do you have any CEO jungkook fic recs
hi! yeah I have!! i know I’ve talked alot about my love for sub!jungkook but I you gotta know that i also love him as a dom. It’s probably casue i love him either way, he’s just too loveable for his own good 🥺🥺. Here are just a few with him as a CEO/boss, obviously, i have a looot more dom!jk stored up, but yeah enjoy guys!!!!!
Show me where your love lies (CEO!JK, dom!jk, cheating au) - 4.1k “Jungkook knows it’s wrong to sneak around with you behind his wife’s back. but with you he feels whole- he feels loved. And maybe you would feel guilty if she didn’t treat Jungkook like absolute shit.” ~ by @hollyhomburg
Yes, sir. (CEO!JK, dom!JK, degradation, unprotected sex) - 2.2k“You wear a particularly tight skirt to the office one day and your boss is having none of it.” ~ by @peekaboongi
I won’t stop you (CEO!JK, dom!jk vamparie!JK) - series“You drive to your boss‘s house with the intention of returning his wallet he left at the office. You feel uneasy, seeing his manor for the first time - Jungkook also feels uneasy, but for reasons that you could never begin to imagine.“  ~ by @imsarabum
Covet (CEO!JK, housekeeper!reader, dom!jk) - 6.9k“ Businessman Jungkook x Housekeeper smut “ ~ by @honeyedhoseok
The CEO’s son (dom!jk, fat cock!jk) - 4k“ Your relationship with your boss’s son was never one HR would approve of… “ ~ by @honiboyyoon
Overtime (ceo!jk, ) - 12k“in which an awkward first encounter with your new boss gives Jeon Jungkook all the more reason to make your job an interesting experience.“ ~ by @cupofteaguk
Boss (boss!jk, harddom!jk) - 1.1k “ Jungkook and you get in a heated fight, but a little make up sex always works. Right?” ~ by @jeonqbunny
N e r v (CEO!JK, dom!jk) - 3.7k “Jeon Jungkook was good at business, but not with women. His best friend knew that and decided to give him a hand - hiring you as his new secretary.” ~ by @fictivewriters
How can I help you, sir? (CEO!JK, dom!jk, SIR KINK YESSS, degradation kink) - 2k  “It was probably really stupid to have an affair with your boss, but goddamn, Jeongguk was one hell of a lover.“ ~ by @krreader
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flowerwrites06 · 2 years
lion and the fox I — jjk
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Plot: In a turbulent world of crime and intrigue, a fiery journalist makes an unlikely alliance with one of the country’s most notorious bosses.
Pairing(s): Mafia Boss!Jungkook x Journalist!OC (Name: Belle)
Rating: G | PG | M | R 18+
Type: Drabble | Oneshot | Two Parter | Series
Word Count: 7k+
Genre: Mafia AU | Vintage (1940′s vibes) AU
Tags & Warnings: crime, violence, sexual content, forced prostitution, mild scenes of harassment, some misogynistic behaviour, mentions of war, heavy mentions of drug use, infidelity.
Authors Note: I really liked jungkook and my OC belle in this fic and I didn’t have the heart to change them into original characters so here you go, it has been placed back in Tumblr! hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: Please note that while some historical research has been done for this story, the MAJORITY of it has been altered in some way with creative liberties to match the themes and motifs of the plot. 
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“You can’t say things like that about him.” Hansuke’s gravelly tone rung into the room, cigar smoke flowing from his thin lips before he tapped it on the black glass ashtray.
Hoseok pressed his lips together, hugging the edited article to his chest as if it was a precious possession. The key to him making some kind of a name in this hell-hole of a city. It had been a bloody miracle just to be able to have his articles looked at by Tanaka Hansuke himself. Media Mogul of Gyeongseong. “Why not? You said using Jeon’s name might be able to help in gaining more reads.”
Hansuke sighed as he placed the cigar down; tie slightly loosened when the sun dipped into orange beneath the buildings to welcome the afternoon slump. “I mean using Jeon’s name in a positive light. We can’t piss off the most powerful man in Gyeongseong…especially when we don’t have physical proof unlike Kwon.” He gestured to the article.
Kwon Jiyong took a lot of death threats and corporate drunk pricks breathing on Belle until they both finally found enough physical evidence to lead the police into the prostitution ring. Of course they already knew where it was but the legal system needed a lot more convincing before they convicted a big contributor to their economy. Money surpassed justice.
“But we know he has a hand in it.” Hoseok kept his voice lower this time, leather shoes tapping against the darkened wood as he stepped closer to the table. “Wouldn’t it be easier if we got rid of bad men all at once?”
“It would be easier…but you and I also know life never works like that.” Hansuke leaned forward on his elbows, grey hair strands falling out of place from his morning slick back while the lines on his tanned face became more prominent.
Hoseok sighed. He moved one of her hands to fix his black trousers from cutting into his skin a little before hugging his article again. The words in them growing heavier in his embrace as the seconds passed by.
Hansuke examined the younger man for a moment before sighing in slight defeat. “Look…you’re a damn good journalist, Jung.” He gestured towards him. “None of these dumbasses want to admit it but you are and this bust on the Golden Serpent could make you one of the most popular journalists to date. So don’t ruin it while you have it…alright?”
Despite the slight empty feeling in his chest, he nodded. It wasn’t a surprise to him why Hansuke was terrified to writing anything negative about Jeon Jungkook. Only one or two employees knew of his past dealings with Yeou Pa; the criminal syndicate rooted within the city running seventy percent of the establishments from restaurants to brothels. While the older male had proclaimed to have no connection to the gang, there was still the air of reluctance.
A reluctance Hoseok could only detect as fear and knowledge of what Yeou Pa would do if one negative article spewed on their papers.
“Just that paragraph then, sir?” Hoseok maintained his professional tone, attempting a smile to stretch across his lips even though something kept tugging in his belly.
“Yes just that one.” Hansuke nodded. “Good work.”
Hoseok bowed politely before he turned on his heel out of the office. He could notice from the corner Belle pretending that she wasn’t worriedly looking through the glass window. His partner quickly pushed her glasses back on and tried to focus on a piece of paper.
Their desks faced to one another just six months after he received the job acceptance. It took him a while to get used to having her stories written under his name even though he knew she deserved all the credit. This Golden Serpent story being one of them. No one in the city would let her if they found out. Belle reassured him time and time again that this was the only way her voice was going to be heard. And they became close friends ever since.
“Are you sure you don’t want to know what happened?” Hoseok tilted his head, placing the papers on his desk.
“It’s none of my business.” Belle peered at the paper in such deep concentration before attempting a hum under her breath as she put it down. “But if you must vent to me.”
He chuckled through her nose, sitting down at his typewriter with a deep sigh. “He wants me to cut out the part mentioning Jeon.”
“But—” Belle cleared his throat, side-glancing around the hustling and bustling office until she leaned in, speaking in a softer voice. “But we saw Yeou Pa men there. The fox tattoos on their necks and heads, it was clear.”
“I know…” Hoseok opened up the files. Black lines catching her eyes, concealing the truth from the public to save one company’s reputation.
Her ruby tinted lips pressed together in disappointment as she lightly tapped her unpainted nails on the dark wood surface of the table. “What if we bust him ourselves?”
“We’re not detectives, B.”
“Detectives would be too scared to expose Jeon.”
“Yes but they also have weapons and skills that we don’t have. We don’t bust people.”
Belle took a small breath to speak before sighing back into thought.
Hoseok didn’t think he’d ever seen the woman back down from an argument before. It was always what to say next or what other solution to make. She never hid that side of her either which is why he didn’t know why no one found out most of his articles were written by her.
“There is a port...” She began to speak with care, pushing away her shoulder length hair strands over her white blouse sleeve. “A few witnesses managed to tell me that they saw groups of people being taken out of the ports. They all looked dirty and dreary like prisoners.”
“They probably were prisoners.” Hoseok shrugged.
Rebels were being shipped around like cargo for as long as he could remember. Some of them could’ve potentially being thrown in the prostitution rings without anyone tracing missing persons.
“Yes but this was done in Donghae Port and one of the witnesses saw a woman with a fox tattoo on her cheek.” A small smile twitched at her lips.
Belle knew more about conversing and finding connections than Hoseok ever did. He was a book and archive researcher more than anything while his assistant prowled for all the necessary prey needed for a good headline. At least he wanted the headline and she wanted the truth. A strange balance of a friendship in journalism.
“You said yourself you want all the bad men gone at once.” She gestured to the black lines across her own words. True words exposing a man taking advantage of his power to be depleted from the public eye. “There was no way else to do it.”
Hoseok sighed in defeat, resting back against the chair. “If we die, you’re paying for both our funerals.”
She smiled. “Sure.”
Donghae Port definitely looked like the dark place your mother would never let you walk around at night. Yet today Belle and Hoseok were walking right into it. The non-flash camera might not grab the clearest pictures ever in the poorly lit night but it could still more proof than ever on Jeons connection to the prostitution rings.
Anyone who had a knowledge of the underworld knew this port was owned and run by Yeou Pa. No one else was allowed to touch this territory for shipping unless they paid a hefty amount or wanted some kind of a death wish.
Crates stacked up as high as they could see with a few measly white lights illuminating random patches of the dampened ground. They stood shoulder to shoulder behind one of the stacks as a ship was being anchored near the port. Creaky, old mess of a boat to be more exact. One bad storm and the whole thing would sink helplessly.
The perfect thing to carry unimportant cargo. Belle tried to push down her stomach lurching at the thought. Cool breeze flowed through even her black clothing causing her to hug her coat closely to her body, steam wafting from her light peach tinted lips.
Hoseoks breathing grew heavier by the second as he peaked at the edge of the crate. “This feels like a very bad idea.”
“What, this mission or the innocent people being shipped in a crappy boat for sex?”
The older male looked back to meet her angry gaze. He knew the anger wasn’t directed at him but whoever thought this business was anything but absolutely disgusting. “A bit of both. We don’t have guns.”
“Niether do they.” Belle spoke plainly. “If they shot us, the police would know they took a gun for non-hunting purposes and it’d be tracked back to them.”
“You scare me sometimes, you know that?” The corner of his plump lips curled up slightly.
“It’s useful to be scary.” She smiled.
Hoseok craned his neck back to focus on the boat. “They’re getting out now.” He whispered, moving their positions so Belle could stand closer with her camera in hand.
Belle didn’t hesitate to take pictures, ignoring the clench in her chest when she saw children following along with the adults with their head lowered. She wondered how many of them were simply playing in grounds before their lives completely changed. All because a few people wanted too much power and money.
She focused her concentration on the soft clicking of the camera capturing the victims along with the men in suits escorting them to cars. She captured the license plates and the faces. As many faces as possible so they all could get punished for their crimes.
It was always this moment Belle felt the least scared. When the truth started playing right in front of her in plain sight, she kept her breathing calm and her fear subdued. Ensuring every single detail collected in her mind so she could never forget it. No matter how much it hurt.
There were three large vans that the victims were being placed in. Some of them pushed while others had to be carried on board because they were too small to climb on their own.
“Belle…” Hoseok whispered.
“Almost done.” Belle muttered, taking a few more shots of the license plates. As she was taking another shot, something blocked her view causing her to wince in annoyance. Pulling away from the camera her eyes widened seeing a man in a suit staring down at her.
“I think that’s enough pictures, sweetheart.” His deep, gravelly voice rippled through the tension thick air.
Belle looked over her shoulder, heart jumping to see a knife blade pressed against Hoseok’s tan neck. She gulped down before facing the other guard again. “Let him go.”
“You don’t make the orders around here, gorgeous.” Chapped lips stretched into a disgusting smirk as he grabbed onto her arm, closing their distance so Belle could be overwhelmed by the scent of tobacco and sweat. “I’m sure the boss’d like to see this piece.” Grey tinged eyes trailed down up and down her body while Hoseok grunted in anger.
Yanking out of the man’s grip, she fixed him with a fiery glare. “Don’t fucking touch me.”
Both guards let out a croaky laughter as Hoseok tried to pull away from the knife but the blade only dug more into this skin. Without warning, the man lifted Belle over his shoulder and led her over to the cars with Hoseok hopelessly following along.
The pungent scent of tobacco choked her throat until she heard a car door open and her whole body thrown onto a harsh surface. Hoseok groaned next to her before the doors slammed shut.
Belle noticed one of the guards binding Hoseoks mouth as he let out a few muffled protests before his whole head was covered with a black bag.
Someone muttered from the driver’s seat. “Are they new tributes?”
“They’re journalists.” The grey eyed man dropped the camera on the floor of the van and slammed his leather clad foot on it causing it to crash. He smirked down at Belle as he grabbed a cloth and kissed it before binding her mouth with it, her protesting groan mixed with his laughter. “Going straight to the boss.”
She felt rough vibrations underneath her body indicating that the car began moving as her wrists were being tied until there was minimal blood flow. Worry began settling in slowly but she forced herself to stay calm. Then her whole vision went black.
Takahashi Estate shimmered in golden lights in the autumn night, painted lips stretching in convenient laughter while bodies glimmered in diamonds expensive enough to pay for a thousand meals. Jungkook stood in the banquet hall. A small, modern setting of red wood and cherry blossom paintings, glowing against the lanterns. Onyx eyes scanned around the room at the murmuring conversations, stopping on Don Takahashi himself.
Stumpy, old thing flushing like a tomato every time he reached the peak of his sake intake with his molasse black hair slicked back. A bloody miracle that his daughter never received an ounce of his looks.
Leaning back against the buffet table, Jungkook took a puff of his cigar, cheeks sucked in as his silver ear piercing shimmered in under the lantern glow. It was a bore of a party but done to keep a strengthened bond between allied gangs. As if getting married to Takahashi’s daughter wasn’t strong enough.
Technically their marital relationship was about as strong as a broken thread but combining their gangs was status gold.
Speaking of a joke posing as a marriage, Jungkooks eyes stopped on his beloved wife. Walking towards him after charming at least half of the patrons in the part. She was always good at that. Short, curly chestnut hair perfectly styled. Lime green eyes shining in calculated glee while her red lips wrapped around her golden cigarette holder. All of it tied together with a camel fur shawl over her shoulders and pearls glimmering around her neck.
“Pretending like an outlier as usual, sweetheart.” Gaia drawled, leaning against the edge of the table.
“I am an outlier technically.” The corner of his lips curled up.
“Well you don’t have to act like it.” She reached out and fixed his red tie tucked underneath a grey vest. “My father’s very pleased you decided to come tonight.”
Jungkook scoffed, looking over at Takahashi again who was chortling at something as obnoxiously as possible. “So long as old daddy’s pleased…”  He accepted a glass of whiskey when the waiter rushed in to offer them.
Gaia waved her white silk gloved hand as a refusal. She preferred to get drunk at home anyway. Easier to throw and thrash things that didn’t belong to her but her beloved husband. “Pleasing my old daddy is the only reason no one’s taking your precious gang away from you.” She muttered in a lower voice, voice a little croaky from the lack of drink. “Try not to insult him too much, dear.”
“I’ll try to keep it a normal amount.” Jungkook attempted not to seethe in an completely obvious manner.
“Watanabe Kaito…” Gaia gestured to a man in the corner, vacantly listening to another patron speak. “Dull little creature but he’s thinking of investing in a few clubs to raise his personal profits.” Their shoulders brushed against each other in an attempt to keep their discussion somewhat private. Though they were always being watched so long as they were in the manor territory. “Namjoon talked about expanding our club numbers.”
“Our club numbers?” Jungkook raised a brow before taking another puff.
“Isn’t it one of the many…many…” She rolled her eyes. “—marriage vows to share things with one another?”
Jungkook couldn’t help but chuckle out a waft of smoke. “Do try to say it without ruining those pretty eyes, darling.”
“Don’t worry your little mind about my eyes.” Gaia scrunched her nose lightly before leaning in closer. “I could convince Kaito to look in our direction…so long as you give the order, boss.”
He tried not to be too bothered by the mocking tone she spoke that word. It reminded Jungkook just how fragile his power was. Like a vine grabbing onto the right names just to ensure that he and his syndicate could survive in this world.
“Make sure not to screw it up.” Jungkook mused.
“I never do.”
She was right. He’d never admit it though. Where’s the fun in that?
Another figure approached the pair, one of the young tributes to Yeou Pa, wearing a simple suit and messy hair. “Master Jeon.” He muttered, still heavily breathing.
“Thank god.” Jungkook whispered making Gaia chuckle before she made her way back to work. He turned to the young man. “What is it?”
“Call for you.” He bowed.
Nodding, the tribute led him through the courtyards of the Takahashi Manor to one of the living rooms. Brighter golden lights with bamboo furniture and old style painting of naked women surrounded by animals. Especially snakes. Hebi Pa and their goddamn snakes.
In the right wall area was the rotary phone, where in full display was a painting of a woman kissing the severed head of a man while draped in black pythons. Definitely Gaia’s choice. Jungkook picked up the phone and placed it on his ear. Somehow he was unable to tear his eyes away from the artwork. As if it was luring him to examine the details.
