#angelina gay lol
coffebuns · 2 years
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healing my inner child by binge watching LPS popular and letting me draw furries
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fear-is-truth · 3 months
Kai Anderson headcanons (sfw)
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A/N: a complication of random things i think about kai anderson. character analysis maybe. some of them are basically self projection but i’m not gonna expose myself lol.
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sex god.
milf lover.
king of sarcasm.
delusional god complex.
forgotten middle child.
24/7 resting bitch face.
extremely blunt. will not not hesitate to point out your flaws and insecurities, comes across as rude but also makes valid points.
uses all-in-one men’s body wash.
listens to ‘lose yourself’ by eminem at least 5 times a day.
plays clash royale.
lives off mountain dew and dorritos.
acts serious but low-key immature.
he’s got a pretty cute (but fake) smile he puts on in public. a heartfelt smile when chaos is happening.
total food whore. fastest way to win his heart is home-cooked meals.
second fastest way to win his heart is to kill someone for him.
has a saviour complex. likes to “fix” women to fit his vision.
incredibly decisive. impatient, too. if you’re having trouble deciding your drive-thru order, he’d just decide for you.
big three celebrity crushes: angelina jolie, cate blanchett, and charlize theron.
goes on a tirade every time the titanic movie is on tv. a firm believer in “there was plenty room on that door if that selfish bitch would just move her ass”.
wanted to join the debate team or theatre club in college but didn’t because (a. he was too shy and (b. he thought theatre was kinda gay. but he quotes fucking hamlet while killing people with a nail gun, so his inner theatre kid is still alive i guess.
used to read encyclopaedias when he was bored as a kid. consumes knowledge at a rapid speed because he’s determined no one gets the better of him. super competitive.
either takes scalding hot showers and comes out red like a lobster, or showers with freezing cold water. no in-between with this guy.
has a bunch of premium accounts: youtube, p0rnhub, spotify etc. because he’s good at hacking and why the hell not.
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TAGLIST: @slvt4jamesmarch @kaismanwich @maddaline @evpeters87 @lacucarachapisser @howtobesasha @lissasharp @feefymo @stveharringtn @nickrhodeslittledarling @bluerthanvelvet444 @r8ttenapples @nahoyasboyfriend @taintandviolent @babygorewhore @kai-slut @doll3tt33 @babydollxxblood @coentinim @imsoamazing26 @silence-in-the-silver-state
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 fear-is-truth 2024 — all rights reserved. do not modify, repost, translate, or plagiarise my content.
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mors-mvrdre · 9 months
randomly generated incorrect quotes (ft. the extended Weasley Fam)
[not-so-slight NSFW warning, proceed at your own risk lol]
Harry: [gets a text] Oh! It’s Luna.
Ginny, excitedly: Did they get me the stuff?
Harry: Yeah, she says they got you the clown costume, the power drill, and 12 gallons of blood.
Ginny: Where’d they find 12 gallons of fake blood?
Harry: You wanted fake blood?
Harry: I’ll go call Luna.
Fleur: Everything will be ok. You can not stop it.
Fleur: Everything will be fine. You have no choice.
Bill: What the fuck kind of pep talk is that?
Fleur: Ominous positivity.
Computer: Please enter a password.
Oliver: *types in Angelina*
Computer: Your password is too weak.
Oliver: How fucking DARE YOU-
Angelina: You don't think I can fight because of my gender!
George: I don't think you can fight because you're in a wedding dress. For what it's worth, I don't think Harry could fight in that dress either.
Harry: Perhaps not, but I would make a radiant bride.
George & Charlie in the back of Percy's car: MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS!
Bill: We have food at home.
Percy: *pulls into the McDonald's drivethrough*
George & Charlie: YAYYYYYY!
Percy: *orders two black coffees and leaves*
Ron: Change is inedible.
Hermione: Don’t you mean inevitable?
Ron, spitting out a bunch of pennies: No, I really didn’t.
Hermione & Percy: Fuck capitalism. It's a rigged system that keeps us poor and it isn't fair. You shouldn't need to work three jobs to afford basic necessities.
Hermione & Percy playing Monopoly: Sorry, if you wanted to win you should have tried not being poor.
Harry: Hey, pal, if you have a problem, say it to my face.
Ron, getting really close to Harry: I'm two months behind on my rent.
Oliver: What have you been doing with all that time to yourself lately?
Percy: Suffering, mostly.
Percy: The clock is ticking! We don't have time for this asinine tomfoolery!
Bill: This unmitigated poppycock?
George: Extravagant hogwash!
Percy: Okay, stop.
Fleur: Arson? Oh, you mean "crime brûlée".
Ron: Pizza should have poison in the sauce and the antidote is in the crust to kill off all the weak people who don't eat the crust.
Ginny: What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
Hermione: Have you ever ate a date?
Ginny: Like ate their ass?
Hermione: ...It's a fruit.
Fleur: What I MEANT to say was "Oh crap, I left my phone in my car," but what I ALMOST said was "Oh no, I left my cone in my phar," and damn, wouldn't that have been embarrassing, but I caught myself, and what I ACTUALLY said was
Fleur: "Ah, my fart cone."
Fleur: So, anyway...
Angelina: Define “dream”.
Percy: Dream - the first thing people abandon when they learn how the world works.
Hermione: Percy! Teddy's right here!
Oliver: *gAsP*
Ron: wHAT??
Oliver: What if soy milk is just milk introducing itself in Spanish?
Ron: *inhales*
Percy, in another room with Harry: Why can I hear screeching?
[setting up the annual family game]
Oliver: Alright, listen up you little shits.
Oliver: Not you, Luna. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
Luna: What’s your biggest fear?
Percy: That I’ll never be good enough for anyone.
Ron: Everyone hates me and talks about me behind my back.
Oliver: Zombies.
Percy: ...
Ron: ...
Oliver: BUT they can open doors.
Luna: *nods sagely*
Ginny: If you ever feel embarrassed just remember that in 4th Year I tried to convince myself that I wasn't gay by making a compromise to myself to "only be gay at night."
Hermione: I'm not doing to well.
Luna: What's wrong?
Hermione: I have this headache that comes and goes.
*George enters the room*
Hermione: There it is again.
Ginny: I came out here to attack people and I'm honestly having such a good time right now.
Percy: Are you tall enough to play basketball though?
Oliver: Are you calling me short?
Percy: I'm calling you vertically challenged.
Oliver: A pessimist sees a dark tunnel.
Harry: An optimist sees light at the end of the tunnel.
Hermione: A realist sees a freight train.
Percy: The train driver sees three idiots standing on the tracks.
Angelina: Oh, here’s my award for the most rules broken!
Ginny: That’s not an award, it’s an angry letter from our coach.
Angelina, hanging it on their wall: Well, it has the word ‘most’ in it, so I’m calling it an award!
Ron: *pitches an idea*
George, impressed: Huh, there might be something here!
Percy, under his breath: Yeah, a lawsuit.
Luna: Pokemon is trying to slowly convince us Pikachu was always fluffy and I for one accept this future.
Charlie: Did you think the mouse was just smooth and had yellow skin like a little simpsons demon??
Luna: Maybe.
Ron: Ginny isn’t answering my messages.
Hermione: Allow me.
Ron: I tried 6 times, what makes you thi-
Ginny: *replying to message* Hello.
Ginny: Welcome to Fucking Applebees, do you want apples or bees?
Harry: Bees?
Harry: Wait-
*Bill approaches, shaking a jar of bees menacingly*
Ginny, at the slightest provocation: I came into this earth screaming and covered in someone else's blood and and I'm not afraid to leave the same way.
Charlie, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
Oliver: It’s Christmas! Are you all in a Christmas mood?!
Percy: Merry crisis.
Ginny: Jingle bells, jingle bells, single all the way.
George: Hoe hoe hoe.
Oliver: Guys, please.
Percy: I’m telling you, my team is competent.
Charlie, rushing in: Percy! Bill tried to make pasta in the coffee pot and now it's broken!
George: Hey, you want a tarot reading?
Percy: Those are Pokemon cards.
George: You got a magikarp.
Percy: ...
George: It means 'fuck you'.
Angelina: What the fuck.
Angelina: ESPN is showing 2003 national jump rope championship.
