#but I just couldn't bring myself to write the sound effects. you all know what making out sounds like yes?
captainhysunstuff · 7 months
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19 more images below the cut (WARNING: Some PG-13 saucy shenanigans ahead)
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Part three of their date: an unconventional visit to a nearby alley so Light can clear his head and try to get to the point of the outing. The events lead him to becoming confident enough to move onto the next stage...
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saltydumplings · 2 years
Hi idk if you're doing requests rn but if you are, can I request a hero who's drugged and captured by a villain who then interrogates them for information? I love ur writing btw <3
Request #10
This, um, turned out a lil darker than I thought it would...
Cw: drugging, torture, knife violence.
It was still affecting them.
The hero didn't know exactly what it was, but their minded felt clouded - limbs heavy and useless, arms only held up by the ropes that secured them to the chair. Their vision was...unreliable. Sometimes they could focus and other times they couldn't. They'd tried scanning the room around them but everything beyond the spot of light they were at the centre of was just a mass of swirling greys and blacks, impossible to decipher anything from.
When the villain entered they'd kept their head down, eyes focused on the ground. They wanted to stay that way - didn't want to so much as look at the other - but a hand caught their chin roughly and pushed their head up, the villain smiling down at them in a way that made the hero's stomach churn. Or maybe that was just another effect of the drug too. At this point, they wouldn't exactly be surprised.
"Can you talk?" the villain asked.
The hero didn't respond, instead wrenching their head to the side in an attempt to escape the other's grasp but the villain held on tight.
"If you can move your head then you can move your lips."
A few seconds passed, the hero squinting up as the villain's features seemed to distort somewhat, phasing in and out of clarity - the weird effect only making the other's grin grow wider. Sharp nails dug into their jaw.
"We haven't even started yet and you're giving me the silent treatment already... It's rather rude of you, don't you think?" the villain said. "You good guys are usually all about manners: what, am I not deserving of even that?"
Suddenly the hero caught sight of something metallic in the villain's free hand, glinting sharply off the light - a knife. The blade was curved or... or not. It looked weirdly warped, so perhaps the hero was merely imagining its strange, scythe-like shape. They tried to follow it with their eyes but something told them that they weren't quite as locked onto it as they thought they were.
The villain tutted. "You have a very pretty face, you know." Their grip on the hero's chin tightened and the other squirmed, still trying desperately to escape the unwanted touch. "So pretty, in fact, I don't think I can bring myself to mess it up. The rest of you however..."
The blade stabbed into the hero's shoulder without warning. They inhaled sharply, determined not to make a sound as the villain twisted the knife - clenching their teeth and keeping their eyes shut until the pain receded somewhat, the wound throbbing angrily even when the blade was removed.
"Now, how many times do I have to do that until you tell me where Superhero is hiding?" the villain pondered. "Two? Three? Ten?"
The villain started cutting shallowly into the hero's side, moving the knife back and forth slowly - the hero starting to shake with the effort it took to keep quiet. Eventually, a small whimper slipped past their lips and the villain relented, bringing the blade back into the hero's line of sight. The hero, however, still had their eyes shut.
But that wasn't too hard to fix...
The villain shook the other's head a little, trying to regain their attention. "Come on now, don't be shy - that's it: eyes on me."
Slowly the hero did as they wished, opening their eyes and staring at the villain blearily.
"Good, that's good," the villain praised. "Now, I'll ask you again: where is Superhero?"
The hero's eyes narrowed, but still they said nothing.
The villain slashed a cut into their thigh.
No response.
They made another cut upon the hero's upper arm and the other's eyes started to water - tears brimming at the corners and threatening to spill over their cheeks and still they refused to speak. The villain sliced across their shin, drew a long line across their chest, stabbed carefully into the soft flesh of their stomach before going in again - planning on aggravating the wound on the hero's shoulder - only to stop short.
They dropped the knife off to the side, both hands now cradling the hero's face softly, catching the other completely off guard.
"Oh, you poor thing," the villain said. "You don't know, do you?"
Finally, the hero broke.
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gourdkeeper · 11 months
Yes, hello!
First of all, BIG FAN of your first Jamie fic! I first read it over on AO3 and couldn't help myself reading it a second time when I saw it here. 👀
As for the scenario, I was thinking about a ✨️shower scene✨️? Maybe? Like, you're training with him and things get a bit heated and you somehow end up in the shower and then .. stuff happens.~
I'm not the best at coming up with stuff like this but maybe you can do something with it. :)
Thank you omg!!! I'm still so nervous about it because I don't really write but if it made anyone happy and horny then I'm happy too!
Shower scene coming right up! AFAB reader because it was unspecified and what I'm most familiar with but please feel free to request AMAB or neutral if you want!
18+ after cut | 735 words
This has become somewhat of an habit now. It really shouldn't but. Here you are again. And you're not complaining.
Back to the tilled wall.
His mouth working wonders.
Tongue ramming in.
Nose pushed against your sensitive nub.
Sinful sounds with every breath.
The water bill is about to be insane later this month. It's the fourth- no, fifth time, that training with your master has ended with you this way.
You start fucking around and getting sidetracked. It's hard not to when the person teaching you looks like that. And every time, without fail, once the drinks start kicking in you feel yourself getting handsy. Sweaty. Drowsy.
Jamie calls it a day and tells you to rest and you go and try to take a shower only for him to intrude. Not that you didn't bait him to walk in by leaving your clothes outside the bathroom or anything, and most definitely didn't call out "Jamie, can you bring me my clothes please?" with your sweetest voice that he can't say no to.
One thing leads to another. Turns out you weren't the only sweaty one and he too needs a shower right now. With you.
It starts with kissing. It always does. His hands cupping your face. Fingers trailing your jaw and down your neck. Warm water running down your bodies. His hair cascading down his back clinging to him beautifully.
You get handsy and so does he.
He moans your name into the kiss.
You instinctively part your legs and take your hand there, you're full of need. It's like an itch that needs to be scratched.
He takes notice and takes a hold of your wrist and clicks his tongue at you.
"Let me show you how it's done." He says low and smooth with a smirk on his heated up red face.
Always cocky.
His hands run down your side, he holds your breasts and licks them as he circles your nipples with his thumbs before moving lower. And lower. Until his hands are now holding onto your ass and his tongue has no time to wait.
You shiver and moan outloud the moment you feel him lap at your clitoris. More. You need more and so you plead for it.
You can almost feel him smilling. He loves having his ego inflated and knowing the effect he has on you does just that.
He grips your buttocks tighter and pushes his tongue past the clit. His nose now pressing onto it as he mouths at your cunt trying to take in as much of you as he can.
You're gripping his hair without even realizing. You're too far gone.
His tongue starts pushing past your lips and he licks heavily and slowly driving you insane. You're pulling his head closer and grinding on his face like some animal in heat.
He takes his right hand and starts rubbing you while eating you out. He wants to taste you, and he wants it now. And Jamie always gets what he wants.
Your legs falter but he has you. You're not going anywhere without giving him what he wants first.
There isn't a single coherent thought in your mind. Only Jamie. Jamie eating you out. Or Jamie fucking your brains out.
God. You wish he would do that right now.
His other hand left your butt as well and he's now busy fingering you. There's too much, you can't take this anymore and you start trembling, moaning out his name breathlessly.
He takes the hints and picks up the pace on your clit, fingers still ramming into your cunt, tongue on you, lapping up your juices. His hands are getting tired but it doesn't matter.
"Come." He whines through a furrowed brow, looking up at you inbetween your legs. "Come for me."
He starts repeating for you to come like a mantra. You squeeze on him, you pull him in closer and you can't hold it anymore, you feel yourself spasm and your heart is taking leaps.
Jamie finally lets up and sits back under the water and you slide down the wall exhausted.
You're both exhaling heavily, trading looks. He has this smug air to his face, you can tell he's proud.
"Why don't I finish cleaning you up and take care of you, hm?" He suggests with a soft smile.
Now that's an offer you can't decline.
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
"Caution: Fragile"
Same universe as Stitched Hearts, Vodka Soaked Memory, Even When I Doubt You & The Canine.
Leon S. Kennedy x F!Reader
Important: Kitty is technically my OC however it is written as if you are her so it's still an x reader, her appearance isn't described, Kitty is bisexual and that is sometimes mentioned when I write her.
Warnings: Angst, Hinted at PTSD, Mental Breakdown, Death Mention, Hurt + Slight Comfort
You were in the kitchen attempting to make some tea, perhaps the hot herbal liquid would help.
Maybe it'd provide some amount of ease, calm your stomach after it gave you trouble all morning. The rapids of your mind bleeding in and effecting your physical health as well.
Meanwhile Leon was on his way to visit you, he had sent you a few texts all of which you hadn't even noticed. In too much of a brain fog to check your phone.
He couldn't help but be concerned- you were always so bubbly no matter what and here recently you were just- off.
There was this weight holding you down and you seemed to push everyone away.
Leon has experienced this many times and you were always there to pull him out of the pit he buried himself in. He'd be damned if he let you make the mistakes he has.
Your grip on the mug tightened as you gazed at the swirling brown liquid, it felt like the walls were suddenly closing in.
Dead. Their all dead.
Why can't your mind just shut up? Why did he have to come back? Why did it have to bring up all the memories you worked so hard to bury?
The hurt you tried to kill by focusing on everyone but yourself.
I couldn't help. I couldn't save them. I couldn't save him.
The mug hit the floor hot tea splattering against your legs, shards scattering across the floor in an unholy mess.
The burn against your bare legs and feet didn't much distract the screams in your head, tumbling backwards and bumping into the counter, now seated on the floor crying desperately into your hands.
"Stop it..."
Leon made his way up the steps towards the familiar white door, raising his hand to knock his heart stopped in his chest.
The sound of your scream and sobs making it's way to him, in a frenzied panic he kicked the door in not even hesitating- damages he'd worry about paying you back for later.
Heavy steps made their way to you, your head tilting up to spot his form closing in on you, vision blurred from tears.
"No- NO!!!"
You tried to scramble away at first until you heard his voice.
"Kitty- Kitty it's me... Hey- it's me... It's Leon. You're okay. You're okay. I'm here now... I'm right here..."
He eased closer carefully and pulled you into his arms, his hold on you soft as though you were a fragile ornament. Tears soaked into his brown jacket as you cried into him, his eyes settled on your quivering form.
He's never seen you like this. His heart sinks to the pit of his stomach, internally insisting on holding you as long as it takes.
He will never be first to let go.
Despite the slightly roughened exterior deep down he was still that rookie cop, whether he knew it or not that warmth he held was the same, the will to do whatever it takes to help others- the fear of loss.
All remained in a similar way to how it did back then, he's changed but not entirely.
You two were similar in that sense, neither entirely dark nor light. Just two eclipses holding each other tight in hopes of a better tomorrow.
Don't get too close, Leon.
These shards are sharp and I'd hate for you to bleed because of me.
