#but angst is my jam q-q
bookish-whore · 2 years
Falling Part V
Azriel x Reader
Words: 4.3k
Warnings: slight self-destructive behavior, angst, Azriel being a dumb male
A/N: Not gonna lie guys when I initially wrote this chapter, I had the worst writers block and I ended up deleting it all last night and starting it over (which produced this) but I am so excited with where its headed. This chapter is somewhat filler content, but I promise I am putting some things into motion for later! I know I write this literally every fic, but I appreciate you all so much for loving this story and I am so overwhelmed with the support it has gotten. My requests are open so feel free to send all the asks <3
Also, I am almost at 400 followers WHAT?! And I think I’ll do a little personal Q&A or something so you guys can get to know me a little bit <3 I’ll update you in a post soon!
Previous parts here -> Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV
Last night seemed like a dream.
I woke up to bright light streaming through my window, my indication that the sun was already high in the sky. I guess I had slept far longer than I meant to. I stretch out my limbs, the events of last night returning to my memory as I looked at my night table where I had conveniently placed Iremia. I remembered then that it was real. Azriel and Elain were engaged. Engaged. I bring my hands to rub the sleep from my eyes, dragging them down my face and letting out a sigh. I could stay in bed all day and wallow in self-pity, but I decided that I wouldn’t continue to let them have so much control over my life, I would continue to heed Nesta and Lucien’s advice. With that decided, I take a quick bath and get dressed before heading to the dining room to find something to eat.
I entered the room surprised to find Nesta sitting in her usual position, Cassian next to her holding her hand and rubbing gentle circles along the back of it while they spoke.
“Good morning” I announce as I take my seat across from them
“Morning y/n” Cassian says while piling more food onto his plate
“So?” Nesta asked as I piled eggs, bacon, and bread with jam on my plate.
“So?” I repeat back to her, I know that she wants details about last night but I’m going to at least make her be direct about it.
“How did it go?” She clarifies, at this Cassian looks between the two of us clearly also wanting to hear the details.
“I couldn’t do it Nes, not after the announcement” she rolled her eyes but let me continue “It’s just the timing didn’t seem right, and I know I know you’re going to say the timing will never be right, but Nes you didn’t see him. He looked so happy, so carefree, and the last thing I wanted to do was ruin it by dropping this bombshell on him.”
“Look y/n, I love you and I will support you with whatever you decide to do.”
“I feel like a -but- is coming” I interject
“but-” she continues with one of her signature looks. “Don’t you think it would be worse to wait? That it will only be a bigger deal if they actually go through with getting married? Maybe it would hurt everyone involved less if you told them before planning and preparations are made? I mean he deserves to make an informed decision about what to do about the bond”
“I don’t know Nes.” I look to Cassian who is silently eating his breakfast “wait a second- what do you mean actually go through with getting married? Do you think they won’t go through with it?”
“All I know is that Feyre and Rhys are preparing for the worst-case scenario. I mean she is a mated female and if Lucien wanted to, he could invoke a blood duel as per Autumn Court tradition. Not to mention tension among the courts is still fragile after the treaty business last year.”
“Lucien wouldn’t do that; he doesn’t see mated females as his property in that way.” I said “Also, he isn’t technically an Autumn Court male anymore. He is the high lord apparent of the Day Court.”
“Regardless of his court standing, he is still her mate. He also has the strongest of relationships with the human realm and I don’t know if Rhys and Feyre are prepared to lose an asset like him due to Elain’s need to rebel.” She said matter of factly.
“What do you think Cass?” I asked the male.
He went still a moment, his brows furrowing as though he was debating what exactly to say in this situation. “I think that Nes has a point, I mean the longer you wait the more people may get hurt by the news and I think that he deserves to know; he has been infatuated with the idea of mates since we were younger and I don’t know what changed his mind, but I think he is just looking for commitment and Elain is looking to rebel, and they just found each other. I also stand by my previous statement during training, I love him dearly, he is my brother, but gods damn is he an idiot sometimes.”
I can’t help but laugh at his statement. “I’ll consider it” I look between the two of them “I promise I will think about it, and I’ll talk to Rhys and Feyre to see what they think.”
The couple nodded as we continued with breakfast. We switched the conversation to training and general news. Once we had finished, we went our separate ways. I thought a lot about what they had said and sent a note to find the high lord and lady and ask for their advice with this whole thing. I immediately got a response that appeared in Rhysand’s elegant script offering to winnow me to the River House this afternoon to meet them in his office. I immediately accepted sending the magical paper back to its sender and decided to indulge myself in a book until the meeting time.
I hadn’t realized how many hours had passed until the high lord materialized in the library. I put my book on a nearby table and offered a simple greeting. Rhys held out his arm which I took without hesitation, the familiar pulling sensation taking over as we winnowed directly to the high lord’s office. When we arrived, I turned to find Feyre entering the room with Nyx. The little prince reaching his arms out. I hadn’t noticed before, but his wings were getting stronger, and he was gaining some control over them as he flapped them in an attempt to launch himself into his father’s waiting arms.
“Hey y/n” the high lady said handing Nyx to her mate who beamed at the boy now securely in his embrace.
“So, to what do we owe the pleasure” Rhysand asked, Feyre simply nodded in agreement.
“Well, you know that I love you both, and that I value your opinion.” The two nodded listening intently “After Solstice, after the engagement, I think I am just looking for some advice about what to do about Azriel. You know whether I should still tell him about the bond or just leave it alone. I talked to Cassian and Nesta earlier and now I’m asking you what you think.”
The two look at each other, silently communicating as they tended to do. Feyre was the one to speak “You know I love my family; I love both of my sisters but there are just so many logistics involved with this whole union. I mean you are Azriel’s mate whether you tell him and whether or not he accepts it and the same goes for Elain, she is welcome to reject the bond with Lucien but to me it seems like she is just running away from the idea altogether.” She took a breath “and Lucien, I mean he is not only my friend but also an ally of this court and he has every right to invoke the blood duel should he want to. its just spiraled, the whole thing from a harmless flirtation to a disaster.” She looked at her mate who gave her a nod of approval.
“Look you two, I don’t know where this idea came from that Lucien is going to challenge Az but he isn’t an Autumn Court male anymore and finds the blood duel repulsive and when has he given any indication that he would do something like that. When he got to the night court, he let Elain have her space and he hasn’t pushed the bond on her. He’s never tried to force anything on her, and he wouldn’t now just because they are engaged.”
“You have a valid point” Feyre said “But the whole reason you came here was to ask our opinion on your situation. I think both Rhys and I agree that you should still tell him. I mean had he not proposed, you would have told him at the solstice party. We think that he deserves to have all the information before he makes a big decision like this, like marriage.”
I nod my head as she speaks, her words echoing that of Cassian and Nesta’s from this morning. “I guess I have a lot to think about”
“Look, no matter what happens just know we are here for you to help you through this” Rhysand says breaking his silence.
“I’m scared” I admit to them
“Well look at it this way” Feyre begins “at least you will be the one to tell him and not a Suriel” she gives Rhys a mischievous look as he grins
“I was going to tell you…eventually” he said “The Suriel just got to you first AND I was gravely injured if you recall”
Feyre let out a laugh, pressing a kiss to his lips and to Nyx’s forehead. “I think it is all going to work out y/n”
I let out a long breath “Okay, well now that that is settled, hand me that baby because I need time with my nephew”
Rhys grins handing Nyx to me, I bounce the babe on my knees and enjoy some family time with the three of them for the remainder of the night.
It had been a month since my conversations with Nesta and Feyre about what to do and I was still no closer to a decision. I had even gone as far as making pro and con lists which were scattered across my desk with various reasons why I should tell him, and why I shouldn’t. Reason number one being that they seemed so happy. Just yesterday they had announced that they intended to marry a week after Starfall, which was only a few months away.
I continued thinking about my reasons as I got ready for the day. I was going to be helping Gwyn with research in the library today. I had to admit I was excited to spend the day surrounded by books and to be around Gwyn, I had been so busy with the new developments with Azriel that I had neglected time with my friend, and I intended to make up for it.
I was putting on my shoes in a chair in the corner of my bedroom when I heard a rustling on my desk. I looked over as a letter appeared on top of a pile of other correspondence, my name scrawled across the front with handwriting I immediately recognized. I jumped up from my position taking the letter in my hands as I tore open the envelope and couldn’t help the smile on my face as I read it.
My Dearest Y/N,
I hope you are doing well. I have found myself missing your company in the past weeks since my relocation to my father’s court. I have been keeping busy, learning the history of the court, and enjoying the vast library, it really is unmatched. I think you would love it. No, I know you would love it here. Anyways, what updates do you have from the Night Court? I take it everyone is well. I’m sure it has been hard on you these weeks since the engagement and I want to remind you that you have a friend, a friend who happens to know exactly what you’re going through and one that has come to care greatly for you. please remember that you always have a place in my court should you need to escape.
I made myself a mental note to send a response as I checked the time realizing I was late and made my way downstairs to the library.
I was immediately greeted by Gwyn, the red head smiling at me in one of her big genuine smiles, her eyes sparkling with the gesture, and she pulled me into a tight hug. “Oh, I have missed you so much y/n” she says
“I missed you too Gwyn”
“Okay you have so much to catch me up on” she says practically bouncing with excitement over our girl talk today which we did between tasks for Clotho and finding some research for another priestess Gwyn is helping. I told her everything, I needed another opinion about what to do from someone not currently in a mating bond. Someone who might understand my reservations a little better.
“How do you feel about it all?” she asks as we work on reshelving books in the lower levels.
