#but it does feel like a cowardly move to stay silent
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cyrusordosupremacy · 4 months
“No thank you.” I shake my head and walk off into the woods, taking several deep breaths as I do.
He’s been divorced? He’s been divorced for months? Why didn’t he say anything? Sure the messages but he could have tried in person. It’s not like I moved anywhere.
He’s had opportunities.
Why wouldn’t he try?
Maybe he just doesn’t care that much.
He must not.
Rex watches Vader for a long moment, then quietly says, "I know it's not looking great right now..." he pauses at the pleading look Vader gives him. Not now. "And I have... no idea where I was going with that." He surrenders, nodding before ducking his head.
He and Vader are friends. But apparently not close enough for him to open up to the soldier about you. That's the one thing Vader has keep in a vault since Rex has known him.
Vader sits there silently for several minutes before getting up, making his way over to the distant hills to train. To do something other than just sit and wallow and think about you.
But even the hum of his blade through the air and the ache in his muscles as he pushes himself to spin faster than he has before can't cancel out the thoughts of you. Nothing ever could.
In one particular instance when he gets winded, he pauses to take a few breaths, the weight of the situation sending him crumpling to his knees. He braces his hands on the ground, staring down at the grass as tears push their way forward.
"Why?" He whispers to himself, "Why did you do this? To her? To yourself?" He punches the ground. "Why?"
If he had been who he is now a few years ago, this never would have happened. He was too weak for too long. Too gullible. Too eager to go out into the galaxy and change as much of it as he could- and a powerful Senator with the ability to manipulate those calculating eyes into a doe-eyed gaze just had to trip him up.
"You're so fucking stupid. So stupid. She was right there the whole time." He punches the ground again, letting out a frustrated yell. Not at the grass, not at himself, but at Anakin.
Anakin, the boy from Tatooine, who changed so much despite his stubborn ways.
And where is that boy now? Drowning, probably, in a sea of sand, waiting for the ice dragon within the suns to come get him. The ice dragon, Vader.
Looking back at who he used to be, he can't say he would've blamed the ice dragon for taking him out, had it come. This life was chosen for him, the Force chose him for wonderful, powerful things- and he became a pathetic excuse for a man. He wasn't a man. It's as simple as that. He was a cowardly boy who put his passions into all the wrong things. All the wrong people.
And now, he is left without that passion. The only thing he finds joy in anymore is the one thing he cannot have. Because of his own doing.
Perhaps on days like today, the Jedi should sit in their Council room and thank their Maker that they allow him to be as dark as they do. Because with the way he's been feeling lately, it would have come out anyway. And the results would be a lot uglier.
Because Vader hates this galaxy. He hates everything and everyone in it but his love. He no longer thinks of his mother so much, for he feels far too separated from Anakin Skywalker to mourn her as he once did. Though the anger certainly stays with him. It coiled up with that ice dragon the night he lost her- and it hasn't even tried to leave him. He just... took it in. Adopted it as his own.
And then Vader was born. Will Anakin Skywalker ever raise his head again?
After all this, Vader would guess that Anakin is probably long gone.
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hellmouth-manor · 7 months
Remade by Their Sting || Chapter 3 Execution
After the typical amount of time is allotted for farewells that will last mere moments, the time has come. The familiar light of a magical circle ignites underneath Yukiko's feet, and you're only given a flash of the excited expression on her face as she vanishes from sight, swallowed by flames.
In the center of the ring of podiums, a scene begins to form...
A long table stretches down an ornate dining room.
Paintings line the walls, of people long dead, whose wealth passes down a burden on generations. Chandeliers hang from the ceiling, made of opulent materials. Everything is a waste – it’s a waste for so much money to have been spent making a dining room. The floors lack the uneven dents in the hardwood of chairs pushed in and out, day after day. The mahogany table is clean, like it has just been wiped down of dust. There are no rings decorating the table from condensated glasses that were left as joyous conversation filled the room.
Shadowy figures that can’t be called humanoid occupy chairs used for the first time in months. Years, maybe. What a waste, but it’s necessary; you need to show that you can afford to do this. You need to pretend your family eats together. You need to pretend that it goes well when it happens. 
The murmur of polite conversation floods the room as food is served.
The shadows wobble and lurch as they make noises that sound like they could be words. It follows the structure of a language. Sludge drips from their forms, and the too-clean room is soon filled with filth. It oozes with every motion. Things that occupy more space than belongs to them; creatures that fill your gaze and linger in your vision, refusing to be forgotten.
They are hard to fathom.
They are someone’s family.
In the very middle, Cassandra smiles on instinct, polite, as nothing looks her way. In front of everyone else, the finest cuts of steaks and artistically plated vegetables, but in front of Cassandra, the thing on the plate gurgles as if still alive. Incomprehensible blobs of fine dining; viscous liquid that claims to be wine.
She should stand, of course. She’s been dragged down further than Hell, to a place made solely to dole out a cruel death – but she doesn’t move. When her head so much as tilts, the figures move in turn; they have no eyes, but their gazes are still sharp. 
All of them, far older than her. All of them, unable to protest her existence loud enough that the head of the table can hear – but all of them, willing and delighting in making sure she knows it.
Snide glances. Disdain. Dismay. Too cowardly to speak up. Too conceited to accept defeat.
The best move is to stay so silent that they forget you’re here; to look at them invites a reminder that you dare breathe the air they do. Cassandra’s polite smile does not waver as she looks away, and her hands smooth out her skirt, and she waits.
No one will ask her to eat. They think that one day, she will be so broken that she simply will.
It’s normal. She doesn’t need to microdose on arsenic to please them; the only thing that will please them is her casket pushed into a chamber for cremation, so the family can neglect to add her to the tombstone and pretend she was never born at all. The piercing eyes from heads that don’t find her worthy to even turn to feel like shackles that bind her to her seat. She’s sure that, eventually, something will trigger, and it will invite a long, painful death, as it had for Hisashi and Alou.
The overwhelming power that makes the Adams and Minami families would be proud of her now, she thinks. For the first time. They would be proud of the esteemed company of successful murderers, of assassins, of liars. Of the deceived with her as the lead role of deceiver composing a  grand symphony
She’s content to run the clock; give a boring execution to watch, if nothing else, The others want the suffering they endured be paid back to her. She refuses to give people what they want, but as her eyes scan the room for the comical trap that will trigger and start her agonising death, she looks across the table, and finally sees the only other human here. 
A man with eyes that mirror her own and dark brown hair smiles at her quietly. His face is wobbling and rippling like someone remembering a reflection in a lake, but she knows exactly who he is. A confidant. An ally. Someone who only wants what’s best for you, no matter what. He looks at her and then to something beneath her hand: an old bloody pair of scissors. His mouth opens, and she jolts to her feet.
Something like a hand grabs her wrist. The woman sneers down at the monster.
She jolts her arm back to reclaim it.
And she does.
(cw: body horror, gore)
Her skin slips away in the grasp of a shadowy figure only meant to be recognized by the person this execution was made for. The incomprehensible shape drags flesh back into its body. It isn’t a gorey wound: her skin leaves. Dragged away like a piece of fabric. Stark white bone is revealed, with no blood, where the hand once laid.
But the noise makes it clear the lack of viscera does not equate a lack of pain.
She pulls her hand to her chest, frantically grabbing the wound. She watches as cloth and skin and muscles and blood are pulled further into the figure, which squirms and grows. A noise erupts that chimes like a laugh.
Her skeletal hand draws into a tight fist, and she realizes that it still moves. She can still feel the warmth of her own hand gripping bone.
Slowly more and more of her is consumed, until all that remains is a still beating heart and still breathing lungs.
The head of the table finally rises, towering over all the other shades, who still instantly. The heart is offered to the largest shadow in reverence. The skeleton on the floor convulses.
“Grandfather, for you, what remains of Camelia’s greatest failure.”
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votestaynight2 · 1 year
8th Day - Interval Level1 (Scene 2)
Sorry for no update yesterday, I was super busy. SHould be back on track now, though!
…I guess I'll ask him about it. She's not one to reveal herself to the ones living at the temple, but I might be able to get some clues.
"Issei. Can you tell me about this unfamiliar woman? Is she from a foreign country, or is her face covered with something like a turban?"
"What is that? We would kick out such a strange person. …I don't know why you're asking, but she is a legitimate guest. …My brother is happy that she might be an evil woman, but I strangely like her. I have only talked to her once, but she is a good person even if she may look evil."
"Oh, wow. So asking the question was worth it, seeing how you're praising a woman. Did you fall in love with her?"
"D-D-D-D-Don't say such a stupid thing, you fool! I admire a part of her that she doesn't notice herself. First of all, I cannot fall in love with the lover of the one I respect as my older brother, Souichirou――――"
Issei suddenly stops and lowers his head. "Ah――――, ――――" I don't know if he felt dizzy or what, but Issei falls on the table and does not move.
"…? What's wrong, Issei? Is it anemia or something?" "――――No, it's not that I feel bad."
He raises himself real fast. I laugh thinking that he's acting like a coiled doll.
"――――――, Issei?" I look at Issei without looking at my slashed stomach.
"YOU fell for my trap. The order I implanted into THIS HUMAN functions only when HE meets SOMEONE who INQUIRES about ME."
I hear someone else's voice from Issei's mouth. When I realize that voice is of the Servant I met at the Ryudou Temple… "I DO NOT need this DOLL ANYMORE." …The knife in Issei's hand is stabbed into Issei's neck.
"――――――――" …My mind fades from too much blood loss. The wound. The wound reaching my organs is not causing my consciousness to fade.
My brain that wants to deny the scene in front of me freezes my consciousness. Issei falls down before me, not knowing what went on.
…I collapse onto the floor from my knees. I do not hold my wound, and I blankly stare at my friend who is now a corpse――――
Taiga Dojo!!
Yay, Gai**x bomb! Kyaa, Ragnarok! Well, it only takes a second to be careful, but the injury could last a lifetime. How was this dead end that teaches you it's not good to ask just anyone? Osu! It was such an irrational and sudden death! This is exactly what I expect from "Fate", and it is surely splendid! Yes. But we cannot forget about the sacrifices! Let us give Ryudou-kun a three-second silent prayer! Osu! The three second part is great, master! So, Ilya-chan. What is going on with the people at the Ryudou Temple? Hmm. They have this artificial Command Spell put in them. They become this thing that executes this one command when they find someone that breaks one of the "three rules" Caster established. She's good at making things. If she ever captures Shirou, I bet she'll turn him into a formal tool just to support her magic. Evil! I acknowledge Caster as evil! As a teacher, I cannot forgive anyone that would use others as they wish! …I don't know about calling her evil just because of that. It's true that Caster is weak, sly, and cowardly, but she's not truly bad on the inside. Hm? Why are you sticking up for such a witch…? Do you have something in mind? Huh…? N-No. I just want to say it's not bad to bind someone with magic. Oh, I remember. You've done worse to Shirou! Damn, you found out! Ouu… I can't beat that shinai for some reason. It's only natural. No magic is allowed in this dojo. You have to bring in a wild lion or a modern weapon to beat me. Have you repented of your actions? …Yes. I won't do anything bad again. Yes, that's a good girl! The boy's wish is granted as well! Rejoice, Shirou, Ilya is nicer in this route! Fine, fine. So I just have to stay quiet in this route, right? …Well, it's not smart always to be going on a rampage. I can help Shirou in this route and take one of the other heroines. What――you have put that much thought into this? Loli-buruma isn't good enough, so you're taking on such a great role in the main storyline…!? Ilya… she's a scary child…!
WOO! BAD END AGAIN! Once again, no vote today, since tomorrow we're just going to pick the other option we had.
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hannahhasnofriends · 3 years
happier | dream
summary: based off the song happier by olivia rodrigo!
pairing: dream x reader
warnings: angst, break ups, this is just fucking sad lmao, real names are used (srry not srry)
word count: 1.2k
a/n: i love olivia rodrigos new album i literally have not listened to anything else since it came out omfg😎 also i think i like this fic?? idk gimme some thoughts n feedback :)
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We broke up a month ago Your friends are mine, you know I know You've moved on, found someone new One more girl who brings out the better in you And I thought my heart was detached From all the sunlight of our past But she's so sweet, she's so pretty Does she mean you forgot about me?
"Hey guys! I've missed you all so much." I hug Sapnap tightly and move on to the next person I was greeting.
A "reunion" we were calling it, it'd been a year since the SMP ended and everyone wanted to get into touch again. It was bittersweet seeing everyone , it seemed like we'd grown up so much since then. Hell, I know I have.
"Hey darling, " I turn and see Niki, I missed her so much. We were the first female streamers on the SMP, she'd been my best friend. "How are you?"
"I'm good, really." I could see the sympathy in her eyes. I pretended not to notice when everyone did a double take when I walked into the room, they really thought I wasn't going to come today.
"That's good, I've missed you." She had a tight smile on her face. "You know he's coming today, right?"
I swallowed the lump in my throat, I knew someone was going to ask. It was fine, I had prepared myself for the questions and stares. It'd been 6 months, half a year, 6 damn full moons since we'd ended. We share the same friends, it was hard knowing they were going to pick sides, we both knew it wasn't going to be mine.
"Clay? Yeah, I know. Don't worry, we've both moved on. We're adults and I don't need to hide from him. We're friends!" I was lying through my fucking teeth. I saw his instagram posts, the subtweets, and everything else that had her named burned into it.
"Ok, I just wanted to check in. I know we all took the erm- break-up pretty hard." Her eyes avoided mine but I know she truly meant well by everything she was saying. "Anyway, I'm going to say hi to a few others. I really want us to talk more, ok?"
She squeezed my arm as she was walking off, I nodded my head even though I probably wouldn't be able to bring myself to message her after this.
I took a deep breath and eyed my other company. I was sticking out like a sore thumb, everyone was laughing and enjoying themselves. Honestly, it'd probably be best to make a cowardly dash before he showed up.
Just as I'd made up my mind, I saw it. The main doors opened and there they were. Well. Too damn late for that.
He was as tall and gorgeous as he was 6 months ago and she was stunningly perched on his arm. The worst part wasn't how goddamn good they looked, it was how you could just tell they were right. You could simply glance in their direction and tell she was nice and kind and he was completely devoted to her.
Oh, I hope you're happy But not like how you were with me I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go So find someone great, but don't find no one better I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
Just like that, all the air in the room had been sucked out. I was doomed.
As he made his way around the room, his eyes finally found mine. His smile faltered and I could tell he was taken aback. I averted my eyes quickly, this was so stupid.
“Y/n! Hi!” I jumped as I heard his voice, sneaky little bastard. I forced my best smile on my face as I turned to face them. She was standing next to him, still arm in arm but she stayed silent.
“Hey! How’s it going.” I pressed my lips together, he seemed so… ok? His eyes no longer had those dark circles and the cuts on his knuckles look healed.
“I’m good! How about you?” He tilts his head, curious.
“I’m doing good, too. Pretty busy, but you know.” I nodded along to what I said, it wasn’t a complete lie.
Abruptly, she clears her throat and side eyes Clay, obviously wanting something. “Oh, right! This is Grace.”
“Hi, I’ve heard great things about you.” She smiles so warmly, she seems so great. I could feel the jealously sinking into my skin, it was suffocating.
“Hello, it’s really nice to meet you.” This time I really was lying. But I couldn’t tell her the truth. How I couldn’t let her boyfriend go.
And do you tell her she's the most beautiful girl you've ever seen? An eternal love bullshit you know you'll never mean Remember when I believed You meant it when you said it first to me? And now I'm pickin' her apart Like cuttin' her down will make you miss my wretched heart But she's beautiful, she looks kind She probably gives you butterflies
She kept up the small talk with me. I learned she was an artist and slightly older than him. She taught art to kids on the weekends and her parents were still married. She even volunteered to help me move.
I noticed the rings she wore and thought about whether he gave them to her. If he gave her the same gifts he gave me. Maybe she knew too. Maybe she knew he took her to the same places we went. Did the same things, laughed at the same jokes. I hope she did.
But the conversation continued, and I kept searching for a flaw. Something to make him realize she wasn’t meant for him. Something I could point out and have my aha moment.
But she was perfect. And I had nothing that would make him pick me instead of her.
I wish you all the best, really Say you love her, baby Just not like you loved me And think of me fondly when your hands are on her I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
The music picked up again and they excused themselves to the dance floor. It was a sappy, corny love song. It fit them perfectly. I could see him whisper in her ear and rock her back forth to the beat. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.
As they swayed, I was hoping he was thinking of me. I hoped he would drop her right then and there and grab my hand and lead me out of this mess. I hoped he would lock eyes with me and pretend none of this happened. I hoped they weren't as happy as they looked.
I hope you're happy Just not like how you were with me I'm selfish, I know, can't let you go So find someone great, but don't find no one better I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
As I watched them, I swear every memory we shared came fleeting into my mind. Every smile, every laugh, every fight, everything. The way he’d let me wear his sunglasses in the car and the time we danced in the rain and we’re sick for days after.
