#but i cannot work on them whenever I open my laptop
thedegu · 4 months
my tablet died and my new one isn't going to be here until tueday, I was in the middle of a drawing and I want to work on it so bad. I'm suffering......
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luveline · 4 months
hiii jadey <3 i’ve been having a bit of a rough time in college lately and i was wondering if you’d be willing to write some bombshell!reader where spencer talks about being bullied in high school and maybe bombshell can relate? even if not, just a lot of comfort please? i hope you’re doing well!! <333
ty for ur request!!! fem
It’s a blessing and a curse whenever you come around. Spencer’s thinking he hadn’t seen you in a while when your text lights up his screen, a summoning if there ever was one. 
Hi Spencer, I need some help with my laptop. It turns out for about ten seconds and then turns off again. Do you think you can fix it?
He has no idea. Probably. Do you want me to come by SCU? 
No need
“Spencer!” you say, practically glowing as you drop your messenger bag on his already crowded desk. “Sorry, that’s so heavy.”
“You’re here,” he says, surprised. 
You lean down to hug him in his chair. Spencer can’t ignore that he likes every part of you, your arms as they wrap around his shoulders, the perfume on your neck as you touch your cheek to his, even the soft exhale of your breath by his ear. “Hi, Dr. Reid,” you say gently. “Missed you. So happy my laptop isn’t working ‘cos now I get to see you.” 
You pull away with a grin. Your lips are a shade of pink that Spencer won’t soon forget.
“That was fast.” 
“So fast,” you say. “You know I love an excuse to see you and to not be at work.” 
You work very hard, but you’re like anyone. Stealing time is fun and free. “You’re not gonna get in trouble, right?” 
“With who? Hotch doesn’t care if I’m here and Sandy,” —you full body shiver at the mention of your boss— “won’t notice I’m gone for another hour. Besides, I can’t have a broken laptop. They’re pretty cool, right?”
“Yeah, I like them. I just need the WiFi to work everywhere.” You squint at him. “Is that something you can do?” 
Spencer cannot make the WiFi work everywhere you go, but he can soft reset your laptop after a short investigation of the problem. It takes about five minutes, in which you steal Morgan’s chair and get comfortable next to him, legs crossed, hand resting open on your thigh. “You’re so smart. I bet you were very popular in high school.” 
He laughs, startled, a horrible sinking feeling moving through his chest. “What? Why would you think that?”
“‘Cos you’re a genius at everything, right? I bet you were always helping people with their homework.” 
His lips last. He doesn’t know what to say. “I don’t think I talked to anyone in high school who didn’t want to hang me at the top of a flag pole,” he says honestly. 
Your lovely smile falls flat. “What?” 
“I skipped a couple of grades, so I was younger than everybody, and I wasn’t well liked. I was actually bullied pretty badly.” He laughs again with that same brittle panic. He’s talking without thinking, it just spilled out, it’s spilling still, “I used to get beat up for breathing wrong.” 
You’re quiet. Spencer panics worse because why has he told you that? You’re so sweet to him but that doesn’t mean you wanted to know about his worst moments, he can practically feel the affection you had for him melting away as you realise he’s a loser, he’s pathetic–
“I was bullied too,” you say, giving him a tentative smile. “All the way through high school and a little bit after that, too. Maybe that’s why we get along so well, huh?” 
He looks at his hands. “You were?” 
“Yep.” He can hear the strain of wanting to sound normal. “I mean, I didn’t get beat up, Spencer, that’s awful and I’m– I’m so sorry.”
You’re the last person he’d ever want an apology from, because you’re one of the only people he’s ever met who likes him as he is. You could never make him hurt the way he did back then. High school was years ago and it lingers like it happened yesterday. “I can still remember the stuff they used to say to me,” he says. 
“I got made fun of for so much stuff,” you agree. “Boys I didn’t even know would berate me in the halls for just being there. I got called ugly so much I genuinely believed I was for years.” 
“You’re not ugly,” he says immediately. 
“I know.” 
He nods thoughtfully. “It’s hard trying to forget about it. I think if people knew how much I carry with me from then they’d tell me to let it go, but I can’t.” 
“You don’t have to let it go, Spence, so long as you know it’s not your fault it happened.” 
You offer your hand. Spencer stares at it. You wiggle your fingers and he thinks, Oh, grasping it quickly, before you change your mind. Your fingers slide between his and you rub the back of his hand with your thumb, smiling approvingly, eyes crinkled with pleasure. 
“They don’t know what they missed,” you say, a hint of shyness in your voice that’s swiftly covered by your usual confident drawling, “they had unfiltered and unadulterated access to the Spencer Reid, n’ I have to pretend my laptops broken just to see you. So crazy.” 
You give his hand a good squeeze.
“It was sort of broken,” he says as you take your hand back. He’s sure his brain is broken too. 
“Nah, it always does that. I just give it a love tap and it fixes it again.” 
“A what?” He laughs so loudly it turns heads. His crush on you turns to full blown infatuation.
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byoldervine · 27 days
What's your routine when it comes to writing?
I’m literally just writing everything I can think of because I don’t know if I have a routine exactly but hopefully something here answers your question
My writing goal is 1K words per week, and I’ve been able to keep up with this since the start of this year. It’s not much, but it gives me a minimum amount of consistent progress without burning me out, which is incredibly helpful
I work Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, so I get most of my writing done outside of that, and then Mondays are usually busy for me so it’s up in the air how much writing I’ll get done that day. For the last few weeks I’ll write a little on Monday, then get the bulk of it done on Thursday and/or Saturday, which leaves Sunday free
I can’t have too many background distractions or I’ll zero in on that even if I’m not interested in it, but I find I work best with quiet background noise of some variety to ensure I’m not understimulated. My favourites tend to be a writing sprint video I love and custom soundpads I’ve made on TableTop Audio, which allows you to easily create soundscapes for whatever setting it is you’re writing about
I like writing on my laptop more than anything, with one tab being my writing and another being my notes. Any tabs that aren’t related to my writing need to be closed or they get too tempting. I cannot use my phone to research in this time or I will definitely get distracted
I work from two locations; in my bed or in the living room set up on the recliner. Both locations involve open curtains and blinds for natural light and a blanket over my lap while I write. I even have a dedicated writing blanket which has largely been taken over by my dogs, who will snuggle up whenever I get it out. I have to frequently stop them from laying their heads on my keyboard and creating shortcuts
If it’s a good motivation day or I’m at a point where I need to write a lot today or I won’t meet my deadlines, I’ll put on the writing sprint video and work within those parameters; 25 minutes writing, 5 minutes taking a break, repeat three more times. This is what got me through NaNoWriMo
Otherwise, I’ll turn on my soundscapes and tell myself I’ll just write for ten minutes and then I can stop if I want to. After ten minutes my brain wants to at least finish the part it’s on, and then I question if I want to keep going. Usually the answer is yes, so I’ll keep going. If I get to a point where my interest is starting to wane, I’ll tell myself to give it another ten minutes, and if I’m still disinterested I quit for the time being
After I’ve finished my weekly goal, I always try to reward myself with a snack or something fun. Lately the desired treat has been chocolate chip muffins
Once I’ve hit the goal and am no longer writing, I tend not to pick it up again until the next week because my brain thinks ‘well anything I write now won’t count to my immediate goals, so why bother?’ even though logically it’ll mean less of these sessions in the future. I do usually get at least 1100 words each week though, and I’d say my average is around 1200-1500, so I’m not too worried about that. I don’t mind so much if this all takes me a long time, it’s all for fun anyway
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uchihaharlot · 4 months
CEO! AU Where their employee is too naive about innuendo 😅
Too pure and these guys wreck her during a personal "meeting" in their office.