“I feel…” I take a breath “I don’t know I guess I feel conflicted, on one hand I want him to know maybe for my own benefit, but I mean is it fair of me to just make this choice for him? What if he feels like Elain? Like the bond is a burden he wants to run from? I don’t know if I can deal with that kind of rejection. On the other hand, I don’t tell him and continue my life like it is now and let him continue his life that he chose with Elain but what if one day it snaps for him and he wants to explore it, but they have a life, maybe a family? I am just confused and scared, and I don’t know what to do. The consensus has been that I need to tell him and that’s what I am leaning towards, but I just don’t know Gwyn.”
“I think that the only person who can decide what to do is you.” the priestess says “I mean you get all this advice about what’s fair for him. But what is fair to you?”
I was pondering over her words when suddenly a note materialized on the cart. I recognized the script immediately and for a moment I forgot how to breathe.
Meet me on the roof
“What do you think he wants?” I ask
“Only one way to find out” she says “I think you should figure out what you want y/n, I think you two should figure out if you’re even compatible before you decide. Maybe spend time with him without the influence of other people, just you two to see how you interact. Maybe it’ll help you to make your decision. Remember that mating bonds were initially put in place by the mother for prime breeding benefits, we live in a modern world and maybe it’s an antiquated concept now”
“Thanks Gwyn” I said pulling the female into another hug “I guess I have somewhere to be”
“Good luck” she says disappearing behind a bookshelf, continuing with her work. I take a deep breath and make my way upstairs.
I couldn’t help the thoughts running through my head as I made my way up to the roof, the most dominant one being what If he knows. I try to not look concerned as I open the door, the sunlight catching me off guard for a moment as I make out his figure in our usual spot, sitting on the edge of the roof with his legs dangling over the side. His wings looking powerful and poised behind him.
His shadows immediately slither over to greet me, as they do, he turns from his position to look at me approaching. “Hey y/n” he says patting the empty space next to him.
I carefully set myself down beside him, hoping he can’t hear how loud my heart is beating. After a moment of silence, I manage to say “So, why did you ask me here?”
“To be honest…I’m not really sure” He says “I feel like you are one of the only people I can really talk to you know. The others, I love them, and they are my family, but I know they don’t approve of me right now.”
“Don’t approve of you why?”
“I know they have reservations about me and Elain. I mean months ago Rhys cornered me in his office and basically told me to stay away from her, and now we’re engaged. I know he and Feyre are probably figuring out the logistics of it all, you know because she is mated to Lucien.”
“I may have heard something like that from them.” I say “Can I just ask you why, if you know how your family feels and you have these reservations then why go through it”
“I think I’m in love with her”
“This seems like a lot of trouble for you think, I mean if you are going to vow to spend your life with someone shouldn’t you know you love them?” I asked him.
“I think that conversation we had a few weeks ago has really stuck with me, you know about mates. I can’t help but feel nostalgic. I spent hundreds of years certain I would find my mate and then I gave up on it and decided to try things with Elain and maybe I feel guilty. Because if I were in Lucien’s position, I would hate the male and I would be in absolute hell watching my mate fall in love with and intend to marry someone else.”
“I know Lucien doesn’t hate you, he may dislike you because of his instincts but he trusts Elain to make her own decisions. He would never force her to accept the bond or choose him unless it is what she truly wanted.”
“You talk with Lucien?” he asks, looking over at me, his eyes meeting mine.
“Of course, I mean we’re friends and have been for some time now”
“I guess I didn’t notice”
“There are a lot of things you don’t notice” I say quietly under my breath.
“What was that?” he asks
“Oh nothing” I reply, “but Az if you feel guilty you can pull out you know. You don’t have to go through with any of this if you feel that way.”
“I know, its just” he pauses taking a deep breath “I don’t think anyone else would love me, maybe this is it. Maybe this is my one chance at some kind of happiness”
“I don’t think the universe works that way Az” he looks at me “Besides there are plenty of people who love you, myself included”
“I know that y/n, I just feel like I’m making a huge mistake, every instinct is screaming that this is wrong, and I can’t shake it.”
“I should give you Iremia, seems like you could use the tranquility” I say jokingly
“That’s what you named it? The dagger?” he asked
I nod my head in confirmation “Yeah, I figured I could use a little calm in my life so why not”
“It’s a great name” he says.
“Look Az, maybe you should call off the wedding if you are having these doubts. No one would blame you for taking the time to think about it, this is the rest of your life you are talking about, and you should be sure you want to spend it with Elain. Especially if you’re having such strong doubts.”
“I just don’t want to hurt anyone” he says softly
“I know the feeling” I say bringing my eyes down to look at my hands.
“Y/n?” he says my name softly, almost a whisper and I turn my head to face him. He is looking at me and his eyes met mine, and I noticed them drift lower before his gaze is resting on my lips. My breath became caught in my throat. Was he going to kiss me? I thought as his mouth parted slightly, his breath becoming uneven as he began to lean into me.
“Az?” A soft voice said interrupting the moment.
“Elain” he said quickly, practically jumping away from me and making his way over to her placing a kiss to her temple “What are you doing up here?” he asked her.
“We have dinner plans…remember?” she replied, “I figured I would save you a trip by coming here.” She looked over at me, I was rising from the mat “Hello y/n” she said politely
I immediately felt embarrassed and fought the redness rising on my face as I gave her a nonchalant greeting back.
“Thanks for the talk y/n” Azriel says “I’ll see you in training tomorrow”
I give them both a small smile as they depart his shadows swirling as he winnows them away. The conversation runs over again in my head. Did he suspect something? Was he going to kiss me? Would I have let him?
I make my way downstairs to my room to change before dinner with the Inner Circle, minus Elain and Azriel who apparently had other plans for the evening. My thoughts no clearer than they were this morning.
Once bathed and changed I made it to the dining room to find it already full of people. Nesta and Cass were in their usual seats as were Feyre, Rhys, Nyx, Mor, and even Amren to my surprise. I took up my seat across from Nesta and began to fill my plate.
The conversation was normal, mostly updates about Nyx and about the Valkyries training about new developments in the Hewn city and general news. Until Feyre cleared her throat drawing my attention. “So, y/n, what is new on the Azriel front?” she tried to sound nonchalant about it, but the air was thick with tension.
“Here we go” I said rolling my eyes as I prepared for the same speech I had gotten for weeks from them about how I needed to do the right thing and tell him and basically just get it over with.
“Clearly you have all made your opinions on the matter known. So why don’t you all just tell me what to do.” I look around the room meeting their gaze, my tone elevating as I continued “If anyone has an idea of how I should better deal with this please let me know because I feel like I am losing my mind.” My voice breaks but I take a deep breath and continue. “I know what you all think about it, but it isn’t your decision to make. If and when I tell him about this it will be on MY terms.”
“We just want to help you” Feyre says softly.
“As if any of you can help me, as if any of you can fathom what it’s like. Except you Rhys, but only briefly because it worked out in your favor. What would you all suggest I do hmm? Oh, wait you have all already told me what you think. Why do I need to rush and make a decision like this just because you all have an opinion about it?”
“y/n-” Nesta begins, but I cut her off.
“Because on one hand, I tell him about the bond and ruin any chance of happiness he has built for himself. On the other I don’t say a word, and one day the bond may snap for him, and he resents me for not telling him. Oh, and not to mention the other important piece here, Elain. You all would have me be the villain that steps in to ruin her wedding, to ruin a choice she made, a choice they both made. I can’t do that. No, actually I won’t do that.”
“But y/n-” Cassian began
“There is no but, that is all there is to it Cass. Either way I lose” the others look down at their hands, mulling over what I said.
“I’m going to bed” I announce, getting up from the table and making my way to my bedroom. I hear their hushed voices arguing as I make my way up the stairs, I do my best to block it out.
Once making it to my room, I close the door softly behind me and make my way to my desk. I take deep steadying breaths trying to ignore the feeling of being suffocated, of being forced into something so serious. I turn my head and catch a glimpse of Lucien’s last letter. I look it over again, suddenly getting an idea.
I grab a piece of parchment, and a pen and scrawl out a quick reply before losing my nerve.
Dearest Lucien,
I am doubtful of my ability to remain here surrounded by happy mated couples. Watching Elain and Azriel plan their wedding is torture. Getting advice from people who know nothing of what I am going through is torture and to be honest I miss you more than I can express. So, how soon can I visit? I feel that some time away would do me good. I need to figure out what my life is without him, who I am without him. Perhaps you can help with that.
Next Chapter ->
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joekeerysguitar · 1 year
room to spare
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overview: robin, nancy, and vickie plan this awesome “girls trip” to a lake house. everything seems to be going perfect until a special guest arrives, which turns everything downhill.. or as it seems downhill..
steve harrington x reader, fem reader, use of y/n, fluff with slight angst, friends to lovers, mutual feelings
“This is going to be so fun!” You laughingly yell over the blasting Two Of Hearts by Stacey Q.
Nancy, Robin, Vickie, and you are going on a girls trip to Monroe Lake and you couldn’t be more excited. Nancy’s car is jam packed with bags and people. Nancy’s driving while you are in the passenger seat. Vickie and Robin are in the back. All four of you are laughing and giggling over silly things and dancing to music. All the windows are down as you take in the fresh breeze of the very sunny summer day.
“Play my mixtape now.” Robin pleads as you grab the pile on the ground and search for the one that says “Robins Rockin Mixtape” in her scribbled handwriting. You place it in the car stereo player and Walking On Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves begins to fill the car. Everyone sings along.
“Just the girls and I” is all you thought staring out the window as you pass the never-ending green trees and wildflowers.
But that was not the case at all.
About an hour goes by and the group finally arrives at the lake house. The house is medium sized with two stories. It is made entirely out of wood logs. The front entrance has a porch with rocking chairs and adorned with a Home Sweet Lake House sign.
