#and they go back to see them! maybe bring mia to visit as well!
chaotic-goodsir · 5 months
Some thoughts about the BBC ghosts finale, because it was inevitable that I'd have some rambling to do after watching:
It seems like there's a lot of annoyance and disappointment around the finale, which is fair when so many people had high expectations. Personally I didn't mind it - maybe it wasn't the show's best episode, but I think it ended the only way it could.
Before Mia, Alison was constantly entertaining and paying attention to the ghosts, because she's a caring person who chose to use her gift to get to know them and try to give them new experiences. She didn't have to do that. She could have moved out sooner, or tried to arrange an exorcism that worked, or taught herself to ignore the ghosts completely. Plenty of people in her position might have done those things, but Alison chose to make a family out of the bunch of dead weirdos she found herself stuck with.
She made time for all the ghosts while somehow also making time for Mike AND finding uses for the massive crumbling house that neither of them asked to inherit - not to mention helping to organise repairs and archeological digs and viewings and so on. That's honestly impressive and it sounds exhausting. There's no way she or Mike could have continued to live that way while also taking care of a child.
Something I love about Ghosts is the way it addresses mundane but important themes - things like home, friendship, family, grief and support for one another. It's not a perfect show by any means and but for a silly fun comedy it's also surprisingly thoughtful and soft, and kind to all of its characters (even Julian and Barclay!) despite their flaws. It deals with topics that most people can relate to, and mostly it handles them in an honest, kind and realistic way. I think that's part of what has made it so popular.
So Alison leaving, and the Ghosts advising her to, makes sense to me. The ghosts might stay the same forever, but Alison and Mike (and Mia) are living people with their own stories ahead of them. Even in found families and close-knit friend groups, things change. Dynamics shift. Not everyone can remain as closely tied to the group as they might have been before.
That doesn't have to be a loss or a betrayal. Things changing doesn't mean that they are ruined. Alison goes back to visit the ghosts for the rest of her life - she makes sure they know that they aren't forgotten. And the ghosts stick around for her as well (or at least, we can assume they all do). Their relationship as friends is not less important than Alison and Mike's new family, it just needs less attention, because the ghosts are adults and can survive (or, uh, exist?) by themselves. I don't think it's out of character or poor writing to show them letting Alison have some space. It's what good friends might do to support a friend who, for whatever reason, can't be around as much anymore.
Overall I didn't completely love the finale. I wish it had been a double episode, and I've seen some posts saying Alison deserved more opportunity to be her usual chaotic self before she became an exhausted new mother, which I agree with. I think the fact they threw in a speech tying everything to Christmas just because it was a Christmas special was a bit annoying, if unavoidable. But it was sweet and a good way to say goodbye to one of my favourite shows.
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gingernut1314 · 6 months
Confidence: Sanji
Sanji x F!Reader
Summary: Sanji is taken with you from the moment he lays eyes on you at the beach. And when you come up to him at the small tiki bar, flirty and all so confident, he can't help but become fully enamored with you. You hitch a ride with the Straw Hat crew and grow ever closer to their chef, but will you let go of all the things that keep you from giving in to his enamored feelings for you?
Warnings: tiniest bit of angst, some fluff, some alcohol use, mild talk of age difference (like mild, mild--also everyone in this fic is 18+), smut (p in v, oral (f!reader receiving))
Word Count: 4.0K
A/N: Here is the first part of the four-part, requested mini-series I couldn't just keep sort and sweet lol
(@fanaticsnail I couldn't help but add in his tongue piercing cause you've brought it to my attention and I can't not unsee it and I need it in my lifeee!!)
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It doesn’t take much to get Sanji falling head over heels for you.
A beautiful lady in a bikini all stretched out over a beach towel for all to see??
He’s dying to know you in an instant--to wine and dine you with a meal prepared just for your delicate and, obviously, refined taste buds.
He hasn’t even spoken a word to you and he is imagining his life with you by his side.
His crew mates are less than love-struck. 
They grumbled and repairman him before Nami was grabbing him by the scruff of his collar, dragging him away from your beauty. A beauty which shone as bright as the sun you bathed in. Shone maybe even more so bright than the sun.
Your attention was pulled away from your book upon hearing a forlorned shout, looking up just in time to watch a flash of sandy hair and black fabric disappear into the seaside town. You gave a little shrugging humph before returning to your romance novel.
That night, you made your way into the tiki bar that boarded the beach you had reluctantly left once the sun had set, it a crowded mess of tourists visiting from the other side of the island and locals of this town.
You weren’t local, neither from the town or the island it was on, but had been here long enough to learn a few names and have a few learn yours.
You were a traveler. Someone whose broken heart drove you from your home in the South Blue to brave that of the Grand Line. 
It was a feat you were proud of in itself, having made it with no harm to your person and with just a few less berries to your name. A few thousand barries you had paid a pirate crew to bring you here, only for them to leave you stranded on this island, whose people never left and never had any reason to sail the seas. 
“Pirates.” Was the first thing the bartender you had gotten to know all too well said.
Pirates. It was very rare anyone came to this island, let alone pirates. So rare that the last time a pirate had stepped foot on this island, it had been to dump you here. 
That had been a year ago.
He pointed out two standing at the other side of the bar, one green-haired and brooding while the other was blond and flirting up a storm with Mia, the second bartender, who smiled and nodded at whatever he was saying.
The rest of them sat by the back of the tiki bar, waiting for their friends. Two were a constant stream of words and bouncing energy, while the girl looked very much unamused at their shenanigans. 
They were too--young. Too happy looking. Too un-pillagey. Very un-pirate like in your opinion and experience. 
You took your chances with the two at the bar, thinking the green-haired one looked the most captain-y.
You grabbed your drink before walking over to the two, running a hand over the blond’s broad shoulders and leaning against the bar next to him in one fluid motion. You pulled your most playful and flirtatious smile on your lips, taking hold of the curly straw in your drink as he stopped his conversations with Mia to look upon you with sea-blue eyes, one of which hid behind a lock of his blond hair.
“Hello, handsome.” You all but purred up at him. He stared down at you in something like shock. Shock that quickly turned excited and, if you weren’t just seeing things, all but enamored. 
Sanji was enamored by you. By your bright smile and voice and utter confidence as you stood next to him. A confidence he gravitated towards like you were the center of his universe.
“It’s you,” Sanji said, his breathy voice accented in a way you adored. “Such a beauty I had thought lost to me.” He continued, taking hold of your hand in his own.
“We’ve met?” You questioned, watching as he placed a soft, warm kiss on your knuckles that had your cheeks heating.
A kiss your skin burned through Sanji’s lips like the hottest of fires--a kiss he yeared to place on your lips. A kiss he wished to press along every inch of you skin you had to offer. 
“Unfortunately not madam. I saw your stunning glow on the beach upon our arrival. I’m Sanji.” You thought back to the beach. To that shout and flash of sandy hair you had seen. 
Him. It had been Sanji who you had caught a blurred glimpse at.
“Y/N. And how unfortunate indeed, right when I was in need of some help applying lotion to my back. I’m all burnt to a crisp now.” Sanji’s eyes widened as he scanned over your body, which still wore your bikini top and now a tie-on skirt. His cheeks flushed at your comment making a giggle spill from your lips.
“Forgive me. How could I have allowed such a thing happen to skin as fair as yours?” He was quick to say back in a flirty tone to match your own.
My oh my was he handsome and charming and--young. He was young. It was a fact that had you pulling your hand away from his despite the near heartbroken, puppy dog-like look he gave you.
“Allow me to make it up to you,” Sanji said, moving just the much closer in your hand's absence--needing to be closer to your glorious smile and confidence. 
“Allow me to rid myself of this horrible situation.” Sanji’s green-haired crewmate gruffed, pushing off the bar with two beers clutched in one hand, a cocktail in the other, and what looked like a glass of milk tucked against his scarred, exposed chest and the crook of his elbow. 
“I am actually looking for your captain.” You spoke quickly before the green-haired one could rush away. He narrowed his eyes down at you suspiciously. “I assume that must be you?” Sanji scoffed, gaining your attention once more. You watched him grab up the wine he had ordered, his half-obscured blue eyes returning back on you in seconds.
“That old mosshead? I think not.” The green-haired one huffed, thoroughly annoyed, before walking off towards where the rest of their crew sat. “Our captain would be one who ordered a chilled glass of milk.” He said with an amused chuckle as you watched the green-haired swordsmen hand out drinks. The milk went to the bouncy, straw hat-wearing boy who looked the youngest of the bunch. 
That was their captain?
“Come, I’ll introduce you.” Sanji introduced you to his captain, who had been very excited to meet you. You sat, drank, and bartered with their navigator for passage off this little isolated of island for the rest of the night. 
A good handful of berries had won her over and the next day you had been sailing off aboard their ship; The Going Merry.
And two months later you were still sailing with them, despite the various islands you had come across. None had felt right. None had been as full of adventure and fun as it was on the Merry with the Straw Hats. 
It had been two months you spent helping Sanji in the kitchen. Two months of dishwashing, food prepping, and constant flirting back and forth with the crew’s chef. 
Two months Sanji spent pining and pining after you. He had done everything to try and win your affections. Flirting, cooking meals, buying you gifts. But nothing. Nothing besides a thank you and a sad little look as you pulled away when he started trying to confess such feelings for you. 
But Sanji was determined to win your heart. To win your playful smile, your kind soul, and your electric confidence. To have you be his. 
So, on a night when your brightness had been overwhelming and the kitchen was all cleaned up and empty, he confessed his feelings for you. Confessed them quickly and all too rushed for his taste, but it was necessary when he knew you would be quick to shut him down--to laugh it off as more filtrations. 
“Y/N, sunshine--I am deeply and utterly enamored by you.” You stared up at him. Stared up at him as your face grew more and more panicked. A panic he felt himself become as well. He grabbed hold of your hands, holding them gently as he pulled you closer. Holding onto them as if they were a lifeline. He leaned down so he could look into your eyes--eyes that had crept into his dreams. Eyes he wished to look into until he turned to dust and returned to the earth. 
“You are who I wish to spend my days and nights with--and I mean it. You are stunning--and kind and confident. You give me the strength to find my own confidence.” 
“I--Sanji…” His heart beat painfully in his chest as you hesitated. As that panicked look turned near saddened--hurt. It was an old hurt, he knew. A hurt you had told him little of. Just enough to know you had been hurt horribly, it sending you from your home to wonder about the dangers of the Grand Line. 
“I can’t--you don’t mean that.” He pulled your hands to cradle them to his chest, where his heart beat like some drum. 
“I do. Every word.” You swallowed against the dryness in your throat. Because you wanted to accept his words. You wanted to allow your feelings to rush free to meet Sanji’s own feelings, but you couldn’t. You shook your head, feeling your eyes burn. Sanji’s face stayed so--loving. So ready to give you everything he had to give. 
“Tell me why? If you feel even an inkling of what I do for you, please, please tell me why?” Sanji pleaded--begged you. 
“Because…Sanji, you deserve someone better than me. I-I’m broken. Too old and too hardened by past mistakes and loves. And you--” You gave a sad little sigh, looking into those blue eyes of his. “You’re bright and shining and so full of life and love. You have your whole life ahead of you--dreams to keep you going and I--”
“How could I ever possibly wish to achieve my dreams without you by my side every step of the way? How could I possibly even dream if I didn’t have you near?” You shook your head to disagree, but Sanji was quick to take your face in his warm hands. Hands you grabbed onto, squeezing your eyes shut. 
“Too old, too hardened, too broken.” He said with a shake of his head, thumbs brushing over your cheeks. You reopened your blurry eyes to look up at him, to find a small, comforting smile on his lips. “Hardly. Not when you make me feel so alive. When I wake up excited to see your smile and hear your voice and bask in your utter confidence I could never get enough of. You make me feel alive--you make me feel everything you think I am without you.” 
Hot tears escaped your eyes as you reached your hands to brush over the skin of his cheeks. To brush his face gently down closer to your own, which he did eagerly. 
Noses brushed, then lips, until Sanji was closing the microscopic distances between you two. He kissed you soft and sweet. Kissed all the sweet, sweet words he had spoken into your lips. 
You kissed him back just as sweet. Just as soft. A kiss you pressed all the devotion and love you held for him into. A kiss you deepened by allowing his tongue access to your mouth--a tongue that a bit of metal was pierced under. A piercing he had shown you after you had playfully teased him about being too much of a goody-to-shoes. He said it was his own little bit of rebellion. 
Sanji’s hands moved over your back until they came to rest on your hips, grabbing you closer to him. You allowed your own hands to roam over his strong body, feeling the muscle hidden beneath his blue and white striped shirt--muscles you had seen on the special occasions he decided to train out on the deck. He grabbed your wrists just as your fingertips reached his belt.
He pulled away, looking so cutely flustered with his lips all swollen from your kiss, breath coming out in short puffs, and face almost as red as a tomato. 
“Here?” He questioned.
“Unless you wish for an audience? Then in that case, let us pick a room--” You teased, turning to walk towards the exit.
“No.” Sanji grit, cutting you off before you could keep agonizing him. He gave your waist a small little tug back into himself. “Only I get to see you--devour you and your beauty.” That playful smirk of yours pulled to your lips in a way that had Sanji’s stomach twisting and heart nearly stopping at its beauty. 
“Oh? Is that so?” You continued to tease, making Sanji’s flush deepen. You brushed your fingers over his cheek, feeling the warmth of the flush you had put there. “Then that must mean you’re only mine to see?” You traced the heart-shaped curve of his upper lips on feather-light fingertips. “To devour?” Sanji nodded--nodded in a rush that had you chuckling. 
“Yes.” He said, his voice as low and as breezy as a whisper. 
“Good.” You said just as whispery low and breezy before gently pulling Sanji back in. Back into that soft, devotion-filled kiss that sent warm strings of warmth flowing from your lips throughout your entire body. 
Sanji’s grip grabbed for your waist again, holding you close once more as he turned and guided you backward until the backs of your hips hit the island you had just helped clean. Before you could protest against dirtying it once more, Sanji was hosting you up to sit on its gleaming surface. 
“Sanji, you prepare food--” You started, but he silenced you with another warm kiss. 
“You were the one who suggested the kitchen, sunshine.” He said, kissing down your jaw and throat. Your fingers brushed through the bits of blond hair on the nape of his neck. “And I will be having one last meal for the night, so it is only reasonable I prepare it here.” 
You hummed as he kissed over your collarbone, hardly registering what he had truly said. Words that processed in your brain as he placed an open-mouthed kiss over the swell of your breast. Your fingers tightened in his hair as he licked a wet strip over your cleavage. 
“Yes. Only reasonable.” Sanji paused, those beautiful blue eyes flicking up to meet your own.
“Really?” You nodded in a yes that had that charming smile, which had stolen your heart the moment you had first laid eyes on it, cross his features. A smile that made him look all that much more bright and handsome. You felt his hands move from your hips downward over your legs, which you had wrapped around his waist. 
“You know,” You said, voice faltering the slightest bit when his hands found the bare skin of your legs, running right back up them. The feel of his warm palms and the cold metal of the ring he wore on his middle finger sent goosebumps rising over your body, their tingling only spreading and staying. “most men wouldn’t be so…eager to suggest such a thing.” 
“Most men waste without a second thought.” He said, fingers finding the edge of your underwear. His eyes lit with the same excitement you saw in him when you would compliment his meals using specific cooking lingo you had learned from listening to him talk about it. “May I?” You nodded on a breathy yes that lodged in your throat the second he began pulling the thin fabric down and off your legs. 
He placed them on the countertop with a care that you knew wasn’t needed but was grateful for seeing as those were your favorite pair. It only added to your ever-growing liking of the chef, now placing one of your ankles over his shoulder, blue eyes filling ever more in that excitement as he gazed upon your needy pussy. 
“So beautiful, sunshine. So perfect.” You couldn’t help the little whimper that spilled from your lips at the words. Words that had your body zapping and singing in need right alongside your core. 
You leaned back on your elbows as you helped along the process your pussy was begging to end. A process of trailing kisses up your inner leg and fingers that traced shapeless figures into your skin. 
“Sanji--please.” You begged, lightly tugging at him with the foot lying behind his neck. Sanji's breath brushed over your throbbing core and made another whimper fall from your lips. 
“Yes--yes, of course.” He grabbed your other leg and wrapped it over his shoulder where you hooked your legs together to pull him ever closer to your pussy, which begged right alongside you. 
Sanji placed another kiss to your inner thigh--then to the bit of skin that connected your core to your hip before running that pierced tongue through your all but dripping folds. He moaned against your taste and you felt your body burn from it. From just the mere knowledge that he was enjoying tasting you. 
He did more than taste you. He sucked and licked and devoured you like he was eating his favorite meal. 
He ate you in a way that had your heart beating fast against your chest and your body squirming in his sold grip around your hips. Ate you in a mind-numbing, pleasure-rolling way that had you moaning his name so loud you had to slap a hand over your lips to keep from alerting the rest of the crew. 
That pleasure built and built in you until it was pouring out of you in a viciously electric wave. 
Your head fell back against the countertop as you finished, chest heaving up and down rapidly.
But Sanji didn’t stop. He dipped that pierced tongue deep within you, collecting all you had given him into his mouth before attacking your clit once more. 
“S-Sanji--oh my gods--” You whimpered out as you grabbed hold of his writs, which hardly faltered under your weak attempt to pull him away. It was too good--too much for you in your recent, post-come state. “Holy--I’m gonna come again--” You whined out, feeling that electric pleasure begin to build again. An electricity that zipped and zapped around your body before releasing it in a shaking flood. 
You didn’t hold your moan back as you came yet again on his tongue. 
Sanji pulled away then, looking as if he had come himself--his eyes lust-glazed and lips puffy from use. 
“F-fuck Sanji.” You breathed, reaching for that soft face of his. He let your legs fall from his shoulder as he leaned into your touch. 
“I’m sorry, sunshine…” He said sheepishly, his nose brushing against your own. “You just tasted too good to let go.” You gave a low curse before claiming his mouth against yours once more. A mouth you could taste yourself on--a fact that had your body buzzing again.
Your hands roamed over his strong neck, over his broad shoulders, and down his chest and muscle-ripped abdomen before finding their home at his belt. Your fingers made quick work of undoing his belt, which you placed just as gently on the countertop as he had done for your underwear, before going for his button. 
“Are--are you sure, sunshine?” He asked, pulling away enough to look into your eyes. 
“Yes. I want to repay you.” Sanji shook his head the slightest bit.
“You don’t need to repay me for anything.” You kissed his chin as you unbuttoned and zipped down his pants, loosening them around the erection that had been trapped beneath them.
“But I want to.” You kissed his chin again as you slowly pulled his pants down. “Unless you wish to stop?” Sanji’s grip around your hips tightened the slightest bit. 
“No. Not unless you wish it.” You smiled, running your finger over the edge of his underwear. 
“No. I want to have you in every sense of the phrase.” A small little noise sounded in his throat that had your smile widening. Had you slowly pulling his underwear down and allowing his cock to spring free, its warm skin hitting your hand. You bit your lips as you looked over the wonderful sight, it twitching under your gaze. 
