#but hey thanks for complimenting my mask
fav kind of interaction is when a neurotypical comes up to me with "omg we are SO similar we're practically same" and then prove their point by listing off traits I only possess as a part of my masking
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p3terparker · 1 year
𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘆 𝗺𝗲 - 𝗽𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝗿
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𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: peter wants to be babied.
𝘄/𝗰: 0.5k
𝗮/𝗻: hey guys!! it has been nearly a year since i’ve last written and i just wanna say i’m sorry for leaving for so long </3 please do bear with me, this may not be that good judging by how long it’s been since i’ve last written. i hope you enjoy though! also for everyone who has requested something, i haven’t forgotten about you! i’m getting to those soon :)
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“please hold me” 
it’s nearly 1am and you’re sprawled out on your bed watching some random movie that was playing on tv. you’ve been up waiting for hours for peter to come by after patrol, and now he’s finally here sneaking in through your window.
“are you okay baby? you finished up pretty late” you question softly as you take off his mask and brush his hair out of his face.
“i’m fine. i just want you to hold me” he says tiredly and practically puts all of his body weight on you, causing you both to fall back onto your bed.
adjusting yourselves to get more comfortable, you’re now laid back on your pillow as you hug peters large frame while his face is nuzzled in your chest.
you two lay silently as you rub his back until you decide to break the silence.
“you know, you’re still in your suit. you’re getting my bed dirty.”
“you just want me to take it off so you can see me naked”
“you’re done” you say before attempting to push him off of you. peter quickly caught your hands before you could even try.
“how did you–”
“i’m spider-man, baby”
“clearly” you chuckle, referring to him still being in his suit.
“since you want to see me naked so bad, i’ll take it off” he groans as if it’s the hardest task in the world. “happy now?”
“very. now come lay back down”
you don’t have to tell him twice. he quickly gets back into the position you two were in before and enjoys the warmth and comfort you bring him.
“you’re so perfect petey, did you know that?”
“mmm” he groans into as he nuzzles his face further into your chest, enjoying the sudden compliment.
“i mean seriously. you’re so smart, so strong, so caring and so funny. you being handsome is just the cherry on top”
“stoppp” he whines. “i’m blushing.”
“okay fine, i’m done”
“nooo, i didn’t mean it! keep going please” he cries as he lifts up his head to look at you.
“you are truly such a big baby”
“i’m your big baby. now continue please, i love being praised by you.”
how could you deny him?
“i love how cute you are. you have the prettiest brown hair and eyes. your face is perfectly sculpted too. i don’t know how i got blessed with the most handsome boyfriend in the world.” 
“mmm” he groans again in complete ecstasy. hearing your compliments is like music to his ears.
“you’re so cute, i just want to squish your cheeks” you say before lifting his head up slightly and squishing his cheeks together.
you cannot believe he’s letting you baby him like this.
“aww petey, you’re so adorable” 
“thank you” he says with a pink tint on his cheeks as he rests his head on your chest again, suddenly feeling sleepy.
you two sat in silence for a few more minutes and he peacefully drifted to sleep.
you were definitely going to make fun of him for tonight in the morning.
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mistydeyes · 10 months
Hi izzie,can you write what it would be like if one of soaps cousins that’s in SAS but often has time to visit the base and is dating 141 members
fem reader preferably
thank you so much for submitting! so sorry it took a hot minute for me to get to this but i hope you enjoy!
the invasion of the scots
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summary: As you walked into the briefing for your latest co-op mission with Task Force 141, all eyes were on you. Usually, this wasn't out of the ordinary as you were one of the first women to complete the full selection process for the SAS and your reputation preceded you. However, this was different as your gaze shifted from your surprised cousin and your terrified boyfriend.
pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!Reader (codename: Peitho)
warnings: SWEARING
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"I'll see you all tomorrow at 08:00 for a briefing," Price announced as everyone exited the training room, "we might see some familiar faces, the SAS is loaning us some of their best." As they all walked to the showers, Soap just happened to be walking with the exhausted Ghost. "Have a cousin in the SAS wonder if she'll be there!" he hummed happily, "haven't seen her in ages." Simon nodded and hoped his suspicions would be wrong tomorrow. He turned on the shower and sat under the cold water for a moment. Out of the handful of women that was in the SAS, the chances of it being you were slim but never 0.
"Hey Peitho, are you ready to meet the renowned 141?" your friend joked as you exited your vehicle. "Just another room of sweaty men, it's like a basic Tuesday for me," you replied and jokingly punched his arm. "But you only hear whispers about these guys, no one doesn't even know how many of them there are." "I'll take my chances, Haystack," you muttered and you continued to follow your captain to the briefing room. As you walked through the linoleum hallways, you could feel the stares everyone was giving you. "Jesus, it's like they've never seen a woman before," you scoffed and Haystack turned to you. "It's not every day someone sees a legend like you." You smiled slightly at his compliment. It had been a few years since your big accomplishment. You and another woman had been the first to ever complete the full selection process. It was daunting to experience the grueling exercises and jeers of the other men but you would smile and take what was thrown at you. "I thought this was selection not a training run for Royal Navy," you'd spit and everyone backed off.
"Play nice," your captain warned before entering the door. You followed right behind him and walked to his right. "As promised Price, here's the best of the best," he announced as he gestured to the four of you. "Here we have, Buccaneer," everyone's gaze turned to the stoic man who stood at 6'7'', his dark hands and arms glistened with taupe-colored, healed scars. "Next there's Typhoon," and again, everyone's eyes shifted to the man who stood shorter than Buccaneer but whose body was pure muscle. He gave a small wave, followed by a crazed smirk. "Next, there's Haystack," your close friend walked forward as his pale skin and bleached hair practically blended into the wall, "got the reputation of being dead weight but he'll be the best combat medic you'll ever need." "Finally," you knew it was your turn and you stood forward, slightly.
You took a look around the room and noticed the men looking back up at you and their files. However, as your eyes drifted to the left, you could feel your eyes widen with recognition. There sat your cousin, you knew he was in the British Army but didn't realize he rose to this caliber. He had a slight smile on his face as he looked at you. However, your familial reunion would have to wait as you looked over at the broad man wearing a face mask. Although his face was obscured, you would recognize his figure and eyes anywhere. In fact, it was the one that was on top of you in bed a month ago. You swallowed as you both locked eyes. Why the fuck was Simon Riley here?
Your revelations were disrupted as your Captain continued his introductions. "We have, Peitho, one of the best women to ever make it out of selection. Don't even try anything with that one, she'll take you out before you can even utter a word," he joked and you nodded at his statement. "I assume you've all seen what they can do, I've given you our best hijacker, weapon specialist, combat medic, and covert operations specialist," he concluded and the floor was all Price's. "Thank you, Captain, they'll do great," he said confidently and the room boomed with his voice, "they can get to know my men on the plane." At this, everyone took a seat. You sat on the opposite end of Simon and Johnny, but you could feel their eyes on you. "Now for the debrief," Price directed and dimmed the lights to illuminate the large monitor on the display.
"I expect you all to review the floor plans our intel has provided," he directed as Sergeant Garrick yawned, "we will be leaving at 06:00 in two days." "Happy reading," Haystack commented as you both walked towards the exit. Before you could leave, Johnny placed a strong arm around your shoulders. "Y/N!" he exclaimed, "Haven't seen you in ages." You smiled up at him and reached a hand to ruffle his short, dark hair. "Pleasure seeing you again," you replied, "you're far from the lad who went to those raves." You both shared a smile as you caught up and exchanged some stories from the last few years. "Your mam said you were in the SAS, but I didn't know you were the one who completed the selection," he continued. "Told her not to brag," you replied, remembering how talkative your mother was especially when it came to her only daughter. Before you could continue, you heard someone clear their throat behind you. You both turned and realized you were blocking the exit for Simon.
"Sorry about that, Simon," you said, almost instinctively. As the words tumbled out of your mouth, you realized the mistake you had made. "Simon?" Johnny questioned and you both knew you were doomed, "Y/N, how do you know Lt?" Fuck. Me. you thought internally as Simon's eyes shot to yours in a panic. "Um, some out-of-office relations," you choked out and before Simon could exit, Johnny grabbed his arm. "You fucking bastard," he muttered, "so this is where you've been spending your leave?" The situation was escalating as Simon escaped his grasp and crossed his arms over his chest. "My personal life is none of your business, Sergeant," he commanded and Johnny balled his hands into tight fists. "It does when it's my cousin!" he practically shouted and you hoped no one could hear the commotion.
"Johnny, calm down," you directed, "I had no idea, Simon even worked with you. It's only been 6 months since we met." Before anyone could continue, Captain Price stopped in the doorway. "Hey!" he boomed, "we have a mission in 36 hours, get on it." You all nodded like scolded children and began to make your way back to your quarters. Before you could part, you gave Simon a quick hug and turned to Johnny. He still had the same angered look on his face and you rolled your eyes. "Get over it, little Johnny boy," you teased at his childhood nickname and he looked away. "Fine, but you know there are serious implications of pumpin' a superior," he mumbled. He walked off and you looked back at Simon. "Surprise, love?" you said almost questioningly before Simon led you to his quarters to “review” the floor plans.
As you sat wedged between Simon and Johnny, you were getting to know Sergeant Garrick or Gaz as he preferred. "So Pietho like the Greek goddess?" he asked and you nodded. "Goddess of persuasion and seduction," you smiled before Simon hit your thigh lightly. "I think I'm gonna be sick," Johnny moaned and Gaz just looked even more confused.
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il-miele-che-scrive · 5 months
lando norris x reader
based on this request (because I take requests and I have to make it everyone's business): Hi not sure if you take requests but in case you do could you write reader x lando where y/n is a celebrity or an influencer and she drops subtle hints at who is her new bf maybe some fun facts about him like "oh he hates fish and I'm making a lot of fish for christmas" and eventually the fans are like "guys it's totally lando"
words count: 2.5k + fans' tweets at the end
author's note: my first request and it was so fun to write 🥹 also added a hospital scene from the time of Vegas GP so we could experience a bit of protective Y/n and painkillers-high Lando (I forgot about a fish scene)
edit: I've just realized I've messed up the dates so let's pretend the award thingie was in '23 instead of '22
A secret boyfriend
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It was a normal Tuesday of 2023 when Y/n Y/l/n and Lando Norris met. Well, not so normal since it was the day Y/n won the first award in her musical career, and Lando had his first debut as an award presenter.
"And the winner is..." He opened the envelope and flipped it, as he held it upside down. "Y/n Y/l/n."
Y/n couldn't believe it at first. She looked at her best friend with tears in her eyes. They hugged before Y/n stood up and got on her way to the scene, still questioning if she actually heard her name or was it her mind playing tricks on her.
"Thank you," Y/n sent Lando a smile as he handed her the award, "are you sure it's for me?" She joked, trying to mask the anxiety she felt from the fact that now she had to give a speech while everyone watched.
"Absolutely, it's all yours. Well deserved." Lando said feeling a bit starstruck from being so close to one of his favorite singers.
Just this one simple interaction was enough for both Y/n's and Lando's fanbases to raise suspicions. However, what was unavailable to the fans' eyes were Y/n and Lando's interaction at the after party. Later the same evening, he approached her.
"Hey, congratulations again." He said with a grin on his face. "Your music is amazing, I couldn't imagine you not winning this award."
"Stop with the compliments, I'm gonna blush." Y/n laughed. "Nice to meet you. Lando Norris, isn't it?"
"Yeah, do you watch Formula One?"
"I'm going to be honest from the beginning and admit I did not, but I did my research and I just might start being a fan."
"If you're ever down for hearing firsthand gossip straight from the track, I'm at your service."
"I'd love to hear all the gossip over a coffe sometime."
"Let me give you my number then and I'll arrange something."
And so a few days later they had a coffee date. The date marked the beginning of a carefully hidden romance. They wanted to keep it a secret from the public eye, not wanting people prying on them, trying to estimate how long they'll last.
Keeping the relationship secret somehow came easy to them. They were seen on the coffee date indeed, however they made sure to have the next dates in private. The fans on both sides were literally clueless to the whole ongoing romance. Y/n had her tour, Lando had his races and it wasn't even a little bit suspicious how a lot concerts aligned with race weekends.
Unfortunately, one day Y/n went live on Instagram with her best friend. Unfortunately, because Y/f/n didn't know how to keep her mouth shut. Unfortunately, because Y/f/n gave away the big secret.
"You know, guys, we're gonna use lives as a way to spend time together," she joked, "I've been feeling a bit abandoned since Y/n has been spending so much time with her boyfriend. Even on tour and with his busy schedule, can you believe this?"
Y/n's eyes widened. "Y/f/n!" She scolded her friend.
"What? It's a joke, no worries, I can see you're finally happy and I'm happy for you!"
"Y/f/n! You weren't supposed to say that!"
But the damage was already done. There was nothing Y/n could say to save the situation. So instead she decided to start dropping subtle hints for the fans to guess. Maybe it was the right time to make the relationship public after five months. They couldn't hide it forever.
Y/n started the hint game when she was on Jimmy Fallon's show.
"Y/n Y/l/n, everybody!" Jimmy announced when the girl walked in and sat down on the armchair. "I haven't seen you in a year and so much happened during this time!"
"I know, I know," Y/n said with a smile. "I'm so glad I could make a quick pit stop here on my way to Montreal."
"I'm happy to have you here. You won an award, you got a boyfriend. How- how did that happen?"
Y/n chuckled at Jimmy's question, realizing it was the perfect opportunity to play the hint game. "Oh, life takes unexpected turns and sometimes you find yourself on a fast track to happiness."
Jimmy raised an eyebrow, sensing there was more to the story. "Anything you'd like to share about this mystery man?"
"You know, Jimmy, I've finally found someone who knows how to navigate the twists and turns in life."
The audience laughed and the speculations among fans skyrocketed as they tried to connect the dots from Y/n's playful hints.
The other time, Y/n was on a popular radio show. The host couldn't help but ask about the latest reveal of a big secret.
"You were left hurting really badly after your previous relationship," he spoke, "it's really good to see you finally happy."
"It was a big thing for me. Still is." The girl admitted. "My previous relationship made it hard to open up to a man like that again."
"What made you do it eventually then?"
"I decided life is too short for keeping things in the slow lane," Y/n chuckled, "and when you meet someone that can belt out a Taylor Swift song with the same passion as you, it's hard not to fall for them."
"So your mystery man is a Swiftie too? Any chance we might know him?"
"Oh, I bet many people who are listening right now would know him."
"Now you got us all intrigued, your fans wouldn't forgive me if I didn't ask for more."
Y/n grinned, "Well, he's practically flawless, except for one little detail. He's a scorpio. And let me tell you, when we're playing our silly little racing video games, his competitive scorpio side really comes out. It's all fun and games until his racing pride is at stake."
The host laughed. "I'm sure fans are already trying to guess who this mystery gamer is. And you, are you competitive?"
"Yes, totally. He's more experienced than I am, but it doesn't mean I won't try my hardest to beat him."
"Is there any trait you don't share?"
The girl nodded, "Yes, one thing I'm secretly jealous of. He's quite known for being able to fall asleep in the most uncomfortable conditions. I wish I could do that. I'm all about pillows and comfy blankets, but he can just doze off anywhere, anytime."
A few days later, in the warmth of Lando's bedroom, surrounded by the hum of city life outside the windows, Y/n brought up the topic with a playful glint in her eyes.
"You know, Lando, fans have been buzzing lately. It's quite entertaining."
"Well, you have started this yourself," Lando laughed, laying his head in his girlfriend's lap.
"Not me, it was Y/f/n. I just went with it and turned it into something fun for myself." Y/n defended herself. Her fingers started gently playing with Lando's hair.
"You do seem to be having a great time, leading your fans on and all that," he joked. "Are there chances they'll solve your mystery anytime soon?"
"I've seen a few tweets accusing you of being my secret boyfriend, but most people don't really believe that."
"What?" He sit up dramatically. He continued in a fake-offended voice. "Do they think I'm not good enough?"
Y/n giggled.
Lando's mock offense turned into a playful pout. "I can't believe they're doubting my boyfriend potential. I mean, come on, look at me!" He gestured theatrically at himself.
Y/n burst into laughter, "Maybe we should give them a little more to work with, stir the pot a bit."
Lando leaned in, placing a quick kiss on Y/n's cheek. "You're a master of turning chaos into entertainment, you know that?"
"It's quite a compliment, coming from a Formula One driver."
Lando flashed a grin. "Well, we both have our talents, don't we? Maybe we should drop some subtle hints during a race?"
And so they waited months for the Grand Prix in Vegas, because that was where they could start rumours about getting married. Sure, they could get married spontaneously anywhere, but there was no better place than Las Vegas.
Thankfully they managed to keep the relationship secret all these months, breadcrumbing Y/n's fans. After the Vegas GP, Y/n and Lando where supposed to go for an afterparty, get 'drunk' and then 'married'.
Unfortunately, they plans changed the direction a bit with Lando's crash. Y/n's heart sank as she watched the unfolding drama on the big screens. The thrill of the race was replaced with concern for Lando's well-being. Plans for the afterparty and the playful hints about a fake marriage suddenly didn't matter anymore.
Emergency crews rushed onto the track, the anxious seconds felt like an eternity as they worked to help Lando get out of his racing car. Y/n's heart pounded in her chest, the world around her blurring. The fact that he managed to walk away from the car was a small comfort.
Y/n's phone buzzed moment after Lando disappeared from her sight.
from: Lando
I'm okay, they're taking me to st vincent's hospital. Will update you soon. Love you xx
to: Lando
Be there in a second, see you soon
A shaky exhale escaped Y/n, she felt slightly relief and ran towards the exit. She was sure Lando wasn't okay, not after that crash, but at least he was conscious and walking on his own (although it could be the adrenaline). A moment later, when Y/n got into her own car, her phone buzzed again.
from: Lando
Yknow you could post a pic from the hospital, that would stir the pot
Y/n smiled at the massage. If he could think of that, he might had been better than she thought.
The neon lights of Las Vegas blurred as she drove through the city streets, trying to get to the hospital as quick as possible. Despite the speed, the journey seemed to stretch in time.
Arriving at St. Vincent's hospital, Y/n rushed through the entrance, her heart pounding. The reception area looked like a maze in her anxious state, but she managed to find a nurse.
"I'm here for Lando Norris," the girl said.
The nurse looked her up and down. "Are you his family?"
"I'm his girlfriend."
"Then, unfortunately, I cannot let you see him."
"His family is in Europe, I'm the closest to family you can get here in Vegas."
"The closest, but not family. I'll ask you nicely to wait here for further information."
Y/n nodded with an angry expression on her face. She sat down in the waiting room, pulling out her phone and dialing the number of her manager.
"Hey, Mia," the singer said. "I need you to do something." Urgency and frustration were visible in her voice.
"What's going on, Y/n? Are you okay?" Mia's concerned voice came through the line.
"It's Lando. He's been in a crash during the race in Vegas, and they've taken him to St. Vincent's Hospital. I'm here, but they won't let me in because I'm not 'family.' That's so stupid."
"I'm sorry, Y/n, but I still don't see what you want me to do."
"I want you to make a donation for the hospital from my account. Send them like $100,000. I think it'll be enough to let me in."
"Okay, I'll take care of it."
"Thanks, Mia. I appreciate it more than you know."
Y/n took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. Anxiety lingered in the air. But there was no way they wouldn't let her in after that.
Y/n didn't know how much time had passed. She felt as if all she did was staring at a wall in front of her, ocassionally moving her eyes to the floor or the ceiling. She was fidgeting with her fingers as the same nurse approached her.
"Miss Y/l/n, you're allowed to see Mr Norris in the room 305."
Without a word, Y/n rushed to the room. She found Lando lying in the hospital bed, his gaze turning towards the door as she walked in.
"Lando." Y/n breathed his name, rushing to his side and taking his hand in hers. "I was so worried. And they didn't want to let me in at first."
He managed a dazed smile, his eyes slightly glazed. "Hey, you're real, right? This isn't happening in my head?"
Y/n chuckled. "Yes, I'm real. It's me."
He squinted at her. "You sure? You look like a beautiful hallucination."
"Well, if I'm a hallucination, at least a beautiful one."
"I feel like I'm floating on marshmallow clouds, but you're the most beautiful marshmallow I've ever seen."
Y/n couldn't help but laugh. "I think you might be on some strong painkillers, love."
"Ah, that explains the marshmallows. They're having a party in my head," Lando said with a dreamy expression.
Y/n burst into laughter, the tension of the earlier moments disappearing in the room.
"Did you know," Lando continued, "that racing is like trying to catch a rainbow? And if you're lucky, you might find a pot of gold at the end."
"Is there an Irish leprechaun as well?"
"I wouldn't be surprised. Maybe that's who's been guiding me all this time."
"You gotta ask him to make the rainbow less slippery next time then."
He nodded solemnly. "I'll have a serious talk with him. No more slippery rainbows, only smooth, marshmallow clouds."
As they joked around, Y/n couldn't ignore the quiet concern for Lando's well-being. She gently brushed his hair away from his forehead. "You scared me, you know? Seeing you crash like that."
"I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean to scare you. I promise I'll be more careful next time. But you have to promise me something too.""
"What is it?"
"You'll visit me in the marshmallow cloud world sometimes. It gets lonely up there."
Y/n laughed, leaning in to press a gentle kiss on his cheek. "I'll visit anytime you want."
"You know, even in the middle of all this craziness, having you here feels like finding that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow."
As the night carried on, the hospital room became a cocoon shielding them from everything that layed outside its walls. Y/n found herself falling asleep on an armchai next to Lando's bed.
In the quiet ambiance of the night, Lando's mind wandered through the whimsical landscapes of his medication-induced thoughts. He couldn't help but marvel at the coincidence that brought Y/n into his life.