“Master Jeon?” A gruff male voice spoke.
“There’s been a slight intrusion in Donghae Port when we were shipping tributes.”
“What kind of intrusion?”
“Journalists. A male and a female. The woman keeps demanding to see you, sir. Should I just get rid of them?”
Brows furrowed, Jungkook shifted from one foot to another. “Is there any particular reason why she’s asking for me?”
“Something about prostitutes, sir. I-I’m not sure what she’s talking about.”
“Does she have evidence?”
“One of the guards broke the camera.”
Jungkook took a deep breath, glancing over his shoulder to see if anyone was passing through the living room. “Why would they think Donghae Port had prostitutes being shipped?” He asked the question more to himself rather than the guard. “Take them to the main estate and keep them on heavy guard. I’ll be there in ten minutes.” If this hell of a party ever ends.
God, she hated the smell of tobacco. It always lingered in her house for years growing up to the point where it became the biggest reason she moved to live in her own place next to Hoseok. They always liked staying close. No one really thought like they did so it was hard making any true friends in this city. As per usual, Hoseok and Belle were joined by rope in two chairs with their back facing one another.
The room they were placed in had ugly dark green walls, brown leather furniture and a billiard table on the right where the guards played casually. Belle only really liked the stone fireplace in front of her. On top of it was an ancient painting she couldn’t quite pinpoint. Written history had always been more of her forte rather than art.
Tobacco lingered thick in the air, smoke almost hazing the entire room as one of the guards groaned near the billiard table.
“I didn’t know journalists were that pretty.” That same, disgusting grey-eyed guard approached her again. Blazer off, standing with his white dress shirt.
Belle merely responded with a glare, taking a deep breath to pretend she wasn’t imagining his head roasting in the fire.
“You can at least tell me your name.” He hooked on the cloth covering her mouth before pushing it down. “I bet you have a pretty name.” He leaned forward, purposely holding onto her clothed thigh and squeezing causing her to jerk in discomfort.
“Boss said not to talk to them, Genzo.” One of the guards, a bit younger than the man named Genzo, spoke in a careful tone.
“I’m only conversing casually.” Genzo glanced over his shoulder before facing her again. “I asked for a name, sweetheart.”
The putrid scent of tobacco filled her lungs almost making her want to cough as she turned her face away. Hoping that the smell might leave her when she did. Except Genzo wasn’t having it at all when he grabbed her chin to meet his gaze again.
“The boss won’t care about anything I do to you so long as you’re alive, pretty…” Hoseok roughly struggled against the restraints with a growl under his breath. Genzo ignored it. “…so be a good girl.” His stinking fingers pressed into her soft cheeks until her lips puckered out.
“That’s no way to treat a guest in my house, Genzo.”
A young, raspy voice spoke from the other end of the room even causing to Genzo to freeze where he stood.
Belle took the opportunity to yank out of his rough grip, her cheeks aching terribly. Reddened eyes flickered over to see the figure walking into the room and rippling intimidated silence all around him.
This was him. Jeon Jungkook in the flesh.
Belle had only seen pictures for the most part during her research in Yeou Pa or whatever other businesses he invested in. Merely a young man not much older than she was. Definitely inherited fortune. Auburn hair slightly messy in its style, round eyes that had a striking sharpness to them she couldn’t understand, all tied together with small, pouty lips.
“Apologies, Master Jeon.” Genzo bowed down and she hoped his back would break from it. “I was just trying to get some information.”
“By threatening to assault her…on my property no less.”
Genzo stayed silent. A miracle really.
“All of you leave. I can speak to them alone.” Jungkook waved his hand before digging both of them into his grey trousers.
Every guard slowly flooded out of the room and closed the door. Silence plunged into the room for a moment other than the fire crackling slightly wafting more warmth than Belle was truly comfortable with right now.
With a deep sigh, Jungkook glanced over at Hoseok and walked to him, pulling out the cloth from his mouth. “What company are you two from?”
“Saja Ilbo.” Hoseok answered even though the release of information made Belle wince.
“I have no quarrels with Hansuke, why would he authorize this bust?” Jungkooks gaze moved over to the female journalist, her hazel eyes burning right into him like she was imagining all the ways he could be killed.
“Hansuke didn’t organize it.” Belle answered simply. While she had no deep affection for her boss, she still felt a small tug at possibly ruining his name for this case.
“So you’re rebelling against your boss.” Jungkook spoke directly to Belle while Hoseok hung his head. “What have I done that’s so horrible?” He pulled his trousers up and crouched down so he could meet her eyes.
Belle winced slightly. “Those people…children, you were going to—”
“Put them into prostitution? Is that you think I was doing?”
The anger began to douse allowing Jungkook to truly examine the hazel orbs, looking almost golden from the glow of the fireplace behind him.
“What were you doing then?” Her heart raced under her ribcages. Heat from the fire collecting around her aura, making it hard to breathe when the information kept sinking in deeper. Did she just get Hoseok into trouble for no reason? Was this all a stupid mistake from her pare that was going to get them killed?
“Those are tributes.” Jungkook explained in a calm tone, noticing the slight change in her gorgeous features. “They volunteer from different countries or from here to enter the gang either to get promoted or simply leave their harmful households. They’re not slaves or prisoners, they’re regular people who wanted a job. A different life that others wouldn’t give them.”
Granted this wasn’t the most honorable job of all time but it was better than most lives. Besides he knew what young men his age went through. Things Jungkook was able to get away with by being in this line of work.
“But we found prostitution rings with your men in it. They all had Yeou Pa tattoos, guarding the Golden Serpent.” Belle shook her head.
“Was that your article?”
She stammered a little. That conditioned part of her automatically thinking of saying that it was Hoseoks’ and not hers despite the nights she spent working on it. But there was no point in telling him lies when he had her restrained. “Yes.”
Jungkook nodded in understanding. “A ghost writer.”
“Why were your men there?” Belle pushed down the argument threatening to leave her tongue.
He stayed silent for a moment, the heat on his back growing a little irritating. Getting back up to his feet, Jungkook padded towards the coffee table that had been shifted to the side for chairs. A thick wooden piece of furniture that attempted to complement the brown leather. Jungkook picked up the small dagger, blade shimmering a little in the light.
Hoseok shifted against the restraints as the male inched closer.
“I know where my men are even if they don’t think I do.” Jungkook muttered. “In this world of ours, having eyes and ears everywhere is more important than anything.” He walked in between the two chairs, cutting through the ropes that were keeping them tied. “But it’s also easy to keep secrets in this world too. And make stories even though the proof might not be showing the truth.”
“You think I’m lying?” Belle furrowed her brows. The ropes finally loosened around her wrists, pulsing ache on her arms from being bound for too long.
“I think someone’s playing a trick on the both of us.” Jungkook placed the dagger back onto the coffee table while the two rubbed their arms and wrists. “Prostitution has been prohibited in Yeou Pa ever since it was founded. My grandfather was against it.”
“You expect us to believe that?” Hoseok shifted to face them properly.
Jungkook raised a brow, pulling at his gold cufflink. “His mother had been in street prostitution to provide for her two sons. Not a pretty story so I’d like for you to believe me if that’s alright with you.”
Belle and Hoseok shared a concerned glance with one another before she met Jungkooks’ gaze again. “There are still people missing though. Children and other innocent civilians found in unauthorized prostitution rings. If they’re not coming from you, then they’re coming from someone using your name.”
“What’re you suggesting, Miss…?”
“Belle.” Jungkook nodded. “It might seem like I have all the power in the world but these investigations can cause concerning levels of suspicion.”
“Whoever is really running these rings wants to make it known that it was your gang.” Belle shrugged. “The evidence is only pulling to you in a way that’s almost obnoxious.”
“Which means someone might be purposely trying to do it.” Hoseok continued on as the information collected in his own mind.
The Jeon name had always been connected to underworld workings for years. Any evidence that could so much as smell like their involvement could be used against them. But Yeou Pa also was a syndicate that lived for over forty years. No regular journalist could simply ‘expose’ it on a luck strike. Something was being tampered.
“You understand if I agree to starting this investigation with your involvement…” Jungkook gestured to the both of them. “…you can’t investigate my syndicate anymore.”
As much Belle wanted to believe it. That Jungkook was the culprit after all and he was just lying through his teeth. Perhaps there was a selfish part of her that wished she could just use the evidence to expose Jungkook anyway. Except that wouldn’t stop the innocent civilians from being taken. Helping the innocent and bringing criminals to justice became so separate at this moment that Belle felt a headache coming along.
“There’ll be no more snooping on your gang anymore.” Hoseok muttered although reluctance coated his voice. “You have our word.”
Onyx eyes flickered over to Belle who still had a clear hesitation on her face. All of the worst case scenarios were definitely a hair worse than what the offer on the table right now. But it still meant giving up a sense of honor to find a truth. Two negatives make a positive. In this world anyway. “And you? Miss Belle?”
Gaze trailed up to meet his, taking a few minutes of silence to find some kind of ploy in his eyes. Any kind of tick or twitch that could indicate to her that something was wrong. Belle couldn’t find anything. She glanced over at Hoseok once again and instantly noticed the need to get this conversation done and over with. So long as they came out of this with their lives. At this point, that’s what mattered. “Alright. I have some files with more information that we could look at.”
A smile spread across Jungkooks lips, eyes glimmering when he stepped forward. “Welcome to Yeou Pa then, I suppose.”
This was going to be a nightmare.
Two years. It took Belle two years to collect these files. Trying her best to connect all the dots and hoping it would point to one direction. Some of them did point to Jungkook. Others were scrambled and confused like her mind was playing tricks on her. She kept most of the files in her shared apartment with Hoseok so that no one could think to find it but now she was personally carrying to the man she wanted to expose.
Funny how life turned out.
Morning faded in when Hoseok drove them back to the Jeon-Takahashi household. The sky a hazy blue from the light layers of smoke always swirling in the dry air. Dark fringe escaped from her burgundy hat, tickling her brow as she watched the guards walk down the entrance stairs of the house.
It had a traditional design like most upper class citizens inspired by traditional Japanese architecture with curved black roofs, wooden designs and an abundance of nature as far as Belle could see. Autumn was still nipping at their noses currently so a lot of the blossom trees didn’t look to be in bloom.
The guard practically surrounded their car as if they would play a trick. One of them with a clear fox tattoo on his neck opening the door for her while Hoseok climbed out on his own, walking towards her side.
He straightened out his camel toned blazer, waiting for Belle to climb out so he could carry the large wooden box from the passenger’s seat.
Despite the stockings she wore underneath her navy blue skirt, the autumnal air still bit at her flesh causing her to hug the grey trench coat tighter. Eyes trailed up to the height of building. Not quite like a skyscraper but still majestic in its own way.
“Master Jeon and Mistress Eliades are expecting you for tea.” The man with neck tattoo spoke, gesturing his hand towards the dark wooden door.
To the untrained eye, it may seem like the house was unguarded. Belle knew now that there must’ve been a guard in every corner ready to die for their Master if a sign of danger were to arise. Sharing a small glance with Hoseok, they were led up the entrance stairs with a line of guards padding behind them.
The entrance door opened with a loud creak where they stopped in the middle of the genkan. Taking their shoes off, the guard opened the red doors to a beautiful courtyard. Belle had to take a moment to admire the flowers lining the different pathways forming a perfect square in the middle.
“This way.”
Belle and Hoseok were taken to the east wing of the household, down the pathway into a private room on their right. The first thing Belle noticed was the gorgeous window showcasing all the blossom trees slowly losing their budding flowers. Then she saw the setting for tea. It was modern than anything else with chairs and a circular table matching the wooden structures of the house.
This definitely looked more like a place of business rather than casual tea. Aside from the beautiful view and adorable flower design tea set.
Her gaze then set on the two figures sitting at the table. Jungkook rubbing his bottom lip while their eyes met while sitting on the other side, a burst of wine red hair, perfectly curled just above her shoulders.
“Please sit.” Jungkook gestured to the two seat set out for them. “This is Rosyne Eliades, my consigliere. I thought it might be wise to have her here.”
Belle took a deep breath before making her way towards the table, sitting down on Jungkooks’ right while Hoseok sat across from her, placing the box on the floor next to him. “These are all the files we’ve collected on the prostitution rings.” She stated as Hoseok pulled all the sources out onto the table.
“You research deeply.”
The woman on her right spoke. Rosyne Eliades. Lime green eyes met hers as her reddish tinted lips curled up into a faint smile. There was a faint scar down her cheek where the natural light hit, showing the deepness of it when it was fresh. It didn’t take away from how ethereal she looked though.
“Thank you.” Belle attempted a smile although she was more focused in ensuring her fingers weren’t shaking too much. She was sitting right in the middle of the fox’s den, in their territory. Vulnerable to anything they could have planned for them. “We managed to find connections between Golden Serpent to other establishments suspected to be run by Yeou Pa.” Her grey gloved hands reached out for a black file, opening it to show her messy notes and stuck pictures.
It felt like opening her diary to strangers and letting them peek into all her weaknesses and ticks.
“Cho No Su?” Jungkooks brows furrowed, tapping on the picture of one of his brothels in the Red Light District. The familiar Japanese characters gleaming in red neon. “This is an authorized brothel not a ring.”
“I know.” Belle nodded. “But I spoke to a few girls there and they told me people had been going missing around that part.” She hesitated to speak her theory but it was already written in pen around the pictures. “I thought your men might’ve been taken them to the rings so you wouldn’t have to pay because the boss told them not to say anything.”
“Kim Hyuna runs Cho No Su.” Rosyne traced her fingers around brim of her tea-cup. “The profits don’t come back to us but her girls and boys are trained spies.”
“So they pay you with information.” Hoseok concluded.
“And they knew which information to keep from me.” Belle let out a slightly defeated sigh.
“Good thing you didn’t get your headline.” Jungkook muttered to her, a light smirk formed on his lips while Belle responded with a light glare. “But someone is causing these people to go missing and Hyuna isn’t saying anything because it might ruin her perfect rep.”
The Madame of Cho No Su brothel prided in keeping her establishment tightly protected and information kept sealed like an indestructible vault. Even for Yeou Pa, it was difficult figuring out what her eyes and ears found out in the deep webs of the city. Jungkook always remembered sending a hefty amount over just to gain some intel. At this rate, he may as well have a separate bank account opened for her.
“We could get a worker off duty and interrogate them on anything they needed to keep hidden while in the brothel.” Rosyne suggested.
“Do you think they’ll say anything different?” Belle still remembered the strange air in the brothel. Intimidating and alluring like she was sailing towards a haven for sirens ready to kill anyone who walked in. Every member looked like they knew something but were doing a good job at keeping it hidden. Kim Hyuna must’ve been watching their every move and they knew exactly how to work around it.
“Generally these spies will give information to people who are affiliates.” Jungkook explained, taking a small sip of his tea. “We could send someone in to get more juice.”
“Hoseok and I could go.” Belles words lingered in the air for a few moments.
Rosynes expression grew a little hesitant compared to her usual stance as she gave a look to Jungkook.
“You could go.” Jungkook spoke to Belle. “Hoseok will stay.”
“You have guards stationed all around the city, do you really think I’m stupid enough to go back on our word?” Belle seethed. Anxiety burning into anger as she fixed her gaze on the fox king, not daring to blink just in case he thought he was going to get away with playing them like his puppets.
Eyes sharpened as Jungkook leaned forward on his elbows, the faint scent of tobacco still lingering on his clothes and touching her nostrils. “You were stupid enough to think I was responsible for the prostitution rings.”
“I’m not resting that case either.” Her fingers curled up into tight fists, harsher than the wooden surface of the table. “People like you always go to any heights for a little extra cash.”
“Belle, it’s fine.” Hoseok muttered softly.
Jungkook let out a bitter scoff. “And you’re what…a hero of some sort? Taking down all the bad men with all your stories?” He tilted his head, voice calm but laced with venom. “You were sneaking into my territory for your own glory. What does that make you?”
“We’re not going to hurt your friend.” Rosynes calm voice attempted to break through Belle and Jungkooks fiery aura threatening to melt each other where they sat. “It’s just a necessary precaution. You must understand the risks we’re taking here.”
Belle and Jungkook shared a small heated glare towards each other before Belle rested back on her chair, forcing herself to look at Rosyne so she wouldn’t scratch the other males eyes out. “I’ll go to Cho No Su and try to find a member off duty.”
Rosyne hummed in agreement, glancing at Jungkook who still had a clear scowl over his face. “Go to the southern exit. That’s where the members usually go to smoke or just take a breather.”
She nodded in agreement.
“We’ll give you a radio transmitter just in case something goes wrong…” Jungkook deadpanned not giving Belle a sideways glance. “Unless you decide your friend doesn’t need limbs.”
“Maybe you should try this hard on controlling your gang than making threats.” Belle gave him a tight-lipped smile as Jungkook licked the inside of his cheek.