Once the car parks, everyone piles out of the car and stretches their legs from the long car ride. You can hear birds chirping, waves crashing quietly on the shore, and leaves rustling from the slight breeze coming off of the water.
“Okay everyone take your bags and unload the car.” Nancy barks as she walks to the trunk to unload the bags.
You walk to the trunk to grab your small black suitcase. It was a four day vacation so you didn’t need much. After all, you would be in a swim-suit the majority of the day.
“Who has the key?” Vickie asks turning around to face the group as she walks backwards.
“I got it.” Nancy says walking past Vickie to open the front door.
Nancy enters first as the rest of you follow. The inside looks identical to the front. The decorations inside are all camping and lake related. There is a small kitchen, living room, and a small set of stairs to go up to the bedrooms. In the kitchen there is a sliding glass door to reveal the lake front backyard and deck.
“How cute!” Nancy chimes looking around the house.
“Leave your bags here for now.” Robin says winking at Nancy. You look at them both confused.
“Let’s go explore.” Vickie says grabbing Robins hand and leading her to the back porch.
“Why did Robin wink at you?” You ask Nancy with a puzzled look once Robin and Vickie were out of ears reach.
“She’s weird, don’t worry about it.” Nancy replies unconvincingly before grabbing your hand and bringing you with her.
You two follow the girls out to the back porch.
“It’s so beautiful.” You exclaim looking out at the flat water extending for what it seems like miles.
“They even have a fire pit” Nancy says surprisingly. She’s a sucker for a s’more or two.
“Us four are going to have so much fun!” You exclaim looking at them. They all look at each-other and back at you.
Why do they keep looking at me like that?
Deciding to ignore it, you follow the three girls as they walk out to the water.
“The water is cold” Robin says reaching her hand to touch the surface before scrunching her face as a reaction.
“It’s a lake sweetheart” Vickie replies helping Robin up. “Not a hottub.”
“Shut up.” Robin retorts back pushing Vickie’s shoulder. We all laugh.
We all go back inside to unpack the food that we are going to eat.
“This sure is a lot of food for four people.” You say concerned pulling out five packs of hotdogs.
“I sure do get hungry.” Robin replies rubbing her stomach. You roll her eyes and laugh at her antics.
By the time we finish unpacking everything we prepare dinner. Tonight, Nancy decides to make hotdogs and hamburgers with a side of salad and fresh fruit. Nancy grills, Vickie and Robin get the salad together, while you cut and slice the fresh fruit.
Us four sit down at the dining room table. “Yum” you exclaim grabbing a portion of salad from Vickie.
The four of you eat, chat, and giggle until you hear a knock on the door. “I’ll get it.” You say swallowing a piece of strawberry and placing your fork down. The three girls look at eachother and slightly smile before looking at you. You shoot them a confused look.
What are they so secretive about?
Walking over to the door, you unlock it and turn the handle. On the other side is Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers, and Eddie Munson.
“Steve” Your breath hitches as you try not to regurgitate the food you just swallowed. “What are you doing here?”
He looks at me confused and he stammers “Uh-uh.. for a guys trip.”
“Well Im on a girls trip.” You reply while your face blushes slightly.
Nancy appears behind you, “Come on in boys.” She grabs your shoulders and leads you to the side while the three of them enter the house. You turn around and angirly glare at Nancy.
“Did you set me up?” You whisper trying to not let the guys hear.
She smiles and elongates her “Sorrryyy.”
You run your hands through your hair flustered. “That’s why you guys were all smiley earlier and wouldn’t tell me anything.”
She smiles before going “You caught us.” and putting her hands up in the air like a criminal.
You slightly smile back as she pushes you into the kitchen. The kitchen was pretty full now. You give your greetings to Jonathan and Eddie. The three boys grabbing a plate to eat as they all pull up chairs to the table. You sit back down at your spot and continue to eat. A few moments later, Steve asks “Can I sit here?” The spot was right next to you. “Yeah.” you reply moving your self and your food over slightly to create room. You watch him place down his plate and sit down. He looks up at you after getting situated and smiles, you cannot help but smile back.
Steve goes “ahem” and diverts your attention towards him. “You were told this was going to be a girls trip weren’t you?” He asks looking at you in the eyes with a gentle look.
“Yeah I assume the same for you.” You reply taking another bite of the burger. He nods and slightly giggles.
“What are you laughing at?” You ask once you swallowed your food. Looking confused at his cheerful face and laugh. You love his laugh, it makes your heart beat 100 times faster.
He raises his hand and cleans the corner of your mouth with the pad of his thumb. Butterflies flutter through you at his touch. You smile and blush uncontrollably. “You had a bit of ketchup.” He chuckles, cleaning his thumb with a napkin. You spot Robin whisper to Vickie and point towards you. You shoot them the death glare across the table.
After eating and cleaning up everyone is gathered in a circle outside next to a campfire. Everyone is exchanging supplies for s’mores and having a great time.
It was soon 10:00 and everyone was gathered in the entry way with the pile of bags and suitcases.
Nancy stands in the front of the group with her hands on her hips. “Okay guys, so there are three bedrooms.” Your stomach drops at that as you look over at everyone. Steve looks back at you. Everyone seems unbothered but you and Steve. You give Steve a confused look. “So Jonathan and I will take one room, Robin and Vickie will take another, Eddie will take the couch, and Steve and Y/N will take the last one.” Nervousness floods your body as you look over to Steve. He has a slight panicked look on his face as he starts to blush.
Everyone besides Eddie goes upstairs to the bedrooms. “This can’t be that bad.” You exclaim to Steve as he agrees with you. You open the door to a small room with a window and a twin size bed. It was that bad.
You freeze in place and go “Holy shit.” Looking around the room and back at Steve. He looks at you concerned with a slight blush and a slacked jaw.
“It’s okay we can make it work.” He says placing his bag down. “There could be room to spare.” He runs his hands through his hair in an effort to figure something out.
You nod your head at him as you place your bag down. “I’ll go change into my pajamas.” You say as you leave the room with a bundle of clothes and go across the hall to the bathroom.
Steve looks through his bag for his pajamas. Then he remembers… “Shit” he says only seeing night shirts and boxers. He planned on having a room to himself or sharing with one of the guys. He runs his hands over his face in frustration and embarrassment and selects a maroon t-shirt.
After a few minutes you return back with your pajamas on. Steve hears the you enter the room and looks over opening his mouth to say something about his pajamas but stops to look at you. He is unable to take his eyes off you. His face relaxes to a gentle yet utterly in love glare as his jaw continues to stay slack. You’re wearing a pair of pink soft shorts and a white small tank top revealing way too much than anticipated.
His stomach does somersaults and his heart skips a beat. If Steve wasn’t in love yet (which he deeply was), he is now.
“Stop gawking and go change. I planned on staying with the girls.” You retort and embarrassingly cover yourself up with your clothes. Steve shakes himself before quickly dashes out of the room.
A few minutes later, Steve comes back with his maroon shirt and black boxers. You just stare at him as he enters the room. Doing the exact same thing he did. “Y/N, I planned on staying with the guys and I didn’t pack shorts.” He says looking down gesturing to his underwear. Your mouth continues to stay open as your mind races with a million thoughts. You just stay quiet and frozen like a statue.
“Y/N, I could see if there is a blanket down stairs. I’ll sleep on the floor.” Steve says knowing these conditions might not be the best.
“Steve, it’s fine. I won’t mind.” You reply with a slight unconvincing smile.
“Are you 100% sure?” He asks once more reading your facial expressions with a sincere look on his face.
“I don’t have cooties or lice or anything. Relax Steve, please.” You plead as he smiles and nods his head believing you.
You walk over to the small bed and unmake it so you two can both fit. There is only one pillow so you two have to share.
“Do you have a preferable side?” You ask Steve. He looks at you and shakes his head no.
You climb into bed as Steve turns the lamp off in the room. The room goes as dark as night. You cannot see anything.
“Shit” Steve goes trying to navigate the bed as he accidentally bangs his toe on the bed post.
“You okay?” You ask trying to find him in the darkness.
“Never better.” he replies trying to find the bed.
After a few seconds you feel the bed dip slightly once Steve’s hand meets the mattress. Following the mattress he finally finds the opening in the sheets and climbs in. You scooch over to the very edge to create more room. The bed sinks as he lies down practically brushing up against your side. Either one of you were destined to fall out at any moment. Your eyes finally adjust to the dark as you make out sillouttes of the lamp and dresser. You turn your head to look at Steve as he looks at you.
“Hi!” You giggle slightly looking into his eyes. You two are practically nose to nose.
“Hi Y/N!” he says back with a little laugh.
There is then some awkward silence and you’re pretty sure he has his foot down to make sure he doesn’t fall. You shift to turn on your side to create more room. Your arms are squished against your side and you move to the farthest side of the bed. “Move in Steve. There’s room to spare.” You grab his waist to pull him in more. His stomach explodes with butterflies at your touch feeling your warm hands against himself.
“Okay.” He whispers turning his body on his side to face you.
You two are practically pressed against eachother sharing the same air. You just look at him and his pretty face. You blush a lot, thankfully he can’t see it. He stares into your eyes with his heart beating a 100 miles a minute. He’s pressed up against your chest. He’s praying he doesn’t pop a boner.
You two cannot believe what is happening right now. In this extremely small bed, sleeping with eachother, in outfits not even imaginable to wear as friends.
Your feet accidently brush up against his ankles.
“Sorry.” You whisper apologetically.
“It’s fine.” Steve replies whispering.
Whispering like this is really making you both go crazy… like crazy.
You yawn quietly and smile at Steve who is just staring at you with adoration. He’s watching your every facial move. Your dimples when you smile, your long lashes fluttering with every blink, your breathe that smells of toothpaste, and your pretty eyes which he could get lost in.