It all started with handing her an award. It seemed like it happened a whole lifetime ago and now, there they were, in the middle of marshmallow clouds.
Y/n, nestled in the armchair, breathed softly in her sleep, completely unaware of Lando's reflections. Soon enough, Lando allowed himself to succumb to the gentle pull of sleep as well.
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klemen-tine · 4 months
Glass Bones and Paper Skin Part 2
Platonic! Bruce x Model! GN! Reader
First Part
Part 3
Trigger Warnings: Hint at suicide, Body Issues, Eating problems (not a disorder), Child Neglect, stalking
This is more of the family side than it is of Bruce. Next part will be everyone.
“Young Master Y/N, what a pleasant surprise.” Y/N smiled at Alfred, opening their arms and sagging in relief once they hugged the butler. The three hour car ride had been tense, with everyone asking questions and Y/N trying their hardest to be polite while not losing it. The fashion show still fresh in their mind, and the clothing Francesca had given them was gently folded and placed in the trunk of the car. 
“It is good to see you, Alfred. It’s been too long.” The old man huffed, “Indeed. A year of only phone calls and cards does make it seem like it was a century ago since I last saw your face… in person.” Y/N smiled, giving Alfred a playful look before remembering where they are and how they got here. 
The smile on their face became practiced, expression smoothening out as they turned to face the rest of the family who were all waiting patiently. Dick was smiling brightly, unraveling his scarf and walking forward, “Hey Alfie, you should have seen our Y/N walk. They really made the show.” 
“I find it insulting they made you walk last,” Damian chimed and crossed his arms. Y/N gave him a small smile, “Being a closer is as much of a compliment as being the opener.” The young boy scrunched his nose, “I preferred the show in Paris.” 
“Francesca Gabbana designed the piece, Alfred you’ll have to see it.” Tim was the one carrying the case that had the piece in it. The old man hummed, “I saw it on the television, but perhaps seeing it in person will be better.” Jason shrugged, walking in and gently nudging Y/N with his larger shoulders, “Although, did she have to make the Bat symbol just the front piece? It barely covered anything.” Y/N could see his jaw clench like the very thought of other people seeing Y/N’s stomach. 
Bruce was the last to walk in, shrugging off his coat and hanging it over his arm, “Fashion designers do not care about function, only beauty.” Y/N smiled tensely, “It is a form of art.” The older man smiled at Y/N, and the model couldn’t get rid of the image of the Bruce they saw backstage. 
“Of course it is. One of the most demanding forms of art as well.” Y/N couldn’t place the tone, but there was a sudden shift in the atmosphere. Alfred shuffled, “Well, dinner is almost ready. Young Master Y/N, if you want you can wash up in one of the guest bathrooms. Your room is currently being used as a trophy room.” Y/N chuckled, “Oh dear, you’re not hanging up my photos are you?” 
“I did tell you I would be.” Y/N shook their head, “Thanks Alfred, but I don’t have any clothes here.” An arm swung around their shoulder, and Y/N stiffened under the sudden touch. Jason was smiling at them, “C’mon Y/N, we have some clothes for you.” Y/N felt the sudden spike again in their spine, alerting them that something was amiss and only bad things would happen if they asked questions. From how everyone was looking at them, Y/N specifically, it was like they were waiting for Y/N to ask. Impatiently waiting for that landmine to explode in front of them. 
“How kind of you, I wasn’t expecting that.” Y/N jumped over it. 
“Of course! How could we not have clothes ready for when our younger sibling comes home. Even though it’s been almost three years, I hope everything still fits right.” Just to land on another landmine. Y/N kept the smile on, years of being talked down to by photographers have helped them create the perfect mask of politeness. 
“So, which bathroom in which guest room?” Tim stepped forward and gently guided Y/N out from under Jason’s arm and further into the manor. Y/N stayed half a step behind, taking in the gothic manor and the decorations littering the hallway. 
Out of all the siblings, Y/N is closest with Tim. Not really siblings, and not really even friends, but if his relationship could be described as a length rope attached to each person, Tim’s would be the second shortest. Right after Alfred. They are close in age, and Tim was the first one to comment on Y/N’s photo when Y/N had first started modeling. 
It was only once, and it may have been in passing, but Y/N had held that interaction close to their heart. The first and last comment from a sibling about their modeling. An acknowledgement of sorts, that made Y/N momentarily believe that they were noticeable, only for that to be squished that same day. 
“You’re photo in the Cosmetology magazine, it looks really good. Red suits you.” 
The way that color looked on Y/N was the same as how a red rose looked on a green stem; like it was always meant to be. Y/N has seen the comparisons between them and their mother. M/N L/N was a beautiful woman, with large eyes and pouty lips, the very definition of innocence. A puppy-dog look that fit so naturally on her face. 
A white rose. 
While Y/N had a more sultry tone, a more powerful presence, one that demanded attention. 
A red rose. Not so innocent, or pure, but who can be when you see your own mother dead in the bathtub. Drug allegations and the loss of her popularity caused her downfall, and she loved her popularity more than she loved her child. Y/N finds it hard to blame her, because after they have gotten a taste of what beauty can get them, they can see why their mother got addicted to the camera flashes. 
The assurance that yes, they are beautiful. They are beautiful and worthy of the cameras. 
But with every camera flash, is a terrible comment. A terrible blog, highlighting their faults and insecurities. Someone dissecting every motion they made, every microexpression, ever comment. 
“Here you are, Y/N.” Y/N’s attention snapped back and sure enough they were in front of the door. Tim waited patiently for Y/N to enter, “Thank you, Tim.” The young man shrugged, “Sure. Clothes can be found in the dresser and shoes in the closet.” Y/N nodded, waiting for the other to leave. Instead Tim turned around and faced Y/N, waiting for the other with a raised brow, “You’re not going to ask about the clothes?” 
Y/N gulped, “I feel like if I ask, I won’t like the answer. I’d rather live in ignorance for now.” They walked past Tim, opening and closing the door, but before they saw Tim grin and a smile played out on his lips, “Smart.” 
They locked the door, and when they turned around Y/N nearly collapsed. They pressed their back into the door as they stared at the room in mild terror. Their room from their condo, fully paid off condo, was present in front of Y/N. The same color palette, the same furniture, hell even the bookshelves are the same. Gulping, Y/N walked further in and when they opened the dresser, their jaw clenched and fingers shook. 
The exact same clothes. 
The bathroom was their saving grace, or so they thought. It didn’t look like their bathroom in the condo, save for the same colored towels. That was until they opened the shower and saw full bottles of the same brand soap, shampoo, conditioner, masks, everything. 
“Just like home. It is just like home, Y/N. Only in the Manor.” They mumbled to themselves, stripping in front of the shower stall and jumping in and not even waiting for the water to get hot. They wanted in and out as quickly as possible. Washing their hair, their body, and not even bothering to do the usual masks and scrubs. 
Jumping out, they quickly towel dried themselves and threw on the robe that was so familiar. 
“Routine… keep to the routine…” Body lotion, while the skin is still damp so it can absorb into the skin better, followed by an oil. For the face it was a double cleanse, first an oil based then water-based, followed by toner, retinol, serums, hyaluronic acid, moisturizer, and face oil. Teeth will be after the meal, but hair… 
“Moisturizer, blow dry, and then oil.” Y/N continued to mutter, trying desperately to not go crazy as the familiar brands flashed across their face and they had to use it like normal. They had too. Cause if they don’t, then Y/N knows that they will go crazy. 
They don’t bother to look in the dresser again, already on the verge of having a nervous breakdown, and instead they opted to flop onto the bed. Y/N buried their face in the pillow, and tried to not think about anything. They tried to force their mind blank, just how they did on the runway. 
“Y/N, are you ready?” Only it wasn’t working. Sitting up, Y/N stared at the door and contemplated answering. The carefully crafted facade was cracking and Y/N doesn’t know if they can keep the mask on any longer. From the multiple shows this week, to the shows earlier today, then this, the mask had outworn its use and now it is slowly begging to be taken off. 
“One minute please.” Only they can’t. Not here. Definitely not here. 
Peeling themselves off of the bed, Y/N stripped out of the robe and grabbed the first shirt they saw, underwear, and jeans. Their house slippers were right next to the dresser, and Y/N wanted to cry. All of it was getting too much and they're not sure how much longer they can be doing this. 
Opening the door, Dick and Jason were the ones waiting for them. Dick grinned, “How insulting of you to look so great in only jeans and a crew neck, making the rest of us look like toads.” Y/N chuckled, closing the door behind them, “I am a model, its my job to look good in every style of clothing.” 
Dick laughed, wrapping an arm around Y/N’s shoulder he pulled the other close. Close enough that Y/N could smell the detergent used on Dick’s clothes, and body heat radiating off of the other. They started walking, Jason keeping silent while Dick chatted to Y/N, catching the other up on the past year. 
“There are more to the family now, but they won’t be at dinner today. Cass is with Steph, Duke is studying, and Barbara has dinner with her own family to join.” Y/N nodded, ignoring the small sting that others can be welcomed in while they couldn’t be. Instead, they kept the conversation polite, “How nice! It must be worthwhile to have so many people here.” Dick grinned, and there was a type of sharpness to it that had Y/N squirming. 
“Yeah, but it was never really a full house because not everyone was here.” A jab at Y/N, who muscled through it, “Well, modeling is a travel-heavy job. There was no time to come back.” The brothers stayed quiet, leading Y/N to the dining room table where everything and everyone was sitting and waiting patiently. 
Bruce caught their eyes, and motioned for them to sit at the empty seat next to him, Tim on the other side. Y/N walked over, and took the seat graciously, trying to ignore the weight in their stomach that was making their throat close. Alfred emerged, and like the true butler he was, he began setting their plates in front of them. Perfectly made and being presented beautifully on the white ceramic plates with gold leaf designs. 
Their favorite meal, one that always had Y/N running down the stairs when Alfred would announce his plans to make it, sat perfectly in the center of the plate. Its been so long since Y/N had it, no one quite makes it like Alfred does, and plus its just not really in Y/N’s diet. 
But Alfred made it. Alfred put his time and effort into making it, and Y/N is not going to spit on that. Once everyone had their plate, the dinner table became loud with chatter. Just like hoow it used to be. Dick would carry the conversation for the entire table, Jason would make sarcastic remarks, Tim intelligent ones, Damian’s would be snide, and Bruce would look exhausted the entire time. However, he still partook in them, letting his kids have the family moment of conversing with their parental figure. Smiling and chuckling as he did so, Bruce tried to be that good father figure. 
And Y/N just sits there. They eat quietly and think about their next photo shoot, the next trends that they need to hop on, the workout routine they need to adhere by. Questions do not get thrown their way– 
“Now that fashion season is over, what are your plans Y/N?” E/C eyes blink owlishly, staring at Dick in wonder as all eyes focus on them. 
“Oh, uh, um, well its normally rest season for us, but I have plans to schedule a few photoshoots, commercials, and I know Maya has been talking about me becoming a brand ambassador.” Y/N wants to keep the momentum. Y/N wants to be kept busy to get and stay away from here. 
“You’re not going to rest?” Jason questioned, raising a brow and Y/N shrugged, “I plan to take a few weeks off, but modeling doesn’t really have a set time.” It isn’t a 9-5 job, or vigilante job. Y/N will have to make public appearances, showing up to Galas, grand openings, other fashion shows, fashion shoots, and a lot of traveling. 
Bruce hummed, “Sounds like you’re running yourself thin.” Y/N gulped, “It sounds like a lot, but most of it is traveling and getting ready. Besides, I like being busy.” In high school, Y/N would go from school the the modeling agency where they would schedule photo shoots and commercials. Then it would be meeting with dieticians, personal trainers, estheticians, and then more meeting for future goals. The next steps. 
Y/N was always busy, but so was their mother and she managed. She was a single mother and a high end fashion model. If she can do it, then there is no reason Y/N can’t. 
“But there are other stuff right? Like you need to get facials to make sure your skin looks nice, and working out,” Damian chimed in, and Y/N blinked in surprise at the youngest contributing to the conversation. They smiled, “That’s not really tiring, it’s just time consuming.” 
Alfred walked back into the dining room, a dessert platter in his hands, “Then it is good you will be resting here. Take a few days to enjoy being free.” A cheesecake was set down in front of Y/N, and Alfred pointedly stared at the half eaten meal. He gave Y/N a raised brow, and while the model would normally smile and reassure the man that they would eat later, their face was full of shock, “What do you mean a ‘few days?’” 
Bruce wiped the corner of his lips with a napkin, “A few days. Rest here for a few days, it’ll be good for you and for everyone else.” Y/N gulped, “Why is it good for everyone else if I stay?” 
“Of course it’s good for us. Family sticks together obviously, and with you running off, it really sent things haywire.” There it was again. The phrase ‘running off’ as if it was something Y/N actually did. They smiled, “You’re sounding like Tim. I did not run off, I moved out.” Bruce’s brow furrowed, “ ‘Moved out,’ huh. I didn’t realize moving out meant leaving without so much as a goodbye.” 
“The things you left behind, you scheduled people to grab them and throw them out. Alfred was the one to stop them from touching your room,” Dick stated. Those blue eyes keep Y/N locked in their seat. The smile on the oldest sibling’s face was anything but kind, “It’s like you wanted to erase yourself from this manor. You left behind almost nothing that would trace you to us.” 
“Not a number to call. We had to get it from Alfred,” Jason chimed, taking a bite of the chocolate mousse cake. 
“Or a letter explaining where you went.” Damian took a sip of the tea. 
“Or an address.” Tim gulped his cup of coffee, all of them watching Y/N. They way their sibling’s shoulders tensed and that fake smile became more and more downturned. Bruce spoke once more, “It seems like you don’t even want to be a Wayne. Taking your mother’s last name despite the controversies.” 
Y/N’s smile turned bitter, “I took her last name because Wayne is more influential and I wanted to start with as little influence as possible. Plus, legally my last name is still L/N.” Bruce met Y/N’s gaze, “And look how many speculations you got for drug use.” 
“...Since when did you read gossip?” 
“The moment my kid’s photo is attached to that piece of gossip.” Y/N is still aware of all the blogs accusing them of drug-use, the same blogs that accused M/N. People using her photos to compare their features and just cause more drama. 
Y/N took a bite of the cheesecake, and the tension at the table was thick. Usually it was between Dick and Bruce, or Jason and Bruce. Never between Y/N though. Although, Y/N never spoke at the table so maybe that is why they were arguing? Can this even be considered an argument? 
Alfred cleared his throat, “While talking is appreciated, arguments stay away from the dinner table.” So it was an argument. Y/N apologized to the man and took another bite of the cheesecake. Their mind filled with the workout they are going to have to do to burn this off. 
Alfred watched the child he considered a grandchild drink their tea, brewed in the darkness of the kitchen and now sitting at the dinner table again. While a year may not seem long, for Alfred it was. Y/N, who had been there for half a decade, had been glued to Alfred’s side. The man always taking the teen to and from school, and then sometimes to their gigs. 
It was Alfred that took Y/N to their first audition to be a model, and it seems like it was only a few days before he received a call from a woman claiming to be M/N L/N’s manager, and while she may not be Y/N’s manager, her daughter will be. Alfred liked Maya. The young woman always let him know of Y/N’s gigs, she would pick the young teen up and drop him off, and she tried to be as helpful as she could. Maya was a woman born to manage models and their busy and demanding schedules. 
What Alfred didn’t like, was that Maya still had the old school model critiques. Alfred gaped at the woman when she handed him a list of diets for Y/N to ‘lose weight.’ A 15 year old Y/N, who was already slender, now being told they had to be skinny but toned. A child being told that ice cream was no longer an option, and their favorite burgers were banned. 
He furrowed at the training regime, wondering how agencies can expect a teenager to be toned like their already full adult models. Nonstop cardio, ab workouts, and toning exercises. Then strut practice, because if Y/N was M/N’s child, then they were made for the runway. Born to walk in front of cameras and audiences. 
“If Y/N wants to be a model, then sacrifices have to be made,” Was Maya’s response to Alfred's inquiries. She assured him that Y/N would still be eating, and she encouraged Y/N to eat, but now those meals were restricted to certain foods. 
Alfred watched as Y/N struggled at first, their own plate different from the others, and how the blisters on their toes and heels bled through their socks and bandaids. The old man watched as the training and strut practice became an everyday routine. Y/N walked on the wobbling plyboard, barely wide enough for one foot, and the amount of times they fell off of it. The books stacked on their head for good posture and balance, followed by walking on an incline in those uncomfortable shoes, then training the muscles to the point of exhaustion. 
He had watched the child-like baby fat on Y/N’s cheeks melt off and expose cheekbones that looked tight against the skin. Y/N still looked beautiful, not more or less, but Alfred could see the exhaustion in those young eyes and how Y/N juggles modeling and being a student. 
Y/N didn’t even go to their high school graduation, choosing instead to head to Paris for their first ever abroad photoshoot. That kickstarted the traveling and runway model career. Once Y/N got their highschool diploma, they were out the door and becoming busier and busier. 
“I see you still drink onion skin tea so late at night.” Y/N smiled up at Alfred, “Of course. I was shocked to see that you still keep the skins.” The older man sat across from Y/N, nursing his own cup of tea “Of course. In case you ever visited, I thought it would be great to have some in stock.” Y/N gave Alfred a ‘really?’ look, continuing to sip on the still hot tea.
“I saw the piece you wore today,” Alfred started the conversation. 
“It truly is a beautiful piece of work.” Y/N’s jaw clenched, “Did you know about-” Y/N waved a hand in the air, “- about Bruce calling to commission a piece?” The old man took a sip of the earl gray. Y/N shook their head, unable to be upset, “Alfred, a call about that would have been appreciated.” 
“An address would also be appreciated but seeing as you have withheld that information, I saw no harm in sharing Master Bruce’s commission.” Y/N deflated, rubbing their forehead with their fingers, “Alfie-” 
“You only use that name when you know you’re about to be in trouble, so you might as well just say it, Young Master Y/N.” Y/N’s cheeks blushed and their lips pouted, “Alfie, I told you that the reason I didn’t tell you my address is because I am always traveling. I’d feel awful if you showed up and I wasn’t there.” 
“There’s a wonderful contraption called a cellphone, Young Master Y/N. I would call before making that trek over.” Y/N groaned, setting his cup down and trying not to crumble in front of the grandfather figure. Answering to Alfred was always harder than answering to Bruce. 
“Young Master Y/N, I understand your hesitancy is sharing in your life with others. Life was lonely here, and I understand wanting to forget that. However, having only a number to call you is terrifying. What if something happens and I cannot help you?” Y/N gazed sadly at Alfred, “Life wasn’t lonely, Alfie. I had you, right?” 
Alfred Pennyworth, Y/N’s saving grace and lifeline. The person who is proof that Y/N was not alone in the Wayne Manor. The butler always willing to lend an ear when Y/N vented their frustrations, and when tears escaped their E/C eyes. He is Y/N’s biggest supporter. Always buying a magazine that had Y/N in it, and he would listen to Y/N critique the pose and the facial expression. Then he would give Y/N a slice of cheesecake and compliment Y/N, in both the photo and in person. 
Always reassuring the other that a cheat day will not set him back, and rest is what the body needs the most. Reassuring Y/N that their mother would be proud, that Bruce notices them, and that Y/N’s siblings do in fact love them. 
“Besides, why would you even want to visit? My place wouldn’t be as grand as this–” 
“It would be to make sure your fridge is stocked and that you are eating. You have always been the worst when it comes to eating, and I worry that your fridge and pantry are empty.” Alfred doesn’t have to guess that Y/N’s fridge is empty, because he knows it is. 
He knows that Y/N’s fridge is empty besides some drinks, and that the pantry is only snacks. While Y/N may have the excuse of being gone for so long, traveling and whatnot, Alfred knows that Y/N does not spend a lot of money on food. Y/N spends more money on clothes, jewlery, facial and hair care products, than they do on groceries. 
Y/N doesn’t even look ashamed. Nervous, yeah, but not ashamed. They sip their tea without making eye contact. Time to change the subject. 
“Why is Bruce, and all the boys, all of a sudden interested in what I do?” Alfred didn’t Y/N out on the obvious change in conversation, but he let it slide. The old man sighed, “Why would a parent not be interested in what their child is doing?” 
“Young Master Y/N, you have worked tirelessly to get to the position you are now. With no help from the family, you had spent your late mother’s money to audition, then to pay your managers, and now you are making it big within the industry. Is it wrong for a parent to congratulate their child?” Y/N bit their  lip, “So its because I’m finally someone now? Was I not worth attention because I chose not to be Robin?” 
“Young Master Y/N–” 
“I don’t care about that. Like I told Bruce, it wasn’t abuse or anything, he just simply didn’t have time for me and that’s fine. I’m not mad about that.” Alfred watched Y/N get worked up, and E/C begin to shift in nervousness, “What I am talking about is why did Bruce pay off my Condo, and why does he have access to my bank account?” 
Silence fell across the table. Y/N staring at Alfred expectantly, while the butler finished his tea. Once done, he grabbed his and Y/N’s tea cup and headed towards the kitchen. 
“Perhaps, that is a Master Bruce question.” Y/N made a sound of annoyance, throwing themselves back into the chair and scrunching their nose. Standing up from the table, Y/N said goodnight to Alfred, and proceeded up that stairs and into dark hallways. Y/N wasn’t ready to go back to the guest room, feeling their heart rate spike whenever they thought of the replicated room. 
Instead, they walked down familiar halls towards a room-now-turned-trophy room. They reached for the doorknob, but found themselves unable to open it. Y/N didn’t want to see all the photos Alfred had kept throughout the years. Rather, what caught Y/N’s attention was the lacking of doors in the hallway. There used to be two more doors on their left, but instead there was now one. The area where the second door was, was perfectly sealed and now blended into the wall. 