Rosyne tried her best not to look too amused.
The Cho No Su brothel was a sequestered establishment somewhere in the heart of the city with patrons of the high class pattering in like sailors to a sirens cave. Belle remembered being mistaken for one of the members at least five times before being able to get some questioning done for her files. Thankfully today she wasn’t heading for the entrance.
As the sky had plunged into a pitch black night with barely any stars, Belle made her way to the corner of the establishment. Japanese characters “蝶の巣” showcased in red neon beaming against the night light. Folding her arms over her chest, she padded down the dark alley from the western end of the building.
High above her were windows glowing in gold, moaning and giggling echoing against the walls outside. Steam flowed from her red tinted lips as she glanced over her shoulder to check no one was there. This was possibly the worst place to be alone. Somehow the thick radio transmitter in her jacket pocket helped her feel safe.
Even though the people listening on the other side probably didn’t give a shit about her safety.  
Taking a right down the corner, a scream made her heart jump. Belle looked over at the expanse of the alley and saw only two figures wrestling. One of them with a shining traditional red attire of some sort while other wearing a full black, camouflaging into the night.
“Get off me!” The girl roughly tried to push her attacker away.
Belle sprinted over to the scene and pulled the assailant off the others body, kicking the back of his knee. A male groan echoed in her ears as he dropped on his knees to the ground. She noticed the girls hair pins in a mess, glaring at the man.
She rushed over to the girls side only to notice a steel blade brandished against the moonlight. Before she could realize what was happening, a sharp pain pierced through her thigh causing her to stumble to the ground with a loud grunt.
She expected more hits but she felt the other girl move until the assailant yelled again. Teary hazel eyes tried to look at the male as he landed on the ground. Mouth frothing in white gurgles and his collarbone sliced and dripping with blood, staining the stone floor.
Vision began to shake as she rested back against something soft. The pungent scent mixed of blood and some kind of perfume filling her lungs making it even hard to breathe normally.
“Hey, thank you…” A female voice spoke but it was growing muffled.
Belle groaned, trying to push back to her feet on the ground but failing when the blade stuck in her thigh pricked at her again. One hand over the blade, her shaky fingers tried to reach for the radio transmitter in her pocket. Whatever strength she tried to muster kept fading into the pain rushing like lava to her whole body.
“H-Hoseok…” The radio kept crackling. It was so loud but unclear at the same time. “H-Hoseok…s-someone, please…” Her voice trembled.
“Belle?” Another voice answered. “Belle, it’s Jungkook.”
“I-I found—I—” Everything was so blurry and shaky. Blood everywhere. Her one leg unable to move without the blade trying to push at something important.
“You found what? What’s wrong?” Maybe it was the stab in the thigh but Belle could’ve sworn Jungkook sounded…almost worried. Almost. It could’ve been the stab.
Something grabbed the transmitter from her hand. “We’re at the Cho No Su back entrance.” The girl spoke in a more collected tone although still shaking at every word. “Your friend’s hurt, I could take—”
“I’m coming.” Jungkooks voice didn’t hesitate.
Belle tried catching more of the conversation, shifting or talking. Doing something. But her mind grew overwhelmed with the pain. Tears trickling down her cheeks, limbs growing numb and loose. Slowly shutting down until she could only see shapes and hear undistinguished noises. She heard the girls voice again before everything went quiet and dark.
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| next chap >> 
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lookformyvoice · 2 years
Corporate Affair - JJK
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For someone whose attention span is so short, Jungkook is surprised to find himself so engrossed in the new consultant who has joined his team.
ft. Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Wang Jackson
general rating: 18+
general content: fluff, smut, slow burn, workplace romance au, corporate au, female oc
general warning/s: swearing, explicit sexual content
+one | Jungkook didn't think presentations could surprise him anymore. That is until he witnessed the presentation of his new team member. (nsfw) (ft. Park Jimin) [27.06.22]
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
But What About Orange Jimin, Though?
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All I'm saying is that for a long time I did not understand the Lure of the Orange Jimin, and I am a hardcore Jimin in Perfect Man STAN.
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It SLAPS. SHINHWA should be thrilled.
The choreo is amazing. Jimin carries that song FIGHT ME IDC I will happily die on that hill. Perfect Man Jimin is one of the top five Jimins in Jiminstory. Maybe top three but Seoul 2022 threw a wrench in there with that moon tattoo and that long hair
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I have always been a Pastel Jimin enthusiast. Other people like Mint Yoongi (also excellent) or Red Taehyung or Purple Jungkook (it's me i'm purple jungkook) but I was a ride and die Kitty Gang girl
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And let's be honest that is some peak Jimin right there. But Orange Jimin? It kinda eluded me.
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I mean, he looks pretty but y'all it's Park motherfucking Jimin, he always looks pretty.
Lately though I've been going through a bunch of 2013-2016 stuff looking at the fetus-to-early Jeon-Parks, kinda trying to eyeball some parallels and stuff, and ...
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I'm starting, belatedly, to figure it out. Like we all (I say all, some of y'all just got here last week it's cool) know that Jungkook really started showing up for Jimin more in 2015. That whole slightly mistranslated "I want you" video. THREE TIMES. And what the boy said translates better, according to some good translators and a Kevin, as "I want TO HAVE YOU" with, yes, all the things that implies.
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And it started out like a game but I don't think it was really a game. It was plausible deniability and we all feel a little weird looking at this because of Jungkook's age (I'm getting to that) and Jimin's obvious fluster. This is 2015, Chicago, NOW 3 Part 6 photoshoot - the squirmy giggles start about 4:00:
Which is actually NOT EVEN WHAT I MEANT TO TALK ABOUT BUT. Later that year still in Orange Jimin Era we get this.
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Anyway I have decided that the Rainy Day Fight went down several months earlier than I thought. It had to have happened in the spring or summer (rainy season is June-August) of 2015. And I think that Jimin was in his full orange era, no longer the hip-hop snapback boy. Jungkook was coming of age that year in all the ways that mattered, although in 2015 Korea the age of consent was THIRTEEN and that's Korean age (I found a case involving a 15 y/o thrown out in 2017 for age of consent, believe it or not). It's now 16 which is still low. So we ain't gotta like it but the Orange Jimin was perfectly legal and then some, and so was Jungkook, in 2015 when they were 20 and 18.
Anyway. I'm still not 100% on board the Bring Back Orange Jimin train - I'm holding out for blonde, or rainbow, or pastel Jimin again, lord love his hair follicles, but I think Jungkook would be totally into it. And for that reason (and the vain hope of a Perfect Man redo) I'm into it, too.
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chummywchimmy · 3 years
Disclaimer: This does not represent the personality of the real life counterparts of the characters used. I do not intend to glorify toxic behavior. I do not own BTS ( :(((((  )
Warnings : Minor character death, yandere themes, misogynistic themes ( Feel free to mention any other in the comments which I might’ve missed.)
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He does not understand how you did it. You, a mere intern, caught the eye of the CEO of Kim Enterprises within your first week of working there. It was nothing in particular that you were doing that struck him. You were just standing in front of the copier, doing standard intern tasks. He was on a round of the company. He had stopped in his tracks when he saw you, looking like an angel, as the sun that shone from the window behind you created a halo on your pretty head. He was convinced, within moments that a creature who could look so ethereal doing such a mundane task deserved his complete devotion.
Within a month, you had been promoted from the post of an intern to that of the department head. Everyone was confounded. Seokjin, despite his confident persona, faltered when faced with your goddess-like presence. He expressed his devotion from behind the scenes. From promoting you to ensuring that the canteen had your favorite foods, he did it all.
But make no mistake, he was merely giving you time to adjust before he made you his, forever.
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You were sick of your boss. Being the secretary to the head of one of the biggest companies in all of South Korea, no the entire Asia was bound to be no mild task. But you were not expecting this. 
Your boss, Mr. Min, was hard to please, to put it simply. He required his coffee at exactly 6:19 in the morning, his schedule for the day to be read out in a soft voice, his papers put on his desk in a specific angle and so on.
All this was understandable (Not really but what else was to be expected from successful, rich people, right?)
However, this was not the end of the story. Your patience neared its end when he made hyper specific rules for the company, most of which revolved around you. This rulebook included - Your exclusion from company parties (except when he was in attendance, then you could join only after his express permission) , Forbidding any employees to give you a ride home ( he usually did that himself and if not him, then his ancient chauffeur) and many others which boiled your blood but you could do nothing but bear it in silence as you still required money to pay off your awfully high student debts.
You wished that you still had Mrs. Kim, the original secretary, around. However, within a month of your joining, she was fired for no clear reason and you were asked to take up her position.
You still wonder why.
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You loved your boss. Truly you did. Not romantically, of course. You admired how fair, sociable and generous he was. Ever since you had joined the company, you had realized that bosses were not always the mythical evil creatures everyone made them out to be. 
Take your own for example. Mr. Jung was the kind of boss who would not only join company parties regularly but take rather enthusiastic initiatives to organize them, would create a happy, comfortable environment for his employees and personally go meet the family members of employees who were sick. 
Of course, you, the poor thing, were not aware that his loving behavior extended only to you. He had come to see not your brother but you after you had taken half the week off to look after your brother who had met with an accident. You were also blissfully unaware of the time that the weekly company party had been called off by your boss after you had regretfully informed him that you would be unable to join.
Of course you were unaware. And he would ensure that you would continue to be so.
 After all, he loves the way you look at him adoringly.
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The first year of working with your boss went pretty much as you had expected it to. You were young and fresh out of college, it was only normal that your boss would expect you to give all your attention to your work as he had hired you despite you having no prior experience. However, as time progressed, things changed dramatically.
In the beginning, Mr. Kim was strict and taciturn but fair as a boss, nonetheless. As the two of you began to get closer, courtesy of the ungodly amounts of time you two had to spend together thanks to his demanding schedule, you began to notice changes in the stern man.
The man who self admittedly got annoyed with people who wanted to talk through texts, “As if they were lovers”, he had scoffed, disgusted, started to text you after work. This might not have been surprising had the texts been related to work. But they weren’t. It was almost as if he was trying to get to known you better. He also began to show up at your door, unannounced, for no apparent reason. You had to accommodate him, the man who paid you the salary that paid your bills. But these instances were becoming too many.
And, as if these problems were not enough, every week your chapstick would disappear.
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You loved working at Park Corp. You loved your workplace, your colleagues loved you, your boss loved you. Oh, your boss. Was there ever a thing as too much love?
 You knew that you should not complain. Everyone wished to be in your place. You were Mr. Park’s trusted, beloved secretary. His affection for you was no secret. From him bringing you your favorite coffee every morning instead of the other way round, spending every lunch with you (he insisted that there were important work related things they had to talk about but never brought up anything work related and asked about you instead) and holding a lavish, almost too lavish, of a birthday party for you every year.
But, at least your relationship with your colleagues was normal.
Well, except with Mr. Han. The two of you used to be pretty good friends but as you had started to become close with him, he had suddenly disappeared for a week and come back hating you as if you were the devil itself.
You wondered what you had done wrong.
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Ever since you could remember, you had always loved art. Creating it and appreciating it. Splashes of color on white canvas, hues mixing to create magic, all of it was beautiful to you. It was ethereal and godly.
Just as ethereal and godly as your boss treated you. You understood that you were extremely lucky to be working under the guidance of Mr. Kim Taehyung, the art prodigy. Every single one of his pieces sold for exorbitantly high amounts. 
You took all of his suggestions very seriously. He was your boss, after all. However, to the untrained eye, it might appear as if you were the guide and him, the follower. 
You had once made a fleeting comment about how the background hue could be of a different color to bring attention to another part of his almost finished painting. The very next day, you were surprised to see him starting the art piece from scratch to include your suggestion. After it was finished, he had brought it to you, seeking your approval with a desperate glint in his brown eyes.
But slight creepiness aside, you considered yourself lucky to be one of the few to see all of his paintings, even the ones that did not make it to an auction.
Oh, how wrong you were.
You had not seen the majority of his paintings. Those that were of you, the greatest muse of all time.
Those were meant only for his eyes just as much the muse of those paintings was.
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You had heard all sorts of things before you had joined Jeon Corp. Everyone had heard rumors about the boss, the young Mr. Jeon. How he was rude to his employees, fired people like it was nothing and had the shortest temper known to mankind. But everyone tended to overlook those rumors in favor of looking at his extensively long list of achievements. 
Going into the job, you were intimidated and worried that you’d be fired within a week. However, as you settled in, you found a completely different to be worried.
To put it simply, your boss was possessive.
For instance, he had fired the Director of Public Relations for laughing with you during the break of the company meeting you were attending along with Mr. Jeon. Your boss had harshly reprimanded him in front of all your colleagues under the guise of scolding him for “contaminating the professional environment.” You were not fooled.
Instances like this were not uncommon. Things quickly spiraled out of control. Policies like forbidding dating within the employees to imposing a strict dress code which seemed to apply especially to you became common.
You were genuinely contemplating quitting.
And quit you will.
After all, Jungkook can’t have his angel working for too long now, can he?
You just have to take over the position of his wife instead of his employee. 
Hi!11!1!!1 I hope you liked it. Feel free to send in any requests. I am also open to writing yandere!OC x reader. 
Also, accepting applications for tumblr besties :))
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joohoneyhoe · 3 years
Blood Ties.
Forget what I said
It's not what I meant
And I can't take it back
I can't unpack the baggage you left
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[song inspiration: JK - Falling Cover]
info: jeon jungkook x oc
genre: gang!au, angst, unrequited love!au, angst, talk of blood, blood, soft smut, the softest gang member Jungkook, surprise guest at the end, crossover fic to Whose The King, Whose The Boss
word count: 5,500+
a/n: well, it's been a few years since I've posted and I thank everyone who has been here and patient. I know it's not one of my many unfinished stories, but it's something. Jungkook, forever my comeback boy.
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A loud series of knocks at my front door startled me from my slumber on the couch, causing me to jolt straight up. I looked at the time at the top corner of my TV display screen, panic settling in. 
12:57 AM
“Oh God.” I thought to myself, the heart in my chest now pounding wildly. Without further hesitation I darted for the door as the knocking got a little louder, flinging it open and finding exactly who I thought I would.
“Jungkook! Holy shit, what happened to you?!” he stood before me with his hands jammed into the pockets of his holey black jeans. He was also wearing his black leather jacket with all the patches I could barely stomach looking at anymore. Thick blood dripped from multiple cuts on his face, his dark hair hanging in his eyes as he shivered violently before me.
“I’m fine, just let me in, Lila.” he grunted, his deep voice sending a chill through me. My hands instinctively reached out and grabbed the edges of his jacket, pulling him towards me to inspect his wounds. “How do you call a busted upper lip, eyebrow, cheek, bloody nose and a partially black eye fine?” I demanded of him, fingers brushing over his unscathed cheek, making him turn his head away from me stubbornly.
“Because I do. Can you stop with the third degree and let me in already? It’s fucking raining and I’m freezing.” he complained, shrugging me off of him. I reluctantly backed away, stepping aside for him to come inside. The only reason I allowed him to talk to me like that was because I knew he was fleeing from something he and the gang had done. His fight or flight instincts were still kicked into high gear and he was extremely anxious. He wasn't trying to be hurtful, he was just trying to get to safety. So, I took a calming breath and just let it go for now. 
“Fine, but you’re going to let me clean you up. I can’t have you getting blood all over my brand new sheets.” I informed him as I shut the door behind us, watching him remove his shit kickers and drop his drenched socks on top of them. “Who said I’d be anywhere near your sheets?” he remarked with a smirk, eyebrow quirked as he stood tall before me now with his jacket in his hands. I snatched it from him, rolling my eyes as I brushed past him.
“It’s one in the morning, Jeon Jungkook. We both know how this ends.” I remarked as I made my way to my bedroom where the master bathroom was. I heard him chuckle lowly as he began following behind me. “Fair enough, Lila.”
I threw the jacket onto the countertop carelessly before stepping into my walk in shower, turning it on and making sure the temperature was to his liking as usual. He began to swiftly remove his wet clothing, leaving himself in only his underwear. I shut the glass door behind me, the steam beginning to fog up all of the glass in the room already.
My eyes dragged over his nearly naked form as he leaned against the counter with both hands and looked at himself in the mirror. Despite the tattoos that littered his body, I could still see bruises forming along his left side. Instinctively I moved towards him, my hands running along his back gently until I was directly behind him. His head turned to the side as my arms slid around his slim waist, my cheek now resting along his back.
“I’m glad you’re okay, Jungkook.” I whispered against his cold damp skin. I felt his left hand come up and cover both of mine, a heavy sigh leaving him as we stood there silently. “What happened, Kookie? This is worse than the last time.” I prodded again, kissing his shoulder gently before letting go of him entirely and coming up alongside him. He brushed away some blood from the edge of his lip, then promptly spit into the white porcelain sink.
