#apologies in advance for talking your head off a bit but this is what happens when i'm left to ramble and why i don't do it that often 😂
mobius-m-mobius ¡ 7 months
Thank you for posting all those gifs of Mobius being kind and supportive together. I've seen some takes about Mobius deserving it, but logically it doesn't make sense. He's already doing everything he can to save the timelines. He doesn't want to know his past, nor does he need to know to be motivated to save the timeliness, because he's already been doing since ep 1. Even if we make the argument he has no real free will until he sees his past, this argument is disingenuous because he's using his free will NOT to see it. From a narrative and character development standpoint, he will be forced to see it for the audience's entertainment, because he is a fictional character with no free will-- the screenwriters are the gods (Time Authors, if you will).
In-narrative, you could make a case he should see his timeline if he were actively trying to keep the TVA the way it was, but that's not the case with him. Sylvie's accusations this fall flat.
Mind, I'm not against Sylvie's proposition to start from scratch. Revolutions are important and serve that function. But the TVA is the only organization with people who know how the Loom and timespace work. It's not unreasonable for them to try to stabilize the situation, save the lives of as many timeliness as they can, and consider dismantling the TVA entirely and starting from scratch later.
Since we're dealing with time paradoxes, it's possible that the collapse of the Loom is what causes Loki to recruit Mobius, B-15, and Casey (I'm not sure what kind of entity OB is?) from their timelines. If they all accept, then Loki was the original creator of the Heart of the TVA. It's possible HWR took over at some point in the future and wiped everyone's memories then. The future influenced the past, thus closing the time loop. If this is the case, then Sylvie also contributed to the creation of the TVA, because killing HWR triggered the destruction of the Loom, which will force Loki to recruit, which will create the TVA, which will monitor the multiverse, which at some point will be taken over by HWR to create the Sacred Timeline, which become the multiverse one again after Sylvie kills him, which will destroy the Loom, which will cause Loki to recruit.
Of course!!! Always a delight to and on that note we're truly seeing eye to eye on every single point you raised so thank you for such an amazing ask! Exactly the conversation I was craving after making those gifs just to get some things off my chest about how Mobius gets treated since as you said, he's already been doing everything possible to protect the timelines while clearly under incomprehensible pressure yet has never hesitated to evaluate and change his worldview accordingly to better serve the whole.
Honestly confused by those insisting he HAS to see his past and is in the wrong for not having done so because isn't that up to him?? Doesn't matter what his reasons are, he's entitled to his choices and I can honestly say without hesitation if I were in his shoes my decision would be the same. He enjoys his job, he's incredibly good at the work (people seem to forget he's facilitated the progression of basically every plot point), and has recently built more connections he appreciates and wants to grow than in the entirety of his life combined so why is he not allowed to make a single decision in his own interest when neither his approach to changing the TVA nor any other person is being impacted? But you're exactly right about how regardless he'll be made to have the experience anyway and while I'd be perfectly happy with that never happening I accept the advancement of narrative as a given and can only hope whatever cards he's dealt are ones that only bring him peace of mind about the work he's done so far and in the future.
(adding a read more here because I've got a feeling this is gonna be a long one, lol)
Have also seen many people saying Sylvie blowing up at Mobius was necessary or that he needed to hear it but that logic is completely missed on me? For example Ravonna did the same but considering the amount of history between them her reaction is fully understandable even if I don't agree with the points she made about his compassion being a weakness. Mentioned this to a friend earlier but I truly wish it had been some random character besides Sylvie who yelled at him simply because she doesn't have the kind of personal connection to make judgements and because I don't want any ship war elements at play or anything when my take is solely based around wanting Mobius to be recognized as someone who has been good and kind from the start? Watching him be put down for that as if it's fact in basically every episode is getting exhausting 😔
To that point I also agree with the importance and necessity of revolution but not sure starting from scratch is necessary when the TVA does have a solid base and plenty of people willing to stay and help the cause? In reality there's no time for anyone there to stay currently focused on anything but stabilizing the situation when the alternative is the end of every timeline, burning things to the ground only really counts if there's any ground left to build on which is yet another reason Mobius and the others switched to preservation. For example, O.B's quip about Sylvie ruining his life by killing He Who Remains was complete fact and while I don't have any hate towards her character at all and certainly don't want any mirrored scene of someone yelling at her, etc, it's driving me crazy how she refuses to admit they've actively been saving lives and scrambling to accommodate these unexpected branches while she was at a MCDONALD'S.
My ep 5-6 theory matches yours regarding about the collapse of the Loom being the cause of Mobius, B-15, and Casey ending up at the TVA because their Nexus event technically isn't one, it's them choosing to leave with Loki of their own free will and the good of existence. I'm also not sure if O.B. was ever a variant so he could possibly be the key to figuring out where Loki can find everyone's original self? Psyched to learn more about him and how he ended up in such a vital position! Hundred percent think the series is ending with Loki as the founder and probable ruler of the TVA but can't quite figure out where the switch to He Who Remains entering the picture fits in, and your point about Sylvie also contributing to the creation of the TVA in an infinite loop is a fascinating one that's going to leave me thinking for a long while so thanks for that as well and of everything I have to admit the possibility of Loki and Mobius being their own ouroboros in creating just the right person to intrigue and change themselves into who they always wanted to be has been giving me life, them as timekeepers along with B-15 has been my hope since the first episode of season 2 and is probably the most incredible place I could imagine leaving everyone if we don't get another season.
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taegimood ¡ 5 months
mj!! i just saw a tiktok thats like "check ur tone before talking to my girl / watch how u talking to her" and neow i need urbig brained delicious thoughts (sfw or nsfw idc!) on possesive/protective!txt !!!!! 🧎🧎
omfg help… instant wet panties 😵‍💫 i hope this is what you had in mind~
edit: y’all i’m CACKLING at these responses i PROMISE it’s not btob minhyuk in soob’s 💀 i just used the first name that came to my mind HAHAHSKSNJ
yeonjun would not HESITATE.. you’d be at a party together, splitting off for a bit to hang with your respective friends; as protective as he is, he knows you can handle yourself so he’s not immediately racing over when he sees the guy that approaches you.. though his eyes might as well be burning little fires into the guy’s head from the way he’s staring across the room. he’s keeping an eye on his every move, unbeknownst to you; you’re just minding your business, chatting with your friends, and this rando is getting a little too close for comfort, talkin bout sum “why don’t you pay more attention to me instead ahaha” and it’s when you reject his continual advances that his face sours and the name-calling starts. “don’t be such a bitch, you’re lucky i’m even-“
“watch your fucking mouth before i shut it for you.” aaaand there’s yeonjun, seemingly coming out of nowhere. his hand is fixed in an iron grip on the guy’s wrist which had been extending towards you, staring him down — literally down, yeonjun’s height easily surpassing his — with every indication of “i’ll fuck your shit up if i have to” in his eyes. you can tell right away that the guy’s bark is much bigger than his bite as his own eyes are wide, attempting to yank his hand away to no avail, before yeonjun finally releases his grip a few moments later to watch him quickly retreat back into the crowd after some hastily-mumbled apologies. yeonjun scoffs and throws an arm around your shoulders, grumbling and eyeing the area as you just look up at him with a cocked brow and a growing smile, like hello how’d i bag such a baddie ??? him catching your stare and when you jokingly ask “jealous?” he’s rolling his eyes and grumbling about how no one can talk to his girl like that.. he sticks with you the rest of the night, getting extra grabby as you leave to go home — “gotta get your mind off of limpdick lee 🙄” — and you can imagine how the rest of the night goes when he’s determined to show you exactly how you deserve to be treated by a real man 🤤
soobin, bro.. you don’t even see it coming. usually your boyfriend gets pouty and grumpy when he’s jealous, more cute than anything, so you can’t even believe your eyes — or ears — when this time he actually gets scary. not scary for you; you’re just terrified for the other guy. this is the first time you’ve really seen him get so protective; you’d joined him for some schoolmate reunion party that he didn’t even wanna go to in the first place, grumbling about how awkward it would be (but then blushing and grinning to himself when you pointed out how awestruck everyone would become over his 100/10 visuals) and so here you are, his hand in yours as you walk around being introduced to his old classmates. it’s when he leaves you with a kiss on your cheek to go use the bathroom that it happens. you’re perusing the refreshment table, deciding which drink to grab for soobin, when this guy that’s been hanging around the table starts edging himself closer to you. you nearly jump out of your skin when you glance up to see him already staring from 3 feet away. this dude (whose icky school reputation you’re unaware of) becomes relentless in his “flirting”, talking about your body, trying to touch your hair, making you all-around uncomfortable as fuck until suddenly he stops mid-sentence and just stares up at something past your head like a deer in headlights. confused, you turn around and soobin is suddenly standing right behind you with the NASTIEST, MEANEST, most STEELY glare you’ve ever seen grace his pretty face. “minhyuk.” his voice instantly sends shivers up your spine (and down to your core). this ‘minhyuk’ is already backing off with his hands up in surrender as soobin goes, “if you don’t walk the fuck away from her right now, i will make you regret it.” GAH DAMN…. GAH DAMN…. the way you jump his bones later is unreal i’m just sayin. minhyuk is quick to apologize and leave you alone while soobin is quick to grumble out a “we’re leaving” with an aggravated pout forming on his face, the one you know so well — but holy fuck is this about to be the roughest, yummiest, BEST sex that you’ve ever had.
beomgyu omfg 😭 he doesn’t even TRY to have any chill. you’re out shopping together and he’s already hanging all over you in the first place, ever the clingy baby, so when some guy has the AUDACITY to still come up and try hitting on you, beomgyu is not having it. you’re in the video game section arguing over which league of legends dlc you guys should download when you get home, you stopping to test out smash bros on the newest switch model while beomgyu’s got his arms around your waist, head on your shoulder and rocking you back and forth obnoxiously — “GYU YOU’RE MAKING ME DIZZY” “well pay attention to me!!! 😩” — and neither of you notice the store employee that had been lingering in the same aisle, restocking the controller shelf and sneaking glances in your direction. he makes his move when gyu gets distracted by something off to your other side, arms untangling from your waist as he leans over to take a look at the other shelf with one finger hooking mindlessly through your belt loop. “there’s actually a pretty cool new feature on that one, here lemme show you 😉” you’re standing there like 👁️👄👁️ when the voice that is not your boyfriend’s is suddenly all up in your space, this guy reaching past you from behind, going through some game settings that you’re not even paying attention to because why is this guy’s sweaty chest pressed up against my back?????? “what the fuck” aaand beomgyu has tuned back into the channel. lip curled and a 🤨 look on his face that he doesn’t even try to hide; you’re both standing there like the surprised pikachu meme for a second before the cogs start turning again. “dude. why are you touching my girl?” shouldering his way between you, arm protectively going around your waist again as he blocks the employee off with his large frame. the guy’s hands going up as he defends himself, “hey, she was asking for it.” THE WAYYYYY THAT BEOMGYU’S JAW WOULD DROP ??!?! “what the fuck did you just say?” ohhhhhhhh he’s mad now.. facing the guy while keeping you behind him, dude’s eyes widening as he realizes his mistake — “uh, i didn’t mean-“ “i don’t care what the fuck you meant, you don’t get to fucking talk to my girl like that, you piece of-” you have to DRAG him out of the store and he’s ranting the entire way, finally grabbing your face and kissing you firmly when you get to the car before grumbling “you weren’t asking for shit..” league of legends be damned, he’s fucking you good the second you get home.
taehyun….. 👁️👁️ is it hot in here already….? you guys don’t go clubbing often, but when you do, your boyfriend is like a blinking neon sign that reads “touch my girl and i’ll run you into the ground 😀.” he hates leaving you alone even for a second, not because he doesn’t trust you, but because he doesn’t trust “all these fucking horndogs that wanna get with you.” his words, not yours. barely drinks anything at first cuz if he has to pee then he has to leave you alone 💀 eventually you convince him to be more chill, have some drinks, and you’re enjoying yourselves — pressed all up on him on the side of the dance floor 🤤 — until begrudgingly he finally excuses himself to the bathroom. you stay put, bopping your head along to the music as you sip at your drink, leaning against the wall to avoid getting knocked into by any dancing bodies. perhaps this backfires, however, when one of those bodies, fairly drunk and heading straight for you, cages you in with his arms before you can even process his intention. his breath reeks of alcohol as you flatten yourself as much against the wall as you can, eyes flitting nervously towards the direction of the bathrooms, praying taehyun will be quick as this manchild croons to you about how he’s been watching you all night and couldn’t wait to get you alone like this. “my boyfriend’s gonna fuck you up,” you mutter, and fuck him up he does. in a flash the guy is on the ground, reeling from the gut punch he just received, taehyun standing there with a terrifyingly calm look on his face. “what do you think you’re doing?” there’s a warning in his eyes, a warning that this bitch ignores as he stumbles to his feet, throwing all kinds of colorful words at the both of you, before stopping mid-tirade as taehyun steps forward calmly, gripping the guy’s collar in his fist as he stares down at him and says with gritted teeth, “you have 5 seconds to walk away before i shove my foot so far up your ass that you’ll be tasting leather. try touching my girl like that again and see what fucking happens.” the raging storm in his eyes paired with the level tone of his voice has your thighs squeezing together despite the situation, and when the man scurries away, you almost feel dizzy at the burning kiss taehyun gives you. muttering “we aren’t coming here again” as he immediately leads you out to the car, heading back home where the filthiest fuck of your life awaits you 😍
kai tends to get quiet when he gets jealous. his instinct being to close himself off more, becoming a careful observer rather than an outright confronter; which is why you’re taken so off guard by the open display of back the fuck off that he dishes out one day when you’re at a convention together. you’re exploring the different booths hand in hand, gushing over the merch tables and limited edition figurines, debating whether or not you should add to your shared plushie collection — when suddenly from behind you comes a low “damn, what a nice ass.” you almost don’t catch it at first. you almost don’t process that it’s being directed at you if not for kai freezing beside you, gaze snapping over his shoulder to the crusty man stood eyeballing you shamelessly. you’re both in shock for a moment until an uneasy feeling creeps over you, and kai can tell. “what did you just say?” your eyes flicker up to him and widen; you’ve never seen him look so serious. his tone is careful, but you can tell that he’s angry. the man is rolling his eyes and saying something like “i wasn’t talking to you, kid, was i?” as he reaches forward as if ready to tweak at your skirt with his fingers. you quickly back up into kai and his hand is flashing out at lightning speed to shove the man’s arm back. “you need to step away.” he’s firm now, holding his ground even as the man sneers at him and starts, “yeah? or what-“ “you need to step away right now before i fucking make you. do not try me.” you’re GOBSMACKED, is this really your sweet plushie loving boyfriend ??!!?!? whatever sexy protective spirit possessed him, you hope that it stays, because the man is visibly shaken even as he scoffs and leaves the booth behind. you turn to look up at your boyfriend whose brows are furrowed over dark eyes, and he’s quickly asking if you’re okay, asking if you want to leave, rambling out questions of concern that have you interrupting him with a simple statement: “i’m gonna suck you off so good later.” his face turns bright red as he stops functioning for a second before groaning and mumbling all these things about how you should be treated like a princess and an angel and.. let’s just say that you definitely feel like one later that night after he’s done with you <3
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tasteracha ¡ 10 months
a/n: my brain’s supply of what this 2min nonsense was about. why did they smile at each other like that. about a sports drink.
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warnings: piss kink (apologizes in advance), soft dom!minho, poly relationship 2min x reader, smut - minors dni
it starts like this:
you were sick a week ago, bedridden and weak-limbed for days and you would have been absolutely miserable if you didn’t have two lovely partners waiting on your every need. streaming hot soup brought straight to your bed, sweat-soaked sheets changed by one of them while the other helped you shower, endless supplies of water and juices and various drinks kept in a steady supply on your bedside table.
including those goddamn sports drinks. the ones that they still shove down your throat because what if you’re still dehydrated baby? can’t have you passing out can we? doesn’t matter to them that you haven’t been sick for a few days now.
you’re tired of the sticky sweet, slightly salty flavor of them. your eyes burn when they land on the colorful label, the smell of it makes you want to throw the bottle out of your high story apartment window. you’re surprised that your piss isn’t pure sports drink at this point. 
still, you drink them. the smile on their faces when you hand them the empty bottle is enough to keep you doing it. the way they take care of you, the way it makes them happy to see you comfortable? you wouldn’t trade that for the world. 
you’re on your third bottle when minho plops onto the couch next to you, immediately latching onto your side and pulling seungmin down into your lap from where he was sitting on your other side. his head lands on your lower belly and he gasps in surprise, squirming as he gets comfortable. his weight presses against your bladder, full of almost three sports drinks now, and it sends a ting up to your head.