{I have a full backstory for Kitty but no idea how to effectively work all that hell show in so- if y'all wanna know it just shoot me a dm and I'll tell ya. Warning though it's really dark.}
{I would like to add I based the way Kitty is handling/experiencing things off myself and my experience with PTSD so it may not be relatable for everyone.}
{@sofasoap }
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crmsnmth · 2 months
September Sky Chapter Six, Part 2
"How bad are they?"
"I guess there not as bad. I still can ignore them mostly. It's not really any worse than when I'm alone. I guess they happen more, but are less intense?"
She wrote on her pad. She was quick. Her pen moved quickly. I tried to catch a glimpse at what she's writing. Of course, I knew I couldn't.
"They aren't that bad, really. Like I said, I can manage them. It's not debilitating anymore." I said, feeling awkward from the silence.
"But they're more frequent."
"Yeah, I guess. But it kind of makes sense. They're usually just short little thoughts about me being awkward or weird or antisocial. I catch myself being out there, and then I feel kind of ashamed by it. It's stupid, but I don't want to chase Addison away with me being messed up."
"Do you think you're going to chase her away?"
"Sometimes, yeah. But it's not a constant thought. She's really understanding when it comes to my head. Which is weird."
"Do you think with Addison being so welcoming to it, that we are making some progress here?"
"Sort of. I don't know. Maybe?"
"Ok. That's fine. It's okay to not be sure."
"I guess so."
"I think this Addison is having a really good effect on you. Even on an off day, you seem brighter." She used words like that to explain my moods. Brighter and darker. All about finding the balance within the shadows.
"I think it's a lot more than just Addison."
She looked up at me from her beneath her lashes as she wrote. "Well, let's talk about that. What else is going in your life?"
I stared at her as my mind went blank. Anything I could use as some made up reason. I couldn't think of one, no matter how much I tried.
"You should admit that this Addison is bringing out the best in you. She is."
"I don't want that to be the only reason I'm doing better. I don't want to put her up on some pedestal. I won't do that. I can't do that. Mostly because I'm scared of it. At the same time, I feel like I'm being brought back to life after being in the darkness for too long. I can't let myself believe that it's all because of one person. That's insane. I know that's insane." My words came quick and sharp. Her pen scribbled. The sound of the pen scratching the paper was loud.
"Is that really such a bad thing? One person can help change a person. It happens all the time. And it's obviously working for you. You're doing things again. You're going out in public, and not just content to sit alone on a bar stool."
I didn't say anything. Instead, I stared out of the window, not seeing anything. She was right. I hated to believe she was right. In fact, it irritated me. For the last few years of my life I made a promise to myself I'd never let another person in. I was perfectly okay with my isolation and solitude. I had made peace with the fact that I was going to finish my life alone. That might seem a bit depressing to most, but once you make peace with it, it's sort of liberating. It's a very strange sense of freedom.
"Chris? You've gone silent again."
I sighed loudly. I really didn't want to be here today.
"Because I have nothing to say," I said.
"Do you at least see what I mean?"
"Yeah, of course I do. I'd have to be blind not to. It's just...uncomfortable."
"That's because you've been shut down for the better part of three years. You've sunk into yourself and made a nice cozy home in your head. And now your being pulled out of that nest."
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kaerichan-yatta · 1 year
Don't mind me running to your inbox when you announced that requests were open. I've been having the worst obey me brainrot and I couldn't help myself akdhjsjdjs
So, could you please write anything with lee Levi?? He's my absolute fave! Feel free to choose the ler x3 And no pressure ofc!
Have a lovely day!
Top priorities chart
(Levi, Mammon & Lucifer)
Summary: a brand new game finally came out, and Levi had been waiting for it since weeks. However, as soon as he starts playing, it becomes his first priority, bringing his brothers to worry about him gaming for days straight. But no worries, Levi's top weakness against videogames is here to help!
A/N: GDHUAJDUS I'M SO SORRY I'VE MADE YOU WAIT FOR SO LONG😭 my health got in the middle and messed up everything and i even thought i had lost your request cause i was worried i accidentally canceled the fic💀but nope it was safe in my drafts ehehe. (ALSO MERRY -REALLY REALLY REALLY- LATE CHRISTMAS even if we already exchanged wishes many times lmao)
A/N2: also ignore me brainrotting about lee!levi with a hyper sensitive arms and spine and being L O U D when being tkled...
Hope you like it!! Enjoy!<3
"Oi, Satan. Where's Levi?" Mammon asked, his mind clearly up to something silly with money involved.
"I don't know, probably in his room playing videogames, as usual I'd say..." he answered, his eyes still fixed on the book he was reading.
"Again? It's been a whole day...damn. I wonder what he finds so interesting about gaming for so long"
Even if this was his idea, he went down the corridor, opening Leviathan's door without permission.
"Ah, little brother! Guess wha-"
"GAHH! OH NO, NOT AGAIN!" he screamed, both in pain (metaphorically) and for the nearly heart attack he had from Mammon's sudden entry into his room.
"Woah, what was that for?! What are you screaming about, I did nothing wrong!"
"YES YOU DID!" he pointed at the screen "Look at that! You scared me and I lost the match!"
Mammon's expression changed from surprised to annoyed.
"...really? That's my fault?"
"Yes!" he sighed. "Just, just leave me alone! I gotta play another match to win the final tournament!"
"But I needed to talk to you!"
"Later, c'mon! Don't make me lose again!"
Mammon closed the door behind his back, leaving his room. "How rude...!" he said to himself.
meanwhile, in the kitchen
"Lucifer, it's been two days and Levi still has been gaming non-stop" Beel said, adding carrot slices to the soup he was cooking for the dinner.
The eldest rubbed his forehead.
"There's not much we can do, however. I think you all know how Leviathan is made, and what he thinks about this"
"But it will have an extremely negative effect on him!" Asmodeus added, taking plates from the drawer, and taking one for Leviathan too, still hoping he would come at least for dinner.
"Oi, Lucifer, how about we go checking on him after dinner? He must be scared if it's you!" Mammon said.
"I doubt that, but for once I'm in with your idea"
"Levi, are you still awake?"
"Of course he is..."
"Ah, yes sure I am! Come in but be quiet" he sounded really nervous.
Lucifer opened the door.
Lucifer's eye twitched, he and Mammon looked at each other, then sat down on the floor at each side of Levi.
"That's it, that's it! Aaah! That's the boss! See how big and strong he is but HAHA! I prepared the best team ever and I won't let ANYONE and ANYTHING destroy my perfect path!"
"Why is he pointing out words...?" Mammon whispered to Lucifer.
"Well, you know how he is"
"Hey, I heard that, Mammon!"
Lucifer and Mammon exchanged another look, both of them clearly annoyed by his behavior.
"Levi, could you-"
"Bless of the New Moon!"
"Have a taste of my sword!"
Lucifer almost gave up in trying to convince him turn down the console volume.
"Leviathan...could you at the very least try not to scream so much?"
"What are you talking about?! I just won the ultimate tournament!"
"That's not the point...I think you need to revise you priorities" Lucifer said.
Levi blinked. "Huh?? Priorities?"
"Yes, in fact, you've been in your room for-"
"Oh, wait! Final showdown, I forgot! I gotta do this!"
"He's not even listening to you, Lucifer"
"Ah, see? How can that game be you first priority?"
Then, an idea popped into Mammon's head.
"Hey, Lucifer! Guess what I'm thinking about" he looked at his brother, his gaze playful, craking his knuckles.
"Well...that could be a good idea"
They closed up on their brother as he was keeping on playing, unaware of what was about to happen.
"Eh, Lucifer. What was that you were talking abAAH!" he suddenly arched his back, missing a button on the joystick, his character jumping instead of attacking.
Lucifer simply kept on poking and squeezing his sides. "Mammon, do you remember?"
Levi's character began to run all over the ring as he lost control of his own fingers, the cause? Mammon's fingers tracing along the inner side of his arm, going up to his armpit, then back down, and again.
"Ah, no! Sorry Lucifer, looks like I forgot...! Levi, can you remember?"
Levi immediately blushed, his character now jumping off the roof and dying. "NOHOHO! GAH- COHOHOME ON!" he laughed harder Lucifer's fingers found their way under Levi's shirt and scratched at his ribs.
"W-WahAHAIT! It W-WAHAS about p-priohohoritIHIHIES?!"
"Ah, right. I think you didn't exactly understand what are your top priorities, Levi. That's why we came here" he stopped for a moment.
"Guh- haah! Ehehahaha! W-whahat do you mehehean?!" he squirmed and giggled as Lucifer still slowly tickled his ribs, making him ten times more nervous about the conversation.
"You've been in your room for three days now, skipping meals and sleep, because your top priority was the game. But that should be less important than your health"
"B-buhuhut! The gahahame just cahahame out! And I was s-so excitehehed!"
"Ah, you're not even trying to understand!" Mammon paused the game in the middle of the fight, which was probably going to be a loss for Levi, since two more of his characters had died.
He tackled his brother down, sitting on his legs, scribbling at the sides of his tummy. Oh, a really bad spot.
"GAHAH- MAHAHAMMON!" he kicked his legs behind his back, shaking his head and trying to block his wrists, but his efforts got stopped by Lucifer blocking his hands under his knees, fully exposing Levi's arms.
Now Levi was in big trouble. Each of his brothers knew how his arms were sensitive.
Scribbles, feathers, tracing, even kisses from his beloved MC could get him there.
"I'm sorry, Levi. But I'm firmly fixed on the topic before" he brought wiggling fingers down.
"NOHOHOHO!" he twisted his torso, in a desperate attempt to free himself, but it was useless. Tickles could weaken him in no time.
"This is were it gets you for good, hmm?" Lucifer said, tickling the inner sides of his elbows.
"GUH- AHAHAHA! Q-QUIHIHIHIT THAHAHAT! IT TIHIHICKLES!" his laughter rose as Mammon started digging his finger into the back of his ribs.
"Well, that's the point. Since you wouldn't try to follow the conversation, that's one of the easiest way to make you" Lucifer said, in a slighty smug tone.
"Too much already? Aw, you're seriously that ticklish?" Mammon teased.
He panted heavily, his eyes closed, his face red.
"Well now, Levi. Are you ready to follow the conversation?"
"I t-think I am..."
"Good. First, I want you to know gaming must not be your priority, even if-"
Lucifer was almost immediately stopped by Levi.
"But Lucifer! This game is super- no, hyper! Hyper important!"
Lucifer sighed. "I suppose I have to resort to forced measures..."
"T-thihihis is insahaAHAne...." he laughed.
The current situation was indedd insane. Leviathan down on his stomach, Mammon sitting on his lower back, and Levi's shirt up so his back was uncovered.
"Let's try to convince you this way, shall we? So, top priority is health, then studies"
Mammon wrote "Health" on Leviathan's back, letter by letter, with his fingertip, giving a little tickle here and there just to tease him more. Levi kicked his legs and tried to muffle his laughter behind his hands.
