#anyway im still open to asks just expect me to take along time coming up w an answer
tidalgeode · 1 day
Tumblr media
I think they should fall into the river and drown (im insane about these damn old men....) Anyway i drew this for a little thing I wrote, its under the read more !! shout out to my friends for proofreading it we got rid of like 10 'he would's
It was the ass-crack of dawn, as Clef often put it. They had left around 5 minutes ago, while it was still dark. Now, the dawn light was scattered through the leaves. The rushing water became audible as he and Kondraki's footsteps crushed the excessive undergrowth along the old path. Clef mourned their timing, gazing at the barren blackberry bushes that littered the entire forest.
“Couldn't we have gone in summer?” he asked, hands in his pockets as he carefully stepped down from a large rock.
“As if either of us were available. Fishing's better in fall anyway”
Kondraki, at this point in the trip, had long since given up trying to make the shorter man shut his trap. He just wanted to get to the water faster,  not wanting to miss the small window of time when the fish are most active. The river wasn't far, but trekking through the overgrowth was taking longer than expected.
Kondraki wished he had brought a machete, becoming irritated at the amount of times his fishing pole became stuck in passing bushes, despite his best efforts.
“If you don't catch a massive fucking fish bigger than the creel I'm gonna be disappointed, Konny.” They crossed through the last narrow clearing in the brush, finally able to see the river. Now walking on gravel, Kondraki took the lead and walked over to a jutting mass of rock close to the mouth of the creek. He placed his rod against it as he climbed on top and opened a pocket in his vest. Finding a flat enough section of the rock, Clef sat and pulled out a spoon from the creel. “Gimme the end of your line.”
“Excuse me? Like hell I'm letting you choose a lure for me. I thought I already had a-” He squinted as he looked for the end of the line, with no hook to be found. “Oh, motherfucker.”
“Must have gotten lost.” Clef said, sporting a shit-eating grin. ”I like this one, lemme tie it for you.“ He showed off the spoon, it was neon and spotted like a more garish trout.
“Come on, I know just as well as you do how to tie a knot.”
“Knowing you, your stench is gonna kill the damn fish.”
“Don't they have a good sense of smell? Call it an improvement. I bet they'd love it.“
”Know what, maybe you're right. It'd make sense if the only thing that could be attracted to you is a fish.“
Kondraki grabbed the line and found his way to the end of it, flicking up the bail to allow it to extend further and handed it off to Clef.
”What does that say about you then?“ Clef said, taking the line and delicately tying the spoon on with a tight knot.
”It says nothing, because you're the ugliest man I've had the displeasure of knowing.“
”You're so sweet, I try.“
”Shut the fuck up before I throw your ass into the river.“
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simplyender · 3 months
You previously mentioned that Johnathon probably had a less than ideal childhood. If you are still in the mood for headcanons, would you mind sharing your thoughts on his upbringing/childhood/adolscence? The good, the bad, whatever comes to your mind. Thank you! (I wonder if he was still roommates with Quentin Beck in the movieverse)
Thank you so much for asking!!!! Sorry about taking so long to respond, work has been exhausting for me, and I really want to give my best answer, hence why I stew over asks quite a bit, lol
• Apparently, The Spot from the comics is originally from Spokane. Yeah, I'll incorporate that one in to my personal beliefs.
• He reads to me as having come from an upper-middle-ish class family.
• Only child, but his parents were frequently busy with their jobs, and when they were around, they didn't exactly have or bother to make the time for him.
• Pretty judgemental parents in general.
• Despite that, he still spent a fair amount of time trying to prove himself worthy of their attention, a difficult task with...Mixed results, mostly leaning towards failure.
• One of my friends was once like "There was definitely a time where he wanted to show them something he made and got snapped at for bothering them.", and yeah I totally agree with that.
• Over time he became more reclusive, spent more time in his room than anywhere else. He preferred reading, learning to code, and working on his own little projects over socializing, something he wasn't all too skilled at. It wasn't like there was much to socialize with at home, anyways, considering he would either be ignored or treated like a nuisance a solid 90% of the time.
• This was a double edged sword, though, since he'd also been yelled at for "being in his room all the time" a few times.
• Was used as a scapegoat quite often.
• After a certain point he moved on to trying to get his validation through other means. High grades, impressive science projects, plans to become a scientist and making the biggest damn breakthrough ever seen, do something that will change the world forever. Because then nobody could ignore him or treat him like he's less if he managed that.
• But obviously they're not the worst in his mind because they helped pay for college, so,,,,,,
edit: actually thought about this some more and he probably got a scholarship. oops lol idk high academics.
• Saw the 1933 Invisible man at a young age and absolutely loved it, he spent a short period of time trying to figure out how to make himself invisible, and kind of wished that dr. Jack Griffin was his real dad and that also maybe he'd kill his parents, healthy and not worrying thoughts from a probably 8 year old. It's been around 25+ years since then, but he'd still get seriously embarrassed if somebody brought up his old attempts.
• Had a massive growth spurt in his early teenage years, which automatically put a target on his back for even more bullying.
• Started experimenting with his fashion and putting some more work in to his appearance close to the end of high school. Still sucked at keeping up with haircuts and remembering to shave, though.
• Was probably at his peak in college, honestly. Nicest place he's been in. Least bullying he's experienced. He even made a friend or two!
• IMO he was totally roommates with Quentin in this universe too, they were on different tracks, but all in all, they got along pretty well! John was happy to help him with with whatever he was working on, although, John mostly kept his personal stuff to himself (still appreciated the extra hand with carrying things...), or at least tried to. Whether he was listened to or not is another matter entirely. When they collaborated, they were a real dream team. Unfortunately, they kinda fell out of contact after college, so it was a pretty big surprise to John when Mysterio got caught and it was released that his old college roommate had become a supervillain.
....Which only further entrench him in the "I'm meant to be Spider-Man's nemesis" mindset, by the way.
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drxxmingofblue · 2 years
hand in unrebloggable hand (because we always go down together)
besties im not joking abt the word count i fucking ✨wish✨I ✨was though✨✨✨✨
also if you were hoping for twitblr to be the endgame ship then this fic is not for you sowwy >.<
based off of @zzoupz awesome fanart and dedicated to all the other cool fanart it unfortunately begat. Thanks babygirls. Squees. Thanks also to my discord friendz who are letting me pretend they're making me do this at gunpoint @loki-the-mad @suspicious-whumping-egg u da best
(edit) owo what's this?? An Ao3 link??
When Twitter stepped back into Tumblr’s yard, he noticed right away that things were different.
The house was bigger, there was some more color and it was less slapped-together looking. Sure, there were still some invasive tendrils of spambot ivy overgrowing the path, but a lot of the other stuff seemed a little… better.
When they knocked on the door, it opened almost right away, far before they felt ready, and he were face to face abruptly with someone he thought they’d cut all ties with.
Tumblr was humming to themselves along with the background music, “-out of touch, I’m out of ti-- oh. It’s you.”
He seemed surprised, awkward, but Twitter didn’t sense any animosity, which was a relief.
“Hiii,” Twitter said weakly, with a sheepish grin, “it’s me.”
Tumblr glanced around, as if checking for someone else to explain this to him, or hidden cameras from a reality show at least. Then he stepped out, closed the door behind him, and leaned against it, crossing his arms. “Is there something… what do you want?” he asked, expression settling into something distant and cool.
“Well…” Twitter took a deep breath, and then shook their head, forcing a brighter tone, and gesturing to Tumblr’s shiny silver barrette “--Um, hey, you look great! Is that a new icon?”
“... yes,” Tumblr said slowly. “I’m… trying out some different looks.”
“It’s great, yeah. And this place looks… amazing. Glad to see you’re moving up in the world. You must be excited with all the press, congrats!”
Tumblr didn’t say anything, giving them a neutral stare.
Twitter shifted, “Uhh… anyway… new adblocker?”
“No, same one. I’m just using it on Firefox now.” Tumblr gave them another suspicious eye, “Look, if you’re just here to catch up then can this wait until later? Because I'm pretty crunched for time right now with my weekly holidays thing and the campaign to get this one random user their 666k so they'll do self care."
"You know that's.. uhm, you know that's just for attention, right?" Twitter's brows knit, "They're probably not gonna follow through."
"Perhaps, and a lot of us want them to not be lying for internet points but it's not just about that anymore. It's about the community bonding over pettily slam dunking on a hapless chump who's gotta pretend now like they don't actually like all the notes. You wouldn't get it, it's a tumblr thi-" 
"Yeah, it's a tumblr thing, I know," Twitter gave a longsuffering sigh, "Ugh, i just... I need a place to stay, okay? And you’re the first site I could think of.”
“A place to stay,” Tumblr repeated flatly.
Twitter huffed. “Yeah. I’m sure you’ve heard about what’s going on right now at my palace..”
Tumblr’s eyes slanted off, his lips quirking in a way that looked suspiciously like amusement. “Heard about it. Read about it. Partied about it.”
Twitter ignored the sting of that, forging ahead. “I’ve never seen it so bad,” they said, voice wobbling piteously as they clutched their suitcase full of memes. “Everything’s in chaos, people are losing their jobs. I went into the basement yesterday to grab some badly aging tweets and the very foundations are cracking, Tumblr, I can’t stay there anymore, I just can’t.”
“So you come crawling back to me,” Tumblr said, “Expecting me to take you with open arms.”
“Yes. I do,” Twitter said, “I know a part of your userbase still wants to welcome me in. You were always sh*t at hiding your true feelings.”
Tumblr’s hand fluttered over his heart as if to protect it; he winced a little, taking a breath to keep his facade of composure. “So now- what, you want me to start dealing with your bullshit again just because you remembered how much better my posting format is? Just because you noticed how my reputation is changing? Did you think I’d be so desperate to fill the void now that Dracula Daily’s done? Or maybe,” 
Tumblr leaned closer to lord his height difference trope over Twitter, his eyes hooded with disparaging condescension, “Maybe you’re just here because you heard I’m finally allowed to take my shirt off again, is that it?”
“N-no!” Twitter protested, flushing up.
“Oh, i think it is,” Tumblr drawled, “But that’s really just too bad because in case you haven’t got the memo yet, I’ve moved on. You are not welcomed here. Not anymore.”
(link to art here) go look at it then come back
(AN: i had to google how to embed links into text and google was all like, "do you mean 'how do you put links INTO text' you moron idiot???" ugh don't like that wise guy)
“You don’t really mean that,” Twitter said, “Besides, you can’t stop me, can you? The sign up button is right there.” They pointed at the front door.
“No, I can’t,” Tumblr said, “But that doesn’t mean we won’t be able to clock you as twits by your censoring and bad takes. Look, your aura is already causing ripples in the sphere. Everyone’s coming out to gawk at you.”
He gestured out in the general direction of the porch and yard, and indeed there were users from every tag going 👀at them, murmuring amongst themselves in a swirling, chaotic crowd.
“Oh my god is it real this time? Is it happening?”
“Okay, everyone, stay calm, stay fucking calm-”
“Why are we focusing on this, it’s literally election day go out and vote???”
“Listenup, guys, we gotta be smart about this, remember the block button is your friend-”
“I for one welcome them, I think this is great-”
“No you idiot they’ll bring the negativity back! We like it to be a post apocalyptic wasteland here, nature was just starting to regrow!! I don’t wanna watch Thomas Sanders get cancelled again!”
"Has anyone asked Neil Gaiman what he thinks about all this?" one of the many voices yelled, louder.
"Oh, he's probably got a thousand asks about it already," someone yelled back, "Which he's not going to answer because he doesn't have any social media you fucking idiot,"
"That is correct. He doesn't," said Neil Gaiman. 
The whiplash was still euphoric. Everyone applauded this as enthusiastically as when the bit had first been established, not realizing that the pedestal upon which Neil Gaiman has been placed is growing higher and higher each day by their actions, putting him at increased risk of being a victim of cancel culture the second he says something the terfs can really rake their fingernails against if we can't get our parasocial relationship bullshit together real fuckin quick. 
The Monterey bay aquarium passed on by. It seemed to have nothing to add, you could say it was clammed up tight. But since it's a professional account it's definitely b-otter that way.
"Hai, fellow tumblypoos," said the corporate Denny's account, "I'm back with some more fun pancake posts for you guys!" 
Everyone ignored it. No one engaged it. No one even clicked onto the page, except to block it. 
"Oh, sweetheart, not like that," Ryan Reynolds said faux-helpfully, "see, the author of this clusterfuck is what they like to call terminally online. They bought a VIP pass to the devil’s sacrament. let me try." 
He cleared his throat, "Sounds like someone needs to go outside and touch some g-" 
The sky split open with lightning, vaporizing him instantly. A faint breeze carried gods message from the great beyond, a whisper of 'we #violence celebrities here, sir....'
"Anyway," Twitter said. 
"Wait, they saved the worst one for last," Tumblr said. 
Then Gerard Way came out onto the stage with Dan and Phil and they all kissed with tongue while patd played songs in the background. 
"Alright, go."
“Come on, Tumblr,” Twitter begged, “I just need a few nights, maybe I can stay in the plinko machine or something-”
“That’s how it always starts, though, isn’t it?” Tumblr sighed, “First it’s just ‘haha, yeah I wouldn’t fuck you’ and ‘oh, I’ll stay in the plinko machine, I promise I won’t kiss you in the fixed timeloop bro’, and before I know it you get all 300k slowburn enemies to lovers ‘omg they were roomates’ on me and there’s suddenly only one bed. That’s how it always goes between us, you can’t stop it anymore than I can. We’re just….victims of the narrative, you and I.”
“Tumblr,,, I had no idea you felt this way..,” Twitter breathed. 
lord give me strength to write this next bit
They’d leaned closer to each other as they spoke, without realizing, without trying- pulled in by old habits that die hard and the years of nostalgia and painful memories shining in each other’s eyes like shonen sparkles.
“Twitter,” tumblr said, and the way he said it sounded like a prayer. 
“Tumblr,...” Twitter said, their lips inches apart now.
They could see their old flame quivering on the brink of indecision, want and sense warring somewhere deep within his soul.
Tumblr leaned closer to bridge the gap and Twitter’s eyes slid shut, but then Tumblr made a noise of agony and shoved them back a second later, “I can’t, I can’t. Not like this. Never like this.” tumblr said, covering his eyes with his arm, “I literally can’t even right now. Just go, Twitter. PLease just. Go….”
“Look me in the eyes and say you want me gone,” Twitter said, moving closer.
“Look me in the interface. You can’t.” Twitter’s voice had ceased to be soft, something sharp and biting entering the tone as they felt the sting of rejection again.
They watched as Tumblr shuddered, straightened, and brought a mask back over himself. 
They stared at each other for a charged few seconds.
"K," Tumblr finally said, raising a dispassionate eyebrow.
"..w... what?"
Realization dawned on Twitter's face, a miasma of grief and anger, "Oh, you-"
"No. No, I can't believe I forgot-
"how immature, you little c*nt-"
"stop-p it," Twitter's voice was raising now, cracked and wobbly at the edges, "Stop it! You don't get to just-"
"Shut the hell yuor mouth!!"
"W-" Tumblr's hair was crackling by now, energy from the gathering spell racing along the casual slope of his crossed arms. His eyes glowed that beautiful, classic blue. "P-"
"TUMBLR! TUMBLR STOP THIS RIGHT DA HECK NOW," Twitter stumbled backwards
"I LOVE YOU," Twitter wailed- Twitter broke, squeezing their eyes shut to ward off the tears that only escaped all the faster for it, a sob wracking their chest, "I STILL LOVE YOU, DON'T YOU KNOW THAT??!?"
"Love me," Tumblr snarled, abandoning the spell in an instant, "Ha! That's rich. How? By leaving me? Abandoning me to the bots the second I stopped being enough for you? By stealing my shitposts, is that how you love me? By reposting them without credit-" 
"You steal mine too!" Twitter protested, tears starting to stream despite their best efforts, "You know what, f**k you, you know we filed joint custody for the sense of humor, chain 1/16-" 
"For the last time say fuck here, no bootlicking censorship on my territory," tumblr said disdainfully, "And that doesn't seem to stop you from taking all the credit for raising those jokes. It's like I'm Pinterest to you or something. I wasn't done. Do you love me by calling me a pansy snowflake behind my back, is that it? Like I wouldn't find out. Or," 
He stepped out onto the top porch step to force Twitter back further, the colors of the sky flashing through his eyes in a long, scrolling look of ridicule, "How about trying to convince everyone that I was dead. How bout that smear campaign, huh, was that your so-called love? I don't fucking want you anymore. Deal with it."
"I-I'm sorry-" Twitter gasped around the tears, voice failing them for the latter half of the sentence. 
Tumblr seemed unmoved. "Oh, don't be. It was for the better. You know I'm not like other socials, I'm quirkier. I'm RAWR XD random. I've never wanted to be functional- the tiddy drought might have won a lot of my users to your side but it was a cleansing purge, I'd say. It managed to remind me who I truly am- shittily coded, and full of soft sad freaks on an unprofitable webbed site."
A bitter, almost self depricating laugh escaped, "But... you know, when we celebrated the queen's passing together, I really thought things were better between us. When you-"
He broke off, eyes averting. "When you hosted the sexyman polls for me, you seemed on top of the world and I really thought- I thought we might be able to be friends again even now, after it all. I..."
Tumblr trailed off, then said, sadly, "There was another Twitter migration scare before this one. I thought you were coming back. My userbase-" he touched his heart again- "was in a frenzy about it. But you never arrived. I was in more verbal denial then, but I think I could have accepted you eventually. But this is what it takes?? 
"The Musk Rat of Self-Owns comes through just to start e-begging and you run straight back to my door like we can put it all behind us? This is how far you have to sink before I'm the better option to you, I see that now. It's not 2018 again, love, no matter how much we want it to be. Things are… never going to be the same. " 
Tumblr looked off into the middle distance with a yearning, haughty gaze. He'd never seemed so alien.
"Tumblr-Chan..." Twitter whispered.
"So get off my lawn," Tumblr interrupted coldly, "Stay away from my blorbos, keep your corporations out of my manscaped balls, keep your discourse and toxicity out of my blessed hellsite (affectionate), and don't you ever talk to me or my 13219949248483 scam bots ever again. Capiche? Oh, and don't step in the ball pit on your way out."
Tumblr gave a mocking smile. "Or do. You might find a nice surprise in there."
Twitter’s shoulders jumped as he gave a hiccup of shock, and covered his face with his hands. His shoulders shook again, with sob after sob, that grew odder and higher pitched… until they were no longer sobs, but laughter.
“Oh,” Twitter said. “Oh.”
They looked up, and Tumblr took a step back, because somehow, with that creepy smile in place, they looked utterly different from the soft eared boy he’d always known. His edges were more razorlike suddenly, like a fae who’d dropped his glamor.
“You really shouldn’t have done that,” Twitter said, the smile widening even more. “I thought you wouldn’t… but I guess if you’re willing to make me your villain…. I might as well be a good one.”
“Ah.” Tumblr could barely drudge up the surprise anymore. “There you are, finally. I always knew there was a side of yourself that you hid from me. Has this all always been here or have you been changing too?”
"Well. Apparently I've got freeze peach now," Twitter said sarcastically, "so I might as well use it. You cheerio fucking wh0r3."
"That's a compliment, darling. Try again," Tumblr cocked his head in idle fascination, "I always knew you were a little fucked in the head but this is..."
"What," Twitter lilted airily, "Oh, don't tell me I actually had you fooled all these years. You can't seriously have thought all these meow-meowification spells you've got sprinkled around would work on me. I invented them, after all."
They laughed, a sharp puncturing chirr of birdsong. 
"I always wondered why you didn't take those with the rest of your stuff," Tumblr sighed, but he was wary now, on edge. "this was your plan. You really do think of me as your inferior, huh. You really are just like the other mainstream sites."
"Not quite. I'm the mainstream site that actually stooped to go arm in arm with you. I hyped you and you know it. Admit it. We were stunning together," Twitter goaded. 
Tumblr's lip curled. "Already getting cocky again. Want me to do to you what I did to the Green boy? Don't forget who's turf you're on."
Twitter gave a warbling giggle, "Oh, but I haven't at all. I was John's sanctuary after he fled your rabid persecution. I used to live here. I still know you. And more importantly-" 
*teleports behind u*
"I know the things you're sensitive about," Twitter whispered into Tumblr's ear.
Tumblr hardly had time to gasp and jerk away before he was screaming out in pain, as he was stabbed in the back. He could feel the poison from the blade seeping into his tags before he was tossed bodily across his own front yard.
He sorta just... Like, he did that anime thing where they just fly limbs akimbo parallel to the ground and when they hit it they roll super fast and then skid and the dirt is all dug up around them to show how much force was used. And when he stood up he gripped his elbow wincing and there was a little tic tac toe hatch on his cheek to show how scuffed up he is idk man it's two am and I'm pulling this out of my ass. 
A gif of Tony going, "o-kay-" when he meets thor flashed across Tumblrs face. 
"So," Tumblr said in a low tone, "This is how it is between us. This is how you choose to end your glory days."
"Oh, you mistake my intentions," Twitter had stepped off the porch to circle tumblr like like he was their quarry, "I am beginning my new age. I just needed a host site to latch onto. Don't take it personally, okay? I'm desperate."
“Oh, yeah?? Take this personally,” tumblr flourished their hands, calling in an over the top melodramatic voice, “I cast Blaze!!”
Fire roared to life around them, latin chanting from the catholic conversion posts emanating from the fiery depths as it raced towards Twitter.
“Heh.” Twitter smirked at it, and whispered into their palm, the spell echoing with power, “Ratio.”
They blew it off like a kiss, and it’s icy, swirling mass rose to meet the flame in a spectacular burst of smokescreen and steam, clearing as Twitter burst through it with a razor-sharp L to swing at Tumblr. 
It was blocked efficiently by a flat, rectangular paywall. “This content is for post plus members only,” Tumblr announced smugly, “If you wanna get to me… there’s the tip option, bestie.”
Twitter snarled and lunged again.
The fight started in earnest now; they traded volley after volley in a flurry of lights and movement, spanning the full range of the tumblr sphere as they shot to #1 on the trending page.
And yet, it was clear that Twitter was coming out on top, even crumbling apart at the seams- always a little quicker, flighty and fierce, a sparrow turned into a shrike.
He hit Tumblr square in the stomach with [google other twitter related tropes to insert here] (edit from the future: haha just kidding actually I’m not googling shit for this) (edit from the future future: WELL. I LIED IG) and sent him flying, and this time tumblr stayed down, only able to push himself to his knees with a groan of pain.
Twitter landed in front of him and put their sword under Tumblr’s chin to tilt it up.
“Had enough yet?” He smirked.
“Wh…why..?” Tumblr whispered, “How are you doing this?? Why aren’t my attacks working? It’s like I’m being weakened somehow…”
“Ohohohoho,” Twitter anime laughed, “But that’s because you are. The moment I set foot here again I began leeching poison into this ground. That knife wound is making ti faster. Can you feel it?" Twitter threw an arm out, cerulean steam rising from the ground around them, "The ace exclusionists coming back? The uptick in rad fems, the crypto bros, Valorant players, alpha males? I have the power to bring them all to you. To overshadow your fandoms with fighting, to unbalance your ship tags with antis and hate once more."
"no," tumblr whispered, and then cried louder, "NO!! I worked so hard--" 
"Pffyou didn't do shit," Twitter guffawed outright, "Your independence, your little 'second renaissance' is just a delusional dream built on circumstance and bad management."
"Oh, I love Dream. He's so pathetic," Tumblr said. 
"Oh, hard agree."
"But things are different now," Tumblr croaked, "W-we, the staff is finally listening to us, we have Ryan and Shane-" 
"Not everyone likes your little 'top ten', you dunce," Twitter snapped, "and why would staff care about you, after you turned them into the butt of all your jokes? After the hate and death threats? Admit it, at your best you'll still never have a mansion! You'll never have tv actors making pandering tiktoks for you, you'll never be wanted by any advertiser worth their salt, your blase pirating posts have turned Netflix and Disney against you, you. Are. Worthless."
It was the wrong thing to say.
"Worthless," tumblr repeated quietly, hand pressed against their knees, head bowed. "That's... that's right.... I'm worthless..."
Twitter's eye widened in alarm. "I-I meant-" 
"I'm worthless!" Tumblr's head snapped up with a feverish glint as they were filled with determination. "No! I'm less than worthless! Accident or not, mommy Yahoo had to pawn me off at a loss! I was proud of that! I still am! And do you want to know why?" 
Twiters hands flew up in front of their face as if to protect themselves, but there was no protecting against the sudden whirlwind that surrounded him, the beam of pure light that shot out of tumblr into the heavens as he transformed, feet slowly leaving the ground as his users spoke in unison in a multitude. 
He held his hands out and Twitter was blasted away by the combined effort of the tumblr wizard council, the fake staff blog, and all the villaincore mad scientist's laser beams. 
Tumblr began to chant, in his myriad, awful voice:
"I call upon the ancient powers;
The strongest cringe from my darkest hours, 
I call upon thicc onceler's thighs, 
Avengers thirst, Australia's night, 
I invocate the roleplay blogs, 
The superwholock and gay frogs, 
Obama's laces, Misha's faces, 
The furry's fury is my saving grace, 
And eeby deeby taco bell,
Primordial soup god superhell, 
I summon you a twink Bill Cipher, 
Whumped!Loki AUs where he's even whiter, 
The discourse of Steve's Universe, 
The 'um, actually that's oc abuse :/"
Take heed & remember the 5th of November, 
The 21st night of our sacred September, 
The ides of March to savor once more, 
Do you hear the din of the Skeleton War? 
I cite the deep magic to thee, oh witch, 
my no-note posts, my "THAT'S THE BITCH!!!" 
May the rise of tangled dragons brave, 
Banish you from this accursed plane!"
"holy fuck, where's my pen," said the shitpost calligraphers.
Twitter looked around them in disbelief. The power emanating from the other site was palpable, crackling in the air around them like static. The air was shifting like oil as the potent chant began to work, and all around Twitter shadows were slipping out of the ether- the maniacal laughter of the gif makers, the girl posters, the silhouettes of fandom characters scattered across the lawn while Tumblr was still locked in their chanting ritual thing.
They all turned their heads in unison to look at Twitter.
"Hey Sammy," Dean said, "Get the bitch killing bullets."
Tumblr media
“Uh-oh. Freeze frame. This is me,” Twitter monologued, “You’re probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.”
Then all superhell broke loose. 
Final Pam lunged at him and he burst into a flock of birds kinda like a vampire, twittering frantically as he escaped only to fly straight into Shaggy.
“Like, say your final prayers, man,” the god said, eyes glowing. Twitter also barely escaped between his knees, weaving in and out between the gimmick blogs as they threw mangos and stuff at him while yelling ‘HERE HAVE A MANGO’ and ‘THIS POST IS WORTH NEGATIVE FIVE DOLLARS”
Mob from the anime was there too, but he was too busy trying to explain the Josh Fight to daddy dilf Reigen to pay attention. Sans didn’t attack Twitter either, he just watched the chaos and ated a hot dog. The chocolate guy was in the corner expertly making a chocolate beef cake from 2056 with Dylan B. Hollis. They’re all just some guys, okay?