“wait, babe,” you wriggle, trying to dislodge your arm from minho’s grip. “i have to go, give me a minute.”
“no,” minho and seungmin whine together, sharing a grin before settling deeper into you.
“c’mon,” you whine back, tugging again at your arm in vain. “let me gooo.”
“you can wait,” minho throws a leg over yours, thigh almost hitting seungmin’s face as he all but traps you into the cushions. seungmin raises a lazy hand and rubs at the bare skin of minho’s thigh from where his shorts had ridden up. you feel minho shudder a bit against you before relaxing, melting completely into you. 
you sigh and accept it. it’s so rare that the three of you get to sit in once space together and relax; with their album having released recently, they’re always running around on different schedules, performing on various stages and going through interview after interview and even when they come home together they’re so tired that they almost collapse on their feet at the door. when they’re not doing things together they’re off on separate ventures, meetings with choreographers or their producers to write songs or whatever their next project is for that week. 
so with the two of you wrapped around you like this, it does seem a bit silly to dislodge them just to use the bathroom. 
the two of them gently bicker over what to watch, seungmin arguing that you and him were in the middle of a movie before minho came in and minho firing back that he didn’t know what happened during the first half so wouldn’t it be fair to change it to something all three of you could enjoy?
throughout their argument, minho wordlessly hands the sports drink you had left on the coffee table to you, metal straw poised near your mouth. seungmin scratches a bit at his thigh when you take it from him reflexively, just how minho likes it, all while they continue talking at each other. you might not have noticed their behavior if the mere sight of the drink sends a warning signal from your bladder to your brain. 
what are they doing. 
minho glances pointedly at your hand, eyes flickering to your mouth and back, and he smiles in satisfaction when you raise it to your lips and take a tentative sip. you take another when you notice your throat did feel a bit dry, thirst battling with your need to pee in an utterly confusing way. you hope they don’t notice when you squeeze your legs together just a bit, holding off the need to pee in a temporary relief. 
minho meets seungmin’s eyes and the younger tips the drink back towards your mouth from where you had let it lower to your lap. 
“what?” you ask, a little breathless. “i’m not really that thirsty, love. i’ll drink it later.”
seungmin shrugs, turning his attention back to the tv. minho sends a glare to him, but it quickly morphs into a smirk when seungmin puts on the anime the three of you love and have seen four times through, exiting out of the movie. 
you’re still confused, but you let yourself melt back into the cushions and focus on the screen. whatever they were up to, you wouldn’t find out until they wanted you to. you’ve learned that lesson time and time again, and it’s taught you to just let things happen instead of wracking your head over it. the two boys were utterly unpredictable on their own but together? you didn’t stand a chance. 
“let’s take a shower,” seungmin suggests, breaking the comfortable silence the three of you had maintained for a while. a shower sounded nice, especially with the two of them - they always paid you the most attention, lathering you up so gently and rinsing your hair until you were practically purring in their arms. but. if you got up right now, you weren’t sure that you could hold your bladder in. 
you look down at the drink in your hand, intending to hand it over to minho to put away, but it’s finished. you don’t remember drinking any more of it, but you must have done it subconsciously when your attention was on the tv. you didn’t even realize that four episodes had passed already. 
the reminder of the sheer amount of liquid in your body makes your lower belly ache, and you’re this close to telling seungmin to go on without you. however, the toilet was in the same room as the shower - and now that your bladder is in the forefront of your mind, that was where you needed to go as soon as physically possible. 
“go ahead and get the water going, seungminnie,” minho says, voice soft and eyes fond. “we’ll be right there.”
seungmin moves off of your lap, disappearing in a flurry and while you thought the removal of his weight might have helped, it actually did the opposite. it was as if he was stopping you from feeling the full force of your aching bladder, absorbing the feeling into himself somehow, and as soon as he was gone it took over your entire body so intensely that you had to hunch over. 
“let’s go, baby,” minho all but coos at you, standing up but not letting go of your arm. he helps you up, letting you lean against him as the two of you shuffle over to the bathroom in agonizingly slow steps. 
“just give me one second,” you squeeze minho’s hand after he leads you through the double doors, stepping towards the toilet. you’ve been together long enough that peeing in front of them doesn’t phase any one of you, and even if it did you’re too desperate to care right now. 
“not so fast,” minho tugs on your hand and you stumble into him, the movement making you clench so that you don’t pee all over the floor. 
“min, c’mon,” you plead, voice coming out in a whine. “let me go, or i’m going to make a mess and you’re going to have to clean it up.”
“shower first,” he says, his tone making it clear that you didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. “you can do it, hmm? you can hold it for us, our good girl.”
his words send another pang throughout your body, this time through your pussy as it all falls into place. you can feel your heartbeat throughout your entire body and your knees feel weak; if he wasn’t holding you up they might have given out there and then. 
“i-i can’t,” you bite out, trying and failing to stand your ground. 
“you can,” minho says, firm and unmovable. you let him peel off your clothes, your entire body shaking and fever-hot all over. he sheds his own quickly, pushing you into the large shower and into seungmin’s arms. you’re glad for him, because otherwise you might have fallen straight to the tiles under the spray in a sad heap. minho slides up behind you and wraps his arms around your midsection, squeezing in a way that makes you gasp. 
the water dripping down your frames and swirling down the drain is transfixing, and you were so close to letting go if the embarrassment of pissing yourself didn’t stop you. you can’t look away from the drain, from the clear water that makes you wonder what it would look like if it was tinged yellow.
“hyung?” seungmin asks, breaking your trance, his eyes shining at minho as he looks at him for guidance. 
“take care of our girl,” minho nods, keeping you still when seungmin moves away. you expect him to reach for the loofah hanging by the shower head, or the bar of soap sitting in the caddy, but instead he sinks to his knees in front of you. he looks up at you with reverence, the shower spray hitting his back and the overhead light shining down on him making him look like some kind of angel. 
or a devil, your mind tells you as he leans forward to press light kisses to your thighs. minho wedges a leg in between yours, nudging your knees apart so seungmin has access to your throbbing pussy. he makes a delighted noise and dives in, tongue flicking at your folds as his hands keep your thighs apart. 
“fuck, seung,” you moan, muscles tightened as you try not to release onto his face. “i can’t hold it.”
neither of them pay you any mind; minho’s hands massage at your lower belly as seungmin laps at you like you’re his last meal, his tongue dipping inside of you and reaching points he never has before.
“p-please,” you gasp, not knowing what you were even asking for. for minho to let up on the pressure around your middle, for seungmin to move his face away from your pussy, for him to go harder and never stop. 
“do you need to go, honey?” minho says, voice right in your ear. it sends a lick of flames up your spine, and seungmin hums into you when you let out a list of syllables that you hope mean god, yes, please let me. “then come for us, and i promise you can go after.”
it’s like his words flip a switch inside of you, because immediately after he orders it you’re coming. your hips jerk against seungmin’s mouth, his nose rubbing against your clit as the fire climbs downwards and explodes into embers that take over your entire body. 
when the last of the shocks fade away, the pang of desperation from your bladder comes back in full force. your knees shake, you can feel your entire body trembling in an attempt to not piss all over your boyfriend who is still kneeling between your legs. 
“baby, come up here,” minho calls to seungmin, pulling him away from where he had begun sucking at your inner thigh. he rises to his knees in an unfairly graceful way and presses his body up against your front so you’re sandwiched between them. the gentle pressure of his hips pushing against minho’s hands makes you double over, your face squishing against seungmin’s chest as you finally lose control over yourself. 
you can feel the warm stream sliding down your legs, the sound of it mixing with the shower spray and creating some kind of weird harmony. you let out a sob, half from the utter relief you feel at letting go and half at the embarrassment of pissing yourself like this, even if they made you do it. you close your eyes and throw your head back against minho’s collarbone, mouth hanging open from how overwhelmed you feel. 
“i’m sorry,” you choke out, chest heaving in with your breaths and shuddering out. the flow finally tapers off, the last bits of release tricking down and swirling down the drain. “fuck, i’m sorry.”
“it’s okay, love,” seungmin shushes you, sliding a hand up your waist as minho presses wet kisses to the back of your head. “that was so fucking hot, you don’t even know.”
you watch with tired eyes as minho’s hand creeps around you to circle around seungmin’s dick, hard and upright, and seungmin sucks in a sharp breath through his teeth. his own hand snakes behind you, to minho’s cock, and they jerk each other off with you between them, pliant and jelly limped as you lean against them. they come together, both of their heads buried into your neck and their combined come spurting out onto your legs and sliding down like your piss had earlier. 
the three of you stand there for several moments, catching your breath and regaining the feeling in your legs. seungmin does actually reach for the loofah then, lathering it up with minho’s expensive soaps and spending extra time scrubbing at your legs. you float in a dazed mess as they rinse you off, wrapping you in a fluffy towel and then guiding your limbs into satin pajamas. 
“thirsty?” seungmin asks after he deposits you into the covers of your shared california king bed, and your parched throat aches to say yes. you almost do, but when you turn your head to look at what’s in his outstretched hand it’s - 
a bottle of the god damn sports drink. 
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pickingupmymercedes ¡ 2 months
It sounds silly - Lewis Hamilton
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Request: "Also if you have time or want to could you write something where the reader is struggling with a self image issue and where Lewis gives words of encouragement?" -@chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader!
warnings: bit of angst, self image problems, body image discussions.
wordcount: +1K
a/n: Tooth rooting fluff coming right up. I mean it, you guys are not ready for the levels of softness in this. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the request. My mind went wild with this one.
a/n.2: BTW a good friend of mine proof read it and we tried something different with the writting, so please give me a heads up on what you guys feel and how it compares to the previous fics
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
The reason you gave for canceling your dinner date with Lewis seemed trivial, even childish. You stood in front of the bathroom mirror, confronting your reflection—a vulnerable woman who felt the sting of her insecurities more acutely than she'd like to admit. The muted light from the overhead fixture highlighted the lines of worry on your face, adding to the ambiance of tension that filled the room.
You had told Lewis that a migraine was to blame, but there you were, with smudged makeup and half-curled hair, staring at an Instagram post that had reignited old insecurities. The post was a fan-made video showcasing all of Lewis's past girlfriends, and while he seemed content with each of them, his smile was undeniably brightest with you. But you couldn’t shake off the feeling of inadequacy when comparing yourself to his past, seemingly flawless partners.
The doorbell interrupted your thoughts. Hoping Lewis would get the hint and leave, you chose not to answer, however, when the familiar jingle of keys met your ears, you realized he was using the spare key you’d given him.
"Hey, love, where are you?" Lewis's voice resonated through the apartment. The ambient lighting in your living room painted a warm glow around him, accentuating his concerned expression. The soft, muted tones of the decor and the comforting scent of your favorite candle filled the space, an atmosphere of intimacy and familiarity to a place he was around often.
He found you in the bathroom, a vision of distress with red, swollen eyes. "What happened? Why didn't you answer the door?" he asked softly, taking in your disheveled appearance.
You hesitated, reluctant to admit the true reason for your emotional turmoil. "I told you I had a migraine," you mumbled, avoiding his gaze.
Sensing there was more to your distress, Lewis gently tilted your chin up to meet his eyes. "Look at me, please," he requested softly.
Reluctantly, you met his gaze, feeling the weight of his concern. "I know it's silly, Lewis," you began, already apologizing in advance, your voice quivering. "I'm a grown woman who’s achieved success in life, yet… I find myself comparing to those other women."
His expression softened, but there was a hint of persistence in his eyes. "I sense there's more you're not telling me,” he said gently. "Love, talk to me."
Swallowing hard, you admitted, "I... I saw something on Instagram." Tears welled up again as you continued, "A fan-made video of all your past girlfriends. They were all so... beautiful and skinny. And then there’s me."
Understanding dawned on Lewis's face as he pulled you into a comforting embrace. "Oh, love," he murmured, his voice filled with an empathetic thone that only made things worse.
You buried your face in his chest, feeling a mix of relief and vulnerability wash over you. "I'm sorry," you whispered, ashamed of how your insecurities got the best of you.
"Don't be," Lewis reassured you softly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "I'm committed to us, to what we have. You're the one I've chosen and it’s not because of comparisons."
As you clung to each other, the weight of your insecurities began to lift, replaced by the comforting and understanding presence of the man who loved you deeply. His hand moved to the small of your back, rubbing gentle circles as he whispered words of reassurance.
Wanting to shift the atmosphere and distract from the emotional weight of the conversation, Lewis suggested, "How about we make dinner together tonight?"
You nodded, grateful for the idea of focusing on something else. "Sounds good."
"How about pasta? It's quick, and I think you’ll have the ingredients," Lewis replied, already heading towards the kitchen.
As Lewis began to gather the necessary ingredients, he felt a strong urge to show you just how beautiful he found your body. Wanting to uplift your spirits and reaffirm his admiration for you, he started to become more affectionate.
While stirring the sauce on the stove, Lewis wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, pulling you close to him. He pressed soft kisses along the side of your neck, his hands tracing gentle patterns on your hips and sides.
"You know," he whispered, his voice husky, "I've always found you incredibly sexy, just the way you are."
A warmth spread through you, not just from the heat of the stove but from the genuine affection and desire in Lewis's touch and words. It was moments like these that made you feel cherished and desired, erasing the doubts and insecurities that had plagued you earlier.
"I love you," you whispered, turning in his arms to press a lingering kiss on his lips.
"I love you too," Lewis replied, his eyes filled with warmth and sincerity. "And I'll keep reminding you every day until you believe it."
Feeling the weight of the emotional conversation lifting, you decided to show Lewis the video that had triggered your insecurities. Taking a deep breath, you handed him your phone, pointing to the Instagram post.
Lewis took the phone from your outstretched hand, unlocking it to search for the video you mentioned. He watched it in silence, his expression thoughtful as he took in each frame. When the video ended, he set his phone down and looked at you with a soft smile.
"I've had my fair share of relationships in the past, but with you, it's different. I want you to know that," he said, his voice calm and reassuring.
You looked into his eyes, hesitating for a moment before opening up. "It feels so childish. You're a superstar, and I can't help but compare myself to your past. I know it sounds silly.”
Understanding filled Lewis's eyes as he took a step closer, gently cupping your face. "I understand why you’d feel that way, but you have to know, that to me, you are more than enough. I chose you for who you are, not for how you compare to anyone else."
His words, though simple, held a depth of sincerity that touched your heart, easing the sting of your insecurities. You nodded slowly, taking in his reassuring presence.
"Thank you for being so understanding," you finally said, your voice filled with gratitude and relief.
"I'm always here for you." Lewis said, squeezing your hand gently.
As the evening wore on and dinner was ready, Lewis took a step back, extending his hand towards you. "May I have this dance?" he asked with a playful grin.
You chuckled at the unexpected request. "But there's no music."
"Who needs music?" Lewis replied, a tender smile on his face. "I just want to hold you close and dance with you."
Gratefully accepting his hand, you allowed Lewis to pull you close, placing one hand on his shoulder while he held you securely around the waist. As you began to move slowly together, you felt the gentle rhythm of your hearts beating in sync.
There was no need for music. The silence between you was filled with the unspoken words of love, understanding, and acceptance. As you held each other in a tender embrace, the warmth and closeness spoke volumes, conveying love, reassurance, and unwavering support without the need for words.
In the quiet intimacy of your living room, swaying gently together, you found solace in Lewis's presence. With him by your side, you felt not just loved, but truly cherished. You knew that with him, you could open up without fear of judgment, feeling understood and supported in every moment.
As the night deepened, the world outside seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you wrapped in the comforting cocoon of your home and him. With each passing moment, you felt more connected, more understood, and more cherished. The insecurities that once plagued you were now distant, replaced by the undeniable truth of Lewis's unwavering support.
He pulled away slightly, looking into your eyes with a mischievous grin. "We should make our own video." playfully winking at you, trying to lighten the mood further.
You laughed, swatting him lightly on the arm. The playful banter was exactly what you needed to dispel the last of your insecurities and bring a genuine smile to your face. With a chuckle, Lewis pulled you close once more, relishing in the sound of your laughter. "I mean it, though," he whispered, his voice filled with love and a hint of mischief. "I want to capture all our beautiful moments together."