Then, he wrote "Studies".
Leviathan's body spasmed as Mammon wrote the "S" and the "U".
"Then let's see..." Lucifer said.
"M-MC! MC is a p-priohohority..." he spat out between his giggles, the position he was in making it hard to take a proper breath.
"Right, I see you're starting to understand. Add that one, Mammon"
"W-whaHAHat about gAHAHames?!"
"Well that's one of the last I think...or maybe I could bring that one up...alright, that's a bonus"
Mammon wrote "Games" over his back, sending Levi into hysterical laughter.
And among all the priorities he was listing, Leviathan himself took a mental note about another priority. A good one that would probably save him in the future.
"Always listen to your brothers whenever they're feeling mischievous enough to tickle you to pieces!"
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mayadoesfandomstuff · 2 years
The Nukes Could Have Worked
I've been thinking a lot about the Dream SMP finale ever since I learned about what happened and I'm trying to wrap my head around why I genuinely didn't like it. Like yeah, there's the weird part about c!Dream and c!Tommy's conversation that maybe I'm not all for, but I'm more confused as to why I don't like it for everyone else in the server. I mean, i know that the fanbase is split on this but I personally just couldn't support the ending.
Guess the answer should be obvious? For me, a nuke ending means that this whole story about trust, attachments, and trauma didn't matter at all and this ending might as well be the dressed "it was all a dream" ending that people were worried about for months since the finale was announced, but I don't feel like that's it.
I myself enjoy nuke endings and even had a story that I was writing for some time's main ending to be that everything was nuked. It was a logical conclusion for that narrative and the nuke delivered a gut punch on the meaninglessness of the conflict and how tragic everything is. If I were to be able to access that file again, which had sadly been lost to time, I might be able to get something off if it but I guess that's the thing though. The nuke ending for that lost story had a different purpose than the nuke ending here.
Compared to a story about the meaninglessness of the violence, the nuke ending in the Dream SMP calls forth the meaninglessness of not only the conflict but also every other story within the world. There is no purpose for the nuke than just erasing all of that and resetting everything to the beginning. The nuke night as well be someone waking up from a dream. That's why it's disappointing.
Regardless, the ending in itself being a literal nuking of the server isn't necessarily a bad call. It was just executed poorly. I believe that this is pretty confusing for some people but let me explain. In a better written narrative for the story, it could be possible to not only make the nuke ending meaningful but complete every other characters storyline or make their abrupt end feel more tragic than frustrating.
It's a lot to ask so let me stick with the easiest way this could work. The easiest way for the nukes to succeed is to make it an event. Bring almost everyone, if not everyone, in the server for the nuking and have them stream all of their POVs. This could add a sense of urgency or dread no matter how you relay this. Even more effective is to have the characters know that the nuke is coming. This would make the other characters have an excuse to finish up loose ends as best they can for their arcs or abruptly end it for a tragic finale.
It sounds crazy, but it's not like it hasn't been effectively done before in Minecraft roleplay. Think for instance Doomsday, a smaller apocalyptic event that wiped out the entire country of L'manburg from the map. There was a buildup to it, all involved CCs were informed, and most of the big players for the event logged in and streamed their POV with what happened. The emotional stakes and drama that came from that allowed for interesting character moments, arcs, and impact in later parts of the story. I mean, people still celebrate the L'manburg Independence Day despite everything.
Okay, that's just one country and technically all the characters kept moving on from that and that wasn't really the apocalypse, so let's bring up a story where it is the apocalypse - Hermitcraft Season 8.
To those not in the know, hermitcraft season 8 ends with an apocalyptic crashing of the moon that wiped out the entire server. Hermitcraft isn't known for lore-heavy content before this, so it was a surprise for almost everyone in the fanbase that they went with this direction instead of just simply restarting the server for the new season like they typically do.
Either way, the basic premise is that the moon suddenly started crashing to the earth and the hermits were faced with the dilemma of what to do in order to survive the collision. From trying to worship the moon to appease it, to trying to destroy it outright with missles, it's all pointless and the server gets wiped anyway. Now, this ending is still continuously dramatized and looked back on by the hermitcraft fanbase despite it's bleak ending and how all of the different storylines like the beloved Boatem Crew, the Advertising War, and even Zedaph's weird little research were all basically wiped out of existence.
The reason? Most of the hermits had time to dedicate to the lore on how their characters would respond, tie up as much loose ends as they can, and all of them uploaded how things ended for their characters virtually at the same time. This allowed closure for a lot of the fans who may not want to see the season go and give a somewhat satisfying conclusion to what happened to everyone. Of course, I know that not everyone's happy about this ending, but it has been received well by most of the fanbase.
Guess what I'm trying to get at is this. If the most of the server was online and had the chance to act out the finale alongside the ones that were there, then maybe it could have been a better narrative. It would still result in a nuke ending, but at least there's some closure with the other characters. Although, I have to admit that other CCs may make some flashback content leading up to the nuke, but it isn't the same since we have the benefit of hindsight and the emotions of the viewers may had already been set. An annoyed viewer may just be even more annoyed that their favorite character went through a defining story arc for themselves which was then erased like it didn't matter with the knowledge that it won't matter compared to a viewer who is still in the dark about the ending.
If, let's say, c!Quackity finds time to meet with c!Slime again to patch up their relationship (I wish lol) and the two have genuinely made amends, I would probably just be pissed off than devastated knowing that this wouldn't matter anyway. It isn't tragic, it's annoying. If them patching things up happened while I know that nukes may blow everything up instead of will blow everything up, I would be more invested in the dread than frustrated in the meaninglessness.
I guess another thing that sours everything is what happened after the nukes. Are you telling me that everything's all honkydory now that all of those people died? We're back to simpler times? It's a disturbing ending to say the least.
Honestly, with that in mind, maybe an even simpler fix is to not end it with them in the new server and make the ending vague as fuck. Don't say that this is a good ending at all and don't try to comfort us that our favorite characters are gonna be a-okay. Like what I said, knowledge of what happened at the end is probably the things that causing frustration instead of the devastation of the tragedy.
The whole c!Dream apology thing is also equally contentious with this whole thing, but again, I'm just looking at how it could be salvaged for every other character in the story.
I mean, this little Minecraft story has already ended and I doubt I'll come back for season two. Maybe complaining is definitely pointless. But I could still want for something a little more from this, ya know?
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mlobsters · 5 months
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supernatural s13e12 various & sundry villains (w. steve yockey)
oh, that's where cas was. with lucifer and ... captured by asmodeus. 100% (obviously) forgot. being i mentioned it during two other eps that i couldn't remember where he was and why no one was talking about him. this show really brings out the caricature in a lot of people. and i'm sure it's the writing that does it, but even like. alastair, i thought was.... well. cartoonish. so it's not just a later season problem. but anyway. asmodeus/his actor sure are afflicted
DEAN Okay, so we’ll just come up with a plan B, okay? You said it yourself. We just keep our heads down and we’ll do the work. SAM You said that. DEAN And I was right. Yeah. So you read, do your Sam thing, I’m gonna go for a beer run.
i dunno about all that but cute i guess
DEAN We should probably loop Cas in at some point. SAM We’ll fill him in when he calls. He checks in every day. DEAN Yeah, with a bunch of questions and no leads.
ok so cas hasn't been in an episode since 13x07, which their time is like.. i have no clue. most of those episodes in the wiki don't have a timeline thing. other than ep10 is two days after ep9, and ep11 is a few weeks after 10. so i guess asmodeus!cas?? has been offscreen calling from the cell with updates so they don't go looking for him? convenient
CASTIEL You don’t have that power, and they know it. LUCIFER Okay, well if somebody would be a pal and let me eat a little of his grace, I would have enough strength to get out of here and butcher that son of a bitch! [yelling into the distance] CASTIEL Well, that’s a nice, horrifying plan. Little cannibalism. LUCIFER Really? I seem to remember a somebody snacking on angel grace once upon a time.
i mean, seriously. what a weird thing to have cas say
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well. it is a pretty effect if nothing else
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i guess the marginal upside is that this is slightly less gross than becky since these witches aren't interested in the men. downside, the murdering and maiming
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children. i like rowena but feels all the cheaper how they axed crowley but everyone else comes back (mark sheppard didn't want to go or come back so obviously that's a whole other thing)
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ROWENA Fergus is dead? SAM Yep. DEAN Killed himself for us. ROWENA That doesn’t sound like him.
say it, steve/rowena
ROWENA Before he crushed my skull, Lucifer showed me his face. His true face. I’m scared, Sam. All the time. SAM I’ve seen it too. What he really looks like behind – behind whatever vessel. It… Yeah, still keeps me up at night. ROWENA How do you deal with it? SAM I guess I don’t deal with it. Not really. I mean, I pushed it down and, um, the world kept almost ending, so I keep pushing it down, and I don’t know. [stammering] I really don’t talk about it, not even with Dean. I mean, I could. You know, he’d listen, but… That’s not something I really know how to share.
so are we really having some bonding moment over shared lucifer trauma? because they've trained us to not believe anything she ever says at face value. and i guess tossing us a bone that they haven't forgotten about the excessive trauma sam's carrying around. and just make it hurt a little more that he doesn't know how to talk to dean about it so he's just festering. but opening up to rowena? well lol now i'm getting upset. dean had all that time in hell. ah, whatever. the show has always shown us that there's things that they're likely to dump on strangers/acquaintances instead of talking to each other.
(found myself eyerolling at some music earlier, give you one guess who the composer is. apparently jay has some sort of talent for inducing eyerolls for me)
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SAM I know what Rowena is dealing with. And she’s not the only one who… feels helpless. DEAN What do you mean? SAM I mean, I had a plan, you know. I, uh… Help Jack, bring Mom back. It wasn’t much, but it was something. It – it kept me from spinning off the rails. And now… Jack is gone, Mom is still in hell, basically, and I-I-I- just… DEAN We’ll figure it out. SAM Dean, we don’t have a plan. We don’t know what to do. So – so how? DEAN I don’t know. But we will, you and me. SAM Yeah. Night.
well now i'm more sad. but compared to brotherly angst of seasons past, this is nothing so i should probably be grateful. this all feels kind of arbitrary to me because they're in these type of situations constantly. but, whatever. sam's turn to be unmoored
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blindmagdalena · 2 years
Hey! Couldn't resist popping in after your tag about even the possibility of Phantom!Homelander fic. If the inspiration hits, I'd love to see it! It's a lot of fun injecting Phantom tropes into unexpected territory. I've kind of been doing that myself.
The thing I'm dragging on is Homelander x sound-based supe OC (one of the many Vought prospects who didn't pan out due to their questionable training methods) who takes some cues from Christine (Leroux probably). He hears her singing one night and, well, that's it. Her voice just takes him. What follows after some good, old-fashioned stalking sessions is a confusing mix of Homelander wanting her to embrace her powers while also wanting her for himself, and the question of whether or not that's even his call to make. And of course, an exploration on the potential for romance under such conditions as they examine some of that juicy Vought trauma.