Angelina: Who the hell watches jump rope competiti- ooh bouncy.
George, skipping rocks on a lake with Angelina: It’s such a beautiful evening.
Angelina: Yeah, it is.
Angelina: *whispering* Take that you fucking lake.
Ginny, narrating: Percy and Luna scare us a lot because they walk very softly and nobody hears them enter rooms, so sometimes we turn around and they're just kind of there.
Percy: ...
Luna: Their fear fuels me.
Hermione: I don't want to have kids after 40.
Ron with a mouthful of soup: Yeah, forty is already plenty.
Luna: Everyone knows that Santa is an invention designed by the big five corporations to sell tinsel and video games to an unsuspecting public.
Angelina: The whole “childhood wonder” stage just blew right past you, didn’t it?
Percy: What is your costume?
Fleur: A harp.
Percy: Your costume is too small to be a harp...
Fleur: Are you calling me a lyre?
Oliver: A mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped it and killed it.
Oliver: And I started thinking.
Oliver: Like, it was just trying to get food.
Oliver: What if I went to the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck?
Percy, hesitantly: ...Are you ok?
Percy, writing overseas: Ginny got into a fight.
Bill & Charlie: That’s bad.
Bill & Charlie:
Bill & Charlie: Did she win?
Goerge: Am I right, Percy?
Percy: I’m almost certain you’re not, but to be fair, I wasn’t listening.
Fleur: Truth or dare?
George: Truth.
Fleur: How many hours have you slept this week?
George: Dare.
Fleur: Go to sleep.
George: I don't like this game.
George: We can bake these cookies at 400 degrees for 10 minutes or 4,000 degrees for 1 minute.
Percy: No, that's not how you make cookies.
Fred: FLOOR IT!!
Ginny: How about 4,000,000 degrees for 1 second?!?
Ron: DO IT!
Percy: NO-
Teacher: Your child was in a fight.
Percy: Oh no, that’s terrible!
Oliver: Did they win?
Percy: This is horrible! This is the most humiliating thing to ever happen to me!
Ginny: Oh-? Even more humiliating than that time I walked in on-
Percy: We are not doing this!
[ this has gone on long enough, I'll make a part two sometime aksjakdkskdkks see y'all ]
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I forking loved your last Will Byers x Male reader! Thank you so much! I seriously can’t get enough of this idea XD. Could you plz do more headcannons possibly about what school life is like (but no Homophobia like just pretend there is no such thing as it? I really hate hearing about it🥲), how they deal with there size difference as couples and how you think they would have met? (With the same trope, Will Byers x Big! Scary! Himbo! Male reader with demon powers) 😁😘 Thx!
A/N - Send more requests, it means I don’t have to think of original ideas lol. This applies to everybody, btw.
>Cali favourites power couple. Angelina actually didn’t pick on Will because of you. She only saw you as the terrifying, hunk of meat that is Will Byers boyfriend.
>The rest of her friend group try to stay away from Will, mainly worried that he would something to you and you’d react violently.
>Actually is why they started walking away from El in Episode 1 after they destroyed her diorama. He still told you when you got to Cali the next day.
>Angela regretted it at the Rink’O’Mania. Because El slammed a roller skate into her face. It was well deserved tho-
>Mainly cause you told her to stand up for herself, and use violence if only deemed necessary. You totally weren’t quoting your parents/guardian.
>But, before all this, no one kind of believed him when he said he had a boyfriend as cool as you.
>Part of the reason he started to get bullied again.
>Then he brought you to school cause a storm had once stopped all the airplanes from going where they needed to go.
>Everyone starred at you as you walked into the school. Especially the girls. And I’m sorry for all the Gays, but manny were attracted to you.
>On the plus side(?), a few guys were attracted to you.
>The first person that came up to was oddly enough, Angela.
>”Hi! Are you new to this school? I can give you a tour if so.” Her voice was so annoying, in a very sad and pathetic attempt to sound soft and sweet.
>”Im only here for the day, cause my boyfriend Will and his sister, Jane go here.”
>”Byers?” Her faces dropped. ‘Cute and sweet’ facade gone and only judgement left.
>You almost punched her, cause she called Will a loser.
>El saw you and ran up to you, making sure you didn’t get yourself arrested.
>”Y/N! I thought you were going back to Hawkins today?”
>”Mrs. Byers says that all flights are still delayed. Until Thursday, so I figured I would come and surprise Will. By the way, I’m staying until next weekend.”
>El pulled you away, having successfully distracted you. She took you to Will, who was on the art classroom.
>When he saw you, he looked very surprised.
>After that, when people saw they still stared but minded their business better.
>You have gotten in trouble for being on school property. Mainly cause they thought you were like 27.
>Didn’t help your case when you told them you dating a student of the school. Will and Johnathan struggled to tell the cops that you were hardly 16.
>Imma just say it was lucky that you hadn’t forgotten your ID, cause I bet you usually do.
>No one knows of your Demon powers, because if they did, you would probably be put on death row.
>The school kinda gave up telling you to not come into school property during Wills lunch time, you always forgot anyway.
>Argyle thinks you’re ‘tubular.’ You asked Will what that meant and he couldn’t even help you there, he too, had never heard that word.
>Besides Angela being a bitch, everyone else is pretty cool about you and some even attracted to you.<3
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ngardgni · 2 years
Whenever we see Elizabeth Mitchell, we fangirl so hard. She played Angelina Jolie's girlfriend in "Gia" and the gay doctor's girlfriend in "ER". Now, she's a hot MILF with a gay teen daughter...and now we've come full circle...LOL
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alarrytale · 8 months
(a rant about nicks sexuality) k the whole "is Nick is Nick not" is giving me a headache. I've been wanting to talk about his sexuality for a while but it seems like no one wants to dive into it out of respect for him stating he identifies as straight in the variety interview or "he already said he's straight and an ally stop making ppl gay for your own fantasy" so here's a little rant hope you don't mind haha
from my point of view as a bi man he's sexuality is just clear as day. this beautiful man is Not straight lol. ive seen his early interviews and he was just as mature and well spoken as he is now. i have yet to see any 20 yo straight man as thoughtful, mature and well informed on LGBTQ/gender issues as him. in an early interview he said he was too sensitive for the school system and suffered from anxiety and depression from an early age. throughout the whole interview he was so mature with his words but he'd throw some sentences here and there about wanting to "have a beautiful gf haha" which feels very out of context and forced, seems to me he was overcompensating. plus he said his type was Angelina Jolie(very typical answer for closeted men to give when asked about these type of questions.taylor answered angelina in his pre-rwrb interviews as well) and his buddy austin is just as gay if not gayer than him. those are dead giveaways. idk why people even question that this guy would be not on the spectrum lol
Hello, anon!
You can rant all you want, i don't mind. From my limited time following him and his fans, what i see is a man with a lot of queer fans (disproportionate compared to other fandoms of other straight men), due to his many queer roles. They are young though, and are 'puriteens'. They want to be respectful, but at the same time it's very obvious that very few of them buys that he's straight. At least it's like that among those fans i follow. He's inviting and affirming the fantalk too by the way he acts (babygirl likes and the fact that the people around him call him cupcake, bambi and babygirl) so it appears to me that he doesn’t mind the way people see him and the speculation.
Speculation is welcome on this blog at least! Like i've said many times now, i still haven't formed an opinion that i feel confident about. There are several flashing neon lights for me, but there are also still arguments the other way. So i'm still not ruling out that he's straight. Very unusual if that's actually the case...
