#blackbeard is confused
shnk-the-martian · 1 year
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Stede was like, "You were mean and hurt his feelings, so now you BURN." Period, not exclamation, because he wasn't excited or loud about it. He turned to Abshir and said, "What do you know?" Walked into that room with murder on his mind, a smile on his face, and vengeful love in his heart.
Ed is so confused. He is Blackbeard. He has spent his life cultivating this terrifying reputation to finally make people fear him. To juat surrender at his flag. Stede walks in with an alias is shuned and still makes them burn themselves down. Ed without the Blackbeard reputation went running from the room.
Also, if Stede has this power, why didn't he do it for himself? Why did he wait for his feelings to be hurt?
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bizarrelittlemew · 7 months
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calling it right now that season 3 starts like this
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i think blackbeard took one look at jack rackham and concluded he was charles' side piece and that was the only possible reason he had brought him onto his crew in the first place. and nothing either of them ever did gave him reason to question that conclusion.
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raggedy-spaceman · 8 months
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S02E04 Fun and Games
RIP Stede, killed by a burn you didn't even understand but trust us: it's a big deal
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shivroy · 1 year
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stede sultry shoulder saturday
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hootgrowlhootgrowl · 7 months
ofmd should release a special where mary gets invited to do an art show somewhere so the whole family packs up to sail there but on the way they encounter bad weather and are forced to dock on the island where stede and ed have their inn and they just so happen to go stay at the inn and mary walks in and sees stede across the counter and is just like wtf? but stede is so excited and doug and the kids are loving this and mary is just kinda dazed bc i thought you were a pirate? why are you running an inn now? wtf happened? why is motherfucking blackbeard showing me to my room, wtf stede?!?
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wesleysniperking · 2 months
It just irks me when in the OP fandom people start speculating who’s going to be the new Strawhat, when there’s still so much focus needed on the other ones. Like, we don’t have time for a new member when the other ones (other than the monster trio) aren’t given enough time and focus.
This wouldn’t be such a big problem if there wasn’t the big debate on who is more “useless” pre time-skip or post time-skip. Or “the Strawhats are a yonko crew, and they should all have haki by now.”
Adding on to that, the recency bias doesn’t help the whole matter either. The same ones who push for a new Strawhat member also criticize the Strawhats as a whole because of the non-monster trio members having not unlocked any haki, or because some can’t 1v1 an adversary. Usopp has haki but those naysayers say it “doesn’t count”.
It’s all nonsense, of course, but admittedly it gets to me.
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So, why do we need one more Strawhat?
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Buttons: I desire moisture.
Ed: Please just say "I want water" like a normal person.
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goodomens-girlie · 8 months
so I personally haven’t seen ofmd season 2 cause I don’t have hbo max but my friends have been updating and y’all I am so fucking confused
spoiler warning
so first this guy has been in the basement of the ship and his leg was rotting so they cut this guys leg off right, cause why not?
then the crews super emo, in their my chemical romance era
then the other half of the crew gets taken by this woman who’s running china? owns china? is china?
idek wtf that is
and then ed was on an island which wasn’t actually an island cause he wasn’t actually anywhere and he saw this guy who was his first captain but actually wasn’t cause he’s seeing things
and then he falls into the ocean and sees Stede as a mermaid cause he took one too many Advils or something
and then this guy who they thought was dead was actually taken by the same woman who’s running china
and then someone turns into a bird
pls send help I am so confused
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jamieontheroof · 8 months
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laniidae-passerine · 7 months
also Izzy dying kinda sucked for me as an Ed fan because his whole thing, as he lay dying, was telling Ed he only needs to be himself and that he doesn’t need to just rely on Izzy anymore, that he has a whole family who loves him. And that’s a beautiful speech and true at heart which would have made Izzy’s death narratively warranted had Ed not immediately abandoned that family to start an inn with Stede, who he needs to work on his relationship with. like girl what the hell
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confusedraven1 · 9 months
after finding out stede is on a ship nearby, ed barges onto it like this
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sxzai · 2 years
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i think they like izzy in their clothes
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ladyluscinia · 2 years
One thing I want more of in fic is other pirates recognizing that Izzy is actually a pretty decent pirate and trying to poach him. Maybe they offer him more money. Maybe they try and drive a wedge between him and Blackbeard. But he'll occasionally get headhunted and I'd love to see how Blackbeard would respond.
Got distracted and forgot to answer this lol
I personally am a huge fan of Edward being possessive as fuck, so I too would very much like to see some form of this. Or write it, though that would not be happening any time soon. I do have a rough idea for something with Izzy in Spanish Jackie's, where some guy decides to push his luck since Blackbeard is all happy tipsy and distracted with Stede, and Jackie, Fang, and Ivan are all like "Oh fuck" while the Revenge crew throughout the room is like "What's happening?"
Izzy is not being receptive at all, but he isn't telling the guy to fuck off or ending the conversation either, which for Izzy looks kinda receptive. Fang grumbles that "Izzy has way too much fun watching people walk into their own swords" and "is he trying to start a brawl?"
And Edward is subtly but definitely watching Izzy's new "friend" like a hawk as they all wait for the tension to snap.
Because Izzy is Edward's - it's written on his face and his clothes and everyone fucking knows it - and nobody fucking touches Edward's things. Not his gun if he leaves it on the table, not his jacket if he throws it over a chair, and not Izzy unless you want to fucking die.
Anyway, like all exceptionally bold and stupid men, this guy at some point grasps Izzy's arm in an overly friendly way, Edward is making his way toward them before anyone can blink with a grin that's all teeth, Ivan is catching a baffled Stede to suggest he sit this out until Ed's done, while Stede was entirely unaware something was happening until the exact moment Edward bolted out his seat.
Also Edward might have Izzy cut off at least one of the guy's fingers while being insanely affably threatening, while Spanish Jackie is across the room like "I fucking knew this would happen..."
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myflagmeanspirate · 2 years
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Y’all piratey crafters are next level
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they need to stop making guys named eddie
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