“So beautiful, sweetheart. So perfect.” You said, mimicking his earlier words and meaning every one of them. He kissed your temple.
Wrapping your fingers around the smooth bit of flesh, you gave him one, gentle pump that had Sanji all but gasping for air. He fell forward, face burying itself into the crook of your neck and hands clutching at your dress for dear life. 
So sensitive You thought as you kissed the shell of his ear. If he was this sensitive against your hand, you were eager to see his reaction to being inside you. You pumped him again as you scooted yourself closer to his awaiting cock. 
“Ready, sweetheart?” You murmured into his ear, your other hand coming to run through his hair in comfort. He nodded, kissing your neck. 
You hummed as you ran the tip of his cock through your folds, lining him up perfectly against your entrance, allowing him to easily sink into you. Your hum turned into a moan as your pussy stretched and flexed deliciously around his cock, allowing him to sit within you comfortably. 
“Darling--sunshine--gods you feel so, so good.” He huffed against your throat, making you wrap your legs fully around his waist to pull him deeper within you--so that his hips pressed against yours in a way that had him gasping for air all over again. 
“So good, sweetheart.” You praised back, letting him adjust to your warmth. You nudged his face with your own, kissing at his cheeks so that you could claim his lips against yours again. Lips that, once molded against yours, spurred him to move within you. Move in small thrusts that kept him close to you. Kept every little bit of skin that was exposed to the world covered and touching. 
Breath became heavy against each other's lips. Lips that parted and allowed your tongues to dance with each other in a wet dance of passion. 
You tugged lightly at his hand to unravel itself from his white knuckle grip on your dress so that you could direct him to your clit. 
Sparks shot through your body as he began to rub circles into it. Circles that copied his shallow thrusts making your mind spin with it. 
Sanji moaned a warning into your mouth about his quickly approaching end. You nodded, wanting him to come whenever he needed to--wanting him to feel no pressure when it came to such a thing because he had already given you more than most ever would. But he held out. Held out until you were moaning your own warning, the walls of your pussy fluttering around his cock until that build became unbearable to stop. 
As soon as you came, Sanji buried himself deep and spilled strings of come into you. 
Your body slumped against Sanji’s body, which slumped right back against you. Your panting breaths melded together and filled the once more quiet kitchen. 
“Sun-sunshine?” You hummed in acknowledgment, running your fingers up and down the back of his neck. “I think--I think I might love you.” Your heart fluttered like some caged bird in your chest at his confession. 
His second confession of the night. 
“I…” You started as your mind thought of the reason you had even come to the Grand Line in the first place. A reason that had whispered sweet nothings in your ear before tearing you down on the next breath. 
This--Sanji--was not them. Sanji was different. It was something you had come to know early on. Sanji was someone you could laugh with and be around without feeling less than yourself. Without having to prove yourself worthy of his attention. Of his love.
“I love you too.” You confessed back.
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Tags: @writingmysanity
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jeonsbabygirlsworld · 2 months
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SUMMARY: Life was easy until you meet the eye candy of your life and the adventure with him is a hell of ride, but there is certain someone who seems to get hurt in this.
PAIRINGS: Bartender Yoongi X reader (ft Gynecologist Jungkook)
WARNINGS: Smut, reader is a flustered cause of course its Jungkook, eekkk Eunwoo is here as well! but he's here only for this chapter, that's it ig, Jungkook is Mia, but he soon will be here!!
SMUT WARNINGS: Doggy, blowjob, fingering, cum eating.
Note: this is inspired by a web series and I’m GONNA EDIT IT, I’m not gonna make it a whole ass 3 season containing 10-12 episodes per season and I felt like I could do something with this series. Thankyou
Work work work......
these past days it's been hell for you from the meetings and cracking up deals you were tired of it , but you still showed up every other day at the office. The interns and other employees did no good when they were asked to fill up your place when you were late for the office.
What kept you alive between this constant hectic schedule was a shot of vodka to wash down all the stress at your and the girl's favourite bar, you guys would spend the almost whole night until it was Yoongi telling you it was time to close the bar for the day.
Just like any other Friday night, you were here with your girls chatting about all the stuff which happened this week and they try to console you saying it's all right and you will pass through it, both of the girls then reach over to give you a warm hug.
Spending a few hours with them Chae gets a call from her husband telling her that he desperately needs help with the 3-year-old. “I'm sorry guys I have to leave, Yu-Jin seems to have a fever and she needs me” Chae says grabbing her purse and getting ready to leave.
Telling Chae a very goodbye and telling her to take care, Yuna is the next one to leave after she gets a call from her girlfriend, she hesitates to look at you, and you tell her it is fine and she can leave, she initiated a small hug and presses kiss on your forehead before she apologizes again.
Feeling alone in this busy bar, you see a busy Yoongi serving drinks on the countertop with Taehyung right beside him, maybe he saw you staring at him so you wave your hand and ask him if it's okay if you can come and sit there, he says he's more than happy to have you there.
"Hey, miss how are you? doing okay?" Yoongi asks before serving the last customer for the time being and telling Taehyung to look after them, "I'm okay I guess work is killing me, the meetings and the deals and whatnot is what I'm bored of you tell me?" Sighing you wait for him to answer, and he chuckles and says he's completely fine.
Yoongi places two glasses in front of you one for him and the other one for you of course, pouring in some of your favourite Japanese malts you chug it down with a “Cheers” Groaning at the taste he brings up some fries on the side and you thank him for being considerate.
"I'm bored yoongi, I wanna go on a trip or something." The tipsy you come out of you, and you slur occasionally while speaking “Calm down y/n, it's enough shall I call a cab for you?” Ever so sweet Yoongi asks you just because you are out of it after having the shots you had with the girls and the three glasses of malt with yoongi.
Yoongi soon books a cab and tells the man to drop you at the place, you reach your home soon after the fifteen minutes of the ride just to see your ex- fuck buddy right outside your house.
“Eunwoo? What the fuck? when did you come back?” Your mood instantly lights up after seeing him after so long and all the tipsiness goes away. “Hey y/n, I landed a few hours ago and thought of visiting you first and right when I was about to call you, here you were” He says with a bright smile.
You intended to initiate “Just a hug” but you don't know how he is under the sheets right now eating you out like a hungry man, “fuck right there woo” you moan and reach a good orgasm after a long time, your vibrator did no good until you felt a tongue or fingers or even someone's dick at this point.
Upon reaching your orgasm the man between you now hovers above you with his lips drenched in your release, and grabs on his hard length and positions right where your hole clenches, the release makes the slide just perfect for him to slide inside you and a moan tremble from his lips.
“Yeah perfect, keep going,”you say and grab on the small wisps of hair on the back of his head, and he grunts at the tight fit making him almost “relax angel, I promise I'll be good just please....”soft moans leave his mouth and both cum at the same time.
After a few minutes, Eunwoo lays on the side of your bed and talks to you until an awkward silence fills in and you call his name softly “Eunwoo...” sighing he gets up and leaves the bed and soon goes to grab his clothes and place a last kiss on your cheeks before telling you goodbye.
You sigh feeling bad for telling him to go but yeah you were always like this, and he knows it well just like that waking up from the bed you grab on the new sheets to change and place soft pillows all over your big bed and go back to sleep peacefully.
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“Hey hi! I'd like to order a butter croissant and black coffee” You get the cash ready and tell the counter women to take your order, not realizing you hear someone calling your full name and when you turn around to see it no one then "Mr. jeon your gynaecologist."
With a flustered smile, you tell him a quick "hi" before paying her the bill and getting off the line, you didn't expect him to get off the line with you, in a flustered state you ask him if he lives here and all the stuff and grab your order just to tell her she can pack this as a takeaway.
Rolling her eyes she packs up the drink and food and gives you the bag while Jungkook just gives you a crooked smile and walks out “Hey by the way I got my period last week” you tell him, and it gets more than awkward it was earlier.
“Oh, that's great, good to see you” Jungkook says, and you wave a quick bye when you get a call from your coworker and leave the place Jungkook stands there, and a smirk paints his lips.
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This is the fourth time you are pissed at your coworker today; they fucked up the most important file “Can you at least get me a copy of the papers?” you ask again getting disappointed again “Sorry ma'am I didn't get the photocopies of it” Your intern says and you just sigh.
“Okay maybe try searching the file again, and if not I'll contact the clients and tell them to send the original copies,” you tell and dismiss the meeting, at this point, you need nothing more than a cold martini.
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“Can you believe Chae, they misplaced the fucking file, I'm glad they weren't the original or else I would've been fucked” you say very much pissed at the events which happened today, while Chae and Yuna just sip on their drinks after trying to calm you down.
“Chill baby, everything's going to be fine you need to calm down y/n” your friends tell you and you just sigh, you long for nothing more but a break from this bullshit, paying up for the drinks today you say goodbye to your friends and go ahead to meet yoongi, who is the position of cleaning up for the day.
“Hey, how are you y/n?” Yoongi asks in a very yoongi manner his front teeth appearing when he talks to you, and you tell him all the events happening with you while he places two glasses of whiskey in front of you.
You don't even notice it is past one a.m. until Eunwoo texts you.
EUNWOO🫣🫣: hey, you up?
YOU: busy right now.
YOU: rain check?
"Another glass?" you ask him after chugging down the remaining glass while Yoongi hesitates and tells you he needs to stock up for a party which is happening tomorrow, you give him an embarrassed smile and tell him it is fine, and you will leave Yoongi feels equally embarrassed to cut you off for the night.
YOU: Free now, will be in 15 mins.
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"Fuck right there" you moan at your ex- fuck buddy who is fucking you like a slut, your face down facing the sheets while he hammers from the back, his moans and grunts fill the room, and the room smells of sex and sweat.
"Fuck baby, you are so tight, missed me while I was away, right?" Eunwoo mutters while thrusting inside you and you choke on your moans and manage to mumble a small "yes" clenching on the sheets you cry for more, you needed this after a long day at work.
"Gonna cum.....ye-ah right there" you shutter at one point when he finds your g -spot, the slapping of his hips fastens just when you cum and cream his cock, and the man behind you slows and pulls out a bit just to see the creamy slick forming at the base, "fuck so messy y/n," Eunwoo says while he fills you up with his hot cum.
"On your back baby," he says, and you obey at lightning speed and your eyes shut at the moment when he nibbles on your pebbled nipples, you twitch at the feeling until you moan out loud when his thumb rubs on your clit and his index finger enters you.
Your pussy gushes out the mixture of both of your releases and messes up the sheets under you, Eunwoo continues to slurp and nibble your nipples while you whine at the overstimulation and fall apart on his fingers again for the second time in the night.
"lay down wanna suck you off real good" you whisper and kiss his lips in the heat of the moment, now that you are in between his thighs you start laying some soft kisses all over the tip and he whines at the sensitivity.
The taste of your releases still lingers on his tip, and you whimper at the taste, sucking on the tip Eunwoo above you is about to lose on for the second time, his soft grunts surrounded the room as you palmed and layed soft kisses on his balls.
The tightness of the grip he has on your hair ensures you that he is about to cum and increase your pace in palming him and you soon let him cum in your mouth and you swallow like a good girl you were.
You don't know why you let Eunwoo stay even after it was ruled to never let any fuck buddy stay at your house after fucking but here you are in his embrace and cuddling him.
A/N: Thank you for the reading ik it is confusing not Appeling ending or the whole chapter I'm sry but I'll do better. tag list is open.
TAGLLIST: @jungk97kwife @kingofbodyrolls @kimmingyuswifee @heyyymin @cassies-cookies @missnea @kooklovee @lovkiss @jungkooktoespost @jalexad @gimeow @lillove7 @marvelbun @namelesskeid @tyche0119 @gbbhbc123 @whoa-jo @holybxba @bangtans-momma @gdjyho @kpopsmutty69
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fantasy-relax · 3 months
Me *relaxing*
My fucked up Brain: hey,hey hey listen!
Me: what now?
My brain: what if mc and Miranda end together without mc knowing about the cult or having their memories back?
Me: what?
My brain: Like mc falls in love with Miranda and the headmistress accept because she is so damn tired of mc running around with the bachelorettes. This way she could keep them, as they are loyal as a dog. She could wait for them to remember.
Now lets say that MC have the necessary parts to impregnate Miranda.
Me: your kinks are showing.
My brain: Miranda ends pregnant because that woman had a lot a sexual frustration and her horny bird brain not though about that maybe she is still capable of that even after her experiments.
So, a few rituals later that MC had zero knowledge about Eva is back! A happy family!
Me: that's quite cute actually....
My brain: right! But Miranda being Miranda is not satisfied yet.
Me: of course she isn't.
My brain: so she makes a ritual to bring back mc memories.
Me: of course she does...
My brain: but doesn't work!
Me: oh?
My brain: at least not like she wanted. It takes ten years and mc doesn't actually remember but they are a lot colder to Miranda and when she tries to gain control mc just get angrier.
Their bickering become full Fights.
Mc hadn't idea of why now they feel betrayed, scared and angry everytime they see their wife. To avoid more fights they sleep in mia house. Mia tell them that maybe they need a time apart.
Mc tell that to Miranda. She doesn't take well.
Me: why that doesn't surprise me.
My brain: but Mc take Miranda reaction a lot worse!
Me: oh?
My brain: They slap her and choke her!
My brain: and Miranda is shocked because Mc never in all their lifes had done that.
Me: no shit
My brain: mc came back to their senses and hug her instead crying and begging for forgiveness.
Telling her that this is the reason they need to go away. This anger scared them, they don't want to Eva to see them like that they don't want to hurt their pretty bird like that but every day their self control reduce.
Miranda relents. But of course mc will be watched without their knowledge.
Me: of course she will do that.
My brain: they sleep in a hotel, walk around a bit and end in a particular flowershop.
Me: why I don't surprised?
My brain: the owner is pretty cute and just being there bring peace to their soul. So they ask for a job , Donna is surprised and reluctant but in the end she accept them.
Me: Miranda is going to lose her shit.
My brain: she does! Mc was with Donna for a few loops!
Me: She would not allow them to work with her
My brain: she refuses but mc is stubborn. She threatened Donna but mc discovered that and they had a bad fight again.
Again Miranda relents. Repeating to herself that it doesn't matter, she start focusing more on finding the correct ritual to get mc memories back.
Me: okay..
My brain: Then mc kiss Donna.
Me: oh boy.
My brain: well they do a lot more than just kissing.
My brain: yeah mc is having a affair with Donna.
Me: damn and Miranda knows?
My brain: nope! She is too focused on finding the ritual her attention and the attention of the other members are focused too.
Me: Convenient.
My brain: yeah, she is so distracted. That she doesn't notice when Donna is in her house.
My brain: yes! Mc contract her to work in the garden the favorite place of Eva! And she accepts!
Me: WHY!?
My brain: because she is so lonely, silly! Angie is a real girl that ends traveling with Daniela! She visits but not often.
So Donna is alone with her grief and the memories of a better Life, a life with MC.
Me: my poor baby.
My brain: so that's the reason she lets mc had their way with her. Is the only way she could have their attention, their soft touch, their passion she pretends that they love her and that she will awake in a bed together rather than alone.
Me: my baby girl.
My brain: Eva likes her very much! She is a smart kid she knows that her parents are fighting. Her happy go lucky mom/dad/apa/oma was sad and miserable until they started working with miss Beneviento.
So she loves when Donna is around,to the point of hiding her presence in the house like mc asked her, she is actually mad at Miranda because she ignores her a lot now. (Miranda is not doing it on purpose.)
Me: so Miranda is so busy chasing ghosts that she is losing what she has now.
My brain: yes!
Me: You're fucked up man, can you let the bird lady be happy?
My brain: no
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cornertheculprit · 1 year
Hey since you seem to have great taste in such things I was wondering if you had any Phoenix & Maya fics you could recommend 👉👈
SURE!!! some of these also include pearl and trucy because. family <3
kids who need saving (1.3k):
Maya gingerly stepped closer until she reached the middle of the cluttered room. She couldn't see what was happening on the other side until Nick stepped away, producing a small, timid child clinging to a pink cape.
“Uh, Maya? This is Trucy. She’s my—daughter.”
The little girl—Trucy—gave Maya a careful once-over, her eyes gliding from her socks and sandals to the stud earrings in her ears, and Maya felt pinned by the eight-old’s gaze. Her expression was blank, but Maya could see the contemplation stirring in her big round eyes. Nick seemed to notice, because he gently nudged her and whispered, “she’s good.”
And Trucy blinked up at her father, then back to Maya, and Maya realized that there were more kids who needed saving. Nick had seemed to realize it, too.
Wright and Co. Christmas Offices (5.6k):
Phoenix is determined to give Pearl a good Christmas this year. It goes better than expected, even if he's pretty sure he's going to have to set aside a 'Pearl Games' fund, now...
oceans and waves and wires (1.9k):
Before this week, Maya had really only channeled for maybe two or three hours at the absolute most. A whole twenty hours of unconsciousness rendered her completely disoriented and laughably weak until quite a while after her testimony had wrapped up. As Maya and Mia sat in the defendant’s lobby that morning during the recess, Maya nursing a ginger ale and Mia petting her hair, the older sister admitted that any longer probably would’ve resulted in a lot worse.
In spite of all this, if there’s one thing that can tide over a sour mood (or a raging migraine in Maya’s case), it’s a traditional post-trial Wright & Co. Law Offices afterparty, and Maya isn’t about to let that get taken away from her too.
A Time To Play (9.1k):
Nick takes Maya and Pearl on a day of fun and adventure around the city, trying to give Maya a chance to open up after all that's happened. Set post-Trials and Tribulations.
What You Cannot (3.3k):
Nick cries for Maya when she can't, when it is taking all of her strength just to carry on. Eventually Maya returns the favor.
Third Time Charmed (3k):
Maya visits the building for the "first time" three separate times. Whether it's housing Fey & Co. Law Offices, Wright & Co. Law Offices, or the Wright Anything Agency, it always manages to be just the opposite of what she's come to expect.
A Place To Rest Her Head (4.8k):
Maya thinks she's good at hiding when she doesn't feel well. But Phoenix knows her a little too well by now to know something's up.
name your courage now (11.8k):
There's an unspoken promise between Maya and Phoenix, dusty from where Phoenix picked up what Mia left off: if it's me or the truth - the truth, every time.
In the case of Iris of Hazakura Temple v. State, Maya's testimony is make-or-break. She knows what she has to do.
Not to Portray, but to Evoke (1.5k):
After learning that Phoenix went to art school, Maya and Pearl demand a day of painting together.
New Digs (3.3k):
Maya Fey has trouble sleeping. This is a known truth. The reasons behind it, though, are recent, uncomfortable, and best left alone.
Chip on my Shoulder (1.4k):
It is a lovely day in Los Angeles, and Maya Fey is a girl on a mission. It's nothing that illegal, of course! Is it even illegal? It's probably a little illegal.
But it'll be fun, and more importantly it'll be some great team bonding for the newly renamed Wright & Co. Law Offices, and—what the hell is Nick wearing?