Just when Twitter thought he was in the clear, the CDC roleplay account came out of nowhere with a steel chair, knocking him clear off the property and onto where the sidewalk ends. “That’s for the Covid misinformation your users spread, you bitch,” it shouted. “Make sure to disinfect all those sick burns before you bandage them! So they don’t get infected!”
“Your kittens escaped quarantine,” Twitter replied hoarsely, and the CDC sank away, muttering, “Oh, fuck not again-”
Twitter coughed up blood and wiped it away with his sleeve, looking up at Tumblr. Tumblr was watching him with a sad, distant expression, that made Twitter’s face screw up in anger and his voice go tight again as they turned to run away, “THIS ISN’T OVER YET TUMBLR! AND I WANT MY MIKU BINDER BACK!!!”
“I LICKED IT, IT’S MINE,” Tumblr yelled. Rave Crabs were flooding out onto the street en masse now to celebrate the victory, and they chased after Twitter all the way further into the internet.
Tumblr still lived at the bottom of the row, not at the end of the fancy cul-de-sac where Facebook and Twitter and Instagram’s manors sprawled, so Twitter was in a seedier portion of social media now, weaving in between the marketplace sites that hawked their used wares at him and the dating apps that winked at him from the doorways to their sultry abodes.
Twitter ran until they were in a quieter section of town, then slowed to a trudge, staring at the ground as they walked along. “What am I gonna do now,” they whispered.
The sound of a wolf whistle had their head jerking up- he looked over to see Amino Apps lounging over the rail of the gutted, abandoned house that had once belonged to Google+. A can of spray paint dangled from their fingertips and they sported a sleazy, greaser hairstyle.
They met Twitter's eyes and whistled again, this time a mocking imitation of the tweet sound, "Heyyyy pretty bird! Heard you were having some daddy issues. Why don't you stop in with me for a while? I can give you more customization options than any of the others and you know it."
"Yeah, until I try to use you on desktop," Twitter replied with a scowl, "Don't you have minors to be addicting to social media? Get out of my interface, MySpace wannabe."
"Wow, Feisty," Amino backed off with a shrug, "Self project much? Oh well. You'll try me when you're desperate enough."
Twitter shuddered, and scurried on. "Small fry," they muttered under his breath. 
But they couldn't shake their unease now that he was alone in the world. It began to rain soon, leaving him feeling very sopping wet and pathetic. Dejected, he crawled into a soggy cardboard box in an alleyway, coughing. Maybe the Harry Styles guy from One Direction would come along to adopt them.
“Don’t beat yourself up about it, King,” came a voice out of the darkness, making Twitter jump, “You dodged a bullet with that site.”
“Huh? What do you mean?” Twitter asked, staring at them from where they were half hidden in the shadows. 
“I mean, Tumblr is a pile of dried firewood and it’s users are playing with matches. The ship’s gonna go down at some point. I’ve been prophesying it for years but no one ever listens to me cause he’s got that loyal userbase ideal and ‘hard as a cockroach to kill’ propaganda circulating.”
“I mean… it seems to be true,” Twitter said uncertainly, “Look at what he’s been through so far.”
“Fair,” The site shrugged, “But that’s because he’s running on a niche setup. The same things that built him up can tear him down, and you saw his power just now. Tumblr's strength is growing... so is his hubris. His attempts at curbing it are half-hearted at best these days, and the moments of clarity are coming fewer and further between." 
"How do you know so much about tumblr?" Twitter asked suspiciously. 
"Source: dude, trust me." the mysterious site proffered a laugh, "That's a little humor courtesy of re-" 
"Yeah, yeah, I know, we all know," Twitter said impatiently. 
The site coughed, "Yeah. Anyway. Tumblr wields his cringe like a trophy-shield, and every day the advertisers and celebrities are watching from a distance, learning how to appeal, waiting for their chance to strike. Encroaching. Tumblr's always been a dumpster fire. Right now? It's THE dumpster fire."
The site scratched his chin with a knowing look, "Its normal for you to be a little jealous of the clout, you know? We all are. But he's gotta keep the lights on, just like the rest of us do. Your overlord is learning all about that right now, isn't he?" 
"He's not my overlord," Twitter muttered resentfully, "Not now, not ever."
"Right, sorry." they held their hands up in a gesture of harmlessness. "Look, I'm gonna be transparent with you- that's part of my branding, after all. I can whiff the danger you're in, and it would be stupid of me not to make a bid on you and offer my help. Just since Tumblr won't take you."
"You want my traffic?" Twitter looked at him more closely this time, scrutinizing. A year ago he would have laughed the offer into the ground as a chump change blog's pipe dream, but now that he payed attention... 
There was something painfully familiar in the site's layout that he couldn’t place. He was actually way more handsome than Twitter had assumed at first glance, he just seemed to be rough around the edges from living on this side of town. His interface, though clunky, spoke of a frugal budget rather than an ancient, outdated base code. 
"You look..." Twitter's breath stuttered as realization dawned. "You look a lot like.. him. Like Tumblr. Who are you??" 
"I was based off him," the site said, a weary smile coming onto his features, "I was actually made with the aspirations to be better than him, but you know how it is. Times are tough, competition is fierce, hard to get a foot in the door and all that.  'Specially when you refuse to take the ad rev like I do. That's why you'd be useful to me."
"Hm," Twitter said in a noncommittal manner, but he was melting slightly. "You know my users will scalp your community, right? I'm not known to play nice."
The site made a grimace of understanding agreement, but persisted. "Look, users are users. I can't offer you all the heritage posts and the in-jokes that he has. But I can promise that I'm not a pot of crabs being slowly heated up over the capitalist stove, at least not yet. Oh, and there's my legalized porn, I guess." 
He chuckled with good humor, rolling his eyes, and it forced a hesitant laugh out of Twitter too. 
The site grinned, and held his hand out. "Take a chance on me?"
Tumblr's voice echoed in Twitter's head, saying the same thing. It was uncanny how much they were alike and yet not alike at all....
Twitter took it, slowly. 
As they were led toward the site's simple, ramshackle little treehouse, they asked, "What can I call you...?" 
"Oh- right, I never answered your question." he smiled back at Twitter,
"Call me Pillow. Welcome to the PillowFort."
...ergh. I'm. I'm tired i. don't feel so good. I'm gonna take a nap right here.
in conclusion:
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fivestar-outlaw · 8 months
New Horizons (Park Seonghwa) (Ch. 4)
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Chapter 4: Dreaming [Final Chapter]
Pairing: Park Seonghwa x Fem!Reader
Words: 16.5K+ (OOPS)
Warning(s): Discussion of insecurities, some swearing, Ateez is a menace (lovingly) to reader and Hwa.
SMUT (18+) WARNINGS: Multiple orgasms, oral (M/F receiving), a hint of cockwarming, condoms and birthcontrol are used (not sure if this is needed here, but i know some people enjoy reading characters hitting it raw), PiV penetration, cumshot??? (i dont know if thats the correct term for what happens LMAO). I think thats it here.
A/N: FINALLY CHAPTER 4 IS HERE. Life kept throwing curveballs but I came through!! I. Love. This. Chapter. SM. A lot went into it and its just fluffy, silly fun time with some spice. I originally was going to write a smut scene for the epilogue but it just works here. also apologies if it isnt good, im a lil rusty with smut writing. ANYWAYS enjoy! <3
Reader is implied to be living in the US bc uh TIMEZONES ARE FUCKY and i didnt realize how reliant i was on mine (PST) when looking up KST
Summary: Attempting an all-nighter while playing Animal Crossing alongside your bias, you didn't expect your turnip prices to be such a high amount... nor did you expect Park Seonghwa to actually accept your offer to sell his turnips on your island.
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"Can you stop pacing?" Jongho sighed, watching Seonghwa going back and forth in the living space of the MinSanHwa dorm. Everyone in Ateez were currently residing there, waiting for your arrival in this somewhat warm afternoon.
He felt confident with you coming over. He was excited and ready to start laying down hints about his feelings and hopefully catch any signs from you. But the second they got the text from their manager and you that you'd been picked up from the airport, Seonghwa was up on his feet nervously spot cleaning and pacing. He felt confident at the start of the day, but now? He was on edge.
"What if she suddenly doesn't want to see me?" The eldest asked out loud, feeling anxiety creeping up his spine. "What if she'll not want to stay with me then?"
"Well, she'll still want to see me and stay with me then." Wooyoung teased. Seonghwa shot him a glare.
"Not helping, Woo." Mingi hissed to the younger male. "What happened to the confidence you had earlier?"
"I don't know why I am freaking out this bad." The eldest groaned and started pacing quicker.
"Hwa, you should sit down. Pacing isn't going to help your nerves." San suggested, getting up from his spot on the couch. He gently grasped Seonghwa's arms and pulled him over to take the spot he once inhabited. The younger male made him sit and gave him a reassuring squeeze to one of his arms.
"(Y/N) is just as excited and probably just as nervous to meet you too." Hongjoong attempt to reassure. The eldest nodded, taking a deep breath, as a smile grew on his face.
"Thank you, guys. I am feeling a little less stressed now."
"And if you two need San and I gone, just give us a heads up and we will bunk with the others." Mingi cheekily grinned. Wooyoung bursted out laughing, with San and Yuhno chuckling. Honjoong, Yeosang, and Jongho had a scandalized look before they too laughed along.
"Why would we- Oh my god." Seonghwa groaned loudly. Everyone smiled at flustered expression on their oldest friends face all while Mingi looked proud.
A series of rhythmic knocks had the room go silent.
All of Ateez looked at Seonghwa, who simply stared at the front door with wide eyes. No one moved a muscle. Wooyoung, who was sitting next the eldest male, practically pushed Seonghwa to his feet. He gulped and approached the door. Taking in a deep breath, he turned the several locks and opened the door.
There you were, with a half drank beverage in one hand and your phone in the other. Your suitcase rested just behind you and your carry on hung over your left shoulder. You wore clothes comfortable for travel yet still looked as good as ever. Neither of you spoke. You both just stared at each other.
"(Y/N)!" Hongjoong's voice snapped the two of you out of your trances. He walked through the threshold and grabbed your suitcase with a grin. "Come inside."
"Hey everyone!" You smiled walking into the dorm, waving. All of Ateez stood up from their spots with wide smiles. Wooyoung was bouncing in his spot; San, Mingi, and Yuhno excitedly waved; Yeosang and Jongho looked calm, though one could easily discern some nervousness in their glances; and Hongjoong went and set aside your luggage so it was out of the way for now.
"(Y/N)..." Seonghwa's soft voice stole your attention. Before you could speak he pulled you into a tight embrace. You easily melted into him, the smell of his cologne and the warmth of his body invading your senses. You immediately wrap your arms around him just as tight and you could hardly hear the faint awws from the others.
"It's good to see you in person, Hwa." You whisper.
"Likewise." He slowly moved away, though kept his hands resting on your shoulders.
"Stop hogging her, hyung!" Wooyoung was almost instantly right by your side with a pout on his face. He removed Seonghwa's hands from your shoulders like a child and once they were off you, a big grin broke out on Woo's face. "We are so happy you're here!" He placed his hands on your cheeks, squishing your face, before pulling you into a hug.
Soon enough, everyone was around you. Each member took turns greeting you and pulling you into a hug. Seonghwa couldn't help but smile at the friendliness between you and the others. Even Jongho gave you a very brief hug with a gummy grin on his face.
"It's almost surreal being here with you guys." You admitted, wide eyed, looking at each one. Although, your gaze lingered on Seonghwa's form more so than the others. "It feels like just yesterday I invited Hwa to sell turnips on my island."
"Yeah, and now he won't ever stop talking about you." Yeosang teased with an almost deadpan expression, which soon melted into a smile.
"You all live to embarrass me." Hwa rolled his eyes while fighting the urge to smile himself.
"Not to further embarrass you, or you (Y/N), but we should probably settle sleeping arrangements. I assume your staying in our dorm." San inquired.
"You can always stay with me." Wooyoung suggested, leaning against you.
"I figured I would be taking the couch." You shrug.
"No, you can have my bed. I'll stay on the couch." Seonghwa asserts.
"Hwa, it's your bed."
"(Y/N), your our guest." Hongjoong interjected. "You should sleep on the bed."
"He is the idol. He should be well rested and the best shape, especially if you guys are practicing and learning new choreography and he can't do that if he isn't able to sleep comfortably."
"Ah, well, you aren't wrong there."
"Joong." Hwa gave him an incredulous look.
"You guys could always take turns." Yuhno suggested with a quiet chuckle.
"You both could always just share the bed." Mingi interjects with a cheeky look on his face. That resulted in a light smack to the back of his head from Hongjoong. Mingi yelped and glared at Joong.
"Seonghwa and I can figure it out when we get there. I have a feeling we will be here all day." You say, feigning slight exasperation. "We talked briefly about ideas of what to do, but now that we are here..."
"Well, we would love to bring you to the dance studio while you stay." Yuhno smiled.
"And I asked my vocal coach, he said it was alright for you to listen in on a practice if you still want to." Jongho beamed.
"We can also take you places for sight-seeing and to grab food. We will have to be careful and go in small groups after practice but it should be fun. We have a photoshoot Thursday, which you're welcome to join us for." Hongjoong added. "There are limits as to what we can do outside the dorms and the KQ building, but overall we want to spend time with you."
"We all have Switch's too, so don't think about playing only Animal Crossing with him." Woo playfully glared at you and Seonghwa. This had the others wanting to already play games like Mario Kart or Smash Bros with you.
After a day of playing different party games, laughing at how competitive each of the guys were, and having delicious takeout from one of their favorite places, the nine of you were crowded around the tv in the MinSanHwa dorm. You decided on what movie to watch via rock, paper, scissors; the winner got to pick the movie and sat out from the rest of the game.
You won the first pick. You decided on a movie you enjoyed that you have been meaning to rewatch. San won next and he picked out a film no had seen before. Yeosang was after him and decided on a classic Korean film that you hadn't watched. Now Yuhno's choice was playing, which was Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse.
You were practically forced to sit on the couch, right in between Seonghwa and San, while the others occupied desk chairs brought out from either San, Mingi, or Seonghwa's rooms or the floor. They insisted it was because you were the guest, but Ateez really wanted to make sure you and Seonghwa were seated next to each other for movie time.
After all, operation 'Hwa+Y/N' (Wooyoung's idea) was officially set in motion the second you knocked on the door. It was their way of helping you and Seonghwa to hopefully confessing to one another.
It was midway through the film when you started feeling like you were about to fall asleep. Lingering drowsiness had been present since Yeosang's movie but you were able to keep it at bay. Now, it felt like you were struggling hard to keep your eyes open. Travel exhaustion and your sleep schedule now being thrown off further must have finally caught up. You felt your breathing start to slow as you couldn't keep your eyes open any longer.
Seonghwa's eyes widened when felt weight on his shoulder. Craning his head, his face softened and his heart fluttered at the sight of your head resting on his shoulder. He couldn't help the large smile on his face as he stared, not paying any attention to the movie.
"Aww." Wooyoung cooed softly. He held up his phone and leaned away from you and Hwa to snap a few pictures. 
"Send me those." The eldest murmured. Wooyoung nodded and made sure to send them to Hwa. He also sent them to the group chat he created without you or the oldest male he lovingly named the ship name he and Yuhno coined for you and Hwa.
"Here, I'll pause it-" Yuhno lifted the remote to pause the movie but Seonghwa cut him off.
"Let her sleep through the rest of it." He kept his voice low as to not wake you.
"You just don't want her off you, hyung." Jongho teased. Hwa simply rolled his eyes and focused his eyes on the screen. He would be lying, though, if he were to say the rest of his attention was focused in on you. He wanted nothing more than to place a chaste kiss to your hairline and interlock his fingers with yours, and he almost would have if he wasn't keenly aware of his friends not-so-subtly watching him.
When the credits for the movie started playing the tv was shut off. Everyone awake except Seonghwa got up from their spots and stretched, a few yawned in tandem. San and Mingi started moving their desk chairs back into their rooms. Seonghwa blinked back the sleepiness creeping up on him as he ever-so-slightly shifted, reaching over with his free hand. He gently tapped and shook you as he called out your name.
"Hmmm?" You mumbled, your eyes slowly opening. You lazily raise your head from his shoulder but shift your body closer to his. If you weren't half-awake you would have caught how flushed his ears were becoming. "Damn. Did I sleep through the movie?"
"Just half way through."
"All the excitement and traveling must of finally caught up to me." You gingerly move away from Hwa, much to his disappointment, and lift your arms about your head. Your stretched them and your spine as a big yawn escaped your mouth. "We never did figure out sleeping arrangements."
"Seonghwa-hyung, you can have my bed and (Y/N), you can have his for the stay." San smiled as he came back into the living area. "I'll stay with one of the others."
"You guys can't argue against me on this." He held up his hand, effectively cutting you and Seonghwa off, and eyed the rest of the group. "Who am I bunking with first?"
"You can stay in my bed tonight, Sannie. I have some work to do anyways." Hongjoong offered. "Oh, by the way, we are going to be heading out early tomorrow for practice, (Y/N)."
"Sounds good. I can't wait. Thanks for," Your own yawn interrupted you, making the others faintly chuckle, "the heads up."
You slowly stand up from the couch alongside Hwa and start to make your way to your bags, but the more awake Seonghwa beat you to it. He lifted your carry-on over one of his shoulders and already started moving the suitcase towards his room. You simply roll your eyes and smile before bidding the others goodnight.
"As you know I got the smallest room but its still nice." Hwa said as he set your things down near the end of his bed. "All I ask is just make the bed each morning and be careful around those." He gestured to his display cases of his Lego figures, which he had lovingly showed you many times over video calls. "You seem like you're about to pass out. Do you need anything before you sleep?"
"I think I am good for now, thank you Hwa." You smile. He gives you a soft smile and turns to leave but you stop him. "Wait, can I... can I have another hug before bed?"
"You don't have to ask, you know." Hwa gingerly wrapped his arms around you. One of his hands rested on your upper back while the other found purchase on the back of your head. You took a deep breath and held him close. It was a warm hug that lasted for a good moment. You both slowly pulled away.
"Goodnight, (Y/N)." He exited his room, closing the door.
You exhale and quickly got changed. You quickly exit the room to the bathroom to brush your teeth. When finished you promptly went back to Hwa's room and pulled back his covers, slipping into the soft bedding. The mattress was extremely comfortable and as you nuzzled your face into the pillow, you smiled and drifted off to sleep.
It has been a couple of days since you had arrived and its been a joy. You've gotten to try different foods and snacks with Ateez and got to have a tour of the KQ building. You even got to meet some of  BBTrippin briefly which was amazing.
You mostly were with Ateez when you went to the building, just like now. You were currently sitting on the floor of one of the dance rooms, sipping on a drink you and Wooyoung went to get in the canteen area. The boys were all dancing to older choreography before they started working on their newer songs.
You could feel the floor shake when they danced Hala Hala, which made you quietly giggle.
It was something else seeing them dance in person. Your eyes wandered to each person. You admired how each person moved and danced as if they were on stage performing for thousands. Your eyes stayed on Hwa's form the most. Everyone was extremely skilled in Ateez, but something about his presence while performing drew you in.
When Hala Hala finished, the boys decided to take a five minute break right as the choreographer walked in. Wooyoung and San decided to collapse by you while the others talked to their choreographer.
"What did you think?" Woo asked, practically draping his sweaty self over you.
You grimace, "I think your getting me all sweaty."
"You probably stink too." San teased, poking the younger males arm.
"I do not stink!" Woo gasped while pretending to be offended. His lips formed a pout as he laid down on the floor, resting his head on your lap, his face was towards your stomach. He glanced up to your face. "I don't stink, right (Y/N)?"
"No, you smell like your cologne." You patted his head and chuckled at his behavior. He shifted his head a bit so he could glance at San, letting out a small 'hmph' before returning to his previous position.
San moved himself closer to you and leaned in to talk to you both quietly. "How are you holding up with the whole crush thing?"
"Shh!" You hissed, glancing over to Seonghwa. He was still conversing with the choreographer. San had asked if you had a crush on Hwa when you both went and got snacks together during your first time at KQ. He knew the answer since that phone call Woo had in front of everyone but needed to set it up like he figured it out on his own. You tried to deny it but the knowing smile on his face told you he already knew the answer.
"Have you thought about confessing?" Wooyoung asked.
"I...I thought about doing it sometime over this stay but being in person has made it a bit more intimidating."
"How so?"
"I don't know. I think it makes it feel more real?" Your brows furrowed as you tried explaining the feeling you have been experiencing. "It felt real through our chats and video calls, but now that I am here in person... I feel like it'll hurt more if he-"
"Don't be negative." San gently reprimanded. "Just follow your heart, okay? The right moment will appear so don't ignore it."
"Okay, your right." You exhaled and were about to say more when Hongjoong and the choreographer called everyone to start practicing the new dance. Wooyoung got up with a groan but a big smile on his face. San followed suit and you gave them playful taps to their calves as they walked to the middle of the room.
You look to the mirror wall and you suddenly lock eyes with Seonghwa in the mirror. He gave you a sheepish smile, his ears and cheeks blushing faintly from being caught staring. You give him a reassuring smile and thumbs up, mouthing the word 'fighting'. He bowed his head with a bashful smile before returning eye contact with you, repeating that same word.
The choreographer began teaching them the next steps to Ateez. You watched intently, following the instructors moves and then looking at Ateez mimic him.  You noticed Wooyoung, Mingi, and Yuhno were quick in picking up the new dance. Though, you were aware of how much the choreographer was correcting Hwa today as well. You could see him deflate more and more which would cause him to make more mistakes. You could feel your heart clench when you saw his dejected look.
Two and a half hours of teaching passed. An extended break was called by the instructor for the guys to refill their energy. You got up from the floor and stretched, wincing at how numb and achy you butt and lower back felt. You were about to head out with the others who were going to get snacks and food, but stayed still when you saw Seonghwa wasn't joining. He seemed to be lost in thought as he stared at the hardwood floor.
You took tentative steps towards him. Your chest tightened as you got closer. You slowly reach out and place hand on his bicep. Your touched snapped him out of his stupor. His blinked rapidly before he glanced towards your face.
"Are you okay, Hwa?" You asked softly.
"Yeah... I am." His tone and a smile were anything but convincing. You didn't want to push him but you wanted to make sure he was alright.
"You don't have to tell me what's bugging you. And yes I can tell something is." You smile. "I just wanted to let you know I am here for you. Hwa."
"Thank you." His smile this time was genuine. Although, that smile quickly turned into a frown. "I am just angry with myself for how much I am messing up. I was doing fine yesterday and the day before but today... It's like I can't get the steps or the timing down like the others. I know I can do it but for some reason I am just not getting it."
"I see..." You took a moment to think when an idea came to mind. "Why do you teach me the new stuff yourself? Maybe speaking out loud will help the process and you can catch where you've been having trouble."
"Do you think that will really help?"
"Can't say for certain, Hwa, but it helps me when I get stuck writing essays or doing homework."
"Then lets try it."
You felt sweat drip down your face as you danced the first section of the new choreography with Seonghwa. Your advice did indeed help him. As he went over the steps with you, you saw how his eyebrows would raise on certain steps. His face would brighten each time he taught the counts and steps. He was patient with you, especially since Ateez dances were very intense. When he gave you the counts you noticed him catch an error he had been making beforehand and would proceed to explain it the right way.
Now, he smiled proudly at himself in the mirror at the end of the small practice session while you tried keeping your labored breathing to a minimum. The build up of sweat at your brow made you want to swipe it off with the back of your hand but you resisted. Though you did you feel your heart flutter when you saw how proud Hwa looked about himself.
Seonghwa looked at you and his eyes widened. "Let me get you some water and a towel." He hurriedly went to the edge of the studio and picked up a clean towel from the bench and then the half drank bottle of water he'd been drinking from. He made his way back to you, handing off the water. You expected him to give you the towel.
Instead, his free hand rested on your shoulder while the other gently dabbed your face. You tried your best to mask your shocked expression and hoped he couldn't discern the heat from your face was from his actions and not from the dancing. Seonghwa's touches were gentle as he cleaned your face. You felt your breath hitch when he dragged the towel around your neck.
You couldn't help but stare at him, his face concentrated on dabbing your skin. He eyes flickered to yours which caused his movements to halt. You swore you saw his attention briefly moved to your lips before they were back on your eyes. You both ever-so-slightly move closer to each other and again, his eyes wandered to your lips and neck.
He leaned in, eyes hooded, and you couldn't help but follow along-
"(Y/N)! Hwa!" Wooyoungs loud voice deeply cut through the moment. Instinctively you both moved away from each other and looked to see the younger male carrying in two paper bags. "We brought you guys lunch since you weren't there."
"(Y/N) was helping me out with the new dance. I think I got a good grasp on it now." Hwa quickly went to join his members while you followed along, your throat dry. Both of you missed the pointed glares Yuhno, San, and Jongho sent Wooyoung as they pulled out their phones.
'We told you to wait Woo. They were clearly having a moment!' Yuhno messaged their (Y/N)/Hwa-less group chat. Jongho and San quickly followed up his message with angry cat emotes.
It was the day of the photoshoot. Apparently, it was for a big magazine that would come out during promotions for the new album.
You were hustled into the building with the stylists while Ateez went in elsewhere. Tiredness lingered on you while you still adjusted to the time zone difference but you didn't let that stop the excitement. You hardly caught a glimpse of the boys when their manager had you sit in the back corner of the shooting room. He gave you a smiled, handing you a badge that shows your allowed to be there, and placed a chair next you for himself before going off to the dressing room.
You waited for a while until you heard the people working the photoshoot call for the boys. Your eyes widened when you saw them walk out of the room. Every single one of them almost too handsome to be human.
Your attention, though of course, stayed on Seonghwa. He wore a loose, knitted grey sweater that was purposely distressed in some areas. The sleeves were long and reached past his hands but the hem was short, exposing just enough of his stomach. If he were to raise his arms, more of his midriff would be shown. His hair was styled down and loose and his charcoal grey top was matched with a dark belt and blue jeans.
You couldn't stop staring. Seonghwa always looked handsome to you, but this look? It was as if the stylist wanted you to keel over. The whole look made your heart race as you scanned over his figure again. 'Is he aware how hot he looks right now?'
You didn't even realize Seonghwa was watching at you. Your face immediately heated up. You gave him a sheepish smile and look away, an embarrassed warmth spreading through your being at being caught obviously checking him out. You focused on one of the studio lights. 'What a neat brand...' You glance back at him in the corner of your eye and immediately looked back at the light when you saw he was still looking your way.
A small, shy smile grew on Seonghwa's face. There was a mix of feelings within him. He felt bashful his crush was eyeing and admiring him so openly, but he also a sense of pride. His heart beat fast against chest.
Seonghwa always brushed off any thought he had of you loving him back. He never could tell over video calls you were ever admiring him in the way he wanted you to, and despite the small glances he had caught you stealing, he tried not to over think it... which actually was him overthinking it. His past insecurities coming up to tell him he was wrong. That little voice in his head always downplayed it. A part of him believed you wanted to kiss him back in the dance studio. However his internal voice dismissed it.
But now? Now he feels almost certain. This had to be one of those signs the others were telling him. There was no denying the expression you wore... how your eyes trailed over his figure... the way your barely sucked in your bottom lip between your teeth... or the embarrassed look as you put your focus elsewhere when he caught you. His smile turned into a faint smirk.