So aside from obnoxiously plugging the thing I have stuck in fic hell, I just want to voice heavy approval for any kind of Phantom/Homelander combo that may or may not happen.
okay, i NEED that fic. you majorly had me at Leroux!Christine. i had a similar thought regarding him being torn between wanting her in the spotlight, wanting CREDIT for her, while also being so maddeningly possessive and jealous that the thought of having to share her with the world makes him feral. i'm undecided on whether i'd want to do modern or like, a 1920s new york setting, but i know i want to do homelander deformed/masked, though he vehemently denies any sort of imperfection. claims to stay masked exclusively for identity purposes. not the half mask, something more like the full eye mask they use on the logo, but make it match his costume more. i'm thinking the deformity might be something that was caused by Vought's experiments, or it could be a side effect from just how much V is in his system. maybe it's gotten worse over time. i like the idea of writing him as he is, but with the added layer of horror, anger and anxiety over this deterioration he is experiencing. also we all know i love the 'stranger than you dreamt it' fit scene, so i gatta include that! i don't know if i'd do reader or oc for this one, but i love him fixating on someone from a distance. doing horrible things to make her dreams come true once he learns of them, and using it to bring her closer to him. i want to find a way to include the duality of him being both her angel and the phantom haunting the shadows in her life. someone who, to her face, she knows as a hero and benefactor, while also committing atrocities behind the scenes.
anyways, i'm just spitballing here. it would definitely be a longer project, but i've done a PotO au in pretty much every fandom i've ever been in, so... it's par for the course. LOL
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shadowjtrev · 4 months
it's funny when we both would say what would have happened if I had never made those cookies on valentines day. it was those very cookies that had let her know that I was serious.. and tbh it was true, yeah I was just making cookies and yeah I told her as a friend I just wanted to let her know that she was being thought of, but I know I liked her.
so that's what I did.. i made them and drove to her place with nothing in mind but to just give this pretty gal, my new friend, her cookies, but then I saw her.. it was my first time seeing her, she came down the stairs and opened the door, all her dogs were barking and going crazy, but she came out that door, clean face, simple clothes, hair in a bun, bare foot, and my heart sank the moment I layed eyes on her, she said hi and gave me a hug quickly and told me she was in a rush because at any moment her tub was going to over flow, I told her now worries and handed her the cookies and we said our goodbyes .. she would later ask me if she was a catfish and I immediately shut that down because if anything she was even more beautiful in person and I let her know that, her skin was beautiful, her face was flawless and sharp with the most magnetizing eyes like you wouldn't believe a woman like her existed.
but those cookies, layed the foundation for everything, it lead to our first date, it then led us to us making it official.. such a simple gesture solified my next coming days and months, It sounds silly to glorify such a small moment but that week with her made me realize and convinced I could have a future with this girl, and I wanted to see it through.
so why am I writing this? well, it's valentines day, and I just think back on my past life and well with her.. she's the only woman that made this day have meaning, even when we weren't together on that day. like my entire life changed because of a silly little decision and action I wanted to make and yeah, it's the only thing my mind can really run to on a day like this.
she made my life so exciting, she gave me so much, and believe me, I tried making plans tonight to distract myself, I did, but nothing planned out and I just ended up here, in my apartment, alone. I've always disliked this month, but always felt passionate about it because of how I always love to celebrate things. and well, she gave meaning to all of that, she gave meaning to the word, action, and feeling of love..
this day just always makes me reflect on all of my years and to just see my love life for what it was. it was always her, that added any value to all of this, and honestly I couldn't have asked for such a perfect gal.
I know its easy to be sad, I know its easy to just dwell on the negativity but I do my best to move forward, to find myself, to find any sort of distraction, I really do. but days like today my mind can't help but think back..
yes those cookies were meant to be, but a part of me has been thinking lately that as beautiful as we were together, maybe we really were wrong place, wrong time, to just think how everything played out kind of breaks my heart.. sometimes I think I was only there to bring her out of her past bad relationship, and us becoming a couple was me asking for a little too much of the universe.. but idk, I really don't..
despite timing though, me meeting her was still meant to be when I think about it.. all of my experiences and knowledge I gained through her were meant to be. I always apologized to her about our relationship being my first true one , she always said it was okay but I know my inexperience with the big things down to the smallest things effected so much in the beginning. but I learned so much, I made up for my short comings and mistakes and I always did what I could for her and I know I wouldn't be the man I am today without her and I'll always be thankful for it. ans even though it feels wrong, I know I'll take all that I learned into my next relationship, if there ever is one.
now that I think about it, she was my first and only valentine, crazy to think this was all two years ago
but anyways.. happy valentines day to all out there, I really hope love, wether it be grand or in the simplest form, finds you in all its glory.
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zeroistyping · 2 years
gnf x fem!reader - flames against ice
Masterlist <3
Cw: soft sex, mentions of overstimulation and safe words.
I know I've been gone for a while but I just couldn't bring myself to write, so sorry. Also, this is just a small Drabble, but you can request for more???
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"You can give me another one, can't you darling? For me, please?"
Your knees felt weak, your thighs sore. Your eyes were closed and puffy from crying- in a positive manner obviously.
George's hands felt like ice, touching your flaming body. Almost the same feeling as if hot rain crashing down onto snow, melting it down until it's nothing but a puddle of warm water.
Bruises painted your neck, collarbone and chest- marking you as nothing but his property. In a lovingly manner of course, he could never hurt you intentionally. The brunet bruised you this way to show you love, to show the world that you're his and nothing more but his.
"George I can't, I really can't.. Please baby, I can't."
"You remember your safe word sweetheart? Remember what to say if it's too much, love?"
All you could do was shake your head in agreement and you swore to yourself that if you'd be standing right at this moment, you would probably stand with wobbling knees. The nicknames he'd use on you would always have that effect on you and he knew that.
But at the same time those names would give you so much comfort, and George knew that as well. Because he knows everything about you- in a not creepy but loving way.
You had to stop for a second, rethink everything. Did you really want this all to stop? Did you want him to stop? All you had to do was to say red, or yellow even. He'd stop for a second at least if you'd say yellow and he'd go slower but did you want that?
"G-green.", your voice sounded so unsure that he made eye contact for a second, just to ensure that he's actually good to go.
The brunette nodded, smiled endearing and kissed you with not as much lust as he did the entirety of the hour before. It was much more lovingly, passionate and sweet. A kiss so ecstatic that one could easily forget about what you were doing.
"I'm so fucking in love with you, Bub.", he reminded you while thrusting into you slow but hard.
Your icy skin turned warm, your head pulsated as you turned away. Too afraid to look at him. Him, your lover. The one that was currently making love to you.
The one, that was turning your cold body into hot flames.
Your flames.
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xolborsaysstuff · 2 years
EYE Phone AU. Part 1
Mephone didn't remember how it happened, he just remembered hearing his own scream, and then Mepad crying out.
He opened his eyes, but saw nothing. Was he not opening his eyes?? He reached to his face, and gasped, flinching as his hand had traced what he felt to be a-
No, he couldn't be-
But he was. He gently traced the cracks that ran over his eyes, his a line that was slightly wobbly until it got over his left eye on which it diverged into two paths.
Mephone begged whatever was out there that it wasn't permanent. 'Who am I kidding?' The device thought. 'I should know better than to hope and lead myself on like that. I just need to stay calm, find Mepad and-'
'The contestants.'
How would the contestants react? Would they worry? Would they make fun of him? Try to use this to their advantage? Would they ask what happened? He'd be able to stop Mepad from asking questions, but some of the contestants might still be curious. He couldn't let them see him like this.
How would he hide it from them if he couldn't even see where they were? Didn't matter, as long as he could buy himself enough time to make a solution ('Still clinging onto hope? Really?')
For now, he had to stay calm. Which he could do..yeah, he could do this, and everything would be fine.
'NOPE NO THANK YOU GOODBYE NOT DOING THIS TODAY' the phone thought as he ran, tripping over himself multiple times. Desperately he called out ''MEPAD?!? MEPAD?!?''
But nobody heard him. He was alone, he couldn't see, every noise felt threatening, and he couldn't see and he didn't even know WHY-
The blinded object tripped on something, sending him toppling over, getting smacked against the ground.
He couldn't take it anymore, he learned that he couldn't even form actual tears anymore.
he was a blinded phone who was crying because he tripped over what had felt like a rock. He felt pathetic.
He felt something- Someone, Mepad, who else calls him sir and sounds like that?- Kneel beside him. He didn't bother to look up, it no longer mattered where he looked, he would no longer be able to see anything, his show, cookies, his contestants, Mepad- He had lost everything because of a crack he didn't even remember the origin of.
"Sir, what happened!?!" Mephone finally 'looked' up, sitting on his knees. He heard a gasp from Mepad, and felt around in that direction. Finding Mepad, he dragged them into a hug.
Mephone started speaking"I- I can't - I can't see - I woke up and I couldn't see anything, Why did this-" he couldn't finish the sentence as his voice caught, and he continued to cry with no tears while embracing Mepad, and could feel the ground change beneath them from branches leaves and rocks to short grass.
He knew where they were without having to see it. Desperately he looked around at nothing, hoping to gain Mepad's attention with eye contact.
"please, wait- you can't let the contestants see, alright? Who knows how they'll react"
"But sir-"
" ...alright sir, I won't tell them. "
It was his contestants calling, Mepad stood up, forcing Mephone4 up as well, Mepad pushed Mephone A bit, and seemingly stood in front of him from what the phone could tell.
It was time to convince the contestants everything was fine. He held into Mepad's side like a shy child hiding from their parent's friends, and he felt incredibly stupid for it, but he couldn't bring himself to let go and possibly lose Mepad, he just couldn't. So he held in and waited for the contestants voices to get closer.
End of part 1, hope you all liked it, Mephone always forgetting Toilet though poor thing. Anyways I already know what'll go down next time, so it'll come out soon most likely but right now I'm feeling kind of sick and am seriously hoping that doesn't effect my writing in any way. See you next time hopefully, hope it wasn't too disappointing, might rewrite later in the right mind.
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a-vild-bluemyrtle · 3 years
Gaea - The blooming Spirit
Seth Clearwater x Female OC | 10 years after Breaking Dawn | OC with Earth Powers
Also on: AO3 - FF.net
Request from @purpledragon04: Can you write a Seth Clearwater x reader where she has earth elements.
I'm sorry it took me all this time to write this down, but I fell into a rabbit hole and I just lost all my creativity. I still hope you like this :))
Requests are still open, Twilight Wolfpack only!
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It took me all my mental strength to finally go out from the house, from my garden in particular and get some fresh air. Lately, all I have been doing is lying in our glasshouse and taking care of my flowers. I didn’t adapt that much to the new town, to the cold and rainy days, to the lack of sunshine and especially the lack of flowers. Green was the predominant colour, together with grey. Green was all I could see since we moved to Forks. And grey was all I could feel, no matter how hard I tried.