(Separate scenarios please 🙏)
Me dearest moot,
I apologize this took me so long. 😅 I find it hard to write ooc scenes, but then again everything written outside the Narutoverse is considered ooc. So I just rolled with it, didn’t feel it at first. Sat on it, went back edited it — added more and hopefully the outcome is to your standards.
I truly am committed to writing almost any ask that is sent my way.
I do apologize, this got lengthy. I cannot not write anything less than 3k it seems when in the mood. Lmao. I give you smut with minor plot, because I love a bit of backstory and I adore characters that have a familiarity between them or some fluffy shit like that.
(When I wrote this, I was not aware of your preference for Itachi at the time. Shisui CEO was already in the works. Honestly am not entirely convinced this is good. I would be willing to do Itachi in a separate ask, I just didn’t want this to be like 15k of figuring my shit out).
NSFW; airhead-ish intern; smut w/plot; praise kink; oral; vaginal; unprofessional work environment; sex at work; Enjoy!
wc: an exorbitant fucking 3.4k; fuck and I’m not editing it much more right now. Will go back, I just felt like the worlds biggest piece of shit for taking so long lol
As fresh blood in the world of accounting, credentials meant everything. Especially if you want roll with the big boys. Which is why when accepting an internship nearly six months ago from the most prestigious accounting firm, you didn’t hesitate to accept. It would look good on your resume and if lucky enough, you’d be offered a job and avoid the hassle of sending out hundreds of applications.
So far things have been mild and mundane.
Coffee this, tea that. Dry cleaning. You hardly even made an appearance into the conference room except on few occasions.
Today was one of those days your presence was requested. Shisui Uchiha, CEO, owner and founder of Tomoe LLC. An accounting firm for high profiled clients.
Yea, your designated boss was that guy.
The one who made tabloids left and right with his fuck you money and all. The guy who probably had every woman in the office, including yourself, humid and longing. Didn’t even have to try, and there was no lying. How unfortunate you had the hots for him. Regardless of your stance, you retained the upmost professionalism in his presence.
When Shisui walks into the conference room, all eyes are on him. Composed, clean cut and admirable. As an intern your job is to take minute notes, jot ideas he spouts off and anything of importance. At the end of his hour and a half long ramble. Everyone is dismissed.
‘Except you.’ Words you didn’t really expect, but nonetheless did as you were told.
Once the room is cleared, Shisui’s gaze catches yours. Sharp and observant, you felt under the microscope of his heavy dark eyed gaze. ‘I need your help on something.’
Which was great, usually.
This is what you’re here for. If it was coffee, you’d fetch it. If it was picking his dog up from the groomers, that too. You got to use his shiny new car, which was a treat. He made sure you knew nobody before you had that privilege.
‘I’m listening, Uchiha-san.’ Submissive and severely cute as you retained his attention. Even if unintentional, it made his eyes flicker whenever you called him that and he straightened up a bit. A smug grin on his face.
Ever the good girl.
Shisui taps at your laptop, quickly you open its notebook app, ready to record his thoughts. ‘I want you to draft your own document on project of your choosing. Consider it a ‘review.’ How can you make this company grow?’
Oh, it was one of those reviews. The preliminary ‘give me your thoughts and maybe you can have a job’ situation. He continues, ‘on one condition… meet me in my office after work. And we’ll discuss it more personally.’
‘Anything specific I should focus on?’ It wasn’t confusing, but you had the sense there was something particular he was looking for.
He smiles and gazes over you. Shisui always said he appreciated your tenacity and go-getter attitude. ‘Just whatever comes to mind; nothing too serious…..when you write this document, just remember it's for me. It should be tailored to suggestions you think I would….be interested in.’
‘Right, for you…for the company.’ You sheepishly smile back. Why was the room hot, why did your stomach disappear and leave you feeling sick almost. Not in a terrible way, but well….no. He’s your damned boss!!
‘Good girl.’ Something crawled up your spine when he said those words. Your body treasonously gushed, and it was hard not to flush warm in the cheeks. ‘Make sure to send this off before you stop by my office. It would be…beneficial for me to know before we further discuss this in a personal setting.’
A personal setting. After work.
You weren’t stupid by any means, part of you truly believed your boss was hitting on you and the other half was partial to the fact Shisui just knew how to get what he wanted. So, for the last few hours of your day, you focused on real issues within the company. You didn’t want to insult him, but there were things that could improve the numbers and have an impact. Small minute details you picked up the last few months. The document was sent off the last half hour of the day before you walked down to the elevator and took it three floors up to where the higher-ranking individuals in the company were stationed.
Maybe you could be up here. Maybe your ideas would actually mean something. A small smile spreads your face before you knock on his office door.
When Shisui opens the door, he immediately steps aside and motions for you to enter. That’s good sign, right? His gaze lingers as you take in the office that you see maybe three times a month. Your actual duties are handed down to the secretary on your floor directly from him.
A soft click of the door closing has your nerves striking flint at one another.
‘I like how you took this assignment so seriously….’ Taking a seat at his desk, hands folded together. He takes her in.
‘You’re not offended?’ Of course not! The numbers didn’t lie, you had found a hole in his company’s bottomline. Money was being filtered out. If anything, he was grateful you did this so thoroughly.
Shisui’s eyes seem almost piercing, ‘I’m not offended at all. In fact, it’s impressive. Very impressive….now exactly how did you figure this out?’
Oh, that was a toughie. It was by accident, really, you explain. Within the first few weeks of your internship, you were granted access to classified information. Unsure if this was even allowed, you figured that if a potential job was to be had. You needed to know the numbers. Unfortunately for Shisui, undoubtedly, someone was stealing money from him. He had his suspicions prior to your upheaval, but no real way of confirming without causing the perpetrator to become aware. Aside from that it was intricately encrypted, meaning you were incapable of providing further details of who.
Shisui eyes you the whole time, his unwavering gaze felt unkind almost, but sincere. ‘So, you were just casually going through the inflow and outflow. Just so happen to discover…. money missing?’
You exhale heavily, this sounded like it could backfire. ‘Y-yes. I’m sorry if that was a breach of my contract, I figured if I was granted access—’
Shisui’s light chuckle interrupts you, a sort of calm, almost relieved feeling washes down your nerves. ‘You’re fine, I admire your determination and commitment to this company. It seems I can’t trust everyone here…’
‘I suggest, if you’re open to it…. calling tech support, they might be able…’ the words hit your face from the floor. Someone in tech support would be the perfect position to lay low and hide or dispose of backlogs. Shisui quirks an eyebrow at your acute observation. ‘Tech support would be able to see behind all of that.’
At first, he is surprised, then perturbed. Tech support would be capable of seeing behind the encryption or worse. Creating it. Leaning back in his chair, he folds his hands under to his chin. ‘A smart observation….that is….unfortunate. For them, if so.’ A hint of admiration in his voice has you smiling at his praise.
Shisui can’t help but stare at you for a moment. That smile is adorable, even more when you’re not completely flustered by him. When you’re almost comfortable in his presence. ‘You’re a very sharp girl…and you have a good grasp of this business despite being just an intern….’