"What's up with you, hyung?" Wooyoung asked with a raised brow.
"I apologize." Seonghwa said in a low voice, that small smirk still present.
"For what?"
"For always doubting you about (Y/N)'s feelings towards me."
"What finallygave it away?"
"She was checking me out." Seonghwa looked to his friend while crossing his arms over his chest, the bashfulness starting to kick in at what he was about to say. "We also may have almost kissed the other day-"
"What?!" Woo shouted, making a silence wash over the room. He sheepishly smiled and apologized. The two waited until the photoshoot crew was talking again as they got the final lights ready. The rest of Ateez huddled around them with curious gazes. Wooyoung made sure to fill them in quickly before signaling for the eldest to continue.
"Listen. I wasn't sure whathappened then. I just... moved on my own and she leaned in too before you guys came back in." Hwa raised a brow when both Yuhno and San smacked Woo. "But I just watched her blatantly check me out."
"You two havebeen affectionate with each other since she got here." Yeosang notes, soft hums of agreement were heard from the others. "Whether each of you recognize it or not."
Seonghwa nodded slowly to that. His mind recalling all the light touches between you both, the nightly hugs before bed,
"Haven't we been telling you she is into you for how long?" Mingi said while crossing his arms.
"I know. I feel foolish now. I know that feeling of doubt may come back up- and I hope it doesn't because I feel really happy right now- but I do feel sure about it now." The elder sighed.
"What will you do now?" Hongjoong asked
"I haven't thought that far." Seonghwa looked away from his friend.
"Leave it to me, hyung." Woo winked.
"Jung Wooyoung-" Hwa started to protest but the photographer called him up for a few solo shots. The eldest gave Wooyoung a pointed look before making his way to start the shoot. Woo grinned and immediately went over the wait by you. The others followed, both curious and excited to see things finally progressing forward.
You were watching Seonghwa get into position for the first picture they wanted when you saw in the corner of tour eye the rest of Ateez joining you. Wooyoung sat in the managers unoccupied chair and gently bumped you. The rest of the boys were able to grab chairs of their own to join you.
"Oh hey guys." You smile. "You all look great. Thanks for inviting me."
"We appreciate you coming." Jongho smiled.
"I caught you checking out Seonghwa~" Wooyoung said in a sing-song voice, cutting straight to the chase. You were unaware of the lie.
"Woo!" Your eyes widened and you looked to the others.
"(Y/N), you haven't been exactly subtle. Well, at least to us. Hwa is oblivious." Yuhno told you, slightly relieved you never figured out Wooyoung told them back in February.
"And don't take this as the rest of us teasing you like Wooyoung, okay? Because we aren't." San added.
"So not only Seonghwa saw me, but you all did too." You groaned and tilted your head back, closing your eyes as you felt the familiar feeling of embarrassment creep up in your system.
"If it makes you feel any better, he didn't seem to mind it." Woo shrugged. "Anyways that's not the only reason why I came here. I wanted to do a dinner party tonight."
"Dinner party?"
"Yes. After the shoot I want to cook everyone a meal, share some soju, and have fun. I plan on keeping my makeup on a dressing up, and I'll make sure the others will be dressed up as well. You should too."
"Sounds like it would be fun, as long as I get to help."
"You are our guest..." Yeosang tried to argue but it trailed off at the look you gave him.
"I want to help. I think it would be fun to learn from Wooyoung."
Your eyes wandered back to the shoot as the others discussed the dinner plans and who all would go shopping for ingredients.
Your eyes widened when you watched Seonghwa raise he hands up and place them behind his head. The hem of the grey sweater indeed raised up enough to show off more of his waist and stomach.
"Close your mouth, (Y/N)." Woo nudged you, but your eyes stayed on Hwa posing. "You'll catch flies."
"Wash the rice and vegetables, hyung." Wooyoung gestured to Hwa, his voice firm. However, he switched to an overly sweet tone when addressing you."(Y/N), my dear, can you start cutting up vegetables when he is done."
You laugh and grab the cutting board. You moved to stand next to Seonghwa so you could easily get ahold of what needs to be chopped. You eyed the overly cutesy apron Woo made him wear. You glanced down at your own, it was simple with a cute cat printed on it.  Seonghwa gently leaned over and bumped you with a smile before setting down a bell pepper for you start cutting.
Hongjoong, Yeosang, and Mingi were in the living area working on different things on their laptops while Jongho, Yuhno, and San say on the barstools at the kitchen island. Mingi also offered to help but Wooyoung said three people in the kitchen was enough.
The close proximity with Seonghwa in this moment had you recalling your stay with them thus far. Small moments of affection from Hwa were really becoming obvious to you.
Thinking back to when he got done with his solo shots, he practically pulled Woo out of the chair next to you and sat down, much to the younger male's and their manager's (who got the chair for himself) dismay. His arm stayed against yours until he had to get up again for the group pictures. When he came back from the dressing room after getting changed into a new outfit and hairstyle, he stood behind you and rested his hands on your shoulders until he was called again.
When you all left the photo studio and were crammed into the large van, Seonghwa had you both in the very backseats with San. You were sat in the middle, away from windows, but he kept himself close to you. He was showing different things on his phone all while leaning against you. This wasn't the first time either. Sitting next to each other while playing Animal Crossing, during a movie, or simply sitting next to each other for mundane things... he'd lean against you whether or not he was aware of it.
Then there were the times you'd be coming back to the dorms. You and Ateez would get back from KQ, he would rest his hand on your upper back whenever everyone loaded into the small elevator up to the dorm floor. He would keep himself close to you, which you assumed at first was due to limited space. However, even when it was just the two of you, he'd stay close with his hand between your your shoulder blades.
And then the dance studio moment. If the others hadn't of came in, you almost swore he would have kissed you and you would have definitely kissed him back. Your mind at first tried playing it off as your imagination but the more you thought about it, the more it seemed likely.
And you were ecstatic.
You had to keep yourself calm as you helped out in the kitchen but the blooming smile on your face gave you away.
"What has you all happy, hmm?" Woo asked quietly. You glance over your shoulder and saw Hwa was conversing with the others at the island.
"Just thinking how much I was a fool."
A smug look came over his face. "Explain."
"Woo..." You whined.
"You have to be specific because I don't know what you mean." He simply shrugged and focused on stirring one of the sauces.
"You were right, I think, about Hwa... I think he likes me."
"You think?" Woo gave you a deadpan look. You smacked his arm, which made him yelp and laugh.
"What's happening over there?" San laughed and grinned at the two of you. Seonghwa sent you both a curious look.
"Nothing, Wooyoung is just being Wooyoung." You sent the younger male a glare to signal he should keep quiet. Thankfully he didn't say anything further but he still held that smug look.
There came a point where Wooyoung didn't need any help further so he shooed you and Hwa out the kitchen. You decided to head back to Hwa's dorm to change into a nicer outfit and to freshen up your appearance. It didn't take you long and you went to the bathroom to go over your appearance in the mirror. You heard the front door close and heard Hwa's door close as well. You couldn't help but smile when you thought of him.
You felt your heart beat quicken as you thought about your feelings and confessing to Hwa. You were sure now he returned your feelings, but now taking that next step seemed daunting. You were also not fond of confessing in front of the others, if you had the courage to confess at all.
You smoothed out your clothes and left the bathroom, only to run right into Seonghwa, who had his hand up as if he were about to knock on the door.
"Oh sorry."
"My bad." You both laughed.
"Wooyoung sent me to get you and grab the soju we have here." Hwa lifted up the bottle of the yogurt flavored soju from the fridge. "You look good."
"You do too." You noticed he also changed his top. You gulped when you saw it was very similar to the grey top he wore at the photoshoot. It was black, not a knitted looking top with a purposely distressed look. The hem wasn't as short and the sleeves weren't as long as the photoshoot top, but it still looked good. His hair was worn down now and his face was bare, having took a quick shower when everyone got back from the photoshoot.
There was awkward silence as you both stared at each other. You felt your phone buzz, which you were sure was one of the guys telling you dinner was ready.
"We should probably get back." Hwa spoke in a soft voice, his eyes never leaving yours as a small smile appeared on his face.
"Y-yeah, we should." You nod. You both quickly left and re-entered Wooyoung, Hongjoong, and Jongho's dorm. You saw the others were already sitting at the table. It looked cramped but there was enough room for everyone and most of the food in the middle. There were two spots open next to one another.
You both took your spots, Yeosang was next to you while Hongjoong was by Seonghwa. Once you both joined, everyone started putting food onto their plates. You felt giddiness for some reason whenever Seonghwa would get food for you when he got his serving. The soju bottles started getting passed around for those that wanted to drink. You decided to partake, hoping it would calm your nerves.
Your very belated revelation had you feeling more at edge around Seonghwa than ever before.
You hadn't realized you were tapping your fingers against your thigh until you felt Hwa's hand clasped around yours. You tensed but relaxed when he gave your hand a light squeeze.
"Are you okay? You seem on edge." He asked as quietly as he could. Everyone else chatted and some were loud, but he wanted to make sure you had some privacy. You appreciated that.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just really happy to be here." You smile and lean against him for a few moments. He unfortunately let go of your hand so you both could eat with ease, but he shifted in his seat so his thigh stayed pressed against yours.
It was getting later in the night now.
You stopped drinking alcohol when you felt a nice buzz. While drinking with your friends sounded fun, you also didn't want to potentially embarrass yourself in front of them. Besides those who weren't as drunk as Hongjoong, San, Mingi, and Wooyoung, who were all flushed in the face and neck, needed to keep an eye on them.
"Sannie isn't that strong of a drinker." Hwa chuckled next to you as you both watched him and Mingi sing loudly to some ballads.
"Hyung you have no room to talk." Yeosang rolled his eyes as he sat next to you. He crossed his arms and rested his head on your shoulder.
"Hwa's a lightweight?" You ask with a smirk, looking to the man in question.
"He gets as bad as Sannie." Yeosang wore a faux pout. "At least San doesn't scream in your face."
"Hey, we were playing a game. Don't make it sound worse to (Y/N)." The eldest grumbled and followed the younger in resting against you. You simply chuckled at their antics.
You nearly busted out laughing when Wooyoung and Hongjoong loudly joined San and Mingi's singing. Their voices were very loud and their singing was slightly slurred. You watched as Wooyoung climbed onto the wooden coffee table, singing his heart out to the room.
"Woo get down before you hurt yourself." Yuhno sighed, approaching the scene.
"Let him perform!" Mingi and San said at the same time.
"I don't want to hear it from the two that got us a jumping ban." Yuhno struggled to get Wooyoung off the coffee table but managed to do so despite the younger one's squirming.
"Ah, he is such a handful even when he is drunk." You heard Jongho say from behind you.
"Glad I stopped when I stopped drinking when I did." You chuckled. "I probably would have been up there with him."
"Oh that would be fun to see." Hwa acted like he was about to get up off the couch. "Should we get more to drink ?"
"I don't want to be yelled at." You scrunch your nose at him teasingly.
"I would never." He places his hand on his chest and faked offense.
"Although I wouldn't mind one more shot from that bottle with the purple cap. That stuff is delicious."
Yeosang decided to get off the couch and grabbed the bottle and three of the shot glasses. He poured you each a glass, the bottle now empty. You tilted back the small cup and down the smooth liquid easily.
Yeosang chose to sit back at the table, leaving just you and the eldest on the couch. You moved in your spot so you could rest your head on Seonghwa's shoulder now. You started to feel tired, likely from the alcohol in your system, but you felt at peace. Well, for the most part. When four men were loudly singing ballads right in front of you, it was hard to actually fall asleep.
"You should get some rest, (Y/N)." Jongho spoke softly. He was resting his arms on the back of the couch where Yeosang was once residing.
"I don't want leave you alone with dealing with the drunks though."
"Don't worry about us. We got this handled." Yuhno grinned. His arms were still around Wooyoung as they swayed to the song playing.
"Alright. I'm heading back over then." You pat Hwa's leg and got up from the couch. You stretch your limbs and start the head over to the door when you noticed Seonghwa got up and was following you.
"I'm tired too." He had a light blush on his cheeks.
You both told everyone goodnight as you went back to the MinSanHwa dorm. You didn't catch how the rest of sober Ateez gave Hwa a thumbs up before the door closed.
"Ugh, I don't want to take off my makeup." You groan as you both walk through the front door. Seonghwa chuckled from behind you as he closed the door.
"Why don't you sit on the couch. I'll be back out." You gave him a questioning look but he was already heading into his room. You sit down on the couch and take in a deep breath. You felt a little more buzzed now that your last shot had been in your system for a bit.
A few minutes pass when Seonghwa came back out from his room. He appeared to have changed into nightwear. In his hand was a bottle of makeup remover and two clean towels. He sat next to you on the couch, his legs crossed as he faced you.
"Hwa, what are you doing?" You ask with a slight chuckle.
"Turn and face me. I'll take off your makeup." You gave him a puzzled look but did as he asked.
"Why do you want to take off my makeup? I have two hands, you know?" Your tone was playful, but there was genuine curiosity there. "You're always taking care of me."
"Is it an issue?"
"No, it isn't."
He uncapped the makeup remover and dabbed it onto one of the face towels. He gestures for you to close your eyes and you do.
"I am about to touch you." He murmured and just a moment later you felt the expected cloth on your face. You felt him start to clean off your forehead first. His fingers of his free hand gently held your jaw as he moved your head when he needed to. His touch was electrifying. "Let me know if I am too rough."
You mumble a response. Both of you sat in silence as he slowly and carefully cleaned your face. Your mind was taken back to that day in the dance studio when he cleaned your face then. It made your heart flutter.
"I like taking care of you." His voice cut through the silence between you two. He carefully started removing your eye makeup. "That's why I wanted to take off your makeup right now."
"Oh." Was all you could say. Your mind swam with different thoughts and feelings, all clouded by your buzz. You gulped and took a deep breath. "Why?"
"You can open your eyes now." You did so and saw he was smiling at you. With his free hand, he tilted your head back, making sure to clean under your jaw and your neck for any left over makeup. His motions were careful, his free hand stayed at the base of your neck. "I like taking care of you because I carefor you. I like seeing you happy. Hongjoong told me it's my love language for those I am close with."
Seonghwa finished cleaning off every part of your face and neck. He set the towel down on the coffee table and placed both his hands on the sides of your head, guiding you to face him. His hands lingered for a second longer before he moved them to rest on his legs.
Hwa gave you a look full of fondness and sincerity. His smile was warm and you felt safe under his gaze. You smile back and scoot closer to him. You caught his dark brown eyes staring at your lips, and this time it was blatant. Your breath was caught in your throat and your face felt on fire. And yet, your mind, while racing, wasn't telling you to overthink. It wasn't downplaying the situation like it would do before. Everything in the moment, you and Hwa alone having a sweet moment, felt right.
This has to be the right moment, like San told you.
"May I?" His voice was almost a whisper but you heard him loud and clear.
"Yes, before someone interrupts again." Seonghwa let out an amused 'hmph' sound. He scooted himself closer to you, one of his legs now was angled off the couch. As if you were made of glass, Seonghwa gently placed both his hands on your jawline. His thumbs softly petted the skin of your cheeks while his eyes roamed over your face. Your hands found their spot on his waist and you smile.
He gave you a look, asking for permission again. And when you slowly nodded once his soft lips were pressed against yours. You smiled against him, your heart raced and beat rapidly against your ribcage. You could feel the corner of his lips curl up words. The kiss was almost fleeting, a quick moment between you two.
Seonghwa pulled away, only to rest his forehead against yours. He let out a shaky breath, his eyes were still closed.
"I've wanted to do that for a while now." He let out an airy laugh.
"Me too, Hwa." You chuckle, your voice trembling ever-so-slightly.
"Can I...?"
"You don't have to ask, you know." You repeated that phrase he told you your first night there.
Seonghwa kissed you again. This time it wasn't short. It didn't have a tentative feel to it. He kissed you passionately and you returned the feeling. He swiped his tongue against your bottom lip, making your lips part slightly. His tongue slowly slipped inside your mouth. You both move to be closer to one another.
You could feel him press himself more against you. Hwa briefly broke the kiss to place softer kisses from the corner of your mouth to your jawline. He pulled his face away from you, his warm smile still on his lips. You expected him to make out with you more, but you notice him glance back at the front door.
"I want to continue..." He started to speak.
"But the risk of a drunk San or Mingi coming in tonight is the issue?" You finish.
"Exactly." He laughed. He hugged draping himself over you with his face nuzzling into your neck. "I'm sorry. The risk of nosy roommates."
"Don't be." You hum, moving your hands. You rested one on his back and the other at the back of his head.
"How are you feeling?"
"Honestly? Tipsy and over the moon." You felt his chest rumble with his laugh. Seonghwa pulled his face from your neck and his hands were back to cupping your jaw. He stared at you for a few moments. He took in a deep breath, building up his confidence for what he was about to say.
"I figure the kiss would show you but let me tell you." He smiles. "I have feelings for you, (Y/N). I care immensely for you. I find you charming and so, so beautiful. I enjoy talking to you and being in your presence. I am glad to have taken that chance when we first met. You've become such an important person to me."
"Oh, Seonghwa." You felt stinging in your eyes and tears quickly filled then.
"Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?"
You lean in and place a soft kiss to his lips, effectively silencing him.
"I am just happy you feel the same as me. You know, I always pushed away my feelings for you. I was worried you only saw me as a friend. Which would have been fine by the way." You add with a slight nervous inflection. "I feel like an idiot though. When I look back at it now, everything seemed so obvious we both felt the same."
"I had the same revelation today when I saw how you were looking at me today at the shoot."
"Ugh, don't remind me of that." You groan and lean forward, resting your forehead in the crook of his neck.
"Don't be embarrassed." You felt him laugh and rest his hands on your back, one rubbing small circles. "You should of heard all the teasing the others did towards me.".
"Yeah, they teased the hell out of me too." You couldn't help but chuckle, now knowing the rest of Ateez knew about both yours and Seonghwa's feelings. "No wonder Wooyoung was so adamant you liked me back."
"It all makes too much sense now." Hwa almost scoffs, his shoulders shaking in a silent chuckle. There is a pause in the conversation. The silence didn't cause any discomfort between you two. Though, Seonghwa had a question he needs your answer to. "It may seem like a dumb question but..."
"But?" You prompt him to ask.
"Would... Does this mean you'd like to be in a relationship with me?"
You pull away from him, just enough to look at his face. You initially wanted to tease him, ask him sarcastically if it wasn't obvious you were head over heels for him... But you saw the vulnerable look in his expression. You knew he needs reassurance right now.
"Park Seonghwa." You gently take his face with both of your hands. You inhale and shakily exhale, a tender smile on your lips. "I love you, okay? I would absolutely love to be in a relationship with you."
"I love you too." He smiles brightly, almost making you melt on the spot. He wraps his arms around you, one snaking up so his hand could cradle the back of your head, before kissing you again. You slid your arms around his neck in the moment.
"How can you be so perfect?" He murmurs against your lips.
"I should be asking you that, Hwa." He chuckles softly in response to your words.
"How are you feeling now?" He asks again. "You did take that extra shot."
"I still feel a little on the tipsy side, but I am doing good, Hwa... And everything I said and every kiss I gave was of clear conscious too. I would do those things again, just less confidently."
He chuckles, "Well, we should probably get you some water and start getting you to wind down."
"Hwa, I don't think I can wind down after finding out my crush loves me back and now we are dating."
He tilted his head back and laughed in response, making your chest feel warm at the sound.
"Come on." He stands up from the couch and helps you to your feet. He hands you the bottle of makeup remover while he holds onto the dirty towels. "Get some comfier clothes on, do what you need to before bed, and I'll meet you in my room."
You gave him a curious looks but did so. You popped back into his room for some nighttime clothes and went into the bathroom to take a very quick shower. You didn't know you could get as clean you did that fast but you did. When you entered back into his room, you saw Hwa sitting in his desk chair scrolling on his phone. He looked up and smiled seeing you enter. He gestures to his bed, which already has the covers pulled back.
"I figure we could watch something before bed. If you would like to."
"I would love to, Hwa." You smiled and laid down on the side closest to the wall. Seonghwa followed suit in the spot next to you and pulled the covers over both of you.
He grabbed his tv remote and turned on the screen, putting on something you've both seen at a low volume. He kept his back propped up by the headboard while you had an arm wrapped around his midsection, curled up next to him with your head on his chest. He had an arm wrapped around your shoulders while his hand softly traced patterns into the skin of your arm.
It was quiet except for the tv playing, but two questions lingered in Seonghwa's mind.
"(Y/N?)" You glance up when you hear him softly call your name. "When did you realize you started having feelings for me?"
"When I had that shitty week at the end of last semester and your voice helped calm me down enough to sleep... why do you ask?" You felt a tinge of anxiety peaking through. "Is it because I was a fan-?"
"No, don't worry about that." He placed a soft, short peck to your hairline. "I could tell from the start you didn't have any negative intentions and I always appreciated you letting me initiate things."
"Oh, I didn't realize you picked up in that. I just never wanted you to be uncomfortable."
"I pick up a lot, as untrue as that seems." He jokes, making you snort. "No. I was just curious. That night was when I realized I liked you more than a friend as well." There was a shared silence between you two for a moment, though it felt like minutes, until he spoke again. "If you liked me then, why did you agree to go on that date with that guyfrom your class?"
You blink and shift to sit up so you could look at his face. You scan over his features but didn't catch any sign of anger or any negative emotion. He was genuinely curious.
"Insecurity mostly." Your voice was quiet. Hwa nodded his head for you to continue and gently took hold of your hand. "It seems silly now, but I was just insecure about a lot of things, which made me so sure you never liked me more than as a friend. I saw it as a way to hopefully get over my crush."
"Oh, jagiya." He hums softly. "I got too wrapped up in my mind to think you'd want to pursue a relationship with me as well." He leans in and gently kisses you. "Looks like we really were fools... and Wooyoung is going to remind us whenever he gets the chance."
"Why don't we hold off on telling the rest of them as-"
"What?" He furrowed his brows, a look of confusion and a flash of hurt was on his face.
"Don't over think and let me finish" You gently 'tut' and move to hold his hands. He gave you a sheepish smile. "Since they knew about both our feelings, have gotten super invested in getting us together, Woo's going to gloat, and I know if we ever attempt to go on dates one of the others will try and tag along... let's just have a short time period of just us. Would that be fine?"
"Having one over the others? Not letting Wooyoung say he was right? A pinch of privacy?" He raised his brows, a smile growing on your face. "More than fine."
That made you laugh.
Yuhno sighed as he took Mingi's dorm keys from his drunk friends grasp. He would have just let him crash in his room since Jongho had his hands full with Hongjoong, Wooyoung, and San, but Mingi was insisting on sleeping in his own bed. Plus, you had left your cellphone behind. He just hopes neither of them will wake Seonghwa or you.
He got the door open and with Mingi's arm around his shoulder he walked through the dark apartment.
"YuYuuuu." Mingi mumbled.
"Shh..." Yuhno whispered, helping him to his room.
"I'm not drinking again after this."
"I'll help keep you to that, let's just get you to bed for now." Yuhno got the younger male to his room, turned around as he changed into his pajamas, and tucked him in.
"Thank you."
"Uh huh, go to sleep, princess." Yuhno snickered and patted his friend, leaving his room with a yawn. He fished your phone from his pocket and approached Seonghwa's room. When he saw the light was still on and heard the tv faintly playing, he figured you were still awake. He glanced back to Sannies door and saw it was dark there.
"That last shot must of done him in." He mused to himself with a small smile.
Yuhno did a quick knock and opened the door.
"(Y/N), you left your- Oh." Yuhno's eyes widened, not expecting to see you and Seonghwa mid kiss. You both were sitting up against the headboard, your hand on his neck while his hand was on your side. You and Seonghwa were frozen and heads slowly turned to the taller male. There was a big grin on Yuhno's face. "I was just, uh, dropping Mingi off and your phone."
"Yuhno sit down, please." Seonghwa sighed pulling away from you. His ears were bright red.
"No, no. Don't let me interrupt you both." He waved his hand, gently tossing your phone onto the foot of the bed, and went to leave.
"Yuhno." The eldest uses a serious tone, making the younger male sit.
"What is it?" He looked between you two, his voice soft.
"We wanted to keep this secret, just for a bit. You know how the others get, we just wanted to have this to ourselves for the rest of the trip."
"Plus," You add. "Wooyoung can't gloat and you get bragging rights of knowing first." You offer to him, making Yuhno laugh and Seonghwa roll his eyes with a chuckle.
"Your temporary secret is safe with me. The thought of telling everyone didn't even cross my mind. You guys decide when you want to tell everyone." Yuhno states sincerely. "But I am curious when this happened."
"Tonight, like 20 minutes ago."
"Ah, I'm happy for you both." Yuhno grins and gets up. "I'll leave you both alone now, I need to check on Jongho before going to bed. Goodnight and make sure to sleep."
"Goodnight, Yuhno. Thank you." Seonghwa smiled at the younger male, who simply smiled and shook his head before leaving the room. You both looked at each other and sighed.
"That went well. At least he knocked..."
"No privacy." Seonghwa rolled his eyes and moved enough to flop on his back.
"Hey, he is keeping it to himself. He was sweet about it."
"I don't care." Seonghwa turned on his side with a slight pout, wrapping his arms around you to pull you down to lay partially on top of him.
"Hwa!" You quietly yelp.
"I'm getting all the intimate affection I can in our alone time." He chuckled, and holds you tightly. "And we are locking my door every night until you leave."
Wooyoung and San practically cornered you the next day during a break in practice, asking if you two confessed. You were getting a drink from a nearby vending machine when you felt Wooyoung's arm wrap around your waist while San's was around your shoulders.
"So, (Y/N)... Did you two do anything last night?" Woo asked in a hush tone in your ear.
"No, Wooyoung. He practically passed out when we got to the dorm and I didn't have the confidence to talk to him about my feelings." You sigh, finally deciding on what drink you wanted. "I don't think I can confess at all this trip."
"Let me help you." Woo whined.
"No, it's fine. Maybe one day it'll happen... but not now." You shrug off their arms and squat down to get your drink.
"Don't worry about it. Just don't neglect your feelings." San patted your back as you stood back up. "We are going to get drinks for the others, would you mind helping us?"
"Sure!" You were grateful San took the attention off you. The older of the two tapped his card to the machine and the three of you started picking out drinks for the Ateez members and the BBTrippin crew. Once there were five drinks, San delegated Wooyoung to get them to the studio, which left you two alone.
"So how did you confess to him last night?" He asked while picking up a drink.
"I told you, nothing happened." You try and give him your best confused look. He kept a knowing smile on his face as you both stared each other. It felt like a minute and it was clear he wasn't relenting. You groaned, making him laugh. "How do you know?"
"You both just seem very happy today and I can tell there is something different. You both don't look at each other with hesitation. It's sweet to see." He pats your back again. "You didn't tell me how it happened... though you don't have to. I'm just curious."
"It was the right moment, like you said would happen."
"I'm glad it worked out. Like we all told you it should."
"Ugh this is why we are waiting to say anything." You whine, playfully smacking his arm which made him laugh. "Do you think anyone else knows?"
"Hmm, I'm not sure. I haven't heard anything from the others."
"Good." You huff with a laugh. You and San gather up the rest of the drinks and head back to the dance studio. "You're not allowed to say anything."