Leaving my beloved Alsace was harder than I thought, especially because of my powers. They grew there, they got stronger there, I could move mountains, trees, I could grow roses, lilies, tulips wherever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I could make strawberries and cherries gems bloom in autumn If I wanted. While in Forks... it was like they just got weaker and I was getting weaker with them.
There was something in that town that just sucked the life out of me, I couldn't feel any connection with the grass, the trees, with the animals and no one could figure out why.
I was used to attracting animals, playing with them, to cuddle them in those endless French summers. There was this innate curiosity in them for me, because of my powers. Controlling the element of earth meant not only being able to let nature grow around me or on me – uncountable were the times I let flowers grow in my hair - but it also came with the ability to be connected to animals, understand them even without speaking the same language. I was used to birds flying to me and sit on my fingers or shoulders just with a tiny whistle or ladybugs quickly crawling on my bare feet.
In Forks I could whistle as much as I wanted, no one ever came. I could stay sit on the grass and no flower could grow.
“This forest considers you a treat, ma chérie. You’re a stranger here, a frightful one I would say. The trees and the animals do not know your powers, it is something never seen here.” My father used to say the first days but the more those days passed the more concerned he became. To not talk about my mother, she was almost hysterical and when she saw me dressed up to go somewhere different from the usual glasshouse, she almost cried.
“Isn’t it a little too much, Maman?” I asked furrowing my brows and questioning if mental sanity was still present in our house.
“You have not gone out since we moved, mon chou” – she started while I rolled my eyes.
“And I haven’t seen you wearing something different from sweatpants and t-shirts for 2 months. I’m just happy to see you in one of your colourful dresses”. She said, gifting me with one of her sweetest smiles.
My mother was the epithet of sweetness and kindness and it was from her that I inherited my powers. On my 16th birthday they flowed from her to me and, if I’ll have a daughter, one day it will happen to us too. My powers will be hers and she will pass to her daughter, and her daughter to her daughter and so on. All the women in our bloodline will always carry the Nature genes (another of my father’s names, who was really into X-Men).
“Anyway, I’m going exploring. Don’t wait for me. If we are lucky enough, I’ll find out why my powers do not work here”, I said while grabbing my pink purse and opening the front door.
“Don’t let the trees catch you, chérie”, my father said smirking. I was waiting for the day in which he’ll finally stop saying such horrible dad jokes. Especially the inside jokes only we could understand.
It was raining outside, like every day in that town, but bringing an umbrella with me was out of discussion. I have never felt so distant from Mother Nature since we moved here, so a little bit of rain pouring down on my bare skin would have been a blessing in disguise. The best sensation in the world: being outside while it was raining, especially during the summer. The only problem was that it was autumn in Forks, and I could have easily caught a cold… still I didn’t mind at all.
Hours? Months? Years? I don’t even remember how much time I spent that day in the forest strolling around without really thinking where I was going. At some point, while it was still raining, I also took off my shoes and started walking on the muddy and cold soil with bare feet – which may sound disgusting, but once you try how good it feels to just walk without shoes and feeling every inch of the forest under your feet, you’ll never stop doing it.
As I imagined, no traces of animals or plants moving or whatsoever. There was a strange and ominous silence throughout the forest. No birds were chirping, no snakes slithering, no deer jumping around.
When I got out of the house, I was full of hope, I truly believed that all that negative energy was all in my head, that I could fix whatever was happening at that time. But the more I walked the more I started losing that hope. I couldn’t feel anything.
Arrived at a river, I decided to sit down for a moment. The rain stopped a few moments back. I sat on the riverbank and let my feet fell into the cold – freezing – water as I wasn’t enough wet from head to toe. I sat there, sighing and biting my bottom lips in frustration. Why? Why my powers didn’t work? Was it my fault? Of course it was, it’s never Mother Nature’s fault, it’s always mine. Whatever I was, a collateral effect, a special genes carrier or simply a freak, that forest knew.
Another louder sigh came out of my mouth, almost in a desperate attempt to not start crying. I laid down, on the pebbles surrounding the riverbank and what my eyes saw at that moment freaked me out in ways I could have never imagined.
Two dark brown eyes were looking at me, were curiously observing me from the treeline and they did not belong to another human being. I froze in that position, lying on the pebbles with my nose up in the air and my eyes locked into his.
Only years later I understood what was happening at that moment, only after a couple of months later I found out who was hiding in the treeline, to whom those eyes belonged.
At that moment, though, my brain just shut down and there was nothing I could think of. I was scared but at the same time excited. After two months I finally felt something, and even if it were not positive emotions at least they were some kind of emotions.
I slowly got up on my feet, trying to be as subtle as possible so to not instigate the wolf t – or horse, better – to attack me. Our eyes were still onto each other's, my gaze never leaving his and there was something in him that tangled me.
The rain started pouring down again the moment I decided to take a step forward towards him. At the same moment, he seemed to be scared of me and took a step back, his head tilted to one side, his eyes digging into mine trying to figure everything out.
There was some sort of connection happening between me and that wolf, which fur reminded me of the colour of the sand, or more precisely of the colour of the light in the late afternoon in Alsace. And I would have never imagined what that moment meant for my future, not really far as I imagined it was.
We stayed like that, frozen in time and space, under the rain, looking at each other until we realized, or at least he realized – I would have realized a lot later, I had all the hints in front of my eyes and still didn’t have a clue. No words were spoken, not a single one, the only sounds were the thunders and the rain falling from the sky, and our heartbeats – his way faster than mine.
“Still daydreaming, darling?” His sweet voice wakes me up and I shake my head smiling when he puts his warm hand on my shoulder. I don’t think I will ever get used to his warmth, every time he touches me I sweetly shiver.
“Mh… yes”. I whisper, more to myself than to him, absolutely sure that he can still hear me clearly.
He hugs me from behind, trying to find the exact spot I’m still looking at outside our window.
“What is it? A deer? Again?” he whispers to my ear, leaving soft kisses on the side of my neck.
I intertwine his fingers with mine and tilt the head a little, so he has more space to kiss me.
“No, no deer at all, baby”, I reply, closing my eyes and enjoying the overwhelming sensation his kisses and hugs were making me feel. He holds me closer and I can’t help to smile more, thinking about everything that happened since the moment we met.
“It’s raining, exactly like that day”. I turn my head to look at him, at those same eyes that turned me upside down on that pouring day years ago.
Those same eyes that haunted me in my sleep until I found out to whom they belonged: to a sweet, gentle man, with arms and legs covered in tattoos, with hairs longer than mine who I fell in love with instantly and married one night on a beach without telling anyone else. A wonderful man I'm lucky enough to call my husband, the love of my life.
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band--psycho · 3 years
Make Up Sex (Smut)-Fred Weasley x Reader
Prompt 35 for Anon-Where did this attitude come from // With Fred Weasley (Prompt in bold)
Prompt List Requests  / 1.3k Writing Celebration Masterlist /  Harry Potter Era Masterlist
Warnings: Smut, slight degradation (if that’s not your thing don’t read below the cut)
I’m also gonna use this as my seventh entry to @girl-next-door-writes bingo challenge, I hope you enjoy! 
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(Photo not mine~credit to the owner)
Three weeks. That’s how long it had been since Fred broke up with me. Since he broke my heart. Our relationship had been hard, not because of us but because of everyone around us. At first it was just stupid things, like people saying that we’d never work because I’m a Slytherin and he’s a Gryffindor but as time went on, I began to hear rumours about him and Angelina. I tried my best to ignore them, to just brush off their comments..but sometimes it was hard to believe...When I would see them together, they just seemed to fit. Like they were soulmates. And just like that, I felt myself distancing from him...and when I did go to ask him about the rumours...he broke up with me. That was enough to show me that the rumours clearly weren’t just rumours, that everything I’d been told was true. And I’d spent the last three weeks successfully avoiding him. Until now. Professor Flitwick decided to pair us up for a Charms project, I’d tried talking to him before class asking to change partners but Flitwick wasn’t budging on his decision. Which leads me to my current situation, being sat in the library with my ex who I was still head over heels in love with. 
”So...Um...how’ve you been?,” Fred asked, attempting to break the awkward silence and tension that was between us. I mentally cursed myself for how I clenched my thighs together with every word he speaks. I was angry. I was hurt. And I was so sexually frustrated it was driving me insane. There was no one like Fred, no lover that could live up to him...that could make me feel the way he did. 
“Absolutely terrific, thanks,” I replied bluntly, not lifting my eyes away from the book I was pretending to read. 
“Yeah,well that’s...that’s good,” Fred said with a small smile. 
“Isn’t it just,” I quipped back sarcastically, feeling the need to slap him and kiss him at the same time. 
I noticed Fred eyebrow rise at the harshness of my tone "Where did this attitude come from?” he asked, shutting his book and focusing his eyes on me.
“What did you expect? For things between us to be okay?” I don’t know what it was that made me snap, maybe it was the fact like he was acting like nothing had happened and he didn’t break my heart or maybe it was the fact that I was still mad at myself for feeling the way I did about him, either way, I snapped. 
“I..I don’t know...I just wasn’t expecting things to be like this,” He stuttered out, eyes wide in shock. I’d never snapped at him like that before. 
“Like what, Fred?” I sighed running a hand through my hair in frustration, “You broke my heart, I’m sorry I can’t just act like it didn’t happen” I finished, grabbing my other books and making my way out of the library, ignoring Fred pleas to stay. But then he grabbed my arm and I felt my heart race begin to quicken at his touch. I could’ve just walked off like I’d planned to but I couldn’t...I don't’ know why, but I couldn't 
“..I broke your heart?” He asked quietly, sounding genuinely shocked, but that only made my anger grow. 
Of course he broke my heart. 
“Of course you did!” I whisper shouted, pulling my arm away from his hand, attempting once again to leave the library but once again I was stopped. It wasn’t through Fred's actions instead it was his words, “But you acted like it didn’t even bother you.” 
“I was devastated, Fred, just because I didn’t break down in tears in front of you doesn’t mean it didn’t crush me,” I said finally meeting his gaze, desperately trying to keep myself together. 
“I...I’m sorry, I thought...I thought you didn’t want to be with me..”
“Why..why would you think that..?” I asked, my tone calmer than before noticing  the sadness in his eyes as he walked closer towards me, rubbing the back of his neck while his eyes darted from mine. 
“Because...you were just so distant...I didn’t think you were happy with me...I broke up with you so you could be happy with someone…even if that person wasn’t me,” he admitted, his words cutting me like a dagger. I had no idea how to respond to that...he thought I didn't want to be with him...that I would be happier with someone else...there was no one else in the world that would make me as happy as Fred.
“I was distant because I thought you didn’t want to be with me...I heard the rumours about you and Angelina and how much time you were spending with each other ...but I couldn’t...I couldn’t break up with you….so I just...” I attempted to explain, my voice trailing off at the end as I tried to not break down in front of him. 