Flurries and Phoenixes (11.3k):
Several months after Phoenix adopted Trucy, Maya has him bring Trucy up to Kurain to have some fun in the snow and get to know Pearl. Snow angels, snow phoenixes, and hot chocolate can't cure all the ills of the world, but they can certainly make them more bearable.
and, for fun, here's a super awesome casefic with phoenix, maya & pearl!! (+franziska!)
Turnabout Specter (76.8k):
Maya Fey has successfully launched the very first Kurain Village Cultural Festival, a celebration of the village’s culture and history! However, its success is short-lived, as (of course) a murder takes place on the festival grounds. With Phoenix Wright heading the defense of the suspect, of one of Kurain's acolytes, the trial that ensues will bring to light one of the darkest chapters in the history of the Fey clan, as its future becomes thrust into increasing uncertainty.
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alyjojo · 10 months
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The Person On Your Mind in August 🌞 2023 - Taurus
Whole of their energy towards Taurus: 8 Pentacles rev
You could have been seeing someone at a distance, because something is going on with them that’s keeping them away from you. Could be a friend or family too, but someone you’re close to, there is love between you, platonic or otherwise. They could’ve lost a job with 8 Pentacles rev, or their job keeps them away, distance seems to be the key here. I get that they care a lot more than you do, or you’re just used to these sorts of situations or excuses from them. I get numbness and a “yada yada” vibe from you. Today it’s this, tomorrow it’s that. There’s not much empathy from you. Everything here shows them as genuine 🙏 If you think they’re just taking you for a ride.
Feelings: Wheel of Fortune
It’s taking every once of Strength they have to get them through the situations they’re currently in, I’m not sure how much you know or don’t, because they keep to themselves a lot with The Hermit. You are friends if nothing else, and they want to see you again and have a good time like your side even says you do. Wheel of Fortune shows them in the midst of changing circumstances, they could be having a hard time finding a decent job, making enough money, paying the phone bill to keep in touch. Both difficult energies are money related, they’re struggling right now. Be kind.
Intentions: 4 Wands
They intend to “come home”, whether for a visit or what have you. Either they intend to come back around to you and literally get back together with The Lovers here, or they want to introduce you to their new person, and maybe meet yours if this is friendship. Catch up, bond, be together again. They have good news, or only want to bring good news…if they’ve been MIA lately. They’re not showcasing their struggles to people, it’s a pride thing, but they are eager to see you. If they love you, then they really love you.
Actions: 7 Pentacles rev
You could be the one giving up on them, or acting super emotional by being blown off, you could assume the worst of them or overreact in a way that makes them hesitate even trying. They think you’re upset at them, and want to reunite, but not if you’re going to be all head-bitey and apathetic towards them. The messages are confusing, because you clearly see the best in them, and assume the worst? They care deeply and want you to care deeply too. Or this is all switched. In August, they give up. I’m sure if you said something to them, that might change. Or offer to help in some way? They’re not forthcoming with anything they’ve got going on, but they’ve got a lot going on. I keep getting energy for you in other readings that you’re in a fuzzy state of mind this month, maybe just giving it some time to settle on both sides is for the best. Venus is retrograde in Leo, squaring your sign, and Mercury will be headed in the same direction the last week of August, trine your sign. Fuzzy prevails 🧸 Song came on shuffle and I got a powerful “yes”, and it’s a very sweet one, posting at the end.
Their side:
- Can’t stop thinking of you
- Facial Hair 🧔‍♂️
Your side:
- I am entranced by you 😵‍💫
- We have a GREAT time together!
Possible signs:
Virgo, Pisces, Cancer & Sagittarius
If you’re dealing with:
Death & The World show you surrounded by endings with several relationships this month. The World indicates that they’re mostly positive though, you’re at the end of a major chapter in your life up to this point. This can apply to your peers as well, everyone is headed towards new beginnings, the season is nearly over and it’s time for transformations all around. It’s as beautiful as it is sad, I don’t get a sad vibe from this but all endings kinda are in some way.
Aries - growing beyond toxic past versions of themselves, possible addictions or any number of issues, rising from the ashes a better person, feeling confident and strong 💪
Taurus - has romantic feelings for you that run deeper than you even know, but they’re waiting on something to take you out, a specific day maybe
Gemini - chatty, full of big dreams and all sorts of new ideas and rabbit holes to investigate🔬
Cancer - a great friend, they’re opening up about what’s going on in their world, could be going on a lunch date or something with you, catching up
Leo - could be this person, going through a lot right now and they’re just keeping to themselves, or you are, one of you could feel hurt/offended bc of the other’s absence
Virgo - no progress, no update, no messages
Libra - asking you out, flirting, crushing on you
Scorpio - is a genuine & loyal person with a lot of love for you, but isn’t going to rush things
Sagittarius - either they don’t know where they stand with you or that’s switched, it’s a stable connection but you’re both unsure about it
Capricorn - could be this person, same two cards from the first row, life is changing for them and they’re just trying to hang on
Aquarius - was deeply committed to you in the past and feels like you fkd that up - or switch it, one of you is defensive & feels like they did the right thing
Pisces - you’re a dream come true and they feel amazing when they’re around you 🏆
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andrewmoocow · 1 year
Little Homeworld Life chapter 18: De-Clustering (originally published on April 24, 2023)
AN: Yeah, this is going to be a pretty heavy episode because we'll finally be bringing back the Cluster by taking it apart and reintroducing some of its components back to society, just as Yellow Diamond promised back in Homeworld Bound. No doubt we'll explore how these Gems will react to the world they'll be brought back into and how they'll react to the whole Pink Diamond debacle, which Black Rutile will no doubt take advantage of to gain new minions. And how will the Crystal Gems deal with this as well, especially when one of their own who was a part of the Cluster will be convinced to join Black Rutile? Not good, I suppose.
Synopsis: The Diamonds pay a visit to Earth to disassemble the Cluster. However, some of the Gems they restore don't take too kindly to the new status quo.
Noël Wells as Black Rutile
Della Saba as Aquamarine
Charlyne Yi as Eyeball, Navy, Doc, Leggy, Army
Christine Pedi as Holly Blue Agate
Casey Lee Williams as Cat's Eye
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst
Deedee Magno Hall as Pearl, Yellow Pearl, Blue Pearl, Volleyball
Shelby Rabara as Peridot
Jennifer Paz as Lapis
Uzo Aduba as Bismuth
Patti LuPone as Yellow Diamond
Lisa Hannigan as Blue Diamond
Christine Ebersole as White Diamond
Sarah Stiles as Spinel
Jinkx Monsoon as Emerald
Hayley Kiyoko as Morganite
Melissa Fahn as Demantoid
Kari Wahlgen as Pyrope
Amy Sedaris as Teal Zircon
Martha Higerada as Topaz
Shanelle Grey as Sally Grove
Matthew Rhys as James Brenner
Jon Wurster as Marty
Christoph Waltz as Francis von Bowling
Olga Kurylenko as Rasputina
Diedrich Bader as Lennie
Wayne Knight as Milton
Andrey Batt as Konstantin
Edward Furlong as Pavel
Seth Green as Leo
Featuring Idina Menzel as Amazonite
Halsey as Tanzanite
Mia Barron as Apatite
Gina Torres as Andesine
And John Mulaney as Flipso
"HAHAHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" the Rutile Rebels laughed uproariously as they sat down to watch an early version of "The Pink Beast of the Bay" sent to them by Marty, and they were in hysterics over the mockery over how Steven's monstrous mental breakdown was depicted.
"I don't see why Pearl refused to participate in this motion picture; this is amazing!" Black Rutile guffawed in delight as she watched the Crystal Gem be an unwilling leading lady and costar to the always overdramatic Christopher Cage. "I haven't had this much fun in ages, not just because of the Steven mockery!"
"Me too!" Aquamarine snickered. "I could watch this over and over again!"
"But didn't that Marty fellow say he needed to return this copy soon?" Holly Blue said as the movie reached the end and the credits began to roll. "Or maybe we could download our own copy of the film." Just then, the Rebels heard a very loud rumbling from outside. "What was that?"
"Oh no, is Teal Zircon getting up to shenanigans again?" Cat's Eye complained while stroking Blake in her arms. "I'm still getting all those bugs out of my hair from last time."
"Uh, guys, I think you need to see this." Eyeball said, looking out the window to find the Diamonds' ship landing near Little Homeworld. "Do you think they're finally coming for us?"
"If so, then finally." Cat's Eye proclaimed. "This is the big one; this is it! Do you hear me, Homeworld, I'm coming for you!"
"Oh, don't be so overdramatic, Cat." Holly Blue rolled her eyes in annoyance. "We should go outside and see what the Diamonds want. Who knows? Maybe they've come to apologize for their unfair treatment of us."
"I highly doubt it." Black Rutile stated as the Rutile Rebels walked outside to find the Crystal Gems talking with Yellow, Blue, and White Diamond. "You there, Gems! What's going on?"
"Oh, Black Rutile, long time no see." White Diamond greeted Black Rutile with a strained smile. "We were just discussing with the Crystal Gems about taking the Cluster apart and giving all the Gems that are a part of it a new lease on life. We feel like it's one of the only things left for us to do to fully atone for our crimes."
"Well, there are still a few crimes against me you refuse to apologize for." Black Rutile muttered.
"Would you like to assist us?" Pearl asked Black Rutile. "We'd like to make this a community effort, so that means you have to join in too."
"Of course I'll help. Just let me confer with my posse for a bit." Black Rutile answered before turning to her minions. "You all see what's happening here, right? We could collect whatever Gems are taken out and convince them to join us! It's brilliant, brilliant, brilliant!"
"Great idea. We just need to lay low until the time is right; then we can convince them." Aquamarine agreed. "I'd say we should start with three. Anyone else?"
"Yeah, three sounds like a reasonable number." Holly Blue said.
"That song said it's the magic number, after all." Eyeball added before the rebellion turned back to the Diamonds.
"We accept your offer." Black Rutile declared, hiding the fact that she was once again plotting behind everyone's back.
"Excellent." Garnet smiled. "We'll get to work as soon as everyone else hears about this."
Later that day, all of Little Homeworld was working together to take the Cluster apart and put the shattered Gems back together, while ensuring they wouldn't accidentally cause the Gem superweapon to be unleashed and destroy Earth. Carefully, they would remove massive chunks of the Cluster, sort which pieces of Gems went together, and allow Yellow to restore them to normalcy. So far, the process was going rather swimmingly, with numerous Gems being put back together.
"Here, I think I found a Gem." Amethyst said as she handed the broken halves of a gem to Yellow. "Recognize her?"
"Oh, I do!" Blue Diamond replied. "That's Amazonite. She was an illusionist in my court. Her shows were the stuff of legends, and I hope she'd be able to do them again!"
"Yes, I am a fan too, Blue." Yellow grinned before she held the gem pieces together, and electricity coursed through the fractures, making the gem like new before it reformed into a Gem with light blue skin, long & unkempt dark blue hair, green robes, and a blue cape with light blue detailing.
"Where am I?! What is this place?! Where's my Diamond?!" the newly restored Amazonite began panicking upon her restoration as she looked around at her new surroundings. The last thing she saw before being shattered was Gems going to war with each other, and now suddenly they're at peace? The Crystal Gems were standing alongside the Diamonds with presumably no animosity? What was going on here?!
"Welcome to the world, Amazonite." Lapis greeted the illusionist, who leaped back in alarm.
"Uh, do I know you?" Amazonite asked Lapis. "There are just so many Lapis Lazulis; I find it hard to keep track of them. Now can someone please explain to me what's going on here?!"
"I believe I can be of assistance here." Black Rutile proclaimed as she arrived with a broken purple Gem in a bubble. "I just found this Gem. You can handle the rest while I bring her up to speed."
"Oh, is that Tanzanite in there?!" Pearl exclaimed as she took the bubble from Black Rutile and admired it. "It's been centuries since we last saw her! Her sacrifice still weighs heavily on me!"
"And you're only talking about her now." Black Rutile murmured disdainfully. "Okay then." She then took Amazonite by the hand and took her away from the Crystal Gems and the Diamonds to get her caught up on the new status quo of Gem society. "First of all, Amazonite, hello, my name's Black Rutile. Pleased to meet you."
"Ah yes, Black Rutile. I think I've heard of you a few times before." Amazonite replied. "Which reminds me, I remember you having a green visor and white cape. Why the change in attire?"
Black Rutile then sighed heavily before she continued. "These represent the chains placed on me by our corrupt society, after I was wrongfully accused of treason when I tried to fix what Pink Diamond broke beyond repair."
"Wait, Pink Diamond?" Amazonite asked. "Wasn't she shattered by Rose Quartz?"
"Well, not entirely." Black Rutile stated awkwardly.
"Come on." Amazonite ordered with her hands on her hips.
"Okay, the Rebellion was started for a few stupid reasons." Black Rutile continued candidly.
"Just tell me one." Amazonite responded, a single eyebrow raised.
"You see, Rose Quartz was actually Pink Diamond." Black Rutile murmured again.
"She was what?" Amazonite gasped, desperate to know more.
"Rose Quartz was Pink Diamond." Black Rutile reiterated a lot clearer for Amazonite to hear.
"Did you say Rose and Pink Diamond were the same this whole time?!" Amazonite yelled in horror and anger.
"Yes, exactly, excellent listening." Black Rutile nodded.
"Our grand opponent was that forsaken child?!" Amazonite added loudly.
"Yes, and wouldn't you know it? She died and gave birth to the same stain on the universe that forgave the Diamonds for all the horrible things they've done to the galaxy!" Black Rutile proclaimed. "Luckily, a few Gems, including myself, are smart enough to see through Steven Universe's lies and form a resistance against his tyranny. However, we have encountered many serious setbacks and are currently recouping our losses after an attempted alliance with an evil alternate-universe version of him."
"So, allow me to recap here." Amazonite theatrically said. "You, Black Rutile, are fighting back against the current status quo because this Steven person brainwashed the Diamonds into becoming his slaves by forgiving them for their actions, thus allowing them to radically alter our society?"
"That is exactly right." Black Rutile replied. "As I already said, a group of like-minded Gems and I are forming a revolution against Steven and the Crystal Gems, and we've acquired some success in increasing our forces through this Cluster project." She then stuck her hand out to Amazonite. "Would you be willing to join me in my crusade, Amazonite?"
"Are you kidding me?! Yes!" Amazonite eagerly agreed and shook Black Rutile's hand. "No one man should have all that power, the way I see it. Count me in!"
"Excellent! I'll have to introduce you to my subordinates later." Black Rutile smiled. "But right now, I must continue the recruitment process. I've already tricked the Crystal Gems into accepting my help in taking apart the Cluster and have plans for some of them."
Speaking of the Crystal Gems, they were restoring their fallen comrade Tanzanite to normalcy. Once Yellow Diamond gave the broken purple Gem a tap, it was made whole again, and suddenly, a purple-skinned Gem with lavender hair, a purple punk attire, her gem being on her bare stomach, and a purple Crystal Gem star on her crop top.
"P-Pearl, Garnet, Bismuth?" Tanzanite muttered as she slowly opened her eyes to see her old friends alive and well. "I can't believe it; you're all here! We won!"
"Should you tell her, or should I?" Bismuth asked Pearl rather nervously.
"Tell me about what?" Tanzanite asked curiously.
"I think she should tell us who she is!" Amethyst asked. "Like, I never heard of her once, and suddenly Pearl treats her like she's so important!"
"You feeling a little jealous, perhaps?" Peridot snickered at Amethyst's expense, making the smaller purple Gem blush.
"Oh, sorry, guess I should probably explain myself." Tanzanite said as she reminisced on her early days as a member of the Crystal Gems.
Before the Rebellion, Tanzanite was a low-ranking but earnest and peppy assassin who carried out her missions with cold precision and grace. However, despite how well she did at her job, Tanzanite felt like she didn't belong on Homeworld under the Diamonds' grasp. Sometimes, she would often secretly go out to planets soon to be colonized and tour the wildlife there.
Eventually, word got out that a rebellion was being formed by an insurgent Rose Quartz rumored to have shattered Pink Diamond, and Tanzanite joined out of morbid curiosity. However, in doing so, Tanzanite would finally find where she belonged as the rebels known as the Crystal Gems began treating her like family. Pearl especially saw her as a daughter and protégé. Unfortunately, those happy days would soon come to an end.
In one of many decisive battles for the Earth, Tanzanite was eager to stand on the frontlines alongside Pearl and the other leaders of the Crystal Gems to get a taste of what it was like. Unfortunately, that would turn out to be a huge mistake.
"Pearl, back me up here; I'm surrounded!" Tanzanite exclaimed as she fruitlessly tried to fend off a squad of Condor Agates and Onyxes with her epee. "Pearl? Pearl?!"
"Foolish little Tanzanite, your beloved Pearl cannot save you now!" the Onyx confidently stated. "Try and fight us while you still can, but you have no hope here!"
"I know, but it won't hurt for me to try!" Tanzanite bravely said as she charged at one of the Condor Agates and clashed her epee with her longsword.
"Impressive, most impressive." The Condor Agate complimented Tanzanite's tenacity. "I see that Pearl has trained you well."
"Yeah, she really did!" Tanzanite agreed before turning to find Pearl facing off with a Lepidolite not too far away. "Look, Pearl, look!" she yelled for her mentor, unaware of the tall orange figure looming behind her. "I'm fighting this Condor Agate all by myself!"
"Oh, that's amazing, dear, you're growing so much!" Pearl complimented her student before realizing that an Andesine was towering over her, flaming sword ready to strike her down. "Oh no! Tanzanite, behind you!"
"What?" Tanzanite asked as she turned around to discover one of Yellow Diamond's most fearsome sergeants ready to attack. "You can't scare me!" she yelled, pointing her epee at Andesine. "I got the power of Pearl by my side!"
"Is that so?" Andesine grinned evilly while raising her sword. "Let's see that power protect you while it still can."
"Tanzy, no!" Pearl screamed as she charged through legions of Crystal Gem and Homeworld armies in a bid to rescue Tanzanite from harm as she dueled Andesine. "Please, Tanzanite, don't do it!"
"I just need to-" Tanzanite began. Before she could say what was on her mind, she felt something pierce through her back and looked down to discover Andesine's sword going right through her chest and jabbing at her gem.
"Now look what you made me do." Andesine coldly declared while pulling her sword back, allowing Tanzanite one last moment to apologize for her recklessness.
"I'm, I'm so sorry," Tanzanite cried as she felt herself literally falling apart from the surprise attack. "for everything."
"TANZANITE!" Pearl screamed in horror as Tanzanite was shattered right before her eyes while Andesine let out a cruel laugh at the former servant's expense. "You won't get away with this!" she yelled at Andesine with tears in her eyes as Andesine collected Tanzanite's remains. "I will avenge her!"
"You will try." Andesine smiled wickedly before ordering the Condor Agates and Onyxes that once overwhelmed the late Tanzanite to seize Pearl.
