts while you spy I want a select few of those as well." He gives a rare smile as you actually shake, "Let's add something else too. I want you to envoke a feeling in me. Or try to anyway."
"Sensei, you'll be too far..."
"I said try. It's best to try and fail than to fail to try." He grabs his notebook from the lecuturn before leaving you dumbfounded, so much so that you do not even notice that Bakugou is already standing at the door. His back to the class room as he readjusts his bag.
"Oi." He calls, burning eyes peeking over his shoulder, "Get a move on extra. They turn the lights off in less than ten minutes."
You scramble for your items as fear creeps into you once more. Being alone in the dark is how you discovered your quirk in the first place.
Your eyes snapped to his moving figure as he exits the class room.
"W...wait please Bakugo-senpai." That's how fearful you were of a wondering mind in an unfamiliar place. You rush for the hallway bumping into the ash blonde who bares his teeth in response.
Still he walks with you down the winding path to the dorms as the winter sun begins to set early. Once you see the dormitory for class 1A your practically fall into a sprint, almost late to prepare for your difficult assignment.
You slip off your shoes in a hurry, your thigh high socks give no traction on the shining wooden stairs and you slip. Falling up the steps but you have no time for embarrassment. You'll be missing your window of opportunity.
"Slow down!" A growl from the ground floor as the door to the stairwell slams shut. You fumble with your keys before finally swining the door wide open rummaging through your closet for the gift your grandmother gave you when you were a child. The opaque black orb of onyx weighs heavy in your hands as you set it neatly on the low table in your room. You slam your door shut, light candles and turn on your Himalayan salt lamp. You arrange your notebook before doing the math on the distance between you and Aizawa.
Five whole miles.
Was the campus really that large? You try to push down the panic of failing miserably as this would be the furthest you've tried to manipulate a mind
Spying, well spying was easy, you could see anyone anywhere at anytime with just a small compact mirror. But working them?
Well that would prove difficult.
You breath deeply before focusing on the orb before you, letting your eyes lose focus only to refocus in the black backdrop on conciousness. You slowly push away those you do not want to feel or see until you spy Aizawa. Your heart races as you approach him though he cannot see you.
You begin to write details about his apartment as you take it in, the smell of his now finished dinner and the sandlewood candle he has burning.
Most of the hour passes with a bore as he reads his book, a fat cat sleeping soundly on his stomach. Just as you're about to root through his mind for a feeling to alter Mina comes busting in through the door you forgot to LOCK in your haste.
She breaks your concentration as she guides the girls into your room, flustered you begin to lose site of Sensei.
"Oh what have we here?" She asks plopping down on her stomach in front if you snatching at your notebook.
"Hey!" But you can't tear your eyes away yet.
"Wow this is what you see?" Uraraka asks peering over Mina's shoulder.
"Sensei has a cat?" Asks Momo as she sits with her legs crossed.
"Yes and yes. Where is everyone else?" You ask, "Mina if you arent going to give me my notebook back at least take my notes. Please make them legible."
"Practicing still." Momo answers.
"Ah so you do have a bossy side!" Mina says delighted with her pen poised.
"Its not that. I..I just have more confidence when I use my quirk is all." You blush.
"So what is our great sensei doing?"
"Reading the same damn book he has for the past 55 minutes."
"What's he wearing?"
"Mina?!" You all say in unison.
"Please like you all don't want to know too." She gives a pointed look to everyone else around the room. You feel their eyes fall on you in curiosity.
"His hair is tied back. You can see his scar, he looks..." You pause, "Handsome. He's wearing a black t shirt and lounge pants that are loose fitting. He's reading some mindnumbingly boring book."
Five minutes pass with no change.
"Ugh Aizawa is boring. Spy on someone else."
"But it will be good practice. Oh I'll let you spy on my crush." It's her turn to have a slight blush.
"You mean Kirishima-san?" You tease and she whines.
"Ah is it that obvious?"
"Yes." A chorus
You find him with ease, grunting as he does his nightly ritual of pushups. His phone in easy reach to change his music should he wish.
"He's sweating." You say softly, "He's almost done with his pushup regime. Mina send him a text. I wanna see something."
"Oh what..what should I say?"
"Some thing you normally would or..do something flirty." She listens and Kiri smiles at his pinging phone falling to his forearms, you relay his actions.
"Heh so cute." You whisper his own thought aloud in his voice. Mina's phone pings back with an extra string of emojis attached.
"aaahhh" she squeals, "Now make him fall in love with me."
You laugh aloud.
"It doesn't work like that. I...I can." You struggle to explain it, "If I fabricate the feeling he will find out eventually before getting extremely paranoid. I could do it if he's felt it before and just change who he feels that way about. But that's tricky love is much harder than hate."
They all stare at you astonished before chiming in with their crushes. You blush before Momo assumes her normal motherly roll.
"Let's not pressure her into doing something she doesn't want to do." She places her arm around you as if to protect you. You see how happy Mina seems to be so you decide to give in.
"But it would be good practice." You smile and now all the girls are sitting giving you their full attention, "Momo you first.
"T..todoroki." She admits more shyly this time and you let your eyes lose focus on the onyx orb.
"He's sitting at the katsu in his very traditional dorm room, idly scrolling through Insta as he maps out his outline for an upcoming paper. He's come across a picture from Momo. The selfie of you and your Russian doll 'BFFs'. He's smirking, like actual smile." You creep into his mind as he likes the photo. You relay how your chest feels a little warm and tight before adding in the smallest Todoroki whisper. 'Cute caption.'
Mina inhales sharply.
"I TOLD YOU HE'D LIKE THE SELFIE!! YOU'RE WELCOME FOR THE IDEA AND CAPTION." She gushes as Momo's cheeks deepen a shade.
"Midorya?" You ask U-chan who nods furiously. You laugh when you find him in the black plane of consciousness before you step into his room.
"What?" Uraraka asks nervously.
"He's staring up at his phone in his hands, lying on his back. He's thinking as he's staring at a blank message to a Uraraka in his phone. He's retyped a message four times that just says hey."
You giggle before saying, "Uraraka send him a text."
She does and you feel your heart burst when he reads the text. His palms sweat as he types out his request for a date that's not a date before he gives up and sticks with a how are you?
U-chan blushes and Mina laughs. You peer into the lives of a few others in class 1A as they call out suggestions. Jirou and Kaminari sit closely on the couch, Kaminari is sweating and scared she will notice. Sero snickers to himself as he plans a prank for Kiri later, mineta sleeps under a pile of huge blankets. Mina suddenly snaps up
"Oooh you know who I would love to see when they think no one is watching?" She asks having the full attention of the room, "Bakugou Katsuki."
Your blush goes into a shade of red so deep you almost feel light headed.
"Oh no. Let's uh...let's not look at him." You stammer but Mina bites onto it like a rabid dog.
"Come oooonnn. Aren't you curious too?" She has a point. You are curious if that hothead is angry all the time, "or do you have a crush on him?"
"It is not that." You snap before focusing on finding him.
He is by far the easiest to find, what with his intense energy. He might as well be a beacon.
You walk slowly through the endless black, stalling a bit before you approach the steam. Which should have been your first hint as you walk through the fog
"Ooooh!" You flush fiercely as you realize he is taking a bath. In water so hot it must be scalding.
"What?" They ask, leaning closer to the orb as if they could see.
You stand there in the bathroom with him as he groans outwardly sinking deeper into the bath his head leaning back against the tub. Your heart races, you don't need to reach into his mind as you feel a sense of calm surround you.
"He's in the bath." You whisper and they stare at your zoned out face though it is red. You go to pull away but you almost can't and the girls do not protest.
"He feels...calm. Relaxed. Warm. Hes so muscular and they ache. He's replaying fights in his head subconsciously. He's hurt."
"Where?" They breathe.
"Forearms mostly. Pushing his quirk pretty hard." You say nearing his skin, your fingers trace along the small burns before a shiver runs down his spine. You startle. No one has ever reacted to your presence before. You chalk it up to it being your own imagination
"He's got a text from Kiri-san. He mentions Mina, he's teasing him for..." you lean closer to read, before seeing your name on the screen. His body reacts to your name with such violence it causes fat tears to spill from your delicate eyes.
"Quiet." You snap, you need to sort this knotted feeling he has. His stomach flips as he reads it, heart no longer calm and eyes no longer distracted by replays.
Your nose begins to bleed as you keep yourself from plunging into his thoughts. He sucks his teeth with a snarl, his mind is open and he projects across the small bathroom the sight of you. Blushing, from your first day in 1A to the deep hue you carried today in class.
"Asshole Aizawa." He mutters before slamming his phone down. Not even bothering to reply to Kirishima's text. 'I saw you walking home with Y/N today 😏"
The girls gasp as you relay the feelings, the encounter and text.
"I don't want to invade his mind too much. He's very open which means I could get lose in the call of my quirk." You admit and the girls nod.
"Oh no." You whisper shout as he begins to stand. You turn frantic as he reaches for a towel to wrap around his waist. The girls blush but demand every detail that you so painstakingly give them.
"I didnt see uh... but his back..." you start following him like a shadow as he makes his way to the mirror, "His back is chiseled like the gods. He isnt as scrawny as he seems. His shoulders broad and his eyes. Shit his eyes are looking right at me."
After that you go silent as the event unfolds before you.
You panic as you see them squint in the mirror at your reflection before a cocky grin disarms you.
"Spying on me are you, little enchantress." He says darkly and you suddenly feel stuck in the bathroom, struggling to return to your mind. It's rare but you've heard of people with your quirk before getting caught or being so close to someone they can be seen.
Why did you have to spy on Bakugo Katsuki?
You blush furiously at the intimacy. You cannot tell if you're feeling your own heart race or his as you stand in place struck dumb by that immobilizing gaze. He turns around closing the distance as you phase in and out of his vision. He grips your chin and you feel stunned.
To touch you? To feel you in the tunnel of your minds is astonishing. You gasp for air.
"Taking Aizawa's lesson a bit far aren't you?" He smirks, dark eyes piercing into your soul and suddenly you feel naked. He chuckles before adding, "Like what you see?"
You swallow your desire, of both him and to manipulate him here and now. It would be easy you can feel even at the fringes of his mind that he has wanted someone before.
It would be easy to make it you.
"Y/N?!" The girls shout but they sound far away, more blood seeps from your nose and even your eyes as you fight against yourself.
"You're pushing too hard." He bites out wiping away the blood with the pad of his thumb, explosions dance along his forearms in anger.
"It's time you leave little enchantress." He says pushing against your third eye chakra, you fall backward in slow motion before you slam into the floor that shatters the room and his mind into shards. You fall through the layer of darkness before inhaling deeply in your own body. The girls fuss over you with tissues but you are, for one of the first times in your life, angry.
You hear the door to the boys bathroom slam and you stand, livid to be caught by him of all people.
How dare he
How dare he catch you
How dare he touch you
How dare he overcome your quirk.
Before you realize it you're standing in front of the hot headed boy's dorm, slamming your fist in a quick percussion.
You do not hear your friends follow your angry wake.
He swings the door open, only having had enough time to replace his towel with black boxers. His eyes are narrowed and mouth snarled
"What the fuck do you want?" A growl so low that suddenly you realize what you're doing.
It's much different staring into his hot red gaze in person than in the security of your own mind. You swallow as you feel everything rush around you. How could you be so stupid? He probably doesn't remember, he may have thought it all was a dream. Stupid stupid.
Fucking STUPID.
You begin to shake as the high of your very brief rage dies. Like a flame snuffed out of existance. You feel feverish, the hall spins and your vision begins to blur. You had pushed yourself too hard, spying and feeling people's emotions for hours was taking its toll. Your knees buckle beneath your slim frame but strong hands catch you before you fall to the hardwood. You're pulled into his dorm and sat on the edge of his bed. Your breath comes too quickly, what with the combination of the heat of his touch, the weight of his gaze, the lingering smell of his body wash and the fresh linen of his sheets. You're over stimulated and not in the good way. If you aren't careful you'll begin to dissociate and then your mind will wander on it's own. Panic continues to plague you as you try to swallow down air.
"What the fuck is wrong with you? You're shaking like one of those bitch chihuahua dogs." He snaps and with that fat tears fall from your eyes. How could you ever have had a chance with this strong, confident boy when you couldn't even face him after an almost imaginary confrontation?
"Why the fuck are you crying!?" A half yell.
"Its...its called a...a..." you stuttered before screaming, so frustrated with yourself and this infuriating dumbass, "IT'S CALLED A PANIC ATTACK YOU INSENSITIVE ASS!!"
Well if he didn't like you before he sure as hell doesn't now. You choke on a sob, slender hands flying to cover your deep crimson face.
How could you be so caught up in wanting to please your new, genuine, friends that its come to this? Sitting in front of an unrelinquished crush showing him the ugliest most valnurable side of yourself.
Because you're a selfish bitch, that's why.
A slap rings in your ears as you struggle to breath. The voices get louder and louder before you bend over, cradling your head with you elbows as your hands claw at the nape of your neck and upper back
Anything to make his voice go away.
Cool liquid collects under your nails and only then does the pain begin to drown it out. You dig deeper.
"Stop." A low threat with a tug of your arms has you facing the ash blonde, his hands tighten on your wrists. Only worry laces his bright candy apple eyes but all you see is disgust. You look away, eyes squeezed shut as you bite your lip.
"Oi..." You've never heard Bakugo speak so softly, "Y/N..."
You heart pounds against your ribs desperately trying to escape. He stands between your legs, letting go of one of your wrists, he places his cell phone in your hand. You blink away blurry tears as you stare down at his phone.
"I want you to describe what this feels like." His voice is gruff.
"Wha..what?" You struggle to speak, throat tightening.
"Go on." Is all he says, eyes watching yours. You swallow hard, hoping this isn't a trick question.
"Like a phone." You try.
"No, tell me what it's like. As if I've never held these things. As if I cannot feel." He sounds impatient but his eyes are anything but.
"Uhhhm smooth like glass. A good fit for your strong palm. It feels big in mine. Has a little bit of weight to it but not heavy." You say slowly, studying the phone.
He takes the phone and places a water bottle to your hand.
"Hard plastic, cold to the touch and smooth but different than the phone."
"Now this." He bites, shoving the closest thing to him which happens to be his favorite black *BOOM* shirt.
"Soft, like cotton soft. Warm. Smells like linen and you." You smile, fingering the shirt. Your thoughts fade as you are immersed in using your senses.
"Like me?" He prompts, voice getting lighter, "Well I can't smell or feel. What do I smell like."You laugh as you try to think.
"That's hard." A lingering giggle, "Um like..like sweat, a little spicy. Nutmeg, cinnamon. But not the bad kind of sweat. Clean if that makes sense."
You begin folding the shirt slowly forgetting what little remains of your panic attack. You let loose a shaky sigh, eyes focused on the warm fabric. Suddenly you feel a warm and sturdy body between your legs before your cheek meets an even warmer chest. You freeze, his skin is smooth, tantalizing and so so soothing.