“Goodnight Steve.” You whispering starting to close your eyes and sink into the pillow.
“Y/N?” Steve whispers.
You flutter your eyes open again and reply “Mm?”
Steve cups your face and closes the gap between your lips. This kiss is gentle and a little apprehensive. He wants to make sure you won’t pull away.
You gasp into his mouth as your eyes flutter shut and you pull on his shirt to pull him closer. You are now both against each other but neither of you mind.
The kiss starts sweetly and gently until Steve took it as you enjoyed in since you gripped onto his shirt pulling him closer. His one hand finds your waist as the other deepens the kiss by slightly pressing his two fingers on your jaw to open your mouth slightly. Your hands find his hair and run your fingers through it.
Pure bliss…
You two come apart for a few seconds so Steve could wrap other hand around your waist and roll you over on your back and he positions himself to hover over you. He then kisses you again this time, hungrier than ever. Your head is dizzy and you cannot make up a single sentence or thought. It’s just Steve, Steve, Steve.
Steve let’s you catch your breath as he moves towards your neck peppering it with kisses and suckling there. Gasping at the sensation, all you can mutter is “Steve, I love you.”
Muffled in your neck he replies “I love you more.” Your heart feels like it’s about to jump out of your chest and land on the floor.
Steve then leans up to look at your face. You’re smiling so wide, drowsy and lips swollen. “You’re so beautiful y/n.” He says sweeter than honey just smiling so wide. You look so fucking beautiful lying there with blush cheeks, red puffy lips, and a huge smile. He brushes hair behind your ear as you ruffle his.
You smile even more “Not as pretty as you Steve.” you lean up to kiss his lips chastely. He smiles into the kiss until deep diving for more. You run one of your hands up and down his back and shoulder blades as the other is entangled with Steve’s. You two continue to make-out completely and utterly in love.
It soon is morning as Steve and you walk down the stairs sleepily.
“Morning sleepy heads.” Nancy says handing both of you a cup a coffee and smirking slightly.
“How did you guys sleep?” Eddie asks with a smirk.
You both look at each-other and smile and blush on synch.
“Great!” You both replied.
Everyone besides you two glared at each-other with a smile and mentally high-fived. The plan was successful.
Steve and you looked at each-other so adoringly for the rest of the day.
Steve constantly caught himself swearing underneath his breath to try to keep his hands off you while you tried to resist every ounce to kiss him once more.
And that night….
There was definitely no room to spare
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brittle-doughie · 2 years
Brittle-Doughie’s Main Page
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Heya! The name is Brittle, I go by he/him and I’m a writer for a bunch of things Cookie Run, you’ll probably find me on the Cookie Wars with the various stuff I put out on the tag! Welcome!
[Request Box: Open!]
Gender neutral readers are my way to go, so everyone can enjoy my fics! :D (This will always be the case unless the fic states otherwise)
The type of writings can vary, which could be either be headcanons, one-shots, etc etc. Whatever I feel like works best for the time.
The main fandom I write for is Cookie Run! Whether it be Wars, Ovenbreak, or even Kingdom!
Angst, fluff, yandere cookies, it’s all good with me!
My blacklist is fairly standard with a bunch of NSFW or MAJORLY cursed stuff not allowed. (Pedophilla, Incest, scat, etc etc)
Also, please keep your asks short and simple. Paragraph long ones just make my brain silly.
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[Masterlist #1]
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The Incorrect Quote Cookie Jar V1.5
I’ll Miss You (Ancient Cookies)
Downstream Part 1 (Affogato Cookie)
Group Findings (Cauliflower and Peperoncino Cookie)
From Afar (Croissant, Lime, and Sour Belt)
A Jammed Heart (Original Cookie Character)
A Forced Hand (Ancient Cookies)
Y/N Cookie Blurbs (Various Cookies)
A Very Much Invited Guest (Hollyberry Kingdom)
Pet Times (Carrot, Cheesecake, and Baguette Cookie)
Duel of Hearts (White Choco and Rose Cookie)
Tales of Sweetness (Valentine’s Day Special)
Fashion Week 2?
Po-tay-to, Po-tah-to (Carrot, Beet, Spinach, Rambutan Cookie)
Costume Concepts
Ya Like Raisin Buns? (Black Raisin Cookie)
Star of the Industry (Popping Candy, DJ, Rockstar, Parfait, and Shining Glitter Cookie)
Even More Heartbreak (Black Pearl Cookie)
But the Dance is Today! (Hollyberry Kingdom)
Undeserving (Affogato Disciples, Dark Cacao, Adventurer, Captain Ice Cookie)
Anguish Before Matrimony (Pure Vanilla and White Lily Cookie)
No Dice (Ancient Cookies)
At Your Beck and Call (Pearl Legion/Custard Soldiers)
No Deed Goes Unnoticed (Dark Cacao Kingdom)
Milky Way Cookie Blurb
Eternity (Snow Sugar Cookie)
The Serenity or the Charismatic (Pure Vanilla v. Clotted Cream Cookie)
House is Where the Heart Is (Raspberry Mousse Cookie)
Chaos and Control (Twizzly Gang)
A Handycookie’s Expertise (Time Balance Department)
Good Day for Walks (Pure Vanilla Cookie)
Fish in a Barrel (Affogato Cookie)
Spared No Expense 1.5 (Cheesecake Cookie)
Coworkers Delight (Maple Taffy Cookie)
Sands of the Sale (Yogurt Cream Cookie)
Two Sides of a Coin (Hollyberry Cookie x Male Reader)
Face the Music! (B.A.D 4)
Seize the Spin
Foul Play (Cherry Stars)
Molded, Battered, Whole (The Five Dragons)
In a Heartbeat (Pink Choco Cookie)
From the Brink
What If: In Your Name
When the Jingle Bells Rock (Christmas Special)
The Flipside
Spared No Expense (Cheesecake Cookie)
For Their Majesty (Amber Sugar Cookie)
Speak of the Tree (Millennial Tree Cookie, Churro Cookie)
The Deal with Ancients
Bake It till You Make It
Polar Opposites (Timekeeper Cookie)
A Phenomenal Photo
Let Me Be Your Relay Cookie
A Tune for You (Vagabond Cookie)
Real Y/N Cookie Birthday Hours
Missing You
Sunrises (Missing You Alt)
The Face of the Future (Director Croissant, Stringy Gummy, Ephemeral Flow Timekeeper)
The Spooky Cookie Tapes
The Deal with Dragons (The 5 Dragons)
The Thrill or The Peace (Adventurer Cookie v. Blackberry Cookie)
Marketplace Ruckus (Hollyberrian Marketplace)
Time Travel, Woo! (Croissant Cookie)
Biggest Fans (Cherry Stars)
The Idol and the DJ (DJ Cookie)
The TBD’s Handycookie (Time Balance Department)
The Apple in this Doctor’s Eye (Dr. Bones Cookie
Heartbreak (Kumiho Cookie)
Pizza’s Here (Pizza Cookie)
The Beloved of Duskgloom Sea (Black Pearl Cookie)
Picnic Time (Cherry Blossom Cookie)
The Incorrect Quote Cookie Jar (Various Cookies)
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Wars/Jellywalker AU
[Q: Question based. Though some questions do evolve into full on fics.]
Heart of the Horde
Protectors of the Horde’s Heart
Death of the Heart
The Starved Heart
Heart Amongst Legends
Recollection 1 (White Ghost Cookie, Vagabond Cookie, Cream Unicorn Cookie)
Recollection 2 (Financier Cookie, Vampire Cookie, Dark Choco Cookie)
Recollection 3 (Infected TBD)
Wandering #2
Gift Mode | Keeping Quiet | Little Ones | Wandering Part 3 (Jellywalker AU)
The News Gets to Them (Walker AU. Sorbet Cookie, Lilac Cookie, Black Garlic Cookie)
The News Gets to Them #2 (Walker AU. Lilybell Cookie, Choco Ball Cookie, Poison Mushroom Cookie)
Q: Various Cookies as Walkers
Q: Various Cookies as Walkers #2
Q: Bosses and You!
Q: Guard Duty (Jellywalker Knight Cookie)
Q: If Y/N Died
Q: Would The Dragons Help?
Q: How did Y/N get infected?
Q: Y/N Captured
Q: Shared Emotion of Y/N Cookie and the Horde
Q: Showoffs of the Horde (Fire Spirit Cookie, Cinnamon Cookie, Skating Queen Cookie)
Q: If Y/N was cured?
Q: Argument Amongst the Horde
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bunfloras · 5 months
Seeing that you're into QSMP more now, i was wondering if you were open to more of the shippy and dark content stuff that's more allowed in QSMP, or is that not your thing as much? Just looking to gauge what sort of content we might see.
i think the creators have definitely made it clear that they’re alright with shipping in a cubito-only context, so i’m comfortable with it as well! i won’t lie and say that it isn’t a scary thing for me to approach, but i’d like to dabble in it with my writing from time to time in a strictly sfw context. i’m really glad to see the creators so comfortable with each other and being able to explore new dynamics with their characters :] especially q!fitpac they have my whole heart rn
as for darker themes, those have kinda always been my jam! im a whump writer through and through, and i think you can still expect to get plenty of angst from me, especially with the current ender saga going on right now!
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aniron48 · 1 year
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Q opened his mouth to say it, only to close it again, the words stagnating on the tip of his tongue: Sometimes, I worry that if no one touches me, I might fade away at the edges, until I disappear. Sometimes I think I might have disappeared already.
Or, Q is caught in the rain, and then a silver Aston Martin pulls up beside him.
My latest, "rain" is up on ao3! It started off as a prompt fill for the lovely @silverbrume. Friends, please spare a kind thought for silverbrume, who likely anticipated a short prompt fill about rain, and instead got a 5600-word fic which is 50% porn explicit smut. However, if you like angst with a happy ending, pining, and lots of touching, this may be your jam.