In the present day, the now resurrected Tanzanite was given a tour of Little Homeworld by Pearl to give her a taste of what she'll expect as a student of Little Homeschool. Despite Tanzanite's excitement at her surroundings, the Crystal Gems were all left wondering how she should be eased into a particular piece of information.
"And here, you'll find the swimming pool we constructed a few months back." Pearl explained, pointing towards the pool. "If you'd like, they're always holding tryouts for new lifeguards, and we're thinking of starting a water volleyball team."
"Wow, this is so cool." Tanzanite gaped in awe of everything around her while Pearl smiled contently at her old pupil being finally back and loving life as always. However, the rest of the Crystal Gems weren't as delighted to see her since; eventually, they would have to tell her the truth.
"How do we tell her?" Amethyst drearily asked her friends.
"Uh, ask her what?" Jasper replied, not knowing what Amethyst was talking about.
"You know, about how Ose-Ray is Ink-Pay Iamond-Day?" White Topaz replied.
"What are you talking about?" Bismuth tilted her head at what White Topaz had just said.
"I think she's speaking in Pig Latin." Peridot realized. "About, uh, you know, She Who Must Not Be Named."
"Who are you talking about?" Tanzanite asked curiously, but Pearl quickly covered her ears.
"Oh, nothing, just talking about a book series!" Pearl laughed, trying her hardest to lie no matter how hard she tried. "Guys, stop talking about her so much. It's not time yet."
"Not time?" Jasper declared angrily. "She deserves to know what happened after she got shattered, especially what we know about Pink Diamond!"
"Wait, Pink Diamond?" Tanzanite asked, barely hearing what Jasper just said through Pearl's hands. "What do you know about Pink Diamond?"
"The fact that she and Rose Quartz were the same this whole time!" Jasper added, stunning Tanzanite and making the Gems very unhappy with her.
"Nice going, Jasper." Garnet growled at Jasper. "Uh, she didn't mean what she said."
"Did you disguise Rose as Pink Diamond to make the other Diamonds your slaves or something?" Tanzanite asked, feeling slightly betrayed at what she was now learning. "Or has everyone been lying to me this whole time?"
"Why yes, we did use Pink to get what we wanted from the Diamonds!" Amethyst declared. "In fact, our friend Steven is her son!"
"I think we need to explain everything here." Garnet declared as she stepped forward and put a gentle but firm hand on Tanzanite's shoulder. "Tanzanite, it's time you learn the truth."
"So let me get this straight." a stout but curvy Apatite said as she conversed with Amazonite later that day. "Not only was Rose Quartz really Pink Diamond in disguise, but she started an entire war that lasted for thousands of years that cost the lives of millions because she was tired of being mistreated?"
"I know, right?" Amazonite agreed. "It's utterly outrageous how we lost our lives and our remains were forced against our will to become part of an all-powerful geoweapon!"
"Frankly, I never cared to begin with." Apatite replied dryly. "I never cared for the Rebellion, and I never cared for whatever was done to the Diamonds to make them suddenly forget all the horrible things they did for our people."
"Well, good to see you're already taking sides in this conflict." Amazonite stated as she ominously turned away from the construction with her hands folded behind her back. "Which reminds me, would you care to come with me to a little meeting later? I've met a Black Rutile who will have all the answers to our problems."
"Eh, I got nothing better to do today." Apatite agreed to the illusionist's offer with a shrug. "Where are we going to, some kind of club?"
"No, it's not just a club." Amazonite proclaimed. "It's an ideal."
Meanwhile, Tanzanite had been reluctantly brought up to speed on everything that had happened ever since she was shattered in the Rebellion. About the Diamonds' accidental corruption of almost every Gem on Earth, Rose giving birth to Steven, the Crystal Gems' many adventures, all the way up to the Diamonds wanting to change their ways, the beginning of Era 3, and the exploits of Black Rutile.
Tanzanite was left increasingly shocked at what she was hearing throughout this entire explanation. The Diamonds willingly surrendering to the Crystal Gems without putting up much of a fight and making a positive change for themselves & others? This cannot be possible! But one part of her old friends' story affected her more than anything else. The fact that Rose Quartz was Pink Diamond, a leader of the enemy, this whole time, and they've been keeping this from her for centuries.
"So that's what she did?" Tanzanite growled angrily at the Crystal Gems, outraged at not knowing Pink was Rose. "She started a war that killed millions just because she was tired of being ignored, and all of you lied to everyone about it, so I was shattered for nothing?"
"Well, technically, Pearl lied to everyone the whole time." Amethyst pointed out, making Pearl scowl at her. "I mean, we all only learned about this when she finally fessed up!"
"And this was how the Diamonds are allowed to roam free with no consequences?!" Tanzanite added, even more furious than before. "Why was just shattering them out of the question?! How could you possibly forgive such cruel and tyrannical monsters for all their crimes?!"
"Hey now, we didn't really forgive them in the way you're thinking!" Bismuth tried to calm the purple assassin down. "It was either get their help in saving the corrupted Gems or leave them to suffer in agony for all eternity! And thanks to Steven, we had no choice but to do the former."
"Whoever this Steven is, he's just like his mother. Never thinking of the consequences." Tanzanite frowned and prepared to storm off. "Black Rutile was allowed to run amok all because she hated him so much, and the worst punishment you could give her was exiling her to Earth! You couldn't begin to imagine what that will do to you!"
"Tanzanite, wait!" Garnet cried out and grabbed Tanzanite's shoulder. "Please, if you'd let us explain!"
"You've already explained enough." Tanzanite snarled as she broke from Garnet's grasp and ran away, crying in disbelief. After a moment of silence, the Crystal Gems knew precisely who to blame for this.
"Jasper!" Lapis scolded Jasper for her outburst that caused Tanzanite's tantrum.
"I accept full responsibility for this incident." Jasper apologized and got down on one knee. "Whatever punishment you shall give me, I will obey anything you request me to do."
"No, Jasper, it's not your fault." Pearl assured the orange warrior. "We should've told her earlier instead of keeping her in suspense for no reason. You were just being a little too honest."
"So, how long before we can apologize to Tanzanite for lying to her?" White Topaz asked the Gems. "As a fellow soldier who believed that her leader lied to her, I can totally understand what she's going through right now."
As Tanzanite ran far away from Little Homeworld and deep into the woods, she continued sobbing and rethinking everything she stood for as a Crystal Gem. She remembered their creed as it raced through her troubled mind. "Fight for life on the planet Earth. Defend all human beings, even the ones you don't understand. Believe in love that is out of anyone's control. And give everything for it!" Yet now, Tanzanite had no idea what she should give everything for now that she's learned of how insidious the Rose Quartz she once looked up to really was.
"What's even the point anymore?" Tanzanite muttered as she sat down at a tree and buried her face in her knees. "My leader's literally no better than the other Diamonds, and my so-called friends encouraged her for centuries. Who am I without a leader? Without a purpose?"
"Oh, I understand exactly what you're going through." Black Rutile's voice sympathized with Tanzanite's plight as she looked up to discover the voice's owner sitting on a nearby branch. "Hello there, little Tanzanite. Name's Black Rutile. I suppose you heard of me before?"
"You're the one who hated the Crystal Gems and Era 3, aren't you?" Tanzanite murmured as she looked up at Black Rutile, who then got down from the branch to lend a comforting ear. "What do you want?"
"I've been watching you since your tantrum at the Crystal Gems." Black Rutile revealed. "In fact, I was the one who suggested they bring you back to life! So basically, you have me to thank for you being here, and you're welcome."
"Why should I trust you?" Tanzanite asked. "You may have helped me, but why are you here?"
"I followed you because like I said, I understand what you're going through." Black Rutile answered as she put on the charm to rope Tanzanite in with her every word. "I, too, had unwavering faith in my great leader, White Diamond in this case. But then she revealed that she allowed me to get this far in life because she found it funny that a Rutile like me thought she could make it as a high-ranking member of her court. I felt so betrayed when White turned her back on her idea of perfection in favor of becoming Steven's slave, and now she views my entire being as one sick joke! Can you imagine how heartbreaking it was for me?!"
"Yeah, I get that." Tanzanite wiped her tears away before the two stood up.
"And that is why together, we can bring our oppressors to justice!" Black Rutile exclaimed, taking Tanzanite's hands in hers. "Come with me; I have an entire army of Gems who feel as betrayed as we are! Perhaps there, you can find a new family."
"I-I guess I can come with you." Tanzanite replied nervously. Black Rutile just smiled with pride as she took the now-former Crystal Gem out of the forest with her. As they say, a sucker is born every minute, and emotionally distressed suckers made easy pickings for an opportunist like Black Rutile.
Later that day, a small congregation of Black Rutile's allies, both old and new, had gathered at the abandoned warehouse outside of Beach City. The Rutile Rebels stood together onstage, joined by Marty, Sally, and James Brenner. Below them were numerous Gems that Black Rutile had manipulated into joining her, like Topaz, Teal Zircon, Emerald, Morganite, Demantoid, and Pyrope. Also present were the supervillains Francis von Bowling and Rasputina, now restored to their human forms after being previously transformed into an owl and a frog, along with Lennie, Milton, Konstantin, Pavel, and Leo.
"She should be here by now." Marty impatiently said to himself while looking at his watch. "I don't want this whole gathering to be for nothing!"
"As much as it would entertain me to see a straight white man like you feel shame, I have to agree." Sally replied.
"I feel like I don't really belong here." Dr. Brenner nervously proclaimed. "But since Black Rutile has been one of my most interesting cases yet, I still feel obligated to come along."
"Quite an eclectic bunch we have here." Amazonite observed the audience below them. "Black Rutile truly has a way with words if she could convince such dear friends of the Crystal Gems to join her."
"Wait, I thought this was like a book club or something." Teal Zircon said innocently. Lennie responded by knocking Teal to the ground, lying on her side with her feet twisted and arms splayed out behind her back.
Just then, Black Rutile had finally arrived with Tanzanite by her side, and she was eager to introduce her new recruit to the fold. "Sorry to keep you waiting, everyone. I was busy finding a new member to join our collective. Allow me to introduce the former Crystal Gem Tanzanite!"
"Whoa, a Crystal Gem?" Eyeball gasped in shock. "You really convinced one of the enemies to join you!"
"But what about Teal Zircon?" Navy asked, pointing to Teal still lying on the floor.
"What about Teal Zircon?" Eyeball sarcastically repeated. "Pleased to meet you, Tanzanite. It's good to see that a Crystal Gem has finally seen the light."
"Yeah, whatever." Tanzanite sullenly replied. "Just get this over with so I can go home."
"It would be my pleasure." Black Rutile responded before she cleared her throat and began to speak. "CAN YOU COUNT, SUCKERS?!" she yelled. "I SAY THE FUTURE IS OURS! IF YOU CAN COUNT!"
"Of course I can count!" Milton exclaimed proudly. "One, two, three-"
"I don't think that's what she meant, Milton." Lennie said to his larger partner.
"Now look what we have here before us." Black Rutile continued her speech. "Our little legion of doom may seem a little small, but nobody else knows that our numbers are far greater than they think. With the help of some dear friends of mine, this gathering is being live-streamed to my followers across all of social media! I consider that a miracle, and miracles is the way things ought to be."
"I don't know why I forgave Aquamarine if she wanted me to come here." Topaz nervously muttered to herself before she picked up the unconscious Teal Zircon and tried to make a break for it, only to be stopped by Doc and Leggy standing guard at the doors.
"If anyone tries to get out and warn the Crystal Gems, there will be consequences. I'm looking at you, Topaz." Black Rutile threatened the Topaz fusion, which caused Emerald, Morganite, and the Garnets to look nervously at each other. "Now, back on subject, I have been trying for almost a year to exact my revenge on the accursed Crystal Gems for attempting to assimilate me to their fascist ways."
She then pulled the torn page of Rasputina's spellbook from her gem. "When I lost Rasputina's grimoire to the Crystal Gems, I was able to steal this page at the last moment. This is everything I need to know about the being known as Flipso. This is an interdimensional imp of great power over chaos and destruction who was sealed away by an interstellar librarian for crimes against all conceivable reality. However, that didn't stop him from manipulating people throughout the ages so that one day, he could finally be free to turn the universe into his playground. Rasputina?"
"It will be my pleasure, master." Rasputina declared before she surrounded her hands in a dark aura surrounding the page as she began an ancient chant. "Ooh-eeh-ooh-ah-ah, ting tang, walla-walla bing bang!" At the last word, a shadowy figure emerged from the page, letting out a maniacal laugh before yawning loudly.
"Oy! Ten trillion years can give you such a crick in the neck!" the newly emerged Flipso yelled as he stretched like he woke up from a very long nap. "Oh man, I haven't slept this good since I convinced that mustached twit to drop out of art school and pursue politics!"
"Incredible!" Konstantin, Pavel, and Leo gasped in awe.
"Well, well, well, let's have a look at the menagerie here!" Flipso said as he got a good once over of all the Rutile Rebels before coming face to face with Black Rutile. "I suppose you must be the schmuck who released me, huh?"
"I am Black Rutile, yes." Black Rutile tersely introduced herself to Flipso. "Would you explain why your physical body doesn't seem to be how I expected it to be?"
"Oh yeah, that." Flipso realized his current status. "Unless you can find a way for me to return to normal, I'm stuck like this for a while. But that won't stop me from doing this!" With a snap of Flipso's fingers, Konstantin, Pavel, and Leo turned into a talking drinking cup, a large fry, and a wad of meat.
"YOU QUESTION THE WORD OF THE MIGHTY JIMMY?!" Konstantin yelled angrily.
"So he can bend reality to his whims, just as she said." Francis von Bowling observed Flipso's powers as the imp continued showing off for the Rutile Rebels, changing Topaz into a pineapple with her face on it, switching everyone's genders, and unleashing beasts with forms inconceivable to any sane eyes.
"Which means we should keep quiet if we want to survive this." Emerald advised the Garnets and Morganite. "Got it?"
"I don't even want to know what he could turn us into." Morganite added drearily.
"I'm scared!" Demantoid and Pyrope yelled as they held onto each other.
"Okay, that's quite enough out of you, Flipso." Black Rutile commanded, stopping the imp's antics so he could listen. "The reason why I unleashed you is that you play a vital role in my grand revenge on the Crystal Gems. Should you obey my commands, I shall find a way to restore you to your true physical form so you can wreak as much havoc as you please. Do we have a deal?"
"Well, with an offer like that, how could I refuse?" Flipso agreed to Black Rutile's deal as the Rutile Rebels cheered. Some were elated that they finally had an advantage, while others were despairing over what they had done.
Meanwhile, the Crystal Gems gathered at the beach house to tell the Diamonds of their situation regarding Tanzanite. Needless to say, the former supreme rulers of Homeworld were not pleased with what they'd been informed of.
"Oh, this is just perfect. Pink screws us over from beyond the grave yet again." Yellow Diamond complained. "I swear, we should start listing how her death has negatively affected us. In fact, Pearl, put that down."
"Yes, Yellow." Yellow Pearl answered. Even though she was free to act of her own free will now, she still felt the need to serve her Diamond when asked.
"So where has Tanzanite gone now?" Blue Pearl quietly asked.
"We don't know yet, but whatever happens, I hope we can still help her." Garnet replied.
"Frankly, I think it should be about time we shut this whole Pink Diamond debacle down and let her rest in peace already." White Diamond suggested. "She made her bed and laid in it, so we should do the same."
"Well, maybe we could if someone didn't treat Pink so badly!" Bismuth declared accusingly.
"What did you just say, you infernal builder?" Yellow growled angrily at Bismuth.
"Whoa, now everyone, time out!" Spinel cried as she tried to calm the two hot-tempered Gems down.
"Though I don't like Bismuth's tone, she raises a good point." Blue Diamond stated. "Our poor treatment of Pink was but one of many things that convinced her to fake her demise and start the rebellion in the first place."
"That said, it's not like you're any better." Yellow coldly added, much to the Crystal Gems' horror.
"Say that again." Jasper grumbled, ready to attack her former Diamond at any moment.
"Jasper, calm down, dearie." White Topaz urged her partner not to lose her cool. "I'm sure Yellow didn't mean it."
"No, I totally mean what I say!" Yellow exclaimed. "I can count on just one finger how many times lately you've tended to his needs when he needed you the most! Heck, I won't even need a finger!"
"Yellow, please calm down, and let's come to an agreement, okay?" Volleyball suggested, even though she'd rather stay out of this argument altogether.
"Yeah, listen to old One-Eye here and chillax!" Spinel agreed with her Pearl friend.
"Please understand, Steven kept us all in the dark about his trauma because he feared getting us worried!" Pearl begged the Diamonds.
"Well, unfortunately, it could've been avoided if you had come to him first." Yellow proclaimed harshly. "Come along, ladies, we got better things to do."
"I apologize on Yellow's behalf. She's just had enough of this drama." Blue said to the Crystal Gems. "And honestly, I'd have to agree."
"Us too." Garnet agreed somberly as the Diamonds parted ways with the Crystal Gems on rather sour terms. While thankfully, nobody became enemies again, it still made the Crystal Gems wonder about how their actions have negatively affected others. Others like Black Rutile, who was now on the verge of rising to power again with an all-powerful cosmic deity by her side and a new band of Rutile Rebels to aid her in getting revenge on her greatest enemies.
Well, that was certainly bit of a downer. A former Crystal Gem joins the enemy, the team is now on uneasy terms with the Diamonds, and Black Rutile has released a being who could turn the entire world into a bowl of ice cream with a wiggle of his toe. How could the Crystal Gems handle such a threat, or how long will it take before he stabs Black Rutile in the back? Find out more as the series reaches its climax, but in the meantime, next time we're hitting the beach! Episode. Next chapter's a beach episode.
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aquanova99 · 3 years
୨⎯ 180° ⎯୧
⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰
Summary: reader happens to see Edward and Bella’s dramatic reunion in New Moon. Volturi also have to bring her to the throne room where she meets her new mate. What will she choose to do?
A/N: oh my god I’m so sorry I haven’t written in so long. Life, you know? I promise I’ll keep trying to put stuff out more consistently.
A/N: this is not my best work but its been in the drafts for a hot minute. Thank you for reading and sorry for any mistakes. As always requests are open!!
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Running into a secret vampire organization was not something on your to do list when visiting Italy. One of your last stops was Volterra, there was a festival going on that day. Everyone was in weird cloaks. I guess now looking back on it, it was extremely elaborate. You’d been close to the castle when you saw a girl running through the fountain. She ran straight towards a man in one of the robes, he looked different. Before she reached him he stepped forward and for a split second you could swear his skin was glowing. It wasn’t human.
Next thing, you knew you woke up in a strange place. How you ended up here you couldn’t be sure. You weren’t awake for long when someone came in. Objectively speaking, he was the most attractive guy you’d ever seen.
“Sorry mia cara. I’m sure you have many questions. I will answer them all later. Right now we need you to answer some questions for us. Would you follow me?”
Whose us? Was the first thing that popped in your mind. Realistically you wouldn’t be able to say no. Even if you did and tried to get out. You had no idea where you were. And this man looked the same as the one in the plaza. His skin tone was a bit different but the same smooth appearance. Except his eyes were blood red. As much as you felt safe around him, there was something he was very clearly leaving out.