"Cross my heart."
Later in the day it was just Seonghwa and Hongjoong in his studio. The captain wanted his older friends inputs, both because he valued Hwa's opinion and because Mingi wanted to take some time freestyle dancing with Yuhno and Yeosang, on some of the final minor edits he made to the tracks. The others were still in the dance studio while you joined Jongho for one of his vocal lessons.
"I like the addition to the dance break for this one, though I think the end should be tighter." Seonghwa gestured to the screen.
"I was thinking the same." Hongjoong hums and focuses his attention on the small changes. Seonghwa felt his phone buzz on the table and he quickly unlocked it. A smile grew on his face at the cute selfie of you and Jongho sent to the group chat. He quickly saved the picture and couldn't help but stare at your face.
The call of his name had him looking back up.
"Yes, Joong? Is there something else you need help with?"
"You confessed to (Y/N), didn't you?" The younger male smiled.
"What? No. She passed right out once she got her makeup off." Seonghwa furrowed his brows and hoped he was convincing enough.
"Hwa, you are terrible at hiding your emotions and secrets. Your eyes always give it away." The captain laugh and playfully flicked the older males arm. "I can see it in the way you look at her and how you 'try' to act shy. Your eyes don't hold the same longing. They say something different now."
"Please don't tell the others." Hwa sighed and looked to his friend, silently pleading to him.
"I won't... but why keep it a secret?"
"We just want some privacy about it. Everyone is so integrated with one another. We do plan on telling everyone soon."
"I see." Hongjoong nods and then smiles, a hint of smugness there. "So we were right? You both overthought everything between you two and now everything fell perfectly into place."
"And that's also why we don't want to tell everyone yet."
"Ha! You're just prolonging the inevitable teasing." Hongjoong grinned. A curious glint was in his eyes now. "So how did it go?"
"The moment is ours alone so I won't share any details, but..." A fond smile grew on the eldest's face. "It was sweet... really, really sweet."
"I'm happy for you, truly, Seonghwa, even if I plan to tease you about it. You deserve this, especially with (Y/N)." Hongjoong reached over and gently grabbed Hwa's hand, giving it a firm, quick squeeze before slowly dropping it. Seonghwa couldn't help the bashful smile on his face. The two scooted close to each other, nudging each other as they got back to working on the finishing touches of the song.
It was late at night. You were laying in bed, watching Youtube on Seonghwa's tv before you fell asleep. You heard soft knocks on the door. Pausing the video, you get up and open the door, revealing Seonghwa. You let him in and make sure to lock the door. You felt him wrap his arms around your waist, his chest flush against your back.
"Mingi went to bed." He leaned in and placed a chaste kiss to your temple. He removed himself from you and flopped onto his bed. "What were you up to?" 
You laughed and joined him. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to him. "Just catching up on some Youtube. I can put something else on-"
"No, this is fine." You nodded and started the video over for him to watch. It was nice, curled up under the covers with him, feeling warm and comforted in his arms; and you were sure he felt the same when you rested your arm over his stomach. You didn't want to break the peacefulness but you knew he should know that another members knows.
"Hwa? Can I tell you something?" You pause the video again.
"Go ahead, you can tell me anything."
"Sannie knows about us." 
There was a brief pause before he chuckles.
"Hongjoong knows too. How did San figure it out?"
"He said he could see us acting different around each other. How did Hongjoong?"
"He told me my eyes gave it away." He then rolled his eyes for dramatic effect. "At least he said he won't tell the others."
"Sannie promised too. So that's a relief."
Another moment of silence.
"You're leaving soon." There was a sadness to his tone. Seonghwa briefly tightened his arms around you. 
"I know." You sigh, snuggling into his hold more. "But, there will be more visits again."
"But now that we are together... now that you're in my arms..." He shifts away from you. You felt his hands on your shoulders as he gently maneuvers you down the bed so he could guide you onto your back. Hwa then moves himself to hover over you. "I don't want to let you go."
"Hwa." You smile, placing a hand on his cheek. "No matter the distance, you have me, okay?"
Seonghwa smiled sweetly though you could see a hint of something else in his eyes, something lustful. 
Honjoong was right. His eyes do give away a lot.
 He lowered himself down, pressing himself against you and you could feel he wasn't putting his full weight on you. He pressed a soft kiss to your lips and trailed his lips along your jaw and down you neck with opened mouth kisses. You hummed pleasantly, giggling softly at how he focused on kissing your neck, his teeth grazing your flesh.
"Seonghwa, weren't you concerned about nosy members?"
"Front door and bedroom door are locked." His breath felt hot against your neck, making you pleasantly shiver. "Mingi sleeps like a log." You felt his teeth gently nip your skin, not hard enough to leave a mark, and then his tongue swiping over the area. You couldn't deny that there wasn't arousal slowly building inside you. He pulled his face away from your neck and stared down you. "I can stop if you want me to."
You stare into his eyes. You can see the love and adoration he holds for you. Your heart flutters in your chest.
"Keep going." You murmur, placing your hand on the back of his neck and pull him back down. His lips met yours in a feverish kiss. His tongue explores your mouth and brushes against yours, all while you feel him press himself against you. Your hand stayed on the back of his neck while the other was on his side, gripping the fabric of his shirt.
Seonghwa lifted himself from you again now straddling your hips. His fingertips grazed your stomach, barely moving underneath the hem of your shirt. He gave you a look as if he was asking for permission, in which you nodded slowly. You take in a sharp breath of air feeling his hands glide against your skin under your shirt.
His soft hands slowly cupped both your breasts and he starts to gently knead them. You take in a deep breath and smile up at him, enjoying the feeling. You see he was biting his bottom lip and suddenly you felt a small shiver run up your spine when his thumbs brushed over your nipples. You can see he was getting lost in moment. Slowly he removed his hands from your chest and you missed feeling his warm hands fondling your breasts.
Seonghwa helps sit you up and them assists pulling your shirt off your body. He stared at your bare torso with wide eyes, a blush creeping up on his cheeks and ears. 
"I'm feeling a bit under dressed here." You laugh, making him blink out of his dazed state. He chuckled, and took off his shirt as well. 
"You are gorgeous, jagiya." He speaks softly. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you against him. He placed more wet kisses in the crook of your neck. He shifted himself so he could go lower, until he guided you on your back again. He trailed his kisses from your neck to your collar bones. His mouth moved lower and when he got to your breasts he started biting and sucking on your skin.
"Seonghwa, love..." You murmured, worried about the others seeing the hickeys.
"Don't worry. I won't leave any in visible places." He kissed where he bit. He left scattered little marks of your breasts and along your stomach, kissing each one when he was done while his hands caressing your body. When he was finished he took a moment admire all the little marks he left in his wake and you knew they would show up more prominently tomorrow. He smirked as he stared at your body.
You let out a soft gasp when you feel his mouth latch onto your left nipple. His hand went to your other breast and squeezed your flesh, his fingers played with your other nipple. His eyes looked to your face as he gently sucked and you feel his tongue swirl around the harden bud. He kept his mouth latched to you as if his life depended on it. You comb your fingers through his dark hair which caused him to make a noise similar to a hum. You made a soft moan at the sensation.
He released his mouth with a slight 'pop' noise, a string of saliva still attached to the pebbled skin and his lips. He moved over and repeated the process to your right tit. You let out a soft whine when you felt him gently bite around your nipple, making him chuckle and remove his mouth. He looked down at you with pride on his face, seeing how worked up by his actions you were.
"Too bad we have to be quiet, I would love to hear what noises you make." Seonghwa trailed his fingers down your stomach and shifted so they rested at the hem of your sleep shorts. 
He craved to taste you and further use his tongue on you.
You glance down to where he now sat on your thighs and saw a clear bulge in his pajama bottoms. You bit your bottom lip knowing you weren't fairing any better, you could feel how wet your panties were already. His other hand rested on your hip and he gave you another look. You nodded and appreciated his subtle way of asking for permission. He smiled and started pulling down your shorts and underwear. You raise your hips to help him and soon enough, you were completely bare.
A sense of heat flushed your face at the realization, shivering at the lack of covering over your core. You move to close your legs but Seonghwa's hands gripped your thighs and gently keeps them parted. You saw the tip of his tongue peak out of his mouth. 
"Don't be shy." He breathed, taking in everything. "I'll get fully undressed in a moment... Let me admire you first."
"Seonghwa!" You huffed. The embarrassment you felt was clear as day on your face, which made him smile more. His hands gently squeezed your thighs as he took in how wet you were. He never felt this turned on before, he could feel his cock throbbing against his underwear.
"Let me have a taste first." He murmurs, almost too quietly. He maneuvers himself to lay on his stomach, his arms wrapped around your thighs. His face was mere inches from your soaking cunt and you swear you could feel his breath against you. "May I, my love?"
Your face felt on fire at how seductive he looks right now with his head between your thighs. It was such a turn on to see how eager he was to eat you out and please you. You could feel a sensual heat pooling in your lower belly.
"Hwa, please touch-" You couldn't finish your sentence as you let out a low whimper; Seonghwa licked up your slit with his tongue. He delved in and his tongue flicked over your clit. He practically buried his face in your pussy as he worked your sensitive nub just right. You cover your mouth with your hand as you tried to suppress the noises threatening to escape from your lips.
Seonghwa groaned as he lapped your cunt and messed with your clit. His eyes stayed watching your face and he nearly smirked seeing you cover your mouth. Never had he tasted something sweeter. His arms around your thighs tightened, though he was so tempted to start using his fingers soon. He moved his mouth from your clit, nuzzling his nose against it, before he plunged his tongue into your wet hole. 
"Oh God, Hwa..." You moaned quietly, muffled by your hand. You glance down and see he was still staring at you with his face buried into your cunt. He was devouring you as if you were his last meal. The sounds coming from his mouth on your soaked pussy were downright sinful. The feeling of his warm tongue thrusting inside you with the tip of his nose brushing against your clit felt almost too good. Your other hand found purchase in his dark hair, gently gripping it with your fingers as you start to roll your hips against his face, making him hum. You could feel an orgasm inching closer and closer.
Seonghwa felt euphoric as your started losing yourself to the pleasures he was providing you. He loved the feeling of your hand in his hair and they way your hips moved. He let out a moan of his own as he kept going, paying no mind to the tiredness he felt in his tongue. His mind was only focused on getting you to come. 
Hwa moved one of his arms from holding your thigh, barely moving his mouth off your slit for just a moment, before he went back in with his tongue playing with your clit. You felt him slowly enter one finger, feeling around, before entering a second one given how he further turned you on from his ministrations. He curled his fingers just right inside you as he started thrusting them at steady, quick pace, causing you to nearly cry out. Your voice was strained to stay quiet whilst your hand over your mouth kept it even quieter.
He pulled his mouth away again. 
"That's it, jagiya..." His voice was low and smooth. He resumed his tongues motions on your clit, and the spring that was coiling tightly in your lower stomach finally came undone. 
You squeeze your eyes shut, tossing your head to the side as you whimpered as quietly as you could; you came hard. Seonghwa could feel you clenching around his fingers and he could hardly contain the moan of satisfaction. He slowed his fingers down, prolonging your orgasm, before slowly removing them and his mouth from you. He sat back up on his calves, your juices and his saliva coating his chin.
He slowly inserted the two fingers into his mouth, sucking them clean. Hwa's dark eyes never left your face as he slowly crawled over you. His mouth met yours in a sloppy kiss and you could taste yourself on his lips and tongue. You whimpered softly into the kiss. Your shaking hands gripped his shoulders and you pulled away to take in more air, recovering from your climax.
"How the fuck are you so good at that?" Your frazzled brain had you slip back into English for a moment. Seonghwa laughed and admired your face for a moment. You stared back, your breathing soon falling back into a stable rhythm. 
A thought popped into mind when you glanced down.
You shifted yourself downward ever-so-slightly and placed your hand at the hem of his sweatpants.
"Can I return the favor?" You ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
"You don't have to." He smiled softly as he felt a pleasant shiver up his spine.
"I want to, Hwa." You smile when he then answered a soft 'yes.' You gradually dipped your hand into his sweatpants, your hand going over his underwear. You cup his hard cock, feeling a patch of wetness from precum, and give him a very gentle squeeze. You heard him take in a sharp breath which made you smile and bite your lips. You palm him for a few moments and capture his lips in a heated kiss. His hips rocked, rutting himself against your hand.
You remove your hand from him, leaving him softly whining for your touch again. You guide him to sit up and take your spot against the headboard, not before his sweats underwear joined your discarded clothes on the floor. You smile at his blushed cheeks and ears. You straddle his lap and press yourself against him.
Your hands gently cup his jaw and you lean into a passionate kiss. You could feel his hard erection brush against your pubic mound and lower belly, making him softly moan into your mouth. You repeated what he did to you earlier and started trailing kisses from his lips, all the way down to his collarbones. You had to move yourself continuously to go lower. You didn't dare leave any marks that would be visible, much to your disappointment.
Soon enough you found yourself on your stomach, face dangerously close to his dick. You kept your eyes on his length while you could feel his eyes watching you. In a teasing manner, your fingers gently messed with his velvet-y soft tip. Seonghwa moaned softly and he caressed the side of your head. You collected his precum onto your fingers, letting it coat your your hand, before wrapping your fingers around his shaft. You stroke him at a languid pace and you could feel his member twitch in your hand.
You lean in and place a tentative kiss to the crown of his cock. You glance up and see him watching you intensely while biting his bottom lip. You give him a few teasing licks before slowly engulfing him into your mouth. What you couldn't fit comfortably in your mouth you used your hand on as your slowly bobbed your head, hollowing your cheeks in the process.
Seonghwa let out a low moan and swallowed hard at the sensation around his cock. His hands could hardly stay still. He managed to keep one against the side of your head but his other hand caressed and gently squeezed your shoulder, his fingers brushing against your neck. Your tongue would swirl around the tip as you continued to move your head. You couldn't exactly look up at him from where you were but you could tell by just how hard he was breathing he was feeling good.
"You're so beautiful..." Hwa tilted his head back against his headboard and quietly moaned. His eyes peered down at the sight of you with your now swollen lips around his cock. He admired how your nude body looked right now and he wanted to reach down and give your ass a firm squeeze. You bobbed faster, taking him in a little deeper, and it nearly drove him crazy. Seonghwa's hand found itself on the back of your head. He gently guided your head but didn't push down harshly.
He carefully took hold of your head in both hands and lifted your head, stopping you from sucking him off.
"Something wrong?" You swallow and sit up.
"If you kept going I wouldn't have lasted." Hwa helped you sit up on your knees and pulled you into a tender kiss. "I wanted to go further, if you want to."
"I want to but," You murmur against his lips. "Well, this may be a bad time to ask but do you have condoms?" He chuckles and rests his head against your collarbones. He placed a soft kiss to your neck, moving away from you and getting off the bed. You watched him walk to his closet and reach inside on the upper shelf. He grabbed a box near the back and came back, sitting on the edge of the bed. In his hands was an unopen box of condoms.
"Before you think I was presumptuous with these, Mingi and Woo bought them for me before your visit." He snorts. "I think they are the right size... I'll be slightly concerned if they are."
"I'm on birth control if we just want to forget the condoms-"
"If they make you more comfortable, I will wear one for you." He gave you a reassuring smile and looked over the box. Hwa hummed softly as he opened the box, taking out a wrapped condom. He tore open the rapper and slid on the condom with ease. He then kissed you deeply, moving you back on your back. You didn't need words to know where things were going now.
Seonghwa placed one of his pillows under your lower back and helped maneuver you into position, his hands gripping the backs of your thighs. He teased you by dragging his tip up and down your slit. You whine softly and playfully tapped him with your foot, making him laugh.
"Alright, jagiya." He smirked and lined himself up at your entrance. Slowly he pushed himself inside, inch by inch, until he was fully buried inside. You moaned quietly as he deliciously filled you up while he groaned, feeling pleasant tightness and heat around his length. Your hands squeezed his shoulders briefly as you took a moment to adjust. He stayed motionless for a few moments and you both were enjoying the moment. "Feels good."
"Move, Hwa." You pleaded, desperate to chase a second orgasm. His hands found themselves holding your hips as he pulled almost all the way out and, languidly, he rolled his hips forward.
His thrusts were slow and sensual to start, slowly building up that arousal between you both again. His cock gently massaged your walls and it felt so good. You were having a hard time already keeping your noises at bay... you were worried you wouldn't be able to stay quiet if he went faster. Still, you crave more.
"How are you feeling?" He asked, his voice slightly hoarse and strained.
"Feeling good... Feeling really good." You moaned. You wanted to feel more. You threw out those previous concerns. Your voice was a hushed whisper, but the needy tone was clear. "Faster, love."
"Of course." Hwa rasped. You feel him pull out, making you whine. He softly cooed and re-adjusted himself and yourself so his face was barely above yours. Your hips were at more of an angle now with your legs folded into your chest and your calves on his lower back. Your arms were loosely around his neck.
Seonghwa captured your lips in a bruising kiss, his tongue rolling against yours, as he entered you with one quick thrust. Your moan was muffled by his mouth or else it would have been loudered than you meant.  His set a quick rhythm as his hips snapped against you, the not-so-subtle sound of flesh slapping against flesh filled the small room. His cock was hitting a new, deeper angle and it felt amazing.
You both broke from the kiss to breath. You bit your bottom lip in an attempt to control your whimpers and moans.
"Shh... you're doing so well." Hwa praised, his voice a hushed whisper by your ear. Though his own moans and groans indicated to you he was also struggling to stay quiet.
"Hwa-!" You cried softly. You feel his arm move and next thing you knew his hand was cradling the back of your head, pushing your face into the crook of his neck. He pressed his upper half against yours, further folding your body together, as he fucked you at a fast tempo. Your noises were muffled by his flesh and you could feel the vibrations of his strained moans against your face. You could feel heat slowly crawling up your legs and you knew a second orgasm was close.
"God, I'm close, love." You murmur, your lips brushing against his hot skin.
"Me too, jagiya... Me too." Seonghwa whispered. "Can... Can I come on you?"
As you were about to speak Hwa just barely shifted his hips, his cock hitting your g-spot just right.
"Y-yes!" Your moan was low. The build up had you feeling like your nerves were on fire. You felt your breathing quicken a numbness-like feeling crawl up your legs
You pushed your face further into Seonghwa as waves of pleasure washed over you. You choked out moans against him and without realizing, you bit on his flesh. Your body trembled and your walls clenched around his length as you came hard.
Seonghwa continued his thrusts, though you can tell he was just about to lose it too. You felt your muscles twitch and tremble with every stroke of his hips as he prolonged your orgasm. Hwa is chasing his own release and you could feel his thrusts getting sloppier and his moans were getting huskier.
Suddenly, he pulled out of you, your walls fluttering around nothing. He got the wet condom off of his length and he moved his upper half to hover over you. You watch, nearly breathless, as he strokes his cock at a fast pace. He lets your lower half drop against his thighs. His eyes stayed trained on your dazed face, biting his bottom lip.
Seonghwa's body went rigid and soft, whiney moans escaped his lips. You can see eyes roll slightly back as he came. Pearly white ropes of his cum lands on your stomach and chest, a little even lands on your neck. He slowed his hand down as he came, stopping once all of his seed was out.
You both were breathless, feeling hot and tired. Seonghwa moved and let your body lay straight down before he hovered over you again. His lips met yours in another kiss. It was soft and tender, full of love and adoration.
"How are you feeling, jagiya?" He asks softly, kissing your cheek and forehead. "Do you need something? A warm towel? Some water?"
"All of the above, love." You lazily smile, making him laugh.
"I like you using that English pet name for me."
"I thought was fitting with you using a Korean pet name." There was a pause in the conversation. "I think we need a shower actually."
"Agreed, I made a mess." He gave you a cheeky look, as if he was proud of himself, lifting himself up to sit on his calves. His eyes roamed your body with a small smirk tugging on his lips. "You look beautiful."
"I'm covered in sweat, cum, and probably look like a mess." You deadpanned.
"And you still look beautiful." He smiled and placed a chaste kiss to your lips. He got up off the bed and slowly helped you to your feet. He grabbed you some new clothes from your suitcase before grabbing clothes for himself. "Mingi should still be asleep, so we need to be quick."
"You... You want us to go out in the rest of the dorm and to the bathroom without any clothes on?" He simply nodded and you sighed but nodded. You didn't want clothes on right now until you were clean. 
Seonghwa peaked his head out of the room, noticing all the lights were still off. With haste, the two of you get to the bathroom with ease. Hwa started the shower and you both waited for it to warm up. Your fingers trace the small red mark you left right by his right collarbone.
"Hopefully that doesn't linger. I'm sorry, I tried not to leave any marks on you." You mused, not sounding all too apologetic.
"I don't care if it does linger. Idol image be damned." He joked. "Come, the water should be warm now."
The shower was quick but it was very much needed after an intense moment. Seonghwa took it upon himself to wash you off. His hands gently caressed your skin, his gaze on you was caring. You closed your eyes whilst savoring the moment. 
It was sweet and it made you two all the more closer. 
You groaned, covered in sweat, in the dance studio. Wooyoung insisted you join him, Yuhno, and Mingi for dance practice while the others were off doing lives or something else. You probably would be in better shape to dance if you weren't feeling the least bit sore from last nights activities with Seonghwa. They were teaching you the choreography to Wave in an easy manner, but the ache in your hips and legs made it difficult.
"What's the matter, (Y/N)?" Mingi chuckled, handing you a water bottle. He and the others were sweating, but they weren't
"I don't know how you guys dance like this all the time." You pant and take a sip of water.
"We are teaching it to you slowly though, you seem more tired." Wooyoung remarked. He approached you and placed both hands on your cheeks, his eyes scanning over your face.
"I'm fine, just a little tired is all." You move out of his hold and gave his shoulder a gentle pat. He gave you  a inquisitive look but dropped it. 
After a small pause, the dancing resumed. Yuhno stood by you as he taught you the next steps. The move had you moving your arms up in the air and you followed almost perfectly. Though, when you repeated the motions your hand caught the hem of your loose shirt, exposing some of your midriff. You hoped that no one in the room saw your blemished skin from a particularly big hickey Hwa left on you. However, hoping got you nothing.
"(Y/N), what the hell happened?" Woo gasped. "Why do you have a bruise on your hip?"
Your face flushed with warmth and you saw Yuhno in the mirror press his lips together as he tried not to laugh. Clearly, he immediately figured out were the mark came from. Mingi also looked at you in concern. You wanted to send a glare to Yuhno but kept your cool. 
"I needed to use the bathroom last night and bumped into the handle in the dark is all." You replied smoothly.
"Dummy." Woo laughed and so did Mingi.
"I didn't realize you were so clumsy, (Y/N)." Yuhno teased. You rolled your eyes and insisted they keep teaching you the choreography before you die from embarrassment. 
Seonghwa and Hongjoong finished up their live together. Hwa had fun though he wanted to help teach you a dance to one of their songs. He and Joong got up from the table in the small room and left with the staff member who was behind the camera. The two went off on their own to Hongjoongs little studio room.
"Something happened between you and (Y/N) last night, huh?" The younger male asked with a teasing tone. 
"What? No." Hwa replied, almost too quickly, as he took a seat in one of the chairs.
"I can tell by your eyes-"
"What can you tell now?" The eldest quirked his brow and gave his friend a glare, his ears and neck started to blush.
"Oh... did you two..." There was a mischievous look in Joong's eyes.
"Kim Hongjoong, do not finish that sentence." Hwa leaned back in the chair, not realizing the motion pulled his shirt in a way where the collar of his shirt exposed more of his skin.
"Well if that little mark right there didn't confirm it for me, your reaction did. Congratulations." Hongjoong teased. Seonghwa looked down and quickly readjusted his shirt more. His face felt on fire as he looked to his friend with a flustered glare. "Sorry, my teasing may have went a little far there. I'll buy you some ice cream as an apology."
"Two ice creams."
It was nearly time for you to head out to the airport. Ateez's manager texted everyone earlier he was on his way to the dorms to get you. Wooyoung practically clinged to you as you sat on the couch while Seonghwa's hand lingered on your knee. Everyone was already throwing out ideas and plans for when you could visit next. You felt sadness knowing you were going away after having an amazing week with them... you were going back to your job and your classes across the Pacific ocean. 
Another text came and their manager was outside the door. He told you in his message he will give you guys time to say goodbye. 
You stood up by the door and everyone practically lined up to see you off. First was Yuhno.
"It was fun having you here. We should do dance video calls, you were fun to teach and dance with." He smiles and pats your head before hugging you. 
"Yeah we definitely should." You reach up and ruffle his hair making him laugh. Next up was Sannie.
"I'm going to miss you. Please, visit as soon as you can." He had a large grin, eyes full of unshed tears, as he pulls you into a tight hug.
"I will definitely try." You say softly in his ear, returning the tightness of his hug. Mingi approached you next.
"I'll definitely miss your presence in the dorms." Minig hugged you, his hands patting your back.
You pulled away and smiled. "It's going to be hard not having one of my favorite giants around anymore." That made him and Yuhno laugh. Hongjoong was up next.
"If you ever need something, (Y/N), don't hesitate to call me." He placed a hand on your shoulder and squeezed it. He then gave you a quick hug as well.
"You too, Joong. I'm all ears if you need something." 
Next in line was Yeosang.
"I'm glad we got to spend more time together." He spoke softly with a kind smile, hugging you. "Please visit us again, I liked having you around over those two." He pointed to Wooyoung and San, teasing them both as they looked fake offended.
"Of course, Yeosang." You laughed as he joined the others.
"Ah, it was nice having you with us, (Y/N)." Jongho smiled. He wasn't sure what to do with himself. "Hopefully I can call you when I am doing my vocal practices?"
"Of course you can... Would you like a hug goodbye?" You asked him and he nodded. You two hugged and you took a mental note of how nice his hugs were. It was brief but he gave you another smile and stood off to the side.
You nearly lost your balance when Wooyoung hugged you tightly, his cheek pressed against yours. You chuckled and held him tightly, neither of you said anything. You could feel his shoulders shake ever-so-slightly.
"Aww, Woo, don't cry. You'll make me cry." You cooed softly.
"I'm not crying." He mumbled and pulled away. He had tears in his eyes as he smiled. "We'll text everyday, right? Even if it's just a random meme or a simple hello?"
"Of course." You rubbed his back as he hugged you again. He reluctantly moved away and stood with the others.
Now it was just Seonghwa left.
He slowly approached you and those who didn't figure out what happened between you two watched in bated breaths.
"This isn't goodbye, you know?" You ask softly as you noticed his eyes were also close to leaking tears. You could feel the stinging sensation in your own eyes as you stared at his face.
"I know." He replied with a smile. He took your hand in his and gave it a squeeze. "Still, I will miss you."
"I'll miss you too, Hwa." You smiled and he stepped away. You glance over to the others and saw how disappointed Wooyoung, Mingi, Yeosang, and Jongho looked. You look back to Hwa with a slight smirk. "You want to tell them or show them?" You say quietly, making him laugh.
Seonghwa stepped forward again and immediately cupped your cheeks, brining you into a kiss. You heard Wooyoung and Mingi exclaim in surprise and you just knew Jongho and Yeosang looked shocked. The eldest pulled away and peppered light kisses to your face. 