“I told you, Lila. I’m fine.” he finally responded, eyes downcast as he turned the water on to wash away the blood that had come from his mouth. “He says as blood goes down my drain.” his head darted in my direction, those black eyes warning me to stop.
“Fine. Take your shower, boy. I’ll be back to put something on those cuts like you promised I could.” I reminded him as I moved towards the door. “Yeah, yeah.” his eyes rolled, but a smirk played along his lips as he watched me until I shut the door. I proceeded to my walk-in closet, quickly going to the tall dresser and getting into the drawers I specifically had for Jungkook and pulling out a pair of clean underwear.
This had happened so many times over the years that I literally had everything he needed in case of emergencies just like this. I couldn’t even count on both hands how many times he showed up, bruised and bloody in the middle of the night. So I just instinctively had things he needed and the things I needed to take care of him.
I heard the shower switch off and made my way back into the bathroom with his underwear, not even bothering to shield my eyes. His naked body wasn’t foreign to me by any means, nor was mine to him. We weren’t shy, so there was no need to start now.
“Here. You can get what you want to wear once I’m done cleaning you up.” I told him as I handed over the silken textured garment. He took them from my hand and simply tossed them on the counter before hoisting himself up next to the discarded item. I let out a heavy sigh, receiving a smirk from him in return. Grabbing the first aid kit from under the sink and placing it beside him, I took out what I needed and positioned myself between his legs. 
Taking his chin in my left hand, I turned his face so I could see the extent of the damage that had been done. He needed stitches for sure for the cut on his cheekbone, but all I had was liquid stitches. I looked up to Jungkook and found his eyes looking down on me, his long black wet hair dangling in his face. "This is new." I proclaimed as I touched the piercing in his right eyebrow. I then proceeded to shove him away with my forefinger and middle finger, pushing on his forehead. 
“You're lucky that thing didn't get ripped out. Also, stop looking at me like that and keep your head back.” I ordered as I pulled the split skin back together as best as I could before applying the liquid stitch. He flinched hard when I applied it, jerking his head away from my grasp in the process. 
"Christ, woman! Stop that! I told you I'm fine." he screeched at me, face twisting in annoyance, but only to mask the pain. “Totally fine as you whine like a baby. What you need is stitches, shithead. You're lucky I don't have any more thread left, or else you'd really be whining.” I replied as I grabbed his chin and forced him back into position. I continued with the liquid stitches, his hands braced on his naked thighs, squeezing tightly. 
“You'd be whining.” he grumbled, my eyes darting up to meet his. “Excellent comeback, I don’t even know how to handle the intensity of your wit. Ouch.” Jungkook tended to pout angrily when he didn’t have a witty response, which was exactly what he was doing at that moment. In return I laughed, kissing his cheek gently after applying a small band-aid to his left brow. “I hate you.” he lied as he gazed down at me intensely. His eyes always gave away his true feelings, at least to me.
I let out a hefty sigh, my hands resting on his lower thighs now, feeling the muscle there as I smiled faintly at him. “If that were indeed the case, Jungkook, you would not come to me to escape whatever shit you’re caught up in in the middle of the night.” his eyebrow arched at my statement. 
“Maybe you just happen to always be the closest?” I felt his fingers brush mine as they inched down his thighs. “Tell yourself what you must. But deep down, you know you love me.” I booped his nose with my index finger, instinctively taking my hands away from his. 
The bathroom grew silent, eerily silent. I knew exactly where this was headed. I could feel my heartbeat speeding up in my chest, my breathing getting heavier as Jungkook’s eyes continued tearing through me. I couldn’t help but let my eyes wander over his bare skin, seeing the water droplets still sliding down his shoulders from his wet hair. He drew my attention back to him, his thumb and forefinger taking my chin and turning my eyes back where he wanted them.
“I’ve always loved you, Lila.” I shook my head out of his grasp, trying to step back, but his hand grabbed my bicep and stopped me. “Jungkook…” he carefully tugged me back between his legs, both hands moving to my hips. “I’m sorry I showed up here again. You’re the only one I can trust anymore.” sorrow filled those beautiful brown eyes, my heart shattering instantly.
I took his still almost boyish face into my palms, pressing our foreheads together before making a desperate plea to him. “You’ve got to get out, Jungkook. You have to.” his head shook back and forth slowly. “I’ll be dead before that ever happens.” my fingers wound into the hair at the nape of his neck, eyes squeezing shut.
“And that’s my biggest fear for you.” the words came out barely above a whisper. “I’ll be okay, Lila. I always am.” his response gave no relief whatsoever, causing me to pull back to see his eyes once again. “The blood all over your face is screaming otherwise.” he let out an exasperated sigh, carefully pushing me back from him and hoping down from the counter. “Maybe, but you know I can handle it. You’ve seen much worse than this.”
“Don’t remind me. I hate thinking about that, Jungkook.” he snatched the underwear he had tossed away earlier, swiftly pulling them on. I just stood back and observed him, seeing the immediate change in his body language. He knew I hated everything about this subject and he was bracing himself for a fight, though there would be no fight from me. 
“I’m sorry, but it’s the reality. I’ve come a long way from where I started and there’s no going back now.” he was drying his hair off with his towel as he spoke, his face back to it’s normal neutral expression. 
“I hate seeing you like this. It hurts.” I confessed softly, my arms wrapping around myself as I looked at the battered and bruised man in front of me. His feet carried him to me, but stopped about a foot away, gaze gentle despite everything else. 
“I know. I’m sorry.” his apology was sincere, but it meant nothing because there was nothing that could change the situation. Not a single thing. “Let’s stop this talk now before we both start saying things we’ll feel guilty about later.” I stated, not asked as I made my way to leave the bathroom.
“I agree. We wouldn’t want that.” his voice was void of all emotion when he spoke, but I knew it was just a normal thing for him to do in order to protect himself. “I’ll go get you some tylenol while you clean up and change. Your clothes are still in their drawer in my dresser. I'll be back.”
With that, I left the bathroom and headed downstairs to the kitchen to get him something to eat, knowing he probably hadn’t done so in a while.
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As I came back up the stairs with some ramen and a sports drink, I found him in my bed under the covers. He had on the round framed glasses he kept here and his favorite book in his hands that had been on the nightstand for months, waiting for his return. It didn’t matter how long it had been since he read it last, he always knew exactly where he had been without a point of reference. He had to have known that book by heart at this point. I noticed he had on one of his giant white t-shirts and honestly, probably those damn black joggers with the hole in the knee he loved so much. But, all I could think about is how beautiful he looked sitting there. No, how absolutely perfect he looked there, in my bed, on his own side, relaxed and comfortable, reading his favorite book. This is the way it should be, but it wasn’t.
“Made yourself right at home, didn’t you?” I remarked to him in jest. He looked up, tilting his head upward to see me because his glasses had fallen down the bridge of his nose, as they always did. He looked so innocent like this, but deep down I knew, he had killed men with those hands that held that book so carefully.
“It’s the closest thing to home I’ve ever had.” the look on his face showed nothing but sincerity, but this wasn’t a topic I wanted to get into with him tonight. “Why do you always do that?” I asked him as I set down his ramen on the nightstand along with his drink, our eyes meeting as I did so. 
He carefully set the book aside, like it was the most precious thing in the world to him. “What, speak honestly with you?” I put my hands into the pockets of my sweats and sighed heavily. “We both know what you’re doing, Jeon Jungkook.”
He gently grabbed my forearm, pulling my hand from my pocket and dragging me to sit on the edge of the bed. “It’s true though, Lila. Why do you think I always come to you?” he brought our palms together, holding them up in front of us. His eyes never left mine as he slowly engulfed my hand in his, idly continuing to touch each and every finger individually as he held it.
“Because you know I’ll always answer the door and feed into your bullshit. And according to you, I’m always the closest.” I took my hand away from him and got up, walking to my dresser to find something to sleep in. 
“You know I was just fucking with you. And it isn’t bullshit, and you know that. Anything I’ve ever said to you was the absolute honest truth. You know I’m a shit liar anyway.” he reminded me as I slipped on a huge black shirt and shimmied out of my sweats. “The absolute worst.” I replied after I had turned back around, receiving a small smile from him at my attempt to lighten things up. 
We kind of just remained silent for a while as I got into bed, him taking it as a sign that he should eat and not push it further. I couldn’t have appreciated that more right now. As I lay down on my side facing him, I watched as he ate his ramen carefully, mindful of my bedding and his white shirt. I couldn’t get over the sight of this beautiful man beside me and all of the things I had always wanted to have with him. Him and him alone.
As if he could read my mind, he set his bowl aside and his glasses before mirroring me and finally speaking. “If I could just leave now and never look back, I would. And I’d do it to be with you, Lila. You’re home. You’ve always been home to me and always will be.” his heavily tattooed hand came up to brush a strand of dark hair from my eyes, then moved to rest along my cheek. “I just want you here with me, Jungkook. I want to go to bed at night knowing you’re there when I go to sleep, and that you’ll be there when I wake up.”
He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, a habit of his when he was telling me something he knew I wouldn’t want to hear. “We both know that isn’t possible. Some nights, yes, it could be. But not every night, and I know those nights are the ones that would break you.” I sat up suddenly, staring down at him as I rested on my left hand. 
“They break me now, Jungkook! I’d rather have you some nights, than none at all like I do right now. I’d rather you know this is your safe place, your sanctuary, your home, than sleeping alone who knows where anymore. I’d give up everything for that!” he shushed me softly as he gently pulled me back down onto the mattress, hand sliding around to the nape of my neck so his fingers could tangle into my long hair.
“I can’t ask that of you, Lila.” he whispered, his face coming close enough to brush his nose against mine. “You’re not asking. I’m offering.” I told him outright. “Is that really and truly what you want?” he pressed as he moved his body closer to my own. “I wouldn’t have said it if it wasn’t.” his hand left my neck and moved to my waist, pulling me against him fully now. I could feel my breathing coming out in heavier puffs, my heart pounding.
“Fuck…” he muttered, scooching down and wrapping his arms around my waist as his head moved to the crook of my neck. “I don’t want you to get hurt.” his voice was muffled, his breath tickling the sensitive skin of my throat. I rested my head against his, my fingers beginning to run through his soft damp hair as I soothed him as well as myself.
“Nothing could hurt me more than I already am right now, going day in and day out not knowing if you’re dead or alive. At least this way I would almost always know. Almost is better than nothing at all.” I whispered into those wavy locks, a tear making its way down my cheek. “Is it really though?” he questioned, his voice low and gravely. He was getting emotional now and so was I, exactly what I didn’t want to happen tonight.
I thought in silence for a good amount of time, my hand idly stroking his hair as his grip around me tightened. Finally I spoke, stopping my movements entirely. “Yes, it is. That’s what I want. Every night from now until I can’t have it anymore.” he sighed heavily and sat up, placing a hand on my shoulder to push me down onto my back so he could lean over top of me. I found myself just staring into the deep pools of his beautifully dark eyes, wondering how I had gone so many months without seeing them and survived.
“This isn’t going to be easy, Lila.” his calm voice broke my trance, eyes scanning his face before reaching up to caress his check carefully. “Has it ever been, Jungkook?” I replied quietly with a small smile, a feeling of joy, relief, excitement and terror washing over me all at once. He gave me that big grin I loved so much, another thing I couldn’t believe I had gone so long without seeing. “Fair enough.” 
We both continued to stay in the positions we were in, just looking at one another, no words needing to be said. All the things we had wanted for years, no, needed, was going to be a reality. A difficult reality, but, reality nonetheless. “What do we do now?” I asked him softly, my forefinger brushing across his pretty parted lips, hoping I’d get a peek at that bubble gum pink tongue. Jungkook sat up, pulling his shirt over his head before making me sit up and doing the same for me.
“What we do best.”
We connected our lips almost instantly, him quickly discarding his joggers and underwear before placing himself between my legs as we kissed passionately. I felt his already hard cock brush against my inner thigh, him refraining from touching me with it too much to maintain his self control. He was almost always in complete control of himself, wanting to make our encounters last as long as possible. Neither of us knew when the next time would be, or if it would ever be again. We never knew if this was it, the last time, so he always made sure it was the very best he could make it.
I could feel his large hands slowly coming up from my hips, fingers light as they traveled past my navel to gently cup my breast. He let out a low moan, lips leaving mine to move down to my jaw and then my neck. His tongue traced a slow line up until he met my earlobe, pulling it between his lips. It was my turn to moan now, my fingernails digging into his broad shoulders as he sucked gently. He had barely touched me and I was already dripping and desperate for him, and he knew it. He took pride in that. It was obvious with every single touch to my skin, be it his hands or his lips, he knew I needed him just as much as he needed me.
“I love you.” he breathed out into my ear, my heart skipping a beat. “Jungkook-” he stopped my protest by bringing his lips back to mine. “No, let me finish.” he demanded as he hovered over me, plush lips ghosting over mine. I could feel every word caress my mouth, telling me to listen to him, believe him. “I don’t say I love you just to make you feel good. I mean it every time I try to tell you I do. You just never let me.” he confessed, hand coming up to hold my jaw as his doe eyes scanned my face adoringly. “Because if I let you, it would mean I can get hurt even more than I already do. It binds me to you.”
At that moment, I felt his cock slide into me with ease, my head tilting back as he filled me slowly. “Do you love me, Lila?” his voice was low, deep and soothing as he carefully and deliberately moved at a snail’s pace inside of me. “You know the answer to that, Jungkook. You always have.” I answered him breathlessly, hands reaching for the sides of his neck as I focused my eyes on him again. “I want to hear you actually say it to me for once.” he removed his hand from my jaw and onto the bed, our foreheads met as he leaned down, hips circling slowly, almost methodically. I could see his biceps working to keep him raised above me, the veins in his forearms and hands protruding as he kept his control.
“Jeon Jungkook, you are my home and I never want to be without you for as long as either of us are still breathing. I can’t be. I won’t be. I love you with every fiber of my being.” he gave me that big bunny smile once again, his left hand coming up to hold my face. “It feels good to finally hear that from you. It’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
Once again we connected our lips, our bodies fully intertwined not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually. It felt like the stars in space had finally aligned for us and only us. I felt Jungkook begin to speed up, but only ever so slightly. His lips left mine and began moving down my neck as he continued to pump in and out of me slowly. My fingers threaded through his hair, gently tugging after his rosy lips found my nipple, a chill rolling up my spine. Looking down, I caught him looking at me already, a smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth as his tongue came out and licked my stiff bud painfully slow. I let out a soft moan as my head relaxed into the mattress as he moved over to the other, sucking a little harder as he thrust into me with a bit more force, hitting me in all the right places as he moved.
“I’ve missed the way you sound when you’re underneath me.” he confessed quietly into my skin, teeth nipping at my breast and collarbones as he came back to me. “I missed the softness of your skin beneath my fingers.” he continued, leaning on only one hand as he grazed his long fingers over my flesh, slowly, deliberately, adoringly even. I took the opportunity to take my hands along his pectorals, feeling the hard muscle there, scratching him lightly with my nails. His hips snapped harder in response, making him grit his teeth and growl at me.
He grabbed one of my hands, removing it from his glistening honey skin, making me let out a whine in protest. “No, no, no, my love. We’re taking this slow tonight. I’m going to worship every little bit of you until you don’t allow me to any further.” wrapping my arms around his neck, I pulled him down to me, making him rest his elbows next to my head, still never ceasing his movement inside of me.
“You want to know what I missed?” I inquired, my lips reaching up to kiss along that deathly sharp jaw, eyes watching as his closed and relished in the affection I was giving. “Tell me.” he breathed out as I kissed down his neck, fingers ghosting over the supple flesh of his ass, all the way up to his shoulder blades. “I missed having you all around me, next to me, beside me, inside of me. It’s like suffocating when you’re not here to give me the air in your lungs, breathing life into my bones. I can’t deny myself of you anymore. I can’t.” he panted over top of me now, my words stirring up his desire for me more than I ever imagined it could.
Suddenly I found myself being rolled over and placed on his hips, his cock still lodged inside of me. I braced my hands on his chest, admiring the rise and fall of it as he breathed in and out at a controlled pace. “You are beautiful, Jeon Jungkook.” I told him as I slowly rocked back and forth on top of him, fingers grazing his perked nipples as I did. His head flung back into the mattress, arms behind his head and braced on the plush headboard as he matched my rhythm. 
I let my eyes fall shut, using all of my senses to feel him. I listened to the sound of his calculated breathing, concentrating on the focus he had to keep himself in complete control. I could smell his unique scent, a mix of floral and sandalwood surrounding my whole being. I felt all of the hard muscle beneath my fingers, feeling every dip and curve of his torso as I rode him.
His arms wrapping around my waist brought me out of my trance, eyes opening to see him sitting up, legs parting, preparing to finish us both. Those long fingers grabbed handfuls of my ass, pulling me into him as he stroked into me faster and faster, our eyes fixated on one another. I leaned in and pushed my lips against his, his tongue pushing past the barrier of my teeth and finding mine before stroking the roof of my mouth. I could feel myself getting dangerously close to my release, feeling as if I was going to explode if I didn’t come soon.