Y/N took a deep breath, and opened the door. They used to be guest rooms as well. The two rooms had queen-sized beds and armoires for the unexpected guests that popped up. Y/N’s room used to be a guest-room, but they ended up liking the privacy because no one else’s room was around their’s. In fact, it was the guest room across from Y/N’s room that they had turned into the practice room, seeing that no one came down this hallway. 
However, clearly people were not because of the renovation done. 
When the door opened, Y/N sought out the light switch. The room was pitch black, and the last thing Y/N wanted to do was trip over something. Feeling around the wall, Y/N rejoiced when they felt the familiar switch and flicked it on. Once the bright light filled the room, Y/N took a deep breath. They were expecting a game room, or an indoor swimming people because that seems like something a rich person would do. Turning two guest rooms into a pool despite it being on the second floor. 
Something not exactly normal, but expected. 
Y/N didn’t expect this. Gone was the wall that separated the two bedrooms, making it one long room, and all the furniture was absent. No more beds, armoires, and it looks like even the bathrooms were gutted and turned into part of the room. All the tables, rugs, sofas, everything that was once in those rooms, were now gone besides the chandeliers that hung on the ceiling. Filling the room with a bright light, that didn’t fit the manor aesthetic at all, and illuminating everything that was in the room. 
While the furniture was gone, the room was not empty. Mannequins lined the walls, on their own podiums and glass cases. While seeing them bare would have been scary, seeing them dressed in the clothes that Y/N had worn on the runways was more terrifying. Y/N, in the runway season alone, walked 86 shows. That is the runways season alone, not including the other smaller shows they have done since graduating high school almost a year ago. 
These weren’t all of the clothes they have worn, there was still a large amount and they were the most iconic pieces. Pieces that a designer would never want to give someone. 
Y/N walked further in, taking in the first mannequin on the right, and they noted that the mannequin looked eerily similar to Y/N. Only missing the facial features and hair, but it looked like the proportions were almost spot on. 
The plastic doll had on the outfit from a runway show earlier in the year, when Y/N walked for Versace. A simple long blazer with deep V cut, stopping mid-thighs where only an inch of skin was shown before thigh boots bedazzled in gold, diamonds, emeralds, and other precious jewels took over the rest of the legs. The earrings they wore were poked into the mannequin's own ears and the bracelets hung off the dainty wrists. In the glass case, next to the mannequin, was the photo taken of Y/N when they were walking. 
The next case was a piece they wore when walking for a newer fashion-designer, one that Y/N did for free just to get to their name out there, and the piece was a gorgeous suit, dyed a beautiful vermillion red that had the slighted shimmer of gold in it. Y/N’s runway photo was once again next to the mannequin. 
The entire room was full of these iconic runway looks, with Y/N’s photo right next to them, and they surrounded all sides of the room and some of them in the middle. Almost like an art gallery of sorts, and Y/N looked at every single one of them. Not in amazement or judgment, but more of horror. 
Y/N knows some of these fashion designers. They have known some of them since they were a child and watching their mom get fitted by these exact same designers. No matter how much she begged, they would never let her take one of their creations home. These clothes were meant to be either safe-guarded in a museum, in their own collection, or in some cases bought by a celebrity and worn to an award ceremony as advertisement. 
In other words, Y/N knows that some of these designers would rather gnaw off an arm then give away their precious creations. Yet, here some of those precious creations were, hanging on the mannequin shaped like the model. 
In the center of the room, like it was the main show, was the Batman-inspired piece. All that was missing was the photo, which wouldn’t be published for another few weeks. 
Taking a deep breath, they stared at the reflection in the gold-plated bat. They were trying to process all of this. It’s one thing to have photos, because Y/N is a model and photos are expected, but to have the actual clothes they wore. Clothes that Y/N knows the designers would kill for, dressed on mannequins that looked almost exactly like Y/N was another thing.
Y/N backed out of the room, turning the lights off and shutting the door silently. They stared at their own door, sweat beginning to break out on their forehead, and they went against their instincts and opened that door. 
A trophy room, Alfred had said. The walls are decorated in their photos, and the bed is still as immaculate as the day they left. Turning the lights on, Y/N couldn’t help but to smile as the time capsule in front of them. From their very first photoshoot, when Y/N was a gangly 15-year-old with still chubby cheeks, to the most recent photoshoot of a now 18 almost 19-year-old Y/N. Their confidence can be seen in their pose and gaze, something their younger self lacked. 
Y/N walked closer to the walls and looked at all the different photos. Some candid, some posed, some in the water, and there’s one where they are in Greece. Some had Y/N fully clothed with barely and inch of skin, and some were of Y/N with barely an inch of clothes. From makeup, to shoes, to perfume, to clothes, Y/N’s photo was pinned on the wall or framed. 
A photo caught their attention though. It wasn’t one from a website, or a magazine, but an actual photo. Y/N looked closer, and they recognized the set from when they were 16-years-old posing for an editorial magazine. 
However, the angle in which this photo was taken from, Y/N knows there were no cameras there. All the cameras were in front or on the side, not behind. Another photo caught their eyes, and it was the same thing. A photo from behind. 
Once they started looking for them, Y/N could begin to spot them all. Photos that they know no photographer took. There was one that had their blood chilling and fear rising in their chest. It was a photo, taken at night and through one of the windows in Y/N’s condo. Y/N had one wall in the living room that was basically all windows, letting in the morning sun and led out onto the gated terrace. It was high enough that they had no neighbors that could look through those windows. 
In the photo, Y/N was wearing their pajamas and their hair still looked wet. They were sitting on the counter of the island in their kitchen, eating raspberries and watching Youtube on their TV. It was such a close photo, close enough that the reflection can be seen in the glass. 
Y/N recognizes the blue and black, and when Y/N’s eyes drifted to another photo of them in their home, bile rose into their throats. The morning sun illuminated the warm neutral color palette in the living room, and Y/N was out on the terrace sitting at the patio table they had set up out there drinking a cup of coffee and reading a book. They had their shirt off, exposing ribs pulled tightly against skin and abs that remained toned even when Y/N wasn’t flexing. The shorts they had on exposing soft skin and pedicured feet, their slipped laid forgotten under the chair they were sitting in. 
They recognize that book. It was a book they read in the height of summer, meaning that this photo was taken half a year ago, when it was okay to sit outside in the warm summer mornings and let the skin begin to circulate. 
What chilled Y/N even more was that whoever took this photo was on their terrace with them. They were on Y/N’s terrace, and Y/N didn’t even know. The Wayne family has known Y/N’s address the entire time. They knew where Y/N was staying, they knew Y/N’s photoshoot schedules, and they knew Y/N better than Y/N thought they did. 
“I didn’t think you’d come in here.” Y/N’s head whipped around and there was Dick, or Nightwing, still in costume and smiling at them. 
“The hell is this?” Y/N held up the photo of them on the terrace, and Dick shrugged, “I’ll admit, those photos we took. But we didn’t take the other ones.” 
“What other ones?” “The ones of you at the photoshoots. I know you saw them, but we didn’t take those.” Y/N glared at Dick, and pushed themselves close to the wall as Dick walked in. Damian was right behind him. The oldest brother walked to the photo that originally caught Y/N’s attention, “You had a stalker, can you believe that? He took hundreds of photos of you, and all we did was make him stop.” 
Y/N’s lips pursed, “How do I know you’re not lying?” Dick unpinned the photo, and with Damian’s help, trapped Y/N against the wall next to the photo of them outside. He held up the photo, “Because, Y/N, as you can see we prefer more… candid photos then staged.” 
Y/N snapped, “There is nothing candid about that photo! That is an invasion of privacy! Trespassing! So is that one!” They pointed to one of them sitting on the counter. Damian grabbed their arm, and Y/N wanted nothing more than to shove the kid off. 
“And so is that one.” Dick pointed to one of Y/N wearing only a large shirt, a towel around their shoulders as they walked into their kitchen. 
“And that one.” 
“And that one.” 
“That one there.” 
“There’s that one too.” Y/N looked at all the photos, hidden next to the magazine photos, and they were all of them in their home. Horror morphed on Y/N’s face when there was one photo of Y/N in the bedroom, in the midst of taking their shirt off. 
Dick continued to smile, and Y/N could see Jason and Tim peeking in from the doorway. 
“You did a lot on your own, Y/N. You built a name for yourself, became a highly sought after model, it really is amazing.” Dick walked closer, “But you know what all of those photos have in common?” Y/N stared into blue eyes, terror swimming in those E/C eyes of theirs. 
“You aren’t even aware of your photo being taken.” The truth unsettled Y/N enough to try and squirm out of Damian’s grip and to get away from Dick. They didn’t need to be pointed out. Y/N is aware that in every photo taken without their permission, they were not once aware of it. Even when they looked like they would be only a few feet away, Y/N not once looked bothered. Y/N doesn’t even remember that feeling of being watched. 
Tim and Jason stepped in the room, making it seem crowded and even if Y/N got out of Damian’s grip, there was no way they were getting past all of them. 
Large hands gripped Y/N’s forearms, feeling like they would bruise the skin if Y/N struggled. 
“So tell your big brother Y/N, how do you expect us to trust you on your own when you can’t even notice someone on your terrace?” 
Part 3 is coming soon....
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swanawil · 4 months
sooo can I request some (romantic) Adam x reader w/Adam being insecure? Thank you💙
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Adam's insecurities
A man that's lost two wives to the same man is bound to have some insecurities
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Your first wife leaving you for the most hated man on the planet, and then your second wife cheating on you with that same most hated man on the planet tends to make one insecure.
Yet, you weren't sure if Adam just hid the insecurities, or if the insecurities just bounced off of that giant ego of his.
You froze when walking into the room. Usually, when entering a room Adam was in, whether you were alone or in public, you'd get a catcall from Adam. But you got nothing when walking into the main room of the apartment you guys had.
You looked at him on the couch. He was lazing on it like usual, his gaze fixed on the tv.
“Adam.” You spoke up, your voice stern.
“Huh?” He looked at you, “Oh, hey.” He looked back at the tv.
You looked down at your clothes. They were casual, obviously, you were at home. But the shirt you wore was pretty revealing, and it usually always got some type of compliment from him.
“Adam,” You said again.
“What?” He asked in an annoyed tone.
“What's your problem?” You asked.
“I don't have a problem.” He replied in the same annoyed tone.
You sighed, staring at him. You walked over and sat next to him on the couch.
“What's got my husband so down in the dumps, huh?” You asked softly, slowly moving a hand towards his mask, giving him more than enough time to protest before you slipped it off of his head and tossed it off of the couch into the floor. He had that annoyed scowl on his face.
“Look at you,” you smiled softly, giving him a few soft pecks on the lips as you let your hands wind into his hair, “my handsome man.”
He grabbed you by the hips, pulling you into his lap so you were straddling him, also pulling you deeper into the kiss. You kept your hands in his hair.
You knew he very well wouldn't stop, and this would transpire into more. And you would love that, you would. But you wanted to get to the bottom of what his problem was. Adam had a tendency to just use sex to get away from his problems and distract from them.
And that also meant you getting your guts pounded by him every time something frustrated or upset him.
You gave him a few pecks as you pulled away.
“So?” You asked.
“So what?” Adam asked, a bit upset you pulled away.
“What's your problem?” You asked again.
“Don't have one,” he responded. He leaned in to kiss you again. You didn't even indulge him with a peck, knowing he'd just refuse to let you pull away again.
You moved your hands to his cheeks, stopping him before he could kiss you again.
“Stop avoiding it, you obviously have a problem.” You gave him a knowing look.
He scoffed, looking away.
“Adam,” your voice was soft. He didn't reply. You moved his head to look at you again and you put your foreheads together. “Is it the wife thing?”
“I can't believe that ugly ass fucker took them,” Adam grumbled, looking into your eyes as you pulled your forehead away from his. “I mean, c'mon, what the hell do they see in him? Him! The most hated man ever. They chose that asshole over me? What the fuck!?” He threw his hands in the air.
“They were dumb,” you told him. You trailed a thumb across his cheek. “They were dumb then, and they're dumb now.”
“You're right. They are dumb!” He agreed. “Fuck them!”
“Yeah, and hey,” you caught his attention again. “You got me now. And I'll never leave you. Not in a million years.”
He stared at you for a moment. The tv started to take up the silence.
“God you make me so hard,” he smirked, “so, what's up sugartits?” There he was. The normal, cocky, and honestly kind of disgusting Adam.
“Ew, okay, ruined the moment,” You told him, beginning to get off of him. But you were pulled back down onto his lap by his arms around your waist.
“C’mon babe,” he smirked, whispering in your ear, “I'll show you just how much better I am than Lucifer.”
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oh-koenig-my-koenig · 6 months
meeting him at the pub
(cw: age gap)
I don’t know how it happened, how I ended up chatting to the tall metalhead at the pub. But I was meeting my friends there like every other Wednesday and when I got drinks from the bar, a dark, friendly voice piped up. “Hey, nice shirt.” My head whips to the side, looking for the person who gave me the compliment.
Right there at the table, sitting alone, a huge, tall guy with long dark hair. Tattoos adorned the big strong arms distracting from his bandshirt, I think it’s from Dark Tranquility. The drawings span to his hands ending at the knuckles, that moved as he grabbed the bottle of beer standing right in front of him.
My eyes close in on his face, a ruggedly handsome one. A nose that seems to have been broken at least twice. Lips formed into a friendly smile. Serious eyes looking straight at me, eyes that had seen some shit, but the laugh lines around them speak of a man who rather likes to laugh. He also looks a bit older than me.
I almost stumble over my own feet, halting for a moment to look which shirt I’m wearing today. It’s my Death shirt, the one with the Symbolic Album art. I look back up at him, smiling. “Thanks!” I continue my trip to the bar, a pep in my step.
When I walk back with the drinks in my hand, I shoot another friendly look in his direction. One that he answers with a nod and tipping his beer in my direction. And I totally blush at the little friendly gesture. I sit down with my friends handing them their beers, but I can’t help my eyes finding their way back to him every so often, to see what he’s doing.
He’s just chilling alone, at his table, drinking his beer, looking at the TV where some kind of soccer game was being shown, playing with his phone from time to time. It is so fucking tiny in his huge ass hands. And half the time I look in his direction, his gaze is already on me. Which is making me nervous. Not because it’s creepy or anything in that sense, but because he’s attractive. Oh my, ruggedly handsome, seeming like a gentle giant, while the way he’s sitting and observing everything around him is telling a different story.
“Just go fucking talk to him.” My friend sitting to my right grins at me. I shrug. “I don’t know.” They roll their eyes. “Just do it, you little chickenshit.” I throw up my hands. “Fine, fine, okay.” I snatch up my beer and hesitatingly make my way to his table.
He’s already looking at me, sitting up straight, as I approach him and ask with a shy smile on my face: “Can I sit here?” I point at the stool across from him. He seems a bit surprised, but he nods. “Sure, take a seat.”
I sit down and then a moment of silence falls over us where we just look at each other. The corner of his mouth is tilted up, a half-smirk making his face even more handsome, a few strands of hair falling over his left eye and cheek. He seems a little bit tense and I suddenly feel a little bit self-conscious. We just look at each other. And I can’t stop looking at him.
“So, you like Death too, huh?”, I ask him, and then I hear how that sounded. “The band, I mean.”, I clarify laughing. He joins in, a dark manly chuckle falling from his lips, and I can see his shoulders drop down a bit. Seeming a little more relaxed.
“I do.”, he answers. “Actually, one of my favourite bands.” His voice is a bit higher than I would have anticipated from such a big guy, he has a nice timbre and some kind of accent when speaking English, that he’s trying to mask.
“Understandably so.”, I say, going on a rant about my favourite bands. He just looks at me, stunlocked. His mouth slightly open. His eyes scanning my face, dropping down every so often. I don’t stop talking and he listens, nodding along.
“I also like Lorna Shore a lot, do you know them?”, I want to know. He shakes his head, still intently listening while only speaking every so often. “They’re a symphonic deathcore band, and my god, their music just blows you away.” He chuckles again. “And they’re in town next week, but I don’t have anybody to go to the concert with me.”, I say, turning down the corners of my mouth.
“I could accompany you.”, he chimes in which shuts me up. A friendly offer. But the way he’s looking at me is making it feel like so much more.
“Really? You would do that?”, I ask surprised.
He shrugs one of his shoulders, looking to his fingers that fiddle with the label on the beer bottle. “Yeah sure, I can be your company for that evening.”
I close my mouth and think about it for a moment. “Of course, that would be… very nice of you.” Great, I’m so eloquent when it comes to flirting with men. Especially older, tall metalheads. But the way he’s still fidgeting with the beer bottle, I think he’s having a hard time as well. Which makes his offer so much more surprising. But I’m not mad at it. Not at fucking all.
I clear my throat. “Maybe I can get the tickets and you can get the drinks?”, I suggest. I wouldn’t want this to seem like I wanted to mooch off him.
He hesitates for a bit, but then nods. “Sure.” I nod as well and drink some of my beer. So that’s that, huh?
“So, what do you do? For a living?”, I ask him. He halts for a second, and I add: “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, of course.” I tilt my head and push my cheek into my propped-up hand.
A smile forms on his lips, as he looks to the side for just a moment, but his eyes find their way back to me. “You’re a nosy one, huh?” which makes me hide my face in my hands looking at him through my splayed fingers, but he only laughs at my gesture.
“I’m actually a soldier, a mercenary. I’m currently on leave.”, he explains. My eyes widen at his words.
“Really? Damn okay.” That explains the aura around him that I couldn't pinpoint before. “So like, what’s your specialty or however this is called in the military?”, I ask, still being nosy.
His lips curl into a confident smile, his whole demeanor changing a bit. “I’m an insertion specialist.” And the way he says that makes my skin tingle, my jaw dropping down a bit. Because the tone in his voice makes me think about a certain kind of insertion. The ‘drop your clothes, get naked together’-kind.
He laughs again as he sees the expression on my face. “Get your mind out the gutter.”, he jokes.
“Huh, I didn’t say anything.”, I defend myself, weakly, holding up my hands in defense. He pulls up his eyebrows, donning a knowing smile and leaning back.
“M-hm.”, he says and his fingers wander to his lips, stroking over them absent-mindedly. “I specialize in breaking down doors and getting people out of whatever situation they’re caught in.” How he says it makes me smile, because he says it so non-chalantly, but I can see the pride behind his words.
A little silence falls over us again, but instead of being uncomfortable we just sit in it and look at each other. He drags his hand through his hair, his fingers threading through the brown strands. And I’m so normal about this. My god, why does he have to be so attractive?
“How old are you?”, he asks me, his eyes searching my face like I’d have it written on there. The first question he asked me this evening.
“I’m 25. And you?”, I return the question. He winces a bit, but he answers: “I’m 41.” I nod and sip on my beer. Well, I already assumed that he’s older than me, so I’m not really surprised by the age gap.
“I’m old enough to be your dad.”, he says and takes a sip from his beer. My eyes are glued to his lips, the way the bottle rests against them. Then he swallows and I follow the motion as the liquid flows down his throat.
I arch a brow. “No, you’re not.”
He tilts his head to his side, a little smile forming on his lips. “Well, maybe if I started early, I could be.” His eyes dart to me, for just a moment.
The other brow joins the one already sitting at my hairline. “Did you start early?”, I ask him.
His smile gets wider while he slowly shakes his head. “No.” He takes another sip and leans back a bit.
“So, not actually old enough to be my dad.”, I conclude the conversation, a grin turning up the corners of my mouth. “I’m gonna get another drink, you want one as well?”
He looks at me, his eyes boring into me. I see the little twinkle in them, but he shakes his head. “I’m sorry, I got to get home.”, he finally says, the expression on his face turning apologetic.
I hide my disappointment behind a charming smile. “Okay, no worries.”, I tell him.
He leans forward, coming a little bit closer, and I stand my ground, even as his scent hits my nostrils, and I have to damp down the excitement flooding my veins. He’s smirking at me now and raises his hand until his finger makes contact with my nose. He just booped my nose. “Tell you what though. Let’s exchange numbers and then we’ll see if you’re still up to going to a concert with me when you’re sober.”
I laugh a bit and pull out my phone from my pocket. “Okay, deal.” But his words also make me think. “Don’t you trust my judgement?”, I ask him as I hand him the device which looks ridiculously small in his hands.
He grins while tapping on the screen. “I do, but I don’t trust myself when I stare into the face of a beautiful woman.” He looks at me again and hands me back the phone, getting up. And he gets taller and taller and taller. I mean, I saw that he’s freaking huge when he was sitting down. But my god, he’s more than a foot taller than me. I have to put my head back to be able to look up at him.
“A beautiful woman, huh?”, I repeat his words back to him, ignoring the way this sentiment makes me feel.
“Aye.”, he says leaning down a bit. “Good night then.” He presses a small, almost chaste kiss onto the top of my head, while at the same time grabbing his leatherjacket. He puts the worn piece of clothing on and heads in the direction of the door.
I look down and see the new contact in my phone. His number, but instead of his name the little crown emoji sits on the top of the page. “Wait, what’s your name?”, I yell after him.
He turns around again, the long hair whipping over his shoulder, grazing over the worn leather. A grin lights up his face. “König, you know, like ‘king’ in German.”, he explains. He raises his hand again and waves goodbye, then he’s out the door.
He’s gone, but he’s still on my mind the rest of the evening while spending time at the pub, on my way home, as I’m getting ready to finally sleep. Especially the little forehead kiss lives in my mind rent-free.
When I wake up again in the morning, I contemplate what to do while I get myself a coffee. Finally, I gather my courage and shoot him a text.