"I want you to describe what this feels like." His voice ever soft as he rests his head atop of yours
"Wha..what?" You still struggle to speak, although now your throat has loosened.
"I want you to describe what this feels like." He repeats, voice so even and calm you almost wonder if this is Katsuki holding you. Your cheeks somehow blush deeper as you stammer.
"Wa...warm. Calming and yet my hair stands on end. Like..." You close your eyes to think, "Like just before a big summer storm. But instead if a huge storm it slowly turns into lying on the beach in the sun."
Time passes as you snuggle deeper into his chest sighing slowly before he starts to pull back. Cupping your tear stained cheeks with his deadly hands. His crimson eyes are level with yours before a devilish smirk crosses his lips.He kisses you so softly that it takes you a moment to realize it. When he pulls away he chuckles at your reddened cheeks. Admiring them with his thumbs.
"No more pushing yourself so hard my little enchantress."
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musubiki · 5 years
I need to know more about coattail!Lime (or as much as you're willing to spoil 👀)!! Do the coattails try and make him sacrifice a limb like they did, or are they happy to just let him wield the thunderbat? How do they catch him? How does Mochi react? Does Lime have any trauma afterward (over something he did while brainwashed) and does Mochi comfort him? Sorry for the barrage of questions but the scenario is just,, PEAK ANGST and 🔥🔥👀😩
sadly idont have a lot about this plot yet!! but ill put below some stuff im thinking about!!!
- im thinking itll be after mochi messes something up, and theres no time for her to apologize for it (maybe after he almost dies for real once and she erases all his memories of her. he somehow breaks out of the spell and hes PISSED about it)
- anyway, idont know how but hes emotionally/mentally weak for a moment because of something with mochi, maybe going for a walk to cool off by himself and some coattails just happen to be on the prowl
- and lime isnt strong enough to beat 3+ coattails on his own, so they manage to knock him out, and they were gonna kill him, but their higher-up mentions this could be a huge advantage
- anyway, they drag him to their secret lair camp thing, try to get him to give up information about her weaknesses and hes like “Jokes on you, assholes!! SHE DOESNT HAVE ANY!!!!” and then they realize its him. hes the weakness.
- so they tie him down and use their dark psuedo magic to do some gross stuff (probably shove something down his throat) and manage to brainwash him. they take his thunderbat and mix dark magic on it, turns it into the thunderblade to match the rest of them that use swords. one of his eyes turn black with magic, and his arm is covered by that black gooey shit and hes a goner
- HOWEVER, (and his whole defeat hinges on this), one guy in the brainwashing department comes up to his boss like “hey so almost everything went well”
boss: “…..almost….?? what is almost???”
grunt: “oh haha well uh…..hh… long story short. we cant get rid of his feelings for her. he still loves her hahaha”
boss: “WHAT”
- and so this whole time MOCHI is freaking out because lime never came home the night before and hes not answering his phone and her little magic scout paper plane cant find him anywhere. somehow she gets word that hes been kidnapped and NOW SHE GOTTA GO GET HIM.
- coco and oscar go too.
- and mochi doesnt KNOW hes been brainwashed until they get there and they’ re halfway through the keep when she grabs some guy and shakes him vigorously like “WHERE’S LIME?!” and he just says “You’re too late to save him”
- and when she turns around hes. there. fully uniformed completely with a mask and a sword with sparks flying off it wildly, and she stops. and her eyes swell up with tears and she freezes. and he says nothing.
- the thing that snaps her out of it is when lime attacks, and COCO is the one that intercepts and fights him off while oscar drags her to cover to shake her out of it.
- and of course, coco cant handle him because hes MOSTEROUSLY strong and gets knocked back, and mochi doesnt let oscar fight because they both know hes too soft to fight his best friend,. and so she faces him alone
- and its not until he has her backed into a corner, about to land the final blow when he stops. shes almost dead tired and quite frankly at his mercy. shes so used to fighting with him at her side she didnt realize how much weaker she was without him there.
- anyway he CANT bring himself to do it somehow. his hand is shaking and his head is saying kill her but his heart says FUCK NO.
- and idont know how this ends up happening, but somehow mochi manages to get close enough and KISESS him ON THE LIPS!!!!! and he FREEZES!!!!!
- and he has his dagger to her back like he could STAB her at ANY SECOND she is SO VULNERABLE right now and he. doesn’t. he just puts the knife back and finds himself kissing her back because hohoohohohoooo boy he likes that a LOT.
- and when she breaks the kiss he is dazed. hes fucking DIZZY and she takes that opportunity to use whatever magic she has left to RIP THE SPELL OFF/OUT OF HIM AND EVERY OTHER COATTAIL IS LIKE “FUCK! NO! OH NO”
- and then they proceed to kick ass out of that shitty place, idk what happens here, but lime ended up remembering how to fight with a sword and hand-to-hand combat!!! they dont have the cute makeing up moment until later
- theyre sitting on mochis bed and shes healing up a huge cut she put on his arm, meanwhile hes all happy, raving about how cool he looks in their uniform, how much he wants to keep the mask even though its probably bad taste(?), and he looks up at mochi and says something like “Hey might come in handy for a disguise or something, right?” with a smirk and a snort.
- and mochi doesnt say anything, and the smirk kinda falls into a soft smile as he stares at her. he can tell shes sad. she feels horrible like its all her fault and how easy his life would be if she wasnt in it. and how much danger she always puts him in. so lime uses his free hand and kind of lightly brushes her cheek with the back of his index finger and smiles when she looks up. “This wasn’t your fault Moch.”
- after this im not sure??? maybe they kiss again??? soft moment??? awkward silence??? i have most of this episode fleshed out but im not sure how i wanna end it!!! IM PRETTY SURE LIME REMEMBERS THE KISS THOUGH
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saxxxology · 5 years
After getting bitten by a werewolf, Sam finds himself trying to adapt to a brand new lifestyle that brings him closer to the girl he loves, but threatens to tear him apart from his family for good.
PAIRING: Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader
WARNINGS: non-consensual werewolf bite (not sexual), a/b/o dynamics: heat/rut, knotting, claiming, breeding kink, angst, time hop (season 9 to 12), and more.
NOTE: Edited by @kayteonline and @kittenofdoomage - please heed all warnings and enjoy! This is NOT intended to be a dark fic, but if you read something that bothers you, it is your responsibility to stop reading, keep scrolling past it, or contact me for content clarification.
Buy Sam’s scent from my Etsy shop
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Series Masterlist
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Dean was in the kitchen when you walked up. He was cradling a large cup of coffee in one hand, and when he saw you emerge from the basement, his gaze fixed on you.
“How is he?” he asked urgently, “is he okay?”
You nodded. “It’s over. He’s fine, just hungry. Where’s Garth?”
“He went out with Bess. She’s in shock over what happened, so he took her to a safehouse out of state.” Dean watched as you pulled a pan from the rack on the wall and set it on the stove. “What do you mean by ‘fine?’”
“He’s not in pain anymore, his fever went down.” You cracked eggs into a bowl and whisked them around. “He just needs to recuperate for a few days, maybe a week.”
“Can I see him?” Dean asked.
You nodded and pulled a couple bagged chicken hearts from the fridge. “After he’s eaten. He’s gonna be stronger than normal for a while, so we gotta keep his human contact minimal.” You heard Dean exhale heavily as you started chopping the hearts into chunks. “Dean, I know you wanted to find a cure, but there’s nothing you could have done. I’ve seen people get bit and go through a lot worse. At least he’s alive. He’s a little different than he was yesterday, but he’s alive.”
Dean nodded and leaned against the counter. “You’re really intent on taking care of him, huh?”
“It’s my job to take care of my pack.” You replied, pulling four sausages from the fridge and tossing them in the pan, along with an entire pack of bacon. “Russ and Joba are gone. The Reverend’s… well, let’s just say I’m in charge of the pack, now. I care for Sam, deeply. If it were up to me I would have killed Joy myself so that didn’t happen.”
You heard Dean scoff, but when you looked at him you could see he was grinning.
“Nothing.” Dean finished his beer and set the empty bottle on the counter. “Just… I never thought you’d actually spook over a guy getting turned.”
You shrugged. “I know when to care about someone getting bit. I wanted Sam to leave, I wanted him to forget about me, about the pack. I never wanted him to get bit.”
Dean nodded shortly. “The way I look at it now is, he could have been bitten and left to die. At least this way he’s got you and Garth and Bess to look after him, make sure he won’t get into trouble.”
You finished cooking in silence. Piling most of what you’d cooked onto a large plate, you slid one of the sausage links, a small pile of eggs, and several strips of bacon on a separate one, which you offered Dean. He accepted it gratefully, noting that you’d cooked the chicken hearts in  a separate pan. When you re-entered the basement, you found Sam sitting up and stretching his arms above his head.
“I could smell that from down here,” he muttered, turning his head to look at you, “is that normal?”
You handed him the plate and watched him begin to devour the food, shoveling a mixture of everything into his mouth with a fork that seemed comically small in his large hands. “Yeah, it’s pretty normal. And don’t worry about eating everything there, your appetite’s going to be pretty out there for the next couple days.”
Within minutes, Sam had completely annihilated the food on the plate. He tilted his head back against the wall, his lips parted as he sighed in satisfaction. “There was a heart in there, wasn’t there?”
“Two. Small ones, just chicken, nothin’ special.” You took the plate from him and set it down on the floor before snuggling into him. “How do you feel?”
Sam exhaled heavily and slipped an arm around your shoulders. “Not hungry anymore, definitely not tired… I feel strong. Stronger than before.” He flexed his arms, examining the muscles that bulged under the gray sleepshirt. He seemed bigger. “Actually, I feel like I need to run, get out…”
“There’s the punching bag.” You gestured to the slightly misshapen tool in the corner. “I can’t let you out yet, gotta know you can control yourself around humans.”
“Humans…” Sam looked down at his lap and swallowed. “That’s right, I’m not human anymore.”
You shook your head. “That’s not entirely true. You’re still human here,” you put a hand over his heart. “You’ll still be able to function like a human, your instincts are just rewired a bit, that’s all.”
Sam scoffed. “Yeah, what happens when I wolf out and go nuts?”
“That won’t happen.” You nuzzled his shoulder and stood with him as he shuffled over to the punching bag. He gave it an experimental nudge with his fist. “Want to see Dean?”
He nodded apprehensively. “Yeah, but I don’t wanna try to hurt him.”
“Sam, you won’t—”
“You don’t know that. Make sure I don’t try to hurt him.”
You bowed your head and trotted back up the stairs, closing and locking the cage door behind you. Dean was still waiting in the kitchen, and he stood upon seeing you emerge from the basement.
“You can see him, but we have to be careful,” you said quietly. “If he smells you he could try to get at you, that’s gonna be his first instinct. The cage door down there has silver on it, so if he tries anything it’ll hurt, bad, but I need you to stay on the stairs, keep your distance.”
Dean held his hands up as if in surrender. “Trust me, I’ll be keepin’ my distance.”
You led him down the basement, slowly, his boots clunking heavily on the thick wooden planks. You could hear the dull, repetitive THWACK of Sam’s fists against the punching bag, but after the basement door closed, they ceased, and the space fell silent as you and Dean came down the steps. A little more than halfway down, you motion for him to stop.
“Dean, stay here.”
He nodded quietly and waited for you to slip past the cage, locking it behind you.
Sam was standing in the corner by the punching bag, his arms folded across his middle. You motioned for him to walk over, but he shook his head. “Y/N, I can’t… I don’t want him to see me like this. I can smell him, I can hear his heartbeat.”
“You won’t hurt him.” You walked closer to him, reaching for one of his hands. “Sam, come on, I’ll be there. The door’s got silver on it, you won’t be able to get out.”
Sam lowered his voice. “What if I hurt you?”
“You won’t. Now come on.” You led him slowly over to the wire door. His heartbeat increased with every step, and you heard his breathing grow more and shakier.
When Dean came into view, you didn’t know if Sam was going to recoil or lunge at the gate. He could hear Dean’s heartbeat, steady and slow, the rush of blood pumping through his veins, traces of whiskey and cedar covering up the thick, coppery scent…
...No, stop it! That’s your brother! You wouldn’t bite your own brother!
“Sammy?” Dean’s voice was quiet as he took another step down the stairs. “Hey, it’s me.”
Sam paused, took a deep breath. “I know.” He looked down at the ground and closed his eyes, trying as hard as he could to stop from hurling himself at the wall of the cage. “How’ve you been?”
“Uh, worried, for one,” Dean chuckled in an attempt to lighten the mood, “I went out for a little during the night, tried looking for a cure or something…”
“Yeah.” Sam swallowed and clenched his fist. He didn’t know what the fuck was happening, but all he wanted to do was break out of the cage and rip his brother’s chest apart, get at the thick, pulsing muscle that was hidden behind bone and sinew, devour the warm, blood-drenched organ that kept his brother alive…
No! Goddamn it! Stop!
“I thought you’d be gone.” Sam cleared his throat as a fresh wave of hunger washed over him.
“Had to make sure you’re okay, didn’t I?” Dean caught your warning glance to stay where he was and decided not to take the last two steps down. Hell, he might be too close already. “How do you feel?”
Sam swallowed thickly as you increased the pressure on his hand. “Honestly, I feel good. I’m strong, I’m not hurting, just wanna get the hell out of here.”
“And why can’t you?” Dean shifted his gaze back and forth between you and Sam.
“Because if I get out of here I’m not gonna be able to stop myself from trying to hurt you or someone else,” Sam stated bluntly.
Dean seemed taken aback by Sam’s words. Apparently, he hadn’t considered just how dangerous Sam really was until he’d said it. “Sam, you wouldn’t.”
“You don’t know what I’d do, Dean, hell, I don’t know what I’d do.” Sam’s body trembled as he spoke, but he stood his ground. “The only reason I’m not going after you right now is that I know I shouldn’t, but if Y/N wasn’t here with me, if this happened somewhere else… I don’t know if either of us would be alive right now.”
You saw Dean swallow, saw his Adam’s apple bob in his throat, and heard Sam growl, low and deep in his chest.
“Sam, don’t say that.”
“You’re not in the place to tell me what to do, Dean.” Sam retorted. “I’m a monster, both of us know that. You don’t know how… how hungry I feel right now. I don’t have a friggin’ clue what’s making me feel this way, but if you weren’t my brother… I’d kill you, without thinking.”
Looking up, you noticed Sam’s upper lip beginning to twitch. He was starting to lose control. “Dean, I think you should go, this isn’t—”
Dean, obviously, didn’t listen. Instead, he did the worst thing he could. He took another step, closing the distance between him and his brother by another two feet.
Overcome by hunger, Sam snapped. You saw his eyes flash yellow as his instinct to attack sprang free. He snarled, his lips curling back over his teeth as his muscles bunch. He lunged forward, slamming all two-hundred pounds of his body against the cage. His long fingers were pointed in two-inch claws, which curled in the wire before he stumbled back with a yelp of pain; the silver on the wire had seared his skin.