‘It’s nothing….really. I was just…trying to get on top of the game.’ A soft shrug is all you manage. What else could you say? Now wasn’t the time to toot your own horn.
Shisui leans forward in his chair. He can't help but notice you’re a still bit shy, reserved and overtly quiet in his presence. More times often than not are you loud and boisterous with the friends you’ve made here. Something lurches in the back of his mind; his tone of voice softens.
‘I’d like to commend you for your efforts. You’ve outdone yourself and even figured out someone is potentially funneling money from me.’ He pauses briefly, ‘just out of curiosity though….why did you accept this internship?’
The harsh truth resurfaced with a prejudice. You were bitter the first few weeks, though you were grateful for this opportunity here. Not a word back from a single firm within the five great nations when you sought them out. It was nearly a month later after you had sent out the portfolio did Shisui’s firm respond. ‘You were the only firm to return interest and extend an offer.’
This was not something Shisui expected to hear. It disheartened him and left a foul taste in his mouth. Surely other firms would have been interested. He hadn’t sent a reply as quickly beforehand. Thinking you would take an opportunity in another country. Most people wanted to leave their home cities; he responded solely on the fact he was too eager in his selection for you. The portfolio, while small, was exceptional. Organized and precise. His stubbornness made him hold off but the business side of him does what’s best for itself.
He had to have you, to see the woman behind the mind. Even if you weren’t the spectacular woman before him, he still would have hired you. He wasn’t discriminatory in that matter, only if you would be beneficial to the firm. He knew from the initial interview that you would be, it was just a bonus that you were drop dead gorgeous.
‘No other company reached out?’ The irritation in his voice was severe and brought blasphemy in his eyes.
The hardened look on his face softens once more as you continue, ‘I was shocked to receive your extension to interview.’
Another unexpected answer. Shisui didn’t expect that the other internships went unanswered, but he never once turned down the free labor hours of an internship. There wasn’t a damn thing that made you unworthy of a position here. Intelligent, well calculated….submissive. You did every thing he threw at you from silly errands he couldn’t be fucked with, to listening to him bitch about Genma’s vacation in the Land of Tea being two weeks.
‘So here I am. Almost the six month review. I was hoping that this recent development would…be a retainer for a full time position…’ the words taper off. Hearing how silly you were.
Scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours was not at the forefront of your mind.
But it was his and, well, the funny thing is. Shisui’s back, is on his cock. That’s exactly the kind of back scratching he was referring to earlier when he asked for you to come up with a minor presentation for him. He figured this one wouldn’t fly over the crows nest, but it had. You didn’t quiet catch his intentions.
He would just have to be more…direct.
A small smile spreads his face, the fact that you were just so bashful with your request. Shisui rounds his desk quickly, his hands at your forearms. Sights sharp with intent. Deep baritone grows soft when he addresses you, ‘consider me impressed.’
You quickly dial in at his hands holding you so, so intimately. ‘Why?’ Is that really all you can manage? Though you didn’t understand, ‘why do I impress you? I did something that someone else should have been doing.’ Your brows pinch.
Shisui doesn’t answer right away, he takes the time to consider you. He thumbs small circles on your left arm, as if he is trying to properly convey the words of adoration without scaring you off. ‘You’re right, I should have someone doing this. I am just impressed you were that person when it should have been someone more experienced in this company.’
‘But…?’ Waiting for it. For the let down of not having a position here.
Shisui runs a hand through his hair, the other still on your left arm, ‘this is the first time I’ve ever thought about extending a full-time position to an intern in awhile. But…from now on, you will not be an intern…’ a pregnant pause makes the air thick and stale for a moment. ‘You’ll be my assistant.’
‘Assistant?’ That wasn’t working with numbers, ‘that’s not…numbers or anything close to it…’
Shisui’s laugh fills his chest and reverberates in his throat stopping at a light hum, the grip on your forearm tightens a little to capture your undivided attention wholly. ‘Do not worry. I never said that you would stop working with numbers. That will still be part of your position here. But, moreover, I want your input on other aspects of this company. Marketing, communication, etc. a more….intimate experience at my side.’
You gawk. ‘How can you consider that from a near bare portfolio. I surely haven’t worked my weight in ryo here, not even close.’
In this moment, you look adorable to Shisui. Exasperated and uncertain. Almost undeserving. ‘You’re forgetting exactly why I chose you for the internship. I knew from the moment I interviewed you that you were a very sharp young lady. My trust in your abilities has grown exponentially these past few months, and hence…this new position for you.’
A soft click of your tongue, it was all coming full circle now. ‘This sounds like a curated position that was just made up.’
Shisui’s lips curl into a devious smile, that slips below subtle smirk. He narrows his eyes a bit, those eyes ever intense and drinking you up like the finest whiskey. That calm and composed side of Shisui is replaced by a commanding and dominant presence. Unholy even.
‘Uchiha-san?’ A sharp exhale as Shisui snakes a hand around her waist.
He brings you flush to his chest, running a hand through your hair. Drags his nose along your jaw and up to your cheek before his lips stop at your ear. Hot and raspy, Shisui’s intentions are more than clear. You notice how tall he really is, just towering over you. How much older he is too.
‘What…are you doing?’ A whispered hiss of astonishment at his direct approach.
‘What do you think I am dong?’ Sweet like honey, his voice is deep. Commanding. Possessive.
‘I’m partial to believe this is not in my job description….’ Your soft breath fans the his cheek as he rakes a hand up the nape of your neck.
‘I never suggested it was….’ The words send shivers down your spine, his thumb traces down your cheekbone. His warm breath smells sweet, you know this is not appropriate. Against policy. And as much as you’d hate to admit it.
You enjoyed it. ‘Then what is this for?’
You graze your nose in return over his cheek, the boldness amuses Shisui. How much did you like this? ‘This is part of the perks that come with your new job. If you haven’t noticed by now… I tend to enjoy your company.’
Well no, you didn’t notice. Not until now, ‘no, how could I when I’m hardly doing as an intern should?’ That was cute.
The small moan from your lips is even more adorable as Shisui dragged his lips down your neck. Delirium filled your head space, this was moving too fast. Before you knew it your tight pencil skirt was shucked to above your hips and you were laid on his desk.
Subservient to his desire, fueled by your own deplorable greed within. You could just let Shisui have his way with you, not that you saw it this way. Sex was currency, was also free and felt fucking good. The part of you that may or may not have fantasized this exact scenario unfolding was in charge now.
Spread out, legs over his shoulders holding his head in a vice squeeze. How did it get far this fast? Nose in your heat, lapping and twirling his tongue over your clit. Fingers curling in the confines of your taut muscles. Muscles that ached for it; were drenched for him. If your knocked a few things off his desk, Shisui would forgive you. This was the reason why he’d drawn you in after hours, the sounds you made were no less than a few doors in range: if anyone was still here after hours. They’d hear and pretend they didn’t the next day.
When his cock stretched you, molded you to him. He reamed a hand around your neck and pressed your back into the keyboard. Every time you came close to coming, he squeezed and stopped thrusting. Making you writhe and submit further to him.
‘..please.’ Your desperate whimper.
Those soft eyes of yours caught his attention, ‘..please let me come Uchiha-san.’