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metalhead!König has me in a chokehold, so this was veeeery self-indulgent. i hope you still like it <3more to come soon, because i can't wait to go to a concert with him :')
part 2 or more stuff in the Masterlist
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sanguineterrain · 8 months
Hey I saw you're still taking requests... what about a batman x reader where the justice league meets his wife (the reader) by accident? And maybe they're shocked because he's so secretive and she's really sweet and just the total opposite of him. Feel free to ignore if this doesn't sound interesting to you. I love your writing 💗
Hey! I love this prompt, thanks for sending it in :) I made the reader gender neutral, I hope that's okay!
Bruce Wayne x spouse!gn!reader. No warnings, just Bruce being a little shit (and a sweet hubby).
You press your palm to the reader at the entrance of the Cave and jog down the stairs, talking all the way.
"Honey, Alfred and I are going to..."
Six superhero faces stare back at you. Bruce is in the cowl, expression hard to parse. Your brows rise.
"Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't know B had company. I'll leave you to it," you say, beginning to back up the stairs.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," says Green Lantern. You can't tell through the mask lenses, but you think he might be zeroed in on the ring on your left hand. "Uh, Spooky? Something you wanna tell us?"
You freeze on the steps. Bruce looks at you, then crosses the Cave in a few long strides. He stops next to you.
Sorry, you mouth at him. He shakes his head and reaches out to squeeze your hand.
"Hold the fucking phone," Green Arrow begins. "You're his—"
"Partner," Wonder Woman says instantly. She sounds pensive. "I have never seen you look at anyone like that, Bruce."
Bruce doesn't say anything, not that you expect him to. You feel him tense.
He'd been content to keep his family as private as possible, and you hadn't minded being kept separate. You know it's out of extreme protectiveness and the fact that you're the only one of the Wayne family who doesn't put a suit on and fight crime.
There's a moment of silence as the League studies you, then Bruce. You smile slowly and wave.
"Hi, Justice League. Nice to meet you all."
"Hello," says the Martian Manhunter, who's probably known about you since you entered Wayne Manor.
"You got married without telling us?" Superman sounds hurt.
Bruce heaves a sigh.
"We got married during the League's infancy. Please spare me the theatrics. Of course I didn't tell you."
"We revealed our identities two years ago!" Superman argues. "You didn't want to mention you have a spouse?"
Superman nods at you then. "Uh, of course, it's still very nice to meet you."
You smile. "It's nice to meet you too, Superman."
"Clark," he corrects hastily. Then he turns to Bruce again, upset flaring. "Bruce—"
"You're upset over nothing," Bruce says. "We weren't close when I got married, and I never found it a pertinent detail."
You roll your eyes.
"B," you say, nudging his shoulder. "C'mon. Try to be a little gentler about this, hm?"
Bruce looks at you. You smile at him and squeeze his wrist encouragingly. He eventually turns back to the League.
"Very well, you're right. Clark, that was harsh of me. My apologies."
The League startles.
"Whoa. Rewind. Hold up. Did Spooky just apologize?" Green Lantern asks. "Did I just get zeta'd?"
Bruce sighs. You stifle a laugh and kiss his bicep. His hand slips to your back.
"Aw, you guys are cute," Flash says jovially. "Congrats, B! Even if it's been almost six years."
Bruce nods. "Thank you, Allen."
"It is incredible how the better half can transform the other," says Wonder Woman, and you preen a little at the compliment.
Clark looks flabbergasted. It takes him a second to speak again.
"Um. That's... okay, Bruce. I forgive you. I suppose you did it out of protection, right?"
"I'm just a boring ol' civilian," you say, nodding. "No powers or years of Krav Maga training here. B worries."
"You're not boring," Bruce says fiercely, quiet enough for only you to hear... and Clark, who has superhearing, and who softens at the statement.
"This is so weird," Green Lantern says, and Bruce glares at him.
"I mean, it's sweet!" he hastily adds. "Uh, you guys are very sweet together, like Bar said. I just feel like I've been mind controlled or something."
"If it was mind control, you wouldn't still be talking," Bruce says flatly.
"Okay, alright, point taken. Shutting up. It's very nice to meet you, though," Green Lantern says to you.
"You as well," you say warmly. "All of you. I want to thank you for looking out for him all these years and bringing him home safe."
Wonder Woman smiles at you. "It is a great honor to fight alongside him. And we are happy he has someone to come home to."
"Seconded," Clark says. "You deserve someone special, B. And I can tell they're just that."
Your face feels warm under all the praise. Bruce is quiet for a long moment. When he speaks again, there's a slight tremor in his voice.
"Thank you. I—they are the best thing to ever happen to me."
You have to kiss Bruce for that, cowl be damned. He meets you gently, and you keep it short but full of love. Flash aww's.
"Well," you say, laughing bashfully. "I suppose I'll let you all get back to work. Nice to meet you. Goodbye. Bruce, I'm going out with Alfred."
Bruce nods. "Call me when you get home."
"'Course, sweetheart. I always do."
You head up the stairs. Flash starts to speak.
"Y'know, I told you all when I got married," he says. "You guys were the first people I told! We didn't even know Clark's identity then. I think you could've loosened the reins, Bruce."
"Yeah, no. You telling a bunch of superhero co-workers is infinitely stranger than Bruce never telling us, Bar."
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incognit0slut · 1 year
ok song request idea: dress by taylor swift. like spence and reader work together and everyone just thinks they’re best friends but in reality they are much more. anyways the team goes out and reader wears a special little dress and spencer goes a little crazy and yeah that’s the idea
Such a perfect song, thank you for the idea! And btw this is just very witty writing please enjoy my sense of humor yall🙂
Take it off
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or in summary, the one where Spencer has a hard time keeping his hands to himself.
cw: 18+ implied sexual content but nothing too explicit; wc: 1.8k
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“…only bought this dress so you could take it off…”
IT STARTED WITH A GLANCE. The subtle look he gave on her arrival at this dinner festivity the team decided to put together had him quivering in his seat, his eyes almost bulging out of its socket as they roamed across the piece of clothing plastered on her body, or perhaps, the lack of it. The silk material hugged her curves so effortlessly, highlighting the way her luscious body was pressed along the short fabric that he was so close to whimpering like a dog.
It was an obscene thought, one he never considered crossing his mind and one that would leave him extremely appalled if anyone knew the truth of it. Comparing himself to a domestic mammal just because he was prone to submit to a master...
He must be mad. Utterly, completely out of his mind.
Yet he couldn't help it. Not when he was practically following her with an imaginary tail wagging between his legs. Not when she looked like a goddess and he was inclined to worship her existence. It was a sense of devotion and adoration, like a feeling of reverence for her curves and figure, for the way she carried herself every time she moved.
It was an intense sensation that was hard to explain, but Spencer would describe it as close to paying tribute to her beauty. To everything about her. Not only was the feeling overwhelming, but it was also intoxicating how the stolen glances enticed the need to reach out and feel those curves right in the palm of his hands.
It was torture. It was an incredibly torturous endurance to be held in his place while she looked like that. Smooth legs, exposed back, and soft cleavage teasing his whim. She also smelled incredibly delicious. A fragrance of delicate flowers with a hint of warm vanilla that made him dizzy with need. He needed to be kept on a leash before he did something he would regret.
Because he needed to behave. Between undressing her with his eyes and wanting to grab her by the waist just to ravish her completely, he needed to keep his calm between his peers, especially when Prentiss had accidentally caught him staring—which he had to mask as finding a newfound interest in the tablecloth single-handedly picked by Rossi, the host of this joyous event.
But it was getting hard to conceal his shaking hands, to act as if he wasn’t craving her touch. It was getting even harder when she suddenly came up to him later that night as he stood by the dessert table, a variety of sweetened goods bought from the most authentic patisserie in town.
"Hey, Spencer." Dear god, even her voice sounded like velvet to him. He watched as her lips slipped into a taunting smile. "You look handsome tonight."
He looked down at his attire. He was never one to put much thought into his choice of clothing, his concern mainly for comfort, not for style. But tonight he adorned himself in a crisp white button-down under the best suit jacket he possessed. It's a black-tie event, Rossi had said the day before. He wasn't sure why his colleague wanted to host a simple dinner into a fancy soirée, but he was a mere guest, and he'd follow anything the host of the night instructed.
He also felt rather silly wearing this bowtie, but after hearing her genuine compliment, it gave him a sense of pride and joy. It also gave him a boost of confidence as he took a step closer, his eyes raking over her body very slowly as if he was taking his time relishing the stunning view in front of him.
Y/n felt the intensity of his gaze as he muttered, "And you look unbelievably irresistible."
A choked laughter slipped out of her mouth. Talking to Spencer had always been interesting, especially whenever he had something factual to share, but the whimsical words coming out of his mouth was what amused her the most.
"I'm told that I look pretty tonight, but I do like that better." She lifted her glass to her lips and noticed the way his eyes lingered on the top of her dress, a full display of cleavage visible to his enjoyment. "So I take it you're fond of the dress?"
"It's exquisite." She giggled at his choice of words. But then the amusement in her eyes slipped into bewilderment as he continued, "Although as much as I enjoy seeing it on your body, I think prefer it on the floor."
It took all of her abilities not to spit out the sweet taste of the expensive wine she just sipped in her mouth. Y/n had to swallow the liquid down her throat and take a deep breath before she could do anything, her mind haunted by the specter of his hands fiddling the zipper on her back, rough fingers grazing her skin as they slowly slid down her body.
"Spencer," she finally murmured, trying to sound disapproving, but it was far too husky.
"What?" He asked innocently. "I'm being honest."
She narrowed her eyes at him.
What was he scheming? What kind of game was he playing, proposing suggestive words, pushing all of her buttons beneath the innocent look he portrayed? The air was suddenly charged with tension. It was a palpable sensation of yearning and lust that came with a sense of danger and risk. It was like a wave of heat washing over her, a very primal and overwhelming feeling that was extremely difficult to control.
Deciding that she wanted to participate in his game, she knew the only way to get the upper hand was to give him a taste of his own medicine. She twisted her head and peered at him through her lashes before executing her revenge.
"Then it's a good thing I bought it so you could take it off."
Perhaps to those around them, they looked like good friends engaging in an innocent banter, heads together, whispering silly jokes. Not in the middle of exchanging explicit promises while he attempted to school his expression on the suggestion she was spouting.
He leveled her gaze. "Statistically speaking, ripping it off would give me a higher chance to do the things I want to do to you sooner."
"Yeah?" She quirked an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by this. "Give me a number then."
"Well, satin is made from silk, synthetics, or polyesters that is a very delicate fabric and is quite frail and fragile. So it would take me approximately..." He looked away, marveling at the possibilities, before assessing her with a look that had her feeling extremely flustered. "...three seconds to rip it off."
The extra graveling timbre of his voice had an effect on her libido. Her tongue swiped her bottom lip while his eyes followed the movement. "You’d actually rip the dress?"
His gaze lingered on her mouth. "In a heartbeat."
"It's very expensive."
"I'll buy you a new one."
Her head was spinning. The image of his large hands gripping onto the fabric and tearing it apart should've repulse her, it was such a primal thing to do that it seemed so close to an animal-like instinct. Like a dog. Like a wolf. With the heat of his gaze, Y/n was sure he could even devour her the moment his hands touched her skin. Eating her whole would be an extreme notion, but eating her like a man starved as he buried his head between her thighs was something she considered possible.
His gaze was so intense that she had to look away to calm her breathing, to let her heart normalize its pace. But then she felt fingertips brush her shoulder. It was light, almost imperceptible, causing a shiver to run down her spine; goosebumps breaking out all over her limbs. This was extremely dangerous, but he had some kind of pull toward her and all the rational thought keeping her sane flew out the window.
Y/n bit her bottom lip as those warm fingers made their way down the sensitive skin of her inner bicep, then slowly made their way down her forearm. The tease of it was completely enthralling. It wasn't until she felt the pressure of his palm on her backside that she gasped in surprise. And it wasn't light—oh no, it was immensely rough. His hand gripped onto her left cheek with utmost force, squeezing it thoroughly that she had to straighten herself, her eyes going frantic.
"Spencer!" She hissed indignantly, looking around them as she swat his arm away.
"I'm sorry! I can't help it." He cocked his head, his eyes still piercing onto her ass as his intrusive thought won over him. "What undergarment are you wearing? They look incredibly smooth."
She didn't know whether to laugh or hit some sense into him. "Please behave, someone might see us."
"But they didn't." He gave her a sheepish smile, nodding his head towards their colleagues who were deep in conversation with one another. "And they won't."
She held the urge to roll her eyes. "Just keep your hands to yourself, Dr. Reid."
"Or what?"
"Or..." She glanced at him, noticing the way he was watching her. The sparkle in those hazel orbs was enticing, they were somewhat deep in this pleading yet captivating manner that reminded her of doe, puppy-like eyes. Seeing this she couldn't help but muster, "Or I might have to put you on a leash."
The heat creeping along his cheeks was enough for her to spew out an amused laugh. "Spencer Reid," she goaded, enjoying the way he was flustering over her teasing. "Didn't know you had it in you."
Spencer looked away, clearly embarrassed being caught of his lewd thoughts. He was trying to avoid her gaze as he picked up his forgotten glass resting on the table. She couldn't stop herself as she leaned forward on her heels and hid herself from any onlookers, slightly settling her lips on the crook of his neck, inches away from tasting his skin.
"And to answer your question," she whispered, waiting for him to casually take a lazy sip of his drink. "I'm not wearing anything underneath."
Y/n couldn't help the triumphant smirk as he choked on the mouthful of wine he just swallowed. He then gaped at her, absolutely flabbergasted, and she gave him one last blistering look before excusing herself on the pretense of the bathrooms. Her hips swayed with every move it was hard for him to look away, because all he could think of now was to run his hand up her thighs just to be greeted with soft, wet folds aching to be touched. Aching to be tasted.
It took a lot of self-control for him not to bark.
requests are open if you have a song in mind!
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slayfics · 9 months
more jealous muichirou eheheh
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Muichiro gets jealous when you tend to another demon slayer.
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You and Muichiro arrived on the scene where some lower ranks were struggling with a demon. It didn’t take you both long to rid the area of demons, now you two were assessing the injuries of the lower ranks.
One lower rank in particular was giving you some difficulty.
“I COULD HAVE TAKEN THAT DEMON DOWN ON MY OWN!” Insouke yelled at you, as you grabbed his arm to assess his wound.
“Oh shut up, let me see your arm!” You yelled back wrestling the demon slayer. “You’re going to make it worse if you keep resisting!”
“THIS AIN’T NOTHING!! HARDLY A SCRATCH!” Inosuke said, continuing to be difficult.
Your raising voice captured Muichiro’s attention as he turned around to see what the commotion was. He glanced at you then back at the lower rank he was helping, not worried about your abilities to handle Inosuke.
“You’re bleeding all over the place, stop moving! Here take this and be still!” You said, offering Inosuke a rice ball while you tended to his injury.
Immediately the demon slayer stopped being so difficult as he pushed his mask up and focused on munching on the rice ball.
“Good job, thank you Inosuke,” you said and began to get to work wrapping his arm. “Did you hit your head at all?”
“I dunno-“ he said in between bites.
You let out a sigh, “Follow my finger.” You demanded as you moved your finger from side to side watching Inosuke’s eyes for a sign of a concussion.
He had no trouble following your movements indicating he was most likely ok. You hadn’t really been this close to the demon slayer with his mask off and it was the first time you noticed the deep emerald green of his eyes.
“I like your eyes,” you said, placing your finger down.
It was at your compliment that Muichiro turned around again. You were still helping Inosuke? Why are you taking so long with him?
“Thanks. Hey, do you have another one of those rice balls?” Inosuke asked, swallowing the last of the one you gave him and placing his mask back on.
You couldn’t help but let out a giggle at the demon slayer's one-track mind.
“Is there a complication here?” Muichiro asked, appearing behind you suddenly causing you to jump.
“Nope, just finished wrapping his injuries,” you said, turning to meet Muichiro’s gaze. You were startled by the look in his eyes. His voice was his normal calm demeanor but his eyes had a hint of something else in them.
Muichiro stared back at you and you stared back at him for what felt like an uncomfortable amount of time.
“Um ok-“ you finally said, breaking the silence. “Is there something wrong?” You asked him.
“No. I’m waiting for you to leave this demon slayer,” Muichiro stated matter of factly. It was then you realized what was going on. Muichiro was jealous.
“Ok, well I think you’re fine Inosuke, but ask Aoi to check on you once you get back. This isn’t my specialty.” You said to Inosuke as you got up. “Oh- and you’re doing amazing by the way. Great job today.” You said patting Inosuke on the top of his mask, flashing Muichiro a glare then walking away.
Muichiro's face froze in shock. Were you purposely antagonizing him?
“Your hair is unkempt and it smells as though you need a bath,” Muichiro said to Inosuke as he left to follow after you.
Inosuke would have been riled up by Muichiro’s words if he wasn’t still frozen from your praise.
You began to make the journey back with Muichiro right behind you.
“You know- if you’re so jealous you could get hurt on a mission every now and then and I’d help you.” You said to Muichiro.
“Jealous?” He scoffed.
“Don’t play dumb with me. You were clearly jealous of me tending to Inosuke,” you said.
“I would never be jealous of you helping out a fellow demon slayer!” He responded back.
“Then what the hell was that about?” You asked, feeling frustrated at his denial of emotions.
Again you both froze and were left in a staring contest. It lasted even longer than the first time until you sighed and rolled your eyes.
“Forget it Tokito, I know you’ll never tell me how you really feel.” You said beginning to continue walking.
“… you always said you liked my eyes," Muichiro mumbled, beginning to follow you again.
You felt your heart sting at his words and sudden understanding. He wasn’t jealous of you helping Inosuke but of your compliment to him.
“Tokito,” you said, turning around to face him once more. “I don’t like your eyes. I love your eyes.”
Muichiro let a slight smile spread across his lips.
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notafunkiller · 1 year
false god
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Summary: On the night of your movie premiere, you and director Bucky finally get closer.
Pairing: director!Bucky Barnes x actress!reader
Warnings: 18+, age gap (r is 24, Bucky is 35), teasing, dirty talk, pet names, fingering, nipples play, oral sex (the reader receiving), clit play, come eating, metal arm kink, no condom (but they are both clean and the reader is on birth control), alcohol (but neither is even tipsy), aftercare, no mention of y/n
Word Count: 8.7K
story masterlist
Bucky Barnes masterlist
A/N: Bucky's look is obviously inspired by Sebastian's appearance at the Sharper premiere in London. The dark prince vibes and that hair... ahhh!
An extra thank you to @marvelouslizzie and @lavenderhaze967​ for being my beta readers and for the endless support.
Please, do not repost or translate without my permission!
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It wasn’t your intention to interrupt him at first, but he was going to notice you anyway and you didn’t want him to think you are actively ignoring him. Because you obviously aren’t. How could you?
Your voice is really low, but he hears you nonetheless, stopping mid-sentence when he turns his head and sees you so close. “Hey.”
Not only do his eyes get bigger, but there’s also a huge smile that spreads all over his face as he leans in to give you a quick hug. And you clearly aren’t prepared for physical contact at all, especially for the cheek kiss that follows the embrace.
“It’s so nice to see you.”
“Nice to see you, too!” His strong perfume hits you, and you hope the camera doesn’t catch your red face as you both pull back.
“You look amazing!” He’s not even attempting to hide the fact he checks you out. His eyes try not to linger too much on your chest, hips, or legs since the slit of the dress exposes a little bit of skin. The last thing he wants is for you to feel uncomfortable and think he’s a creep. 
But you are too busy staring at him to notice. He doesn’t wear a simple suit. No, he went for a freaking villain...ish look that drives you crazy. It’s an all-black outfit: from the Prada blouse he wears under his suit, to his gloves, elegant coat, and Chelsea boots. And that hair? That hairstyle looks absolutely fantastic on him.
“I love this so much!” You say with a grin while gesturing to his body.
He bites his lip shily. “Oh my god… Thank you.”
You turn your head to the woman who is supposed to interview him and whisper a “Sorry”, but she doesn’t seem to mind at all. She watches your interaction with a genuinely warm smile on her face.
Bucky, though? He unexpectedly takes two steps toward you, and you see the camera move to catch you both. “Look, guys,” he points out his index finger in your direction. “She’s the one that gave life to this project, the one you should watch it for. Her performance is unbelievable! No one could have done it better.”
If you think you were blushing visibly until now, you’re wrong. Your cheeks get so hot that you have to refrain with all you have from touching them.
“This means so much.” You give him a quick, thankful look before shifting to the camera. “This man,” It’s your turn to point out to him. “...is incredible. His past projects and now False God… Everything he makes is golden. I am very thankful he believed in me and gave me a shot. He’s the best director I have ever worked with, and I really hope you’ll enjoy this movie.”
He thanks you with a tilt of his head and his folded hands, very grateful for your words, and you have to wave goodbye when your first interviewer calls your name.
Bucky shakes his head. “So where were we?”
The rest of the red-carpet interviews go well, with Bucky keeping an eye on you from distance, fully aware of how nervous you must feel since it’s your first premiere as the lead actress. But you mask it perfectly, making jokes and complimenting people now and then. And everyone loves you.
But the introduction in the theater makes you sweaty as Bucky presents you with an encouraging smile. You are the last one and the journalists are already recording. You pray you’ll not make a fool of yourself in front of everyone and fall while climbing the stairs. Thankfully, you don’t, and Bucky tries not to laugh when he sees you breathing out in relief. You watch him place the card he was holding in the pocket of his coat before raising his microphone to speak for a bit about the experience of directing and co-writing, about the cast, the messages, and how thankful he is to his loyal audience, but also the one that will form after this film. You can’t lie and say you’re listening to his speech entirely since you’re often distracted by some hair strands or his beard… His smile is a killer, too. You try to focus as much as you can, though, and when it’s your castmates’ turn, you actively nod and smile. When they pass the mic to you, you try to be as honest and professional as you can, thanking everyone for being there, supporting you, and believing in you. Of course, you praise Bucky extra much. If it wasn’t for him, you wouldn’t be standing here, and you’ve learned so many things from him. He’s such a wonderful and understanding director, always informed and always looking to improve himself and adapt.