Dean fell back when Sam crashed against the cage, bringing an arm up instinctively to protect his face.
“Dean!” You shouted, pulling Sam back against the far wall and holding him there. “Get out! Now!”
You saw Dean stagger to his feet his eyes fixed on the snarling beast of a man now ten feet away from him. He was staring at Sam with a mixture of fear, anger, and sorrow on his face. Sam took several half-gasping, half-growling breaths before reeling himself back in. He collapsed to the floor, his fingers pressing hard into the smooth concrete. He bowed his head as his body shook even harder.
“D-Dean, I’m sorry!” He gasped out. “I didn’t mean to, I couldn’t help—”
The door at the top of the stairs slammed before Sam could finish, and seconds later you heard the rumble of the Impala’s engine and the grind of her tires scraping on the dirt road as she tore out of the drive and down the road.
Sam’s shoulders heaved with a sob as he collapsed back, breathing hard as he fought to still his shaking hands. The claws had vanished and his eyes were back to hazel, but he still shook with panic. “I didn’t mean to do that,” he choked, “I didn’t—I didn’t—”
“Sam, it’s okay, he’s just gone to cool off.” You soothed him. “He’ll be back, I promise.”
Sam shook his head and reached to grip your hand as you rubbed his shoulder soothingly. “No way in hell. He saw me snap and that was it. He thinks I’m a monster.” He turned his head, and you saw tears streaming from his now hazel eyes. “I am a monster.”
You sat next to him and wrapped your arms around him as tight as you could. “Oh, Sam, it’s all right. You’re not a monster, you’re not. You’re adapting to a new lifestyle, and yeah, you have some different urges, but you’re just starting out. It’s barely been an hour since you woke up, I didn’t expect you to stay under control.” You hugged him tighter and let him bury his face in the curve of your neck. “Dean got spooked, that’s all. He’ll come back.”
“Will he?” Sam straightened his back and practically glared down at you. “How can you know that? Hm? Tell me how you know my brother’s gonna come back thinking I’m still the guy he grew up with.”
If you want to see chapter 5, reblog and leave a comment! Feedback is my fuel!
Forever tags: @atc74 @becaamm @bamby0304 @crispychrissy @crashdevlin @curly-haired-disaster @emoryhemsworth @ellen-reincarnated1967 @kittenofdoomage @kayteonline @kdfrqqg @littlegreenplasticsoldier @lunarsaturn88 @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @manawhaat @mereka18 @mrswhozeewhatsis @meganwinchester1999 @oneshoeshort @percussiongirl2017 @serpentbaby @spnwoman @smallgirlbigpersonality @shaelyn102 @thelittleredwhocould @winchesterprincessbride @winecatsandpizza @zombiewerewolfqueen @85natalie @81mysteriouslyme
“Bitten” tags: @linki-locks11 @lez-boatz-writez @wotinspntarnation
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morinokunikara · 4 years
👀☁️💕👑🌗📚💎🔪🏡🏞️🥀🌼💐🦋🍂☕🍼🕊️❤️🔥❄️🌙☀️🌟 (for Kokoro
 swputting this one under a readmore
🌟 When your OC loses all hope, who do they turn to first? What helps make them feel better? What calms them down and reassures them? Why?
yuuki. she trusts him more than anyone else. usually doing exercise will help her mood, she just loves the feeling of a good workout so much and it provides a good distraction. also sometimes just seeing yuuki smile. she loves him and she knows hes been through so much and honestly his happiness means more to her than her own.
☀️ What makes your OC genuinely happy? A person, an item, their hobby? Where is the place they’re happiest, or most at home? What is the happiest they’ve ever been?
yuuki makes her more happy than anything else, although her clubs and friends in them do as well. winning games or a really good performance in a play will always bring a big huge smile to her face. she feels more at home in her clubs than at home, because most the time she cant get in a word with yuuki bc her parents are hogging her. 
happiest she ever was was when her family went to destinyland and they let her and yuuki walk alone together. they got some real bonding time, riding rides and getting dinner together, and then watching one of the fireworks shows. its the most time she ever got to spend with him without their parents getting in the way and she treasures it forever. 
🌙 If your OC could have one wish come true what would it be and why? Would there be consequences to this wish or would they regret it once they get what they want? What would they give in return for this wish to come true?
for her parents to pay attention to yuuki more, or just really. him being more loved in general. theres pretty much nothing that would make her regret it, and nothing she wouldn’t pay. she cares about him so so much and would give everything if it meant he was happy
❄️ What makes your OC sad, so sad that they can’t help but cry all day? How do they cheer themself up? Does their sadness upset any of their loved ones too?
any kind of failure, feeling like shes hated, hell sometimes just her parents praising her too much because she just gets so overwhelmed, and it makes her think too much about how ignored her brother is all the time. she usually goes out and practices her soccer or whatever show shes doing for theatre. she hides her sadness pretty well, but any of her family would be upset by knowing she’s sad (hence why she hides it)
🔥 If your OC known for having temper tantrums? If not, what gets them really angry? What makes their blood BOIL? Is there anyway to calm them down or are they unstoppable? What are they like when they’re angry? Do they take it out on their loved ones?
not at all. shes very patient and can put up with a LOT, but she will snap if someone is too mean to yuuki. i feel like she would eventually snap at her parents but she really tries as hard as she can not to bc she worries itll make things worse. bc shes so patient, when shes angry she gets so angry it can take awhile to calm her down
❤️ What would your OC’s ideal lover be like? Appearnce, personality, voice? Would their family approve or would it be civil war?
her one requirement is “respect me and my family.” shes not picky, but she does like athletic/buff types a bit more. 
🕊️ Would your OC ever get married or are they already wed? If they’re married, describe what their wedding was like! If not, describe their ideal wedding (or do this if you feel like it anyway!)
she has this big fancy idea of a dream wedding at destinyland, with a theme centered around classic romantic plays. 
🍼 Does your OC have any children or want children? What names would they pick? Are they good with kids or a complete disaster?
she does want kids, and she plans to name them all after extended family. with her strong value towards family and disappointment in her own parents, one of her biggest dreams is to raise a family with someone
☕ Give us one (or more if you feel like it) of your OCs deep dark secrets! Why do they keep it hidden? Spill the tea!
shes actually kind of miserable emotionally. she  it all up until she’s on her own, and then she just completely breaks down in her room. she’s had to lock herself in the restroom in public a few times bc one small thing will happen and it’ll just be the straw the breaks the camel’s back
🍂 What are their opinions on the different seasons? Which one do they hate and which one do they love and why?
she HATES summer but loves spring. its too hot in the summer to work out as much as she’d like. she doesn’t like winter much for the opposite reason of it being too cold, and is kind of neutral on fall. she thinks spring is prettier.
🦋 If your OC could change everything (or just something) about their life would they? What would they change? What do they think would happen if they did? What would their loved ones think?
oh yeah she’d def change a lot. give herself better parents that pay attention to their children equally, make herself less talented, anything that’ll get her less attention and yuuki more attention
💐 Does your OC like flowers? What are their favourites? Do they keep a garden of some sort? What flowers would they use in a flower crown? (and if you like, research the meanings behind those flowers!)
she loves flowers!!! her and yuuki have a garden together in their backyard... her crown would be azaleas (patience), hydrangeas (pride),  and spider lilies (sweet)
🌼 Write a short drabble from your OCs POV meeting their LI (or if they don’t have a love interest, their best friend. If you don’t want to do a drabble, describe their first meeting instead!)
(dont have the brain power for a drabble rn but) im 90% sure itd start with her accidentally kicking a soccer ball in someone’s face and then being like “oh fuck theyre cute”
🥀 Has your OC ever been hurt by someone they love? Ever been betrayed? Abused? Attacked? Give me the angst! (if you’d like, write a short drabble about it!)
not physically, but she got really hurt by yuuki once because of a misunderstanding. she talked about wanting to play volleyball at shujin and yuuki panicked because oh god know i cant let him get to her i have to protect her and she took him objecting to it as him being jealous and they got in a huge argument over it. she was so upset that, in her mind, yuuki was so bitter and jealous he wouldnt let her follow her dreams
🏞️ If your OC could travel to anywhere in their world where would they go? Why? If they could live there would they?
brazil!!! she’s heard a lot about amazing brazilian soccer players and wants to see it for herself. she would never want to live there though, or really anywhere outside of tokyo 
🏡 Describe your OCs ideal house! Give us a tour around! What’s their garden like? Their bedroom? Kitchen? Where is it and how many people live there?
a moderately-sized house for a small family of four, like the one she lives in. it’s decorated with the achievements of her family (trophies, art, etc). a kitchen big enough for the family to cook together, and a fancy dining room. lots of family photos on the walls and any available surface, and a family garden in the backyard. 
�� Has your OC ever killed someone? Ever had to defend themselves against violence? How did this make them feel? Or, alternatively, has your OC ever attacked someone? Seen someone die?
shes never been through any of that fortunately 
💎 Does your OC collect anything? Is there a reason? When did they start and is it beginning to turn into a little bit of a hoarding issue? What do they do with their collection?
she collects playbills and a few different sports trading cards!! the playbills started when she saw her first play at 5, and the trading cards at 8. she has several large folders for her cards and a big huge box for her playbills
📚 If your OC was given some kind of forbiddon knowledge, what would they do with it? Would they tell anyone? Use it for evil or good? How would it change their outlook on life, if at all?
shed keep it super super super secret... would do everything in her power not to use it at all, but if she did she’d use it for good. 
🌗 Early mornings or late nights? What do they spend their time doing during these hours?
early mornings!!! she goes for a short jog every morning before school, and then helps her dad with breakfast and sometimes drags yuuki out of bed if he oversleeps 
👑 If your OC was made royal (or is royal) how would they use their power? Are they a good leader or bad? Do their subjects like them or is it ‘off with their head’? Do they enjoy being royal?
shed be a very kind ruler, and try to listen to and solve all the problems she possibly could. so ofc shes very very loved. she doesnt like it though. she doesnt like having that much power, she feels its unfair. 
💕 How is your OC like with physical affection? What are their boundries? Do they enjoy being touched or is that a no-go? Is there any reason behind this?
she loves to cuddle with people, physical affection is one of her main love languages. she hugs yuuki every time he walks through the door. she doesnt want much beyond that though, at least at her age 
☁️ What’s something your OC wishes they could forget? Why is this? Or, what is something that your OC has forgotten? (or do both!)
she wants to forget her biggest screw up in her mind- when she was so nervous for a play (her biggest role at that point), when she got onstage she panicked and totally forgot her lines and just. completely froze. 
👀 Describe your OC through the eyes of another person! (bonus + specify who)
ofc i gotta do yuuki 
she’s an adorable and caring little sister he loves so much. he’s a bit jealous of her, but he doesnt blame her for anything. he just wishes he could be as good and loved as she is. 
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crownedbyluke · 5 years
Long Road Ahead (Chapter One)
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Estelle Finley has been friends with Ashton Irwin and Luke Hemmings for three years. When the boys bring her along on a jam-packed road trip to Cape Cod with the rest of the band, their adventures are just beginning. Through long hours driving, exploring cities, and hidden secrets, something more is bound to happen on this journey. How will this road trip change Estelle’s friendship with the friends she’s come to love so dearly?
Word Count: 3,480
Luke’s blue eyes and Ashton’s hazel eyes were staring at me. I was used to their weird looks, but there was something in them I hadn’t seen before.
“Whatever it is, you might as well tell me before your eyes burst out of your heads,” I said while walking over to my desk.
“What are you talking about?” Ashton asked, a hitch in his voice giving him away.
“You both are staring at me, which usually means you have to tell me something. So come on,” I said, looking through some of the papers that were out.
“I told you she’d know,” Luke said making me laugh.
“Ugh fine. Estelle, stop being in teacher mode” Ashton teased making me laugh more.
I raised my hands up in surrender before turning to face them. I met Luke’s eyes and a shiver ran through me. I should have been used to it, but no matter how many times it happened in the three years we’ve been friends, it still took me by surprise.
“We’re going on a road trip and you’re coming with us,” Ashton said taking my eyes off of Luke.
“What? No I’m not,” I said shaking my head.
“Yes you are. You’re coming with us, Mikey, Cal, and Crystal. Oh, and you should really start packing because we leave tomorrow at six in the morning,” Luke said, an unexpected confidence in his tone..
“What? No, you two are kidding,” I argued, not believing them for a second.
They loved playing pranks on me and if this was their latest one, I had every intention of making them regret it.
“We aren’t. Completely serious. No pranks and no jokes,” Ashton said, his eyes lit up.
“For how long?” I asked, turning back to look at my calendar.
As much as I wanted to agree and let them sweep me away, I had lesson plans to prepare.
“Well, it’ll take us fourteen days to get there and then we’ll be at our final destination for three weeks,” Ashton said, moving his fingers as if he was counting midair.
“Es, we’ll get you back in time to prep for school. I promise,” Luke reassured, his hands coming to rest on my shoulders.
There was a calm that came over me with his touch. It made it impossible to not give into them.
“And what am I supposed to pack?” I asked, tilting my head back to look at Luke.
The smile that lit up his face met those ocean eyes and I was sold on whatever we were doing.
“Lots of summer clothes, some swimsuits, but also a couple things that are warmer for nights,” Luke said quietly, his fingers squeezing my shoulders.
“Well if I know where we’re going, I could pack properly,” I said, wiggling my eyebrows at him.
“Nope. That’s a secret. Now, remember what Luke said, but put some nicer clothes in there too,” Ashton said, giving me his thousand watt smile.
I rolled my eyes at him before looking back up at Luke. There was something in his eyes that made me melt into his touch even more.
“Get to packing little dove. We’ll see you bright and early tomorrow,” he said, giving my shoulders another squeeze.
The blush came across my body from the pet name. It didn’t matter how many times he called me that, it still caused the same reaction. Ashton came over and gave me a quick hug. It felt like I was still in a trance when I heard them close my apartment door.
“Shit,” I mumbled before going to my hall closet door.
I pulled out my biggest suitcase and dragged it to my bedroom. The sound of my closet doors echoed against the walls. My wardrobe was still being transitioned to summer, but I had most of what I would need or at least, I hoped. My eyes wandered over the clothes before I pulled out my phone.
E: Crys, what the hell am I supposed to pack?
My fingers ghosted over my favorite white top, fond memories coming to mind. My phone buzzed in my pocket.
C: Plenty of shorts, tees and tanks, at least three swimsuits, some sundresses, some skirts, coverups, sneakers, sandals, and like one hoodie/sweater.
E: Oh my god. I’m guessing you won’t tell me where we’re going either?
C: Nope. Under strict instructions not to.
E: Damn it. Okay. I guess I’ll get packing then.
I sighed before tossing my phone onto my bed. I took the top I had been touching off the hanger and gently placed it on my shoulder.
“Only like forty more to go,” I said, my hands falling to my hips before getting started.