As I watched them I wondered wether they were truly happy together. If he was in love, if he loved her more than he loved me. If he ever thought of me when he was with her.
I wonder if he watched me as I left.
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nights-legacy · 3 years
Pathetic? F*ck No!-Dabi
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MHA Masterlist Main Masterlist
3243 Words
Warnings: Language, self degrading, etc.
+You have been very distant lately. Yes, the League wasn't buddy, buddy but disappearing entirely wasn't normal... unless you were Dabi. You've barely been leaving your room and when you did, you made sure no one was around. After so long, Dabi even gets curious and ventures up to your hidey hole.
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3rd POV
The sound of glasses clinking and hitting the counter echoed through the room. Mindless chatter went along with it. Dabi leant back against the bar, bottle in hand. He took a swig, eyes scanning the room. Everyone he knew to be in the League at this time was here. All except one person.
"How long does this make for L/N hiding out?" He turned to Shiggy who was playing solitaire with Twice & Kurogiri.
"Going on for two and a half weeks." He said.
"It's rather weird. Who cares?" Twice commented.
"What's the brat doing?" Dabi as needed while looking off towards the door that led to the private quarters.
"I don't know but the only time they come out is when no one else is around." Toga said in between chomps on the popsicle she had.
"And how would you know that if no one was around? Actually, I don't want to know." Dabi downed the rest of his bottle. He slammed it down on the counter before pushing off it. He stalked towards the door to the rooms.
"Wait! Dabi!"
"What?" He yelled.
"They were down a bit before they disappeared into that room." Toga said. He looked off to the side in thought.
"And why should I care?"
"Well you were asking about them."
"Yeah, and? I am just tired of working with two-bit wanna-be villians. Y/N is at least bearable to work with." He walked away.
He walked slowly through the halls, up the stairs, before walking up to Y/N's door. He paused outside the door, listening for anything from inside. He quietly turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. He didn't venture in but leant against the door.
"Nobody's seen you in days." He said, crossing his arms over his chest while looking over the figure on the bed.
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I silently sighed as the deep voice I knew so well rang through the room. I pushed up off my stomach and onto my knees. I looked back at the door at the man that I had feelings for. He was standing there with a questioning look in his eyes.
"Can I come in?" I looked down at my knees. I moved, leaning back against the wall with my knees against my chest. I nodded. He stepped in and closed the door behind him. He walked closer, pulling his coat off, and threw it on the end of the bed. I stared at it as he sat on the edge of the bed.
"What do you want?" I asked, picking at my fingernails. He stayed silent for a bit. I looked up at him. He stared at me, almost glaring at me. I looked back down.
"Are you okay?" He finally asked.
"I'm fine."
"Really?" He asked accusingly. My eyes snapped up to him.
"What do you mean by that?" I asked with a hard voice. He turned towards me completely.
"You've been distant and hiding away from everyone and everything." He said plainly. I flinched at his words. "Kinda cowardly if you ask me."
"I didn't." I snapped softly. I moved across the bed, shoving past him before walking over to my window.
"But you're not one." I heard him get up. "So whatever this is, it's something major. So what is wrong?"
"I said I was okay. Just drop it, alright?" I looked at him over my shoulder.
" No. I know you're not okay so stop telling me you are..." He whispered as he stopped right behind me. I looked up at him through watery eyes. For a moment, I swore I saw concern on his face but chalked it up to be my blurry vision.
"Like you actually care." I shoved him out of my way with my elbow but he quickly grabbed it. He pulled me back to be basically nose to nose with him.
"I'm here aren't I? Asking YOU directly what's wrong. Doesn't that show something?" He growled and tightened his grip. I winced and latched my hand on top of his. He looked at our hands before closing his eyes and sighing. His grip loosened.
"You could have asked anyone." Turquoise eyes met mine.
"But I wouldn't get the real, honest answer, now would I?" He let go and sat on my bed. He leant back on his hands, legs spread wide in front of him. "They would spin their own tale of why you are hiding in here like some recluse. I'm not much for tall tales. I can see why you like it in here though. Cozy."
"Nothing new." I muttered under my breath. "I can tell, you've made yourself at home." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. Silence filled the room. He sighed loudly, moving to his elbow and began fiddling with the corner of my blanket.
"So are you going to tell me or not?" He looked at me with lazy eyes.
"Not." I sassed before turning back to go to the window. Dabi let out an annoyed groan.
"Oh come on!" He yelled. I flinched a little but kept my eyes forward. I watched the rain fall and drops race down the glass. "Why won't you just talk? Huh?!"
"Maybe because not everyone is an open book like you Dabi." I snapped. I looked over at him to see his eyes trained on me. "Not everyone has the confidence of a god." He sat up and set his elbows on his knees.
"At least I have some. I thought you were stronger than that." He scoffed. I glared at him as he repeated things I've heard muttered under breaths as I walked past or when no one thought I was around. His eyes traveled up and down my form. "Pathetic really."
"You're just like everyone else! You asshole!" I shot forward, kneeling over him with my hand wrapped around his throat. He laughed at me, holding his hands up.
"If you wanted to be in my lap baby all you had to do is ask." He smirked. I growled while tightening my grip and baring my teeth. His smirk widened before grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in close. I gasped at the action.
"Careful sweetheart." I felt his breath ghost over my lips. One hand left my hand and grabbed my wrist, removing my hand from his throat. His thumb began running up and down my wrist. The other hand moved from the back of my head forward and trace a finger across my cheek.
"Wha..." I was confused by the gentle gestures.
"You're crying..." He said. I tried to pull away but he held me in place. I only fought a few more seconds before going still. We stared at each other for a second before I collapsed into him.
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I buried my face in his neck, ignoring the staple that was poking me, and cried. He didn't say anything but he did maneuver us. He moved back to lean against the wall while repositioning me to be comfortable in his lap. After a second, I felt something drape over my shoulders. From the scent of smoke and... burnt marshmallows?, I gathered it was Dabi's coat.
"Why...what are you doing?" I hiccuped. He shrugged slightly while twisting his fingers through my hair.
"Just relax and let it out. You can chit chat after you're done sobbing." He said half-heartedly but I could tell there was more behind it. I did as he said though. I cried until my throat, lungs, and eyes hurt. I eventually cried myself to sleep.
The next time I woke up, it was 3 in the morning. I groaned softly at the sting and puffy sensation of my eyes. I was still wrapped in the scent of smoke and burnt marshmallows. I opened my eyes to see I was curled into Dabi's side. I pushed up and saw his eyes were closed with his arm behind his head. I sighed and got out from under his arm.
"I really am pathetic." I muttered as I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my face in them.
3rd POV
Dabi stayed still as he felt Y/N wake up. He didn't open his eyes until he felt them move away and the words they mumbled. He looked over at them to see their back was to him. His coat was pooling around their waist. He lifted his hand from the bed where it had slid off too.
"Y/N." He called softly, settling his hand on their back. They stilled before looking over their shoulder at him. "Do you want to tell me now?" He propped himself up on his elbow. "Or do I have to tell you what I think this is."
"If you already know, why are you even here asking me all these dumb questions? Why are you letting me cry into your chest and fall asleep?" They went to get up but Dabi's hand grabbed onto their arm.
"Because you need to be honest with yourself and not bottle this shit inside." He sat up and moved up to be right behind them. From behind he reached up to cup their cheek. Y/N looks up at him through wet eyelashes.
"I... I don't..." Y/N stuttered before the breath caught in my throat. Y/N felt the bed shift before Dabi's legs were placed next to theirs as he sat behind Y/N.
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"So you want to tell me why you're avoiding everyone and everything?" He asked while placing his hands on Y/N's biceps. It was silent for a short bit before Y/N took a breath.
"Because I am pathetic." I said softly. "Everyone says so. I'm weak, pathetic, and I have no clue why Shigaraki ever let me into the League."
"Who is everyone?" I went on ignoring his question.
"Plus, it always seems like everyone gets annoyed when I come into the room. Shigaraki always rolls his eyes when I come up to him. Also..." He interrupted.
"Okay, stop!" He pulled me back against his chest. He tightly wrapped his arms around me. "First of all, who is everybody? Because as far as I know everyone loves you. Toga annoyingly so." He mumbled the last bit. "I even can stand you, you little shit, and stand isn't ever the right word. With Crusty ass, he's always like that. With everyone. He'd rather be in his room with his stupid video games than with anyone. So I repeat, who is everyone?"
"Recruits, other members of the League, and well, ... apparently you." I dropped my head and sniffled.
"Well they don't matter, you idiot. Most of them are just jealous because of your standings in the League and your quirk. They're just insignificant, expendable place holders while you're a strong and important member of the League. Irreplaceable. Their opinions don't matter. And with me..." He paused. I looked back at him. A conflicted look was on his face.
"Dabi?" My shaky voice caused his eyes to dout to mine.
"It's... For me it's actually... Ah! Damnit! I hate this!" He let go of me and flung himself back. The way he was acting was very out of character. I flinched when the thought of me being the reason. I caused him to be weird and he must really hate me. It made me feel even worse and sent a sting to my heart.
"You know what..." I got up quickly and took a few steps away creating space between us. He pushed up onto his elbows and eyed me. "I appreciate you trying but you don't need to torture yourself by making yourself stay to comfort me. I know it must be really annoying to you. You can go, I'll be okay."
"Holy shit. Have you been listening to a word I've said?" He moved to sit on the edge of my bed.
"Yes I have and you've made your point clear." I accentuated my words with my hands. "You also made it clear how much you hated this." I motion from me to him.
"Then no you haven't been listening. Not really listening." He put emphasis on the word really. He stood up and I looked at him confused.
"What do you mean?" I looked up at him.
"I mean...I mean this!" He shot forward before grabbing my shoulders and pulling me to him. As I gasped from the movement, he crashed his lips against mine. It took me nearly a minute to realize what was actually happening. When it finally registered, I fisted Dabi's shirt and pulled him closer. After a minute of passionate kissing we pulled back to breath.
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"Get it now?"
"It's getting clearer." He scoffed before he backed me up against the wall and lifted me up. I quickly wrapped my legs around his waist. One hand was placed on the wall next to my head and the other was cupping my cheek.
"You are a little shit." He laughed before placing a long kiss on my lips. "You don't annoy me. At least not like everyone else does. And you definitely are not all that shit you were spewing."
"No!" He snapped before grabbing my chin and making me look at him. "Pathetic? Fuck no! I know shitty, pathetic, and weak. You are anything but. What annoys me is that you believe those little pests. You should believe me babe, I think I'm a little smarter than them." He gave me a hard look as he moved his hand to the back of my neck. There was something in his eyes that stood out to me. An emotion that never made its presence known in Dabi.
"Okay." I said softly with a smile. He smirked before pulling us away from the wall. He walked over and dropped me on the bed.
"Umph." I bounced a little before settling. I looked up at him. He slowly gets on the bed and leans over me. His lips brushed over mine lightly. As I tried to push up into a kiss, he retracted. "Dabi!"
"What?" He laughed at my whine. He went to lean down when there was a hard knock on my door. The smirk on his face turned into a glare. "What!"
"Oh! Dabi's in there!" We heard Toga squeal. There was some inaudible muttering before the doorknob was turned. Dabi pushed up onto his knees and glared at the door.
"You so much as open that door and I will roast you alive?" He snapped. The sounds stopped as I imagined them frozen.
"Why? Are you both naked in there?" Toga asked excitedly. I rolled my eyes at the girl's weird fascinations.
"We should leave them alone. We should go in." Twice grumbled.
"And what if we were, huh? Jealous that we`re getting some unlike the rest of you."
"Dabi!" I whisper shouted, wacking him in the chest. He was quick to grab my hand. He looked down at me while bringing my hand to his lips.
"Rude!" We heard multiple people yell. Dabi laughed loudly, throwing his head back. I watched him silently as he continued to bicker with them through the door.
"What's going on?" A muffled, raspy voice yelled. " I can hear you all from the other side of the building and you all are annoying!"
"But Shiggy! Y/N and Dabi are in there ALONE and TOGETHER!" Toga shrieked. I giggled and saw Dabi's eyes dart to me for a second.
"Does it look like I give a fuck!?" Shigaraki snapped. "The only fuck I give is how your annoying ME! Now shut the hell up!" We heard scrambling and running outside the door. It became quiet. Dabi then sighed very loudly.
"Now!" He leant down, pinning the hand he was holding next to my head. "Where were we?" He kissed me hard before I could utter a word.
I made a noise of amusement, kissing him back just as earnestly. He slowed down before pulling away. He let go of my wrist and set his forearm down instead. He reached up and traced my lips before caressing my cheek.
"Don't listen to any of those pests that probably won't ever be here at the end of the month. And if you do continue to have problems, you come to me. No questions asked."
"Alright." I nodded. He then wrapped an arm around my waist and flipped us over. "Ah! Dabi!"
"Shut it." He grumbled as he settled back into my pillows with me on his chest. "I would like to get more sleep if you don't mind." I moved to lay at his side to be more comfortable. "You should get some more sleep to Little Shit."
"And why are you so concerned?" I looked up at him with an eyebrow raised. He gave me a side eye.
"Because I'm done with those pests being the only options for missions. They are worthless and dumb. At least you know what you're doing and can get shit done without getting caught." His words were annoyed but comforting. I laughed, setting my head on his chest.
The room fell into a comfortable silence. I absentmindedly started rubbing circles in his hip where my hand had landed. Every now and then I heard a low grumble go through his chest. It was lulling me to sleep but a shiver jolted me awake. I groaned quietly. I blindly reached for his coat that I was sure was still on my bed.
"Use an actual blanket this time." Dabi rumbled. He pulled the blanket over us and I felt heat start to radiate off him. I hummed while relaxing again. It wasn't long until I was out.
The next time I woke up, I came to, to the sound of giggling. Familiar giggling. I slowly pried my eyes open and saw Dabi asleep on my chest. His face is actually peaceful.
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The giggling caught my attention again. I turned to see Toga and Twice. They hadn't noticed me awake since they were looking down at a phone.
"So cute!" I rolled my eyes before turning back to Dabi. I gently shook him. He softly jerked awake and looked up at me. He gave me a questioning look. I motioned to the two. He looked and his expression turned into a glare. In the same moment, Toga lifted the phone but froze when she saw Dabi and I awake.
"I am going to roast you." He said slowly and darkly.
"Ep." The two chirped before darting out my door. Dabi jumped up and was right on their heels. I just started laughing as I heard distant screaming. I sat up and stretched but spotted Dabi's coat halfway through. I grabbed it and held it in my lap before holding it up to my nose. I took a big breath. The unusual but purely Dabi scent filling my senses.
"I like it." I whispered, feeling a lot better now than I have for a while.
Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom @dxnaii-rxse @sxturn-stars @iris-shihabi
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bitchjerk78 · 3 years
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SUMMARY: you decide to leave the others
You leave the shower feeling almost reborn, last night's hunt was successful and the family haunted by the ghost of the father is finally free. Your eyes are still tired but mentally you are quite awake and rested. You tried not to listen to Sam's light snores as he slept in the bed next to yours, Dean stayed up late to set up his weapons and write in his diary about this night's hunt. You would like to read it but you know the value it has for him, so you just look at it from a distance hoping that one day you will be able to leaf through those yellowed and ink-filled pages. For the moment, you go through your diary and read the things already written above. Sometimes the memories of your life come back in your mind, but you chase them away by shaking your head. You are too busy to be distracted by those bitter feelings.
You look at your silent reflection stuck in the mirror and wonder what you would be now; if that night the demon in your best friend's body hadn't killed her boyfriend in front of your eyes. You'd probably be in college, recovering from a hangover, have your own home, and you wouldn't have to move from motel to motel. The only thing that heartens you is the knowledge that if none of this happened, you would never have met the two brothers with expert faces and the angel with the tie. You smile thinking that, after all, it wasn't that bad for you. You dry your hair as best you can with a towel and leave the bathroom after wearing something comfortable. You run into Sam waiting silently on his bed
"Sorry if it took me so long" you smile at him and glance at Dean lying with his head on the blue pillow
"Don’t worry" Sam is nice to you and always tries to make you comfortable, Dean on the other side ...