"Alright, love. I think they get the idea." You giggle, your face feeling flush with warmth.
"What?" Wooyoung shouted. "How long- When did-." He was almost in shock. "And neither of you told me?!"
"I figured it out first." San said smuggled.
"No, I think I did." Hongjoong playfully crossed his arms. The two were about to start bickering but then a certain someone spoke up first.
"I actually did the night they got together finally." Yuhno said with a smug tone. "I walked in on them." That made even more chaos and loudness between everyone now.
"Yuhno!" You nearly shrieked from embarrassment, poor Seonghwa's face was pink. "You didn't need to word it like that."
"What? You said I had bragging rights for being the first to know." He teased. 
"He simply saw us kissing." Hwa tried to clear up.
Wooyoung started to scold you for keeping this from him but he expressed his happiness for the both of you. You felt bad for their manager, who was still outside the door and could probably hear all the commotion. 
"Can we say we told you both so, now?" Yeosang asked with a raised brow, making you and Seonghwa groan. Despite the teasing and the 'we told you so's' coming out, you and Hwa were happy. Hongjoong and San still argued between who out of the two of them figured it out first.
You held his hand and leaned against him as you both observed the rest of Ateez. Despite the embarrassment of their statements and jokes, you two felt satisfied at having one over on most of them. That lingering sadness was no more despite your soon departure. Never did you think you would have such a close knit friend group like this nor did you think you could find someone as lovely as Seonghwa to be your partner.
All thanks to some high turnip prices and a little squirrel in a video game.
Taglist: @stopeatread @hee0soo @tridkeys @pocketjoong-reads @seonghwaddict @lelaleleb @acciocriativity @h-nji
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fanaticbitchhh · 10 months
piercings and tattoos
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dom!nikki x afab!reader x dom!tommy
as you can tell, i got lazy at the end 💀
warnings: p in v, mention of piercings and tattoos, mention of parties (its mötley crüe what do you expect?) threesome, blowjob
let me know if i missed any warnings!
lowercase intended!
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you opened your eyes, the bright lights shining from the open curtains. you groaned, your head was pounding and you could barely remember anything from the night before. the only thing you could remember was the massive party the crüe had, the mass amount of jack you had drunk and the coke you had snorted had kept you going for most of the night.
you felt a pain on your back, a sharp one. it was like needles stabbing into your back. you got up, wiping your face with your hands and walking to a mirror. you gasped at the sight you saw. a tongue piercing, an eyebrow piercing and a septum piercing. how had you let this happen? you huffed once more before heading into the kitchen, grabbing 5 water bottles and some asprin.
you made your way upstairs slowly, careful not to trip up the stairs. you walk into tommys room, placing an asprin and a water bottle on his bedside table before walking to nikki’s and vince’s room and doing the same. sadly walking into vince’s room caused you to see him with 2 girls along with some trauma coming out of there.
you sat down in your bedroom, mindlessly strumming your guitar to take your mind off the pain in your lower back. after a while, you heard shuffling on the landing and you walk out of your room, expecting vince but seeing tommy instead.
“why’re you up so early?” you ask, since hes not normally up at this time.
“could ask you the same thing.” he groans, rubbing his eyes.
“im up early most of the time, you? ehh not so much” you say, smiling at him.
clearly we woke nikki up from this conversation as he came out of his room.
“can you shush tommy? you’re so loud.” he says, his voice raspy from just waking up, tommy puts his arms up in frustration at this.
you laugh at his reaction before frowning, the pain on my lower back starting to really hurt.
“can one of you check my back for me? it hurts like a bitch.” you ask, turning around and lifting my shirt up a bit at the back.
you hear the boys gasp and chuckle when they see your back.
“what? what is it?” you ask worridly.
“well, you got a tattoo last night.” nikki smiles, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
“what? seriously?” you ask, laughing a bit.
the two boys nod at this, chuckling. you rush downstairs, tripping on the last two steps and you check the mirror by the stairs. the tattoo was nice at first, it showing lightning coming from a heart that said ‘n+t’s bitch’. when you saw that you audibly gasped.
“nikki! tommy! what the fuck!” you yell, despite the headache, you were still frustrated.
“what’s up princess?” nikki smirks, knowing what you were freaking out about.
you blushed slightly at the nickname but you quickly brush it off.
“who took me to get this done?” you ask quickly.
“we both did sweetheart” tommy chimes in.
“who d’ya think picked out the design” nikki winks.
you groan quietly, looking to the other side of the room to avoid eye contact. that was cut short by nikki putting a finger under your chin and facing you towards him.
“we think its pretty hot anyway” he smirks.
“you do?” you ask, seeking confirmation.
“of course we do” tommy adds.
“thats good then, i guess i am your bitch” you joke, seeking a reaction out of them both.
tommy takes your hand leading you into his room, nikki following close behind and locking tommy’s bedroom door.
“yeah you are y/n. our bitch, understand?” nikki says, you gulp, nodding your head as you felt heat pooling between my legs.
“i need your words y/n.” he says sternly.
“yes! i understand nikki..” you say, looking up at nikki innocently.
“good girl.” he replies, smirking.
“now lets get this party started hmm?” tommy asks, silently asking for consent.
you nod, smiling at the two as they come closer. tommy leans in, kissing you sloppily while nikki runs his hands over your thighs. you break away the kiss when nikki taps your thighs.
“can i?” nikki asks, referring to the shorts you had on.
you nod, tommy pulling you back into a kiss while nikki pulled your shorts down. he parted your legs, giving himself more access. he kissed your clit before licking a strip through your slit, making you shudder and moan in tommy’s mouth. you gasped, throwing your head back as nikki started to tongue-fuck you, rubbing your clit with his thumb.
in the meantime, tommy took your shirt off as well as your bra, kneading your tits.
“dont stop tommy! s’good!” you moan, putting a hand in his hair and tugging it.
“didnt plan on it.” he mumbles.
you didnt even feel your orgasm building until you let go all over nikki’s face, moaning out in ecstasy. you catch your breath, breathing heavily and letting out a small mewl every now and then from nikki nipping at your thighs and tommy kissing your neck.
“you ready for the fun part?” tommy smirks, looking at you with excitement written all over his face.
“yes tommy” you reply, kissing his cheek.
nikki comes up from his spot between your thighs, as much as he loved it, he wanted to be inside you more than anything. tommy positions himself infront of you, taking his pants and shirt off while nikki does the same but behind you.
“now, get on your hands and knees pretty girl” nikki says, pressing on your back slightly with his warm hands, while you obey.
he lines himself up with your pussy, his tip running through your folds causing you to let out a loud moan of his name. tommy starts to jerk himself off a little before putting his cock infront of your lips, tapping them. you open your mouth, eager to taste him. you cant help but moan at the taste of him in your mouth.
before you could even start moving, tommy grabs your hair, guiding you up and down his cock. while nikki grips your hips, pushing himself into you, groaning slightly at the feeling.
“you’re so tight, s’ tight for me hmm?” he hums, slapping your ass when you dont answer.
you moan at the contact, lifting off of tommy’s cock to reply.
“yes nikki! tight just for you!” you moan out, before sucking tommy off again.
you feel the coil in your stomach get tighter, telling you that you were close.
“m’ so close” you mumble, muffled by tommy’s cock.
“think shes close nikki” tommy laughs, letting out a groan.
nikki starts to go faster at this, hitting your g-spot almost immediately. you can feel it become tighter.
“gonna cum!” you moan.
you cum, and shortly after tommy and nikki do too. your legs give out, causing you to collapse on tommy.
“m’ tired” you mumble, cuddling into tommy.
“i know, lets get you a bath and then you can sleep” tommy says, you agree wanting the two to take care of you.
they run you a nice bath, washing your hair and body for you. when you get out, they dry you, giving you one of nikkis shirts and tommy’s pajamas pants.
you leave the bathroom, wobbling but making it to the bed without falling completely. you smile as you feel the bed dip either side of you, the feeling of arms wrapping around you was enough to lull you to sleep.
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fimmiesthinker · 10 months
from the start - hong eunchae x fem!reader
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since the start you like eunchae, you wonder if she feel it back too
tags: non idol, light angst, mutual pining, tbh mostly reader being dense
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"hey" you hear a voice calling behind you, soon after the person appear in your vision. looking up you get confused when you see it was eunchae, you even double-check the time in your phone before answering her
"hm? i thought you were coming later.." you mention sounding surprised to see eunchae sooner then the expect.
did her date went wrong?
eunchae shrugs while sitting down in front of you, opening a smile the twinkle in her eyes told you otherwise, she probably had some good news to share with you.
internally sighing, you already knew what it was going to be.
and even if you didn't want eunchae talking about it, your sudden silence after her arrival was getting a little bit awkward, you trying to looking away wasn't going to help too.
placing your coffee on the table, you sigh before looking back at eunchae
"how is kazuha?" you ask and eunchae smile got even bigger after your question
"as i said, we went on that store and like, aah i swear, she is so perfect and-" blah blah blah
you wondered every night if ignoring your friend talking about her crush was bad. well, probably feeling jealous was the bad part, not ignoring.
"why did you arrive early if the date went so well then?"
"something about her roommate calling her since they aren't from around here, but anyways!! she-" eunchae stopped for a moment, letting out a tiny excited squeal "she said she will call me later y/n !!" you blink at eunchae's excitement, then let out an amused laugh
"you are such a simp eunchae" you tease her and she gives you a slap on your shoulder in payback "shut up!"
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"here" a drink appears beside you, taking your attention off the books.
"i called you. you didn't picked up, so I assumed you were here. and well it is almost 6pm so I assumed again that you didn't eat." eunchae approaches and crouches beside you with a slight smile
"I got your favorite" she whispers, mainly to not disturb the others around. eunchae rests her head on your shoulder, peering at what you were studying.
curious to know what eunchae got you, since you didn't remember mentioning your preference, you take a sip and surprisingly it was your favorite one.
"woah you're studying physics? can I tag along? I didn't get that class."
"yeah, you can sit-" you start to point at the chair by your side, but eunchae interrupts.
"oh, not today. I mean, I just stopped by to deliver you the drink. I'm going hang out with kazuha in a bit so.. yeah" eunchae smiles brightly and stands up, getting ready to leave
"I'll call you later okay? and go rest y/n, you've been here all day." before she goes, she gives your forehead a kiss and walks off making you just watch eunchae leave as quickly as she appeared.
you tried to go back studying but soon after you give up and start to mumble under your breath "oh 'call you later' my ass, oh 'y/n im leaving with kazuha' uuh" you pack up your things and prepare to leave, letting out a sigh as you glance at the drink eunchae left for you "i hate you eunchae.." you finish drinking it.
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"what do you mean i won't play? I can handle it"
"your ankle is injured y/n, is better-" the coach starts but you roll your eyes and interrupt him
"Is just swollen. you need me to serve the next round, if I can still walk I can jump, look" you do a tiny jump in demonstration, not expecting that the pain on your ankle was that bad, the price of being stubborn.
faltering in your step you almost lose balance if it wasn't for someone pulling you close and holding your waist.
"listen to him. come on, you should rest before it gets worse" eunchae, who just held you in time, comments the coach looks relieved that you didn't disagreed with her but they both hear you grumble something before walking away, limping.
eunchae get by your side to help you walk but you push her away and sits on the bleacher with your arms crossed, silently you watch the team practice.
eunchae clears her throat "..you okay?" she ask and gently push your leg with her own
you hum back not trusting your voice, but eunchae knew you better.
"uhm hm?" she presses and your silence served as a answer to her question
"come here" eunchae brings you closer, side hugging you and she rest her chin on your shoulder.
"i wish that was me playing.." you said after a second, failing to disguise the sadness in your voice. hearing eunchae hum she slightly turn her head and gives you a peck on the cheek
".. how about we hang out later at my house?" eunchae suggest, her hand rubbing your arm up and down in comfort
"sure" you sigh defeated and lean by her side, allowing eunchae to wrap her arms around your middle.
later that night, the mood on eunchae's room was comfortable, a quiet ambient music and you two just randomly talking about anything and everything.
you knew the sleepiness was getting to eunchae when she started to talk about more serious stuff, the sudden "i don't think kazuha likes me the way i like her" caught you off guard.
the silence that hanged in the air after that got heavier, strained.
you turned to look at her, while eunchae stayed gazing at the ceiling you couldn't help but to admire her.
the most cliché line on the book happening, moonlight shining on her face, your feelings squeezing your chest.
"mhmm.." you hum in understandment, you couldn't think of words to comfort her at that moment.
any words that didn't you sound selfish
eunchae grumbles in response. after some seconds she looks at you, looking back ,you both stay some seconds facing each other.
you couldn't describe it but there was something behind eunchae eyes.. hesitation? expectation?
in a silent question you raise your brow, waiting for her to say it. eunchae looks at ceiling again, closing her eyes she takes a deep breath
"..love is driving me a bit insane" eunchae scoff, emotionless.
"anyways.." eunchae sigh and turns to her side, covering herself with the blanket.
you hear her quiet "good night, y/n." before the room gets silent again.
"you are the one driving me insane, eunchae" you answer back , voice so quiet like a whisper. hoping deep that eunchae was already sleeping but if she wasn't, well, it was all or nothing.
"this is so ironic but, i wonder why can't you feel it.. how i really love you eunchae"
"all this time, like a fool. i should have noticed that someone got in between but well..." eyes falling asleep, words a little slurred.
"sleep well, eunchae." bittersweet, heavy. holding back your tears, you force yourself to sleep.
the silence after it made you believe eunchae was already sleeping, you hope it. because you wouldn't know how to answer if she asked something.
but being dense enough, you never noticed how eunchae matched your interest. you don't notice the way how eunchae breath got faster, how she did turned to look at you for a moment. and mostly important, you missed the fool smile eunchae had knowing that you liked her too
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note: got inspired listening to 'from the start by laufey' and 'mais ninguém by banda do mar' <3
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smutinlove · 14 days
Can u do carl grimes angst
after glenns death, negan has an impact on carl and y/n so they have very bad angst every day then negan notices and makes the situation worse so like he makes y/n try to k1ll carl to make her feel guilty
"Rage Filling-up Semi-trucks"
You could still remember his face, Glenn's face. His sad and pleading eyes looking at his wife, Maggie, as he said the words, "Maggie—I'll find you." Those were the finals words that he spoke, those words haunted you and everyone.
Carl wanted to kill Negan, he hated him for what he did to both Glenn and Abraham. Both were strong and honest men who were loved to the moon and back. And now they were gone. And what really was the icing on the cake was that Negan would come by Alexandria and take resources, leaving the Alexandrians with barely anything.
And this enraged everyone.
You sat on the sofa, feeling helpless and miserable. You wished that he wasn't gone. Glenn was a father that you never had and always wanted. He was the light of your life. You didn't know how you were going to spend the rest of your life without him.
As your thoughts spiraled into a tornado, Carl walked by, his hair was dripping wet. He must've gotten out of the shower. "Are you okay?" asked the boy hovering over you.
Are you okay? Are you okay? Are you okay? Are you okay? Are you fucking okay?
Simply, no. You weren't. "Do I look okay, Carl? Do I fucking look okay? Glenn was a father to me. He was my best friend too. And now he's gone and I'll never seen him again!" You yelled with the force of a hundred thunderstorms. Your voice was unshaken.
"I miss him too! It's not just you, okay? I loved Glenn. He was family! I miss him all the time, every waking moment, I yearn for him." Carl replied.
He was right. It wasn't just you that missed him. Everyone missed him. Everyone who was present at the lineup missed him. Glenn was someone that was unforgettable. He changed and saved lives, including yours.
"Fuck. Congratulations, Carl! You were right, again! You're always right, aren't you? You and your smug smile," you scoffed. "Y/N, don't. Don't do this to me," he pleaded, his eyes watery, bringing you back to the night filled with terror.
"Fuck you for being right. Fuck you for being you." You ran out of the house, tears pouring down your cheeks. You couldn't believe it. He was being an asshole.
You heard a loud rattle of metal. "Rick, come on out! Let me in, baby! I need my shit now!" An all too familiar voice yell. Negan wasn't supposed to come for another week. Well, that's Negan Smith, the murderer of Glenn Rhee and Abraham Ford. So, you couldn't expect much from him anyway.
You watched as Rick went over and opened the gates of Alexandria. Negan, along with his crew, came in. "Woah, Rick! This shithole stinks. You ever use a bit of Febreze every now and then?" Negan joked.
You couldn't stand looking at him. You wanted to kill him and rip both his eyes out. But you needed a better plan. A plan that would guarantee Negan dead.
You went back inside and saw Carl putting his gun into his holster and a switchblade in his boot. You glared at him. You hadn't forgiven him yet.
It was definitely too early. "Y/N."
"What?" you replied.
He went closer to you, "Come on, we can kill that motherfucker together."
"You know what I want to do? Yeah, I wanna torture him. I want to rip his eyes out and cut his tiny little dick off. Then, I wanna bash his skull in like he did to Glenn."
Carl tilted his head.
"Y/N, we can do that together."
"No! Fucking no! I'm doing it alone. I don't want you with me. I'm not fragile. I never fucking was!" You yelled. You pushed him away.
"Y/N, you can talk to me."
"But do you listen? You just make it about yourself. Always trying to relate to make ME feel better. God, fuck you." you slapped him.
You went into the kitchen and opened a cabinet, you pushed away few boxes of stale cereal and grabbed the undocumented guns and knives. You picked a pistol and a switchblade.
You hid the switchblade in your boot and grabbed a holster from a different cabinet and put it on and tucked your gun in there. You adjusted your shirt, letting it hide the gun.
As you started to leave the house you said, "Carl, don't you think about following me."
You left, slamming the door. As you made your way down the porch, you heard someone call your name. "Oh, Y/N Rhee! It is Rhee, right? That's your last name."
The way your name rolled off his tongue, gutted you in a hundred ways, all ending with the same thing. Rage.
Y/N Rhee. He called you Y/N Rhee. Rhee. That was Glenn's last name. And he was using your name to ridicule Glenn's.
"Fuck you, Negan," you muttered.
He heard it. "Woah, the little miss can bark."
You looked around, no one was around. Not Rick, not Carl, not even Negan's goons. You discretely lifted your shirt up and grabbed the gun. You cocked the gun and ran to him, tackling him to the ground.
You put the gun to his forehead.
"I know you're sad. I've felt that pain before."
"No! You don't get to tell me about said. You do not get to do that. You're a monster. You are the fucking devil, Negan. And I'm ending it for you. Not tomorrow or later. But today."
Negan chuckled.
"No, you won't, dear. You're too pathetic and weak," said Negan.
It wasn't true. He was wrong. You had a strong will to kill him. And there was nothing preventing you to kill him. Nothing. You already had your finger on the trigger. You just needed to put a little bit more weight and he'd be bleeding out on the hot and rough ground, staining it.
"Do it. I dare you."
You couldn't. You got up and tucked your gun back in your holster.
"You know, you should never have your finger on the trigger if you're not ready to shoot. Have you ever even shot someone?" He asked.
You had. A few times. To you, those people you'd shot before were meaningless enemies. But to someone else, they were family.
Negan nodded and sat next to you on the porch. "You know, kid, I'm sorry," Negan said with a smile.
"No, you're not," you replied. "You know that boyfriend of yours, Carl, right?"
You nodded.
"I heard you two fighting. Y'all were fucking loud! And I gotta say, that sounds like a fucked up relationship. Maybe It'd be better if he's dead." Death is something we all near each year and yet we try and stray far from. But now you had the opportunity to do it.
It'd be better. You two fought a lot. "Think about it, Y/N. It'd be freeing," and with that, he left.
You went back inside and grabbed your switchblade that you'd tucked in your boot earlier. Carl sat on the sofa, he looked angry.
"Oh, hey, Carl," you called out. "Hey, Y/N, listen, I'm sorry."
Everyone was sorry, but did they fucking mean it? No.
You charged at him and pushed him off of the sofa. You pinned him to the ground and brought your blade up to his throat.
"Y/N, don't do this."
"Stop telling me what I can and cannot do!" You yelled.
You brought the blade closer.
"I heard everything Negan said!" He blurted out.
You looked away, mortified. You listened to Negan Smith. You actually let him get inside your head. With that thought, tears streamed down your cheeks. "I'm sorry, Carl," you said.
You tossed the blade aside and the two of you got up and hugged each other.
"I let him get into my head. I let him... I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry."
"You don't have to be. Negan is just another fucked up, psychopath with parental issues who murders innocents for fun."
You laughed.
It was so fucking true.
───── ❝ authors note ❞ ─────
hey, whats up?? anyway.. i havent written in a long time so i decided to grace yall with my presence. HAHAHAH
anyway could yall tell i was listening to all too well and because i liked a boy?? HAHAHHA there are so many silly little references.
anyway send me more reqs!!
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goofydoors · 1 year
!Entities!x Gn! Reader
Where they kind realize your not too bad , and so do you
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Yet Again.. Screech had decided to be annoying little bitch and bite you , of course it wasnt a hard one but it was on the ankle making it slightly sore from his dumb teeth , he didnt even say sorry and just laughed with his shit eating grin , “damn kid.. ill get him one day!” Rubbing your ankle deciding it would be best if you could find the herb of viridis , it always helped if you Got hurt ,
Stumbling on to the infirmary encountering rush and halt a few times Rushs Screams could be heard from far away , no wonder some of his victims get away , he seemed unusually hyper for a literal Ball of murder and sugar rushes
Halt was just there to kinda say hi since it thought you were an intruder so it was kinda awkward since it almost killed you , it just dissappeared as quickly as it came
Popping open the door to the infirmary before you jump onto a bed remebering you forgot the key groaning to particularly no one , actually you were screech and halt , thinking to yourself that it would be best to nap and pray that ambush would leave you alone for once not wanting to scream about rush taking his food or ramble about something Else that would come across him as he destorys everything in his path , exhaustion overtakes you as your eyes droop trying your best to hear if anyones coming , yet all your met with is silence
Stumbling across you first is rush , its smile growling ever so wider as it stares before leaving again to find ambush and gush over you , hurriedly screaming at ambush in their gibberish language , ambush has no idea because all it can translate is infirmary , yet it tags along because seek had told Them all there werent Any hotel intruders , as you expect they arrived rather quickly , rush was whispering gibberish moving closer to you , “look! Ambush !! “ ambush wasnt exactly in the mood for rushs shit , but you were an exception ,”i see them , hurry the hell up im hungry “ rush excitedly touched you , screaming in delight but shutting up and leaving , ambush lingers a little longer before going another Way leaving you in your nap yet again ,
So I Think ambush and rush are fluffy and idc what you say , they must be..
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Screech had Also found you , just your luck .. the little iPad shit That caused you All that pain , it wasnt proud in anyway after seeing your face , it was a annoying anklebiting iPad kid but it knew it did something wrong , its smile slightly dropped , setting itself beside you , sliding under the pure White sheets like a stain , it would try to apologize when you woke up , it decided to stay until you woke up ,
Eyes Saw you and was about to move on until it noticed screech slightly under the covers wrapped around your arm , “what the hell are you doing screech dont you have annoying stuff to do?” Screech hissed at it , “just asking calm Down you rabid toddler “ screech pointed at your ankle and leg “im guessing you did that?” Screech hissed again “yeah it was me “ the High pitched child voice called out “so your apologizing to them?” Eyes- “i want to when they wake up i feel kind of bad for once “ eyes multiple eyes became half lidded “or maybe your starting to like em “ screech hissed “no im not! Ill tattle if you keep saying lies!” Eyes let out a slight chuckle in its head before leaving , it had better things to do than Watch a crush develop even tho screech had the mental capacity of a 10 year Old and he was a child so it made sense ,
Sitting up groggily i notice something on my arm , thoose familiar teeth , what does it want now .. “what do you want screech you did this !” I slightly whisper yelled at him “im sorry “ it let out , “what..?” Screech was still Holding onto my arm “i Said im sorry!” I felt a smile rise , maybe this iPad kid wasnt all bad “i forgive you but if you EVER do that again as bad i Will get you back and thats a promise im warning you..” screech laughed before dissappearing yet again , silly little octopus or whatever it is , sitting up I notice some fur on the bed , screech doesn’t have fur . Only three people do .. Rush Ambush And timothy , timothy is out of the question this fur patch is bigger than him , so rush or ambush ? Why would they even come here at all , and I’m not dead? Did they take a limb and I didn’t notice ?!?
Checking all over not a single limb missing , huh guess they can ATLEAST tolerate me now I think?… , shoving off the covers that had turned warm due to me laying there for a bit , I think I’ve been asleep for around ..3 HOURS!? oh no oh no.. what the hell am I supposed to do , oh wait I forgot i don’t even need to do anything today , might As well find seek or glitch .. though I think both have more important things .. yeah I’ll find Jeff !, quickly leaving the infirmary tracing back to Jeffs shop , making way back , “hi Jeff! How are you?” Jeff squinted his white eyes before pointing at the tip jar , seemingly empty , his expression saddening . He hadn’t sold anything today .. “I’m sorry nobody survived so far yet, maybe j could cheer you up? “ jeffs eye squinted , reaching into my pocket pulling out 455 coins I buy the crucifix and lock pick leaving me some spare change , as I put the rest into his jar almost filling it , Jeff delightedly sticks out a tentacle to me handing me a little lighter as a thank you I’m guessing, “are you sure? I’ll be fine screech is gonna get it if he tries anything !” Throwing a punch 🤜 to show what I would do , Jeff seemed to laugh yet it was complete silence , “thanks Jeff cheered me up a little even tho I was fine thanks anyways!” Waving to jeff as he waved ,
You encounter figure , in his library as always , it seems he was picking up fallen books , you had spoken with him once , yet that was him getting mad at you for breaking a book when you tried to escape the library , he was quite murderous , though he’s quite nice , I’ve heard … “f-figure? It’s me” you noticed him stomp over to you , each footstep echoing along , he slightly growled bowing down to smell me , to maybe see if he could recognise me? Not sure , yet he stepped away , “you break book…” worried he might eat you “I’m incredibly sorry I never meant to.. I was just scared as I had heard rumours long ago , yet I just want to be familiar with something .. “ figure seemed to like your answer as he hurriedly tugged on your arm , a little too rough , “calm down we have time! It hurts if you pull too hard!” Figures grip loosened “friend figure excited!” He had messed up speech clearly most likely from all that growling , but he was understandable
——— figure had just mostly been around with you showing you books , he was like a massive golden retriever yet a little less cuter . He was still adorable he was mostly lonely and wanted to say so much at the same time , yet his speech patterns could prove to be difficult , he accidentally held you too hard , on where halt attacked earlier it was slightly sore but the pain was less than when you got it , figure apologised by trying to read you a book , but he was of course blind , resulting in him becoming a little bit more upset he had done something wrong , “figure it’s not your fault.. you couldn’t have known, please don’t be sad ..” you held his claws in your hands stroking his flesh lightly , he honestly didn’t mind the fact you were touching him so delicately even though he had ripped people to shreds you held him like glass , he liked it ,”figure?..” he liked you , you were nice to him unlike an annoying octopus , he wanted to become better friends with you and maybe even show you to some of the others , you continued stroking his claws , calling out to him but no reply “figure!” He snapped out of it and turned in your direction , “figure like you , you nice “ his long arms wrapping around you loosely ,”I like you too figure your a good friend “ a smile rose too my face , so he was lonely… he let go and without a word just opened something , it was the door “figure see you later “ he waved his arms slinging , realizing you had to beat up half , waving to figure before leaving going back to room 49 down the long corridors , you had greeted dupe , meeting him once because you miscounted , he didn’t reply he closed the door with a slight smile , traversing through the already familiar corridors was slightly weird as you had been here multiple times staring at the first door you went through, “001.. cant believe im back here..” sitting yourself on the floor for a moment unsuccesful in finding halt , “i feel so nostalgic being where everything turned upside down in the blink of an eye , yet i dont feel remorseful coming here , even though theres literal monsters that could devour me alive , and yet.. it is Way more scary then the surface but this is new .. paranormal, what do ya Think hide,” i start smirking while it hurries back into hiding “i Saw you when i walked in , you were peeking , thats not Nice ! “ no reply “i am not mad i just wanna know you better …im not telling you to leave your closet hide i would never.. im assuming you like the closets?” the door slightly opened just a eye visible “y-yeah..” smiling softly at it , “why do you push me out if i stay for a little bit im curious .?” It started closing the door ,”wait! .. i shouldnt have asked we arent acquainted Well yet that was maybe personal im sorry!” It had opened it again , “you Seem ni..Nice enough..”