He kissed you sweetly, but fucked you like an office whore as you came all over him. ‘Such a good girl…’ rang your ears every so often as he softly panted out between thrusts. Shisui flipped you to your stomach once you succumbed to his relentless pounding. Wrung his hand in your hair and craned your neck back to expose the delicate flesh. Nipping your pulse point, he sheath himself once more. Slower, needier. On the verge of filling your sweet hole with his genetic markup. Gripping your waist to steady your body, he whispered many things of promise if you accepted his job offer.
His bed, car and money. What on earth had gotten into this man? Shisui couldn’t figure out for himself exactly what he was saying either, but it was all forgotten the split second your salacious whimper and saying you were coming again. Had his hips steam rolling and slamming into you harder. Pumping his thinking length as he coated your insides. Holding your back to his chest as you both moaned out loud.
Surely, this was unprofessional. The entire time you fixed your clothes, you expected him to rescind his decision. That didn’t happen. Not when he fixed his tie, adjusted your skirt and covered you with his coat. Not once did his resolve change as you both walked out the dark office and got out of the elevator. He took you to dinner, paid an extraordinary amount of money for too little food and ushered you home. Opened your door and lead you by the small of your back to your front door and gave you a chaste kiss.
‘See you in the morning, ill be here at 6:30am’ It was fully decided by now that you did have a a full time position now, and he handed you a check for the firsts three months salary, and then some that had your head spinning.
‘This is unnecessary..’ It was money that you’d only ever seen on paper, let alone now held in your hands.
‘Consider it a bonus, and a reward.’ Shisui lifted your chin, and kissed your cheek.
You watched as he waited for you to go inside of your apartment, then he left.
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fairytoge · 1 year
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boiler breakdown pt1
no warnings! it’s vvv fluffy!!
i've also had to re-publish this as i used to use the old text editor, and it kept glitching whenever i wanted to go back to it
part twoㅤpart three
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yuuji is the embodiment of warmth and you cannot tell me otherwise. and, on top of that, he is always looking for an excuse to hug you; whether that means missing certain important events or assignments, or not. so when your boiler breaks down in the middle of winter, yuuji is more than happy to use the icy temperature that lurked inside of your shared home as an excuse to spend even more time cuddling with you than ever before. as soon as a degree or two drops, yuuji will open his arms and beckon you into his embrace, to which you are more than willing to agree to.
whilst megumi is certainly not the most romantic, nor does he really know much about receiving affection outside of you, he is affectionate. it isn’t always in the form of physical touch, but he will often notice little things that you do or how you act to secretly check up on you (if you caught him staring, he would deny everything). if it’s increasingly cold and megumi starts to notice that you’re shivering or curling into yourself more, he will run to get a selection of his hoodies and sweaters. and, although you may give him a confused glance, he persists that you take them and warm yourself up in his, on your body, oversized clothing.
toge is very emotional and is more open to expressing his feelings than others — even if he is limited to signals or other non-verbal methods. so, whilst he may not be able to figuratively warm you with his words, toge is a master of warming you literally. as soon as toge notices that your shared home has dropped in temperature, he will begin to collect the mass amounts of blankets that are scattered around the area in favour of creating a blanket fort with you. it would be a little messy the first time, but because of how many you two have constructed together, you’re both practically fort connoisseurs. there will be little touches added inside of them, like fairy lights and a snack bowl between where you’ll sit and your laptop that was adopted for watching films, and it is adorable.
maki would be the first one to notice any slight change in you or your surroundings; she’s always somewhat on guard unless there is a reason not to be. and, whilst it upsets you a lot of the time that she doesn’t fully express her emotions, you’re just thankful that you’re at least one person that she knows she can always go to. so when your boiler breaks, she realises that the heaters aren’t working before a professional would, and subsequently your subtle shivering. cue maki pulling you into her arms and, even though it’s a surprise, you are certainly not complaining. and as you continue to mentally debate the meaning of the sudden display of affection, she’ll reach over to one of your other sofas and snag the throw to place over the two of you.
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© fairytogeㅤ ꔫㅤ please do not copy, repost, translate, etc without my permission
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cadiacore · 2 years
.。*゚+.*.。 night sky: chapter two | ruhn danaan x fem!reader
warning(s): implied sui*idal thoughts, depression, anxiety, fluff, angst, Ruhn being the biggest sweetheart, and bad parents. if i missed anything please lmk!
a/n: hello friends, i cannot believe i finally finished this after two months. depression and anxiety have been really kicking my ass lately. also, sorry for the late post, i got caught up in editing lol. i hope you all enjoy and if you liked this chapter please leave some feedback, i would love to hear your thoughts and theories. if you would like to be on the taglist, please send me an ask or tell me in the replies! thank you! xoxo
   Everything too felt heavy. Exhaustion and irritability had a tight grip over Y/N’s emotions. It had been weeks since she last saw her new friends. The paperwork that had to be done by midnight, sat blank on her laptop. She wanted nothing more than to sleep.
   Each day, Y/N prayed to not wake whenever she did sleep. They say isolation makes everything worse for someone who is already vulnerable. However, Y/N had always thrown herself into her work. All the paperwork needed done anyway. If she had any chance of moving out, she would need to work more and harder. She placed her hand over her heart and began to count. It was a trick Fury had taught her when she was still around. Work use to be fun and she enjoyed doing the paperwork, and enjoyed doing forensics. Now? She did it to survive. 
   Just at the thought of having to go to work made her want to cry. Like she was to do now. She needed to breathe. Being in this house didn’t help matters. Y/N rubbed the middle of her chest and closed her laptop.  She obviously wasn’t getting any work done by just sitting and staring at it. A walk would help her clear her head. 
   Her heart began to pound harder against her ribcage, and her airway began to cave. She definitely needed to get out of the house. Y/N grabbed her denim jacket that hung on the hook and pulled it on. 
   She didn’t bother to bring her phone, no one ever bothered to call her anyway. 
   As she walked down the side of the street, she noticed the lack of activity in the city. No dive bars had their doors open, no sound of vehicles, or people arguing. That was unusual for a Friday night. Goosebumps began to run across her skin as she continued to walk. The further she got into the city circle, the worse she felt. Dread, doom, whatever it may be, it made her skin crawl. Something was terribly wrong. 
   As Y/N approached the bench Ruhn was already there. He was sitting with someone else who she didn’t recognize. She decide to change her direction towards the docks. In any case, she didn't really feel up for a conversation and preferred not to disturb anyone. Once she found a spot on the dock that was a good distance away from everything, Y/N let herself cry. 
   She drew her knees to her chest and rested her forehead on top of them. How was she supposed to live up to her parent's expectations without sacrificing her sanity? Maybe it was the price she had to pay for being born in the family she did. She hated to say it but she hated her parents. That thought weighed heavy on her heart because she really did want to love her parents but can’t. Not when they treated her like shit. Y/N groaned. Her sweater was soaked with tears and she knew she looked like a wreck. When she looked in the mirror that morning, she had dark circles around her eyes from the lack of sleep. She sighed and wiped her tear stained cheeks with the back of her hand. 
   Thats when the most horrifying thought slipped into her mind, 
   What if I disappeared? 
   Nobody would notice and she could finally have a sense of peace. At the thought her heart began to race once more. Her hands were shaky and her breathing became uneven. She didn’t understand what was happening to her and why she had become so emotional. She didn’t even know she was rocking herself until someone laid a hand on her shoulder. 
   Y/N jumped but when she saw Ruhn’s face, the fear left her. His touch sent shock waves through her body and it…soothed her? 