"I hope you left some hot water" the deep voice of the oldest takes you by surprise, usually you two don't talk much. Your relationship is limited to exchanging information during a hunt, nothing more, and nothing less. You don't know why he's so grumpy with you, probably because he doesn't like working with anyone other than his family
"Yes, I didn't waste a lot of water. Only that the hair dryer is broken and I had to do it with the towel" you don't know why you are explaining so much to him, maybe because he always makes you feel bad or because you can't resist his penetrating gaze
"Cut them" he smiles at you sarcastic and you shake your head sitting on your bed to listen to the messages on the answering machine, there is only one from an unknown number
"Forget it" Sam whispers to you before closing the door behind her
"You did well the other night" Dean doesn't even look up from the paper he's reading, but his words fill the room "for being a beginner it's good that you haven't killed one of us yet" the spontaneous smile that was born on your face, disappears in the blink of an eye
"Thank you" you reply gruffly. Why must he always be so cruel? You wonder as you lay your still damp head on the pillow. Without saying anything else, the light-haired guy gets up and walks out of the motel room where you reside. You snort loudly and put your hands in your hair, arrogant, which is nothing else. Finally, left alone, you can listen to the message on the answering machine and the more you listen the more you remain speechless
"Where is Dean?" Sam makes you jump and you look at him badly
"He’s gone, he didn't give me any details" Sam sits at the foot of your bed placing a hand on your knee
"I know he can be rude and presumptuous at times, but he's not very good at showing his true emotions" he tries to smile at you but a grimace takes place on his sleepy face "but that doesn't mean he doesn't care" you look at him tilting the head to the side
"Sam, he hates me"
"Who hates you?" you whirl around feeling the weight on your bed and a different voice echoing in the room
"Cass" you shout "how many times do we have to tell you not to do this, we humans die of a heart attack" the angel chuckles and exchanges a greeting look with Sam
"What happen?" he's too curious for your taste, but his kind ways make you put aside his incessant questions
"Dean" Sam informs him "obviously he is treating her in a horrible way" Cass nods almost remembering another dean from the one he has known for a long time
"He did it with me too, you just have to give him time" you laugh sarcastically
"We've been hunting together for three months now, not even an act of kindness" you mutter sitting on the mattress
"Mph" Sam taps his index finger on his chin "I think he does it because you're the only one who doesn't accept his behavior" you poke your eyebrows and wait for him to keep talking "you know, he says one thing and you answer the same way. You do not get easily thrown off by his arrogant behavior and last but not least" he holds a laugh" you did not fall at his feet"
"So only because I don't hang from his lips I deserve to be treated like this"
"Hey, yn, we're talking about Dean, it's impossible to understand what's going on in his head" you snort and eat a fingernail in desperation
"And then, you two look a lot like each other" you incinerate Cass with a look and decide to change the subject for a while.
You are alone again and wander around the room lost in thought, one hand under your chin and the other in your hair. You walk and walk, silently mumbles and exhausted sighs. You are so focused on getting lost in your head that you don't hear the lock click, you turn away distracted and your irises meet Dean's green eyes.
"Where is everybody?" he asks gruffly as he throws his heavy leather jacket on the bed
"Sam went to get something to eat and Cass well I think he is solving some problems in the upper floors" you avoid looking at him to give him the same treatment that he gives to you
"I thought we will leave tomorrow morning" you follow his steady gaze on your backpack already full of clothes and the bed made up "has there been any change of plans?" he asks starting to grab his bag
"No" you sigh letting your hands fall on your hips "no change of plans, you are leaving tomorrow morning I'll leave soon" his gaze focuses on you. His pupils scrutinize you carefully and his lips part
"I don't understand" he murmurs shaking his head
"Well, I don't see why I should stay in a place where I'm not welcome" you look at him so intently that you force him to look away "and then I have an important job to do. Alone" you specify without taking your attention away from him
"Does Sam know? And Cass?" you shake your head
"I wrote a letter, if you can give it to both of them" you rummage in your bag and grab the two white envelopes "please" you add seeing his hesitant face
"No letter for me?" he tries to smile even though his eyes betray him
"No" you lie knowing that his letter is hidden in a pocket of your jacket but you are too cowardly to give it to him "I know you can't stand me, but give them these letters. Okay?" he nods and you feel more relieved so you turn to grab your duffel bag
"Don't do it" you hear him whisper behind you, you turn around believing you didn't understand "don’t" he sighs "don't do it" you look at him confused, very confused
"I thought you could not stand me" he nods slowly giving you almost right for once
"yes, but I must admit that you are a good hunter and you can be useful to us"
"I'm not as good as you are" you admit
"But you can become it" he almost seems to be fighting against himself, as if the words wanted to run away from his mouth but he stopped him "stay, you can learn a lot" you look at his silent face and dull eyes and the desire to sit on the bed and staying there with them skims your mind, but you have a job to get done
"I can't, Dean, I'm sorry" he nods in defeat and turns to his bag
"At least take this, it's better than the cheap knives you have" you chuckle and grab the leather sheath, look at the wooden handle with his initials scratched on it
"Thanks, Dean" you smile sincerely this time realizing that you have never shared such an intimate moment since you met
"Pay attention and remember what we taught you" you nod and pass him
"Goodbye, Dean" you look at him one last time to print his image in your mind, you walk away almost expecting his big hand that grabs your wrist to draw you to him, but you feel nothing but his gaze on your shoulders until you close the door behind you.
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sugurus-slxt · 3 years
Our Song – Tsukishima Kei
Type: fluff (SFW)
Warnings: slight cursing, not eating, crying
Note: Guess you could say it’s a college au but I’ve been working at this for a while so I hope you like it.
Word Count: 3388
Hope you guys enjoy the story      
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Sunday [6:30 p.m.]
You were laying on your bed in your dorm running your fingers through Kei’s hair while he listened to music. This is how you spent most rainy weekends. He was quietly humming to his overly loud music but you were kind of in a daze looking at the wall but not quite. You did this a lot while staring off in your faraway land, thinking of a future with him but it’s not something you would tell him. You were too afraid he didn’t feel the same way. You knew he loved you, nearly two years into college and you both are still going strong but what if he never thought about it.
“Hey, shorty! Whatcha thinking about?” He looked up at you. “Oh, nothing really just some assignment my professor mentioned in class today,” you lied trying to brush it off quickly. He just shrugged and asked, “Ok...  Umm…Wanna listen to music with me? I’ll play my playlist you like.” You nodded, “I’ll get my Bluetooth headphone…” he pulled on your wrist. “I’ll share these with you,” he held up his regular earbuds and you agreed. If that’s what he wants, it was fine with you.
Tsukishima would never admit it but sharing his earbuds like this with you made him feel more connected like sharing your energy, a sort of bond, it was romantic for him. The thought of it always made the tips of his ears turn pink. He switched positions to have you lay next to him, your face buried in his chest. Silently, he prayed you couldn’t feel his heart quicken as he rested his head atop yours and hand on your waist. Headphones plugged on the playlist began. A few songs in a familiar song started to play, a love song, one of your favorites. “Babe? This song …” you started but he shushed you. “I know. I know. I added it because I knew you liked it ok now just listen ok. It’s no big deal,” his fingers played along your spine only making you feel more nervous. Your thoughts began to wander as more of your favorite romantic songs played. At this point, it was 7:30 PM and there was one thought that couldn’t leave your mind ‘What’s our song?’ and before you knew it you started talking, “Hey um Kei? What’s our song?” You regretted it as soon as you asked. “Huh? What do you mean our song?” he questioned his voice slightly drowsy and muffled by your hair. “It’s just… you know what it’s nothing,” you brushed it off and tried to continue listening to the music but he paused it.
“Spit it out y/n,” he said looking at you, it wasn’t meant to be rude, he just preferred you to be straightforward. You didn’t intend to make a mini-rant but it happened, “You know our song. It like a song for us that describes us and no matter where or who we’re with when it plays we think of each other. Or like if we are together and it’s just that knowing look that happens when it plays. Our song that’ll make it feel like it’s just us no matter who’s around. And it’s not just us you know its fits us, describes us like it was meant for us. Like it’s a song we can play to dance at our wedding, and again on our anniversary and relive the moment. Maybe even for our ki-,” you stopped in your tracks. You had caught yourself before you went too far. It was unbelievable you just brushed it off a while ago but it still managed to come out. Your most insecure thoughts were poking at you as Kei just kind of looked at you, lips parted. You’ve never seen that expression well except the time he’d see you naked for the first time but still, this was a bit different. He looked away scratching his neck and said, “Oh ok… Well, we can think about a song I guess but I’m kinda hungry and I told Tadashi I would go for pizza with him so I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Your face fell as he grabbed his stuff and walked out of your dorm. He just kind of brushed it off and you were terrified because he was supposed to stay the night. You knew Kei could be like this, he wasn’t the best with his emotions and you knew that. You even loved it but this time his lack of response just threw you into a blender of bad thoughts. Maybe you just made him nervous but what if he didn’t want that, what if you had scared him off your mind was racing. You went to bed without dinner and tried to fall asleep whilst listening to the playlist he had made for you whilst trying to hold back sobs. It’s a miracle you got any sleep that night, thoughts kept attacking you “What if he breaks up with me tomorrow? What if he doesn’t want that with me? Does he think I’m stupid for thinking so far? ”
-----Out for Pizza with Yamaguchi-----
“I thought you and y/n had plans?” he said sipping his drink.
“Hey … We did but um she started talking about this thing called ‘our song’,” he was hoping he could clear his head and talk about how he felt without messing things up. Tadashi was always good with words and being kind.
“But isn’t that like good?” He asked confused chewing his pizza. Unlike Tsukishima who hadn’t touched his food even a bit.
“I guess but she was talking about marriage and kids and I-,” he paused looking down whilst fiddling with the straw in his drink.
-----The Next Day-----
You put on some concealer to hide your eye bags and puffiness, some regular comfy clothes, and bought a whole lot of coffee, just something to get you through today but it didn’t help. You couldn’t focus and it was driving you mad. Your friends noticed your teachers and even the janitor. There was no doubt Kei wouldn’t notice but he wouldn’t let you just say “It’s nothing…” However, there was one problem you hadn’t seen him all day. It was the end of this achingly slow day and you bumped into Yamaguchi, “Hey have you seen Tsukishima?” He smiled and said, “No, I haven’t seen him since yesterday but I’m sure you could probably find him in his dorm later.” You wanted to ask him if Kei had said anything but in all honestly you were too scared to. You thanked him and quickly went on you way.
-----Next Week------
The entirety of last week had followed a similar cycle to the say after what you consider the “Great Tragedy”.  You’d barely eaten or slept, the dark circles were becoming more than obvious. You were convinced you guys were over and it was getting harder to bear. Sure you could have just seen him at his dorm and ended this prolonged misery much quicker but something always came up whether it be a problem, an assignment, or just your cowardly nature towards the situation. At this point, you were just torturing yourself. Tomorrow was your 2 year anniversary and you were more than afraid to face him. That’s if it wasn’t over already.
-----At Tsukshima’s Dorm-----
“You have to go see her,” Yamaguchi pleaded
“But what if she doesn’t want me anymore now? What if I messed up? Worse what if she thinks you hate her? I should have seen her even if I was busy.  I’m always such- such dammit I’m an asshole,” it was one of those rare moments in his life where he was having a breakdown and he didn’t know what to do.
“Tsukishima Kei! You better calm down right now!” Yamaguchi held on to Tsukishima shaking his shoulders. “You aren’t going to know unless you find out ok. I know you, even if you’re not good at expressing yourself but you always succeed in getting the point across plus just sleep tonight and execute the master plan tomorrow. And for the record she knew you were an asshole, strangely I think she likes that,” he patted Tsukishima on the back and left the dorm, giving him a small laugh and smile of reassurance.
The words master plan gave him some comfort but he wouldn’t really call it that. It was always the plan it just took longer than he expected. He’s kind of glad you never came to check on him but he knew you, even if it didn’t seem that way. He knew you were hurt and your habits would have taken a turn for the bad he just hoped that he didn’t mess up for good. Tomorrow was your anniversary so in a sense the timing was perfect. The only problem was he’d avoided you for so long he hadn’t even seen you, sure he asked around but his worries weren’t put to rest so easily. He’d never let you know how obsessive he could be.
It killed him to be away from you for so long, especially how your last encounter had ended.  He could only hope this would make you see, make you understand how he feels once and for all.
----- Anniversary----- 
He was hoping he could catch you around campus for lunch and maybe convince you to take a walk with him to the nearby coffee shop where both of you had your first date, but you weren’t anywhere to be seen. He remembered that date, no matter what snarky remark he made you’d laugh and giggle. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, but he wouldn’t show it, instead, he’d made a snarky remark towards you laugh which only made you laugh harder. He was intrigued, captured in a sort of way and he knew you’d keep him that way for a long time but now it was a bit different.
“Hey, Tsukki! I heard she’s in her dorm, she hadn’t gone to classes all day,” Yamaguchi ran up to him pulling him out of the memory.
“Thank you!” He ran quickly, practicing more often really paid of athletic-wise.
----- In Your Dorm -----
You hadn’t moved all day. No breakfast, lunch, snack not even water. Your body ached, your nose stuffed not only from crying but rather because you worried yourself sick, literally. His gift laid unwrapped on the floor, It was a box of various things you thought he might like, new kneepads with a cute little dino on the ends, a jacket with an embroidered moon on it, cute matching dino necklaces, and a plushy which was you guessed it a dinosaur. Now you were wondering if he’d even want anything from you.  
As the heaviness of your eyelids started to take over there was a sound of the door opening, you quickly pulled the blanket over your head. Kei was the only one with a key; you wouldn’t let him see you like this. You didn’t want this to be the last way he saw of you, pathetic, weak, and plain loser. You prepared yourself to be broken up with as he called out, “Y/n! Y/n! Shorty! Babe, I’m coming in!” ‘Babe ?” your thoughts lingered on the word, it gave you hope and a bit of courage to call back out quietly because you could barely raise your voice, “I’m in my bed.”
He peeked his head in and the sight made his heart crack, “You little dummy! You got yourself sick; I should have known this would happen. Umm, I’ll be right back.” He ran out and in about 15 minutes he had been back, and even then you were still shocked and confused. “I’m in your kitchen,” He called out.  All you could manage was to mumble a simple ‘ok.’ His plans had few out the window and in all honesty, he was panicking just a bit but he still had a backup plan though and he thinks it’ll work just fine. All he had to do was try his best to do what he came here for, he just wanted to make you see and hopefully he hadn’t ruined everything.
Tsukishima waltzed into your room carrying a bowl, “Ok, I’m no cook but I can make ramen. You better like it ok.” He helped you sit up and held the spoon to your mouth which kind of took you by surprise, “Come on open up or I’ll eat it myself. Unless you want me to do that airplane thing they do for babies you’re such a child anyways,” he joked earning a little giggle from you. You gladly took the mouthful and smiled, “Yummy. Thank you, babe,” a small smile quirked his lips to your response. This caused your cheeks to feel even warmer if that was even possible, the fever was already burning you alive. After you finished the ramen, he made you take some medicine and drink water. At this point, the fact that today was your anniversary was completely forgotten but you did the one thing that got you into this mess again. You blurted out, “So you’re not here to break up with me?” He looked sort of taken aback, had he really made you feel that way. He thought maybe his lack of response had made you sort of letting go of yourself but he didn’t think that this could happen. He hated that he couldn’t make you believe in his love, that he always came off as cold but it was time to execute the plan. He hoped this would show you.
“What? No, no I’m not here for that but um we can talk about this after you should get some rest,” He padded towards you and laid next to you wrapping his arms around you. “What if you get sick?” you questioned him quietly. “It’s whatever; you’re the dummy who didn’t take care of yourself so now I gotta do this. Plus maybe then you can take care of me, you owe me anyway because I made you my amazing ramen,” you chuckled at his response, leaning into his touch. “Wait I almost forgot,” he grabbed his earbuds and his phone. He readjusted and started the music, you were four songs in, all happened to be a mix of his and your favorites.
Tsukishima’s heart rate had quickened and his breathes were getting shallow, it was fast approaching and he was nervous. He couldn’t help but wonder ‘What if you hadn’t liked it?’ The song started and you knew immediately, you couldn’t face him your hand over your mouth, tears welled in your eyes it was beautiful, it was perfect. You could feel every emotion, every thought, you knew he loved you before but this was pure, it was his everything and he did it all for you.
The weight shifted on the bed as he came on the other side of the bed on one knee, he pulled your hand from your mouth and kissed your knuckles, “I’m sorry I left you waiting for so long, I’m sorry I made you feel lonely and hurt but most of all I’m sorry for making you didn’t think I loved you. I’m not the best with words so um I hope this comes out right. When I met you, I felt like I finally found my person, you loved my dry, snarky humor, weren’t easily fazed and most of all you never judged me. You made me feel accepted, loved and I could never ask for anything more. I- I- spent the last week thinking about what you said and well you know what else now, I’m sure you can tell. Anyway, umm I want to get married, I want cute kids that look like you and have your cute laugh, I want it all, I’m sorry I didn’t make it seem that way, I just never thought you could want that with me but I panicked though I was beyond happy. I can’t propose to you now but I want to promise myself to you with these,” he held out his other hand with two rings; they were dino rings which made it even cuter. You couldn’t help but giggle as you wiped the tear with your other hand. “That’s if you still want me and we can play this song, Our Song at our wedding, in the car, for our kids, whenever you want if that’s still what you want,” he broke, tears slid down his cheeks.