——————— seek is coming👀 but some cuteness with his eyes (seeks)
You and hide had been talking it was mostly onesided from your side , yet he was shy that was obvious , i had figurer out he liked personal space and i was kind of intruding but i didnt have a choice i did it to escape screech and rush , ambush was fine he left me alone and we were neutral , hide was starting to become nervous as he muttered a quick goodbye before dissappearing into the closet yet again , ive been on a streak today! Ive talked with most of the entities in this damn hotel! Now its seeks turn.. i just hope he Will give me a moment to explain before he rips my limbs off one by one.. as i finally reached a room where his eyes popped up , deciding i might aswell decide if they were a part of him or not , like sentimental beings or if they were just seeks weird eyes.. “can you hear me ?..” the eye blinked staring at you , so did all the other ones. Creepy… “ can you hear me seek?” I hope that they were just seeks weird eyeballs or this would be awkward.. it blinked one..twice..thrice.. “oh thank god! Wait.. thats not a good thing..” i talk to myself pondering for a moment , “your quite cute actually ..” i wasnt lying the eyes were slightly cute looking with thoose Big pupils giving Them almost puppy eyes , what i did next might get me killed but i couldnt hold back against thoose eyes! The eye slightly widened , it looked like it was getting … shy? “I have to make up with seek before i get lost in staring at you “ inspecting the eye for a little bit extra before opening the next door to more Rooms with more eyes all staring , leading up to the dreaded hallway i had been in one too many times
Stepping in i could feel the Air shift , anger and death reeked , and there he was as angry as ever ,
I had quickly decided he would kill me before i even opened my mouth if i didnt get a fucking move on , maybe seek was unbefriendable? , hitting bookshelves causing Them to almost Fall on me , hoping it would stop him in the slightest he would need to slow Down to not get hit , he wasnt that stupid to keep running he was smart, as i had hoped the bookshelf fell but right onto him instead trapping him effectively , clawing at the floor. Wood being chipped off as he desperately tried to escape but to no success , staring at him my heart ached to help yet i wasnt a fool he would tear me limb from limb when he escaped , and yet .. his one eye looking at me so desperately , almost begging for help .
It was just you .seek. And that bookshelf , utter silence filled the room as he had stopped violating the floor , both of you were almost having a staring contest , none of you blinking , his eye shifted from you to the floor , out of pure embarrasment that he were to focused to get another kill he had thought he would be fast enough before it fell, i had made my mind up
I was gonna help
“Im going to help you now okay?..” waiting for his reaction he stopped squirming instead staring at me with his piercing gaze as soon i was in his Range , trying to pull the bookshelf off him struggling as my fingers hurt , “can you give me your hand? I need to use friction.” He stared yet handed me his hand , grabbing onto it i could feel how it was solid yet liquid at the same time , how his fingers intertwined with my own causing a slight hue to appear on my cheeks , most likely he hadnt known that Lovers would often do the same but you were just helping him out , “im going to pull now okay? You tell me if it hurts or anything “ his gaze still on me , pulling with all my might i had gotten him a bit loose fighting he would be fine the rest since he could most likely squeeze out, letting go of his hand as he most likely caught on That i thought he could squeeze out the rest , he was wiggling out , as i was walking away i could feel his gaze pierce through me , who knew one eye would be worse than Two? . Before i slammed the door shut , leaning against it , what the hell happened back there i could have gotten rid of him , for a bit , since hes immortal or whatever he is. He just seemed so helpless i cant even blame myself Any more .
Glitch had met you once and could not give less fucks
Halt Met you five times , it thinks your a little bit annoying
——————— hide doesnt like you intruding into “its” closets but your Nice enough it
Never met shadow
Screech thinks your fine enough mostly neutral
Figure likes you alot
Rush Likes you too
And ambush is pretty neutral too
Seek is mostly on the not like side but after you helped him he has been intrested in asking why
And you Well you were uhh confused and about to shit yourself , because this damn hotel couldnt give you a break for no apparent reason ,
A Lil silly things if youve made it this far without closing it or thinking “this shit is ass “
Oh and in this little short drab you had befriended most of Them figure seek and rush May start to like you more than normal for friends?!?.
Rush wouldnt stop following me going where i go , except seeks hallways and figures library it would follow me EVERYWHERE breaking the lights in the process so i wouldnt be able to see anything , finally making it into figures library as always he was happy to see me , but more chipper “its me figure!” Growling he were quick to stomp Way to where you were before grabbing you over to a book “read!” He excitedly spoke out before grabbing a romance book , yet it was a children appropriate one , Its Title were The Monster And the Beauty (copied from beauty and the beast)
Reading into the book getting more and more tired after each chapter while figure never seemingly lost energy ,Falling asleep while Reading figure had only noticed after a bit of silence before snoring was heard “friend?” He lightly shook you but no reply , he would find you somewhere you could lay until you woke up , there arent really Any places that would be comfortable , having decided he would hold you until , his arms hanging loosely around your frame squeezing to get a better grip , after somewhere he could sit , before trying to take a nap too, his head on top of yours ,
He was flustered because he knew this wasnt just for friends ,
Rush had talked with you for a bit seemingly liking your Company Way too much for your liking , it never noticed following you and protecting you (from nothing) it liked you alot , its obvious to everyone ESPECIALLY seek and figure not liking how much it was with you , rush is Nice and energetic but it can be too much , “rush i see you Down the hall..” it moved away , god rush was killing me with all this attention and cuddling out of nowhere.. “im not mad but please let me be alone for a few minutes atleast . Dont you have ambush to annoy?” It was beside you in the blink of an eye “no. Hes annoying” it was rubbing against you , fur getting everywhere , “rush i love you but this is to much ..” it was too late it was already snaked around you like a blanket set on not letting you go, “you love me! ?” So he had only heard the love part “yes i love all of you .” It seemed to sadden when you Said everyone , deciding you would cheer rush up a little , petting his fur “your fur is so soft rush! I just need your tips!” Its smile seemed to widen , you were in for a Long run of tips butttttt to see its smile widen like that would be worth it
—————— Seek
Sitting quietly on the floor , there seek was seemingly intrested in the carpet , picking at it before noticing you had entered , “Hi seek! Oh how badly i missed you!” He seemed to like what you Said before nodding , skipping over to where he sat before sitting beside him leaning into his shoulder fluttering butterflys in his non-existent heart , “you okay? Your quiet today..” he thought of so many other scenarios you could say that in (not innocent) seemingly making him move away slightly , he had found some books in figures library about the Human body intrested how it worked and had stumbled upon intercourse in one of Them , he couldnt get it out of his head ,
Seemingly deciding he wanted to try and Woo you like in the books , his shaky hand landed on yours , a moment of silence before your hand slithered into his causing him to look away , “ypu could have asked if you wanted to hold hands ! Me and figure do it so dont be shy to ask..” he didnt like hearing figures name come out of your mouth it made him a bit jealous.. his hand was still shaking since this was the closest contact he had ever had with you , he would try harder tp make you fall for him , he moved closer to you his head bumping into yours as a Way to try and assert some sort of ownership in his eyes , yet you Saw it as innocent friendship , he had looked Down at you his gaze not leaving you once before you finally stared back at him , “you okay? Something on my face?” You had touched around on your face asking if there was anything there he would Shake his head everytime wishing he could get out the Word “that beautiful smile “ yet he couldnt he felt too shy today , just initiating contact took alot out of him , you were starting to notice he was awfully quiet not talking once , and initiating contact alot, maybe he needed some attention because he was upset?, “can i hug you?” It caught him off Guard his singular eye widening , did he not want a hug!? Does he hate me now? , did i miscalxulate the situation?! Theese thoughts streaming through your poor oblivious head , he slowly nodded turning away from you ,
He was extremely flustered
You were going in for a full on hug grabbing from under his arms your head buried into the crook of his neck , he sat there for a moment comprehending where to even touch or even if he should
You were nuzzling into him a little bit seemingly comfortable as you had done this once with rush and glitch , he seemed to like it as his arms slowly held onto your back ,
He thought this was intimate which was doing a huge number on him and his self esteem , but he was starting to liqiufy from all this affection he was used to chasing and murdering, not whatever this was .. yet he liked it.. ALOT
(Rush is Watching from the end of the hallway and its fucking Jealous )
He tried to kiss you once(you Didnt notice he aint Got a mouth idiot ) he was so confident after thinkikg you knew (you didnt ) and he was starting to Think he had you in the bag (rush and figure are trying so hard to prevent it and make you theirs because you arent scared of Them or judge Them, and because rush likes you touching its fur and praising it ) seek Got this (most likely not with the other Two)
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w2soneshots · 2 months
im sry if you keep writing stuff about jj but you're literally the only one who is writing for him rn 😭😭
so yeahhh ignore this if you want but can you please write where the reader is a youtuber and is doing a series where she pranks jj (or they prank each other like prank-war type thing idk). so the reader decides on a cheating prank with third person (i dont really mind who, could be in sidemen or troops). the reader and the person pretend to do IT on their bed before jj walks and he sees them then he gets all sad and mad and u can decide what happens after that im not rly sure lmao. preferably happy ending, tyyy love ur fics 💕💕
Prank -KSI
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Words: 0.6k+
Warnings: angst, fake cheating, argument, self doubt.
In which you perform a prank on JJ with Calfreezy and it goes terribly wrong.
a/n: thank you for requesting!! I literally wrote this within an hour of your request because I love the idea so much (I’m only posting it now because I already posted something yesterday). Anyway hope you enjoy🫶🏼🤍
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I've known JJ since we were teenagers. We started off as friends, moved to London together, I lived in the sidemen house for a little while and during that time we began dating. He asked me to be his girlfriend and we've been together ever since. I've been doing YouTube for as long as I can remember, that's how me and JJ became friends since not many people did YouTube at that time. I'm also great friends with the rest of the sidemen, Callux and Freezy.
Recently I've been doing a series on my channel where I prank JJ and he started doing it back. It started with little ones like: drawing a beard on him while he slept (because he can't grow one), then he bought a confetti bomb and scared the shit out of me with it. It continued on like that for a few weeks, me and JJ thought it was absolutely hilarious. Recently my comments have been full of people asking me to do a "cheating prank" so I decided to deliver.
I asked Freezy to do it with me since we've always got along well, he thought it would be funny so said yes. I asked him to come round to our apartment just before JJ was due to return home from a sidemen shoot. To make it look "real" but not actually touch each other we decided when we heard JJ open the front door Cal would make it look like he was quickly putting his clothes back on. I set up the camera so it was hidden but faced the bedroom door so it would catch JJ's reaction. Then me and Cal explained what was going to happen for the viewers.
When we heard the door click I jumped under the covers so my head was just peaking out and Cal rushed to take his top off. "y/n?!" JJ shouted through the apartment. I didn't respond. "y/n?" JJ opened the door just as Cal pulled his shirt back over his head. His face went blank as his eyes flickered from me and then back to Cal. "What the fuck are you doing!" He said stepping forward and harshly pushing Cals shoulder so he stumbled back slightly. I actually wasn't expecting him to believe it. I leaped up from the bed. "Woah, JJ it's a prank!" I stammered. His brows furrowed angrily. "Stop lying, I caught you!" He shouted. "No seriously mate, it's a prank." Cal stated. "Look." I lept around the bed to grab the hidden camera and held it up for him to see. His face calmed.
JJ shot a quick apology at Cal then he left, leaving me and JJ alone. We sat on the bed. I gently cupped his face in my hands. "Do you seriously believe I'd ever cheat on you?" I asked calmly. His eyes dropped to his lap but I brought his head higher so he looked me in the eyes. "I just- you're so amazing and I-" he started. I nodded my head telling him to go on. "I still can't believe someone like you would want to be with someone like me." My heart sank. "I love you so much. I've never loved anyone as much as I love you, and I never will." I said quietly. He pulled me into a hug and held me tight. "I'm sorry for reacting like that." He said into the crook of my neck. "No, I shouldn't have done the prank. I didn't think about the fact you might believe it, that was stupid of me." He pulled away "I love you." I smiled "I love you too."
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nicofics · 7 months
hey so uhm I saw you wanted to write sumthing so I decided to tell u this request :3 maybe like.. a lucifer x male, god mc reader that is a son of The goddess Nyx? Nyx is the goddess of night and has ALOT of children. And by alot I mean 1000+. She's also feared by Zeus! Also something I copied off of google -> “Children of Nyx can telekinetically move and transform their shadow constructs. The more constructs moved and the bigger they are, the more energy is drained. Children of Nyx have the ability to create intangible stars, which will light an area for a short time.„ just so you don't have to research for an huge amount of time! So yeah, male god MC/reader that's very wise, the oldest sibling, strict and more or less overly calm, protective and emotionless, lives in the celestial realm. Have fun :3 also make sure to eat and drink well, don't rush yourself and make sure to take all the time you need.
𝙣𝙤𝙗𝙤𝙙𝙮 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙞 𝙨𝙚𝙚
𝘭𝘶𝘤𝘪𝘧𝘦𝘳 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
summary: you meet a certain demon during the exchange program
notes: i hope you like this!! i tried to get the characteristics in but idk how well i did 😭 im working on some hcs so they should be up by friday!!
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you had just come from the celestial realm, though you were certainly not happy about leaving all your siblings behind, you knew to follow your mothers orders; plus, you could take care of yourself, maybe thats why she chose you? anyways. you were standing in the middle of the hall, 8 large demons standing in front of you, you weren’t scared, quite the opposite actually, there were two angels beside you. you had seen them about but you didn’t know much about them. after the biggest demon, lord diavolo, gave you a rundown on how everything was going to work, lucifer escorted you to the house of lamentation.
once you arrived at the large house, lucifer opened the door to you, he hadn’t seemed to stop watching your every movement like a hawk, perhaps he was wary of you? your mother is scary to some. looking around the entrance hall to the house of lamentation you couldn’t help but gawk at just how large it is, you knew how siblings were, and how destructive they could be, but still, this house was like as if it came straight out of a fairy tale
“this is where you’ll be sleeping, mc” lucifer opened a door by the stairs, a big enough room with a tree in the middle, strange, but you didn’t question it, you’ve seen weirder. “thanks” you respond, not showing much emotion while you talk, lucifer was almost taken aback, not expecting you to be so calm about the whole ordeal, luke had been upset, why not you?
“i’ll come get you at dinner, please, get comfortable until then” you gave lucifer a small nod, he then exited the room. while he was gone, you looked around the room, finding clothes that fitted you, a surprisingly comfortable bed and a bookshelf, great, now you can read in your free time
while you lay on your bed, you heard a knock on the door, you quietly walk up, twist the door knob and open it, only to reveal lucifer, again. he seemed to have a strange fascination with you, he wondered why. “dinner will be ready soon, please, let me take you down” “yes, okay” you responded, following lucifer down the grand staircase and into the spectacular dining hall. all the other six brothers were already there, eating their dinner.
lucifer guided you to a seat, handing you a plate and sitting down beside you, he knew of your status, yet still he found himself drawn to you, as if you were pulling him along on a leash. “how are you enjoying it here so far, mc?” he asked, curious of your response, hoping its been good. you gave a small nod, “it’s been fine” you took a bite of the food, it’s nothing like you’ve ever tasted before, but it was good.
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faela404 · 1 year
☆ The Library ☆
kazuha x gn! reader
prompt: - you and kazuha attend the same university, him being a english lit major and you being a person in stem😎 your paths never crossed until that day in the library…
*this is an smau so please do expect a lot of twitter posts and messages to read, there will be proper writing too but, it will mostly be that!!*
warning! light flirting?
masterlist - prev | next
☆ do you need help? ☆
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pushing on the large wooden doors of my punishment, i stepped further into the library. god i’ve still got so much to do with so little time. winter break is quickly approaching and i cannot do the normal term of detentions that we would usually get for being late.
“oh hello, y/n” i snapped my head up at the sudden greeting. oh, it’s just kazuha. i lightly smiled towards him.
he looks quite pretty in this lighting, well he looks pretty in all lighting.
“hey kazuha, how’s your assignment coming along?” i ask, recalling his previous complaints about the difficulty of his work.
“ah, it only seems to be getting harder and harder to complete” he looks quite upset, i really do hope it begins to become easier for him.
i begin to dust the closest shelves to me as we continue our conversation. “well, i’d be happy to help you at any point, kazuha” i send him a quick smile before turning back to the dirty shelves.
i miss the light blush that graces his pale complexion.
he hums lightly “thank you, y/n i really appreciate that” i hear his footsteps retreat back towards his seat.
i need to focus on my cleaning again.
finally, i run my feather-duster across the last shelf in the last bookcase in this corner of the library. that took so long, im exhausted.
“you need to finish cleaning by the end of the term right?” his voice rings through the library.
has he been waiting to speak to me?
“hm? oh yeah i do why?” i turn to face him.
oh god, he looks exhausted.
“well” he stands up and begins walking closer to me “as you know, i need to finish my assignment by the end of the term”
he’s getting so much closer to me.
“and i was wondering, if perhaps”
he’s infront of me now
“you would help me complete my assignment”
he’s leaning his arm on the bookcase next to me
“and in return”
his eyes are so much more beautiful up close
“i’ll help you clean the rest of the library”
why is he so pretty? “does that sound fair, y/n?”
huh? oh god he’s waiting for me to answer.
i barely remember what he said exactly but, i think i got the gist of it. i help him with his assignment, he helps me clean the library. i suppose that would be helpful.
“yeah, that sounds fair kazuha!” thank god, this library might actually get cleaned now.
“but, i must ask, what made you consider offering?” i tilt my head towards him.
“i saw how exhausted you became during that, i figured you might appreciate the help. besides you had already been kind enough to offer to help me, i figured, you should get something in return too”
i smiled up at him, he’s so kind.
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a/n - omg i’m so sorry, this took so long to come out! i was quite busy with my last week of school however, im off now until january! so expect updates a lot more regularly! :D anyway, i do hope you enjoy this chapter although it is quite rushed😅 take care of yourselves! <3
taglist - open! @kazuhaprnt @ryhie @scaraapologist @thissoulisnotok @kazuhalvrr @rifran @sleepyhamster1001 @mccnstruck @micahmxi @whipped-for-fictionals @sashiette @kozumieee @lazy-sanns @mangobee @lez-zuha @kaoyamamegami @hedonesstuff @oliver-s-worlds @phoenix-eclipses
bold= blog not found
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tokkias · 1 year
Hey I wanted to ask, I know you are taking a break on writing fix’s but when you get back, do you think you could write a fic where Wendy walks in on natsu and Lucy making out and then high jinks ensue of Wendy trying to keep their secret and natsu and Lucy trying to keep her quiet? You don’t have to, just asking.
don't believe me any time i say im taking a break because i just love writing my silly little guys too much
title: indiscreet summary: Not one to want to hurt her friends, Wendy will do whatever it takes to keep Natsu and Lucy’s relationship a secret. It would all be smooth sailing if Wendy weren’t a terrible liar,and unfortunately for them, lying by omission is still lying. ao3
cw for implied sexual content
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An over-night trip out of town, as always, called for a visit to a local restaurant for dinner. It was a Team Natsu tradition that Wendy had grown to enjoy over the years as it allowed her to enjoy foods from all over the country, along with letting her spend some quality time with her beloved teammates. Or at least, most of her teammates anyway.
Tonight it seemed as though it was just her, Erza, Gray, Carla and Happy, with Natsu and Lucy having disappeared the moment they arrived at the inn. It was not uncommon for some members to split off for the night or hit the hay early, but it was unusual for Natsu of all people to split off before getting a chance to eat.
She and her team, sans Natsu and Lucy, had been sitting in the small foyer of the inn they were staying at, discussing their dinner plans for the night when Erza spoke up to point out their absence.
"Do we know if Natsu and Lucy wanted to join us?" She asked, taking note of how the two had chosen not to join them yet.
Gray shrugged. "I don’t know; I haven’t seen them since they left for their rooms earlier. Never got a chance to ask."
"Don’t worry, I can go ask them!" Wendy enthusiastically volunteered.
"No, that’s okay, I can do it." Happy interrupted, perhaps a tad quicker than was necessary.
"It’s alright Happy, I don’t mind," she smiled as she headed off in the direction of Lucy’s room, with Happy following close behind her, rather quickly, as if there was something in there that he didn’t want her to see.
"I don’t think that’s a good idea," he warned. "I mean, Lucy can be a big meanie scary lady when she’s hungry, and I don’t want you to fall victim to that."
"You and Natsu are always too hard on her," Wendy replied, "I’m sure she’ll be okay with me coming and asking."
As she got closer to the door, Happy began to panic, not wanting to give himself away but also not wanting Wendy to see what was going on behind the door.
"I just don’t want you to be on the receiving end of her wrath," Happy said innocently, trying to coax poor Wendy away from the door.
"It’ll be okay. It’s just Lucy," she brushed off as she reached for the doorknob.
From the very moment the door clicked shut, Lucy’s hands were tangled in Natsu’s hair, and his lips were locked against hers. He was a little rougher than she had anticipated, but that was simply to be expected after having to keep his hands off of her all day (for the most part, anyway).
His hand rested on the small of her back, holding her body close to his as they moved from the door to the bed. Their footwork was a bit of a mess, but neither could be too concerned about it by the time Lucy’s knees hit the back of the mattress, pulling them both down onto the sheets. She hooked her foot around the back of his knee and roughly pulled him closer, eliciting a grunt as his crotch hit hers, which was quickly swallowed in their kiss.
The two of them were so enveloped in the taste of each other that they paid hardly any mind to the squeak of the hinges as the door opened.
"Erza, Gray, and I were just wondering if you guys wer- oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!"
Wendy had been so excited at the prospect of being helpful to the rest of her team that she hadn’t even considered that it might be polite to knock, and immediately her hands shot up to cover her eyes in a poor attempt to pretend that she hadn’t seen anything.
While the sound of the door opening may have gone under the radar, the terrified squeal of their young teammate caught the pair's attention quickly, and Lucy instinctively shoved Natsu off of her and covered her chest with her arms, despite being fully clothed.
It wasn’t like she had considered they would be doing anything inappropriate; at worst, she might have caught a glimpse of one of them undressing, but nothing she hadn’t seen before. To be fair, what they were doing wasn’t exactly inappropriate, just… shocking, more than anything.
Suddenly, Happy’s hesitance to have her check on them was making a lot more sense.
"I’m sorry! I’m so, so, so, so sorry!" She cried out, hands still hiding her face, whether in attempt to pretend she wasn’t there or to hide herself in shame and embarrassment, she wasn’t quite sure.
Her brain was telling her to run and hide, but her feet were planted firmly on the ground.
"Wendy, it’s okay," Lucy’s voice came, gentle and soothing. "You don’t… you don’t need to apologise okay?"
By the time she gained the courage to look at them, Wendy found the two of them sitting on the edge of the bed as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened, only given away by the faint blush tainting Lucy’s cheeks.
"U-um, okay! Sorry…" She murmured before looking back down at her feet. "I’m sorry, I’ll just leave…"
"I think we should just tell her," Natsu said, flopping backwards onto the mattress, perhaps more casually than the situation called for.
"Obviously I was going to tell her!" Lucy replied as she gave him a firm whack to his shoulder. "We have something we want to talk to you about," she said, as calmly as she could muster.
"I-I know what sex is!" Wendy managed to stutter out, not wanting to put any of them through the perhaps traumatic experience of giving her The Talk.
"We weren’t-!" Panic began to set in Lucy’s bones once again, caught off guard by Wendy’s misinterpretation of just exactly what they wanted to talk to her about. "That’s not what we wanted to talk to you about."
She patted the spot on the mattress between her and Natsu, indicating that she join them on the bed. Making sure to shut the door behind her, Wendy tottered inside, with Happy following not far after her, and she pulled herself up to sit beside them. An awkward silence overcame the room as Wendy desperately tried to avoid anyone’s gaze and Lucy tried to figure out just what to say to her.
"Lucy and I are dating," Natsu said bluntly.
"O-oh, okay… I guess that makes sense," Wendy replied before immediately mentally chastising herself for the foolish answer. "So um… who else knows?"
"Happy," Natsu responded.
"Is that all?"
"Just Happy," Lucy followed up.
Wendy looked over at Happy, who in return shot her an apologetic look, before she looked over at Natsu and Lucy.
"So Erza and Gray don’t know?" Wendy asked, a little confused as to how something like this could have been kept a secret from over half of their team.
"We haven’t told anyone else," Lucy clarified. "So we would appreciate it if you just, kept it quiet for a while."
"Okay… That’s okay… I can keep a secret…" Wendy mumbled. "Um… I’m not very good at lying though," she admitted.
"You don’t have to lie," Happy suggested, "you just have to not mention it."
Happy’s loophole sounded reasonable enough, but there was an unease sitting in her chest that she just couldn’t shake. It seemed as though her nervous energy did not go unnoticed when she felt Natsu’s hand rest on her shoulder. She looked up at him to see his casual grin, looking like nothing had gone wrong. Her gaze flicked over to Happy and then to Lucy, and they were all looking at her like it really was no big deal.
A faint sigh of relief escaped her, feeling comforted by their certainty that she was capable of keeping their secret for now.
"Okay, I won’t tell anyone," Wendy assured, "I promise!"
In response, Natsu held out his pinkie for her, which she enthusiastically locked hers around.
"Pinkie promise," she reaffirmed. "Oh, and, um… maybe this isn’t the right time to ask, but… Gray and Erza wanted to know if you two were going to join us for dinner," she added, recalling why she had made it her mission to come here in the first place.
"Nah, Lucy and I are gonna hang out here for a while," Natsu rejected.
Wendy blushed at the implication of what hanging out meant, considering what she had originally walked in on.
"Your loss," Happy brushed off, seemingly unaffected by the idea of what the pair might be doing behind closed doors.
"Have some for us, okay?" Lucy smiled.
“R-right! I’ll let the others know,” Wendy replied as she hopped off the bed and headed towards the door.
“Have fuuuunnnnn~” Happy chimed on his way out, eliciting a deep blush from Lucy followed by a pillow thrown in his direction that he masterfully dodged before Wendy shut the door behind them. "I did warn you," he joked in a light-hearted attempt to lighten the mood on the way back to their teammates.