Blushing at his boldness, you shook your head, your heart swelling with love for the man who always knew how to lift you up. "Maybe one day," you teased, "but for now, let's just enjoy this, yeah?!"
Lewis nodded, his eyes softening as he looked at you. "Sounds perfect," he whispered, leaning down to capture your lips in a sweet, lingering kiss, sealing your love and the promise of many more cherished moments to come.
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk
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justawritterwithideas ¡ 10 months
law in pink | s.r
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♡ previous part | next part ♡
summary: Finally the mystery of Mr. "W" has been solved, but his appearance will cause quite a few problems.
warnings: this chapter contains strong themes such as harassment, strong vocabulary, physical violence, among other topics !!!
this story is spencer reid (season 7) x ssa elle woods!reader
words: 1,606 words.
! a/n at the end of the chapter, pls read it; I think this is not one of the best chapters I've ever written, so I apologize in advance :(
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The stares around you were attentive to your words, even though Hotch and Rossi weren't the gossipy type, they wanted to hear the reason why that jerk was so interested in spending time alone with you.
"Warner and I have known each other since I was a student at UCLA, but he broke up with me when he decided he didn't want a 'Marilyn' by his side, but a 'Jackie'. To prove that I could be a 'Jackie' too, I decided to study to get into Harvard Law, but eventually I realized that I didn't need a 'Kennedy' to decide if I wanted to be a 'Marilyn' or a 'Jackie', if I wanted to I could be both at the same time." You took a long sip from your cup of coffee, which was already iced, before watching the faces of the people listening intently to your story. "Things didn't end very well between the two of us, even more so after a certain event in our college life that made him want to try it with me and I turned him down."
You bit your lip in embarrassment, but not for being overwhelmed by the fact of what had happened, but for hiding that part of your story from your friends.
"I know you have to be as honest as possible in this kind of work, but I didn't think I'd run into Warner one more time in life. To me, he's a chapter in the past and that, if I could, I would eliminate him." You admitted with a laugh, bringing both hands to your waist. "I'm sorry, guys."
"It's okay, darling. It's understandable why you didn't talk about him, he's a total jerk from head to toe, even his cologne shows it." Emily was the first to comfort you, something that made you let out a soft sigh and give her a small smile.
"As long as that doesn't interfere with your performance and behavior, you wouldn't have to explain, Woods." Hotch commented, who was nodding and giving one of those smiles that you understood was a soft sigh to your heart.
"Thanks Hotch." You replied back, as you heard him let out a 'get back to work'.
You stared at the coffee cup, sensing Spencer's presence in front of you. Your gaze was fixed on this one, who was folding his arms as he watched the toe of his sneakers.
"Doesn't it bother you that he's around?"
"Doesn't it bother you that he's this... him around you? You know, involved in the case." You sighed, resting both hands on your hips as you watched him. "Because if I were in your position it would bother me, much more so with his attitude and wordplay concerning J.F. Kennedy and his possible affair with Marilyn Monroe-"
"Spencie, it doesn't bother me at all. Warner is part of my past and without him, I might still be in California, working at something I might not like and living in that bubble that held me back for too long..." Your feet carried you to stand in front of Spencer, managing to take his hand in your hands and you smiled. "Besides, I wouldn't have met the best jet travel companion."
The blush on the tall man's cheeks made you smile, leaving a kiss on his cheek and a squeeze on his hand.
"Even if you don't believe it, I'm stronger than I look." You commented as you tried to strike a pose that could show off the muscles in your arms, but ended up laughing as you saw him fall into a fit of laughter at your attempt. "I'll be fine, Spencie. Don't worry."
The latter let out a sigh and nodded softly, allowing himself to stop worrying about the man who looked like he would cause more trouble than he thought.
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The rest of the week had passed quite calmly, the case had given quite good resolutions and they had managed to find the culprit after a couple of evidences.
Your hands found themselves putting the papers away inside a folder with the name of the case on it, placing them inside the box of evidence and documents left on the station table.
"A lot of work, Y/N?"
Your whole body tensed at the sound of that voice, causing you to turn to watch Warner enter the office.
"Sort of, but that's normal for this kind of work, after all." Your response was terse, turning your attention back to those papers.
It was clear in the atmosphere that you didn't want to share with Warner, and that what you wanted in that instant was for someone to arrive and interrupt your meeting alone with him.
You had both ended in a rather humiliating way, especially for him, even more so when you came out of college with contacts and he with no girlfriend or contacts, even with a matriculation with honors.
"You should thank me" Your head turned to look at him, feeling his words give off that self-centeredness that had blinded you when you were dating him and that, now, only made you want to vomit "without me, you wouldn't have made the decision to study at Harvard and get this life of luxury you have right now."
"With you or without you, I would have succeeded whatever I did because I did it with my effort, not yours." You paused before turning around. "But yes, I do appreciate you acting like a rube and opening my eyes to what I wanted to be in the future. Thank you, Warner." Your tone of voice was pure sarcasm, but the man didn't even know a lie from the truth.
Your hands were quick so you could put things away as quickly as possible, but your body was set in stone when you felt his hands run along your waist.
"Don't play hard to get, I know you miss me as much as I miss you. You try to dissemble in front of your colleagues, but I know you still love me, c'mon boo bear."
Disgust was in the pit of your throat and your body was not reacting to those actions, why couldn't you move?
" L-let me go, Warner."
Suddenly, your mind reacted, beginning to send stimuli throughout your body in the form of an alert.
"Don't be mean, Y/N... Admit it, you miss me."
"Let me go now."
 "I know you like it and I know you don't mean it."
"Stop it!"
Your palm began to burn as the sound of the resounding slap you gave your opponent reached your ears, causing you to quickly pull away from him. Your chest rose and fell, feeling the desperation to escape right then and there as fast as possible.
"On your fucking life ever touch me again, on your fucking life." Your hands went to your body, beginning to bring warmth to yourself in order to soothe yourself.
"You're stupid, look how you left my face. You're going to pay for it."
But before you could do anything, Warner's body fell against the table. Your gaze lifted, settling on Spencer who was holding the man's wrist and keeping him pinned completely immobilized.
"Even you won't be able to get out of this one, 'lawyer'. You dare touch her again and I swear I'll kill you and get rid of you without even realizing you're missing." Spencer's steady gaze made her connect with yours, feeling her relax at the calmer sight of you. "Are you okay?"
Your head nodded, watching as Warner couldn't get rid of Spencer even if he gave all his efforts. Your body relaxed, feeling at peace as you realized that, with Spencer by your side, no one could hurt you.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
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The trip back home took longer than usual, the recent events had left you spinning some thoughts that were not going to leave you alone.
Everyone was worried, but they didn't want to relive the events for clear reasons. But you also didn't want everyone to see you as if you were made of porcelain, what had happened had left you with more lessons than fears.
Your attention turned to the cup of tea in front of you, taking in the smell of book and coffee wafting from your seatmate.
"Green tea with a teaspoon of sugar, just the way you like it."
A faint smile tugged at your lips, caused by the man's arrival.
"Thank you, Spencie. This was just what I needed right now." You admitted, taking it in your hands and taking a soft sip, letting out a long sigh after swallowing it. "It's been quite a long day today."
Silence flooded you both, causing you to bite your lower lip in order to turn in the direction of your opponent.
"Y/N, about what happened..."
"It's okay Spencer, we don't need to talk about it. Besides, I don't think it's the right place." You sighed.
You both stood in silence, respectively staring into your cups with that splinter in your heart. The situation had been enough for both of you.
"Thank you Spencie." The silence you decided to break, turning in his direction. "I appreciate you being there."
"War-" he paused "He won't bother you again, rest assured, I'll take care of it personally."
You nodded softly before turning your attention to your mug, keeping the silence between the two of you.
Your hand wrapped around Spencer's arm, resting your head on his shoulder.
This time the silence wasn't awkward.
It was a comfortable one that indicated they would be okay.
Yeah, they'll be alright.
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♡ previous part ♡
a/n: hello everyone, I am finally making my presence known I'm really sorry for leaving you all so soon, but if you don't know, I'm in my last year of college and it's become a total chaos, and between my assigments and social life, my inspiration had to give up and it's become a bit difficult to bring you a chapter of both "Law in Pink" and "Boy Wonder and the Rockstar", even bringing you au's. I promise you that I had this chapter almost ready but I wasn't quite convinced, so I didn't want to leave you with a chapter that I really felt wasn't the essence that I give off in each chapter. I hope you liked it and I'll see you in the next chapter of "Law in pink", thanks to all who have left their comments and interactions, I appreciate them infinitely. see you soon!
If you like it, don't forget to like and repost it.
a lot of love, alme. ❀
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roseofdarknessblog ¡ 7 months
Uncertain tomorrows (Postwar!Levi Ackerman x Reader)
Word count: 2 410
Disclaimer: english is not my first language, I apologize in advance for any mistakes
Summary: You and Levi slowly start to realize that the war is finally over.
This story can be read on its own or as a part of my little post-war series: Learn to live again
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Uncertain tomorrows
Suddenly, the whole world around you got so eerily quiet. As night came over Fort Salta it felt as if time had stopped. Those fortunate enough fell asleep, others were sitting or laying around, while a couple of people were still wandering outside, thinking about what happened just a couple of hours ago.
This was it.
The end.
The end you all fought so hard for.
„Stop staring at the ceiling and get some sleep,“ said a hushed male voice right next to you.
Levi was right, closing your eyes and sleeping for at least a couple of hours was the best possible thing you could do. But how were you supposed to do that? With everything that happened, your eyes were filled with tears every other moment. And even though you never let them roll down your cheeks, it felt as if you had cried your whole soul out at least a hundred million times.
„Not that you should be doing anything else...“ you mumbled quietly and rolled onto your left side to look at him.
All the airship hangars were empty now. Well, not entirely. They served as a good place for all of you, the Marleyans, and all the refugees from Liberio to spend the night in. Nobody knew what would follow and many people didn’t even dare to ask. They were happy with the fact that they survived the end of the world. For many, that was more than enough for the next couple of hours and maybe even days.
To be honest, it was enough for you as well. All that mattered, was that you and Levi were still together. With so many memories running through your mind, the fact that he was still alive was the most important one.
„Are you still in pain?“ you asked and reached your hand over to him, brushing a few strands of hair from his forehead. His right eye was still bandaged and the left one was closed. He was trying his best to get some much-needed rest. Even though he fought just like during old times, shortly after it was over the pain caught up to him. When all the adrenaline was gone, he wasn’t even able to stand up on his own or talk through the pain his whole body was in. „I could go find that Marleyan medic and ask for more painkillers.“ He shook his head and slowly turned it to the side to look at you in the darkness.
You were more than grateful when the man, your enemy not too long ago, took care of Levi’s injuries. He did his best with the little he had on hand and you were sure that you would never forget that. It was better than nothing, even though you still worried about Levi a great deal.
Getting him to a proper doctor or even to a hospital was something you knew that needed to be done soon. But how? How would you do that? Where would you go? There was... simply nothing. Just deserted rocky terrains or scorched empty fields of land. The only civilization was the people around you – the Scouts, the Eldians from Liberio, and the members of the Marleyan military.
„How’s your leg doing?“ you dared to ask in a whisper, not wanting other people in the hangar to hear you.
„Cutting it off would hurt less,“ he hissed through gritted teeth, closing his only healthy eye once again.
You knew that he was coughing up blood earlier during the fight. And when you asked him about it, he scoffed and said that it was only because he accidentally bit into his lower lip and tongue during the fight, so he had to spit out the blood from his mouth. You didn’t believe him even a little bit and kept a very close eye on him but... that was truly the only thing you could do. Besides praying to every possible god in the universe that he would pull through like every time.
„You sure you don’t want those painkillers?“
When he didn’t respond, you were left alone with your torturous thoughts once again. And slowly, it was more than you were able to take.
All of you killed Eren and saved the little that was left of the world and its population, you lost people along the way and you were also turned into a Titan. You fought against the Rumbling, against all the previous nine titans... against the boy, who years ago came into the Scouting legion with a dream of eradicating all titans.
And even if that dream of his was fulfilled in a very gruesome and twisted kind of way... well... it did happen in the end. All the titan powers were gone once and for all. Or at least that was what you were hoping for.
After a couple of minutes of silence, Levi spoke again. „Aren’t you going to ask that question?“
„What question?“ you asked a little confused and found Levi’s hand in the darkness under the blanket. Only then you realized that his hand, and probably the other one too, was tightly curled into a fist.
„About what’s going to happen now. Tomorrow, in a week, month...“
„No, I’m not. I don’t have the strength or brain capacity to think about that. Not now, maybe later.“
Maybe after the realization, that everything really came to an end will set in. But until then, you felt like you’d stay stuck in some kind of bubble, where the past, present, and future were mixed together, creating a portrait full of sorrow and uncertainty.
A shiver, that ran down your back, made you move a little closer to Levi and hold his hand a little tighter. You very gently interlocked your fingers and moved your head, so your forehead was resting against his shoulder.
„Are you worried about cuddling up to me properly?“ he asked, the remaining fingers of his injured hand running through your messy hair.
„I don’t want to hurt you, that’s all. You’re hurting all over.“
„That doesn’t mean I don’t want to feel you as close as possible,“ he whispered and rolled onto his side with a painful sigh you’ve never heard from him before.
All everybody had were a couple of blankets or coats from the military or the Eldian refugees, but it had to be enough. It was still better than lying on the ground itself. Another positive thing was, that the night wasn’t too cold. So laying there, in a dark corner of one of the hangars was more than bearable. The only truly important thing was the man lying there beside you, whose warmth was reassuring and calming. Just like during old times, when you were still living in the Underground together.
„It doesn’t seem real,“ you whispered and wrapped your arm around Levi carefully, resting your foreheads together. When the tips of your noses touched gently, you smiled a little and kissed his lips lightly. „We were fighting for so long and it’s done now. We don’t need to do it anymore, there’s no war to win now, we did it. All of us... together.“
„Almost all of us...“ Levi corrected you almost inaudibly and brushed his lips against yours again. It was such a gentle movement but so full of love.
„I still remember the day you, Isabel, and Furlan left the Underground and the day you came back for me. I remember my first days spent in the sunlight, how it pained my eyes, and how sunburnt I got all over my face during the very first training.“
„Shitty glasses gave you that awfully smelling cream.“
You chuckled and gently caressed the back of his neck, letting your fingers slide into his hair. It had grown a fair bit over the month he spent in the forest with Zeke. „But it did help a whole lot, don’t forget. My skin was okay in two days.“
Losing Hange was something that scarred both of your hearts. They were with you since day one and suddenly... suddenly they were not. It wasn’t easy to process, even after everything that happened since then. You still saw them right there before your eyes when you closed them and you couldn’t believe you’ll never hear their cheerful voice again.
But then again, the same feelings tortured you when it came to many other people. Your heart hurt for Sasha, Erwin, Moblit, Miche, Nanaba, Isabel, Furlan, Petra, members of your own squad, and many more. It hurt just as much, as Eren’s death. Because until the very end, you believed that there was a way to bring him back from the path he chose to walk down. You believed Armin and Mikasa, Jean and Connie, who never wanted to give up on their friend, would talk sense into him. You hoped... so damnd much... that it wasn’t late for him to turn back.
But eventually... you simply had to face the fact, that not all things can be undone and not all people can be saved.
Thinking about all of your fallen friends and comrades made you stay quiet again. While Levi was absentmindedly playing with a strand of your hair, you were running your hand up and down his back comfortingly. He never felt this fragile in your arms and that put tears in your eyes again. 
With your foreheads still pressed together, you could feel his warm breath on your face when he talked. „You’ll finally have the chance to wear those pretty flower dresses you always liked so much.“ His lips met yours in a loving kiss.
You nodded with a smile, stroking his cheek. „That will be nice for a change. No more uniforms or ODM gears, no more training...“
Eventually, you would miss all of that, you were sure. After all, military life was all you knew for almost fifteen years. But a little change sounded more than welcoming. Having the chance to finally live a different life. A happy and safe one. A life where you and live could be just... well, Y/N and Levi. Two ordinary people – best friends and lovers, not soldiers.
„Years back, when I was badly injured after the encounter with the Female titan... you promised me that if I pull through, we’ll get married,“ you whispered into his ear, brushing your lips over his cheek. „And then things got crazy with Eren and... we haven’t really had the time ever since.“
„Maybe now...“ he said, trying to pull you even closer to his body. He never had a problem doing it until now. So it had to be you, who scooted closer and found a way to lay comfortable again, while your own body was hurting and bruised from all the fighting. „We can finally do whatever the hell we want.“
„All the stupid things we never got to try,“ you chuckled, wrapping him in a loving hug.