 He was never one to cry, and when he did it was genuine. You shifted your body, your legs off the side of the bed, and him now kneeling in between them. You raised his slightly bowed head, holding his face and wiping the stray tears on his cheeks, “Kei, you’ve never made me feel lonely, I just over thought and you know kind of thought maybe you didn’t want to have kids or get married or the whole shebang. I’m not the most optimistic person so I immediately assumed the worst. This isn’t your fault I’m just a big idiot and I love you so much. So yes I want all those things with you and no one else.”  He laughed a bit, “Yep you’re an idiot but you’re my big idiot and I love you too, shorty hmmm shortcake,” he placed a gentle kiss against your lips and slips on the funny little ring.
“Hey you were supposed to say I’m not an idiot but what did I expect, shortcake though I like that,” You leaned in as he hummed in response against your lips. He is incessantly kissing you but a question crossed your mind and you stopped him, “What’s wrong y/n?” He questioned a bit worried. “How did you make that song by yourself? Not to mention your voice is amazing babe. You should consider music as a career you know,” you looked waiting for a response. “Well you see, I had some of the lyrics written about half a year ago and what you said made me finish em. You made me really happy but also nervous and I was scared to mess up so I panicked. I thought maybe if I had finished the song I could get my feelings across so I met up with someone I knew from my time in high school and he helped me out. Semi Eita, the musician he helped me with the tune and the music in the background. I took a bit longer mainly because I needed it to be perfect and I was nervous.  So yeah but I’m gonna be a pro volleyball player babe, I didn’t know my voice was good until Semi suggested I sing it myself.”
“Wait like the Semi Eita,” your eyes sparkled, you loved his music, “You never told me you knew him. Wait sorry I’m off-topic, the song was perfect and you wrote these that long who knew you could be so romantic?” He looked at you slightly frowning, “Hey! I can be romantic ok. You try to top that. Humph!  I’m glad you like the song though. Oh also I’ll introduce you next week to Semi he’s been curious, something about someone who can handle the Tsukishima Kei. I don’t know what he’s talking about.” You jumped up, “I can’t wait. Yayyyy. Oh wait before I forget I didn’t wrap your gift but it’s over there, I kind of got necklaces, they match the rings.” You twirl around excitedly when suddenly he grabs you by the waist, “Well since your feeling so much better, maybe you can give me another gift,” he pulls you down to straddle his lap on the bed instantly attaching his lips to your neck.
You jokingly cough in his face and run as he chases you around the dorm shouting, “You damn pipsqueak when I catch you which you better hope I don’t, you’re so screwed.” He does eventually catch you but he drags you back to be for cuddles, kisses and a bit more. Needless to say, both of you did not attend classes tomorrow.
I always found it hard to be myself
But you made feel like no one else
A love like no other is what I really felt
So I’m in this in sickness and in health
So that’s what I thought the last verse could have been but I’m no song writer so I’m sorry if its horrible. On that note I hope you enjoyed the story. I encourage constructive criticism and I hope to see you again.
PS I am working on your requests I promise it’ll be here soon. 
If you liked my work, maybe you might want to buy me some coffee ☕️?
Question; Do you want what happened if Y/N decided not to be playful aka the NSFW?
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Drunk confessions
Pairing: Levi x reader
Warning: language, fluff, drunk
Summary: Playing a game the impossible happens Levi gets drunk and confessions to many things including to loving (y/n). Now he’s got to deal with his confession in the morning
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How could this possible happen, he tolerance was suppose to be extra fucking high, it was extra fucking high. How did this happen? It all started with a drinking game, never have I ever.
It started out fun and everyone was there the questions were silly and everyone was drunk. Hanji had suggested the game.
“Come on it will be fun it’s a game” Hanji said as she held up a bottle of alcohol
“ how do you play” Jean asked as he held out his glass letting Hanji poor some of the burning liquid in everyone else did the same.
“Never have I ever. This is how you play you say ‘never have I ever’ and continue on if someone has done it they’ll drink if they haven’t they don’t. For example never have I ever kissed a girl. If you’ve kissed a girl drink” All the boys drank.
“oh I get it. My turn” Sasha raised her hand “never have I ever kissed a boy” all the girls, except Christa and Sasha, drank. Levi also drank but he was so far of in the corner that no one noticed. No one but (y/n) she raised her eyebrow as Levi shrugged and brought the cup to his lips.
The game continued on the questions were silly but most of everybody was getting drunk. Mikasa  was the first one passed out after her three drink  Armin was still up but his words were now so slurred no one knew what he was saying Eren the soberest between three helped the other two to bed. Sasha was giggling her ass off at absolutely nothing just giggling just because Connie was a clinging drunk and held on to Sasha or Reiner. Reiner seemed to be a quiet drink only talking a little bit mostly lost in his own head Bertholdt was lucky enough to drag all three of them to bed. Ymir was an angry drunk and was dragged of to bed by Christa right after Mikasa. Jean passed out on the floor Hanji had volunteer to drag him to bed.
Now only Levi and (y/n) were left as much as the two drank they only seemed to be tipsy, Levi more tipsy than (y/n).Moving the two now both sat silently in front of each other.
“ never have I ever …. met my mother” (y/n) said Levi drank.
“what happen?”
“died during birth lived with my old man and my aunt. Turns out he was screwing her during my moms pregnancy”
“Never have I ever meet my father” (y/n) drank “he was one of my mom ‘Clients’ never meet him don’t even know who he is” Truth be told Levi did actually look and ask question when he was younger but after a while he gave up. He was a prostitutes baby he had no father.
“Never have I ever had planned to be in the survey crop”  neither drank
‘Erwin found me in the under ground brought me. I became a soldier against my will.”
“My father and  aunt were both soldier they forced me to join then died by the time I graduated.” It was true both her father and her aunt were high ranging soldiers in the military she was suppose to be just like them and join the military branch and she was going to until Trost fell. That day she witnessed her cowardly father run away from battle and her aunt beg forgiven in the jaws of a titan (Y/N) felt no emotions.
“Never have I ever … killed anybody” neither of them drank
“I use to be a thug in the underground I killed a few people. I almost killed Erwin.” He was a thug he ran the underground of course a few bodies dropped dead around him. Thought he did valued human life he had no problem taking it.
“I was out late in a place I shouldn’t have been I was 11 years old” She had gone to far from home and the sun was down before she could make it back. In the dark a group of three men came out she listened as they followed her and spoke of selling her off on the black market. With a pocket knife she stole from her father she killed two and injured one she was 11 years old.
“never have I ever blacked out drunk” Levi drank (y/n) smiled
“never have I ever….played and instrument”  (y/n) drank Levi smirked.
The game picked up again and they were in a lighter mood now. Levi was drinking more and more (y/n) had a cup or two but it didn’t really get her drunk. But then again seeing as her drinks were watered down she wouldn’t really get drunk. Also she had read his file and knew what questions to ask to get him drinking.
A little after mid-night and Levi was wasted (y/n) had stopped drinking a long time ago and was just enjoying the show now. For the past few hours she had been asking questions she would get really interesting answers  some funny some sad and die serious. She had learned a lot from drunk Levi.
When he first arrived he had a crush on Hanji but later grew out of it and they became bestfriends. How Petra had a crush on him and he was well aware of it but choose to ignore it and now after her death regretted his actions. He even, briefly, spoke of his bother who he loved very much. But now he was on a new topic of someone he was sure he was 100% in love with.
It broke (y/n) heart to hear this she had been loving him from a far. As brave as she was on the field and against Titans she could not find that same courage to confess her feeling to Levi. Even though it wasn’t her she wanted to know who was this girl that got a spot in her Captain’s heart and make sure she was good enough for him. Even though  it hurt she was going to make sure this girl was good for him and then help him get her.
“Who is this girl” it pained her to asked as she clenched her chest
“she’s so beautiful I actually begged Erwin to put her on my team.”
He begged for her.
“she’s smart to even though she doesn’t talk much she is very smart. Sometimes I have her do my paperwork her hand writing is pretty”
“ what’s her name?”
“she hangs with those brats Eren and his friends all the time. I hate seeing that brat all over her”
“what does she look like” (y/n) voice cracked Levi didn’t noticed
“she beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, I can’t find the right word but she’s one of a kind”
she was beautiful.
“ I… I love her”
Oh god he loved her.
“I love her I love (y/n)”
oh no he loved (y/n)… wait I’m (y/n).
“you love me”
“but don’t tell her I’m not ready to tell her yet. I don’t think she loves me” (y/n) smiled and laughed as she continued to listen to tell her not to tell her that he loved her. It was very confusing if you forgot he was drunk. After spending another 30 minutes of listening to him talk about how much he loved her she decided it was time for him to go to bed.
“ This way Captain” (y/n) said as she lead Levi to his room he was all over the place rambling on about nonsense and someone named Kenny. (y/n) tried her best to keep him quite and get him to his room without an incident. “here we are” (y/n) said as she opened Levi’s door and he fell in “oops” he said as he started falling a sleep on the floor. “Nope bed’s this way” (y/n) dragged him to bed removing his straps, jacket, shirt, shoes, and socks she tucked Levi into bed.
“goodnight” hesitated at first she placed a kiss on him,  thought to be sleeping, forehead then tried to leave. “wait…. please don’t leave me. Don’t leave me again.” Levi gripped her wrist preventing her from leaving (y/n) eyes wide in shock but she spoke “I would never captain”.
She removed her shoes and coat climbing into bed with Levi. She’d probably get in trouble when he woke up in the morning but that would okay at least she got to spend the night with him. Levi spooned her as they slept his breath giving her comfort as it fans on the back of her neck. His arms giving her warmth. She’d loose this in the morning and have stall duty for a month maybe two. But right now she was going to savor this moment and sleep in his arms.
The next morning (y/n) woke up in a shock she was in Levi’s bed, Why was she in Levi’s bed? Everything for the night before rushed back to her. “oh shit, oh shit, oh shit “ she mumbled as she picked up her coat and shoes. While pulling on her jacket the bathroom door opened out stepped a cleaned and showered Levi.
“what..” he sighed “ what did we do last? you’re dressed so no sex but you’re in my bed so I’ve got to ask.” Levi had a low hanging towel around his waist. (y/n) was very distracted by his god like body it was dripping wet.
“um….you got drunk…. asked me to stay… so I did. But I’ll leave now I won’t say anything.” (y/n) gather her coat and shoes and tried to leave but Levi stopped her again.
“ did I say anything” he asked hesitantly
“ yes”
“what did I say”
“You told me things….. you said you …..you loved me. But you were drunk so it’s okay if you didn’t mean it” (y/n) began to leave again.
“What if I did, mean it I mean. what if I meant it “ (y/n) was half way out the door as she heard Levi.
Turning around she said “ well since you’re sober now I would say… I love you too” and with that she shut the door leaving Levi with a shocked expression and a raging hangover.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Hi! Regarding my revision request, can you do same theme like previous one (minato in poly relationship/marriage with kushina and fem uzumaki s/o) also kushina love s/o as younger sister. Thank you!
You wanted Kushina not married to Minato and as a platonic Yandere, right?
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, obsessiveness, clingyness, manipulation, bullying, blackmailing
Uzumaki s/o who’s like a sister for Kushina
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⚡️🌶It’s a bit understandable that Kushina would be that way given the fact that you two came from the same village and were chosen as the next two jinchuriki. I guess in the end it wouldn’t even matter too much whether you two knew each other from before or not. If you two did, you would of course be already very close. If you didn’t know each other before, you would become really close over the following years. You two are the only ones who can understand each other and relate to each other and next to that you two thought at that time that everyone else would just make fun of the two of you.
⚡️🌶Kushina is even as a platonic Yandere protective, very much. And especially if you’re getting mocked and teased for your hair she sees...well, she sees red. She didn’t even care that much that she was getting bullied, she was only concerned about you. She saw you as her sister and you most likely as hers too so it was understandable that you two were seen together all of the times. And we had in here those meanies again who made fun of it. Not like it ended well for them if they mocked you or, Jashin forbid it, pulled on your hair. Because then they got to experience a scary Kushina.
⚡️🌶Kushina was due to her overprotectiveness extremely observing of her surroundings and so noticed rather quickly a certain blonde head in her class who kept staring at the two of you, especially you. She kept every bully in mind and couldn’t recall having ever seen him around. But to be frankly, she didn’t trust anyone in this class so she took it that he was more of a silent and timid guy who just disliked you two from the distance. It led her to snapping every time a bit at him when she caught him staring at you again, pulling you protectively closer to her and glaring kunai his way.
⚡️🌶He never seemed to really dare to approach you though, even though Kushina suspected he badly wanted to do so. She had actually no problem with him staying away like this from you except if he liked you which she started to suspect was more the case. But if that was true, he should come to you and not keep staring like a weirdo. That was cowardly to do and next to that that would be by a long shot not enough, not with Kushina as your best friend and sister, not by blood, but by love.
⚡️🌶Now let’s just pretend that instead of Kushina, you were kidnapped and saved by Minato who had followed you due to the traces of your red hair you had left behind. You most likely knew him as the ‘creep who kept staring at you’, as Kushina always called him. But you might have most likely also suspected that he liked you and on that night he talked for the first time to you, telling you that he thought that your hair was beautiful and apologizing for not having been faster to save you and just standing all the time by and watching you and Kushina suffering. He would from now on be there.
⚡️🌶In the meantime Kushina felt like she was ready to kill, blaming it on the village and the shinobi that they had let it happen in the first place, all because no one liked them due to their hair and position as jinchuriki. It was not fair! She was most likely also already on her own search for you, not trusting the shinobi from the village to have enough motivation to find you since they hadn’t even realize yet. So you can only imagine the shock and relief hitting her like a shower of bricks the moment she saw Minato and you walking together home. She just pushed Minato aside and was all over you, ignoring his presence completely.
⚡️🌶But at the very least she thanked him later on, although also scolding him for never having done anything before despite him liking you and her, in another way, and also thinking of your hair as pretty. She told him that this was just such a cowardly move for which he had to apologize a couple of times before she seemed to calm down a bit.
⚡️🌶Afterwards he started to make up for the time he had just watched and done nothing, now he was there and always lectured people who made comments and fun of you two for which Kushina and you learned to respect and view him as a friend of yours. Now, Kushina was still more dubious of him during the earlier phrase of this friendship due to not trusting him completely yet. She did know that he liked you really and her in a friend-like way so she didn’t distrust him in a way that she thought he would betray you two. But more because she knew he liked you. She had never considered the thought of someone else playing possibly an important role in your life. So far it had always been you and her and she wanted it to stay that way. She felt threatened and jealous in a way and it caused her to be the first few weeks a bit salty around Minato. And whenever you two spent time without her, she sulked afterwards for quite some time until you came back and told her she was the best.
⚡️🌶That changed of course after her and Minato became close as well, the boy noticed most likely that Kushina wasn’t exactly happy with him as the newest addition to your and her old duo which was now a trio. He was genuinely interested in her as well and wanted to be closer to her, he wanted to be her friend. She kind of refused at first and this rebellious and jealous act of hers was noticed by you as well and it saddened you most likely a bit. You wanted both of them to be friends since you liked both of them.
⚡️🌶It led to Minato pointing it out to Kushina which had noticed by now as well that you were upset due to her way of acting around Minato. And the last thing she wanted was making you sad, especially if you were because of her. So she became reluctantly more willing to spent time with him and get to know him better in hopes of getting along with him. And in the end they found a point to bond over which was you. Both of them cared a lot for you in different ways and no matter how bad any future arguments seemed to be, the moment one of those two brought up that you would be not happy when seeing them like this, they stopped and found a less intense method to solve the problem. Most of the arguments were anyways not something serious, but more over something silly which made you more giggle than laugh.
⚡️🌶So Kushina came over time to the terms of accepting Minato and seeing him as one of the very few persons she was actually okay sharing with. She of course still became jealous when he wanted to spend too much time with you since she needed her time with you as well, but the fact that she wasn’t scaring him as often and much as other people was sign enough for Minato that she liked him.
⚡️🌶Much more on the contrary, she started shipping you two, even more when noticing that you had started to like him too. It was no surprise, Minato is a handsome and charming man who can make everyone swoon over him. Was totally excited when you told her that you had feelings for him, but weren’t sure how to tell him. She wanted you two by now to get together and she also wanted to help so the longer Minato seemed to hesitate to confess to you, the more frustrated she became, the hair-pulling kind of frustration.
⚡️🌶The moment her string of patience snaps she’s the type to just walk over to him and threaten him to just tell you before she does it herself or before you might lose interest and get tired of him. He’s the only one she’s okay with dating you so he better move his ass and tell you before she drags him personally to you. It’s an effective method, especially when she manages to scare him.
⚡️🌶Both of them team up a lot for you and are also fine with spending time with you together, but both need time with you alone as well. And in that point it can get kind of tricky sometimes since both are clingy and as soon as you’re with one, the other starts to miss you dearly. But at the very least they have understanding for that and also don’t compete over you to find out how you like better. Kushina is also protective over the relationship you two have since it makes you happy and it somewhat leads her to scaring other girls after Minato away. Minato on the other hand is also protective over Kushina’s bond with you since she was from the earliest days there for you.