“She’s my friend, she was just giving me advice on how to make you happy….when I said I broke up with you she nearly hexed me…she told me I was making the biggest mistake of my life ...and she was right” I looked up at him in shock, realising just how close we were now.
“Breaking up with you was the dumbest thing I’ve ever done and I’ve regretted it ever since I’ve done it….” 
“Fred..” I breathed shakily, wanting to do nothing except kiss him. 
“I mean it y/n/n….I miss you..so fucking much..” He whispered, his eyes darting between my eyes and my lips. 
“Show me…”I mumbled, nervously moving closer towards him. 
“Show me how much you’ve missed me…” I repeated, glancing down at his lips as his hands raised to my face, caressing my cheeks. 
“Are you sure you want this…..because if I start kissing you..I don’t think I’ll be able to stop,” he breathed against my lips.
“Then don’t stop,” and with that he crashed his lips onto mine. 
We wasted no time in rushing up to his dorm room. Before I could do anything, Fred captured my lips again in another passionate kiss, wasting no time in taking each and every item of clothing off my body. He pushed me back on to the bed, quickly taking off his shirt and trousers before locking lips with me again. The kiss was full of all the passion and desperation we’d both been feeling, I couldn’t help but moan slightly as I felt his bulge continue to grow. 
“Oh I know that look,” Fred grinned in satisfaction, knowing exactly what the look that was dancing in my y/e/c eyes meant. He knew me all too well, part of me hated it but in times like this, I absolutely loved it because he knew what I needed. He knew how desperately I needed him. His fingers traced my exposed body, all the places that his fingers touched made my skin burn with an aching desire for more. I’d tried so hard to forget this feeling, this feeling that only he could give me...no one else could make me feel like this. I didn’t crave anyone in the way I craved him. His touch. His lips. The feeling of him inside me. And it all felt right, like it was meant to be.
“You’re such a needy little slut, aren’t you, princess, so desperate for my cock,” His hands ran down my bare thighs as he said those words,  squeezing them softly before placing delicate kisses on the inside of my thighs. The action made me ache with desire even more, I could feel myself getting wetter by the second as I imagined the feeling of his huge cock inside me.
Fuck I needed him. 
I needed him like I needed oxygen. 
“How much did you miss it?” He asked, pressing a trail of kisses down my chest while he pressed himself into me. I felt myself go giddy when I felt how hard his cock was, even if it was through his boxers.
“So...so much,.sir..please..”
“Please? Please what? What do you want?”
“I want you to fuck me, sir,” I panted, I needed 
“I will,” he whispered, kissing up and down the inside of my thigh, before hovering over my pussy, a triumphant smile coming across his face. He’d barely even touched me and my pussy was already soaked 
“Just not yet,” he said, placing a delicate kiss on my clit before moving off of the bed. I couldn’t help but whine in frustration, that kiss on my clit was nearly enough to make me explode. He knew what he was doing. Teasing me. That was something that Fred loved to do to me, he loved to tease me to the point of insanity, until I was an absolute mess.
“Get on your knees, princess,” he ordered. An order which I obviously obeyed, moving off of the silk sheets onto the cold floor. The sudden coolness on my hot body only seemed to add to my pleasure.
Quickly he stepped out of his boxers, finally freeing his large cock. Another smirk came over his face as his eyes looked down at me. I could feel myself practically drooling at the sight of it; I’d forgotten just how big he was.
“You ready to take my cock, like the good little cock whore you are?”
“Yes sir,” I answered, nodding eagerly, before placing my lips around the tip of his hardened length, the salty taste of his pre cum dancing on my taste buds. 
“Good girl,” he groaned in pleasure, his soft hands running through my y/c/h locks, lightly pushing my head forward,  “That’s it take it all in,” he cooed as I relaxed my throat, feeling his shaft fill my entire mouth. I couldn’t help but moan as I bobbed my head up and down his length, slow at first but building in speed as the time went on. 
“Fuck your mouth feels so good, princess,” he moaned, I glanced up at him quickly to see he’d thrown his head back in pure pleasure, his eyes shut as he began to move his hips, fucking my mouth in the best way possible.
“Always such a good little cock slut for me, sucking my cock like a pro, princess,” he praised, tangling his hands in my hair as his thrusts became more frantic, my tongue tracing the full length of his cock with each thrust bringing him closer to the release he was so craving.
“Fuck, princess, if you carry on doing that I’m not gonna last much longer,” I couldn’t help but moan at his words, knowing the effect I had on him turned me on even more.
I continued to bob my head up and down on his length, matching the timing of his thrusts, both of us increasing to an erratic speed, “Fuck..I’m gonna..I’m gonna” Fred began breathily but before he had chance to finish his sentence he explodes in my mouth. Fred’s ragged moans echoed around the room as streams of his thick white cum filled my mouth, I did my best to swallow every single drop of it.
“Fuck…”he panted, pulling his cock out of my mouth with a smile, his hands releasing my hair and moving to my face. 
“Such a good little slut for me aren’t you, princess," he continued, wiping away some of the cum that had escaped my mouth.
“Always, sir, only for you,” I beamed, leaning into his touch as much as I could.
 “Good girl,” his praises made my arousal grow even more, it was almost overwhelming. I let out a small squeal as Fed bent down, picking me up off of the floor, placing me back on the soft silk sheets.
“Think I should reward you for being such a good girl?” He asked, pressing featherlight kisses against my neck as his hands squeezed my breasts lightly.
“Yes...yes sir...pl...please,” I begged, melting into his touch; desperate for him to touch me in the place I craved him the most. As if reading my mind one of his hands wandered down my body, tapping my clit lightly making me squirm in the bed, aching for more.
“I love seeing you like this, so helpless and desperate.” He whispered lustfully, lightly stroking my needy pussy. He moved slightly, so he was back between my legs again, still teasing my core.
“What do you want, princess, use your words,”
“I want...I want you to make me cum...please sir..please…”I pleaded, the desperation clear in my voice. I loved it when Fred teased me, don’t get me wrong, but after so long of not having him, I couldn’t wait any longer. I needed him to do something to make me cum.
“Your wish is my command,” and with that his tongue dived into my pussy, lapping up all of the juices of my arousal. 
“Shit, princess, I almost forgot how good you tasted,” he whispered against my slit, before diving back in.
“Fu...fuck…” I moaned, biting down on my lower lip to contain the loud noises that threatened to slip out of my mouth. 
“Don't do that” Fred warned, his lusty brown eyes locking onto mine.
“I want everyone to know what a whore you are for me, want everyone to hear you screaming my name,” he whispered, blowing a breath of cool air against my pussy, his thumb circling my clit while his fingers teased my entrance, my pussy clenching in anticipation, desperate to feel his fingers deep inside me. It was the only thing I could think about, feeling his fingers and cock deep inside of me hitting all the spots that only he could reach. Before another plea could leave my lips he inserted his long digits into my aching core. All I could do was moan loudly in response as his fingers curled inside me, repeatedly hitting my g-spot. While his tongue continued to dance over my aching clit. I couldn’t think clearly, my head was spinning, unable to think of anything else other than euphoric feeling. I couldn’t talk, couldn’t move, couldn’t do anything except lay in this blissful pleasure. I knew I was close when I felt my pussy beginning to pulsate around his fingers, I desperately tried to chase my high and just as I was about to come undone, he stopped. 
“N..no...sir...please-“I whined but before I could finish my sentence Fred raised his eyebrows at me. I knew that was the moment I needed to shut up, no matter how much I needed him. 
“Such a naughty little slut…” he taunted, that all too familiar smirk gracing his lips as he pressed the head of his hardened length at my entrance.
“I don’t know if you deserve this….do you think you do?”
“Yes….please sir...please...I’ll be good, I’ll be good, please,” I begged, rolling my hips slightly to try and get some form of contact.
“You say you’ll be good but then you act like this,”
He whispered, placing his hands on my hips, stopping them from moving and getting any form of contact with his large member.
“Good girls don’t act like such needy whores,” 
“But I think you’ve earned it,” and in one sudden movement he pushed his cock into me, I couldn’t help but let out a guttural moan as the intense feeling of him inside me took over...a feeling that had only been a thing of my dreams lately. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer into me as my hands scratched down his back, both of us letting out a loud moan as his thrusts got faster and faster. There was no other feeling like this. It was the best feeling in the world, nothing ever came close. I was right on the edge, and by how frantic Fred’s thrusts were, I knew he was too.
“I’m...I’m gonna..” I tried to stutter out, but my mind was too lost in pleasure to be able to actually string a sentence together. 
“I know, princess, I’ve got you,” he cooed, placing a short yet passionate kiss to your swollen lips.
“Cum for me,,” he breathed against my lips and that was it. That was all I needed to send me hurtling over the edge into the most intense and pleasurable orgasm I’d ever had, a long sultry moan echoing around the room as Fred continued to thrust into me before reaching his own high. 
Once we both caught our breath, Fred pulled out of me, and moved so he was sitting next to me. Instantly I snuggled into his chest as one arm wrapped me, while the other grabbed his duvet, covering both of us.
“I love you y/n/n,” He whispered, pressing a delicate kiss to forehead. I drowsily leant up and kissed him sweetly on the cheek.
“I love you too, Freddie,” I whispered back as I snuggled back into his chest. He loved me and I loved him, that was all that mattered. So what if I was a Slytherin and he was Gryffindor, we loved each other and anything else was irrelevant.
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rendevousz · 3 years
not a lonely birthday
teen!actress!reader x platonic!jeremy renner
brief reader x marvel cast
req by @maximeevansblog : The reader (me ) is dating jeremy renner its the readers birtday, and jeremy renner spoiling her, taking to the hair salon and to the nail salon , and the trows a party for her, and he asks her to marry him, and a couple months later the reader is asked to been on say yes to the dress and alot of fluff please (i'm so sorry i couldn't write your exact request. i added the other cast too but it's still mainly jeremy renner so i hope you enjoy this still)
summary: you thought you were gonna have to spend your birthday alone but jeremy had other plans.
word count: 3296
note: i told her i couldn't really write romance because my blog is mainly teen!reader and she said i could just turn it into an x teen!reader so i did. i mean, i can write a non teen!reader but it probably won't be anytime soon so i'm not taking requests that aren't x teen!reader as of now <33
"are you sure you'll be okay?"
"yes, mum, i'll be fine here. i've been doing fine for the past two and a half months, what's another week without you guys gonna do to me?" you told your mother on the phone, rolling your eyes at her excessive, unnecessary worrying.
"we're so sorry about this, sweetheart," you heard your dad speak and you figured he must've been listening the whole time. your mum must've had it on speaker since the beginning of the phone call.