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pickle92 · 2 years
10 characters from 10 fandoms (in no particular order) tagged by @beardedblack thank you darling
its actually really hard to think of 10 i had to come back to this like 3 times lol
1. Edward Teach, OFMD (90% of the active blogs that follow me are ofmd blogs so I don't think I need to explain this one lol. also just to weigh in on beardgate he's def hotter with it, sorry besties. imagine running your fingers thru it and tell me im wrong)
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2. Dean Winchester, Supernatural (bc i used to be spn trash and that shit is hard to shake off completely, also he's the best character to make cry or bleed sorry i don't make the rules. also the most bisexual character ever created don't @ me)
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3. Ezio Auditore, Assassin's Creed (mainly out of nostalgia bc AC2 was my gateway into fandom/shipper culture and my first time writing proper fanfics (ie not dumb quizilla stories about my chemical romance lmfao, if you're old enough to remember quizilla hello fellow olds). also bi af, him and fucking Leonardo da Vinci were my first OTP)
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4. Lara Croft, Tomb Raider (on the subject of video games I gotta give Lara proper credit for 1. representing badass women in games, especially in the 90s and 2. being what in retrospect was clearly my first gay crush, compounded by bicon Angelina Jolie playing her in the movie 😳🥵)
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5. Buffy Summers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, with honorary mention to Spike (following on the theme of badass women, Buffy needs no explanation. also Spike gets a mention bc of how in love with him i was when i was like 12 lol)
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6. Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean (speaking of people i was in love with, potc kick-started a Johnny Depp obsession when I was a teen and I still think he's one of the best characters ever. also proof I've always loved pirates)
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7. Guybrush Threepwood, Monkey Island (before Stede came along he was the og loveable cringefail pirate wannabe. also the monkey island games are so good and make me think of my nan who was cool af and the reason i found monkey island in the first place. also maybe loving pirates is hardwired into me?)
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8. Eowyn and Arwen, LOTR (can't choose bc in retrospect they were both early Gay Crushes(tm) and Badass Woman representation, don't think I need say more)
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9. Holly Short, Artemis Fowl (realised I hadn't included any book characters so here's another one included for nostalgia's sake (avoiding HP). Holly is a badass making her way in a male dominated field and constantly kicking ass. also she's an elf, so.
10. Sybil Vimes, Discworld (also a badass, but more importantly the fact that she was fat but also still totally cool and Worthy of Love, thank you Terry Pratchett (gnu))
this was really fun to do but also made it apparent that i have a type which is 1. Badass and/or 2. Pirate. so um yeah, do with that info what you will.
gonna tag @littletugtinytug and @jellybeanium124 and anyone else that feels like playing ☺️
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Give me your thoughts on the following Ron ships:
•Ron x Pansy
•Ron x Daphne
•Ron x Luna
•Ron x Cho
•Ron x Seamus
•Ron x Dean
•Ron x Neville
•Ron x Michael Corner
Just curious.
She is a 1D cardboard cutout who happens to be a racist(she made fun of Angelina's braids) and has zero character arc. I don't see any appeal of her character to pair her with my favourite character.
Now if you want a Gryffindor/Slytherin ship for Ron this one is the safest option. She is a blank slate in canon so you can give her any personality you want. However she is just a name in canon. Its same as Ron/OC just using a canon name. I am not into that kind of ships. I cant connect to OCs or complete fanmade character emotionally. So personally don't like it. But it has some merits.
This one wouldnt work. Movie Luna and Book Ron? It can. But book Luna is a complete delusional weirdo who thinks Sirius is a sensational singer called stubby broadman and fudge makes goblin pies. All those rubbish. Ron wouldn't be attracted to her. Plus I think she would let him walk all over her. He can be downright rude and sarcastic and she is too meek to put him in his place. But theoretically its cute. The bullied loner and the popular funny guy who loves her.
I can see them hooking up once or twice bcz Ron does think Cho is hot in canon. Plus their passionate argument about tornadoes and canonns was cute lol. But other than that nope. Ron can't deal with so much tears. He is 10 times better at handling emotional girls than Harry but even he has limits. I also think Ron wouldn't appreciate the fact that she sided with her snitch friend Marietta.
Ron/Seamus and Ron/Dean
I see no problem why either of those two wouldn't work. Seamus and Dean are background characters and they don't have any negative part that would make those ships impossible. Personally don't like them bcz I see Ron as straight and those ships don't have my fav tropes.
Same problem as Luna. He would let Ron walk all over him. Ron can be so mean when he wants to be and Neville is too sweet to deal with his shit. Ron needs an equally argumentative, sarcastic and bold person who would take no shit from him and put him in his place. Neville should be with a wholesome sweet soft spoken Hufflepuff.
Ron doesn't like him in canon and he dated one of his siblings. That's a no no zone.
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vanhoadoisongvn · 2 years
Giải nghĩa các từ viết tắt trong tiếng Anh ý nghĩa, đầy đủ nhất
Giải nghĩa các từ viết tắt trong tiếng Anh ý nghĩa, đầy đủ nhất
Trong quá trình giao tiếp hằng ngày hoặc sử dụng mạng xã hội, bạn thường gặp những từ ngữ tiếng Anh viết tắt nhưng không hiểu nghĩa. Bạn muốn tìm hiểu nhưng không biết tham khảo từ đâu. Vì vậy bài viết sau đây sẽ giúp bạn giải nghĩa các từ viết tắt tiếng Anh ý nghĩa, đầy đủ nhất nhé!
Nguồn kham khảo (Source): https://vanhoadoisong.vn/giai-nghia-cac-tu-viet-tat-trong-tieng-anh-y-nghia-day-du-nhat-1654/
Lợi ích việc biết các từ viết tắt tiếng Anh
Biết được những từ viết tắt trong công việc, học tập.
Hiểu được ý nghĩa đối phương muốn truyền đạt cho bạn trong quá trình giao tiếp với người khác.
Nắm bắt được ý nghĩa các từ viết tắt mà mọi người thường sử dụng trên mạng xã hội.
Tìm hiểu thêm những cụm từ viết tắt để bạn có thể sử dụng nhanh chóng và tiện lợi hơn.
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Lợi ích việc biết các từ viết tắt tiếng Anh
Sử dụng mạng xã hội
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Các từ tiếng Anh viết tắt khi sử dụng mạng xã hội
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Giải nghĩa 20 cụm từ ý nghĩa
Nhiều khi đọc các tin trên mạng xã hội kiểu như “Kim Ji-Yong aka G Dragon” hay “Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta aka Lady Gaga” hẳn các bạn sẽ nhíu mày không hiểu “aka” có nghĩa là gì.
Thực chất AKA viết tắt của cụm từ “As Known As”, và được dịch sang tiếng Việt có nghĩa là “được biết đến là”.
Nếu bạn thường xuyên đọc truyện tiếng Anh hay theo dõi các tài khoản mạng xã hội nước ngoài, chắc hẳn sẽ thường xuyên bắt gặp cụm từ “AF”. Vậy AF là gì?
AF là viết tắt của “As F***” có nghĩa tiếng Việt là “cực kỳ, rất rất”. Cụm từ này thường đi sau tính từ để nhấn mạnh tính từ đó và thường được đùng để nhấn mạnh tính chất của sự việc.
ASAP được dịch nghĩa sang tiếng Việt là “sớm nhất có thể, càng sớm càng tốt“. Trong email người ta rất hay sử dụng từ viết tắt tiếng Anh này khi gửi nội dung khẩn cấp.
Khi bạn muốn đề cập t��i một câu chuyện hay quan điểm nào đó (thường là một ý tưởng mới khác với câu chuyện trước đó) thì bạn có thể sử dụng từ này.
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Nghĩa của từ BTW
Từ này người bản xứ đã chơi chữ từ cách đọc từ See và chữ cái “C”. và từ You trong với chữ cái “U”. 
Từ này được sử dụng khi ai đó bảo bạn hãy DM họ đi thì tức là họ muốn bạn nhắn tin với họ. Từ DM được sử dụng nhiều trên các trang mạng xã hội.
EDM được viết tắt từ cụm từ “Electronic Dance Music” và được dịch nghĩa là “nhạc điện tử”
DJ là từ viết tắt của cụm “Disc Jockey” có nghĩa là “người chuyên hòa âm, phối khí cho các bản nhạc”
EDM là dòng nhạc thời thượng hiện nay được giới trẻ vô cùng yêu thích. Ở Mỹ thậm chí còn các đại nhạc hội EDM được tổ chức hàng năm thu hút tới hàng trăm nghìn người tham dự. Đi cùng với dòng nhạc EDM là sự nổi lên của các DJ – những người chuyên hòa âm, phối khí cho các bản nhạc.
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EDM là dòng nhạc thời thượng hiện nay được giới trẻ vô cùng yêu thích
FAQ là cụm từ viết tắt Tiếng Anh mà chúng ta thường gặp rất nhiều trên các trang web với ý nghĩa là “những câu hỏi thường gặp”. Thông thường chủ nhân các website sẽ sử dụng chuyên mục FAQ như một kênh tương tác, giải đáp các câu hỏi của mọi người.