But sometimes you wish you didn’t work with him… simply because in your delusional mind, maybe you’d stand a chance.
You don’t know why you chose to stay at the after-party. It’s not like you have your friends or family with you since you’re out of the country, and you haven’t had much contact with even half of these people. But maybe it’s an opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and make some new connections. Plus, you can freely observe Bucky outside the workplace.
Some journalists and photographers are still here, but he seems more relaxed. He enjoys having a chat and taking pics with a few actors he worked with in the past, and after he’s done, he invites you and the rest of the cast to join him.
The photographer is very friendly as she tries to arrange you, and you end up in the middle, right next to him.
You gasp when you feel his arm wrapping around your waist so that he doesn’t cover your dress with his coat.
Fuck… He makes focusing so hard.
You don’t know when you developed this crush, to be honest. You worked with him for more than five months, almost every day and everything was professional, sometimes friendly. But nothing more. He’s never even jokingly flirted with you or anyone else on set. He’s not a creep. He’s a really cool —single— guy and it’s so easy to forget how who he is.
You don’t even realize that you’re frowning until you feel Bucky’s fingers tickling you over the dress, making you burst into giggles.
Without thinking twice, you sneak your arm under his coat and return the gesture. He doesn’t chuckle as you did, but he smirks. And that smirk is so charming and sensual you feel like you won a prestigious award.
The photographer approves immediately, giving you a thumbs up, and after a few minutes, you finish. But Bucky makes you all stay in the same position as he takes his phone out of his pocket. He gives it to Steve after he opens the camera and returns next to you.
Unexpectedly, you feel him leaning in as he lets his hand rest on your back. “Should I tickle you again to get that gorgeous smile on camera, doll?”
And just like that, you’re left red and speechless by James Bucky Barnes.
Your sister’s reaction to the selfie makes you smile. She didn’t waste any time and commented on how you got lucky enough to take a photo with the dark prince of the film industry. Such a perfect nickname based on how he looks tonight.
“You’ve changed.” You jump when you hear the dark prince himself right in your ear all of a sudden. You lock your screen and turn to look at him.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to catch you off guard. I meant your dress.” You nod in response and immediately remark he’s no longer wearing his coat. That suit looks so, so good up close. But he still has his gloves on, which makes you sad.
You read a little about his metal arm before your audition and you’ve noticed he always had his hands covered on set, so you assume he’s not quite comfortable showing it in public. You only saw it in a few pictures taken by paps in New York, at a restaurant, around two years ago. “May I sit down?”
“Of course.” You clear your throat and look at the table in front of you. He brought two glasses of wine with him. “Is that for me?”
He gives you a teasing smirk before taking a sip. “There’s no one else sitting here, is there?”
“I didn’t want to assume. Thank you.” You smile shily, ignoring his playful rhetorical question, and follow his example, raising the glass to your lips. Surprisingly, it tastes better than you expected, but you don’t drink more. You didn’t eat almost anything tonight and the last thing you want is to feel sick. 
“You’re welcome, I thought you’d like this.”
“I do.” You look him in the eyes as you speak. “Very thoughtful of you.”
If Bucky senses your nervousness, which is probably very obvious, he doesn’t comment on it. Instead, he keeps glancing at you in a way that makes you think he wants you to keep talking. But you don’t. He caught you off guard coming here and offering you wine. It’s a nice gesture: him wanting to check on you and chit-chat a bit, but you don’t know how you’re supposed to act. Especially when you have this consuming urge to touch the strands of his hair that keep returning to his face despite Bucky’s many attempts to keep them still, tucked behind his ears.
“It’s not as good as Natasha’s, but that’s all they have here.” You smile, remembering the day on set when you finished filming a super draining emotional scene after a couple of hours, and Natasha came to take you home. It was the second time she met Bucky, and she offered to take you, him, and the very few members that could come to a small pub, after seeing your exhausted faces. You had dinner and the best wine you have ever tasted. And it was so cheap!
“I didn’t expect it to be.” You straighten your back.
“How comes she left you alone?”
“Well, she has a full week at the agency, she wasn’t even supposed to be here.” But she came anyway because you’re more than her client. She became one of your closest friends shortly after she discovered you at the acting camp. And she’s been with you through every rejection, every small part you got, and now this.
“What about your family? I expected to see them here, I know they were excited. Is everyone okay?”
You smile, raising and shaking your phone a little before putting it in your pocket. “I was actually talking to my sister when you came. They’re all good, thank you for asking.”
“Oh, I’m sorry for interrupting.” His wrinkles make him look extra attractive when he raises his eyebrows, frowns, or smiles. You noticed that on set… But in this context? So close? It’s even more challenging for you to keep a neutral face.
“No, no. I am actually glad you came to me, I was planning to leave in a few minutes since it’s late, but I really wanted to thank you for your words today and overall, for the opportunity.” Your voice is shaking, full of emotion, and he immediately leans in, invading your personal space, and reaches for your hands.
Fuck... He’s touching you! He’s actually touching you.
“Don’t ever thank people for something you’ve earned and deserve.” His voice is so gentle and low, making the words hit you even harder. “Alright, doll?”
You nod, breathless, but he doesn’t accept it, squeezing your hand to get your attention. He wants to hear you say it out loud.
“Promise me.”
“I promise you.”
With a playful smirk on his face, he lets go of your hands slowly and pulls back. “Good girl.”
And right at that moment, you want to screw everything and go for it… You are so worked up and tired of refraining from even thinking about it, that you don’t care how scandalous it would be if you jumped to kiss him right there. At least, you’d satisfy this need. For once…
You sigh, mortified. Even if you had the courage to do it, you don’t even know if he likes you like this. He’s been friendly and trying to make you comfortable tonight, and your mind went in another direction.
He probably had so many people in the industry hitting on him, but he was never photographed with them. You don’t know if it’s his personal ‘policy’ or if he is just discreet, and you shouldn’t think about it. But you do, it’s impossible not to.
You need to leave before you’ll start actually indulging yourself in this… fantasy.
You smile, raising from the couch. “Thank you for the wine. It was a wonderful night, but it’s getting way too late.”
And as soon as you finish the phrase, he’s up too, arranging his suit jacket. “You’re right. It’s really late.”
“I’m looking forward to seeing you in New York.”
“Me too. At least we’ll be home.” His expression shows how fond he is of the city, and it warms you up. “I already miss it and I’ve been gone for one day.”
You gasp. “You arrived yesterday?”
“Nope, I wish. I landed last night because I had to take care of some additional stuff.”
You’ve been here for two days and you could barely sleep. You can’t imagine how tired he is and you really admire him for not turning down any interview today, but you guess he’s experienced this before.
“Wow, what are you doing still standing here?” You ask jokingly and he looks you straight in the eyes.
“Maybe I was just waiting for you to decide to head out so we can leave together.”
And, of course, you’re taken aback for a few seconds, trying to decide how to answer him. Since he’s in a good mood, you place your hand right over your heart and playfully say:
“Aww, you’re offering to take me to my hotel, Mr. Barnes? You’re so thoughtful.”
“I do actually.” He replies and takes a few steps until he’s by your side. “Sharon is driving, and since we’re all staying at the same place, I wanted to see if you want to come.”
You mentally slap yourself. He’s just being a nice person while you fantasize about kissing him in front of everyone. And as much as you want to find an excuse, you know it would make no sense. It’d be a short ride, plus you really like Sharon. She’s not only a great writer but also a great, fun person. Bucky wanted her on set all the time in case she came up with new lines or scenes as she watched you.
You smile. “I’d appreciate that.”
“Perfect, let’s get your coat.”
He insists on carrying your bag all the way to your door after you say your goodbyes to Sharon. Bucky’s room is just one level higher, so there isn’t much of a bother. You can’t help yourself but steal a few glances at him as you walk together. You even catch him looking back at you a couple of times, which makes you childishly happy. You realize your crush is getting even bigger tonight and you don’t know how you’ll put an end to it.
You’re right about to open your door when your stomach starts to ramble, and Bucky almost drops your bag out of laughter.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. You bite your lip not to groan, then give him an embarrassed smile. “A little.”
“So the fancy appetizers weren’t enough?” You know he’s teasing you by his tone and the playful grin he displays, so you let out a short laugh.
“Nope. I haven’t eaten since lunch.”
You didn’t have time, truth be told, but you’ll eat a great breakfast tomorrow. Now you’re just gonna take a bath and update Nat that you’re going to bed.
Bucky shakes his head disapprovingly. “This is not good for you at all. Your poor stomach should sue you.”
You snort. “I need to find a good lawyer then.”
“Well, if you could eat anything right now, what would it be?”
“Why are you doing this?” You fake complain, trying to match his dramatic vibe. It’s a fun way to end your night.
“Just curious.”
“Burgers and fries. But chicken, not beef.” You say without hesitation and extend your hands so you can take your bag. “Thank you so much.”
“You’re very welcome.” He gives you one of his sweetest smiles ever and you almost melt on the spot. You’re definitely crushing on him even harder now.
You look at him one more time before finally going inside. “Good night, Bucky. See you in New York.”
“Good night, doll.”
But you don’t have to wait two days to see him again. Because a few minutes after you get in bed, just watching random Tik Tok videos, he’s back, whispering your name while knocking on your door.
You literally jump, letting your phone on the nightstand, and arrange your clothes as you move.
You wonder if you forgot anything or maybe something dropped from your bag, but when you checked, everything seemed right in place.
Then why would he be here? Is he okay?
You’re even more surprised to see him leaning against the side of the wall when you open the door. “Hi.” 
“Hi.” You wave toward the bag he’s holding with a curious look. “What’s this?”
“I got us burgers and fries. And soda, of course. May I come in?” He asks so casually as if you’ve done this one thousand times before.
“I…” You’re so overwhelmed by this simple gesture, especially since it’s coming from him, that you don’t know how to react.
“Hey, it’s totally okay if you don’t feel like eating with me, alright? I can just give you your food and-”
You haven’t even realized you are frowning until you saw his worried expression, so you immediately cut him off. You don’t want him to get the wrong idea. “No, no. This is so sweet and unexpected. You… You really didn’t have to, thank you so much.”
“So I can come in?” His grin is so playful and confident again that you find yourself smiling back like a fool.
“Of course.” You step back so he can follow you inside, then you close the door. “Bucky, you have the flight tomorrow, too, right?”
“Yes.” He answers as he lets the bag down on the bed and starts taking his shoes and coat off. You watch him carefully, trying to keep your thoughts as innocent as possible, but it’s very challenging. He’s so hot and cute, and he brought you food despite being tired as fuck.
“Jesus, Bucky.”
“What, doll?”
Not doll again… You’re clearly gonna die tonight. A heart attack caused by this dark prince.
You clear your throat. “You really didn’t have to.”
“Nope, but I wanted to. Plus, you’re not the only one who’s hungry.” He unbuttons his jacket quickly, then rolls up his sleeves a little as you take the food out, placing it on the empty bag you use now as a tablecloth. “You weren’t sleeping, right?”
“No, I was chilling.” You assure him with a smile, waiting for him to join you on the bed. And he does, crossing his legs as he leans in to unwrap his burger.
“Fuck, I’m starving.” His cute, desperate tone makes you chuckle as you watch him smell the food.
He seems so comfortable around you like this, and you don’t think you’ll ever erase this image from your mind. Fuck this man!
You giggle again. “You’re about to eat a huge burger all dressed up in Prada.” Sitting on my bed, you want to add, but you keep it to yourself. You don’t want to weird him out in any way. 
“At two in the morning, with a gorgeous woman. What can I say? I love my life.”
You don’t know how to answer for a few seconds, but you’re too tempted to match his energy to pass on this opportunity. What can go bad? It’s not like a little flirting will make him think low of you since he started this... And he called you doll. You have every right to play along.
“Maybe I’m the lucky one.”
Bucky raises his eyebrows as soon as you finish your sentence, and you try to hide your smile with a napkin, pretending to clean your mouth.
Oh my god, his cheeks are getting flushed! You want to congratulate yourself on this. You didn’t expect him to get flattered by a simple phrase, he’s so adorable.
“I said that maybe I’m the lucky one.” You repeat shily while staring at his hands. You notice he took off the glove he was wearing on his right hand. “I mean, I’m eating burgers with this handsome, super amazing guy, who didn’t let me starve.”
When you move your eyes to his face and see that his cheeks are even redder now, you giggle. Until he leans in and steals a few fries from you.
“Hey!” You pretend to be offended. “Give them back.” But before you can take them back, he’s shoving them in his mouth, and you both start laughing.
You spend the next twenty minutes in the same good mood: finishing eating while laughing at some set memories and making a chewing gum balloons contest like two kids before talking a little about your plans.
“You’re sure you can tell me?”
“Unless you’re planning to tell anyone,” You say jokingly. He’s in this industry, it’s not like he’s gonna release the info to the press. And he’s not in any competition with other directors. If there’s something you learned about Bucky super fast is that he’s a really healthy person. His mindset is not to be better than others and this is why he is so good at what he does.
In response, Bucky brings his thumb and forefinger together and moves them in a closing zipper gesture across his mouth.
“Well, to be honest, I don’t know if I’m even gonna make it to the shortlist.” You shrug your shoulders. You know how tough it is. “Nat heard some big names are auditioning, too.”
“Wanda Maximoff, Jennifer Walters… Yelena Belova.”
“Well,” He gives you an encouraging smile. “You had tough competition for False God, too, but you got it, didn’t you?”
You nod, remembering how exciting and scary it was. “But I have to keep my hopes low, you know? Not all directors have your patience or your willingness to take risks.”
It’s the truth. You have no connections and your past projects —if you don’t count this one— are not good enough. But you’re gonna try anyway.
“What character?”
“I'll read for both sisters, actually. What about you?”
“I have some meetings next week, but I still don’t know if I’ll accept it. The script is kinda weak.” Bucky sighs. “Can I take off my jacket? It’s really hot.”
“Of course.” It’s really hot indeed even though you have the AC on, which is surprising. It’s raining outside and it’s February…
You shamelessly watch him undress and almost groan at the sight of him in that semi-transparent black blouse. Jesus, he looks so freaking good, it’s just unreal.
“So yeah, I’m trying to be careful about what films I’m choosing. I’ve got an offer for a show, too, but I don’t know much yet. I’d love to collaborate with Sam Wilson.”
You heard about Sam a couple of times from Nat. He’s a great producer.
“Okay, random. What’s your dream vacation right now?”
“Dream vacation?” He frowns as if he’s never heard those words before in his life.
“Yes, where would you like to go and chill at this moment?”
He thinks about it for a few seconds, biting his bottom lip all thoughtfully, probably recalling all those places he’s visited and wants to visit as well.
“Italy or Greece. Somewhere warmer at least.” He giggles, leaning in unconsciously, and he’s suddenly so, so close to you. You can’t help but stare at him as that slight movement makes his hair strands fall on his face again, and you think dramatically that you’d die if you didn’t touch him right now. Right fucking now!
And you do, but you’re so gentle he doesn’t even realize you’re touching him until you bring your other hand to his face, letting go of his hair to you stroke his cheeks.
You swear he stops breathing for a few seconds as his lips half-open, and that’s when all your second thoughts and fears go out of the window. It’s your chance to be brave and go for it. He’s not a creep, nor the type of person who would take advantage of you. And you’ve flirted a few times tonight… Plus, he can reject you anytime.
So you look at his mouth, then up, into his eyes, waiting for him to say something, maybe a no, because there’s no way he doesn’t realize what’s your intention. But instead, he moves his left hand to the back of your head, holding you tightly as he presses his lips against yours.
You close your eyes instinctively, opening your mouth as your fingers go straight into his hair. It’s the perfect length and so soft… you can pull it without any effort. The feel of his tongue and his hands on your hips make you let out a soft moan right in his mouth as he pulls you onto his lap.
Your legs part even more, and you don’t even realize you’re rubbing on one of his thighs until he groans. Your lips are crushing, and crushing, and crushing. It’s hot and magnetic… out of a dream. And he’s so good at it! You’re literally sad when you have to pull apart to breathe a little more.
“Jesus, doll.” His eyes are glowing. You can’t help yourself but touch his face again, stroking his beard, surprised that it didn’t tickle you while kissing.
“I don’t want to sound creepy or anything, but I wanted to do this for some time.” He outlines your lips with his thumb, and you try very hard not to open your mouth. You’re talking now, this can wait for a bit more.
“I wanted to do this for a long time, Bucky. You don’t sound like a creep.” You pause, changing your expression completely, catching him off guard. “Unless you gave me the role because you wanted to get into my pants.”
The way his lips part in shock and horror, his eyes widening, full of panic immediately makes you feel bad for faking this indignation. “No, no. I’m sorry if this is what-”
He tries to move, nervously, thinking you want space, but you interrupt him.
“Bucky, I know you.” You caress his face over and over again. His reaction itself shows what type of person he is, so your gut is not wrong. “It was a bad joke, I know you wouldn’t do this.”
He lets out a deep breath as he realizes you mean it, and his hands return to your waist, pulling you closer to his chest. “You scared me, doll. I would never do anything to make you feel uncomfortable. Especially since we worked together and I’m…” He pauses, but you still realize what he wants to say.
Older. And yes, you were in the same project, but he has no power over your career. Never had, and never will. And no actress or actor that worked with him has ever said publicly or privately anything bad about him. You know he’s not a prick.
“I leaned in first.” You whisper.
“But I flirted with you first… and I am the one who kissed you.”
You snort, dropping your hands just to give him a big smooch. “You’re adorable.”
“Yes. Very adorable.”
Bucky’s hands lower from your hips to your ass without warning, making you rub on his thigh again. And it feels so good. You wonder how long it would take you to come if you started to dry hump for real.
“You’re very adorable, too. And beautiful.” His lips are touching your neck now. Barely. But the sensation of his warm breath and beard on your skin drives you absolutely crazy. You need to fuck him.
You’ve been craving this for so long… you didn’t even realize how much until now. So you can be as excited and impatient as you want.
“Bucky.” You moan his name. “I want you.”
You raise your head, desperate for more. “I want you. Now.”
“Wait, are you sure?” He tries to read any sign of discomfort or doubt in your eyes, but he finds none. You really want to do this.
“Okay, but let me get this out before we do something more. Anytime you have second thoughts or you don’t feel good, please, tell me and I’ll stop. If you don’t want to go all the way in-”
You interrupt him. “You mean sex? Because I’ve just told you how much I want you.”
“I know, but things can change and I’m just making sure you know this.”
He’s serious and thoughtful, reminding you of how he was on set. He always asked if you and the rest of the cast feel okay and tried to adjust based on your level of comfort.
“The director in you jumped.” You giggle, then caress his face again. “I know you, Mr. Barnes, and I trust you. But I really need you to do something because I’m getting impatient.”
He nods, biting his lip, and you can’t refrain from leaning in and biting that lip yourself. Just a little. He moans, relaxing under you, as he realizes you’re honest, so he stops thinking and buries his head in the crook of your neck. Your hands find their way to his shoulders when you feel him starting to leave a trail of little kisses on your skin. 
“I need you naked,” he whispers before pulling away so he can already start taking off your T-shirt. You raise your arms to help him and in no time, the air hits your breasts.
Bucky’s eyes immediately go right to your nipples, followed by his hands.
“We will, don’t worry.” He laughs, squeezing your left breast enough to make you whimper, but in the next second, he frowns, groaning.
“What’s wrong?” You try not to panic. Is he hurt? Did he change his mind? What’s happening?
“I-I don’t think we can do this tonight, doll.” He sounds frustrated, but you don’t understand. He seems to enjoy this very much. And he’s so hard… 
You’re trying to keep your voice under control as you speak. “Did I do anything wrong?”
“No, no.” He pecks you immediately, his gloved hand stroking your hair. “Nothing like that. I just don’t have a condom on me. I didn’t expect…”
You bite your bottom lip, trying not to giggle. Good to know he’s careful, keeping it safe. “I’m clean and on the pill.” It’s worth a try to see if he’d be willing to do it with you.
A big smile spreads over his face. “I’m clean, too, promise.” 
“I said I trust you, Mr. Barnes, didn’t I?” Your glance falls on his bulge without realizing it. “So let’s see you in action.”
Of course he snorts at your set semi-joke. And of course you laugh. “Funny.”
“Thanks, now let’s see you naked.” You toy with the edge of his blouse, excited to finally be able to touch his skin. You’ve wanted this for so long… But he’s so tense all of a sudden. And he’s trembling. “What’s wrong?”
“Are you sure you want to see me completely naked?”
“What?” You ask surprised. What kind of question is that? “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“This.” He waves his left hand as if it’s supposed to mean something bad. His metal arm could never scare you. It’s a part of him, and he should not be ashamed he’s a survivor. Then he slowly takes the glove off, waiting for your reaction. “I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, I can put it back on and I take off only my pants.”
You’ve never wanted to slap anyone more than those people who made him feel like he has to hide and feel ashamed of his arm. It’s absolutely mind-blowing how protective you feel over this man, but you don’t care if it’s crazy.
“Bucky, what the fuck? I want to see all of you. I don’t… I don’t get how this would make me uncomfortable at all,” you say softly, covering his metal hand with yours. It’s colder obviously, but it actually feels really nice.
“It’s my entire arm, doll…” He smiles unsure as he stares at your hands. “You probably know about the accident.”