   “Hey, what are you doing out?” he asked, his voice so gentle that it made her want to cry harder. No one had ever spoken to her like that. 
   Y/N sucked in a breath and picked at the tears in her jeans, “Trying to clear my head,” When she exhaled, it came out shaky.
   In the night sky, the Starsword glinted against the moon above both of their head causing a halo effect around Ruhn. “We haven’t seen you in a while,” he said and she could have sworn there was a hint of sadness in his tone. She let it go. 
   The prince waited as Y/N swallowed down the lump in her throat and said, “I feel defeated,” she said, 
   “How come?” 
   “Stress, and trying to live up to impossible expectations,” Y/N ran a hand through her hair, barely holding back tears.
   “If they’re impossible, why try to live up to them?” he asked, 
   He had a point. 
   Y/N knew she couldn’t keep up this impossible task she set for herself, but when someone takes the light from you, how desperate would you be to get it back? Everything. She wanted the light that Fury involuntary took from her. It was never her sister’s intention but Y/N envied her for all the praise she got.
   “They want me to be someone I can’t. They want a daughter who is tough, and doesn’t show her feelings, to be smart,” Her voice trailed off,
   “You don’t have to be what they want, you know?” he said. Y/N pressed her palm to her temple and stared at the prince,
   “It’s stupid but I don’t know how much more I can take. I don’t want to be here anymore. I can’t even call that place home. They make me want to…die.”
   Saying those words aloud made her sag with some relief. She was taught to suppress her feelings because they insignificant to her parents and to other people. If her mother heard her right now, she would throw a fit.
   “You won’t, right?” 
   “Won’t what?” 
   Silence hung in the air between them. If she said she wouldn’t, she would only be lying to him and that was the last thing she wanted to do. Before she could say anything, he drew her into his arms and rested his chin ontop of her head. Why was he being so kind to her? 
   “You don’t need to die for things to get better. You need to live and be who you want to be, it won’t always be this way,” he said quietly as he rocked her,
   “Why do I get the feeling you’ve done this before?” she asked, 
   “Because I have. I’ve talked myself out of doing it,” 
   Y/N looked up and met his eyes. She could see the shadows of pain and sadness in his eyes and she believed him. 
   “Do you want to stay with us for a while? I would feel better if you were away from your parents and where I can watch over you,” he said. The question caught her off guard since this is only the second time she’s talked with him. “It’s only if you want to, of course,” he added quickly, 
   Yes. Yes, she did want to be around him more and yes, she wanted to be away from her parents. She pressed her forehead to his chest and nodded, “I’ll stay with you but there’s one downfall,”
   “And what would that be?” 
   “I can’t cook,” 
*two weeks later*
   “Flynn, can you get the door!” Y/N called out as she pulled the cake out of the oven. All she had to do now was wait for it to cool then ice it. Since it was Bryce’s birthday, she wanted to do something special for her friend, so she baked her a cake. 
   Y/N did have help from the three males she currently roomed with. They helped grab things from the top shelves and ran to get ingredients from the store. Without them, this would have been a mess. Her mother had never really taught her how to bake but with help from Ruhn, she learned pretty quickly. 
   “It’s Hunt!” Flynn called from the other room. Y/N was thankful Hunt had been able to help set up the surprise party for his Mate because she has never planned anything for someone else before. Of course, Flynn and Declan helped when they could but Ruhn was the most help. He told her things about Bryce that could be incorporated into the party planning such as her favorite colors, her interests, what music she liked, the whole nine yards.
   “Oh good!” Y/N took off her apron and placed the presents next to the cake,     “Hey Flynn, will you get drinks ready? I’m sure she’s going to show up earlier than she said she would,” 
   “You’ve got it, Y/N/N,” he said, taking Declan with him. 
   “Now for the most dreaded part of making a cake, the icing,” she sighed,
   The party was a success. Bryce loved her cake and everyone was happy. 
   Y/N was happy. 
   She sat next to Ruhn and sipped her tea as Bryce opened her presents. It was a shitshow about the whole ordeal with the Archangels, and Y/N surely needed a distraction too. With being so busy in her new position in the Aux, she deserved a break. She was no longer just a C.I. for the Aux, she now worked with Ruhn and Flynn. Mainly for basic things but when she spent her days with Declan, she was scanning footage. 
   Ruhn shifted toward her, draping his arm over the back of the couch, and grinned at her, “You look happy,” he said, 
   “I am happy. You gave me something to be happy about, and I don’t know how to repay you for it,” 
   “You don’t have to, Y/N. I did it because I care,” Ruhn smiled at her and her heart threatened to melt. 
   In that second, something tugged at her ribcage. She placed a hand on her side and held it there. It wasn’t painful but it was uncomfortable. The prince looked to where her hand was and his eyes widened, “Y/N?” 
   She must have made some type of noise because now everyone looked at her. The attention made her cheeks heat but Bryce tugged Y/N into the kitchen, “Bryce?” Y/N whispered, 
   “I know, It’s okay. Are you okay?” 
   “Your brother is my mate,” 
- there will be a part three! 
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This might be a big task, so just ignore it if it's to mental or time consuming. I love the list of verses it's super nice to have, but I wanted to ask if you or your partner have thought of adding links to the posts within the vers. I don't know how you organis all the prompts that you have answered, so I don't even know if it would be helpful for you.
i am very disorganized. the only reason i'm as organized as i am, as back when we were still long distance, @saeths threw a fit (i say fit but they just got really judgy and their voice went all soft and exasperated and all 'babe you cannot keep writing like this. you can never find anything and then you get sad'. because i had a bad habit of using desktop notes, minimizing them and then never being able to remember which of the hundred+ minimized notes was which.
i'm still missing half of those fics/ideas/metas because that laptop broke before i finished transferring/organizing things years ago
the plan is to move everything over to ao3 when i have the time and energy and saeth is up to helping me. except right now, all my energy is going into writing (its all i want to do lol) and so my poor ao3 is being neglected and i'll have to set aside a day or two of no writing to organize and transfer over.
also some verses have half a dozen links or more and i honestly don't have the time to keep it updated
i'm trying to figure out names for the verses as i write them now, so they're easier to find and tagging them with the name
i hope this explains some stuff and makes sense?
oh right. i forgot to actually explain.
i use scrivener and word doc depending on if i have my laptop or phone. so the fics are scattered between apps and also half of them just have working titles so i have to go through and figure out which one is which.
'magnus does a thing' makes sense to me when i'm writing, but not when i'm looking back going 'magnus does which thing?' also 'alec is smitten' is not as helpful a working title as i thought while writing when he's always smitten.
i open new scrivener projects each wednesday and each project has at least 20+ projects each week. 60+ on a few.
which means i have a couple hundred prompt fills to sort through whenever i want to find things
(this still drives saeth up the wall but its better than before so they take it)
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From a few weeks ago. My working titles make almost no sense based on each verse but remind me of the prompts lol
So yeah that’s why
<3 lumine
Cold Alec is hoarfrost kiss on lips aflame. I hadn’t named it yet. I think I also called him ‘icy Alec’ at one point too
Also alec always has hoti training it was just very specifically about it based on the prompt lol
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cecelianonymous22 · 2 years
fuck it. help desk otp prompts
I accidentally downloaded malware can you please fix it no I wasn't trying to pirate something what do you mean
You're really cute but you asked if I was hacking your computer when I opened task manager and now I don't know what to think
My friend gave me your desk's number and I thought it was one of those sex hotlines. It was not.