Đây cũng là cụm từ thường được sử dụng trong viết và gửi Email khi người viết muốn cung cấp thêm nội dung gì đó tới người đọc. Nếu bạn thường xuyên làm việc, học tập trên Email thì hãy note ngay cụm từ này lại bởi bạn sẽ bắt gặp nó rất thường xuyên.
LGBT là từ viết tắt của các chữ cái đầu tiên trong 4 thuật ngữ gồm Lesbian (đồng tính nữ), Gay (đồng tính nam), Bisexual (người song tính), Transgender (người chuyển giới).
Đây là cụm từ cũng khá phổ biến ở trên các trang mạng, nhiều bạn cũng sẽ hay gặp phải cụm từ này nhưng không biết nghĩa của chúng là gì.
Bạn có thể hiểu đơn giản, LGBT hay còn gọi là Cộng đồng LGBT là cách gọi tôn trọng những người có xu hướng tính dục, hoặc bản dạng giới thuộc 1 trong 4 thuật ngữ viết tắt của cụm từ trên.
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LGBT là từ viết tắt của Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual và Transgender
Nhiều người chắc chắn khi bắt gặp từ này thường sẽ nghĩ sang một ý nghĩa không tốt. Tuy nhiên trong tiếng Anh từ này có nghĩa là cười lớn, cười to, bạn có thể hiểu tương tự từ “haha” của tiếng Việt.
Khi nhắn tin với người bạn nước ngoài nếu bắt gặp một câu chuyện khiến bạn bật cười bạn có thể tự tin sử dụng từ này.
Chắc chắn rất nhiều người đã bắt gặp từ này bởi độ phủ sóng cao của nó. Bạn có thể sử dụng trong giao tiếp hàng ngày hoặc ngay cả những bài giảng tiếng Anh online từ này cũng xuất hiện rất nhiều. Đây là từ thể hiện sự ngạc nhiên, sửng sốt, bất ngờ.
PIC thường có 2 ý nghĩa khác nhau, nên bạn hãy tìm hiểu thật kỹ nhé.
Nghĩa 1: PIC có nghĩa tiếng Anh là “Person in Charge” và được dịch sang tiếng Việt là “Người phụ trách”
Nếu bạn đang trong 1 dự án, chiến dịch hoặc đơn giản là đi làm, thì từ PIC này có nghĩa là phụ trách công việc, phần việc nào đó.
Nghĩa 2: Pic có nghĩa tiếng Anh là “Picture” và được dịch sang tiếng Việt là “Ảnh, tấm ảnh, bức ảnh”
Trong các tình huống đời thường, thi thoảng mọi người viết tắt từ picture thành pic.
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PIC là viết tắt của “người phụ trách” hoặc “picture”
Pls hoặc Plz
Bạn sẽ thường xuyên bắt gặp từ viết tắt này trên mạng xã hội và từ này có ý nghĩa cảm ơn. Thêm vào đó, từ này được giới trẻ sử dụng nhiều khi muốn nhờ vả ai đó làm việc gì cho mình.
PM thường có 2 ý nghĩa khác nhau, nên bạn hãy tìm hiểu thật kỹ nhé.
Nghĩa đầu tiên của PM – “Private Message”(hoặc một vài người hiểu là Personal Message) sẽ có nghĩa là “tin nhắn cá nhân/ riêng tư hoặc chỉ hành động nhắn tin tới 1 người/ nhóm nào đó”.
Khi ai đó bảo bạn hãy PM họ đi thì có nghĩa là họ muốn bạn nhắn riêng cho họ đấy. Cụm từ này được sử dụng nhiều trên các mạng xã hội.Nghĩa thứ 2 của từ này chỉ về giờ giấc, thời gian nhằm thể hiện buổi chiều tối (bắt đầu tính từ 12h trưa tới 12h đêm).
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PM bắt đầu tính từ 12h trưa tới 12h đêm
P/s hay PS
P/s là từ viết tắt của “Postscript” và được dịch sang tiếng Việt là “tái bút“. Ngoài ra, PS còn được hiểu là “Playstation” – một loại máy chơi game bằng tay cầm khá phổ biến hiện nay.
Thx là từ viết tắt của “Thanks”. Khi bạn muốn gửi lời cảm ơn tới một người bạn thân bạn hoàn toàn có thể sử dụng từ này. Nhiều bạn trẻ rất thích sử dụng bởi sự tiện lợi, nhanh chóng lại thể hiện sự gần gũi với nhau.
Tuy nhiên trường hợp bạn đang nói chuyện với đối tác hay trong một hoàn cảnh quan trọng bạn không nên sử dụng từ viết tắt này nếu không bạn sẽ bị mất điểm trong mắt đối phương.
Thi thoảng bạn cũng sẽ bắt gặp cụm từ Q&A khi xem các video trên Youtube, hoặc sử dụng mạng xã hội. Vậy chúng có nghĩa là gì?
Q là chữ cái đầu tiên của từ “Question” có nghĩa là “Câu hỏi“.
A là chữ cái đầu tiên của từ “Answer” có nghĩa là “Câu trả lời“
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Đây là một cách chào hỏi thông dụng của giới trẻ thường được dùng với bạn bè, người thân của mình. Cách chào hỏi này không được sử dụng trong các tình huống trang trọng hay sử dụng với 2 người lần đầu gặp nhau.
Từ này thường được sử dụng để chỉ những người rất quan trọng, rất đặc biệt, khi đi kèm với các danh từ như địa điểm thì nó sẽ được hiểu đây là khu vực chỉ dành cho những người rất đặc biệt.
Bài viết này đã cung cấp cho bạn các từ ngữ tiếng Anh và giải nghĩa các từ viết tắt tiếng Anh ý nghĩa, đầy đủ nhất. Hy vọng bài viết này sẽ giúp ích cho bạn khi giao tiếp hoặc sử dụng mạng xã hội. Cuối cùng nếu bạn thấy bài viết này hay và bổ ích thì đừng quên chia sẻ với mọi người nhé!
0 notes
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869 notes · View notes
gangstasgirl · 3 years
Film idea: Mr. & Mrs. Smith remake but gay.
Mrs. & Mrs. Smith starring Angelina Jolie and Charlize Theron.
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178 notes · View notes
janetbrown711 · 3 years
"its fine, really! I'm used to it...” “what you meant you’re used to it??” but yax
After careful and long hours of research, Yakko came to the conclusion that he at least admired Max.
He had only seen Max in person once, but there was just something magnetic about the far-away prince that intrigued and fascinated Yakko. So much so, that for the next month or so, Yakko dove headfirst into studying all he could about Max and his country. He tried to share the fascinating history and details with his younger siblings, but they clearly weren't as into it as he was. That didn't deter him though, he was determined to learn absolutely everything he possibly could- even going into Angelina's old private study for books.
It was weird not having her around to stop any of it. Was this what pure joy and excitement with no downsides was like? If so, Yakko really liked it.
Either way, he was ecstatic when his mother told him she was officially making plans to take him to Disneyland to see Max (and diplomatic stuff, but they both knew that wasn't the main reason). Upon hearing the news, he then hurried and changed his studies entirely into conversations and how to have them.
Upon his and Max's first encounter, Yakko realized he was terrible at conversations, but now Yakko swore he'd be better than good- he'd be a conversation master. He studied examples both fictional and non about advice and how royals interact with each other and conversations one was supposed to hold and he complied his notes into a handy notebook that could fit into his pocket in case he got into a tough spot mid conversation. After all- he'd probably be there for hours and hours- that's a long time to be entertaining.
So he poured himself into his studies for a week or so (time was really alluding his grasp as of late) and before he knew it, it was time for him to go. However, not before a weird reaction from Wakko he wasn't expecting... seriously, if anything, Yakko expected Wakko to be happy for him because that meant he wouldn't have to hear about Disneyland for awhile, but instead he got really accusatory. But his parents assured him that it was nothing and his mother went to comfort him while he prepared for his journey.
"That's a big notebook," Dot said, lurking by his door as he flipped through his notes for what must've been the millionth time this week.