The blaring sound of my alarm woke me from the peaceful slumber I was in. I hit the button and checked the time. The red numbers flashed five in the morning. I pushed myself from my bed and headed to the kitchen. My finger pushed the start button on my espresso machine after placing a mug underneath it. My feet carried me to the bathroom for the shower I desperately needed. After ten minutes, I stepped out and got dressed in my comfy clothes for the drive. I quickly put my hair into a fishtail braid and went back to the kitchen. I added milk and ice to finish my iced mocha. I glanced down to check my watch. 5:20 A.M. I went to the fridge and pulled out the vanilla greek yogurt. After chopping up a banana, I started eating as quickly as I could so I would be ready in time. I checked my watch again. 5:40 A.M. I cleaned my dishes and went to my front door. The suitcase and backpack that I packed last night already by the door. I pulled on my gold sandals and black wide brimmed hat. Just as I was clasping the last sandal, the buzzer sounded.
“Ready Es?” Ashton’s voice crackled over the speaker.
“Yep. Come on up,” I said, finger pressing to let him up.
The sun was starting to peek through the linen curtains. I cracked my door for Ash before walking over my balcony window. I snapped a quick picture, the calm of the view washing over me. There was a part of me that just wished I could stare at the sunrise for an infinite amount of time, before I was brought back to the world around me.
“Let’s go Es,” Ashton said from behind me.
I walked back over to him and grabbed my backpack.
“Still not telling me?” I asked while locking up.
“Nope,” he said, giving me a wink over the shoulder before heading down to the elevator.
We left my apartment building, a gray Range Rover idling by the curb when we walked out. Ashton hauled my suitcase into the back while I opened the door.
“Good morning little dove,” Luke said after I opened the door.
“Good morning giraffe,” I said, crawling in.
I found myself between the window and Luke with Calum on his other side. Ashton climbed into the single seat in the back.
“And we’re off!” Michael cheered from the driver’s seat.
Crystal cheered from the passenger seat to encourage him even though it was early. Her phone was hooked up to the aux, making her the DJ for the first portion of our trip.
“Mike and Crystal are driving until noon, then Cal and Ash will take over for three hours,” Luke said once we pulled away.
He was reading from a notebook that had different times written in it.
“Do I get to do any driving?” I asked, testing him.
His laugh rang in my ears before I saw his smile.
“Maybe later, but you don’t know where we’re going so you’re gonna have to wait,” he said, nudging my shoulder.
I groaned before looking out the window. California was passing by and it was hard to believe that I was really doing this with them. My ears caught the bassline of Move On by Mike Posner. My head bobbed along to the song before Calum and I looked at each other. We moved in sync with the bassline, both of us appreciating it for exactly what it was. I couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up when Calum tried dancing along. Luke looked at us like we were crazy before joining us in the groove. I caught Ashton filming us and gave him a wink. We laughed once the song was over.
Time was flying by. Luke was driving and I had a sleeping Ashton on my shoulder, Crystal nodding off next to him. I still had no idea where we were headed, but now that it was dark, it was harder to tell anyways. No matter how hard I tried to get it out of everyone, they wouldn’t tell me. I knew we had been driving for awhile, but there was no indication for how much longer we were going to be. I caught Luke’s eye in the rearview mirror. It was simple, but it made everything I was feeling more complicated. I tried ignoring and figuring out how I felt about Luke so many times. Each time, I came up with no concrete answers. What it always came down to was that he was one of my best friends and to jeopardize that because of some feelings wasn’t something I would do. My thoughts faded away when I heard the guitar from I Was Made For Loving You by Tori Kelly and Ed Sheeran. My eyes met brown this time, a strange feeling of understanding between me and Calum flooded my senses.
“It’s Crystal’s turn,” Calum said, breaking the moment between us.
Luke nodded.
“Let me find a gas station,” he said, eyes searching the signs to find one.
I adjusted a little so Ashton’s head wasn’t digging into my shoulder.
“Well, Estelle is my co-pilot because you lot keep hogging the passenger seat,” Crystal said, making me laugh.
“Ash,” I whispered, gently squeezing his shoulder.
“Essie?” he asked, eyes still closed.
“I have to get up,” I said, threading my fingers through his hair.
“But you make such a good pillow,” he almost whined.
“I know. You can use my pillow if you want,” I offered, smiling down at him.
There was a fondness I felt for Ash in that moment. He looked so young and stress free when he was asleep. I ran my fingers through his hair one more time. Luke pulled into the gas station parking lot.
“Coffee Es?” Crystal asked while opening the door.
“You know it,” I said, getting out of my seat.
I put my pillow in Ashton’s lap and pressed a quick kiss to his temple. Crystal and I were the only ones that went inside.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom quick,” I said, heading to the back of the store.
I passed a rack of postcards making me stop instantly. Colorado landscapes and greetings from Colorado were everywhere. I went to the bathroom quick and picked one out. I grabbed a few snacks before heading back to the car. I put the postcard on the dash.
“We’re in Colorado,” I said getting Luke and Crystal’s attention.
“Shit. Okay, yeah,” Luke said, sighing a little now that his surprise was ruined.
“Luke, just tell her,” Crystal said, adjusting the seat a bit.
“Okay okay. Currently, we’re heading to St. Louis,” he said, a hint of relief in his tone.
“And I’m guessing that isn’t our final destination,” I said, taking a sip of the coffee Crystal got me.
“Nope. We’re in St. Louis for two days and then we’re off to Myrtle Beach for three days,” he said trailing off.
It was one of the many things Luke did when he wanted to keep things a surprise that drove me insane.
“Keep going,” I encouraged.
“Then in New York for four days,” he continued, the same trailing off happening.
“And then?” I asked, fully aware that there was more.
“We’re gonna be in Cape Cod for three weeks,” he said.
The excitement rushed through me causing me to turn around to look at Luke.
“You mean my number one place to visit?” I asked, thinking that I was dreaming.
“Yeah,” he said, a smirk on his face.
“Oh my god, Luke, this better not be a prank,” I said, my words coming out fast while I stared at him.
“Not a prank. I promise,” he said, holding out his pinkie.
I linked mine with his, the touch heating my skin. I turned back around, a giant grin on my face.
“DJ, please hit me with some jams,” Crystal joked, aux cord in hand.
“Well of course,” I responded, taking it from her and plugging my phone in.
It took me a moment before I found a song that fit the mood I was in. King Of the Clouds by Panic! At the Disco played through the speakers. I let the song wash over me, the words and vocals taking me away.
“I wanted to tell you when you texted yesterday, but Luke and Ash really wanted it to be a surprise,” Crystal said, bringing me back to reality.
“I’m glad it was a surprise though. It makes it that much better,” I said, unable to stop smiling.
“Look at them,” she whispered, turning the music down.
I looked in the rearview to see all of the boys asleep. Ashton had my pillow pressed against the window in the single seat while Luke, Calum, and Michael were lying on each other, their heads crooked into each other in different ways.
“They’ve gotta be used to sleeping in cars by now,” I said, looking over at her.
“You would think, but I know Mikey still struggles with falling asleep in cars. He always needs adjustment when he comes back,” she said, pushing her hair back.
“So does Luke. He usually stays at mine or makes me stay at his when he gets back because he hates being alone after tours,” I said, a small smile coming across my face.
“You sure that’s not because Luke has a thing for you?” she asked, taking me by surprise.
“What? Luke doesn’t have a thing for me,” I dismissed, waving my hand at her.
My heart had picked up when she said it, but I had to push it away.
“Estelle, you’re joking right? I’ve known that boy for awhile now. I’ve seen him go through love and heartbreak. I know when he’s into someone,” she said, her eyes glancing over at me.
“Crystal, I’m telling you, he isn’t into me. We’re best friends and that’s it. That’s all we are now and all we’re ever going to be,” I said, a hint of frustration in my voice.
I had already convinced myself of this. As much as I wanted to believe Crystal, I couldn’t. That road lead to far more hope and rejection than I was able to handle.
“But the way he looks at you-”
“He looks at me like he’s always looked at me. Besides, if he did, the feelings wouldn’t be mutual,” I lied.
The words felt like they were burning my tongue as I said them. I turned to look out the window, my head full of daydreams that the smallest part of me wished would come true.
“Okay Ash, overnight shift,” Calum said after pulling into a gas station.
Calum’s voice woke me up, causing me to move my head off of Luke’s shoulder.
“Who’s my co-pilot?” he asked while getting out of the car.
“I’ll do it Ash,” I said, tying my hair into a loose bun.
“Essie, you were asleep,” he argued, staring at me.
“I’m awake now. Give me a coffee and I’ll be good,” I said getting out of the car.
“Fine. Let’s go get some snack too. It’s you and me for six hours so we should stock up,” he said, leading me into the gas station.
“I’ll get snacks. You get refreshments,” I said before we high fived and split up.
I grabbed chips, granola bars, some candy, and a couple sandwiches. Ash and I met at the counter, his arms full of drinks. He grabbed plenty of flavored water for me and soda for himself.
“I’m grabbing two coffees quick,” he said to the cashier.
He ran back and gave the short brunette the thousand watt smile. She blushed under his gaze. We took the bags from her and went back to the car.
“You are ridiculous,” I said while we settled in the car.
“I don’t know what you mean,” he laughed.
“Oh please. You flirt with everything that has a pulse,” I said, rolling my eyes.
“Excuse you, but that’s Luke. I didn’t mean to flirt with her, but she was cute,” Ashton said, laughing again before pulling away from the gas station.
“You’re right, Luke does do that a lot,” I said, picking up my phone.
“Is that some jealousy I’m hearing?” he teased.
“No,” I said, hitting play on Nintendo Game by Alessia Cara.
“I’m kidding Essie,” he said.
“Yeah I know. Why did you guys pick Cape Cod?” I asked, taking the subject off me and Luke.
I opened a bag of cheddar sour cream chips and took a sip of the coffee Ashton got me. The bittersweetness ran over my tongue, just the way I liked it. Ashton always made sure the coffee he got me tasted just right.
“Well, I was personally tired of the same California beaches every summer and Cal wanted some place that was warm, but still pretty chill. Luke pitched Cape Cod and we all agreed,” he said with a shrug.
He made it sound so simple and easy, like it was just a walk in the park for them. Then again, the boys were always like this and it was always an adjustment at first, but I had found myself getting used to it.
“Who’s idea was it to bring me?” I asked, quickly eating a chip so he wouldn’t sense the nerves I had about the situation.
“Luke’s. He remembered how badly you wanted to go,” Ashton said like it was obvious.
“Yeah. It’s been my number one since high school,” I said quietly.
“I don’t get why you never went,” he said, taking a swig of his cream soda.
“My parents never wanted to and then during college, I just never got the chance or there wasn’t time. Now, yeah my career allows for vacation, but I didn’t think anyone would want to go,” I said shrugging it off.
“Well now you got us,” Ashton said giving me a smile.
“Yeah I do,” I said returning the smile.
“Ash, your shift is over. You two need some sleep,” Luke called from the back.
Ashton got off at the next exit. Despite my best efforts, I was exhausted. I climbed into the middle seat while Luke and Crystal took over. Ashton climbed in next to me.
“Get some sleep Essie,” he whispered before pressing a kiss to my temple.
I adjusted slightly until my head was on Ashton’s shoulder. A nudging woke me up a few hours later. I slowly sat up, my eyes adjusting to the new light.
“Welcome to St. Louis little dove,” Luke said, our eyes meeting in the rearview yet again.
I looked out the window immediately. A gasp escaped my mouth as I took in the view. There was water shining in the sun and the big arch took over the sky. Brick buildings and greenery were everywhere. It was absolutely breathtaking and one of the most beautiful sights I had ever seen. Luke parked in front of a brick building with two arches framing the doors.
“We’re here,” he said, eyes gleaming as he looked at the building.
“This is where we’re staying?” I asked while following everyone else’s lead at getting out.
“Yeah,” Ashton said handing me my suitcase.
We walked into the condo, the white walls taking me by surprise.
“Luke and I will take the double beds,” Ashton said.
I stopped in front of a single room with a gorgeous view of the city. I could see the water from the window and there was something about the way the arch was reflecting on it that made me smile.
“Estelle’s got this one!” Luke called after following Ashton.
I slowly walked into it, my breath gone again.
“Well, I guess this is real now,” I whispered, my fingers ghosting over the soft bed sheets.
It had felt like a dream until this moment, but everything about it still felt like I needed to be pinched. If it was all a dream, I never wanted to wake up.
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bemoremuse · 5 years
hhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm lets talk about pitiful children :thinking:
for context im going to talk about 3.0′s pitiful children over 1.0 because while at its core the song is about squipping kids they are pretty different 
ive time stamped it just for convenience but i doubt tumblr will register it ugh BUT ANYWAY
i’ve been thinking about what must be going through jeremys head during this scene a lot cause throughout all the versions of this show i cant really get a clear idea. Like hes on board with the idea but i have to wonder how on board.
like... i don’t know how to word it but i feel like its 50% squip manipulations and 50% actual jeremy. BUT PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THIS IS JUST HOW I INTERPRET THINGS AND READ THE SITUATION SO LIKE...I COULD BE TOTALLY WRONG but its what im gonna apply to my portrayal of jeremy and squip so.
squip is using christine to bargain, “if you get her corrected youll both be connected, literally” cause it KNOWS christine is jeremys main motivator for-- literally everything. then it does the “things improve without a doubt, itll be YOU who helped her out” spinning it so christine will HAVE to love jeremy back if he helps solve everyone elses problems- something christine wants to help with too. And Jeremy is so damn empathetic he naturally wants to help his peers too. squip is just exploiting that. 
so this could be like the start of of a snowball effect. Jeremy listens to what the squip is saying but you see as the song goes on it looks like jeremy is in less and less control of himself. 