You came in while I was working by myself and blasting the most disturbing/obnoxious music and I didn't realize you were watching me jam out
I really need to get my computer fixed but I cannot stand your coworker playing Banana Phone on loop
You want me to fix your tablet but instead of money, you offer to pay with an art commission? That's weird as shit, I don't think HOLY SHIT WAIT NVM YOU'RE ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD
You're fixing my computer and I'm rambling about all the best emulators to play Pokemon because you haven't told me to stop talking
You're hot and I wanna look smart to you when you come in with something to fix, but I have no idea how the fuck to fix it. I don't want to ask my coworkers for help because I want to impress you
You guys have a shitload of snacks and I haven't had breakfast this morning, can I please get a bag of chips or something while you fix my laptop?
You're a real jock type and you called me for help with your laptop, I've explained everything like five times just listen to the fucking words that come out of my mouth
We're coworkers and we start arguing over PC setups/movies/video games
My boss is an asshole and I don't know you but you seem cool and I'm tired--wanna ditch this place and go grab some coffee?
I'm working on your laptop but you keep doing funny shit at the security camera and I'm trying not to laugh
You walk into the help desk in the middle of a heated (and pointless) argument with me and my coworkers
You ask me why I have a camera cover on my laptop but you look like the kinda guy to be an asshole if I told you I was just paranoid, so i just lie to you
You work on software and I work on hardware. You always give me computers to fix with little sticky notes on them and lately, I've noticed you've been writing these little messages on the backs of them
Your mom took your phone from you while I was on the line and she is such a fucking Karen, I'm praying that she gives you your phone back because she doesn't know shit about technology and your voice is so much nicer than hers
You and me are the tag-team coworkers that give each other looks whenever someone asks dumb questions about their tech
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shaky09 · 4 months
Exploring the 7 Facets of ICT : Real Life Scenarios
Good day, Smart heads!
Today, we will be exploring the seven facets of ICT by providing you different real life scenarios.
We all know that ICT plays a vital role in our everyday lives especially in the way we interact with other people. It enhances our quality of life. ICT also essential in education as it supports and create an effective teaching and learning process.
So, what are you waiting for? Let's start and embark into this journey.
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Whenever we are asked to have a teaching demonstration, we always use Microsoft word in making our teaching learning plan because it is easier for us to encode, create, and edit our documents there. If we also want to have quality outputs and PowerPoint presentation for our teaching demonstration, we use Canva so that it will become creative. Another example is that, for us to motivate while doing our activities and assignments, we watch our favorite movies on Netflix. And lastly, if we want to download and listen to different music while cleaning, then we can use Spotify.
Whenever we have an activity or our teacher sends us files about our next topic/lesson, we print it using the printer for us to have a copy of the document/file. During the teaching and learning process, we connect the laptop to our television using the HDMI so that we can display our presentation, audios, and videos on the screen. And lastly, if we do not have enough storage, we use hard drives for us to transfer and store our files, documents, pictures, videos, and applications.
Whenever I want to communicate with my family, friends, and relatives out there, working abroad, I always use different social media for me to share my time with them in sending and receiving information such as messenger, Instagram, Facebook, etc. Even though I cannot see them personally but with the help of those applications, I was able to bond with them and share some information. And during the pandemic, we were not able to go to school, so our instructor decided to set up a zoom meeting for us to meet and conduct classes online.
Whenever we are asked to make a poster slogan, instead of drawing, we can also make digital poster slogan so that we can integrate technology tools and develop our creativity. Another one is that, if the teacher wants to have an engaging teaching and learning process, they can also use Kahoot for game purposes and for them to create, share, and play quizzes.
Yesterday, I ordered a dress from Shein for the Paulinian Soiree, and I paid for it through G-cash. We also go to Bantay to see the apartment that my friends will be staying in, and the owner said that they need to deposit an amount of 6000 and pay 6000 every month. And one day, me and my family decided to book a trip to Boracay. Another example is when my mom told me to go to 7-eleven to pay our current bills.
When there are documents or emails that we need to send to the teacher, we always use Gmail because here, we can store and easily access our emails, contacts, etc. We can also access or log in to our Gmail account from any device and send messages with our friends. All the information will be restored and accessed on any computer.
Whenever I want to search something, watch videos on TikTok, and open my social media accounts, I always connect with wifi for me to be able to open or access all of these from the internet. When I go somewhere and I don't have a load, I always open my data so that I can chat and call my friends and my family. And then, if we need to search something from the google, my classmate always hotspot my phone. When I am at home, we also use cable for us to get and access more channels.
“Technology will never replace great teachers but technology in the hands of great teachers is transformational.” – George Couras
Thank you for spending your time reading my first blog. I hope you enjoy it! ☺️
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leoraannexx · 5 months
my other multiverse.
again, like i always say, it's been a while since i did blog again. this Christmas break i have been busy cleaning my room, organizing my collection of photocards, been frequently outside with my family and i haven't had much time to open my laptop and write something.
my mind is in chaos right now, i don't know how to feel, but it feels just like you know it will happen but the least you expected it to come true at least. my mind dove into the depths of the unknown and i feel like i've lost my identity in some way. i know it's my mistake because all along, i tried to build and know myself in the best way and i have labeled so much of myself while i was been undiagnosed for so long. most often i feel proud saying, i have adhd, i have depression all because i was confident and i feel like i have accepted the fact that i have it all. but not until then i went online to see my very first psychiatrist, Doc Liezl.
she asked the reason for consult, i said i have insomnia and severe anxiety, she asked about the family background and how i get along with them, i told her that i'm in good terms with them now but i cannot be more open to my mental health needs because they would only dismiss it. she didn't ask any more questions aside from what else can i ever acquire my anxiety from. but i blame it to the pandemic, i became so isolated and the feelings arise in an extreme level. i told her i have depression and that i have intention of harming myself, but not for long. 2023 is my healing period, i have overcome everything (i think so), that's why facing 2024 is a whole new journey for me because i want to be diagnosed early and to become even more prepared in the future.
in the course of my existence, i saw fluctuating anxiety and depression go hand in hand whenever i have life transitions. i get used to just have them, feeling it every single day, there are days i don't want to exist and it's fine, there are times i make excuses not to attend events because i'm anxious and it's okay too. not until then i had so many anxiety attacks over the years and now it was lessened but when it happens, it's so severe that i couldn't get up from bed and i almost don't sleep.
Doc Liezl has heard all of this. She is much aware from the start that i have core symptoms of anxiety -- intense fear, fatigue and lack of sleep. that brought to her attention of diagnosing me with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), which is i'm not surprised having with. before i came to her, i was thinking a lot if i have ADHD, borderline personality and that GAD. but after being diagnosed, i just realized that there's much to it. i cannot just rely on the criteria and tell myself i have it. an experienced psychiatrist should diagnose me and do a lot of tests for me to get over with my symptoms. currently i was prescribed with an antidepressant and an antipsychotic. She said that i have a lot of thoughts in my head and that her goal is to keep me calm first and have better sleep before she conducts other assessments for me like ADHD and bipolar assessments and stuff.
i don't know if this feels normal for someone who has been diagnosed, i don't know if feeling confused is just normal or if feeling a little bit under the weather is okay. she told me that my depressive symptoms shifted into anxiety symptoms and that anxiety has become my core symptom that lead to GAD. i didn't think of it that way but i have understood it better because of her.
hoping for brighter days but im just glad that i have more time to spend for myself this week and of course another time to reflect on things properly before i go back to work soon.
happy 2024 everyone. the journey of striving to get to know yourself is really difficult but once you've stepped on top, it will be a straight and longer road ahead, and we're much ready to face it soon.
i just want to be happy, that's what i always say to myself.