“Is everything okay?”
“Not really. But I’m good. Lead the way I guess”
You were led to a throne room, you were surrounded by red eyes. There were three people in the center. The one from the plaza, the girl who ran towards him and a smaller girl. Only the man turned to look at you, and he terrified you more than everyone else. He looked at you like was trying to find something in you.
“Ah welcome my dear.” The one in the middle said to you
“Uhm hi? Did I do something?”
“Not to worry, we won’t harm you.” The ‘you’ was pointed, maybe nothing would happen to you but something is definitely about to happen to somebody else, “my name is Aro, these are my brothers Caius and Marcus. Before I ask any questions, Edward would you come forward you seem uneasy.”
The one from the plaza stepped forward. He extended his hand.
“Interesting. Two people immune to our gifts.”
The taller girl glared at you. All of a sudden all eyes were on you again. Caius smiled at you.
“What’s your name, and where are you from?”
“Uhm I’m y/n, I’m not really from anywhere I’ve always moved from place to place. I was born in the states and I’ve been going around Europe for the past two years?”
“Well y/n. Could you do me a favor and tell me what you saw today at the festival?”
This is what they wanted to know? Just what were these people.
“Well…” you turned back to look at Edward and the other girl. Her eyes had gone from fury to pleading. They expected me to lie. Yeah, no. You didn’t even know these people and this Edward looked like he wanted to kill you. The small one started freaking out.
“What if Bella stays? Can we go?” She offered, the other girl looked like her whole soul was crushed. Edward wasn’t having it.
“Not a chance Alice.” He hissed.
She sighed, “nevermind. It’s too late now. Thanks a lot.” She crossed her arms. She went up to Aro and offered her hand as well.
“Why are you blocking me?” He snarled
Aro nodded and turned back to me, “my dear if you could continue. Sorry for all the interruptions.”
“Well all I know is that, I was by the castle and that girl was running through the plaza. I’m surprised I’m the only one who saw them. The girl ran through a fountain. I don’t know what I saw I just know the ginger over there started half sparkling.”
The attractive vampire next you grinned. “Masters she has answered your questions. May I escort her back to her room?”
“Of course Demetri.” So that was his name. You followed him out of the room. It wasn’t long after the doors closed that you heard a ridiculous amount of crashing, like boulders cracking.
“So can I ask questions now…or am I supposed to keep finding things out by listening to conversations?” You could tell he was leading you back to the original room you’d woken up in
“Sorry about that cara. I know everything has been rather rushed. What would you like to know?”
“Well first what exactly are you?”
“Straight to the important questions I see.” He chuckled
“That’s not an answer.”
“You aren’t going to believe me.”
“Look it’s clear you aren’t human so whatever it is, just out with it. please.” Not to be rude but it’s been a long day, you thought
“Okay cool.” You tried to think of another question, but honestly your mind was still wrapping itself around the fact that vampires existed.
“I mean I think? I’m assuming all the legends about you aren’t true?”
“No they aren— I’m sorry, you seem oddly okay with this.”
“Well when I woke up in a strange room my first thought wasn’t vampires it was humans with bad intentions.”
His eyes went wide, “I’m so sorry! I didn’t even think about how that would seem!”
You let out a giggle, he really was cute all flustered “It’s fine, nothing happened. So, why are you in charge of babysitting me?” Not that you minded.
“Errr. Uhm,” he ran his hand through his hair, “you’re sort of my mate?”
“Okay…lots of follow up questions. Mate? Me? Explain please.”
“It’s hard to explain, well maybe not but it’s a lot to take in. Mates are exactly what it sounds like. Two people pretty much made for eachother. Once mates have met it becomes impossible for them to really be apart, especially on the vampire side.” He started to freak out again, “not that I would force you to stay or anything.”
You nodded, “Not like I have much of a choice though right?”
“I’m sorry?”
“Well you guys called me in there to prove that I saw something I wasn’t supposed to. Which means I shouldn’t know about you guys. So why would I be able to leave?”
He sighed, “well you could leave. But not as a human.”
“…I have to become a vampire.”
“I’m sorry cara.”
You should have probably been terrified, but I guess the mate thing was true because you just wanted to keep hanging out with Demetri. “So what happens when I turn? And also why did that main guy said Edward couldn’t read me?”
Demetri just stared at you for a minute, “what?” You asked him
“I just—I don’t know if I should be impressed you seen so relaxed or worried you aren’t seeing things clearly.”
“It’s death or death. Not very hard to get. I’m hoping one has more perks, and considering I have a very cute mate I’m leaning towards changing.”
Demetri was taken aback. “You-you’ll stay?”
“It is every girls dream to be a princess isn’t it? Living in a castle with my own personal Prince Charming? Sounds like fun.”
“It’s not all fun amore. The change is painful. And there’s a chance I’d be gone a lot because of my gift. I mean if you’re gifted maybe you could come with me but that would be dangerous too.”
“Vampires with extra abilities. When your turned you’ll gain incredible strength and speed, you’ll pretty much be indestructible…but others have additional abilities. I can track anyone I’ve met. The twins Jane and Alec, she can make you feel pain and Alec can make you feel nothing at all. There’s more too but…”
“Do I have a gift? They mentioned something about me being immune to something.”
“There’s a good chance.”
“Well okay then.”
“I’m sorry?”
“So when do we get this all over with?”
“You want to do it now?” He was joking but the idea wasn’t all bad.
“Now, later, the result is the same. I’ve lived a pretty okay life. It’d be fun to do it again without any worries.”
“I don’t think you understand the gravity of the situation darling.” You rolled your eyes, this was getting ridiculous. You had yourself back in the room you woke up in.
“So make me.” You told him
“Make me understand.”
He smirked, “Gladly.”
Taglist: @adaydreamaway08 @artaxerxesthegreat @aunt-pipie @avyannadawn @imtoanonymousforyou @lacychick @minghao3o @quarthly @volturiwolf
327 notes · View notes
darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Chris's Call
Leon Kennedy x fem!reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: some violence, re8 spoilers, mentions of Mias grief
Author’s Note: i just think <3 father figure leon <3 Why haven’t I written one like this with Sherry yet? I hope you enjoy darling!
Requested: by anon, OPEN REQUESTS!!!!! I've been waiting for this one. can you do a little fic or drabble or whatever comes to your mind of leon and reader (married) meeting rosemary after re8? or maybe leon and reader teaching grow up rose some tricks for fights and all. it's up to you!! thaanks, u the best <3 (btw, i am from brazil! sending a kiss from rio de janeiro to wherever you are rn!
Summary: the request
Genre: fluff
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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You woke up to your phone ringing. You recognized the ring tone and picked up your phone immediately.
“Hello,” you said, voice still quiet and weak from sleep. Leon threw his arm around your waist, pulling you closer in the cold of the bed. You let him, finding warmth in his body heat.
“Glad you picked up. I need your help,” Chris said on the other line.
“Just me?” “When have I ever needed just you. Of course I mean both of you. I sent you the address.” He hung up the phone. You rolled your eyes and put your head back down on the pillow for a moment.
“Did he say what he wanted?” Leon asked. You shook your head.
“I guess we’re going to have to find out,” you muttered sleepily.
“If only Chris was concise and straightforward like he used to be.” ===
You and Leon walked into the base that Chris had sent you the address too. You had taken the liberty to bring your own handguns, along with your signature weapon as well. Leon brushed his hair out of his face as he yawned. You saw Chris in all black, looking like he had just gotten out of a big fight.
“Thank you both for coming so fast.” You nodded sleepily.
“Who do we need to fight?”
“Oh. No one.” Leon scoffed.
“What?” Chris pursed his lips and thought about how to tell you what had just happened. You and Leon had been working apart from him and the BSAA for a while now but you kept in touch for the broad strokes. You knew about the Mother Miranda problem but not anything detailed about it.
“Mother Miranda and her village have been blown to shit,” Chris said.
“Without us?” you joked weakly, too tired to land a perfect comical hit. Chris looked a little heavier than usual. You weren’t sure what had gone on but clearly it had taken an emotional toll on him.
“Ethan Winters was killed.” Your eyes went wide. You had only met Ethan once but he had been a tough son of a bitch. The Baker house was a whole different problem then what you were used to. You were surprised anything could take him out. “He was protecting his wife Mia and their daughter Rosemary. He made me promise to take care of them.” He gave you and Leon a look.
“You called us in at 4 in the morning because you need parenting advice from people who aren’t parents?” you asked. Chris blew a sharp breath through his nose.
“I need help navigating this situation. You two are my most trusted advisors.”
“You called us in to parent the kid,” Leon said.
“I called you in to help me parent the kid.” You nodded, rolling your eyes.
“Well we’re already here. We may as well meet little Rose.”
Chris nodded once.
“Thank you.” He led you and Leon through the base to a small room. You could see a woman and baby through the small door window. The woman, Mia you guessed, looked exhausted. She held onto the baby for dear life. She stood up as Chris walked through, her eyes still stained with tears. She had just lost her husband. You weren’t sure what you would do if you lost yours.
“Mia this is Leon and Y/N Kennedy. I’ve known them for years and would trust them with my life. I want them to help with Rose.” Mia swallowed hard, looking down at her baby.
“Are you parents?”
“No,” you said gently. “But we want to help.”
You and Leon visited Rose every month, sometimes twice a month. You made sure she was doing alright and made sure Chris wasn’t putting her through too much. He wasn’t made to be a parent. Maybe once upon a time, before Umbrella put their mark on him, he could have been a wonderful dad. But right now he was more focused on the mission and what Rose could bring to the table.
You and Leon helped Mia where you could.
You took a sip of water and kept writing out the report on your computer. Leon was sitting beside you on the couch, flipping through a book he wasn’t actually reading.
“You know we could watch a movie,” he suggested.
“I have to work Kennedy.”
“You’ve been working enough for the both of us,” he commented. You gave him a look and he gave you one back. You were about to say something else when there was a knock on the door. He hoisted himself up and walked over.
Rose stood on the other side, baseball cap over her head, leaning against the doors.
“Hey Uncle Leon,” she said with a smile. “Aunt Y/N.” She walked inside, not bothering to be invited.
“What are you doing here?” you asked. “You could have called.”
“I was busy disobeying Chris to call.” Leon pat her back.
“Atta girl.” You rolled your eyes.
“Why exactly were you disobeying Chris?” She shrugged and flopped down onto the couch.
“Because he’s an asshole. He wants me to learn all this fighting stuff and I just can’t be bothered.”
“Well you need to learn to fight if you’re going to continue to live. People will be after you because of your powers Rose, you need to protect yourself.”
“Why do I need to protect myself when I have you, Leon and Chris? Plus, my mom tried to kill my dad and she pretty much succeeded. Pure rage is in my blood.” You and Leon met each other's eyes.
“Why don’t we teach you some stuff?” he asked.
“Can we get Taco Bell afterwards?”
“It wouldn’t be a fight without Taco Bell afterwards,” Leon promised. She stood up.
“This is why you guys are better than Chris.”
“Give Chris a break, he’s got a lot on his plate. Leon, do you still have the flame thrower Ada gave you?”
“Flame thrower? Nah, you two are the best.”
Resident Evil Tag List: @ceruleanrainblues, @chloe-online , @alexxavicry
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kuroos-babie · 4 years
Falling in Love with a Single Mom HCs
Sakusa x fem!Reader | Kita x fem!Reader | Tendō x fem!Reader
[ Headcanons/MiniFics ]
a/n: once again,,, i love these hcs so much but i feel like omi was kinda ooc im so sorry (╥﹏╥) i hope u like these still!! i really enjoyed writing these, pls do tell me what you think (~ ̄³ ̄)~
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❀ he's been watching you for a while now— his team's manager
❀ everyone knew you've recently became a new mom— as well as how your child's dad went MIA a few weeks after you gave birth, left a note breaking things off with you and saying he wasn't ready to be a dad
❀ you usually had your mom or a relative take care of your baby while you went to work, but this time no one was available so you had to bring your son with you
❀ standing by the corner of the crowded cafeteria, he kept on glancing at you obviously struggling to pacify your baby
❀ he didn't like the piercing cries of the child in your arms so he decided to help you, or so he convinced himself
❀ in reality, he couldn't take seeing you so panicked anymore— it agitates him so much
❀ he was trying to remember what komori taught him about babies as he walked over to where you stood
"have you tried feeding it?" he asked nonchalantly, standing a good foot away from you as he tried to peer over your shoulder
"him" you replied, exhaustion and frustration dripping from your tone, "and yeah, i just did"
you sighed
"give me"
it wasn't everyday that sakusa offered help so you jumped at the opportunity, supporting your child's neck and back as sakusa took him, doing the same
❀ he laid the baby on his chest, gently tapping at his back
❀ after a few moments he let out a small burp the baby not sakusa skdka
❀ he handed your child back to you, now silently chewing on his hand, saying he "just needed to burp"
❀ your face felt hot, embarrassed that you had no idea
❀ sakusa just placed a hand on your head and smiled behind his mask before leaving, he knows you needed all the help you can get right now and he, albeit wordlessly, made sure you're aware that he's willing to provide that help
❀ since then he regularly drops by your apartment and helps you clean and take care of your baby saying he's just making sure there weren't any germs near the kid
❀ lets you take naps as he watch your kid— but not before taking a bath, he has spare clothes in your closet
❀ the team notices how he's always over at your place
"omi-kun you're always over at y/n's, might as well move in with her"
"if she wants me to, i don't see any problem with it" he said so casually it made you whip your head to his direction
"do you... want to?" he looked away from you without an answer, avoiding your eyes, "omi-kun do you want to move in with us?"
"i said, if you wanted to" he replied, still avoiding your gaze and cheeks tinted red
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❀ you met him at the wet market; well, your daughter did
❀ you noticed her run off while you were buying ingredients for your lunch and stocking up your fridge, quickly trying to catch up to her
❀ she was giddily running around, little 3 year old legs not taking her too far before bumping into a stranger's leg
❀ falling to her bum, your daughter looked up to see brown eyes looking down at her
"i'm sorry, are you alright?"
he helped the child up, holding her steady as he dusted off her bottom
by the time you caught up with the both of them, he already had your daughter in his arms, asking her where her mom was with a smile
"there she is!" she said with a giggle
"baby, what did i tell you about running off on your own?" you scolded her with a tired smile as kita handed her over to you, thanking him kindly
❀ after that encounter, he started to notice you more and more; in the wet market, around the neighbourhood, and in the topics of local grannies
❀ you moved in recently, shortly after your daughter's dad bailed out on the both of you, leaving you to raise her alone; or so he's heard
❀ he would always give you a soft smile and an acknowledging nod whenever you two see each other
❀ it wasn't until his grandmother asked him to bring over some vegetables to your house that he had the chance to have an actual conversation with you
"gran wanted you to have this"
"oh thank you very much", you beamed at him while taking the basket, "do you maybe want to come inside? i'll prepare some tea"
he was about to decline the offer, but the joyful look on your child's face the moment she sees kita convinced him to do otherwise
❀ the two of you talked over tea and snacks while your daughter sat on his lap, playing with his large hand
❀ you couldn't help but smile at the both of them, your daughter never one to be this playful with others, kita didn't seem too bothered either
❀ time passed and kita needed to go back home, much to your daughter's dismay
❀ he didn't want to upset your kid too much so it was decided he'll come back soon to play with her
❀ it became a regular thing for kita to stop by your house on his way home from the fields— spending time with you and your daughter slowly becoming routine
❀ he adored your child's little giggles and the way she insisted having him wear the flower crown she made, glancing at you to see you laughing at the sight had him imagining what life would've been like with the two of you
❀ till he realized he was already living that life— looking forward to seeing you both after a hard day of work at the fields, being greeted by warm smiles and a hug, eating dinner together and sharing laughter
❀ it seems like granny wouldn't have to wait too long for a grandchild
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❀ he noticed your 2 year old boy looking—staring, at him from across the restaurant he was having lunch at
❀ so of course he decided to make faces in an attempt to make him laugh
❀ he wiggled his eyebrows at the toddler, waving his hands and cooing— though he wasn't sure if the baby even hears him
❀ the boy decided that tendō pulling at his ears and sticking his tongue out was a winner, letting out a short giggle
❀ you had your back to tendō so you were surprised to see your child laughing when you looked up from your meal
❀ turning around to see tendō making the silliest face, you couldn't help but laugh as well, your son finding it absolutely hilarious and is squealing in delight
❀ tendō's face heated up in embarrassment from being caught but he laughed along nonetheless, shaking his head as you waved your son's tiny hands at him and mouthing 'hello'
❀ he thought you two were adorable so he decided to come up to your table
"you babysitting your nephew? or is that your baby brother?"
you chuckled at him, "he's my son"
the redhead's brain buffered for a few moments, "i should get going then, don't wanna offend someone" he laughed awkwardly, hand scratching at his nape
"oh no, it's fine. you're not offending anyone" his eyebrows raised at your reply's implication, "mind taking a seat? my baby seem to like you"
"your baby has great taste" tendō smirked as he slid to the seat opposite yours
"so it seems" you said with a tone that sent a blush straight to his cheeks
❀ the afternoon ended with your number saved on tendō's phone under the name cute baby('s) momma🥺
❀ he texts and calls All The Time; asking how your kid is doing and wanting to see the both of you
❀ after a while of talking and going out, you asked him if he wanted to come over to your place for a visit and he was simply ✨ecstatic✨
❀ spent the whole afternoon crawling around your living room chasing your son, squeals and giggles echoing throughout your house
❀ you've never seen your son be this comfortable with anyone that isn't you and you're just grateful that tendō adores your child as much as your child adores him
❀ when tendō walked up to you— your son in his arms, sleeping soundly on his shoulder, you offered to take the child but he refused and opted to pull you close with his free hand
❀ he leaned against the kitchen counter, both you and your son in his arms as you asked him in a whisper, "can you stay?"
❀ understanding what you meant was more than staying for the night, he answered with a definite "for as long as you want to, of course" before pressing a kiss on your temple
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taglist: @churochuu @bakarinnie @faithieeee @strawberriimilkshake @paulazockt @pattys-got-cakes @hidden-otaku-stuff @haikyuubabie @shou-kunn @your-local-abyss @stcrryskies
✨send me an ask to be added/removed!✨
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princesssunnybee · 3 years
When It’s Over
Phoenix’s first thought as he watches the bailiff drag Kristoph away in handcuffs is, “I sure know how to pick ‘em.” He isn’t filled with rage, or sadness, or disappointment. He doesn’t try to lunge after him, he doesn’t scream, or cry. Phoenix stands and watches. He thinks back to Dahlia, how he reacted when she was found guilty for murder. He thinks back to how he stood in that courtroom with Mia at his side, throat hurting and heart broken. His heart doesn’t break now, at least not in the way it did with Dahlia. Now, he stands there and thinks “I sure know how to pick ‘em.” Trucy is by his side in an instant and he pulls her to him and kisses her temple. She’s his lifeline, and she knows that. “Let’s go home, Daddy,” she says softly, taking his hand and pulling him out of the courthouse.