He approaches rich’s locker and takes out the box of squips like “???!! Theres gotta be enough squips in here for--” and the lights flash and squip commands him to activate the whole box.  And as he’s doing it Jeremy actually stops and looks at the beaker in front of him and pills in hand, i personally like to interpret this as a moment of hesitation, but his squip puppets him into throwing the pills into the beaker to activate them anyway.
jenna comes in and i LOVE the lil interaction they have with her. everything about it. jeremys extremely obvious “OHHHH IM JUST..FILLING THIS PROP BEAKER...WITH PUCKS..PANSY SERUM........” as the squip circles jenna like a dman shark. squip immediately after controlling him into asking about jennas day cause it KNOWS thatll give them a window of opportunity to squip her. Jeremys IMMEDIATE DISTASTE OF “I CANT TRICK HER INTO DRINKING A PILL” and both squip and jenna just reaffirming she would do anything to feel like she feels and jeremy whos SO FUCKING EMPATHETIC JUST ............ OFFERS HER A DRINK.  
and this is so so SO important cause if the squip wanted to it could just control jeremy into offering jenna the drink. but he did that himself. This is the point of no return baby. hes accepted that this is where theyre going and this is what will help jenna-- help everyone-- feel better. He’s made the decision and now they’re going full force into it. The snowball is rapidly tumbling downhill.
jenna screams and like-- jeremys face just lights up. he thinks hes actually managed to help her !! hes done something right!! and if he helped jenna he can help everyone else!! then christine will like him!!! JENNA LEAVES AND THE BIG DANCE BREAK HAPPENS BUT THE SQUIP COMES BACK OUT AND IM..,, i just... i really feel like jeremys not completely himself here !! squip leads him around like a toy on a string, they mimic each others movements, theyre still singing about saving these poor hopeless teenagers, i just. I really read this as jeremy in like a trance i guess? Like he made the decision himself 100% but now hes riding high on this feeling of ‘this is good, this will help everyone, everyone will be happy, their problems will go away’ and hes not thinking about anything else.
this is where pitiful children ends but not long after jeremy confronts christine during the play and he does the whole ‘HEY THIS PILL WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE YOULL NEVER HAVE TO NOT KNOW ANYTHING AGAIN, ITLL HELP YOU BE BETTER. YOULL BE CONFIDENT AND CONNECTED’ thing and i still read this like a partial squip induced hazy trance because 1.) the ‘everything about you is going to be wonderful’ tune is playing and thats sung by the squip both times. 2.) later he says ‘THEN WHY DID YOU LET ME SAY ALL THAT STUFF’ 3.) christine asks ‘has it been telling you what to say to me this whole time?’ and he answers ‘sort of?’  
SO LIKE i feel like jeremys only... partially in control halfway through pitiful children until his dialogue with christine. He definitely made the decision to give jenna the beaker and all that. but everything going on with the squip just makes me think it was pulling a few strings. physically and mentally. 
honestly thank god for christine snapping him out of it. i love you christine. we stan a queen.
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thelastspeecher · 5 years
Been talking a lot about Emmett lately, and I was inspired today to write something starring everyone’s favorite twelve-toed nervous boy.  So, here’s Emmett in the Superhero/villain AU, accidentally using his powers to control his dad.
              “Emmett.”  Emmett looked up from his comic book.  His dad stood in front of him, visibly furious.  He swallowed nervously and set the comic book down.
              “Hi, Dad.”
              “Wanna tell me why you weren’t at boxing?” Stan demanded.
              “I was,” Emmett lied.
              “Then how come when I stopped by to surprise you and your sister, you weren’t there?”
              “I left early.”
              “I showed up early,” Stan said, crossing his arms.  Emmett looked away.  “You gotta stop skipping, kid.”
              “I don’t like it,” Emmett mumbled.  Stan let out a sigh and sat next to Emmett on the couch.
              “I know.  And that’s fine.  Your Uncle Ford didn’t like it, either.  Neither did I, when I started.”
              “Wait, really?” Emmett asked.  Stan nodded.
              “I hated it.  But my dad kept making me go.  It was the only good thing he ever did for me.  I had to learn how to protect myself and Ford.”
              “I don’t want to go.”
              “You need to learn some self-defense skills.”
              “You never made Danny or Daisy learn how to protect themselves.”
              “They didn’t get picked on as much as you and Emily.”
              “I don’t get picked on.”
              “You came home from school with a black eye last week.”  Stan sighed. “Your ma and I made complaints and everything, but schools don’t like stopping bullies.  That’s why you need to learn how to do it yourself.”
              “I already do ballet-” Emmett started.
              “And that’s good.  I’m proud of you,” Stan said.  “Ballet is tough.”  He put a hand on Emmett’s shoulder.  “But it’s not gonna do squat to protect you.  What are you gonna do if someone comes after you or Emily?  A fancy jump?  Some sorta twirl?”
              “Dad, I’m not gonna go anymore,” Emmett said firmly.  Stan scowled at him.  “I mean it. I don’t care how much you look at me with that face.”
              “And I don’t care that you don’t want to.  It’s for your own good.”
              “When you were five, and you hated broccoli, do you think I let you not eat it, just ‘cause you didn’t like it?  No. I made sure you cleaned your plate. This is the same thing,” Stan said. Emmett jumped to his feet.
              “You can’t make me go!” Emmett yelled.  Stan slowly stood.
              “Don’t take that tone with me.”
              “Even if you keep signin’ me up, I’ll keep skippin’.  Even if ya drop me off, I’ll leave.  I don’t want to do it anymore!  It’s- you might think it’s good to force me to do something I don’t like, but it’s not!  I hate it!”
              “Do you really wanna do something Grandpa did?” Emmett asked.  Stan’s face went red.
              “That’s it!” Stan rumbled.  Emmett froze. “Go to your room.  Now.”
              “Now,” Stan growled.  “I’ll figure out your punishment for talking to me like that later.”  Emmett stormed off.  He passed Emily on the stairs.  She didn’t bother to pretend she hadn’t been eavesdropping.
              “Emmett, that was bad,” she whispered.
              “I know.  He needs to stop makin’ me go to those stupid lessons.”
              “No, not-”  Emily grimaced.  “You know how much Dad hates Grandpa.  Why’d you compare Dad to him?”
              “Yeah, well, he should stop doin’ stuff that Grandpa did,” Emmett muttered.
              “I can hear you,” Stan said loudly.  “Emmett, go to your room.  Emily, go…weed the garden or somethin’.  Do some chores.”
              “Okay, Dad.”  Emily glanced at Emmett warningly before heading downstairs.  Emmett stuffed his hands in his pockets and finished going to his room. He slammed the door shut.
              “Don’t slam doors!” Stan shouted from downstairs.
              “Ugh!”  Emmett threw himself onto his bed, burying his face into his pillows.
              I hate this.  I hate it.  I just wish Dad would throw himself off the tallest building he could find.
              A door downstairs opened and closed.
              “Emmett Stanley McGucket!”  Emmett jerked instinctively at the sound of his full name being shouted from downstairs. The movement left a large streak across the math sheet he had been working on.
              “Great,” he muttered.  “Ma’s home.”
              Dad definitely told her what happened.  Now I get to hear the second part of the riot act.
              “Emmett!  Get down here!  Now!” Angie yelled.  Emmett reluctantly shuffled out of his room and down to the first floor.
              “Ford, hold him down,” a voice said.  Emmett paused at the foot of the stairs.
              Uncle Lute?
              “I am holding him down,” a second voice snapped.  “At least we finally got the dampeners on him.”
              Uncle Ford, too?  There was a crash from the kitchen.  What’s goin’ on?
              “Where is that boy?” Lute’s voice asked.
              “I don’t-”  Angie stormed out of the kitchen.  She was still in her villainy duds, but had removed her cowl.  She spotted Emmett by the stairs.  “Emmett.  Come here.” Emmett felt a gust of wind push him towards the kitchen.
              “You’re not gonna let me go on my own?” Emmett asked.  Angie scowled.
              “I’m not takin’ any chances.”
              “Ma, I know that I skipped, and you’re angry,” Emmett started, following her into the kitchen.  “But-” He froze.  Lute and Ford were struggling to hold Stan down on the ground. His uncles had clearly been fighting to restrain Stan for quite some time; both their clothes were singed, and Ford had a bruise beginning to form on his cheek.  “Wha- what happened?”
              “You tell me,” Angie snapped.  “What command did you give yer father this time?”
              “Command?  I-” Emmett’s blood ran cold.  He stepped a bit closer to look at his father’s eyes.  His pupils were dilated, the sure sign that he had been commanded by Emmett.  Emmett swallowed.  “I- I didn’t mean-”
              “I saw him runnin’ ‘round town,” Lute said.  “He seemed a bit off, so I got a closer look and saw his eyes.  Knew right then it was yer handiwork, Emmett.”  Emmett covered his mouth.  “What?”
              “I wanted him to jump off the tallest building he could find,” Emmett whispered.  “I was just- I was angry at him, I-”
              “Yes, yes, this is important information,” Ford interjected.  He narrowly avoided another punch from Stan. “But I think it can wait until after you free Stan from your command.”
              “I don’t know how.”
              “That’s not an option right now,” Angie said firmly.  Emmett looked at his mom.  “Fix it.”
              It took fifteen minutes for Emmett to reverse the command, upon which he was promptly sent to the living room, so that the adults could discuss what they were going to do.  Ten minutes after that, Emmett got called to the kitchen again.  He joined his parents at the table, not making eye contact with either of them.
              “Uncle Ford and Uncle Lute are gone?” he asked quietly.
              “Yes,” Angie said.  She clasped her hands.  “Emmett…”
              “I didn’t mean to!” Emmett wailed.
              “Hey, hey,” Stan said, reaching a hand out to Emmett.  “It’s okay, kiddo.”
              “No, it’s not.  I- I was mad and I- I wanted you to jump off a building and-”
              “Why weren’t you wearing the power dampeners?” Stan asked.
              “I couldn’t find ‘em.”
              “Yeah, you’re pretty good at losing them.”
              “I’m so sorry, Dad!  I didn’t want you to get hurt!  I just have mean thoughts sometimes.”
              “Everybody does,” Angie said softly.  She let out a sigh.  “But yer thoughts are awful powerful, honey.”
              “I didn’t mean to!” Emmett repeated.
              “It’s okay, sport.”  Stan grinned, but it was clearly forced.  “It’s kinda my fault, anyways.  You got my silver tongue.”  Emmett looked away.
              “Now’s not the time, Stanley,” Angie said quietly.  Stan sighed.
              “Emmett, yer goin’ to be punished,” Angie said.  Emmett nodded.  “But we’re goin’ to take the fact that it was an accident into consideration.”
              “It’d be better if I didn’t have any powers at all,” Emmett mumbled.
              “Don’t say that,” Stan said.  “Yeah, yours are a bit tough.  But we’ll figure it out.”
              “If you say so.”
              “And in the meantime…”  Stan looked at Angie.  She nodded. “We’re gonna make you switch schools.” Emmett gaped at Stan.
              “The school yer at right now isn’t equipped to handle someone with yer abilities,” Angie said.  “That wouldn’t be a problem, except that ya keep losin’ the dampeners.”
              “I don’t-”
              “I know ya don’t mean to.  But after today, we have to start makin’ decisions ‘bout what’s best fer you and everyone around you.  So we’ll be sendin’ ya to Sycamore Grove.”
              “Wh- the high school for villains?” Emmett squeaked.  Angie and Stan nodded.
              “I’m not happy about it,” Stan said quietly.  “But it’s what needs to happen.  The teachers there are used to students with powers like yours.”
              “It’ll be fine, sweetie,” Angie said gently.  Emmett hung his head.
              “If you say so.”
              “I do have some good news for you,” Stan said.
              “We’re gonna pull you out of boxing lessons.”  Emmett’s head whipped up.  He stared.  “I still think it’s good for you.  But you’re already dealing with stuff, and being forced to do somethin’ you hate isn’t gonna help.”  Stan rubbed the back of his neck.  “I know that from experience.”  Emmett nodded.  “Go to your room while we talk about your punishment.”  Stan looked around the kitchen.  There were a few scorch marks on the walls and floor, and a chair had broken. “And while we clean up.  Man, I made a mess.”
              “Pretty sure it’s technically my mess,” Emmett said.  Stan rolled his eyes.
              “C’mon, kid.  How many times do I have to tell you – if you can get outta being blamed for something, take it!  Even if it’s technically your fault.”  Emmett quirked a small grin.  “Now, go to your room.  We’ll come get you in a bit.”
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survivor-rotuma · 5 years
Ep. 2: “iF yOu SeE a VoLcAnO wHy NoT jUmP oVeR iT” - Marie
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Fuckin volcano
I feel secure because Charlie is going to be the one to go. I just know it. If we go to tribal that is. They have barely spoken and I don't know them too well. Might be the same for everyone else here
Still salty bout the goddamn volcano
iF yOu SeE a VoLcAnO wHy NoT jUmP oVeR iT
I am really enjoying the banter with Jay and our tribe. Having a great time with this immunity challenge and chatting with Joey and Felix. Wish the other tribe mates were as active.
Ya know coming into this competition i didn’t expect it to be me and Bradley as the last two people representing our team. I guess he’s gonna be more active now since his busy week is over so that’s swell but like. God I really wanna sleep.
To sum up, I feel like I am getting a deeper bond with Flint and Joey. They seem to be willing to talk with me most often. So, even if we do go to tribal I am safe for the most part. I just feel like I am liked in the tribe. Also, I am the one putting in the most work for the tribe, so I have that going for me. I just feel safe because of the work I have put in, but I don't want to give up just yet. If I can avoid tribal, then I will. According to both Joey and Flint, Suzy and Charlie have been very inactive. Therefore, it will be them on the chopping block come time for tribal. Joey thinks Charlie is more inactive whereas Flint thinks Suzy is more inactive. It'll just come down to what Cassie and I feel in the end. Doesn't hurt us either way since I think they are the weakest links on our tribe, especially Charlie. I don't think she put in enough effort last immunity challenge. Plus, she was totally inactive for this challenge that she auto-lost. Cassie missed this challenge too, but she at least did really well last challenge. If we go to tribal, I think I would vote for Charlie in the end since they are the person I feel least closest to. If only Bradley dropped, I could win this challenge for my tribe and cement my place as a valuable asset.
I am SO SORRY GIGI! I thought you were a returnee so I decided to snap! The comment looked pretty mean compared to the others,  which it was. The tribe, Marie and Kathleen, was wondering who said the mean comment and they believed it was David. I said yeah I think it was him as well. I love accidently painting a target in him and being a rat child.
Ok so I completely missed the challenge! I had no idea it was going to start early and I was at ine of ny sibling's events. I'm rooting for my team and hoping that my absence doesn't paint a target on my back. Also! I am loving being Lysandre! The writer in me is having a field day because I get to create a character and their background, quirks, and personality BUT THEN I GET TO BECOME THEM.
I couldn't outlast that second Immunity challenge. It was fun but my body couldn't carry on. I hope that Felix can pull through for Tuai! If we have to go to tribal I think it will be an easy vote, for me at least. I think that Cassie or Suzy should go. Cassie hasn't shown much initiative as our leader and Suzy isn't very social.
This challenge is taking forever. Im the last one for my tribe. I dont want to lose cuz itll suck and havent been on that much so my soical game isnt too strong either. I just want to beat one tribe.
I'm so proud of Felix for sticking it out for the tribe so that we don't have to go to tribal tonight. Plus we still have the numbers advantage, so that is always a positive.
So relieved we won immunity again! The Tuai tribe is unstoppable so look out! I'm a little jealous that Felix won an advantage but he deserves it and maybe with some buttering up he'll share the information with me.
Can you believe I have done THAT! I single-handedly won this challenge for my tribe, and got an advantage on top of that. I know why Raul and Kathleen gave it to me, though. If I won and people knew I had an advantage, I would have a big target on my back. It does seem that Kathleen and Raul are working together, so I have to watch out for them. Whether I tell this to anyone on my tribe is a different matter entirely. Though they all know I have an advantage. I think I won't be seen as a threat until later on in the game. I'm still an asset to them though this early on so I hope I would stay if we had to go to tribal in this stage of the game.