His mouth left mine, but just barely. “I’m going to come, Lila, but I won’t until I know you’re going to come with me.” he said against my lips, his breath hot and heavy, mixing with mine like they were one in the same. “I’m ready, make me come, Jungkook.” he inhaled sharply, arms encircling my waist as he began using his powerful thighs to thrust into me roughly, chasing after both of our highs now. My head rested against his chest as I gripped his shoulders and met his pace, bodies truly becoming one as we exhaled each other's names over and over again. And just like that, I felt myself release, head flinging back, back arching, Jungkook’s steady hands keeping me from tumbling away from him as he spilled into me just seconds later. We rode it out together, slowing down with every roll of our hips until we were at a standstill, panting and gasping for air.
His strong arms pulled me against him once again, hugging me tight as I leaned my cheek against his. “Lila,” he whispered, his breath blowing my sweat slicked hair away from my ear. “I love you.” leaning away from his cheek, I took his face into my palms, pressing my lips to his softly, tongue catching the underside of his upper lip before I pulled away. “I love you, Jungkook. All of me is yours and yours alone.” I looked over his flushed face as he smiled widely at me, wiping away drops of sweat from his brow as I swept his bangs from his beautiful eyes before he responded.
“I’ll always be yours, Lila. Always.”
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I walked out of the bathroom after having showered for the second time to find Lila sound asleep. She had showered with me, but only briefly. She must have come out and just gotten straight into bed after stealing the white shirt I had on earlier. I hung my towel on the doorknob and proceeded to walk to her side of the bed. All I could think about as I stood over her is how perfect she was. She had me under her spell the moment I met her nearly a decade ago and it hadn’t broken yet after all these years. Reaching down, I brushed her soft hair from her closed eyes and bent down to kiss her forehead gently without waking her. I had a phone call that needed to be made tonight. A phone call that would ensure her safety at all times, whether I was here or not.
I pulled on my joggers, grabbed my cell phone from the nightstand and proceeded out to the balcony in front of her bed, slowly opening the sliding glass door so I didn’t disturb her. A couple of minutes passed as I leaned against the balcony rail, listening to the rain still coming down, even heavier than it had been when I showed up. I thought about what I was going to say to my boss. How to word what I needed from him, from the guys. How to ask for help at all. But I had to, I needed his help. I needed her to remain safe. There were no other options.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket, using my quick dial to call him. It was nearly four in the morning, but I knew he’d be up. He rarely slept. I listened to it ring, my heart thumping wildly against the bones that caged it in my chest. The ringing stopped, a deep intake of breath could be heard on the other end, making my heart nearly stop.
“Jungkook, my boy, is everything alright?” 
“Yoongi, I need your help.” my voice cracked when I spoke, giving away my anxiousness.
“You need Hoseok to wire Lila’s house and Tae to put up cameras.” he stated, taking me by surprise.
“Yes. As soon as possible.”
“Is she asleep?”
“They'll be there within the hour, Jungkook.”
“Thank you, Yoongi.”
“We’re family, Kookie. Family protects its own, including the ones we love. I’ll see you in a few weeks. I need you to lay low along with the rest of the gang.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice, boss.”
“Yes, sir?”
“You did good tonight. Thank you for your loyalty, brother.”
“Thank you, Yoongi.”
After that, the phone went silent and the call ended. I let out a sigh of relief, hands hanging over the edge of the balcony as my head rested on the railing. I don’t know why I had gotten so anxious about asking for Yoongi’s help. Despite that fact that he was my boss, he was one of my closest friends too. He was family, and I knew with his help, Lila would be the safest she possibly could be. I still couldn’t believe the weight his words had taken off of my chest. Maybe, just maybe, with Yoongi knowing Lila had become a permanent part of my life, things might be a little normal. Maybe we could have a real life and be happy outside of my responsibilities to the gang.
Whether it be true or not, I will spend the rest of my days knowing that she loves me in the same way I have always loved her. 
Whole heartedly, endlessly, fiercely and passionately until we draw our final breath.
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neonlights92 · 4 years
RUN: Chapter I
Jeon Jungkook hops from bed to bed, sleeping with as many beautiful, rich women as he can possibly find time for.  He’s young and attractive, with a silver tongue that gets him practically anything he wants.  So when his friend and boss, Kim Taehyung, tells him it’s time to settle down, Jungkook takes it pretty badly.  And when he finds out that the woman he’s destined to marry is, in fact, his little sister’s best friend, he is less than impressed.
You have spent your entire life trying to forget the way you feel about Jeon Jungkook.   So when you find out that Jungkook is to be your husband - and that he is anything but pleased about it - your world is thrown into chaos.  How can you survive a loveless marriage with the man you are hopelessly in love with?
WARNINGS: Language, some violence and eventual smut.
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A/N: I changed Jungkook’s story slightly from my original story.  Hope you guys like it!!! Enjoy :)
You were in love with Jeon Jungkook. 
You had been in love with him, since the moment you understood what it truly meant to love someone. 
The engagement party was in full swing - people chattered around you happily, congratulating the supposedly happy couple - but all your attention was on him.
You watched him from across the expanse of people wedged between you both.  He leaned against the stone wall, observing, as he always did.  Arms crossed, dark eyes narrowed.  
You knew you probably shouldn’t watch him for long - that if he felt your gaze on him he would add it to the long list of reasons why he’d probably noticed you were in love with him years ago.  But you couldn’t help yourself.  He looked so handsome - so inviting - and you swore at yourself for still holding a candle to someone who didn’t see you as much more than an accomplice to his little sister.
Your best friend Nayeon had been born only a year after Jungkook, but sometimes it felt like he would treat her - and by association you - as a child forever.
“Stop staring,” Nayeon had sidled up beside you, a flute of champagne clutched in her hands, “You’re making it so obvious.”
You rolled your eyes, “You mean twenty three years of following him around like a puppy hasn’t been proof enough?”
She sighed heavily and slipped an arm through your own.  Nayeon had known about your unfortunate feelings for her brother for a long time.  Unfortunate because, really, in what world would your love ever be reciprocated?
Not only had you been relegated to little sister status long ago - but Jungkook was so handsome he could have any woman he wanted. 
It was well known that Jungkook was Bangtan’s resident playboy.  He’d made no effort to settle down in the years since turning a ‘marriage-appropriate’ age, and had done just about the opposite.  Flitting from woman to woman  (and coincidentally bed to bed) with an easy smile and eyes that could warm the hardest of hearts.
Eventually, of course, he would be forced to settle down.  Not only was he an important member of Bangtan - he was in the capo’s inner circle.  Soon Taehyung would choose a wife for him whether he wanted it or not.  Because Jungkook needed to produce heirs - it was what had always been expected of a made man.
“I’ve told you to talk to your father,” Nayeon’s voice was sympathetic, “Our families are such good friends - maybe the two of you could get married.”
You felt your chest pinch at Nayeon’s suggestion.  She was right, she had been telling you this for years.  But you knew that speaking to your father wouldn’t change anything.  Had told her just as much.
“Taehyung will choose his wife Nae, you know this just as well as I do.”
Her eyes softened and you felt yourself grow tired again.  Your feelings for him were exhausting sometimes.
“Talk to Taehyung then.  Your family is well-respected, Y/N.  It wouldn’t be a downgrade.”  
You scoffed, “For Bangtan’s golden boy?  C’mon Nae.  Let’s not start this again.  I’m not in the mood for it.”
Your eyes moved towards Jungkook once more, but they widened slightly when you realised he wasn’t there anymore.  Probably off flirting with some beautiful woman… 
Your heart clenched in jealousy as it always did when you imagined Jungkook with someone else.  
“Looking for me?” 
There it was.  His voice.  
You turned sharply, eyes lifting to connect with his own.  Jungkook’s face was unreadable as he stared down at you - and you wondered for a moment, if he was angry with you.
“What?” The word escaped you, “Uh… No.  No.  Just enjoying the party.”
Nayeon’s arm had slipped out of yours at some point.
His expression was dark and you felt like perhaps he was glaring at you.  Glaring?  Why would he be glaring?  Your chest tightened.
“You couldn’t help yourself, could you?”
The words sounded venomous, almost.  You felt confused.
Jungkook quirked a dark brow, “Playing dumb doesn’t suit you, Y/N.”
Nayeon cleared her throat noisily and stepped between the two of you.  You were grateful for her presence.  Jungkook had never spoken to you like that.  Almost as if… He hated you.
It was so much worse than the way he usually treated you - like a little sister he begrudgingly liked.  What had you done to deserve this treatment?
“What is going on, Jungkook?” Nayeon’s voice held a note of warning.
His gaze snapped up to meet hers and he scowled, “This hasn’t got anything to do with you.”
“Like hell it doesn’t,” Nayeon growled back, eyes narrowed harshly, “Y/N is my best friend and you, regrettably, are my brother.”
“Why don’t you ask your best friend, then?” He spat the words out almost viciously, “Ask her why I got called into a meeting with Taehyung, our father and her father, this morning.”
Your heart felt like it was going to fall out of your throat. 
“What?”  Your voice was quiet - little more than a whisper.
Jungkook’s eyes shifted for a moment and he softened - before his face became that impassive mask again.  It was the Jungkook of Bangtan that stood before you.  Not your Jungkook.
Not the Jungkook that used to pull on your hair when it got too long, or the Jungkook that taught you how to swim.  This Jungkook was scary, unpredictable even.
“I suppose I should welcome you to the family,” His voice had lost all of it’s anger - it was just cold now, “Mrs Jeon.”
Your heart stopped.
“What are you talking about, Jungkook?” Nayeon interrupted and though you wanted to look at her, your eyes seemed incapable of moving away from Jungkook’s.
He wasn’t glaring at you anymore, thank god, but now his face was just blank - unmoving.  You recognised that look from your own father’s face.  Long ago you’d dubbed it the Bangtan face.  The way coldness seemed to freeze over any warmth.  It frightened you more than any anger could.
“I’m marrying her,” He said, emotionless.  Like a robot, “At the earliest opportunity, apparently.”  His eyes flickered for a moment, and you thought you saw something gentle, in them.  But it was soon replaced by that same, cold indifference.
“Me?” You squeaked, heart thundering in your ears.  
Nayeon was silent.  It was the first time in a long time that something had left her truly speechless, you reckoned.
When Jungkook nodded, once, sharply, your insides twisted.
“I’m sorry,” You felt the tears burning, but you refused to let them fall, “I didn’t… I never asked for this.  I swear, I had no idea.”
The conversation you’d had with Nayeon just moments ago flashed through your mind.  It was so ironic you almost wanted to laugh.
“Your feelings for me have become… Increasingly clear in the last few years.”  Jungkook’s tone wasn’t cruel, but you felt the chill in it, “I suppose your father realised, as did mine.  Taehyung has been wanting to marry me off for years, so he was only happy to accommodate.”
On the last word, you flinched.
Accommodate.  Like you were a burden being handed to him.
“I’m sorry,” You repeated, although you weren’t entirely sure what you were apologising for.  Was it your inability to keep your feelings under check?  Should you really feel sorry for something you couldn’t really control?
“It’s not your fault, Y/N.” Nayeon had seemed to regain some of her sense, “You know how this world works. She didn’t choose this, Jungkook.”
But you could see that he blamed you.
And in some ways you understood.  It was your clear feelings for him that had caused a matrimony that he didn’t want.  Jungkook valued his independence, his freedom.  He’d told Nayeon and yourself time and time again that he would try to delay his getting married as much as he could.  Another twenty years, at least. 
And now he was saddled with you. 
You had taken away that freedom he treasured so dearly, without even meaning to. 
“No I didn’t choose this but I am sorry,” You felt like you might crumble to dust under Jungkook’s stare, “I shouldn’t have made my feelings so clear.”
The words were difficult to say - was it really your fault that you loved him? - but they seemed to do the job.  Jungkook’s shoulders relaxed and his face softened.
“So you didn’t ask for this?”
You shook your head once, rigidly.  
“Then I’m sorry for getting angry,” He said gently, his eyes roving your face carefully.  He was doing that thing he always did - he was trying to read you - the same way he read everyone.
But you were like a book to him, weren’t you?  So open.  So obvious. So easy to read.  He barely needed to try.
Jungkook had never made it as clear as he had right now, that he knew you were in love with him.  You supposed you should be embarrassed - and you were, to a degree.  But some part of you, a much larger part, just felt sorry.
“And I’m sorry you had to find out like this.”  He added, hands moving towards the pockets of the trousers he was wearing, “But in a month’s time, you will be Mrs Jeon Jungkook.” A month? You felt sick - like you might throw up.
This was all you’d ever dreamed of… But you didn’t want it like this.  Forced and angry.  You wanted love and passion and affection.  Things you knew Jungkook didn’t feel for you.
Things you’d always worried he’d never feel for you.
You were content watching him from a distance but now?  Now he was up close and personal, and you could barely meet his eyes.
Without another word, Jungkook slipped away from you, probably off to find some kind of alcohol to drown himself in.  In one month you would be Mrs Jeon Jungkook…
“Oh Y/N.” Nayeon’s voice caught, and suddenly you realised you had started crying.
The man you loved probably hated you now and in a month you would become his wife.  Any hope of Jungkook reciprocating your feelings for him disappeared.
It was all one big, scary mess.
You hadn’t spoken to Jungkook since the night he had told you about your upcoming nuptials.  From the little information Nayeon had been able to gather, he wasn’t exactly thrilled at the prospect of having to marry you.
“He’ll come around,” She told you time and time again.  But you could barely bring yourself to believe her.
It had been years of loving him.  Years of watching him from far away and never being able to call him yours.  Why would that change now?
How could it change when he probably despised you for this wedding?
You couldn’t bring yourself to hope for anything more than civility.  Anything else would break your heart.
Everything about the wedding had been decided for you.  Down to even the dress.  You had tried things on, a mannequin for the women of your family and the Jeon family.  Your mother had tried encouraging you to enjoy yourself, as had Nayeon, but nothing seemed to work.
“I’ll be married in a week,” Your stomach twisted, “And Jungkook hasn’t even looked at me since that night.”
“He’s just getting used to the idea Y/N.” Nayeon tried to convince you but it was as futile and pointless as ever.
“He hates me.”
“No he doesn’t. It’s Jungkook.”
You felt your heart pull uncomfortably. It was Jungkook. You wanted so badly for him to be yours - had spent years and months and hours thinking about it. And yet….
That would never happen.
Nayeon was helping you wrap up the wedding favours. Another thing you’d had no part in choosing. Jungkook’s mother had ordered bracelets for the women and cuffs for the men.
“Don’t you have someone else to do this?” Nayeon fiddled with the baby blue crepe paper, “I’m so bad at this.”
“I asked to do this.” You shrugged, “It was the only thing my mother trusted me with. I wanted to feel somewhat useful.”
“I’m sorry Y/N.”
Any hope of magic for your special day had been obliterated the moment Jungkook had confronted you. He would never accept this marriage as anything other than something he’d been forced into.
And he would probably always blame you for it.
“It’s alright,” You cleared your throat of the thick tears threatening to spill, “I never expected to choose anything for my own wedding anyway.”
“Still.  This is meant to be exciting.” You laughed and it caught in your chest, sounding suspiciously like a sob.
“I’m marrying the love of my life and yet… I’m miserable,” You shook your head, “Only Bangtan could be capable of causing something like this.” Nayeon opened her mouth - maybe to tell you that her brother would come around - when a knock at the door stopped her.
“Yes?” You answered quietly, half expecting it to be your mother with yet another ridiculous demand.
The portal opened and revealed your husband to be - Jeon Jungkook - looking decidedly sheepish as his eyes met your own.
Sheepish?  Jungkook?  It couldn’t be.
“Your maid… Jennie.  She let me in.”
You nodded and felt the questioning gaze of Nayeon flicker between both you and Jungkook.  What was he doing here? You were curious, too.
“Could I… Nayeon…Could I talk to Y/N for a minute?  Alone?”
Nayeon curled her top lip, “You’re not going to be an asshole to her again, are you?”
When Jungkook gave her a look that could freeze hell over Nayeon merely shrugged. Though they’d grown up in Bangtan - and though Jungkook was as dangerous as they come - Nayeon and him still shared a relatively normal sibling dynamic.
They were both stubborn of course, with tempers that could rival even the scariest Bangtan member…. But they loved each other.
And they were fiercely loyal. A Jeon trait, you’d come to learn.
“Just five minutes okay? Then you can continue to be a pain in the ass,” Jungkook glared at his sister as Nayeon stood, eyes narrowed.
“I’ll be just next door Y/N. Scream if he pisses you off.”
She patted your hand, face still scowling at her brother.  He flipped her off before she pulled a face, sliding out of the room with a quiet click of the door.  When you were alone with Jungkook, your heart felt like it was going to crawl out of your mouth.