"you shouldn't have to spend your birthday all alone. i promise we'll make it up to you, honey." your mother spoke again and you groaned. "i keep telling you that it's fine. and what do you take me for, a loner? i've got the others here, mum, i'll be fine." you told her, a smile ghosting over your lips at how concerned she is of you.
your birthday was coming in two days and having a whole movie to film meant that you weren't allowed to leave the country for just a weekend to celebrate it with your family. so, they worked around your schedule and planned a trip to visit. unfortunately, your idiot of a brother managed to get himself into a skating accident and had to be hospitalised, affecting their whole plan of coming to celebrate your 18th birthday with you. well, not on the day of your birthday, at least.
"i'll make sure sarah'll bring you out to celebrate, okay? i'm so sorry about this, y/n." you could practically hear the pout in her voice and you held back the urge to tell her off for profusely apologising, you didn't want to receive a beating when she finally arrives here.
"i'll be fine, mum," you whined. "as i said, i'll be filming on my birthday too so i'll at least be with the cast then. it's never a dull day with them. and i'll be waiting for your gift from sarah on my birthday." you teased her. you knew she had a habit of getting birthday gifts way too early. for once, she was grateful for that because she had given sarah—your manager and also a family friend— your birthday present for her to safe-keep in case anything like this happened and she couldn't give it to you on your birthday.
"i'll give you permission to whack your brother once we come." your dad tells you seriously and you laughed. "thanks, dad. i'll be sure to remember it. anyways, i have to get back on set soon. i'll talk to you guys when i can?"
"of course, honey. have fun on set!" your parents bid you goodbye and you hung up with an adoring smile on your face. you missed your family and having been able to hear your parents' voices for a mere five minutes was enough to cure it for even just a little bit. sure, you were disappointed that you weren't going to get to spend your birthday with them but spending it doing what you love—acting— with the people, aside from your family and friends from home, that you love—the cast— didn't sound so bad.
"i'm so sorry about this, darling." you heard someone say, effectively breaking your train of thoughts. you turned to the source of the voice, meeting the hazel eyes of your manager and long-time family friend, sarah. she pulls you in for a hug that you groaned into but still returned. you rolled your eyes playfully when she let go. "i'm not upset, sarah."
"i know. but you're disappointed." she says softly, fixing your costume after the hug messed it up a little. "maybe i am, but it doesn't matter. i chose this life so technically i brought all of this upon myself. i signed up to have a normal life stripped away from me." you told her honestly, internally cringing because you hadn't meant to get that deep.
"y/n," her hands rested on both of your shoulders and she looks down at you with that stern mum glare she'd give you whenever you were being a little troublemaker. she was practically your second mum, having promised your own that she'd take care of you whenever you had to travel for filming.
"i know, i know, i'm sorry. i didn't mean it in a bad way. i love my job but it sucks that i have to be far away from family, you know?" you sighed. "i understand, darling. it's hard but hey, i'll be with you the whole day, okay? we'll go out and have a nice girl's day out together, do whatever you want. that sound nice to you?" she places a gentle hand against your skin, careful not to rub the fake dirt and wound makeup on your face.
"that sounds great, sarah. i have only a half day of filming that day, right?" you ask her, knowing she remembers your schedule better than you yourself do. "yup. anyways, they need you on set 3. get out there and make me proud, darling."
"and....cut!" the director called out and you dramatically dropped limp against the wire harness attached to your body, the wires holding up your weight so you didn't drop down to the floor but also didn't have to remain standing on your own.
you heard sebastian laughing, him being the closest to you in the scene you had just filmed. "you tired, y/n/n?" evans chuckled as he walked towards where you and seb were standing. "yeah, i just wanna sleep right now." you told them, standing up on your own when a crew member wanted to get your harness off.
"well, at least you get to rest now. you're done for the day right?" seb asked, the three of you now walking to the snack table together. "yeah but sarah wanted to take me out so maybe not rest but i'll get to relax. that's good enough," you say, peeling off a banana and taking a bite while the two men drank some water.
"she's taking you out later today? is there a special occasion?" chris asked and you smiled at him. "nah, nothing much. she just thought i've been stressed lately." you lied. you didn't want to seem attention-seeking for telling chris and sebastian that it was your birthday so you settled on a little lie.
"she's not wrong. you have been working hard and you deserve a relaxing evening off work." seb agreed.
"oh she's walking over here right now. are you going now?" chris asked, eyes trained behind you as he watched sarah coming closer. you turned around, meeting her frown-etched face and you blinked profusely in confusion. "i thought we're going in two hours?"
"y/n, i'm so sorry. some stuff came up and i have last minute errands to run all day," she told you, offering a guilty expression when your face dropped slightly. "oh.. i– um, yeah, it's fine."
"are you sure it's fine? i promised you though," she frowned. "it's fine, i know you have a lot to handle and it's totally fine if we don't go out today. i'll just take a nap and be on netflix all day, i guess." you joked but sarah didn't laugh. "sarah, it's fine. you know i've been wanting to catch up on a list of shows. when else will i be able to do this?" you assured her, trying to mask your disappointment.
"i have to go now. i'll make it up to you, darling, i promise." she gave you a hug before running off somewhere. you felt bad for her because she probably had to be running here and there all day but it didn't change that you were disappointed. maybe you really did deserve this for choosing this life.
"hey kiddo," you felt someone ruffle your hair and you were almost going to go off on them for doing that before remembering you had just finished your last scene for the day. an arm rested over your shoulder and you looked up to see jeremy taking over sarah's previous spot.
"um excuse me? do we not exist?" chris joked when jeremy didn't greet him nor seb. jeremy rolled his eyes at them, turning back to look down at you. "you did great today, kiddo." he complimented and you smiled, thanking him.
"wow okay, i guess we really don't exist, huh? c'mon seb, let's go somewhere else where people appreciate our presence." evans sassed, glaring at you two as both men strutted away.
"good riddance," jeremy said, dropping his arm so that you two were now face to face. "happy birthday, y/n." he says, handing you a little bronze coloured box. you gasped as you took it in your hands.
"how'd you know it was my birthday?" you asked him, eyes wide in surprise. "of course i know your birthday, kiddo. after all, you are my favourite co-star." he grins, gesturing for you to open the box.
you did and your hand immediately flew to cover your mouth in shock. "jeremy! you didn't!" you gently took out the necklace from the box, examining it closely. the charm was in the shape of your favourite animal and the chain was gold. this must've costed him a fortune.
"jeremy, you didn't have to!" you exclaimed, pouting at him to prevent yourself from bursting into tears right then and there. "kiddo, i love you a lot, how could i not?"
playing clint's adopted, eldest daughter in the films, as well as a member of the avengers, you and jeremy worked together a lot. he helped you a lot with practicing your lines and emotions for specific scenes and you bonded over so many things you two had in common. even off set jeremy still acted like your father so practically everyone knew how close you two were. if sarah is considered your second mum, you'd say jeremy is your second dad.
"so i heard sarah bailed on your birthday date today," he says as he helped you put on the necklace, smiling fondly when you looked down at it happily. "thanks a lot, jeremy. you really didn't have to," you hugged him tight, the man chuckling as he hugged you back.
"and sarah didn't bail. she just has errands to run all day. can't blame her, she's a busy woman." you told him. "yeah yeah, anyways, how 'bout i take you out instead? a birthday lunch and a day out with your favourite cast mate?" he wiggles his eyebrows at you, a smirk playing on his lips.
"you don't have anymore scenes to shoot?" you ask. "i do but i have plenty of time before then." he replies. you agreed happily and he tells you to meet him outside the set in an hour so you two could change out of your costumes.
"you ready for the best day ever, kiddo?" jeremy asks as you entered the passenger seat. "best day ever? then shouldn't we invite the rest?" you teased, buckling your seatbelt. "hey! i'm pretty fun too!"
you chuckled at his childishness. "i'm kidding, you are fun. now let's go already, i'm starving." you complained and he started the engine, letting you play whatever songs you wanted as background to your small talk.
you had lunch first at your favourite restaurant but not before you two had a debate of whether you were allowed to because you were supposed to be on a diet during the length of the movie shooting and him ultimately going 'to hell with that diet, it's your special day' and then dragging you in. after that, he said he had a surprise for you and told you to just get in the car.
when he finally stopped somewhere, you realised it was a pretty well known hair salon in town and you tilted your head in confusion. why would he bring you here?
"you said you wanted to dye your hair, didn't you? let's do it." he says nonchalantly, unbuckling his seatbelt before you both exited the car. "are you crazy? we're still in the middle of filming!" you exclaim in disbelief. this man was crazy.
"yeah but it's not like they can't just get a wig of your current hair and use that for the rest of the filming. scar and lizzie wear wigs all the time, you can too. now let's go dye that stupid colour you want!" he cheers, tugging you along with him by your wrist, into the salon. you chuckled at his antics, letting him drag you.
the next hour or two was spent with you worrying that your parents would kill you for this, or worse, anthony or joe. you knew it would be a meltdown for them if you came back with your hair a completely different colour.
jeremy assured you that the russos, as well as your parents, would not get mad at this but you were pretty sure you'd get an earful from both pairs. you made him promise that he would talk to both parties that he was the one who convinced you to do this. but once your hair was done, all worries flew out the window as you admired your new hair.
"you look great, kiddo. this colour looks good on you." he looks at you with a fond smile, trying to resist the urge to ruffle your newly done hair but failing. you pouted at him when he did so, reaching up to fix it again. "sorry, y/n/n, couldn't resist," he states, pinching your cheek.
"alright, next stop now, let's go!" he pulls you by the wrist once again and you let him, used to him doing this already. the next time he stopped, you damn right almost had another heart attack because again, this man was crazy.
he did not just bring you to a nail place. surely he isn't about to let you get your nails done, right? the russos would have your head and his too if you were to get them done and casually get back to the studio.
"no." you said firmly, crossing your arms over your chest as you stayed seated in the passenger seat. "c'mon, y/n/n," he whined, throwing a tantrum outside the car door as he tried to get you to leave the car.
"no, jeremy, they'll literally send me back here to get it off because in case you forgot, in all my scenes, i don't have fancy nails." you reasoned, noticing that jeremy has now moved to your side of the car and the passenger seat door has now been opened, the man continuing to make a fuss closer to you now.
"no they will not, i'll make sure they don't. c'mon kiddo, it's your birthday, let's have a little fun!" he says but you were still unsure about the whole thing. "i don't know.."
"okay fine i guess i'll tell you this now. they didn't want to tell you until later today because they wanted it to be your kinda birthday present but your avenger suit has changed. it's not like the one in the last movie, it's got gloves now! and the rest of your scenes excluding the last few ones are all in your superhero suit right?" your eyes widened at this new information, a smile growing on your lips.
"wait, for real? are you sure they're not just fingerless gloves?" he smiles down at you. "yeah. i planned this day well, okay? put some trust in me, geez," he sassed, moving out of your way as you finally exited the car.
"this better not be a joke, renner, because if it is, i'll have your head." you threatened jokingly. "yeah, yeah. oh also, can you just pretend to be shocked when they tell you about your suit upgrade? because i really wasn't supposed to tell you this." he scratched the back of his head awkwardly as you walked two walked into the nail salon.
the entire time, he awkwardly sat at the side, waiting for you to be done. when you were though, he quickly got up, as if he had been restless sitting down the whole time.