⚡️🌶She respects Minato and trusts him with you, but she also doesn’t care much to shout at him if he manages to upset you. Doesn’t matter if he’s already Hokage or not. Luckily the chances for that to happen are very, very small.
⚡️🌶The only scenario where her and Minato might get in a serious fight with each other is the moment you would want to leave him and he has to resort, as a last way, to blackmailing and bribing you. That’s the only occasion where she’ll be truly mad and pissed off. It’s still a bad situation for her since she knows that she’s in the disadvantage since he’s the Hokage and she also sees him as her best friend which hurts her even more if this should happen. Because she trusted him and thought he was better. For Minato this is still not easy either, he sees Kushina as his best friend as well and knowing that both Uzumaki’s are now upset and hurt because of him just pains him as well.
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yourfangirlfriend · 3 years
It’s Nothing Serious - Chapter Six
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Five and a Half
A/N: idk if this is good but I’ve been putting off writing it and perfect is the enemy of done so here you go, I had fun
It’s not not serious.
At least, this seems to be the mutual conclusion you have both silently reached after that weirdly intimate night you never talked about, either.
And yes, you’re aware of how childish that is.
For two people voluntarily living in one of the more dangerous cities on the continent, it turns out you’re both pretty cowardly. But why put yourselves through the agony of all that when you could both instead play a game of emotional chicken to test where the boundaries are?
You go first the morning the two of you wake up in your bed. You both woke up in a tangle of limbs and slid out of bed after the second snooze alarm went off. He had just pulled on his jeans when he reached for the shirt you had folded the night before.
“Wait,” you said. You walked to the closet and pulled a crisp black shirt off its hanger, continuing to brush your teeth and you walked up and deposited it in his hand. “I washed this after you let me wear it home.”
That night we made pasta and I spilled sauce on my shirt and you took it off and fucked me in your kitchen until the chicken burnt-
He looks up at you, his eyebrows raised.
“Nothing,” he shakes his head before pulling it over his shoulders. “Thank you.”
You give him a look before dipping into the bathroom to spit.
After a quick cup of coffee, you’re both striding towards your door when you stop short. He turns and looks at you, waiting for you to take another step and flick the deadbolt. Instead, you ask
“Are you going to be okay? Today, I mean. With...”
His face falls a little, like he was expecting to get out of this without you mentioning it. It makes your heart hurt.
“I’m fine,” he says, curtly. He drops his head to look at his shoes. You swallow.
“So...drinks tonight? Still?” You reach out and bop his hand with yours.
“Not if you don’t open the door.”
You roll your eyes, walking forward and flicking the bolt. You pull the door open and he catches it, holding it back for you as you take the first step out.
“...yeah. I’ll be back around 6,” he says as you finish locking the door. You drop the keys in your purse, straightening up as the two of you walk towards and out the doors.
“Bar or your place?”
“You sure? It’s my turn to buy,” you say.
“No, it’s not,” he says as he opens the passenger door for you, gesturing that you climb in. You do and watch as he walks around the front to his side. “Besides, mines quieter.”
You nod, staring forward as he starts the car and pulls into the street. Like every morning, his hand falls to your knee and you feel content with his answer.
You can’t help yourself, though, when he pulls up in front of the school and parks, waiting for you to climb out. Usually, it’s a pretty quick, platonic affair- a quick “thanks, Javi” before you open the door and swing your legs out. This morning, though,
“You know,” he says when you reach for the handle. “You...you don’t have to take care of me.”
You drop your hand before turning back to face him. And maybe it’s the coffee you drank took quickly, or maybe it’s the way last night is still lingering in your head, but
“I like taking care of you.”
You reach out and pull his face to yours, letting the kiss linger before pulling away.
“See you tonight,” you said, flashing him a quick smile. If you’re not mistaken, you see the corner of his mouth twitch up before he remembers himself, and gives you a cool masculine nod. You climb out and watch as he drives away before you hear behind you:
“¿Es tu novio?”
You turn around and see three little girls from your class huddled together and giggling that they just caught the teacher doing something naughty. Despite yourself, you smile through your teacher's voice.
“Entrad, niñas. La clase está a punto de empezar.”
He makes the next move when he shows up outside the school, waiting against his car when you walk out that afternoon and he flags you down.
“Hey,” he says when you approach his car.
“Hey,” you say. “What’s up?”
“Was told to go home early,” he says. “Figured...” he waves his hand up, gesturing to you. “You got plans?”
“Was just going to swing by the liquor store. For tonight.”
“It’s not your turn to buy,” he says, moving out of the way so you can open the door. You send him a look.
“It’s the 90s. Let a girl buy you a drink, Javi.”
He smiles, and over his shoulder, you see one of the girls from this morning- Cara - sending you a shit-eating grin.
Despite yourself, you give her a little wave as Javi drives the two of you out of the parking lot.
It becomes a game after that. He picks you up from school. You ask him to stay the night again, and he does. The next morning, he kisses you goodbye in front of Steve, whose eyebrows you see pop up from the corner of your eye. That night, you stay over at his and leave the spare toothbrush you brought next to his in the bathroom. The next day, he comes to your house with take-out and a tape and the two of you fall asleep on the couch, drunk and full. Soon, you don’t remember a night where you aren’t sleeping in the same bed or whose turn it is to initiate a sleepover. You just meet at your smoking spot and then, inevitably, one of you will lead the other to their door for the night, and inevitably, the other one will stay.
The small reminders of each other begin to pile up in your respective apartments. A mystery toothbrush appears in your bathroom. Then there’s a jacket and two of his shirts hanging in your closet. A drawer in his bathroom slowly begins to fill with evidence of your presence- hair ties, bobby pins, the odd bit of makeup. During one of your drunk nights, when you are once again lamenting the lack of decoration, you draw a stick-figure portrait of the apartment - you, Javi, Steve, and the creepy silent man who you only ever see leave his place to buy fish - and tape it to his fridge. He tells you you hang around kids too much, but every time you come back, it’s still up.
Then the bigger things happen. You go to dinner with him and Steve. You bring him on a double date with Alessa and Frankie. He kisses you goodbye in front of the school every morning, and you reach out and hold his hand whenever the two of you walk outside- which you do now, by the way. You walk to the grocery store, you walk to the liquor store, you walk to the corner store to buy pre and post-coital smokes, and every time his hand finds yours. You’re still having sex, you still fuck, but now, sometimes, to what would once be your disgust, it’s slower. Softer. There’s eye contact and prolonged kisses and caressing and very little hair pulling.
And god. Now there’s cuddling.
You no longer sit across the sofa to hanger a drink. No, now your legs are in his lap or his arm is around your shoulder or some other horribly intimate design the two of you just naturally find yourself falling into whenever you’re in proximity. Now, after sex, he’s pulling you to him or you’re pulling him to you or you just both mutually descend towards each other. And when you’re all wrapped around each other, the worst thing of all happens. He talks.
It’s not like you hadn’t talked before. You were friends, after all. He already knew about your kids you taught, your parents, and some random, funny stories about your life. In turn, he had told you some stories about his mom, about the ranch, and about the people in his life. But now it’s different. Now, whenever you two are alone in the dark, bodies pressed against each other under the sheet with such softness it’s grotesque, the walls come down. He tells you about his mom's death, and how he didn’t cry for months. He tells you how afraid he is of himself, and how he worries she would hate the person he is. He tells you he doesn’t think he’s a good person, because of the women he’s hurt ( -“The DAY of?” “I’m not proud of it”-) and the people he failed (“-supposed to get her out, keep her safe, and I couldn’t-“) and how, though he won’t go into detail about it, he’s worried how numb he’s become to things, and that he’s only going to get number (“-you see so many people die, there’s got to be a point you just stop feeling that, like self-preservation, and that’s fucking scary-“). You listen. You think you may be the first person who has listened in a while. When he tries to apologize, that he shouldn’t have said that or that he’s a mopey sad sack or you don’t want to hear this, you kiss his hands.
“Javi,” you tell him. “I like listening to you. Anything you have to say.”
Looking back, you think the look he gives you the first time you said that was when you really knew. But now, you’re still playing dumb. You both are.
What’d he call it? Self-preservation?
To pay him back, you tell him about you. You try to match his scars, telling him about growing up in a loud, weird house you’d only learn at the age of fifteen was a commune. You tell him about all the times you caught your parents tripping out naked on drugs and having to drag them to bed, or how you had to watch your sister for days on end as a kid whenever they decided to go out on ‘spirit walks’, and how you eventually enrolled yourself in school after your mothers homeschooling attempts fell to the wayside. That one time when you were six and accidentally took a tab of acid your mother and father’s sometime lover, Sunshine, left on top of your peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  You try and tell him the good things, too- how you speak five languages (“what?” “English, Spanish, German, Russian, and some Chinese.” “...what?” “My parents were communists!”), how you used to be really good at gymnastics (“is that why you can’t do a handstand?” “I can do a handstand-“ ), and the things in yourself that you’re afraid of- your denial, your anxiety, your bad habit of never calling your sister back and how that actually reveals you’re a sociopath. And in turn, he listens. He squeezes your hand. He asks you questions when you know he wants to and lets it be silent when you can’t bring yourself to answer.
About three months into this, you find yourself lying on your side one night, staring at his beautiful, stupid, snoring face as he drools against your pillow, and for the first time, you finally, finally, finally let yourself admit it.
It is serious.
“Well no shit.”
You scowl at Lisa over your glass.
“What? Like we all didn’t already know? For months?”
“Leave her alone,” Alessa elbows her. “I think it’s sweet.”
“You think everything’s sweet.” Lisa rolls her eyes. “You tell him yet?”
You bite the inside of your lip and look down at your drink. “No.”
“Why not?”
“You spend all your time together.”
You shake your head, taking a swig.
“I said you’re a coward,” Lisa says as Maritza deposits the tray of shots between the two of you.
“Who’s a coward?” she asks sweetly.
“Yeah, I am,” you reach forward and take two of the shot glasses, snatching the one in front of Lisa before downing it.
“Hey!” She yelps.
You flip her off and down the second.
She huffs. “Bitch.”
You shake your head and march towards the bar to order another tray.
To be fair, he knew it would be like this.
He had to. It’s you. It’s both of you. Two weirdly cagey people who don’t like having their guard down and never, ever want to be the one person who sticks themselves out for ridicule. The little dares over the past few months have been one thing, like you’re placing pebbles on a scale, seeing how long it takes until it collapses under the weight. Nightly sleepovers? Pebble. Toothbrushes? Pebbles. Sharing childhood trauma after a round of particularly kinky sex where you had your hands tied to the headboard and it inadvertently reminded you of the time you got your hands stuck in some old handcuffs your sister and you had found and you had to spend three hours with your hands looped around a bed frame because Tanya was seven and when she found your mom they were high on peyote and it turns out it takes five drugged-out hippies to find a tiny pair of keys to free a small girl in the woods after it’s already gotten dark and then he told you about the time his uncle had drunk too much shiner and tried to shoot an apple off his cousins head with a BB gun but missed and now the cousin has one eye kind of like Lorenzo and then you both chain-smoked cigarettes and wondered what a glass eye feels like - alright. Maybe five pebbles.
But...actually saying it?
Stones. Big, ugly stones. The kind that fall on cars.
No wonder you got shit-faced.
“Javvvvvvvi,” you sang through his door. You pounded out the melody that only made sense in your head. “Heyyyyy,”
You hear footsteps approaching from the other side and you stand up straight, ready to drunkenly seduce him with your pose when the door swings open and-
“Can I help you?” She asks, annoyed.
You take the woman in front of you in. She’s tall, with long honey blonde hair that falls across her shoulders. Her waist is bared under the halter top she wears, and you’re only a little jealous of the toned plane of her stomach and the long legs that stretch out from her short shorts.
“I...” you start.
“What are you doing? Get away from the door!” Javi appears from behind her, reaching out to take her arm and pull her back. His eyes fall on you, though, and he drops his hand.
“El- hey- I thought you were-?”
“I was...what uh,” you raise your hand to the woman. “What the fuck?”
“Who the fuck are you?” The woman hisses back. Javi reaches up and takes her arm, pulling her back gently.
“I told you not to answer the door-“
“No, I think I’ll leave-“ you toss your hands up. “Enjoy your night.”
“She’s not- it’s not like that-”
“OH PLEASE, I wasn’t born yester-“
The door behind you opens, and the two or you swivel you hear to see Steve enter holding two bags of food. He looks between you and Javier, then to the door.
“Hey,” he says finally.
You give him a pathetic wave. He waves back before turning to Javi.
“Is she-“
“Yeah,” Javier says. He points to his apartment “Could you actually-?”
“Yeah,” Steve nods a bit too quickly, moving behind him and disappearing into the apartment, closing the door behind him.
Javier turns back to you.
“She needs a place to stay before we move her. I was going to tell you when you got back.”
“Ohhhhhhh,” you draw out. You grimace, before looking back to him. “...Sorry.”
“You really think I’d do that?”
You open your mouth to answer before he cuts in again.
“Are you drunk?”
“I-“ you start before huffing. Fucking cop. “Yes! Of course I’m drunk! It’s tequila night! I even, kindly, I might add,” you reach in your bag and pull out the bottle you picked up on the way home. “Got some for you, too!”
“Who did you think she was?”
“Javi-“ you groan, squeezing your eyes shut. This wasn’t supposed to be your night. Tonight was supposed to be about getting drunk with your friends, then getting drunk with Javi, then having drunk sex on your couch loud enough the upstairs fish guy would have to bury his head in what you only assumed was a pile of rotting fish carcasses in his trash to drown out your moans.
Now it’s this.
You shake your head and nod to your door, beckoning him to follow. It’s tense, and he watches over your shoulder as your hands shake trying to pull the right key. Once you manage to unlock the door, you hurry inside and deposit your things on the table, before turning back and facing him.
You open your mouth to say something-
-and then shut it again. You sigh.
“You thought I was sleeping with her.”
You snap your head back up to see him, cross-armed in front of you. You shake your head.
“This isn’t fair, I’m drunk. You’re not.”
He walks over to the bag you threw on the couch and unscrews the bottle you brought home. He takes a swig, holding eye contact as he gulps a third of the small bottle down, all while you watch flabbergasted.
“Say it,” he says, screwing the cap back on.
“You’re going to be sick-“
“Well, it’s not like we’ve talked about it!” You snap. “We never- said! What we’re doing!” You drop your hands to your side and turn, walking to the kitchen and leaning forward onto the counter. Javi follows you up, eying you.
“You thought I was, though?”
“Yes! No? I don’t know!” You bring a hand to your face. “I don’t know. Maybe. I just got scared. I guess...I’ve been scared? Lisa thinks so, the bitch-“
“Scared of what? Me sleeping with someone else?”
“No! Not- necessarily-“
“You really think- Jesus, it’s like we never-“
“Hey, don’t!” You spin to face him. “Don’t turn this around on me. You never brought this up. We haven’t talked about this. We talked about everything else and are doing everything else like dinner dates and sweet sex and fucking movie nights but we haven’t...said anything! Saying things matters!”
He stares at you.
“I didn’t think it did! I thought I was fine with just...letting...ugh!” You bring the heels of your palms to your eyes. “I shouldn’t have done that last shot.”
“Eloise, what are you-“
“I’m not a coward!” You point at him. “I’m not! I’m just- it’s just-“
“No one said you were!”
“Lisa did!”
“Because I haven’t...Ugh! They really make strong drinks at that bar! Because I haven’t said-“
“Jesus Christ, WHAT.”
Ooh, you wish you could just fall apart and have him see what’s running through your mind right now. You feel the anger in your stomach bubble. He’s really annoyed with you for thinking the worst of him, and maybe he has a right, but you two haven’t talked about it. You had just assumed- assumed he felt the same way, assumed the little intimacies have built up in such a way that you had something real and concrete, and especially that you both weren’t fucking other people. But the second she opened the door it felt like your worst fear had come true: you were the idiot who had let their guard down first and got hurt, because they were too stupid to realize what this was, and you couldn’t even be mad. Because you hadn’t talked about it. Because he never technically said he was with you.
But now he’s looking like he’s feeling the exact same way, only he’s the idiot. He’s the idiot for confiding in you and crying on your tits and telling you all those fears and worries and believing you when you kissed his hands and told him you thought he was a good man. He’s worried that you’ve always seen him this way- as the guy who would cut and run and betray you, and maybe if you think that, then it’s true. Maybe he was kidding himself into thinking someone like you could believe in his goodness, after all he’s done.
Fuck, you may be drunk but it does make you insightful.
It may be too late though. Because he’s dropped his hands from his hips, tired of waiting for an explanation. He’s making towards the door, murmuring something about having to work and it all just seems like it’s slipping out of your fingers like you can see he’s building up the wall again and this time you’re not going to be able to tear it down-
“Javi,” you say, your voice strained. He stops and turns to you, and you know you only have a few seconds to do it. You try and form the words, but your tongue isn’t working and maybe Lisa was right, maybe you are a coward, but you have to try.