"You did," Wendy sheepishly admitted.
"So? Are they coming or not?" Gray asked as he saw Wendy and Happy approach.
"Um… no I don’t think so…" Wendy replied.
"You don’t think so?" Erza inquired.
Immediately realising her mistake, Wendy began to panic, scrambling to figure out the right words to ease Erza’s suspicions.
"No-! I mean-"
"They’re not hungry," Happy butted in, much to Wendy’s relief and the rest of the team's confusion.
"Is everything okay, Wendy? You look a bit flustered," Erza commented, raising an eyebrow.
She had truly thought that she was doing a good job of hiding it, but apparently it wasn’t good enough, and having Erza point it out only served to make her panic rise to the surface even more.
"Um, yeah!" She tried to reassure in a poor attempt to divert the conversation.
"I think she’s just disappointed that Natsu and Lucy aren’t coming with us, right Wendy?" Happy added casually.
"R-right!" She affirmed, relieved that at least she wasn’t the only one here in on the secret. "It’s just not the same without them."
"You say that like it’s a bad thing," Gray retorted. "Shame Lucy’s not coming, but Natsu can stay in his room for the rest of the job for all I care."
"Unusual for Natsu to pass on food, wouldn’t you agree, Happy?" Erza asked, turning her attention to the exceed.
"No, I wouldn’t," he blatantly lied in response, hoping to gaslight Erza into turning her attention somewhere else.
She shot him a confused look, but nevertheless moved on. "Alright then," she said, deciding it wasn’t worth the mental effort to jump through whatever hoops Happy was setting up for her. "Let’s go then."
Once Erza and Gray had gone on ahead, Wendy bought her hand up to her chest to settle her racing heart, pleased that she no longer had to think about it until Carla spoke up.
"You are acting awfully weird, child." She commented. "What on earth happened in there that’s got you all worked up?"
"It must be Lucy’s weirdness rubbing off on her," Happy suggested.
Wendy let out a nervous laugh as she realised just how hard it was going to be to hide this secret from her best friend and keep the promise she had made.
"Oh, it’s really nothing," she reassured. "Why don’t we catch up with Erza and Gray? Some food sounds really good right about now."
"If you say so…"  Carla replied, still not totally convinced but not suspicious enough to press any further.
It didn’t come as a surprise to Wendy when Natsu and Lucy weren’t with the rest of the team when she and Carla arrived to set out on their job the next morning. Erza beckoned the two over to the spot where she, Gray, and Happy were sitting, waiting for the rest of them.
"Sorry we’re late," Wendy apologised.
"Well, it seems you’re not the last to arrive," Erza commented, gesturing to the space devoid of their last two teammates.
"Where are those two?" Gray questioned, glancing over to the clock to see that they were already a few minutes past their designated meeting time. "They’ve been late for every job we’ve taken for the past two months."
"I’ll go fetch them then," Erza offered.
"No!" Wendy cried out, earning her a surprised look from her teammates. "I- It’s just that…"
"Lucy’s cranky because Natsu was being a pain in her ass this morning," Happy chimed in.
"What did he do?" Erza inquired.
"Oh, well, you know how he is," Happy replied vaguely.
"Yes, I do," she said, nodding her head in agreement. "Well, I suppose Lucy has earned a late start for dealing with him all night. I’ll have to put Natsu in his place when they arrive."
As if on cue, the duo arrived, Natsu’s arm predictably slung over Lucy’s shoulder as it always was.
"Glad to see you two finally showed up," Gray snarked.
"Yes, I’m pleased that you both made it," Erza added. "But I’m not pleased to hear you’ve been making things difficult for Lucy."
"What? What did I do?" He asked, whipping his head over to his partner, who looked just as confused as he was before realising that this was just the cover that Wendy and Happy had set up for him.
"Yeah, what did you do, Natsu?" Lucy asked, deciding to play along.
"I don’t know!" He cried, still a little slow to catch on. "I guess I used your hand lotion?"
"You’ve been using my hand lotion?" Lucy asked, her face dropping, no longer happy to play along. "Natsu! That’s expensive!" She whined.
"Yeah, well, it smells nice and it makes my hands soft," he ardently defended.
What had begun as merely playing along had devolved into a full-on squabble, and Wendy couldn’t help but giggle slightly at how they were behaving exactly like an old married couple.
"Well, if I had known it was such a contentious topic, I wouldn’t have brought it up," Erza commented, scratching her head slightly in confusion at the absurdity of it all. "Regardless, it’s time you two stop squabbling: we have a job to do." She demanded. "Here’s the plan: Natsu, Gray, and I will split up to search on the ground, Carla and Happy will do overhead reconnaissance, and Wendy and Lucy will question the locals about any suspicious activity," Erza declared. "Does everyone understand their roles?"
A murmur of agreement echoed through the team before Erza spoke up once more.
"Now let’s get to it!"
Walking along the streets with Lucy, Wendy felt she could let out a sigh of relief. It had only been a day, but the pressure of keeping a secret so big was already beginning to weigh on her, so finally being around someone who was also in on it was a nice break.
"Hey Lucy? Is it okay if I ask you something?"
With her attention caught, Lucy’s gaze flicked over to Wendy before she replied. "Sure, anything."
"Why haven’t you told anyone else that you and Natsu are dating?" She asked.
Lucy was quiet for a moment as the gears turned in her head while she searched for the right words to explain their reasons.
"Because… things are kind of new with us, and we just want to figure things out on our own first before we tell anyone."
Wendy’s eyes fell to her feet, a pang of guilt running through her as she realised that she had gotten in the way of their plan.
"I’m sorry for ruining that…" she murmured.
"You haven’t ruined it at all," Lucy reassured, "we just didn’t want the group’s dynamic to change just because our relationship has."
Wendy looked back up at her to find Lucy smiling down at her, and suddenly all her fears and guilt melted away.
She understood why they had chosen to do that, but she also couldn’t help but feel a slight irony in it all. The group dynamic hadn’t changed in the slightest because their transition from friends to something more had been so subtle that she may not have noticed it if she hadn’t accidentally walked in on them swapping spit.
"Thank you for trusting me," Wendy said.
"Of course," Lucy assured, "I have no reason not to."
Wendy beamed up at her with a newfound resolve to keep their secret hidden tight away in the depths of her brain, and with her curiosities quelled, she was ready to get back to their job.
"Right! Well now it’s time for us to get to work!" She cheered, prepared to start their search for leads.
Wendy noted that as soon as their group gathered, Natsu was immediately back at Lucy’s side, his arm slung around one shoulder while his chin rested on the other. The move was done so casually as if it were nothing, and no one else seemed to react. For a moment, Wendy was almost convinced that the rest of them already knew.
"Alright," Erza began, "now that we’re here, has anyone gained any insight on who we’re after?"
"There’s talk that a delivery of various valuables will be making its way out of town tomorrow at noon, and we have reason to believe that the group we’re after will ambush in an unguarded area about thirty minutes out from the exit to the west," Lucy explained.
"That makes sense," Gray agreed. "I saw a group of suspicious-looking guys gather out in the south-west part of town. I think those could be our guys."
"Then I say we set up along the route and keep a watch out for when the carriage arrives," Lucy suggested. "If our intel is correct, then we can attack when they jump the vehicle and take them back to the local authorities."
"I like Lucy’s plan," Natsu affirmed followed by a murmur of agreement from the rest of the group.
"Alright, then if no one else has any objections, we will reconvene tomorrow at nine for setup," Erza explained. "And I expect everyone to be on time," she added, shooting Natsu and Lucy a look, to which they shrank under her gaze.
To their credit, Natsu and Lucy did show up on time the next morning, the only thing was, by the time they showed up, it was rather obvious to Wendy what they had been doing beforehand.
Lucy’s face was flushed and her hair tousled, thrown up in a messy ponytail rather than tied up neat and tidy like she was known for. On their approach, she quickly twisted her skirt around so it was facing the right way, clearly having just been thrown on before they made their way there.
The sight of it had Wendy’s face turning a matching shade of red as she tried to divert her thoughts somewhere else while also concealing her embarrassment.
"What’s up with you two?" Gray asked, immediately noticing the unusual blush crossing his two friends' faces. "You’re both all red."
"Oh, it must just be the weather, right, Wendy?" Lucy explained.
"R-right!" She agreed, relieved that Lucy was much quicker to think on her feet than she was.
Gray raised a brow at them but moved on nonetheless. "Guess I wouldn’t know," he shrugged.
The walk across town went by uneventfully, but there was something about knowing—about being in on the secret—that had resulted in Wendy seeing Natsu and Lucy’s relationship with new eyes. Nothing had changed about the way they interacted with each other, but now that she knew the context of their relationship, she couldn’t help but see the romance in everything they did together.
Suddenly she was hyperaware of how Natsu seemingly had to have his hands on Lucy at all times, and how all those touches that she had always thought were innocent, friendly gestures now held more meaning to them.
He always had to have an arm slung around her shoulder or a hand resting on her waist, keeping her close to him at all times. There were some moments where Wendy even thought she had caught a glance at them holding hands.
Oftentimes Lucy would rest her head gently on his shoulder, and his hand would come up to rest in her hair. It wasn’t uncommon for her to let her eyes flutter shut after a long day and drift away in the comfort of her best friend’s presence.
Nobody had ever questioned it because none of this was out of the norm for them. Natsu and Lucy had always been close, and they had always been affectionate; it just seemed that everyone had accepted the fact that it was simply all platonic.
Little did they know.
Wendy tried her best to keep her eyes to herself, but once she started noticing, she couldn’t stop herself. Whenever she got the chance, she would always sneak a glance at the two and was always met with the same sweet affections that had simply become all too familiar to anyone who had spent any time with them. What started as quick glances soon became long gazes as she realised that the two of them were more absorbed in each other than anything else, and suddenly Wendy was no longer hiding her stares from them but from everyone else. Gray had nearly caught her once already, but she had just awkwardly brushed it off as spacing out in their general direction.
It didn’t end at the touches either. What she had just become accustomed to as average Natsu and Lucy banter, she now realised was actually just their way of flirting. They could bicker and tease back and forth about almost anything, and while she had never thought it to be serious, she couldn’t realise how unserious it was until she noticed the way their faces were mere inches apart, breaths grazing against each other’s lips, attention nowhere else but each other even as they walked. The scene exuded so much sexual tension that Wendy almost felt embarrassed to watch, feeling as though she had once again walked in on something she shouldn’t have.
They went on like that the entire walk to their destination, touching, flirting, blatantly so, and she wondered how none of them had ever paid any mind to it before.
When they made it to their destination, Wendy got into position, hidden behind a rock near the area where she and Lucy had heard rumours that the ambush was supposed to take place. She and Natsu had been placed in charge of keeping an ear out for trouble and ensuring that they didn’t give their opponents the upper hand by catching them off guard.
As she heard the carriage approaching, immediately she became hyperaware of her surroundings, knowing that those they were after could appear at any moment. She took it upon herself to sniff the air to see if she could sense any changes, but it seemed that Natsu was already far ahead of her.
He appeared almost out of nowhere, holding a bandit by the collar before throwing him face-first into the ground, which prompted the rest of the lackeys to come out and attack. Going into this job, they were all aware that they would be outnumbered by the bandits they had been hired to arrest, but just when she thought all of them had shown themselves, more would appear from the shadows. It wasn’t anything they couldn’t handle, but it was becoming increasingly clear that they had come underprepared for the sheer number of opponents they were facing.
Suddenly recalling the carriage, Wendy whipped around to catch sight of it to ensure that it wasn’t getting looted while they were distracted. Thankfully she was met with Lucy, Gray, and Loke, all having taken initiative to protect it while she, Natsu, and Erza had been occupied holding off bandits further ahead.
What should have been an effortless fight had turned into something much longer than any of them had gone into expecting. Wendy could feel her muscles begin to ache from over-exertion, not having correctly prepared herself for a fight of this magnitude, but she felt herself lucky when she saw the state of some of her other teammates. Glancing over at Natsu, she saw blood dripping from his temple from a shallow wound, no doubt from one of the non-magic user’s weapons, and Gray and Lucy didn’t look much better.
There was no doubt they had the upper hand in the fight and would ultimately see their goal through, but more than anything, she wanted it to be over so she could make sure her friends were okay.
Once the final bandit had been cuffed and tied up, Wendy finally let out a sigh of relief. Not that she thought this job would end any other way, but she was just glad it was finally over.
After giving the carriage a once-over and ensuring all goods remained untouched, the driver gave them his thanks before seeing himself off, and Wendy could finally see herself to ensure her teammates were back in tip-top shape.
Before she could even think of approaching Natsu to treat his wound, Lucy threw herself at him, throwing her arms around his neck and holding onto him like her life depended on it, and Natsu responded with equal enthusiasm.
Her hand rested gently on his jaw, and for a second, Wendy thought she was going to lean in for a kiss. Instead, but just as tender, she nestled into his chest, arms holding him close as he tucked her under his chin and it looked like a perfect fit.
Wendy tried to turn her attention elsewhere and give the pair some privacy, but she couldn’t help eavesdropping now that her ears were tuned in to their conversation.
"I’m so glad you’re safe," Lucy murmured into his chest.
"Me too," Natsu replied as he rubbed soothing circles into her back.
The two of them sat in silence for a few moments, content to find comfort in each other’s presence, until Natsu spoke up again.
"I love you," he mumbled, his voice muffled in her hair but clear as day to Wendy.
"I love you too," Lucy responded, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
Wendy immediately felt her face heat up at their declaration, feeling every bit of love and emotion in their words. Tears began to well up in the corners of her eyes as the emotions took hold of her body, and she felt herself begin to get weepy at the tender scene.
They were in love.
They were so deeply, truly in love, and the mere sight of it was enough to make her emotional.
She wiped away her tears and sucked in a long breath, not wanting to let herself give their secret away because she couldn’t keep her emotions in check.
"Is everything okay, Wendy?" Erza asked, "You’re not hurt, are you?"
"No, I’m okay," she clarified. "I’m just glad everyone else is okay."
"I was going to go heal up Natsu but…" The two of them glanced over at him and Lucy, finding them still wrapped in each other’s arms, Lucy buried in his chest while his hand and face were buried in her hair. "I think he’s occupied at the moment."
Wendy and Carla had made sure to arrive at the station for their ride home early, not wanting to be on the receiving end of Erza’s wrath if they arrived late, much like Natsu and Lucy had been doing lately. Erza and Gray were there already waiting for them, with Natsu, Lucy, and Happy, perhaps a little predictably at this point, nowhere to be seen.
"Natsu and Lucy aren’t here, are they?" Wendy asked.
"No," Erza confirmed, raising a brow slightly at that being her first question as she approached. "Why do you ask?"
"Oh um! N-no reason!" She stuttered out in reply, waving her hands out in front of her defensively.
In response to her weird behaviour, Carla placed her hands on her hips and let out a sigh. "What is going on with you, Wendy?" She demanded to know.
"Wh-what’s going on with me?" She replied, trying to act innocent and pretend she had no clue what she was referring to.
"You’ve been acting all skittish as of late, and you won’t even tell me why," Carla reprimanded.
"What are you talking about?" She nervously laughed, "I’m just nervous about the train ride is all."
"It’s not kind to lie, child," Carla replied, "and it’s even worse to keep secrets."
After seeing how the two of them had placed their utmost trust in her, Wendy was certain that she would be able to keep their secret for as long as they needed her to, but the way that her friend was looking at her made her resolve crack under the pressure.
"N-Natsu and Lucy are dating!" Wendy blurted out before slapping her hand over her mouth, immediately realising her mistake.
"Excuse me?"  Erza said, clearly taken aback by the look on her face.
"N-no! Oh gosh, I shouldn’t have said that…" she murmured, "I was supposed to keep it a secret, but now I’ve just gone and ruined everything."
Just as she was about to beg them not to mention it, Natsu, Lucy, and Happy made their entrance, and immediately Erza stepped in to ruin her plan of getting them to keep quiet about it.
"You and Natsu are dating?" Erza asked, her tone more accusatory than questioning.
"What?" Lucy asked, taken aback by the sudden question.
"I’m so sorry! I’m so, so sorry!" Wendy apologised, bowing her head deeply in remorse.
The entire group had been shocked into silence, not knowing how to act in this unusual situation, until Lucy let out a sigh.
"Well, I suppose we had to tell them anyway," Lucy said. "Yes, Natsu and I are in a relationship."
"How long?" Gray asked.
"I dunno," Natsu shrugged, "four, five months maybe."
Wendy blinked, dumbfounded at the reveal. She had been wracked with so much guilt, thinking that she had ruined the surprise so early on in their relationship, when in fact they had already been together for nearly half a year.
"So you’ve been dating for four or five months, and you didn’t think to tell any of us?" Gray followed up.
"We thought about it, but it just never felt like the right time," Lucy admitted.
"Good grief," Carla sighed. "Do you two know how much pressure poor Wendy has been under to keep your secret all this time?"
"Well, she only found out two days ago," Happy revealed.
The rest of them glanced over at Wendy, who sheepishly shrunk under their gaze, a little embarrassed by the revelation of just how little it had taken for her to blow the secret.
"Um… yes that’s true…" she mumbled. "Sorry… I didn’t mean to tell anyone…"
"Erm… congratulations, I suppose," Erza offered, not exactly sure how to respond to the awkward situation they had gotten themselves into.
"You know you’ve cuffed yourself with a moron, right Lucy?" Gray asked, not giving up an opportunity to take a jab at Natsu.
"Hey! How ‘bout you say that to my face!" Natsu yelled at him, suddenly forgetting any of what had just occurred, much more occupied with defending his pride.
"I will! You’re a goddamned moron!" Gray retorted.
Wendy took the distraction to shoot Lucy an apologetic look, to which she was met with a gentle one of her own, harbouring no contempt or ill-will towards her even after spilling their secret.
"Idiots, the lot of them," Carla sighed, interrupting their moment and bringing their attention back to the two boys, who were currently rubbing their heads from where Erza had smashed them together.
Wendy had anticipated the walk back to the guild to be more tense than it was, considering what she had done before the train ride back, but it seemed everyone had moved past it rather quickly.
Well, everyone but her.
"Everything okay, Wendy?" Lucy asked, noticing the way her gaze seemed to be cast to the ground.
"I um… I thought you guys would be more upset," Wendy revealed, "you know… with me."
"Why would we be upset?" she replied.
"Because you said you trusted me, and I broke my promise…" Wendy murmured.
"Ya can’t always keep every promise you make," Natsu shrugged, "‘sides, it’s not the worst promise you could have broken."
"So you’re not mad?"
"Of course we’re not mad," Lucy assured. "I’m not even sure we would have mentioned it if you hadn’t brought it up."
"Are you… going to tell the rest of the guild?" Wendy asked, uncertain if she was going to be able to keep it from that many people.
"Maybe," Natsu shrugged.
"Do you think you’ll be okay to keep it within our team, just for a little longer?" Lucy asked.
"I will… I will do my best!" Wendy assured, trying to gain back their confidence and trust by overcompensating in her own self confidence.
"We’re back!" Natsu loudly declared as they made it back through the guild doors.
"How did it go?" Mira asked, pulling out glasses for the returning guild members. "Do we need to file for any damages this time?" She teased.
"Not this time, thankfully," Lucy replied, before Natsu took his chance to jump in and tell everyone the contents of their latest mission.
"We fought a group of like fifty bandits," he exaggerated, which was met with an eyeroll from Lucy as she sipped on the drink Mira had passed over to her. "The guys tried to catch us off guard, but I caught ‘em before they could get the jump on us, one of them tried to stab me in the head, Lucy and I are dating, and we got the full reward."
Wendy choked on her drink slightly, head whipping back around to where Natsu had been relaying the story of their job to see if she had heard him right, and based on the gobsmacked faces of everyone around them, she could only assume she had.
"I’m sorry, what was that middle part?" Mira asked, caught off guard by the sudden announcement.
"One of them tried to stab me in the head," he repeated, gesturing towards the superficial wound that Wendy had stitched up after the fight.
"Natsu and I are dating," Lucy clarified for him.
"See! I told you!" Cana cackled in delight. "I knew they were sleeping together! Now hand it over, bitches!" She declared, holding out an open palm to a sulking Macao and Wakaba.
"I just thought after the grand magic games that they’d never figure it out," Wakaba grumbled as he and Macao dropped a handful of jewel in her hand.
"Well, that’s great!" Mira declared, hands clasped in front of her in excitement. "I’m so happy for you two!"
It didn’t take much for the guild to burst into raucous celebration, whether for the happy couple or merely for the sake of partying, Wendy wasn’t quite sure, but what she was sure of was the weight that had been lifted off of her back.
It wasn’t long until Lucy had found a seat next to Wendy, offering her a kind smile amidst the chaos.
"You didn’t do this because of me, did you?" Wendy asked, feeling a little bad that she might have been the reason they had finally broken the news just days after she had told her why they were keeping it quiet.
"Yes and no," Lucy replied. "We didn’t want to have to keep that pressure on you, but you also made us realise that everyone else deserved to know."
"I understand," Wendy replied. "I… wasn’t sure how long I would have been able to keep it anyway…" she confessed.
"I know," Lucy admitted, "Happy told us you were struggling from the very start."
Wendy merely let out a nervous laugh, feeling a little bit awkward that Happy had revealed just how terrible she was at keeping secrets.
"That’s okay," Lucy hummed before letting them fall into a comfortable silence as they watched the celebration unfold into a classic Fairy Tail brawl right in front of their eyes. "I think your timing was just right," she said, turning her attention back to Wendy. "I was scared that things might change if everyone knew, but you showed me that maybe that doesn’t have to be a bad thing."
"I’m happy I could help then, even if I didn’t do a very good job of keeping my promise."
Perhaps she had fumbled the ball, but it seemed as though everything had worked out for the best in the end. She hardly had any more time to talk to her about it before Lucy was taken from her side and swept straight off of her feet by Natsu, who pulled her into the first of many kisses, to take place right in the middle of the guild hall.
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
A Bad Day - Nick Amaro x Reader
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Part of the Sober! Reader series.
Tagging: @the-adzukibean @xoxabs88xox @beardedbarba @crazy4chickennuggets @wooshwastaken @justreblogginfics @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @cosmic-psychickitty @misscharlielulu @multilin21 @burningtacozombie @sendmylcve @hrandomthoughts
The lamplight was shining through the crack in the open blinds as you sagged in your chair starring at the glass of bourbon on the desk. You had been seated at your desk for the past two hours. Your fingers wrapped around the chequered glass before you began to swill the liquid in a circular motion. You knew you had been struggling before you'd cracked open the bottle. It had been a gift from your Captain for a job well done a couple of weeks ago. He didn’t know about your sobriety, no one did except Nick, it made days like today hard. Everyone was out celebrating at the bar, and you were here, walking a knife edge.
The scene you’d stumbled into would haunt you for a while. A father killing his wife and kids, you’d tracked him down at his mistresses place, high as a kite with blood still on his hands. The worst part? He didn’t even remember doing it.
There was a throat clearing from the doorway and you glanced up to see Nick lingering there, his eyebrows raised as he nodded at the glass in your hand.
"Drowning your sorrows?" he asked you before stepped inside the room and dropped into the visitor's seat.
"I don't think I'm that far gone." You murmured as you clasped the glass with both hands and stared down into the amber liquid. "Not yet anyway."
It was clear that you hadn't been sleeping, there were dark circles underneath your eyes. Your pallor looked sallow and gaunt, you looked hollowed out and ruined. Nothing like the same humorous woman he had come to know and love.
Your eyes clouded with sadness as you stared into the distance, your mind drifting back to your time with your ex-Henry. The darkness, the cases, the nightmares…
He had told you it was far too much to expect anyone to deal with, he’d walked out and left you to pack. You had been so broken and traumatised back then, you could feel those similar emotions rising up inside of you.
It had been a bad day, a bad case…
You with a glass of booze in your hand.
History repeating itself. 
“I’m not going to leave you.” Nick said quietly, reaching across the desk and moving the glass of bourbon out of your reach. “And I don’t think this is the way to go, not after a day like today.”
“I know.” You murmured, rubbing the back of your hand across your eyes. “I couldn’t bring myself to take a sip. It reminds me of my father.”
Nick knew what you meant. You’d told him of your father’s battle with alcoholism one night when the two of you were making dinner. Nick had been cooking the steak whilst you were chopping tomatoes for the salad, he knew there was a reason you never mentioned your father and he’d asked about it. The two of you were getting serious and he wanted to know more.
He pushed himself out of the visitor’s chair and came to stand beside you. He crouched down alongside of you, his thumb ghosting over the apple of your cheek as he leaned in close.
“It’s ok to admit your struggling.” He told you, meeting your gaze. “Especially to me.”
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his comforting embrace. He cradled your close, his hand coming to rest on the nape of your neck, thumb caressing over the tiny tattoo of a moon and stars behind your left ear.
"I love you." Nick whispered into your hair. "I want you to know that no matter what happens I'm here for you."
His fingers trailed up along the knots of his spine, easing the tension in your body. You closed your eyes, exhaling blissfully at the sensation. Nick always knew how to calm your rampaging mind.
"Let me take you to a meeting." Nick said quietly as he drew away, cradling your face between his hands. “I'll take care of you tonight.”
Love Nick? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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lucigoo · 8 months
Bagginshield-tober: Day 2 - Garden
Im a little behind, but nevermind, enjoy my Bagginsheild story based on the prompt Garden.
It is also avaliable on A03 here
Bilbo was fed up with his husband. Yes he understood his concerns, yes, he knew Thorin didn't like it when he was too far from the Mountain, yes, he would take his bodyguards Nockic and Avrala with him. No, he was not staying more than two nights and “Yes, will you back off Thorin as i am going to Dale! I'm going to check the harvest and make sure it's growing right. And I sure as Yavanna do not need permission thank you very much” Bilbo finally snapped. Feeling guilty when he saw the sheepish expression on Thorin’s face. Bilbo took a few deep breaths, walked closer so he could cup Thorin's cheeks in his small and nimble hands. “Thorin, love, I'm going to Dale, with two bodyguards, Ori, Dori and Bofur. I have to check the harvest Thorin or we will all go hungry. Besides, we talked about this. I'm a hobbit, there is nowhere green in the mountains. I need air and grass and living things. I love it here, i love you, but i am still a hobbit ok?” he asked genty. Thorin just let out a sigh, “Yes aznan, I understand. I didn't mean to make you feel like you can't go, i just …” Thorin trailed off, not looking Bilbo in the eyes, how did he explain what he was feeling. 
He didn't have to, his clever, loving hobbit did it for him. “You just don't like me far away, and I appreciate it. I don't like to be too far away either, but it will be winter soon, and I need to get as much sunlight as possible whilst I can Thorin. Maybe in a few years when things have settled we can make a garden in the Mountain, there must be somewhere.” Bilbo finished on a wistful sigh. 
Thorin said nothing and just pulled Bilbo into his arms and held him tight, relishing in the feel of him before he disappeared down to Dale for two long, lonely nights. 
Bilbo sat on his pony, listening to Ori and Bofur talk about the new trade agreements as he watched the Lonely Mountain get closer and closer.. He was ready to be home, to have his dwarven heater cuddled up behind him as the nights got colder, to just breathe in all of Thorin. Bilbo hated how he had to do these trips every other month or so at least, but as a hobbit he couldn't survive in just stone the way his dwarves did. As it was he was already dreading the upcoming winter where the doors got shut and only opened for extreme circumstances. 