His eyes were almost warm as he turned to you again.
“Y/N I wanted to… Apologise, for my behaviour at the party earlier this month,” He seemed genuinely sorry, “And for…” He trailed off before clearing his throat again, “And for ignoring you, the last few weeks.  This marriage has been difficult for me to process.”
You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak.
“But I wanted to come here and tell you that… If we’re getting married to one another, then I suppose we should try to get along for the sake of our own sanity.”  He stepped towards you and almost looked like he wanted to touch you, but thought better of it, “But that doesn’t - I don’t…” He paused and you noticed his eyes seemed almost sad, “I know how you feel about me, Y/N.  But I can’t… Promise anything.  I’ll be kind to you like I’ve always been.  And we might grow closer because of this marriage but… That’s all I can offer.” 
You knew what he was saying.
He was happy to be your friend.  Maybe to even warm your bed at night.
But Jungkook would never love you as you loved him.
You nodded, mutely, feeling that if you said a word you might break down in tears.  And you refused to let him see you that way, no matter how much your heart ached.
“I don’t want you to resent me, Y/N.  But I’m not… I’m not a man of commitment.  You understand, don’t you?” You almost laughed in his face.
He wasn’t a man of commitment? Jeon Jungkook spent every day of his life committed to the cause of Bangtan.  He was willing to fight for it.  To die for it.
It wasn’t commitment he didn’t want - it was you.
He didn’t have to lie to try and placate you.  You were a big girl.  Stronger than he took you for.
“You will never love me as I love you.”  You said, voice hollow, “Is that what you’re trying to say Jungkook?”
He winced, “I’m sorry.”
The words hurt you more than if he’d slapped you across the face. He was sorry? 
“Please don’t apologise,” Your chest twinged, “There’s nothing to feel sorry for.” The way he was looking at you made everything a million times worse.  You felt like a glass vase, teetering off the edge, about ready to shatter into a thousand pieces.
After a moment you cleared your throat, “How long?”
He raised a dark brow, “What?” “How long have you known about my… Um… Feelings for you.”
Jungkook shifted, clearly uncomfortable, but you decided you didn’t really care.  If you were going to spend the rest of your life committed to a man that didn’t want you, the least he could do is give you this much.
“Since your sixteenth birthday party.”
The memory seared your heart and your stomach fluttered.  Even thinking of it now, almost ten years later, caused something indescribable to pass through you. 
It had been a summer’s evening - you were born in late August.
Your mother had planned this overly flamboyant affair (she had a flair for the dramatics, clearly) and though you hadn’t wanted to attend, you’d done so anyway, not wanting to upset her after all her hard work.
And of course, she’d invited all the girls from Bangtan’s most powerful families including your arch nemesis at the time - Jihyo. 
Jihyo was as beautiful as she was mean, and though she was a little older than you were she never passed up the opportunity to humiliate you.  Your birthday was no different.
When you’d turned up in that ridiculous excuse of a dress - a frilly, pink puff pastry of a thing - Jihyo had spent all evening making fun of you in corners, and whispering cruel things behind your back.
Nayeon had threatened to bite her nose off but the both of you knew she was untouchable.  Jihyo was the Taehyung’s father’s niece.  She moved around the room like she owned it (and in a way she did) and it wasn’t until she made a comment about the angle of your mouth that Jungkook had stepped towards you and taken your hand.
Of course, Jihyo seethed with anger and jealousy all night. 
All the Bangtan girls wanted just a little of Jungkook’s attention - but he spent all evening treating you like a princess.  He laughed at your jokes, and danced with you, and even tucked your curls behind your ears. 
And you knew it was only because Jihyo was a bully and Nayeon was his little sister so you were too, in a way, but it didn’t really matter.  Because that evening it was like he’d plucked the moon right out of the sky and placed it in your pocket.
That was how special you’d felt.
And that was the Jungkook you fell in love with.
You nodded,  once, sharply and then took a deep, calming breath.
“You don’t have to worry, okay?”  Your voice was shaking but you forced yourself to move past it, “I won’t let my feelings for you get in the way of things.  Ever.  I know what this marriage means to you.”
For a moment - just one moment - it seemed like something close to regret flashed past Jungkook’s eyes.  But it was gone before you were even sure you’d seen it.
“Thank you, Y/N.”  He bowed gently and you tried to smile.
It was only later on, when Nayeon came back with a cup of chamomile to calm your nerves, and a sympathetic smile to stroke your pain, that you finally gave way to the tears that had threatened to spill since Jungkook’s arrival.
This was all a fucking mess.
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gguk-line · 3 years
Jimin Moodboard Dark (rich man)
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kassylin · 2 years
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What kind of mafia boss AU is this?
Young heir and his butler (that raised him on his back). Forbidden love.
Jin... Stay with me tonight.
Young Master Jeon... You know I can’t...
Master Jeon is devastatingly handsome here, omfg Jungkook, seriously... Wtf? T_T
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jjksecondcheekmole · 3 years
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POV: He is your mafia boss and you're his favourite playtoy.
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ggukkiereads · 3 years
😭there's this jungkook fic that I've been looking for & maybe you've heard of it! It's like the movie The Proposal but jungkook is the boss & the reader is their assistant. I think its a series. Please lmk if you know the tittle or author who might have this, would greatly appreciate it 🥲
🌷 hey there, I actually know of two proposal-themed jungkook series:
The Proposal by @hansolmates - though this is more of a one-shot
Candy Cane Ache by @monvante (deactivated) - I linked one of my reblogs so you can check if this is the one you are looking for. They opened another blog I think (but I am just basing it on one of the fics recently posted which I recognize from the monvante pseud). I feel like they might not want to be associated with the old pseud anymore and I don’t see this fic in their WIPs so I don’t feel like it’s okay to share their new pseud. Otherwise, take note of the fic and maybe one day you’ll get to see it in your dash if it gets reposted again 😊
Edit on #2 item: with their permission, please find author on their new blog @vantecaffe! 💕 the candy cane fic is not in their mtl though but please support their upcoming works 😍.
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flowerwrites06 · 2 years
lion and the fox III — jjk
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Plot: In a turbulent world of crime and intrigue, a fiery journalist makes an unlikely alliance with one of the country’s most notorious bosses. Pairing(s): Mafia Boss!Jungkook x Journalist!OC (Name: Belle) Rating: G | PG | M | R 18+ Type: Drabble | Oneshot | Two Parter | Series Word Count: 7.8k Genre: Mafia AU | Vintage (1940′s vibes) AU Tags & Warnings: crime, violence, sexual content, forced prostitution, mild scenes of harassment, some misogynistic behaviour, mentions of war, heavy mentions of drug use, infidelity. Authors Note: another part out! sorry I didn’t post this at 10 pm like promised, I had a dinner to go to. For some reason, my family suddenly decided to make random plans on saturday the moment I write up a schedule lmaoo hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: Please note that while some historical research has been done for this story, the MAJORITY of it has been altered in some way with creative liberties to match the themes and motifs of the plot.
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Every assignment, no matter how detached he tried to make it, was a web of connections. The man in the warehouse had grabbed a prostitute in a brothel which was an investment source for Yeou Pa. These webs were what Taehyung considered luxurious information. He could never attached himself to anything but the webs so he held in the corners of his mind with care. It kept him grounded to the world and allowed him to decide how to carry out each assignment.
The man in the warehouse had to be done quick. No questions asked and no need to create any ruse or backstory. However, the prostitute needed explanations. She may be a blank slate for the Madame to dress up how she wanted but there was still weight in her death. People will still request her and ask what happened, friends in the brothel will wonder, the Madame herself might investigate the loss of a high ranking worker.
Cho No Su was also a well-protected establishment. At least the blind-spots where the man was instructed to go only to be thwarted by a third party. Taehyung took a moment of freedom to wonder who the mysterious rescuer was. Even Master Kim couldn’t seem to be identify who must’ve interrupted the kidnapping. No time for freedom.
Taehyung sharpened his gaze, scanning across the red neon displaying Japanese characters that meant Butterfly Nest. Yeou Pa called their spies butterflies. Except no one knew which ones were the real butterflies though. He padded into the building as regular customer, traditional overcoat with his strawberry blond hair glowing in the golden ambience.
It was a simple building. Almost resembling the entrance to a massage parlor with a receptionist desk in the front. Faux forest setting on the right with a waterfall fountain, sounds of birds chirping to possibly hide the sounds coming from inside. A small aquarium on the left as well glowing in blue. Guards standing at attention at least in his line of vision.
Except there won’t be anyone watching the rooms. Anyone who wasn’t a customer or a worker could not be allowed past the receptionist desk. It seemed unsafe but people who attempt to assault a butterfly are legally ‘dehumanized’ therefore can be killed within the walls and their bodies merely burned somewhere. Lucky for him Taehyung had no intention of dragging on an assault. He never liked having to think about it for too long. Quick kills were his forte.
“Here is the pamphlet. Just let me know who you want.” The receptionist smiled, lines on the corners of her eyes crinkling as she did.
Taehyung smiled back and walked to the sitting area as he opened the pamphlet. Master Kim didn’t know what the butterfly’s real name was but they had an alias. That was all he looked for. She was the first name really. But his heart jumped seeing the face. He kept a neutral expression despite the way his stomach kept twisting and lurching like he was going to be sick. The sounds of the birds chirping almost made his ear bleed from how loud it sounded.
It couldn’t be.
Her hair was a wine red and eyes were a sky blue. She looked different but he could never miss that look. The alluring look she’d have on her face without even trying, entrancing anyone who walked her way. Taehyung remembered her saying she wanted to succeed in the city. Before the war, he remembered. No. He can’t remember. He shouldn’t remember anything before he was a Tiger. He was a Tiger. No past. No memories.
Taehyung looked down at the alias to bring himself back to work. Angel. He swallowed down his heart trying to escape through his throat. This was his assignment. Bringing the pamphlet, he placed his index finger on the picture. The receptionist raised her brows clearly shocked by someone paying that much but Master Kim always gave him a large budget for these situations.
He paid the amount and was led into the designated room. It had a traditional Japanese design. Folding screen printed with cherry blossoms on the left, a closed bathroom on the right, floor mattress just near the center and floor table with a tea also printed in pink blossoms.
The door closed behind him. Taehyung watched the butterfly walk out of the folding screen. A modernized kimono loosely hanging off her body, lined with charcoal fur, her hair still as long as it always was but just colored to perfection. Sky blue contacts flickered up to meet his presence. A smile had already been plastered on her rose tinted lips before it faded seeing his face, a sense of recognition across her expression.
Taehyung needed to be quick. No questions asked. He should move his fingers to the weapon and do the deed. But his body froze. Eyes watched the way the wheels in Angels mind began to move, remembering every crevice of his being. Despite the amber eyes and blond hair, she knew exactly who was standing before her.
“Taehyung?” Her voice cracked, meek and sweet. Blue pupils blurred with tears, padding closer to the figure and examining everything that changed about him. “It’s you?”
Say no. Grab the knife. Do something. Taehyung’s lips quivered a little, fingers curling up into fists as she kept moving close until he could smell the vanilla staining her skin. “A—Theia…” He whispered.
Angel let out a small laugh, tears trickling down her cheeks. In a rush of emotions, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her body against his own. “It’s really you.” She sobbed against his shoulder.
Taehyung felt his mind burst in colours he couldn’t even recognize anymore. A sense of warmth travelling through his body, limbs trembling as her embrace tightened around him. He still remembered her name. Her real name. Anantheia Clement. Theia. He called her Theia or Angel. She used Angel. It was too dangerous. She should’ve changed her alias after the attack. His arms still shook but he managed to move them to wrap around her body. A lot more toned than he remembered but warm all the same. “It’s me.”
His name was Kim Taehyung. In this very moment as he answered a question for the first time in years, he wasn’t a Tiger.
Contrary to the scars adorning her body and the deep cut in her thigh, Belle did prefer to go out on field trips for the most part. When she wrote stories Hoseok usually had all the credit for it so in a way, she basically never did anything. Out here in the wide world of physical investigation it was just her. People looked at her face and knew her presence. She loved Hoseok but as his shadow grew bigger, she kept dissipating in the line of sight.
Not tonight. In front of an old alcohol factory stood a black van where Jungkook and a few of his guards stood in place. Belle was a little confused as to why Jungkook decided to come for himself.
“I’ve called the police.” Jungkook stated simply. He had his dress shirt sleeves rolled up and burgundy suspenders still in place, fingers brushing against his own lips.
Belle felt her heart jump to her throat only for a moment before she swallowed it down. “You couldn’t tell me this earlier?” Two of the female guards held up a large cloth to hide her naked body. They opted it was best she wore the outfit within the van so no one could spot her coming out of the mansion. A white, diamond encrusted gown with exposed shoulders and a white fur shawl to keep warm.
He kept his eyes wandering around the van. Even though there wasn’t much to look at and the silver pin on her hair kept glimmering at the corner. “This is an opportunity to dissipate suspicion on Yeou Pa for these rings. If I’m found helping you take down the prostitution ring then they’ll understand I’m not part of the culprits scheme.” Jungkook moved his gaze back when the cloth was pulled away to reveal Belles plump curves now hugging by a dress shimmering like stars in the sky. “Since you’re the one with the most information on Yeou Pa, it shouldn’t be hard to ensure my innocence.”
Belle attempted to hold back a clear glare, pouted red lips looking down at the dress to ensure everything was secure. The plan made sense however. Jungkook couldn’t ask the police to give him information on Holangi Pa because it would only arouse suspicion. Planting a mole and starting a raid at the same time on the same night. Confuse and overwhelm.
“Is it comfortable?” Jungkook took a moment of selfishness to rake his gaze up and down her figure. One of her golden calves sticking out from the slit to show off the white heels.
“As comfortable as a fifty pound dress can get.” Belle sighed, draping the fur shawl over her shoulders. “You can stop staring at me now.”
A soft smirk played on his lips, keeping his eyes fixated on the woman more as a challenge than a relish in beauty. “Getting flustered, sweet lioness?”
“Why would a lioness get flustered at a little fox?” She held her smile like her teeth were fangs ready to pierce into his skin at the given chance.
Excitement jolted in Jungkooks belly. “We’ll be watching from the camera stuck on one of your breast cups. It has audio but we need to rely on your memory too just in case it short circuits.” He gestured to her dress, mentally thanking Rosyne for having her special tailors create such an intricate design. “You ready?”
Belle nodded. She still felt an uncomfortable nudging on her thigh but the painkillers managed to soothe anything past her tolerance. Thankfully whoever she had to interrogate had no interest in nudity.
The explanation for the owners behavior was strange. He likes watching a womans body fully clothed. Not even a breast flash. It’s honestly drawling and a little creepy and I’ve had quickies in playgrounds. She remembered one of the prostitutes telling her.
Van doors opened and Belle made her way towards the entrance of the factory.
There was a forged form folded in her white gloved hands as she stood in the bronze, rusted monster of a building that still smelled like decade old whiskey. Hazel orbs flickered down to the guards stationed at the gates. Tall, suited men who stared at her like a statues. “Session for Master Kobayashi.” She handed them the form.
Cho No Su’s Madame was kind enough to stamp the form as a thank you for protecting one of her butterflies. Technically it wasn’t forged if one didn’t know the inside workings.
The guards took another look at her form before pressing some kind of buzzer on the left for the gates to open. Belle walked through the courtyard, fingers curling around her dress fabric. Encrusted diamonds poked into her palms as the smell of alcohol turned into a nasty taste on her tongue. She must’ve looked like some kind of glimmering ghost in the oil lamp and rusted atmosphere.
A few more guards glistened in sweat led her towards some metal stairs. Steam pushing through some of the old machines like the factory was still working. Maybe it was a ruse. However the blankets and sheets forming a maze on the ground floor spoke a different story. Belle tried not to fixated herself on the scenery below too much. She had to stay strong.
Her emotions had to be airtight for this mission to work. Dirty champagne lights shone through the crated path making her grateful that she wore thick heels. Heat condensated on her skin, a layer of shine forming on her chest and cheeks. None of the guards spoke a word to her. This was a business as usual for them.
The top floor seemed to work purely on these metal bridges. A few control rooms here and there with dirty glass windows showing some watching cameras and writing notes. While others drinking from mugs and watching the scene below. Most of them were smiling. Others were calculating almost.
An eerie reminder popped into her head that this was still a business to some people. As much as Belle felt like vomiting right there and then.
Past another bridge, they now stood in front of a metal door. There was a glass window that looked like it could provide an entire view of the whole ring but once again Belle kept her eyes on the door. No label or name. Just a big, crumbled blob of what used to be sturdy iron. A guard knocked on the door and immediately received a response to enter.
Once the door opened, Belle walked into a normal looking office. Almost resembling Hansuke’s office except the window was on the study table’s left rather than right behind him.