„We can mourn all we want and then just move on.“ His voice was getting quieter, while you could finally feel his body relaxing against yours.
„Get lost in all the grief and pain, all the heartbreak and then... we’ll wake up one morning and not feel it ever again. Or at least not that much.“ Your fingers once again found their way into his silky black hair, stroking and massaging his scalp very gently. „We’ll have the life all of them dreamed about. And we’ll live. For them and for us.“
Both of you could hear your voice breaking, while tears eventually rolled down your cheeks. And it felt so damn good to finally let yourself cry and grieve. It was a way to ease the pain that was pounding through your entire body.
„We’ll figure something out, we have the rest of our lives to do that,“ you added in a reassuring tone, kissing the top of Levi’s head.
He really wasn’t in the mood for talking or dreaming about the future. And that was perfectly fine. Even you weren’t in the mood, to be honest. You tried to do it only to keep your mind occupied and not to let it wander to the worst places.
Hours were slowly passing you by in complete silence. Levi was resting in your arms, avoiding even the slightest movement to not feel any more pain. Even with your eyes closed, you couldn’t even think about falling asleep. Fear didn’t let you do it. So instead, you kept a watch over Levi. In the silence of the night, you focused on his calm breathing until morning came around. He finally fell asleep just a few minutes before sunrise.
Soon after, Jean came to check up on the two of you. He looked just as exhausted as you were feeling, so he probably didn’t get any sleep either. You assured him that everything was okay and that if anything came up, you would come and find him or the others.
„Was it all just a dream?“ Levi asked in a whisper maybe an hour later, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. You could hear voices from outside, people were starting to wake up and move around once again.
„No, it wasn’t. It’s over and we made it out alive.“
Levi nodded slightly, pressing his lips to your neck and tightening his grip around you. When you closed your eyes at that moment, all the events of the past years seemed unreal. Suddenly, you felt like a kid once again. A small girl growing up under the Capital, who was only dreaming about living up on the surface in the sunlight.
„We came so far, Levi, and made all of them proud, I’m sure about that. Today, we got the chance to wake up into a world they all helped to create... for us.“
„And we’ll honor them by living the best life we possibly can,“ he added and looked up at you. With tears in the corners of your eyes, you pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead and hugged him even tighter so as to never let him go anywhere without you.
Yesterday, you all left your past lives behind and today all of you woke up to a brand new beginning. With so much pain and sadness in your hearts, you got the chance to look into the future and be present for a fresh new start humanity needed so much.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us ¡ 1 year
Out of reasons to love you
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requested: Reader realizes that her and Az are mates, but she also knows that Az has feelings for Elain. She made him choose (without him knowing about the bonds). He chose Elain and reader breaks/rejects the bonds. The potential angst this could have omg.
a/n I apologize in advance🫂
Azriel x reader
warnings:pain more pain, blood and did I mention pain?
Love. What a ravishing thing it can be. One to lift the fallen ones and encourage them to go the distance they never imagined. A power to build. To create. Cherish and worship. Songs, books, and paintings all have a hint of love in them because the inspirational power of it extends itself beyond this world. Yet not enough attention is given to what happens when love isn't answered. When it's crushed under one's feet. Ripped out of one's chest.
You met Azriel when you two were still little. You happen to live next door to his father's house. And screams, even if muffled, didn't go unnoticed by you. You'd slithered out of bed one night, holding a teddy bear in one hand as you climbed down the ivy tree through the window.
That was the first time you saw what happened down in the basement. What horrible things Azriel's father, stepmother, and stepbrothers did. The torture behind the cry you have listened to for weeks now. You ran away the first night, but you couldn't stop thinking about it no matter what you did. So you went back.
Azriel was crying quietly in the corner, his burnt hands trembling. That was all it took for the fear of being caught to vanish. Maybe being so empathetic was going to be your downfall, but the boy looked like he could use some help, and you weren't about to leave him alone. And the moment Azriel turned to you, once he heard you knocking on the little dirt window, everything changed.
Your tiny frame allowed you to squeeze through the open window so you could make your way in and out of the basement. Azriel didn't talk much at first, but you didn't blame him. So you did the talking at the beginning. Bringing him food your mother made, sweets, and tonics for the bruises. Sat by his side in silence. Then, once the burns had healed, you took hold of his hand and held it in yours. Although one thing Azriel was the most thankful for was you massaging and moving his wings. Wings he couldn't use to fly with. Wings, he couldn't even stretch in that horrible place since the basement was way too small for it. If not for you, he would have lost all feeling in them.
Sent by Mother herself. His ray of sunshine. That's what he called you. Azriel feared that you would vanish and walk out on him, but that never happened. No matter what was to come, in one way or another, you found your way back to him. Even the night you two got caught and his father walked in on you cleaning the new cuts he had left on his son's body, you didn't back away.
You stood firmly in front of Azriel, throwing a bottle of tonic at his head as the male inched to move closer. Even if it did nothing, you fought till the moment you were in his grip. Trashing around like a wild animal. That was the night Azriel moved to fight himself. The sight of his father's hands on you. Gripping your body tightly made him roar out in anger, and with a vicious pull, he ripped one of the chains off his hands.
He didn't get to reach you, but it was enough to prove a point. That you had saved that last piece of his soul. That you had managed to keep the fire inside him alive. Shielding it from anything and everything that imposed a threat of putting it out.
That was the night when they brought out the torches again. The night they made you watch as they dipped Azriel's hands in the flames. You cried for Azriel. Azriel cried out of the agony he was in. And you two cried for that last bit of hope you secretly wished for, and it got answered. As two Illyrian soldiers broke through the doors.
They tried to separate you from each other, but it was pointless. The moment the warriors unclasped the chains, even with trembling legs, Azriel stepped closer to you. You didn't have enough strength to hold him up, but you still managed to break his fall just a little. Even with unimaginable pain. Until the moment he went unconscious. He clung to you as if all of his world was made out of you. And even coldhearted warriors didn't find enough strength in themselves to pull the two of you apart. So to the camps, you went.
The first couple of weeks were torturous. They didn't let Azriel heal properly. You tried to fight that decision, but your eagerness only resulted in you earning a harsh slap. So you went on behind their backs. Slipping out at night to find herbs and making different mixtures yourself, as you saw your mother do, all in hopes of keeping infection away from your friend's hands. You warmed each other up during those cold nights, never letting go of one another unless it was necessary.
Things changed when Rhysand came around alongside Cassian. And with that, of course, Rhys's mother, who took both of you in since she appeared to know Azriel's birth mother.
Azriel was beyond protective of you when he brought you alongside him to the house, which the boys were now supposed to share. He kept you behind him, glaring at the other two boys the moment they tried to peek behind Azriel's wings to see you. You were his and his only. The only good thing that had happened to him ever since he entered this world. And on that jealous side of him, he didn't want to share you with anyone else, especially not other males. At times, Azriel didn't realize what all of this meant. Too young to pick and find the meaning of his feelings.
Yet that happiness didn't last long. And that small chunk of time you two used to spend together every day was ripped away from you. When the teenage horniness kicked in and Rhysand's mother wasn't around, it seemed like they would let loose completely. They started to bring females in almost every night. Females who were way older than you and whose bodies had already matured. They looked at you with pity, but you pretended that you didn't see it. You laughed off Cassian, who wiggled his eyebrows every time he tried to sneak in a new female in. Ignored Rhys when he was being clumsy. But it was Azriel's moans that brushed your heart every time you heard them. You were happy for him regardless. Since you never allowed yourself the thought of him loving you. Friends. Perhaps siblings, but never lovers. So the more those nights appeared, the more you found yourself slipping out of the house and sitting outside the camp borders till the sun started rising in the sky.
After endless females came his first-ever love. Love for Rhysand's sister. You still consider it your first true heartbreak. That was the first girl he talked to you about. You and her were great friends, especially since you never really had female friends, and Azriel saw that as an opportunity to understand how her mind worked.
Morgan was next in line. It was clear to you that she had no interest in Azriel, but he seemed oblivious. Oblivious to the point where, for weeks, he ignored you. Convinced that the reason why Mor wasn't giving him a chance was that she thought that you and Azriel were together. So you stepped away like you always did. Stepped away because your love for Azriel was way stronger. Meaning that you were willing to hurt yourself to ensure that he was happy.
The day Azriel found out that Cassian took Mor's maidenhead was the first time you saw him seriously mad about something. So openly mad that he had moved to beat Cassian up. Your attempts to separate them were pointless, but you tended to the bruises afterward without a single complaint.
You wondered what was wrong with you that he didn't see it. Didn't see you. Acting out of a wimp you kissed him that night. You hoped your body and the sounds you made would make him finally see what was right in front of him. Yet this only made the situation worse. The bond had snapped for you that night, and you clung to Azriel like all your life depended on it, but the moment you two caught your breaths, Azriel walked away.
You had never told him that that was your first time. That you were glad that it was him. That's how you always wanted it to be. Gods, and most importantly, you didn't tell him anything about the bond.
When Elain came around, the last drops of wishful thinking vanished in an instant. Azriel was infatuated with her. Even if you tried to be discreet while being around them, you didn't need to hear it to know what was happening inside his heart. He still seek you out when he was hurt and needed comfort, but he never stayed long enough to warm your bed. In all honesty, he only did this when there was no one else who wanted to warm his bed.
And gods know you tried to give him a hint. You tried to tell him that you loved him. That you two were bound by a bond of all things. The bond he so desperately wanted to find. But if, after so many years, he had no clue about it, what realistic chance did you stand?
You were sitting in your room with a cup of tea warming your hands as the doors to your bedroom opened and Azriel walked in. You didn't need to study him long to see that he must have faced some sort of trouble since his face was bruised. The shadow singer simply sat down on one of the chairs before moving to undo his leathers, but you didn't move.
"I think the end of an arrow is still in my shoulder," he said, voice calm as he spoke. This was a typical thing for you two. He found comfort in your presence, and you found comfort in knowing that he was well, but you didn't move an inch this time. "Y/N," Azriel said, trying to get your attention, but all you did was stare at the wall in front of you.
"What am I to you?", Azriel let out a muffled laugh, scanning your frame. You knew that he was silently questioning your timing in bringing this question up. You had voiced your feelings once to him. You told him that you felt mistreated and neglected by him, but that changed nothing.
"Can we deal with the arrow first and then talk about this?", "No, we can't," you turned your back to him, "We can't because I'm tired of being your rag doll. I have feelings too, you know." Your eyes were stinging already, and you hated yourself for being this emotional.
"Why are you treating me like this, Azriel? Can't you see how I feel about you?", your eyes desperately searched for any glimpse of understanding, anything that would make you realize how he felt. But he only ran a hand through his hair. "Are you going to help me with this or do I need to find someone else to help me?" Those words pierced right through your heart, and you felt your bottom lip trembling. Azriel lingered for a moment before he walked out of your room, slamming the door.
Sleep didn't find you all night long, and with the early morning light, you made your way out of the house. "What a pleasant surprise!", the day court was gleaming with light, but it only made you sulk more. The smile on Helion's face not helping the case much as well. "I need your help," you stated blandly. You two had worked together for some time when Rhys assigned you to conduct several kinds of research in one of Helion's libraries.
"Ask away," he said sheepishly, tilting his head to the side, "How do I get rid of a bond and don't give me that stupid bullshit." You knew you were in no position to order him around but secretly hoped that those couple of times you had slept with him would give you the answer you needed.
"You can reject...," you gave the high lord a disappointed look, "I don't want to reject it; I want to break it."
Helion knew about your bond with Azriel. Knew that none of the sweet words you spoke to him meant anything. That they were all for the shadow singer, "Hun, you can get yourself killed", "Does it look to you like I care?", you knew that you looked a mess. You were sure your face was dull, eyes sunken in and puffy from all the crying, "You can help me, or I'll do it myself".
Drawing shapes on the marble floor felt wrong in a way. But you didn't stop; the book of spells that Helion gave you was firmly clenched in the other hand. You had collected all that you needed. One thing that represented you. One thing to ground you. One thing to break the bond. And one thing you had lost. All you needed now was a drop of Azriel's blood, and everything would be complete. You knew that all of them were having dinner upstairs. So with a dagger firmly held in your hands, you made your way up.
You shouldn't have stopped to look at them all. That was a mistake. You didn't need to ask or hear it. It was enough to see the way Azriel sat next to Elain, his eyes never leaving her, to know that she was the one that he chose. One of many that had replaced you.
"Y/N, dear, how nice of you to join us." Rhys's voice made you jump slightly, but you managed to smile as you walked inside. Cassian gave you a sad look, brushing his fingers along your upper arm as you walked past him as if he were trying to support you, noticing the lack of life in your features, "Not for long," you mutter under your breath. Swiftly cutting Azriel's arm, followed by your fingers, which brush alongside his blood. And then you're off, running out of the dining room and down the stairs. Cutting your palm while you're at it. A breath of relief when you see the wooden door. Stepping between the white lines and quickly pressing your hands to the still empty places. Closing your eyes, you started mumbling the spell Helion told you to memorize.
You could hear the doors being opened and voices filling the space. Azriel was quick to try and reach for you, but Rhys stops him instantly: "You can't cross that." That's when his eyes took in the sight in front of him and his heart broke a little. But some mystical breeze killed the lights of all the candles before the circle you sat in started to glow.
"What are you doing, YN?", Azriel asks, trying to step closer, but his brothers kept holding onto him. You lifted your eyes to look at him, and it was like he had seen you for the first time like he finally could read the pain inside you.
"I'm letting you go," Azriel shook his head, still unsure about what you were on about. Din not understand till the sharpest pain ripped through his chest, sending him down to his knees.
"I gave you everything. I tried to be everything for you, but I was never good enough," you cried out, blood slowly starting to run out of your eyes as you gazed at him.
"But I ran out of reasons to love you, Azriel, and you refused to get to know me, so I'm letting you go," you continued to mumble the rest of the spell. Azriel's screams ripped through the room, and Rhys could only do so much to take some of the pain away.
"Don't Y/N, I... Don't break it", Rhys mumbled now caught on to what was happening, "Break?", Azriel asked through painful breaths, "You knew? Y/N...".
A bitter laugh escapes your lips as your body begins to shake, "Almost five hundred, and you're only figuring it out now", you said sadly.
The thread between you starts to glow. Now visible for everyone to see. Azriel wailed again, and this time your painful screams joined him. And the light began to dim before cracks appeared throughout the thread. Your eyes meet Azriel's, and it felt like you have finally seen him after years of searching for a man you had fallen for.
But then an unimaginable silence filled the room. The silence that sands your hands up so you could cover your ears as blood seeped out of them. Silence, with the sound of a needle falling. Like a drop of water hitting the surface. The bond broke. Shattering into a million pieces. The holler that left Azriel's chest sent the whole place trembling, and then the silence returned. Azriel's body gave up, sending him to the floor. Not even Cassian and Rhys managed to hold him up. His breaths were uneven and his body shaking, but he still turned his head to look at you.
You. Who was laying in the pool of your own blood. You who he could no longer feel. You were the one who had taken his heart. You who he hurt because he had loved you too deeply. You who had died because Azriel was too afraid to admit that it had always been you. It's been you ever since you jumped into that little basement and offered him your teddy bear. You.
All acotar writing: @brekkershadowsinger @cityofidek
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izels-writing ¡ 4 months
j. potter — tutoring
Pairing: james potter x fem!loner!reader
Summary: james potter is failing potions and you seem to be his only saving grace
Warnings: nothing tbh, i may have based reader off of me a little too much so i apologize for that in advance 😭, also this is kinda all over the place but i hit a writers block and thought this was cute
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james potter sat boredly in professor slughorn's office, counting the brinks on the ceiling of the dungeon. he had been waiting for at least fifteen minutes and if he waited one more second in silence, his head would explode.
slughorn, within the next minute, finally entered the office—clearing his throat and sitting in front of james with an air of seriousness. james sat up straighter, waiting for the professor to begin speaking.
"mister potter, we need to seriously talk about your grades in this class," slughorn began. he opened his desk and pulled out many of james' half-assed essays, most of them marked with d's and p's. james groaned quietly, throwing his head back.
"if i didn't know any better, i'd think you were doing it on purpose. but i know you, mister potter," slughorn continued, "i know you've always had a rocky relationship with this subject. what's been going on lately?"
james frowned. "i can't focus, okay? it's like trying to sit through a lesson in the middle of a quidditch match, i'm too...i dunno, distracted?"
slughorn nodded. "i see... have you talk to your parents about this?"