“A little.” You look him in the eyes, wanting him to see you’re one hundred percent honest about what you’re gonna say. “But unless you feel uncomfortable, don’t worry about me. Or anyone else in general.”
He nods, a little unsure, but he still takes off his blouse, letting it fall on the floor. Your eyes go slowly from his abdomen all the way up to his chest, shoulders, then arm.
“Can I touch it?”
“What?” His voice is low and soft, full of surprise as he’s fidgeting. His metal fingers move exactly like his flesh ones, which makes you wonder how they’ll feel on your skin.
“Can I touch it?” You blurt out. You’re running out of patience… this is how much you want to feel him. And you really hope you’ll manage to make him more comfortable by the end of the night.
“You want to? Of course you can, but you don’t-”
“You’re joking?” You immediately brought your hand to his metal forearm and start stroking, curious. “Oh my god, the gold feels different.” He almost laughs seeing you so giggly. You’re not disgusted or bothered, you’re like a happy kid, and Bucky’s never seen anything more lovely than that expression you have. And he made that happen! “Why are you hiding this beauty, Bucky?”
He shrugs. “I don’t want to make people feel weird.”
“Screw them! What about how you feel?” You don’t even care how loud you are. You’re really upset about this. Why should he hide? Why should he be sorry and care about what strangers feel when they obviously have no decency? You know it’s rich coming from you, a person who’s been worrying about others your whole life, but he deserves more. “Think about what you want! If they are dumb enough not to like it, then they can look away.”
“It’s not just that, many pity me.” He sighs, and you quickly realize that this probably hurts him even more. It would if you were him.
“Well, they should envy you,” you say, making sure you keep eye contact. “Fuck, this is so cool, what else can it do?”
“You want to find out?” Bucky winks at you, moving his metal arm to your hip. The coldness feels so good on your skin that you can’t help yourself but moan.
“Dirty mind!”
“So you don’t?”
You giggle, aware of what he means, but you need something else right now. “Later.”
“Ihm.” He smiles mischievously, bringing his flesh arm to your pants so fast you basically fall with your back on the bed. “You have a point. Now it’s time for something else.” And just like that, you’re sitting naked and wet in your hotel room with Bucky Barnes, waiting for him to finally fuck you.
“Aren’t you gonna take these off?” You whimper, wanting to touch him through his pants, but before your fingers can make contact, you see him getting off the bed. “What?”
And then he kneels. He fucking kneels in front of you as he drags you quickly toward the edge of the bed.
“I’m gonna eat you, is that okay?” He looks feral somehow as he asks, his eyes glowing. “Please.”
You raise a little, shifting your weight on your elbows so you can see him better. He really wants this… you.
“Y-yeah. You can.” Of course, he can.
You moan as soon as you feel his lips on your calf, his beard rubbing on your skin as he leaves kisses all the way up to your thigh.
You close your eyes when his hand finds its way to your entrance.
“May I?”
You nod immediately and shiver when you feel his perfectly curled-up index flesh finger starting to move inside you. He’s trying to explore what you like while continuing to kiss and lick your inner thigh, but it’s torturously slow. And you can’t take it.
“Bucky.” It’s all you say, basically asking him to move a little faster or add another finger.
“You’re so wet.”
“Yes, and I need more. Add another finger.” Your voice is barely a whisper, but he still hears you. Yet, he doesn’t give you what you ask for.
“I like how you smell.” He mumbles as if he’s talking to himself. And maybe he is, you don’t know and you don’t have the time to ask since he takes his finger out, grabs your thighs, spreading your legs so he can fit his shoulders between them, and then puts his mouth directly on your pussy.
Just like that.
“Fuck.” Your hands basically fly to his hair as your hips lift to meet his tongue just as quickly. Not even your body anticipated the change, but it feels so good. His hands go to your ass, trying to stop you from moving, but it’s so hard. He licks so fast that you can’t control your reactions.
“You taste so fucking good.” He lets out a moan against your skin, and you’re not okay. His tongue is absolutely perfect. Especially when he moves it all the way up to your clit. You can’t believe how more comfortable your body actually gets every second he spends touching it. You really want this man.
“Bucky…” You flinch, shocked when you feel his flesh finger back inside you while he starts licking your clit faster. You grab his hair even harder, but he doesn’t seem to mind. 
“Can I die here?” You can barely understand what he says because he speaks without taking his mouth off your clit.
He moans and starts flickering his tongue in circles quicker than before while adding a second finger inside you. Then a third. And you feel so good you don’t even realize you’re basically suffocating him with your thighs.
“S-sorry.” You manage to say between whimpers, but he is too absorbed in what he’s doing to even hear you. When his fingers hit a new angle, you pull his hair so hard he gasps, yet he doesn’t stop. “Just like that. Just like that.” You repeat frenetically until you finally come with a loud moan. But Bucky doesn’t stop his movements at all, thrusting his fingers even faster as he sucks on your clit until you finish coming.
You open your eyes slowly to watch him kiss his way up to your neck, spending extra time licking your nipples, one by one. His wet beard feels actually good on your sweaty skin.
“I wanna mark you up, pretty girl. I want to… Fuck.” His lips are right below your ear as he speaks, sucking on a small spot. He doesn’t do it hard enough nor does he use his teeth to leave a hickey, but it’s still hot. Very teenager…ish from him.
“I want to fuck, too.” You laugh and you feel his smile.
“You need to sit on my face the next time.”
The next time?
“I’d suffocate you.” You choose to ignore the hole in your stomach when he moves his head back so he can look into your eyes. So blue... “Maybe hover,” you offer, but you’re not sure that’d be safe for him. He needs to breathe. And would there even be a next time?
“I feel offended. You think I can’t handle you?” He sounds offended, too, and honest. “If I can’t, then let me die happily, woman. We don’t do hover, okay?”
You snort at his words, but he seems so serious, you can’t make fun of him now. Especially after he gave you one of the most intense orgasms of your life.
“Good, now taste yourself.” He grins before leaning in to kiss you. You open your mouth as soon as you feel his tongue licking your bottom lip, then you drop your hands to his ass and squeeze. “Fuck,” he breaks the kiss, all breathless.
“Take them off, Bucky. I need you to fuck me.” You’ve never said these words before, but you don’t feel ashamed at all. It’s hot to be able to voice out your needs and wishes like this.
He nods twice as he gets off you to do what you told him. And in less than a minute, he’s standing naked and very hard, staring at you.
“You can tell me to stop anytime,” he reminds you as he gets back in bed.
“You look so hot. Especially with your hair all messed up.”
“Thank you.” He grabs a pillow that he places under your head before positioning himself between your already spread legs. “You’re ready for me, doll?”
“What do you think?”
“I think I’m gonna make sure you’ll use that mouth for other things than mocking.”
You feel him at your entrance and fight the need to close your eyes just so you can stare at him. “For example?”
“Moaning, begging… crying out my name.” He doesn’t give you the chance to answer with a challenging remark because he’s sliding inside you. And he’s so… thick.
“Easy,” you whisper, shocked by how full you started to feel and he’s barely even halfway through. But he doesn’t seem to hear you as he thrusts even more way too quickly. “James, I said easy.”
He groans when he feels your arms wrapping around his neck and kisses your nose. “Sorry, baby. I didn’t realize.”
Baby? Fuck me… Don’t freak out!
“It’s okay.”
“I’m gonna be gentle.” He promises you, lowering his lips to yours.
“I’m not made of glass, you know? And you can start moving.” You raise your head to look at him, but he lowers his at the same time, and you end up hitting your foreheads so hard, you see stars.
“Ah.” He groans in pain.
“Is your head made of metal too?”
Bucky’s laugh is so cute and contagious that you also start laughing. But then you lift your hips, trying to create some friction and he freezes.
“You feel so fucking good.”
“Then move!” You complain and before you can do something about it again, his grip on your hips stops you.
“How do you want it?” A normal question since you’ve never done this together before, but it frustrates you.
“Just fucking move, James.” You’re close to crying at this point. This man is finally inside you and he’s holding back. “Fucking move!”
“Fuck, say that again.” He tilts his head back as he asks.
“Make me.” And then he finally gives you what you want and starts moving back and forth, trying to see what makes you moan the most. Long strokes. Deep short strokes. Fast. Slow. And you love them all in different ways because he’s really good at it. Like really good.
“James, please…” You grab him by the chin with one hand so you can kiss him properly, but also to try keeping your voice a little down for a bit. You didn’t know you can be this loud, and you’re a little embarrassed. But he seems to enjoy that way too much.
“Come on, doll, talk to me. Please... go on.” You feel his teeth on the skin of your neck while he keeps moving his hips faster and faster every time.
He sucks on the same spot, and this time, there’s no way he’s not gonna leave a hickey. But you don’t care. Not even a little.
“James, please.” You close your eyes, your moans louder than before, and Bucky realizes you’re so close again.
“What do you want, sweetheart? Tell me and it's yours.”
Holy fuck, that mouth will be the death of you.
But can you tell him? You don’t want to push him too far. “I d-don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“Try me.”
“P-please, just... let's just focus on this.” You trace his back with your right hand, trying to distract him.
“Only if you tell me.”
You sigh, knowing he won’t let it go, so your fingers slide down between your bodies. You can touch your clit yourself, no need to ask him to do it. But before you can reach it, he stops your hand with his.
“Hands in my hair, doll. I can do this for you.” His voice is so hoarse and gentle, opposite to his thrusts.
“Use your other hand, Bucky,” you manage to breathe out, shocking him.
“Please. I want- fuck, please, James, I want to come… Metal fingers, please.” 
He doesn’t ask twice, thanks God, giving you exactly what you crave. And you welcome his cold touch by arching your back in pleasure and kissing his shoulder. 
“I f-feel you everywhere.”
“You do? You like the way I fill you?” He barely finds the power to ask. He thrusts so fast that he’s breathless.
“Oh, fuck. Yes. Yes, Bucky, it feels so good.” The pace of his fingers is quicker too, and it’s like something electrocuted you when he lightly pinches your clit. “Bucky, don’t stop. Please, I’m coming. I’m coming...” 
You don’t even realize what’s happening to you when the orgasm hits you. You’re crying and basically screaming at this point, and not even biting into his shoulder can keep your voice down. All you can feel is pleasure. So much pleasure everywhere… It’s blinding. How is it possible?
“What a good girl you are… coming all over my cock, asking nicely for my fingers.”
You can barely breathe when you come back to him. When you can open your eyes and watch him so close, too. When you can grab his ass and make him move faster.
“Come for me.” Your other hand caresses his face: forehead, cheek, beard, lips. “James.” You moan when his head lowers until his mouth can wrap around one of your nipples.  And that sound is enough for him to finally let it go. You don’t expect him to be this loud, though, and you smile like a fool, stroking his hair patiently.
You’ve never had someone coming inside you before, truth be told. You had bareback sex once or twice with your first boyfriend, but he always pulled out, so this sensation is new.
“Wow.” He opens his eyes to look at you.
“Wow,” you repeat as he pulls out slowly, but it still makes you hiss. You’re still full of his come… You’re supposed to go shower or at least clean yourself with a towel, right? Maybe you can wait for a little.
But then you feel his cold hand back at your entrance all of a sudden, and two fingers slide inside.
What is he doing?
He surprises you even more as he places the metal fingers covered in come on your lips, but you open your mouth without hesitation. Bucky smiles, which warms your heart before you start sucking on his fingers properly.
After a few seconds, satisfied, Bucky takes them out and immediately moves his hand down, between your bodies.
“You're such a good girl when you want, doll.” Then he kisses you fervently, almost falling on top of you. “Eating my come… tasting us.”
“I don’t even know what to say.”
“Speechless. Even better.” His grin is wide and playful, lighting up his face. He pecks you one more time before leaving the bed. “I’ll be right back.”
You watch him as he walks to the bathroom, and he clearly has the hottest ass you’ve ever seen. And you got to touch it.
You wonder if he wants to leave right after or maybe… You sigh.
As much as you’d want more of this, of him in general, you’re not gonna push him. Even if that was all, it was good. He’s a very thoughtful and skilled man. A perfect combination with that face.
“How are you feeling?” He’s coming back, all freshen up, with a semi-wet towel in his hand, and before you can answer, he’s spreading your legs carefully, then starts cleaning you. “Sore?”
“A little,” you whisper, surprised by his gesture, and he lifts his head.
“Going shy on me, doll?”
“You didn’t have to…”
“I wanted to.” He interrupts you with a smile, taking the towel away. “Maybe next time I can clean you up differently.” And he winks.
Next time…
“What do you mean?”
He comes back, slipping into bed next to you, and licks his lips. “What do you think? Gonna let me?”
Does he mean licking? “How?”
“With my tongue, of course.”
You bite your lip not to moan at the image he’s just planted in your mind. He’s driving you crazy just like that.
“Why not? It sounds so hot. But when’s ‘next time’?”
“Whenever you want.” He smiles, his hair draping all over the pillow as he turns to the side to look at you.
You blush. “I didn’t expect it.”
“What? Me making you come like that or wanting more with you?” He pauses. “I am older than you. A bit more than a decade… But I want to remind you it’s totally okay not to desire more than sex or this. You can always tell me to fuck off.”
You immediately frown. “You’re not a creep, Bucky, we’ve already established that. The age gap is irrelevant in your case since you’re a good man with a healthy mindset, who doesn’t constantly go for younger women.”
His arm wraps around your waist, pulling you closer to him. “To be honest, I’ve never dated anyone more than four years younger than me.”
You peck him on his red nose. “That’s what I mean. And I trust you. I’m willing to take this shot because I think it’s worth it. The press talks anyway. Whatever it will be, it will be.”
“I think it’s worth it too, doll.” You feel his lips on your forehead. “Very much. Now let's go to sleep, it’s so late.”
“Good night.” You cover both of you with the sheet.
“Good night.”
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moonstruckme · 7 months
idk if u listen to taylor swift but her song mastermind (which is kinda like maneuvering things around to get together with someone) would be so cool to read with TASM! Peter !! Maybe the reader realizes Peter is Spiderman after recognizing his voice and then tries her hardest to become Peter’s friend in school and kinda puts all the pieces together herself (+ the line ‘to assess the equation of you’ is so peter coded) also I feel like smart reader deserves more rep 😞 like no way she wouldn’t recognize his cocky ass voice
Again this is just like. Me spilling out my random thoughts 🤭 -🍁 (sorry for spam)
Hi lovely! I didn't stick to this very faithfully, but it did inspire an idea that I'd be remiss not to give you credit for! It's established relationship, where reader has figured out Peter is Spiderman (I agree she's not dumb and that needs to be regonized). Thank you <33
cw: a whiff of harassment (more of an attempt really, but if that will upset you please don't read)
tasm!Spiderman x fem!reader ♡ 1.3k words
It’s hard to feel totally vulnerable walking around the city at night when you know you’re never really by yourself. Peter thinks he’s so stealthy, but he can’t always avoid casting shadows on the street ahead of you; you were bound to catch onto his well-intentioned stalking eventually. You’re not totally sure why he doesn’t just walk you home as himself (you’re coming from his apartment, it’s not like it would have been so difficult to ask), but your boyfriend seems to prefer stepping into his alter-ego when he thinks there’s any possibility for danger. 
It turns out this time, he was right.
It’s not that you don’t see the man walking in the opposite direction of you (you’d have to be blind to miss the slow, performative up-down he gives you) or notice his mouth moving in your periphery, but you’re city-trained; you keep your eyes ahead, hoping he’ll see that you’ve got your earbuds in and leave you alone when he doesn’t get the attention he wants. 
The man passes you, and you’re thinking you’re in the clear when there’s a forceful tug on your elbow. You very nearly pitch forward in your haste to get away from the unwelcome touch, but then the hand is wrenched away, and you turn to find the man stuck to a newspaper dispenser with one wrist covered in a familiar white filmy substance. A second later, and his other hand is webbed to the car behind him. 
You pull out your earbuds just as Spiderman lands in front of you, the tilt of his head indicating that he’s looking you over for damage. 
“Hey, what the fuck!” The man sputters. “I was just trying to pay the bitch a compliment—”
“Alright, thanks for that, pal.” Spiderman webs his mouth shut, and your harasser continues his muffled protests. “Maybe we just have different styles, but most of my compliments don’t start with unsolicited commentary on a stranger’s boobs.” 
You curl your lip, and the man looks like a dog on its leash the way he’s tugging against his restraints. Your rescuer webs his feet in place, stopping their scraping against the sidewalk.
“You know,” he says, turning to you, and he’s not even trying to disguise his voice, “you should really have at least one earbud out if you’re walking by yourself at night. That’s just the first entry in the Pretty Girl Guidebook.” 
You grin at him. “I think the first entry in the Pretty Girl Guidebook would really advocate more for playing damsel in distress to lure charming heroes your way. Walk me home, handsome?” 
You start back on your way, and he follows you like it’s all he knows how to do. He’s quiet, and though you can’t see his expression behind the mask, you wonder if you’ve actually startled Spiderman into silence. If he expects you to be bashful and awestruck, he’s got another thing coming; you’re typically a bit shy around new people, but Peter isn’t new people. 
“Yeah?” he asks after a second, and you wonder if you’d be able to detect the slight pitchiness to his voice if you didn’t know it so well. “So was that the plan all along? Get yourself attacked to get yourself rescued?” 
“No.” You shrug, casting a disdainful glance back toward the man who’d grabbed you. “I don’t go out looking for trouble, but I know that if it finds me,” you say, looking up into the mask with a simpering smile, “I’ve got Brooklyn’s friendly neighborhood hero to protect me.” 
You think he actually gulps. “I’m flattered you think so highly of me, sweetheart, but you really should take some precautionary measures too.” 
“Well, I suppose I could’ve asked my boyfriend to walk home with me,” you muse, “but he seemed like he was eager to have me gone. Better things to do, apparently.”
“What?” It’s a squawk, and then Peter clears his throat from behind the mask. “I’m sure if your boyfriend’s a sensible guy—which, I mean, anyone who managed to snag a girl like you must not be totally airheaded—I’m sure he didn’t mean to rush you off.” 
“I don’t know.” You frown, looking off in front of you contemplatively. “He’s book smart for sure, but he can be kind of dense sometimes.” You can feel your companion’s hesitation like a prickle at your side, his uncertainty of how to go about this conversation with you, and it catches him offguard when you stop to look up at him with coy, wide eyes. “Do you think you’re a sensible guy?”
His voice is strangled. “Me?”
“Mhm,” you hum, slowly moving into his space. 
“I—I like to think so, sure.” 
It’s all you can do not to giggle at how easily his cocky persona has come undone. You’re having too much fun to even feel bad about the torment you’re inflicting upon your boyfriend. “Maybe I should be with you, then,” you say. 
He actually takes a step back. “But—but—uh, listen, you’re really pretty, but didn’t you say you had a boyfriend?” 
“Yeah,” you say softly, batting your eyelashes up at him, “what about him?”
You’ve got your hands on his shoulders, lips so close to his face you can feel the warmth of his breath through the mask, and you actually think he’s going to do it. He’s going to let you kiss him. You shove playfully at his chest, unable to contain your laughter anymore.
“Pete, c’mon,” you say, careful to keep your voice low. “You must think I’m an idiot. You really thought I wouldn’t recognize you?”  
There’s a few moments of wordless sputtering which you can’t really hold against him, and then Peter’s whisking you into an alley, pulling his mask off. 
“Sorry for fucking with you,” you say while he’s still getting his bearings. He runs a hand through his hair, eyes wide. “It was just so easy to flirt back. You made it too much fun for me.” 
“Jesus, babe.” Peter fists a hand in his hair, already fluffy from being handled so much. “When did you figure it out?” 
“I mean, before today, but not very long ago,” you admit. “I knew something was up for a lot longer, but I didn’t put it together until you helped me with that mugger a few weeks ago.” You quirk a playful eyebrow. “You should at least try to distort your voice if you’re going to be Spiderman around people who know you in real life, you know.” 
“Never had to with Flash,” he mutters. “Why didn’t you say anything to me?”
You turn a bit more sheepish, unsure if you should feel guiltier about keeping your realization from him. To be fair, though, he’d kept a whole crime-fighting secret identity from you. “Is there ever a right time?” you ask him with a little shrug. “I guess I eventually wanted you to tell me on your own. I get why you didn’t, but it’s not like you’re exactly choosing to trust me here.” 
“I do,” Peter says immediately. He takes your shoulder in hand, like he needs to keep you steady to make sure you’re hearing him. “I do trust you, honey. It was never about trust.” He passes a hand over his face, shock melding into something more like dread. “It just, it could be dangerous for you, if you’re ever seen with me and it's obvious you know who I am, or something. I didn’t want to drag you into anything. There are…not everyone thinks of me as the friendly neighborhood hero you do.” 
He gives you a little smile, and you return it, stroking his jaw in an attempt at comfort. “I know,” you say softly. 
“We’re going to have to be careful.” 
“I know. Pete?” 
“If we’re being careful, you should probably put your mask back on.” 
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morimemichael · 17 days
Pretty Boy
Brahms x reader
Brahms gets hurt badly after fighting your ex, and in the middle his mask flew off somewhere. Unconscious on the floor, you try to help him and clean the wounds
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wg: Besides mentions of blood and open wounds, just fluff and Brahms being Brahms <3
It was a nasty fight, shattered glass flew over everywhere. Brahms got your ex to run away tho. For him, the fight and all the wounds were worth it. He’ll do anything for you. Due to the uncommon amount of effort he did and wounds he gain, he pass out right then and there. His mask was out, somewhere on the floor.
“Brahms…” You whispered. He didn’t respond. Your eyes went through every wound he had, until they reached his uncovered face. You could tell that at least a %50 of his face was burnt. Not that you cared tho, you still wouldn’t leave him for that.