"I have a lot to remember," Yakko said, putting it in his pocket.
"Why do you care so much?" Dot asked. Yakko blinked.
"I just... do? He's the first friend I've had... ever," He said, making her move so he could head out the room.
"But I thought me and Wakko-..." Dot didn't finish her sentence. Yakko stopped.
"Max is just... different. I can't explain it- I'm trying to understand, but he's really just... different. A good different," He tried his best to explain, but he knew it fell short.
"Oh... you must really like him?" Dot asked.
"I guess, yeah," Yakko blushed. "He's just- the coolest person I've ever met, and now that Grandma's gone and I'm free to just- hang out with people, yeah," He scratched the back of his neck, aware of the fact he needed to get going. When Dot didn't respond to that, he pursed his lips.
"Welp- I gotta get going," He gave a quick wave, not waiting for her to return it before getting going- he wanted to spend as much time as possible in Disneyland.
Hurriedly, he rushed down the halls all the way down the grand stairs and out the main doors to the carriage, where his mother was waiting for him.
"Getting something?" Lena teased, as the coachman opened the door for them.
"Just a few notes," Yakko said, following his mother as she entered. She chuckled.
"You don't need to be so nervous, dear. From what I've seen, Max already likes you very much," Lena said soothingly as the carriage started to move.
"I just... I want this to be perfect," Yakko sighed, and leaned against the window of the carriage.
Lena snorted. "You and I have a lot in common," She said, fiddling with the fingers of her gloves.
"The last time I was out of this castle before the incident was- well... the wedding... but before that? I don't think I've ever been out..." The queen looked back as her home grew further and further away. "Outside of parties and suitors I've never really dealt in diplomatic situations. God knows my mother never prepared me for half of the things- I just..." She took a deep breath.
"I want this to go perfectly too... but Scratchnsniff says perfection is an impossible goal and we should aim for something more obtainable," She reminded herself. Yakko glanced at her briefly, before returning to the window.
He wasn't sure what he thought of Scratchnsniff. Dot and his parents all seemed to like him, but he still hadn't opened up to him, even though it had been over a month now. They'd be doing... okay sometimes, but the moment the doctor tried talking about Angelina, Yakko refused to give him the satisfaction. He knew he was there to help but- yeah... That wasn't going to happen any time soon.
"We got a long ride, huh?" Lena chuckled, more nervously this time.
"Yeah..." was all he said. He had a lot on his mind, and he could tell his mother did too. Hopefully, by the time they actually arrived, they'd be able to make sense of everything and enjoy their time in Disneyland- though they'd have to wait and see.
The ride wasn't terrible, but it was rather long and tiresome, so it was easy to say that when they finally arrived they were both relieved.
Both Yakko and Lena were surprised at just how different Disneyland was from Warnerstock just from the windows. Everything was brighter, orderly to the point of confusion (to them anyway), and boy oh boy was it big. The castle itself was the biggest example of this, as it seemed to have countless towers and was impossible to take in all at once. Then again, the royal family was quite large and Disney was known for it's welcoming nature and having guests often, so it didn't really surprise them. It was just a lot to take in at once.
However, they didn't have to take that all in for long, as they were guided inside by a few guards and were taken to the throne room, where the three kings were sitting- a duck on the left, a mouse in the middle, and a very tall dog on the right.
"Angelina? Wow, it really is you! How have ya been?" The Mouse immediately stood upon seeing them enter.
"Mickey! Oh it's been years hasn't it?" Lena chuckled and went and hugged him, which the mouse gladly returned, leaving Yakko and the others very confused.
"Do... you... know him?" Yakko raised an eyebrow.
Lena cleared her throat and stepped back. "Right- yes, I forgot to tell you, Michael here was a suitor of mine back in the day," She explained. "Obviously, it didn't work out, as both of our hearts belonged to another, but it wasn't a completely terrible three days."
"Oh please, I'm Mickey to friends," Mickey said. Lena nodded.
"Right, yes, Mickey," Lena corrected.
"Oh," Yakko nodded slowly.
"You must be Yakko then. It's a pleasure to have you as a guest," Mickey smiled and shook Yakko's hand. The dog king's head perked up.
"It's a pleasure to be here," Yakko replied, hoping his nervousness wasn't showing.
"Prince Yakko?" The dog king stood and walked over. "It's a pleasure to meet you, h'yuk," He laughed as he shook Yakko's hand. "Max has told me about you."
"Oh, you must be Goofy, pleasure to meet you," His nervousness increased tenfold. He couldn't believe he didn't put that together upon seeing him immediately.
"Daaaaaaaaad," Max entered the room, looking at the ground with his face red as a tomato.
"Hiya Max! I was just introducing myself to your friend here," Goofy grinned, still shaking Yakko's hand.
"This is why I don't tell you things," Max muttered to himself. "Can we go?" He asked, grabbing Yakko's arm, freeing him from the handshake.
Mickey nodded. "Of course, we got our own business to deal with, you two have fun," He said, and with that, Max practically dragged Yakko out of the room.
"I am so sorry you had to deal with that," He sighed as the guards closed the door behind them and Max let go of his arm.
"Deal with what?" Yakko tilted his head slightly.
"My Dad- he just- he doesn't know when to stop no matter how many times I talk to him," Max shook his head. "C'mon, I know a good spot to hang out. Watch out for running triplets."
"Running triplets?" Yakko raised an eyebrow.
"Huey, Dewey and Louie like running around without warning- as do Morty and Ferdie and if Daisy's over then so do April, May and June- just keep an ear out for them," Max explained, checking both ways before crossing a hallway.
"Right, right," Yakko nodded, not really understanding how they'd ever be allowed to do that. Then again, not having a tyrannical grandmother around probably let them have a lot more freedom and fun.
The pair went down a few halls, always checking both ways as they went, before they reached a room that Max let him into to reveal that it led to a fairly small room with a few chairs, but outside of that was a large balcony it was clear the dog prince frequented.
"Nice place," Yakko admired the room as Max opened the glass doors for him.
"I come here a lot to clear my head," Max said, closing the door behind him. "And to get away from my family."
Max must've really not liked them, huh...
"Yeah... I could really use a place like this," Yakko admired the craftsmanship of the columns holding up the railing.
"Watch this," Max winked, picking up a stone from a pile of rocks, and throwing it down into the giant pond in the garden bellow, causing a massive splash and ripple.
"Cool," Yakko said.
"It's nothing really," Max blushed again and went to where the rail met the wall and sat on it. "Wanna sit?" He patted the spot next to him.
"Oh- I uh-..." Yakko peered over the edge cautiously. It wasn't too far a fall, but still. It was easy to say it was far enough down to make even the most un-acrophobic person a little nervous.
"Oh, are you afraid of heights? I'm sorry, I-"
"No no no, I can handle it," Yakko swallowed his fear and sat next to him, glad that it was wide enough for him to feel supported. Still, he wrapped his tail around the edge loosely as a precaution.
"So... what do you think?" Max asked. "Of Disneyland, I mean."
"I think it's really... different. Very organized, very..." Yakko thought to himself. "Very homogeneous and large, yeah."
Max snorted. "Homogeneous?"
"It means similar or 'the same'," Yakko cursed himself internally. Max laughed with a little 'hyuk' in there that made Yakko relax, though a familiar fluttering in his stomach returned.
"You're really smart, aren't you?" Max asked.
"Yeah... my grandmother's pride alright," Yakko looked at the garden.
Great, barely five minutes into the conversation and he already broke his number one rule he wrote to himself: Don't bring up Grandma.
"I don't think it's your grandma's fault you're smart. If that was true, then I'd be a lot more wacky like Dad," Max did his best to reassure, which despite all odds did kinda work.
"You keep bringing up how much you don't like your family," Yakko commented. "Why?"
"Why? You've barely even met them- they are just beyond crazy and drive me up the wall with how embarrassing and tiresome they can be," Max crossed his arms.
"I mean- my sibs can be a little crazy at times but I still like them," Yakko said.
"You don't know them," Max sighed, looking out to the garden too. Yakko decided it was probably best he drop the subject for now.
However, after that was a long stretch of silence, and Yakko started to panic as it got longer and longer and he couldn't think of a thing to say. Thankfully though, he remembered the notebook sitting in his pocket and he slowly and carefully took it out and looked for a good conversation starter.