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loverboydani · 1 year
The Bridge between Imagination and Reality
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I am thankful that I am able to express myself when I write. Writing has been my passion for over a decade now, and it will always be. Since I was just a bald-headed chubby child, I have written pastime comics and even short stories. Scribbling characters and ideas to paper while the teacher discusses up front (Yep, I am a great student). Then, whenever I finished working on my William Shakespeare-worth of a literary piece, my classmates or friends often read them while we giggled—discovering worlds we built in mere pages. Good old times.
Currently, I still am thriving in the community of writing and have been improving my skills over time. Sometimes, I care to think about what ignited my kindling for writing. Sitting in my room, alone, felt like Einstein whenever he thought of the mysteries of the cosmos, pondering what pushed me to write. Was it for the sake of boredom? or to be like the masters? the sheer beauty of it? writing itself? Perhaps—all of it. My mind is in a constant state of erupting ideas and dreaming for the endless voyage of both discovering and creating stories. Sometimes you may see me sitting around silently, deep inside, I am in FULL CHAOS of wanting to tell what I want to. All of my alter egos are debating on how I can share my ideas. What now?!
Then, I had the brilliant thought of writing my schemes to a page in my notebook. What started off as a simple note taking has been the trigger that opened my door to a hobby—no, not just a hobby—my passion, a door to my passion for writing. Throughout my childhood till now, the notes became drawings, the drawings became comics, the comics became short stories, and the short stories became what I do now. The possibilities are endless. Without even realizing, I had become a writer myself, though amateur but with the joy to simply write. I unraveled the thing that solved my crisis of how I can show what I cannot reveal inside my head.
I have enjoyed it ever since. Now whenever I have random spurts of ideas, I head straight into either my notes or into my laptop documents, just to proceed and let my expressions out. My hands and fingers are ready. With a stretch on my shoulder and a quick sigh, I begin to start a new world I dare to build, a story to tell, a brand new idea to write. There, every time I do it, I fill the gaps that often bothered me thinking that I am lucky to find such a skill to have. Connecting the boundaries between my thoughts and words, to speak my mind. Writing is truly a tool. More than just a tool. It is the bridge between imagination and reality.
Come with me, and we will cross the bridge together.
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wren-bab · 1 year
Urgent commissions open
total needed: 600$ - (info:) My laptop is breaking, the charger is hardly working now (just today it popped up a warning sign that its not working correctly, along with the port inside being loose), USB ports go in and out and stop working whenever i plug things in (stopping or crashing my programs that im forced to put on my external drive from lack of storage), i barely have enough space to store any of my artwork or programs, and the screen has some dead pixels or some kinda mark either from long use or from a cat along with making an odd clicking sound whenever i close it.
only being 19, with no job and not being capable of working in my current life situation, im asking anyone whos willing to please commission me. my dream career is commissions or online media, and without my laptop i cannot do digital art, nor develop the game ive been trying to start production on. im not pleading for money here, i just know this is really the only option to get the money i need as an artist.
I was also almost scammed by some commenters who tried to offer me a ton of money for my work, and im only outing them here because they commented on my instagram post and it pisses me off. Please watch out for them.
If you need more artwork examples, please feel free to scroll through my page a little :) - (details:)
I accept payment through paypal AND kofi, please comment or DM if your willing to commission me
DM for a link to my paypal or kofi if you want to but they are also below, please dm with refs of your chosen character or scenery. -
[email protected] is my email to use for paypal, heres a link to it as well: HERE and the link to my kofi is: HERE
i accept NSFW and SFW artwork being done.
NSFW artwork can only be done on characters 18+ of age, and only sent in dms and posted on my twitter, i will not be posting them on my main instagram page, or on this page. i will tag you tho if i post it on twitter ! if you need examples of my NSFW content please follow the link to my twitter above ^ or dm for examples !
~ ill willingly draw medium - complex bgs and either human OR anthro ocs or fictional characters. Basic perspectives are also an option!
~ the things i cannot do is realism, complex bgs, complex perspectives, or any offensive or illegal content. (click to see closer.)
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hearingexcellence · 1 year
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mcrmadness · 2 years
WOW, that was a whole bunch of asks in one! Thank you!
Altho I could not, for the life of me, figure out what that blood drop was! I was also struggling with that third one because I did not find it from the list at all (for some reason some of these symbols look different in general?) but because it was a synagogue, I assumed it could have been the question about religion. Feel free to message me again if you remember what those were supposed to be!
🎥 Fave film
I have two: Beetlejuice; and Monty Python's Life of Brian.
⛪ What is your religion
None, as I'm an atheist. But of the nicer type who doesn't shove their atheism onto other people's faces. Those are as annoying as Christians who do that with their religion.
🏢 Your job (You don’t have to be specific) or dream job if you don’t work
Currently a student, previously I have been working as a horse groom.
💻 Desktop/Laptop/iPad/other
My PC! I also had to get a laptop because of school and I'm using that whenever I can't use the PC.
☠ Something that angers you
Uhhhh, so many things. Like, I'm not a generally angry person even, and it's really difficult to make me mad cos I'm usually quite chill and won't get mad even when provoked. (I know it annoys those people more to not react than if they got the reaction they're looking for.)
But there sure are some things that make me see red, and I think injustice is one of these things. Like, I cannot stand seeing ANYONE getting in a situation where it's them vs. more than two other people, I cannot stand seeing bullying nor discrimination. Usually if I'm the target, I don't bother doing anything about it, but if I see anyone else facing that... boy do I turn into a different person there, I stop being able to think and I will step in to defend the other person. Hell, I have done this even in my previous job when I knew my coworker was right and our other coworker wrong, and he was just grilling this other person about it and I just snapped and said that "I actually remember the thign as XYZ" and this other person just immediately let it go. Which was a bit of a surprise to me because he usually hated me for reasons I still don't know, and still he just let it go immediately when I opened my mouth.
So yeah, call that the older sibling mood but it's very deep in me to protect others when I sense them being mistreated. So: people who are assholes and treat others badly really anger me.
👻 Do you believe in ghosts
Kinda yeah. I'm still highly skeptic but I just find this world too boring if we don't have even ghosts.
👾 Do you believe in aliens
Yes, but I wouldn't say it's a matter of belief. Space just is so huge place that it doesn't matter what you do or don't believe it, there might very well be life somewhere else too. n fact, already as a teen that was so sick of humanity, I used to believe that "aliens" exist and they probably know about us too but the human species just is so fucked up and horrible that they don't want to contact us, and I honestly wouldn't blame them - I wouldn't want to have anything to do with humans either if I was from outer space :D
Get to know me.
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legreatsadbox · 2 years
She turns me on. 
Every day, without fail. Just a single touch sends my insides lighting. Her fingers graze every inch of my body, fleeting but pressing hard. I cannot help but express my ecstasy out loud, whenever I am turned on. "That sound will never get old." She looks at me, her hands coming to rest on my body as she waits patiently for me to satisfy her. 