"no, and you can't tell them," james rushed out. "i don't want to worry them, they worry easily,"
slughorn sighed, covering his mouth as he reviewed all of james' essays. he thought for a moment, which only piqued james' curiosity. slughorn glanced between him and the essays, before leaning back in his chair.
"i can arrange you a tutor, one that can help you with this problem..." slughorn finally said. james lit up, hoping and praying it was who he thought it was.
"lily evans?" he asked hopefully.
"no," slughorn replied. james lost slight interest, but nodded anyway. "and if i arrange this for you, i want you to take this seriously..do you understand, mister potter? or else i'll be forced to tell your parents,"
james nodded in agreement. "of course, sir, thank you,"
if james potter was anything, he was respectful. his mother had taught him that much.
"if i may ask, sir, if it's not lily evans—who is it?" he asked curiously.
slughorn smiled warmly. "i'll let you know soon,"
you tapped your foot anxiously, glancing at your watch with a frown. you didn't necessarily have anywhere to be, but it sure irked you when someone was late. not to mention, you definitely felt you should've said no when slughorn approached you.
but you were ever the people pleaser.
as you turned to throw your stuff in your bag, you suddenly saw a tall, lean boy throw himself into the seat in front of you. you stopped your actions, looking at the boy in front of you with slightly furrowed eyebrows as he breathed heavily and looked disheveled.
"you're five minutes late," you commented, scanning him over as he tried to adjust himself comfortably.
"i know, i know," james sighed. "i apologize, really, i had no idea how long that other thing would take,"
you tried to be a hard ass, but the boy seemed tired as it was so you softened up a bit. you softened your expression, but not too much that he'd notice, and nodded. "i understand,"
he looked at you shocked, but you ignored his gaze as you pulled out your textbook. additionally, you pulled out a spare parchment and your secret weapon. he did the same, except he pulled out a quill instead of a spare piece of parchment.
"slughorn told me your problems. i understand," you continued. he scoffed.
"you're the smartest in our year, how could you possibly understand?" james asked.
you blinked at him. "because, i happen to have the same problem. now, i'm not sure if you have trouble focusing in general or if you just suck at potions, what i do know is that i can help—unless you don't want me to and slughorn will be forced to tell your parents..."
james looked at you in disbelief. "he told you?!"
madam pince shushed him from the other side of the library and he sunk slightly in his chair. you nodded, keeping your gaze on him.
"he did, to let me know how high the stakes were for you," you replied. suddenly you placed two metal marbles on the table in front of james, to which he raised his eyebrows at. he glanced between you and the marbles confused.
you nodded toward the marbles, "well? pick them up..."
he reluctantly picked them up, watching you as you pulled out your own set. you opened your textbook and his to the same pages, before looking at him again.
"this won't fix the problem," you explained, "but it may help. your problem is lack of concentration right? you feel like you have to be moving while sitting in that chair, like you cannot keep your mind on one thing?"
james stared at you and nodded. he had never heard someone describe it well for him, and he wasn't much a man of words so to speak. "yeah, sorta like that, i suppose,"
you nodded. "good, we may be dealing with the same problem then," you picked up your set of the metal marbles and began moving them in that hand. they clinked together and made a satisfying sound as you kept going with the motion in your hand. "do what i'm doing and hold that same hand under the table—but do not stop moving your hand and the marbles,"
he obliged, following your exact instructions. thankfully, the noise wasn't so loud that it distracted anyone else in the library—it wasn't so much as noticeable to others either.
"now, we'll read the textbook, do some notes, i'll help you write your essay and we'll see if it's easier for you, sound good?" you asked.
"yeah, yeah, sounds great," james replied quickly, a small smile blooming on his face. you didn't seem so amused, but to be fair, james wasn't sure he'd ever seen you amused.
"great! any questions?" you asked, before you started.
he nodded. "yeah, sorta. why did you agree to help me?"
it wasn't necessarily an out of the blue question. for as long as you and james had known each other (and that was used lightly), he'd never really seen you around anybody. you avoided people it seemed. you seemed to find comfort in solitude, always studying alone, eating alone, walking alone—not that you ever seemed upset about it. sure, you had friends here and there, but no one permanent. you never seemed to care much for it, you came here for academics, that's all it seemed.
moreover, he'd never really seen you display big bouts of emotion. maybe a smile or chuckle here or there, but rarely. he'd never seen you cry or laugh aloud, he'd never seen you do a lot of things. maybe you did, maybe he just didn't pay attention enough. nonetheless, he was a bit curious. you seemed to avoid everyone, him especially.
you knew the question was coming. you knew why too. it was because you weren't very social and you were often irritated. you never hung around anyone and you certainly never joined parties or quidditch games. it was difficult for you, you struggled with showing emotions and socializing with others. you couldn't control it and you certainly couldn't help it, and no one really seemed to stick around to figure you out. but that was fine, you supposed anyway.
it certainly was not fine, despite trying to convince yourself. it was a lonely way to live and your family was worried, despite them not admitting it. you just buried the lonely feelings, hoping that maybe it'd change one day.
"how do you mean?" you asked. what if you were just a nice person? would he even accept that answer?
"i mean, what's in it for you? surely you have better things to do than tutor me," james quickly said, likely thinking carefully about what he was saying because truthfully, you both knew that no, in fact, you didn't.
"nothings in it for me," you replied, shaking your head. "i just decided to help, i guess. is there something wrong with that?"
you weren't trying to be hostile. you were genuinely curious.
"no," he replied. "there isn't,"
"good, now let's start," you said, offering a small smile.
weeks had passed, tutoring session after tutoring session passed by quickly. you and james met on tuesday afternoons and thursday afternoons. you began to enjoy his company, even if you knew he was being forced to attend. unbeknownst to you, he quite enjoyed the sessions as well, even looking forward to them each week.
you had both figured out how to best figure out james' lack of attention span in potions and he begun to get better grades, but nonetheless you both agreed to keep the tutoring sessions going—to 'keep his grades up'.
james sighed, closing his textbook and placing the metal marbles you had gifted him on the table. "can we take a break? if i read one more word, i'll throw up on the table," he whined.
"dramatic," you replied, "but okay, ten minutes,"
"you and i should get a snack, recharge our brains," james suggested cheekily, hoping you'd say yes.
"yeah, no thanks, i don't trust that stupid smile on your face," you replied.
"you'd think after all our time together that you’d trust me by now,” james sighed, shaking his head in feign disappointment. “so untrusting, n/n,”
“n/n?” you questioned.
“my nickname for you, you like it?” he grinned.
you chuckled, smiling as you rolled you eyes at him. “okay, whatever…”
james grinned, “oh! do i get points for making wednesday addams laugh?”
you dropped your smile and glared at him, rolling your eyes playfully again. he huffed, “geez…sorry…”
“go get your snack and then come back, we’ll pick out some other potion books for review, sound good?” you asked, raising an eyebrow at him. he grinned again, nodding like an excited little kid. you snorted and waved him off, fighting and failing to hide your smile as he rushed out of the library.
within twenty minutes he was back, following you as you put books back and grabbed new ones. you and him were chatting quietly, as you walked down the aisles, mainly focusing your attention on the books you were looking for. however, you paid close attention to the subject, given it was a topic he brought up often: why you were so uptight about your studies.
“well, potter—“ you began sternly.
“hey, i gave you a nickname! where’s mine?” he asked with a dramatized frown. you rolled your eyes playfully, hiding your slight amusement.
“as i was saying, potter, i’m uptight because i like to be prepared. frankly, i hope you pass your o.w.l’s because given how unprepared you are, i am praying for the best,” you replied sarcastically, noticing as he smiled at your joke.
he always seemed to understand your jokes.
“our o.w.l’s aren’t for another eight months,” he replied, getting a book from a high shelf as you tried to reach it to no avail. he handed it to you.
“exactly! you need to study for them now! you need to prepare!” you replied, putting a book back as you spoke.
“you are so uptight,” he chuckled. “some things you just need to…go with the flow. expecting the unexpected is no fun,”
you turned suddenly, smacking a book to his chest, thinking he’d grab it before it hit him. you laughed aloud, covering your mouth to muffle it, and he smiled back mockingly.
“how’s that for expecting the unexpected?” you grinned.
“shove off, n/n,” he scoffed. “you’re so corny,”
“and prepared,” you added, swiftly turning around to keep walking.
unbeknownst to you, james smiled at you genuinely while you were turned, your genuine laugh echoing in his head. he’d certainly make more jokes just to hear it again.
“well, this is our last session before break,” you smiled. “think you’ll be able to handle life without me for two weeks?” you joked.
“i think i can manage,” he teased back. you rolled your eyes, allowing a smile to grow on your face.
he smiled, pulling some out of his school bag swiftly. “actually, i wanted to give you something before we left, to thank you and for christmas,” he said kindly.
you furrowed your eyebrows. “you didn’t have to get me anything, potter,”
he rolled his eyes. “i wanted to, alright? and now you have to accept it,” he smiled. he slid over the small box toward you. it was wrapped in cute christmas wrapping paper, tied with a sting into a small box.
you took it gingerly in your hands, opening it carefully. you carefully tore the wrapping off and opened the small navy blue box. as you opened it, you held back your gasp as you took in the sight.
it was a beautiful silver bracelet, with butterflies placed in between the chains. the stones that filled in the butterflies were a beautiful pink color and it shined beautifully.
“james…” you gaped. “i don’t know what to say, thank you..” you smiled, pulling it out of the box and handing it to him. “will you clip it on me?”
he nodded and obliged, taking notice to how your eyes never left the beautiful bracelet. you looked up at him, tension filling the air as you watched him slowly clipping the bracelet onto your wrist. he smiled as your eyes connected, and for a second, you felt your stomach get all jittery.
“i’ll mail you a gift, seriously, this is beautiful,” you smiled. “thank you..so so much,”
somehow, it was very easy to smile around james potter.
“you don’t have to mail me anything,” james replied.
“oh please let me,” you pleaded, “i’ll feel so bad if i don’t,”
he smiled, “fine, alright, if it’ll help you sleep better at night,”
you grinned excitedly and pulled out a piece of parchment so he could write his address for you. he did it quickly, handing it back to you promptly.
you hadn’t been quite sure what to gift a boy who had everything he’d ever wanted. sure, you could get him something quidditch related, but it didn’t seem personal enough. you had wanted to give him something meaningful and sentimental.
you racked your brain for hours, trying to find the perfect gift. eventually, you settled with new quidditch gloves but even then, that still felt impersonal. so, you had begun to think back to every interaction the two of you had shared and landed on the perfect addition to his quidditch gloves.
you wasn’t quite sure how you had landed on the subject but you two had, so you scoffed and leaned back in your chair.
“fine then, what’d be your wish come true?” you asked james.
“to see you make a different facial expression?” james suggested. you swatted his arm quickly, making him retract it. “ow! i’m serious! sorry, but talking to the same facial expression every tuesday and thursday is scary! it wouldn’t exactly wound me to see you smile every once in a while…”
a different facial expression.
you quickly grabbed the family polaroid and enlisted your sibling to help you take the perfect picture of you smiling. once you were satisfied, you packaged it with his other gift and wrote a little note, explaining both gifts to him.
and that left you where you were now, back in the library with james, studying out of your potions textbooks. you noticed him pull it out and open the page quickly, as he had stuck something in between the pages.
you looked at intensely, trying to figure out what it was. then you quickly recognized it.
“is that me?” you blurred before you could stop yourself.
james looked down at whatever you were looking at and blushed, though he hid it well. “yeah, one of my gifts remember? you remind me of potions class, so, i use it as a bookmark,” he replied casually.
unbeknownst to you, he just really loved staring at the photo. you had a beautiful smile and it was a shame you didn’t show it more often.
you smiled warmly. “oh okay…”
“lovely bookmark, isn’t it?” james smiled, admiring the photo. he hadn’t meant to flirt, but he wasn’t exactly regretting it.
you chuckled. “i suppose so…”
“daddy, how’d you know you liked mommy?” you seven year-old daughter, alison, asked as you set dinner table. it was james’ turn to cook tonight, so he held your toddler on the counter by him as he pulled dinner out of the oven.
you and james glanced at each other, smiling at her innocent yet curious questions. you stood there, watching as james turned to your daughter with a smile.
“well… i remember when i saw your mommy laugh for the first time,” james said honestly. “i instantly fell in love, i knew i’d marry her some day… i wanted to hear her laugh for the rest of my life,”
alison smiled. “mommy, what about you? how did you know you liked daddy?”
“well,” you recounted, “i remember every time i spoke to him, i smiled all the time. i was so happy around him and i knew i’d always be happy around him,”
alison nodded, smiling. “that’s cute! i hope i will know when i like someone!”
you looked at james, smiling as he ruffled your daughters hair, and like always, you felt your heart flutter at the sight of him. you felt like everything in the world was okay.
you looked back at your daughter with a smile. “trust me, sweetness, you’ll know.”
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silverzoomies ¡ 17 days
Imagine quickie rails u so good u squirt but you’re low key embarrassed bc that’s never happened before but he talks you through it so sweetly and so hornily bc he obviously finds it the hottest thing in the world and he’s kinda obsessed with the fact that you just did that bc of him
…..yeah I need to know what he’s like talking you through it …….
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anon, i'm so sorry. i dunno if this is what you were expecting. but i went a little off the rails. i haven't actually sat down and written anything in fifty gajillion years. apologies in advance if i'm super duper rusty. you're a doll, by the way. thanks for the inspiration !! this ask had me red in the face all over again !! 🤍 here's a short drabble for ya 🤍🤍🤍
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In the boring emptiness of some secret, government research facility, soft squeals call out with ecstasy.
Hold that thought.
Aren’t you supposed to be on patrol?
Since the OG X-Men were busy with more important endeavors (another fancy gala. Huge snore fest), Xavier took it upon himself to recruit some newbie trainees. He sent three of them to a top secret facility. Super below radar. The building sat far away from the bustle of society, hidden at an off-the-record base.
It’s around one AM when Quicksilver himself finally crashes your boring, patrol party. He zips through the entire building, scouting the area; before checking in on the trainees. After sending the other two off on their twenty minute breaks, he soon finds you.
A newbie he’s far more acquainted with. In more ways than one.
But not as many as he’d like.
You look bored as hell sitting there by yourself, swirling in a swivel chair. A series of CCTV screens flicker before you. But you barely pay them any attention. Keeping your head down, clipboard on your lap; you doodle all over a security protocol sheet. Your legs kick in a childlike way.
Your first, official mission is the most lame of X-Men operations. But even despite that, you appear to be in high spirits. Peter’s almost jealous. The first time he joined up with the team, all he got out of it was a lousy, broken leg.
Anyway, you’re cute and all. But…don’t you have a job to do, you slacker?
Peter leans against the doorway, his hands nestled in the pockets of his silver, bomber jacket. Beady eyes watch you through the lenses of his goggles. His earphones hang around his neck. A quiet jam resonates from them. But you're so mesmerized by your doodling, you don't even notice.
In a flash, Peter makes his presence known. Big hands grab your shoulders hard. He leans in to whisper sternly in your ear. His voice vibrates, robust and quaking in an attempt to spook you.
“GOTCHA! Annnnnnnd, yer dead, kid! Mwahahaha!”
You swivel around in an instant. Hopping from your seat, you raise your hands in defense. Jeez! Peter's caught off guard by how quickly you react. Blinding beams of golden light burst from your palms. The same glow floods your eyes. You hurl scorching hot rays in Peter's direction.
Thanks to Xavier's mad training skills, Peter's a little faster than light nowadays. And he's ultra lucky for it. Had you raised your hands and gone pew pew pew so many years ago - he probably would've charred to a crisp right then and there. 
“Damn! You got some killer aim! That was a close call.” He whistles. Peter gawks at the holes seared into the wall, straight through some ruined blueprints. A smirk plays on his lips. He gestures at the damage with a thumb, “Eh, they probably got backups ‘a those lyin’ around, right?”
Your only response is an affectionate eye roll. But Peter notes the curl at the corner of your mouth as you try not to smile. 
Screw it. You're pretty fun. Why doesn't he hang with you for a bit? He's probably got some time to kill. At least before Chuck realizes the speedster isn't dressed to the nines, bored out of his mind at the gala.