"What is your favorite type of weather?" He asked, quickly slipping it back into his pocket. Max immediately burst into laughter.
"Where'd you think of a question like that?" He asked.
"If you don't like it I can ask a different one," Yakko turned bright red as he flusteredly turned over, pulling out the notebook and flipping through it.
"Do you have a notebook of conversation starters?" Max caught a glimpse.
"Whaaaat? Me??? Pssshhhh," Yakko adamantly denied, but he sighed, knowing he had been caught.
"Yeah... I figured since I majorly screwed up talking like a normal person last time I'd take some notes so the conversation would be far less depressing and not so... trauma centered," He admitted, showing him the notebook.
"Wait- you think you're screwing up?" Max seemed baffled, which confused the Warnerstockian Prince.
"I mean- yeah..? No matter what I do I always end up thinking about the same stupid topic and I dunno... you seem so much more normal than me," Yakko admitted, looking away.
"I feel like I've just been a bumbling dork this whole time," Max admitted too. "You've been really smart and interesting this whole time, with your fancy words and observations about stuff and... yeah," He scratched his neck.
"You think I'm interesting?" Yakko looked at him.
"Yeah man," Max looked at him, though only briefly. "You're... cool."
That made the fluttering increase tenfold.
"You're really cool too," Yakko smiled. Max nodded his head in acknowledgement, looking out to the garden once more.
"You know... I promised I'd give you some sporting pointers when you came by. Perhaps I should 'make good' on that promise," Max said, gesturing to the pile of rocks and other such objects clearly designated for throwing into the pond.
"Okay," Yakko agreed to it, putting the notes back in his pocket, following Max as he went over to the pile.
"The trick is that it's all in the wrist, and if you keep your eyes focused on where you wanna throw it, it does a lot to help it actually go there," Max said, as he picked up a rock and threw it with all his might, and it crashed far into the pond.
"In the wrist, huh?" Yakko nodded and acted like that made sense. He then picked up a rock, and threw it with all his might. However, his might was rather pathetic, and all he managed to do was to crack the tiling around the pond and it shattered into pieces, as Yakko felt the blood drain from his face.
"Max, I-i'm so so so so so so sorry, I-i-" Yakko sputtered out apologies but Max just started laughing and laughing.
"It's okay Yakko. We're royalty, remember? My dad'll just have someone fix it, it's totally cool," He placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "But hey, other than that, that wasn't half bad."
"She'd totally kill me if I did that at home though," Yakko cursed himself.
"She? Who, your mom? Cuz from what I've heard she's a big sap," Max said, confused.
"Not mom, my grandma," Yakko sighed, running his fingers through his hair.
"Your grandma's dead, Yakko. She can't punish you for that. You can break all the tiles you want here, it's cool," Max said, now deeply concerned for his new friend.
"Right- you're absolutely right. I'm sorry," Yakko took a deep breath.
"It's cool... I get that it must be hard moving on from that," Max's hand lingered on Yakko's shoulder a minute before he put it down.
"Yeah..." Yakko sighed as he realized he broke the rule yet again.
"I know you probably don't want to, but if you ever need or want to talk about it, I'm more than happy to listen," Max offered. Yakko smiled a little.
"Thanks... that means a lot more than you probably know," He said. Max smiled too.
"You're a lot cooler than you give yourself credit for, you know?" Max said. "You may not be the best at sports, but you are really good at talking, which is more than I can say."
"You sell yourself short," Yakko disagreed.
"Maybe we both do," Max shrugged, returning to the ledge.
"Yeah... maybe," Yakko said, sitting next to him once more.
As they began to chat more about much lighter and happier topics, a warm spring breeze began to rush by and Yakko began to just... notice things about Max. The way his fluffy and wild hair flowed in the wind, the way his eyes sparkled when he talked about one of his passions, his cute laugh that he always seemed to try and suppress, the way he stuck his hands in his pockets, his smile, the compassion and comradery in his eyes...
Yakko could gaze into those eyes for an eternity.
"It's getting pretty late... isn't it?" Max began to notice the sky beginning to turn a rosey shade of pink as the sun began to set.
"Yeah... I guess that means we have to get going soon, huh?" Yakko tried to play it casually, but he knew he'd miss Max dearly. Max's side glances told him he felt the same.
"Maybe you can write to me? A-and maybe... Maybe I'll convince dad or Uncle Mickey to take me to Warnerstock?" Max scratched the back of his neck, clearly trying to play it cool.
"I'd love that," Yakko smiled, before pondering if using the word "love" was inappropriate. It wasn't like he- well... liked him, or anything... right..?
"Okay," Max smiled back.
They stayed smiling at each other much longer than was normal, though neither really minded.
"Maxy? Yakko?" The voice of Goofy called for them outside the room outside the balcony.
"I need to go," Yakko said. "But... I will write, I promise."
"I believe you," Max nodded. "Though... don't be surprised if my letters are short and my handwriting attrocious- I'm not the best when it comes to any of that stuff," He said, getting down from the rail, offering his hand to "help" Yakko down.
Yakko took it.
"I'm sure it won't be any worse than Wakko's," He said.
"Don't say I didn't warn you," Max chuckled as Yakko got off, still holding his hand.
However, they instantly let go when Goofy entered the room.
"There ya are- you're mom's looking for you. It's gettin' late," Goofy said, opening the glass door.
"Right, yes.. thanks, dad," Max pursed his lips and looked away.
"I'll write, I promise," Yakko said.
"Y-yeah, okay," Max nodded and smiled. "I'll... see you soon."
"See you soon," Yakko nodded, before forcing himself to walk away (a task that was a lot harder than he expected it to be). Goofy then guided him back to the throne room, where his mother was talking with Mickey and Donald (Yakko figured that was who he was), but she stopped when he entered.
"There you are," She smiled as he returned to her side. "Have fun?"
"Yep," He nodded briefly, hoping she didn't expect him to get into detail here and now.
"It's been great catching up, Angelina," Mickey told her.
"I couldn't agree more. And it's been a pleasure meeting you two, Goofy, Donald," She nodded at both of them. "I'm afraid I must get going, but I'd love to meet up again sometime- or possibly take Max off your hands for an afternoon," Lena teased Yakko, causing him to turn red.
"I'm sure he'd love that," Goofy smiled.
"Have a safe trip," Donald said in the scratchiest, most garbled voice Yakko ever heard in his life. It was so incomprehensible he had to actively bury his shock and confusion as to not offend him.
"Thank you," Lena nodded at the three of them. "It's been a pleasure, truly."
"Yeah.. see you," Yakko felt like he had to say goodbye too, but having not just spent the past several hours with them, it felt awkward. Mickey chuckled.
"See you," He said.
With that, Lena and Yakko made their way out of the castle and back into their carriage and began on their way back home.
"So... how was your day?" Lena asked once the carriage began to move.
"It was nice. Max is... cool," Despite his research, cool was still the best word to describe him.
"That's good, he seems like a very nice kid," She nodded in approval. "I wouldn't mind having him over sometime in the future."
"That'd be great," Yakko agreed with enthusiasm that made her laugh.
"Okay, I'll arrange a date," She chuckled.
"What about your day? How was all those meetings?" Yakko asked, not just out of politeness but a genuine curiosity.
"I half expected Mickey not to remember me, so it was a pleasant surprise. And Goofy and Donald are quite the lovely characters too, very strong personalities. I can see why their kingdom works so well," She said with a nod.
"But I know you really don't want to hear about all that. Please, tell me more about Max," Lena said.
Yakko told her all that happened, not glossing over a single detail. She listened with intent, and couldn't help but laugh here and there.
"It sounds like you're rather fond of Max, no?" She said.
"What do you mean?" Yakko blinked. His mother chuckled to herself.
"Oh nothing, I'm sure you'll figure it out on your own in due time," She said.
"Okay..?" Yakko raised an eyebrow, not sure where she was getting at. However, it was clear she wasn't going to be giving any more hints so Yakko dropped it.