Phoenix doesn’t sleep that night. He sits in the living room with the TV on, thinking about Kristoph. The six months they spent together in misery. The actual relationship had been over for months, almost as soon as it started. Phoenix isn’t an idiot. He can spot a murderer when he sees one, it’s kind of his job. Or, was. Kristoph took that from him too, though. If Phoenix is being honest with himself, the reason he stayed with Kristoph for as long as he did was so he could keep tabs on Kristoph. Keep your enemies closer and all that. It’s easier to know what a psychopath is up to when you’re in their bed.
In fact, Phoenix crafted rules when it came to Kristoph in the last few months of their relationship. First and foremost, never let him near Trucy. Phoenix can tolerate a lot of shit. Dragging his baby girl into it is something he won’t tolerate. Kristoph was never to set foot in the Wright apartment, something Phoenix made sure of. He put protections into place, when Ema was babysitting Trucy (which happened too often in Phoenix’s opinion, but he couldn’t exactly make his own hours at the Borscht Bowl Club), she knew never to let him through the doors of the elevator. Ema is one of the few people that Phoenix trusts, the lengths she went to so that Kristoph never set foot near their front door is one of the biggest reasons why.
Second rule, never give him important details about anything. With Kristoph, nearly everything important to Phoenix was on a strictly need to know basis. Need to know basis being any time he needed an excuse to divert suspicion from Kristoph discovering the jurist system in which Phoenix was investing all of his time. He was careful with continuity. If he told Kristoph he was visiting Khura’in with Trucy, he’d take Trucy to Khura’in and they’d catch up with Maya. If Phoenix happened to be working on the jurist system through Zoom, then so be it.
Phoenix’s third rule was implemented in the last month leading up to Kristoph’s arrest. With this nagging suspicion that Kristoph was trying to get rid of him per say, Phoenix wouldn’t eat anything that Kristoph had any part of. It really helped that Kristoph wasn’t much of a cook, allowing Phoenix to carefully look over the food and drink without too much of a fuss or without drawing too much attention to his true goal. The man had a nasty penchant for poison and Phoenix had no reason to believe that wouldn’t extend to the man Kristoph presumed to be his devoted lover.
The fourth and final rule was almost as important as not letting Kristoph near Trucy. Almost. Playing the part of the doting boyfriend wasn’t exactly easy for Phoenix, who was quickly growing to hate Kristoph’s guts towards the end there, but it was necessary to keep Kristoph at bay. To keep him clueless about the jurist system and everything that Phoenix knew along with it, Phoenix had to be a good boyfriend, a loving partner. In the first two months of their relationship, Phoenix has to admit that he was very charmed and enamored by Kristoph. He had a very charming demeanor, something darker and meaner only lurking under the surface when you really looked for it. When you don’t know what you’re looking for, it’s almost impossible to detect. That’s when Kristoph started being a little meaner with Phoenix. When he started trying to manipulate and abuse him into doing his bidding. Phoenix knew better, he had seen the same tactics when he was with Dahlia. The third month of that relationship was when Phoenix put the rules into place, rules so that he wouldn’t get attached, and more importantly, rules so that he wouldn’t get hurt. Phoenix remembers the night that he realized everything. How Kristoph had framed him, and how even then he was making attempts to control him. That night, Phoenix did something that he hadn’t done in a long time. He called Edgeworth.
Tonight, Phoenix has the same instinct. He checks the time, picks up the phone, and lets it ring. He isn’t sad, maybe a little bitter, definitely happy that his plan worked, but not sad. When Edgeworth picks up, Phoenix can tell that he’s smiling.
“I heard the news. Congratulations are in order, Wright.”
“Thank you. Maybe now we can work on getting my badge back.”
“Naturally. I can come back to the states for a while, maybe pull some strings at the prosecutor’s office.”
“That’s really not necessary, Miles.” They sit in comfortable silence for a bit, listening to each other’s breathing, and really, that’s the biggest difference. With Dahlia or Iris, or both, and Kristoph, it never felt like this. It never felt comfortable in the silence, maybe because with them, their silence was heavy with guilt or secrecy.
“How are you feeling?” Edgeworth asks after a while.
“I-” Phoenix cuts himself off, not wanting to lie. Edgeworth brings that out in him, wanting to be honest, wanting to be a better man, a good man. He knows that if he voiced that, Edgeworth would argue that he is a good man. Phoenix doesn’t know if that’s true, though, not anymore. He’s lied and cheated and even forged evidence that he gave to an unwitting defense attorney that reminded Phoenix a lot of himself. And Trucy. Who he’s hiding the truth from about her mother and Apollo. He isn't a good man. He wants to be for Edgeworth. He wants to be for Trucy, and even Apollo. So, he tries again. Lets out a bitter laugh, and tells the truth, voices the thought that’s been nagging at him since he watched the man he spent the past 6 months with break down.
“Well. I sure know how to pick ‘em, huh, Edgeworth?”
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cinnamonrusts · 3 years
-- "sorry, ethan" [ WARNING: LIGHT SPOILERS FOR BEGINNING SCENE OF RE8: VILLAGE - READ AT YOUR OWN RISK ] [warnings: mentions of violence]
you check in on the winters family in europe and when the evening is interrupted - you come face to face with a face that you’ve not seen in a long time. [chris redfield x reader]
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                                                  ✧.* ✧.* ✧.* ✧.*
The BSAA gifted you the task of ensuring that the Winters family was adjusting well to their new lives in seclusion. The alliance uprooted their everything they knew and placed them in a cold area in Europe where snow covered each corner of the ground. Ethan and Mia were initially troubled by this idea but you promised them that it was the best thing for them to do. It wasn’t your idea, though. Chris Redfield, your ex-boyfriend, was the one who orchestrated them to move -- for their own safety.
But you didn’t hear from Chris since then. He disappeared from your life and it had been a long, long time since you’d seen each other. Where was he? What was he doing? You weren’t sure if you’d ever see his handsome face again...
It was your first ever visit to their home in Europe and you could smell the aroma of Mia’s new learned cuisine that were native to the local area. “Will you be the taste tester for Mia, while I put little Rose to bed?” Ethan asked as he held his sleeping infant close to his chest. Her chubby face was soft and content as she drifted off into another realm of slumber. “As long as she doesn’t poison me for helping to bring you guys here!” you joked as you followed the brunette woman into their large kitchen.
“Now, [Y/N]. How many times do I have to tell you?! We’re adjusting here quite well,” she walked directly to the stove and hovered over a boiling pot, then took a deep breath in. “Well, I’m glad to hear that...” you sighed in relief - you couldn’t imagine how it felt to move across the ocean. Mia smiled as she took the ladle in her palm and stirred the orange liquid, which caused the steam to roll into the air and then to your face. You too took a deep inhale and your stomach growled loudly as a result. Mia chuckled, “Sounds like someone is hungry.” Your hand went to your belly and you groaned, “That’s an understatement. I have the worst jet lag on Earth right now and that smells amazing.”
Ethan soon returned and informed the two of you that Rose was “sleeping like a baby”. Mia brought over the boiling pot to the kitchen island and when Ethan tried taking a bite before she was ready, the back of his hand got a whap from her metal spoon. “It’s Ciobra de Legume. It’s a local recipe. But it’s not ready yet,” Mia let the pot to cool before the three of you would eat and took your hand in hers to lead you to the dining room that was attached to the kitchen, “Please, sit.” she instructed as Ethan brought three wine glasses to the table. “If Ethan’s going to sulk all night. Maybe we should enjoy the wine instead.” You obeyed her request and took a seat to her left.
Not long after an argument brewed between the two of them. Ethan was insistent that they needed to talk about what happened in Louisiana, but Mia firm on her opinion that they just needed to forget about it and move on. You sat in silence across from Ethan as you watched Mia grow frustrated with his behavior. She raised her hands, “I don’t understand why you are so --,” just before she could finish her sentence, a bloody hole formed in her shoulder. It was no “hole” but a bullet wound. As it dawned on you what it was, you immediately pushed your chair back with all your might and hit the deck just as Ethan yelled to get down. However, Mia did not in time and soon was full of holes from the many weapons that fired into the home from outside. The flashes from the muzzles light up the dark house house like a macabre strobe light show and the sounds of Ethan’s yelling was muffled out by the roar of the automatic firearms.
The initial panic that enveloped your mind soon faded and when you reached for your own weapon -- it was apparent that your handgun was nowhere nearby but in the room in the upper floor, so, Ethan and yourself were defenseless against whoever it was that attacked the Winters home. You looked into Ethan’s panicked eyes as they darted from you to his most likely deceased wife on the floor. As quickly as it started, the flying bullets ceased and you could hear the sound of heavy boots on the wooden flooring, then followed by silence.
The table that was once your shelter was pushed to the side and you were exposed to a man in black. Despite all the years of your BSAA training, you were frozen in your tracks, your eyes did not move from the black shoes of the person who stood before you. “Chris!? What the hell!” Ethan yelled. When you heard the name, your blood ran cold and you went from afraid to confused. Your eyes moved from the floor upward and met the cold stare of the man that you once found yourself to love. “Sorry, Ethan.” was all he said, he didn’t even acknowledge you, but instead he pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Mia’s unmoving body. “No!” you screamed as you leaped toward him to smack the weapon from him to spare her. The two of you struggled over dominance of the weapon for a brief amount of time, but Chris pushed you out of the way with barely any effort. It didn’t hurt when you hit the ground because he did not use his full strength but you were still stunned. You tried to get to your feet fast enough to stop him again but just when you were able to be in arms length, Chris released several rounds quickly into Mia’s limp body.
Your knees felt weak and buckled from beneath you. Mia, Ethan, and now Rose were the three people in the world that you were supposed to keep safe but now -- now Mia was dead and anything you tried to do was useless. Even worse, she was taken down by the one person you believed would do the right thing -- someone you trusted with your life, but now he took the life of someone you cared for. 
Redfield caught you before you could go down to the floor. His arm was wrapped around your waist and his palm was flat against your pelvis. He looked into your eyes and they held you in place. They were the same eyes that you remembered and adored, but -- you didn’t think you could forgive him for his actions. A silence held in the air between the two of you but your attention was stolen from Chris when Ethan let out several curses and yells in the direction of your former acquaintance.
You proceeded then to shove Chris away from you and once you did so, you took several steps back to only bump into one of the cronies dressed in black that helped murder Mia. The man placed a firm hand on your shoulder which you shrugged off, and Chris attempted to do the same but you stopped him with a pointed finger. “Don’t.” you sneered, “Not now.” Chris complied and walked toward the entrance to the ruined home. You allowed Chris’s teammates to take you under their custody...
Chris’s guards pushed you and Ethan in the same direction but sectioned you off away from the poor man. “What’re you doing, Chris?!” you yelled as you tried to grab for the blonde but Chris pushed you back to the wall beside the staircase. The sound of Rose’s cries grew louder as a masked guard brought her down the stairs, then placed the infant in Chris’s arms. “Doing what I need to”, he paused before he gave a nod, “take Ethan away.” Winters was not about to let Chris and his goons take Rose away from him, especially after just murdering his wife. So, Redfield instructed one of his men to knock him out with the butt of his firearm once he showed a struggle. You watched Ethan hit the floor with a thud and be dragged away. How could Chris do this? Treat the people he helped take care of so cruelly?
“Come on,” Chris said as he turned to leave. “What makes you think I’m going with you?” a scoff left your lips. He grew silent before he cornered you in the doorway, baby still crying in his arms. “You’re welcome to stay here then,” Chris turned away again but you pulled him back with force, your eyes fixated on Rose. “Where have you been? You left me without a word and now-now, this!?.” he didn’t answer but walked toward the caravan that he arrived in, you followed after him quickly with anger, your gaze returning to the distraught infant and asked the same question several times.
Chris raised his voice at you to silence, “I will explain it all once we arrive at our checkpoint.” His tone dropped, maybe he felt bad for his reaction to your questions -- so, he proceeded to place his gloved hand on your bicep and gave it a squeeze.
Unfortunately for everyone, no questions were able to be answered because the caravan was never able to reach said checkpoint according to plan.
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blueroan-equestrian · 2 years
From the Beginning 2
Og post
Okay I guess I can’t go and not go give Druig all the babies he’s too cute not too
Druig was helping make sure that the compound updates were all finished up. He has had some of the village people learn how to fix and set up this modern technology in case of failure. Like I said updates on the compound are always a big under taking. Druig can be very hands on in these times when we renovate the compound. But when it’s finished he tends to lean back and observe. But of course if I ask him to do something he will always do it. “Love, I need help with the harvest distribution today, I need to do our laundry but it’s distribution day.”
“Of course m’love. You do what you need to do.” He chuckles sauntering over to kiss the crown of my head. We still don’t have washers as they were deemed an unnecessary luxury, so I started to fill up the basin when Everything went black between the lake and the house. It was dark and cold for what felt like an eternity when I heard Druig call my name, followed by hurried foot steps. He rolled me over and called for me but all I could do was groan. One of the down falls of living here was the lack of easy access to a doctor. Sure Druig and I never before needed one but the people… well we have women who have I guess you could call them witch doctors. Druig brought me to one in a panic. I awoke in a small bed my hand in the hands of a very worried Druig.
“M’love, are you alright?” He cooed.
I mustered up a tired smile, “Yes, I’m fine…. The heat must have gotten me today. I’m sorry.”
Druig lifted my hand to his lips and whispered, “You have nothing to be sorry for M’love. Do you want some water?”
I nodded and he helped me sit up slowly, before handing me a cup of water. I sipped the cool liquid and the little old lady and her granddaughter came in, “Good you’re awake. I would like to speak to her alone, if that’s alright. You can you please step out and wait for her?”
Druig looked at me with worried eyes but I gave him a nod. So he stepped out and the woman looks at me and says, “You can tell daddy later but it appears you are pregnant.”
“No…. I can’t get pregnant. We just don’t have that blessing in our cards.” I mumbled.
“Oh but I think that you are. Mia give her the seeds. Pee on these and if they grow in a week it will confirm my suspension.”
I pocket the bag of seeds and thanked them and went to meet Druig. “M’love! Is everything alright?”
“Yes they just wanted to make sure my cuts from my fall was actually from me passing out and not you. They were just being cautious.” I lied as this was a sour topic for both of us and there was no point in both of us to feel the sting.
Druig spent the rest of the day hovering. I decided to ask him to try to do the laundry himself to just get him to back off. I waited for him to fall asleep before sneaking out back to plant the seeds and peed on them.
I then snuck back in but when I went to get back into bed I woke him up. “Mmmm…. Are you okay?”
I snuggled into him and whispered, “I’m fine just had to go to the bathroom. Sorry I woke you.”
He wrapped me up in his arms, “It’s alright, Good night.”
“Good night baby.” I mumbled
A week later
I went to check the seeds and they had grown. No… they couldn’t be right… maybe a trip to town would help. If I got an actual test I could just squash it. But then I would have to tell Druig and I didn’t want him to feel that sting, that heartache the disappointment would bring. I still remember when Ajak first told us that we would never be able to conceive a baby together. I remember being heartbroken but he was crushed. He was absolutely destroyed. So how could I break his heart with an empty promise?
…Ajak! I could insist that it’s time we go for a visit. See family, see the outside world for a bit. The compound would be fine without us for a bit. Yes that’s the plan. I decided to make him a special dinner to help bring up the subject.
“Sweetheart?” I asked timidly as he finished his dinner.
“Hmm… what is it, love?”
“I…. I know when we split from the group it was because things and expectations were just unreasonable… but I was wondering if we could go visit Ajak…. Especially since I had that fainting spell it would be a good idea to see her but I also miss them.” I stammered.
He nodded, “That’s a good idea. But I thought you said it wasn’t a big deal.”
“Well you got in my head, and the more I think about it the more I wonder. So for the sake of my sanity, let’s go check.”
“Alright let’s pack a bag and go.”
“Now? Let’s wait till morning when it’s safer.” I said, “I will pack a bag for us now though.”
He nodded and cleared the table as I went to the bedroom to pack a few clothes for each of us and a few toiletries. We got up early and made our way out of the Amazon, and Druig used his powers to get us through the planes and stops till we reached her door.
I knocked on her door. The door was flung open with an excited squeal, “Oh my gosh. I can’t believe my eyes! Come give me a hug!” I immediately embarrassed her but Druig lingered, but caved and joined the hug. “So what brings you here?”
“(Y/n) passed out recently and we were hoping you could give her a quick look over.” Druig explained tightly.
“Perhaps alone so I can tell her some Ms. Alessa said to me. It’s kind of embarrassing but I promise to tell you after.” I say turning to Druig placing a hand on his shoulder.
He nodded and Ajak showed him to the living room before taking me to the upstairs bedroom, “So (Y/n) what is up with the secrecy?”
“Our witch doctor gave me these seeds they use to test pregnancy… I think I’m pregnant but…”
“No, really? Give me your hand… Oh my gosh! It’s true! You’re pregnant! I’m so excited for you!”
We hugged and I cried, “Really? Oh my goodness Druig he’s been wanting this for so long. Thank you!”
“Yes! I’m so excited please let’s go tell him!”
We quickly ran down stairs and Druig stood up from the couch and face covered with fear when he saw our faces covered in tears. “Well?”
“We did it!” I cried, “We’re pregnant!”
I go to hug him and at first he’s too in shock to respond just loosely wrapped his arms around me instinctively. “Pregnant?”
“Yes, sweetheart!”
“My baby?” He asked leaning back to put his hands on my belly.
“Yes.” I squealed. “Your baby, our baby!”
He smiled but turned to Ajak looking serious, “How? Is she sick? Will I loose her?”
“No, she’s fine. It’s a miracle. I don’t know how but you’re blessed.” Ajak says with tears of joy in her eyes.
“What do we do? We’ve no idea what to expect from this pregnancy.” Druig worried out loud.
Ajak stepped up excitedly, “Oh please stay here. Won’t you please stay? Oh you could take the spare bedroom and have the baby here.”
I looked at Druig asking with my eyes what he wanted. Druig focused on my belly as he thought, his hands on my belly as if he could already feel the baby in me. He kneels down in front of me and lifted up my shirt to reveal my still flat belly. He pressed his face into my belly and cried. “Druig? Baby… are you okay?” I asked running my hands through his hair.
“I’m going to be a daddy!” He cried, “It’s finally happened!”
“Do you want to stay here for the pregnancy or do you want to go back home?” I asked.
“Here, let’s stay here with Ajak so she can monitor the baby. I don’t want anything happening to her.”
“Who says it’s not a he?” I giggled.
“Oh I can tell it’s a daddy’s girl.”
Part 3
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Ateez being jealous
I left some of these open ended cause I might want to write a second part to this
Your boyfriend had invited you over to watch him practice for an upcoming award show. The choreography was intense and it was hard to pull it off. He got rap parts for the song so that was the cherry on top. All he wanted was to show you how hard he was working and for you to be proud of him.