The two of you goof off for a few minutes. As you doodle, Peter looms over your seat. Watching the CCTV screens with a ready eye, he teases you about your lack of focus on the job. You're just such a supreme newbie, he can't help it.
To which you respond with a counterpoint - isn't he the reigning champion of getting sidetracked?
TouchĂŠ, little newbie. TouchĂŠ.
Boredom quickly makes him antsy. And being antsy has Peter's brain reaching for any stimulation he can find. Pacing the room, Peter casts subtle glances at your figure in tactical clothing. Hot damn. Black really does highlight your most bodacious assets.
Amidst casual conversation, Peter shamelessly flirts with you. And when you flirt back, he isn’t all that fazed. The two of you are always making saucy passes at one another. Horny topics of discussion happen more often than they should. You once poured your heart out for twenty minutes, complaining that you couldn’t squirt when you got off. Part of him took this confession as a challenge.
Peter never forgot how sexually charged the energy of that night was.
Or…maybe it wasn’t? Maybe you just wanted to vent to someone who would listen. Yeah. He’s probably uber delusional. That ‘energy’ might’ve come from the sunbeams radiating in your genes.
Sure. Nothing sexual.
But if that’s the case, why else are you giving him bedroom eyes - if not ‘cuz you really wanna bone?
Expelling a bland sigh, Peter leans back against the console where the CCTV screens are. He bounces a random ball he swiped from a researcher’s desk. Flirtatious teasing continues back and forth, remaining casual.
Until Peter makes a needlessly suggestive comment.
“I’m just sayin’. Picture this, ‘kay? You ‘n me, goin’ at it like there’s no tomorrow. Pretty sure I’d get you off in under, say, three minutes er less. That’s not a promise, it’s a fact.”
Throwing you a sly look, Peter smirks payfully. He bounces the ball again.
“Pshh. Not fast enough.” You mumble.
Peter’s dark gaze leers at you from under his brows.
Oh. Oh no, you didn't just...
His eyes fire across each CCTV screen, double checking for any unwanted visitors. All clear, it’s go time. Moving swiftly, he props you up on a nearby desk. At record speed - before you can begin to comprehend his impossibly fast actions - he crams six inches of girthy, speedster cock inside you. All without any warning.
In hindsight, maybe he shouldn’t have been so impulsive. But in the microsecond it took him to move your body and pull your pants off, at the very least; he had the courtesy to prep you with his fingers. And now, you’re coming undone as he jackhammers your cunt. Peter rolls into you in a blur of silver motion. Your walls clench perfectly over his cock.
You protest through shallow moans, “W-Wait! Oh my g-...too fast, Peter! Too fast!”
The tips of his fingers circle your clit, the vibrations shattering your moans. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you bring him closer. Peter shivers as your pussy squeezes him so tight. It’s an outrageously awesome sensation that drives him to drill his dick deeper. Tilting forward, he groans, his lips grazing yours.
“Y’think I can make you squirt like this?” He chuckles, his throat bobbing as he swallows down a moan.
You shake your head wildly, whimpering the softest, “Noooooo! I told you already, I cannnnn’t!”
“Huh? What’s that, cutie? Aw. Too bad. ‘Cuz I’m not gunna slow down ‘til you do.” Peter teases, looking over his shoulder at the CCTV screens. He smirks crookedly, “Better be quick. Yer teammates’re gunna be back soon.”
You tip your head back as you whine again. Peter ruts into you so inexplicably fast, his pace renders your lungs useless. His fingers keep torturing your clit, guiding your pearl in a whirring dance of speedy buzzes. You shudder, clawing into his arms as your hips move on instinct. 
Speeding the rhythm of his thrusts, Peter furrows his brows. His cock pulses when he watches your tits bounce in your shirt. He bites his lip to stifle a whimper. Below him, you try to call his name. But his powerful movements rupture your pretty voice. “Hell yeah, gorgeous. That’s it. Don’t hold back, ‘kay? Just let it happen. Gunna cum, pretty girl? C’mon, ya gotta cum for me. You can do it. C’mon.” He begs, his tone a little closer to a whine.
Not even two minutes into sexing you up, he has you gushing a spritz of luscious heat. Score. He'll be thinking about this sexy success for weeks. The corners of your eyes leak hot tears, as a rapturous orgasm overtakes you. The entire, lower half of your body tightens, muscles clenching. Your pussy pops with a juicy burst. Leaking down your thighs and ass, your slick coats his twitchy cock.
He kisses you, his breath burning hot, “Doin’ so good, princess. So good for me. Was that fast enough for you? Hmm? Oh, fuck. I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry, I'm sorry-”
Pulling his soaked length free, he showers your tummy in virile, white jets. Leaning over you, Peter laughs again, exhaling a long sigh of elation. His lips capture yours, drinking in your kisses for a few beats. He feels his heart twist with satisfaction. All at the awesome notion that he drove you to such an intimate, breaking point.
“How’s that for a quickie?” He teases with a cheeky grin, winking down at you.
Your blinky eyes gaze over his shoulder, looking somewhat dazed. Beneath him, you stir in place. You’re trying to say something. But you’re so braindead from the totally slammin’ orgasm he gave you, the words won’t happen.
But then, Peter notices the way your glazed hues narrow. That vibrant, golden glow from earlier returns. Sitting up on an elbow, you raise a hand to point at the CCTV screens behind him. Oh, you probably saw someone on cam. Peter’s dark gaze widens. A sudden beam of light pulsates at the tip of your finger.
“NO, NO, NO, NO-” He starts.
Too late. The golden flash fires like a speeding bullet from your fingertip, colliding into the screens. A powerful burst shatters the entire CCTV setup on impact. Electric static buzzes amongst broken glass and fried wires. Peter sighs, looking over his shoulder, then back down at your cute face.
“Babe, seriously? Now’s not the time to be tryin’ interior decorating!” He rolls his eyes, playing ignorant to your shared romp in the research lab, “Hold that thought...aren’t you supposed to be on patrol?”
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violetszone ¡ 2 years
Charles makes reader squirting for the first time pls 🙈
First of all, thank you for the request and I apologize in advance for my bad English. Actually, I wrote it in like 30 minutes because of excitement and it can be counted as my first post, at least it's the first one I've published.
Charles x fem!reader
WARNINGS: oral (fem receiving), oversimulate, squirting, Bad English (a little google translate)
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You couldn't see Charles face to face for a long time, you could only talk on the phone cause he is dealing with training and you are dealing with job, and this situation started to tire you both a lot.
So when you and charles finally met at your house, neither of you could keep your hands to yourself,at first it was supposed to be an innocent dinner and movie night until the tension between you turns sexual (like always).
While watching the movie, charles had one hand on your calf and he was moving it up and down slowly, when he slid his hand in a little more, you opened your legs to make space for him, you were not taking your eyes off the movie.
When Charles ran his hand over your underwear, you sighed and your eyes met, finally you couldn't stand it and you started kissing him, his hand is still touching the top of your underwear, he pressed a little and you moaned into his mouth.
"Come here I can't hold back any longer" he said pulling you into his lap as you continued to kiss, rubbing your hips on his making you both moan.He put one of his hands on your breast and squeezed so you broke the kiss with one more sigh.
"I know mon amour " he said and placed a small kiss on your lips and took you in his arms, led you to your bedroom as soon as you entered the room he put you on the bed helped you take off the dress you were wearing and you started taking off his shirt.
As soon as you both got rid of what you were wearing, Charles started kissing you all over  he slid down your stomach he looked into your eyes and pulled your panties off your legs "let me taste you ma chÊrie "
First he licked with his tongue a few times, even that would have been enough to make you cum since he hadn't touched you for a very long time, he knew that, he was going slowly, he slid his tongue in and out, everything he did with his mouth was bringing you closer.
When your body started to tense and moan he stopped and pulled back, you gasped at Charles and said "please baby make me cum I really need it" you know it wasn't a good sign when a smirk formed on his lips.
He started to eat you out again this time his fingers were involved too,which was driving you crazy, he felt you close again he slowed down he started to lick it slow so he would oversimulate you and don't let you cum.
You were almost crying your arms were aching from squeezing the sheets and Charles didn't let you cum finally when he took his hard cock out and slide in one move your body felt a bit of relief.
He was going slow on purpose you groaned with your nails on his back "Charles please stop torturing me faster please" he laughed and started kissing you, speeding up until you both turned into groaning messes.
This time it was really hard and fast when you broke the kiss you put your hands on his shoulder and tried to pull him closer you wrapped your legs around his waist so he slid deeper, you threw your head back and groaned "Fuck ,so good please". He groaned in french from time to time he was praise you but you were too overwhelmed to understand.
You finally started to feel like you were going to cum Charles realized this and put a hand on your waist "I know baby cum for me come on you deserve it" the last time he hit your g spot your eyes fog up and you started to cum so hard with trembling but something happened that you didn't realize until you regained consciousness.
Charles was still inside of you but everywhere  was soaked , you covered your mouth with your hand in shock. He lookes confused and proud, Charles came out and sat on the bed. "Did you just squirt?"
You stammered a little "I-I don't know I'm sorry because I wasn't aware of it and you oversimulate me and-" he cut you  with a kiss "Don't apologize for the sexiest thing I've ever seen in my life "
He realized you are embarrassed,hugged you and went to find new sheets so you could both rest after the best sex you've had in a long time.
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imperhine ¡ 4 months
get lost.
aughsuhdh apologies for my sudden disappearance! i forgot how to write and how to characterize the ghouls... hopefully you guys would still like this somewhat.
ghouls featured: aether, cirrus, dewdrop/sodo, swiss
for the sake of continuity, let's say that this is the situation: someone approaches you and the ghouls start to get jealous. you deny any advances, and the person gets more aggressive. the ghouls step in.
warnings for: boundaries crossed (nothing graphic), more protectiveness and less possessiveness, a little bit of ghoul violence <3
+ the party went by smoothly, for the most part anyway. you've went around the place, stopping by to talk to a few people and small groups. you end up at the bar, leaning against the table. you catch a pair of unwanted eyes. you do your best to hide how your eyebrows furrow as you politely decline their offers to buy you a drink or take you someplace else.
+ their voice is bit louder and rougher, they take a step towards you. the interaction catches more attention as the person's actions become more aggressive. out of the corner your eye you see your ghoul approaching.
- something about aether just makes him very good about feeling things out
- he takes steady steps towards you and the guy
- aether's purple gaze is almost striking as he stares them down
- he's right beside you. he trusts that you can take this one down (be that verbally or else) but he's letting you know that he's got your back
- "i think they've made themself clear. and it seems like your best option now is to go.
- that usual warm energy from him is replaced with something immovable. a threat unsaid, especially with how much force was put on that last word
- and if that person had eyes, they best back away.
- after that exchange, aether checks up on you
- he rubs your back and doesn't dwell much on that creep, instead focusing on you
- but if you ask, he's more than happy to teach them a lesson
- cirrus is very protective, definitely
- so when she notices? she's infront of you, no questions asked
- you didn't even feel her move, just the slight gust of air
- cirrus has a sharp expression as she rests her hand on her hip
- there are little wisps that blow strands of her hair
- "hey you. what made you think that you had the right to run your mouth like that?"
- when an argument arises, cirrus punctuated her words with her tail. it slapped on the ground, sounding almost like whip that's been cracked
- that silences them quick
- if anything happens, cirrus will not have been the one to start it. but she'll counter hard. even with fabulous nails (claws).
- might have left a scar too. she will neither confirm nor deny
- she'll turn back to you as if she just swatted a fly
- "apologies, darling. but they won't be bothering you ever again. did you get hurt?"
- cirrus takes your hand and presses a kiss to your wrist
- she asks what you want to do next. she's happy to keep you distracted with a dance but won't mind if you want to go home. she'll pamper you <3
- he will throw hands
- his eyebrows are furrowed, he purposefully bumps against the person's shoulder
- dew's hand is protectively hovering in front of you
- "back off, shithead." he half growls
- dewdrop saw the way they talked and cornered you, he is not letting that slide
- he'll make sure to bruise that fucker in some way, drawing blood
- he looks at them with so much disgust once they scurry away. he wipes his claws and shakes it
- he sighs but it turns into a sheepish smile when facing you
- "sorry 'bout that... i couldn't help it. but more importantly, are you okay?"
- he tends to you and gives you anything you need
- dew is a little more cuddly afterwards, head rubbing against you adorably. he reminds you of a cat
- probably wants the smell of everyone else gone off you
- oh you just know that swiss always has his eyes on you
- for many reasons, but mostly because he thinks that you're eye candy
- the moment he notices something is off, he's immediately coming closer
- swiss lingers behind you, carefully eyeing them
- his hand wrapped around your waist
- swiss makes a clear sign that you're taken by the way he holds you
- "they said no." he says, annoyed. "now why don't you take your bullshit somewhere else?"
- swiss is ready to jump and fight as soon as they take a step closer
- will break their knees if needed
- but swiss will do his best to limit anything, as he wants your discomfort to end fast
- swiss clicks his tongue as they leave, eyes still glowing
- he holds your face as he moves a little closer to you
- "don't worry, i'm here for you. do you want me to... handle them later?"
- he says jokingly, but you know that you can answer and he will
- swiss kisses you on the nose
- he's more than happy to provide anything you need, kisses and comfort included. wanna order dessert? sure! cuddle? he's immediately going home and pulling you into his lap.
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casurlaub ¡ 1 month
Things fanon and I don't agree on #2
Fanon: James openly pursuing Lily for YEARS, crushing on her since second year or sth, asking her out repeatedly.
Canon: ??? Based on what we know about James and Lily, the fanon depiction doesn't seem too likely to me
That's what happened in "Snape's Worst Memory":
'I will, if you go out with me, Evans,' said James quickly. 'Go on… go out with me and I’ll never lay a wand on old Snivelly again.' 'I wouldn’t go out with you if  it was a choice between you and the giant squid,' said Lily.
'I don’t want you to make him apologize,' Lily shouted, rounding on James. 'You’re as bad as he is.'
'What?." yelped James. 'I’d never call you a - you-know-what!'
'Messing up your hair, because you think it’s cool to look like you’ve just got off your broomstick, shoving off with that stupid Snitch, walking down corridors and hexing anyone who annoys you just because you can - I’m surprised your broomstick can get off the ground with that fat head on it. You make me SICK.'
'What is it with her?,' said James, trying and failing to look as though this was a throwaway question of no real importance to him. 
'Reading between the lines, I’d say she thinks you’re a bit conceited, mate,' said Sirius. 
'Right,' said James, who looked furious now, 'right-'
There was another flash of light and Snape was once again hanging upside down in the air. 
'Who wants to see me take off Snivelly’s pants?' 
I take two things from that:
James was surprised by Lily's rejection. Now I fully agree that he has a huge ego and although smart (yes, he and Sirius were described as exceptionally talented more than once) I don't think he's necessarily too good at reading other people's emotions (I mean, it's obviously not super smart to bully her friend in front of her and expect it to turn out in his favor). But if she had turned him down repeatedly over the years already her reaction wouldn't have come as such a surprise to him. But he obviously is surprised ('What's it with her?'/'Right... right')
He doesn't react well to rejection. She turns him down and he escalates ('Who wants to see me take off Snivelly’s pants?'). He isn't used to rejection. Everybody thinks he and Sirius are 'the height of cool' (Remus's words). He has been doted to by his parents and is super popular at school. And then she dares bruise his ego and he escalates. He doesn't strike me as the type of guy who would've just swallowed this humiliation and tried again and again. I think he really needed to mature first to have a few realizations - before he tried again.
And, another thing: In 'The Prince's Tale' we see a memory of Snape talking to Lily: 'I didn't mean - I just don't want to see you made a fool of - he fancies you, James Potter fancies you!' The words seemed wrenched from him against hs will. 'And he's not... Everyone thinks... Big Quidditch hero-' Snape's bitterness and dislike were rendering him incoherent, and Lily's eyebrows were traveling further and further up her forehead.
Snape might be driven by his desperation and his own feelings for Lily, pointing out something that she had already realized herself (because he just needs her to realize). But to me him saying that ('He fancies you, James Potter fancies you') doesn't make much sense if James had been asking her out repeatedly. If he had, him fancying Lily would be common knowledge. I don't think Snape would say it if James was this level of obvious about his feelings. Snape respects Lily, he doesn't think she's stupid.
Also I, personally, don't think Lily would have taken well to his persistent advances. That's just my opinion and my personal read on the matter, though. I know it's all fiction and in the end people can do what they want.
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pizzaboerr ¡ 3 months
From nothing to something.