With much, much effort you lift him to the bed, so you could treat his wounds better. His chest rising up slowly, a sign he was still breathing. You gathered everything you could reach to disinfect the bloody cuts. You were lucky enough the Heelshires had everything you could need in case something like this happens. You managed to get some pads, bandages and alcohol. You wet the little pads with alcohol and brush them against the fresh wounds, sounds of pain and visible discomfort could be heard from Brahms. You felt terrible, but you needed to disinfect.
“I know…I know Brahms.” You reassured. Whenever you brush the pads against his wounds you would move your hand in a certain way so the could blow some air in attempt to lessen the sting.
A few minutes later you managed to bandage all of his wounds. He was still asleep. He seemed so peacefully you didn’t wanna disturb him. You sat down on the bed next to him and caressed his messy brown hair, admiring his features. You took your right hand and placed it on his burnt side.
Who cares if he’s burnt? You thought to yourself.
You didn’t know how ir when you stared whispering things to his sleeping form.
“You know, I like your hair Brahms.” You didn’t know if he could hear you or not, but honestly, you didn’t care.
“And your eyes…your eyes are special.” You continued. You kept complimenting his body and face, and all the things he did for you, and keeping you safe.
“Thanks…for what you did for me today. But I don’t want you to do it again, it’s far too dangerous. And I love you too much for you to bleed out on me.” This was the first time you tell him you love him. Eventually you fell asleep on his side, you being the big spoon. You liked the body difference, but with this guy, being the big spoon was a little bit uncomfortable. Suddenly you woke up when your arms reached to hug him but didn’t find a body to hug.
“Brahms?…” You called for him. You didn’t found him next to you on the bed, instead his was sitting on the edge of it. “Brahms?”
“You know, I didn’t want you to see my face…eventually i would take my mask off. Once there was enough trust between us. That was the original plan…” He explained.
“Oh…Brahms…I really don’t mi-” You were interrupted by him.
“I-I didn’t want to show you my face, I don’t want to scare you away…please, your everything I have left.” You notice his voice cracking and sobbing when he told you this.
“I wasn’t going to leave you Brahms…I would have never…” Now, you sitting next to him, you give him little palms on his back.
“Thanks…for patching me up.”
“You’re welcome, Brahmsy.” You said smiling. “Hey…look at me, look at me.” With one hand you tilted his head so he was facing you.
“I love you. You heard me?” You looked at him straight into his eyes.
“I love you too.” He replied.
You whipped the tears from his cheeks with your sweater’s sleeve and then proceeded to kiss his burnt cheek. You’re melted when you saw he blushed.
“Aww…that’s so sweet.” You remarked.
“I swear to god if you tell any-” This time you interrupted.
“I-i, if-…okay, you win.” He said at last.
Once you were at the room, he caressed the exactly part of your lips that touched his cheek, and blushed again.
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Well, this short fic was due that people voted for a Brahms fic 😊 hope you liked it, and again sorry for any misspelling mistakes, English it’s not my mother language.
See you around!
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nogenderbee · 2 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕎𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕖 𝕦𝕟𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕖 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: Could I request Luka, Dan Heng, Welt, and Sampo being called their partner's whole universe?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Yeah, definitely! And omg thank you sm for requesting Sampo because I honestly didn't knew I could have this much fun writing him! I don't even know if he's cannon or ooc buuuut... I had fun! So hopefully you'll like it!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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Your boyfriend was classically just sitting in his room, reading a book. Meanwhile you sat right next to Dan Heng and just leaned on him, as he caresses your hair, clearly lost in the story, despite it being classical book.
But then you looked up at him, getting sudden urge to compliment your lover a little bit and speak facts as you do!
"Hey Dan~ You're my whole universe, y'know?"
"Don't people normally say 'my whole world'?"
"Just accept the compliment..."
Despite him pointing out something this small, you could see his face gained a little red hue on your statement, clearly not expecting that out of nowhere. And the pointout was obviously just go mask his reaction~
"Well I assume that's fitting looking at how we're Trabilazer's... And... well I can say you're my home."
"Your home? Well that's... still sweet~"
"Notice how I usually prefer to stay at home, the Express than go traveling. It's more meaningful if you look into it."
He said and tried looking away and hiding his cheeks that reddened, but you moving his hair aside definitely didn't made it easy on him... and you finally saw your cold boyfriend, flustered for once.
@miya-akane @toyaswif3y - come get your quiet but scary trabilazer!
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You and Welt were sitting and admiring the views of newly discovered planet. Surprisingly, it had magnificent views! Ones that any previous one could never even come close to. Your boyfriend and you were sitting among the nature, holding hands... it was absolutely perfect! And what better, Himeko did you a favour by watching over 2 energetic kids from Astral Express.
"We'll be going onto yet another planet soon... seems like we still don't know all in this universe, even if we might think so."
"Well I think I already know all about my universe~"
"You do? We're you on all the other planets before joining Astral Express?"
He turned to you with small look of curious and even slightly impressed. You felt almost bad having to crush it but you just couldn't help but he a little bit romantic today it seems!
"No! Not yet~ I meant MY universe! Which happened to be you~"
Upon realizing what you really were after, he couldn't help but chuckle as small, almost unnoticeable pink hue spreaded on his cheeks.
"Why thank you, love of my life. I may not be as romantic as you today but believe me, I care about you very deeply nonetheless."
He leaned in, placing small, soft kiss on the back of your hand and looked at you with pure affection in his eyes. And it seemed like the view you were just admiring just got even prettier~
@vodka-glrl - come get your father of the express!
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It was calm day in the Overworld... untill you saw group of guards trying to find someone... one even asked you if you saw Sampo anywhere since you're often seen together. But you told them no since that was the truth...
But right after they walked away, you felt an arm wrapping around your neck and a flower being held right next to your cheek.
"I knew I could count on you! You'd never snitch on your boyfriend after all? You're just the loveliest person in my life!"
It was your boyfriend acting all sweet and flirty just to get on your good side and possibly, to make you not ask what he did AGAIN... so you decided to respect that and tease him in return~
"Well how could I ever do that for someone who's my whole universe~?"
Sampo may act all smug and sly, but when it comes to you flirting with him... he always catches a blush. And that's exactly what happened in this case as well!
"I- Well of course! You're the sweetest, my dear. I should've expected something this lovely from you!"
He tried hiding his flustered feeling behind his classic charming persona. And despite the fact you could see right through it, you decided to play along and just smile. It was nice hearing something like that from someone! And the information you made him blush may stay for you alone~
"Sooo hypothetically... can I sleep in at your place tonight? I can sleep on couch!"
"What did you do?"
"... Well..."
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You decided to visit Luka during his training session, not exactly on purpose... you were just supposed to pick him up from there and it just so happened you arrived a bit earlier, so you decided to enter while you were there! After all, you were pretty sure he wouldn't mind~
He didn't notice you at first when you entered but he surely did when he was about to grab some water! But he decided to screw that plan because greeting you was much more important to him than that~
"Hey! How's my love doing?"
"Pretty good~ Will you be done soon?"
You said with soft smile as you handed him bottle of water you bought on your way here, which he happily accepted.
"Yeah I'm just gonna go get changed and get quick shower, is that alright?"
"You know I could wait eternity for my universe~"
You replied not breaking eye contact with him as smile was still so very soft on your face. Meanwhile your boyfriend stared back, considering if what he's thinking of is what you really meant... finally he broke the silence asking for confirmation.
"Your... universe? As in me?!"
"Mhm~ I don't see anyone else it could be for!"
You could see him smile like a kid who just got his favorite candy when you confirmed his thoughts. He even gave you a quick hug... this time only short since he was still a bit sweaty from his training, but either way too happy to not show his love towards you.
"Awwwh, thank you!! I promise to make you proud as your universe! I'll think of some nickname for you as well! Just give me a second, I'll take a shower and I'll be back with something!"
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
And they were roommates (part 11)
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A/N: I hope this works because my internet is KILLING ME.
Warning: 18+ content SHIT IS STARTING TO GET REAL.
The next day, you and Simon had driven to the house. It felt like two parents visiting a house to move in with their kids. It made you laugh. The house was enormous. 4 bedrooms, three bathrooms, a spacious kitchen, a big living room with a tv big enough to feel like at the cinema.  A very modern house painted in dark tones. All that you liked. You had looked at Kate and General Hopkins as he spoke.
"You deserve some comfort. You've been such a great asset-"  
"You're trying to give me a luxurious house because I almost got killed." 
The silence set for a minute, Ghost grabbing the back of your pants as he stood behind you. 
"Yes… pretty much" the general admitted. 
You rolled your eyes. Kate shook her head. 
"You also deserve it. Plus you need a bigger space since you are having even more roommates." She smiled. 
You sighed. Ghost ran his thumb on your lower back, soothing you. It sent a shiver down your spine. He loved to do this. You had noticed it. These little touches, hidden from others. It grounded you to him. If you felt anxious, nervous or tense. You loved it. He couldn't stop touching you. 
The week after, you had moved in. Gaz and Soap were sharing a room, Konig had his own room and Ghost and you too. You had wanted to share Ghost's room but to keep things slow you had both preferred to stay like that. You'd share each other's beds in any way. Soap and Gaz were thrilled, Konig was too but in his own quiet way. Ghost seemed tense already. 
"Hey… you alright?" You asked when the boys were a bit further away in the house. 
"Starting to regret living with these idiots already." 
"Konig's quiet." 
"Wait until they play board games." 
You had laughed. 
You had settled in your room nicely. The space felt much bigger than your old apartment. However it felt less empty. Even from your room you could hear the boys laughing, or the TV playing. You smiled to yourself. Things had changed so much in a few months. You didn't regret it at all. 
You were putting away your clothes in your new walk in closet. You were at peace, finally. Walking back into your room, you yelped when you noticed someone sitting on top of your bed. 
"What the-" 
You squinted your eyes. You knew it was him. You would have recognized him even in the dark. But… him, sitting there, without his mask on, made your heart beat as if it wanted to leave your chest. 
"Fuck… even your face is hot." You let out. 
You immediately blushed when you realized that once more your mouth had been faster than your brain. 
You tried to hide your blushing face in your hands as you heard him laugh. 
"Come here bunny." 
You dropped your hands, biting your lip and walking to him. You stood in between his legs. 
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you…" 
You smiled, finally holding his face in your hands as his arms wrapped around your waist. 
"I was happily surprised." You whispered. 
He closed his eyes letting his face rest in between your chest, earning a chuckle from you. God he did look handsome. 
"I just… thought it was time to show you my face." He said, voice muffled by your own body. 
"I am honored. You don't have to if you feel uncomfortable." You assured him. 
"I feel safe with you. I don't mind at all." 
It made your heart jump in your chest. He felt safe with you. You wrapped your arms around his head, leaning your own on top of his. 
You remained like this for a little while until a knock was heard. 
"Hey guys!" Soap called. 
Simon groaned against you. You laughed. 
"Someone's here to see you!" 
You frowned. 
"We'll be downstairs in a minute Soap." You called back. 
You tried to separate the embrace but he held onto you. 
"Come on Simon. Let's go see who's there." You smiled at him. 
He stared at you for a long minute. 
"You're so pretty when you smile…"
You blushed heavily at the compliment. 
"Thank you…" you dropped a soft kiss on his lips. 
He sighed against your lips before you finally separated. He grabbed his mask that was thrown on top of the bed, only noticing it now, before dropping it over his head. 
You threw a last smile at him before you headed for the door. 
You walked down the stairs with him, meeting the rest of the house and Price in the living room. 
You turned your head to finally see your guests. Mellissa and Amy. 
"Oh Sparrow! Are you alright?" She was worried. 
"Y/N! Ghowsty!" Amy cheered. 
You could have laughed at the shocked expressions on the rest of the team. You finally reached them, taking Amy into your arms as she was impatiently extending hers towards you. 
"hey! How are you monkey?" you kissed her cheek making her giggle. 
As Simon came to a stop next to you she extended her arms to him. You had been beaten at this game. He was her favorite. You looked at him, his eyes not leaving you and the little girl in your arms. You saw something unfamiliar in his eyes before he extended his own arms to pick up the little girl.  
"gowsty!" she smiled at him. 
"hey little baby princess." he cooed. 
Yes. he did. And it made you melt on the spot. Melissa grinned and the rest of the room were absolutely shocked. It took one glance from ghost for them to look away. You rolled your eyes. You invited Melissa to come sit on the couch with everyone as ghost and Amy followed. She decided to sit on his lap and not move from there, playing with his skeleton gloves. 
"Boys, this is Melissa gallegos. She's my friend and the mother of this sweetheart, Amy." You cooed as well, softly brushing a strand of hair out of her face, making her giggle. Simon looked like he wanted to devour you for a split second. 
"this is Soap" you introduced. 
The little went into a giggle of laughter, making everyone melt in the room. 
"soap!" she repeated. 
The man in question blushed a bit, waving at her. 
"why you'calld soap?" she asked. 
The room temperature suddenly changed but Ghost was quick to move. 
"because he loves washing his hair." he lied. 
The truth was not something for her little ears. Soap looked a bit hurt but the rest laughed. 
"this, is Gas. because... because that's his name." Ghost said, taking the lead. 
For a second you were worried about her reaction towards Konig. He stood in the room a bit further away. He was trying to hide his big frame, probably not to scare the child but was failing. 
"this is Konig. He's... a friend." Ghost tried. It was clumsy. He was trying to find a way to make her accept the big guy. 
"Why he sow bwig?" she asked. 
"Amy..." Melissa started. 
"Because he's half giant." Ghost said, making everyone chuckle and Konig rubbed the back of his head. 
"he has supew powers?" she asked, not letting Konig out of her sight. 
"yes." he asked. 
"wat?" she asked.
"he gives the best hugs! and when you're in his arms you're super tall!" Soap said. 
She giggled. 
"thas not a supew power!" 
"ah! you should try!" he winked at her. 
She thought for a minute before extending her arms towards him, leaving you in a bit of shock. This little girl would never cease to amaze you. Konig had frozen on the spot. 
"Konig. Come here." Ghost ordered. 
You were going to protest, telling him not to force him if he was uncomfortable, but Konig moved forwards very slowly. Finally in front of Ghost and Amy, he picked her up very slowly as if she was made of glass. The little girl didn't say anything while looking around. 
"im tawler than everwyone!" she claimed happily, making everyone laugh. 
Konig looked relieved, until she looked into his eyes through the mask. She touched it a bit. 
"ah ah Amy. We talked about this." Melissa warned. 
"imno gonna take it off!" she said, looking offended.
It made you smile. As she turned back to the man. 
"you eyes awe pwetty. They blue" she said, making the monster of a man melt on the spot. 
She hugged him before asking to go back to ghost's lap. Konig was very flustered but walked back next to soap to sit on another couch. 
"This is Captain price. Or as Y/N calls him, dad." 
You gasped, looking at Ghost horrified. Everyone laughed. Amy was deep in thoughts. Before jumping from Ghost lap and running to price 
Now Melissa looked horrified. It clicked so fast in your mind. How Melissa called you her sister and Amy's aunt. The very clever girl added 1+1 and decided that if you were her aunt and Price was your dad, obviously he was her grandfather. 
Price had looked taken aback but gladly held her in his arms. 
Ghost sulked a bit, suddenly not being the center of attention of the little girl. You left the boys being completely amazed by the little girl as you turned to melissa. 
"How are you? Laswell told me what happened. I was in the room when she was talking to Hopkins." she looked worriedly at you. 
"I'm fine, don't worry. Not my first rodeo, we both know that." you said, grabbing her hand in yours. 
"I was so damn worried. I couldn't handle it, and Amy surely wouldn't." she said. 
"Hey, I'm fine. Don't worry alright? I have a whole team of bodyguards constantly watching over me now" you said in a joking tone looking at the boys behind you. 
Amy was standing on top of the table, the men on their knees or crouching around it. 
"though your daughter seems to be their master. She has a talent of bringing these terrifying men to their knees.'' You laughed with melissa. 
You both watched as Amy took turns, touching soap's mohawk, price's hat, gas's hat, Ghost mask and konig's too. 
"Stay for dinner, the boys will be thrilled." You said. 
And they were. They were absolutely thrilled. You had made dinner with Melissa while they had played with Amy's legos that Ghost had bought for her the last time. Now you all sat at table dining, talking happily. Amy was so fascinated by the way Konig ate underneath his mask that she'd forget to eat what was in her mouth. Konig had felt very embarrassed under her scrutiny and had avoided eye contact. 
You had stopped for a second, looking at the table you sat at. You felt grateful. For all of these people. 
Once dinner was over, the boys had cleaned up the table, except ghost who was trapped by a little girl in his arms. She was starting to get sleepy. Ghost had glanced at you as you sent a wink his way, making him shake his head. 
"what's happening between you and the liteutenant?" 
Melissa's voice made you slightly jump. 
"hum... well... we're... together." you spoke. 
You tried not to blush but she gasped, a smirk on her face afterwards. 
"you go girl! daaaamnn." she said. 
You rolled your eyes. 
"so it's serious huh?" she asked
"yeah... I think it is... he trusts me enough to show me his face." 
She looked touched, holding you in her arms. 
"I'm so happy for you. Really. You deserve it." 
You smiled, tears gathering at the corner of your eyes. You blinked them away. 
"Thank you Melissa. I'm so happy you're in my life too." 
She smiled at you before turning back to ghost. The little girl had fallen asleep in his arms as he kept pacing around to rock her softly. You noticed that the boys had lowered the volume of their voices too, as Ghost eyed them like a hawk at every decibel too high for his taste. 
"He'd be a great dad." Melissa teased. 
"We're far from that. Please don't start." You begged. 
You walked towards him. 
"Thank you lieutenant. She really adores you." she said to him. 
"No problem." he nodded. 
"I think we should go home." she said, glancing at you and then at the sleeping girl. 
"Alright, we'll walk you to the car." you offered, Ghost clearly not wanting to wake up the little girl, agreed. 
Everyone bid their goodbyes in a hushed tone under Ghost's gaze. You walked Melissa to the car, ghost had dropped the little girl, her car seat buckling her up. 
"Thank you lieutenant." she smiled. 
You stood next to him as Melissa looked at you both. 
"Thank you for taking care of her lieutenant". she said. 
You blushed heavily, looking down to hide your face. 
"The best mission I've chosen." he answered back. 
You bit your lip looking up at him as he glanced down back at you. Melissa got into her car and left,  leaving you both at the entrance of the house.
"You're gonna catch a cold. let's go back inside." he said, his hand meeting your lower back.
"Simon." you called. 
He looked at you, waiting. 
"Thank you. for taking care of me." 
"No. Thank you. For holding on to me. To my... fucked up mind and scarred body." 
Your eyes faltered, his words hurting you in a way you didn't think was possible. You grabbed his face in between your hands, his masked face dropping to touch your forehead with his. 
"You're everything Simon. you. Ghost. the lieutenant. all of you." you comforted him. 
He hugged you tighter. 
"fuck.." he cursed under his breath. 
A breeze passed by, soothing the incredible heat in your body. 
"come on... let's head back." 
You nodded, stepping inside with him. 
One thing had been absolutely sure. The boys loved playing games. When they weren't training or at the base and they were bored at home, they'd always want to play a board game or a game of cards. And right now. The game of cards was improvised. The evening had rolled in, you had been working in your room, and the boys were bored. It had begun as a simple game, Soap had ordered pizzas, and you sat around the large table in the living room. But as time passed, those menaces had decided to add some dares to the game. If you'd lose, you'd have to do something. Price had been skeptical, Ghost too, especially because he was worried about what the boys could make you do just to taunt him.
After the first round, where, much to Soap's dismay, he had lost, he was forced to play with handcuffs for the next 5 rounds. Watching him struggle during round 2 made Price laugh way too much, so he remained for the game. Obviously he very quickly regretted his choice.
Gaz had brought some Rhum, and even if it remained very calm, alcohol loosened minds and… tongues. You were all a bit tipsy. And the dares were beginning to be slightly hotter than they should be. Konig was shirtless… the poor man was extremely embarrassed. Gaz and Soap made out, a little predicament created by you. Unfortunately that had horribly backfired. You had to call Laswell and ask her if Price could legally adopt you. She was extremely confused but had said yes. Price added that he'd keep it in mind. 
To counter that you had prepared a little cocktail for the next looser, Soap. You made sure it was incredibly spicy. He had died, his soul leaving his body for a minute. Ghost seemed to be a very good player, managing to lose twice. He had to draw two little blush points on his mask with lipstick. He looked extremely cute. The second time he had to let the boys draw something on his arms with a sharpie. He had rolled his eyes.  After that he had escaped all shenanigans except one, he also had to take off his shirt. For some reason these men loved seeing each other half naked. 
Price had tapped out, opting for going home before he lost all credibility as a captain. Konig had also begged to be let go, you had obviously let the poor man leave, remembering him he didn't need permission, and shouldn't listen to the boys. Now, as the four of you remained. The dares become completely ridiculous. Now Gaz was handcuffed to Soap. They had a wife and husband written on their foreheads with a sharpie. You had cringed, you knew he'd be hard to clean up. 
The tapping point was you having to… lick your way from Ghost's clothed mouth to the aim of his pants, under the careful gaze of the two men. You were blushing hard. Ghost's eyes were fixated on you, his breath had quickened. His hand had reached your hair, tightening there when you passed over his abs. 
You had tried your best to hide your blush when you stood up. You could feel Simon's eyes following your every movement. When soap had tried to comment something along the lines of 'I'm jealous I want a bunny too', he had received a smack behind the head as a warning. The last round had hit, everyone was tired as 3 am was slowly approaching. To everyone's surprise, Ghost lost. Soap and Gaz had run to you, and you were now trying to find the perfect dare to conclude the game. 
Soap finally jumped. 