You met the rest of the boys through Seonghwa and supported them wholeheartedly. Unbeknownst to you, Seonghwa invited you for selfish purposes but you had eyes on all the members and cheered them on. That didn't sit well with Seonghwa.
Yeosang had the hardest part in the choreography and you cheered for him every time he executed those moves. What worsened things was that Seonghwa couldn't do his part the way he wanted to and that made him angry. When the head choreographer announced a break you came running to him but he didn't spare you a look.
"Seonghwa you did great!"
"don't overburden yourself, you'll get it right, I know it"
"can you leave?"
"I can't concentrate with you cheering for everyone else, please leave"
You finished your semester and to celebrate, Hongjoong invited you over to have a little pizza party, just the two of you, since the other members had schedules. He was alone in the dorms when you came. It was a wholesome date, snuggles, pizza and netflix. Some time later he showed you the piece he was working on for a rap song him and Mingi were planning to release.
You praised him and gave him feedback. Hongjoong was the happiest. He was about to kiss you when Mingi walked through the front door and entered the living room. You were really close with him so he came in for a hug which you gladly returned. You then asked him to show you his rap verse and he did. You were a huge Mingi fan and everyone in Ateez knew that. So you unconsciously praised him more than you did Hongjoong, which didn't sit well with him. He held his breath and didn't cause a scene because 1) he knew you were supportive of the members and 2) Mingi was his and your friend and an outburst from Hongjoong would hurtyou both.
He controlled his feelings and became quiet which didn't go unnoticed by Mingi. Sensing that his friend was spacing out he excused himself, patted his shoulder and mouthed an 'I'm sorry' before leaving for his room.
He had been wanting to see this movie with you but didn't get the chance to tell you because of his busy schedule. He knew you'd love it and all he wanted was for you to be happy. When he was done with album promotions and got a day off, he got the perfect chance to meet you for a movie date before going to his home town. So he came to your apartment. You were very excited to see him and wouldn't stop hugging him. You guys talked about random things and you told him what you were up to while he was busy.
"I really really missed you that day Yunho, I missed you so much I called my friends and cried to them about how much I miss you. So they came over and we went out. We went to KFC and had ice-cream from McDonald's later. Oh and then we went to see this new movie that came out. It was really good, you should watch it too. I'm very thankful to my friends for taking me out that day, the food and movie made me feel really better."
When Yunho heard you talking about the same movie he was about to ask you to see with him, he felt devastated. He didn't want to, but he got sensitive about it and felt bad.
"you could've called me, I would have taken you to see that movie."
"but I didn't want to disturb you, you were so busy doing your thing."
"didn't want to disturb me? or didn't want to see the movie with me? and rather see it with your friends."
"what's so wrong with seeing the movie with my friends? And you're the one who set this rule about not meeting up for dates while you were promoting."
"it was just a movie, I could've made time to take you to see it!"
You were silent for a moment.
"you're right Yunho, it's just a movie."
Yunho caught on with the hurt in your tone but was too clouded by his jealousy that he didn't stop there.
"maybe you should go out more often with Robin then." he said knowing Robin was nothing more than a close friend to you.
"Robin is my friend and you know that."
"sure. Didn't we start as friends too."
Your jaw dropped at his words.
"I'm out of here." he said in an annoyed tone and got up to leave. You followed him and tried stopping him.
"you're doing all this just because I watched that movie with my friends and not you?"
"I'm doing all this because your friends care about you more than I could, so why not get out of your way and make things easier for you." he said and slammed the door shut.
You visited their dorms to see Yeosang because he wasn't feeling well. He worked out too hard and his body was sore so you came to tend to him until he felt like he could move his body without discomfort. He was on his bed and you sat on the chair. He moved a little and you immediately got up to hold his hand.
"hey don't move, tell me what it is."
"it's okay I just needed water, I can reach for the glass."
"let me do it Yeosang, just stay still for now."
He had heart eyes and was thankful for you. You lifted his head and brought the glass to his lips. You gently rested his head back on the pillow and were about to get up when he grabbed your hand.
"I need something."
"what is it?"
"give me a kiss."
"oh God Yeosang! Do the guys know how cheesy you tend to get?"
"they don't need to know." he smiled.
You placed your hand on his chest and lowered yourself to kiss him but were interrupted by Wooyoung suddenly entering the room. You moved away from Yeosang but he still had a grip on your arm. Wooyoung stomped to his bed and sat with his head in his hands. Yeosang nudged you to bring your attention back to him but you were worried for Wooyoung. Yeosang let go of your arm when you turned to look at his friend.
"hey is everything okay?" you asked.
"no" Wooyoung answered. You got up before Yeosang could grab your arm again and sat next to Wooyoung, patting his back.
"what's up? you can tell me."
"she was cheating on me with my friend." he said with a shaky voice, wiping his tears.
Yeosang scoffed, earning a glare from you. He wanted to comfort his friend in a time like this but he acted on his jealousy instead. He wanted you to sit next to him and not Wooyoung.
"didn't I tell you she was faking it? didn't I tell you she loved Yedam and not you? but you were just too in love to listen to me."
"Yeosang!" you warned him.
Wooyoung lifted his head to look at Yeosang, showing his red tear stained face. Yeosang looked unfazed and stared back at him, now sitting up on his bed. You didn't help him up, too annoyed with the way he was reacting to his friend's horrid break up.
You made Wooyoung face you instead and squeezed his shoulder.
"good riddance. You don't need someone who would look at other men when she had you. Be thankful that you got out of this."
Wooyoung whimpered at your words. You wanted to hug him but you knew it wasn't right so you gestured for Yeosang to comfort him. He scoffed again and you mouthed for him to do it or else. Yeosang hissed a little while getting up, his body still sore.
"I'll leave you two to talk about this, while I get ice-cream for Wooyoung to cheer him up."
"thanks y/n, I appreciate it." Wooyoung said.
Yeosang looked at you in disbelief.
You and San made it official so it was time to formally introduce him to your best friends. They knew you were seeing a guy who was very loving and caring and had a very kind heart. They were very happy for you because he was the first man you dated in a long time after breaking up with your toxic ex boyfriend 6 years ago. They arranged a surprise party for him and it was just San, you and your three best friends, Stella, Mia and Eric.
You picked him up from his place and drove to the location your friends sent you. San was excited and nervous, something you knew he would feel because he wanted your friends to like him. When you got there he was a little flustered to see the surprise, a separate table for 5 people, drinks already on the table and pretty wall hangings. You squeezed his hand and walked to them. They met you two and congratulated you both. San flashed his bright smile, showing his dimples. Your friends teased you about how handsome he was, making him shy. He was a gentleman and it showed by how he treated you all.
You introduced them individually and they noticed how San didn't shake hands with Stella and Mia and instead put his hand on his chest and bowed politely. When you introduced Eric to him, they revealed that they used to be classmates from grade 6th to 8th before San's parents moved to another city because of his dad's job. They shook hands and San felt a little weird about how he slightly squeezed his hand, making him lock eyes with him. He saw the look in his eyes and it made him uncomfortable. San didn't want to think about it and disregarded it as something in his head.
While talking and having food, San noticed how Eric would talk to you about old times, as if showing off how close you two were. It made him very jealous but he didn't act on it and acted like it didn't bother him.
Eric decided to test the waters and brought up a particular topic.
"so San, how long did it take you to build that muscle? I remember you used to be skinny as hell!" he joked.
You knew San was insecure about his past self and that's why he worked so hard to earn his toned and buff body. You knew Eric was only joking so you didn't interfere.
"haha well I... I became very active in junior year in college and I got these muscles after practicing dancing every day for 4 years"
"damn you went to college skinny?"
Although Eric was joking, nobody liked the joke and before you say something, Mia spoke first.
"what's wrong with being skinny?"
Eric started snickering, "nothing, I just meant that San looked like a kid when he was skinny."
"you went to college with that attitude and that awful haircut, who're you telling what they looked like." you defended your boyfriend who could only laugh at this point. Eric laughed about it and then the subject was changed.
San could feel Eric glaring at him but he chose to ignore him and focused on you.
Mingi was headover heals for you the moment he saw you but you didn't like him like that. He saw that but worked hard to get you to notice him. You did notice him and thought he was hot but you didn't see him as a suitable partner for you so you let him be. Mingi, however, was determined to get you to like him so he came to the cafe you worked at, whenever he was free. One time it was raining and you were not that busy since people weren't coming in because of the rain. It gave you time to sit back and relax and it wasn't your turn to clean the counters and tables so you sat at one of the tables and watched the rain peacefully. You heard the bell jingle, signalling someone had come in. You immediately got up to get to your station. You didn't expect to see Mingi there, setting his umbrella in a corner and coming to the counter with a smile on his face. He ordered two coffee cups and two fudge brownies. You perceived that he had to meet someone here. After paying for it, he sat at the table and waited for his order to come. When your coworker placed it on the tray, you took it and served it at his table. Mingi thanked you and smiled warmly. You got back to your station and watched as he sat quietly, not touching the food. After about 5 minutes Mingi called for a waiter and your coworker went to him. He asked her if people came in this weather to which she replied that the cafe was usually empty when it rained heavily so they weren't expecting customers and Mingi was probably the last customer of the day. He thanked her and she returned to her station. Mingi came to the counter after her.
"hey y/n? I uh asked your coworker and she said probably no one's going to come so I was wondering if you would uh maybe want to have coffee with me?"
You could tell he was nervous.
"your date didn't show up?" you teased, making Mingi's eyes widen.
"no no it's not like that. I was hoping you could be my date today haha I ordered the other coffee and brownie for you."
You thought it was cute of him and your coworker said she'll take the orders if anyone comes in so you accepted his request.
You talked with Mingi over warm food and got to know that he's actually a really sweet and intelligent guy, contrary to what you thought of him to be a dumb guy with accidental hot looks. Mingi enjoyed your company too. He was talking about the song he was working on when another coworker came out from the staff room and walked over to the table when he saw you there with Mingi. He tapped your shoulder to get your attention.
"slacking are we?" he asked.
"what's it to you? Go back to your rat hole and let me be."
"it's lonely in there." he fake pouted. You were annoyed. He sometimes tried flirting with you but you never showed interest. Mingi saw the exchange and was jealous of the dude.
"come on I'm waiting for you." the guy tried again.
"I think it's pretty clear she doesn't want to tag along so why don't you leave her alone buddy." Mingi sternly said. The guy had no choice but to leave.
You were thankful for Mingi's help, even though you would have easily told him off too, but something about Mingi doing it made you feel butterflies.
"I've seen his kind, they just don't know when to stop. Just smack him in the head next time he tries something." Mingi said making you giggle.
He felt accomplished to have made you laugh and deep down was dying to get your number.
Wanting to pick up another style of dancing, Wooyoung enrolled himself in a dance academy. Aside from ATEEZ's activities, he really wanted to learn this style.
It was particularly hard for him to grasp so he spent any free time he got at the academy, practicing. 6 months in, he got close to a few people in the academy but he had no time to spare. He was determined to get it right this time around so he decided to stay until they told him to leave. After much hard work he got a hang of it so he took a little break to rest his body in order to dance again. He was passing by one of the classes he was drawn to the music and peeked through the glass door and saw a young woman in the dimly lit room, dancing the same dance he was learning. Her dance lines were flawless and she moved effortlessly. Wooyoung was blown away and couldn't resist going inside.
"wow you're amazing" he complimented, after the music stopped. He clapped for her.
She thanked him but hadn't faced him yet, she instead walked towards her laptop and played another track and danced to it. Wooyoung still hadn't seen her face but was absolutely hooked to the way she was dancing.
He watched attentively as she danced perfectly. He wanted to dance like that too. When she stopped and sat down to catch her breath, Wooyoung clapped for her again and went to hand her a bottle of juice. She finally turned to look at him. Wooyoung felt his chest tighten, finding it hard to breathe. He felt weak in the knees. She took the bottle from him and thanked him. Wooyoung sat beside her, pupils dilated. She'd be lying to herself if she said he had no effect on her. She felt giddy and warm by his gesture, not to mention he was hot too.
"can you teach me that dance some time?" he asked.
Seeing this as an opportunity to get to know him better she nodded.
Wooyoung smiled widely, "I'm Wooyoung by the way."
"oh I'm Senna." she smiled back. They sat in awkward silence, tension thick. Someone came inside and switched on the lights.
"damn it Senna I was gonna ask you to dance with me for the duo performance!" he whined. He looked like he was close to her and that made him unhappy and jealous.
"huh?" Senna was confused.
"wait you didn't pair up with him for the duo performance?"
Before Senna could tell him no, Wooyoung answered first.
"yeah she was showing me the dance just now."
Senna looked to Wooyoung but he kept up his act.
"come on we have to get this right." he said, holding her hand.
Being the reserved person he is, he didn't find it easy to mingle with his colleagues in the kpop industry. He was too shy to walk up to people and introduce himself. He felt he was hopeless and would be the rich single uncle to his members' children in the future. He talked about this with Seonghwa and Hongjoong. They advised him to put his walls down and let someone in. He struggled with it still. One day they were practicing for their dance performance for Ateez's 7 year anniversary. Seonghwa was suffering in silence with Wooyoung and San messing around with him. He noticed a female bb trippin dancer occasionally glancing towards Jongho. Seeing the chance he escaped from the torment and went to talk to Jongho. He subtly brought Jongho closer to her and seized the opportunity.
"hey y/n we saw your performance video, I think it was really cool. Your technique is amazing. Don't you think Jongho."
"haha yeah I uh think it was really good. You're very talented."
"thank you." she said and bowed.
"I'll leave you two to it, maybe you could talk about common interests." Seonghwa said and took his leave. Jongho and y/n started talking and over time became comfortable. They met at every dance practice and grew closer. They exchanged numbers with Seonghwa's help and hit it off from there. They would meet within the company and have little 7/11 dates.
Y/N invited Jongho to watch her performance at bb trippin's dance studio. Jongho went with Seonghwa. Y/N was a passionate dancer and it showed. Her moves were clean and sharp. Jongho felt proud. There was one performance where y/n danced with a male dancer. Their chemistry was excellent and everyone cheered them in. Jongho felt jealous and looked away, clenching his jaw. Seonghwa noticed this and tried soothing him.
"it's only a performance Jongho." he smiled warmly.
Jongho broke out of his trance and listened to Seonghwa's words.
"you're right hyung, it's only a dance."
He understood that she was his and one performance won't mean otherwise.
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theresa-nam-nam-me · 3 years
| hybrid seokjin | true love
Requested?: yes
Sugar glider Hybrid jin x reader
Summary → owners and their hybrids, a magical story of the two falling in love at first sight but jin knew better then anyone that this wasn't the case. Meeting you though, was nothing but a pure miracle.
Warnings: none
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"Y/n!" Your friend shouted for you "yes misa?" You said trying to swallow your salad "I and jisoo are going to Italy next week" she said excitedly showing you her plane tickets. "That's great!" You smiled "and i, kind of need a favor" she dragged her words "i was wondering if you could look after jin for a few days, while I'm in Italy." You had forgotten she had that sugar glider hybrid she hadn't talk about him much "you aren't bringing him along with you?" You asked confused "uh, no i don't want him to ruin the mood, so will you please!" She begged clasping her hands together. You knew he was a hybrid but he was also a grown man, couldn't he take care of himself? "Fine" you sighed
The week passed too quickly and now you were standing outside misas door with a small suitcase in hand. "Y/n! Come in" she gestured you inside. "Good evening misa" you greeted, looking forward was rather a tall hybrid with small ears, a long tail that match the soft brown of his hair, and plump red lips. "Good evening jin" you smiled taking off your coat "good evening Miss. L/n," he said "oh please call me y/n" he smiled and nodded "ill show you to your room," misa said dragging you alongside her. "Here you go" she opened the door. The room was just a plane guest room with a bed, small tv, and a few plants.
"Well ill see you in a few days, take care!" Misa waved to you before sprinting out the door. After unpacking your things you left your room and a great creamy smell hit you. You followed it into the kitchen seeing jin make an alfredo sauce. "What is that?" You asked "oh, it's nokey" (Italian dish) "it smells amazing" you complemented making him smile "thank you, would you like some?" He asked, you nodded your head happily. Seokjin placed the bowls on the table and pulled out a seat for you. "Thank you jin" you said before sitting down.
Jin picked up his fork blowing away the steam making his cheeks puff up. "Do you like it?" He asked, tail slightly swinging behind him "yes, it's delicious" you said stuffing your face with more "I thought I'd be making dinner for you though" you commented. He could clearly cook very well without issue so you didn't see why he needed to be babysat. After dinner you decided to take a shower before bed. getting out you wrapped a towel around you, when you opened the door you were met with jins now flustered face “oj jin, can i help you?” you questioned, he shook his head “i was wondering if you would like to watch a movie” he asked “sorry jin maybe tomorrow, i'm really tired right now”
you felt bad seeing jins smile drop and silently moving out of the way “goodnight jin” you smiled making his small ears perk up again “goodnight y/n'' it took you a few minutes to adjust but you slowly started to drift off with heavy eyelids and the sounds of rain hitting the roof. you were barely coneses when you felt the other side of the bed dip. “hello” you grumbled out looking through halfly opened lids. “sorry i just don't like storms...may i stay here” you nodded not thinking much of it until you felt him cuddle into you. his head hid in your neck, you let out a soft sigh before combing your hands through his hair.
The sun shines through the window and you hid under the cover but the sudden smell of pancakes slowly pulled you out of bed leading you to the kitchen “Jin?” You called seeing him flip pancakes over the stove “good morning y/n” he greeted you “please take a seat in almost done with breakfast” you nodded seating yourself at the table watching him flip a few more pancakes before placing them on a plate and setting it in front of you. “ thank you seokjin” he smiled before digging into his plate. You whipped you mouth with a cloth before picking up your plate and washing it “would you like to watch a movie today before I go?”
“Yes, do you like Avengers?” he asked. You nodded after seokjin finished his plate he quickly washed up before sitting on the soft Couch turning on the tv. “Sit with me” he pulled you next to him as you held a bowl of popcorn. You had seen the movie plenty of times before so it was no surprise when you started drifting off to a soft nap and slowly leaning against seokjins shoulder. “Im back!” a loud voice interrupted your peaceful slumber making you flinch away from jin as if being caught doing something wrong. You quickly regained yourself standing up straight “misa! How was your trip?” you asked moving into a hug “amazing, you should have seen it, such a beautiful country!” she smiled greatly. “How was jin?” she asked looking over at him, her voice toning down from her energetic energy. “Oh, he's fine, he is a grown man after all” she only mumbled an “i guess” to your comment before changing the subject.
After a few more minutes of catching up, you packed your stuff and headed to the door “y/n” jins voice called behind you, when you turned your head jin held out his hands holding out a small box, you gentle took it from his hold “what is it?” you asked “some homemade chocolates...a thank you for visiting” he smiled “thank you jin” he nodded opening the door for you. “Goodbye jin” you waved goodbye to each other.