"they're pretty," he says as you walked back to his car. "yeah, i really like them. haven't had my nails done in a long time." you replied, getting in the car and waiting for jeremy to get in on his side. once he did, he immediately started the engine and started driving back to the set where he had to continue shooting and where you knew sarah would be waiting for you.
it was after many different topics and finally arriving outside the set did you decide to get a little emotional. "hey, i just wanna say thanks for today. i thought i was gonna spend the day alone watching netflix all day like some loser but you made this day really enjoyable. you have no idea how much this really means to me, thank you so much jeremy. i love you." you pouted at him, trying not to cry. "aw kiddo, of course. you're an important person to me. couldn't let you be a loser on your special day," he teases, bringing you into a hug where he didn't miss his chance to ruffle your hair.
once you let go, he kept an arm around your shoulder as you both walked in. he opened the door for you both and you almost jumped in place.
your jaw dropped at the sight in front you. every single one of your co-stars, along with some crew members were wearing party hats holding up a banner that said 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Y/N'. sarah was in the middle, holding a huge birthday cake with a smile on her face. you slowly walked towards her, hand over your mouth in shock.
sarah gave the cake over to robert before opening her arms up for you. you gave her a tight hug. "you didn't have to do all this," you say, letting go of her. "jeremy and i planned this right when your mother called beforehand and told me they couldn't come in time." she explained.
you turned to jeremy who had been standing next to you the whole time, giving him another hug which he happily accepted. "you guys didn't have to." you told them, trying not to cry at the thought that these people loved you enough to do this for you.
"but we wanted to. and the rest wanted to join in too. now before you start bawling your eyes out, let's get this party started!" he cheered.
"but before that, make a wish, kiddo." robert tells you after evans finished lighting up all the candles. you closed your eyes, making a wish and blowing them all out. everyone cheered before walking away to grab food or to talk to others. or in your cast mates' cases, fighting over who gets to give you your present first.
"you knew it was my birthday!" you exclaimed when you locked eyes with evans, who was in the middle of a brawl with both mackie and robert. he laughed out loud. "yeah! i did! your lie couldn't fool me, child!" he says dramatically, before being pushed aside by robert.
you laughed as they continued to fight right in front of you about who you love more and therefore getting to be first to give you their gift. they even managed to slip in a few compliments about your new hair, while they were literally fighting. you watched in glee, realising that even if your biological family couldn't make it for your special day, you still had a second one to make it special.
taglist <3
@amourtentiaa @rqmanoff @abitofeverythinggg @andreasworlsboring101 @cay-writes-fan-fiction514 @teenwonder @sevenmorningstars @fleurlovesbucky
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angel-riki · 3 years
Dazed & Dreaming {Ch. 3 }
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summary: Y/N's life was always quite normal, some may even consider it boring. However, Y/N enjoyed her simple life and the little pleasures it brought. Unfortunately, that all changed the day she found out her best friend's biggest secret. Her discovery leads her down a rabbit hole of a new and confusing world she never knew existed. She must now navigate this new life filled with love, fear, and the supernatural. What awaits her down this path?
pairing: enhypen x reader (vampire au)
warnings: light swearing
word count: 1,658
chapters: [Ch.1] [Ch.2] [Ch.4]
God, the weekend can't come soon enough. You sighed as you strolled through the hall to go grab the books for your next class. As you approached your locker, you noticed Heeseung was there waiting for you. He was hard to miss since he towered over all of the lockers. Has he always been this tall? Your heart fluttered and you couldn't keep from smiling. He waved at you as you got closer.
"Hey, Y/N!" he said cheerfully.
"Hello," you replied, "What are you doing here? Not that I mind or anything!" You tried not to sound rude, you were just confused. Your schedules were completely different and his locker was in an entirely different wing than yours. Usually, you only saw each other at lunch.
"I just thought I'd come see you...I missed you," he admitted.
You were not ready for that answer. It was like he was trying to make you fall in love with him. Your face was burning up, you probably looked ridiculous.
"Oh, that's really sweet. I missed you too," you returned his kindness with a giggle.
Now, it was his turn to blush. He looked away from you, trying to contain his smile. It seemed like you had the same effect on him that he had on you.
Heeseung ended up walking you to your next class, chatting on the way. You were sad you only got to talk for a few minutes, but you'd see him soon since lunch was right after.
You set your stuff down at your desk and pulled out your books. As everyone settled into class, your teacher announced that today was going to be a work day. You were relieved because you had a couple of assignments you desperately needed to catch up on. You cracked your knuckles before getting to work. You managed to focus surprisingly well, considering Heeseung was taking up 90% of your thoughts. You ended up getting completely caught up with all of your assignments before the bell rang. Feeling accomplished, you packed up your books and headed to the cafeteria.
You looked around for Jake and Heeseung like usual, tray in hand. You spotted them sitting with three other boys that you didn't recognize. Two of them were blonde and the other had black hair. Maybe they're those other boys that Jake and Heeseung talked about, you thought while heading to their table. Jake looked up from their conversation and noticed you approaching them.
"Hey, Y/N!" He smiled wide while motioning for you to sit next to him. The rest of the boys looked up and noticed you as well. You waved at them all, a bit intimidated. As you joined them, Jake introduced you all. "Everyone, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Sunoo, Jungwon, and Niki," he explained. You smiled at the new faces,
"Hello, nice to meet you all," you said with a gentle smile. Wow, they're all so cute, you thought. Were all of Jakes friends this good looking? The three boys stared back at you in awe.
"Wow, you're Y/N? Jake has told us so much about you!" Sunoo chimed in excitedly. He really reminded you of a puppy.
"Yeah, he talks about you a lot," Niki admitted.
"It's nice to finally meet you!" Jungwon added with kind eyes.
You became less tense as you heard their words. You were touched, Jake really talks about me that much? You looked over at him and you noticed his cheeks were dusted pink. Why does he seem embarrassed? You decided not to think into it too much as the boys carried on their conversation.
"Where's Sunghoon? Shouldn't he be here by now?" Niki asked, confused.
"He had lunch detention so he'll probably get here pretty late, if at all," Jake said. They all chuckled. None of them looked surprised, a few even rolled their eyes. This seemed to be a common occurrence.
Everyone continued on talking and eating for a few minutes before the boys suddenly perked up and began waving at someone. You turned around to see who they were waving at.
Oh no.
It was that strange boy you had run into in the hall last week. The universe just loved making you uncomfortable, apparently.
"Sunghoon, you're here!" Sunoo exclaimed happily.
"How did you get out of detention?" Jungwon asked.
"I got up and left." Sunghoon said like it was obvious.
"Didn't the teacher try to stop you?" Heeseung joined in.
"No, she went to the bathroom."
The boys laughed and shook their heads. Sunghoon sat down at the table as Jake began to introduce you once again,
"Sunghoon, this is Y/N-"
"Oh, we've met." Sunghoon cut him off, grinning as his eyes went to you. The rest of the boys looked slightly confused.
"Uh yeah, we're in the same english class. I didn't know he was a friend of yours," you chuckled nervously as you tried to explain yourself. You didn't want anyone to get any weird ideas since Sunghoon seemed like he was trying to imply something else.
"Ah, that makes sense," Heeseung said. They all nodded, understanding now.
"So, how did you get detention this time?" Niki asked, changing the subject.
"I didn't do my homework." Sunghoon answered.
"What class was it for?" Jungwon questioned.
Jake perked up at his answer. "Oh, you should have Y/N help you! She's great at english and you're both in the same class, it's perfect!'" He explained. You shot Jake a look for volunteering you.
"What a good idea, Jake." Sunghoon turned to you,  smirking with his tongue in his cheek. "Whaddaya say, Y/N?"
"Uh, yeah sure," You laughed awkwardly and accepted his request, not wanting to appear rude. Although you really did not want to.
"Great, I'll see you after school," he said, pleased with the way things were playing out. You weren't expecting to start today, but you weren't about to argue with him.
The end of the day finally came as you checked the time and sighed. Time to go meet up with Sunghoon. You grumbled as you headed to the library. How did I let myself get roped into this?
You entered the library and looked around for the dark-haired boy. You noticed him sitting far off in a corner by himself. As you walked over to him, you realized he didn't have any of his books or work with him.
"Where are your books?" You asked, confused.
"Eh, I didn't feel like bringing them," he said, uninterested.
"Why would you ask for my help if you clearly don't want to do the work?" He was starting to get on your nerves.
"Because I wanted to see you, obviously," he said smugly.
You scoffed before sitting down next to him and pulling out your books for him to use. You weren't going to let him off this easy.
"Well lucky for you, I have my books with me. So let's get started," you retorted. He rolled his eyes at you. "Hey, you wanted this, not me." You said, holding your hands up defensively. He sighed and accepted defeat as you opened the book and began going over the assignment.
You had only been working for about 15 minutes but you were already over it. Tutoring him was like pulling teeth. You would put in the effort to thoroughly explain something to him, just for him to write down the most half-assed answer ever. And what made things even more frustrating was that you could tell he understood everything perfectly, he wasn't dumb. He was actually quite smart, he just didn't care and didn't want to care. You quickly realized he didn't actually even need your help. Your patience was wearing thin as he began tapping his pencil against the table rather loudly.
"Can you please stop that?" you asked, unamused.
"Anything for you, princess." The nickname dripped off of his tongue so naturally. Too naturally. You rolled your eyes and turned back to your book. Yet, your heart was beating faster than you'd like to admit.
You continued working, but after a while he stopped listening and just began staring at you. You didn't want to give in. You carried on while trying to ignore him. Sadly, you failed. You turned to face him, visibly uncomfortable.
"Are you even paying attention?" You asked.
"Not to the work, just to you." He answered honestly.
Why were your cheeks getting hot?
"Why do you keep doing that?" you questioned, irritated.
"Doing what?" He said with a teasing grin.
"Saying weird things," you said, "Do you like making me uncomfortable or something?"
"Yeah, I do. It's fun. Plus, you look really cute when your flustered." He stated simply.
You hated to admit it, but he did have an affect on you. You convinced yourself that it was just because of his good looks. There was no way you actually liked him, right? Right? Either way, you were not going to give him the satisfaction of knowing he had such an effect on you. You stood up and gathered your things, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. You were frustrated in more ways than one.
"Aw, leaving so soon, princess?" he asked.
"Yes. You're driving me crazy." You replied, already heading towards the library doors.
"Yeah, in a good way." He said, satisfied with himself.
You pretended not to hear his last remark as you left.
After exiting the building, you finally felt like you could breathe again. God, Sunghoon was suffocating to be around. Jake, why did you have to befriend such a jackass?
Hello! Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I tried to pick up the pace and add some more ~romance~ hehehe. I also finally introduced all of the boys except Jay (don't worry he'll come into the picture very soon). Until next time!
~Elle <3
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