Kobayashi was a stumpy looking man. Grey hair neatly combed back with a face that looked like he was good at running away from things. All his wrinkled fingers adorned in gold rings while a cigar was perched in between his chapped lips. A noticeable tattoo of a fox at the back of his hand that started fading from the longevity or the heat in the factory.
The door closed behind her with a clang. Kobayashi raised his head up to see Belle standing in the center and he smiled. “Ah, yes.” He stood up from his chair, padding towards the girl.
Pungent scent of tobacco touched her nostrils but Belle tried not to wince too much. Instead she decorated a smile on her lips. “What did you want to do today, Master Kobayashi?”
Kobayashi chuckled the way a child would when he got the toy he’d been throwing tantrums for. He strode around her, humming in admiration. “You’re a voluptuous one.” He rasped.
Hot air hit her left shoulder blade from the smoke he blew out. Belle tried not to shiver. “Thank you.”
“Call me Master.”
Belle gulped down, fingers digging into the fur shawl. “Master.”
“I assume your Madame has informed you of my…complications.” Kobayashi took another sharp puff of his cigar. “The boss has been grinding on my ass about this stupid ring.” He scoffed which only formed into a rough, wheezing cough. Clearing his throat obnoxiously, Kobayashi brought a brave hand down the curve of her back. “Fuck, you’re a pretty thing. Where’d your Madame find you?”
“It’s confidential, Master.” Belle gave him a pretty smile. “But is there any way I could relax you?”
“Just stand there.” Kobayashi squeezed her bare shoulder, bloodshot eyes moving to the fake tattoo on the back of his hand. “Have to wear this stupid fucking sigil. Yeou Pa. I remember a time when all the gangs would just stick to their own goddamn business. This new Don wants to take over the whole damn country.”
Belle’s façade almost cracked into concentration. Thankfully Kobayashi had his eyes on other places of her body. She couldn’t answer any of his questions, of course. That wasn’t her purpose here. She was an empty vessel. Simply present to be a pretty view for the man. So he could feel like he had some power over the opposite sex even though his dick couldn’t stand to save his life. Belle wondered if it would still hurt if she cut it. Although she really wanted to cut his hands more than anything else.
“My God.” Kobayashi stood in front of her now. Gaze completely glued on her breasts without a care in the world. Admiring the toy he bought as his hand reached out to grope one of her breasts.
Belle hoped the camera would stay intact no matter how much he touched it.
“Brothels have some serious goddesses.” Kobayashi chortled. “Too bad I can’t enjoy you the way other man can.” He turned on his heel towards the table, smoke flowing to his side. “I have to stay here in Gyeongseong so the great Master Kim can carry out his major plan. Stupid plan. Hasn’t even been a decade since the war, he wants to brew a new one.”
Stains of the mans’ touch still lingered on her body. Belle reminded herself to scrub hard in the shower once she got home. Hoseok always asked her how she stayed calm and fearless in situations like this while investigating. She always answered that this was just another day at work. By standing here, pretending to be a pretty toy for the impotent pig in front of her, she gets her bills paid and helps people.
Belle had more than enough information. Seokjin wanted to take over the country and he wanted to start with Gyeongseong. There were bits that she could feel were missing but the problem was she couldn’t ask too much. “It must be hard on you, Master. Having to do all the work for them.”
People like Kobayashi didn’t prefer questions. Not from people like her. They liked blind agreements. It made them talk more. “It is a nuisance but the young man has a way of doing things. Fascinating way of doing things to ensure they go his way. He could make an entire city go insane if he wanted to.”
Shivers travelled under her sweat-glistened skin, silver pin feeling a little heavy against her skull. “You admire him.”
“Oh yes.” Kobayashi walked towards the window. Eyes casually looking down at his business, cigar placed back between his chapped lips. “For a Tiger to enter a Fox’s territory without no one so much as batting an eyelash.” He scoffed. “It’s almost laughably clever.”
Belle narrowed her gaze. Metal doors clanged with a slight muffle, coming from outside the office. Eyes flickered to the window and caught a glimpse of the factory entrance doors opening with a few guards frantically trying to fight them off. The door barged open behind her with a heavying guard.
“It’s the police, Master!” He breathed out.
Kobayashi furrowed his brows, trembling as he stamped his cigar into an ashtray.
“Why would the police be here?” Belle tried to look baffled, fiddling with her fingers. “I thought this place was secret.”
“Shut up.” Kobayashi squeaked. In the burst of screaming and yelling from the door, he pushed past her and walked out of the office. “Where’s my fucking car?”
Belle rolled her eyes with a sigh, walking towards the window with a braver face now. She saw the blankets and sheets being ripped and taken down. The victims moved out of the factory in a scurry while the guards were probably trying their best to run towards their Master rather than trying to preserve what was already lost. “He’s going out to a side entrance.” She spoke loud enough for the tiny camera to capture it.
Another day at work done.
Reality felt like a bubble he was observing from outside right now. It felt more comfortable that way. Pretending he grew up in a normal way and could talk to her normally. Taehyung sat at the floor table with Angel in front of him. Anantheia to him. No one else must’ve known that name anymore. He always thought she’d end up becoming a famous actress or a singer travelling abroad but their upbringings were not privileged.
“Do you always come to a brothel?” Angel asked, not intending to be judgmental but more curious. She wanted to ask so many questions. Too many swirled in her mind. Instead she poured some tea for the both of them and watched Taehyung think his answer over. “You know I’m in no position to judge.”
“It’s not that, I—” Taehyung chuckled nervously. “It’s actually my first time.” Brothels weren’t really a prime source for his assignments. Especially Cho No Su being the exclusive organization it is, only gathering clientele that could pay the ridiculous prices. “My—friend paid for it. A gift in his own way.”
Angel smiled. “Yes, we have a few of that.” She brought one knee to her chest, the accessories in her hair tinkling as she moved. “You’ve grown taller.” She grinned again. Trying so hard to bring some kind of normalcy with the strange way they’ve reunited. “And your hair…” With a breath of courage, she reached out and touched a strawberry blond strand.
Taehyung forced himself not to flinch. He was too dirty for her to touch him. Like the blood on his hands drenched every inch of his body now, prone to staining her kind hands if she touched him too much. The reality bubble looked severed and he felt as if he was already naked. “You changed your hair too.”
She hummed although not too happily. “Procedure every time Cho No Su is in some kind of danger.” Angel brought her hands back to her own form, squeezing her own arms to forget the heavy breathing against her face from that night.
“Cho No Su is in danger?”
“Not anymore but there was one night…a member was attacked.” Angel rested her chin on her lifted knee, not wanting to receive any questions from Taehyung if she revealed that the member was her. “She’s okay thankfully.”
“That’s good.” Taehyung faced the cup of tea, watching the steam flow up but not drinking it. He wanted his stomach empty during assignments.
Fingers grew courageous again as she moved to trace unintelligible patterns at the veins of Taehyungs hand. “I can still do what you came here for.” Angel muttered. “If you want.”
He gulped, feeling his taint staining her beautiful fingers. “You don’t have to do anything.” Taehyung attempted a smile but his muscles felt overwhelmed by the action. It’s not like Angel would believe such a fake grin anyway. “I’m just glad to see you.”
There were things being left unsaid between them. Angel had been trained long enough to know that this was true. Except she couldn’t read his eyes like a book nor could she ask him extremely personal questions. As far as their friendship is concerned, it was still old and withered. They were different people now. The feeling of softness was only from the remanence of what once was; a nostalgic attraction. “I’m glad to see you too.”
Taehyung left the room after that. If he stayed any longer then Seokjin might have him called over and the whole assignment would lose its edge.
Across the hallway, he kept his ears sharp for a room without moaning or rustling. Palm rested on one of them which only had a female humming on the other side. With a sigh, he opened the door to a slight gap and walked inside.
A woman with green hair and amber eyes looked his way. Half-naked and quick to smile thinking he was a customer. The butterflies must not get warnings of who enters the room. They just have to do their job. Taehyung hoped she understood that he had to do the same.
Padding further into the room, Taehyung reached into his pocket. His traditional cloak flowing through the air he left behind. Steel blade brandished, shining in the golden glow of the room and the smile disappeared. Except she didn’t get the chance to scream.
The prepared tea set left ignored as the blood oozed on the floor mats.
“So he wants to take over the entire country’s underworld?” Jungkook muttered solemnly after Rosyne pulled out the tape. Hands gripped at the edge of the dark wooden table, back resting against it as his head remained low to focus on his leather shoes. They kept it a private meeting.
Yoongi sat on the leather couch next to the bookshelf where the entrance door was. Freshly lit cigarette burning in between his lips and a crème dress shirt. Belle was now in more comfortable clothing, a burgundy skirt with a white blouse. Her hair still in the previous style without the heavy pin while her makeup seeped into her skin perfectly, leaving a mild glow. She sat on one of the clientele chairs.
“Seokjin was always the ambitious brother.” Rosyne spoke. The bouncy red curls now relaxed on her head, easy for her to run her fingers through it in slight frustration. “The eldest Kim decided against the exemption, didn’t he?”
Jungkook hummed unable to connect why Rosyne had to ask the question. “Died during combat.”
“That’s not confirmed.”
“Why do you ask, Rosie?” Yoongi rasped, smoke flowing freely from his lips.
“Motives.” Rosyne held onto the tape with care as she usually did with evidence. Placing it in a wooden box on the table and locking it, she walked over to the second clientele chair to relax her aching feet. “Your father started doing deals around the time of the war. Which included selling things to the army. Faulty things.”
Jungkook tried not to wince at the memory too much. There was a time of pure desperation when his father would sell defected weapons and untested ‘pep’ pills to the soldiers. “You think Seokjin’s brother was a victim of it?”
Rosyne shrugged. “A lot of soldiers were. It’s not impossible that he might take it out on you.”
“That doesn’t explain the whole country though.” Belle chipped in with a gentle voice. “If it was just a personal vendetta against Yeou Pa then he would just target you, right?”
Yoongi coughed lightly, cigarette loosely placed between his fingers. “What if he’s trying to eliminate Japanese influence? He can’t take over the government or military base. But if he restores Korean influence in the underworld—”
“It might create a domino effect.” Jungkook nodded, suspenders hanging by the sides of his hips. “But then he’d target Busan first. That’s Takahashi territory, it’s the strongest Japanese influenced base.”
“Maybe it’s all of it put together.” Rosyne rested back against the chair.
The group silenced for a few moments. Jungkook moved his attention towards Belle in his process of thought. Though he knew Hoseok might be better at reading her expression, he could guess that the wheels were turning furiously. Her tinted lips moving to form words but no sound was coming out. Hazel eyes wandering every which way, not looking up but still brimming with questions—and perhaps some answers. “Let’s hear it then.” He spoke softer this time.
Belles gaze flickered up, eyes wider than he’d ever seen them making her look adorable. “What?”
“You have something.” Jungkook folded his arms over his chest.
“It’s—a problematic assumption.” Belle pressed her lips together, trying to quickly come up with a proper way to word her suspicions. “But what if the reason Seokjin isn’t targeting Hebi Pa—is because they already have someone on in the inside?” Her heart started pattering against her ribcages. The last thing she wanted was to start a false rumor but this just felt far too plausible with the information they have. “That means they’ll have to keep away from the gang just in case Takahashi starts an investigation.”
“A spy in Hebi Pa?” Jungkooks’ brows furrowed.
“If Seokjin really wants to take over the entire country then he needs your alliance to–weaken somehow.” Belle waved her hands around, somehow allowing the movements to structure her own thoughts. “He can’t take down two gangs at once. He’s smart, I’m assuming so he must’ve figured that out by now.”
“So let’s say the spy theory is correct…” Yoongi gestured towards Belle. “They would have to plant them high up in the ranks. Extremely high.”
“Does Takahashi have a friend he’s been talking to?” Rosyne added.
Jungkook made a noise of disagreement, shifting from one foot to the other. “He’s horrible at keeping his mouth shut but he actually knows how to keep business things confidential. Even with lovers.”
Belle hesitated for a moment, biting down her bottom lip before sighing. “What if the spy is involved in a more delicate situation?” Her voice was low and perhaps even a little reluctant despite knowing that this might help in narrowing down the investigation.
“Delicate…how?” Jungkook knew where she was heading. Maybe his guess was wrong but he saw the way she tried to hold herself back, fingers fidgeting. Usually Belle would confidently spew facts like all the times before. But this wasn’t a fact. Not in her mind or in his.
“Alliances are hard to break if you have enough to trade links and connections to keep it sturdy. From my research, Hebi and Yeou Pa don’t have much when it comes to trade. You both share one major associate who owns the largest club chain in Gyeongseong. Even then that was by his accord, not you or Takahashis’.” Belle shook her head. “But business wise, that’s pretty much all there is, isn’t it?”
Jungkook attempted a small nod.
“Then you have the second link. Inter-syndicate marriage. Between those two links, the marriage is supposed to be the strongest link because it provides heirs to both fortunes.” Belle felt her thigh prickling again. The pill was slowly being eaten away in the rush of anxiety and the true pains of her wound arising back again. “But you don’t have any heirs…in this specific case, that weakens the alliance.”
“Get to the spy part.” Jungkook spoke through slightly gritted teeth even though he felt a tug in his belly when he did.
“Your marriage is out of convenience. As much as we’d like to think it’s for the good of everything, dubious consent for an arranged marriage creates problems. Especially if your gang’s survival is relying on it.” Belle expected the hardened look on the mans’ face. “Is there any possibility that one of you is having an affair? With someone you don’t completely know anything about?”
Despite knowing that something like this was going explode on his face at some point, Jungkook still felt a burn under his skin. “You just get braver and braver the longer you stay here, don’t you?” He narrowed his gaze. “Went on a couple of missions and now you think you have the right to accuse me and my wife for cheating with a spy?”
Belle tightened her jaw. “I’m only addressing the possibilities.”
“Here’s a possibility.” Jungkook moved forward, grabbing on the arms of the chair Belle was sitting on. Leaning in until the remanence of tobacco on his breath filled her nostrils. “As far information is concerned, you’re the one with the most knowledge on Yeou Pa and who knows even Hebi Pa.” His voice rung low as if he was speaking straight from his gut. “How do I know you’re not just trying to get a few seconds of power from all this? Since petty little Hansuke won’t even allow your name in your own articles—”
“Jungkook—” Yoongi warned but the other didn’t flinch.
Belle kept her posture straight, unwavering as she locked onto Jungkooks rough gaze.
“Hoseoks’ the pillar you always have to rest on…just to feel relevant.” He tilted his head, mocking whisper laced with venom.
“And Gaia’s the pillar you have to stand on.” Belle replied simply causing the death-like silence in the room. “I do want your gang to crumble to pieces, Jeon. I want to take a picture of you holding the broken, pathetic remnants in your sorry hands.” She seethed. “But right now, there’s a man out there who wants to be a single ruler to a whole country’s underworld. There’s a high possibility that either you or Gaia has been giving information to a spy without knowing. For once…you’re the lesser evil.”
Smoke could’ve come out of Jungkooks ears at this point as he closed in on her, noses touching before a harsh grip pulled him away to proper distance. Yoongis’ disappointed face meeting his.
“Like it or not, Yeou Pa would’ve been done for if Belle decided take her information to the grave.” Yoongi patted Jungkooks chest. “So you can angrily fuck each other later. Right now we have a possible spy leeching out information from a blind-spot.” He sucked in another puff of smoke. “We’ll narrow down the investigation to both Gaia and your whereabouts. I’m not saying you’re easy talkers but in a moment of weakness, you’re still humans. Something can always slip.”
Her fingers ached from gripping onto her skirt too tight, trying to hold in the deeply heavy breaths forcing out of her lungs. Belle didn’t look up at Jungkook after Yoongis’ last word. Even though for a few moments, she could feel his gaze on him. Heat trailed down the back of her neck as the traces of tobacco and cologne still lingered around her personal space. She knew bringing up the subject was going to rip the fabric of civilization even more between them. It couldn’t be helped now.
Morning arrived with more trouble that they wanted. Belle had gone back to work with Hoseok in Saja Ilbo when both the gang and media company received troubling news from Cho No Su. Autumn air just barely flowed while the sun increased in its strength. Jungkook and Yoongi opted to be present together in front of the brothel to pay respects to the Madame.
“Quick knife work.” Yoongi said as a body covered in white sheet was being dragged out of the brothel into the ambulance.
Cho No Su seemed to lose the glamour during the day. Most of the butterflies and junior members looked out from the windows with their faces covered, tears glistening in her eyes at least from where Jungkook could see. The brightness of the sky added no soothing to the dreariness of the establishment.
The Madame Kim Hyuna chose to walk out of the brothel. Bone dry eye with her samurai sword attached to her belt, silver vectors on the black sheath shining like her silky orange hair. A symbol. Showcasing that one death isn’t going to scare her off.
“Kind of you to visit, Jeon.” Hyuna flickered her crimson eyes from Jungkook to Yoongi. “Still single, Min dear?” She tilted her head with a mocking smile.