I really did not think I was gonna be able to compete but I got back into it was in the last 2 of our tribe. When it came down to 4 of us 2vs1vs1 we knew we needed to just knock out Bradley and he did that to himself. The best thing to come out was that Kathleen and I grew together plus I'm pretty sure I know the identity of Kathleen which helps cause I love this person. Also there was a individual advantage to be won and Felix had 0 while Kathleen and I had 2. Kathleen and I had decided that Felix could have it but try to work a little magic and make a relationship with him and a deal to work together if the opportunity arose. My smart self realized that that if we just gave it to him it would be announced we made a deal, so I said we continue the comp and just throw it that way it wouldn't be revealed what we were actually doing. This way it keeps this threesome possibility a secret. Whether it remains one or not we shall see. At the very least we aren't going to tribal. Hoorah, 1 point Raul the Snake 0 points survivor gods . . .
"Ohhhh bitch this ones gonna be different from my last one.
David? Trash. Will 100% be the one to go next tribal we go to if I have anything to say about it.
Marie? The sweetest and most opinionated 13 year old I’ve ever met. We love a politically aware teen.
Lysandre? *insert that lady Gaga gif of her going ‘gorgeous, amazing incredible’ ect*
And Raul? I’m sooo glad we were the last two left in the immunity challenge. We bonded AND made an underhanded deal with someone from another tribe. Can you say icons?
Hotel? Trivago."
I could still potentially be going home. Since someone brought up the fact that they all talked how they havent talked to me a lot. They do appreciate me doing really well in the challenge and i have Apollo and Brianna wanting to work with me each separately. So hopefully i can avoid being voted off this round and just work on more social connections with them all.
love felix but lowkey what if they are doing this for everyone
"Hello im STRESSED. I went from feeling like im in a comfortable position on the tribe, to the absolute bottom just in one day. Being forced to sit out of the challenge really fucked me up. I feel like the tribe is low-key bitter at me.
And on top of that. We have less than 12 hours to vote someone out. And NO ONE is really talking game to me. Im so nervous. The only person I connect with on a game level is Apollo. I have no idea where the tribe is leaning, but I have a sinking feeling its me.
God I hope im wrong and just insanely paranoid. "
"IN HAPPIER NEWS. I finally got something GOOD in the idol hunt? And it could be game changing!!!
I found 1 half of a super idol. It can't help me tonight but its leverage, and a super idol is the most powerful thing in the game, it could literally save my life in the future of the game. All i have to do is survive tonight, if I have to use the super idol piece as leverage, I will. "
I think the advantage is less about doing someone on the other tribe a favor. I'm telling everyone about it because, if I do that, it garners trust because they know I'll be open with them about any advantages I have. Plus, it wouldn't hurt to tell the truth to gain trust. The extra vote could also get me an ally on the other side. Let's see if this plays out like I hope it does.
Everyone is nice which makes it hard to decide who to vote off. Performance in the next challenge will base my vote and probably others.
I think my plan is working. Cassie offered me an alliance with her and Flint. I think those two are really cool so I think working with them is in my best interest. Also, I have connections with Mea through Raul and Kathleen. Hopefully, since I'm giving an extra vote to Bradley, I can gain a connection with him despite not having met him. I hope this plays out well! My social game seems to be climbing!
I have made my first alliance in this game! It's the Tuai Quad Alliance, LLC featuring Cassie, Joey, Flint, and I. It's basically everyone I wanted to work with since the beginning of the game! I think I have found myself in a good position on this tribe. To be honest, I'd like to see Charlie go first, but we'll see how this all pans out. I'm glad I finally have a security blanket though. Hurray for a good social game!
I love being a part of the Tuai tribe and was happy to become the leader. Despite liking all of my tribemates, I've become part of an alliance. We're calling it the TQA, LLC. Maybe someday that can be trademarked, hehe. But the Tuai Quad power is strong with Felix, Flint, Joey, and myself.
Well. We lost the challenge. I made a pact with Bradley that we should stick together since we were the last two people left in the challenge. I also talked to Apollo and Boris. I seem to be close to them. Boris mentioned making an alliance with me, him, Bradley, and Apollo and I would be totes down for that. So. Guess this will be pretty simple hopefully
I just cast my first vote and it was wild. I didn't know what to expect going in to tribal. I hope no one blindsides me because I am really getting invested in this game. I think while my performance in the last challange wasn't the greatest, I can still be a strong social player. Not sure if I'm feeling like Parvati or Hannah Shapiro. I need another few weeks to find out what kind of player I am going to be.
I feel so bad for missing the challenge but once again not much new is happening.
"I have been putting in WERK todah to make sure I'm in the best possible position going into tonight.
I first was talking to Brianna, and she mentioned the only people she didnt wanna vote was me, Apollo, and Bradley. So, naturally, when presented with a majority of the tribe, I suggest an alliance! Ofc she agrees hehe, so now thats in the works.
On my tribe, the most likable people and those I get along with/vibe the most with is Apollo and Zest. I approach them both and plant that seed, another alliance of just us three forms. Im SO excited to be working with them, we bounce off each other really well and I truly think we can go to the end together.
So yeah, even tho I was worried this morning I think I placed myself in a near perfect position. I really don't think theres any way I leave tonight. "
unfortunately, i wasn’t the best in the challenge but at least i showed up! i was invited in by cassie to an alliance with her felix and flint, but it was obvious i was the last one asked. i plan on being loyal, but i need to let cassie play leader while i get closer with felix. slow and steady.
Thomas M
Not much, Bradley did well on the challenge but unfortunately we are in the bottom. Have been preoccupied with a big assignment so have not gotten to fully experience things in the last round at least. Am nervous of who is going to get booted, excited to see what's to come!
Wow, idol hunt hates me
We lost, I feel like I’m getting played though, if this is the last you’ve seen of Apollo, it’s been a great run!
I’m really laughing over Thomas’ first message to me after we lost 30 minutes before tribal....like...it’s a little too late sorry bud
It looks like the vote should be Thomas which Im fine with. And theres an alliance of Borris, Apollo, and Brianna who want to make a four person with me which makes me really happy. Started off rocky in this game but with challenge preformance actually helped me a lot.
Borris and Apollo? “Name a more iconic duo”
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melaninkpopimagines · 6 years
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Part: 1!| 2!| 3!| 4!
Author: Admin Jazzi
warning: Smut, Cursing, language, murder
Word count: 2k
Flashes of you stabbing him raced through your mind. You were in a haze. You don't remember how you got the knife. The only thing your remember clearly was calling Erik. Trying to put it all together was hard, trying to remember was hurting you.
“Hey baby, pay attention to what i'm telling you.” Erik said, splashing a bit of water into your face. You snapped out of the trance you were in and looked around. You were in the bathtub, Erik was bathing you. You looked on the ground and saw your bloody clothes. The water was a dark pink.
You looked at him. He stared back at you. “Baby are you listening? I said you can't say anything to anyone? I’m gonna get you out of here. But you gotta work with me mama.” he said. You nodded. “yeah i-i,” you looked at him frantically, “Erik I don't know what happened.”
He looked at you sturnly, “nun happened. We gonna go on a trip, aiight?” he asked. You seemed to zone out again. You really killed a man. Erik splashed you with the bloody water. “Yo listen to me focus baby i gotta get you outta hear.” he picked you up out of the water. Erik grabbed your clothes from the bedroom and dressed you. “You ain't gotta talk about this right now baby. Just don't think about it.” he said as he dressed you. He dried your hair and gently kissed your forehead. He placed your hood over your damp hair. “You trust me huh? If you trust me we can do this alright ?” he looked into your eyes. His dark brown eyes felt like such a heavy presence. You nodded as you looked down, ashamed. He kissed you, wiping the tears from your face. “Baby it’s okay i gotchu. You gonna get through this. You let him hug you tightly.
Erik walked you into the bedroom. You saw it clean. Damn near spotless. There was no body laying on the floor. Not a drop of blood, it looked like nothing happened. You looked at Erik. Did you imagine all that. “We gotta go baby i'm gonna explain let's just get away from here.” He said.
He walked you out of the back door. He lead you down the alley and to his car. Erik pushed you into the car making sure no one saw. You looked in the back seat. There were bags, you could see money spilling out of one of them. “I have t-to turn myself in.” you insisted. Erik glared at you. “You just sitcho ass right there. This is my fault. Let me handle it.”
“How is this your fault?” you questioned.
But Erik didn't speak. He kissed your hand and started driving. He drove quickly but after an hour you fell asleep. You were beyond exhausted but the images traumatized you. Even tho Randy couldn't control you with the beatings anymore, he still took your happiness away. Even being with Erik made you feel worse...guilty. Randy was an asshole. He was scum; but you never thought you’d snap and kill him.
“Baby let’s get inside.” he said. You looked around. You had no idea where you were. It was night time. You were surrounded by trees. “Erik where are we.”
He unloaded his bags from the car. “We need to stay here until i can fix this.” he said, not really stopping to explain to you. You stayed in the car. “Erik how can you fix this? I murdered a man. I need to turn myself in.” Erik stopped dead in his tracks. “No what you need to do is get inside. You said you trusted me so trust me. I ain't gonna let nothing happen to me.
You got out of the car and went into the cabin. It was huge and well lit. When you got in Erik locked the doors behind you. “Okay no one will be able to find you here. I have to go back into town and handle this. You stay here. Watch tv or whatever just stay inside.” he said. “What about my mom? I need to call my mom.” “Baby she knows you’re fine don't worry. Once i fix this it'll be okay. I just can't have you running around being seen.” He spoke in a hurry. He grabbed his keys and kissed you. “Lock the doors behind me, eat and sleep.” You kissed him back, holding him tightly for a moment. “You gonna be good girl, just trust me. I gotchu.” he said. You let Erik go, wrapping your arms around yourself. “Don't open this door. I’ll be back tomorrow morning. You can use the landline only to call me if there's an emergency. ” You watched Erik leave. The room was cold without him there.
You sat on the couch and flipped through channels for hours. You were too scared to sleep.
Everything haunted you: but more than anything you wondered why you had done it. What made you black out. What made you snap? He had done this before. You didn't feel bad that he was dead. You hated him with your whole heart: but you never wanted to kill him, at least not yourself. So what exactly made you snap.
You found yourself mindlessly exploring the cabin. You didn't call Erik. You didn't want to face him. You said everything was gonna be okay. You didn't mean it this way. You didn't mean to dump this in his lap. When you woke up the way you did you didn’t know who else to call. You dialed Erik out of instinct. You should have called the police. You shouldn't gotten him involved. How could you expect him to do this, just because you were having an affair. You blindly trusted the man. A man you were only having an affair with. You had never expressed anything but lust towards each other.
You slowly walked into the last room down the hall. You pushed the door open slowly. It creaked loudly. As you walked in, you switched on the lights. The room was filled with pictures of you...and Randy. You looked around frantically. There are pictures from your wedding, from before you were engaged, from the day you met him. Tears filled your eyes and fear made you panic. Your chest felt tight. You stared at all the pictures. Everyday, pictures of him beating you, all of it pinned on the wall
3 months earlier
The affair with Erik was heated. You held him close, his head rested between your breasts. “What are these?” you asked running over the raised skin that covered his body. “There all the women that fell for me.” he joked. You rolled eyes, playfully pushing his head. “Okay nigga you got so many bitches why aint you with them right now.” you said. He settled his head back down, unbothered. “Cuz i knew you needed some dick.” he said.
“You’re annoying.” you said. He laughed and kissed your chin. “Mhm if im so annoying why you keep calling me?” he asked. You didn't answer. You didn't know exactly why you kept calling him. Meeting up like this was stressful: but moments like this was what kept you sane.
“What are these really? You never told me.” you asked again. “I never told you cuz its none of your business.” he snapped. You looked down at him. He always got random attitudes. You pushed him off of you and started scooting away. He pulled you back and hovered over you. “Where the fuck are you going?” he said. You rolled your eyes, looking away from his brown eyes. “Your attitude wasn't called for nigga.” you said. “SO you mad i won't tell you?” he said. “Nah nigga like i said! Your attitude wasn't called for. Fuck you i was just curious.” you pushed at his chest. He trapped you. A deep chuckle left him. “You’re so fucking sensitive.” he said. You rolled your eyes mumbling how he could fuck off again.
He started kissing your neck slowly, settling between your legs as he spread them. “Stop trying to fight with me tonight. Itll be a minute before we can do this again, and i know you gonna miss this dick.” he said, grinding his hips against you. You shut your eyes feeling his length grinding on the lips of your pussy.
You moaned his name, as he gripped your ass.
“Erik you get on my nerves.” You moaned.
“You sound like you enjoying me baby girl. What’s the truth?” you felt your head spin as he entered you. His hips rocked slowly and deeply. His full length throbbing as he pounded into you. “You like this shit don’t you?” he gripped your ass, pumping into you roughly. You moaned throwing your head back. He rubbed your clit, thrusting harder. “Nuh uh baby. All that attitude you had earlier, you better fucking speak. You like this shit?”
“Yes daddy!” you screamed. He didn't have to tell you twice. You were already on the verge of your orgasm. “Fix that damn attitude then.” he thrusted harder.
You were still sensitive from getting hot and heavy just a few moments before the small argument. You moved your hips against his hard thrusts. “Thats right baby fuck yourself on that dick.” he groaned into your ears. He stopped and watched as you moved your hips roughly. You gripped his arms. You moaned his name, practically screaming as your orgasm took you over. That's when he took over, roughly fucking you through your orgasm as his followed. He laid on top of you, kissing your neck and holding you. “Now fix your attitude.” he said into your ear, “These things on me would make you hate me.” he said
“If you’re ashamed why did you do it...so many times.” you said after catching your breath. He shook his head. “Nah I”m not ashamed i just know it’ll hurt you to find out.” he said. You looked at him strangely but you could tell he didnt want to talk about it further.
Three months later
You slowly backed out of the room. Your breath was shakey, you couldn't breathe looking at it all. You backed into something firm. You jumped turning around and saw Erik. “Baby let me explain calm down.” he said, he backed away. He gave you space.
“What the fuck is going on?! What the fuck is all of this?!” You screamed. You were frantic. Your heart raced. You were scared. For the first time you feared Erik. you were more afraid of Erik in that instance than you ever were of Randy. “Yo come sit down let me talk to you.” he said. “Tell me now! I don't want to move from this spot till you tell me what all this shit is.” you ordered. His jaw clenched. You had never talked to him like that; but could he blame you?
He started speaking, moving closer to you, “I was sent to frame you for his murder.”
A/N: Hello thank you for reading!!
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How did Singlar lose his wife? Did he feel he lost her through his own negligence or ineptitude, or does he blame someone else for her death? Has he ever considered looking for a way to bring her back from the dead? Would he ever consider that?
(Thanks for the ask, @calabren-iarian !)