(Sanji x reader, part 6)
Part 1 , part 2 , part 3 , part 4 , part 5
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Summary: After seeing Sanji with the shop owner Y/N got very sad. Nami comforted her but also wanted to help both Sanji and y/n.
Word count: 2,5K words.
Content warnings: little bit of angst, nothing else really, flirting
Authors note: Here you go, Part 6! Let me know what you think! Been on holiday this week and i’ve written a few parts, Can’t wait to slowly upload them :)
P.S.: Sorry if there are sentences that are grammatically incorrect, English isn’t my first language, so my apologies in advance.
Nami and you excused yourself from the group and decided to go back to the ship and have another drink there, talking about what you saw earlier. Zoro looked at you confused but nodded. “If there is anything, you come and get me okay?” Zoro said and you smiled slightly. “Thank you Zoro.”
As you walked outside you saw the girl looking at you, with a sad look on her face. You turned back to Nami who was holding the door for you.
“There must be a reason he’s with her.” Nami said while closing the door behind you two.
“Yeah, let’s hope. I haven’t really been the nicest to him though.” You said, trying to hold back your tears.
“Hey don’t cry. I’ll ask him when he gets back. Maybe it’s all a misunderstanding.” Nami reassured you.
You nodded and sighed deeply. “I think I fucked it up Nami. Maybe he didn’t like kissing me and he went to her as a backup plan.” You looked at the ground as your eyes swelled with tears.
“I don’t think that would be the case y/n. For now, try not to think about it that much. We’re gonna go back to the ship, have a drink and enjoy ourselves okay?” Nami smiled while grabbing your hand and guiding you to the ship.
~~—BACK AT THE BAR (Before Y/N and Nami left);—~~
As y/n left Sanji, he didn’t know what to think. Sanji touched his lips as y/n entered the bar again. He sighed really loudly as he lit another cigarette. Sanji felt like crying but tried to keep it to himself for now. He threw his cigarette away after taking only a few hits and walked back inside.
Sanji walked straight to the bar and ordered a beer. “Thank you.” He said while he paid for it. He took a few swigs as someone put a hand on his shoulder. Sanji secretly hoped it would be the lovely miss y/l/n, but it was the shop owner from before. “What do you need?” Sanji managed to get out.
“You seem upset, what happened?” She asked.
“You happened. You ruined the chance I had with the love of my life. Now she probably doesn’t want to see me anymore.” Sanji said dramatically while wiping away a tear.
“Sit with me?” She asked while she grabbed his hand. Sanji sighed but followed her. He sat next to her and explained everything that happened. How he started to like her and about the kiss and everything around that.
She completely changed from flirting to actually trying to help. “I can talk to her and say that it’s all a big misunderstanding?” She asked while she rubbed his back, trying to comfort Sanji.
“No it’s best if I do that, explain everything. But I need to sober up first.” Sanji explained, chugging the whole beer and putting the glass away.
“I’m gonna get some water, you want anything love?” Sanji asked the shop owner. “No thank you, I still have some.” She smiled sweetly as Sanji excused himself to get water.
When he returned to the table he started to talk about the whole scenario once again. “When I’m sober, I’ll find her and talk to her.” Sanji kept repeating, while drinking his water.
He wasn’t interested in the girl he was sitting next to. He wanted it to be y/n. He looked up to scan the bar for you but you were nowhere to be found. He sighed once again and placed his head in his hands.
The shop owner saw you and Nami exit the toilets as you froze. She didn’t want to upset you and Sanji more than you already were so she ignored it for now. She saw you two storming off and once you two left she told Sanji.
“I think she just left honey.” She sighed as Sanji looked outside to see Nami and you walking away. Sanji was now crying. “Maybe this all was a mistake.” Sanji sighed as he looked at the girl.
“Thank you for listening, I’m going back to my friends.” Sanji quickly said, grabbing his water and leaving the girl alone while quickly wiping away the rest of his tears.
“Sanji there you are!” Luffy yelled excitedly as he saw Sanji approach. Sanji smiled and sat down next to Ussop.
“Where are the girls?” Sanji asked, hoping they didn’t leave.
“Back at the ship by now.” Zoro mumbled as he took another sip from his nearly finished beer. “Did they say why they left?” Sanji asked.
“They weren’t feeling well, probably drank too much.” Luffy laughed. Sanji nodded and drank the rest of his water. “I’ll check up on them, see if they need anything.” Sanji smiled politely. Zoro glanced at Sanji but decided to keep his thoughts to himself, for now at least.
Nami helped you calm down and grabbed a drink for the both of you, from Zoro’s stock of course.
You were lying down at the upper deck, stargazing, wirh nami lying next to you. You grabbed a cigarette and lit it before taking a hit.
“Is it okay for me to smoke a cigarette?” You quickly asked Nami, who just laughed and nodded.
“You already lit it so enjoy it.” She smiled.
You both started to chat a little when you heard some footsteps approaching.
Nami and you lied there silently as you were both listening to who it could be. You heard a lighter and knew immediately it would be Sanji. Nami looked at you and sighed silently.
“We’ll give him some time to gather his thoughts and then I’lll talk to him.” Nami whispered to you. You just nodded and listened. You heard him entering the ship, hearing a door open and close. You both sat up and Nami smiled.
Nami and you gave him a few minutes before looking over at you, once again.
“Nothing that can’t be explained right?” Nami smiled soflty. “You go to our room and I’ll tell you what happened when I get back.” Nami was now standing, slowly exiting the upper deck to find Sanji.
This was your sign to make your way to your shared room. You entered the room, gathered stuff to take a shower and made your way to the showers.
You turned on the shower as you stripped yourself from your clothes. You threw them onto the already growing pile of dirty clothes. You took off your makeup before stepping in the shower.
You washed your hair and tried to relax a little bit. The shower seemed to help as you were starting to forget what happened earlier. You were humming a few songs as you stepped out of the shower, drying your hair and got dressed into some oversized shirt and a boxershort.
As you excited the shower you saw Nami exit the kitchen. She smiled as she pointed inside. “Your turn.”
You stood there, frozen. “Absolutely not, Definitely not dressed like this.” You quickly said while you turned around, but it was already to late. Nami grabbed your arm and dragged you to the kitchen door. “It will be all right. I don’t think he cares, Just listen to him.” Nami reassured you.
“Nami I thought you were gonna explain it to me before you force me to talk to him.” You whispered/shouted.
“Yeah and I’ve changed my mind. Just go in.” She said a little bit irritated.
“No I’m not going in ther-Nami!” You yelled as she pushed you into the kitchen, closing the door behind you.
You looked up and saw Sanji. He took off his blazer and tie and unbuttoned a few buttons of his shirt. His hair was messy. There were cigarette buds everywhere and it looked like he had been crying.
He looked up and you felt terrible. You were the one responsible for this, If you just had listened to him instead of leaving him after he kissed you, this wouldn’t have happened.
“Hey Sanji.” You mumbled as you sat down on a chair.
“Hello love, looking good.” He said with a raspy voice. He really looked like a mess but you thought he also looked kinds hot, except for his red and puffy eyes of course.
You stood up and walked over to him. He froze in place, expecting you to hit him. You hugged him while you tried not to cry. “Thank you Sanji. I’m so sorry that I didn’t listen. I’m sorry I left you out there alone.” You mumbled into his chest.
He still wasn’t hugging you back so you looked up at him. He was holding back his tears as best as he could but it wasn’t working. You let go of him and he sighed. You were about to take a step back as he pulled you back into a hug.
“It’s all a misunderstanding Mi Amore. I was confused after you left me alone outside, so I went in to get a beer, that’s when the shop owner came to me. She asked what was wrong and asked me if I wanted to sit with her while I explained everything, so I did.-“ He started to get explain, while hugging you tightly. “At first I hoped it to be you, but you were nowhere to be found. The girl told me you left, because I didn’t see you leave. I wanted to sober up before talking to you, but that didn’t quite happen.” He said softly, while pointing to the empty wine bottels and a glass spread around the counter.
“Nami told me what happened, on your side.” He whispered. You looked up at him and he was already looking at you. You sighed and looked away, you felt your cheeks brighten by the second.
“I understand where you come from love, but I would never ever forget something like that, I wanted to kiss you for a long time now.” He admitted while loosening his grip on you. You let go of him and took a step back. You quickly grabbed a few napkins as you wiped away his tears. You didn’t say anything and just smiled softly.
“As I said earlier, I’m sorry Sanji.” You said softly after a little while. You took another step back and looked at him one more time. He was now slightly blushing at how close you were standing and with nothing more than a shirt and boxers.
He looked at you and smiled. “It’s okay my love. I’m happy we could talk about it before going to bed.” He said lighting another cigarette. There was no tention between the two of you, but you could see there was still something on Sanji’s mind.
You laughed softly, while leaning against the counter behind you. “My mom and dad used to say something like that too.-“ You started. He looked at you and you continued. “If we ever had an argument with someone, for example my dad. We could talk it out before bed because we had one rule. Never go to bed angry. I guess some things never change.” You chuckled as you turned around and started cleaning the counter.
Sanji just looked at you as you were cleaning. If he wasn’t as drunk as he was now, he would’ve asked you to stay with him tonight, in his hammock.
You could see that Sanji was still thinking about something as you waved your hand in front of his face after everything wad cleaned. “What’s on your mind Sanji?” You asked him. He turned bright red as he shook his head. “Nothing important.” He smiled lazily.
“You should go to bed love.” You said while you guided him to his room. He grabbed your hand as he followed you, secretly hoping you would stay, but he wasn’t gonna ask.
You opened the door to the boys room and you went inside, closing the door behind Sanji. “Are you gonna be alright?” You asked him. He looked at you and sighed. “I will be once I sober up a little more.” He laughed soflty. He didn’t wait for you to leave the room as he started to undress.
Normally you would excuse yourself as fast as you possibly could, but now you just needed to make sure he was okay. “Where are your pyjama’s?” You asked while looking through his stuff. “Don’t need them baby.” Sanji mumbled as he stood there in only his underwear. He got into the hammock, and put his blanket over him.
Your eyes widen as you looked at him. Sanji called you baby and you didn’t mind on bit. You went to his hammock and tucked him in. “If there is anything, let me know okay?” You smiled as he nodded. “You can just come into the room and wake me up, but be careful not to wake Nami up.” You warned him.
He nodded and closed his eyes, sighing. “Thank you baby. For taking care of me after everything.” You blushed slightly. “Always Sanji.” You left his room and quickly stopped by the kitchen again. You grabbed some painkillers and a bottle of water. You silently went back into the boys’ room again as you saw him, already asleep. You placed the painkillers and bottle on his little makeshift nightstand and quickly gave him a kiss on his forehead. “Goodnight love.” You whispered as you now went back to your shared room.
Nami left the door slightly open and as you went inside, you could see that she was already asleep. You smiled, knowing you don’t have to explain what happened until the morning.
You got into bed and closed your eyes, drifting to sleep.
You were woken up by Sanji who was at the end of your bed, wearing nothing more than a robe and underwear. “You told me it was okay to wake you up if there was anything.” Sanji whispered. You smiled sleepily. “Yeah, what’s up?” You whispered back. He looked at the ground and sighed. “Woke up some time ago but couldn’t fall back asleep, so I was wondering if you had some space left over so I could join you?” He was holding the painkillers, bottle and some clothes. You chuckled at the sight but nodded.
“All right then.” You moved a bit towards the wall, making extra space for Sanji, who put away the stuff that he was holding and gladly joined you. He hung up his robe and joined you in your bed. He immediately sighed and looked at you. “Can we cuddle?” Sanji asked hopefully.
“I thought you would never ask.” You replied sheepishly while you laid against him. He spooned you and sighed deeply. He gave you a kiss on the back of your head and smiled to himself. “Just returning the favor.” He mumbled before faling asleep.
You on the other hand, were slightly panicking. Sanji sleeping AND cuddling you? That was something you didn’t ever see happening. Also him noticing the kiss you gave him earlier, you should’ve known. Yet you were really comfortable and you took a deep breath. You smiled to yourself as you drifted to sleep once more.
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voltronisanobsession ¡ 9 months
Can I request Annabeth Chase x Son of Phobos or Deimos reader head canons? Thanks, in advance!
Annabeth with a Child of Phobos
Ooooo new character unlocked😍😍 This is a really interesting duo and I LOVE IT
I hope you like this, I feel like I’ve been lowkey out of my game with writing😭 I have a lot of asks in my inbox rn, but I’m slowly getting through them guys, I’m getting there🙏🙏
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Ok so i did a bit of reading on these gods and the POTENTIAL I SAW FOR THIS ASK WAS SO AAAAHH
I feel like this relationship would be an enemies to lovers kinda thing
Imagine reader is the kid of Phobos cuz why not
Phobos is the god of fear, panic, all that good stuff, so obviously those traits would be passed down to his children
And a special power of Phobos is allowing those he makes eye contact with see their deepest fears,, lets say that that’s an ability that children of Phobos can do to an extent!!
So the first time you and Annabeth meet, it is NOT on good terms💀
Sent out by your father, Phobos, to mess up some quest Percy was sent on, an order from Ares himself, there's a face-off between you and Annabeth
Like, Annabeth is so ready to take you down the second you show up to disrupt their quest but she just can't seem to shake off the shivers and chills going down her body once you appear
And you already know how Percy cares for his friends so targeting someone whose close to him (Annabeth) was an open option
Cold sweat rolls down Annabeth's face at point, her heart slowly speeding up as you look toward her
The second you make eye contact with her BOOM
She immediately goes into panic mode when she feels something crawling down her hands
She can only start screaming in absolute FEAR when she sees hundreds of spiders crawling on her body, dropping her dagger to the ground and trying to swat them off her to no avail
And the worst part is that literally no one can help her because they can't even SEE what she's seeing and feeling, except you!
Yeah your meeting is the worst memory Annabeth has of you💀
Fast forwarding to after your meeting, you get caught in some trouble with a dangerous monster and dun duunn!!
Annabeth saves you because she knows its the right thing to do
And you're so touched by her action despite the literal hell you put her through after showing her worst fears that you just
Join their quest and decide to become her friend (or at least try to)
Annabeth would be super awkward and nervous around a child Phobos solely because of her first encounter with one
Whenever you try to talk to her, she just awkwardly looks at you
You see her somewhere at camp and brightly wave to her, she's doing a quick wave and speedwalking away
But it's low-key not her fault😭😭 Whenever she's around you she can't stop the way her hands get clammy and her heartbeat speeds up
It's something you can't control but you have this aura that ignites fear in anyone near you
I don't think a friendship could come from this unless you were to apologize for what happened
It could be the worst apology known to existence because you don't know how to properly express your feelings, but Annabeth appreciates the thought behind it!
After that, everything is a little smooth sailing
She would slowly get used to your presence, getting used to your aura and knowing that you most likely won't use your power to cause her harm (again)
It would take some time for you two to become close enough for her to see you in a romantic light, but you still manage to break down her walls
Your constant figure in her life makes you a part of her routine
She’d give you a nickname, something dumb like panic pants
(when Percy first heard Annabeth call you that, he made it his mission to just refer to you as ‘PP’ to ‘shorten it’💀)
Annabeth would see you as friend while on the other hand, you be quick to catch feelings for the grey eyed girl because of her witty personality
I think the small things would really matter to her if you’re wanting to up your game with her
You give her a small flower while walking to lunch because it reminded you of her
She appreciates the way you give her your undivided it attention whenever she takes about architecture
Sometimes Annabeth fees like she’s talking to much about it but seeing you listen to her with interested eyes allows her to keep talking about what she loves
She feels seen and heard when she’s around you😭
Oh my gosh if you weave her something, no matter how bad the pattern is, she’s gonna treasure it FOREVER
Having something made just for her will make her all giddy inside UGH
Annabeth is so used to being grouped with her siblings so having someone pay special attention to her makes her feel important and well, special!
This is when the game shifts, she’ll begin giving you small gifts too!!
Whether it be a small weaving of her own or a clay bowl she made herself, Annabeth wants to show that she truly appreciates as a person!!
She’s all blushy while gently giving it to you and you’re face is just RED cuz oMGGG
Let’s talk about when the relationship becomes official >:)
It could be anytime but the one I see happening is if you save her after she’s attacked while outside of camp
Inside running to get away from the threat, you stay behind and protect her while she recovers herself
Like you get BRUTALLY beat, limping towards her when she just runs to you and pulls you in a crashing cuz!!! You literally!! Risked your life to save her!!😭
“Annabeth are you alri- hmph!”