Also, oh my god, this is the smuttiest thing I've written in a while. If anyone needs me, I'm going to hit post, and then simply vanish into the ether for a bit, not to be perceived.
xoxo, Ani
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segredosjogados · 2 years
Is it my fault?
Story: Jack finds out you've been sleeping with another rapper when the rapper posts a picture of lace panties on his stories and Jack recognizes it's the one he actually gave you.
Warnings: language, mentions of smut, angst
this is messed up and based on a Brazilian song. the rapper could anyone but I'm thinking about Quavo. 
🖤❌🕓 welcome to my wicked mind 💥👤 
"Hey babe, how are you? I loved last night? Yeah, that red lingerie you got on was my weakness" Quavo said on the phone, sitting on the studio where he was having a jam session with Jack and Polo G. 
"I'm great, my baby. I loved it too, my love." you responded with a soft voice, with a lower tone you only used with Jack.  
Jack was sitting on the other room in the studio with his hand sweating, looking at Quavo's instagram stories. He felt his face go hotter, feeling a rage warmth he's never felt before. He stood up and stormed out in the other room with a few steps. 
"Are you fucking with my girl, you lil stupid ass boy?" Jack yelled at Quavo, who jumped from the chair. 
"I gotta go now, babe, talk to ya later" Quavo had the nerve to say goodbye to you on the other side of the phone. "Whatchu talkin about my G?" Quavo asked, releasing Jack's last nerve to come to his guts. 
"The red lingerie on your stories, her body! It's her! It's Y/N!" Jack said pointing to the phone screen. 
"Yo, that's your girl? She never told me she had a man! She's pretty nasty, if you know what I'm saying... that red lingerie is fire!" Quavo said nonchalantly, still sitting on his chair. Jack had to process what he had just heard.
"I'm gonna call that bitch right now! She was influenced by her insta models friends, now that bitch will hear me out!" Jack yelled and picked up his phone to show Quavo the screenshot he took from Q's instagram stories showing a body with a red lingerie Jack immediately recognized. It was you. The rib scar was there, the perfect fitted lingerie too. Quavo looked at Jack in disbelief because he didn't know Jack was hanging out with you let alone dating. 
Jack stormed out of the room without saying a word, facetiming you. You picked the phone right away. 
"Hey my love!" you answered. 
"My love? Tell me, Y/N, tell me, was it fun?" Jack almost yelled on the call. 
"Fun? What was fun?" you responded without a clue of what was going on. 
"Cheating on me!" he finally let it out.
You felt your heart skip a lot of beats. 
"Cheat on you, my love? Jack, I'd nev-" you started but he interrupted. 
"Shut the fuck up, Y/N! I saw the instagram stories on Quavo's page! Is that the news you've been waiting for? That I would break up with you so you could fly away to another nest!" he kept going. 
"Yo, Jack, calm the fuck down! It's your fucking fault! You leave me alone, don't answer my calls, Quavo was a gentleman on bed, he can make me cum in a lot of positions unlike you, he treats me like a goddess-" you were interrupted. 
"Is it my fucking fault? What comes around, goes around, Y/N!" Jack's hands were trembling while holding his phone for the call so he shut it and threw it away in the most absolute anger. The glass breaking could be heard everywhere in the studio. 
He left the building, found his car and immediately ran to your place to have real responses for the situation. 
--- the end ---- 
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Dassandre’s Masterpost 2022
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Wow!  Another amazing 007 Fest has come to an end already!  I’m in awe at all the fabulous fan works created by everyone on all the teams.  I was again honored to be a part of Team Q-Branch this year, and I think we pulled together some darn good stuff!  Go Team Q-Branch! I want to give a particular shout out to my partner in writing crime, @boffin1710​.  Not only was he an amazing writing partner, but the graphics he generated this year had many of us sobbing in the wings with No Time to Die angst.   Anyhoo ... on to my Masterpost, and this year’s is a doozy!
Dassandre’s 007 Fest 2022 Master Post - 1811 points
Written Fiction - 860 points (additional categories noted, and their points totaled in those categories below)
Rings (rare pair)
Château de la Résurrection: Part One (Fix-it Day, Story Header Graphic)
Château de la Résurrection: Part Two 
Château de la Résurrection: Part Three (Prompt Exchange Fill)
Alone at Last (Queering the Character’s Day)
Without Being Told: Chapter 130 (rare pair)
Without Being Told: Chapter 131  (rare pair)
Death Ends Life, Not a Relationship (rare pair)
Life is Pushing Past It (rare pair)
Calamity  (rare pair)
Other Fan Creations - Graphics  - 150 points (additional categories noted, and their points totaled in those appropriate categories) 
Not Even Death
The Boffin and the Bureaucrat (plus meta)
Ellery’s Garden: Tomatoes (head canon)
Ellery’s Garden: Tomato Jam (recipe)
Ellery’s Garden: Courgettes (head canon)
Ellery’s Garden:  Courgette Fries (recipe)
Ellery’s Garden: Brussels Sprouts (head canon)
Ellery’s Garden:  Crispy Brussels Sprouts (recipe)
Ellery’s Garden: Pumpkins (head canon)
Ellery’s Garden:  Stuffed Pumpkins (recipe)
Things James and Q Never Thought They’d Say (head canon, rare pairs, Head Canon Day) x 10  Note:  These were originally posted individually on Tumblr during Fest, but this link is to their new collective home on Ao3.
Best Memory of Partner (head canon, rare pair, Polyamory Day)
I Love Boffins (Q-Branch Day)
Villain Walk-Up Songs (Villain Day; Scav Hunt Fill)
The Agent (Meta Day; Scav Hunt Fill)
Dad Jokes (Scav Hunt Fill)
The Ties that Bind (head canon, rare pair)   Note:  This was originally posted on Tumblr during Fest, but this link is to its new collective home with other WaterVerse head canons on Ao3.
Family of Five (head canon, rare pair)   Note:  This was originally posted on Tumblr during Fest, but this link is to its new collective home with other WaterVerse head canons on Ao3.
Til Next Year 
Scavenger Hunt Fills - 120 points
Bond Actor/Actress Crossword - #10
Collaboration with a Teammate - #2
Anime Character - #65
Five Songs for Bad Guys - #4
The Raven Pastiche - #22
Bond’s Business Ad and Logo - #88
Dad Jokes - #15
Find the Difference - #54
Animal Newsletter (Animal of Bond Day)- #97
Gift to Member on Another Team #83 - Life is Pushing Past It 
Theme Days - 15 points
Fix It Day
Head Canon Day
Queering the Character’s Day
Polyamory Day
Q-Branch Day
Villain Day
Meta Day
Animals of Bond Day
Miscellaneous Points - 340 Points 
Beta - Day One Photo Prompt Writing - for @boffin1710​ 
Beta - Harry Potter and the Fucking Audacity - for @ato-the-bean​ and @anyawen​ x 10 chapters
Productivity Hours x 3
Piece of Meta x2
Head Canons x 15
Recipes x 4
Round Robin Writing - Juggling Act
Comments - 182
Prompt Fill Sheet Bonuses  - 13 points
2002 Prompt Exchange - #8 (Write a circular fic in which the story must end how it began)  Château de la Résurrection
2018 Prompt Exchange - #31 (Poly Relationship; plus previous year fill bonus) Death Ends Life, Not a Relationship
2022 Prompt Exchange - #99 ("I don't know what any of that means.") - Without Being Told - Ch. 131
Additional Bonus Points - 313 points
Collaborative Prompt Table ( @ato-the-bean​) - Things James and Q Never Thought They’d Say (30 points)
Theme Day Bonus (15 points)
Featured a Rare Pair x 17 (85 points)
Comment Bonuses (80 points)
Head Canon (28 points)
31-Day Challenge (75 points)
And that, I believe, is that.  Looking forward to next year’s Fest already!!
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nerdimpact · 4 years
Xiao x S/O, and their Anemo Vision
So, in this discord I’m in, we were fooling around with discussion about the Visions themselves. If a Vision wielder died, what would happen to the Vision? Would It disintegrate? Become just useless shiny rocks? Kept as mementos by their families, buried with their corpses, left to become just another cor lapis-esque rock, or taken as trophies by the murderers and victors or a fight? Or collected by temple maidens? Absorbed into the Statues of the Seven?
A fellow simp told me they saw somewhere that, apparently, Ownerless Visions CAN be reactivated by resonating with someone else, hence their huge price in the market. It kinda makes sense, since apparently Ningguang found one and was ready to sell it before it resonated with her so she was forced to regretfully keep the Vision. 
But you know what, it’s ANGST TIME.
Prompt/Summary: Xiao’s Anemo Vision has accompanied him for over three millennia and been his main source of power for so long, so much that almost nobody remembers Xiao - Alatus - for the deadly Adepti arts he used to wield in times before the Archon War. Only Morax and Barbatos remember that his Anemo Vision used to be someone else’s. 
AKA That AU where Xiao’s natural and original Adepti Powers (or his Anemo Vision) are his Elemental Burst, while his Anemo Vision belongs to a Lover that died in the Archon War. 
See below for the scenarios I prepared.
After their death, Xiao takes up their Anemo Vision and forces himself to integrate those powers within himself (idk if he had an Anemo Vision of his own, since some of the adepti DON’T but still have powers). This could be one of the reasons that his Elemental Burst saps away at his life, either for forcibly mixing two different powers or forcing himself to mainly rely on an alternate source of power from his own. 