Whatever it was, she clearly had perfect faith he'd figure it out sooner or later, so perhaps it was best he focus on other things- like what he was going to write in his letter to Max. There would be so many topics to choose from, and this time he'd have all the time in the world to think of a perfect response. Honestly, he should've started writing letters sooner. It just made so much sense- Yakko could think of the perfect response before sending it away and he could read over Max's responses over and over again. Maybe he could even find a box to store them in. That sounded really nice...
Yakko thought back to his mother's words, and decided it was true.
Yakko was rather fond of his dear friend, Max.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 The End
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jeriafterdark · 2 years
The Ring Saga - Part 1/4. The Moment that made me believe in JunZhe/LLD
Part 1 : My Treatise on the idea of CP, JunZhe / BJYX, and Homophobia
Part Two - link will be updated as I post
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five Nov 28, 2022
In order to get my mind off of the absolute drama of the state of the community right now, I’d like to write a treatise on the validity and loveliness of JunZhe / LLD; welcome to my TED talk. This will come in FOUR PARTS.
Important note for new followers: welcome! This is all speculation/CPN (cp fiction), it's impossible to know for sure that these actors are together unless they willingly come out themselves. And considering the environment in c-ent and China, homosexuality isn't exactly welcomed, so there's that.
I only present my view and what I've gathered, and I try to maintain an accurate account of events even if that sacrifices it being fun to read, so be forewarned! My sudden zzh appreciation posts just pop out tho so I'm not perfect ok?
1. My initial skepticism about JunZhe/LLD:
Initially, after I finally believed that BJYX/YiZhan (Wang Yibo/Xiao Zhan) was real, I highly doubted that their story could be replicated again. If you are unfamiliar with their story, I recommend rainbowsky’s blog / accio-victuuri’s blog. Anyway, in the back of my mind I knew that lots of LGBTQIA+ people exist in the entertainment industry in every nation, and it must also be true in China as well. And people fall in love on set all the time, they get into their character, they find chemistry in each other, they get together, and that’s that. Well, I figured since it happened once already with WY/XZ, how likely was it to happen again in ANOTHER danmei adaptation so soon between the lead actors?
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I also would like to note that I’m usually not in any overseas fandoms so the idea of CPF (couple fans) was completely foreign to me. I see that many people treat CPF’s as some kind of delusional fans who just want two men to boink? But the treatment of CPF’s by a lot of solos / general public seem very homophobic to me, as someone from a country whose LGBTQIA+ communities are allowed to exist and maybe even thrive (of course there are exceptions, etc). In my eyes, CPF’s are just ordinary fans who recognize when two people have quite a clear romantic connection. And in our case, I don’t even believe that we’re just CPF’s, that we’re fans who “ship” two people - I think we’re just fans who support a real couple.
1.5 Homophobia in entertainment and the hurdle same-sex couples must pass
People fall in love all the time on set. Straight or gay or queer people.
However, we do have homophobia in entertainment. Oftentimes heterosexual couples are assumed to be the default of any “normal” relationship (this is often coined as a part of "heteronormativity"). Thus, any interactions between a man and a woman are “naturally” seen as romantic, and normal, and thus accepted. And so the bar for a man and a woman to actually be seen as romantic and in a relationship is extremely low. They can brush elbows and give each other the side eye - and audiences would be gnawing at their bits shipping them, and no one would be doubting it.
(Ex) I will cite the famous “Brangelina” cp - Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, who both divorced their current partners to be with each other after meeting on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. The tabloids were on fire with their relationship, in which they spent a lot of personal time together + appeared in each other’s space all the time. Sound familiar???? Everyone assumed they were together, honestly, I was a teenager at the time and even I knew lol. (Of course they ended up divorcing after like over a decade, but that’s an aside).
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On their falling in love on set:
Del Prete[assistant director] remembers one night, after filming in the desert, Jolie and Pitt stuck around in lieu of returning to their hotel, built a campfire and spent the night in their trailers. "It was a little more than a working relationship," he added. "You don't really see those flirtatious type of things."
Gertz also noted an obvious friendship. "You definitely saw a back and forth ... just an easiness about people that have not spent a lot of time together," she said. "Or, you know, just an easiness when you have 150 people in the crew around you dissecting every part of the scene, and you still have a fun camaraderie, a banter, that you’re able to maintain."
^^^ All of these things are typical of people who fall in love - it happened to Brad Pitt/Angelina, Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo, and here - Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan (do you know of the 'One Rainy Night' story? where they spent the night in ZZH's trailer?)
Here are 5 couples in C-ent who fell in love on set (heterosexual cp's), maybe their CP fans also got a lot of hate, I wasn't in the fandom at the time, so I wouldn't know. But it's readily accepted, and they actually announced their marriages after falling in love. A luxury our boys don't have.
1.51 - Queer Old Hollywood and Lavender Marriages
Because queer people didn't have the luxury of being out and proud, they had other means to shield themselves from retaliation and persecution, i.e. the lavender marriage.
Queer actors and actresses have existed since... acting began? If I were to go back, we can compare current c-ent to Old Hollywood (1920s-50s).
You may have heard of Hollywood's Hays Code, which outlawed any "sexual perversions" in motion pictures, in which homosexual relationships fell under. But did you know that the early 1920's actually were very accepting towards queer relationships? The "Pansy craze" swept the world, people were out and gay and dancing and dressing in drag, even straight people. The film Manslaughter (1922) was the first film to show a kiss between members of the same sex, and it was only in the 1930's when the code started to be enforced and homosexuality was forbidden. Universal Pictures actually put in provisions in actors' contracts, "morality clauses," that made sure they were straight! And if not, then they'd lose their livelihoods, so if anyone felt any gay feelings, they'd have to resort to other options. I.e. the Lavender Marriage. (This video is fantastic on this history)
A Lavender Marriage is a type of marriage where both partners are of the opposite sex, but are gay / lesbian. It's a marriage of convenience, meant to be a shallow shield against outside eyes, so each partner could pursue their own lives privately under the guise of already being in a heterosexual marriage. Many famous people were speculated to be in lavender marriages: Rudolph Valentino (who got married a few times and divorced his wives after a few years, and whose wives actually got married to him to hide their relationships with their girlfriends lol).
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(Natacha Rambova / Rudolph Valentino - they're both gay)
Judy Garland famously married Vincenti Minnelli, an openly gay man in New York. She later even advised her only daughter, Liza Minnelli, to marry gay men because they make the "best husbands." The fact that he was gay was an open secret! If you had any gay feelings, people in the business knew, and they were fine with it usually as long as you weren't too ~in your face~ about it, or too public with it.
Cary Grant also famously lived with his "roommate," Randolph Scott, for more than 10 years and cycled through 5 different wives. They had many many many pictures of them shown in fan magazines, promoting their "cp," their "best friends" and "bachelors" image.
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Yes, the CP-branding does extend all the way back to Old Hollywood. They'd write about their favorite recipes, so women at home could practice those recipes in the hopes of marrying these men. Their studio knew of these photos, taken by a gay photographer, actually, and stressed that the photos not be too gay. Just enough. Anyway, even after all the CP promotion ended, they still stayed in touch and lived together.
Interestingly, Chinese people have a version of this called Tongqi (同妻) or " tongfu (同夫) is another neologism for men who have married lesbian women."
See how gay Old Hollywood was? And how queer current Hollywood is? Do you really think that it's that different to C-ent? Queer people exist everywhere, in all eras. And the fact that they were gay/bi/queer was an open secret.
1.52 Current C-ent is similar to Old Hollywood
As you may have seen, current c-ent is on a censorship mania. After WOH aired, rules were enacted to basically ban dangai dramas, or anything that's deemed too queer. We know that if it weren't for censorship, like the Hays Code, we'd probably have gotten a WenZhou sex scene / kiss scene / nude dual cultivation scene.
In terms of actors, there are also a few famous personalities in c-ent whose sexual orientations are open secrets (I can't say who bc ofc it's unconfirmed, but if everyone and their mom knew Rudolph Valentino, a famous and highly popular actor, was gay, then is it that farfetched to assume that people in the entertainment business also know? And that they don't really care, or are even happy for their friends/ colleagues?)
Even straight actors kept their relationships a secret and had CHILDREN (Andy Lau, HK). Maintaining image that you're single is important for keeping up a fanbase and fan-following, as c-ent and Old Hollywood have assumed. (It makes the whole JunZhe obviousness even better because clearly they know how many fans they stood to lose by being close, but they didn't care).