“What we’re you thinking ?! Thank the gods you’re ok! I thought- ugh don’t scare me like that again!”
Everything is HISTORY
Like you guys just naturally click after getting together
Omg wait
Ok so since Annabeth like REALLY trusts reader at this point she would let them like see what her greatest fear is, you know to solidify that trust bond😁
And what if!! What if!!!!!!!
Instead of seeing the spiders, this time you only sees glimpse of what her now current fear is, which is losing you😭😭😭
Hugging session is a must after seeing that cuz damn😭
And imagine like if your abilities were really strong you’d be able to show your own fear to someone else
And Annabeth sees your fear is the DAME except your afraid of losing her?????
That moment would leave you guys so vulnerable like??
Moving on! During battles, you both are back to back fighting together. Annabeth had full confidence in reader, like she knows she’s in good hands
No one goes near her because all the enemies are too busy panicking with what you’re doing. With a lot of concentration, you’re able to instill fear to all the monster, with the exception of your girlfriend teehee
The dating life with Annabeth wouldn’t be too different tbh
You guys still bucket with each other, throwing lighthearted, sarcastic comments but theres a more sweeter vibe
I think Annabeth still gets a little blushy with you cuz cmon! She still has a MAJOR crush on you even if you’re dating🤭
You provide her with so much confidence and happiness. You help her face her fears, calm her down when she begins panicking when something goes wrong
Despite being a child of Phobos and having such a scary ability to make people see their greatest fears, Annabeth knows that even the ‘scariest’ people have kind and gentle side
Ugh this feels like such a trope but I don’t even care cuz ITS CUTE
When Annabeth holds your hand, she no longer feels the chilling sense of fear crawling through her body, instead, now she only feels a sense of calmness and protection😭💔💔💔
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michelleleewise ¡ 1 year
🌹Her Romeo🌹
Pairing: Avenger Loki x insecure! Female reader
Warnings: crying, anxiety, depression, Thor and Val being mvp's, I think that's it.....we're still in the angst but we're getting there.....
Summary: Val tries to talk sense into you while Thor surprises you....
A/n-graphics by @harlequin-hangout
Part Four -- Part Five-
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Val walked to the kitchen, pouring a cup of coffee hearing you come down the stairs, looking up as you walked into the kitchen "morning, what are your plans today?" Val asked sipping her coffee "Well, I have work and....that's it." You said grabbing a mug from the cabinet. "Have you talked to Loki yet?" Val asked seeing your jaw clench "no, I haven't." You said sighing "y/n, it's been two days, don't you think...." you turned cutting her off "Val, I have thought about it, and I can't." You said sipping your coffee "your not even gonna hear him out? Two years and that's it?" Val asked crossing her arms. "Look, I know your just trying to help me, but I'll be fine....I always am." You said slipping your coat on.
"Besides, he'll be happier too." You said grabbing your purse "and what makes you think that?" Val asked following you to the door. "Because...I'm not what he wants." You said opening the door "y/n, that's not true and you know it." Val said grabbing your shoulder "Val it's fine, I'll see you tonight." You said quickly leaving before she could say anything else. Val sighed, heading back to the kitchen she picked up her phone, scrolling through her contacts until she found the one she needed. Her thumb hovered over his name, knowing you would be upset if you found out but something wasn't adding up. She took a deep breath, pressing the green button she held it up to her ear listened to it ring.
"Hello? Y/n?" She heard Loki's panicked voice through the speaker "no loki, it's val." She said hearing him sigh "apologies, I did not look at the screen." He said shakely "it's fine, listen I need to talk to you for a minute." She said "I am sorry but I can't right now, i need to be available if y/n calls." He said. Swearing she heard a sniffle she sighed "Loki, I know what happened, well what y/n told me." She said hearing silence on the other end "now I know you and I don't know eachother super well, but I love y/n and I know you do too." She continued "so, I want to hear your side." She said sitting on the couch. "Listen, Valerie I do not..." Loki started before going silent again "I'm not going to say anything, I'm just going to listen." Val said hearing him sigh "very well, but first tell me...have you spoken to her? Is she safe?" He asked "yes, she's ok...well as ok as can be expected." Val replied
"Good, I'm glad to hear she is safe. I haven't heard from her since..." he trailed off "Loki, I'm gonna be honest she is not planning on coming back." Val said "w..what do you mean?" Loki asked, his voice cracking in the speaker "let's just start with what happened and go from there." She listened as Loki recanted everything that had happened in the last month, the constant rehearsals, the days spent at that woman's house, the way you acted when he got home until he got to the end "ok, so what exactly happened the other night when the shit hit the fan?" Val asked leaning forward "well, I was in my dressing room, preparing to take y/n to dinner, I had a surprise for her and my nerves were a bit on edge." He said with a sad laugh.
"Samantha came in congratulating me when things suddenly changed." He said taking a deep breath "she started telling me I deserved better then y/n, and that she would treat me better, but Valerie I swear to you I did not do anything untoward." Loki said sternly "I turned down her advances but she lunged at me, kissing me before I could stop her when y/n walked in and...well you know the rest." He sighed. "I see, so you didn't..." Val trailed off "absolutely not!" Loki snapped making Val jump "apologies, no I did not. I would never do such a thing to my love. I was actually..." loki trailed off sniffling "you where what?" Val asked "at dinner, I was going to propose. I love y/n more then I have ever loved anyone. But from what you are telling me I've lost my opportunity." Loki said shakely
"let me talk to her, I'll see what I can do but Loki...I don't know. You know how stubborn she is." Val said hearing him laugh "I know it well." He said "Valerie, I cannot tell you how sorry I am for all of this." Loki said, sadness laced in his voice "Well, if I know y/n she tends to clam up when she's upset." Val said sighing "which doesn't help anything, the stubborn mule." She laughed hearing him laugh "will you do something for me Valerie?" Loki asked "if things don't work out, will you look after her, keep an eye on her?" Loki asks shakely "try not to think like that, I'll be in touch." Val said rubbing her eyes "Alright, thank you Valerie." He said "your welcome Loki" She said, pulling the phone away hanging up. She sat back with a deep sigh "now how am I going to do this?" She said to herself leaning her head on the back of the couch.
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Thor stood outside your apartment, shifting back and forth before knocking hearing shuffling on the other side when Loki opened the door "Brother, what are you doing here?" Loki asked glaring at him "y/n asked me to come by and grab a few of her things." Thor said quietly seeing Loki step aside letting him in. "She did not wish to come?" Loki asked walking to the couch "she thought this would be easier." Thor said as Loki sat down. Thor took in his appearance, his hair matted and unkempt, his eyes bloodshot and his skin blotchy "Loki I must ask, did you.." Thor started when Loki's blank stare met his "no, I did not." Loki huffed sitting back. "She manipulated me, I had my suspicions but I did not see it in time." Loki explained seeing Thor nod. "Well, I will grab her things and be on my way." Thor said seeing Loki look up at him before turning his head towards the window.
Walking into the bedroom he grabbed the suitcase y/n told him about, going through the room he grabbed what clothes were hers when he spotted a picture of the two of them on the nightstand. He recognized it as last years Christmas party. You were in a deep green dress, him in his black suit as you stood under a mistletoe. Thor was the one who took the picture just as they kissed. He peeked out into the living room seeing Loki hadn't moved before he walked over grabbing the frame and placing it gently under some of the clothes before zipping it up and returning to the living room.
"She really isn't coming back is she?" Loki whispered barely loud enough to hear "I do not know, all I know is that she is hurt and trying to decide what to do." Thor said standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. "But I must get these things to her, I will call you later." Thor said walking towards the door "Thor.." loki called out making him turn "will you...could you tell her I love her.." loki asked leaning forward "please.." he finished fidgeting with his fingers "I will." Thor said seeing Loki look down "and I do hope you two can work through this, you are good for eachother, I will do what I can to help." Thor said seeing Loki nod as he walked to the door.
He walked out to his car, placing the suitcase in the trunk he got in and headed towards the tower. He racked his brain trying to think of what he could do to help, but he was honeslty at a loss. You were stubborn and insistent of what happened, and by the looks of Loki he had given up. He sighed, parking the car before grabbing your bag heading up to your office. "Y/n, here are the things you asked for." He said walking in "Thank you Thor, I appreciate it." You said stuffing the bag under your desk. "May I ask a question?" Thor asked leaning on your desk "sure, what's up?" You asked looking up at him "what is your plan? Will you be speaking with Loki?" He asked "I don't know yet. After everything I just...I can't see him right now." You said looking down.
"Well, he wanted me to tell you he loves you." Thor said seeing you sigh "until next week maybe." You huffed turning around "y/n, may I be honest for a moment?" Thor asked crossing his arms "I have known my brother for a century, and then some." He laughed leaning back "he is tricky, sarcastic, egotistical and in his youth quite the ladies man." Thor said shaking his head "and that's supposed to make me feel better?" You asked glaring at him "my point is, I have watched him go through partners as one would through tissues." Thor said looking at you "but you...you have stirred something inside him i have never seen before." He said making you furrow your eyebrows. "You see, satisfaction is not in his nature, he never kept anyone more then maybe two nights before they were replaced by another, but you my dear have held his heart for two years." He said.
"I have seen the way he looks at you, heard how he speaks of you, you are everything to him. You make him want to be better." Thor said watching you nod "you don't have to decide anything right now, just think of what I said, and I am here if you need me." Thor said standing up "Thank you Thor, I appreciate it." You said seeing him nod as he walked out of your office closing the door behind him. You turned your computer off, sliding the suitcase from under your desk you set it on top, opening it you shifted your clothes making sure Thor grabbed what you needed when your hand hit something hard "what the.." you trailed off, pulling it out seeing the picture that had resided on your nightstand. You remember the night like it was yesterday, the way Loki wouldn't leave your side, clinging to you like he was afraid you would get lost.
You ran your fingers over the glass, a teardrop landing on it pulling you out of your thoughts "Thor, you big sap." You laughed sadly putting the frame back in the suitcase wiping your face. You zipped it up looking at your phone, your heart screaming to call him, go see him but your mind jumped in reminding you why you couldn't. You grabbed your things locking your office you headed to the car park and back to Val's house.
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"Hey, how was your day?" Val asked as you walked through the door "fine, how about you?" You asked setting your bag down hanging your coat up "oh you know...the life of an architect." She said laughing "soooo exciting...What's that?" She asked pointing at the suitcase "I asked Thor to go grab some things for me." You said hearing her sigh "don't start, i...I can't see him right now." You said grabbing the bag "y/n, you need to stop being so stubborn and talk to him." Val said sternly "so are you my friend or his?" You snapped glaring at her "both of yours, that's why I'm trying to help." Val said crossing her arms "Well maybe you shouldn't! I just....I'm going to bed." You snapped walking to the stairs.
"Y/n, you need to deal with this, you can't keep running from it." Val said making her stop. "I am dealing with it, I just...j need some space." You sighed heading up the stairs. Val shook her head walking to the kitchen grabbing her phone, pulling the number up she glanced at the stairs before pressing the button "Hey..yeah its me, look I have a plan. It may be crazy but what's life without a little crazy." She said laughing "so this is what your going to do..."
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@vbecker10 @mochie85 @lokisgoodgirl @springdandelixn @kinky-faerie @xorpsbane @midnights-ramblings @simping-for-marvel @holdmytesseract @kkdvkyya @slpnbty2001 @lokixryss @vane28282 @violethaze @coldnique @aniar4wniak @nate-ate-hate @buttercupcookies-blog @brattymum96 @dukes2581 @your-taste-on-my-lips @mybabyh @blog-the-lilly @irishhappiness @sinsandguilt @filthyhiddles @lovebyloki @kikster606 @javagirl328 @misunderstoodself @highkeysimpingforloki @eleniblue @commanding-officer @athalialaufeyson @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lokiandbuckysdoll @loopsisloops @joyful-enchantress @jaidenhawke @silverfire475 @high-functioning-lokipath @kittiowolf210 @slytherclaw1227 @joyfullymassivewhispers @wolfsmom1 @libbybeaz @lokikissesmyforehead @goblingirlsarah @thomase1
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vvagustd ¡ 1 year
hello! i was wondering if you could write a part 2 for your moonjo fic “admirer”, i really enjoyed reading it, especially your portrayal of the reader and how she didn’t let herself be a victim and gained the upper hand on him. would love to see how a second part will turn out and if they’ll reveal their true intentions to one another and end up together or not. and it would be interesting to read how moonjo reacts to that last part of the fic as well. perhaps, you could make the reader have a dark character just like him? only if it’s not too much trouble ofc. also i hope that you have nice day or night :)
thank you so much for the request! i'm so glad you liked the fic, i need more moonjo lovers
i apologize in advance because i struggled trying to figure out how to continue it 😭
☽ admirer pt. 2 - seo moonjo
[seo moonjo x reader]
synopsis - after y/n catches moonjo, he sees her darkside
warning! blood, slightly spicy content, moonjo
link to request
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"How did you figure it out, admirer?"
Moonjo was surprised, but not as much as he was turned on. He liked this dark side, the twist on the sweet, ordinary girl he spent his days pining for.
"You learn a lot from months of watching someone." You slid off the pristine white counter and set the scalpel down. "Now, mind telling me why you were about to kill me?" The atmosphere seemed to grow thicker as Moonjo thought about his answer. The anesthetic in his hand was weighing on his conscience, the question still remained.
Why? Why was he about to kill her? Was it because she was a detriment to the Eden Residence, or a detriment to him?
"I- I don't know." Moonjo muttered.
"Do it."
His head shot up in surprise as you stood leaning against the counter.
You stood up and walked toward him. Leaning up, you got close to his ear. "If you were heart set on killing me, do it."
"Fuck." Moonjo groaned. He smashed his lips against yours in a needy, passionate kiss. You had waited so long for this moment, the love of your life with his lips against yours. There wasn't anyone else you wanted, and there wasn't anything you wouldn't do to get it.
Your hands slid up his torso while his dipped under your shirt. You finally had what you so desperately wanted, what you both so desperately wanted.
He pulled away and leaned into your ear. “Jump, jagiya." He whispered. He kissed and bit at your neck, catching you mid jump and placing you on the countertop, your hands roamed everywhere, longing to feel him as much as you could. Your knee lightly brushed against him, making him let out a whimper as he buried his face in your neck.
"Mr. Seo?"
Moonjo quickly pulled away and adjusted his shirt before opening the door. "Is it important?" He bluntly asked before she could talk. "Patients have been waiting for a while, are you done with this client?" She moved to peek behind him as he moved to block her view. "I'm sure Ms. L/n was just leaving." Moonjo cleared his throat as you stepped out. Turning back, you waved with a smile, which he returned. The glare and attitude from his receptionist didn't go unnoticed.
The night had fallen and Moonjo was finally done with his shift. He desperately wanted to talk about what had happened earlier and get to know more about you.
"Hello, Moonjo!“ He whipped around at the sound of your voice, caught off guard. You ran up to him and wrapped your arms around his torso. The colorful Seoul lights illuminated him beautifully, complimenting his tired features as he gave in and rested his chin on your head
Moonjo's attention was caught by something glittering on the side of your neck in the lights. He tilted your chin.
"Did you hurt yourself?" He asked. "Did I-? Oh! No, I didn't. It was just an accident.“ You reassured with a smile, using your sleeve to wipe it off.
"I've been meaning to tell you about what happened." Moonjo lowered his head and you knew exactly what he was talking about. You wanted to forget about it, but you also wanted to know the reason why the man you loved wanted you dead.
"The truth is, I was scared, Y/n. You scare me." That definitely wasn't the answer you were expecting. You were expecting him to say he hated you, or that you did something to offend him. But scare him?
"You make me feel things I've never felt before. You make me feel wanted and happy, you make me feel warm inside and I can't explain it. But you felt like a threat. These feelings felt like they would endanger my family and everything I've ever lived for, and the people in Eden mean so much to me. I knew it was a mistake when I brought it out because YOU mean so much to me. I couldn't lose you."
He was being so open and genuine with you, you loved this side of him. You just loved him.
"I love you so much, Moonjo." You laughed, bringing him into another kiss. ---
You were at breakfast the next morning with Moonjo, laughing and sharing food together when he got a call.
"Hello? This is Seo Moonjo.
Oh, she did. That's a shame.
Ah, yes. Thank you, goodbye."
You looked up at him curiously. "What's wrong?"
"My boss called to tell me my receptionist just quit. They found a letter." He said, placing his phone down.
"Really? How strange."
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