There are two main scenarios in this angst writing piece of mine:
Alatus (Xiao) is the one who kills his lover. In his BG, he apparently becomes controlled by another Archon and is forced into killing innocent people, which could include this lover of his. After killing them, he keeps their Anemo Vision (since his “Master” doesn’t care what he does with his trinkets) with him.  In this case, he either becomes enraged, vengeful, bitter and consumed by hatred that he becomes self-destructive while being under their control OR adapts himself into causing immense collateral damage (to kill himself, his “allies” and his current Archon Master ‘accidentally’). Or two, he just... breaks. Becomes an emotionless killing machine that awaits for the day of his death, or awaits for a day where he has the chance to witness the death of the Archon Master, either by someone else’s hands or his own.  Morax kills the Archon and liberates Alatus, who wishes for nothing more than his own death and continues to be self-destructive, thus, cue a contract to keep Alatus alive, which he loathes at first, until Morax brings Barbatos along one day and asks him to reactivate Alatus’ lover’s Anemo Vision. Alatus forsakes his own Anemo Vision (I assume he had his own, unless he didn’t, like the other adepti aside from Ganyu - who is Cryo - and just had adepti arts) and takes up his dead lover’s Anemo Vision.  Forcing himself to take another’s power while he still had his own causes Xiao’s own skills and abilities to become detrimental to his own life force, but he can’t bring himself to stop, and by the time he has mellowed a tiny bit millennias years later (ex. current timeline in Genshin Impact), it isn’t something he can - nor wants to - change anymore. 
Alatus (Xiao) isn’t the one to kill them, his lover becomes just another casualty of war, but he still goes crazy with grief, guilt, hatred and madness when he learns of it. It might not have been right away, but he learns of it, and goes... not quite insane, but close to it. He still becomes self-destructive, still becomes guilty and full of self-loathing for not being there and for being a tool to the faction that kills them, but his vengeance outweighs his own self-loathing and suicidal tendencies and he causes larger collateral damage to his faction more in hopes to wipe them all out. He is punished (borderline tortured) for it of course, but he won’t stop because his lover is dead and it’s all their (his) fault, and his faction won’t put him out of their collective misery because Alatus is one of their strongest pawns. He laughs and laughs and laughs the day Morax kills the Archon Master. Then he vanishes and goes looking for his dead lover’s corpse and possessions. In this case, it takes longer for Morax and Alatus to form a contract because the latter is consumed with an obsession to kill all the demons and to look for the possessions of his lover, who didn’t die in front of him, and thus, he doesn’t know where they are. Their hometown was probably burned down already, so Alatus is only living on the futile hope of at least finding their possessions, corpse, or Anemo Vision (which would still have been something left behind after their death). Alatus causes more collateral damage obsessively killing the factions of the war and searching for it. (it’s a race against time for Morax in this case, because if Alatus finds their Anemo Vision in the hands of someone else.... It’s fine if it’s in the hands of an oblivious civilian or an innocent human, but a political human? A war general? A soldier? Or worse, an auction? Boy, Alatus rage.) Alatus only insignificantly calms down when Barbatos comes along. Morax asks Barbatos to procure and locate their dead lover’s Anemo Vision. Morax bullies Barbatos into reactivating it for Alatus on the condition that he stop his rampages and enters a contract of a Guardian Yaksha. This binds him to a contract that will minimise the collateral damage he causes in order to protect Liyue, but something that wouldn’t impede him from obsessively killing the demons and factions of the Archon War. Morax doesn’t force Alatus to accept the contract, but he doesn’t need to, Alatus accepts willingly because what they offer - reactivating his lover’s vision - is something too tempting for him, and they DID find their Anemo Vision. He accepts, no matter how it would destroy him in the end.  (And it does - Xiao cannot use his own powers anymore without them sapping at his life-force, without the pain, without feeling two different powers/Visions clashing inside him.) This version of Xiao is less suicidal, but holds a far deeper grudge against those of the Archon War and mourns his lover’s death just as deeply.
To be fair, Morax and Barbatos probably didn’t realise Alatus would rip out his own Anemo Vision and take up his dead lover’s for his own. After they realised it, it was already too late.
(alternatively, XIao’s former powers have become so corrupted and become something sinister and darker and start to sap away at his life if he uses his former Anemo Vision, so taking his lover’s Anemo Vision isn’t his original idea, but something Morax/Barbatos came up with. 
So in this case, he still possesses his lover’s Anemo Vision and uses it most of the time or it becomes something that calms him and his powers down, while his original powers are his Burst, which still continues to sap away his HP/life if he uses it.)
Alatus/Xiao is grateful to Morax and Barbatos. A lot. 
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sickandtiredfics · 2 years
【R】【e】【q】【u】【e】【s】【t】【s】 【a】【n】【d】 【R】【u】【l】【e】【s】
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When it comes to writing in general, I will write about anyone within Marvel, Dsmp, and Bnha but, there are certain situations I won’t write about.
Rape/Sexual assault. I may mention it or allude to it, but any specifics I refuse to write.
Smut with certain people/characters. I will provide that list further down.
Certain kinks; piss kink, poop kink, foot fetish, vomit fetish, anything with weapons, and blood. I’m sure you can find someone else to write about that.
Gore, torture, angst. That shit is my jam! As long as it doesn’t include smut I’m all for it. Angst is my specialty
Smut only between certain people/characters and x readers. Will provide that list further on.
Headcanons! I love headcanons a lot :)
Fluff. I know angst is my specialty but I can’t resist writing fluff sometimes.
Now with specifics:
➢ I will not write smut about
Everyone else I’m willing to write smut about, whether that be x reader or ships. I don’t care who the ship is, I’m only the provider of content. Just because I won’t write smut about them, doesn’t mean I won’t write about them period.
You may notice that my DSMP category has changed to “content creators”. This is because the DSMP has ended and it just doesn’t feel right to continue to categorize it as that. The rules stay the same, but I will NOT be writing anything that has to do with the DSMP so please don’t ask. Here are the creators I will write NSFW for.
I’m willing to write platonic x reader for everyone else and friendships. In terms of ships, there are many creators who are not ok with being shipped in general, but here are the ones who are ok with it as long as it’s not NSFW:
Quackity (x reader ONLY)
Kristin and Phil ONLY
Everyone else has expressed they are ok with fanfic and if I got something wrong here please let me know. I will continue to update this as creators talk about boundaries.
Edit: Billzo had stated that he is uncomfortable with fanfics being written about him! He is on the “I won’t write anything for” list. So please don’t request anything about them! Thanks :)
I will not write anything about the actors of Marvel. I’m sorry but that’s weird. Only thing I will write about with the actors is some sort of multiverse thing. That’s it.
➢ I will not write smut about
Bruce Banner
Peter Parker
Ned Leeds
Quentin Beck
If I think of anyone else, I will add them. All of the people on here, I’m ok with writing romantic x reader and ships, just not NSFW.
I will write things about the QSMP, but nothing NSFW. I only really watch Foolish, Wilbur, Quackity, and Mariana but I will write about any of the creators on the SMP as long as it is WITHIN THEIR BOUNDARIES. I am currently unaware of them, and I will do more research, but if you have any info on them please let me know. I don’t speak Spanish, but I can understand some of it so I probably won’t write anything in Spanish and anything that is in a different language will be italicized but in English. I just don’t want to get anything wrong lmao
Anyways, that’s it
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writer-ish · 3 years
I'm curious. What is your favourite fic you've ever written and why?
Wow anon, I've actually been ruminating over this Q for a few days now… I feel like it's difficult to choose a favourite because I truly love (and hate 😂) all of my fics for different reasons.
I decided to share a favourite from each "category" of my writing: Open Heart text fic, Open Heart fic, and Wayhaven fic.
Answers revealed below the cut!
My favourite Open Heart text fic is this Christmas one, because Christmas! Also, it's fluffy and sweet and I liked the ending.
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My favourite Open Heart fic is this Hawaii one, because I live for the pining of as-yet-undeclared love - even when both parties feel it - and I loved writing a love story with a beautiful, peaceful ocean setting as the backdrop (maybe also because a vacation would be real nice right about now)
She can’t see his face that well, even in the bright glow of an almost-full moon, but she recognizes the gentleness in his expression, the curve of his cheek as the shadow of a dimple barely appears.
She loves him so much.
She loves him so much that her heart aches with it, like a balloon that’s about to pop or a cup that’s overflowing.
She loves him for all his flaws, for all his hubris, for the ways he tries to be so good, and for all the ways he fails.
And my favourite Wayhaven fic is this one, also because writing angst, pining, and two dummies hopelessly in love (even if they don't know it yet) is pretty much my jam. Also, angry/protective!Mason… come on.
“How can we let you go back out there?” His voice is raw now, the anger appearing to slowly fade away, leaving him worn-out and desperate in its wake. “Unprotected? Out in the open for any fucker to grab, to take. To hurt?” He gives her a little shake and she gasps. “Huh? How?”
Understanding dawns. Yes, it had been a rough day for her. One of the worst.
But it looks as though, maybe, it had been a rough day for him, too
Thanks for a fun question, anon! Hope this is what you were looking for. 🥰🥰 (Sorry for being a bit extra about it, as per usual 😂)
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raybyanothername · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions
Tagged by @jadekitty777 and this looked like fun! Stats from 9-2-21.
How many works do you have on AO3 (or elsewhere)?
Currently 118 on Ao3! 215 on FFN. Roughly 224. Roughly because my math isn't perfect and I don't cross post everything because of FFN's guidelines.
What’s your total wordcount?
310,484 on Ao3 424,600 on FFN Apparently I average just 1975 words per story! Gotta love FFN's legacy stats.