THIS IS LARGELY MY FAVORITE THING TO TRY AND WRITE??? It came out in an rp AGES ago with Singlar’s mun, and he was like (oocly) “what if you were my wife but I thought I’d lost you?” during a really sad part of an rp. It ripped my heart out and it’s been that way forever.
It’s evolved from something akin to screaming into the void to something else less screamy.
Singlar was pretty young as a dwarf – few decades old, probably 60 or so – and he was out exploring with his older brother, Kóri. They were out, being stupid “young” guys, when they came upon a night elf village. They weren’t used to meeting any of the other races beyond dwarves, gnomes, and humans, and the elves were… gorgeous, to say the least. Kóri would joke at Singlar about “staring too long,” but as a young paladin, the starlight that emanated from their eyes was intoxicating.
Though he and his brother left the village after a particularly bad cold snap (it was only like a few days before the weather opened up), Singlar had developed a major crush on the elf that would become his wife. It took maybe ten years before they actually got married, and they stayed that way for almost 80 years (so he’d be roughly 150-160 when she “died”). They’d made a home in the mountain ranges between Mount Hyjal/Felwood/Winterspring, and they were pretty happy.
Emerald Dream portals would open randomly though, and the village they lived in believed they were well defended, so no one left. Singlar left to go visit his brother in Ironforge (for some business) and left Zaha’a alone at their home. When Singlar returned a few weeks later, it was a gory mess: the village was reduced to smoldering ash, fresh corpses of elves and worgen were everywhere, and Singlar couldn’t find his wife anywhere among the survivors. So, he thought she’d perished.
For another 90+ years, he held a hatred for elves and worgen (and anyone that could turn into one tbh). He blamed himself for staying too long in Ironforge, for not taking the first boat and being delayed by a few extra hours, for not bringing his wife along in the first place.
Since there wasn’t anything left of her – possessions, body, even a photo – Singlar was left with nothing of his wife, but her visage haunted him every day for nearly 50 years. He went and drank himself nearly to death, until the kingdoms of men started asking for the other races to help build up their cities. He spent the next few decades working, drinking, sleeping with everyone, and refusing to allow himself to grieve or let go of his anger. He got sick, and sicker, and sickest of all when the orcs invaded Azeroth. He was one of the first to put his skills into the armies for the Alliance, and used it as an excuse to shed blood.
(Even that left him so very hollow inside, and it did not feel good to watch the blood go down the drain after a battle.)
When his commanders realized what he was doing, he was sent to Silithus to keep the supply chains there flowing for the Alliance and keep them as long as possible from the Horde. It was only when he touched down in Stormwind and was given the orders to go did he see Ahilyah for the first (and only) time fully decked out in her commander’s armor – at the time, he didn’t know she was his commander and was pretty awful to her, but she let it slide – as they were both introduced to the other members of their team.
All seven of them left to go to Silithus. Eventually, after battles and literal years spent in the bug-infested cesspool, everyone but Singlar and Ahilyah died or were transferred. They didn’t get any other teammates, and it was just them holding down an entire outpost.
They grew comfortable, enough to drink and sleep in the same room together (more for camaraderie than anything else), and eventually they started sharing their lives. She told him about her explorations and commander school, he told her how it was to grow up in the heart of a mountain; he explained paladin teachings (that he often scoffed at in the same breath of whispering his prayers to the Light), she explained beautiful and terrifying worlds beyond their touch that only a few could (or would) ever see. They were friends.
Between fighting the Horde and the old god worshippers and the bugs, Ahilyah was often given secret missions that they’d go and usually sabotage Horde encampments (”don’t explain anything to me, and I’ll have no questions to ask,” Singlar would tell her), but one time there was a month of nothing. Singlar asked if the war was over, if they’d be released from this Hell and they’d finally go their separate ways; she explained she’d already been given her orders, and had been given plenty of mail about not completing it yet.
When he asked why they hadn’t gone out to do “another get-this, kill-that” mission, she explained it wasn’t that type of mission anymore. It was supposed to have them go outside of the combat zone and kill any and every Horde village nearby. She had twenty-four hours to respond, or she’d be court marshaled, judged by the king and his peers, and executed. (She still didn’t know which part of the kingdom this order came from, but it had an official seal. She had asked the high command for a repeat of the orders, but she never got one – so, she stayed put, mostly because of her morals and also because she didn’t believe it was a real King Varian-stated order.)
They had a screaming match due to misunderstandings until she screamed something in anger – basically “you’re such a stupid dwarf, I can’t believe I put up with you for so many centuries” – and he was like “????what????”
And then they had a very awkward reveal that she was his wife.
He was angry, hurt, confused, and felt like he wanted to throw up. He ended up camping out in the next outpost over, thinking everything over.
Ahilyah never did the mission. At this point the Alliance basically forgot about Silithus as the Legion expac started, King Wrynn dying, and the other Alliance leaders straining under Anduin’s leadership. He came back after fighting on the Broken Shore for a while (she was in Suramar for a time), but they went back to Silithus when the Broken Isles were secure.
Days before the Sargeras skewering of the world, they started to talk about things. Though Anduin’s reign was much different than his father’s, their relationship would never be able to heal. Silithus was going to be released so the people there could refocus elsewhere in the world, but so far it was just a waiting process.
They were on their way out of the zone (near the northern mountain range) when the sword came down. The group they were traveling with were able to get into a nearby cave, but it turned out to be a straight view of the valley; they’d be burned alive if the shockwave didn’t kill them.
And being stupid, Singlar kind of just stood in front of Ahilyah as they curled up in the corner of the cavern while Silithus erupted in flames. In the last few seconds before the flames hit them, he was like, “I wasted years over you.” And she just had to tell him to choose: the anger, or a clear future.
When the shockwave hit, everything exposed to the flames was horribly burned.  Chunks of Azerite were thrown into bodies of people, killing some instantly due to the intense high while others were in severe agony. The dwarves and gnomes that sat in the cavern came out completely different, half infused with this rock that deformed their bodies but also gave them immense strengths they hadn’t had before.
Ahilyah ends up with horrible burns/scars across the right side of her body (and flecks on her left). The warrior’s right eye glows like the Azurite does, and parts of her scars sometimes glow if she gets too enraged. She goes into blind rages whenever she loses control of herself, going into a frenzy due to the Azerite in her system.
For Singlar, he’s got these giant rocks (kinda like the rock giants in Deepholm?) sticking out of his back, pulsing every time his heart beats. His eyes turn from an ice blue to brilliant gold, and the veins along his body pulse the same color. He’s got burns along the skin that isn’t infused with Azerite, and the back of his head/neck have diamonds/Azerite crystal hybrids growing out of it.
(The other dwarves and gnomes come out looking similar to Singlar, only with their own molecular type – some have sandstone/Azerite, sapphire/Azerite, etc. Each one’s experiences with the Azerite infusion range wildly to “this sucks” to “what could go wrong?”)
((I want to make an entire post about what gnomes, dwarves, goblins, and (maybe) humans taking baths in this stuff would do to them (being descendants of the Titan constructs and all), since the initial “explosion” can’t really be recreated. So it’ll just add to that layer of “well this might actually suck for us” by being so dependent on Azerite.))
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dweebobeebo-blog · 6 years
Why didn't you tell me- Josh dun
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Warnings: sad, talk of kidnapping and RAPE scars, crying and screaming and death.
Requested: yes
Josh dun x reader
Josh and I have been together for a while now, we met through some mutual friends, better know as Brendon and Sara urie. I've known brendon for a while know, having gotten back in touch before he married Sara we went on double dates a lot. He then mentioned his friend Josh dun, they introduced us and we hit it off and have been inseparable since. Been dating for almost a year and, havent slept together yet, sexually anyways. I have a reason, but Josh never seemed to bother go ask why I didn't want too, or why I would stop before any thing else happened.
Brendon is over today because Sara was busy with something, Josh was out with Tyler so I invited him over. Hes been here for several hours now, he keeps asking questions about Josh and I but I've avoided them.
"Spill" he says, making me look at him oddly "spill everything about you and josh"
"Oh.. well its obvious we really care for each other" I say shrugging, shoving popcorn into my mouth
"Yeah but have you slept together?" He asks, I sigh and shake my head "why?"
"Brendon you know why" I groan, laying my head on the arm rest of the sofa "he doesnt know he doesnt bother to ask why I always stop him before he goes to far"
"You've gotta tell him" he states, "how long ago?"
"Exactly a year, tomorrows the anniversary" I sigh, "I know the news will do something itll be posted somewhere"
Its silent for a little bit before we hear for steps we both look and see Josh, then brendons phone rings. It was Sara, once he got off the phone he left leaving me with Josh who was being oddly distant.
Today's the one year anniversary, of the terrible thing that happened to me and several other girls. Josh had practice today, brendon was busy and so was Sara so I'm alone just great. I go to my room and find my hidden news paper clippings, and pictures of the man who did it. I turned on the news, to see If anything will be said about it. I pull out my full body mirror, strip and sit in front of it with everything, and the TV playing loudly. I reread the news paper article.
Man convicted of kidnapping and rape of several young girls.
Man pleads not guilty to charges against kidnapping and rape
Man found guilty, sentenced to life in prison after finally admitting too kidnapping and raping young girls. Specifically named two of them he said were his favorites.
"Breaking news!"
I snap my head towards the TV, where the breaking news came from. I silently sit there and stare at the TV, as his picture comes onto the TV screen.
"Its been a year since the conviction of William Quincy, who pleaded guilty to the charges of kidnapping and rape of several young girls" a womens voice says "he even gave the names of two of his favorite ones, saying the fought the hardest, so it made it harder but even more fun, now most people say hes sick in the head and needs to be taken care of"
I let the tears roll down my face, dropping my head to look at my bare body. The scars, I have because of him, ive never let Josh see me naked.
"Victoria Lancaster has been on the scene since nine am this morning" she says "Victoria are you there?"
"Yes, I've been here at the scene of the prison Quincy was held" Victoria says "guards say they found him this morning, in a pool of what seemed to be his own blood, this may be the best relief for those young girls he hurt, we got in touch with one who was able to give us some words"
Farrah, her face was on the screen much more she was telling our story on TV, live breaking news she was going to say what we all felt.
"When I heard, I didnt know what to feel honestly, sad, mad but also happy he was gone" Farrah started "I've dealt with it for a year now, my family was so supportive of me. I'm in a relationship, an I hope the others are too."
"Now I heard from the recordings and videos of Quincy he had two favorite girls" Victoria says "was that true?"
"Yeah, I got close to her, we protected each other and fought the hardest" Farrah says "I hope shes watching this,
Y/n I hope you're doing well"
I broke down into sobs, gasping for air. Suddenly I feel arms being wrapped around my tightly, making me scream in fear and tighten my whole body up before I start trying to get out the grip, I push and punch and cry. When I feel in free from the grip I curl into a ball and cry harder
"Please dont touch me" I sob, I hear movements "NO!!"
"Y/n" the voice is soft and caring "hey its sara, nothings happening to you honey"
"Sara.." I cry holding my hand out she gently takes it and helps me up
"Its me Bren and Josh" she soothes sitting me next to her on my bed "it's okay"
I steady breathing, as she rubs my back. Scared to open my eyes, but I do anyways and see her brendon laying on the floor and Josh by him, worried and sad look on his face
"Did you punch brendon?" Sara asks "yes, but look you're okay William Quincy can not hurt you anymore, hes gone"
"Josh..." I whisper, he looks hesitant but comes towards me, I look at silently pleading for him to hold me but hes hesitant before sara nods. He sits nscr to us and puts a blanket around me and holds me close to him.
"Why didnt you tell me" he asks
"It never came up, I thought I was okay by now.." I whisper "I didnt want you seeing my scared body"
"You're not fully gonna be okay and thats fine" he says "and you're beautiful, it shows how hard you fought to be alive"
"Josh is right" Brendon mutters
"I love you" Josh kisses my head, I just sit there until I feel myself get tired from the crying and screaming and fighting.
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Im Breaking™......
No, this is not ic. Life has just kind of.....come in and dry-fucked me sideways, and im literally breaking.
And.....i love my roommates, but i have snapped at both of them for how theyve worded things and their tone. And i cant explain to them the Magnitude™ of fuckery depression is putting me through.
My own family (despite being toxic) doesnt care about me, so why should i even try to look for a relationship?
I worl in fast food, and last part of my pay period i legit only have 5 hours logged. This part, right now, im at 10. My check next week is going to be so short, and on top of that, im -$58 in my bank account. The negative amount was my own doing and i admit to that. And im fine with that, itll get fixed next tues. But im desperately trying to find a new job, however, im being led on and i cant leave my shitty fast food job until ive got something secure. I almost have to pull two jobs, but i know my body cant do that. Not if i want sleep and to make sure i dont run myself ragged.
Back to my family for a moment, because thats something else entirely. But to start off, im right now 20 years old. Thats better context for a situation ill mention in a bit. Ok, so, my mom was pregnant at 17 with me, and i was mainly raised my my gran and great gran. Growing up, mom never MADE time for me. Unless she joined voluntarily, it was always "maybe later. Im tired", or, "you keep asking, im gonna tell you no" or my personal favorite (from my gran), "dont bombbard yout mom, she just got home from work". My gran was aloof herself. But not as bad as mom. When my depression really began to manifest, i was told (and this is the honest to god truth), to "stop acting like [my] father. he had self pity parties for himself all the time, and you dont wanna end up like him do you?" I had no dad. He was absent from 99.9% of my life. And thats ok. But for years i hated the way he was. The way he just was able to up and leave me when he did, i loathed it. Hell, i still dislike it, but ive forgiven. I had my mom, and well, she may as well have not been my mom at all.
Whenever i would try to vent about my struggles, she'd turn it to her and a BIG thing shed say was; "Well, i dropped out of high school at 17 while i was pregnant with you." And looking back, i think she lowkey resents me for the result of her life, even though it was her choice. Though, i digress.
My now ex boyfriend had said that whenever i spent the night with him, every time he'd move, i (while dead asleep), would follow him not too long after. And while i love snuggling, it took me years before now to realize i was affection deprived.
For 20 years, i was only given affection if they needed something. Whenever they said "I love you" i followed up with "what do you need?" because 9 times outta 10, they needed something. If my name was called, i always followed with "what did i do?" Because 9 times outta 10, i either did something wrong, or "its what you didnt do"
Even when i was suicidal and cutting myself, i wasnt taken to proper help. I apperently "just needed to get out of the house".
At one point this year my mom and aunt wanted to call the cops on my ex, just because i came home a day later than i was supposed to, and i couldnt tell them because of no phone service. Im 20, and i was not lost. I just wasnt where they wanted me to be.
Early this august, mom and i had a big fight. Basically i was sick of her shit (shed been laying around for 1.5 months not working or job hunting), and after my plan to move in with a friend (to get my life started) was weasled from me by my even shittier aunt, mom and i began to fight. I called her out on her bullshit, and she lunged to hit me. All i did was grab her upper arms in defense, and she walked away with fingertip shaped bruises. Thats it. I never wanted to hurt her physically. She stole my computer when i didnt give up my phone (which was a bday gift mind you), and also tried to assault me. But now everyone in my family thinks im the bad guy, but mom is so good at manipulation, no one will even consider my side of the story, much less listen to it.