"I know! You have to wear a dog collar and a leash all day for Y/N!" 
You had gasped and blinked slowly, trying to process what he had said. You looked at Ghost, he seemed to think about it. 
"Simon…" you called. 
Did he… agree?! You were unsure if it was the alcohol or something else. 
"Nice!" Gas said. 
You were extremely confused… and slightly excited. The sight might be something worth seeing. 
You had called it a night, kissing Simon goodnight and hopping into bed. The liquor and the tiredness made your head buzz as you closed your eyes. 
The next morning you had woken up rather begrudgingly. You needed a coffee. Or tea. You had thrown one of Simon's hoodies on and some leggings before heading down stairs. The house was noisier than usual for this hour. You had walked into the living room, greeting everyone. Soap and gas had a grin on their face. Ghost had walked to you, lifting up his mask to kiss you deeply. 
This was the best way to wake up. Truly. 
"Good morning" you mumbled in a sleepy voice. 
"Good morning bunny." He growled. 
You were taken aback from his tone. What was going on this morning? 
"Breakfast is ready, come on!" Soap called. 
You had sat at the table and eaten breakfast with everyone until Price had walked in, a bag in hand.
"Good morning everyone!" He greeted. 
The boys were quick to their feet as ghost sighed, getting up as well. He extended his hand to you, making you get up and step to him. He dropped your hand to reach his neck with both hands, taking his dog tags and transferring them to your neck. You stumbled on your words looking at him. You felt incredibly honored and thrilled and… owned.
"S-simon… I…." 
"Fuck. You're gonna have to let me take a picture of you like that." He talked in a hushed tone to you. 
He didn't leave any room for an answer as he grabbed your head and made you walk with him to the others. 
"I have no idea why you asked me to pick this up, but I have a feeling it has something to do with last night's game." Price said as he dropped the bag on one of the couches and grabbed the objects inside. 
Your eyes widened when you saw him take out a dog collar and a leash, both black. 
"Oh my god…" you let out. 
"Yes!! Captain you are the best!" Soap almost yelled. 
Gas was just as excited as him. 
"Alright, so who has to wear this?" He asked, turning to soap and then gas. 
When they both turned towards ghost, who stood next to you, arms crossed, Price froze for a second. 
"Really?" He asked with his signature smile. 
You were unable to process what was happening as Soap took the object and ran to the man next to you. He stopped when he saw the dark gaze of his lieutenant. 
"Sergeant, if you try to put it around my neck I will break your hands." He warned. 
Soap smirked but nodded before handing you the collar and leash. 
"Wait, WHAT." You cried out.
You looked at the black leather collar. It had a silver tag shaped like a skull. You turned it to see Riley written behind. They had made it engraved. The leash was a mix of black leather and chain. It was pretty basic. You were taken out of your thoughts as you saw Simon bend down next to you, now eye to eye level. 
"Simon, really?" You asked. 
"I am a man of my word." He said. 
You shook your head. This… was ridiculous. The rest of the team looked at you expectedly. You sighed, unbuckling the damn thing before very slowly approaching it to his neck. The eye contact was intense as you secured it around his neck, and the tension was breakable as you hooked the leash on it. 
"Bloody hell. You're all insane." Price let out, finally breaking the tension. 
He straightened up as you still held the leash in your hand. 
"There! Now you have scary dog privileges!" Soap joked. 
"This is a sight LT." Gas added. 
"When did this happen?" Konig asked, poor man confused. 
You couldn't believe this. 
Ok. Alright. It was a matter of 24h. It might be fun after all. 
You had continued about your day, unleashing Ghost. Soap and gas had forced you to keep the leash on you so you could put it back whenever needed. They were having way too much fun with this. You had your laptop on your lap as you worked through some things on the couch, Simon not too far. You had heard some commotions behind you in the kitchen. 
"Y/N! Get your dog!" 
You smirked.
"It don't bite." You said matter of factly. 
"Yes IT DO!" Soap threw back. 
You had continued to work without paying attention to them. During the day you had found yourself often playing with the tags around your neck, letting your fingers trace the letters on it. Mindlessly bringing it to your lips when you were lost in thoughts. You had only noticed it when soap had thrown a comment about it. 
"You don't have to kiss that, the real thing is right here." 
You had blinked looking at him and then at Ghost. You felt a rush of adrenaline as you saw him, hunched over the kitchen counter both hands on it, gazing at you through his lashes like he wanted to pounce on you. 
Soap had immediately excused himself and you had let the tags fall back to your chest. 
"S-sorry…" you apologized. 
He had suddenly realized his posture as you spoke, straightening himself and cleared his throat. 
"No problem." 
He had quickly walked out, the tag on his collar clicking, leaving you confused. 
The interaction had remained in your mind. He had seemed a bit distant afterwards. You had gone out for a drink, soap and gas reminding you that you had to keep him on a leash. You had been horrified at the thought but Ghost had grabbed the end of the leash and hooked it in his collar. 
It had been funny to see all the soldiers at the bar avoiding all eye contact towards your table. The sheer fear the man next to you created in them was astounding. And yet he was next to you, as your hand held onto the leather leash connected to his dog collar. He had made sure to reach to your neck and take out the dog tags so everyone could see it. 
"Damn he possessive." Gas had joked, being completely ignored by his lieutenant.
And he was. You had gotten up to order another drink at the bar. 
"What can I get you ?" The bartender asked smiling at you. 
"Hum can I get a mojito, with strawberry syrup?" You asked tentatively. 
"Oh! Sure, Nice!" He agreed with a wink. 
When you had walked back to the table with your drink, Simon had wrapped his arms around your waist and not let go for the rest of the night. 
You felt a bit uneasy because you could clearly see his mood had changed. You had gotten home around midnight and everyone had gone to bed. The boys had finally let Ghost alone with the collar, though he was still wearing it. You had brought him into your bedroom to try and talk it out. 
"Y/N, I'm fine, come one hop into bed." He had tried. 
You were still holding the leash and you straightened it, applying only a bit of pressure. 
His gaze had darkened. 
"Tell me." 
"Your time is up bunny. The leash is off now." He warned.
You furrowed your brows in challenge, applying even more pressure in the leash. He growled. 
"Bunny. Let. Go." He warned again. 
"Then tell me." You confronted again. 
He reached your hand, bringing you to his chest. You yelped. His hand was holding your jaw softly. 
"You had fun having me on a leash all day?" 
His special dark tone was back. The one that sent shivers down your spine and made you feel like he was a predator hunting his prey. 
"Well, everyone knew who you belonged to." You teased. 
He chuckled darkly. 
"Yeah. Same with my tags around your pretty neck." He made you spin around, now making you look into the mirror on the wall. His hand traveled from your stomach to your chest where the tags dangled. Your breath hitched as his hand hovered over your breast. 
"Look at you. Mine. So fucking pretty." He growled in your ear. 
"You know what. You're such a pretty sight to see. Let's immortalize this pretty sight." 
You frowned. 
"W-what?" You asked. 
He took his phone out with his other hand, turning it on and opening his camera. 
"Grab the leash." He ordered.
You obeyed, holding the leash over your shoulder. He placed his hand over your throat, not squeezing but holding you in place. He aimed the lense towards the mirror, taking both of you into view. 
"Good girl…" he praised, making you close your eyes and tilt your head back. 
He had taken a picture at that exact moment.  
"So pretty fuck. I wanted to punch that guy at the bar you know." 
You finally understood. 
"Simon… his wink was just playful… it-" 
"No… not his wink. The way he eyed your ass when you walked away from him. That. That made me want to rip his head off." 
Oh. You hadn't noticed that. He was jealous. God that man was possessive. 
He closed his eyes for a little second. 
"Simon. I'm yours." You reminded him. 
He opened his eyes, planting them into yours in the mirror. He visibly relaxed. 
"My bunny." 
"My wolf." You teased. 
He laughed a bit, relieved. 
"That's new." 
You turned around hugging him. He took off his mask, letting it drop to bed behind you. He dropped a kiss on top of your head. 
"I'm sorry… "
"Why?" You questioned.
"I… sometimes lose myself. You have to tell me if I scare you an-" 
You looked at him as he frowned. 
"I'm not scared Simon. Please don't think that. You never hurt me. And I trust you." 
He took a moment before nodding. 
"Come on, bed time." 
You whined. 
"Sleep with me tonight." You asked. 
"Bunny… not tonight. I got to wake up early tomorrow, the team has to go to base." 
"A mission ?" 
"Something like that. I'll tell you more after I get info." 
You nodded. 
You had slipped into pj's in your bathroom before slipping into bed. He had stayed just to be able to tuck you into bed. He turned around heading to leave before you stopped him. 
"Yes baby?"
"Can you send me that picture…" you blushed. 
"Of course bunny." 
Once he was out you smiled to yourself. He was really possessive over you. You knew there was a part of him that felt scared that thought you might regret this relationship. That he was not good for you. You wanted to prove him wrong. Your phone buzzed. 
You picked it up to see the notification. Simon had sent the picture. Fuck was it good. You made sure to keep it for yourself. He had added a little treat as a second notification rang. He was shirtless, the collar still on as he held the leash in one hand. The camera was tilted upwards as the looked straight into it. Fuck. You didn't take him for the kind of man to send thirst traps to his girl. But you were glad he was. 
You bit your lip, thinking about your next move. You were slightly embarrassed but also somehow excited. You undressed yourself before laying back down in bed. You made sure to position the dog tags in between your breasts with his name visible. You bit your lip. You held the phone up, making sure the flash was on and you took the picture making sure to push your breast together. You edited the photo making sure to add little skulls over your nipples.
You made sure to check the picture before sending it as fast as possible with a small good night. 
You bit your lip. You wondered if you were going to get an answer. Two minutes passed so you thought he wouldn't. But then a notification came on. 
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You smiled to yourself. Finally drifting off to sleep. The next morning you woke up to an empty house. It felt oddly quiet. You took your time eating breakfast and resting. Around lunch time you were still alone. You knew the team had to go to the base for something related to a mission. You wondered when they would come back. Time passed by and you got lost for a little moment in your work. 
When late afternoon rolled in, you decided that perhaps a warm bath would be perfect. You could read a book or something. You stood from the couch when suddenly you heard the front door open and a lot of voices half yelling at each other. You frowned, watching the team stumble over each other. 
"hey hey hey... guys, what's going on?" 
"hey Y/N!" soap called in a very soft voice making you expect the worst. 
"so hum... we got something here, can you take a look?" gas asked. 
"It's a bit urgent, sweetheart." price added in a serious tone. 
You walked over to the table where the boys gathered, putting down a laptop on the table. you sat down in front of anxious looks. 
"Will any of you tell me what's going on? By the way, where's Ghost?" you frowned, opening the laptop and turning it on as you looked around. 
"Hmm..." Konig tried. 
"well..." Soap continued. 
You immediately turned to Price at their hesitation. 
"Please tell me what's going on." 
He sighed before sitting next to you.
"Darkends is dead. We are very close to catching the drug lord. We've been put on this mission and we were called to brief everyone and check some seized gear. one of the cases was... trapped." 
You felt your heartbeat quicken. no... wait. 
"Simon?" you asked.
"he was the one who opened it." 
You closed your eyes letting out a shaky breath. 
"Hey, he's fine, he's fine. He was in contact with a powder, a drug. He's going to be alright" 
You sighed with relief. 
"He's gone upstairs to his room, but we need to know what kind of drug it is. It was quite a dose and we need to know the effects. Can you do that? " 
"Absolutely. I'm on it." 
You turned to the screen, you absolutely needed to find what it was. 
For over an hour, after you managed to decrypt the computer, you finally had found something interesting. The boys were pacing around and kept watching you. 
Finally you found something interesting, a video about the effects of the drug. 
"guys i got it!" you called. 
They rushed to your side and finally you opened the video. 
The silence was loud. But nothing louder than the sounds coming from the laptop. You blushed heavily as Soap laughed and Gas cursed. The noise kept repeating itself, making it obvious as to what the drug was. 
"ah! fuck me!" 
It was a sex drug. 
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dyns33 · 19 days
Only wastelands part 2
Here's part 2 of my Cooper Howard x Reader ! I think it will be a story in 4 parts at the end, but I'm not sure yet.
Tags : @one-of-thewalkingdead @coolrobloxkid28 @thebumbqueen @rachmari @ilyvia @justme12200 @honeybunhottie @savanahc @gobbodoggo @bisasterbisexual @killingboredom @bonafideyapper @i-simp-for-mha-men @pixelatedprofilepic @ultimatreality @chattersstuff @harmfulb1tch @hellolettuce444 @miketastic25
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If Y/N had to pay Cooper one compliment, it was that he had been a very good teacher.
Months passed, years, and she survived the apocalypse perfectly on her own.
To avoid trouble, she hid her pitboy and her gender under a large coat and a Ranger mask. Some people made fun of her, thinking she was doing this to protect herself from radiation. Everyone knew that West Tek's hardware, or any of Vault's partners, was crap.
Y/N knew it, and that was why she always had Radaway on her. Not at all in case she saw Cooper again and he needed some.
Three years without any news, doing everything to avoid attracting attention, and she hardly thought about him at all.
If she sometimes looked at the photo of him before his turning, with little Janey, it was only to remember that she should trust no one in this rotten world. Never again, she repeated to herself.
It was with this spirit that she almost killed Lucy when the young woman fell on her. Literally.
Y/N was standing in a crater, calm, silent, holding her sniper tightly, ready to shoot her future dinner, when the little vaultie had jumped to escape a yao guai.
Her instinct not being often wrong, she knew that it was more urgent to kill the bear than the imbecile who had thought that surprising a shooter was less dangerous than confronting a beast.
Even though she had a gun, was covered in blood, and one of her fingers was a different color, little Vault dweler looked harmless with her big, naive doe eyes.
It was obvious that she had been outside for a short time. A true miracle that she is still alive.
"Thank you, thank you very much !" she repeated with a huge smile, as if Y/N wasn't pointing her sniper at her. "You don't know the week I just had ! My father was kidnapped, I wanted to save him, but I discovered that he was a murderer who had bombed a city, and all the people I met tried to kill me, and…"
"Hey. I don't remember asking you to tell me about your life, vaultie."
"Oh, sorry ! It's just that I got lost. I was with someone heading to a place called New Vegas, but a big monster pulled him into a hole, then this thing attacked me. You seem nice, and I could use some help…"
“Wait. But wait !” the girl begged, following her as she went to carve the yao guai. Not the best meat, but she had just wasted five bullets for that, and the noise had either scared away the easy preys or attracted the attention of the dangerous ones.
Y/N vacillated between ignoring Lucy and threatening her, asking her to leave, but after exchanging names, the vaultie seemed to have decided that they were now best friends and should stay together.
No doubt taking her savior's silence as an invitation, she continued to talk about what had happened to her, between her meeting with a man named Maximus, and the inhumane treatment she had suffered at the hands of a mercenary.
Completely incoherent, she ended her story by explaining that she had abandoned her potential boyfriend to go on an adventure next to the guy who tortured her, with the aim of finding her dad and discovering who had destroyed the entire planet.
It was quite funny, because Lucy reminded her a bit of herself before. Y/N wondered if Cooper had seen her like that when they met, a lost and stupid thing.
At the same time, the girl's reasons for living were the same as the Ghoul. Find a family member and take revenge on Vault. Amusing. Maybe they would be very happy together.
If we forgot the fact that Lucy thought that no one should be killed, that everyone was nice, and mutual help was a fundamental notion, to start again. Ugh.
"So, some free advice, if you want to avoid having your tongue cut out, remember that it is not a good idea for a little vaultie who grew up in a palace to give big moral lessons to people who have been doing what they can to avoid dying for years, sometimes centuries."
"Why do you call me that ? You come from a vault too, right ? My pitboy picked up yours."
"Hang on. I am a victim of the cruelty of politicians and businessmen, betrayed by my own country and only alive by luck, or bad luck. You are a little vaultie. Now get away before I strangle you."
Lucy continued to follow her. And Y/N could have killed her, she really could have. This wasn't her first rodeo. She had killed a lot of people for less than that. But she didn't really want to.
Maybe she had been alone for too long. Maybe she felt sorry for this girl, like Cooper had felt sorry for her.
A deal was found. If Lucy could keep her mouth shut, then Y/N would help her find her friends so she could resume her main quest. Their paths would then part ways, and everyone would be happy.
Especially Y/N.
Because if she often talked about her dear Max, the little vaultie didn't seem so eager to find her survival partner. This was understandable, since he had tried to kill her several times, shooting her, cutting off her finger, using her as bait, and selling her.
Compared to this guy, Y/N was a saint, an angel from heaven, the perfect friend. When she offered the girl a bottle of non-irradiated water, she seemed about to ask her to marry her.
“You must be the only person in all the wastelands with good water !”
"It doesn't come cheap. But… I made a promise."
“My lovely traveling companion forced me to drink disgusting water and eat a man.”
Even though she seemed sweet and pure, Y/N continued to be wary of Lucy, sleeping with only one eye open and waiting for the moment when she would try to stab her in the back. First rule, don't trust anyone.
It had happened before. Never again.
Even after three years, the wound was still raw.
It was only when she saw the fear and regret in Lucy's eyes that Y/N restrained her action, yet ready to plant her blade the moment she had shown her the photo, taken out of her bag, asking her if it was her family.
Cooper hadn't been her family. He had been an asshole, who had manipulated her, who had made her believe that he loved her, and that she could love him, before abandoning her like a dog on the side of the road.
"Be careful with this Maximus. Men never change. He will take what he wants from you, and you will be hurt."
“He’s not like that.”
"I didn't think Coop was like that !" she shouted, really getting angry for the first time at Lucy, who jumped. "Yes, I loved him ! I trusted him ! It was stupid of me and I will never make that mistake again ! I hope he died in a hole, alone and in pain !"
"… Can I throw the photo away then ?"
“Give that back !” Y/N said quickly, snatching the only souvenir he had left from her hands and putting it safely in her pocket.
Lucy's sad smile indicated that she wouldn't have destroyed the photo. How sorry she was, for having gone through her things, and for having caused her pain by forcing her to talk about this man who had been so important. Also that she was happy, to see that despite her speeches, Y/N still cared for someone, even if she didn't want to.
She had never told anyone about it. It had been a long time since she had said his name, except when she woke up from a nightmare, in the middle of nowhere, calling for him like a child.
Lucy continued to smile, because for her, there must be another explanation for her precious Coop's behavior. She continued to call him Coop, even after Y/N threatened to make her eat her rotten finger.
"I know you don't like talking about him…"
“If you know that, shut up.” Y/N muttered as she continued walking towards New Vegas, trying to ignore the stream of words from the stupid vaultie, bingeing on romance novels and patriotic films.
"From the few things you agreed to share, Coop cared about you. He protected you, he taught you to defend yourself, he gave you a picture of his daughter. For me, this are proofs of love. Actions speak louder than words."
“He promised to come get me and I’m still waiting.”
"Wrong ! You left, you know how to hide perfectly, and you do everything to avoid him ! So, maybe he's been chasing you all this time and you don't know."
"What I do know is that the main clause of our deal was that you would stop talking so much, especially if it was to give such ridiculous and inappropriate advices."
They finally arrived at their destination after several weeks of walking. No sign of Lucy's friend on the way though. Perhaps he had died, or had not continued on his own.
It was clear that he wanted to use the daughter of vault 33 overseer to achieve his ends, and now that he had lost her, there was no point.
The city amazed the girl. It was the first real city she discovered, instead of those piles of ruins full of dust and vermin that were found in the four corners of the wastelands.
Her enthusiasm almost made Y/N laugh. A bit like how she had often made Cooper laugh without meaning to.
Damn, she needed to stop thinking about that bastard so often. Her mother was always saying that we manifest things through emotions and thoughts.
Her poor mother, long dead, but who had always been right.
As soon as her eyes landed on him, Y/N was crouched behind a wooden crate, watching Cooper Howard, fucking Cooper Howard, sitting near the casino, seemingly waiting for someone.
Seeing her, Lucy began to ask her what she was doing, her gaze following hers, and then the reaction was strange. Everything about this girl was strange anyway.
She started to smile.
Worse, she waved an arm at the Ghoul in greeting, opening her mouth to get his attention as she realized it wasn't enough, his cowboy hat falling over his face.
Y/N quickly grabbed her arm to pull her towards her, asking her what she was playing.
"It's the mean bounty hunter who accompanies me !" she replied happily, as if everything was normal.
For a moment, Y/N wondered if Lucy was making fun of her. If from the start, this was just a horrible joke against her, the continuation of a torture started in this seedy bar.
Then she told herself that if someone made fun of her, it was just fate.
Because she remembered that she had only described Cooper, continuing not to have any particular interest in his condition as a ghoul, and with her goodness as a jug, Lucy had not wanted to reduce him to his appearance either.
The difference was that he didn't give his name to his new pet.
“I knew you were an idiot, but not that much.”
"What ? Why ?" Lucy wondered, slightly offended and trying to free herself.
"You can't trust him. You already know that, why do you want to go back with him ? Look… I can help you find your father, okay ? Find Max. Whatever you want, but let's avoid this bastard and let's leave quickly."
"Golden rule. We said we would wait near the casino, he's there, I'm not leaving him."
With this serious look, the vault dweler would almost have looked frightening. Almost. It was mainly because it was obvious that it was impossible to reason with her that Y/N let her go, not waiting for her tirade about great friendship and the need to stay together to run as far as possible.
If Cooper noticed them, she didn't give him time to really see her, nor to catch up with her or shoot her.
Y/N didn’t turn around to check. Not because she was afraid of him chasing her. But because she was afraid that not only would he not pursue her, but she would also see him with Lucy.
Because even though he had tortured her, insulted her, threatened her… He was in front of the fucking casino waiting for this girl. And it really hurt.
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