“I like taking care of you.” You say, pathetically, dropping your hands to your sides.
A beat passes. He brings his hands to his hips, waiting for a further explanation. You sigh and walk down to stand in front of him. “I like having you take care of me...and...I haven’t wanted to tell you, because I don’t want to scare you but maybe that’s just me ‘projecting’ or whatever Alessa said. She’s really annoying now that she’s doing that psychology class-“
“El.” He says, not without softness. You feel his fingers come under your chin, gesturing for you to look up at him.
This wasn’t the plan. This was supposed to be a hookup. Then a friendship. You don’t want to lose that.
But now he’s staring down at you like that, and your drunk brain is turning over itself as you think maybe that train has already left. Maybe it left a long fucking time ago, and the two of you have just been hanging onto the back, waiting for the other person to let go first.
But you don’t want to let go. You never really did. You were just waiting for him to give you a sign so you could make it look like you were jumping off together instead of you pathetically holding on as he disappears behind you.
But from the way his thumb traces your jaw and his other hand reaches forward to take your hand in his, you think maybe he’s been utilizing the same strategy, and he’s been just as scared as you.
Well, now you can either let go or try to pull yourself up.
Are you a coward or not?
He wets his lips before his eyes drop. He looks defeated. And at that moment you decide – fuck it.
Between the gymnastics and dragging your high parents to bed and all this fucking holding you’ve been doing inside of you, you’ve got strong enough arms.
Fuck it.
“El, I don’t-“
“I love you,” you say without thinking. “And yes I’m tequila drunk, but I don’t think that takes away from-“
You’re stopped as he leans forward and presses his lips to yours, cutting you off. You wrap your arms around the back of his neck, pulling him in closer and deepening the kiss. You feel him pulling at your top and you shimmy it off and over your head, tossing it to the side before dipping your hands down and unbuckling his belt as he unbuttons his shirt before you. You drop your hand down the front of his pants, jerking him softly as he moans into your mouth. You feel him guiding you to the couch, and when the back of your knees hit the arm you drop down and begin to pull his pants down for him as he rids himself of his shirt. You’re about to take him in your mouth when he pushes you down, your back hitting the cheap leather as he crawls over you, pulling your skirt up to your hips. He pauses.
“You always skip the underwear in girls' night?”
“Only when I’m coming back to you.”
That gets him, because a second later he’s between your legs, thrusting inside of you. You let out a cry and drop your head back, exposing your neck to him as he continues to pump into, his hands reaching behind and you and grabbing a fistful of your hair.
“Say it again,” he says.
“I don’t wear underwear-“
“No,” he growls, dropping his hand down between your legs to play with you. You let out another little cry.
“I love you,” you say. “I-I’ve loved you for a long time- ahhh!” The next thrust hits a little too well. “Ah, fuck, Javi- right there-“
“Keep going-“
“YOU keep going- fuck, has your dick gotten bigger?”
“El-“ he lets out a moan. Taking advantage of the moment, you slip out from under him and switch positions, pressing him back onto the couch and climbing atop of him. His hands settle on your hips as you ride him, pulling sounds from him that echo around your living room. When you cum he’s not long after, and the two of you collapse onto each other, breathing heavily as you come down with his hand holding the back of your neck.
“Hey,” he says finally. You lift your head and sit up, looking down at him. His eyes are glassy, and the look on his face makes you giggle.
“Are you drunk?”
“Yes,” he says. “But a wise woman once said that doesn’t take away from what I have to say.”
“She sounds smart, you should fuck her,” you say, moving to stand. He catches your wrist, pulling you back down onto his lap with a bounce.
“Give a girl a few minutes before round two-“
He cuts you off with a kiss. It’s slow and soft and you melt into it. The way you always melt into him.
When he pulls away, you chase after his grinning lips. He brings a hand to the side of your face, tracing his fingers down the side of your cheek.
“I love you, too.” He says. “I don’t know what that’s worth…but I do.”
You lean in, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck.
"Baby," you say "It's worth everything."
In the morning, you’ll have to contend with the knowing look Steve gives the two of you before asking “Good night?”, a joke that earns him a look from Javi and a deep blush and muttered apology from you. You’ll have to put up with the squeals from Maritza, Lisa, and Alessa when you tell them in the staff room during lunch. You’ll even get a look from your upstairs neighbor when you pass him and his fresh fish that next afternoon.  Most of all, you’ll have to consider what the fuck this means for you and Javi and this scary, exhilarating little life you’re leading.  
Right now, you’re naked and smoking a cigarette on the couch with the man you love who loves you back, and you’re both laughing, and that's more than enough.
taglist: @fuckoffbard
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lit-in-thy-heart · 3 years
the lullaby of your fingertips
Lancelot had been tired before. When travelling, there had been weeks where he’d survived on little more than two hours of sleep a night, but the adrenaline had always kept him going for longer than would have been healthy. Yet now, when he finally had a little bit of security and no longer had to fight to keep himself fed, the fatigue was heavy. Every movement of a limb was like lifting rocks and Lancelot wanted little more than to curl up in the bedsheets and doze off for eternity. Unfortunately for Lancelot, there was no time scheduled in the day for a rest.
He’d been awoken with Gwaine’s delicate method of jabbing him in the ribs, had murmured a thick morning greeting to Merlin before they had darted out to wake Arthur, and had not moved from bed until Gwaine had already dressed and had softly called his name. Barely being conscious, Lancelot had relied on his muscle memory to change and had left the breakfast on the table untouched. They’d made it down to the training ground, with Lancelot’s eyes threatening to close every few minutes, and Lancelot had taken one look at the axes Arthur had been expecting them to swing and had made the excuse of forgetting something before backtracking towards the castle.
Lancelot knew it was cowardly, knew it was weak, as he tucked himself up in the alcove of the window in his shared chambers, but he didn’t have the energy for anything except watching the world drift by through the glass. He’d stripped off his chainmail and drawn a blanket around his shoulders and, if he leaned his head against the window, then his eyes would close and he could finally sleep…
‘Lance?’ Slowly, ever so slowly, Lancelot turned his head. Merlin was in the doorway, one hand on the wood, and was looking at him with a worried expression. ‘Are you alright?’
It took less effort for Lancelot to nod his head than to speak. 
‘Are you sure?’ Merlin softly closed the door behind them and approached the window, fingers trailing down Lancelot’s cheek. ‘You look pale, love.’ Their thumb caught the shining shadows beneath his eyes, trying to make them dissipate with their touch. ‘And tired. Are you sick?’
Lancelot gave one shake of his head. He knew he should apologise for abandoning training, for failing to be grateful for the opportunity to fulfil his dream, but it had been too much. The stress of the previous few weeks, where Lancelot had felt that he’d had to prove his worth by throwing himself into every task Arthur had presented the knights with, and the lack of sleep that he’d forced himself to endure had finally caught up with him. Closing his eyes, he leaned into Merlin’s palm. 
‘Have you eaten anything today?’
Another shake of the head.
‘Did you eat anything yesterday?’
‘Two pieces of bread, a small chunk of cheese, and an apple,’ came a new voice. Gwaine had silently entered and was beginning to strip down, tying his hair back in a loose knot so it didn’t stick to his forehead. ‘Don’t think I haven’t noticed that you’ve barely been eating for the past fortnight,’ he added sharply as Lancelot opened his eyes.
Lancelot’s words were slow. ‘Just never feel hungry. Just want to sleep.’ He closed his eyes. ‘’M’sorry. Don’t know what’s wrong.’
Merlin was stroking his cheek again. ‘You’ve worn yourself out, sweetheart, that’s what you’ve done. But you need to eat. You need the energy.’
Mutely, Lancelot nodded. He felt Gwaine settle on the windowsill by his feet and moved them to settle on Gwaine’s thigh, but it was like he was moving through water. Merlin was still standing next to him. He knew he needed to eat, knew he needed the energy, but there was no hunger in him. It constantly felt like he’d already eaten a full meal and, after years of having the gnawing sensation in his stomach being a persistent reminder of his basic needs, it was unsurprising that he had neglected food. So, when Merlin summoned the untouched breakfast and pushed a piece of meat into his hand, Lancelot ate it. 
Every mouthful seemed to last a lifetime but, soon, he had finished it and took the next piece offered to him. Gwaine was rubbing his calf gently and, gradually, Lancelot felt his eyes open a little wider. He knew in half an hour the fatigue would settle again and he would be unable to fight the urge to close his eyes. And he was right; after a slice and a half of bread (Gwaine took the other half), Lancelot rested his head against the window and closed his eyes. 
Several moments passed before Gwaine’s hand left his leg and his arms wrapped around Lancelot’s body. Carefully, he drew the weary knight close to his chest and carried him to the bed, laying him down gently. Despite knowing that he’d regret his reliance on them when he woke, Lancelot caught Gwaine’s wrist weakly as the latter went to move away.
‘Stay,’ he whispered.
The brief silence hung heavier than any of Lancelot’s words. Then there was a subtle sinking of the mattress as Gwaine sat down, hand rubbing Lancelot’s back. ‘Alright, love, I’ll stay.’
A hand passed over Lancelot’s hair before a kiss was dropped on his temple and Lancelot could just make out the sentence shaped by Merlin’s concern. ‘You’ll find me when he wakes, won’t you?’
Gwaine’s voice was low. ‘Of course.’ A momentary sound of his lips meeting with Merlin’s broke up his response. ‘I’ll make sure he eats something when he does, too. Arthur—’
‘I can think of something to tell him. You should rest, too, flower. You deserve to.’
‘As do you.’
‘I can’t afford that luxury at the moment,’ Merlin quietly replied.
‘As soon as Lance is able to, we are tackling you to the ground and forcing you to sleep, I hope you know that.’
Merlin’s smile lingered in their voice like petrichor. ‘Alright. Just make sure that he doesn’t do anything too strenuous.’
‘Even if I wanted to,’ murmured Lancelot, finger twitching as a farewell. 
Two mouths caught his face. ‘Sleep, love, please,’ whispered Gwaine. ‘You’ll feel better soon.’
Lancelot had been wrong that morning. What he’d wanted had been more than curling up in the bedsheets and dozing for eternity. He’d wanted to do that, yes, but with the soft pressure of the hand of someone he loved enticing him into a dreamless sleep.
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bill-y · 3 years
Peeta Mellark x Reader
[ We all know who Katniss Everdeen is, but what if Primrose hadn’t been chosen but another boy from another unfortunate family? YOUR family. ]
Info: This is basically a reader insert and I’ve changed a few rules, not ground breaking though. The reader is a bit bland for now but I plan for his actions to be different. Because he has different moral grounds from Katniss and such. Would appreciate feedback! FEEL FREE TO POINT OUT TYPOS. GRAMMARLY SOMETIMES DOESN’T DO MY DYSLEXIC ASS JUSTICE
Part four: Click here, rooroorara shooty shooty vang vang
Part five: You're right here, silly!
Part six: Click here, war criminal of 1878!
Wattpad acc: L0calxDumbass
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The moment the anthem finished, we were taken into custody. It's not as if we were cuffed or anything; a group of Peacekeepers simply marched us through the front door of the Justice Building.
Each year, at least one of the tributes tries to escape; I've never seen one successfully do so.
Once inside, they put me in a room. It's the most prosperous place I've been to. With a thick carpet in the ground and a weird couch made of fabric, I've never seen before.
It was a strange texture, almost like the weird fuzzy stuff in deer's antlers. My father called them velvet; was this the same thing? If so, that's a bit gross.
Despite this, I still caressed the couch; it was oddly comforting. Almost like you're patting a nearly hairless kitten. It switched from smooth to rough each time I ran my hands through it.
Then I remembered that we only had an hour to say goodbye to our loved ones before leaving for the Capitol. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath in. I didn't want to cry at all; the cameras were trained on me. I'm sure the Capitol would eat my tears up.
The first people who came in were my mother and my brother. Kunal let out a sob as he ran towards me, practically throwing himself onto me. I hugged him, staying silent as he buried his face into my neck, afraid that if he let go, I would disappear.
But I needed to break it one way or another. "Mother," I called, my voice detached. Her green eyes met mine, her lips quivering. I gulped down my spit, taking another deep breath in. "Do you. . . Have any idea on how you'll support yourselves. . ?" I asked.
Her eyes landed on the thick, red carpet. "Not as of now," she answered grimly, "But Katniss' mother offered me some work at the apothecary,"
My arms around my brother tightened. Maybe Gale and Katniss could bring them some of the game as well, though I wouldn't count on it. Why would they help us when they have other things to worry about? It's not as if I could teach Nal how to hunt either. The boy's frightened by his own shadow.
All he's good for right now for picking flowers as much as I love him. A sigh escaped my lips, my chest falling slowly as the reality sunk in.
"Well, you must think of something," I told her, my brows furrowing. "I'm not going to come back; I won't be able to support you and—"
"No!" she barked, "No! You will come back, Y/n." she proclaimed, her eyes shaking. She clenched her, fists, "Swear that you will."
Bitterness rose within me. "Tell that to the Capitol, mother," I said coolly. "If I die, then I—." My words were cut short by the sobbing of my brother.
He sniffled, pulling away from my now wet neck. "You'll win, won't you?" he croaked, wiping his eyes with the sleeves of his reaping clothes.
I felt my heart stop; what was I supposed to say to him? "No, Nal. I will surely die, don't count on it,"  a lump formed in my throat.
My eyes landed on my mother, who gave a stern look.  It told me to lie, if not for her sake, then for my brother's. With shaky hands, I held my brother's shoulders. "I'll make it out; then we can— gather some flowers in Victor's village, yes?" 
Nal nodded, hugging me once more. I took a deep breath before I started explaining what they should do. With mother possibly getting a job at the apothecary, perhaps they have a  chance to survive, after all. Though I'm not sure, that's such a pleasant thought with the fact that I will die. 
Soon enough, a Peacekeeper was at the door, telling them their time was up. I gave Nal a hard squeeze before pushing him off. My mother nodded at me; her strawberry blonde hair bounced as she did so. "I love you both," 
The words were stuck in my throat; I couldn't say them. Maybe it was because of my strained relationship with my mother or because I hated the fact that I had just given my brother a false sense of hope. I simply watched as they walked away, hand in hand. 
Nal's watery blue eyes looked back at me one last time, a look of sadness. He knew I was lying. I sounded unconvinced when I told him. My posture slumped; I felt horrible. Our maker is siis merely, I suppose.
The next visitor was unexpected; Peeta's father, the baker. My gut churned; I was off to kill his son soon. Why has he come to visit me? Perhaps he has come to beg me not to kill his son? Not that I could either way, Peeta was stronger than me: it was clear as day.
He handed me a small piece of parchment. It was filled with warm cookies. A delicacy. He must've visited his son; after all, why would he just me cookies? I was about to die anyway; why feed a dead man?
I let out a huge breath, "How was the squirrel?" my voice pierced through the thick silence. He shrugged, "Alright," he answered. Then another wave of silence hit us. I sniffed awkwardly, the scent of fresh bread entering my lungs. 
I couldn't think of anything to say. What was I supposed to do? ApoloApologisebe, but I never really liked apoloapologisingee no need to. If I'm sorry, then I'll show it. We sat in awkward silence before the Peacekeepers told him his time was up. He stood up, clearing his throat.
"I'll keep an eye on the little boy, make sure he's eating," He stated before leaving. I felt the pressure lift from my chest. They may not like me much, but Nal was practically an angel to them. An angel born in a family of rebels, I'm guessing, is their thoughts.
The next guest then entered. Madge. Her expression wasn't weepy nor evasive, nor did she wear that bright smile she always had when she was around me. It looked urgent. She walked straight to me, the urgency in her tone quite surprising, "They let you wear one thing from your district in the arena. One thing to remind you of home, will you wear this?" she holds out a circular gold pin that was on her dress earlier.
My brows furrowed, "Your pin?' I said. Does she really to die wearing rich-people-things? That hasn't even crossed my mind. . . 
"I'll put it on your tunic, alright?" She said, not waiting for my answer as she leaned in and fixed the bird on my chest. "Promise me you'll wear it to the arena, Y/n. Promise me," She took my hand, her thumbs rubbing the back of my own.
Compared to Peeta's, hers was cold yet soft, almost as if she was nervous, worried. But why would she? I barely talk to her; she's the one who always strikes a conversation. All I do is nod and disagree at certain times. 
She leaned closer to my face; I gave her an uncertain smile, pulling away. "Thank you, Madge," I muttered. She nodded, letting go of my hands. "Please, stay safe," her voice trembled as she rushed out of the room. I was left standing there, confused. What was that? Why did she visit me despite my rudeness earlier?
Next was Gale and Katniss. I didn't hesitate to hug both of them before pulling away with a sigh. "Hey, you'll be fine," Gale reassured, patting my shoulder. I stayed silent, only nodding. Katniss gave me a pity smile, "I'm sure it would be fairly easy to get knives, Y/n."