TL;DR: Needless to say, im a broken woman whos breaking further, and my depression, despite so much progress, has come back with a vengance, and now im back to hating myself again, wanting to embrace the void via death, and no mus e
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ts-akhmim · 4 years
Episode 12 | “Beauty got problems and Brawn got problems”- Autumn
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wow. just wow. i sure did just do that and im so proud. i proved to myself im a deserving winner tonight. i will fight to the death to get my allies to the end because lets be real i sure am not making it KJSDFLASFLA.
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i was going to start this confessional out in a celebratory tone but YOU KNOW WHAT I STILL AM BECAUSE WE JUST DID THAT. I typically like to be my own biggest hater and drag myself in my confessionals a lot just as a way to clock myself and try to see the other perspective, but BITCH I KNOW I SNAPPED THIS ROUND AND IF YOU DONT THINK I DID LEMME HIT YOU WITH SOME FACTS; FACT: I CORRECTLY USED MY ADVANTAGE AND WON IMMUNITY DURING WHAT WAS A PERTINENT ROUND https://media.tenor.com/images/6c2f88af1bd5a24853849df11a566947/tenor.gif FACT: UPON FINDING OUT I HAD IMMUNITY I KNOW DEVON WAS COMING TO ME TRYING TO KEEP ME UNDER HIS WING, OH YEAH ADAM, JUST VOTE IN THE MINORITY, AND GO ALONG WITH BEING AT THE BOTTOM, AND IT WAS M E DECIDING I DIDNT WANT TO DO THAT AND SPILLING THE TEA THAT LED TO GETTING AN OUTCOME I WANTED https://media.tenor.com/images/6c2f88af1bd5a24853849df11a566947/tenor.gif FACT: it was ME who also went to autumn/ali and started planting seeds of doubt in their minds about jake and it's turning out it's helped me solidify my position with them better https://media.tenor.com/images/6c2f88af1bd5a24853849df11a566947/tenor.gif FACT: It's also still me who's aligned with 2 or 3, if you include jake, of the biggest targets left in the game and i already have augusto and amir sliding in my pms trying to play pity me boo hoo hoo like gorl plea im not buying it but yall wanna keep singing kumbaya? well ill sing the encore and be twice as fake as yall (i DO love them both as people just as a disclaimer but from a game perspective? they're beasts!) https://media.tenor.com/images/6c2f88af1bd5a24853849df11a566947/tenor.gif ok, boasting over, time to hop off cloud nine and get back to reality because FACT: we all just made a big move, so the target on all of us, including myself, just went up, FACT: i could easily be delusional and maybe i had NOTHING to do with this blindside SJDFA but lemme bask in my fake glory anyway itll be funny to read after at least... FACT: The war has truly only just begun, that was a great victory but if me/ali/autumn are really in it like we're saying, we may still have another idol on our side, but we're gonna need more than that, it's kinda funny we're one brain, one brawn, one beauty and i think that speaks volumes i truly love these gals and think this is a good game route for me. some people might think it's foolish of me to align with the big threats and go deep with them, but who's to say im not worthy of being in their company? if it wasnt for my social connection with devon he wouldve never told me the plan, and then autumn is the smart one so she kept us composed and together, and then ali was the brawn he had the idol and got the job done. So im gonna just try and stick with this for now, hopefully they feel the same and dont try to oust me right away because then ill look like a whole fool and a half OOP, and ill plaster my fake smiles on for everyone else and kiki it up we can haha hehe all day long but i wont hesitate to vote them out because trust and believe. 
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Last Day 30 was my last day playing TS: Guyana, so this is a nice feeling to still be here. But now the fun kicks in. Jakey helped orchestrate the Devon blindside with the Ali idol, so I guess we're even. And now, assuming Jakey is still actually with me, which I think he is, I think we can run this game for the longrun. He has access to Ali, Autumn, and Adam and I have access to the three Beauties. I truly see this being beneficial for the both of us in terms of keeping one another safe and allowing us to get to the final six unharmed. Final six is important for me. I'm not sure if I've admitted this in an earlier confessional or not, but I have the Legacy Advantage (thank you Jordan Pines!) that I can use at six. So I just need to survive two more tribals. If I can do that, I have a seat in the final five, probably two more rounds to survive before getting to FTC, and then I have a shot. I really need to start building a resume if I want to win this game, but I think I have a chance. I really need to get Ali and Autumn out in these next three rounds. If I can do that, I see myself being able to make the end with the likes of Jakey, Kendall, Augusto, and maybe Adam (Amir will become a threat at five or six I think) and then I have at least a shot at the win, but I really need to keep my head down, keep the social game going, and make a move or two here.
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so. i think i have some explaining to do JKLASDFA huh? i was on calls for the like three hours before tribal so i didn't really confess at all.. in fact i think in my last confessional i said that we were voting 4-3-3 which did not happen at all so i think i need to fill in some gaps huh? so... i have known since like 11pm EST yesterday that i was getting votes tonight. devon told, adam told me and then told autumn, but then autumn didn't want to tell me until later in the day which i honestly do think was fair so we weren't spiralling for hours. we were all sus of jake all day (and lowkey i still am?)... like i dont know when his energy because so shady, plus devon may have told adam that jake was in on the plan? plus he kept saying stuff like the vote has gone "back to kendall" and kept pushing me not to play the idol... something does not add up right with that. anyway so that demonic group of five voted for me, and lied SO much to make me leave with my idol? like why not just make me paranoid, leak the vote to adam or jake then vote autumn get me to waste an idol and then autumn leaves? now that would've been a good move hello?! but that group does not know how to blindside, idols have sabotaged their plans twice and amir/augusto should consider themselves lucky that they are still in the game. also kendall fought me at tribal because i was being cocky... but she literally tried to blindside me into leaving with an idol hello?! i appreciate that she thought she was going, but she is zero to too much way too quick. augusto can literally suck my ass our call was him and his bad excuse for jury management, like can he at least be like amir and pretend to want to work with me? anyway so moving forwards, i wanna vote out kendall or augusto this round. amir can stick around because he at least pretends to wanna work with me plus he is a threat too. idek i just want all the fake people in this tribe gone. i will not vote for adam, autumn or jake. i will vote for any of the others, im not fussed about the order in which i do so. im living on borrowed time in this game and im going to make it count
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Sorry this is two parts I thought my friend was gonna die lol but she's fine. Remember kids, there's no dick worth dying over and a straight guy rejecting you is a blessing in disguise these days (considering the alternatives). 
Now on with the show hahaha 
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-AkqQGDYzlccP1VFwpPNo-aCQPFmoj9Z https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bVcBqq0JL2-ybgTiS2vOrYURbCG0kIxh
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thots on final 8: augusto: would cut me to win, literal love of my life, super kind and empathetic and genuinely good person, i think his social game is fire and i think he has a way with people, and downplays how smart and cutthroat he really is constantly, but i love the kid so much ali: the brit has to die ali again: okay im kidding i like him a lot but tbh hes a smart fucking guy, i think hes super cool and and also a badass with that idol play, hes a force but he has to go soon autumn: lana stan, coolest girl around, queen of the social game, queen of likability, queen of controlling rounds and letting others take the hit, a damn threat, she could win this game   tj: sweetheart, we need each other in the game rn, i need need need to secure his loyalty adam: hes kinda crazy but he has a good heart, kinda just following ali and autumn rn, not gonna win in the end kendall: i have a soft spot for this crackhead, she deserves the world, probably cant win at the end but im happy i met her, shes on my side and a vote i can use moving forward jakey: love him to death would die 4 him, would beat me in the end and at immunities also the fact that kendall augusto and i are all still here is so fucking funny, like bitch how kejwnfkewjnfkejnwfkjnewkfnewk cockroaches
So numbers on surface Jakey - adam - autumn - Ali Kendall - Amir - Augusto - tj Round 5: Adam - Ali - autumn Amir - kendall - Augusto In the middle: jakey - tj So I just have to work on them 
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when i tell you ive been hooting and hollering what the fuck is going on in the survivor on this day, who the hell would've thought id win my third individual immunity in one season, gorl that is probably the most 2020 thing to happen in this game. although two of them pretty much were dumb luck afdjks either that or maybe im doing a little better than i think i truly dont know, and the touchy subjects clocked me on THAT as; what was it they said, 'the person they forget is in the game' and also 'least aware of their place' okay well yes im AWARE ive BEEN lost and asking for help this whole game gorl! But that's great, that's how i want people to view me, because uh... i just won 3 of these things now and that alone is reason to target me, granted im doing my best to play it up like dont worry! im just a dumb dumb! and clearly theyre eating that up like crazy, because it's both just the truth but also strategy if i keep playing it up, so watch out meryl, adam's in town! also LOVE that i knew i was gonna get most likely to have the idol i dont know how many times i have to say it IM INNOCENT AND BEING FRAMED FOR A FOOL and ooh dont even get me started on all the other tea it spilled, i actually got the LEAST of the bad things, i guess i kinda exposed myself because i made most of my chops at amir, augusto, and tj oop, so they probably didnt like that but they really left me no choice strategically, screw with me, i screw back, simple as that. As far as the vote too ummm.....it's been quiet tonight on my end so hope that doesnt make me a fool because this time last vote was a disaster, at this point im still thinking i need to stick with ali and autumn because this vote is so pertinent, after this a solid 4  can take it, or get as far as we can because im always keeping my options open OOP, but for the most part i do want to stay true to my good judys for now, but i know someone between amir/augusto/kendall has an idol and if they were smart theyd use it this round, so i need to convince the others of this because im sure its gonna happen since they dont think ali has one anymore hopefully but who knows, if it were up to me we'd vote augusto or tj this vote. I think amir has the idol and i think he's going to play it for himself this round or i could see augusto playing it for him, so if i can make anyone belive that very realistic scenario, we can get one of the ones theyd least expect just to ensure us the numbers for next round, but what do i know, they just forget im in the game anyway! so hopefully tomorrow someone tries to give me the tea and we get a plan together or else i spilled all the tea last round for nothing which is worst case scenerio 
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yesterday was a lot. I went an apology tour to everyone involved in my blindside and honestly it was annoying. the fact that augusto basically got me to apologise to him on our call when he blindsided me was irritating, like he just let me sit there and take fault when the point of the call was for him to take accountability. talking to him is like talking to 2018 me, he has such social ability, but he just takes zero accountability and is just so infuriatingly wishy-washy. he is all of my worst attributes as a player rolled into one. i also... almost won immunity? which is crazy, but I just found yesterday and the way immunity played out so frustrating, but I've spoken about it enough in my host chat enough. just know i feel robbed, slighted and if I get rocked out this round when i should have immunity. i will throw a fuss again SAJDKFLAS. anyway so this vote is gonna be a mess. tj and autumn now have a blood feud, Kendall and jake came to a head this round. so that's four people whose name i hopefully am not their number #1 target, plus i don't think adam is targetting me? but this vote is going to be a mess, because it very very easily could be 4-4, where there is an idol on both sides of the trench. i have a gut feeling amir and his sock puppets are going to vote autumn. it makes sense, tj wants her gone and the beauties need him reeled in. so i think im going to have to idol autumn, but that is risky because if the 4 vote jake... im going to rocks, and if they vote me, im reliant on jake going to rocks. but i just wanna send all these people backing, especially augusto. amir i'm trying to shake him that me and him have to stick together, but i also could vote for him. i literally just want to make F7 and to vote someone who just voted me out. that is literally all i want. if i go home i will be literally devastated
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So like… there’s the dream and there’s the harsh reality which is something this round really talk me. The dream is obviously me winning, making all these big moves, and doing THAT. However, my reality? Could very well be that people don’t see me as a winner at all and it makes me a little disappointed but I gotta prove them all wrong. The vote last round being Ali was honestly mostly my doing and I’m proud of that. My ideal boot order is Autumn/Ali then Jakey then Autumn/Ali and that is GOING to happen because I’m putting that into the universe. When it comes to Autumn and Ali, I would rather Ali go but I think the safest bet while still having a target leave would be Autumn. In a way too, I do know Amir wants Ali out moreso alongside Jakey but I wanna separate my game from Amir so yeah. Also Adam calling me a fake ass bitch even tho my drunk ass was telling him I liked him was a gag… but oh well.. Nothing grinds my gears more than people thinking I’m not being genuine with how I feel towards them but if that’s what he thinks, maybe that’s what he’ll get idk… i feel petty and mad for some reason over it… BUT ANYWAY, I just want to survive this vote. I hope Kendall doesn’t go but she also said she wants me to win over Amir so yay?
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If I die, I just wanna say I regret nothing and I have full confidence that the right person will win this season. So not TJ, Augusto, or Amir lmaaaaooo. Amir entering the two time winner chat??? Over my dead fucking body. If there's one thing Imma do it's poison a jury
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Ali or Autumn... who shall we vote? Stay tuned!
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Is Jess really Canadian... stay tuned!
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god. today is gonna be another nailbiter and i want to confess first. so the plan is to idol autumn and vote out kendall, which sucks because i do now like kendall. i just think its the safest way of avoiding them playing an idol i guess, i don't even know. i just am sick of fighting in this game every single round me and autumn have had to fight to make it past. the fact jake is throwing a fit in my pms becuase im not idoling him is infuriating because... i'd love to idol myself? like? anyway im over it. if i go home, i hope tj can finally stop his blind fixation on autumn and i, that augusto can actually be accountable for one entire thing, amir can stop his pity party and show awareness for his threat level and that kendall... well actually kendall is fine. i just feel like im a mum trying to get all my kids to fit in a minivan and to put their seatbelts on, like can they get it together.
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I don’t think anyone is ready for this round or at least what’ll come of it... I’m expecting an explosion or a mess given Jakey thinks he’s staying, TJ has been lied to, and hopefully Autumn or Adam leave next... its all a mess. If Jakey goes, I’m planning a 2-2-2 split between Autumn and Adam where we maybe get Autumn out but Adam leaving doesn’t hurt either. 
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me with biggest villian, biggest backstabber, thinks they are running the game, is running the game, and is gonna win at the end http://prntscr.com/ss4h5q
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literally god demolished and brutalized worse than anyone in this game tonight in that touchy subjects yet I’m also the one comforting like half the tribe over their answers even tho I ADKWNWQJN WAS ATTACKT LIKE this cast literally thinks im a psychopath fjebwfjenkn but im not gonna play victim over my superlatives i just have to use this target on my back strategically 
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I want destruction AHHHHHHHHHHhhHhHhHhHhHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Okay so, they think me or Augusto have the idol, so they can vote kendall, to ensure our idol isn’t played and that me and Augusto and tj are forced into rocks, and im just like trying to get everyone to stop replying to ali cuz hes smart and he will psychoanalyze and figure out who to play the idol on and like he has to play it on autumn and not himself so pls pls pls kkjnkjenfs let this work
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