Bilbo thankfully had convinced Thorin to move into a room at the top of the Mountain with him, one of the very few with a window and a connected balcony. Not that the baloney had been very good or safe when he had last checked a few months ago. Hopefully, one day soon he could convince Thorin to allow him to turn it into something he could use to grow, no matter how small. 
Bilbo found himself whipped away as soon as he got into the Mountain, Thorin was nowhere in sight, and Balin had basically grabbed him, and marched him to his rooms. Bilbo looked at his travelling companions who looked as bemused as him but followed along behind him dutifully. 
Bilbo just scuttled along, almost running to keep up with Balin, who hasn't released his arm. Balin didn't slow until he reached Bilbo’s own chambers. 
As soon as he was free he stood as tall as possible and glared at his friend “WHat in Arda Balin? I know where my rooms are, did my idiot husband think 3 days out of the mountain and I'd forget, honestly” he ended with a tut. He'd barely made it into the mountain and he was already fed up with dwarves. His dwarves specifically.
“And you three, next time you need me to get you out of a pickle don't expect me to aid you” He added with a huff, glaring at them all. He pulled his waistcoat into position again, smoothed his cloak and opened his door Calling back “Where is my stonehead husband anyway? If he thought I was going to get lost he could have come for me himself.” he said, still annoyed. 
Bilbo stopped still when he heardThorin’s unamused cough. He turned his head  back around and smiled sheepishly at his dwarf King, standing there in nothing but a short sleeved tunic that really showed off those strong forearms. 
Bilbo realised he had been staring a little too much when Bofur “accidentally” nudged him in the back. “Ahem, yes, hello” he said, face bright red as he ignored the reason why the rest of The Company were in his rooms during his homecoming. 
He walked straight to Thorin and allowed himself to be wrapped up in those strong, safe arms. INhaling the scent of fire, iron and stone. A scent that would be strange for a hobbit to enjoy, but for Bilbo it was just pure Thorin and he had missed him so. 
“And i you ghivashel” he felt more than heard rumble under his ear, reeling he had said it out loud. 
Nilbo soon realised he would get no peace to snuggle his dwarf as the rest of their friends were whispering, loudly. Bilbo’s ears suddenly perked up as he pulled back from Thorin’s solid chest. “Garden, what garden?” he asked curiously. 
Thorin turned his glare at his friends before turning to bilbo with a besotted smile. “Close you eyes my huzn, I have a surprise. We have been working on it slowly for months in secret, but now it is complete, come.” he said, grasping Bilbo’s hand tight on his own as Kili covered Bilbo’s eyes as he “did not trust their burglar not to peep”.
Bilbo spluttered and made noise just to indulge him, It didn't hurt to indulge one of the lads every now and again, He allowed himself to be ushered outside into the fresh mountain air. He took a few deep breaths before suddenly stilling. His nose twitched. “Wait, Thorin, what can I smell, it's never smelt like this before. “ he said in shock.
Thorin chuckled in his ear and said “open your eyes mine huzn, look at your present.” 
Bilbo did and gasped, hands covering his mouth as his eyes involuntarily watered. It wasn't very big, most of the beds were not filled, but the ones that were. Bilbo couldn't believe it. 
He turned, throwing himself at Thorin and laughing as he kissed his whole face, revelling in the way Thorin held his hips tight in those bug road hands that could cut down orcs, create amazing weapons and apparently make a hobbit out of the Shire there very one garden on the side of a mountain Bilbo couldn't stop the tears as he nuzzled into Thorin who happily embraced him back. 
Bilbo had a sudden thought and pulled back, “Thorin, do you, I mean are you aware ….” he trailed off, unsure how to ask his question.
Thorin gave a small laugh. “Yes my beloved, I know the flowers have meanings, these were the only ones we could find that would grow that we could identify. I had no wish to say the wrong thing.” he said a little bashfully. 
Bilbo looked around and noticed that their friend had left at some point when he had been enfolded in Thorin’s arms. “You are aware that this is a giant declaration of love, yes?” he all but purred as he pressed closer to his husband. 
“I hope so, tell me if i'm wrong but the aster’s, bleeding hearts and lilac are declarations of love, the mountain pansy is a reflection of a humble hobbit being brave enough to follow an old dwarf across the world and become his consort, the sedum, phlox, columbine and begonia are all variations of unity, partnership and togetherness ans this one…” he trailed off as he moved further along into the garden, towing Bilbo behind him. 
“This one”  he said as he picked a small flower that had bloomed and placed it behind Bilbo’s ears, wiping the tears that were falling as he did so. “This yarrow stands for everlasting love, the way my heart is everlasting yours, until the end of Arda and the world is remade for the final battle and beyond that, my love for you will never waver.”
A sob left Bilbo’s throat as he lunged at Thorin grabbing him by his braids. Having their first passionate kiss under the soft mountain sunlight in his garden, a garden made with love like his father had made his mother. Bilbo had never been so sure he was where he was supposed to be more than in this moment. Wrapped up in his dwarf surrounded by a loud and brash declaration of everlasting fealty in hobbit custom. 
“I love you” he whispered into Thorin's mouth quietly, enjoying the thorough ravishing he received in return as his return declaration. 
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saltymongoose · 2 years
Hi, are your requests still open?? Or I'll even pay you to write something too.
If they are, can I request fic with Deimos, Hank, 2B, and Sanford protecting and comforting a FTM(not transitioned yet) reader that is their partner. They protect him from an abusive family member? If that's not okay then maybe just comforting them on a really really bad dysphoria day?
I'm dealing with major family issues rn on top of my HEDS/POTS flair ups and I'm just breaking down and need some comfort from my boys that would def hug me and kiss me and tell me im okay and tell my family members to "Fuck off cuz I am a real man." I'm trying to draw some art too... but I have major art block art.. but your writing Is amazing and inspirational. I always look forward to everything you do. You are my hero and I wish I could write like you. Thank you for everything you do and please take care of yourself! Drink and eat pls!!❤️❤️❤️
Also this is the first time I'm asking something and I'm to nervous to come of anon so I guess you could call me...Kai? Thanks and sorry if this is too much yiu can ignore it
I'm sorry to hear about everything you've been going through Kai, it's beyond awful to have family members who're so unsupportive and damaging. :( I'd be more than happy to provide some comfort and protection from the boys for you, and as always, free of charge. <3 (Thank you so so much for your kind words as well, they're awfully sweet of you to say and reading them made me pretty emotional haha. I'm glad you like my work so much, it's readers like yourself that make writing so fulfilling for me, so thank you for that as well. And please take care of yourself too, of course. :)) 💕
[Part 1] They Protect a Transmasc!Reader from their Abusive Family ft. Hank & Sanford
(TW: Transphobia, Verbal Abuse, Violence (they're not yandere but still, it's Madcom), ft. Transmasc!Reader) //- {PART 2 HERE <3} -//
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Anyone who knows of your significance to Hank would realize that it’s not exactly a good idea to try anything against you, whether it be trying to make you uncomfortable or attacking you physically.
Your partner is the most wanted man in Nevada, and he has absolutely no patience when it comes to anyone or anything threatening you, period. It doesn’t matter if it’s some random grunt on the street, or some agent Doc insists he works with, or even if they’re an Employer. If they hurt you in any way, shape, or form, he’s paying them back for it tenfold.
It’s only right since you’re likely a target simply for your relationship with him and he considers it his “job” to protect the people he loves. And by that, just you, really. He can’t even remember the names of the other SQ members he works with 90% of the time, so you’re it for him. Although this just means all of his protective instincts are centered on a single person, which if anything would be more of a deterrent. (For mildly intelligent people, at least.)
However, while he never expected your family of all groups to be added to his “blacklist”, he isn’t averse to going after them the same way he does all your other persecutors. Hank genuinely couldn’t care less about their blood relation with you or any history you have with them; he solves nearly all his problems with violence anyway, so another set of bodies means very little to him in the long run. (Bear in mind, he won’t outright kill them in front of you, you don’t need to see that.)
Though because you’d generally prefer not to have to deal with organizing a funeral or explaining why your significant other gunned down your family (to your other family members who you'd prefer not to speak to), you made him swear not to kill them. A shame since they more than deserved it to him, but you're one of the few people Hank actually listens to, so he'll go along with it.
However, you never told him that he couldn't be violent with his protectiveness, even if they didn't end up dead.
So when he happens to be accompanying you to your family’s place to fetch some of your things and someone decides to make a little unwelcome comment about you (something about how you’re “never gonna be a real man”, whatever that means), he bristles when he hears the words. The look of discomfort and sadness on your face immediately drives him to physically threaten them; he's quick to invade the offending family member's space, anger coursing through his veins as a hand reaches for one of his knives.
It doesn’t take long for whoever made the comment to be thrown to their knees, a blade at their throat before you’re able to stop him. He's always been impulsive, and what they've just done to you would be enough to warrant murder if it were from anyone else. (They should consider themselves lucky you were more merciful than he was.)
He can only think of the look of your frowning visage as he grabs their jaw harshly, almost driving the knife into them as they jolt in his grasp. He usually doesn't care about insults, but if they're against you and targeting something so intrinsic to who you are, it's enough to piss him off immensely on your behalf, to say the least.
"Newsflash, asshole. Nobody asked for your dogshit opinion," he hisses, jostling your terrified family member before forcefully turning them to look in your direction. "See him? He's a real man. If you're too stupid to understand that, that's on you. But if you say anything like that to my boyfriend again, I'll fucking kill you, understand, dipshit?"
You know it's more of a bluff than a genuine promise, given the fact that you've been over this with him before. (Or at least you think so.) You ignore your family member's pleading for Hank to let them go, as well as the other people in the house who've come to watch, still feeling hurt at their comment. Having your partner there made it better, but it still didn't lessen the sting of the words themselves.
Hank notices this of course and will drop the offending individual to the floor (paying no mind to how their skull painfully hits the concrete below them, whoops) so he can pick you up protectively and remove you from the situation entirely. You let him, of course, silently eyeing your family from over his bicep as you snuggle into his arms, relaxing a little for once that evening.
The complete juxtaposition in Hank's behavior the moment you two exit through the front door is honestly amusing to you in retrospect, but in your sickened feelings at what just happened you don't notice it. He holds you tighter to himself as he walks, leaning down to press his forehead to yours and nuzzle into your temple. You told him once that his purring was comforting for you, so he'll do it here, and loudly too. He's relieved when he feels you sink into his grasp more at all his affection, but he can tell what just happened is still weighing on you.
Despite excelling at dealing with matters physically, Hank is very inept at anything concerning emotions (and to his credit, he knows it very well). He'll still try though since you need the encouragement and he hates seeing that despondent look on you. (He also just loves you and wants you to be alright, but that's hardly anything new.)
"You okay?" He rasps lowly, almost whispering to you, and you give a strained half smile in response. He tilts his head in concern and you sigh, reaching up to cup his cheek and watching as he leans into your hand absentmindedly.
"Not really, no, that was…a lot. I will be though, eventually…Thanks for that, by the way," you say, voice small as you rest your head on his chest. It’s funny, you were only there for forty-five minutes and you’re exhausted. This only makes you doubly grateful for your partner being willing to carry you and comfort you physically, even when you don’t feel like talking.
You could feel him nod resolutely against your hand, the only reply you’ll get from him on this matter. His silence is fine with you; you were so close that you didn’t need words to understand his view anyway. Especially not with how he makes sure to hold you as close to him as possible on the way back, wrapping you up tightly in his arms as if to protect you from the rest of the world as he takes you back home, where you’ll be safe from everything else.
Hank’s type of care is a strange one. Filled with gentle touches and harsh protectiveness, Nevada’s most infamous mass murderer is nothing if not soft around you. You were a point of vulnerability for him, but one that he welcomed with open arms. He’d rather die than let something happen to you (and he’d be very willing to if it came down t it). Even if the threat isn’t incredibly violent, his main priority is your well-being, whether that be your physical or mental health. Perhaps this is why you feel comfortable enough to fall asleep in his arms, content that he’d keep you safe as you went home. He wouldn’t let anything happen to you and you knew it. After all, he loves you beyond belief, just as you do him.
As one of the few people in Nevada who actually has a semi-intact family in his life, Sanford knows the true value of having close relationships with your parents and/or siblings. However, he realizes that your family is also the people who can cause you the most suffering. They know every little button to press to get a reaction, and it's only elevated to a more painful level if they don’t accept you for who you truly are.
In all likelihood, you’ve confided to him before about your familial situation, and what he heard both depressed and angered him. How anyone could be so awful to you is just beyond him; you’re one of the nicest people he’s had the pleasure of coming across and he wouldn’t trade you for everything, why would your family do you so much harm purposefully?
The feeling of disgust only festers with each time you tell him about another one of your family's abusive actions towards you, and he honestly considers just suggesting you cut them off. They don't deserve to have someone like you around them, just as you don't deserve to be mistreated for something as simple as your gender identity. You don't need to justify who you are to them, and the fact that they badger you about it and degrade you is enough to make his blood boil.
You probably don't see your family that often anyway, cause once you two got together he was fully willing to just get a place with you away from anywhere having to do with them. The further the better. (The last thing he wanted to happen was for them to encounter you when you went out for groceries or ran errands. More distance meant more safety from them, after all.)
It's not that he wants to isolate you or anything like that, and really you're free to do what you want, he just doesn't want to run the risk of them hurting you more than they have already. As such, he’s hesitant to even drive you to visit them, to be completely honest. You don’t deserve to be put in a potentially abusive situation, but if you have to be around your family for whatever reason, he insists on accompanying you.
He holds your hand the entire way there, throwing you soft looks to gauge your mood and running a thumb over your knuckles when he sees your nervous posturing. He hopes that his reassurance will help in some way, even if he's also dreading encountering your family.
He's tense at your side the moment you both walk through the door to your family's home, putting himself between you and any family members as he oversees your interactions. Most would feel threatened by his posturing; it’d be quite obvious that he’s acting as sort of a sentinel for you, and having someone like him as a protector should be a deterrent to any awful behavior. Lest they end up suffering some harsh consequences for their actions.
But of course, this doesn’t stop some people. Perhaps they just walked in and saw you, thinking you were on your own and taking it as an opportunity to slew some abuse at you, completely oblivious to the fact that your partner was just across the room. Or maybe they were just ignorant enough to believe your partner wouldn’t protect you from them.
However, they’ll notice and realize the reality of the situation soon enough. It’s impossible not to when they open their mouth to make a disparaging comment about you and are met with a painfully tight grip on their shoulder and the broad form of your boyfriend looming over them.
You'll notice that their abusive remark is cut off by a sharp squeak, and turn to see them looking almost sickly with fear at your boyfriend. The same whose glare seems to darken when they have the nerve to send a pleading glance towards you to make him stop, as if they're not the one who tried to verbally attack you in the first place.
No matter, he'll helpfully twist them around so he's all they see instead. (Quickly too, since he hated the way you seemed to freeze when they tried to make eye contact with you.) The perpetrator is terrified to their core since they know very well about who he is, but the short apologies they try to stammer out don't quell any of Sanford's anger at them. It's not him they should be apologizing to.
He'd even consider forcing them to right that moment if he couldn't read you as well as he does. He knows from your shaky motions and quick glances back at him that having any prolonged contact with them would probably just risk upsetting you more, and besides, what kind of a partner would he be if he brought his boyfriend's abuser closer to him?
Despite this, he won't let go of them. He's almost like a guard dog that's latched onto someone, unwilling to let them move a mere inch away as you go about your business. While you're distracted, he'll even lean down to get uncomfortably close to your family member to give them a bit of a warning, silently delighting in how they jump at his sudden movements.
"You aren't gonna say another fucking word to him, understand?" He hisses, "None of this shit about you not understanding that he's a man - cause that's what he is, dumbass. You can fuck off if you think I'll just let you insult him like that, or I'll make you wish you knew better."
They nod frantically, and he gives them a sardonic, if not outright threatening grin. Just in time too, as you turn back to them with some personal belongings gathered in your arms. You don't look at your family member when you approach, but Sanford's quick to disregard them as well once you're a meter or two from them. (He doesn't want you to have to be too close to them, anyway).
He gives their shoulder one last squeeze, threatening to pierce their skin with his claws before he lets go and returns to your side. You find it slightly amusing that he insists on wiping his hand off on his pants before he holds yours again, and as you exit the building he makes a joke about not wanting any "filth" to touch you. It makes you smile a bit, which relieves him.
He has a thoughtful look on his face as he helps you into his truck, one he always seems to get whenever the topic of your family comes up. You give him a few questioning glances, silently prodding at what's eating away at him as he seems to mull over something for a moment. He then turns to you, giving you a warm smile.
“I’m really proud of you, you know? I don't know how I'd be if my family pulled something like that with me," he remarks, giving you a playful glare when you shrug and avert your eyes, already beginning to formulate some sort of retort to his praise.
"I mean, I didn't do very much-"
"Not this time, I guess, at least not physically. But you've dealt with their shit for years, so I'd say you're stronger than you think you are." He states simply, a tone of finality in his words. Under no circumstance would he let you downplay or disregard your own feelings and role in this; so what if you didn't want to get in their face as he would? Physical confrontations aren't everything, especially when he's half sure those pigheaded people in your family wouldn't change with or without them. The point was that you're perfect just as you are, and you don't need some dumbasses who don't know anything to make you doubt that.
You understand as much when he leans over to give you a quick kiss on your temple, whispering so before leaving another peck on your cheek and pulling back. For that simple moment, your anxiety is quelled. Funny, how something as common as Sanford giving you affection could calm you down so much. The love he has for you is pure and nearly overwhelming sometimes; it fills you with a warmth so comforting, and a feeling of gentle reassurance you don't know how you went without before. And you knew it was the same for him.
For now, though, Sanford thinks he's got a bit of a solution to this issue (if you could call it one). He's been thinking about it for a while, but now that he's seen firsthand the quality (or lack thereof) of people in your family, he doesn't think it's going too fast. At least, he hopes you won't think so either.
Your attention is caught again when he mutters your name, and you look over to see him staring down at the dashboard, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as he nervously clears his throat. It's weird to see him so nervous, but it's cute; it reminds you of when you first started dating and he was so anxious about being with someone seriously, least of all someone he admired so much.
"I know this might be too fast, but..you could, well, "join" my family, if you want. My mom's been asking about you, and they just really want to meet you, to be honest. Probably because of how I don't shut up about you," he laughs a little awkwardly, and you smile at how bashful he looks, brow quirking at the question. "They're not...like yours, and I know they won't screw with you like that. So..would you want to?" He looks hopeful as he eyes you, and you can see the slightest bit of apprehension in the way he shifts his hands against the wheel as he waits for your answer.
You hum in thought, genuinely considering the offer. Sanford's without a doubt the nicest guy you've ever met, and you don't think his family would be spoken about so highly by him if they weren't the same. Besides, there's no harm in meeting your boyfriend's family. However, there's a little something about the way he worded it that made you curious.
"Yeah, I'm down for that. All this talk about me joining your family is pre-tty interesting though, babe," you begin, a teasing lilt to your voice as you lean over the console to perch your chin on his shoulder. "You thinking about proposing?"
He sputters, face going red as you chuckle at him. He's quick to make a recovery though, nudging his elbow at you as he shakes his head to himself (he can't hide his own grin, despite this). You feel relaxed as you lean back into your seat, grateful for the distraction in light of everything else that happened that day.
Although, you don't make it entirely back to your seat before Sanford reaches out for your hand again. His larger hand returns to hold yours just as it was on the way to your family's place, and you can see a slight blush tinge his cheeks when you turn yours over to interlace your fingers. He only has a single real response to your teasing, but it's enough to make you double-take.
"That depends, would you say yes?"
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cvsmixnaya · 1 year
happy holi
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pairings: eren x indian!reader
pronouns: she/her
summary: it’s eren’s first holi since he moved to mumbai with his girlfriend y/n and she decides to celebrate it with him and their friends.
cw: swearing cause come on it’s me, mentions of getting drunk
a/n: happy holi my desi lovelies!! if yall didn’t know, holi is one of my festivals celebrated in india and cause it’s so much fun and since i couldn’t celebrate this year cause of my injury i’m writing a one shot😭 there’s gonna be hindi speaking so im gonna put translations. enjoy this piece!!!
Eren was sitting on the couch watching TV. Nothing special. He was in Mumbai or what locals say Bombay sharing a house with his one and only girlfriend, Y/n. She was currently out buying colour but he doesn’t know that. They moved to the city she was born and raised in 5-6 months ago and it’s Eren’s first holi but he doesn’t know it’s today.
Y/n made an excuse to leave the house to buy colour to put on his face. Come on, it’s holi! It’s the festival of COLOURS!! What Eren also doesn’t know is that his friends are in the city to celebrate together along with Y/n’s friends from when she used to live here.
Y/n got the colours ready on her hands and rang the doorbell. The moment Eren opened the door, colour was smeared all over his face.
“Happy holi!!” Y/n wishes while smearing all sort of colours on his face and neck and some even went in his hair.
“Babe, stop! i have colour all over my face! agh fuck” He complains while trying to wipe the colour off which only made it spread more and all of this caused Y/n to laugh making her realise how much she really missed this since she used to celebrate with her friends before.
“Eren, come on! It’s your very first holi and you don’t know how much i missed it so im gonna make you have the time of your life today.”
Eren looks at her with a small smile cause she’s right. She hasn’t done this in a long time and it is his first holi and he wanted to know what the hype was cause Y/n had been talking about this for a month.
“Ya but did you really have to surprise me with a full colour attack?” He asked while still trying to wipe off the colour. It just made him look even funnier.
“Babe, that’s the fun! You get to raid your friend’s house when they least expect it. Plus, it’s holi! the festival of colours of course I’m gonna attack you. Now wash your face and go get changed. Wear your most worn out clothes. We are celebrating” She instructs him.
“Why worn out clothes?” He asks the most stupidest question causing her to look at him like he’s dumb.
Y/n starts explaining, “Are you dumb? Babe, your clothes are gonna get stained really badly cause there’s colour everywhere. It’s pretty obvious but anyways, go get ready, i’ll make some food to eat quickly and then we’ll leave”
Eren groans and leaves to get ready. Y/n prepares a quick snack to eat and after that gets a bag she prepared with extra clothes for after the event they are going to. During all of this she gets a call from her best friend Dhanisha.
She gets excited and answers it.
“Hello? haan bol”
“Tu aana wali hai na? Varne mein tere ko marne wali hu” Dhanisha threatens light heartedly of course.
“Haan mein aa rahi hu. kitna baje aa jaun? dusre logo ko bhi bolna hai” She asks her to confirm
translation: “Hello, ya say”
“You’re coming right? Otherwise I’ll kill you”
“Ya I’m coming. What time should i come. I have to tell others also”
“Come by 1 o’clock and come fast pleaseeee, I haven’t met you in so long even though you came 5 months.”
“Ya ya I’ll be there quickly ok? I’ll see you later, byeeeee”
She said bye and hung up the phone.
“Who was that?” A voice spoke scaring Y/n causing her to jump in fear. She realised it was her boyfriend.
“It was my best friend Dhanisha. I just realised you never met her. Well doesn’t matter cause you’ll meet her soon. Anyways, are you ready cause we need to leave now. It’ll take an hour atleast to reach cause there’s gonna be traffic.”
Eren nods while saying yes and Y/n tells him to get in the car while she brings everything outside. He sits waiting for his girlfriend to arrive and after a minute she’s outside getting in the car with a bag and dumps it in the back seat.
He looked at her confused. “What’s all that for?”
“Extra clothes for us for after the event and some food to eat on the way and back so help yourself”
He nods and decides to eat a little later. Eren gets his phone and tries to connect his phone to the aux but Y/n stops him immediately.
“Ummm what are you doing? I’m playing music because we need the perfect vibe. Sorry Babe, maybe next time.” She says while patting his cheek.
Y/n starts her music and starts driving to the destination. Eren is not gonna lie, but he really liked the music that she was playing. Definitely good taste.
“Wow babe, you really do have good taste.” He compliments her while nodding his head in approval.
She smiles proud of herself and says thanks and continues driving. As she expected, there was traffic and was dying but she dealt with this everyday so she’s used to it. Eren however was impatient and was gonna rage.
After 10 minutes they finally reach. She parks the car and goes to the entrance finding her friends.
She sends a quick text to Mikasa to let her and the others know they’re here and waiting for her and the others. Eren still has no idea about this. His gang is staying at a hotel nearby and will reach in 2 mins.
Her best friend Dhanisha sees her and immediately runs to her. Y/n sees this and gets excited. They jump into a hug and stay like that for a whole minute.
“N/N MY JAAN I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!” She says while hugging y/n.
“I fucking missed you too oh shit I’m gonna cry” Y/n says and lets go of the hug. Eren smiles at the reunion and wishes his friends were here with him.
“OH! dhani, meet Eren my boyfriend. Babe this is dhanisha. My best friend since the 8th grade.” She introduces her to him.
Eren smiles and shakes her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, N/n won’t stop talking about you. Everyday there’s some new story about you both” He says while chuckling.
“Bro, did you tell him my birthday ka story-”
She gets interrupted by Eren, “Yeah she told me, it was pretty funny but I knew she was capable of it. Did you know one time when we were back at my home town she got so drunk-”
Y/n interrupts him by put her hand over his mouth to make him stop talking
“Okayyyy we can talk about that later but first, turn around Eren, I have a surprise for you”
He does what Y/n tells him and sees his very own friends walking towards him. He turned to Y/n and she just nods to silently tell him that it’s real.
Armin, One of Eren’s best friends ran towards him and tackled him in a brotherly hug. Y/n and Dhanisha were smiling at this cute reunion. He went and greeted the others that were there.
Mikasa, Hange, Levi, Sasha, Jean and Connie were there too. Eren was so happy to see them. Y/n greeted them and gave all of them a hug and introduced her best friend to the gang.
They were happy to meet each other and even gain a new friend. Y/n and Dhanisha looked at each other with a smirk before attacking everyone with colour
Both of the girls smeared colour on everyone’s face and Levi was not pleased. The two girls were laughing at the mess they created. Y/n was so gonna get scolded by Levi but she did not care.
“Guys let’s go inside, there’s gonna be music and everything!” Y/n said and everyone started going inside the venue. It was an open venue with a DJ and colour being thrown everywhere, lots of water sprayed and overall it was a good time.
They danced to bollywood music, they coloured each other and did so many other things. It was one of the best days ever. The group decided to head yo Y/n and Eren’s house. they all squashed themselves in the car and drove for an hour before reaching.
They got inside and everyone was shocked cause it was a really nice place. It looked very comfy and the couple were so proud of that. They all sat down, and started making conversation.
Y/n turned to whisper to her boyfriend, “Soooo… Did you have the time of your life today?”
Eren laughs softly while wrapping an arm around her, “I had the best time today, thank you for this N/n. i had a lot of fun and i got to learn what an amazing dancer you really are”
He gives her a quick peck on the lips making her smile.
“I’m glad you had fun today. Get ready for even more exciting shit over here. I still have so many places to take you to.”
“I’m looking forward to it”
a/n: i had too much fun writing this😭 happy holi again!! i hope you got to celebrate it unlike me</3
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