A sigh left my mouth, "I know— I just— Don't want to—" I stammered, making a stabbing motion with my hand. Gale gave me a pitied look, "It's just like hunting, Y/n. You're the best hunter we know," he said.
"They're not animals. They think; they're armed."  I reasoned, my voice trembling. Why did I have to feel these emotions now? Maybe reality has finally settled in, the truth that I'll never see any of these faces again. On the off chance that I do, I'm sure they'll view me differently, a cold-blooded murderer.
"What's the difference, reale said grimly. Those words echoed in my head as they went away with the Peacekeepers. What is the difference? We're all just feral dogs forced to fight or cocks pit against each other.
I took a deep breath as I got called to ride a wagon to the train station. It was a relatively short ride. We never really had the luxury of these; we always had to travel by foot.  
I silently thanked myself for not crying; there were insect-like cameras trained onto my face. Thankfully, I knew how to act, to bite my tongue. If I hadn't, I'd probably be screaming profanities. My eyes glanced onto the television screen; I look bored. Which, I surprisingly was.
It was as if my spirit left me already.
Peeta Mellark, on the other hand, had obviously been crying. However, he didn't even try to hide it, which was quite odd. Was this his strategy? To appear weak and vulnerable to assure the other tributes that he was no threat? This worked for a girl from district 7. Johanna Mason.
She seemed frightened, a cowardly fool that no one bothered about her until only a handful left. She then killed them all, with no problem whatsoever. I remember watching this game, quite shocked. She sold her act to me, but then again, maybe I'm just oblivious.
This worked for her because she looked frail, weak. Peeta applying this strategy was quite odd. Not only did he not look soft, but he was also jacked. He just looked like a big doofus. All those years having bread to eat and hauling trays made him physically capable.
Annoyance rose through me when we had to stand by the train's entrance while cameras gobbled out images up. I was sure I no longer looked bored but rather pissed. It wasn't like I was about to put on a pretty smile for them. These jester-dressed-worms should know how I feel.
Finally, we boarded, and the train began to move at once. The speed took my breath away. It was going faster than I could ever think of. The scenery around us just blurred—a mix of the neutral colour palette that made up District 12. 
We were taught about coal in school. Some basic maths and reading before it circled back to coal again. Our district was used for coal mining, even hundreds of years ago.
Then there are the weekly lectures about the history of Panem, which never fails to annoy me. It's all blather about how we owe the Capitol because of the rebellion and whatnot.
I knew they're hiding something; we couldn't have lost that easily. I always think about this whenever I'm up in the trees, daydreaming, which is why I'm always the last one to arrive at the hill.
The tribute train was much fancier than the room at the Justice building. We were given our own rooms, a dressing area and private bathroom with cold and hot running water. We've never really had hot water readily available at home; we had to boil it.
Though I can't say, I like it, with all that effort I just end up not liking the bath. I much prefer the cold, flowing current of a river.
There are drawers filled with fine clothes, and Effie Trinket told me to do anything I want, wear anything I want, everything is at my disposal. Just be ready for supper in an hour. I peel off my father’s tunic and take a cold shower. I’ve never had a shower before. It’s like being in the rain, inky much tamer. I dress in a dark green shirt and pants, trying my hair to the usual, small pa
At the last minute, I remember Madge’s little gold pin. For the first time, I get a good look at it. It’s as if someone fashioned a small golden bird and then attached a ring around it. The bird is connected to the ring only by its wingtips. I suddenly recognise it—a Mockingjay.
Funny little birds, my favourite creature in the forests, that's for sure. These were a slap to the Capitol's face. They genetically altered animals as weapons. Muttations as we call them, or Mutts for short. One particular kind was a bird they labelled Jabberjay, able to memorise and repeat whole human conversations.
Homing birds, exclusively male that were released into regions where the Capitol’s enemies were known to be hiding. After the birds gathered words, they’d fly back to centres to be recorded. It took people a while to realise what was going on in the districts, how private conversations were being transmitted. Then, of course, the rebels fed the Capitol endless lies, and the joke was on it. So the centres were shut down, and the birds were abandoned to die off in the wild.
But they didn't die; instead, they mated with the female mocking birds and produced this weird species that can replicate both bird whistles and human melodies. They've lost the ability to enunciated words but could still mimic a range of human vocal cords.
My father used to sing them a lot. I guess he passed that habit down to me. Whenever I'm not doing anything, I find myself singing to the hummingbirds, who surprisingly listen and replicate my Father's song. It was a simple melody, made of 10 notes at least.
It warmed by heart, especially at times where I miss him. I smiled, fastening the pin to my shirt, the dark green as its background.
Effie came to collect me. I followed her through a narrow, rocking corridor into a dining room. There's a table where all the dishes are highly breakable. There waiting for us was Peeta Mellark, the chair beside him empty.
"Where's Haymitch?" Asked Effie Trinket brightly.
"Last time I saw him he said he was going to take a nap," said Peeta. "Well, it’s been an exhausting day," said Effie Trinket. I think she’s relieved by Haymitch’s absence, and who can blame her?
Food came in courses. Though I barely touched the carrot soup, the chocolate cake, lamb chops nor the mashed potatoes. I wasn't going to eat this, not from the Capitol.
My jaw clenched as Effie told me to eat up, smiling brightly at me. I gave her a pained smile, slowly taking a bite of the lamb on my plate before swallowing it roughly.
A swirl of guilt formed in my stomach, was I eating really this luxurious food whilst Nal and mother struggle? I sighed, digging my nails into my palms.
Peeta looked at me oddly as he stuffed his face, he nudged my side and nodded towards the food. I simply shook my head, pushing the plate away.
Effie put her lips together at my stubbornness. She was muttering something about having no manners.
We go to another compartment to watch the recap of the reapings across Panem. They try to stagger them throughout the day so a person could conceivably watch the whole thing live, but only people in the Capitol could really do that since none of them has to attend reapings themselves.
One by one, we see the other reapings, the names called, the volunteers stepping forward or, more often, not. We examine the faces of the kids who will be in our competition. A few stand out in my mind.
A monstrous boy who lunges forward to volunteer from District 2. A fox-faced girl with sleek red hair from District 5. A boy with a crippled foot from District 10. And most hauntingly, a twelve-year-old girl from District 11. She has dark brown skin and eyes, but other than that, she’s very like Nal in size and demeanour. Only when she mounts the stage and task for volunteers, all you can hear is the wind whistling through the decrepit buildings around her. There’s no one willing to take her place.
Last of all, District twelve. It showed Nal getting called and me volunteering. The commentators weren't sure about what to say regarding the silence. I only smirked at this, crossing my legs in amusement. Just in time, Haymitch fell from the stage, earning a comical groan from the commentators.
Peeta silently took his place on the stage; we shook hands and then just cut to the anthem.
Effie Trinket is disgruntled about the state her wig was in. "Your mentor has a lot to learn about presentation. A lot about televised behaviour."
Unexpectedly, Peeta laughed. "He was drunk." He said. "He's drunk every year."
"Everyday," I added, finally breaking my silence streak with a smirk. Effie makes it sound kike Haymitch just had rough manners that could easily be dealt with.
"Yes," She hissed "How odd you two find it amusing. You know your mentor is your lifeline to the world in these Games. The one who advises you lines up your sponsors, and dictates the presentation of any gifts. Haymitch can well be the difference between your life and your death!"
Just then, Haymitch staggers into the compartment. "I miss supper?" he slurred. Then he vomits all over the expensive carpet and falls in a mess.
"So laugh away!" said Effie Trinket. And so I did, I barked out mocking laughter as she hopped in her pointy shoes around the pool of vomit and fled the room.
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Word count: 2974
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justcallmenikki7 · 4 years
BTS Reaction To: Drunk Mafia BTS
Summary: your mafia boyfriend gets drunk and shows a different side to them.
Warnings: hurt/comfort, angst, crack, alcohol consumption, mean!Namjoon, crying!Jungkook, mentions of sexual undertones, cute but annoying drunk Hoseok, mafia!au (but not really mentioned mafia), emotional Yoongi who needs readers love and reassurance, cute Jimin.
W.C.: 2.4k
Request: hi!! can you do a drunk bts mafia reaction?
Notes: Like I’ve said before, I love Mafia requests.
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You knew that you should not have left Jin alone with his brothers for thirty minutes.
You knew that leaving his side so you can go and talk to Jisoo about girl stuff, leaving Jin unattended with his brothers, especially the maknae when there is alcohol involved was a no-go. But you did it anyways, so now you are here – dealing with a flirty Jin who has one too many drinks in his system.
“You’re so pretty,” Seokjin cooed, body weight leaning into yours as you walked him to the car. “But!” He announced loudly, shocking you. “I haves a girlfriend, ACTUALLY! A fiancée. So, my compliments need to stop. I-It’s just that you look so much like her, that it is uncanny.” He rambled. “You even have the same, comfy, soft boobs! Are you her doppelganger?” Seokjin asked with a curious voice – a voice that does not suit his mafia boss persona.
Laughing at his question, “No, Jinnie, I’m Y/N. The actual her.” Mouth dropping wide in astonishment, “No way! Baby!” He yelled, flying into you, sending the both of you to the ground. But even in his drunken state, his reflexes still worked, and he turned you guys around to where he took the beating of the ground while you fell onto his chest. “Ooo, I like this position,” he said cheekily, smiling up at you.
“Of course, you do, you drunk.” You chuckled, “Now, get up. We need to get your drunk ass home.”
The sound of breaking glass was what caught your attention from the book you were reading. Closing the book, you put it aside to see if the sound would repeat again, which it did. The breaking glass was coming from above you, which is where your boyfriend’s office was. Standing up, you quietly, but quickly, made your way up the stairs, slowly hearing the curses and angry words coming from your boyfriends’ mouth. Once you got to the office door, you quietly knocked on the door, silencing all of the commotion on the other side of the door.
The door opened, showing the distressed man in front of you. Trying to hide his tears, he turned around and made his way over to his desk, silently telling you that you can come in.
“Yoongi, what’s wrong?” You asked softly, walking up behind him, putting a few feet between you guys.
“Nothing. Why do you ask?” He replied, being short with you.
Spotting the bottle of whisky on his desk, you connected the dots that he is stressed since whisky is his escape drink.
“Well,” you started off, “There’s broken glass on the floor from you throwing it, whisky on the desk, and you’re obviously crying. So, something is wrong.”
“Wow, why would you ask me since you apparently know what’s going on.” He snapped, turning around to look at you, eyes blank.
Taking a few steps back, you coiled in on yourself by his harshness. Realizing that he wants you to leave him alone, you respected his wishes. “I’ll leave you alone then. I just wanted to check up on you.” You bowed, turning around and leaving.
Before you could walk out the door, you felt a soft grip on your arm, pulling you back.
“Please don’t leave.” Yoongi asked, voice raspy. “I don’t want to be alone right now.”
Not saying anything, you pulled your boyfriend into a hug. Your actions caused your boyfriend to breakdown, shocking you at the sight. The most dangerous man in the underworld, the one who scares the law itself, was falling apart in your arms for a reason you do not know.
“And a BOOP!”
Trying to stay calm, you watched the finger – for the twentieth time – come in contact with your nose. Your eyebrow twitched from irritation. Surprisingly you were keeping your composure really well. You were not blowing up on your boyfriend yet.
But the thing that you do not get is how the man who can kill a person with a smile on his face, not even flinching, can act so childish and love messing with your nose whenever he is drunk.
It is like trying to figure out how many licks it takes to get to the tootsie roll.
“Your nose is so cute!” Hoseok squealed, face moving close to you, breaking your personal bubble boundary, “It has a little arch to it!” He added, a squeal evident in his tone.
That was a new one, you concluded.
“Can I run my finger over your nose?” He asked, voice innocent.
Releasing a sigh, a sigh that seemed to be very offensive that Hoseok took to heart. “Are you mad at me?” He sniffled, looking away to hide his face.
“No, Hobi.” You reassured softly, “I’m just getting a little irritated, but I am not mad at you, I promise.”
Sniffles growing louder, you realized that you messed up.
Before you could say anything else, your body was met with the couch while your boyfriends body was thrown on top of yours. ‘I’m sorries’ were spewing out of his mouth rapidly, body shaking from the sobs racking over his body.
“Yes! You can run your finger over my nose.” You said, hoping it will calm him down.
As if a light switch was turned off, your boyfriend immediately stopped crying, a huge smile gracing his face. “Yay! Thank you!” His finger running over your nose, face morphed into a concentrated look.
When you walked into your home, your sense of smell was met with alcohol – mainly whiskey and cigars.
“Oh no,” you whispered to yourself, preparing yourself for what was possibly going to happen.
Namjoon is drunk by now, and this only happens when he is overly stressed, or in need of an outlet for his anger. So, a drunk Namjoon equals an angry drunk Namjoon. You have only seen this side of him just once, and it was not pretty.
You did not speak to Namjoon for a week because of it.
He promised you he would not seek comfort from alcohol ever again – but he broke his promise.
Walking into the living room, you found your boyfriend sitting in the single sofa chair, the top three buttons of his dress shirt undone, showing the caramel skin of his chest. But his beautiful sight was ruined when you saw the whiskey bottle sitting on the side table with the cigar on the ash tray, and a glass of whiskey in his ring clad hand.
“I am surprised you have not started yelling yet,” Namjoon mocked, interrupting your train of thought. “Last time I drank, you freaked out on me.”
Taken aback by his words, “I didn’t freak out on you? Plus, I am not going to now. I am curious on why you are drinking, whiskey especially.”
“Oh, so am I not allowed to drink certain alcoholic drinks?” He asked, sarcasm and mockery laced in his words. “Wow, you’re more controlling than I thought.”
You could feel your heart break at his words, eyes stinging from the tears that are wanting to spill. “Wow. Um, okay.” You said, not knowing what words to use. You were beating yourself up mentally from how weak you are and your inability to stand up for yourself. So, choosing the cowardly way out, you turned around and made your way to the guess room that was in your house, locking the door and hiding yourself in there.
Sitting at the booth in the bar, you listened to your best friend Yoonji vent about her and Namjoon’s relationship.
Tonight, was club night with the boys.
Having a boyfriend who is a mafia boss that owns his own private club was awesome, especially during parties. Not having to pay and wait in line was awesome, drinks and food was free, and the best of all – sitting in the VIP section away from the drunk people.
“I just wish that he would make more time for me,” Yoonji stressed, eyes tearing up. “I feel so alone sometimes…” She trailed off, taking a gulp from his glass.
A frown was on your face, watching your friend cry was one of the worst things ever. Before you could add your opinion in, you felt a body that was all too familiar fall on top of you. A pair of lips attached theirs to yours, shocking you from the abruptness.
“My Love!” Your boyfriend announced, a drunken grin of his face, cheeks tinted red from the alcohol he has been drinking. “I have missed you so MUCH!” He stated, lips now turned downwards.
“I’ve missed you too, Jiminie.” You replied back, honesty laced in your words. “But, I’m talking with Yoonji here,” you motioned towards your friend, your boyfriends head whipping around quickly to look at her.
“Ooops! I’m sorry Yoonji!” He apologized truthfully, head turning back towards you. “Is it okay if I lay my head on your lap while you talk with Yoonji? My head hurts, and I PROMISE! I won’t speak of anything that you guys say to Namjoon!” He promised, sticking his pinky in the air towards you.
“Wait, what?” Yoonji asked in shock. “How do you know we are talking about Namjoon?”
“Cause silly! You just admitted to it,” Jimin giggled, already making himself comfortable on your lap. “Plus, the both of you came in upset, so it’s kinda obvious that you two are arguing.”
And that was the last thing your boyfriend said before he was lulled into a deep sleep.
Looking up at Yoonji, you gave her an apologetic smile. “Jimin’s extra blunt when he’s drunk?”
As you conversed with your boyfriend’s gang members girlfriends, you could feel the heavy stare on your back from your boyfriend. You knew that you looked hot – thanks to the constant compliments and love that your boyfriend gives you everyday has helped with your self love. Wearing a sexy, but appropriate dress to the ball that was thrown by an ally mafia gang was a good idea because it was messing with your boyfriend. You knew the little things that riled up your boyfriend of three years – and this dress was one of them; especially when he had alcohol in his system.
“Um, Y/N?” Madison, Jungkook’s girlfriend of seven months spoke, catching your attention.  
“Taehyung is I think glaring at you,” She said nervously.
Smiling at her innocence, “Oh, is he?” You asked, turning around to look at your boyfriend who just finished downing his glass of wine. When the two of you made eye contact you gave him a gentle smile and he winked at you. You could see that he has had a lot to drink due to the flush of his cheek and aura that he was giving off.
“He literally has been undressing you with his eyes all night.” Suri commented, bringing a blush to your cheeks from her bluntness.