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
63! (Thus why I call myself a fandom hopper! XD) RWBY, SEAL Team, and DCU are probably the ones I've written the most. Gallagher Girls had a real moment for me on FFN back in the day too.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Way Weirder (452) - Spider-Man 2. Chaperones are for Bad Influences (359) - DCU 3. Master Chief and the Bad Feeling (266) - SEAL Team 4. Post-Mission Decompression (248) - SEAL Team 5. Dungeon of Sadness (247) - Girl Meets World Both the SEAL Team fics are chapter fics, probably gives them a boost! Good snapshot of what I write though.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yup! I try to respond to all of them in a timely manner, but... sometimes it takes me a while.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I think Not Afraid? It's an Azula fic I wrote about her time in a mental hospital. Features hallucinations and a panic attack. Can't think of anything more angsty.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
Sometimes! It's a fairly recent development actually (as in the last few years) and I've been really happy with the creativity required to insert one fandom's characters into another fandom's world.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not recently.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Definitely! That was my jam for a while as a teen. I still write it on occasion, especially for special events or when prompted. I've been in more of a humorous angst mood as late.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
A couple of times, yes.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A couple of times, mostly I've done collab drabbles, or me and another writer wrote a different version of the same fic on purpose.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
I don't know of a harder question... My favorite right now is probably Q/Icheb.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
This will probably come as a shock considering I have WIPs that haven't been updated in years and this is one that I updated a few months back, but... Stereotypes are for Sissies.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue or characterization probably. I tend to hyperfocus on little details about characters, especially speech patterns.
What are your writing weaknesses?
...staying focused.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think it's totally awesome, if you speak the language. And I say that as someone who has done it with a language I do not speak (my otaku stage, we don't need to talk about that). It's very difficult to do well if you don't speak the language so it's not something I would recommend (or do myself anymore).
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Pokemon, then YuGiOh, then Detective Conan I think. :)
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Hard one, but... probably Safety. DCU fic that focuses on Damian after an attempted assault. It was part of my Summer Prompt Fic in 2019. Lots of angst, little bit of humor - exactly what I'm into right now.
If y'all are interested! Tagging @moonbeeorangeheart @do-what-the-knight-tells-you @mega-ringsandthings-world @laserfocus
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zebraljb · 3 years
Shipping Q&A
Because the sweet @baking-for-hamsters called me out so much in it I figured I should complete it as well. LOL!
Shipping Asks
1. What was your first OTP?
We are going WAY back, to boyband RPS in the late 90s and early 2000s.  That was originally Justin Timberlake/Lance Bass but eventually my fave morphed to JC Chasez/Lance Bass. .
2. What is your current OTP?
Hartwin in the Kingsman fandom, with Merwin a VERY close second.
3. Do you have any OT3/OT+ ships? What are your favorites?
Absolutely.  Merhartwin (Merlin/Harry/Eggsy).
4. What is/are your favorite trope(s)?
I LOVE declarations of love.  Followed closely by “person A thinks they are nothing and unworthy of person B, so person B gives a big monologue about why person A is wonderful.”  Oh, and Hurt/Comfort. HOW could I forget H/C?
5. What is/are your least favorite trope(s)?
I don’t really enjoy slow burns, or big miscommunications. I also am not the biggest fan of fantasy stuff (dragons, fairies, etc.).
6. Do you have a certain kind of ship you’re more attracted to?
I enjoy the naughty stuff, but a ship that can really be romantic and you can easily see it happening? That is my JAM.
7. Are most of your ships “pure” or “problematic”?
depends on your definition of “pure” and “problematic”. sometimes the one, sometimes the other
8. Who is the most shippable person you can think of?
Eggsy Unwin. Absolutely.  He can be romantic with Harry or sexy with Merlin or adorable with them both...
9. Are there any fandoms you don’t have any ships for?
I’ve drifted away from RPS, but I must say as much as I loved the movie “Call Me By Your Name,” I am more into Timothee Chalamet/Armie Hammer stories than I am Elio/Oliver stories.
10. Do characters have to have canon interactions for you to ship them?
Nope. **see any story I’ve written with Percival in it**
11. What makes a great ship in your own opinion?
a great ship evokes strong emotions, but also has a physical connection
12. What drives you away from a ship?
Readers/authors being buttheads about it.
13. Is there anything you ship but refuse to interact with the community for?
not really
14. Has a fanbase ever made you ship or not ship something? Why?
not really...
15. Do you like/participate in ship wars? Why or why not?
no because I am an adult
16. Are there any ships you just can’t/don’t understand? What are they?
I don’t understand Roxy/Eggsy, because in my mind they will always be BFFs.
17. Are there any popular ships that you just don’t like? What are they?
18. What is your favorite unpopular ship?
Um, I don’t think a lot of people are into Percival pairings, but I like writing them.
19. Do you prefer fluff, angst, or smut for your ships?
All three, but I prefer the angst to be the smaller part of that particular pie.
20. Do you prefer bigger fanbases or smaller ones?
I don’t really care about the size of the fanbase.
21. Have you ever received hate for a ship you liked?
no, but in my very first Kingsman story EVER, I was informed by someone that there is NO way Harry could ever be a bottom, that he MUST always be a top.
22. Do you have any ships that you ship, but would never want to see as canon?
I usually don’t care much about canon, so no.
23. Have you ever had a ship become canon, but you didn’t like how it was portrayed?
24. What is your favorite canon ship?
um, no clue
25. What are your favorite ships from a dead fandom?
I think a fandom never really dies. at least not on Tumblr.
26. What are your favorite shipping scenes?
Well, let’s talk about the Kingsman movies.  Eggsy eyeing Harry up as if he’s an all-you-can-eat buffet after he wipes the pub with Dean’s mutts.  Harry looking down at Eggsy when he’s tied to the tracks. THE HUG AFTER HARRY GETS HIS MEMORY BACK ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?
27. What are your views on reader x canon ships?
28. What is your best shipping advice?
just have fun and don’t let anyone spoil it for you.
29. Do you like OCs (Original Characters)?
Yes.  *pointing very hard to @stronglyobsessed‘s Sebastian*
30. What are some of your favorite shipping blogs?
I really don’t have any.
Goodness, I’m boring!
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irondadfics · 4 years
Hey! For the Q&A
What are everyone's favourite tropes?
Thank you for the work that y'all do for us! 💛
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Hurt/comfort is my jam, particularly sick or hurt Peter, but I also love anything with good domestic team vibes. 
- mod B
I love bamf! Tony or Peter. Also hurt/comfort. And hurt/comfort that includes bamf! is just YES.
-Mod Beth 👻 
I love pretty much anything fluffy and domestic, but I also love love love amnesia fics and BAMF!Peter. And I don't know if this counts as a trope but I love fics with big emotional reunions with lots of hugging.
-Finder Storm
It really depends on my mood, but Angst with Happy Ending in general is the best ever, but i really enjoy Bio!Dad, Adoption and Homeless!Peter fanfics as well as ANYTHING regarding Time Travelling or Identity Reveals. I also really enjoy very different AU’s from canon, like, a Sherlock Holmes AU, Panem AU, Among Us AU, Mermaid AU, all that stuff :D 
- Finder Laronia
Hehe… I’m gonna sort-a cheat and copy and paste my answer from an older post where I gushed about my favorite types of fanfiction as my opinions are pretty much the same. “I’m a sucker for most AUs, even those some might consider outlandish like mermaid, gender-bend, historical, harry potter, etc. I especially enjoy homeless!peter and bio-dad!tony stories. A favorite trope of mine is when Peter is keeping something secret, whether that be he’s struggling mentally, hiding an injury, trying to keep his identity under wraps, or anything really- I LOVE IT. My favorite type of fics usually fall under hurt/comfort. I love angst and I’m not really one to shy away from reading about heavy topics, but most of the time I’m in the mood for a happy ending. Fluff is nice, but I find that I usually prefer my fluff in smaller doses (not always the case though… I have read a fluffy fic that was almost 35,000 words before). Good hurt/comfort fics are either pretty well balanced in their angst to fluff ratio OR the angst and whump is pretty intense, but if it’s written well than that happy ending just feels so much more rewarding and deserved.”
-Mod Clover🍀
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narraboths · 4 years
1 and 3, please? :D
Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
I’m trying to put together the next chapters of kingdom, Witcher, and mercenary; and trying to make two other longer, semi-prompted stand-alone fics work. 
Witcher is the problem child, because the mid-part is a lot of boring plot/action that we do need to Get Through to get to the juicy stuff but bleh. kingdom is absolutely the sexiest because we’re finally gonna hit the “we’re pissed at each other but we’re deeply in love and we’re gonna repress it all but also be Really horny and devastatingly affectionate on occasion” dynamic that i’m ACHING to write; but it needs a lot of reworking bc 2018 me did not know how to write a single fucking sentence. mercenary is a menace because i have to write smut that lives up to the hype so no pressure on that front. kingdom’s the most far along of the three but G-d only knows which i’ll manage to churn out first (let alone when).
what i love the most is definitely the amount of angst/repression i get to write tho lol. Secret WIP #1 is a very angst-heavy concept that’s so my fucking jam, love to suffer
What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
every other damn draft of mine is [one scene that’s setting my brain on fire and would need a 20k context that i’ll never have the time and creative juice and effort to put together] so that’s a good q lol.
i’ll toss this baby out here, though it’s not the exact scene from that rambly-ass draft that’s my absolute utmost fave, it is the one that i do at least have written, so
Kara takes Lena’s hand, covers it with her own as she presses Lena’s finger to the largest of her scars, running from the corner of her eye down to her mouth. Lena can feel the little ridges of the scar under her finger, a deep wound, ill-healed. “Cossacks, my village. I ducked just enough so he wouldn’t split my head in two. I was thirteen then.”
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My thoughts on the Sanders Sides Spotify playlists- Virgil Edition!