“Still obsessed with me, Kim?” Yoongi smirked.
Jungkook suppressed the urge to roll his eyes as the ambulance slammed shut a distance away from the brothel entrance. “This isn’t the first time something has happened to your members just this year.” He muttered so only the three of them could hear. “Mind explaining why the hell your establishment is being targeted?”
“It’s not my fucking fault.” Hyuna whispered. “Just come in.” She turned on her heel back into the brothel while the ambulance drove away with the body.
Jungkook and Yoongi followed suit. The inside was warmer than expected but he welcomed it. Following the Madame deep into the establishment, past the rooms which were now heavy with silence or crying from the other side. A flight of stairs led to the top level, glowing in red neon even during the day time with no windows. Just the smell of something vanilla.
The Madame’s office oozed in Japanese design. Tapestry on the right of an old painting with naked women with long black hair bathing. Bamboo plants on the left with a stack of samurai swords and red-tinged wood varnished to glow against the warm lamp lights. “Someone is really starting to piss me off.” Hyuna placed the sword back on the rack before making her way to the study table in the center.
Yoongi closed the door behind him while Jungkook sat down on one of the clientele chairs.
“First the missing cases, grabbing right on my perimeter and now fucking this…” She sighed, her body loosening to show off more of her true feelings. Worry and a hint of fear. “No fucking American seller wants to sell this company cameras otherwise the asshole would be on his damn knees right now.”
“Did it look like an accident?” Jungkook asked.
“No. It was too clean.”
“Assassination.” Yoongi sat down on the second clientele chair. “Did the girl make any enemies?”
“It was her first fucking day.” Hyuna whispered mostly to herself, raking her fingers through her orange locks. “Nineteen and a good kid too. Never complained in her training.”
“You train underaged people here?” Yoongi narrowed his gaze.
“For spy training, dipshit I have some humanity.”
Jungkook sighed. “An assassination on a new kid doesn’t make any sense.” He shook his head, more tangles forming in the web of connections. Connections. “The girl…what’s her name? Angel…the one who was grabbed.”
“It’s Diamond now. Had to change all of their looks and names after the death.” Hyuna explained. “What about her?”
“If there was an assassination scare, high chances it’d be towards her.” He dug into his coat pocket to grab a cigar and his lighter. “Something must’ve happened for the assassin to change his target. Maybe it was a rogue decision.” Jungkook placed the cigar between his lips, flicking the lighter and placing the small flame near the end.
“You think this is still connected to Holangi Pa or something else altogether?” Yoongi turned to Jungkook.
“Holangi Pa? The Tiger heads from Busan?” Hyuna tapped her red painted nails on the wooden surface of her table. “What the fuck do they want?”
“Lots of big things apparently.” Jungkook muttered casually. “But from your brothel in particular, I think they want to tie up loose ends. Except the assassin seemed to have other ideas. They could have a connection.”
“Aren’t these assassins supposed to forget about past connections?” She grimaced.
“They’re supposed to distance from them. But you can’t wipe out memories, can you?” Yoongi spoke. “Something must’ve clicked between the two and he decided to get his job done without having to hurt her.”
“Don’t you think it’s too much of a silly mistake?” Hyuna argued. “Of course he should know that someone might be suspicious if he pulled shit like that.”
“Maybe he wasn’t thinking like an assassin at that moment.” Jungkook remembered Belles words for a moment, bringing that tug back in his belly again. “What if he just assumed no one would look into the fate of a prostitute?” He noticed Hyuna’s fingers curl into a fist against the table. “You’d be surprised at how many people make that mistake.”
“We’re not going to make that mistake, are we?” Hyuna spoke through gritted teeth.
“Of course not.”
“Good.” The Madame sighed. “In exchange, I have something that might be of use to you.”
Jungkooks soft expression turned to concentration again. “For me?”
Hyuna rested back on the leather chair, leaving out a small squeak. “I’m going to send it to Rosyne directly so she can confirm everything for sure. But all I can tell you now is to watch Marionette Hotel.” She pointed at the both of them. “You two are getting too soft for the Takahashi. No one who chooses a fucking snake as their sigil is to be trusted blindly.”
His stomach lurched at the Takahashi name, noticing Yoongi shift in his seat, clearly having the same feelings. That name slowly turned into somewhat of an anxiety inducer. Like the very first time they initiated the alliance, diving into desperation to ensure Yeou Pa stayed in its power stance. “Marionette Hotel?” The only building that didn’t have Yeou Pa guards. Fucking stupid.
The Madame held her palm up. “I’m not going to be the one explaining it all to you. It’s too fucking personal even for me and I train spies.”
Jungkook didn’t even have to look at Yoongi to realise what he was thinking too. Belle’s suspicions were right and they may be screwed.
Jungkook arrived back home, his clothes pungent from tobacco. He smoked four already after hearing the news on Marionette Hotel. It made sense. If Gaia wanted to go anywhere to unwind, it would be there. But that didn’t confirm that she was liaising with anyone.
Yoongi went back to his estate to take care of putting extra security in Cho No Su. Leaving him to hope for a few more minutes of calm.
If he could somehow avoid his dear wife, Jungkook would breathe a little easier. The one who came into view was Belle. She sat in the center courtyard, surrounded by pages and writing some notes. She wore a pretty dress of soft yellow and peppered with tiny periwinkle flowers. Her face was glowing under the mellow autumn sunlight.
Belle saw him before he could say anything. She quickly stood up. “How did the meeting go?”
“The girl will be buried properly. Hyuna always makes sure of it.” Jungkook waved for a servant to prepare some drinks. “Do you always hand-write your notes?” He gestured.
Belle’s eyes widened again like they always do when she’s confused. It was a rare sight but Jungkook found it ever endearing. “I don’t have a typewriter in my house.” She shook her head. “There’s only so much I can do with the one in Saja Ilbo.”
“Why don’t you have a typewriter?” His brows furrowed.
She lifted her shoulders. “I can’t afford one. Journalists like me get paid half of what journalists like Hoseok would.”
The servants returned with drinks, placing a tray in the centre. Jungkook poured a cup of tea of Belle.
Jungkook blinked softly. He nearly forgot that even talented people like Belle were pushed back due to social standing. “It’s too bad you’re not a journalist for me.” He traced the brim of his cup. “You’d get paid twice as much as your boss.”
“Are you trying to hire me?” Belle smirked. Deep hazel eyes pulled him in like a sailor to a siren.
If he didn’t have the slightest ounce of self-control, an agreement may have escaped him. A smile did escape. “You’ve done pretty good work for me so far.”
Her smirk spread into a proper smile, making her face glow like a pearl. “You can read through my resume later.” She looked down and began to ruffle through papers. “I have something we can work on until the investigation is over.”
Jungkook felt a pull of emptiness when she stopped looking at him. “What is it?”
“I suggest that Saja Ilbo should publish positive reviews and articles in your favor.” Belle gestured to a few papers with her scribbling. Jungkook noticed some of them were drafts of articles regarding Yeou Pa. “Since you have a few dozen charity organizations, you can push more movements and flood the media with your good deeds.”
“Isn’t that pandering a little?”
“It’ll only be Hoseok’s writing.” How easily she was able to name Hoseok when her own words were lovingly scribbled on those papers. “And it’ll be done with control. People get distracted easily and they will be distracted well enough for us to get our bearings.”
They sat in comfortable silence for a moment. Jungkook took a stray thought, pretending that nothing else was happening in his life. There was comfort in watching Belle calmly sip tea, wearing a simple knitted top and floral scarf. Her curls were soft like it was a casual Sunday. Jungkook wished it would last a little longer but he knew work still had to be done.
“Did Hyuna say something else to you?”
Jungkook had so easily forgotten that he had another job which didn’t involve talking and relaxing with Belle. “She said that there was a lead on Marionette Hotel.”
Belle stopped mid-drink. “That’s a Takahashi building.”
“Rosyne’s going to give us a confirmation soon.” Jungkook nodded, attempting to hide his distress somewhere behind a neutral expression. “You don’t want to gloat?” He raised a brow.
“No.” Belle crossed her arms over her chest, relaxing back on the chair. “I needed some confirmation too. Are you prepared for what you might hear?”
“It was inevitable if it is true.” Jungkook waved his hand.
Her expression softened. “Do you also—”
“Once. I saw Gaia with Hebi Pa’s consigliere and I wanted to get even.” Jungkook remembered the girl’s face. She was an heiress of some sort with pretty red hair. She had a slender form and her noises were a little too exaggerated. Jungkook assumed the heiress knew who he was and knew a boss’s mistress got more attention than the wife. “I didn’t even know the girl’s name.”
Curiosity glimmered. “So Gaia has done this before.”
“Of course she has.” Jungkook chuckled. “Why do you think I was being petty?”
Belle gave him that look again. The deepened gaze that stripped him down to his darkest secrets, forcing him to expose his vulnerabilities. “Do you love her?”
“No.” Jungkook knew this for a long time but a part of him still twinged when he said it. The statement reminded him that he was stuck in a marriage that meant little in terms of romance. “It’s—it’s a power struggle rather than love. An affair that’s hidden holds unnecessary power.”
Belle hummed. “It does.” Her voice grew incredibly soft. “Perhaps next time you should have an affair at the ready just in case.”
Jungkook smirked. “Are you volunteering?”
She scoffed. “Like you’d be able to court me.”
“Don’t challenge me.”
Seokjin liked drinking gold-speckled rum in autumn evenings. His stone garden had a pretty grey tinge and tree leaves danced. Some gently landed at his feet. It was the only thing that calmed him. The cold air paired perfectly with the dark burn down his throat.
The newspapers for the week had been piled in front of him. Saja Ilbo posted a plethora of articles complimenting Yeou Pa. The people jumped happily on the train to support their beloved figure, Jungkook. Each and every one of their charitable deeds plastered each headline, letting approval bloom to all corners of the city.
“You’ve read the papers then?” Akira muttered, sitting on the arm of his wicker chair. Her blue silk robe were just barely clinging onto her form.
Seokjin outstretched his hand, hooking it around her waist. “Saja Ilbo. Tanaka Hansuke’s company.”
Akira caressed the side of his neck, leaning on his head. If it wasn’t the garden, her small gestures of affection brought a wash of comfort in his belly. “A familiar name.”
“It is.” Seokjin knew Hansuke claimed to be neutral. The man was far too cowardly to expose anything of substance to his public. Was this his pathetic way of pandering to one gang? He must’ve known the tension between the syndicates and hid under the most attractive one. “Might be time to pull up some old files on our mighty Lion.” He stared up at his wife.
She was still glowing from her nightly routine and her smile was tender. Seokjin knew that smile of determination. “It’d be my pleasure.”
The Lion would be done with soon enough.
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<Mafia Boss Dad!Jungkook in Every Fan-fiction Ever>
Jungkook *into the phone*: Smash his kneecaps and he'll talk, okay? I'm at a parent-teacher conference.
Jungkook *turning to the teacher*: Anyway, you said Taehyung is enjoying finger-painting? That's great.
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kjsnugget · 3 years
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I hope you guys are liking the series!
Chapter 3
Jungkook x Male Reader
Summary: Working for a man who didn’t care about you or anyone else and would do anything to keep his reputation, it’s a constant battle with yourself. Losing friends and trusting the wrong people, Living the life you never wanted you’d do anything to get out, even if that means costing your life.
Warnings: mentions of death, mental health, and physical abuse
If there are anymore I will be sure to add them on
You knew Ara better then anyone, she would have been in her room by now. You decided to get up and go look for her. The lights were already off considering almost everyone was asleep. You made your way through the whole building and haven’t seen any sign of her. You were starting to get really worried so you made your way back to Jimins room.
When you arrived to his room you peeked inside and seen him fast asleep. You gently shook him awake hoping he wouldn’t be angry with you. “What is it M/n?” His voice was groggy and his eyes were barley open. “Have you seen Ara?” He shook his head in response and laid back down “ I heard she was assigned another job, she should be back in the morning”. Before You could ask anymore questions he was asleep. After debating on waking him up again, you decided agaisnt it and went back to your room.
You went back to your room and decided to go to sleep while hoping Ara would be there in the morning.
Morning came faster then you thought as you opened your eyes to the sun shining in your face. Not wasting any time you made your way to the eating area after getting dressed. You scanned the room searching for your friend. After looking around for a while you knew she wasn’t here. You didn’t see Jimin either. You went to your work station and eventually found Jimin setting up with some others. He looked towards you, his eyes were red and puffy like he had been crying.
He motioned his head towards the direction of Taehyung and the police as they loaded two body bags out of the building. You didn’t have to ask, you already knew who it was. You made your way towards Jimin and he hugged you tightly “someone told Taehyung she was stashing money to escape”. You didn’t want to believe that, she was so much smarter then that but you had no other choice you couldn’t bring yourself to speak. You just sat there while Jimin held you, but that had to come to an end as it was time for you both to start working or you guys would be the next two in body bags if you didn’t.
Your whole shift went by slowly, your mind was somewhere else. It was clouded with thoughts of Ara. You had stopped crying your anger taking over for the sadness that you had felt. The aura in the room was tense, you had a tight feeling in your chest you were sure your breath could be snatched from you if you let it. You struggling to keep your composure but you had to.
As the day was coming to it’s end and people were leaving you cleaned your area up and went to Jimins room to wait for him to be done. Waiting for him felt like an eternity as you let your mind take you back to all your good memories with Ara. Even though you guys never wanted this life having each other made the pain bearable enough to keep moving forward. After what felt like hours, Jimin finally arrived to his room. “I’m leaving” you knew he heard you even though your voice was barley above a whisper he heard you. “If you leave they will kill you M/n you can’t leave” he sat next you trying to reason with your decision and talk you out of it. He knew your decision was final and he couldn’t talk you out of it no matter what he said. “I want you to come with me, I understand if you don’t want to but I can’t do this anymore” you felt tears brim once again but refused to let them fall. Jimin was quiet but he grabbed your hand and nodded “I’ll go we should try tomorrow night it’s Monday night won’t be as busy” you nodded. Tomorrow you were leaving.
Morning rose quickly and your shift went by quicker even though Taehyung was there with the rest of his men. You tried your best to avoid his gaze as you went to your room quickly and waited for Jimin. He took some time but eventually made his way to your room “everyone is either busy or gone, now is our chance” . Without saying a word you put on your back pack and slipped through the dark hallways towards the dining area where you guys would slip through the kitchen exit. It was usually empty and unguarded on weekdays since it wasn’t as busy. You were watching every move you guys made ensuring not to make noise.
After your long walk you made it to the kitchen “when we walk out we need to go separate ways incase they look for us together we will meet up at our old school by tomorrow” He quietly reminded you of the plan you two came up with before leaving.
Nervous was an understatement to how you were feeling, you looked at Jimin one more time as he gave you a reassuring smile when you opened the door. You walked out ready to run and start your new life, you didn’t get far. “Did you really think you could get out without getting caught?” His voice, his presence, he was there. You looked up at Taehyung as he stood there with Namjoon and Yoongi standing alongside him. “How did you know?” You gathered the courage to speak even though you were terrified. He walked past you and grabbed Jimins hand pulling him into his side. “The same way I find out everything” you looked at Jimin in disbelief, how could he do something like this. Your mind was racing so fast you didn’t hear them talking anymore.
It wasn’t until you felt a sharp pain on your face that brought you back to reality. “You were stupid to think you had a chance at leaving” you heard him but you had your attention on Jimin who stood there holding onto Taehyung. You were sad, hurt but most of all angry. “ how could you be with someone like him? He killed Ara, he killed hoseok, hundreds of innocent people and now he will probably kill me. How does it feel sleeping next to a cold blooded killer, a monster?” You didn’t get a response from Jimin the only response you heard was a gun cocking next to your head.
You knew who it was, considering yoongi was no longer in front of you like the others. “Before I die just tell me Jimin was it you who told him about Ara?” . You didn’t even need an actual response you already knew your answer but you wanted to hear it from him “yes” it wasn’t a whisper, it was loud and clear. You didn’t ask why you didn’t want to know his reasoning, you didn’t care you were angry and upset. You nodded and looked at the ground waiting for your fate to be sealed. “What are you waiting for? Pull the damn trigger I have somewhere else to be” was all you heard before you heard three shots fired.
You looked up and seen Yoongi holding his gun in the direction of Taehyung, Jimin and Namjoon. He didn’t say a word as he dragged you away from the scene. As you were running you looked back to see them on the floor all of them. You knew they weren’t dead and they wouldn’t die as they were shot in the shoulder. Ignoring the thoughts, you focused on your feet as they carried you, following the man who just saved your life. You didn’t know where you were going but anywhere was better then there.
Although you didn’t know where he was leading you, or why he saved you. You knew one thing for sure, you would be back and you wouldn’t stop until you got the justice for all those innocent people especially Ara.
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jeonjan7 · 3 years
I’m Boss Bitch.🤨
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So handsome. 🤤
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kimnjss · 3 years
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