“And you are right,” Taehyung admitted, surprising you from his sudden appearance. His strong arms wrapped around you, pulling you into his chest, head ducking down to nuzzle into your neck. His breath smelt like alcohol and cigarettes as he pressed kisses to you neck. “You’ve looked so beautiful all night that I got turned on.”
“You’ve smoked a cigarette?!” You yelled, shocking the girls and Taehyung.
“What? No, baby—”
“Do not ‘baby’ me,” your voice came out deadly. “You told me you quit!” You accused, glaring at your boyfriend who looked scare, something that you will later laugh at since he is the biggest mafia boss in the world.
“I did. I just had two with Jackson and Namjoon!”
Not wanting to make a bigger scene, you walked away with a nervous and apologetic Taehyung.
“He’s totally not getting anything tonight,” Suri chuckled into his cup of wine.
“$20 he is,” Jisoo, Jimin’s friend had bet.
“You’re so on.”
“Ugh, another fucking voicemail,” Jungkook grumbled drunkenly. “Y/N, this is my hundredth voicemail, when will you answer? Please answer. I’m sorry that I snapped and scared you. I know that I acted out irrationally during the argument. You’re right, I am childish and short tempered, but that doesn’t give me the excuse to say what I said and act how I acted. Wait? Did I say that right? hopefully because I want to make this right with you. I love you, Y/N, and I know that I have a suckish way of showing it, but I do. You’re the light in the darkness that I live in. never would I have thought of meeting you, meeting love in this Mafia world. I just want, need, you back, baby. Please come back to me,” Jungkook stopped, the sobs taking over him. The scary realization of losing you might be coming true. “Please give me one more chance to make this right.”
And with that, he hung up.
On the other side of the city, you listened to the voicemail that Jungkook had sent to you, tears streaming down your face and blurring your vision, your mind already being made up. Putting on a bra and shoes, you grabbed your purse and made your way to Jungkook’s mansion. When you pulled up, you were met with Phil and Leo at the gate. The two guards gave you smile, relief filling their eyes.
Walking into the mansion, you were met with a disastrous living room that had glass and frames on the carpet. A sigh escaped your lips as you realized that you had of fixing up to do.
“I am this drunk that I am imagining you standing right in front of me?” Jungkook asked, scaring your soul out of your body it felt like.
“It’s actually me, Kook.” You giggled, eyes tearing up at the relieved look in Jungkook’s eyes.
One minute his was on the stairs and the next he was squeezing you into his chest.
“You’re back,” he croaked. “Thank God, you’re back to me.”
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linalove4561 · 3 years
okay so basically this is me being an actual conspiracy theorist but I've been hyperfixating on Adam god damn Stanheight for about eight months now and I have some god damn theories about his own game , why he lost , and how he was a vital part of Lawrence's game.
{ Disclaimer , idk what the saw fandom has come up with since 2004 , if Leigh whannell himself said the exact shit from his lips I am not aware and I'm just like rambling }
honestly don't read this if you're not as obsessive as i am because this is about to be long as fuck.
OKAY !!!!!!!!
Let me start this with the main key points of both their tapes, in reference to Adam and Adam alone.
Adam's tape explained his reason for being tested was not just for his seedy job. But for being angry and not ever acting for himself.
If you're angry enough to have it mentioned in your Jigsaw tape, you're too angry for life.
Specifically in Lawrence's tape is the fact that all it fucking said was to kill Adam.
That's where all of my arguments will come from.
We have seen trap victims who themselves were not being tested. We've seen a million of them.
We also know Adam was technically given a key, despite how odd and impossible it seemed for Adam to actually keep it from going down that drain.
He was still supposed to have a way out after the test had ended.
And lets go ahead and say that the key was always supposed to be drained, that entire idea of him being a person used as leverage for Lawrence before he's set free is bullshit, that's fine !!!
Because despite the end of the trap, Adam had very clearly been given his reasons for being tested. He knew Lawrence was meant to kill him.
Adam was told he was a voyeur. He sat back and watched life happen around him, never actively participating. Detached and observing others and implementing him into reality, but never directly.
Adam was told to take control of his own fate.
Adam has everything on his side of the bathroom needed for Lawrence to actively succeed with the help of hints.
He was the only one who could reach the tape player. The saws and photos were on his side.
Lawrence has his wallet and the words on the back of that picture. Should Adam never give Lawrence a thing, all he would have was X marks the spot.
That box. And Adam would know at that point that Lawrence was supposed to kill him had he let Lawrence's tape be played.
He would know better to take anything from that man. To stay alive.
Adam, instead, continued to go through the motions. He let Lawrence figure out where the saws were. He let Lawrence have one of those fucking saws. He let Lawrence know about the X and the lights. He let Lawrence know fucking everything and anything he could to be sure Lawrence had the mentality to get them both out of there.
{ can i add here adam listened to everything lawrence said, about getting the tape player, about giving him a saw, about playing his little acting game I didn't know where else to fit this in but it's part of the argument that Adam didn't do shit for himself }
Sitting back. A third party. Waitng for his trap partner to put pieces together for him, and giving him every God damn piece of the puzzle when they hit a dead end.
The picture of Ali and Diana. Revealing himself and who he was. Giving Lawrence any knowledge he needed if it meant LAWRENCE could move forward with him following behind. Always one step behind
Trusting the man who is meant to kill him to instead take charge of his very life that had been placed in Lawrence's hands -- to save him. Not for him to save himself.
Watching and interacting indirectly or not at all when given the chance to be a sardonic and unhelpful asshole.
So that's the first thing, y'know ?
He was told to take control and save his life, not to watch himself die. And he did just that. He watched Lawrence Gordon saw himself away to a gun, and gave and watched Lawrence Gordon do so of his own free will.
He gave Lawrence the tools to succeed out of a cowardly, dependant nature. Never in his own life. Always in someone else's. Living off of others and exploiting them.
He did the exact opposite of what he was directed towards.
Like I said, the fact that Adam's fucking anger had to be pointed out in a FUCKING JIGSAW TAPE.
That means it's bad. Adam has said it in the trap himself about his girlfriend leaving him for it.
And he didn't even have to say it. He spent half the trap screaming at Lawrence. If he wasn't screaming, he was throwing saws, breaking glass, and threatening to cut Lawrence.
Screaming at an unknown figure.
Screaming at his frustrations. Every fucking thing he says is harsh and biting until he silently resigns himself to this shit.
He never wasn't angry. He never was taking charge.
I honestly fucking believe with all my heart had Adam done what he should have, what was asked of Jigsaw. And it really wasn't much. It was urging him to calm down. To take in his situation. His tools. And to get himself out. Lawrence be damned to Hell.
He had the tools. He had a saw. He had the ability to do an Eric Matthews. He had six fucking hours to get his shit together. To get himself out. To save his own life.
The only thing he actively did to move towards his freedom that wasn't on Lawrence's shoulders was kill Zep.
And saying all that he heard that fucking tape and then did
And you're all like , well what the fuck then if Adam wasn't killed by Lawrence and Lawrence didn't kill Adam, the fuck does Lawrence get to live for?
You know why he gets to live?
Despite the time limit being up, Lawrence showed his desire to live. Lawrence did something unthinkable to save and get to different human lives. Lawrence cauterized his own fucking amputated foot.
John had plans for Lawrence as soon as he took him into his trap, and none of us can deny that fact. So long as he won the game.
He didn't quite so much win, but he did do what Jigsaw always wants.
Someone to prove their desire and willingness to do anything to live or to save anyone else.
And y'know what Adam was?
Adam was a fucking key for Lawrence.
Adam had his ways to win that trap without that key.
And he chose to remain a screaming, closed off asshole who relied on someone else to get him help after watching them do anything that needed to be done in that trap.
That is Adam's game over.
Not the key.
His way of handling that trap.
{ Added ; There is no fucking scenario where they both live. Either Lawrence leaves Adam to rot, or Adam leaves him to rot. If Lawrence Gordon lives, there is no reality in which Adam would be free. }
~ feel free to talk and discuss because this is just my interpretation and I wanted to share ~
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Go Before Me & Stand Behind
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OC coaxes Thranduil to allow her to fight in a battle, but is injured and the healer accidentally reveals she is pregnant.
OC(s) Used:  Enyalie
Word Count:  1,727
Translations are at the bottom
"Melleth nin, I don't care what you say or do, you are absolutely not coming with me and Legolas to battle.  It's too dangerous for an elleth."  Thranduil said, standing in front of me as I scowled up at him, dressed in my armor.
"Thranduil, I am coming with you.  Nothing you say will make me change my mind."  I said stubbornly, crossing my arms across my chest and lifting my chin defiantly.
Thranduil sighed, his icy blue eyes sliding away from me as he struggled to maintain his composure.  "You ARE NOT GOING!  If I have to chain you up in the dungeons, I will."  He hissed, his tone of voice turning harsh.
I bit my lip, trying to keep the triumphant smile that tugged on my lips at bay.  I still had an ace up my sleeve.
Dropping the stubborn act, I reached out my arms for Thranduil and he promptly enfolded me a gentle hug, his chin resting on my head.
I snuggled myself against his chest.  "Goheno nin, Melleth nin.  I'm just scared about the battle.  What if they storm the castle?  Then I will be here alone without you."  I whimpered 'fearfully', and Thranduil's grip tightened slightly.
"I wouldn't leave you alone.  I will have guards assigned to you."   He whispered comfortingly against my hair.  I smiled to myself as he was acting according to plan.
"I know, but I'd feel safer with you, El nin."  I whispered, pulling away slightly, my hands gliding down his arms as he kept them around me.
The moment I saw his gaze flicker to my lips, I knew he was mine.  "Muin nin, I will consent as long as you do exactly as I say, alright?"  He said gently, leaning in to softly kiss me.
After a long moment, I pulled away from Thranduil, gently running my fingers through his silky white hair before wriggling out of his grip.  "Let's go get those hu ugauns."  I said, making Thranduil smile.
"You are always so creative in your word choices Muin nin hervess..."  He chuckled as he followed me out of the room.
Le time skip~~~
Once we were finally, finally on the field of battle, I realized just how much I hated it.  Hated all the blood and guts flying everywhere, and the agonized screams of wounded Elves.
But I continued onwards.  Thranduil rode before me on his elk, and Legolas behind on his silver mare.  I myself rode a pure white doe of massive proportions, the mate of Thranduil's elk.
Thranduil kept glancing back at me, unable to keep his full attention on the coming battle.  I urged my doe to walk faster until I was riding beside Thranduil.
"Melleth nin, I will be fine.  You trained me yourself, remember?  Now, just focus on the battle."  I said, reaching out and grabbing his hand, squeezing gently.
Thranduil gazed silently at me for a moment, reading my expression.  Then he nodded, dropping my hand as he drove his elk forward, a harsh battle cry emerging from his throat as he kicked his elk into a gallop.  The rest of the army followed close behind, obeying his shouted instructions.
Legolas sped along beside me, not wanting to leave me or disobey his father's order of protecting me.  
I watched as Thranduil arranged the army, calling last minute commands before taking his place on the front lines.  
As the opposing army appeared, Thranduil again called the battle cry, making me wince at the harsh tones his voice took on.
"Si ath thur!"
The armored Elves tensed, waiting for the final command that would prompt them to launch themselves at the enemy.
Within seconds, Thranduil called for the army to advance, to attack.  The wall of Elves rushed forward, some setting up a wall of shield, their lances sticking out about it.  Others continued forward, swords drawn to engage the enemy in hand-to-hand combat.
Metal shrieked across metal the two armies met.  The cries of the wounded and dying again filled the air, causing me to frown.
Legolas paced his horse beside me.  I sent a glance towards him, noting his longing expression.  "Go ahead, ion nin.  I will be fine."  I said to him, motioning towards the fierce battle.
Legolas looked at me incredulously.  "Naneth, I can't leave you, Adar said--"  But I cut him off with a raised finger.
"Legolas, I am perfectly capable of defending myself if it comes to that.  Which it won't."  I said.  "If your Adar says anything, tell him I sent you away.  My fault, not yours."
Legolas looked apprehensive, but swiftly rode away into the fray, leaving me behind.  
Once he had disappeared from sight, (an easy thing to do in the mass of bodies), I breathed a sigh of relief.  It was just a bit stifling to have Legolas pacing beside me, casting those longing looks towards the battle.
After taking a quick glance around me, double-checking that both my husband and son were both not paying attention to me, I dismounted and drew my sword.  It had been given to me by Thranduil as a courting gift.
There were words inscribed on the hilt.  'Hin gelair lin orthernir 'uren'.  There was a special meaning behind them.  Thranduil always said that the moment my eyes had met his that first time we'd met, he'd been mine.  
A whispered command of 'stay' had my doe standing stock-still as I darted into the battle.  It did not take me long to realize battles were definitely NOT my favourite.  It was almost all I could do to just stand my ground.
Somehow, I gained only minor injuries, but each one stung just a little more than the last, sapping my endurance and strength.
I gasped for breath, watching the army retreat.  We'd won the battle, and hopefully wouldn't need to do anything more to ensure the peace of Mirkwood.
I limped back to my doe and mounted her with some difficulty owing to my injuries.  Also, my pants had been sliced by a particularly nasty brute and threatened to fall at any given moment.
Finally settling myself in the saddle, I sat sedately on the doe, waiting until Thranduil returned to my side.  I could only imagine what he would say at my tale-telling appearance.  Maybe he would believe it if I told him that a few soldiers had come after me...
But one look at him as he approached told me that it wouldn't the case.  He was going to launch into a full-on lecture.
I listened quietly, feeling a bit sheepish.  I knew he would rant for awhile, finding someway to make me feel horrible for even daring to step off my doe.
Then I started feeling nauseous.  VERY nauseous.  My hand fluttered to my mouth and I vaguely heard Thranduil fall silent.
"Melleth nin?  Are you alright?  You've gone pale...  Mela!"  Thranduil cried as I rocked forward.  He jumped off his elk just in time to catch and lower me to the ground.  
A puddle of vomit quickly appeared at my feet as my stomach clenched and heaved.  Thranduil held my hair back, murmuring gently as I gagged up more partially digested food.
"Melleth nin?"  Thranduil cooed once I'd finally rid myself of my stomach's contents.
I didn't bother to answer due to the dizziness that overwhelmed me.  Slowly, everything faded to black, Thranduil's panicked voice still echoing through my head.
Loud voices and a bitter herbal smell assaulted my senses.  A groan escaped my lips at the disturbance.  I was aware enough to realize that I was being carried in someone's arms, tucked close against their chest.  Thranduil's chest.
But once my groan pierced the air, the voices fell silent, and hot breath warmed my skin as Thranduil gently nuzzled my neck.
He resumed talking, this time in a softer voice so as not to disturb me before placing me gently on a soft bed.
"Muin nin...  How are you feeling?"  Thranduil murmured, his face slowly coming into focus as I blinked.  Another face came into view beside him, one of a Healer's.
"Excuse me Hir nin.  I must examine your wife, Hiril nin."  She said, nodding to the both of us.  
Thranduil quickly stepped aside, letting the Healer move to my bedside.  But I protested quickly.  "No, no.  I feel perfectly fine."  I said, sitting up suddenly and almost falling face-first onto the floor as dizziness again clouded my senses.
Thranduil caught me, pushing me gently back against the pillows, his face worried.  "No, Melleth nin.  You passed out, remember?"  He said, cradling my hand within his own.  "Just let the Healer look you over."
I tried to protest again, but the Healer moved quickly, her hands moving lightly over my cuts and bruises, gently applying salve to them.
Then she gently peeled up my tunic, running her hands down my sides to check for broken bones.  Once finding none, she gently poked at my stomach, checking for internal injuries.  But a look of surprise flashed across her face before being replaced with a knowing smile.
She moved quickly through the rest of the exam before giving me the okay.  "Well my Lady, you are both good to go.  Although I would not advise taking part in any more battles in your condition..."  She said, giving me a wink before turning to Thranduil who had a confused expression on his face.  
"Congratulations, My King."  She said, making him look even more befuddled.  I grimaced, this was not the way I'd envisioned telling Thranduil about the newest addition to our family.  
"I haven't told him yet..."  I said, and Thranduil's eyes widened as the puzzle inside his head finally fell into place.
The Healer slipped away as Thranduil scooted closer, his icey blue eyes sparkled like saphires.  
"You are with child."  He murmured, and I nodded.  I could tell from his tone that after Thranduil got over his excitement, I would be getting hell from him for even daring to suggest taking part in a battle while in my condition.
Melleth nin:  My love
Elleth:  Elven woman
Goheno nin:  I'm sorry
El nin:
Muin nin:  My dear
Hu ugauns:  Cowardly dogs
Muin nin hervess:  My dear wife
Si ath thur:  Now to victory
Ion nin:  My son
Naneth:  Mother
Adar:  Father
Hin gelair lin orthernir 'uren:  Your radiant eyes conquered my heart
Mela:  Love
Hir nin:  My Lord
Hiril nin:  My Lady
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