His smile feel as he closed behind you, he felt his heart suddenly ache as he walked deeper into the house. “Can y/n come for dinner?” Jin asked sering misa started to unpack, she just shot him a glare to leave her alone. That evening when dinner rolled around he sat in silence as misa stared at her phone paying no mind to him,you seemed to have plagued jins mind, he missed your conpany at the table and recalled the conversation you had together. He began to realize how lonely he truly was and how you weren't just in his head but filled his heart with a warm sensation.
That night he felt himself twisting and turning in bed, he was unable to sleep. The previous night cuddled up to you felt like such bliss that tonight couldn't satisfy him. He reluctantly threw his covers off and touched his feet to cold hardwood floors. He tiptoed into the living room seeing misa to occupied with what was on tv to notice him slipping by. He made his way to the door, slowly turning the nob before slipping out. He followed the smell of rosemary and soon ended up in front of a small apartment door. He honestly hadn't thought what hed do when he got to this stage but he knew it was to late to turn back now.
He slowly rose his hand knocking it against the door. “Hello” you peaked your head out from behind the door in your PJs and messy hair. “Hi y/n” jin greeted “oh seokjin, it's late is misa here?” you asked confusion. “No it's just me, I just wanted to see you and maybe stay a while,” he said awkwardly, not wanting to jump on you with the idea of mates just yet. “Uh sure,” you opened up the door making way for him. “What brings you here?” you asked closing the door “i thought we could hang out” you raised a brow looking up at the clock, “at 1 am?” he nodded his head. “We could finish our movie” he smiled hoping to lighten the mood. You nodded your head before making your way to the couch together.
-time skip (the next morning)-
The sun shined in between the curtains, you pushed your blanket of touching your feet to the cold hardwood before making your way into the kitchen. You could see jins sleeping figure on the couch, he stayed the night after falling asleep during the movie. You turned around to make breakfast. “Y/n?” seokjins mumbly voiced called out. “Good morning jin, I'm making breakfast if you'd like to take a seat” jin stood from the couch making his way to the dining room padding down his messy hair. You set his plate down in front of him and began to eat. “You never told me why you came over last night” jin nearly choked at your comment. “Oh well, you see there's this thing called a mate and-” the doorbell rang cutting off jins sentence.
You opened the door to see misa with a very unpleasant look on her face “misa you must be looking for jin-” you were loudly cut of by her yelling “so he is here!” she pushed past you “who gave you permission to leave last night?!” she screamed at him “it's really no big deal misa” you tried to rationalize. “I wanted to see y/n but you wouldn't listen!” jin yelled back slamming his hand on the table. “And this is the type of stunt you pull! You can't listen to you lucky if you ever see her again!” misa spat balling her first “You can't! Y/ns my mate!” he screamed out. There was a moment of f silence before misa gave a huff and snatched jin by the collar of his shirt in an attempt to drag him out the house. jin harshly pulled back riping his shirt. “Im staying with y/n!”he screamed pulling you in front of him.
“Please y/n will you keep me?” his eyes turned puppy looking at you. “But mias your owner not me” he sighed “but your my mate, like a soulmate!” he begged “i-i don't know jin misa can provide better-” “i don't care I want you y/n!” he said nudgeing his head into your shoulder. You looked back at misa who gave you a nasty glare but then back at jin who could break into tears at any moment “ill keep him” you said. Misas eyes widened before returning to a glare “fine!! but don't even think of coming back to get your stuff!” she yelled walking out slamming the door behind her.
Your mind was blank at what had just happened but you were brought back to reality by jin snuggling his face into your neck. “Thank you y/n this is all I've ever wanted” a sense of relief washed over you as you wrapped your arms around him, you didn't know what could become of this but you are willing to accept whatever it may be.
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sazc94 · 3 years
The Three Times James "Bucky" Barnes Broke your heart.
This was inspired by @msmarvelwrites 2k Writing Challenge because I'm a sucker for Taylor Swift especially sad Taylor Vibes. I chose the all too well lyrics.
Apparently, I can't do anything small so it's in two parts. Pairs Bucky x Reader and Pietro x Reader. (Not at the same time)
Part 1 Here
No smut but mentions of sex so 18+ Themes: highschool, cheating, college/uni. Friendship
Words 3368 it's Suburban AU.
2015 You finished up Uni staring in the school's production of Rock of Ages, Playing Sherry opposite Loki’s drew. Loki also moved to New York staying with his half brother Thor Oddinson. You stayed in touch with Loki and Pietro. The thing that took you by surprise however was six months after moving to Detroit, whilst working for Bruce Banner's start-up you received a DM on Instagram from Bucky. He heard from Sam and Jane that you were now living in Detroit and he was moving to the area after being scouted by the Detroit Lions. Hey Y/N, I hope you’re good. I know this is random and please feel free to tell me where to go, but I was wondering if you wanted to get a drink sometime? It would be great to see you again and catch up. Let me know. So you replied feeling like maybe after all this time it might be good to finally hear Bucky’s apology. Pietro and you had stayed in touch but you knew he was dating someone else. Her name was Sue Storm, she seemed like a nice girl, very smart and could easily give Pietro a run for his money. After hearing Bucky’s apology, you two started to become friends again, he invited you along to his games always offering to secure you two tickets if you wanted to bring someone. He was a machine on the football field, earning the strange nickname The Winter Soldier.
Everything changed in the summer of 2016 though when Bucky’s mother passed away suddenly in June. She had practically helped raise you, so you attended the funeral with Bucky. You stayed with him in the guest room in his childhood house, helping him sort through belongings and paperwork. Bucky’s dad had died when you were 8 and Bucky like you was an only child. You took in food from neighbours wanting to pay their respects. You held his hand squeezing it in comfort during the funeral, assuring him you were there for him. Two days after the funeral you and Bucky had finished packing up the final boxes, you were upstairs, and he was downstairs being awfully quiet. You went looking for him only to find him sat on the living room floor. He was crying holding a picture of you and him one Halloween when you were 9, Bucky had gone as Superman and you as Supergirl. Your mums stood behind you, both of them chuckling whilst you and bucky tried to out pose one another. Your heart swelled. Your Grandad had died in November and god how your heart had ached, but to lose your mum, you couldn’t even begin to imagine. “Hey, hey. It's alright I’m here Buck”, you said cradling his head to your chest whilst he sobbed. You stayed like that for an unidentifiable amount of time before Bucky’s crying eased. He looked up at you blinking away the stray tears, the familiar blue in his eyes pulling you in. Your not sure who kissed who first but that was how you and Bucky ended up sleeping together.
You and Bucky officially got back together in July. Your Grandma passed away in September, the start of football season. Bucky was unable to attend the funeral, he tried god he tried. Pietro made it though. He and Sue had broken up not that he told you. By the time November rolled around things were good between you and Bucky. Wanda’s fashion label Scarlett Witch was taking off and she invited you and Bucky out to join the rest of the old gang at the official launch in December of 2016. You accepted and for the pair of you assuring Bucky, there would be no awkwardness. Pietro was casually dating and was bringing a date called Crystal.
You arrived at the party in NYC completely blown away. Wanda had asked you to wear a piece from the evening wear collection, a Black strapless dress, the top if form-fitting made from chiffon fabric, the skirt cut out the front made of black tulle sparkled with the touches of glitter. It felt like you were wearing the Milky Way. After stopping to pose for photos for the press you made your way inside. The party was being held inside a beautiful gothic building. “Y/n! You look absolutely amazing, thank you so much for wearing this and of course for coming” Wanda practically pounced on you the minute she spotted you. “Bunny! I agree absolutely amazing. Bucky, you don’t look too bad yourself” Pietro said kissing you on the cheek. Pietro was wearing a deep blue suit, it made his hair and ice-blue eyes pop. Bucky had opted for the simple black tux to match you and your dress. He almost looked good enough to eat. After grabbing a glass of champagne, Wanda and Pietro took you to the rest of the gang who had made it. Jane was here with a date, Thor Oddinson you recognised him from the few times he had been to see you and Loki in shows. Carol was here too. Peter Parker was working the event as a photographer he had brought a date a lovely young lady called Mary Jane Watson. After about 45 minutes of schmoozing and catching up, you went to the ladies room. When you exited you were a little taken aback by the sight that confronted you, a redhead was hanging of Bucky’s arm chuckling away with Thor and Jane. You could only see the back of her from where you were standing. You decided to walk over and introduce yourself. However, when you got closer to the group the woman started to look vaguely familiar.
“Hey babe,” Bucky said as you approached quickly removing his arm from the redhead. Babe. That was weird he never called you babe. His blue eyes looked like they were hiding something. “Lady Y/N. This is Lady Natasha” Thor said introducing you. The redhead turned to shake your hand smiling at you with a knowing look. “Lovely to finally meet the infamous Y/N,” she said. “I told Bucky how disappointed I was not to meet you when I was in the City in September. I’m so sorry to hear about the passing of your grandmother. Bucky kept me company whilst I was around on some Business” her voice sounded harmless, sweet and pleasant. Genuine. Her eyes and knowing smirk told a different story. Bucky looked at you, the familiar betrayal in his eyes, pleading with you. “I was just telling Bucky, I’ve been offered this amazing opportunity in Detroit so Ill be moving there in February, isn’t that wonderful?” she asked. You smiled taking a swig of your champagne. Jane looked at you, then Bucky. You shook your head.
That was the second time Bucky Barnes broke your heart. He assured you that they hadn’t slept together, however had admitted that he had kept her visit from you and that she had kissed him. “Did you kiss her back?” you asked pacing around your hotel room. “Doll, please what does it matter,” he asked reaching out for you. His calloused hands once again burning your skin with his betrayal. The fact he had chosen not to answer was all the confirmation you needed. You had left him in the hotel room. Loki had been unable to make the event due to being in a small play off-Broadway, but you had texted him asking if he wanted to get a drink. You had told him everything and he had walked you back to your hotel room. You were drunk and distressed. Bucky had opened the door his blue eyes flashing with jealousy when the handsome black-haired gentleman had his arms around you. “Easy James, if anything was going to have happened between us, it would have happened in freshman year of college,” Loki said helping you into your room. After you and Bucky returned to Detroit you guys took a break for a few months.
Natasha’s job conveniently happened to be working as a fitness instructor at the Detroit Lions. After 4 months you and Bucky got back together in March of 2017. Things were going great, Natasha seemed to have released whatever hold she had on Bucky. Bucky was performing well with the Lions, his new teammate, Steve Rogers nicknamed Captain America seemed to have caught the eye of many ladies including Natasha. He however didn’t seem that interested in her and had his sights set on a girl from his home in Brooklyn her name was Peggy. Steve and you hit off due to your mutual disinterest in Miss Romanoff, he had come up with a nickname for her, he called her Black Widow because she seemed to devour the men in her life. Banners start-up tech company had taken off with thanks to your ad campaigns. You were also performing in the local summer show of Mamma Mia playing Sophie. In the summer of 17, Peggy Carter came to visit Steve, turned out she was from Britain originally. You liked Peggy and her no-nonsense approach. During July, the four of you went on lots of double dates like you were high schoolers again. For Steve’s birthday which happened to be the fourth of July, the four of you attended an event being put on by the Detroit lions. You had a great evening mixing with various teammates and their families. You even warmed to Natasha a bit that afternoon.
As the evening rolled around a giant cake was brought out to celebrate Steve’s birthday. Followed by a firework show. Everyone made their way to various blankets and cushions set out at the opposite end of the stadium. Somewhere along the way you and Bucky got separated. You didn’t worry too much, to begin with as you’d both drifted off to interact with various people throughout the event, however by the time the fireworks started Bucky was nowhere to be seen. You started to think the worst until you spotted Natasha’s red hair on the other side of the stadium flirting with a gaggle of players from various other teams who were invited. Confident Bucky would return shortly you turned your attention to the sky watching with a goofy grin, things were finally settled between you and Bucky. As the fireworks went on you decided to snap a few shots on your phone loving the way the sky lit up with bright colours. The Detroit Lions didn’t do things in small doses, so the firework display ended up going on for about an hour and a half. After about 45 minutes Bucky returned from wherever he had been slipping down behind you pulling your back flush to his chest. He stroked small circles on your arms. His rough calloused skin making you shiver from the contact.
In September you were approached by Tony Stark’s PA Pepper Potts, they had seen your campaigns for Bruce Banner and Tony was interested in headhunting you. Your contract with Bruce was up in October. You initially shot the idea down. Why would you want to leave Michigan? Your family home was a short 20-minute drive away, Bucky was doing well with the Lions. Peggy Carter was moving here after Steve had proposed at the end of Summer. It seemed ludicrous. After initially shooting down the offer. Pepper contacted you, doubling their initial offer. The offer was tempting, so you told Miss Potts you would think it over the weekend. There was no harm in bringing it up with Bucky, maybe a move would do you both good, Natasha seemed to have gotten under Bucky’s skin again. You left the office early that day. You didn’t bother to text Bucky figuring you could surprise him when he got home from training with a home-cooked meal. You stopped off to get some supplies to make Lasagne before heading over to his apartment figuring you could just let yourself in. You had called Wanda on the drive over through your cars Bluetooth. She and Vision were engaged, and she wanted you to be one of her bridesmaids. Partway through the call, Pietro had walked into Wanda’s office so you had told them both about the job offer. When you got to Bucky’s you immediately recognised the Black Widows black Mercedes. “huh, that’s weird, I wonder what she’s doing here,” you said out loud “who’s where?” asked Wanda. “oh um nothing, look I got to go I just got to Buck’s and I’m cooking dinner, going to talk to him about Tony’s offer,” you said before hanging up. You were so blind-sighted by Natasha’s car you didn’t clock Bucky’s Motorcycle parked in the corner of the small parking lot. You grabbed your bags walking up to Bucky’s figuring that you could invite Natasha in if need be whilst you waited for Buck to come home.
If you had noticed Bucky’s bike, then just maybe you would have been more prepared for the following events you unlocked Bucky’s apartment and you found clothes strewn everywhere, his jeans. A white Blouse. His boxer trunks. A Black lacy bra, that definitely didn’t belong to you. At first, you were so shocked by what you saw that you didn’t hear the moans coming from the bedroom. It was like you were possessed you carried your bag of groceries as you walked in a daze to the bedroom, you opened the door and found Bucky once again cheating on you. He and Natasha were in the throws of fucking each other, you found Natasha with her back to you, wrapped around Bucky’s waist. Bucky sat upright facing you however his eyes closed whilst he drank in the pleasure. You felt your heartbreak as you dropped your bag of groceries. The bag made a thud as it hit the ground, alerting Bucky to your presence. His eyes flew open connecting with yours. Natasha however didn’t stop riding your boyfriend’s cock. Bucky tried to push her off him, but you were already storming out the door. You grabbed your bag and left Bucky’s spare key in the door. Bucky grabbed a pair of joggers and slippers before chasing after you. Bucky’s apartment was on the second floor. All the apartments on the second floor opened outside to a walkway.
“Really James?!?” you turned round to face him before he could even say your name. “Was once not enough? Did you not hurt me enough the first time?” You asked. You could feel the anger threatening to burst in the way of tears. Bucky went to speak, his blue eyes once again filled with guilt. “How long?!” you asked quietly. Bucky moved towards you tugging on your wrist. “Come on Y/N, come back inside it’s starting to rain, we can discuss this inside,” he said, his eyes pleading with you. At that moment Natasha appeared in Bucky’s open doorway. She looked pleased with herself, wearing Buck’s shirt. The site made you want to vomit. “How. Long?!” you asked again through gritted teeth. Bucky faltered. “Since July. Since the 4th of July event,” he admitted rubbing his hand over his face. At that moment you felt completely and utterly broken. “I’m done, James. Do you hear me? I am done. We are through. You two.” You pointed to Natasha. “You two are welcome to one another”. That was the third time Bucky broke your heart.
You took the job working for Stark Industries. Your contract had ended with Bruce but your lease on your apartment was up until January so you stayed working for him until December of 2017 You said your goodbyes to Steve and Peggy in January and moved across the country to your new life in the big apple.
December 2018
The unknown number flashed up on your phone for the third time that day. You sighed before answering it. “Hello, Y/N Speaking how can I help?” you asked fiddling with your jumper. “Hey Doll, it's me. Don’t hang up.” Your breath caught in your throat. James Buchanan Barnes. You hadn’t spoken to him in over a year. He hadn’t even attempted to reach out to you after you split up mailing your things back to you, well all but a scarf. In January shortly before you’d moved to NYC you’d seen a magazine article saying the Winter Soldier was dating Natasha Romanoff. It confirmed what you already knew deep down, which was that you might be okay but you were not fine at all.
You’d worked so hard to forget about him long enough to forget why you needed to. He had better have a damn good reason for calling you. “You have 5 minutes,” You said getting up from the sofa you were sat on. “look, I know I fucked up with you. In more than one way on more than one occasion. I think it was the pressure to be the perfect couple, you know lifelong friends to more. And well I guess I just freaked out, and then I fell for her, but she didn’t want me, and when you gave us another shot, I thought I could convince myself to love you the way I did her, the way you had loved me. But truth be told, it was always Natasha after that summer. I know you deserve better, and I truly am sorry for hurting your doll. But I wanted you to hear it from me before you read about it in the news. She’s pregnant and also, we’re getting married.” Bucky said. You stood in the middle of the apartment stunned. “So, you call me up again, just to break me like a promise. So casually cruel in the name of being honest?” you whispered. Squeezing back the tears. “Well fuck you, James.” With that, you hung up. Of course, Bucky tried to ring right back, you declined the call, falling to your knees in pain. You had never asked for any of this, you had been quite happy being Bucky’s best girl as his friend. He was the one who kissed you at that prom.
You weren’t still in love with Bucky, you had moved on, forgetting about him and the pain he caused you. He hadn’t needed to call you, he could have given you a heads up through one of your mutual friends, but no. he had to go and stick the knife in. After lying there like a crumpled-up piece of paper and letting the tears fall. You picked yourself up. You washed your face and made yourself a mug of hot chocolate grabbing a Christmas cookie from the tin before making your way over to the bay window. You sat down taking in the view. The traffic had eased off a bit as things wound down for the evening. The snow had been falling pretty much all day. After about 15 minutes of sitting peacefully the key in the lock turned. You didn’t move you were incredibly content where you were, even if you could use a refill in the hot chocolate department.
“Hey handsome how was your day?” you asked not taking your eyes away from the street below. A group of kids were throwing snowballs at one another. You smiled to yourself enjoying their innocence. “It was good, busy” he replied taking off his coat and walking over to join you at the window seat. Wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close. “How about you Bunny? I saw a news alert. I’m guessing you know about the engagement?” he asked. You hummed a response. Before shuffling yourself around to face him. His floppy silver-blonde hair covering those beautiful ice blue eyes, they looked at you with such love and endearment, they also spoke a silent promise that he would never hurt you the way that Bucky had. You kissed him gently on the lips before standing up. “Come on Quicksilver let's shower before the Stark Christmas Gala,” you said pulling your boyfriend along behind you shooting him a knowing grin. His nickname may be Quicksilver for athletic reasons but there were some things he liked to take his time with.
A/N If you stuck with me through all this, I am truly sorry. I'm gonna go cry
Tagging the bestie @lannycleave
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