In addition to that, there are still lots of studios who take advantage of actors, young and old, and sign them without properly giving them backing or just working them to the bone for x amount of years (ZZH's old studio, where he sustained a knee injury and was encouraged to work anyway and permanently injured his knee / GJ and his first signings where he was scammed). (in the US, contracts can be broken at any time but the studio can still have a "sunset clause" where they'll receive x amt of royalties for a time).
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Now that I've established that queer people exist, and how open secrets were a thing in Old Hollywood, and how current c-ent is similar to Old Hollywood in that queerness = bad, queers = exist, we can move onto JunZhe.
2. JunZhe and SHL/WOH
In the case of WOH/SHL, they went ALL OUT in showing how absolutely gay for each other Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing are. And in the BTS, these two are EVEN MORE in love than on-screen.
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And in interviews and promotions, Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan both support each other so much, and are almost UNCOMFORTABLY in each other’s personal space. They are constantly touching, giggling at each other, looking at each other, sneaking a peak, smiling lovingly,
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like - there’s a certain level of internalized homophobia (we all have it due to the world we live in, don't worry) that makes people deny that this could be anything but “bros” or “bromance.”
But when you apply these interactions to a man and a woman? If a man and a woman were to act in the same way that they do? One constantly holding onto things for the other (concert), instinctively reaching out for each other if one is falling (Happy camp), brushing each other’s hair away from their eyes (every second of WOH BTS), staring at the other’s lips while they talk (Ace Actress interview, WOH promotions), brushing shoulders in every interview (everywhere), casually holding onto one other’s waists while they cross paths in a cross-promotion (Tom Ford promo), just IMAGINE THAT. With a man and a woman, most wouldn't doubt that they’re something more than “friends.” I don't do these things with my friends. Like. AT LEAST, one must acknowledge that these two are flirting.
BUT SOMEHOW, when it comes to two men, or two women, they are dismissed as just “close friends,” or the dreaded - “roommates” stereotype lol. Now, the caveat is that it is detrimental to a person’s image in CN media to be out of the closet, so I understand if people deny them their love on that… but as I've said above, these aren't really secrets? Everyone in your industry knows that you're queer. And they're fine with it. They literally cannot go around blabbing everything because their careers are also on the line, and they don't want to make enemies. They just have to put on a façade according to the Code.
Why not just acknowledge that their actions are more than friends, respect what they show to the public and support them in that endeavor? Or at the very least, leave the CPF’s or fans who acknowledge their relationship alone - just cuz one couple is gay doesn’t make your world explode. It took a lot, like a LOT of evidence to get over my own internalized homophobia (even as a decidedly queer person), that these two men can’t be in love, they’re not allowed so it must just be friendship and closeness and then omg did they really say that to each other, and then why are they always touching each other, and etc etc down the pit I went lol.
3.The Significance of THE RING:
Normally, idols and stars in c-ent wear jewelry that they either 1) own themselves or 2) are sponsored to wear during red carpet / premieres / photoshoots etc. If they were still working and have a dedicated fanbase, they also would avoid wearing rings on their ring fingers. They have a vested interest in the obtainable ‘bachelor/bachelorette’ look, so that their solo fans can have the fantasy that they, one day, may be able to be with them and thus continue to support their idols with the $$$$$.
So it is quite rare for two seemingly single bachelors to start wearing rings on their ring fingers. And we know they were single because Ma-jie, the chief producer of WOH, specifically only chose single actors for the leads of Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu. I know all of this from other fandoms, and it’s just rational to assume that in order to continue your lucrative career in entertainment, and to cater to your solo fans, you must maintain the “available” facade. SO, BOY WAS I SURPRISED WHEN I SAW THOSE ENGAGEMENT RINGS.
Part Two: The Rings to Rule Them All (Queue'd for tomorrow, Apr 23, 2022)
As a sidenote, BJYX also has a lot of CPN (cp "fiction" or unconfirmed observations) revolving around rings. It's actually shown that XZ does wear a ring around his neck, whose outline can be seen in a lot of impromptu videos or photos. For more about them and their ring, check here. So yeah, rings are a thing. I mean, they're a thing for het couples, so why wouldn't they be for gay couples?
Now that I've laid the ground for the Ring Saga, let's get to it in the next part!
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tearsforbreakfast · 7 years
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Just discovered the Beauty that is Crystal Chappell. Like WOW! Incredible actress.
If you like awesome F|F content you’ll love Otalia. Link here: https://youtu.be/EGFqM7rYmvE
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harrypotterjelly · 3 years
Random Harry Potter Next Gen Headcanons
Victorie Delacour Weasley
oldest weasley grandchild
very intelligent and popular
fashionable asf
prefect n head girl
did ballet as a child
loved it
probs a healer
a lot like fleur
Dominique Delacour Weasley
born in 2002
rebellious and daring
party girl
keeper on the quidditch team
got pregnant as a teen
a bit irresponsible but fiercly caring
similar to her uncle george
Louis Delacour Weasley
born in 2004
bad at maths
animal lover, adopts many strays
gets away with anything lol
tall boi
quite like his uncle charlie
James Potter II
born in 2004
very emotional
mama's boy
tries a bit too hard
chaser on the quidditch team
captain in his sixth and seventh year
a lot like ron and sirius
Albus Potter
born in 2006
definetely had an emo phase
taller than James since he was 13 and James was 15
terrible at quidditch
and duelling
great at potions
loves his bf scorpius
feels like the black sheep of the family
omg what if that's his patronus
a lot like lily evans and his godfather neville
Lily Potter
born in 2009
great seeker
everyone treats her like a baby
but in reality she can beat all her brothers in a duel
a perfect mix of harry and ginny
Rose Granger Weasley
born in 2006
annoyingly good at everything
even quidditch
can be a bit snooty and arrogant
also puts too much strain on herself
prefect, head girl, leader of many student study clubs and a chaser
a lot like hermione
Hugo Granger Weasley
born in 2008
besties with Lily Potter
very innocent
a bit shy
quidditch obsessed
was the commentator for a bit
loves muggle studies
short boi
a lot like his grandfather arthur
Fred Weasley II
born in 2003
mixed race!!
surprisingly, the good twin
it's weird how unlike his dad he is
prefect?? somehow
also liked history of magic and ancient runes
chess nerd
surprisingly like percy
and angelina
Roxanne Weasley
the rebellious twin
mcgonagalls worst nightmare
very much like her father
besties with Dominique
the actual reincarnation of her uncle fred
Molly Weasley II
born in 2005
the mom friend
her mum was a muggle
maths vibes
tries to be exactly like grandmother molly
Lucy Weasley
born in 2008
trans mtf
she did not attend her last two years at hogwarts because she wanted to stay in the muggle world with her mum, audrey weasley
Teddy Lupin
gender fluid
is considered harry's son even though he is never formally adopted
gets spoiled by harry
tries to be like his dad but turns out way more like his mother
loves to have tea with molly and andromeda
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friendly-jester · 2 years
We finally watched Eternals! And by we I mean my brother watched the first hour before he fell asleep and I watched the rest alone because I didn’t want to wake him up lol
Thoughts under the cut!
-I would die for Kingo
-Blonde hair really suits Angelina Jolie
-Gilgamesh and Thena were the best dynamic of the movie and I cried when he died
-DC is canon in the MCU ???? Fuckin wild love it
-GAY REP GAY REP GAY REP it's a start and I'm happy
-Unexpected favorite character: Karun. The true mvp of the movie
-Would like a whole western movie with Salma Hayek yeehaw 
-Not enough Dane :(
-Green truly is Gemma Chan’s color 
-I think out of all their powers Phastos’ is my favorite
-Makkari and Druig are SO cute I love them. I want to be called beautiful by someone with an Irish accent :( 
-Ikaris and I are gonna fight square up motherfucker (Richard Madden still really hot tho)
-”You’ve never had to fight me.” “But I’ve always wanted to.” and that was the moment Rory knew- they had fallen in love with Thena. 
-Druig just appearing out of nowhere and knocking Sprite out with a rock made me cackle 
-Tiamut’s hand coming out of the water was fucking DOPE 
-HARRY STYLES?! *insert why am I gasping I already knew that meme here* 
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