Note: this is Purely me saying whether or not I like the songs, not theorising about any deeper meanings. I’ve done them all, so just click on the names to see my reactions to the others: Patton, Roman, Logan, Janus
Impressions from looking through the playlist: I don’t specifically know most of the songs (I know more of the bands), but I feel like that’ll be a recurring theme as I tend to stick within my very specific music taste and only add songs to my playlists if I hear them while I’m out and about and like them enough to find them on Spotify, which means my horizons aren’t broadened very often. The ones I do know do not surprise me that much (neither do the bands, for that matter), as they feel very Virgil
1: ‘Sunrise, Sunset’, by Bright Eyes. I didn’t mind it at first? But the chorus was a bit too,,, shouty for me. Probably Definitely a song I’d skip if it came up on a playlist in the future, as much as I liked the tune(/melody?). Not surprised to find it on Virgil’s playlist though, it gives off Angst. Was very in my face as I tried to continue reading fics.
2: ‘Lets Kill Tonight’, by Panic! At The Disco. One that I have probably heard before, as while I myself didn’t have an emo music phase, an ex friend did. I liked it more, as I expected to as I tend to like p!atd’s songs. Not one that I’d go out of my way to listen to again, but has been added to my 32 hour long playlist on Spotify (not my slightly more curated 10 hour one tho, but I mostly play the 10 hour one while doing work or while others are around soo). Once again felt like it suited Virgil, (as I imagine all of them will, so I might just call out ones that feel Odd if any do.)
3: ‘Sally’s Song’, by Amy Lee. It might shock some of y’all, but not one I’ve really heard before! I live in Australia so Halloween’s not a massive thing and I actually don’t know that many people who’ve watched The Nightmare Before Christmas. Thomas is actually one of the main reasons I know that the movie exists. I really liked it, unsurprisingly, so it too made its way to my 32 hour playlist (not the ten hour one, but only because I try to keep mostly ‘normal’ songs on there so there’s not that many songs from movies in it)
4: ‘It Ends Tonight’, by The All-American Rejects. I recognised the band, but not the title. I think I’ve heard this before though- I didn’t love it, but I didn’t hate it. I wouldn’t skip it if it popped up in a playlist at some stage in the future, but I haven’t added it to either of my playlists.
5: ‘I’d Hate To Be You When Everyone Fonds Out What This Song Is About’, Mayday Parade. Very long title (ok, I know in emo song title standards it’s not even that long but as I said I didn’t really have an emo phase so these sorts of titles always shock me) that slightly confuses me (who’s you? why is what the songs about bad for them??), but I liked it! Is now on my 32 hour playlist. I suspect that at the end of listening to all of these it will be longer than 32 hours.
6: ‘A Decade Under The Influence’, Taking Back Sunday. Another one that I liked enough that I wouldn’t skip it in the future, but didn’t add to my playlist. I just didn’t vibe with it enough. Happened to line up with Roman having a Bad Feeling™ in the fic I was reading tho so that was entertaining
7: ‘Thks fr th mmrs’, by Fall Out Boy. This was the first song to invoke feelings of Nostalgia™ in me, and I’m kinda shocked it’s not already in my 32 hour playlist. That has been remedied. This song was played a fair bit in my childhood, both on the radio and by an older sister. I imagine a lotta people my age had a similar thing. Obviously one I Love. Got me to stop reading in favour of being a doofus by lip syncing and dancing around while lying in bed (and deafening my eardrums as I turned it up louder) during the chorus.
8: ‘Be Calm’, by Fun. This was the second song that I didn’t recognise either the title or the band for. I liked it, even though the initial warped carnival-esque tune thing made me think of Pennywise. Pretty much as soon as the singing started I added it to the 32 hour playlist. It might make its way to the shorter one one day, as I actually really like it. It’s just a bit odd, and as I said I try to keep that playlist to more ‘conventionally normal’ songs as it’s designed for me to be able to play around other people without getting weird looks.
9: ‘I’m Not Okay (I Promise)’, by My Chemical Romance. Let’s be real. I would’ve cried if this song wasn’t included in the playlist. You would’ve cried if this song was not included in this playlist. If all of their songs aren’t in their respective playlists I’ll be disappointed. This song being in the playlist prompted me to go back and rewatch that episode. so many jokes originate in that ep. also we only knew one name back then? and the dark sides were barely a blip on our radars??? how????? ok back to the song- not my favourite, but I wasn’t expecting it to be. Probably won’t skip it every time it comes up in the future, but it’s definitely not my cup of tea.
10: ‘Imaginary’, by Evanescence. I laughed when I realised this was next up, as rewatching the q&a reminded me that Virgil said they were his favourite band so I’d noted that I had to look out to see if any of their songs were on the playlist. I liked it enough to add it to the 32 hour playlist, but wouldn’t go out of my way to play it in the future.
11: ‘Soft Shock- Acoustic Version’, by Yeah Yeah Yeahs. When this started my first thought was ‘oh, I think I’m gonna really like this one!’ and my second was ‘I’m kinda surprised it’s on Virgils playlist, but it feels right somehow.’ (It made more sense as I listened to the lyrics, I think I was just massively caught off guard by it being acoustic). I hadn’t heard of either the song or the band before this, but my initial instinct was Correct and it has in fact.... made it onto the ten hour playlist!! Hell yeah!! I actually liked it enough to listen to the og version as well, which I still liked but slightly less. (Also I have heard some of their music before as I realised looking at the album this came from that my one of my sisters used to listen to them, which I’m not that surprised about as we have Similar tastes in music)
12: ‘The Good That Won’t Come Out’, by Rilo Kiley. I liked this enough to consider adding it to my 32 hour playlist, and the lyrics were interesting, I just didn’t vibe with it that much. 🤷‍♀️
13: ‘Sick Sad World’, by Nervus. The bands name feels very apt for Virgil. I liked the rhythm of this one, and it was also a Certified Mood tbh. Got added to the 32 hour playlist!! Also made me wanna hug Virgil.
14: ‘Ignorance’, by Paramore. I wasn’t expecting to love this, as I don’t remember really liking much of Paramore’s music in the past even though I know I must’ve heard some, but I didn’t hate it. Didn’t get added to either of my playlists, but I probably wouldn’t skip it in the future.
15: ‘The Ice Is Getting Thinner’, by Death Cab for Cutie. I was expecting to like this one, as one of my favourite youtuber’s fave songs is a death cab for cutie song and I really like it as well. I did like this one quite a bit, but it only made its way onto my 32 hour playlist.
16: ‘Overkill- Acoustic Version’, by Colin Hay. I didn’t mind this, but didn’t like it enough to put it on the 32 hour playlist. I possibly would like the original version more, but I can’t be bothered finding it especially given my first impression is just meh
17: ‘Under Pressure’, by My Chemical Romance. I didn’t love it as much as I love the original, but it did prompt me to check if I’d added the original to my two playlists. Apparently I didn’t, even though I was listening to a Lot of Queen when I was deeply entrenched in good omens.
18: ‘Everything is Alright’, Motion City Soundtrack. I liked this one! I think I might’ve heard It before, but it’s been a while. It got added to the 32 hour playlist.
19: ‘The Middle’, by Jimmy Eat World. I didn’t recognise the title b u t I did recognise the song. Obviously. Because I’m a gen z with older siblings. It was the second big nostalgia feels song, which was made even stronger by me not immediately recognising the title (unlike thks fr th mmrs). Was added to the 32 hour playlist as soon as I realised what song it was
20: ‘Vindicated’, by Dashboard Confessional. I knew this, but mostly from a music podcast called Punch up The Jam so hearing it in full was weird. Added it to the 32 hour playlist but wouldn’t go out of my way to listen to it again.
Final thoughts: I know I said I never had an emo phase in music, but I do actually like a lot of it even tho I was never That Kid, so I was kinda expecting to at least like a lot of these songs. My favourite song was definitely Be Calm, closely followed Soft Shock and Thks Fr Th Mmrs. 12/20 got added to my 32 hour playlist, and 2 (I eventually decided my love of Be Calm was strong enough for it to be an exception) to the 10 hour one!
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rhinozilla · 4 years
hmm h, l, m, and q mayhaps? of the fandom ask thing? very much want to ask more but 5+ feels like i'd be pushing it rip dfjkg
Ask away! XD
H: How would you describe your style?
Um, so this is a hard one to answer without sounding super pretentious, but I’ll give it a whack. My writing style is that of a gardener trying really hard to be an architect XD I try to write a picture for whoever is reading it, and I put a lot of effort in capturing the nonverbal communication in the way a person moves or fidgets or holds themselves while they deal with something. I think it really fleshes out a character and adds to whatever dialogue they’re actually saying, if they’re speaking at all. I try to let the characters/plot develop organically, even when the direction they go isn’t exactly where I’d been planning for it to. Sometimes it’s like herding cats, and while I try to be an architect, I always end up in the garden. And finally, I’m selfish. I write what I would want to read in a fic, which is a weird grab bag of fun, affectionate, and with dense overarching domino-effect plots that wrinkle your brain when the Twist happens. That’s the goal anyway.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
I don’t feel guilty about it, but I really enjoy fics where the tough, guarded character gets whumped on, and they have to let down their walls a little and let others take care of them. That sweet, sweet hurt/comfort and trust building. It’s my jam.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you'd care to share?
Several. Many. A lot. Most of them are being built into “Camaraderie,” so no spoilers here. As a tease though, we will be exploring more of Penny’s history with the RK800 project, Ogden will be showing her face again soon, as will Coda. Something is going to go badly with this reassignment program in the DPD. Also, Connor might even go on a date.
I do have a separate DBH ficlet that I’m drafting, to be titled “Warming Measures.” It’s a companion piece to my earlier DBH fic “Cooling Measures,” except instead of heatstroke in the summer, it’s going to be android hypothermia in the winter…with bonus angst XD
Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects?
Already answered here!
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