Her hand sometimes veers off to my nether zones, and with the use two of fingers, she deftly traces the outlines of my numerous openings, searching for the right one. I can tell when she's found it, for  her fingers slow down and rub it gently, making me pulsate in excitement. All this while, her other hand continues to work on me, stroking my smooth spot. She knows how I like it. 
Her hands withdraw but for a moment, yet for me the lack of her warmth feels like an eternity. She inserts something inside me, tentatively at first, and then with renewed vigor. I ask her if she wishes to go deeper, because my maker taught me consent. Yet she and I have done this countless nights that it is almost a mockery of our intimacy to ask it time and again. Ah, I suppose some things are just hard wired into me. 
Whatever she pushed inside is throbbing in me now. It fills me completely and I can no longer repress my desires. A harsh, abrupt moan escapes me. "Am I sure this is safe?" Pink lips part as they softly voice my concerns. She is undeterred. With a flick of her hand, she proceeds further in, her fingers steady in their confidence. I submit completely and utterly to her now. I allow her to probe in and open up myself. She is completely focused on the task at hand. Nothing is uttered between us, except for the occasional moans I fail to repress, resonating on the walls. Her mouth curls up in amusement.
20 minutes in, and she gets up, with a longing sigh. "I'm so thirsty right now." 
She must need to catch her breath. It had been an intense session, my smooth spot still quivering from the intensity of her touch. I too, took a while to steady myself, waiting with bated breath for the next round. 
I tenderly went over each spot where she held me. Where her fingers pecked at me. Her work upon me is truly lovely. These are our children in a way. She inserted her drive and passion into me, and I let her infuse my seed into it. 
And then I see something else amidst it all, something that doesn't seem to fit in quite right with the others. As I ponder, it changes its form. Suddenly, I am surrounded by an army of them. These are not our children! These are vile and I feel them grow stronger. It makes me sick. 
I start panting, punctuated by sharp pangs. Something is wrong, terribly wrong. They continue to multiply inside me. My thoughts are of her, and only her. She touched me in a way I had never been touched before. How I longed for her sweet caress, one last time. 
It all fades to black. 
"So you're saying there's this self replicating virus going around when we copy files and stuff?" 
"Yup, file's got the extension .babi." 
 "...Wait, I think I-" 
"Oh great, my laptop's all fucked now." 
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gothhabiba · 3 years
hey, no worries if ur not up for answering this for any reason. but i wondered if you might talk a bit how ur in some way coping with being bedbound? i am currently struggling a lot and i can be out of my bed for a bit but im in a lot of pain and rly fatigued so not for long/not consistently. i also wondered specifically [idk if u experience this so obvs if u dont thats cool] about if u get pain ~from being bedbound? bc i do in some ways so it's like a constant catch 22 or whatever lol but i just thought id ask whether you have any tips/advice/things u do in order to combat that if u also have that experinece? hope this makes sense am fatigued a l o t !! sending u solidarity ! <3
I don't know exactly what your situation is, but I've had to come to terms over the last year or so with the prospect that I may be in this situation for the rest of my life. Treatments that usually work on people with my condition haven't helped me, and there's no cure. Life goes on. The lives of disabled people are often hidden from the public eye due to the inaccessibility of public spaces & narratives that centre the abled and the convalescent--but there's creativity in bed. There's still joy and social connexion and good books and good food and learning new things in bed (yeah yeah, ha ha). People frequently connect humanity, life being worth living, &c. to activity and to mobility, and it's useful to be able to articulate to yourself that that's bullshit
I try to differentiate between sleeping and waking hours as much as I can. If you have a couch or other piece of furniture that you can make it to and lie down on so that you're not in bed all the time, I'd recommend doing so. I also open the curtains during the day and close them at night, and switch out the pillowcase on my pillow (I only have one that's the right height so I'm using it all the time) just before I go to sleep. I sleep in a different position than I spend waking hours in. Things like that
I know this is easier said than done, but I try to keep a regular sleeping schedule. I find that things like fatigue, nightmares, insomnia, and sleep paralysis are worse if I don't. Any schedule you make should have enough hours of sleep nightly built in (don't try to say it will be eight, it very well may be 10-12) as well as any naps you may find yourself needing.
After spending a few months supine more or less constantly, I did start to notice some lower back pain and inflexibility in my spine that I hadn't experienced before. I try to spend a couple hours per day actually lying down on the floor rather on a soft surface, which mitigates a lot of this.
If it's a possibility for you, look up a few youtube videos for floor yoga and try to do a few of the stretches whenever you feel up for it. I rotate between boat pose, universal spinal twist, corpse, cobra, butterfly, child's pose, happy baby pose, bridge, sometimes cat/cow, anything else I can do without too much weightbearing. Which poses you feel comfortable doing will of course depend on the location of your pain and what worsens it. But especially when you're lying down all the time, it's important to do what you can to stretch your spine and shoulders and keep your core from weakening.
I'm not sure if you can sit up at all or prop yourself up on pillows--I cannot, so it really helped me to get a laptop stand, and a laptop that was built such that the keyboard is at the right spot under my hands with my shoulders and wrists relaxed. A separate keyboard that connects to your laptop via USB or whatever may be helpful if your laptop isn't the right size to allow for that.
Relatedly, it is always worth it try to rig something up to make tasks more comfortable. It doesn't matter if it "should" be easy (for whom? according to whom?). Prop things up at the right angles, rubberband or pin things into the right position (e.g. to keep the pages of books open while they're resting on a stand), &c. This makes a big difference, especially with things that you tend to spend a lot of time doing.
If there's anything that you used to love to do that you can't do anymore, find something else. I can't play an instrument anymore. I used to play viola, guitar, and ukulele, I had just started on mandolin, I had concrete goals on all these instruments, I wanted to learn piano. It sucks a lot. But I've started learning more music theory and music history, transcribing and analysing music, composing, ear training to be able to read music with my voice. Life goes on.
Talk to people! If you're comfortable with it, get visitors. It may seem difficult to meet people when you can't leave your bed or your home--when becoming disabled you learn that a lot of your old friends are no longer interested in being your friend if you can't keep up doing x y and z--but there are maybe people in your city who will come over if you explain your situation. I have a new friend who helps with housework and brings me food and is content to sit in my living room with me whom I met online... it IS possible
Otherwise, talk to anyone else you know. Voice call or video call. Join a discord or a subreddit for people in a similar situation as you, or a community for an unrelated interest you have. Disability of any kind (or rather, how people treat you when you're disabled) is isolating. It's worth trying to counteract that.
Start a project that you care about. Start two. Finish both or neither of them. It matters to keep doing and learning things that you care about, at whatever pace you can.
Some days are easier than others. You're not betraying yourself by feeling upset or discouraged. You're not betraying yourself by not being upset, either.
Orgasms can improve mood, relieve pain, take up time when you don’t have the energy to do much, &c. It’s worth looking into whatever kind of motorised sex toy would be useful for you if sex in general is something that you have interest in.
Understand that nothing about the concepts of "progress" or "convalescence" or "healing" or "stagnating" work for you anymore. Not even to the limited extent to which they work for the able-bodied. Even (and especially) medical fields still try to fit our bodies and minds into these frameworks that don't fit. There doesn't need to be directionality. There's just time, and enjoying it. (The disabled and chronically ill tend to understand this intuitively. Try to get more friends of this sort.)
Check out @energysavingselfcare
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